AChat Forum

Off-Topic => Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... => Topic started by: Lover on March 03, 2012, 07:42:01 AM

Title: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Lover on March 03, 2012, 07:42:01 AM
This topic shall be used to collect all great ideas to improve this forum.

- Do you have any wishes/suggestions for new boards or subsections?
- Do you think, some topics should be removed to antoher section?
- We also can use this topic to discuss thze new ideas. To keep well-arranged, I will write down each suggestion in this first post.

Let's go :)
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: TightFit74 on March 04, 2012, 05:18:01 AM
To start of the thread, limiting some suggestions to the creative section of the forum. I think a first deviation should be made based on the main ingredients for the game:
-     Avatar changing (clothes, body options, etc.)
-     Rooms/Locations, backgrounds and interior decorating
-     Poses (sticky topics for LGBT, FM and 3-somes)
-     MIscellanious, where all other topics can be discussed (like relationships, etc.

This being just a first pitch, I hope more suggestions will follow and we can offer a well developed idea to the dev-team, to adapt the forum to all ofour wishes..
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 04, 2012, 07:15:15 AM
Tight, i don't have understand what you mean with "Avatar changing": talking about new suggestion or about hint to increase or discuss about what we have now!?

An area for intrroduce ourself will be good, but i know there are some peoples here probably don't wanna share so much personal info about themself, so everyone can be free on how make it.

@Lover: i don't think posting this thread in off topic was the right choice, btw........i think we need to move your guide about post, pics and others under the "Please read first" board. Your guide is usefull for peoples who approach fo the first time a forum and it must be allways visible.
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: TightFit74 on March 04, 2012, 09:36:20 AM

with Avatar changing, I mean topics that are about just that. So including body options (shape, length, hairstyles, freckles, size of body parts etc.) and clothing. Anything connected to make an avatar unique..
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Lover on March 04, 2012, 05:07:36 PM
@HB: We can't add topics to your suggested board, so I choosed this, knowing it's not perfect.

The off-topic needs some subsections...

- Smalltalk (including Ladys chatting room bear mentioned and a sports bar ;))
- Games, videos, movies
- Short messages (like Good bye, happy birthday, congrats....)
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Keiko on March 04, 2012, 06:57:28 PM
"Discussions About AChat."

This is where all ideas for objects members would eventually like to see made available in the shop to purchase. Some possible sticky threads may include, "New Pose Positions, New Room Locations, New Clothing Designs, and Avatar Body Development."

This is where all ideas for in-game features can be discussed, like the speed slider and the "ZZZ" button. Some possible sticky threads may include, "Character Editor/Wardrobe, Partner Searching/General Chat Area, In Room."

     Also to build on some of Lover's suggestions for subsection boards within "Off-Topic."

This is where curious new members who wander over to the forum for the first time. It's a place for them to feel comfortable meeting other new forum members and even a place for personal add to find partners in-game. (Because of the importance that this board is easily visible to new members, perhaps it should be located higher up on the forum's list of boards and not in "Off-Topic." Some possible sticky threads may include, " Welcome Room, Looking for an in-game partner?"

This is where anyone can come to share their illustrations, possibly in-game screenshots, any any other image designs created by the member. Some possible sticky threads may include, "AChat Community Photo Album"

This is where members can connect and participate with other groups of like-minded individuals and share experiences together by creating clubs, organizations, parties, contests, and holiday events. Perfect example would be the NSPD and maybe Tight's Story Contests. Some possible sticky threads may include, "Advertize Your Event/Party/Club"

     I think we need 1 more board added to "Discussions About Sex."

This is where all discussions about new and old 3some poses can take place. The sticky threads could work much like the other 4 boards where the newest group pose is always featured at the top.

     And Lover brought up a good idea in one of his posts for a new board to appear under "Support"

This is where anyone can go to notify the administrators and their fellow members of any abuse taking place within the game like fake websites from hackers.

