AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: bobbler on June 15, 2010, 01:52:16 PM

Title: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 15, 2010, 01:52:16 PM
Do you like it or not?  It's going to take some getting used to.

It's much cleaner and brighter, but I do prefer the online people in a row down the left side of the screen instead of in little boxes on the right.  It was much easier to find online people the old way.  And we do have new backgrounds to choose from.

Other than that, I don't really see many differences.  The room looks to be the same except for the directional controls.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: anaanas on June 15, 2010, 01:54:11 PM
i like it^^ ,the graphics seems better  ::)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bouli on June 15, 2010, 04:03:47 PM
I like most of it, but I do kind of miss the cleaner backgrounds and I think its a lot harder to see a person's availability status now.
After a few days with this I think I'll have more things to say, I only just started looking at it now. :)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: tom on June 15, 2010, 04:13:48 PM
during the development I have had the possibility to try both interfaces (the old and the new one)
I have to say, after a few days of usage the old one seemed to be strange for me
so I am sure you will like the new one  ;D
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: tom on June 15, 2010, 04:18:34 PM
It was much easier to find online people the old way. 

If you have suggestion to improve this feature (except that retrieving the old version) please tell us!

Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: mikki on June 15, 2010, 04:53:19 PM
Can we get the online listings cleaned up, seems to me to be a little cluttered. Maybe just the pics, and have the invite buttons at the bottom of the list instead of on each pic.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: tom on June 15, 2010, 04:58:12 PM
on each picture you can see the online status... should it be more visible?
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Janine Dee on June 15, 2010, 05:04:25 PM
I would recommend making the online/room/offline more readily visible. The little colored dot is easy to miss. Maybe that part of the box that is currently gray?
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bouli on June 15, 2010, 05:53:33 PM
Yea, I agree that it needs to be easier to see. Is it possible to have different frames around portraits to specify different statuses?

Another thing I'd really like to see is the option to filter out the people who are busy. The easiest would be to add a checkbox to the search window like the one we currently have for offline users.
And, a similar request would be the possibilty to filter the view of your friends and lovers by availability status as well. Every time I log on I first go through my lists of friends and lover to see who's online and I don't really want to look through a few pages of offliners for this.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: alan69 on June 15, 2010, 05:59:20 PM
New GUI makes me register on forum.
To say very simple it is crap!
It is fancy, but usability is non existing. Worst part is search result.
Very disappointing.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Janine Dee on June 15, 2010, 06:02:12 PM
I second that idea. Checking my friends and lovers is basically how I start out on AChat, and filtering out those who aren't available would be greatly appreciated.

I know it would require a refresh to see when they come on, but as of the last interface unless you refreshed their profile it would be doing things like showing green, but saying their status was "In Room" so I personally wouldn't consider it that big of an inconvenience.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Bear on June 15, 2010, 06:13:32 PM
Would agree send the invite, ignore chat butttons elsewhere, does seem a bit cluttered...and take time to get use to
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Jazelle on June 15, 2010, 06:16:43 PM
Do i like the new interface ? well so far no! yes its prettier but not as practical, the new interface has made the chat harder to keep up with not better! its got to the stage where i cant tell who is trying to contact me. Yes the backgrounds are cool, but the old people locater was very clean and simple to use, the name list was better in my opinion and having to look a lot more to see online/offline/busy status ? maybe a coloured border around the name ?

The chat is becoming impossible to read and keep up with in some ways it is easier in som much as all you need do is click on the button by the pic but all the same that could of been done by turning the name into a button before on the list rather than have the select to chat button on the far side of the screen!

Yes it looks prettier

But NO it has made the chat issues worse!


Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Bear on June 15, 2010, 06:35:00 PM
A quick second to Jazelle's  remarks on that, chat box is too low, and too small

Can't imagine how the ladies will be able to keep up in conversations if 2-3 chat hits interrupt things, Putting people into a position of rooming just to hold a conversation.

