AChat Forum

Organizations & Events => Events => Topic started by: Vitesse on January 19, 2014, 06:49:00 AM

Title: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: Vitesse on January 19, 2014, 06:49:00 AM
I hope this is the right place, but I was thinking about a game we could play that integrates the Forum and AChat.

The game is simple. We start a thread with a member post inviting forum members to meet up with her or him in AChat for a liaison. The poster can obviously choose whether or not to have a liaison with someone, there is no obligation. The member who does meet up with the previous poster responds to the thread and tells us a little about how it went and ideally posting a screen shot of the encounter. it's exhibitionistic, I know! The game continues ...

One rule obviously is that the same people can't post back-to-back. Perhaps more generally, only first time liaisons would be eligible.

A few benefits that accrue:
1) It provides an incentive for players to register on the Forum, and become premium members of AChat.
2) It's an incentive for members of the Forum to get to know each other in AChat
3) You can have more than one thread going if there's interest
4) It would be fun and exciting ...

Let me know what you think.

I'm willing to start it off ...

Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: Lover on January 19, 2014, 07:10:07 AM
Let me recap :)
- One member invites forum members to game
- The first who says hi in game, is the one the poster has the date
- Both decide, if they just talk, dance, massage or have sex
- After the date is done, the "visitor" posts here

I've got 2 question:
- When you invite, how long do you wait? I think you invite when you have time to be on. Or is it more in general, you say "Meet me when im on"?
- More members can invite simultaneously, correct?

I think its funny :)
Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: Vitesse on January 19, 2014, 08:59:00 AM
Those are very good points, Lover.

I think it fair to indicate when you're likely to be available, but not necessarily to make a commitment. We don't want people to feel forced to play on AChat if something else comes up.  Of course, posting immediate availability is an option too. Let's try to keep the game open and relaxed.

I was also thinking that the dates should be optional, but perhaps we should commit to a private-room activity with the first respondent. It can be a simple as a short chat together.

There is the possibility that someone may post and then not be available due to unforeseen circumstances, so we could add a rule that the invitation expires in a week, say.  This would effectively end one chain, but we're free to start another in a new thread. It could be interesting to see how long the chains can get ...

There are of course no penalties if the chain ends with you. This will rely on the honor system that everyone plays in good faith.
Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: Lover on January 19, 2014, 09:05:52 AM
I think i got it now. When you post and invite here, it doesnt mean "now". Its just in general.

Of course, when i said "just talk" it means you can talk in game lobby, it must not be room.

I would start it without limited time now as i understand it.
Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: tangoracer on January 19, 2014, 01:30:48 PM
So lets see if I'v got this straight

1       I invite  :)   HB   for a date here
2       HB     say's      YES   to the Date here
3       We make a date     day & time   
4       I say hi first in the game and we have our date
5       Then I post a report here of the date

I hope I got it and you can INVITE ANYONE from the forum

Just one question do you post the invite here or do you PM your invite

OOOOOWW   what if your hopeful date say's NO  the rejection 

Apart from that it sounds like a great idea count me in I'm up for so fun dates 
Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: Vitesse on January 19, 2014, 05:36:12 PM
I was thinking that we post our availability for a date with any forum member, subject to gender preferences. The first forum member to find me, if I'm the current poster, on line, gets a date with me. This would be in private room, but can be limited to talk or more as the mood takes us. The member who dates me will then be the next available member to date, and will post a short report on our date.
Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: Lover on January 19, 2014, 06:04:13 PM
Ah, I thought it doesnt matter who is next - but yes, you call it Chain...
Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: hukk on January 20, 2014, 08:17:53 AM
*stumbles into thread*

So, has the chain started already? (  '-') Not sure if Tango or Lover have already gotten the ball rolling or are simply approving of the game. So, I guess hi?    O.<
Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: Lover on January 20, 2014, 11:40:58 AM
No it hasnt started. We were clearing our questions. I think its on Vitesse to start when all questions are answered.
Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: Vitesse on January 20, 2014, 11:44:43 AM
We're still discussing the idea. Maybe we need a new name for this game, but I thought  it descriptive.  I'll try and summarize what we have so far:

