AChat Forum

Discussions about sex => Erotic Stories => Topic started by: Brandybee on July 08, 2012, 06:39:19 AM

Title: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on July 08, 2012, 06:39:19 AM
Inspired by Jayc and Jeanona in the topics  JEANONS's FASHION STYLES in  Creative ideas  and  Jayc & Trek in the  ROMANCE in Everything about sex.

We seem to have an Achat Bar & Grill now and a very sexy House Band - The Country Boys who like to sing " Men in Tights" and " Raw Hide"    ;D

I just happen to know that some of the guys in the band... on a Friday ... well ... lets say girls ... well worth a visit if you like nice tight asses mmm

The band is playing, the punters in good spirits ... Jayc has just bought everyone a round of drinks, think the next round of beers are on Treks tab..

A nice setting to talk and chat and chomp about ... well ... whatever comes up in ....

Ok, I read in one of the books I chose out the Isle ( Aisle ) at the grocery store - for those who dont know - its the Womens porn section, showing mens naked chests on the covers of Romance novels..   blushing ... about a USA dance called " The Two Step" ...  I've certainly had a few beers enough to try and make a fool of myself ...  so come on, pulling Jayc up ....  show me ..   nodding at Stone ..  Hope you dont mind.. I promise to return him in a bit .. probably with bruised toes and scuffed boots ..  ;D  ;D ;D


Due to popular demand &  potential new posters and members joining and the same questions being asked over and over .. I've taken the liberty of trying to answer them in the below way :-    Hope it helps  ;D

Tips on posting in intertwining Erotic Story Topics & Threads.

Hi ya,  Welcome to Forum  and the AB&G  - an erotic fantasy bar , story and role-play feature here. Glad you have decided to join us.
Tips to post and join in the fun.

1.   Read up on the topic and interlinking topics . It will give you a feel for the place and storylines that have taken place and are in the process of  being developed. In this case, the AB&G is linked to the Icehouse topic, although the latter is a very specific kink – be warned.

2.   Please don’t be too overwhelmed by experienced people who post. They also learnt by trial & error & had to develop themselves.

3.    Please do not be overwhelmed if you feel there are clicks of groups, this happens naturally because people know each other, either through the game , through Forum or both and they know the chosen people they mention in their posts, will through experience, interlink their posts favourably with theirs.

4.   You will be made welcome and be mentioned in their posts, politely at first until you get to know each other so please reply,  and if it helps, imagine what you would do in real life in such a situation. It helps to inspire your posts.  This is interlinked storytelling and role playing .An example would be, how would you be arriving at the bar, on foot, by car, taxi, bike , what do you see, hear, feel,taste, smell – use your senses, put yourself there – it’s your introduction to the story.

5.   Try and interlink, your posts with people who respond to you, if someone buys you a drink or speaks to you ... answer them and add abit..  maybe enquire what goes on here,  offer to dance, maybe challenge them to a bull ride lol.  Maybe see something happening that  is mentioned in story lines already happening.  Maybe Jayc chatting to Covems, named people on the dancefloor,  seeing someone who accepted the bull ride challenge..

6.   As you familiarise yourself and post more,  your storylines will develop too.  Some people arrange stories away from the topic when they chat before posting, others improvise as they go.  I know I improvise a lot, some people have taken me by surprise ( Hentaiboy , JD, Azrielle  lol ) and I love springing surprises on the more experienced posters to challenge their skills – more mischievous though , than presuming any intimacies & is usually with people I know won’t  be offended & up for the challenge. Be versatile  lol. Bear’s capture a fine example after banters in other topics. And he rose to the challenge admirably as did others, which actually developed other story lines.

7.   Intimacy will no doubt occur as you get to know people and bond or have bonded already.  Please don’t presume intimacy will occur, like real life, there should be some chemistry tested between you first & consent obtained. Some posters may already have a story line in mind and setting it up ready for the respondent. Please don’t break the law ....  or abuse staff too much lol. The topics are moderated by Achat & the Moderators.

8.   Please, don’t be put off if your post is not responded to immediately. This maybe because people are on breaks away, real life commitments, heavily involved in other topics or story lines and their workload a little overwhelmed.  You will be responded to in the end, as most posters go back and forth through the thread to pick up things they may have missed first time round.

9.   Make your posts easily readable.  Look at the experienced posters. They tend to use paragraphs after every four or five lines or so and also when using speech.  Use the modify button to edit if need be. Check your post afterwards for spellings, that it makes sense , fits in with the other posts and its easily readable and words not too crowded. There are none English native speakers who post & read & may need to translate some words.

10.   It’s all about having fun, gaining confidence to post, improving your role-playing and storytelling,  reading others stories and shenanigans  and making new friends.                                      
                                          Enjoy & welcome aboard.  Can’t wait to read more of your posts.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on July 08, 2012, 07:32:51 AM
The band may not be shirtless... their shirts unbuttoned  adding for Brandy's fantasies... but for one... who has seen his wardrobe disappearring...  ::)

Sadly a country band without cowbau hats...though obliging in moving from silly tunes to something more accomidating for dance.
(wonders if the female singer will unbittin (edited: unbutton...but I am happy to give playful nips to correct that situation)...  hers)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on July 08, 2012, 07:43:42 AM
I love to sing loud and full of passion... but my voice would empty the bar at once ;D
I have some experiences in being an entertainer, leading through the evening, introducing the band and newcomers... caring for the female background dancers ;)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mooncalf on July 08, 2012, 08:03:48 AM
I don't want to step on any toes again... this open to everyone?
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on July 08, 2012, 08:07:27 AM
Of course!!! Come and join us please :-*
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 08, 2012, 08:10:35 AM
Brandy, it can't be a good "Bar and Grill" whitout a barbecue and, of course, donuts for the NSPD!

The stage is ready for the band and the smell of meat is all around in the air....come on, my friends, it's time for a party in a country style!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 08, 2012, 08:19:09 AM
Mooncalf ... its a must ...  you are one of the first of the groupies ... last I saw you were being chased with a lasso...  hehehe

Oh the BBQ is out the back,pasta, salad  & fruit bar,  icecream .. hear strawberries & vanilla are a must , chocolate .. you name it, caters for all tastes ... and  a fabulous donut machine with lots of sugar and cream mmmm 

Of course ...  everyone will have to think of a good way to excercise after .. keep those building calories at bay ... mmm ... mind wondering ... concentrate ...  oops sorry Jayc .. another toe.. ouch
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mooncalf on July 08, 2012, 08:33:27 AM
Okay then I'll put in my 2 cents worth.

Every good Country Western Bar I was in had these 3 elements:

Karaoke/Amateur Night

Sing-a-long Night

and once a year a Sadie Hawkins Night

The wilder ones had these elements

Mechanical Bull

Wet T-Shirt Contests

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on July 08, 2012, 08:44:37 AM
I never have been in a America - but I thought (and so I also understand your ideas mooncalf) of having some events like
- Singer competition
- Theme nights

and... as it's Achat... speed dating
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Azrielle on July 08, 2012, 09:26:17 AM


(starts investigation of how this came to be without my prior knowledge). AHH! of course.... this is not within the geographical borders of the wee country of Nymphomania.

Now I feel like I'm an internet stalker... and who has all the cream filling?

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on July 08, 2012, 09:48:05 AM
Word of advice (learned the hard way) to those who have never ridden the bull

NEVER,... EVER... taunt the operator...

else you'll see indeed a man can fly...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 08, 2012, 10:00:58 AM
 The local sex Police are always welcome to pop in, frisk a few punters, sneak as many donuts as they want, even take part in the wet t shirt contest .. I'm sure you'll find the punters very co-operative hehehe ...   and the bar staff ( some even have bunny ears, even the guys ... ) will be pleased to serve your favourite coctails... screaming orgasms, slow comfortable screw .. you name it, they'll make it happen .....

mmm  oh I like riding ..  big bulls  has a certain appeal ... mmm ...  even got the hat ... Yehaw...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mooncalf on July 08, 2012, 10:13:07 AM

I've ridden them and once the operator sees that you're not going to stay in your top... well... lets just say that it is most difficult to hold on to the bull and your busom at the same time.  Whoa
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on July 08, 2012, 12:40:58 PM
Sitting by the door at a table for two , sipping my beer.  Thinking its about time I rescued my man from more sore toes and laughing at Mooncalf  circling on the bull trying desperately to keep her boobs  inside her top.  A couple of cops are munching on doenuts not far away.

I get up passing the fruit bar as I make my way to the dance floor,  stealing some strawberries,  well, I have form for that. I cant resist them.

I tap Brandy on the shoulder and she gladly steps aside as I wrap my arms round Jayc.  And pop a strawberry in his mouth. " Hows the toes baby?"

I think I'm going to like this place.  Fridays a good night I hear.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on July 08, 2012, 01:16:29 PM
I guess I''ll have to polish up my 6-string and get it in tune.. I'd like to see those feet of the floor.. Maybe some skin-to-skin line dancing.. ;)

I do take requests and you can elave a tip in my hat if you're happy with the performance of this rusted singer-songwriter.. a kiss will do as well, that is, if it's from a cute girl.. ;)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Azrielle on July 08, 2012, 07:08:06 PM

It's a good thing you qualified that last statement, Tight... Because I think some guy named Bubba wanted to swing you about the dance floor. lolz.

* D  O  N  U  T  S  *  mhmmmmmm...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on July 08, 2012, 09:35:56 PM
Alrighty then, we have a house band, a master of cermonies / emmcee, a mechanical bull, a balladeer, a well stocked bar including Brandy's famous punch served in a 20 oz  glass  skull mug. and for the brave  we will offer  panda bear wrestling on weekends. who dares to enter the ring to face the mighty Pachacuti over 200 lbs  of pure panda power. we even have the local police stopping by for free doughnuts. all and all a good start.  and its for everybody so come on down  for a visit and most important have a good time at the A. B. & G 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Trekmanalpha on July 08, 2012, 10:45:53 PM
Forget about the panda... put Spartan 117, John, Master Chief Petty Officer in that ring...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on July 09, 2012, 12:36:17 PM
"I'll operate the bull if the spot hasn't been taken", I say, as I pull out my white Stetson.  Leave the "removal of the tops" to me.  Who's up after Moon?  For a kiss.. I'll make it worth your while ;)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on July 09, 2012, 02:33:58 PM
As Jayc twirls another lady round the dancefloor, I mosey over to the bar to enquire if any barstaff are needed.

" Only if you can dance and sing", I am told and a mike thrown in my direction.

As Tight sees the mike thrown , arcing up as if in slow motion and landing deftly in my right hand, he recognises the challenge and  begins to plays the approprite song.  "why not?" I think and start dancing to   " Cant  Fight the moonlight "  out of   the film "" Coyote Ugly" on the top of the bar counter.. and belting out the lyrics  and stamping my feet to the rhythm.  Much to the delight of the busy crowd. Some even join in the singing...

Jayc looks on in amusement .... and I raise my eyebrows and shrug my shoulders.

" Your hired"  I am told.  " Its karoke night on Wednesdays,  Full Monty for the guys on Fridays - the guys drink for free Yehaw! and Girls Coyote night on Saturdays where anything goes and often does. Pachacuti enjoys a good Sumo fight weekends too. Welcome to the madhouse and by the way , its tradition, new staff try out the bull.  JD  another sucker coming your way ....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on July 09, 2012, 02:47:38 PM
"Ah.. hold on there little lady.  You just can't mount it any old way. Read the sign..."  "NO LOOSE FITTING CLOTHING"   "Your going to have to button up that shirt or take it off"  "That halter top underneath would be just dandy"  Sit back, relax.. oh.. and hold on.  It might get a bit bumpy :)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bluedenim on July 09, 2012, 02:57:53 PM
The band may not be shirtless... their shirts unbuttoned  adding for Brandy's fantasies... but for one... who has seen his wardrobe disappearring...  ::)

Sadly a country band without cowbau hats...though obliging in moving from silly tunes to something more accomidating for dance.
(wonders if the female singer will unbittin (edited: unbutton...but I am happy to give playful nips to correct that situation)...  hers)

Bear! how could you!...... well maybe just a couple of buttons for the boys............
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on July 09, 2012, 03:36:37 PM
Eyes Blu' in her tight jeans  "Maybe one more button perhaps... that is a lovely pair to tease the audiance with."

I undo the bandana about my naeck and mop the brow... nod to Tight to take over,... he is no doubt a betterr guitarist than I...

Eyes the keyboard enviously... but the taped fingers won't allow tickling the ivory at the moment.. Glances to Blu' with that innuendo on my mind... and instead reaches into my pocket... pulling out my old Hohner harmonica for back up.

Eyes drifting over the crowd and see my hat bobbing in motion  to the music... my moist lips pulling over the instrument and I fall into accompaniment...

The back of my mind eagrly waiting for when body shots will be taken up there at the bar...

Lips don't fail me now....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on July 09, 2012, 04:09:35 PM
a look around to the band, a nod and a fast rythm is started by the drummer, followed by an intense rythmic strumming of my Jasmine, my faithful 6-string. A grin at Stone, a wink to compliment her with her singing, then my eyes drifting to the back of the bar where a cute girl was just dragged in by her friends.

A busy night tonight, let's give them what they want.. ;D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 09, 2012, 04:13:09 PM
Nice dancing and singing Stone, Tight - I like your rhythm :)    A little breathless from the energetic dancing, swaying,  and enjoying the  refreshing water cascading down my body as I danced on the  bar top counter to Stone and Tights sound ... good job the temperature is always hot in here ... and I dont mean just the weather outside...  I've seen that film too  " Coyote Ugly "  Top girl bar ... like the imagery you painted lol

I jump down off the bar, flicking my hair, causing droplets of water to shower the room,  as everyone cheers Stone's spectacular performance

 JD, welcome to the party ..Adrenaline pumping in my veins ,  Whow..  I feel like a wild ride tonight  babes ...

As I gulp back some of  Lovers special homeland brew.. I catch sight of  .... no ... cant be Sam can it, from the Double deuce.. no  that Roadhouse is far from here..  must be the brew playing with my senses... or maybe too much punch Jayc insisted I make  lol
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on July 09, 2012, 06:53:19 PM
As the band needs a small break and Brandy ist still dancing, I introduce a newcomer on this stage.
"Ladies and Gentleman, friends, bros and sis... this is Laaaaaaaaaaaaady Pafe! Give her a warm welcome and dance to her music!!!!"

The music is beginning... the words are shown on several small and one big screen....and I'm sure you all will recognize

"Can't Fight The Moonlight"
Under a lovers' sky
Gonna be with you
And noone's gonna be around
If you think that you won't fall
Well just wait until
Til the sun goes down

Underneath the starlight - starlight
There's a magical feeling - so right
It'll steal your heart tonight

You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
No, you can't fight it
It's gonna get to your heart

There's no escape from love
Once a gentle breeze
Weaves it's spell upon your heart
No matter what you think
It won't be too long
Til your in my arms
Underneath the starlight - starlight
We'll be lost in the rhythm - so right
Feel it steal your heart tonight

You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
No you can't fight it
No matter what you do
The night is gonna get to you

Don't try then
You're never gonna win

Underneath the starlight - starlight
There's a magical feeling - so right
It will steal your heart tonight

You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
No, you can't fight it

You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
Don't you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
No, you can't fight it
It's gonna get to your heart
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on July 10, 2012, 01:00:07 AM
Kicked back at our table, big smile as i look around at everything going on, good crowd for a monday i think to myself. the band in rare form are tearing it up, with Bears harp and Tights 6 string joining in they some how turn "cotton eyed joe" in to 20 minute jam session with no ending  in sight. down in the bull riding pit the gathered crowd  roars as another person get thrown off  after taunting JD. they will never learn  i sigh. my lady Stone awaits her ride  on the mechanical beast as per her hiring conditions. i attempt to build up her confidence, yelling in her ear "its just like riding a horse"  Stone give me her yeah right look and rolls her eyes. Brandy walks by and fills our glasses with her punch, "here  drink this it cant hurt and it might help"  Stone responds with her your such a guy look. the band ends the song .....cheers and a standing ovation. just another night at the A B & G
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 10, 2012, 03:50:46 AM
The Achat Bar & Grill is crowd as usually, no matter whic day of the week it is or which event they are running in the evening!

So many different type of costumer come here for funny time: cowboys and cowgirls, some beautyfull ladies in their shiny club dress and old men who want to revive the past whit they friends drinking a cold bear.

I like the place, i can find lot of ispiration for my illustration, so i usually take my sketch book whit me when i went here for a drink or to taste a steak or some sausages....the best in all Achat City! and, of course, meet old and new friends!
I look around and notice a lonly girl on a corner......she look pretty in her black latex gloves and her black dress but i can see a sad expression on her expression i'd like to capture in my mind so deeply till i can't forget it! and the soft light of the bar make she looks so misterious....who are you, my sad lady!? i really wanna find it out....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on July 10, 2012, 11:55:34 AM
The juke box and karoke machine will be arriving soon, theres a clipboard at the bar, please write in your requests for songs you would like to have included.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on July 10, 2012, 01:25:25 PM
My throats parched as the jam session winds down... and I jump down from the stage, meander towards the bar to find the good private brew hidden behind it. The clipboard catches my eye and I pick up a pen to add a suggestion.... wisely pause... and turn away without adding my request.

"Men in tights" doesn't quite sound right
 I wander off,.... esiily distracted by the shiny baubles an attractive woman at the bar in a club outfit is wearing
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 10, 2012, 01:36:18 PM
I swig another glass of punch down,  enjoying the music of The country boys, swaying  my hips as I dance towards Tight, and wink at the Harmonica player...  I push my cowboy hat back and shout to Tight ..." Do you knows these boys? " and push a piece of paper in his hand ..." going to ask for them to go on the Juke Box too  for when you popular boys might be otherwise engaged "  hehe

"And dont forget, you boys owe me a dance or three or four .. " ;D

Love & Theft  -  Angel Eyes
After Dark - Tito & Terantula   ;D
Cant fight the moonlight - LeAnn Rimes
The Devil went down to Georgia - The Charlie Daniels Band
Stay - Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs
Hungry Eyes - Eric Carman
I will always love you - Whitney Houston
Roadhouse Blues - Jeff Healey Band
I'm tore down - Jeff Healey Band
Hoochi Coochie Man - Jeff Healey Band

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on July 10, 2012, 03:43:22 PM

I get up from my stool... and sneak onto the stage between sets of the band. I tap the mic... "Is this thing on?"

"There once was a Librarian who was taking a flight to see her sister in Pittsburgh.  While the Librarian was in the airport, going to her gate, she passed a machine that had signage that read:  'Get your weight and fortune told.  One Cent.'

This intrigued her, so she opened up her purse and hunted in her change for a penny.  She got on the machine and inserted the penny into the slot.  "Ding"... and a little card popped out of another slot.  She took the card and examined it.  It read:

"You are a Librarian."

"Well, that's right."  She thought to herself.

"You are 5 foot 5 inches tall."

"Yes."  She said.

"You weight 155 pounds."

"Again correct.  How does it know?"

"You are going to pass gas".

"Nonsense", she thought to herself.  "I don't feel any pressure..."

Just then she felt a rumbling begin in her gut.  She knew that she was on a build up to flatulance.  The Librarian hurried to the ladies rest room, and quickly went into a stall.  Lowering her pants and panties she sat down quickly and just then... "Brrraaaaaaaaappppppppppppp"  The loudest and longest passing of gas she ever had happened.

She finished in the john and washed up in the sink, straightened her appearance, regained her composure and headed back to her gate. 

She stopped in front of the machine again and stared at it.  "How did it know?"  She wondered.  She opened up her purse and fished out another penny.  Stepping on the scale she inserted it into the coin slot.  "Ding."  Another card popped out.

She read it.  "You are a Librarian.  You are 5 foot 5 inches tall.  You weight 155 pounds.  You are going to get an uncontrollable urge to screw."

"No way."  She thought, just as it hit her.  She had to find someone... she had to have wanton, wild sex.  She saw a maintenance man.  She rushed at him, grabbing him by the hand and whispered hotly into his ear.  "Fuck me".

Happy to oblige, he took her into the bowels of the airport, known only to the maintenance people.  And there she had wanton, wild sex with him.  Not once... not twice... but three times!!

After again regaining her composure she straightened her clothes out, fixed her hair and again headed for her gate.  She was passing by the machine, staring at it.

"It's been right on everything so far."  She couldn't help herself.  She opened her purse and took out her last penny.  She stepped on the scale and slid the penny into the slot.  "Ding."  The card popped out.

Nervously she reached for it and read it: 

"You are a Librarian.  You are 5 foot 5 inches tall.  You weigh 155 pounds.  You have farted and fucked around and missed your flight."

Thank you... I'll be here all week. 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on July 10, 2012, 03:56:04 PM
With cramps in my stomach from laughing and distracted by the swaying hips and barely covered breasts of Brandy, I take the paper from her and hand it to the drummer, while my fingers find the right frets for the song I have in mind. My acoustic Jasmine tuned to perfection, the high notes of the intro echo through the bar and for a moment everybody quiets down. Then I open my mouth and let out a single phrase, complimenting the guys and girls wearing their combow hats..

"I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride. Wanted..... dead or alive..."

Immediatly the band jumps in and with virtuous play the stage starts to rock in its place..
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 10, 2012, 06:23:32 PM
I love that Covems guy ...  laughing, tears in my eyes at his tale ...  and immediately begin another dance as the music fills the room, twirling  with a girl, bit stiff but rhythm starting to ooze into her. As the song starts to end, I smile at her grabbing her hand .. bit cold, I notice as I shake it... " I'm Brandy" 

"Eva "   

"Well nice to meet you Eva .... looks like its my turn on the bull. Here have some of my punch - it helps with the rhythm thing .."  Grinning I saunter off to speak with JD ... 

He helps me on and tells me to grip with my thighs , hold on to the horn.. and hold my hat above my head with  the other ...

There's a very pleasant vibration as the bull is switched on ... mmm   and it slowly begins to rock and then twirl round and  I let my body relax, moving and sliding and grinding on the bulls back ...  I glimpse a look on JD's face .. mmm   He knows exactly what hes doing ...  mmm ..  "fluffing" enters my mind  and well .. very very pleasant ... just as .....all hell breaks loose ..

The bull begins to buck, forwards and backwards and side to side, my body moves in all the wrong directions, my butt bumping on the saddle , i feel my top loosen before I fly unceremoniously through the air landing on the mats ..  laughing uncontrollably as my senses begin to return to normal.

"How long?"   I shout at JD ... He grins back , shaking his head   " All of 8 seconds .. .. and.. err ... you should fasten your top ... you're .. spilling"

" Oops .."  I grin back and make myself presentable again. 

" Time for another drink... you want one too?"      JD nods and holds his bottle of lager up   " Coming right up "  I dust myself down and head to the bar noticing a girl drawing ... I look over her shoulder " Hey thats good .. you should design a sign for this place too "

I give Stone my order and while i'm waiting to be served, I turn round and  eye up the Country boy singer .. whos attention is on a girl in a pretty dress ..  I abscent mindedly  touch and relocate my hat in a more comfortable position on my head. 

Stone serves my drinks  "How long did you last on the bucking bronco?" I ask

She grins  " 9 seconds "    I laugh " Damm I need more practice"   I hand over the money and take JD his beer.  " Next time your on a break .. I want that dance you promised me "

We clink bottles .. and I head back to the dance floor ...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jondas on July 11, 2012, 03:07:30 AM
peeking in from the door after a call from a buddy suggesting the place (bet she knows who she is), liking the mood inside and getting in.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Trekmanalpha on July 11, 2012, 04:04:17 AM
Thudding footsteps echo from beyond the door, as the silhouette of a two meeter tall... not quite a man, but not alien... part machine... pushes through the doorway, bending over to fit through.

Everyone's eyes become locked onto him, the musicians pause with a drone for a lack of concentration... the bartender overfills a stein, not paying any more attention to his duties...

A half ton of Mjolnir armor half crouched through the doorway, the gold plated visor on his helmet, and the iridescent green glow of his entire body covering armor, giving him an impenetrable, godlike look. An emblem of a Chief Petty Officer, with the label "S051, KURT" under it, brandishing on his left breastplate.

His head glances from the bar, to the bull, to the tables and all those sitting around... he finally fully stands straight, his helmet crashing into the light fixtures, causing him to go back into a light crouch... his armored gauntlets moving with such speed he quickly calms the swinging lighting...

With that, he turns back to the door, and an eerie, deep, masculine voice utters from his armor's speaker systems...

"Sorry... Wrong place."

He lightly thuds back out the doorway, letting the door shut behind him... his armor's weight sounding long after he's left the entry.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 11, 2012, 07:22:04 AM
"Jondas, Jondas ... over here .." I catch his eye  as he enters .. " here I got you a beer in ... Do you know the  Two Step ?  ... nor me lol .. we'll just make up the steps as we go along ... " 

Suddenly the bar quietens as a big guy in Armour comes in  briefly ... " Who he? "   Jondas asks me 

" I think its that John Spartan guy ...  Hope he comes back ... bet he looks real good without his armour ... mmm  hopefully he'll turn up Friday :)  Tell me Jondas, Have you tried  the bull yet ? ....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: christinak on July 11, 2012, 08:09:31 AM
Walking up to the heavily carved wooden door, I can hear the sounds of the patrons enjoying themselves inside.  Having heard about the place already I knew that a good time could be had here.  The question on my mind was, who would I meet?  Would it be someone new?  Or an old face from the past?  In any case I was now just wanting to get inside and see for myself what all the fuss was about.

Just as I grabbed the large wooden handle I noticed a carving on the door that was intended to blend in with the others and not be noticeable unless you looked right at it.  It was a man and a woman having sex standing up.  Her long hair appeared to be draped over both of the lovers and her legs were wrapped around his muscular frame.  The carving was so well done that one could almost detect his thrusting into her.  Realizing that I was looking at this carving for far too long, a smile crept across my face.  I hadn’t even opened the door and I could tell this was my kind of place.

I pulled the door open and stepped inside to see the darkened, but crowded room chattering away.  I stood there for a moment as my eyes adjusted, and a few heads turned my way.  I let them work over me in my tight blue jeans, but I was sure my push up bra, and not me, was the star of this show.  Thinking I could see a few familiar shapes among the bodies before me I began to glide over to the bar scanning the room as I went.  Now let’s just hope a girl can get a decent whisky here…
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jeanona31 on July 11, 2012, 07:12:54 PM
OMG, Oh what is this ??!!  I heard rumors about this bar but thought that they were just rumors.
I wondered where my fellows country guys disappear every night ..Today, just when I was able to complete the hats they were gone again.. ::)While opening the door trying to recognize familiar song someone is playing, sounds good ... I stop for a moment, oh what a crowd..nice!
Some danced, others are bitter discussed in pairs..I see Lover, it seems as he worried that the ladies around him feel as comfortable as possible - saying something to a girl while his hands fumbling around her buttons. Perhaps a little too concerned about her comfort - well guess he think It's too hot  ;)

Some folks gathered around some kind of mechanical bull ,laughing, whistling, shouting, I bent a little neck wondering what would it be so interesting...a girl was riding a bull, woow seems amazing easy - probably it's easy for her. Well I certainly won't try that thing ::)
So ..It looks like everyone are in a really good mood, maybe a lot of punch or beers which are relentlessly serving to all. The guy next to the bar shouted another round for all - which is accompanied with loud approval..
Who is he ?! I moved a step or two ... It's Trek and Jayc with him too, the guys who started all this on my face. :)

My attention was attracted by the girl in the corner, she looks familiar - Is that Brandy !? She is laughing, seems enjoying the company some guys. Her hand rested on the naked chest of one of the boys- oh aren't they my country fellows  :o - well  I should guessed... If you want to find them you only need to find Brandy ;D
 I see now, Achat  bar, girls, boys- when Brendy imagine something she must achieve that - don't ask me how.
But don't they play here ?! ::) No , obviously not right now - Their eyes were glued to Brandy seemed like playing is the last thing that would be interested in. But who is playing then ?? I slowly moved to another corner and trying to discover the mystery of musicians who are playing now - the music in which I - just noticed, enjoy the whole time. I saw some more familiar faces around.. Mooncalf, HB, Adera , Az too.. Covems ...Oh biting my lips - wondering how I missed the place until now ...

Heeey What ...  Tight playing guitar and Bear playing the harmonica.... some folks around them are singing - they were all entranced..Okaaaay what is enough it is enough - I turned and went out to the car, pulled out my guitar and a bunch of hats, for whom? for what?
Maybe I do not know to play as good as these two tuff guys, but I can feel the rhythm here, every bit - not bad for a start.Then we will see what will be...
Came back to the bar ,I stood in the same corner smiling to myself  then I threw all the hats in the air-they flew in all directions .I still smile, saying - I heard you're missing some hats !!  :) :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Azrielle on July 11, 2012, 11:17:29 PM
Looking like she's had one too many cream filled donuts... or swallowed a self inflating basketball... of all things, the Chief of Police steps up to the microphone...

"Heya! Did ya hear the one about the Circus peformers who started a brothel? (BURP!)... Oops! Excuse me... hehehe" She says with a bright smile.

"They all used to be known to peform a cunning array of stunts. Hehehehe..." She says before waddling away from the open mic.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on July 12, 2012, 12:20:56 AM
Helping the chief of police off the stage i return to the microphone hey folks! just a few anoucements then we will get the country boys back up here. reaching into my shirt pocket i unfold a piece of paper.........ok management would like to thank you all for making this place a big hit. whistles and cheers. business is so good they have turned the basement into a gaming parlor with pool, darts and a smaller bar and some poker tables. whistles and cheers  and backgammon and cribbage sets are availble at the main bar to play anywhere. whistles and cheeers lets keep the betting low key  please i point to the chief of police. ok ok one last item.........

 I  nod at lover who takes over. on cue the music starts  the evil emperor theme from star wars, a spot light points to the bar entrance, Lovers voice booms ladies and gentlemanturn please turn your attention to the door, from the the rain forests of China at 350 pounds and a hight of 5 foot and 9 inchs and a undefeated record of 16 victories, the bamboo brawler!  the beast from the east!............PACHACUTI !!!!!!! Stone leads the docile giant panda into the bar who seems more interested in the salad bar than sumo wrestling. who dares to step in to the circle? come find out this saturday. push him out of the circle and drink here for free for 6 months, and get your picture on the wall. the muisic fades then "do the pachacuti" song comes on....... laughing hard as i spot  Brandy and my Stone showing  a group of people how to do the dance and singing along to the tune.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 12, 2012, 03:13:06 AM
I can't stop staring at that misterious girl.......there is something so familiar in her! Strange, even if i had bad memory for names, it's really hard i can forget a face! Inside me, i feel the urge to fix her espression on paper couse i had never had seen an angelic face like that whit a sad espression like that......peoples are laughing, drinking and singing but she is not enjoing this and i wonder why!

I move away my eyes from her for an istant, just the time to take my pencil and my sketchbook, but when i look again at her she is vanished, like a ghost.....i look around but i can't see her! i see lot of friends, but no sign of her.....maybe it was just a day dream!? I run outside but no one is there.....same in the bathroom (crap, that girl had give me a really hard slap after i jump in front of her asking "Hey, had you seen a girl in black latex gloves and black dress whit dark grey branches on it!?"!  :-[) and on the dance floor.....maybe i had lost her forever! how unlucky i am!

Even she is not here, she had left something inside me.....i can feel it clearly, her sadness is in my heart now and i will never forget about her!
I'll take an hat throwed by jeanona and i wear it to hide my tears.....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on July 12, 2012, 01:24:07 PM
As I sit back in my chair between riders, swigging my fresh beer from Brandy, I've come to realize one thing.  The ladies tip for slowing it down or speeding it up.  Regardless of how long they stay on, they all leave with a smile.  The thing they don't realize is that that bull is at just the right height to give me a glorious view of the assets that they have.  I'll admit, I might have touched a few bums while helping them mount the mechanical beast.  Apparently, they didn't mind.   Now that Brandy has had her turn, I'll need to reset it for the next rider.  There is one lady at the bar I wouldn't mind seeing ride.  She appears to be drawing or writing something.  Which reminds me, I need to make my song request.  "Stay With Me - Josh Gracin"  That song moves me heart and soul and takes me back to a love I once knew.   No time for sentiments, the next riders walks up, plants a kiss on my cheek and mounts it like she's ridden before.  Time to rock it. 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on July 13, 2012, 12:53:50 PM
I quickly get off my stool as I see Jeanona enter the bar with a gutar in her hands. before she can slip away in the crowd, i grab her arm and pull her on stage. While the music dies down a little, I grab the mic.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present a beautiful lady from the soutf of Europe, besides her skills as a designer, she plays a mean tune as well. Give a hand to the beatiful Jeanona!"

The crowd applauds and I see the blush on Jeanona's cheeks as I lift her on top off the stool. Making use of the attention focussing on her, I slip off the stage and head to the bar. I wink at Stone as I order an ale and a big glass of water and ice. With the beer in my right hand, I slip my fingers of my left hand in the cold water to cool the tips off from speeding up and down my guitar, preventing blistering. The first notes echo through the room as jeanona starts to play and for the first time I have a chance to look around.

After a couple of sips of cook beer, quenching my thirst, I stroll towards the mechanical bull and tap JD on his shoulder.
"I hope this beast is not just for ladies..."
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 13, 2012, 02:04:51 PM
mmmmmmmm  Jeanona is playing a great tune ... as I approach the stage I ask her if she knows " Stand by your man" ... well i missed Wednesdays Karoke  so may as well give the voice a try out  lol  ...

I see Tight walking towards the Bull and raise my fist in triump , (mmm , careful you may get saddle sore in your birthday suit trousers)  ..." good to see you are giving it a try, if you last more than 8 seconds i'll buy you a special Brandy punch " 

I wink at JD ..  hoping we will have an understanding that he'll get the punch instead  ;D  and signal 5 covertly to him.

As I start to sing .. I see Christi walk in with her riding crop and wearing tight jeans in her leather top, the guys ALWAYS like that top  :o ... up for her usual  whiskey no doubt....  and Pachucuti chomping happily on the salad ... mmmm  thats reminds me ... I seem to have a bear muzzle in my back pocket ...

Singing and walking round the floor I sway to the music as a few join in  and move in on my target man ... it is Friday .. and well ... I can see his attraction mmmm..  I begin to dance before him and direct the words of  the song towards  him , picking up his hand and gently kissing his taped fingers ...
"I hear you like riding?"  I whisper in between the words as the music plays ... He smiles , mentions something about he does but had lost his hat .. bit hard to hear in the noisy room ... I smile at him and continue the song the next pause .. " If you like a bit of adventure, I hear theres an empty poker room in the basement ... "   and with that I continue singing , making my way back to the stage ..  passing Christie on the way.. winking and paying for her whiskey .. " Allow me"  and as i jump back on stage .. the last of the song is finished. I bow to the cheers and applauds and look around ...

Covems ... throwing the mike to him,  good to see you are joining in the Friday night theme too :)   Your're up next .... ;D

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on July 13, 2012, 02:14:44 PM

Sorry Miss Brandy... I ain't much for singin' right now...

I call the bartender over...  "Another sarsaparilla, please."  I ask, "And make it a double."
The bartender replies... "Got troubles?" 
"May I ask you something?"  I ask.
"I've been stuck in here for days.  It's a long story, but since I have time...   You see... way back in early March, when I was strolling the streets of AChat as a lowly "free user", I was conducting a survey for "The Two Crazy Ladies", that was posted somewhere in the forum by one of the aforementioned crazy ladies.  I had a set of questions I was asking... they were about time... just to get an idea of how "free users" were treated. 

Anyway... to make a long story short.  I stopped by one particular person... (oh, let me tell you, she was so pretty) I asked her the question and we actually had a small chat.  She had and still has a "spouse", but she was so nice to me that I sent her a message when she was off line, thanking her for being so nice.

She sent me a reply that had just one word.  "KISS"   When I read it, my entire body went limp and I had a schoolboy "crush" daze about me.

Anyway... I kept that message.  I started every AChat session with that "KISS"... that is until a few days ago.  You see... I was deleting some messages and... HORRORS!!!  I inadvertantly deleted that one... * deep sigh *  I had that "KISS" since March 11th and now it's gone.

I took it upon myself to boldly ask her for another "KISS".  In my message explained what had happened, how I foolishly let that "KISS" slip into the delete bin.  Now, I have to wait.  If I'm on when she comes on and she sends me the "KISS" while I'm on I won't be able to save it.  So you see my dilemma... I can not be on AChat... oh, I have a couple of friends watching to see if she goes on AChat, and I pop in for a minute to see if there are any messages, but I can not stay on.  So... Is it alright if I wait here?  I could sweep up if you need some help."
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on July 13, 2012, 05:04:26 PM
Pantless Fridays at the AB&G.... and I make a mental note not to attempt to ride the bull till Saturday.

The place is picking up steam as more and more join in.
With Jeanona seranading the house... I toss down a boilermaker... order up a bottle of my special brew amd look to Lover busy helping the ladies readjust their tops after their rides... seems to take awhile though with each. In fact, they often look more disheveled then before.

JD focused on his taks... he seems to pay close attention to those ladies riding... good man there. Though the way he is licking his lips... he may get them chapped before the night is through.

There on the dance floor Jayc and Stone locked hip to hip...  hell, evn the fast dances they're hip to hip....

Someone asks about food, and I answer "BBQ out back,... ice cream and other treats about... and then there's the sald bar." tossin my thumb in gesture towards it. The young man gives me a worried look... then mutters something about the bbq sounding better at the moment.  I glance to the sald bar... wonder if the fact of the panda  sitting in the middle of it having anything to do about that decision.

I catch sight of the NSPD at the donut machine,... make a mental note to buy Azrielle a joke book for her baby shower.

The crowd slightly parts... and there is Christy... looking HAWT in that outfit.... I signal the barmaid telling her to set up a shot for my friend quick...  top shelf only.

Jeanona's voice fades... and a new singer starts.  I have to smile... never knew Brandy could carry a tune like that. I settle against the bar,... feeling a bit conspicuous, pantless as she approaches. Attenative as she seranades me.. and issues her challenge. Eyes following her as  I eye the bear muzzle in her pocket... understanding  the potential consequences of losing to her in that card game for the return of my hat.

Oh, this night is just beginning...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jeanona31 on July 13, 2012, 08:02:25 PM
Oh that guy Tight, he always makes me trouble and as always gone
out of my sight -  right on time guy ! ;)
Who said that I need attention and announcing loudly.!! And why I can never be angry at him longer than two minutes. I thought just quietly at some point to join them on stage, what do I do now !!??

My heart is pounding, my hands are shaking... Oh God no ... my fingers are frozen...
how to play, which song ... everything is disappeared from my head, as it for the first time I'm holding guitar.
I said to myself: " Come on girl sort it out, you aren't at Gibson Amphitheatre and  besides there are  just friends and familiar faces around you".

I looked in panic at Bear asking for support, thinking that maybe he will at least start a tune.... But noooo  :o
He just tipped his hat, smiled mischievously and joined Tight at the bar. ( guess he is still a bit angry cause of cowboy boots ) Oh thank you, thank you guys so incredibly very much !!!

Suddenly Brandy  approached me, thank God  salvation in the last minute, she says do you know
" Stand by your man"?? - big smile on my face, "Oh girl there is no better song to ask me,
that one is one of the my favorite - forever.
Christin is whistled, giving us her support .. wondering how she knows to whistle like that ....
Henntai threw a kiss .. Lover sent us winks...Thought oh how could I be worried even for a moment when they are here ...

I started to play... and Brandy began ...

♥♥ Sometimes it's hard to be a woman ♥♥
       Giving all your love to just one man
       You'll have bad times and he'll have good times
       Doing things that you don't understand
       But if you love him you'll forgive him
       Even though he's hard to understand
                             And if you love him
                             Oh be proud of him cause after all he's just a man
                             Stand by your man give him two arms to cling to
                             And something warm to come to when nights are cold and lonely
                             Stand by your man and tell the world you love him
                             Keep giving all the love you can...

Wow  immortal song .... love you Tammy - thanks for singing sweet Brandy...

Finally the lazy guys from Achat -band show up on the scene ... good. . now I can explore a bit further and enjoy this place ..

Oh what a place  ...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 13, 2012, 09:41:56 PM
mmmmm  Covems seems a little sad as I see him chatting to Bar tender whos nodding his head in sympathy as he drys a whiskey glass with a red checked cloth... and turns to refill Covems glass.  I see that girl Eva moving towards him , still a bit stiff in her movements ... must have been on the bucking bronco a few too many times..   I look round and see the beautiful girl in her pretty dress and smile at her,  dancing away .. " Adera , I've seen you eyeing the men up ...  looking for salutes mmm - you go girl " ;D

About time, Jayc and Stone peeled away from each other ... " Hey Jayc over here, Adera -  a song for you  both" , I throw a mic to both .. as the band starts to play Jayc in ...   "We got tonight . "   ( Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton ) "Do you know each other?   Jayc, Adera  - Adera ,Jayc  .. your on.. " hehe

Stone smiles and claps,  cheering them both on..  as Jayc opens the song ...  Stunning baritone  ;)

I stand by Stone cheering and edging him on ...

"Hey, you seen Mooncalf ? "   I ask Stone leaning in so she can hear me..

" Out back, being lassoed " 

" Arr -  think shes a dab hand herself with a rope - that cowboy best watch out.. " 

Cheers erupt as Adera starts singing her part ... wow ... stunning voice ... 

I see Tight walking a bit stiff legged back towards the stage ... " Hey, How long did you last?      " 5 seconds "  He grumbled  "You?"

I grin .. " 8 "     Stone chimes in " 9"      Tight grumbles something about a fix but we didnt quite catch it as he moves away

Stone raises her eyebrows  " I think you owe JD a drink "
" Who me? "  I laugh

I back off towards the bar,  shrugging my shoulders with an innocent open hands gesture grinning .. " as if i would do such a thing.. you wound me deeply " moving my hand to my heart.

Stone laughs out loud " Girl, sometimes you are as ugly as sin, "   

 I retort good naturedly , eyeing her very slender figure " And girl you are such a fat knacker "     We both burst out laughing ...  " I better get to the bar .. " What you having?"

" Couple of house beers for me and Jayc" 

" Coming right up"   I reach the bar and put my hand on Covem's shoulder  " Another Sarsparilla? "   He nods sadly  and I gently place a kiss on his cheek... " Dont be sad ... you never know whats round the corner .. "

I move to Eva who's looking a bit confused at the bar.  " Hey girl,  want another fruit punch? "  She nods " Hello Honey"..

 " See the guy at the end?  He just told me, you are the prettiest girl hes ever seen , but is too shy to ask you to dance... I think you should just be bold, and go right up and ask him"

" Hello baby" 

"That's a good opeing line"   I tell her .. I hand her a drink and as she approaches him  I'm sure I hear her say " Do you want to fuck?"  No,  surely must be my hearing ...

I move on to Jeanona, and compliment her on her playing ... "let me get you a drink, I got a few to order" .....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on July 13, 2012, 11:56:26 PM
Jumping down from the stage i return to our table. how did i do? i ask ...........cant believe i just did that. Stone gives me a so so hand gesture. "Brandy is getting us fresh beers,a reward for your perfomance"  i hope just beers  another glass of that punch  i will need an eye patch to see straight  as i finnish off my glass. the fruity orange taste hits my taste buds followed by a mule kick of  alcohol........gawd dammmmm is it just me or did she boost the octane on this batch? Stone laughs and shrugs her shoulders. i spot Brandy at the bar talking to  that women who came in by herself........Eva i think her name is. i lean into stone hey you see that women with Brandy? she nods, have you talked to her? "just in passing" stone responds. cant put my finger on it but there is something strange about her. Lover comes on and welcomes the country boys to the stage. they open with a good texas style boogie.

If you see me walkin down the line
With my favrite honky tonk in mind,
Well, I'll be here around suppertime
With my can of dinner and a bunch of fine.

Beer drinkers and hell raisers, yeah.
Uh-huh-huh, baby, don't you wanna come with me?

The crowd gets loud when the band gets right,
Steel guitar cryin through the night.
Yeah, tryn to cover up the corner fight
But evrythings cool cause theys just tight.

Beer drinkers and hell raisers, yeah.
Huh, baby, don't you wanna come with me?
Ah, play it boy.

The joint was jumpin like a cat on hot tin.
Lord, I thought the floor was gonna give in.
Soundin a lot like a house congressional
Cause were experimental and professional.

Beer drinkers, hell raisers, yeah.
Well, baby, don't you wanna come with me?

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on July 14, 2012, 04:12:04 AM

*rushing up to the bartender*
"I GOT IT!!!  I GOT IT!!!  I GOT IT!!! 

Not just a KISS but a
And... get this... There were more kisses!  From real ladies!!
I'm so happy I want to sing!!"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on July 14, 2012, 04:15:39 AM
Out there... There's a world outside of Yonkers.  Way out there beyond this hick town, Barnaby... There's a slick town, Barnaby.  Out there... Full of shine and full of sparkle... Close your eyes and see it glisten, Barnaby... Listen, Barnaby... Put on your Sunday clothes, There's lots of world out there.  Get out the brillantine and dime cigars.  We're gonna find adventure in the evening air.  Girls in white in a perfumed night... Where the lights are bright as the stars!  Put on your Sunday clothes, we're gonna ride through town... In one of those new horsedrawn open cars.  We'll see the shows at Delmonicos...And we'll close the town in a whirl.  And we won't come home until we've kissed a girl.    We wanna take New York by Storm!  We'll join the Astors... At Tony Pastor's... And this I'm positive of... That we won't come home... No we won't come home... No we won't come home until we fall in love!!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Eva_RG on July 15, 2012, 07:50:14 AM
Imputting..... room - wooden floors, tables, vessels containing liquid , zooming in --- alcohol, sugar, fruit, fizz -  has effect on making sex creatures frivolous .  Panning round - lots of sex creatures.

Imputting bull .. zooming in --- no intelligence detected, sex creatures toy for stimulation and flying through the air. No threat.

Imputting panda -- living salad creature, happy when eating and sitting. No threat.

Imputting square wooden floor --- sex creatures moving funny to sound.  Moving to floor... imputting movements. 

Registering -  side step, left foot behind right foot, bend knees, straighten knees, left foot back to original position, right foot behind left foot, bend knees, straighten knees, right foot back to original position and repeat. 

Copy movements. 

Imputting .. sex creatures move mouth lips up and show  teeth.   Copy movements

Dancing, smiling --- Good Imput.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on July 15, 2012, 11:02:32 AM
Just out for a sunny Sunday afternoon with my sweet lady (TangoJane)  drive Pink Floyd blasting (wish you where here). her hand rests on my thigh she turns and says" could do with so food soon" I turn and answer" i'v heard good things about the Bar & Grill that just opened recently"
with a big smile Jane answer " MMM sound's good to me my love " and rubs my thigh higher.
5 mins later we pull up out side I see some cars out side that I recognize from my patrols. Open the door and help Jane out of the car puts an arm around her and we walk to the door. Walks in and looks around see a table and leads Jane over to it and set her down lean down and kiss her whisper in her ear "coke my love" she looks up and smiles "that all i can have " with a little jiggle (rubs her belly) walks to the bar and orders a glass of coke and a beer for me. pay for them and return to the table we set and watch the room.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: christinak on July 15, 2012, 03:34:29 PM
As I approach the bar I’m met by a familiar face.  “Two shots of whatever whisky the lady would like.  Make sure it’s top shelf.”  Came the familiar voice of Bear.  I flash him a quick smile from the corner of my mouth and I catch his eye running between mine and my chest. 
Placing my new riding crop on the bar, “Glenfiddich neat.”,  I say turning back to the bartender, who gives an approving nod and produces two glasses from behind the bar and with the other hand begins to pour a drink for me and my sudden bar mate.

Making a little small talk with Bear I am struck by how handsome he is.  When his eyes meet mine I can see short sparks of the dim bar light in them.  Looking over his muscular broad shoulders I can see what looks like a mechanical bull.  “Is that what I think it is?”  I say pointing past him.
Turning around and looking at what had gotten my attention, he returns his gaze to me and nods with an affirming “Mmmhmmm”.   
I’d have to remember that.  I’d never been on a mechanical bull, but it looked like fun.  Turning my attention to the stage I see another friendly face.  Brandy gave me a quick knowing smile and a wink while glancing over at Bear.  I knew what she meant.  We had made plans about this but had not acted on them because we were waiting on the right moment.  But now seemed the perfect time.  I returned the wink and found the ladies room with my eyes to signal that we would meet there to start our adventure. 

Returning my attention back to Bear I continue to make small talk before asking, is there a juke box here?  He reached down the bar and pushed a clipboard in front of me.  “Requests” was written on the header of the page.  Lots of good songs, the ones already played had been crossed out.  But there were still enough ahead of me that I would have time to meet with Brandy and get our plans finalized before the real fun would begin.  I had been watching Bear’s eyes to see if he was aware of our subtle communication but saw nothing.  If he was aware, he wasn’t showing it.  Not that it mattered anyway.  He’d find out soon enough. 

Now back to that list, something appropriate to what we had in mind and that Brandy and I would both recognize.  My writing hand swirling above the paper as I thought and finally, as I began to make a devious smile, I wrote on the paper:

I hate myself for loving you  –Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on July 15, 2012, 06:30:49 PM
notes from sat. nite
I don my wrestling attire just some cut off jeans and a t-shirt and head for the bear pit. since no one elsed has signed up i will take him on alone. but whats this? Brandy in fighting attire some daisy dukes and a skimpy tee. waiting for me, she offers to help me battle the spotted brute. we enter the pit arms raised to jeers and cheers. Stone in Pachacutis corner rubbing his shoulders and adjusting his muzzle. JD wearing a striped shirt will ref the match. watch out for his paws i warn Brandy, pandas can grasp things  only bears that can do that. as lover introduces the combatants Brandy asks what do  we do exactly?  not sure yet gonna have to play it by ear.............just have to lure him out of the circle some how. Moon calf rings the bell...........Pachcuti moves into the center and sits cocking his head at us as we move in.i move in from behind and try to get him to stand up or move. thats not woking Brandy yells over the laughter at my feeble attempt to up root the beast, i hear a note played from a flute somewhere.............Pachacuti gets to his feet and drags me by the scruff of my neck to to the outer circle. i protest to JD who is having none of it  blows his whistle and gives me the your otta here gesture. i hear the flute again......the panda lopes over to a wide eyed Brandy and embraces  her and brings her to the floor, the crowds roars in laughter.  ref ref ref cmon  i yell at JD who talking to a lovely young lady. all Brandy can do is scratch the bears ears which he seems to be enjoying............then i spot it  Stone has the flute. she sees me staring and the flute dissapears..........hmmmmmmmmmmmmm so thats how she does it  my eyes dart back  no Stone in sight but i hear the flute, the bears grabs brandy and begins to pull her out of the circle, Brandy laughing so hard unable to resist get pushed out. JD now paying attention again calls for the bell and raises the pandas  paw in victory. "do the pachcuti" come on the P.A. system as Stone leads the crowd in the dance. helping Brandy to her feet  i inform her  we have been had. lets get a beer, we should protest to the achat bear wrestling commision i grumble as we head to the bar. well atleast we drink free for the rest of the night
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 15, 2012, 07:45:20 PM
Still breathless from my bear fight with Pachacuti, and laughing so hard at Jayc’s demise in the ring, especially as he hasn’t realised yet there is a massive split in his shorts.. we have a consolatory drink together,

Strategically making sure he faces the bar as I chat with him, so the ladies can all gaze at their  leisure  at his lovely derriere.... well ...a girls got to do what a girls got to do for the good of the community.. ;D

I catch Stone’s eye and whilst Jayc’s attention is elsewhere ... I wave a finger at her and shake my head, indicating she owes me one..  She grins back and silently agrees..

I see Christie alone at the bar and nod to visit the Ladies. She sees it loud a clear and I see her head off in that direction. 

As I begin to make my way there, I pass Tangoracer and his good lady  ...  “well it’s good to see you both here; I hear congratulations are in order “..  I clink my glass with Tangojanes ...  “To  Tangobabyracer ...  may you grow as beautiful as your Mom and wrap big Tango round your little finger ... “   I wink at the Tangos and head off to my meet.

I find Christie waiting doing her lip stick up, not that she needs it ... she’s a stunning woman.

“Hey girl, it’s good to see you again.” I hug her with genuine affection..  “  Glenfiddich’s good .. Still got a few bottles from Scotland last time I was up there ...  there’s one with your name on it...”
She grins back at the thought of a whole bottle to herself. 

  “ We alone in here? “  she nods ..  I continue ....

“I was in the Dungeon, a while back  ...  looking at all your equipment ... damm scary place  ...  when I heard one of your counterparts taking a class ...  and discussing your creeds stuff ...  mighty interesting ..  anyway  my ears pricked up when I heard my name and  that I thought  some people on here were of less importance than I considered myself..

One is a friend of mine, who’s a very good singer, likes to unbutton her top alot and very good at anagram’s...  luckily she was not perturbed by such a wrongful notion....

But.... such a presumption  & stain on my charachter cannot go unpunished , I feel ,   and ,  could have hurt  people’s feelings. “
I grin mischievously.....  “ And  this is where  you come in .....  and maybe  Norwich’s photographer .....

Suddenly my attention is drawn to a paper lying on the counter by the mirror ... I see its the list  of songs for the jukebox and note, the last entry ...

 " Yours ? "   Christie  nods  and I  grin back  ...  " Its a great song  but  I have two better ... "  I grab a pen and add

 WHATS LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT ...  Tina turner
 SWEET VICTORY ... David Glen Eisley

" To wild hearts " clinking my glass to hers in toast.   We grin at each other ...   

" Anyway  I digress ....   As I was saying ..... "

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on July 16, 2012, 05:33:36 AM
Thanks Brandy for her lovely toast to tangobabyracer
Turn's and watches her lovely shaped body walk to the lady's
Turns to my man smiles and say's "she is lovely"(winks)"think we will have to start coming here often"
Tango "Yes i think we will" having just watched the wrestling and haven't laughed like that fora long time.
"Yes i answer it was good " looks over at tango give a wicked smile "May be one night you can have a go and get the beast to move " heheehe and giggles
see the jukebox mmmmmm
gets up and walks over (feels lots of eyes following me) stands and reads the play list.
turns to tango and taps my pocket he gets up and brings me over same money.I kiss him and push him back towards his seat he turns and walks back.
putting the money in the jukebox smiles and my first song starts (Guns N Roses Sweet child of mine) turns and see a big smile from tango puts to more rock song on and walks back to tango takes his hand and pulls him to the dance floor.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 16, 2012, 05:56:12 AM
My plan outlined to Christie, with her very interesting add ins, we both burst out laughing .... 

“Be an interesting image to hang in your Dom hall as a reminder about presuming a person’s thoughts  and possible realignment..... “    I conclude...  ;)
“It would indeed” Christie agrees .

 We both take a moment to ponder the image.  We drink from our glasses and I put my arm round her shoulders in friendship, “You know, I nearly got him once.. “  I remember wistfully.. “But unfortunately St George and the Fates decided against it “

“I might just recruit Adera  & Blu for this,”  Christie muses.
We shake on our plan and leave the Ladies separately.

 I make my way to Stone, “Did you make the item I asked for? “
“Of course .. I have it here” She delves in her bag and hands me a package and I pay her the agreed price.
 “You know this,” I shake the package in my fist, grinning from ear to ear, a twinkle in my eyes   “this is the best money I ever spent “
“ Brandy, Brandy ... you have that sin look again.. “  Stone shakes her head.

I laugh, “And the flute thing with Pachacuti ...  what did Jayc do to deserve that? “
She smiles. “That’s for me to know.. “ 

 I nod.  “ I think, I like your style...  Changing the subject .. You still got that flute handy? “
Stone shows me the secret compartment in her bag and there inside is the golden flute.

“I’m, calling in that favour you owe me, “I smile “I’ll let you know when I need you ... oh and bring  Pachi  “
“ No problem ...  what are you up too? “ Stone looks puzzled.
“ Let’s  just say ... it ...  takes a bear  to catch a Bear.. “   I laugh as, I move away from her.

I move over to the bar, wearing the well worn, hooved battered and brand less hat.. But very dear to the Harmonica player..  He’s there sipping his special brand.

“I hear your missing your hat”  I tease him.

He nods,  I look up at the pink one, he’s wearing..  Sucking my lips into my mouth and raising my eyebrows, trying not to smirk.

“ Want to win it back?”  I hold his eyes, my breath catches & my heart rate rockets a little in anticipation..  he’s one handsome and powerful man.

The bar tender moves in to serve me, diverting my attention and asks what I’d like ...  “  Do you serve hot tea here ?” I ask,”  No honey, I hate it in tea.. And whatever my good friend here is having “ 

 Bear nods to accept my  drink offer and states his preference .....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on July 16, 2012, 09:24:42 AM
Go's willing to the dance floor and takes my lady in my arm kisses her then bake away and get the air guitar and start to strum it hard.
Jane takes hers out and we stand in front of each other and play the life out of them and sings every word to her and the sweet bump.
The song ends i take Jane back in my arms and kiss her again
kisses her again as the next song plays out (Aerosmith  I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing)  holds her close and we dance in each others arms softly sings  tin the her ear as we dance.

the songs end and we return to our seats as we set Jane turns her head was a glint in her eye smile on her lips,
i turn head to see what or how she is looking at and see Branby walking across to the bar
i turn back to Jane smile and say "go and say hello i know you want to i'm that going anywhere" looks over at the bar where Brandy was and see she is already talking to same one turns back to Jane and she was gone.
turns back around looking for her and she's walking to the bar
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 16, 2012, 11:18:27 AM
It takes some minutes to feel better and when i'll take a look at the stage, i can see Jeanona holding her guitar and trembling a little: looking at this scene, i can't hold a little smile cause she look so pretty whit that hidden sacried expression......i blow her a kiss, to remind her how skilled she is and in the hope to give her some strenght for playing her song.....
When the music start, i'm really surprised.....the sound of the guitar is leading the wonderfull voice of Brandy perfectly and the performance is great! Afterall, i had allways think those girls are amazing and this is another proof about it.....girls, let me say i'm really proud to have you there on tha Bar & Grill and for the amazing work you had done to raise the temperature of the bar! mmmh, talking of hot temperature.....

I move to the bar to have a drink, maybe a cold beer.....perfect in an hot summer nigth to find some refreshment.....
"Hey bartender, a good beer and leave one for Medjai if he come tonight....i'll pay for him too!"
I look around and notice jeanona and Brendy at the opposite side of the counter having a drink whit some others well known face. I walk over them when i see brandy looking in my direction and ready to wave her hand to say me "wellcome".
I don't give her the time, making a sign to her to pretend not to notice me and i sneak on Jeanona's back, quietly laying the cold bottle on her naked shoulder, making her jump and turn to me.

"Mind if i join you for a drink my friend!?" i said smiling at her
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on July 16, 2012, 12:09:37 PM
Sitting at the bar mulling my defeat.........several women walk by  "looking good  jayc"  i nod smiling. sooooooo Stone has her revenge, was  waiting for something to happen..........very clever my dear. she vowed payback for me faking i was asleep while she got up early to tend to house hold chores. i see the flash of a camera behind me, turning around i see Stone walking away fast giggling puting the camera away. shrugging my shoulders..........WTF is going on?  noticing my shoe untied  i hop off the stool bend over to tie my shoe, a loud cheer comes from a table of women...hmmmmmmmm maybe they liked my stetson? or my AB & G tee shirt. i walk to the bathroom enjoying all the attention. in the bathroom i  wash up then i see ass hanging in the breeze.............OMG    Stone  Brandy  will i ever get the upper hand on these two? i walk back out to the bar shaking my head to loud cheers and head back to the bar i see JD  hey what did you do with my jeans? i need to change. "Stone has them"  he smirks  " looking good Jayc  he says in a girlish voice. where is she?  " i have no idea"  another smirk. then i hear her on the mic  "looking for these?" she taunts me. i get on the stage bested by these two cheeky birds the crowd cheers as i try to get my pants back "not so fast" she responds keeping me at a distance. getting on one knee i plead her for my pants  "thats better" she chimes in  "should i give them back?" she asks the crowd, getting the mic i reply how about i buy around for the bar? the crowd responds in my favor. Stone throws me my pants and bolts off the stage. i pick them up and mouth the word later to Stone smiling at her.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on July 16, 2012, 02:54:12 PM
Somehow that bull did more to my brain as I thought. I hit the railing when I was thrown off and before I can threaten JD to punch his lights out, a dizzy spell makes me wobble out of the ring. My look is blurry, the dimmed light in the bar doesn't help me find my eay easier either and I stumble through the crowd. Accidentally I bump into Bear and as he catches me and puts me back on my feet, his worried looks sends me over to the nearest table. I fall down on a chair, lean back against the wall and close my eyes..

*I'm standing on a balcony, high on a tower above a keep. The view is breath taking. Rolling hills, speckled with fields and forest, reach as far as the eye can see. The bluff on which the keep is built, hangs over a narrow, fast flowing river and the rumour of the water reaches even as high as my outlook.

The balcony is wide, surrounded by a cast-iron railing, a flower pattern woven into it. The wooden beam that lines the railing runs from wall to wall, almost caressing the semi-circeled balcony. A sudden whistle draws my attention away from the vast field of vision. I look over and find my friend, an old blackbird that was born in a nest built on the arched supports underneath the outlook.

Behind me are two large glass doors that give access to the large bedroom. In the center is an old oak bed, lined with pillars that hold up the draped ceiling  of burgundy red velvet. The matress is lined with white linnen and soft cotten sheets and beneath those sheats lays my Queen. When I slipped out to watch the sun rise, I left her warm, soft body behind, tucked in warm and safe, knowing she needs her sleep. But now, as I look out onto the fields and forest, where the first rays of the sun set the tree tops on fire with golden light, I wish she was by my side to enjoy the start of this glorious day..*

With a jerk I wake up. “whah.. where.. huh..?” I’m still sitting on my chair in the Achat bar&Grill but somehow it feels as if 2 days have passed. Slowly I come back to my senses while i try to cling to my dream for just a little longer. Hmm, I wish she was here.. I shrug my shoulders as my eyes get used to the dimmed lights and push myself off my chair. A bit unsteady I stumble to the bar, catching Bear and Brandy having a drink, a look on Brany’s eye I have seen before.

The crowd seems gone of the roof, I must have missed a lot of fun. Newcomers have arrived and apparently noone has left. I smile as the Bartender leans in, his eyes twisted as he tried to look down Brandy’s cleavage as well as look at me. I order two glasses of Brandy’s punch, down the first in a single gulp and as the burn spreads through my stomach, i do my little happy dance. Wide awake again and flying on a gentle buss, I grab my other glass of punch and head out to the dance floor. As I rtun into Tangoracer and TangoJane, i raise my hand in congrats. Then my hips start to move without being able to stop myself and soon I find myself immersed on the song that’s playing..
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 16, 2012, 07:47:10 PM
Leaving Bear to ponder the hat situation, ..."mmm It is a great hat " I tease and wink " And pink ... becomes you ", I move quickly , out of his reach grinning , to join a  few growing friends near the end of the bar ... I see Covems eyes transfixed on the dancefloor...

" She likes you know " I hint   " And I love that song  " Put on your Sunday Clothes ...  " Hello Dolly " right"?    Covems is looking a little vacant ...  The guy is besotted ...  I pour some vodka into his drink behind his back .. he just needs more dutch courage  ... ::)

Hentai joins us, teasing Jeanona with his cold drink on her back  lol ... " Hey girl " I greet him ..." you still looking after my sword ... one day ... I'm gonna get that back off you"   ;D

We mull over the juke box list ...  "I reckon we got to have .... Summer Lovin .. John Travolta & Oliver Newton John"  I muse sucking on the pen and as if on queue .. TangoJane arrives .. I part the crowd theatrically  " Lady with a baby .. comin through " ;D   putting my hand over hers on her tummy  and  sing  " Tango's ... Hopelessly devoted to you oo oo oo oooo "  ::)

I put my hands up in resignation .. " I know I know ... Its the way I tell em "     They all groan ,  " Ok Ok,  Covems I need Stand up lessons" I  laugh

" And"  To Tangojane " you can teach me air guitar ... always find those bum notes"   ... I look towards the dance floor " You lot going to dance?, I ask " I see Tight, Lover and JD shakin a mean leg down there, Why should Adera & Eva have all the fun ..."

 I put the list on the bar,  and amble over to the dance floor, pinching Tights fine ass as I pass him .. winking .. and move in front of Lover  " Hi ya,  heard you liked a good dance.. would you do me the honour? "  He smiles, takes me in his arms and swings me round the room....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Azrielle on July 17, 2012, 01:14:39 AM
Noticing there is once again an open microphone... I grab my trusty Thompson 12 sting and waddle towards the stage. With guitar pick in hand I look at the band members and off them an easy out with my first chord... the a light drum beat follows along with the bassplayer too.

(Mood Music: I wanna be your light - Heather Nova)
(and an original by yours truly)

I Have You - 2010

One of these days, my heart will start beating
Maybe tomorrow, my tears will stop bleeding
One of these days, What’s it all about?
And I say, I have something to believe in
I have you to come home to
It’s about me, It’s about you
It’s about missing each other in the gloom
Passing, fleeting, why can’t I see?
And I say, I have something to believe in
I have you to come home to

I start to lose control,
Don’t leave me to fall head over heels,
As the tolling bell peals,
you have the power over me

I dance upon the ceiling, with just your hello
Light up my eyes, no thoughts of trouble
we’re going out tonight, ticking like a time bomb
No fear, no tears, no cares. So why, oh why?
do you have to leave me alone?

Naked in the wind. Cold white skin.
Nipping at my heels. Draw me in.
there’s something in the wake of your smile
take a listen, he’s calling my name
I have you, come home; my heart to tame

I start to lose control,
Don’t leave me to fall head over heels,
As the tolling bell peals,
you have the power over me

Yesterday’s gone, my heart will start beating
It’s tomorrow, my tears will stop bleeding
Today is here, What’s it all about?
And I say, I have something to believe in
I have you to come home to...

From Across the stars in the sky... (fades to end...)

With the final chord the strings of the 12 string gently fall silent.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 17, 2012, 01:30:53 AM
Looking at Brendy and smile.....
"you want your sword back!? mmmmh, you have to win it in a choose which one and the rules and if you win i will give it back to you and do whatever you want for the rest of the night. but if i win, you have to go on stage and strip for us! did you think you are strong enough to accept this bet!?"
an evil and malicious smirk rise on my face, waiting for her answer
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on July 17, 2012, 11:19:39 AM
I squinch in response to Brandy's tease,... muttering "Real men wear Pink"  as she shashay's off... glance to the side at a young buck smiling smugly  amused at Barndy's taunt at my expense. . 

"Watchca you looking at puppy dog ?" Puffing my chest out  "Maybe... I do want to rope in an untamed colt like you and break him ... "  I give him a glaring staredown until he glances away.

Then reach down and grab the  biolermaker sitting on the bar and flag the bar maid, ordering  a drink for him...which should make him doubly nervous..."Besides...finding the right one who does look better in pink is half the fun... could be you bucko..."

I wander off, leaving those words behind me, half wanting to catch the expression when on him when that drink arrives... but knowing better. there on the dance floor and catch sight of that pretty lady in the club dress, timing the moment I cut in, grab Adera's hand and spin her slow into my arms as the music starts, moving with her to the rythmn of the music across the dance floor. The sly grin on my face as I add a bit moot to  the moment "May I have this dance?"

The sparkle in her eye says enough and we move in an odd combination of two step,.. with a bit of a tango thrown in...just because I love the hip contact... and any chance to tease in the moment. spin slowly as I look down on her. "You know there is a dress code here... you need something... hmmm...." I take the pink cowboy hat and place it on her.

"Better, much better..." then move again to the beat... at last spinning her slow into the arms of a younger buck before taking my leave.

I nervously glance around for my own hat... eying it still secured on Brandy's head. I need to keep an eye on that.  I sense evil designs in that one. Clueless as to her intent...and with so many pretty stetsons about, I worry that my hat will be carelessly tossed off to the side. Ratty old thing that it is... it is my pride. and joy.

Eying Pachacuti... hmm test old skills? Bear on bear action... I shake that thought off. Not on these knees a good cross wind in this moment would topple me over. Hard enough to avoid the bull. Boileermakers, bars  and bulls are a dangerous combination...especially when the testerone levels are challenged.

Now the pool tables in back... hmmm... there's an idea.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on July 17, 2012, 11:40:42 AM
I spot Stone pondering the the Jukebox. i approach her from behind  my hands grab her waist and i  rest my head on her shoulder. may i have this dance? i suggest i song and lead her  out on the dance floor for a slow dance. Eric Clapton begins to play and a few more couples join us

Wonderful Tonight"

It's late in the evening; she's wondering what clothes to wear.
She puts on her make-up and brushes her long blonde hair.
And then she asks me, "Do I look all right?"
And I say, "Yes, you look wonderful tonight."

We go to a party and everyone turns to see
This beautiful lady that's walking around with me.
And then she asks me, "Do you feel all right?"
And I say, "Yes, I feel wonderful tonight."

I feel wonderful because I see
The love light in your eyes.
And the wonder of it all
Is that you just don't realize how much I love you.

It's time to go home now and I've got an aching head,
So I give her the car keys and she helps me to bed.
And then I tell her, as I turn out the light,
I say, "My darling, you were wonderful tonight.
Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 17, 2012, 04:04:47 PM
As I look  at  HB, I see the wicked glint in her eye and for a fleeting moment I see a red  dragon upon her shoulder.. In the blink of an eye, it is gone ..mmm that tea must have been stronger than I thought, I shake my head to return my senses ..  mmm ... maybe next time .. I should try honey in it .. grimacing...

I look up and smile at Hentai's challenge ...  " mmm Well it is a great sword and I do want it back ...  I accept your offer.  The game ... is ...

 Who can stay on the bucking bronco the longest.

  If I do, you return my sword  and  draw me two pictures .. one will be a sign for the  Bar & Grill, the other .. I will tell you the subject later on.. and on your profile     ENGLISH FOOD TASTES BETTER THAN ITALIAN  for a week.

 If you win, I will do as you ask  ( gulping... I soooo cannot lose this challenge )  I stare her in the eyes ... no weakness seen.. only defiance.

JD will operate the bull ...   and ... Lover  can time our performances.    Do you agree the terms ?  "
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 17, 2012, 04:33:50 PM
I look at Brandy's eyes.....yes, i see the fire of the knight lighting up stronger: the old defeat don't had domed it and it still burning deeply in her.

"mmmh, dunno what did you have in mind for the second picture, but it sound's a deal, Brandy!"

I smirk at her and she answer me whit an evil sight.  "this is the brandy i know" i think "fierce and ready to engage a battle or a simple game!"

"ok, then......ledies first....did you feel ready!?"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on July 18, 2012, 01:58:57 AM
I come back on stage... "Now there is another wonderful act... I don't wanna talk too much but you must have seen it. No, you don't just SEE it... you have to experience it. It's unique - most of you never have seen it before. Is it art? Yes it is.Is it erotic? Ooooh yessss it is. It is fun? Yes.. perhpas it's not big fun for the persons in the front..hehe... but for the rest of us.

We need a second of silence please. And no lights... darkness...

In the background there is a big glass , big enough to dance inside. It's filled with champagne

( (

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Now let me proudly present you........ big applaud..... for the one and only
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on July 18, 2012, 09:02:13 AM
I've been running maintenance on the bull after Tights 4 second ride.  "Sorry dude, I was just carrying through with a..  um.. request that was made"  You see, here on the controls, there is the "Full Throttle" speed..  well.. many people don't know it goes just a little past that.  Almost to a speed where the bull starts to break apart.  "One of your close friends, *might* have slipped me a bill or two, to see how fast it could go.  I won't spill any names for now, but I tend to get  kind of "talk-ity" after I've had a few too many."  It's all in good clean fun.

A bull riding contest?  Now..  that.. sounds like fun.   Let's get it started!

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on July 18, 2012, 12:28:21 PM
After a great first visit my self and Tango come back for a second visit and bring a good friend (All_for_you) Karen.
We set at the same table as before so we can see the hole bar just as we all set Lover comes on stage and announces a new act to the stage.
After half an hour of being spellbound the show ends to a room full of cheers and whistles.
We send tango to the bar for some more drinks and he gets chatting with Brandy.
i turn to Karen with a smile " Have you seen who's at the bar"
She turns and a big  ;D comes across her face as she see who it is.
Tango comes back with a smile on his face and gives us our drinks
Karen with her Vodka & coke and me with my coke Tango sets with his beer.

JD take to the mike and announces the rodeo ball is open and ready to go
Tight is first up and only lasts 5 seconds land hard and gets a big cheer.
Karen looks over as Tight gets back to his feet and then sets back down
JD asks is there anyone out there to beat that time ??
I turn to Tango and say"your turn"
He looks at me eyes wide and say's "ok then"
I shout over to JD  "Tango's up next JD"
we all cheer as he gets up and takes his shirt off and walks over to the ball twisting his head from side to side. he gets to the ball and looks up at JD we watch him grab the handle and jumps on its back he looks over at JD and nods his head
The BALL spines and twists then bucks him off hard. We all turn to JD and wait for the time "12 seconds hahaha you can try again later"
Tango gets up shacks his head and put a hand up to thank the cheers
he sets back and downs his beer in one
Karen say's " you wont anuther one"and smiles  she gets up and walks over to the bar and stands right next to Tight.
I turn to Tango and nod my head in there direction he smiles and say's "looks like I will be getting that beer"
we set and watch more victims for JD ball cheering each one on and off the ball

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on July 18, 2012, 01:49:33 PM
Another busy night at the bar I see. Even the Superintendent of Police is singing between her donuts  and Blue's dancing is a complete knockout. I serve a few more drinks to new and old faces and pass pleasantries as I serve.

I see Jayc in the middle of the ladies again, good job he got his jeans back on, and he did give me the most romantic of dances.

Cheers erupt around the mechanical bull.  Looks like someone got 12 seconds.  A good time with JD in charge.

In a break from serving for a few moments, I wonder what Brandy has gotten me into. Well I guess I will find out soon enough.

I ring the bar bell to catch everyone's attention. 

"Ok fine Fellows, I need some strong muscle to build a firepit out back. All the materials have been delivered, I'll put a list on the corner of the bar for volunteers ...  goes without saying that you will be rewarded with free drinks and food for the night . And once its completed, romantic evenings and maybe fireworks of course "

A few come to the list immediately and I'm suddenly busy by an influx to the bar for drinks.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on July 18, 2012, 01:55:08 PM
Taking a break from the bull.. I jump on stage and step back up to the mic..  *tap tap..  "How does Brandy hold her liquor?" 

"By his ears"  LOL..  Winking at Brandy, I jump down..  sign up for the free beer and food.. I mean, the work on the firepit in the back.  "I'll be in the back if anybody wants to ride the bull"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 18, 2012, 02:04:02 PM
“ARHHhhhh, “  I groan at JD’s joke but I can’t help but laugh at his quip ...  I shake my head at him and blow a kiss in his direction.

 I see Bear head to the back pool room  ...  now that could be interesting...  think that’s where Christie has stored a few of her ...items .
I see Christie has noticed him too and we grin at each other across the room.  She approaches Adera and I see her suddenly smile at Christi’s words.

Blu seems busy doing an amazingly sexy, erotic dance on stage. She is enthralling, even Covems is transfixed on her.  The lighting showing her sensuous curves and the champagne glistening on her skin is a vision to behold in the giant semi globe.  I never knew you could even bend like that..  mmm  If I lose my bet, I’ll have some living up to do  to match that performance...

I nod to Stone to indicate I wanted her in the pool room with Pachi and her flute.  Christi and Adera have already clocked me going that way.

Bear’s bending over the table taking practice shots, the room empty but for him ... his tightly toned ass displayed in my direction. I take a moment to admire, muscular thighs, calves, trim waist, broad shoulders,  biceps ... leaning against the door jam ... mmm...  certainly a fine specimen.  The red ball hits the corner pocket and he breaks into my thoughts...

“ You looked enough yet? “  not even breaking off to look as he eyes another ball to shoot. His sixth sense is amazing, probably the untamed animal within...

  I  smile, cocking my head to one side,  carrying on my appraisal   “ No not yet ... “

He chuckles .. “ So what you got in mind for the return of my hat?”

I slowly and reluctantly move,  after one last lingering look... and  pick up a pool cue and chalk the end,   “Best of three ?   “

A slow smile forms on his mouth,  “ Seems a bit too easy to me”

“ You think?  You haven’t asked what I get yet if I win.... “

“ You won’t “  He grinned .    I nod smiling ....  the arrogance of the man so dammed attractive.....

He sets the balls up ....  The games about to begin ....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on July 18, 2012, 02:22:08 PM

I love to use my hands... build things.  Heading out to help with the firepit.

"Princess Miriabele helped free the Rabbit Emperor from the traps of Farmer MacKenzie.  Then she got the rabbits to help defend MacKenzie's farm from the evil trolls."  I say to no one.  "But it was the Battle of Heather Clearing against the trolls and Pyrates where she really shone." 

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 18, 2012, 02:57:29 PM
Seems like all the customers are fashinating from the show of Blue and i can't deny it is.......her sinuos body is now shining thanks to the champagne drops, who cover her skin and her red head are dancing in the air like snakes at every move she makes. Man she is really born to ipnotize peoples whit her sexy and charming body.....and of course her erotic appeal really help her!

No matter, women......everyone are staring at her, exploring every inch of her body, and of course i'm doing the same.....she is really grown from the first time she had enter in the eh!

but now i had to focus on the contest whit Brendy...."hey, someone had seen JD!? i need a little of practice!"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on July 18, 2012, 02:59:26 PM
On hearing the request for help with the fire pit i look at Jane and smile she say's " gone then "
I lean over and kiss her deeply walk over to the bar turns and blows a kiss to Blue and one up to Azrielle as she sings here sweet song
jet to the bar and ask "is this where you sign up for the Fire Pit"
Stone answer "yes you may as will go start out the back and held JD"
"Thanks i will do just that        and thanks again" I turn back to the bar and asks "can i have 2 beer please"
Stone servers the beers with a nice smile i put the money on the bar and take them out back .
walking from the coolness of the bar into the heat of the sun it takes my breath and have to squint my eyes from the brightness looks around and see JD over at a pile off rubble and walks over hands him one of the beers  and say "looks like we have our work cut out this afternoon"
we drink your beers and get on with it
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 18, 2012, 06:20:36 PM
 I get a coin out my pocket,  “ Tails you go first , Heads I do ... agreed? “
Bear nods his head; I smile as the coin flips in the air landing heads up on the pool table.  I shrug my shoulders at him and pick the coin up  popping it back in my pocket.  “ I win “   
Unknown to him the coin is double sided heads...  he couldn’t win the toss.

Still wearing my  Daisy duke shorts , skimpy  T shirt and buckled ankle boots I bend double near the table, wiggling a little to get comfortable, aiming my cue at the balls thinking , maybe Bear’s concentration  could be put under a little pressure too.  My chin almost resting on the cue as I take my time and shoot....

The first game goes well, Bear sees I’m  no floozy at it,  but he just pips me and victory is his.
He grins and I shrug at him ... “ It aint over yet Mr.. “

Christie and Adera walk in ... “Who’s winning?”   Christi asks.  I flick my head at Bear “ You might guess “ 

“ Ok if we’re up next after you?”  She asks.
“ Sure”  Bear says  “ Maybe I’ll play the winner of your game, this one shouldn’t take long... “

I bob my tongue out at him... “ just  rack the balls “  rolling my eyes.

Stone comes in with Pachi  “ Mind if we watch,  Its cool in here and Pachi needs to cool down  a bit”.

 The Panda sits in the corner by Stone munching his Bamboo sticks and salad quite happily and I wave her in

 “ Sure, I’m just about to show Bear how  to take defeat gracefully “
Bear  laughs softly and takes a swig of his beer.

He racks the balls, as Adera & Christie move behind him to sit down.

  Unseen by Bear, Adera  grabs a gimp mask  from a nearby shelf and hides it behind her back and Christie checks a back cupboard is easily accessible and grabs some leg binds , hiding them behind her too.

Stone sees this and ensures her flute is easily accessible in her bag.  I move behind him to look at that fine ass again.

 Tension fills the air a little but Bear continues with the task in hand. Once satisfied the balls are placed to his liking,  he takes the cue and bends double to take his shot.

Like lighting, I grab his cue and pull it behind him sliding it out of his grasp and throw it out the way, “ What the ...” he exclaims.

 In the same instance, Adera  jumps on his back before  he can straighten up, slipping the gimp mask over his head  and zipping it tight before his senses can react gripping him tight with her legs.

 Christi  places  the leg restraints  just above the knees and pulls tight and fastens the Velcro. 

Bear’s reactions kick in. His wrestling ability and strength awesome, He straightens  with Adera still on his back as Christie & I take his arms.

 He swings us round like rag dolls but we hang on determined in our task to restrain him.  He takes us to the floor and we grapple, his strength more than a match for us. Adera sits on him to pin him down but is bucked off a few times.

 Even blind and legs severely restricted, Bears display is impressive.

  I try and force  his arm in an arm lock as Christi tries the same ... 

“Stone,” I gasp..  “ We sure could do with some help here “  I look up and Stone is grinning standing by the door..  “ I think you ladies are doing just fine at the moment”

“ Stone, this isn’t a time ....”  Bear starts to try and stand  and my words are lost,

Adera is sitting on the floor, her short skirt up her waist.  Christie is still struggling with an arm as I am.

 He starts to overpower us just as I hear the sweet music of the flute.

Pachacuti  rises up and ambles over to Bear, ... stands behind him and locks him firmly in a head lock , still chewing his bamboo. Bear unable to move Pachi’s bulk,  not with the leg restraints and gimp mask on.

 Hes  fastened tight and recognises defeat. He  tries but after a few unsuccessful  attempts stops struggling.

  Christie, Adera and I  all bend double, breathing deeply .. out of breath but triumphant and grin at each other ...

“ Stone, what was all that about? Why’d you wait for?”  I laugh at her. “He nearly got the better of us.”

Stone grinned. “ I felt sorry for him, besides I was enjoying the show.. “

“ I could tell”  I go to the cupboard and fetch the stocks out and a knees mat.  Christi helps me put it on  Bears neck and wrists, whilst Adera  binds his thighs and ankles securely with leg restraints.

We all check  the restraints just to make sure, before  Stone plays the flute for Pachi to release his captive. He sets him down gently before returning to the corner for his bamboo and salad.
Christi & I make sure Bear kneels  carefully on the mat, knowing his knees aren’t what they should be.

“ Who wants to take the gimp mask off?” I ask.

“ It’s your show”  Adera grins  and adds  “ ... and funeral “

“ Thanks “ I mouth to her.

 A little nervously I unzip it and take it off.   Bear looks at me and I see the fire & threat flashing in his eyes...   

I cock my head on one side looking at him,  even like this .. he never has that look of a ... submissive .

I move a lock of hair from his forehead and grab the package I bought off Stone earlier  ... 

A leather black studded collar,  engraved on the centre plaque a Bear and  hanging delicately 5 stainless steel silver charms ...  A Panda, a Stone, a Bee, a Riding crop and a Short pretty dress .. handmade and very impressive.

As I fasten it round his neck, I lean forward and whisper in his ear ...

 “ Payback in full” and pull his hair to position his head and snog him deeply.

As I draw away,  “ And know this, these people here owed me ... it was my doing, not there’s”

To the others  “Think it’s time for a picture” as I set the timer for us all to stand around Bear. 
I take 4,  one of us all, including Pachi with our quarry ,  One of Bear on his own,  One of his collar and head and one  of my own with him.

I look at Christi & Adera, “ I think this is your territory now,” I laugh ...” I know it’s your pleasure (island ) and I got a date with a bull “

 I throw the keys at Christi for the stocks.

Setting Bear’s hat  back on my head, I say to Christi & Adera

  “ Do me a favour before you release him,  let me at least have a running start “ ....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on July 19, 2012, 01:02:06 AM
I test the binds, muscles cording tight,, but my perdicatment for the moment well written and all I can do is fume there bound eying Christy in defiance. "Just where you you wanted me girl, hope you are enjoying this. Cause I'll turn this on you some night." I licks my lips, now in anticpation of that test of wills, adding slowly. "You know that for a fact."

Christy scoffs at my threat, yet I can read in her eyes she understands I could if she lets her guard down.

Hope the bar enjoys  the show in the meantime, since it may be a few days before Christy makes up her mind.

The only positive.... at least I have my hat back.  For that I'll go thru hell.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 19, 2012, 06:54:35 AM
After some not so good try on the bull, i'll take a break and sit near the bull area, to rest a little and to enjoy something fresh....

After few time, i notice Brandy coming out from the pool room whit a satisfed sparkling light in her eyes. I can see her breathing hard and it's really hard don't paying attention at her messy clothes, a cliar sign about something had happend in the room.....and probably something it's going on, couse i can recognize Bear voice and Adera laughing whit another unknown girl.

Brandy is loocking back at the room, tempted to join again Adera and the other girl......she is biting nervously her lips, like she is trying to fight agains a strong desire whic is burning inside her, but at last, she turn back and walk away from the pool room till she join me near the bull.

"Looks like you had a fight whit a wild bear.....and, let me say this, i'm not sure you had win....." i said handing her a bottle of beer "take it, you really need a drink...."

"Something was hard but i had win..." she answer and after taking the bottle she drinks it all in one go. Some beer is sliding slowly from the side of her mouth ....down to the neck....mmmh, what an heavenly vision.....

I move closed......bow my head to her neck and gently lick the beer from it.....the scent of her sweaty skin is sweet and i can smell it for the first time. When she realize what is happening, i can see the fire in her eyes and i can't hold a malicious smile....i don't want to avoid her burning eyes, i'm not scarried and she have to understand it.

I gently fondle her messy hair and smiling "consider this like the begin of the hostility.....but if you wanna to retire, this is your last chance...."

Her expression have no change......she is determined and ready for the challenge, i can read it in her eyes and in her grin. mmmmh, even when she is angry she look so beautyful!

"ok, Bee, let's find Lover and then.....let the dance begin!"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on July 19, 2012, 07:09:41 AM
I move closed......bow my head to her nech and gently lick the bear from her neck..

LMAO  don't you dare edit that...

a small win in the prior sequence of events apparently.... ;)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 19, 2012, 08:17:30 AM
pardon, gentleman.......i mean beer! lool! licking a bear, it's  a bit hard and to much fur....ih ih!

I move closed......bow my head to her nech and gently lick the bear from her neck..

LMAO  don't you dare edit that...

a small win in the prior sequence of events apparently.... ;)

too late....just done it!   ::)

but don't worry......i can leave this like a trace of the original phrase!  :D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on July 19, 2012, 10:53:35 AM
pardon, gentleman.......i mean beer! lool! licking a bear, it's  a bit hard and to much fur....ih ih!

ROFL.....  :D

getting deeper and deeper there HB,... no fur I am shaved.  ;D

Stop blushing...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 19, 2012, 11:10:14 AM
eh eh eh......ok, now we need the proof or we don't believe you!   8)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on July 19, 2012, 11:29:51 AM
Let's see... I am bound  up... MIA until Christy's reurn Sunday...

hmmmph... like how am I stopping anyone from popping the jeans open and checking that out.  ::)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 19, 2012, 12:58:24 PM
Still slightly out of breath, leaving the pool room , I notice Stone and Pachi leaving after me.

Blu approaches me,  “ You seen Bear, we’re due on stage again in a bit?”

“ He got collared by someone to sort some (young)  min or   issues,.... think he’ll be tied up for a bit,... but he’s bound to be around later” I answer.

Blu returns to the other members of the band to reorganise their tunes.

I see a few strapping lads, Covems, Tangoracer & JD appear to be building out the back.. a firepit .. “nice idea “ I muse.

I make  my way to the Bucking Bronco and see HB who mentions  something about my tussled look, and hands  me a very welcome House beer  - Bear knuckle – mmm  very soothing on my parched throat.  As I stretch my neck and guzzle,  a trickle leaves the side of my mouth and I feel  HB lean in wickedly to trace her tongue along my neck... 

I stop drinking slowly looking into her Dragon eyes...   The  move obviously done purposely to unsettle me... I see the challenge in her gladiator eyes.

She ruffles my tussled hair and I suddenly grab her wrist, stilling her hand.

 Holding her gaze as I  slowly remove her hand and bring her hand to my lips sucking on her index finger , gently nibbling  and a final  warning nip with my teeth  ...

 “ Careful, who you mess with girl .. “  I warn, ensuring she is just as unsettled.

 I hold the words long enough to sink in to her startled brain, then grin suddenly ..

“ I believe I am up first ...  “   nodding to JD that his services were required when he was done  out the back  and to Lover ..  that I was more than ready for the challenge....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 19, 2012, 01:02:32 PM
i didnt write young  LMAO      young issues?  is sooooooooo not what I was saying ..    it was min   or    LMAO
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on July 19, 2012, 01:04:18 PM
I hear HB yell for me from inside the bar...  "Sorry racer and covems, I have to go for a bit.  I'll be back.. and I'll bring you both another beer with me. "  I meet up with HB.  It takes practice I tell HB.  Better luck next time.  I head back to the bar.. almost colliding with Brandy as she seemed in a hurry to leave.  She was breathing hard... and her clothes were quite in disarray.  I hear some voices in the back room, but too busy to  check it out, I head back out to the firepit and assist racer and covems.  Here's another brew, dudes.  Let's get this thing done before they close the bar.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on July 19, 2012, 01:16:10 PM
While I was away, Covems and Racer were able to assemble the firepit.  Awesome. this will keep things nice and toasty on cool nights.  I need to go get this Bull riding tournament started.  It was a pleasure working with you both.  With a hand shake and a clink of empty beer bottles.. i am back in the bar.  Brandy, a little upset at my earlier joke, plants a kiss on my cheek.  "You still owe me that dance,"  I tell her.  I give her a little push on her bum as she mounts the bull.  "Good luck" I yell over the humming of the mechanics she sits atop.  I move the switch to full throttle and take my stance to catch her if she falls too close to the controls.  "Ride 'em cowgirl!" 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on July 19, 2012, 01:32:13 PM
with my finger gun I aim at JD and pull my forefinger trigger, but with a smile on my lips, followed by a wink. Who can withstand the charmes of a bee when she's talking honey coated words and slipping a bill or two here and there. I had noticed brandy leaning into his ear a few times, each time the contestant flying off the bull particularly quickly.

I lean against the bar and enjoy a cold beer and the show Blue's giving, then I feel a wave of warmth wash over my body, the soft touch of a sensual body pressing into my side. I turn my head and look straight into the beautiful eyes of karen. I smile and kiss her straight on her lips as I pull her into a tight embrace. When my drifting lips reach her ear, I whisper softly into her shel"l

"Liking the show so far?"

Right at the moment, 'Don't talk, just kiss' by RightSaidFred starts and karen doesn't hesitate for a second. With her fingers in my hair, she pulls my face close to hers and snogs me deeply, not stopping until the song has finished.

Dazed I lean against the bar for a second, then with a smirky smile look at her.

You're pretty quick on your feet, aren't you? Wanna show me on the dancefloor?"

Without waiting for her answer, I grab her hand and pull her with me, not surprised with the lack of resistance..
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on July 19, 2012, 02:06:02 PM
As Bee is settling in on her ride, I glance over at Tight.. pointing my direction.  I get your drift man.  I have to be straight on this ride for her.. tournament and all.. but next time she's up.  Balls to the wall baby!  I crank the control slowly up..  the bull starts to move slowly.  Brandy has her eyes closed..  concentrating on the vibration between her legs.  I think to myself.  I hope she realizes this isn't a Sybian.  I crank the controls up more..  as the bull starts it rearing back, she grabs the saddle horn.  She raises her arm, holding on to her hat.  Her tight shirt barely containing the treasures it holds beneath.  Up more with the controls..  a steady pace.  I look over at Lover to make sure that his stop watch is going. 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on July 19, 2012, 02:30:48 PM
Steps back with Covems and looks at our handy work we shack hands and walk back to the bar.
we walk to the bar just to see Karen drag Tight to the dance floor
we lean at the bar and watch her move her body all round Tight's
Stone say's "Here you go boys good job the nights on the house"
we thank Stone and drink the free beer. i see Jane still siting and still giggling at the at the bull rides.
i walk over and kiss her sweet lips she kisses me back "is it all finished out the back"she asks "yes all ready to go " i answer
looks over to JD and waves a hand and points to the bull then to Jane
JD smiles and takes the mike " can we have a big hand for the next ride "all the bar stop and start to clap JD then says " give it up for Jane "
she hides her head in her hands and then gets up and walks over to the bull turns to JD and rubs her belly. JD looks at her and say "its ok Jane will take it easy on you"
i get up and help her on to the bull and till her " hold on tight" and slap her on the bum step away from the ball nod to to JD to tell him she's ready
it starts to spin and buck nice and slow
she raises her free hand over her head and shouts "YEEEEEE HAAAAAAA"
and the fulls of the side
JD hits the stop button and i rush over to help her to her feet
the bar claps as she get to her feet
she puts her hand up a waves to say she's ok
i take her hand and we go back to your seats
and watch the fun Karen start to dance with Tight again
blue walks over and asks Jane" can i still tango from you" she answers " his all your :) have fun"
blue grabs my hand and drugs me off to the dance floor
i spin her around and take her i my arms she moves in close and we move as one to the beat of the music
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on July 19, 2012, 02:58:25 PM

I get some kindling and some wood.
(  Lets try this thing out.
There is something about just sitting next to a fire.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on July 19, 2012, 03:24:36 PM
As i watch my man have a slow dance with a gorgeous red head i catch his eye a point to the back door he mouths " you wont me to come with you" I shack my head and put my hand up for him to stay there
I get up and walk out the back to see Covems has got a small fire going i ask " would you like a beer" he nods
I go to the bar and ask for a beer for Covems .Stone hands me a beer and a coke for my self and says "yours are on the house to"
i thank her and go back out to Covems   WOW thats going new i hand him his beer.
Looks around for a seat and see a log to set on
i set and start to watch the fire and chat with Covems
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 19, 2012, 04:46:19 PM
I take my boots off placing them by the controls.

 JD kindly helps me on the Bronco, his hands lingering a little longer on my slim waist and toned ass in tight denim shorts than was really necessary, but neither of us were complaining.

 I grip the saddle with my inner thighs and position my butt comfortably,  my right hand holds the horn and I take my hat in my left hand holding it above my head.

 My chest straining against my skimpy top.

 I notice a crowd beginning to gather round the pit to witness my efforts.
My heart beats fast in anticipation as the adrenalin courses through my veins, and my breath quickens. I concentrate to relax as my body recognises the tension of the moment and then I feel  the engine begin to slowly vibrate to life.  My favourite bit of the ride.

The bull moves slowly and I let myself sway with the rhythm as it turns and twists, rocking my body, one way then the other, then slowly  tipping, up and down, side to side. 
As the pace is quickened , my hair begins to fly around me, my head rolling,  breasts bouncing, my vision of the room blurring in the sudden twists and turns and dips.

  My thigh’s vice like grip helps me keep my saddle as a my butt bumps against the seat,  getting unseated more and more often  as JD cranks the controls up in higher  ratchets. 

Faster now, I get dangerously unseated and... more... by luck than judgement, the next turn allows me to return to a safe seating position.

 I shut my eyes trying to feel at one with the bucking machine, gripping tighter with my thighs and grip on the horn, both aching now with the constant strain on trained but untested muscles.

My body is thrown in different directions and is confusing to my balance.

Suddenly, I find the  saddle horn  ripped from my hand, my thighs losing their grip as one last violent bucking movement sends me flying through the air, my mind registering that the ride was over  and the need to relax my body and protect my head.  I lose the hat as my body slams into the sandy ground, winding me.

 I lay there a few moments getting my breath and senses back to normal.

As I lie there, I think, I have no idea how long I was on the bull such was my concentration on the ride.

“ Yehaw”  I whisper to myself  as I can already feel the ache of rebellion in my thighs.

  I sit  up slowly, realising , yet again, my top had riled up, revealing more than it was covering. I straighten my clothing and feel willing hands help me to my feet.
I see JD & Lover conferring to confirm my time and hope against hope it will be enough to save my dignity as I look at that threatening stage.

 As I exit the pit, I see HB just about to mount...  I grin at her and point at her with my index finger ,

 then my thumb pointing upwards and then turning it  anti clockwise towards the ground in the old recognised sign of  Rome dooming opponents.

As I take my ringside view, a kindly face, LittleSprout thrusts a beer in my hand... with a whiskey chaser...
“ Confident? “ 
“ Of course”  I  bluff.....  " Its about time you turned up girl ...  :)

She grins at me  and goes to pick my hat up nearby , hitting it against her thigh to clear it of sand.  She gives it to me  " Well  cant let you have all the fun, now can I ? "
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: LittleSprout on July 19, 2012, 05:52:40 PM
Ok, I guess it is my time to mosey up to the bar and request whatever is strongest...and keep em coming. A good country gal needs some hair on her chest...oh wait, hair on the chest, but gimmie your strongest. Finally a REAL bar, where cowboys don't wear ANYTHING under their chaps and where bucking bronco has more than one meaning.

Will just be sitting here at the bar if anyone wants to chat.  I really think this bar needs a pudding pit for pudding wrestling  ;D (for those of you not familiar with pudding...think custard).
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on July 20, 2012, 12:33:01 AM
home from work late, i see Stones note "working behind the bar tonite. come down and have dinner with me xxx Stone " i load the pick up with a load of fire wood and some old but functional lawn chairs, wash up and head for the bar. walking in i nod at the regulars, walking up to the bar i  hear Sprout thinking out loud  about strong drink.........try Brandys house wont be dissapointed. in some states you have to have a doctors note to drink it....... i smile at Stone and she smiles back and waves busy on the other side of the bar. a moment later she walks over with a beer for me and takes Sprouts order, bring her a punch chaser on me.  whens your break? in a few she responds. i see the fire pit has been set up...that was fast. Stone tells me JD Covems and Tango busted there asses all day and just got it finished. JD? does he ever go home? walked in and he is working the bull. gotta admire his dedication to this place. a cheer erupts for the bullriding pit.....whats going on over there? another contest  Stone shouts so i can hear her. anything else going on?  wheres Brandy? dont ask to both questions.....the country boys start there 1st set of the evening as Stone tells me of the days events.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on July 20, 2012, 01:04:53 AM
Slowly I release myself from the tight grip of Karen's embrace, give her a wink and walk up to an empty table that is set in a corner. I drag the table in front of the center of the stage where the band is playing. Two chairs set across from eachother and my little plan has set. While the band starts playing 'Tie your mother down',  by Queen, I hop on stage and catch the second mic that is thrown to me. I tap it to get the attention drawn away from Brandy, too many hands trying to help her up.

"Are there real cowboys in this bar? ARE THERE REAL COWBOYS IN THIS BAR!?

I wait a few seconds, seeing the falming eyes of half a dozen guys with cowboy hats on, slowly pushing closer to the stage.

"I guess in your eyes you are... Well, any of you think you can beat a dutch country boy in arm wrestling?"

With a dramatic gesture I tear the short sleeves off my shirt, raise my right arm and bulge my biceps, then point at the table in front of the stage.

"Anyone that beats me, gets a free drink... Who's up first!?"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jeanona31 on July 20, 2012, 01:49:56 AM

Yeehaaw !!

this will be interesting ,
wanna see which of these handsome cowboys will die standin’ up and take the challenge ;) ;D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mooncalf on July 20, 2012, 03:30:10 AM

Yeah LittleSprout, this is a whiskey drinkin', cowboy chasin' helluva time.  We're all here fer a spell, so get all the good laughs you can.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 20, 2012, 04:04:44 AM turn to ride the beast now....

If I were to say to be sure of winning, I'd be lying ...... I feel something welling in my throat, i feel nervous while i slowly approached that damn machine. My bum it still hurt after the last fall from it.....heavy and loud ..... fortunately, at that time almost everyone was distracted by the performance of Blue on stage and don't had paid much attention to me.

I'll grab the saddle horn and take a deep breath....."ok, this time should be fine..." i think "no way i'll gonna lose against way..."
I'll climb up to the saddle, holding the horn tight in my right hand and then i'll try to find a comfortable position before to give the starting signal to JD....suddenly, i feel the bronco moving a little and i look at the control panel: Brandy is there, whit her hand over it....

I give her a long burning look and she answer to it whit a devilish smile, i know she is trying to make me feel uncomfortable! But i don't wanna make a step forward....i had engage her in this challenge and i'll gonna make it till the end! I'll take all the strenght i have in my hands and pointing at JD:
"Ok, JD, let's do it! have no mercy!"

The bull begin to move faster, turning now left and now right, turning more and more wildly, to the point that my hat flies away almost immediately.....I feel my hand loosen the grip slowly but surely and it becomes difficult to maintain balance....

One turn, then another ..... i don't think i can hold out for long .... the speed increase again, i lost the grip and hardly ruin on the floor. for a long moment, i lay on the ground, exhausted and with closed eyes, gasping for breath.....when i finally try to stand up, i noticed my open shirt (close it with a simple knot, was not a good choice...) revealing my small breasts....

I feel my face blushing and turning red, as i try to cover myself with my embarrassing! I look around.....then i turn to Brandy and Lover......i swallow nervously ..... whoever won!?
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on July 20, 2012, 09:41:49 AM
After a sweet long slow dance with Blue to the sweet sound of her sisters voice Az leaves the stage and blue and myself grab her and give her a group hug i kiss them both then say time to find that girl of mine. Letting the two red heads go i walk out the back to find Covems  and Jane sat bye a good fire i walk up to her and put am arm around her kiss her on the cheek mmm its nice and warm out here.I turn to Covems looks like we did a good job out here. Tight has just put out a challenge to anyone to take him on in an arm wrestling contest . Jane asks "what the price if you beat him" " only a beer" I answer he tore off his shirt sleeves to
Jane looks at me "are you going to take him on then"  she asks "Nope arm wrestling isn't my thing full wrestling now thats a different thing" i wink at Jane "you coming in to watch the fun" I put out my hand to Jane she takes it and we walk back in Jane turns to Covems "ARE YOU COMING" she call back to him.
Walking back in we go to the bar and get a beer and a coke Stone asks "you going to take him on tango" I shack my head "NOPE not my thing i wink at her full wrestling is more my thing" I look over to the bear pit and at her beast in the corner "new thats more my thing" "Anytime anytime your up for it to get your ass beat his never lost" Stone replies
Looks over and see's Karen and taps my watch she nods and points to stay here I nod back and do the money signs with my fingers she smiles and walks over she kisses Jane good night and I slip her same cash to make sure she can get home. I kiss her on her cheek and she runs back to Tights side
Turns to Stone "see you soon"  I hand Jane the car keys and start to walk to the door puts my hand up and waves to every one as we leave.
Blue comes over and kisses us both good night. "see you both soon" she say's i slap her ass as she walks off she looks over her shoulder and smiles
We walk out the door and over to the car i look over and say "did you have fun my love" she looks over the car "yes it was a great night"
We get in and drive home 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 20, 2012, 11:11:55 AM
My legs tremble ..... the fall is being felt more than i imagined! in addition, i have yet to solve the problem of the shirt ..... it's true, there's no much to see, but i am ashamed even if i know some of the faces around me from long time and i consider them like dear friends.

One step after another, i try to approach Brandy and Lover, hiding my breasts whit my left arm. They are not so far but walking in this condition it's not easy and constantly i risk to lose balance ..... i lean against the protection railing in an attempt to facilitate my movements and finally i'm closed to them. just a last, final step to do.....pass over a little one singol stair!

"After a ride on that machine it can't be so hard...." i think "come on, legs, don't betray me right now!"

I approch the stair.....the first step is done, i overcome it easily ..... now the second! But nothing goes as you want! stumbling on the stair and end up falling on to Brandy, who had approached for help me.
"mmmh, really lucky tonight! ow ow ...."

When i open my eyes, i see the face of Brandy closed to mine.....i can feel her breath and something soft under my right hand. I try to move it, unconsciously squeezing it a little.....the expression on Brandy's face sunddenly change: a mix of anger and pleasure (perhaps more anger....)

I move my hand away as quickly as, i feel so embarrassed and my face is burning.....words don't wanna come out of my mouth, just a faint gasp. i need a minute or maybe more before i'm able to talk again....

" Brandy....are you ok!?" i said, but i can not look into her eyes while i wait for a reply.....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on July 20, 2012, 02:30:18 PM
I take a deep breath, look up at Christy there standing proud, tapping the crop across one of her hands as she muddles what to do with her prize. I drink the sight of her in, those stiletto boots, tight jeans, the way her breasts are lifted jutting against the tight fabric of her top. MY mind drifts to more intimate encounters... and I unconsiously lick my lips as our eyes meet.

SHe steps on my thigh and digs her heel in as the crop pulls under my chin. Eye to eye she warns me..

"I know that look,... don't you go there."

Somehow I feel unconvinced in her words.

I hold her gaze and let her read my eyes of the resolve within.

Adera giggles, breaking the moment and I cast a glance to her. She smirks as she looks at me,  brushing that pink cowbot hat a bit further back on her head as she pulls her hair back.

I give her my accountability in this,..."Oh don't think I am not holding you responsible too. I remember a simiiiar perdicatment somewhere, and although retribution was not fully completed there... you know me capable."

She stops, and I can see her redirect in recollection of that memory. Not that she would object... I can read quite the opposite there as her thoughts work.

The moment is broken by the arrival of a group of cowboys. They stop as they enter the room, perplexed by the odd display here.

"Um sorry,  we didn't realize the room buzy."

I see Adera's eyes light up at their sight. No doubt she has discovered  the fun in the compnany of western hopsitality.Christy perks up as she eyes the strapping young men.  "No,.. no not interipting anything at all. In fact we could use your assistance here if you don't mind."

She steps by them  brushing her fingertips seductively across the chest of one. "In fat we could use a little help here of some sexy cowboys willing to lend a couple ladies a hand in the moment. I'm afraid our little project here is just to cumbersome for two ladies to handle by their lonesomes. Would you mind lending us a hand ,... wie'll certainly make it worth your while"

I silently curse her charm as they lock onto her senuous movements as she moves across to the drapes where she unties a rope sash from the them. Walks back to me and ties one end of the sash securely tot he stock.

"Nw if you boys don't mind , will one of you handsome men mind taking down that deer head up there..." she points to the mounted antlered buck on the wall. "while the rest of you kind gentlemen, kindly Assist Bear to his feet and set him right under where the deer is."

I can't see it but I swear to god she's probably batting her eyelids at them  in the moment.

The lads jump to her request and I find myself hauled off to the wall while one grabs a chair ahnd lifts the stuffed head off the wall mount.

Her instructions continue..."Now take the rope and secure nice and firm there to the mounts... that's it.... ease him down...good and slow we don't want him falling down and hurting himself. if it doesn't hold."

I feel myself lowered and as the rope tightens under the weight my tiptoes touch the floor,... just enough to lessen the weight on my shoulders, but not enough to remove the strain. Her sharp eye has gauged this perfectly. I hang there as she shoos the lads off to attend to Adera, who is quite eager in the attention being lavished on her. Christy steps to me a smug smile on her face as she reaches down and unlatched the big silver belt buckle on my belt. Unzips me and slipa hand inside teasing along my member as she leans in whispers...

"Breaking you will be a fun challenge.... but one thing I know,.... your ego is just too big for your britches... and it's already crowded inside down there. A little humilty would go a long way here." She teases me with those tantalizing storkes.. the press of her breasts against me,..nibbling light on my ears. I can't help but feel a rush to the loins. She blows softly there before pulling back and kissing me deep and hard.
then steps back leaving me with lipstick smeared lips. reaches down and pulls my pants down to the binds on my legs.

" Pantless Friday you know... though you may be so a bit longer. Enjoy yourself Bear"

She waves and winks.... then drifts off latching on to a couple of the cowboys and tows them back into the main room with Adera escorted short behind likewise.

I hear the crowd chanting Brandy's name out there... that luscious tidbit no doubt putting on a good show. My eyes drift along the room noting the collection of stuffed animal heads . deer, elk antelope.... moose, coyote... the irony that finally a Bear mounted here is not lost on me.
I sigh... shift to balance myself and figure a way out, but that damn moose appears to be staring at me.

I mutter to myself just to relieve the tension of the moment... "Ok Bullwinkle where did they stuff Rocky at?"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 20, 2012, 05:25:23 PM
Hentai puts in a strong ride. I feel our times are close.

  She seems  a little unsteady on her feet as some girls rush to help her up.  Is it my imagination or is she leaning into their soft bodies a little more than she needs to.

Little sprout makes her way to the bar to order the strongest drink in the house and I turn and go towards Lover & JD to see if they have conferred  & agreed their  times yet.

They smile at my approach but make it clear I am not to peak at their times.

 “You want a drink boys?”  I say seductively, opening a button on my top , thrusting my cleavage in their direction and slowly bend to pick up my boots, ensuring they have a good view of my ample charms, slipping each foot in slowly and tying the laces.

 I sneak a look behind, ... they’ve noticed alright.... forgetting they are supposed to be talking to each other , and not eyeing my legs... and denim shorts.. filled to almost breaking point, my lower ass cheeks, peaking out a little.

Just to make sure I wiggle abit, as I ensure each foot is secured in my boot.   I smile as I hear JD groan a little.

Hentai  comes to the steps, still unsteady on her feet and as she stumbles , I instinctively move in to steady her. She falls forward grabbing my breast for support. I catch her and blush as I feel her squeeze a little.

 I gulp ,   “ Oops, “  Steady girl “  I say as I set her on her feet,  “ Those are home grown  and watered by someone else “

Hentai, apologises obviously embarrassed .   I straighten my hat.

“ Hey, no worries – accidents happen “  I smile at her  and nod towards Lover & JD ...  “ I think they are going to make us wait until they announce the result “  I kiss her gently on the cheek  as I ensure no hard feelings and that she's able to stand on her own.. smiling.

A couple of girls arrive to congratulate Hentai on her fabulous ride and I find myself pushed out on the edge of her circle.
JD  approaches me rubbing his hand in glee,  “ Ask no questions and I’ll tell no lies”  stopping me before the question is formed on my lips.  “ Lover will announce it when he’s ready”

“ But..” I start to protest ..

“ No buts, you owe me a dance”  JD tells me firmly. He takes my hand leading me to the dance floor . He holds me close and  dances like a pro, singing the song softly in my ear. His breath in my ear ... mmm

“Actually, this feels rather nice” I think, as he turns me and  suddenly dips me , keeping to the rhythm  of the tune..   “ Why,  JD , you have hidden talents “ I murmer....

Upside down view,  in the dip with JD, I catch sight of Christie and Adera  in the middle of some serious  flirting with cowboys, leaving the back pool room ...  “ Wonder how Bear’s doing”  I think fleetingly .. as   JD uprights me again and continues our dance.

I smile as I see Mooncalf  wrapped round a handsome fella, doing some  serious moves herself.  We smile as our eyes lock briefly before our attention is diverted back to our partners.

In fact there’s a few couples on the floor,   Tight  seems very engrossed in a very pretty girl and Covems  seems to be doing a “ bendy knee”  dance with Eva....  who knows ... that just might catch on ....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on July 20, 2012, 07:02:28 PM
I hold Tight close to me as we dance in each others arms running my hands up and down his back and down onto his tight ass
looking deep into his eyes I looses myself in them
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on July 21, 2012, 05:48:04 AM
I look at James Dean. "Let's go to office and watch the videos of Brandy and HB. Then the audience will be told who has won."
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on July 21, 2012, 06:38:58 AM
After watching the videos and having a long discussion we decided - we need one more ride of both! HB and Brandy, you have to drink a beer first - fast and without a break, then you go and ride the bull.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 21, 2012, 06:45:12 AM
"So sorry, Brandy......dunno what happend but my legs looks heavy and unstable...." i say "it was an accident...."

Brandy's nice words and smile had relief me a little, but i feel uncomfortable watching her in the, the sensation of her soft breast still in my right hand. Suddenly, i feel the soft touch of her lips on my cheek, it was  unexpected and she had surprise me.....probably, now my face is totally red!

I'd like to thanks her for the help and for her kindness, when a couple of girl interrupt us and push away Brandy who is immediately captured by JD, with which drifts to the dance floor. I'll try to say some words to Brandy, but the girls a noisy and cover my voice......they laugh, cheer me, as if they already knew that i was the winner.

"Please, girls, stop it.....thanks for cheering me, but i'm not sure if i had win or not...." i say, trying to calm them a little "Brandy was good, a lot, and probably our timing is really closed!"
But they don't listen at me...... "ok, what about a drink, ladies!?" at those words, they smile and we all move to the counter and i have just the time to see Lover leaving for the office. Probably, he have some doubt about our performance and need to take a closed look again at them.....

At the counter, the girls order the house beer and i order a blended coffee with Bayles, when i see a familiar face entering the bar. I wave my hand to him and invite him to join me for a drink.
"Hey, Medjai, where have you been all this time!? you had miss lot of the fun!"
We make a toast, the girls join us.....the night is long and more fun have to come, couse the Achat Bar & Grill never sleep!

While i'm talking to him, i have the strange feeling to had forget about something....but what is it!? mmmhh....i was trying to figured it out when i heard Lover calling me and Brandy for a new round......
"Is he kidding!?" i think, looking at that damn bull.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 21, 2012, 08:33:07 AM
As,  JD finishes the dance, he kisses my hand in a flourish...

 and then notices Lover wants to talk to him. He excuses himself and I look over to the pool room ...  the temptation just too great not to look.  I walk over and open the door pensively ...

“OMG,”  I shut the door, quickly,  there on the wall,  displayed as a trophy ... is Bear ... still trussed up.. pants down his ankles, and ... well a girl has to look... be a crime not too.... well..  shaved and circumcised..   :o  I take out my camera .. again..  ;D

He looks up and mutters something about come uppance  but I can’t help but smirk.

 Especially as I spot  a black marker pen, carelessly  tossed on top of one of the cupboards...  smiling wickedly.. thinking, I’ll polish my halo tomorrow to make up for it ....  ;)

About half an hour later, I leave the room, licking my lips and wiping the corners  with my finger and thumb...   ;D   :P
I make my way to the Bull pit, only to find Lover & JD  have decided for round two, in mine and Hentai’s  little contest but this time ... we have to polish off a Yard of Ale in one go and then go ride..

I look at the  3 foot long glass with a bulbous end, filled to the  brim with fine German Ale and then at the grinning Umpires.

Hentai looks at me...  and I smile at her shrugging my shoulders ....  “ in for a penny, in for a pound”

I take the  glass in two hands, place my lips to the edge and begin to tip up, swallowing as the fizzy liquid hits the back of my throat and the crowd begins to cheer and count ... 1 ...2 ...3
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on July 21, 2012, 09:27:00 AM
My self and the lovely Jane walk back into the Bar after going home and getting changed it more appropriate for the night Jane in her cowgirl boots  Daisy Dukes and a skimpy top showing off her dump and red cowgirl hat 
Me stone washed jeans boots white T shirt black waist coat and my trusty cowboy hat

Walking into the bar we see Brandy put the Yard of Ale to her lips and start to drink it down turning to the bar i see Medjai Standing there we walk over to him tap him on the shoulder he spins round to came face to face with Jane where they kiss there hello's as they kiss we shack hands.
i turn to Stone "what's with the Yard of ale" She replies "Brandy's and HB's ball rides where to close to call so its round 2 down the yard then on the ball"  "this is going to be fun and very messy" i say with a lough Stone hands me a beer and and coke for Jane. I tap Medjai on the shoulder again "have you seen hows over there with Tight." He smile and say's "I will catch up with her later for a dance"

Jane and I head back to the Ball pit but not to close we set just as Brandy gets to the bowl end of the yard glass the air lock brakes and a big rush of ale heads start at Brandy face she lower the glass but not quick enough and gets a face full of ale it . We all cheerrrr as it all go's down her front Brandy finishes the Yard glass
She hands the glass to Lover wobbles and makes her way to the Ball
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 22, 2012, 07:16:07 AM
I take a long sad look at the bull. After saying bye to Medjai, i make my way to Lover and JD, just to find out they can't declare a winner, couse we realized the same time and we need to make a second round! Damn, i'm still a bit upside down for the last ride and now i have to do it again!
In my mind, i had hope that was the last time i had to ride that thing, but looks like i'm not lucky tonight! Plus, i got the impression that Lover and JD had start to enjoy the game between me and Brandy.....uhmmm, or they just wanna have fun of us!?

But surprise are not they expect that before we start we must drink a beer! Ok, i think i can hold another beer, but man!......perhaps this challenge is pushing much more than me and Brady expected! I look at her and, surprising me, she take the glass and begin to drink the fizzy liquid. The crowd is cheering us, loudly, as usually happend when there are challenge in the bar.....they are all staring at us waiting for the new performance!

I'll take a look back at Brandy.....her glass is now half empty and she give no sign of rethinking: i must admit she is much stronger than i thought!
"This is how a Warrior Princess will be to lead the Knights.......i had understimate her will!" i think, taking the glass in my hand "and as a gladiator, i can't be outdone!"

I'll try to swallow the Ale in one go, slowly at the begin, but increasing the speed when i hear the crowd cheering us loudly. Half of the Ale is begins to give me nausea and I have to slow down......i dunno how many beer i had drunk tonight......three or maybe more......crap, this glass looks like will never end!

I'll take a little break, breathing hard.......looking at Brandy, i notice she had already drunk all the Ale and she is ready for her eyes move back to my Ale  "Ok, a last shot and it's done...." i tell to my self, trying to find the strenght to end it before Brandy will begin her ride...
I place my lips on the edge and swallow again......i feel  a trickle running on my neck and on my chest.....geez, really too much, but at last i had done it....the glass is now empty and my eyes are flashing for the effect of all i had drunk tonight.

I need a minute to recognize Brandy is approching the bull, ready to begin the second round......i'll take a strait look at her and then at me.....mmmmmh, it's hard to understand which one is the messed one!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bluedenim on July 22, 2012, 11:23:23 AM
Freshly showered after our last set and no longer sticky with champagne and tongue trails, I go back downstairs. Wearing my street clothes now, a tight black strappy T-shirt with a sports bra under and my tight black denim shorts and a pair of nikes with no sox.
Lots of noise coming from the Bull-ring, cheering and laughter, but I go to see what they done to Bear while they're all busy.
I don't know what to think!
I wander over and look at how tightly they've bound him..... Lift his hat off & kiss him.
"you know, I never figured you for this Bear, are you enjoying this or should I untie you?
I cup his balls in my hand and kiss him again.
"this is so weird. To have our positions reversed like this.." I bend down and take him into my mouth, feeling him harden.
Then I straighten up and kiss him again.
"Bear I really feel I should let you loose, but I can't help feeling that you're kinda enjoying it!" "if I let you go now, what ya gonna do to little Miss honey-pot?"

 I check the door while I wat for a reply.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: christinak on July 22, 2012, 02:33:45 PM
After taking a brief break from my main focus of the evening, I came back to find Bear exactly as I had left him.  But with my little blue making back door deals.  “Hmmm, not what I expected.” I say to blue with a disappointed stare.  “blue, you go out to the bar and wait.  You’ll know what to do when the time comes.”  Turning my attention to Bear as blue slinks out the door, I can see he is a bit frustrated and clearly needing some relief but none the less intact.  I look at his eyes and just as I see his mouth about to utter some boring sexual threat I give him a quick swat on his thigh with my riding crop to shut him up.  “Now Bear,” I began as I placed my crop against his inner thigh and began to run it slowly up toward his balls “don’t talk, just nod or shake your head for yes or no.  It’s time for you to give everyone here a nice show.  We’ve each had a moment to tease you into a frenzy, so would you like to give those swollen balls some relief?”  I ask as I reach his sack and begin to nudge it with the business end of my crop.   I watch as his head nods back and forth violently.

I disappear for a moment and come back sitting standing on a sawhorse with a motorized base that is rolling across the floor.  A small saddle is sitting below the sawhorse.  I can see in Bear’s eyes that he is deciding whether or not it may have been better to have remained tied up for the rest of the night.  Running the sawhorse in front of my prize I lower him onto it.  As he settles neatly into place I take the lose rope ends and fasten my little pony to the rig.  Standing back for a moment I take a look at my new mount.  Such a lovely prize he is.  And what wonderful hindquarters he has, very firm indeed.  I give him another quick swat on his rump with my crop and I see him jump slightly but he is unable to move.  A good test of his bindings.  He won’t go anywhere. 

Picking up my custom saddle I place it over my mount and fasten it under his belly.  Noticing while I am under him that he is starting to get excited, I take his firm penis in my hand and stroke it gently for a moment and kiss him gently on the cheek.  As I feel him begin to twitch in my hand I let go and whisper in his hear, “No, not yet.  We’re going to have a little fun with you Bear.  There are a few of us here who have had the pleasure of watching you cum, but I really want to share your powerful orgasm with everyone.”  I can see from his expression that he is getting close to being sexually frustrated beyond the point of being able to orgasm. “Oh, not to worry, we are going to get you off in time dear.”  And I give him another kiss on the cheek.

Walking in front of Bear I slide off my shoes and begin to un button my jeans.  “You didn’t think I would make you go out there naked all alone did you?”  His eyes now fixed on me, I know that if I were to let him loose now, it would be like being attacked by a starving animal that had been let out of its cage. He was looking on my like a lion watches its prey before attacking.  Slipping out of my jeans I unbutton my top and let it drop to the floor while I reach behind me and release my breasts from my bra.  Now naked I walk around the side of my horse and sit upon the saddle.  Side saddle of course, and I cross my legs as I reach down and pick up the controls for the motorized base.  “Ready dear?” 

A quick nod from Bear and I nudge the controls forward and we pass through, headed toward the center of the bar.  “ATTENTION EVERYONE!”  I yell wrapping my crop against the side of the sawhorse to get everyone’s attention.  As the music stops and everyone starts to look I yell as we roll into the center of the room next to the mechanical bull, “THIS LITTLE HORSE I’M RIDING IS NAMED BEAR! HE’S A GOOD HORSE, BUT AS YOU CAN SEE FROM UNDER HIS HINDQUARTERS, HE COULD USE SOME RELIEF!”  Noticing that everyone was now looking and remarking on the size and girth of my stallion’s penis I said, “Several of us have had the chance to torment this poor pony for some time.  So let’s be fair and have them come forward. “  As I watched my sister’s in crime approach, I continued, “Now I am going to give this little pony a chance at revenge.  Each of these ladies will take a turn at trying to extract an ejaculation from him.  If he can hold out through all of them, and anyone else who would like to join us, I will personally untie him and let him have his way with me right here over this bull!”  Leaning over my prize I whisper in his ear, “Think you’re up to it?”   After a quick thought, I get my nod.  “Ok!  We have a game!  Now let’s get this horse ready to stud!”
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: christinak on July 22, 2012, 03:39:21 PM
**Ok now that its setup, the game rules.  Anyone who wants a turn can have one.  But you need to leave it so that Bear gets a chance to write his reaction to your attempt to make him cum.  If he cums, he loses.  If not, we continue.  After a few have had their turn, I'll start a clock.  Once we have had about 2 or 3 days of inactivity on this story arc, I'll assume that everyone has had thier chance that wants to.  If Bear has made it, then I'll write in the scene where I untie him and then I'll turn it over to Bear.  If he ejaculates, then he belongs to whoever made him cum.  Eveyone who wishes to join, have fun!** ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 22, 2012, 04:24:05 PM
 I guzzle the 2 ½ pints of strong ale and can almost feel it go straight to my head and into my blood stream.

 I breathe evenly  and gulp in a steady rhythm , some seeping out the corners of my mouth and onto my skimpy top.

 “Keep going girl”  I tell myself as I hear  the chanting crowd giving their encouragement.

 Suddenly a rush of cool ale floods my face as the bulbous end of the glass empties down the glass tube, rushing and gushing down onto my top, soaking it completely. It immediately goes transparent and clings to my amble bosom, the cool liquid causing my nipples to peak and harden.

The  cool rush takes my breath away and I shake my head , sprinkling droplets and gasping for air.  As my lungs fill with air,  the adrenaline pumps with the alcohol in my veins and I shout “ Whoaaa” in triumph at completing the first part of this test.

  I feel someone take the yard glass from my hands and I acknowledge the crowd  by raising both hands at their support.

Turning towards the Bull Pit, I zigzag along, stumbling a little and appalled  that a giggle escapes my lips..  the room a little blurry and tipping on its axis a little.
Trying to focus the fuzz in my brain , I find the bull ..  and  try  lifting my leg  to mount.. my coordination out of sorts . I smile as someone very kindly lifts me up and shows me where my legs should be and the horn and puts my hat in my fingers.  “ Hold tight now” .. I hear them say

But I have no idea who it is ... giggling to myself again ...  I raise my hat and signal for JD to start the ride.  As the vibrations are felt between my legs ...  mmm , I really like this part...  I think as the first twist begins.. 

The bull twists and spins.  This time, there’s no aches or strains, in fact no pain at all, my body so relaxed it almost feels as one with the bull ..

 The room spins as before but in  slow motion as my sluggish brain tries to make sense of it all..  I’m quite enjoying this, the rocking quite pleasant, then it starts to go faster and I have this terrible urge to giggle again... “ Yehaw” 
The next thing, my brain is registering  “ Wheeee   I’m flying “ with my hat  aligned to my face...” Hi Hat..  “   before hitting the sandy surface and thinking  “ I love this world , in fact I love everyone...”

Someone helps me to my feet and seems quite startled when I tell him  “ I love you too, “  Giggling at his reaction.

 The crowds cheering again,  and I see Hentai just finishing off her drink and getting flooded  down her top like me.   I shout to her as she also zigzags to the bull.  “ Yo, Go Girl “ I encourage.  Shes helped onto the bull and the ride commences......

I wave at Lover & JD ...  to let them know, I’m good and at peace with my world. 

Suddenly I hear more cheers  as Hentai  finishes her ride .....

And  then a vision in my alcohol riddled brain ... Lady Godiva  my first thoughts...  Christi , magnificently naked riding Bear, a fine stud , in the streets of the Bar & Grill.

Another challenge it seems ...  Blowing bear ...   the alcohol causing the giggling again & the courage to try something that I wouldn’t  normally do in public ... 

 “ So let me get this straight “ I say to the man who I told I loved,  “  We have to try and milk that stud... and he’s  got to try and not give into his orgasmic pleasure...  am I right? “
“ Seems so ... “ He grins ...

I flex my my mouth and jaw and stretch tongue exercises ...  “ Interesting.... “
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 22, 2012, 06:39:43 PM
I walk over to Christi,  still unsteady on my feet ...  and give her a high 5... “ You are cruel girl”  I slur and look at Bear,  who’s eyes still hold a look of defiance ... “ But I do think your style has flair ..”

Full of dutch courage  I ask  “ Mind er..  if I take you up on this challenge”

She grins,  “  I was banking on it... please ..  be my guest “

I  grin back and hic cup ..  “ Wish me luck ..  “

“ Luck “  She replies.

I approach Bear and ensure I get in his eyeline, bending down to look into his eyes,  my top still wet and transparent  from the wash of  pale Ale but strangely odourless ...

I see the flair of male interest in his eyes but then a veil of steel  drops to hide the windows into his soul & thoughts.

I smile at him and  walk away from him a few paces, then drop to all  fours and begin my tease,  swaying seductively, my breasts tantalising him on my approach, swaying gently, top dipping in my rhythmic crawl, giving him glimpses of full breasts and hardened nipples grazing the material. 

My eyes sensual and full of promise . My tongue caresses my lips, protruding just enough to fire the imagination, closer I crawl and I feel his eyes on me mesmerised. My hair falls over my face partially and  as I kneel before him I slowly raise up,  throwing my head back, pushing my hair to fall along my back and thrusting my breasts out  for easy inspection. My waist trim with full round hips  suddenly very noticable... “ You like what you see baby... “  I say very provocatively....

I lean into his ear, my soft breath teasing to his inner ear, whispering very naughty thoughts...

”  I want I want .... your hands exploring my body, .... slowly easing my clothes from my curves, pushing my top from my shoulders ...for your kisses and nibbles,

 then lower  reveal my collar bone .. can you see it, can you see us in your mind’s eye, together ..intimately...  my body awash with the desire you cause mmm “

 I move away from his ear,  kissing along his jawline , softly rubbing my lips to his,  then moving to his eyelids and eyebrows ... tracing them with my tongue  and move to his other ear , caressing his cheek with mine...

 whispering again, my breath caressing him,  “ You can, cant you, see me hot and needing you, moaning in your arms as you pull my top to my waist, seeing my breasts as you palm and squeeze them, suckling me..  hearing me softly crying your name ..  Bear, I want you, I need you...  can you hear it ... can you see it ..

 ...  as you kiss my tummy, my body arching for you as your tongue traces my belly button and you move lower to tease my panties from my body...  can you see me naked, can you see my feminine promise,  can you see .... what you want ...  mmm...   see me naked before you , sliding seductively down your body to your impressive cock, making your breath catch as my tongue touches your crown, tasting your delicious precum, roling my tongue on you as you grab & pull  my hair to guide me ...  Do you want me ... do you want to claim my body mmm...  can you picture our embrace as you plunge your body into me,  can you see our image and maybe after  we’re  sated, me and you, you  slide down my body to taste our passion .. mmm ... such a captivating image  .. can you see it .. I can mmmm”

I move to his lips unable to resist and begin a long slow sensual  kiss, softly at first then teasing his lips to part before my tongue slowly explores his mouth, turning passionate and deep as I let the erotic pictures build in both our minds. I end the kiss sensuously with closed lips , stilling on his.
“ Dont cum”, I whisper, “ looking into his eyes.  “  What would I do with you? “ smiling mischieviously.

I crawl alongside him, letting the warmth of my body, brush against him, as my hand trails from  his shoulder to his hip and then,  underneath slowly  tracing his body to his erect cock, where I grip him and begin to stroke slowly before  positioning  myself  to take his crown and full length, slowly and deeply into my throat.  I feel him shudder at the heat of my mouth, caving my cheeks , tasting his precum. My tongue rolls around his helmet,  tracing each ridge, finding his opening and rimming him,  sucking and scooping the  male liquid within before licking the length of him. I take him in my mouth again as my one hand massages his balls and my other using a wet index finger plays with his rosette. I feel him gasp as my finger slowly pushes in to claim his prostrate ...  massaging and sucking in a rhythmic dance ... to tease, tantalise, and tempt ........
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on July 22, 2012, 09:11:57 PM
My head snaps to Christy as I hear the words.."Belongs to.."

I had been teased to that edge for a long time... the strain had pushed me dangerously close to a total derpavation point. Yet now to hear the freedom to release though welcomed... those words were a forge for my will. 

I had to last as long as I could...that was my resolve... but in this state... my body seemed likely to betray me.

There was only one way to fight this... to call on a side buried for months in its neatly contained corner of my soul. Although restained... placed into the position of compliance... it had to rise in the contrary of the elemnts of submission. Ursus had to to step forward for me to last. Ursus the dom persona... which embraced control of himself and could easlily slip into the recesses of the mind to control the bodies reactions and suceptability to stimuli.

And I find him... far too easily,... contained too long he swells up and taking his place.... and my eyes lock to Christy stnding with Blue' and another. Blue reads that stare... her legs nearly buckling with the recognition there, something more pwaerful and determined than she has experieinced. Christy glances to me... holding my stare,... yet I sense cracks there in her persona as she recognizes something deeper has risen. Yes this is a test of wills.

Then Brandy steps from the group.

And a well layed plan vaporizes immediately. Control and the respect of boundaries l are attributes of a Dom. We impose limites on ourselves compartmentalize  ourselves to live a normal day to day life. As a friend my boundaries are narrow here. It's instinctual... the Dom vaporizes as eaily as it formed. I am left to my own.

Her words play too well,... images and fantasies she coxes in my mind.... the feel of her,... her fragrence,... touch,.. I find myself already failing. Its only her whisper that  pulls me back and I grapple for anything to counter,  groaning loud... I want that release but fight it... until my mind latches to something revulsive... crystal clear in my mind

Banana Slugs...  as she expertly works me.. I run that over and over... slimy, grotesque... banana slugs...even then I am losing it.

My body aches in pleasure.... arms tighten... muscles cording hard straining agianst the binds.  a loud moan  sliding from me... she has pierced too deeply into desires and needs.  I am beguiled.... riding on the swarming cyclone of fantasies and relaity at  play on me.

As her finger presses in, her mouth working on me I am there, much as I hate to... that want to release.... pressing on me.  I feel her lips slip off me .... a pause aa I hang there in the balance..... and I glance down to her gorgeous form there still grasping my thickness. Her eyes hazed somewhat as she looks at me...

"Bear.... love you ", she slurs... swaying a bit.

Recognizing her alochol has finally caught up to her, her attention distracted as she wavers there, still at play on me. I find the break I need.... I laugh.


"Brandy you love everyone... that's just how you are girl. " the tone of my voice sliding into consoling agreement.

She grins ,.. nodding ...wobbles a bit... swooning more and more and I nod to JD and Lover to intervene before she topples over and take her away .

A deep sigh filling me, a bullet dodged by the slimest of margins
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 23, 2012, 04:01:55 AM
Geez, now i know what i forgot .....the shirt still open on my naked breast! "Who cares!" i think "does not consume, if all are watching them! plus, tonight is so hot here....." and smiling i'll take a look at the crowd and then to Brandy's performance. Man, Brandy is literally flying on Bully! and soon it's my turn again....."oook, little Bully, let's have a new date! I know you will like it....hiccup!"

The ale and the cheers had make me lost most of my shyness, when i notice a couple staring at me. The guy is not wearing a shirt, just black jeans and a pair of cowboy boots: a well sculpted body, i had to admit! The girl have  thight corset and a mini skirt that band so delicious her gentle curves......trembling on my legs, i approach them, caressing their face slowly "mmmh, what about a lucky kiss before my ride!?"

The guy looks really surprised by my request. The girl smile at me, moving closed her face to mine and giving me an hot passionate kiss......her lips are soft and warm and her left hand is caressing my hair.....her tongue is trying to open a breac in my mouth, not so hard to do to tell the true...
i'll take a look at the boy....seems like he enjoy the show and seems like he enjoy more my slow but firm touch on his chest

Only the hustle and bustle of the fall of Brandy brings my attention to Bully....."Sorry, my turn now!". After kissing the guy on his cheek, i head for bully, licking my lips. "Ok, Bully.....let's do it!" i'll say, jumping on the saddle.
I point my eyes on JD at the controll panel and scream "Ehy JD! Let me have a nice ride! I feel so excited now!"

Bully start to spin and twist......faster......all is turning around and my sense are confused.....all i can clearly understand is the cheers coming all around me! Wow, at last me and Brandy had caught the attention of most of the Bar & Grill! I smile at this, when suddenly i feel my body so light, like i'm floating......i close my eyes to enjoy it better, loosing my self in it.

When i open them again, i'm on the ground, whit my chest and face pressed on bum rised up in the air and my legs open supporting it.....i hear boos and laughter all around, seems like the crowd is enjoying the unexpected show!
"Wooohoooo! Nice ride Bully!!" i scream, pointing my right index finger to the sky "but know i need an help...hiccup!"

Someone grab me by my arms and help me to stand up: it's the guy who was staring at me just a minute ago! I smile at him, when a dirty idea jump in my mind: "Why don't you call your girlfriend!? we can have fun togheter, after Lover had declared the winner!"
On his face, i can see a lusty smile riding his lips....."Why not!?" he answer by touching my lips with his.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on July 23, 2012, 08:31:53 AM
I look around and laugh. Yeah - that's my world. This is the place I have dreamed of my whole life. When I first watched "From Dusk Til Dawn" I wanted to have a bar like this - just without killing and eating my

Everyone is enjoiyg it and more and more friends and guests are entering the bar. And everyone, really everyone, is loosing his coyness. No jealousy, no argue - just love, fun & happiness. Or as I call it: Live, Laugh & Love

But now we have to make a decision. HB and Brandy gave their very best and they were great. Is it fair to have a winner? Is is fair to tell one she has lost? Uh, my mind is running.. thinking about what I have seen... I feel pressure. Maybe I should take a girl and relax before?
No, not now. I look to JD and give him a sign to go to office again. Brandy and HB deserve a fast answer.

Now there should be the next performance. Another surprise. But I decide to tell her to wait, the crowd is... distracted and they shall go on having a party.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on July 23, 2012, 11:24:32 AM
After watching Bandy fly throw the air after a great ride landing all must at my feet i help her up and get a drunken "i love you to" from her.
HB finish her yard of ale the same way as Brandy did. but seams to be more aware of her surroundings she jumps on the bull and gives the ride of her life the guy that helps her up get a sly kiss for HB
Jane looks over my shoulder and see's Chirstinak riding Bear like a horse. She rides him down to the Bull pit and gives out her challenge and we watch Barndy take her up on ti start away.
I look over a Jane as Bandy is doing her thing to Bear and know that look on her face she gives my a dirty smile and gets up and takes my hand leads me away from the stage area and into the pool room only to find Blue hiding for her Mistress there.
Jane turns to me and kisses me passionately and slides her hand down the front of my jeans and takes my stiffening cock in her soft gently grip
with her free hand she undo's my jeans and pushes them down and my knees
She looks down SMILES and drops down to her knees I grab the side of the pool table as she takes my full length into her warm mouth. My legs wobble as she take it right to the hilt i moan and close my eyes. On opening them Blue was stood next to me and pulling my T shirt up over my head letting go of the pool table i lift my arms to help her take it off. Jane rolls her eyes up to see what is going on, sucks harder and gives Blue a gentle cheeky SLAP on her ass she wiggles and moans softly
I turn to kiss her but she pulls away and looks at the door "What if Mistress comes in" but turns back and kisses me.
As she move back to kiss me Jane runs her hand right up Blues legs and slides 2 fingers deep inside her sweet wetness
blue fulls against me i catch her and hold her up
a loud moan leaves her mouth as she likes the feeling she gets rush throw her body Jane start to bob her head back and forth taken me to the hilt each and every time. She moves her fingers in time with her head and places her thumb onto Blues magic button
Feeling that one and only feeling grow inside me i stop Jane stand Jane up "No you don't" I say turn us around undo her shorts and take the off (MMMMMM no panties) i lift her up and sit her on the edge of the pool table i do the same with Blue, Jane leans over and they kiss passionately as i get on my knees and gently kiss and lick my way up Janes thigh on reaching her soft silky lips i kiss them and run my tongue along them parting them and pushing my tongue in but only the tip runs the tip up to the top and find that button and flicks it with the tip of my tongue
Feeling it swell to my touch and the moan from Jane a hand lands on the back of my head I look to see who's it is and it Blue's "that's it my Prince lick your Queen give her all the pleasure she can take"  she tells me i move back "i will Princess i will" I reply and move right back in and start to lick and suck my Queen for all i was worth. Out the corner of my eye i see Blue being turned around and bent over the pool table i run my hand up the back of her leg up on to her ass rub it around and then SLAP down comes my hand hard SLAP SLAP SLAP with each slap and moan of pleasure come from blue and every slap i give Blue i pinch Janes button with my lips. sucking on her hard i feel her body start to quiver. SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP then rubs it feels the heat no my hand from my slaps
Jane Grabs my head and pushes me deeper into her as she comes over my face SLURPING her juices up and swallowing it all down just as i kiss her lips i hear a voice from behind me "WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE" its the voice of  CHIRSTINAK Blue stands and turns around with her is wide open and says nothing and i just keep doing what i was doing
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 23, 2012, 11:31:36 AM
Lover and JD are moving to the office again.....
"Don't tell me it's another draw!" i think, looking at Lover satisfed face "in round two, we had to drunk ale, what happend whit round three!? Oh goshh....."

I notice the guy expression....worried, he's looking at my face. mmh, probably i don't have a so nice look and i have to admit i feel a little sick. Probably it's just the consequence of the last ride and all the beer i drunk tonight. i gently smile at him
"i'm fine, don't worry......just help me to find a place where i can sit and rest a little..."

We head for the pool room followed by his girlfriend and avoiding people who continue to cheering me or takes few minute to reach the room even if it's really closed to the Bully area. When we enter it, an incredible and unexpected view is in front of my eyes: Bear tied up and exposed like a trophy!

I can't hold a loud laugh looking at him
"Ohhh, i never notice a Bear here on the wall.....i had seen reindeer, boar and buffalo....but it's the first time i see a bear...." i say laughing more.
I look at him again and he looks really disappointed  "Sorry, my friend, but that's so fun...." i apologize trying to hide another laugh covering my mouth whit an hand.

We move on the other side of the room, grinning, and i sit on the pool table border, supporting my body whit my arms. But i really can't get out of my head the view of Bear....ppppff!  ;D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on July 23, 2012, 05:51:44 PM
We're coming back on stage. I look around, smile and take the microphone. Nodding to the band. The drummer starts a rataplan.

"When I look at the girls here, the skirts are so short, they have to cordinate the colour of their panties with the shoes ;D

NOW the good message: We enjoyed the competition. The bad message: It's over. We have a winner. It is..................................................
(rataplan is going on...........)


Sorry, I'm just teasing. Brandy and HB, please come to me on stage. Of course your audience wants to see you and I'm sure you will get a big clap for your performance!"

Brandy and HB are lurching forward. Everyone is silent. Just some moaning is heared ;) When they reach me I take Brandy to my left hand and HB to my right one.

"Ok friends, give them the applaud they deserve!"
Everyone (almost everyone... where is Bear?) is clapping, whistlening and shouting. I look at HB and Brandy, nodding. "Thanks both of you. It was really big entertainment. We all are waiting for your next crazy idea ;) But before I have to declare the winner of your bull riding contest."
Looking at the band I ask for a fanfare. They play "Fanfare for Rocky". I feel HB and Brandy are nervous, their hands are trembling. Everyone (almost everyone, where is Bear?) is excited, waiting for the decision.

As the song is finished I say: Let me finally present you the winner of the "1st Bull riding contest of AChat Bar & Grill"... It issssssssssssssss

I lift HBs arm, then hug and kiss her.

JD is coming with a silver cup, looking like a bull and gives it to HB. I turn to Brandy and comofrt her, but that's not really necessary. She also is applauding to HB.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 23, 2012, 06:06:52 PM
Gritting my teeth,  heart sinking ... applauding HB with a fixed smile on my face ... the  alcohol causing me to  grin and giggle ... HOLY SHIT .. I'VE GOT TO DO A STRIP ..........................
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on July 23, 2012, 11:16:42 PM
Stone and I   cheer for HB  then find Brandy, we give her a big hug for effort and sportsmanship, she mumbles about a strip. not tonite i smile. Stone will drive you home and i will follow in your car  ;) you have had quite the night
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 24, 2012, 02:14:59 AM
Me!? The winner!? I can't believe it! Tears of joy flow from my eyes......i'll take the microphone from Lover hand and looking at all the people in the Bar & Grill, i turn to Brandy, grab her left arm and pull her closed to me.

"Ladies and Guys.....i wanna say thanks to all of you for the cheers you give us all the time! but, most important, i wanna thanks Brandy.....whitout her, the mighty and strongest foe i will ever find, this is never had happend! Thank you so much, my friend!"

I hold her tight and kiss her.....her lips are soft, covered by the taste of the ale we both drunk all night, and her slim body is warm, seems like it's burning! Oh, how long i had wait for this....
The crowd is noisy.....cheering and chantig for the wild night we had till now....we look at, there's lot of people, all having fun.....

I look and nod at Brandy, and together: "Ok, friends......the night is long and we wanna hear your voice screaming! LET'S THE FUN GO ON!!"

Cheers and chants gets is running from hand to hand, smiles are everywhere.....
"oh, i forgot to tell you something, Brandy......if you like, and i know you will, i woud like to create a piece for the Bar & Grill. and, of course, something for you! No matter if you had  lost...."
I smile at her, my best foe ever......and a precious friend!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on July 24, 2012, 06:38:59 AM
With the bull riding contest over, I jump down from the stage after congratulating both Brandy and HB on an awesome show of sportsmanship.  Those were the best rides I've seen in a long time.  I hang an "Out of Order" sign on the bulls horns, grab another brew from the barkeep and make my way to the fresh air and the fire pit outside.  Passing by Bear, fist bumping him, I say "Nice collar, dude.  Have fun with that"   Stepping out of the back door, the cool night air hits my body and I immediately become refreshed.  I take a seat by the fire pit, gazing at the blue and orange flames coming from the burning embers.  This is the life at the A B & G. 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Eva_RG on July 24, 2012, 08:46:21 AM
Imputting   Female  sex creature  zoom in  ...  Looking at nails , hand displayed out in front of her,  Copy movements ... Good Imput

Imputting    Saw Horse .. sex creature displayed ..searching .. found ..  recognition...  Bear ..  highly sexed ...  Imputting .. tied up .. searching ... found .. sex creature for sexual pleasure.

Instruction .. Walk to Bull Pit , Imputting ...  Bear's  naked bottom displayed ...  zoom target ..  anus ...  sit next to target .. Instruction ... self lubricate right index finger. Wait Task Complete.

 Insert finger slowly into Bear's anus target ... searching .. found target. .. Prostrate Gland.  Instruction ... turn right Index finger into moderate vibrate mode. Massage prostrate. Speed steady.  Commense...

Simultaneous , search memory banks for nail inspection. Extend left hand and fingers .. Inspect nails , turning hand slightly .. repeat  inspection on each finger of left hand.

Search memory bank .. lift lips and show teeth .... Grin ....   Good  Imput

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on July 24, 2012, 08:58:29 AM
Hello everyone at the Bar & Grill Jane has given me the go ahead to tell you that she had her scan today
she's having a BOYshe and i are very happy
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 24, 2012, 09:02:04 AM
Tango, wait....are you talking about a baby!? oh, wow....wonderful! best wishes for you and for jane!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on July 24, 2012, 09:04:46 AM
I rush back into the bar to see what all the commotion is about.  A boy!?!   Congrats to the happy couple.  This round of drinks is on me!  and a virgin Margarita for the expectant mother.   Congrats!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on July 24, 2012, 10:10:21 AM
Pachacuti  looks beautiful.  He has been washed and brushed  and his black and white fur all fluffed up.   He has on a beautiful  little white frilly ballerina skirt , a matching frilly lacy bra top and the most beautiful  baby blue garter on his hairy leg.  He looks adorable.

I lead him out to the  Bull Pit  and sit him by Bear where he chews on his bamboo sticks quite happily.  Jayc looks on amused and I wink at him, blowing him a seductive kiss  on my hand and blowing it to him.  He catches the kiss with his hand grinning and places it on his cheek.

I turn to Tangoracer and hug him ,“Well that’s is just great, Congratulations on your news - a boy . Tell Tangojane, we wish her well and tell her to come wet the bump as soon as she can. There is lots of coke and ice here for her”  I signal to the barstaff  to give Tangoracer a drink on the house.

I walk up to Christi and so Bear can hear,   “ Anyone or anything can have a go at milking your Stallion. Is that right? “

Christie grins wickedly , “ Why yes of course”

“ Well Pachi would like to have a go at tantalising your man.  He has a very long tongue for eating Bamboo you know”

Christie laughs, “ I’m sure he has”

Bear’s face looks very startled  & already  fighting Eva’s vibrating  finger in his ass. Eva seems unaware of his building pleasure as she looks at her nails in deep concentration.

I take out my flute and begin to play, a haunting yet sensuous melody. 

Pachi  rises and starts off in a ballerina pirouette  and  begins to sway to the music.

 His paws shaping his body in an overly sexy manner in front of  Bear’s eyeline.  He watches in horrified terror at the Panda’s  overtly  sexual  overtones in the dance routine.  The Panda moves  his paws to his hips, swaying backwards and forwards and walks sensually to Bear before squatting slowly and revealing his own penis and massive bollocks.  He holds the position beautifully and sways to the music, his long tongue lolling out of his mouth .  He rises again and moves back, swaying and feeling his furry bulk.   He sways some more  and turns bending down slowly so Bear can see his fine bulky ass, feeling his straightened legs to his ankles and back up again.  He turns with the music and  walks very sexily to Bear and places one hind leg on Bears shoulder,  slowly feeling along his leg and back up again, then he rubs Bears face in his furry belly.  Before he turns to continue his dance,  the Panda uses his paw to touch and examine , the fine, shiny, leather new collar he is wearing with those very special significant silver charms.

The crowd cheers  fascinated as they realise the Panda is doing his own sexy version of an erotic lap dance, just for Bear.

The Panda moves back to his original position dancing provocatively , feeling and squeezing his body and then moves again to Bear,  dropping his tongue out to threaten and worry.

He sways and leans forward and just as the music is about to end,  He licks Bear’s face from his jawline, up his cheek to this temple and hairline.  Giving Bear a full whiff  of Cabbage breath.

 Then the Panda moves down Bears side, out of his line of vision, trailing his paw along his back to his buttocks. 

Bear suddenly thinking ..  “ OMG, he wouldn’t, couldn’t .. “

Just as Bear is about to squeeze his eyes in  dreading anticipation.  The flute is stopped and Pachi stops still , sits and waits patiently for his baboo.

I approach Bear grinning ..  “ You didn’t think ....   “  laughing and shaking my head.

Pachi takes a bow to the crowd before I return him out back for his well deserved Bamboo  and  Salad.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 24, 2012, 03:17:11 PM
Hentai  grabs me on the stage, my fuzzy head still trying to come to terms with gravity of the situation, and hugs me.

  Her kind  words filter through as she compliments me on being a worthy adversary . I smile at her, thinking, one day... one day,  I might just get the better of her ...  She very sportingly offers to do my pictures afterall...  “ Thank you so much “ hugging her again for her generosity.

But the here and now  moment is Hentai’s and she deserves  it ... I vigourously applaud and cheer HENTAI -  the Bull champion.  More drinks are ordered and the night continues....

Tangoracer rushes into the bar with the great news that  Tangojane was expecting a boy. Cheers erupt .  I slap him on the back , “That’s great Tango, just great..  Tangobabyracer in blue ... Have a drink on me  to celebrate” 
 I thrust some money in his hand and wink at him.

Jayc  finds his way to me and guides  me to Stone’s car ,  time  to call it a night .. .. Tomorrow is a fresh day.  I mumble and slur about loving everybody and  I got to finish Bear off and sort out a Strip routine, before nodding off in the car..  dreaming about a kaleidoscope of events swirling around the centre of the Bar & Grill, which strangely included a dancing Panda and a Robot....

The next morning is not good ... I wake up in a bed that’s not mine  and 2 heads that shouldn’t be there...  My eyes start to focus  ..  Jayc  & Stone...

 I groan ..” please tell me .. we didn’t... we didn’t go there “   I prey to my God.   

 JayC suddenly turns and places his arm around me, his hand resting on my breast.  He’s still sound asleep  as is Stone, even  their snores trumpet  in unison.  So sweet.  ;D
I shift out, careful not to wake them ,  naked as the day I was born ..  thats so not good either...

I  get up and steal some of Stone’s clothes ... she’s such a fat knacker but they will have to do.

 I grab my things and see a kettle ..  just what I need a cup of hot tea to hit the road.... and my car keys, spotting them on the side..  then ...  Oh God memory begins to slowly come to life .. shopping to get my  costume for the strip show  because  I LOST ... and vivid memories of gobbling Bear .. in public ..  OMG ..  blushing ...

First though , home, a shower & a brush & clean.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on July 24, 2012, 06:33:22 PM

Let's have a drink and talk about the sleepless nights you're going to have soon ;) It's not the first AChat baby but it's YOUR! And we are part of it.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 24, 2012, 08:21:21 PM
Shopping  all  done,  costume on , lighting sorted, the staff had all worked hard for this moment. Standing behind the big blood red velvet curtains , I wait, heart beating as I hear  Lover take to the stage and announce my act... the music begins to play by the Country Boys ..  After Dark (Tito & Tarantula)  The curtains open, my heart rate rockets and the spot lights are on me..

“ Just Breathe”  I instruct myself, “ Just treat it like the private dance you do for your  special man “

In my mind’s eye, I see him, Neo, my imaginative lover, I see him there , anticipation and excitement dancing in his eyes  and I smile ... suddenly .....I know I can do this .....

I  am dressed with plumes of feathers on a head dress, oranges, and yellows and reds of a fire , a fire of passion,  a burgundy  & gold full length cloak ,and on the back a magnificent embroidered  black and yellow bee, enveloping my body. 

My feet are adourned with burgundy boudoir  feathered shoes.

 Underneath the cloak a black half cupped lacy Basque and matching high legged panties with side bows, black stockings and suspenders and black long length gloves...

I step onto the stage, swinging my hips sexily, taking one long purposeful step after another. My body moving in the rhythm of the music, my mind totally engrossed in that same rhythmic beat and eyes of my  imaginative lover, Neo, watching me.

I swing the cloak wide to cover my body totally except for the headdress,  as jets of fire shoot up a couple of feet in height , at the corners of the stage ..  announcing the presence  of  a Warrior Queen paying her dues.

I hold the cloak position for a few titillating seconds before flinging it open , my arms held full length , letting the lighting and unseen eyes feast on my full  curvy figure for a few seconds  before flinging it off to pool at my heels behind me, throwing my head back a little, jutting my chin out and opening my mouth, my tongue slightly protruding from my mouth  and breathing deeply, sexily, letting the sensuous feelings wash over me, looking out under lowered eyelids . Very very seductively, and a woman  very confident  & bold in her sexuality.

My body sways  in waves backwards and forwards, up and down, as I slowly push my fingers through my long hair at the sides of my head , jutting my butt backwards and thrusting  my chest forwards my arms out to entice Neo and the audience to follow me with their eyes... my lips pursing, open a little , inviting erotic thoughts of lovers enticed to a bedroom for the promise within.

My arms held out to my sides,  swaying up and down alternately , my body twisting at the same time writhing sexily to the music,  one leg bent seductively in front of the other, slowly, controlled, breathing and oozing sexuality...  lips still pouting, breathing deeply for Neo, eyes full of want, of need, of seductive primitive lust.

 I bend back thrusting my breasts out to the audience hair tumbling down my back, twisting up, turning to face the front and stepping forward, thrusting my hips, writhing my body, letting my hands stroke my hips, my thighs , my sides as I walk forwards, provoking the thoughts of intimate lovers touching and exploring.. My arms rise to caress my ears and hair,  still dancing to  that potent sexy melody, eyelids and eyes   constantly teasing for a reaction... every now and then my arms out front, fingers hinting at a beckon .. to back up that tease.

My body is writhing, losing myself in the moment, enjoying the sexiness of the moves and slowly building my own passion, little moans escape my lips as erotic thoughts of Neo begin to fill images  in my mind.

I  move to the front of the stage and place a leg on a Tango’s shoulder,
Still moving my body in rhythmic waves I tell him to remove one of my shoes ..... with his.... teeth. He blushes at the attention but manages to do much to the delight of the crowd. 

Covems is the next  chosen victim to remove the remaining shoe,  again with his teeth. Another cheer as he completes the task.

I see JD in the crowd and beckon him on ...  he hesitates but does so.  I place my leg on a strategically placed chair on the stage. “ Take that stocking off”, I instruct, “ slowly.  He undoes the suspender belt and slowly peels it down , caressing the length of my leg, rolling the stocking free and keeping his prize. 

 I see lover, and beckon him with my finger .. to take the other one off.  He gets on stage and undoes the suspender belt fastening,  lowers the nylon  in much the same way, holding it up to the crowd as they cheer him off.

Next I spot Tight,  and indicate my glove,  he jumps on stage and I caress his face before making him loose each finger tip with his teeth before, he can role it down and keep the glove.

Jayc, next , to do the same with the other glove. Teasing his mouth, pushing my thumb inside his mouth, pursing my lips in blatant  sexual behaviour, before allowing him to peel the glove off to keep.
Moving back on stage, I writhe and grind and begin to undo the laces of my basque,  each one allowing my breasts to push free a bit more, until  finally its ready to come off.

I turn my back to the audience and tease as I open it  away from them,  before tossing it away showing the perfect contours and lineage of my naked back. I tease the audience by looking over my shoulders, pouting sexily.  I turn with the music, crossing my arms, covering  my naked, free breasts but glimpses of the orbs peaking our clearly seen. I  step forward swinging my hips  , one foot in front of the other,  before flinging my arms open . My breasts spring free much to the delight of the crowd but my nipples  are.... covered by tassels.

The only things left now as I dance semi naked is the headdress, the suspenders , the tassels and high legged panties.  I shake my breasts a little to the music, causing the tassels to twizzle and tantalise. My hands stroke my body as I writhe and grind and caress my waist, my hips, and breasts, moaning for Neo in my mind’s eye.#

As I squeeze and knead my breasts, I throw my head back  to thrust out my chest, hair tumbling down my back. I squeeze and pop the tassel off one then the other  breast, hiding my nipples underneath my hands , before holding the moves a few seconds to tease. Then  I fling my arms open , free and naked to the gaze, I throw the tassels into the audience.

  I step and twist my body again to the beat, walking and thrusting my hips  to my cowboy hat at the corner of the stage,  thrusted breasts noticeable as they  rock in their unrestricted  movements. 

I step off stage and sway suggestively , each step pronounced  with the hip thrusting and to  Bear still at the Bull pit, still tied up.  I see a cowboy staring, mesmerised by my naked breasts. And I prise his drink bottle from his hand, stealing it. But no resistance there, as I sway a little to give him a show, rocking my breasts and making him salivate.

I approach Bear and tease his mouth open,... with my toes. Once my toes have invaded his mouth I tease , still dancing, ensuring he can see my scantily clad body and curves

.I then begin to pour from the bottle,  seductively  from the top of my leg .. the liquid travelling down to his finding its own meandering pathway to his mouth.

I see his eyes flair with male interest at the intimacy of drinking from someone’s body and he laps  the beer and sucks my toes provocatively, some of the beer trickling from his mouth. Mmm , my eyes flair back with an answering interest to him. After  the tease is finished, I again, sway and rock my back to centre stage.

Holding the  cowboy hat in one hand, I bend double, placing it on the floor in front of me, I show my buttocks to the audience and suggestively undo my suspender belt from around my waist. I pull it slowly free out of my panties, enjoying the graze as it does so against my sensitised skin.  I  stand and turn swing it round and out into the audience, still swaying to the music.

 I move up to centre stage, still dancing seductively, hat in hand. Place the hat in front of my feminine centre and undo one of the bows at the side, the panties  drop  half free . Using the other hand with a flourish,  I slowly undo the last bow, and final item of clothing. The panties drop to the floor, the cowboy hat hiding my final blush and the fact I am immensely passioned  by this experience
I dance and sway to the music as it starts to end, turning slowly round to show  my bare buttocks, firmly toned and rounded and tantalisingly the promise of a little more between my legs as I bend a little to tease and look backwards over my shoulder sucking my finger very suggestively.
As the music starts to end, I sway and dance and then fling the hat to the back of the stage –  proud, and nude , except for the firey feathered  headdress. My breasts, my nipples,  my buttocks, my trimmed pussy   for all to see.   And especially  Neo , smiling with desire in my mind’s eye ...... The Warrior Queen is as naked as the day she was born ....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on July 25, 2012, 10:54:09 AM
A BIG CHEER fills the room as Branby go's out of site CALPSfrom every pair of hands in the Bar as we all stand
Looking around the room I see Jane walk in I meet her at the bar where Stone is handing her a glass of coke and ice
I put my arm around her and kiss her cheek she turns and kisses me back Stone hands me a beer and Congrats Jane on the news of the baby being a boy. Jane turns and thanks Stone "I have same copy's of my scan photo's here and puts them on the bar. (http://baby 1) (http://baby 2)  Jane passes them to Stone she takes them and smiles. As the girls get all babied up i walk over to the bear pit
lean on the wall and watch the panda eat it's bamboo I turn to Stone i feel lucky tonight is Pachacuti up for his first loss
Stone turns AND say's "He will never loss" and loughs " What you want to get your ass KICKED Tango"
I turn to Jane and smile she shacks her head " your not as fit as you were 10 years ago your going to loss and get hurt"
I smile "I'll be just fine "
i walk over to the Bear pit and rub the panda on its head.
Stone Asks Jane "What are Tango's stats" Jane answers "6ft   220lbs   50in chest  34in waist and a reach of nearly 7 foot "
"So he keeps in shape then" Stone reply's "yeah his in the gym twice a week and his back down to his fight weight" Jane smiles the reply
"Fight weight" Stone questions "He yest to be in the England TEA KWON DO team for 3 years and has being training hard to get back to his fight weight again" Stone's eye's open wide.

I walk passed Pacha and take off my shirt hear a couple of wolf whistle from the bar area.
I turn and smile  and start to stretch and warm up stretching my arms out side ways with my back to the room. roll my joints cracking each one as i stretch out every muscle in my arms and shoulders, bending at the waist i reach down and place the back of my hands on the floor stands back up and pulls of my cowboy boots stands and works my feet onto the dirt of the bear pit turning to face the room I bend over again and put my head on my knees on standing back up and stretching my arms over my head i see Brandy walking towards the pit i put my hands up and ask her to "Stop and stand just there" i smile and say my turn and in one quick move i gently rest my carff on her shoulder I take her hands and put them on my knee smiling at her i say "slowly walk backwards" she do's  and as she do's i keep the foot on the floor still and end up in a full splits turning my body to Brandy i lay flat down my leg. I hear a soft "WOW" from Brandy. i lift my leg of her shoulder  keeping it up high i turn around and lower it right at Pacha then put it down
turn to Stone and Say ready when you are

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on July 25, 2012, 11:46:04 PM
i watch Brandys performance smiling and applaud loudly at the finale  i run out to the car and get Brandys cloths from the night before and return inside. i spot her on the side of the stage and nudge  JD  watch this i tell him..........i walk up to Brandy and tap her on the shoulder when she turns i embrace and plant a hot wet kiss on her lips. that was great last night i whisper in her need to spend the night more often, heres your cloths you left.............see ya later i wink and walk back to JD who has a puzzled look on his face. chuckling softly i tell him its not what you think grab a few beers  and come out to the fire and i will explain. we sit  and i tell him the story. Brandy was so wasted last night  stone drove her back to our cabin and i drove Brandys car. when we got home Stone got off her beer soaked cloths and got her settled in on our couch, then we went to not sure what time it was but brandy must have got up to use the bathroom and then walked into our bedroom she must thought she was home and tried to climb into bed with us, she was still drunk and half asleep. Stone and i tried to talk to her but she was making no sense and was soon fast asleep again. stone said just leave her be  im too tired to deal with this, i agreed and went back to sleep. in the early morning i felt her stirring and get up, peeking at her she had the look on her face  like omg what happened. she grabbed some of stones cloths made some nosie in the kitchen and left shortly after. i owe her a little payback so i thought i would mess with her head tonite. she is going to think twice berfore pounding down a yard of ale again  ;)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 26, 2012, 07:26:14 AM
It takes me more then an hour to thanks everyone who was stopping me in the bar just for offering me a drink or just to greeting me for the performance.....some guys give me some friendly slap on my bum when i pass near them....   :P
At last, lot of big surprise tonight at the Bar & Grill......the misteriuos girl, the performance of Blue, the contest whit Brandy and the vision of Bear in my mind.....this is how life goes on eh!

But probably, night fun is not over......i know someone is waiting for me in the pool room, but when i enter it, most of the light are off. Only the one over the table are on and i wonder why. I put the cup on the floor and slowly i begin to move along the wall trying to find the switch when suddenly someone grab my right arm and pull me on the table border, whit my butt resting on it.

I can feel an had caressing my left flank, moving up slowy and whit a gentle it's on my breast, gently squeezing it. Meanwhile, someone is chewing my right ear......oh body is shivering with intense to make me moan! now it is kissing my neck, slowly but greedy......i lean back a little, caught in the vortex of the senses......

Now i can see his's the guy who had help me after the second ride, but now he is naked....i take a closed look at him......oh my, he have a well carved and sweaty body  and now he is over me! My body is on fire and i'm loosing all controll! Too much time had passed seen a man had touch my body and i really want it now!

The shirt slipped down from my shoulders and he has notice it.....with the right hand, he slowly makes it slide even more, till it fall on the table....normally, i would feel embarrassed, but not this time! Maybe it's the ale i had drunk, maybe it's my body who enjoy the pleasure rising inside me.....a pleasure that increase when i feel hads fondle my calves

Delicate hands but secure in their movement, that follow the line of my legs.....not long legs, i had to admit, but tonic thanks to the length walk i like to do at dusk! Her hands are now caressing my thighs and i can see her pretty face: her dark blonde hair is matted and her face flushed.....probably they were bored to waiting me and they thought to have some fun!  ::)

I smile mischievously at her.....she notices it and starts to lick the inner thighs......slowly, but without hesitation, her tongue is getting closer to my shorts. Instinctively, i throw my head back, moaning loudly at her touch! The feeling of her saliva on my thighs makes me mad and her boyfrend have noticed it.......he firmly squeezes my nipple between his fingers and i can't hold another moan!

Gently, he makes me lie down on the table.....he continues to squeeze my left nipple, while his tongue starts to lick the right one. I'm in ecstasy....i'd like to hold him closed to me, but i feel strengthless...too many emotion and ale this night and now i'm at the mercy of two unknown! But now i can't realize it.....all my mind can feel is the pleausure who is firing up inside my lusty body!

Her hand, is now stroking my cock over the shorts ....she lingers a moment, stroking it well, then begins to unbotton them, revealing my black panty soaked by precum.....her tongue is licking them while her hands are running over the lace and start to pull my shorts and panty down. Normally, this is an embarassing situation for me, but tonight is different....i feel an incredible appeal whit this couple, perhaps a little younger than me, and i want to enoy this feeling till the end.

My cock pop out of the shorts, semi erect.....her eyes sparkled at that sight! Maybe it wasn't as big as she expected, but it sure was what she wanted! She kiss it on the head, two or maybe three time, and with hands on knees, opened my legs. She kneels down, begins to lick and suck my balls, craving, with slow and precise cock react immidiatly at this stimulation, it start to grown and all i can do is moan and felt my body burn because of this overwhelming passion!

My body wiggles, but their hands are restraining me..... i'm at their mercy and they know it! He's playing whit my hard nipples: licks them, sucks them ..... bites them! hardly, eagerly ..... he gives me a mix of pain and pleasure.....i can't resist it....i like and need it....they feel it.....specially the girl....she hold my cock in her hand and she can recognize my pleasure growing from how fast my cock is pulsing!

Her left index finger had start to rub around my little hole.....slowly at first, then a little faster at every moan i made! Her tongue, who was licking all over my hard cock, is close to my hole now ..... it touches it a little...... at this, i'll go crazy.....this intense pleasure make me scream......i'll arch my back....oh, gosh......she star licking hard, pushing her tongue on my little hole, trying to open a way inside me!
Did not take long to find it .... maybe it's an inch inside of me now ..... she continue to lick for a while and i'll go crazy.....more.....when she pull her finger inside me, it go easly deep.....i feel it moving, faster......

"MORE....PLEASE I NEED MOOORE!" are the best words i can say in this moment.....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on July 26, 2012, 11:27:35 AM
Sitting at the bar watching Tango stretch tilt my head to one side "mmmmm" comes from my mouth thinks (not bad not bad at all).
I see the Brandy eyes widen as Tango rests his leg on her shoulder and take 2 or 3 small steps back taking Tango right down into a full spit
and then lips reads "WOW" as he lays down his leg. spinning his leg around and points it at pachi.
I turn to Stone"i think you bet get you flute"
She go's to her bag and unwraps the golden flute and we move to the edge of the bear pit
Tango is still moving around looking as if his about to have the fight of is life thinks ( it could be the fight for his life if that panda losses it)
I shout "LOOKING GOOD BABY" he turns and smile then focuses back on the panda
Pachi just sits there eating his bamboo
Stone say's to Tango "LAST CHANCE TO BACK OUT"and puts the flute to her lips "lets see what you got Tango" and starts to play her flute
Pachi  drops his bamboo and lifts his head and starts to lift his 500+lbs body off the dirt as he is half way up BANG Tango hits him cross the chest with a diving shoulder and knocks Pachi onto his back. Tango is back to his feet and moves to the panda's blind side,Pachi straggles to get back to his feet Stone plays the flute and pachi starts to get to his feet again. Bang Tango rushes in again and puts the panda back on his  back. Tango move and looks like his going to do it again Pachi puts his feet down hard as tango rushes in again and just stops as he hits pachi full in the chest he wraps  his long arms around the panda and tries to give the bear a bear hug pachi lifts his front paws and slams them down on tangos back it brakes Tango's hold and he hits the dirt hard Pachi go's to hit again and drops his front paws down But Tango is quick and rolls out of the way
and pachi only gets dirt
Tango is back to his feet and jumps on pachi and wrapped his arms around the pandas neck and is trying to put the giant panda sleep
The panda's eyes roll and looks like he is going to sleep Stone blows hard on her flute and his eyes open wide and lets out a loud ROW and just shacks tango off his back and as Tango fly's off pachi grabs tango in mid air and throws his right out of the pit. Tango hits the wall hard with a loud CRACK Stone stops playing the flute and pachi sits down finds some bamboo and starts to eat again. Tango still hadn't moved from the heap where he landed the crowd cheer then go quirt i get up and rush over to Tango as i get to him he move and grabs his shoulder the face of pain that meets me was not what i was hoping for. "Did i win" he asks I shack my head . Forget the fight are you OK looking at his shoulder "Yeah i'm fine" as he get to my feet still holding his shoulder and walks over to Stone "his still undefeted then" "Yeap looks like it" she says smiling. He winces from the pain from his shoulder " YOU OK TANGO" Stone asks  Tango answers " I think it dislocated i need someone to give it a good pull and pop it back in. Stone calls for JD over he takes a strong grip on Tango's arm and as he pulls it hard Tango rolls his shoulder CRACK and back in it go's "ARRRRRRRRRR" as it pops back in Tango say's  "thanks mate that better" as he rolls his arm turns to Stone and says "Time for a beer"
we all go back to the bar and get that beerand chat about what had just happened.................... 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on July 26, 2012, 12:34:49 PM
As the music plays for  " Do the Pachacuti " dance,we all join in with the special moves ... Pachi .. undisputed champion.

I notice Eva sitting by Bear in the Bull pit .. and drag her up to take part.  She comes with me and after , watching the steps and arm movements a little while, she begins to join in.  A little stiff but she is grinning and seems to be enjoying herself.

Everyone cheers Tango for his fine efforts .   Seeing his bulging muscles was  a fine treat for all the ladies present.

The dance finishes and Pachi has his well deserved Bamboo and salad, and a scratch behind his ears.

 I fetch the consolation prize for  his worthy competitor.   A Tee- shirt with the AB&G logo, the head of a Panda with his tongue showing , saying  " Pandard & licked"   and a glass tankard with the same image on.

 I walk over to the Tangos ... " You put up a great fight "  I congratulate .. " Here's your prize for trying, and dont forget, you have free drinks on the house all night "

Jayc joins us to check on Tango's shoulder .. " I can feel your pain " He sympathises " Just make sure your pants aint torn or some people in here might have a field day"

Tango's shoulder seems just fine after JD's first aid. And a few beers will make him feel even better... purely medicinal of course.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on July 26, 2012, 02:28:22 PM
I fall back into the restraints as Brandy is moved off... mind focusing on relaxing for the next assault on my body...

The low hum distracts me... and my eyes fall now to that odd creature now hovering nearby,... afixed on me... measuring... calulating in her assessment of the situation.

though gentle... her probe of the anus is not quite the erotic lead of enjoyment... I squirm as I am penetrated... then fight at the binds....

Muscles tense... bulge as I strain to break... the whole episode just making the creatures act a painful rather than erotic play... but the effort wasted... right now the binds too secure. So I settle back... shift at the uncomfortable act.... trying to relax, settling to the focus of the vibrations.

The creature there appears distracted... an odd presumption that this alone would be sufficient. Mechanical.. cold...

Annoyance takes hold and I bark... "Well why you are at it mind doing a colonoscopy?... I need a second opinion....."

the creature turns to me... blinks assessing my words and I feel deeper movement...

"Oh Christ..." I think...feeling my taunt taken as a request.

The suden shock takes me... and I am barely aware of soft melody surrounding me...almost immediate the press of fur against me...rubbing in some form of erotic play to the meoldy... My ass asaulted by a deeper probe... the panda rubbing dancing... and my eyes catch in shock the odd manner of dress...

I glare at stone there...  "oh you wouldn't,,,, couldn't... "

Oh god... my mind racing with the twist of the situation... until I hear the Stones laughter callingof the creature.

"I'll get you.... " I threatened... just watch Stone....

and I squirm a bit more... feel the probing digit of Eva pull from me...

"Input complete.... status of biological unit normal"

It turns and moves back to the crowd...

And I lay there sweating and exhausted... the one good thing... there is no way any could get me to that point  under these circumstances.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: christinak on July 26, 2012, 02:32:05 PM
Sitting in my chair, still naked, legs crossed and tapping my crop against my calf I am starting to tire of the spectacle that is unfolding before me.  What was supposed to be a nice kinky contest, has turned into a drunken monkey circus.  Worst of all, I can see that the ringleader has involved my dearest submissive, blue.  She looks to me, embarrassed for her part, but though I won’t say it directly to her, I know who is to blame.  Tangoracer.  I had been finding little notes everywhere I went that evening.  All of them taunting me, and all of them ending the same way.  “I can take as good as I give.”  Now looking on Tango, I knew who they were from.  My eyes narrowed on him.  Tunnel vision.

Standing up from my chair, I walk past the group before me and over to my friend who looks to be glad that it’s over.  Whispering in his ear, “You win Bear.  I’m yours to do with as you wish.”  I can tell from his expression that he is exhausted beyond the point of being able to collect on our bet, so I tell him “No worries dear, when you’re ready, just tell me.  I’ll be at your command.  Right now, I have an interloper to deal with.”  He nods in response, flashes me a quick smile, and disappears into the bathroom.

Turning my attention now to Tango, I can see him walking toward the bar with his pack of hooligans.  Walking over still naked, I can feel the eyes of every one I pass on me.  Placing my hand on Tango’s shoulder “Not so fast buster!”  Just as he begins to whirl around, I begin to wonder if the whole time he was playing his games with blue, he was trying to get at me.  This made me even more determined to teach him a lesson in manners.  As he spun around I saw his other hand following close behind trying to grab my arm.  Quickly I reached for it and got his thumb and index finger before he could touch me.  Looking in his eyes now I could see that he knew he was caught.  My most wicked smile crept across my face as I turned his hand over, spinning him back the way he came and face down onto the nearest table.  His arm now twisted behind him in a delightful wrist lock.  I leaned over him and whispered into his ear as he grunted from the pain in his arm, “So little man, you think you can just walk into my scene and take over?”  Just as his mouth starts to move I give his thumb a little tug and press his face into the table so that the vague threat he tries to speak isn’t understandable. 

Raising my head I yell to everyone now watching, “Since the main event was so rudely interrupted, who would like to see Tango here get a lesson in manners?”  To the sound of clapping, whistles, and one loud “Off with his head!” coming from behind the men’s room door.  I lean down once more.  “Looks like it’s your unlucky day.”  I whisper into his ear before raising back up and locking my eyes on my dearest blue.  “Get me some rope blue.”  I say with a smile. 

Gladly she dashes over to the bull and snatches some of the decorative rope off the wall beside it and brings it back to me.  “Your  rope Miss Christy.”  She says dutifully.  Taking it from her I say, “Thank you blue, now help me get this little man ready to be punished.”  blue takes one end of the rope I give to her and ties it securely around the wrist I now have in my control I then step around the table taking the arm at the end of my rope with me.  “Give me your other arm dear.”  I breathe at Tango.  Without thinking about it, I see his other arm come out from under his body and over the end of the table where I secure it to the wrist already in my possession.  Then securing the rope to the underside of the table.

“blue?” I say to my pet. 

“Yes Ma’am.”  She replies

“Get this little man’s butt out in the open for me.  While I go change into something more appropriate.” 

“Yes Ma’am.”  She says, as I grab a table cloth off of an un used table and fasten it around my upper body and walk to the door.  “The bag in my car.”  I think to myself.  Out in the parking lot I reach into the back seat of my little Honda and remove a large bag, lock the door again, and walk back inside to see that my giggling sub has gotten her struggling prey’s pants down to his ankles, his boots already sitting on the floor behind her as I walk past and into the ladies room. 

Like some kind of kinky superhero, I pull off my table cloth and reach into my bag, removing my leather top and mini skirt, I slide them on.  Then reaching back again I pull out my thigh highs.  Sliding my feet into them, I zip up the sides and find my feet on the wobbly 8 inch heels.   After steading myself I look in the mirror.  After adjusting myself so I don’t look lopsided, I reach in the magic bag one last time.  “Mascara” I think to myself, “Lots of it.”

After putting on my eyes and touching up the rest of my makeup, I look at the queen bitch staring back in the mirror.  I practice my scowl in the mirror for a few seconds more while I give my hair a quick tease, then turn to the door.  Standing there for a moment, I take a deep breath.  “This is harder than going out naked.”  I think to myself and laugh a little before screwing the scowl back on my face and thrusting the door open. 

“blue!”  I yell across the bar to my sub, who is bent over the now, half naked Tango, teasing him.  She stands up quickly and acknowledges me.  “Yes Ma’am!”  She replies.

Strutting over in their direction I can see a few jaws hanging open at what I am wearing.   Naked they can deal with, strip teases they can deal with, but leather, lace, and blacked out eyes brings a special kind of stare.  Still walking I can see Tango turning his head as far around as he could to get a glimpse of what everyone else around him was now muttering about.  “Give me his belt!”  I say to my sub.  Just as I approach them, she hands me the heavy strap attached to the even heavier buckle.

Leaning over him again, my strawberry hair draped over both our heads I whisper to him once more.  “I got your notes.”  I see a smile across his face.  “Is this what you have been asking for?”  I say as I hold up the belt, clearly intending to give him the whipping of his life.

In as submissive a tone as I had not thought possible from this man I heard him reply softly, “Yes Ma’am.”

Taken aback for the briefest moment I ask of my impromptu sub, “Are you ready for your punishment then?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“We’ll see!”  I reply as I stand and walk around the table and stand behind him.  “Spread your legs!”  I order.  And I see his legs part.  Looking briefly under the table I see his balls drop, but no cock.  Looking a little lower I can see it’s as stiff as the table he’s tied to.  “Well, well, well!  We’ve got a pain slut here!”  I yell.  “Well, then, you can just count the strikes for me.  Don’t miscount, or I’ll have to start over.  Understand?”

A quick nod is my only reply this time.  So I slap his bare ass with my palm and watch it jump “What was that?  I couldn’t hear you!”

“YES MA’AM”  He replies quickly.

I tell blue to make sure he doesn’t lose count as she kneels at my feet.  Over to my left I can see Bear, clothed and cleaned up, leaning against the wall with a drink in his hand.  He gives me a nod and flashes a smile my way before I turn back to tango.  “Ready then?”  As I wrap the strap around my hand and raise it to my shoulder. 

A brief moment of hesitation, then softly, “Yes Ma’am.”

The strap flies through the air and smacks against the soft flesh of his buttocks.  And I can see his ass jump as a delightful pink outline of flesh began to raise up, where the burning sting of the belt left its mark.  I listen for the count but I cannot hear my new sub over everyone else in the bar who now yell in unison “ONE!”  I wasn’t aware that so many had become fixated on watching this interloper get his due.

Again letting the strap fly.  “TWO!” yells the crowd.  As another pink outline of flesh raised itself like a proud hill of burning skin. 

This wasn’t what I had in mind when I started, but I had to admit.  I was enjoying this. 


Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mooncalf on July 26, 2012, 03:27:56 PM

Well... We all got pieces of crazy in us, some bigger pieces than others... and I've always said, if you can't giggle, tickle, Scream, laugh, Run around the room naked, Pour liquor on each other and lick it off, Tie each other down, Have whipped cream fights, and dance and sing with each other, Then you are having sex with the person too soon.... but this has gotten too crazy for me.  I'm out of here and heading down the road to the Honky Tonk.  I cain't watch this no more... Bye y'all.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 26, 2012, 04:24:27 PM
My head is empty, i can't think .... i only feel the fire burning inside me and i like it, makes me feel alive! And when she sticks her middle finger in my hole, i yell whit all the voice i have! I can't resist, my body writhing with pleasure, all my muscles contract to spasm ..... gosh, i like it .... i'm excited like never before! And they know it......she start to push her two finger faster, in and out, widens and tightens them, spinning them inside me! I know she wanna spread my hole and she is really good at it!
She spits in my ass a good dose of saliva, her fingers move  easily, she does it again ..... her finger a moving again, frantic ..... they are exploring my privacy, violating it, but i like it ..... i want more, i need more! And i don't have to wait so long to have it ..... a third finger is opening the way inside me, helped by the work previously done! Instinctively i flinch sphincter muscles, clenching her voracious fingers and feeling a great pleasure growing more. Oh, i would like this will never end!

But with my disappointment, she pull out her fingers, then moves away to sit on the table next her boyfriend. I see her whispering him something and a grin appears on his face.

"What a whore you are! You really like when seomeone stretch this fine ass!" he tell me getting up and moving infront of me "don't worry, soon it will be wide open!"

Listening at his words, i notice his cock ..... hard and big like that are rare to find out. Probably, it was 10 or more inches and it's closed to my ass, approaching it. I swallow ..... i'm scaried but excited ..... i want that "monster" but i'm not sure it will fit.....for sure, no without pain....
He grabs my thighs with his hands and pulls me toward him and he place in the middle of them, majestic, like a warrior ready for battle.

"Don't won't hurt! you will like it...." the girl say, moving over me. Her soft ass is  on my belly and her body is closed to mine, moving it slowly like a snake. I feel her tongue licking my neck, slowly, moving toward the chin and then to my lips ..... my lips open, letting enter that warm and velvety tongue. Our lips are touching for the first time: they are fleshy and hot! She caresses my hair, trying to make me relax ....

I feel the cock head of the guy becomes more insistent .... it's pressed on my anus, pushing to open his way inside me and it found it soon! The head is now all inside and i want to screm, loud, but the lips of the girl are on mine, almost choking me. The guys is pushing his cock deeper, slowly and carefully ..... it hurt a little but i can hold it, my ass was ready to take it, she had make a incredible work using her finger!
He stops for a moment,  probably he wants to be sure that doesn't hurt me, then begins to push again ...slowly, it go deeper inside me, half of it inside now .....

I feel my cock hard and swollen, about to explode, it's hard to resist when the pleasure pervade every inch of your body and probably she had recognized it. she stand up, sitting on my belly and looking at my cock

"Would be a shame to waste it .... it's nice and ready to shoot .... i want it!"  she said licking slowly her lips. She move her butt back, standing on her knees, till ishe is over my cock. with the hand, she lead it towards her wet pussy .... rubbing the head against her pussy.

"Love, you're a slut!" he say her, whit his breath getting heavy.

"This is why you love me....." she answer with a malicious but pretty smile
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on July 26, 2012, 07:21:09 PM
MMMMMM    A soft moan leaves my mouth after each lash           FOUR ......mmmm          FIVE........mmmm          i turn my head round to look to see the sweet smile of pleasure on what was an angry face          SIX.......mmmmm           SEVEN.......mmmm          EIGHT.......mmmmm
       NINE......mmmmmmmmmm             TEN........mmmmmmmmmmmm        Turns my  head again  " Thank you Ma'am" in my soft sub voice........................
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 26, 2012, 07:41:00 PM
With the crowd's cheers and claps still ringing out , I feel relieved yet exhilarated, my dues are paid and the strip over at last. I still want my sword back though ..  mmm... Still buzzing with adrenalin,  I  walk naked, following my performance, to the back of the stage and grap my cloak and hat,  unable to find my clothes..  Someone must have moved them... I  shrug into the cloak to hide my modesty and take off the feather head dress, replacing it with my beloved cowboy hat.  

