AChat Forum

Discussions about sex => Everything about sex and love => Topic started by: Lover on April 15, 2012, 12:13:50 PM

Title: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Lover on April 15, 2012, 12:13:50 PM
Pafe and I had an idea... what about a voting system when we talk about the poses they gave us?
From 1 to 5 blue stars, 1 is bad and 5 is perfect...

I did it when I posted the last position, "Hot legs and feet", when I gave 4 of 5 blue stars ;)
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Azrielle on April 15, 2012, 02:47:27 PM

Having some sort of a rating system is a good idea... that way, the dev team can have a better idea of how a new pose is received.

BTW, the stupid dildo's in a lot of the poses still need to be tossed into the dirt... hehehe.

Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: bluedenim on April 15, 2012, 03:44:33 PM
Couldn't agree more!


Sounds like a campaign slogan!
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Brandybee on April 15, 2012, 04:00:59 PM
I like that idea of a scoring system

1 star =  Bad
2 stars =  Below average
3 stars =  Average
4 stars = Hot
5 stars = YES YESS YESSS orgasmic :P

Yeah Azrielle, Blue  I hear you there -    Ditch the Dildos or even   Digits for Dildos.   I certainly think the fingers in some poses would be a lot hotter than the dildo hehe.
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Lover on April 16, 2012, 11:08:10 AM
Yes Brandy, this is it - especially YES YESS YESSS orgasmic  :D
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: hentaiboy69 on April 16, 2012, 11:09:02 AM
more then write it, why don't we set the poll whit the stars and leave any comment (price too!) for the post!?
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Rukya on April 16, 2012, 11:09:53 AM
hmmm where can we find these stars and where must we put them ?
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: chien_lubrik on April 16, 2012, 11:13:39 AM
Hello Dear peoples of the forum

I may agree Miss Rukya ... I don't found the blues stars too

Else, maybe we may use " :P" smileys insteed ( whatever nice smiley )

Please accept my humblu regards.
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: hentaiboy69 on April 16, 2012, 11:18:16 AM
no need to add star pics, just write "I give to this pose 3 stars!"
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Lover on April 16, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
HB, do you mean this? Look at the top, I added a poll with the rating system
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: hentaiboy69 on April 16, 2012, 11:22:06 AM
I like that idea of a scoring system

1 star =  Bad
2 stars =  Below average
3 stars =  Average
4 stars = Hot
5 stars = YES YESS YESSS orgasmic :P

Yeah Azrielle, Blue  I hear you there -    Ditch the Dildos or even   Digits for Dildos.   I certainly think the fingers in some poses would be a lot hotter than the dildo hehe.

Lover, i'm talking about this
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Lover on April 16, 2012, 11:24:07 AM
Sorry, I don't understand - this I used in the poll above?!
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: hentaiboy69 on April 16, 2012, 11:29:20 AM
forget about it.....i'll pass!
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: chien_lubrik on April 16, 2012, 11:29:32 AM
Wow ... sorry, I may be dumb, but I am lost ....

Is the point to giving our "rate" with " stars " during our post ?
Or it is the answerd the Poll ?

Please accept my apologies.
I may please to answerd Polls, but I think that a way to express My feeling by a rating should be fun too .

Please accept my humbly regards.
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Lover on April 16, 2012, 11:40:49 AM
HB, do you mean 1 to 5 stars instead of writing? Like it looks now, as I changed it on top of this page?
We can't add stars before the text field, in case you're talking bout this.
Or create a (test) poll to show what you're meaning.

Evelyn, we're discussing this at the moment. So probably we all are bit confused at thie moment, haha.
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Brandybee on April 16, 2012, 12:37:03 PM
That looks good Lover, but to avoid confusion, it may be worth putting a short  explanation by each star, so each member knows exactly what rating they are voting for ... at least, till they are used to the meaning of the stars and any new members will need a brief explanation too.
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Brandybee on April 16, 2012, 12:53:37 PM
Just another thought ...   what about adding    MF , MM, FF, SS, SF, SM  too,  at the side of the poll so the Achat gods can get an idea of the most popular variations to work on first, after the initial pose has been created, using the same idea of the pose being voted on , at the same time.
It may be, that some poses may not transfer well to other varients but if the idea is  popular, the other orientations will hopefully get their most popular pose chioces quicker too.
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Pafe on April 16, 2012, 02:11:04 PM

   How's about something such as this:

   I love the new "Foot" pose!!   I give it **** 4 stars!.. and would love to see it developed for FF.  If there was some hugs or kissing from both sides it may have risen to 5 stars.