* The game is called Daisy Chain. It begins with a new Forum thread
* The first poster introduces the game, and provides the general time(s) she'll be online in AChat (using me as an example)
* The first Forum member to find her online and who meets her stated sexual preferences on her profile, wins a date.
* The date takes place immediately (if possible) in a private room. It will at least be a chance to chat, but can be more if the players want it so.
* The player whom won the date now posts, describing what happened, including a screenshot if possible.
* They provide details on their own online availability, and become the next person in the chain.
* The same players may not have dates together in immediate succession
* The game ends when nobody has claimed an offered date for a week

That's the idea so far. Obviously this is something for moderator approval before we start. I'm ready to start, if we get the green light.

This will be fun!
Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: Lover on January 20, 2014, 11:48:19 AM
No Vitesse, if all questions are cleared you dont need our approval. If you want you can start.
Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: Vitesse on January 20, 2014, 05:02:46 PM
Let's get rolling then. The first Forum member to find me online and who mentions the Daisy Chain Game gets a private room date with me.  The rules are above. If you play the game you agree to be the next poster.

I have no partner restrictions so M, S and F are all welcome.

I try to be on sometime between 11:00 and 13:00 GMT most days. Let's see how long we can make our daisy chain.  ;D

Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: hukk on January 27, 2014, 09:31:59 AM
My date with the lovely Vitesse.

Strolling about the streets of achat I spy from the corner of my eye Vitesee, who casually window shops along the boulevard. I flash a mischievous smile and tip toe my way over like some old vaudeville villain. She notices my reflection off the window and smiles.
"Hello Hukk, pleasure seeing you." she says softly, while still facing the window. I throw my arms up in defeat, and laugh. "Darn, I gotta work on my sneaking skills!"

I proceed to give her a big welcoming hug, and polite kiss on both cheeks. "I spotted you by your lonesome and I just figured something was wrong with that picture! I just had to come over and say hello to a new member" I explain, with a beaming smile. "Oh, well aren't you the sweet one." She says, playfully nudging me with her right hand. "Well, I also remember that Daisy Chain game you had mentioned. The flyers promoting it are all over town. Seeing as you're here alone..well wondering if you were up for that date." I conclude winking playfully. Vitesse smiles, and politely nods. "Hm...I wouldn't mind at all Hukk. Lead the way." she replies, batting her eyelashes.

We arrive at my place moments later. I offer Vitesse a refreshment or anything to eat. "Thanks, but I'm fine." she replies. She canvases my apartment, commenting once or twice on certain items I have. We seat ourselves on my sofa, and  chit chat for a bit about the forum until we finally decide to get down to it. I stand up and take a gentlemanly bow while extending my hand out to Vitesse who still remains seated. "Would the lovely lady care for a dance?" I say in an aristocratic  fashion. She laughs, and happily accepts. We slow dance to the music of her choosing while still conversing about forum life. It isn't long before I decide to test her limits. My right hand swings around her back and begins a slow upward ascension towards her neck. She takes notice and smiles. "Hm..what are you up to?" she asks raising  an eyebrow."Me? Nothing. I'm just sharing a dance with you." I reply winking. She bites her lips and leans closer. "Uh huh of course." she giggles, now resting her hand lightly on my chest. My hand continues up, lightly breezing over her white flesh. Each small brush I provide with my fingertips seems to cause Vitesse to twitch, her eyes beginning to provide an ever increasing glow of arousal. Our bodies pulse atop one another; drumming ferociously, as our hearts keep in sync to each others wanton desires. I at long last reach the nape of neck, and coil my fingers around it. Her neck begins to burn hot, my hand melting and dipping itself into her white creamy skin.

"You're a wolf in sheep's clothing.." she finally says very softly. "I don't know what you're talking about. But if this is making you uncomfortable maybe I should stop." I hiss. She looks at me with enlarged eyes and doesn't say a word. I suddenly lean over and attempt to provide a kiss on her cheek. She instead moves her lips in my direction and pauses. Both our breathes flow against one another; a fog of surrender, temptation and lust glazing our lips. I lightly brush my lips against hers. She suddenly surprises me by grabbing the back of head and pulling me in. We share a deep kiss, our moans bouncing off one another as they serenade our ears. Finally we both pull away, staring into each others eyes. We both knew then and there that the date had only just begun.   

Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: HisGirlOnly on January 28, 2014, 07:34:59 AM
My Daisy Chain date with Hukk

Hukk slouched lazily against the beach fence. If he was at all nervous about the Daisy
Chain date he wasn't showing it. I on the other hand was a bundle of nerves as I walked up to him.  I settled my self on the sand and looked out at the water pretending to focus on it. Really I was trying to get some level of control so when I spoke it wouldn't give away the butterflies I was feeling.

Hukk eased himself on the beach beside me. He started chatting and I kept thinking how cool he was. As he spoke I was only half registering his words. I was wondering if this guy had ever been anything but calm in his whole life. However, his mood was infectious and soon I found myself chatting away to him as if he were an old school friend. We covered a lot of subjects very quickly but the conversation didn't seem rushed in any way.

After a while Hukk stood up and extended his hand to me. I took it and lifted myself from the warm sand. We were suddenly so close. I felt my cheeks grow hot and took a step back, Hukk just smiled and without releasing my hand started walking to the café.

We took a table in the sun. I played with my glass as he tried to initiate conversation. My nerves were back. He looked so hot leaning back in the chair with his sunglasses covering the knowing smile in his eyes. I couldn't focus on the conversation so I suggested a dance to break the ice.

I took him back to my place.  Keith Sweat went on the stereo with shaking hands. Hukk  pulled me effortlessly into his arms.  He was talking again. Smooth soothing words that have me smiling like a doe eyed school girl.

His hands moved from my waist up my back until finally his strong fingers grasped the back of my neck. He leaned in close "Is this ok baby?" I couldn't speak, I just smile. My hips moved to be closer to him. Slowly they danced against him as his thumb caressed my neck playfully.

He moved in closer, I felt his breath on my cheek just before I felt his lips on my skin  "Sorry, I couldn't resist" he whispered against my cheek.
But I wasn't complaining, I wanted more.  My hands moved up his  tight stomach to his firm chest. I moaned as I celebrated the differences between us.

His lips brushed mine and I felt my body start to tremble uncontrollable. I pushed my hips harder against him and slid my hands up his shirt. Suddenly his lips were on mine. My stomach pulled in that familiar way. He was  satisfied that he had claimed my mouth but my body was desperate for more.

 Suddenly he took my pleasure from me, removing his lips from mine.
"Did you enjoy that baby?" he asked with a growl in his voice. His smile left no doubt that he knew exactly how much I enjoyed that.
"I was always much better at show than tell" I whispered as I pulled his mouth back to mine.
I melted against him, could not speak, could not think...just let him take me...any way he wants.
Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: Tomi85 on January 30, 2014, 09:00:46 AM
My Daisy Chain date with His Girl Only

I know her long time meet many time but I still was a little nervous this is a special date set up for the daisy chain. Her train is just arrive one more check everything's good.
She step out from the train I see her first she was beautiful like always, I start to walk try to be calm, she see me and she wrapped her arms around my neck was so happy to see me again. It was a long trip to me so  I hold her hand and take her to a café.

We take a sit at the table I order two cappuccino and we start to talk first average thing than Daisy Chain Game comes up guessing who will be the next one, „did you see the new earrings?” she ask „happy earring day Tomi” I just sit there calm and I answer with little smile on my face „yes I see tham and speaking of earings close your eyes angel” I see on her she get exited what I want.
I put a little gift box on the table “You can open your eyes now” whan she see she get more exited what could it be she smile on me and I think what a lovely smile she has.
She open the the box it was a new earring she love it stand up come to my side she give me a cuddle and a  kiss.

I took her back to my house I hold her hand and bring her to the middle of room where we can dance we want to show the other the new songs we found. Fisrt we fooling araund wit fast dance than a slow one comes next, I look in her eyes smile on her pul her close to me I put my hands on her waist she wrapped her arms around my neck. At the end of the music “I have another surprise” I say I make diner with little candles on the table and a bottle of red wine.