I so need a drink to calm my nerves ...  as I pass the pool room, I hear some giggling and very suggestive noises ..  popping my head round the door I see Hentai, the Bull Champion celebrating her win in style ..  " You go girl ... "  I  smile ,  thinking ... " Where's Neo , when I need him .."

I walk out into the bar area just in time to see Pachi  wrestling with Tango. Hes putting up a great fight but ... he'll learn ... that Panda never loses.

I make my way to the bar and wave a hand at Christi,  she waves back but seems deep in thought over something troubling her ...  maybe Blu, her pet, has displeased her.  I'll  get her a whiskey , maybe it'll help.

Bear is still shackled and I ruffle his hair ..  "Want another drink, out of a glass this time? " I smile   His eyes hold promise of retribution but I smile at him. He cant do alot bound up.  "My usual " he growls ..  finally.  

"Coming right up".

 I make my way to the bar, as Jayc , suddenly plants a massive kiss on my lips and thanks me for a great night, handing me my clothes. My heart beats a few notches faster ...  "Great body" he teases before going to chat to JD .   I groan, " we must have  ... done ... "  as I picture the 3 of us in  Stone & Jayc's bed.  Shaking my head trying to remember what the hell we did ...

I order the strongest shot in the house and knock it back, picking up my beer, Bear's drink & Christy's Glenfiddich.   I walk over to Christy and give her the whiskey. She smiles her thanks.   " Everything ok?"  I ask

" Someone's  overstepped boundaries with my pet"  She hisses.  

I nod,  knowing a little of their Dom / Sub  creed ways from my visits to the dungeon and their kindnesses of explaining some of their ways.

" Don't be too harsh, "  I sympathise, knowing enough, that there will be retribution " Sometimes, people arn't always aware of your rules"  Christy glares at me  and I back away with my hands open palmed ..  " Hey just saying, no offense meant ... " and change the subject quickly " Did anyone  succeed in ..."   twitching my head towards Bear ..  

Christy grins "  Not yet,  but either way I win ...  He's an animal in the sack.. "    We both burst out laughing  " Grrrrrrr"  I tease, and ask Christy if I can give him, his drink.  She nods and I  move to Bear,  tipping the glass for him to drink from.

I sip my beer as I sit by him, deep in thought..  Bear looks at me ..  "  You worried about my payback? "    I look at the collar round his neck, " It was worth it,"  I  grin," Besides, you got to catch me first...  actually I was thinking I might have had a threesome last night ... and I dont remember a damn thing about it"

Bear raises his eyebrows.   " Really? and do you remember what you did to me?"    
" MMM  No,  not a damn thing," I Lie and quickly retreat, hearing Bear chuckling as I tell him, " I best get my clothes back on, this cloak is so restrictive"   I move off to the bathroom to tidy up.

As I'm dressing and sorting out my makup, I hear someone else come in to do the same thing but my mind is elsewhere,  running over and over in my mind how to approach Stone.. to find out .. Did we, didnt we ...

As I leave and return to  the bar, there's a commotion, and in the middle of it, I see  Christy in all her scary finery ,  whipping the bare butt of  Tango, tied helplessly over the table, whilst Blu is kneeling by her feet.

  " Guess, that retribution is being taken care of then " I wince to myself and then  HO... L..Y    SHIT ... Bear is standing, free , at the bar, drinking ...  I look at Tango and then at Bear ...

Shit, I need to hide .. heart pounding .. I edge into the crowd  who are chanting the number of strokes Christi is dishing out...  wincing at each one...  almost feeling them myself.

I almost bump into Mooncalf  leaving at the same time  "  Its crazy in there "  She tells me, obviously not realising the full picture of whats going on..

I pull her to the side, so no one can see us from the bar ..  " Its a little payback is all,  in their world, that's acceptable retribution and punishment.

 There's all kinds visit our bar and all are as welcome as each other...  Hetero's, Gay, Transgender, Dungeon Folk and us Vanilla's..  Everyone.

Just come in, drink, sing , be merry, strip, the back pool room gets busy now.. " I laugh

 "  Come on, If I give you the money, lets have a drink with Covems at the firepit..  " Looking around, " You got to get them though .. Bear cant find me at the moment... he needs time to .. calm down.. "

She looks at me questioning " Its a long story ...  but I collared him with a bit of help... he deserved it .. but he's a Dom or Top and only Subs earn collars.. so .. he just cant find me at the moment ok? "

She starts to laugh ..

  "  My friend Littlesprout had an idea for a pudding pit .... thought we could do something with that.. " I say to her, putting my arm round her.. " what do you reckon, think Covems would like it too? "

We go back inside and I sneak round to the firepit whilst Mooncalf gets our drinks including one for Covems.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Azrielle on July 26, 2012, 09:54:33 PM

I clear my throat with a twinge of authority behind it. The NSPD must seek to at least discipline its own... and we prefer to do it behind the prying eyes of the public.

"CORPORAL TANGO. My Office..."

The ring of my voice echoes the stern meaning behind the few words spoken. While managing a waddle I ca still demand the respect my uniform implies. From the peak of my forage cap to the pantent leather boots on my feet, there remained but one purpose.

"The Bar is Closed. Last call was an hour ago. Everyone has five minutes to vacate the premises or risk being arrested for non-compliance."

With a less than lady-like stance, my handcuffs were but a simple twist of my wrist to being greeted with the first person to glance sideways at me.

"When the premises are cleared, I want a word with the manager."

The ladies of the NSPD began filling into formation behind me, lest there should be any trouble from those whose judgement was more clouded by alchohol than they perhaps should have been.

"Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock"

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bluedenim on July 26, 2012, 11:10:25 PM

Now there'll be trouble... the Chief is here and Miss Christy & me have some unfinished business with Ursus...... I have a favor to ask Miss  Christy, I hope she'll oblige.. might even save her some face too, but then isn't that what good little subs are for?  :)
It was good fun watching her strap Tango, my own ass cringed in sympathy... or was it jealousy? lol.

Not happy about the NSPD lining up tho, hope none of them recognise me in front of my Sis, think I'll stick to being lil ol Blue for tonight, the front for the band, obedient little sub and bearing no resemblance at all to any Red-haired wanted super-villains  ;)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on July 27, 2012, 06:54:43 AM
Well, this is an unusual turn of events.  I shut the door of the control box to the bull and "clink" the padlock closes, making it secure for another day.  I help with crowd control, making sure everyone gets to their vehicles safely but promptly.  It looks like the whole squad is in the bar. I slide a few empty glasses down the bar to the keep and wipe up a puddle of ale.  She wants to see the manager?  Hum..  Ok.  Interesting.
I nervously clear my throat.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 27, 2012, 07:51:40 AM
"Hey,  JD" ...  looking round to make sure Bear's not around ...  " Take the Chief some Donuts ... lots of cream , lots of sugar ... It just might help your cause and  er  ...  straighten that cowboy hat ...  mmm thats better ... you are a sexy guy .. flash her that smile..  know what I mean ... anything in a good cause.. " 

"I cant show out at the minute... "   

As JD takes a deep breath to face the consequences, I push a whiskey in front of both of us  " One for the team "  We salute each other with the glasses and toss it back.

" You owe me ... big time .. "  He mumbles. 

" Just another on my list, getting longer by the day ... "     I mutter and  grab some  strongggggg  punch.....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on July 27, 2012, 08:01:42 AM
So what brings you in tonight Chief?  I am not really the "manager" but part of the management team with JayC and all.   I care about the A B & G enough to call her my own.  Have a seat, can I get you something?  A beer, a soda, a few cream filled donuts perhaps?  What's got your cuffs in a twist?  We've just been having a bit of fun.  No harm in that right?
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: christinak on July 27, 2012, 08:24:19 AM
Standing there, strap in hand, I tell my dearest blue to let Tango go.  As she unties him, I make a quick sprint to the bathroom to get my bag.  On my way back I see Tango pulling up his pants with Az standing over him.  Pregnant and about to pop, she still looks like she means business, so I’m keeping my distance.  Quickly I get a flash of Tango’s bare ass before he pulls his pants all the way up.  The strap marks deep red and turning more purple by the second.  He’ll have a hard time sitting down tomorrow.  But seeing the way Az is glaring at him I don’t think that the worst punishment will have come from me.  But I got my revenge in any case. 

This was fun tonight, but it really is the wrong venue for my brand of kink.  I may be back, but just for a drink.  I’ve heard mumblings about another place that would be more suitable.  Something about an abandoned dungeon?  I’ll have to do some more looking into this.  Maybe I can bring it back to life.  If not, I’ll start my own.  There’s enough kink in this town to make it worthwhile for sure.

Looking around for my dearest blue, I can’t find her.  Though I never instructed her to wait after she untied Tango, she must have gotten out while the getting was good.  I’ll have to talk with her later about what went on here tonight.  As I approach the door, I can see the room darken behind me out of the corner of my eye, as I walk to the door.  The urge to take one last look is overwhelming but instead I push the door open and disappear into the night.  My last thought as I start my car, “Hope I don’t get pulled over tonight in this outfit.”
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on July 27, 2012, 09:38:12 AM
*pops my head around the corner*

Wow, just need to add some toys and have a private club for all kinky stuff ;)

*looks around seeing several friends and waves to them all while staying back watching everything that is going on to get a sense of the place*
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: christinak on July 27, 2012, 10:14:28 AM
The next day…..
I got the call from Brandy the next morning.  I didn’t ask about what happened after I left.  But I let her know that my brand of kink just seems to be too much for that venue.  I know who I am and I know that my tastes run to a level of taboo that just aren’t accepted in most of society.  We talked about it for a while.  She liked that I had brought a new element to the bar but asked that I tone it down a bit, and I explained that I am who I am.  I would just have to look for another place. 

Just then Brandy got excited and began rambling about a warehouse.  The bar had apparently been there since before prohibition.  Behind it was the old ice house.  They no longer kept ice in there but it was now just a warehouse where they stored all the old stuff from the bar.  Most interesting of all was the secret door in the back of the pool room that led to a tunnel connecting the two buildings that they used to operate the speakeasy during prohibition.  So I could keep my level of kink, and the bar would still be the place to be.  The more kinky fun would just be in the back…..members only.

Intrigued I asked, “What’s the catch?  How much is this going to cost me in rent?”

“Nothing.”  She replied quickly.

“Bullshit,  nothing is free.”  I said

“It’s not free,”  Brandy replied “you will be bringing business through my bar.  If they buy a drink along the way or if they are just seen and talked about, it will help my business.  Simple.”

I thought about this for a moment and was struck by what a shrewd deal this was for her.  “What about all the stuff in the warehouse?”  I asked.

“I’ll have it out of there this afternoon.  I’ll leave the key behind the bar.”  She said.  “Just one thing though.” 

“I knew it, here comes the catch.”  I thought.

“Just make sure you stop by the bar once in a while.  I heard you like good whisky, and I happen to have a case of Lagavulin 21 in the back.  There will be a bottle with your name on it behind the bar.  We still want you there Christy.”

“It will be my pleasure Brandy.”  I replied, already starting to dream about what I would do with the space.

“What do you think you’ll name the dungeon?  Just curious.”  Brandy Asked.

“I think I’ll call it…..The Ice House.”
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on July 27, 2012, 10:53:32 AM
the next day, i check my phone, a text from JD ....... Hey Stone........we had a visit from the NSPD last nite!  he says things got a little wild after we left. no arrests but Tango might be in trouble with the chief!...what the hell happened? Stone yawns getting out of bed i put pachi away and we  left, but the place was packed and rocking.  maybe we were over capaticy as i dress and finnish my coffee, im heading down there, give Brandy  a call  tell her were having a managers meeting  the chief wants to speak to the managers i guess thats me...JD  and Brandy
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on July 27, 2012, 03:13:17 PM

Holy Crap!!  You take the kids to Disney World for a week and when you come back all heck has broken loose!  The Forum has been rearranged, the heat has come down on the AB&G.  I got Eva's sending me roses and kisses and one of the crazy ladies has gotten even crazier!

But... I brought some friends back with me I want you all to meet.


Moonie... maybe these guys are more your speed...  lol.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on July 27, 2012, 06:45:11 PM
Pulls up out side The Bar & Grill get out my patrol car Sets there for 5 mins to take in what has just happened
DEMOTED to Cst... 20 hours community service and security duty at the roadhouse..
Standing at the Door in uniform NO drink NO Fraternizing  with any of the Patrons AT ALL

Get out of my car and walks over to the doors takes a deep breath and walks in.

Stone , Brandy ,Jayc and JD are all sat at the bar

I walk over to them they all look at me Stone asked "Have you seen the Chief yet"
"yes that's why i'm here in uniform been given Security duty here so will be here out front all day and have been demoted to Constable"

"So for the next few day's i will be here" and with that i turn and walk out and go back to my car

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on July 27, 2012, 11:28:23 PM
watching tango leave the bar, poor guy i mutter,  we continue our  staff meeting. i met with the chief.....and thanks to my donation of Stones famous lemon drizzle cake and a few cookie tins of her scones she is going to let the citation slide with no fine. so we dodged a bullet this this ice house annex  sounds like a very good idea, thats Brandys job  overseeing  the renovation  with Christina  consulting. in fact we should turn over the whole project to christina and let her run it  any objections?
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 28, 2012, 04:48:51 AM
"Sounds like a plan". I agree with Jayc,  "The Ice House"  is Christie's  baby. Everything to do with that will go through her or her Management. I'm not sure yet if she has people in mind to help her run the place.  Members will be coming in here visiting to and well... Let's just say.. If  people decide to  go down there .. It will be a certain kind of fun..  ". I grin at Jayc  & JD.

"And if there is any troublesome customer's who we know are members,  Christi  or her management  will be informed to deal with the situation.

Subs have a strict discipline code and any ... Activity,  they take part in has to be cleared by their  their  Master or Mistress.

Maybe,  if Chrisi is ok with it,   I will ask her to  put a private book hidden somewhere, near the entrance of the Ice House in case any Vanilla's  wish to request a session with any members and she can forward the request to the relevant  Dom / Domme for consideration  and arrangements.

Maybe  Bear will take on the domain  of the AG&B,  he can be consulted before any actions or punishments for the Vanilla's here, I'm sure, there will be some that require it. ;D
Think that about covers most things,  guess we'll deal with the rest as we go along.. Make sure Tango gets regular cokes and the odd donut. "

Covems walks into the place and I give him a massive hug...   "Hear you are good with your hands.... You've been volunteered to help sort the pudding pit out the back... If you are interested, maybe even run it.... Glad you are back,  hope you had a great holiday"  I pour his usual drink.

."Let's get this party back on the road " . . . .
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Azrielle on July 28, 2012, 06:36:32 AM
The meeting in my office was indeed productive, and it was most pleasing that Jayc was prompt to have arrived on time, what with my busy schedule.

"A woman's work is never done and this little ballerina needs to be evicted soon." I mutter to myself as I waddle into the bar just in time to overhear Brandy mention gratis refreshments for Tango while he's on security duty. Though it really pained me to have to demote him, he did step on his own dick more than just once lately and this latest incident left me with little choice in order to restore good order and discipline within the NSPD rank and file.

"Good afternoon... Brandy, Jayc... I believe we have an accord in place." I speak truthfully as I now hoist myself into one of the bar chairs. I absent mindedly rub my tummy, only to have a small foot ardently push against my ribs.

"Damm! this little one needs an eviction notice." I mention with a slight giggle.

"OK, I've heard a rumour of a private member's area being annexed onto the Bar." I earnestly mention. "I would like to offer the services of the NSPD to help keep your MEMBERS ONLY area as just that... and just like Las Vegas, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."

I leave my words to discern the reaction from the faces of Brandy and Jayc... if they are good poker players, I might be able to discover their TELL but at this point I still have the start of a very plausible straight laid out on the table... with the only wager so far, being a citation lost in a pile of paperwork on my desk.

"Please feel free to mention to Christi that we have the tunnels mapped, if she'd like to know how many entrances there are to the Ice House." I casually mention with a grin. At this point, the NSPD had no intentions of spoiling anyone's fun, but we are sworn officers whose primary duty is to Serve and Protect which includes helping to make these abandoned places meet some sort of safety code BEFORE being used for public purposes.

I give Brandy a wink and gesture towards the coffee urn steaming black gold.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on July 28, 2012, 11:27:12 AM
Tightfit and I approach the bar black robes swirling about our feet as we cross in front of the attenative Tango at guard. I puase for a moment  and lean in to him a belated congradulations owed.

"Exciting news, congradulations to Jane and yourself in this, I would have offered it sooner but was... ahem... a bit tied up in the moment of announcement."

I look again to Tightfit, take a moment to straighten the ruffled tie of his outfit. Adorned in the garb of magistrates, black robed, with the fine white ruffled shirts,...not to mention the silver white lengthy wigs we no doubt have taken an appearance unlike the prior nights here. After fiddling with the tie, I nod in satisfaction to him, straighten for his satisfaction of appearance, before we enter the bar.

Sweeping thru the empty establishment we  move to the sounds of discussion in the office, a polite knock, but enter immediately startling those at the table as we barrage into the discussion. Titghfit drops a heavy volume onto the table... making it shake under its weight. Eying Azrielle squirm, I break in the moment and lean down towrds her.

"May I?" questionin as I slide a hand towards her tummy, gently placing it there after she grins nodding.  I can't help but grin at the marvel of it as I feel the actvitiy there.. "Oh your hands will be full chasing this one, this little ballerina will hit the ground running."

I straighten,.. my demur changing...

"A REIMINDER,... that Tightfit and I are the governing magistrates of the realm.  The NSPD is a policing authority who is still answers to the authority of the magistrate. Beyond simple detention, punsihment is the responsibilty of the juduical authority. I expect the NSPD to obtain proper warrants in all actions beyond common infractions. Displine within your ranks is a matter of your concern. Displine of the community is ours."

I wait till I receive confirming nods of understanding from all.

"I undersatnd that an extension to the bar has been found,... very good."


"The NSPD will contract for holding cells to be afixed within the Ice House for retention of violators. The NSPD is a policing authority. The magistrate branch the judge... who will confirm punishment before it is given. The magistrates will contract offices there handily for quick confirmation. All displine will be handled therefore within a segregated area of the Ice House., Who provides that is a matter of an agreed accord between the NSPD and Miss Christy."

I eye the superintendent.  " I expect full compliance on this matter from the NSPD." Leaning down with a firm absolute tone to her I whisper... "I will hold you responsible,...and if out of line ....I'll give you my own form of displinary action if I find the matter straying too far."

I rise... eying Tight still silent,... then glance to Brandy...

"Um... btw.... you happen to see my clothes about? I am afraid I was tossed out of the place the other night naked. I won't even go into detail on what it took to get a ride home that night."

She giggles and points to the closet marked "Lost and Found". After a bit of rummaging through  the large amount of abandoned items,.. A curiously large amount of sex toys I find my own., my cell phone luckily still stuffed in one of the pockets. A quick glance eying the unusual volume of calls from Christy. I take a seat at the bar,... taking my time to listen to them. Then head off to the Ice House following the instructions she took the liberty and time to give.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on July 28, 2012, 12:19:24 PM
With Bears departure we conclude the meeting, i carry the Chiefs "donations" and walk her to her car relaxed and relieved the matter is behind us. we walk by Tango who salutes his superior as we pass. i look him over.........down but not defeated still has the twinlkle in his eye.  i wave as the chief drives off, i turn and look at the bar and smile and walk back to Tango, hey big guy hows  the shoulder?  he replies not to bad,  and how is that ass? i grin.........heard christy let you have it, Tango grins but does not answer. hey around lunch time "patrol" around back there will be a sandwich in a brown paper bag for you to "inspect" and if you need some ice for your injuries  just let somebody know.  i head back inside and spot Covems   how was your vacation? got your paycheck from last week in the office. you picked a hell of a week to go on holiday i smile as he hands me an invoice for a liquor delivery to sign. walking back to the office  i shake Tights hand and thank him for showing up at such short notice. drinks on the house all weekend for our legal team.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 28, 2012, 12:52:38 PM
They kiss .... her shoulder rested on his chest, her right harm surrounds his neck, while with her left hand she continued to rub my cock on her pussy. Gently, he strokes her belly, slowly rising his hand till touch her breast. Meanwhile he’s pushing his cock inside me, with force, until his balls hit my ass ...
My body writhes, i moan .... when i feel my cock slid inside her, i reach the limit, ready explode! I try to resist, as she starts to move, coordinating her rate with that of him: when he pushes his cock deeper in me, she slips mine all into her and when he’s moving out, she slips out mine too, squeezing it with her pussy

Right now, I feel like a whore .... an irresistible pleasure pervades my body, i feel it rising from my belly up to the throat. I overcome my limit, i can’t help myself .... i try to warn her that i am closed to cum, but only a death and confused rattle come out. And right now, the guy is pushing his cock with more vigor and then he remain inside me, while his hot semen fills my ass .... feeling that sensation, i cum inside her! I'm burning, the little strength i have is vanishing .... light over the table burns my eyes, i close them .... fully savor this delightful moment ....






Noise .... noise .... why my roommate always has to do all this noise while listening to music!? I open my eyes, tired, and take a look at my watch .... 9:00 am .... my head hurts! - Small personal note .... never, NEVER drink more than three glasses of ale, especially if i'm going to do another ride on bully! - i want to go to sleep again, but that damn music is getting loud!
I lift up and sit. Something slides down my body, i look at it .... it's my shirt, I've probably used to cover me. I looked around sleepily ....
"Since the bed is so hard and i use green sheets!?" I ask myself, rubbing my eyes in a vain attempt to wake up at all.
The noise grows stronger, I decide to get up and go talk to my roommate. I take my shirt and used it to cover up a bit, just not to appear completely naked in front of her friends, just in case she is not alone.

"Hey, Lisa!" I yell opening the door "how many times i had said to you to do not listen at loud music in the early moOOOOOW, THE HELL IS THIS!?"

In front of my eyes there isn’t my apartment but the Achat Bar & Grill! This is something that definitely wakes you up, no matter how tired and sleepy you can be! I'm there, stunned, with my shirt that barely covers me (almost nothing, actually!) when all turn to look at me! I want to sink for shame, but i’m able to do nothing ....

"HB! Are you ok!? "Someone calls me, holding my shoulder and shaking me .... i’ll take a lot at him, it’s Lover. Speechless, i nod, with less conviction.

"What were you doing in the pool room!? Today it must be closed!" he says, pointing to a handwritten sign.

"Was sleeping ...." I replied with a strange natural tone.

Lover watches me closely and realizes that something is wrong .... he put an arm around my shoulders and takes me to the dressing rooms. She makes me seat, watching me for a while, then he ask me about my clothes .... i mumbled something about the pool room and he move away, but not before having recommended to take a shower.
I look at my picture reflected on the big mirror on the wall ... my hair is disheveled, eye shadow melted dripping down my cheeks and lipstick .... well, there is virtually no trace! I laugh ....

"Look how tanned .... but yes, a shower will help me to clear my self! "

I take off my boots and i slip in the first free shower  .... the chilled water flows through my body, refresing me, and i finally feel awake enough to be able to remember what has happened: the challenge with Brandy, the encounter with that couple, that beautiful cock inside me! Gosh, i can still feel it between my legs .... it makes me excited again!

"Ok, HB, trying to calm down and think ...." i say to myself, trying to stay focused on my thoughts.

Mentally, i realized what happened after that first wild orgasm .... thinking at it, i bite my lips .... too much time had pass from the last time i felt a so intense pleasure! And now I think I remember what happened: we have continued for long time and finally, exhausted, i fell asleep on the table. And there i stayed for more than twelve hours, sleeping! It wasn't 9:00 am, but 9:oo pm!
When i get out of the shower, on a chair i find my clothes and next to them the trophy, with my hat over it. I get dressed, leave the dressing room and head to the bar where, being quite hungry, I order a steak. Then, before i sit down at a table to enjoy my well-earned breakfast (well, i just woke up after all!) i get close to JD

"Hey JD, can you give a little Favour to me?"

"Of course HB! What can i do for you!?" he  answer friendly.

"I have a message for Brandy: I will wait for our next challenge! Bye bye JD! "

I move away from the counter of a couple of steps, then stop .... i turn back, whit a strange light in my eyes
"Oh, I almost forgot .... now i think i'll come more often to the bar for a nice "ride"! "

I winked at him and send him a mischievous smile .... i wonder if he realized what happened last night! Perhaps it will become one of the many legends that circulate here at the Achat Bar & Grill!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Azrielle on July 28, 2012, 03:13:40 PM
With the high pitch spin of the twin turbo chargers beneath the bonnet of the McLaren Police Cruiser, I take a moment to ingest the content of Bear's attempt at a one sided conversation... If anything, he is good at it. lolz.

... and back to the daily business at hand, I activate the on-board communications system.

"Directory" The on-board computer voice responds.

"Iron Works" I speak clearly, and listen while the phone call connects.
"NIR, you need Steel, Let's get Hammered." I hear a husky male voice respond.

"Hi Liam. It's Az. You still doing contract work?" I ask politely. The Nymphomania Iron Works had been contracted to supply the iron to build the NSPD headquarters building, and of course the holding cells.

"Hi Chief, Yup... we still do the metallurgy. Need some pipe these days?" I hear Liam answer while the McLaren gently rolls on down the road.
"There might be a new contract for some holding cells at an alternate location. How soon can you deliver?" I speak clearly, knowing full well what Liam's reply will be.

"Show me the money, Baby... and I'll deliver on time or the labour is free." Liam answers quickly.

"Liam, you know the mayor will find the money for you. Who Loves ya, baby! MWAH!" I giggle as I flip the comm system off.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on July 28, 2012, 05:05:25 PM
Sure... I'll build the pit for you.  I can make it 15 foot x 10 foot by 2 1/2 feet deep.  We can rough in the underground for a floor drain at each end.  The drains will have strainers and be sealable.  We'll install 2 shower stalls with Insta-hot water heaters (saves money since there is no tank of water to heat). 

We'll line the pit with the same padding they use underneath artificial turf fields and up all the walls and on the decking around the pit. (we don't want anyone to bash their heads)  We can also install a hose fitting off of the shower plumbing so once the events are concluded, simply open the floor drains, attach the hose to the fitting, turn on the water and hose the pit down.  Makes for an easy clean up.

There's only a little underground to be run.  And the water piping should only take a day.  There's another day for the shower stalls to be secured and the block for the pit to be layed (it needs a day to set).  Another day for the padding and liner.  Then install the trim for the drains.

We should be finished and ready to wrestle in 3 days after material delivery.  Unless Grumpy starts acting up.

We'll need:
160 block
160lbs mortar mix
4 yards sand

15 foot x 10 foot by 2 1/2 foot deep pit.  1- 2" floor drain, with strainer at each end with screw top fittings for sealing.  4 lengths of 3/4" copper tubing... fittings... solder and flux... 3- 3/4" ball valves.  Insta hot water heater... hose adapter.  Hose with nozzle. 2 shower stalls, 2 water diverters, 2 shower heads (adjustable water savers).   Standard artificial turf padding.  Water impermable membrane with sealant and glue.  And a small pool A frame ladder for egress in and out of the pit.  And plenty of Sarsaparilla for the crew.
Here's a picture of my crew.  They're the best in the business.

Please do not give alcohol to these guys.  The results would be disasterous.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on July 28, 2012, 05:06:45 PM
Slowly I leave the office, have a drink next to Bear, still silent. The night before is still ringing in my ears and I am so preoccupied, I don't even notcie Bear leave his seat. In slow sips I drink my whiskey, maybe a bit too early in the dau, but my plan is to get hammered.

I felt no need to interrupt or supplement Bear when he talked to the superintendent. My presence should be enough to underline the message he was delivering. There should be no unclarity about who's authority superseeds all others.

I smile to myself, alone at the bar, the muffled sounds from a heated discussion creeping from under the door that opens to the office. The night before starts to flash through my mind. The bull ride competition, the conquering of Bear. Hmm, those girls.. Never thought they would be able to pull this off.. Must have taken a lot of time preparing. I'd better watch my back. Tango must be bruised after first being tackled by Patchi, then Christy that made her point and then the trouble with the super. Hmm, he''ll have a sore ass in the morning. But who burns his butt, must sit on the blisters..

Too bad noone took my challenge, but I guess there was too much going on at the moment itself. bad timing.. I should have continued dancing with Karen. Hmm, maybe there is a chance tonight. With a last gulp, I empty my glass, put it back on the bar and lide myself off the stool. As I walk towards the exit, I open the top 3 buttons of the ruffled shirt, the tie haniging loosely around my neck already. I wink at tango and slap his butt as I pass him on my way to my car. He just grins and remains at his post. Too bad, I could use a physical challenge.. Too much energy left inside me.. I start my car and head home, time to do my chores..
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on July 28, 2012, 05:49:29 PM
Walking past the building again seeing that it is much quieter in the morning than it was the night before when i went past, I walk closer and see tight leaving the building.  Feeling mischievous, I run over as he is heading to his car and quickly kiss his neck with the slightest breeze and watch as he gets in his car and leaves the area. Before he got out of my sight, I saw him rub his neck as he was wondering what that little tingly feeling he had on his neck was.

Giggling, I head over to say hi to tango who looks really down just standing there at the door. Pulling out of my bag a filled donut, I hand it to him with a smile and watch as he devours it with a grin. As soon as he finishes the donut, I was all of a sudden lifted up into his arms in a huge bear hug. "Hey there Tango." Backing up slightly, I see this huge grin on his face at the sight of seeing me.

All of a sudden though, our attention was turned towards this loud noise in the back where our conversation was "huh" "say it again," for it was so loud we couldn't concentrate so we just stood there for a while just looking at each other and smiling. Then out of nowhere someone comes running up in a blur, so quickly we couldn't tell who it was.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on July 29, 2012, 03:33:01 AM
MMM standing in the door way trying to get out of the sun After a nice filled donut sand hug from Sexy she turn's and say's "got to run see you later" blows me a kiss as she runs off.
The door swings open and out steps MMMMM it's blue she puts her hand up to shield her eyes from the bright sun light looking all dirty not her normal  stunning self "Afternoon Blue looks like you've been busy this morning" I say with a big smile she turn and smiles back "yes mistress has had me cleaning all morning" "mmmm you've been on your knees again all morning" i say with i small giggle. Blue smiles back and say's" Lunch time" and walks over to her car turns and shouts "see you there tonight" and loughs and gets in her car drives out waving

"MMMMM  lunch time " Takes a patrol around the back and finds a bag at the back door with my name on it
Hears some noises coming from the old Ice House turn sand takes a walk around but can't see anything and it all go's quirt
walk back to the front steps of the bar sets on the step and opens the bag
mmmmmm stake sandwitch and a bottle of coke sitting on the step eating my lunch
BEEP BEEP i look up to see Dutch Waving like mad at me as she and her man are off for 2 week vacation i wave back and blow her a kiss
Think not going to see her for 2 weeks
mmmmmm get back to my lunch and watches the world drive by

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on July 29, 2012, 11:16:39 AM
Pulls up out side the Bar & Grill see my sweet Tango walking around from the grill he looks so unhappy and very RED hope his been looked after. I get out of my car and call over to him "HONEY YOU OK" he looks up and smiles and keeps walking i walk over to him put my arms round his neck and kiss him i take off his glasses and look into his eyes "are ok my love" he looks back into my eyes and softly say's "yes my love i'm fine just had a lot of time to think about what happened and how hard its going to be to get back in the chief's good books let alone get back to corporal" I kiss him again take his hand "come with me and get out of this sun" i walk him to the bar doors pull it open and take him inside set him at the bar looks around "ANYONE WORKING HERE" STONE and JAYC  come out of the office "Hi Jane what up" "Tango needs same clod water and lots of it" Jayc rushes behind the bar and get Tango a large glass of ice water"drink this my love" i turn to Jayc "keep them coming" Tango downs the first glass in one go Jayc hands him a new glass and that go's the same way
I put my hand under Tango's chin and lift his head and look back into his lovely eyes he looks back and the twinkly has gone i turn to Stone "Can we use the staff shower Tango is burning up here" she points and says "its out the back" I put my arm around him come on my love time to cool you down. Taking him out the back and gets his uniform off with no fight at all from him leaves him with just his boxers on finds a stool from one of the dressing rooms puts it in the shower and sets tango on it turns the shower on and lets the cool water flow over him body. "stay there my love i will be right back" he smile "i'm not going anywhere"   I turn and walk back to the bar asks Jayc for a "coke  with ice and a glass of water for tango please" he pours the drinks "is tango ok back there" he asks "think his going to be fine"i reply and take the drinks back to tango.
His still under the water "feeling better my love" he looks up smile with that sweet smile and i know his just fine.
He gets up and walks over towards me looking around i see a towel and throw it at him hits him right in the face "not so fast you dry yourself off before you came near me" he stops smile again and start to rub himself down  he looks at me and pull down he wet boxers MMMMMMMM can't not look  he finish rubbing himself dry and puts his uniform back on and we walk back into the bar we set at a table and Jayc brings over a large jug of ice water "you look better my friend this is for you no bear for you tonight" he says to Tango how looks up says "feeling much better thank" i take his police hat and put it on my head smile and lough tango turns to me smile that sweet smile and say's" the Chief is going to kill me for being in her with you and not out on patrol" "No she wont my love she will be more concerned to make shore your ok THEN she will kill you" "HEHEHEHEHE"  we set and chat and drink our coke and water
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on July 29, 2012, 03:20:17 PM
Late afternoon. the bar is full  of the regulars  watching the olympics. Stone and Brandy at a corner table playing scrabble and trash talking each other. i grab some beers and walk outside to the deck and see JD and Covems finishing up for the day adimiring there hard work, nice work guys as i hand them cold beers. go shower up and head to the kitchen there is 2 slabs of ribs with all the fixings with your names on them and there is another 2 slabs for Tango and Jane.

i hear the distinct sound of the  Country Boys  beater van pulling in to the parking lot.  here early for a change.. no doubt they know its dinner time for the staff and are looking for free  eats.  i grab a chair and sit enjoying a moment of peace and quiet. and wonder whats on the agenda for the bar tonight

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on July 30, 2012, 09:45:10 AM
Pulls into the parking lot see Jane's and Tango's cars out front think (that's good that my lift home sorted). Gets out of my van and see the Country Boys unloading the gear Smiles and waves at them and skips off up to the door pull it open walks inside my eyes take a few seconds to adjust to the dimmer light inside. Looking around the bar i see Jane ,Tango,JD and Covems  all tucking into same food. hear some trash talking coming from the corner look over and see Stone and Brandy seating in a booth. Turning to the bar i sit on one of the stoles "HI Jayc can i have MMMMM just a cold beer to start please" Jayc cracks the top off a bottle and slides it down the bar to me i put the money for it on the bar "thanks" blows him a kiss and go's and sets with Jane and Tango. "Tango you ok you look rough and your drinking ice water to""yeah i'm fine now don't you worry 
about me Karen" he replies softly and drinks some more water.

I turn and watch the Country Boys set up there gear on the stage and start there sound checks.

MMMMMMM looks around the bar and wonders (will Tight be back in tonight we never finished our dance) and on that thought i turn back to Jane and Tango and set and chat about the day
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on July 30, 2012, 01:50:18 PM
Wheels skidding, a cloud of dust thrown into the air as I rbing my car to a halt on the dusty parking lot of the Bar and grill.
Slowly I walk to the back, pop the trunk and lean in to take out a box. On top are a few rolls of paper, tied with a piece of string.
I clamp the box undert my arm and head for the entrance of the bar. I notice a few cars in the lot already and from the sounds inside,
the band is doing their soundcheck for the evening. The timing perfect..

I walk through the door and step through the hallway into the bar. The air smells of stale beer, spilled whiskey and a whiff of sex,
but within seconds my nostrils are overwhelmed and the smell is not noticed anymore. I walk to to the table where Jane, Tango and Karen are chatting.
kiss Karen in her neck, a soft peck on Jane's nose and a wink at Tango. "How's the cheeks?" "Hmpf, fine.." Tango mutters and quickly brings his glass
to his lips to avoid further conversation.

I can hear the chatter of Brandy and Stone in the corner and I slowly start to walk up to their table. I cough as I stand at the edge, the conversation so intense,
I am not noticed the first few moments. "Ahum.. Ladies, if you could spare me a few minutes? I am sure you have ehard of the upcoming Football game, yes American Football,
not 'soccer'? AChat Angels against the B&G Devils.. The tention in town is rising already.."

The girls finally break off their intimate talk and I feel two pair of eyes looking straight at me, a hint of interest, but not fully there yet. I slowly put the box on the table,
straight under the light that hangs above it and as I see their eyes turn and widen, I know I got their attention. "I thought it might be a nice idea to promote the game if you
both would pick a cheerleaders uniform and attended wearing that in the B&G while showing the game on a wide screen tv. I am sure it will increase the tips as well.."

Slowly I start to open the box as i watch the girls exchange looks with eachother. A giggle and a smile, then eyes turn back to the box. Slowly I put the lid to the side and
grab one corner of the white paper that is hiding the outfits. I hold, waiting for either of them to break the silence that has arisen since my last words, tention building, then
finally the voice of Brandy, sharper as intended maybe. "Well? Get on with it.."

With a smile I remove the paper cover and reveal the two outfits. "Presenting: the AChat Angels and B&G Devils". I pull out the outfits and place both of them on the table.
"I hope you like them and I'll leave it to you to decide who will wear which outfit... Not going to burn my fingers on that. I have seen what you girls can do.." Slowly
I turn away from the table as the girls pick up the outfits and examine them closely, asking Jayc for a beer. I take a long sip, a deep satisfied breath leaves my lips as they leave the
opening of the bottle, then turn and walk to the table, joining Tango and the girls...


***  COMING SOON  ***
***  AChat Angels vs B&G Devils  ***
***  Live! Here at your own Bar & Grill  ***
(          (
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 30, 2012, 05:42:25 PM
 I see  Covems directing the small looking guys in building the pudding pit, its starting to take shape now ... and  will soon be ready for  pudding wrestling  and wet erotic dancing... 

all those skimpy I costumes on bared flesh covered in a liquidy mess ...  mmm  I think men should be given a chance to do erotic dances for the ladies for a change as an image of a naked  young Arnold Schwartzenegger  fills my mind , except.... with dark hair ..  just like my Neo ...  oh  the lightbulb flicks on ... a list has to go up for a ladies night I think  around the fire pit and male volunteers to dance and strut their stuff  mmmm  wet in the flickering firelight .....

And volunteers  from a couple of ladies to judge the contest .... 

  on the notice board ,  next to the members requesting  to join Ice House ,  and  the American Football night of Tights...

I pull back to Stone doing  some  bitching about a word I put down    “ INHOSPITALER”
I tell her , “ It means to have a fondness for hunting and eating bees ... I swear ... its true ... ask Rukya”   
As Stone goes into full  “ Show me in the dictionary” mode  ... she can be so testy ...

Tight is suddenly standing there with these interesting boxes ...  intrigued and excited  I listen to him saying about the important match coming up in American Football and kindly gifting us whats in the boxes ...   Oh my ... 

Excited, I open the nearest one up and see the vibrant colours  of the cheer girls outfits ... I love the red & black, ...   kind of devilishly wicked ..   Stone opens the other ...  blue and yellow  ...  sexily vibrant ...

Tight can see we love them and I fling my arms around him ... “ You made those especially for us .. Thank you so much .. “ I kiss his cheek, knowing his lady is about, and wouldn’t want any more trouble in the bar .. hehe ..  well not for another hour at least, and I have to finish this fine English tea, Stone made  ... 

I wink at him, as he turns aware, admiring  that fine ass of his and can’t resist having a little squeeze ... mmm 

“You know, we should go try these on ... then show Jayc and JD...  and I bet... we can talk them into volunteering for  the erotic wet strip contest  ... hehe ...”   I grab one of the outfits and shout to Stone as I run to the Ladies ... “ Bagsy the red & black one.. last one out has to buy the drinks all night... “
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on July 31, 2012, 08:42:07 AM
Sat with the girls i hear Pink Floyld  Comfortably Numb coming from my pocket pulls it out and looks how it is smiles and answers it "hi mate" listen to the good new he gives me. "Right i will ring you when its time to bring it over thanks my friend see you later i hope" looks at my phone smiles and puts it back in my pocket "How was that "Jane asks I raise my eyebrows and say "you will see soon I hope my love" and a big smile came across my face. Jane says "WHAT you up to now your in enough trouble as it is" "This wont get me into trouble" raises eyebrows "I hope" i say with a smile "but need you to do something for me now" "WHAT is it first" is says. I lean over to her and whisper in her ear ,her eyebrows raise and a mischievous smile crosses her face "OK I'll do it"
We get up see you in a bet karen i kiss her on her cheek and walk out the bar.

We walk back into the bar arm in arm like a pair of little school kids and just in time to hear Brandy's challenge to Stone as she runs off to the ladys
We sit back down with Karen and wait to she how comes out first.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on July 31, 2012, 01:24:15 PM
"Hate scrabble cheats"  I mutter as Brandy suddenly grabs one of the gorgeous  out fits that Tightfit had designed for us. I flash him a smile and mouth " Thank you " across the room but he is engrossed in his very beautiful lady and I dont think he  has seen me.

I run after Brandy and while we change, she tells me of her idea about the male strip contest. " I like that idea" I tell her.

" Do you think JayC will be up for it ?" She asks

" Not sure, but he does have a fabulous sexy body, Dont you remember?"  I plague her innocently

Brandy blushes and falters  " Errr,  about that, I was meaning to ask you about it but wasn't sure how , to , bring it up. Did we, do anything that we shouldn't have?"

I pause deliberately letting her sweat, thinking , she cheats at scrabble, she gets me in big trouble with capers in the bar with men I hardly know, who has already hinted that he has not forgotten my part in his collaring and she calls me a fat knacker ,even though, she's as ugly as sin.  I smile wickedly.  Its just too good an opportunity to miss

" Shouldnt have?  Darling you were fabulous, When you kissed me, JayC  groaned so much, he couldn't wait  to get his hands on us both "  I say casually as I look in the mirror and put my lipstick on, pursing and stretching my lips suggestively.I Look  at myself in the beautiful cheerleaders outfit, turning this way and that way , checking out my curves. " I think JayC will like this , a lot."

 I think, after I finish with him, he will take part in the stripping contest, I owe him some payback too. Grinning at myself. I sneak a look at Brandy through the mirror. She looks mortified but quickly recovers  and glad to change the subject.

" You do look hot girl. You sure you can get JayC on the strippers list? "   Brandy asks

I look at her, full in the face, a naughty glint in my eye  " You think I cant ?"   Deliberately licking my lips and  an invisible lollipop tip.

Brandy bursts out laughing . " You are a wicked, wicked spouse"

" Of course I am,  and he loves it, AND, I happen to know, he's in the office now, doing some paper work.  You'll see, his name will be on your list before you know it"   

I remove my panties putting them in my bag, and check nothing is showing under the short skirt before I move to the door grinning at Brandy  "  Just a bit of insurance "

I leave Brandy chuckling but no doubt racking her brains about THAT NIGHT she found herself in mine & JayC's bed.

I walk into JayC's office. He's sitting at the desk deep in thought over his papers. I turn and lock the door and draw down the blinds still unnotticed  and silently walk behind him. I lean down, reigning soft kisses on the bones at the back of his neck .......                                                                                               

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on July 31, 2012, 04:18:07 PM
I am Yank in England checking out my family history.  Going to be here for a couple of months.  Walking down the street I see the AChat Bar.  This looks like a place i could get a drink.  I walk in and go to the Bar.  Please can i get a cold draft
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: christinak on July 31, 2012, 06:48:45 PM
As I neared the end of the tunnel back to the bar from The Ice House, my pace quickened a little and I tightened my thighs a bit as I felt the remnants of Bear’s revenge trying to ooze out of me, threatening to give me a wet spot on my butt.  I made my way through the secret door, out of the pool room, and made a quick right turn into the ladies room to freshen up and to get a pad out of the machine to soak up the rest.   

Exiting the bathroom, I spied Brandy at the bar and stopped to have a quick drink with her.  We spoke for a few minutes about plans for The Ice House and my plans to move the entrance.  There were a few options on the table, but nothing written in stone yet.  I knew Bear would be coming up soon and I didn’t want to be here when he found Brandy.  I didn’t say a word about Bear’s plans to take revenge on us all.  My thoughts ran to blu and how I would handle that.  She is, after all, my sub and I need to speak with her about this.  I’ll not let my sub be tormented by another Dom, regardless of what he thinks he’s entitled to.  If she desires it, I’ll find a way to put the two of them together though. 

Just as I was getting off the stool with the intent of leaving I spotted Tango entering.  I walked up to him and said, “I got your note.”

His head dropped and his eyes fell to the floor, “Yes Miss Christy” 

“Are you sure you want to be a sub within The Ice House?” I asked.

“Yes Miss Christy” He quickly replied.

I motioned to the pool room and said, “Come with me” He followed me into the pool room and I shut the door behind us. “On your knees Tango”

“Yes Miss Christy”  again was the reply as he dropped to the floor before me.

“Tango I accept you as a sub within The Ice House.  But you must understand that at this time, you have no master of your own so you will not be required to obey any commands.  Only those you choose to.  For now I will instruct you, but I do not take you as my slave.  Do you understand?”

“Yes Miss Christy”

I lifted his chin so he could see my eyes.  “I am thankful for your desire to serve The Ice House.  I’m sure it will not take long for you to find a play partner.  And when you feel like it you may play with whom ever will do so.  You may go to The Ice House and take a look around if you like.  Dungeon one and three are off limits.  They belong to me and Bear.  You will be punished if you enter any dungeon that is owned by a Dom without permission.  And I promise you, it will be something you will not enjoy.  Do you understand?”

“Yes Miss Christy”

“The entrance is behind that que rack in the corner.”  I said as I pointed to the secret door.  “I’ll be back to the bar in a few hours.  When you see Az, please let her know I would like to speak to her.”

“Yes Miss Christy”  he replied as I left the pool room and closed the door behind me.

As I headed to the door I gave Brandy a quick hug and thanked her for all she had done then I walked outside to the sight of the sun, red, and setting on the horizon.  I would be back in a few hours to have a few drinks.  Till then, I desperately needed a hot bath.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on July 31, 2012, 09:05:03 PM
I breathe a sigh of relief to get back to the bar and prop the bucket and mop near to hand.

I see Ssgt, waiting at the bar ..." well hi there,  glad you popped in", as I pour him a beer ..  "you are just in time to sign up for a few things here..  think you are brave enough to strip in front of the ladies? "

Ssgt grins ..  and then supps,  and looks round  ... " the band will be playing soon. Hope you got good dancing feet .. the ladies drag you up"  I laugh,

I see JayC exit the office, looking a little flushed and shaky on his legs.  He's heading towards the Stripper list on the notice board ..  I look at the office doorway, Stone is leaning against the jam watching him intently..  blatently sexual ... her skirt back to front ..

She catches me looking at her with raised eyebrows and grins at me putting her thumbs up ...

Looks like she got him to agree to a strip ...   I signal for her to change the skirt round the right way... and she shruggs ..  giggling as JayC rejoins her, and the door shuts again as she pulls him urgently inside  mmm.. seems their session is not over yet.......

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on August 01, 2012, 12:16:41 AM
sitting in the office  going over bills and invoices, i punch numbers on the calulator and smile, were in the black at last! eyes closed hands clasped behind my head  i enjoy the solitude. i sense a presence and  jump as someone kisses my neck, i smell a faint hint of lavender mmmmmmmm hi stone, hi baby what are you doing? oh just went over the month  bills were doing good baby, she massages my neck and shoulders, oh that feels great i sigh........... is brandy out the there?  got some papers for her to sign. Stone spins my chair around so im facing her, suprised she is dressed like a cheerleader brandy can wait i need to ask you something as she sits on my lap facing me and plants a hot wet kiss on my lips. i return her kiss and grab her ass  i think you forgot your panties i smile at her as my hands roam all over her cheeks.

between kisses Stone asks me you hear what brandy is planning? yes and my answer is no i laugh.........she pushs my head back and bats those deep green eyes at me her voice goes into her sexy whisper please........pretty please she begins to unbutton my shirt, do this one thing for me, make it worth your while she promises. has anyone else signed up? well no not yet but if you do the other  guys will sign up as she fumbles with my belt

so hard to say no to her when she gets like this.......... aroused and desiring her my resistance goes out the window. tell you what she whispers into my go out there and sign the clipboard then come back in here and get the "Stone treatment" consider it a down payment on my promise to make it worth your while as she reaches into my jeans and begins stroking my now hard cock.

i get up and carry Stone to the couch, you stay here i will be right back. i grab a pen and head to the bar, now where is that clipboard
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on August 01, 2012, 07:11:41 AM
hearing all the noise inside the B&G, i head inside and waves towards Tango as he is busy talking with Christy then head around checking the place out. While walking around, i pop over little by little to everyone catching up with old friends and greeting new people.

(short one right now till after i get back from visiting fam)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on August 01, 2012, 09:06:34 AM

Alrighty then... we got the pit finished and it's a good one.  So let the games begin... it is well padded for plenty of rasslin', floor drains and a hose bib for easy clean up.  We installed a couple of shower stalls for the combatants to rinse off in.  We also found some old work boots that somebody threw out.  We planted morning glories in them, so the vines can grow up around the shower stalls.  I always plant morning glories in the old work boots, that way if Eva does come and take a plant, I'll know she'll have flowers.


So a round of sarsaprilla for the little guys and I'll have something stronger.  A nice, ice cold Ginger Beer!  It's a sippin' sodie pop!

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on August 01, 2012, 09:40:07 AM
Still on my knees as Miss Christy leaves i keep my eyes fixed on the floor as she leaves

I look around at the secret door and wonder do i or don't i knowing Jane and Karen are sat in the bar

I stay there on my knees in total respect for my for my New House Mistress

No i have to go and look i nervously unlock and open the door looking into the tunnel i take my first step into the Ice House
Walking slowly down the tunnel I reach the end and  open the door walking throw it i enter the Ice House stop and look around.Walk down the Past Miss Christy,s and Bear's Privet Dungeon's with the words of Miss Christy ringing in my ears i walk passed rubbing my still sure ass walking down i came into the mean area and see a long table with chairs all round it i close my eyes and picture a big feast with all the Doms being served by there Slaves A big smile  comes cross my face.
with that thought in my head i turn and hurry back to the Bar making sure the door to the Ice house is closed behind me i walk out of the pool room and back to the girls at the table and sit down as nothing has happened "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" Jane asks "in the pool room"i answer "WHY"  "You've been gone over an hour and i looked in the pool room about 10 minutes after i saw miss Christy take you in there" Jane said with a sharp tone. I turn and smile and say "Sorry my love i didn't realize i was gone so long" i lean over and kiss her cheek and give her a smile wink and raise my eyebrow. I turn back to the table and back to room watching.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on August 01, 2012, 11:23:15 AM
hearing a cheer erupt form the bar Stone and i dress and step out of the office to find out whats going on. a small group of people are on the deck looking at the Pit. all done! Covems grins when he sees me looking with the rest. well done! i shout back as Stone come out with sasprilas for Covems work force and a iciy ginger beer for the "Pit master" i walk down the stairs to inspect the pit closer, handing out the drinks i  talk to built you run it i smile and pat him on the back.... when is the 1st event?  another thing while im out here, we take a walk to the far end of the pit.  keep an eye on your little friends  that one i point clearly has anger issues and i dont want that Doc fella writing "persciptions"  if you get my drift. btw Brandy and myself have given you  and JD pay on this weeks check. i adress the onlookers  a round on the house in honor of  COVEMS PIT OF CONFLICT........patrons begin to file back into the bar some one starts singing the HI HO song
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on August 01, 2012, 09:28:54 PM
Now that my trainee Dutch is on vacation with her bf, it is time for this lab rat to leave the NSPD Crimelab for some time, and that phonecall from Tango got be drawn to the AB&G.

First i walk to the labs coldstorage and  pick-up a big box. Mmmm how to keep this cool, i know let use the refrigerated Crimelab van. Carefully i put the box in the van dan drive to the bar.

This most be the place, i see tango's policecruiser in front. I step out and walk in. As i enter and my eyes adjust to the dim lighting, i hear a band getting ready for there gig.

As i walk on i see a mechanical bull, and some little fellows happy and cheerfull singing and drinking in a pit. I approach the bar and ask for a beer. As i take my first sip i turn around and see Tango waving like a mad man.

I get to his table and see that Jane and Karen are also there. As i approach Karen jumps up and leaves Tight sitting there and kisses me passionate on the mouth.

"I tought you where never going to leave that lab of yours" she says.

"Well i am here now my love" is my reply.

I walk on to the table and kiss Jane on her cheek and give a rub over her big belly.

"Hello darling how are you and the little one doing ?" i ask.

"Whe are doing great Martin, thanks for asking"

In the mean while Tango keeps pulling my arm.

"Mate what are you doing here so early, i did not phone you to come yet, and how about my surpirse ?". he asks with a rising voice

"Calm down my friend, your surpise is safe in the back of the Crimelab van, no one has the key's but me, even the chief not"

As i sit down at his table, and drink my beer, i relax and look around the place to see what is going to happen next.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on August 02, 2012, 03:16:48 AM
I have just finished my drink when my phone buzzes in my pants. As Karen is swept of her feet, disappearing with mrSex's arm wrapped around her, I look at my phone and read the message.

"The leaflets are ready"

With a smile on my face I push my chair back, excuse myself with Jane and Tango and head out the bar. I chuckle, the surprise I made for the management is hopefully well received. Hmm, of the two I have prepared, they might both fail. But if you don't stick out your neck, you will never gain..

Whistling 'always look on the bright side of life' I skid off the parking lot and head into town. On my way to the industrial area, I pass the pedal car of the NSPD, seeing an officer bent over, her skirt hiked up high on her hips. Against my nature, I honk as I pass, whistling shrill at the sexy officer. Hmm, I might regret that later. In my rearview mirror, I see her get a pen and notebook from her stocking and write down my license plate.
It doesn't take long before I reach my destination, the alley shady and dark, garbage cans tossed around as if the superintendant was on a high speed pursuit. "Aghighighighighi" Unable to stop myself, the funny laugh of sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane comes to mind and rolls from my lips. With a smile on my face, I enter through the old door and walk into a small hallway. The girl behind the counter smiles, points at the box and the thin folder on a chair near the door, then goes back to filing her nails, absorbed by the process.
I pay her no more attention as a quick bye on my way out, then put the boxes in the back of my car.

On my way back to the Bar & Grill, I pass the same NSPD officer, this time she is peddling her heart out, chasing a lamborghini that is racing through town. Within a few seconds the fast car is gone, leaving the officer panting and sweaty on the side of the road, her hat thrown into the dust. Her dismay obvious on her face. The super should start equiping her traffic cops with more practical aids.. Maybe some cream filled donuts will help.. Another few minutes and I am back at the bar and I take the box and folder from the trunk and walk inside, searching for Brandy and Stone. I see Brandy leaning against the bar, clinking her glass against ssgt's, her smile vibrant as always. My eyes search the rest of the bar, noticing sexi walking around, squeezing her butt as she passes me. I walk up to her and put the two boxes on the bar.

"Any idea where Stone and Jayc are? And the others? Something I’d like to show the management.."

With a meaningful look and wink, Brandy nudges her head at the office, the blinds shut and the door closed, muffled, rhythmic sounds seeping into the bar.

"Stone and Jayc are busy, something urgent they needed to 'discuss'. Covems is at his new Pit and JD is awall.. You wanted to show something?"

I grab the box and take off the lid, showing the stack of leaflets that's inside.

"well, I wanted to ask for permission to spread these around in the bar and Icehouse. It's the start of football season and since you got the wide screens and all, I thought it would be nice to introduce the teams.."

I get out one of the pamflets and hand it to Brandy, who immediatly starts reading it.

I have just finished my drink when my phone buzzes in my pants. As Karen is swept of her feet, disappearing with mrSex's arm wrapped around her, I look at my phone and read the message.

"The leaflets are ready"

With a smile on my face I push my chair back, excuse myself with Jane and Tango and head out the bar. I chuckle, the surprise I made for the management is hopefully well received. Hmm, of the two I have prepared, they might both fail. But if you don't stick out your neck, you will never gain..

Whistling 'always look on the bright side of life' I skid off the parking lot and head into town. On my way to the industrial area, I pass the pedal car of the NSPD, seeing an officer bent over, her skirt hiked up high on her hips. Against my nature, I honk as I pass, whistling shrill at the sexy officer. Hmm, I might regret that later. In my rearview mirror, I see her get a pen and notebook from her stocking and write down my license plate.

It doesn't take long before I reach my destination, the alley shady and dark, garbage cans tossed around as if the superintendant was on a high speed pursuit. "Aghighighighighi" Unable to stop myself, the funny laugh of sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane comes to mind and rolls from my lips. With a smile on my face, I enter through the old door and walk into a small hallway. The girl behind the counter smiles, points at the box and the thin folder on a chair near the door, then goes back to filing her nails, absorbed by the process. I pay her no more attention as a quick bye on my way out, then put the boxes in the back of my car.

On my way back to the Bar & Grill, I pass the same NSPD officer, this time she is peddling her heart out, chasing a lamborghini that is racing through town. Within a few seconds the fast car is gone, leaving the officer panting and sweaty on the side of the road, her hat thrown into the dust. Her dismay obvious on her face. The super should start equiping her traffic cops with more practical aids.. Maybe some cream filled donuts will help.. Another few minutes and I am back at the bar. I take the two boxes from the trunk and walk inside, searching for Brandy and Stone. I see Brandy leaning against the bar, clinking her glass against ssgt's, her smile vibrant as always. My eyes search the rest of the bar, noticing sexi walking around, squeezing her butt as she passes me.
I walk up to brandy and put the two boxes on the bar.

"Any idea where Stone and Jayc are? And the others? Something I like to show the management.."

With a meaningful look and wink, Brandy nudges her head at the office, the blinds shut and the door closed.

"Stone and Jayc are busy, something urgent they needed to 'discuss'. Covems as at his new Pit and JD is awall.. You wanted to show something?"

I grab the bigger box and take off the lid, showing the stack of leaflets that's inside.

"well, I wanted to ask for permission to spread these around in the bar and Icehouse. It's the start of football season and since you got the wide screens and all, I thought it would be nice to introduce the teams.."

I get out one of the pamflets and hand it to Brandy, who immediatly starts reading it.


"I'd have no problem with it, but let me discuss it with the others, ok?"
"I understand that, sure.. no rush. But there is something else I wanted to show. I took the liberty of making something for the Bar and Grill, a logo.. since it is missing so far.. This place is buzzing so it needs to stand out. When you show the leaflet, will you show this as well?"

I hand Brandy the this folder and she opens it. Quickly my hands shoots towards her, catching the disc that was kept inside, before it falls to the floor. In my movement, I brush my hand across her stomach, touching the underside of her breasts before my fingers fold around the disc. She turns her head to me as she feels the touch of my arm, widens her eyes a little but says nothing, a mischiefous smile curling her lips. My face starts to blush, a rush of desire coloring my face and quickly I pull my arm back, placing the disc on the bar. The folder now opened fully, the inside displayed, Brandy averts her eyes away from mine and directs her attention to the sheet of paper inside the folder.

"This is just a set up, anything and everything can still be changed, or done over. Let me know if the management likes the logo..


"This is just an example, anything and everything can still be changed, or done over. Let me know if the management likes the logo.. Btw, you look gorgeous in the outfit.. I thought you’d choose the black and red one..”

Brandy turns and smiles, then directs her eyes back to the log, inspecting every detail of it. She closes the folder and puts it behind the bar, making sure it is safeguarded from spilled drinks.

“As soon as Stone and Jayc end their ‘meeting’, I will gather them all. In the meantime, beer?”

“You read my mind.. Any micro brewery beers on stock?”
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on August 02, 2012, 06:31:39 AM

My eyes search the rest of the bar, noticing sexi walking around, squeezing her butt as she passes me.

*giggles softly and winks at Tight as he continues on his way. When he looks back for just a brief moment, I wiggle the butt in his direction.*
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Janine Dee on August 02, 2012, 06:54:51 AM
A long black hearse pulls up to the AChat Bar and Grill and rolls to a smooth stop. From the vehicle black robed forms emerge, their garments draping enough to reveal feminine forms, but otherwise concealing all as they open the back and extract an ancient looking stone sarcophagus.

Silently they take up the vessel and carry it into the building, not showing any notice of the confused stares greeting their arrival.

In the same silence they set it down on the floor and then withdraw.

For several long moments the room is utterly silent as all eyes are fixed on the cemetery piece now sitting in the establishment, but then the cover bursts off, hurtling to make an audible contact with the ceiling before falling to the floor to the side and shattering.

Now lidless the stone coffin is left emitting a bizarre, eldritch, black and purple light. A light that then stops.

"Morning!" Comes from within as I am now standing in the sarcophagus, my blond hair a bit longer then before, and my body wrapped  in form hugging black leather, with lacing along both arms and legs.

"It seems quite a bit has happened while I was... away, but I think catching up may be a great part of the fun."
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: christinak on August 02, 2012, 07:41:18 AM
Standing at the back of the bar I was just about to head to The Ice House for my rendezvouz with blu, when I everything went silent.  At first I was tempted to head for the pool room, and disappear through the secret door, thinking it was another bust.  But looking toward the door I could see what had brought things to such a screeching halt.  Robed figures carrying something into the bar.  I couldn’t see what it was but by the thud it made when it was set on the ground it sounded heavy.  I had just started to make my way closer when I was stopped in my tracks by the lid on the thing being thrown up against the ceiling. 

Suddenly as if from nowhere, a figure was standing in the now visible stone box.  Feminine in form and menacing in appearance.  This lady who ever she is, knows how to make an entrance.  The dust and smoke had begun to settle and the image before us became more and more clear as I inched closer to have a better look.  More detail now, leather and lace fitting close to her form long blond hair draped her still smoke shrouded face.  But as I neared the edge of the crowd, a wicked grin appeared on my face as I saw who it was.   Janine was back. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that several of the submissives I knew of had dropped to their knees.   She slowly scanned the room as she announced her entrance.  Her eyes locking on everyone who dared to draw sight with her.  When her eyes met mine, I bowed my head before returning to her gaze.  Acknowledging her overwhelming authority.  My thoughts turned to The Ice House.  Had the High Priestess of BDSM come to inspect our new dungeon?  Had she gotten my message? 

I dismissed these thoughts as premature.  Right now I was just happy to see her here.   This place was about to get a lot more interesting.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on August 02, 2012, 08:50:47 AM
Sat with Jane , Karen and  now Martin not Tight . When I see Miss Christy walking and stand at the the bar i catch her eye and drop mine to the floor then slowly bring them up back to hers to be met with a nice smile.
As the doors of the Bar open and a large box is put in the middle of the bar. Looking back up at Miss Christy with a flick of her eyes i drop to my knees. Not knowing why But not wanting to upset Miss Christy keeping my eyes my eyes fixed on Miss Chirsty and see her bow her head just for one second then raising it back up I know she is very high and respected in the world of BDSM for Miss Chirsty to bow her head and i'm glad i'm on my knees. For this lady to find out i did not show the right amount of respect she is owed would be a great mistake. 
I keep my eyes fixed no Miss Christy she smiles and flicks her eyes again i get back to my seat with out saying a word. Turn back to Jane Karen and Martin take my glass of ice water and wets my very dry throat. Watches Miss Christy slides unseen into the pool room smiling i turn me thoughts back to the conversation at the table 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Janine Dee on August 02, 2012, 09:36:43 AM
As I step from the sarcophagus the robed figures slip back in and quickly clean up the remains from my entrance while one slips to the jukebox and starts a new song.

A song that continues as I make my way unerringly towards the Ice House.

(Translated lyrics.)

When the Gondolas carry sorrow and stop the dead's complaining that sits deep in the back of their gray necks.
When the hour begins to strike coldly, thick swathes of mist touch you and softly....midnight!
Frozen blood in your veins laces your fear. You hear your heart in your throat and the bells ring; it is night...midnight!
A place like the underworld in the night
A place like the underworld in the night...midnight!
Souls in fog...midnight!
Midnight, dark night. Cruelty for the souls. The bell sounds two times....midnight!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: christinak on August 02, 2012, 12:25:21 PM
Holy Crap!  She’s headed for the pool room.  Quickly I grabbed tango by the arm, jerking him away from his conversation midsentence, and we ducked in ahead of her and made our way along the tunnel as fast as we could.  My nose is greeted by the musty smell of The Ice House as air rushes into the tunnel from pushing the book case open fast.  We would have to make this quick.  I should have made myself ready for this when I made the call dang it.

**Continued in The Ice House Thread**
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Kyotoma on August 02, 2012, 12:39:36 PM
he smiles slightly as he approches the bars front door the heavy ruck sack loaded to the point of bursting straped to his back his uniform covered in dust and a little sand from the deserts of Iraq as he reaches up pushing open the door with his right hand.....his eyes narrow slightly to adjust to the dim lighting in the main room his head turned slightly downwards as he pulls the hearing protection from its case handing off the front of his uniform and places one in each ear the music a little louder than the sounds he was use to hearing...his eyes raise as they fully open once more haveing adjusted to the lighting in the room as he looks around takeing note of the exits and what he would call choke points to ensure he would not be traped in any one point of the bar should a fight brake out, he then sets his ruck down at a empty booth be for moveing over to the bar tender and ordering a aoldiers suicide and explaining how to make the drink to the tender be for turning around glass in hand and watching the room his eyes carefully study each person in the room as he sips from the tall glass containing many types of hard drinks that had turned almost black in color after being mixed
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on August 02, 2012, 02:35:08 PM
Seeing the entrance of this lady and seeing the reaction of the subs including Tango i look over at Chirsty and see her bow her head to. After just a few moments Tango was back at my side i lean over "who's that" i ask he turn to me and say's "I don't know but i will" Not able to finish what he was saying Miss Christy grabs his arm and pulls him off into the pool room the door closes behind them. (thinks to myself same thing is going down glad i drove myself here tonight) As they disappear the bar door opens and what looks like a soldier walks in i watch him put his rucksack down and walk to the bar.

The Country Boys start to play there first song its a bit louder then normal we all hold are ears and the volume gets turned down
Turning back to the table just to see Karen pulling Martin up onto the dance floor
On being left at the table on my own i get up and walk over to the bar "Coke please Jayc" i shout he slides it down the bar to me. Taking a sip i turn to the soldier "Welcome to the Bar & Grill looks like you've come a long way."
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Kyotoma on August 02, 2012, 04:05:02 PM
he turns his head slightly hearing a voice comeing from the end of the bar as he raises the Acu boonie cap brim slightly to see who was speaking to him "that i have" he says with a slight nod his dark brown eyes almost black in the low light of the bar as he stands up finishing the last of his drink seting the glass upside down on the bar and wlaks down to the end and sits down next to the stanger "names kyo but most in my unit call me satan...whats your name" he says as he removes his boonie cap placeing it upon the bar his hair well kept in a high and tight but spiked up and very dark as he starts to hold out his left hand but shakes his head remebering he is back in the states and holds out his right hand instead in a friendly offering
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on August 02, 2012, 04:12:34 PM
Looks around in confusion at all the activity taking place in one second because of the entrance of the one person. Seeing that it didn't pertain to me, I go back to wandering around and find the bull empty, so I sit down and talk quietly to the bull. After a few moments of silent conversation, I look around and laugh silently.  Reaching down, I start to pet the bull in loving caresses. So lost in my own little world, I don't see what everyone else is doing so content to explore her mind and let it all out without fear of others hearing due to all the commotion and noise around the place.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on August 02, 2012, 04:23:21 PM
Taking his hand and softly shacks it i'm "Jane nice to meet you Kyo or would you like to be called Satan?"  

" you said your unit so i take it your on leave then? and going by all the sand i would say Iraq" i say  with a smile
why'll i talk to Kyo i see Sexi walk in go around the bar and go's over and leans on the bull. I wave a hand to her but she dosn't see it
i turn back to Kyo
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on August 02, 2012, 11:25:16 PM
the band finnishes there 1st set. i jump on the stage and grab a mic............hey everybody a quick annoucment. wheres Brandy? get her up here i smile. Brandy climbs up and stands next to me. the crowd cheers and all know this little lady as the owner of this establishment, but she is also a quite the writer.............i just got word our Brandy Bee has won the Achat erotic story contest!!!!! so lets all  raise our glasses to Brandy!!!!!!!!.......... a standing Ovation loud cheers and  whistles  i give her a big hug and a kiss  " congrats Boss i shout into her ear over the roar of the  round  on the house!!!!  lets drink up folks and have a good evening  :)  :)  :D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 03, 2012, 12:00:05 AM
I  mop up  a few spills and look up when I hear  the song and smile " Its off to work we do hi ho hi ho ... " and find myself annoyingly  humming it ...  As I finish I notice the office door still shut ... " wow that JayC is a goer...  mmm ... if only I could remember..."

Covems is working hard and the pudding pit nearly done, I send some drinks out to him and the workers ..   think the fire pit will be a good place for the guys to strip and display their wares  too ... smiling as I think .. Neo, my imaginative hunky guy, would love to be involved .. as I take a moment  to picture him with that stubborn curl in the middle of his forehead, semmi naked, muscles bulging...

which reminds me ....  Tight and JD need to sign up ...  would be such a waste to keep those fine contours hidden ...

I return to the bar area and Tight approaches, he's breath takingly handsome , and I check him out imagining him strutting to a tune as he removes an Item of clothing.  Bringing me back to reality , He asks about the leaflets and American Footy... " I think it would be great .. I love the designs .. All Yours? "

He nods, " They are great".  I see the logo hes designed for the Bar & Grill.  " Oh I love that,  That needs pride of place over the door & behind the bar,  I'll check with JayC & JD but I  cant see a problem."  

 I move into him and go to  kiss him on the cheek but just before it lands, he turns his head, his lips meeting mine. Our lips brush lightly before turning into a full blown snog. His arms circle come round me, holding me close as his tongue teases and succeeds in invading my mouth, deepening the kiss  and taking my breath away. He ends it slowly with a a closed peck... looking at me as he pulls away.

Fanning myself,  I ask, " What was that for?

" I 'm in a good mood " He grins " And I haven't forgot the mechanical bull caper either"

" Arrr,  I had, ....5 seconds wasnt it? .... and... I'm not sure what you are talking about"   I grin back, knowing full well  Tight wasn't stupid.  I see him look over at a new girl in the bar by the bull ... Sexilicilious... He orders a couple of drinks and heads her way.

I see Bear going into the pool room, looking good in a black T shirt and tight stone washed jeans .. that ass mmm ..  looks like hes a member of the Ice House then ...  I've received a note off him,  a warning about payback ...  I wonder if Stone & Adera  have had one too....

As i serve drinks to MrSexlover and  Kyotoma ,   suddenly  black robed figures enter the bar and deposit a massive stone coffin  into the room.. I watch intrigued as it suddenly opens and a magnificent lady exits  and heads towards the pool room. She looks extremely important... looks like the IceHouse is going to be busy ...  as the music blares round the room that one of her assistants had put on.

I look as Christi suddenly grabs Tango who surprisingly is on his knees and hurries to the Icehouse ... Well , i see another recruited member .. smiling ... Big wrestlling Tango .. A sub .. well , what a surprising turn of events  lol

I go over to the notice board for the list of strippers ....   JayC's name is at the top...   I quickly add   Tights and JD ...   lol   I  might mention it to them later ..... and give them a beer with the baby oil ...  lol

Suddenly , I'm aware of  JayC  on the stage, shouting my name ... What now ...  and when did he get out the office ...Ii get bustled on the stage ...    He mentions the erotic story contest ...  I did .. really ?  wow ....   blushing.....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Kyotoma on August 03, 2012, 01:36:36 AM
he smiles to the woman slightly as he turns her hand up over his kissing it softly "i would prefer being called Kyo for now the only time i go by satan is if i have a loaded weapon in my hands and a target to erase from the planes of life" he says in reply to her questiion befor his eyes shift to the stage for the announce ment as he hears the crowd chear he cant help but give out a loud almost ear shattering yell of "whoooa" out of habit of useing the armys terms befor turning back to his current drinking companion "actualy i have been back about a month from iraq releaced back to reserve status so i will not be back there my next stop is in the phillapeans in 2014" he says in reply to her second comment "the sand and dust is what was still left in the fabric of my uniforms since washing them all and much of it from the long hike from my home down south whiel makeing a treck up to NC"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on August 03, 2012, 02:41:03 AM
Smiles "Kyo" it is then turns to the stage a Jajc takes to the mike and call Barndy to the stage we ALL CHEER as Jays makes the annoucement. I smile as i hear the "WHOOOA" come from Kyo. Turning back to him "so your just passing throw then or are you going to hang around for a few days"
i ask as Jayc replaces our drinks with the one on the house. Seeing Tight walking over to Sexi with a drink in each hand. Karen and Martin walk over and join me at the bar i intorduce  them both to Kyo they both say "Hello and welcome as one" Martin shacks his hand and Karen being Karen gives him a kiss. Jayc slide whiskies down the bar to them.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on August 03, 2012, 08:16:15 AM
  After sitting at the bar and downing a couple of Ice Cold drafts with Miss Brandy, whom may I say, at least to myself, is one of the best looking, sexiest woman I have seen in a long time, I think this is some crazy place, LOL
  I see 7 little dwarfs building something.  I think they are calling it a Pudding Pit.  Wonder where Snow White is.  Does remind me of the Hot Oil Wrestling in New Orleans.  Ring was filled with hot oil and lovely ladies in very skimpy bathing suits. The suits don't  stay on very long.  Lovely node bodies shining with the oil covering them.  Before long the have grabbed me and pulled me in with them.  Oily hot bodies covering every inch of me as the remove my clothes.  I try to resist, lol, but not to hard.
  I next see the riding bull.  Reminds me of Gullies, in Texas, and a real bull named Tarrus. There you ride real bulls, if your are crazy enough.  Being a young stud, you know I had try, Lasted all of 2 seconds and Tarrus didn't  like be being on him that long.  Wont try that again
  I see that Bear is operating the bull.  Seems to be enjoying it as much  as Tarrus enjoyed throwing me,  LOL.  Have to wonder about a bar that hes two Bears, and one of the is real.
  I look at Miss Brandy, Is it always this crazy in here i laugh, she nods yes.  I look at her, I ask  D0 you have a pen.  She says yes.  Can i use it I ask. throwing caution into the wind i walk over and sign the list to strip.  Cant beat them mind as well join them, Lmao.  I turn around and wink at brandy thinking Lady i am doing this to win your affection.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on August 03, 2012, 09:05:29 AM
I stop and turn in my tread as the room fills with smoke, a coffin is brought in and Janine makes her entrance. I turn and smile, touch my forehead with my fingers, then swing them down in a gallant wave of welcome. With a hint of mockery in my face, I watch her disappear into the pool room, her destination all to clear. The Ice cellar seems to have found their mistress.

With two glasses in my hands, I walk up to Sexi, who is still straddling the mechanic bull, whispering in its make believe ears, as if she is pleading with him to keep her on his back. I watch her for a few moments, a sweet smile forming around my lips, then wink at JD, who understands what I’m hinting at. With a sudden jolt, the mechanic beast comes to live and with a loud yelp Sexi grabs hold of the strap around the beasts’s torso.

I step to the side as the mechanical bull starts to twist and turn, hurling Sexi’s body all over it’s back as she clings on for dear life. If eyes could kill, I’d have dropped dead and turned to dust after the first time she locks hers in with mine, after her second pass, there would have been nothing left but a fading memory of me. With a big grin on my face, I raise my glass and shout at her, the music of the country boys overwhelmingly loud.

“Machines don’t take well to hypnotism!”

In a reflex she releases the grip of one hand to shake her fist at me, and immediatly is thrown off as the bull starts its next swing. Sexi tumbles and rolls over the mat and dusty floor, ending up at my feet. Her clothes all out of shape, parts of her body all too visible for the glaring eyes of the guys around the bull penn. I help her too her feet and support her by her elbow, as she sways and stumbles, dizzy from the ride on the bull. I look at JD and wink, he’s made up for some of his action to make me fly after 5 secs.

I offer Sexi her glass, red raspberry and cranberry juice, with a twist of lime and crushed ice. As she puts it to her lips, she spills and the red juices runs down her chin and neck, drizzling in between her breasts. Her tight, wet shirt sucks in the juices and colors pink. From the corner of my eyes I see Covems approach and grab him by his shoulder as he passes.

“Covems, when your pitt is done, I have the a volunteer for the first pudding fight. She brought her own topping”

I point at Sexi and her raspberry shirt, her nipples pushing through the fabric like ripe cranberries, and smile when I see the surprised and appalled look on her face. Quickly I grab her shirt as she turns and tries to flee, the fabric suddenly tearing, leaving her in a sexi, lace bra in the middle of the bar. Embarrassed by the situation I put her in, I quickly grab her arm, drag her to the office while scooping up Brandy on the way over.

“Brandy, can you hide Sexi in the office for a while? I accidentally ripped her shirt apart and well, can’t let her stay like this. I have a cheerleaders uniform in the back of my car, I’ll go get it quickly..”

I leave the office quickly, heading out of the bar, as suddenly my eye falls on the list for the male striptease. 4 names are on there now, and to my surprise mine is there too! That little… brat… I stop and turn, head to Covems and whisper in his ear. He listens carefully, then his face turns into one big smile as he nods.

“Time to turn the tables, we’ll call it even after this..”

Quickly I go to my car and take the box of uniforms from the backseat, then return to the office. I open the box and show the 4 different outfits to Sexi, who picks one. Brandy has left the office, giving Sexi some privacy to change. Slowly I walk up to the door, turn the handle then turn my head as I hear Sexi’s voice..
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Kyotoma on August 03, 2012, 09:19:40 AM
he nods to the other to not really hearing thier names over the music haveing forgot to pull the ear plugs out from when he first entered the bar....he raises a brow a s the new woman kisses him throwing him off slightly as he leans back from her looking at her as if instantly asking what that was about but simply shakes his head and gently slaps her ass befor picking up the b;ackish drink that had been set down beside him....he was already feeling the effects from the first drink by that point his body felt like a inferno was burning him alive from the inside out as he quickly leans his head back the glass held to his lips as he quickly downs the entire drink in a single pass

he sets the glass down upon the bar so that the bottem was up once again to indicate to the bar tender not to serve him any more as he stands up and grins slightly looking at the mech bull "i think its time to tame the beast" he says looking over his shoulder at jane befor walking over twards the bull and geting in line to ride.... he had already gone 19 seconds on kilimanjaro the roughest bull he had ever seen in a rodeo bvefor he figured this one would be a cake walk in compairison as he waits he takes note of the operators patern with the controles watching it form a almost repetative set of twists and turns and reverses he begins comiting them to memory to give him a idea of what to be ready for when he actualy climbed onto the he waited he because to slowly unstrap the velcrow on thwe cuffs of his uniform befor unziping the blouse and hanging it over the back of a near by chair his arms were taned and looked like tree trunks untill they flexed the years working on military vehicals had built them up quite like a body builders arms.... he then pulls a bit of 550 cord from his pockets lashing it around the loose matterial around his legs so that his pants would be tight and not catch on the saddle his legs put most body builders to shame the time spent hauling 400+ pounds of gear on his body at all times had built his legs up to the point the skin had been streched extreamly thin over the muscles so much so that he had scars upon his legs where the skin had actualy riped from over flexing his calfs and thighs befor

he then smiles streching his arms back causeing the under t shirt of his uniform to rip down the chest slightly befor he reached out helpiung the last person to be thrown from the bull up to thier feet waiting to see if they took another crack at it
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on August 03, 2012, 10:31:05 AM
Coming back into the bar from the pool room i see that the table is empty where i left Jane scanning the room i see Sexi fliing off the bull and land at Tights feet. looking round the Bar and see Jane ,Karen and Martin all up at the bar Jane has here back to me putting my finger to my lips telling Karen not to stay anything I walk up behind Jane put my arms around her rub the little Bump and kiss her on the neck "Sorry about that my love" i whisper she holds my hand turns and kisses me "that ok my love "she replies Jayc slide an Ice water down the bar with a lough "that on the house Tango"I catch it and smile "Thanks Jayc"
i turn to watch the a guy take on the bull "looks like he can handle that beast" i say to them
Jane turns and says that's "Kyo his a soldier back from Iraq"
" have to get him a drink when he comes back"i say with a smile.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on August 03, 2012, 11:28:22 AM
I slide back thru the hidden door and wander into back into the grill griining at the wild party now taking shape again. Many new faces are in the crowd, which os always good to see and I hope they get into the spirit of the levitity here.  First things first a drink to wash down the grit in my throat from the ice house.

JD grabs me as I pass the bull... asks me to handle things for a moment.. the reason I lose as he moves away quick.  Settling into the seat I play breiefly at the controls, A tight brush of finger apss acros the nape of my neck and I glance up,  catching the gaze of a sultry vixen moving past me giving me a seductive glance as she sways slow to the bull. leans back against it squirming entingly along the machine. My eyes are glued to her dance.

I feel arms slide around me, embracing me in a warm hug from behind. "Hey Bear, good to see you back Have you seen my Tango about?"

I pat TangoJanes hands... not taking my eyes off the performance before, suddenly realizing I have never seen a bull mount so sexily before as the vixen slides on.

"Don't worry...he was collared into some official buisness. I am certain he'll be back as soon as he is freed" I spare a quick diversion from the fox there now sliding and holling her hips across the the machines smmoth back and give Jane a wink. Uncertain whether she understood the inuendo. Isee here beaming as she glances to the pool room.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why. Then focus again on the woman now sliding her hands against the riding rope... her slim fingers warpping to in as she presses forward across the machine, grinding her hips tight to her fingers as she rolls back...

"Bear..." I feel a tap on my shoulder... "Aren't you suppose to be working the controls?" JD is already back. His internal radar of hot women must be working quite well. I hear a mutter oath of amzement from him. No doubt suddenly realizing the erotic bull dance  being performed.

She moves now against her grip on the riding strap, hips rolling slow again the heel of of her hand.. riding it slow to the beat of the band. This one knows how to ride...and the crowd of  cowboys begins to thicken aroungd the bull pit. Her eyes dart amoung the audiance... licking her lips as she continues her bull dance. Her free hand sliding up, palming her ample breast as she closes her eyes and kneads those marvelous mounds.

Another tap on the shoulder... "Bear... Bear.."  JD leans in insistant  in his tone..."This really is a matter for a professional.."

I am not one to argue... wordless I creep rising... catching her sultry eyes locking on me. her mouth parting as her tongue slide across her lips...then moves against her hand with growing force...

JD is already in the seat. His eyes locked on her performance and I catch a smile on his face... glance back to the fox on the bull and realize her eyes now teasing onto JD. Strangely... JD's hands are motionless at the controls.  A smirk crosses my face... apparently I was handling things just fine. I ease back away into the crowd and heading to the bar as originally planned.

A few steps only... as a woman brushes by me quick holding the remenents of a torn blouse as she dashes to the womans room. I feel a brush at my hips and see a dwarf in hot pursuit. the crowd makes him easy to snag by the collar and I lift him feet still churniing... eyeing him curiously. Must be one of Covems minions...

I cross the bar carrying the creature squirming under my grip, and move out to the pudding pit.

"Lose something Covem? I found this one at lose in the bar in hot pursuit of a woman." I ask still holding the creature by the scrawn of its neck. He looks up,... then glances around counting his little group... nodding.....shaking his head apologetically as he moves to me and takes the dwarf back. he leans down... a low conversation I can not understand... then straighten up.. "No... no... I said HOE Find us a HOE."

I glance at the pudding pit... grin wide... a lot is changing here... everyday.

then wander back into the bar... pausing as I see ssgt atanding at the office enterence decorated brightly in celebration of Brandy's achievement in the erotic story contest. I shuffle close... glancing at the the list...

"You doing this?" I ask him... he seems in question then grins nodding..

"Best way to join the fun huh?"

I nod... "Tell you what... you do and so will I."

He signs aboard... and my signature goes under his.

I am not certain anyone cares to see much more of my nakedness... but it a habitual thing...and briefly wonder if any actually believed pantless friday really had an intent.

I slap ssgt.. on the back... "Drinks on me... now lets get into mischief."

This night is young...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on August 03, 2012, 12:38:46 PM
As i stand at the bar with Karen and Jane i see Tango sneaking back out off the poolroom. He looks very happy.

Then turn my attention to the bull, just in time to see sexy flying off and showing some of her parts as she lands. Mmmmmm not bad, not bad at all.

Next the soldier mounts the bull, well he can have my support, as a former soldier myself any one serving there country gets my support.

As Tango kisses Jane's neck, Karen pulls my arm.

"Martin my love did you see that list there for the strippingcontest, why is your name not on it, i know you are going to win that"

"I think Tango makes a chance as well" Jane ads to that.

I look at Tango, he smiles and i smile back, " For you girls we do anything" and i walk to the list and put my name under ssgt and a Tango put's his under mine.

"I just knew you would enter it for me" Karen tells me with a smile, and after a big hug and a passionte kiss we all go back to our table.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on August 03, 2012, 02:18:36 PM
The music from the Country Boys is blaring out and the bar is in full swing.

I'd checked on Pachi and given him a walk earlier.He was quite happy in his pen outside, eating Bamboo & salad with Covem's and the 7 Dwarfs, I never can remember all of their names - Lets see, there's  Doc, Sneezy, Dopey, Grumpy,Happy, Sleepy & .. mmm, no, I'll have to ask Covems to remind me of the last one.

They seemed to get on well with Pachi and he seemed to be very fond of them.  They had worked very hard on that pudding pit.  I take drinks and Donuts out to them all  as Bear arrives with one struggling in his arms, apparently running amok in the bar.  I eye him warily and quickly leave the refreshments on the side for them as he speaks with Covems.

I too had received a payback warning from him about his binding and collaring. Not to worry, I have connections in Chicago, I wonder if he knows , I know people.. lol

I  return to the bar and see some new faces have arrived, " Welcome mrSexlover, Kyotoma, Ssgt and Sexilicious - its tradition here - first drink is free on the house."  I prepare the drinks and dish them out.  " I hope you enjoy coming here & enjoy all the fun" 

On Brandy & JayC's instructions, I leave a bottle of Christi's  favourite whiskey behind the bar, to enjoy with her important guest, Janine, hoping she also will pass through here on her way to the Ice House & enjoy our hospitality.

" Hey Brandy,"  I call to her as she passes - " Congrats on the writing achievement "

" Thanks"  She replies and seems a bit embarassed by it all.  "  Looks like the list is growing for the Ladies Night male strip.  Can you let Lover know to make the announcement that it will be soon and for the contestants to start making preparations for their routine, music request & costumes"

" Sure, I'll make a note of the ones on the list already, in case anymore sexy men want to show off their fine physiques and add to the list "

" I'm impressed you got JayC on there",  She laughs.

" I'm impressed you got Tight and JD " 

" Arr, yes ",  She grins, " I must get round to telling them at some point "

I hit my forehead with my open palm, lightly slapping it , " You haven't asked them yet? "

Grinning, Brandy takes over at the bar as I check the list   :-    So far  -   JayC ,  Tightfit , James_Dean , Ssgt,  Bear , Mrsexlover ,  Tango

I grin at Brandy as I tell her.   " Looks like it could be quite a night "
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Kyotoma on August 03, 2012, 02:50:56 PM
he hoists his body up onto the bull quickly lashing his right hand to the saddle and griping down on to the leather strap as he locks his heels in to the stirups and looks over himself dubble checking that he was good to go befor placeing his left hand into the air over his head and noding to the man at the controles and yelling over the music "push the beast to the maximum please sure i want to feel like my arm is geting riped out of place again" he says as he leans back slightly waiting for the intial thrust of the bull.....

he raises a brow as the bull jerks forward for the first time knowing that the opperator was already pulling out all the stops as he holds on tightly determand to make a new record for the bars walls as he feels the second jerk of the bull this time back and to the right and he quickly leans slightly forward and left to counter his own wieght as the thrid jerking buck hits him then the fourth and the fifth he holds on locking his legs to the bulls sides the wood and steel crack and groun under his griping legs as he is flung about but refuses to let himself move from the saddle as he gets into 5 seconds on the bull whiel being flung about his eyes try to afix on one point in the room as much as posable to keep him from geting to dizzy as he grits his teeth feeling the leather in his hand starting to become moist as he tightens his grip more with heach move the bull made.

his eyes glance over to the bar as it flashes by seeing what he beleaved was a former soldier by the way the man was holding himself he quickly lets out a loud WHooah befor realizeing he had just heard a cracking sound from under was the leather strap he was useing for balance snaping under the strain of his grip and body yanking against it. he loses balance for a moment but trys to hang on useing his legs only at this point as he watches the hands of the operator trying to anticapate the next movement both his arms now up in the air his righ hand still griping the leather to show the operator he had broke the straps to the machine as he waits for it to stop and the strap to be replaced he looks over at the clock 10.9 at that moment yet the machine did not stop..

he finaly lets go with his legs quickly pulling them up to his chest and tucking into a ball as he want sailing threw the air headed twards the operators booth hiting the top of the paded rail just befor rolling over it and landing upon the bulls controles...."um....i think i broke your toy sir" he says holding out the leather strap to the man "if you have some scrap leather laying about the place i could have it sixed in about 10 minets" he says as he stands up and steps out of the operators booth
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: christinak on August 03, 2012, 03:21:58 PM
I arrived back at the bar and the place was jumping.  Literally.  In fact, Just as I was exiting the pool room a body flew off the bull and landed a few feet away from me.  I continued on and saw tango back at the bar with Jane who seemed unaware of what he had been doing only a few minutes earlier.  That, or she just didn’t care.

I continued on to the bar and reached behind getting my special bottle, a clean glass, and poured myself a drink.  Placing the bottle back behind the bar, I sipped my whisky and stepped around spotting Bear back by the bull.  I would have to try and find him when he was a little less occupied.  He looked like he was really tied up with the controls just now.  I was still concerned about this jail.  But more than that, I just wanted to share a drink with my friend. 

As I continued to stroll around the bar I made sure to give Brandy a nod and stopped by to give her a hug.  Taking a seat near the bull I set my drink on the table, leaned back in my chair, watched the flying bodies, and just relaxed.  My dream of a multi-use dungeon was now complete, and I was as content as I had been in a long time.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 03, 2012, 04:07:50 PM
I  leave Stone, at the bar, impressed. She has a nice way with the customers and chat briefly with Ssgt  " Glad to see you picked up the gauntlet and going for the striptease - it will be a week on Saturday , on 12 August - think you can get your routine ready by then?  I grin  " Gives you a week to sort out your music, costume and routine"

" No problem" He grins back ,  "  You have a mark on your neck"  he indicates with his finger about to point .

" I was cleaning earlier, probably need to tidy up a bit "  I grin, stepping back just out of reach, " I'll get Lover to announce the Ladies Night event... I look forward to seeing ... you "  winking at him

I pass the office and hear .... noises ... my that office is getting busy lately.

My attention is drawn to the mechanical bull, a new guy in town  looks like he can handle himself  -  Kyo, I think Stone told me , I watch his impresssive  display.  And give both a wave when it seems some strap has come off .. I'm sure they will get it fixed soon.   I indicate to JD to get himself and the newcomer a drink on the house.   Wonder if  Kyo would want to take part in the strip - hes certainly got the body that will excite the ladies.

I freshen up in the bathroom and change my blouse, the neck not so low as my previous one, smiling as a memory invades briefly, and then pull on my tight stone washed jeans.  I check myself in the mirror and reapply some make up.

I return to the bar and see Christi enjoying a few moments with her whiskey.  I grab my own beer and the bottle for her and her important guest.
Mind if I join you for a few seconds,  " sure "

I hug her and sit down,  " Hows the Ice House turning out "    I see her eyes light up.   " So far so good" She replies

" Well, I noticed someone important seems to have arrived, I'm not sure what she drinks but here's a bottle to be going on with and if she prefers something different just let me know "

We grin at each other .. I say " The bars picking up too ... I hope you will attend Ladies Night .. The men seem keen to to strut their stuff ....  Maybe get Hentai to design a leaflet to advertise the event ...."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on August 03, 2012, 11:16:26 PM
camped out  at my "spot" a table on the upper level giving me a good view of the bar and stage. good crowd tonite. JD approaches "bull is broke but i got guy who thinks he can fix it." as long if its safe im cool with it........ make it so i smile, in a very good mood. as JD turns he nearly falls as a dwarf  bolts by his legs and runs onto the dance floor and dissapears into the crowd. Bear caught one a few minutes ago took it out back JD tells me. hmmm must be catch and release night, tell Covems to round them up if you see him. i get up and head over to the bar.

the band is "on" tonight  playing a mix of country, texas boogies and old blues numbers. i get a shiver when i hear the opening to "statesboro blues"   seeing Stone i feel the uge to dance and grab her hand and pull her onto the dance floor. your in a good mood tonite stone yells im ear. why not? i beam at her, things are good..........i would take you to the office but it seems thats its occupied i chuckle take a rain check? always Stone replys. in front of us the dancing crowd is pushed aside by another women being pursued by a dwarf i reach out and just miss grabing the little bugger, awwwwwwww leave him be Stone protests, there not hurting anybody. a moment later Stone Gasps as the dwarf gropes her ass she spins around in anger and with speed of a cheatah chases after him  met your match dwarf that girl can run. Stone catches him with ease and lifts him by his neck. take him out back  catch and release night
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on August 04, 2012, 05:20:34 AM
After dancing with Jane for a few songs i look over at Martin and do a drink sign with my hand he nodds his head and we both leave the girls dancing as the song came to an end we clap  as we leave the dance floor. Just as we get to the edge of the floor one of the dwarfs runs passed
we get to the bar where the rest of them are with Stone standing over them telling them to stay here. But with not one of them taking any notice of her. Martin calls over to Stone "Stone we can take them all out the back and have us a good old dwarf throwing contest" .we all lough but the thought had been put into Stones head. We turn back to the bar and get the drinks and return back to our table as i walk back to the table i notice the Miss Christy had come back to the bar as i walk passed i bow my head to her and a small smile is my reward. I get back to the table and join Martin watching the girls dance
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on August 04, 2012, 09:33:38 AM
Feeling the powerful jolt all of a sudden from the beast, I quickly grab onto the strap to hang on for dear life while looking around to see what in the world had happened to this empty quiet corner that I ended up in my own little daydream with the beast. 

Looking around, I see Tight standing not far away with some drinks looking quite pleased that he had caught me on the bull.  Giving him the evil eye for disturbing my daydream I was telling the beast, I feel the hardness of the beast rubbing against my body which starts to excite my body after thinking such a naughty daydream not long ago.  After he called out to me though in such a taunting voice, I shook my fist and head at him but couldn't keep the big smile off my face at seeing such a dear friend noticing me over here.  Distracted a bit too much at how nice Tight was looking tonight, I end up getting thrown to his feet with my clothing in such disarray.  I hurry to try and cover up the most important sections before anyone else should glance over and see everything.  Feeling Tight lifting me up, I stumble into his arms and wraps my arms around his body while resting my head against his chest trying to keep the room from spinning anymore.  When the room stopped spinning so much, I took the offered drink and drinks too quickly and end up spilling it down my body.  Starting at the neck and moving upwards i grab the liquid on my finger and slowly sucks on my finger to get the taste off.  Surprised at Tight's comment and seeing him pointing at my shirt, I glance down and see the nipples sticking through showing my obvious arousal to everyone in sight.  Instantly, a blush appears on my face as I try to cover up with my hands and turn to make my way to the back away from all these eyes looking at me all of a sudden.  All of a sudden, my body is spun around and the shirt is torn showing off my bra.  While Tight is pulling me through the bar towards the office, I try to shield my body with his but can't help feeling excitement of the situation building up inside me. 

Once inside the office, I slowly sink to the chair still dizzy from the bull and quite aroused from the daydream and what had just happened.  Curling up some trying to shield myself while also trying to hide the obvious need, I wait in the office and when Tight returns with a box of cheerleading outfits.  I couldn't help but run my fingers softly through the material.  Seeing the blue one with a polar bear mascot, I gasp and look up at Tight.

"How did you know I would love this one? Blue is absolutely my favorite color and I adore bears."

Tight just looks at me and smiles like he knows more than what he is going to tell me about the outfit. I continue to just adore and keep lingering on the cheerleading outfit when Brandy leaves to head back out into the bar.  As Tight picks up the other outfits and heads towards the door, I couldn't help myself. I speak softly almost afraid he wouldn't do what i wanted and needed.

"Tight, please don't go yet. Stay and help me to make sure the outfit doesn't need any alterations or anything."

His hand lingers on the doorknob, and, for a moment, I thought he was going to go on out.  He turns and looks at me and with a big smile on his face he walks back over to me.  As he brushed the hair back behind my ear, he looks into my eyes with understanding and lowers his face to just an inch away from me.

"Are you sure it is the outfit you need help with?"

Before I had a chance to reply, his lips covered mine in a brief moment and softly started to kiss me.  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull him in closer kissing him deeper.  Licking his lips and urging his mouth to open, I share the raspberry and cranberry taste with him that is left over from the drink. Rubbing my body against Tight, I feel that he too was ready for some action.  Spreading my legs, he comes even closer to my body pressing against me so intimately letting me feel his hard arousal through the clothes....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on August 04, 2012, 11:47:52 AM
From the dance floor i see Martin then Tango come back from the bar Tango came back the long way but he has my coke I tape Karen on the shoulder and she spins around i flick my head over to the guys and we make are way over to them "AAHHHHH" one of the DWARF's slaps my ass BUT Karen GRADS HIM and call out to STONE she comes over and takes him off " only 2 more to get " she says as she go's back to the bar area and gives him to Covem. sitting down i see daen is struggling to keep his eyes open. "What time do you get here this morning hun" i ask as i rub his shoulder.
He lifts his head and turns to me "about 8 this morning and you got here about 6 this evening and brought me indoors" He smiles
"yes you shouldn't of been out in that sun all day like that" As i speck i hear the band start back up and Karen grabs me and Martin and drag us back to the dance floor
as we dance i see tango rest his head on the table and think time to get him home  i kiss Karen and Martin and say time for Tangos bed
we all look over at him and all lough what a mess to get into.
I walk over Just a Stone get to him to we smile and gently wake him up "time to go home my love" i whisper in his ear Stone rubs his back "its been a long hard day here for you time to go" I look over at Stone "and his only been on ice water to" she loughs "what a miss to be in" we get him to his feet and he stands up
"I'm ok i can walk" he says we walk up to the bar saying are good byes to every one and up to the door he pushes it open and we walk out into the dark car lot and over to my car we get in and i take him home

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on August 04, 2012, 04:54:27 PM
Ssgt and I head back to the bar as the night begins to pick up steam, thet drink promised apparently delayed as no one appears to be tending the bar.  At the moment the attenion appears to focused on the comotion the idle dwarves are creating throughout the place.  A flyer lies there on the counter top and I pick it up, reading Tights American Football announcement. Well that explains a couple costumes already appearing in the place. Short and provactive... I am not certain where Tight' is taking this, it's a conversation to take up.

I glance around... I swear I saw him earlier.... and wonder what he is getting himself in to.

I curl the flyer into a tight roll and put it into my back pocket. Still a little irritated by the lack of a friend and I are thirsty. Christy is heading off across the bar carrying a bottle... apparently down to the icehouse but too far to catch up to.

my eyes glance down the bar... eye a tap flowing. its brew overflowing the protective tray. Excusing myself  I circle the end of the bar and eye a plump dwarf on his back drinking down the overflow as it spills into his open mouth. My approach startles him as he rests his glasses and rolls  over staggering to his feet in a fruitless stagger to escape me.
I rapidly approach....  close off the flowing tap and reach into a hind pocket pulling out a couple of zip ties collected from my gear in the dungeon ,....bounding on him to snag and secure. Muttering of the mess they are creating in the moment. I need to speak to Covems about his charges.... perhaps set them to another project to keep them occupied.

I wonder if the Superentendent and Christy have reached an agreement. Perhaps building a little retention center as a holding pen outside the bar is a better idea. I know the NSPD has there own facilities... all we need is a place to secure the unruly. The Dungeon was a good first thought, but such chaos would be disruptive to their more private practices. The whole matter is getting rather complicated now... Covems, Azrielle and Christy all need accordance in a new direction

I galance up see another dwarf at the bars end... our eyes meet and he blushes. Bashful dwarf for certain... a rather shy creature to be frequenting this place. He scampers off and I bound after him as the one secured behind spews some medicinal concerns on how tight I have him bound.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on August 05, 2012, 10:29:37 AM
I step in between Sexi’s legs, lean in and find her warm, soft lips. My arms slide around her waist and as I lick her lips with the tip of my tongue, I pill her tighter against me. The short, pleaded skirt of her new outfit slowly slides up her legs as her pelvis touches mine, the warmth of her sex washing over my crotch, the reaction of my body, obvious and strong.

“Hmm, can’t think of anything to make it look better. Better prevent it from wrinkling at this moment though..”

My hands slide down her back and find the little zipper of her skirt and slowly push it down. Her skirt loosens around her hips and slides down a little while my hands slide up and find the bottom of her top. Fingertips slide underneat, digits curl and with a fluent move, I take her top off over her head and raised arms. I hang the top over the edge of a chair, then lean her down, her back resting on the desk when I step out from between her thighs.

She closes her legs neatly as i pull the skirt off her hips and drape if over the other side of the chair, then grab her ankles and open her legs again, sitting up on the dessk. I look down as she willingly follows my direction, discovering her sex to be bare, apparently she had something in mind when she entered the bar. I step in and watch her hands slide down my chest, her fngers pulling on the buttons of my jeans, then quickly pushing them down as the head of my cock slips into the new found space, the head peaking out from my unbuttoned fly.

I feel her body twitch in my arms, her excitement evident from the sweet, sultry scent of her excitement, drifting up to my nose as she spreads her thighs further. Her fingers fold aorund my shaft and slowly she pulls the foreskin down, exposing the leaking, wet tip. I look at her, pulling her gace on my member away and looking her eyes in with mine, as I move in slowly. The head of my member drags along the inside of her thigh, until it reaches her heated entrance, the petals of her sex already opened and glistening with wetness.

I place my hands on her shoulders again, push her back to the desk and feel her hook her ankles together behind my back. My hands drag down her body, over her perky breasts, her nipples dragging along the palms of my hands, then over her stomach to her hips. I look demandingly in her eyes as I pull her closer to me, the head of my shaft now pressing against her lips, opening them slowly. I smile, seeing the glisten of desire in her eyes, then tilt my hips and push myself into her welcoming channel slowly.

I hear her moan and feel her body tense as her heated tunnel; is slowly taken by me, the grip on her hips intensifying as i enter her deeper. She doesn’t look away, answers my urgent look, but can’t keep her body still. Her hips start moving against me, before I am fully inside her sex, coaxing me to push in deeper, massaging me with her inner walls. I keep pushing forward slowly, until i feel her lips stretch around the base of my shaft, then touch my body, leaving a kiss of her juices behind.

I start to move between herlegs, feeling her heels dig into my back, her call to feel me inside her again as soon as I retreact. I find a quick pace which is immediatly matches by her writhing and circling hips, her hands now on her knees, pulling her legs apart wider. Her anticipation met, though unexpected in its form, i see her face distort with pleasure, the flow of juices from her channel increase and then the sudden spasm of her inner walls as sha collapses into an orgasm, her peak reached while moaning for more, gasping for air.

As I feel her contract in her pelasure, I slowly ease down the speed of my thrusts, until I am deeply burried inside her, holding still. The tight grip on her lips released, my hands now slowly drifting over her body, soothing her tremors, the aftershock of her pleasure.  I lean in and kiss her gently, then slowly pull myself from her.

While she’s marked me with her scent, the sweet smell drifting up to my nose, i tuck my member away and pull my shirt over it, at least until the swell has subsides. I help Sexi off the table as soon as she caught her breath and regained enough strength to stand on her own legs. I hand her the skirt and top and watch how she dresses, then pull her into my arms, kiss her deeply and whisper in her ear.

“If you win in the pudding Pit, you might get a night long of this treatment..”

I see her smile, feel her put her arms around me, then suddenly her tongues slips through my lips as she kisses me passionately.

“Are you serious about me getting into that Pit?

“Ofcourse I am… I can’t wait to see and I am sure the other guys in the bar will be flocking the pitt when you’re all skimpy dressed making your appearance.. besides, there’s no turning back, Covems will announce the first fight soon.. Now, shall we have a drink? I’m pretty thirsty…”

Sexi takes me offered hand and together we leave the office, feeling the eyes of half the bar fix on the door as it opens. Both with a blush on our faces walk up to the bar, just missing the new, imppressive bartender as he scuffs off, chasing dwarfs. With my experience of having my own restaurant, I open the tap and draft myself a beer without walking behind the bar, and offer Sexi a glass of ice water. She giggles and accepts with a smile, moving away as she’s called by Jane and Karen. As I let my eyes drift over the crowd, I see a number of new people around. A strong guy right next to the bull, dust in his hair and face, apparently thrown off. But assuming from the buzz in the crowd, he did well. Next to me is ssgt seated, and i raise my hand for a toast.

“How’s it going, buddy? Having a nice time?”

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 05, 2012, 12:25:15 PM
Stone  & JayC  are back serving behind the  bar and I ask Stone for a knife to cut the binds on  " Doc ".

" Wonder who did this?, you seen these binds before?  I ask Stone, 

Stone shakes  her head and reaches over for " Bashful "  holding his hand like a child as he walks along the bar counter to me .  I take Doc's and Bashful's hands 

" Don't think they are from the Bar & Grill ... we don't really need binds here, perhaps the NSPD's "  I muse

" Oh by the way JayC ,  Ssgt has had to drop out of the  Striptease, some kind of family emergency... will you cross his name off the list.  I wished the guy well  and he had to dash off. I'm not sure if he's coming back... I hope all works out for him and he knows he's welcome back any time..   shame really "  I direct at Stone ... " he had one fit body ... the ladies will miss out there"

Tight is sitting at the bar, looking slightly flushed but glowing ... I grin at him and push a " Mars " chocolate bar in front of him  " Apparently, it helps you work, rest and play "  I wink at him   " Or so a little bird told me "

I take the dwarfs by the hands and  lead them out back to join Covems .. " Hey fella, these little guys seem to be helping themselves to the bar offerings...  we may need a playpen for them..  I love them though -  little gremlins round the place..."  hehe

I admire the Pudding Pit ..." That, Covem's,  is an absolute masterpiece "   I learn him and kiss him on the cheek ...  " Thanks for my message too.. " ....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 05, 2012, 05:18:57 PM
As I walk back into the Bar ,  I see Kyo just about to drop kick, one of the Dwarfs ... I step in front of him and whisk Dopey out of his hands , putting him on my hip    and look  Kyo  directly in the eye ...   "  I dont really like my staff being abused "I smile ..." did you know these little fellows here have built a great Pudding Pit out back which is much better entertainment , let Stone know to get you another Suicide drink on the house ...  Oh,  and  in case the Dwarfs give more trouble, I can introduce you to some of my friends in low places....  they would probably make you feel right at home"

 I turn to the little fellow on my hip  " Come on fella, I got you some Donuts outside  with the others" ..   

Glancing back at Kyo , " You seem to have some blood on your shirt, ....  don't forget  to get that drink now "
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on August 05, 2012, 09:12:49 PM
Accepting the ice water from Tight with a huge smile, I gently kiss his still warm face and whisper into his ear.

"Thank you my dear friend. Maybe I'll catch you later with some more food topping."

Giggles softly and sashays my way over to the girls still glowing with pleasure.  Looking over my shoulder, I glance behind and wink back at Tight as he goes to talk with ssgt.  Settling over by the girls, I glance around and see that many are still looking over at me. Still blushing, I adjust my cheerleading outfit and start talking with them.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on August 05, 2012, 10:05:10 PM
Now Tango is taken home by his Jane i got a little problem with his suprise for Chief Azrielle so i look for Ms Brandy.
As is spot her, i walk up to her and start asking a question.

"Sorry Miss Brandy, but Tango had a surprise for chief Az. and i keep it cool in the back of the crimelab van, but that needs to go back to the lab, so can i use a shelf in the bar's coldstorage to put it there till she arrives ?"

"There must be a empty shelf in the walk-in fridge, you can use that if you like, but not to long i hope"

"If it take's to long the surprise would be spoiled and he needs to make a new one, so no it would be only for a few day's"

"Then go ahead, you can use the delivery entrance at the back, do you need help ?"

"No i will ask Karen to help me"

I walk up to Karen and ask her to help me with the box, so we take the crimelab van to the back and lift the box out off the van. It's not that heavy but  it's a big box. We carry it into the big cold storrage unit in the back, and find a nice shelf to put it on. As i push the box to a safe distance from the edge, Karen pulls the door shut.

"Finally a place to be alone my love" she wisphers in my ear

"But it's a bit cold in here"

"Mmmmm i bet we going to be sweating in here soon" she says with a smile as she grabs my pants to pull them down.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on August 06, 2012, 08:54:46 AM
As my lovers pants slide down his shapely thighs dropping down onto my knees a take a sharp breath in as my knees hit the COLD fridge floor.
Sliding my hands back over his thigh and up under his boxer shorts my hands gently rub my hands over his rapidly growing cock looking up at my lover face as he looks down with his mouth slight open "See its not that cold in here" as i gently rap my fingers around its growing length and hardness taking a good feel as i run my fingers slowly along its length right to its tip running my finger tip around its head with my my free hand and with swift pull down comes his boxer eyes lights up as i see my prize changing my hands and lighting his boxer shorts full out of the way. I lean forward and gently kiss the head letting the tip of my tongue run around its eye then licking down one side of his nice hard cock bring my mouth  back up to it head i take it in in one good. I hear a sharp intake of air as my lover rests his hands on my shoulder and says "AAHHH  baby yessss thats so good" taking his deep into my mouth right down to its hilt holding it there just for a second then slowly bring my soft lips back to its head I look up and see my lovers eyes closed. with my right hand i pick up a hand full of frost bring it and cups his balls with it. he thrusts his hips forward as the cold ice hits his ball pushing his cock so deep down my throat it makes me GAG a little but  hold him in my throat I pull back and look up at my lovers face his eyes are wide open looking down at me
Her picks m up and kisses me deep and hard our tongues dance in each others mouths as we kiss i feel his hands undoing my shorts and pushing them down moaning into my mouth as he feels NO pantie he slides 2 finger along my most lips and pushes them into me moaning back into his mouth as his finger go deeper
puting my arms around his neck i jump up rapping my legs around him his cock rubbing against me rolling my hips and pushing away  i move the head of his cock at my wet pussy lips and slide right down onto it braking our kiss i moan loudly as i feel him go deep into my in one go holding him tight i roll my hips and slide his length deep in side me each time feeling him hit my inner spot rolling my hits faster i feel the warmth with in me grow moving faster and harder AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i SREAMMMM as the waves of pleasure rush throw me holding my lover tight he turns me around and sits me on the low shelf.  he takes my thighs i his hands and slams his fall length deep into me moaning loudly i feel the waves coming again leaning back my shoulder hit the cold wall i take a deep breath as the muscles around his cock tighten and the second orgasm rushes throw my body my lover pushes in deep holding it deep inside and the look only lovers get to see on his face . I feel the sudden Heat deep inside as my lover lets out a loud moan holding him tight with my muscles  i milk every drop out of him . We kiss deeply again i pull away smile and see steam rising from his head. "Told you  you wont be cold in here for long" We keep kissing  and start to feel the cold we get dressed and leave the fridge and out in to the warmth of the night my lover helps me into the lab van and drives it back to the front of the bar
We walk back in hand in hand and go back to the bar
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Kyotoma on August 06, 2012, 09:17:03 AM
he sighs deeply as he walks over to the booth where he had placed his ruck sack upon entering the bar and un clasps the two straps holding down the top flap of the bag and pulls open the draw string and begins to pull items out of the bag ammunition revolvers tactical gear slowly the bag emptys as he makes his way down to the bottem where his extra clothes had been placed looking for another tan shirt to put on....

as he reaches the top of the clothes pile he shifts them around finding a tan shirt stored in a tight combat packing roll and pulls it from the bag seting it on the table befor repacking each item that was removed in the revers order of whitch it came out of the bag untill the box of ammo and the revolver were left placed on top for quick acces like it had always been he then looks down at the shirt he was wereing and sighs seeing the blood stain had spreed and he shakes his head "damn waist of another good shirt" he says befor takeing hold of the collar anf riping the shirt off he then looks at the cut on his sholder and shrugs befor riping the bloddy shirt into strips and quickly fastioning a make shift combat dressing out of them and tieing it tightly around his sholder and upper chest to make surte that it did not move untill the bleeding had stoped he then unrolles the fresh clean shirt and slowly pulls it on over his head streching the fabric out so that it would fit on him hopeing it would not rip befor he actualy got it fully pulled on

he then tucks the hem of the shirt into this pants and pulls the acu jacket on siping it up befor closeing up the bag and resecuring the clasps and walking to the bar picking up his boonie cap paying the bar tender and heading twards the door picking up his ruck with a slight grunt waveing back over his shoulder thanking every one for thier company befor opening the door and steping out into the night air and pulling the door closed behind him as he sets off for a place to sleep for the night
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 06, 2012, 09:39:06 AM
Finaly back on the Bar & Grill after two days! and what i found here!? some new faces (big wellcome for everyone!) and an old friend!
Plus, seems like some news are running here.....mmmm, men strip contest and football eh eh! seems like the fun is getting bigger! Perfect time for collecting new idea about my illustration.....and to find two models for the B & G official poster!

I look around, studing every face, every expression, to catch the one who will fit for the doubt there are some sexy cowgirls and cowboys who are perfect for it, but it's hard to choose only two of them. i walk around, fixing in my mind every face, trying to find out the perfect couple for my project, when an idea jump in my mind.

I need to talk whit Brandy but i can't find her......i look at the counter, in the poll room and in the changing room, but i can't find any trace of her, when i notice JD in the bull area.

"Hey JD, had you seen Brandy around!? i need to talk whit her immidiatly!"

"Errrr....sorry, HB, but i don't know where she is...." he answer, a little nervous.

I look at him, at his sospicious reaction not so well hide. I get closed, hold his left arm and press my brest on it.....
"aww, come on, know where she is....why don't you want to tell me!?" i tell him whit a malicious expression and getting closed to him “it’s important....pleeeease!”

I look at him, when he turn his face on the other side, a little nervous and embarrassed..... "How cute!" i think and just to be sure to make him give up and answer me, i push my body more closed. Even if i can't see his face, i'm sure his expression will be really cute.....i like to see a man loosing all his strenght and acting like that!

"Please, JD....would you tell me!?" i ask again getting closed to his face.

He looks more nervous....and after had taking a deep breath, he answer in one go "Probably, she in the The Ice House! and now, let me go!"

"oh, i can't...." i whisper at him, whit my lips closed to his left ear "you have to tell me where this place is....or i can't find it...."

He is this sight, i can't hold a satisfed smile.

"Soooo, my little friend....where is this place!?" i ask and then i lick his ear, slowly, moving from the lobe to the tip.

"I had tell you to much, please stop!"

His body is shaking....probably he don't expect i will act like that and honestly i'm surprised too! This was the first time i get so further with a guy and i have to admit it feel good! mmmmmmmhhh.....i'm feeling like a feline predator who had caught his prey and it make me feel alive, ready for everything!
I stare at his face, where a mix of nervousness and embarrassment are melting togheter making him look really attractive. I smile again, fascinated by his expression, and release his arm.

" i let you go, JD....but you can bet i will find this place! The Ice House....mmmmhmm, sounds like a place where i can cool down this fire who burn inside me...."

Before moving away, i kiss his cheek and slap friendly his ass.

"See you, space cowboy!"

I wink at him and then leave,  the new hunt will begin soon!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Azrielle on August 06, 2012, 11:19:38 AM
Sigh; another 12 days to my due date... I speak whistfully while contemplating why the crimelab van is missing from a locked compound. Being one of the most expensive vehicles in the NSPD fleet, it had been fitted with a GPS transponder, so finding it was going to be too easy. Sadly, it seems SSgt Pafe, and Cpl Satoire may have become lost in the beta quadrant after following an ion trail.

Turn right... proceed for the next 2.6 km The husky male voice speaks aloud from the McLaren's Navigation system.

I simply aim the McLaren in the direction specified and find myself en route to the B&G.

"What are you and Tango up to, Martin" I speak to myself as I glide the MCLaren Police Special to a halt nose to nose with the Crimelab Van, parked precariously close to the loading dock with it's doors closed.

Sneaking anywhere is not something I am capable of doing, so I simply waddle my ass into the Delivery Entrance to see the door to one of the walk-ins ajar. Curiously I find Martin personally making a delivery of a different kind to Karen... They both seem to be enjoying each other's company too much to interupt them in mid-collision.

Instead, I simply waddle my butt past the sex scene taking place in the walk-in and waddle myself into a very comphy looking highback chair that simply begs me to park my ass upon it. Akin to a queen at court, I wave my hand to everyone present, and the curious seven little men who are currently gazing upon me with suspiscion.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on August 06, 2012, 12:19:58 PM
As i re-enter the bar with Karen after that lovely time we had in the fridge, i see that the chief has made here appearence. I quickly pick-up my phone to call Tango.

"Hey mate the lady is here, where are you at ?"

"I'am very close, do you got the box ?"

"Yes i have it is in the fridge at the back, meet me there"

"See you soon my friend"

I  give Karen a kiss and tell her i will be back soon, and walk behind the bar and thru the kitchen to meet Tango. Together we get the box out the fridge and carry it back to Superintendent Azrielle. Tango gets on his knees in fornt off her and starts to speak.

"Chief i am so sorry that i embarrassed the whole of the NSPD in this place, but i have this made in your honour and i hope you will accept my apology"

Then he gives me a sign and i pull the cover from the box to show the contents


Tango looks up with a smile to Chief Az wainting on her response
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Azrielle on August 06, 2012, 01:57:31 PM
awwww... (I'm truely melting - speachless)

"Your appology is noted, acceptance is pending." I quip with a tear forming. The hormones take over as I plant a kiss upon both Tango and Martin.

"Cake all around for everyone!" I speak with a slight croak in my throat. The gesture speaks volumes about the two men under my command within the NSPD. I sit back in the tall back chair to gaze upon the edible creation set in front of me.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 06, 2012, 05:01:16 PM
As  I take  Dopey  out the back , I see the Supt of Police waddle in and her boys giving her their surprise cake  “ Aww,”  I give Dopey  a squeeze  “ Arn’t  MrSexlover  & Tango the sweetest of guys doing that for her”   I wave to her in welcome and smile my approval  at the lads before heading  out the back to the play pen.

The place is busy again , couples  are on the dance floor and other places settling their .... urges.  The place is certainly rocking tonight.  Eva is doing her bendy knee dance again, grinning and it seems Lover and Hentai are trying to learn the steps. 

Covems  is no where in sight. The pudding pit looks great and I admire the workmanship.

 The strippers will look good doing their routines out here with that,  and the fire lit up ... giving them a sexy ambiance to work with.  That or the stage....  mentally picturing the guys naked ...dancing ...bodies moving seductively..., sexily,.... writhing those hips... teasing ... I enjoy the erotic images invading my mind and feel a flush of feminine appreciation  for their efforts  in my imagination. I groan a little as oestrogen levels rise and the familiar tug of desire and want leave me ... needing.

I go to the Playpen housing the dwarfs  and gently place Dopey inside and cover them up for the night.  “Time for bed , fellas “

Pachi  is already settled, curled up and snoring slightly which makes me grin ... funny how pets resemble their owners.  I cover him for the night too. 

I turn round, no one about at the moment,  the fire burns low and the stars shine brightly in the sky...  breathing  in deep, I enjoy the moment ... then ...  spot JD asleep on the cushioned bench, his Stetson covering his eyes... 

I study his physique,  the shirt pulled tight over his muscular chest, the slim waist, his jeans hugging his hips, his chiselled lower face poking out under his hat, the cleft dimple in his chin, the growth beard...  a very very attractive man... and .... is that... an interested ... bulge?

His voice suddenly startles my  naughty thoughts.... “  Well Brandy .. are you just going to stand there gawking... I know you want me .... “  He says from under his hat. His voice is so damn sexy too.

I grin at him, he must be able to peak from under that hat..  “ Be a sin, not to take advantage of you down there .... “  I murmer huskily
“ It would indeed”  He agrees .....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on August 06, 2012, 11:23:04 PM
I spot the chief of police having a little cake party with her officers. reaching behind the bar i get a wrapped box , a gift from the bar to the chief. walking to the table i hand it to AZ, she opens the gift to find a small baby shirt and wool cap with the bar logo on them and a  infant car seat/carryall.......... hope its fits in your MC laren i smile at her, was planning on dropping this off but you saved me a trip. dinner and drinks for your party is on me tonite  so enjoy yourselves, giving AZ a hug i return to work only to find the office still occupied. we need another private room i sigh. 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 07, 2012, 03:07:59 AM
After had rescue my sketch book, i sit in my usual table. It takes days to find out the perfect one from where i can watch all the bar, the bull area and the stage but at least this table is perfect for my purpouse!

In my mind, the face of every costumer of the B & G is well impressed, now i have to find out the one who will suit better at Brandy's request. The pencil start running on the white paper, giving form on a face....eyes, nose, lips....the work is half done, but i'm not satisfed, something is missing, i can't feel something coming out from this picture, no real expression on it....

I rip away the page, starting the sketch from zero: new eyes, new, it's flat, it don't have a "soul", something who can make me declair "Yes, this is how cow boys are in the Achat Bar & Grill!". I rip the page, two, three time....i can't really find one who satisfed me. Trying to focused my mind to remember other faces, i'll start to play whit the pencil making it turn between my finger....damn, if only i'm able to remember the face of the guy i had meet here few days ago! He will be perfect, but my memory is confused and his face a little blurred for the effect of the ale i had drunk that night!

It's really frustrating, for an artist, when you have a clear idea in your mind but you can't complete it for a detail and this project is important, cause i know how Brandy care of the B & G....i don't wanna realize something not good! Sadly, i look at the blank paper in front of me when i recognize a voice in the bar and an image immidiatly jump in my mind, something i had removed till now: Bear tied up in the pool room! I lean back on my chair covering my eyes with my left hand, smiling at this lost episode!

"Yes, why not!? he is perfect....the perfect example of a cow boy! How can i had forget of him!?" i say to my self laughing.

My hand move by her self, drawing the face of Bear, but when it's done, it won't the lower part of the page, a little small, i'll start to impress on the paper the image i have in my mind, adding all the detail i can remember. Only when i had complete it, i'm able to recognize what i have done.

"The hell i had draw!?" i ask my self, surprised and a little embarrassed.

"Maybe i have to ask it to you, don't you think so!?"

A male voice over my shoulder....a voice i know really well! I turn to him slowly, agitated and whit my heart beating faster. It's him, Bear, looking at the pic i have on the table....his expression is a bit upset and he is looking at me in silence, waiting an answer.

"Sorry...." i say, turning away my face from his sight "I was working on the B & G poster for Brandy when i had think you will be perfect for it....and, dunno why, i had drew the image of you tied up i have in my mind...."

I feel like an face is blushing and i can't look him in his eyes....

"Sorry again....take it and burn it, if you want...." i say, handing him the paper....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on August 07, 2012, 08:25:45 AM
Eyes the Azrielle and remembers a small paskcage I had saved for her behind the bar. Head over... mouth watering as I look at the cake.

"A little something  from the Bear for the little one..." I comment before handing the package over.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Azrielle on August 07, 2012, 11:41:24 AM
"Awwww, thx Jayc." I answer. The gifts are slightly overwhelming.

It looks like the start of a rather impromptu baby shower.

"Bear! It's adorable! ...Just like you are!" I speak before planting a big huge kiss upon his cheek.

"Jayc... Bear... Have some cake." I offer, before absent-mindedly rubbing my tummy... only to have a tiny foot appear.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on August 07, 2012, 12:54:20 PM
I see the little cake party happening at one of the tables, the superintendant with a tear in her eyes, her arms wrapped around her VERY round stomach. I smile and head for the corner, picking up my semi-acoustic guitar. I wait for the band to end their song, then get on stage and ask for attention.

“Super, since you’re coming close to the expected date, and since the genral consensus is that you will have a girl, ánd because babies thrive on music, even in the stomach, I’d like to play a song for you and her, .. or him..
It was written by John Mayer, called 'Daughters'  and it goes a little like this..”

I strum once, then my fingers find the chords and in a slow rhythm as I start playing, my voice quickly finding the right key.

“I know a girl,
She puts the color inside of my world
But she's just like a maze
Where all of the walls all continually change

And I've done all I can
To stand on her steps with my heart in my hands
Now I'm starting to see
Maybe it's got nothing to do with me

Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too

Oh, you see that skin?
It's the same she's been standing in
Since the day she saw him walking away
Now she's left, cleaning up the mess he made

Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too

Boys, you can break
You'll find out how much they can take
Boys will be strong and boys soldier on
But boys would be gone without warmth from
A woman's good, good heart

On behalf of every man
Looking out for every girl
You are the god and the weight of her world

Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too
So mothers, be good to your daughters too
So mothers, be good to your daughters too

“Though I doubt your child will be short of love..  Congrats and good luck”
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on August 08, 2012, 08:15:49 AM
After assisting with the pit construction, I had to get out of the bar for a minute to get that irritating "Hi Ho" song out of my head.  I find a comfy cushioned bench by the roaring fire pit.  I sit straddling the  end and lay back, tilting my hat to cover my eyes and face from the heat and glow of the fire.
She made no noise while walking out of the bar, but I could sense her presence.  I could feel her scanning my body with her eyes. 

"Well Brandy .. are you just going to stand there gawking... I know you want me .... “ I said coyly. 

"Be a sin, not to take advantage of you down there .... " she replied.

I could feel her smile and that twinkle in her eye when she has her mind set on something.  Fortunately for me, her mind was in the same place mine was.  She walked over to the bench I was laying on, and slung her leg over mine, positioning herself over my shins.  The light from the fire reflected from my belt buckle on to her chest.  She tilted the brim of my hat with her index finger.  As my eyes adjusted to the sudden light from the fire, she came into focus.  This is what dreams are made of, I think to myself...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on August 08, 2012, 11:53:35 AM
I back away from the baby shower, far too tempted to lean down and lick the icing off the breasts of the cake then head off back to the bar to find that drink I had long promised myself. I catch a glimpse of Brandy's glance to me as she carries the dwarves away... a rather disapproving look in her eyes  of her perception of my bullying her staff in the madness. I glance around the room,... a lot of folks here tonight... expectations of the male strippers coming up must be causing the crowd to swell abit.

I catch sight of HB off by herself,... curiously aloof and focused on her sketch pad. I can't resisit my own curiosity, once again detouring from the bar to wander behind he and take a peek at her project.  My eyes wander over the AB&G  logo.... the sketched layout  roughed in... but the cowboy she works on,   drawn with detail. Curious,... my eyes focus on it and I recognize my form there,  elaborately detailed. Her mind seems focused on it, then to stop,... a recognition of her own thoughts which she responds with flustered.  I grin,... Realizing she had seen me days before naked  and bound, the subject of  failed test of wills

Perhaps this little cutie has a little more on her mind then just a cowpoke.

I respond to her shocked recognition of thoughts,....

I step closer behind her, leaning down whispering..

“Word is you have been seeking the dungeon.”

I see her shudder, nodding slowly.  Her reply a bit trembling  in confirmation.

“I thought to give Miss Brandy a gift,… something special to celebrate this place. I thought….adding something to  this would be…””

“Perhaps I can help,… give you a brief tour.”

Her eyes lit up with excitement… “Would you?… for me?”

“Gather your things.” I reply rising slow.

HB scrambles quickly to her feet… gathering her items… I can sense a rush of excitement in her, as I take her hand and lead her to the pool room off now the icehouse.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bluedenim on August 08, 2012, 02:54:03 PM
I shakily stumble back towards the Pool room, as I open the secret door behind the cue-rack, I almost fall into Bear and Hentaiboy... Bear looks smug, HB looks like an excited child... I lay my hand on Bear's arm.. "where are you taking her?" Bear looks straight at me, his steely blue eyes piercing & chilling "little blu, you & me have an appointment... you make sure you're there!"
I might lbe dishevelled and disoriented after what I've been doing, but I'm almost as tall as him and I shake my long red hair and give Bear one of my hot glares.  "HB is a sweetie, she's not like us, you be kind to her!"
He laughs and throws his head back "Oh Blu... you are so easy to tease.. HB is fine with me, I promise. I'm just showing her around."
I blush, but my glare remains " I'm ready for your mysterious ceremony Bear, but anyone upsets HB they will see a different side of me!"

I turn away and trot to the changing room and lock the door. Time to become Bluedenim again and meet the patrons.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 09, 2012, 04:12:19 AM
Bear hold my hand gently, but firm, as he lead me in the pool room where i can finally see the hidden passage for the dungeon and where we encouter Blue coming out of it. They exchange few words about an appointment, but this is not a surprise, the thing that intrigues me are the words of Blue "HB is a sweetie, she's not like us, you be kind to her!"....
I'm flattered but at the same time, i do not understand what she meant at all and walking in this dimly lit tunnel, i can feel chills running on my back....maybe she had some idea Baer can have in his mind and i, in this moment, i really can 't imagine....

I hold tight Bear hand, a little worried, and he had notice it, cause he turn to me and gentle smile, without saying any words. That gesture, so simple, calms me....i had never spent so many time with him before, just some short talk, but i have the impression he is a man who i can trust! I smile back at him sweetly, a bit surprised by the situation and about how easy he was able to catch my trust at the first time, something no one was able to do before!

A strange warmth grows in my chest staring at his well sculpted back, when we finally came out of the tunnel.

"Here we are, this is the dungeon or, how we call it, The Ice House!" he say, like a perfect cicerone. I give a look around us, speechless.

"Strange" i think "even if i don't ever seen this place before, it have something familiar...." i look again....something emerges slowly in my memory and i recognize this place: the old warehouse where i had play lot of times when i was a child! I smile at those memories so far and nice .... and know that now is no longer abandoned, make me happy! it was a place really important for me ....

"This way, HB...." he tell and gently lead me inside the dungeon
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 09, 2012, 01:33:59 PM
Sitting  astride  JD’s  shins, I tilt his hat up and see him squint a little as his beautiful eyes adjust to the light of the fire.  I see the male interest there and smile at him.  My own desire answering his. Tights melodic voice singing in the baby shower floats on the wind, outside to us...

I lower my head to his and kiss his lips, brushing lightly at first, then gently sucking on his lower lip before teasing his lips open and  slowly  invading his mouth . My fingers creep up his chest and open a button, one by one, slowly , starting at the top and working my way down until I reach his belt.

Little tugs pulls his shirt out of his trousers and soon I place my hands in the centre of his pectorial muscles and using a sweeping action outwards, push the shirt open. I brush his nipples and reveal his hard toned torso to my gaze.

I stare and gently scratch his torso, enjoying him.  He groans a little, as I tease and circle his nipples, bending to suck them gently erect.  I sit back a moment to study him, taking my fill of the glorious sight.

I kiss his chest  and trail my tongue to his ear, nibbling his lobe and then whisper what I am going to do to him. He smiles at my naughty words and I feel his interest as he groans and circles his hips slightly,  turned on by erotic images invading his mind of  me brushing his lips with my labia. Scenting him with my liquid heat,  brushing his lips, to glisten and taste.

“Can you see me sitting on you, “ My whispers continue.  “ writhing, with my hands fondling my body as I rub into you...  groaning as I feel and knead.. head thrown back, hair tumbling down my back... lost in the wonder of your tongue.. lost in my greedy need ... “

I slowly rise, building his anticipation and remove my panties from under my cheer leaders skirt under his watchful eyes. He licks his lips a little, as I push him back on the cushion and position my knees either side his head, allowing him a close up view of my trimed, wet  feminine centre.  I still, teasing him, letting  my scent tantalise his nostrils before lowering and mirroring my promised words.

My labia brushes his lips and I grind and circle, lowering  as I go till I feel his nose begin to hook into my hood,  parting it a little to tease my bud. My hands explore my own body and eventually settle  fondling my breasts. Squeezing , Kneading and circling on JD’s face.  I groan as my greedy need takes over, feeling his tongue licking and lapping at my pussy, parting my folds and tongue fucking me erotically.  My desire & need builds and I let it, uncontrolled & passionate.

JD senses I am close to fulfilment and he teases  more fervently with his amazing tongue.

 But then stops ..  much to my annoyance ... until I feel him push me back.. his intention clear as he unzips his jeans and takes out his impressive length,  very erect and throbbing. Precum  reflects on his knob in the firelight.  He spreads my legs.

My breath catches as I see him. He teases my clit and entrance with his helmet and bends forward to my ear, “ My turn to whisper  naughty thoughts” he tells me driving me to distraction by his wicked words.

As he rubs my clit with his knob, my need builds and suddenly explodes,  earth shattering spasms envelope my body and my orgasm crashes . JD plunges into my depths , invading my body and feels the ripples  descend along his shaft. His wet finger replacing the teasing of my clit, circling and demanding my utter surrender.   And then, answering his own need,  he fucks me with unrestrained vigour,  groping my breasts underneath my top.....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on August 10, 2012, 07:48:31 AM
I feel her warm inner thighs brushing against my cheeks as she lowers her womanhood to my face. Her legs are trembling, either from the cool night air, or the heat of my breath on her trimmed auburn pubic mound. My tongue traces each delicate fold of her flower as she grinds her hips into my face. 

I can feel her body start to convulse as something is building deep inside her.  My tongue working its magic on her swollen labia and button.  Just when I think she is about to go over the edge and release her full wanton lust upon me, I stop. 

I raise her hips up and lift her from my now wet face.  The mix of her juices and my saliva still on my lips.  I grasp my belt buckle, releasing it and the button to my Wranglers.  My rock hard member aches to be massaged by every inch of her being.  I move her down my body, so the head of my manhood is teasing her lips. She gyrates her hips back and forth, gently lubing the tip, as my precum mixes with her sweet nectar. 

I quickly pull her hips down and I fill her quickly.  She lets out a little gasp and her eyes roll to the back of her head as she arches her back.  My hands run up her body until they find their target hidden under her cheerleader top.  I gently rub her pebble hard nipples between my thumb and index finger. 

She raises and lowers her body up and down my hard cock as I tease her firm breasts.  She grabs one side of my unbuttoned shirt, clenching it in her fist.  With her other hand, she raises her hat from her head and holds it in the air as if she is riding her own style of  mechanical bull.  "Hold on tight, because it is going to be longer than any other 8 second ride" I tease.  "Save a horse, ride a cowboy" she responds with a quirky smile on her face. 

I can feel our tempo increasing as she begins to buck a bit more wildly on her bull.  I grab the round perfect globes of her ass and hold her steady as I raise and lower my hips with abandonment.  She moans as her climax is upon her. "Take me over the edge" she says, "do it now!" 

With those words, I push into her faster and deeper.  In a fury of thrusts, she washes my shaft with her sweet girl cum.  "Cum baby, cum in me" she demands. I explode in her womb as each muscle of her inner being massages every drop from my shaft.  Brandy collapses on top of me, my spent member slipping from her passage.  With a soft kiss and a gentle look in her eyes she whispers.  "We should get back to the baby shower before they come looking for us."  I agree with her as she starts her dismount. 

She puts on her panties as I am pulling up my jeans.  We give each other a quick glance to make sure we are all put back together.  Brandy gives me a quick peck on the cheek and I follow her back into the bar.  "I found JD!" she announces as we both join the baby shower in full swing...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on August 10, 2012, 01:16:02 PM
The baby shower winds down and Bear is standing beside me at the bull.

"Dude, what are you going to do for your strip?" Bear asks.   "STRIP?? What strip?" I exclaim with a slightly puzzled look.  "You're on the list for the strip tease." he replies.  I rush to the sign up sheet.  "That's not my writing" I mumbled to myself.  "Only one person who would have so politely signed me up for that" I smirk.

"BRANDY" Bear and I say in stereo.  "I guess I need to be on my A game then."  Bear and I fist bump and I head to my truck.  Surely there is something in here I could use.

Chaps... check..
Spurs... check.
Rope..  could come in handy... 

Those are all just props anyway.  Would the women even care at that point?  If I know them..  not in the slightest bit. As I head to the men's room to freshen up, I stop by the stage where Tight is tuning his guitar and ask him if he has seen that list...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: christinak on August 10, 2012, 03:56:22 PM
As the patrons of the AChat Bar & Grill enjoyed themselves, no one had any idea that outside a team of 4 black horses approached the front door drawing a black coach behind them.  The windows of the coach shrouded by dark velvet curtains.  The coachman shrouded in black robes hissed at his team and pulled back on the reins slowing the horses to a stop in front of the door.  A footman also shrouded from view opened the carriage door.  Two more figures appeared from within the dark carriage and approached the door, these not shrouded in black, but rather the darkest blood red.

The heavy wooden door of the bar suddenly appeared to have opened on its own and the two figures entered one after the other.  The patrons of the bar immediately noticed the hooded figures and turned their gaze to them.  The bar began to go quiet as the pair split.  One figure gliding to the center of the large room, the other headed to the bar. 

The now solitary figure stood silent in front of a central wooden pillar in the center of the bar.  It then produced a roll of parchment and held it to the pillar with one large rusty nail.  A second hand then raised above its head holding a large iron hammer and gave the nail two heavy dead strikes.  A second nail was produced and held at the bottom of the parchment.  The hammer struck again further impaling the document to the pillar.  The figure’s task now complete, it headed back toward the door and the coach beyond.

The second figure, during this time, had been at the bar depositing three small wooden boxes, each stained almost black, and each inscribed with a name on the top of each.  ADERA, AZRIELLE, and BRANDY.  After the figure had deposited the boxes it too retreated and made its exit.  The door closed behind them.

Some of the patrons gathered around the pillar and noted the writing upon it:

Neighbor's toil near ended
Your presence will be requested
Time now grows short
Be sure your souls are rested

Others had made note of the boxes and were looking for their intended recipients.  Brandy happened to be behind the bar.  She picked up her box and opened it.  Inside was an antique brass key, and a note.  She stood reading the note for a while before a voice came from behind the people watching her, “Well???”  The voice inquired.

“It’s an invitation,”  she began to respond.  “Me, Azrielle, and Adera, have been invited to be members of The Ice House.”  She stood looking at the note, and just as it appeared the patrons of the AB&G were about to lose interest, she continued. “Aaaaaand, it says they are going to have a party in the next few days.  Invitations for everyone will arrive soon.  Signed CBJ.  Who’s CBJ?”  She asked, not expecting a response, but looked at the blank faces in the bar anyway. 

Just then the door burst open again.  This time 5 blood red robed figures entered each carrying a large box full of smaller boxes.  The figures distributed the boxes among all the patrons of the bar.  Making sure each person got one box.  The boxes were about six inches cubed and were wrapped in black and red cellophane.  Once they had completed their task, they made their way back to the door.  This time the people in the now silent bar were able to hear the carriage and horses rumble into the distance.

Then one brave soul, no one can say who exactly, began to rustle the cellophane and everyone else followed behind.  Upon opening the box an invitation was found.  It was printed on silver paper backed by black paper and black writing on it.    The invitation read:

You are cordially invited to attend an open house
Join us at
The Ice House
For one night only
Our Home is your home
The entrance is on the side of the building behind the bar
One of our agents will be back to guide you when the time comes
We will have hors d’oeuvres
Games and prizes
And a mystery glory hole
A bar will be provided by the AB&G but drunkenness will not be permitted
There will be surprises throughout the evening
Including a collaring ceremony
No BDSM experience or participation will be required
If you don’t wish to be seen
Just wear your mask
Come to the dark side
We have cookies!

Also inside the boxes were brightly colored party masks.  Each one unique and covered in feathers, beads, and glitter.  Also in the boxes were miniature leather whips, a pair of thumb cuffs, and a chocolate chip cookie that was still warm, wrapped in cling wrap.

About that time the now almost silent bar began to erupt back into chatter and music.  The patrons had gone back to their drinks, but all of them now talking amongst themselves about what was to come, and who CBJ was.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 10, 2012, 05:54:30 PM
Still breathless & flushed from my encounter with JD.  I  make my way to  Azrielle and  give her a hug & kiss of congratulations for the upcoming birth.  She is surrounded by gifts and I see Jayc has already given her the presents from the bar including a baby grow with the AB&G bar motif including a cute little matching bonnet. I have some of the delicious cake on offer too , mmm , mouth wateringly good.

 I had two of those made specially and I  give the other one to Tangojane . She smiles her thanks and delight.  " I wouldn't forget you either" I grin back, hugging her too and kissing her cheek.

Joining  Stone & Jayc behind the bar,  I begin serving the drinks ... we have a bottle of Mandate newly ordered & I see Adera at the Bar waiting to be served.  "Your special has come in", I tell her , opening the bottle . It has a milky appearance as I pour her a glass, " First drink is free, house rules" I smile.  " Enjoy ...  let me know whats in it .. and I may have a glass myself "   She smiles and raises the glass in a thank you toast before tossing some back. 

I turn to Jayc  " You got your strip routine worked out yet?  It is tomorrow you know.."  He chuckles and replies "  Oh yes, I've been practicing in the mirror & bedroom ... Stone cant keep her hands off me "

Stone  quips back "  True, but you just love the attention"

Jayc grins deliberately eyeing her up and down "   I'm a red blooded male,  you want it ... you get it baby "

I roll my eyes  " Oh PPPLLLease, you two ... hey has anyone seen Hentai lately? "

Jayc  replied,  " Think shes playing pool with Bear. I saw both of them going that way"

Stone, Adera & I look at each other,  all of us had received a veiled payback promise from Bear...  we just had to make sure we stayed out of his way, more crowds the better . We were safe , for the moment at least ....

I see JD & Tight talking by the stage and they look over at me...  " mmm,  think they just found out they are on the striptease list"  I grin at them and raise my eyebrows and my glass in a good luck salute.  I know they will put on a great show ...  with their fabulous bodies, be a sin to be omitted and decline the ladies such an eye fest.

The Bar & Grill is in full swing when suddenly the door opens & two hooded figures enter in silence and appear to be intent on a mission. As the unusual guests enter ... silence falls on the room.  Hushed now and all eyes on them, one hammers an important notice on the wooden pillar for all to see. The other figure approaches me by the bar and places three boxes on the counter with the names ADERA,  AZRIELLE and BRANDY. he then leaves too.

Slowly the hushed silence begins to be broken, as people gather to read the notice and see the named boxes.   Adera picks hers up and I pass Azrielles to her.

 I open the box,  excited by the mystery of it all and the grand unique way of deliverence.  A brass key is inside and a beautiful invitation to become a member of the Ice House. My breath catches. This is a deep honour indeed. To be invited in this way must have taken deep discussion and decision making for I do not know all their ways and am not a Domme or a Submissive.  The invitation was not given lightly.  I smile, thinking of my friend Christi. she must have nominated me for such an honour.

A voice breaks into my thoughts asking about the content, I read out the invitation and the patrons in the know recognise the honour bestowed on the three recipients too.   
Also inside is a note informing us of a party there and all are invited. A cheer breaks out at the news & excited chatter.

Suddenly it is broken again as more black robed figures enter and distribute more boxes  to the patrons of the AB&G in the silence, before leaving as mysteriously as they came. 

Inside the boxes, masks and cordial invites ....   the place erupts in excitement, and after awhile the Country Boys resume their music.

I call Tango over.  " Give this to Christi immediately will you. "  I get an official AB&G compliment slip and my fountain pen and write..

" It is with the greatest of honour I have received your invite and I write in acceptance of becoming a member of the Ice House. Thank you indeed for thinking of me.  Brandybee. "

I place the note in an envelope and give it to Tango with a bottle of her favourite whiskey,  a box of Stone's homemade scones & English Tea.

I give Tango a scone too in thanks for despatching  the note and gifts to Christi promptly telling him, theres also a drink for him behind the bar on his return.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Adera on August 10, 2012, 09:32:14 PM
Christy had given me an unofficial invite a few days earlier telling me I could call a number and the dungeon room she let me have would be decorated to my taste.

So I had called them and told them I wanted it too look like a ornate brothel room with lots of burgundy and gold, dim lighting, a stripper pole, a huge bed, mirrors and of course... lots of tools and accessible hooks and rings for bondage. I also told them that I wanted sexy and slow sax music with breathy songs playing in the background.

It's to be a room that pulls and lures people into shady things, darkness and wickedness by tugging at their primal desires and passions so that the experiences in it will be deeply rooted in their memories. I wanted it to be something like what the mythological Lilin would use to lure men.

Oh yes, I'm not going to holding back at all.

A satisfied smile spread across my lips as the man on the other end told me, with enthusiasm that it would be arranged.

Now though, I've to prepare myself for a visit to The Ice House and I have to rummage around in my closet quite a bit before I've managed to put together an outfit that I'm satisfied with.

I do feel very kinky today, partly because of the outfit I've decided on and what I'm heading into so without much reason I decide to don a butt plug before dressing myself.

Since I'm going with latex I powder myself before pulling on my black latex thong and tucking myself into it so I'm flat. Then I squeeze myself into an really tight red latex dress with suspenders, it can barely cover butt when I standing. I then pull on my black back laced latex stockings, pulls on the laces, ties it and then I attach them to the suspenders of my dress.

Heading into the bathroom I start to apply my make up in front of the mirror. I go for a really sultry and dramatic bedroom look with shining red lips that melts people with every blink, though I also add a little bit of danger to my eyes as well. Then I take out the perfume I especially ordered for this occasion, taking a sniff of it I feel my mind reeling and I can't help but feel my body tingling with desire... gosh, this stuff must have lots of pheromones in it or something... so I of course put a liberal amount of it on me.

When I'm done I look at myself satisfied and fuzzes some over my blond locks.

I slip on my 5 inch red stilettos and my gloves which doesn't cover my fingers so my red taloned fingers are free before I take a long criticizing look at myself in a mirror "Baaad bad girl" I say to myself with a giggle.

Grabbing my red latex handbag I then walk to a window to see if my cab is here yet... and it is, I hope I didn't make him wait for too long. I hurry some down the stairs and giving the driver quite the view of my thong as I climb into the car. The cab driver is so surprised by me that as I entered his car he even turns around and stares at me openly.

The quick walk down to the cab and now his open stare does frustrate me even more than before and I can feel my nipples hard against my dress and my dick straining against my thong. The butt plug doesn't really help keeping me cool either.

"The AChat Bar & Grill please" I say.

"... oh... right... yes mam" and he reluctantly turns away and starts driving but looks more at me in the rear view mirror than at the road.

I don't know what makes me do it, probably a combination of things but I decide that, heck, I am going to relieve my lust in front of him and I start to massage a breast and let the other hand travel down between my legs as I look back at him in the rear view mirror with eyes burning of lust.

It's a good thing there isn't much traffic since the cab crosses over to the other lane more than one time as the driver stares at me.

I pull my latex thong to the side and with a little struggle I free my dick, and it quickly grows rock hard making the cab driver almost run off the road in surprise. Funny enough... he stares even more intently at me now, not a sign of revulsion.

I wrap a hand around my dick as I gently stroke it, rolls my hips to make the butt plug rub against my prostate, my other hand teasing my nipples, I look at him through my eyelashes and moan exaggeratedly while I pleasure myself. He's breathing heavy from looking at me and the cabs speed has dropped to a crawl as he looks at me so intently.

It doesn't take long before I cum uncontrollably, moaning loudly as it jets out in spurts. When I come to my senses again I look at him with a satisfied smile and licks the cum from my fingers and also scoops up the residue that got on my dress. I have to struggle some to tuck myself back into my tight latex thong but I manage it.

Now I don't really know how but just a moment after we're at the AChat Bar & Grill, the cab driver breathing very heavy. I lean in behind him, glances down at the raging hard on in his pants. He seems almost paralysed from my sudden closeness. I reach down and let my nails slide across the fabric over his cock, opens his pants and then slides my hand down into them, grabbing his cock gently.

"Now" I whisper breathily in his ear "either I pay for the trip..." grabbing the base of his cock hard "denying you or... I can help you out".

He answers quite desperately "The... ride is on me... mam... oh fuck... make me cum... please!".

And I do... without much trouble as he's on the brink already, I have to lick some cum from my hand again though... not that I mind that.

I step out of the cab into the fresh air, pulls out a pocket mirror to check so that my make up is okay. Then I walk to the entrance with a teasing wiggle to my hips and I know the cab driver is staring after me.

I step into the bar and it's full of activity as always, I wonder if Christy's official invite is here somewhere, maybe I have to ask Brandy. So I head for the bar, smiling and giving the people I pass by seductive looks.

At the bar I order the drink "Man date" and sips from it suggestively... drawing some glances.

Brandy comes over for a little talk and then Christy's invitation appears.

When it's done I follow Brandy's lead and opens my box, also finding a brass key inside mine and a little note about the hidden passage in the pool room.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 11, 2012, 06:12:42 AM
The bar is quiet now as we clean up and get the place read for the Ladies Night Striptease... hopefully it will go well and the strippers will excite & tease the ladies...

I look at my gift box, still overawed at the kind and unexpected invitation of membership to the IceHouse.  While its quiet, time to check out the key and which door it may fit.

I shout over to Jayc, JD & Stone that I'll be gone for half hour or so and make my way to the back Pool room....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 11, 2012, 06:40:31 AM
Back to the Bar & Grill....

While everyone is focused on Azrielle and the mysterious boxes, i start to arrange the lights: they must illuminate the entire stage if i want to do some good photos! Plus, i have to hurry, cause the contest begin in an hour!

I work hard and after 30 minutes, the lights are ready. I head to the bar to get something fresh to revive my dry throat and to performing the final checks on camera.

battery...........check and charge
memory stick.....check

ok, all work well! Last thing to try, the zoom: i turn on the camera and look around. I focus a few patrons in the opposite side of the bar, take a few shots and control them on the monitor: excellent! The result is better than what i expected!

I put the camera on the counter and when i look up i find Brandy in front of me.

"Finally i had find you, Brandy! I had a little project to discuss whit you about the B & G poster .... " she observes me vaguely listening to my words, perhaps a little taken by the approach of the challenge "I thought to invite the girls to invent their own cowgirl look, in a kind of beauty contest. How about that!?"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on August 11, 2012, 07:09:56 AM
I enter the bar and look around. Well.. most work is done for today.
I check the mic and the sounds, start the music....

Brandy, HB... meeting at the bar. Let's check if everything is prepared. We wanna have a great show tonight!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on August 11, 2012, 07:43:53 AM
With the small box in my pocket, I ponder on who CBJ can be, when it suddenly dawns to me. I grin "It can only be those three that erected this. he should give me a tour.. CBJ.. Christy, Bear and Janine.. Management is in strong hands.."

I find Brandy at the bar just as she's about top leave and place my hand on her shoulder. I rbing my mouth close to her ear and whisper..

I Need to get ready for my strip.. as i understand I am on the list.. but I think I have to congratulate you too.. I hear you are the first that will fight in the pudding pit.."

Without waiting her answer as I see a shocked look distort her face, I turn and walk out of the bar.. People to meet and places to go if I don't want to make an utter fool out of myself.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 11, 2012, 07:49:14 AM
I make my way to the bar and to Hentai  &  Lover, doing last minute camera & mic  checks.  I tell Lover,  Jayc is on first and the others will follow his lead.. as the night progresses...  we raise our glasses, looking forward to the night ahead and the usual shinanagins at the AB & G.

I turn to Lover, looking him up and down suggestively ..  " You going to join in and tantalise us with that fine body of yours.. "  I tease, " There's still time you know ...."

He grins back, non committal .... " Maybe I can tantalise you ...."

" Oh you do that so well already"  I say suggestively and then whisper closely in his ear " And I may just have the chamber for you to do so even more... "

Tight appears and I grin widely as he approaches me in greeting...  ..  " mmm God I cant wait for him to show me that delectable body"  I think to myself..

Then his whispers in my ear ... suddenly strike the grin from my face and is replaced  with one of shocked horror ....  OMG ,  wrestling in a pudding pit ... you cant be serious... but hes already walked away to prepare for his dance ...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on August 11, 2012, 08:12:58 AM
Having done all that was asked of me in the Ice House i went back to the B & G have got changed out of what as now a dirty Mustard shirt and black pants now wearing blue jeans cowboy boots and a black waist coat and still with my bow tie on. Sat talking to Jane i hear Miss Brandy call me to the bar handing me an envelope a bottle of whiskey and a box of scones and tells me to "Deliver them to Miss Chirsty immediately" I head to the pool room and back into the Ice House walking up to Miss Christy Door a catch a look at myself in one of the mirrors
STOPPING died I hear the voice of Miss Christy "Dress Code" going back to the Tunnal  and stirp now naked all but my bow tie i walk up to Miss Christy door  holding the box with the envelope on top of it in onehand and the whiskey bottle at it base in the other taking 2 deep breath to calm myself i knock on Miss Chirsty door take a step back bow my head focus on the floor and hold my hands out.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on August 11, 2012, 10:04:34 AM
early evening at the bar, light headed and a little nervous as the nights events grow near. i set my bag in the office, and head out to the bar. i ask Stone for a extra large house punch and a cold beer.......some liquid confidence  i smile at her. she serves me up and returns the smile. ready there? she teases me. she comes around to the outside of the bar and sits next to me.  looking at my watch we have a few hours before the contest i sigh.......i take her hand and pull her out on to the dance floor  i need a warm up, as we join the other couples on the dance floor
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on August 11, 2012, 10:29:05 AM
As I return to the bar the time seems perfect… Jayc and Stone  dancing lost too each other as usual. I slip out back, moving to Pachi’s cage, dropping the night bolt to secure him in the cage. Satisfied he is safe and secured I slip back into the bar, reaching into my back pocket for the Tights flyer,  and roll it into a tight straw. Grabbing the first woman I see and spinning her out into the dance floor.. . We glide thru the crowd even with her objections fairly loud at my presumptions… I was counting on that.  We bump into Jayc and Stone,… disrupting their dance.  I instinctively reach out… steadying Stone… as Jayc eyes me..  I give  him a wink and a nod. The turn to my partner and escort her apologizing of my abrupt behavior, leaving the  straw formed flyer  behind me  neatly slipped  into Stones magic flute in the brief chaos of the moment

I slide back against a wall near the offices watching carefully what developes on the floor. Jayc leans in whispering something to Stone. I can see her beam, nod… and they break as Jayc moves off to the bar. Stone holds that grin of anticipation as she wanders back towards the office… pausing briefly at the door as she glances back towards Jayc.

I slip a couple of zip ties between my teeth and then reach back to pull the item bulging in the rear pocket. Palming the ball gag as I close in on my target. I pounce quick… one arm grabbing her around the waist lifting her from her feet as I cover her mouth with the other working the ball easily between her surprised gasp.

We fall back into the office and I kick the door closed behind us spinning with her across the room  to the desk. She bites on my fingers. Eliciting a curse as I yank my fingers away. Her response is immediate as she reaches back grabbing her flute, bringing it to her lips  frantically trying to play to Pachi . The shock of it’s soundless response. With the air holes blocked by the paper it makes task easier to reach about and grab her wrists, securing a zip tie then yanking her arms behind her to bind her .my pull the back and slide the straps of the gag over her head.. She fights me ,… no doubt terrified  and we grapple briefly, but her lithe  frame no match for my power… I work her wrists behind her back,,, and moments later have the zip ties securing her arms behind her.

I spin her around… let her eyes meet my resolve in this as I slip the bandana off my neck whispering…

“Oh I have so looked forward to this….”

Wrapping the bandana over her eyes and  tying it off. Now blinded… gagged and secured as I lift her to the desk leaving her trembling. I pause and reach in to my pocket pulling out two more items I place on the desk before pulling away.
Whispering as I move…“I’ll be right back…”

I cross back  the door, my  intent now that what to follow is not to be interrupted..

I pull her skirt down to her ankles,…

 In the desk drawer i find a feather and begin to tease her legs and thighs tracing the outline of her legs,…

Reaching into my pocket i pull out a pair of very sharp scissors and cut her panties off and pull the cut silky fabric off her body and toss them in the trash.

Stone is writhing in terror and anger.

I lean close to her ear and whisper "Sometimes you get the Bear, sometimes the Bear gets you",

She collapses in relief as she hears the voice of her lover. I remove the bandana and gag and smile at her wickedly, cut her loose and give her a deep kiss and whisper "your quite lucky the Bear is a gentleman and is out side watching the door letting us have some quality time together. and kiss her again deeply and place the 2 charms the bear and the stone into her hand.


I stand guarding the door…insuring Jayc and Stone of their privacy in their moment not that any might approach as I carry a menacing look on my face at the moment. But for one… Brandy sweeps towards the office  making to push politely by me before my arm snaps out to the door jam blocking her path..

My eyes narrow as I speak to her, “I don’t think you should go in there at the moment.”

She gives me baffled look… then eyes widen as she hears the soft feminine cries from within of Stones voice.

“Again?… Those two are like rabbits. And just what are you doing here?….”

Her eyes fall on me suspicious and wary. I  turn slow to her backing her against the wall as my other arm reaches out to the wall behind her cutting off  her escape. I lean whisper…. Knowing sooner or later Stone will find her two charms setting there on the desk and spill that to Brandy

“Three down … two to go”
And I pull away,… crossing arms in patience as I resume my duty at the door, …smiling as I hear the two lovers find their joy in each other.

(and thanks to Jayc for adding his own words to this…letting that smile dip into a devilish smug grin)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on August 11, 2012, 11:20:23 AM
Brandy wrote
... He grins back, non committal .... " Maybe I can tantalise you ...."

" Oh you do that so well already"  I say suggestively and then whisper closely in his ear " And I may just have the chamber for you to do so even more...

I look at her and smile... shes looking so sweet and sexy and when I wachted her riding the bull I almost wanted to take her at once... but now it's not the time for... I know we will have fun soon but now we have to prepare the striptease.

Time is running, tangoracer, jayc and bear arrive... 

Few hours later
Meanwhile also our friends and guests arrive. As even the last chair is taken we turn down the lights, stop the music....

I enter the stage
"Ladies and Gentleman, friends and guest of AB&G, let me proudly present you the hottest and if say hootest i mean hottest, the hottest and most exciting men strip show of the worls.. what do i say.. in this universe...... first man on stage..JAYC  call his name

JAYC                       JAYC                                        JAYC                           JAYC

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on August 11, 2012, 11:37:58 AM
I arrive at the back of the B&G in a small van, looking out the blinded window to see if anyone has spotted me. I sneak in the back of the grill and find myself entering behind the stage, pulling Lover on his jacket from behind. As he turns, I place my finger over my lips, whsipering as he leans in.

"Shh, I'm here, let me know when I'm on. I'll be outside in the back"

Quickly, unnoticed, I slip out the back of the B&G and climb back into the van, tapping the wheel, waiting for Lover's announcements
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on August 11, 2012, 11:57:39 AM
This is it , God I hope I can go thru with this. I stand off to the side of the bar outdoor deck the fire pit is loaded with logs and burning brightly……the song I have selected is cued up and ready. I gulp down the last of my house punch . I hear Lover addressing the crowd.

“Welcome to Ladies Night at the Achat Bar and Grill……..1st up   you all know him and I know someone loves him, Lover winks at Stone. The Operations Manager  of the Achat Bar and Grill  JAYCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Live Wire by AC/DC  begins to play…

The bass  plays a single note over and over, wearing a dark grey leather trench coat I stand in the military style “at ease” stance leg spread hands behind my back my head hidden by my grey stetson as I look down at the floor. ,…… a simple guitar riff joins the bass line I begin to nod my head in time with the music building the anticipation. The drums join in I begin to move my body, slowly, sensuously, seductively.

As the full band joins in I  pull the coat open to reveal my  muscular, taut body, shirtless.  Muscles ripped, hard, and toned.  Standing, legs apart, arms held wide , my  eyes to the skies for a few seconds for the ladies to look and eye my body before moving again to the music.

I have on tight camo pants, “combats”, as Stone calls them , flashes thru my brain.  They cling to muscular thighs, firm buttocks, a trim waist and enhance my toned and trained six pack abs.

I toss off the coat and do a line strut back and forth in front of the fire. I turn facing the fire showing the ladies my ass and  strut and grind. Swaying suggestively, writhing and thrusting my hips.

Reaching into my pocket I produce a small squeeze bottle of body massage oil, strawberry flavored.

 I spin around and offer the ladies a squirt of the oil into there open hands. A few ladies have a palm full, taking up my offer.  I turn and kneel in front of them.

Brandy goes 1st rubbing the oil into my shoulders and collar bone, I grin enjoying her touch and she rubs gently , taking her time, feeling my traps, my shoulder joints and pecks. Her eyes watching the movement of her hands transfixed. I flinch my pecs teasing her and winking.

Karen & TangoJane are next working the oil into my arms as I flex & I indicate for them to lick and kiss my biceps. They  take up my challenge with enthusiasm, swirling their tongues, tasting the strawberry flavour , teasing me provocatively and the watching audience . Then both finish by kissing my biceps gently..

I turn and point at  Stone, beckoning her out from the crowd, encouraging her to touch and caress me too. Stone covers my chest and stomach.  Her touch sending shivers through my frame. Eva steps up too and feathers my back in oil, rubbing and scraping her nails down my back.

I like all these ladies far too much and feel my body reacting and remember Bear’s very sound advice “ BANANA SLUGS .. Big, grotesque , slimy.

 I move out of reach and continue my dance round the room as my body calms.

I gyrate to the music  and then stand,  my movements less ,  small teases and, thrusts, and then I suddenly rip off my tear away camo pants to reveal a pair of tight camo boxers.  The crowd cheers as they see my muscular thighs.

Moving to the ladies again I squirt  more oil into their waiting hands and they enthusiastically oil my legs . Their touches are  a mixture of feathery light touches to downright gropes and squeezes

I jump up, dancing in the fire light, the flames reflecting in the oil on my body, licking and teasing my contours.

I take off my hat, moving to the rhythm of the music and cover my groin area, smiling as I rip off my boxers and show the ladies, twirling them around before throwing them at Blue grinning.

Hat still covering me I move into the crowd of women and shimmy up to Stone.

Laughing and blushing Stone, encouraged by the crowd, oils up my junk behind the hat, teasing me, She smiles as I react to her touch . Banana Slugs will never work when she looks at me like that.

I climb back on the make shift stage , bending over to give them a good look at my ass as I shake, and  grind,  and flex my ass muscles.

As the songs nears its ending I  put the hat back on to my head, then slowly, deliberately,  face the crowd  and show the ladies what they want to see.

All oiled up, glistening in the firelight , naked for their enjoyment, my excitement for my lady showing impressively .

As the music begins to die out , I walk between the parting crowd and reach for Stone, pulling her  back onto the stage with me. I put my hat on her head, picking her up  and throw her over my shoulder. Waving to the crowd , I strut off  to their cheers and applauds, my performance complete, for them at least.

Time for my Lady to show her appreciation for my efforts
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on August 11, 2012, 12:19:35 PM

The B&G explodes with noise as the last notes of the song are played. Whistles, applaus and cry outs for more, thunder through the entrance and backdoor of the place, the performance of Jayc a clear succes. Nerves start to wash over me, clenching my throat, finding myself gripping the wheel so tight, my knuckles turn white. Then I hear the voice of Lover, having difficulties with overpowering the roar of the girls gone wild, thinking to myself. “Hmm, must have been quite something.. Hope I don’t mess it up”. Then I hear Lover’s voice more clearly as the noise of the crowd dies down.

“Ok ladies, this is your night. Now for your delight, though you might find it hard to rip your thoughts off Jayc’s body, here issssssssss… Tight!”

With a sudden click, all lights in the Bar and Grill go off. Slowly the room starts to fill with a mist that creeps over the floor, wavers upwards and around the ankles of the girls around the stage, kissing skin with lips cold as the blood of a demon. In the back of the room, a moon start to rise, full, colored red, shards of clouds passing by until it reaches its highest point. The long stretched howl of a wolf  echoes through the room, glasses on the tables start to tremble as the thumping beat of a base starts to cascade through the room.

In the darkness, the room subtlely lighted by the full moon, naked feet start to run around, faded forms and shades move from left to right, in between the ladies watching, a shreek heard when a cold hand clutches an uncovered neck. The beat of the base increases in volume, complimented with the whispers of a soft wind, dispersing the shards of mist that hug the floor. The entrancing sounds of the wind swell louder and a voice is heard, deep, dark and eerie, the words almost spat out against the walls that seem to start to enclose the crowd on the floor.

“Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y'alls neighborhood

And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse’s shell”

Spotlights flood the stage and my figure, as I rise up from a kneeled position and reveal my outfit. Tight, red leather pants, a red leather jacket with a V across the chest over the shoulders, white socks and low shoes. The melody of the song ‘Thriller’ starts to mix in with the thumping base and my foot starts to tap in the beat of the music. Slowly I start a semi circle, looking each girl in the ey, as my hand slides up and pull down the zipper of the leather jacket, revealing a black tank top underneath. As the first chorus starts, I walk up to the edge of the stage, grab the hand of Karen and pull her in my arms, lip synching the horrid words of the song in her ear. I step in behind her, slide my arms around her waist and grab one hand with mine. With a quick pull, I twirl her around, then slowly help her off the stage, locking her eyes in with mine as I move away from her.

With a quick twitch of my head, I turn towards Brandy, falling to my knees on stage, bringing my face as close to hers as I can while I sing the song in husky whispers. I move my torso to and from her in jerky moves, my face going from side to side, the words whispered into her ears. I raise my amrs, arch my writst and spread my fingers, before rushing them down, only to end an inch away from the soft skin of her face. I open my arms, arch them back and let the leather jacket slip off my arms, revealing my bare arms, the tank top tightly stretched across my chest.

In a fluent move I hop back on my feet, jump off the stage and dance through the tables and chairs, my hands and face close to the girls, scaring them with my threatening moves, synchronised with the words of the song. As I lean in behind Sexi, whispering in her ear, I push my butt backwards, where Christy and Adera share a table, slowly wiggling it from left to right, the re3d leather tightly spun across my tight ass. But before they can be tempted to squeeze or slap, I quickly move away. I dance through the narrow isle that leads to the bar, slip behind it and grab Stone’s hand, dragging her out into the dimmed light. I dance around her, pushing against her teasingly until the refrain ends and the music slows down.

From all corners of the Bar, 4 male dancers appear from the dark shadows, their faces grey, the hollows of their eyes black, clothes torn and smeared with dark unknown substances. Screams are ehard from the audience as they move to the beat and slowly tighten the circle around the girls, moving like zombies on the beat of the music. As if trying to escape, I run from one corner to the other, stopped when a zombie raises his arms, the jerky moves of their hands as they claw at me. When I reach the third dancer, the black top is caught, shredded to pieces by raizor sharp nails and ripped off my body while I dash back to the stage.

Each step brings the zombies in closer, while their hands are brushing hair, laid on naked shoulders and faces lean in to highten the scare of their appearance. On stage I dance quickly, moving to the beat and following the increasing intensity of the music, the zombies climbing on stage as they made their way through the crowd. Surrounded, enclosed by the zombies, my movements become smaller and smaller, the bodies of the male dancers collapse on top of me as I press myself to the floor, curled up like a ball. The eerie voice rolls through the room  as it goes dark again.
“The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom

And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller”

A long stretched, terrifying laugh ends the poem of horror, the music starts to swell back to full volume and suddenly the stage is bathed in light again, exposing me and the four male dancers, naked except for a tiny g-string that only barely covers our jewels. Simultaniously we start to dance, each move bringing us closer to the first row near the stage. My face has changed, now, my skin pale is white, my eyes deep and black, fangs flicker in the light of the spot as I raise my upper lips. Moving like zombies, synched with the beat of the music, we step off stage and straddle the hips of the 5 girls in front, our lean, muscular bodies moving snakelike in front of them, our packages grinding against a chest here and there.

We move through the room, paying attention to each girl, dancing around like a mob of zombies. The music starts to fade out, slowly but surely and as it quiets down, we move back to the stage. A last time the howl of the wolf is heard, mimicked by our movements, throwing our heads back and opening our mouths. The full moon starts to burn brighter in the back of the room while the other lights slowly die off, and with the last beat of the song, 5 hands move simultaniously, ripping 5 g-strings off and tossing them into the audience, leaving us completely naked. We turn, face the crowd and let the girls take in the sight of our erected cocks, then suddenly the moon dies out with a deep thump, leaving the room in deep darkness.

In the back, near the bar, the spots in the ceiling come on and slowly start to light the room, the stage empty, the mist gone, the bar silent for a few moments.. On the wall behind the stage, a picture is shown, clear as day in the obscured Bar..

(lyrics written and performed by Michael jackson)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on August 11, 2012, 03:57:16 PM
Walking onto the stage with it in darkness dressed as a construction worker (big boots ripped blue jeans held up with a belt and brasses skin tight white T shirt and a hard hat) carrying a bucket of water and babyoil placing the bucket right at the front of the stage. I walk to the back of the stage stand with my back to the ladies. Placing my feet shoulder width apart and holding my arms out start at shoulder level palms up. My right Foot starts to tap to the beat of

Turning around still with my arms out up to the bucket twisting my hips in time with the music bring my right hand in and sliding it under the right brass and letting it full to my hipThen doing the same with my left hand now with both brasses down around my hips .

walking up to the bucket I standing with my legs 2 shoulders width apart bending from the waist and putting both hands on each side of the bucket i stand holding the bucket over my head and letting it pour down over me. The oily water makes my white T shirt go see throw. Giving the ladies the first look at my body putting the bucket down I grad my shirt and rip it open and throw it out into the crowd.
Running my hands down over my chest down to my belt undoing it I pull it off in one swift move and drop it off the stage.

 Jumping down off the stage I walk over to the ladies first to my lovely Jane taking her hands and place them my chest she rubs the watery oil into my skin then to Blue she do’s the same with no help from me taking Janes hand I put it in my waist band at the back and took Blues at the front and with one swift pull from them both my jeans rip in two leaving me just in a black leather thong.

Taking the bucket and pouring the rest of the oily water over my body I bend over right in front of Miss Christy wiggles my ass CRACK her hand lands on my cheek turning to her I wiggle again this time she grabs my THONG and one hard pull she has them in her hand.

Making my way back to the stage as the song finishes and the lights go out
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on August 11, 2012, 06:52:52 PM
showered and dressesd  Stone and i head back to the bar and catch tights finale. the place is in a state of female frenzy as the ladies scream and swoon. as tight walks by i shake his hand and hand him a cold beer. seeing Tango geting ready i give him a high five as he gets on stage. stone runs back out to the crowd to watch the rest of the performers
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on August 11, 2012, 07:02:28 PM
I see Brandy in the audience,  during  Tight’s dance,  followed by Tango’s performance. I make my way over to her.
 “ Thank  God, I found you. I need to tell you this.

I was sitting at the bar relaxing and chatting with Jayc about his up & coming dance in a couple of hours, he suddenly grabs my hand for a dance. He takes me in his arms and I lean into him, loving the closeness and smelling his aftershave.

Suddenly Bear & his dance partner bumps into us, nearly causing me to over balance. He catches hold of me but in doing so we nearly stumble over again and then again. Maybe he’s drunk , trying to steady his nerves for the strip later on. 

I can’t help but laughing out loud. I would have managed better on my own righting myself. He apologises profusely before twirling his dance partner  away and Jayc & I continue our dance.

Jayc  whispers in my ear about a  “ Good Luck BJ” . He’s a bit nervous he may get excited in his big performance &  wants to try and limit the chances.  I smile at him as he tells me to meet him in the office & he’ll grab our drinks off the bar

I reach the office, when I feel a great big strong weight on me, pinning my body so I can hardly breathe, lifting me off my feet and shoving some ball in my mouth. I struggle fruitlessly as my senses reel trying to make sense of my sudden attack, kicking at shins with my heels as hard as I can, trying to back head butt my assailant.

My heart sinks as I hear, Bear’s voice, cussing.  “ Oh my life – this is it, the payback,”  The image of Bear bound in the bar, being molested by  your  mouth fills my mind. He wouldn’t know that I had no idea that was going to happen . I just thought it was just a few embarrassing photos at most, like you said. Unable to explain, because of the gag, my heart beats in terror.  And the payback, he dished out to Christi.  I am so in trouble and I fight as hard as I can but he is just too strong.

I manage to bite a finger by the ball in my mouth and earn some respite, spitting the ball out,  to grab my flute, but to my utter disbelief  it wont work. It wont work!

Bear looks evil and he comes at me again and we wrestle and grapple. He overpowers me easily and binds my wrists behind my back, secures the gag in place once more and blindfolds me with his bandana.  He picks me up and places me on the desk, utterly helpless and at his mercy.

“ Oh I have so looked forward to this , I’ll be right back “  His threatening words ringing in my ears.

Waiting in terror, I feel  a feather & scissors cut my panties away and I writhe trying to get away. All futile.

“Sometimes you get the Bear, Sometimes the Bear gets you”

That voice.. JAYC .. JAYC ... thats JAYC’s voice.

Suddenly the blind fold is removed and I search the room.  No Bear, just  Jayc.  I don’t know whether to laugh or cry as I see the silver charms of the Stone & Panda that I had last seen on Bear’s collar. “

"I was so bloody scared “  I whisper to Brandy, showing her the 2 charms in my hand.  “ You and Adera  just best watch out,  And my Judas of a spouse, well that’s another matter!!! “
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on August 11, 2012, 08:01:22 PM
Sitting in the back up a bit to get the best view possible of the stage and all the men doing their act. Watching Jayc do his act, all the girls seem to go in closer to the stage trying to reach him. Stretching out in my space, I grin thinking how I got the best place plenty of room and a great view to watch the guys. 

Next up, I see Tight get on the stage after the mist cleared up some. Seeing Tight walking his way through the crowd getting closer, I can't help but feel my heart speed up. As he approaches me, I can't help but reach up and gently place my hand on his cheek smilling big at him. Then he was gone on to finish the rest of his act.

Then, I see Tango get up and do his act and I couldn't help but smiling at another one of my friends doing his act. Thinking the whole while, it sure is good to have such great looking guys in my life; I could sit here all day watching them.  Leaning back into my seat, I watch the rest of his act and wait for the rest of the show.  With all the heat and action going on around the room, I can't help but smooth out the cheerleading outfit smiling in remembrance of how I got it. Thinking, girl get a grip of yourself now isn't the time to get all hot again.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on August 11, 2012, 10:16:04 PM
Looking at all the preformers on stage, i walk to Karen and Jane inbetween to acts.

"Where did you girls get me into, i am not as good as that."

"Ooh don't worrie my love, your body will talk for you, not matter what you do" Karen reply's and gives me a big kiss on my mouth. "Now go and get ready you are next after Tango"

Still not feeling uncomfterable i sneak out and go into the back of the crimelab van, In a hurry i grab some things and go behind stage, just to see Tango finish his preformance. I take a deep breath, ok this is it, and i step onto the dark stage.

As the music starts ( and the sound of The Who's "Who are you" goes trough the room, the lights go up. There i stand dressed in a suite, mirrored sunglasses, my CSI field kit in hand.

I put the kit down and start to dance, making all the usual moves. Then my jacket goes off, revealing that this is not my day to day outfit, the shirt has a closed front but the rest is fishnet and no sleeves.

I get a cheer from the lady's and with more courage i make more suggestive moves. Then it's time to pull my shirt off, showing my well build chest and sixpack, i grab something from my kit and go off stage between the girls.

Dancing on the floor between the girls i give a wink to Karen and Jane, and just as i told them earlier, they both grab one side of my special pants and then tear it away. There i stand dancing between screaming lady's in northing more then a thong with a big bulge in the front. Then my eye falls on sexi, standing all in the back in her hot cheerleader outfit. Time to dance over to her.

Just before i arrive i use the thing i grabbed from my kit. It's a can of whipped cream and i spray some on my chest. She does not hesitate for a second and starts to lick it off. Now more girls want that, so i use the can some more and while the girls lick off the cream i dance in the direction of Azrielle.

There she sit's our Superintendent of Police, and my boss, between all her baby presents like a the queen she is on her throne. I climb up on her chair, moving my pelvis just in front of her face. She looks suspicious to the big bulge in front of my thong, and i encourage her to pull it off me.
As she does, she looks surprised, there is a big cream filled round donut with sprinkels on it surrounding my thing. I whisper in her ear, "all for you chief" and a cheer goes through the crowd as she takes the bite.

As i notice that the song is getting to the end i dance back to the stage, twisting and wiggling my body, feeling many hands on it on the way.

Back on stage i am just in time to make the thing move like a helicopter as Roger Daltrey cry's his last "So tell me who are you, you, you, you, youuuuuuuuu" On the last not i get on my knees bending backward and i hear the girls cheering as the lights fade out.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bluedenim on August 12, 2012, 12:45:09 AM
Relaxing at the bar with the boys, we're done for tonite, watching the "strippers" and giggling.

I saw Bear bundling Stone into the office and then JC with a smirk wide as Frisco bay pulling the door closed behind  him.. That Bear! He has an agenda and  I know what it is..... don't know what he has planned for the party tho, but he keeps giving me a grin every time it's mentioned.
See Hentaiboy give her a hug & kiss, grab a stool next to her and ask how she enjoyed her tour.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on August 12, 2012, 01:33:43 AM
I curse… of all times and equipment failure. right before I am to go on stage.  I look at the broken angel wing… realizing there is no immediate salvage, and toss it to the side. Eyes search frantic backstage… scrambling… as I sort thru the odds and end… a trench coat,… my cowboy boots… a  curious ly familiar  pink cowboy hat….. Not much to work with. I peel the rest of the angel costume away tossing it to the side, readjust the thong strap and slip on the duster… slide on my boots,.. digging for something other than the that pink hat… squirming  for a solution… A minor idea flars... and I sendi a quick message to HB  requesting to talk to the dj about a change in the song... glancing over I see  HB and Blue giggle as they read the message...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on August 12, 2012, 03:29:42 AM
After coming of the stage I jump under the shower and hear the start of a great song singing along "WHO ARE YOU"as the water washed the oil from my body coming out of the shower l hear a loud cheer as Martin finish's his set and runs out the back of the stage.Drying my self off l hear Bear curse turning to see him throw his angel wings on the floor and start to look for a new out fit the last l see of him is him holding a pink cowgirl hat heading for the stage.
I finish pulling my cowboy boots on and head back to the bar leaning on the bar Jayc slides a beer down the bar to resting my elbows on the bar my black leather waist coat fulls open showing off my bear chest and bow tie l get ready to watch the rest of the nights fun and wait for martin to join me
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on August 12, 2012, 06:19:04 AM
I peek out from behind the curtain and point to Covems to start the music.  "Closer" by NIN is usually not on the top of my iPod playlist, but it has merit for this time and place.  The bass starts thumping.  I stick myleg out, only covered by the leather on my chaps, tapping my cowboy boot to the music.  I hear hoots and hollars from the crowd. 

Breathe...  Here we go.

I whip open the curtains, step out onto the stage and start grinding to the beat.  The stage lights are making shadows of everyone in the audience.  I can feel the heat of the light against my slightly baby-oiled chest and arms.  I fling my hat to the back of the stage as I flex every muscle in my body.

My pectorals straining against my leather vest.  Seems like a perfect time to take it off, but I can't do it alone.  I jump from the stage and find the closest female to assist, Stone.  I flare open each side and I turn in front of her while lowering my arms behind me.  She instinctively grabs the top of the vest and pulls it off my shoulders and straight to the floor.  I shake my toned ass in front of her and she gives it a little spank.  I hear more "Yehaws" coming from the crowd.

Dancing and writhing to the beat, I slowly move to the bar area and see Blue.  I dance in front of her and she goes for my shiny belt buckle.  She unlatches it and pulls the leather strap from the loops of my chaps.  She folds it over onto itself and makes it snap like the sound of a whip.

The song continues as I continue my dancing and strutting...
"Help me... Tear down my reason
Help me... It's your sex I can smell
Help me... You make me perfect
Help me become somebody else"

I work my way towards HB.  She has a cute smirk on her face as I am looking to her eyes.  My chest is right in her face.  She raises her arms up and rakes her fingernails down my chest over my toned six pack abs.  There is no pain since my adrenaline is coursing through my veins.  She pulls the loosened chaps from my waist and they drop to the floor, revealing the leather banana hammock that restrains my member. I give her a smile and work way to the back to Sexilicous. 

She looks amazing in that cute cheer-leading outfit.  I've noticed her cute little ass before and tonight I've made up my mind to get a closer look.  I gently stand her up and turn her to her chair.  Bending her over I pretend to give her a spank on her shapely globes and take her doggie.  She somehow is able to reach around and before I know it, has the only piece of cloth covering my body down to my boots.  My manhood brushes her thighs as I step out of the g-string.  I whisk them up and jump to the bar.

 Walking and shaking for everyone to see.  I give my hips one more shake and jump from the bar and back onto the stage.  collecting my hat, I give a fist pump to the air and go behind the curtain.  Bear is there, fighting with his costume.  "Sorry for the delay.  Our plan is still on right?" I ask.  "Go get 'em dude"  I grab my rope and wait for my que...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 12, 2012, 10:21:57 AM
Sitting in the audience, enjoying the show,  Jayc, Tight, Tango, Mrsexlover, JD  doing an absolutely fantastic job of entertaining and exciting the ladies.  And now waiting for the last of those delectable men.... Bear to end the performances of the night.

The ladies and guys in the audiences have been cheering and going wild as the dancers perform their routines and some lucky ladies even touching and oiling the stars of the show and joining in part of the routines.

I pick up my  special punch and take a sip,  signalling to the bar, the dancers drinks are free for the night...

I raise my glass and grin at the dancers by the bar , letting them know  I and others were very impressed with their dancing, stripping and what they uncovered mmm mmm mmm. ;D

Turning back to my drink,  I sip, thinking about  what Stone had told me and wondering where the hell Adera had got to......
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on August 12, 2012, 10:54:03 AM
I Join the guys at the "dancers" table.........Tight, Tango and Mrsexlover and my self well on our way to drinking ourselves to a stupor. the table full of empty shot glasses and pitchers of beer, all on the house or purchased  by the lady patrons. we cheer for JD as his dances comes to a finale. ok, its Bears turn i say to no one in particular at the table, i wonder what he has in mind? has he showed up yet? yeah i saw him responds tight shouting over the women's chatter. i spot Brandy and think this is the perfect time to ask her..........i get to my feet and make my way over to her.............hey Boss i give her a breezy salute and a hug. liking the show so far? she smiles and nods her head in approval. good good i reply but business calls as i hand her a pen and some invoices........she grabs the pen and signs them with out reading...........yes what i was hoping for. i grab the papers and fold them up and put them back in my pocket. i pause and smile at the last paper...... a bill for a a brand new sleeper sofa for the office.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on August 12, 2012, 11:32:46 AM
I am so glad I left my cell phone backstage.  I bang out a message to JayC.  "Bear is having some costume issues.  He will be on as soon as possible." SEND.   Hope JayC gets it before the ladies get restless. 

I walk over to Bear back stage and try to help assist in some way...  stay tuned....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on August 12, 2012, 12:27:32 PM

What a great night sat here watching the great guys of the Bar putting on such a great show for all the ladies
Only  Bear to go and its going to have to be something good to top the night . Looking around the audience the tension building as we start to call for bear. 