     That's all I could think of so far. Some of these boards could fall under different categories. But they all coud contain a large amount of already existing threads.[/list]
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Lover on March 05, 2012, 07:03:56 AM
I would put REPORT ABUSE to SUPPORT-Board

I would add ENTERTAINMENT to OFF-Topic
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Pafe on March 06, 2012, 06:11:22 AM

   I have a suggestion for the Forum.  On my observing and reading of the various posts here, one thing I have noticed and always keep in mind when reading is: 

   There is a bit of a language barrier here.  Not everyone speaks the same native language, and I really admire how everyone still manages to get their ideas across, but we don't always choose the "correct" words to get that idea into the post.  So what may seem harsh and critical to someone is more then likely, just a misuse of a word or phrase.  I know if I were to write something in, let's say... German, I am sure that the words I would choose would not be as kind or gentle as I would like them to be.  I know in my heart that no one here would intentionally try to disparage anyone, but it may seem that way by the words that were chosen (very innocently chosen, too) and used.  I know I am not very articulate in getting my opinion out there all the time, and I can't imagine how difficult it would be to try to do it in another language.

   So my suggestion is to have a disclaimer somewhere pointing out the differences in the use of language in our International Community that this Forum is.


Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Lover on March 06, 2012, 10:20:32 AM
Pafe, now here is the language barrier :D Are you able to define this? I'm not sure if I recognize how it should work.

There are two different ways of making errors:
1) You type the wrong letter like anybody does sometimes. Haha, I noticed the error I made when I read your post (in my post I wrote "pur" instead of "put"). This happens to anyone and as long we are able to understand the meaning it's ok.

2) We use actually a wrong term, wrong gramma or tense. Then everyone should be allowed to give a hint. If I am doing this and someone is noticing, I would like to get a pm or to be asked "Do you mean...." It's not just for better understanding, I also like to learn and improve my english skills. Though I just speak for myself, I'm sure nobody will feel offended to get this help.

Hm, perhaps we start a new thread, "Learning English"... in "Erotic Fantasies" ;)
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Pafe on March 06, 2012, 11:59:07 AM

  I don't know if I can explain what I am meaning.  I am thinking about something in the "how to post" section perhaps.  Just to let other know that mistakes happen to everyone, and with the many native languages that are spoken here in our International Community, it is not uncommon to misinterperate the intention of someone's posting.  So please do not be offended by something unless, of course, it is directed personally at you.

  I hope I brought clarification to my previous post.

Thanks for letting me share,

P.S.  I love learning the languages in private.
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Lover on March 06, 2012, 01:24:07 PM
I hope I brought clarification to my previous post.
Yes, now I see. I thought, you wanted to explain special terms and when they have to be used and when not. I wasn't sure how to handle this.
Perhaps we should do this and ask Suzy to publish it in "Please read first""

P.S. I agree, learning in private is considerably lower.
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Lover on March 08, 2012, 09:12:21 PM
The language of this forum is english. But in game are many members from different countries. If we take a look at our mods, we recognize they are able to speak more languages. So my idea is:
What, if the mods introduce themselves, especially the languages they are able to speak?

So even non-english speakers can ask them in their own language if they are having problems with the game or this forum?
We just have to find members for the other languages (e.g. spanish, french, russian...)

I don't talk about an own thread for each language, just if there is a german person unable to speak english, he knows he can ask Tight.
This can be added to support-board in an own subsection, so every new member notices at once.
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Keiko on March 09, 2012, 12:21:39 AM
     こんにちは。私の名前は恵子です。私は日本から来ました。私は非常によく日本語を話す。しかし、私はもっと英語で話しています。あなたは日本語を話すとトラブル英語で話すのを持っている場合. 私はあなたの質問に答えることができますヘ(゜Д、゜)ノ

In English: Hello, my name is Keiko. I come from Japan and speak Japanese very well. However, I am better talking in English. If you have trouble speaking in English and speak Japanese, I can help answer your questions.  :)
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Adera on March 09, 2012, 02:11:13 AM
Aww I can't read all of the kanji there, some I get, like the ones for "watashi" and "nihon" but others I don't know.

I think it's a good idea, some people might get help in a way they'll understand this way.

I could be the contact person for Swedish even if I don't think I'll get much to do by taking that up. ::)

An introduce are at the forum would be very good imo, I've seen that at other places.
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Pafe on March 09, 2012, 05:25:16 AM

   @ Lover, yes, that is a terrific idea!  The mods, and with us posters it would be nice to be able to get help with someone who speaks the same lanuage as you do. (

   @ Keiko.  That is excellent!  I think it would only add to the Forum, but that is just my opinion.(

   @ Adera.  Thank you for volunteering in that way. (

   I for one, only speak english, and it's American english at that.  Except I also speak Pig Latin, and Pirate but I don't see anyone needing help with those, Arrrrrrgh, matey. (

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Lover on March 09, 2012, 05:28:12 AM
@ Keiko: This is exactly what I'm talking about. Just in an own thread in support-board, not hidden here between our brain stormes :)

@ Adera: Great - to be honest, I also thought on you and Swedish people.