“How we finish this great day?” she ask, “movies I tought we can watch walking dead I know you like it I got the new parts” I say. So we liy down on the couch and start the move she move closer to me at the scary part I don’t say nothing just smile and hold her, few times she push her face on my chest to hide her eyes at bloody parts of movie I cuddle her make her calm again. After a few part of the move she lay silently in my arms I just watch her as she get closer to sleep give her a little kiss and hold her till she fall a sleep.
Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: Vitesse on February 02, 2014, 08:03:37 AM
My Daisy Chain date with Tomi

I love beautiful things, and in particular beautiful handmade things. A friend some years ago showed me a beautiful cabinet by the European craftsman, Tomi. It was so perfectly designed, crafted and finished that I knew I must one day own of his pieces. I was excited to learn that a local gallery was hosting a show featuring Tomi's work. I spent nearly two hours there, looking over so many beautiful examples of his work. The prices were of course far beyond my range. I chatted with the gallery owner, and when I asked if I could meet Tomi, she directed me to a cafe just down the street. I followed her directions, and I saw Tomi sitting on his own at a table. I hesitated but a moment before walking up to him.

"Would you mind if I joined you for a little while," I asked. "I've been to the gallery and I greatly admire your work."

Tomi gave me a warm, shy smile and stood to pull out a chair for me. He called the waiter over.

"What would you like to drink, Ms ..."

"A Martini, I think. And it's Ms. Vitesse, but please call me Vi."

We were soon talking together like old friends. Tomi was happy talking about his craftsmanship and I was happy to listen. I watched him as he  talked, the passion in his eyes and how his hands moved as he talked. I was feeling quite taken my this man. Tomi told me he was staying on a friend's yacht anchored in the bay, and he shyly asked if I would like to see it with him. We walked together and I slipped my arm into his.

The yacht was impressive as we approached it in the launch. Tomi explained he had accepted a contract to build custom cabinetry and in return the owner agreed to his staying on board from time to time. On board, Tomi took me below to show me his work. We ended up on the afterdeck, enjoying another drink in the cool evening breeze.

I took Tomi's hand, and invited him to dance with me, and he took me in his arms, and we danced slowly to the sound of the water lapping at the hull.

"Tomi, I love your work so much, and would love to own one of your cabinets, but the prices ... I could never afford one."

Tomi looked at me keenly, inviting me to continue.

"But sometimes you do work in exchange for something else of value. Is there anything I have that might be of value in exchange?"

Tomi said nothing, and just slowly ran his hand down my back, sending a frisson down my spine. I reached up and started to unbutton his waistcoat. He pulled me to him, and kissed me. No promises were made, Tomi was too much a gentleman for that. We were both now hungry for each other, and I wanted only to be in his arms, to feel his strong, delicate hands touching me.

We made love on the afterdeck, the breezes drawing away the heat of our passion into the cool evening air.


Tomi promised me not one, but two matching cabinets.
Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: tangoracer on February 04, 2014, 07:07:09 AM
my Daisy Chain date with Vitesse

Having sent a message to Vitesse and wait for her answer "Would she say Yes or No" I wondered to myself

To my great delight i got the a message with the words "Yes I would be happy to have a date with you" Along with time and date and where to pick her up from.

With my grey pin striped suit on I get into my Ferrari and head to the address on the message. As i pull up out side the address and think "What a nice place with a great view over Crystal Lake"  Ringing the door bell I step back from the door and wait. as the door opens a figure of  beauty stands in the doorway. "Good Evening Miss Vitesse I'm Tango your date for the evening" "Good Evening Tango" she says with a smile. offering her my arm I walk her to my car and open the door for her holding her hand as she lower herself into her seat.  Walking around to my side of the car I get in a start the car with a little rev.

As we drive down the hill overlooking  the harbor of Crystal Lake we chat and make small talk pulling into the harbor. I stop at the end of a wooden walkway up onto a beautiful Yacht, Getting out of the car  i walk around and open Vitesse's door and offer my hand to help her out. Keeping her hand in mine I close the car door and walk her to the walkway "Welcome to my Yacht please come aboard" I say as I let go of her hand and show her up the walkway.  I couldn't help myself watching her body move as she walked up the wooden walkway. With a little glance over her shoulder she catches me watching her body. She turns back and makes her body sway more as she reaches the top I have caught he up and take her hand and lead her to the back of the yacht .