BEAR                                                             BEAR                                          BEAR                                                    BEAR
                              BEAR                                                      BEAR                                             BEAR                                                BEAR

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on August 12, 2012, 01:00:46 PM
I lean back in my chair, slightly intoxicated with the shots and cold beers, but buzzing with adrenaline, still rushing through my body after my performance. I joined the other guys at the table, the beer and shots arriving quicker as we could drink them. I look around the room, seeing the girls extatic with excitement, a chant, the call for bear echoing through the room.
In the corner of my eye, I see Covems approach. Just before he passes me, I pull on the sleeve of his shirt and shout into his ear, the chant becoming ear deafening.

"Can I see you for 5 minutes after bear's done? It has to do with your pitt.."

He nods then moves on, my attention returning to the table, picking up the next shot
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bluedenim on August 12, 2012, 01:39:29 PM
After Bear slid HB & me his request for a change to his arranged tune, he stomped off, very obviously stressed. After we'd giggled about his choice of tune, I took it up to the DJ and made sure he understood.
Then back to HB and another beer, root beer, that is, I'm not 21 yet!
Then it's James Dean's turn and he comes after he's lost his shirt to stand in front of me & HB for his next item.... I can't resist his lovely thick leather belt, I undo the big silver buckle & listen to the hiss as I slide it out of it's loops and then double it over and make it crack loudly as I pull it apart..... hmmmmmm.. he'll be lucky if he get's this back, I know a little girl who'd love a belt like this..  :)

See Jayc join the other "strippers" at the table and after JD has left, someone starts a chant for Bear. I take a rain check with HB and head off backstage to the dressing room, I hope Bear's got what he needs for the number he's asked the DJ.. better go see if there's anything I can do to help!
I knock on the door, but I needn't have bothered, Bear is coming out hmmmm did I just say that? pmsl. if he doesn't get a standing ovation I'll eat my hat (well I would if I had one lol!)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on August 12, 2012, 02:39:07 PM
I hear the voices chanting my name now… sighs… after all these fine perforamnces mine is going to be a let down,…I shout to JD,… “Just see if you can gather the others here… I might need their help.”

I lift Brandy’s feathered headress up… no that won’t  work... disgusted the pink hat must do.... I jam it down on my head

Thinking to myself  “Here goes“… as I walk slow in my odd outfit,…. onto the darkness of the stage…

Taking pose with head bent down,…hands jammed into the pockets of the duster… as the spotlight  centers onto me.  The song begins with a crack of lightning… the sound of a storm…. Fading as a woman’s voice comes across the speaker, speaking over the against a steady beat as I begin to rock to the rhythm…

Hi - Hi! We're your Weather Girls - Ah-huh -
And have we got news for you -You better listen!
Get ready, all you lonely girls
and leave those umbrellas at home. - Alright! -

The tempo takes off… as the song breaks forward…. Girls…. “It’s Raining Men”

I lift a hand immediate toss the pink hat off immediate as  I step to the stage front, hands pulling to the coat seam., stop and flash it open. My well oiled body in plan site…. Hips shaking in tempo to the beat…then spin across the stage.. The duster flaring open on my legs as I set… Strut… and twist about… back to the audience… hips shaking to the beat as I ease the duster slowly down my shoulders holding it as waist length… my  torso gyrating from side to side… the lift it closing the duster as I  s…timing the drop to the perfect moment.

Then raise my arms outstretched to the side as I rock …the gyrations of the hips emphasized  until a stanza breaks and I twist about and skip off center stage…

Lifting a hand ,…finger pointing to one side of the room, as my body rocks on the tempo as I until I shift,… with a quick pelvic thrust, twist about and bend down…  rising slow with my hands behind my neck,…. Until erect I flex the cheeks holding the pose…. As my eyes drift to the preceding dancers…

I wave at them.. Shouting…waving them on stage///

“Come on…!”

The song just has that natural pull… a worthy finale….and the others move out… Tights zombie boys  skipping out on the tune to join me… others filtering onstage  slow…

“It’s Raining MEN… Hallelujah!… It’s raining men!”

The crowd erupts… and I hear appreciative encouraging shouts from the crowd…The ladies in the bar scream wild., their appreciation for the show clearly evident….

I race across the stage jump and slide… easily leaving a trail of the body oil smeared on the stage….roll off the stage… and move into the audience.. Pulling up to Eve… lifting my arms… hips rolling… hearing a soft murmur…
“Good Input…”

I spin reaching out to find drag my fingers along Jane’s shoulders… hands still behind my head I give her and Karen a long drink of the view as I continue the gyrations before twisting teasingly away… stoppping sudden as  look down into Stones sharp glare… give her a smug smile and sharply jab a couple pelvic thrusts  before sweeping  away, working from table t table as the other dances begin sliding off the stage working thru the other tables, to the pulsing beat of the song.

Adera is sitting by herself, Christy must have taken off to handle something in the dungeon…. And I grin devilishly,… 2 left in my revenge…. I had worried her absence would leave me burdened with that charm. I  close in… sweep my leg up and sit on the table before her…leaning back onto the table as I hips raising  in slow rolls…I have to admit, this is display is starting to  tickle the exhibitionist side of me. The skimpy thong  I wear seems to be bulging more than before.

Then head off… as others now filter into the crowd…I catch sight of  Sexilicious and move  to her table …and turn about  raising my hands behind my neck in a wide stance and flex one cheek the other… and feel a sharp smack on the bottom…glancing over my shoulder to see a wicked twinkle in her eye.

Felling the rush of excitement… I reach back… rip the thong off and I twist again and stop…. Front and center in front of Brandy. Naked and oiled before her… my eyes narrow onto her and I step forward with the beat of the tune…licking my lips as I move on her.

Her eyes widen,… a sense of concern as she reads my expression… begins and rising to move away… no doubt that Stone has given her warning.

As she turns from the table I reach out and grab her hand stepping inas I pull her back against me… my body close to hers as  I warp my arms round her pushing her toned bottom back to me.. Gripping a hips as my other hand roams across her… hips gyrating slow against hers… I definite rush of exctiement filling me. My eyes darting around noting the dancers have provided a good distraction in the moment. I search a little deeper,.. Eying the males in the crowd… searching for some objectionable sign from her Neo. My eyes catch to JD’s… perhaps him?

He grins back as he sees me… and begins to move across the bar…towards us…

Brandy shudders under my grip , but is lean down as my hand slips under her top… gliding along her smooth skin as I continue to roll against her …. My excitement no doubt evident as I hug against her bottom…

Whispering in her ear… that night as I laid bound… I think you spoke your wants there… they were far to vivid not to have been thought of before….

Breathing hard ,… near her ear…

“To feel my breath on your skin… my lips caressing it….”

Kissing lightly beneath her ear,,, “My touch….upon you….the slow caress of fingertips…. Exploring….”

My hands drifting along under her top…. Teasing  a slight whimper which betrays  her…

Feeling now a slight movement of her hips against mine…my excitement building as I read her responses…

“The feel of me… against you.. … in you … did want it… you want it still,…”

 My hand drifting slow along her thigh… slipping under her skirt as it brushes along the inner thigh…

And I feel her heat… grinning inwardly as I grind tighter…turning us slowly till I ease myself against a table…

Eyes lifting as I see JD standing there….wondering if I will hear him raise objection in the moment…

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 12, 2012, 04:19:39 PM
Trying to make some good shot isn't easy, specially when the guys move between the ladies. Fortunately, i had foreseen this possibility and i asked Brandy to provide some free space between the tables, so that i could move freely.

All the guys had work hard on their choreography and seems like the ladies are enjoing every performance. Specially the one of Bear: i see them throwing glances of envy toward Brandy and he seems like a hunter who has finally captured his prey. I don't know what happened between them, but surely, these shots will collect a lot of success both among ladies than among guys!

I continue to observe and capture their voluptuous dance and i have the impression that it will not end very soon! I have to try to walk towards the stage, but at the same time continue with the photos, cause soon will be time to announce a little surprise ....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Adera on August 12, 2012, 04:59:44 PM
Before Bear steps onto the stage I decide to go take a closer look on the mechanical bull... Brandy did tell me that I should definitely try it as it's lots of fun.

I was a bit hesitant since I'm not really dressed for it, but well... she fell out of her top so whatever happens to me can't be much worse.

Climbing onto the bull my very short latex dress rides up in the back showing off quite a bit of my butt, well at least it will manage to keep my breasts inside. What I hadn't really thought much about was the impact my butt plug would have when straddling the bull... and now it's hard to ignore as it pushes into me very prominently.

I look around a little wildly as I realize that this ride isn't going to be a very dignified at all... why did I put that inside of me. Then it starts, quite slowly at first, up and forth and then down. I try to stifle it but I can't hold back a yelp mixed moan as my plug presses against my weak spot, I feel my cheeks flushing from embarrassment... and exhibitionistic excitement from all the people watching me.

The machinist increases the phase quite a lot however and it all becomes a very short wild ride with me trying to hold on and trying to keep my dignity, but probably coming off as a total slut.

After being thrown off onto my butt I rise up slowly and a bit unsteadily, trying to pull myself together and brushing some strands of hair from my face... I hope it's not all tussled up. I look around myself seeing some leering at me, looks like some liked it. The machinist then announces the time and I'm surprised as it's not that bad.

I have to hurry back however as I hear Bears strip show starting and I luckily find that the table I sat at is still free so I claim it once more. My heart is still pumping excitedly when his show starts. I smile at the choice of music and I wolf whistle and cheer as he enters the stage.

When Bear comes over to my table leaning over in front of me he provocative rolls his hips and I drink in his well oiled body appreciatively. Meeting his eyes I smile seductively and licks my lips invitingly... mmm I could definitely do with some of that right now I think with a giggle.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 12, 2012, 09:42:07 PM
Sitting there I shift in my seat, sitting up a little straighter as Bear comes on and starts his routine. He is one hell of a dancer and the ladies are loving his moves. Other dancers join his performance and my attention is on those for the moment.

Then Bear is there in front of me, a dangerous glint in his eyes with a hint of desire, probably from the exhilaration  of being publicly naked. The hairs raise on the back of my neck, realising I am on my own .. this is not such a good position to be in.

I naturally rise to flee but Bear catches hold of my wrist and before I know it, I am pinned to him, my butt crushing against his naked cock, and his arm enfold me, trapped. His other hand moves over my body, brushing my hips, my tummy, my breasts blatently  sexual, blatently trying to turn me on and succeeding ... damn it.

The initial panic , turns to a natural  heightened interest ...  an alpha female recognising a fine alpha male specimen, naked, pressed against  me.

The erection pressing against me only serves to make my body respond.  A hot wetness floods to my core ,seeping from my labia and  then absorbed by my thin lacy panties .. the dampness getting larger as his hands roam to tease and tantalise me.

I groan as he grinds and gropes, my own desire building and compounded by  the exciting sense of danger and unpredictability.

He starts to whisper in my ear, his breath and words naughty and exciting, invoking strong images in my minds eye of  ...the erotic, of greedy  desire, of white hot lust.  I’m losing my reason and he knows it, my  female animal need rising up and wanting him.

His hand  wonders under  my top, skin on skin .. my mind screaming my need now and then his other hand creeps up my inner thigh and he touches my woman hood, my panties soaked .. so ready for him. Heart rate  is rocketing and  I’m breathing hard.

 I see JD approach, another alpha male, and glare hungrily at him in my frenzied need......
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Adera on August 13, 2012, 02:46:03 AM
I shout "Get a room!" to Brandy and Bear as he grinds against her butt, oh this turned into a really entertaining show.

After the show however, I can't contain my curiosity anymore, I just have to go take a look at The Ice House.

I stand up my table in a sinuous move and head over to the secret passage in the pool room, if anyone where following me they'd probably be confused as I disappear.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on August 13, 2012, 06:31:16 AM
Now, Mrsexlover is up on stage working the crowd of girls over. They all seem to be pushing closer and closer to the stage to get nearer to all of these hot guys performing. Eh, whatever, not in the mood to fight my way through a bunch of screaming girls for attention.  All of a sudden, he is off the stage and amidst all the girls making it harder to see what he is doing.  Then like the first rays of morning shining through, the waves of girls part and there he stands walking towards me with a mischievous grin on his face. Raising my eyebrows, I watch as he comes closer. Then he stops a little ways a way and starts to put the whipped cream on his chest. MMM he does look good covered and bet he tastes good too. He moves a bit closer to me, and I couldn't help it. I had to lick the cream off his chest working. My tongue doing a little dance over his chest to the beat of the music.

Next, up is JD. He also gets the crowd a hooting and hollering. Thinks how maybe next time ear plugs should be on hand, for the way the noise level keeps going, everyone will end up deaf. Laughing to myself at this thought, I see JD starting to head back towards me.  Hmmm interesting, I seem to have quite a good place for many to work their way back to me. When he gets up to me, he gently takes my arm and pulls me out of the chair. Then he turns me around and bends me over. Hmmmm interesting lets see where this lead but oh my wait what if he notices how damp I am starting to get. Maybe they need to provide a lot of rooms if everyone feels like I do after such a hot enticing show. Looking back over my shoulder to see what he would do next, I see him slap very lightly and feels like a feather struck me. Frowning a little as if to say "come on what kind of spank was that," the frown quickly turns to a smile as he pretends to take me. Giggling a bit, I reach back with both hands and little by little move the last piece of clothing off his body. MMMM now that feels good but need it a big higher and inside to cure the achy feeling that is building. Before anything more could happen, he was back up on stage, and I slowly sit back down. ARRGGGHH I scream in my head then my scream inside turns to silent giggles thinking how they will have to clean the chairs with all the moisture at this rate.

Finally, Bear gets up on stage and the crowd is going berserk now, but oh the wait sure was worth it. He dances just as great as the others showing off his body. MMMMM so that is what he keeps hiding under there the whole time next time might be more than just a chat with him next time I catch him. As my mind starts to go into dreamland only vaguely seeing the dance, Bear makes his way to me. When I finally realized, he was in front of me showing off those cute cheeks to me. OH THE TEMPTATION but no that isn't how I'm suppose to act. Giggles, then again maybe if I do, he will come back to me later for some fun. With a mischievous twinkle in my eye, I slap his cheek thinking serves him right flexing it in my face. When he looked back at me though, I promise I thought I got a little wink in his eye. Maybe a promise for more, maybe a mischievous thought about someone here. Hmmmm will have to wait and see. As the dance is finishing up, I am starting to rock against the chair thinking to myself.

Ok I need to be filled again but looking around all the guys I know are busy chatting with others at a table, so I quietly get up and move to a quieter place. Sitting down surrounded by no one, I reach down and begin to rub feeling all the moisture that gathered during that hot show. Rubbing just isn't enough my body is demanding more, so I stick a couple of fingers in trying to ease the ache that won't go away. ARRGGGHHH need more, so I stick another finger inside the wet longing pussy. Wishing I had thought to bring a toy with me, but no they are back home so the fingers will have to do this time around. Mewing softly with need, I continue playing trying to ease the fire. Over and over I cum as I play but still the fire rages inside of me.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on August 13, 2012, 09:23:19 AM
OOC... Gratz on the Hero status Brandybee
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Dutchslut19 on August 13, 2012, 09:33:02 AM
Coming back from my vacation, i find the time to visit the bar and gril i heared so much about.

Seems it is the right evening to check this place out, lost of friends here, and a strip act bye the boys, i get the last part of my martin's act, followed by some others i don't know yet. But i see Tango getting drunk with all that beer and those shots, I walk up to him.

"hey my love seems i can't even leave you alone for some time without you getting in trouble, maybe you must take a example on Martin, he dit got a demotion by chief azrielle, and i don't see him getting drunk all time. Why are you not taking care of Jane. Or do i have to wake Miss Abby for you ?"

By the mentioning of the name Miss Abby, he first looks hopefull up, but as he see my face, his eyes go straight down.

"yes i have been  a badboy, maybe it is time i got a visit from Miss Abby, would you take care of it, i love to see her"

"of course i  arange a visit from Miss Abby for you my love, you just tell me where you want to meet her , maybe you know a place, and i will make shure she pays you a visit"

"I have to check somethings first, but i  will let you know" he reply's

"ok you tell me when you have things sorted out, i will be on that table with Jane and Karen"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on August 13, 2012, 11:12:27 AM
As I stand in front of Brandy, Bear is groping her body, running his hands up and down her chest and stomach.  I see that look in Brandy's eyes.  I've seen it before and I know what she wants.  I give a wink to Bear as I believe he knows my intentions.

I kneel down and run my index finger up her bare leg, starting from the top of her boot.  I know how ticklish she is so I try to avoid those spots.  Now is not the time for laughter.  I also know of all her erotic spots, those spots that seem to make her blush and feel warm inside.  Up to the back of her knee, lightly touching that sensual spot.  I linger there for a moment and look up at her.

She is glaring down at me, anticipating the torture that I am about to put her through.  But.. she has no idea.  I continue my trek up her leg..  gently kneading and caressing her delicate skin. to her inner thigh.  I can feel her warmth as I get closer to that spot... that spot that eagerly waits for attention.  Her sweet aroma fills my lungs as I gently move her dukes and  panties to the side.  She's become moist to Bear and my touches.  That's a good thing, I think to myself.

I reach back to my rope.. gently tying her hands together.  From my back pocket, I pull out an egg..  not just any ordinary egg.  This one is plastic and mechanical.  I gently rub it between her lips.. wetting it with her nectar.  With a gentle push, it slips inside and out of sight.  I pull back her panties and shorts to their original position.  I hear Brandy moan with delight as she accommodates it rather easily.

I reach into my shirt pocket and pull out a slim remote control.  I push it in the "on" position.  Brandy's eyes light up as if something became alive inside her.  I hand the remote to Bear and say. "She's all yours!" with a smile and a wink.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on August 13, 2012, 12:27:18 PM
I can only match JD’s wicked grin with one of my own…

“Perfect,,, thank you…”

Brandy is jerking in my arms… her body jettisoning to the heights, shaking as whimpers and  delighted cries  betray her condition to those nearby. Their eyes drift to her… squirming and writhing on my lap.

The feel of her against me does nothing to lessen my own condition. Her luscious body dancing against my hard cock merely feeds that lust. I hold back though… this is not the time..

Sliding my hand to her breast,.. Kneading it slow and letting my fingers tease those hard points is enough.

I hold her close…whispering…

“This is your want… to feel me…. Feel me feed you and push you to that height… until the peak seems no more and you float on the edge…and you just can’t help it… “

Pausing as my fingers roll her nipple tugging on it  as the other hand  sinks between her legs and pushes down on the pubic mound…firming it’s contact with the buried vibrating  egg.

“You can’t help it….you want to cum in my arms…”

It’s like a trigger… those words… she shakes and tenses, arching back against me… grinding her butt hard on my shaft as the orgasm takes her… shatters her…  convulsing against me in the hard wave… timeless perfect.

Her eyes closed as she gasps under the assault of aftershock… trembles.. squirms against me…gasping… shaking uncontrollable.

I have to close my eyes,… fight my own lust off in the moment… just let it rest and hold her there, .as those around us gawk at her display. I lean down… kiss her shoulder and drag my teeth against her skin.. Waiting until the waves finish rippling thru her and she hangs limp in my arms.

“Someday….we both will find that want met…..just not now.”

I slip from under her and ease her back into her  chair,  leaning her wrecked body across the table to rest. Tucking the control of the egg still vibrating into her hand. I look down on her disheveled appearance grinning. Pausing, I lean down and shift her hat to the side....

"Nice hat by the way."

then pull away making mental note  while  weaving through  the tables to return backstage.

4 down… one to go.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bluedenim on August 13, 2012, 02:20:41 PM
Bear has finished his act and after I finished laughing, I gave him a standing ovation, especially when he finally got Brandy where he'd planned to get her.... four down, one to go...... If only they knew......
I give Hentaiboy a big hug, Bear was true to his honor and HB came out of the Ice House glad that she'd gone in, I should never have doubted him.
I look around ... everyone is busy getting either drunk or laid.... or both.. Miss Christy and Janine have been gone a long time.. I'm lost here, when I'm not singing i'm out of place.
I wave a goodbye to no-one in particular and slink off to the pool room, no-one will even notice I'm not there except the boys and they're long gone.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on August 13, 2012, 02:55:44 PM
During a lull in the action... I walk up to the microphone and give it a few taps... "Is this thing on?"

"It's tough to find...  For love or money...  A joke that's clean...  And also funny.           How do you circumcise a whale?                              Use Four skin divers."            "The ideal man is like a beluga whale.     He has a four-foot tongue and can breathe out of a hole in the top of his head.   Thank you... I'll be here all week."     

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 13, 2012, 03:01:28 PM, the show of Bear was more different from how everyone was expecting: the involvement of JD and Brandy, with an ending really overwhelming! All the ladies are staring at Brandy with not so well hidden sight of deep envy and i have to admit i am too, a little! But it's not the time for fun now, it's time for work!

When finally Bear leave for the backstage i run to catch the microphone before Lover can went out and declare the performance closed.

"Well well well.......ladies, seems the night is turned daaamn wild! but you know......there is allways the chance to make it go hottest!"

I see Lover's head peeping out from behind the curtain, making me a sign to leave the microphone. I ignore him, turning to the crowd.

"As i was saying.....great performance, but we miss one! He is one of  the pillar of the B & G and he don't need any words to be introduced to you!"

I turn again to Lover, clearly upset for my lecture, then i turn back "He is here, over the curtain, aaand he is not ready for this.." grinning and looking at the curtain again for a second "...anyway, i know all you want to se his performance!"

A long break, turning to the guy who is taking care of the curtain and giving ihim the sign to open it  "He issss......LOVERRRRRRRRR!"

The curtain open and one light pointed on him, while the crowd begin chanting his name.

LOVER                              LOVER                              LOVER                              LOVER

                      LOVER                                LOVER                            LOVER

"Come on, my friend, don't be afraid!" i move closer to him and push him on the front part of the stage. Chant get loud and noisy.

"Sooo, my friend.......seems like everyone want to see your performance! Let's do it!"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on August 13, 2012, 04:05:05 PM
The crowd cheer as Bears music stops but his not back on the stage

His getting his pay back on Brandy  Myself ,Karen and Mona back from her vacation all watch as Brandy losses all control
We watch and wen Bear is finished with her he gives her her pink hat back and disappears back stage. I tape karen on he shoulder and we head over to the guys putting my arm around tango and whisper in his ear "great show my love" kiss his ear as i whisper in it.sliding my hand down over his chest still with oil on my hand from him and bear letting my hand run down lower he pushes he chair back for me swinging my led over and sit down on his lap grind my hips round down on to him feeling him grow under me. I slide my hand down and undo his belt and fly reaching inside and easy his growing cock out in and roll it in my fingers harder it gets leaning forward i kiss him lift my self up pull my panties to one side and slide my self down onto his rock hard cock
As it hits the soft inner walls of my hot sex i hear  HB up on stage then hear the girls start LOVER    LOVER       LOVER       and the spot light lights him up rolling my hips taking tango in deeper turning my body so i can see the stage as the music starts i grind and roll my hips to its beat

Feeling Tango twitch under me i know he wasn't in control and was going to explode deep in my sex very soon i stop and just hold him inside turn and whisper "not yet my love". i Hear him take a deep breath and his body relaxes but his cock stays as hard as a rock . "Good man" i whisper again
Turning back to the stage to watch LOVER  i roll my hips just so my clit hits Tango pelvis  just keeping us both going as i wait for LOVERS show.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 13, 2012, 06:03:15 PM
Trapped in Bear’s arms, JD standing in front of me .. my libido screaming for attention and release, I stare at JD hungrily.  When he kneels my breath catches in anticipation as his finger  trails up my legs, a trail he knows all too well.  Bear’s fondling keeping me in a heightened state of arousal and my heart rate is rocketing.

JD reaches my very heated feminine centre and I groan as his cool fingers push my soaking panties aside . I shut my eyes,  then realise ... this is not what I expected...  my hands are tied and something cool and round teasing and being pushed inside me, pleasant  but still surprising....

I open my eyes to see him standing and grinning and pull something out of his pocket .. a remote control.

 As he switches it on, realisation dawns ....  payback  for volunteering him for the strip tease..   My mischievous side is grinning with respect...

 JD  - a stroke of pure genius...

 then  the  vibrations distract me and I’m aware of JD handing the remote to Bear. I groan as my body begins to appreciate this extra stimulation and my passion builds...

Suddenly I am sitting on Bear’s lap. He’s fondling and words feeding my need and he pushes down between my legs.

I’m  grinding and moaning against him, writhing in sexual ecstacy , uncaring who hears, who sees, my greed for release so strong now and then .... crashing....

Wave after wave rippling throughout my  body,  powerful spasms jerking and shaking my body.  Convulsing in Bears arms until my strength is sapped and I become a dead weight.
Bear shifts from underneath me, and puts me on the seat, leaning my upper body on the table. My hands still tied before me. He places the still “on” remote control in my fingers.. muttering something about  my  battered cowboy hat, I’m still wearing  and Four down One to go..

In my tired state,  I think , that is some payback..  two in one go ... but have to smile .. Nice going Lads.

I lift my head trying to focus on the remotes off position .. but eyes rolling makes it a little difficult and the vibrating egg causing me to wince a little in my super sensitive state...

I see Stone  approaching me,   “ Can you turn this damn thing off ? “  I beg, wincing and wiggling the remote at her, my hands on the table, still tied in front of me..  She stands grinning over me ..   I groan.  My legs to week to even raise up.

“ Stone, please, this is so not the time to gloat.. you want a piece of me too ...  challenge me  in the pudding pit or ... something ... “   Stone has yet to forgive me for involving her in the collaring caper with Bear.

She takes the remote from my fingers  and switches it to a higher rate causing me to wince and grimace as she chuckles

  “ You know .. that ... might not be such a bad idea..  consider yourself challenged ... “   

She takes pity on me and switches it to off.  Much to my relief , and as she walks away  says “ I’ll go get you a high energy drink to... er .. recuperate.... “

My senses begin to return to an even keel and I become aware of  the crowd cheering and clapping Covem's jokes and then after chanting “ LOVER , LOVER, LOVER...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on August 14, 2012, 11:31:16 AM
As i sit with the boys at the table, they get more drunk with every beer and shot. I try to keep more sober, so must of my glasses i switch with Tango. He does not mind, or is to drunk to notice. I take a look around the room, i set eyes on Sexi as she switch position to a table further in the back.

Mmmm, what is that girl up to. As i take a closer look i wonder, is she playing with herself. OMG she is,  ;D , looking at that face i know she is in ecstasy, so with a be right back to the boys i excuse myself,and walk in the direction of Sexi. She does not notice me approaching, she has her eyes closed and her head tilted back.

I bend down and look under the table, i see her fingers deep inside her and drops of her wet lust pearling on those soft lips. I get on my knees adn when she takes her fingers out for a moment i go in. Sticking my head between her warm legs, smelling her sweet scent. I stick my tongue out and tickles her already swollen clit.

Her legs close rapidly and i her a little scream, then as i nibble the little button, her legs open up again, and i hear some moaning. Kissing both her inner thighs and her pussy. Then slowly i let my tongue run between those soft wet lips. MMMMMM she taste so delicious. Now her hands reach for my head and pull me right in. "Stick it in lick me deep" i hear her moan. The tip of my tongue goes in slowly and as she starts to push back and pull my head closer, my tongue enters her lust cave deeper and deeper.

Licking more rapidly i feel her twitching, and a warm flood of lust flows in my mouth. I try to catch it all, but it's to much to swallow it all. As she still holds my head, i feel her pulling me from between her legs and from under the table. She looks at me with a smile

"Now that you started, you have to finish it to baby. But do you know a private place "

I show her the keys to the crimelab van "It is parked in front" i tell her. And before i can end my sentence she grabs me and pulls me outside and into the van.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on August 14, 2012, 08:46:18 PM
All of a sudden, I feel a warm breath on me and a wet tongue on my sensitive clit. Closing my legs suddenly wondering at who discovered me over in this quiet corner. The desire takes over though, and my legs part allowing him in deeper. Needing more, I grab onto his head and pull him closer trying to get him to go inside and fill me like i need. As he licks me deeper and deeper, I feel another orgasm approaching. Holding tightly to his head, I shake and moan as he takes my desire in his mouth.

Pulling him up, I see that it is mrsexlover and smile at him while whispering in his ear about having to finish it now that he started.  Seeing the keys, I grab his hand and rush outside with him. Once the doors open, I pull him inside and close and lock the door just in case. Then I strip his clothes off and see his hard cock waiting for attention. Reaching down, I grab a hold of his cock and rub it up and down. Lowering my head, I lick beside the cock making sure not to touch his cock. Tempting him to want more, I lower myself so his cock was resting against my body. Rubbing against his cock, I let the wetness drip down his cock before slowly sinking down onto him letting him fill me up full. Rocking back and forth as I adjust to him, I let my fingers trail all over his chest. Lightly teasing his body, I continue working slowly making him long for more.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on August 14, 2012, 10:02:34 PM
What is it with Sexi i think. First she pulls me straight into the van, now she is teasing me with kissing my thighs, and the holding it against her body. I feel her wetness dripping on my hard joystick as she hovers above it. Then she finaly sits down, and as i feel her warmed embracing me i almost loose control. But just in time i manage to keep it in.

MMMMMMM, this feels so good her slowly rocking on me, and those fingers running through the hairs on my chest. I pull myself a bit upand reaching over to take the top of he cheerleader outfit off. A nice pair of boobs appear and the nipples are pointing hard forward. I lay my hands on them and start to slowly massage them. My thumbs on her nipples, flicking them with every move i make. I hear her moan as i do and she starts to pickup more speed riding me.

I grab her hips and pull her deeper onto me and at the same time i start licking those nipples. First the left, then the right. Teasing her with licking her areola not touching the nipple itself, then a flick with my tongue. I feel her twisting as i do so.

Faster and faster we move, both deep in great lust, and as i see her arching her back and feel her shivering i let myself go. I see stars and hear bells and whistles as my love shoots deep into her, and feeling a gush of warm wet juices flowing over me.

As i don't want to let her go, i keep it in as she rest her body on my chest. my arms embracing her, and kissing her lovely lips. Mmmm maybe she also likes a second round after this little pause.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on August 15, 2012, 06:20:57 AM
... again at the microphone...

Its Muppet Time!  What did Miss Piggy say to the muppet?    I can't talk now.  I've got a frog in my throat.    What's green and smells like Miss Piggy?   Kermit the frog's face.    Why does Miss Piggy use a honey and vinegar douche?    Because Kermit likes sweet and sour pork.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on August 15, 2012, 08:08:34 AM
A bit dizzy with the shots and cold beer, fatigue seeping into my legs with each sip I take, I hardly notice the buzzing of my phone in my pants. When I finally become aware of it, I quickly pull it out and answer.

Immediatly the expression on my face changes, from a big smile to a concentrated look, eye brows knitting. My answers are short, direct as my legs start to feel even heavier. The call is short and distracted I put the phone back in my pocket. Then I push my chair back and get up.

"Guys, I'll have to go. Something's up at work. I'll be back as soon as I can. Save a girl me for to dance with?"

Then I turn on my heels and head straight to the exit, raising my hand when called out by one of the patrons, but without turning my head. The doors fall shut with a soft thump as soon as I stepped through them.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on August 15, 2012, 09:00:54 AM
Too many time so far from the people, i think while im walking in the street, alone, tied... and bone dry. Walking in the street a see a bar, "ACHAT BAR GRILL"... and after 4 month in a big boat i think is the best place for have a drink and forget about my last bad experience with a woman who make me feel so painfull.

I walk to the door of the bar, and when i go into, i see some people having fan. "Is a nice bar, and i can feel good feelings in the ear" so i go inside, go to the bar, and ask for a beer.

while drink sip by sip, I look around, i see a nice girl with the pleasure in her face, a guy in a stage ready for sing, a big pool... and some noises in the other side of the bar, cant see but sounds good.

I put my eyes in my beer, im tied, and just look my beer, tip by tip, and take another one when is finished.

In the third beer, i start to think about her, a girl that one day know before start the travel, and never more saw her... but she was so special, my smile make me feel so good thinking about her, her smile, her eyes... i close a little my eyes... im so fucking tied, so i go to the music machine and insert one coin... looking for bands i found one sing perfect for the moment...

femme fatale... velvet underground...

while the music sound.... i cant stop of drink beers, a extrange feeling gone inside me... the pain, the pleasure mix in my heart in same proportion, i wake up to go to the toilet, and cant resist to see a stunning woman, sitting in a chair.. with a estrange pleasure face and sounds in the chair.. .like a vibration...

"I have to stop drink beers" come into my mind while sexy minds come into my mind...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on August 15, 2012, 09:51:56 AM
Laying against mrsexlover's chest, I kiss him deeply as we rest up a bit. My pussy continues squeezing his cock. He groans and flips me over. I reach up and tease his chest some more. Placing light kisses all over, he groans again and grabs my hands and holds them over my head. Smiling big, I wink at him.

"No more teasing me. I get to be the one who calls the shots now." He says with such a lustful voice.

Giggles as he starts to pound hard inside me knowing he got quite aroused from the bit of teasing. Arching up into his body, I try to take his cock deeper inside me. As the desire builds and builds, I wiggle underneath his body. He chuckles and slows down a bit keeping me on the edge. Writhing under him, I try to get him to reach the best spots, but every time he avoids it by moving his body as well. Frustrated, I try even harder. After what seems like ever, he all of a sudden reached down and rubbed the clit at the same time he sped up and pounded me hard again. That set the release off and I screamed loudly for what seemed a very long time as the orgasm ripped through me. He continues pounding hard and fast which keeps the orgasm going. I start bucking underneath him and writhing so much while squeezing so hard on his cock.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on August 15, 2012, 01:08:16 PM
The night turns so good... now i feel in heaven, just some beers, some nice feelings in the air and like if i was in a fairy forest, i feel bewitched by the atmosfere.

In my mind greetings are travelling, but i forget all about the girl who broke my heart, and all mymy senses are focused in the bar, and start to have some intrigue and need to know the secret. "Maybe in the boat could be good to have some of this"tell me my own mind.

"Sorry waitress, could i speak with the responsible or entertainer of this beautiful place?............".

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on August 15, 2012, 01:54:48 PM
(Greetings zoerink to the forum and to the bar and grill. Hope you enjoy and have a ton of fun  ::) )
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on August 15, 2012, 02:12:58 PM
(Thanks sexilicious, my english is not perfect (im from spain) but i read the story and i like it).

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 15, 2012, 03:32:43 PM
On my second red bull, a well known energy drink,  which apparently gives you wings,  I pop to the office and remove my present from JD ...  and place the precious item in my bag ...

Refreshed, I see a friendly face at the bar,    " Zoerink,  you made it ...  Come on... I got my noisy heels on and I hear you Matadors are great at the tango... grabbing his hand.  He holds me tightly around the waist,  forehead against mine & a rose in his teeth ... He bangs his heels on the wooden dance floor .. And our dance begins.....   :o
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on August 15, 2012, 05:28:09 PM
Welcome zoerink to the B&G and to the forums
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on August 15, 2012, 05:58:48 PM
As Jane turns to watch Lovers show she rolls her hips back and forth
Out the corn of my eye i see mrsexlover swoop his full  glass for my nearly empty one and think thats way i'm so drunk "RRR will I thought never mind"
Feeling Jane's warmth around my rock hard cock i flick my hips upwards and Jane turns right back and faces me with her I wide open and takes a sharp breath in I say to her "no that must be more interesting then anything else" From her deep breathing i see that it is
Smiling down at me she puts her hands on my shoulders and says "Much more interesting my love" Rolling her hip harder and making her clit hit my pelvis i roll my hips in time with hers pushing my cock in deep to her with each roll
I feel her get warmer around my member and know she is about to orgasm putting my hands on her hips and pull her down onto me harder as i roll my hips faster taking control of what was about to happen and knowing what will take her over the edge. taking my hands from her hips I slide them up under her top lifting it up over her bump and sliding my hands under her bra i cup her large breasts and squeeze them. i lean forward and take one of her nipples into my mouth and suck  on it as soon as my warm mouth hits her nipple her body shacks and holds me tight to her. As she shacks i feel a warm fluid flow over my cock and down over my balls feeling this i loss all control and EXPLODE deep inside my lover sucking Janes nipple hard as i fill her deep with my seed i hear her moan in my ear and  start to breath heavy she fulls onto me and holds me tight.
I whisper in her ear "That was better then any strip" "yes YES yes" she replied and she just sets there and relax's with my cock still as hard as a rock deep inside her
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on August 15, 2012, 06:25:14 PM
Feeling my man taking control and bringing my to a heavenly orgasm I hold him tight pushing his hands harder onto my breasts feeling the warmth coming from his hands my nipples get even harder and as for the hardness in the hot wet sex. I feel it twitch as i relax. Tango squeezes my breasts and start to gently roll his hips he pushes me back and rolls his hips more he moves me on lap and his cock hit that spot that only girls have. As it hits that spot each time i feels a wave of pleasure rush throw my body i bite my lip so not to scream out.
My eye fix into tango's and he knows what he has done again and he just keeps on going giving me wave after wave after wave of pleasure. I rest my elbows on the table behind me and just stay there on tango's joystick rolling my hips and just keeping the pleasure rolling throw my body.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on August 15, 2012, 09:17:29 PM
As sexi is bucking underneath me like the bull in the bar, and huging me and pulling me closer with her legs. I keep pumping her, She goes from orgasm to orgasm, and i almost loos control with her squeezing my cock. So i pull it out and pull her pussy up and starts to tonguefuck it in the same pace. In what seems to be seconds, her juices are gushing into my mouth, so much of it i barely can breath. OH fuck she is so hot.

I turn her around and lift up that beautiful behind, taking her doggy style, again starting slow but then faster and deeper. I rub a finger round that little star that seems to be winking to me, and as i hear her moan, i put a little presure on it. The top of my finger goes in.

"OOOh YES YES " I hear her shout, and while i keep pounding that pussy, i wiggle my finger so it goes a bit further and makes it a little wider.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on August 16, 2012, 04:10:23 AM
Watching Jane's face as she stares into my eye I watch as wave after wave pleasure rolls throw out her body.
I keep rolling my hips keeping her going and building her up. Now that Jane has layed back on the table I take my right hand down from Jane's breast moving down over her belly that I give a quick rub I slide my hand down lower and find her swollen clit. Just the lightest of touches her hole body starts to shack I feel her squirt a little as she cumms. Feeling her warm juices cover me i loss control and explode deep inside her filling her with my hot seed she closes her eyes and stops.moving just holding me tight in her wet hot pussy. Bring my hand up to my lips I lick and suck Janes sweet juices from then pulling her to me we kiss deeply and our tongues dance with each other
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on August 16, 2012, 04:31:11 AM
My arm is in a sling, and my head is bandaged.

There once was a woman names Lorella...  who had sex with an ape in a cellar...  She said that stupid baboon...  came too bloody damn soon... but then, so does the average fella.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on August 16, 2012, 01:47:45 PM
I start to dance, so awkward, im so nervous, i know her, but never been dancing with her... so that my nervousness is felt ... in the air.

She feel it, and start caressing my face and my neck, i close my eyes and let my feelings fly.. some minutes later, i feel better, can smile, and enjoy the company.

I stick to the body of brandy, uninhibited dance, beer and the peace and good vibes she gives me makes me feel comfortable ... I put my hand on her waist and kissed her cheek, then I look into her eyes and smile.

I bring my lips to her ear and say, whispering, "Thank you Brandy, now you make me feel in a cloud, thank you for this dance."

She looks at me and smiles ... is at that moment, when totally at ease with the situation, look at him, smiled with some sarcasm and irony and wonder ... Do you only drink red bull or you join a face to face with a drink?

I look around... and start to know that come into this bar is my best election in a long time...  :)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: iamincharge on August 16, 2012, 05:19:37 PM
Okay ive been asked to come and get a drink here (Double Jack preferably) im not sure if this is the right place or not but Im willing to give anything a shot to see how enjoyable it is!!!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on August 17, 2012, 01:40:17 AM
Welcome to the Bar & Grill iamincharge come have a beer. Here your first one is on me.
Hope you get to know us 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on August 17, 2012, 01:44:08 AM
Yes WELCOME to the BAR & GRILL I see Jane beat me to your first beer so let me get that Double Jack.
Have fun and enjoy
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on August 17, 2012, 03:23:38 AM
Feeling Tango's finger hit my CLIT the second it touch's it my body shacks uncontrollably I feel my pussy tighten and i EXPLODE SQUIRTING all over tango's rock hard cock and soft gently fingers.
I close my eye as so much pleasure rushes throw my hole body I stop myself shacking and set still just holding his still rock hard cock tight in my now burning hot pussy. Feeling Tango pull me up and i smell my sex on his lips has we start to kiss opening my mouth I take his tongue into my mouth and taste my own sweet taste on his tongue.
I open my eyes and look into my mans eyes feeling his cock twitch and my eyes open wide thinking "His still ROCK hard how's this happening"
I stop kiss him and move next to his ear and whisper "how are you still so hard what have you taken"
He whispers back " that my secret my love and there or NO drugs involved i promise you my love you know i would never take drugs"
Feeling him holding me so close I believe him knowing his stand on drugs. I kiss him deeply and know I my body wont take an orgasm like that again tonight.
Sitting still I reach down and slide myself off his cock pulling my pantie back to catch all the wetness from my pussy. Taking his hard cock covered in our mix off our sexy juices sliding my hand up and down it hard length feeling our wetness on my hand I smile down at my loving man and bring my hand up to his lips and let him lick them clean reaching down I try to put him away but he wont go back into his jeans.
I look into his eyes and say "it wont go back in" he looks up and smiles up at me
I slide off my mans lap he looks down moves around in his seat and puts himself away his jeans strain to hold him in.
I run my hand down over it and say "what a waist" but i know in my state I just can't take any more.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on August 17, 2012, 01:06:46 PM
while Brandy decides whether to take a drink with me, I'm dancing with her, moving my hand gently down her back ... over her clothes, and the tips of my fingers brush the skin of his neck. We hugged, we are stuck, breathing next to each other, and enjoying the moment.

The effect of beer make their appearance in my body, my mind, I'm totally uninhibited, "Thanks Brandy, you advised me this bar, and as a result, I am now flying over a cloud."

I lift my head a little, and greeting iamincharge amicably, the last person who has entered the bar.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 17, 2012, 02:07:38 PM
Breathless from my dance with Zoerink , the rose now in my teeth , I grin at him.  " That  was some dance " ,  I grab his hand and head to the bar . Jayc is serving at the moment  and we join. Iamincharge.   "  Glad you decided to come in too" I kiss his cheek in greeting.

"Double jack Daniels for  iamincharge and whatever Zoerink  is having... They are going to need it.... "  I shout to JD.   ". Got two volunteers for  your bull ". Turning to the new comers grinning .... " It's getting into a tradition,  see if you boys can beat stone's  9 seconds....  "

I turn to Jayc,  " oh by the way ,  seems some new office furniture has arrived...  My name is all over it ... But  I was  wondering ... Negligees & Boidoir shoes? ? ?  Is that what you wear when totting up the days takings ...?

" Think it's time put up the list for the pudding pit ...  The girls to pair up and wrestle for the guys  entertainment  , and , at  Covems suggestion, guys to sign up to take on the 7 Dwarfs all at the same time...  "

Stone grins at me ... " well,  you can put our name on that list,  I'll  wrestle you in the sticky stuff and I'm sure Jayc will want front row seats to help me shower afterwards"

Laughing at her eagerness ..   I pin the guys list and girls list to the notice board ...    And write   Brandy & Stone on the girls list.    And on the guys in big bold letters .....  Lover. ...     Hehehe....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on August 17, 2012, 03:13:04 PM
I turn around and look direct to the bull machine... turn around again, look brandy and ask...

"what can i win if i be there 9 seconds?"

after asking the question, hundreds of things around my head ... I look at the mechanical bull, and I think the force should be, can I bear it? I wonder, but I will not know unless I try, I look at it, and while I throw the question to Brandy, step by step, I move that beast on which I have to take 9 seconds.

 will I make? I keep asking myself ... while i take another beer from the bar.

"Thanks Jayc"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on August 17, 2012, 10:58:32 PM
your quite welcome Zoerink as i hand him his beer, turning to Brandy...........what you dont like the sleeper sofa? its top of the line.besides that old couch was uncomfortble, if you know what i mean i wink. and the two 50 inch tvs are perfect for american football season as i proudly display my Chicago Bears jersy. looking forward to the pudding pit battles, let see how many bouts we can arrange. i think i will sit out fighting the dwarves.......with Stone having payback on her pretty little mind i think its in my best intrest to be a watcher this time. Stone give us her "who me?" look. speaking of about a game of scabble? Stone says you cheat.......well not this time as i reach for the official scrabble dictionary. 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on August 18, 2012, 08:28:58 AM
Finally redressed I lean against the bar sipping on that long deserved beer. The chants for Lover appearance are pretty loud, but seem to fade a bit as the crowd seems to take the opportunity to give some of the dancers private tips.  None the less,... giving Lover a chance for his wardrobe choice seems important.  We need a momentary diversion.

I signal the bartender over... "9 pints of tap... and a hand delivering.." A curious glance given to me on the order., and I lend a hand carrying them as we head outside to the pudding pit where Covems and his crew are at.   Handing Covems a pint, I eye his companions and offer a pint to each of his crew, before pulling Covems to the side.

"We have need of your crew my friend... a short dinersion." ... I lean in and whisper my intent.   Covems considers my words, then gives a reluctant agreement.  Clicking the glassses we call the group over and fill them in on the details. Then chug our ale, covems and I finishing last as the dwarves put us to shame in draining the mugs.

To the chnt of "Hi Ho's" we head off back stage.... it's a short time before the stage darkens again... then relits with the 7 dwarves on it...
music bursting into "Macho man" as the dwarves do their strip.

No doubt a little chaos will follow,... and with a smug smile I head off,  back to the pool room and it's secret passage. I have to think,...find a plan to get the last of those responsible for my collaring.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on August 18, 2012, 04:55:51 PM
watching the curious sight on stage. being a vetran of a couple of Burning Man fests ive seen some stranges things out there in the desert, but this is on the list. i grab the bar camera and take a few pics for the bar wall. then shots of all the other contestants. wheres Bear? off to his lair JD responds. i will get him later. the dwarves take over a table and demand free drink and food. this could get ugly as i look around for Covems
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jay9 on August 18, 2012, 08:54:50 PM
The cab door closes, and he wastes no time speeding off, which is a little disconcerting. I look up at the building in front of me, doesn't look like much, unsure that this is the place. Pulling the business card the bus boy gave me from my pocket, this looks like it, 'Achat Bar & Grill'. Turning it over, there's a red lipstick imprint with the words 'Tell 'em Brandy sent you' underneath. Unsure what to expect, I walk through the door into the Bar.

The room is abuzz with noise - music, loud conversation, laughter, cheers eyes are drawn to the stage where the centre of most people's attention is, where i take a double take ... looks like seven male dwarfs doing a strip show? Immediately think to myself 'damn bus boy, he set me up as a joke'. Having no interest in a male strip venue, i turn and head for the door. Passing a group of people on the way i hear them talking of girls in a pudding pit ... I Stop myself - maybe I was too quick to judge :)

Pulling up a stool at the bar, I decide to give this place a chance and see what transpires ... god knows i ould use a beer right now anyway. Sitting here i have a view of the whole room, and happy to just sit and people watch.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 18, 2012, 09:28:42 PM
I'm  loving the Dwarf strip, nearly crying with laughter at their antics and suddenly see a new friend at the bar,  I make my way over to him and ask Stone to get  a drink on the house for him , 

I turn to him smiling " So glad you could make it "   and promptly ring the bar belll ... " Hey every body, this is Jay9 ..  he was the runner up in the erotic story contest ... if you haven't already read it .. check it out  " Bikini Girl "   Its hot and if I do say so myself ..  well impressed he used the Union Jack bikini as his inspiration "   

Cheers erupt over the melee with the Dwarfs and clapping at his achievement.

 I grin at him and nod over at the bull ... " You so got to have a go" ... and then to JD  " Hey you got another customer .. "

Stone grins at him , " Well Congratulations ..  Whats your poison? "
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on August 18, 2012, 09:53:04 PM
After having a good giggle at the dwarfs strip show Jane and l leave the table as all 7 head our way.
Moving over to the bar I pull a stall over for Jane she sets and Stone hands her a fresh coke and  me a new beer.
Jane turns and faces a new face at the bar "Welcome to the Bar & Grill you picked a strange night to come in. It's not every night you get to see 7 dwarfs stripping" she smiles pulling me to her she say's "l'm Jane and this is my man Tango." "Welcome to the Bar & Grill" l say as l put my hand out to shack his.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jay9 on August 18, 2012, 10:27:11 PM
You're too kind Brandy :)

Somewhat embarassed by the attention - was hoping to sit quietly and watch the room for a while - I ask Stone for a beer as she greets me.

Before I know it, some new friends slide up to the bar alongside and introductions are underway. "Nice to met you Jane, and you too Tango"

"I was wondering about that ... was this a typical night or did I happen upon this place at the right, or wrong, time !!! Depending on how you feel about dwarf male strippers I guess :)" Some friendly conversation follows, around what this place is usually like on a 'normal' night, do you come here often, etc, etc - all the while my eyes are scanning the room, noticing some interesting behaviour, some very amorous couples and people seemingly coming and going into other areas of the Bar I have not yet discovered. Quite the happening place !
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 19, 2012, 08:13:21 AM
I'll catch Brandy around the bar to talk whit her.

"Seems we have a problem.......Lover is not ready and he need some time....what we gonna do!? The girls wanna see his performance......Don't you hear them!?"

All the ladies in the bar get noisy asking for Lover to jump on stage....we look around ant then back to our talk.

"We can ask to the guys to sing a song or two, maybe!" i suggest her.

Brandy shakes her heads "The singer have some problem and we don't have a replacement....but maybe....."

She looks at me with a strange expression that i've seen other times: she has something in mind!

"You can sing whit them....i know your voice is ptretty good, i had hear you singing sometimes and i know you can do it!" she say pushing me to the changing room "you can use all you want....i think you will do a great show!"

She leave, closing the door behind me...."Great idea, HB....and now!?" i look around, thinking on my situation: i had sing before in front of my friends, but in front of the entire bar....geez! oh well, let's see what can i do.....uhmm, i have a song in my mind but i need some clothes....
I'm looking in the closet, on crutches: a little black dress and gloves, a tie .... a top hat, and then a man's overcoat! Perfect, it's all i need!

I'll change my clothes and adjust the make up....when i'm ready i meet the band behind the curtain to talk about the song.
Luckily they know it and we prepare the instruments and when ready i make a sign to the guy who must open the curtain. While it open, the tension start grow....hundreds of eyes will set me for all time i will be on stage.

Lost in my thoughts, i hear the guitar start.......i swallow and sing

"Man! I Feel Like A Woman!  -  Shania Twain"

Let's go girls! Come on.

I'm going out tonight-I'm feelin' alright
Gonna let it all hang out
Wanna make some noise-really raise my voice
Yeah, I wanna scream and shout
No inhibitions-make no conditions
Get a little outta line
I ain't gonna act politically correct
I only wanna have a good time

The best thing about being a woman
Is the prerogative to have a little fun

Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts-short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attraction
Color my hair-do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man! I feel like a woman!

The girls need a break-tonight we're gonna take
The chance to get out on the town
We don't need romance-we only wanna dance
We're gonna let our hair hang down

The best thing about being a woman
Is the prerogative to have a little fun

Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts-short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attraction
Color my hair-do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man! I feel like a woman!

The best thing about being a woman
Is the prerogative to have a little fun (fun, fun)

Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts-short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attraction
Color my hair-do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man! I feel like a woman!

I get totally crazy
Can you feel it
Come, come, come on baby
I feel like a woman

at the end, i'm there, on the stage, with the top hat throwed somewhere and overcoat pulled down to my elbows, waiting for a response from the patrons.....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on August 19, 2012, 09:00:19 AM
Standing up at the bar with Jane and Jay9 the ladies all start to cheer for Lover again now that the Dwarfs had left the stage.
HB  and  Brandy disappear into the changing room Brandy comes back out Quickly thinks that's "Strange" Brandy goes over to the band and the move back onto the stage.
ALL the ladies are still cheering for LOVER  to strip for them
 When the lead guitarist starts to play I smile knowing the song instantly. HB APPEARS from behind the opened curtains
With the first line
                                                  LET'S GO GIRLS   COME ON

The hole Bar cheer as HB starts to sing and all clap in time with the song

ALL the Ladies sing the line  MAN!     I FEEL LIKE A WOMAN!

Putting my arms around Jane I whisper    Man   I feel like this woman again. She turns and Kisses me "not again tonight mister" and kisses me again
standing behind her i feel her and reach behind her and run up my inner thigh and up onto my fly of my jeans she turns her eye wide and say's "STILL" I just smile down at her.

HB finishs her song and the hole bar cheers and claps and start to cheer      HB    HB     HB    HB     HB
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on August 19, 2012, 11:22:44 AM
The lights are switched off… there is the sound of a bell far away… again, bit louder… again… louder… and louder… most recognize it’s “Hells Bells”
(“Hells Bells” AC/DC )

As the guitar starts to play I enter the stage. I wear a white suit, white shoes and a white shirt with golden stars and buttons on, a band collar, the shirt is opened until my navel.

Fast I walk above the stage, then jump down to the screaming crowd. Turning around, showing my back, bending down till my head reaches my feet. Looking trough my legs, sending a devilish smile as Im shaking my ass.

Flipping over, landing on my hands I slide down to my belly. Turn around to my back, spread my legs and place my hands on my lap. Take em away and hold em against my ears… I hear everyone screaming and clapping.

In front of me I see Stone sitting on a chair. I wave and she’s coming over. Offering her both of my hands, she takes them and pulls me up. As I’m on my feet I quickly turn her around and into my arms. Embrace her, give a kiss on her neck and leave her, making my way to Brandy.

Just as I’m right in front of her the music stops and the lights go down. It’s silent and dark for a moment. Then a new song is beginning… Elvis himself is singing “Fever” )

I move my hips in rhythm of the song and sing the first words of it.

“Never how much I love you
never how much I care
When you put your arms around me
I get a fever that’s so hard to bear”

While I’m singing I take her hand to my shirt and show her to pull. She does with one jerk and my shirt jumps off. Again I take her hands, put them on my breast and lead her way down to my trouser. At once she wants to open the button, but I push her away.

Blinking to her I go back to stage, shaking and waving my hips and ass. As Elvis is singing “And you know I’m gonna treat you right” I tear away my pants, showing my white briefs.

I show Sexiliscious and Blue to come on stage. As they are close to me, one on the left and one on the right side, they take my briefs…Elvis sings “Daddy, o don’t you dare…” they pull hard and I loose my briefs.
I kiss blue’s lips and lick above Sexis while my hands hide my manhood.

Again I turn around and circle my ass, slowly moving my upper body around, smiling to everyone. Take my right hand and blow kisses to the girls, then turn my body to the left side and also blow handkisses to the Ladies on this side.

"Now you've listened to my story
Here's the point that I have made
Cats were born to give chicks fever
Be it Fahrenheit or centigrade
They give you fever when you kiss them
Fever if you live and learn
Fever till you sizzle
What a lovely way to burn
What a lovely way to burn
What a lovely way to burn"

Now I show my front side, my hands on my manhood. In the moment the music stops I take away my hands…. And the lights go down.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on August 19, 2012, 12:38:40 PM
AC DC, Elvis... nice songs... i feel good hearing so nice music and start to dance, step by step... walking to the bull machine.

I put out my t shirt... I ride the beast, and close my eyes. :)

I hear that in five seconds the beast begin to bounce and bounce, as my whole body. I grab the straps, put my legs, everything is ready, the countdown has begun. I close my eyes ... I hear background music, ever further, I'm focused, tense, feeling the air coming through the door caressing my face, my bare chest, I want this beast and I are one ... missing two seconds, one ... mechanical bull and starts dancing, soft first feel my buttocks bouncing in the saddle, it hurts, but I endure well the first 2 seconds.

Suddenly, the beast begins to throw stronger and stronger, more and more powerful, my body flies, and we are not one, we are two and one has it very, very wrong.

After six seconds, a blow to my nobler parts makes me lose my breath, loosened a bit and go flying ... for 3 seconds, my body goes in perfect harmony with the air, with the breeze coming through the door and rubs my skin, my eyes are closed, and a sharp pain through my body, my weapon to be father has been hit hard , and that hurts.

I fall to the ground for a few seconds, my breathing was choppy. These shots are painful .. I look around and I see some humor ... I think I was not the first to fall.

"JayC, get me another beer please ... and some ice, I need"

I say no to just move ... "The next time you want to bet, I prefer the pool" I say, laughing, cheerfully taking the insufferable damage I have in my balls. :)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on August 19, 2012, 01:37:42 PM

What GREAT night watching all the sexy guys of the Bar & Grill striping for us girls
And then watching to 7 dwarfs do there bit to
and then to have HB sing Man I Feel Like A Woman
And then Lovers GREAT strip
Not thinking the night could get any better I turn to Dutch and say " time for a strong drink" I get up from our table and walk over to Jane & Tango.
Not getting all the way to them the wooden door of the Bar opens and in from the packing lot walks a GORGEOUS face I turn and SCREAM MEDJAI and run over to him and JUMP into his open arms kissing him deep on the lips and raping my legs around his waist
Whispering in his ear "you made it my love" holding my tight I feel his hands slide down from around my back and on to my ass.
He see's Jane & Tango and carry's me over to them, Tango grad's a stole so Med an put me down. I don't Let him go keeping my arms around him as he kisses Jane and shacks Tango's hand
Pulling him back close to me again resting my head on him chest he puts an arm around me and rubs it up and down my back.
Stone ask "whats it going to be Medjai" he answers "just a beer to start with thanks" sliding my hand down his front and he starts to drink his beer
my hand goes down and stops on his belt and I try to undo it with out him feeling what i'm doing
He looks down at me and smiles "what do you think your doing" I look up "who me" and bats my eye lids and gives him my best panda eyes
"Not here my love Not stood at the bar" I stand up taking Med bye the Hand and take him off into the pool room almost closing the door behind him
I turn to Med and kiss him again "its been to long my love" kissing him deeply again i pull him over to the pool table opening my legs wide i pull Med in between them and rap my legs around him.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 19, 2012, 02:24:27 PM
before the lights goes off for the begin of Lover performance, i move to the counter, where i order an house beer to gain some refreshment after my song. I sip it watching Lover on stage and thinking about him: at last, me and Brandy had forced him a little to join the contest, but he deserve it.....he can't know i had find out about his mistake in the first round of our little challenge: he had fail in taking the time of our ride and this is my little revenge!

But at last, he make a good performance whit the short time i gave him to prepare himself tonight! I move behind the curtain and stop him before he can reach the changing room.

"Next time, be sure to don't mess with a challenge...." i tell him, caressing his chest "anyway, you had offer to all a good show....i'm surprised!"

I kiss him on his left cheek, leaving on it a pretty mark of red lipstick. i walk away, giving him a gentle slap on his bum, then, before i'm too far from him, i turn back and smile at him

"Hope you can offer a good show in the pudding pit too.....seems you are in for it too!"

He stare at me i'm sure he don't know about the list! eh eh! more fun will come soon, then! I leave and wave my hand to salute him and  move back to the bar, where the winner will declared soon.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on August 19, 2012, 04:00:00 PM
Once again at the microphone....

What do you get when you cross a rooster with an owl?               A cock that stays up all night.                         What do you get when you cross a rooster with an M&M?                    A cock that melts in your mouth, not in your hand.

I need to make some gizmos for the BUNNY DIV, Space Patrol.... I'll be back later.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on August 19, 2012, 09:12:03 PM
(sorry for the long wait lol nothing like getting pulled away a couple of days by family coming to town and being with them and not the computer :) )

As sexi is bucking underneath me like the bull in the bar, and huging me and pulling me closer with her legs. I keep pumping her, She goes from orgasm to orgasm, and i almost loos control with her squeezing my cock. So i pull it out and pull her pussy up and starts to tonguefuck it in the same pace. In what seems to be seconds, her juices are gushing into my mouth, so much of it i barely can breath. OH fuck she is so hot.

I turn her around and lift up that beautiful behind, taking her doggy style, again starting slow but then faster and deeper. I rub a finger round that little star that seems to be winking to me, and as i hear her moan, i put a little presure on it. The top of my finger goes in.

"OOOh YES YES " I hear her shout, and while i keep pounding that pussy, i wiggle my finger so it goes a bit further and makes it a little wider.

Wrapping my legs around him tightly, I try holding him as best as I can inside me. Next, I know he is tongue fucking me and oh that feels so good. I grab his head and hold him there tightly as I quickly approach an orgasm and fill his mouth with my taste. He then flips me around and takes me like a dog.

Then I feel his finger searching and probing into my little hole, so I push back against him letting it go all the way in. He starts sliding the finger in and out making it easier and easier to slide. He then sticks a second finger in and continues to slide in and out of both holes. Rising my need even more, I rock back against him more.  Squeezing tightly against his fingers and cock as the need continues to rise within me, I rock back even harder against his body.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on August 20, 2012, 11:56:18 AM
Standing with my arms around Janes waist she turns to me "look your Dutches is sat all on her own" she smile at me giggles and say's "i'm sure she would like that" as she looks at the bodge in my jeans. I look at Jane and smile "she would love it but i'm here with you my love" looking back up at me "It would be a waist to waist that thow its ok my love go over and and she if she is ok" I learn down and Kiss my great Girlfriend and walk over to my DUTCHES I keep looking back to Jane and she keeps waving her hand for me to keep going.

I reach my Dutches putting my arms around her from behind. She jumps as i hold her and turns her head and see's its her Duke holding her.She smiles up at me I kiss her cheek gently and work my way around to her soft lips she kisses me back then pulls away and looks over at Jane I look over just turning my eyes I see lots of eye movement from Jane then I feel a hand running alone my hard length in my jeans. I turn to look over at Jane gives me a devilish grin a wink and a nods of her head. With just that little look and a nod I know that Jane is happy with this.

I turn my attention back to my Dutches kissing her check again turning her around I holder close to me and can feel the heat from her newly tanned skin and whisper in her ear "can i see your white bits my sweet"
"It's not very big my Duke" she whispers back smiling  :D

Putting my arms around her and under hers I pick her up off her stole she puts her arms around my neck, raps her legs around my waist carrying her away from the front of the stage  area and into on of the side both's sitting down with her on my lap. We kiss and our hands run all over each others body's i slide my hands up under her top and cup her from breasts rubbing my palms over them making her nipples nice and hard
She fights and my jeans to undo them as she undoes them i lift my ass off the set and wriggle out of them. my cock jumps out and hits her damp panties in one move she pulls them to one side and slides her self right down to its hilt.she moans as she feels me stretch her softest silk skin lips, i roll my hips rubbing my pelvis against her clit as she takes the feeling of my cock hit every part of her inner walls.
sliding my hands round onto her ass i pull her cheeks apart on run a finger down over her tight little star
my fingers purses on it and does little circles and with a little pressure the tip of my finger goes in and her body jumps and i feel her clamp down on my cock and finger.
She kisses me deeply and moans into my mouth as i start to bounce her up and down on my cock with each bounce she hits my pelvis and bangs here clit hard down on it. I put a little more pressure on my finger and it goes in a little more  as i feel her ass relax i push my finger right in this makes her clinch my cock hard in her wet hot pussy
I push up hard as she holds me so tight I know she is close i push a second finger up into her tight ass and wiggle them deep inside her.
we match each others  thrusts and i feel hes walls tighten then relax and a wave of a massif an Orgasm rush throw her body moaning loudly as she cummms over and over . I have that feeling rush throw me  and i can't hold back any more . she looks into my eyes and knows the look slide of my cock and takes me right down into her mouth just as I explode deep into her hot mouth she sucks down hard and swallows it all down not missing a drop milking my cock and sucking my balls dry,

she comes back up and kisses me letting me taste my own love seed we kiss deeply and let our tongues dance

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on August 20, 2012, 12:32:44 PM
*cough couch*. Sorry, just getting over strep throat.  Good to be back at the bar.  Grabbing the mic from Covems...  What is better than a rose on your piano?

Tu lips on my organ.     *rim shot*

Jumping down from the stage, I see I have a customer at the bull.  Time to wind it up to see what it can do....  Hold on to your hats!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on August 20, 2012, 10:17:41 PM
Feeling the squeeze Sexi is giving me, and the ever increasing pace she rocks back, i take my hard member out of her dripping wet love cave and move a bit over. With a gentle motion i slowly enter that other winking hole. She moans loud as i enter but then as i feel her relax and adjusting to the size being in there she starts to rock back again.

With gentle care is start to move deeper in and out, but she wiggles her ass so hard and moans for more, that i take it all the way in to the hilt. Both now rocking back and forth hard, she squeezing my cock and me slapping my balls against her pussy, and as i can no longer control my self and expolde deep in her back door, i feel her shaking and her wetness again flows freely down my legs.

She sqeeuzes every drop out of me, and while she does that she lifts herself up and turns her head back to kiss me.

"That was just what i needed darling" she is gasping.

And as we lie down in each others arms, kissing tenderly and both feel a fulfilment, there is suddenly a bang on the doors of the van. From outside we hear a voice

"You better watch out in there Chief Azrielle is back on patrol and she does not like her police equipment being used without her authorization"

We both look startled at each other and start to giggle

"We better clean up a bit and get back inside the bar" i say to sexi and as nods she starts to get her stuff, and with a final check that everything is as we found it, i close the van and we both sneak back into the bar.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 21, 2012, 02:02:12 AM
perfect.....time to move back to work!

The strip contest is over and it's time to choose the photos to be displayed on the notice board near the counter. I'll take the camera and move to the office where Brandy had recently arranged a pc for manage orders and where she can controll all the webcam pointed on the wild bronko.

No one is in the room and this is a great news, cause i can work faster alone! The work is not complex but for sure it's boring, so soon i can start and soon i can complete it! i put out the memory stick from the camera and insert it in the pc....after few second the windows with all the file pop up on the screen......damn, 2000 shots! it will take 2 or more hour! sigh......

First step is to create a folder in the image gallery of the pc and then to create one folder for every stripper: Bear, Lover, the dwarf, Tight and all the others. Now the second step....copying all the pics in the right folder: luckily, i had write on a piece of paper the shoot number for everyone, so this part of the work is easy and it takes 3 minutes to be done. But the next part is the bored one.....i have to look all the shots and choose a max of 30 for each stripper to be printed.

Last shots i had copied were abaout Lover, so i start whit him. When i open the first one, a little surprise pop on the screen: someone had use the camera and take some photo of my performance on the stage! I watch them all and some looks good....i don't know who had make the shots, but i can use them for my self.....mmmh, looking at one, it's a bit hard to recognize me in it: the overcoat hide perfectly my body shapes and the make up i had use it's more marked then usually, but perfect for that eh! but i have no more time to stare at it, i have to move back to work!

One hour and half later, only the the folder of Bear needs to be last is the biggest one, whit double or more of the shots, also because of the involvement of Brandy. At every pics who roll in front of my eyes, my mind run to our meeting in the Ice House....the strange dragon toy (maaan, i hope one day i can try it!), the warmth of his hands on my body and the wild, even if it was a bit short, encouter we have....
While those memories run in my mind, under my eyes begin to scroll the shots of him and Brandy togheter: at every shot, i feel shiver running on my body and rising little by little....i must focus on my work, but i can' mind is going wild and my hands glide over my body, stimulating my most sensitive parts.

I guess I'm in place of Brandy, who hands caressing me are those of Bear .... i remember the chorus of the song that i sang a little while ago "Man! I feel like a woman!" .... maybe it's just a coincidence i had choose that song or maybe it was to remember me how Bear had make me feel tonight....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on August 21, 2012, 03:59:57 AM
As HB is watching the photos she is totally lost in his own world...
So she doesnt notice me sneaking in... slowly moving closer... suddenly I take her, pull her around and give a hot kiss to her lips... my hands grab her ass and knead it...

Just as she recognizes whats going on i stop, laugh, and say "You thought I don't know the list? Hahaha.. babe, I know everything going on here. Sorry, I would like to stay but you have a job to finish!"

I turn around and leave.. before I close the door i look at her, smile  and walk away.

Back on stage

A man came walking up to his grandparent's house when he noticed his grandfather sitting on the porch, in a rocking chair, with nothing on
from the waist down.
"Grandpa, what are you doing?" he exclaimed. The old man looked off in the distance without answering.
"Grandpa, what are you doing sitting out here with nothing on below the waist?" he asked again.
The old man slowly looked at him and said, "Well, last week I sat out here with no shirt on, and I got a stiff neck. This is your grandma's

I wait a few seconds then I lift my voice

"Ladies and Getnleman now our band is performing some songs for you. The rich people (I look around and smile) only have to shake their jewelry... all the other can dance, sing, clap... have fun!!!!"

The band starts to play "Raise your glass", Pinks voice is done by All_for_you
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 21, 2012, 04:45:05 AM
I stare at Lover leaving the office with an icy look......he stole a kiss and then leave as if nothing had happend!

"You know everything going on in the B&G.....uhmmm....wonder if it's really true..." i think while moving back to my work.

Half of the Bear's folder is done and i want to hurry to complete it, so i can take the selected files and move home to stamp them. I work hard for the next hour and it's finally done....without changing my colthes, i run home driving my car and turn on my pc and the printer. I prepare lot of photografy quality paper to stamp a full serie of the files and charge them on the printer. When the pc is finally ready, i connect the pen drive and set the stamp of the files and run it.

While the printer is working, i open my closet: i begin to look at my clothes, hoping to find a more appropriate one for what i have in takes a while, but at last i have all i need and i wear them. I look back at the printer and it seems like the photo are ready....i put them in an envelope bag, wear the overcoat and close it well, to cover my full's a little hot whit it, but no one had to see what i'm wearing under it....

I enter in my car and drive back to the B&G, move to the board and set the by one, divided by each stripper. Then, when i've done, i move away, ready for my little new work to do....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 21, 2012, 09:00:36 AM
The band is near to end the song and soon Lover will be again on the stage....i have to hurry if i wanna start my little plan. I reach the guy who open and close the curtain and talk whit him, explaining some stuff he have to do for helping me: how to set the light and the sign he have to wait to start his part of the plan.

I hide in a corner of the back stage, waiting for the end of the song......finally the instrument play the last note and Lover move over the curtain to announce the next event. I'll take the chair and walk behind the curtain till i reach the center of the stage: here i place the chair and turn it to face the crowd and wait, standing up over it.

When Lover move back to backstage, i'm there, in front of him....he stop and a bit surprised he look at me.

"What's up, HB!? You wanna sing another song!?" he say moving a step closed.

I approach him, slowly "No....i have something different in mind now...." i smirk at him and start to untie the belt of the overcoat and then i remove it from the loops and put it in the overcoat pocket. I stop at two step away from him.

"it will be  really hot whit that...." he smiles, ignoring what gonna happend soon....

"oh, it's not so hot as you can think...." while answer him, i begin unbutton the overcoat, starting from my neck and moving down. At every button, some inchs of my skin will revealed till it's totally open. I open it wild, to be sure he can stare at what i'm wearing under it: around my neck, the tie i had used during my song and lower......nothing more then black laced stocking, black leather high boots and leather gloves on my arms.

While he still there, motionless and looking at me, i approach him and pressed my naked body on him and softly lick his neck, sliding my tongue up to his lips. With my hand i hold his nape and close my lips on his and slide my free hand under his open shirt and help it to fall down from his shoulder: first the left, then from the right one....

I move forward a little, pulling him whit me....he is a bit umbalanced....good, i was waiting for this! I make him turn whit his back behind the chair and push him forward, till he must fall on it. I sit on his thighs and force him to lean on the chair backrest while i kiss his neck....furtively, i take the overcoat belt from the pocket, waiting for the right moment to make my move.

I start to kiss his chest when i notice he close his eyes: faster then i can, i grab his arms and pull them over the backrest and try to tie them: when he recognized what happend, Lover try to make resistant but the work is half done and, using all my strength to immobilize him, it's totally done. I can read anger in his eyes, but i don't care....i grin happily and start to work out whit his pants, removing the belt first then unzip them, leaving them open to expose his underwear.

"GET YOU!" i scream. At those words, the guy open the curtain (it's the phrase that we previously agreed) while i pull Lover's pants a bit down along his thighs and tapping his panties whit my fingers. some patrons turn to the stage and start to murmur, attracting the attention of the others. I look over my shoulders for an instant and notice everyone slowly turning to watch at us.

I move my head near his ear and whisper "You know all goes on on the B&G you said....wonder if you know you will end half naked in front of all again, tonight!". I grin again, enjoing the situation.

I see the fire of angriness burning in his eyes while he try to escape from me and the chair. I'm about to get up when my bad side wants to go further....i push down his panties too and move close to his waist with my bum: the soft touch of his dick under my bum make me moan softly....

"Hope you are ready, cause when i get up, you will give a great unexpected show...." i kiss again his lips and start the countdown "3, 2, 1...."

I stand up and walk behind him with my right hand on his shoulder. When i reach the position, i hold his head in my hands and lift it to make him watch me in my eyes: his gaze is deep but i smile at him....
I bow and my head  move near his one....whit my hands i fondle his chest, slowly my hands move down to his abdome....his eyes are glued on my face...."good, now i have your attention...." i say before giving him another long kiss.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on August 21, 2012, 12:28:20 PM
BEEP…    BEEP…    BEEP…    BEEP…    BEEP…    BEEP…

With a loud, resonating sound I back the tanker truck up to the back of Achat’s Bar and Grill and hop out of the cabin. With a loud knock on the doorpost, I poke my head in look around if anyone’s there. The place is empty, a loud noise coming from the other side of the storage room, the bar at full swing. I just catch Lover’s announcement and the band starting a new song.

I walk into the storage room and start looking for the attachment of the pudding tank that Covems had installed for his pit. I push away some boxes, look behind a storage rack, the top shelf filled with small bottles of Spanish Fly.

‘Hmm, is this what Stone uses for her house cocktail? No wonder…’

Then, almost hidden behind a pile of crates, i finally find the connector to the pudding tank. I walk back out to the truck and connect the hose to the back of the tank, feed it to the connector in the storage room and check the latches before i turn on the pump of the truck. A dial on the back shows me the progress and a smile curls my lips as I think about the upcoming wrestling matches.

The pudding is made based an old recipe that my gran wrote down on a piece of paper when I was a young boy, winking at me and making sure that I put it in a safe place, our little secret. Rich with vanilla, just sweet enough to want more, not so sweet it’ll make you nautious and for the occasion and the location, a good amount of raspberry liquor. Thick and creamy and able to withstand the slippery bodies of the girls when they go at eachother..

I watch the dial go down slowly as the thick, creamy liquid is pumped into the narrow channel that feeds the pudding tank in the storage room. And as soon as the pump start to push air through the tubes, I shut it off and start to disconnect the hoses. I walk up to the connector in the storage room, grab the latch and pull on it. As soon as the seal is broken, the remainder of the pudding left in the hose is gushed out, covering my body from hair to toes, the force and shock make me tumble backwards and land on the floor, close to the door leading to the bar.

Slowly I move my hands to my face and whipe the pudding from my eyes, my lashes sticking together, thick drips running down my neck, dripping from my chin. Immediatly I know what i did wrong, not being used to unload a tanker truck, though my friend told me specifically.

‘Don’t forget the release valve… Idiot!’

I look at the puddle of pudding that has formed at the end of the hose, glistening in the sunlight that falls through the window at the back, the boxes, walls, celing and doors splattered with pudding when I sudenly hear the door from the bar open…
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 21, 2012, 03:50:45 PM
The spotlight is pointed on hands running on his abdomen and left thigh, while our lips are closed in a long kiss. Our eyes peering carefully, trying to catch every little sign of failure from the others. My hand rise up from his knee moving long his inner thigh, grazing around his pubic area now....his body is crossed by chills, i can feel it clearly, and it pass to me, in my hands....running long my arms till it reach my neck making me tremble.

I tiptoeing the tip of Lover's dick, react to my touch....even Lover's body react to it, arching his back. I move those same fingers close to my lips and lick them, slowly, being sure he can take a good look at my tongue and at the full movement.

I gently smile at him and move my lips closed to his ear and whisper "You will enjoy this....and our audience too!"

I lick his ear and then softly bite it making him moan.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on August 21, 2012, 08:23:12 PM
Walking back into the bar, I see Tight walking into the storage room after glancing around the room. Curious as to what he was up to, I whisper in mrsexlover's ear. "Gonna see what mischief my dear friend, Tight, is up to. Don't worry if I'm gone too long." Giggles softly at the mischief I'm about to do. I grab a snack to recover part of my body from all the activity before heading over to the storage room. Opening the door softly, I see Tight on the ground covered in...... could it be......... pudding.

"Well, Tight, I didn't realize it would be you covered in the pudding first or I would've jumped at the chance to do the pudding pit. Would love wrestling you to the ground or vice versa. Alas, seems you already are on the floor and covered in pudding with no pit here. Would you care for a bit of help?"

Giggling softly, I slowly take the cheerleading outfit off my body and lay it aside careful so that it doesn't get dirty. Walking with careful steps, I reach Tight and kneel down in the pudding with him. "MMMMM you sure look good covered in pudding, and I could use some refreshment." Placing my hands on his shoulders, I lean in and softly kiss his temple. Sliding my tongue along his face, I taste the pudding. "MMMMM taste good too." :) Slowly licking his eyebrows, I then move to right above his closed eyes gathering all the pudding off of his face little by little.

While I continue licking his face, I reach down and cover my hands in pudding. Reaching back up, I start to stroke Tight's bare arms up and down covering them up with the pudding. Once his arms are covered, I move over to his ear and lick the bit of pudding off of his earlobe. First, I lick the pudding off his left ear followed by his right ear. Moving my hands to his chest, I continue stroking and getting his shirt dirty with the pudding still remaining on my hands. I then move down his jaw and lick up the pudding on his chin before it drips onto his shirt. Licking around and around his jaw then cheeks, I slowly move in towards his lips.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on August 22, 2012, 11:46:38 AM
The first thing in my mnd when I noticed my arms are tied is "The show must go on - if you can't stop it you have to make it"
I look around to the audience and try to get some time. Catching his eyes, she is looking at me. Both are carefully watching.. she minds if I can free myself or about my reaction I of course look for a way to get out...

What's this? My body answers to her caressing... I see her wonderful tits and two hard nipples... she is excited as I now am...
She is licking her fingers after she touched the head of my cock... oooh this beast... she is teasing me and enjoying it... and anyhow I enjoy too...
 A last time i try to get out off my ties... it doesnt work. "OK Lover" I speak to myself... "Go on and make a great show" and an inner voice also says... HB gets the fight she now has started... hehehe...

As she is licking my ear I moan... try to forget all the other around and just live this moment... "Kiss me" i speak loud and clear turning my head to her. She looks bit surprised. Probably she isn't sure if I really want it or if it's a trick. But I now she's gone too far.. she is on stage and now can't go back so she's bending down and comes close to kiss me...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 23, 2012, 04:13:56 AM
Is Lover really giving up!? i'm a little disappointed by this, it's a bit soon, but i was expecting he will, soon or later....the belt is tied tight around his arms and i doubt he can free his self alone. To his request, i laugh maliciously and get up, resting my hands on his shoulders, rubbing gently. "Kiss me" he said, like it was an order  and not a request. What strong will he have! maybe i should do this or should i make him wait and ask again, but for sure this situation is damn intriguing now!
At the same time, i am hesitant on what to do, i did not think to push me up to this point at the begin, but only to leave him there in the middle of the stage and tied to the chair .... in the end, i got carried away by this game and now i can't stop my self! My hands shaking as i caress his skin and his entire body is crossed by shivers of pleasure.

"Kiss me!" he repeat loudly and looking directly in my eyes: i can see no hesitation but a firm determination to go beyond himself. I can't deny i enjoy this situation and even if i try to do it with my mind, my body show me the true: shivers are rising and my body feel hot and sweaty. I bite hard my lower lips and my hands start to run on my naked skin: my neck first, then move down to my tits and at last on my belly! The overcoat slide down from my shoulders and stop on my elbows, leaving my tits and my hard nipples exposed to the audience: i can feel their eyes exploringg every inch of my body, their hands would like to touch it and the beast inside me would let them do it!

A crazy idea run in my mind....slowly i move in front of Lover, dropping the overcoat on the flor. I sit on his tighs and hold his lips move closer to his, at least giving him the kiss he had ask me not one, but two time: our tongues move to the rhythm of a voluptuous dance while my free hand run on his dick, firmly caressing and stimulating it. I try to leave a part of me lucid, to seize the right moment and make my next move.

Behind us the audience is noicy, cheering us to go on and give them a great show. And they will have it, i'm pretty sure of it....under the gently touch of my hand, Lover's dick is now grown and partially erect. I move my bum a little forward till his dick is pressed between our belly and slowly i move mine to graze his dick with it. i can sense his dick growing again and something soaking my belly....probably some precum had float out of it! Trying to stay focused on my plan, i recognize this is the right time to do it....

My hands, till now around his neck, start to follow the line of his arms, gently, till they reach the belt who block them to the backrest. I untie his arms, slowly, till he is free to move them again. my lips left his, moving closer to his ear .... a mischievous grin accompanies them in a gentle whisper....

"Now that you are free, what are you going to do, honey?!"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: christinak on August 24, 2012, 02:37:29 PM
tango holds the door open for myself and blu, like a true gentleman.  I step inside the front door of the bar and it feels a little strange, not entering and exiting via the pool room.  I walk further inside and I nod to tango, who steps in front of me and says in a loud full voice, “ATTENTION EVERY ONE.  MAY WE HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE!”

The music went quiet and the voices lowered as I stepped forward.  “Greetings everyone.  Most of you know me already, I am Miss Christy from The Ice House, these are my subs, blu and tango.”  I introduced them as blu curtseyed and tango gave a bow.  “I’m sure all of you have received your invitations now, and I invite you to join us at The Ice House tonight.  The food is being delivered as we speak, Brandy has generously provided all the drinks from the AB&G, and there will be lots of fun and games throughout the night.”  I said looking around and seeing smiles start to appear.

Continuing, I said, “Bear’s revenge will also be coming to its sexy climax in The Great Hall, and we will have a collaring ceremony as well, and would love it if you would attend.  Finally, we have a mystery glory hole booth that everyone can enjoy.  So please join us!  We are looking forward to having you.  My two subs will lead the way to the side entrance of The Ice House.”  I said, and blu and tango began ushering the patrons toward the door and leading them back to the building behind the bar. 

I stepped over to the bar where Brandy was smiling at me.  “I love your gown.”  She said.

“Thanks girl, but I can’t wait to get back to The Ice House, it is so hot under this thing.”  I replied, as she passed me a whisky.  I picked up the small glass and sipped as I watched the patrons file out the door, then looked at Brandy again.  “I can’t thank you enough for all your help.  None of this would be possible without you.”   
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on August 24, 2012, 04:36:11 PM
As HB has untied my arms she asks what I'm goin to do...
I smile to him "Let me coddel you" I whisper... "I will make your nipples harder then ever" i go on talking to him waiting for her reaction as I star to the tits... her  nipples are very erected and i can see pleasure and lust in his eyes. Hm... it seems i also notice some fear... probably she donesnt trust my words?!

"Trust me" i repeat my words... "your nipples will be harder then they ever have been..." get up and place her on the chair. Looking deep in her eyes as i slowly brush her tits up and down... making sure our audience is seeing everything.

"Are this wonderful tits?" i loud ask. Whistles, claps and "yeahhhhhhhh" calls are the answer we get. I go behind her and squeeze the boobs... her cock is growing and visible for everyone... so her nipple are. I look to JD. He nods... he knwos what i want. As I go on massaging her tits i notice JD fast going to the console. Moaning into HB ears "mmmmm wonderful tits... enjoy my touching....." her eyes are closed, i see precum dripping out and hear her moaning.... JD is at the console now...

Loud i say "They are very hard... and they will be much harder.... NOW!"
After my last word i jump back three steps and JD starts a big waterfall exactly to the place HB is sitting. Cold water is falling down to her body... her nipples are REALLY hard... hehehehe....

Good luck we prepared this effect for another act on stage ( you remember the movie Flashdance? A girl wanted to perform this) and HB placed the chair at this place.....

She jumps up, gasping, fast breathing, blwoing and coughing... Angry she looks around to me... i just smile and make some steps closer to her... hugging her.... she can't be angry any longer and together we turn to the audience and laugh....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 25, 2012, 06:26:41 AM
Soaked from toes to head, makeup melted by the cold water and chills running again on my body....Lover's lips pressed on mine and our eyes gazing deep in each other. I was expecting something from Lover, maybe just a little different, but at least he had nicely surprise me.

Whistles and claps gets loud and we can't hold a laugh turning at the audience: it's the second time i'm totally naked in front of the patrons of the B&G, but this time was my choise, not an accident. Their eyes are focused on us and had enjoy the unexpected show....we bow them, blow a kiss to all and then move to the backstage, where i take the overcoat i had drop on the floor.

The curtain had start to close when Christy stepped in the bar and make her announce, inviting all to the party in the Ice House mentioning the invitation hidden in the box carried early here in the B&G. When i read the invitation in it, i wasn't interessed in joining it but now, after what happend there with Bear and thinking about the sweet memories i have of that place, i'd really like to join in! But there is a little problem....i need to change but have no time to go back home!

After entering in the changing room, i look for the clothes i had leave shorts, a red shirt, my hat and the belt of Bear: not so much for a decent outfit. While i think how to solve this problem, i take off the gloves, the boots and the stocking....luckily, boots and gloves are not wet inside and i can use them again after dry up my self with a towel: i start from my legs, moving up thighs, my belly and at last my arms. The soft touch of the towel, make me think at Bear and Lover's hands....both of them have a wonderful why of use them, different of course, but i had really enjoy it and i want to feel it more! Gosh, i feel so naughty tonight....

I dry and clean my face, but leave my hair wet and down, letting them fall on shoulders. I put on some make up, the same i had use performing the song, and put back the boots and the gloves. Now, i need something to complete my outfit....i look around but i can't see nothing i can use when, suddenly, i notice a black mask on one of the cabinet: it have a really particular shape, the nose become a sort of beak and long grey and black feathers cover the ears area. Just for kidding, i wear it and look at my face reflexed on the mirror: it's not so bad and the colour fit my boots and gloves! I leave it on, starting to arrange the rest of the outfit: looking in the drawers i find a black lace collar, perfect with the mask, but nothing more so all i can use are my clothes, Bear's belt and the overcoat.

While i'm playing with the belt, i recognize an eagle on the buckle and the words of Bear jump in my mind:

"I'll do, i care too much for that belt!"

A mischievous grin appear on my least i want again his attention and the best way to do it, is to make him see where his precious treasure is! I wear the belt, having care to don't tight it so much and make it slide a little on my left flank. I look at my self on the mirror: the buckle cover partially my naked dick, grazing it a little, and the gloves, the boots fit perfectly with the mask and the lace collar. I smile satisfied and, before to leave, i take the overcoat and wear it, leaving it open.

When i reach the bar, no one is there: they have all left for the Ice House, so this mean the party is closed to start and i have to hurry. I look outside the B&G and see no one again, so i move to the pool room and reach the hidden passage. I open it (glad i  had take a closed look at how Bear had open it!) and walk inside , till i am finally in the Ice House.

I can recognize different voice cheering up and laugh....yes, the party is started!

"Time to join the fun!" i say to my self, ready for a new adventure
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bluedenim on August 26, 2012, 12:30:22 AM
Checking out the sound equipment behind the curtains..... all ready for me & the boys for our next set.
Sounds like they're having lots of fun out front lots of cheering and wolf-whistling ...... Everything is ready for our next session. I go back to the room, nice and quiet and plug my Ipod in & chill out..
I'm just about to go have a look at this "Pudding Pit" I have no idea what it is, but something smells lovely and sweet round the back and I haven't seen the dwarves recently, I wonder what the little mischief -makers are up to but then I notice my  bracelet is  flashing, a blue light, I mutter to myself , I never realized Mistress had me on a bat-phone.. how long has it been flashing? I 've had my arm under a throw keeping warm all the time I was chilling to Bob Seger.

Shit, now I'm in trouble, I'm jeans & T-shirt, Mistress won't be happy about that, but I better run.

I come out into the bar and see Lover & HB still playing on the stage...what are those two up to? I give them a smile and a wave, but I better not stop, redheads can be fiery when they're kept waiting!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on August 26, 2012, 04:21:52 AM
As I just wanna leave I notice blue waving and smiling to us. This little hot redhead is exactly what I need now as I'm more horny I thought I would be... but unfortunately she is leaving the bar.

I look around - we have to clean the stage and prepare the waterfall again. Do we have enought time before the next show?
I walk into my office to take care for the next events - but also wanna check the bar. Are there enough drinks and food? Oh. what's this? Tight created a new dish he calls "Pudding Pit". I taste it. Mmmmmmmmmmm delicious.... wow - he has to publish the recipie in the forum of our homepage.

As I enter my office I feel so... I was horny but now my body is burning.. my horniness is limitless... "concentrate Lover, calm down" I speak to myself "You have to work now"...
I make the papers and look at my screen... then notice I started to fondle my cock which has grown to a big hard boner.... I lean back in my chair... oh if only a girl would come in now.... I beseechthe gods to send me a horny Lady right now.. I would fuck her here on my table...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on August 26, 2012, 02:29:53 PM

Holy cow... the place is empty.  This is a good time to sweep up.  Stack the chairs on the tables, get out the broom and sweep, sweep... sweep. 

What the heck is this?  Jizz?  I better mop after sweeping... the back room, too... I don't know what happened in there, and I don't think I want to know.

Sweep, sweep... sweep.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Alita on August 26, 2012, 05:27:15 PM
A girl walks into the bar & grill from the street after walking by and noticing the music emitting from the bar.  As this new girl walks in she bumps into someone  with a mop and a bucket catching the name Covems on the  badge "Oh forgive me I...." as they  rush off to a room in the back before she can apologize.  The new girl sits down at the bar enjoying the ambiance of the bar wondering if she will make any new friends.  She turns to the Bartender noticing he is busy she tries to flag him down to order a drink.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on August 26, 2012, 09:45:27 PM
Noticing a young lady flagging me down, i walk over smiling.........hi there Alita, welcome to the A B & G 1st one is on the house, whats your pleasure?  im Jayc  btw  seems that only  Covems and my self  are working today so forgive the wait.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on August 26, 2012, 10:28:37 PM
Walking into the Bar & Grill look round its empty apart from a new young lady sat at the bar.
Walking over to her "hello there is there anyone here" I ask her   she turns " Hello yes there's a guy call Covems i think out the back" ahe answers
"thank you" i say with a smile "COVEMS YOU OUT THERE" I call a voice comes back "YES bet right there"
Turning back to the young lady "Hi I'm Jane he'll be here soon"   and with that Jayc walks out into the bar "Sorry Jane" He smiles "Coke is it" Before he gets to the cokes i say "This young lady is first Jajc" " Sorry miss what can i get you"he says placing a glass mat on the bar in front of her "vodka & orange please" she asks turning to me she says " I'm Alita nice to meet you Jane"
Jayc put the vodka & orange on the mat and hands me a bottle of coke
"Where is every one Jayc " I ask  "Miss Chirsty came in earlier with your Tango & Blue and took them all round to the Ice House the party is tonight" he tells us.

 I turn to Alita "would you like to come to the party with me it only round the back of the Bar" She look it me then says "yes it looks like its going to be better then setting on my own "  We drink up "see you later Jayc" I say as we walk out the Bar round to the Ice house
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: onlyguessed on August 27, 2012, 01:46:39 AM
A girl walks into the bar,wearing red shorts, a white top and black heels with ankle sox. Her legs are lithe, her waist trim and her features sharp, though softened by youth. She wears her long blonde hair in a braid. Her eyes are red, her lids puffy.  She hands a sheet of hastily scribbled chord structure to the pianist who looks it over then glances up at her.
Girl: “¾. Melodioso” – the pianist smiles sadly and nods.
She approaches and adjusts the mic stand. Looking over the audience she whispers “This song is for Pink_Rose”
Signaling the upbeat to the pianist, she begins in a light and lilting voice

You call me Sweet Jess and I melt in your arms
You ply me with kisses and I fall for your charms
But when you’re not with me You’re the toy of big men
While u Skype and u Role Play With your Lovers and Friends
And u tell me I matter, that your heart remains true
But words aren’t enough To make me feel special to you

Since the day that I met u In a friends FFM
Ive counted the hours till Id see u again
But the hours turned to days And your banner would change
With words meant for others - Never for me
And u tell me Im special, that your heart remains true
But words aren’t enough To make me feel special to you

Now u have found yet another one
A Spouse that will fill all your dreams
All I have left is your memory
To hug me on meeting
To spoon me at night
To hold me and tell me – everything is alright

My Request is unanswered and my Messages bare
When I look in my Profile Youre no longer there
And u said I came first, that your heart remained true
But words aren’t enough To make me feel special to you
Your words weren’t enough To make me feel special to you

The final chord of the piano rings out

This song is © 2012 to onlyguessed
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Dutchslut19 on August 27, 2012, 08:49:04 AM
As everybody is following Tango and Blue to the party in the ice house, i see Lover getting into his office. Mmmmm that performance with HB turned me on. Maybe if i showed intrest in him he would take me, and god i know i need it now. So i walk up to his office and knock on the door. Enter i hear, and as i walk in, i open my shirt a bit more so he can see me better.

Hi lover, my name is Monique but you can call me Mona like everybody does around here. I saw your performance with HB and i got so hot, i just needed to see you, and by the look on your pants you need somthing too.

Before he can say a word i walk over to him and start to take off his pants.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on August 27, 2012, 12:28:01 PM
I fondle my cock and far away i hear someone knocking on my door. Quit lost in thoughts i say "Enter". The door open and a hot looking girl comes in, her shirt opened a bit.. wow... i enjoy what im seeing :)

She is talking to me though in my situation its hard to follow the talk. Suddenly she is close, taking off my pants. I let it happen cause im so horny right now - and it seems she is hot too. As she is going down to her knees I look up - whispering "thank you gods... my prayers are coming true"

Mona looks up to me - i can see she is confused about my words. I  laugh - "its ok Mona, heaven has sent you" "Oh... i think heaven is not really the place im coming from" she also os laughing but then takes care of my cock.
Oooooh  i moan becasue she is giving a great blowjob, my hard cock is getting harder then granite. She is knowing what she is doing and i feel her pleasure. I need her now. I want her now. I take her!
Lifting her up, placing on my table i dont waste time with taking off her skirt ... just push it up and thrust my cock beside her panties inside her pussy. Oh god, she is sooo wet and her nipples are erected, i could hang my pants on them.

The papers are flying around as I fuck her here on my table. I lick her perfect tits... then suck her nipples as im pushing my hips towards her wild fucking her. This tight pussy is squeezing my cock and it feels so great - she is the girl i was begging for.

Both are moaning and gasping and it doesnt take long were cumming together....

She looks at me satisfied but her look also says she wants more. I feel the same. It was a fantastic quickie but not enough... I carry her to the little red sofa in the corner. Taking off her skirt and wet panties... smiling... "you dont need this anymore.. i keep it".
Then i remover her shirt - oh i see a navel piercing.
As we deeply kiss i play with it...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 27, 2012, 12:57:05 PM
I laugh at Jayc looking a little perplexed on the Scabbleboard when I place House next to His Ice winning the game and using the last of the tiles. "Serves you right for all that new furniture you bought" I grin at him, " maybe one day, I might let you win. Talking of Ice House,I take it you and Stone will be going to the party in your masks... I got some temporary staff in for the night.. And looks like you can use this new sofa bed in the office, save you going home that night. And check with Christi what booze she requires... I told her We'd supply the drinks for the night.. "

Jayc smiles back taking his loss on the scrabble board good naturedly.  He tells me Stone and he had got new outfits for the night  and they were looking forward to it and testing the new furniture out in the office.
I grin at him, knowing the kind of testing he'd got in mind,  "I best check on JD,he's had a bad throat lately, make sure he's going to the party too. Do you know if Covems & Tight got the pudding mix sorted,  apparently it's one of Tight's special  family's recipe... Hopefully the pudding pit night will be renowned soon across Achat & Nymphomania once the wrestling night takes off"

Jayc beams back, " oh yeah,  Tight & Covems  are on the ball and the delivery will be here soon enough.... Can't wait for Stone to get covered, I'll certainly enjoy cleaning her up" He looks past me at the sofa dreamily...

I roll my eyes and click my fingers to attract him back to reality   " oy, we have a lot to do for us to have a night off, for Christi's party,  make sure we have enough booze and food ordered, clean sheets for the office for you and Stone, the outdoor showers up and working for the pudding pit,  pudding delivery, and I need to get hold of HB to fill in for Lover while he prepares for his strip .... it's go go go "

I leave him to make some phone calls while I return to the bar, to make sure Stone is coping with the bar. As usual she is doing an outstanding job welcoming new customers ... I nod to Jay9  , iamincharge, Alita,  Sexilious, onlyguessed & Dutchslut19...  ensuring they have all had a drink on the house.

I walk over to JD at the Bronco to make sure he's recovering but seeing him eyeing the girls and trying to shake them out of their clothes still tells me, he's doing good.  He tells me he is also looking forward to the Icehouse party and has also got a new outfit to go with his mask. Zoerink approaches the Bronco and robustly rides the Bull. He does real well to stay on for 7 seconds and I grin at him for being game. I signal to Stone to give him one of my special house punches on the house.
I congratulate him and kiss him on the cheek ,"  Stone's got a special drink for you, careful though, it has one hell of a kick."

I spot HB,  and walk over to him,  "you can sing right, you're on next... Lover needs a few more minutes... I know you can do it". HB looks a little shocked but is game and sings fabulous rendition of  " I feel like a Woman " Every one claps and cheers at such an unexpected treat. And I give him a standing ovation,  then. Lover arrives and begins his strip...  Oh he is good and I love it when he approaches me to rip his shirt off.

My heart races a little as I see his muscular and toned chest. mmm.  He teases the audience until he is completely naked and everyone cheers and claps as his dance and strip ends.

As I join some of the regulars for drinks , Tango, Allforyou, mrsexlover,  tangojane, medjai , suddenly the curtains open again for a little extra show by Lover & HB... Very erotic , very sexy and the water cascading on HB at the end a great finale - the audience go wild with appreciation.

I look round, the AB&G  in full erotica mood, everyone seems to be having a good time.  I shout to Stone to put a jug of my special punch on every table in appreciation for their custom.

The next night, the bar is in full swing as usual and there is a buzz of excitement around the place , everything is in place for the party night Christi arrives in a beautiful gown and I make my way over to her as she announces the party opening at the Icehouse.  I smile at her, "you look wonderful , I love your gown". She smiles and thanks me for my help with everything, " No problem, I enjoy it too, and thank you for nominating me to be an owner for the dungeon... That I'm looking forward to too." We drink to the opening and new members ..

"It's going to be a good night" she promises .......

We high five as we both go to get ready grinning widely....

I go to the office to collect my clothing to take down to my hareem room... The party is just about to begin and I can't help but feel excited by it all ...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on August 28, 2012, 03:43:20 AM

I swept and mopped the entire AChat Bar & Grill, and emptied all the waste bins, except the ones in the offices.  The dumpster out back could use a covering shed, to make it less of an eyesore.  I should run that idea past the ownership... also, the storage room could use a new shelving unit.  I'll put in a request for some material.

I come back inside and go up to the bar... "Hey JayC, do you have a magnifying glass back there that I could borrow?"

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on August 28, 2012, 05:59:24 AM
I cram my hankerchief in my back pocket just in case I get the sniffles again.  Strep had me down for a few days but I am nearing 100% JD again.  I check the bull to make sure everything is in order for the party.   Everything appears to be in order as I close the control box.  I walk over to the bar and see some new faces.  I introduce myself to the newcomers.  Onlyguessed just finished a beautiful song on stage.  I see Zoerink wants to give the bull try.  I open the control box as he climbs on the mechanical bull.  7 seconds.. not bad at all.  After his ride, I head to the bar again and grab  a beer waiting to see what is going to happen next...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Dutchslut19 on August 28, 2012, 06:08:48 AM
I just can't believe it .  This handsome lover is fucking me wild on his desk, papers flying everywhere. And his tongue on my nipples, Omg i don't think i can hold on any longer, and when i hear him moan hard and breading even harder, i let my self go. My pussy gushes as i feel him explode deep inside me. He is so good and as he carry's me to the couch i give him the look that i need more.

He undress me and discovers my belly piercing and starts to play with it while we kiss. My hands wonder all over his body, mmmm, he is so well build. And his cock is still hard , i put it in my hand and squeeze hard. Oh lover i could use this so much more, i wispher in his ear.

I push him down on the sofa and put my face in between his legs, my pussy i lie to rest in his face, and when he starts to lick my wet slit, i take his love handle in my mouth......
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on August 28, 2012, 07:18:29 AM

*knock*knock*knock... I rap on Brandybee's office door, then turn the knob and open the door very slightly, without looking in.  "Aaaah, Miss Brandy?" I ask.  "I have a few ideas I'd like to run by you.  One is a covering shed for the dumpster out back, since we have a nice fire pit and pudding pit now, covering the dumpster will make the whole area more aesthetically pleasing.  Someone made a suggestion about adding some bleacher seating around the wrestling pit, that's a good idea, but it will require some building supplies.   Also, there is a need for some new storage shelving in the back room."

I continue, "The mechanical bull has developed a slight rumbling that shouldn't be there.  I can order some replacement parts for it, along with the new updated control box that allows for more diverse movement in the bull.  Only I'll need your okay to order these things and begin the work... and... do you have a magnifying glass I could borrow?"

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Alita on August 28, 2012, 12:43:24 PM
Alita smiles at Jayc as Jane walked in "Ok Jane I'd be happy to try see the Ice House."  Alita giggles a little and ask "Is it made out of ice?" Jane just replies "you'll see, and hey if is isn't your thing you can come back over here and chat up Jayc."  Alita walks out with Jane to go around back to the Ice House, she waves goodbye to JayC and winks.  "I'll be back for that free drink, just soo you know I wanted sex on the beach." Walks out the door with Jane.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: onlyguessed on August 29, 2012, 02:21:36 AM
The girl from post 353 collects her music and leaves
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: chien_lubrik on August 29, 2012, 11:15:20 AM
Time was still clear and a bit hot on this near end of summer.
Since my return from my vacation, I returned to my working routine. I have lots of projects, my new warehouse is almost finished, and I have to organize the change of place of all my actual stock ... and I start, as my customers also returns from holidays to have commands for the Autumn and Winter season.
Murphy's law say that those commands have to be of the stock that just change to my my place...

Also my travel to Asia to organize ... and that was just what I done today ... and it is always an hell to explain that Yes ... legaly my gender is Male ... 

That is why I am dressed like I am : in a Hugo Boss's suit, my breast compressed in bandages with no make up at all ... I feel clumsy and awkward in those flat shoes ... and my feets hurt.

Well, my new passport is on his way, and I deserve a fresh drink.

Sometime life is fine, for I just pass in front of the entrance of a bar ... "Bar&Grill" it said ... to me it like a roady's bar ... And I have ... strages memories about a particuler roady's Bar ... But well nevermind ! Past is past, and sweaty as I am, this is like heaven !!!

I park my Smart.

A Girl leave just when I enter ... My this bar is a ... "cliché" !!! and I just get a look behind me to be sure that a cowboy is not parking his horse, or that an horde or hell's Angels is not on her way to here ... well at least I think they got Beer.

I put my bottom on a stool near the desk. Just another customer is around, seem to look strangely on a backdoor.
The desk is dirty ... what did I expect ?!? ... but some marks are clearly not from dryed beer ... yerk !!! This desk may have seem something else than glasses ...

A tall muscular man arrive from the backyard, a lumberjack's shirt open on his large pectoral ! He stance at me ... for sure ... I may be not the usual customer ... I can't no more pass as a man ... since my surgery ... and in spite of my ... disguise for administration I feel like a girl transvestite in Boy ... well that's exactly what I am ... and his gaze ... I feel tiny even more.

" What you want to drink?"

... " Erhhh It is Possible to have a Diet Coke Please ?"

My ... what did I said ?? He look at me like I am Alien just coming from Roswell !

"No diet ! We got Coke!"

" Ohhh .. well something sugar free ?"

He smile. Then get a glass and ... a bottle of Jack Daniel's !! And pour the glass !!! AT HALF!!! and put it in front of me.

"That's sugar free sweety!"

His smile opens wild.

"Thank ... Thank you Sir ... "

"Yu'r Welcome Sweety! "

My ... I just can't drink that all ... first I have to drive to back home ... and this much will make me drunk ... that will be about four years I stopped to drink that much ... four years ... May .. time's running so fast ...

" 5 A$ Sweety! newcomer's offer!"

Well I might look stupid with my Lollipop wallet ...And my just presence get over me the look of the other man. I pay, and now start to feel a bit uncomfortable.

Strangely, the Jack's have fine taste, but I feel not the rudeness of the 40° of alcohol ... Alcoholic a day, alcoholic everyday ... and I was alcoholic ... and not only ...four years ago.
The Jack's ran into my throat without I think about it ... In fact I was lost in my past memories and found myself with an empty glasse ...

"It is possible to have a glasse of water Please?"

Too late now to take my car again ... still I have time, but ... I take my cell phone ...
The bartender serve me a great glass of clear water. I gladly welcome the moisture that form on it ... Lord ... That's what I deserve !
" I am not Here, if you want to may leave a message, I'll try to call you later ... or not ! Bye!!"

" Sis, that's me ! I will be late, don't worry, Take the salad on the fridge or order sushies ! Kiss and be quiet! "

Well that's unexpected, but I think I will get a free evening outside ... Lord !!... I remember that I am dressed like a punk !!! hi hi hi
But I have my ... normal dress in the rear of my Smart ... and no place to change ... I surely not visit the toilets of this place ! !

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on August 29, 2012, 02:10:15 PM
"Hey Covems,  " I greet him as he enters the office. He explains some of the needs for the AB&G.   "Sure, no problem. Order what you need, and me or Jayc will ok it. You have a good eye for things and well I just love your work and ideas" I smile at him.  "you know, I don't know what I'd  do without you round the place..  And dont ever stop telling those jokes... You never fail to cheer me up "

Covems chuckles and asks for a magnifying glass... I look at him puzzled and reach in the desk to give him one.  I' m sure he'll explain when he's ready.

As he turns to leave, I ask , " did you hear that girl singing ... Onlyguessed ... She has a beautiful voice , the song she sang was very haunting ... I liked it.  Ask her if she would do the honour of having a regular slot at the AB&G... With everything going on here the last few days, I didn't get chance to speak with her.  Oh and are you going to the Icehouse party ?  I reckon you would look hot in a Tux and Cumberband ..." I wink

I leave with him, slapping his bottom as goes in the other direction and blow him a kiss as he turns round to grin at me.

I join JD at the bar... He offers me a bottle of Bud which I gratefully swig ...  " you got your outfit for tonight? 

He nods grinning.   

"then let's get ready to party, see you there". I beam wickedly......

I see chine-lubrik walk to the bar , I nod to her in welcome,  " first drink is on the house.. And  you have to have a turn on the bull ...  It's great fun.. JD here will vouch for it ... Hehe....."
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on August 29, 2012, 02:18:34 PM
Well that's unexpected, but I think I will get a free evening outside ... Lord !!... I remember that I am dressed like a punk !!! hi hi hi
But I have my ... normal dress in the rear of my Smart ... and no place to change ... I surely not visit the toilets of this place ! !


I resent that comment!!  I keep this place sparkling and so clean you can eat your honey off the floor!  Or anywhere else you want.  Except the bull is makeing a rumbling noise... I gotta fix that.


I pull an old newspaper out of my back pocket and examine a picture with it.  My jaw drops... my shoulders slouch... I can feel the color draining from my face.

Putting the newspaper back into my pocket, I look at Miss Brandy, and hand her back the magnifying glass... "I'd like to... but I'm not sure.  I need a stiff drink."

I head to the bar and say to JD.  "I need a drink... Root Beer... no... wait... something stronger.  Make it a Sarsaprilla." I down it quickly.  "I need to take a walk and clear my head."  I slip into my jacket and leave the bar.

I poke my head back into the bar.  "I did hear her.... beautiful singing voice and nice to look at."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: chien_lubrik on August 30, 2012, 10:31:54 AM

I resent that comment!!  I keep this place sparkling and so clean you can eat your honey off the floor!  Or anywhere else you want.  Except the bull is makeing a rumbling noise... I gotta fix that.

Don't be upset Mister Covems, my comment was not about what I actually saw in the bar, it is a comment about what I though it was, my pre made idea of it. And also, I may add that my comment was not about hygienic purpose, but more about a possibility to be cought in the toilet while changing myself.

The only comment concerning the cleaning was :

The desk is dirty ... what did I expect ?!? ... but some marks are clearly not from dryed beer ... yerk !!! This desk may have seem something else than glasses ...
But that quote went from :
I just can't believe it .  This handsome lover is fucking me wild on his desk ...

Sorry if I upseted you


" first drink is on the house.. And  you have to have a turn on the bull ...  It's great fun.. JD here will vouch for it ... Hehe....."

I take a look on the mechanic bull ... part of the image I have of this bar when I did come in . A Mechanic Bull !.! I just saw one before ... on a movie ...

I appreciate the glass of water, but ... the Jack or not ... I feel more and more uncomfortable on the stool ... Fortunatly, the place is not crowdy ... and I think no one see me wriggle ... my! I really have to change myself ...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on August 30, 2012, 05:34:45 PM
*pokes my head out the door and glance around.  Seeing no1 around, I make a mad dash to the showers carrying my clothes.  Slipping inside the shower after placing the clothes nearby, i quickly shower and rinse the rest of the pudding off my body. Putting on the cheerleading outfit again, I walk on out looking around for everyone. Grabbing a quick snack, I remember they had the party out back in the warehouse. Waving to the few inside, I slip on out and around towards the warehouse.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on August 31, 2012, 06:53:59 AM
I returned after about 3 hours and made some alterations to the donut machine.  "Hey JayC... check this out.  I made a modification to the donut machine... Let me have a bottle of rum, will ya?"  He hands me a bottle.  "You open the bottle... throw the cap away... place the bottle in the holder like this."  The bottle goes in inverted.  "Now you set the new dial on the front to the rum setting... press the button, and Wingo!  The donuts come out rum soaked and the creme filling is now rum infused."

I taste one...  "Whoa.... this is even better than I thought... I swear I just saw an angel flutter by heading toward the showers.  I better not have any more of these."

"Know what I forgot?  We need a PA system for the pudding pit out back... so we can have an announcer... you know... 'In this corner....'"  I hand him a material list... "I need an okay to order all this."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on August 31, 2012, 09:00:19 AM
A bit dazed I make it back to my feet. Pudding is dripping down from my naked body, covering the clean patches of skin, the areas that sexi cleaned so hungrily and eagerly. After the door went open and she stepped into the storage room of the B&G, she didn’t take long to strip, kneel ebsides me and start to lick my face and neck clean. With glistening eyes her soft tongue slid over my cheeks and chion, travelled down my neck, licking and sucking the weet cream off my skin. Her hand slid down and started tugging on my shirt and as i took it off, she quickly opened my pants as well, pulling them down with my boxers

Her enthousiasme overhwlemed me a little, leaving me naked and with a growing erection, in a puddle of pudding. Kneeling besides me, her hand tightly gripping my growing member, Sexi lifted herself upwards, smearing pudding over her chest with her free hand. The look in her eyes did not leave much for the imagination and I leaned in. She pushed her chest forward and offered me her breasts, her nipples hardened as she coated them with the cold substance. As my tongue flicked and twirled around her nipples, she started stroking my shaft, lathering it with pudding until it dropped my shaft. With her breasts now cleaned, she turned slightly, bent down forward and licked her tongue over the rip of my member, moaning with delight as she scooped the pudding off.

Her hips turned towards me, she started smearing pudding on her butt and inner thighs, looking back before sliding the head into her mouth and sucking on it gently. With a smile on my face I laid back, grabbed her hips and pisitioned her over me, drips of pudding landing on my mouth as i moved in closer to her damp sex. The scent of her excitement mixing in perfectly with the smell of the pudding, her lips opened and wet, her juices mixed in.

I started licking her pussy clean as she devoured my shaft, sucking on it hard as she slid it down her throat, making sure she collected and swallowed every drop of cream, before moving her head faster and faster. My lips folded around her clit and i sucked on her little button in the same speed as her bobbing head, twirling my tongue around her hardened clit. Her hips rocking against me, pushing her wet sex against my face, her hips touching my pelvis as she pushed her face down as far as she could, slipping my member into her throat.

The swallowing motion of her throat sent me over the edge and as my semen spurted into her mouth, I forced her sex against me, penetrating her with my tongue while my noises of pleasure tremored against her clit. Her legs started trembling as she submitted to her own orgasm, gushing her juices over my lips and chin, the taste of her desire perfectly complimented by the taste of the pudding.

Satisfied she let my shaft slip from her lips, whipe the corners of her mouth and suck the last reminants of my desire off her fingertips, then winked as she stood up and grabbed her outfit.

“I’ll see you at the Ice House”

Before i could answer, she had disappeared, leaving small footsteps of pudding behind on the concrete floor of the storage room. With the aftershocks of my orgasm still rippling through my body, I manage to get up and get a hold of the firehose. Quickly I start to wash the room, clearing the place of pudding, before stepping outside and showering myself down with the ice-cold water. Dripping wet, naked I walk to the cabin of the truck and find a towel. Quickly I dry myself off and take my wrapped tux off the back wall of the cabin and find my way to the restrooms of the B&G. I change quickly and with my hair still wet, I walk into the poolroom and open the not-so-secret-anymore-passage to the Ice House, hearing the noises of a party in full swing echoing through the hall.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on August 31, 2012, 09:16:35 AM
hello new here..pls tell me its not a country and western bar
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 31, 2012, 09:25:09 AM
Well, Lydiarose, the starting idea is that......we have a mechanical bull, a pool room and a stage for performance! and of course a country band, for the pleausure ow the owner, Brandybee!
But, of course, not only western performance here.....we had a nice strip show last week and some , weeeell, not so programmed entertaiment!

mmmh, i had forget the pudding pit......and it's not so new, thanks to Tight and Sexy!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bluedenim on August 31, 2012, 11:56:16 AM

Me and the boys don't just sing country, we sing Western too! lolz

Actually we cover a lot of R & B  and the occasional rock number too.

come & listen, you never know, I might do a romantic ballad.....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on August 31, 2012, 03:08:47 PM
After the bull... while my bones creak, Stone give me a drink and drive me a little high... WAOWWWW is just what i can said after drink.

I look to stone eyes and smile... drink was ok, but after so many beers, i think is a moment for a change. I ask for another one.

Brandy kiss my cheek and i can only give her my smile and say thank you.

Im so far from my house... and all of you make me feel like at home... :)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 01, 2012, 02:46:49 AM
The hidden passage door open, creaking a one is in the pool room, after all, most of the usual customers of the B&G are now at the party in The Ice House....i step in and take my way for the board, when i notice a girl alone, wearing man suit, like an ordinary business man. It takes me a minute to recognize her: Evelyne! See her here is a nice and wellcome surprise!

I approach her from behind, silenty, and sit on the stool near her and asking to the bartender my Bayles. With my left leg firmly anchored on the stool and the glass in my right hand, i talk to her.

"Seems like you lost your way, stranger....may i help you!?" taking a sip from the glass.

She turn to face me and i can see how shocked she is looking at my outfit. i can't deny it's not so appropriate for a bar, plus i'm half naked in front of her! She looks really disoriented and a little my....what a cute girl she is!

"Dont' worry girl, i don't bite.....maybe just lick a little!" i say standing up in front of her and going a step closed to her.

At those words, something jump back in her mind, like a flash....

"Hentai!? Is there you under that mask!?" she ask, a bit surprised and relieved.

I stand up in front of her, smiling gently, removing the mask and taking her hands between mine. I look at's strange to see her with a manly suit and without make up on her sweet face, but she have a misterious aurea around her.

"i'm glad you are finally here,'s a wonderful pleasure!" i go close and hug her, giving her a gentle and friendly kiss on lips.

Holding her hand, i lead her on a near table and we sit, side by side. Noticing how she look at me a little embarrassed, i cover my self closing the overcoat and smile at her, to make her feel a little comfortable. We talk for awhile, about her work and the business trip she is preparing for the near future and it takes some minutes to both of us notice our hands holding each others one on the table.

My mind run back to the party in The Ice House and on all the others, there, waiting for the main event. i'd like to ask her if she want to join the party, but i'm a little scarried to ask, cause that place can make emerge some bad memories in her and i don't want it. Lost in my thoughts, i don't see her looking at me worried.

"Is there something wrong Hentai!?" she ask me, looking deeply in my eyes.

I smile at her and answer

"Nothing wrong, don't worry....i was thinking at the party in The Ice House. I'd like to ask you if you want to join us there, but...."

I take a pause and sigh, looking at her and holding tight her hand.

"But what, my friend!? It's just a party.....even if it's a bit strange, judging by your clothes!"

A gracious smile rise on her face, making her even more cute. Her face is now closed to mine and her eyes are watching me, waiting for my answer.

"i can't and don't want lie to you, Eve....The Ice House is a BDSM club, basically, and i know you have bad memories about it in the past...." i'll take a break and look at her: i can read the surprise in her face.

"If you want to come, you are wellcome, but i don't wanna force you to do it....if you like to join us, i'll wait you near the board"

I stand up, caressing gently her cheek, moving to the board to do the job i had planning few minutes before entering the bar. I look behind my shoulder....she is there, sitting alone.

"Stupid stupid stupid! I have hurt her feelings with my request...."

I stay there, looking at the three subscribed request....i look at them one, twice....i can't leave till i have an answer from Evelyne....and, most important, i don't want to leave her alone.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on September 01, 2012, 06:25:44 AM

Standing at the end of the bar, I reach down and quietly give a few distinct raps on a panel in the base of the bar.  A few knocks come from inside the bar's base, and I rap a few more times.  The panel slides down into the floor and Grumpy's face is there.  "What do you want?"

"Shhhhhh... not so loud."  I whisper, "I need a couple of you lads to give me a hand with something.  Once we're finished, I think all of you should go into the Ice House tonight and have some fun."

"Okay."  He says quietly.  "Happy, Sneezy.  Go with him."

After we finished, all the dwarves, dressed as Chippendale Dancers, wearing tuxedo slacks, suspenders and a collar with a bow tie, hustle off to the "secret"  door to the Ice House.

"Have fun in there lads,"  I say to them, "and remember... there's a prize to the one who can swat the most behinds.  Dopey, I'm counting on you to keep score.  Now... off with you."

They open the door and hurry inside.  I catch bits of conversations from all the voices about who's behind should be swatted first, and the most.  "Wait until they see the size of Dopey's... "  The door closes and I go back inside the AChat Bar and Grill whistling the "Heigh ho" song.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Marilyn on September 01, 2012, 08:08:35 AM
I'm walking down the street with my red  tight shortdress and black high heels, sunglasses, and I notice a Bar that i've never seen. Huh?
I walk to the door and enter. I don't know anyone...
Looking around, I remove my sunglasses and brush my hair with my fingers whist checking the place I walk to the bar and ask for a drink.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 01, 2012, 09:10:31 AM
The temporary bar staff on duty are cleaning glasses & tending to the customers enjoying  the evening.  Old Joe ambles over to the faces waiting to be served.

" what's your poison  Chien ?  You know, perhaps you should go to Icehouse party, HB over there will look after you I'm sure" he smiles encouragement as she orders her drink.

"Lydiarose,  Marilyn,  it's nice to see more pretty faces in the bar,  the regular staff & customers are at a massive party at the Icehouse at the moment, but will no doubt be right back in the swing of things once it's over, that is if they can still walk" Old Joe chuckles " It is a party with a difference,  if it's your thing and you can find a suitable partner, I'm sure, you'd be made more than welcome - that goes for you others too... " He looks round at the sea of faces beginning to fill the bar.

"if not, " He continues "  there's still plenty to keep you occupied ... The jukebox has all your favourite songs you can dance too, or if you are of a mind,  the stage and mic are on for you to belt out a song or three,  Covems , over there , will give you a turn on the mechanical bull if you are feeling brave enough.. Lol ...  On the notice board there, there's a list for lady's to volunteer for the pudding wrestling, which is one of the next events on here... " he wiggles his eyebrows at Lydia & Marilyn,  " now ladies  - that would be a sight for these tired eyes if you two would wrestle  together or with a friend perhaps ..mmm  " He looks into the distance picturing that lovely image in his mind's eye before shaking his head to continue...

" house rules..  new customers get a drink on the house, what will it be ladies? ". He waits for their order before moving on to those waiting.

" Zoerink, iamincharge, ssgt, Jay9  what will it be fellas... . .?  Are you four going  to try the dwarf challenge in the wrestling pit? Those little terrors need the exercise to keep them occupied.. They cause havock in the bar .. Really mischievous.. " he turns to the ladies enjoying their drinks ... " you have been warned lol .. "

"Ssgt, it's good to see you back, hope the family emergency is sorted now ...".  Ssgt nods his head taking his drink to Lydia and asks her for a dance.  Old Joe smiles as he sees them heading to the dance floor .... joining Jeanona &  mooncalf with Eva who's teaching them the " bendy knee" dance. Even Covems is having a go, shaking a very mean leg .. ;D

" Hey Covems .. I got those things you needed signing by jayc & Brandy ... and nice rum donuts by the way mmm "

He moves over to Chien sitting sipping her drink ,  " hey, take no notice of Covems... He's only joking about the toilets .. He and the dwarfs take pride in keeping the place clean and well oiled, he's a godsend to have round the place you know ... "

" oh, I know, he was just joking around ... "  she replies.

" That's good ..  So you going to bite the bullet and go to the party with HB? May need your help keeping those dwarves in check by the sound of it.. ..".

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on September 01, 2012, 02:41:34 PM
I hear Brandy talk something about the wrestling pit, could be nices, my bones are really injury from my seven seconds riding the wild bull... but Stone give to me a drink that is the best analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and make me feel so good so... WTF!!!

"try the dwarf challenge in the wrestling pit" i said looking Brandy... sounds like another challenge... and tomorrow i will go again in a boat to furrow seas for a time... so... i have not very much time... and i wanna try this...

Before this... i go to the bar... and with my best smile i say "Stone... dont know what you give to me before... but i want more of this honey"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on September 01, 2012, 03:15:24 PM

"Sweet!  More supplies.. gotta keep my hands busy... and speaking of sweet.  Red dress and black heels... whoa... there are some very pretty ladies here tonight!"

"You put your left foot in... you put your left foot out... you put your left foot in and shake it all about... do the hokey pokey and turn yourself about... that's what it's all about."

"What if the hokey pokey really IS what it's all about?"

"I gotta go put this order in.  Oh yeah... speaking of the dwarves... the buggers are off in the Ice House somewhere, so be careful when you enter... they like to play tricks."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 01, 2012, 05:59:19 PM
thats for a good night ssgt but its time i want home need sleep.. will do it again some time
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jay9 on September 01, 2012, 07:36:01 PM
After enjoying a relatively quiet night at the AB&G the other night, just soaking up the atmosphere and vibe of the place, I'm keen to return and enjoy myself.

As I enter i scan the room and am surprised it's not as full and buzzing as the other day, but I instinctively head towards the familiar comfort of the bar. My eyes are immediately drawn to the woman in red ....... my walk slows as i am mesmerized by her amazing figure in that sexy little red tight dress. Those tanned toned legs, sexy high heels and long flowing black hair. Summoning up my courage, I walk around behind her and slide in to stand alongside her at the bar .... nervously looking to catch Old Joe's attention quickly, I motion to him for a drink and wait for him to approach me.

She seems to be standing alone at the bar from what i can tell, at least for now, my mind is racing on how to break the ice, so as I begin to turn towards her, i say "Hi, I'm Jay. Are you waiting for someone special or can I buy you a drink ...... ? " As i finished speaking I'm now looking straight at her pretty profile as she slowly turns her head to her right to face me ..... instantly taken by how pretty she looks and anxiously looking for any hint of a smile in response to my introduction as she slowly turns ......

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on September 02, 2012, 11:58:39 AM
I push him down on the sofa and put my face in between his legs, my pussy i lie to rest in his face, and when he starts to lick my wet slit, i take his love handle in my mouth......

As she is blowing my cock i fuck her with my tongue. Her pussy is so tight and wet... i part her lips, brushing them with my thumbs...
Then i suck her lips, pushing two fingers in her cunt... moaning as she is touching my balls while my cock is deep in her mouth. My finger is so wet right now... wet enough i think... and push my index finger straight in her ass and my thumb in her pussy. She moans loud, almost screaming as i finger both of holes simultaneously... I feel she likes it as she is pushing her body against me....

Turning her head she looks at me "Please fuck me.. i need it so much..." "You will be fucked now babe" i slide away, placing myself behind her and without break i thrust my cock hard and strong into her pussy "oooooh yesssss" she gasps..."fuck me, fuck me hard babe" I increase pressure, my balls hit her clit as my cock is almost skewering her... after some very hard thrust i pull out my cock and stop...she turns around, asking "why???" i grin, push her back, spread her legs and rub my cock above her clit... very slow i stick inside her pussy now, just moving my hips a bit... then pull it out and suck her clit... licking her slit again... above her dam... around her rose... look up to her "babe... you have a great ass..."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on September 02, 2012, 01:00:13 PM
After my last drink, i see my clock and remember... my boat will departure in a hour... so i have to go. I look with glady face to all the people i meet in the bar, with my last drink in my hand, and start to walk to the exit of the bar. Its time to go home... but im sure that i found a nice bar... where i will back.

Kisses and hugs to all... ill back soon!!!.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 03, 2012, 02:59:00 AM
open door and walk in,look around to see if there is anyone i know here.. see ssgt sitting at bar on his own walk up to him {have on black miniskirts and black top on with v cut in it so can see my breasts have no bra on and boots that come just under my knees] and say hi good few in tonight.. he say hi back and ask would i like a drink yes a red wine thanks, tells me to find a table so look around and see one and walk to table past a few guys who are sitting at other table,, as i walk to table can feel the guys underss me as i past by them so say hi to them,  go and sit down wait for ssgt to come over to me,, look round a lot of guys in to night,, i see theres  a mic night here tonight some girl is up sing and killing one of  Shania Twain songs sound like When you kiss me, thinking ssgt is taking a long time to come over with drink,     
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 03, 2012, 05:31:41 AM
Well, Lydiarose, the starting idea is that......we have a mechanical bull, a pool room and a stage for performance! and of course a country band, for the pleausure ow the owner, Brandybee!
But, of course, not only western performance here.....we had a nice strip show last week and some , weeeell, not so programmed entertaiment!

mmmh, i had forget the pudding pit......and it's not so new, thanks to Tight and Sexy!
   thanks hentaiboy...I would love a go on the bull but fright that i would hurt myself and with this mini i have on,, and with no pants on i think i would show more then i would enjoy the strip night i see ...I would say you like to see me in the pudding pit,, if you can find me something to change in to and other girl i will done it..Hentaiboy smile and said give me a min and i see if i can find you something..I stand and watch a girl on the bull ooo god no way am i getting on that..
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 03, 2012, 06:15:04 AM
Old Joe smiles at Zoerink, " sounds like you could be away for awhile on your ship, you come back now when you have the chance"  he goes to the Doenut machine and gets a few rum soaked  to put in a bag . " Compliments of the AB&G. - the wrestling pit will be waiting on your return" he smiles. " Take care, safe journey, and come back soon "

Zoerink hugs & kisses all his new friends and looks round the place  " I'll be back"  he promises, heading for the door.

Old Joe returns to bar and serves more drinks to Jay9 and Marilyn. They seem to be getting on well.

And so does someone in the office, hearing the moans and groans coming from there lol ... maybe someone should interupt Lover &  Dutchslut to remind them of  the Icehouse party .....

He looks over and sees Lydiarose with ssgt at a nearby table. He pours some two glasses of red wine and takes a cloth to wipe their table down.
He spots Happy & Sneezy under the table giggling trying to look up Lydia's black mini skirt and admiring her boots.  He places the drinks on the table  smiling at the couple, as he wipes it down. Then grabs the dwarves quickly taking them by surprise... who grumble good naturedly in protest.

" Come on fellas, arnt you supposed to be helping Covems with one of his tasks .. and then getting ready for the Icehouse party? "  He handles them expertly and carries them out back shouting to Covems that he may be missing some helpers.

He returns to speak briefly to Lydia & Ssgt laughing " You have to watch those little fellows ... see you might be interested in the pudding pit wrestling...  it will be on soon, probably after the party.. just put your name down on the volunteers list on the board.  So far, we have Brandy & Stone ;  Tangojane & All_for_You ; and  Lover is taking on the dwarf challenge ... should be fun.  The bull is not so bad after you've had a few beers either"

" Its good to see you young ones back again, "   Old Joe  says as he returns to serve more folks at the bar.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Marilyn on September 03, 2012, 06:58:23 AM

Still waiting for my drink I notice a young man getting in the Achat bar. He got my attention because he seems a little lost and confused.Also I think I know him from somewhere... I don't want him to notice that i'm starring at him, so I look forward again to the bar man, waiting for my drink.

I feel someone moving behind me and getting closer, I feel the hot nice male perfume, hmmm. I close my eyes for a brief moment and breathe deep inside.

I feel him standing there right beside me at the bar. I can't help it and i start feeling intoxicated by his perfume... feeling it everywhere, seems thats over me already, over my skin and naked shoulders, hair...

I'm still looking forward... I try to think about something else, like retouching my red lipstick, but then I hear a deep voice! "Hi, I'm Jay. Are you waiting for someone special or can I buy you a drink ...... ? " he says. I'm still looking forward and I know that he's looking at me. I start slowly turning my head to him and I look him straight into his eyes. I can't help it and I smile. "No, I'm not waiting for anyone. I was just passing by and found this place... Decided to have a look." My smile gets a little bigger. "Nice to meet you, Jay. I'm Marilyn and I'd love to have a drink..."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 03, 2012, 10:48:43 AM
here is a joke for ye all...Dad tell son about sex .....Dad says..  when you see a girl nake your cock will get hard..Son says  what do i do with it then dad,,Dad says you put it in sideher...Son says  :D Is it ok if i put it in coke I dont like cider
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Dutchslut19 on September 03, 2012, 11:55:58 AM
Oh yes, finally he puts his long hard rod back into me, i scream "fuck me hard babe" and i feel his ball slapping my swollen clit. Then he stops, puts it back in and take is out again. Is he teasing me ? Then his tongue starts to lick again, and this time also my little star. "babe you have a great ass"

I look over my shoulder,  "Darling if it's so great, why don't you put it in there, i would love that". I see a grin on his face, and with a slow and gentle motion i feel him entering my back door. OMG it's so big, and a some pain goes thru my body. But i love the feeling and in seconds the pain goes to pleasure as i relax my muscles and gets used to his size.

Slowly i start moving my butt, taking him deeper and deeper, and my pleasure grows with every little bit i goes in.

"Come my love, fuck this great ass, it's all yours to have, and i want to feel on top of the world tonight"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Alita on September 03, 2012, 03:46:40 PM
Walks back into bar and sits down at the bar for a drink and smiles "told you that i'll be back now wheres that free drink"   looks around and giggles "this place looks a little more lively now."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 03, 2012, 05:57:51 PM
   I'm sitting at the bar when Lydia walks in and comes over to me.  I look at her "Holy shit I think to myself, She looks so hot in that outfit.  I give her a big kiss and ask what she would like to drink.  She looks at me, only as she can with her bedroom eyes and sexy lips.  How about some red wine.  I give her a sensual kiss om her lips. Find us a table while i order the drinks.  I watch as she walks to the table.  Swaying her ass from side to side as her breast bounce up and down.  I think to my self, This is going to be a great night.
   After ordering drinks I walk over to the table.  I look at her"hey sexy lady is this seat taken I ask.  She looks as me seductively and says "maybe to the right guy" and laughs.  I sit very close to her and whisper. " Did you see all the men undressing you with there eyes?  She laughs that's okay you do it all the time.  Are you going to ride the bull love I ask. She laughs maybe she says.  Depends on how much i drink.  She tells me she has been invited to join the pudding pit.  I sure want to see that I laugh.
   Drinks are brought to the table.  I hear and feel a rugus going on under the table.  I look at Lydia.  I laugh and say"I sure hope you have panties on.  No I don't she  says, Why?  Server pulls out to of the dwarfs who have been under the table hoping  to see up her short skirt and touching her boots.  Did they get a good view i ask.  She said yes, i was thinking of you and she laughs.

i ask him do you what to come back to my place..he say have work in morning  but i will walk you home,,so we drink up and leave ..on the was out we say night to every one in  bar 

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Azrielle on September 03, 2012, 10:34:18 PM
I stride through the tunnel from the Ice House. The only person missing is Jane. Her participation will be crucial in making my dungeon's first use memorable. It has been choreographed as a complete arrangement of actions and reactions to put a spark back into the way my Man looks at me. To let him know that I adore him and always will.

Career Woman first and foremost. My Officers will be playing their part this evening with crowd control if required. Riot gear if needed. A certain seven little perverts have already absconded with more than one pair of SSgt Pafe and Cpl Satiore's panties. (Not to mention moving their pedal cars on one occasion). But they did repair the defects wonderfully and the horns and sirens worked on them now. For some reason the pedal cars also had new upholstery on the seats. My Officer's recent staff assignment to the United Federation of Planets would not be needing them to be using the pedal cars for local patrols. Perhaps it was time to consider new promotions in their absence.

Wearing my Highland Regalia proudly, I stepped into the pool room and shut the door behind me. I made a mental note to return to the Ice House via the parking lot. I looked down at my deerskin boots to see fingerprints in sharp contrast to the patent shine that took me hours to buff to a high gloss.

Though I really didn't expect my Sis to understand, having never been pregnant herself. the few sips of Champagne I had were more than enough. Just the taste was enough to remind me of the wee lass waiting for mommy to return to her later this evening. From here on in, it would be ginger ale in my flute with a hint of orange peel to distinguish it as being my beverage of choice. I still have another ten weeks of breast feeding little bonnie Heather.

I peer from within the pool room, out into the Bar.

There are the regulars of course, but it is Covems I spy from across the bar. I let him know I have seen him and tip my tammie to him. The seven little perverts under his supervision had performed their task to perfection.

I notice Mona is back from her beach vacation, in addition to several new faces. With the soft dear skin boots on my feet, my footfalls are barely audible. Akin to a Cat stalking prey, I approach the bar to make my request for a my drink for tonight. Confusing it with a glass of champagne will just not do.

Standing at the bar leaning over whispering to Covems about my beverage requirement, I feel a draft up my skirt. I look down to see Doc giving me a wink before he silently slides a panel back into place. I have no doubt he got a full view that I was wearing my tartan skirt the way it was meant to be worn. Commando. At least it was only a mental picture as I noted there was no camera flash. Sneezey had a thing for cameras... and flash powder... come to think of it, he liked a lot of things that started and ended with a bang.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on September 04, 2012, 03:11:11 AM
"Come my love, fuck this great ass, it's all yours to have, and i want to feel on top of the world tonight" Mona is moving her ass towards me, i feel she is relaxed and excited... with each move i go deeper... pull back a bit... deeper... pull back a bit...deeper... then my whole cock is in her tight ass and it feels so great. Both are moaning, wanting more...
II increase speed a bit, grabbing her sides, pulling her close to me each time i push my cock deep in. "Oooohhh babe.. now you get what you deserve" i talk to her and thrust my cock harder... my balls are hitting her clit and little screams escape from her lips...

After few kicks i pull out and fuck her pussy... then switch back to her ass, thrusting my cock dep inside at once... i repeat this little game several times, fucking both of her hot holes... using her, giving her all of my passion and power...
Suddenly i stop... don't do anything, just holding my cock... she looks at me... "what is wrong?" "Nothing" i grin... her eyes are starring at me... in this moment i go on shagging her like a wild animal...she is moaning, screaming loud.... i feel we both are very close again... "oh babe..." i feel my load wants to cum out
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 04, 2012, 04:46:57 AM
I see Old Joe  talking with Evelyne .... i feel guilty for my stupid request, so i decide to move back to the table and talk to her. She is in front of me, sipping her drink and lost in deep thoughts probably.

I kneel and hold her hands in mine, looking into her eyes.

"Sorry .... i had made a mistake asking you to join the Ice House party, but i'm sure everyone will be happy to see you" i hold her hands tight "but if you don't want to go, i can understand!"

We stand up, togheter .... without leaving her hands, i push her to the empty dancefloor where i hug her. She looks surprised and a little ashamed by this, but she don't try to push me away. Fondling her cheek, before continuing to talk at her, i gently smile.

"Eve, no matter what your answer is, just remember one thing .... i'm always at your side, ready to support you, if you want it, of course ...." i'll take a deep breath before going on "Eve, my sweet girl, let me be your companion just for tonight, the party .... whereever you want! All i want is to be sure you are fine."

Her face blushes visibly .... she turn her eyes away from mine. This silence, so innatural, is killing me too but it's up to her to take a decision and i can't do nothing to help in taking it then waiting for her to clarify her thoughts.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: chien_lubrik on September 04, 2012, 09:24:17 AM
Time to time, peoples comes in and the bar started to be crowdy. I feel disturbed a little, too much strangers for me. And I have not the courage to make the first step. So I change my place for another stool on the Bar's edge, a little appart from all those peoples I don't know, but who feel familier here ... and knowing each other pretty well.

That's kind my glasse will be my best friend tonight ... well the though make me smile.

I saw that some peoples feel free to have sexual intercourses here ... I don't want to stare at them ... not that I feel ashamed or blamefull, neither it hurt my morale senses ... My do only have a slight hint of morale myself.

My !! a one come close to me !! Instant !! I ... I know him !! I think.

Kneeling in front of me, he take my hand. His touch is dry and warm.
"Sorry .... i had made a mistake asking you to join the Ice House party, but i'm sure everyone will be happy to see you"
"but if you don't want to go, i can understand!"

I feel a bit disoriented in fact. Well ... the "Ice House" party ???
He just comes up and his gaze cross mine and I dive deep into his eyes.

Softly he push me to the dancefloor, and hold me tight of him. He smell flowers and spice.
And it is very sweet ... It is like I feel suddenly warm.
I hold him back, and I feel his touch slip on my chest and my bottom's roots ... While he hug me this way, I put my head on his shoulder.

"Eve, no matter what your answer is, just remember one thing .... i'm always at your side, ready to support you, if you want it, of couse ...."

I don't really know about what he tell me about . I may be dumb, but I am not that stupid I don't understand that, in this kind of place ... after all ... the door on the back may lead to much ... naked activities. This must be the "Ice House" he told me about ... strange name ... my memories about such places are more about fire, sweat and steam than ice.

I feel even more warm. What he ask me is ... I can't help becoming shy suddenly ... I can't speak.
Will I return to my olds habits of lust ? May I become the whore I was ? My !!! I feel disable.
Stupid of me !!! Having some fun is no drowning myself like I did! Things had changed, I had changed !

I return to his neck, kissing him softly, the tip of my tongue lick his shoulder's skin.
"That a "yes" honey, let's make the hell an heaven."
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 04, 2012, 10:11:41 AM
As I walk to the Bar& Grill,,I hope sggt is not there tonight (As we had a big fallout0thinking to myself as i walk a long what do i do if he is there
As i get closer a panic comes over me ,As i tell myself to breath I close my eyes and breath in deep the panic goes away..Opening my eyes I find myself outside the Bar,,looking at the door do i go in just then the door opens, in a panicking i walk away as I do I hear a voice Hi Lydia  thats not sggt voice as I stop and look round the guy is walk away from me into the drak night, in a rush I say hi but I think he didnt hear me ..I walk back to door here goes I put my handout to open door but as I do I see my hand is shaking get yourself together I tell myself ,, I open the door and walk in looking round to see if sggt is in so if i see him I can get out of here before he see me but not in tonight,,so i walk to bar where there is a few guys and girls sitting so I past by them and go to end of bar where no one is,,I pull out a stool and sit up on it as I do I pull down my miniskirts a bit as i cross my legs I hear what can I get you looking up I see old joe is on tonight a Vodka & coke pls joe,,no sggt with you..(should i tell him that we are no long with each other anymore)But I just say not tonight, all on my own joe,, a girl night out, yes joe...he drop over my V&C ty joe and I hand him the money as he make his way to the till,, I see where im sit I can see the door from here and ever time it opens  I hope its not sggt walking in,,As i look round I see a few over by the bull where a guy is doing his best to stay on it. I can hear music there is a band on tonight
and there a good few couples in here..After a few more V&C i look to see if there is any guys in,, this girl could do with some love tonight ..
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on September 04, 2012, 10:30:42 AM
I finished making the repairs to the bull just in time to have a rider test it out.  The new control box is electronic so now the speed can be varied more precisely now.  Kudos for Covems and Brandy for this upgrade.  I am glancing around the bar and this angelic beauty walks in the door.  I've seen her once here before I think.  I have to find out her name. 

I've seen her before with sggt I believe, but don't see him now.  I watch her as she makes her way to the bar.  Hoping the bull rider will fall off soon, I gently crank the speed up to assist the process.  After a few seconds, he flies off and I hit the STOP button on the control box.  I make my way to the beauty at the bar. 

"Hello" I say, as I offer her my hand.  "My name is James_Dean, but they call me JD around here."  She tells me her name is LydiaRose.  Such a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.  "Can I offer you a drink or something?  It will be my treat." 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 04, 2012, 11:30:38 AM
I finished making the repairs to the bull just in time to have a rider test it out.  The new control box is electronic so now the speed can be varied more precisely now.  Kudos for Covems and Brandy for this upgrade.  I am glancing around the bar and this angelic beauty walks in the door.  I've seen her once here before I think.  I have to find out her name. 

I've seen her before with sggt I believe, but don't see him now.  I watch her as she makes her way to the bar.  Hoping the bull rider will fall off soon, I gently crank the speed up to assist the process.  After a few seconds, he flies off and I hit the STOP button on the control box.  I make my way to the beauty at the bar. 

"Hello" I say, as I offer her my hand.  "My name is James_Dean, but they call me JD around here."  She tells me her name is LydiaRose.  Such a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.  "Can I offer you a drink or something?  It will be my treat."     hello James_Dean i have a drink so i think i take the something..
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 04, 2012, 11:49:08 AM
thank you James_Dean I have a drink if thats ok and the something can wait till after..As i look at him i feel myself getting hot so I uncross my legs forgetting that i have no pants on.I tell him that me and sggt are not together anymore<<he say sorry to hear. Thats ok I can stop thing what it would be like to have him make love to me and the more i think of it i can feel my nipples getting hard..then i hear a voice there your drink and i come out of my dream world..Thank you for the drink James_Dean   
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on September 04, 2012, 12:06:53 PM
She blushes as she accepts my drink offer.  She seems lost in a dream world as she starts to relax in my presence.  Her legs uncross, and I take a small glance at the shadows under her dress.  Such a very sexy woman, full of class and sophistication.

 I am not sure if she is chilly or what, but her nipples form peaks in her dress.  I offer her my  jacket, but it appears she doesn't hear me.  The bartender slides her drink down the bar.  "Here is your drink", I say  as i hand it to her."  I mention to her that I operate the mechanical bull and would love to give her a ride on it.  "I'll be easy since it is your first time on it," I promise her. 

"We could always take a spin on the dance floor as well, if you are in the mood for a dance."  I would really love to get to know this beauty that is in front of me, I think to myself.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on September 04, 2012, 12:47:51 PM

Seeing that there is no one at the microphone, I make my move.  Standing in front... I tap it... "Is this thing on?"

I want to relate to everyone the miracles of modern medicine.  Things are so advanced these days that it's mind boggling.

My niece had a baby last week.  A bouncing baby boy.  I know that this makes me some sort of uncle again, but I'm not sure if it's once removed or whatever.

The thing is that when I went to see them in the Maternity Ward of the hospital, I stopped by the room where they keep all the babies and looked through the window.  There was one poor baby in there that had its eyes bandaged.

"That's a tough way to start a life."  I said to the doctor who was standing at the window.

He told me the baby was born without eyelids, but they performed a skin graft and attached skin for new eyelids.  I thought that was fantastic and asked where they got the skin from for the eyelids.  He told me they used the foreskin from the baby's penis.

He told me they expected the baby to make complete recovery, and since they used skin from the infant itself, there wasn't much chance of a rejection.  "The baby will be fine."  He said.  "He'll just be a little cock-eyed."

I go to leave and go back to the mic and say:  "I forgot to warn everyone.  It seems that the dwarves have tunneled out a room underneath the bar room.  Their means of egress is that panel at the end of the bar.... and it seems the little buggers have some sort of a peep hole or some other way of knowing when a lady is present.  Heh, heh... sorry Lady Azrielle."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 04, 2012, 03:30:33 PM
"That a "yes" honey, let's make the hell an heaven."

Those words....i have to admit i'm pleasent surprised by them! Inside me, i had pray to hear them but in my mind i seriously have doubt about a positive answer. I can't hold an happily smile....i wrap my arms around her waist and lift her, turning on myself, laughing.

"Thanks for accepting my invite, Eve....all our friends are there, waiting the main event but i'm sure the main event, now, is having you with us!" i tell her while she is landing on the floor.

I look at her, squeezed in that man tie suit....more i stare at her, more i think she is a little strange but cute. And it make me think she have to prepare for joining the party: she have some clothes in her car, bu we have to hurry....the main event is getting close and we have to move back to the Ice House. Evelyne run to her car and went back with the clothes, while i take a look at the makeup in the changing room, preparing them for her on the toeletta. I lead her in the changing room and wait outside, giving her the time she need to be ready.

When the door open again, i can't believe at what i see....she look so different, she is the Eve i had ever seen till now: a beautiful girl ready to have some fun. I hold her hand, helping her to step down the stairs in front of the door....her little embarrassed face make me smile and slowly i lead her to the Ice House, passing by the pool room. Before entering the hidden passage, i put the mask on my face, open the overcoat and turn to Eve, holding her hand tight.

"Are you ready, Evelyne!? the Ice House is waiting us...." i say, opening the door on the other side. Voices and sound of glasses hitting each others welcome us, while Evelyne made her first step inside this misterious place.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 04, 2012, 04:02:14 PM
Old Joe smiles when he sees Chien accept HB's invitation and JD and Lydia move to the dance floor. Its good to see the young folk enjoying themselves.

He hands Covems some bottles of Ginger Ale and orange peel for Azrielle to enjoy at the party , he got prepared for her earlier.

He moves towards Alita still chuckling at Covems joke ... " What drink would you like young lady?  he asks....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: chien_lubrik on September 04, 2012, 04:12:32 PM
My !! Did I really said that ? Well yes ...

I feel he firmly hold me tight. And .. ohh my I feel he have some desire ... for I have some myself ...

"Thanks for accepting my invite, Eve....all our friends are there, waiting the
main event but i'm sure the main event, now, is having you with us!"

My ! Wiil I have to danse on a stage ?  Will I have to expose myself to stranger's gaze on the best parts of myself ... but also on the worst parts of myself.
I don't know, my feelings are fighting inside my mind. Is it a trap to make me been a slave another time? It is just fun ? I am a bit lost.
And Lord! I feel so bad in that Male's Suit ... I dream about my real identity but ...
Is that ok with him if I return to my real myself's dress ... after all, he comes to me while I am dresses as man ... It is fine for him to discover that I prefer to feel Woman? Will he reject me ? I ... I don't know ? I feel both anguish and excitement.

"My" ... "Is it a problem if I change ? Sorry but I feel strange dresses like that. Forgive me, Please... but I would like to feel more comfortable. I ... I have some of my clothes in my car. Would you mind if I go get them ?"

No he won't. Well maybe he should have follow me there ... but I think that just the way he want to make me feel better in that strange surrending for me.
I took the bag where my clothes are in.
And I meet him again just in the front of the bar.
He drive me to a changing room. And let me alone to change myself.
Well alone is maybe not the word as two girls also changes themselves.
And Again I feel shy! getting nude here in front of them who are ... my! so fully woman.
"Umh... Forgive me Misses ... I know it is a girl's room ... and well .... ohh Sorry ... it!..."
"Hey! What the deal sweety ! It's obvious you're nor a pervert! Feel free! "
"Hi hi hi don't you noticed She might be a shemale? you stupid bitch !"
" HEY I'm not Bitch! I'm a free girl! you're the bitch !! comm'on shebaby take a seat and prepare yourself!"

I shyly take a seat and take out the clothe from the bag.
My latex stroking, my panty ... no ... not my panty. My latex cup Bra
and a short skirt ... I think this will match the night's topic after all.
"My fucking whore! look at the breast she got!"
I quickly put an hand on my breast
"uhhh ... just take a look at her tiny dick!! That's sooooooo sweet!!"
Ohhhhh my I feel so much embarrassing!!!
I, as fast as possible, dress!
And put my disguise's suit in the bag.

Then, dressed as the slut I am tonight, and like I feel comfortable to be in fact. I make up myself. Blush, Black Lipsstick, eyelids'farts.
I know he wait for me. And so I am in hurry.

Ohhh... one! two ... I take a deep breath!
And open the door.

Well is is not flleing me shouting for monster !  :D And in fact he got a wink in the eyes!
He take my hand and drive me to a stairway. Strangely enough I think about a parody of Deep Purple some king of "Stairway to hell" a mixt between , Deep purple and AC/DC . That make me smile and I feel confident now!

We cross on a room with a pool, and then to another door.
My! he put a mask on his face. And myself ? I have none ...
"Are you Ready Evelyne?"
Then he shut open the door. Noises are surrounding us. And most ... smell ... smell of bodies, the smell of lust.
That's too late To hesitate.

I give him my best smile! And make the first step in !
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Azrielle on September 05, 2012, 03:37:49 AM

I go to leave and go back to the mic and say:  "I forgot to warn everyone.  It seems that the dwarves have tunneled out a room underneath the bar room.  Their means of egress is that panel at the end of the bar.... and it seems the little buggers have some sort of a peep hole or some other way of knowing when a lady is present.  Heh, heh... sorry Lady Azrielle."

I blushed slightly at Covems' statement about the seven little perverts, and try to remain composed. His warning was perhaps not quite in time for the lass standing near me at the end of the bar. whom I noticed had tried to be modest in her miniskirt. JD sided up next to her, and the two of them seemed to be hitting it off.

Thank you for the drink James_Dean   

"Good Evening, I'm Azrielle." I introduced myself to Lydiarose. "Call me Az, but most peeps just call me Chief."

"Here is your drink", I say  as i hand it to her."  I mention to her that I operate the mechanical bull and would love to give her a ride on it.  "I'll be easy since it is your first time on it," I promise her. 

"Good Evening to you too, JD." I mentioned, as if to interupt his very cool moves.

"I extend an invitation to come join the gala in the Ice House this evening... as my guest." I offered to Lydiarose.

"JD, be a gentleman and escort her if she wishes to accept." I spoke and gave him a wink.

"Oh... and you may want to take a step or two back from the bar." I noted as Doc's face appeared once again beneath the bar, and the panel quickly slid shut once again.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jay9 on September 05, 2012, 06:35:58 AM

As she turns to face me her face lights up with a smile that almost melts me.... I galdly oblige by ordering us a couple of drinks as Old Joe approaches. She looks very familiar to me, nonetheless am continually distracted by her appearance. My eyes torn between where to look - deep into her welcoming eyes, her pouting red lips, that plunging neckline exposing more than a distracting amount of cleavage, or that toned body framed by that super tight sexy little red dress. Doing my best to not be too obvious about my physical attraction to her, I shuffle my bar stool close alongside hers and Marilyn and I settle into what could be best described as extremely flirtacious chat over the course of the next 4 drinks or so as an hour or so flies by.

We clearly both are feeling a connection, as through the course of the chat i've shuffled myself even closer alongside her and the body contact increases in frequency. Whether it's when i'm playfully joking around with her and placing my hand on her bare shoulder, and lingering there longer and longer each time, or when she's deep in conversation and wanting to emphasise a point and placing her hand on my thigh to get my attention. Before long we're leaning in close to each other, taking in each other's scent, she's flicking her long black hair back and those pouting lips are drawing me in closer still. Leaning in, sensing no resistance, i plant my lips on the side of her neck, tasting the soft skin at the base of her neck ...... she smiles approvingly as she leans in towards me ..... as i slowly begin to work my way up and down her neck, kissing and suckling as i go. I can feel Marilyn's breathing getting deeper as her hand begins to caress my leg.

Pulling her hair aside I nibble playfully on her earlobe and then pulling back for a second, then lean in to kiss those full red lips. Our lips meet and we kiss for the first time .... her soft lips welcoming mine. Our lips part slightly as our tongues begin to dance together and the kiss seems to go on for ever as it becomes more and more passionate as we completely forget our surroundings and lose ourselves in each other, as our breathing becomes shorter. Thoughts around where to take this next begin to flood my mind ... unable to resist the pure attraction we are feeling.

Then she pulls back slowly ... "This is so nice Jay, I want more ... but I really need to take a breath and run to the ladies room - must be all the drinking!", I smile back at her and watch her try to spin around on the stool and wriggle her way off onto her feet. Her tight dress riding up high as she manouvres, flashing me teasing views of her inner thighs. She stands, leans in to kiss me once more and then turns to walk off to the ladies room, pulling her dress down to more modest levels as she walks. I watch her amazing body as she walks across the room.

Consumed by passion in this moment, and perhaps encouraged by events i witness in this bar the other night, wicked thoughts race through my head. Uncharacteristically, I respond to them, and jump off my stool and walk quickly across the room after her. I reach the ladies room door, look quickly around and then push on it and enter. Once inside i see the cubicle door closing and i quickly reach out my hand to stop it just before it shuts, as the door springs open Marilyn spins around with a shocked look on her face, unsure what was happening. My heart skips a beat ..... what will her response be ..... shock turns to recognition as she sees it's me, which quickly turns to a wicked grin.

Needing no further encouragement i step forward into the cubicle after her and close the door behind me. She leans with her back against the cubicle wall, waiting on my move as i step forward, closing in directly against her. My body now leaning against hers, pinning her to the wall as my firm hands begin to caress up and down her arms, taking her by the shoulders and holding her against the wall, as i lean in ..... teasingly holding my lips a centremetre or so from hers .... my heart is racing and I can feel her chest rising and falling as her breathing is shorter, she leans forward to kiss me but i'm holding her back, building the anticipation as we tease each other.

I can't resist those lips for long though, as our lips meet once but even more passionately this time .....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 05, 2012, 09:22:11 AM
hi Azrielle would you like to join us  AZ sit down as she does jd tells me he has to look at the bull to see iif it work good now
AZ tells me she chief of police.. I be a good girl now for a year now i think to myself and she looks hot for a chief of police
in the low cut red top she has on just then joe drops down 2 drinks and  tells us the guy over there ask me to give them to ye 
as joe walks back to bar I ask AZ where is over there.. joe didnt point out where that guy was sitting so we look around
there is a lot single guys in bar i look over to where JD is to see was it him.. he is working on the i turn back to talk
with  AZ
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Dutchslut19 on September 05, 2012, 11:17:25 AM
After few kicks i pull out and fuck her pussy... then switch back to her ass, thrusting my cock dep inside at once... i repeat this little game several times, fucking both of her hot holes... using her, giving her all of my passion and power...
Suddenly i stop... don't do anything, just holding my cock... she looks at me... "what is wrong?" "Nothing" i grin... her eyes are starring at me... in this moment i go on shagging her like a wild animal...she is moaning, screaming loud.... i feel we both are very close again... "oh babe..." i feel my load wants to cum out

As he starts fucking me again, after that sudden stop, i start to loose control, i want him to cum deep in me, fill me up with his warm seed. I scream louder and louder, squeezing his hard love handle in my ass.

OMG, i can't hold it any longer, as i start to squirt so much, it's gushing out my pussy. And with every push he does i squirt more and more, i am trembling and schaking and can't stop cumming. I feel his muscles thightning up and with a big scream  he fills my asshole with his cream.

We both lie down on the sofa satisfied and full of pleasure, i kiss him passionate and hold him in my arms, both my holes dripping from this lustfull moment we spent together. Time to relax a bit and come back to my senses.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on September 05, 2012, 01:37:55 PM
Two very attractive ladies by my side.  I have to step away and get a grip before I do something I'll regret later, especially to the beauty I have just met.  I excuse myself from the bar and pretend check the mechanical bull.  "Deep breaths dude", I think to myself, as I give it a once over.  I check back over to the bar and they are still chatting. 

Regaining my composure, I step back over to them.  "Sorry about that ladies, safety first!" I said with a wink and smile.   "So would you want to have that dance Lydiarose?" "When the song is over, I can escort you down to the Ice House."  I offer her my hand and motion to the dance floor as the band starts their slow ballad.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on September 05, 2012, 04:27:16 PM
We both lie down on the sofa satisfied and full of pleasure, i kiss him passionate and hold him in my arms, both my holes dripping from this lustfull moment we spent together. Time to relax a bit and come back to my senses.

I take a deep breath. Have to calm down... wow, it was a hot adventure we both had. We hug...
After few minutes i say "Thanks Mona.. you entered my office in the right moment. Behind the stage is a small bathroom. you can take a shower and afterwards i invite you for a drink before i have to work again.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 05, 2012, 05:56:07 PM
As I stand up and take  JD hand,, I ask AZ if  she will be ok, Backin a mim before she can answer
I feel  a pull on my hand and I move with JD as he leads me to the dance floor, just as we step
onto the floor the band start to play a slow ballaf after taking a step onto floor JD turns round
and pulls me close to him,, I put my arms around him,,he puts his hands on my back and pulls
me closer to i can feel him breathing in and out slow then he gives me a kiss on the cheek
as he does he drop one of his hands down on to the cheek of my bottom and puts it closer to him
are bodys are so close now I can feel his cock next to my pussy,, i can feel it moving in his pants
god i so want him...Little does he know when at home i love to dance naked with a guy and
feel they cock rub up and down on my pussy...AS the band comes near the end of there song I
hope they go straigh into other song.. I dont  want this time to end...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on September 06, 2012, 07:18:31 AM
I take her delicate hand, and weaving through the tables, lead her to the dance floor.  I pull her close to me and wrap my arms around her as the band starts their melody.  As we sway to and fro with the music, our bodies gravitate toward each other.  I kiss her cheek and then move my way up to her earlobe.

I can feel cold chills rushing through my body as my lungs fill with the tantalizing smell of her  perfume mixed along with the faint aroma of the cucumber-melon body wash she showered with.  I continue my kissing trail down to her neck.  I bring my hand up from her waist to run through her soft locks and brush the curls from her beautiful eyes, exposing the sparkle that could melt any man's heart.

Still moving in time to the music, my hands move down her body, from her shoulders, down her sides, to her firm and oh so cute ass.  With a gentle grasp of her ass cheek, I pull her closer to me, pressing my erection closer to her.  She smiles at me coyly, knowing full well the effect she is having on me. 

I grab her waist and gently spin her so she is now facing away from me.  I wrap my arms around her tight tummy, and she reaches back and holds the back of my  head as we continue our dance.  I move in to steal another kiss on her cheek, but she moves her head, making sure I plant my lips squarely on her soft supple lips.  Electricity pulses through my body as we kiss deeply, swapping each others tongues.  As we kiss, she grinds her ass into my hips, rubbing my rock hard member through my jeans.  She knows the full effect she is having on me and she is driving me absolutely wild.  I can feel her hand reach back between us to verify my hardness.  She gives it a gentle squeeze to let me know she found what she has been looking for.

We break our kiss and I gently turn her back around so her firm breasts are gently squeezed between us.  My hands are slowly roaming her body, exploring her soft delicate skin on her bare arms to the small of her back. I cup her face in my now warmed hand and kiss her again.  As we kiss, I peek at her.  Her long eyelashes are covering those sexy bedroom eyes of hers. 

The band finishes their ballad and we are the only couple left on the dance floor, hoping they will start another slow love song, so we can continue our dance.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: PitVK on September 07, 2012, 03:33:38 AM
I pull into the driveway, the scent of roasting meats and the loud sounds of laughter fill the air. As I exit my dusty vehicle the scent intesifies as does the sound. Upon inspection of the exterior I decide this is indeed the place I was told about. Walking across the gravel that ordains the parking lot and making sure to lock my car with a *beep* I begin to approach the doors.

My stomach grumbles at me as if annoyed that I took too long to feed it. As I open the door then head inside I walk to the corner of the bar where there are fewer people then sit down. I am lost in my thoughts for quite some time but am pulled out of them by the bartender who asks me what drink I'll have. I inquire if there's meade. The barkeep points to a wall with several brands and I take my pick of an old looking bottle.

Just a few short  minutes later an ice cold stein filled with meade anda plate  wings are placed before me . I eat my meal in silence....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 07, 2012, 08:03:27 AM
as we hold each other we hear next song in 10 mins,JD takes my hand to walk back to AZ..I pull on his hand he look back at me
can you wait for a min I have to tell you something..this is hard for me to tell you I have to leave the Bar for a bit. something has come up that
I have to fix..and could you tell AZ that I hope to see her again soon. I look into his eyes I can see this is hurtin him but be the kind of guy he is, he know that I have to do this and will not ask me why,So I kiss him long and hard so he will not forget me I turn and walk to the door I hope I can make it outside before I start crying I walk out into the dark night cross the car park where I see a guy getting out of  a dusty vehicle so I look
down at the ground as I pass him, so he cant see the tears run down my face as I get to the far end of the car park I stop turn round and take one last look at the best Bar & Grill in town I turn and walk into the dark night with the tears running down my face.   
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on September 07, 2012, 09:34:47 AM
The song ends and I lead her back to the bar where Azrielle is sitting.  "Wait," she says, tugging my arm.  "I need to tell you something" she whispers.  "NO, it is ok.  You don't have to explain.  I completely understand.  Do what is in your heart and take care of what you need to.  If you still need a friend, I'll be here waiting."  With my words, her hand slips from mine and she makes her way to the front door of the bar.  I respect her for her decision although I am saddened to see her leave so quickly.  Deep in my heart, I hope she will return, even just to visit.  She slips out the door and out of my sight. 

I return to where AZ is sitting and I tell her that Lydiarose had to leave and hopes to chat with her again soon.  AZ asked what happened, but I told her I won't get into it.  It is just water under the bridge at this point. 

I start downing the beer that was waiting for me.  It has warmed to room temperature so it was a bit bitter to drink.  I push the empty bottle onto the bar and it slides to a stop.  I fold my hands on the bar, reflecting on what just happened.  I notice a red little light flashing on my watch.  "Oh no.. not this.. not now!" I exclaim.  I jump from my bar stool and head to the Pool room.  "Execute Ghost Protocol" I whisper to my watch.  I fling open the Ice House hidden door and head down the dark corridor.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 08, 2012, 10:51:08 AM
I head over to Old Joe at the bar ...  he has done a sterling job making sure the bar has been kept running while the staff and regular customers have been at the party.

My head is still a bit thick, from all the good food, drink , and very good company from The Ice House party.  I had showered but my body still ached a bit from all the activities of last night ...  My, it was indeed a fabulous party and who would have thought some of the things that had happened there....

It will be a party talked about for some time that's for sure....

Old Joe smiles at me  " You recovered yet?

The light is still a bit bright and I grimace & squint my eyes at him,  " Not quite yet Joe. Any chance of a nice cup of tea or 3 ... Thanks.  Are Jayc & Stone up yet?"

Old Joe makes me a fresh brew and looks over to the office, " No,  not heard hide nor hair of them yet." 

" JD or Covems, The Country Boys?"    I blush at the memories of Tight...

Old Joe places the welcoming cup in front of me.  "  No, no ones turned up yet, you are the first. They all going to be as delicate as you this fine morning? "

I grin,  " Probably - Christi sure knows how to host a party... "  I sip my tea, the first one in a  morning always tastes the best. I shut my eyes , savouring the taste of the good English beverage " mmmm"

" Have many volunteered for the pit wrestling? "  I ask him

Old Joe answers ... " A few have shown interest , there's you and Stone,  Tangojane and Karen, maybe Sexilious although I'm not sure if they are planning to wrestle each other or have someone else in mind "

I groan , " Arhhh , yes .. Stone, "    wondering how that will turn out.

I finish my cup, and gesture to Old Joe for a refill.  " Will you remind me to remind Tight to post  the erotic story competition details on the notice board.? We may have customers interesting in entering "

"Sure"  he smiles, writing a post it note and attaching it to the wall behind him.  " Business as usual then? "

I grin at him " Oh yeah, business as usual ...  just keep the tea brewing for a while.... "

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on September 08, 2012, 02:16:31 PM

Walking in with confident stride, I look around the room, and see a few people, one older gentleman behind the bar, some people sitting at the bar.  One woman who looks a bit hungover asking for a cup of tea is there also.

"A cup of tea would be marvelous."  I say to the bartender and having a seat at the bar.  I adjust my skirt and make myself comfortable.  "May I have a cup please?  Any kind is fine as long as it is caffeinated, with a wedge of lemon and a bit of sugar too, please."  I put up a 5 dollar bill then I place my purse on the bar.

The bartender puts the cup of tea and sugar in front of me.  "I'm looking for a guy named Covems."  I say to him.   "I was told he is usually here."

Sipping my tea and looking around the club.  I note an interesting layout.  Stage, dance floor, pool room.  I spot a mechanical bull.  "Haven't been on one of those things in a long time."

I finish my tea and pull a calling card from my cleavage.  I bring it up to my nose and sample the aroma of my perfume from it.  Handing it to the bartender I say,  "If you see him, would you give this to him and tell him Mollie was here.  Thank you."

I pick up my purse and get off the bar stool, leaving my change on the bar.  "Tell him I have something for him."  I say to the bartender.  "Something he'll enjoy."  I walk out of the bar room and leave.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: gfxnerd on September 08, 2012, 06:19:55 PM
Walks thru the door and heads straight to the bar.  Takes a seat, motions to the bartender and says " can I get a drink?"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on September 09, 2012, 01:41:18 AM
I walk into the door of the Bar, my step light and springy, the fire still burning in my eyes. After coming home after the party at the Ice House, I had fallen into a deep, come-like sleep. The tiredness of years all disappearing in those few hours. With a sprakle in my eyes I step into the main room and look around. As I turn to the counter, I see the beautiful frame of Brandy, a warm smile curling my lips, my walk towards her straight and directed.

I step in behind her as she leans over the bar, a cup of tea in her hands, her eyes still showing the efforts of the night before. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her neck soft and gentle, finding the spot that makes her shivers straight away.


As she turns her head, I see the tiredness under her eyes, but also notice the deep glow of satisfaction. For a moment I am caught in the events of last night, drowning in her beautiful eyes. I lean in  and softly kiss her warm mouth, cupping her cheek and caressing her soft skin with my thumb.

“I trust you slept deep into the morning?”

Her cheeks flush and her eyes glaze over, her mind slipping back to those events as well for a brief moment. Then sghe smiles her beautiful smile at me and answers my kiss.

“I slept like a baby, I was.. exhausted..”

“Then my wishes were all fulfilled..”

Her eyes sparkle as she locks them in for a moment, only to be broken by Old Joe, informing about my wish for a beverage.

“Coffee please, strong with lots of sugar”

A cup of black, steaming coffee is put down on the bar, a tumbler with sugar set besides. I add sugar to my flaver and slowly stir while I keep my eyes locked in with Brandy’s. She blushes, flutters her lashes a few times then looks away, only to lock her eyes in with mine again.

“Stop looking at me that way, you’re making me blush”

“I will, as soon as you’ve conformed I can put the poster for the story contest up on the message board?”

I open the cardboard cylinder I held under my arm and take out the poster.

“Ofcourse, I told you it was ok. There a lot of talented people here”

“Brandy, you are more as a great proprietor. Thank you. If there are more entries as the last contest, I’m buying the whole Bar a drink and I want you to be the first I clink my glass with”

“You’ve got a deal.. You know where to find the board, right?”

“Yes I do. I remember it from when someone put my name on the strip list..”

I turn and walk to the other side of the room as Brandy averts her eyes and blushes fiercely. As she turns her head and follows me through the room, I turn and wink at her. On my way through the bar I notice a few new people. I tip my forehead at Mollie that has just left a stool and walks towards the door, her delicate perfume caught by my nose. I see a few couples dancing, Marilyn and Jay9 seemingly lost in eachohter and a familiar face at the bar. I whistle on my fingers at Pit as he eats his wings, gesture a drinking motion and get a nod.

The superintendant of the NSPD looking fit and slender as always, giving birth to a new sprout seems to not have affected her. She seems focussed on something happening at her feet and misses my wave. Alita right next to her, enoying a drink and looking around the bar. She smiles as she catches my blown kiss.

Carefully I place the poster up on the message board, making sure it is pinned down well.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on September 09, 2012, 03:59:51 AM
I walk into the Bar Tight is the first I see walking over to him "morning Tight OOOW Time Travel can't wait to read them" I lean in and kiss his cheek "morning Jane hope you enter it not just read them" he answers . I run my hand over his shoulders as i walk towards the bar "not the beast of a men has turned into last night back to the sweet soft man we all love so" I think to myself.

The Chief is sat at the bar with Alita "Morning" to them both leaning into Az i whisper in her ear " looks like you have recovered from the fun last night" and kiss her on the cheek. Before she can answer I move down the bar pulling a stool to the bar I climb up onto it.

Breathing a sigh of relief as i take the wight off my feet "morning Brandy"  I say with a cheeky grin "you look like the cat that got the cream last night" as i look back over at Tight.  "mmmm yes" she smiles back "Tea or Coffee" she asks "OOOOWW a nice cup of tea please just a little milk please thank you" I answer "And what about you i never know you could be like that" I just smile as an answer to her and then say "its that place it changes people" Mmmm I take a sip of my cup of tea made properly bye an nice English lady.

"OOww any news from JD about his head after he banged last night" I ask
Taking a sip from my tea "Any one seen tango yet today he didn't make it home last night" I ask
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on September 09, 2012, 09:53:41 AM
Early afternoon. the office door opens a crack  i stick my head out, seeing the bar is mostly empty  i stumble to the bar pour a black coffee and make tea for Stone who im sure has fell back to sleep. Covems spots me  "jayc jayc" he calls to out to me  i hold out my hand  "not now not now" i mumble. leaving my coffee at the bar i bring stone her tea and return to the bar. i see tight hanging a poster then heading for the door. grabbing my mug i see brandy at the bar staring at a cup of tea i pull up a stool next to her hey boss i say quietly. she looks at me and says close your eyes before you bleed  to death and laughs............hey im not that bad just tired ......... where is Stone? she asks softly  dead to the world in the office i sigh. we sip our coffee/tea in silence. Old joe  sees me "well look what the cat dragged in" and gives me a refill. grabbing a tattler on the bar i try to read but my mind wanders to the event of last night. a few minute pass and Stone appears wearing a  bar t shirt and jeans holding her tea and saddles up at the bar with brandy  jane and my self. giving me a kiss on the cheek  she says "im starved who wants some eggs? we all nod yes. she stands and goes to the kitchen i give her my order as she walks by  scambled.........bacon   rye toast  and NO BEANS... you will eat what ever i make and like it she responds with a smile
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 09, 2012, 11:04:22 AM
I sip my tea, just relaxing for awhile as it takes effect and the world becomes balanced again. A girl walks in asking for Covems and I nod to her, hoping she will come back. She seemed to look over at the Bull with some interest.  I know JD wouldn't mind another of the fairer sex giving it a whirl..

A new guy, gfxnerd , sits at the  bar and I smile at him , " First drink is on the house, "  I tell him and  nod to Old Joe to let him have his choice of drink.

Tight comes in very bright and breezy. That should not be allowed on a day after the night before. We chat and tease each other before he pins the contest details to the board. I see him gesture to PitVK , offering to buy him a drink.  Wonder if he could be a contender for a dwarf wrestle in the pudding pit.. mmm ... we shall see  ... ;D

I look round at some of the people chatting in the bar and nod and raise my cup in acknowledgement ,  Azrielle, Alita , Jay9 & Marilyn.

"Joe, keep them coming ... "  giving him my cup for another refill.

Tangojane joins me for a cuppa.  " Good time last night?"  She teases.

I smile at the memory " Too good,  boy i'm exhausted...  JD hasnt turned up yet ..." I grin back at her " What have you done to him??? "

She asks about Tango and I assure her, he'll be in soon when he smells the tea brewing.

Jayc wonders up to us for tea too, Stone still lazing in her pit in the office, and  a coffee for himself.  Just as if , to prove him a fibber, Stone joins us.  We all look at each other and blush a little...   " Here's your tea, Sex Goddess, " I tease.  She grins back and retorts  "Just call me  Aphrodite and you ... Venus ? "

She offers to cook breakfast and mentions egg & bacon.   I groan, " Just toast, thanks.. to go with my gallons of tea "...

I look at the Achat Tattler newspaper on the bar top, the headline catching my eye ....  " Hey Tight, You made the Tattler....  "  I smile, "That's Jeanona, Lover &  Bear now -  All patrons in the bar, that Norwich guy is a top reporter, I hope he pops in for a drink soon"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on September 09, 2012, 04:19:13 PM
I push the  door of the Bar &  Grill open walking I take my sun glasses off and let my eyes adjust to the light.
Wearing a pear of jeans and a T shirt thinking "no more dwarfs are going to see my pussy after last night".
I walk over to the bar "morning Chief" I say with a slit frown as I just walk past  "morning Alita" I get to where Jane, Tight, JayC and Bandy are at the bar . I kiss Jane on the cheek as Bandy asks "What will it be Karen tea or coffee" "Owww coffee this morning please Bandy". I turn to face Tight "morning errr" I stop for a second "Tight" . Having been show a new side of him last night he just looks down at me smiles the leans over kisses me and gently gives my ass a slap.
Bandy puts my coffee on the  bar "there you go Karen"and then asks "and what did you do to poor doppy in that empty dungeon last night??" I pick up my coffee and take a sip " You will never know NEVER KNOW" I say with a big smile and we all start to laugh.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 11, 2012, 08:32:35 AM
I walking into the Bar with a BIG SPRING and a BIG SMILE on my face . After a night full of surprises

Walking up to Azrielle I plant a kiss right on her lips MWAHH  "morning Chief have you thought about what i told you i wonted from you last night" i ask. Before she can answer i move on down the bar.

"Is that Tea brewing Brandy" I ask   "Just milk Please brandy" 

Walking up behind Jane i put my arms around her "hello my love" I whisper in her ear just before i kiss her neck.
Brandy puts my Tea on the bar "there you go tango" "Thank you Bandy" I say with a smile.

"It looks like every one had a good time last night" I wink at Karen thanks for sorting Doppy out for me after he helped with that chair. I turn and wink and smile at Tight "hope you had fun with it"

I take a sip of my tea "mmm best tea for miles thanks Brandy"   

we take a moment to all sip our drinks and all start to chit chat to each other.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on September 11, 2012, 02:38:00 PM
After we took a shower and had a drink at the bar i go back to stage take the micro and talk.

The little camel asks his mother: Mum why do we have these big humps? Because in these hump there is some water and in the hot desert we can drink.

And mum. Why do we have this large fur? Because the dessert at night is so cold and then we don't feel cold.
And mum. Why do we got these big hoofs? Because the desert the sand is hot and the hoofs save us from the hot sand.

But mum. What the fuck are we doing here in the national zoo?

Our band is performing another song for you now... you all know it. It's a song to remember all the great musicians have gone this year. The lyrics are shown on our video wall and please my friends, get up and sing with us.

Auld Lang Syne
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o’ lang syne!

For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne,
We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet
For auld lang syne!

We twa hae run about the braes,
And pu’d the gowans fine,
But we’ve wander’d mony a weary foot
Sin’ auld lang syne.

We twa hae paidl’t in the burn
Frae morning sun till dine,
But seas between us braid hae roar’d
Sin’ auld lang syne.

And there’s a hand, my trusty fiere,
And gie’s a hand o’ thine,
And we’ll tak a right guid willie-waught
For auld lang syne!

And surely ye’ll be your pint’ stoup,
And surely I’ll be mine!
And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet
For auld lang syne!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: PitVK on September 11, 2012, 04:00:57 PM
I look around seeing many new people near me. Some faces I knew before the bar, some not. Tight motions to me and I manage to growl out a "Latha math, Tight" before getting up and heading to my car to sleep off what seems to be days of eating.

Along the way people are lost in their conversations and I am able to exit the bar without incident.

Opening my car door I smell the familiar scent of leather that I forgot to remove before coming to the bar. I sit in the passenger seat and recline all the way, then cover my face with a hat before nodding off.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 13, 2012, 06:38:37 AM
Tango finally turns up, with a big smile on his face. He has an air of  satisfaction about him , finding his happy place inside of him. He drinks his tea and we all dig into our breakfasts heartily, teasing each other and discussing the events of the Ice House party, especially All_For _You and the dwarfs.

PitVK mentions having a snooze in his car, he is very impressed with the AB&G menu, and had eaten like a horse. ;D

The band starts arriving, nodding  hello as they go about their business and start setting up and practicing for the nights entertainment. The dukebox is already blaring away as couples dance,  sneak off for private time, take on the bull and go inspect the pudding pit  for the up and coming wrestling on Saturday night.

After a while, Lover approaches the stage &  announces an old favourite to get the crowd singing...  we all join in to " Auld Land Syne"  crossing our arms and holding hands to the people next to us. Singing our little hearts out and as the song ends cheering and kissing people on the cheek.

Lover announces that the band will carry on with their programme but if anyone is brave enough to take to the mic & sing ,  they will play any requests or favourites. They are very talented.

" And dont forget Ladies ,  the wrestling is on for Saturday"   A big cheer erupts from the men..  " The list for volunteers is on the notice board... all participating ladies will get free food, drinks & showers on the house for the night - that cant be bad . And JD over there is always pleased to accomodate the bull rides"

Jay9, gfxnerd , and the other guys seem particularly pleased about the up and coming entertainment on Saturday night.

Some of the ladies wonder over to the notice board where the volunteers list is, noting Brandy & Stone top the list and decide whether to take the plunge or not.....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on September 13, 2012, 07:27:04 AM
Lover get your fact straight hehe. It isn't water in the hump but fat and you want to hear something disgusting? Well too bad cause here it goes. Camels will reuse the water that gets cycled through their kidneys over and over in the desert if there isn't much water, so by the time they actually go, it is one thick almost syrup texture that comes out. It also is dark too lol.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 13, 2012, 08:23:41 AM
I groan as I hear Sexilious's graphic explanation about camels bodily functions .... The toast and tea grumbles a little

" Hey girl,  thanks  for that" I grin "so are you putting your name down for the wrestling?" ....   ;D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on September 13, 2012, 03:13:20 PM
I make my way to the microphone... I have a song.  Maestro... would you give me just a drum.  In a marching beat?  Thank you.
I give you the song of the Perverted Regiment!

Last night I stayed up late to masturbate... It felt so good, I knew it would.   Last night I stayed up late to masturbate... It felt so nice... I did it twice.  Oh, you should see me working on the short strokes.  I use my hand.  It's simply grand.  Oh, you should see me working on the long strokes.  I use my feet.  It's really neat.  Smash it!  Bash it! Beat it on the floor.  Smite it!  Bite it!  Ram it through the door.  Oh it's so neat to beat your meat while sitting on the toilet seat.  Isn't life devine, Funiculi, Funicula!!                       

I bow and leave the stage.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: onlyguessed on September 13, 2012, 03:38:04 PM
Applause from the fellow singer in the back of the room
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on September 13, 2012, 04:07:58 PM

Forgot one....

A Razz a ma Tazz

A Rootie toot-toot

I'd like to see you in your Birthday Suit.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 13, 2012, 07:34:26 PM
Load applause fellow covems song as he leaves the stage I get up from the bar and walk over patting Coverms on the shoulder "great song good one " i say as we pass walking over to the band I get them all to huddle in close an whisper to the all. They all lough "yes we know that song we can play that for you " the lead sing says and goes and get his turmpet

I move over to the mic "Lady's see you all here after the Night before and all looking Stunning I have a little something for you"
Turning to the band " Guy's let do this" they all smile and start to play.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is THE BAR & GRILL number five.

One, two, three, four, five, everybody in the car so come on let's ride...
To the Achat Bar around the corner.
The boys say they want some gin and juice but I really don't wanna.
Beerbust like I had last week.
I must stay deep 'cause talk is cheap.
I like Azrielle, Brandy, Stone and ALita.
And as I continue, you know they're getting sweeter.
So what can I do? I really beg you my Lord.
To me flirting is just like a sport.
Anything fly, it's all good let me dump it.
Please set it in the trumpet.

A little bit of Monique in my life,
A little bit of Karen by my side.
A little bit of Jane's what I need,
A little bit of Adrea's what I see.
A little bit of Satoire in the sun,
A little bit of Blue all night long.
A little bit of Pafe here I am,
A little bit of you makes me your man!
BAR & GRILL number five.

Jump up and down and move it all around.
Shake your head to the sound, put your hands on the ground.
Take one step left and one step right.
One to the front and one to the side.
Clap your hands once and clap your hands twice
And if it look like this then you're doing it right.

A little bit of Monique in my life,
A little bit of Karen by my side.
A little bit of Jane's what I need,
A little bit of Adera's what I see.
A little bit of Satoire in the sun,
A little bit of Blue all night long.
A little bit of Pate here I am,
A little bit of you makes me your man!

Trumpet, the trumpet.
BAR & GRILL number five, ha, ha, ha.

A little bit of Monique in my life,
A little bit of Karen by my side.
A little bit of Jane's what I need,
A little bit of Adrea's what I see.
A little bit of Satoire in the sun,
A little bit of Blue all night long.
A little bit of Pafe here I am,
A little bit of you makes me your man!

I do all to fall in love with a girl like you.
Cause you can't run and you can't hide.
You and me gonna touch the sky.
BAR & GRILL number five
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 13, 2012, 07:54:17 PM
Wow,  Standing ovation for Tango's tribute song to all the ladies.   Whistling & cheering.   

""Stone" I shout over to her,  " Make sure that guy does not pay for his drinks all week - Its not every day we have such a compliment and our names in a song "

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on September 13, 2012, 11:27:01 PM
As the applause dies down, my hands red and warm from clapping, a last loud clap echoes through the room, turning everyone's head. I smile recognising the girl in the back.

Excusing myself from the group at the bar, I slowly walk up to her until I am in front of her table.

"Hi Only, is this seat taken? I'm glad you found your way to the B&G"

She smiles, extends her hand in an inviting gesture and quickly I slide into the chair to her right. Being this close, I smell her delicate perfume, mixed in her with her natural, enticing scent while my eyes lock in with hers and I drown in the mirrors of her soul. We stare at eachother for what seems an eternity, the connection broken as Brandy bumps into my chair.

"Oops, sorry..."

The smile on her face kills all credibility of her remakr and I start to blush, my red face mirrored by On;y's. As Brandy walks off again, I turn my focus back to Only, take her hand in mine and smile.

"would you like to dance with me?"

The look on her face is all the answer I need and quickly I push my chair back to guide her to the dance floor. My eyes glide over the pudding pit and I stop in my step 'shuck', I need to return the pudding truck. I turn and face Only again.

"Uhm, I forgot to do something.. Will you save your dance with me until I come back? Or would you like to take a ride with me..?"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jay9 on September 14, 2012, 04:32:05 AM

(..... cont'd)

I can't resist those lips for long though, as our lips meet once but even more passionately this time .....