@ Pafe: Thanks
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: medjai on March 09, 2012, 07:19:58 AM
Italian and a little bit of spaniish here  ;)
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Bear on March 09, 2012, 08:44:52 AM
Well I jumped the gun on that Group play before seeing this thread here, the hint in Keiko's post on the etiquette thread was  enough to initiate that change.

Looking at how this is proposed...If one is going to reorganize and create "Shop  Updates" you;ll need to establish the subcategories for the various orientations under that and migrate the bulk of entries from "discussions about sex"  into that section to avoid duplication of threads.

Looking at what is remaining...  is primarily pose related for development...perhaps merging those under orientation specific  threads under creative ideas...

The remainder could be merged into "Discussions about sex" as a singular thread... with no orientation specifics...

Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Lover on March 09, 2012, 11:10:03 AM
@ Pafe 
I don't know if I can explain what I am meaning.  I am thinking about something in the "how to post" section perhaps.  Just to let other know that mistakes happen to everyone, and with the many native languages that are spoken here in our International Community, it is not uncommon to misinterperate the intention of someone's posting.  So please do not be offended by something unless, of course, it is directed personally at you.

Look here:,1503.0.html
Is it ok?
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Pafe on March 09, 2012, 11:49:59 AM

  @ Lover.  Yes, that is exactly what I had in mind.  Simply stated and direct to the point.  Thank you.  :)

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Lover on March 09, 2012, 12:09:40 PM
Just to merge my suggestion for non-english speaker:

Keiko: Japanese
Adera: Swedish
Medjai: Italian and expert for spanish  ;)
Tight: Dutch and German (sorry my friend, I'm bit bold I know)
Lover: Probably I can help German people

I'm opening a new thread in support-board soon. Of course, we may have more then just one person for each language, so don't be afraid to answer. In general I think on all our French friends here.
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Rukya on March 09, 2012, 04:39:25 PM
Maybe i could help little for french  ;D ( not sure lol )
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Lover on March 10, 2012, 04:41:06 PM
Adera, Rukya, Medjai, Tight...

Please send me a pm, including a welcome in your language and the English meaning. Look at Keiko's welcome, something like this is great.
Thanks to all

To all other: If you also speak another language please enter this thread. No matter if we alreday have somebody for this language.
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 10, 2012, 05:15:23 PM
Well, i can support Medjai whit italian peoples.
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Jacquesza on March 12, 2012, 03:58:56 AM
My home language is Afrikaans, for what it's worth. One of the 11 official South African languages  ::)
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Bear on March 12, 2012, 09:21:27 AM
I can handle most forms of typonese  ::)

Kieko I get the impression you are going to roll the developers threads over every 2 months (4-5 weeks for ideas then a poll) ?

If so that will help with the issue of finding and reviewing the ideas for those wishing to vote.

Still looking for ideas on the workshop threads...I know some are sincerely trying to figure it out and while the polls are going on ideas are still flowing there.. threads appear necessary since I imagine you will  shut these down after the vote...
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Lover on March 12, 2012, 12:05:36 PM
@ Jaquesza:
If you agree, just send me a pm with your welcome in Affrikaans and I will add it.
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Azrielle on March 12, 2012, 01:19:09 PM
Still looking for ideas on the workshop threads...I know some are sincerely trying to figure it out and while the polls are going on ideas are still flowing there.. threads appear necessary since I imagine you will  shut these down after the vote...

How about simply putting in a cut off (Similar to what Kieko is doing) and discussion can continue once the poll is openned for voting. Additionally, make a thread for all new suggestions (those that arrive after the cut-off). Once the Poll is completed and closed, and discussions cease (say a week, two, or month?) the topic can be locked and subsequently"ARCHIVED". The "NEW" thread simply continues and the whole cycle begins anew.

Any additional thoughts are welcome.

Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 13, 2012, 03:40:48 AM
Keiko, how did you think putting INTRODUCE YOURSELF under off-topic will work!? in my opinion, it will be a stand alone section.