Also found it tough to immediately find a profile of the party initiating a chat, is there a way to link to the profile, rather then refresh search and sort the pictures while squinting to read the names

Graphics are nice,..
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Estoria on June 15, 2010, 07:50:10 PM
It took me a while to find out how to talk to my friends again, but once it gotten all clear, I kind of loved it. At least now the photo you make is used, which makes it a little more unique. :)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: apollo13nut on June 15, 2010, 09:19:52 PM
I like it....the darker backgrounds for the areas of buttons, etc makes it easier to read (esp if the user has a blown up head shot).

The one thing I'll say here, then start a new topic, it looks like the new format could be ported to an iPhone app.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: sinnnn on June 15, 2010, 10:08:02 PM
Well right now I freaking hate it.  I think my upgrade didn't work.  The background is totally white and I can't see some of the titles unless my arrow runs over it by accident.  When I checked out the room, the camera movements was in invisiable blocks.  Now I will try to install again.  But this totally sucks for me right now.  :P
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: AZNLoverV on June 15, 2010, 10:26:57 PM
The interface looks a bit slicker but a few comments.

The chat area is now too small.  I'd like the option to be able to resize my chat window and drag it to make it bigger or even be able to move it around.

I like the new backgrounds.  More variety would be nice.  I also think we should have more ROOM backgrounds to pick from.

I'd still like to see virtual areas implemented as well as 'common' or 'public' chat for those areas.

Here's another idea, how about you give us camera options to rotate and view the profile of the person we're looking at? 
Or can it only be based on the snapshot?

Finally... the music is still terrible!  Give us better tunes, more variety, or better yet let us pick a source folder of mp3s to play the music from!
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: sinnnn on June 15, 2010, 11:00:35 PM
OK, I fixed the pb.  Now I can change my first Hate it, to it looks a whole lot clearer.   Now as for liking it, give me a few days to get used to it and I can tell you then.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bouli on June 16, 2010, 01:30:22 AM
Bear: To quickly locate the profile of the person you're currently talking to (i.e. the one currently in your "send to" combobox where you can choose from latest contants) just press the "?" button and it will pop right up.
Is that the functionality you were looking for?
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Carli on June 16, 2010, 02:54:55 AM
I'm one of the people who instantly liked the new look and feel. I especially liked the fact that you can see more friends in 1 view (9 instead of 7) and that you can see their pictures and their online status at the same time.

But I have to agree with one vital point of criticism: the chat window is waaaayyy too small. With multiple people hailing me and/or talking to me I simply cannot read anymore what my friends are saying. Then I have to try to scroll up, but that won't work because every time a new line is said to me it jumps back down. For me it's a nightmare.

Either make the window bigger, or expandible, so that the user can decide.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Carli on June 16, 2010, 03:15:42 AM
Ow, and a related question: how do I update my profile picture on this website? I took a new snapshot yesterday, but here it still shows the old one. I see new ones out here, so I guess  it can be done somehow...
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Lover on June 16, 2010, 04:12:12 AM
Carli, did you save your profile after taking the photo?

I see some improvements. But why aren't we able to logout straight from the room? I liked this after having fun, cause whne you just leave the room at once you get chats and invits sometimes. When I leave room I want to do other things first...

Before I give a finally statement I will check some days.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Carli on June 16, 2010, 04:28:19 AM
Yes I did, even logged out/in again. maybe it just takes a while for the update to show or something...
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Lover on June 16, 2010, 04:42:48 AM
You can logout straight from the room? I only can click on the "x" that's sleep modus. If I activate again I am still in the room. And I can leave the room. But not logout as long as I am in the room.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Carli on June 16, 2010, 06:24:11 AM
Don''t know about the private room, but I have a logout button in the general chat room at the top.

Another thing I noticed: the program doesn't keep the background I choose. After restarting it's not the same as before.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Bear on June 16, 2010, 06:45:34 AM
Bear: To quickly locate the profile of the person you're currently talking to (i.e. the one currently in your "send to" combobox where you can choose from latest contants) just press the "?" button and it will pop right up.
Is that the functionality you were looking for?

*coughs, embarrassingly

ah,...yeah...always thought that was a help button and never pushed it. 
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 16, 2010, 02:48:24 PM
It was much easier to find online people the old way. 