My lips pressed firmly against hers, our tongues now dancing feverishly together. Stepping forward as we kiss, my body now firmly pressing hers to the cubicle wall. Feeling her firm, full breasts pressing against my chest, her nipples noticably hard now, as they poke into me through my thin shirt. My hips now pushing forward against hers, i am so turned on right now, brazenly acting on my wicked thoughts, has me instantly stiff in my jeans already .... my hard bulge pushing firmly against her crotch. Holding her bare shoulders against the wall, her body now at my disposal as I begin to grind my body against hers ... her breasts squashed between us and my crotch is grinding into hers.

Our warm breath mixing as one as our lips refuse to break their lock. Her hands roaming over my back and shoulders, caressing every inch of me and pulling me harder onto her body, then wandering down to my arse and pulling me even harder into her hips, leaving me in no doubt that at this moment she wants me as bad as I want her.

My hands move up to the shoulder straps of her dress and slowly slip them off her shoulders and then peel them down her toned arms teasingly. Reaching in between our bodies, i pull her tight dress down off her breasts down to her belly, exposing her firm tits. Finally breaking our kiss, i lean back momentarily to admire this beauty before me, and then i lower my head to her breasts and my wet lips begin to kiss and suck on her nipples. Switching my attention occasionally from breast to breast, as I'm sucking on her hard nipples, flicking them with my warm tongue and playfully biting down on them to keep them nice and hard. Marilyn's hands are running through my hair as she holds my head firmly in place, clearly enjoying the attention on her breasts.

I look up from those amazing breasts and then with those big beautiful eyes staring deep in to mine, I slowly begin to peel her tight dress down, slowly past her hips and then more rapidly down her tanned thighs and all the way down her long athletic legs. She steps out of bunched dress and stands with her legs parted slightly wider. I don't need any encouragement, as i begin to kiss my way up those stunning legs, along her inner thigh and then up to that sexy little G-String panties she's wearing. softly kissing her through the thin fabric, i raiase a hand and begin to rub along her pussy lips through the panties, tracing her outline with my fingers .... her dampness is obvious. Then reaching up to her hips to grab the thin straps of her panties, i pull them down and off her legs in one quick motion, as she spreads her legs even wider, inviting my attention.

My lips now meet hers as I get my first taste of her sweet juice. My tongue licking along her pussy lips in long strokes while i raise my hands to part her pussy lips wide for me as i plunge my tongue deep inside her for the first time. She moans instantly and her hands reach for the back of my head as she holds me in tighter to her pussy. My tongue now probing in and out of her, slowly at first and then building in tempo until I'm fucking her with my tongue, forcing it's way as deep inside her as i can muster. Her hips are now grinding down on my face as she pulls me more firmly against her .... sighing quite loudly now as i devour her, her pussy now flooding me with her juices.

Withdrawing my tongue soaked in Marilyn's sweet juices, i begin to lick her little clit. My wet tongue applying pressure to it and then lapping at it. Closing my lips tightly over her clit, i begin to suck on it, as my tongue flicks it playfully within my enclosed mouth, as i suck harder. Her hands suddenly grip my head forcefully, as she pulls me hard against her as her sighs turn quickly to moans and then i feel a quiver run through her body as a couple of waves of pleasure pass through you as she moans loudly. Her fingernails digging into me for the duration and then as  her body relaxes once more she releases her grip on the back of my head slightly. Pulling my head back so that i'm looking up at her now, her juices glistening all over my mouth, she looks purposefully down at me ....

"Fuck me Jay .... fuck me now !!!"

As she pulls me up off my knees up to meet her lips. She licks my soaked lips and then kisses me hungrily .... tasting all of her own juices from my lips and tongue. This gets me even more turned on. Her hands are quickly unbuttoning my shirt and ripping it open and then they caress their way down my chest and begin to pull hurriedly at my belt buckle, as she rips open my jeans. Her soft fingers slide down the front of my underpants and quickly wrap around the thick shaft of my already rock hard cock, which is aching to be freed from it's constraints by now. Pulling me up and out of my pants, my cock springs free and she immediately begins to stroke me firmly up and down. Increasing in speed and tightening and releasing her grip on my shaft, as my jeans fall to my ankles.

Unable to restrain myself any longer, i lift one leg up by her thigh and position the tip of my cock against her pussy as she responds by wrapping her arms tightly around my back. Our lips still locked in our kiss, our eyes looking deep into each others, i brace myself with my legs and then in one firm forward thrust, I plunge my cock deep inside her as she moans into my mouth. Her pussy lips wrapping tightly over my shaft, as her wetness surrounds me. Then without restraint, i begin to pump her ... long slow deep thrusts .... in and out as i fill her completley with my rock hard member. Her fingernails digging into my back as the tempo increases and we fuck more and more vigorously. Our bodies are colliding now and the cubicle wall is shaking as the passion escalates.

My hips are pounding hard against her now, as my thrusts are more forceful and rapid all the time. One hand pinning her raised leg against the wall as i fuck her, and my other hand squeezing her firm breast as she rides every thrust. Fucking so hard and fast now, sweat beading on our bodies as my balls are slapping up against her with each pump. Totally consumed by passion I'm breathing deeply and Marilyn is moaning loudly as we charge full speed towards to a powerful climax, without even a thought to who may be able to hear us.

I can feel that familiar feeling of pleasure rising from deep within as I muster all my strength to continue thrusting with all my force before the inevitable explosion. i can feel Marilyn's grip dig sharply into my back as her moans suddenly increase in volume and intensity .... then I feel her body begin to quiver as she calls out my name ..... her juices flood me as I feel wave after wave of orgasm passing through her body. She's moaning loudly, her body is shaking and then i can feel her pussy contracting around my swollen shaft. Which is all I need to tip me over the edge as my legs weaken under me and I explode deep inside her. My body tenses as her pussy milks powerful squirts of hot cum from my shaft. I bury my face into her neck, muffling my cries of pleasure as we continue to orgasm together.

Slowly our climax subsides and our bodies begin to relax. Slowly pumping her flooded pussy as my cock relaxes, our juices mixed together and now running down her leg and mine. Panting heavily from our efforts, our lips meet again in a more senusal kiss as we bask in the afterglow. Our sweaty bodies now relaxing against each other, enjoying the feel of our combined nakedness, skin on skin.

After what feels like minutes, i break our kiss and step back from her, withdrawing from her pussy as i take an admiring look at her spent naked body before me. With a wicked smile on her face she drops to her knees, takes my cock in her hand and guides it to her mouth. Then expertly proceeds to suck and lick me dry of every last trace of cum. Those beautiful eyes looking up at me as she does so, which is so hot. "Thank you baby, that feels so nice. And my god that was so hot. I've never done anything like that before!". "I agree honey, that was amazing. I'm so glad you followed me in here." as she flashes a wicked grin back at me.

"At least I'm all cleaned up now, what about you?" I joke. Marilyn smiles up at me as she pulls my jeans up from my ankles and I reach down to begin to tuck myself in and make myself presentable again. "I'll need a few minutes to tidy myself up in here. Why don't you head out first and I'll follow shortly."

"Ok no problem, probably better to not be too obvious either I guess. I'll see you at the bar..." i say as i unlatch the cubicle door and begin to step out. "You better have a drink waiting for me, I think we need another one now!!!" she calls out after me. I nod and smile and head for the door. Nervously I open it and peak out, coast looks clear, so I push it open and confidently stride across the room back towards the bar. Am convinced everyone is staring at me, probably because I have this massive grin of satisfaction plastered across my face. Who cares, I won't forget this hot encounter for a long time. Pulling up a stool at the bar once more, I patiently wait for the bar service as I'm still feeling my heart rate slowing back down to normal. Can't quite believe what just happened!

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 14, 2012, 07:22:47 AM
As I make my way to the Bar & Grill for the first time in about 8 days , I cross the car park where I see someone in a car a sleep..
I walk into the Bar just then applause, whisting & cheering ring out from all corners of the Bar.. I look around to see why but with everone on there feet  I can not  make out who was singing..looks like a good night here tonight
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on September 14, 2012, 08:06:29 AM

"Hello Lydiarose, welcome back to the AChat Bar & Grill.  Table for one?  A seat at the bar perhaps?"

"A word of caution for you.  Unless you desire undo attention from the dwarves, do not sit at the very end of the bar.  It seems the rascals have built themselves a room underneath this bar room, and their access door is in the base of the bar at that end.  They have been known to pester those who sit there, especially attractive young ladies such as yourself."

"I ALSO HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE BAR.  I am going to do a tie-in the circuit breaker box in the mechanical room.  I am hooking up the new Public Announcing System out back for the Wrestling Pit.  I will do this hot, but the bar and maybe even the Ice House might experience a small power drain.  It may even cause the place to lose power.  Joe has candles on stand-by in case we do lose power."

"It will only take me about 5 to 7 minutes to complete the tie-in.  However, if you smell the aroma of buring meat, please call the NSPD Emergency Services.  Thank you for your patience."

"I now return you to your normal programming."
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on September 14, 2012, 08:11:29 AM
hhmmmmmm wouldn't be a bad thing if the place lost power *thinks naughtily* in fact maybe it would be great  ;D hehe and if meat is burning better find some hot buns
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on September 14, 2012, 08:19:21 AM

Sexilicious... you already have hot buns!    Whoo hoo!

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 14, 2012, 08:40:42 AM
Thank you covems  Table if you can find one would do pls.. As for the Dwarves they saw more of me the last time i was here.. They were under 
the table having a good look.. Forgot to put on pantes that night...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 14, 2012, 09:43:40 AM
Coming back to the B&G after the party and no sleep it's really hard......still focused on driving my car was really a pain! but at last i'm here in the parking area in front of the bar where few cars are parked.

"Mmmm, maybe most of the usual costumers are sleeping after the wild party....oh, how i'd like to join them!" i tell to myself looking at the suitcase over the passenger seat.

I grab the suitcase and move to the front door, opening it just in time to enjoy the performance of Tango: a parody of Mambo Number 5! Great song, nothing to say , but honestly i need something to wake me up to fully enjoy it! And why the first thing i need to do is move to the couinter and meet old Joe. And seems like i'm not the only one who need something strong to wake up, judging from the face of Brandy, Tight amnd the others....

"Hi all! seems like i'm not the only one who don't had sleep so much tonight...."

"Something similar, HB...." Brandy says, pointing at a cup of tea "did you want some!?"

"Only at two condotion: a biggest cup and some biscuits! The best breakfast after a cappuccino!"  i answer her sitting near her and placing the suitcase on the floor.

"Who did you think you are talking at, HB!? Of course we have!" she turns to Joe  "Tea and biscuits for HB, Joe!"

After two minutes, Joe come to us with my order and leave it in front of me on the table. The smell of the tea fill my nostrils, remind me on past memories of childhood and summer holidays at my cousin home, in the country. I take a sip and the taste fulfil my mouth.

"Really delicious! Anyway, before i forget....i have the copy of the pics requested yesterday night. I leave them to Joe, later! Now i really need to enjoy this tea!"

I take another sip, followed by a biscuit.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on September 14, 2012, 10:43:15 AM
I take the mic....

"If I look around I see many new guests. Thats absolutely wonderful. Dear guests, let me promise.... when you come here for the first time you are a guest. But when you go you go as a friend. Feel free to talk to everyone, to enter the stage or just to have a drink - and come back every day. Thanks... and once more a BIG WELCOME! I hug the new men... and kiss the new women.."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on September 14, 2012, 02:03:55 PM
]I got a call from Lydia wondering if I was going to the Bar tonight.  Told her I wasn't sure.  She said she would be there and would like for me to drop by and see her.

Standing outside the Bar I hear a lot of clapping and applause. I open the door and walk in.  The place is packed.  I walk up to the bar.  I see Stone
I ask her for a drink.  She says "What would you like stranger?".  "Just a cold beer" I say.  I look around. Tell Stone "this place is Packed"  She hands me my drink, looks at me ans says "look at the table by the bull, someone is waiting for you". I look over and see Lydia.  I thank her and work my way through the crowd.

i look at Lydia sitting there, so hot and sexy as always.  I walk up beside her "miss can i sit here"  She stands up and gives me a hug and a kiss.  "Wow" I say, "What was that for".  She looks at me "I am so happy that you showed up".  "Well I have more free time than i expected".  I look at her " you look so beautiful tonight, Whats going on".

She leans into me and whispers in my ear " I have a surprise for you tonight that I hope you enjoy"  Now she has me all excited.  Never know what she is up to.  Guess i will find out as night goes on.

Bear and Tight come over to us.  "Glade to see you both back"  they say.  "make sure you two enjoy yourself" Bear says.  I look at him and say.  "I think this is going to be a fun night

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on September 14, 2012, 06:42:26 PM
Covems quit peeking to see if my buns are hot lol ;)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bluedenim on September 15, 2012, 01:06:06 AM
I take the mic....

"If I look around I see many new guests. Thats absolutely wonderful. Dear guests, let me promise.... when you come here for the first time you are a guest. But when you go you go as a friend. Feel free to talk to everyone, to enter the stage or just to have a drink - and come back every day. Thanks... and once more a BIG WELCOME! I hug the new men... and kiss the new women.."

And that goes from all of us! We don't just want to write about ourselves, (we do like our stories and hope you do too) we want you to play with us too!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on September 15, 2012, 04:50:40 AM
Covems quit peeking to see if my buns are hot lol ;)

Sexilicious!!  I wasn't peeking... honest.  I was gawking.

... and ... they sure do look hot, but there is really only one way to be sure and that is to feel them.

Well... I survived the tie-in.  Everything looks to be good there, including those hot buns.  The power drain lasted only about 6 minutes.  Sorry about the lights dimming.  Thanks for not complaining.

I go out back to test the new PA system.  "In this corner... standing all of 5 foot, 3 inches tall and weighing 122 pounds.  Wearing the light blue bikini bottom with no bra... " 

I switch everything off and turn around to see all seven dwarves coming out from behind the showers.  "Sorry lads... false alarm... I was only giving it a test."  They shake their fists at me and go back behind the showers.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on September 15, 2012, 06:31:49 AM
lol well you won't be able to feel them for a while :P

p.s. heading home after work this weekend to be with fam so catch you all when i get back ;)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on September 15, 2012, 09:57:29 AM
Seeing the lights dim and flicker, i look up from papers on my desk and head out to to bar to investigate. Joe sees me and says its Covems routing power to the pit for the show. looking around. i see the bar is filling up with the regulars and some new faces. i see Lydia has returned looking lovely  as always, tango and his crew are chattng and laughing after his great cover song and taking adavantage of Brandy's free drinks offer. in a singing mood i climb on stage  and grab the mic. i look at the band and say  ok boys lets do this right or not at all. the country boys break into Teen angst an old Cracker song from the 90s

I don’t know what the world may need,
But I’m sure as hell that is starts with me.
And that’s a wisdom,
I’ve laughed at.

I don’t know what the world may want,
But a good stiff drink it surely don’t.
So I think I’ll go and fix myself a tall one.

Cause, what the world needs now
Is a new kind of tension.
Cause the old one just bores me to death.
Cause, what the world needs now
Is another folk singer
Like I need a hole in my head.

I don’t know what the world may need,
But a v8 engine is a good start for me.
Think I’ll drive to find a place,
To be surly.
I don’t know what the world may want,
But some words of wisdom could comfort us.
Think I’ll leave that up to someone wiser.

Cause, what the world needs now
Are some true words of wisdom
Like la la la la la
Cause, what the world needs now
Is another folk singer
Like I need a hole in my head.

I don’t know what the world may need,
And I never grasped your complexities.
I’d be happy just to get your attention.
And, I don’t know what the world may want,
But your long, sweet body lying next
To mine could certainly raise my spirits.

Cause what the world needs now
Is a new frank sinatra
So I can get you in bed.
Cause what the world needs now
Is another folk singer
Like I need a hole in my head.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 16, 2012, 09:24:32 AM
Setting back a the bar with Jane and Karen we all applaud as jayc finishes his song I turn to Stone "Looks like I'v started something tonight an open mic night
Looking at Jane and Karen "you to have good voices and are happy to sing along with the songs on the radio all the time" I say with a smile.
They look at each other and smile.
I take the last swig out of my bottle of beer and put it back on the bar Stone takes the empty bottle and put a full one in its place "Remember you on a freebee to night tango after your song tonight" Stone reminds me.

The  girls  Keep whispering back and forth with each other

Hehehe i lean back on the Bar and watch the fun and games start.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 16, 2012, 03:56:14 PM
I whisper into ssgt ear, Its open mic night think  I will go up and give it a go what do you think. "ssgt" tells me to go for it.. Ok i will I get up and make my way to stage climb on to stage , walk over to the band  guys do ye know this one,, "Band" we will give it a go.. so walk back to mic pick it up  and say this one is for all the guys in here tonight,, here goes

                                  oh baby dulls
                               I know you like me
                               I know you do
                              That why whenever I come around shes all over you
                              And I know you want it
                             It"s easy to see
                             And in the back of you mind  i know you should come home with me
                            Dont cha  wish your girlfriend was hot like me
                           Dont cha  wish your girlfriend was a freak like me
                             Dont cha   dont cha
                           Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
                           Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
                           Dont cha      dont cha
                          Fighting the feeling
                          Leave it alone
                          Cause if it aint love
                          It  just anit enough to leave a happy home
                          Let keep  it friendly
                          You have to play fair
                          See, I dont care
                          But I know she aint gon" wanna share

                          Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me
                          Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me
                          Dont cha   dont cha
                          Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
                          Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
                               Dont cha   dont cha

                          I know I"m on your mind
                          I know we"ll have a good time
                          I"m your friend
                          I"m fun
                          And I"m fine
                          I aint lying
                          Look at me, you aint blind

                         Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me
                         Dont cha wish your
girlfriend was a freak like me
                             Dont cha    dont cha
                         Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
                         Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
                               Dont cha   dont chat

                          See, I know she loves  you
                          I understand
                          I"d probably be just as crazy about you
                          If you were my own man
                          Maybe next lifetime
                          Until then, oh friend your"e secret ia safe with me

                          Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot  like me
                          Dont cha wish your girl girlfriend was a freak like me
                                 Dont cha    dont cha
                          Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
                          Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
                                 Dont cha   dont cha


Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bono2012 on September 16, 2012, 07:37:43 PM
So this is the Achat Bar & Grill open the door for the first time and walk in side, big crowd in here  make my way to bar.omg is that who i think
it  is up on the stage it is Lydiarose  have to say she is hot. stop and look up at her doing her thing on the stage.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on September 16, 2012, 08:16:37 PM
I walk to Bono. "Welcome my friend. We don't know each other - yet. But tonight it's a wonderful night to get to know us. Let me invite you for a drink and a talk... and afterwards you may take care of Lydia ;) "
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on September 16, 2012, 11:15:13 PM
Walking back into the bar, i see tango and the lady's sitting in the back, Jane waving at me. I wave back and after a stop at the bar i join them. A kiss on both the girls cheeks and a nod to tango before i sit down.

"Hello darling" Jane says "It's open mike night tonight and tango did already do a song, and maybe Karen and i wil do one too if we can think of one"

"That sounds great, you two singing, and sorry i missed your song tango"

"Are you going to sing a song for us too" asks Karen as she comes closer and closer and leans against me

"Maybe i will, but now let me enjoy your company and my drink en see who else is going to perform" and i put my arm around her and kiss her cheek again.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on September 17, 2012, 05:35:03 AM
I stand up howling and clapping like everyone else in the bar as Lydia finishes her song.  Not only can she sing she know how to dance and tease all the guys in the room, band even enjoyed. She smiles and says " Thanks everyone, I hope you enjoyed" in her devilish seductive voice.  She reaches out her hand for help getting off the stage.  She looks at me and smiles.  3 guys reach for her.  I cant see in the crowd, but i can tell some has picked her up and lifted her off the stage.  She is laughing and gives him a kiss.  She starts a slow seductive walk towards me, making sure everyone sees her.

I reach out my hand for her.  " I didn't know you could sing and dance like that" I say.  She laughs " There's a lot you don't know know about me, yet" I pull her close and kiss her.  She wraps her arms around me holding me tight.  I look into her eyes " You love singing and getting all the attention. don;t you?"  She smile "yes, I love it. Do you mind" she says.  "Hell no"  I say, "look around at everyone looking at you".  She smiles. "Jut wait till I get you home"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on September 17, 2012, 06:55:11 AM
Before OnlyGuessed replies, I take her hand, place a kiss on her wrist and lean in to whisper in her ear.

"There's one quick thing I have to do first.."

Without further ado I walk up to the mic which was just elft by LydiaRose. I turn to the country boys, wink at them then cough, asking for attention of the people at the Bar.

"Friends, old and new.. We're all here to have fun wíth eachother.. And for that I wanted to offer some advice, advice from someone much wiser as I am... Hope you'll get the drift..."

The music starts playing and with my deep voice I start the song.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering

I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth;
oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded.

But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked….
You’re not as fat as you imagine.

Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing everyday that scares you


Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours.


Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind… the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.

Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.


Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life…the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don’t.

Get plenty of calcium.

Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone.

Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll have children,maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll divorce at 40, maybe you’ll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary…what ever you do, don’t
congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either – your choices are half chance, so are everybody else’s.

Enjoy your body, use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own..

Dance… even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them.

Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future. Understand that friends come and go,but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard;
live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.

Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do you’ll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.

Respect your elders.

Don’t expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one might run out.

Don’t mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will look 85.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen…

I turn and leave the stage, returning to the table in the corner and joining OnlyGuessed again.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on September 17, 2012, 07:16:30 AM
"Open mic night?!  I should give that a try" I whisper to myself as I recalibrate the controls of the mechanical bull.  Those power fluctuations from Covems maintenance put them slightly out of whack.

I jump on stage and lower the brim of my cowboy hat to shade my eyes from the bright lights of the stage.

"Hit it guys" I yell to the band.

Hey baby, whatcha doin' this evenin'
Can 'ya meet me down at the railroad tracks
I got Tom Petty playin' in my silverado
And I've iced down, a six pack

Hey Daisy, don't 'ya worry 'bout your mama
Like 007 we can keep it covert
Undercover on the ground by the water
Gonna get a little peace on earth, I say

Baby, what you say we go pickin' wildflowers
I got a spot way back in the woods
Sneak away for a couple of hours
You and me, baby, a pickin' wildflowers

Hey baby, Mother Nature is waitin' and
Love's bloomin' like a cherry tree
Let's buzz around maybe do some pollinating
And dive in like honeybees

Baby, what you say we go pickin' wildflowers
I got a spot way back in the woods
Sneak away for a couple of hours
You and me, baby, a pickin' wildflowers

Take a trail ride if you know what I mean
Hey baby, won't you come with me

What you say we go pickin' wildflowers
Got a spot way back in the woods
Sneak away for a couple of hours
Spend a little time pickin' wildflowers

What you say we go pickin' wildflowers
Got a spot way back in the woods
Sneak away for a couple of hours
You and me, baby, you and me, baby

A pickin' wildflowers
What you say we go, what you say we go
What you say we go, what you say we go
Pickin' wildflowers, a pickin' wildflowers

The crowd cheers as the band ends the song.  I jump down from the stage and head to the bar.  "ssgt!  Good to see you back" as I give him a fist bump.  "You too Lydiarose" as I gently shake her hand.  "Great job with the song.  I hope we can hear more of your voice back on stage soon"  I excuse myself from their presence and grab a beer from the bar.  I take a swig to quench my thirst. 

I walk over to Bono2012 and welcome him to the bar.  "Hope you have a great time here" 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on September 17, 2012, 07:47:50 AM
We all clap Tight as he leaves the stage
The stage is empty and we all turn back to are groups and start to chat again.
Karen is leaning on Mrsex Shoulder and I'm lent up against Tango when he sets up turns to Stone behind the bar "Stone you got a pen and a same paper back there" he asks Stone hands him a pen and a note pad. He pushes me off him and he turns to the bar, he starts to write some thing and then crossing it out, write same thing, cross it out .
We all try to see what he is writing but he just brushes us away. After about ten Minutes he turns to me and smiles then gets up and goes over to the band and he chats with them for a few minutes.
He walks over to me and hands me kisses me and say's "here you go I think this will be good for you to sing" and hands me the note pad.and then goes and sets back on his stole and take a big swig of his beer.

I read what Tango gave me and a big smile comes over my face. I nod my head as i sing it in my head the smile just gets bigger and bigger on my face .I look up from the note pad its great I walk over to Tango and kiss him fall on the lips "thank you my love I love it"

I turn and walk to the stage the lead singer of the band comes over and gives me his hand and helps me up onto the stage
walking to the mic taking it in my hand i take a deep breath "I would like to thank Tango for rewriting this song for me to sing for you all"

                                                      Hit it!
                                                      This ain't no disco
                                                      And it ain't no country club either,
                                                      This is A Chat

                                                      All I want to do is have a little fun before I die
                                                      Says the man next to me out of nowhere
                                                      It's apropos of nothing he says his name is JD
                                                      But I'm sure he's jayc or Tight or Covems or Lover

                                                      And he's plain Gorgeous to me, and I wonder if he's ever
                                                      Had a day of fun in his whole life

                                                      We are drinking beer on a Sunday afternoon
                                                      In the bar that really a cool place to be
                                                      And the good people from Achat                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                                                      Are popping in and out on their lunch breaks
                                                      Dancing and hugging as best they can                                                                  
                                                      In jeans and shorts
                                                      And they drive their shiny Nissans and Mercs
                                                      Back to the police station, the crime lab, too
                                                      Well, they're nothing like JD and me

                                                      All I wanna do is have some fun
                                                      I got a feeling I'm not the only one
                                                      All I wanna do is have some fun
                                                      I got a feeling I'm not the only one
                                                      All I wanna do is have some fun
                                                      Until the sun comes up over
                                                      Achats Bar & Grill

                                                      I liked a good beer buzz, early in the morning
                                                      JD likes to peal the labels from his bottles of bud
                                                      He shreds them on the bar then he lights up every match
                                                      In an over-sized pack letting each one burn
                                                      Down to his thick fingers before blowing and
                                                      Cursing them out, he's watching
                                                      The bottles of bud as they spin on the floor

                                                      HB and Adera enter the bar
                                                      Dangerously, close to one another
                                                      Stone looks up from her want ads


                                                      All I wanna do is have some fun
                                                      I got a feeling I'm not the only one
                                                      All I wanna do is have some fun
                                                      I got a feeling I'm not the only one
                                                      All I wanna do is have some fun
                                                      Until the sun comes up over
                                                      Achats Bar & Grill

                                                      Otherwise the bar is ours, the day and the night
                                                      The Bear Pit, The Mechanical Ball too,
                                                      Buds, and the Pretty and Stunning guests,
                                                      The sun and the moon ,

                                                      But, all I wanna do is have some fun
                                                      I got a feeling I'm not the only one
                                                      All I wanna do is have some fun
                                                      I got a feeling I'm not the only one
                                                      All I wanna do is have some fun
                                                      I got a feeling the party has just begun
                                                      All I wanna do is have some fun
                                                      I won't tell you that you're the only one
                                                      All I wanna do is have some fun
                                                      Until the sun comes up over
                                                      Achats Bar & Grill
                                                      Until the sun comes up over
                                                      Achat Bar & Grill

  I stand up on the Stage and clap my hands to Tongo for a great Bar & Grill version of Sheryl Crow's All I Wanna Do

Walking to the edge of the stage I put my hands out for tango to come get me. He walks over to me and puts his arms around me I kiss him again as he picked me up off the stage and we walk back to the bar

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 17, 2012, 08:49:12 AM
Seems like the night is turning on a sort of singing contest....lot of skilled people are singing on the stage and this is a really good thing.
Well it was if my headache will stop every high notes, my head seems like is gonna to explode! The good thing is it seems like my head hurts a little less .
When my tea and biscuits are ended, i lift the suitcase from the floor to the table. I open it and take some envelops with different names written over them: Sexilicious, Bluedenim, etcetera. I give them and the price list to Old Joe and then i ask to him for eventually new submitted requests.

"No new one, HB!" he answer me.

"Thank stamp those one, i don't had sleep after the party! If someone need me i'm in the pool room....i have some work to complete!"

After had salute all, i move to the pool one is there and, with the door closed, the music is low. I open my laptop and turn it on: time to complete the project of my new apartment and then....all i need is someone really good at building the stuff i need!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Dutchslut19 on September 17, 2012, 10:11:17 AM
I walk on stage, and talk to the band, "boys this must be more familiar to you all, it's country time"

As i walk up to the microphone i feel my hand palms sweaty, i never done this sort of thing, but here it goes.

"Hello ladies and gentleman, my name is Mona and i would like to sing this next song for you from our own Dutch country singer Ilse deLange about love between two people on the crazy world we live in these days and it's called World of Hurt"

Day one God smiled, 

Gave us all the wisdom of a newborn child 

by the time we take our first step 

We've already begun to forget 

What the heart knows the heart sees 

We're just as much the forest, as we are the trees 

Every little seed trying to find 
Where the light comes from 

And it's a world of hurt, nothing works 

It's a lonely little planet made of dust and dirt 

Who'd ever think that in the midst of all this 

Somthing as beautiful as love exists 

And when I hold you, and you hold me 

Heaven doesn't seem like such a mystery 

Darling in a world of hurt 

You make me feel so good 

Day one of our love, 

Two heartbroken people scared to trust too much 

Oh but here it comes that feelin' again 

That every lover swears will never end 

We thought we'd been there, done that, 

But when we kissed 

We knew we'd never been here..

We've never done this 

All the walls come tumblin' down 

When you love someone 

And it's a world of hurt, nothing works 

It's a lonely little planet made of dust and dirt 

Who'd ever think that in the midst of all this 

Somthing as beautiful as love exists 

And when I hold you, and you hold me 

Heaven doesn't seem like such a mystery 

Darling in a world of hurt 

You make me feel so good

I take a deep bow and walk form the stage
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 17, 2012, 10:39:31 AM
As sstg and I go to sit back down I see someone that I have not see in a long time, Looking at ssgt i whisper in to his ear love give me a min just see someone I have to talk to,,he say ok. I turn away and walk to where he is stand with lover and jd. I walk to the back of Jd,I whisper into his ear how are you after other night just before he can answer me i say hi to lover and if it is ok if i talk to Bono..lover and jd walk to the bar."Bono" long time girl. yes i answer, so what bring to the bar bono, tells me just in town for a few days and he love my song. ty have you the gultar with you, its in car lydia, go get it and do a song for me like the old times,he agree to do it,Before he gets it I show where im sitting with sstg in the cowboy hat.I make my way back to sstg and sit down. Hope Bono will come back and sing.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Jaz_Venice on September 17, 2012, 01:40:43 PM
After turning off the main road leading to the centre of town, I park my car in the lot at the B&G. Seems the place is booming, with finding just a few open spots. My professional eye discovers several shady vehicles, but as I am here in a hunch, I decide to ignore them.

This Friday evening, something will happen in the B&G, a meeting of some sorts and the place will be staked out by me and Jonathan. But I always try and get a feel of a place and the environment by driving around the neighbourhood and casting a look inside if i can. Besides, Jonathan is too well known in this town and in places like this, he is sure to be recognised. He’ll be in the car a few houses away during the stake out next Friday, and I will be inside to survey the bar.

As I get closer to the entrance, I hear one singer end, and a new singer start, two different voices. At least there is live music. A good sign, a nice way to hide in the back as the focus will be on stage. I wonder what other featurtes they have. I push the door open and step right into the noise of a full house, the crowd cheerful and loud, the band playing a country song.

My eyes move from left to right, feeling a little out of place in my ‘office clothes’, as if I have a big sticker on my forehead stating “COP”. Quicly I adjust my bra, open the top buttons of my top so I show a nice cleavage, and hike my skirt up to just under my buttocks. I mirror myself in one of the doors and wink, atisfied with my sexy look, then walk confidently to the bar, finding a stool at the far end and looking around, getting a sense of the place. When the barkeeper leans in, I order a martini, shaken, not stirred. Taking my first sip, letting the sweet-bitter-sour liquid slide down my throat, I take in the atmosphere of the crowd..

(This character was created, and is directed by Tightfit74, as part of the story “The caper of the Capricious Coitus”. She does exist in game as well, but will not be active. She might hold a clue perhaps, to solve the riddle in the story. This information is presented so there is no confusion caused or anyone lead on)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on September 17, 2012, 01:49:36 PM
I grin at the people taking to the mic, amazed at all the talent, and having secret little dances and twirls as they sing behind the counter of the bar.

I busily serve drinks to the regulars and the new faces between the fancy footwork ..."  good to see you two back" , I smile at Lydia and ssgt pouring out drinks for them. and placing two wafer thin chocolate mint after eights on their tray .. " the fun is eating them end to end as a couple, beats spaggetti - Dont get smeared in chocolate now - no hands allowed  "  I laugh

I turn to  Bono2012 , onlyguessed, Jaz_Venice  &  Dutchslut  and ask their orders ... " House rules ... your first drink is free..  Welcome to the best bar in town"

" Hey Joe, will you take over? I want to test the lungs out"  His attention seems to be on the cleavage of the new girl who has just walked in. I lean over to him and blow on the side of his face to get him back to his bar duties.

Old Joe nods and grins " Go floor them Girl"    I go over to the Country boys and ask if they know some Elvis. I show them the song I want and I grab the mic :-

I laugh into the mic,  " Ok, guys & girls ..  at the oos and arhs ... give us your loudest orgasmic  groans ever ok  "  LOL

Elvis Presley - Such A Night....Lyrics: (Words by Lincoln Chase) Changed a little by Stone

It was a night oo-oo what a night
It was it really was such a night
The moon was bright oh how so bright
It was it really was such a night
The night was alive with stars above
And when Jayc kissed me  :-*
I had to fall in love

Oh it was a kiss oo-oo what a kiss
It was it really was such a kiss
Oh how he could kiss oh what a kiss
It was it really was such a kiss
Just the thought of his lips
Sets me afire  :P
I reminisce and I'm filled with desire  :o
Well I gave my heart to his sweet surrender
How well I remember, I'll always remember

Oh, what a night oo-oo what a night
It was it really was such a night
Came the dawn and my heart and his love
And the night was gone
But I'll never forget the kiss  :-*
The kiss in the moonlight
Oo-oo such a kiss, oo-oo such a night  ::)

Huh, it was a night oo-oo what a night
It was it really was such a night
Came the dawn and my heart and his love
And the night was gone
But I'll never forget the kiss
The kiss in the moonlight
How well I remember,  that night in December  ;)

Oh,that night oo-oo what a night
It was it really was such a night
When we kissed I had to fall in love
Well I gave my heart to his sweet surrender
How well I remember, I'll always remember, that night in December  ;)

Oh that night oo-oo what a night
It was it really was such a night
When we kissed I had to fall in love
Well he's gone, gone, gone
Yes he's gone, gone, gone
Came the dawn, dawn, dawn
And the night was gone
But before that dawn
Yes before that dawn and before that dawn

Oo-oo, oo-oo, oo-oo, ahhh   ( Orgasmic noises   :o  )

SUCH A NI ..III.......  GHT   !!    :P   ::)   :o   ;D

Jayc comes over to me,  " You are one wicked wife"      I smile at him " MMM"   and nod lifting my eyebrows a couple of times playfully.

" But you love it "  I tease.       

" You know it ", he winks before lowering his lips to mine, snogging me deeply, taking my breath away.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bono2012 on September 17, 2012, 02:17:30 PM
I make my way to car park,stand there looking round to see where i park, there was not the many cars here when  I park my one,There she is old red, open door pick the gultar up of back sit and make my way back to bar, what song will i sing in I go, look round to see where Lydia and the cowboy are sitting, o there  they are so make over to them,pass  lover and jd at bar, then to lydia; so you got it then up you go, ok going.I make my way up on to the stage,"Band" its ok I will do this one on my own, go have a drink guys, Walk to microphone blow on it strummed my gultar 1,2,3, 1,2,3, hi  there my name is Bono O girls not that Bono only the same names thats all, I would to tank Mone forthe last song,But one thing Mono its not a lonely little planet tonight. Here goes this song is  "The Acid Song"

                                                                                The Acid Song

                                                             I had not taken acid for twelve years
                                                             But one night last summer I did
                                                             I was adrift in a bar  room
                                                             Acting like a jerk and a kid
                                                             I knew we were asking for trouble
                                                             Trouble was what we would get
                                                             Five of us dropped into the girls" room
                                                             Psycadilisized insane quintet

                                                             Well that bathroom got crowded in no time
                                                             Out minds were all blow in one flash,
                                                             Everyone in there got ugly
                                                             We exited out of there fast

                                                             Back in the bar we were happy
                                                             Feeling great, no problem
                                                             Back in the bar we were fine
                                                             Till johnny tunred into Nazi,
                                                             And Lydia threw up all her wine

                                                             Well in no time we all were ejected
                                                             Soon we were out on the street
                                                             The sidewalk began to perspire,
                                                             We had gless and dog shit at our feet

                                                             We went over to Lydia"s apartment
                                                                  come on!
                                                             To listen to the Grateful Dead
                                                              On the way there we lost johnny  
                                                             He had opted for Bellevue instead

                                                             Well I"m really glad we did this, it feels great
                                                              Just like the old days I love this
                                                              I know my hair"s on fire, its like incense or somrthing
                                                             you know your face is melting
                                                             It is all the colours of the rainbow

                                                            Hey you wanna hold some fruit?
                                                            Come on ,hold some fruit!
                                                            It breeds, it really does,
                                                            Have a cantaloupe, come on
                                                            Ah no I dunno where Donovan tape is

                                                            Well I had to get out of the city
                                                           Bobby was bringing me down
                                                            Me and my darling young Lydia
                                                            Said so long and we drove out of town
                                                            Driving on acid is east
                                                           Driving on acids is a breeze
                                                           Just keep the car on the highway
                                                           Don"t laugh and dont fart and
                                                                 don"t sneeze

                                                  Oh we get to my house in the country
                                                  The tress were all throbbing and green
                                                  Lydia was sure she had cancer
                                                 I was sure I was james Dean

                                                   We down to the lake to go swimming
                                                   Down to the lake to swin
                                                    Lydia said "water cures canter"
                                                    I asked her to place call me jim

                                                    Yes acid is usually dangerous
                                                    The mind-mannered can quickly turn mean
                                                     LSD can surely derange us
                                                     Unless you possess Thorazine!

                                                     So next time you wanna go out there
                                                     When you feel like fitting your head
                                                     Think twice before dropping acid
                                                     Hold out for mushrooms instead.  

thank you so I got down of the stage and  made my way back to where  lydiarose and the cowboy are sitting                                                                                      

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on September 17, 2012, 09:56:25 PM
I give a kiss to Karen when i stand up "Ok i think it's my turn to sing a song"

"hello people i want to sing a song for you all, but it is also for someone special, and it goes somthing like this "

You've been lookin' for love all around the world
Baby, don't you know this country boy's still free?
Why not me?
Well, you've finally come down to your old hometown
Your Kentucky boy's been waiting patiently
Why not me?

Why not me on a rainy day?
Why not me to love your cares away?
Why not me?
Why not me when the nights get cold?
Why not me when you're growin' old?
Why not me?

You've been searchin' from here to Singapore
Ain't it time that you notice the boy next door, baby
Why not me?
You had to see if the world was round
It's time that you learned how good settlin' down could be
Why not me?

Why not me on a rainy day?
Why not me to love your cares away?
Why not me?
Why not me when the nights get cold?
Why not me when you're growin' old?
Why not me?

You've been lookin' for love all around the world
Baby, don't you know this country boy's still free?

Baby, why not me?

and after a "I hope you liked this song and have a nice evening" I get off stage, pick up another rounds of drinks at the bar and notice Mona joined our little group, with a big smile and my hand's full i return and sit down, getting some kisses from the girls for a job well done.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on September 18, 2012, 09:32:45 AM
Bono comes over to our table.  I stand up and shake his hand.  'That was a fantastic song" I tell.  " Have a seat and join us".  Lydia gives him a kiss.  I think to my self that everyone else has sung, maybe I should give it a try.  I look at Lydia "do you think i should try one"  She says.  "yes everyone else has, have some fun".

I walk up to the stage.  I grab the mic.  This is the first time i have tried something like this.  Scared to death.  They says when you get stage fright just imagine everyone in the audience as being nude.  Okay lets try.  I look around, lol Lot of hot sexy bodies out there.  About that time i see the lovely owner, Brandybee, wow.  I look at the band and tell them the song.  I take my hat and throe it towards the crowd.  Brandybee catches it.  I unbutton my shirt showing my sixback.  "hope you like this song"

She sits alone waiting for suggestions
He's so nervous, avoiding all the questions
his lips are dry, her heart is gently pounding
Don't you just know exactly what they are thinking?

If you want my body and you think I'm sexy
come on sugar let me know
If you really need me just reach out and touch me
Come on honey tell me so, tell me so baby

He's acting shy looking for an answer
Come on honey let's spend the night together
Now hold on a minute before we go much further
Give me a dime so i can phone my mother
They catch a cab to his high rise apartment
At last he can tell her what his heart meant

If you want my body and you think I'm sexy
Come on honey tell me so
If you really need me just reach out and touch me
Come on sugar let me know

His heart' beating like a drum
'cause at last he"s got this girl home
Relax baby, now were all alone

They wake at dawn "cause all the birds are singing
Two total strangers but that ain't what they're thinking
Outside it's cold, misty and it's raining
They got each other, neither one's complaining
He says " I'm sorry but I'm out of milk and coffee"
Never mind sugar,  we can catch the early movie

If you want my body and you think I'm sexy
Come on sugar let it show
If you really need me just reach out and touch me
Come on honey tell me so

If you really need me just reach out and touch me
Come on sugar let me know
If you really really really really need me
Just let me know
Just reach out and touch me

If you really want me
Just reach out and touch me
Come on sugar let me know

If you really need me j-j-just reach out and touch me
come on sugar let me know
If you, if you, if you really need me
Just come on and tell me so
Just come on and tell me so

I look out at the crowd. women are screaming and clapping.  I see Brandybee give me a little smile, wave my hat and turn and walk to the bar.
As i step down from the stage Tango Jane come over, grabs me and gives me a big hug and kiss.  "not as good as the pool table" she laughs "but it was good".

I walk back to the table buttoning up my shirt.  Not bad i think to myself

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on September 18, 2012, 12:28:37 PM

I walk into the place with a confident stride.  I can feel eyes on me as I make my way to the bar.  I lean in, giving the bartender a good look at my cleavage and ask him one word.  "Covems?"

The bartender gestures to the end of the bar and I see Covems.  I walk to him watching his eyes as they roam my body as I walk up to him.  I reach up place a hand on each side of his face and pull him down to a deep, wet, sloppy kiss. 

Breaking our kiss I whisper into his ear.  "I want a turn at the mic."

I get onto the stage "Tecno beat"  I say to the band, and start my song.

You gotta lick it, before you dick it,
you gotta get it soft and wet so we can stick it
You gotta lick it, before you dick it,
you gotta get it soft and wet so we can stick it

Boom-ba-da-da-da-da .,
Baby work it

I met a real cutie
He had a nice tight booty
He seemed to be the freaky lover type
Let's cut right through the chase
C'mon and get a taste
You've got to face it
So that I can get hype

You gotta lick it, before you dick it,
you gotta get it soft and wet so we can stick it
You gotta lick it, before you dick it,
you gotta get it soft and wet so we can stick it

Boom-ba-da-da-da-da .,
Baby work it, baby work it
Baby work it, baby work it ....

Before you can stick and move
You gotta grin in the groove
You know men are dogs
So go bark up somebody else's tree
Here boy come and get it

Come on and show you're able
And go below my navel
Don't be a tease just give me what I like
I'm full of freakiness
So give my cat a kiss
And make me purr
So we can do this right

You gotta lick it, before you dick it,
you gotta get it soft and wet so we can stick it
You gotta lick it, before you dick it,
you gotta get it soft and wet so we can stick it

Boom-ba-da-da-da-da .,
Baby work it, baby work it
Baby work it, baby work it ....

I get off the stage and walk to Covems and give him another big, wet, sloppy kiss.  Then I whisper into his ear again.  "The shop.  Meet me there, tonight.  I have something to show you." 

I walk though the bar room and out the door.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 18, 2012, 12:54:56 PM
nice song sstg i tell him as he comes back to table, see i knew you had it in you. go get your hat.  ok sstg says back soon.
 so bono whare have you be for the last 6 months I ask..
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bono2012 on September 19, 2012, 02:27:30 AM
where have I be, you know me  Lydia,I tell Lydia have to put my gultar back out in car, that girl who was sucking the face of covems, "Lydia tells me to give it to old joe behind bar that he will look after it for me. Its ok, ssgt comes back to table so i stand up leave ye to it nice meet you ssgt. And head to car park. So tired its be a long drive th get here and its getting late. I open the the trunk put my gultar in take out sleeping bag. and and get in back of car and settle down for a goodnight sleep. 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on September 19, 2012, 09:45:44 AM
"I'm proud to present a great show now. Please welcome Lady Sexiliscious and her amazing snake-dance."


I leave stage for sexi and walk over to the bar. I see Marylin and walk to her. "Welcome to our bar. I was told theere is a new talented designer in our city. I think it's you, am I right? I invite you for a drink, please tell me about your dreams."

We go to a table, sit down and I order two drinks.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 19, 2012, 12:57:01 PM
Sat at the bar I turn to Brandy and say “are you into a bit of Rock. I think it time to BLOW the roof off this BAR”.

 Hearing Bear up on stage I turn and watch this sexy lady dance with a big snake watching with wide eyes with what she is doing with the snake. We stand and clap at the end of the show.

  I get up and walk over to the Country Boy and stand talking to them for a short time. “I kwon this is a bit outside your comfort zone but do you know them” I ask, they look at each other big smiles come over their faces. The lead singer turns to me and says,

                                                                            “LETS ROCK THIS JOUNT”

And changes his guitar. I look at him and ask “have you got a spare one of them” I raise my eyebrows towards the guitars. “Yeah sure” he hands me one with a big smile. Putting the strap over my shoulder and walks over to the mic “ARE YOU HEADY TO ROCK THIS JOUNT” I say. Turn to the band and HIT THE FIRST NOTE the band ALL SMILE and start to play,

Darling you gotta let me know    ( the bar all start to cheer)
Should I stay or should I go?
If you say that you are mine
I'll be here til the end of time
So you got to let know
Should I stay or should I go?

Always tease tease tease
Siempre - coqetiando y enganyando
You're happy when I'm on my knees
Me arrodilla y estas feliz
One day is fine, next is black
Un dias bien el otro negro
So if you want me off your back
Al rededar en tu espalda
Well come on and let me know
Me tienes que desir
Should I stay or should I go?
Me debo ir o que darme
Should I stay or should I go now?
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
An if I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know

This indecisions bugging me
Esta undecision me molesta
If you don't want me, set me free
Si no me quieres, librame
Exactly whom I'm supposed to be
Diga me que tengo ser
Don't you know which clothes even fit me?
Saves que robas me querda?
Come on and let me know
Me tienes que desir
Should I cool it or should I blow?
Me debo ir o quedarme?

Should I stay or should I go now?
Yo me frio o lo sophlo?
If I go there will be trouble
Si me voi - va ver peligro
And if I stay it will be double
Si me quedo es doble
So you gotta let me know
Me tienes que decir
Should I stay or should I go?
Yo me frio o lo sophlo?

We finish playing the bar is rocking I turn to the boys and nod my head with a big smile, they all nod back. Turning back to the mic
Step inside, walk this way
You and me babe, Hey, hey!

The BAR EXPLODES WITH CHEERS and we hit the strings hard

Love is like a bomb, baby, c'mon get it on
Livin' like a lover with a radar phone
Lookin' like a tramp, like a video vamp
Demolition woman, can I be your man?
Razzle 'n' a dazzle 'n' a flash a little light
Television lover, baby, go all night
Sometime, anytime, sugar me sweet
Little miss ah innocent sugar me, yeah

C'mon, take a bottle, shake it up
Break the bubble, break it up

Pour some sugar on me
Ooh, in the name of love
Pour some sugar on me
C'mon, fire me up
Pour your sugar on me
Oh, I can't get enough

I'm hot, sticky sweet
From my head to my feet, yeah

Listen! red light, yellow light, green-a-light go!
Crazy little woman in a one man show
Mirror queen, mannequin, rhythm of love
Sweet dream, saccharine, loosen up

You gotta squeeze a little, squeeze a little
Tease a little more
Easy operator come a knockin' on my door
Sometime, anytime, sugar me sweet
Little miss innocent sugar me, yeah, yeah
Give a little more

Take a bottle, shake it up
Break the bubble, break it up

Pour some sugar on me
Ooh, in the name of love
Pour some sugar on me
C'mon fire me up
Pour your sugar on me
Oh, I can't get enough

I'm hot, sticky sweet
From my head to my feet yeah

(The band stop playing and let me hit the guitar solo)

You got the peaches, I got the cream
Sweet to taste, saccharine
'cause I'm hot, say what, sticky sweet
From my head, my head, to my feet

Do you take sugar? one lump or two?

Take a bottle, shake it up
Break the bubble, break it up

Pour some sugar on me
Ooh, in the name of love
Pour some sugar on me
C'mon fire me up
Pour your sugar on me
Oh, I can't get enough
Pour some sugar on me
Oh, in the name of love
Pour some sugar on me
Get it, come get it
Pour your sugar on me
Pour some sugar on me
Yeah! Sugar me!

We let the guitars fad out the Bar explodes into cheers again I turn to the band clapping my hands to them taking off the guitar strap I hand it back to the lead singer.
As I walk to the edge of the stage “LET GIVE IT UP FOR TANGO” I hear I raise my hand and walk back to the bar and grab my beer. And get a big kiss from Jane and Karen
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 19, 2012, 06:28:37 PM
Cheering and bopping and clapping all the singers, I take my turn at the mic ...

"Ladys & Gents,   Gona slow it down a might ,  so grab your favourite  partner..   this is a particular favourite of mine, brings back happy memories.  :)    and I dedicate this to that special person.      I nod to the Country Boys to start playing

Eighteen Wheels and a Dozen Red Roses -  Kathy Mattea
Charlie’s  got a gold watch,  Don’t  seem like a whole lot
After  30 years of driving up and down the inter state
But  Charlie’s had a good life, and Charlie’s got a good wife
And  after  tonight , she’ll  no longer be counting the days,

18 wheels  & a dozen roses,  10 more miles on his four day run
A few more songs from the all night radio, then he’ll spend the rest of his life with the one that he loves 

They  buy a Winnebago ,  set out to find America.
They’ll do a lot of catching up,  a little latter time
With pieces of the old dreams,  they’re  gonna light the old flame
Doing what they please,   leaving every other reason behind

18 wheels  & a dozen roses,  10 more miles on his four day run
A few more songs from the all night radio, then he’ll spend the rest of his life with the one that he loves.


18 wheels  & a dozen roses,  10 more miles on his four day run
A few more songs from the all night radio, then he’ll spends the rest of his like with the one that he loves.


18 wheels  & a dozen roses,  10 more miles on his four day run
A few more songs from the all night radio, then he spends the rest of his like with the one that he loves.
With the one that he loves

Guitar dying out .....

I courtsey at the finish and everyone claps & whistles as I jumps down off the stage, heading for the bar . 

"A few new faces have turned up lately"   I say to Old Joe. He pours me a mug of tea " They have indeed" He agrees.

He glances at Jaz_Venice and I start grinning " Looks like there's life in the old dog yet"  I tease.

" Oh, experience can count for a lot,  no complaints yet... "  Old Joe winks at me.

I raise my cup at him in respect and agreement.   " Can you give me some jugs of special House punch and glasses? "  As Old Joe & Stone prepares them , I get some trays.

I take some over to Bono, ssgt & Lydia's table.   " I loved your songs" I tell them as I place The jug & glasses in the centre. Then I pull ssg's cowboy hat playfully over his eyes.   " It's good to see you back & enjoying yourself.  Watch out for the dwarfs, they may get you in the pudding pit - enjoy your drinks, the punch is pretty potent stuff " :o

I move over to the next table to Dutchslut, Mrsexlover, the tangos, All_for_you, Alita.  " Hey I loved your singing too. "  Placing a jug on their table too with a couple of cokes for Jane.  " Enjoy my friends" 

I take a jug over to The Country Boys, Tight, Blu, Bear  and Lover, Sexilious & Marilyn chatting with them. " You are doing a sterling job tonight fellas, thought you might need some chilled refreshment"

I join Covems, Mollie, Jayc, JD , Jeanona, Adera, Pit Vk , HB, Chien_Lubrik  & Jay9  at the bar and tease the ones who havent sang a song yet, pouring them all some Punch from one of the jugs....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 20, 2012, 02:17:07 AM
i move back to the bar just in time to hear Brandy's song and notice different couples tenderly hugs....seems likes the atmosphere is gonna be a little romantic tonight: it's a little strange but pleasent at last and i have to admit i like it.

A song suddenly back in my mind....not a famous one and probably no one know it here, even the band, but i find it really sweet and tender when i hear it the first time some years ago. I can hear the piano playng that sweet melody, when i remember i had it on my laptop and, if i remember it well, i have the music sheet too on the lap top (not so easy to find), so i run back to the office and print them. When i come back in the bar, Brandy has ended  her song and she is walking between the tables drinking with all our friends.

I step on to the stage and talk with the guys, gving them the music sheet: i see they are a little perplexed, but at last they give me their ok. I give them a couple of minutes to study the melody and at their sign i grab the mic and turn to the crowd.

"My friends, old and new, be here in the B&G is always a pleasure, but there are some of us who can't always meet the person they, i want to dedicate this song to all of us who have a love far away!"

At the end of my words, the piano begin its sweet melody.

ONE - RF Online (

When, I saw you for the first time
I knew you were the one.
You didn't say a word to me.
But love, was in the air.

Then you held my hand
Pulled me into your world
From then on my life
Has changed for me

Now I'll never feel lonely again
Coz you are in my life...

How can I explain to you
The way I feel inside when I think of you..
I thank you for everything that you showed me.
Don't you ever forget that I love you.

Love, I know that someday real soon
You'll be right next to me.
Holding me so tight.
So I will always be yours.
Although we can't be together now.
Remember I am here for you.

And I know you're there for me.
Whenever I want to be with you
I just close my eyes and pretend you're near
I see you, I touch you, I feel you, like real

Nothing can ever change what I feel inside.

How long must I be far away from you?
I don't know dear, but I know we are One...

At the end of the song, i can see some girls drying some tears....i think everyone, soon or later, had experiment the solitude of being far away from the ones they love. Before leaving i thanks the band for their excellent work and invite them all to take a drink at the bar later....

I jump down from the stage and join all my friends grabbing a glass and raising it up with them, toasting to another wonderful nigth of fun and friendship in the B&G!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Gothic_Girl on September 20, 2012, 05:10:02 AM
A young girl dressed in a leather jacket and jeans, entered the hall and took off her glasses, pausing for a few seconds, the visitors looked tired looking. looked at the scene where where someone was singing. I went straight to the bar:
- One beer, please.
Taking a beer and turning his back to the bartender again looked around carefully hall, looking for familiar faces
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 20, 2012, 05:25:25 AM
As I sit with ssgt i see a young girl enter the bar, only she  can look good in a leather jacket and jeans,I stand up and wave at Gothic.. she see me and comes to join us..
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on September 20, 2012, 06:52:51 AM
The crowd and the excitement in the bar is at a high pitch.  You can feel the electric in the air.  Brandybee comes to out table with drinks.  "here guys enjoy this punch".   She looks at me "Guess you would like this hat back"  She pushes it on mt head covering my eyes.  "didn't know you had it in you.  Nice song" 

As she walks away I think to myself what talent i have seen and heard tonight.  Brandy, one of the classy ladies i have met.  Beautiful, fantastic body and a very good singer.  Stone, also beautiful and a talented singer, leave the rest of her alone, for my own sake, lol.  Jayc did a great job and one lucky man, he has stone.  Lot of talent working in bar.  Tango Racer got the bar rocking.  Man he was really into that song.  Jane did a great job and looked as sexy as always.  Bono my first time meeting him, enjoyed his song.  JD surprised me.  Not only a classy guy but a very good singer.

I look at Lydia and Bono.  He stands up so say goodbye.  I shake his hand and say "Hope to see you soon".  "Lydia you look so lovely tonight, and i loved your song'.  I reach for her, pull her close and give her a long and passionate kiss.  "That was a great surprise love" I tell her.  "I need to leave fro just a moment"  I walk over to JD give him a fist pump.  "great song and I want to buy you a drink"  I look at Stone "please give everyone a round on me" i say.  She looks at me and laughs "Big spender tonight" She yells out " round on Ssgt everyone, come and get them". I tip my hat to her, say to JD "get the chance come join us"  I head back to the table
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 20, 2012, 07:57:25 AM
Setting Drinking the Punch Brandy has just brought over to use I look over to All_for_you (aka Karen) "It must be your turn to get up and sing and now its the ERECTION SECTION its going to have to be a slow one." I say she looks at me and scorns "MMMM same thing slow" she says
"I got a good you for you" I smile nodding my head "yeah just slow it down a bit" Karen leans over and i whisper her the song a big smile comes over her face and kisses my cheek "YES it great and I can change it around a bit" she says with a glint in her eye.

She takes a big swig of the Punch shakes her head and heads of to the band. Looking back at me she shakes her head again shrugs her shoulders and pushes her bottom lip. Understanding from her gestures the boys don't know it looking around the bar looking for HB there she is going over to her putting my arm around her and gently kiss her cheek. And whisper in her ear she smile and opens her lap top "There you go printing off in the office" she says  Kissing her cheek again "I owe you one" i say as i head to the office waving over at Brandy to make sure its OK to go in the office. She smiles and nods. I go in and get the print outs and take them over to Karen.

she hands them to the Boys and walks over to the mic. The music starts,

If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all

I'll never know whatthe future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?

I don’t know why you’re so far away
But I know that this much is true
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

‘Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
And though I can’t be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I could stay in your arms

She sings the hole song staring over at one person

All the way throw the song I held on to Jane and rubbed her bump

As she finishes we all clap and she walks to the edge of the stage and just sets on it
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 20, 2012, 08:00:12 AM
I glance over at Stone, who's brewing another cuppa.  " hope there one for me too girl "

She grins at me, " for sure, "  placing out two mugs.  

" You got your outfit sorted  for the pudding wrestling yet?  I ask.

" For sure"  She repeats  "  You been training?"

" I might have" I grin

" Good, cus  I want to kick your ass"  She teases me.

" Aww come on ... even though I got you involved in the Bear thing .. and I know you got a bit het up over him tying you up ... I bet you had the best sex ever with Jayc  after... lol  

" Thats for me to know, and... no ...  I'm not going to kiss and tell,   even though I know you are dying to hear all the gory details"  She laughs.

" Well guess, we'll know after the open mic night has finished...  May the best Tart win "  I raise my tea cup to her.

" Indeed" she answers and toasts me back.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on September 20, 2012, 09:04:21 AM
I applaude loud and long for the beautiful dance of Sexi. She has an amazing way of dealing with animals and she handled the snake perfectly..

Excusing myself from Only, who's indicated she'd rather stay at her table and listen to the different songs performed tonight, I get up from my seat and walk through the bar room to the back. On my way I say hi to all the new guests that have arrived. I give ssgt a salute, good to see him in good spirits and Lydia, who are just joined by Gothic Girl.

I walk past the tango's, mrsexlover, Dutch and Karen, giving the last two girls a soft kiss on their cheeks and am met with two cheeky smiles, karen squeezes my ass as I walk on. I wink at Alita who seems to have a good time.

As I pass HB, I lean and whisper in her ear. "Is Chien still sleeping? What did you do to here, girl?"
Brandy, Stone and Jayc are at the bar and I order a single malt for when I return. I still have to bring back that bloody pudding truck. Guess I'll do it quick and come back as soon as I can. The night has really started and I have to be there when the first pitt fight takes place. I wink at Brandy who blushes again when she meets my eyes.

I see Covems still twirling on his feet from the snog he just got from Mollie and I deceide to talk to him later. He doesn't seem fit to be adressed at the moment. I get a nod from Bear and a wave from Blue and Adera as I close in on the backdoor, but then see Marilyn and Lover joined at a table. I place my hands on Lover's shoudlers and lean on him as I bring my mouth close to Marilyn's ear. "Are you still saving me that dance you promised me? "When she nods, I smile and let Lover resume has old position, a grin of discomfort on his face as he stretches his back. "Thanks Tight, just what I needed.."

I walk out the back, climb into the truck and start the engine. Moving to the front of the Bar, I spot two cars occupied with sleeping guys. Pit and Bono crawled in. "Guess Brandy's punch got them first.."

Then I turn onto the mainroad and drive into the dark night...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Gothic_Girl on September 20, 2012, 10:50:51 AM
- Hey Lydia - girl come to girl - you told me what this is nice place... i see you tell the truth... introduced me to your friends? my name is Oxana.
      took a long drink
-nice beer! well im foreigner. so do not judge strictly my language - smile
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 20, 2012, 11:16:10 AM
 WELCOME to the   Bar & Grill   Gothic_Girl   Oxana,  calls over to Brandy and Stone looks like we have a FREE drink need over here. Enjoy and have fun 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on September 20, 2012, 11:22:11 AM
With the break in the action I wander backstage and eye the box of props. I've been silent enough and figure I should join in the open mic' event. I rummage thru the odd assortment of items. toss that ole' pink cowboy hat aside (how does that keep popping back up?)... featered boas, a black cape,... some unclaimed thongs from strip night... until I find the simple black mask I was looking for. slipping it over my head, I head back to the stage grab my guitar and a chair and move to the mic.

Sitting quietly I flex the fingers, eye the crowd from eyes framed by the black mask and let the the fingers improvise a bit with the flow of spanish melody... before slowing the tempo into a simple pattern... then finally life my deep gruff voice into song...

To really love a woman
To understand her - you gotta know her deep inside
Hear every thought - see every dream
N' give her wings - when she wants to fly
Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
Ya know ya really love a woman

When you love a woman you tell her
that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?

To really love a woman
Let her hold you -
til ya know how she needs to be touched
You've gotta breathe her - really taste her
Til you can feel her in your blood
N' when you can see your unborn children in her eyes
Ya know ya really love a woman

When you love a woman
you tell her that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
that you'll always be together
So tell me have you ever really -
really really ever loved a woman?

You got to give her some faith - hold her tight
A little tenderness - gotta treat her right
She will be there for you, takin' good care of you
Ya really gotta love your woman...

Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
Ya know ya really love a woman

When you love a woman you tell her
that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?

So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?

So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?

Bryon Adams Have You Really Loved a Woman

the guitar slowly finishing its rythmn into silence... and I raise.. take the chair and return to my place with the band, removing my mask,...awaiting the next in line to entertain us.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Pafe on September 20, 2012, 12:19:48 PM

   I reach up and grasp the lever and pull.  The panel in front of me slides into the floor.  Looking out, I can see legs some in skirts some in trousers.  I crawl out of the panel opening in the side of the bar, Covems offers me his hand and I take it and  stand up, straightening my NSPD uniform, trying to look dignified.

   Looking around and seeing the bar full of people, laughing, having a good time.  Some on the stage singing.  I feel like the kid who got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

   I look back into the panel and offer my hand to Satoire to help her out of the tunnel.  Covems also gives her a hand.  "Bashful!"  She says.  "Quit pinching me!"  She stands and also straightens her uniform and smooths the skirt.  The panel slides shut.  She looks around and her face is red, too.

   I ask Covems where he stashed our pedal rockets.  "Satoire and I need to get back to Starfleet for more training."  I say.  He tells us and leads us out of the bar to the rockets.  I take Satoire's arm as we walk through the bar. 

   We can feel everyone looking at us and we nod to all as we pass by.  Satoire whispers to me.  "I think I left my panties down there."  We both give Covems a kiss on each cheek as we exit the bar.

Thanks for letting me share,

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on September 20, 2012, 01:28:10 PM
WELCOME home Pafe and Satoire welcome back to Earth

Brandy that drinks on me
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 20, 2012, 01:58:53 PM
When i see Pafe and Satoire approaching the bar exit, i run over them. Outside, i dodge Covems at the last instant and finally i grab their arms.

"Where did you think to go, you two!?" i yell them, trying to breath "there is a rule here....once you enter the B&G, you can't leave without having an house drink!"

Telling them this, i pull them back in the bar and lead them to the counter where old Joe is preparing two glasses of the house ale and putting them in front of Pafe and Satoire. I wink at old Joe and then turn to our two sweet agant.

"Now you have two choise....or you drink it, or you gonna have to pay with a penitence! Your choise, ladies!"

I smile and look at them, waiting for their answer.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Alita on September 20, 2012, 06:11:54 PM
comes walking around the front and over hears hentai then giggles and jumps on Hentai's back.  "Free Drink Free Drink,  giddy  up!"  with a soft wap to the head with a hello kitty purse then points to the B&G door.  "That a way!"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 20, 2012, 07:33:13 PM
Sexilicious's dance is one hot performance and the crowd goes wild, opening their mouths in awe as she expertly pours some punch down her very long delectable leg into a punter's mouth. Phew !!

Tight mentions something about collecting the pudding truck and I pinch his ass as he walks passed me, " Hey Tight , you are going to be my corner man in the pudding pit right ?"   He smiles that attractive smile of his    " Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world"   I grin back.

" Thank you, hurry back soon , You're drink will be kept behind the bar for your return "

Gothic Girl walks in as  Hentai and then All_for _you take their turn at the mic.  Its a popular night  and everyone is swinging and enjoying all the new talent here ... Simon Cowel would have a field day , signing everyone up for X Factor

Old Joe gives Gothic Girl a drink and I greet her , " Hi welcome to the hippest place in Achat Land,  that first drink is free by the way"  She thanks Old Joe and sees her friends at the table. Lydia waves to her to come and sit with her,  ssgt & Bono at their table. She walks over to them.

I hear a beautiful song suddenly begin and look over to the voice singing... Bear ...with a Batman mask and Pink Cowboy Hat on." Maybe a new take on Village people", I muse &  grin at him , fixing the old battered hat in place, I have on.  The words are quite moving & I wonder which one of his lucky ladies inspired him to sing such a moving song.

There seems to be a bit of a commotion behind the counter of the Bar and Old Joe looking a little astonished as two beautiful Officers from Nymphomania emerge out of a secret door there.

I immediately recognise them ,   Pafe & Satoire back from their space travels.   Their reports from their space station legendary in the bar and making contact with Ambassador Spock.

They try to discreetly leave but Hentai & All_for_you , make them at least have a drink or ten before getting in their pedal cars.
I immediately greet both Officers.   " Joe crack open a bottle of Champagne for these fine ladies and some rum donuts on the house " 

"I'm glad you came to visit... tell me ... Have you met Captain James T Kirk Yet ?  Cus would you mind giving him my phone number, you know .. if he should ever pass  this way at all .. "    Pafe grins understanding immediately of my interest in that fine man. 
" Of course" tucking my number in her ample bosom.

We all hug each other and they explain they have to leave soon for further space training.  Covems is also with them sipping his sarsparilla, keeping an eye on the secret door for any escaping dwarfs.

I ring the bar bell,   to attract the attention of the bar  " Ladies & Gentleman, we have important visitors at the bar today,  Both of these fine Officers Pafe & Satoire  are currently doing important work for all of Nymphomania in Space and may I also present Pafe, the runner up in the last Erotic Story Competition with  "Click, A Cherie & Paula Story"

Cheers & whistles echo round the bar.  All_for_You buys them both a drink  and I grin .." you may have bad heads going back on your journey"

Hentai issues a challenge to them both, they got to drink up or face a consequence.  I cant help but grin and signal to JD the bull may be needed, who knows??

I turn to them both,  " There's a volunteers list over there ladies for Pudding Pit wrestling...   I know the men in here would be particularly interested if you would do us the honour of taking part, maybe some of the ladies would be too ...."  ::)

Alita suddenly joins the group by playfully jumping on Hentai's back ...  we wait for their answers as they munch on the rum donuts contemplating...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 21, 2012, 03:22:35 AM
Alita jumping on my back was an unexpected event....i had never had the chance to talk with her, but she looks a funny and friendly girl. And now, seems like she has exchange me for her pony and blabbing about a free drink.
I hold her thighs tight and wink to Brandy, who had joined us, then i turn my face to Alita.

"You want a free drink!? Sure, but first, you gonna have a free ride!"

I begin to rush between the table....dodging the costumers isn't so easy and sometimes it happen to hit them but, being in the spirit of the B&G they laugh when i pass over them. After a full tour of the bar (including the pool room), i move back to the counter where Pafe, Satoire and Brandy are laughing loud.

"Again, again!" alita yell to me.

I try to breath before answer her.... "Let me take a break, girl......and Joe, two cold house ales for us, please!"

Old Joe hands the ales to us and i grab mine, drinking it in one go....the fresh fluid running down my throath regain my energy when suddenly i feel something cold running down from my neck to my spine. Shivers run into my body making me cough some ale out of my mouth....i turn my face to Alita and look at her smiling face.

"Ok, Alita....that's a declaration of war between us!"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on September 21, 2012, 06:20:34 AM
"Welcome to the bar, Oxana and Gothic Girl.  Sit back, relax and have some fun" I say as I introduce myself to the new comers.  "I am James_Dean, but most people call me JD.  I "run" the mechanical bull and make sure it is all in good, safe working order.  Let me know if you ever want to try it out.  I'll go easy on you the first time"  I say, smiling coyly.

After excusing myself, I walk over to where Brandy is, making sure everything is going ok.

"So tell me, JD, do you have anything else up your sleeves?" she questions.

"What do you mean, Bee?" I reply.

"Well, first, the egg, and then the cyborg.  What else are you planning?" she asks with a smirk.

"Brandy.. do you seriously want inside my head?" I remark, as I give a chuckle. 

"Good answer!" she replies back.   "Well, do you have another song you can sing?  The first one  was a good one.  Think you can top it?"

"Um, I guess I can try." as strut back to the stage. 

Grabbing the mic, I whisper to the band the title of the song. 

The guitar riff cuts through the noisy crowd....

Jessie is a friend, yeah
I know he's been a good friend of mine
But lately something's changed that ain't hard to define
Jessie's got himself a girl and I want to make her mine

<Everyone rushes the dance floor to dance to this 80's classic>

And she's watching him with those eyes
And she's lovin' him with that body, I just know it
Yeah 'n' he's holding her in his arms
Late, late at night

You know, I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
Where can I find a woman like that

I play along with the charade
There doesn't seem to be a reason to change
You know, I feel so dirty when they start talking cute
I wanna tell her that I love her but the point is probably mute

'Cause she's watching him with those eyes
And she's lovin' him with that body, I just know it
And he's holding her in his arms
Late, late at night

You know, I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
Where can I find a woman like that

Like Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
Where can I find a woman
Where can I find a woman like that

And I'm lookin' in the mirror all the time
Wondering what she don't see in me, I've been funny
I've been cool with the lines
Ain't that the way love supposed to be

Tell me, where can I find a woman like that

<I jump on the stage speaker and do my best air guitar>

You know, I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I want Jessie's girl

Where can I find a woman like that
Like Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I want, I want Jessie's girl

The crowd applauds as the song ends.... I head back to the bar for another drink. 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 21, 2012, 06:50:48 AM
Hi everone, this is my friend from Russian Gothic Girl her name is Oxana, So lets give a big Welcome to the Bar & Grill,, her english is good but not as good as ours, so be easing on her..
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on September 21, 2012, 07:48:41 AM
As I swig my beer, I see Jane making her way over to where I am.  She has a smile on her face so something must be up. 

"You aren't done yet cowboy" she says as she grabs my hand and pulls me back on stage.  "Do you know <whispers the song title in my ear>?" 

"Yeah, I know that song," I reply.  "A duet?"

She motions to the band. 

<Jane>     Woah-oh-oh-oh
<JD>       It's always a good time
<Jane>   Woah-oh-oh-oh
<JD>       It's always a good time

Woke up on the right side of the bed
What's up with this Prince song inside my head?
Hands up if you're down to get down tonight
Cuz it's always a good time.

Slept in all my clothes like I didn't care
Hopped into a cab, take me anywhere
I'm in if you're down to get down tonight
Cuz it's always a good time

<Jane>  Good morning and good night I wake up at twilight
<Both>  It's gonna be alright
<JD> We don't even have to try It's always a good time

Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
It's always a good time
Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.

Freaked out, dropped my phone in the pool again
Checked out of my room hit the ATM
Let's hang out if you're down to get down tonight
Cuz it's always a good time
<JD>  Good morning and good night
<Jane> I wake up at twilight It's gonna be alright
<JD> We don't even have to try It's always a good time.

Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
It's always a good time
Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.

Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
It's always a good time
Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.

<JD> Doesn't matter when It's always a good time then
<Jane> Doesn't matter where It's always a good time there
<JD> Doesn't matter when It's always a good time then

<we point our mics to the crowd that yells>  IT'S ALWAYS A GOOD TIME!

It's always a good time
Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
It's always a good time
Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time

Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
It's always a good time
Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.

As the song ends, Jane gives me a small peck on the cheek.  "Great job Jane!" I say as I assist her off the stage.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 21, 2012, 10:43:48 AM
Everyone cheers and claps at JD's fabulous singing and the duet with Tangojane was just beautiful.

I jump up to get the mic,  " Folks , we will be preparing the pudding pit now for the wrestling tonight .. in the meantime the  mic will remain open for a little longer.  Then, it will belong to Lover for the wrestling. Of course after these matches are over it will be open again for all you budding singers out there. In the meantime the bar and all its facilities are there for you to enjoy... and please ...  do " :P

I go to speak to Covems, Lover, Jayc, JD , Tight & Stone for preparations for the nights events.....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on September 21, 2012, 11:18:51 AM
enjoying the open mic night, i hear Brandys annoucement and walk over to her staff meeting......looking a bit nervous she gives me her "do your job" look and i smile and  tell her relax and get ready, Stone you too. i adress the staff.........ok Covems get the lights and PA warmed up. Joe lets get the outdoor bar set up, JD get the tiki torches lit up and a good fire going.......... this is going to be fun i muse as we all spring into action
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 21, 2012, 12:11:21 PM
The room lights lower which causes  pitch blackness throughout the bar.

 Lovers voice sounds over the mic, “ Ladddddddddddddddddddies and Gentlemen, the night’s entertainment has begun.  May I present the challengers of the pudding pit ....   BRANDYBEE”

Music fills the room  “ Eye of the Tiger “  by Survivor and the lights flood on me,  Brandybee,  in my gold and black hooded shiny boxers robe, a bold Bee embroidered on the back. I raise my arm, acknowledging the crowd.

Raspberry from the pudding mixture  fragrances the air all around.

I walk to my corner of the pit.  Tight  is acting as my sponge man in my corner.

The crowd cheers the support for the up and coming wrestling match.

Lovers voice continues as the intro music finishes and the crowds cheers die down a little ...”  Brandybee  is  9 stone 4lb  ( about 130 pounds ). She is the owner of the AB&G here and likes a bit of spanking, vibrating eggs, bossing her staff around and stealing cowboy hats ... lets give her a big hand “ 

 The crowd claps & cheers and I glare at Lover for his cheeky introduction.

I  stand in front of Tight and he takes off  my robe.

I stand in a skimpy baby blue bikini  with yellow and black bees  on.  The top barely covers  my ample bosom and the bottoms  consisting of two triangles attached together by tied bows on the sides. My gingery brown hair tied in a pony tail & my feet are bare.

The men whistle and cheer their approval at my attire & delectable body.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on September 21, 2012, 12:18:35 PM
As the melee dies down down a bit,  Lover  announces


 I emerge in my forest green and black shiny robe, a large emblem of a little oak tree embroidered on my back.  The  intro music fills the air  “ Cowboys From Hell by Pantera “  The lights shine on me. I also raise my hand acknowledging the crowd and my  supporters as I make my way to my corner of the pit.  Jayc  is acting in my corner.  Cheers & whistles erupt from the audience.

I  point at Brandybee  mouthing  “ You are mine”

Brandy grins back extending her right arm outright  & with her flattened palm,  bends  all 4 fingers to a 90 degree angle  3 times towards Stone  in a gesture of  “  Come on, Bring it on girl”

The crowds cheer louder at the ladies show of challenge & defiance to each other.

Lover  continues over the mic  “  Stone is 9 stone dead  ( about 126lb ). She works behind the bar at the AB&G and likes lots of anal and oral sex,  collecting gnomes,  chasing dwarves  and ordering Jayc about...  another big hand  for ... Stone ”  The crowd cheers again.

 Stone gasps at Lovers announcement  and looks at Jayc to see if he’s responsible for it but he just shrugs and grins.

Then Jayc removes my  hooded robe. The cheers and whistles  go wilder and louder.  I stand  in a black and pale green lacy basque, matching panties, stockings & suspenders. My dark black hair also tied in a pony tail and  am shoeless. 

Jayc  looks stunned.  He is blown away by my sexy clothing and toned and fit body.  Some of the other guys in the audience seem to be appreciative too.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 21, 2012, 12:31:03 PM
Covems is acting as referee and to the delight of the crowd and for his own pleasure, runs his hands over each lady , slowly feeling their curves to ensure no hidden weapons, even pulling their tops & bottoms outwards to inspect what lies beneath.

 Stone & I smile at him as he winks his admiration and gives us the all clear.

“Now ladies, the rules are simple,  no biting or gouging. The winner is the first to be pinned down by their shoulders to the floor to the count of three. Do you agree?”  Covems states with authority.

Both of us nod our agreement. 

“ I do the counting and my decision is final. “   We both nod again.

 The crowd  cheers as  Stone & I shake  hands and return to our corners before looking at each other waiting for Covems .  He looks at the crowd and then  the two of us ,  letting the anticipation build,  and ...  then...  he announces    “ Let the contest begin....”

 Stone  & I grin at each other, circling slowly, feeling the pudding squelchy and messy between our  toes and ankles.  It’s colder than our body temperatures.  Goose bumps appear on our skin and our nipples harden and protrude from our sexy boob coverings, much to the delight of the guys in the crowd.

Stone picks up a handful of the creamy raspberry mix,  sniffing it. It smells delightful  - of raspberries, and baby oil and edible. It squelches pleasantly in her fingers.

 She picks up some more of the glob and hurls it at me. It smacks me on the neck and I shudder at the sudden coldness there.  And then, it starts to slowly trickle and trail  down to my  left breast & cleavage causing further shivers  down the length of  my body.

It’s the start of the Challenge and my eyes light up in defiance.

 I  stroll to meet Stone in the centre of the pit and grab the front of Stone’s basque, tugging it suddenly,  partially tearing the lacy top  so Stone’s  creamy white breasts spill out.  Her round curvy tities , with peaked nipples bared for all to see.

 I pick up some pudding in both hands and proceeds to  massage & rub the cold mixture into both of  Stone’s breasts whilst staring her in the eyes. 

The guys cheer wildly and whistle at their first sight of  Stone’s beautiful  orbs,  looking very sexy in her ripped basque and gasping as I  take  the liberty of touching and groping them so blatantly in answer to Stone’s first assault.

Stone stands there in shock at my  response to her  casting the first throw.

The messy  creamy raspberry liquid cold on her chest and then warming as my  hands cup & squeeze her.  The pink mess partially covering her and making her breasts slimy and shiny in the light.

The sight of the two women standing in the centre of the pit, one groping the others tits with the slimy pink grunge exciting to the watching audience & intrigued  by what Stones reaction might be ...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on September 21, 2012, 01:09:30 PM
Shocked at the coldness on my breasts, I stand a few minutes at Brandy’s fondling and stare at her, She licks her lips in a sexually insulting way and I gasp in surprise. Yet in those minutes, I picture Jayc in her place, a memory of a similar oiling...mmmm ....

I realise the reality of the situation and bring myself back from the unexpected sexual thrill. 

Using my  self - defence experience , I grab her head and arms quickly in a head lock, bending her double and in the same swift movement walk her backwards to the edge of the pit, the walls just above knee height. I  trap her legs from bending , with me  standing solidly in front of her. Her ass presented to the crowd on the side lines. She struggles but for the moment is held fast & unable to see the people crowded there.

Hentaiboy  is in front of her ass, and I can see him looking and grinning. I know what he wants to do.

I grin back and nod my head for him to do it. He needs no further encouragement and he slowly and seductively takes Brandy’s bikini bottoms down to  just  above her knees. Brandy’s bottom bare for all to see.

 The crowd go wild at  the sight of her white rounded cheeks.  Hentai  picks up some pudding and rubs it seductively into the skin of her bottom,  squeezing and fondling till her cheeks are fully covered in a glistening film.

“Who wants to smack her ass?”   I shout, enjoying the moment and I feel  Brandy gasp and struggle in vain.

Tango  steps up and rubs his hands together  in a flourish, grinning, more to encourage the crowd’s involvement & cheering.

He  reaches down kissing her ass as he picks up some pudding out of the pit.  He massages and fondles more pudding into  Brandy’s backside and  then smacks her ass semi hard. The thwack sound quite loud. Brandy groans as she feels the sting and the skin on her butt slowly reddens with his hand print.

He sets off a pattern of behaviour  from willing participants who follow his lead. A line of guys soon appear  to admire & kiss her ass, have a good grope rubbing the pudding in and  then giving her a nice spank.  Each one cheered & counted by the crowd....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 21, 2012, 01:16:30 PM
I feel the stinging slaps on my ass as the unseen men take advantage of kissing, groping and then slapping my bare bottom... each counted by the crowd ....  9..... 10 ... 11 .... 12

I struggle to loosen Stone’s death grip, knowing she is loving every minute of the situation. This is after all  Stone’s  payback  for  getting her involved in the capturing of Bear and then his mentally terrifying revenge on her.

My head and arms are stuck fast in her  strong body lock. She learnt well at her self defence lessons ,and holding me against the pit walls like that prevents me from bending or sitting down to reposition myself for advantage.

The mass spanks & massaging of my cheeks continue which , if I truly admit , are sexually thrilling & quite pleasant but my bare ass is starting to get very red and a little sore.

One of the participants then makes an unexpected move and after his turn in the mass spanking line, he decides, he wants to grope Stone’s tities too.  He cops a great feel of her breasts which takes her totally by surprise. She gasps and loosens her grip which gives me the opportunity  to surge forward.

To the delight of the crowd, Stone loses her balance and we both crash onto the floor of the pudding pit, sinking into the pink goo.
My breasts embed between her legs, my red ass , and  bikini bottoms  partially above the pudding in view , my legs hidden underneath it.  Stone is almost completely emerged being underneath me, face up.

She manages to rise out of the goo, gasping for breath. The pink mess clinging in gollops on  both our bodies  and hair. It slowly drips and gloops down our bodies.  We are covered in a shiny, gloopy pink sheen.

It wets our skin and clothing and shows the outline of our bodies, leaving very little to the imagination.

 The crowd cheers liking what they see.  Two women covered in sweet smelling pudding,  breasts and contours  on show for their enjoyment.

I look down to realise, in the struggle, my breasts had slipped out of my  bikini top.  I re-adjust it quickly and kneel to pull up my bottoms only to find a bow undone and no time to fasten it. Bikini bottoms hang from one thigh.

 “ Looks like my ass and pussy will be on show to the crowds, the only covering being the pink pudding” I muse.

The audience realise it too and they cheer as they glimpse my pussy & breasts for the first time.

We both need a moment to catch our breath.

I recover first  & realise Stone was winded by the fall. I take advantage sitting astride her and attempt to hold her shoulders down ...
I hear Covems voice  “  1, 2....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on September 21, 2012, 01:23:34 PM
At Covems voice,  I  realise the seriousness of my situation and buck wildly , lifting my legs to go around Brandy’s body. The unexpected move dislodges  her just in time for the count. 

I force Brandy to the floor facing me , my legs still around her waist and I sit up partially , laughing at the shock on her face.

My breasts are still bared covered in pudding and I know my basque is beyond repair.  I yank Brandy’s top off and throw it into the crowd,  payback in kind.  Brandy’s tits bared now too, but a little cleaner of the pink pudding.

I grin, thinking, “that will soon change.”

Brandy manages to slide out of my leg grip. The pudding is making both our bodies very slippery.

We wrestle together on our knees, pushing and pulling for advantage. We are evenly matched in the fitness and weight stakes. Our breasts heave, grind and wobble with our exertions.

Brandy  suddenly  goes for a rib tickle which sends my concentration haywire and I end up underneath her , giggling.

I am face up and weak from laughter. She is sitting on my genitals, facing my feet,  and I hear the crowd cheering again as she removes my stockings one by one, throwing them into the crowd.  My suspenders will now hang useless on my upper thighs.

She makes a move to pin me down again for the count but I wriggle out of it.

In the movement, I manage to grab hold of Brandy’s hanging bikini bottoms and whip them off. I fling them wildly, not sure if they land in the pudding pit or as a souvenir  for a crowd member.

Brandy is now totally naked  & the crowd , whistle & cheer  their appreciation. We grapple each other again....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 21, 2012, 01:30:39 PM
My naked body glistens with pudding in the lighting as Stone and I grapple for an advantage over each other.

The pudding very slippery .  Our bodies grind  and rub against each other in the process, causing us both to moan and groan with our efforts and at the shock of intimate parts, touching intimate parts.

Both of us are very slimy now writhing in the pudding on top of each other.

At one point, my face is buried in Stone’s breasts  and  then she manages to lean over and spank my bare bottom a couple of times, still , a little tender and red from the mass spanking.  The crowd only cheer to encourage her more.

I go for another rib tickle which seems a weakness of hers. She flinches and giggles in reaction and I immediately tear her panties from her body. She is almost as naked as me now, except for her torn basque. I throw the panties to the noisy crowd.

As we wrestle with each other, I tear covertly at her basque, ripping it little by little until it is  nothing more than a hanging nuisance for her.

 In frustration , she eventually realises  it has served its purpose  and rips the remaining shreds from her body and that too is flung into the crowd.   

Two naked , pudding covered woman now wrestling to win the other.

Bodies glistening and slippery, grinding and writhing, breasts are heaving and rocking, bottoms  are thrusting and wiggling with their concerted efforts.

 The crowd seeing and admiring every curve and crevice of their bodies as they wrestle. Each lady determined to beat the other....


Ok, this is where you in the bar decides who wins lol.  If you think Brandy should win, Then take a bottle of house wine to Tight in Brandy’s corner.

If you think Stone should win, Take a bottle to Jayc in Stone’s corner.

The one with the most bottles  wins the wrestling and a post will be completed accordingly by the elected winner .  Stone or I could not decide,  so thought you could for us... and of course we, get drunk for free afterwards in celebration, lol

BRANDYBEE  BOTTLES                                                                            STONE  BOTTLES

Tangoracer  1                                                                                          Ssgt         1
Tangojane   1                                                                                          Mrsexlover  1
LydiaRose    1                                                                                          HentaiBoy   1
HentaiBoy    1                                                                                          Jaz_Venice  1
Jay9           1                                                                                             Bear.           1
 Lover          1                                                                                            Mollie.       1      
Tight.          1                                                                                              JD.           1                                                    
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on September 21, 2012, 04:17:59 PM
Sitting in the bar as Brandy and Stone get ready to wrestle i am mystified.  Never seen a show like this on WWF. Vince McMann Should be here.  I stand up cheering as the have at it.

When Stone holds Brandy so everyone can smack her ass, I run up.  I kiss her on her ass cheek and smack it.  I pick up some pudding and throw it as Stone,  looking for Jayc approval, lol.

I walk up to the bar. see JD, This is going to be a hard decision" I say.  We both laugh.  I think to myself that Stone did all us a favor by holding Brandy so we all got to smack that lovely ass.

I take my bottle of wine to Jayc.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 21, 2012, 05:07:28 PM
Sitting With Jane watching the 2 lady's open the nights wrestling

As Bandy and Stone get to grips with each other Stone gets the first hit with a hand full of pudding, Brandy returns the favor by ripping Stone top off to show the crowd her ample breasts to load cheers, But with a swift move Stone has Brandy in a side head lock at the edge of the Pit HB pulls Brandy bottoms down and rubs same pudding into her cheeks Stone turns her bear ass to me I move in Kiss it gently rub same pudding in then Slap a gentle ish spank moving out of the way a cue had formed behind me the crowd count 9     10     11     12

Brandy is free and is pinning Stone 1    2   Stone slides out  ripping the rest of each others cloths of Brandy get another pin but only a 2 count agian
both are totaly naked near the end the crowd is cheering.

my bottle goes over to Tight for 2 to 0 pins by Brandy
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on September 21, 2012, 05:11:23 PM
Sat watching with Tango and seeing him give Brandy a spank

I put my bottle with .............................................Tight
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on September 21, 2012, 05:20:01 PM
This is the first time I have watch pudding wrastle, I really enjoy it, but glad I didnt enter into it, so I make my way to Bar to get  bottle of wine from old joe, ask jd who should I pick this is hard one to pick, jd looks at me and smiles, cant  help you there you will have to pick for yourself, so I make my way tooo.

              my bottle of wine goes to Tight,,
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on September 21, 2012, 10:31:58 PM
Looking at the fight, i enjoy myself more and more, and when Stone makes that move so we can spank and kiss Brandy's lovely behind, i make sure i am in line to do that. And now that i am so close, i take the opportunity to reward Stone for the chance i got so close to Brandy's ass, so after my spank and kiss, i reach up and take a good feel at Stone's titties.

Looks like Brandy was waiting for that so the fight continues, and i get back to enjoy myself

When the time comes to decide my bottle goes to Jayc, because it was Stone who got us to spank Brandy's ass and got her naked first :)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on September 22, 2012, 02:49:43 AM

For me... the best part of all of this is...

I get to stand between two gorgeous, naked, pudding covered women and hold their hands... I await the decision of the crowd so I can raise the hand of the victorious one.

So please take your time and make a thoughtful decision, because I could stand here for days.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 22, 2012, 03:53:47 AM
Standing near the pit border with Alita on my back (had she really take me for her pony!?), i follow the full match with greedy eyes....
I have no doubt about Brandy's strenght, but have to admit Stone had surprise me! She had fought all the time with a strenght will and never give up, even when she was really near to be defeated. both the girls had fought  well and take a decision is really hard....Brandy!? Stone!? Uhmmmmm...

And Alita....when did she think to jump down of me!?

Anyway....for me it's a draw! a bottle to each corner!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jay9 on September 22, 2012, 06:21:19 AM
Without making a fuss I arrived back at the bar just in time to catch the start of the wrestle match. Sliding my way through the crowd i managed to score a birds eye view of the proceedings, and have got to say, was a little turned on by the spectacle, two gorgeous women groping each other's bodies in front of a crowd of horny onlookers.

Find it amusing that we are asked to pick a winner ...... surely we were the winners here !!!!! lol

Anyway, i wander over to Tight, place a bottle in front and with my other hand reveal the souvenired Brandy bikini bottoms. With a cheeky grin on my face i say "tell Brandy, i might hang on to this souvenir for the moment ..... she can come looking for it if she needs it :) Bikini's have a kind of hot spot with me ...... " then turn and slowly walk back to the bar to settle into a few beers.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Jaz_Venice on September 22, 2012, 11:38:29 AM
I accept the first drink that is offered to me, not to attract too much attention, though the guy’s eyes seem to wander more as I have ever seen in a bar. There seems to be not a lot of vicarious shame. I let the atmosphere soak in on me, it’s a happy crowd and most seem to know eachother well. I recognise a few groups hanging out with eachother around the bar or a table, while some patrons have decided on a table for two or three. All in all, the welcome I received and the way the patrons hang out with eachother is refreshing.

Suddenly a man gets on the stage and he is welcomed with a big applause. ‘must be an important guy here’. His name is shouted from the crowd, making him smile before he starts to announce the first contestants of the pudding pit. A blush colors my cheeks as i see the two, very skimpily dressed girls step up to the pit and reveal themselves. The crowd goes wild as they step into the pit and start to wrestle eachother. When the blonde is forced to hang her butt up for grabs, the line of guys giving her a kiss and a slap quickly builds to at least a dozen. I smirk, ‘she’ll be sore tonight. Does pudding have healing powers?’

While the wrestle match continues, I suddenly feel the presence and the piercing eyes of someone close to me, coming up from my blind spot. I turn my head and am caught in the eyes of the bartender. Old Joe he’s called I think.

“Now, what’s a cutie pie like you doing in a place like this?”

I smile, the miss of originality in his approach was expected, but there is something in his eyes that makes it actually convincing.

“I heard a lot about this bar and was told to come and see.. It’s a lively place, I must give it that..”

“You ain’t seen nothing yet missy, if you hang around long enough, there’ll be plenty of eye catchers here.. The mechanic bull for instance. You’d draw a crowd if you gave it a shot.. Well, after the match ofcourse..”

I feel his eyes glide over my chest, sliding down my cleavage and almost without moving, I arch my back a little, showing him the fullness of my breasts. It can’t hurt to have the barkeep in your corner. Usually they know their customers well.

“Is that so? Hmm, I might try it another night. When I am more.. dressed for the occasion..”

“Nothing wrong with your clothes now, missy. Call me old Joe”

He extends his boney hand and I accept it, squeezing harder as he expected. With a surprised look he slowly pulls his hand away from me, a growing respect visible in her eyes.

“I’m Jaszmin. Tell me Joe, does this place have private rooms as well? You know, if you want to have a closed, or intimate meeting with someone?”

“Not sure missy, there is only the office and that’s for staff only. Why? You have plans for that?”

“I might..”

I smile my sexiest smile at him, seeing his eyes glaze over and knowing I have him right where I want him.

“Who could answer my question if you can’t, Joe?”

I lean in over the bar, closer to him, offering him a grand view of my breasts, pressed together by my arms. I see him swallow, his eyes shooting from my chest to my face and back to my chest again, his tongue licking his lips unconsciously.

“That would be miss Brandy or miss Stone,  Jaszmin. If you want, I can get them for you after they finished the match. It’s them both in the pit right now.”

I turn my head and look at the pit again, finding both girls in an almost sexual embrace on the floor, completely covered with pudding.

“Don’t bother. By the time they are clean, I am out of here anyway. Thanks for your help old Joe”

I place my hand on his and slowly drag my fingers down his, keeping my eyes locked in with his as I slide off the stool and turn towards the exit.

“I’ll be back.. Oh, and send a bottle of wine over to the one with the dark hair..”

With an extra swing of my hips I trod out of the bar room, knowing old Joe’s eyes on my behind, the only eyes as all other guys are gazing at the pudding pit on the other side of the bar…

(This character was created, and is directed by Tightfit74, as part of the story “The caper of the Capricious Coitus”. She does exist in game as well, but will not be active. She might hold a clue perhaps, to solve the riddle in the story. This information is presented so there is no confusion caused or anyone lead on)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 22, 2012, 02:00:58 PM
Walking back into the Bar after watching Brandy and Stone fight in the Pudding pit "hi Joe slide me a beer" I say to him " Sorry miss for interrupting you "Please Joe let me get this young lady her next drink" I say as Joe slides me my beer turning to the young the lady "im Tango nice to meet you feel free to join use out that the Pudding pit and watch the fun and games. (thinking to myself what a stunning looking young lady) taking my beer i walk back to watch the fun
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on September 23, 2012, 12:04:54 AM
hands on Stones shoulders we hear her intro music and Lover call her out. i spin her around and give her a good luck kiss and we head to the pit.we arrive at our corner, i remove Stones robe, surprised by her attire...i look her over liking what i see. as she climbs into the pit i see old joe bringing Tight a cold lager and a shot of wild turkey then yelling in his ear as Tight leans over.Tight looks across the pit at me and smiles and gives a thumbs up, i tip my hat and return the gesture and down my shot as he does the same.

the Match begins, the combatants size each other up circling each other, stone strikes 1st with a pudding glop hurl that hits Brandys neck, Brandy response is to tear open Stones basque much to the delight of the crowd, myself included. Stones head lock catchs Brandy off guard and when HB takes her bikini bottom down the bar rocks with cheers and whistles.unable to resist i get in line to give Brandy a good smack to that ass on display.

when Brandy breaks the lock all hell breaks loose as the girls fall into the pink goo and wrestle and grind, in no time at all they are both naked and covered in pink pudding. i glance over at old joe who is staring at the match cheering for both girls. it takes me 3 times to get his attention Joe!! i scream is the champagne ready? he nods annoyed  unable to look away from the pit, well just make sure a bottle gets to Tight and Brandys table.

i cant blame him i muse this is really erotic and better than i imagined. with the smell of rasberries in the air i look forward to the pleasant task awaiting me, cleaning up my Stone ;)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on September 23, 2012, 12:22:54 PM
As there is some work to do I have to finish the talk. I apologize to Marilyn with a long and gentle kiss. We agree to meet later again. I get up and give my bottle to Brandy.
Then I walk to Pafe and Satoire, welcome them with a kiss "Welcome back Ladies, please take care and make sure we always meet you again".

Go to Lydia and Oxana, hug both... "Welcome Oxana, nice you found our bar. Im sure Lydia will show you everything" I wink at Lydia, go to all new guests, having small talk with everyone before I enter my office. Have to prepare the schedule for tomorrow.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Alita on September 23, 2012, 04:52:05 PM
Smiles softly at Hentai  "awww haven't you heard the phrase 'lets make peace not war' silly?"  hands him a napkin and winks " Plus you might have to catch me." wiggling her little tush at him and sticking out her tongue, but sees the fire in his eyes and instead of running she sits next to him. "But I know you're a little tired."   

Holding my drink with both hands and starts drinking  "thank you for the ride and drink...."  looking into his eyes again while drinking and thinking in her mind "wooow he is looking at me with such hungry eyes.....  like he is a wolf and I'm just a poor deer that will be his next meal... maybe I should apologize."  puts down her drink and smiles at Hentai "I'm sowwy if I made you mad." Kisses him on the cheek and giggles and climbs up on his back again  "let's go for a ride again, you pick where this time no rush. giddy up"

Hentai gets up slowly and starts looking around the bar for a place to go as he holds my legs tightly with a rougher grip then before.  I didn't say anything about it as I didn't want him to be mad after all he has been a good sport from having a little five foot midget like me jump on his back.  I giggle to myself well atleast I got that free drink I was promised.  Looks over to him and notices the expression of deep thought on his face on where to go and whispers in his ear “if you don't pick soon i'll just have to nibble on your ear until you do...”  he breaks a smile it seems i've made peace with him

“ooh well!”  starts nibbling on his ear while thinking to herself I wonder where he will take me now.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on September 24, 2012, 01:06:25 AM
Having returned just in time from bringing back the pudding trruck, I make my way to the pudding pit and wait for the girls to show them. Brandy looks stunning in her little bikini, the yellow and black bees defying the black and green os Stone’s outfit.

With a big smile on my face I take Brandy’s robe, let my eyes feast on her body and that of Stone. There could not have been a better air to start to pudding fights off. The crowd goes wild as the first attempts are made by both girls to throw eachother over and soon pieces of clothing are ripped, torn off and flung into the audience. I shout my hints at Brandy and am shocked when her butt is dangling over the edge of the pit and she gets slapped and kissed by practically every man in the Bar. Look like those buns need some tending after the fight is done.

When they fight is over and Covems is clearly enjoying being so close to two pudding-dripping, beautiful women. I raise my hand to old Joe and order a bottle of wine. As Brandy turns and looks for my eyes, I smile and show her the bottle, then point at us both. She smiles, getting the hint and watching me place my bottle with the rest. The victory balance slowly starting to tip to her advantage…
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on September 24, 2012, 07:56:37 AM
I stand by the pits edge having drawn closer by the initial sight of these two beauties, hugging my position closer as the fight progresses and the scanty clothing eventually shedded displaying the lucsious forms of these two. My own excitement flares as I watch, I can't help it...instinctual ,...primal from the lack of desire being fed of late.

As the Covems finally steps in halting the fight the two break apart, staggering and slipping in the slick confines. Brandy loses her balance... stumbles back towrads me and I reach out steady her as my eyes devour her naked form.

"So sorry,.." I hear her mutter absently aware of who has steadied her.

I tighten my grip on her arm... lean forward as a hand slips down to slide over a pudding encased cheek.

"My pleasure", I respond feeling her tighten at the sound of my voice, attempting to pull but I hold fast leaning my lips closer to her ear as my hand slids across her bottom.  "I know the seed of fantasy is there of me... think about it.... the slow sensuous feel of my lips and tongue slowly teasing every nerve and fiber of your skin as I clean you... the touch of my fingers... heat of my body on you..." you want that... you know you do."

A finger  traces slow along the crease of her bottom before she tugs free and twists giving me a look before she staggers away... I let her read the lust in my eyes. then turn and disappear into the crowd making my way to the bar. Ol' Joe greets me,... reads my expression, sensing the lusty need rising in me.

"Sonme one in mind?" he asks as I order the wine. It's not directed towards the contest,... Joe knows my mannerisms well. I eye the room, gazing over the numerous new beauties which now are at play here.

"Not yet,..." I wink at him. "Perhaps one of these new ones might find a boldness..., but not yet"

I twist about, mulling my choice in the contest... it seemed obvious to me who had the upper hand and I move back to the pit, approaching Jayc. Stone stands near him as I approiach, her back to me, a tasty looking morsel and in the mood,... bold and arrogant I can't resist. I reach out slide a couple fingers slow along her back smearing them in the pudding. Stone stiffens, twists about a look of shock  over taking her expression as our eyes meet. I hold my eyes on her, lifting my fingers slow as  I lick them clean sucking on them , emphasiing the motions with my tongue as my lewd look dips to and lingers on her nakeedness.

 I hand Jayc the bottle... pausing...

"Lucky man,... should you ever desire to sandbag this one and desire help,... let me know,.. I'll eagerly offer my services."

I twist away not waiting on reading their reaction... horny as hell. In search of a release.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on September 24, 2012, 09:24:58 AM
I walk into the bar room, and it is empty.  There a lot of commotion going on outside... shouts... cheers... laughter.  Following the noise I go through an open door at the back of the bar.  There is a pit of some sort with two scrumptious looking female combatants, both nearly naked, writhing, twisting, squirming, each trying to get the upper hand, trying to get the position that may bring victory.  They are coated with something that looks like pudding and there is a scent of sweet raspberry in the air.

It looks slippery as they wrestle each other, falling, slipping.  Each escaping the other's grasp.  A few moves later and they're both into the gooey mixture, wriggling in it.  More clothing (if you could call it clothing) is removed, first from one, then the other. 

There are benches around the pit, but no one is sitting.  The crowd is pressed in as close to the action as possible.

I spot Covems in the middle of this.  He's partically covered with the slippery mixture and he seems to be enjoying every minute of it, as he circles the two sexy women, their skin sleek with the goo, moving in to say something to them.  Then he's on his knees as one girl gets the better of the other, and he's slapping into the goo and counting.  ONE!  TWO! 

A bikini bottom comes flying out of the pit and is caught in mid-air by some burly looking guy.  Goo from the material splatters into the crowd.

Watching Covems in the pit, in those tight shorts and t-shirt.  His clothing is soaked and I can clearly see that he's excited, especially when both ladies become knickerless and yet, they wrestle on.  My mind wanders a little thinking about how I would love to help him shower the goo off... everywhere.

I take get a bottle of the wine and hand it to the corner of the combatant who was wearing the basque.  I am informed Stone is her name. 

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on September 24, 2012, 12:39:32 PM
"Decisions, decisions.." I think to myself.  Both ladies are well deserving of my vote, but I can only vote once.  I loved the bare ass view of Brandy and the opportunity to give that cute little pudding covered ass a spank.   Stone also was the one who facilitated that opportunity.   I walk closer to the pit and hand my bottle to..     JayC.   
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bluedenim on September 24, 2012, 02:41:27 PM
I see Dutchslut drinking with Tango & Mr. Sexlover.. I know that she wants to go in the pudding pit with someone ..... and I know just the little girl she can play with!
First however, I have promised a special for Lover..lots of people have been on the stage with my brothers tonite and I'm feeling a bit left out, it's alright for those who are old enough to drink, but my big Sis would close the place down if she caught them serving young and I've only just turned 20! Anyways, Lover wants to do a special number with me.............
and yes you can take that any way you want!

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Gayle on September 24, 2012, 08:31:34 PM
Dragging my ass into the place, which from the street is best described as a hole in the wall, I need to let off some steam after having my boss chew my ass off for pretty much anything and everything that could go wrong, and did go wrong today.

"Fucking son-of-a-bitch..." I remarked aloud to anyone who would hear me, as I broke a heel against the door sill. Dressed in my usual daily attire as a legal secretary for none other than the Mayor of Nymphomania, I hobble into the bar.

"Hey, Cathy. Where the fuck is that wench of a sister of yours? " I speak to Blue. I was in a foul mood having just broken the heel on my favourite pair of pumps.

"Well don't just stand there like you spent the day rehearsing what you're going to say... spit it out." I demanded.

* Clomp... click, Clomp... click, Clomp... click * - Sounds off as I hobble to the bar, with the broken heel in my hand.

"Draw me a beer!" I ask no one in particular, then notice the bar is unattended.

"Fuck me gently." I mumble, to whit I promptly spin my ass up onto the bar then shimmy behind it.

"Draft Glasses, check... Beer Taps, check... Big Boobs get bigger tips, Double check." I half sing, half shout above the din as I draw myself a beer from the taps, then slide it down the bar to where the heel of my pump is waiting. I drop a few A's into the tip jar atop the bar that were previously inside my bra, and hobble back over the top.

..... All the while, the walls have eyes and I have the uneasy feeling I'm about to meet headlong with fate or fortune. only the flip of a coin may decide the outcome.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on September 24, 2012, 08:51:40 PM
seeing Bear for the first time in a long time I walk up and give him a quick hug.

"Sure have missed seeing you"

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 25, 2012, 03:56:26 AM
She had apologize cause she think i'm mad with her.......pffff! We don't had the chance to talk before, so we don't know well each other or she will understand i'm not mad, but just looking at her cause i'm pondering something in my mind, but for the moment, it's just a vague idea.
Walking around the whole bar carrying Alita on my back....while she nibble my ear, i start to gently fondled her legs, worrying to don't loose the grip and make her fall on the ground. Her legs are so firm and the sensation of her naked skin under my hands is wonderful and i have the impression she don't dislike it at all!

I walk back to the pit to see if Covems is ready to declaim the a first look, on both the corner there are the same number of bottles, so at the moment it's not so clear who will be the winner. I'll turn my head and take alook at Alita....she is staring at Brandy and stone naked body, like everyone else here, afterall! Just some pudding cover their body here and there, but the most interesting "area" are well exposed under our eyes. Sure thing is they are two really gorgeous girls, no doubt about it, and even if i can sense the warm body of Alita on my back, it's hard to don't stare at them.

I move away from the pit of few steps....suddenly, iturn to the the pit again and hold Alita's legs more tight and tur to her.

"Get ready....soon we gonna make this event more interesting!" and grinninig i look back at covems, waiting for his response.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bluedenim on September 25, 2012, 02:57:48 PM
Wow, someone looks pissed!
isn't that the Mayor's legal secretary? she's limping, I hope she hasn't hurt herself.

Oh see she's snapped the heel off her left pump and she's carrying it in her hand.

What's she shouting at me? Where's Azrielle?

"She's on Maternity leave Gayle!"

I watch as Gayle pours herself a beer... Where the f is old Joe? She puts some coin in the honesty box and sits at the end of the bar glowering

I don't see Lover about, so I take my root beer and plonk myself on the stool next to her.

so, what made your day so bad hun? I toss my hair back and give my best toothpaste smile.

Hey everyone, this is my 1,000th post :)))))))))))))
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 25, 2012, 03:30:16 PM
OOT: Congratulation, Blue! now, come on, let's work hard to reach 1500!  :D

oh look.....i had hit 3000! lol!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on September 25, 2012, 03:42:48 PM
Congrats to you both blue for 1000 and HB for 3000 way to go you to
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on September 25, 2012, 03:43:31 PM
OOT: Congrats to blue and HB :D

Blue.. stand up and move your sweet ass to behind the stage.. you have to change clothes for our song ;)

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 25, 2012, 03:44:59 PM
Yes as Jane says CONGRATS to you both
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on September 25, 2012, 04:00:58 PM
The lights go down.... the sound of silence fills the air.

Suddenly everyone hears the sound of a motorcycle... getting loud and louder....
tones of a piano is coming up......

flashlight is up on me and i start to sing...

"And I would do anything for love
I'd run right into hell and back
I would do anything for love
I'll never lie to you and that's a fact
but I'll never forget the way
you feel right now oh no no way
and I would do anything for love
oh I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
but I won't do that
no I won't do that"

The band joins with all they have got....

"And some days it don't come easy
and some days it don't come hard
some days it don't come at all
and these are the days that never end

And some nights you're breathing fire
and some nights you're carved in ice
some nights are like nothing I've ever
seen before or will again

Maybe I'm crazy
oh it's crazy and it's true
I know you can save me
no one else can save me now but you

As long as the planets are turning
as long as the stars are burning
as long as your dreams are coming true
you better believe it

That I would do anything for love
oh I would do anything for love
oh I would do anything for love
but I won't do that no I won't do that
I would do anything for love
anything you've been dreaming of
but I just won't do that
I would do anything for love
anything you've been dreaming of
but I just won't do

And some days I pray for silence
and some days I pray for soul
some days I just pray that the god
of sex and drums and rock & roll

And maybe I'm lonely
that's what I qualified to be
but just one and only
one and only promise I can keep

As long as the wheels are turning
as long as the fires are burning
as long as your prayers are coming true
you better believe it

That I would do anything for love
and you know it's true and that's a fact
and I would do anything for love
and there'll never be no turning back

But I'll never do it better
than I do it with you so long so long

And I would do anything for love
oh I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
but I won't do that no no no I won't do that"

The lights turn to Blue.... floating in on a swing... singing

Will you raise me up
will you help me down
will you get me right out of this
god forsaken town
will you make it all a little less cold

I look at her...

I can do that oh oh now I can do that

Will you cater to every fantasy I got
will you hose me down with holy water
if I get too hot
will you take me places I've never known

She walks over to me

now I can do that oh no no I can do that

I know the territoriry I've been around
it'll all turn to dust and we'll all fall down
sooner or later you'll be screwing around

I won't do that no I won't do that

Anything for love
but I won't do that

We're standing very close as the lights turn down again.....

*Meat Loaf - (i'd do) Anything for love*

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Gayle on September 25, 2012, 04:31:17 PM
(psst - Congratulations are in order - Blue & HB).

I was about to chug back my beer, when Cathy sat down beside me. I already knew Azrielle was on Maternity Leave, but do you think for even one minute that girl could be found at home? Hell no; She would be one of three possible places. The first would be in her office, albeit highly unlikely. The second would be shopping, and I wasn't in the mood to even try to pick up her trail there. The third most likely spot was with her hips straddling her husband Shaffer somewhere. I was not about to even contemplate interrupting that lovely scenario because I'd want to join in...

... and after the day I just had, there would be only three beers today. There would be the first one, which was about to be nothing but an empty glass. The there would be the NEXT one, and that may not remain empty for very long either. The third and final beer would be the last one, because anymore than that usually ends up with me doing stupid things like doing boob shots with someone until THEY pass out on the floor.

Before I could even reply to Cathy, she was being summoned by some long tall drink of water, that I would probably end up with out my bra... and my panties to boot.

"Wow!" I spoke quietly.

It would seem I arrived at the best possible time, with some entertainment about to start. I Chugged back my beer and slammed the glass down on the bar in a less than lady like manner. Since there was still no one behind the bar tending it, I swung my ass up and over it once again... this time without my pumps... and drew myself a second tall one with perfect head. I slid it back down the bar to where the first glass was parked, dropped some more A's into the Honesty Jar and walked the L O N G way around the bar with maybe just a little too much spring in my step.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Alita on September 25, 2012, 07:58:20 PM
His hands are soo warm and he is fondling  my legs.  I really like it the feel of his warm hands griping me as I press myself closer to his back.  I look up and notice Hentai walked me over to where two people are naked and covered with pudding in some spots.  I'd like to look away but I can't seeing them and having Hentais warmth of his hands grip me.  I feel like I have a little heat growing inside of me too, I think he can sense the heat coming off my body now...  I wonder if it was that drink that made me feel like this or was it a combination of everything.  Then Hentai says "Get ready....soon we gonna make this event more interesting!" I wonder what he means and I notices he looks over at Covems.  And I begin to recall is that the guy that I bummed into when I first walked in here awhile ago.  I wonder what they are plotting..
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on September 26, 2012, 07:52:29 AM
OOC: Gratz to Blu' and HB on their milestones...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 26, 2012, 12:55:31 PM
As we wait for Lover to announce the winner of Brandy and Stone.
 I get up and go and look for Tight need to ask him a favor, we talk for a few minutes I shake his hand "I ow you one" I say as i walk over to Covems walking up from behind him standing between 2 sweet pudding covered naked ladies i can't help myself and take a good look at the pair of sweet asses facing me. I stop just for a few seconds to take in this great view then stand at the edge of the pit and tap Covems on his shoulder he leans back so i can whisper in his ear, he nods his head "yeah that good with me" he says as he stands back between this pair of beautiful pudding covered ladies.

"Now just one more person and its all set up" I say to myself, there he is walking over to him, we chat and he agrees to help out.

"Great that's it all set just have to wait for Lover"  saying to myself with a big smile

Looks at what i'm wearing best put some thing better on then this goes out to my car and finds just the thing looking around in the car lot No one here so i whip off my jeans and boxers and put my tight latex shorts and my jeans back on. I walk back to the bar and wait my time
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bluedenim on September 26, 2012, 01:19:01 PM
The lights go down.... the sound of silence fills the air.

Suddenly everyone hears the sound of a motorcycle... getting loud and louder....
tones of a piano is coming up......

flashlight is up on me and Lover starts to sing...

"And I would do anything for love
I'd run right into hell and back
I would do anything for love
I'll never lie to you and that's a fact
but I'll never forget the way
you feel right now oh no no way
and I would do anything for love
oh I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
but I won't do that
no I won't do that"

The band joins with all they have got....

"And some days it don't come easy
and some days it don't come hard
some days it don't come at all
and these are the days that never end

And some nights you're breathing fire
and some nights you're carved in ice
some nights are like nothing I've ever
seen before or will again

Maybe I'm crazy
oh it's crazy and it's true
I know you can save me
no one else can save me now but you

As long as the planets are turning
as long as the stars are burning
as long as your dreams are coming true
you better believe it

That I would do anything for love
oh I would do anything for love
oh I would do anything for love
but I won't do that no I won't do that
I would do anything for love
anything you've been dreaming of
but I just won't do that
I would do anything for love
anything you've been dreaming of
but I just won't do

And some days I pray for silence
and some days I pray for soul
some days I just pray that the god
of sex and drums and rock & roll

And maybe I'm lonely
that's what I qualified to be
but just one and only
one and only promise I can keep

As long as the wheels are turning
as long as the fires are burning
as long as your prayers are coming true
you better believe it

That I would do anything for love
and you know it's true and that's a fact
and I would do anything for love
and there'll never be no turning back

But I'll never do it better
than I do it with you so long so long

And I would do anything for love
oh I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love
but I won't do that no no no I won't do that"

The lights turn to Blue.... floating in on a swing...
I undo my hair and let it fall across my face........
and I sing....
Will you raise me up?
Will you help me down?
Will you get me right out if this Godforsaken town?
Will you make it all a little less cold?

I can do that!
I can do that!

Will you make me some magic
With your own two hands?
Can you build an emerald city with these grains of sand?
Can you give me something I can take home?

I can do that!
I can do that!

Will you hold me sacred?
Will you hold me tight?
Can you colorize my life I'm so sick of black and white?
Can you make it all a little less old?

I can do that!
I can do that!

He looks at me and I throw my hair back and grin at him

Will you cater to every fantasy I got?
Will ya hose me down with holy water--if I get to hot--?
Will ya take me to places I've never known?

I can do that!
I can do that!

After a while you'll forget everything
It was a brief interlude
And a midsummer night's fling
And you'll see that it's time to move on

I won't do that!
I won't do that!
I walk over to Lover and we stand hips together...

I know the territory I've been around
it'll all turn to dust and we'll all fall down
sooner or later you'll be screwing around

I won't do that no I won't do that

Anything for love
but I won't do that

We're standing very close as the lights turn down again.....

*Meat Loaf - (i'd do) Anything for love*

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on September 26, 2012, 02:39:50 PM
We're standing very close as the lights turn down again.....

We get big applause, everyone gets up and cheers us, some shout of encore... Blue and I hold hands, bow low and and wave to everyone. Turn my face to Blue, hug and kiss her, I whisper "Thanks for the great show". She smiles and kisses me. She also seems to say something, but it's too loud, I don't understand it.

The mood is as great as it was before and it's the right time to announce the winner of the wrestling. I look to JD, he comes to me, giving me a piece of paper. I look at it - and laugh....

Ladies and Gentleman, friends of AChat... I slow look around, see Stone and Brandy looking to me... mmm they are so sweet and sexy and I want everyone to have more time to enjoy watching them... now we have a result and I tell you the winner of this funny competition I nod to the band... a rataplan is starting we have seen a wonderful fight. Both of you, Stone... Brandy.... has given her best. So it's just fair to present yourself here on stage. Please come to me

Brandy & Stone come to stage. Brandy on my left side, Stone on my right.

Acting for every happy guest here I thank you for the pleasure you gave us. Your show was unique, amazing and absolutely fantastic. It was a hrad decision for everyone to vote for one of you.  This clap is just for you
I start to clap and everyone joins the applause, again standing up. We hear whistling, claps, shouting... it seems they blush....

Now there has been a voting. Winner is the one with most bottles. In my hand I hold the official result. Now...
Brandy.... you got 7 bottles.....   and Stone....... 

The rataplan is as loud as possible now....

Stone............. Stone, you have got..........................................................
not 5, not 6, not 8...... you have got    7 bottles too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I look to Tango. What are we doing now?

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on September 26, 2012, 03:05:48 PM
Mesmerised with the delicious view, I don't notice Tango walking up to me until i hear his voice in my ear. As he whisperes, my smile starts to grow and with a quick nod I accept his request.

Then Lover comes and claims the girls to make their appearance on stage and to show themselves off and accept the applause they well deserved. Their path is marked by drips of pudding, the pit drained with all the sticky goo thrashes around.

I make sure Brandy's Robe is put in a save place and wink at Jayc to do the same, then we both stare at the girls on stage. The lights from the front chissels their luscious forms out and the crowd has good reason to go wild. The drizzles of pudding sliding down their bodies and puddling at their feet is clearly seen, even with just their profiles visible.

I shrug my shoulders and focus on my task at hand. I crawl to the back of the pit while the crowd is completely focussed on the girls showing themselves off, and start to jerk the handle that closes off the hose connected to the pudding vat in the storage room. Slowly the valve starts to open and a small drizzle of pudding starts to flow from the nozzle. Unhappy with the speed of the flow, I push hard aganst the handle and suddenly it shoots out of my hand and turns the valve completely open.

With a loud hiss the hose fills with pink, fragrant, sweet and sticky pudding and suddenly gushes from the nuzzle, spraying pudding all over the girls and Lover from behind, giving them another coating and him his first. A spray of pudding hits the crowd as well and globs of the sticky stuff covers faces and disappears in cleavages.

With a quick pull I shut the valve again, then start opening in slowly until the pudding flows from the nozzle gently, filling the pit back to its first level of goo. I try and stay in the shadows, not to be recognised as the one causing the shower of pudding, but soon I am spotted and treated to a shower of pudding myself, thar what I caused to spray returned to me with an uncanning enthousiasm. Dripping with pudding I stand at the edge of the stage, whiping my hands off before I take Brandy's robe in my hands, ready to slip it on her as soon as she has been celebrated for her fight with Stone..
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 26, 2012, 03:23:31 PM
"well well well....seems i was rigth, afterall!"

I'll make my way for Lover avoiding the crowd around the pit and after joining him, i make Alita get off of my back. I kiss her on the cheek and the look at Lover and at the girls......wonder if they gonna like my idea! Grinning, i expose my idea.

"During war, the infantry was usually supported by the,  in modern wars, this doesn't happen, but we know this is not a normal fight!"

I take off my boots and step into the pit, reaching Brandy and wink at her.

"So......why we don't repropose that ancient battle style!? Two vs two, four ladies in the arena, but it's not a simple tag-team match....."

I'll take a breath and look around.....all seems perplessed by my words. "Good...this gonna be really funny and appreciated!" i think noticing the satisfied expression of Bear: he have probably understand what is the goal of my words. I look back at the crowd and continue

"One girl gonna carry the other on her back and the winner have to make fall the "rider" into the pudding! Of course, the rider can only attack the other one, but that does not mean the "horse" can't try to attack the other "horse"!"

I move close to Brandy and wink at her and whisper "Of course, i'll fight with you, my princess!" than turn into the direction of Alita and point my index finger to her

"I fight at Brandy's side.....are you ready to fight for Stone!?"

She look surprised but after few second she nod. I grin satisfied and take of my shirt, staying half naked again in front off all, but i don't care: less chance to grab me i give to our enemy, more chance we have to win!

"Come on Alita......join us for this girls fight!"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on September 26, 2012, 04:37:54 PM
We are kneeling in the middle of the pink pudding, pitting our strength against each other, pushing and writhing with our upper bodies. Breasts squashed against breasts,  cheeks against each other trying to grind for advantage.  We are both breathing hard with our exertions and trying to get the better of each other. 

Brandy suddenly slips , her knees sliding backwards on the  slippery floor and landing face down in the gloopy pudding. I immediately go for advantage pushing her face further in, and slide over her body to trap her shoulders.

I hear Covems count .... 1 ... 2

Suddenly she brings her knees to her chest tipping me backwards & stopping the count. My legs are bent under me and splayed out.  The pink goo contrasts with the dark trimmed pubic hair on show for all to see.

We both raise at the same time  and we circle, glaring at each other.  I see Bear approach her and whisper something in her ear as he grabs her. She looks shocked, yet, thrilled I think.

We circle more, our slimy bodies on display to the cheering audience, every now and then going for a headlock, trying to overbalance each other to no avail, before circling again. Our shiny bodies  and hair are drenched in the thick pudding. Every now and then the  gloopy  mixture drips and sends a trial down our bodies to the floor.

Suddenly I feel fingers tracing a line in the pudding on my back and as I turn, I see ...  No, not... Scary  Bear standing at the edge of the pit looking at me.  He licks his fingers suggestively and arrogantly looks me up and down... Adrenaline is already rushing through my veins and I am incensed at the cheek of the man, in front of my Jayc  too.

Suddenly the shock and indignation of his actions is replaced with a cheeky mischief. Brandy must be rubbing off on me.  ::)

 I grab two handfuls of pudding and before he can back away, one fistful is rubbed into his face and the other into his crotch.  His face is a picture!

I hear Brandy laughing behind me and I turn to her to continue our fight & move away from Bear hastily.

She is doubled up at the shocked sight of Bear.

I take advantage of her weakness laughing and try to put a backwards headlock on her. Her breasts & sex juts out in the move towards Bear and Jayc and I bob my tongue out at both of them. I immediately taste the raspberry on my lips. Brandy  slides out of the hold before I can lock it and immediately puts me in an arm lock, bending me double.

She bends to my ear, We are both breathing hard.  “ I don’t know about you... “She says gasping for breath “but I think we are too evenly matched for a winner to be declared tonight and .... I can think of better ways to expend some energy.... “

I look at her, then at Tight... then at my Jayc and grin at the obvious thoughts spinning in her head and now.... in mine too.

“ Deal “  I tell her....  and  so she releases me to walk to her corner.  I walk to Jayc. They hand us our little white face towels, grinning like Cheshire cats at our pudding coated , naked bodies.

Watching Brandy wearily, we both wipe our faces and then she mouths 1, 2 and at 3 , we both hurl our towels into the centre of the ring.  The crowd cheers. Its seems that is what they wanted too. 

A  draw.

We both do a circle of the pit in a naked , gooey tribute to the crowd. We clap over our heads at their  support and appreciation of our contest before we return to our corners.

Jayc  wraps my robe around me and suddenly picks me up in his arms snogging me deeply. I smile at him, biting my lip. I know that look in his eye....

The crowd in the bar cheer even more as they realise Jayc is going to make his spouse very happy indeed....


Special Congratulations to both Hentai & Blue for your number of posts.

 Brandy & Stone xxxx
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Alita on September 26, 2012, 07:32:21 PM
I giggle to myself for a moment "Well maybe let me watch first and see how the game is played" I sit in a chair and lean forward with a slight grin on my face.  "Plus I'd hate to get covered in pudding..." As I reach down and scoop some of the pudding up on my finger  "...Without someone to lick it off me."  As i lick the pudding off my finger and smile. 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 27, 2012, 04:44:32 AM
Watching Brandy and Stone try do get a winner they part and go back to their corner turn to each other and hurl a towel in to the middle of the pit so its a DRAW :)  As the ladies walk around the pit taking the cheers and whistles from the crowd

I get up and grab some of the straw bails and put them in a square nods my head that will do as a holding pen
Looking over at the pit Tight had done his bit and filled it right to the top I nod my head at his as a thanks Tight and Jayc help there ladies out and place robes back around there shoulders

I get to the edge of the pit " Good fight you to" I congratulate them.As i stand there I pull off my waist coat and white T-shirt in one move turning I throw it them back to Jane as I turn i hear a load GASP from Brandy as she is the large red welts across my back turning to her "don't worry Brandy they have stopped stinging now" I say with a big smile. I pull my boots of them down come my jeans showing the crowd for the first time my skin tight latex shorts they leave nothing to the imagination.

I step into the PIT and the pudding is right up just above my knees i stand in the middle of the PIT

"COVEMS GET THEM OUT HERE" i call out to him

Covems comes out from the back of the bar with his team of devils running around behind him. He stops them "YOU WANT THEM YOU GOT THEM" he shouts turning back to his faithful crow "GO take him down. ALL you have to do is get him under the pudding for 3 seconds and you win BUT if hid hold you under you out and into the holding pen for you. NOW GO GET HIM"

They all turn and face me Doc puts his arms out to hold them back "WAIT" he shouts and walks over to the pit shaking him head "This is for you youngerns I'm to old for this" he say and walks over to the holding pen. GRUMPY follows DOC shaking his head "I'M NOT DOING THAT" and turns around and goes back into the bar.

"MMMM thats two down " I think to myself

as i watch Grummy walking off one of them runs at me a dives head first into the pit  turning quickly to see him come up in the corner covered in pudding it Dopey he has a great big grin on his face and a big spoon in his hand "PUDDING" he shouts and digs into the pudding shoveling spoon after spoon into him mouth. As i'm watching Dopey one of the dwarfs jump on my back turning round I see the other 3 standing around the pit
and i one move they all jump in sending pudding every where.
Holding onto the guy on my back think" his out of here" I just full back with  big slash under he goes
JD runs over "1...2....3...his out of here" i hear him shout
getting up I grab the dwarf and drag him over to JD "one down" I say has JD drags him kicking and screaming over to the pen
Turning back to the pit seeing the 3 left they 2 rush in and grab my legs trying to get me over as the third climbs out of the pit and take a short run up and drop kicks me in the chest with the 2 holding my leg over i go sending a big wave of pudding over Dopey and out of the pit

"1......2."I hear and sit up now covered in pudding i grab one of the dwarfs on my leg and roll over onto my knees holding him down by the shoulder i look over at JD "1.....2....." as JD gets to 2 one of the little devils grabbed my shorts and pulled them down that made me let go of the one i was pinning. I get up and kick off my shorts now standing naked in the middle of the pit.

I grab Happy as it was him that grabbed my shorts throwing him over my hip i land on him with him totally under the pudding 1.....2.....3.....
i hear from JD I grab his collar and belt i toss him out of the pit and his slides over to the holding pen.

SLAP i feel right in the middle of my back  ARCHING my back as the sting rushes right over my back I grit my teeth hard as my mind rushes back to last night at the hands of Miss Chirsty. I turn round to see Sneeze standing in front of me he has two hand fulls of pudding throwing them in my face then rushes in giving my a good rugby tackle i wobble and grab him around his waist flipping him in the air so his back is down, and down he goes slat more pudding flies out of the pit 1....2....3.. comes from JD again. Thats 3 out of the for I turn round and and theirs Dopey still eating he way throw the pudding and theirs Bashful the last one
He stands the looking at me and points at me shaking his head as i move towards him he moves back to the edge of the pit and climbs out turns and runs to the holding pen .


Standing in the middle of the pit i lift my arms up over my head in victory

I turn  around to Dopey and pick him up and set him on my hip and carry him over to the holding pen sitting him on one of the bails I turn to the crowd put my hand up to thank them.

I walk over to the outside shower and stand under it letting the water run over my body and washing the pudding off standing naked out in the bar and grill garden of all to see

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 27, 2012, 06:17:59 AM
I look at Alita, tryng to understand what is really running in her head and, don't know why, i have the impression she is just teasing me!

"So, are scaried to get dirty!?" i say, approaching her "or maybe you are worried about all those eyes looking at you!?"

Now, just the pit border is between us.....i smile at her, friendly, but suddenly with a kick i trow at her some pudding, who land over her whole body, even on her face. I step out the pit and move closed to her and hold her in my arms, licking slowly the pudding, moving my tonuge from her cheek to her left ear and then whisper:

"Everyone will be happy to help you to clean yourself......but first, everyone will like to see you enjoy the fun!"

I hear cheers and chants getting loud and i turn back just to see Covems and the dwarfs coming out for the next event. I turn back to Alita and smile at her.

"Seems like you have some time to take your decision, Alita...." i say her gently kissing her lips.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hothiro on September 27, 2012, 10:41:34 AM
Hey everyone … got an extra seat at the bar for me? … would like to have a beer if that’s ok =)))
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on September 27, 2012, 10:55:14 AM
as old Joe returns behind the bar he spots a new customer. with a friendly smile joe walks up to Hothiro........what you have? 1st one is on the house. wiping the pudding off his hands with a bar towel. "you just mised one hell of a show out back at the pudding pit" but better late than never" as he slides Hothiros  beer to him and winks  have a look around, i think you will like our little bar.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 27, 2012, 11:38:21 AM
WELCOME   Hothiro to the Bar & Grill  the first drink is the house then come out the back and watch the fun in the pudding pit

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hothiro on September 27, 2012, 11:44:58 AM
as old Joe returns behind the bar he spots a new customer. with a friendly smile joe walks up to Hothiro........what you have? 1st one is on the house. wiping the pudding off his hands with a bar towel. "you just mised one hell of a show out back at the pudding pit" but better late than never" as he slides Hothiros  beer to him and winks  have a look around, i think you will like our little bar.

Grabbing the sliding beer *winks back to Joe “Appreciate it Joe … nice place you’ve got here… count me a regular buddy” turning around to see who else is here … “well, well … who knew I could find them here …” friendly smiles towards the crowed.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hothiro on September 27, 2012, 11:50:12 AM
WELCOME   Hothiro to the Bar & Grill  the first drink is the house then come out the back and watch the fun in the pudding pit

Hey Tangoracer ... thanks for your welcome  ... think I'll join you back at the pit ... seems fun
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on September 27, 2012, 11:58:36 AM
Mmmmmm sitting watching my Tango fight the dwarfs and getting covers from head to foot in that pudding. Watching him take each one down and cover them and sending them to a made up pen. Seeing him getting his short pulled down  :) “mmmmmm great ass he has and his back will clear up soon” I think to myself.
I start to look around to see who I could asks to fight gently with me I have my swim suit with me but didn’t have it on yet it’s a nice warm and I’m wearing a nice light full length summer dress that covers pump lovely. Mmmmm may be Azrielle she would be gentle. Then I see Blue ooowww nooooo I know she would like it a bit rougher then I would I sit there and ponder who could it be.

The night is warm and my glass is empty, “Time for same more coke” I think to myself. But first Tango will need his cloths
I get up a little fast and my head goes a little light shaking my head to clear it and wall towards the shower walking close to the pit. I hear someone call my name “JANE” it tune to see who it was and kept walking and didn’t notice I was so close to the pit. Stepping on some pudding on the grass I slip and as I waddle to get my balance. My foot slips “AAAAHHHHHH”and into the pit I slide feeling the warm pudding going up my leg I twice around and land on my ass right in the middle of the pit my dress floats on top I smile as I feel the pudding covering my body. “OOOOWWW mmmmmmm” thinking to myself “no panties hehheh. Putting my hands into the pudding to push myself up I slip again this time I this time I roll back and I feel my head going under and my legs up in the air.

Now covered from head to foot in pudding I come up waving my arms. I feel a strong hand grab my pudding covered wrist thinking “it must be Tango” I pull his arm to pull myself up but the pudding is to slippery and i full back in.
 I open my pudding covered eyes and see a blurry figure taking a sharp breath as I make out the figure “IT’S JD” He sands over me holding out his hands “my hero” I say. Taking his hands again this time I pull myself up and full against him his hands quickly move his hands around me, my dress is all stuck up around my back his hands land right on my pudding covered ass it makes him grab harder and pulls my closer to him. I cover his chest in the pudding I couldn’t resist I lean in and kiss him softly on his lips. Feeling his soft lips for the first time and then he KISSES ME BACK.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 27, 2012, 03:09:29 PM
Standing in the shower with the water falling over my body cooling my back
I see Jane get up with my cloths she wobbles and shakes her head and starts to walk over towards me.
She walks close to the pit with all that pudding on the grass i see her turn her head but keeps walking her foot slips and in to the pit she goes
I go to get her but see JD there and know she is in save hands I nod my head to him and step back under the cool shower
"AAHHH my CLOTHS" i think to myself as i see them laying in the pit.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on September 27, 2012, 03:43:45 PM
It was a great wrestling match, and a draw was a fair result. I look over at Stone and Jayc but they are lost in their snogging.

Lovers and Blues song is a nice touch as the wrestling match finishes and Tight prepares to fill the pudding pit with more of the delicious goo in readiness for the next contest. He gets the nozzle and turns it on. The delicious raspberry flavoured pudding begins to gush filling up the pit.  

I cant help but sing some of the chorus - Meatloafs -  " I'll do anything for love "  As their song ends, everyone cheers & claps.

Suddenly I am sprayed with more pudding as it jettisons out from the powerful nozzle uncontrolled. Tight gets covered too and I cant help but laugh as he fights and fiddles with the hose and nozzle valve to stem the flow. Some of the crowd gets covered too. The fresh smell of raspberries fill the air.

Tight wins  the battle eventually with the valve and manages to turn it off. He  makes his way over to me dripping with the pink gloop as much as I am, holding out my robe  for me to cover my puddinged ( Is that even a word!! lol )  body.

HB throws a challenge out to his new friend Alita to try her hand at the wrestling. Will she fight him... only time will tell, but she certainly likes the taste.

In the meantime, Tango takes on the dwarfs in the pudding pit. As he removes his shirt, I gasp at the angry red welts on his back. He turns to me assuring they don't hurt anymore but I wince at what his Mistresses must have done in the Icehouse and hope his penance is now over with.

I notice some new faces coming to watch him wrestle in interest, wandering slowly to the edge of the pit.  Gayle & Hothiro. I smile at them and nod in welcome and ensure they got their free drink off Old Joe at the bar.  

Tango and the dwarfs fight with gusto. Hes a big man and the dwarfs fight bravely. I cheer as they whip his shorts off leaving him in his beautiful birthday suite ... well ... what woman wouldn't want to take a little peak .. He has a stunning body even with his scars and Icehouse medals.  :o

One by one the dwarfs are defeated and are placed in the holding pen made out of straw bails at the far end of the pit. Tango is declared victorious.  Every one cheers his good fortune and dripping delectable body. Especially when he rinses off in the outdoor showers. Wet, naked, toned and fit for all to see..  :P

I can see tangojane walking over with his clothes, when she suddenly slips in the pudding pit , getting covered in the pinky mess. Luckily JD is at hand to be her knight in shining armour and gallantly assists her up. He gets a kiss as a reward.  :-*   Tangos clothes, however, swirl and partially sink in the pink sloppy goo.
Maybe he can wear the batman mask and pink cowboy hat that seems to be floating around at the back of the stage, might even be a lime green mankini in the same box.  ;D

Tight  reaches me , leaning in to my ear as he puts my robe on...  his whispering words bring an interested smile to my face. I turn to him and whisper back .. " I thought you'd never ask ... "

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on September 27, 2012, 04:35:54 PM
 I grin at Stone's response to my insolence... wipe myself clean before I wander back to the bar... eye our new friend here Gayle and instinctively reach up to tip my hat ... then realize it is still missing. Been awhile since I have seen it about... and I make a mental note to check with ol' Joe in the lost and found for it.

I can only offer a smile to her as she moseys on over to the cluster of young women at the bars end.

I hear sexilicious,... and feel her quick hug wich takes me by surprise. The quick press of her body to mine hot and relished...', espcially in the mindset I am in is a welcome touch. My fingers strain to linger on her as she pulls away and disappears.

I glance down the bar and see a new face.... easing down I introduce myself to hothiro... "Welcome to the AChat Bar and Grill... hope we see more  from you here...enjoy and have fun! First nights drinks are on me.. I move to signal Ol' Joe... let him know the newcomers Gayle and Hothiro are on my tab tonight.... listening to Gayle... I am wondering if I might regret that.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on September 27, 2012, 04:40:12 PM
Blue, Jane, Brandy and I are still on stage.. covered with pudding.... we all laugh. It's so sweet and sticky... Tango, Brandy and Tight leave the stage and I whisper to Blue "there is a shower beside my can shower alone or wait until i join you."

I jump down to welcome Gayle with a big hug and laugh, because now she also is covered with pudding "so.. you think you know who i am?" I grin... and tell Joe to give her a glass of champaign and two beer for me. Gayle and i cheer and talk a few minutes then i walk to Hothiro. "Hello, welcome to the bar that never sleeps" I offer him one beer. "Look around, im sure you will enjoy this place and the people here."
We watch tangi fighting with the dwarfs, its really crazy. As he is going to the shower outside we llok at alita and HB. Will there be another great fight?

Still dirty I take the micro.
Thanks to everyone for this wonderful night. Very special thanks to Tight... I always wanted to be a wakling
I wann ask everyone to be here tomorrow evening. One of our new talented desingners in this town, BEAUBELLE, is having the first fashion show ever in our bar. If you ever have seen one of her wonderful clothes you know it will be a pleasure for your eyes. It will be a great show I promise... and there also will be a little gift for everyone. We are proud to offer you another event, somehting you never have seen before!

Then I make my way to my office, looking forward to the shower.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 27, 2012, 06:27:45 PM
Hay LOVER does BEAUBELLE need a male model Naked man in need of same clean cloths here
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on September 27, 2012, 11:17:49 PM
It’s a draw! I smile at Stone and Brandy and give ol Joe a nod. Joe comes on stage with a dozen roses for each of these fine women, both girls give him a kiss. Joe’s face blushes as he tries to keep his eyes on their faces. He seems a little nervous and flustered as he tries to offer his congrats to the goo covered women.  “Whats wrong Joe? I call out, “this has to be a first, old Joe is speech less! I take the mic from Lover, ALRIGHT!!! I yell, the crowd cheers in response. Lets hear it for these ladies one more time! The crowd roars as the dynamic duo take a bow. Next rounds is on the house so drink up folks!

After Tights surprise pudding attack I place Stones robe around her shoulders and turn her gently to face me and embrace her and kiss her deeply. Taking her hand we walk by Brandy I stop to give my boss a hug and a peck on the cheek  “bagseys on the office” I  say with a grin and walk off with Stone before she can respond. We make are way off the stage and go thru the back kitchen door then down the hall to my office, I lead her inside and lock the door.

“Alone at last” I smile, Stone lets out a big sigh “I’m cold, slick and smell like raspberry pudding” she chuckles as she flops on the couch. I short rap on the door startles us, I return the knock  wait and open the door a crack. as planned a dwarf  hands me a cup of hot tea with a shot of scotch I bring the tea to my Stone, “here you go” as she sips her tea/scotch we talk about the bout. I get up and walk into the bath and get the shower running. “Lets clean you up” I smile.

I lead stone into the bath and remove her robe, she moves in close and my hands grab her cool slick body. We begin to kiss, my lips find her slender neck, as Stone fumbles with the buttons on my shirt. I begin to nibble and lick her neck the cool taste of raspberry fills my mouth. My tongue runs down her neck to her cleavage then down her belly as she moans in delight. As I snog her belly she runs her fingers thru my hair and pulls me in closer. Back up her belly I take her right breast into my mouth  running my tongue in circles on her taunt erect nipple while I palm her left breast I return to Stones lips and snog her deeply. Stone opens the shower door and steps inside and under the steamy spray of hot water and motions to me to join her, I quickly remove my cloths and join her and close the glass door.

Standing behind her we share the hot stream, the pudding turns the draining water a faint pink. Reaching for a bottle of body wash I soak the large bath sponge, soap it up and begin washing off the remaining pudding, her shoulders and back, her cute firm ass, down her thighs to her calves then each foot and toes then back up her belly then her inner thighs soaping up her trimmed muff and rubbing her smooth undercarriage as she sighs in delight. Then her breasts one in each hand. “Ever notice how clean your boobs get when you shower with me“?  Stone chuckles softly as I push my hardening cock against her ass and I kiss her again. Reaching for the shampoo I wash my Stones hair and give her a scalp massage. Stone purrs in contentment enjoying my TLC as much as I enjoy doing it

“Your turn” she whispers and we change positions and Stone takes the sponge
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: BeauBelle on September 27, 2012, 11:53:28 PM
Thank you, Lover, for the introduction.

No clothes for men at the moment, Tango, although I frequently have other uses for naked men!  I do have a few ideas for mens clothes though, and will have a go at some shortly.

Hope you enjoy the show...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: BeauBelle on September 27, 2012, 11:54:46 PM
My first effort...


Not sure quite what I was aiming for, really!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: BeauBelle on September 27, 2012, 11:58:36 PM
I have an interest in fantasy and roleplay situations, and from this, created this design...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: BeauBelle on September 27, 2012, 11:59:51 PM
Something for the cavewoman who likes to go out clubbing ...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: BeauBelle on September 28, 2012, 12:01:57 AM
A party dress based on a very simple design...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: BeauBelle on September 28, 2012, 12:05:52 AM
Based on simple shapes of fabric, an outfit that was intended to have an egyptian feel.  This is one of my favourites.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: BeauBelle on September 28, 2012, 12:08:33 AM
Back to fantasy, or to be more precise science fiction.

This is my space-girl outfit.  Captain Kirk would have nothing to fear from this being...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: BeauBelle on September 28, 2012, 12:11:22 AM
Again a simple design, but good for RP.  This nun is more chased than chaste ...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: BeauBelle on September 28, 2012, 12:13:16 AM
An eye-popping 60's based creation...don't stare at that pattern for too long..

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: BeauBelle on September 28, 2012, 12:16:53 AM
Back to science fiction, and a design that I do love, although is not to everybodies taste ... Cyborg.

There are two versions of this, street clothing, shown here, but also a sex clothing version with certain panels unclipped and taken off.


Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: BeauBelle on September 28, 2012, 12:20:49 AM
Finally, my latest design, a wedding dress.  Good for bride/groom/best man/bridesmaids roleplaying in all sorts of combinations!

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: BeauBelle on September 28, 2012, 12:22:44 AM
There we are, thank you all for looking, and especially to Lover for arranging it.

Apologies that it was earlier than Lover said, but I'm going away for the weekend!

See you all on Monday night / Tuesday

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 28, 2012, 02:33:41 AM
Walking back into the Bar after the pudding night we stand at the Bar just in time for the fashion show Gayle the new trainee barkeeper gives Jane a coke and me a cold beer.


 we stand and claps as the first model walks out from behind the curtain watch's her walk to the front of the stage turn around pose for the clapping crowd then walks back down the she goes out of site the next model appears to more claps and cheers.
Standing a clapping all the models as the walk down the stage and back again.
All 10 models have shown of the designs and all come back out and stand around the stage and start to clap as BeauBelle come out on to the stage to the biggest cheer she walks to the center of the stage and takes a bow. All the models walk back off one by one so only BeauBelle is left standing on the stage. from one side off the stage Lover walks on the a big bouquet of flowers he gives her a kiss on the cheer hands her the flowers and walks backwards clapping his hand back off the stage. Beaubelle takes one last bow and walks back to the certain and is gone.

The capping from the crowd dies out and everyone starts talking about what there have just seen
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 28, 2012, 03:52:08 AM
Standing Naked under the shower watching my cloths sink into the pudding thinking "my car key's are in my jeans pocket" walking back over to the pit i can just see the end of a leg sticking out i pull it out and find my keys. Throwing my jeans back over towards the shower i throw my keys up catch them and walk off into the bar. Getting some Wolf whistles from same for the crowd as i walk bye.
Walking back into the Bar "Hi Joe MMMMMM what do we have here Joe" as i see a very pretty lady behind the bar "This is Gayle she my new trainee"Joe says as he starts to smile at me "Naked again Tango" he adds. I raise my arms again "looks like it" "Great job with the dwarfs about time someone sorted them out" he says

Gayle pulls me a cold beer "looks like you need this" she says as she gives me a good look over she slides the glass down the bar half beer and half head I look at it " looks like i'm going to have to have a few of them to give you same practice" i say as i take a mouth full "Let me go get same cloths and i'll be back"  i turn and walk to the door puting my head out and making sure the coast was clear and run over to my car i dive onto the back seat grad a spare pair of jean shorts and a clean T-shirt

Walking back into the bar i sit and drink the beer on the bar and watch and chatting with Gayle as she moved around behind the bar "she has a great figure" i think to myself "and what a nice ...... face to"   
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on September 28, 2012, 04:06:41 AM
wow not on for a couple and all kinds of things happen lol.

Welcome to all newcomers. Hope you enjoy our little bit of fun here as much as I do ;)

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on September 28, 2012, 07:16:13 AM
I am standing a little ways from the pit, watching the action, but not wanting to be splashed by the slippery pudding.  I see Jane over in the corner, probably wishing she could join in the fun, but under the circumstances, probably won't.  "I am sure there will be other pudding pit fights, since this is a great turnout," I think to myself.

My gaze wanders back to the pit.  I continue watching the ladies go at each other, taking turns pinning each other in the pudding.  They declare the winner and the ladies hug it out, giving each other small pats on the rear.

As the ladies are exiting the pit, out of the corner of my eye, I notice Jane getting up, reaching for her empty glass of Coke on the table.  As she is walking close to the pit, I notice she steps right in a small puddle of pudding. Loosing her footing, she stumbles into the pit and falls "Splat" on her ass. 

I am sure this is embarrassing for her, so, I slip off my boots and make my way closer to the pit.  She struggles to get a footing and keeps slipping deeper into the pudding, covering herself in the goo.  Her hand slips and she flips over, face first into the pit.  She is waving her arms by the time I reach her. 

I gently but firmly grab her wrist, pulling her to her feet.  I brush the pudding from her face and attempt to straighten her dress.  Instincts took over and my hands land right on her pudding covered ass.  She whispers "MY hero" as she presses her pudding covered hand against my chest. 

I look into her eyes and for a moment, time stops.  She stands on her tiptoes and kisses me gently.  Those sweet lips make me want more.  I kiss her back deeply.  "I got you, I won't let you fall," I whisper.  I gently scoop her up, her pudding covered legs draped over my right arm and my left arm cradling her back.  My footing is firm and steady as I make my way out of the pit. 

I carry her into the bar stopping just short of the ladies bathroom. 

"You can shower off in there" I say, as I start to lower her to the floor.

"Oh, I am not sure I can walk.  It seems I have twisted my ankle a bit.  I can't walk" she exclaims.  "Carry me to the shower, please?"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on September 28, 2012, 08:47:50 AM
I settle with my drink at the bar and glance to a loose note.  Curious I pick it up and read... a memo... Brandy's handwriting.... an eyebrow arches as I read the idea.

I wave it at Joe,... "You know anything about this?"

He shrugs... "Not really." he answers absently,... his attention seems more directed toward scoping out his new assistant there.

I ponder the note... if this is right.. then time is short. I saw the twinkle in Brandybees eyes as Tight and her were sliding her robe on. No doubt she'll be preoccupied for a bit. and that glint suggested something more perhaps Tight her Neo I think... if so they might be occupied quite a while. Eyeballing the stage empty now I head up tap the microphone.

"Is this on?.... attention... attemtion everyone.."  I hold the note at armslength... my reading glasses not on me at the moment as I squint and read.

"Halloween approaches... and everyone is invited to attend Achats 3rd Halloween Ball to be held here at the AChat bar and grill. It starts..." I squint at Brandys hasty scribbles.  "It starts October 14th and runs... hmmm no end date... from the 14th on till the remainder of the month  all must be in costume... post a pic of your choice.. (for our visual reference... ) the bar will have a bobbing barrel... not certain what we are bobbing for it doesn't say... dancing... good times...and more to follow..." I ad lib. Brandy's note seems like just speculative random thoughts... but I figure igniting a little expectation for a party from the proprietor might just be what we need to nudge things along.

Grinning I hope down from the stage. Whether she likes it or not  she has a party to throw here.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on September 28, 2012, 08:59:59 AM
JD pulls me up into his arms putting my arms around his neck and hold on to him tight. "ouccchh" my ankle hurts like heel JD carry's me back in to the bar he stops out side the ladies bathroom, He gose to lower me down saying " you can shower off here" "OOOWW i can't walk i'v twisted my ankle can you carry me to the shower" I ask as i hold him tighter. smiling he carry's me into the bathroom
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on September 28, 2012, 02:46:38 PM
I turn in the shower as the warm water cascades over my nakedness.  Rivulets of water run its soothing path down my skin. My long black hair  is wet and swept back from my face and down along my back.

I am warmed now after the cold pudding on my body is replaced with the heat of the water and Jayc’s very erotic attentions to clean it away .

He pays very special attention to all  creases and crevices to ensure all the pink goo is removed and none is left behind.  He has heated my body  a few more degrees  as he suggestively  touches & cleans, causing me to pant  & writhe against the sponge and  his fingers. He uses them so expertly and knows my body so well. The familar desire for him is evident in my eyes. 

 “ Your turn” I whisper and we exchange positions.

I take the sponge off him, squirt some body wash into it and begin to cleanse his body. I admire him as I start at his neck , then his shoulders and torso, turning him round to rub his back and then holding out each of his arms as I wash him.  He is gorgeous.

I move to his bottom , rubbing each cheek and making him gasp as I enter his parted cheeks and between his legs. I rub and tease a few moments there. Then to tease and build anticipation, I shampoo his hair and massage his scalp as he groans in appreciation.
Next I do each long leg and foot , pushing the sponge between each toe. I turn him back round and push him under the shower to rinse the suds off. He shuts his eyes and I, take advantage and sponge his crotch. Washing and foaming his stiff member and gonads as he stands there, wet, naked and very handsome.

Jayc enjoys the moment , then suddenly moves against me  and holds my upper arms fast against the shower wall pinning me there with his body a few seconds . He stares into my eyes and I see his primal need & feel his strength.  A moan escapes my lips. I feel his erection against my tummy  and then he grinds a little to tease us both.

He loosens his grip and begins to slide down my body , caressing , body to body, as he lowers  until he is kneeling in front of me. He picks up one of my legs and places it over his shoulder. He gazes at my sex in front of his eyes. He inspects my pubic hair & labia, opening me up to gaze at the inner pink flesh & swollen clitoris. I tremble on my one leg , glad I have his shoulder for support  with my other.  The water continues to cascade, teasing  me too as my senses relish its flow.

He pushes his fingers inside me and finger fucks slowly , then curls them teasing my Gee spot. I flood with excitement and circle my hips a little on impulse.  Then, he kisses me hungrily, his tongue taking no prisoners. He licks, sucks and nibbles and pushes his lips and probing tongue into me, leaving no area untouched. I moan and grab his head. I guide him to a rhythm I like and push my clitoris into his tongue.
He continues to finger me and I am lost in the pleasure of him.

I grind his face with my pussy, pushing harder and faster  as my passion takes over. I bunch my fist in his hair, pulling at the roots in the heat of the moment until I reach that crescendo of no return and cry out as my body is ripped apart by the orgasm that crashes over me. Shaking over him, Jayc takes a few moments to drink my pleasure.

Satisfied, he stands and pushes my shoulders down to indicate his need. I kneel in front of him and he pushes his throbbing member into my mouth. My lips immediately surround his helmet and my tongue tastes his essence and leaking precum. My tongue explores the ridges and tiny opening. I rim him and push into his slit. My wet, soft tongue fills it slightly and I begin to move in and out , fucking him gently.

Jayc groans and opens his stance a little, holding my head. I suck and tongue fuck harder , knowing what he wants. I squirt body wash on my fingers without breaking my rhythm and begin massaging his balls.
I find the source of his want and begin rimming his anal star. He groans again confirming I was right in my thoughts. My finger probes and pushes in, entering his body with a single finger . I slowly begin to finger fuck, each time entering a little further until I reach his prostrate gland. I tease & massage it as my mouth begins a steady rhythm on the length of his cock. Sucking faster, drawing my cheeks in on his hardness.

Jayc moans in delight and thrusts his hips to take his cock as deep as I can to my throat.  His breathing is ragged & harsh. After a few moments he  grabs my head hard stopping my movements abruptly. He  quickly brings me to my feet, walks me backwards & gently slams me in to the shower wall. He lifts me up and spreads my legs. His intentions are crystal clear..
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Alita on September 28, 2012, 08:08:48 PM
I look at Hentai "hmmm well then if you put it like that..." I place my foot on his shoulder and pushes him into the pudding watching him fall back into it.  I then get up and walk down into the pit figuring that I might as well join since I already have pudding on me.  Hentai gets up wiping it from his eyes as I walk up behind him and grab his hair and lick from his shoulder to his ear lobe and whisper "That's payback, but I'm gonna make sure you lick me clean from head to toe for getting me all covered in pudding."  I splash some pudding on him and giggle as we kinda look like two kids splashing water on each other in a pool.  I wonder what will happen next...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on September 29, 2012, 01:13:12 AM
Close to climax I  pull Stone to her feet and push her back against the shower wall. The hot water running down my back I lift Stone up placing her thigh on my hip and rub my cock against her pussy, teasing the engorged head of my cock between her labia. Stone reaches down and guides my cock into her inch by inch. Grabbing her other leg  she wraps her warm wet legs around me and locks her feet behind my back. Her arms around my neck, my hands around her sexy waist I begin to fuck her with long slow strokes. Our lips meet , our tongues greet each other and begin to communicate in a language only lovers understand.

With her nails lightly grazing my back I  pick up the pace and  lose my self in the moment. The sound of running water, Stones  sweet sighs, her greens eyes shimmer like emeralds in contrast with her wet hair. I bury my face in her neck and thrust with urgent lust. my hips buck and sway as I near the edge of the climax abyss.

Stone sensing im going to cum soon begins to squeeze her vaginal muscles then release my shaft in sync with my strokes. Pure erotic bliss “Cum for me baby “ Stone whispers close to my ear “cum all over me”  I pull her close and she hugs me tight as I lose control  my cock deep inside her ….short final thrusts Stone reaches down and grabs hold of my wet slick cock and finishes me off. A few quick strokes is all it takes  a small load of semen leaks on stones hand followed by a huge load arcing on to her belly and between breasts,  followed by a third hitting her thighs. Stone  wanks  me with a wicked smile working it all out, as I set Stone on her feet, we snog under the hot water stream, weak kneed and sated  Stone turns off the water and steps outside and throws me a towel “we need to get dressed” she smiles

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Gayle on September 29, 2012, 07:48:40 AM
I fondly remember my time back in University when I would take breaks from my studies to tend bar part-time. It really doesn't take me long to get to know all the regulars. Utilizing dormant skills, I quickly relate every name & face to their favorite beverage and grill orders.

Old Joe seems to just love sitting back to watch me work my magic, as my memory quickly takes hold to poor a perfect glass of draft. I giggle as a few times I give a glass a little too much mustard, and it slides past its intended recipient. Thankfully, none end up as spillage.

Armed with a bottle of Sambuca topped with a free pour spout and a handful of shot glasses atop the bar as replacements, I start offering Boob Shots. I quickly find a line-up of both guys and gals waiting for a chance to fondle the 38DD's safely imprisoned within the strapless bra under my blouse, which after the first few shots is starting to be missing a few buttons.

"Tips go to the Halloween Charity Fund!" I softly speak as yet another few A's get dropped into an emptied shot glass between my tits.

I look over at old Joe, and if he had man boobs, I could make some money with him too...

Just then there's a camera flash from beneath the bar. I step back just in time to see a devilish little grin and eyes of mischief softly close a panel.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on September 29, 2012, 09:01:50 AM
Jayc's kiss after his wicked loving sends a warm glow throughout my body. His lips and tongue meet mine as the water cleans the remnants of both our orgasms.  His kiss ends and regretfully I turn the shower off, only to hear Lover announcing the fashion show.

" Oh my, we best hurry, we cant miss all those beautiful clothes and models "  I tell Jayc. He grins at me staring at my wet body bouncing around as I rush to dry and dress.  I throw a towel at him , pulling a face to say " Oy stop staring and come on "

He annoyingly takes his time drying and dressing.
Eventually we are ready to leave and I return to my bar duties.  I meet Gayle , the new barmaid and we high five and get down to business. Jayc goes to do his manager stuff.

"I see you've met the dwarfs"   I grin as a famiilar flash and thud of a door shutting under the bar is heard. " You have probably made their gallery too "

The fashion show is fantastic. Everyone hails & claps the new designer in town , Beaubelle and the beautiful models.  She is presented with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of champaign.  They are fabulous designs and everyone hopes they are in the shops soon.

The models pack up and I hear a commotion out back where the pudding pit is,  looks like Hentaiboy and Alita maybe just about to start a new match.

I turn to Old Joe, " Have you seen Brandy or JD ?"

" Brandy went out back with Tight to clean up and JD was helping to clean up Jane somewhere else.  Tango is looking for some clothes, I've told him about the lime green mankini we have spare but I think he likes to show the ladies his physique " He winks at me.

" Well, if you've got  it Joe, you may as well flaunt it " I say , hoping to catch a glimpse of  Tango wandering around.

I see Bear walking towards the bar and pour his usual drink.   " Old Joe told me to check lost property for your hat and I found it"  I tell him as he approaches. I hand him the pink stetson.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Gayle on September 29, 2012, 09:48:37 AM
My Bar duties continue, and in between shots of Sambuca I meet Stone. After I high-five with her, an old habit kicks in without even thinking and I go for a low five to complete the pair, only to find her ass instead of an open palm.

"Whoopsies, Sorry about that Stone. Old habit." I quickly apologise to Stone.

"Yes, I think I just met one of them. I'll be keeping my eye for that one." I giggle to her.

I overhear a conversation and some comment about a mankini from Old Joe... and if he knew what I have hiding under my skirt, he might not be so quick to be offering. I do nothing more than just giggle to myself as I lean across the bar to fee pour another shot of Sambuca into a fresh shot glass nestled bewteen my boobs.

"Hey, Bridge Troll... Toll Booth! Pay-up!" I playfully speak towards Bear as Stone tops his head with a pink stetson. I make a mental note of the drink Stone has poured him, which seems fitting for an Ogre. I finish free pouring the shot glass full of sambuca and feel some of the sticky liquor bleed into my bra cups.

"You May Not Pass!" I playfully speak, then invite Bear to sample the shot waiting for him, and maybe I might get to sample a wee bit of the hair of the dog from this brute.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on September 29, 2012, 10:27:22 AM
Dried and dressed Stone and i walk out to the bar, the place is packed. Stone heads behind the bar to help out.the long line of patrons turns out to be for Gayles "special shots" ol joe waves  me over "where did she come from boss?" he shouts over the bar din, 'she came in during the week and i hired her 5 minutes into the interview" i grin, Stone places a cold lager in front of me and i pull up a stool and watch the fashion show, amazed at the talent that walks in this door every night, its turning into quite a cottage industry here in  our humble little community. that reminds me i go back to the office and grab the poster Tight made for us for the events board, making my way over i put up the hallowen party annoucement.

Joe waves me back to the bar "running low on bottled beer do me a favor? im kinda busy" he asks. i nod to him and go to the bars walk in cooler. as i open the door i hear the sound of sliding metal and tilt my head  puzzled. looking at the floor i see faint pink small foot prints leading to the wall.i kneel and run my hand along the metal wall feeling no seam. i trace the prints to an open case of beer and count 7 beers missing. i return to the wall determined to find the hidden door but cant find the slightest hint of a seam. i bang my ring against the wall 3 times and get a response on the other side. i tap 1 more time ..............silence........looking at my watch  a little after midnight.........damm  they must change their code every day.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on September 29, 2012, 03:22:44 PM
Seeing no one at the microphone, I make my move.  I tap the mic... "Is this thing on?"

I'm having a root beer at the bar the other day and this Scottish Guy comes in and sits next to me.  He got his drink and took a long swig of it.  Then he turned to me and said.

"Ya know, ya can build the best wall in all of Scotland.  Three feet high, perfectly constructed, sturdy, five miles long.  Up over hills and through dales.  Do they call ye Rrrrobert the the Wall Builder?  Nay.

"Ya can build the best bar in all of Scotland.  All mahogany with beautiful light oak inlay.  A perfect brass rail to it and complete with finely polished brass foot rail.  Do they call ye Rrrrobert the Bar Builder?  Nay.

But... ya fuck one goat...."  He finished his drink and left.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on September 29, 2012, 05:00:56 PM
Hey no fair Covems leaving stage and not finishing the sentence :P lol
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on September 30, 2012, 08:08:02 AM
“ Would you like this dance, my dear “ ?  Mr Stanley Grill offers his arm to the fine Mrs Doris Grill, in front of him, formerly bearing the family name of Doris Bar.
“ Why certainly Mr Grill, It would be my pleasure to accept your fine invitation”  She takes his hand and they glide to the centre of the AB&G roof top.

Stanley is dressed in a dark black penguin suit, a white shirt, white waistcoat, white cravat and shiny black shoes. Doris, likewise, is in her fine attire, a beautiful, pale blue tight bodice dress, that flows out like a bell at her hips and small slipper shoes. 

The full moon shines down as though the couple are dancing in a spot light. No one is around and the breeze that ripples around the roof top strangely  does not even ruffle these lone two figures.

Eerily,  band music seems to fill the air of its own volition and the couple expertly  take to the floor in the unfaltering steps of a waltz.
The vision is of a couple deeply in love, enjoying their quality time and dance together, their laughter spilling into the night air.

If someone had have been on the roof at this moment, and heard the unexpected music ,and then ventured to see from where  it came, they would have seen  the couple’s  private dance.

But the hair on the back of their neck would stand up, for they would also notice the cooler chill in the air, causing their breath to become smoky tendrils and the unusual smell of jasmine teasing their nostrils. But the most shocking thing of all, after noticing their attire, would be that the couple are transparent and their feet are not touching the ground but raised a few inches higher....

“ It’s good to see the old place alive and kicking again”  Mrs Grill comments to her husband.
“ It is indeed, and the enthusiastic goings on here.. is very entertaining”  Stanley smiles at her.
“ Why, Mr Grill, have you been peaking at these good people beneath us?” His wife playfully admonishes.
“ Of course, and don’t tell me you haven’t been either.” He smiles fondly.
Doris’s peel of laughter rings out,  She winks at him, “ Oh that would be telling Mr Grill”

Stanley brings her closer as he turns in the dance.  “Mrs Grill,  I think it’s time, to let these good people know, they are not alone, maybe the odd noise, an odd vision and the odd movement of  a few items “ he muses in her ear.
Doris looks into her husband’s eyes full of mischief  “ Oh of course,Mr Grill,  and for the good people of Achat,  to know  of the family name of Bar and Grill “
Stanley grins back, “ Indeed,  or   Grill and Bar “

They both laugh together as though it is an old joke between them before he takes her hand and they disappear into a nearby wall, their dance & music ended.

The roof top is silent and quiet once more.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 30, 2012, 08:53:50 AM
Walking in to the Bar with Jane on my arm  Having been Let out of HOSPITAL this morning.
On the way home she said "take me to the BAR i want to see my friends"
I walk her to the bar and help her onto a stole.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on September 30, 2012, 11:54:06 AM
I high five tango and hug jane. "Welcome back. I'm happy to see you, knowing everything is fine again" I take a chair and offer it, then smile to tango "he will fetch a coke or a mineral water for you - and two beer for him and me".
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on September 30, 2012, 02:13:59 PM

Hey no fair Covems leaving stage and not finishing the sentence :P lol

Says the one who took the hot buns away.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on September 30, 2012, 04:28:26 PM
Helping Jane off her stole she walks over to Lover and sets at the table with lover they start to chat as I wait for the sexy new trainee barkeep to get Jane a tall glass of iced coke and a beer each for Lover and my self.
I thank Guyle and pay for the drinks your fingers touch as she gives me the change and linger just a few seconds. I look deep into her eyes and know that there is a spark between use. Giving her a knowing smile and take the drinks over to the table and join Jane and Lover
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 01, 2012, 12:27:29 AM
Buried in paper work behind my desk I stand, needing a break and head out to the bar for some coffee. I spot the Tango and Jane and Lover at a table having drinks, I wander over and say hello “nice to see you back Jane” I smile “you folks hungry? Tell ol Joe what you want and have him put it on my tab, and you folks have a nice afternoon.

Hey joe can I get a cup of coffee? Joe fills a cup and places it in front of me. “seen Covems?” I ask, Joe shakes  his head “think its his day off why you looking for him?” need to talk to him about the Halloween party,  I point to the events board

Achat Bar & Grills Halloween Party OCT 14 till Nov 1st
Best Costume Contest!  Halloween Themed Open Mic and Talent show!
Bobbing for something! (TBA) and anything else you people want to suggest.
Just put your idea on the clip board at the main bar

Joe nods “I read it………….should be a fun evening. “So Joe tell me,  how do you like working here?” “best bar  in the realm and I have worked at  them all” he says with a smile. “And the scenery is always good” he winks “is that a fact” I grin back,  “oh yes did you see that woman detective that was in here?” “I missed her but I know who she is” I would like a few minutes with her in your office  if you know what I mean” he says in a low voice and a glint in his eyes. Chuckling  “does that thing still work?  Well I wasn’t sure till you folks hired me” but of late I have been……….shall we say  excited” taken back a bit……..“Joe those girls would kill you but what a way to go” “hey im in good shape Jay, got the heart of a runner and take care of myself and im not that old.” he flexes his arm strong like bull he snorts”

Joe tops off my coffee and a wicked idea pops into my head. I pat my pockets looking for my phone………must have left it in the office. “Back to the paperwork” I sigh and stand “take it easy Joe” “later boss”

I walk back to the office, near the door I tilt my head and stop….is that the Danube waltz? I open the door…… cooler than I remember it being and a faint scent………jasmine? I look around the office is empty………..then I look at my desk…..I left it a heap of bills and the normal mess that is my desk………but now  its neat as Brandys desk that’s face to face with mine….. The invoices in a nice stack the ashtray empty and spotless and placed front and center is one of the old Tattlers Tango a  found when cleaning the ice house. Dated 1910.…as I look at the old rotted paper a cool whirl wind fills the office and the paper opens to page, I look closer the faded print is hard to read. I can make out a few lines. Something about a Stanley Grill opening a dance hall and saloon is all I can make out. 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on October 01, 2012, 03:00:55 AM
Now we are both half covered by pudding, but we don't matter. More then a fight, it's like we are playing as two childs who just wanna have some fun and i like it!

We continue like this till it's really hard to find a single inch of our skin free from the pudding: we look at each other and a loudly laugh finally broke the silence between us. I move close to her and carry her in my arms, trying to get out of the pit. Her body is now really slimy thanks to the pudding and loosing th grip is easy, but at last we are out now!

I walk to the near fire place and sit near it with Alita on my knees. I try to clean her hair and her face and finally i can see er smile again and we start to laugh again thinking at how ridicolous we probably are, staying there, near the fire, covered by all that pudding.....i hug her and whisper:

"It will take long time to make you clean......hope you don't have any date for tonight!"

I notice a little amount of pudding on her lobe......i lick it and then gently bite her lobe, then whisper again:

"seems like there is more then how expected.....wonder if some pudding is hiding under your clothes too!"

I fondle her thighs, slowly, moving from her knees to her bum cheek.......gently, but with firm movement of my hand. Her skin is so slippering thanks to the pudding and it feel good under my hands.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on October 01, 2012, 07:26:25 AM
The smell of raspberries is overpowering as Brandy slips into her robe and slides her arm into mine. Slowly I walk her from the stage and into the back of the B&G, on our way to the showers. Suddenly I feel her slip on a puddle of pudding under her bare feet and with a soft yelp she grabs my arm, pressing her body tight against me.

Not clean myself anymore after filling the pit for Tango’s wrestle with the dwarfs, we slide against eachother, squeezing tight to keep our balance. Our faces come close and our lips almost touch, our bodies frozen in the short moment of our eyes interlocking. The glisten in mine is met with hers and we almost kiss, then a roar from the bar reminds us of where we are and quickly we move to the back, the noise of the packed barroom fading to echoes of fun.

I let Brandy slip from my arms when we reach the shower and I turn on the warm water. Then I turn and step back, seeing Brandy look in the mirror at her pudding-smeared body. The robe has slipped off her body and pools around her feet, her ahds draw lines in the coating of jelly as she inspects herself for scratches and bruises. Then she turns her head and smiles a devastating erotic smile at me.

“This pudding is Great Tight, your gran has a great recipe..”

“It’s been a while when I tasted it Brandy, mind if have a taste now?”

Her smile answers my question and I step in behind her, press myself against her naked body and wrap her in my arms. In a slow drag, I let my tongue run from the tip of her shoulder to her neck, ending just below her ear. The soft wet sounds I make when I suck and lick the pudding off her skin, makes her shover and a soft moan escapes her lips. Imove over to her other shoulder and lick up to her ear, rewarded by an unconscious tilt of her hips, pressng her tight, soft buttocks hard against my pelvis.

“It tastes even better on a woman, Brandy..”

My voice is sultry and husk when I whisper in her ear. The taste and feel of her skin against my lips and tongue as I scoop up the pudding, the soft pushes of her butt against my pelvis heightens the sexual tension that built up during the whole, sensuous fight in the pitt. My body reacts strong and as she pushes her hips back at me again, my desire is clearly noticable in my pants.

“There is a lot more to taste Tight”

The smile on her lips sets me on fire as she unwraps herself from my arms and stands in the middle of the small bathroom, turning slowly, showing me her pudding covered body from all sides. Saliva starts to collect in my mouth as I let my eyes slide over her delicious frame. Caressing her with my view while my hands start taking off my clothes, shamelessly prospecting her body for pudding that needs to be sucked and licked off her skin…
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Marilyn on October 01, 2012, 08:25:10 AM

I watch Jay leaving the ladies toilet and I still feel my heart racing from the hot and sexy encounter. I still feel my body full of passion and desire, as it seems that this was just a start…

I turn around and watch my face in the mirror: messed hair, blushed face and eyes that show everything. My red lipstick on my lips has gone aswell. I smile and fix my red tight dress, adjusting it to my hips and breasts. I feel my sweaty body, so I know that I won’t feel good and the night is just starting.

I decide to take a quick shower. I get in the cubicle and remove my dress, placing it over the bench. Removing my high heels. I notice that i dont know where i’ve got my tiny panties. I think to myself “Jay!”.

I decide that I have to have my panties back.
I smile and get in the shower.
I turn on the warm water and start washing my long black hair, showering my breasts, feeling them sensitive from Jay’s mouth. I keep washing myself, washing my tummy, inner thighs, legs, …

 I leave the shower and wrap myself around a towel. I dry my hair with the dryer. I quickly wear my red dress and my high heels. I havent underwear since i wasnt using any bra and Jay took my panties. I feel a little embarrassed…

I grab my purse and apply my red lipstick. I brush my straight hair with my finge rand i put my perfume. Adjust my short dress and leave the toilet.

I walk back in the bar and see some known faces. Lover is coming to me and greets me.

 "Welcome to our bar. I was told theere is a new talented designer in our city. I think it's you, am I right? I invite you for a drink, please tell me about your dreams." He says. I smile and reply “Thank you, you’re very kind… I’m loving this place and yes, i’ve got a passion regarding clothing design.” When i’m about to answer to his invitation, I see Tight greeting him and getting close to me.

I watch him placing his hands over Lover’s shoulders and leaning over him. I hear him asking.
"Are you still saving me that dance you promised me? " I nods and smile. I then notice Lover saying something but i don’t understand… After a while they both leave and i keep my walk to Jay, which is sitting and ordering a drink. I wanna get my panties back. I join him and order a bloody mary cocktail. I lean and whisper in his ear “You were amazing in the toilet, but the panties were not included…”

I watch him grinning and getting up, leaving me alone. I pout and watch him walking and talking to Tight. I read on his lips “Bikini’s bottoms” and I finally understand that he loves to collect women’s souvernirs…I laugh to myself.

I start drinking my cocktail and i cross my legs, feeling embarrassed due the lack of some pieces of clothing, always adjusting my tight short dress to cover my inner thighs…

I watch the show and notice that everyone is having fun. I watch some couples flirting, some of them disappearing and I smile to myself.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on October 01, 2012, 12:15:43 PM
My pulse quicken as sexilicious rushes in for a quick hug... and dashes off before my fingers have much an opportunity to linger. My eyes follow her... and I resist the urge to pursue and toss her down acorss a table... shuddering a bit... as I feel the thug of Ursus inside. After his escapades in the icehouse with Blu' and Adera his smouldering desires has merely wetted his insatible appetite... and the pull of the full moon is always heavy on me as he howls inside for the chains to be released to play.

I have to shuffle  to a near wall... close my eyes and breath... steady myself against his gnawing urges. Tempering the beast I straighten myself mingle briefly greeting some of the new folks as I wander back to the, greatful for Stone as she pours me a shot of whiskey with a beer chaser. Gayles chirps and her offer tickles on my urges... my eyes drifting to the shot glass nested there in that ample bosum.

"Ah... good to see we finally have a service friendly..."  my words cut short as Stone shoves that pink monstrosity on my head. Lips curl in a snarl at it... "Funny Stone.... funnny." I mumble pulling it off in annoyance. I am worried of the hat... old and battered it has sentimental meaning... far beyond the crisp clean wear most have adorned here.

But Gayles offer... mmmm... I lean in across the bar... locking my eyes on her as I press past her cheek and whisper in her ear..."I'll pay the toll ... the question is whether you are offering to pay my toll to cross the bridge."  I let my hot breath linger there beofre pulling slowly away. letting my lips drift above the skin as I slide them down and her neck and chest... hovering above the cleavage as I move slow.... letting my tongue reach out... and slide slow along the rim of the shot glass... and onto to her skin in brief delicate touches as it tastes the spilt liquor on those mounds as my mouth settles and wraps slowly down onto the shot glass.. purposedly sliding to her breasts... before clamping on and pulling it from the embrace of her bosum.

Tilting my head back the contents flow down my throat....and I pull the glass from my lips letting my eyes linger on Gayle's breasts as I  set the glass on the bar. "Thank you... body shots at the bar have been long overdue." I wink ... and settle against the bar my predatorty gaze drifting along noting the new faces... including the Raven haired beauty squirming on her stool a ways down.

"Buy her one on me Gayle."  and I turn about leaning back as I survey the activity about. I feel a soft blow in my ear which ellicts a grin. Someone is feeling frisky. Turning slow about.. I see no one... Stone is at one end of the bar working her eyes dart briefly to mine then scurries further away. ... Gayle has moved to the other end to serve up Marilyn that drink. My mind confused knowing I felt something there again turn about... only to feel that teasing soft blow in my ear again...

and the hairs on the nape of my neck tingle as I shudder there.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on October 01, 2012, 03:39:19 PM
After a long talk to jane and tango i look to the bar. Marylin is waiting for my return as I promised her to come back. I get up and walk to her, making sure she doesn't notice me. As I'm behind her I pric her left and right side simultaneously. She firghtens and slops the drink over her face, her body and legs. Angry she is turning around, just to see me. I'm standing, a big smile on my face and my blue eyes are shining. She calms down at once, smiles to me and says "look what you have done crazy man - what are you gonna do now?" "First..." I speak slowly, "I buy you a new drink" I look to Gayle and order two drinks. I move very close to her, taking a handkerchief to my mouth, wetten it and rub above her lips "then I clean your face".
Move lower above her throat and slowly lower above her top, following the trace the drink has left. I don't have to whisper as I'm very close... "You will  get my personal apologize later when we leave." I smile and she smiles back. "I don't accept anything other then a personal apologize" she answers, moving her hand above my stomach. She moves lower but stops at the beginning of my trouser.

The band is starting to play a great song and I take her hand. "Let's dance" We go to the small dance floor in the left corner and dance. She is moving her hips in a seducing way - I can't take my eyes off of her. I pull her and she turns straight into my arms, our bodies close, cheek to cheek. For a moment we stop and look deep into each other eyes...

The song is over. I look to the band, give a short sign - they know what I want and play a wonderful slow love song. I pull her to me, she puts her arsm around my neck while mine are on her hips. As we start to dance my hands move to her sweet ass. I can feel she accepts, pushing her butt towards my hands, her fingers are fondling my neck. We  kiss....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 01, 2012, 06:24:10 PM
I turn slowly in the small AB&G bathroom  , letting Tight devour me with his eyes. He has that carnal look  as they sweep and linger on my naked body.  The remnants  of the raspberry pudding from the wrestling  still covering us both  in parts. The thought of Tight’s tongue tasting the delicious recipe sends my libido into overdrive,  throbbing  in anticipation of his next move. I open my mouth  and tug at my bottom lip with my teeth, watching him.

He moves towards me gripping my waist. “ I want to taste you” he states  and starts to slowly suck my neck and shoulder, licking the pink pudding and  moaning as he savours the taste and swallows. I feel the caress of his tongue and  his soft breath teasing my skin.

His words are intoxicating and in my overheated state I want to rip his clothes off. I push off his jacket and run my finger along his neck, gathering some pink pudding on my finger and sucking it clean. It is very nice. I stretch my neck for him to encourage him to lick more.

Tight suddenly  moves & pins me to the bathroom sink counter. His jacket falls to the floor as his hands travel up my legs . His mouth never leaves the area of my neck and shoulder. He hoists up my legs.

“Wrap your legs round me “ He demands in my ear. I do as he orders and I feel him unzip.
“ Do you know how much you turn me on?” he asks rhetorically,  “ Well you do.”.

 He moves his head and gazes down at me, then puts his hands under my thighs, spreading my legs wider.
Positioning himself, he pauses, “ Keep your eyes open, I want to see you as I fuck you” and  leans me back against the vanity mirror, clasping my hands by my hips.  He sinks slowly into me.

I gasp at his size and girth as he stretches my tight channel filling me to the hilt.  My eyes never leaving  his.

Then he bends and laps the pudding  from my breasts and I groan and shut my eyes. I writhe against him impatient for him to start our rhythmic dance.  He smiles at my eagerness but continues his maddeningly slow clean up. He kisses and licks my tities clean, teasing my nipples using one hand to squeeze each orb in turn.  I flood his embedded cock with my juices.

Satisfied the pudding is at last gone, he rises and looks at me. He withdraws a little and then begins to fuck me hard and fast.  The vanity counter shakes. My blood scorches through my veins.  I match him thrust  for thrust as he picks up the rhythm, pounding against my cervix.  I revel in it, glory in it, watching him, watching me, in our mutual lust and greed for  sexual  fulfilment.

He starts to tease my clitoris at the same time, circling the swollen little bud and driving me wild. Still fucking hard, not breaking his rhythm.

We come apart together and I cry out as I explode around him and he releases his seed  in a guttural roar .

He collapses on me as we both gasp for breath and rests his head on my chest. My legs still wrapped around him, trembling  against his hips. Our bodies heated with the exertions.
After a few moments, he raises his head to look at me, “ I’m not finished with you yet “ he murmurs and leaning up, he kisses me. He picks me up and takes me to the shower, carefully rinsing my body with the removable shower head .  He ensures every  nook & cranny is clean of the pink goo.
He then strips his clothes off and hands me the shower head to do the same.  I oblige until he is totally wet & gleaming. He is breath takingly beautiful.

He moves to a nearby cupboard and takes out two fluffy white towels. We both dry and wrap the towels round us. 
“ We best get to the fashion show before we are missed” He says. “ I have spare clothes in my car. Have you got some in your office?”
I nod, smiling at him, still glowing from his attentions.
He smiles back, kissing my cheek.  “ See you out there”   He runs his knuckles gently down my cheek and leaves  the bathroom first.

Alone, I finish drying & brushing my hair.  The band music of a waltz filters through and I smile at such an old fashioned, unexpected, choice of music for the fashion models on the catwalk in the bar.
After a few more minutes, I leave the bathroom and head for my office.

 I pass Tangoracer & Tangojane  and hug them both.  “ Glad everything’s ok “  I say, and make my excuses to go get dressed in my office.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on October 01, 2012, 07:44:11 PM
Says the one who took the hot buns away.

Sorry Covems but haven't been feeling up to anything here lately. Will be a while still until I heal and get better before up to playing much.

;) Bear maybe one day i'll reach out and grab you and don't let go lol but that will be when i'm in the mood for fun again
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Alita on October 01, 2012, 09:07:47 PM
Sitting covered in pudding and a hand on my bum.. I wipe some pudding off of me then my ear lobe is licked. After hearing what he whispered to me I smile.  Then I wipe some pudding down his face with one finger as he licks it then it comes to his lips.  Sitting covered in pudding and a hand on my bum.. I feel excited and my mind wonders so i close my eyes to wait to see what happens next.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 02, 2012, 12:18:43 AM
Sitting, looking at the decayed old Tattler I touch the yellowed paper and it crumbles with the slightest touch……….WTF is going on ? How did it open to this page? My mind races for an explanation but comes up with nothing  and my desk? Not one to scare easy I feel very uneasy I look around again the windows are closed , looking up  the AC vents are one the other side of the room. Ok I muse this is really strange.

“Hey you cleaned up your desk” I jump up startled …….turn my head and see Brandy in a towel, “yeah” I manage to get out, Brandy cant help but notice my unease “hey you ok?” “just too much coffee that’s all” I smile getting my composure back. “Well why don’t you go the bar and manage from out there while I get dressed “she says with a smile.  Good idea  I need a drink

Hey boss do Covems  dwarves know this office is off limits? “they better” brandy replies “why? Oh nothing never mind as I close the door and head to the bar. Jay!!! Gayle yells at me you have been dodging me all night now get over here and do your shot. I look at Stone who smiles and yells go for it.

Alright……..let me have some of that Yukon Jack you brought in please. Gales pours a shot of the strong whiskey and places it in her ample cleavage and leans over the bar. I lean in and bury my face in her lovely chest and manage to work the shot glass free enough that I can grab it with my mouth and pour the strong liquor down my throat. I feel the warmth of the liquor spread thru my body but im still chilled by what just happened in the office
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 02, 2012, 08:13:02 AM
Seating with Jane Is mile at her" I think its time for the end of summer song" she smile back looks around " will every one is here"
Getting up and giving Jane a kiss i go out to the car and bring back a box and walk up onto the Stage and up to the mic

Flicking the mic" TAP TAP"   " Good evening ever one can I have your attention please" The bar fall quirt and every one looks at me

"I would just like to say a few words Firstly I would like to say a Big thank you to Brandy ,Stone , Bear and Jayc  for opening the doors of the Bar & Grill to us all this Summer. And what a summer its been so lets show are thanks" The Bar erupts with CLAPS and CHEERS "and as it is the end of this SUMMERS NIGHTS its time to sing the end of summer song "

I reach into the box and pull out a SILK JACKETand throw it at Brandy she opens it up and reads whats on the back A BIG  ;D Smile comes over her face before she reads it out loud i throw one to Stone , Azirelle , Karen ,Blue, Dutch,and Sexy. "SO CAN I HAVE ALL THE PINK LADY'S up here on the Left hand side of the stage"

Reach in back into the box "We can't have the Pink lady's WITH OUT  THE  T BIRDS"  Pulling out leather jackets and throw one at Bear ,Jayc ,JD,Tight ,Mrsex, Coverm and put one on my self i call the boys up onto the right side of the stage. Moveing the mic out of the way and walk over the the T BIRDS

" You all know the song and how it goes " we all turn to face each other and the County Boys start to play

                                                                                                             Summer loving had me a blast
Summer loving happened so fast
                                                                                                             I met a girl crazy for me
Met a boy cute as can be

                                                          Summer days drifting away
                                                           To, oh, oh, the summer nights

                                                                                                             Well-a well-a well-a, huh
                                                                                                             Tell me more, tell me more
                                                                                                              Did you get very far?
Tell me more, tell me more                                                                                                                       Like does he have a car?