Plus, basically, the structure of the two main section of forum are totally wrong:

last thing about EVENTS & CLUBS: reading how it will work, at last the "Erotic Fantasies" will be moved there or am i wrong!? well, at last there are some stuff who are linked directly whit achat (the contest and the NSPD topic), so a part of them fit in the "Discussions about sex", others can be moved in the "Off topic" area.

This is how i see the forum structure and how i think it will be work better. so, please, make me know what did you think.
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Rukya on March 13, 2012, 06:19:56 AM
One thing i dont understand hentai  ;D , in what way the NSPD topic is linked with achat ?

No offence to the ones who play it , but its just another RP topic like Blue house or Medjai clinic , no ?
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Janine Dee on March 13, 2012, 06:24:27 AM
I think the idea Rukya is that it has grown. Looking at Az's requirements people are "wearing" mandated tags in game. So it seems to have become more like those groups you see people tagging their profiles with to indicate membership... just the first spawned by the forum.

Almost like a guild in a MMORPG.
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Rukya on March 13, 2012, 06:26:35 AM
oh ok , thanks janine .  ;D
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 13, 2012, 11:31:12 AM
@Janine: bingo!
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 14, 2012, 03:57:03 AM
Something about i had never notice before in the suggestion of forum area: one to talk about interface of the game and tecnical issue in general.
In my mind i have the topic about the in game chat now, but there can be more: better graphic, resolution or just the description window we have in game.

Or did you think we can talk about this in the support section!?
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Adera on March 14, 2012, 04:11:13 AM
HB, I think that goes into the "Share your creative ideas" section. I for one would like the the ability to change the size of the AChat window to whatever suits me when in windowed mode. It would also be nice if the UI could be scaled down a little... I think it's a bit too big at times.
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 14, 2012, 04:20:00 AM
yes, i agree, adera, but what i was thinking at, is if we gonna have a section only for this, to make it more visible and searate it from clothes, poses, etcetera

p.s.:  what about sticking this topic on the top of this section!?
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Lover on March 14, 2012, 10:38:36 AM
HB, imop the support is just for technical issues, questins about the the game (how it works, becoming premium... all that stuff) but not to collect ideas. It would not be a problem to make a thread about this, but I'm afraid it would be confusing very soon, like the FAQ-board is now. And the title of the board is "Discussions about AChat" so it means for poses, shop, improvements...

On the other side it sounds logical - we have just one board-name called "Share your creative ideas". We could split it
- Share your creative ideas for content
- Share your creative ideas for interface/technical improvements
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 14, 2012, 11:01:18 AM
Lover, that will be perfect!
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Keiko on March 14, 2012, 07:44:49 PM
Kieko I get the impression you are going to roll the developers threads over every 2 months (4-5 weeks for ideas then a poll) ?

    At first I was thinking every month, at least for the clothing ideas since the amount of suggestions on that thread stacks up rather quickly. For the poses, perhaps they can go every 2 months before concluding with a poll at the end of the 2nd month.

Keiko, how did you think putting INTRODUCE YOURSELF under off-topic will work!? in my opinion, it will be a stand alone section.

    I was just trying to suggest existing places for new sub boards to be created. Personally, I would like to see "Introduce Yourself" in it's own section at the very top of the forum (maybe right after Tom's "Rules")

last thing about EVENTS & CLUBS: reading how it will work, at last the "Erotic Fantasies" will be moved there or am i wrong!?

    I always imagined "Erotic Fantasies" would be the place to host RP parties or share erotic stories, so it would stay where it already is. For "Events & Clubs," that would be a great place the NSPD could host their personal thread for members along with any other groups/factions that exist on AChat. (I know I've seen quite a few). Events could include holiday specific parties or contests.
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Azrielle on March 14, 2012, 09:03:10 PM
Something about i had never notice before in the suggestion of forum area: one to talk about interface of the game and tecnical issue in general.

At the current time, I have noticed a distinct lack of a "Newbie" guide that describes in detail all the controls in detail. I have mentioned this to tightfit74 and I am in the process of compiling a "Manual" to this effect. It will take some time to complete, so please beare with me as I moved towards a Draft Copy.

Once completed, It will be presented to the Dev-team for their approval.

Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Rukya on March 14, 2012, 10:41:36 PM
    I was just trying to suggest existing places for new sub boards to be created. Personally, I would like to see "Introduce Yourself" in it's own section at the very top of the forum (maybe right after Tom's "Rules")

   I agree with this , like this the first think the newcomers will see is the "introduce yourself" , and maybe its not a good idea , but put the "Non english speaker" in the same section  :)
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 15, 2012, 02:16:47 AM
Keilko, reading your explanation, i can see we have the same idea, something it wasn't like this in your first post.

Azrielle, if i don't mind there must be a sort of starting guide, Lover had mention it several time, even if i have never seen it. Maybe you can ask him!
anyway, i wasn't talking about a guide for newbie but about a forum area to talk interface update or about new usefull stuff to have the best experience whit achat
HB, imop the support is just for technical issues, questins about the the game (how it works, becoming premium... all that stuff) but not to collect ideas. It would not be a problem to make a thread about this, but I'm afraid it would be confusing very soon, like the FAQ-board is now. And the title of the board is "Discussions about AChat" so it means for poses, shop, improvements...

On the other side it sounds logical - we have just one board-name called "Share your creative ideas". We could split it
- Share your creative ideas for content
- Share your creative ideas for interface/technical improvements
Lover, here, had undersand what i mean.
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Lover on March 15, 2012, 11:23:46 AM
t the current time, I have noticed a distinct lack of a "Newbie" guide that describes in detail all the controls in detail. I have mentioned this to tightfit74 and I am in the process of compiling a "Manual" to this effect

Azrielle, if i don't mind there must be a sort of starting guide, Lover had mention it several time, even if i have never seen it. Maybe you can ask him!

Probably you're talking bout this,14.0.html

Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Azrielle on March 15, 2012, 08:57:47 PM
Probably you're talking bout this,14.0.html

Lover... while the quickstart guides are useful, and I do regualrly direct newbies towards them... my suggestion is more of a "User manual" that describes in detail the controls and how to become proficient in their use.

example: The Search Button (lower right hand corner of the AChat client window)

The item is named, and with the name... a location, followed by a description of how to use the specific control.

I know it may sound redundant for those of us who have already learned, but you would be suprised at how many tutorials I have already conducted for newbies, and the subsequest blessings of profuse thanks from these new members, for having had someone take the time to teach them. I think at the time of this post, I have probably done several dozen tutorials.

It is these new members, that I get little kisses, huggles, smoochies and even the occaisional cum stains from, politely stuffed into my messages box.

anyway... I digress from my own topic of the "User manual"... work, work, work... grumble, grumble, mumble, mumble... errr.

Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Lover on March 16, 2012, 01:32:19 PM
Az, now I see what you are doing :) Great job. Some of the things they have to know are hidden in the FAQ - though it has become bit mazy.
I have an idea how to improve it, clean it and separate it in different areas. I'm just waiting for an answer of the A-Team.
Even if they agree with my suggestion, I'm glad if there is some help. So my suggestion to you:
Go on working on your "User manual" and perhaps we can work together, respectively add your manual to the board. What do you think?
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Azrielle on March 16, 2012, 07:24:55 PM
So my suggestion to you:
Go on working on your "User manual" and perhaps we can work together, respectively add your manual to the board. What do you think?

A collaboration is an awesome idea... the "User manual" concept is an evolving process... so far I have it separated into 3 main areas, namely; "Search", "Character Editor",  and "Rooms". From within theses areas, I have basically compiled sub-sections. I hope to entice you into getting neked... hehehe.

Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Lover on March 17, 2012, 06:47:55 AM
Az, send me a list of your main areas and sub-sections and about the missing files. Then we can put them together and talk about publishing. But naked... do you really believe we're gonna work then?  ;D

Perhaps other user join us and we also can translate these manuals into other languages.
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: TightFit74 on March 21, 2012, 12:41:42 AM
I'd be happy to offer my help and translate the manual to dutch... I apreciate the effort.. If you need any help, just give me a call :)

And Lover, please keep your clothes on around me.. ;D
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Lover on May 25, 2012, 04:24:53 PM
Sounds good to me. Here are more new members who might have good ideas, some probably already discussed, but there also may be some new good ones.
Title: Re: Collecting ideas for this forum
Post by: Pafe on May 26, 2012, 01:01:13 PM

   Good idea, Moonie.  Having it pinned to the top might keep it in everyone's mind.  We're always looking for new suggestions and ideas... even rehashing the old ones can be good, too.  Things seem to get forgotten here as we move on to new things.

Thanks for letting me share,