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: chien_lubrik on April 17, 2012, 02:56:23 PM
Removed from a wrong topic and added here.

Hello to all great peoples of the DreamWorld's Forum

I think I will really enjoy the possibilities both to answerd Polls for voting.
And both to be able to "rate" during answering post ...

As I may be dumb sometime I previously said I was not able to put stars on my answerd ... It take me some time to understand how ...

* may be for :  ... no thanks you ... really.
** for : Interesting but mot much.
*** for : ... Yes fun! but not my cup of tea.
**** for : Wow Yes! I agree, but still ...
***** for : Ohhh Yes! Yes Definitvly YES!!!
And I may add :
***** for : Ohhhh Dear Lord OUTSTANDING!!!! Where Is my A$ so I may have this quickly !!!!!

Maybe I overacted a little ... one more time ... sorry.

I wish you my bests humbly regards..
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Janine Dee on April 18, 2012, 07:30:31 AM
I have to say I'm liking the 5 star system. More then once when doing the FF reviews I put in more then two options because a simple yes or no didn't feel sufficient. When you consider that the comment thread is going to be there (and inevitably used) either way then a 5 star system would give people more options in expressing their views on a pose while also making the successes that much more apparent to the development team. (Which should help them know what types are popular or not.)
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Adera on April 18, 2012, 07:51:19 AM
A 5 star system would be easier, though more limited than how it is now. I like how it is now since we're free to make our own options even though it can be cumbersome.
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Lover on April 18, 2012, 10:14:27 AM
The rating system shall not replace your own opinion. Just an addition to it.
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Janine Dee on April 21, 2012, 08:28:33 AM
Yeah, that's what the comment thread is for. I was more saying that you can vote 1-5 to give your vote more texture, and then flesh out your opinion in the comments.
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Adera on April 21, 2012, 06:12:05 PM
I think the star system would be a bit too lazy and it feels like the poll results wouldn't be of much worth in it self. I think my polls are way better than the star system would ever be and it doesn't take me long to make them so I'm going to continue making my polls that way.
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: bluedenim on April 22, 2012, 02:32:29 AM
I do prefer the "comment" system of ratings too Adera, it requires some thought on the part of the topic poster and I think that the stars don't give you as much chance to express an opinion because of this. the forum is peppered with examples .

Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: gingerly on April 22, 2012, 09:08:19 AM

I will be happy as a Pig in Poopy to vote in whatever way is available...

I have voted once already about the wall pose,, very cool,,, and thank you all for
being involved in making this such a Cool place to be........
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: TightFit74 on April 22, 2012, 11:40:46 AM
I think both systems can co-exist. I think there are many that just vote without taking the time or having the intereston posting their thoughts on the pose. The 5-star system also gives quick info on how pose is or outfit is met.

For those in a hurry, and there are many, I see benefits in 5 star system. For those that want toshare their thoughts and ideas, a poll can't excist without a thread, so there will always be room to express thoughts.

I like the idea
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Rukya on April 22, 2012, 02:27:42 PM
i think we can combine both :)

exemple of wote for pose Y :

- Vote : its a wonderfull pose (factice)

- post : * * *  , I give only 3 stars cause the pose have lack of moves
      or : the moves X seem little weird to me

etc.... etc ...

like this all parts can express how they want  ;)
Title: Re: Suggestion for voting existing poses
Post by: Pafe on April 22, 2012, 04:18:33 PM

   Right Tight.   ;D  This was never suggested to supplant what we already have.  It's like a rating system, that's all.  We should still post our comments, and as Rukya said use a rating for each move if we desire to do so.  I mean, we disect all the poses anyway.

Thanks for letting me share,