                                                                                                 She swam by me, she got a cramp
He ran by me, got my suit damp
                                                                                                I saved her life, she nearly drowned
He showed off, splashing around

                                                               Summer sun, something's begun
                                                                But, oh, oh, the summer nights

                                                                                                             Well-a well-a well-a huh
Tell me more, tell m,e more                                                                                                                     Was it love at first sight?
                                                                                                             Tell me more, tell me more
                                                                                                             Did she put a fight?

                                                                                                             Took her bowling in the Arcade
We went strolling, drank lemonade
                                                                                                            We made out under the dock
We stayed up 'till ten o'clock

                                                               Summer fling, don't mean a thing
                                                                But, oh, oh, the summer nights

                                                                                                           Well-a well-a well-a huh
                                                                                                            Tell me more, tell me more
                                                                                                            But you don't gotta brag
Tell me more, tell me mo                                                                                                                         'Cause he sounds like a drag

He got friendly, holding my hand
                                                                                                           She got friendly down in the sand
He was sweet just turned eighteen
                                                                                            Well, she was good you know what I mean

                                                                     Summer heat, boy and girl meet
                                                                      But, oh, oh, the summer nights
Tell me more, tell me more,                                                                                                               How much dough did he spend?
                                                                                                          Tell me more, tell me more
                                                                                                           Could she get me a friend?

It turned colder, that's where it ends
                                                                                                          So I told her we'd still be friends

                                                                    Then we made our true love vow

                                                                                                         Wonder what she's doing now
                                                                   Summer dreams ripped at the seams
                                                                    But, oh, those summer nights
                                                                    Tell me more, tell me more

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 02, 2012, 08:59:31 AM
At the end of the song the County Boys bring out Flower for Brandy and Stone and give them both a kiss on the cheek.

We all turn to the Management and clap them for such a good summer lets hope the Autumn is any where near as good.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on October 02, 2012, 09:50:09 AM
With my body warmed with a saturated glow, I leave the bar at the back and walk around the building to my car. Quickly I slip into a pair of jeans and a sweater, before I can be caught in the nude. The taste of Brandy and the raspberry pudding is still on my lips as I close the trunk of the car and reenter the Bar& Grill.

When I step in, every spot around the stage is filled, the guys and girls taking in the beautiful designs of Beaubelle. I move over to the bar and order a single malt with Stone.

"Enjoy the shower with Brandy?"

She winks and blushes, the memory of the Ice House still remnant in her eyes, then she quickly turns away and tends to the next thristy customer. Slowly I sip my drink and let my eyes slide over the crowd, seeing Tangeroacer and jane. Quickly I move up to them, hug both jane and Racer.

"Glad you're back and all is fine.."

I am rewarded with a bright smile on Jane's face, her hands rubbing her tummy, with her precious one safely tucked inside, Tango slaps me on the shoulder. When I turn to find my stool back at the bar, I catch Bear just taking the shot glass from Gayle's ample bosum, a line forming behind him of eager guys that managed to rip themselves away from the stage.

I sit back on my stool and watch things unfold...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on October 02, 2012, 03:23:33 PM
I slip my hand into my pocket and feel the collar with the bee charm still hooked to it. The shocked discovery that I had not returned it the night before had annoyed me. Eyeing Brandy as she passed to her office I noted the time. I had just enough to slip down into the dungeon and deposit it there before the band began.

I excuse myself from the cluster of folks about me and move off to the pool room, disappearing down that secret passage into the icehouse. Though I held a master key... the work crews were still busy at work, tyding up the mess from the nights ball. I did not want my intrusion seen... but then... knew the hidden secrets of the dungeon. This would not be much of a challenge. I enter my own, pushing past my office into the rear chamber and the far mirrored wall near my bed. I press on a corner... releasing hidden catches and the enterence to a narrow dusty corridor. Walking to a near door where I held briefly pressing my ear to it to listen for sounds within.

All was quiet and I ease the door open... slipping in past the hanging tapesty into Brandybees dungeon... I pause as I let the scent of jasmine fill my lungs while my eyes adjust to the low light and move slowly towards her bed. A nightstand seems most appropriate to place it. My eyes drift along her walls. noting the mirrors and well hidden restraints. I smile... ah our little proper English rose has a wild side. I snicker and glance to the pictures hanging there.

And a rather puckish pride... noting  the one of me surrounded collared there by my tormentors that night. A most apporpriate place to place my reminder of revenge. I reach up loop the collar over one edge of the frame . Grin smugly as I let the memory of her quaking in my arms during the strip night wash me.  I enjoyed gloating over my success that night. 

Turning I retrace my steps to the secret passage eyeballing the curious tapestry of the knights and the spartan warrior.. Funny Brandy... funny. I slip into the secret corridor easing the door softly close behind me ... and head back to my chambers and the bar where I rejoin the band.

The only hint of my passgae ... the footsteps in the dust of the corridor. Had I been more observent... perhaps I might have noticed the second set there too.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 02, 2012, 05:12:46 PM
I walk into the office and see Jayc looking a bit perplexed. I noticed he’s tidied his desk and mumbles about having too much coffee.

“ Have you turned the heating down in here or is it me because  I just got out of a hot shower?” I ask him as I  get some fresh Jeans, & lacy  top  out of my cupboard.  I shiver a little at the drop in temperature.  He doesn’t answer, instead , almost to himself...
“ I need a drink”  and begins heading for the door.

 “ Hey”   I say, “ Thanks for our flowers after the wrestling match”    He nods, his mind seems elsewhere, and goes to leave again, quite hastily.

“ Scared you might see too much? “ I tease him,   He stills and then  grins back and we both burst out laughing. Back to the Jayc  I know.

“ Oh  I got a photographic memory “ He teases tapping his temple with his index finger .

“ OK then , .. Where’s my old battered cowboy hat got to ?  I know I left it in here , somewhere“  I ask him , humour in my eyes as I change THAT subject.   He takes the hint, smirking.

He waves at the hat stand in the corner,  I nod as I spot it resting  there nestled on the top, “ Arrr,  there you are” .

Jayc  leaves for his drink and I am left alone in the office to dress in peace.  I turn back to the clothes I fished out.  “  No  underwear, I’ll just have to go commando !!”

Suddenly the radio in the office bursts into life , temperamental old thing that it is...playing  “  Annie Lennox – Love song for a vampire” 
“ Must have been on but off station till now”, I muse.  Its a haunting song and I enjoy it as I dress and slip my boots on.

I turn to pick up my hat off the stand, but... it’s not there!!  Confused,  I check to see if it’s dropped down but it’s not there either!!

Convincing myself, I must have been mistaken seeing it there and shaking my head, I go to my desk to pick up my keys and cash and see... my hat  .... it’s there on my chair , on the seat where  I sit!!!

 “ Did I pick it up and put it there ready for when I finished dressing  ? ? ? ... I shake my head , racking my brains trying in vain to remember, “ well I must have, of course .. I must have ... didn’t I ? “

Dismissing it, as just one of those things , my thoughts turn to the up and coming Halloween party.. and costumes to wear, a seed already planted by the song on the radio.
I position my hat on my head and just in time remember to turn off the now silent radio at the socket. I bend down to unplug it only to find it unattached from the wall, the plug hanging loose in my hand.  Now I am confused, “ How on earth did that play then?”
“ mmm , now that is strange, I must have banged my head in the wrestling pit”  My reason fights to explain it all.

The hairs on the back of my neck raise, however  and I move to the door to exit, just that little quicker than normal and strangely, I’m sure I hear chuckling as I quickly shut the door behind me. 

I enter the bar and and am quickly reassured by the noise and warmth and people around me.
Tango throws me a “pink ladies” jacket and we all begin singing  “  Summer Loving “    the strange goings on in the office soon forgotten......
especially when Stone & I get presented with a bouquet of flowers each.  A tear springs to my eye at such thoughtfulness & kindness. 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: BeauBelle on October 03, 2012, 09:04:28 AM
Before my fashion show I had only looked into the bar from the doorway, peeping around the corner like a frightened rabbit. 

I had to go in there for the show though, and was now left with a bemused expression as I watched all that was going on, while making sense of very little of it.

I snapped myself out of my trance, and did a little 'system' check.  Underwear in place? ... check (there may not have been much of it, and what was there may have been transparent, but everything was, at least, in place).  Dress like a best man's speech (long enough to cover the good bits, but short enough to be interesting) ... check.  God knows where all this pudding was coming from (or what it was doing there in the first place), but I had also appeared to have avoided that.  In that case, I thought, I am good to go.

I started making my way to the door, but the lights at the bar flickered through the colourful contents of a myriad of bottles, and I was strangely drawn.  I found a spare bar stool, and perched myself on it (a little inelegantly if I must say so, as I'm not very tall and it was a struggle to get up on it in such a tight outfit, and I hoped that I hadn't shown more than I intended as I took my seat).

"Sex on the Beach, please", I said to the bartender.  He mixed up the drink in a flash, but as he threw down a paper napkin, and placed the glass in front of me, I realised that I had forgotten my purse ...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on October 03, 2012, 09:55:01 AM
I slip back on stage grinning as Tango announces his number.

"Excellent" I comment to him, grinning at the idea.

As I slip into the leather jacket that black mask I wore on my solo several nights ago flutters to the floor. I could have swore I had returned it to the prop box. I quickly lean over and pick it up, darting backstage to deposit it there... rejoining the group as we move into the number and quickly forgetting about it.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mooncalf on October 03, 2012, 11:37:58 AM
  Wearing my light blue, frilly, low cut, cowgirl dress and western boots I enter the AChat Bar and Grill for the first time in months.  I look around and notice that some things have changed, and some things have not.  The bar is crowded tonight and the dance floor seems especially busy.  I step up to the bar and order a shot of Jack Daniels and a coke for a chaser, leaving a 10 on the bar.  Taking a sip of the whiskey I look around for Covems and I catch him watching me with a slight grin on his face, from the other end of the bar.

  I pick up my drinks and with my best “sexy” walk I stroll over to him.  Placing the coke on the bar I take another sip of the whiskey before putting that down.  I slide my hands up his chest and around his neck and pull him down to me.  “I want the next dance," I announce, and he takes me by the hand and leads me to the dance floor.  The music starts up once more. I feel his arms go around me, and we fall into a natural rhythm.

  Sometimes good club music is almost like good sex, it sets you writhing, grinding, twisting, sweating into another's arms. His eyes hold me as we move, the most beautiful eyes on a man I've ever seen, crystal blue and pure as spring water. The beat is primal and so are our moves, his hands on my lower back, one knee between my slightly parted legs, hips grinding in time to the pounding speakers. My hands fist into his soft sweater, my stomach brushing against the fly of his jeans. I could feel the erection growing under his clothing, and it sets a chain heat through my body. His head drops forward, and I can feel his breath hot against my neck.  It sets my nipples erect, brushing against his chest as we move. I move my hands around his neck, pushing my body harder into him, his lips brush my earlobe. His tongue comes out once, tasting the sweat-and-perfume mixture on my neck in one bold lick. I moan and dip my hips, grinding playfully against his thigh. "Are you wet?" He asks me, the whisper sending goosebumps up my skin.

  "Why don't you find out?" I whisper back. I am only teasing him, baiting him along.....but I should know better with Covems and I feel one hand slide from my lower back to my hip, then up my dress. We are hidden among a sea of dancing couples, so no one knows just how hot of a turn things are taking. I feel his fingers trace the damp satin of my thong, then slips past, touching lightly the pouting lips of my sex. I shudder when I feel two fingers slide in me, testing my damp pussy with obvious skill. I stare up into his eyes, those eyes that burn into mine as he withdraws his fingers, then plunges them back in.

  I groan, and feel his hand withdraw, bringing it up between our bodies and between our faces. He puts his fingers, slick with my juices against my lips and I could smell my arousal on them. Opening my mouth, I take them in and suck them clean, tasting the salty wetness and caressing his fingertips with my teeth and tongue. He removes his fingers and refills my mouth with his tongue, and we share a long and lusty kiss. We are grinding in earnest now, practically fucking on the dance floor, and he breaks the kiss to lick again at my ear and neck. I can't take much more of this "dance" of ours, it is intoxicating foreplay, but I need release and I can feel he does too, the way his cock was pressing against me.  "Covems," I say softly. "Covems, I want you. Now. Take me out of this place, somewhere we can be alone."

  “I have a place hidden away in here.”  He tells me.

  “Take me there.”  I say to him, “Then take me.”

  He leads me by the elbow from the dance floor to the “hidden” place.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on October 04, 2012, 06:26:44 PM
The bar is busy,  Beaubelle has her first drink free , as is the Bar’s custom . I laugh when she mutters embarrassed, about forgetting her purse, “ Don’t worry, I’m sure the new designer in town will get a few  free tonight, “ I tell her, placing a bottle of Bud in front of her “ Compliments of Lover”.

 I collect some glasses off the table when Tango suddenly seems to burst into life, full of enthusiasm. He  throws me a “ Pink Ladies “ jacket and a few other ladies. We are all encouraged to jump on stage and directed into position  for “ Summer Loving” .  Even the Thunderbirds join us.  Exhilarated , I glance at all my friends & we sing and dance our little hearts out.  The performance is quite brilliant & jolly. The people in the bar can’t help but joining in the singing and dancing.

At the end, Tango & The Country Boys presents Brandy & I some flowers in thanks for the Management and working the bar over summer. Like Brandy, I am touched at their generosity.  I kiss Tango on the cheek, “ Thank you so much” I tell them all.

I return to the bar in my treasured Pink Lady jacket & tease Tight about disappearing with Brandy, obviously cleaning that pudding off their slick bodies and blush a little when I an unexpected memory creeps in to my head.

I join Gayle  behind the bar with my flowers. The men are certainly lining up for those Boob Shots.  Scary Bear takes his go quite expertly  &  Jayc  looks over for permission to bury his head in her chest  to search & sup.
Laughing at him, I tell him to go for it.  I walk over to Gayle as Jayc ‘s face is lost in her cleavage.

“ I’m just popping out back to put theses flowers in water, will you & Old Joe be ok serving for a second? “
She nods and I head out to the kitchen.

 It’s quiet in there and I search the cupboards to find a vase. I trim the stems & place them in the vase to create a beautiful  display of blazing colour. I hum & sing “Summer Loving “  to myself as I work.

As I sing, the temperature in the room drops and my warm breath becomes smoky wisps as it hits the cooler air. I am too busy concentrating on the flowers to notice and the smell of jasmine is lost in the pleasant scent of the blooms.

Stanley & Doris watch me in interest at my task.  Stanley puts his arm round Doris and whispers in the hair near her ear  “ She reminds me of you a little, the way she talks, the way she walks”
Doris smiles, “ You think she’s a Brit too? I wonder If she knows Southampton ?“ She muses.
“Time to let her know, she is not alone Mrs Grill ” Stanley grins mischievously. 
“ But of course Mr Grill “  Doris nods elegantly.

Stanley snaps  his fingers and a waltz begins to play.  He takes his wife in his arms and proceeds to dance her round the room, in front of Stone and through the wall in front of her.

My  head snaps up when the music starts.  “A waltz ? “  My confused mind tries to register where it may be coming from and then,   “ Oh my giddy Aunt “ !!  -   Two transparent figures elegantly dressed dance before me, perfect stances & steps to the beat of the music and then ...  they disappear through the wall in front of me!!

I shudder and goose bumps erupt on my body. My eyes water a little, in bewilderment and my heart is racing. I find I am holding my breath and let it out unsteadily.
I grab the vase of flowers and run from the kitchen to the bar. 

“ Give me a shot of Vodka”  I order Old Joe shaking a little, thinking no one will believe me. 
Old Joe takes the flowers off me admiring the display and smelling them.  He notices my pale face.
“ Are you ok sweetie?”  He asks  placing them on the back shelf and pouring a vodka as asked into a shot glass.   “ Anyone would think you saw a ghost” ........
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on October 05, 2012, 08:57:19 AM
Tangos song is a hit as  the bar rocks to the tune. Leaving us with parched throats after the lomg session. The flowers and accolades heaped on Brandybee and Stone for the Bars success are well deserved.
As the crowd mingles and folks come forward to congratulate the two I head back to the bar to sneak in a quick drink before the next session.

I would have gone for another body shot with Gayle but the line appeared too long. Poor Ol’ Joe… he works his end rather lonely.

“You must be the express lane .” I taunt as I approach him.
“I need to grow tits.” he replies. 
I bite my tongue at a retort. After downing the  mug he has drawn from the tap I head back to the stage and slip the leather jacket off. I shiver a bit, annoyed  of the probability someone  must have left the back door to the pit open again. Fall nights here do get rather crisp.

As I near my guitar I stop. Eyes locked surprised to the collar and the bee charm dangling from the guitars neck.

She returned it to me?

I lift it from the guitar… lips crinkling as I ponder the meaning.

“I thought that matter already settled.“  I turn at the words and shrug at JD who had approached me.

“Me too.” I answer, muddling the matter..

JD chuckles, “Well I think she would be disappointed if she was the only one who didn’t receive hers in return… After what we did to her strip night.”

I grin back at him nodding, she struck me as one who might have been disappointed if I hadn‘t. Flatly confirming his thoughts in louder affirmation. “Oh, yes, Brandy does want it…. and I will give it to her.”

I pocket the collar and charm. “I’ll just have to find a creative way of getting past her guard and slipping it to her.“… then adding quietly “I am just not certain what the objection here is” JD looks at me puzzled.

I lean forward and add hushly “The thing is I snuck into her dungeon and left it there,… but she gave it back. You know her….why would she do that?”

JD laughs, “She’s a Brit… who knows… have a spot of tea that always seems to work for them in sorting things out.”

I smirk at his comment. I am still not certain what to make of the collars return. Maybe she wants it delivered personally… or it could be she is repulsed by the whole matter in general. I grin, tapping my pocket,,, well there is only one way to test that. For now though, the band gathers and the music flows again.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on October 05, 2012, 09:00:07 AM
The band breaks for a bit and I note Brandy sitting on a stool at the bar talking to Old Joe. As good a time as any I gauge, and I hop down from the stage stalking towards her through the crowd. .  Hovering slightly away as I bide time for Joe to be distracted, and for me to slide in., taking the moments to consider how hot she looks there supple and toned… in those tight jeans which hug her frame,… the fit of that pullover which leaves nothing to the imagination..

I step in reaching for the bar on either side of her as leaning close over her shoulder.  Seeing myself  with an evil grin as I catch ourselves in the  perfect vantage point of that reflection in the mirror behind the bar,  Our eyes lock together,… mine narrowed, brow bunched in it’s predatory pounce,, and her eyes wide in the alarm of a doe caught in the light of high beams. I can see her trembling there… of expectation or fear, frozen as I whisper to her.

“So what am I to make of this… that you want me to return this to you personally… behind closed doors in a more intimate setting?”

I lift the charm in front of her dangling from my fingertips and note the expression in her eyes as she looks at it. It’s not quite what I expected… more alarmed in confusion than revulsion or excitement. My moment of bafflement giving her a slim opportunity, she ducks under my arm along the bar her cowboy hat brushing off her head as it bumps my arm and falls to the floor.

As she twists to escape me I reach out suddenly moving with her. Clamping my hand to the bar again to prevent her escape. I step closer in, our bodies nearly making contact…face to face…as she backs tight to the bar,  the slim margin of emptiness bridging our lips as I close in. I can taste her breath, sweet,… seductive,… hinting of the jasmine as we hold there and our breaths seems to cloud in vapor. Our eyes lock together and I read the fear… yet the excitement of it all. As I speak the breath of my words caress her lips and cheek. “I saw you there last night… watching me…. I saw your wants there… the desire in your passion and …dreams.. Wishing it was you there on the stage… you… wrapped in my arms and power… the center of my focus… teasing you,… urging you… “

I never complete it.

I feel a nudge at my back just hard enough to edge me across the line. Our lips meet,… not a kiss… but contact. I stiffen, pulling back from her as I internally curse my carelessness in the moment. I wanted her to make that contact…. To come willingly across that miniscule distance… and show me … the admittance in herself of her desires. 
As I push back away from her, she moves immediately, grabbing the charm from my grasp and ducking the other way  under my arm. She looks at me panting as she backs away,… in consideration of the charm, nervously forming her thoughts as she quickly recollects herself.

“ I never returned the charm to you. I have been waiting for you to return it..” Her breaths steady themselves as she plainly states herself… “Ask Stone,… I said the same to her, curious why you had not given it to me, but…a nice ploy on your part Bear.” She grins now,… twirling the collar on her finger, “Trying to bed me so..”

Indeed I think,… then latch on her words…. I never returned the charm to you… the sincerity of truth in that statement chimed true. It muddled my thoughts,… if not her… I began to grasp for straws of who then.

“Your arrogances in all this… I find …cute” she chirps before turning away, a smug expression on her face as she retreats towards her office leaving me gripping the bar white knuckled.

Cute? The word over rides my thoughts.

My eyes narrow at the word. I see myself as anything but…. “cute”.

Cute… the word  gnaws in my soul.

I hear a sharp crack, twist towards the bar and see the empty shot glass  sitting there and Old Joe grinning amused, he had smacked the shot glass intentionally down hard to jar my thoughts to reality..

“Shot down again?… Not meant to be Bear… you are so not her type.”

He pours me a drink. I grumble as I reach for it and catch my reflection in the mirror.

“Perhaps…. But I swear Joe… “, leveling my gaze on him in sincerity, “She returned the charm to me. I placed it some time ago in her dungeon.

Grabbing the shot glass I raise it catching sight of myself in  the reflection of the mirror and  that of a dark male image, behind me. The whiskey burns my throat as I toss it down,… and as I set the shot down…glancing again into the mirror…. Whoever was there had since moved on. I shudder… something very strange is now air.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 05, 2012, 12:14:30 PM
Stepping off the stage and moving back over to Jane at her table. Putting my hand on Jane's shoulder "you feel cold my love are you warm enough"        Slipping off my T Bird Jacket and putting it around Jane "there you go your the only Pink Lady for me" i say in her ear
Rubbing her shoulders and arms to warm her up I slide my hands around her and give her belly a quick rub.

Seeing Jane's Glass was empty "Would you like a nice cup if English tea hun" I ask
With a big Smile she answers "OOOWW that would be so nice baby" as she rubs her belly

Walking over to the Bar I see Brandy twist away from Bear and then see him down a shot. Seeing the line for Gayle's chest shots I go over to Old Joe and ask for " a nice English Tea for Jane please Joe"  As the Tea is being made for Jane I slip to the back stage area to put the box down in the prop area as i put the box down the temperature falls and i can see my breath and the strong WHIFFED of Jasmine turning around quickly I see some thing that was not there when i walk back stage

Taking a second look I walk over to it
It's and old style Baby outfit picking it up I turn back around and the Temperature raise back up

Walking back into the bar and Back over to Jane putting the outfit on the table "Whats this and where did you get it" she asked with wide eyes
"It was out the back but it wasn't there when I walked out there"   
"What " Jane quizzed me  "What do you mean it just appeared out there"
"Yes it went cold and it was just there" I said and felt a cold wind across my neck and sending a shiver down my back.

I shake it off and go back over to the bar Joe had Jane's tea ready on the the bar Gayle calls me over "Tango this one is for you" as she puts a full shot glass into her cleavage and leans over the bar. Diving into her ample cleavage i work the glass out and take the shot in one go dropping the glass from my lips I move back in quickly you Gayle's cleavage and lick down between her breasts licking off all the spilt liquor. Feeling her hand on the back of my head Gayle pushes my head down deeper. Letting me up i looking to her eye and give her a Kiss on her sweet lips letting her taste the Mix of her sweet sweat and the Liquor on my lips.

Thanking Gayle for letting me jump the cue I take my beer and Jane's Tea back over to the table. She cups her hands around the mug and takes a sip turns and smiles at Joe " Brandy has taught him well" she say
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 05, 2012, 12:50:28 PM
Stone & I return to the bar, both of us quite emotional by the ovations of the patrons. Stone mentions something about there being vases in the back kitchen and offered to take my bouquet with hers to display on the bar for all to enjoy.  I nod in agreement.
She speaks briefly to Gayle &  Old Joe to let them know she would be gone for a short while preparing the flowers. 

The line to sample Gayle’s boob shots is getting longer by the minute. I laugh at JD and Jayc’s  purposeful  face wiggles to get in her deep cleavage to find the shot glass with their teeth and sling the amber liquid down their throats to rapturous applauds & cheers by the waiting men.

I exchange a few pleasantries with Old Joe and then leave in search of JD, who I had seen headed towards the back of the stage.  I wanted to talk to him about dressing the mechanical bull up as a demon  for Halloween and making the bull pit into a scary lair for the imminent party.

I pass the busy dance floor and glimpse Covems in a sweet embrace with Mooncalf.  Smiling to myself, guessing where those sweet kisses may lead, warms my heart.

I see JD & Bear talking  on their own and their words suddenly still me.  Hidden from their view by the curtain , I wait & listen.

Bear  is telling JD   “  “Oh, yes, Brandy does want it…. and I will give it to her.   I’ll just have to find a creative way of getting past her guard and slipping it to her.“…
Incensed by the man’s arrogance, I walk away quickly ,  “ So he thinks I want him, does he?, thinks he can just bed the boss, just like that, does he?  My anger at his assumption makes my red hair flair .  “ Guy talk,  urggh “ 

My mind fills with different images of strangling him, until it eventually begins to calm and the mischievious  little demon on my shoulder is jumping up and down with glee.
“We shall see..  maybe he needs a dose of tease and deny”   The demon is giggling full on but on the  other shoulder, the little angel is mouthing words of caution...  “ but are you sure you are strong enough to resist that charm of his .... “

Stanley & Doris watch the scene below as I stomp back off towards the bar. 
“  I think he’s made her mad”  Doris tells her husband.
“ Perhaps... or ... made her aware he’s still about “ Stanley  answers
“ Are you responsible for the charm finding it’s way back to him?”
Stanley  squeezes his wife’s waist drawing her closer.  “ Sometimes,  fate needs a little push...” He grins down at her brushing her lips.
Doris shuts her eyes,  “ I wish I could feel you like we did in  life” She murmurs  as they fade and disappear.

I join the bar again.  Stone is drinking with Old Joe and seems to be guzzling a few shots of Vodka.
“ Can I have a tea Joe?”  Joe turns to pour me a mug the way, I like it.  I see the flowers displayed at the back of the bar.  They do look beautiful and colourful against the dark wood and mirror.
He places the steaming mug in front of me and then is called away by another customer. All the staff  are busy serving behind the bar.

Bear suddenly appears behind me. We lock eyes in the bar mirror and I feel the “ Shoulder  Demon” dancing again ......

“So what am I to make of this… that you want me to return this to you personally… behind closed doors in a more intimate setting?”  He dangles the Silver Bee charm by my ear , brushing softly at my hair as it swings  – plain to see in the mirror.

My heart rate rockets and beats erratically. Silently thinking “ The charm!!! , last I saw it was around his neck on a collar” .Memories  flash back of that triumph.

 I turn to him, trapped from escape by his body. He moves in close to intimidate me and closes in inches from my face, lips level with lips.  Then he seems to stumble and his lips meet mine, just touching, nothing more. I put my hands on his chest to ease him away, taking the charm from him. I duck & escape his closeness. My hat slips off my head on the floor by Bear, too close to be retrieved.  I turn to look at him from a far safer distance.

“ I never returned the charm to you. I have been waiting for you to return it..Ask Stone,… I said the same to her, curious why you had not given it to me, but…a nice ploy on your part Bear.”  I grin now,… twirling the collar on my finger, “Trying to bed me so..  “Your arrogances in all this… I find … CUTE ”
With that little sweet nugget, knowing  the description would annoy him, I head off towards the office.

Once safely inside,  I retrieve a small cuddly toy Bear in a display box, out of my  desk drawer. I place the Silver Bee & collar in the box, nestling  the tiny bear inside it.  The black leather , silver charm and brown fluffy bear contrasts with the red satin puckered base of the box. I replace the lid and return it to it’s resting place in the drawer for safe keeping.

As  I start to get the paperwork out to order  Halloween decorations for the bar,  the radio bursts into life ....  Annie Lennox -  Love song for a vampire..  I start a little, listening intently but not to the music , but for any other signs ... a jasmine scent fills the air ...

“ Come into theses arms again, and lay your body down. The rhythm of this trembling heart is beating like a drum. It beats for you .... “

The haunting tune & lyrics repeat over like a stuck record.

“ Are you trying to tell me something ?“  I ask the empty but cold office just as I see my old cowboy hat  fall from the hat stand out of the corner of my eye...

“ Ok, that’s too much,  that hat fell off by Bear, just , in the bar”  I mutter and run out of the office.

Shutting the door  behind me and holding onto the handle outside,  standing there, shaking a little, trying to recover my composure before mingling with the patrons once more ......
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on October 05, 2012, 03:34:25 PM
Another successful night at the bar,  I finish stacking the chairs as Jayc makes the final sweep of the floor.

We shout goodnight to the other workers, Covems & the Dwarfs, JD, Brandy, Lover, The Country Boys, Gayle  & Old Joe.  Jayc takes my hand and we walk to the car to go home. He opens the door for me and settles me in before going round to the driver’s side. He gets in and starts the engine.
“Any  thoughts to our costumes for Halloween? “  He asks,  “ Think it could be quite a party”

“No, I’ve not really given it much thought. ...  Hey Jayc, if I told you something wierd, you promise not to laugh, promise not to think I’m crazy and well .... just .... believe  me?”

Jayc  looks over at me, a questioning look on his face.  I look at my hands, twisting them, afraid to look into his eyes in case I see disbelief,

 “ Tell me”  he encourages, placing a hand on top of mine.
“ I think the AB&G has a couple of ghosts”  I tell him, watching his hand on mine.
“ Why do you think that?”  He asks carefully

“ I saw a couple ,   apparitions,  dancing beautifully  and they just glided and... well .. disappeared through the wall” There I’d said it.

I hear Jayc take a sharp in take of breath and I look up into his blue eyes. I see he believes me and relief floods over me.

“ Tell me everything”  He says in a low voice.

I  explain about my encounter in the kitchen whilst sorting mine & Brandy’s  flowers into vases.  When I have finished, Jayc is quiet for a moment  thinking , and then he tells me of the strange happenings in the office and how his desk was tidied. 

He finishes with an old  Achat Tattler newspaper dated in  1910 and a Mr Stanley Grill opening  a Dance hall & Saloon, just appearing there, with no reasonable explanation.
“ I thought it was the dwarfs”  He says.

“We need to visit the Achat library. We need to find out about Stanley Grill and the history of this place. We have a day off tomorrow.  Fancy a day of playing Spook Detectives?” I ask
Jayc  suddenly grins...  “ You got yourself a date Detective Stone”

He kisses my cheek and then  pulls out of the carpark to head off home.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 05, 2012, 05:08:28 PM
I knock back a few shots of whiskey followed by a glass of House punch, enjoying the fruity taste on my palate.  I need to go back to the office and sort out some paperwork for the Halloween Party. The punch starts to steady my nerves and the warm glow of the liquor gives me the Dutch courage to venture back there. 

Even so, my heart rate beats that little faster as I turn the handle to go in.

My hat is still on the floor where it fell.  All is quiet, and yet , I still shiver, even though, the office is warm. I pick up the hat & go to my desk to get the numbers for the suppliers and order forms.

 I look for a pen and open the drawer with the teddy bear in.  The lid is off the display box, the  tiny bear lying against the red satin but the collar and  Bee charm is ....  gone !!

“Now, who would take that,” ?  I wonder. “ It means nothing to anyone ... except ... Bear. “  I smile to myself. “ So,  it is sentimental to him after all”

I close the drawer and set about the business of the AB&G.  I complete the orders and put them on Jayc’s desk for his information  and filing.

I grab my battered hat, setting it on my head and return to the bar.

I see Bear helping to hold part of the bull, as JD seems to be fiddling with the mechanism underneath and fixing some fabric there as part of the Halloween Demon dress up.

I grab a couple of Budweiser bottles for them and wander over placing them on the side for when they have finished.

I close in, unseen,  behind Bear, his muscles straining holding the Bull steady with both hands.

I run my finger down his spine, medium speed, to let him know I am behind him.
“ Hello Brandy “  he greets knowing it is me immediately.  That 6th sense of his is quite amazing.

I tilt my hat back and lean into his ear,  letting my soft breath caress him a few moments, my body gently brushing him.

“ Concentrate now, I don’t want you hurting our JD” I murmur seductively  “  I know you’ve taken it back, and that you want me”  I let my tongue gently brush his ear and gently blow on his neck as I move to his other ear.

Again letting my breath seductively tease, whispering   “ Am I your secret desire, Bear? Do you think of me often? Do you picture me naked in your arms the night of the vibrating egg when you touched me intimately? Do the reruns in your mind play it over and over as I come apart in your arms? Can you see me now groaning as you press your hand on my pussy & fondle my breasts? Do you dream at night and get hard with me writhing under you as you take me?

I groan a little in his ear, reminding him of my arousal that night.

I grab his chin and turn his face to mine, my lips inches from his...  “ Do you want to claim me Bear mmm ? “

I look him in the eyes and I see the interest there from my teasing ..  “  Maybe, I’ll put that collar back on you and feed that secret obsession of yours mmm”

I move closer so our lips are millimetres apart. I sense he wants that kiss, but .... no....   he can just ... want.  I caress his cheek with my knuckles.

 “ Enjoy those dreams Babybear,  you  sure look cute in that collar “  I  walk away then , back to the bar... smiling.....   

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on October 06, 2012, 03:34:01 AM
Marilyn and I go on dancing, just having eyes for each other. We loose time and room and only live this moment. I move my hand under her skirt... mmm what's this? I don't feel any fabric, don't notice any panties... this naughty beast I think to myself and smile... I discover her buttocks, massaging them while I press her stronger towards me... she bites her onw lips, enjoying but scared to make loud noises...

"I notice" I whisper smiling in her ear "you're always prepared... are you a scout?" "If I am..." she answers "I will find the right path to you... or at least your bar" I feel her hand moving from my neck above my chest, down to my pants. She is rubbing above them... "mmmmm" I moan in her ear "you almost found it" "or is he finding me?" I hear her giggling before she is wanking my growin cock through my pants.
I rub down between her buttocks, finding a warm and moist slit.. gentle touch her, playful moving around a sweet entrance... I hear soft voices coming out of her mouth while she is opening my zipper.....  her hand disappears in my pants, finding my cock, placing her hand around. She doesn't do anything, just hold it and squeezing a bit... it feels so good...

As if we had tallked about both start same time: She starts to rub my shaft as my finger slides in her pussy... turning our heads, starting a pasionately kiss... our tongues wrestling...though one thing is sure, there will be no looser...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on October 06, 2012, 02:42:09 PM
After a long time, my boat come again to the town where i have my preffer bar, ACHAT BAR & GRILL.

I walk in the night, the port is empty... noone is here, but i can hear the music.... is something unmistakable sound coming through my ear and makes me smile, it's been a long time since I came through that door, and I miss it.

Step by step I approached the door of the bar, the open ... ohhhh, that aroma is unmistakable ... party in here and I like it.

Hello eberybody, lets drink something, i want a big and cold beer also, the same that brandy is drinking, her face look like is so nice whiskey :)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 06, 2012, 03:10:33 PM
"Welcome  Back Zoerink"  I call over

"That beer is on me Joe" 

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 07, 2012, 07:33:25 AM
I return to Old Joe and see a welcoming face return from sea.  I smile at Zoerink and place a bottle of Bud next to Tangos drink.

" Good to see you back again. I like you keep popping back between your trips out at sea."  I tell him ,  " Now , I hear Sailors like rum but have you tried one of our Yards of Ale? , holds about 2 1/2 pints of Ale that you have to drink all in one go in our special glass there"   

I nod to Old Joe to take the Yard glass off the wall,  its about 3 feet long and bulbous at the end.   " You up for that challenge? "  I grin  ;D

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on October 07, 2012, 08:41:41 AM
During the hot kiss with Marilyn I feel her hand around my shaft... mmmmmm... her other hand on my ass.... and also some fingers tickling my neck.... I frighten. How is it possible? Stop touching her pussy, also stop kissing and turn around - no one behind me.
Marilyn stops... looks at me with a questioning face "did i do something wrong?" "No, sorry.... you did everythign right...but..." what should i say? I decide to say nothing, probably she might think i'm crazy...
We go on kissing, I smell her sweet perfume and her heat. Again she takes my cock, squeezing it, rubbing her thumb above my head... I moan in her mouth... with both of my hands I grab her ass...knead it as one finger slides in her pussy....
she also is moaning as I feel a special scent of jasmine flooding the room and hear soft voices... but it's neither her nor any other couple making them... i open my eyes.... see another couple dancing around...but they are TRANSPARENT? As i wanna look more exactly... they disappear....

"Lover" I hear Marilyn's soft voice, "are you distracted by all the other beautiful women around?" " Marilyn...but perhaps it's better to go to the table in the dark corner over there."
I take her hand and we mov é to the table. We sit down and at once continuing our fhot kiss... she opens her legs and my finger rushes in, fingering her for some time.. before i pull out and, part her lips and discover this lovely hot button.... rubbing above it...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on October 07, 2012, 10:53:39 AM
i take the yard of ale that brandy give to me... and i drink in one.... WAOWWWWWW.... all my universe around me start to turn around my head... i give brandy and tangoracer a big smile....

Thank you... is so nice glass.... may i take another one please?

Night start so nice.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 07, 2012, 01:23:32 PM
After a nice breakfast, and shower, Stone and myself head to the Achat city library. Parking in the lot we enter and go to the main desk. I introduce myself to the cute librarian,

“Hi, I’m Jayc ,I spoke to you this morning”….
”oh yes I have the documents you requested” she smiles “if you two will follow me please”  She leads us to the research room………’Some of the documents you asked about, are on the library server,  the rest is on micro film sorry to say” She opens the door to a small room with a desk , PC and a micro film viewer set up.
“Wow, have not seen one of those in ages” I walk up to the machine.
“know how to use it ?” She asks. She shows me how to change cartridges and the controls. “if you need anything else I will be at the main desk” she closes the door.

Stone unpacks her laptop and  a thermos of coffee and one of tea ,we sort it all out and get to work. Stone on the PC  looking at property deeds, and various public records.
I settle in behind the viewer and begin looking at old Tattler Newspapers, starting from the 1st volume dated  1905. Silent as we study, save for Stone’s annoying tap of her pen and the whirl sound of the viewer cooling fan.
Stone speaks first…”Found something” reading out loud  “A Stanley Grill applied for a building permit to build the Ice House in 1907.

Finding nothing in the early Tattler editions I go to 1907. The paper seems to come out twice a week now  but still no mention of him or an Ice House ,clicking page after page, almost in a trance, when I see it. Its hard to make out, the washed out sepia image , but that’s it… that’s the Ice House. The caption is torn a little in the photo copy but I can read Grill’s Ice House has opened  and the business  hours but that’s it….

“Here he is again! “Stone perks up…..’Deeds buying all the surrounding lots! “  I look at the old photograph and try to make out the man standing there.

After 8 hrs of internet, archives, public records. We call it a day. Its late afternoon on a fine October day and we decide to take a walk and clear our heads. Spotting the café we order tea and sit on patio.

 “Ok this is what we found out”  I flip open Stones note book

Stanley Grill was a business man with many interests
Met his wife on a trip to New York  not sure of the date
Doris Grill, nee Bar, was from Southhampton  in England, a famous dancer and entertainer  who moved to New York in 1907
Stanley builds the dance hall and saloon next to his Ice House in 1910 to bring live entertainment to Achat City and  for his adoring wife who loved to sing and dance.
Then in late 1911 on a society page in the tattler , the Grill’s announce they are going to England to meet Doris’s family.

I take a deep breath and read the last line.

 They booked there return trip on the maiden voyage……..of the Titanic.
Stone reaches for my hand under the table and squeezes, “This is kinda spooky” she says in a whisper. “so whats the plan Batman?”

I shrug my shoulders……..”let’s just go back to work keep our eyes open ,  and see if anybody else is seeing or hearing things I guess, don’t ask,  let them tell you,  don’t want to put ideas in people minds”….

After  working the day shift  Old Joe clocks out and wanders out to the roaring bonfire the dwarves have built.

 He pulls up a chair, lights a cigar and has a seat. He smokes and gazes at the fire.

A cool finger runs along his neck and a voice in his ears says “I would die all over again just to taste and smell that cigar”

 “Oh Stanley I hated when you smoked those dreadful things“, Doris chimes in Joes other ear. They appear in front of Joe.

“Well good evening Joe “  Stanley says with a smile……with no fear in his voice

 Joe says “ah Mr. and Mrs. Grill I was wondering when you would show up with new owners and all “……
Doris lets out a light laugh “We have been here for awhile Joe, Mr. Grill always checks in on the new owners”

“So I can expect your usual mischief ? Joe asks …………after a brief silence

 Stanley responds “For the time being,   but there a few people who interest us”……………….. we will talk again Joe …….”

And the Grills wave goodbye and vanish as a couple comes to sit by fire. “Who were you talking to Joe? “ the young women inquires.

“Just thinking out loud that’s all” as Joe gets up and heads for home, a little uneasy after his talk with the spirits…..
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 07, 2012, 01:57:56 PM
Sitting at home with Jane the morning after a great night we sit looking at the old style BABY OUTFIT
"How old do you think it is?"  Jane asks
"I don't know but it must be about 100 years old" I reply
"Wow but how did it get there?"Jane questions again
As we speck about the out fit the temperature drops and we can see are breath. Jane looks at me "WHATS HAPPENING"  
 We look at the out fit again and the radio turns  on with old time waltz music ,We both look at each other "WHATS HAPPENING" Jane holds my hand tight this is spooky." It mush be same thing to do with that old baby out fit I'll have to look into," I say getting my Laptop out and turn it on as it boots up I make Jane and myself a nice cup of tea and sit down at the Laptop.

Clicking on the             NSPD DATA BASS   LAND OWNERSHIP

  Typing in Achat Bar & Grill

Opened 2011      OWNER     Miss Brandy Bee /  Miss Stone  

 Typing in Achat   Bar & Grill  old names  and owners and opening dates

1867     Saloon          The  Gambit Brothers
1873     Couch Inn     Mr J Wayne
 ( Burnt to the ground in 1880 After the own had left a fire burning )

1888 Rebuilt and Opened as The Stage Couch
 ( Burnt to the ground 1902 Arson Attack )
New Building Plans submitted
1910      Dance Hall and Saloon     Mr Stanley Grill    

1975      Bar & Grill       Mr D Zocco

2011     Bar & Grill        Miss Brandy Bee  /  Miss Stone

Taking a sip of my tea I look at Jane "well that's all the dates and owners of the place"

"Was that Mr Stanley Married" Jane asks "Dance Hall would go with the music and the baby out fit is about that age"
"MMM your right and i my have same clues down in the Ice House but that will have to wait till later" I answer Jane

We finish are Tea's and head off to the Bar to talk to Brandy and Stone to see if they have had anything happen to them.



Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on October 07, 2012, 03:21:10 PM

It's just after 1 AM in the morning when I wake up in my hidden room with MoonCalf snoring lightly on my shoulder.  My stirring wakes her.  "Did you fart?" I ask her, while sniffing the air.

"SMACK!"  She slaps me on my bare chest whith her open hand in a playful way.  "Covems!"  She says while giggling, "Don't be fresh."

"Well, it smells like jasmine in here."  I say, "...and I know mine never smell that way, so it has to be you."

"Stop."  She says, while climbing on top of me.  Her naked form feels wonderful in my arms.  She kisses me lightly on my lips then picks her head up.  "It does smell like jasmine."

"C'mon."  I say, "You did fart, didn't you?"

"Oh shut up."  MoonCalf says and kisses me harder.

"I knew you did."  I mumble through the kiss.  Her hand moves between us and finds my genitals.  I start to grow under her warm touch.

She giggles and her tongue snakes into my mouth as my arms wrap around her and my hands find their way to her wonderful bottom.  The "throes of passion" begin to overtake us and we meld into one.  I swear I can hear someone giggling, but I know the room is known only to the dwarves and now MoonCalf.  I roll us over onto MoonCalf's back and take a quick look around.  Seeing no one there, I rise up at arms length over her and gaze into those beautiful eyes.

"Would you do me a favor?"  I ask her.

"I would do almost anything you want."  She answers.

"Would you fart again?"  I ask, "Because I really like that jasmine aroma."

MoonCalf laughs.  "You're a nut."  She adds and pulls me down into another deep kiss.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on October 08, 2012, 07:35:06 AM
I pull into the parking lot in my truck with the box of Halloween items from my latest shopping spree.  I lower the tailgate and slide the box out.  "I hope this demon outfit will fit the mechanical bull" I murmur to myself as I carry it into the closed and empty bar.  I glance at my watch, the hands say 1:30am.  "I need to get the bull dressed in this costume before I can get out of here for tonight." 

I gently drop the box by the bull and do a "Lock out, Tag out" on the control box so it won't automatically come on while I am working on it.  Double and triple checking that the power connection is disabled, I get started on taking the saddle off.  The costume is a blood red color with a long forked tail and evil looking eyes.

I make my way around the bull, tugging and securing the fabric so it won't come off during use.  All of a sudden, I get a sense that I am being watched.  I look around the room, the bar is empty.  I smell the faint aroma of jasmine in the air.   "Strange" I say.  I shrug it off as get back to work.   

I pull the mask of the demon costume over the head of the bull, securing it under the neck.  As I smooth out the wrinkles, the bull lunges forward, bashing me straight in the chest, knocking me to the mats and taking the wind from my lungs.  "What the hell!?!" I exclaim, looking directly into the eyes of the demon bull.  The eyes were glowing for a brief second. 

I jump to my feet.  I check the control box and tug on the lock that has the power coupler in it.  "How in the world could that happen?" I question myself.  I grab the box of leftover costume accessories and leave the bull disconnected for tonight.  "I'm going to go over those controls in the morning" as I shut the lights off to the room.  I drop the box of in the office as I lock the back door behind me. 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 08, 2012, 12:56:39 PM
We all cheer and count as Zoerink takes up the Yard of  Ale challenge...  1 2 3 ...  He bravely downs the lot, the last  of the ale gushing all over his face & chest as the bulbous end empties in a rush. He gasps for breath but succeeds admirably in his attempt.  I see his eyes begin to glaze as the sudden alcohol binge starts to effect his body.  I clap him on the back for his effort and get Old Joe to refill the glass .

I go the Bar Bell and ring it loudly ....   " Ladies And Gentlemen  -  It has come to my notice  that some members of our Bar & Grill have reached milestones in their postings... As such, I would like to offer them the acknowledgement of their feats from all us good folk and a Yard Of Ale on the House  ....  A big Hand and cheer for ....

Hentaiboy having reached and passed 3000 posts

Lover having reached 3000 posts

Bluedenim having reached and passed 1000 posts

Jayc  having reached 100 posts and his status as a  Full Forum Member

Covems having reached 100 posts and becoming a Full Forum  Member

Tangoracer having reached 100 posts and becoming a Full Forum Member "
I take the Yard of Ale and offer it the first in line in celebration ...  " Come on now,   drink up "    ;D

The crowd cheer  and clap  the worthy contestants and  Congratulations of their Forum efforts.

Just before the first contestant steps up, my attention is suddenly diverted to the jukebox nearby,  playing  " Love Song for a Vampire"  Annie Lennox

I look round to see who had put it on to play.. but no one seemed particularly close to the music machine. 

The moment is soon forgotton as the counting crowd drowns the song out to my ears as the first Yard of Ale is drunk.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ThunderSax on October 08, 2012, 04:01:21 PM
It has been a long night and a longer day. The road is dark and lonely and the car is filled with the smell of old cigarrete smoke and empty except for the static of a far away country station desperate to reach me across miles of city. At this point I cannot tell who the hell is singing. Only that my eyes are stinging from too  much time looking at pinpoints of light in the distance. I cannot say how many miles have passed  but its been a long road. The night was a dark ribbon of highway. My only companion a busted radio and a pack of Marlboro's whose last survivor lies dying in between my fingers.  The orange glow burns down to a nub and I  toss it to the wind. The night is cold and lonely. A northrern chill coming down the streets to greet me . I slide the old car to a stop along the dity street. In the distance a dog barks. It is the kind of night I love. It suits my mood. Dark and silent like the first days must have been. A night where a man can be alone with his thoughts. Now thats the problem.  Sometimes a man does not want to be alone with his thoughts. Sometimes those thoughts are like a numbing cold full of regrets and might-have-beens. A man reflects on failures and short-comings he does not want to be reminded of.

I look up at a glowing sign above a  dark door. I close the car door behind me. The thud loud enough in this quiet to announce a man to the dead. The neighborhood is quiet. I like that . The door gives no hint of what is behind it. I like that too. I stand for a moment watching a glowing orange ember on the ground. Strange the way it draws me. I whisper something to it. To the flame it represents. To a small spirit of fire and silence in the night. My dad used to say that at night, in front of a fire, with all the old spirts out and listening a man just couldn't tell a lie. Not with the spirits listening. But for me I've had enough of truth for one day.

I head towards the door and reach for the handle. Rght now I need a beer, a bourbon, and a quiet hour to drink it in.

It takes a second for my eyes to adjust to the light. Inside there is a man drenched in beer.  I look away. None of my business.  I look for a bar. I look for a bartender's questioning eyes. I spot an old cigarette machine. The kind that the powers that be have outlawed. The smile that passes my face  as that small red and white box drops down is devilish  - or angelic - depending. I approach the bar breathing in the smoke of another nail in my coffin. Like comes back into my blood. I absorb the sound of the jukebox and the vibe of the bar.

Howdy .

My name is ThunderSax...

and I'd love to buy everyone here a drink.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 08, 2012, 04:12:06 PM
Walking back into the Bar to see Zeorink Take the yard of ale to his lips and start to lift it high slowly he swallows the hole yard
the bar Cheers as he holds the empty glass high.

Brandy takes the glass from him and Rings the Bar's bell nice and loud And make her announcement and puts out the YARD of ALE challenge

Jane turns to me "you going to do that"   "May be later but want to talk with same people but the baby out fit" I answer
Having seen Brandy and Stone come out of the office and hit the hard stuff the last night.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 08, 2012, 04:16:22 PM
 Walking over towards Stone & Jayc I put  my hand on the shoulder of ThunderSax  "Welcome to The Bar & Grill have fun"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 08, 2012, 04:30:51 PM
I turn to see the guy who walks up to the bar,  and he offers to buy all the bar a drink. " Well now , I think I like you already, " I smile at him. " I'll have a mug of English tea Thank you. Your drink is free, House rules.  I hear you play the Sax .. you know.. there's a stage up there .. the folks here always like to hear a good tune."

I shout to Old Joe, " Thundersax , here, would like to sample our wares -  and maybe try a Yard of Ale ? " I grin at him in challenge ... " Are you game? And Welcome to the AB&G my friend "   ;D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: handsomeRob on October 08, 2012, 04:58:36 PM
The lights of the bar catch my eye and I think that place looks perfect! As I pull in I think about how I've spent enough of my life working and following orders, and now I deserve some fun. Who knows....maybe I'll meet someone, maybe a fight. I just need to let loose. As I get out of my car and close the door, a smell hits my nostrils of something I've never smelled before. Alcohol, smoke and what smells like sweet and a musky heat. I find myself excited as I open the door to see a large breasted woman giving shots with her tits. My body goes tight with nerves, but I push up to the bar........
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 08, 2012, 05:12:45 PM
As I tease Thundersax into the Yard of Ale challenge , I notice a new face arrive.  He is tall, muscular and very attractive.  There's an air of wildness about him that causes me to smile.

" Hello Stranger,  Welcome to the AB&G , first drink is on the house, what you having?"  The  stranger smiles and introduces himself as  HandsomeRob.  Certainly a fitting name, I muse.

He orders his drink from Old Joe and I see him eye Gayle performing her Boob shots.  " I'm sure she wont mind you taking a turn, " I grin, " And of course , house rules today ... the Yard of Ale challenge is on... think you are man enough to try it ?"   winking as I nod to Old Joe to get another glass down off the wall...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ThunderSax on October 08, 2012, 06:27:57 PM
Although I've never taken a Yard of Ale....well maybe a pint at a time...I've no need to get that loaded with beer at one time. Aside from that all I happen to drink is Guiness and Sam Adams and those you do not guzzle. I do take a good look at those Boobs tho. Been a while since I've seen a set that welcoming.

As for the sax, I happen to have left mine at home and you all better count yourselves lucky.

As for me I sip my Wild Turkey and take in the view. My gaze happens to settle on the longest legs in the room. I smile gently, take off my hat and hang it up hoping I have found myself a home for the night.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on October 08, 2012, 06:31:41 PM
Welcome Sax and Rob to AB&G :)

Alright out of curiosity what sax do you play :) I play the alto sax

P.S. starting to feel better :) but just kinda down still
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on October 08, 2012, 06:40:46 PM

Great to hear your getting Better Sexilicous

I follow Tango over to the bar "Nice to meet you ThunderSax go on try the Yard" I say as i run my hand across his shoulders.

"A glass of coke when your ready Joe please and can you put a lime in it" I ask with a smile
"MMM Brandy who do with have here" I tease
"HandsomeRob" Brandy replies

"MMMM HandomeRob nice to meet you hope you live up to name sake" I tease him, I turn to Brandy with a big smile :)  and a wink  ;)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on October 08, 2012, 09:17:54 PM
I Stumble back in after a hard day's work at the Lab. Time to relax. I see lots of face's i know and some new one's, but my first priority would be the bar.

I ask Old Joe for a pint of beer and as i feel hungry, maybe he can arrange a big Steak for me, after all this is a Bar and Grill. Medium will be fine and some potatoes. I will be sitting at my usual place in the back.

I take my place at the table, drink some of my beer and relax, and see what's going to happen today. I do hope they bring my food quick.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 09, 2012, 03:07:28 AM
Mrsexlover walks in and orders some food. I greet him with a hug and kiss and insist he has a glass of my special punch to wash his food down. He grins back and goes to take his usual table as he awaits his order.

Jayc takes his turn at the Yard of Ale and downs it in 9 seconds, which isn't a bad time for a beginner.  The crowd cheer delighted as the last remnants  of the fizzy lager floods all over his T shirt, soaking his torso. The t shirt clings to his muscular chest and his nipples become pronounced much to the delight of the watching ladies. He gasps as the cold liquid hits,  taking his breath,  cascading down covering his mouth and nose.

The crowd cheers and he raises his hand in acknowledgement at their support and congratulations. He hands the long glass to Old Joe to refill for the next contestant.

I give him a friendly slap on the back in appreciation of his efforts, " Well done, for surviving the Ale and your Full Forum Member status,  we need to discuss costumes and decorations for the AB&G " getting back to business.  He smiles as the beer takes some effect as it seeps into his blood stream.

I shout to Old Joe or Stone to bring Coffee and Tea to the office, when they get a moment.  We head to the office and we sit at our desks. Jayc changes out of his wet T shirt, grabbing a fresh one out the cupboard. He hangs it on the radiator to dry. His chest is a gorgeous sight and as he sees me looking, he takes an exaggerated bow causing us both to laugh. He then starts to outline some ideas for the Halloween Party  beginning on the 14 Oct and ending on 31 Oct.

The bar will be decorated with spider webs, spiders, grave stones, antique looking mirrors, some genuine, some containing ghostly figures , lanterns and pumpkins. JD had already got the costume and dress up for the Demon Bull and Lair for the Bull pit.  A couldron  for a witches stew was ready for the firepit outside and numerous Witches, ghosts, skeletons, zombie decorations had been obtained for the big night.

Guests were invited to wear the sexiest and ghoulish outfits they could find and post their pics. A free meal and drinks for the ones voted best find by the other patrons.

He outlined some other games, that the guests may find interesting  , including the traditional bobbing apples in barrels of water around the place.

As he chats and we exchange ideas, the room temperature suddenly drops & a waft of Jasmine fills the air. Unconciously, I reach for my AB&G fleese and slip it. Jayc continues with his ideas.

The radio bursts into life again, silencing us both ...  Annie Lennox ... Love song of a Vampire...  again.

Jayc and I both look at each other stunned for a moment.  " Does that song mean anything to you?"  I say to him in a low voice.

He shakes his head.

 " It's one of my favourites"  I murmur. My breath exits my mouth in wispy swirls.

" Is someone here?"   Jayc  asks the room.  The hair on both our necks stand on end as we wait and listen, not sure what to expect.

Two knocks are clearly heard  as though answering him.  We both look at each other shocked, rooted to our chairs.

Jayc speaks again.  "  I think we heard you. Give two knocks for YES and one knock for NO. Do you understand me?"

Two knocks

We both think, Oh my God at the same time, scared, yet too fascinated to not try and communicate with our unseen visitor.

Jayc looks at me, as if to say, damn I cant think, help me out with the questions here.

"  Do you mean us any harm? " I ask shrugging at Jayc as if to say, I cant think either.

One knock.

" Do you live here?"   Jayc asks

Two knocks

" Are you doing the strange things that are happening here?"  I ask

Two knocks

" What do you want? "  I ask ... Slience...

" They cant answer that, yes or no " Jayc reminds me and we both start as there is a louder knock  and then fading laughter is heard and the room temperature returns to normal.

It's Stone at the door with Tea & Coffee, that knock was her. The door opens almost immediately and she walks in, followed by Tangoracer. The unseen visitor gone by the interuption.

Jayc & I look at each other with racing hearts. Did that happen? Do we even mention it?

Stone has prepared 4 mugs & biscuits on the tray, one mug for each of us in the room. Looks like Tango wants to discuss something on his mind with the three of us here.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on October 09, 2012, 09:28:07 AM
Welcome ThunderSax and HandsomeRob.  Pull up a stool and have some fun!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 09, 2012, 11:14:28 AM
As Stone enters with the coffee and tea I look at her…….”it just happened again”  “it did?” she says excited “what did  they do?” “they?” Brandy cuts Stone off looking worried. I pull open my top drawer and hand Brandy Stones Note book………”not sure if its …They… just yet.”

As Brandy reads I give her a  report of what we found out  at the library  and tell Stone about our little Q & A we just had with the  spirit or spirits……… from another drawer I pull out the old Tattler I put on a bar tray and covered with a sheet of plastic, removing the cover ….”go ahead and touch it boss you cant open it with out it crumbling…………and it was open to this page on my desk!!!” I relate my office encounter..

Stone tells of her encounter and brandy relates hers……… we all jump when there is a sharp rap at the office door…….”its open” I call out… Tango enters with a folder tucked under his arm and tell us about the babies cloths and what he found out from the police data bank.

Reading Tango’s report  I hand it to Stone……..“look he found out the same thing we did” Stone scans the report………”it has to the Grills or at least one of them” she says in hushed tones.

“Has any one else seen our guests? “ patrons or staff? I get a round of  shrugs from the group………. Alright I think it best we keep this between us all for the time being….. We don’t want  to spook our customers” I smile at my  choice of words I get a round of nods. “hey boss. Joe has lived around here all his life and has worked here before right?” she nods.

I grab the phone and punch the bar button…….Gayle answers, “hey Gayle is Joe working today?”  ok tell him when he comes in  I would like a word before he starts………no he is not in trouble” I roll my eyes and hang up the phone.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 09, 2012, 11:58:55 AM
Knocking on the office door "ITS OPEN" comes from the inside
Walking in with the folder of what I found out from the police data base "Hi every one"

Taking a seat and tell them about the baby cloths from last night and that I had done same digging. I hand Jayc the folder. He reads it and passes it to Stone "Looks like he found out the same thing we did"  "it has to be the Grill or one of them"

We talk about the going on's and all decide to keep it quirt so not to spook every one.

I will looking into this more on the police data base Back at HQ in the morning and see if i can find out any more on the Grill's and what happened to them both.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on October 09, 2012, 12:46:41 PM

Pulling into the lot, I find a parking spot near the door.  I shut off the engine and get out of the car and take the package off the passenger seat.  The gravel crunches under my heels as I stand and smooth my short skirt.  I adjust my top, then check my appearance in the reflection of the car's window.

It's a little chilly tonight, and I can feel my nipples stiffening, I give them a pinch to help accent them and undo another button on my blouse.  "He likes cleavage."  I think as I make my way into the Bar and Grill and go straight to the bar room.  It's warm and cozy feeling in there and feels good.

I go up to the bar and motion to Joe, he comes over and leans down to hear my order.  "Is Covems here?"  I ask.  "I have something for him."  I show the package, it is wrapped in plain brown paper and tied with string.

"I'll see if I can find him."  Joe says to me, then asks.  "Would you like something to drink?"

"I would."  I say.  "A Black Jack would go good right now." 

He leaves to mix the drink.  I notice a lot commotion in the middle of the bar.  There is a busty woman behind the bar putting shot glasses full of something between her breasts, and there is a line waiting for their chance to take the shot from her cleavage.

Joe returns with my drink and says "I've buzzed him.  He should be here soon."  I pay Joe, leaving the change on the bar and contemplate getting in the line.  I have a seat on the stool and place my package on the bar, smiling at everyone in line.

I take a sip of the Black Jack, the taste is sweet and warms my throat.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on October 10, 2012, 09:33:08 AM
I enter the bar from the back door.  I walk in and the bar is hopping like it always is. 
"Excellent work on the bull" Sexilicous says, as she taps me on my chest.
"Easy, my ribs are a bit sore today" I tell her, wincing in slight pain.

"A little too much time on the BowFlex machine, eh?" she questions.   

"I wish it was that" I say with a coy smile.  "Besides, you wouldn't believe me if I told you" I say as I grab a brewsky from the bar and lift it to my parched lips.

I sit down at a table near the rear of the bar, prop my feet up on one of the chairs beside me and continue to enjoy my ale.  Brandy comes over with a smile on her face.  She's up to something.  I can just tell.

"What happened to you and Jane after you carried her to the restroom to get cleaned up from the pit?"

"Brandy, you know me, I don't kiss and tell" I smiled as I replied to her probing question.

"So did you kiss?" she fires back, yearning for more details.

"Can't you tell?" I said with a smile as I sipped the few last drops of my beer.

"Tell me more!!" she begs. 

"No, I'd have to be really drunk to let that information be known.  It was that awesome." 

I no more than got those few words from my mouth when Brandy got up, and yelled to Old Joe. "One Yard of ale for JD!"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 10, 2012, 05:13:04 PM
I grin at JD  as Old Joe brings the  Yard of Ale over.   

"Think you can manage it all in one go?"  I tease him,  JD smiles at me and taking a deep breath begins to guzzle.

I adore his fighting spirit.   I turn to Old Joe.   "Hey  Joe,  Jayc wanted to speak to you, did you get the message?"

Old Joe looks at me questioning,  "  Yes,  just heading up to the office now.  You know what it's about?"

 "Spooks " I laugh , " I 'll join you in a sec,  JD  needs to come too but I just want to see his wet t shirt ".   ;D

JD downs it in an impressive  6 seconds and I get my reward of a beautiful chest wrapped in a sopping wet t shirt. Very nice indeed.
I take a USB stick from my pocket and wave it at him,   "You got caught on CCTV  with Jane".

JD  looks at me expectantly, "so you knew all along"

 I throw the USB at him, which he deftly catches.  "Come on, we got a management meeting,  Jayc needs to fill you on a few things and I'd like  to hear what Old Joe has to say too. There's some dry T shirts in the office.    :-*

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 11, 2012, 01:23:01 AM
JD enters the office puts on a dry bar t-shirt and flops on the couch next to Tango,  “the others behind you?” “yeah should be her in second whats  up? “wait till everybody gets here” Stone  goes to the mini fridge and gets us all a cold beer, we talk about the upcoming party. A few minutes pass  then Brandy and Joe enter the office and take there seats.

“Joe you have lived in the realm all your life and worked this bar before under different owners right?” he nods “why do you ask?……”well” I pause for a sec…….“something has been going on around here the last week or so, and we were wondering if you might be able to shed some light on the subject. Again I relate my encounter  and what has happed to  Stone. Tango, Brandy and JD.  Joe looks at the file and Stones notebook but says nothing..

Stone breaks the silence…..“Joe did you know the grills?…….Joe looks up smiling  “just how old do you think  I am Stone?”  he breaks into his heart warming laugh soon the room is full of laughter…….“It not what I meant” Stone protests, “just came out wrong”

As the room gains composure again Joe says well Stone is kind of right…I met the Grills in 1975 he reaches into his coat and gets out his cigar case like he always does before a good story I smile to myself.

Ahhh 1975 Joe begins  “I was in my 40s running this bar for the Zoccos who really didn’t have much interest other than the weekly receipts“  things were fine for the 1st few months  then odd things began to happen… desk drawers rearranged,  keys would vanish the show up hours later , one morning I opened up to find coins standing on edge along the length of the entire bar!……..then the same things your seeing now, the scent of jasmine waltz music  cool breezes.

Like you have done, I went to the library and did research. Then I asked my Grandfather about the Grills  and he filled in a lot of the blanks I had in the story. As you have figured out the Grills went down with the Titanic but there much more to this story.

The Grills were a very close couple, Stanley met Doris on a trip to New York and it was love at 1st sight for both of them, she was a famous singer and dancer from the UK,  they Married and she retired from the stage to be with her husband.. They were happy  and held lavish parties at the Achat Hotel where she would entertain the party goers with song and dance. Then the hotel burned down ……….Doris was crushed  she lived to perform.

Then  on her birthday…so the story goes…. Stanley gave her a rolled up scroll with a single rose…….., the scroll were the plans for a saloon and dance hall with a stage………all for his Doris….in early 1910 the Bar & Grill  dance hall opened……….it soon became the place to be, with acts from all over the country playing  during the weekends. And there was always Doris the bell of the ball and the dapper Stanley not a bad dancer himself.

Then in 1911 they went to England so Doris could introduce her American husband to her family. Friends gave them a great send off……..little did they know, they would never see the couple again.

To be continued
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on October 11, 2012, 06:38:11 AM

A dwarf comes padding up to me.  "You have package."  He says, holding his hands out.

"There's a payment be made."  I say to him.  "Call it a delivery charge."

"Come with me."  The dwarf says and takes my hand.  I get off the stool and he pulls me along, not giving me time to straighten my skirt.

"Which one are you?"  I ask.

"I am Happy."  He answers.

"I can see that, but what is your name.?  I ask again.

He laughs and says, "That's my name.  My name is Happy."  Then he adds, "Wait here."

I wait by the storage room door.  Covems appears out of nowhere and I hand him the package.  "Thank you Mollie."  He says, Happy is standing behind him.

Covems leans in and give me a deep kiss, bending me back slightly.  "I'll meet you at your shop later."  He says after breaking our kiss.  "Look for me in about 3 hours."  He turns and just as suddenly as he appeared he and Happy are gone.

I go back to the bar and finish my drink.  "Have another?"  The bartender asks me.  "Hmmm."  I say.  "Too much alcholol makes my clothes disappear, but what the heck.  Sure, another Black Jack."

I'm not really sure how this is going to work, but I get in line for the boob shots.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on October 11, 2012, 12:44:25 PM
Still waiting on my food, i wish the service was a bit quicker here.

Drinking my beer and just as i finish my glass, i feel the temperature go down and there is a sent of jasmine in the air. Behind me i hear some music, i turn around but i don't see anything, but i do feel a presence at my table.

I turn back to the table, just to see a big plate with my food order slowly hovering a inch above the table accompanied by a new glass of beer. As both come to rest on the tabletop, the music disappears and also the sent of jasmine, the temperature goes back to normal, and the smell of that lovely steak fills my nose.

I Look up to see is someone has witnessed this strange things, but all are to busy to have noticed. I must talk to Brandy about this, but let me first eat this dinner, it looks and smell good and i am starving.

Strange or not the steak and patatoes are perfect :)

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 11, 2012, 02:24:14 PM
Leaving the office walking back to the Bar just to see a stunning Young Lady being dragged down the Bar by Happy I turn and watch her fine body as she's dragged off.

Turning back to the bar "Hay Gayle slide me a beer down when you have a moment and a mug of tea for Jane please" I say with a big grin "and I'll have one of your shots to" raising my eyebrows I turn and see Mrsexlover sat at his table I nod my head to say hi.

Turning back to the bar Gayle comes over" here's your drinks Tango and Here's your shot" as she slides the glass deep into her cleavage and leans over to me driving right in there I take my time I reach the glass and pull in out in my lips flicking my head back I empty the glass into my mouth I let the glass drop from my lips then lean forward and kiss Gayle letting her taste the shot from my mouth as we kiss over the bar. We brake the kiss and both swallow and smile at each other. "Now that's the way to drink a BOOB SHOT" I say to Gayle with a cheeky grin.

I take Jane's Tea and my beer off the bar and walk over to Jane, half way there i feel a cold shiver and the slightest whiff of Jasmine I spin round but these nothing there. I smile to myself and walk over to Jane we set and chat about what was said in the office.

My phone beeps a message laughing as i read it to Jane "you need to tell the no to every one" she say's laughing and holding her belly

Jumping up on the stage and over to the mic tapping the mic to see if it was on

Hi every one just a quick joke for you i say

I was visiting my son and daughter in low last night ,when I asked if I could borrow a newpaper
"This is the 21st century,old man said my son "We don't waste money on newspapers.
Here, you can borrow my iPad
I can tell you that bloody fly never knew what hit it

I leave the stage and go back to Jane
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on October 11, 2012, 05:00:58 PM
Old Joe pauses in his story of the Grills looking at the intent faces waiting for him to continue.
He smiles and asks for a fresh coffee, I pass him Jayc’s , who frowns but accepts it, this is no moment to leave the office.

Old Joe sips it thoughtfully and continues his tale.  “ The Grills met the Bar family and he was an instant hit. They spent a wonderful few months in England, meeting all of Doris’s family & seeing all the famous sights.  They had the most wonderful time there. It was a second honeymoon for them.

As a treat for his beloved Doris,  Stanley booked their return journey on the  RMS Titanic, a luxurious  passenger liner. It was considered by many at the time to be unsinkable and was making its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. Stanley intended to take his wife shopping in New York and stay a few days  there before returning to Achat, Nymphomania.

On April 10 1912, the Titanic set sail from Southampton. Doris and Stanley stood on the deck by the railings of the ship, waving to their loved ones on the dockside. Crowds had turned out to see this wonderful ship set sail. It was quite an event that day. The crowds cheered and there were streams of paper thrown into the air as the ship embarked on its infamous journey.

The ship was very luxurious. There was a dancehall and dining hall and Doris and Stanley had a wonderful time. They  would dress up and dance most nights, their favourite being the waltz. They would dance in perfect rhythm to each other  and their steps were unfaltering.  They made friends with the band who played , and with a young family,   Mr & Mrs Baxter who had a 7 year old daughter, Rose, and a 13 year old son, Jack. They were delightful children.

Then on April 14, tragedy struck. The ship hit an iceberg and began to take on water, sinking....”

Panic and disbelief had slowly spread through the ship as the passengers began to realise the ship was indeed going to sink and the icy water would make survival unlikely.  The crew were shouting out instructions for loading people  in to the life boats.

Doris and Stanley were standing with the Baxter’s. The band, nearby on the deck, continued to play to calm the worried passenger.  They  waited calmly for their turn to climb in the lifeboat .

Stanley squeezed Doris’s hand to reassure her everything would be alright.

 The Baxter’s in front of them were stopped by a member of the ship’s crew,  “ I’m sorry Sir, it’s women and children only”,  halting Mr Baxter and Jack from passing.  Mrs Baxter began to cry as she realised , her husband and son were going to be left behind on the sinking ship.  She hugged her  little girl Rose, begging them to allow her boy, Jack ,to go with them. Mr Baxter tried to negotiate unsuccessfully with the crew member  that he was only a boy, not yet a man. His pleas fell on deaf ears.

 Doris was pushed to get into the boat by crew members and Stanley’s encouragement.
Stanley saw Doris’s face,  “ You have to go my dear, I will get on another boat when all the women and children are safely on. You see, “  he waved his arms towards other boats being loaded, “there is plenty of room for everyone. I will see you soon” He kissed her cheek as he helped her climb in.

She sat next to Mrs Baxter & Rose who were both crying inconsolably for the men in their family being left behind.

Tears ran down Doris’s face.  She looked at the face of her husband, and the two brave Baxter men on the deck as their life boat began to lower and suddenly, she knew what she had to do.

“ Jack, Jack,” She shouted to the young Baxter boy. He ran to the edge of the ship, hearing her cries. Doris grabbed his arm hauling him into her seat and jumping out.

 “ You look after your family now, you be a good boy to them, they need you ,”  She shouted to him.  Jack looked at her in bewilderment before being hugged by his mother. Tearfully she looked over his shoulder at Doris.

  “ Thank you, Thank you so much “ was all she could mouth, knowing the sacrifice, Doris had just made for her family. And the lifeboat lowered to the freezing sea below.

Doris ran into the arms of her husband and Mr Baxter hugged them too.  “ May God show mercy on you both tonight,  I need to try to get to my family, Thank you , thank you , for your selfless act Mrs Grill “ He kissed her hand and with that he disappeared into the crowds in his futile search for transport.

“What have you done?” Stanley cupped his wife’s face.
“ Rather  a few  more precious hours  with you, than a lifetime without you” Doris told him and they held each other  tight for a few moments.

“ Would you like to dance, Mrs Grill? Stanley asked in her ear , “ There’s a band over there playing just for us”
“ Why, Mr Grill, I can think of nothing better,  than being in your arms” Doris replied. 
He took her hand and led her to the playing band on the deck.  Stanley saw a vase of flowers tipped up on its side. He stopped by it and took a red rose and smelt it before giving it to his wife & putting it in her hair.

“ Beautiful, just like my wife” he whispered. Doris smiled at him and also took a red rose from the same flowers and lovingly attached it to her husband’s lapel. 

“ Now , we match “ She whispered back.
“ We always have” Stanley kissed her hand, “ The perfect match “

They walked to the playing band, Mr Wallace Hartley and his 7 musicians. “ Gentleman, are you taking requests?” Stanley looked each of them in the eye, each man knowing the bravery of the other this fateful night.

“ Of course, Mr Grill. “ said Mr Hartley, the Bandmaster. “ What would you like?”
“ A repeated   waltz,   Gentleman please”  Mr Grill asked taking his wife in his arms and dancing with her. The red rose  prominent in her hair and  his, in his lapel.
The chaos around, just a a small disturbance in their little world.

The band played and the Grills danced to soothe the anguish of their fellow passengers until the ship sank in the deep  of the icy sea April 14 1912, courage and compassion joined, making the heroes complete.

1500 passengers & crew  perished that night.”

Old Joe paused again looking at the faces in front of him.

 Brandy and I had tears in our eyes as the selfless act of Doris sank into our thoughts -   giving her life for that of the teenage Baxter boy, and the unwavering love that the couple obviously held for each other.
The men were better at hiding their emotions.

“What happened to the Baxter’s “   I ask Old Joe,  finding my voice.
“ Mrs Baxter became a widow that night , but she and her family lived a full life and Jack & Rose married others  and had children of their own”  Old Joe answered.

Brandy ‘s face suddenly went thoughtful,  “ You said your Grandfather knew the Grills?”

Old Joe smiled,  “ Briefly.  He found out their story... My grandfather’s name was ..... Jack Baxter. “

As soon as Old Joe finished saying his Grandad’s name , the lights in the office went out and everything  was plunged into darkness, startling the occupants . The room temperature dropped & there was a distinct smell of Jasmine in the air.  Then just as quickly the lights illuminated again.

Everyone looked at each other  a little bewildered.

Then their eyes were drawn to the single red roses , one in the lap of Jayc  and one on my lap ......
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: taztexan on October 13, 2012, 07:51:01 AM
Taz pulls up a chair at the bar and orders up a icey mug of cold beer and admires the scenery... =)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on October 13, 2012, 08:16:47 AM
OOT: wellcome back Taz! really long time had passed from your last visit!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 13, 2012, 10:19:14 AM
I leave the office,  my thoughts full of  Ghosts and The Titanic and Waltzes and the Playing Band and Roses.

Its certainly an enthralling story and made me feel a bit happier that Doris & Stanley may be acting mischieviously,  but  they certainly didnt seem to  mean any harm.

I join Gayle behind the bar till Old Joe and Stone return.

Then, I spot an old dear friend walk in with that black stetson of his. I grin as I serve him an icey  mug of cold beer.

" Well well, its about time you got around to turning up" I tease, placing the beer in front of  Taztexan, waving away his offering to pay " House rules, first drink is free "

I lean over , kiss him on the cheek and pull his hat over his eyes in a playful, affectionate way. " You know, we got a Halloween Party starting tomorrow - the 14th goes on till Hallow's Eve on 31 Oct.  Hope you will come and wear a scary costume " ;D 

" It  is good to see your smiling face again Taz , Welcome, my friend, to the AB&G " I grin at him.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on October 13, 2012, 12:52:57 PM

My turn, as I get to the bar in front of the busty barmaid.  "Instead of a Sambuca", I say, "would you pour a Black Jack?  It's a shot of Yukon Jack and Blackberry Brandy.  Sweet and powerful."

Leaning into the bar (I'm not very tall) I have to reach my body over to get to the shot.  I press my hands against her breasts to steady myself and I lean in further, totally aware that my skirt has hiked up past my bottom, my lacy, red knickers in full view.

I lick her breasts on each side of the shot glass and look into her eyes.  "In case you might have spilled some."

Then I wrap my lips around the shot glass, and moving her breasts apart with my hands, I lift my head up and back in one quick motion.  The warm, sweet liquid fills my mouth and I swallow it with the shot glass still between my lips.

I pop back down to the floor, take the shot glass from my lips and place it on the bar, then I smooth my skirt down.

Reaching across the bar I stroke the barmaid's face.  "Thank you."  I say,  "That was quite nice." 

I move out of the way for the next person.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on October 13, 2012, 06:09:53 PM
Jayc & I  arrive at the AB&G.  The place is all set for the Halloween Party.   The staff are all there doing last minute preparations and  the décor of the room has transformed into a Halloween scary lair.

The Country Boys are setting up for  the singing & dancing & entertaining the guests,

The place looks amazing, There is a darkness about it, illuminated by flickering artificial candles and torches, blood stained items & cloths, spider webs, skulls, spiders &, pumpkins lit up with evil grinning faces.. Outside the firepit is nicely burning with a cauldron of  Witches Stew. There are witches hats and brooms strategically placed, hints of vampires, and werewolves and zombies and  other underworld creatures in residence tonight.

Tables, The Bar and the stage are all themed to Halloween and the costumes of the Staff are amazing :-

 Presenting  Jayc -     The Evil  Vampire Biker.  Wearing a blood stained black death malt liquor t shirt,  black leather bikers vest with AB&G SUNDOWNERS  MC on the rocker panel on the back,  big black biker boots, black tight jeans, black leather chaps, a silver chain belt with a skull buckle.


And Stone  -   His  Zombie Biker chick.   Wearing a white blood stained low cut T shirt.  A black blood stained biker jacket with AB&G SUNDOWNERS MC  on a rocker panel stitched on the back,  black tight leather skirt and thigh high black leather  high heeled boots with a silver zip at the side.


The Halloween  Party is about to begin …..   :P       ;D

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 13, 2012, 06:37:27 PM

Old Joe  looks in the mirror and puts the last touch of make up on…….he grins in the mirror. Wild hair and ashen skin ………..he looks like Beatle juice. He puts on the rest of his costume and sits on the bed . Still troubled by the encounter in the office last night. He opens his bed side drawer and pulls out and old photograph………the Grills  he found it in the 70s one day when he explored the shuttered icehouse.

Driving to the Bar his mind ponders the meaning of the roses. The Grills liked to play games and had done so many times but this was different……….“think Joe think”……..what did the roses mean? Stanley was fond of giving Doris flowers……….but why Stone and Jay ?  Were they the people of  interest  Stanley had mentioned by the fire?

Taking a deep breath he decides to find out what the Grill are up to. Pulling into the lot he sees Jayc and Stone are already here. Making his way around back Joe enters the building thru the kitchen saying hello to the busy staff preparing for the party.  With no one noticing he grabs a ring of keys and finds the one labeled “roof”…….he climbs the stairs and unlocks the roof door and steps out into the warm October air.

STANLEY…………DORIS………..Joe calls out, leaning against the wall he fishes out his cigar case and light one up and waits. I few minutes pass then the smell of jasmine fills his nose. The Grills  are floating by the side of the door.

“What can we do for you Joe” Doris says . Well you two can start by telling me what your up to” Joe says firmly………"Oh Joe" Stanley laughs……. Whatever do you mean?  not liking the answer  Joe frowns. Joe tries another question……….”do you mean harm to Jay and Stone?” the spirits laugh……..oh Joe you think we would harm those two? Doris answers………shall we tell him now Mr. Grill? “Well we will need his help Mrs. Grill”

Joe listens  as the Grills tell him of there idea
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on October 14, 2012, 08:12:11 AM
Old Joe listens to The Grills with interest before returning  downstairs to help with the preparations for the night ahead.  He goes into the back room, to make sure his Halloween Costume doesn't need any adjustments...

He smiles at himself ... " God you are a handsome fella "   :o


He adjusts the hair on his shrunken head and walks over to the bar to look after the patrons beginning to arrive.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 14, 2012, 08:34:13 AM
I arrive at the AB&G bar room with my costume over my arm.  " Oh wow, the place has transformed into the perfect Halloween Den of Iniquity" I think to myself, truely amazed by all the hard work of the staff. I see some of their costumes and fancy dress and have to do a double take of some of the staff & guests to recognise them.  They are absolutely frightening.

I see, Old Joe behind the bar and grin at his ill fitting wig & Beetlejuice outfit, but somehow, it just so suits him.  A perfect choice.

Jayc & Stone are looking good & ghoulish as scary vampire & zombie bikers.

I wave to them , to let them know I'm about and go into the office to change.   A short time later, I emerge  as   " Lady Vampira"

(   (

Old Joe looks me up and down as I approach the bar,  " Nice shield"  he murmurs looking directly at my chest .....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on October 14, 2012, 09:00:41 AM
After finishing my meal, i see the staff is changing in there halloween costumes, i better change into mine then, it going to take some time tough.

After a hour i walk back in, and see some people a little scared by my looks, but i assure them that i'm only interested to assimilate some beers


OOh and maybe a girl or two, to add into my collective  ;)

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Dutchslut19 on October 14, 2012, 09:15:07 AM
Walking in just after  Mrsex, he does look handsome in that borg outfit. He could assimilate me any time, i wonder wich enhancements he got build into that suite  ;D

I desided to go with not such a dark theme, and opted for a jester outfit, but my looks can be deceiving, i also have a darker side ;)

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on October 14, 2012, 12:10:22 PM

I have gone ahead and changed into my costume.



Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 14, 2012, 03:10:04 PM
Walking into the Bar dressed as Gomez


 with Jame om my Arm dressed as Morticia


We stop in the door way and look around the bar Jane turns to me and suys "We'er home my love" turning to face her "Yes my love we are time to have same fun tonight "   " YES lets have same fun tonight" she answers back

Walking into the Bar seeing all the staff all dressed up and all our friends dressed for the fun of the night.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on October 14, 2012, 03:22:20 PM
Now we are both half covered by pudding, but we don't matter. More then a fight, it's like we are playing as two childs who just wanna have some fun and i like it!

We continue like this till it's really hard to find a single inch of our skin free from the pudding: we look at each other and a loudly laugh finally broke the silence between us. I move close to her and carry her in my arms, trying to get out of the pit. Her body is now really slimy thanks to the pudding and loosing th grip is easy, but at last we are out now!

I walk to the near fire place and sit near it with Alita on my knees. I try to clean her hair and her face and finally i can see er smile again and we start to laugh again thinking at how ridicolous we probably are, staying there, near the fire, covered by all that pudding.....i hug her and whisper:

"It will take long time to make you clean......hope you don't have any date for tonight!"

I notice a little amount of pudding on her lobe......i lick it and then gently bite her lobe, then whisper again:

"seems like there is more then how expected.....wonder if some pudding is hiding under your clothes too!"

I fondle her thighs, slowly, moving from her knees to her bum cheek.......gently, but with firm movement of my hand. Her skin is so slippering thanks to the pudding and it feel good under my hands.

Sitting covered in pudding and a hand on my bum.. I wipe some pudding off of me then my ear lobe is licked. After hearing what he whispered to me I smile.  Then I wipe some pudding down his face with one finger as he licks it then it comes to his lips.  Sitting covered in pudding and a hand on my bum.. I feel excited and my mind wonders so i close my eyes to wait to see what happens next.

My hand slip under hir shirt, just to be sure there is no pudding there hand explore every inch of her silky skin in search, caressing her gently. When i graze her nipple, Alita can't hold a softly moan recling her head back....i bow over her and kiss her neck, starting to play with her nipple till i can feel it getting harder.

Looking at her ees, i can see the lust rising but i don't want to go further, not now....i help her to stand up and clean her clothes.

"this is just a small taste.....come later to the Halloween party, if you like to have more!" i tell her smiling and guiding her near the bar entrance.

In front of the main door of the bar, i give her a sweet kiss on the lips and move to my car, where i have all i need for change in my party costume. I take it and move to the changing room where i remove my clothes and anfter a fast shower, i'll start to wear all the pieces who form the costum i had realized in the last month.

After some times, i'm finally ready to join the party in my new demonic look

I leave the change room and look around: there are a lot of wonderfull costume around, but one hit me and i'm pretty sure who she is....Bradny, in all her warrior beaty!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on October 14, 2012, 06:54:27 PM
Prowls inside and looks around keeping low to the ground. Slinks into the background looking around eying all the others and seeing if there is any possible prey to attack. Seeing nothing at the moment, she hides under a table in the corner waiting for that proper moment to strike any unsuspecting prey that happens too close to that particular table.

With time to spare, she licks her paws and bathes her face getting all cleaned up while keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Licking her paws some more, she moves it down her neck and towards the chest.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on October 15, 2012, 06:09:13 AM
I am next in line after Mollie to take a shot.  After her shot was poured, Mollie had to lean in to the bar a bit to sip that concoction she requested.  As she pulled herself closer, I noticed her skirt inching up her cute backside.  As she was sipping her drink, her red lacy panties came into my full view.  She finished her drink but seemed to pause for a moment before she put the shot glass back.  Her cute ass gently bounced as she lowered herself back to the floor.   She smoothed her skirt and turned. 

"OH, Hey JD.  I didn't know that was you" she said with a smile.   

"Awesome shot!" I replied to her with a smile, hoping she didn't catch me looking. 

"Your turn" she said, her eyes twinkled as she moved out from in front of me. 

I stepped up ready to take my shot.  It was already poured for me.  The aroma of the alchohol and the scent of perfume filled my lungs as I lowered my lips to the shot glass.  I take the glass with my mouth, and in one swoop, down the liquid.  It has a slow easy burn as it makes its way to my stomach.  I lower the glass back to where I got it from and step away from the bar. 

I see everyone starting to arrive with their costumes.  I guess I should go get mine on.  I step out the back door and head to my pick up truck.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 15, 2012, 10:57:48 AM
I reach behind the bar and get the “Bar camera” and start snapping shots of the early arrivals. The tangos catch my eye I snap a pic of Gomez and Morticia,  next I get Brandy biting on Old joe’s  neck behind the bar with Stone in the back round with a large Knife in her hands giving her best scowl

Spotting a Borg coming  up to the bar I snap Mr. sexlovers  pic and hand him a cold beer saying “resistance is futile”  HB and Dutch are next……a cute Jester and a hentai devil. Seeing a sexy vampira  Mollie vamps on the Bar stool for me, as I take her photo, spotting a sexy lioness i snap sexilicous in her costume

I motion to Brandy to come over  and see my surprise for the party.  Pulling off a sheet I show her the “Dentist Chair”  I show the crowd how it works as Stone dons a blood Stained  lab coat.

I sit in the chair, Stone tips it back till my head is all the way back, with my mouth open Stone pours some tomato juice, some crushed ice and a shot of vodka and a dash of Worchester sauce ….. Gives it a stir. And I gulp it down. \

Who’s next?
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Marilyn on October 16, 2012, 08:20:43 AM
Here's my costume to use which i've used some time ago also in the halloween and its in my closet (hope it still fits me, lol):

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on October 16, 2012, 08:29:48 AM
OOT: I think i know someone who will like i right, PD!?  ;D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on October 16, 2012, 12:15:17 PM

The Dwarves get their costumes on.  They wanted to portray Classic Hollywood Monsters.

Dopey as The Phantom
Sneezy as The Bride of Frankenstein
Bashful as The Mummy
Doc as The Creature of the Black Lagoon
Happy as Dracula
Grumpy as The Wolfman
Sleepy as Frankenstein's Monster


Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on October 16, 2012, 02:44:04 PM
Entering the bar dressed with my cape.


I look around and see many faces starring at me, asking who i am. Ok... I take off the cape and show my real costume:
I'm completely naked!


Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on October 16, 2012, 04:32:32 PM
Peeking from under the table, I see Lover come in draped in a cape. Next moment he takes the cape off and all that shows is delicious meat. Licking my lips, I crouch to a closer table while drooling at the though of such a delicious meat inside my mouth. Oh, I can't forget those bones under the muscle either. Growls softly so softly as to not alert anyone that I am near. Creeping even closer, Lover is just a couple tables over.  Looking around, nobody has yet seen me, so I creep to the next table. Licking my lips as I get closer, I can't help but think that the meat looks so divine and just needs a bite or two taken off. Then again can't let other lions or predators take my prey better do it all. I sneak over to the table right beside Lover and quick as a flash of lighting I grab his leg and pull him under the table.

Pulling him further and further I take Lover back to my corner table and place him by the wall while I'm on the other side blocking his way of escape. Growling softly, I grab him by the neck and sink my teeth into the meat and veins. Shaking him very softly, I make sure he isn't going anywhere. Then start to lick at the meat over and over getting the flavor of this dinner that arrived to me. Once I got the taste, I start to nibble on the meat.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 16, 2012, 07:18:58 PM
I playfully bite Old Joe's neck giving him an even closer view of my cleavage as I lean over the bar. I pull away and he grins like a cheshire cat at me.

" Give me a bottle of Bud Joe, and grab one for yourself"  grinning back and winking.  He leans down to pick a couple of bottles out of the chiller, placing one in front of me.

" The costumes are really impressive" Old Joe observes.

" They surely are Joe,  Oh my life, the dwarfs " I chuckle,  pointing them out to Joe.  They are  dressed up too  and up to their old tricks of darting and sneaking under tables, looking up the girls skirts, causing a little mischief.

Mollie takes her turn at a boob shot, which makes me smile as she hoists herself up the bar, showing her panties to reach Gayle's ample bosom and shot glass. JD enjoys the view as he waits his turn. " Happy Birthday " I whisper in his ear from behind as I pass by.

Jayc is busy taking snap shots at the guests who happily pose for him.

Sipping my Budweiser, my attention is then suddenly drawn to the Duke box as it bursts into life, playing  Annie Lennox .. Love song of a vampire ... I begin to walk over to it, passing an ornate Halloween mirror on my way.

Out of my side vision, I catch sight of a couple dancing on the deck of a ship in it.

I still and turn to look in the mirror, the hairs rising on the back of my neck and a shiver travelling down my spine. The couple are gone and all I see is my vampira reflection.  Thinking I must have been mistaken, I shake my head and turn to head to the duke box.

However, unseen,  my reflection stays there a few moments before fading & replaced by the transparent faces of  Doris & Stanley watching me smiling.

I look at the duke box, checking the songs. Then I see it... hanging off the corner of the music machine is the black collar and Silver bee charm.
I touch it, wondering how it got there. No one was close by.  I look around to see if I can see Bear but the Country Boys are still setting up and it doesn't look like he's arrived yet.

I take the collar and charm and go to the office, placing it carefully into the red satin bear box in my drawer for safe keeping. "Maybe one of the dwarfs is playing me up" I muse locking the drawer this time and hiding the key in a flower pot on my desk.

I lock the office door and return to the bar.

I see the Dentist's Chair and Zombie Stone in her blood stained dentist jacket serving up Bloody Mary's and other cocktails directly into punter's mouths." Now that's interesting"  I watch bemused as Jayc takes a turn.

I walk up to them, "Think I can have a go at that?"   I ask Stone.  She waves at the chair.   " Of course"  She answers,  " Please, take a seat"

I sit back and open my mouth as she pours the liquor in.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on October 17, 2012, 06:26:26 AM

Alright you dwarves, lets get this place in shape.  The dwarves split up, each scurrying after different things.

Grumpy lights the torches that have been placed on the walls of the bar.  He then starts up some skulls...

(    (  (  (    (

Happy heads for the bar and lights the candelabras at each end and then activates a skull...

(          (       (

Then Old Joe switches on the skull lights behind the bar...


Sneezy gets the pumpkins going...

(  (  (

While Doc lights the candles that have been place on each table...

(         (        (

Sleepy switches on the graveyard scene and the haunted window...

(            (

Bashful takes care of the eyes and the ghoul...

(    (   (

Dopey activates the skulls while trying not to frighten himself...


Well done lads!  The place looks great.  Time for me to get into costume. 

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 17, 2012, 10:58:56 AM
The dwarves look great,  as I snap a photo,  I watch with a smile as the lioness stalks Lover in his muscle suit, I catch the action like a nature photographer. The torches and candles  add to the atmosphere. One last thing to do. I turn on the fog machines. Soon the stage and dance floor have a layer of fog about a foot high.
Seeing Marilyn in a most interesting black gown……..I snap her photo with dwarves testing the points of the spikes that adorn her gown……..something right out of Hell Raiser……..this is going to one hell of an evening I muse.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on October 17, 2012, 02:32:17 PM

I have changed into my costume, but I want everyone to remember that it is only a costume.

I know that I represent one of the greatest horrors ever dreamed up.  Terrifying!  Repugnant!  You will all look on me with awe, disgust and loathing!

Just remember, that it is only a costume, the dread and fright you may feel is understandable.  Many of you will be stunned, with an overwhelming desire to flee, but I urge you to remain calm.

Should I show myself or change into something not as frightening?

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Eva_RG on October 17, 2012, 04:45:55 PM
Imputting...  interesting  celebration of  death and doom by sex creatures.   Costumes studied. Imputing into memory banks... data complete and stored.

Searching memory banks for suitable attire.  Confirm  -  Back to original form.  Confirm.  Morphing begin.

Deformation complete.

Practice ghost sound ... woooooooo oooooo ooooooo

Mission .... mingle and blend in with sex creatures unnoticed.   ;D       


Halloween .... Good Imput 

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on October 18, 2012, 01:40:41 AM
Suddenly I loose ground and get caught by something. Need few seconds to realize what's happening....a sweet cat obviously believes I'm her dinner... though I like this little pain and her rough tongue I cannot accept to be any kind of prize. As sexy is nibbling my meat i moan and seem to give in but smelling my own blood is awaking my animal instincts....
With a big scream I pull her away, grabbing her seal, throwing her to the floor. With one fast jump I'm on her, pressing my knees to her legs, my arms holding her arms and my teeth getting stucked in her throat. She screams and I stop.
With wide opened, lusty eyes I look straight into her face. "Who is the price hu?" I ask, devilish grinning...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on October 18, 2012, 08:40:15 AM
Growling deep in my throat at Lover's taunting, I reply "You are." Quick as a flash, I hit him hard with my tail which knocks his balance off just a bit, and I throw him to the wall. Growling as I walk closer, "You only thought you had me." Settling down on his pelvis, I wrap my legs around his and slide my arms up and grasp his arms. Smiling down at my prey, I lean in and start licking his neck again. Sliding my tongue up, I lick all the way up to his jaw and follow that bone all the way towards the ear. Then I move back down and lick along his shoulder blade. Moving back up, I lick some more on his cheek.

All the moving up and down makes my pelvis rub against Lovers, and his eyes fill even more with lust. Moving his face so he could try and kiss me, I lean back and smile. "You just think you will get to do what you want. You, my dear, are the prey, and I am the predator. You can try to escape, but I will keep chasing you down." Rubs against his pelvis some more, and I hear him hiss and moan as he starts to respond to the movement. Chuckles softly as he relaxes in my grip. "For some reason though, I don't think you are in too big of a hurry to leave when you feel so good down there." Rubs against his pelvis some more then stop.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on October 18, 2012, 08:55:30 AM
(http://[IMG][/img] first time back in bar

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Marilyn on October 18, 2012, 09:24:43 AM
(http://[IMG][/img] first time back in bar


Ohh thats nice! Is that your real face, LydiaRose? You gave me a good idea...  :D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on October 18, 2012, 09:32:02 AM

Don't say I didn't warn you.





Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Marilyn on October 18, 2012, 10:46:46 AM
Lydia gave me this idea, and i've found this site where you've got the option to put your face on a costume:

Here's mine (im replacing my black dress with spikes by this one  :P):

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on October 18, 2012, 10:54:24 AM
ooc: LOL... great Lydia and Marilyn ;D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 18, 2012, 11:32:00 AM
 I sit with Jane watching every one arrive loving all the costumes Jane eyes light up as she see Mr Sexlover come in dresses as a Borg  and my eyes light up as Dutchslut 19 walked in truning to Jane "looks like its going to be a great night"
I see HB walk in smile at Jane "I'm going to get a dance with her tonight" she reply's "you'v been looking for a chance for a same time now"

As we speck the stage and the dance floor fills with smoke it lays about a foot deep over the dance floor. The County Boy play a soft tune gut a some background music. Jasmine fill my nose I look over to the dance floor the smoke is being broken with two lines in the  movement of a waltz. I tap Jane's leg and nod my head she turns and we both watch as the ghost like lines moved in perfect timing as the music stopped the smoke settles and a pair of  transparent figures appear kiss each other then vanish. Smiling at Jane "good to see the Grills having the first dance of the night"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Thom on October 18, 2012, 12:34:09 PM
*Walks in*

Hi everyone!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on October 18, 2012, 12:57:56 PM
Shiver me timbers.  Look alive, ye laddies and lasses.  Capt'n JD is on deck and ye better be passin' around the finest ale.  Aaarrrh!

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on October 18, 2012, 01:55:52 PM
Mmmmm... all these handsome men and all these lovely ladies... mix in some alcohol and there's no telling what will happen


Hello Thom...

Nice to meet you... are you here for the party? 

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on October 18, 2012, 03:42:07 PM
Welcome Thom nice to see a new face here.

I feel tango tap my knee and see him nod his head turning to look at the dance floor l watch as the smoke is parted as if there were to dancers gliding around the floor as the music finished two figures were stood in the the middle of the dance floor and then with a single kiss they were gone.
I hear tango " nice to see the Grills have the first dance" "was that them" l asked with a big smile "wish i could dance like that" l say and on hearing that tango got to his feet and held out his hand " may l have this dance" l take his hand and he leads me to the middle of the dance floor. He spins me into his arms putting one arm around my waist and taking the other in his hand he nodded to the band and they started to play a nice slow waltz. Tango leads me round the dance floor with spins turns and twists we glided on the smoke just as the Grills had done before us. At the end of the dance putting both my arms around Tango's neck l kiss him deeply "l never know you could dance like that" l whisper in his ear. He just smiles and takes my hand and leads me back to my chair.
As l sit back down the faint smell of jasmine fills the air and a cold chill runs over me shoulder. I say softly "l would have loved to see you dance Mrs Grill"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on October 18, 2012, 04:09:17 PM
 Jayc sits in the dentist chair as I place the blood stained coat over my Zombie clothes. " What liquor would you like Batman?, " I tease as he opens his mouth in his scarred and blood smeared face, showing his vicious canine teeth.

"A Bloody Mary, what else?" he chuckles.  

" Coming right up"   I screw a couple of   long spouts on the vodka bottle and a bottle of  tomato juice,  then get the Worcester sauce ready and place a tea spoon of crushed ice in his mouth . I pour vodka and tomato juice in his mouth till it fills and a shot of Worcester sauce for good measure.
Some dribbles a little out of his mouth and he swallows with relish.  He grins as he shows me a clean mouth.

" I want a slow dance later baby" Jayc looks me up and down, groping my ass playfully.
I giggle at him,  " Deal baby"  

He stands by me, preparing more of the bottles with spouts and Brandy sidles up for a go. She wants a Bloody Mary too. She lies back in the chair and  I go through the same procedure as  I did with Jayc .  Again a little dribbles out and she shows a clean vampire mouth too.

" Its quite refreshing" She says, smacking her lips after the worcester sauce gives her a hit.

" Its a nice starter for the evening ahead"  I agree.  As I turn back to the chair, I see a single red rose in the seat.  " Where did that come from?" I pick it up and place it in a bottle of water on the bottle table.

" Aww thanks J " I say to him, He must have put it there when my back was turned. He was the only one close by after all.

He turns to me puzzled,  

" For the rose"  I explain.

" MMM , not me baby, you must have a secret admirer"  He says,  " But I would have, if  I'd have thought about it"  He adds as an after thought

I punch him on the shoulder .. " gee Thanks"  grinning at him. Just at that, we both smell a waft of jasmine and look around suspiciously.. nothing out of the ordinary. We look at each other but don't say anything.

I wave at JD in his pirate costume, a stunning man and the ladies had certainly noticed his shiny boots amongst other things.

A new face,  Thom, catches my eye.   " Well, Hi there, welcome to Halloween night at the AB&G -  want to try the Dentist chair? "    :o
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Thom on October 18, 2012, 04:39:27 PM
"The dentist chair? But I don't have any cavities." Oh well, might as well get an early check up".

*Walks towards the dentist  chair and notices Mollie*

 "Wow Mollie. With that outfit I won't need any sedation"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on October 18, 2012, 05:32:26 PM
It's been awhile since, I've been to the bar and I heard there was a Halloween Party. It had been advertised all round the village... " Come if you dare"  the poster said and " Wear a wicked costume "

How could I not go to the big party in down 

I arrive at the AB&G in my outfit :-  Capt  SSgt Bluebeard   at your service                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        


I  smile at Old Joe's shrunken Beetlejuice head and ask for a bottle of Budweiser.

" Good to see you pop in "  He grins at me as he places it in front of me. I pick it up and take a few sips.

I look around and admire all the decorations round the place.  Its certainly a scary lair alright.
The costumes of the other guests  make it a spooky underworld and the music playing sets the place alive .. amongst the dead... lol

I amble over to the dentists chair and watch Brandy gulping down the Bloody Mary, Stone is pouring in her mouth and see some of the tomato juice dribble down the side of her mouth. Very apt in her vampire costume. I cant help but admire both ladies costumes.

Brandy gets out of the chair and Stone invites me to take a go. I lie back, open my mouth and taste the vodka in the tomoto juice and worcester sauce... wow, its a surprising kick.  I swallow the drink and sit up.

" Would you mind taking over for a bit? " Zombie Stone asks " My Jayc has just asked me for a dance?"
" Why sure. Are those all the bottles, I use for the Dentist patients? " waving to a nearby table full of different liquors"
" Yep, whatever the patient wants, the patient gets" Stone laughs as she hands me the blood stained Dentists jacket to put on.

I slip it on, waiting for the next customer.

Jayc takes Stone's hand and leads her to the dance floor. They look cool. A vampire biker & his zombie chick.
They slow dance in the smoke of the dance floor.  I watch the couple a moment or two & then I see another transparent couple suddenly mirroring their moves, an old fashioned couple, dressed in beautiful ballroom attire, following them. I watch in awe. 

"Are they ghosts or a hallogram?"  I wonder.

"That Covems and JD guys are clever to cause that effect...."

Just then, my attention is drawn to the next willing patient about to sit in the Dentist's chair.

"Hi Thom. "Take a seat, you want a Bloody Mary too?"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Thom on October 18, 2012, 07:03:24 PM
"Well, since I'm here I might aswell enjoy one"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Marilyn on October 19, 2012, 03:08:58 AM
ooc: LOL... great Lydia and Marilyn ;D

Thank you, Lover!  :D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on October 19, 2012, 05:34:14 AM
ooc: LOL... great Lydia and Marilyn ;D
thanks Lover
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on October 19, 2012, 05:50:09 AM


I'm going to take a shot in the dentist's chair, too.  I climb up into Thom's lap... "You don't mind, do you?"  I ask as I lean my back into his chest.  "She can do a two for one this way."

I wiggle my bottom a little to get more comfortable and tilt my head back and say to Thom, "Is that a banana in your pocket?  Or are you happy to see me?"

I take Thom's hands and place them on my hips... "Better hold on to me so I don't fall."  I say as I press harder into him.

"Pour away Stone... but... may I please have a Black Jack?  Half Yukon Jack and half Blackberry Brandy."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on October 19, 2012, 06:37:31 AM
"Sorry  my sexy wench, but Stone is gone but I will gladly give you what you want to drink, Har Har Har"  I pour the drink into her mouth. " Is that enough?"  I ask as i drip some one her lovely breast.  Thom moves her around and licks off the drink. 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 19, 2012, 07:31:49 AM
Jane and I sit and watch as Stone and JayC take to the smoke filled floor they glide around the floor with the grass and elegance of a cupple in love.
Jane takes my hand a squeezes it hand as she smile as she watches them dance, she turns "i can see why Doris leaves Stone and JayC roses all the time look at how in love they are" As Jane said that the sent of  jasmine filled the room and Stone and JayC  are  joined on the dance floor. Doris and Stanley are clearly visible for all to see. Stanley is dressed in full Dinner suit and Doris is in a full Ball gown the two cupples dance together until the music finishes.

The two cupples came to a stop facing each other Doris holds out a single red rose to Stone.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 19, 2012, 09:49:48 AM
The Country Boys play a slow number warming up for the night, I grab Stone’s Hand for some “quality” time before  things get hectic and take her out to the fog filled dance floor. As we move around the floor it seems that we have audience as a few couple stare at us.

“they must like you costume my dear “ I smile at Stone “perhaps its your costume Batman” she smiles back. “how are those contact lens?” she looks at my  piercing eyes. “Bothered me at first but im getting used to them”………”well there damm scary” she replies.

The song ends…..people clap for us and we take a bow smiling then I catch a wiff of jasmine. Stone smells it also as we head back to the bar. “hey Joe could we get a tea and a coffee it going to be a long night” I sigh as Stone grabs a bar stool.

“hey babe did you bring in our overnight bag?”  Stone shakes her head no. grabbing my car keys from the office I walk out the back to the parking lot. I pop open the trunk and get another wiff of jasmine as I see another rose resting on the bag. Shaking my head not even bothered by the strange events any more I take the rose and bag to the office.

Back in the office the jasmine scent is strong as I set the bag on the sleeper sofa. Unzipping the bag to remove some bathroom items I spot another rose on top of the neatly packed items! I pause and stare then decide to try something.

Stanley? Doris? I say out loud looking around the room as the temp. drops and I can see my breath. I try again……”what do you want from me?”………..silence…………then Brandy’s hat falls off the hat rack and my cell phone begins to ring.

I pick up the phone off my desk and answer………hello?………..hello?………….the line is dead  I hang up then look at my phone,…………my screensaver has changed……….. staring at it in disbelief its now a pic of a dozen roses
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on October 19, 2012, 11:17:22 AM
I look around the bar adn stare at the wonderful costumes everyone had made fo the party. Even the B&G staff had made a great work with the decoration and the effect of lights and fog: really impressive!

But what really hit my imagination are the place cards on the reserved tables: small tomb stone with nane sculpted on them! I walk near the table, grazing the tomb stone and can't hold a devilish smile thinking that every one of them can be a potential prey tonight.

I continue my tour till i reach Tango and Jane table. They look both amazing, Tango with his suit and fake mustache, Jane sheathed in a black long dress: the perffect replace of the real Addams Family.

"Jane, i'm happy to see you here at the party...welcome!" i say approaching her and kissing her on the cheek.

Then, i turn to Tango and smile at him.

"The cerimony was amazing....and you and Blue were great! Can't deny i had really good time in the Ice House...." i tell him liking my lips and grazing his chin with my faked cold nails.

Then, i turn to the counter and slowly walk to it. The tail wiggle at every step i make till i sit on the stoel with my leg crossed.

"Old Joe, you know what i need....double  tonight!"

"Sure thing, HB! Here it is!"

"thanks, are a wonderful man!" i say trowing him a kiss.

I sip my Baileys, messing with the's not so practice when i sit down, but what is a demon without her tail!? gnaaarrrlll
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on October 19, 2012, 01:21:13 PM
Jayc takes my hand and leads the dance. His moves always takes my breath away and I follow his moves easily, enjoying the feel of him as we move around the dance floor. His eyes are scary as I look into them but underneath, I know he is my Jayc.

Every now and then, I smell a waft of Jasmine and I mention it to Jayc .   

" mmm, I thought it was your perfume", he mentions  in my ear.

" No, tonight, I'm not wearing any. Being a Biker chick,  I was thinking petunia oil, but I thought it too strong so didnt bother " As i speak I notice my breath is smoky tendrils.  " Its gone cool in here ,  hey Jayc , do you get the feeling someone is watching us or following us?"

" Yeah, I had that feeling ever since entering the dance floor" Jayc answers.   We both look around as we dance, but apart from the odd couple dancing, no one is near us.

We both shrug it off and as the dance ends, Jayc ends it with a twirl and a beautiful kiss to my hand.

And then , we both see it ....   a rose floats about chest height  in the air, in a straight line right into my fingers.

My heart beat rockets ...   " Thank you , "  I whisper to the unseen entity,   and I'm sure I hear back " You're welcome "   as Jayc  pulls us away to the safety of the crowd.  Everyone is clapping us.

" Did that just happen?"  I ask

" I wish I could say no,"  Jayc murmurs looking at the rose in my hand.   We head to Joe to get us a tea & coffee & Jayc decides to get our overnight bag.

I twirl the rose in my fingers. Its a beautiful deep red and smells devine.  I take it to the other one in the bottle and place both behind the bar for safe keeping. That's two beautiful red roses tonight.....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 19, 2012, 02:49:05 PM
I sit there with my eyes fixed on HB lips as she licks them, then as she walks back to the bar i watch her as her tail wiggles from side to side and watch her climb up onto the stole and watching her cross her legs. MMM "what a great little body she has" I think to myself

I turn to Jane and she smiles at me "go get her then but be gently with her" she say's with a big smile. I learn over the table and give her a gentle loving kiss.

I get up and walk over to the Country Boys have a quick word with them about what i needed them to play, walking back to Jane i kiss her again "time to have a bit of fun" I whisper in her ear.

I walk over to the bar walking straight at HB I walk right up to her and stand over her taking her hand "May i have this dance" has i help her off the stole. Holding her hand I led her to the middle of the dance floor. Spinning her into my arms our faces are only inches apart. I look over to the band and they start to play a Tango

Taking HB with one hand around her waist and her left hand tight in my right hand and lead her around the floor stopping sharp at the edge of the floor and snapping her upright and face to face
Changing my hands and we go back across the floor and snap  I look over and see a rose on Janes table" MMMM that wasn't there earlier".
Spinning HB around and we move over to the rose and snap to to a stop taking the rose in my teeth. I take HB back to the middle of the floor and spin her into me our faces are so close but don't touch. I slid my hand around  her back and lean her back her leg comes up and hocks her leg over my hip
With my right hand and rub her cheek moving it down over her neck down onto her chest letting my hand slid down between her breasts and down lower over her felt belly rub it gently and move my hand down lower moving it close to her pantie line and then down her leg
Holding her leg on my hip I bring her up in one quick snap and are face to face again holding her tight against me I feel her heart beating fast still with the rose in my lips I kiss her for the first time. She opens her lips to let me kiss her deeply and let the rose move over to her lips.
Letting the kiss end and HB has the rose in her lips.

I spin her out from me and stop her at arms length then snap her back into my arms

The band finishes playing I look down into HB eyes she puts her arms aroun my neck and i pike her up and carry her back to her stole.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 19, 2012, 09:00:04 PM
The band nods that there ready for me. I jump up on stage with Stone in tow behind me. I grab a mic and welcome all the patrons. “OK lets gets things moving here” I announce “as you all know its an open mic  for the party tonight and the Country boys  will rock the house down between acts. The boys have a clipboard by the side of stage for any special tune requests”

The boys push out a motorcycle on to the center of the stage and put up some bad scenery of a mountain side. I climb on the bike and Stone gets on behind me resting her chin on my shoulder the band begins to play.

Titties and Beer by Frank Zappa words changed a bit by Jayc

It was the blackest night
There was no moon in sight
You know the stars aint shinin
Cause the skys too tight
I heard the scarey wind
I seen some ugly trees
There was a werewolf honkin
Long the side of me

Im mean n Im bad,  but i aint alone
Got a big-titty girly by the name of Stone
Talkin about her n my bike n me...
N this ride up the mountain of mystery, mystery

I noticed even the crickets
Was actin weird up here
And so I figured I might
Just drink a little beer
I said, gimme summa that what yer suckin on...
But there was no reply
Cause she was gone...

Stone vanishes in a puff of smoke

Wheres those titties that I like so well
N my goddamn beer!
Is what I started to yell, then I heard this noise
Like a crunchin twig, n up jumped the devil...hes about this big

In a flash of fire and smoke, Grumpy the dwarf  appears  on stage wearing a devils suit.

He had a red suit on
An a widows peak
An then a pointed tail
N like a sulphur reek
Yes, it was him awright
I sweared I knowed it was
He had some human flesh
Stuck underneath his claws
You know it looked to me
Like it was titty skin
I said, you sonofabitch!
Cause I was mad at him,
Well he just got out his floss
N started cleanin his fang
So I shot him with my shooter
Said: bang bang bang

Then the sucker just laughed n said, put it away...
You know, I ate her all what you
Gonna say?
You ate my Stone? titties n all!
Well, what about the beer then, boy? were the cans
This tall?
Even her boots? would I lie to you?
Shit, you musta been hungry! yes, this is true.
Well don't they pay you good for the
Stuff that you do?
Well, you know, I can't complain when the checks come through...

Well I want my Stone, n I want my beer
So you just barf it back up now, devil,
Do you hear?

Blow it out your ass, motorcycle man! I mean, I am the devil,
Do you understand? just what will you give me
For your
Titties and beer? I suppose you noticed this little
Contract here... yer goddam right, you son-of-a-whore,
Don't call me that
That's the only reason I learned writing for
...gimme that yer ass I'll sign...
Cause I need a beer, n it's titty-squeezin time

Man, you can't fool aint that bad...
I mean you shoulda seen some of the souls I had...
Why there was milhous nixon n agnew, too...
N both of those suckers was worse n you...

Well, lets make a deal if you think that's true
I mean, you're the devil, so whatcha gonna do?

Wait a minute...a tinge of doubt crosses my mind...when you say...
That you want to make a deal with me...

That's very, very true
Im only interested in two things
See if you can guess what they are

I would think...uh...lets see, maybe stravinsky...

Ill give you two clues. let go of your pickle


Let go of your pickle!

Im not holding my pickle

Well, whos holding your pickle then?

I don't know...shes out in the audience...
Hey Brandy, would you like to come up here and hold
My pickle to satisfy this weird man out on the stage?

Im only interested in two things, and that's
Titties and beer
You know what I mean?
Titties and beer
Titties and beer
Titties and beer
Titties and beer
Titties and beer
Titties and beer
Titties and beer!
Titties and beer!
I don't know if you're the right guy?
Titties and beer!
Titties and beer!

No! don't sign it! give me time to think...
I mean hold on a second boy, cause that's magic ink!

And then the devil let go of his pickle
And out come my girl, there was her titties
Flop-floppin...all around the world

Stone appears on stage again in a flash of smoke

She said I got me three beers and a fistful of downs
And Im gonna get ripped, so fuck, you clowns!
Then she gave us the finger, it was rigid and stiff
That's when the devil, he farted
And she went right over the cliff!
The devil was mad, I took off to my pad
I swear I do declare, how did she get back there?
I swear I do declare, how did she get back there?
I swear I do declare, how did she get back there?
I swear I do declare, how did she get back there?

The song over  Stone, Grumpy, and myself take a bow and leave the stage

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on October 20, 2012, 03:35:12 AM
Sexi:"For some reason though, I don't think you are in too big of a hurry to leave when you feel so good down there." Rubs against his pelvis some more then stop.

In the moment she stops I lift my legs and put them around her head and cross behind her neck. Quickly turning me down to my right side, pulling her with me she is caught between my legs. I press them together. "You think you're a lion? Ha, perhaps a baby lion" I laugh and - the smell of Jasmine is in my nose again. For a  moment I'm distracted. This scent.... I hear soft voices calling my name "Lover... you're back"

I look around - no one around me. Closing my eyes and opening again I see a couple of people on the dancefloor - transparent, as I have seen them during my dance with Marilyn. I look at sexi. She is trying to escape but my legs keep holding her. "Do you smell it too? Do you see what I see?"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Thom on October 20, 2012, 03:50:41 AM
After taking a shot off of Mollie's breast I apologize myself.

"My apologies for my banana poking you, but it's a natural reaction. I hope you don't mind?"

"Ssgt, keep pouring, those wonderfull shots. I won't need a glass, Mollie will do just fine!"

While saying this my hands lower towards her hips and finally I grab her firm and soft buttcheeks.

"I hope you don't mind me cupping a feel?"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on October 20, 2012, 04:20:00 AM
After having been away for a while, too busy for a nightly drink at the B&G, I finally managed to find the time to search and find a costume and make my way to the halloween party. I've chosen my outfit well, as I am expecting someone to join me.

As I near the entrance of the B&G trumpets are sounded and a clear, copper welcome is echoing through the bar room of the B&G. From some corner three loud knocks are heard and a ghostly voice appears and announces my entrance..

"his lordship, King Tight"

With royal steps I walk through the double doors and make my way to the bar, waving at the crowd that welcomes me with laughs, smirks and smiles. As I reach the bar, I wink old Joe closer and ask him for a Royalty drink. The champagne with blackberry liqueur and applejack is quickly presentred, much to my surprise. "Please, a wodka pure chaser too.."

With my glass in my and I look around the bar, eagerly waiting for my princess to arrive as well..

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on October 20, 2012, 06:05:21 AM
I pull into the car lot a bit quick looking around the lot to see what cars where there I  bump my little van around the back "I'm late I'm Late" I say as i hit the steering wheel. Jumping I and straighten my costume I walk to the doors and take a deep breath and walk in.


Dressed as a sexy Princess Guinevere

I see My King Tight and walks over to her as I reach him I stop hold the hem of my dress and curtsy in front of him "hello My King sorry i was not here to greet you My King" I bow my head to My King
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on October 20, 2012, 06:11:47 AM

@Thom:  I don't mind at all.  ("Pssst... Thom") I whisper... ("your banana is growing")

"We should let someone else have a go at the chair, too much alcohol makes my clothes disappear."  I say.  "I don't know how that happens.  Dance with me."  One more wiggle and I get up taking Thom's hand.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on October 20, 2012, 06:23:58 AM
I smile as I see a beautiful, sexy, blushing princess step into the bar room, her eyes locking in with mine immediatly. As she makes her curtious bow, she allows me a beautiful peak of her cleavage. I extend my hand, take hers in mine and pull her into my arms, kissing her softly on her lips.

"Princess, I am glad you are here. It looks like a fun night. But a drink first.."

I give a wink at Old Joe and soon a second Royalty drink is served and I hand it to All_for_you. Softly our glasses touch and a tinkle trickles through the air. I watch how she puts the glass to her soft lips and drinks while she keeps looking into my eyes. She smiles when she swallows and then lets me take her glass from her hand and put it on the bar...

"A dance, Princess?"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on October 20, 2012, 07:21:38 AM
Getting caught between Lover's legs, I smile big as he calls me a baby lion. "So you are saying I'm too darn cute in this outfit?" Struggling to get out of his legs so I can get back on top, I don't focus on what is going on around us even though it is hard to see much being under the table. Seeing Lover start looking around, I reach down with my hand and stroke lightly against his pelvis and feel some growth. Then he asks if I can smell it and see what he sees. "I only see you and think i smell you too." Giggles. "Mmmmmmmm and seems that your cock likes what it is feeling. Are you sure you don't want me to eat your meat?" Continues rubbing on his meat it slow movements.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on October 20, 2012, 07:49:58 AM
Taking My kings hand as he pulls me into his strong arms feeling his soft lips on my I know its going to be a great night.
My King hands me a glass we touch glasses with a gentle chink putting the glass to my lips I take a sip of the sweet nectar MMMMM I smile as I swallow all ways keeping my eye looking deep into My Kings eyes.

 My King takes the glass from my hand and puts it on the bar

he takes my hand "A dance ,Princess"

I follow him to the dance floor, He takes me into his arms and as a good Princess I follow My King around the floor never taking my eyes away from his.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 20, 2012, 01:24:32 PM
Seeing the Bike up on stage gives me an idea for a song as Jayc and Stone leave the stage I signal to the Boy to leave the bike on the stage
I go over to them and tell them my song there all smile "good song" they all all say

I go over to the bike and sit on it. the boys start to play

Living easy, living free
Season ticket on a one-way ride
Asking nothing, leave me be
Taking everything in my stride
Dont need reason, dont need rhyme
Aint nothing I'd rather do
Going down, party time
My friends are gonna be there too, yeah

Im on the highway to hell
on the highway to hell
highway to hell
im on the highway to hell

No stop signs, speed limit
Nobodys gonna slow me down
Like a wheel, gonna spin it
Nobodys gonna mess me round
Hey satan, payed my dues
Playing in a rocking band
Hey momma, look at me
Im on my way to the promised land

Im on the highway to hell
highway to hell
im on the highway to hell
highway to hell

Don't stop me
yeah, yeah, owwww

im on the highway to hell
on the highway to hell
im on the highway to hell
on the highway to...HELL
highway to hell
im on the highway to hell
highway to hell
highway to hell
highway to hell
momma, highway to highway to hell

And Im going down, all the way down
Im on the highway to hell
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mercer78 on October 20, 2012, 02:24:09 PM
I nervously enter take a quick look around and immediately start to think the Deadpool costume may have been a mistake I carry on regardless.
Make my way to the bar and order myself a double scotch on the rocks and then try to take a minute to absorb my surroundings 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on October 20, 2012, 04:01:45 PM
Welcome to the Bar & Grill mercer78 hope you stay and have same fun

I sit and watch Tango have his fun with HB with a big smile on my face he comes back to the table and has same of his beer.
JayC & Stone get up on stage and tell the Bar its an open mic night again the bar all cheers at that

As JayC is talking a bike is brought out on stage and JayC and Stone sing a great song with a little help from one of the dwarfs . As there finish there song they take there bows and leave the stage .

Tango is up out of his seat and talking with the band "now whats he up to" I say to myself.

I watch as he goes over and sits on the bike on the stage the boy's start to play and the first drudeat I know what song its . I get up and make my way up on stage ( no mean feet in my long black dress)  I walk over to Tango and put my hand on his shoulder. He taps the bike seat behind him for me to get on, l hitch my dress right up and and climb on the back ( with only 7 weeks to ) l give every one a good look at my little panties as l throw my leg over the seat with my dress up around my waist l move in tight behind Tango and sing the backing lines for him. As we sing together he slides his hand up and down my thigh he pull it up and raps it around him ,he twists his body round and takes hold of me and moves me around to be sat on the tank of the bike . He slides back and lets me slide down onto the seat with my legs rapped around his waist and my dress around mine. I lean back on the tank and grind my hips down onto Tango trying my hardest to put him off his singing.

The song ends and he pulls me up to him and we kiss long and hard l brake our kiss and whisper "l want you so bad" he smiles puts his arms around me and picks me up gets of the bike and carries me to our table with my ass out for all to see. He sits down on a chair with me still with my legs rapped around him. L can feel how hard he is and l reach down between as and undo his fly rapping my fingers around his stiff shaft l work it out of his pants ,l move my panties to one side and grind my hips down and slide him into my wet warm sex

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 20, 2012, 04:28:24 PM
I leave the dentists chair  refreshed, and see ssgt  take over Stone's  job as Jayc  takes her away to dance with his love.  I clap him on the back " Love the skeleton pirate ghost costume, its good to see you enjoying yourself "  as Thom and Mollie take a turn in the chair.  " Looks like you are going to be busy tonight serving those cocktails"   ;D

Jayc waltzes Stone around the floor and I see a transparent couple in elegant ballroom gear mirroring their steps.  I stare in wonder ...  Is that our Doris and Stanley showing out  to some ?? .. I watch mesmerised, as they dance the perfect dance steps, both couples very elegant.

I move back to the bar and admire the sexy pirate standing next to me, " Hey JD, "  I playfully punch him on the shoulder, " Let me buy the next round, maybe a bottle of rum?"

Tango & HB do an amazingly sexy tango. The rose in their teeth passed in perfect timing, very impressive indeed.

As their dance ends, JD & I  both turn round  to see Jayc and Stone , and then Tango  take to the mic. Everyone cheers as they finish their songs, setting the place alive with the roaring motor bikes.

King Tight and Princess All_for_You  take to the dance floor very regally, and make the smoke swirl on the dance floor around them as they move.

Lover & sexilious seem to be pulling at each other under a table across the way in a new flirting ritual.  :o

I nod and acknowledge some other regulars, mrsexlover, lydia , tangojane, Marilyn, Eva  and Ware Rabbit Covems lol   - all in great costumes.

Standing at the bar with Old Joe, JD, HB & I  watch the new guy walk in,  "well hi ya Mercer78, welcome to the Halloween party at the AB&G -  grab a drink, this ones on the house,  "  I call over to ssgt " Another guy for the Dentist chair cocktail"

" Think you could manage one of those, they've got quite a kick ? "   I grin at him.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: taztexan on October 20, 2012, 05:16:07 PM
Looking around the bar and grill at all the goblins and sexy vamps.. breathing heavily I pronounce.... the force is strong, my light saber is long...ladies, I'll be your daddy... =)~


In all seriousness though, it's good to be back and catch up with good friends and acquaintances Looking forward  to meeting new friends and having fun with all. Those that know me, know I'm quick witted yet a romantic at heart.. Next round of drinks are on the "Devilish Texan" Cheers!!!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Thom on October 20, 2012, 05:58:57 PM
I follow Mollie to the dancefloor. Already a bit tipsy from the delicious shots off of Mollie's body, I try to maintain my control and I gently put my hands on her buttocks.

I pull her closer to me and take notice of the wonderfull scent she has.

"Lovely perfume" I say. "What's it called? Mollie"s own fashion scent? Whatever it is, it's wonderfull"

I take all my chances and let my hands explore her firm and lovely behind. Should I try to go lower and see how far I can go?
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mercer78 on October 21, 2012, 08:42:51 AM
Wow this place is something else I order another drink then make may over to a free table after what I've seen so far wearing spandex was definitely a mistake.  I decide its best just to sit quietly and watch things transpire.  8)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on October 21, 2012, 12:03:47 PM
The music is perfect for a slow dance so as soon as Karen and I reach the dance floor, I take the princess in my arms. Having one hand at the nape of her neck, the other in the hollow of her back as I press her against my chest. I can feel her warm breath wash over my neck as we find the beat of the song and slowly start to move against and with eachother.

Her soft hair tickles my skin and I bring one hand to her face to brush the loose strands from her sweet, beautifuyl face. When I touch her soft cheek, she looks up to me with glistening eyes, locking them in with mine and gifting me the sweetest, sultriest smile I have had in ages. Without hesitation I answer the call of my body and lean in to kiss her soft, warm lips, feeling them melt against mine as soon as they touch. A soft moan rolls over her tongue and enters my mouth as I open my lips slightly to suckle on her bottom lips while our eyes are still locked together. Soon the music fades to the background until just the slow beat remains and to that beat our tongues dance while our bodies stop,  stilled in the centre of the dance floor…
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on October 21, 2012, 01:54:46 PM
Asking sexi if she sees what i see and if she smells what i smell. "I only see you and think i smell you too." She giggles. "Mmmmmmmm and seems that your cock likes what it is feeling. Are you sure you don't want me to eat your meat?"

But I'm not able to concentrate any longer. Something is drawing me into its spell. As a mysterious force. I HAVE to get up and follow the scent of Jasmine. Looking for the dancing transparent couple too, I see them disappearing behind the stage. I follow. "Lover"... someone or something is whispering my name. The closer i come to my office, the stronger i can smeel this scent. I open the door and enter - nothing.
Make one step forward. One more. Suddenly a big sound. I frighten and turn around. I see - nothing. But the door is closed now.

Behind me some piece of papers are fluttering... "LOOK" I smell this scent and hear some voices again. Looking at one piece of paper, which is the only one lying on the upper side, reading... and frighten. I feel my feet loose ground, i must be pale.... I can make it to sit down in my chair before I fall down. The voices are whispering "RESCUE US - RESCUE ME - RESCUE YOURSELF". Rereading the paper

"I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways
And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change"

Take some deep breathes and go out to the bar. I need a cocktail now. Or two. Or three.
On my way I see some new faces (welcome Thom and mercer) but I don't really notice them. My thoughts are turning.... "what does it mean?"
I sit down on the bar chair.  "One beer, one ouzo" I get it and drink - fast.
Just few seconds later I'm not sure if I just have dreamed or if it really has happened....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on October 21, 2012, 07:11:31 PM
As the Dentist chair is not busy now i walk over to Tangojane,,"How are you doing tonight" i ask as i give her a  peck on the cheek.  "Dont do any drinking" I laugh.  I walk up to the bar and see old Joe.  "Could i have a rum on coke"  He gets me the drink. "Nice crowd" I say. 

I walk over to the sexy ladies standing at the bar.  "Ladies I have some special cocktails at the dentist chair.  Come over and try them out".

i go over to Taztexan.  "Feel free to get a nice drink in the dentist chair".

I down my run and head back to the chair
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on October 22, 2012, 04:32:16 AM

"Oh, Thom" I say.  "That banana... it's getting so hard."  As I press my body against his as his hands grab my bottom.  "I just may have to peel it." 

My hand moves between us and I grasp hold of that bulge.  "Do you know, I just love bulges."  My fingers find the tab on his zipper and begin to slowly pull it down.  "That perfume is a combination of Yukon Jack, blackberry brandy, and Windsong and randy Mollie."  I say as the zipper has been lowered all the way and my hand sneaks inside, fingers searching and find that hard "banana".

There is a scent of jasmine in the air and other couples dancing with us to the playing of the band.  "We need a dark corner."  I say as my hand squeezes and moves along inside those trousers.  "I could give you a 'Halloween Treat'.

"What is that?"  Thom asks.

"Lets just say"...  I answer... "that it is a combination of this hard 'banana', these lips... "  As I put a lingering kiss on his neck... "and this tongue."  My tongue slides along his neck up to his ear lobe.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on October 22, 2012, 04:33:09 AM
When tango land me again on the stole, i feel breathless....never had dance like this before!

I'll thanks him with a gentle kiss promising to join him and Jane for a drink later. He nod and leave for the stage leaving me alone with the rose....its delicate scent is pleasent as the nights here in the B&G. I lay the rose on the counter and take my half empty glass, turning to look at Sexy and Lover show.....seems like they gonna have an amazing night and this is what everyone here is looking at, specially when we are running some party: chants and cheers are in the air and no one will ruin the atmosphere, even the presence of the two ghosts i had just heard.....but can't deny i'm a bit scarried by this....

I look around to the dance floor where lot of couple are dancing and stop just to applaud at every song end, when i feel something grazing my thigh but no one is near me.

"Maybe it was one of the dwarfs...." i think to my self but then i notice they are all sitting on a table drinking they ale.

"Mmmmh, what's going on!? Are maybe Stanley and Doris around here!?"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Marilyn on October 22, 2012, 05:21:37 AM
I'm wandering around, reaching the bar, I start feeling dizzy, feeling some new scent around... A beautiful scent... I hear a sweet voice... Its the most beautiful voice i've ever heard. I start looking around, trying to figure out where that voice comes from. Everyone seems to be having fun and no one seems to be hearing the voice... "MARILYN...."
My heart starts beating faster in my halloween custome suit. My kitten suit.


I look to the left to the dance floor and I see her...


Without even having the will, my body starts moving, i'm walking... following her. She passes through the other bodies, no one notices her...
I keep following her, her beautiful white dress flowing, she is moving to a deep dark room. "I've never been here before, I think to myself"
I lost the eye connection with her, she flies through the closed door and i quickly open it. As soon as I get in the dark room, I find a beautiful dress over an old bed, some high heels aswell. I have a look around and its a really old bedroom, but it looks new, just out of place... Seems from centuries ago...
I walk to the bed, I dont feel scared, just relaxed, seems thats not me who's walking... I look around for the beautiful lady but she's gone, only the dress is there - her dress. Driven by my feelings, I start removing my cat halloween dress, undoing the bows, sliding down the stockings... I let the costume drop to the floor right to my feet. Removing my bra and panties, I feel that i shall remove all my halloween clothes and underwear. I then pick the beautiful dress and i'm amazed with the beauty of it. I slide it through my head, down to my hips and it amazes me that if fits me like if it was made for my size...I wear the amazing shoes... I feel... Different. And then everything changed! I'm in a dark room, without the amazing bed, just my clothes on the floor, and i ask to myself "What am i doing here?"

I walk to the door and start walking back to the bar. I feel some Jasmine scent around my body...
I reach the bar in my "new" dress...


I walk to where Lover is, I approach him and smile to him...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mercer78 on October 22, 2012, 06:30:45 AM
 8) Wow had a pretty pleasant evening think it might be time to depart quickly and quietly before anyone realises how drunk and horny I am again may not be easy in this outfit especially resisting the urge to yell Chimichanga! at the door.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: taztexan on October 22, 2012, 11:37:01 AM
Sitting on the bar stool with my back to the bar I listen to the music while watching couples dancing. Relaxing evening for me tonight as I drain the last drop of beer from my mug. Tipping my hat to ssgt I wonder what on earth is a dentist chair doing here? Hmm I think to myself, maybe this needs further investigation. Ordering up another frosty mug of beer, I saunter over to what appears to be.. well I'll be damned, there *is* a dentist chair here. I've never been to fond of  dentists, but what the hey, it's been awhile since my last checkup. I take a seat and wait to see if anything happens..

A strong smell of sweet jasmine tickle my nostrils as I gaze back at the dance floor as the music plays on. All of a sudden a cold rush overwhelms my body followed by an erie sense of pleasure tingles my senses. I think to myself.. what the....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 22, 2012, 01:14:08 PM
I grin as I see Taz head over to the Dentist's Chair  and walk over to Ssgt doing a sterling job serving the customers.

"I got just the cocktails for Taz, "    I whisper to Ssgt   passing him the recipe.  " Serve it up "    ;D

Slippery Nipple
•   2 shots Sambuca
•   ½ shot Baileys
•   1 drop grenadine
I return to the bar , to join JD  again.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on October 22, 2012, 02:28:56 PM
I look at Taz.  "Come over  here and have a seat".  "I promise I ain't pulling any teeth Matey". " I have s special drink  I want you to try".  I am going to name it after Stone, its is called a Slippery Nipple, let me know if you like it I  laugh.  Just dont tel

"hope you are having a good time" I say "Achat Bar knows how to throw a party.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Thom on October 22, 2012, 03:55:02 PM
"A Halloween Treat that I can't refuse" I say. My hands, particulary my fingers,  still on Mollie's buttocks start searching for the edges of heer costume. When I find the edges I slowly slide my fingers under it and get a feel of Mollie's skin. The smooth soft skin of Mollie's buttocks makes me more longing for it and with a bit of strength I grab them. "I think the banana is speaking for itself about how I think about you."
Hearing Mollie's words in my ear, I immediatley start looking for a nice quiet 'dark' place.

While looking for a nice place, my fingers make their way through her costume untill finally I reach the inner most of her buttocks. Firmly I grab her buttocks and start massaging them, pressing them togheter and pulling them away a bit in fluent motion. My eye spots the perfect spot. Opposite the bar I see a couch with a light that's near to fading out. It's hard to see if it's occupied or not, but the rare flickering of the light confirmes the couch to be not occupied. "How about there sweetcheeks?" I ask. "Shall we  continue our little adventure there?" "What do you think about that place?"

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Alita on October 22, 2012, 03:58:03 PM
After getting cleaned off by HB I went home to change into my costume for the Halloween Party.  make way for kitty ;)

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mercer78 on October 22, 2012, 05:14:47 PM
CHIMICHANGAS!!! I knew I wouldn't be able to resist half the room turn and look at me some of them noticing me for the first time what now? I ask myself.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: taztexan on October 22, 2012, 05:37:44 PM
MEOW!!!!! =)~
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mercer78 on October 22, 2012, 06:24:26 PM
oops sorry I get a bit confused sometimes well all the time sometimes well every third tuesday I turn to look into an invisible camera "so what do you make of all this" Now in full Deadpool mode. 8)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on October 23, 2012, 03:52:59 AM


I put my hands up onto Thom's face and pull him into a kiss.  "Looks like a good spot to me."  I say as we move towards the couch.

Pushing him into the far corner of it, I lay on my back across the cushion with my head in his lap, my hand goes straight to his bulge.  Rubbing and squeezing it through his trousers.  My other hand moves to his chest and starts playing with his buttons.

"Oh, what's this."  I say as my fingers find his open fly.  They move inside and touch his hard, hot member.  "Mmmmmmm" I murmer softly as Thom's hands explore my body.

I roll onto my side, with my back facing outwards from the couch, propped up on an elbow.  My hand finds his belt and I undo it.  Then the button on his trousers is opened.  Reaching in pulling his cock out and up and stroke it a few times.

I look into his eyes.  "Time for my Halloween Treat."  I say as I lean down.  Then my tongues snakes its way across the head and my hand begins to stroke him. 

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mercer78 on October 23, 2012, 04:05:55 AM
 :-[  I realise I've made a complete fool of myself and sheepishly slip out the door.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on October 23, 2012, 04:56:38 AM
Jayc  and I stand at the bar, with Brandy, JD, HB and watch Taztexan in his Darth Vader gear, take his turn at the Dentists chair.  I smile at Ssgt and make sure, he doesn't mind being in charge of the Dentist's Chair for awhile. Like Brandy says, he is doing a fabulous job taking care of the punters wanting a taster of the cocktails. He waves back, indicating he's doing just fine.
Who knows, maybe his customers will order more at the bar from Old Joe ! ;D

I see Mercer78 blushing and about to leave, I catch hold of him.  " Hey its your turn at the Dastardly ;D  Dentist Chair ...  Ssgt ...  another customer. How about :-

Sex on the beach: This popular naughty cocktail is deliciously refreshing drink that includes Peach Schnapps, Vodka, orange juice, cranberry juice, and lots of  crushed ice.

Ssgt smiles at Mercer  as he pours the "Slippery Nipple drink " into Taz'z mouth.  " Sure, I can do that -  be with you in a moment.  Mercer waits patiently for his delicious cocktail to come.

"Guess, it's time for us to do a number on open mic,  Want to see the biker's chicks in action? " I  tease Vampire Jayc, pulling him to the stage.

I also grab hold of Brandy, tangojane, All_for_You and head up to the stage.  I pass The Country Boys the music I dug out earlier.

The music begins, its rocky and fun and you cant help but tap and sway to the beat.   Jayc & Tight do the opening lines and then the chicks kick in.

Lyrics to Get Off The Road :   The Cramps  ( Chick’s & Motorcycles )

Hey, who the hell do they think they are ?
Ah, they're just a bunch of girls

We are the Hellcats nobody likes
Maneaters on motorbikes
We own this road so you better get lost
When you hear the roar of cut-out exhaust
Bug off or you'll find that you've blown your mind

Get off the road !
Get off the road!

We know man's made out of clay
He shootin' clay pigeons today
Get off the road before we have crossed
Or you might get your rear-end tossed
Gonna be uptight, we're ridin'here tonight

Get off the road !
Get off the road !

Get off the road !
Get off the road !

Maneaters ! ...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on October 23, 2012, 07:36:19 AM
I walk to where Lover is, I approach him and smile to him...

Calming down after my drink, feeling better again. I notice someone is beside me, turning my head "Marilyn?" I smile. Then I notice her beautiful dress - and my breath is stucked. Exactly this dress the beautiful Lady of the dancing couple was wearing?! I must be looking strange, she is asking "Is something wrong?" "No... I'm happy to see you. Just your dress... it's beautiful but I get the feeling I have seen it before. It's hard to explain."
"I think I know what you're talking about." she replies. "Sit down, may I invite you for a glass of red wine?" "Yes" she smlies.

Taking seat right beside me, I order two glass of red wine. She tells me what has happened and why she is wearing this dress. Then I tell her what has happened to me. Right now and also when we danced.She laughs "You read an old paper and it was they lyrics of a Michael Jackson song?"
"Yes. I always knew he had to be much older or an". Making fun about is probably the best we can do now. We also decide to wait until the bar closes and then talk to Brandy, Stone, Jayc and JD. They also must have noticed something.

Looking down to myself I have to laugh. "We don't fit together. Your dress is amazing while my "dress" is shocking. Hope you don't mind." She smiles. "Your dress is crazy and funny. But I also see some blood. Seems you need a nurse soon." She winks. I smile "Later."
We go on talking about fashion and lingerie. During this talk sometimes we touch by accident. Sometimes our hands, our legs too. I smell her sweet perfume and feel really good. Taking my glass, "Cheers Marilyn" She takes her glass too and while we're drinking we're looking deep into each other eyes...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 23, 2012, 11:39:53 AM
I watch the women on stage with a huge grin, taking pics of the “hell cats  the bar applauds  with gusto as they finish.  Stone and the girls leave the stage. Handing the bar camera to Joe I have him get a shot of  my self and the Man eaters. A series of pics ensues with lots of neck biting and  female vamping.

“well im real happy your all having fun “ Joe sighs “but I could use a little help  back here”  I notice the bar is 3 people deep  waiting to be served.  “Ok  Joe take a break we got the bar for awhile” Stone tells him as she goes behind the bar with Brandy. As their custom the 2 women  begin to order me about as they sort out the backup of thirsty patrons……….”jayc we need more whiskey and the beer coolers need filling and we need more ice and glasses.” I simply nod and head to the walk in cooler and  store room.

I load up  a cart of the needed items, then head to the kitchen for a few racks of clean glasses and beer mugs.  I return to the bar and see the ladies have  the “bar rush” under control. I try and sneak away … no luck. “jay see what the Country boys want for dinner and bring them some beers”  turning to face the  busy women I hold my tongue and  do as they request.

My tasks finished  I try and escape again……….”oh Jay  its pay day please hand out the paychecks please” Brandy says with a smile……..”then you can go have fun”  “there in my desk top right drawer”

I enter the office and grab the checks, my cell phone  chimes………incoming text.  Opening the text, it’s a photo of the old  grandfather clock  that  came with the bar. The hands are at 12 .. Puzzled I hit the reply and type in  “who is this? And hit the send button. A second later  a message comes up……..”your text can not be delivered”

“Here we go again “I sigh to myself as the room temp drops and jasmine fills the air.  On alert I watch the room waiting for something to happen……………nothing for a few moments  then the lights flicker and  go out for a heartbeat I feel an icy finger running down my back and the light come back on.

I look around nothing has moved or changed……….I catch my image in the mirror and see it. Another rose has somehow been  slipped in the belt loops of my jeans.

A little uneasy  “that’s 4 roses for me now” I say to the empty room “I wish I knew what you want from me” no response.

I return to the bar and place the rose in the vase Stone has on the shelf. Her eyes widen as  I tell her, “that makes 7.………….then I show Brandy and Stone the text I just received.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on October 23, 2012, 05:27:48 PM
“ It’s so beautiful up here” Doris tells her husband. “ I always liked coming up here with you on a clear night, gazing at the stars as you held me in your arms, telling me all the names and pointing out the North Star”

Stanley squeezes her waist, as they stand looking up at the moon flooding the flat roof of the AB&G with its beams.
“ Life was good to us. Do you miss it?”  He asks her tenderly.

“ Mmmm, there’s a few things I miss, like ....  peanut butter “ Doris says thoughtfully.  “  What about you?”

He smiles at her, “ Well I heard Jayc say to Stone once, -  “  taking off his accent , “ Well I am a guy..” winking .

Doris chuckles with him swatting him playfully,  “ Now ,now , Mr Grill”  but even so she knows exactly what he means.
“Jayc  is very handsome” Doris comments

“Stone has some delightful qualities too”  Stanley  says thoughtfully.

“I think we have made the perfect choice” Doris replies.

“ I think so too” Stanley agrees. “ How many Roses have we left for them now?”
Doris contemplates, “ Stone has had 3 so far,  one in her lap, one in the dentist chair and one given to her on the dance floor.   Jayc has had 4, one in his lap, one in the car, one in his overnight bag and one in his belt loop ... That’s  7 in total “

“ They are keeping them behind the bar in a vase, have you noticed?”  Stanley says to her.
Doris smiles, “ I have, I hope that is a good sign”

Stanley smiles back, “ I think it is,  I think we should  leave some more roses and hints they are not alone Mrs Grill”
“ Oh, I totally agree Mr Grill,  and maybe spook the other guests some more too “ Doris giggles.

“ Which reminds me Mrs Grill,  Are you moving that Collar and charm between Bear & Brandy?” Stanley asks
“ Why, Mr Grill, why would you say such a thing?” Doris answers

“ Because I know you too well my dear “  He chuckles,  “ Come on, let me take you way up to the North Star and then mingle with the ghosts and ghouls below in the Grill & Bar”

“ Bar and Grill “  Doris responds laughing  “ Deal,  last one there sends the next text.....”

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 23, 2012, 07:37:04 PM
Feeling exhillerated after belting out the  bikers chick song with the other ladies in the bar, I return to JD and knock back a couple of House Specials.

I grab his hand and drag him to the stage,  " Come on JD, I got the perfect song for us grinning.. "  The band starts up the intro

  The Who - Boris The Spider  ( Slightly changed  for  Spider Lovers )

Look, he's crawling up my wall
Black and hairy, very small
Now he's up above my head
Hanging by a little thread

Boris the spider
Boris the spider

Now he's dropped on to the floor
Heading for the bedroom door
Maybe he's as scared as me
Where's he gone now, I can't see

Boris the spider
Boris the spider

Creepy, crawly
Creepy, crawly
Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly
Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly
Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly
Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly

There he is wrapped in a ball
Doesn't seem to move at all
Perhaps he's dead, I'll just make sure
Pick this book up off the floor

Boris the spider
Boris the spider

Creepy, crawly
Creepy, crawly
Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly
Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly
Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly
Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly

He's not come to a sticky end   ;D
Think he’s crawled off round  the bend
Back again to crawl around
He's exploring brand new ground

Boris the spider
Boris the spider
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 24, 2012, 06:41:17 AM
Jane joins me on the bike and she ends up facing me as we end the song. We make are way
back to the booth l sit down and Jane sits on my lap facing me again. "l want you right now" she whispers in my ear sliding her hand down between us she undoes the flies on my pants rapping her fingers around my hardening shaft she plays it out and gently rubs it till it is nice and hard. She pulls her panties to one side and guides my shaft into herself. I roll my hips to go in deeper Jane leans in and whisper in my ear again "this is only for my pleasure your not to cum" "OK" l whisper back l roll my hips to give her as much of my cock to play with as l can.

Jane starts to grind her hip down on my cock rubbing her clit hard down on my pelvis feeling her worth around my shaft start to clench tight around my length the relax again feeling her doing that l know she is about to cum putting my hands on her hips and help her grind down harder. She holds me tight as i feel her cum her body shakes as the orgasm rushes throw her body.

Jane slides off me and sits beside me she sits there breathing heavy as she recovers from her orgasm l just get my cock back in my pants as ssgt comes over and kisses he hello to Jane .

We sit and watch the bar Stone comes over and grabs Jane and pulls her up on the stage with the girls in the bar. I get up an go to the bar to watch the girls sing l watch as ssgt gives a new guy a shot in the dentist chair. The bar  laps and cheer as the girls song finish.

I walk over to ssgt and the chair l.sit down in it and turn to ssgt and say " give me your worst and then give me the best cocktail you can make" l say to him l back l.lay back in the chair and open my mouth ready t
for ssgt to give me the worst cocktail he can make.................
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Marilyn on October 24, 2012, 09:03:12 AM
As Lover turns his head to me, I see his weird expression - a bit shocked. I look at him with a shy smile, thinking to myself that something isn't okay. "Is something wrong?" I ask. "No... I'm happy to see you. Just your dress... it's beautiful but I get the feeling I have seen it before. It's hard to explain."  Lover says.
"I think I know what you're talking about." I reply.
"Sit down, may I invite you for a glass of red wine?"
"Yes" I say, and smile.

I watch Lover sitting beside me and ordering two glasses of red wine. I find myself telling him about the dress...Lover tells me about some weird things aswell that happened right now and when we danced. I laugh. "You read an old paper and it was they lyrics of a Michael Jackson song?"
"Yes. I always knew he had to be much older or an".
 We also decide to wait until the bar closes and then talk to Brandy, Stone, Jayc and JD. They also must have noticed something.

I keep laughing and then I look at him again, staring at his outfit. His outfit is amazing, I move my right hand letting my fingers wander over his chest, feeling the texture of his outfit.  "We don't fit together. Your dress is amazing while my "dress" is shocking. Hope you don't mind." , Lover says. I smile. "Your dress is crazy and funny. But I also see some blood. Seems you need a nurse soon." I wink. Lover smiles "Later."
We go on talking about fashion and lingerie.  As I’m very expressive when i’m talking, I keep swinging my body, laughing.. Sometimes our hands and legs touch by accident… As the talk continues, the noise around gets loud, we have to talk louder. I drink from my glass and hear Lover saying "Cheers Marilyn". I smile and take my glass, drinking bit by bit, I let a drop of wine slide down over my glass while i’m drinking. Worried about the chance of having my white dress with a red drop of wine on, I  bring my tongue out and slowly lick the glass to pick the stubborn drop of wine. While i’m doing it, my eyes are fixed on Lover’s eyes… I smile and say that the wine is just amazing…


Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on October 24, 2012, 11:16:01 AM
As Taz gets up and walks away I tell him  "I will be here all night, come back ant time".  He nods his head "Dont worry I am sure I will be  back".

As the ladies finishing singing on the stage TangoRacer walks over.  "give me the worst and best you have" he says.  I laugh  "I dont have any bad ones, some are just better than others" I say

"I have a couple i think might do the trick"  I say. " First one i named Brandy. Let me know if you like it.

 Screaming Orgasm  ....Brandybee                                                     
1 oz Vodka
1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream
1/2 oz Kahlua

I pour it into his mouth.  How do u like that one"  I ask.  Big smile on his  face.  "that one was very good, your picked the right name for that one"
"You ready for the next one" I ask.  He nods yes.  "This one is named after Tight" I say

  Long Slow Comfortable Screw Against the Wall......Tightfit
1 shot Sloe gin
1 shot Vodka
1 shot Southern Comfort
1 shot Galliano
Orange juice

I make him a double.  "Open up" I say.  I pour the drink down his mouth.  He is swallowing as fast as he can.  I am LMAO.  "How was that one" I ask.  He shakes his head around.  "dam I liked that one.  Have to come back for more of them"  I laugh, "Jane doesnt know what shes in for tonight".

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 24, 2012, 01:34:03 PM
I lay in the chair with my mouth open as Ssgt mixes the first shot
He pours it into my mouth  with one gulp its gone " How do you like that one I call that the BrandyBee "  I smile up at him that's nice I lick my lips. "So what you got for me next Ssgt"

" I call this The TightFit " He mixes a double  "Open up" he say's opening my mouth wide as he pours the shot in. I swallow as fast as I can not wanting to waist any. Ssgt laughs " How do you like that one" he asks. I shake my head as I swallow the last drop "Dam I like that one I'll have to come back for more of them" I answer .He laughs again " Jane want know what shes in for tonight."

I get out of the chair and give Ssgt a slap on the back " I'll be back soon" I say with a smile  I walk back to the bar licking my lips still with the sweet taste of the last shot on them.  As i walk past Dutch I lean over " have a taste of this " I say just before I kiss her softly on the lips to let her taste. She licks my lips " MMM that's nice " she say's. I kiss her again and run my hand down her back.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on October 24, 2012, 03:53:01 PM
Marilyn smiles and takes her glass, drinking bit by bit, letting a drop of wine slide down over her glass while she's drinking. Worried about the chance of having her white dress with a red drop of wine on, she  brings her tongue out and slowly licks the glass to pick the stubborn drop of wine. Whileshe's doing it, her eyes are fixed on my eyes… she smiles and says that the wine is just amazing…
I look deeply at her eyes. Feeling waves of heat running through my body. Is it the wine? Is it the temperature here in the bar? Or is it because she is sitting right beside me, looking to me... the way she is drinking her wine?
I smile as she says "The wine is just amazing." "The wine is very tasty" I reply "YOU are amazing." Another drop of wine is almost dripping to her dress. She wipes it with her finger. I take her hand, licking the wine of her finger. "We don't wanna spoil your dress" I say smiling and wink. As her finger still is close to my mouth I gentle suck it. "Hey..." she is laughing "there was no wine left!" But I see her eyes and notice she liked it. "Are you sure?" I ask while putting her finger into my glass. As I pull it out, it'sr is full of wine. "Look" I say, holding it close to her mouth. Before she is able to say anything I suck it into my mouth again. "Oh no, that's not fair!" she almost is laughing. "Ok... fair is if you get the same as I" I answer, diving my finger into the wine, then holding it towards her mouth, touching her soft lips...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on October 24, 2012, 04:26:46 PM

Things have gotten quiet... I get to the mic and tap it... "is this thing on"

"I tried to exercise, but I was allergic to it.  My skin flushed, and my heart raced.  I got sweaty and short of breath.  Very dangerous."


I want all you women to know this:  "Men have feelings too.  For example, we feel hungry."

A tip for you guys:  "If your wife or girlfriend ever asks, "If I was to arrange a threesome for your birthday, which of my friends would you pick to join in?"  Never give two names."

I point out into the audience  "Hey lady... tell your tits to stop staring at my eyes."

One last one  :)  "My sex life is like a Ferrari... I don't have a Ferrari."

Thank you... I'll be here all week.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on October 24, 2012, 04:51:17 PM
@ Covems: ROFL ;D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on October 24, 2012, 05:01:48 PM
*shakes head at Covems jokes*
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mercer78 on October 24, 2012, 05:36:11 PM
It seems I'm only comic book nerd here (nothing new there lol) (
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 24, 2012, 10:47:04 PM

“Hey Joe did you get that bottle for me?” I smile. Joe reaches under the bar a sets it on the bar.
Oh yes that’s the stuff….Jeppsons Malort. Joe reads the bottle, “what is this stuff boss?” ‘have a shot and you tell me Joe. Old Joe eyes me with suspicion as he pour himself a shot and takes a sniff, shrugs his shoulder and downs the shot…………I wait for it…… a moment later Joe’s  face turn to one of pure revulsion  as he makes the “malort face” Joe quickly tries to kill the taste with a glass of beer  but with no luck then begins to spit in the sink.

Dammit  Jay what the hell is the that? “Sorry Joe” I laugh,  “its hands down the most vile tasting liquor in the world”…… my neck of the wood its known as “northern discomfort” and people really drink it?”  Joe says still spiting in the sink. Well it’s a right of passage where I grew up” I chuckle. Joe reads from the bottle.

It is not possible to forget our two-fisted liquor. The taste just lingers and lasts - seemingly forever. The first shot is hard to swallow!  Make it past two 'shock-glasses' and with the third you could be ours...forever

“Its gets better the more you drink it?” Joe say with a look of horror. I shake my head  “never been able to find out” I smile.  “Try to describe the taste Joe” he thinks for a minute……..“I would say …….a combination of  earwax and lighter fluid served in a dirty ashtray”

“Let gets Brandy and stone to try a shot” I grin  Joe fills  2 shot glasses as I call for the 2 women to come over and give this stuff a taste.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on October 25, 2012, 08:15:27 AM
Seeing several people starting to drink a lot more, I grin mischievously and change outfits under the table without being noticed. Crawling out from under the table, I start walking around AB&G. Stopping at the tables, I lean down a bit and ask if the guys would like a drink  ;D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on October 25, 2012, 09:34:01 AM
My King leads me to the dance floor taking me in his arms with one hand in the small of my back and the other at the back of my neck. Putting my arms around my Kings neck I look deep into his eyes. I press my body hard against My King pushing my breasts int o his chest he looks back into my eyes leans down and kisses me gentle I open my mouth to take his tongue inside letting my tongue dance with My Kings. We stop moving and just stand in the middle of the dance floor kissing a Kiss that lasts for what seems like and hour. All i can hear and feel is My Kings heart beating hard against my breasts.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 25, 2012, 11:57:11 AM
Standing at the bar I watch as Joe hands Jayc a bottle of JEPPSON'S  MALORT  LIQUEUR and think to myself "OWW NO this night is about to get very messes"

I watch as Joe has a shot and then follows it with his beer. I stand with a big smile as Joe tries  to get the taste out of his mouth.
Joe fills 2 more shot glasses and JayC calls Brandy and Stone over to try same.I stand and watch what is about to happen
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 25, 2012, 01:29:26 PM
JD & I head back to our friends at the bar, Stone joins us, heading back from the toilets, chuckling at our Spider song.

We pass the table with Marilyn & Lover making eyes at each other and Sexililious in her new Tequila dress.  " You should try one of ssgt's fabulous cocktails - he has quite a selection now" I tell her.

Covems grabs the mic and starts telling his jokes causing ripples of laughter and guffaws to break out in the entranced audience. He brings tears of laughter to my eyes as I listen to his quips.

Mercer78  waves his swords on the dance floor in  a splendid display of skill &  is quite eye catching  in his red & black ninja lycra costume.

Tight and All_for_You dance provocatively in the swirling smoke,  the swirls emphasised even more by Mercer's swordmanship. Wafting around their bodies in an air of  fairy tale mystique.

As we get nearer to the bar, Jayc greets me and Stone with a couple of  filled shot glasses. Jayc nods at JD as if to say I'll get you one in a minute if you really want one. We are oblivious to this  and JD nods at him in understanding and watches along with Tango.

Stone takes her glass and kisses Jayc on the cheek, saying " Thank you baby" He grins and hands me one.

We both clink our glasses and toast the party before throwing it in our mouth.

I'm not sure who realises the taste first but  OMG - the liquid has a putrid taste and etiquette of the ladies we are, means, no spewing. Our faces screw up in  "euwwww"  shuddering at the vile taste.

We both run to the Dentist Chair with the mens laughter ringing in our ears.

"Ssgt, quick quick  A Pink Pussy "  I gasp as my tummy starts to rumble

Pink Pussy: Another provocatively named cocktail, this one is known to be very popular with the ladies. You use equal parts of vodka and pink lemonade for this one, with a lot of crushed ice.

" Do me a G Spot"  Stone demands,  " Hurry Hurry "   

G Spot: This one, which uses equal parts of Southern Comfort, Chambord raspberry liqueur and orange juice may just hit the spot for a number of your guests. This one is to be shaken along with ice and then strained before being poured out into shot glasses
We both share the Dentists Chair as ssgt works his magic diluting the awful taste from our tastebuds with the much nicer tasting cocktails......

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 25, 2012, 04:00:27 PM
I laugh at the girls reaction to the shots Jayc gave them. Watching them both run to the dentist chair they both climb on and Ssgt pours the drinks into their open mouths.

I turn to JayC "Try one of them with a Bailey's poured down the side of it, it's called a Monkey Brian" I say with a smile

"When you pour the Bailey's down the glass it rolls up and looks like a brain" I tell Joe
JayC turns to Joe " Pour him one Joe lets see what his made of"
Joe pours the drink and as he pours the Bailey's in nice and slow it rolls up and floats on to I take the glass raise it up to JayC and Joe and in one mouth full its gone. I shake my head as the to tastes fight each other in my mouth I swallow them down.
I screw my face up as the taste of the pair of liqueurs rush though out my body. " WOW that's got a kick from HELL you need to try one of them." I tell JayC

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on October 25, 2012, 09:31:33 PM
As sexicilious walks to the bar i notice her and when she come's up to me and ask's if i want a drink,

 i say "give me a shot of your lovely nectar and maybe if have a worm that fits in your bottle for you"

She just smiles in her lovely way and steps closer
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on October 25, 2012, 11:10:21 PM
Gently our tongues dance, slipping and sliding from mouth to mouth, breaths synchronised, bodies pressed tight against eachother. When the music slows, I suddenly twist All's body and lean her backwards in my arms in a slow, fluent motion and untangle my tongue from hers. Slowly I let my lips travel down her neck, over her chest, kissing the top of her breasts while her head is tilted all the way back.

The cleavage in All's beautiful dress leaves her breasts almost uncovered and with the tip of my tongue I slither underneath the soft fabric and give her nipples a quick lick before i tilt her back up and hold her close to me in my arms. Her eyes are glistening, warm, wanting, welcomingmy caresses, her hips pushing into my pelvis as my hands start drifting over her delicious body, roaming, feeling, exploring her curves and feminine form.

Words are no more needed as her hand slips between our bodies and she places her hand over my crotch, aware of the swell that started there as soon as she nestled her body in my arms. Soft squeezes and rubs coax my member to grow faster and harder and I hear a soft moan echo in my mouth as my hands slip under her dress and I take her warm, bare cheeks in my hands. Gentle fingers move and press, caress and grab until my fingers slip between them and I feel the soft outline of her pussylips, warm and moist...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on October 26, 2012, 07:52:44 AM
Leans down and rests my elbows on the table by mrsexlover. Looks around on the table, "Well it seems you are missing a shot glass, so I guess you will have to drink straight from the bottle." Leans in closer and licks his lips. Moving around the table, I move his chair and nestle down on his lap. Rubbing softly against his body, I gently kiss his lips while licking his lips now and then urging his mouth to open to take his shot. Feeling his lips open slightly, my tongue darts in and slides around and around in his mouth.

My hands rub up and down his shirt while my body shifts on his lap. Feeling some growth down low, "Hehe I think you might just find that worm to go in the bottle."  ;D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on October 26, 2012, 09:32:21 AM

Downing a strong sarsparilla at the bar to add some courage, I go up to Eva, offer her my hand and ask her if she would like to dance.

She nods yes and takes my hand... we're an odd looking couple making our way to the dance floor, a Robot and a Wererabbit, but I don't care.  My thoughts are all about Eva.

The band starts up playing a soft ballad as I take Eva's hand in my paw and we begin to move to the music.  We're the only ones on the floor at first and I feel as if I am floating on air.

Suddenly I get a wiff of Jasmine and I whisper to Eva.  "Eva... did you just f....  nevermind." 

The scent of Jasmine becomes stronger and we no longer feel as we're the only ones on the floor...


Then as suddenly as it came the scent of Jasmine dissipates.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 26, 2012, 10:18:28 AM
taking Tangos challenge Joe pours me a shot of malort with baileys. it does look like brains i smile as i grab the glass and down the vile combo. i grimace as the vile liquor attacks my taste buds, and slam my hand on the bar. i look at Tango and Joe and that is not good. and head to the dentist chair for relief, much to there laughter. Joe takes a marker and makes a small sign  and places it near the bottle.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on October 26, 2012, 03:24:47 PM
I walk along the port aveniu... here i am again, in this little and confortable place and of course, i walk to my temple, ACHAT BAR GRILL.

I push the door, i go into the place and time is walking, but here the time is like it was stoped... i love it.

I sit in the bar, and i ask for a beer... lets have a good weekend i told myself :)

Also is interesting... nobody recognize me... is halloween and im a lord of darkness.... :p

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on October 26, 2012, 05:06:34 PM
Moving slowly as the music slows our tongues still dance and twice with each other My King twists me round in his arms and lean backwards i one motion. My King holds me in his arm i feel so safe there knowing he would not drop me I lay my head back giving myself to him I close my eye and feel him kiss his way down over my breasts I drop my head back and close my eyes giving My King all of my breasts feeling him kissing all over the he slides his tongue down over my nipples.

My King stands me back up and I look back into his eyes we press our body's hard against each other pushing my hips forward onto my Kings pelvis I feel him growing I can't resist I side my hand down between us and rub his growing shaft. (Thinking to myself My King will punish me for not asking if I may touch him before i did, but I had to feel him)

I feel My Kings hands move down my body and up under my dress his hands find my naked skin of my bottom, just as My King had commanded  "NO PANTIES."
Feeling his fingers moving over my skin and down lower and onto my soft wet lips as i feel his first touch my knees go week and i hold on to My King Tight.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on October 27, 2012, 12:23:41 AM
As sexilicious kisses me pasionate on my lap, our tongues are dancing in our mouths. She is also moving a bit in my lap and i feel something growing on me.

My hands wonder under her dress, to find on panties, and as i touch her there i think:  is this bottle of tequila leaking at the bottom, it's all wet here. So i takr on hand from under her dress and stop kissing for a moment to taste my fingers. Mmmmmmm this taste even better i need to have more.

Not noticing we are in a bar i lift Sexi from my lap and put her nice behind on the table in front of me, making sure her dress is above the waist, spread her legs a bit and put my head between them.

I start by licking between her soft lips, taking in all that lovely moist, then finding that magic button and start flicking it with the tip of my tongue. Sexi starts moaning when i do that.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 27, 2012, 06:12:49 AM
I stand and laugh at JayC's face as he swallows the Monkey Brain "THAT's NOT GOOD" he struggles out. Joe and I laugh more as we watch him run to the dentist chair to try to replace the Vile taste.

Joe make up a sign MALLORTS FOR THE BRAVE OR DEPRAVED and put's it next to the bottle on the bar.

JayC jumps into the chair and Stone and Brandy hold him down as Ssgt pours Rum 151 from the bottle into JayC mouth not being able to keep up with the amount being poured in. it starts to run down his face Ssgt stops pouring and the two lady's lick the Rum from is face.

Still laughing i turn to Joe " Its a great night so far Let's have a beer and a coke for Jane" Joe hands me the drinks and turn to walk over to Jane and see Darth Maul Hi Zoerink "nice to have you back in the Bar". I turn and point to the bottle on the Bar "you should try a shot of that at some point tonight"  I say as i tap him on the shoulder as i go back to Jane I see Dutch is sat with her.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on October 27, 2012, 08:59:44 AM
Feeling his hands under the skirt, i can't help but rock against his hand spreading some moisture all over his hand. Watching him raise his hand to his mouth after he stops kissing me, he licks his fingers tasting the sweet nectar. He then puts me on the table and raises my skirt up to the waist showing my lower body off to anyone who passes. Feeling his tongue start licking my lips and tasting that nectar, i can't help but moan and wiggle a little against his tongue. He then moves to the little button and flicks his tongue over it causing me to grip the edge of the table.

While he continues to lick me down there, I can't help but raising my hands up to my covered breasts and start to massage them lightly at first. Then slide my hands under the top and start to rub the nipples making them into hardened points. Wrapping my legs around his head, i bring mrsexlover even closer to my dripping pussy to get more of the nectar.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on October 27, 2012, 10:35:30 AM
“Go on, slip your hand inside, I want to feel your hand around it..”

I press my lips against All’s ear when I feel her hand hesitantly move over my crotch, her fingers tugging on the elastic band holding the tight pants around my waist. She finds me erected and as her fingers fold around me, I place my hand in the hollow of her back and press her tight against me, catching her hand between our bodies. In the meantime my fingers push deeper between her thighs, sliding the tips of my digits over her soft, smooth, damp sex.

I feel All_for_you sink through her knees and i tighten my grip around her, mashing her breasts against y chest as i hold her up. As she sinks through her knees, her sex is pressed against my fingers and two tips slide into her heated, moist channel. I hear her whimper against me as she burries her face into the hollow of my neck. With my fingers just inside her, her body in my arms, I start to slowly move us through the crowd on the dancefloor, reaching a quiter edge, half hidden behind one of the wooden pillars holding up the roof. Hidden from almost all eyes, I move her backwards and pin her body against the pillar and gently spreading her legs with my knee as i lean in to kiss her full on her lips…
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on October 27, 2012, 11:27:12 AM

After dancing with Eva, we take a table next to MrSexLover and Sexilicious.  I turn and watch them for a moment when a waitress comes over to take our order...

I poke my thumb in the direction of those two at their table, with sexilicious on the top of the table... "I'll have what he's having."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Eva_RG on October 27, 2012, 12:17:48 PM
Scanning strange creature who  approaches.. Sex creature in big fur and bucked teeth.  Xray vision on.  Scanning .. match .. Ice House .  Covems -  10 Stars - Number 1 LOVER

Add information .  Number 1 Lover.  Check ;  Likes  fucking with view of power station. Added ;  Hangs round with small people.  Check ;  Likes  Sarsparillas . Added.  Smells  Jasmine in unexpected places. Added .

Sex  Creature asks for dance.  Nod.   Dance in memory banks.  Uploading. 

Takes hand and moves round floor.  Upload new moves. Not bendy knee dance, adjust moves. Check .  Good Imput.

 Expired sex creatures  in room.  Scanning. No  Match. Scanning Archives.  Match.  Stanley – 10 stars. Top lover  in his day.  Liked Roses,  Dancing , Sex.

Dance ends.  Sit at table.  Sex creatures involved in oral sex activity nearby.
Covems  wants same.  Programmed to please.

Sit on table.  Spread legs.  Seductive smile displayed.  Jasmine scent & Sarsparilla nectar released to pussy  to please Number 1 lover......

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on October 27, 2012, 12:26:57 PM
Thank you tangoracer... i drink from this bottle, and OMG!!!, is fuc**** good!!!, night just start now, im gonna drink and wait for the dark side of power.... :p

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 27, 2012, 02:15:19 PM
I walk over to Jane and Dutches putting the drinks on the table I set between them kissing them both on the cheek I sit back and put my arms around them both. Jane turns to me and say’s “Take Dutches onto the dance floor and have some fun she’s been sat here all night” Jane take are hands and puts them into each other’s “NOW GO and show Dutches how good a dancer you are.”
I take Dutches buy the hand and lead her to the dance floor standing in the middle of the smoke filled floor I call over to the Boys “Play as something hot and sexy to Dirty Dance to.” The boy’s all smile and nod their heads.
Do You Love Me (The Contours)

A big smile comes over my face I spin Dutch into my body putting my hand on the small of her back and slide a leg between her legs The music starts and I pull Dutches tight into me and will roll are hips and grinding are pelvises together we twist and turn as or body’s rub against each other pulling her back tight to me she flicks a leg up and hooks it around me. I grab her leg and hold it tight feeling here skin in my hand I pull her even closer. She runs her hand down over my cheek and down onto my chest. She leans back letting me look at her sexy body and it twists and turns pushing herself hard onto my groin with my hand still in the middle of her back I take her weight and she flicks her other up around my waist and hooks her feet together.

Grind hard against each other Dutches pulls herself up with her hands around my neck she pull herself and puts my face right into her cleavage. I kiss and lick her breasts as we keep our hot dance going. I feel her take her weight around my neck letting me move my hand down from her back and up under her costume. Feeling the warm skin of her ass in my hand I dig my fingers into her skin I feel Dutches pull herself tighter onto me and a soft moan leaves her lips.

Sliding my hand over her ass cheek I feel the soft fabric of her thong I pull it to one side I run my fingers down where the fabric just was. As my finger tip rubs over her soft little star she pushes my face harder into her cleavage. Running my finger down lower and reaching right down under her I run my hand down letting my fingers brush along her soft silk skin of her lips. I feel her warmth of her body in my hand as I move it to find the magic button at the end of her lips and gently run my finger over it. As my finger hits the spot Dutches pulls my face up to hers and we kiss deep and hard our tongues dance hard in each other’s mouths.

The song finishes and we are still stood in the middle of the floor Kissing deeply with my finger now slid deep inside Dutches wet warm soft pussy. I notice the song has finished and with her legs tight around my waist I carry her of the dance floor as I carry her I see mrsex with sexi sat on one side of a round table and with his head down between her legs. I stop and look into Dutches eyes “should we join them” on the table the smile on her face is all I need and I her down with her back against Sexi’s. Making sure her costume was up out of the way.

I kiss her once more and slowly drop to my knees kissing her breasts as I move lower and keep kissing my way down. On my knees in front of Dutches I slide my hands up her thighs and find the waist band of her thong and pull it down over her thighs and down over her knees and off over her feet and put them in my pocket.

Gently I open her legs and see her sweet nectar pot kissing my way up her inner thigh i take a deep breath and my lungs are filled with her sweet sexy aroma. Moving in with the gentlest of kisses my lips touch her soft silk lips and get to taste her love nectar. Letting my tongue run along her lips and up to that magic button. I flick it with the tip of my tongue and feel it swell to the touch of my tongue. I hear soft moan come from Dutches as I kiss and lick her hot sweet pussy.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on October 27, 2012, 10:17:12 PM
I smile when i notice Tango puts Dutch also on our table, hehehe maybe others like to join in the fun as well.

The table is big enough, Oh and did i mention that the top could spin


I give a wink to Covems and Eva, if he wants what i'm having maybe he could bring her to the table too and we could give it a spin later on ;)

But for now i dive back into the sweet nectar of Sexi, enjoying every second
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 28, 2012, 12:33:00 AM
The bar is rocking, spotting an old friend I make my way to Zoerink  grabbing Taz’s arm I pull him over for a group photo of the two sith lords.  Grabbing a beer I step out onto the deck and tend to the blazing fire, throwing on a few more logs. Looking around  only a few couples cuddle at the fireside . The band inside the bar breaks into a pretty bad rendition of BARK AT THE MOON I pause to listen smiling  drinking my beer watching the fire.

My phone chimes and vibrates in my pocket……incoming text, setting my beer down on a patio table I turn on my phone…..another photo….cant really make it out , expanding the photo I can see it’s a wall with keys, then I recognize it  the master set of bar keys in Covems workshop off the kitchen. And so it begins not even alarmed as I smell jasmine my eyes unblinking hoping to see the spirit’s. The seconds crawl by not wanting to even breathe in fear of missing it. The encounter last longer then the others……..maybe they will appear my hopes rise………my phone chimes and my heart skips a beat flying on adrenalin. Incoming call! I take a deep breath and say hello….a voice that’s sounds distant with a bad connection says “well hello jay this is Stanley Grill as you have already guessed “ light headed heart racing I stutter trying to think of something to say. What can I do for you ?I finally manage  to get out. “All will be explained later but for now I just wanted to introduce myself and apologize for my mischief but a gentleman must have his fun wouldn’t you agree?………startled at the question I blurt out yes oh yes rolling my eyes after I say it,  “calm down and think” I yell at my self  “don’t fuck this up. “Well the night is young and your busy with your party, may I call you back?” “please do” Mr. Grill “please call me Stanley” he says warmly. “Enjoy the rest of you evening and we will talk soon jay” the line goes dead.

My mouth bone dry the adrenalin wearing off I reach for my beer a bit dizzy as I bring it to my lips I see a rose has been stuck in the bottle.  I sit in a chair  fish out cigarette and drink  pondering  what just happened. I review the whole series of events of the last month. They have something in mind but what? Joe said they always come when the bar ownership changes, but even Joe is troubled by this visit why?…if Joe knows he sure is not saying .

I get up and say hi to a couple coming out  to the fire. Walking back into the bar  I make my way behind the bar and startle myself in the mirror, forgetting im in costume I see a  ashen white vampire biker holding a rose……. A sinister image as I hand Stone the bar camera to take my pic. I make the decision  not to mention the phone call that came with the rose till later. Smiling at my Stone she is having a great time might as well let her enjoy herself till they call back. I try to get it out of my mind and grab Stones hand and head out to the dance floor and join the party in full swing.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on October 28, 2012, 04:07:44 AM

"Eva!"  I say, "You taste like root beer.  How wonderful."  I pull her down from the table so she's sitting on my lap... all of a sudden the big furry costume seems like a mistake, because I'm hard as a blue steel diamond cutter, and the bulky costume is in the way.

Then I whisper in Eva's ear.  "Eva, you're too heavy to lift, but lets join them at their table."

She moves off me and hops onto the table and I hop over with a chair, leaving the wererabbit head behind.  I lean in for another taste of Eva, "Nom, nom, nom."

I pull my head back up, my face is slick with the juices of Eva.  Smiling, I turn to the others and say.  "She tastes like root beer.  Want to try some?"  I go back in for more.  "Nom, nom, nom."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on October 28, 2012, 04:36:41 AM
walk in to bar with my new costume on,and walk to bar
hello old joe can i have a bloodymary, as i look round i see a table  with a few girls on it, see sstg is looking after a chair
think i will have a go on that, see a few new faces in bar which is nice to see. I think i stay at bar for a bit so get up on stool
I ask joe to put  a vodka  in it i need it after the last few hours i've had  i tell  him  as i look down i see blood on my legs, is it
real i think to myself  where have i be.I just remember leaving home a few hours ago ever thing is blank till i walked  into bar.
tell myself not to panic it will come back to me.O god it stat to come back i had met Pete. Pete eyes went from my face and traveled down my body. I saw them hesitate at my boobs and then my legs, which made realize that they were showing all naked almost up to my crotch because my skirt had hiked up, Pete; I said softly, I'm sorry, but things have changed., :Not with me they haven't' Takeing me completely by suprise he leaned forward slid a hand up over my knee and kissed me. I jerked back and grabbed his wrist, Stop it pete, Then iI felt it.  His pulse under my fingers. It was beating hard and fast. He leaned into me to kiss me again  I could see the vein that ran along his neck. moving, beating strong as the blood pumped through his body  Blood...His lips touched mine and I remembered the taste of blood hot  and rich  sweet.. Demm, Lydia  You scratched me! you made me bleed. He lifted his bleeding wrist to his mouth and sucked on it.. then he raised his eyes to meet mine and he froze.He had blood on his lips> I could smell it. it was like wine, only better, worlds better. the scent of it wrapped around me and made the hair on my arms rise, I wanted to taste it more then anything I'd ever wanted in my life.  I heard myself whisper in a voice I didn't know. Yes.. Pete answered like he was in a trance
I'll do whatever you want  he said,, This time I leanded into him and touched my tongue to his lips , taking the drop of blood into my mouth where it exploded--- heat,sensation and the rush of pleasure I'd never known. More , I rasped, Like he'd lost the ability to speak and could only nod, Pete lifted his wrist to me,I licked the tiny scarlet line Pete moaned. The touch of my  tongue seemed to do something to the scratch, becaues instantly it started dripping blood faster...faster.. My  hands were shaking as I raised his wrist to my mouth and pressed my lips against his warm skin. I shivered and moaned in pleasure. and  and and What have i done..   
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on October 28, 2012, 05:20:13 AM
Its so early... and i open my eyes so slowly, i have a big hangover, dont know why... i didnt drink so much.... or maybe i dont remenber, WTF, im in a couch in achat... people around me is like me, was a really good night... i remember make photos with jayc, tangoracer, brandy, eva and lidiayrose, also i remember nice beers and nice drinks... OMG i get really drunk last night...

I woke up from the sofa, i go walking awkwardly to the bar... i smile and, after thinking during 5 seconds, i ask for one beer, the best remedy for a big hangover.

I have not very much time... is sunday morning and in some hours i will be again outside the bar, in a boat... sailing towards the sun, and the breeze in my face, and the smell of the sea surrounding me ...

While i walk to the couch again, with a beer in my hand, a song start to sound in my head... A Song of Pixies...

Ooooooh - stop
With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
try this trick and spin it, yeah
your head will collapse
but there's nothing in it
and you'll ask yourself
Where is my mind (3x)
Way out in the water
see it swimmin'
I was swimmin' in the carribean
animals were hiding behind the rock
except the little fish
but they told me, he swears
tryin' to talk to me to me to me
Where is my mind (3x)
Way out in the water
see it swimmin' ?
With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
try this trick and spin it, yeah
your head will collapse
if there's nothing in it
and you'll ask yourself
Where is my mind (3x)
with your feet in the air and your head on the ground
try this trick and spin it, yeah

I look to my right, and see a nice vampire... hi Lydiarose... take a little of this blood... (i make a short cut in my hand... and give her...)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on October 28, 2012, 07:16:50 AM
Stone & I leave the Dentists chair giggling and quickly order a Punch special. The taste is still there but under control now. Jayc suddenly rushes passed us to dive into the chair too. Looks like Tango's  Monkey Brain was responsible for his dash.  That stuff is just too wicked!!.

Ssgt will be kept busy if those dares continue  :o

Sipping the fruity but potent punch, I see Tight's costume peaking out from behind the pillar obviously engrossed with his lady.
Lover & Marilyn are chatting at a nearby table.

I smile as my favourite Sailor, Zoerink  walks in . His costume is stunning with vibrant orange colours. He joins us at the bar and grabs a beer, telling us of his last trip at sea. Jayc takes his pic with Taz - Darth Vader.

My heart sings. Covems finally works up the courage to ask Eva to dance and he takes her to the dance floor and holds her close as they sway to the music . As the lights flicker, I think I see a ballroom couple dancing too but as I watch they disappear and I'm unsure if it's a figment of my imagination or .. the punch talking.

Jayc nips out the back to check on the firpit, as Tango leads Dutch to the dance floor.

As the songs end, Covems & Tango leave the dance floor, they join mrsexlover & sexilicious . Hes enjoying himself  buried in between the  legs of Sexilicious on the special rotating bar table. Dutch joins her, back to back, as Tango bends to service her to. Both women start to writhe in intimate waves of sexual pleasure.

Covems takes Eva's hand leading her to the same table. He helps her up, taking his furry head off.  And soon all the women are in throws of sexual ecstacy as the men lap their fill. Its an interesting concept and makes a change from the usual deserts offered on that table.

JD is watcing the Pleasure Table in interest...  I lean in to his ear, " Its certainly different"  I whisper. 

Stone indicates shes off to the ladies and I chat with JD, Taz, tangojane & Old Joe.  Lydiarose  moves to the bar and orders a drink from Old Joe.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on October 28, 2012, 07:19:28 AM
In between all the moaning, I send a quick greeting to the others that joined the table. ;) However, mrsexlover keeps my attention, so i don't focus as deeply on the others. My pussy is dripping faster with all of the attention, and i start rocking against his face more as the need continues to build. My movement against him covers his face with my nectar.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on October 28, 2012, 07:38:51 AM
Serving all the drinks in the dentist chair having taken a tole on me.  I walk over to Brandy.  "Hey boss" I say.  "I have had to much to drink tonight nd i need to leave now."  She says okay and I  walk out the door.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on October 28, 2012, 08:51:13 AM
I hear, ssgt speak to Brandy about having to much to drink and catch hold hold of his arm,  " Hey Skeletor,  dont leave , just let the drink work its way off .. I need the loo, but will be back soon. You can always chill by the firepit for a while" I smile at him " You were doing great at the Dentist's chair by the way"  :)

I head off to the toilets to freshen up. Music from The Country Boys is fed into the ladies rest room and I hum along with the tune.  I freshen my make up and hair.  I really do look awful as a Zombie Biker chick!!! 

As I concentrate on my makeup,  the room temperature cools and I smell jasmine wafting around the room.  Its very pleasant. I look round warily.