If you have suggestion to improve this feature (except that retrieving the old version) please tell us!

well i don't right now but i will give it some thought
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 16, 2010, 02:52:03 PM
a few things though:

the "show myself" button should be over to the left above the "show friends, lovers and spouses buttons"
also, is there any reason why the chat box can not be a bit taller and wider?
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: mikki on June 16, 2010, 02:52:54 PM
Well, second day in and I definitely do not like it any better. In fact, the more I deal with it the less I like it. Chat box is way too small. Definitely need a better wasy to identify if a user is available or in a room. and the list takes up way too much of the screen.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 16, 2010, 03:00:11 PM
Another thing I noticed: the program doesn't keep the background I choose. After restarting it's not the same as before.
works fine for me  ;)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 16, 2010, 03:31:02 PM
It was much easier to find online people the old way. 

If you have suggestion to improve this feature (except that retrieving the old version) please tell us!

OK I got it!

Make the area that shows the search results bigger by dragging it to the left so that it fills half the screen by making it touch the right edge of the chat addition to moving the "show myself" button where I suggested earlier.  By making the search area bigger, it will allow you to make the 9 search result boxes bigger.  Now move the "ignore list" button to the top next to the relations button.  So now the only 2 buttons you would need to fit under the search area with the 9 boxes would be the "new search" and "ignore selected" buttons.  Also by making that area bigger, the "chat, invite and group sex" buttons would be able to be placed on one line, allowing bigger pics in the person's picture box and also bigger online status dots and blue premium stars within that box.  And yes, a colored border around each box when you click it as people have suggested would also make it easier to see the person's online status, in addition to the red, green or yellow dots.

Got it?   ;)

One other thing.  When you click the box and the person's big pic shows up on the screen, the blue star should be shown somewhere there also if the person is a premium member.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: IXLUKCOM on June 16, 2010, 03:46:05 PM
Firsly its nice to see that updates are occuring.  However it seems a bit slower to load, but thats about it.  Its much nicer looking and useable, but there are things missing which I would of thought were obvious that needed adding... such as a website button, to save you moving away from your searches/ contacts, and you STILL have to log out and back in to get changes to your account... IE purchases...

Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Janine Dee on June 16, 2010, 05:19:44 PM
Is it just me or does everything seem smoother and faster with the new interface? I don't mean individual use, but I felt I was seeing less lag, BUT I could have just been logged on at ideal spots.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 16, 2010, 06:07:00 PM
so far it seems that way to me too, Janine
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Janine Dee on June 16, 2010, 06:14:15 PM

My Ignore list is currently at 8 people. I know this because I can see 8 and can't scroll.

I LEARNED this because the JACKASS I use as an example of what NOT to do on AChat managed to message me. I don't know if he remembered/recognized (showed no outward sign), but NOT cool!

This is the first time I've really complained guys, but I don't use the ignore list often. So when someone makes it on there I would like to know they won't leave until I say so.

Add: Then some guy demanded his way onto my ignore list, and now it scrolls to 9.

Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 16, 2010, 07:48:35 PM
my ignore list was not affected at all  ;)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: sinnnn on June 16, 2010, 08:57:49 PM
Mines was, my stalker caught up with me.  Big sigh, I had to add him again.  Soooo annoying. :P :-\
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Janine Dee on June 16, 2010, 09:05:06 PM
It's kind of like a digital restraining order.

This was like hearing. "Um, we lost the paperwork."
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: mikki on June 16, 2010, 09:37:20 PM
Mine seems to be OK, but I didn't have too many people on it, and I can just add them again if they show up. I hope they fix it for you girls.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Janine Dee on June 16, 2010, 09:45:28 PM
Actually if I were to wager the information is simply lost and we'll have to rebuild the old fashioned way.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: mikki on June 17, 2010, 12:06:04 AM
Most likely you are right. I wish you the best of luck getting everyone blocked again.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Carli on June 17, 2010, 02:52:39 AM
My ignore list seems to be intact, but the alphabetical order it used to be in is now screwed up. I get 20% of the list from A to Z, then again the other 80% from A to Z. Maybe Janine's 80% part got lost somehow.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Carli on June 17, 2010, 03:01:45 AM
After taking 4 pictures or so (and saving) my picture on the member pages finally changed to a new one. On my own profile page it's still the old one, but maybe that changes later?
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Billy on June 17, 2010, 05:08:27 AM
The new interface is much better than the older i can say... Just need a little time to get use with it..:) Great work guys..:))