As I poor Vitesse a cold glass of champagne the Yacht gently moves out and out of the harbor and out onto the smooth clear water of the lake.
Putting some soft music on I take Vitesse's hand again and spin her into me gently I hold her against me as we move to the beat of the music and the sway of the yacht. Are lips gently brush against each other and then lock in a full passionate kiss as our embrace holding her body tight against mine as my hands move down her back and rest gently on the soft roundness of her cheeks with a gently squeeze I pull her even tighter to me.

Feeling her slide her hands under my jacket and ease it off my shoulders as it falls to the floor I gently pull the zip on the back of her dress down and ease her dress off her shoulders It falls to the floor to reveal her shier Black lace lingerie clinging to her body. As we keep dancing and undress each other feeling her lowering my trousers I feel her hand on my chest pushing me back to the easy bed setting on the edge of the bed Vitesse sets next to me kissing my chest as her hand roamed freely over my body. Leaning over to her our lips meat and our tongues find each others as her hand gentle wraps around my shaft.  Feeling her soft grip of her hand as it moves slowly on my shaft breaking our kiss Vitesse kisses her way down over my chest and softly kisses the tip of my shaft and lowering her lips around it.Gasping as the wonderful feeling of her soft lips move down my shaft I lay back and enjoy the feeling. When she slides off the bed and between my knees and not breaking the hold she has over my shaft.

I watch as she moves her lips her tongue over my hard length biting my lip stopping myself from loosing my self control. I tap the bed beside me "come and lay here" I say trying to catch my breath.

As Vitesse move back onto the bed I slide onto my knees and gently open her legs kissing my way up her inner thigh breathing in her sweet armour as I get closer and closer to her moist silk lips gently letting my tongue move over them and tasting her sweet nectar letting it feel my taste buds as i push my tongue deeper into her.

Loosing ourselves in the moment and to the pull of lust that has taken over use. We wake in each others arms to the sound of the Yachts horn as it enters back into the harbor. Pulling her tight against me I kiss her neck as her snuggles back into me as her eyes open and sees the daylight outside she sits up "God what time is it I have work to go to" We both grab our clothes and get ourselves dressed just as the yacht reaches the dock.

We rush down the walkway and I open her door of the car rushing around I get in and with the wheels spinning on the tarmac I race back to her home pulling up out side her house I get out and help her out of the car.

She turns to me and pulls me tight to her kissing me passionately "We must do this again soon" she says as she breaks our kiss "Thank you for such a hot date and yes it will be the first of many" I say as i kiss her again before she rushes to her front door and with a blow of a kiss her door closes.

I take a slow drive back to my yacht with a big smile on my face......
Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: All_for_you on February 10, 2014, 07:10:50 PM
My Daisy chain Date with Tangoracer

Pulling up outside his Apartment block nice and early and hand my keys to the Valet to car my car I slip him  A$10 to put it some where good.
Walking though the Lobby the grade looks up and smiles "Good Evening Miss K"  Turning to him "Hi Jason" I say and open my coat to flash him my tight black dress. "Very nice  Very very nice" he says with a big grin

Getting into the lift and Jason smiles and hits the Pent House button at his desk as the doors close I blow Jason a kiss. The lift shouts upwards and I watch the floor number rush passed and the it softly slows and stops as the doors open I check my lipstick in the mirror and step into the entrance hall of the Pant House

"Tango.... Tango" I call  "Out here my sweet" he calls from the balcony. I walk out into the cool evening air and as the perfect gentleman that he is he takes my coat and hangs it up for me. Leaning on the edge of the balcony looking out over the city lights. As he returns he hands me a glass of Champagne. I take the glass and look back over the city as we drink our glasses of champagne I look into his eyes and see the green glint in them "A Penny for your Thoughts" I say as I kiss his cheek leaving a nice red lipstick mark on it.