Nothing.   " Are you there? " I  ask softly almost dreading a reply.    Two knocks suddenly make me jump.

"Is it Stanley?"  I ask tentatively to the empty room.    One knock .

 " Is it Doris?"  I ask ,   Two knocks.

" Are  you leaving the roses? "    Two knocks.     I cant think of a yes or no answer to why.

" Are you interested in me and Jayc ?"   Two knocks.   I swallow , again, I cant think of a yes or no answer to why

" Are you going to harm us?    One knock.

" Will we know soon?"  Two knocks 

At this the room temperature returns to normal and the jasmine fragrance fades.  I turn to look in the vanity mirror and for a second catch sight of the faces of Doris and Stanley fading away.  My reflection stares back at me and then I see them, two roses by the sink. 

I pick them up and smell them,  then return to the bar to tell Jayc what had just happened  and place the roses with others in the vase behind the bar.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on October 28, 2012, 09:03:40 AM


Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on October 28, 2012, 09:51:58 AM
(http://[[url=][img]http://s6.postima[url=][img=][/url][/url]/img] As I take Zoerink cut hand I run my tongue along the cut to get the blood to drip faster I open my mouth and suck deep, blood run down my mouth I stop rub the blood from the outside of my mouth I look into Zoerink eyes  I have to have him, I take his hand and lead him out of the bar
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on October 28, 2012, 10:08:23 AM
I raise my head and look at Lydiarose, she is trying to take a photo for posterity, i cant resist to help her ... "Lydia ... can not you put a picture of you ... vampires do not appear in the photos or reflected in mirrors."

After saying that, I smile ... I return my gaze to my beer, I look at my watch and realize that I have little time ... was about time to leave.

I turn of my head again to lydia... "if you want, i can make a drawing of you.. "

After this, i feel how she dry me of blood... take my hand... and walk me outside the bar...

Sun is outside yet, so i I cover his face and body with my coat ... to protect her from the sun's rays

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on October 28, 2012, 02:30:41 PM
After sitting by the fire and drinking a gallon of coffee I feel like I can return to the Dentist chair.  I walk back inside and go over to Brandy.  "I think I can handle the chair again"  She smiles and nodes her head.  I say to everyone "anything your want just ask.  I will tell you yes if I have it  and No if I dont"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: zoerink on October 28, 2012, 03:08:04 PM
I look at the clock ... oh, it's time, I have to leave behind is a good weekend in this wonderful place, my Sith Lord costume and I got up, recondando the good times these days in ACHAT BAR & GRILL.

"Thanks Brandybee Thanks for letting me Lydiarose some blood in my body;) thanks for the hospitality Jayc Thanks tangoracer, thank you everybody for the hospitality and for make me feel like at home, far from it."

I take the last beer .... courtesy of the home, I drink it in one gulp, and I turn heading for the door, I went through the same for several days to come, and I have taken it out with Lydiarose today to get some air, now take the pier, where reality awaits me, where my day to day begins again, surrounded by the sea, surrounded by sun and stars, surrounded by life.

See you soon!

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lydiarose on October 29, 2012, 04:53:08 AM
I walk to the bar joe coffee pls  I see that guy  who's name i cant say is still here.I feel like im back to normal after what i can said was a mad weekend.Now i have 2 days to get back home thanks  Zoerink  I enjoy myself with you. It sound like you are off to sea if so I'm not going to the pier to wave you off because I would feel like  keira Knightley and I dont think I would wait 10 years even if  you were Orlando Bloom mm. Time for me to go  bye  to man who's name i can not say. Bye old joe  so i get up and walk out of bar  and head back to the real world     
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 29, 2012, 10:46:59 AM
seeing Ssgt has returned to his post at the dentist chair i give him a thumbs up, walking up to him smiling feelling better? i grin ......he nods. 'well then how bout one of those pink pussies"  as i flop in the chair. the drink does little to calm my nerves as i wipe my face and go back to our table. to join Stone, Brandy and JD. i see Stone has made me a plate from the buffet. "have something to eat jay' she says with a smile. i pick at my plate just too nervous to eat.   
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on October 29, 2012, 11:05:51 AM
Pour Jayc the drink he asked for.  "hope this helps you get the taste out of your mouth and makes you feel better" i say to him.  "let Brandy know that I just got a bunch of jello shots in"  I hand him a plate full.  "see if they like the" I say  He gets up and thanks me and heads back to Stone and Brandy

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Skydance on October 29, 2012, 07:35:31 PM
I roar into the car lot of the AB&G and back spin the wheel  a little of my Harley  bike.  I park and take my helmet off, shaking my blonde hair free.

I look the place up and down,  so this is the AB&G.  I undo my leather jacket, letting my cleavage show and head to the doors. It looks busy inside, I walk into the bar and see a guy dressed as Beetlejuice behind the bar.

"Can  you give me the coldest beer you got in a bottle?"  I ask him

His smile is welcoming and waves away my offer to pay.   I glance round the room. Lots of  halloween costumes around.

I turn back to Beetle juice, " Is there a guy called ssgt here?"

He nods,  waving over to a guy dressed as a skeleton ghost.  I walk over to him. He seems busy pouring cocktails down a guys throat. 
When he's finished,  I tap his shoulder.  " Can I try one?"
He turns round recognising my sulty voice. 
" Sure,  " He beams at me.  " Jump in the chair"      He hugs me first though,  " Hi Stranger"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on October 29, 2012, 08:26:02 PM
"dam" i say to myself.  Grab Skydance. "nice to have you here, this is a  big surprise".   I grap her and plant a hot moist kiss on her hot sensual lips.
"This is a  big surprise. have a seat" I say to her.   as sh,e sensually slides into the chair she makes sure she rubs her magnificent breast against me.
Couldnt help but notice she didnt have a bra on.  "What would you like do drink lovely lady I ask.
"I dont care"  she says "as long as it is wet and has a lot of alcohol". "I was hoping this was the placed you worked".   "Have you seen Brandy" I ask. she says "no"

I see Brandy and call her over, "look who came to join in the bar".  Brandy says "Hi sky, glad to have you here.  Is Ssgt taking good care of you"  Sky smiles "not yet but I am sure he will"  Brandy smiles and says "let  me know if he doesnt" she give me a peck on the check.  "Take good care of her you hear,  She is a good one."

As Sky sit herself om the chair i mix up one of my drinks called a Sweet Satisfaction.  "see if you like this" I say.  She drinks it straight down.  "not bad but you know I want more than that" she says in her sinfully sexy voice.  I bend over and kiss her, our tongues dancing in each others mouth   
"Plenty of time for that I laugh"  Enjoy the club and we will dance.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 30, 2012, 12:35:03 AM
The night continues, I try to keep the phone call  out of my mind but its impossible, even a slow dance with Stone  does little to calm my nerves. And getting hammered is not a viable option either as im waiting for Stanley to call me back. Wishing the whole thing was an elaborate prank, the night seems to go on forever.

11:15 pm Old Joe
Taking a break Joe slips into Covems work shop and grabs the roof key, grabbing the final items needed, he heads up to the roof. Following the instructions to the letter, as Joe works  he can hear the muffled sounds of the packed bar below. His costume makes for a strange silhouette in the moon light as he completes his task.
 Lighting a cigar he leans against the door. He begins to wonder if this is really a good idea. He knows these spirits perhaps better than anyone, having many chats with Grills over the years, but they never had behaved like this before.

11:50 pm  my makeup helps hide how I really feel, light headed and nervous. Well its not everyday your waiting for a call from a guy who has been dead 100 years and on Halloween to boot. Its almost surreal  with all the costumes about. My phone chimes, a text. I read the message turn off the phone.  Taking Stones hand I rush her outside to the fire.

Holding her close she asks “whats wrong jay?” I take a deep breath “we need to go to the roof” she looks at me puzzled “the roof?…. “I don’t have time to explain. We need to get up there now!” I give Stone a sweet kiss and hold her close then we rush back into the bar as I pass by Joe he hands me the key  shakes my hand and looks me in the eye and smiles. It has a strange calming effect on me.

We make our way through the  kitchen and down the hall. Stopping at the door I slip in the key , the door opens.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on October 30, 2012, 05:19:23 AM
That strange sensation still runnig on my skin but i try to focused on the party to forget about it: the songs, the cheers .... that's the wonderful atmosphere of the B&G!

This place is always noisy and funny .... it's really hard to find an annoyed face around and probably i'm the only one tonight. Dunno why, but i can't get out of my head that cold graze: maybe it's only the weather change, nothing more. I decided to go to the fire pit to warm my self a little before coming back inside the bar and, why not, eating some fresh meat.

I jump down my stole and lead for the fire place, when i suddenly have the impression to walk in a cold fluid but i can't see nothing around my legs.

"What's going on tonight, HB!?" i ask my self "someone will say you have some serious menytal disguise, tonigth .... or maybe all i need is some rest ...."

I look around again, but nothing seems different .... the same B&G and the same people: Lover, Sexy, Brandy, Tango .... everyone is here and seems no one have noticed something strange. I move back to the counter to meet Old Joe and ask him to prepare me something hot to drink and to  give me the key of the office, so i can lay for little on the comfy couch, hoping this will help me to feel better.

After had drink an hot tisane, i lead to the office and place the key in the lock. When i open the door, a wall of blood invests me covering all my body .... i loose my balance and fall on the floor: my eyes wide open staring at my hands and what i can see is nothing! Where the blood is!? it had covered me completely, but now i see no trace of it! Maybe i'm going insane tonight ....

"You know what i want ...."

I heard it clearly .... but can't see someone near me!

"Where and what are you!?" i scream loud.

"Silly question .... you know the answer well!"

My body is shaking and my blood is icy .... i can't understand what's going on around me: the voice is familiar but at the same time so different! I'll try to stand up but i can't .... every muscles of my body is fozen and all i can do is stying there, sitting on the floor waiting for something.
Something .... but what!? Maybe this is just a joke but who is in charge of it!? And why me!?

A piece of an old memory come back .... something like this is happend before in the past and, wonder why, it was at Halloween night again! Maybe this can be a hint of what's going on now, but i can't remember all the details, it's like most of them are wrapped in a dense fog.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 30, 2012, 11:11:51 AM
Gently I open her legs and see her sweet nectar pot kissing my way up her inner thigh i take a deep breath and my lungs are filled with her sweet sexy aroma. Moving in with the gentlest of kisses my lips touch her soft silk lips and get to taste her love nectar. Letting my tongue run along her lips and up to that magic button. I flick it with the tip of my tongue and feel it swell to the touch of my tongue. I hear soft moan come from Dutches as I kiss and lick her hot sweet pussy.

Licking her sweet nectar and running my tongue up to her magic button I feel her hands on the back of my head pushing me harder into her nectar pot. Hearing her moan loudly as I push my tongue deep into her feeling for her inner spot with the tip of my tongue. As I found it her body shakes in pleasure and her nails dig into my head. I slide my hands up the out side of Dutches's soft thigh and up onto her soft peach like ass pulling her to the edge of the table I lick right down over her sweet nectar covered lips and down over her tight little star. Hearing her take a sharp breath as my tongue moves over it.

I move my hand down and undo my pants and let my hard shaft out moving my tongue back into My Dutches's sweet nectar pot. she pulls me in harder and I feel her lips swell moving my head away from her nectar pot. I slowly stand up and kiss her deeply on her lips letting her taste her sweet nectar. As we kiss I gently rub the head of my hard cock along her soft lips with a gentle roll of my hips my cock slides deep into her hot wet channel feeling her inner walls around my hard shaft i move really slow wanting to feel every part of her soft inner walls.

Dutches puts her arms around my neck and pulls me tight into her and wraps her legs around my waist and rolls her hips we speed up together and I feel er clench hard around me and she lets out a loud moan. I feel a hot rush of her nectar run around my cock and down over my balls. We kiss deeply right throw her orgasm.

I move round and whisper in her ear "time for a change I thing"  she moves her head and looks me in the eyes. I glace over to mrsexlover and her eyes widen and a smile comes across her face. Kissing her again I catch mrsexlovers eye and with just a flick of my eyes he know what is about to happen. He rolls his eyes up and down in agreement. I do the same with Covems and he gives the same back .

I tap the table and we all move back and I spin the girls round one place.  Dutch goes to mrsex ,  sexi moves to covems and i get eva 

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on October 30, 2012, 05:42:13 PM
Jayc & I  make our way up the stairway to the roof, sneaking away from the party wondering why we have been summoned up there .  We are both a little apprehensive  as we climb up the narrow stairs.
My breath catches as I see what  has been prepared.  A fire pit glowing for heat, placed on a large concrete base, blankets and pillows spread out on the floor for comfort, a bucket of ice with champagne  and the 10 red roses in the vase from behind the bar. How did that get there?  Someone has gone to an awful lot of trouble to prepare such a romantic setting under the moonlight.

“Did you know about this?” I whisper to Jayc. He shakes his head as much bewildered as  me.

We look round for some kind of clue;  then suddenly we hear  an unseen band  begin to play a waltz, the air turns cooler and I stare at Jayc with wide eyes.  “ Tell me you arranged that “ I whisper.
“ If only I could” He replied.  The hairs on the back of my neck begin to stand and goose bumps appear on my exposed skin. A smell of Jasmine fills the air ...

We both whisper at the same time,  “ Doris & Stanley” Then they appear in their fine clothes, the apparitions dancing the perfect waltz on the roof top. They are transparent and glide around in their perfect dance steps.  We stare mesmerised by the couple until their dance comes to its natural conclusion. The music fades but continues to play softly – repeated waltzes.

They approach and stand before us. We must look strange indeed. A vampire biker and zombie biker chick standing with two ghosts dressed in ballroom finery.

Stanley Grill speaks first.  “Thank you for meeting us here. We have a favour to ask. But before we do, I would like to tell you about us. We chose you because we share something in common. A deep love & understanding that lasts through time, through dimensions, the kind of love that lasts forever. You may not even realise yet this special bond you have, but trust me – you do. 
The best way to tell you about us , is our way.. may I ? “

He raises his hands to touch our foreheads. There is no touch, however, just a cool icy feeling where his hand would be.   Jayc & I nod our consent.  “ Please  brace yourself, its a little like a brain upload but although strange, it is completely harmless and there are no lasting effects. Are you ready?” 

Jayc & I nod again.  We shut our eyes and then it begins.  A couple meeting, memory flashes of deep joy & laughter. Picnics by rivers, of special meaningful gifts, courtship and deep love, Doris, beautiful , dancing in dance halls, her beau, Stanley watching proudly.  The pride Doris has for her successful husband as a respected business man.  The joy and happiness of their wedding day. 

The feelings are intense that are transmitted to us, Jayc & I find ourselves feeling the joy of their meeting, their first kiss, their courtship, their wedding day. We can’t help but feel uplifted and physically laugh with the couple in our minds eye and the images transmitted to our brains.

The story continues.  The special moment Doris gives up her dancing for her husband. The day he presented her with the Bar & Grill’s ownership papers. Their trip to England to meet Doris’s family and the wonderful places they visited. All of their wonderful happy moments, there in a flash. We find ourselves smiling at such a happy couple, deeply in love & so very happy.

Then the Titanic, the dancing, The Band playing, The Baxters,  the terror of Doris leaving her love behind on the ship,  her selfless act of saving Jack Baxter’s life that night, the roses in Doris’s hair and Stanley’s lapel.  The bravery of the Band playing and the couple dancing to try and soothe the panicking passengers.  Then the terror of the ship tilting and breaking in two and the icy water.

Stanley removes his hands then from our foreheads and I find tears streaming down my face , that their young lives were cut short so abruptly.  Jayc looks grim too, fighting his emotions.

Stanley gives us a minute or so to compose ourselves.  Then he continues,  “  The night we died, we found out something else too.  Our bodies were holding hands, together till the very end”,
 Stanley & Doris smile tenderly at each other.

 “ When our souls exited our bodies in the deep freezing waters, we found each other  easily to move on to the next plane together,  but we  found we were joined by a smaller soul,  attached to us.  A kindred spirit.  Doris had been pregnant  with our child, unknown in life at the time.”
Stanley smiles again at Doris.  “ We would have loved that child dearly” 

Stanley pauses a moment and then speaks again, “ It has been 100 years since our death, a 100 years since we could hold each other, to touch each other, to kiss each other. Our request is simple, we would like to exchange places with you, for a few hours.. so I can hold my Doris again, to smell her sweet fragrance, to touch the woman I hold most dear in life and in death.”
Doris then speaks, “ And I would like to hold my Stanley again, to show him, he still means the world and universe to me “

Jayc and I look at each other, choked by the strong emotions transmitted to us in our minds and the story of this couple.  We both know our answer  and nod at each other smiling.
“ Yes, we will do it”  Jayc speaks for both of us.....

Stanley & Doris look at each other delighted by our agreement. Doris grabs hold of my hands and looks into my face,  “ Thank you, Thank you so much”.  The touch of her hands are icy, contrasting with the warmth of the smile, she bestows on us.

Jayc & I  smile at each other, we both know, this is the right decision.  It just feels right.

Stanley and Doris stand in front of us.   Doris asks, “Are you sure about this?”
We both nod.   Stanley continues, “ Are you ready  for our invasion and exchange?”
We nod again.  Both of the entities then tentatively walk into our bodies at the same time. Slowly merging inch by inch in to one.  Stanley slowly invades Jayc and Doris merges into me.

The feeling is strange, almost like an unseen  icy cloud seeping into every pore. Invading and taking over our bodies, our breath catches and we struggle for air, fighting in an enclosed space, trying to breathe, trying to find room as we seem to be crushed and conquered.

And then we are free. Air fills our lungs, we can move freely again. A strong sense of freedom  & exhilaration fills our very being.  A burst into another  plane.

I look at Jayc, he’s gorgeous, no longer in his vampire gear, but dressed in his sexy cowboy get up, strong, handsome, verile and ....  transparent with a gentle glowing light around him. I reach out and touch him,  but there is nothing to touch. My hand meets his body , I see it but I can’t feel him.
I notice my hand and arm then, it’s my hand , my arm but it is also transparent with the same glowing light radiating from it.

Jayc sees me in my  black leather mini skirt, my leather tie front top, stockings and high heels. The way I was dressed on our first date.

“ Are we ghosts?”  I ask him, in wonderment as my mind tries to understand and assess the situation.

Stanley answers instead,  “ It’s your spirit, the essence of you, your very being. You see what you want to see,  you see Jayc as you think of him and he of you.  You can go where you want, you won’t be seen. You can travel to the moon if you want, by just thinking it. You can fly and do and be whatever you want.  Enjoy your night together, go places of your dreams. Experience this new plane, this out of body experience.   Not everyone is chosen, not everyone has this chance. “  He smiles at us both and then looks at Doris.  “ Besides we would like  time, private time to ourselves”

Jayc grins in understanding at him,  “ Come on Stone, shall we try the flying out?”
He takes my hand and looks up,  “ I always wanted to see the moon and North Star, to see what we look like from up there,  shall we?”

I grin at him, liking this chance of a new experience “ For sure Batman”  I look at Doris & Stanley. “ Enjoy yourselves, I know we will. See you in a few hours”

And with that we whoosh upwards , a bit wobbly at first. Holding Jayc’s hand I point out 3 space men  in Thruster Suits heading towards  The Nexus - “ Oh my God  J,  Its Ambassador Spock & Pafe & Satoire”  We wave but they can’t see us.

And then, gaining confidence as we fly, we head out to the Moon and North Star......

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on October 30, 2012, 10:33:36 PM
Sexi moans and twists her thighs in front of me, and wraps her legs around my head to pull me closer. I lick with pure passion and in a gush of fluids she is comming in my mouth. I try to suck it all in.

In the corner of my eye i see tango nodding, he likes the turn the table, i give him a signal it's ok and when he turns i see Dutch moving to me with a big smile. I stand up to kiss and welcome her and when i do she immediately grabs my cock and moans, i'm more then wet enough, now i want some hard meat in me.

I smile and as i feel her hands guide me into her soaking wet love cave. Moving my pelvis slowly i enter it and feel her warmth around me. Still kissing her and with my thumbs rubbing her pointy nipples, i start moving in and out. giving ourselfs over to the passion we have for eachother
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on October 31, 2012, 10:28:15 AM
The smell of jasmine surrounds me, almost to a point where a purple haze fills the air.  I can make out faint images and hear slight laughter.  All of a sudden the jasmine is replaced by a repulsive smell... smelling salts?  My eyes open, snapping me out of my brief outage. 

My eyes try to focus on the things moving around me.  The bright light seems to burn my retinas. 

"He's waking up!" I hear from a familiar voice.  "Kill the lights for a minute" the voice says.  The lights dim, and my eyes can refocus.  Brandy is hovering above me.  "Are you ok JD?" she asks.   

"Wha..what happened" I murmur. 

"From the looks of it, well.. you passed out" Brandy quips.  "From the yard of ale to the dentist chair, it looks like you had a bit much."  "Did you eat anything before the yard of ale?" she questioned.     

"No, I certainly didn't."  I replied, trying to shake the buzzing from my head.    "How long was I out for?" I chuckled as I asked her.   

"A few hours" she said as she helped me to my feet.  "We moved you back here to the pool room so the alcohol could wear off." 

"It seems like I've been out for days" I joke as I steady myself in my boots.  Sexilicous hands me some coffee.  "Welcome back to the land of the conscience!" she says.  "Thanks for taking care of me while I was out, ladies.  Although I am quite surprised I am not undressed any more than I am". 

I glance at them both and they both wink at each other and walk out. 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on October 31, 2012, 10:51:40 AM
I'll try to focus on my memories but i can't remember nothing. I try to stand up and look at my reflex in a near mirror .... what i see it's me and there is nothing strange in my image except the make up i had use for my costume.

I lay an hand on the mirror looking closely at my reflex again: everything looks fine but i have the impression somthing is missing in my costume.

"I really need a clawed arm .... and those clothes ...." i think staring at what i'm wearing.

"I can help you .... but you have to listen me ...."

"why not ...."

Following the instruction of that voice, i reach the changing room and enter it. Here, i find a bag on one of the chair and open it: insiide it, i can see all i was aiming for just a minute ago in front of the mirror. Faster as i can i undress and change all my clothes, even the accessory i'm wearing to complete the demon costume: in few minutes i'm ready and i leave the changing room, stopping again in front of the same mirror.

What i see surprise me with pleasure: a long black dress cover my body leaving free my arms, a metal black corset with red decorations tightening it around my waist and, naturally, biggest horns and wings completed it. A slit on the left side reveal my leg when i turn around to admire it on the back: the dress it's opened from my shoulders to my bum, lightly exposing a part of it even if it's partially covered by a tail. On my left arm, a sort of organic glove cover it till my hand, forming a three claws ones. Last things are some jewels similar to the corset, just to complete the whole costume.

"Really nice ...." i say to my self staring at the mirror.

"We are ...." the voice answer.

"WE" .... yes, now i know .... that voice came from deepest inside me .... it's my lust, my irrational side i usually tend to stop. But tonight it's different, it's Halloween, the night where ghosts and witches are free to walk in the human world, so why i have to stop it!?

"Time to have some fun .... mmmmhmm!"

I'll take a glass of red wine from the counter and walk between the table looking around in search of someone i can join. Sipping slowly the wine, i notice a little group around a table: i recognized three of them, Sexi, Mrsexlover and Tango. I approach their table and watch at them for a little, then when they exchanges partners, i move close to Tango and spank his ass.
When he turn his face to me, i gaze at him like i want eat him.

"I'll gonna wait for a more interessing dance, Tango, i had notice how you was staring at my tail .... don't keep me waiting so long!"

I lean on a table next to their continuing to observe Tango and Eve, sipping my wine and waiting ....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on October 31, 2012, 04:49:14 PM
At the table of fun I lean on it with both hands one ether side of Eva. Looking into her big Blue eyes I study her smooth body  lift a hand and run it down the side of her body Its warm to the touch and she pushes herself onto my hand. As my hand moves over her smoothness I feel a slap on my ass I brake my gaze at Eva and turn to find a stunning looking lady taking a second look HB wow is that you looking her up and down dressed in a stunning Black dress with a long slit down one side showing her leg as she stands there.looking back up over her body the Black metal corset shows her  small waist the wings on her back and the horns on her head finish the out fit.

"I'll gonna wait for a more interessing dance, Tango, i had notice how you was staring at my tail .... don't keep me waiting so long!"

 She whispers in my ear. She moves back and sips her wine moving around me I get to see the back or lack of a back to the dress and she still has her tail seeing it I smile. She leans on the table next to us and watches what is going on.

Looking back into Eva's eye I can't help it but i have to Look back to HB and the look of want in her dark eyes fills my body with same thing I hadn't felt in a long time. Leaning down I take one of my hands off the table. Bending down I kiss and lick my way down Eva's smooth body, but my eyes are drown back to HB . With my free hand I take my cock in my hand its still nice and hard watching the way HB's lips on the glass as she sips her wine. I bite my lip wishing they where on mine.

I feel the LUST build deep in me I put my hand on her leg and start to slide it up higher the soft skin of her leg make me want more. I can't take it anymore............. I stand "sorry Eva" I say   

In one swift move I take HB's glass from her lips and put it on the table. Sliding my hand down her back I pull her to me feeling the fire in her. I move my lips to hers and we kiss, a kiss fall of lust and passion are tongue's fight each other as the passion flows between us. My hand goes lower and slide inside her dress grabbing that soft sweet ass I pull it hard towards me pressing her body hard against mine as we kiss deeper.

I break the kiss and whisper in HB's ear "I'm up for any sort of dance you want"

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on October 31, 2012, 08:58:00 PM
Stanley  &  Doris look at each other and they smile.  They don’t see the Halloween costumes this night. They see each other in their ballroom attire, handsome, beautiful & elegant.
Now alone, Stanley’s attention is on Doris. He takes hold of both hands and they both watch in wonder.  Stanley  entwines his fingers around hers and runs his thumbs over her hands.

“I feel you”, Doris whispers  awestruck.
“ Me too” Stanley murmurs , mesmerised by the hypnotic circling of his thumb on her soft hands . He turns them over and circles his thumb on her inner wrist. 
He looks into her eyes and steps in closer, lowers  his head and kisses her gently at first. He enjoys the feel of their lips as they meet and then , as he feels Doris respond to his advances, he deepens their kiss, his tongue softly invading her mouth. He holds her head and  explores and enjoys her, encouraged by her soft whimpering.

As he finishes the kiss,  She looks at him and then  up at the moon and sparkling stars, just perfect  “ Did you turn those on for us too?”
He smiles, “ Of course, Did you think I’d forget?” and pulls her over to the fire. They half lie on the blanket as he opens the champagne  to fill the glass flutes and a punnett of strawberries. He places a strawberry on the edge of each glass.
 He raises his glass to hers  “  To my beautiful wife”
Doris smiles, “ To my handsome husband”

They drink for awhile, enjoying the fruit and heat of the fire, enjoying the luxury they had missed for a 100 years. Every now and then they touch each other,  giggling, remembering  new senses, not quite believing their luck this Halloween night.

“ Stand up for me” Stanley asks her, “ Let me look at you” Doris does as he asks, giving him a slow turn,  glowing in the firelight.
“ You look exquisite” He remarks, looking at her from head to foot.  He stands and joins her, holding her close. He caresses her back and slowly undresses her.  He unzips her dress and tugs it gently off her shoulders. He rains tender kisses on her  bared skin. Doris moans in response revelling in his gentle lovemaking.

He tugs more and the dress, falls to her feet, then he slowly  unhooks & pulls her bra away, her panties and stockings, removing each shoe. Soon all she is wearing is her smile.

He stands her by the fire, stepping back, and takes his fill of her.  The flames from the fire pit casts sensuous  flickering shadows on her nudity. Doris has a beautiful slim figure, ample round breasts with rosebud nipples. She has dark brown hair, that falls just passed  her shoulders . She has round full hips and the dark pubic hair frames the promise of what’s beneath

“ You look exquisite” He repeats.  “ Stay there so I can see you, while I undress” 

He slowly undresses under Doris’s watchful eyes.
He is soon naked and her breath catches at the sight of him and his big, throbbing erection.
He reaches out for her hand and she walks to him, slipping her hand in his. They stand in the middle of the picnic rug and kiss again, their naked bodies pressing into each other.

They slowly sink to the rug and pillows and Doris lays on her back as Stanley explores and ignites her inferno. He strokes her breasts, her belly, reaching down to the apex of his thighs. She in turn caresses  his neck, his shoulders and back. All throughout he kisses her mouth and suckles her breasts enjoying her body as she enjoys his.  He moves down and intimately kisses her pussy, lapping her & drawing out her wetness.  He ensures, she is wet and willing, stroking her breasts and finger fucking her. Doris groans and bucks onto his fingers.

Satisfied she is ready, Stanley rises and hovers his upper body over hers, prodding her opening with the tip of his cock. They look  deeply into each other’s eyes and Doris smiles her encouragement.

He enters her with a low growl and she accepts him moaning his name. He stills feeling her tightness holding him. Both enjoy this special moment of their union. Then Stanley can hold back no longer, the temptation too great. Doris moans again in pure pleasure as he starts a slow rhythmic mating dance which soon builds to a lusty fuck mode.

In his excitement he rams into her deeply and greedily. Fast, hard, and meaningful.  Nature taking over, both losing themselves in the pleasure. Doris’s breasts brushing his chest, tantalising him. Both breathe heavy in each other’s ears.

And then the pleasure reaches it’s crescendo and they both dive into the abyss of sexual  wonderment. Their orgasms rack their bodies simultaneously and they both cry out their names in the stillness of the night.

 Stanley collapses, from the sated  bliss, on top of his wife as she relishes his weight and her own fulfilment . They hold each other till their breathing and heart rate return to normal.

Doris whispers in his ear,  “ I love you Mr Grill, you are still amazing”
He smiles back , “ I love you Mrs Grill .. and so are you..  and... this is just the start “  They both chuckle. 
“ I think this possession is going to be very very successful” Doris ponders cheekily.

Some time  later, I stir finding myself entwined with Jayc lying beside me. My body feels sated with a happy buzz in my blood. I stroke Jayc’s face and he opens his eyes. 
“Hi baby”, he murmurs.
“ Hi Baby” I repeat.

We lie back looking up into the morning sky and stretch lazily before sitting up. Beside us on the pillows are two white roses.  Doris & Stanley’s thanks for their 100 year night.

“ Do you think we will see them again?” I whisper to Jayc

“ Who knows, but I’d sure like to visit that North Star again” He replies.


Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on October 31, 2012, 11:32:00 PM
Stone wakens me as we find our selves on the roof in the early dawn,  the night before like a distant dream."Brrrrrrrrrr im chilly" stone nuzzles into me, pulling my pants on "lets go down to office a get a few more hours of sleep baby"Stome wraps a blanket around her self as we gather our belongings and head down the stairs. the bar dark, empty and quiet. hand in hand i lead her to the office i quietly open the door and have a peak, "we in luck baby nobodys in the sleeper sofa. i turn on the lights and propped up next to my desk is a painting........."omg stone look!


Stones eyes widen  "its  Stanley and Doris"

Happy Halloween everybody
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on November 01, 2012, 08:47:52 AM
As my King moves us to the back of the bar and puts me against a pier. He holds me tight against it and we kiss again he parting my legs with his knee
I open them for him and hold him tight I break our kiss and whisper in my Kings ear "I'm yours My King I will do as you wish and will do it willingly and freely" I move back and we kiss again.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on November 01, 2012, 10:56:23 AM
Looking over in a moment of passion I see JD sitting down still recovering from passing out and remember just how naughty I was before coming to the table here.

After seeing JD pass out as I was walking around, I headed over and helped get him comfortable as he was out. Placing a soft pillow that was brought under his head, I couldn't help but feel naughty. Leaning in, I give him a sweet kiss on the cheek then slides my tongue down his jaw. Moving up slightly, I press a small kiss to his lips.

Sliding my hands under his top, I begin to rub his muscles all over his chest and stomach. Lifting his shirt up higher and higher, I lean down and with small kisses cover his chest and stomach. Rubbing my head softly against his stomach, I continue rubbing his chest twirling my fingers around and around getting smaller and smaller in motions.

Feeling that his clothes weren't loose enough for passing out, I undo his pants and slides the clothing down a bit towards his knees exposing his cock to my view. Rubbing down his body with mine, I lay down in between his legs and start to lick his balls. Then my lips gradually move up sliding along the length of his shaft and onto his head sliding around and around the tip.

Placing my mouth around the head, I slowly take his cock into my mouth little by little. Slowly bobs up and down JD's cock, I rub my finger along his thigh and around his balls. Cupping them and slowly massages them, I take my mouth off and drape my hair over his body and moves up and down. Seeing some small movements, I quickly put his pants back in place and redo his shirt as best I can.

Heading over to the bar, I ask for some coffee for JD and brings it back. Trying to keep the grin from not being too big, I hand the mug to JD. "Welcome back to the land of the conscience!" When JD said that he was a bit surprised at not being more undressed, I softly giggle and glance over at Brandy who also helped JD out a bit. We wink at each other and separate ways.

Catching JD's eyes, I wink and motion towards the table where the group of us are still playing. While having his eyes on me, I trail my hand around my chest and draw closer circles towards the nipple. Reaching the nipple, I pull it out and look at JD. Pulling it more towards his direction in offering, I wink again at him. Rubbing my fingers on up around the neck, I place my finger in my mouth and suck on it gently making sure I have JD's eyes on me the entire time.

With the change of tables that had happened, I keep pushing my pussy more and more out searching more for that touch of Covems mouth and tongue. Sliding the other hand down my body, I rub the clit in motion with the finger in my mouth producing more liquid that slides out from my pussy.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on November 02, 2012, 11:37:03 AM
JD had too much to drink throughout the night and I had to get the dwarves to carry him through to the pool room to sleep it off.  I go to check on him, seeing  sexilious creeping out before joining her friends on the rotating table. 

“You got smelling salts? “ She asks,  I nod grinning. “Its about time we woke our JD up”

We both return to the pool room and I gently waver the salts under his nose. He wakes up slowly, Looking a bit dazed.

“ Hey, welcome back to the living” I tell him.  He notices his clothes are undone a bit.   He looks at me & Sexi wondering who..
Sexi and I wink at each other to keep JD wondering.  Lol

“Come on,”  I say to him, “ Nothing like the hair of a dog to get you going again “

We walk out to the bar. Sexi  joins the rotating table to enjoy. 

J D and I move to the bar, ssgt & Skydance joins us,  “ Tea please Joe, and whatever these guys are having, Sky yours in on the house girl - welcome”
Both the guys & Sky  look over to the table and watch Sexi’s nipple display with interest....

I see Stone  & Jayc,  “ Hey congrats girl”  She looks at me puzzled. I grin and go ring the bar bell, not helping JD’s head.

“  Hey Folks, Stone’s made Junior Member  on Forum. Congrats to making  a little over 50 posts “  I raise my cup of tea to her grinning.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Skydance on November 02, 2012, 01:17:27 PM
Ssgt expertly  pours a bloody mary into my mouth and its certainly refreshing with a little kick after the open road.  I sit up a little after he finishes & wipe a little dribble from the corner of my mouth with my finger. Then suck the tomato juice from the tip.

"So you going to give me a dance?"  I ask   " I want to catch up with what you been up to since I last seen you, and please, include all the naughty bits "
I swing my legs to the side of the chair, and stand up.  ssgt offers his arm as a true gentleman does and  I fold my arm in his.

"So whats this place like? I ask him

He smiles at me "Where do I start,  there's a Panda, 7 dwarfs and Eva, "  He looks over to her and I follow his eyes...

" A rotating table, now that seems very pleasurable" I tease taking a swig out of my bottle, letting my tongue gently &  purposefully caress the drips on the rim, all the time watching the action on the table.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on November 02, 2012, 01:30:15 PM
I sip my tea while standing at the bar, trying to collect my thoughts.  I look over to the rotating table and Sexilicious is already on it.  She is looking at me.. giving me that "come hither" look.  I smile and wink at her.  I walk behind the bar, looking for a few things.   I grab the chocolate syrup from the bottom shelf and the whipped cream can from the mini-fridge and walk over to where the hors d'oeuvres are being served.

"Ah, there is still some fruit left" I murmur as I look into the nicely carved shell of a watermelon.  It makes a perfect bowl for serving fruit salad.  I tuck the can of whipped cream and the  bottle of syrup under my arm and lift the watermelon bowl from the table, silver serving spoon and all.  I walk towards the table where Sexi is laying.  She eyes me with that wanton look.  I am thinking... "Dessert is now being served...  this is going to be fun!"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on November 02, 2012, 02:10:46 PM
My eyes lock in with the beautiful eyes of my princess and with a smile on my face, I start to sink down my knees while my lips travel down her cheek, her neck, over her chest down to her belly. I brush my face against her gown while my hands slide underneath the skirt and slowly start to lift the fabric, exposing her naked lower body. The sweet scent of her excitement escapes and invades my nose

Drawn in by her sweet scent, I push my face against her pelvis and drag my tongue down her soft skin, find the soft lips of her sex and kiss her intimately. Slowly I run my tongue over her pussy lips, collecting the frist droplets of her nectar, allowing me a first taste of her desire, then dive in with a rolling push, spreading her entrance open and pressing my lips against the petals of her sex.

In the background I hear the laughter and munching sounds as 4 girls are spun around on a table and end up with different guys each spin. But I am lost between the soft thighs of my princess, hooked on the sweet taste of her desrie, the feel and touch of her velvet opening, the warmth and promises her center emits. I can’t help but to suck my mouth against her opening and devour her sweet pussy. But then I feel her body move and twitch and hear the sweet, hesitant voice of my princess.

“My King, will you take me to that table?”

For a moment I look up, gazing at her, not understanding. Then i turn my head as her hands guide me and I see the guys just diving in on the girls that are presented before them. With a grin on my face I look up.

“Ofcourse princess, just know that i will be the one that gets all of you.. You’re all for me…”
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on November 02, 2012, 04:06:28 PM
Seeing JD wink at me, I can't help but continue to tempt him with my naughty playing as Covems continues to keep me so horny by drinking up that delicious nectar down below. My eyes stay on JD as he moves behind the bar and grabs a couple things. Seeing him grab the whip cream, chocolate, and assorted fruit in the fruit bowl, I can't help but lick my lips at the thought of such tasty food and sexual fun combined.

JD is walking towards me, and I smile at him pleased to see him coming to join the little group orgy that is beginning to form on the table. Patting the middle section by my head, "Why don't you hop up here JD and have all 3 of us to play with that delicious stuff you brought with you, and I'm sure the guys would love a bit of that yummy food stuff too." Wonders silently in my head, I sure hope there is enough to go around. Smacking lips, especially when it is the girls turn to do some tasting.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on November 02, 2012, 10:44:26 PM
I smile as i see JD approach with his food items. mmmmm just what we need to have more fun and Dutchess is thinking the same as she winks to JD for the syrup and cream.

Then is see Thight bringing his princess to the table as well. Welcome to you both enjoy our party here at the table of fun.

I turn back to Dutch and see here boobs covered in chocolate and whip cream, i bend forward and start licking and sucking these wonders of nature pointing straight at me and now even more delicous as before.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on November 03, 2012, 12:27:03 PM
I aproach the bar to show everyone the painting that was left in the office. comparing the old photo of the Grills to the painting we marvel at the likeness. "hey Brandy i would like to hang this above the stage, and have Covems make a plaque "

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Thom on November 03, 2012, 08:32:57 PM
"Gosh Mollie, that feels so good!" I say while enjoying her soft hand and smooth tongue. My pelvis starts thrusting slowly.

My fingers begin stroking her inner thighs and moving towards the center untill I finally feel the warmth of her womanhood.

Two fingers sliding across her lips and slowly gently moving them apart so my middle finger feels her wet and warm vulva.

Gently my middlefinger slides inside ...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on November 03, 2012, 10:09:29 PM
After the lovely Miss Sky finishes her drink I reach out my hand.  Please lets walk over to the bar and say hi to the gang there.  Im sure they would like to meet you."    We walk to the bar slowly as Shy walks in a slow sensual motion.  Her breast bouncing with each step, trying to escape from here top.

Brandy greets us at the bar.  "Hi Shy, welcome to the bar."  "Thank you seems to be a very interesting place" she laughs.  Sky says "Hi" to JD and old Joe.  We look around and see a nice crowd at the table.  Sexilicious is putting on as nice show as everyone is watching.  Jd in particular,

"Would you like to dance" I ask Sky.  She says "I would love to."  I put my arm around her and we move to the dance floor.  I tell her i am glad to she her.  "Shut up" she laughs " and kiss me."  I pull he close and our lips meet.  She smells of rose pedals.  I suck om her bottom lip as my hands gently caresses her back.  Moving up and down with the beat of the music.  my tongue parts her lips and dances inside with hers.  I pull her closer my and hers becoming as one.

I look into her eyes, god you could get lost in the beauty and seductiveness of her inner spirit.  "How do you like it here" I ask.  Hold onto her not wanting to let her go.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Kingdustin on November 04, 2012, 04:09:29 PM
As every suggested here I am Achat Bar & Grill. Greeting, hows its every one? as you can tell I am indeed new. join the forum 3 days ago I
think. I have all ready taken part in many topic and start few my self. I hope I have long and friendly relationship with every one here. I look forward to chatting and discussing any topic or just siting back having fun laughing and enjoy nice cold one with soon to be Great Friends. =)

Dustin =)

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 04, 2012, 06:10:31 PM
Welcome to the Bar & Grill Kingdustin
hope you like it here and get to know us all and then have same fun.
Go see BrandyBee or Stone and get your free drink first one is always on the house
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on November 04, 2012, 06:16:59 PM
greetings and welcome Kingdustin. Glad to see that you are finding your way around the forum
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Kingdustin on November 04, 2012, 06:26:15 PM
Thanks for the greeting =) i do hope to be a valued friend to all

If you don't mind I could go for Large Ice Brandy with little honey.

The good stuff please =)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on November 04, 2012, 08:14:06 PM
I laugh at JD when I see the pudding dish,  well desert is normally served on the rotating pleasure table which is certainly starting to get very busy, as Tight & All_For_You join in the fun.

Ssgt leaves with Sky heading for the dance floor. I carry on sipping my tea and Jayc  suddenly appears with a beautiful portrait of the Ballroom couple of the day - Doris & Stanley.

He suggests  putting it above the stage - the new aptly named  THE DORIS BAR MEMORIAL STAGE.   I nod, "Thats just the perfect place & name for the stage. I think they would like that,  I'm sure Covem's will agree, "  looking over at the table , " Maybe when he's less errr... busy "

I chat with people at the bar, when a new face walks in,  " Well Hi KingDustin, welcome to the AB&G .... Joe, set this guy up with a Brandy, Ice & honey on the house"  I turn back to him raising my cup of fine English tea in toast.  " Its all fun here, maybe when JD has finished at the table, you may want to try the mechanical bull,  or maybe when Covems has finished at the same table - You may like to wrestle the dwarfs in the pudding pit ..or even have a go at singing at the open mic on stage ..

" Oh by the way -  have you heard the news -  the erotic contest story 3 - Time Travel  stories are published for reading and voting for your favourite.  I tell you they are hot hot hot and you really should check them out"    :P

Forum Homepage / Organisations & Events  / Contests  /  Time travel, The stories.

There are 11 short stories in total as you scroll down, all published by the Contest Manager, Tightfit74. Please take your time to read & vote for the one you like best. The stories are written by members for members and your vote shows support for their efforts. The authors will be published after the voting closes  :o  Thank you for taking time out to read & vote. It is appreciated.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Kingdustin on November 04, 2012, 10:56:18 PM
CHEERS TO EVERY ONE !!!, thank for the Drink BrandyBee =)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on November 05, 2012, 12:31:19 PM
stepping behind the bar i pour myself a coffee and refill Brandy's tea  and join her at the Bar. we look at all the pics from the halloween party and try and decide which ones for the Bar photo board. i spot a new face and introduce my self to Dustin and welcome him to our home away from home. i look over  at the events board and its empty. ringing the bar bell i get the patrons attention. "the halloween party was a rousing sucess but i have noticed no new ideas for our next bar event. so lets give it some thought and post your ideas on the even board". smiling  "one more thing...........the owner of this establishment has been named a moderator for the forum, lets give Brandy  a big hand and the next round is on the house"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 05, 2012, 03:59:16 PM
Congrats to Brandy   
And let the fun keep going  ;D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on November 05, 2012, 04:35:08 PM
I smile to Stone and raise my glass "Delayed congrats for being juinior member :)" Then I turn to Brandy "Cheers new partner! You also may have one drink. Then... don't forget your job :D."
I laugh... "But not tonight."

I get up and enter the stage. Take the mic, look to the band, nod and scream

Man what in the world is happening down
At the end of the hall?
I don't have a clue?
Let's check this thing out!

What is happening here
Something's going on that's not quite clear
Somebody turn on the lights
We're gonna have a party
It's starting tonight

Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling

The room is hot and that's good
Some of my friends came by from the neighborhood
The people startin' a climb the walls
Ooh it looks like everybody is having a ball

Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling

Come on!

Everybody start to lose control
When the music is right
If you see somebody hangin' around
Don't get uptight
The only thing we want to do tonight
Is go 'round and 'round
And turn upside down
Come on! Let's get down!

So come on! Let's get loose
Don't hold back
'Cause ain't no use
Hard to keep your feet on the ground
'Cause when we like to party
We only want to get down

Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling

Say what?
Can't stop now
Just getting started
Everybody clap your hands
Come on
Everybody let's dance

(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Baby, baby
We gonna dance all night
Till the broad daylight
Keep on movin', keep on groovin'
Oh yeah
Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling

Oh, what a feeling
When we're dancing on the ceiling...

Afterwards I go back to the bar, taking place beside Marilyn and say "Sorry, sometimes I can't control myself. You will notice this later too."
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on November 05, 2012, 06:24:35 PM
I finish my dance with Sky.  I walk over to Brandy.  "boss I just cant do the chair anymore.  Dont feel like I fit in working here,  So i will be leaving now,  Tell Stone and Jayc I said goodbye."   I take Skys hand look into her eyes and kiss her.  "Think I could ride bitch on your bike?She laughs.  "Where you want to go?"  "Any place as long as I am with you"

We walk to the door, I turn around an take on more look at the place.  Everyone is drinking and having fun.  Sky looks at me.  "you know your are going to miss this place,  especially Brandy"  "I know but i will get over it"  I take my hat and throw it in the air, look and her "Lets leave this place behind"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on November 06, 2012, 12:19:59 PM

Sexilicious, this is like a dream come true!  My fingers sink into her skin as my hands grasp her hips, my head burrows down. I feel her body come towards me as her pelvis tilts to meet my tongue, to meet the feeling that's making her body shiver, her nipples hard and that has her moaning deep and strong.

With every lick and flick of my tongue her pussy grinds into my face, wanting more of my mouth. I can feel the wetness on my face smearing onto her thighs.

My head goes a bit lower, my tongue thrusting in her, lapping up her juices, enjoying the taste of her sweet pussy, my hand has moved over from her hip, my finger is circling her clit, not daring to touch it but just teasing her with the feeling of pressure all around it and knowing she is getting so close.

I watch her body react to every slight touch I give her. The feelings that go through my body, the way my skin comes alive, how every nerve reacts to how her body reacts to my touch.  I look up without stopping, watching her body as she is sprawled across the table

There she is, legs spread, thighs resting on the table, my head between her legs, one hand still teasing her pussy whilst the other is now gliding down her thigh with a feather light touch.

Her heat feels so good, I keep thrusting my tongue in her pussy, then licking just the outside of her where the juices have leaked, I enjoy the taste of her, and the feelings of her body below my head as I continue to let my tongue tease the most sensitive part of her pussy and watch how it makes her react, not only with her grinding her hips into my head deeper but also the non stop flowing of the wetness between her legs that I just keeps licking.

Her breathing becomes so heavy and rapid I know she's going to pop. I move my head slightly upwards, and bring my tongue up in one long stroke and lick at her clit hard, and fast.

My hands are back round her hips, my fingers gripping her so tightly, I’m not letting her go. My tongue against her clit, my lips pushed against her skin, my head literally burying itself in between her legs, the feeling of knowing she’s about to give me a mouthful of her hot sticky sweet cum, her hand goes to the back of my head, I’ve worked for this so I deserve to feel what I’ve done to her as she closes her eyes and lets her body go, feeling the sensations rise from her, the gasps and moans escaping her mouth, her hips bucking as she comes, pulling on my hair, and I am enjoying every second of her orgasm.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on November 06, 2012, 07:41:59 PM
Smiles down at Covems as he declares that it is a dream come true. Giving a small wink, "How do you know you aren't dreaming?" The next moment I feel his breath down on my pussy and moan as he has to smell clearly how aroused I am from the playing that has happened already. My mind cannot escape all the naughty thoughts of what could come either.  Maybe there will be others who join or maybe the people here will do all kinds of wonderful naughty things to make us all so wet and sweaty by the end. My body is so ready for anything, and I can feel how tight my nipples are becoming. His breath feels so good on me down there where I lift my body up towards his face searching for contact.

Arching into his mouth as much as I can, I continually smear the wetness that is pouring out of me little by little onto him which then finds its way onto me again, so we both are getting soaked in my juices.  I then feel his tongue slide into the tight canal of my pussy, and his fingers circling around the clit but refusing to touch. I start to circle my hips trying to get him to touch the clit which is burning in need for someone to touch it.

Covems continues to tease my pussy, but then he starts sliding his other hand up and down my thigh lightly making me shiver with more desire. I continue to wiggle against his tongue and hands feeling that desire build and build inside. Moaning loudly, I rock faster against his tongue seeking that orgasm that is building higher and hotter than ever. He starts to lick fast and hard against my clit and holds me still with his hands not letting me escape his touch.

Feeling the feelings rise even higher, I reach down and grab his head and hold it close to my pussy preventing him from backing away when I'm so close to cumming. Loving the feel of his tongue on me, my eyes drift shut enjoying the feel of his tongue licking me over and over.  Finally, the orgasm breaks free making me clench my toes and pull on his hair as my body bucks against him and his never ceasing licking on my clit. Screaming loudly as it passes through me, my voice is heard throughout the bar and grill, and when i run out of breath, I gasp in some more and keep screaming until the orgasm ceases.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 07, 2012, 08:28:12 AM
Tango's kiss cut my breath and when his lips move away from mine, all i can do is licking my lips slowly tasting the flavor he had left on them.
But more tikling for my mind are his words..."I'm up for any sort of dance you want".....i clutch him tight with my legs and push him closed to me, just to be sure he can't run away from me.

"Did you think you can tame a dragon, Tango!? you know, we can be really voluptuous...."

He stare at me with a sospicious look, but when i lay my back on the table, in his eyes i see a sparkle lighting him up. he bend over me slowly, moving his hands on my naked leg exposed by the left slit of my dress. His movement is firm and sensula,his hand know well where to touch women leg to make them melt under it and i'm not exception to it.....i softly moan at his touch and i can feel my exciting grown while his hand is moving up to my thigh.
I can read the surprise in his eyes when he found something was missing under my dress.....but surprise leave space to a mischievous smile, clear sign he appreciated the fact i'm not wearing any panties now. His hand slide on my bum cheek squeezing it strongly till the point i feel a little lost in the pleasure Tango had just start giving me.

I look in his eyes, concious this is just the begin....a really nice begin to be honest and i'm sure he is enjoing it too, cause i can feel something growing hard pressed on my belly. With my fake clawed hand, i press his body closed to mine to feel the sensation of his growing dick more intensely, till the the point i can't hide to myself how badly i'd want to taste it right now, but the sensations Tango is giving me are too pleasant to stop him.
When i look again at his eyes, i don't see the usual Tango and not even the submissive one i had seen at the Ice House party.....the one i see in front of me is an half awaken beast who is hunting his prey and i love to be that one!

"Mmmhhm, that's a nice surprise, Tango....maybe you are really able to tame me tonight...."

I close my eyes and let him kiss my neck....frantically, maiby a bit obsessively.....but that is what i'm looking for tonight!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 07, 2012, 02:29:46 PM
Braking my lust full kiss with HB I go to move back to Eva but a Quick leg wraps around me and pulles me back to HB
Standing back face to face again with her

"Did you think you can tame a dragon, Tango!? you know, we can be really voluptuous...." She whisper in my ear.

With a sospicious look I stare into her eyes. HB slowly lower herself back onto the table looking down on her a smile crosses my face leaning down over her body as I do I firmly move my and slowly up over her naked leg moving higher up her thigh. Firmly just at the right point i give a little squeeze. soft moan leaves the soft lips of HB. Hearing her reaction to my touch I move higher and let more of my wight rust down onto HB Letting her feel the growing hardness pushing into her belly.

Moving my hand higher up her thigh and onto her naked butt with a mischievius smile I look at down at HB I squeeze her cheek hard letting my finger move between them as i do.

Feeling the beast awaken deep with in me, I gaze down down and see the pleasure in her face as she closes her eyes. As she does she tilts her head back, seeing her exposed neck i dive in and start to kiss it frantically...

Kissing my over her neck and up to her ear lob sucking on it hard. Taking a deep breath of her sent it fuels the fire deep inside me.

Moving my hand on her sweet ass I let my fingers run along and over her sweet magic star stopping and running a finger around it. My heart beats faster as the fire burns hotter. Kissing my way down from her ear I berry my face into her cleavage. Using my free hand placing it firmly on her breast I pull her corset to one side and suck hard on her exposed nipple. Feeling it harden in my lips I nibble on it letting my teeth hold her nipple as i pull on it .

Moving down over her body kiss down over her belly. with my free hand i reach down and take hold of her covered leg firmly I run my hand up her leg bring her dress up with it. My hand moves higher and my head moves down moving up her inner thigh moving higher right up into her grown.

MMMM Looking up at her face her eyes are still closed and and soft moans leaving her lips

Lifting her dress up to uncover her grown I take hold of her balls gently and lower my mouth down over her hard cock taking it deep into my mouth I suck on it hard.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Kingdustin on November 07, 2012, 03:12:15 PM
I emerge from the shadow of the bar, siting down at nearest table with my Drink in hand. I look around the bar seeing the excitement, I think to my self this is truly a place of madness. It bring a wicked Grin to my face as I empty my mug.....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 07, 2012, 05:22:02 PM
His ands and lips all over my body are driving me crazy.......chills are running wild under my skin and rise the fire of lust who slept inside me and the way he tease me with his fingers make me moan more and loudly. And he had noticed it, cause the movement of his hands is getting faster and the  grip of his lips on my nipple stroger to the point it hurt me a little, but in my mind and in my body that small pain turn immidiatly in a strong excitement!

And i know usually surprise never come alone.....all my self is abandoned to the strong emotions Tango is giving me, when his hand suddenly take hold my balls, surprising me.

"He is not going to do that...." i think to my self, when i feel his arm lips wrapping my cock and he begin to suck it. I wasn't expecting it and a groan came out of my mouth, cutting my breath for an endless moment: i arch my back enjoying the pleasure his mouth is giving me. I would like to scream out the pleasure he's giving me, but at last only a strange rattle came out.
His mouth is warm and wet and my cock slide deeper inside it till more then half of it goes in......instinctively i grab his nape with my clawed hand and push his head along my hard shaft making him gasp. He try to get free from my grip but he can't....instead of rebelling again, he makes my hand leading him and i can't deny i love the way he's sucking my cock now.

When he increse the rythm, i leave his head free to enjoy this pleasure completely, leaving my self in his hands. While he suck my cock, i can feel his hands caressing mt thigh and my bum......they are wild, sometimes a little rough.....but i like it, i want it this way tonight, cause tonight i had free my wicked side and i know the only way to satisfed it is fulfill its darkest desires. And i know it want someone who can tame its.....take the full controll of it and, why not, submt it!

And Tango had find out how to do it.....he's heading my deepest lust and he is driving me to a great pleasure with his mouth right now!
With the few breath i have in my body, i try to speak him

"You can do to me everything you want tonight.....i'm all your!"

He grin at my words, or this is the impression he give to me......i'm so close to cum and i can't concentrate so much on what's going on around me.....all i can sense is the fire rising in me and pushing me near to explode! I'll try to hold a scream of pleasure covering my mouth with my hands, while my cock is getting to expolde in Tango's mouth.....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 08, 2012, 12:16:04 PM
As I take HB's cock into my mouth i hear her at a sharp breath as the surprise of what i had just done.

Taking her deeper into my mouth letting my tongue run around her shaft as i move up and down slowly feeling her grow harder as I slowly tease and suck her shaft. Starting to move my head faster as i feel HB arch her back as the the she enjoys the pleasure I'm giving her. Moving faster and twisting my head as I suck on her length letting her length all most right out of my mouth then taking more the half back it.

The feeling gets to much for HB she grabs my head with her clawed hand and pushes me down hard making me take her right into my throat I gag a little and try to pull away she holds me tight to stop me. With her taking control of my head movement her moans grow loader with the feel of my mouth around her twitching shaft. feeling her twitch in my my mouth I increase my speed my twists and running my tongue all over and around her twitching shaft. I move my hands firmly on her thigh and bum letting my fingers rub over her tight entrance and putting a little pressure on it.

As I do "You can do to me everything you want tonight.....i'm all your!" I hear HB gasp

She throws her head back as her body bucks as her COCK twitches and explode deep in my mouth I suck down hard as hes shouts her load over and over into my mouth.

MMMMMMM I swallow some and keep same in my mouth as i keep sucking and squeezing her ball and sucking her hard milking every last drop off her sweet come out of her.

Lifting my mouth form her sweet cock I raise up over her and kiss her with all the lust and passion that was burning inside me letting her taste her own come from my lips and tongue.

 Lifting up off her just an inch or two I say " Are you sure you want to give yourself to me tonight"

"Yes tonight I'm all yours" she pants.

Smiling down at her I move back and give her cock a little suck again. Licking down her shaft and down onto her balls taking one into my mouth and sucking it hard then switching it with the other one. moving my hands down her legs putting them behind her knees I lift them up and place her high heeled feet on my shoulders.

I stop sucking on her balls and move down running my tongue lower and over her little tight star, running my tongue around it getting it nice and wet. Putting a little pressure on it I let my tongue just open her star just a little. Her little stay is nice and wet I stand up keeping her feet on my shoulders and move in closer.

I lick my hand getting it nice and wet then rub it over my hard cock taking it in my hand I rub the tip of it over her tight entrance then move the tip right at the entrance and gently give my hips a slow push. Feeling her star open as i push against it the head of my cock opens her up and slides inside. I stop to let HB relax as she feels the size of my cock at her back entrance. Looking down at her.

"Is that nice" I ask.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jay9 on November 09, 2012, 05:21:08 AM

Running so late from work, i pull up in the car park, wheels skidding.

Jump into the back seat of the car and hurriedly slip out of my clothes and into my costume. Been so frantic this last week with work, can't even remember what day of the week it is .... That's it - done! I put on my overcoat over my costume and rush across the carpark to the Bar&Grill.

As I approach the front door, my heart is racing ..... can't believe I'm actually doing this.

Never done anything this bold before ....

Standing at the doors now, i take a few deep breaths .... take off my overcoat and drop it to the side. Determined to make a big entrance.

My hands sweaty, grab the door handles, one last breath and in one motion i throw the doors wide open and charge into the bar a few paces before stopping, strutting my pose boldly and singing out at the top of my voice ..... "TA DA"

Afraid to look around, i wait for the chorus of appreciation.

... nothing ...

As i now look around, i see heads turning to look in my direction. Didn't expect the bar to be this full, thought there would only be a handful of people here. I hear giggles and then laughter coming from all corners of the room ... looking around I'm confused. All sorts of strange costumes catch my eye, but not what i expected.

People now pointing and unashamedly laughing at me, as i retract my pose and slowly back away to the doors. Reaching my overcoat i quickly pull it on over my costume. Then fumbling for my mobile phone, i'm stressing as i fumble my way to the calendar. Looking up at the crowded room, begin to notice halloween signs hanging from the ceiling, starting to understand the weird range of costumes and how it all fits together now.

Where is that damn thing ..... ok, here we go. '9th December - Kazakhstani Swingers Club night at the Bar & Grill'.

I don't understand.

Oh shit, 9th of DECEMBER, not damn November!!! You idiot. How could you do this. I feel about 2 feet tall right now, just want to turn and leave ..... but figure, maybe i'll drown my embarassment at the bar instead. So i make a path straight to the bar and slide onto a stool, patiently waiting to be served. Can feel my cheeks blushing bright red.


Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 09, 2012, 07:34:09 AM
As I stop and ask "Is that nice"Looking down into her eye. HB try's to speak but nothing comes out she nod's her head to answer
As she nods her head she starts to move down my hard shaft ,Feeling her tightness around me. Letting out a small moan of my own as the warmth of her ass seround my shaft feeling her slide down to my waist. I wait just a few seconds to let her feel my hole length and girth deep inside her.

Slowly I pull myself about half way out then push it back in, Moving my hands onto her hips holding her legs up in front of me. Feeling the heat from her ass the beast takes over me and i start to push in and out of her sweet tight ass. I roll my hips pushing my hard shaft deep into her over and over.I start to grown with pleasure with ever thrust feeling this sweet ass around me. Looking down on her sweet face with her eyes close hearing her soft moans matching my thrusts.

I start to to move my hips more quickly and with a bet more force. I move my hands from her hips up onto her shoulders leaning down over her holding her firmly to stop her sliding on the table as i start to push harder and faster into her tight ass.

Leaning down over her i move in and kiss her lips her mouth opens and let my tongue in kissing her as I fuck her tight ass with her cock laying between us. As are bodies move against each other I can feel her cock growing harder again. Thrusting harder into her holding her shoulder tighter pulling her onto my thrusts. Breaking the lust full kiss looking down on her again the moans grow loader from her as I thrust harder.

Standing back up I start to slam in to my new lovers Ass hard and deep feeling her ass tighten and relax around my hard shaft with ever thrust

I feel the burning lust fill my body as the feeling grows deep with in me. My eyes are wide open and full of lust gritting my teeth hard and snarling up my face as the beast comes out of me. Putting my hands behind my prey's knees and push them up to her shoulders giving me total control of her. Her hips roll up just a bit letting me slam in deeper and harder.

Pulling my shaft right out and then slamming it right home again.

HB's eyes open wide as she feels my power as i slam into her over and over,looking down on her with my teeth showing as the beast is in full control of me. Hungry for it prey full of lust and desire.

Thrusting deep into her tight ass the burning is to much push my hips hard against her rolled up body my shaft SLAMS in to the hilt.


As the LUST explodes throw the beasts body and explodes deep in my prey's ass pumping load after load of hot cum deep deep inside her.
Not stopping until every drop has been emptied into her.
Keeping it berried deep with in her breathing hard as I try to catch my breath.
"I'm not finished with you yet" I pant

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 09, 2012, 08:30:03 AM
I'm here, lying on the table with my breath getting heavy.....the taste of my own cum still on my lips and Tango's hard rod partially inside me! Best scenario for a wild nigth at the B&G! His eyes are staring at me, giving me the time to get used to his rod dimension.....i had meet others big "guys" before, but last time i had a man inside was several days ago with Bear in his dungeon: a pleasant experience to be honest, but now i have the feeling this one will be great!

When he ask me "Is that nice" i can only nod at him, my voice wan't come out....i feel breathless but ready to receive all his hardness inside me and i want it so badly! Unable to speak, i'll try to find another way to make him understand i'm ready.....slowly, i move my body down to his waist, feeling his rod getting a little deeper and making me groan in a mix of pain and pleasure. The man who was so submissive few days ago in the Ice House is gonna have full control on me now.....and i'll gonna give all my self to matter whatever he gonna ask to me, cause i'm ready for everything tonight.....

My wicked side is now totally awaken and free to guide me in the deepest lusty side of my self. I had experienced it only one time before but it's something i can't easily forget: i had start to live by my own recently, some years ago, when i find out a chat and i join it. It was a pleasant and funny place and there were lot on nice people there and one in particular.....we spent more time chatting and, of course, doing something more...till the day i allow to share with him my mail. A fake one, of course, one i had set up just for that place and where, few minutes ago, i was able to see a pic of his naked whole body, except the head....that had surprise me and from that moment, things changes a little between us and in a better way!

Our meeting start to get hotter till the point we exchange few shoots of us...naked....and in some of them we both are playing with some toys! Our connection was strong and everytime we meet, was incredible till the point we was addicted to each other. We play sometimes like dom and sub in a light way, and we both enjoy it till one day, winning against my shyness, i ask him to play with his dildo and, with my surprise, ha had done it!

I was confused and excited at the same time and when he ask me to do something similar, i lost my self control and agree with it.....i was damn excited and the orgasm caught me really faster! It was good and i wasn't able to get that sensation out of my head for days! And when we meet again, even if he don't had ask something to me, my finger start to type franticly:

"I'm so horny.....did you like if i play with my didlo for you!?"

But to be true i had it right now in my hand....i was licking it, waiting for his answer and ready to enjoy the pleasure who will follow it. And i don't had wait so long for it.....he want it and that make me more horny: i was licking and suckying my dildo, but in my mind it was his cock...a cock ready to fulfil my ass! And it had done the begin, i move it in and out slowly, but soon i was riding it wild till the point i need few minutes before an orgasm leave me strengthless.
More intense date follow that, till, one day, he had to left the chat but, at this point, my wicked side was born and it's gonna stay inside me forever!

The strong feeling of those memories are now mixed with the one Tango is now giving to me: his rod is pumping hard in my ass and i can clearly feel body is burning and writhing and i can't hold loudly groans of pleasure! Then, suddenly he explod inside me and his warm sperm is filling me, pervading my whole body and making me reach an higher sensation then evryone else: it awake the wild demon inside me, the one who want to enjoy any type of pleasure without no limits!

And Tango's words, arrived in the perfect moment:

"I'm not finished with you yet"

I grin at them.....or better say it was the demon the one who grin.....this is what the demon want and now i want it too!

"Can't wait to see what did you want to do to me....."
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on November 09, 2012, 09:41:04 AM

Stepping away from the table and the delicious sexilicious.  "I need to make a quick announcement."  I say to her.  I'll be right back.

I get on the stage and tap the microphone.  "Is this thing on?"

"I have an announcement for those that care.  I received an e-mail from Pafe.  Her and Satoire are both okay, but Pafe suffered some damage to her house.  She lost some siding and some roof shingles.  Also the gazebo in the backyard had some damage (a tree fell on it)

They are currently living with Pafe's son in western New Jersey.  Pafe's boyfriend works in the construction field and has already begun making repairs to her house.

The power is still out in her area, and according to the reports, the power should be restored by the end of this weekend.

I told her everyone here in the Forum wishes the best for her and we hope to see her posting again soon.  I hope I didn't wreck anyone's mood."

I get off the stage and go back to the table.  "Does this thing spin like a merry-go-round?  If it does, we could make a game out of this.  Ever hear of spin the bottle?  How about a game of spin the sexilicious?"

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 09, 2012, 09:54:38 AM

thanks for the wonderful news, Covems! Nothing warm the heart in cold days then knowing our friends are safe!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on November 09, 2012, 09:56:36 AM
Great news thanks for posting :)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on November 09, 2012, 10:43:02 AM
I finish off my tea, and place the empty cup on the bar , cheering with the other party goers at the good news about Pafe &  Satoire  delivered by Covems.  It surely warms all our hearts that they are safe & sound.

Then my attention is suddenly drawn to a guy jumping out in a lime green mankini .. last time I saw one like that was in the lost property box at the back of the stage , no ..  it couldn't possibly be the same one  :-\

I look at the body that the  mankini is displayed in ... not bad, not bad at all ... then the false black nylon curly wig and matching lime green head band ..

Giggles erupt from those who can bare to tear their eyes away from the rotating  pleasure table.. at the poor guys obvious mistake   of mixing up the halloween party from the Kasakhstani Swingers Party.

He blushes and quickly hides his attire by his black leather " Flasher " mack and sits at the bar ... I smile as he gets served a drink by  Old Joe. The guy turns to face me and our eyes meet. I see his face fully for the first time ...

" Oh my God - it's my date .... Jay9.!!!! "   I burst out laughing, showing my pearly white vampire teeth. He grins back too, raising his eye brows and cocking his head to one side.

A man has to have a certain kind of confidence to wear that kind of attire in public  and strangely,  I find that very alluring. 

I move towards him swaying my hips seductively in my long vampire leather coat. Open at the front, showing my tight fitting high legged costume covering my ample bosom and curves. My buckled knee high boots clip the floor as I approach him.

Old Joe places a glass of champayne, with a strawberry perched on the rim,  at my fingertips as I stand in front of Jay9.  I smile my thanks and then turn to Jay9   " I'm glad your here"

I slowly take the strawberry off the glass and let my tongue , slowly and provocatively caress  it's juicy flesh.  All the time maintaining eye contact with him. His eyes watch my tongue stroke the small fruit, flicking and sucking its succulent juice, before gently popping it into my mouth.

He mirrors me licking my lips and my tongue slowly protruding to lap up the remnant juice. I bite my lower lip looking at him. He is mesmerized by my mouth action. I wait a moment but he is lost in his thoughts .. 

" Hey, "   I murmur,   "  Do you want to dance?"

Still looking at my lips, he rises from the bar stool and takes my hand.  Then , he leads the way, to the floor, not saying a word.
When we reach a suitable position on the floor, he pulls me close into his arms. Our long coats fall around our outline. Our near naked bodies pressed close and so the dance begins .....


Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 09, 2012, 12:33:55 PM
Looking down on my prey she smiles up at me when she hears my words

"I'm not finished with you yet"

Slowly I pull my hard shaft back out from her tightness holding her legs up on her body still I look down just a my cock leaves her body her Little star is not so little anymore. Her Star stayed open as my hot cum started to run out of it. Quickly I drop down and suck my cum out of her gaping ass sucking as much as I could get out of her ass in to my mouth.

Still holding her legs up by her shoulder I lean back over my prey I slide my cock back into her and rock my hips back and forth her mouth opens as she takes a breath as i enter her again. Placing my mouth just over hers and let my cum dribble out of my mouth in one long stream and letting it drop into her open mouth.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 09, 2012, 12:44:18 PM
Thanks Covems

That great news they are both Ok
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on November 09, 2012, 01:46:54 PM

Thom let out a soft moan, and I took him into my mouth. I sucked gently at first, licking up and down the shaft getting it thoroughly wet. Then more forcefully. His breathing became heavier, and I reached back into his pants and fished out his balls. I continued to stroke with one hand as I sucked, and fondled his balls with the other. He moaned ever so slightly as I wrapped a finger of each hand around the belt-loops at his hips and with one quick thrust pulled his pants down giving me full access to that beautiful cock. It glistened from the sucking I had already given it. Again I took his member into my wet mouth but deeper this time. I pulled his rod deep into my throat and held it there for a moment just taking in the sheer pleasure of having Thom’s cock buried between my lips. As I held it there my mouth was filling up with wetness. My saliva was running down the shaft and onto the balls I was still playing with his balls causing him to moan even louder.

I had almost the whole length of his cock in my throat. I started sucking even faster now. I bobbed up and down on that amazing prick sucking my heart out. I could hear him moaning louder and breathing heavy and this only turned me on more.

I redoubled my efforts and began sucking with raw abandon. I was going to give him the best damn head of his life. I was like an animal. I forgot about everything else except sucking the throbbing prick in front of me. Rapidly I raised and lowered my head on the meat in front of me. I'm not talking about nice and neat either, I'm talking sloppy, dripping saliva everywhere, down his shaft, all over his balls, my hands, my face. I became animal controlled only by lust. A sex-crazed slut put on this earth to do two things alone, suck cock and drink cum.

I stopped only for a moment to look up at Thom, saliva drooling from my mouth and connecting me to his cock with thin strings of wetness. I could tell that seeing me this wild, this completely lost in lust was driving him over the edge. I took his sopping cock back into my mouth and went in for the kill. The taste of precum was driving me insane. I could feel his cock getting larger. It pulsed with blood and raw power. His legs started to tense up and his cock began to buck wildly. There was no stopping it now. I sucked him in deeper again and again until I thought my jaw would fall off. With so much saliva coming from my mouth my actions were making loud slurping noises which only made us both more excited.


My mouth wasn't the only thing dripping, my juices were flowing incredibly. The harder I sucked the wetter I got. Any control I had before we started was gone long ago. I moaned loudly; a moan from deep inside my slutty soul,  moaning like a wild animal in heat.

I had found a primitive rhythm and I just sucked and slurped away. "Oh, god." Was all I heard before it happened. With one final intense thrust he exploded into my sloppy mouth. The first burst came so fast I didn't even think I just swallowed but it kept coming and I swallowed as much of the sweet cum as I could. Only a little escaped, dribbling down his shaft and the corners of my mouth. I continued to gently suck and lick his prick clean until he lost his hardon. Then I looked up at him again and smiled licking the cum from the corners of my mouth and swallowing it. 

“I need a chaser for that shot.”  I said as I rose up and straightened my costume somewhat, not caring if anyone was watching or not.  I made my way to the bar and ordered yet another Black Jack.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jay9 on November 09, 2012, 07:18:30 PM
Seems my embarassing entrance has won over a fan :) As Brandy approaches me, her laughter sets me at ease.

Very quickly my entrance is forgotten as i find myself mesmerised by her seductive play - teasingly playing with that luscious strawberry.... those lips, that tongue. Not sure how long i was staring at her, when i hear her voice ... what's that ... dance, sure. I take Brandy's hand and lead her out to the dance floor.

We reach the far side and i stop, turn and pull her in close to me. Both of our long coats falling open, as I slide my hands in under her coat, firmly placed on her back, i pull her body in closer to me, as we begin to slowly move to the music. My firm hands now slowly roaming all over her back, feeling every inch of her body, running over that sexy sheer outfit.

Our bodies brushing more firmly against each other now, as I can feel the heat of her body against my bare skin. Her full breasts pressed into my bare chest, rubbing as we slowly rock to the music. Gazing deep into her eyes, as i slowly lean in closer, our faces now barely an inch apart, as we teasingly hold position. My eyes switching between those soft, full lips and back up to her eyes, that are fixed on mine. She pouts seductively ... doing everything in my power to resist kissing her at the moment .... as she slowly licks her lips, collecting the last traces of strawberry flesh from them.

Our warm breath felt on each other, as i more firmly pull her body forward against mine. My hands wandering all over her body, up and down her back and venturing down to her ass, as i caress her. Can noticeably feel her nipples pressing into my chest now through her sheer fabric, as i push my hips forward into hers, unable to hide my growing excitement in such a barely-there mankini.

Our hips grinding against each other now as our nearly naked bodies enjoy the touch of each other. Licking my lips, i ever so slowly lean in towards her, even closer. Our lips practically touching as the expectation of that first kiss almost becomes too much to bear any longer ......


Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: luke090993 on November 10, 2012, 09:20:56 AM

I've driven around the block four times looking for a place to park! And that's in addition to the three other trips around, deciding if I really need to put myself through the drinking and sleep deprivation I suffered at my last hang-out!

The problem is that these places are highly addictive... you get used to seeing familiar faces and hearing familiar stories.. and it becomes almost more important than getting home at a decent hour. Or, in some cases, even getting home at all!!

I get out of my car, throw my coat and tie in the back seat and walk toward the door. Just before I open it, I realize I didn't lock the car, so I start to turn around. Wait.. screw it! If somebody wants the stuff, at least they won't break my window.. and all they get is stuff I don't really care about anyway. So, let's get this over with.. I know only too well what's about to happen. It always does.

I look around briefly as I enter, then walk to the bar with two things on my mind.. a cold pint, and a nice Jameson served the only way it should be.. neat.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 10, 2012, 11:30:35 AM
welcome to the Bar & Grill luke

The first Jameson's in on the house and the second is on me look around and hope you like it and have so fun

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on November 10, 2012, 11:43:17 AM

Welcome Luke...  nice to see new faces.  Just jump in, the water's fine.  Here's the advice I was given:  Don't be afraid to post, remember, we're all here to have fun. 

To all:  "Is the Halloween Party over?  Should I change from my costume?"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on November 11, 2012, 05:48:05 PM
Smiles up at Covems as he goes to make his announcement. With the loss of his tongue and mouth, my pussy feels quite empty and so wet still. However, I leave my legs spread wide open knowing he would be back very soon, so anyone who glances over gets a perfect shot at the delectable pussy dessert.

Listening to Covems announcement, I clap hearing that Pafe and Satoire are ok. Yelling loud, "WOOHOO soon they will be back. Covems only wrecking you would do is not returning to your dessert." Giggles and winks at him.

Smiling as he returns to the table, I smile even bigger at his questions. "Well, wouldn't we need more guys to fill the empty spots around the table to play 'spin the sexilicious.' Otherwise might end up with no1 there when it stops, but if you are game for it, I am too." ;)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on November 11, 2012, 10:12:35 PM
Hey Mollie, maybe you can change to your birthday costume and join us at the table of fun ;) , there is room for more girls before we start to play spin the girls. and as Sexi said also for some boys
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 12, 2012, 05:12:50 AM
I greedy swallow Tango's cum till the last drop and i really enjoy that barely salty taste!

But what i like more is to feel his hard rod again inside me.....his cum help him to get deeper in me more easily and i can feel his balls hitting my ass. The way Tango is penetreting me is wild, almost rude, but he is driving me crazy and my body react in the same why: wild shiver of lust run long my spine reaching every cell of my body and making it twist for the great pleasure tango is giving me!

"Oooohh...mooooore! MOOOORE!"

Is all i'm able to yell while i try to move my self to lay on my left flank and lifting my right leg over Tango's shoulder, trying to offer him a better way to push his rod more vigorously....and he do it! Tango had turn completely into a beast hungry for sex and he want me! And i want him.....i like the way he had gain the control of me, the strong pleasure he is giving to me......

Tango's movement are getting faster and i can hear a sort of grunt coming out of his mouth.....and more his movements get faster and stronger, more his grunt get loud! I can't explain it to my self, but his grunt is rising my excitiment and i can't wait to have his load inside me again!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on November 12, 2012, 05:40:20 AM

"mrsexlover, I like that idea."  I say as I pull the straps from my shoulders and walk towards Thom, taking him by the hand and and guiding him to the table.  "Luke.  Don't be shy, we're going to need more lips and tongues."

I push my costume down and step out of it, my hands move naturally to my breasts and give them a quick rub, then they move down between my legs, pressing slighlty.  I'm leaving my stockings, heels and half-gloves on.

I notice out of the corner of my eye some movement and a speedy dwarf runs through and snatches up my costume and quickly disappears at the end of the bar.  "Wow, they can be fast when they want to be."

I hop on to the table across from sexilicious, lay back and get myself comfortable.  "I hope you don't mind if I join the fun."  I say to her... "but, I should warn you, I'm a moaner and a screamer."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on November 12, 2012, 08:07:36 AM
hehe the more the merrier Mollie :) but you aren't the only moaner and screamer ;) sure hope all the noise at this table doesn't interfere with the rest of the place hehehehe
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 12, 2012, 05:23:28 PM
Watching as HB swallow's my cum I see she likes it.
But the filling of her clenching her ass around my cock tells me she likes that more
My cum left in her ass make helps me slid in deeper

"Oooohh...mooooore! MOOOORE!" I hear her moan

moving up off her she wriggles onto her left side and lifts her right leg

I grad her leg and pull it closer to me looking down i watch my cock slid deep in and out of my prey. I let out a grunt and snarl each time my balls slap against her.

With my left hand i reach down and pull the front of her corset down, letting her breasts full free. I take her left breast in my hand squeezing it firmly
I take her nipple between my thumb and fore finger and twist it making it grow hard to my touch.
With my right hand i reach down her right leg running it down her inner thigh getting lower and lower.Taking her Balls in my hand squeeze then firmly. Moving my hand from her ball and wrapping my fingers firmly around her hard shaft I run my hand up its length an back down.

Working her cock as I fuck my Preys sweet ass I let out a grunt as I grit my teeth hard. I grunt and snarl loader as i pick up the speed both with my cock in her ass and my hand around her's

I look down on her full of lust looking right into her eyes I see the pleasure that i'm giving her

I start to slam into my prey and wanking her cock hard, Snarling and grunting and the pleasure of her ass around he push's me over the Edge.


Pushing as deep as I can get with  one load GRUNT I EXPLODE inside her shouting load after load Deep in side. I feel her cock twitch and explode. I move my hand and catch all her cum in my hand bringing it up to my lips I lick it all off my hand and swallow the lot down.

Leaning down over her " I'V TAMED THE DRAGON YOUR MINE MY PET" I say softly in her ear. I kiss my new PET I rest on my elbow so not to put all my wight down on her. We stay like this as we catch our breath

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 13, 2012, 11:50:19 AM
The hot and copious load of Tango is fulfilling my ass again and i can feel his warm rising up from my belly till it reach my brain giving me one of the intense anal orgasm i had ever reach! My body is crossed by growing spasms


I scream loudly just a moment befor getting powerless. I can feel my body burning and i can feel Tango's weight over me pressing me on the table...he is not doing anything to block me there, but i have the impression something hgw is blocking me, when i hear his whispered words.

"I'v tamed the dragon your mine pet"

I stare at his face.....his have a devilish expression in his eyes and i can see the lust burning in them stromnger then before. A malicious smile run on my lips before i take e breath and answer him faintly.

"Grooowl ( had done it....Master!"

I see a sparkle rising again in his eyes: his lips are getting closed to mine and at last he cut my heavy breath with a kiss....a deep sensual kiss! I wrap his back with my arms, holding him tight to my body and i can feel his rod grazing mine: the touch of our rods makes both moan and instinctively i scrap his back leaving on it some clear red traces with my nails and with the faked claw. This make his kiss get intense and wild.....our tongue are dancing fast and voluptuous, no time to breath or to rest! My new Master is greedy, he want his new pet....he want me!

But he don't know me at all.....i can be greedy too! and i am now....i'm an hungry dragoness and i want my meat......NOW! But i have to wait.....wait for the orders of my new amazing Master.....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 13, 2012, 02:47:19 PM
Hearing my prey scream


as her anal orgasm rushes throw her body.

As the heat of my fresh cum burns throw her body feeling her orgasm around my hard shaft I lean down over her and whisper

"I'v tamed the dragon your mine pet"

My pet stares up at me and sees the devilish look on my face

"Grooowl had done it....Master!"

Hearing her word I move in close and we kiss deeply sensual feeling her wrap me in her arms and pull me tight to her.
I feel our shafts rub against each other and start to react to the the feel and touch.
I look into her eye I want my pet again I want her I every way. I feel as both grow harder then the feel the sweet pain as my dragon pet drags
her claw over my back.
My eyes open wide and i glare into my sweet pets eyes. The sweet feel of her claw across my back my cock gets so hard and I kiss my pet again full of lust and desire are tongues dance.

I brake our kiss and lift myself up off my sweet little pet looking down over her body our rods rub against each other I take them both i one hand holding them bath as one I run my hand up there lengths and back down again.

" I want you my pet I want you in every way I want you to pleasure you new master"

As I say this words her sweet face lights up

"But I want you first"

I move back letting our shafts go I take her right leg and roll her over on to her front. With her bent over the table in front me. Sliding my hands down over her peach shaped ass. I rub my cock head down between her checks stopping at the entrance of her channel I gentle press against it. Looking down I watch as my cock opens her door and slides deep inside feeling my still warm cum seround my cock as I start to slow fuck my pet.

I lean down onto her back putting my wight on her stopping my pet from moving under me. I reach round her and wrap my fingers around her hard shaft taking it tightly i match my hand movements with my cock as it slides deep into my sweet pets ass.

My ball swing and slap against hers I lean right over her kissing the back of her neck I move around and up onto her ear and suck on her ear lob.

Moaning in her ear as I suck on it. The feel of her tight ass from behind is so good letting go of her shaft I stand up behind her. Taking hold of her hip I thrust into her ass as deep as i can backing my pet take a sharp breath. Pulling all most right out I slam right back in pulling on her hips pulling her onto my shaft.

Feeling her inner walls of her channel tighten and relax around my pounding cock moving faster I grunt and snarl with every thrust. Looking down on my pet her hands are stretched out on the table pushing herself back onto my shaft matching my thrusts.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on November 13, 2012, 04:31:01 PM
I feel  Jay9’s arms close around me and the slow grind of our bodies swaying to the music is indeed very erotic. I move in closer to breathe in his scent, shutting my eyes to savour him. I open them when I sense his face move in for our first kiss.

His lips graze mine, hesistant, checking that I want  to.  I smile and close the minute distance there. I open my mouth and taking his lower lip between mine, sucking gently . The slow seductive move, soon turns into a full blown kiss. His mouth claims mine and his tongue gently invades my mouth.  He explores & seeks  out my tongue, staking his male interest  as his hands fondle my back and buttocks. A small, appreciative feminine moan escapes my lips.

My breathing  deepens as the familiar flush of desire invades my body.  Jay9 continues his soft seduction and I feel his interest growing. His hardening bulge presses next to my heat.

He walks me backwards until I am pinned against the same pillar as Tight & All_For_You  earlier in the evening.
It is discreet , dimly lit and secluded from most of the prying eyes in the room.

Most of those eyes , however, are transfixed,  watching the erotic display of the ladies on the rotating pleasure table being  expertly devoured by the men licking their unique and very sexy essences of desire.
The moans coming from that area of the bar, add to the sexy and wanton atmosphere that  slowly filters  around the room.

Jay9 ‘s hands  caress my waist as mine move to his back, tracing his muscular contours alternating between feather light brushes to a deeper, kneading exploration. Our long leather coats  hide the secret seduction playing out.

He presses into my warm compliant body, stepping in between my legs, moving them apart  and sensuously rubs his erection against my core. He kisses & nuzzles my neck as I feel and squeeze his toned buttocks.  The teasing and promise excites the both us.....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 13, 2012, 05:33:35 PM
Feeling his hand stroking our rods togheter was like daydreaming but having him inside me for the third time is driving me crazy! The way he pound his hard rod deeper inside me awareness of being under his full control really excite me! He know how to satisfy the dragon inside me cause he is a beast more stronger then me and he know what i need: someone who will turn this wild dragoness into a tamed pet!

While he is nibbling my ear lobe, i can sense his heavy's warm, like if it's coming from hell and i like it! My Master can't be a normal person, he must be special and must know how to treat with me, how to make me reach the height of pleasure! And Tango is doing it right now....i can feel him puonding hard on my ass and his hand is stroking my hard rod! The pleasure run wild in my vein and i can stop moaning at every slam


Hearing my words, Master Tango bite my lobe a little harder making me moan again. He increase the rytm of his slam and my opened hole help his rod to move in and out easily....the noice of the B&G disappear and all i can hear are our moans and the saound of his balls hitting my's loud and it's mixing with the moans of the near spinning seems like they are having fun too there!

I'm drooling on the's hard to hold the pleasure and i have the impression i can come at every moment! Plus, Master Tango continues to play with my ear and time by time he kiss and lick my neck too but, when he noticed i'm drooling, he put two fingers in my mouth and let me lick and suck them till they aare fully covered by my saliva.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: luke090993 on November 14, 2012, 12:32:07 AM

The first whiskey goes down smoothly and slowly.. and my face flushes as the familiar feeling returns. I ask Tango for another shot, and as he turns to pour i fetch the wad of small bills from my front pocket. He reminds me that this one is on him, so I toss it back, order a third and finally begin to relax. Damn, what a day.

I turn and lean against the bar, looking around at the people who look so much 'at home' here. I've never seen any of them before, but they all look like people I've known all my adult life. I shake my head and smile.. what's the saying? "The place is different but the people are the same"? Maybe, and oh my God I hope so! The only real people I've ever met, I met in places a lot like this one.

The third empty goes onto the bar, and i grab my pint and decide to mingle. It's not that late yet, but I already feel a serious case of hangover hooky coming on.. with no cure in sight!

I see a table with people all around, but it's obvious they're not playing poker! Or, maybe they are!! I get close enough to see better, grab a chair, flip it around and sit with my arms across the back, nursing my beer. Nobody speaks to me, or even sees me.. so I sit and watch, too amazed and distracted to even think about the ale in my hand! It hits me that this may be a very, very long night!

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jay9 on November 14, 2012, 05:16:13 AM
Pushing Brandy backwards against the pillar, her body is now pinned beneath mine as i move forward between her spread legs. My body now unable to avoid responding to her teasing, as my male member begins to grow, threatening to burst out of it's flimsy mankini coverings. Pressing my hips forward, i'm grinding my bulge firmly into her as my arms caress her more feverishly now all over.

My lips kissing and suckling their way up and down her bare neck, tasting her soft skin. Then venturing down towards her cleavage, my hands cupping and caressing her firm breasts as my eager lips and tongue slowly approach. Brandy's hands now running through my hair, holding me in close to her, as my lips, kissing through the mesh outfit, reach her nipple. Licking as i caress her breasts, her nipple now standing erect pops through the mesh fabric. My lips wrap tightly around it as i suck and playfully flick it with my tongue. Occasionally biting and pulling on it to encourage it to respond by standing even more erect. Alternating from breast to breast now as I can feel her breath shortening and her grip on my head tightening.

My hips now grinding harder against her, rubbing myself against her as i grow firmer by the second. Brandy pulls my head back off her breasts, we gaze at each other for a moment, and then lean in to passionately kiss once again. Our warm breath now mixing as our tongues dance hungrily together.

As we kiss Brandy's hands slowly wander down my back, over my bare buttocks and slowly around to my front, where with one hand she pulls at my mankini and with the other her soft fingers clasp around my thick shaft as she pulls me free from my confines. I'm moaning into our kiss as the pleasurable sensation runs through my body, as her soft fingers wrap firmly around the length of my shaft and with both hands she begins to stroke up and down with my cock.

I could not be more turned on right now, albeit in a dimmed corner of the dance floor, but the idea that this is happening where it is, has got me so hot, never mind the mastery of Brandy's touch, lighting a fire within me.

Our long coats still doing their best to somewhat mask the incredible action that lies beneath, Brandy's hands are working in unison, more rapidly and more vigorously, tugging at my now rock hard cock. Occasionally pausing to tease the tip of my cock, then returning to her rapid stroking action. I break our kiss, and seeing the shared hunger in her eyes, i whisper "I must have you. Right here, right now!" Then return to our passionate kiss.

My hands instinctively reach down at her costume bottom, a leather like bikini bottom. Pulling it aside as i spread her legs wider apart with my feet, the mesh body stocking all that now covers her pretty pussy. My fingers slowly begin to rub at her pussy lips, immediately sensing the heat within. Our arms now clumsily bumping as she responds by stroking my cock even faster as my fingers rub at her pussy lips more vigorously also. Her wetness is already evident, and unable to restrain myself any longer, my fingers grip at the mesh fabric covering her pussy, and in one strong, sudden motion, i tear the fabric open.

Brandy suddenly pulls back from me in surprise .... i gaze at her unfazed, my desire very evident. Then a mischievous grim begins to appear on her lips as she leans in to me and resumes our passionate kiss. I pull at her fabric once more, tearing open a patch in her costume. One hand then drops to her thigh and I raise one of her legs up against the pillar as I brace my stance wider. Without a word being uttered, she stops stroking me and positions the tip of my cock against her entrance.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on November 14, 2012, 11:57:15 AM
Sitting at my table watching the Bar and hearing all the sex filled noise's
Looking over a the table of pleasure seeing all my friends having fun. I think its time i go and have same fun to.

I get up and waddle over to the Bar "Joe can i have a till well built man" Please Joe looks at "WHATS ONE OF THEM" he asks
Smiling at him "Its only a toll glass of diet coke""WHY didn't you just ask for that then" he snaps back and slides a glass down the Bar to me.

I lean back on the Bar Lover is down the bar with a nice looking young lady. MMMM  Looking over that the table again "Is there space for one more" I think to myself

MMMMM I slowly walk over towards the table. Seeing a nice ass moving like moving back and forth as i walk over.

"I know that ass" I think to myself walking over to it his bent over slamming hard into his Pray.

Gently a rest my hand on his back and lean down whispering in his ear "don't stop"

I run my hand down his back letting my finger tips run along his scar and tracing down over the 4 fresh scratches. Moving my hand down his back and down over his ass letting a finger run down between his checks and over his tight star.putting just a little pressure on it as i let my finger circle it. Running my finger tips down lower i reach under him and take his balls in my hand. Giving them a gentle squeeze I let 2 fingers reach up either side of his hard shaft as it slides in and out of his prey.
 Feeling him slam against his prey I move my hand farther under him feeling my way with just the tips of my fingers finding HB's balls filling them swing as she'e fucked hard by my man. My fingers move over her balls and trace down the length of her cock I wrap my my fingers around it gentle I run my hand up and down its length. Letting it go and running my hand back up over the to pairs of swinging balls up over tangos sweet ass and back up onto his back.leaning back down I whisper to both of them "enjoy" and gently kiss HB's check.

I stand back up and walk around the table running my hand over the shoulders of Mrsexlover as he has his head deep in Dutches wet pussy. I smile at Dutch the look on her face she's close.

I move away from the table and over to the new guy sat watching running my hand over his shoulders as i walk behind him. I lean down and whisper " Why are you sat out over here" I keep walking around him and stand in front off him I take a step backwards towards the table putting my hand out to the new guy. Resting back on the table I use me hand and try to call him over to help me up on the table.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Kingdustin on November 14, 2012, 05:46:25 PM
Greeting everyone in AB&G

I have some bad new to share with every one.

I have run into Financial trouble and will be removed from my apartment by the end of this mouth, If I don't come up with some money soon.  Sadly If i am kick out I have know were to go and I cant go to any one of my family as they are too in trouble. This mean I will be saying Good Bye to you all. Though my time here was short . I cant help but feel like its been so much longer. you all are Fantastic people and you made me feel most welcome . I hope one day I can rejoin this loving Family again, to share more fond memories and good times.

TO Hentaiboy69
thank you for being my Friend not only here but in game too.
and  BrandyBee too. =) thank you both. you will be missed

This is my farewell to you all. by the end of this month I will be gone.

Take care all

King Dustin   
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 14, 2012, 05:59:24 PM
Hearing my sweet pets words


I pick up my rythm and start to slam hard into her. Leaning down over her I suck and lick her ear lob giving it a little bit filling her ass tighten as i bit a little harder. Seeing feeling and hearing the pleasure rushing throw my sweet pets body

Seeing my pet losing control of her body to the pleasure i'm giving her she start to drool onto the table leaning over her i give her two fingers to suck on

not braking my rythm as i pound into my sweet pet 

I hear"Don't stop" Its Jane

Feeling her fingers on my back running over my scare and down my pets scratches her hand move down my back and down onto my ass.
Feeling her finger run down over my checks and down over my tight star feeling her finger stop and play over it.  She moves her hand down lower and take hold of my balls she squeezes them gently feeling a finger each side of my shaft as I keep slamming into my pets ass.
I feel her and go down farther leaving my body feeling the movement of her arm on my balls.
than her and comes back up over my ass and on to my back  Jane leans down and Kiss my pets cheek

"enjoy" she whispers

And she drags her hand over my back as she walks off

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 14, 2012, 06:04:09 PM

Sorry to hear your troubles
I didn't  really get the chance to talk much.
but reading your posts you will be missed hope your not gone forever and come back soon

I wish you all the best Kingdustin

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 15, 2012, 03:01:38 AM

Justin, it's really sad to lost you......yes, you stay here for short time but no matter, you are part of this wonderful big family! Hope one day (soon, of course!) you can come here to laugh and have fun with us!

Best wises for the future, my friend!

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: luke090993 on November 15, 2012, 11:31:45 AM
My eyes are following every movement around the table.. everyone seems so oblivious to anything but their desires and the pleasures of their partner..

The rush of lust through my thoughts tells me that i'm interested in much more than a few drinks and maybe meeting some regulars.. i need to remember the feeling of someone's sweaty skin touching mine..

Soft hands move across my shoulders.. at first I don't realize it's even real because my thoughts of being with someone are so strong in my head, but then lips brush my ear and i hear a soft sexy voice whisper to me, then move into view between me and the table.. i look up as i follow the whisper from my ear to the face of the sultry girl in front of me.. without another word she backs away, goes slowly to the table, then turns to me again, extending a hand in my direction.... i turn around to look behind me, but no one is there, so I turn back to her and realize she actually is waiting for me to take her hand....

I get up and walk to her.. taking her hand as she smiles. The look on her face is confident... she knows what she's done..

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on November 15, 2012, 02:08:49 PM

I get back to the table and stand between sexilicious's knees, with a hand on each one, surveying the table.  Lovely ladies lying on the table, the chairs occupied and heads are buried between thighs.  It smells like sex and it is an intoxicating scent.  Lost in thought, I look  at each of the couples.  "HEY!"  sexilicious shouts, then quietly says, "I'm down here."

"Yes you are."  I say.  "Sorry, I was in my happy place."  I lean in and my lips meet her's in a lingering kiss.  I straighten up and allow my hands to move along her thighs to her hips, up her sides to her shoulders, to her neck and onto each cheek.

Then my hands move down sexilicious' cheeks to her neck, to her chest and across her breasts, gently pinching each nipple, then manuvering across her abdomin to her mons and seperating to slide on each side of her labias as my thumbs gently open her.

Taking my seat again, I lean in and flick my tongue up each lip then my lips envelope her clit and I begin to suck as my tongue flicks across it.  Her moan encourages me as my movements increase in speed.  Lips sucking... tongue flicking... 

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on November 15, 2012, 02:44:55 PM

Just started a new baby pole in EVENTS please come have a guess.

Thanks TangoJane
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on November 15, 2012, 11:45:49 PM
I see TangoJane bringing her Luke and i give her a big smile as she gets on. As i look around i see all places on the table are full, all those lovely lady's Sexi, Dutch, Mollie, Eva, and Jane i think it's time to start to big fun.

I stand up from between Dutch her tighs and give her a kiss, she licks her own nectar from my face

"time to get the fun started my love" i tell her and she smiles full of lust back.

I grab some things from under the table and walk over to Sexi and Covems.

"sorry my friend, i need to borrow Sexi for a couple of minutes, she wanted a special treath when the table was full, but you can play with Dutch if you like, see she is calling you"

As Covems steps a side and dives between Dutch her legs, Sexi looks a bit angry at me, then i show her what i got and she starts to smile.

"Oh yes Mr i do like that she shouts"

I spread her legs wide and make sure her lovely ass is on the edge of the table and start to tigh her legs down with the rope i brought. They are spread out and i just have to lean in to lick her very wet pussy, she moans heavy when i do so. Then i give her the blindfold i got for her. Her smile get even bigger.

I stand up and look around the table, all couples are busy so i speak with a load voice

"Lady's and Gentleman of the roundtable it's time to start the carrousel of fun, i have here 6 blindfolds for us men and as you can see Sexi is tight down and got one too at her request. We are going to spin the table and you will get a random partner to have fun with when it stops"

I show a remote control in my hand

"If the boys could get their faces from between the girls legs i will demonstrate"

As the boys get back i push the button, there is the sound of a bell and after 15 seconds the table starts to spin. The girls scream as it turns and when it stops we hear the sound of the bell again.

"As you have noticed when the bell sounds get your head out from between the lady's and with the second bell you can dive back in. Dutch did volunteer to have the remote so she has control"

I hand out the blindfold to the boys and give the remote to Dutch. I get back on my knees and give Jane a lick as she is the one in front of me. Then like the others i put my blindfold on. Let the party begin.

I hear the bell and pull my head back, i hear lady's scream and when i hear the bell again, my head goes forward sticking my tongue out, searching for the girl in front.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on November 16, 2012, 04:26:54 AM
Leaning against the table as this handsome man walks towards me. I hitch my dress up as he reaches me putting my arms around his neck I whisper in his ear "My name is Jane and your a very handsome man" I kiss his neck. "Hello Jane i'm Luke and i'm happy to meet you" he whispers back.

"Help me up" I ask     

Feeling his hands on my waist he picks me up and slides me back on the table. Wrapping my legs around him pulling him closer to me I kiss him his lips are soft and warm. We start to kiss deeper our tongues touch and start a slow dance.

I hear Mr Sexlover load voice

"Lady's and Gentleman of the round table it's time to start the carrousel of fun, i have here 6 blindfolds for us men and as you can see Sexi is tight down and got one too at her request. We are going to spin the table and you will get a random partner to have fun with when it stops."

I unwarp my legs and we break our kiss moving back onto the table I hear a bell and round the table goes with a little scream around we go.

The table stops and there's Mr sexlover standing in front of me, seeing his sweet smile and then he leans down Feeling his strong tongue on my soft lips I let out a small moan.

Then he stands back up and hands Dutch the control then puts his Blindfold and the bell rings.

Round and round  Tango,     Covems,    Luke,    Mr sex,     they flash passed the table slows and I find............

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on November 16, 2012, 05:36:25 AM

The table stops, I reach out and my hands find two lovely thighs, smooth, silky.  My hands move along them, caressing softly at first, then with more of a purpose sliding up to the hips and across the top of whoever's thighs are in front of me.

Getting used to the darkness of the blindfold I lean in and plant a kiss on the inside of the knee on my right side, then move to the other knee, planting a kiss there, too.  Sliding my tongue wetly up the inside of this thigh, enjoy the heat from her as my hands find their way to a wet, excited vagina.

My hands exlore this hot pussy in front of me as I move to the other thigh, licking it wetly as I move further up.  My thumbs find a hardening clitoris and they pinch it gently between them before moving slowly to the labia and gliding along the hot lips.

My tongue and kisses inch slowly up this lovely thigh, reveling in the sensations coming from each lick.  My other senses are heightening now as the lack of sight causes them to sharpen.

I can hear moaning, and it excites me knowing others are enjoying this as much as I am.  I can picture in my mind the scene.  Beautiful women in various stages of dress lying on this table.  Horny men licking their pussies with just one thought in mine, to give as much pleasure as we can.  I react to these thoughts as my cock hardens.

I lean in further and plant a kiss directly on the pussy in front of me, then dart my tongue out and into it.  I can feel my "victim" flich from the unexpected sensation and this invigorates my efforts as I begin to lick and suck in earnest.

I can feel her thighs closing around my head and I enjoy the warmth of them, the scent of her excitement fills my nostrils.  She doesn't taste like sexilicious or Eva so I know it's someone I've never been with.  I want to please this mystery woman.

One hand moves to cup her lovely ass cheek, squeezing it as my other hand move up her wet pussy.  I press my thumb into her.  She's so hot... so wet... so exciting.  My lips and tongue are everywhere on her, spreading her wetness on my face, my hands, my lips...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 16, 2012, 07:09:49 AM
Leaning over my sweet pet hearing Mr sexlover tell the table what is about to happen.
I move back and turn my sweet pet around and set her back on the table. Kissing her passionately I say

"Have fun my sweet sexy pet I will be back for you when its all over"

I stand in front of her and my pet put my blindfold on for me. she kisses me and i feel her slide back onto the table.

I step back and hear a the Bell. Hearing the girls scream then the second bell the table comes to a stop.

Reaching out my hands slowly to find my new gift my finger touch the soft skin of an inner tight. Leaning down I take a deep breath or her sweet aroma. filling my lungs with it sweetness.

"I know this sweet aroma" I thing to myself

I move in closer and feel the soft skin of her thigh on my cheek I kiss it and move kiss my way up higher getting closes and closer to her sweet aroma. My lips softly land on her soft silk lips letting my tongue slide along her lips and up onto her sweet magic button.
I hear her take a sharp breath in as my tongue finds it.

I moan with pleasure as i run my hands down her thigh and feel the rope holding her down.

"MMMMM SEXI I was right i did know her sweet sent" I thought to myself

Knowing its Sexi in front of me I dive in for more letting my tongue slide deep inside to give one of my best friends as much pleasure as I can give her.
With my tongue deep with in her hot sex lapping up her sweet juices I let my hand slide up her body and find her breasts taking her nipple between my thumb and for finger I give it a little twist and it hardens in my fingers.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on November 16, 2012, 09:09:23 AM
Seeing Covems just standing between my legs looking around at all the other couples, I yell up at him "HEY!" just to get his attention. When he looks down at me, I say "I'm down here" and wiggles my dripping pussy for him to see. "Yes you are. Sorry, I was in my happy place." Before I could ask what happy place, his lips meet mine and kisses me.

He breaks the kiss and stands all the way up letting his hands move from my thighs up past the hips, sides, shoulders, neck, and to my cheek. Moaning as he moves away from that dripping desire, I want to pull him down, but before i can move to pull him down he is moving his hands down the front going from my cheek, neck, chest, touching my breast and squeezing my nipples, then on down past the stomach to the pussy where he spreads the lips open to his view. As his hands move on my body, I can't help but arching up to his hands enjoying the feel of them.

Looking down at Covems, I see him sit down and move his face close to my pussy. He then licks each lip before taking my clit into his mouth and sucks on it making me moan again while closing my eyes in enjoyment.

Hearing mrsexlover speak, my eyes open when covems moves away from my pussy, and I give mrsexlover my evil look for making him move away. He just smiles down at me and pulls out the rope and blindfold from behind his back. I can't help but smile forgiving him for taking covems away. Nodding, I say, " oh yes Mr i do like that."

Mrsexlover spreads my legs a bit wider while making sure i'm on the edge of the table, and i can't help but moan as he ties the legs down. He then leans down and licks my soaking wet pussy, and I moan louder as his lips touch mine. He then shows me the blindfold that is specifically mine, and I can't help but smile so much bigger.


Feeling Mrsexlover move away, I can't help but use my senses since I can't see. The whole area smells like sex with all the arousal of the group at the table. I can sense that many are surrounding the area both on and off the table must be a full crowd today. Then I hear Mrsexlover speak up loud making it hard to hear the other noises in the room.

Hearing him announce the fun time, I can't help but giggle as he puts me in the announcement and am sure I can feel many eyes on me. I then hear a bell and the table starts to spin around and can't help feeling I'm some kind of kid at a merry go around spinning around and around. The bell sounds again and the table stops. Mrsexlover explains a little bit more to the guys, and I hear that Dutch had the remote. Remembering where she was, I reach over tapping her and say "Guess they are stuck with us hot girls maybe we should've had them tied too." Giggles softly.

I hear the bell sound again and the table moves and stops when the bell sounds again. Without seeing, I don't know who is in front of me and can't wait to feel the loving touch that drives me wild. My pussy drips in anticipation of when he starts to touch me.

Feeling his hands touch me so intimately, I can then feel something brushing against my thigh and then a soft kiss press against it. Then I can feel his lips touching my pussy and licking along the lips reaching up and touches my clit. Takes a sharp breath, as being unable to see heightens the feel of what is happening to my body.

He then slides his hands down my legs and finds the rope. Thinking to myself, well he at least knows who it is since I'm the only one tied.

He then seems to dive in with more speed pleasing me, so I can't help but wonder ok whoever it is must know me pretty well. He then moves his hands up along my body and pinches my nipple making me arch into his hands.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on November 16, 2012, 09:40:49 AM
Lying back on the table, my bottom at the edge I feel male hands touching my thighs and can tell someone is there.  I'm trying not to look as I want to feel the sensations before seeing who it is.

The hands move up my body squeezing my breasts.  I can feel the heat from his arms across my tummy as he fondles my nipples.  I want to moan, but stifle it, not wanting to give myself away.

I feel a breath on my pussy.  My God, I'm so wet.  Something flicks across my clit.  I bite my lip trying not to moan.  I can feel his tongue pressing into my clitoris, wiggling it with the tip.

His hands move down up to my face, touching it ever so gently with his fingertips.  I capture one of his fingers in my mouth and suck on it, hoping that will keep me from moaning out loud.

Suddenly his tongue is on my pussy with an eagerness to it's movements.  I can't help myself and squeek out a little moan around his finger.  He withdraws his hands from my face and they go straight to my dripping pussy, touching it, feeling for my clit.  As if they have a will of their own, my hips arch up, trying to get him deeper into me.

"I can't take much more of this."  I think as my hands go to his head, pulling him into my hot pussy.  It feels so good.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 16, 2012, 10:41:44 AM
The feeling of those long fingers on my ball first and then on my cock, give me an higher pleasure and even if i can't see who is there, i'm sure about it will be a female hand. Only when she kiss my check i recognize she is Jane: i look at her eyes, and with a faint voice i apologize to her.

"Sorry Jane.....i had take your man away.....aaaaAAAHNNN!"

But feeling Master Tango pounding hard on my stretched hole make groan loud!

Jane smile at my groan and she get close to our face.


It's all she say to us before leaving. And i'm doing it......i enjoy to be caught bye Master Tango and more i like when he call me "pet"! The way he do it, his tone......gosh, he make me melt and i MUST do what he order me! Even when he say to me he will join the game at the spinning table i obey him.....i like to leave to him the full control of my self and i like the taste of his cum on my lips!

I stare at him joinig the others guys at the spinning table and taking his position around it when suddenly the bell ring and the table start to spin. I stare at his back and i caught every small movement of his body and fix them in my mind, till he catch a new prey: Sexilicious! That lucky girl!
I bite my lips till they bleed when i see my Masyter getting deep between Sexi's legs, kissing and licking her thights and her i envy her! I know there is no reason for it, afterall he was with me.....mmmh, no he was IN me till few minutes ago! but i'm greedy...i want and need more!

But i have to wait....wait he want to come back to me, his loyal pet! and wonder what he want to do to me! maybe he will come to me just to talk or maybe something more......oh, gosh.....can't get out of my mind all these dirty thoughts! With my back lying in the table, my hands start to run wild on my half naked body, exploring every inch of it! My nipple are so hard and fully erected, like to small mountain pointing at the ceiling....i pinch both between my thumb and index fingers and i moan again, no matter what others customers can think, i'm so damn horny!

It takes me awhile before i realize someone is touching my legs......rough and calloused hands that eagerly climb along the calf, through the knees and end up stroking the inside of my thighs! I don't know who is there, but i'm sure there are more then one person, probably two! I leave them doing it, it's good.....mmmmh, so good! I can feel two hands over my belly.....they are three now!

Not sure about what's going on around me, but i think i'll gonna like it......grooowl! (
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on November 16, 2012, 11:18:38 AM
Meanwhile  further  back of the bar .....

Jay9  is pressing me against  the pillar. My back crushed against the cold painted concrete. He moves his hands and head to my breasts, suckling on my nipples and squeezing the orbs to allow more flesh to enter his mouth. I groan at his ardour, enjoying his need of me. I grip his hair, fisting my hands as I writhe against his face and hardening cock.  The desire is beginning to overwhelm me as carnal animal interest takes over. My breathing is rapid and my body is flushed with my urgent need of him.  This is a fast , unbridled lust awakening ...

We break a moment for a breather, looking into each other’s eyes , the desire and lust clear to see. We begin to snog each other hungrily and I move slowly down him to grip his cock.

I examine his size and hardness and begin a slow sensuous wank. He groans into my mouth and moves his hands to my wet sex. He moves underneath my costume and pushes two fingers inside me. I gasp in excitement and he begins to finger fuck me.  I move my body to ride them. Each of us lets little guttural sounds escape our lips in approval at our mutual pleasuring.

He then tears my costume, causing an opening. I  shudder & flood in anticipation and excitement.  I lift my leg for his cock to tease my labia. My wetness mingles with his precum as his tip teases me.

Jay9 becomes impatient, his intention clear. He withdraws his cock from my entrance  and turns me round to face the pillar, pushing my long coat out the way. He pulls my hips back to a position he likes and grips my hair to ensure my head is facing towards the rotating pleasure table.
He leans in and whispers in my ear , “  Can you see the table? Can you see the men pleasuring those ladies there ?  Can you hear the joy of their play? “

I look and nod,  He moves to my other ear and whispers  “ Good, watch them, as I fuck you”

With that, he positions his hard member at my entrance and with one big thrust, he is inside me. He stretches my tight cavity and I gasp at his size  as he impales me to the hilt. He is massive as he stills and rests there a moment.  He enjoys his cock inside me, circling a little to feel my full sheathing of him and then he fucks me.

I hold on to the pillar, my eyes fixed on the erotic play on the table and the intense sensations of Jay9’s cock sliding in and out of my wet heat.

I groan at his fast tempo and the depth of his possession bouncing off my cervix. I push back onto him and move my hand to play with my clitoris, swollen and protruding from its protective hood. Jay9  moves in to knead and squeeze my breasts. We both breathe hard in our greedy, urgent need.

The pleasure table, Jay9’s cock, the breast groping,  my teasing of my clitoris such a turn on... my senses in a frenzy of sexual heat & pleasure ....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 16, 2012, 11:26:45 AM
As i lick and suck hard on Sexilicious Sweet dripping Juices all my senses are heightened with the blindfold tight around my head.

My sense of feel is so high I can feel every little movement of the muscles in sexi's pussy as my tongue searches for her magic G spot.

My sense of taste letting my taste all the different flavors of this sweet nector.

and the sweet smell of her aroma fills my nostrils is heavenly.

My hearing is so alert i can pick out every sound in the room the load moans from the table the people at the bar. With a little flick of my head I hear BrandyBee and JayC at the back of the bar.

 But then I hear a sound a sad sound, A sound that puts a cold chill down my spin, the sound of my sweet pet as she is alone. I reach out a hand to her hopping she would come over and join in giving Sexi all the pleasure she can take.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: luke090993 on November 16, 2012, 01:32:15 PM
Wearing the blindfold I have no idea how many times the table spins before it finally stops... everything is quiet for a moment so I know it's safe to explore the area of the table in front of me. Both hands slowly reach out, and I feel one foot and then another.. not too close together, but running my hands up to the toes I identify a right, and then a left.. so I know they belong the same body. Leaning forward, my lips softly caress each toe.. slowly.. enjoying the feel and sweaty fragrance of each, one at a time.

My lips now slide down the top of the right foot.. barely touching the skin, but enjoying the feel. When i reach the area near the leg, I slowly move back toward the toes again, and repeat this several times. I move to the left foot, and do the same thing.. but this time, i feel her foot move some, telling me that the knees have turned, opening the treasure that is between. The treasure seems miles away, because with skin so soft, there is much loving and caressing to be done along the way...

Placing the left foot softly on the table, I move forward more so that I can easily caress the soft smooth skin of this shapely lower leg.. hundreds of small kisses cover this leg below the knee, and my tongue also traces small circles as linger between her knee and her foot. I move back to the right leg, and I realize the incredible amount of heat from this delicious skin.

My lips finally find their way above the knees, and when they feel the amazing softness and warmth of her inner thighs, my cock demands to be released, so I stop for a moment to make my clothes go away. Returning to her inner thighs, I lay flat on the table, and run my hands under her legs to cup each cheek of her firm bum in each palm, lifting her ever so slightly from the table, and toward my lips.

Before giving in to the need to taste her nectar, I savor the soft skin of her thighs, as well as the thought of what amazing delight awaits my tongue.. just inches away now. My kisses become slower but also more firm to her skin, and I can almost feel the heat just inches away. Then, I notice that her hips have lifted slightly.. moving up and down very very slightly.. as if asking for what I desperately want to do. Not being able to wait any longer, I move the final inches so that her labia is almost touching my lips as her movements continue.

Moving with her, my lips begin to trace the outline of these pussy lips.. and my tongue slowly draws circles around both sides, feeling her desire begin to match mine.

In a moment, my tongue can wait no longer, and enters the wet area between her lips, just below her clit. As it slowly enters her, I feel two hands take the back of my head, pulling and encouraging me to enter deeper. As I do, my knees move up under my hips, and I begin to let my face press deeper into her... now I begin to sense the same fragrance from her arms and hips that I savored as I helped her onto the table. Jane.. it has to be Jane.. As I realize who she is, I feel her bum begin to move more firmly against my face, with her gyrating motion lifting one side of her hips at a time, but moving more strongly into my lips.

I hear her say something half-aloud, and at the same moment, a hand grips my cock.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 17, 2012, 01:42:10 PM
The hands on my body are getting bold, hungry .... they are removing what's left of my black dress and the fake claw, then go back to stroking me more vigorously. One of them moves along my inner thigh until it reach my pinky hole and start to massage it eagerly, making me moan for the pleasure.

Suddenly, fingers make their way inside me .... by their motion, i understand that there are three, but they seem so small! It's strange .... there never been children in the bar and the only ones that come to mind ....

“Dwarfsssss!” i yell in ecstasy, trying to look at them to recognize who are they of the seven little pervert, but the masks they are wearing, hidden their true identity.

The one who was fondling my belly has jump over me and i can see something unexpected! He had take off his pants and had start to stroke his dick .... a big one, to tell the true, more then how i had ever imagine looking at his small body! He move close to my tits and start to rub my nipples with his purple dick head making them hard again. Some precum is spilling out his dick falling on my tits .... it's dense and warm and looks like this little brat want to try a new type of play.
He place his hard rod between my tists and grab them with hands, squeezing them against his hardness and begin to move his hip back and forth, in an amazing and so exciting tits fucking: i feel it pulsing and when the brat increase the speed, even the pulse of is rod increase .... i can feel it clearly and that is a clear sign my "guest" gonna come soon.

At the same time, the others two brats are continuing they work on my legs and on my pinky hole.
The fingers are now rubbing deeper in me and he is helping them using his tognue to lubrificate my hole. I can feel the beard tickling my skin and  at the the same, that touch is not so pleasent: it's s shaggy and it hurts a little when he move his face to find a better position to use better his rough but so skilled tongue! And at last the third brat.......he seems more interessed in my legs! He is grazing and licking them, taking care to let them spread to make the work of his little friend more easy.

I surrender completely to their game and leave them play it when, suddenly, a hand touches my lips. It happend a second time but now the fingers are more near then before: instinctively i lick them and i can easily recognize the taste of them: it's the same taste i have impressed in my mind for all the night, the taste of my Master!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Thom on November 17, 2012, 05:41:15 PM
Lying back on the table, my bottom at the edge I feel male hands touching my thighs and can tell someone is there.  I'm trying not to look as I want to feel the sensations before seeing who it is.

The hands move up my body squeezing my breasts.  I can feel the heat from his arms across my tummy as he fondles my nipples.  I want to moan, but stifle it, not wanting to give myself away.

I feel a breath on my pussy.  My God, I'm so wet.  Something flicks across my clit.  I bite my lip trying not to moan.  I can feel his tongue pressing into my clitoris, wiggling it with the tip.

His hands move down up to my face, touching it ever so gently with his fingertips.  I capture one of his fingers in my mouth and suck on it, hoping that will keep me from moaning out loud.

Suddenly his tongue is on my pussy with an eagerness to it's movements.  I can't help myself and squeek out a little moan around his finger.  He withdraws his hands from my face and they go straight to my dripping pussy, touching it, feeling for my clit.  As if they have a will of their own, my hips arch up, trying to get him deeper into me.

"I can't take much more of this."  I think as my hands go to his head, pulling him into my hot pussy.  It feels so good.

Suddenly I make myself recognizable by looking at Mollie from  between her legs.

"You didn't think I would let you get away so easy did you?" I lower my head back between her legs and let my tongue stroke her inner thighs. Making circular movements and moving up and down her thighs till I reach the end of her inner thigh and enter the realm of her pussy. Slowly I let the tip of my tongue toch one of her lips and slowly stroke up and down. While doing this I make an arch over to her other lip and do the same there. I hear her breathing getting stronger and go back to her inner thighs. When her moaning and breathing gets a little lighter I suddenly give her a strong lick from the base of her pussy all the way up to her clitoris. "Suprised?" I ask her? By the sound of the soft scream she gave I decide to move on and start moving my tongue between her pussy lips more regularly.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Momma_andrea on November 18, 2012, 12:16:26 PM
((hope this fits))

Weeks after arriving in Achat city, I finally got up the nerve to go to the Achat Bar& Grill. Everyone had told me about it and I still had few coins left in my pocket, enough for a drink or two anyway. I was still wearing my bunny suit having just left Steve's but I didn't think anyone would mind.  I opened the door and it was dark in there. I walked further in and the door closed and now I could see nothing until my eyes adjusted. I heard lots of people and a jukebox, 'or was that a live band?' I wondered.  Slowly my sight returned as I got accustomed to the light level and I turned out of the foyer to see a wide open room. People milling around everywhere and some at tables and some in booths along the wall, being quite sexy with each other.
"Oh" I said "That's why they keep it dark” I walked to the bar and took a stool. Old Joe himself greeted me. “COULD I GET A WHITE RUSSIAN?” I had to yell over the music and noise.
“There’s a few at the end of the bar.”  He pointed at some hunky guys that were talking.
“No, a drink” I shook my hand as if holding a glass. But he came right up with my cocktail.
“I was only teasing hun.” And he smiled and winked at me.
  It would have  cost me over half of what I had left but He said the first was on the house. It was a tall one and very strong, it’s how I like my Russians. ;)  I sipped my drink and slowly I could see more. The band on stage was good. They were doing a Stones cover of “Gimme Shelter”.

 I decided to walk around and maybe mingle. I moved slowly and got a few whistles because of the bunny suit, I’m sure and my butt got pinched. I meet Ssgt. He was nice and said he liked my scribbles.
“Oh, my writing.” I figured out what he meant. “Well, thank you. It means a lot.” I was still shouting, being closer to the stage.
“Any time darlin’” he said. And I’m sure there were 2 meanings to that. ;)  He pointed across the room. “Blue over there likes your stuff too.”
I smiled. Praise was the only payment this girl got.

 Thinking of payment, I needed a job. If I was going to stay in this town I needed cash and I didn’t want to rely on Steve for every thing. I wandered around some more, and a guy tried to give me his order. I looked around and noticed there was a shortage of waitresses.

Rushing back to Ole Joe, I told him of my dilemma.
“Look, we fit. You need more staff and I need a job.”I said excitedly “And Look, I got my own bunny suit” I paid for it. I may as well use it for more than just Steve, I thought. “Gimme a chance, Please” I pleaded.
“I don’t know. Our servers sometimes do more than deliver drinks” he said.
“Um, well… is it voluntary?” I asked.
“Yes, but I just want you to be prepared for what you might see.” Ole Joe finished.
I leaned on the bar and gave him a cocky smile. “Honey, it’s not my first time around the block.”

(edited)  ;D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on November 18, 2012, 12:41:09 PM
Old Joe smiles at the girl in the bunny costume,   and welcomes her to the bar ... "White Russian .. it is  -  Momma_ Andrea ,  Good to see you checking us out ,  first drink on the house ..    house rules "

He sees her chatting to Stone, obviously mixing her up  with Brandy. As he slides the drink to her , he breaks the news gently  hehe   " Brandy is at the back behind the Pleasure table being shagged by Jay9 -   That girl over there is Stone , works behind the bar with me, when she can peel herself away from Jayc  "   :o

" I'm sure Brandy will have no problem with you working here as a waitress and serving behind the drinks when the needs arise ... In the meantime welcome and make yourself at home... "

"When Brandy and Jay9 are finished, I'm sure, she will have a drink with you at the bar :)...  just a bit indisposed at the moment  hehe "

" There's a bull over there that JD  is in charge of if you have a mind to give it a try ...  its a fun place to hang out ... oh and by the way ... watch out for the dwarfs   :o.......  You will fit in just fine  ;)

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Momma_andrea on November 18, 2012, 12:48:01 PM
LOL, Its silly here...

I might stay
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on November 18, 2012, 02:06:24 PM
i spot a lovely woman in a bunny suit chatting with Ole Joe, i introduce myself. "hi there im Jayc i help run this crazy place" i smile "did i hear you say your looking for a job?"  'well you can start tonight if you like,  we can always use help around here" smiling again i tell Joe "get her started and welcome to the AChat Bar & Grill.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Momma_andrea on November 18, 2012, 02:56:04 PM
Jumping up and down with excitement, parts of me nearly fly out of the bunny suit.
“Thank you Mister Jayc. You won’t regret it.” I say quickly. I look from Ole Joe and back to Jayc “Thank you” Grabbing a serving tray from the bar “I can start right now.” I walk away into the crowd still excited and talking to myself “I can keep that crappy little apartment, I can pay my bills, I can eat, I can stay in Achat city and not have to go back to Ohio in winter.”  My butt gets pinched and slapped but I keep going undeterred.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 18, 2012, 04:15:24 PM
Reaching out  my right hand I feel the flesh of my sweet little pet knowing my pet is they as it was where i had left her.
may hand move instinctively up over her body moving up to her sort sweet lips. Letting them rest on her lips I feel them part as she starts to lick and suck them into her warm mouth.

As my fingers are being sucked I suck hard down on Sex's swollen clit letting my tongue run down her soft lips as her sweet nectar runs out and down over her tight little star. Fallowing her nectar with my tongue down over her star putting a little pressure on my tongue letting it open her up and letting her nectar lube her ass.

With my spare hand I gently let a finger slide into her wet pussy lips then a second goes in next to the first taking them both out i let a third finger slide into her wetness getting it nicely covered with her nectar sliding the  first 2 fingers back into her wet pussy I put the third at the entrance of her tight little channel gently and slowly i put a little pressure on it and my finger slides in.

Moving my fingers in and out as i suck hard on her clit I feel her body buck and twist as the pleasure builds deep in her body working my fingers in nice and deep into both her ass and pussy as my tongue dances around her swollen clit.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 18, 2012, 05:07:04 PM
Greedy i lick and suck my Master fingers while the three dwarfs continue to enjoy to take and give pleasure from my body: the fingers rubbing inside me are now for and they had make their full way inside me with strong and fast movement that makes my body twitch.
I can feel a wild fire burning inside me and it rise more when i realize the one who is titfucking me is getting close to explode over my body. And it happen and copious spray of his white cum cover my skin while he start to move his hip faster, squeezing my tits harder with his strongh hands and giving me some pain. It takes a minute before a new copious spray spurt out his hardness leaving him strengthless and panting.

All these feelings running wild into my whole body, give me an intense orgasm that leaves me exhausted and panting, while the three plagues begin to giggle with each other staring at me and at the spin table behind me.


they scream together and immediately lot of hands grabs my arms and legs and putting a blind fold over my eyes. They raise my body and bring me to the near spinning table and leaving me there, half naked. As I try to catch my breath, i can hear lot of people moaning around me and i can recognize some of them: Master Tango and Sexi! Seems like they are having a funny time togheter....and the same for the others!
I dunno how long i have to wait for the next spin, but this wait is slowly killing and this situation is really thrilling me....misterious hands all over my body, trying to figure out who's fondling you.....this is damn exciting!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on November 18, 2012, 06:51:25 PM
Moans as I feel the tongue licking all over down there and feels pressure on the entrance and slides in filling me partially. Then filled more and i felt pressure down at the other hole and slides inside filling both holes. All i can do is moan and massage my breasts.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jay9 on November 19, 2012, 06:11:11 AM

The tip of my now rock hard cock teasing at Brandy's entrance, rubbing back and forth across her pussy lips, her wetness rubbing onto my tip. My hunger overcomes me, i cannot wait any longer, i must have her now, as i let her leg fall to the floor again and then quickly turn her around against the pillar. Pulling her ass back towards me as i lean in to grab her hair.

Gently turning her to one side, as i press her against the pillar, she is pinned to the wall. I lean in tight to her “Can you see the table? Can you see the men pleasuring those ladies there?  Can you hear the joy of their play?“ .... “Good, watch them, as I fuck you”

And with that i stand back, throwing her coat over to one side as her ass sticks out invitingly at me. I step forward, my shaft in one hand as i press against her expectant lips ... spreading my legs for balance, in one strong thrust i plunge my manhood deep inside her warm cavity. Her wetness overwhelms me as her lips stretch tightly over my thick shaft, as i hold my hips pressed against her sexy ass cheeks. My entire length buried inside her, filling her completely. As her loud moan subsides, i begin to girate a little within her and then slowly withdraw myself from her heavenly brace. Then gently at first I begin to pump her. Forcing myself deep inside her and then building the temp of my thrusts, as her wetness coats my shaft, as i slide in and out of her sweet pussy so easily.

Raising the tempo more urgently, as I'm fucking her some force now. My hips colliding harder against her bouncing ass as i disappear deep inside her with each forward motion. My hands gripping her hips and pulling her ass back to met each of my thrusts, as our tempo becomes frantic now. Our bodies slapping loudly together now, as a few people begin to turn their attention to see what is going on. Luckily for us the pleasure table has monopolised the Bar's attention as it is reaching a number of climaxes at once.

With one hand i grab a fist full of Brandy's hair, and ensure that her gaze remains firmly pointed at the pleasure table .... i want her to watch that hardcore feast as we fuck with such passion.

I feel her hand find it's way to her clit as she is now rubbing herself with some fever. I occasionally feel her nails brush against my shaft as I'm pumping her so forcefully as her hand rubs faster and faster. I can hear her quietly moaning with every exhale, as my heart is racing as i pound away at her sweet cavity so relentlessly. Sweat beading on my body now as we couldn't care who sees us, my balls slapping loudly up against her hand.

"Oh fuck Brandy, this is so hot" i moan loudly as i feel the pleasure growing deep within me. She turns her head slightly to look back up at me, those sexy eyes piercing straight through me, with a look of raw hunger as her moans are louder and louder now, her hand working harder on her little clit, as I continue to pound away inside her. My cock so stiff now that it aches, the viens along my shaft bulging to almost bursting point as my body is consumed by pure primal lust. ...... and that familiar pleasurable feeling begins to slowly overcome my body.


Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on November 19, 2012, 08:17:36 AM
As the table stops and the bell rings i move closer. Sticking my tongue out and sniffing around to find my partner.

Mmmmm i know that sent, this must be Dutch, i reach out my hands and find that piercing in her belly. Now i'm more then sure it's her i stick my tongue deep between her legs and finds her soft wet lips. Spreading them apart with my tongue, i move up to twirl my tongue around her clit.

Yummy i could lick this wetness for ever. She is moaning deeplyand reaches out to pull my head deeper into her softness. Her legs start to squeeze too and her body begins to shake. Knowing what is comming next i prepare myself and with a loud moan she squirts my face full with her tasty nectar. I try to swallow it al down but is to much. So i have to push my face from between her legs to gasp for air before she drowns me in her juices.

I hear her giggle when she realizes what is happening, and give me little pats on my head to encourage me to continue, and i do with love hoping so is not going to click that remote soon to let the table turn again.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on November 20, 2012, 07:32:52 AM

My senses are all enhanced now, due to being without sight.  I slide my hands up across a tummy that is now beginning to feel familiar.  I continue licking and lifting my head then back again to lick some more.

I'm beginning to taste something sweet now, not sweet like sexilicious but different.  A familiar taste.

My hands roam further up her body, finding her breasts and my fingers softly caress the underside of them.

I lick some more and can feel her juices beginning to flow and there is that sweet taste again.  Familiar, yet I can not quite recognize it.

My fingers playfully move up her breasts, finding each nipple and they begin to do a dance.  I feel her nipples stiffening while my fingers continue to explore.

My tongue moves into her slit and the taste increases.  Then it dawns on me  SARSAPARILLA!  I'm tasting sarsaparilla!..  It IS Eva.

I pop my head up.  "Eva."  I say,  "How did you do that?"

"Hello Baby!"  She says in reply.

"Hello Honey."  I say as my right hand goes up underneath her arm.  I'm searching for the switch that increases her passion.  Finding it, I'm just about to press it when....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on November 21, 2012, 06:23:24 PM
My eyes are fixated on the rotating pleasure table as Jay9 instructs.He grips my hair controlling my head movements, pulling at the roots a little.

The women on the table  writhe and groan  as the men sitting at it, bury their heads between their legs, lapping at them intimately.  They  taste their unique scent as they suck on their feminine flesh.  Some men are reaching up, groping their breasts, some are caressing their inner thighs and parting their flesh for better access. Some women are touching themselves to enhance the pleasurable sensations. All in all, it is a table of intense sexual pleasure and freedom.  Their lusty moans & groans fill the air.  On lookers can’t  help  but watch their  erotic performance and be turned on by the sexual thrill of it all.

Myself included.

My  brain takes it all in. Jay9 , is fucking me hard and fast from behind, His big cock   pushing into my body, and then withdrawing again, only to push in deep to his hilt. I moan at each thrust and play with my clitoris. I am wet  & sexed up , turned on so much from  his attentions & the carnal images in front of my eyes. 

Jay9  continues to pound hard and my fingers on  my clitoris  match his ardour.  He leans forward and squeezes my breasts...  It’s hot, urgent, jungle sex and we both need the release of the moment.   He bangs harder into me breathing hard. My breathing and moans  match his.   I hear him murmur, “ Oh fuck Brandy, this is so hot “ 
“ Yes, yes, oh my god yes “  I gasp between hard breaths.

My  fingers  circle and rub  my little hooded bud.  It’s swollen , sensitive and protrudes a little. I moan as I feel my passion build. Images flashing in my mind of Jay9’s  cock disappearing into my hot, wet, glistening pussy.  Our bodies  flushing with sexual excitement  about to reach their peak.

Greedy passion takes over, both now selfishly wanting to crash into that blissful satisfied abyss .

My body tenses at the first spasm of release . It suddenly erupts from the depths of my very being. I shudder  &  jerk on Jay9’s length inside me, groaning loudly as waves of  intense pleasure take hold .  Jay9 feels my pussy walls tighten and loosen on his cock . I flood him with my hot & creamy produce , trembling  and shaking underneath him. 

It’s powerful and wonderful and needed....   my body begins to  slowly  come down from that intense high and  I smile in a happy afterglow, waiting for Jay9 to find his satisfaction  too....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 23, 2012, 09:51:00 AM
Letting my finger work there magic in both of sexi's hole as my tongue flicks over around her swollen bud. Hearing her means grow to my touch and my fingers deep inside her. Feeling her strain against her ropes I know she is getting close working my fingers deeper and faster. Her muscles in her wet pussy tighten and her back channel clamps tight around my fingers. I suck hard on her swollen bub and with one load moan and a waterfall of sweet nectar covers my fingers.

Pulling them out I move down taking her hole sweet honey pot into my mouth and drink her sweet love nectar gulping it down and lapping it up with long stokes of my tongue.

I reach up with my  nectar covered fingers and rub them over her lips. Sexi opens her mouth and sucks my fingers into her hot mouth sucking her sweet nectar from them.

I can feel her body shaking as her orgasm just keeps coming sucking as much as i can down my throat. My face is covered in her love nectar its running down my chin.

Moving back from this sweet sexy hot lady i let my hand run down over her breasts feeling them heave under my hand.

I stand up moving in nice and slow knowing we are both blindfolded i feel hes breath and know i'm close are lips gently touch and turn in to a deep passionate kiss

I move my hips closer to the table as are kiss get more physical and passionate my cock is rock hard slowly I move closer and closer.

I feel my hips touch hers inner thigh and know i'm close moving in move the tip of my cock brushes against her wet lips rolling my hips i feel the tip open her lips.

I brake our Kiss and move to the side of her head and whisper "Are you ready" As I gently push my hips forward I hear the BILL.

I step back and set back on my chair I hear the lady's squeal as the table spins.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jay9 on November 24, 2012, 07:33:02 PM

Hunched over Brandy's body, my hands firmly squeezing her breasts as my stiff member plunders her wonderful pussy. Loud slapping noises as my hips crash into her ass relentlessly. Her fingers are frantically working hard on her clit as i feel her body begin to tense under me. Her breathing suddenly shortens and her moans are deeper as she feels like she is about to lose control.

My thrusts continue at pace, as i feel her body tighten ..... she pauses, holding her breath for a moment .... and then explodes in a wave of pleasure that seems to run through her entire body. Loud moans escape from deep within her lungs as her fingers rub even faster as waves quiver throughout her. I can feel her pussy contractions along the length of my shaft as i continue pumping, wanting to drive her climax to the highest level.

Her waves continue for what seems like some time, and then as they begin to ease, and i feel her body relaxing slightly underneath me,and my shaft completely covered in her sweet juices, i can feel my pleasure escalating to the point of no return. Making one last push, my aching cock now so stiff, I pump her for all the energy I can muster. Then clenching my hands tightly on her firm breasts, in one last powerful thrust, my body explodes into orgasm. Powerful jets of cum squirt deep inside her pussy as I attempt to continue to pump her, but my legs have suddenly weakened. I collapse my body onto Brandy's back as i pump her more slowly now as wave after wave of cum shoots from deep within me and fills her cavity, as my body convulses uncontrollably with each wave.

Moaning as I exhale, my lungs are heaving now as my weight lays on Brandy's back, as the last squirts of cum leave my shaft, her pussy contracting around me to milk me completely. As the euphoria of the moment subsides, my strength returns to my legs and i stand upright behind her, pulling her up with me. Turning her head towards me, I can see her eyes are still fixed on the hardcore feast that is continuing on the pleasure table. My lips find hers and i kiss her passionately.

Our breathing returning to normal now, as my relaxing cock, covered in our combined love juices, slips out of her pussy as she spins around to face me. I press her back up against the pillar and press my body against hers .... kissing her even deeper. Then breaking our kiss, i look into her eyes, a look of satisfaction is evident, which I'm sure is mirrored in mine also. Our coats once more fall by our sides and cover our bodies from onlookers.

"mmm Brandy ... that was amazing! So powerful, I couldn't care where we were, i was so lost in the moment"

"I might have to reconsider wearing this Borat mankini out more often!"

I motion with my eyes toward the bar, "How about I buy you a drink for a change? I think we've earned it."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on November 25, 2012, 12:01:10 PM
I feel Jay9’s powerful release and am empowered by his shaking legs and reaction to our hot , urgent union.  We both still in the after glow , still joined as we catch our breath and wait for the trembling in our limbs to subside.

 He kisses me passionately and I enjoy  him, responding in kind.  Then Jay9 slowly withdraws his sated member from my intimate sheath. And being the gentleman he is, he pulls our coats down  to hide any potential blushes.

He murmurs in my ear how much he enjoyed our mating dance and I smile , whispering back, he was amazing too, even in his lime green mankini . :o

He pulls back looking into my eyes and offers to buy me a drink,  I grin at him and take his hand .. “ Sure,  I’d love a nice English Cup of Tea ,  “  I kiss his hand and rub it against my cheek, leading him away from  our secluded area and back to the busy bar.

I glance over at the rotating , pleasure table still in full party swing and grin.  The moans and groans getting louder.

We order our drinks from Old Joe and settle at the bar, watching the action of the table.  Jayc & Stone & Momma_ Andrea appear and order drinks too, joining us. Jayc informs me that Andrea is now working as a waitress & bar maid. I smile my approval -  " Well welcome, Andrea - I think you will enjoy working here, the guys for sure, will appreciate you "  :P

We drink, chat and joke between ourselves.

“ Think the Halloween Party is just about over now, “   I finally conclude,  nodding towards the rotating pleasure table,   “ Leave them to enjoy themselves... Old  Joe is on nightshift, he can enjoy the view  & lock up after... or not... if they are still here tomorrow”  I grin at my companions “ You know..  that table may just be a legend table now, may even become a permanent feature like the bull pit “

I take Jay9’s hand,  “ Thank you for an enjoyable evening”  kissing him on the cheek. He smiles back and glances at the pleasure table.  “ You can stay and join them” I laugh at him..

“ I’m off to my room and I will see you guys in the morning “....  looking round, “  It’s the Christmas Party next -  Jayc, will you order the biggest tree , you can find.  Clean up starts tomorrow...  except that area over there of course “... nodding towards the pleasure table.  “ That area is out of cleaning bounds till they are done.... “

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on November 27, 2012, 01:54:36 AM
Sitting at the bar drinking coffee and talking to Ole Joe and JD, we all hear the rumble and air brakes of a large truck outside. “I thinks that’s our tree” I smile as we all head outside. A few moments later with Stone holding the door we manage to get the massive 20 foot  Red Pine in the Bar. After some tense moments we some how get the base firmly in the large tree stand. JD takes out his knife and cuts the ropes holding down the branches and the beautiful tree opens up, Joe with his hands on his hips looks over the large pine, “now that’s a Christmas tree” he beams. After some delicate pruning of way ward branches, Stone is satisfied with the symmetry  and  goes in the storeroom for the tinsel, lights and ornaments. “I got this for the top” she smiles at me and shows me a waltzing couple.  “how appropriate” I smile back and head back out side for the wreathes I also ordered. A large one for the main entrance and smaller ones for the bathroom doors and for the office door.

Its funny I muse how a tree will get you in a festive mood. As the bar staff springs into action. Alarmed I see Joe standing on the edge of a ladder as he attempts to put the dancing couple on the top of the tree. “FOR GODS SAKE  JOE BE CAREFUL” “oh he is fine “ Stone tries to reassure me, the look on Joes face tells me otherwise. “hey I would feel a lot better if you did the high altitude decorating JD” JD nods and takes over for Joe. Handing Joe a hammer and nails “how about hanging the wreaths?”  Joe smiles  “no worries chief” as he get to work.

Over the next couple of hours with Stone in charge the bar takes on a cozy Christmas  feel. Even the pruned branches are put to good use as she shapes them around the large mirror behind the bar. Scented candles on the tables  and bowls of walnuts replace the usual peanuts and mistletoe over every doorway. Liking what I see I head to the office and type up a notice for the events board.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on November 27, 2012, 08:07:32 AM
The table stops spinning I look down and smile its my man in front of me.
As he starts to move towards me I take hold of his head and pull him up to me. I kiss him softly and undo his blindfold and take it.
His eyes blink then a big smile comes across his face.

I whisper in his ear" Take us home my love i'm tiered"

He looks into my eyes "Is that what you want my love

he moves his hand down onto my belly and rubs it "I will take you both home"

"Not just as two my love"  I turn my head and look over at HB "Don't forget your new pet HB"

He looks over at HB and see she is alone on the table "help me down my love then go get her"

He puts his arms round me and takes me off the table. We walk round to HB he leans down over her and takes her blindfold off kisses her and whispers in her ear. She wraps her arms around his neck as he pulls her up and helps her from the table. We all straighten or close and walk to the door.

Tango has his arm around as both we turn and say good night and head of home.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on November 27, 2012, 09:02:25 AM
The table stops I start to lean forward I feel hands on my head pulling me to my feet. I feel the soft kiss on my lips and my blindfold being undone and taken off my eyes focus on the face in front of me. Its Jane a big smile comes across my face she whispers in my ear

"Take us home my love i'm tiered"

I look into her eyes "Is that what you want my love" I rub Jane's Belly and smile.

"not just us two my love"she whispers and turns her head and looks over at HB "Don't forget your new pet HB"

I look over Jane's shoulder and see my sweet pet alone on the table. I help Jane off the table take her hand and walk around to where my pet was laying back on the table.

I lean down over her kissing her softly reaching up i undo her blindfold looking down over her I whisper "Time to take my new pet home"

A big smile of delight is on her face as she wraps her arms around my neck "Take me home Master"she whispers

I left her up and off the table we straighten our cloths

taking Jane and my little pet in my arms we walk to the door we turn and say good night and head off home

I wake in the morning with Jane on one side of me and my pet on the other side thinking what a great night. Being care fall not to wake them both up I slide out form between them and go for a shower. I stand and watch them sleeping as i put my uniform on ready for work

I report for duty "Tango get in here" The Chief calls from in her office.

 My head drops "Now what have I done" I think to myself, I walk in to the Chiefs office there is a report file on her disk with The Bar & Grill written across the top.

 The Chief picks it up and hands it to me " You was at the party last night did you see anything strange on the roof"
 "No Boss I was in the bar all night" I answered.
"I want you to go down there and find out what was going on, on the roof between midnight and six in the morning" She ordered
 "OK Boss I turn and walk out to my car flicking throw the file as I walk.

In the car I read the file
A pear of strange lights seen leaving the roof at 00:05 Reported by 6 bystanders

New page
06:30 hours two strange light land on the roof of the Bar & Grill reported by 7 bystanders.

After reading the bystanders statements I head off to the Bar.
Pulling into the parking lot I see the management cars are all here. I walk in and over to the end of the bar.
Brandy is behind the bar " Morning Miss Bee"

She looks up " OWW morning Officer Tango what can we do for you this morning, a nice cup of tea to start with" she answers

"There were same reports of strange lights on the roof last night would you know anything about them"

She shakes her head as she put the mug of tea in front of me. " Old Joe  JayC & Stone were the only people I know that went up there last night"she tells me "

 "Thank you Bran  arr I mean Miss Bee" Brandy  :)

l pick up my tea and head for the office the door is open KNOCK KNOCK

"Can l have a word with you both"

"Sure come in Officer Tango. What has the Bar done this time" JayC asks
"Nothing like that" I say.

Stone moves round and stands with on hand on JayC's shoulder. I read the reports to the. I see Stone squeeze JayC's shoulder and ask
"Did they see anything when they were up on the roof" I look at them both in turn and there faces give me same clue they know same thing.

"Sorry Officer Tango we are unable to help, but we will be sure to report anything unexplainedl we see in the future. JayC reply's

"Old Joe snuck up for a sneaky cigar, but he did not say he saw anything worth speaking of" Stone add's.

"Thank you both for your time I will fill the report out saying no evidence found to surport the report of lights" Saying with a wink and  smile

I get up and walk back to the bar sitting on one of the stoles I finish my Tea. 

Covem's Walks over "Hello Officer Tango lights on the roof I many be able to help you there"

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on November 27, 2012, 10:22:46 AM

Ooops... sorry everyone... if these are the lights that were seen then it is my fault.



We were testing the new NSPD signal. 

If these AREN'T the lights then I don't know what they were.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 27, 2012, 11:17:18 AM
The table stop.....
Someone is removing the blindfold from my eyes with a gently touch and the voice who whisper me is warm and i know him really well.

"Time to take my new pet home"

He's back to me to take me home.....i smile at his words and in my mind lot of kinky image start to run wild: what i have to exprect ones we are at his place!? What is he planning for me!? I wrap my arms around his neck, happy to have him with me again.

"Take me home Master....or take me wherever you want!"

He grin at my word, while he help me to stand up and off the table. After we collect all our clothes, he holds mine and Jane's waists and lead us out of the Bar & Grill. On the door of the bar, i look at Jane and wink at her who giggle at me and she stare at me sitting on the back of the car till we are at their place.

The rest of the night is confused in my mind....all i know is when i wake up i can see the sleeping face of Jane in front of me, when i hear footsteps coming from behind the door. I slide off the bed slowly, trying don't wake up Jane and then i run to the living room where i catch Master Tango near to the front door, blocking him.

"You can't go work without a good morning kiss...."

I whisper him just before giving him a deep and passionate kiss. When our mouth are finally away, i can breath again but can't let my heart pounding slowly.

"Now i have to go...."

he say with a sad expression on his face.

"I know....but don't worry.....more night will come for us! And, please, let me take care of Jane today. It's my free day!"

"I appreciate it, my are so lovely!"

Then he disapper behind the front door....
I move back to the bathroom and look at my image reflected in the mirror: nothing to say, i'm smiling like a school girl after her first wild night and, most important and ilarious, i have the horns on my head! I can't believe i had slept all night wearing them! I put them on the sink and enter in the shower singing quietly.

credits to Shiniez
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on November 27, 2012, 08:02:49 PM
psst hey covems saw you and your girl tonight on tv ;)

hehe but no really was watching the movie on TV and thought of you
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on November 27, 2012, 10:39:47 PM
After the second spinning of the table, i hear some noise comming from my left. Jane is tired and wants to go home. As she takes Tango and HB with her i guess the party is over.

I take off my blindfold and see Mollie in front of me. I stand up and give her a kiss, " sorry darling but it seems the party is over, but we could play another time if you like  ;) "

Then i turn to where sexi ended up, to untie her, she is soaking her bum in her own juices, "time for you to shower and get home too" . She just smiles and kisses me for the wonderful party. I look up and see the rest of the girls getting off the table and searching for their clothes. "mmmmm" i think "this table needs to stay here"

I grab the remote from the table and walk to to bar to find Brandy. "Miss Brandy i think this table is a great thing to have here, i got the remote here so you can keep it behind the bar, i don't know if it standing at the right place, but you can always let covems and dwarfs put it a permanent spot. Oh and next time maybe you like to join as well  ;D , beautyful lady's like you are always welcome"

She gives me a smile and takes the remote, time for me to get cleaned up as well and go, maybe someone needs a ride home
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: bluedenim on November 28, 2012, 01:37:04 AM
The table stop.....
Someone is removing the blindfold from my eyes with a gently touch and the voice who whisper me is warm and i know him really well.

"Time to take my new pet home"

He's back to me to take me home.....i smile at his words and in my mind lot of kinky image start to run wild: what i have to exprect ones we are at his place!? What is he planning for me!? I wrap my arms around his neck, happy to have him with me again.

"Take me home Master....or take me wherever you want!"

He grin at my word, while he help me to stand up and off the table. After we collect all our clothes, he holds mine and Jane's waists and lead us out of the Bar & Grill. On the door of the bar, i look at Jane and wink at her who giggle at me and she stare at me sitting on the back of the car till we are at their place.

The rest of he night is confused in my mind....all i know is when i wake up i can see the sleeping face of Jane in front of me, when i hear footsteps coming from behind the door. I slide off the bed slowly, trying don't wake up Jane and then i run to the living room where i catch Master Tango near to the front door, blocking him.

"You can't go work without a good morning kiss...."

I whisper him just before giving him a deep and passionate kiss. When our mouth are finally away, i can breath again but can't let my heart pounding slowly.

"Now i have to go...."

he say with a sad expression on his face.

"I know....but don't worry.....more night will come for us! And, please, let me take care of Jane today. It's my free day!"

"I appreciate it, my are so lovely!"

Then he disapper behind the front door....
I move back to the bathroom and look at my image reflected in the mirror: nothing to say, i'm smiling like a school girl after her first wild night and, most important and ilarious, i have the horns on my head! I can't believe i had slept all night wearing them! I put them on the sink and enter in the shower singing quietly.

credits to Shiniez posted a picture of me a redhead again! *sigh*  :-* :-* :-*

Is there any room on this rotating table for a ginger kitty?
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 28, 2012, 05:38:21 AM
OOT:  lol.....honestly, i wasn't thinking at you when i add it.....but sure thing is she resemble you!  ;D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Mollie on November 28, 2012, 07:30:27 AM

Sitting up on the table.  Regaining my composure, I look down and see a smiling face.  "Yes, it does indeed look like it's over.  I have to tell you, that was one hell of a Halloween party.  I've been to a lot of parties, but never one that lasted a month."

Hopping off the table, I look for my costume and remember that some little dwarf ran off with it.  "Well, nevermind."  I say to no one, "I won't need that again until next year."

Spotting Thom, I slide up to him and give him a big, sloppy kiss.  "Thanks for the fun, sweetie."  I say to him.  I move to mrsexlover and plant a smooch on his lips.  "I wanted to taste myself on your lips.  Come up and see me sometime, big boy."  I find Luke and pull him into a kiss.  "Thank you Luke, see you soon."

I walk to the end of the bar and pound on the panel.  "You can keep the costume."  I say to the panel and as I turn to walk away, the panel slides down and my costume is tossed out.  The panel closes quickly with a noise.

Picking my costume up, I make my way to the shower area, blowing a kiss to the bartenders and wash up  and I get changed into my street clothes.  "Whew."  I think, "Those shots of Black Jacks can take their toll."

I go back into the bar room to say my goodbyes and spy Covems at the end of the bar, near the dwarf's door.  I go to him and slide my arms round his neck and pull him down into a long, wet kiss.  Tongues dancing for a bit before we break our kiss.  "Come to the shop."  I say to him.  "I've got something I want to show you that I am sure you will like."  Grabbing his crotch with a quick squeeze, I turn and walk out of the AChat Bar & Grill.  "Thank you all for a marvelous time."
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on November 28, 2012, 05:38:13 PM
I open my eyes & stretch in bed  feeling  the luxury of  my four poster bed in my Harem.  It’s times like this I really appreciate Christi’s and the other Dom’s gift to me.  So useful having a room so close after a party in the AB&G.  And what a party it was, remembering Jay9’s sweet attention.

I get out of bed and jump in the shower to refresh.  Thirty minutes later. I am spruced and ready for helping out in the bar.

I walk in to see the pleasure table still going strong , although it looks like that may be the last round.

The Tango’s and HB seemed to have left already. I can’t help but be impressed with the stamina and quality of their outstanding performances.

I join Old Joe and ask for my usual cup of tea.  Stone & Jayc are already supping.  “You want to get off Joe?   I can hold the fort for now, go get some sleep. Seems the table went for an all nighter then? "

Old Joe smiled, “ They had a lot of fun...  I’ll wait for the tree to arrive before heading off.  I love helping to decorate them for xmas “ 

Jayc tells me he has ordered the tree already and it should be arriving any time.  Stone had got all the Xmas decorations in the office and was just a case of hanging and hammering.  They leave to go the office to sort through the decorations.

Officer Tango arrives and Old Joe pours him a cup of the fine English brew with a rum donut or two.

He informs us of strange lights being seen on the roof.  “I am not aware of anything strange going on up there but to be honest, my mind was somewhere else”  I grin, having a flash back to that secluded pillar and the handsome Jay9.
“I think Old Joe, Jayc & Stone may have gone up there at one point... maybe they can help you out”

Old Joe  looks at Officer Tango, “ I went up there a couple of times to have a sneaky cigar but didn’t see anything I couldn’t explain.  I did smell Jasmine though, seems to have wafted round the bar a lot of late..  it’s quite pleasant too . Sorry I can’t help more Officer”

Tango nods and I indicate Stone & Jayc are in the office. He leaves to see if they know anything of these unusual lights.

I grin at Old Joe...  “ I think you know more than you are saying...”
He grins back ... “ Let’s just say  Jayc & Stone made an old couple very happy and leave it at that”
“ Ok, If you say so Joe, if you say so”  I nod.

Suddenly I am aware of the folk at the rotating  table finishing their pleasuredoms.  Mollie and Thom,  Covems & Eva,  Luke & Dutch ,  mrsexlover &   Sexilicious.   They hug and kiss and have HUGE beaming smiles. The table is obviously a resounding success.  ;D

Mrsexlover approaches me with the remote control and bell  for safe keeping. He cheekily remarks I may like to try it sometime ...  I can’t help but chuckle...  “ You never know , Mrsex, you never know .. “ I wink at him   :P

He suggests that the table could be moved to a better position and Covems offers to find a place for it with the Dwarfs help.  I agree with them both and leave it in Covems suitable & capable hands to accommodate the wonderful table.

I call out to them all to read the notice board . “ Jayc has posted details of the Xmas party.  Each one of you is personally invited. Please come and enjoy our festivities.. and tell your friends. All are welcome here. “
They all nod and promise to be back soon. 

I ask Covems  & JD about any strange lights they may have seen on the roof during the night. Covems grins and said it could be the Dwarfs with the new NSPD  ( Nymphomania Sex Police Dept ) sky signal messing about, but he thought they had been quite busy even visiting the pleasure table at one point and stealing Halloween costumes off unsuspecting ladies.
We all laugh at that image.

JD & Covems head off to catch up on some sleep and shower before returning for duty in a few hours.   I  start cleaning up and hear a truck pull up outside.  Jayc & Stone & Officer Tango come out of the office.

Looks like the tree & The Country Boys have just arrived & its time to decorate the bar and add some Christmas cheer .....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on November 29, 2012, 12:11:30 PM
Waking up in my nice warm bed stretching out my arms I'm all alone.

I hear the shower running "MMMMMM he must be in there getting ready for work"I think to myself

I slide my feet out from under the covers and down onto the warm under floor heated floor and walk over to the big walking shower room.

"MMMMM" the room is fall of steam slipping out of my PJ's I walk into the shower area. The hot water hits me from the walls and ceiling walking in feather I can make out his body."That's to small for Tango" I think

"Tango is that you" I ask  the figure turns and faces me

"No Jane its me" she answers softly

She takes my hands and gently pulls me to her under the main shower head "Hello Jane" she says as she kisses my cheek then on my lips.

I feel her breasts press against mine as our arms wrap around each other as our kiss gets more passionate. The water pouring over me and her soft lips on mine is making me so horny.

Letting my hand slid down onto her nice shaped butt i run a finger down between her little cheeks and over her magic star.
Our kiss deepens as my finger move around on her little star reaching down lower I let my fingers move down looking for her wet pussy lost in the heat of the moment.

I take a sharp breath as my fingers find her balls my mind flashes "HB yes tangos pet" I take her balls in my fingers and squeeze them gently.

I feeling them in my hand I break our kiss I move round to her ear and softly whisper "Hello HB my dear" I move my hand from her ball and slide it down between us and wrap my fingers around her stiff rod slowly I rub my hand up and down her rods length. I whisper back in her ear "I'm so horny I want sex with you in this shower right now"   "But you will have to be gentle I don't want to go into labour this morning"

I turn around putting my hands on the wall of the shower I bend over a little. I feel her hands take my wait and then the hard tip of her rod rubs against my soft wet lips.

And in she slides ..............

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on November 30, 2012, 12:30:40 PM
The hot water and the steam of the shower are perfect to relax after a long wild night.....water glides over my skin when suddenly i feel hands touching my back.

"Tango is that you!?"  a woman's voice ask me.

"No, Jane it's me....." i answer her taking her hands and pulling gentle her against me, kissing her passionately.

With her body pressed on mine, her hand start to explore mine, reaching my hidden spot soon: the way she tease me with her finger deeply excite me and when her hand grab my balls i can't hold a moan.

"Hello HB my dear" she say, moving her hand up and down long my hardness "I'm so horny I want sex with you in this shower right now.....but you will have to be gentle I don't want to go into labour this morning"

And without waiting my answer she turn putting her hands on the wall and bending over a little, revealing her round and perfect ass. I grab her waist gentle and slowly rub my hardness against her soacked lips.

"I had promise to Tango to have care of you.....and i'll do it.....i'll never broke a promise to my Master!"

I press the tip of my hardness on her lips and slowly i slide inside....slowly to don't hurt her and to be sure to control my movement. I start to move in and out and every time i push my hardness a little deeper: i feel so hot now....the steam and the water, the sensation who run wild from my hardness to my's something so hard to describe!

We are moaning like crazy while the passion rise and burn us more then this hot water who glides on us......i had to slow down my movement, the water make my hardness slip inside her more easy and, in her condition, i know we must be prudent. I decide to pull it out and start to rub the tip on her pinky hole: she react immediately and her body twists under its touch.

I lay with my belly on her back and my lips are now so close to her ear.

"Jane.....i think it will be more safe for you! can i!?" i whisper her gently.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ThunderSax on November 30, 2012, 05:21:56 PM

The bar is strangely quiet now. The lustful moans and squeals of the pleasure table finally giving over into the quiet rasp of whiskey glasses across the aged bar. Slowly I crush my pipe out in the tray watching as each last ember falls dark. The bourbon tastes sharp and familiar as it runs across my tongue.

For the last month I have returned here each night, sitting quietly as the faded lamp behind me a shadowd figure at the end of the bar. A small grin plays across my face as I watch these wonderful people at play. I think of all the nights I have returned home after feeling the familiar bulge growing hard and uncontrollable needing its release. All the nights of finding her in the kitchen, the bedroom, reading or working in the greenhouse. Standing there looking at her reflecting all the lust and desire I had witnessed and seeing her own eyes brighten as she reads my mind. It is a power she has always possessed. One among many, such as the power she uses now to take me in her arms and turn me from man to beast, needing her hot body. Needing to tease it, possess it, punish it, please it, fill it with my lust, make it cum shaking for me, and scream for me. Breaking her beneath my hunger and the force of my thrusts even as I give her all of my strength and my soul. She has had my love and my trust and carries my heart ever since the day she called herself mine. She has never failed to excite me, satisfy me, or to cum for me giving me every ounce of her endless passion. She calls us magic and I believe her.

I toss a few bills across the bar for the tip and slide the pouch of tobacco into my jacket. Tonight she will be home. I can picture her lying on the couch wrapped in her favorite blanket. The lights will be off and the television playing some show I cannot understand or enjoy, but which I watch anyway since it brings me close to her. I think of her body now, soft and firm and always eager for my touch. I think of her lips which I cannot get enough of. A fact that she loves. I think of the taste of wine on those lips.

The scent of lust in the room merely heightens the need I feel for her right now. Her lips and her touch. Her perfect body pulling in into her and holding me tight urging me to take her from valley to peak and back for as long as we still have strength. I am hard and ache for the release only she can give me.

I yearn to become her beast once more.

Silently, my boots soft against the aged floorboards I take leave of the bar knowing I will be back again tomorrow night. I take one last breath of the heady scent of heat and sex. I close my coat against the cold outside and adjust my hat against the rain. I watch these beautiful people removing themselves from the wheel, their bodies glistening and spent. I smile and think of her body beneath me tonight filling our home with her scent.

I decide to pick up a merlot on the way home and let the door fall quietly behind me as I head off into the grey of the night.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on December 01, 2012, 07:51:15 AM
Jayc & I are calling it a night and say good night to all our friends. Thundersax gets up to leave too. I kiss him on the cheek and tell him to come back soon.  The Xmas Party will be on before you know it, I tell him and hope he will come back soon.

Next morning,  Jayc & I help Old Joe in the bar. He had been up all night tending the Pleasure Table when required. I smile at the action still going on there although it has started to look they are on the finishing straight now. 

Brandy joins us smelling of fresh shower gel and her hair slightly damp. We all order a fresh brew from  Old Joe and sit chatting at the bar, planning the day ahead.  I had already got the Christmas decorations down from the loft with Jayc and they were currently in the office, ready to be hung and displayed around the AB&G . Even Old Joe was getting into the Christmas Spirit of things, wanting to stay to decorate the tree before heading off home for some well deserved sleep.

As I look round the bar, I have this vision in my head of it looking like a fabulous medieval banqueting hall, fit for a King and Queen.

I  was also very pleased with myself,  I had  managed to find a beautiful ball room dancing couple figurine for the top of the Christmas tree from the local antiques market. It did cross my mine that The Grills may have had a hand directing me to the stall where it was for sale. The figurine has an uncanny resemblance to the beautiful portrait now hanging above “ The Doris Bar Memorial Stage “
It would be just the perfect topping for our tree here.

My attention is drawn back to the Pleasure Table as it starts to break up and  participants ready to call it a very enjoyable night.  I smile and wave to them , as Jayc & I finish our tea and head back to the office to sort out the Christmas decorations for hanging.

We are in deep discussion when the door is knocked. It’s Officer Tango, sipping a fresh cup of tea and rum donuts.
He looks very handsome in uniform and explains he is investigating the case of the strange lights seen on the roof of the AB&G  just after midnight last night – Halloween night.

Jayc and I look at each other, not sure if he knows of our strange encounter.  Tango knows of the strange happenings here with the Grills over Halloween... they had even sent him an old fashioned baby grow for the baby, he and jane were expecting,

It was such a beautiful,  intimate moment that night, that I felt , perhaps it was not for public knowledge. 

We tell Officer Tango we can offer no explanation for the strange lights  but  will keep an eye out for anything in the future.  Old Joe had been up there but did not  mention seeing anything either.

Tango smiles and knows that somehow, The Grills had made a connection with us but he respects our decision and tells us of his intention to write up the case and close it for filing.
I  kiss him on the cheek,  silently thanking him.

At this we hear a truck pulling up outside.  We all head out the office together to greet the truck.
It’s so exciting.  The biggest  Christmas  Tree in the world is just about to be delivered.  I love Christmas,  everyone seems to be in a good mood, and everyone loves a visit from Santa.

Jayc  and some of the lads and dwarfs start dragging it in and place it up the corner by the stage. It’s fabulous and is befitting of the bar.
Old Joe , the dwarfs and I spend the next few hours lovingly dressing it.  JD  puts the ballroom couple on the top.  I stand back, admiring our work, its everything a christmas tree should be .  Dressed in tinsel,  shiny beads, bows, baubles,  cookies to eat, sweeties, and big enough to place presents underneath & not forgetting the pretty fairy loghts. It looks stunning and very beautiful.

I direct the other decorations to be hung and where....   the place is transformed , full of Christmas cheer and Christmas spirit.  There’s Holly and Ivy, santas, snowmen, present boxes , candles, everything Christmassy, with reds, greens, golds, silvers....  truely a beautiful cosy atmosphere.
When it’s done, all the helpers and staff look around to a job well done.  Jayc opens the sherry and eggnog  and passes the drinks all round.

 “ I think this is going to be a Christmas to remember ...  Cheers everyone & Thank you for all your hard work... “   Jayc praises us all. We all raise our glasses to toasts of Health, Wealth & Happiness.......
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on December 01, 2012, 09:56:53 AM
Feeling her take my waist and her hard rod slide over my wet lips I hear her say

"I had promise to Tango to have care of you.....and i'll do it.....i'll never broke a promise to my Master!"

Feeling her hot rod open my lips as the hot water helps it slide in feeling this sweet girl meat sliding deeper and deeper into me with each slow thrust.
I push on wall pushing back onto her hot rod holding my waist tighter her thrusts get a little harder and faster. With the hot water rushing over us and her red hot rod thrusting deep into me I start to moan loudly as the pleasure my Tango's sweet pet is giving me.

Then she just pulls out I push back to try to find it. I feel it rub over my tight back door, feeling her lean down onto my back she whispers

"Jane.....i think it will be more safe for you! can i!?

"YES....YES.......Yes"  I moan loudly

I move my left arm so its bent flat along the shower wall I lean forward and rest my head on my forearm giving her a better angle to slide her hot rod deep into that tight spot she is rubbing it over. I feel a little pressure and a little sharp breath in my back door is open and I feel her hot rod just inside me ass. She holds just for a few seconds and then gently pushes into my filling ever part of my tight back entrance.

Feeling her rod slide back nearly right out then back in I moan loudly


Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on December 01, 2012, 11:38:53 AM
Having finished my tea and got my report filled out I headed out of the bar saying "Good Luck with the decorations"
as I get to my car the biggest tree arrives on the back of a big truck. Every one in the bar comes out to get a look at it.
I get in my car and head off back to HQ.

I have to drive past my house on the way I pull up outside and go in to check on Jane and my sweet pet. Opening the door I hear the shower running upstairs. I walk around the down stairs and there is no one about. I walk up stair as I get to the top I hear Jane's voice "MORE......MORE.....MORE" coming from the shower room the door is open and steam is coming out.

I stand at the door not making a sound, I can hear Jane and my pets moans and the slap of skin on skin. Looking throw the steam I can make out the shape of there body's I can see my sweet pet is keeping her promise to me.

Feeling myself getting hard  and hearing there moans I can't resist anymore i strip off in the door when and walk into the hot water of the shower.
I move up to my pets side and see her fucking Jane good and deep I put my finger to my lips as she turns and see me.
I move round behind her feeling her hips moving back and forth as she slide her hardness deep into Jane letting my hands move down over her sweet little butt I run a finger p and over her tight star. with all the water running down over it my finger slides in nice and easy. Pushing it in deep she keep thrusts the same into Jane.

Taking my finger out I move tight up behind my pet feeling her movements against the tip of my cock I move my hips forward as my cock pushes harder at her entrance and opens it up around my cock. I push in deeper as my pet move my cock enters her more and more. I stand just at the right point where me pet movements did every thing.

I reach round taking her breasts in my hand squeezing them gently as i start to move my hips in time with my pets to fuck her ass hard as she keeps fucking Jane..........
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 03, 2012, 12:41:59 PM
"YES....YES.......Yes"  Jane answer me moaning loud and making my lust rising.

While i continue to rub my hardness on her pinky hole, i stare at her perfect ass: round and firm, she moves it in a slow and ipnotizing dance. I leave her the time to find a confortable position and then i push the tip inside her tight back entry, making her moan in a mix of pain and pleasure: her wonderful butt is sucking me in and resist to its attraction is hard. I'll try to maintain control while my hardness goes deep inch by inch, till i feel her anus is relaxed a little and it offer less resistance to me: i'll start to move faster, getting deeper at every pump. My hardness is pulsing faster and to don't come so early, i bite my lower lip till it bleed a little. I close my eyes trying to resist a little more....i can recognize really well when i can't hold my self....

I heard a soft noise near us and when i open my eyes to look aroud, all i can see is a shadow in the steam. My heart leaps for an one is at home except me or Jane, so who is approaching us in the shower!?

With the heart in my throat, i stare at the shadow coming close and when i'm finally able to recognize it, i can finally breath again: Master Tango! He's back home and have caught us togheter in their shower! I want to scream his name but he put his index finger behind his lips, a clear sign he don't want to make know to Jane he is here. While he move behind me, i notice his hard rod....oh long he was spying at us!?

I swallow while his hand slip between my bum cheeks till his finger start to rub against my hole: the way he do it is damn exciting and it makes more hard to don't cum suddenly. Jane wonderful ass on a side and my Master playing with mine on the other.....oh gosh! I must bite my lips again and again to prevent a loud scream to come out, specially when his finger slide inside me in one go....all its lenght and deep! I can feel it moving inside me, rubbing my intimacy and make rise my excitement and the vigor i put in my movement in and out Jane's back door.

Master Tango has noticed how excited i am and without giving me a moment to breath, after had put his finger out, he press his tip rod against my hole opening his way inside me with a sudden and strong movement. This make me jump forward, making my hardness go deeper inside jane till my balls hit her bum: we both scream for the pleasure but in this moment what i really want to scream is my Master name. But i can't.......

Master Tango move a little backward and his rod slide out a little. He stand behind me, without moving, like if is waiting for something i have to do....but what!? Then i understand....i take back the rythm on Jane's ass and when i move back, Master's rod hit me deep and, when i move into Jane, Master's rod slip out, giving me double pleasure.
My hardness begin to pulse really faster.....i'm so close to cum and i can't hold it! I begin to move faster and all my sense are now focused on my's like a fire who burn inside me and i can't controll!

At last i come and instinctively i move back popping out Jane's ass.....a copious spray of my cum float in the air and fall on her back, while i get impaled on my Master's rod! He hold me in his arms, squeezing my tits, and i can't hold a scream.

"Masteeeerrrr! Aaaaahhhhhh!"

My hardness popping out of Jane's ass make a loud sound, similar to a bottle of fizzy wine we you open it......

"HB...mmmhhmm....i'm comiiiiing!" she yells while an intense orgasm make her body tremble and her love juice flow long her inner thighs.

Hearing my words and breathing hard, she turn to us.....she's surprised to see her dear Tango behind me but her attention is caught by his lover's rod deeply pushed inside me: his balls are pressed on my bum and cum still dripping out of my hardness. For the embarassment, i cover my face with hands.

"Please, don't look at me!"

But Jane comes closer......her body is now pressed on mine and her belly rubs on my hardness. I can feel her breath while her face move close to mine just to avoid mine and kiss Tango over my shoulder: a long endless kiss with me pressed against them and with Master's rod impaling me! Her hands cross my whole thighs, my arms, my bum.....i feel them everywhere! And i can feel something filling up my's warm and make me blush again....i can feel it in my belly, it's a wonderfull sensation and it make me come again but this time it pours on mine and Jane's belly.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on December 03, 2012, 04:48:14 PM
Bending over more I feel her hard rod open my tight back door. Feeling it open me it hurts but I relax and the pain turns to pleasure.

HB holds her rod still as I relax around it Feeling it slide in deep I moan out loud with the pleasure she is giving me. Feeling her rod get even hardas she fucks my ass deeper and harder.Her Ball slap against me as her rod is berried deep into me each time. Moaning load every time she drive her rod home.

I feel the burning deep in my ass as the pleasure begins to over flow MOANING loudly as the first orgasm rushes right throw my hole body. I feel my lady fuckers rod twitch and then she pulls it right with a gasp the pleasure rushes again and I feel the heat of hot CUM land on my back.

and hear my lady scream "MASTEEEEERRRRRR  AAAAHHHHHHHHHH".

"MASTER" I turn my head and see Tango stood behind HB

I stand and move in tight to HB my belly rubs against her hardness. Her hands are over her face "Please don't look at me"
leaning over her shoulder I kiss Tango long and hard.

He pushes his pet up against me and I can feel him still fucking his pet
Rubbing my hands all over her body as she is fucked hard and deep

I hear Tango grunt and feel HB get pushed hard against me. I feel HB's rod twitch between us and the hot feeling of her cum on my belly
We all stand in the shower holding each other with the warm water pouring down over us

I look into her Tango's eyes and i know that look and he wants more. I kiss HB then look back to Tango. He moves out from behind her and moves to be beside as both. I look into HB's eye's then down to Tango's cock then back to her eyes.

She smiles at me and we lower are self's down onto our knees I cup his balls and offer his cock up to his pets mouth.

I watch as it goes deep into her sweet mouth then I take it out and take it nice and deep into my mouth feeling it hit the back of my throat.
I feel Tango's hand on the back of my head he holds it and takes his cock out of my mouth and back into HB mouth.  

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on December 05, 2012, 07:34:42 AM
Holding my pets breasts gently squeezing them as she move back and forth between myself and Jane.
I move closer and start to move my hips faster. Feeling my sweet pets ass tighten around my hot rod.
Her body shacks and pushes back hard against me.


leaning back against me as I hold her tight to me as I keep sliding my hot hard shaft deep into her tight sweet ass.

"MASTER" I hear Jane say

She looks over her shoulder and see me behind my pet. She stands tight up in front of my pet pressing herself against her.
"Don't look at me" my pet say's with her hands over her face
Leaning over my pets shoulder I kiss her passionatly

As we kiss I push harder into my pet feeling her tighten her ass around my shaft tight

I let out a laud grunt and explode deep into my pet pumping load after load deep into her. I hear my pet moan with the pleasure from deep inside her. Then she moans again a different moan and the look of surprise my pet must have cum again.
I look down into Jane's Eyes with a hungry look
I move out from behind my pet and to the side of them both standing with the water flowing over us.

I watch them kissing Jane looks at me then at HB then kiss again as they kiss they drop down on there knees in front of me.
Jane takes my balls into her hand and guides my hod shaft into my sweet pets willing mouth
Feeling her warm mouth around my shaft I let out a soft moan.
Jane takes it from my pets mouth and takes it into her own I place my hand on the back for there heads and move from mouth to mount. 

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on December 08, 2012, 12:29:34 PM

"Lads", I say to the dwarves, "lets get this place into Christmas shape.  We've already discussed where the decorations should go, so lets get to it."

The dwarves busy themselves and the house decoration goes up.


The Merry Christmas lighted sign goes on the mirror behind the bar


along with the Santa Wreath


Christmas Glasses on the wall near the door


And the Lets Be Naughty sign over the donut machine


Dopey comes over to me pulls me down and whispers into my ear.  "Yes, Dopey", you can make your tree.  I'm sure everyone will enjoy it."


"Ahhhh... doesn't that give you some Christmas spirit?  Remember, all you have to do is believe."


I know it does for me.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on December 08, 2012, 11:22:37 PM
We turn the lights down low in the bar……the atmosphere is down right Christmassy. Covems lights are fantastic. My arm around Stone we look at the lights, the tables,  the tree. “one last thing to do “ she whispers and takes me to the fireplace to hang our stockings. Standing under a sprig of mistletoe, I share a warm sweet kiss with Stone.

We saddle up at the bar and Joe hands me a beer and fills Stone’s tea. Sipping her tea “hey Joe there is a box under the counter, hand it to me”. Joe hands her a big clothing box, she opens it and pulls out 2 sweaters. Light blue with a white band of snowflakes near the center. She puts hers on it large and looks good on her slender frame.  I put mine on and it looks bad………real bad. “Did you get those for all the staff?” Joe asks with a nervous tone in his voice. “No just for jayc “ Stone replies. Joe can barely contain himself, with Stones back to him he covers his mouth and points at me  his eyes tearing up in cooped up laughter. “you like it? “ she looks at me…………I bold face lie to her “yeah yeah I love it” Stone beams at me and runs to get Brandy.

As soon as she is out of earshot Joe breaks down in laughter. “the Christmas jumper” he finally manages to get out. “Oh shit Joe what am I going to do?” I sigh. “if I were you I would wear the jumper” he begins another fit of laughter.

I peel the hideous thing off my body and set it on the bar and drink my beer weighing my options. “you took it off” I look up to see Brandy and Stone, “uh yeah its kind of warm in here for a sweater uh jumper” “warm? Its like 65 degrees in here the furnace is hardly working” Joe grins rubbing his hands in an exaggerated gesture. Glaring at the cheeky bastard “well this flannel shirt is real warm Joe why didn’t you tell me about the furnace  let me go take a look at it “ I make a hasty retreat to the basement. A man with a holiday sweater problem.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on December 09, 2012, 08:03:27 AM
As I walk through the Achat village , I walk down the high street and mooch around the Christmas stalls laid out with all their wares.  It’s bustling with people doing their Christmas shopping and buying gifts for family & friends. Earlier in the week, I had seen and bought the beautiful hand crafted ballroom couple for placing on the top of the AB&G Christmas tree.

The stalls are all  decorated for the Christmas  festive season.  As I pass one of the stalls I see a couple of sweaters that catch my eye.  I stop and unfold one,  Its sky blue with a band of white snow flakes  across the chest.  It truly represents  the spirit of Christmas.

I hold it up against the light to assess it’s size and imagine Jayc  in it, drinking his whiskey by the fireplace in the cabin ,  wearing it outside clearing the snow from the path to the car, grinning at me on the porch as I bring a hot steaming cup of hot chocolate for him to warm up and ,  wearing in the AB&G seated at the bar with our friends.

I know it’s just perfect for him and he will look extremely sexy in it, showing off his broad , muscular chest and trim waist with either his jeans or trousers.

I pick the other one up off the stall, slightly over sized for me , matching exactly in design & colour. I   could wear it round the cabin in place of a robe,  naked underneath after my handsome spouse has relished my body and when getting us  hot drinks to bask in the intimacy afterwards.  It would look great in my jeans too .

My mind made up, I buy both the jumpers and ask the stall owner to wrap the one for  Jayc in brown paper and pretty red and green ribbons and bow & place them both, neatly folded in a box.
I know he will just love such a thoughtful,  pre Christmas gift.

I make my way to Tight Fits boutique.  I need to buy a Tuxedo for Jayc and a dress for myself for the up and coming  Christmas Party at the AB&G.
I find the black Tuxedo , matching waist coat & trousers, white dress shirt, black neck tie & black shoes.  Jayc will look so handsome and breath taking in it.  I take the clothes to the counter while I take a look at the dresses.

I spot one, I just have to have and not yet open for release. I speak with the management and they let me hire it for the night. Luckily I can take it away with me now as it’s the perfect fit for me.

It’s part of the Tightfit label, a beautiful plum coloured dress, with white trim around the neck line and cuffs  and  matching white around the upper thighs. It has matching deep purple plum velvet bows.   I know it will knock Jayc out,  he will love it ... just like his Christmas jumper. I already have my under wear and the dress will go perfectly with it.

Heart singing , I make my way back to the AB&G and place the dress clothes in the office for changing into when the the time is right.

I take the wrapped sweaters and ask Old Joe to place them behind the bar.  Everyone is busy doing the finishes to the bar.

Covems and the dwarfs have done a wonderful job of fixing up the lights. The bar is truly transformed into a beautiful place of Christmas cheer.

I see Jayc admiring the lights too and join him. I put my arms round his waist from behind. He knows it’s me without looking .
“ One last thing to do”  I whisper spotting the mistletoe,  I pull him under it and we have our first, slow sensual Christmas kiss.  My legs turn to jelly as his lips claim mine and I lose myself in the moment. The man is a walking menace to the opposite sex, too damned attractive for his own good.
I hold him in my arms trying to catch my breath as he finishes the kiss and while my senses return to normality.

 Smiling at me, he knows the effect he has on me. He takes my hand  and leads me to the bar  for a refreshing cup of tea.

I tell Old Joe to pass my gift to him from behind the bar.  I can see straight away Jayc loves it as he pulls it on.  He looks wonderful in his new Christmas jumper..  I will just have to get Brandy to check it out. She might want to get one for her man too. I kiss Jayc’s cheek and go search for her .

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on December 10, 2012, 01:31:16 PM
With the big red bag slung over one shoulder, I step from the rain and enter the bar, my boots clomping loudly announcing my entrance., I pause briefly to admire the transition which has taken hold here. The bright festive adornments make me smile. No words feel adequate for what Covems and his dwarves have accomplished here.

“Well look at what the cat has drug in!”

I eye Joe and grin at his greeting winking to him as I cast a glance towards him standing there behind the bar polishing a holiday mug clean. He frowns… nods towards me.

“You’re dripping.”

I glance down eye the beads of water from the storm spilling off the fish slicker onto the bar floor.

“For all the wrong reasons. “ I quip, but I see no smile at the innuendo. He is quite serious. So I settle my load to the floor, Slide the slicker off and hang it to dry on a  near coat rack. As I pick up the bag and make my way to the bar, Joe begins preparing a drink for me.

“The usual Bear?”

I shake my head no… “Hot chocolate and peppermint schnapps… I am in a holiday mood.”

He eyes my attire. “As I see… “ noting the jingle of bells on my boots and my santa outfit. “anything in the bag for me?”

I settle on a stool, smirking. “That my friend depends on your kink. I figure I’ll sit by the tree for a bit, if any are brave enough they can sit on my lap and whisper a PM to me  of their xmas wish. Then I’ll see what I have in my bag that might meet their wants. This Santa isn't nickpicking the details. Naughty or nice... though the naughtier the better. The ole north pole gets lonely for attention.”

My eyes drift to the abandoned sweater nearby.

“You need to lose the hat.”  he remarks. “A new hat?”

The sweater gnaws on my curiosity.

“A replacement… mine is still floating about  here. Keep an eye peeled for it.” I reach down into the bag, hauling out a white beard  and appropriate hat to complete the costume, removing the ragged old replacement hat .and storing it in the bag. That sweater… holding my attention.

Draining the mug I rise, hook the beard on and slip the red cap, then reach for the sweater.

“Ho Ho….oh my god.” Gasping as the design unfolds as I lift it. Stuttering for words as I eye it “What poor smuck is stuck with this? Brandy doing this to you?”

“Gwad no“,. replies Joe. “I’d rather be stripped naked and forced to wear donkey ears for a game of pin the tail then wear that.”

I toss him the sweater. “Sadistic one whoever chose this.” I rise, gather the bag and  head off to set up Santa’s section. “If you see Covems, ask him to send over a couple of dwarves,… I need elves… dressed appropriately… or a volunteer... Santa has needs you know.”

I head towards the tree, thankful I am not forced to demonstrate my love by wearing such sweater.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on December 10, 2012, 02:08:00 PM

Moving behind the bar to load the "imported" cooler with bottles of beer, I complete the restocking and shuffling the colder ones to the top, and pick up the empty bottle carton.

"Oh WOW!"  I say loudly, dropping the "empties" carton and picking up a light blue sweater with snowflakes on it.  "Who's is this?"

"It's JayC's"  Joe replies.

I open it completely and examine it.  "I love these.  Do you think he'd want to sell it?"  I say to Joe... he chuckles a little and rolls his eyes.  "Man, it's my size, too... We have an Ugly Sweater party every year."  I say to him.  "Everyone who attends wears a Chrismas Sweater, the more elaborate the design the better.  Its a lot of fun, we drink spiked cocoa and sing Christmas songs.  I love this time of the year."

I carefully fold the sweater and gently place it in the spot I found it and pick up the "empties" carton.  Joe says, "Bear needs a couple of dwarfs as elves to work with "Santa" by the tree.

I look toward the tree and see Bear looking at us.  I give him a hand salute and go to the end of the bar and rap on the panel.  A couple of knocks come in reply and I rap a few more times. 

The panel slides into the floor with a "thunk." 

"What do you want?"  Grumpy says.

"Bear needs a couple of you lads to be elves at the tree with him.  Send two of the more reliable ones, and let them know that there could be benefits to this job, especially with the naughty ones who sit on his lap."  I say while winking.

Grumpy knods his head with a knowing smile and slides the panel shut.  I stand and throw another hand salute to Bear and take the carton to the back room, whistling "Deck The Halls".

