AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: Urban on January 24, 2012, 04:07:06 PM

Title: Foreign language
Post by: Urban on January 24, 2012, 04:07:06 PM
Possible to open topic in other language than english ? Some people are not speaking english, so they can not give theyr tough about the game.
Title: Re: Foreign language
Post by: Lover on January 24, 2012, 04:11:53 PM
Try it Urban. Actually there has been a French language area. It extincted...
For me a German area would be nice, but I know I would rather be the only one - and the few german coming around usually speak english.

But just ask the A-Team about a new board and start it, perhaps it works. As long as you all nice, wonderful and lovely french also go on posting here ;)
Title: Re: Foreign language
Post by: susy_a on January 26, 2012, 07:03:43 AM
Possible to open topic in other language than english ? Some people are not speaking english, so they can not give theyr tough about the game.
The official language of this forum is English. Please try to use a translator.
Title: Re: Foreign language
Post by: Bear on January 26, 2012, 10:18:39 AM
Is that due to Moderation purposes suzi?

I cannot help but think having a thread for other languages would be a good idea. But I can see your concerns on monitoring such.

Perhaps you might designate someone to watch over the thread and report troubling posts so you are encumbered by constantly translating. Just a suggestion...
Title: Re: Foreign language
Post by: Rukya on January 26, 2012, 11:48:05 AM
and translators dont know how talk  ;D if its for translate lines like "je vous aime" in "i you love" its no use lol
Title: Re: Foreign language
Post by: bluedenim on January 26, 2012, 04:19:23 PM
Rukya...... tu taquiner, Je pense que tu as le cul plus mignon d'Achat... my bad schoolgirl French!

and thro Google = Ruqya, vous avez peu taquine, je pense que vous avez le plus mignon cul sur Achat
Title: Re: Foreign language
Post by: Urban on January 26, 2012, 05:15:46 PM
It remain "painfully" understandable  :-[
Title: Re: Foreign language
Post by: bluedenim on January 26, 2012, 05:45:46 PM

painful is when she catches me!   ;)
Title: Re: Foreign language
Post by: Bear on January 26, 2012, 07:08:25 PM
Hate being a wet blanket,  but if you want this, please don't hijack the thread off topic...
Title: Re: Foreign language
Post by: Adera on January 27, 2012, 01:45:24 AM
I hope a few lines in different languages are fine now and then? I can understand that they rather not have a section or topic for different languages on the forum but a few lines here and there shouldn't hurt.

In all honesty I would most likely cry out in Swedish irl rather than English in some cases... like when it gets way hot. ;)
Title: Re: Foreign language
Post by: Rukya on January 27, 2012, 01:09:47 PM
Rukya...... tu taquiner, Je pense que tu as le cul plus mignon d'Achat... my bad schoolgirl French!

and thro Google = Ruqya, vous avez peu taquine, je pense que vous avez le plus mignon cul sur Achat

thanks blue , let me move the words in the right order :) and correct errors (shown by BIG LETTERS)

first line : Rukya...... tu RIGOLES, Je penses que tu as le plus JOLI cul d'achat... my bad schoolgirl French!

google   : RuKya, vous RIGOLEZ un peu (?why the un peu), je penses que vous avez le plus JOLI cul sur Achat.

Personnaly , i think blue translate better than google cause she is a friend and use TU and not VOUS  ;D
So what i say is right , translators dont understsant the meaning of the lines , they just translate words  ;D

ps : Thanks blue for the second part of your line who say i have the most beautyfull ass in achat lol  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Foreign language
Post by: Lover on January 27, 2012, 04:52:47 PM
looking around... whispering.... "just a small hint... the French thread is still existing in this board"
Title: Re: Foreign language
Post by: bluedenim on February 03, 2012, 03:39:46 PM
Rukya...... tu taquiner, Je pense que tu as le cul plus mignon d'Achat... my bad schoolgirl French!

and thro Google = Ruqya, vous avez peu taquine, je pense que vous avez le plus mignon cul sur Achat

thanks blue , let me move the words in the right order :) and correct errors (shown by BIG LETTERS)

first line : Rukya...... tu RIGOLES, Je penses que tu as le plus JOLI cul d'achat... my bad schoolgirl French!

google   : RuKya, vous RIGOLEZ un peu (?why the un peu), je penses que vous avez le plus JOLI cul sur Achat.

Personnaly , i think blue translate better than google cause she is a friend and use TU and not VOUS  ;D
So what i say is right , translators dont understsant the meaning of the lines , they just translate words  ;D

ps : Thanks blue for the second part of your line who say i have the most beautyfull ass in achat lol  :-* :-*
Mwah! meant it too!
Title: Re: Foreign language
Post by: Rukya on February 03, 2012, 10:21:58 PM
welcome back sweet blue  ;)
Title: Re: Foreign language
Post by: bluedenim on February 05, 2012, 09:49:07 AM