I want to say something about pictures... I have find a way to change the avatar picture, i did it with my own character and worked..
I had many questions from other members, how i did that...
I can make a how to guide here, but first i want the approval of the owners..;)

Let me know for that, thanks in advance..:) 
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: AZNLoverV on June 17, 2010, 05:39:20 AM
Billy you don't need approval to post a how to guide.
In fact things would never get done if you had to await 'official approval' before posting ideas.
These forums are as much for feedback as anything else.

Back to the gui discussion.  I would like to see the option to 'timestamp' the chat.
That way if I've been AFK I can tell that the message I missed was only 15 minutes ago or as it 3 hours ago??

Also, if you have the achat in sleep mode, I want it to flash and warn me when I receive a message while it was minimized so I can click on it and read.  If this has already been implemented let me know, but I haven't noticed it.  Maybe it needs to be more obvious, like pop up a dialog box?
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bouli on June 17, 2010, 07:01:43 AM
The Achat icon does blink in the tray for a couple of seconds when you receive a message, but that's really easy to miss. It also blinks the entire duration of an invite as you receive one. Personally I'd like the option to enable sounds for both as well, but I realize this would need to be off by default for the women in here. ;)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Janine Dee on June 17, 2010, 09:05:32 AM
Okay, laughing quite hard at that... yes bouli if every invite made a sound... I can't even cringe I'm too busy laughing. As it is I'm so used to clicking "Decline" I've actually had to have girlfriends send a second one a few times because I automatically clicked that box.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Jazelle on June 17, 2010, 10:03:52 AM
Ok my last word on the new interface! i see some changes online/offline is better and i am getting used to it so i am not quite so opposed to it as i was at first! but the chat needs fixing needs to be bigger and the colour of the names needs to be changed to be more readable, all in all i am happy with it, i do personally find it slower? but that could be just my machine not able to handle the slicker graphics!

Finally i will make one last comment i am about to have a rant on a new topic but none the less i think everyone should read it because although only new here i have loved the experience and hope that it will continue!

Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: AZNLoverV on June 17, 2010, 10:06:06 AM
As it is I'm so used to clicking "Decline" I've actually had to have girlfriends send a second one a few times because I automatically clicked that box.

Sounds like a successful Pavlovian experiment!  Condition a person enough times with negative stimuli and their reaction to avoid the stimuli becomes predictable!  
Extending that logic, if we had Achat administrate an electrical shock every time a user issued a cold invite, over time this problem would go away!  Get working on it Ateam!
OR we could just implement that cold invite button I suggested but the electric shock sounds more fun!  :D
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: sinnnn on June 17, 2010, 11:15:14 AM
I don't click decline that much.  I just let the time run out an if they can't figure that out, thats when I hit the decline button.  I'll admit I will decline the ones that beg, before I put them on my ignore list when they refuse to accept that decline. 

I know this is evil and wrg to say this but a FUCK OFF button would make me feel so good.  Some ppl just don't get it when you don't answer their stupid, insulting come ons.  I would love the electric shock treatment but you'll have perv rights activist chasing us down.  It would be fun, buzzzzzzz. ;D

Anyhoo, getting used to the new interface.  Have to remember they are on the left now.  I like the new backgrounds, kind of game date showy backgrounds.  Now all they need is to add some really hot backgrounds for the rooms, an then I'll say I like the new interface.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: mikki on June 17, 2010, 11:54:18 AM
I'm getting used to it. That does not mean I like it. Like sinnnn, I don't bother to click decline, just let it expire, three invites in a r row back to back, and they get ignored, two if they are sending belligerent, rude messages at the same time. If this is cruel, or mean then I guess I am the Queen of mean. I will simply not acknowledge 99 of 100 cold invites. The 1 in 100 I do is my very special friend asking me to play, and he does not require permission to invite me, He has permanent standing permission. You know who you are baby. Seems were going to be stuck with it, whether we want it or not, so have resigned myself to using it..
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Janine Dee on June 17, 2010, 12:05:00 PM
I've said it before, it takes a lot for me to Ignore. Which is why I will use decline first because I'm not interested... it's sort of my "No thank you." Yes, I know that most won't get that, and wouldn't care even if they did, but it's one of the reasons I CAN feel I'm better then them, I don't cold invite, and I know how to take a hint.