After about 20 minutes the panel at the end of the bar slides into the floor with its customary "thunk" and Dopey and Happy pop out dressed as "Santa's Elves".  They trot across the floor to the tree and climb into Bear's lap.  "We're here Santa."  They say in unison.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on December 10, 2012, 06:28:50 PM
I glance back at my two new charges, grinning at me enthusiastic of their duties. Dopey stands as proud as he can, gripping firmly at his tights which seemed destined to fall off.

You look great Happy… but um… couldn’t we find something better fitting for Dopey?
 Dopey grins.. His tunic too large… the hat tilted cockeyed on his brow. He blows at it, sending it flopping back.

“Sorry sir,… just how it is… Bashful is a wonderful tailor… but no matter how we try… once left alone,… Dopey’s clothes never seem to fit.”

I sigh nodding, this will just have to do I direct them to help straighten out a spot near the tree for us. It’s Happy who points out the obvious.

“It just doesn’t seem right,” his eyes noting the standard bar chairs we have gathered in. “Santa needs something more… something regal… It’s Santa after all. He need a big chair adorned in decoration”

“Oh I agree,” I reply eying the poor substirute,… “but it’s a bit late for trying to dig up a throne for Santa.”

Happy looks lost in thought, deep thought, I pay no attention to Dopey wandering off to the bag.

“You have an idea?… Any suggestion,  I totally agree with what you are saying..”

“Well,… Grumpy did tell me he saw a throne down in the dungeon.”

“The dungeon?” , my first thoughts were rather skeptic of finding something suitable there.

Happy nods enthusiastic… “In one of the spare dungeons… Christy or Janine had them store it there. Or maybe someone else… it’s been under cover… not used…. I think the movers left it on the rollers yet. The boys and I can have it up here in a flash.”

I hesitate… it’s not my place to use another’s equipment,… but with the festivities coming soon… I am in a bind. Whoever it belongs to I’ll just have to make peace if objections arise. I nod “Do it then… and be quick… time is running short.”

Happy scampers off… quick in a flash. I have to admit Covems picked his choices well. If anyone has the Xmas spirit it is Happy. I hear a buzz and whip about quick. Dopey is leaning over the bag holding a vibrating dildo which whirls wildly in his grasp.  It pops his nose surprising him, dropping the gyrating toy as he jumps back nearly losing his tights in the moment. With one hand holding them he stares at the thrashing toy flopping like a cat toy before him. I rush in… “No playing in the bag lad. These are for others.”

I chase down the errant toy., shutting it of f.

“Best we go have a cup of hot cocco and wait for your mates to return.”

I take Dopey in hand and lead him in tow back to bar… figuring best I keep an eye on him as we eagerly await the return of the rest of the crew.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on December 11, 2012, 09:40:03 AM
Standing it the shower with my hand on the back of these two gorgeous feeding them both my hard rod.
The feeling of there soft lips all over my manhood was pushing me to the edge taking both there heads I push them together at the tip of me cock there mouths kiss each other and my cock at the same time.

Feeling my the pressure building inside I tense every part of om body to hold it back. Feeling the to girls sucking hard on the tip of my cock I can't hold back anymore


The pressure EXPLODES and fills there mouth with load after load of hot cream. Standing there shaking as this two gorgeous girl  sucked the last drops of my hot man cream into there mouths.

I pull back from them and watch them kiss and share my hot seed in there mouths.

With both there eyes closed I slip out of the shower room leaving my two sweet girls where i found them. I dry myself off and put my uniform back
back on. Looking back into the shower room I can see the girls washing each others hair.

"See you both Later" I call out to them

They both just raise a hand and wave at me. I head down stairs a grab the envelop with the music for the Country Boys to learn.

I head back to HQ and file the report on the Lights at the Bar & Grill. I fill in the Chief with my findings and is happy for the report to be filed in the bottom drew.

Putting it in the UNSOLVED drew I know I could always reopen it again same day.

I head of out on Patrol for the rest of the morning and end up back at the Bar just before lunch. I walk in with the envelop in my hand. I wall over to the bar. "Hi Joe a nice hot mug of black strong coffee please."

He slides a mug over to me and it stop died right in my hand "thanks Joe" I say just as I take a sip.

Stone, Brandy and JayC are seat down the bar I take the envelop with me and walk down to them.

"Hi all" I wave the envelop at the girls "where can i put this so only the County Boys can see it" I say with a smile at the two Lady's "it's the music for the 3 songs and there for the boy's eyes only"

I smile at Brandy "the third song is a fun on for us two It not Christmas with out this song and thats all I'm telling you" a say with a cheeky grin.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on December 11, 2012, 11:35:39 AM
Examining  the furnace  I am happy to find out its only a dirty filter preventing the bar from warming up. A quick change and the warm air will soon heat the bar. My hope is to keep the bar toasty warm so I don’t have to wear  the jumper, at least not at the bar. Climbing the basement stairs I realize I will have to wear the  woolen nightmare sooner or later…….it just a matter of time……no I need  to get rid of it…. Make it go away………must think of something.

Back in the bar I see Bear dressed in a Santa costume and Dopey nursing hot cocoas talking with Joe. And right where I left it “the Christmas sweater” as I sit next to them  “let me have a hot coco with some baileys Joe…….make that a lot of baileys“. Bear breaks the silence “is that yours?” pointing to the jumper, I simply nod and look at my coco. “an early Christmas gift  from Stone” Joe answers for me. Dopey grabs the jumper and looks at it. I perk up “you like it Dopey?” as a scenario plays out in my mind………Stone the little guy fell in love with it how could I say no to  him?  I am brought back to reality as Dopey shakes his head in the negative, followed by laughter from Bear and Joe.

Hey” Joe chimes in…….“Covems  likes it  wanted it for an ugly holiday sweater contest”  more laughter. Joe continues “our boy here told Stone he loved it” more laughter…”well  I need to make it go away by any means necessary “ I sigh.

Joe  leaves us and begins to break up empty beer case boxes and putting them in the trash bin. My eyes light up as my mind plots a plan. “let me give you a hand Joe” as I go behind the bar. “Ok  guys I say quietly turn your heads, don’t want to get you guys involved” I pick up the loathsome wool jumper and cram it in a box and stuff it in the trash bin.  I mentally  practice my response to Stone. “I don’t know what happened to it,  might have got tossed out when we cleaned up all the boxes and stuff from the decorating, im so sorry baby I loved that sweater”………….yes  just might work.

I help Joe load the bins on the wheeled cart, “take this out to the dumpster Joe you know how I hate garbage behind the bar” I smile Joe puts on his jacket “will do boss” and pushes the cart  down the hall to the dumpster out back.

Gods speed  you ugly sweater.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on December 11, 2012, 02:37:07 PM
We can’t help but grin at JayC’s comments, a turn away giving him a blind eye for his  deed. I pat Dopey’s head, “No worries lad, you are an elf for the holiday’s safe from that sweater.”

He breaths a sigh of relief, then twists his head as a sudden commotion rises from the rear doors of the bar. Their voices raised in joyous song.

Up on the rooftop reindeer pause
Out jumps good old Santa Clause
Down thru the chimney with lots of toys
All for the little ones
Christmas joys  

One group pushes forward  a large chair bundled tight under a tarp, the second group pulling in a smaller object also on movers rollers, wheeling both to the spot before the tree where they break still in song.  Happy and Doc scatter off disappearing as the remainder untie their find pulling the tarp free while still serenading us in song. As the work.

Ho, ho, ho!
Who wouldn’t go!
Ho, ho, ho!
Who wouldn’t go!
Up on the rooftop
Click, click, click
Down thru the chimney with
Good Saint Nick  

I scoot from the bar to see their find amazed as the tarp is pulled and I look at the huge chair, red velvet seating framed by a large Bavarian dark oak backing with detailed intricate carving. I move closer it’s a beautiful piece  gasp slightly,… it’s… beautiful but.. The carvings in the wood  of women entwined in passion were not quite what I had in mind.  The lads lock the wheels and from no where Doc and Happy return arms filled with decorations. They are like ants swirling over the chair wrapping it in garlands and ribbons.

First comes the stocking
Of little Nell
Oh, dear Santa
Fill it well
Give her a dolly
That laughs and cries
One that will open
And shut her eyes  

I feel a tug on my sleeve.
Happy is beaming… “And the best part is it had a bench for people to sit on while they wait their turn.”

 I shudder my worst fears confirmed. The second piece is rolled forward,  and latched tight under the thrones seat.  My eyes fix on the seat of the throne…. flat but cut in a U shape.

I wanted to say something but the lads seem so pleased with themselves.

Ho, ho, ho!
Who wouldn’t go!
Ho, ho, ho!
Who wouldn’t go!
Up on the rooftop
Click, click, click
Down thru the chimney with
Good Saint Nick

Bashful straddle the chairs arm as he works. I am not certain he aware of what he sits on. The thrones arms are of a woman bent over performing cunninglingus on the carved image of her partner where it hooks to the back. Dopey is quite content polishing and buffing the buttocks of the end piece

Next comes the stocking
Of little Will
Oh, just see what
A glorious fill  

Finished they scamper down and surround me… pushing me forward to sit

Here is a hammer
And lots of tacks
Also a ball
And a whip that cracks !

I grin… well there was a whip in the bag.

“The way I see it, Dopey leads the guests to you and I’ll tend to the bag and help you hand out gifts.’ comments Happy.

“Gifts?” the other chorus, suddenly the group scampers to the bag bending over to examine the contents.

“Look juggling balls!”, announces Sneezy as he pulls out a trio of balls and begins tossing them.

“No …No,…”  I move towards them “those are Ben Wa..”

“Bear this necklace is broken..”   Sleepy holds up a pair of strands of anal beads

“I can fix that!” pipes Bashful

“Rather gaudy and a little large don’t you think?” chipes Doc

“What’s this?” asks Grumpy he holds up the vibrator Dopey had earlier.  He switches it on and the phallus twirls wildly catching his long beard and entwine itself tight. As it rolls up.

I bend down to close the bag… “Boys! Stop it!”

“Look a magic wand!”

I glance up just in time to see a brilliant globe spark to life.

“Make a Christmas wish Bear!”   Suddenly I am tapped between the eyes by the violet wand set at full power. The hard shocking jolt surprises me and I stagger a bit… then straighten… Roaring..


I stand panting… exasperated… uncertain how Covems manages them, but admiring him for it.

“Happy … Dopey… you stay… the rest to your quarters till the party starts.” I look around Dopey is missing.

The dwarves scatter off as Happy and I drag the bag next to the throne. Feeling a tug I look down… Dopey stands beaming holding up a cup of hot chocolate laced with the sweet aroma of peppermint. His face beaming with a smile. It’s infectious… I gratefully take the offering and look back to the bar.

Old Joe grins back polishing a mug. Obviously he has been  watching my dilemma,… smug amusement on his face until he suddenly jerks… the mug dropping from his grasp and the chaotic laughter of the dwarves fills the bar as they scamper off.

I glance down to Happy and Dopey… “Let’s have a fun night…”

And settle down to sit… on the festively decorated Queening throne.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on December 12, 2012, 09:19:40 AM

Making my way though the bar with a wheeled dolly that's loaded with scrap building material and my tool box.  Five of the dwarves go scampering in front of me heading to their panel.  Grumpy reaches up under the bar, the panel slides down just a bit, then grabbing it he pushes the panel into the floor with a thunk.

"Hmmmm..."  I think.  "I still haven't been able to locate that release mechanism... they do have it well hidden."

"Doc"  I say, "ask a couple of the lads to meet me out back by the fire pit.  We need to keep the firewood dry, and I want to build a cover for it.   I might need some help."

"Will do."  He says before disappearing into the panel.  The panel slides up into place.

I get out by the firepit.  "Bit chilly out here."  I say to no one.  "I think a fire is in order." 

I go ahead and put some kindling and bits of fluff from the kindling box into the pit and light it with a match.  Adding small pieces of wood a little at a time until I have a good flame going, then I carefully place larger pieces of wood on and soon there's a crackling fire and the heat from it feels good.

Bashful and Sleepy emerge from the Wrestling Pit area and the three of us construct a covering for the woodpile to help keep it dry.

"Thanks fellows", I say to them, "you two can go get ready for tonight.  I'll take care of the scraps and trash."

"Okay Covems."  Sleepy says though a yawn.  "Are you going to the party, too?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."  I say to him as I toss the small bits of scrap lumber into the kindling box.

They disappear behind the showers by the Wrestling Pit.

I wheel the trash to the dumpster and throw it in, then I go to the cardboad dumpster to dump some flattened cartons.  Looking inside, something catches my eye as I'm tossing the cardboard in. 

Curiousity sets in and I climb inside the dumpster...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 12, 2012, 11:50:13 AM
Master's cum fill mine and Jane's's warm and a little salty but i love it! As i love to share it with Jane kissing her: feeling her tongue wraps around mine make me melt and i leave to her the control of the whole situation. Her hands run through my whole body and every touch she made, chills run wild on my spine, till she is over me, tightening my neck with his hands and making all Master's seed flowing in my mouth. Greedily, i swallow it all under their eyes and i note a lustful grin on their face but then, when i close my eyes waiting for more, nothing happen....

When i open my eyes again, there are only me and jane under the shower and Jane. I help her to stand up and cleaning her back and hair.....the scent of her body and of the sweat are mixed togheter and i find it really seductively. suddenly, Master's voice bring me back to reality.

"See you both Later" he simply say.

We both wave our hands at him and go back to our business, even if in my mind i feel sad looking him going away. After had wash eachothers hair and dry ourself, we move to the kitchen and finally we can eat something.

"Jane, before i forget.....i have to go home for some know, i had buy a new apartment and i'm doing some work in it. But at the same time i had promise to Master to thave care of you....." i tell her looking away.

Jane approach me with a gently smile.

"You have done it, HB.....feel free to go, my dear!"

I nod and give to her a sweet kiss on her cheek and after had help her to clean the kitchen, i leave and move to my new apartment but not before to have a break at the B&G to solve a little question....
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on December 12, 2012, 09:17:50 PM
I find Brandy checking the food stocks in the back and giving last minute instructions to the Chefs about the Christmas menu.
“ Hey Brandy have you seen the bargain sweaters at the Christmas Market?  They are fabulous-  and of fine quality”

Brandy finishes her instructions and grabs her jacket.  “ I need to get stamps, come on you can show me”

I return to Jayc but he is busy in the boiler room.  “ Joe, Will you let Jayc know, I’m popping out with Brandy, we need to run some errands”
Old Joe, nods.  I grab my handbag and we head out and are soon in the Market place.  Brandy pops to the post office to buy her stamps and then we amble over to the busy  market place.

Some of the Christmas jumpers are hanging up on coat hangers around the edges of the stall.  There are are all colours, red, green & blue, with bright and cheerful Christmas snowflakes, reindeers, snowmen, penguins &  polar bears.

We both study the various designs. Brandy smiles, “ These are great.”  I see the design I  bought Jayc earlier  and point it out.  “ Jayc loves it” I tell her,  “ you should have seen the look on his face when he saw it, he thought my gift so thoughtful . I could tell straight away . When I saw it, I just knew it was him and had to get it”

Brandy looks at a navy blue, crew neck sweater with a  bar of snowflakes across the chest and biceps.   Very similar to one Jayc proudly owns.
“This is the one, its gorgeous. I think he will look wonderful in it”  she muses.

I grin at her,  “ He who? “

As she answers me, a big truck rumbles in to park & deliver more jumpers to the stall and her words are lost.

The sweaters are very popular around the village & seem to be selling like hot cakes.

Brandy makes her purchase & the stall owner kindly wraps it up and places in a metallic coloured holly green gift box, with red holly berries on.  He ties the box in a silver ribbon and completes the look with a curly bow.

We return to the bar, and decide to go in the back way , passing the dumpster bins. We both hear the noise at the same time and can’t help but stare as Covems rises up out of the dumpster, like a God, holding a box I  immediately recognise with a bit of blue sleeve showing.

“ Oh Covems, Don’t , that’s not rubbish. “  I take the box off him, relieved. “ Phew, that was close, Jayc would have been devastated if that had got accidentally thrown away.  Good job I was passing then”  I smile at him.

Covems looks a little confused , “ But ... “ 

“ I love Christmas, Don’t you? “  I continue without a breath.

“ Well yes... “ He answers trying to explain  but I interrupt him again, nattering on “ I think you have done a great job with the lights in the bar.. the Christmas spirit is alive and kicking there now..”  I kiss his cheek.

I join Brandy again, who is waiting patiently nearby and we both walk back into the bar leaving Covems to stamp down the rubbish to get more in.
 Presumably the dumpsters cost a lot of money to collect, and he likes to make sure they are as full as possible.  It’s lovely to see someone so conscientious about their work.   I must mention that to Jayc.

We enter the bar and see Santa and two elves by the tree.  He has a beautiful throne to sit on with a big sack by his side. 

We wave at him as he raises a cup of chocolate  & peppermint schnapps in our direction & join up with Jayc & Old Joe at the bar.

Tango walks in shortly afterwards in a jovial mood. He chats briefly about the up and coming Xmas party and some sheet music he has for the country boys. 

As he goes to speak to The Country Boys,   I turn to Jayc and hand him the box with the jumper in. “ You best put this somewhere safe baby, you won’t believe where I just found it”  I kiss him on the cheek, “ You really do look so handsome in it “ ...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 13, 2012, 05:11:31 AM
When i enter the bar, i'm surprised for the wonderful work Covems and his dwarfes had done: the lights, the decoration.....all is perfect and ready for the Crhistmas party! Looking around, at last i see it....a splendid Crhistmas tree!

"Those brats are really skilled with their hands....mmmmhmm, and not only with them!" i say to my self, thinking at the past nigth.

I walk to the counter where Joe is working as usual.

"Hey Joe! Great party last night! By the way.....did you know where i can find Covems!? I need to talk to him!"

Joe sigh for a moment, then answer me.

"He is outside, working at a cover for the fire pit with the dwarfs..."

"Good! I had to talk with him about them.....perfect time! Thanks, Joe! see you later!" i say him heading to the fire pit.

When i reach the fire place, Covems is there, alone, checking the work made. No sign of the dwarfs around. I'll take a look at the structure too, another proof of their talent in building several things and now i'm sure they are perfect for my plan.

"Really a wonderful work, my are good at projecting stuff like this and your seven brats have some good skill in building them!"

"Thanks, HB.....but why you call them "brats"!?" he ask me confused by my words.

"Cause they know what some of them had made to me yesterday!?"

"Uuuhh...yes, i was at the spinning table....." he say looking away "sorry for it...."

"Don't worry....nothing bad at least.." i answer blushing and looking down a little "...just, well, if they had ask, i will not refuse, you know..."

"I will warn them for the next time....."

An unnatural silence fall on takes a minute or more before the conversation can start again. I take a deep breath and talk to Covems.

"Thanks, i'll appreciate it...anyway, i'm here for business too!"

"Business!? Which type of business!?" Covems ask me looking a little surprised.

"I had bought an apartment, but i need some skilled guys to build some stuff before i move in....and i was thinking at the dwarfs, if it's not a problem....." i take a little break, then conitnue "of course, i can pay them.."

"No money no money....more fun!" a voice yell. I look around but i can't see anyone.

Covems point the showers area near the pudding pit....oh gosh, had they built an entire dungeon under the bar!? I look in the direction Covems had point his index finger but i really can't see nothing who will resemble a door or a passage....

"Is it a deal!? is it a deal!?" the voice ask me.

With my face turning all red, i agree with the request..... "'s a deal, brats!"

Yells of happiness are coming out from everywhere, making me uncomfortable in front of Covems, who have notice it.

"Now stop it, guys!" he order them and immidiately they quit "Doc, come here! We need your supervision!"

And Doc suddenly appear from the Pudding pit and join us.

"Go with her, she will show you the work" Covems says.

"Thanks, Covems...i really don't know how you can can controll them...."

"Experience..." he answer "...i know them really well!"

I smile at him "You need help with the dumpster!?"

"no, i can hande it...."

"ok...thanks for the help! I own you a drink, Covems!"

I drive to my new apartment and show to Doc all the work they hve to do before i can move in. We talk for a couple of ours and set all the things they can need and everything else is necessary to do the job. After we have clarify every aspect of the job, i take him back to the bar and move to my old apartment: time to get ready for another night out!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on December 13, 2012, 05:42:24 AM

"Oh Covems, Dont, that's not rubbish." Miss Stone says to me, taking the box from my hands.  Then she continued on about how Jayc would have been disappointed if it had gotten thrown away. 

"I wasn't going to keep it... It must have gotten mixed in with the busted up cartons somehow, Miss Stone."  I say to her, feeling a bit confused... 

Miss Stone complimented me on the decorations and lights in the bar and gives me a little kiss on the cheek.  I can feel myself blushing at the attention.

I walk around inside the dumpster, crushing the cardboard under my feet and a rhythm starts up from the sound, reminding me of a time in my life from long ago... the acoustics in the dumpster are great...

With a melancholy feeling coming over me... softly... slowly I sing this song:

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
Next year all our troubles will be
out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the yule-tide gay
Next year all our troubles will be
miles away
Once again as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Will be near to us once more
Someday soon, we all will be together
If the Fates allow
Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

I get out of the dumpster and toss another log on the fire...

Seeing HB coming around the corner snaps me out of the blue moment.  She approaches me and we discuss some things she would like done in her new apartment and wonders if the dwarves could be of assistance.

"Sure,"  I say to HB, "they're a talented bunch of fellow, very good with their hands.  Just let them know when you need them."  We can hear little cheers come from behind the shower area.

HB leaves then I toss yet another log on the fire... I then wheel the dolly through the bar and into the storage room.  I put my tool box in its place on the shelf and secure the dolly, then I go to the bar.

"Hey Joe.  I have a cocktail recipe for you.  It's a terrific Christmas drink called 'Gingerbread Coffee Cake', and it's delicious.  You put

1 shot of fresh brewed Coffee
1 shot of Baileys Hazelnut liqueur
half a shot of Captain Black Spiced rum
half a shot of Smirnoff Iced Cake vodka

In a shaker with ice and shake until very cold.  MmmmmMMMmmmm... highly recommended but they taste so good its easy to over do it."
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on December 13, 2012, 09:35:36 AM
Sneaks in after showing and resting from the last party, I giggle as I see Bear surrounded by the dwarfs while the dwarfs pull out many toys. Thinking to myself mmmmm wonder if the toys are for the naughty or nice might have to venture over there when there isn't the dwarfs and find out. Finds a seat and watches all the Christmas decorations go up and hums along to the Christmas songs playing.

(quite short but taking last of finals today :) WOOT WOOT almost done with college)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on December 13, 2012, 01:30:43 PM
TightFit74  looks stunning in his Tuxedo and designed from his very own hand. This guy has so much talent here in the Dreamworld and Achat land.

I also have one of his designer dresses on, in fact most of my wardrobe has the TightFits label on it somewhere.  The white fabric  of the dress is beautifully made with the ice cracking pattern in it. I am so proud to be seen on his arm tonight.

We have a date at the AB&G in town and as our limousine draws up in front on the doors, the chauffeur  lets us out.  The place seems a little quiet as we enter and it’s a little dark..
And then suddenly ....   Shouts ring out around the room , the lights come on,  coloured balloons fall from the ceiling and party poppers are executed  “  SURPRISE “

The room is jam packed with his friends.  Tight looks stunned and I smile at him , eye brows raised, head on one side ... “ Did you really think, we would let you sneak off without a proper send off “ I tease mischievously.   

The room is beautifully decorated for Christmas in reds, greens, golds & silvers.  It has a large Christmas tree decorated in all the traditional baubles, beads, tinsels , bows & the  ballroom couple -The Grills are placed at the top of the tree instead of the usual Angel or Star.   The AB&G looks like a medieval  banqueting  hall.  Everyone has a seat at a round table,  similarly decorated & everyone is dressed in tuxedos & evening dresses.  Everyone has indeed made the effort in honouring Tightfit74 this evening.

I take his hand, and  lead him to a throne at the large trestle table placed in front of centre stage.  All_for _You, his princess, is sitting on the throne next to his.  Old Joe places a whiskey by the side of him on a table with the finest cigar and lighter.   To his left is the AB&G management – Jayc,  James_Dean (JD) & Covems.  To his right is All_for_You ( Karen) , then the moderators – Lover, Bear and myself, Brandybee.
All of Tight’s friends  are here and they clap and cheer his arrival and,  as he sits down we all break out into a rendition of

 “ For he’s a jolly good fellow,
 For he’s a jolly good fellow ,
For he’s a jolly Good Fellow And so say all of us.”

Tight looks slightly stunned at the love & affection in the room and takes a moment to take it all in.

I take to the mic on the stand  and begin ...  “ Ladies & Gentlemen,  first of all, I would like to thank you all for coming...  As you all know, Tightfit has decided to retire from Achat and Forum .  And as is befitting  for someone of his stature, I would like to say something...  Tightfit is.... A Clothes Designer....,   A Story Writer...,   A Great Poster here.... ,  A Terrific Role Player...,   An Erotic Story Contest Manager...,  A Moderator....  but most of all, he is My Friend.....”

Everyone claps & cheers at each of his accolades. I wait for it die down a little before continuing ....

I turn to my dear friend, Tight ,  “ I have some small gifts for you, from me,...  that means something to us..., as my friend , ...  “ I hand him  a box wrapped in silver paper with green and red ribbon around. He pulls the ribbon bow  loose and looks inside ...  He sees..

 A beautifully handcrafted small wooden replica of his famous Ice House Chair;

 A beautiful British Racing Green and Gold titled , leather bound book,  containing all the Erotic Stories he has ever managed in the Contests 1,2 & 3 and his Escapade stories in the Forum, such as the AB&G , The Icehouse &  An Erotic Fantasy;   and all the ones written by his own fair hand for the enjoyment of his fans in Forum.

And lastly ...  A small figurine of Yoda from Star Wars ...   in memory of his little padawan   

I turn to him, tears in my eyes and slightly choked,  and ask everyone to raise their glasses....

 “ To TightFit,  You will be missed my friend .. May your life turn out in every way that you wish...  “   Everyone toasts TightFit with their glass fluted champagne .

 As the toast ends, I turn back to all the guests .. “ Now let’s get this party started....  “ 

Music  bursts into life and I nod at All_For_you , who smiles her consent & approval,  I take Tight’s hand,  “ I would be honoured if I could have this dance, the one you promised me ... “   I lead him on to the dance floor to everyone clapping and cheering and we begin our  slow dance.

Old Joe, Stone, Momma_Andrea & Gayle begin serving drinks to the guests and laying out plates & dishes for the meal to come.

Old Joe also has a place by the steps to the stage to bang his traditional Judges Hammer to forewarn guests of silence for any speeches by guests throughout the night.
Meanwhile the mic stays open ... for anyone else to say a few words...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on December 13, 2012, 01:35:43 PM
We are all waiting patiently for Brandy & Tight’s arrival.  The AB&G is dark for a change and everyone is talking low and chuckling and giggling.

Tightfit had announced his retirement earlier in the month and all his friends and admirers have gathered here to night to pay tribute to this wonderful man.  He has been an inspiration to many here with his extraordinary posts, his erotic writings and stories, his valuable advice & assistance & his fabulous clothes he has designed.   The man will be missed here and we are all a little sad that he has decided to leave us and move on.

We have decorated the AB&G as a beautiful Christmas medieval banqueting Hall with all the traditional Christmas trimmings.  Everyone has dressed in their finest evening gowns & tuxedos.  We are all sipping champagne , patiently waiting for their big entrance & chatting pleasantly.  The tables are all set and have name places for all the guests. The balloons and streamers and party poppers are already to go off as they enter.

The Christmas feast is ready to be  laid out , no expense has been spared .  The traditional carved meats, vegetables,  vegetarian meals , puddings of all varieties are all ready to be served and some  guests have even bought their own dishes for people to try.

I grin at Jayc, Momma_ Andrea, Gayle and Old Joe.  We are indeed going to be busy serving meals and drinks tonight .  Tight will be spoilt having that little extra put onto his plate as guest of honour  and no doubt I will look after my Jayc too ...
The sound of a limousine car is heard drawing up outside and an excited hush befalls the crowed room. We hear them approaching and then .......

The lights come on, the crowd shouts  “SURPRISE”  party poppers and streamers fly through the air..  the balloons are dropped from the netting  in the roof...

And there are Brandy & Tight at the front of the crowd, a most stunningly beautiful couple,  coloured paper hanging from their heads and clothes.  Brandy is grinning like a Cheshire Cat & Tight looks stunned & shocked by the sight of all his friends welcoming him. 

Brandy takes his hand and leads him into the room and the crowd start singing :-

 “ For he’s a jolly good fellow,
 For he’s a jolly good fellow ,
For he’s a jolly Good Fellow And so say all of us.”

She takes him to the big trestle table with the Thrones in front of the  “ Doris Grill Memorial Stage “ and sits him in the throne by All_ For_ You,  The Forum Moderators and AB&G Management are also at this table.

All the other guests go to their places at their tables, clapping and cheering as Tight is seated.

Brandy takes to the mic on stage and makes a beautiful speech to her dear friend and presents  him with a gift.

I feel the tears welling in my eyes as I stand discreetly, on the sidelines ready to serve the guests their food and drinks. Jayc look so handsome sitting now at the top table. I know he too will make his speech soon. He had been practicing in the mirror at home.
As Brandy finishes her accolades, she toasts Tight and we all raise our glasses to him and sip.

She then , with All_For_You’s approval,  takes his hand for the first dance. The music bursts into life and we all clap as they take to the floor. After a few minutes, other couples join in the dance, clapping Tight on the back.
This is my queue to start taking the drinks orders and begin to serve the Starter of the wonderful meal... a choice of soup of the day with crusty bread,  prawn cocktails, or any special order the guests may have requested in advance.  Old Joe assists but keeps his eye on his special Judges Hammer for guests to approach him to announce the next speech and silence the chatter in the hall.

I look round as we fall into our perfectly synced routine and feel the happy atmosphere of this special occasion..  it certainly is going to be a party to remember...
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on December 13, 2012, 01:51:50 PM
Waiting for what seemed like forever I finally received my new car.  A Maserati Quattroport. I have wanted to get behind the wheel of this gorgeous piece of art all my life.  It drives like a dream and I am on my way to pick up a very beautiful lady.

I pull up in front of Jeanona’s Penthouse.  The Doorman tells me she is on her way down.  As I am chatting with the Doorman I see her approaching.  Her figure curving and regal, her hips tapered into her long straight legs.  Her smooth skin glowed with pale gold undertones.  Her hair swinging about her proud shoulders.  As the Doorman opened the door I reached my arm out for her. 

She placed her hand on my forearm, she is smiling and radiant.  "You look so lovely my lady" I say. She moves forward and gives me a kiss on the cheek.  "You don’t look too shabby yourself" she laughs.`

We walk to the car and I get the door for her.  She slides in revealing her lovely seductive legs.  I try not to stair but the sight is amazing.  I get into the car and start driving to the AChat Bar.  We arrive at the bar and I park the car. I turned and looked into her eyes.  Her eyes held a gleam no makeup could improve.  I reached over and kissed her soft lips.  “Are you ready for tonight” I ask.  She nods yes.  I get out of the car, walk around and open the door.  She gets out and we walk to the front door
Inside the bar we see Jayc and Stone.  Jeanona wants to say hi.  Bear walks up to her and welcomes her.  “Nice to see you here” he says.  She smiles and kisses his cheek.  Lover walks over and gives her a hug.  I look around.  First time I have been back in over a month.  Place looks nice.  We stand around waiting for the guest of honor.  We hear the door open and everyone starts clapping and screaming.  The MAN has arrived. 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on December 13, 2012, 01:54:01 PM
I stand in the living room in my Tux waiting for Jane to come and join me. She walks in wearing a stunning Black Silk dress and her hair is up showing her sweet neck. The dress is low cut showing her large cleavage and her scent is so sweet! Her perfume filled the room taking a deep breath closing my eyes I stand there and just take in her being there. She does a twirl and walks over to me with red lipstick covering her lips. She gently kisses my cheek while i put my arms around her and give the bump a little rub.

“You’ll be a good boy and stay in there tonight” I say as I rub

We stand there in each other’s arms,  waiting for Karen to join us from the spare bedroom when she walks into the living room and we are just able to say “wow” when we see her. She stands in the door way in a skin tight red dress that hides nothing showing every curve of her body and it comes down to just above her knees. Her hair is tied in a long plat, who give her a more classy look. She gives us a twirl and the dress raises up as it and we get to see her bear bum as she spins round and round.

I turn to them both staring at their beauty. “ Just one little stop on the way and then to the Bar!”

We walk down and out the front door: both girls take a quick breath as they see the white Limo parked out in front of the house with a driver stood with the door open.

“Ladies, your car awaits you” I say as I hold my arm out

They both smile and give a little skip and rush over to get in the Limo.

“Evening Ladies, Sir!” The driver says as we get in. “Just one stop on the way sir?” he asked.

“Yes, that’s right! You know where to go”

“Yes” he answers

As we pull up outside I make a phone call “we’re here my sweet”
As the limo stops, the front door opens and HB walks out dressed in a red long chines dress and a short jacket who cover her shoulders, both with white trim. She walks over to the car in her high heels and the driver opens the door for her. She gets in and kisses every one and sits next to me and whisper “Later I will show you a little surprise!”

I swallow at her words….what she have in mind!? I know how wild and crazy she can be, so I have to expect anything for her…..but I’m sure i’ll going to enjoy it anyway!

We pull up outside the Bar and the driver pulls up close to the door and quickly opens the door to let us out. As we get out I slip the driver a nice tip “see you later.” and then I join my ladies outside the main door of the Bar.

Walking into the Bar, we stare at the lights and the wonderful decorations all around the place: every corner of the min room is filled with Christmas stuff and there is a seat for Santa too! Now I’m sure this will be another amazing evening in the Bar! At last, we head for the counter, where Old Joe is taking care of the costumer. “Hi Joe! drinks all round.”  I say

We all stand with our drinks….toast and chant are in the air, while we all wait for the man of the night.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on December 13, 2012, 01:58:33 PM
In the lull,  after the first course of our delicious meal,  I nod at  Old Joe to strike his gavel and demand silence.  I climb the steps to the stage with a bar stool in my hand, call for Stone to come join me and wait for her before I speak. When the room settles down I begin.

“Hello everyone I will be brief but Stone and my self would like to say a few words and give the man of the hour a few gifts” I smile. “But first we would like to show the bar something. I hold up the stool so everyone can see it.  ‘Its one of our bar stools, but this one is different, this is Tights” I smile remembering where he sits every visit. “ You all have seen him working on a story or reading the “Tattler “ or visiting with the staff and patrons, always in the same spot and same stool”.  I hold up the very stool, he uses.

“Well we thought it appropriate that we preserve this simple seat.“  I nod at Stone  & she pulls out the special cover  she has worked on all week.  Made of sturdy Hessian burlap and dyed orange- the colour of the Dutch people.  The top is the same size as the seat,  embroidered  with a Crest of  her own design, especially for Tight. Pulled over the chair it covers ¾ of the stool, a bar stool cozy for lack of a better word, I tip the stool to show party guests.

The crest has a LIGHTHOUSE in the center . a BLACK LION on the upper left quarter and a SOCCER BALL on the right. quarter The name TIGHTFIT74  adorns the outer upper edge with the words curving slightly in a downward arc. And matching at the bottom is the word  RESERVED , curving slightly upwards like a smile.

Smiling  “From this night onward there will always be an empty spot at the bar, reserved for our friend if he decides to come in for a visit” The room breaks into applause and cheers as I hand down the covered stool to be put back in its rightful place.

Jayc continues,  “  We have known of Tight for quite awhile , having come across the guy in the Forum village when I was interested in the Erotic Story contests and then later , of our mutual interest in European Football. We have always found him helpful and the stories he wrote were amazing and very entertaining. I know both Stone and myself have learnt a lot from him.  Later, we came to know him more …  shall we say … intimately..  regarding our mutual interest in a very interesting group play story line in the Ice House.  It has been an absolute pleasure being involved in that and was an honour to work along side you. We now consider you our friend and we will miss you very much.

With a big smile “Ok Tight we have a few gifts that you actually get to take home with you.” On cue, Old Joe places 3 wrapped boxes  in front of Tight.

He opens the medium sized package first. Inside he finds a Stainless Steel Silver flask with his famous AB&G Bar logo design engraved onto the side.

I continue, as he studies the engraving  “What good is a flask if you have nothing to put in it?”
Tight  then opens the second gift to find a bottle of Wild Turkey whiskey.

With a nod and a smile Tight  acknowledges  the meaning of the gift -  its what the two of us drank in The Ice House  with two very delightful ladies ..  And that …brings back very delightful memories for the two of us.   

Stone steps forward to the mic,  and  as Tight opens the last of the smaller boxes, she clears her throat..

“That’s  a special gift, a  Silver tie pin , made from my own  design,  a double ended dildo, which I know you have a  particular fondness for “  She chuckles , blushing a little.   “ You might only ever be able to wear it on your PJ’s  but I hope you will remember us with affection.” 

We both leave the stage and go to Tight,   “ Good luck in all that you do “  Stone hugs and kisses his cheek.  I shake his hand and shoulder hug him.
It’s a moving moment of friendship. Everyone cheers and claps as I return to my seat & Stone continues to serve & look after the guests.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on December 13, 2012, 02:45:50 PM
Hearing the Jayc and Stones Kind words I stand at my table and tap my glass.

Just few words

Having only known Tight for a sort time here at the Bar and in the mad world that is the forum village.

I know he will be sorely missed by as all

His great clothing designs Best male clothing designer out there

His great posts here,the ice house and just in all the forums

The Erotic Story Contests that will go on in this memory

So I ask you to raise your glasses



Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on December 13, 2012, 02:53:49 PM
 OT ..    Tightfit74  has read the posts so far and is deeply touched by your thoughtfulness.  Unfortunately he is having internet connection problems so can read but not post as yet.  He has asked that I pass on his thanks to each & everyone of you.  He got his hanky out aww.

He has had to go to work but will continue checking in on his phone ...  Thank you everyone who has and is taking part... makes me so proud to be part of the Forum Village & Bar.   Keep the posts coming Folks. We are making Achat history :)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on December 13, 2012, 03:06:01 PM
Siting Next to my King hearing all the Kind words from his friend I can't help myself I take his hand and squeeze it.

I lean over to my King and whisper "I have same thing to say to and if i don't it soon I will never be able to do it."

My King squeezes my hand back "It's OK my Princess" He whispers back.

I get up from his side and move up onto the stage. one of the Country Boys had put a stole at the mic for me I just rest myself against it.
Taking a few deep breaths I look up and see My King had got up and was standing at the edge of the stage.
I nod my head and the piano starts

Aye… Hmmm…

Dreams are like angels
They keep bad at bay
Love is the light
Scaring darkness away
I’m so in love with Tight
Make love your goal

The power of love
A force from above
Cleaning my soul
Flame on burn desire
Love with tongues of fire
He owns my soul
Make love your goal

He’ll protect me from the hooded claw
Keep the vampires from your door
When the chips are down I’ll be around
With my undying death defying love for you
Envy will hurt itself
Let yourself be beautiful
Sparkling light, flowers and pearls and pretty girls
Love is like an energy
Rushing in, rushing inside of me, hmmm...

The power of love
A force from above
Cleaning my soul
Flame on burn desire
Love with tongues of fire
He owns my soul
Make love your goal

This time we go sublime
Lovers entwined divine divine
Love is danger, love is pleasure
Love is pure, the only treasure
I’m so in love with you
Make love your goal

The power of love
A force from above
Cleaning my soul
The power of love
A force from above
A sky scraping dove
Flame on burn desire
Love with tongues of fire
he owns my soul
Make love your goal

Make love your goal

Looking into my Kings with tears running down my cheeks I run over to the edge of the stage and jump into his arms throwing my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I kiss him deeply his arms hold me tight.

And takes me back to our thrones .

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on December 13, 2012, 03:48:01 PM
I go to stage take the mic…. Knock, knock.. Ladies and Gentlemen, friends and guests… (looking around).. forget it. BIG WELCOME to all crazy people here.

“Tight, this is for you – so the others may do what they want now. But hey, Brandy, you sex monster, stop it for least few minutes. You also are part of my story.
A wise man once said “You may talk about everything – but not about 30 minutes” ok… I am not wise, but twice.
I want to sing a song for you my friend. A song, telling my feelings for you. Don’t worry, it’s not a love song But did you every try to find a song about love and friendship, which is not meant love as love?
I also didn’t. I know a song. A great song. A wonderful song about true friendship. My only worry – does anybody know this song? Do I have to explain it? Well, for you I would do.
I also talked to Brandy and, by accident, I told her about the song. What did she say?
Nice as always she replied: This is the song some of also perform. You have to choose another one!
Good luck there are two great songs about friendship. But before I sing it let me say something. Everybody knows I don’t like to talk but today I do.

Tight, you are leaving. Hey. Not now, sit down again. Look at me and listen. Do you think I made this all just to see you’re bored? Look as you are interested and Brandy, hands off of Tight. Don’t distract him, least this one time.

Tight, you are leaving. I loose a friend.
(Band starts to play and I sing the refrain of…I will survive)
Go on now, go walk out the door
Just turn around now
'Cause you're not welcome anymore
Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
Did you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no not I, I will survive
Oh, as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive
I've got all my life to live
And I've got all my love to give
And I'll survive
I will survive
Hey, hey

Ok, I exaggerated a bit.

Tight, the forum is loosing a great member and with you we loose a great mod too. You enriched this forum with many wonderful ideas, wonderful clothes and wonderful statements. You always had an eye over it, bringing things back to the right direction if we were loosing it. We will miss you and you know, if you come back there always will be a place for you. You are welcome.

Well, two attitudes are leading my life:
1. Never look back
2. Even in the worst moment you can find a good point

I never look back (turning around, looking to the band). Sorry, was distracted…
I never look back. Some things will stay even if you leave. The erotic story contest, your fashion, the ideas of reorganizing the forum. Thank you for everything you did. Ok, for almost everything… you also gave me some hard work to do… I don’t thank for it;-)

Now, where’s the good point? We got Brandy. Ok, she might not be as experienced as you are (talking about being a mod…lol) but she is much more beautiful then you (from men’s view – oh and I’m sure some women agree too, am I right Rukya?)

But I’m not here for talking. I wanna give you something. A little present for good bye.
What can you give a friend of Achat? I thought of a pic of my face – but hey, we’re both friends and men, you don’t need a pic of my face.
One of my cock? Not necessary, you already have. You have asked for and I have sent… Ups, sorry.. it’s our little secret. Don’t be afraid – I never will tell this anyone, I promise!

Now to the present. I don’t know what our American friends know about the Netherlands. (Looking around). I see. You know nothing. Ok, that’s all you HAVE to know. Perhaps… they always are 2nd in soccer finals…hehe….
And they have windmills. Actually they only have windmills, but many of them. I’ll show you a pic (the curtain opens and everyone sees a big windmill).


Don’t worry Tight, you don’t get this pic. You even don’t get the windmill – you already have one. What we are going to do, for your honour… we will build this windmill in Achat city! On this way there always will be a symbol which reminds us of you.
And, if one day you wanna come back… you just have to look for the windmill to know you’re home…….

And now Tight, my special song for you:
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on December 13, 2012, 03:48:27 PM
Another red letter day
So the pound has dropped and the children are creating
The other half ran away
Taking all the cash and leaving you with the lumber
Got a pain in the chest
Doctor's on strike what you need is a rest

It's not easy love but you've got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hands cos friends will be friends right till the

Now it's a beautiful day
The postman delivered a letter from your lover
Only a phone call away
You tried to track him down but somebody stole his number
As a matter of fact
You're getting used to life without him in your way

It's so easy love cos you got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hands cos friends will be friends right till the

It's so easy love cos you got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hands cos friends will be friends right till the

Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hands cos right till the end-
Friends will be friends
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on December 13, 2012, 04:29:51 PM
Getting up from the table after everyone has surprised Tight with the start of his surprise celebration, I walk up to the stage grab the mic from the stand and walk over and kneel beside Tight in his chair. Laying my head gently on his knee brushing my face across his pants spreading my tears onto him, I rise slowly and speak softly in the mic so others can hear, but my words are directly for Tight.

"My dear friend, Tight, we have known each other so so so long on here. You were one of the first friends I made on here, and you eventually led me to the forum quite a ways down the road. We have had many fun times together there close to the beginning especially. You showed me the beauty of exploring my sexual side and showed me things I never would've been able to do alone. You answered my countless questions, since I was such a newb at the whole thing and not just the achat questions either. You helped me improve greatly in my roleplaying from just the single words or one sentence to many sentences in a row. Our friendship went so much further than just the game. We were there for each other through thick and thin."

Leans down and kisses his cheek and places a present in his hands.

"You will be greatly missed Tight, and I'm sure that if you mean as much to everyone here as you do me the world here will be just a bit dimmer. You were truly a light and blessing to me the entire time we have been friends on here. Just know that there will always be a special place for you in my heart. Good luck with everything and as just a reminder of me and our times we have had together, I have put together a few items that will bring memories to you and you alone." :)


Wipes my tears as the memories flood through seeing you open and see each item, a couple of items and a couple of pictures to keep in remembrance of me. Then I head and replace the mic in the stand and head back to my seat.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on December 13, 2012, 04:47:20 PM

I stand to say a few words.

"As one of your many admirers I would like to say that you will be missed.  After reading through all those old posts when I was compiling the statistics for the Forum post, I have to say that yours were always compassionate for the others and full of useful information and helpfulness.  And... you gave us all wonderul fashions.... and your stories... I could go on and on... but I won't.

In a way, I feel that I came to know you... not in the biblical sense, but in a manner that would make me proud to be able to call you "friend".

I raise my glass... "A toast to Tightfit74."  (My Nana's favorite, God rest her soul).

"May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face.

May the rain fall soft upon your fields,

And until we meet again

May God hold you in the palm of His hand."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 13, 2012, 04:54:38 PM
After Lover had finished with his song and Covems had propose his toast, i move to the stage and take the mic.

"Ladies and, too formal....well, at all of you here, my dear friends....first of all, a special thanks for being here in this special night!"

I look around at all the faces of the people around.....i see happines mixed with some sadness, but everyone is here for one reason. I turn to Tight and smile at him.

"Even if this is a goodbye, i'm sure everyone, here, just want to say one word...thanks! Thanks to a man who had always done his best to make our village a wonderful experience!" i take a break to breath "A man with many talents.....writer, designer, and more!"

I step down the stage, walking between the table and all th costumer who cheers at Tight.

"But he's best talent is to be a wonerful friend! always ready to give an help and to support us!"

When i'm near Brandy, i stop and wink at her.

"Of course, for someone he was a great lover too....." i say, while Brandy's face turns red.

"About was an honor to help him in his project, one in i just want to say few words...."

I'll turn to Tight and walk near him

"Tight, even if you are away, be sure no one will forget you! And who know......maybe one day we can meet again and laugh togheter!"

The crowd start singing again:

 “ For he’s a jolly good fellow,
 For he’s a jolly good fellow ,
For he’s a jolly Good Fellow And so say all of us.”
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on December 13, 2012, 05:42:13 PM
The Countrys Boys begin playing a goodbye  song to their  sometimes bandmate

Time of your life

Another turning point a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go
So make the best of this test and don't ask why
It's not a question but a lesson learned in time

It's something unpredictable but in the end
It's right I hope you've had the time of your life

So take the photographs and still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time
Tattoos and memories and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth it was worth all the while

[Chorus: x3]

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on December 13, 2012, 06:43:40 PM
The musci settles and I rise, cross to the mic dabbing at my eyes with the end of the white beard.

"Tight my friend you are an icon of the AChat world, demonstrating how charm, courtesy and compassion. Entertaining many many with your brillant imagination and multiple talents. No other has represented the forum as well, nor shown such a wide array of talent in whatever endeavor you chose to pursue. You have been an outspoken ambassador of AChat,... though the good and the bad.... there is no way to sum our loss in your departure, you may leave a gaping hole here, but your presence thru these years will be felt for many more."

"I hope AChat understands how important you are. How your efforts have transformed this forum into a real community. "

"I wish you well on your journey wherever it leads you,... but I hate goodbyes... and don't believe in them... I don't believe in never... rather I would like to think...Till you return again."

"The pain of parting," said Charles Dickens, "is nothing to the joy of meeting again."

I lift my mug... "Till we meet again."

I fumble in red jackets pocket... "And when you do... know there is always a place for you"

I lift up a gold key and hand it to him

"Your dungeon key in the icehouse, take it and know you have a place to return to, as to the hearts and souls of those you have touched thru the years. Till then may the wind be at your back, the seas calm and your ports of call as lively as you need"


Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on December 13, 2012, 09:18:57 PM
(P.S. forgot to mention earlier but a big WOOT WOOT i'm DONE with college now)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on December 14, 2012, 04:48:12 AM
OT: Congrats Sexi :)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on December 14, 2012, 05:14:52 AM

I wander around the floor in front of the trestle table where Tightfit74 and the others are sitting, enjoying the ambiance of the room.  I go to each dwarf and whisper into his ear.  "Its time fellows.  Lets do this"

The dwarfs all trot up to the space in front of the table and form a single line, facing the Guest of Honor.  "Okay lads,"  I say to them...  "do it just like we practiced."

I give a toot on a little pitch whistle to get the fellows all in the proper key and the dwarfs take up this song.

"We'll meet again,
Don't know where,
Don't know when.
But we know we'll meet again some sunny day.
Keep smiling through,
Just like you always do.
And know that you are loved from faraway"

Dopey starts crying... and puts his head on Bashful’s shoulder sobbing uncontrollably…

"So will you please say "Hello",
To the folks that we know.
When you give us that "so long"
We'll be happy to know.
That as we saw you go,
You were singing this song"

Bashful is wiping his eyes... and Sneezy is holding a finger underneath his nose with tears on his cheeks...

"We'll meet again,
Don't know where,
Don't know when.
But we know we'll meet again some sunny day."

Doc begins to sniffle and Happy doesn't look so happy now with his eyes full of tears...

"We'll meet again,
Don't know where,
Don't know when.
But we know we'll meet again some sunny day.
Keep smiling through,
Just like you always do,
And know that you are loved from far away.
So will you please say"Hello",
To the folks that we know.
So when you give us that "so long".
We'll be happy to know,
That as we saw you go,
You were singin' this song."

Sleepy yawns and sniffles, then wipes his eyes with his sleeve...

"We'll meet again,
Don't know where,
Don't know when.
But we know we'll meet again some sunny day"

Finally even Grumpy breaks down and the dwarfs all huddle together, sobbing and weeping.  I go to them, wiping my eyes and say, "Lads, that was beautiful.  C’mon now, give him the bow."  They get back into their line and all look at Tightfit with brave smiles, quivering lips and tears in their eyes and bow deeply to him all holding their hats out in one hand.

"Country Boys."  I call to the band.  "Pick up the pace and play something cheerful."  They break into a lively rendition of “Jingle Bell Rock”.

"C'mon lads,"  I say, as the dwarfs are putting their hats back on.  "Let’s all go to the bar and get a sarsparilla."  They smile up at me as we head to the bar.

“Do you think he liked it?”  Bashful says to me.

“Of course he did, Bashful.”  I reply.  “Of course he did.”                                 
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: james_dean on December 14, 2012, 11:18:26 AM
Just as the band winds down their rendition of Jingle Bells, I jump on stage and grab the mic. 

I'll leave you with some words from Alan Alda."

"The best things said come last.  People will talk for hours saying nothing much and then linger at the door with words that come with a rush from the heart.

"Although we didn't get a chance to really chat much, those few times are what left a lasting impression on me.  You have been an inspiration to a lot of people, myself included.  And I thank you.  It is apparent from all the other posts that I am not alone in my thinking."

"You will be missed my friend."

I place the mic back in the stand, approach Tight with a fist bump.  Shake his hand and place couple pats on his back.  "Dude, feel free to come back to the place where everyone knows your name..."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on December 14, 2012, 12:22:27 PM
After The Country Boys finish Jingle Bells and JD say's his kind words to Tight I look at Jane with a cheeky smile.

"Time for a bit of fun"

"What you up to now" she say's

"You know me" I say with a big smile

I kiss Jane's Cheek then turn to my sweet pet and do the same. Getting up I walk onto the stage and over to the Band taking the spare mic I move to the mic in the middle of the stage.

"Lady's and Gentleman Please can you put your hands together to help Miss Brandy up on the stage for me"

The Bar starts to clap and call her name "BRANDY   BRANDY   BRANDY

Brandy come's up onto the stage to a load cheer.

Walking towards me the look on her face could Kill me. I hand her the Mic and whisper "Its Ok you'll know the song" I say with a friendly smile

"Fairytale Of ACHAT"

It was Christmas Eve babe
In the drunk tank
An old man said to me, won't see another one
And then he sang a song
The Rare Old Mountain Dew
And I turned my face away
And dreamed about you

Got on a lucky one
Came in eighteen to one
I've got a feeling
This year's for me and you
So happy Christmas
I love you baby
I can see a better time
When all our dreams come true

They've got cars
Big as bars
They've got rivers of gold
But the wind goes right through you
It's no place for the old

When you first took my hand
On a cold Christmas Eve
You promised me
Broadway was waiting for me

You were handsome
You were pretty
When the band finished playing
They howled out for more
Sinatra was swinging
All the drunks they were singing
We kissed on the corner
Then danced through the night

The boys of the NSPD choir
Were singing 'Galway Bay'
And the bells were ringing
Out for Christmas day

You're a bum
You're a punk
You're an old slut on junk
Living there almost dead on a drip
In that bed

You scum bag
You maggot
You cheap lousy faggot
Happy Christmas your arse
I pray God
It's our last

The boys of the NSPD choir
Were singing 'Galway Bay'
And the bells were ringing
Out for Christmas day

I could have been someone
So could anyone
You took my dreams
From me when I first found you

I kept them with me babe
I put them with my own
Can't make it all alone
I've built my dreams around you

The boys of the NSPD choir
Were singing 'Galway Bay'
And the bells were ringing
Out for Christmas day

As the snog finishes I leans over and and Kiss Brandy on the cheek and whisper in her ear "thank you"


The Bar all cheer and clap

I take Brandy's hand and lead her back to her seat.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Pafe on December 14, 2012, 02:26:35 PM

   After parking our car in the lot, Satoire and I enter the AChat Bar & Grill.  The place is festive and warm, the type of atmosphere that gladdens our hearts and fills us with the joys of the holiday season.  Checking our coats, we make our way into the bar room, and stop to look around. 

   The place is beautifully decorated with lights, and there is a band playing Christmas music.  There’s a large tree with a Santa Throne, complete with a Santa and elves.  Everyone seems so happy and cheerful.  The room is literally buzzing with conversations and laughter.  No one has noticed us, except Old Joe behind the bar.

   Satoire and I look at each other, then smile a wicked grin at each other as I pull out my Police Whistle.  Putting it up to my lips, I give three short, really loud blasts with the whistle.

   Everything comes to a halt, the band stops playing, all the conversations cease and the bar becomes so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.  The entire bar is focused on us.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Satoire on December 14, 2012, 02:28:14 PM

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE.”  I shout.  “How dare you send us an invitation to this party and then start the festivities without us.”

One of the dwarfs drops a vibrator and it makes a loud sound as it hits the floor, followed by “bbzzzzzzzzzzzzz”.

Pafe and I start to giggle, lightly at first, then we start to laugh out loud, “OKAY,”  I shout.  “LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED.”

The band starts playing again and shouts of “welcome” are heard from the crowd.  We make our way into the throng, giving and receiving hugs and kisses.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on December 14, 2012, 07:47:26 PM
Sitting down eating the delicious food being served and hearing all the wonderful acollades about our dear friend Tight is truely moving, My emotions have been on a see saw from joyful laughter, to moving tears and the lump in my throat . I glance at Tight and smile at him as on occasions I have seen his hankechief  discreetly coming out of his pocket now and then. 

He is also on that emotional rollercoaster too.

Tango is suddenly on stage and I hear everyone chanting my name,  I cant help but smile at his cheeky grin, its quite infectious.   

I join him on stage and  the music begins..  and my mood lightens ...  What a fabulous song to sing for Christmas and I cant think of a nicer guy I would like to sing it with.  Tango is just the perfect duet partner.

We belt out the song with enthusiasm and even some of the audience join in.   The room is arockin  ;D

We hug each other at the end and like the true gentleman he is, Tango escorts me back to my seat.

We both wave at Pafe & Satoire  as they enter the party for Tight,  freshly back from their adventures in Space & Starfleet. 

Everyone is in high spirits and more wine and food is served ....  I look around at the friendly, chattering people here  and not for the first time this night, feel a warm,  cosy feeling of one big happy Forum Family... one I am honoured to be involved with and apart of.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on December 15, 2012, 10:08:38 AM
Just as I adjust my bowtie for the very last time, the doorbell rings twice. Long and loud it echoes through the hallway, perfectly on time I notice when I let my eyes slide to the antique clock hanging from the wall. The beautifully decorated hands indicate 7 pm, the same time as was in Brandy’s text:

“Get those cute buns in your own designed tux and be ready at 7 pm sharp, you owe me a last dance”

I smile when her short, direct message comes back to my mind, received earlier in the day and the tone was a clear sign not to refuse her invitation.

I make my way to the front door and open it, greeted by a man in a black suit, a driver’s cap on his head, the soft humming sound of the limousine behind him causing me to arch my eye brows.

“Mr TightFit?

“Yes, that’s me”

“Would you be so kind to follow me? The lady in the car is cute anxious for you to join her.”

I follow the driver and as he opens the door for me, I am met with the sparkling eyes of Brandy, her smile vibrant and inviting, her hand sliding into mine as she pulls me into the luxury car.

“Ready for that dance?”

I smile and nod while an ominous feeling is coming over me. It feels as if we are overdressed for just a dance, there is more going on here as meets the eye, but I settle back into the leather seats of the car while Brandy overloads me with chatter, pinching my arm continously. Her exzcitement is clear from her rosey cheeks and glistening eyes.

The drive is short and before I realise it, the car has stopped and the door is opened. As I get out, I immediatly recognise where we are and when my hand is grabbed by Brandy, wanting to pull me inside, I stop her for a second and look at her with a million questions marks in my eyes.

“Oh come on, just come inside with me. I want that last dance. Come on..”

I let myself be pulled through the doors into the bar and grill and am blinded as soon as the spots are turned on, my ears defeaned by the loud cries of surprise and the cheers as I step inside. Stunned, overwhelmed with the surprise I thoughtlessly follow Brandy’s lead and sit down in the lavish chair that is set in the center of the room. From there on I feel as if I stepped into a dream as everything around me starts to happen. My eyes slide through the room as Barndy lets go off my hand and climbs on stage, meeting the friendly faces and smiles of all the friends I’ve made since i first visited the achat forum village. I wink at ssgt as our meet, then focus on Brandy on stage.

Then Brandy starts her speech and within seconds I feel a tear running down my cheek, thoughtlessly I take the hanky that is handed to me by my princess, All_for_you and whipe the tear away, only to feel the next one running down my other cheek.

Only able to smile, i listen to the kind words of Brandy and accept her gifts, completely overwhelmed with the attention, not really knowing how to compose myself. And that only gets worse when Stone first, and then Jayc get on stage and speak words of friendship that touch the depths of my soul. Deeply moved I hug Stone and kiss her cheek warmly, then grab onto Jayc’s shoulder to confirm the friendship that has formed in the past weeks and months. The gifts greatly appreciated and cherished forever.

Tango’s toast, then All_for_you’s song on stage bring forth another wave of tears as they break down the last walls of my resistance against the outburst of emotions. With all these people here, for the first time I am out of words, unable to put to words what a deep impact this evening has on me.

Then Lover, my dear friend steps on stage and the honor he bestows on me is too much. I hide my face for a few second as the music of Queen hits me. Then i look up, my view blurred from the sweet sorrow that is soaring through my body, raising myself from my chair and bowing deep for him. I know he knows..

Lost for words, letting everything wash over me, I am pulled down into my chair as sexi gets on stage. I start smiling as she speaks and hands me her gifts. The smile widens as the memories races back to my consciousness and I see the meaningful smile break through the tears in her eyes.

As Covems raises his glass, I raise mine at him and nod my head, valueing his words and taking them in to embed them in my mind. As he steps off stage,m I grab his shoulder and pull him in, whispering in his ear.

“I’ve always been a huge fan of your stories, you’ve always gotten my vote in the story contests. Thank you for your tales..”

As the crowd starts to sing again, I pull HB close to me and hug her tight. “Thank you for your help, your presence and your talent. I will never forget what you created for me. You know I will, if I can help you with anything..”

Then bear approaches and directs his words of wisdom to me. The man that has always been an inspiration to me, in his thought-through answers on forum, his excellence in writing, his relentless efforts to make the game and forum a great place for all genders, orientations and nationalities. With a smile on my face I accept the golden key and place it in the small pocket of my vest, making sure it is close to me at all times. Then I raise my glass as he does.


In silence I watch the dwarves as they sing their song, unable to express my gratitude for their efforts in the Bar&Grill, the ice house and forum. As they bow, I bow as deep as I can without tumbling over and wait until the last dwarf has raised himself again. I raise my glass as they all get their drinks from the bar and am met with smiles and burps after they emptied their glasses.

I meet the strength in JD’s hand shake after the fist bump and hold on for a while. I listen to his words carefully and reply softly. “Sometimes those heartfelt words, delayed to speak until the time is there to leave, make the biggest impact. Thank you..”

The song of Tango and Brandy is interrupted somewhat suddenly as Pafe and Satoire make their entrance and as all attention is directed to them, I see a chance to slip away unnoticed, heading for the restrooms for a moment to myself, having been unable to vadem, handle all this attention. I lock the door of the cubical behind me and sit down on the toilet, hidng my face in my hands for a second while tears start to flow freely…
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on December 15, 2012, 12:07:18 PM
Singing along with Tango and Brandy great Christmas song

The Bar doors burst open and Pafe and Satiore

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE." Satiore shouts “How dare you send us an invitation to this party and then start the festivities without us.”

With all the attention on Pafe and Satiore I turn to My King and his Throne is empty.

I only left his side for a moment. I look around the for him but is nowhere to be seen. I tap Brandy on the shoulder "where's Tight My King gone" I ask with panic in my voice. She looks around "I can't see him there is only one place he can be the men's rest room" Brandy say's

"I will go and look or get Tango to" I say with a raised eyebrow

I make my way to the men's room door "KNOCK KNOCK" I say as I open the door
The room is empty but one of the doors is shut. I'm just going to ask "is that you My King" when I hear a sob come from it I freeze. What do i do go to my King or just give him same time to him self.

I stand there for just a second then slowly and with out a sound i move back to the door I stand out side to stop anyone going in...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on December 16, 2012, 02:22:51 AM
I stumble into the bar, tired from all the work the chief made me do at the lab, i think i most have been in the lab for 2 weeks without leaving, but i can't go home without attending this party.

I just seen Pafe and Satoire going in as i was searching for a parking space, there must be much people in because it's hard to find a spot. Now that i finaly got one i open the door and go inside.

The place is full of people, lots of friends i know but i don't see the guest of honour. On my way to the bar to get a drink i have been waiting for all these weeks in the lab, i see Brandy.

"Say Brandy have you seen Tight somewhere, i'm here in honour of my fellow countryman but i can't find him"
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on December 17, 2012, 10:01:50 AM

The dwarfs and I enjoy our drink of sarsparilla by guzzling them down quickly so we can all burp.  "Happy... you and Dopey have a job as Santa's elves," I say to Happy.  "Burp"   He and Dopey scamper back to their places next to the throne, but Dopey can't resist and burrows head first into the "gift" bag and begins to rummage around in there.

We spy Satoire and Pafe entering and watch with amusement as they interrupt everything by blowing on that whistle and hollering.  Its so nice to see them back from their adventures and joining us for Tight's celebration.

Tight slips away during the welcoming for Pafe and Satoire and Sneezy starts to follow him.  I stop Sneezy and say, "Leave him be Lad.  He probably needs a few moments to himself.  I know I would."

After a few moments we watch as All for You goes after her "King".  Sneezy agains makes a move to go after them and again I stop him.  "Sneezy."  I say, "Let her have some time alone with him, too."

We see MrSexLover and a few other come into the bar to join in the party.  We wave to them as they all look around for TightFit.  It's been a while since he left...  "Sneezy", I say.  "Now you can go after them.  Tell them there are other guests arriving and they all want to greet the guest of honor." 

Sneezy trots off and in a few moments comes trotting back.  "All for You is blocking the door to the mens's room.  He's probably in there, but I can't get past her."

"Alright fellers."  I say... "huddle up."  We get into a huddle and we discuss a plan.  Muffled voices come from the huddle "Bzzznzzbzbzz .. And then we.. mrmmmrmmbzz.. You can.. bzzzmrmmrufbzz.."  Heads pop up from the huddle to look around then go back it.  "Mmmremmfre... While she... bzzzzbbzbz."

"That's a great plan."  I say to them.  "I think it will work... Go get 'em Lads."

Doc gets on Grumpy's shoulders.  Sleepy gets up onto one of the bar stools then manuvers himself to get onto Doc's shoulders.  Sneezy and Bashful are next to them, helping to steady the stacked dwarfs.  Then they waddle off slowly and go around the corner, heading for the restrooms.

Sleepy starts to doze off from the rocking motion but snaps back awake when Sneezy sneezes... "AChoooo".  They slowly approach All for You.

"You can't go in there."  All for You says to them as they near the door.  They get right next to All for You and Bashful yells, "NOW!"

Sleepy leaps off of Doc's shoulders and wraps his arms around All for You's neck and his legs around her body.  All for You starts to giggle and protest but Sleepy plants a big kiss on her lips.  All for You struggles against Sleepy, trying to push him off, but he's got too good a grip on her.  Her struggling causes the two of them to move away from the door.

Grumpy and Doc seperate and the four dwarfs barge into the men's room spotting TightFit's feet under the door of one of the stalls.  "Wait!"  Doc says, holding out his arms to stop the dwarfs.  "What if he's pooping in there?"

They sneak up to the door and Grumpy knocks gently on it.  "Are you pooping in there?"  He asks.

TightFit replies with a small chuckle, "No.  I am not pooping."

"Peeing?"  Askes Doc?

"No."  Is the reply.

"ACHooooo, Good."  Says Sneezy and with that all four dwarfs scurry under the stall and surround TightFit.  They grab his arms and hands and push him up from the toilet. 

"They need you out there," Doc says, "more guests are arriving and they're looking for you." 

Someone turns the latch on the door and the door gets pulled open to the inside.  But there's too many dwarfs, plus with Tight and the door won't open wide enough for anyone to get out.

"Let me up there."  Grumpy say and starts to move in the stall.  Soon it's all elbows and hands and faces being pushed as they struggle to get through the door.  They bump into TightFit repeately, almost knocking him over.

Tightfit is laughing at the absurd goings on in the stall as All for You comes into the men's room.  "What is going on in there?"  She asks loudly as Sleepy tries to climb up on her to get another kiss.  She pushes him off.

"There are too many of us in the stall."  TightFit says while laughing.  "Some of you are going to have to go out the way you came in."

One by one the dwarfs slip out from under the stall door, and after each one they try the door until with three of the dwarfs out, Doc opens the door and he and TightFit emerge.

They all leave the room and once outside the restroom, Bashful takes All for You's arm and slides it into TightFit's arm.  The two of them then walk back to the stage area and take their places at the trestle table.

"Well done, Lads."  I say to the dwarfs as they return to the bar.  "Let's have some more sarsparilla.... "
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on December 17, 2012, 10:57:19 AM
As the meal ends and we all begin to sit back and nibble at the cheeses and beverages. I look over at my fellow conspirators ... our eyes meet and I nod to them so we sneak off to the back of the stage without anyone noticing and get changed.

I speak to the band to ensure they have the right music and to give us 10 minutes to get ready.

I meet up with the other ladies and we giggle as we change into our Air Hostess costumes, sexy, debonair and very very hot.   We are all dressed in Airforce blue tunics, white blouses, black and red bras, a matching Airforce blue mini skirt, black g string, black stockings and black high heeled  court shoes and our little blue Air flight attendance hats  and blue and red chiffon ties around our neck. To finish the look we all  hold the extended handles on our wheeled little black suit cases.

We look professional but if you look a little closer, you can certainly see the little devils dancing in glee on our shoulders.

We are ready at last and wait behind the curtain of the stage for the introduction music to start...

Meanwhile , Tight is in mid conversation on his throne,  having enjoyed his meal and now the wonderful company of all his friends.

As planned,  Jayc, Bear, Tangoracer, JD, Lover  and Covems   move in slowly closer , to where Tight is sitting in his throne,  in small but natural movements, discreetly and without anyone noticing .

Suddenly the introduction  fan fare music starts and blares out around the room.  The muscular men move in and lift Tight and his throne right up into the air.  He is a little disorientated as he is carried with great aplomb and ceremony to the centre of the stage.  Very much like warrior natives taking their  chosen King to his rightful position in front of his people.

The men place him down and move discreetly to the  sides of the  stage, preventing any escape route, folding their arms and standing with their feet apart, looking like menacing body guards.

Tight looks a little bewildered sitting on his own in centre stage and can’t help but wondering what is happening.  He sits and waits eyeing the men’s determined stances and the silent crowd in front of him.

 The lights shine down on him and then the music changes to ....
Joe Cocker’s ... you can leave your hat on .....

That’s our cue ...  the curtains pull back and we march out with our trolly bags, surrounding Tight, pushing the handle down, lifting the little cases and throwing them in one fluid movement to the men at the sides of the stage, who catch them expertly .

We face Tight and our routine begins... we sway our bodies  in perfection to the music ... its hot... its sexy ... every man in the room has his eyes fixed on a dancer....   Tights face breaks out into a knowing smile ...  whatever happens ... he knows this is a treat to enjoy..  he settles back to enjoy the experience  and eyes each dancer, swaying provocatively in front of him.  He enjoys their curves and their little sexy moves .....

We circle his chair to the beat of the music and the cheering and claps of the crowd. As we sway and dance , we undo a  button in perfect timing  with each other. The hours of practice are paying off .

Soon the front of our tunics are open and we all move synchronised.  Swaying our bodies to the music and in the same fluid movement each of us  shrugs out of the shoulders so that the jacket sits on our lower back and we do a  boobie shimmer  to Tight and to then to the crowd much to their delight . Our breasts sway and rock in the half cupped bras under our blouses. 

We then take the jacket off and fling it into the crowd.   We twirl and dance  in an ever decreasing and increasing circle round Tight, bending, stretching showing our bodies off as we circle and surround him. We move tantalisingly closer to him before moving out again out of reach. We tease and use all the provocative face and tongue actions and hair tossing possible,  towards him and towards the transfixed audience.

 Next we are unbuttoning our blouses, the cuffs first , then the centre buttons, each one coming lose and showing our sexy black and red bras and torsos  and tight tummy muscles.  The collars are straightened and the ties lifted up and unhooked from the collars.  Then again in a synchronised movement , the blouse is removed, swirled above our heads and flung into the crowd.  We are now in our ties  lying in between our cleavages, the half cupped lacy bras covering our bouncing breasts and our little air hostess hats still sitting on our heads.

We march lifting our knees, towards Tight, shortening the circle, turn and wiggle our asses , looking back at him enticingly as we march away to lengthen the circle. We unzip our skirts and loosen the waist band for the skirts to sit on our hips.  Another perfectly timed shimmy action brings the skirt to our ankles before we all kick them away.  We are now standing in our black G strings, stockings and suspenders and black 3 inch heels.

The crowd cheers as they view our beautiful  bare ass cheeks and perfect feminine bodies in this sexy underwear,  tie and hat.

We circle and twirl round Tight a couple of times in  sexy swaying movements so he and the watching audience can eye & inspect  each of the dancers curves individually as they move in front of him.

Then as the circle moves to a respectful distance from Tight, the dancers sway and move to a smaller less complicated routine.  Then,  each of us in turn,  breaks the circle , moving to do a personal  dance in front of Tight. We ask him to identify an article of clothing to remove  of his choosing, that the outer dancers will also take off,  before  returning to the dancing circle again for the next dancer to approach Tight.

The crowd cheers each dancer and each item of clothing the dancer  removes  and Tight’s smile broadens as he contemplates which item he wants removing to be able see the dancer’s  delightful, delectable  body revealed for him and the waiting crowd...

First up is Stone.  She dances up in front of Tight .......

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on December 17, 2012, 11:12:26 AM
I leave the outer circle of the other  dancers and begin strutting and swaying towards Tight who’s eyes are transfixed on my curves.

He eyes my cleavage and I shimmy low so he can see my breasts precariously cupped in my half bra.  He is mesmerised by my jiggling mammary glands and I see him lick his lips absently.  I twirl and stretch in front of him, letting his eyes take in the contours of my toned slim frame.
Then I move onto his lap. I straddle his thighs as I sway in time with the music and move my lips to his ear and blow gently.   I say softly, letting my breath tease him “ Do you like what you see? “

He answers softly, “ You know I do” 

 I nibble his ear a little  “ Would you like to see more ?”

He repeats again , “ You know I do “

 I smile at him, still moving in time with the music, my bare buttocks writhing on his lap. My hands move seductively over my body, enticing his wicked thoughts   “ Your choice, What would you like me and the others to take off next ?” 

Tight looks at me in disbelief and I raise my eyebrows, still smiling, nodding my head to assure him, it’s true, the choice is his.
Tight licks his lips again, his mouth dry.  “ Your bra “ he decides.

I lean forward,  “  Be my guest “   I tease him.  Tight’s hands move to my slender waist and  guides my grinds for a moment . I feel the bulge of his interest through his trousers and my g string.  I moan a little as his hardness rubs against my intimate centre.  His hands move up my back. His eyes watching the tie caressing  the valley of my tities.

Simultaneously and to the delight of the audience, the other dancers mirror his movements to the back clasp of their bras.

Expertly Tight unclips the bra but holds it in place for a moment.  My breasts hold the cups in place. Tight slowly moves his hands to my shoulders and then sensuously and so slowly inches the straps down my arms.  He moves his index fingers along the rim of the cup. Touching my breasts and allowing his fingers to brush over the hidden nipples.

My breath catches at the intimacy of it all and the pleasurable sensation. Then he pulls my bra free and my breasts spill out to his gaze, unfettered and bared for him.

The crowd cheer as the other dancers remove their bras at the same time. Naked, jiggling and swaying breasts  & hardened peaked nipples for all to see. They throw the braziers in to the crowd.

I take Tight’s hands and grind them hard into my breasts, my nipples hard and drawing invisible scribbles on his sensitive palms.

 He watches fascinated as I throw my head back, thrusting them into his squeezing hands. 

 Then I slowly push his hands  to my waist and he gazes at my bare breasts.

I pick one breast up, then the other and suck my own nipples, watching his face as I  tongue and flick the nipple in seductive play, teasing him. 

Still in time , with the music, I rise from his lap and  he realises, my time is done. He grabs my tie and pulls me in for a quick but open mouthed  kiss on the lips before releasing me to return to the outer circle, just as the next dancer moves forward for their personal little dance with the man of the moment , the bulge in his trousers clearly evident .....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on December 17, 2012, 03:06:21 PM
Standing in the outer circle swaying my body as Stone dances in front of Tight as Stone finishes and make her way back to the outer circle.

We all move around Tight removing our bras so we are all topless we throw are bras at our men in the crowd. As we stop circling I step forward and walk over to Tight.

I approach from behind him putting my right hand on his shoulder I spin around in front of his. Letting my hand run down over his chest pushing myself away from him so I’m just out of his reach swaying my hips

 I run my hands down over my swollen breasts and down over my big bump. I squat down with my hands on my knees I open my knees wide. Flicking my head up I look into Tights wide eyes moving my hands from my knees on to his I push them apart and move my body up between then

Pushing myself up on his knees letting my breast rub up against his chest. I kiss his cheek as I move higher to let my breast rest on his face.
Rolling my shoulder my tits move over his face my hard nipples rub over his lips stopping with a nipple resting on then.

He takes it into his mouth and sucks on it gently making it even harder I move to let him suck the other one to.
I step up onto the throne with my feet each side of tights legs I take hold of his head moving it closer to me but not letting him touch lifting my right leg onto his shoulder

His face is so close to me I can feel his hot breath blowing against me. Rolling my hips in his face as I hold his head.

I feel him push forward I turn his head so it lands on my stocking top. His mouth closes taking hold of it moving myself away from Tights face he starts to pull me stocking down with his teeth.

I let go of his head and take his hands I place them on my hips “Hold me tight”  I whisper. He takes a strong hold of my hips and I hope down from the throne with my right leg still on Tights shoulder. He turns his head back to my stocking and pull it off with is teeth.

I lean over him and kiss him deep on the lips and then move back to the outer circle.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on December 17, 2012, 03:31:29 PM
I dance on the edge of the circle, swaying and moving my face and mouth into sexy provocative expressions, eyeing Tight, members of the audience and the guys standing watch at the edge of the stage.  My  hands  feel my body,  stroking up and down,  all of the moves, slow, seductive and perfectly in time with the music and the other dancers.

First  to  break the circle is Stone. She teases  Tight with her body, using every feminine charm she possesses to  entice his male interest in her and the other men in the audience.  She sits on his lap giving him her personal little dance.

Tight moves his hands to unclasp her bra, and  all the dancers  round them in the outer circle, including myself,  mirror his actions , unhooking our bras and then leaning forward a little to loosen the cups fit, letting our breasts hang a little, before sliding the straps down and finally baring  our   breasts for all to see.  The crowd cheers as they see our naked torsos and nippled mounds, bouncing and swaying freely. We fling our bras into the noisy crowd.

Stone finishes her personal dance and moves out to return to join the other dancers in the outer circle .

 Tangojane steps forward to take her place, swaying her body, swinging her  full breasts and standing in front of Tight for her very special routine.  She is breath takingly beautiful  and Tight is mesmerised by her perfectly timed movements and teasing.

Her performance is outstanding and once again the dancer’s on the outer circle copy her movements, stroking and tantalising their bodies before removing the chosen item of clothing, one of the  sheer black stockings,   and flinging it in into the audience to a round of clapping and cheers.

Tangojane then completes her routine and returns to the outer circle and I step forward for my private dance for Tight.

Like the other dancer’s and in perfect timing,  I walk , swaying and twisting to show off my curves to best effect.  Tights eye’s  travel the length  of my body from my slender neck and shoulders, lingering on my pert, full ,naked breasts ,  my slim waist and toned tummy,  my full hips and rounded buttocks , again lingering at the lacy triangle in the apex of my thighs,  and then to my long smooth legs and black high heels. 

I sit astride him , and circle my breasts at him and grind my sex on his crotch. I feel his hardness through our clothing.  I shift  on his lap, so he fits between my labia and begin a slow pussy massage on his cock. I smile at him mischieviously,  knowing the naughty little movements will heighten our sexual awareness and cause a mingled dampness there.

 He smiles back, answering my  unspoken challenge and grips my hips to ensure I get as much enjoyment out of the movement as he does.  Pleasure floods throughout my body. The man is quite potent and knows all the naughty little tricks, probably more than I do , to tease and tantalise and building the anticipation.

I lose concentration for a second or two  as I allow my body to react to such a verile, exciting and handsome man, letting nature take its course in its mating rituals.  A moan escapes my lips before returning to reality with a bump..  “ Steady”  I whisper to him  and bring his head to each of my  nipples for him to kiss before lifting his chin to stare into his eyes..

“ So tell me Sexy, what item of clothing would you like me to remove next ?” 

Tights hands fondle my knees before slowly moving up my thighs to my hips. They linger there , gently squeezing...

“ Remove your remaining stocking “ He orders and slowly un clips the garter at the back of my thigh before doing the same to the front one.

“ Your wish is my command” I  murmur huskily .

I  move slowly from his lap and stand in front of him , dancing and as I twirl round ,  I bring my leg up to rest on his shoulder.  My crotch is level with his eyes.  His eyes linger there , inspecting the little damp patch that is seeping through the material and the  red pubic hair that can be seen through the lacy G string.   He leans forward and his hands surround my upper thigh. 

He looks at me, “ May I do the honours?”  He asks as he caresses my inner and outer thigh, his little finger purposefully but covertly brushing at my pussy, over my panty.

I gasp,  flushed and aroused... “ Please, be my guest”  I murmur..  He teases me a little more,  taking advantage of my open legs and easily accessible pussy,  my one foot on the floor, the other on his shoulder using him for balance, on the 3 inch high heels.

 The tip of his little finger is soon covered with my seepage as he continues to caress my thigh,  and , accidentally, on purpose, brushing at my very wet feminine centre.

He then begins to roll down the stocking, caressing and teasing the smooth length of my leg as he removes the sheer nylon, clearly enjoying his advantage.

He nears my ankle and slowly so as not to tip me over , he slides my shoe and the stocking off.  He holds the stocking and shoe on his lap and kisses and lightly sucks each toe before slipping the shoe back on. My heart rate rockets at his seductive actions and as he lowers my foot to the ground, I am almost sorry my routine is nearly over.

He takes my stocking as I begin to sway to the music   and dance in front of him again  and  then he sniffs it smiling with a little carnal growl  and just to tease me further, he sucks the little finger tasting the effects of his earlier pussy teasing.

The cheering crowd tampers my errant thoughts as the other dancers rid themselves of their final stocking and  the next dancer  prepares  to step forward.

 I smile at the grinning Tight and begin to move away, back to the outer circle.  I can’t help but think ... “Who the hell seduced who then ?“... feeling  very  very  flushed....    :P

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 17, 2012, 03:36:24 PM
My turn at last.....i can feel my heart pounding in my throat for the embarassment, but now it’s too late to call me out of the game!

When Brandy move back to join us again in the circle, i approach her half way and putting my arm around her waist i spin around her body, using her like a pole, till most of my body is pressed on the flor.

Slowly, i move to Tight’s throne, first sliding on the stage, then i rise my body little by little till i’m approaching him walking on four and staring at his eyes. More close i get, more my movement become sinuous and when i'm at his feet i climb long his legs, rubbing my half naked body on him.

When my face is near his shaft, barely hidden by his pant, i stop: my face turn red and i stare at it for some second, while the crowd start to cheer and yell, inviting me to continue. I lift my eyes and look at Tight face and i can read a strange feeling in it: even if we know from some times, we had never been so close like now!

And while i think at this, my wicked side show again.....

I smirk at Tight and climb long his chest, till i sit on his lap unbuttoning his shirt partially after i had remove his papillon: i kiss his chest, moving along his neck till i reach his ear and bite it gently.

"Sorry, Tight.....but if i'm involved in something, i do it properly...." i whisper him, then i continue "too bad i don't had the chance to test your chair....i don't dislike the idea of trying it!"

He grin at my words and answer "Promise me you will take care of it, HB....."

" i'm sure there is someone who will be happy to help me to test it..." i aswer him turning my head in Tango's direction, then i turn again to him "Everyone will miss you, Tight!"

I gently kiss his lips and using my right leg as pin, i lift my left leg and twist to his side, moving behind him. I lay over his shoulders and my hands slide under his open shirt fondling his toned chest, while i soflty bite his ear.

"Now your choise.....what we have to take off next!? but be careful with will take it off for me!" i ask him while i walk in front of him again.

"The suspender belt...." he aswer, smiling at all of us.

I spin on my self slowly, to be sure Tigh and the crowd can take a good look at my body and even if the embarassmentinside me is rising, i stop and invite him take the suspender off.

His expert hands easily make it fall on the floor but before he can push his hands back, i grab them and put on my bum, moving them slowly in circle around my cheeks: Tight is a little hesitant at the begin but when i leave his hands free, he spank me hard.

I smile at him and wiggle my bum, just a moment before i move back to the circle, leaving Tight ready for the next of us......i look back at him and throw him a kiss then i turn to the crow and throw another one to them.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on December 18, 2012, 10:39:09 AM
Standing in the circle watching my friends dance up close and personal with My King finally it was my turn. Having removed all the clothing my friends got my King to remove for them. We were all just left with our ties and G strings

Knowing my place was at My Kings feet I drop down onto my hands and knees and crawl over to him. With every move of my body I could feel every eye on me swaying my hips as I crawl over to My right full place.

Kneeling at My Kings feet I sit back onto my heals and look up into his eyes seeing them full of lust after the other girls dances. I bow my head and place my hands on my knees.

With a sharp snap I left my head and open my knees wide running my hands up my thighs and up into my crutch feeling the dampness of my panties I keep my right hand down there rubbing myself harder. Moving my left hand up onto my breasts moving it from nipple to nipple rolling each one between my thumb and forefinger making them stand out nice and hard.

I raise myself up thrusting my hips against my hand throwing my head back as my fingers slip inside my panties and along the soft wet lips of my wet pussy taking my love juice covered fingers out from my pussy I rub them over my hard nipples my mouth open I look up at My King his eyes are fixed on me.

“My I touch you My King” I ask
“Yes my princess you may touch me as much as you like” he replies

Hearing his words I place my hands on his knees and push them wide apart I can see the strain on his pants. Running my hands up his inner thigh my fingers trace the outline of his hardness though his pants. Raising up higher I rub my hard nipples over My kings hard cock.

I move up higher until my face is level with My Kings leaning forward I kiss his sweet soft lips with a full on passionate kiss. As we kiss I stand up bent over I move my hips in time with the music Giving everyone a good look at my ass.

I break our kiss and bring my tits up into My Kings face twisting my shoulders I push my nipples one after the other into My Kings mouth. He sucks on them each time they enter his mouth.

I step up onto My Kings throne with a foot each side of his legs I roll and twist my hips in his face Feeling his hot breath on my panties.

My Kings grabs my hips stopping me in mid sway “WHAT ARE YOU WEARING YOU KNOW MY RULES” he moves his hands to my G sting taking hold of it with both hands. In one move My King rips it off my body and throws it on the floor. “That’s better!” He says and lets my hips go.

I start to move my hips again getting closer and closer to My Kings face Until I can’t take it any more I grab My Kings head and drive it in to my wet pussy grinding it over his face. He grabs my ass and pulls me harder onto his lapping tongue.

Standing there over My King I put my hands on my head and twist and turn as the pleasure My King is giving my builds inside. I grab My Kings head and push his back away from me. I quickly turn around and bend right over Giving my Pussy back to My King to feast back on.

I rest my hands in My Kings crutch and start to undo his pants sliding my fingers inside and rapping them around his rock hard shaft and pulling it out. Bending over more I gently lick its tip then take it right into my mouth. Feeling it fill my mouth as My King feasts on my pussy and ass.

The feeling in my pussy is to much to take and I jump down from My Kings throne landing facing him I drop to my knees between his open legs and take his hardness right to its base into my eager mouth. Working my tongue up and down its length as I sucked up and down on it. Twisting my head as it goes up and down getting faster and faster.

The Country boys speed up the beat off the music as I move faster and faster slamming down hard on My Kings hard cock. He puts his hands on the back of my head and pushes it down and holds it there his cock is right down my throat. He lefts my head then slams it right back down this time as it hits the back of my throat a Hot rush of cum is fired down my throat load after load is fired down my throat I swallow every drop.

Letting my head go I move off My Kings cock and sit back on my heals with my mouth open showing My King it was all gone. He smiles down at me leans forward and lefts me up onto his lap lowering me down onto his still hard cock.

I roll my hips slowly as I feel My Kings cock deep inside me. “Thank you my princess” My King whisper in my ear. We turn to each other and kiss passionately as we kiss we watch the lady’s move out of the circle and find there men
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on December 18, 2012, 10:48:10 AM
Hentai’s  dance routine is utter brilliance.  She teases and tantalises Tight with her delectable body, sliding to the floor using me as her seductive pole, as I return to the outer circle. She crawls on all fours towards her chosen quarry .  It is titillating and very very sexy.

She crawls up Tight’s body and undoes his shirt. She fondles his chest beneath the material.  The crowd cheer in delight at her sensuous seduction & the removal of the suspender belt falling to the floor.  The other dancers copy the clothing removal  flinging it to the crowd.  Hentai  completes her private dance & moves back to the outer circle for the next dancer...

You can almost hear the sharp intake of breath from the transfixed crowd as All_for_you  dances her special routine for Tight. She is smouldering hot and ups the ante and excitement as Tight chooses to remove  her  G string.

The anticipation  as the fingers begin to push the panty string over her ample hips  and buttocks builds the anticipation ...  every eye is on that slow descending  G string.. then ,  Tight rips it from her ...

The other dancers are removing the same, their buttocks , wiggling towards the audience, the  centre string slowly coming out of the valley of their ass cheeks and collapsing as the side strings are pushed down by their own hands,  slowly turning the G string inside out as the material of the triangle catches in between  their inner thighs, slowing its path compared to the outer panty line being pushed down... down  tantalisingly,  over their  outer hips and buttock cheeks.

The thoughts of seeing the bared pussies of the lovely ladies foremost in everyone’s mind as they wait.. excited..

The G string falls and is finally removed. Tight has the honour of viewing All_For _you’s hidden female centre first and he feasts his eyes on her gift to him.

The other dancers tease, placing their hats over their hidden muffs as they turn round , waving their G strings to prove, they are naked underneath.  Teasing the crowd and building their want of seeing them bared.

The ties sitting and trembling between their swaying breasts and 3 inch high heels  on their bared legs and feet  just accentuates  the beauty and sexiness of the dancing women.

The music begins to enter the final stages of the song and as they twirl and sway to the beat, the hats are finally discarded  and the dancers secrets displayed to perfection. Beautiful  vaginas for all to see. The crowd cheer in appreciation .

Then an “ oooo” from the happy audience as the dancer’s approach and pull their chosen men to centre stage. The look on their faces wondering...
Tight is sitting centre stage,  the other men pulled in a line either side ,  Bear , JD & Tango one side of him, Jayc , Covems & Lover the other.  The dancers dance and shimmy around them , before turning them side on to the audience, caressing their chests, their faces, their backs.  All the moves, sexy, seductive and very promising ...

Then the dancer’s , including All_For _You in front of Tight,   sink to their knees, their faces level with the men’s crotches .....

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on December 18, 2012, 11:05:03 AM
I lose myself in the music,  as I wiggle my derrier to the audience.  I slowly pull my G string down my long legs, bending as I do so to let them have a glimpse of my pussy peaking out between my legs.  The damp pink , swollen lips protrude slightly as I step out of the panties.
It’s quite a turn on stripping in public and I am enjoying the experience.

I straighten up & face Jayc & Covems, standing at the back of the stage on the sidelines. Both are wide-eyed at my lithe dancing form. They  stare with undisguised  male interest at my breasts and trimmed black pussy. I am  clothed only in my hat, tie and 3 inch heels. My nudity is open to their intense male appreciation of the female form.

My back is still turned to the audience and I take my Air Hostess hat off  and cover my pubic area ,stretching my arm out so all can see my hanging G string in my fingers.  I wink & blow a kiss each to  Jayc and Covems , and then I turn my front to the crowd.

There  are  loud cheers and clapping  as all the near naked dancers turn,  strut  and titillate the watching crowd.

Finally the hats are thrown away and we are standing naked, pussies,  breasts  & curves exposed for inspection.  We strut  some more around the stage revelling in the appreciation of our striptease and dancing.

Then, as wickedly pre-planned, I  sway up to  the unsuspecting Jayc & Covems , tugging their arms to follow me to centre stage.  We  stand to the side of Tight and All_For_You.  The men  look stunningly handsome in their black tuxedos, white shirts and black Dicky Bows.

I dance around both men, letting my hands caress and trail across their upper bodies. Both men look a little bewildered by suddenly finding themselves centre of stage,  and  at the concentrated attention of  a near naked and naughty dancer.

I position both men side by side,  and sideways to the audience  and stroke their toned buttocks as I circle and dance between them.
Then I kiss each one seductively on the lips as my hands fondle their crotches simultaneously over their clothing.

The crowd cheers as all the dancers begin a very bold naughty  fondling routine of their chosen men.

I down their trouser  zips in one swift movement and plunge my hand into the gaping flies. I feel the hardening cocks of both men over their underwear. My thumb runs over their helmets tarrying on their tiny slits,  encouraging their cocks to bludgeon and leak with excitement.

Both men are similarly sized and their faces show their wicked enjoyment of being accosted by a naked and impish , dancing lady.

I lick my lips seductively, allowing my tongue to run round the edge of my lips as I begin a slow cock stroke breathing life into their lower bodies.

“ Well ... big boys, “  I say huskily to them  “ Do you want my lips to kiss you there?”   squeezing their cocks so there is no misunderstanding.

Both men nod, consenting to this unexpected surprise.  I smile and slowly lower to my knees,  wanking them gently,  until my face is level with their  genitals . Both men fumble to undo their trousers to give  better access  and to release their hard ons  & balls  to my administrations.

I kiss each cock tip, open mouthed, allowing my tongue and nose to pick up their unique scent whilst I palm and massage their balls.

I let them each enjoy my fondling before taking each cock out to rub on my nipples, leaving the glistening trace of their precum  to glaze each one.
Then, I  begin a slow stroke again of both cocks , before taking Covems  crown and pushing my lips over him. The heat of my mouth and tongue tease his ridges and slit. I  give him a shallow cock suck.  My tongue circles and pushes into his opening and I  tongue fuck him.

I wank Jayc  and rub my thumb over his crown in the same way as my tongue runs over Covems.
I feel both men stiffen in enjoyment and their breath catch as I  touch and work my magic.
I swap and do the same to Jayc and begin to wank  Covems.

The public display of sucking  on their cocks , excites all of us and I feel my body flush with feminine heat at the reaction of the two men.

 All the time, the music by the Country boys is playing and the crowd is shouting and cheering encouragement.

I move to lick and kiss Jayc’s length, worshipping his cock and  then I  move underneath  to nuzzle his balls. I feel him groan in appreciation as my hair brushes his exposed inner thighs and underside of his cock.

I swap again and  give Covems the same unadulterated treatment.  I feel him bunch his fists as Jayc had done.  At the same time ,  I wank  Jayc to build his excitement.

I up the speed a notch, on both men, gripping Jayc  that little bit harder , as I wank  him now in earnest.  I begin a steady deep head fuck on Covems , moving up and down on each man in the same exciting rhythm. I collapse my cheeks for added pressure on Covem’s cock. I graze my teeth gently on him to increase the sensations  that shudder  through him.

The hand,  not in use, I use to fondle myself, squeezing my breasts, increasing  my  pleasure and then move to fondle my  wet sex, glazing my fingers in my own unique juices.
I reach up with the same hand and smear my scent on Covems lips and nose, wanting him to taste me, wanting him to smell my excitement. I feel him lick my fingers and rub my scent over his face.

Both men appreciate my efforts  as they begin to thrust their hips to assist and leak precum in repeating little bubbles from their openings. 

I swap again, wanking Covems , as I head fuck Jayc. I suckle and swallow his male juice, tasting his essence with relish.
The  spare hand not in use, again, I use to fondle and tease myself, coating my fingers  in my sexual arousal.  This time,  I push my fingers to Jayc’s face and smear him with my pleasure. He too laps, sucks  and rubs my fingers into his face , as I continue to work his cock with my mouth.

Then satisfied both men are marked with my scent, I  take both cocks in my hands and wank them both in a steady quickened rhythm, thrusting my breasts towards them. They both know I want their seed sprayed on my tits and neck. 

I watch their faces in wonder as I pleasure both men,  speaking softly to them of reruns of the striptease  just performed ,  the naked ladies strutting their naked forms for them,  their breasts rocking as they danced, the nipples hard and peaked, the sight of fresh breasts and pussies neither had seen before,  the ladies secrets  now exposed to them & embedded in their memories forever.

 The softly spoken words initiate their erotic fantasies as I wank them. It  excites  their bodies & minds to think of the naughty things they would like to do with each dancer and this very devilish dancer , here , now, touching, eating and wanking their cocks with relish ..

I wank a little faster, a little firmer. I feel both guys stiffen and groan as their excitement builds and then it finally erupts ...  in lovely white spurts ...  over my breasts, splashing on my face and chin. 

I slow the strokes down gently, milking every last drop of their orgasms , scooping the  cum remnants  in my hands &  kissing their cocks in thanks.  The cum on my hands I wipe and share  on each breast.  I encourage both men to moisturise my breasts with their creamy cum , rubbing it in & massaging & fondling them with both their hands. 

I put their cocks away, zip up their trousers  and kiss their lips. 

“ Gentlemen, that was very pleasurable indeed”   I say softly.

Both men, breathing that little bit harder,  escort me to the back of the stage and help me put a robe on.

With a satisfied smirk on their faces, they return to their places at the table & rejoin the festivities.

 I go to dress and return shortly afterwards to the main banqueting hall to serve the guests again.

 I can’t help but smile to myself as I think ....... that was very wicked and very naughty ....    ::)

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoJane on December 18, 2012, 02:41:26 PM
Swaying to the music I slowly put my thumbs into the waist band of my G string and slowly pull it down over my ass and down my thighs stepping out of it I spin it on my finger.

All the guys a up on the stage and I walk up behind Lover and lay my G string on his shoulder. “This is for you as a reminder of this night” I say as I walk around him running my hand over his chest round over his back. My hand goes lower each time I walk round him it runs over his tight butt I give it a squeeze as my hand goes over it.

Stopping as I came around in front of him looking into his eye “This is for tonight” Placing my hand on his crotch I gently start to rub him throw his pants. Not taking my eyes of his I feel him start to grow to my touch. His face tells me he likes what I’m doing. I go onto tip toe and kiss him softly “You only have to say stop and I will” I whisper in his ear.

I reach for his zipper and undo it letting my fingers move inside and I take hold of his hardening cock and pull it out into my hand slowly I move my hand along its length as it hardens in my hand. I look down at his stiff shaft in my hand as I start to wank him faster.

 Looking back into his eyes “are you ready”  I say as I lower myself down onto my knees with Lovers large cock only inch’s from my mouth I move forward and kiss its tip letting my tongue run around its head.

I open my mouth and slowly take his head into it and then take more and more I move my head back and forth taking him as far as I can into my throat then all the way back out. I undo his pants more and pull them down to his knees. Cupping his ball as I suck him hard and fast twisting my head on the way down.

I feel his Ball tighten and I know it won’t be long I suck him hard holding him in my throat and lick his balls at the same time. I hear Lover moan and a Hot jet of cum hits the back of my throat I swallow it down not wanting to make a mess.

I look up at Lovers face it a bit flushed and his breathing a little heavier. Pulling his pants back up and put him back away. I stand back up he looks down at me “Thank you Jane new let’s get you dressed and have a drink” He takes my arm and leads me off the stage and to the changing rooms. He leaves me at the door as I go in and get dressed. A few minutes later I join Lover at the Bar
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on December 18, 2012, 04:05:08 PM
(sorry folks don't have time to read or anything got news that have to move off campus by this friday so hopefully the apartment i'm looking at i will get the go ahead to move in soon. will be busy packing and cleaning next couple days so won't be able to check anything or do anything online. plus the apartment i'm going to (if things work well) doesn't have internet so not sure when i'll be back around. Love you bunches Tight and wish i could finish the party but know my heart is always with you.)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on December 18, 2012, 08:26:53 PM
I walk towards  my chosen man ...  JD.  I sway my naked body to the music, making sure he sees all my best attributes and grin mischievously at him.  He licks his lips, unsure of my intentions, but  senses something is afoot. He looks me up and down, obviously thinking he may as well see what is going down  ::)

I take hold of his arm and give little tugs on his sleeve. He resists a little but smiles back at me and allows me to walk him forward.  He knows he is no match for a naked woman,  not at this moment anyway,...  he finds them too wonderfully irresistible,  and women find him adorable too. He is a very handsome man with a wonderful twinkle in his eye.  And dressed in his black tuxedo, white shirt and black bow tie.. he does look incredibly fit...

He follows me holding my hand,  a few steps behind and  openly admires my wiggling naked bottom as I walk on my  high heels  towards  Santa Bear.

Bear  is also incredibly handsome , even with his face  partially covered with  white hair and beard. 
His eyes  catch your attention.  They are wise and knowledgeable & crinkly at the corners . When he   looks at you, at times they are  filled with a promise, that takes your breath away.

He has that look at this moment as I approach him with JD in tow,  and sure enough, my body reacts to him,  my heart rate rockets in nervous tension and my breathing shallows and quickens.

I am committed now and Bear is my second chosen man.

 I take hold of  Santa Bear’s black buckled belt,  and cocking my head to one side,  tug on it a little to come with me.  Silently questioning if he is game enough to step forward , as JD has done. 
He too hesitates a moment,  before breaking into a smile and bravely puts his best foot forward and takes that first step.

I gently pull him & JD  to the front line by  Tango and his special little dancer.

I position both of my chosen ,  consenting,  men  and begin to dance around them to the music  played by  The Country Boys house band.

Like the other dancers, my hands trail over their upper bodies  in seductive and  provocative caresses, as I circle & tease them.
I lift their hands to my facial cheeks and kiss each of their up turned palms, allowing my tongue to swirl a pattern there, as I look them in the eyes.  Both men watch in fascination as they feel the tickle of my tongue .

I move behind them and move to each of their ears, blowing softly, letting the soft warm breath caress,  whilst my hands squeeze and sensually massage their firm muscular bottoms .
 I can feel the firmness of their trained and toned muscles, and my body reacts with a deep seeded approval, flushing a rosy glow around me. Their clothed bodies , allowing my caresses and my nakedness feeds the glow of my arousal.

“ Do you remember the egg?”   I say softly, allowing my tongue to flick tantalising into  each of their inner ears   “ Well, it’s my turn to excite you  publically now ....  but you can’t touch .... you can’t touch me....”

I nibble Santa Bear’s ear, breathing into it while my hot wet tongue  moves slowly inside to swirl in seductive play.  He tilts his head towards my mouth, clearly enjoying the sensations and the little shivers that ripple  into his neck. 
At the same time my hand deeply fondles JD’s ass cheeks, ensuring his underwear is moving against his skin,  and,  in doing so,   ensuring  the material at the front of his briefs, moves against  his cock, teasing him there .

 I  swap  hands  massaging Bear’s butt in the same erotic manner & repeat the process in JD’s ear and his reaction is delightfully the same.
I stand behind JD and sensually rub my body against his back, circling and grinding my breasts  against his shoulder blades and my pelvis against his sexy little butt. I breathe on his neck and kiss his nape softly using my tongue.

My hand continues the deep butt fondling of  Bear. 

 I explore  JD’s chest  continuing  the body rub, slipping my hand underneath his jacket . 
The man is strong, muscular and toned. My breath catches as I find his hard pectorals and each sensitive nipple .  I stimulate the nubs in turn making them pebble & protrude through his shirt.

I swap again,  giving Bear the benefits of  my body rub against his back and JD the butt massage. As I explore Bear’s chest, I can’t help but moan my feminine appreciation in his ear.  Muscles toned and trained no doubt from outside toil.

My arousal feeds on the building anticipation of the situation.

I move in front of the men and with one hand on each of them,  I continue to stroke  each of their chests , exploring their fine contours watching my hands intently & I absent mindedly  lick my lips and gently bite the lower lip.

 My hands lower and I undo JD’s belt and slowly unzip  his trousers.  Bear has no zip in his Santa trousers , so I rim the waist band and smile when I feel his padded belly.  I tug the padding out and let in drop to the floor and return to his waist band and tug his trousers down a little for easy access to my goal. 

I slip my hand into their trousers and begin to feel their manhoods  over their underwear,  grinding their members against the palms of my hand. They harden at my touch and I move inside their briefs for  skin on skin touching.

Their cocks are big, with a silky smooth feel & are hot in my cooler hand.  I run my nails down their lengths, lightly scratching them & then start to stroke them. I want their cocks to pulsate with want....  to match my own excited & throbbing  need .

The  men stand there enjoying my attention, taking in my nudity, the tie lying between my breasts and the  black high heeled killer shoes.

I look each of them in the eyes and then slowly lower to my knees , leaving their cocks a moment, whilst I tug their trousers  down to their upper thighs.  I inspect their erections &  blow softly, the directed jet of air teasing their cocks causing them to twitch a little, before taking them in my hand and beginning a slow steady wank. 

 The audience cheer as they see us girls lower and about to tend to their chosen men.

I move my head to kiss JD’s  knob,  licking and nibbling his length.  My tongue leaves a wet trail in my wake,  as I reach and kiss his bollocks.  I nuzzle him with my nose, sucking and kissing him open mouthed before dragging my tongue up again to his tiny hole. I scoop at his leaking precum & taste his natural body fluid & then explore his cock head, leaving no area untouched by my tongue.
He tastes delicious.

I kiss his tip in appreciation and let my hand take over with wanking him again as I turn my attention to Bear’s cock, already leaking precum on my hand from stroking him in a steady rhythm.  I look  Bear  directly in the eyes as I lick the seepage off my hand, moaning my approval of his taste.
His eyes watch me and I see the carnal interest in their depths.   His hand moves impatiently to grip my head to direct my mouth to his cock. 
I narrow my eyes in warning and stop licking my hand for a moment.  He holds my gaze and I see the hunger there but he allows my control for the moment and drops his hand again by his side.

I  finish licking my hand and move to kiss the tip of his cock, sucking his crown clean and savouring the taste of him. I mirror the actions I carried out  for JD, sucking, nibbling  and licking his length.  Enjoying and exploring his fine penis & balls.
I work my way up his length and then start a slow, deep throat,  head fuck.  I touch myself,  gathering  a  generous amount of my own  natural juices on my fingers.  Then I move up to his little anal star and rim him. I begin a slow steady penetration.  I test his tightness , with each little push.  I feel him stiffen and alter his stance a little to allow my access.  I push in deeper until my finger is fully accepted and then hold still, letting him get used to my entry.  And then I finger fuck  and head fuck him.  At the same time maintaining JD’s  steady wank as he watches the actions on Bear.

I move my hand from JD a moment and take hold of Bear’s hand moving it to his own penis as I move my head away. I encourage him to stroke  himself ,  as I continue to finger fuck him.

I turn my attentions to JD,  wet my fingers with my natural juices and do the same to him – a deep throat  head fuck and a slow anal finger entry before finger fucking him complete.

Both men seem to enjoy my prostrate massaging, twisting my finger deep in their tight anal passages, stimulating that special gland.
Feeling the men impaled on my fingers, kissing and licking their cocks so intimately, smelling and tasting their raw sex appeal  causes a deep carnal, excited response of my own.
A cloud of heightened sexual arousal surrounds the three of us , as our bodies recognise and read the pheromones each of us is silently sending out.

After a while, I encourage JD to wank himself too.  My hands are busy fingering their asses and I watch them stroke themselves in the same rhythmic sync.  Every now and then, I suck their cocks, alternately,  to help stimulate and excite them  even more.  It is a truly beautiful sight.

I feel JD stiffen first and a groan escape his lips as he nears orgasm.  I direct my body so his cock is towards my  left breast and  left  side of my tummy and soon his cum spurts over me. Thick white JD cream sprays and covers my skin.   

Bear is not far  behind and I feel him stiffen too in readiness to explode .  I direct him in the same way , to the same area on my body but on  the right side.  Thick white Bear cream spurts his mark there , spraying the chosen area beautifully.

A satisfied female smile breaks out on my face.  I finger fuck them both a little more riding their orgasms and aftershocks till I am happy they are both done. Then I withdraw my hands and fingers & rub the creamy cum into my body, as the men watch with interest.

JD  recovers first, his legs a little shaky and he puts himself away and strokes my hair . I stand to cup JD’s face, kissing him on the cheek.
He rubs his knuckles on my cheek,  eyes  gleaming, the twinkle still there , “ Thank you and Merry Christmas to you too“ 
“ Merry Christmas JD “  I answer .  He kisses my cheek  & then winking,  he asks my leave  to  return  to his seat  at the trestle table. I nod and smiling and waving to the cheering audience, he leaves in that direction.

 I turn to Bear as he fixes  his trousers and padding.  He looks the perfect Santa again.  He grins and murmurs  “ Nice Christmas present, thank you.....   Maybe I have something in my sack especially for you  too.. “ 
I grin back,   “ I thought I just emptied your sack “
His eyes have a naughty gleam in them ,  “ It’s magical and never empty for long” 

He takes my hand and kisses it with a flourish much to the delight of the audience. He too asks my leave, and when I nod assent, he then  returns to his seat at the trestle table too.

I courtesy to the crowd with an invisible skirt , and wave to them before retrieving a robe and go back stage to get dressed ,  probably use the Rampant Rabbit in my office for a little light relief   ;D   &  then  rejoin  the party.....

(OT  Sexilious, congrats on finishing college  and with your move, come back to us soon . Merry Christmas to you & yours x. )

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on December 18, 2012, 10:15:31 PM
OT) Good luck on that move Sexi and hope to see you back soon
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on December 18, 2012, 10:54:14 PM
OOT.. Gratz on finishing college and that first step of independence.  hope you gat back to join us soon!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on December 19, 2012, 06:36:52 AM

Standing next to Jayc on the side of the stage my eyes dart from dancer to dancer, mesmerized by their sensuous movements and teasing ways.  Their breasts are bare and move with each step of their dance.  The music grinds into the atmosphere with a sultry rhythm that is both erotic and intoxicating.

Lost in the moment as I stare out, transfixed by the beauties writhing, glistening, in the hot lights on the stage as small beads of perspiration beginning to form on their skin.  They seem to shimmer with each motion.  I can feel myself becoming aroused and even a small pang of envy, as I watch them lavish their attention onto Tight.

I lean over slightly to Jayc and whisper to him.  "Listen... if I pass out, just let me fall... don't try to catch me."

He chuckles a bit and asks in a hushed tone, "Getting a case of the vapors?"

"Yeah", I whisper, "a little light headed... all the blood is rushing to the other head.  Boinnnnngg"

"Yeah man."  Jayc whispers back, "I know what you mean."

We return our concentrations to the voluptuous vixens dancing before us, just as Stone blows a kiss to Jayc and me.  I swear I can feel that kiss land on my cheek and move my hand up to check.

The ladies of the exotic dance troupe are all in a line as they toss their hats out into the audience, then they start strutting around the stage.  Then each of the dancers moves to the sides of the stage and starts taking the hands of the men.  I feel a lump in my throat and swallow hard as I see Stone heading towards Jayc.  I know I'm going to be within inches of her naked form, and I say a little prayer so as not to do something stupid.

Stone reaches out and takes Jayc's arm and to my surprise, she grabs a hold of my arm too!  "My God, she smells so good."  I think, not sure what to do.  Then she tugs at us, smiling a wicked smile.  I look at Jayc seeking some sign of approval then I look back at Stone.  Her eyes meet mine, I can feel my mind starting to fog over, then as if in a trance, I can feel myself moving as Stone pulls me and Jayc to the center of the stage.

Thoughts race through my mind.  “I’ve never seen Stone look like this… she’s always so calm and composed.  So innocent looking...”  My gaze moves to her mouth and that wicked grin.  “Jayc is such a lucky man…  It’s okay.”  My thoughts continue, “This is just some part of the dance.  They're probably going to just dance around us.  Just keep your hands to yourself and everything will be fine."

Stone dances around Jayc and her hands move across Jayc's chest, then around to his back as she circles him.  This is so stimulating, so surreal… I can feel myself flushing with excitement as Stone dances around me, wisps of her provocative scent drift into my nostrils and then to my surprise her hands touch my back! 

"Oh my God.... she’s touching me!"  I think, trying not to scream the words out.

Her hands move across my chest, then she positions Jayc and I side by side and continues to circle us with that sultry dance.  I nearly jump out of my skin when she touches my butt.  Stone moves in front of Jayc… I look at Jayc again, he's concentrating completely on Stone.

I straighten my head and watch out of the corner of my eye as Stone kisses Jayc, her hands move down to his crotch.  I'm trying not to look... trying to let the two lovers share this moment.

Then she moves in front of me!  I can hear my pulse beating in my ears as her hand place themselves on my chest.  Stone leans in and ever so softly places her lips on mine.  "Oh my God, I'm kissing Stone!"  I think as she presses her lips firmer on mine.  She keeps her lips pressed to mine and I'm fighting the urge to take her into my arms... fighting the urge to push my tongue forward.

My eyes suddenly pop open as her hands move down and she fondles my crotch!  I can feel my buttocks tense as she grabs hold of me.  My knees buckle a little.

She breaks the kiss and suddenly her hand is on my zipper and in one swift, agile movement she lowers it completely.  Now her hand goes in and takes hold of my hardened member.  The only thing separating her soft, hot, beautiful little hand from my cock is a very thin layer of silk!

I try not to look... I can't look... I don't know if I can control myself.  Her touch is that exciting… that stimulating. 

Stone licks her lips and says in a husky voice, "Well... big boys... do you want my lips to kiss you there?"  She squeezes my cock, and it’s as hard as a blue steel diamond cutter.

I can feel myself nodding my head rapidly and grinning like Dopey.  "I might only last 10 seconds," I think.  "But I'm going to enjoy this.  Jayc is such a lucky guy…"  Stone sinks to her knees.

I look at Jayc for a sign of approval and finally, he nods and grins at me.  "Stupid cummerbund."  I say quietly while pulling it up to get it out of the way, then fumbling to get my pants open to give Stone easier access.  My trousers slip to the floor, around my ankles and I'm standing in my tux and red silk boxers that are printed with silver Christmas bells.  "Mr. Happy" and his ball pals are poking out of the fly.

I close my eyes as Stone's lips kisses the tip of my cock, her tongue pokes into the slit.  "Banana slugs... I read that somewhere."  I think as her hand takes hold of my balls.

Stone is fondling and stroking me.  She rubs each of our cocks around a nipple.  The touch of her flesh is electrifying.  Then Stone begins a slow stoking of me.  I dare not open my eyes for fear that the visual will cause me to cum.

I can feel the warmth of her mouth as her lips close around the head of my erection.  Stone's tongue playfully dances around it, flicking, probing the slit, fucking it with her tongue.

"Baseball has always worked… How many games did the World Series go?"  I think, trying to not think of what Stone is doing to me.  "Four."  I answer myself.  Her mouth moves off me and I can hear Jayc moan as Stone begins her magic on him.

I can hear muffled music and cries of approval from the audience, but it seems so distant.  My cock in Stone's stroking hand is giving me such pleasure that my senses can only concentrate on her.

Trying unsuccessfully to contain it, I let out a soft moan as once again I feel Stone's lips on me.  "Oh my God…"  I think, my balls tensing, “Mr. Happy” is throbbing.  "Quick… more baseball."

"Who played in the series?"  I hear the voice inside my head ask.  "Tigers... San Fran."  I almost lose it as I feel Stone nuzzling my balls.  The sensation of her hair on my cock is almost too much to take.  "Don't look... don't look... don't look."

Stone is switching back and forth between Jayc and me.  I'm so close to orgasm I can't stand it.  I wonder briefly how Jayc manages to maintain such control.

Suddenly her hand is in my face.  "My God, it's wet!"  My thoughts race through my head about where those fingers have been.  "It smells like her."  She’s rubbing her fingers on my face.  I can’t help it and lick her fingers and taste her sweet, earthy taste.  I want to eat her fingers up to her elbow.

I almost orgasm.  Thankfully she moves over to Jayc, or I would have cum.  I hear Jayc moan again, a little louder this time.  I can't help myself and open my eyes.

Looking down at Stone she is stroking both of us, holding our cocks near her breasts.  "She wants to get glazed."  I think.  "She wants those awesome tits glazed like a donut." 

Stone starts speaking to us, describing the dance, how she felt while doing it, the moves, the stripping.  Her accent is driving me crazy.  I want to cum… I want to cum for her, because of her.

I can feel it building from my toes... moving up my legs... my balls tighten... Stone's cock stroking increases speed... My thoughts race "Oh God, I'm going to cum!  Here it comes.  Oh my God… she is so good."

It happens.  I let out with a loud grunt and a long stream of sperm shoots out, splattering on Stone's face and chin, a trail of it along her breast.  My eyes close again.  I can hear Jayc as he begins to orgasm and shoot his cum onto Stone.  My head tilts back, sparks of light shoot behind my closed eyes.

Her hand is still stroking.  Another spurt from me... another grunt, followed by another in quick succession.  Four, five spurts... another and another I am moaning loudly with each one.  I can feel my legs going numb as my orgasm begins to subside.  Throbbing… pulsing… twitching…

Opening my eyes and looking down at Stone, she's coated with our cum.  She grabs our hands and pushes them into the glaze.  Jayc and I comply and smear our climax on her breasts, her neck.  We reach up and wipe the sperm from her face and smear that onto her breasts.

Stone stands and puts our cocks away and I pull up my pants, doing them up.  "Stupid cummerbund."  I say quietly, pulling it into place.

With my legs feeling like they are made of rubber, Jayc and I escort Stone to the back of the stage and help her into a robe.  I kiss her on the cheek.  "Stone, that was awesome.  You are awesome."  Turning to Jayc I say.  “Jayc, you are a very lucky man.  Appreciate her, for she is like no other.”

“I do, Covems,” Jayc replies, “I do.”  We give each other a fist bump and return to the our places at the table.

While at the table, I take a big swig of sarsparilla.  “WOW!”  I yell.  Then I head off to the washroom to get cleaned up.


OOT: Congratulations Sexilicious… please hurry back to us. 

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ssgt on December 19, 2012, 02:44:17 PM
Just as the party is getting into swing my date informs me she is not feeling well and ask if we can slip out.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on December 20, 2012, 12:16:06 PM
As the dinner comes to an end, I drink my coffee and engage in friendly chat with the guys on my side of the table. I notice the ladies have all gone back stage and smile to myself. Not privy to everything they have planned out, I do know they have something special in mind for the man of the hour.

The Country boys begin to play and that’s our cue. The men rise and take a surprised Tight and his throne to the stage then flank the guest of honor like a security team. Then here they come….the women dressed as Achat Airlines flight attendants file out and  begin a synchronized  strip. With tunics, blouses and skirts removed they form a sexy dance circle around Tight. My Stone is the 1st to break out of the circle and approach Tight.

Unable to hear what she is saying to Tight it becomes evident when he helps her remove her bra and the other ladies follow suit and remove theirs, the lucky guy is going to get the ultimate lap dance.

One after another the ladies  dance for Tight each removing and article of clothing of his choice. By the time  All_For_You removes her tiny G-string the ladies has every man in attendance, their  undivided attention. From the sighs coming from Covems and Lover im not the only one enjoying the show.

What happens next is a pleasant surprise as the women seem to be selecting men for the grand finale. Stone saunters up to me and takes my and a very surprised Covems hand and leads us to our spot on the stage. The song these ladies have chosen makes sense as I look over Stone’s lovely  naked body save for her cute “pillbox” hat.

After planting a hot and steamy kiss on both of us Stone kneels before us and  undoes our pants. I give a startled Covems a quick wink assuring him all is well as Stone orally pleasures us both. With skill and expertise she works her magic on both of us. A quick glance around tells me were not the only ones enjoying the experience and I can hear faint sighs and moans over the music as the ladies work us all to climax.

So turned on by the dancing and now this, I don’t even try to hold back, and when she starts rubbing our throbbing cocks against her soft, ample breasts. It all too much. I need to cum……..I want to cum………my legs stiffen as my climax builds……then release as I dump a nice load of hot cum on her breasts and neck, Covems doing the same. Stone squeezes every drop of our essence and works the semen into her skin.

Helping her to her feet Covems gives Stone a kiss and as we help her into her robe turns to me and says “you’re a lucky guy Jayc” smiling I nod and respond “yes I am Covems, yes I am  and Merry Christmas” I shake his hand warmly and pull Stone close and give her a long dreamy kiss.   
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on December 21, 2012, 09:27:27 AM
(on for a quick bit to update everyone in one spot that i have the most contact with on here :) my family and i got me moved yesterday completely. Just back here to clean and check online. Hope to get wifi at my new place soon so can actually read everything and see what i missed out on lol. Love ya all bunches and can't wait till i can hop in on more fun. p.s. Bear I still want a present from Santa's bag before you run out of them and maybe even sit on Santa's lap ;) )
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: hentaiboy69 on December 21, 2012, 03:31:05 PM
All my body is fully exposed to the crowd and even if it had happen before, this time everyone can stare at me on the stage with the other dancers! The hat that i had use to cover my intimacy, is now in the hands of someone i had never seen before and with the G-string in my hand i walk towards my sweet Master.

While i approach him, i can sense his eyes exploring every inch of my body, greedily, and it's getting more intense at every step i take to get close to him: i can see the fire of the beast in his eyes, but i have my plan.....

I fondle slowly his cheek with my hand, looking deeply in his eyes and lead him in the center of the stage with the other guys. Naturally, Tight is in the center and i see how well All_for_you is taking car of him! I'll turn to my Master and grin at him showing my G-string.

"You know what this is......don't you!?"

"Of course i know..." he answer me perplexed.

A devil smirk run on my face while i make it slide under his nose...he sniffs it when suddenly i push it against his mouth and tie it around his head using the strings.

"You are not allowed to express you pleasure with words tonight.....this is my rule!"

And telling him this, i start to unbutton his after another, they open under my fingers and reveal his toned chest. I gently kiss it while my hands deal with the his pants's zip, opening it and offering me an open way to slide inside his pants with my hand. I can feel his's hard but it's trapped in Master's underwear but i'm sure i can free it really easily! Stroking it, i kneel down ready to take care of Master's hard rod with all my will and my skill.....i unbutton his pants, to be sure i can have handle it well: underwear barely cover his rod, it's a marvelous view for my eyes! I can't resist and i lick it from over his underwear, making Tango's body tremble at my tongue's touch....i pull down his underwear, revealing finally his rod.

It's hard and big, a delightful piece meat i'd love to eat slowly, inch after inch, beginning from the's red and pulsing, a clear sign of the lust who is running in Master's veins. I kiss and lick the tip, playing gently with his balls at the same time....slowly my tongue slip down all is lenght and, two...lot of time, increasing my tongue's  speed till some precum spilling out. I can easily hear Master’s moans getting loud and his rod pulsing faster as i wrap the tip with my lips: i stop for few second just to enjoy his broken voice and take a deep breath before pushing half of that hard rod in my mouth.

“Mmmnnnghhh!” is the only word Tango is able to say cause of the G-string.

More precum is spilling out his rod while i start to move it in and out my mouth, pushing it a little deeper at any movement: i close my eyes to concentrate my sense into the feeling his pulsing rod is giving me and to sense more easily the lust running into Tango's body. I feel it's rod hitting my throat, is swollen and ready to explode at any instant and i know i will have his precious and lovely gift really soon!

I slow down the rythm to retard that moment and enjoy more the groans of my Master, now turned into my prey......but i know this is just the enchantment of this night and then all will come back on his natural rule: Tango will turn again into the Beast and i'll be his pet! I leave it popping out my mouth and gently i stroke that marvelous rod and lick his balls......i feel it, Tango is at his limit and he well release his white precious seed and i want it so greedily!

My tongue slide up his rod till it reach the tip, just in time to feel his seed spurting on my face: it's warm, sticky and it's all over my face now! Some slide over my lips and slowly i lick it, tasting it with pleasure while i stand up in front of Tango. His breath is hard and i can see a different light in his eyes.....he's satisfied but i'm sure soon he will be ready for more!

I free his mouth from the G-string while he gently hands me his hanky to clean my face. I whisper in his ear few words and a new fire blazes in his eyes.....he gain back his breath and holding my waist with his arm, he lead me in the backstage, when i put back my clothes......well, part of them!


OOT: Sorry to had make you wait!
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Pafe on December 21, 2012, 04:11:01 PM
   “I’m going up there.”  Satoire says to me and makes a move towards the stage.  The dancers are nearing the end of their routine, dancing about with their pillbox hats covering the private parts of their bodies.

   “Oh no you’re not.”  I say and grab a hold of Satoire’s arm, pulling her back.  “I know dancing is in your blood and you can’t resist the heat of the stage lights, but this is not your show.”

   I can sense her relaxing in my grip and I let go.  Satoire makes another attempt to go up there, and again I pull her back….

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Satoire on December 21, 2012, 04:12:56 PM
I try to move to the stage again.  Pafe’s hands on my arms, holding me back.  I decide to wait until the climax now that I can see there’s more to come besides a strip tease and a lap dance.

I watch as they finish with their men.  Some of the men I have been with… some of the men I have not.  A hot dance with a hotter finish.

“Let’s go see Tight.”  I say and Pafe and I go up the stage steps and onto the stage.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on December 21, 2012, 05:36:23 PM


Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to:  Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Doc, Happy, Bashful, and Dopey.

December 21, 1937 they made their first appearance on the silver screen with Disney's relase of Snow White.

Happy Birthday lads.  Have a sarsparilla on me.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on December 21, 2012, 05:43:21 PM
Setting on My Kings lap watching all the men get there blow jobs off all the girls

I feel My kings cock twitch and pulse inside me whispering in My Kings ear " My King are you ready for same more"

"All ways my princess" he reply's

I left myself off My Kings set hardness and stand in front of My king. I turn around and bend over sliding my hand between my legs and part my lips with my fingers.


Moving back over My Kings hard shaft I lower myself down and tease the tip of My Kings cock with my pussy lips.


I slide myself back down on to My Kings cock only taking it about half way in I bounce on it fast but only take My King half way inside me each time.


Feeling My King Twitch inside me I slam down onto My Kings hard rod and start to ride him hard.


I lay back on to My Kings chest and grind down harder My King grabs my legs and pull them up to my chest
I Put my hand down on to my clit and My King starts to fuck my hard.


My King Fucks me so hard and fast with me laying on his chest feeling the power of My Kings cock deep inside myself. I feel My King's cock start to twitch more and more. I slide off My Kings cock and take him deep in my mouth just in time to swallow My Kings hot seed.




Licking my lips and cleaning every drop of My Kings seed I lick his cock clean then sit back on My Kings lap

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Pafe on December 22, 2012, 07:07:22 AM

   Satoire and I make our way to where Tight is sitting.  “Gee Tight.”  I say to him, “We’re all going to miss your presence here so much.  Just look at all of this, look how much these people love you.”

   I pirouette in place and continue.  “I’m wearing one of your creations, the Black “Ice” dress…

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Satoire on December 22, 2012, 07:08:42 AM

Nudging Pafe out of the way, I get in front of Tight and also pirouette, “I have on the white one.  Look how well it hugs all my curves.”

Pafe jostles against me but I push her back.  “Hold it Pafie.”  I say to her.  “You’ll get your turn, just hold your horses.”

She tries to give me another shove, but I deflect her hands…

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on December 22, 2012, 06:38:29 PM
Watching my sweet pet walking towards me swaying her sexy body I study every curve
She takes my arm and leads me to the center of the stage. with her G string swinging on her fingers she walks round me rubbing it under my nose
I take  nice sniff of her sexy smell. As I sniff them she ties them over my mouth.

"You are not allowed to express you pleasure with words tonight.....this is my rule!"

She starts to undo my shirt and then my pants and then takes my hard rod in her hand then into her sweet soft mouth.
The feeling building deep inside grows and grows my sweet pet has tamed the Beast with in this night. As she moves and sucks on my balls the feeling is to much and I explode all over her face.

My sweet sexy pet frees my mouth and I hand her my hankie to clean her face.

Putting my arm around her waist I lead her to the back stage area to get dressed.

I wait a few minute and she come back to me in just her sexy underwear and little coat top. With my arm around her I kiss her passionatly and lead her back to the Bar.

Seeing my chance I slide up onto the stage With Tight still sat on his throne in the center. take the Mic


This night is to say good bye to a good man and a great friend     ( I pause for a second)
Can I have Stone HB and sorry Brandy back up on stage please.

I hand them a mic each as the all come back onto the stage. With a kiss on there cheek  I whisper "Good luck" to them all.
I nod over to the Country Boys as I leave the stage they start to play

Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
Your heart is true you're a pal and a confidant
I'm not ashamed to say
I hope it always will stay this way
My hat is off, won't you stand up and take a bow
And at the Ice House Party,                                                                                     
You licked & sucked & kissed & fucked                                                                   
You must see, the biggest gift was for me                                                   
Was the Spit Roast gang bang                                                                                   
Thank you for being a friend....     
Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for being a friend                           
Thank you for being a friend
If it’s a nice surprise you lack                                                                                   
Come here with me in the sack                                                                       
Whatever you need, anytime of day or night
I'm not ashamed to say
I hope it always will stay this way                         
My hat is off, won't you stand up and take a bow
And when we both got bolder                                                                               
With fucking chair and “Shades of Grey”  :P                                                               
The groans & moans of orgasmic spray,  :o                                                   
Will remind me of you.....                                                                                     
Thank you for being my friend   :D
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend


(I want to thank you)
Bear Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Jayc Let me tell you about a friend                     
(I want to thank you)
Covems Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Old Joe Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Jane Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Pafe Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Satoire Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
islandsum Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Sexi Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Mrsexlover dankje dat je mijn vriend bent
(I want to thank you)
Lover Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
JD Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
DutchSlut19 dankje dat je mijn vriend bent
(I want to thank you)
 Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
 Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
 Thank you for being a friend

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on December 22, 2012, 10:58:21 PM
As the party goes into full swing i head to the office and get a large bag of gifts for the regulars and staff 's stockings. Let see what we have here i muse. Lots of books i see

Brandy  a romance novel  "The bare chested blacksmith" by Wilma Fingadue

Bear    "The ultimate guide to knot tying"  by C.U. Bound

Lover   "Better oral sex" a study by Connie Lingus, introduction by Heywood Jablome

Covems  "Understanding Eva  Robots and the men who love them" by Rob Otix and Jean Eeuss

HB  "Better bull riding techniques"  by Hertz Balzac

JD  "The Mecho Bullmaster 6500 SE repair and maintence manuel" by X.S. Skrews

Old Joe  "A Bartenders Dream"  by Allotta Cleevage

And last but not least i smile, for Tango and Janes stocking  a little police outfit for young Frank and a baby teeshirt and wool cap with the bar logo
My task complete i head back out to  the party in time to see the ladies on stage singing a  great send off song for Tight..... the Bar roars when we all sing the chorus. Beaming as i look around, great party, great poeple
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on December 23, 2012, 01:47:24 PM
We sing our song - Thank you for being a freind - to Tight and there are giggles at some of the clever word changes ...  He listens and chuckles at the memories and jokes in the songs..   he is also aware of the swatting of hands Pafe and Satoire seem to be displaying around him, as they bicker..

Covems wishes the dwarfs a " Happy Birthday"  and we all sing to them and raise our glasses... they do cheer up our bar and they work ever so hard ..  HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADS  ...

I approach the mic too ...   " Ladies & Gentlemen ...  A little birdy told me that another milestone has been reached, which is quite a feat in our Achat & Forum land,   please raise your glasses ...

To  Jayc & Stone,  Congratulations on your 1 year Anniversary - 12 months together,  is a wonderful milestone  ....   Drinks are on the house "

In the corner of my eye, I see Pafe & Satoire still bickering away... oblivious to the free drinks call ...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mercer78 on December 23, 2012, 06:22:17 PM
I arrive just in time to join in the toast and then decide to make one of my own:  Merry Christmas to all my new friends and thank you for welcoming me in to your world.  I then take a seat with glass of scotch and decide to just enjoy the atmosphere for a while.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Pafe on December 24, 2012, 07:25:38 AM

   While Satoire is deflecting my hands, I step in and give her a bump with my hip that causes her to move out of the way.

   “You wait for a change, blondie.”  I say.  I can see that look in her eye.  “I going to give Tight a kiss.”

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Satoire on December 24, 2012, 07:26:29 AM

I give Pafe a shove on her shoulder.  “Okay… but I’m going to kiss him first.”

“No you’re not.”  Pafe says to me and gives me a push on my shoulder, causing me to take a step back.

“Grrrrrrrr”… I give Pafe a harder push on both her shoulders, which makes her have to take a couple of steps backward.  I move to get to Tight to kiss him.  I can feel someone grab me by my arms and pull.  It’s Pafe…

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Bear on December 24, 2012, 11:59:42 AM
The dancers peel from their performance for Tight to other men at the table and I rise intent on taking my place at Santa’s throne pausing as I eye the ladies reach for partners.  A sly grin takes me and I can’t help but notice Brandy, her toned legs accented in those heels, naked  yet stunning as she parades towards JD and leads him away hand in hand, well from the smirk on his face… it might as well be hand on cock..

Ah there is more to this night I think, eying others leading men forward.

My eyes linger on Brandy’s luscious stunning form, and she catches my gaze, her eyes sparkling of sultry sexuality that courses through her veins. I find myself … captivated …in the moment as our eyes meet and she reads my admiration,… and the devious desires that tickle in the moment in my soul. That she steps forward, tugs me towards the line up front momentarily catches me off guard. The sensual movement against us, working between JD and I groping and brushing against us fuels the anticipation.

That she sets ground rules then begins to tease those cocks alive with her prowess of  excitement. The feel of her touch,.. her mouth,.. builds my lust quickly, and I want to reach out take my pleasure. Her disapproving glance stops me in my tracks.. Her rules here…. I reluctantly draw my hand back… fighting that wanton lust to just grab her hair and fuck her face.

Licking my lips…I settle back to take enjoyment in her attention. Letting her lead me higher with her expert technique. Yet that probing finger disrupts matters, far too early for my tastes it a polishing move for me, not one that typically leads me higher. I move uneasily there, feeling she wants us to perform like marionettes in the moment on her fingers.  I will give her this,.. but in my own way.

I let my mind wander back to that hot summer night when she nearly broke me. My memory drifting back to those images, her licking and sucking, slobbering in over my manhood with full appreciation , and unfettered inhibitions which her inebriated state had allowed her. I could sense that she really enjoyed the moment of my predicament captivated by  that throbbing mass which she nearly had teased to climax. My blood boils hotter with the images as I stroke myself faster, and find the pleasure of her tongue and mouth teasing on my head.

Oh yes,… as I hear her moan, …she my mind drifts along, remembering her bound against me on the night of the male strip. Her supple body pressed to mine, whimpering,… trembling as I teased her with the egg,… the feel of her fingers brushing against the mass of  manhood as her excitement climb. Yes,… her public orgasm had been my wicked plan,… but the feeling of her dancing in a sensuous climb towards it had not been totally  without temptation. Part of me wanted to do more… to twist her about….kick her legs apart as I bend her over the bar table… to take her there openly … let her find realization of those sweet teasing words… to slide my slab into her steamy sex and feel her,…oh yes… the fantasy dances in my mind… leading me closer as I play on myself. To feel her body writhe as she feels the ecstasy in the moment… surrendering to the words of my promises. My excitement builds fast.

I hear a moan. Peep as I eye JD release his treasure to Brandys smiling appreciation. Once done draining him her lusty eyes drift to mine with expectation. I meet them.. Holding that momentary gaze which seems an eternity… wanting to read  that moment of ecstasy in her eyes… but there is none… so I hold to let her read my moment… letting the teasing play in my bottom race me to that peak and release.

Brandy smiles at triumph in the spread of our seed. on her body, marking her claim in the moment proudly. Recovering from fall from my peak, I rearrange myself as she  bids farewell to her partner JD. Meeting her turn to me with the fantasy still burning in my mind. She looks fabulous … a  glow in her moment ,.. and I can’t help but tease a bit more…but old Joe is right,… I feel I am so not her type.

With a flourish of respect I kiss her hand and move off, pausing at the table to pat JD, and wish him merry Christmas. He glances up to me…

“Did she…”

I nod.. Cutting him off to complete my own thought “Yeah, she made us her bitches up there. “ Thinking the retribution of her own embarrassment  of the egg episode completed.

He mutters to himself, “I am not certain what to think now.”

I chuckle.. “Well I wasn’t thinking banana slugs that’s for certain.” and I leave him confused, pondering my meaning as I head back to the throne to check on the dwarves.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on December 25, 2012, 06:45:42 AM
I  serve the guests as the wonderful entertainment  continues, ensuring Tightfit & Jayc get that little bit extra on their plates and in their glasses.

I feel a little exhilarated after my performances on the stage, and have a warm fuzzy Christmas feeling. Tight seems to be enjoying all the attention from his friends and appears very touched by all their efforts to show him how much he will be missed.

As I pour some wine in ssgt’s, jeanona’s and mercer78’s glasses, my mobile buzzes to let me know of an incoming text. I check the screen.
“ They have arrived, we are out back now with the delivery” 

I feel a thrill of excitement,  and finish the task in hand and then sneak out back. I won’t be missed for 20 minutes or so.

I see the van and go greet  Mark, the Market Man, wearing his Christmas Santa hat with tinsel wrapped round.

“ You got them ok then,”  I say in greeting, really excited.  He smiles back , “ Of course, it’s a big and order & we wrapped them and labelled them just as you ordered “

“ Oh thank you so much, I know they will just love them ... I can’t wait to see their faces..  I know they will love them as much as Jayc & I do... “

Mark  shouts some orders to some of his guys in the back of the van  and they begin to unload the carefully wrapped christmas boxes  and begin to trapse into the bar,  laying  the boxes in front of the lucky recipients at the tables. The guests and regular  punters look surprised but happy at their unexpected gift.

Everyone has one, everyone is remembered......

They begin to open the boxes...

For the guys   a beautiful handknitted blue sweater,  with a bold Santa, Reindeer, Snowman and snowflakes on the front

For the girls ...  a similar handknitted  jumper in red with Mother Santa, Elves & Christmas Tree with snowflakes..

For the dwarfs ... a green one , with  Santa , and sleigh pulled by Rudolph the Red nosed reindeer and his friends...

And for my jayc,  Bear, Covems & Old Joe  , because I know they particularly adored them ...  A rainbow of Christmas  colours -  red, green, white,  a holly leaves wreath with red berries and inside that is... Santa and the elves standing by the sleigh & Christmas tree with silver glitter thread in the wool....

I see the joy and surprise on all their faces...   I know they will Enjoy their beautiful, bold Christmas sweaters .. &  wear them with pride this Christmas ...


Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on December 25, 2012, 08:43:02 PM
I  return to  my place at the trestle table, feeling a little restless after servicing the men on stage, my retribution  back firing a little.

The gleam in both JD’s and Bear’s eyes & their male scent  had ignited a fire within, I was finding hard to tamper down & quell.  The image of their excited cocks still prevalent in my mind.

I sit at my seat and can see  Santa Bear in the corner of my eye, sitting on his throne. Every now and then, a lady would venture over, sit on his lap and whisper in his ear.  They would giggle and squirm a little at his whispered words back before he would gift them from his bulging sack...

My thoughts are interrupted by a gift being placed in front of me, by  one of the strange men in Santa Hats and decorated in tinsel, who had suddenly entered the room.  They place a similar gift in front of each and every person, before disappearing again.

Excited chatter fills the room as the guests begin to pull at the bows on the gifts as they unwrap  the boxes. All that is, except Pafe,  Satoire  & Tight.  The ladies seem to be in some kind of heated discussion much to the bemused Tight . Their boxes remain at the seats.

The presents  are soon opened and  the guests are holding up fabulous Christmas jumpers,  some  hold them against each other, admiring the colourful  & detailed workmanship.  What a wonderful, thoughtful gift  !

I adore mine and will no doubt  wear it with pride over the festive season. I fold it carefully and place it over the back of my chair delighted.

I decide it’s time, now,  to visit Santa ,  he seems to have a lull in interest , as the ladies attention are with the  gifted sweaters at the moment.  I see Dopey & call him over  to me,  & whisper in his ear. He nods at me and scuttles off.

Bear  is holding up a beautiful glitter threaded Christmas themed  jumper,  admiring it with a pleased smile on his face.  Even the dwarfs have been remembered and his little elves are trying theirs on.

I approach him and smile as our eyes lock. The interest is still lurking there and I feel his gaze sweep my  slender form, the fullness of my breasts and the curve of my hips before returning to my eyes.  The smouldering heat in their depths causes my breath to catch and I am reminded of him earlier, growling as he seeded and scented by body.  Is he picturing my naked body as I am picturing his?

The fire I thought quelled  flickers into life,  the embers  just side tracked a little by the surprise gift of the night.  Now , it was there  again reminding me that this man was exciting and potently attractive.

I stand in front of him,  and  he pats his knee for me to sit..  “ Hello Santa,  I have been a good girl , a very good girl this year “ I say softly  to him, smirking and sit on his lap, grinding purposely on him in pretense to get comfortable.

“ I know.... Santa knows everything  and what would you like for Christmas this year ? “  He murmurs  in my ear as his finger slowly strokes the length of my spine.  I arch back a little responding to his flirtatious touch and loaded words.

I flush slightly.  He knows,....  he knows , I  have desires  in this moment coursing through my veins, desires that I am having difficulty in controlling and he is enjoying my unfulfilled discomfort  and teasing it more.
That finger touches each vertebrae and I try to concentrate...  “  I hope that Santa feels I’m a good girl to empty his sack of all his goodies and that he feasts on my  good homemade wine .. “  I murmur  back, quite distracted.

Bear chuckles at my innuendo and reaches  to pass me my stocking. Inside is a gift from  Jayc &  Stone – a book, I had been wanting awhile now -  The Bare Chested Blacksmith...  The picture on the front makes me smile, the naked torso quite stunning.
“ The stuff dreams are made of “  I hold up the book by Bear’s chest and he is unsure if my comment is directed at him or the unknown male model on the front cover...

He smiles again and reaches into his sack ,  “ From me to you”  he says softly, giving me his  wrapped gift, 

“ Why thank you Santa “  and then on cue,  Dopey appears with a gift  in a metallic coloured holly green gift box, with red holly berries on, tied with a silver ribbon and curly bow.
“ A little something for you too...”  Smiling, I kiss him full on the lips,  then , I rise from his lap and with Dopey in tow, I go &  place an envelope in each Christmas stocking  containing a Christmas bonus for all the staff with a bottle of their  favourite liquor. 

I feel Bear’s eyes on me and I look back at him , undressing him boldly with my eyes.  His eyes  flare a moment in silent answer.. 

Then, ,I turn to Old Joe and instruct him to gift all the guests with a bottle of Champagne for their Christmas table...  I turn to look back at Bear  but his attention is on the next lady occupying his lap .... 

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on December 26, 2012, 05:37:32 AM

I finish cleaning up and head back to the table for some more sarsaparilla.  “What’s this?”  I ask no one, as I pick up a wrapped package.  There’s a tag with my name on it…  “Thank you, Stone.  Although I feel I’ve already gotten a wonderful present already.  Just being included in everything that is going on here is a gift in itself.”

I tear open the wrapping paper with the eagerness of a small child.  I open the box and pull out a sweater.  “It’s beautiful!”  I exclaim, holding it up.  It has wonderful Christmas colors with Santa and his sleigh, complete with elves and reindeer inside a wreath on it.  I check the tag… it’s going to fit!

I pull off my tux jacket and slip the sweater on.  “Thank you so much Stone!”  I say, holding the bottom of the sweater out proudly.  “I love these, and I love this one!”

Satoire and Pafe are starting to get loud in front of the Guest of Honor.  “Catfight!”  ;D  I say out loud as I spot the commotion then I go up to them.

“Ladies...”  I say, stepping closer to Pafe and Satoire.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Pafe on December 26, 2012, 07:23:51 AM

   “Oh no you don’t.”  I say to Satoire and pull her back by her arms.  Satoire spins around quickly and we get into a bear hug, pushing and shoving, each of us trying to get leverage on the other…

   We have all moved off the stage and are now at the table where TightFit is seated, trying to enjoy a meal.

   We’re really starting to go at it now, and the people gathered around us begin to move back and form a circle.  Our hands flailing at each other, as we try to get the better hold on the other one.

   Suddenly I can feel someone grab me around the waist, and I struggle against the hold.  I can see that it is Covems who has me… “Let go”…

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on December 26, 2012, 08:53:11 AM

I grab Pafe around the waist.  “Somebody grab Satoire.”  I say.  Lover grabs Satoire around her waist and holds her there.  She struggles to get free and almost succeeds, so Lover pulls her up slightly so her feet come off the floor and Satoire stops wriggling.

“Ladies…  This is supposed to be a time of celebration and a tribute to our dear friend Tightfit.”  I say.  “There’s no need to fight over which one of you goes first.”

“You’re right.”  Pafe says.  “Then I’ll go first.”  She tries to free herself from my hold, but does not succeed.

Satoire struggles again in Lover’s hold, also trying to get free, but also failing to do so.  She loses a shoe in the process.

“Pafe.  Satoire.”  I say.  “If you really want to decide which one of you should go first, I suggest you earn it.

“How do we do that?”  Pafe asks calming down, she eases her struggling and I relax my grip on her.  Satoire is also calming down a bit.

“By making use of the Pudding Pit.”  I answer.  A murmur of approval goes up from the crowd, and I can see faces breaking into smiles...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Satoire on December 26, 2012, 11:35:31 AM
I feel someone’s arms go around my middle and they pull me into a hard body.  Turning my head and looking up I can see its Lover who has a hold of me.

 “Hey sailor… new in town?”  I say while struggling to get free.  Then he lifts me from the floor, my feet dangling… one of my shoes drop off.

“You want us to wrestle to see who gets to go first?”  I say to Covems.  “In a pudding pit?”  Lover relaxes his hold on me and my feet are back on the floor.

“What’s the matter Satoire… chicken?”  Pafe pipes in.  That’s a button she knows can be pushed.

“I didn’t bring any wrestling clothes.”  I say to Pafe, while sliding my foot into my shoe.  “And neither did you.”
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Pafe on December 27, 2012, 05:58:29 AM

   I look around at everyone and see a lot of smiling faces and heads nodding in agreement.  “We could do it in bra and panties.”  I say to Satoire.  A wolf whistle comes from somewhere in the crowd.  “Or would that be too embarrassing for you?”

   “I’ll do it.”  I announce and a cheer erupts.  Looking around the crowd, I see so many familiar faces of my friends.  I hope they won’t think less of me for agreeing to this Pudding Pit Match.

   “What must we do?”  I ask.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Satoire on December 27, 2012, 06:30:40 AM
“Hell Pafie… I’d wrestle you in the parking lot… bare assed.”  I tell her.  I can see her trying not to smile, because she knows I would do it.

“I’m game for this.”  I tell Covems.

“Let’s do it.”  Pafe and I say at the same time and a cheer goes up from the gathered crowd.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on December 27, 2012, 01:06:17 PM

“You each should have seconds.”  I say to them.  “Someone to assist you between rounds of the match.  I suggest you each choose a dwarf.”

“Dopey.”  Pafe says quickly.

“Aw, Dopey’s busy being an elf.”  I say to her, looking over at Dopey.  He nods his head up and down quickly, his hat falling into his eyes.  “Happy is an elf for the night, too.  But the others are all free.”

Pafe chooses Grumpy and Satoire chooses Doc.  “There’s a dressing room off of the Wrestling Pit area.  You two can strip… er... get changed there.”  I say.  “It will take about 15 minutes to get the pit ready.  Sneezy, Bashful… I’ll need your help.”

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on December 27, 2012, 08:46:00 PM
(hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Home with family for the week so have internet but nothing with the fun stuff. hope to get internet soon for back at the apartment. miss everyone)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on December 28, 2012, 08:53:39 AM
I go to the mechanical room with the dwarves to get the pudding mixture ready, while Satoire and Pafe head off to the dressing rooms.

After about 20 minutes, Bashful comes trotting in and goes up on the stage and faces the audience.  He takes his hat off and adverts his eyes… his face goes red…  “Awwwww… gee.”  He says.   “I’m supposed to say… “

“I’m supposed to tell you… ah… gee… awww…”, finally Bashful just blurts it out.  “THE PIT IS READY!”  He puts his hat back on and runs off to the pit area.


OOT:  We miss you too Sexilicious, and I hope you had a Merry Christmas filled with the love of family and friends.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on December 28, 2012, 09:03:26 AM
This is just too much of a good opportunity to miss. Ripples of excitement shiver round the room along with excited chatter...   We all cheer little Bashful in his wonderful christmas jumper and make our way to the pudding pit, all jostling for a great position to see.  Of course Tight has the best seat in the house, after all , this his treat,  as much as ours ....   ;D
I grin at ssgt, jeanona and mercer78 as they walk near me towards the pit ..  " This should be real good, I hear they practiced their wrestling whilst on their Space mission" I comment to them.

I think,  as I walk,  I catch sight of Cheya but it was only a glimpse and I'm unsure in the crowded room..  hope so though, think she'd enjoy it here in the AB&G....

Soon I am swept out with the milling people,  waiting in anticipation and bated breath for the battle in the pit ....

( OTT   Join us soon Sexilious,  :)    And hope you had a fantasic Festive Season. Happy New Year to you and EVERYONE )
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on December 28, 2012, 09:38:17 AM
What a party this is, and now we going to see Pafe and Satoire in the pudding pit. Good thing i came over to join this party. Searching for a good spot from where i can see all the action  ;D
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Pafe on December 29, 2012, 05:25:49 AM

   I emerge from the dressing area wearing a short, red silk robe that was provided for me by Grumpy, I’m also wearing my lacy black bra and black thong panties.  My legs are bare and the floor is cold on my bare feet.  Grumpy is walking behind me carrying a small stool, a bucket of water and a towel. 

   We approach the pit and I survey the area.  It looks to be well padded, and there are bright halogen lights illuminating the area.  The heat of the lamps feels good in the coolness of the air and the entire place smells of vanilla.

   Climbing into the pit, I step into about 6 inches of vanilla pudding.  It’s not as cold as I expected, but it is very slippery to walk in.  I do some stretches and I see Satoire approaching the pit with Sleepy as her second.  I stick my tongue out at her.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Satoire on December 29, 2012, 06:50:34 AM
I also climb into the pit and step into the pudding.  Scooping up a finger full, I taste it. Mmmmm… surprisingly good.  I’m wearing a white silk robe Doc brought to me.  It’s very short… the hem coming just below my butt… underneath the robe I’m wearing a white shelf bra and matching thong panties.  The bra barely covers my nipples.

Doc puts the stool into the corner opposite Pafe, and I begin to do some stretching, utilizing the stool to limber up.

Pafe and I both watch as Covems climbs into the pit and walks carefully to the center of it.  He has taken off his trousers, socks and shoes.  Covems begins his announcement…
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on December 29, 2012, 10:15:35 AM
Having already removed my beautiful new sweater, trousers, socks and shoes, I climb into the pit.  Dressed in my Christmas boxers, shirt and tie, I wade through the pudding to the center of the pit.

Sneezy rings the bell quickly 5 times... DING, DING, DING, DING, DING!!

I shout above the din of the crowd.....

"LADIES AND PERVERTS.... wait... no... that’s not right..."

"LUSTIES AND GENTLE.... wait... that's not it either."


The bell rings quickly... DING, DING, DING!  “ACHOOOO!”

"IN THIS CORNER" (I point to my left)...

"AT 5 FOOT NOTHING TALL, that's 152 cm for all you metric types."

"AND WEIGHING IN AT 115 POUNDS, that's 52 kg." 



Pafe clasps her hands together over her head, shaking them and a great cheer goes up from the crowd accompanied by wolf whistles... The bell rings quickly again... DING, DING, DING, DING!

"AND IN THIS CORNER" (I point to my right)...

"WEIGHING IN AT 118 POUNDS.  That's 53 kg."



"SCRRRAPPER...        ...SATOIRE!!"

Satoire hands go high up over her head as she spins in place and another great cheer and more whistling comes from the crowd... The bell rings again 3 times... DING, DING, DING!

Motioning for them to come to the center of the pit... "Now ladies," I say, "let’s go over the rules.  We're going to have 3 timed rounds of 3 minutes each, with a 1 minute pause between rounds.  At the end of each round you will both return to your respective corners.  Your seconds may attend to you there."

"Each takedown gets scored as do all escapes.  A count of 3 seconds while your shoulders are held against the floor of the pit will be considered a "pin" and will end the match.  Scoring will be by rounds and scored by the Judges."  I point to Sleepy and Bashful.  “Tightfit will be the Final Judge to break any ties.  Are there any questions?  No?  Good.”

I continue.  "There will be no eye gouging, fingernail scratching or excessive hair pulling.  Biting is okay as long as you don’t draw blood, but licking is preferred.  There’s no choke holds, no locking your hands or feet together and no tying your opponent with what little clothing you have.  Okay ladies, I want a good, clean, gooey match."

"Now, shake hands and at the sound of the bell, come out wrestling."

They bow to the Judges and Tightfit, then turn to each other and shake hands while growling.  Satoire and Pafe then return to their respective corners and take off their robes.

“ACHOOO!”  The bell sounds… “DING!”

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Pafe on December 29, 2012, 01:07:42 PM

  At the sound of the bell, I spin in place and get into a crouch… my arms out slightly and I begin to circle the pit, all the while keeping a wary eye on my opponent.  I’m looking for an opening a way to get an advantage.

   The floor of the pit is very slippery and I can feel my feet sliding as I step.  Satoire is also circling, also looking for her chance. 

   Suddenly, my foot slips and I fall to my knees.  Satoire rushes me, seeing this as an opportunity… she grabs for my shoulders, but I move out of the way slightly and grab both her legs and pull her down into the pudding.  She lands with a splat on her back... pudding flying from her impact.

   I fling myself on top of Satoire, grabbing for her hands.  I manage to get one hand and pull it up over her head and into the pudding.  I slide up onto my knees, straddling Satoire’s body… I can feel her legs kicking up, trying to get one of them around me to push me off of her…

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Satoire on December 29, 2012, 01:09:57 PM
When Pafe slips I rush her, but miss my target.  She gets the advantage and I fall into the pudding on my back.  Pudding flies out of the pit from the impact and splatters a couple of the spectators who were standing close to the pit.

Pafe slides up me and straddles my body, while holding one of my hands up at arms length over my head.  Using my legs, I try to get them up around Pafe to pull her off, but she has slid too far up.  So I use my free hand and grab a handful of the pudding and slap it on the side Pafe’s face.  “SPLAT!”

This knocks her off balance and she falls sideways into the pudding.  I scramble to get a hold of her but all I get is Pafe’s bra.  I keep a good grip on it as Pafe struggles to get to her knees… I use it to push and pull her… to keep her off balance.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Pafe on December 29, 2012, 05:50:05 PM

   Satoire has a hold of my bra and I cannot get her to let go.  So I reach around and undo the hooks in the back and slip out of it.  My breasts are free from their constraints and sag and wobble like they do. 

   We’re both on our knees as I rush at Satoire and again manage to get her onto her back.  We’re practically covered with pudding now.  Again I scramble on top of Satoire, our bodies slick and slippery with the pudding.  We struggle against each other… I get a hold of both her hands this time and push them over her head.

   I slide my knees up onto Satoire’s arms and press her into the floor of the pit, trying to get her shoulders pinned.  She’s strong and lifts her shoulders a little, keeping them from the floor.  So I reach back with a hand and grab one of her flailing legs and pull it up…
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Satoire on December 29, 2012, 05:58:33 PM
Winding up with just bra, I toss it to Doc in my corner, and while doing that Pafe rushes me, knocking me back into the pudding.  Pafe climbs on top of me again… straddling me and slides her knees to my shoulders, while holding my hands up over my head.

I’m trying to get my legs up around her to pull her off but her body is too slick to get a good foot hold.  Pafe manages to get hold of one of my legs and pulls it up.  I can feel my shoulders touching the floor.

Covems drops to his hands and knees feeling my shoulders touching the floor… he starts a count “One!”  Pafe’s pulling of my leg causes her to slide up further, her crotch is at my chin… “Two!”…

I bite Pafe’s pussy through her thong.  This causes her to let out a high pitched shriek and she jumps back which allows me leverage and I manage to push her off before the count of 3.

“DING DING!”  The bell rings, signaling the end of the round.

I go to my corner and sit on the stool.  Doc wipes my face with a wet sponge.  I adjust my bra, recovering my breasts with it and straighten my thong.

“Don’t let that demur look fool you Doc.” I say.  “Pafe can be one tough cookie.”
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Pafe on December 30, 2012, 06:03:38 AM

   I shriek when Satoire bites me and I jump off of her when the bell rings.  In my corner, Grumpy tends to me, wiping my face with a sponge and drying it with the towel.

    “I almost had her pinned.  I got two take downs”, I say to Grumpy, “but Sat’s escaped twice.  How do you think they’ll score it?”

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Satoire on December 30, 2012, 07:25:49 AM
“DING!”  The bell rings for round two.  This time I go straight for Pafe and grab her around her legs.  She’s near the edge of the pit, so I drop to my knees and pull her forward... she falls onto my back… I rise up slightly, tossing Pafe over and onto her back, splattering spectators with some pudding.  I pounce on top of her, with my feet near Pafe’s head.

I spin around on top of Pafe in a quick move and straddle her and try to slide my knees up to her shoulders, but her big boobs are in the way, causing me to stop my slide.  Instead, I lie prone on her and grabbing Pafe’s hands, raise them up over her head.  I take a big lick of the pudding on her face.

Pafe’s legs come around my body and she starts to tug me down.  I let go of one of her hands and push her leg from me.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on December 30, 2012, 09:01:05 AM
I just knew i had a good place on the side of this pit for this fight, now i got covered in pudding for the second time with that move satoire made.

I don't mind at all though because the girls here with me like it enough to lick it off, both Dutch and Sexi take a side and me in turn do the same to them licking the pudding from thier face and neck. Ohh and i see some has dripped a little lower, i might go after that to lick as well ;)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Pafe on December 30, 2012, 11:08:42 AM

   Satoire takes me down and flips me over her back.  I land in the pudding on my back and the next thing I know she’s on top of me, grabbing my hands and raising them above my head.  I struggle against her, feeling her body rubbing along mine.

   Satoire takes a lick of the pudding from my face and laughs.  I manage to get my legs around Satoire’s body and try to pull her from me using my legs.  She lets go of a hand to push my leg off, and I use that hand to grab a hold of her bra strap on her back and pull her off of me to the side.

   I can feel her bra tearing in my hand as her weight shifts to my side.  Satoire slides off me and I’m left with a handful of bra.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Satoire on December 30, 2012, 01:45:14 PM
Getting onto my knees I pull the rest of the torn bra from me and toss it at Pafe.  She catches it, I rush her again and push her onto her back, feeling a bit self conscious with my boobs out in full view.  I wrap an arm around Pafe’s shoulders, pressing her down, while my other hand picks up one of her legs and I pull it up.  This causes Pafe’s shoulders onto the floor of the putting pit.

Covems get on his knees, feeling for Pafe’s shoulders.  His hand finds my breast.  “Hey.”  I say.  “Wrong woman.”

He finds Pafe’s shoulder and starts to count.  “One!”  “Two!”  “Three!” 

Covems slaps the pudding, sending some flying around the pit, and tell us to break, separating us with his hands.  I get off of Pafe and stand, getting into a crouch to start again.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: TightFit74 on December 31, 2012, 05:05:09 AM
I watch in silence, the events of the whole night too much for me to vadem, grasp fully. So instead i leave all my thoughts behind and empty my mind, opening it to fully enjoy the pleasures and tributes of the evening. Modest as i am, I get red cheeks with the attention i am receiving, both physical and emotional. A lump in my throat does not prevent my mouth to smile as wide as it can, showing the double feelings I have. It’s such sweet sorrow to leave, the pain of goodbyes unsooothed by the bright future that is beckoning me closer.

I let my eyes drift over the crowd as Satoire and Pafe go at eachother in the pudding pitt. With each smiling feast, each par of glistening eyes of all those that came this night, my smile widens as tears start to run down my cheeks. In my heart I feel it is time to part and head dwn the new path that lays ahead of me. But I can’t let go, not just yet. A few things have to be done before i can go. I complete my circle over the crowd where I meet the eyes of a few friends and see the sparkle, the passion they have for this place. The place i will miss and that will always have a place in my heart.

With a special hand sign I draw the attention of Doc and quickly he moves closer, getting on his tip toes as I lean in to whisper in his ear. He listened concentrated, nodding with each phrase i finish. Then our eyes meet and he winks at me, before turning and heading off to the entrance under the bar. Before he can run off, i grab his christmas sweater and hold for a moment.

“Congrats on your birthday, for all you guys..”

He smiles, then pulls himself away and hurries off.

Carefully I take the hand of my princess and my touch makes her turn her head, our eyes meeting. With a smile on her face, her cheeks still blushing from the passionate moments we had earlier, she raises her eyebrows in a silent question. I lean in, kiss her lips gently then whisper.

“Excuse me for a sec, princess. I’ll be right back”

Quickly I move to the stage and talk to the house band. They start nodding enthousiastically as i explain my request and turn to eachother to agree on how to play.

I turn to the pudding pitt on the centre of the stage and wait patiently for the wrestle match to finish. As Pafe and Satoire emerge from the pitt, dripping witrh pudding, their luscious forms accentuated by the slippery cream, I step down from the stage and walk up to them, giving the winner a deep, passionate kiss before I kiss the other. I smile, my face coated with sweet scented pudding and make my way back to the stage. On my queue the band starts to play and the attention of the crowd turns to me. A spot is lit by Doc and lights me completely. With the mic in my hand, i look at my friends. For a second I choke and it takes a few deep breaths before I find my voice again and my voice sounds, stuttering as I try and find the words.

“My dear, dear friends…

I wish I could explain how I am feeling right now. How sad I am, how happy I am, how much I love you and this place…”

I pause for a sec, clear my throat and let my eyes glide over the crowd from left to right.

“There are only a few certainties in life and one of them is that with each person you meet, saying goodbye becomes inevitable. It could happen after only a few minutes, it can take a lifetime but at some point you have to say goodbye. I feel blessed that you are giving me this goodbye. You’ve bestowed me with the biggest honor possible. Thank you…”

To the side of the stage is a stool and I move over to pick it up. Next to it is my trusted guiter, Yasmine, and carefully I pick her up and fondle her strings while I take a seat on the stool in the spotlight again.

“But feel trusted, that I will take each and every person that I met here with me, wether close or distant. For what it’s worth, all of you have changed me, have influenced me and, for a part, made me who I am today. The best way for me to honor all of you, as my friends, is to take the lessons I learned from you, the things I experienced with you, the thoughts, desires, hopes and wants I shared with you, and use them to be happy”

Slowly I start to strum, falling in with the band that is playing the opening melody as a loop.

“Know that all of you make this place into a community that makes me proud to have been a member off. Your passion, your kindness, directness and openness make this a place to cherish and share with as many people as possible. I hope to see this place flourish more as it already does, I will check in from time to time”

Old Joe has started filling glasses and is lining them up on the bar. The dwarves jump in and quickly place the glasses on serving trays, balancing with agility on the stools before jumping off and dashing into the audience. Everyone is handed a glass until the whole crowd is served. The last glass is brought to me by my princess and with a smile on her face and a tear in her eyes, she hands it to me, making sure my fingers are closed tightly around the stem of the glass before releasing my hands.

“Before I sing, I want to toast with all of you. A toast to all people, from all corners of the world, with all colors of the rainbow, from all genders, orientations and believes. We are all one people, we all breathe the same air and share the same earth. We all deserve to be our own person.

‘May angels accompany you on your path. One naughty, one nice, to guide you on your way. May you make mistakes and learn, may you find glory and despair, may you find balance in all you are… To all people’   ”

I raise my glass and empty it. At that moment angels start to fall from the ceiling, swirling graciously, falling onto shoulders, faces, backs and chests. Then I start my song.


“Leaves are fallin' all around, time I was on my way
Thanks to you, I'm much obliged for such a pleasant stay
but now it's time for me to go, the autumn moon lights my way
for now I smell the rain, and with it, pain
and it's headed my way
Aw, sometimes I grow so tired
but I know I've got one thing I got to do

A-ramble on, and now's the time, the time is now
Sing my song, I'm goin' 'round the world, I gotta find my girl
On my way, I've been this way ten years to the day
Ramble on, gotta find the queen of all my dreams

Got no time to for spreadin' roots, the time has come to be gone
And though our health we drank a thousand times
it's time to ramble on

A-ramble on, and now's the time, the time is now
Sing my song, I'm goin' 'round the world
I've gotta find my girl
On my way, I've been this way ten years to the day
I gotta ramble on, I gotta find the queen of all my dreams
I tell you no lie

Mine's a tale that can't be told, my freedom I hold dear
How years ago in days of old when magic filled the air
'twas in the darkest depths of Mordor, mm-I met a girl so fair
but Gollum and the evil one crept up and slipped away with her
her, her, yeah, and ain't nothin' I can do, no

I guess I'll keep on ramblin', I'm gonna
Sing my song/Sh-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, I've gotta find my baby
I'm gonna ramble on, sing my song
Gonna work my way all around the world
Baby, baby/Ramble on, yeah

I can't stop this feelin' in my heart
Everytime I feel I will leave, I really gotta part”

While the band slowly fades out, I wait for the applause and cheers of the crowd. Slowly they settle down until the room is almost completely silent. Just the soft ruslte of shuffling feet and clothes rubbing against eachother is heard as a background noise. Knowing I have the full attention of the crowd, I close my eyes, tears running down my cheeks.

“The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say”

With a poof the spotlight goes off and in the rumour that erupts in the darkness, I leave the stage through the curtain in the back. My princess is waiting there and hands me the large bag with the presents i received. I see the sad smile on her face and brush my lips over her, whiping away the tear that rolls down her cheek.

“It’s goodbye princess, not farewell. Who knows what happens after tomorrow’s sunrise. Make sure all moments are worthwhile”

I place the bag over my shoulder and walk through the short hallway to the back of the Bar & Grill. In the doorway leading to the loading dock at the back of the building, the familiar silhouette of Brandy is etched out by the cold moonlight. Her eyes flicker in her shadowed face, she shivers when I embrace her and pull her in close.

“Thank you Brandy, for everything you’ve done. Know that you will do brilliant with the tasks you’ve accepted. Thank you for looking after my baby. You know what I mean”

I kiss her lips gently, keeping her eyes locked in with mine, feeling warm and happy. Then slowly I entangle myself from her and step through the door, into the cold chill of the night. Midnight is coming closer, the death of one year, the birth of another. Like a phoenix, bound to the eternal cycle of time. I look up into the clear sky, taking in the immensity of the endless night sky then start to walk.

I feel Brandy’s eyes in my back, the joined by another pair. 4 arms embracing as I walk off the Bar & Grill parking lot. I turn once, smiling as I see All_for_you and Brandy blowing me a last kiss. I catch them and blow back two kisses before I turn and start walking down my new path, towards a new destination…

( (

(the angels can be cut out according to the scheme below and will look like this when folded the right way. Copy+paste the pictures of the angels and print)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on December 31, 2012, 08:17:51 AM
Holding All_ For _You's hand, squeezing it tightly , emotions too strong to speak , tears running down my cheeks uncontrolled... the moonlight at the back of the bar showing Tightfit74's  lone figure as he walks & slips away ...

" Good bye Tightfit74,  May God bless you and keep you in his care"  My mind speaks my prayer for my throat is too closed to utter a word.. " Take Care my friend, I'll miss you "

I light a cigarette, the first I have had in years,  looking at All_For you , silent understanding between us ... I walk away into the night, needing some time on my own.....

 I'll return later, once my "big ouch"  is under control ... to the bar to see the New Year in....................
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on December 31, 2012, 11:54:39 AM
Standing holding Brandys Hand Squeezing it tight, with tears rolling uncontrollably down my cheeks as I watch My King My love walk into the darkness.

" Good Bye My Sweet King" I say softly as my heart breaks.

As Brandy walks away I see the flash of a lighter and the glow of a cigarette.

I drop to the floor crying uncontrollably

Not know what to do next with the words of My King “It’s goodbye princess, not farewell. Who knows what happens after tomorrow’s sunrise. Make sure all moments are worthwhile” . Still going around in my head I wish My sweet King all the happiness in the world and know in my heart he will find it.

Love you my sweet sweet King TightFit74

Mijn lieve koning Ik hou zoveel van je
Ik zal er altijd voor je als je ooit terug te komen
Maar in mijn hart wens je het grootste geluk van de hele wereld
Ik ben altijd op yours mijn koning voor altijd en eeuwig
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Pafe on January 01, 2013, 10:15:00 AM

   After Covems raised Satoire's hand in victory, we both climb out of the pit and embrace.  She feels so good in my arms as she always does.

   Satoire whispers into my ear.  "I won, Pafie.  I should claim a prize of some sort from you."

   "What would you like?"  I whisper back.

   "Shower with me and we can wash the pudding off of each other."  Satoire says.

   "That's it?"  I ask.  "No special tasks... no special requirements?"

   "Hmmmmm... maybe."  Satoire says.

   We head into the shower and close the curtain behind us.  Doc and Grumpy have placed our clothing outside the shower and gone on to other things.  The crowd has moved off.. back into the bar to continue their revelry and it's quiet out here.  Only the sound of the two showers going, with Satoire and I in one and Covems in the other.

  Suddenly a hand comes shooting into our shower.  "Got any soap?"  We hear Covems ask. 

   Laughing, we slap at his hand until it retreats out of the shower.  I hear his water turn off and his curtain pulled aside and expect him to open ours at any moment.   Satoire and I are a little disappointed when he doesn't.

   Finished washing, we exit the shower and comb our hair out by the sinks.  That's when I notice that our clothes are gone and in their place are the robes we wore to the pit.

   "That Covems!"  Satoire says.  "He took our clothes."

   I laugh and say.  "We'll get him, Sat.  I don't know how yet... but we'll get him.  At least he left our shoes."

   We put on the robes and go into the bar just in time to see dear Tightfit toast us all and sing his song.  I feel melencholy listening to him, know that this may be the last time we see or hear him.  I wipe a tear...

   Satoire says, "He'll be back, Pafie... he'll be back.  Maybe not to stay... maybe only for a word or two, but he'll be back.  Always remember that."

   I kiss Satoire on the cheek and adjust my robe... "I wish this had a little more room in the bust."

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Stone on January 01, 2013, 10:29:14 AM
Pafe & Satoire’s  wrestling match is riveting to watch, very sexy and the guys eyes contantly sweeping their sexy vanilla covered bodies wishing they are able to sponge and lick them down. They don’t  mind an iota  as the two contestants splash and splatter the delicious pudding over their faces and clothes.

I  see Brandy & All_For_You  enter the bar, just in time for the Count down to New Year.  They look a little red –eyed and I sense that they had said their last good byes to Tightfit. 

His song was very moving and I pick up an Angel to treasure.  “ Good Luck, my friend” I say to the angel, kissing it and blowing the kiss to travel on the wind , hoping it will find its way to Tight’s cheek on the winding road to his new life out there.

The crowd cheers as the Clock chimes to show midnight is here and the room erupts in kisses and 2013 well wishes. Even Pafe & Satoire stop their match to see the New Year in and the old out.

  Jayc takes me in his arms and snogs me  thoroughly.

“ Happy New Year Darling” I whisper to him as our kiss ends . He smiles and repeats my words and then we are whisked away from each other by exuberant  punters, kissing our cheeks and saying Happy New Year.

I find myself in front of Tango’s  cheerful face...  “ Happy New Year” I greet him,  “ Tell me Tango, could you help me out with something.. “   We walk to the bar, well wish Old Joe for the New Year  and order drinks as I outline something I have in mind.

Tango grins and clinks our glasses, kindly agreeing to help out.  He leaves me to join Tangojane by the wrestling pit again and I see Jayc is still surrounded by some lovelies , enjoying their attention and is very animated in an anecdote he is relating to them.  He too has a good position by the wrestling pit.

I notice Bear is sitting on his Santa throne again and Old Joe cuts into my thoughts... “ Haven’t you had your gift from Santa yet?”

“ No, not yet,  I guess I was a little busy looking after all the guests, making sure their glasses were filled and their plates full of delicious food & the wrestling match of course”  I say,  “ Santa seems to have a quiet moment now,  I think I might just  go and see what he has there.  What’s he drinking?”
“ Peppermint Schnapps”   Old Joe replies
“ I’ll have one of those with a whiskey chaser” I order Santa’s drinks and make my way over to him

“ Thirsty Santa?”  I ask as he motions for me to sit on his lap and I pass him the glasses to sup.

The crowd cheers again as the wrestling match winner is announced  Pafe’s & Satoire’s differences  resolved  for the moment ...

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on January 01, 2013, 11:49:24 AM
(Happy New Year everyone. Miss you all and hope to have my own internet soon)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Momma_andrea on January 01, 2013, 01:19:17 PM
Leaning on the bar on the other side from  old Joe. I look at him in my waitress bunny suit.
"So we gotta clean all this up?" I look at him with disbelief.
The old bartender just nods and starts for the back room
"I'll get the fire hose." he says back to me.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: ThunderSax on January 02, 2013, 03:59:08 PM
A small series of groans fills the far side of the bar as Satoire pins Pafe down for the count. Slamming my shot-glass down with a triumphant smile, I hold out my hand as three other patrons slap twenties into my waiting palm. I tap out my pipe as I wave for Stone's attention and point at my empty glass. He smiles as he sees the wad of twenties hit the bar knowing it will all make its way into the cash drawer by the end of the night. Overall the night has been a good one. For me, peaceful even with the pudding flying at the other end of the bar and the cheers of the crowd. I come here for peace, quiet, perhaps even the solitude I find at this end of the bar. This morning she slapped my shoulder with a smile and told me that I just came here to gawk at gorgeous women. Should I tell her about the pudding? She would just love that. I can see her laughing now as she tossed a towel at me and called me a voyeur.
For a moment I try to think of her covered in pudding and smile to myself as I decide to pass the market on the way home.

I could still feel the tightness down below from Brandee's performance. I have to find out where she got that outfit. Could just see presenting it to my woman at home. I know she would wear it for me. Not that she needed that sort of thing to turn me on. Just the thought of her in a tank top and shorts made me  hard and horny as a stone toad.

But, hell, I am still a guy and the sight of beautiful women dressed in little else but pudding and strings of cloth still do the same for me. Generally make it embarrassing to get up. But here in this place I doubt anyone would notice one more hard-on more or less.

I rise from my seat and walk – Okay, maybe stagger a bit after all the bourbon I have downed here – over to Santa's throne. I am proud to say I did not spill a drop on the way over.

“Have anything in that bag of yours for wayward city cowboys, Santa?” I am hoping my New York accent is not too lost in the haze. As much as this man may hate his city, he is still proud to be born there. Though I did prefer it when it was called the Big Apple rather than living on a giant bullseye.

With a glint in his eye and a belly full of jelly, or one big-ass pillow, Santa tosses a red and white striped box my way. Hell, the darn thing even had my name on it. I'm seriously hoping this isn't the real Santa up there or this is about to blow up in my face. Cost of being on the Not-so-nice list for 40 years in a row. Shit like that catches up with a man eventually.

Ripping the paper off (never was able to do this neatly – Sorry, Mom) I nearly drop my drink. Also a first. When the hell did Fifty Shades of Grey come out with a cookbook? The bottle of Wild Turkey was a nice touch though. I thumb through the thing as I head back to my seat, almost but not quite ignoring the pudding-ed body of  Satoire and Pafe as I slide by mumbling something about scallops and chorizo when I should be noticing Satoire's breasts nearly exploding out of her soaked top.

Sitting in my seat, Stone delivers me a fresh one, taking away several napkins covered in scribbled notes as he does. I will come to regret not sticking all of those napkins in my pockets later but for now I have only one thing on my mind. Actually two.

What the hell did I ever do to get on the Nice list this year? And, yeah. Pudding.

Have to remember the pudding.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on January 06, 2013, 07:53:55 AM

Slowly... deliberately... I begin to sweep up from another bawdy night in the AChat Bar & Grill.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Sissy_Claire on January 07, 2013, 01:08:56 PM
Wearing a simple black T shirt and a blue denim skirt, that's just long enough to cover the top of my dark stockings, I move a lock of brown hair off my glasses and look round a little confused. I almost decide to just go back home but instead wander over to the bar, looking the place over. Once at the bar I take a small hand mirror out of my handbag and check over my hair and makeup, occasionally looking up and down the bar at what to have to drink.

Now that i'm here I might as well enjoy myself a little, arching my back to show off my bum and small breasts as I lean against the bar I look round for the bartender.  Almost in a nervous way I ask in a slightly deep but feminine voice, "Ex-Excuse me? Can i get a bottle of cider? And a glass?"

Drink in hand I mostly keep to myself, looking round occasionally at the other patrons, dipping one knee to give my hips a slight tilt and make me look a little shorter.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on January 07, 2013, 03:34:38 PM
welcome to the AB&G Claire :) and quick hey to everyone out there just popping around to check forum out
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on January 08, 2013, 01:15:10 AM
The party winding down I notice Joe and Momma Andrea and Covems  sizing up the mess that is our bar. I approach the group and say “let it slide, nothing we can’t take care of tomorrow, lets all head outside and have us a big bonfire to end the year” Covems  smiles and props his broom in the corner and summons the dwarves to build a big fire. The rest of the staff springs into action. Joe and Momma load up a cart of lagers and stronger drink. Stone heads to the kitchen and makes Turkey sandwiches. I begin picking up  loose wrapping paper lying all over the floor from all the presents.

Nearing Santa’s throne Bear gives me a curious look, “were building a bonfire to greet the dawn and new year” Bear smiles “cold out there better put on a sweater” i smile back “I will if you will “ I lay down the challenge. Our conversation is interrupted by a loud WHUMP and the chatter of the dwarves outside. Bear and myself bolt out to the deck to see the fire blazing and a singed but safe Grumpy. “too much kerosene” Doc says as we step outdoors “your beard is a little burned but it will grow out” as he concludes his first aid on grumpy. “so much for paper and kindling” I shrug.

I step back inside the bar and walk over to the big table, Brandy is chatting with Pafe  and Satorire, no doubt about their recent space adventure with Commodore Spock. Leaning in  “ladies were going to have a bonfire, why not join us” I see HB, JD, Tango and Jane already walking towards the  door with Mr.sexlover and All For You and Sexilicous filing in behind them.  Outside Lover his handing out beers and setting up some folding chairs. I head to the office to don my ugly sweater and grab a camera to get some photos. Walking back out  the bar is deserted, looks like everyone is in the mood for a roaring fire. I hold the door for Stone and Ssgt and Jenanona who were helping out making the tray of sandwiches.

“hold the door” Thundersax and Mercer join the milling crowd of people all in good spirits. “ok time for a group photo” I yell getting everyone’s attention after some groans and mild protesting we manage to get in a group with the dwarves in front. I set the camera on timer and run to Stones side before the flash. “alright people a big smile!”
Thundersax breaks out his sax and begins to play a soulful version of “Silent Night”  I can hear Stone beginning to sing soon joined by Brandy then all the guests  join in. looking around I smile warm from the blazing fire and even warmer by the fine company
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Lover on January 08, 2013, 08:31:04 AM
As we're all are standing together, singing silent night joined by thunder's sax I feel goose pimples all over. I look around and see all my friends, some are still sad because of Tight, that's ok. Some are meditative, thinking about the last and the new year - what will be? In some faces I can read confidence.
I smile. I'm looking back to a great year. It was a great year because I wanted it and I was determined to make it a great year. I did it my way. But I also know this all would not have been possible without all this wonderful people here. Everyone is crazy, but everyone is also caring and unique in his own special way. It seems I'm sending out a "Thank you" to everyone when I look at them. I'm proud to be part of this group.

"Pafe" I whisper, as she is standing right beside me "remember Star Trek. There was one vision, to boldly go where no man has gone before. But there also was a great massage. Peace and love is possible, even between completely different people and nations. We are living this message here. I'm so proud of it." Saltwater melts in my eye... I'm not sad, it's a tear of love. Pafe smiles says "It's always wonderful to discover new worlds. But  it's more wonderful to discover lovely people and share precious moments." We hug...

I have prepared a last long speech. But I know this is not the time to talk. A good song is like a good pic. It says more then 1000 words can do. And I have the perfect song for this moment. Just as I want to start I notice Claire standing bit outside. "Claire, you are one of us. Join this circle!" And I'm happy to see she does - a bit faltering but then she is with us.

"I want that everyone now takes his neighbour's hand and let's sing together. Watch the bonfire, look around and feel all the love and connection between us. Let's swear to make this year another great year - for everyone. We're friends, some are lovers and we are one big family. No one is alone - never. We are one!"

I start to sing the first lyrics

When you walk through a storm,
Hold your head up high,

Of course everyone knows this song and starts to sing loud too

And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm,
There's a golden sky,
And a sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Though your dreams be tossed and blown...

Walk On! Walk On! With hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone...

You'll never walk alone

Walk On! Walk On! With hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone...

You'll never walk alone. (Gerry live in Celtic) (Celtic - Barcelona, just the stadium)
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: tangoracer on January 08, 2013, 08:55:00 AM
Walking out into the cold of the fresh air and feeling the warmth of the fire on my face.
I put my arms around Jane and HB Happy New Year you to and kiss them both on the cheek. Holding them both close they both kiss me back on my cheeks.
Thinking to myself "this is going to be a great year"

Jayc calls us all together for a group photo groans come from us all be we all huddle up with the dwarves in front. Jayc sets the camera and moves in next to Stone.

The sound of a deep soulful sax fills the air and then the clear crisp sound of Stones voice. Then Brandy joins her more of the crowd join in and the sound of Silent Night fills the air.

Seeing all the smiles in the crowd as the song rings out.

I kiss Jane and HB again and squeeze them bath

As  Silent Night ends  Lover asks as all to stand in a circle and join hands and he starts to sing

AND we all join in with the fire burning in the center of the circle I look around it and It makes me proud to be in such great company that i can call my friends.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Covems on January 08, 2013, 09:51:21 AM

The song is winding down, and I can't but help wondering if we're going to sing "Kumbaya" next.  My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of giggling... and looking towards the wrestling area, I can see the dwarfs have huddled up.  Then they go marching by and into the bar.

We all pose for some photos and everyone looks as a rumbling sound is coming from the bar and getting louder.  Soon we see the great "Santa Chair" rolling around the corner being pushed by 5 of the dwarfs.  Doc and Sneezy are in front of the chair guiding it into place before the camera.

They motion for "Santa" to sit in his chair and Bear does, with everyone gathered around him.  A photo is taken.  Everyone is smiling and happy, even though our hearts are a little heavier with the departure of our friend Tightfit.  Everyone greets Clair and welcomes her into the crazy goings on in the AChat Bar & Grill.

I spot Grumpy and Dopey chatting with Miss Stone, nodding their heads.  "Okay."  Grumpy says.  "Miss Stone would like a picture of her and Jayc in the chair.  Happy and Dopey, you two stand in the front since you have your elf suits on.  The rest of you dwarfs gather around the chair.

Jayc sits in the chair and Miss Stone sit on his lap.  The dwarfs all pose and the picture is taken.

"Now!"  Grumpy yells.  Stone jumps off of Jayc's lap and the dwarfs pounce, in once quick, well coordinated move Happy and Dopey each secure one of Jayc's legs to each front leg of the chair with a strap that was hidden behind the leg.  Doc secures Jayc's left arm to the arm of the chair, utilizing another hidden strap.  Sneezy straps down Jayc's other arm to the chair.  Grumpy and Sleepy wrap the torso strap around Jayc's body, effectively immobilizing him into the chair.

Stone laughs a sort of manicial laugh while Jayc starts to utter words of protest.  Dopey jumps up and stands on Jayc's lap and takes Jayc's face in his hands, plants a big, cartoon kiss on his lips. "Smmmack!"  I wince at the kiss.  Next Dopey stuffs a piece of cloth into Jayc's mouth and Grumpy slides a sack over his head.

The dwarfs gather around the chair and unlock the wheels.  "We're ready to take him to your place in the Ice House, Miss Stone."  Doc says as they start to move the chair.

“Take him away.”  Stone says with a wave of her hand.

I’m standing next to Pafe and she turns and says to me, "What do you think she's going to do to him?"  As the chair and it's prisoner goes rolling by.

"From the looks of it Pafe,"  I answer.  "Anything she wants to."

The dwarfs and the chair go around the corner into the pool room and through the secret door… a song starts up.