He turns to me and smiles "Where is that dinner serves it was meant to be here by now"  As he says it a man dressed in a white jacket and black trousers says "Sir  Madam  Dinner is served."

Tango takes me by the arm and leads me to the table holding out my chair for me to sit down. With soft jazz music playing in the background we chat and eat our dinner and drink more chilled champagne. As we finished our dinner a nice slow song came on, looking over the table at him I reach out and take his hand "Dance with me" I say as i pull him up and spin into him.  As he takes me in his arms and pulls me into his chest squeezing me tight into him.

I feel my nipples harden as I moved and rubbed against his chest, snuggling into his neck as his hands move down to my butt. As his fingers dig into my cheeks I grind my hips into him feeling him grow as my hips move harder against him. "My sweet Tango take me onto the balcony and make love to me under the stars" I whisper in his ear. He takes my hand and leads me back to the balcony and spins me back into his arms and kissing my deeply feeling his fingers take the zip of my dress as he pulls it down and my dress fall to the floor he walks me backwards to the sun bed and lays me down on my back. Laying on my back I close my eyes and feel his soft lips kiss there way down my body gently sucking and pulling on my nipples  in turn. Slowly he kisses down love until he reaches my panties he kiss over my panties feeling his lips brush over my small patch of pubic hair under my panties and then down onto my wet lips. Feeling the heat of his breath through the fabric of my lace panties as his lips press harder against my lips.

I breath heavy as I feel my panties being pulled down and then feel the touch of his warm tongue against my lips feeling it push between them going deeper and deeper finding my wetness around his tongue. Arching my back as his tongue flicks over my little button deep inside. As his tongue moves inside me his lips press on my clit moving over it making it swell and making my lips tighten around his tongue with each brush of his lips. Grabbing the back of his head and press it harder into my wet lips as i feel my body start to tingle as i feel the unstoppable feeling build deep inside my body. My body arches and shacks and a load moan my first orgasm takes over my body and the rush of ecstasy rushes though my body and out of my lips and into his. Hearing his soft moan as my juices fill his mouth I eel his lips tighten over my wetness sucking every last drop of my love drink. 

As the ecstasy of my orgasm subsides i feel his lips release my wetness and I take a deep breath feeling my legs being opened wide. I feel the tip of his shaft rub over my lips and the gently slide deep into my wetness feeling his hands on my hips has he slides deeper and deeper into my body. Feeling every inch of his hot shaft sliding in and out of my wetness with each thrust he pushes my body back and then pulls me back onto his shaft. I moan loudly as he pushes deep into me and I feel that feeling again building inside me and I know I can't take much more. Looking up into his eyes I see they are glassed and I know his close to gripping him tight with my muscles around his shaft I feel it twitch and pulse inside me just as the rush of my orgasm goes through me again I feel the sudden rush of heat deep inside my body I open my eyes wide to see Tangos mouth open as he fills me with his red hot seed.

He fall onto me panting as his shaft twitches and sends its last drops into me  wrapping my arms around him as our bodies shack against each others "Thank you my sweet Lover" I whisper in his ear as I stroke his head  "Rest here under the stars with me"   
Title: Re: Daisy Chain Game
Post by: hukk on February 19, 2014, 12:42:25 PM
My Daisy Chain Date with both Vitesse and Karen (All_For_You)

"A toast to love, friendship, and naughty thoughts!" I say, raising my glass of Caipirinha. Vitesse and Karen lurch over and gingerly tap their glasses against mines. We all recline back, and savor our drinks while absorbing the beautiful beach landscape, that is painted a lovely red and orange hue from the settling sun. "I'm glad we all decided to vacation out here." says Karen, who continues to admire the scenery. The soft rolling waters that slush back and forth from the sparkling ocean sea provides us with a soft and tranquil melody that soothes our minds into a dull, nearly coma like slumber. The gentle ocean breeze massages our backs, further heightening this blissful feeling of relaxation. Truly we all just seem lost in our own little worlds. I suddenly look over at Vitesse. She sports a black one piece swim suit that fits snug around her milky white body. My eyes trail along her narrow hips, dipping to her round bubbly ass, before gazing down to her long smooth creamy legs.  I make eye contact with her, and she immediately darts her eyes away from mines. Feeling a tingle of unease had settled over Vitesse, I inquire if anything was wrong.