But even I would like the "FUCK OFF" button from those who keep with the lame come ons, and repeat invites.

Mostly I feel sorry for the straight girls who don't really have any other option, and the guys who suffer the guilt by association.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bouli on June 17, 2010, 04:57:12 PM
Along with the new position we got a small update on the availability statuses. Now names have coloured backgrounds like before.
Not exactly what I had in mind, but a big help.

Thank you for listening and making a quick solution, guys.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 17, 2010, 05:23:54 PM
for those of you that may not know this, your ignore list gets wiped out if you uninstall and then reinstall the AChat program.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 17, 2010, 05:29:07 PM
After taking 4 pictures or so (and saving) my picture on the member pages finally changed to a new one. On my own profile page it's still the old one, but maybe that changes later?
i think it's something that happens automatically internally Carli. i  have no idea how it works though.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 17, 2010, 05:30:18 PM
@ Billy:

yes i noticed your new avatar pic. it is quite erotic i must say  ;)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Janine Dee on June 18, 2010, 12:48:07 AM
That explains some of it Bob, but I can't remember blocking 8 since I had to do the reinstall... the one thing they had to store locally...  ???

Thank you though that is something to keep in mind if I have to do another uninstall/reinstall.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Carli on June 18, 2010, 01:19:51 AM
@bobbler: indeed, all pictures were updated within a day or so. But why the first one or two I took didn't arrive is still a mistery to me. Maybe the update/save didn't succeed? It used to give a message about that somewhere on your screen, but I think they removed that with the new interface.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Billy on June 18, 2010, 07:24:30 AM
@ Billy:

yes i noticed your new avatar pic. it is quite erotic i must say  ;)

Hehe, thanks mate but i allready change the pic.. Put a regular one.. :)

I will make the guide as soon as i can and i will post it in a new topic...;)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Janine Dee on June 18, 2010, 10:39:40 AM
I actually had a friend who managed to put up an unusual pic by accident. So I'm quite interested to find out what you have to say.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 18, 2010, 06:54:55 PM
on each picture you can see the online status... should it be more visible?

is it just me, or does the red status look orange for a lot of the members, and the yellow status looks to be yellow-brown?
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Janine Dee on June 19, 2010, 01:00:23 AM
I think that's just because it's semi-transparent and the picture behind is tinting it.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 19, 2010, 07:52:31 AM
I thought of that but I don't think that's the case.  All of the yellow dots and *bars* that cover the person's name look yellow-brown to me, all the red dots look red but some of the bars look red while others look orange, yet all of the green dots and bars look green.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Janine Dee on June 19, 2010, 10:22:48 AM
I think I got it! There is the red hearts background and the yellow star field one... and if that was selected the bar color would have to be different enough to stand out, while there is nothing that would blend with the green. At least that's my guess.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 19, 2010, 10:33:34 AM
Well...maybe...but...before they added the colored bars, the dots were yellow, green and red  ::)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Janine Dee on June 19, 2010, 10:39:50 AM
Oh sweetie, you've never bought women's shoes. There is no just any color.  ;)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: sinnnn on June 19, 2010, 11:25:49 AM
I thought men where color blind anyway.   ;D
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 19, 2010, 03:32:47 PM
all i see when i look at you is yummy dark brown chocolate  ;)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: sinnnn on June 19, 2010, 05:42:36 PM
awwww you just made me giggle.  Go ahead take a nibble, a lick, a suck, oh hell dip right in. :-*
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Carli on June 21, 2010, 01:33:54 PM
Okay, I'm not easily disgruntled, but the limited chat window is really getting on my nerves. I cannot read what my friends are saying half the time because it's already gone before I have the chance. Scrolling upwards is also not working, because the window jumps back whenever I get a new message, which is about every 3 seconds or so on a busy time.