"Nothing." she replies quietly. Vitesee takes a peak over at Karen who still seems to be focused on the beautiful ocean canvas. Karen, wore a brightly colored red bikini that left little to the imagination; her round, full breasts squeezing against her top....jiggling and bouncing with each little small movement she made. Karen notices Vitesse's gaze from the corner of her eyes, and looks over to her. "Vitesse? What is it?" asks Karen, with a little pep in her voice. Vitesse bites her lips and appears hesitant; too reluctant in revealing at what  rattled within her head. I place my hand atop her delicate slender fingers and give a wink. "C'mon. You can tell us. Don't be shy."

Feeling a bit reassured, she breaths in deep and explains. "Well Hukk..I fancy your company. Along with Karen's. Both of you are a delight to chat and spend time with." Karen and me look at each other and chuckle, before staring back at Vitesse. "Well, that's good to know. We feel the same way about you."replies a smiling Karen. "Yes. Well, I.." Vitesse stops short of completing her sentence and blushes. Karen schooches over to her side and wraps her arms around Vitesse in order to relax her. "? Yes?" asks Karen playfully. Vitesse shivers from just the touch of Karen's skin grazing over her flesh, her voice providing a notable tremble as she attempts to reveal what plagued her mind. A few seconds pass, and Vitesse is finally able to regain her composure.
Straightening herself against the chair, she calmly begins to speak "I was wondering what you two would say to my suggestion of us three, making love." Karen's eyes widen, her jaw drooping down in disbelief at Vitesse's request. I meanwhile, blink a few times trying to register what Vitesse had just said..not quite certain if she was merely pulling a fast one on me and Karen.

"Vitesse? Are you serious?" I finally manage to say, cutting through the silence that had descended upon the group. Vitesse looks at me with glowing eyes and simply nods. I peer over at Karen. She briefly looks in my direction and smiles before returning back to look at Vitesse. She shuffles around the chair, showing discomfort.... unsure as to whether the look Karen gave was one of intrigue or reluctance, to the suggestion she just made. Suddenly without warning, Karen places a hand on Vitesse's left cheek and turns her face to meet hers. She leans close and plants a tender kiss on Vitesse's full burgundy lips, panting all the while atop her mouth. I stare with fascination, my fingers still lightly brushing over Vitesse's squirming hand. I could feel a mounting hunger within me brewing..a bubbling of heat and lust raising to the surface of my skin and releasing itself through my pores. The steam of desire had begun to overwhelm my own senses. Karen finally pulls away from Vitesse's moistened quivering lips, both their steaming hot breaths rolling down to their necks. Not able to sit still, any longer, I push myself off the chair and walk over to Vitesse. She stares up at me with craving eyes breathing heavily right on my belly. I carefully grab the bun of her hair and pull her head back. She shows no resistance...seemingly subdued by Karen's honey sweet hot lips. I bend down and apply a very deep kiss. She immediately begins to react, clinging tightly to Karen's arm. My moans cascade down her throat, while my tongue drags across the corner of her lips. I slowly pull away, biting on her bottom lip and slowly allowing it to grind against my teeth before releasing. Her eyes seemed vacant; dazed and fogged by both our kisses. I reach over to Karen and wrap my fingers around her neck. I carefully pull her closer to me and giver her a deep kiss as well. My tongue coils around hers, as our lips smack loudly from our passionate kissing. I begin to pull away, leaving a small trail of saliva dangling between the bottom portion of our lips. "I think that's a yes from us two.." says a panting Karen. Vitesse still seems jarred by our hot kisses, and doesn't say a word. Karen stands up along side me and takes Vitesse's left hand. I meanwhile reach over and grab her other hand. "Well...what are you waiting for? Lets go." I say, giving her a wink. We slowly pull her off from her seat, and walk back hand in hand to our Tiki house located nearby and proceed to fulfill Vitesse's wish.