This really should be fixed by either a bigger chat window, or the possibility to restrict access to your own chat, or both. I know it's not a big problem for everyone, but those of you who have had 10 or more people in his/her room at a given time should know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, begging on my knees (bring in the puns people) to fix this!
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: sinnnn on June 21, 2010, 04:08:24 PM
Hey have anyone noticed that you can open up the chat box.  look  inside of the chat box, top right an you will see a small square box(its hardly noticable).  You clink onto that an you open a large chat box an you can read all the comments.   ;D :D ;)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bouli on June 21, 2010, 04:26:08 PM
Oh Sinnnn... You're a hero(ine)! I can't believe this wasn't a big post on the front page or something. Again, it's not exactly the solution I expected and probably not the one I prefer, but it sure gets the job done. :)

Thanks for bringing this to my (our) attentions Sinnnn and thank you guys (Tom, Rab) for listening and doing something about it. :)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 21, 2010, 04:30:38 PM
I just noticed that today too, Sinnn.  When you roll your mouse over it it turns red and says "toggle chat history".  Kinda cool.  Thanks guys!!!

@ Carli:  You have 10 or more people in your the same time?!?!?  What kind of program do you have running, and why haven't I been invited to your orgy?   :-*
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: sinnnn on June 21, 2010, 04:50:44 PM
So its going to be the war of the names with us, huh Bobby?  :P

And you guys are welcome.  I do my best to help my fellow man.  I love you all.  Sorry feeling kind of mellow to day. ;D

I just noticed it today myself.  LOL
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Janine Dee on June 21, 2010, 05:41:47 PM
Well Sinnnn, you, I (and everyone else on this board) know I would do just about anything you ask, but now I have that much more reason. 

And Carli... I too expect my invitation to the Orgy. (Anther RP thread maybe?)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 21, 2010, 06:02:52 PM
sinnn babes, now wherever did that mellowness come from?  ;)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: blossom on June 21, 2010, 07:10:49 PM
I'm curious... how do all 10 avatars show up in the room? Not superimposed I hope...? That'd be a bummer..

Considering I've only seen 2 in a room...  I'm really, really dying to experience what a crowded room feels like *hint* *hint*
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 21, 2010, 08:19:03 PM
@ blossom:
watch for Carli's reply & let her wriggle her way out of this one  ;)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: sinnnn on June 21, 2010, 11:50:01 PM
I had a whiskey sour today Bobby.  Totally mellowed me out, even though I was giggling a little.  One glass always do me, thats why I'm only drinking one glass at the masked ball.

I can't help smile wickedly when I hear the word orgy.  Umm Cali I better be on that list sweety. ;)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Carli on June 22, 2010, 01:54:56 AM
Oh boy, how did my request for a bigger chat window manage to become an orgy overnight?

Seriously, I was of course talking about the chat window outside the room. I will check out sinnnn's discovery about the chat history, maybe that will help me.

That said, I understand that there's a big animo for an orgy? Well, we're all at the masked ball already, so let's go :D
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Carli on June 22, 2010, 04:53:14 AM
Thanks Sinnnn for pointing out the chat history! That was exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks A Team for making it happen! Next time just shout it out here at the board so we know it's there ;)

A very happy Carli :D
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on June 22, 2010, 01:59:11 PM
oh...the whiskey sour...i thought it might have been something else  ;)
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: sinnnn on June 22, 2010, 02:57:27 PM
Well you can always keep the large chat screen up when you chat.  The only down side is having to bring it down to switch between chats an to look at someones profile.

Yes whiskey sours my fav.  Ummm are you looking for a compliment Bobby?  I can give you a really nice one next time we met.  :-*
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Lover on June 24, 2010, 04:19:58 PM
Hi A-Team, can you add two more red arrows to the search result list: First page - Last page?
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: Janine Dee on June 25, 2010, 01:24:06 AM
Let me second Lover... I REALLY like the idea of the first and last page arrows. It would REALLY speed up navigation.
Title: Re: New User Interface
Post by: bobbler on August 21, 2010, 04:58:29 PM
ok Tom...I went through all the trouble of telling you how to make the new GUI better (see page 3) and it still looks the same to me.  are you guys working on it?