"Heigh ho, heigh ho... it's to the dungeon we go... We'll take him there and strip him bare, heigh ho, heigh ho..." 

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: jayc on January 08, 2013, 12:06:27 PM
Sitting on the chair with my Stone on my lap and the dwarves gathered around I smile as the camera flashes…………suddenly im  “bush Wacked” by the maniacal band. I struggle to no avail, these little guys are a lot stronger than they look. Dopey hops on my lap…..”hey! watch the sweater!” I cry out before he plants a wet sloppy kiss. My arms secured I give up the struggle as  a bag is placed over my head. As they wheel me into the bar I learn of my destination by the song Covem’s boys are singing.

Blinded and bound I accept my fate and muse the reason. I have been waiting for this payback since the early days of the Bar………the 5 charms incident when I abetted Bear in his revenge of his captors. The one night I let my guard down she strikes.

Well played Miss Stone………well played   
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mercer78 on January 08, 2013, 03:45:25 PM
Enjoying the atmosphere I think to myself what a fantastic place this is and to think I stumbled upon it completely by chance.  Plus the fact you'll never alone is one of my favourite songs of all times and never fails to bring a lump to my throat.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on January 08, 2013, 05:56:39 PM
Standing next to Brandy in the circle i take her hand and squeeze it TIGHT she turns and Smiles at me.

As we start to sing My mind turns to the image of My King Walking Alone into the night and the tiers start to flow down my cheeks and my voice breaks as i start to sod as i try to keep singing.

Looking around the circle throw tier fill did eyes I see mrsexlover with tangoJane on one side and sexiliciouse on the other side.
Letting go of Brandybee's hand I move quickly over to my great friend and throw my arms around his neck and cry uncontrolably on his shoulder.

Feeling his arms around me I snuggle into him and just keep crying.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on January 08, 2013, 10:52:09 PM
As we stand around and sing is see my great friend All_for_you moving over to me tears in her eyes no that her King has left. I Hold her in my arms as she starts crying more. I  pamper her in my arms giving her the comfort she was looking for.

As the singing stops i take her face in my hands and give her a sweet kiss on her cheek. Come darling lets leave this place, i'll bring you home so you can rest.  I move her in my arms to the parking place and onto the passengers seat. As i move in on the driversside, her head i back on my shoulder, crying but i don't mind.

We leave the parking place and i drive to her place. On the way over i start to notice she has been crying herself to sleep on my shoulder. She must be exhausted from all the emotions she had to go thru today. At her place i stop and take her head of my shoulder, she keeps sleeping so i walk around  and search in her bag for her keys. When i found them i lift her up and carry her in.

Laying her on the bed, she keeps sleeping, so i take her dress off, noticing she is not wearing a bra , so i lay her just in her panties back in the baed and pull the blankets over her.

I can't leave her alone like that, not after tonight, so i go and sit on the chair in the bedroom and watch over her while she sleeps. After some time my eyes get heavy and i fall to sleep in the chair
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: All_for_you on January 09, 2013, 01:30:43 PM
Waking up in the warmth of my bed under my blankets.

Wondering how I got here and who undressed me, my eyes focus and i look around my bedroom and see my sweet spouse asleep in the chair.
Sliding out from under my blanket I pull it of the bed and walk over to mrsexlover and gently lay my warm blanket over my sweet kind man.

His eyes open as I tuck the blanket in around him I smile down at him "Thank you my love for bringing me home now lets make you more cumffy"

Pulling the blanket back of him I take his hand pulling him up and over to my warm bed. Setting him down i undo his shirt and take it off and then undo his pants taking the off over his feet. I gently lay him back just in his boxer short. I lay down behind him spooning up tight to him I pull the blankets back over us and snuggle into him kissing the back of his neck we full back to sleep
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Adera on January 10, 2013, 06:17:21 PM
The lights in the bar slowly grows darker making the atmosphere feel more shady, especially the stage.

I step up onto the middle of the stage and can't be seen in the darkness, someone was very quick in fitting a stripper pole to the stage in the darkness and I assume an initial pose against it.

The song Don't Cha by The Pussycat Dolls starts booming out of the speakers, a spotlight turns on behind the stage only making the audience see my silhouette and I start to dance around the pole to the music.

Slowly, smoothly and suggestively I dance around it, making a few twirls around the pole that shows of my silhouette nicely.

Then the light changes to a spotlight in front of me so that they can see me as I dance around the pole and the looks full of suggestive promises I throw the audience.

They can now see that I'm wearing a pair of really high black stripper heels with a transparent platform and heel. The dress I'm wearing looks as if it can barely hold together the small pieces of cloth in the back and front, it's barely covering my body and almost leaving nothing on the sides. I've got a dramatic make up on, my hair is falling nicely in long blond curls and I've got glittering accessories around my wrists, ankles, neck and fingers.

I lick my lips as I slide down the pole with it between my breasts and thighs, all the way down to the floor, turn around and then ooooh's silently as it brushes between my buttocks when I rise up against it.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Brandybee on January 10, 2013, 09:32:06 PM
I walk into the bar, back from the fire, feeling melancholy.  The singing outside round the fire was very moving and All_For _ you's tender display had bought a lump to my throat. Looking around at my friends here and  the atmosphere  was very special this night  and then, the dwarfs springing the surprise of Jayc's kidnap for Stone lightened my mood. 

I smiled to myself as I saw her throw a triumphant clenched fist in Covems direction, then she follows the Santa Throne, and the dwarfs in their fine regalia singing merrily.  Looks like Jayc's come uppance has come to fruition.

I reach the bar and clink bottles of Bud with Old Joe. I turn round when I hear the music burst into life. The lights are mellowed by the stage and then flood lights cleverly positioned to show the beautiful silhouette of a lone dancer on the stage at a pole.  Her form is beautiful and elegant  and then she moves gracefully and very sexily to the music .

The bar begins to fill to watch the exotic dancer strut her stuff and I position myself on a stool to watch.  I am going to enjoy this unexpected surprise & by the look on Old Joe's face, so is he  ;D.

Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Adera on January 12, 2013, 09:43:43 PM
I let go of the stripper pole and slowly walk towards the edge of the stage with a sway to my hips while letting my hands slowly and sensuously slide over my body.

I slowly sit down on the edge in a sinuous move and then jumps down onto the bar floor where I start to walk around in the audience giving the men challenging looks. As I pass between the tables I let my hands touch men on their shoulders or necks... though not without feeling a hand or two on my butt.

I spot Lover and decide to pay him a visit, I lock my eyes with his and walk towards him sensuously to the music. Coming up to him I slowly circle around him while letting my hand slide over his body, then stopping on his side I throw a leg over his lap, puts my arms on his shoulders, smiles at him and dances to the music by rolling my hips and twisting my body to the music.

Then, moving back a bit I turn around so my backs to him and continues to let my body shift to the music, letting my butt brush against him a slightly. Leaning back against him I lay my head on his shoulder as I arch my body.

I feel a hand of his on my leg so I rise up, turns around, wags a finger at him... though my eyes are glimmering of excitement and I have a smile on my lips.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: sexilicious on January 13, 2013, 04:15:56 PM
Just a quick hey to all my friends on here. Miss ya bunches.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on January 15, 2013, 05:19:22 PM
Sad news today  :'(

no i'm not leaving or anything like that. My much beloved giraffe from work is no longer with us.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on January 15, 2013, 10:32:56 PM
I'm sorry to hear Sexi. I will be here and give you a shoulder to cry on if you need
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on January 16, 2013, 06:17:32 AM
Sorry to hear that hun you know where i am if you need me Kiss Kiss
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on January 16, 2013, 02:36:46 PM
Hello Everybody... i know im not come here in a long time, but cant resist to come here to my favorite bar to say hello, drink a beer and remember my last time here, in the halloween night :).

Sexilicious... i dont know you but i send you my smile and a hug.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on January 16, 2013, 03:01:26 PM
Thanks guys miss that big giraffe and i haven't even been to work to be around the area yet *sigh* wish me luck tomorrow when i go to work
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on January 16, 2013, 03:18:18 PM
Good luck sexilicious :)

Have a nice day tomorrow :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on January 16, 2013, 05:21:12 PM
OT: I'm sorry for you sexi. Hugging you
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on January 16, 2013, 05:54:35 PM
I spot Lover and decide to pay him a visit, I lock my eyes with his and walk towards him sensuously to the music. Coming up to him I slowly circle around him while letting my hand slide over his body, then stopping on his side I throw a leg over his lap, puts my arms on his shoulders, smiles at him and dances to the music by rolling my hips and twisting my body to the music.

Then, moving back a bit I turn around so my backs to him and continues to let my body shift to the music, letting my butt brush against him a slightly. Leaning back against him I lay my head on his shoulder as I arch my body.

I feel a hand of his on my leg so I rise up, turns around, wags a finger at him... though my eyes are glimmering of excitement and I have a smile on my lips.

I just wanted to go to my office - the next performances have to be planned, as I notice Adera is starting a hot dance on stage. She's great and I enjoy it, so I decide to stay. She's looking at me, our eyes meet and I follow each of her moves.
She's dancing to me, I feel her legs and arms, smelling a wondeful scent... it's hot and not because it's warm outside...

She si so close to me and I touch her leg, feeling her warm and soft skin... as she suddenly gets up and wags a finger. But I also notice her excitement in her eyes, a smile on her lips too and I know she's just teasing me.
I smile to her, while I'm caressing her beautiful long  legs. "What's coming next?" I think to myself as she is shaking her hips just in front of my eyes, taking my hands into hers, bending her body down to me. Face to face we're very close, I feel her breathe and she has to feel mine.
"Wonderful!" I whisper, looking deep into her eyes...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on January 17, 2013, 03:58:12 PM
Was a bit hard. We did do giraffe feeding station and i kept thinking i want him here to give me a hug and kisses. Was sad but was able to handle it.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: Marilyn on January 18, 2013, 06:26:34 AM


Wipes my tears as the memories flood through seeing you open and see each item, a couple of items and a couple of pictures to keep in remembrance of me. Then I head and replace the mic in the stand and head back to my seat.

@ Sexi, do you mean this cute giraffe?  :( I feel sorry for you... Bet you're missing him so much.
Do you work in a Zoo? That is amazing and I've always thought how it is: to work in a zoo. Being surrounded with all those cute and sweet animals. I especially enjoy the marine animals. I've always loved to swim and might be amazing to work with such animals.  :) I envy you!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on January 18, 2013, 07:25:42 AM

I saw this Sexi and thought of you.


Sorry for your loss.  May the empty space you have be filled with the love of your family and friends.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on January 18, 2013, 07:38:49 AM
As we sing by the bonfire and I look round at the friends I have made here, I can’t help but feel  a deep sense of comradeship.

 Covems  comes up behind me and holds onto my waist in the pretence of kissing my neck and whispers, “ It’s all set “   I nod my head, letting  him know I have heard him, before he moves away to join Pafe & Satoire.

We all begin to have our photos taken for the bar album and Grumpy and Dopey pull on my hands to have a picture taken sitting on Jayc’s lap  on the Throne.

We pose happily , the picture is taken and then suddenly .... all hell breaks loose.  The dwarfs expertly  bushwack  Jayc binding him sound in the chair and slipping a hood over his head. He can neither see nor move as  he is tied like a prisoner.

I can’t help but giggle and clap my hands in glee.  The dwarfs have got him trussed just like we planned. 

They unlock the wheels of the throne and wheel him over to me
“ Well done fellows”  I praise.
"We're ready to take him to your place in the Ice House, Miss Stone."  Doc says as they start to move the chair.
“Take him away.”  I say with a wave of my hand.

They wheel him off towards the secret passageway in the pool room.

I pass Tango  “ Did you manage to sort me a spare dungeon” I ask him.

“ Of course  Miss Stone “ and hands me a large iron key.  “ It’s  the  dungeon in the corner , opposite Bear’s “

“ Thank you Tango”  I kiss him on the cheek and walk to Sexilious  who looks sad and is being consoled by mrsexlover, Marilyn & Lover . She has lost her beloved giraffe.  I rub her back in comfort and hug her. “ So sorry for your loss”  I say softly,  She nods  and takes comfort that she is with her friends.

I join Brandy in the bar to watch Adera  doing a very sexy, pole dance, teasing and enticing Lover in her special way as she weaves and dances in the gathering crowd.  She is an excellent dancer and I admire the moves, memorising them to tantalise my own man, one day when in the mood.

“ What has Jayc done to deserve such a dramatic kidnapping? “  Brandy asks amused
I grin at her,  “ You don’t remember? “  I tease  “  The Panda Lap Dance to tease Bear ... his idea ...  Bears  payback to return the charm...   the two of them ONLY  conspired  and terrorised ME .. remember?  My OWN  SPOUSE in cahoots with a Dom.. Can you even believe he would even do that to me?  You & Jayc were the guilty ones ...  yet..  Scary Bear  punished me... little old innocent me .. “

Brandy blushed , “ Arhh, yes  The Capturing of  Bear Caper ...  I did sort of volunteer you for that..  well  you did get me back with the public spanking in Our Wrestling Match “
We both giggle at that. “ Yes, but it was fun “  I say

Brandy nods, still chuckling.  “ So what you going to do with him?”

“ Let him stew for a bit... right now, he will be wheeled into  my temporary dungeon, Tango let me borrow.  The dwarfs will be plaguing and poking him and undressing him to his boxers and making sure he stays bind  to the throne with his hood still on..”

 I pick up a bottle and clink it to Brandy’s
“ The dwarfs can terrorise him a bit , Then I will go down and teach my spouse, never to be treacherous again”

“ Of course”  Brandy agrees with respect in her eyes at my  cunning plan and drinks to me....... We then turn to watch Adera’s  fabulous dance moves......

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on January 18, 2013, 12:17:49 PM
Sexi, i hope you feel better... i work in a boat with marine mammals at sea, and i know its hard when you loose one of your animals...

I only can send you a hug, and tell you that this is life... sometimes is not nice.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on January 18, 2013, 10:36:54 PM
yes Marilyn that is the giraffe. Yes I do work in a zoo and hopefully will have a higher job in the zoo one day soon. Boy do we all miss him so much sometimes still hard to think too much about him without tearing up. Thanks again guys it is getting better little by little but will take a while.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on January 19, 2013, 12:42:47 AM
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on January 19, 2013, 03:27:05 AM
OOT   A litttle request from me as a friend and user not as mod: please, if you post comment or other things not linked with the event of the B&G add "OOT" before writing's to help new users to don't get lost in th e river of posts we have here!

my thanks if you do this!

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on January 20, 2013, 10:17:46 AM
Cold and rainy sunday, i cant go out to the sea... very big waves and strong winds beats the coast and the sea, the white cops means nothing to do today, so i go down at port, and start to walk to the best place that i know to have a drink, achat bar and grill.

Is early, so nobody is here, not very much people, but is time for a drink, i ask jay for a beer, and drink something, now i feel better and just have a sit, and enjoy my time here.

I look around and see calm... i see Brandy with her stunning smile, jeanona, thinking about a new design, ladyrose, jayc, and sexilicious, her eyes are sad because she have a heart pain for a lost, i send her a kiss, look to the outside and know is still rainning and windy... so i can drink one more beer.

I walk to the music machine, insert a coin and play "nothing else matters" of metallica, nice song for this moment.

Kisses to all

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on January 20, 2013, 01:53:35 PM
Walking back into the Bar I walk over to Brandy "my I ask you some thing Brandy"
"Yes Tango what is it" she answers with a smile.

I set at the bar and we chat a few minutes. I thank her with a small kiss on the cheek and go over to the notice board.







Walking back over to Brandy "Hope we get a good turn out so we can get the spinning table out again" I wink at her " May be get you up on there this time round" I say with my cheeky grin.

She only smiles Back..

"I'll have to ask JD if the ball will be ready for the party to" I add looking around for him

I set at the bar and have a slow cold beer and wait for JD and Coverm's to come into the bar.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Mollie on January 22, 2013, 10:14:13 AM

Having closed the shop for an hour, I take a break and stroll into the AB&G.  I smile and nod to all the friendly faces and have a seat at the bar.  Old Joe comes to take my order… “What’ll ya have miss?” He asks.

“Just a cup of tea Joe.”  I answer, “with a little sugar.”  He brings my tea.  “Joe?”  I ask, “Are the dwarfs around?  I need them for something.”

“I’ll see.”  Is his answer and does something under the bar.

About 3 minutes later I hear that panel slide down and Doc comes out of it.

“Oh good.”  I say smiling at Doc.  “May I speak to you for a moment?”

He comes over and we quietly discuss a plan.  Doc agrees and nods his head in compliance.  He goes to leave and I grab him by his arm.  “He’s tricky”, I say to Doc.  “It will probably take all of you.”

“Don’t worry Miss.”  Doc says.  “We can do it.  He won’t know what is happening until it is too late.”

I giggle a bit and say.  “Okay… “I’ll be back later tonight after I close up the shop.  Let’s say somewhere around 5.  Now remember… blindfolded and gagged.”

Doc goes back into his panel and I look at Joe.  Joe’s expression is one of wonder and I can see the curiosity in his face.  “I have a surprise for that Covems.”  I say to Joe.  “Keep it secret.”  I wink at Joe and he winks back.

I finish my tea, leave a tip for Joe, I put my finger to my lips and say, “Remember… shhhhhh.”  I pick up my things and leave.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on January 22, 2013, 11:38:24 AM
uh oh
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on January 23, 2013, 03:31:17 PM
I enjoy Adera’s  dance and I think Lover does too by the adoring and wistful look on his face.  Very sexy, very professional.  She is an expert at grabbing a mans attention.

 Old Joe  passes me another bottle of Budweiser over the bar counter and  I nod my thanks.  “Can you make sure Sissy_Claire & Mercer78  get whatever they are having and Zoerink, my favourite Sailor “ 
“ Already done Brandy” Old Joe reassures me.   Old Joe really is a treasure. I don’t know what I would do without him.

“Can you send a bottle over to Sexilicious  & her table,  she’s had some bad news about her giraffe & I want her to know, she’s amongst friends here.  “

Thundersax  is sitting peacefully on his own & seems to be thumbing through a very interesting cook book and I ask Momma_Andrea to take him a fresh bottle of “Wild Turkey “ over to him.

She does so &  returns after a short while.   Grumpy  goes to her telling her something that makes  her smile before moving over to Sexilicious, tangojane, All_for_you and the other people at their  table.

In fact looking round, all the dwarfs seem to be telling something important to all the customers.

Tangoracer  joins me at bar. He has noticed the dwarfs too. “ Seems something is afoot” he grins. I get the impression he knows more than he is saying but before I can ask, he is telling me about his plans for his birthday. 

“ Sounds fabulous Tango,  sure, go ahead & pin your poster and invite to the AB&G Notice Board”  He thanks me and walks to the board. Soon a small crowd is gathering to read it and a dwarf  - Sneezy, appears to tell them something very interesting and they all break out into laughter.

I then feel Bashful pulling on my top and I look down at him. He blushes & gestures to me to listen to him.  He seems to have something important to say  too so I bend down  for him to whisper in my ear.

My eyes widen at his words, “ Oh my... Lipstick you say? “   Bashful nods giggling and whispers some more, before  grinning and scurrying off  to the next lady in his sights.

I can’t help but chuckle,  and turn to Old Joe , “  Joe, I’ll be gone for half hour or so.. I’ve been invited to have a glass of wine..  See you laters,  Oh and will you pass me a bottle of Chardannay “  Old Joe passes one to me over the counter,  “ Thanks Joe,  Let JD know, will you.. he’s holding the fort for a bit “  Old Joe  nods and serves a drink to Blu waiting patiently before she too is accosted by  a dwarf , this time it's Happy.

I head off to the secret passage in the pool room......

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Adera on February 01, 2013, 04:42:11 PM
I notice someone changing the music, oh come on, do they have to use the jukebox for shows as well? Oh well, I can dance to Metallica too so I saunter back onto the stage and let my body flow around the pole to the slow music.

The lighting in the bar gets a bit brighter and the music a bit lower so that people can converse and mingle better... oh and of course buy more in the bar.

I know that I'm more of a background show now for some to rest their eyes on, but I don't mind bringing a bit of strip club atmosphere to the bar.

I let myself get caught in the music, put emphasise on graceful and a bit flashy moves... I'm now trying to make a beautiful pole dance rather than a sexy and challenging one.

After a while though I stop and move over to the bar for a refreshing drink and to talk some.
Title: Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
Post by: mrsexlover on February 01, 2013, 11:55:32 PM
Pulling the blanket back of him I take his hand pulling him up and over to my warm bed. Setting him down i undo his shirt and take it off and then undo his pants taking the off over his feet. I gently lay him back just in his boxer short. I lay down behind him spooning up tight to him I pull the blankets back over us and snuggle into him kissing the back of his neck we full back to sleep

I wake up from the light of the sun in my eyes. Where am i, who's bed is this, where are my clothes ?. Then i feel a warm body behind my back, hugging me tight. As i slowly turn my self around to look who i'm in bed with i see the beautiful face of All for you then i remember i took her home and put her to bed. But did i not sit down in that chair, how did i get into bed ? But i don't mind it at all.

I'm fully turned now and facing her, she still sleeps. Her face has a beautiful smile and her breasts are moving in a hypnotizing way, her nipples hard and pointing. I Softly kiss her on her lips.

"Wake up Sleeping Beauty" i softly say in her ear. Then her eyes open and she gives me a smile to die for. I tell her "Today is the day that the party for Tango's Birthday start, but we can go later if you like, that party will be a long one".

She smiles even more and kisses me back. I think i'm going to melt as she making me hotter and i feel something growing in my boxers.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 02, 2013, 08:18:07 AM
I  smile at the dwarfs working hard getting the room fixed for Tango’s birthday party,   lots of black, and white,  and  black and white checked balloons in the net above the ceiling.  The theme is  “ Ska and two tone  “  which basically means the guys dress up in sharp suits, thin ties and pork pie or trilby hats.

The girls dress very sexy and include blazers, striped ties and bopping monkey boots ,

And shades are a big plus for both.

Jayc and Stone are checking the food and beers stocks and Old Joe and Momma Andrea are making sure the bar is spick and span and that the “ Yard of Ale “ glasses are within easy reach & clean ,hanging on the bar wall.

Covems and JD are checking the mic, the lighting and the mechanical bull..  so far so good.

I direct Happy, Grumpy and Dopey to carry out the rotating pleasure table, pretty sure, it will be used tonight.

The room is looking fantastic as usual with all the staff’s hard work.

 The “ Happy Birthday Tango “ banners are placed above the stage and the entry doors.

Everything is coming along beautifully and I pop the kettle on to serve teas and coffees for the workers ....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 02, 2013, 10:19:17 AM
Walking in to the Bar from the pool room Just as Brandy puts the kettle on.

"WOW the place is looking great" i say to Brandy as i sit at the bar

"Here is a pile of CD's I don't know if there are many two tune dice's in the Jukebox"  I slide them over to Brandy "There are some dice's in there for the Karee Okee machine to I don't think the Country Boy's will know many Ska tunes" I say with a smile.

Brandy brings me over a mug of nice hot tea and thumbs through the pile of CD's. A smile comes across her face as she reads the songs "same you haven't heard for a long time" I say with a smile

Brandy nods her head "long time" she smiles back.

As we chat everyone come and gets there tea's and coffee's and look throw the CD's
Looking around the room as I drink my tea nodding my head "Thanks Everyone for your hard work getting the place ready Lets hope it all goes well"

I finish my tea "Thanks Brandy time for me to go find my trilby"
I get up from the bar at the door I call back "THANKS EVERYONE SEE YOU LATER"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on February 02, 2013, 12:18:24 PM
The Bar is taking on a very “Ska” look  with lots of checkerboards and black and white. I give JD and Covems a hand setting up the large sound system. Tango enters the bar to check on the preparations and hands Brandy a stack of CDs. Then exits to go home and change.  JD fires the system up for a sound check, I stand in the middle of the dance floor as he adjusts the bass levels watching my hand for guidance, we want lots of bass. Satisfied I give the thumbs up and head to the parking lot to get our overnight bag with our clothes for the party and a wallet of CDs. Back inside I give the CDs to JD who pops one in for a test.

 A message to you Rudy by the Specials begin to play.
Stone lights up on hearing the song and drags a reluctant Joe out on the dance floor for a quick lesson on Skanking………dancing to SKA…….  Stone shouts over the music

Listen to the music for a few minutes. Count the beats in each bar; there should be four. You'll be doing four distinct dance steps, one on each beat, and then repeating the steps

On Beat 1: Bring your left elbow forward, across your body, and slightly downward. At the same time, bring your right knee up toward your left elbow. The knee doesn't have to touch the elbow; it'll be closer or farther away depending on how vigorously you're skanking

On Beat 2: Bring your left elbow and right knee back to the starting position.

On Beat 3: Do the opposite of what you just did in Step 2. Bring your right elbow forward, across your body, and slightly downward. At the same time, bring your left knee up toward your right elbow

On Beat 4: Bring your right elbow and left knee back to the starting position.

Repeat steps 1 through 4, and keep repeating till you're tired. Now you're skanking!

Her hands on her hips she studies her students moves and offers some tips

Relax. You don't need to make each move precise. Just move in time to the music. You'll find your head moving up and down or side to side as you skank. Let it do what feels most comfortable to you. Sometimes a song will seem too fast to skank along with. In this case, you can do one of two things: either skank really fast, moving your knees and elbows on the 1 and 3 beats, or skank more slowly, moving your knees and elbows every other beat. If more slowly, you'll move your knees and elbows every time you count 1, and come back to your starting position every time you count 3. You're skanking in half-time. You can pick your feet up as much or as little as you like. Some people skip or run in place while they skank; others do a little shuffle; still others hardly lift their feet at all

Standing behind someone who's skanking vigorously can be hazardous to your shins! Make sure you give other dancers plenty of space. Depending on how sharp you want to look, it may not be possible for you to wear comfortable clothing. If you're in a nicely tailored suit, skank with a little more restraint to avoid rips.

The dance lesson is contagious as the dwarves drag Brandy out on to the dance floor, putting my coffee on the bar I go out and join the dancers for a pre party warm up.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: All_for_you on February 02, 2013, 12:47:17 PM
Feeling the soft touch of worm lips on mine I tighten the grip of my arms around mrsexlover,s body and kiss him back
He breaks the kiss "Wake up Sleeping Beauty" he whispers. I open my eyes to see his smiling face
 "Today is the day that the party for Tango's Birthday start, but we can go later if you like, that party will be a long one". He whispers again smiling at him again I feel him grow in his boxer shorts

I whisper back "will it would be a shame to waist that now wouldn't it" as I grind my naked body against his and wrap a leg over him.
I slide my hand down between us and into his shorts pulling them down to release him.
wrapping my fingers around him and gentle stroke him to full hardness.

Feeling him harden more I roll him onto his back and roll on top of him still holding him firmly I lower my shelf down onto him.

I roll my hips nice and slow taking him right in as i roll my hips I grind my little button on his pelvis, feeling hes very inch deep inside my hot sex i start to move faster as the heat builds between use looking down on mrsexlover i can see his eyes are closed and he breathing starts to quicken. I roll my faster as his breathing get even heavier and i know his close rolling my hips i small circles working him in deeper.

His eyes open wide and I feel him twitch deep inside me. then the hot rush deep deep inside he lets out a moan as his cock twitches again and again as load after load of red hot sperm is fired deep into me.  

I lean down onto his chest and kiss him passionately as I feel is cock still twitching inside me.

I snuggle down onto him and whisper "that's the best way to start the day don't you think." He smiles back up at me with a glassed look on his face.

"Yes it is Tango's birthday later are you going to came back and pick me up then" before he can answer I kiss him again.

And roll off him and walk over to the bathroom leaving the door open and turn the shower on I step under the worm  water and let it run down over my body.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 02, 2013, 02:53:56 PM
Leaving the Bar I head home to get ready for the party as I pull up out side I my garage stopping back from the door I open it up and walk to the back pulling the dust sheet off my Little baby I roll her out of the garage and to one side. Jumping back in car i pill slowly into the garage getting out making sure not to hit the wall i close the door door and push the alarm button hearing the two beeps i turn and push my little baby up to the house.

I spend 10 mins going throw my old boxes and find it "yes I know i had one" I say to myself

I put SUITED & BOOTED CD into the player and turn it up load I head for the shower.

Back out of the shower I get dressed on with the bark blue suit white shirt and pin tie.
I pick up a pair of jeans a white T shirt and my boots ready for same MOONSTOMPING latter.

Putting my trilby on my head I i head of to Janes


She meets me at the door with a big kiss she's still in her robe "I'm not ready yet I will bring Franky in the car later"
We kiss again and i head off to the Bar

Pulling up out side I park my little baby close to the doors and walk in the Bar is quirt apart from the Staff i'm the first there.
I walk over to the Bar and ask Joe for a beer I sit at the bar taking the first of many mouthfuls of beer of the night.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on February 02, 2013, 04:09:21 PM

In the office Stone showers as I get dressed. A thin black suit, black dress shirt checkered thin tie with matching braces, pristine white socks and doc martins I top it off with a black pork pie hat and slip some Ray ban wayfarers in my coat pocket. A quick look in the mirror and im ready.

Patting my pockets I do a “stuff” inventory and lean into the bath “hey Stone, im heading out to the bar, meet me out there when your ready”. “Deal batman” she calls out. I grab one of the wrapped gifts on the desk and make my way to the bar.

I spot Tango looking very dapper having a beer and pull up a stool. “happy Birthday big guy” I smile Joe places a Heineken in front of me. I hand Tango the present, inside he finds an  authentic  Chicago Blackhawks Hockey jersey in dark red home colors, TANGORACER on the back and the number one on the back and sleeves.

Tango admires the jersey and has Joe put it behind the bar for safe keeping then we enjoy our lagers and shoot the breeze with Joe and wait for Tango’s guests to arrive. “you boys should have a bite to eat before things get crazy” Joe advises  “that is a an excellent idea Joe”  as we slip off our stools and check out the buffet. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 02, 2013, 04:50:25 PM
I'm in my office, taking on my best and fav blue suit. I stop a moment - or should I wear my "beer-suit"? Might be a long and wet night... I decide for the blue suit, I can change clothes later. Make a phone call and check if everything is all right. After finishing, I nod and smile. "Always good to have the right friends" I think too myself. Now I have to hurry, it's almost midnight and we have to celebrate a wonderful friend of us.

On stage I tak the mic, knock at it and say "Holy and sinner of AChat-City. Great news for you." I look around and see all the known and some unknown faces. "Everthing is free today, a young and wild british absolutely no-gentleman guy is paying the bill!"
The crowd cheers, whistles and stomps with their feet.
"Well this guy has a good reason. It's his birthday... he isn't as young as he is looking but also not as old as he is feeling. Tango, come to me please!"

Tango joins me and I hug him "Happy Birthday old bag!" I laugh and kiss his cheeks. Take two big glasses of beer, hand him one, turn to the crowd "Let's cheer him. Everyone raises his glass and we drink on him. Tango.. PROST!"  After we emtied our glasses I talk "I am proud I have a special present for you. It's a song just for you and the best is, you don't have to listen to me ...I moved heaven and earth for you and I can tell you, just now a true "Sir" is having a live concert. He is making a little break now because he is waiting to welcome you!"

The video wall is switched on and we all see Sir Paul McCartney while he is on tour. He takes the mic and says "Today, while we're enjoying the show..." He asks the crowd "Do you enjoy the show?" And everyone is screamning and shouting... "Today I sing a special song just for one person, a precious member of AChat-City as I was told... his name is TANGORACER. TANGO, can you hear me?"
Tango is bit surprised, then he shouts "YEAH!!!" "TANGO, can you see me?"  Tango replies "YEAH!!" "Tango, can you smell me?" Tango - just looks. "Hahah probably it's better" Paul is laughing "Happy Birthday to your special day good ole english guy. Now you, my audience and me together, are going to sing this song for him. It's called BIRTHDAY
(Watch the video and look at "The Animal" on drums...hehe

You say it's your birthday
It's my birthday too, yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.

Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party

I would like you to dance (Birthday)
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday)
I would like you to dance (Birthday)

I would like you to dance (Birthday)
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday)
I would like you to dance (Birthday)

You say it's your birthday
Well it's my birthday too, yeah
You say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on February 02, 2013, 05:01:29 PM
The bar looks fantastic. Decked out in black and white and black and white checks  is a great colour theme,  very bold and brash.  The table cloths  and napkins all in the  same colour scheme.  The condiments are chrome and  there is a single red roses in matching white, centre piece vases.
The staff have all worked hard to Tango’s birthday theme and the music is all prepared for him and his guests.

I join Jayc who is in the office, getting changed into his “ Rude Boy “ gear. My clothes are laid out on the bed settee.  I kiss his cheek and head for the shower.  He smells gorgeous  and his hair is slightly damp .  10 minutes later I am out drying my hair and  Jayc playfully whips the towel off me to gawp at my wet nude body.  I chuckle and admire his black suit and pull his skinny thin tie to me and snog him.

It’s quite a turn on being naked whilst he is fully clothed.  He kisses me back, then pulls away slowly. “Tango will be here soon,  We best get ready”
“ Ok, baby,”  I chuckle.

He runs his knuckles down my cheek and his eyes linger slowly & wistfully over my body . Then he turns to brush and style his hair. 

I retrieve my towel and  return to the bathroom to  dry. 

Jayc shouts through to me after a short while, “ Hey Stone, I’m heading out to the bar, meet me out there when you’re ready”.
“Deal  Batman”  I call back.

I begin to dress and put on my Rude Girl clothing :-

 a white crisp blouse, crimson braces and very thin crimson tie,  black vintage ski pants,  pristine white socks, a black and white checked cumberband  and crimson monkey boots.  I paint my fingernails in the same matching crimson with quick drying nail varnish.  It soon drys and I finish my look with the same crimson shade of  lipstick.
I place my tilted pork pie trilby hat and dark shades on.  I grab my black Harrington jacket with a tartan lining and sling it over my shoulder.
I certainly look the part for “ Skanking “  late into the night.

I squirt some “ Lavender” perfume on that Jayc adores, pick up Tango’s other present  and go meet him at the bar.

I see Tango has already arrived and go greet him . He is chatting and eating with Jayc.  Both men look extremely handsome in their suits.

“ Happy Birthday Tango”  I hug him and kiss his cheek,  “ Here’s our other present for you.”

 Jayc and I burst out laughing and Tango opens it intrigued -  It’s a black leather spanking paddle with the AB&G design logo, on one side and “ Tangoracer” on the other.  It has a  black and white  checked ribbon around the handle to remind him of the party theme.

Tango grins back and playfully swipes it through the air to test the weight.  “ Thank you, I think this may come in very useful”

We toast his birthday and I go speak to the band to play some chosen music of the night.

Suddenly Lover appears on stage dressed in a very smart blue suit and surprises us with a  speech &  video link  ....

Oh my giddy Aunt -   It's Sir Paul McCartney !!! -  I can hardly contain my excitement.   :o

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 04, 2013, 06:48:45 AM
I enter the bar, just as Lover is making his speech to wish Tanngoracer a very Happy  Birthday and introducing Paul McCartney to say a few words.  It’s impressive and everyone joins in the Birthday Song for him including myself.
Tango is over the moon that Lover managed to arrange such a link to the great star himself,  in fact, I think most of the Bar is pretty much Star struck.

I approach Old Joe to order a lager to drink.  He says “ Very Impressive Brandy”  Looking at my smart attire.
“ Why Thank you Joe”  I bow with a flourish.  I have a black skinny suit on, thin  black & white piano notes patterned tie, matching braces that curve around my breasts, a white shirt and black winkle picker shoes, with the bright white socks.  Black sunglasses, hang from my breast pocket with a triangle black & white checked handkerchief also showing.
My black trilby, with a black & white checked band sits at an angle on my head.

Old Joe looks good too, in very similar type attire but his whole suit is black and white checks and complimented by his black shirt, white thin tie and his “blues brothers”  type pork pie trilby hat and black shades.

I make my way over to Tango and give him a massive hug and kiss on each cheek,  “ Happy Birthday  Tango,  there’s a drink  of your choice behind the bar on me “   I hand him my birthday gift  bag-   A black T shirt with the “ black shadow effect of the well known  Rude Boy Skank dancing and the black & white checks going down the right side.”  Also in the gift bag, 2 matching keyrings to keep his dungeon key & cock cage keys safe and lastly a matching mug for his cups of tea.
He smiles his thanks and places the gifts with the others at his table. 

A song suddenly starts to play and I grab,  Tango, Lover,  Jayc, Stone & JD  -  we head eagerly to the dance floor to strut our stuff .....
Madness ... One Step Beyond ...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 04, 2013, 11:50:04 AM
Sitting at the bar chatting to old Joe I feel a hand on my shoulder "Happy Birthday big guy" I turn to see Jayc "Thanks my friend. He hands me a gift bag I pull out a Chicago Blackhawks Hockey jersey in dark red home colors holding it up i turn it around TANGORACER is on the back and the number one under it and on the sleeves.

Joe hands Jayc a beer and suggests a bite to eat before the fun of the night I hand him my jersey to put somewhere safe 
Jayc and I return back to the bar with a plate of food each.
Feeling the soft touch of a lady's hand on my shoulder I turn into a hug and a kiss on my cheek from stone "Happy Birthday Tango heres your other present" Stone say's as her and Jayc start to lough.
Opening it with intrigued -  I pull out a black leather spanking paddle with the AB&G design logo, on one side and “ Tangoracer” on the other.  With a  black and white  checked ribbon around the handle to remind me of the party theme.
I give it a couple of practice swings "thanks you to its the perfect weight" I say with a big smile.
Stone heads off behind the bar to leave Jayc and I to your drinks and food.

Lover rushes on to the stage and grabs the mic, he asks me to join him on the stage Joe hands me 2 fresh beers to take with me.I hand Lover one of the beers "Happy Birthday old bag" he says as we hug and he kisses my cheek. We empty are Glasses and he turns me to the video wall just as it comes to life  and  its  Sir Paul McCartney.

I turn to Lover with my eyes wide open  Sir Paul McCartney take the mic and asks the crowd "Do you enjoy the show?" And everyone is screaming and shouting... "Today I sing a special song just for one person, a precious member of AChat-City as I was told... his name is TANGORACER. TANGO, can you hear me?"  I turn back to Lover "WHAT THE" i say  he just points back to the wall 
I shout back "YEAH!!!" "TANGO, can you see me?" "YEAH!!"I reply again "Tango, can you smell me?" I shack my head "Hahaha"
 Paul  laughs "Happy Birthday to your special day good old English guy. Now you, my audience and me together, are going to sing this song for him. It's called BIRTHDAY"
The music starts and Sir Paul McCartney starts to sing for me as the audiences all join in with him.

I turn back to Lover and hug him again and ask "HOW did you sort that" he just smiles back WOW what a great gift.

We leave the stage and head back over to the bar Brandy gives me a big hug "Happy Birthday Tango,  there’s a drink  of your choice behind the bar on me" she says with a big smile. Brandy hands me a girt bag opening it I start to pull the gifts from it.
 A black T shirt with the “ black shadow effect of the well known  Rude Boy Skank dancing and the black & white checks going down the right side.”  Also in the gift bag, 2 matching keyrings and a mug. The key rings are for your Dungeon and your cock cage she says with the BIGGEST smile.

I put them with my other present on a table to one side of the bar.

Hearing Sugg Shout the Magic words

Brandy grabs my arm and drags me onto the dance floor Lover ,Jayc and Stone follow and we all dance the first skank  of the night
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pookie77 on February 04, 2013, 12:08:48 PM
I peek inside the place.  I was invited to join in by several members that I have met, so here goes nothing.  It was suggested to wear something racy, so...

I'm wearing a black and white checkered mini dress.  It looks like a checkered flag, and It has four way stretch and is super curve hugging, with elastic above the bust to keep it snug.  It's short, very short, and it's made of 80% stretchable cotton and 10% elasticine. I'm also wearing matching 5" heels.

I hold on to the skirt as I park my butt on a stool and ask the bartender for a white wine spritzer.  "Hello everyone."  I say as I intoduce myself as Pookie  :) and wave to all as I take a sip.

I watch as presents are being opened by the honoree, it seems it's his birthday.  I'll offer my wishes later... I didn't bring a present though.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on February 04, 2013, 12:59:57 PM
As the song ends slightly out of breath we head back to bar and our drinks. Joe gets out the bar camera and snaps a few pics of the birthday day boy. Spotting a newcomer dressed to kill I walk over and greet Pookie and introduce myself “welcome to the Achat bar & grill !  im jayc  and this is my lovely spouse Stone, and this is the bar owner Brandy and our resident Emcee Lover and last but not least the man of the hour Tango”.

“1st drink is on the house……….but being it’s a party tonight  the drinks are free for the evening. You picked the perfect evening to join us, so eat drink and have a good time.  ;)

that reminds me.............I ring the bar bell " hey everybody Miss Stone just  got her full member badge!" we all let out a cheer   :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 04, 2013, 06:22:19 PM
Laughing and out of breath, we all congratulate ourselves on our skanking  as the songs dies out.  Feeling the thirst of our excertions we head for the bar.

A new girl in town has arrived.  We all smile at her .. " Pookie77 , Welcome to the AB&G & party night. "  I greet her,  " Cool dress, dont stand to close to Old Joe, my eyes will go funny "  I tease her.

Mischieviously, I  clink the bottom of my budweiser bottle on the neck rim of  Stone's bottle, just as Jayc announces her achievement of  100 posts -   " Congratulations on reaching Full member status "  I congratulate her.
 Her budweiser lager fizzes up the bottle and erupts over the sides . She places her lips round the bottle neck swallowing , so the lager is not spilt or wasted.   We all giggle childishly as Stones sucks the bottle very very provocatively.

I shout to Old Joe,  " Make sure Pookie has her spritzers flowing and would you get a Yard of Ale  ready for our Tango here"   We all grin at each other . It's going to be a great night...  and we begin to try each others hats on as the camera keeps clicking.....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on February 04, 2013, 06:58:18 PM
Walks up on stage and grabs the mic. Happy Birthday Tango. Just a bit of news for everyone I just got internet WOOT WOOT so lets party.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 04, 2013, 07:37:25 PM
YAY  Sexi's got internet & its Tango's  birthday -  Any excuse to PARTY    ;D  ;D  ;D   grabbing  Sexilicious and Pookie77  .     Another great song is about to play .. we all rush to the dance floor to dance and bellow out the words....

Bad Manners - Lip Up Fatty

Even Eva, J2D2 , Pachacutie & The Dwarfs are skanking now  ... ::)   Its infectious  ;D   

Followed by  .....    Do The Pachacutie

 :o     ;D    :o    ;D

No one admits to requesting the latter  but its everyone's guilty pleasure ...  strange how we all know the dance moves & chorus ....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on February 05, 2013, 08:17:12 AM
I walk into the bar just to hear Sexi wishing Tango Happy Birthday with little Franky at home with is Granny for the night. Its my first night out with out him. I take my coat of to show my Black & White checkered dress that shows I'v got my figure back after having Franky.

Knowing Tango hasn't seen me dressed like this for sometime I know he want be able to keep his hands off me.
His on the dance floor with Brandy, Sexilicious and a new young lady walking up behind Tango I place my hands over his eyes and whisper in his ear "Happy Birthday my love"

He spins around and I kiss him deeply before he can say anything then step back and give him a twirl his eyes say it all "You like" I say with a wink.
"Like WOW I love it and the lady in it" he say as he grads me and snogs me deeply.

He takes my hands and leads me to the bar and gets me a large Vodka and coke taking a sip "WOW forgot what that testes like I say to old Joe" he smile back its good to see you back Jane he replies.

We sit at the bar and chat watching the dancers on the dance floor the Pachacutie come to an end.

Madness - Our House

Starts Tango take my hand and drags me onto the dance floor I turn to face him and smile "what version you going to sing" I ask him.
He just smile and starts to sing the words as we start to dance along to it.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on February 05, 2013, 08:37:05 AM
Dancing away I see Jane enter and wave as she makes her way over to Tango. Smiling as I look around taking in the sights that has been missed for the last month and so.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 06, 2013, 09:24:34 AM
As we all dance and sing to Our House I can't take my eyes off Jane in her two tone checked dress.

As the song finishes I grab her and pull her close to me sliding my arms around her waist and one down onto her farm ass

Holding her tight against me I whisper in her ear "You look beautiful in this dress" squeezing her ass gently I kiss her passionately. Feeling her sexy body pushing hard against mine as we just stand it the middle of the dance floor Kissing.

I move both my hands down onto her ass and then down her hips taking hold of her dress I start to pull it up just enough to pick her up and let her legs wrap around my waist. With her bear legs around my waist I carry her back to the bar and sit her on a stole she keeps me held in her legs as we sip our drinks.

I look down between us and get a good look down my girls cleavage but my eyes drift down lower and see she has no panties on. I slowly let my hand slide down between us and gently run my fingers down along the length of her soft silk like lips. Looking deep in to her eyes as my fingers move over her lips and up into the little hood covering her clit.

Jane's eyes roll into the top of her head as i find her magic little button and a wave of pleasure rushes through her body.

Her eyes came back and stared deep into mine as one of my fingers slide deep between her silk lips and feeling her hot wetness working it in deeper it flicks her inner button. She let out a soft moan as my finger finds it spot and puts her arms around my neck and pulled me in tight to her.

And whispers "If you don't stop that you going to have to fuck me here and now on this bar stole" I feel her hand on my wrist and pulling my hand out from between us i lean in and Kiss Jane again but just as our lips touch I put my love juiced covered finger between our lips. As we kiss we lick my finger clean tasting her sweet nectar as we kiss.

Feeling Jane's legs relax around my waist I move my hands down to her dress and pull it back down to cover your up as I move out from between her legs letting them close as i do.

I lick my lips getting the last of her sweet juices from them before taking a large mouth full of my lager and Jane sips on her VaC.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on February 06, 2013, 02:48:14 PM
As we all sing and dance are way throw the song right to the end.

Tango pulls me tight to him and wraps his strong arms around my waist I feel one of his hands slide down on to my ass.

Feeling his chest hard up against mine he whispers "You look beautiful in this dress" I feel him squeeze my ass as he say's it
We stand in the middle of the dance floor snogging in a passionate kiss. I feel his hands work down my thighs and start to left my skirt as it lefts I put my arms around his neck and jump up wrapping my legs around his waist.

He carries my over to the bar and sits me on a stole he stays between my legs as we take a drink I see him looking down at my cleavage. With a big smile he see's I have no panties I feel his hand move between us and then i feel it on my soft lips.

Rolling my eyes in pleasure feeling his fingers working there magic I look deep into his eyes and grab his hand whispering in his ear 
 "If you don't stop that you going to have to fuck me here and now on this bar stole"
He moves his hand and leans in to kiss me but puts his wet finger between our lips as we kiss we lick and suck his finger clean.
I feel his hand on my thighs again as he pulls my dress back down we take are drinks and i take a sip of my Vodka
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ThunderSax on February 06, 2013, 03:01:10 PM
My Baby helps me with my jacket, slapping off the lint I can't see and looking for the stains I can never spot. She is smiling. Her eyes green and bright. Her soft, red lips a perfect match for mine. For a moment I consider not going to the party. Instead to stay home with this woman that I have come to care for so very much and spend the rest of the night caressing her, discovering again how I came to need her so very much. She sees the look in my eyes and knows my mind. I am easy for her to read. Her eyes answering mine with heat and desire and wonderful promises. She takes my hand, her warm lips brushing across my fingers. Later. Go have fun now. She will be waiting for me when I return. Her whispers fall into my ears and I feel my body moaning silently for her. Each sultry word lighting a fire deep within me, melting my heart, making me want her so badly. To touch her. To hold her. To feel her tender skin on mine. My hands slide down, cupping her ass in my hands and lifting her up to my lips. Her kiss is warm and eager, her mouth melting into mine, her body melting into my arms, molding itself along my body. So easy. So wonderful.

She pushes me away laughing, composing herself as she holds me at arms length. Go. Now. Have fun. Later. She hands me my fedora and pushes me out the door. At the end of the driveway I cast a look back for her. She is framed in the doorway, peach tank top and yoga pants her hair down around her shoulders. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She takes my breath away even now. The door closes slowly. The last thing I see is her smile. As the door closes the night falls upon me. I lean back onto the GTO and wonder how I got so lucky.

When I finally get to the bar, the place is already jumping. Brandybee is up on stage singing as others are milling about or dancing to the rythym. I look about for Tangoracer, the wrapped bottle of scotch in my hand complete with massive red bow. He is at the bar now. He seems to be busy right now with a tall blonde woman wrapped around him, the woman looking incredible in a short, checkered dress. I call over to Stone and order a shot of Patron Silver. Leaning back against the bar I toast my glass to Brandybee and wish silently that my Baby were here with me. I settle in on my seat and toss my hat up on the bar. I fit in. My tie is a checkered racer I found in the village at a vintage place that I stop at. Relaxed, finally, my eyes cast about the room. Each woman here is amazing in her own way. Each one dressed in skin tight clothes showing every curve, long legs bare and lovely. Again I think of her and smile to myself wondering.

Finally after a long while, Racer seems to have a moment to spare. I take this chance to walk on over extending the paper-wrapped bottle and handing Racer a shot of Patron, taking my own from the bar.

"Happy Birthday, Racer. May your year be warm and filled with the joy of loved ones and may we all be here and smiling on the next."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jondas on February 07, 2013, 01:39:31 AM
I walk into the bar. It has been ages since I have been in. I can see few peoples I recall, and many more unknown to me. All seem to be in a high mood and enjoying the party. It sure looks like a birthday, and I see the birthday guy about to make the shah mat move on his companion in sexy black&white checkered dress.

Approaching the counter, I take a seat and  order my first drink and take a sip. I rise my glass to greet some of the old acquaintances.
Starting to get warmed up with the whiskey, I let myself getting drawn by the tunes. My attention is soon captured by another chess dress, a most revealing one as the skirt hints of the shapely flesh under. Shifting on my stool for a better view and tentatively smiling to the lady...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 08, 2013, 02:48:13 AM
February 2, morning

The doorbell of Tangoracer home ring twice before the door open. In front at the door, a young pony express is carrying a small box wrapped in red and gold decorated paper.

“Mr. Tangoracer!?”

“I am”

“For you....just a signature on this form and the package is yours!”

A simple and fast operation and now the package is in Tango’s hands. The box is small and light, there’s can’t be something so big inside it and the curiosity make him unwrap it and open it immediatily finding a a key and a letter inside it: few words are on the letter:

“Take this key with you at your birthday’s party......the real gift will be revealed there!”

No name on it, just those, Tango can’t really wait to find out who had send it and what is the gift the letter is talking....

February 3, Bar & Grill

The party to celebrate Tango’s birthday is going on, people are dancing and singing, drinking some house wine and beer and enjoying the wonderfull atmosphere who usually fulfil the Bar & Grill. Tango, holding tight her beloved Jane, is trying to hold the beast but the temptetion is strong....Jane is beautyful in her dress who reveal her pretty curves and most of the costumers are staring at her, specially when Tango pull her dress up.

The atmosphere is rising when suddenly all the light go down: darkness wrap all the B&G and some girls are panicking a little, till a spotlight point at the stage and the curtain opens showing to all a big black box with a gold ribbon all over it: the box is around 6,5 feet large and 8,20 high and deep. Everyone turn to Tango who is slowly approaching at the stage, a little doubtful about what’s going on but there are no mistake about who is the one who have to open it. Once he is on the stage, he turns around the box searching for a lock where he can place the key received the day before but seems like there is no one on all the surface, just a little string in the froont who fell down from the top of the box.

“Open it, Tango! Show us what’s inside it! Hurryyy!” everyone yell at him, while his hand grab the string.

A firm pull at the string and the box start to split from the top down to the base, opening all the front of the box and half of the sides, leaving a good portion of the box unshattered. Inside it, a throne is revealed: it's all made by lava stone with black leather covering the seat and the backrest, who is shaped to resemble the T letter. Over it, an horned werewolf head dominate the entire throne, giving to it a more dark look, completed by two wolf head on the armrests where a chain is linked inside the mouth of each head: the left one disappear behind the throne, in the unshattered part of the box, while the other one is at the feet of the throne itself.

Tango is staring at it, trying to understand what’s going on and who had prepared something like this! His hands move over the lavic’s rough but that sensation fit perfectly with the theme sculpet on it: a beast who is trying to take all under his controll dominating the entire area from the top of the “T” with his ruby eyes.

“Hey, Brandy.....who had take this thing here!?” Tango ask, turning to Brandybee.

“Sorry, i don’t have any idea about it....i don’t even know that box was in the backstage! Maybe Joe can tell us!”

Joe lift his shoulder, a clear sign that he don’t know who had put that thing there.....all looks a little perplexed at the throne and at the remaining part of the box: Brandy, Lover and Jayc walk on the stage to take a close look at the box and at the throne while Tango continue to explore the line and the fine decoration of that unexpected gift. His hands move slowly, exploring every line till, he is in front of the “T” and he can look at the strange head sculpted over it: the expression of the beast seems familiar to him and for an instant, the ruby eyes shine giving to the creature the appearance of a living being. Something in the throne is attracting Tango and he can’t avoid it.....his attention is particularly caught by the chain on the left side.....why it’s not placed like the other one!? There is a reason, or is just a case!?

While he is thinking this, the chain moves a little with a dull sound. Something is making it move at the other side: the movement is slow, hard to be seen if you are not close enough to the chain.....everyone is now focused on the box on the stage, waiting to find out what it’s going to come out from the unshattered part of it.

Slowly, walking on four, i move out of the box wearing a red and black leather corset who pair with zipped panties and high boots, with my left arm covered by a red plate with a dragon head on the top of it, covering my forearm. Naturally, horns are over my head to complete my transformation into the dragon girl who usually sleep inside of me, but tonight there is something different in my look: a sort of half helm cover most of my face, just my mouth and my eyes are free from it, and an iron collar is around my neck and linked to the chair chain by a sturdy lock.
I look in front of me and point to Tango....more i’m close to him, more i can feel my heart pounding faster.... i wonder if Brandy, Lover and Jayc are able to recognize me under that strange outfit, but i’m sure Tango have done it.....

I’m at his feet now.....i look up at his eyes and he is looking down at me: a grin appear on his mouth and i can see the fire of the beast in his eyes rising again. Oh, i how i like that expression! The beast is strong and can easily take control of me.....and i love to give my self to the beast: every day and every night, he is in my head and i can’t help my self.....i’m addicted to him! And now he is in front of beloved Tango!
It take me some moment before i can back to reality and tell him the words i had think about the last three days....i stare at his face and take a deep breath before speaking.

“Happy birthday, my sweet Tango!” i said, taking a little break “tonight i’m here to give you two gifts.....”

He look at me surprised and i can feel the eyes of all the costumer pointed on me.

“The first one, is this throne.....i know you have a dungeon in the Ice House now and i really want to give you something for it......the second one.....”

I look around a little embarassed......”The hell i’m doing!?” i ask to my self.

“You know you want it....don’t lie to your self!”

The dragon inside me.......she push me so far and she know all my secrets dreams! Yes, i want this.....and i want it now!

“The second one, is me.....i can’t forget what happend at the Halloween party and after it......i can’t and i don’t want.....i offer my self t you, Tango, i want to be your s pet everytime, just belong to you.....”

I look at him, at his expression.....his eyesight is different, the beast is coming out slowly, pondering my words, probably.....and taking his decision! Staring at him, i hold the lock in my hands, showing it to him.

“Tango, you have the key of this lock......yours is the can free me and refuse my offer or free me and accept it.......or if you prefere, you can leave me here chained to your throne and i’ll guard it for you.......Master!”

Master....yes, in my mind i had take my decision but now i have to wait for his answer.....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 08, 2013, 10:54:20 AM
Sat at the bar drinking and chatting with Jane, Brandy, Stone & Jayc.

The bar is sent into total darkness I feel Jane grad my hand and a second hand grabs my arm.
Some screams come from some of the other ladies when the spot light lights up the stage and a large box comes into site throw the curtain covered in gold ribbons.

I slowly stand Staying to Jane "Its OK" Walking up on to the stage I walk around the box looking for same way to open it there is only a string coming down from the top.

“Open it, Tango! Show us what’s inside it! Hurryyy!” everyone yell at him, I grab the string and pull it hard. The front of the box opens and i take a step back and look inside.

It a gorgeous black stone throne the spot light show it to have matching black leather for the seat and back rest. I step back in and run my hand over it the stone is cold and rough "Lava stone" I think to myself  my mind runs wild think who would have something so beautiful. Looking more closely I see the a horned werewolf head that dominate the entire throne and the backrest shaped as a T running my hands down over it.
The pair of Ruby eye looking back at me pull me in the throne seems to be a living thing. I feel the beast being pull out of me my heart beats hard in my chest.
My mind rushes of who could have done this turning to Brandy “Hey, Brandy.....who had put this thing here!?”

“Sorry, i don’t have any idea about it....i don’t even know that box was in the backstage! Maybe Joe can tell us!” Joe just lifts his shoulder and shakes his head.

Turning back to the throne studying it more closely the arm are a pair of wolfs stretched out with the heads mouth open each has a chain in its mouth. the one in the right mouth goes to the floor and the one from the left arm goes to the back of the box.

Brandy,Lover and Jayc join me on the stage to take a closer look as the chain from around the back of the throne starts to move and duel sound comes from the back of the box.

We all step back from the box as the chain moves and the sound grows we all watch to see what is making the chain move and the sounds.

My heart is racing and i can feel the beast with in starting to build inside and rising and gain strength.

Seeing what comes out from the side of the its a Dragon 

No its a Dragon girl dresses in red and black leather and horns on her head and an iron collar around her neck. Seeing the collar around her neck with the chain from the throne attached to it. At that moment my heart jumps and I know who it is this Dragon Girl at my feet. The fire of the beast shows in my eye at the joy of seeing her again my sweet Dragon Girl

Looking down with a grin and deep into her dragon eyes I see her take a deep breath and the Dragon Girl  speaks.

“Happy birthday, my sweet Tango!”.............. “tonight i’m here to give you two gifts.....” she says softly

My eyes open wider with a little surprise  and everyone is now focused on the Dragon Girl hanging on her voice

“The first one, is this throne.....i know you have a dungeon in the Ice House now and i really want to give you something for it......the second one.....”

“The second one, is me.....i can’t forget what happened at the Halloween party and after it......i can’t and i don’t want.....i offer my self to you, Tango, i want to be your pet everytime, just belong to you.....”

Hearing her words the beast with in rises higher the fire burns in my heart as the beast becomes more of me. she moves her hand up to the lock around her neck and shows it to me.

“Tango, you have the key of this lock......yours is the can free me and refuse my offer or free me and accept it.......or if you prefere, you can leave me here chained to your throne and i’ll guard it for you.......Master!”

I put my hand in my pocket and pull the key out and show it to my Dragon Girl and with my other hand i left her chin

"This is the key you speak of...... I will except the gifts you are offering The throne will take pride of place in my dungeon.... But you my pet will take your place at my side and let it be KNOW FORM THIS DAY FORTH THIS DRAGON GIRL IS MINE ...... I will unlock you and relies you from this heavy chain"

I take the key and place it in the lock and twist it with a load click it unlocks and the chain fulls to the floor and lift her to her feet with my hand still under her chin I lean down and kiss her loft lips taking the first public kiss of my new pet I break the Kiss


Putting my arms around her i pull her close and kiss her passionately holding her tight i break our kiss and lead her over to my new throne setting on it for the first time I tap my lap for to come set.

She come and takes her place on my lap holding her close to me we kiss passionately again.

As we kiss the lights of the bar come back on........
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Kingdustin on February 08, 2013, 07:23:38 PM
Stepping into the bar, Greeting my good friend Tango wishing him a happy birth day. ''Happy birth day Tango, as you ask i join party. if had know sooner my friend i would gotten you gift but maybe this will make up for''. I then turn to Joe tell him '' ROUND OF DRINK FOR EVERYONE ON ME and make sure birthday boy's mug is never empty''. I raise my class up in celebration  ''HERE IS TO TANGO MY YOUR DAYS BURN BRIGHTER THE THE STARS''

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 08, 2013, 08:21:28 PM
As the lights come back on in the bar I get to see my sweet new pet in all her sexy glory. Seeing her dressed as the Dragon Girl I know she is giving her whole body her being to me.
And i willingly except her totally as mine and never let any harm come to her as her new Master it's my duty to my pet to keep her safe at all times.

With my pet sat on my lap my hands start to move over her body feeling the soft skin of her thigh above her leather boots and her zip up panties my hand moves higher and up onto her panties. Feeling the cold metal of the zipper I run my fingers up and down it feeling my pet grow to the touch of my finger tips.

I turn her round to face me with her legs open on each side of mine and my hand still playing along her zipper.

Look deep into her brown eye i see the pleasure my fingers are giving my pet i feel her grid her hips down onto my hand as it moves up and down the zipper.

I feel the little tag on the zipper and pull it down hearing the soft sound of the zip undoing I feel her panties open Letting her hardness free from her panties.

Gentle I wrap my fingers around her and squeeze it gently feeling her get harder to my touch I lean in to her her "your not to cum tonight until i tell you my pet"  "yes Master" she answers with out a hesitation.

With a big smile on my face I lean into her and kiss her with all the love a Master has for his sweet pet. As we kiss your tongues dance with each other as are kiss become more vigorous and my hand holds her hardness farmer.

I whisper in her ear "undo me and release your Master" "yes Master" is all my pet says and I feel her hands on my zipper and working her hands inside and pulling my hardness out of my pants.

With my hard cock standing up a wrap my hand around both are hard cocks and work them up and down together "your not to cum my pet" I remind my pet "No Master No" She says right away.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 12, 2013, 11:46:39 PM
Laughing and chuckling , the dancing is fun and exhausting . A few of us leave the dance floor to top up with a much needed drink.  Tango and Jane get friendly by the bar and Tango shares his birthday cake the AB&G presents him.  We all sing Happy Birthday to him and he tucks into it hungrily.


Suddenly the bar goes into darkness. It’s  pitch black and the silence spreads as we all  wait wondering what is going on.  Then a bright spot light and  all our eyes fix on  with a large black box with a gold ribbon around.  We wait and watch.  Will the box open?   It waits in the spot light.

A few party goers turn and look at me  to see if I can answer their burning questions.  Tango asks if I know anything and I shake my head and shrug my shoulders. I am as mystified as them.  Old Joe says the same thing, when he is asked.  Tango wipes his hands and face, removing the remnants of cake and then walks towards the stage .

Tango is the “ Man of the moment”  and the crowd encourages him to go up on the stage and investigate further. It is his birthday after all.  The mystery box must be for him.

Then the  box begins to partially open and a beautiful throne is revealed, very unique made out of lavic stone with beautiful carvings on. .

I go up to the stage and join Tango with some of the others.  The back rest is shaped like an impressive letter  T, and a  Ruby eyed  wolf beast covers the throne dominating the design, wolf heads are on the arm rests with chains coming from their mouths,  black leather covers the seat and back rest. Its an impressive chair and someone had gone to a lot of trouble to arrange such a gift.

Tango examines it closely and you can tell he is very touched by his gift. I notice at the same time as Tango, that one of the chain leads to a part of the box still unopened and realise the gift is not over yet, there is more to come.

The people on stage, move back a little  so Tango can explore further.  We watch fascinated .

Then HB appears, dressed in his fine regalia, crawling on all fours to Tango. His costume is that of an impressive Dragongirl.  He is dressed for an important ceremony.

HB speaks to his beloved Tango ...  The gift is the throne and  then my breath catches and my mouth opens slightly at the importance of his next words...  he offers himself as Tango’s pet and it seems Tango already holds the key.

I wait, straining my ears for Tango’s answer.   The gift offered is indeed very important with a lot of responsibility and such not be taken lightly , nor in the flow of the moment ...

Tango thinks on the importance of HB’s words and takes a key from his pocket, the key to HB’s collar.  He thinks, looking at the key, and then at HB...

Then he speaks loudly and with conviction.. he accepts this precious gift and all the responsibility that goes with it.  I find my heart is pounding, my hands clasped tightly together, my breath releases and tears fill my eyes.   Tango’s gift is  his treasure.  It’s wonderful. I am so touched by HB’s & Tango’s  public declarations  towards each other.

Tango unlocks HB’s collar, sits on his throne and indicates for his pet to sit on his lap. HB goes to him and they kiss in the spot light.   

As their lips meet, a great cheer fills the bar and lights come back on and return to normal. 
Master & Pet continue their kiss & petting  and the music  blares back into life.

The party continues with renewed vigour...   

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on February 13, 2013, 02:10:55 AM
Grabbing Stone’s hand we move closer to the stage to see Tango’s throne up close. The workmanship is exquisite, the carving super detailed. “Impressive” I whisper into Stone’s ear. Eager to get a better look I jump on the stage, then I see it out of the corner of my eye……..

A dragon or what appears to be a dragon chained to the throne. The cluster of friends sensing something significant is about to take place, move back and clear the area around the throne.

Smiling, Stone and I watch  the offering of the key then the unlocking of the collar, a  ceremony sealed with a kiss, as HB climbs onto Tangos lap. The Bar goes wild, with whistling ,clapping and cheers. The roar send a shiver down my spine. As the lights come back on Stone yells in my ear telling me to fetch some beers for our table. The music  so loud talking is impossible I just nod.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pafe on February 13, 2013, 06:28:40 AM

   Yay!  I'm just in time for cake.  I go up to Tango and give him a kiss on the cheek.  "Happy Birthday, Captain."  I say to him, then I plant a sloppy wet kiss on his lips. 

   I reach out and caress HB's face.  "Satoire couldn't be here tonight, but she sends her love to all."  I say to everyone. 

   The music is quite loud and I go around and greet everyone with hugs and kisses.  I order up a Tanqueray and tonic.  "Shhhh...", I say, putting my finger up to my lips, "don't tell Satoire."  And I take sip.  "She's had problems with alcohol.  I don't drink in front of her, so this is a rare occasion to take a nip." 

   There are new faces here, and I'm happy to see that.  The place is decorated with a racing theme, and there are some Valentine decorations.  Everyone seems happy and in a partying mood... the place is fun!  I'm going to have to come here more often.

   "I'd like to propose a toast."  I announce and raise my glass.  "To the Birthday Boy... may trouble never find its way to your door... and may happiness and blessings greet you on your doorstep each day."

   "And to the rest of you...  Thank you for being a part of my life."

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jondas on February 13, 2013, 07:07:33 AM
Chin Chin to Pafe's toast, nice to see her of watching tower duty and dropping by here

Slightly bowing to the royal couple of the day, and nodding congratulations to the birthday boy

As I get a piece of the richly creamed cake, I smile mischeavously and think at whom I should lob the first shot............. ;D ;)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 13, 2013, 08:32:39 AM
I walk to Pafe, take her glass and put it away. "Enough" I laugh "we better dance". I take her hand and we walk to the dance area. The band is playing Saphir's "I am alive".

"Thanks my friend" I hug her, kissing her hand afterwards. "This we also don't tell Satoire" I smile and bring her back to the table. "I'm looking for my girl now, want to ask her something and the perfect day is close."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on February 13, 2013, 12:04:11 PM

As I walk up to Stone with a bucket of beers for the table  I see she is in deep conversation with Brandy, and as I suspected she is talking about the “tantrum”. smiling I hand the ladies their beers, and quietly listen to their conversation. Joe wanders up  and plops down next to me “is that for me?” taking a beer and taking a long pull off the bottle. “what are those two talking about?”  Joe asks.

“Ever since she watched the film “the cool ones”  she has been obsessed with a dance scene, and has been driving me nuts dancing around the cabin to 60s generic teen dance music”. Setting his beer down “she has been doing that behind the Bar …,when she is not tormenting you in a dungeon” Joe says with a grin punching my arm. I grin back and give him the finger.

“Here we go” I sigh as I see stone pull a CD out of her purse and pull me to my feet. I stand on the empty dance floor as Stone gives the DJ the CD and her instructions.

The sound system booms to life as the Tantrum begins, twangy guitar and Farfisa organ fill the Bar.  Stone begins to Twitch and wave her hands wildly, I respond by hopping up and down bounding toward her with my head tilting to the side to the beat as if I am having a seizure of some kind.  The music stops and we freeze like statues………it takes all my will not to bust out laughing. The music starts up again, we thrash and spin trance like, my performance weak compared to Stone’s exuberant  moves she is quite the dancer. The music stops and we freeze.

Frozen I hear the familiar laughter of Brandy as she comes into my field of vision, dragging old Joe with her onto the dance floor. The music starts up and we are flipping and flopping like fish in the bottom of a boat. More and more people begin to join us as the Tantrum takes over the Bar.       
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on February 13, 2013, 03:01:57 PM
 “ It’s so good Brandy, Are you game ? “ 

 I had just told her about this fabulous mad dance called Tantrum I’d seen in a film  on TV -  “ The Cool Ones “   It was manic and you just do jerky type moves,  using every part of your body to thrash around to the music, then freeze and stop for a few seconds when the music stops and start again when the music did. 

It is almost like an adult game of musical statues.

Brandy nods,  “ I’ll grab Old Joe up -  I take it you will start with Jayc “   

I grin,  “ Of course, I have been practicing all week,  at Hyperion Homestead and behind the bar every chance  I got.  I think both guys will have some great moves.  The best is ... it’s infectious and you can’t help but join in “

Jayc  joins us with Old Joe and dishes out the beers. He narrows his eyes at me ... he knows I’m raring to go try the dance out.

 He chats to Old Joe as I go to the House Band with my CD of the music.

I notice  Tango and HB still snogging on the throne. I smile at them. It is such a thoughtful gift that HB has given Tango.  They are lost in each other’s little world and I wonder if they will even notice the mad dancing about to happen around them.  They seemed so engrossed in each other.
I head towards the dance floor as the fun manic music begins ..

Jayc  is game and standing nearby.  We both begin to strut to the music, bending our knees, stepping  sideways across the floor and back again , we flail our arms, waving wildly,  bending double and up again, shaking our heads manically... seemingly out of control and fitting   but in perfectly timed moves to the beat of the music. Then the music  pauses and stops for a few seconds and we still like statues in whatever mad stance we are in, balancing perfectly.

People in the bar , cant but help , start tapping a foot, tapping a hand, nodding their head to the beat and be drawn to Jayc and me and our mad nonsensical  dance.   They have to smile and the temptation to join in is overwhelmingly tempting.

Manic  dancing starts again and people’s attention are drawn to us, wondering what the ....   and then freezing as the music stops . 

When the music starts again, Brandy and even Old Joe is fitting on the dance floor in a maniacal trance, wildly thrashing and one leg kicking  out to the beat,

Other people start do the mad tantrum dance whilst sitting – Lover & Marilyn shake their heads and upper bodies to the beat, almost brain washed by the  music.

Bear standing by the duke box,   does his own fitting type moves. The  ” Tantrum”  infection is spreading madly and quickly. 

 And... they all freeze when the music stops in whatever position .  The whole bar seemed to be taken over, more and more dancers taking up the Tantrum dance after  each freeze in the music.

Eventually the urge to dance & become more free & manic  is too tempting and the dancers fill the floor in their brainwashed trance.

The floor is full of black and white and black & white checks , dressed dancers. It’s impressive and the movements are like  out- of- control  pneumatic  drills.

The music eventually dies out and as the dancers  freeze for the last time,  laughter and exhilaration breaks out ..  The Tantrum dance is just that...  mad...   puts you in a good mood ....    and fits in well with the AB&G punters.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Bear on February 13, 2013, 05:43:05 PM
The bar is dark as I return from my long , pausing briefly at the door to balance the package in my possession, Fumbling as I slide from the wet duster to hang it on the wall hooks while curiosity of the events unfolding take home. I have to grin, noting the action unfolding between Tango and his luscious pet.

Joe eyes me. Giving me a welcomed smile and silently draws a draft for me, sliding it quick down the counter to me. He looks curiously at the package as I move down the bar.

“Something for Brandy…I comment. Can you hold it back there?”

He nods taking it from me and eyes it curiously as I move away for a closer look. I always find such moments endearing.. Collaring, …a public submission powerful in its genuine declaration. I skirt the stage… openly admiring the throne and give Tango a wink and slide over by the jukebox quietly sipping my beer.

New faces abound… some old… all dressed accordingly in the ska  scene dress. My head shakes…city folks do the oddest things. At least I have on a black silk shirt blending in slightly….the black 501’s  along with that big silver belt buckle with the turquoise inlay.

There is an applause… and  like  it should the bar explodes into a party. I grin at the music… laugh as I see Brandy towing ol’ Joe out from behind the bar. Stone leads the way as she and Jayc  take to the floor…. And hardly anytime passes before more join and  packing the dance floor with the spasmic gyrations. .

I can’t help but join in… downing my drink as I  roll into the bumping mass of partiers.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 13, 2013, 09:48:42 PM
Stone is excitedly babbling on about this fantastic dance she saw on TV called  “ Tantrum”  She’s hardly taking any breaths between her sentences.
I find myself getting swept along by her exuberance  and agree to join in the dance with Old Joe.

Jayc  brings more beers to the table and I am almost thankful for the short silence as she takes a swig.  I chuckle at her excited chatter.  She then takes off to the  House Band with her CD  to put the track on for the bar.

The mad music starts to play and actually, it is very catchy.  Jayc & Stone are dancing like rag dolls with  electricity shooting through their bodies.  They are thrashing their arms and legs wildly and their heads and faces seem trance – like,  and possessed, yet their moves  in perfect time to the beat. 

I find myself watching spell bound as they move across the floor and my head, feet and hands tapping on time with the music. Then  the music stops suddenly  and so do Jayc & Stone, frozen rag dolls  in time, only to thrash again as the music resumes.

I grab Old Joe’s hand to pull him to the dance floor. He is surprisingly willing to show off his moves and they are impressive.  We circle the floor , twisting and turning, bending and flailing and then stilling like statues as the music halts. Then repeating it all again as the music restarts. We soon part in our dancing, finding our own unique moves.

It’s fun and quite mad . More and more guests join in and the dance floor is soon full.  The music stops. I freeze and  see an old face on the floor -   Bear,  he is frozen in his dance, near to Stone & Jayc.

“ Well, well ,well. I wonder if he will sneak off early at this party”  remembering his early exit from Tight’s Party, without a word. No thought that his absence would be noticed and cause worry.

I can’t help though,  but sweep my eyes over that fine ass in his snugly fitted black 501’s.  The guy is just too pleasing to the eye as I take in the trim waist and broad shoulders.  The music resumes  and my  Tantrum dancing  breaks my thoughts.

The mad waving continues till the music stops and I find myself  frozen  next to him,  my one leg raised and balancing.  I see him staring at my breasts and  a button half way through the button hole, threatening to undo at any moment.  My nipples peak and harden, Damn.  His eyes raise to mine and I see the gleam in them. I find I am holding my breath and my tummy does a roll of excitement.  The reactions irritates me.

“ Well nice of you to turn up at last”  I chide him, letting him know of my disapproval & vexation.
“ Why? You miss me, Doll ?  Bear challenges, sweeping his eyes  over me and reigniting that damn fluttering in my tummy.  Not even bothering to explain his early departure. That annoys me more.

“  Why? You come back to be my bitch again on stage?” I quip remembering the double BJ with JD. (  I've learnt a lot in the 50 shades wannabe a Dom training manuel   ;)  )            “ Maybe I should fetch your-  " Made in Taiwan"  collar,    and chain you to Tango’s throne with HB.  A sub  for training,  ”

I see that insult hits home as his eyes flair.......

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Bear on February 14, 2013, 01:30:40 PM
By happen chance I turn in a freeze… my eyes locking to Brandybee’s sultry sexy body. She as normal… stunning in her Ska costume. It’s tight… hugging to that beautiful frame. I can’t help but toss out that flirt, though I am unprepared for her response.

The sharp barb lashes deep, and I break form lean in… like a wolf leering on its prey.

“Interesting talk for one who seems to look for reasons for wrapping her lips onto me.”

Her lips tighten… I obviously have hit a nerve…

Defiant she glares back.

“I am nobody’s sub!’

I snarl back. “Not yet,.. But the night is young.”

The music has already started, yet we seem oblivious locked in our exchange…. Slowly breaking warily keeping an eye on one another. I am inflamed incensed at her words… attracted too. Her defiant look to me holds as we seem to circle there. God… she looks sexy… desirable …As I back away… I can’t help but admire that fiery sense of independence….she oozes sexuality…so hot….

I turn slow maintaining the eye contact with Brandy, her unpredictable talents for getting the upper hand on me far too well demonstrated. In this pack mass of dancers accidental contact is a fact…. tough I was hardly prepared for the music to stop as I turned bumping into a dancer,… instinctively reaching out … as I noted her bent and suddenly off balance  by our contact. I hold her in that freeze,,, an attractive bottom pressed against my thighs just below my crotch.

I can’t help but think.. Well this is interesting… raising my eyes slow from those fine features to look into Jayc’s eyes… his face suddenly puffing , as he tries to restrain a laugh… then looses. But an instant  I am perplexed till I glance down to note  the raven hair of the woman pressed to me. She is laughing… oblivious to the true nature of what tickles Jayc’s humor.

I pat her bottom… “Are you trying to tell me something Stone?“

She stiffens at my words,… her head swivels back to look,… shocked surprise taking her as she immediately pulls away stumbling back into the safe zone of her spouses arms. Jayc does his best to maintain a sense of composure. I grin mischievous as I turn away/

God I want a drink, glance to see the moment right at the bar where J2D2 is tending in Joes absence.

 As much as those two love their office play,.. I make a mental note to offer Jayc the use of that fine gold chain and red collar. A simple fact,…Stone would make a magnificent desk ornament.  That trim toned  body naked but for a red collar and pumps chained to a desk. I think black is just too generic. The collar has to reflect a bit of the personality.

As I wander back to the bar my mind continues its cold calloused curious contemplation of idle drifting thoughts.

Well,…baby blue… imprinting the nakedness admired during  Tights party to collar and pumps in that color… sexy… speaks a bit of innocence,.. mmm , now lavender would work magnificently too…

The night is young... this party has only begun.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 14, 2013, 05:21:52 PM
Marilyn and I just wanted to dance as Stome started the Tantrum dance. As the music suddenly stops, we're staying sitting on the table and shake our heas and upper bodies when the music goes on. It's funny and crazy, watching everyone moving and stopping.
It reminds me on a silly game we played as children, called "stop-eating". We were eating and when the music stopped each move had to stop too - no matter what you're doing. As we're all were eating, you can imagine it looked silley when you just was putting the fork into your mouth...

As the dance is over I look at my watch - almost midnight. I look to Old Joe and nod - he smiles, knowing what he has to do. Then I look around, see bear and nod to him. He also nods and disappears behing the stage. Few seconds later the lights turn off and the bar is just a dark place. As the lights turn on again, we all see bear and the band on stage.

Bear is looking around, saying he needs some couple on stage to join him, dancing while he is singing. Stone and jayc at once get up, followed by Brandy and JD... I even notice Covems taking eva and Tango with HB. I look at Marilyn, take her hand and we also join the stage.
We're all looking at bear, asking what's coming next, waiting for his start.

Carefully I turn Marilyn a bit, so she is looking at bear and not to the audience. But I'm watching them and notice Old Joe is going around, giving some candles to every table and talking to the people.

As he finished he gives a sign to bear and me. The show can go on....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Bear on February 14, 2013, 06:17:36 PM
I am half way to my goal when I feel Lover tug on my sleeves,.. In the quiet of the interlude between songs he whispers  to me,… and I can’t help but beam a smile at his request and the why. I nod… detour backstage to make arrangements with the crew of this simple moment.

The old guitar is still there… and I flex the fingers drift on stage and arrange myself .

“HB… Tango please come forward…I need some others also…my eyes dart thru the crowd… Jayc and Stone… join me please  on stage…“ catching sight of Covems…”Covems and Eva… Lover and Marilyn…mmm… one more couple…”

My eyes catch Brandy and JD in tight intimate discussion…

“JD… Brandy please join us here. “

The couples slowly mill onstage as I work and flex my hands., then lean forward to the mic.

“I have sang this before… but never in so important a moment…”
Again.. The fingers dance on the strings… the sweet Spanish melody of a prelude… as the lights slowly dim… and a broad spot light covers the couples here onstage.

And I sing….
(Bryan Adams… to really love a woman….:

“To really love a woman
To understand her - you gotta know her deep inside
Hear every thought - see every dream
N' give her wings - when she wants to fly
Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
Ya know ya really love a woman

When you love a woman you tell her
that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?”

I nod towards the crew offstage…signaling them to narrow the spotlight focused on the couples dancing onstage, and gradually the wide beam begins to narrow.

“To really love a woman
Let her hold you -
til ya know how she needs to be touched
You've gotta breathe her - really taste her
Til you can feel her in your blood
N' when you can see your unborn children in her eyes
Ya know ya really love a woman

When you love a woman
you tell her that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
she needs somebody to tell her
that you'll always be together
So tell me have you ever really -
really really ever loved a woman?

You got to give her some faith - hold her tight
A little tenderness - gotta treat her right
She will be there for you, takin' good care of you
Ya really gotta love your woman…”

My fingers over the strings… as the guitar solo takes over…eyes wandering to the couples on stage… Jayc and Stone huddled  close… they make a sweet couple. Tango and HB.. Starting their new life together… Covems and Eve, a sure sign love will find a way in the future.. As I glance at Brandy in JD’s arms.. I feel find a twinge of regret. It catches me off guard, because the woman infuriates me at times with her wit…I take a steadying breath in the guitars interlude,   blow out  as I sing again...

“When you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
Ya know ya really love a woman

When you love a woman you tell her
that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?”

The fingers slide quiet… the spotlight on the floor has  narrowed into a tunnel illuminating but one couple. Mariyln and Lover…

I make a simple request…“Folks light your candles please…” Wait briefly until the darkness of the bar is illuminated by the flickering candlelight.

With my heart beaming in hope in the moment I simply state….“Lover, the floor is yours….”


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 14, 2013, 07:06:30 PM
“Interesting talk for one who seems to look for reasons for wrapping her lips onto me.” Bear leans into me and snarls in response.

 His  aftershave teases my nostrils, wild & woody, the smell of the outdoors.  And  damn him...  its smells wonderful . At the same time my brain registers his glorious scent, his words invokes the memory of my naked body knelt before him sucking on his cock at Tight’s Party. Again not a good thought  when balancing on one leg in a freeze posture.

I press my lips together,  and narrow my eyes at the irritation before me.  “ I am nobody’s sub “ I hiss at him.

“Not yet,.. But the night is young.” Bear snarls back. We glare at each other.

He’s annoying, he’s irritating, he’s arrogant, and .... he’s exciting. I am startled by that hidden assessment worming its way to the forefront of my thoughts.  Those amazing eyes hold mine and then I break first, determined to dismiss him.

 The music seeps into my senses again and I am thankful for the sporadic dance moves ironically named Tantrum.  “ Damn Him”  I cuss under my breath and throw myself wildly into the moves to expel the irritation.

Another  freeze in the dance,  and I find  myself searching him out in the statuesque dancers and my irritation is back.  He’s there grinning at Jayc  over his doggy style stance with Stone. And he has the nerve to slap her pert bottom!!

I purposefully avert my eyes.  I am not NOT going to give that man another thought tonight.

The dance finishes and most of the dancers burst out laughing , it’s such a mad dance and  it just lightens the mood all round.

I make my way to the bar to get more refreshments. Old Joe follows behind me to return serving at the bar.  He pushes a whiskey in front of me, “ Looks like you need one”  He grins looking at me and then at Bear sitting at the opposite end of the bar in discussion with Lover.
“ I’m sure I don’t know what you mean”  I tell him, just as JD joins us.

 We greet each other fondly and I buy him a beer.  He looks amazing in his Ska suit and pork pie trilby. But  then again, JD is such a good looking guy, he could wear a sack and still turn the ladies heads.

Lover calls Old Joe over to him and after a brief chat, I see Old Joe go to the storeroom and then emerge shortly afterwards with several  small  boxes of candles. He distributes them to all the guests at the tables.  Bear heads off towards the back.

Bear  suddenly appears on stage with his guitar.  He is a stunning man. He calls couples on the stage including JD & I.  JD smiles at me  and takes my hand. It seems we are going to Dance.  He leads me on stage with the others.

My heart lurches  as I hear the song,  a personal favourite of mine.....  JD takes me in his arms and guides our dance steps expertly as the lights dim and we dance in sync with  Jayc & Stone,  Tango & HB,  Covems  & Eva  and Lover & Marilyn....

Bear’s romantic lyrics and attractive tones  are delightful as he strums  his guitar and sings  ... “To really love a woman” .....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 15, 2013, 03:00:29 AM
 It's quiet as a church mouse in bar now, just the candles and the spotlight give a wonderful light, an amazing mood. I turn to Marilyn, take her hands, also take a deep breath and look deep into her eyes.... then I talk loud and clear.

"Honey, we know for a long time now. We had some issues to overcome but they just showed our true feelings. Within the last days, with each day passing by, I felt more and more how much I love you."

I look to HB, immdeiately he hands me a bunch of roses which I offer Marilyn.


"When I go to bed, my last thought is on you. When I dream, I dream of you. When I wake up, you're the first in my mind. And during the day I think of you. Everything you say, everything you do ... is wonderful to me. You're my friend, my lover, my teacher. You're my sweet angel and my hot devil too. You talk to me, when I need someone to talk and you listen to me, when I need someone to listen to.

You are so much for me - you're everything for me. Just one you are not at the moment. And this one wish was growin more and more inside of me: You also shall be my wife.

Do me the honour of agreeing to my humble request. Do you want to be my Spouse?"

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 15, 2013, 07:09:56 AM
I have the biggest smile on my face as Marilyn is talking to me. I'm happy and feel perfect. Just as she wants to hug everyone I move my hand back and bear hands me the rings he kept for me.


I take her hand, put on the ring and we kiss deeply....

She now hugs everyone and so do I. Afterwards I say "Thanks to everyone, helping to make this surprise. Special thanks to bear for performing this great song in his own way." I look around "And of course, all the drinks tonight are free!"

The crowd cheers, clapping and shouting. I take Marilyn's hand and as we leave the stge I whisper "They all are happy too. I just don't know if they are happy for us or because they get free drinks..." We laugh.. I look at her "You wated to show me something words can't express?" I devilish grin...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 15, 2013, 11:05:02 AM
The B&G is full of cheers and chant for Marilyn and Lover: i can see on their face the happiness of the moment while everyone is trying to make them their congratulation. I'll take a close look at Marilyn and i can me at Tango's birthday party in her expression.

My mind immidiately run to the moment when my Master pronounced those words "....KNOW FROM THIS DAY FORTH THIS DRAGON GIRL IS MINE...." and how i was feeling.......a part of me was ready to jump on me in front of everyone and kiss him, but that was something i can't do in my position, not till he will order it to me!

And when he order me to sit on his lap, i was feeling my heart bumping wild,without any controll! and the, his passionate kiss and the touch of his hands on my body had made me melt till the point that was really hard to obey to his order and don't cum while he was stroking our hardness togheter! I bite my lips till they bleed to resist to the temptation to cum but it was just a temporary solution because noticing i was in trouble, my Master increase the spped of his hand around our rods.

I was so close to give up when Page join us to the stage to congratulate with Tango and her kiss interrupt for a moment his concentration  giving me some time to calm and regain control.

"That was close...." i said to my self "disobey to my Master when he had just accept me....i must remember to thanks Pafe properly!"

Master's voice bring my attention back to him: "Where we was, my pet!?" he ask with resolute tone

"You don't had allow me to cum while your hand is working on our rod, Master....." i answer immidiately.

"You are right, my pet.....but it's not enough! I want to be inside of you!"

That tone, that light in his eyes....the beast is totally awaken now and want me here and now! I swallow's not the first time we things like this in front of the costumer of the bar, but this time i can feel the pressure of my situation of slave.....if i disobey to my Master or i make something wrong, i can be punished in front of all my friends.....oh gosh.....

He make me stand up and turn: everyone can look at me while my Master is workinh on the zip of my panties opening it all and slapping my bum cheek one, two, three time and at every hit he increase the strenght he put in it. He wasn't do it to punish me but it was to teach me the rules and to imprint deeply in my mind who is the only one who can create and modify them at every moment: him, my Master Tango!

Two more strong spank hit my bum before he pull me down over his hardness: the tip rubbing on my hole was a real torture....the excitement was running wild in my veins and i can't deny i was anxious to feel my Master's rod inside me! I ad the impression he had understand itbecause more the excitement was rising in me, more his hardness hesitated to enter into me, continuing to tease me and push me to the limit. I was sure he will never goes on when he sunndenly push me closer to him , kissing and licking my shoulder, rising along my neck till he reach my ears and whisper

"This is enough for the moment....."

Marilyn's hug bring me to reality.......i see her smile and i can imagine how she feel: happy and a little confuse at the same time but i know Lover will take care of her from now on! I hug her back and then move near Lover and hug him tight: this is his and Marilyn night here at the B&G......another great and wild night!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on February 15, 2013, 12:55:58 PM
Surprised as everyone else we join the other couples on the stage as per Bear’s request. After his fantastic rendition of the Bryan  Adams classic the bar goes silent as Lover begins to speak. I pull Stone in  a little closer my arm around her waist. Marilyn  looking into Lovers eyes as he states his love and adoration brings a lump to my throat and I squeeze Stone even closer. Time seems to stand still as we wait for her answer. When she says yes …………you can feel the joy in the room. Their kiss is greeted with cheers and whistles as hugs and handshakes are exchanged.

Ole Joe reading my mind  has the staff bring out iced magnums of Dom Perigon  champagne to all the tables and bar as its time to celebrate this wonderful evening.

As if on cue the Country Boys break into  Some kind of wonderful

I don't need a whole lots of money,
I don't need a big fine car.
I got everything that a man could want,
I got more than I could ask for.
I don't have to run around,
I don't have to stay out all night.
'Cause I got me a sweet ... a sweet, lovin' woman,
And she knows just how to treat me right.

Well my baby, she's alright,
Well my baby, she's clean out-of-sight.
Don't you know that she's ... she's some kind of wonderful.
She's some kind of wonderful ... yes she is, she's,
She's some kind of wonderful, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahhh ...

When I hold her in my arms,
You know she sets my soul on fire.
Oooh, when my baby kisses me,
My heart becomes filled with desire.
When she wraps her lovin' arms around me,
About drives me out of my mind.
Yeah, when my baby kisses me,
Chills run up and down my spine.

My baby, she's alright,
My baby, she's clean out-of-sight.
Don't you know that she is ... she's some kind of wonderful.
She's some kind of wonderful ... yes she is,
She's some kind of wonderful, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahhh ...

Now is there anybody, got a sweet little woman like mine?
There got to be somebody, got a, got a sweet little woman like mine? Yeah!
Can I get a witness?
Can I get a witness?
Can I get a witness? Yeah ...
Can I get a witness? Ohhh ...
Can I get a witness? Yeah ...
Can I get a witness? Yes.

I'm talkin', talkin' 'bout my baby. Yeah.
She's some kind of wonderful.
Talkin' 'bout my baby.
She's some kind of wonderful.
Talkin' 'bout my baby.
She's some kind of wonderful.
I'm talkin' 'bout my baby, my baby, my baby.
She's some kind of wonderful.
I'm talkin' about my baby, my baby, my baby.
She's some kind of wonderful.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, ... my baby, my baby.
She's some kind of wonderful.
Talkin' 'bout my baby, my baby, my baby.
She's some kind of wonderful.
I'm talkin' 'bout my baby, my baby, my baby.
She's some kind of wonderful.

a big congrats to Tango and HB and to Lover and Marilyn
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on February 15, 2013, 01:28:40 PM
Sitting at the bar talking with Tango and Brandy when the lights go out I grab Tangos arm when the spot light lights up the stage.

A large box slides out from behind the curtains and stops in the middle of the stage. Tango gets up on the stage to look at the box he pulls on a rope and the front of the box opens. It's a black throne with ruby red eyes in the back rest.

Brandy,Stone and Jayc go up and look to they all take some steps back when a dragon comes out from the back of the box.

WOW its HB she looks stunning dressed as the Dragon Girl she has a collar and a chain she moves to be in front of Tango and offers her to him as his pet. I feel my heart jump knowing how they feel about each other I know the answer that Tango will jive before he says anything.

hearing him tell all his friends "...FROM THIS DAY FORTH THIS DRAGON GIRL IS MINE...." I smile knowing what this means to Tango

He takes a key from his pocket and unlocks the chain they Kiss and then set on the throne watching them up on the stage  just want to run up there and hug them both.

Turning back to the bar I see J2D2  behind the bar and smile at him and give a little chuckle "hows your head" I ask with a smile
He looks back at me tilts his head and then smiles as he goes back throw his data banks to our first meeting in the ice house "Yes Jane my head is fine."

Stone gives JD a CD to play and drugs Jayc to the dance floor the crazy music starts and they start the crazy Tantrum dance.
My foot starts to tip I grab J2D2 "come dance with me" he come out from behind the bar and we join in the crazy dancing.

The craziness ends and we all cheer and clap Beer takes to the stage with his guitar and starts to play Bryan Adams… To really love a woman and calls all the couples up on to the dance floor. I grab J2D2 and pull him back to the dance floor and we dance in each others arms as Beer finishes his song.

Lover drops to his knee and asked Marilyn to be his spouse with a big kiss she says YES we all cheer and clap.  

I Give  Lover a Hug and a kiss to congratulate him and Marilyn.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on February 15, 2013, 05:04:04 PM

I go to the mic...  tap it... "Is this thing on?"

"In honor of our new "room" at the beach... I thought some ocean jokes would be in order.  (Things are getting serious in here)...

"How do you circumcise a whale?                             Use Four skin divers"

"The ideal man is like a beluga whale.  He has a four-foot tongue and can breathe out of a hole in the top of his head."

"What's white and four feet long?                  Moby's dick."

Pookie... don't leave... you promised to ride the bull.  ;D

I'll leave all you couples with this thought... something my Mama always says...

"The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in."

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on February 15, 2013, 07:57:23 PM
*shakes head at Covems jokes*

Need to have someone to fill the place between the fingers first Covems so hand the mic to someone else so you can go grab a hand lol
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pookie77 on February 16, 2013, 07:21:15 AM
Wow Covems, those jokes were so funny that I forgot to laugh.

Pookie... don't leave... you promised to ride the bull.  ;D

I did tell you that I would ride the bull, didn't I?  I'm leery... I know you... you have something planned.  But, a deal's a deal... so here goes nothing and I climb up on the bull.

"Ok.  I'm ready Mr. Covems... please... buck me!  And buck me like you mean it."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 16, 2013, 11:54:08 AM
JD  holds me tight in his arms and  twirls me round,  “ Your mind seems elsewhere tonight” JD whispers in my ear. 

“ Oh I’m fine, “ I smile back at him.
JD has known me a long time.  “ Sure you are,  you know, maybe you should just shag him, get him out of your system”  He chuckles.

“ I’m sure I have no idea what you are talking about”  Irritated again , but JD’s sexy grin & easy going nature makes me reassess and laugh at myself.  “ He’s the last man, I would want to be on my own with ok.. he’s just a damn nuisance. “

“ And what has he done to annoy you so?”  JD raises his eye brows .

I contemplate letting JD into my confidence... “ He promised to buy me a meal and he just took off, no word, nothing. I thought... maybe a date,  and he didn’t buy me a present for xmas. I got him a xmas jumper. “ I knew I sounded like a petulant child... it sounded a little stupid now I’d voiced it out loud.

JD chuckled. “  And your pride is hurt, cus he maybe didn’t look at it like a date and didn’t run to you begging for forgiveness”

I glare at JD wanting to be annoyed at him.  JD continues “ And you are annoyed with yourself for letting it matter”

JD had this uncanny way of hitting the bull’s eye at times.  He pulls me close and holds me comforting me as we dance.  Before I have chance to answer him,  Bear breaks his singing to allow Lover to make his speech.

I am completely taken by surprise,  as he proposes to his Marilyn .  She accepts and my eyes fill with tears at the romantic moment.  JD passes me his hanky and squeezes my waist.

Tango & HB   &   Lover & Marilyn.  This is turning out to be quite the birthday party.

 Jayc takes control and ensures  champagne is cracked open to acknowledge the birthday boy, Tango,  and  his double celebration with his Mastering  of HB and then  Lover & Marilyn’s  happy union.

Quite the night !

Covems takes to the mic and my tears of  “lovy dovy awww “ moment soon turns to tears of laughter and the moment  is gone.

JD leans into me and whispers “ Are you going to be alright?”

“ Sure, why wouldn’t I be “ I say brightly

JD nods towards Pookie & Covems. “ Seems my bull is about to see some action”

I grin back at him, “  Going to see if you can shake her top loose?”

JD heads towards them,  “ It’s in my job description & all the guys in here know it” He chuckles.

 I head to the bar and see Jane dancing with J2D2... he’s  such an amazing likeness to JD.

Stone has returned behind the bar with Momma_ Andrea and Gayle to serve again. I go to her and ask for a House Special Punch.
She serves it up.  “ I see he’s back” rubbing her bottom absently “ Did he say sorry?” 

She sees my face. “ I guess not then “   She grins back at me,  “ You know his hat is still behind the bar”  I look where she’s pointing... the pink Stetson is sitting on a low shelf next to a wrapped parcel.

I take my drink,  “ I’m going to watch the bull ride, see if  Pookie can beat your 9 seconds." I chuckle. " and if her top stays intact.”  ....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on February 16, 2013, 01:18:26 PM

I saw this in a bar during my visit home to Montana.  I thought it would be appropriate here in the AChat Bar & Grill.


I did tell you that I would ride the bull, didn't I?  I'm leery... I know you... you have something planned.  But, a deal's a deal... so here goes nothing and I climb up on the bull.

"Ok.  I'm ready Mr. Covems... please... buck me!  And buck me like you mean it."

"Me?  Something planned?  Pookie... I'm surprised at that accusation... it's just a bull ride.  You told me you've been on them before."  I say to Pookie.  "Now, you just get comfy up there and I'll be right here next to JD, so I can watch him buck you."

I sit next to JD as he starts up the bull. 


I lean in and say to him.  "I know you want to fff... buck her.  You want to fff... buck those big tits right out of that top.  But fff... buck her slow at first.  That's how she likes to start fff... bucking.  Nice and slow."


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on February 16, 2013, 09:00:22 PM
I am blown away by  Tango and Hentaiboy69’s declarations to each other.  The importance of Hentai’s offering and Tango’s acceptance as his Master was very very moving ...  I think of its meaning as I serve the beers to guests.  Not being of that world, I still recognise the importance of it, almost like a marriage. The promises to each other are very solemn  vows indeed.

 Then my thoughts drift to that  little encounter  on the dance floor  when Bear held my hips and patted my bottom suggestively,   when I was frozen bending over in that rather sexual type stance.

He purposely did it to unnerve me  and he succeeded.  I had heard of his high position in The Ice House.  He was some Grand Wizard,  ordering women to his whim and they seemed to like it.

 I’d seen his power at The Ice House Party not all that long ago, how he tied and teased and bought the women to orgasm over and over. He seemed to have the respect & awe of his peers . He was a scary man to me, an unknown entity.  And he knew it , played on it even.

 My eyes narrow on him as he nears the bar but  Lover intercepts him and after a brief conversation he turns to the back stage.

Then he appears on stage, calling for couples to dance near him. Jayc  comes for me and we position  on stage to dance He begins to sing.  The song is beautiful and his talent shines through.  He sings with feeling as though it’s to someone special, maybe a lady in his past or in is present.

Jayc leads and we dance in time with the other couples who volunteered. Then  we stop, only to find that Lover is asking his special lady to spouse him.

The romantic words are heart warming and sincere.   I feel Jayc  squeeze me, he’s as touched as I am at the surprise turn of events.

Marilyn accepts Lovers special request and the bar erupts into cheers. Jayc  takes charge and ensures everyone gets champagne.
It’s a beautiful moment.

We offer our hearty congratulations to both couples, hugging and kissing them all in turn.

Covems cracks some funny jokes and I giggle as I return to the bar and help J2D2, Momma_Andrea & Gayle to serve some waiting customers ;  Pookie77,  Sexilcious,  tangojane,  Thundersax,  jondas,  KingDustin,  Pafe, All_for_you  and mrsexlover.

Covems then  takes Pookie77 over to the bull and I see JD  go to join them.  Brandy comes to the bar for a glass of her special punch.

I invite the people sitting at the bar to try one of my special Bloody Mary’s , adding extra vodka  and southern comfort and some other special ingredient. 

Brandy grins, “ You experimenting again “ She queries.  I grin as I pour her punch.  “ They seem to like them “

I change the subject. “ I see he’s back”  I comment to her,   rubbing my bottom absently “ Did he say sorry?”
I see the look on her face.   “ I guess not then “
Then continue,  “ You know his hat is still behind the bar”  I point to the pink Stetson  sitting on a low shelf next to a wrapped parcel.

She moves to take her drink, shrugging  and says  “ I’m going to watch the bull ride, see if  Pookie can beat your 9 seconds  and if her top stays intact.”

I laugh at that and then say in a low voice, “ Wait -  he’s heading this way---Stay close enough to watch ok”   nodding encouragement with my eyebrows raised.

Brandy looks at me ... “ What are you up to?”

“ He flaked out on you Halloween & Christmas right... you’ll see “  I answer

I see Brandy move away a short distance,  keeping me in view.  Bear approaches  the bar. I move to serve him, having mixed a special Bloody Mary just for him.

As he stops in front of me I say ,  “ One on the house, compliments of Brandy and me”  I place the drink in front of him and he smiles his thanks.  “ That was great singing up there “ I  compliment him, casually.

He smiles again and takes a gulp of the Bloody Mary ... his face suddenly contorts, eyes water, face & ears redden,  mouth opens,  a film of sweat breaks out on his handsome face and his nose starts to run.
“ What the f.....  “  he croaks

I smile at him sweetly,  “ Next time,  you pat my ass, you’ll get a lot,  lot worst ...  or ....  if  you  upset my friend over there “  I nod my head in Brandy’s direction.

He glances at Brandy through teary eyes.  She  tries not to laugh at his obvious discomfort but fails and quickly heads off to the bull pit, out of the way.

After a few moments,  I take pity on him and place a glass of iced water &  paper tissues  in front of him grinning....” Maybe I accidentally over  did it on the special ingredient “ ......


“ Sorry about that “    ;D

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on February 17, 2013, 04:52:34 AM

Oh Miss Stone... that is just plain evil.  Heheh... but that is the difference between comedy and tradgedy.  Comedy it's happening to someone else.


Leaning back into JD... "Lets pick up the pace of the fff... bucking.  Fff... buck her just a little faster... fff... buck her just a little harder."


JD increases the speed just a notch or two.  "Don't worry about the time.  Remember... it's not always about us... sometimes it's better to give a good fff... bucking than to be too worried about ourselves."

Looking up and watching Pookie on the bull... one can't help but be drawn to those big boobs of hers.  "I wonder how long it's been since she's been able to see her feet."  I muse.

"Fff... buck her a little harder JD."


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pookie77 on February 17, 2013, 03:27:29 PM
lol Covems... I can see my feet!

Sure boys... come on... buck me harder... but don't buck me too hard.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on February 17, 2013, 05:02:28 PM
After a few days of hard work, back to earth, and what better place to go than achat bar. Drinking a beer I see new faces and familiar faces, glad back here from time to time and see how everyone is with good vibes, lots of beer and above all, the mechanical bull!.

kisses to all :)

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on February 17, 2013, 05:44:20 PM
glad to see you back zoerink :) *curls up on the stool nearby and chitchats softly while everyone else is busy with other stuff*
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 17, 2013, 06:26:19 PM
I walk around, reach sexi and zoering. "Hi, nice you're here too. Let's have a drink, they're all for free tonight. It's Tango's birthday and I made a marriage propose to Marilyn"
We have a drink then I leave - think they like to be alone...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Nat33 on February 17, 2013, 06:36:17 PM
Me too I drink for the mariage and Tango's birthday, yessss 2 drink at the same date  :D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 17, 2013, 06:39:47 PM
I see a new face in our bar and walk to her. "Hello Nat, welcome. I already invited you to a drink, nice you are here now." I hand her a drink "Cheers! I wish you have fun and meet many friends here. Oh.. and it's ladies' choice. If you like to dance just get your partner" I grin and wink.. "Many men are too shy to ask."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Nat33 on February 17, 2013, 06:53:58 PM
Thank you Lover, I know some men who are not too shy to make me dance  :P
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on February 17, 2013, 08:04:57 PM
*looks up briefly from talking with zoerink* welcome to the AB&G Nat :) all kinds of stuff to do here from dancing, drinking, having "fun", riding the bull, doing stuff on stage, even playing around on the spinning table *looks over might need to get dust off first been a bit since we used it. goes back to chitchatting about animals with zoerink*
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 17, 2013, 10:11:30 PM
Old Joe tends the bar and  makes sure the new customers are looked after ...  I keep an eye on the  Bull  . JD and Covems seem to be enjoying themselves every time the bull tips forward and exposing a little more of  Pookie's cleavage. 

" She's doing well keeping that top on " I muse  as I go greet Zoerink with Sexi  and the other people at the bar.

" Hey sailor, glad you have popped back in again, its always good to see you"   I punch Zoerink's shoulder playfully,  " Hey sexi, what do you think ... think Jontas &  Zoerink can handle the  " Yard of Ale "    ... Hey Joe set them set up for these two fine fellows. "

Old Joe grins & gets the glasses off the wall.


(   If you want to see how its done in style    )

And slapping Thundersax  &   KingDustin on the back   "  We have enough Ale for you to try it too" .    ;D

I greet Nat33  " Hey girl,  welcome to the AB&G ..   I'm sure  JD and Covems would love another volunteer on the bull after Pookie has finished enjoying her ride "   Grinning at Sexilicious,  Pafe,  Tangojane and All_For_you  &  mrSexlover   "  and I'm sure they would welcome you fine people too,  Go on dare you "   :o

I lean over to Sexi,   "  I'll  get the Dwarfs to set the Rotating Pleasure Table  up "    I wink at her  and do some special  knocks on the bar counter. 

After a short wait, Happy pushes open a hatch and I explain whats needed.  He nods and he and some of the other dwarfs  are soon getting the table dusted , oiled  and ready for action when needed.  They also get the dentists chair ready nearby to try cocktails & food with a difference..  eating and drinking off a human body .. if anyone is game or drunk enough..

"Just another day in the AB&G"  I chuckle to myself as I arrange an array of food on the table by the Dentists chair, bananas, cream, strawberries, icecream, yoghurt, ice cubes,   sparkling wine, chocolate spread mmmm ...   :P

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on February 18, 2013, 05:50:45 AM


"Yeah Pookie," I say, as a little more of her breasts are exposed.  "I bet you don't see those feet when you're standing..."


"Yer doin' it JD."  I say as Pookie slips ever so nipply from her top.  "Increase fff... bucking speed."

"Pookie.  I've seen girls back home ridin' the bull."  I say to her, "and I've seen ladies brought almost to orgasm while one one."


"Fff... buck her harder JD.  Yer doin' it... yer doin' it."  ;D  "Now lets fff... buck her hat off."


Can I get a Yeeee Ha!

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on February 18, 2013, 07:36:14 AM
*Grins and nods* yep sure think they can handle the yard of ale ;)

*watches as the table gets all cleaned up and look up to see tango. walks over to him and leans down* Tango, I still owe you something come on *pulls his arm up and leads him to the rotating table while looking around the room catching many of the eyes and beckoning them to come join. places tango on his stomach on the rotating table and secures his feet and hands. getting up on the table beside him and gently rub his back and butt gently with my hands. smack. warming his butt up a little. SMACK SMACK SMACK.* Never did get your birthday spankings :) so come on everyone step up and lets give him all his spankings now and if he is a really good boy maybe a little fun on the table afterwards ;)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Marilyn on February 18, 2013, 08:18:11 AM
I see zoe, sexi and Nat getting free drinks from Lover. I approach them and smile. "Welcome, girls. Hope to see you soon dancing on the dancefloor. I've noticed some eyes on you already." I wink.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 18, 2013, 08:33:48 AM
Standing at the bar with my sweet pet on my arm and Jane on her stole in front of me

I feel a hand on my arm and then "I still owe you something" I hear in my ear. Its Sexi  

She pulls my arm and leads me to the spinning, waving her arm to bring every over to the table with her.
I look at her with a smile as i know what's is coming my way. I look around for my new boss seeing her i shake my head and mouth to her "It's not my doing" she just smiles back.

Sexi lays me stomach down over the table and the dwarfs help her secure my hands and feet.

Sexi climbs up onto the table and stands over me feeling her soft hands on my back and then down over my butt.

Then a gentle snap of her hand on my butt Then  the sting of 3 hard SMACKS together " I NEVER DID GIVE YOU YOUR BIRTHDAY SPANKING" she announces "So come on everyone step up and lets give him all his spankings now and if he is a really good boy maybe a little fun on the table afterwards.

I feel a soft hand on my face it's my sweet pet I smile at her "I'm OK my pet Sexi wont let anyone hart me"
A big smile comes across her sweet face and then a glint in her eye.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on February 18, 2013, 10:00:14 AM
After a nice talk with sexi about our similar passion, i go to the mechanic bull... i like it and remember me last day i feel all my bones crying, but a couple of beers and some tequila can fix it.

I go to the music selector and choose a song for my time in the bull machine, afraid to be recorded by covems, i go up, and play the music and the bull... (BATTERY (METALLICA).

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on February 18, 2013, 10:29:09 AM
Sitting at the bar with Tango and his new pet our good friend comes over and takes Tango by the arm and leads him over to the mad table that is the spinning table. She lays him down over the table with a little help from the dwarfs.

I watch as Sexilicious climb up on the table and then spanks him. I laugh out load then Sexilicious call everyone over to came spank Tango.

I slide off my stole and move over to the table to be first in line.

leaning over Tangos body i whisper in his ear" lets see a bit of flesh back here" I reach around him and undo his trousers and pull them down just enough to bare his ass.

I step back from him and rub his bare butt lifting  my hand high and bring it down fast with a sharp crack my hand lands and leaves a nice red hand print. I raise it again and down it comes leaving a hand print on the other cheek.

leaning back over tango i whisper Happy Birthday my LOVE.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 18, 2013, 11:48:08 AM
I cant help but smile as jane takes Tango's trouser's and pants down ...  he certainly is going to enjoy his birthday spanks as people start to line up.

As I work down the line I remind people of the Erotic Story Contest that is open for story submissions  at the moment and pin the poster on The AB&G notice board..  an interesting way to earn a little extra A$ cash. 


Full rules,  prizes, submission dates,  how to submit  can be found in the below topic   :-

Forum Home page /  Organisations & Events /  Contests /  EROTIC STORY CONTEST 4  " FIRST TIME "  - THE RULES.,2196.0.html

I return to the bar and watch with interest  as Pookie rides the bull,  and Zoerink and some others join the queue to have a go.  I also watch Tango and wince a little at the sound of the spanks and his reddening bottom. Then the dentists chair wondering if anyone is brave or game enough ...

Old Joe pours me another punch and hands me a paddle with the AB&G logo on ... wiggling his eyebrows . I chuckle ...  looking at the paddle and Tango's bare backside ... mmmm  ......

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on February 18, 2013, 03:15:00 PM
*Sits back on my heels watching everyone gather around the table. While Jane starts to deliver her smacks to Tango, I gently massage his shoulders. Looking around watching all the sights now and then before returning my gaze once more to Tango. Leaning into his ear, "Happy Birthday again Tango. Hope you enjoy your present."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on February 18, 2013, 10:33:20 PM
All for you and me get in line for Tango birthday spanking, then she asks me why i'm smilling so much.

I show her what i have behind my back. See love, it's a paddle i borrowed from Bluedenim. As she sees the paddle she smiles at me and whispers in my ear "I hope tango is not the only one that gets to feel that  ;) "

As we approach the spinning table i show sexi the paddle and she smiles too and makes gestures she want also to play with it later.


Happy birthday Tango, as i leave some red marks on his ass and hand the paddle to All for you
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on February 19, 2013, 01:59:32 AM
]Standing behind All for you, I listen to her & mrsexlover as he shows her the leather paddle he asked to borrow from me. I smile as I hear her question, supposed to be a whisper but loud enough for me to hear and I feel an itchy heat in my ass. I was hoping to use it on Tango myself, but I think it may be busy...... Ah well....
Then my daydreams are interrupted and Tango's ass, all rounded and very red is waiting for me to give it it's birthday spanking from blu. He doesn't know it's me, but I think from the way he's wiggling it, he enjoyed my paddle. I lean over and kiss him soflty on each cheek, my hair stroking & tickling his red butt and he opens his legs wide in invitation so I shake my tresses down onto his balls and up the inside of his thighs, then I whisper "Tango, you are a very naughty boy, and I know you are loving this, so here's a surprise"
I bury my head between his cheeks, sucking his balls into my mouth, then tracing with my tongue up to his asshole and lingering, teasing I reach under and take his very hard cock in my left hand and pull it back underneath him, wanking him and licking his swollen cockhead, Then I spank him with my right hand flat & hard once on each cheek and say "Happy Birthday" and leave him happy but frustrated.. he isn't mine to play with and I need to find someone to take care of me now. xxx
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on February 19, 2013, 07:59:27 AM


"Yeah JD... you've fff... bucked her hat off.  Fff... buck her harder... knock those boobs out of that bra."


JD increases speed and fff... bucking motion of the bull.  First one... then the other come popping out.


"Keep going... hang in there Pookie!  Don't let him fff... buck you off."

Almost done here.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 19, 2013, 08:34:00 AM
A roar of approval & cheers resonate round the bar as Pookie loses her  hat and her large breasts shaken free at last by the expert handling of the bull by JD & Covems.  Even Tango, excited by his reddening buttock smacks , cant help but admire Pookie's very fine assets...

I'm sure the guys are enjoying it ... take your time Covems... take your time.. ;D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jondas on February 19, 2013, 09:08:33 AM
the bouncing boobies got my attention and sent signals down to my groin.

Taking my drink in hand, I look around to see who's in and seems in the mood for more intimate chat

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: All_for_you on February 19, 2013, 09:40:51 AM
Standing holding Mrsexlovers arm as we wait to give Tango his Birthday Spanking I look up at him and see him with a cheeky grin on his face "What are you sniggering about" I ask him  
From behind his Back he shows me a paddle "I borrowed this from Bluedenim"  seeing the paddle I lean over and whisper in his ear "I hope tango is not the only one that gets to feel that"
As I whisper I  ;) at Blue standing behind us. She smiles back at my wink.

As we get to the table Mrsexlover shows sexi the paddle to and her eyes light up I step to one side and mrsexlover steps up

 SMACK       SMACK       SMACK

"Happy Birthday Tango" he says as he step aside and hands me the paddle.

As I look at Tango's reddening Bluedenim moves in and gives Tango a great Birthday a very special present and TWO spanks one on each cheek.

As Blue moves away before anyone can move in   SMACK   SMACK    SMACK   SMACK  the paddle lands hard on Tango's ass cheeks his cheeks glow nice and red. Leaning over him "Happy Birthday Tango" I say with a kiss on his cheek I rub my hand over Tango's  ass cheeks and feel the heat coming off them "Happy Birthday my friend" I whisper again.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 19, 2013, 02:35:58 PM
laying bent over the table with sexi kneel on the table next to me.

I feel someone lay over me and then I hear the soft whisper of Jane's voice " lets see a bit of flesh back here" I then feel her hands undoing my trousers and pulling then down over my ass and down my hips. I feel her soft warm hands on my ass the a shape instant sting and her hand lands down hard and crisp then again on my other cheek. Jane leans back over and whispers" Happy Birthday my love"

My ass stings a little and i can feel the heat in my skin I feel sexi's hand on my massage my shoulders then SMACK   SMACK   SMACK    3 sharp spanks my eyes open wide at the surprise spanks  I hear "Happy Birthday Tango" It's mrsexlover . He must have my new paddle I think 

The sting from the paddle goes deep into my cheeks (If the was mrsexlover All_for_you will be next i think to my self)

I wiggle my ass and I feel a soft kiss and the tickle of hair on each cheek I open my legs wider for this soft kisses and a tongue moving around my cheeks my balls and my thighs.

I hear a soft voice my eyes open its Blue my sweet sub twin "Tango, you are a very naughty boy, and I know you are loving this, so here's a surprise"

She bury's her head between my cheeks,she sucking my balls into her mouth, feeling her tracing with her tongue up to my asshole feeling her reach under me and take my very hard cock in her hand and pull it back underneath me, feeling her wank me and lick my swollen cockhead, Then I feel that sweet pain of a flat hand one on each cheek as the sting from her well placed hands build's I hear her say "Happy Birthday"

Taking a few breaths to enjoy the feeling of the pain growing on and in the skin of my ass 4 fast hard SMACKS land 2 on each check I grrrowl at the intense rush of pain and then the soft feel of a cool hand across my hot ass

"Happy Birthday my friend" a whisper in my ear and its All_for_you

The heat from my ass cheeks move up throw out my body as i catch my breath ready for the next wave of sweet pain
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Bear on February 19, 2013, 04:07:06 PM
With that special moment now settled, I wander back on my original quest, settling at the bar as I admire the comely figure dancing with J2D2... It takes a moment for me to recognize the woman being Jane,… but damn… she looks good… her figure regained I can only admire how quickly she has regained it.

Stone’s offer of a drink is welcomed,… our little encounter on the floor at this point long a past thought to me. I take it eagerly parched as my throat is from singing, naïve in the cunning of her prank.

A hefty swig of relief,.. And my mouth rip in pain.. A backlash of the swig as I choke on it all.. And the concoction climbs the sinuous channels..
I taste the horror..
Breath it
My eyes watering….as my face contorts to turn inside out….
Stone and Brandy laughing just fuels the frustration of my throat melting…

My eyes glare towards them though hardly intimidating as I hug the bar…Stone slides a glass of wtaer towards me,… I glance to Joe… praying for milk… luckily he is ahead of the curve,… sliding a glass of relief towards me with a lemon slice. I latch onto the lemon… sucking the juices hard and quick before rinsing the mouth with the relief of the milk. My breaths hard as I eye Stone backing a bit away from me. She might be smiling but she is obvious in her caution in the moment

 I take a moment to collect myself... muttering as I give her the evil eye... "definely NOT baby blue..."
with a mental note to definitely pass Jayc a collar,... he needs to get that one in line...

Brandybees laughter catches my attention, and I glance to her, catching that beautiful smile enjoying my predicament. Her lips slightly pursing there as she watches consider of my potential reaction. I am taken for a moment… suddenly realizing how kissable those lips appear…and I shake the thought clear of my head.

“I am glad you enjoyed it…. “ glancing back to Stone. “ Touche Stone,… touche…”
Then return my look to Brandy

“So how did you like my gift?”

She looks at me puzzled. “Gift?”
I nod towards the box near the pink hat.. and her eyes widen with excitement, reaching for it immediately. She rips at the wrapping paper… opening it quick… the looks at me dumb founded as she lifts the deflated “O” ring up… looking at me with that questioning eye expression  of  “wtf”

She carries a puzzled,… confused annoyance in the moment. “what’s this?…Just what were  you thinking Bear?”  She twists the ring angerly in her hangs…

I wasn’t quite ready for that response…but there again…

“Of an inflateable donut for you? “  I smugly grin.. “That you seemed to enjoy that spanking at the pudding match too much..”

I nod towards the table.. “I figure it appropriate ,…just in case you decide to take  spin there…that you can sit comfortably afterwards.”

I didn’t think she could look more disgusted.. but her features seem to twist further in repellence.
 I turn to Stone,… “And you missy… I have half a mind to borrow Ruyka’s special paddle and use it on you.”

She glances to Brandy’s reaction. Backing from me…

“Bear, I think you are running with half a mind indeed.”
My eyes narrow... shifting betwen the two women, sensing a sisterhood of hostility towards me in the moment, settling on Brandy... wondering  to my self... am I missing something here?

The crowd at the table begins to cheer and my attention is pulled away... I glance away ,momentarily distracted at the commotion, then look again to Brandy there, seething in her thoughts...and I can't help but catch my own recognizing in that moment... how,... even angry... she is stunningly attractive…

so close,... my thoughts suddenly turning to jello as I see her.... actually see her
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 19, 2013, 09:10:40 PM
I chat with Stone making some of her “Bloody Mary’s “ for the guests  experimenting with some new flavours.  They seem to enjoy her creativity and voice their approval .

We  giggle when a cheer indicates that Pookie  has shaken out of her top.  Covems and JD can be very determined at reaching their goal over such things.  Zoerink watches with interest as he awaits his turn on the bull.

I show Stone the paddle Old Joe had given me to take my turn at Tango’s table .  The queue is quite long  so there’s no rush standing in line yet.

I take my drink  about to go  watch the bull action, when  Stone tells me to hover,  Bear is approaching the bar.  She looks like she is up to mischief as she mixes one of the Bloody Marys and I watch intrigued.

He nods his thanks & takes a gulp from the offered glass. I see his face and ears go blood red. Tears form in his eyes as the super hot sauce ingredient hits the intended target,  those lovely unguarded  sinuses and the tender  flesh at the back of his throat and on his tongue.

I wince a little thinking .... “wow, that must have been some hit to cause such a sheen of sweat on his ears “  Then promptly start to giggle uncontrollably.
It must be a bad sting, he refuses the iced water preferring Old Joe’s remedy of a slice of lemon and half pint of milk. He bites on the lemon & drinks the milk  with relief and I just double up, fitting with giggles as Bear turns and glares at me all angry and mean .....  with a milk mustache!!!

I manage to compose as he too starts to control the raging heat in his mouth.

He speaks to Stone,  “I am glad you enjoyed it…Touche Stone,… touche…”   She eyes him warily and backs off a little as I do,  wondering what his reaction may be. 

He still has that aura of authority about him, those stunning eyes, that stunning body. Suddenly  I want to lick that milk mustache away..  the thought unexpected.

His words break into my thoughts, “  So how did you like my gift?” 

Bear bought me a gift!  He thought of me after all!   I begin to feel guilty about being mean to him, but then realise,  I haven’t received a gift off him

I look at him  puzzled. “Gift?”

Bear  nods towards the box near the pink hat behind the bar..  I smile delighted, excited.  Bear got me a gift after all. My spirits lift, the guilt at my initial greeting, deepens.

I grab the box and feel like an excited child. I tear the paper off and open the box and it’s.... a blow up ring, as deflated as me. My excitement plummets...  is it for swimming?

 It’s an O!   Oh my God, is he plaguing about the Orgasm and the vibrating egg!!   I blush remembering the thrill of being naked in his arms, touched intimately .... but then... I feel the indignation rising...  and anger at myself for  recalling that thrill and expecting his gift to be ...  well ... more.

“What’s this?…Just what were  you thinking Bear?”  I ask, wanting an answer that means something... more.. tender, personalising the gift even ...   I hold the ring up hooked on a finger at him.

“Of an inflatable donut for you? “  Bear  asks & grins in an annoyingly  smug way.. “That you seemed to enjoy that spanking at the pudding match too much..”
He nods  towards the Tango table.. “I figure it appropriate ,…just in case you decide to take a spin there…that you can sit comfortably afterwards.”

His words infuriate me,  Of all the damn cheek ... urhhhhhhh !!!  The public spanking Stone had instigated in our wrestling match,  Was he one of the crowd who had stepped forward to spank my naked bottom?

He says some smart comment to Stone and I see her bristle at his words, provoking her. She backs away a little more and looks over at me ... Had we pushed him too far?? ..

“Well not far enough”  My defiance barges forth.  My eyes blaze in anger , sparks flying,  and I square up to him , putting my face right up to his, noses touching...

“ You want a battle Mr, you want to take me on in a battle of wills?  Then let the battle begin“

And with that, much to my surprise as his, I grab his head and snog him, deep, hard, punishing his lips with mine. Pulling his hair as I control his head, my tongue invading his mouth, letting him feel the power of an angry woman, the seductive Alpha Female devouring her prey.   

I release suddenly,  the kiss shaking me a little,  the strength of my anger in the moment diminishing and the horror of my boldness semi replacing  the hostility.
But there is something else there, something strong, something that I don’t want to recognise ...  a strong attraction for a virile  man ...  My eyes blaze at him and then I turn and reach for the pink hat... determined to hang on to that anger.

I place it, sweetly controlled, on his stunned head,   “  Pink suits you,”  leaning into his ear  “  And being my Bitch does excite you ... I can tell... “ 
I  pick up the AB&G  spanking paddle. Now I’m in the mood for Tango’s birthday spanks seeing that the waiting line had  decreased  conveniently .

I walk away from Bear,  half frightened to look back at him,  but catching Stone’s amused look.  Out of his view,  I smirk at her, eyes wide as if to say “ What the hell did I just do?”

Tango’s bottom is nice and red and I whisper in his ear  “ Happy Birthday Tango”  and bring the paddle down, medium hard on each cheek.  1, 2 & 3 times...  then pat him on the back.

 The spanking has a cathartic effect on my mood.  “ Hope that didn’t hurt too much”  I apologise to him.

Then I throw the paddle towards Stone for her turn.  She raises her hand to catch it ......

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on February 20, 2013, 06:59:42 AM


"Hang on Pookie!  Whoaaaaa... there goes the bra!"  I lean in to JD again... "Heheh... nice job fff... bucking Pookie out of that."


"Okay Pookie... JD is going to get you off... he's going to fff... buck you so hard you can't help but get off."

"Do it JD... get Pookie off."


Helping Pookie up I give her a kiss on the cheek.  "Great ride, Pookie."  I say to her.  "You really hung in there.  Now go give JD a kiss for fff... bucking you so good.  Then you should take a turn on the table."  ;D

I go to the bar.  "This calls for something strong... sarsaparilla please."

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: christinak on February 22, 2013, 12:27:21 PM
Stepping into the bar was like sliding on a pair of old jeans.  Gliding past the heavily carved wooden door my nose filled with the familiar aroma of old wood and smoke.  I eyed the room and saw the familiar faces.  I took a seat at the first table I saw kicking my boots up on a chair, keeping my head low so my face would be shrouded under the brim of my hat.  I raised my head only long enough to see Bear enjoying himself before a waitress stopped by asking if I wanted anything. 

“Macallan 12, neat.”  I responded.

The waitress disappeared and I saw across the room that there was some commotion.  When the crowd parted for a moment I saw tango getting a spanking.  The familiar smile on his face spoke volumes to me.  Then I remembered.  It was his birthday.  I rose to my feet and glided over watching people take their turn with him bent over the table.  I took a place near the front of the crowd and waited until there was a break so I could take a turn. 

After a few more people had stepped forward to warm tango’s ass, I stepped forward into the light and took my hat off, letting my long red hair drape over my back.  “Hello tango” I said to him.

His head immediately swung around to see me.  A look of confusion on his face quickly flashed into a smile. 
“Miss Christy?” he said, as he dropped to his knees before me.  “Is it really you?”

I stroked his cheek with my hand and felt his face press into my palm.  “I missed you tango.”  I said.  “I’m glad to see that you are well.”
After another few moments I noticed that things had gotten a bit more, quiet behind me.  Glancing up I noticed a few stunned faces among those watching.  I looked for blue, but did not see her.  Perhaps I would find her later.  There was much to explain, and much to plan.
In the meantime, “Well then tango, I’d like to give you my present.  Bend over the table again please.”  I said.  And as he bent over I reached around his waist, slowly unbuckled his belt, feeling him begin to swell as I did, and I removed it, wrapping the buckle and half of its length around my hand. 

“Are you ready tango?”  I asked?

“Yes Miss Christy.” Came the reply. 

“Then pull your pants down and count the strikes.”  I replied.

He reached for the back of his pants and exposed his naked ass to me.  Immediately I raised my arm and gave him a strike across his already red cheeks seeing the flesh begin to raise up and become red as blood rushed to the area of his body under attack.
Wincing, he said through his teeth, “One Miss Christy.”

Raising my arm again, another strike.

“Two Miss Christy” he said, this time beginning to relax as the pain gave him the release he craved so much.  “Three Miss Christy, Four, Five, and on to Ten.”  His ass now glowing red around a central stripe that was beginning to turn purple.

Leaning forward, I whispered into his ear.  “I will be in my dungeon tonight.  I hope you will join me.  And if you see blue before I do, give her this.”  I said, slipping a sealed note into his hand.  “It’s good to see you again tango.  I’ve really missed you.”

I laid the belt on the table next to tango’s panting face.  And put my hat back on as I walked back to my table, past what were now, obvious stares.  Sitting down and putting my feet back in the chair, I picked up the glass of whisky that was waiting for me and raised it to my lips.  “Good to be back.”  I told myself, and took my first sip.  God, it was good.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Bear on February 22, 2013, 05:47:38 PM
A kiss is never just a kiss.... there are kisses from mothers to newborns,... loving and tender... a promise to cherish and protect forever..

The kiss of that of a small child to parent...full of admiration and adoration...

That first romantic kiss long cherished in the memories which chronicle our time, or that of long time lovers, full of confirmation of our feelings

 and then there is THE KISS:



Full of fire and the flow of emotion,,....and when Brandy's lips touched mine, I felt it all, her anger unchecked,

Raw…soft lips against mine moving as emotions flowed like a current between us thru their touch, to grow...transform,...touching deep within the spirit of the soul. As she held me there I relished it...lost myself in the moment of the  honest emotion. I felt it buckle slight... Softening as something more built there,, and as I raise my hand to cup her cheek, she pulls back, a small look of confusion on her before her resolve took hold again and she storms away blasting with her final comments., not looking back.

My eyes followed her...half disappointed she did not give me an obliging glance back. I knew she felt something… and the sting of her words indeed left me slightly muddled and confused. There was no denying the power of that kiss,... at least until my eyes settled on Stone's amused expression

My eyes locked to Stone… narrowing as iritated my mind swarms to a diverting thought.  I climb up the bar and slid over towards her. Stone backpedals,  no doubt in fear her lips next to catch the attention of mine..Her retreat though is cut off... backed by the rear counter as I closed in,... seeing her glance about for anything to fight me off with.

I reach out and I grip her shoulder...her look going franic and paniced.

“Little Oak… Little oak…” she sputters as I lean down close and look hard at her. Then
reach up for that pink hat and sliding it over to push it down on her head. I cock my head back and forth in consideration before straightening.

"No, a pink collar won’t work” I mutter, before twisting about... heading to the table in pursuit of Brandy.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 22, 2013, 07:35:16 PM
Still bent  over the table of pleasure catching my breath and feeling the pain in my ass pulse through my body.

Then I hear it the voice the voice of pay back Miss Brandybee "Happy Birthday Tango" pay back for the pudding night.

Then 3 fast snack like sticks on each cheek fast and sharp and then I feel her lean back over me  “ Hope that didn’t hurt too much”  she whispers
The pain is like venom as it runs through my body my legs tense as I feel the heat burn in my ass.

I feel the ropes holding me down loosen and sexy get off I grab my trousers and pull them up just as I'm about to stand hear the one voice that stop's me died in my tracks " Hello tango"  I turn my head not believing my ears I can help the smile on my face as I drop to my knees at her feet "Is it really you"

I feel her hand on my cheek I push my face into her hand wishing it would last longer  “I missed you tango I’m glad to see that you are well.”
after a few seconds Miss Christy speaks again

“Well then tango, I’d like to give you my present.  Bend over the table again please.”

as I bend back over the table I feel Miss Christy undo and take my belt out of my trousers.

“Are you ready tango?”  Miss Christy askes?

“Yes Miss Christy.” I reply. 

“Then pull your pants down and count the strikes.”  I replied.

I wince as the first strike land "ONE Miss Christy" I count

"Two  Miss Christy    Three Miss Christy     Four , Five and up to Ten

Feeling the burning from the ten lashes running through my hole body and controlling my breathing  not to scream

Feeling Miss Christy lean over me and whispered into his ear.  “I will be in my dungeon tonight.  I hope you will join me.  And if you see blue before I do, give her this.”  she says, and slipes a sealed note into his hand.  “It’s good to see you again tango.  I’ve really missed you.”

I look over my shoulder and watch Miss Christy walk away back to the bar as I watch I feel sexi move back onto my back there was no need I wasn't going to move an inch as my ass throbs from Miss Christy's  sweet gitf.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: treetrunk99 on February 23, 2013, 05:20:06 AM
I Walk into the room looking around, noticing an empty table in the back, kinda a dark location but suits me just fine.  I sit down with my back against the wall, taking note of his suroundings.  Being new to the area I sit alone, not making any noise, just watching....possibly waiting....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 23, 2013, 05:39:48 AM
welcome to the Achat Bar & Grill treetrunk99

the first drink is on the house and enjoy the party and have same fun
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: treetrunk99 on February 23, 2013, 05:42:16 AM
*nods at Tango*  Thank you, I was told this was good place to hang out. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 23, 2013, 05:53:08 AM
I'm a bit tied up at the moment   ;)    ::)

Yes its a great place feel free to join in
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: treetrunk99 on February 23, 2013, 06:01:59 AM
*nods once again*  I figured I would sit back and feel out the suroundings, possibly meet up with someone...thinks about " her"  slightly...And being tied up isnt always a bad thing...Just as long im the one doing tieing.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 23, 2013, 06:04:16 AM
On my way around I notice a new face and walk to him. "Hi, I'm Lover nice to meet you. You're here in the right moment. Usually first drink is for free, but tonight we have two partys. Tango's birthday and my wedding with Marilyn. Everything is for free - almsot everything" I laugh and wink.
"I hope you have a great time, here and in our little city at all. Think about introducing yourself"
Organizations & Events/Introduce yourself,22.0.html

Have a great time. Beware of some girls here, they bite and tease... but in general they all are nice ;)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: treetrunk99 on February 23, 2013, 06:15:59 AM
*Nods at lover* Thank you, and congrats hope you guys have a great marriage.  Did you say Birthday?...looks around the room for Tango....Happy Birthday Tango hope you get all the presents you desire. *continues to sit at his table, slightly glancing towards the door every so often*
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 23, 2013, 06:23:41 AM
Smiling, looking at the table Tango is lying on... "He gets what he deserves - and he likes it. Thanks for your greetings, let's have a drink"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: treetrunk99 on February 23, 2013, 06:37:05 AM
*smiles and nods*  Yes it does look like he does enjoy what he gets.  As for the drink I'll do a soda, preferably, Mountian Dew.  I dont drink the hard stuff.  So is it fairly busy here? *glancing at the door once and awhile*  I'm fairly new to this type of bar, mostly stay at home or work alot, figured it would be good to get out for once.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 23, 2013, 06:42:37 AM
I call one of our sexy waitress for the Mountain Dew. I also take a soda now, my night will be very long....
"Yes, its failry busy here. Its the place where our community meets - for a talk, a dance and some hot suff too." Looking at the stage.. "And for some events. If you want to sing a song, say something or have a special wish, just take the mic and speak. Are you waiting for someone special?" Ia sk, noticing he's looking at the door again
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: treetrunk99 on February 23, 2013, 06:48:31 AM
*looks at lover* Have you ever had that once in a life time connection?...thinking about "her" again....Bah, maybe its just silly.  *gathers his thoughts* No, not really waiting just *looks a little nervous* just relaxing. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 23, 2013, 06:54:19 AM
My mind is drifting away... I smile again... turn around, looking at Marilyn "Yes!" Looking back to treetrunk, remembering a dance is waiting... "I see, just relaxing" I wink, look at the door "it's a good invention, almost opening when you don't expect it.. wish you a great time" I get up and walk to my girl
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: treetrunk99 on February 23, 2013, 07:03:08 AM
*nods and tips my glass at lover* I agree *glances at the door once again as lover walks to his girl* *sighs slightly looking down at the table, then sips his drink*
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 23, 2013, 08:04:51 AM
One after another, all our friend approach my Master blocked on the spinning table and spank his bum, who turn red: i had seen this before and i fel the same sansation......i want to look away but i can't stop to stare at him. More i look at him spanked, more i feel a fire burning inside me.....i don't want to see ithers hurt him, i want do it to him, but i can't....not in front of all and not after i had ask him to be my Master and he had accept me!

The temptation is strong, but when Miss Christy enter the bar, i move away of the table and watch at her. She speek to Master Tango and order him to pull down his pants and count the strike he will receive from her:

“One Miss Christy.”

“Two Miss Christy”

“Three Miss Christy, Four, Five, and on to Ten.”

Hearing his painfull voice, i bite my lower lip till it bleed to try to resist.....God, his voice is drving me crazy! I can't hold the desire to reach the table and be the next onr to spank him!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on February 23, 2013, 08:12:26 AM
*Looks up from the table where I have been caressing tango after each person steps up to give him his gift and sees treetrunk walk in and sit over in the back. Leaning down making sure tango will be ok, I make sure his bonds are loose and hop off the table and stroll over to treetrunk. Walking up to him as Lover is leaving, I lean down and whisper in his ear "Sure is good to see that you made your way to the bar." Pulls out a chair and sits down beside him.*
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: treetrunk99 on February 23, 2013, 08:38:17 AM
*looks at Sexi as she walks over and sits down next to him* Hello, *clears throat* I was just thinking about you...How are you.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: treetrunk99 on February 23, 2013, 08:49:15 AM
*looks her over as she sits, starts to fidget with the napkin to keep his hands busy*
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on February 23, 2013, 11:03:06 AM
Outside getting some fresh air I notice the cord  of wood I ordered has arrived, stacked neatly along the building wall. I begin to build a fire in the pit using the beer case boxes and other paper scrap from the bar. As the kindling begins to burn I feed logs into the flame. In no time at all I have a nice fire burning. I watch the fire for a few minutes and finish my beer.

In need of a fresh beer and maybe a shot I slide the deck door open and go inside. The party is in full swing now with the music thumping, couples dancing. There is a big crowd around the bull and lots of cheering. Spotting me Joe waves me over to the bar. “Stone is looking for you” he shouts in my ear and hands me an icy lager and points to the other end of the bar.

Joe fills me in on the latest events of payback taking place. The flaming hot bloody Mary and Bears response. Shaking my head I shout over the music “maybe we should call this place the Vendetta Bar & Grill”  Joe laughs  and walks off to tend to thirsty patrons.

Scanning the room I do a double take as I see Christinak?  Yes that’s her I smile. She seems to be giving Tango a birthday paddling, much to his enjoyment. I make my way over to watch  when Stone saddles up along side of me “there you are “she says with  a sound of relief.  “stay close, I think I pissed off Bear”  she goes on to explain what just transpired. “if you pissed him off I think you would know it “ I smile as we walk over to Tango.

As we get closer I can see Christina is using a belt  not the paddle  and is really letting him have it. I wince at the sound of the belt hitting his red ass. She finishes and returns to her table. As I watch her walk away I notice Sexilicious  getting friendly with a new face Treetrunk and make a mental note to introduce myself  when he is not busy.

Someone hands me the birthday paddle, the crowd urges me to give Tango his due. I shrug my shoulders and take off my jacket and hand it to Stone and roll up my sleeves. Paddle in hand I take some big practice swings much to the crowds approval. Getting behind him I wind up  and bring the paddle home but freeze a inch from his ass and instead just give him a little tap then smiling set the paddle down. Taking Stones hand I pull her onto the dance floor.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on February 23, 2013, 01:18:08 PM
*smiles at treetrunk* "Well I'm doing good besides being sore from work. 14+ inches is a lot of work and suppose to get about another foot monday, so they keep us busy at work."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Swabbie_DK on February 23, 2013, 02:11:42 PM
*Strolls casually in through the door and heads for the bar, looks at the nearby people and nods to them before sitting down on a stool at the counter*

"Can I have a pack of beernuts and a draft plus a Jack D to float please?"

*Takes another good look around soaking up the atmosphere and the mood of the place and he clearly relaxes*

"Oh yeah have a round on me and start a tap on me"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: treetrunk99 on February 23, 2013, 04:23:53 PM
*smiles at Sexi* wow 14+ inches is alot, you look like you could def use a message *smirks evilly* *leans forward some to look her in the eyes, genntly taking her hand* I'm glad to hear you other wise good.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on February 23, 2013, 06:59:49 PM
sounds good to me would never turn a massage down :) so how do you like the bar and grill or do we need to get you a little tour of it all
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: treetrunk99 on February 23, 2013, 07:02:07 PM
*smiles at Sexi* well I am just getting used to the surroundings, better that your here, Lover did explain alot when i came in but a sexy tour guide wouldnt be so bad.  As for that message maybe you can show me around and then you can take advantage of that message.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 23, 2013, 07:50:23 PM
On my way to Marilyn I cross the counter and see a Swabbie. I know him from a short talk when he first came to our town. "Hi Swabbie, nice to meet you here. I see you already have a drink. Don't pay for it, just leave a tip for our sexy waitress. Tango and I are paying tonight." I put my hand on his shoulder. "Beware the girls here, after midnight they are... dangerous" I grin, wish him fun and look for my girl.
Noticing her in this hot sexy red dress, which she designed by herself. I sneak behind her, grab her hips and whsiper "The next song is just for us, let's dance." Taking her hand, pulling her to the dancefloor just as the band is starting a "The lady in red" from Chris de Burgh.

We're dancing, holding us tight, looking deep in our eyes. "You wanted to show me soething " "It's very private, is my naughty hubby horny?" She is asking me, rubbing her body against mine. "Is it a question honey? You know me" "I just wanted to be sure" I grin and we deeply kiss, my hands fondling her back, slowly moving down to her ass...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on February 23, 2013, 07:54:34 PM
*smiles* well wouldn't say i'm the best tour guide here lol but i am kinda sexy hehe  ::) least that is what i've heard
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: treetrunk99 on February 23, 2013, 07:58:17 PM
*smirks at her remark of the word kinda being any where near a description of her*  Well, you are very sexy.  Well we can discover together then maybe well end up lost in the broom closet...I promise i will save you if that happens...just might take me awhile to go for help....*smirks evilly*
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Swabbie_DK on February 24, 2013, 12:46:29 AM
*grins at Lover*

"Free drinks, great bar, I gotta hang out here more often!"

*then tips the waitress and smiles at her before checking out some of the other guests*
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on February 24, 2013, 05:42:31 AM
Now that Miss Christy is done with her belt and left tango on the table, i turn to All_for_you.

"Say darling how about we get this tabble into action, that's spinning, you and the other girls that like a good spank climb up, ass outwards, up in the air and bare of course, then we can stand around with the paddle for when it stops"

she giggles and smiles to me "but what about tango ?"

"Oh we leave him up there too, he is the bonus  ;)"

"Lets get more people to join and i'll ask brandy for the table remote"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on February 24, 2013, 09:14:49 AM
Bear’s croaks and  watering eyes show the success of my little warning.  And Brandy & I laughing at his predicament does not go unnoticed by him.  The Bloody Mary was generously laced with the hot sauce!

He refuses &  ignores  my  peace offering of the glass of water, preferring  instead,  Old Joe’s remedy.

I check my giggling & move away from him a little to improve my “ safety space”.  Is that  refusal a subtle warning of unforgiving me  or   does past experience and knowledge prove lemon and milk to soothe quicker?   I am not brave enough to ask.  I will seek advice from Old Joe later.

When he is able, he turns to me , “ Touche Stone, Touche”   I watch him closely on full alert.  I know he can be a dangerously attractive man if he’s a mind too.  I remember the expert lassoing of Adera and Blue on the table, the Ice House  guests watching in awe, of the man’s power & authority, especially there in his Dungeon domain. The things he did to them.  I shake the thought away.

Maybe, I should not have goaded him so. It is probably more wise not to be on the Grand Wizard’s radar.  I feel a sense of relief as he turns his attentions to Brandy and let out the breath slowly, I seem to have been holding. 

I take the opportunity to scan the crowd for Jayc,  but he is not in accessible view.  “ Have you seen Jayc?”  I ask Old Joe and he nods and points, “ Out back sorting the fire pit”
I nod smiling, “ Not too far away then “

Bear suddenly turns to me again,  “And you missy… I have half a mind to borrow Ruyka’s special paddle and use it on you.”

I swallow. I’d heard of Rukya,  a renouned  Fem Dom who had a vast collection of spanking paddles and enjoyed using them on her  adoring submissives.   Rukya & Bear were friends!  Close enough to exchange paddles!

That’s Scary,  Bear!   I look at Brandy & then back at him. I am nervous now and back away a little more.. “Bear, I think you are running with half a mind indeed.”  I murmur.
My nervousness is short lived when Brandy & he exchange barbs over his gift. It’s only.... An Arse protector !!

I stifle the giggles,  this time hoping Brandy wont detect my amusement. Even Old Joe’s shoulders are shaking over that one.  And then she holds it up – a large deflated O for all to see!!  She is completely unaware in her anger how utterly perfect that gift is for her!!  And Bear the only one brave enough to  tease “ The Boss” like that !! 

I look at them both with renewed interest...  Both their eyes flashing with anger and arcing the electricity between them.  Then she does it ... she kisses him.  I stand open mouthed as does Old Joe, we weren’t expecting that!

Brandy is obviously angry but I can’t help but wonder  if it’s at herself  or him.  She picks up the Pink Stetson and places it on his head, now that’s funny again.  Bear appears stuns as she walks off and then paddle spanks poor Tango as a birthday treat.  She seems to be hitting his bared behind with a gusto, I’d not seen before.

I am smiling to my myself at Bear’s  pink & fluffy, milk mustached new look. He looks at me and his eyes narrow ..  I back away from him glad of the bar counter between us. 

He suddenly jumps over it. His 6 ft frame towering over my tinier 5’6” .   My first thought is, he might  kiss me too, as punishment for the Bloody Mary.  He’s very vexed standing there, I look to see if I can reach for the salted peanuts to throw in his eyes as a diversion.  No, there’s nothing.  He traps my escape with his arms either side me.

 Jeeze, The guy is a Dom.  Is that how he looks at his Slaves,  “ Little Oak,  Little Oak” I quickly fire off, it’s all I can think off to self preserve.  Hopefully, he will recognise it as a safe word.

He reaches up. My heart is thumping.  And he takes the pink Stetson off his head and places it on mine.  He studies me for a moment.  "No, a pink collar won’t work”   Then he turns leaving me quietly shaken by the encounter.

What did he mean,  collar... ? Was Jayc thinking of selling me to him or something?,  no, Jayc wouldn’t do that,  he enjoyed the Ice House payback with J2D2, didn’t he?  But then again, he helped Bear before....  my thoughts are firing off all at once.

I follow over to Tango’s table. Brandy is waving the AB&G spanking paddle at me for my turn at giving Tango his birthday spanks.
His bottom is very red from the attention he has been getting.   Brandy throws the paddle in my direction  just as Bear  approaches her. I catch it deftly and go to Tango.

I swing it back and spank him,  some of his friends count with encouragement ,  1, 2, 3.  I am about to stop when they encourage two more.  I shrug my shoulder’s  and  do  4 and a final 5.

They all cheer and Tango groans his thanks.  He really does seem to enjoy it.  Tango turns to me, “ Will you tell Jayc, I need to see him, I have something for him”

Before I can find out more, the moment is gone when I notice Christinak is back in town.  She is drinking her usual whiskey and makes for Tango, unstrapping his belt from around his waist.  He is beside himself with joy and gladly offers her his buttocks. She straps him hard as he counts the whips.

My mind works overtime now... ChristinaK,  Rukya,  Bear ... The Dominants seem to be congregating. I look round, Are there more about?   A pink collar flashes in my head...   
There are new faces here ... Zoerink,  Nat33, jondas,  TreeTrunk99 & Sexilicious,  Swabbie_DK,..  my heart beats faster ..  Dominants? Submissives?   Is there a reason they are here or just coincidence? And why is Bear thinking of collars for my neck!!! And what does a House sub want with Jayc!!!

Just as my imagination is going into a very silly overdrive, Jayc appears. His presence very much needed and appreciated.  “ There you are,  Stay close, I think I pissed off Bear “  I greet him very much relieved.

“If you pissed him off I think you would know it “ Jayc smiles and puts his arm around me. It soothes my errant thoughts.

Then his easy going manner makes me smile again as he makes a big display of whacking Tango’s bottom with the paddle,  but in fact just gives him a gentle tap.

He gives the paddle to Mrsexlover who  has now obtained the remote control for the rotating pleasure table and arranging the girls to bend over  with Tango for  a mass spanking session.

Jayc takes my hand and looks into my eyes, “ Dance with me”  he asks.  His eyes mesmerise me,  “ Anytime Batman” I answer him.

We slow dance in the middle of the floor and I huddle into him,  “ Hey Jayc...  do you like collars on girls? “
“ Why do you ask?” He chuckles, nibbling on my neck
“ I ... oh nothing really...  You wouldn’t ...  sell me.. or anything right?”

“ Well depends on how many camels I might be offered”  He chuckles.  I punch him playfully on the shoulder.
“ You know we are joined at the hip baby” He grins.  He pulls me in close again.

“ mmm, it’s just me”  I murmur, reassured ,  into his neck, “  I think Bear has too much testosterone, he needs to just go and crunch Brandy or go do his Grand Wizard thing with his adoring slaves. “...

Jayc leans into me, “ Want to be my slave baby?”   
I look him in the face, “ You really don’t know how ill timed that joke is Batman” 

Jayc  chuckles,  “ Baby, I love you just the way you are...  now let me kiss those delectable lips” He lowers his head and all thoughts except him banished for the moment......

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on February 24, 2013, 05:51:55 PM
*smirks at her remark of the word kinda being any where near a description of her*  Well, you are very sexy.  Well we can discover together then maybe well end up lost in the broom closet...I promise i will save you if that happens...just might take me awhile to go for help....*smirks evilly*

aww thanks. hehe haven't found any brooms around this place yet think they keep it hidden.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: All_for_you on February 24, 2013, 07:19:34 PM
Watching Miss Christy use tangos belt on his ass.

As she finishes with him she puts the belt next to him on the table.

Mrsexlover turns to me  "Darling how about we get this table into action, that's spinning, you and the other girls that like a good spank climb up, ass outwards, up in the air and bare of course, then we can stand around with the paddle for when it stops"

I giggles and smiles to me "but what about tango ?"

"Oh we leave him up there too, he is the bonus"he says with a smile

He heads off to see Brandy for the remote for the table

I go over to Sexilicious and take her arm and say "Come on time for same table fun and bring your friend" I smile and wink at him "Its going to be fun" I say to him.

Sexilicious grabs her friends arm and pulls him up and over to the table. I kiss Mrsexlover as i get back to the table and wave my hand at HB to come join us .

I turn and face the table seeing how red tangos ass was I gently rub my hand over it and feel the burning heat coming from it. He flinches to my touch and turns his head i smile "Its only me my friend" I say softly.

I bend over the table next to him and give him a little kiss i wiggle my skirt up to show my bear ass ready for the fun to start.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on February 25, 2013, 10:05:12 AM
Heads back over to the table grabbing and bringing treetrunk. "Come on it will be fun never know what will happen at the table hehe" ;)

Leans over tango and kisses him on the cheek checking to make sure he still is doing ok. Shimmies out of my skirt before rubbing my hands over the bare cheeks. Gets up on the table and sits gently on tango's back rocking back and forth before stripping the top off and dropping it to the floor leaving only the thinly covered undergarments showing. Stands up on the table and does a little enticing dance before sliding the bra straps off my shoulders. Throws my hair over covering the breasts as I take the bra off leaving nothing but hair covering it up. Continues dancing around the table then shakes my hair throwing it to the back again. Finally, slowly very slowly wiggles out of the panties drawing it out as long as possible. Hops off the table landing lightly on my feet and gently spins around and lays on the table on the other side of tango. Giggling softly "now I won't have to worry about sweaty clothes later."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Swabbie_DK on February 25, 2013, 02:30:28 PM
*Looks over at the "entertainment" and smiles, turning to better enjoy what is happening while at the same time downing the whiskey and putting down the glas.

Then taking the beer along moving to a table closer to the action to truy to figure out what is going on*

"Mind if I sit here?" I ask to noone in particular while drawing up a chair and sitting down near a table
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 26, 2013, 03:55:44 AM
Bent over the table laying they looking right into Sexi's eye "thank you for your gift"
Just as i finish saying it I feel a hand on my arm pulling me off the table "Blue whats going on" I ask  she leans in and whispers in my ear then drags me of into the Pool room and into the tunnel and down into the Ice House.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on February 26, 2013, 06:49:55 AM
Sat at the bar working out a way to get J2D2 out from behind it to get him onto the dances floor Pondering how to temped him out.

I see Blue reading a note her eyes light up like a pair of car headlights as she reads on. As she finishes the note she looks up and her face is aglow and she looks around the Bar and gets up from her stole taps me on the shoulder and kisses my cheek.

With out a word she moves over to the table I look back at J2D2 then over to the table and smile. As I look back over to the table I watch as Blue  Tango to his feet and whispers in his ear then pull him off to the pool room as he struggles to pull his trousers up.

I watch as they disappear I catch the site the face of HB as her new Master is pulled from his party. I slide off my stole and walk over to her I put my arm around her and whisper "he will be back soon I'm shore" I take her hand and say"lets have some fun over on the table as your the little Dragon girl   tonight"

Pulling her arm as I walk over and kiss mrsexlover " room for one more on there" I say and hand Tango's new paddle to the Dragon girl "be gently with me now I'm not use't to this" I wriggle and pull my dress up over my ass and bend over the table. And wait to feel that paddle for the first time.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 28, 2013, 05:16:43 AM
I let Jane lead me to to the spin table, where she hand me my Master new paddle. I stare at her, till she speak to me.

"Be gently with me now....i'm not use't to this"

Is she asking me it really!? I hold the paddle in my hands and look at her pretty round's perfect and the temptation to do it is strong, but then the memories of the first night with her and Master came in my mind: she was cute with me and had help me a lot.....
I bent over her, caressing her nice bum cheek: my hand move in circle,m slowly and i can feel her silky skin under it.

"I can't do that to you, Jane...." i whisper to her "you are too kind and i care you so much......i can't and i don't want to hurt you...."

Saying this i let the paddle fall into the table and gently kiss her cheek. then, i continue

"If there is someone who need to be spanked, it's me.....i had bad thoughts about Master and this is not good.....not after he was so kind with me...."

I help Jane to stand up and adjust her dress and push her against me, hugging her tight. her scent fullfill my nose and with it all the memories of the Halloween night rise in my mind.....the party, the morning after with her and Master in the shower.....lots of wonderful moments! I put my lips on hers, in a sweet kiss and slowly my tongue try to open a way in her mouth....gently, but with firm movement it slide inside but suddenly Jane bite my tongue with her teeth.

Her bite is not hard, it's soft but she is not letting my tongue get free.

"Jane...." i try to say, but only a strant rant come out my mouth.....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 28, 2013, 02:42:07 PM

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on March 02, 2013, 06:11:35 AM
Bent off the table with my ass out I feel HB's hand on my skin its feels nice I close my eyes ready for he to spank me. I feel her lean over me and whisper in my ear

"I can't do that to you, are too kind and I care you so much.....Ii can't and i don't want to hurt you...."

She puts the paddle down and Kisses my cheek and whispers again

"If there is someone who need to be spanked, it's me.....i had bad thoughts about Master and this is not good.....not after he was so kind with me...."

She helps me off the and pulls my dress back down over my ass. She pulls me close and hugs me tight feeling her soft lips on mine we kiss I remember our last kiss that sweet morning in the shower.
Feeling her tongue on my lips I open my mouth and let it into my mouth and let her tongue into my mouth feeling it entering my mouth going passed my teeth I bite down on it holding it in my teeth.

HB's eyes open and a grant comes from HB's

I pull her close and our body's press hard against each other I let her tongue go and kiss her deeply.
I Whisper in her ear

"Remember that morning in the shower when your Master told you to look after me well its time for you to do as he told you"
I move back and look into her eyes then smile on her face tills me she remember what her master told her

"If your not going to SPANK me someone has to take my place on the table with there ass out of a spanking"

I look at HB and then at the table................

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on March 03, 2013, 05:00:45 AM
AChat Bar & Grill Karaoke Night


This month we're having the big Karaoko Night 24 hours each day.
A new event - you don't need talent.
Don't be shy, give it a try. So come and sing your heart out.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Nat33 on March 03, 2013, 11:46:23 AM
I saw the poster on the wall outside for "Karaoke Night"
I went and ordered one coffee...
I already hear some vocals in the room... hum training  ::)

The coffee is good  8)

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on March 03, 2013, 01:38:24 PM
OOT: Joining is very easy. All you have to do is pick out a song and describe your performance :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on March 05, 2013, 12:45:07 AM
Dancing  with Stone we notice Lover hanging up a sign announcing Karaoke night. “Feel like singing?’ I ask Stone nibbling on her lovely neck holding her close. “just me?” she whispers into my ear. “I will join you ,“ feeling  that tall glass of Brandy Punch kicking in. “What should we sing?” her eyes lighting up. “how about”  “lets duet” Stone grins and nods the affirmative and drags me up on stage.

Jayc….Hello, darling

Stone…Hello, Jayc
Jayc…You ready to sing one?
Stone…I'm always ready

Jayc…In my dreams you're blowing me…………… some kisses
 Stone…That's one of my favorite things to do
Jayc…You and I could go down……………… in history
Stone…That's what I'm planning to do with you

Let's duet in ways that make us feel good Let's duet and make that sacred sound Put two and two together, perfect harmony we found We know it's only natural, let's duet
Jayc…I'm going to beat off………………all my demons
 Stone……..That's what loving Jesus all about
Jayc…Looking in your eyes, I start believing
Stone…Let's bring this whisper to a shout

Let's duet in ways that make us feel good Let's duet and make that sacred sound Put two and two together, perfect harmony we've found We know it's only natural, let's duet

Jayc…Did i hear your sighing?,
 Stone…what are you implying?
Jayc…Look a little tired,
 Stone…the music got me wired
Jayc…Pretty good looking,
 Stone…boy, I'm really cooking now

Jayc…I just want to make out…………. what you're saying
Stone…Read my lips, it's what you are looking for
Jayc…Here I am, sneaking up behind you
Stone…You can always come in my back door

Lets Duet. In ways that make us feel good. Lets duet, and make that sacred sound. Put two and two together,
perfect harmony we found. We know its only natural. Of course its only natural. God knows its only natural. Lets duet
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 05, 2013, 04:34:47 AM
I look at Jane and then at the table.......i remember well my promise to Master Tango: i will take care ofjane for him! But now she ask me to be spanked....i'm thinking about what to do when i hear her words

"If your not going to SPANK me someone has to take my place on the table with there ass out of a spanking"

I take the paddel from the table and play with it in my hands, looking at the table and bach to's not an esay decision to take for me. I'll take a deep breath and talk to Jane.

"I made a promise to my Master......and i don't want to break it! come, jane....let me help you!"

I help Jane to take her place on the table and when she's ready, i take mthe paddle back in my hand and give her a first hit. I lokk at her face and she nod to me, inviting me to go on. I hit her bum cheek twice, a little stronger then before.....she nod again and i hit three time, increasing the strenght i put in them again. Her cheek are turning red but she nod again but this time i notice some differen in her eyes....i can see tears coming up!

"Are you sure i can continue, Jane!?"

She nod at me again.....i swallow and hit her again, harder....and i see her biting her lips: maybe it was so much for her! I put the paddle on the table, near her hads and bent over her, whispering

"Sorry if i hurt you, Jane.....if you want, i'll take your place...."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on March 05, 2013, 03:28:32 PM
I stand looking at HB and then back to the table she moves her head looking at the table then back at me.

She picks up the the paddle and plays with it in her hands

"I made a promise to my Master......and i don't want to break it! come, Jane....let me help you!" she say's softly

She helps me lay back over the table and pulls my dress up over my ass again. I look over my shoulder and smile at her then face forward.

I feel the soft tap of the paddle on my ass HB looks up at my face I nod for her to spank me again, she spanks my ass twice more a little harder this time.I nod to her again and she strikes again three more times the sting from the paddle I bit my lip and some tears run down my cheeks.
I nob my head again for Hb to go again

I feel her lay down beside me and whisper "Are you sure I can continue ,Jane?"

I nod my head wanting to experience the pain that my man and her Master loves so much I bit my lip and hold my breath waiting for it to land again

It lands and lands hard I let out a whimper and my body shakes as a wave of pain rushes thought my body right to the top of my head and back down my spin right into my sex it get wet instantly.

I feel HB lay beside me again and whisper in my ear "Sorry if i hurt you, Jane.....if you want, I'll take your place...."

I turn my head and kiss her cheek and whisper "feel how wet I am my lover Give me 10 more then take me"

I turn back and brass myself for what HB is about to do

"one.........two...........three....I whimper... four.....five."  HB stops and I take a deep breath in and with out warning   
"" with tears running down my cheeks and my juices running down my thighs I feel the soft touch of cool skin on my burning ass.........
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Bear on March 07, 2013, 01:16:33 AM
I step towards the table catching a glimpse of a familiar long legs. Christy’s presence sends me on a detour as I snake through the crowd till I am behind her, Leaning down, I kiss her neck and murmur a warm greeting.

“Welcome back Christy, I hope you have found your Ice house in good condition.”

She murmurs in pleasure, eyes holding to her toys scuttling from the table at her beckon.

“If not, you know I would have you delivered to me naked and bound.” She replies.

I hiss,… snarl back at her. “You know me better than that. A flogging would infuriate me into retribution,… and to tease would be just to ruffle the fur of the beasts lust. “

She turns slow to look into my eyes, raises a finger and traces my lips as she meets me with a coy determined look. “Perhaps that is my intention exactly.” She  pulls her finger to her lips and then back to mine. :excuse me though sweetie, I have some catching up to do with my pets.”

“Mmm , too bad I had fully intended to give Tango racer a few deserving swats, and too perhaps your little Blu’ , …

She cuts me off,. “Not tonight my dear Bear,  this girl has her needs.”

She slides seductively away, and I can’t help but follow her with my eyes as she moves elegantly across the bar to the hidden door to the Ice House.. I find myself lost of breath,,… uncertain when I had stopped. breathing in the moment..

I glance back to the table, catching sight of brandy looking hard at me. Her expression bears strong annoyance, and I tilt my head, grin back at her. She stiffens, turns away, looking lost in thought. .  I am intrigued… honestly captivated now by her reactions this night. I can’t help but take quick glances towards her as I approach the table eying HB now paddling TangoJane. Her whimpers are quite exciting, and the shameless lecher that I am compels me to shift through the crowd to gain a better vantage point of her growing excitement between her legs.

Only in the AB&G could such erotic pleasure be accompanied by karaoke.

My eyes hold to their view of Janes reactions as I listen to JayC and Stone sing. My eyes lingering, devouring the sight  of Janes reddening buttocks… I cock my head… a tangent of a thought strikes thru me and I glance to the stage to Stone…. deeply considering her.. Until I shake my head.

No not red either.

My eyes drift back to Jane squirming on the table,.. Her pain and excitement in this quite evident. The crowd mills shifting in anticipation, more so when Jane pleads for HB to take her. Well I am not certain about the crowd. I was certainly turned on… and if HB lingered much longer I had half a mind to step forward and do the job myself. My body tingled with the lust fire stroked by unfolding events..

I feel the press of a body to mine, a hand to the shoulder and dark throaty whisper to my ear. “wishing you were in her place?  Does that turn you on?  Your hard macho exterior just a shell to cover your inner desires. I have a pair of lace panties you can have to wear when I tan your hide. You know you want it.”

Brandys words set the moment into limbo. What does this red haired vixen know of my wants!

I twist about to her, glaring down on her as I step in.

“What do you know of me? My wants… desires…”

My voice must have shocked her with its sternness as her smug demurr is taken in shock at my response.  She backs away,… but she has pushed me too far.

“Oh, girl… indeed I do want you… I so want to feel you tremble as I touch you… explore your body… slow… teasing each and every cell for those sweet spots that sends you higher and higher., “

Her eyes are wide as I continue to approach. My hands reaching for her, gripping her by the shoulders as I pull her in close.  I peer into her eyes, reading the moment of fear,.... excitement...

"Bear.,, " she begins to protest...

 "No,  no,... no," I hold her in the iron grip... reading the underlying desire bleeding thru her eyes... those lovely lips parted, the subtle licking of her lips. "I saw you there that night when I took Christy in the icehouse...hiding there ... wide eyed at the sight of that moment...I saw the excitement in your eyes during the sacrifice.”

She gulps…., yet I sense she hears the truth in my words. I lean closer my lips again teasingly close to her.

“Yes… you wanted me, I could see it, sense it….even now your heart flutters in the excitement…you are just to stubborn to admit it to yourself.”

And she did…. Even as our breaths melded there, her lips parted ,… and in this moment I did not hesitate. I wanted to taste them… feel them move in passion…  and as mine touched hers… I was not disappointed.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on March 07, 2013, 01:58:56 PM
 Stone catches the paddle to give Tango his birthday treat .  I see Bear, heading my way. He looks angry,  the determined look of retribution on his face sends a shiver of .... terror, even  excitement through me, or maybe it’s something else, the thrill of the battle of wills. I preferred the latter assessment. 
“ Why do I continue to goad this man for.. “  My inner devil seems determined to rile him. Then Bear’s attention is drawn to Christi’s return and he detours to her. 

The mutual respect of Dominants is strong and the bond between Christi & Bear obvious in their kink & friendship. Both hold high positions in the rankings at The Ice House.
Bear greets her fondly and they exchange some banter.  I am unable to hear but I see the finger she places on his lips. There is an affectionate attraction there that is long standing.

That man is a damn nuisance and I feel irritated again.  I turn away, determined to wash the man out of my thoughts.

Stone finishes with Tango and I tell her to ensure Christi  has a bottle of Glenfiddich  to take with her, when she leaves. She will no doubt want to spend some time with her Pets in her dungeon & I want her to know, she has been missed and welcomed back home, where she belongs.

Jane & HB  join the table and  Jayc takes Stone to the dance floor.   I look around for JD, but he's still busy at the Bull Pit.

Lover takes to the mic and introduces the karaoke about to begin. Jayc & Stone take the plunge first with a beautiful Country & Western song.

Some new people arrive in the bar  treetrunk99 sits quietly in the corner sipping his drink, taking in the new surroundings.  Old Joe ensures he has a free drink on the house, and that he gets his free drink off Lover & Tango too. Sexilicious soon joins him & they seem to know each other.
Swabbie_DK  chats to Old Joe & Thundersax , ordering some  beer , whiskey and peanuts. I catch his eye and mouth, “It’s on the house- house rules for a newcomer”

Nat33 & jcm082 move closer to the Karaoke stage with Lover & Marilyn, Jayc & Stone.  Maybe they will sing  a few good tunes too. Again, free drinks of welcome are dispatched to them on my signal to the bar.

More people begin to join the rotating pleasure table & I can’t help but smile as bare bottoms are displayed for it seems tonight the table is for spanking ... pleasure.  All_For_You & Mrsexlover,  Sexilicious & treetrunk99,  tangojane& Hentaiboy, &  Swabbie  moves closer to join in too.
I muse if the spanking paddles and moans and groans will match the beat and tunes of the karaoke  singers.

Tangoracer & Bluedenim leave to go to ChristinaK’s dungeon & await their Mistress.

It seems Covems,& Pookie77  are moving over to the Dentists chair, not far from the spanking table. “Is Pookie77 going to take the chair for Covems to eat food off her breasts... ?  I wonder  “  He certainly seemed delighted,  as was JD, when they were shaken free on the bull. The table of food nearby seems enticing as they look and point, discussing possibilities maybe.

James_dean is still busy at the Bucking Bronco as more people line up to try the bull,  Zoerink, King Dustin, Jondas, Pafe , Satoire & others.

I look down at my hands & find I am still holding the deflated ring in my hand  and Bear is back in my thoughts again... “So he thinks it’s funny to give such a gift...”  maybe on another day, I would see the humour in it... but not today.. all I see is, “  the damn cheek  of it!”

My irritation rises as I see Bear eye Christi’s perfect figure as she sashays away to her dungeon.  His eyes linger on her perfectly rounded bottom in her perfectly fitting leather trousers and boots.
I narrow my eyes on him, chiding myself,  - “ What do I care, if he finds other girls attractive, its natural, he is devastatingly  handsome, his reputation for pleasuring girls quite renowned in our village here ... why am I so annoyed by him...  why does it even matter? “  I am started to get annoyed with myself over such silliness.  “ Urgggghhh”  I clench my fists to try and enforce rationale in to my thinking. And then a really errant thought sneaks in ... “ Because you want him !”

“ I SO DO NOT! “ I scream silently at myself.  Then I see he shamelessly  eyes Jane’s nakedness, on the table, taking in her reddened cheeks, her growing excitement , shifting his stance to view her more intimately and then studying Stone’s perfectly proportioned attributes. 

“Has the man no shame,  oggling these girls taken already!!”.  My thoughts irrational through irritation.  He’s just being a guy after all  but no matter!!

Before I know what I am doing I am approaching Bear,  coming up close behind him, grabbing his shoulder to hold him still to me. “ Does he think any girl will fall at his feet?” My annoyance is peaked.

I move my lips to his ear,   “Wishing you were in her place?  Does that turn you on?  Your hard macho exterior just a shell to cover your inner desires. “ I hiss at him, “ I have a pair of LACE PANTIES you can have to wear when I tan your hide. ....You know you want it.”  I goad him full throttle.

He hears my words all too well and turns on the attack, facing me. My god , he is angry now and his eyes flash at me.  In that moment, he seems so much bigger than me, towering over me.. stronger, angrier and the most attractive I have ever seen him.  He is gorgeous in the moment.. magnificent..

“What do you know of me? My wants… desires… Oh, girl… indeed I do want you… I so want to feel you tremble as I touch you… explore your body… slow… teasing each and every cell for those sweet spots that sends you higher and higher., “

The words he snarls at me are dangerous, exciting, and I begin to step back. I immediately know, I have overstepped the mark and if truth be known ...  I deserve his backlash.
I try to reason, but my words are lost on him. “  Bear, I ....”

"No,  no,... no," Bear continues his tirade, "I saw you there that night when I took Christy in the icehouse...hiding there ... wide eyed at the sight of that moment...I saw the excitement in your eyes during the sacrifice.”

“ OH MY GOD,  he saw that”, the silent thought screams in my head, rendering me speechless.

He moves his face to mine,  overpowering in his stance & demeanour,  “Yes… you wanted me, I could see it, sense it….even now your heart flutters in the excitement…you are just too stubborn to admit it to yourself.”

My heart is indeed racing as are the butterflies  darting around in my tummy.

His words echo in my brain and then he takes possession of my lips, kissing me with a strength of passion and anger unknown to me.. ever.

 I respond immediately to his masterful, experienced touch.  He intended to conquer and was succeeding.. my lips move with his, the passion and need evident,  fireworks exploding around me..
” Damn the man.. Damn the electricity of his touch,  Damn , Damn... “ My thoughts of rebellion weaken as his tongue invades my mouth, bruising my lips and the woman in me rising, even revelling in the moment of finding such a worthy mate. He is intoxicating.  My body responds with an unbridled heat.  I flush to my inner core, dampening my panties.  My breasts peak and ache for his touch.

“ No, no” My brain silently shouts, pleads in the haze, my rebellious streak fights for control here.  I don’t want to find him attractive, I don’t want him to know my weakening state, the smugness he would display.  It would be unbearable!

I seize desperately on a sudden thought and nip his bottom lip, causing him to pause and pull away allowing me to speak . I see the mark of my teeth,  swell a little  “  Your collar is still in my office draw, time for it to be engraved I think...  Property of Brandybee ,  with a new charm attached , I think....of .... a pink Stetson”

His  beautiful eyes darken. He runs his tongue on the swelling I had caused. He smears his thumb over my lips, then grips my neck from behind, squeezing a little and holding me firm with his other arm by my waist in a vice grip,  before stating, quite simply,  in a dangerously,  quiet voice 

"Brandy,... You ...  Seriously ...... Underestimate me.".........

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Bear on March 11, 2013, 05:42:34 PM
Her words kill the mood of the kiss, for a brief moment, passion, flowed willingly from her, her soft moans of reception and the movement of her lips against mine fueling the moment. Her words were nothing more than a last ditch effort to fight her desires, yet her trembling body told me so much more. As I pull back away looking down into those emerald eyes,  pouty lips which wavered in want of mine,… I could not ignore her words, of crumbling resistance to the moment. I had been willing to give her the quiet dignity of her own admittance, but her words had ignited the darker forge of my soul.

My own instincts flared and spoke as if in locked into a duel of wills which I could never back down from.. My response flowed slow immediate, her challenge stoking the iron of  my  own will. My words struck back, singular blows of the hammer of my smith, as my fingers gripped the neckline of her blouse and I stepped into her, backing her slow to the passion table. Her eyes widen as she bumped against it in the impact of recognition of her error.

I had been willing to give her the quiet dignity of her own admittance, but her words had unwittingly breached my pride. I twisted her about, pressing her back to me as on me hand raised to run across her blouse and feel the hardened points of her nipples aching there. The other hand dipped to her crotch and rubbed, tight and firm as I held her against me. Erect and straight moaning in the moment as I swayed against her letting her feel the building desire swelling along my thigh.

The crowd about the table seem to part, eyes lingering on the bar queen now trembling publicly before them.

Yes I wanted her, …badly,…, but I wanted her admittance.

I could feel the heat at her core, the wettening of her crotch even thru  her slacks now. Her body trembled in my arms as I caressed her, hearing her growing whimpers, but it was not enough. My hand slide up her crotch, unfastened her slack and I dipped my fingers inside, sliding down across the sheer  panty beneath, teasing slowly , circling as my labored breaths hung next to her ear.

“Just say it, admit your wants…” I ground against her, …god I wanted her. I fought my own flaming desires… not yet,… not like this.

She seem to shake,…I heard a gasping “oh god.” But not the response I wanted.

My hands slide from ther breasts to her shoulders and I bent her over the table. The other hand pulled from her, reaching up as I yanked her slack lower and exposed her fine bottom.

I shook there in my own lust.

 It was all I could say, her toned bottom jutting there so deliciously. I smacked it firmly,.
A third time before my fingers  fell to it kneading and I pressed again to  hip letting her feel the hardness of my desire bent in my jeans.  I pressed tight to her bent molded as I whispered breathless in her ear. Just admit it… to everyone… admit it and I’ll take you to your quarters, and give you your wants.”

I heard a whimpering murmur, vague and unclear.

My fingers slid along her bottom., dipping along her crease and slipping along the strings of her thong

Then curled them beneath the slender threads, circling into her wet core to linger slow as they danced in her heat. I felt her move beneath me against my hardness,…and could think only to myself… “too soon” So I pulled back away from her, sliding my fingers from her as I shifted my grip now against the base of her neck to hold her down as my hand fell again onto her bottom.

Smack… I heard the murmurs of “five “ from the crowd,
Smack.. “Six” more were joining the count…
Smack.. “Eight”

My eyes darted to the audience looking on,…eyes narrowing as I cast a greedy claim to any hoping to interfere.

Again my hands slid between her legs… pressing forcefully into her soaked channel as she squirmed against them.  Twisting my fingers they rimmed her lips then pushed in as I molded again to her blanketing her with my body as I whispered  in a low guttural words labored in my breaths to her.

“I want you.. I want to feel your warmth on me,.. Smother my heat…feel you shake in that eternal bliss…”

She whimpered and moaned louder at the intrusion.. and I could feel her grind and gyrate against my fingers as she yielded a low whimpering  “Please.”. My own hips  rolled and pressed,, the harsh angle of my swelling was enough to temper my  lust, but  it definitely let her know the effect of the situation on me.

 But I was not satisfied... And  I pull from her again...

Smack “Nine,..” added the crowd. I could only wonder what she thought now that all eyes were locked on her.
Smack  “Ten…”
Smack  “Eleven..”

With a suddenness I rolled between her legs pressing my hip and that engorged encased member into her crotch, letting her feel the hardness longing for her against her soaked core . To any from a distant perhaps it appeared I already was taking my pleasure of her. But I wasn’t,… and my soul shuddered in the intense desire to do so.  : My body trembling at the internal war waging between the primal and the control

With one hand locked on the back of her neck I rode against her and in return I felt her grind tighter to me there

Again I molded to her as I leaned over her,  snarling in her ear... "Just say it Brandy..."
I ground my hardness to her as I spoke

 "Please" she whimpered louder...

Its still wasn’t enough and though it ached me to push it I did… "PLEASE WHAT?"

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on March 11, 2013, 06:55:42 PM
Taking in the sites around me, I watched Jane and HB enjoy a little fun at the table so near to where I was. Then next thing I see is Bear moving Brandy closer and bend her over the table. Sensing that the entire focus had shifted, I quietly get off the table and slink back into the growing crowd to watch the going on between Bear and Brandy.

Counting with everyone else as each blow landed, I couldn't take my eyes off the scene unraveling in front of me.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on March 13, 2013, 04:20:08 AM
Bear steps into me & grabs my neckline,  his anger and impatience  reaching the brink. I feel my shirt tear a little at his rough display. A couple of buttons pop and spin to the floor.

 His strength surrounds &  overpowers.  I should be terrorised, but instead,  a thrill shudders my body.  My nerves tingle on full alert and my breath catches. I put my hands to his chest ready to defend, but the hard pectoral muscles , divert & invade my attention.  They are delightfully toned, trained to perfection and feel good under my outstretched palms.

I fight the urge to tear his shirt too, to see and feel that hidden beneath, to run my fingers in his chest hair, to trace his contours, to run my fingers and lips till he moans for more. My fingers begin to bunch.

My anger had made me bold, my indignation had made me rash.  In that moment with his eyes flashing and the quiet threat of his words,  I am nervous of his intentions but my own anger & irritation dissolves into a headier attraction.

Bear  forces me back till my upper thighs hit the back of the Pleasure Table.  There is no escape and I feel my heart pounding in my chest.  I push forward a little,  bunching his shirt a little more, determined not to topple backwards, determined to show  I am not so ready to surrender .

 My clenches cause his shirt to go taut over his  shoulders and biceps.  I stare at the muscle as they bulge in his grip of me.  A woman would feel protected  with them wrapped round her,  treasured & safe. 

I look him in the eyes, hoping he can’t see my secret  thoughts.  But I see his,  and I know I am in trouble.  I see he is going to teach me a lesson  that I won’t forget,  and then he makes his  move -  Striking  his prey in a knock down move !

He turns me round with a speed that leaves me whirling.  He holds me tight against him and I feel his maleness pressing into me.  He is as sexually excited as me in our jousting & jostling.

His arrogance is unfettered.  He gropes my breasts, knowing I can do little to stop his roaming hands in the position he holds me- even if I wanted him too, and truth be known, I didnt’  -  and  he moves a hand to my crotch.  He touches me intimately,  and  I respond to him unashamedly.  His actions excite.

My breasts ache for more as he squeezes them. My sex throbs with a hot, wet need .  He is sexing me up on purpose to show his dominance  and the woman in me is loving this caveman display of courtship.

“ Oh God “ I murmur,  this is Bear’s cheating in its element, no woman can ever resist this.  My body floods at the thrill of his touch. The hard toned body on my back and bottom,  gripping me tight, the experience of his hands, knowing how to entice and tease. 

And then he ups the ante...  He unfastens my  lower clothing, delving into my trousers and I have never felt so hot & sexually agitated in my life.  He knows now, knows for definite the excitement he is causing.

“Just say it, admit your wants…” Bears sexy voice growls softly in my ears
And he grinds in to me. 

“ Oh God .... you’re good”  I groan softly, trying to chide him with sarcasm, but too sexed up to be effective .  It probably even sounds like an unintentional compliment.

He pushes me down onto the table and yanks my trousers and thong down.  The strength of his hand holds me fast. I feel the cool wood of the table on my flushed face and my exposed bottom for all to see.

“ Oh My God, he wouldn’t”  My mind screams, “ He wouldn’t dare! 

But he does Dare!  and I feel the stinging slap on my tender derrière.  I try to struggle  but he is stronger than me and  in my wriggling to evade, my trousers and panties fall to my ankles.
Another  stinging smack. “ ouch”  I wriggle more.  My trousers tangle nearly off my feet as I try and avoid more. 
A third lands and I realise struggling is futile. It stings again & serves to make me settle and endure his lesson.

And then he cheats again. He fondles my reddened flesh, soothing me as he caresses. He grinds into me again. He is stiff,  and  very excited, enjoying this serving of  humble pie he is dishing out.

And it dawns on me how turned on we both are.  He leans over me, pressing his lips to my ear.
“ Just admit it… to everyone… admit it and I’ll take you to your quarters, and give you your wants.”

“ Go to hell”  I hiss, grinding my face into the table to get away from that sexy voice, those sexy lips teasing at my ear, trying and failing for an equilibrium,   lying through my teeth.   Knowing , that really,  I want this man ... TIED to MY bed !

His hand moves down to explore the valley of my ass, slowly sliding his finger along till he reaches the source of my wet heat and he pushes his fingers into me.  So hot, my excitement climbs higher.

I groan as he twists and fills me .  I gasp and flood on him, so excited as he plays and tests my desire for him.  My body is treacherous  and I rock on those amazing fingers, beginning to fuck him shamelessly, drenching his fingers in my unique scent.

Then he removes them.  Damn him !  Frustration  kicks in and he pins me down by my neck.   “ What the ... “   another  smack to my butt.
Followed by a steady succession  of further smacks and the crowd joining in the count... 5, 6, 7, 8...

Jeeze , I have an audience!

 But these spanks seem different,  these sting but  are beginning  to ..... excite... to feel ... quite ....  pleasurable.   Is it because of my agitated state?...

 I chuckle nervously as my humour begins to return & knowing that defeat is looming ... he cheats too well!!! ... Bear sure  has got me  back for my meanness.

He pushes his fingers into me again, driving me higher in my desire.  The stinging slaps, his masterful display, his exploring fingers teasing my furrow & sweet spot..... the guy knows what he is doing and his skill  knows no boundaries.   

He plays me like the expert musician he is, and I gladly dance & sing to his tune.  Small moans escape my lips as I squirm and writhe in my restricted position.  The joy of his pleasuring builds towards that peak of no return .  Images of his glorious naked body on the alter at the Ice House , his erotic, naked strip in the bar,  begin to flash in my thoughts. My body aches for more...more ... MORE!

He leans into me again, smells my desire  clouding him  “I want you.. I want to feel your warmth on me,.. Smother my heat…feel you shake in that eternal bliss…”
He circles his hips on me,  the promise of what could be. His hardness  tantalises against my softness.

“ Please “  I murmur.  My need is now greater than my pride.

But he pulls back,  the lesson not over, he is not convinced of my compliance & he wants my public acknowledgement.

The crowd are amused & intrigued & I feel the sympathy lies with him & the dilemma he has created for me.

Bear spanks again and they count with enthusiasm... 9 ... 10... 11.  My bottom is red and smarts .

The new sensations of a pleasurable pain is registering in the recesses of my brain and storing it for future reference – erotic spanking and fondling –  under  “ Hot, hot so fucking HOT”.... my body trembles as my heart races to this attention.

Bear presses into me again, simulating doggy style sex. His bulging cock presses against me and my labia kisses  & smears his crotch. This is frottage at it’s best.   He circles and rides, gripping my neck to hold me in position, and no one watching would be able to resist the mind’s image of this breath taking fuck.

I react, as only a woman can, and grind back, wanting him there, imbedded.

 "Just say it Brandy..."  Bear leans in and encourages my surrender.
Did I really expect anything less from him,  it is after all part of his attraction...

The temptation of his promise too great to resist ...  “ Please” I whimper grinding back onto him.

“ Please what?”  He is louder this time,  demanding full public compliance.

I think in my lust filled brain, what woman wouldn’t want to be the focus of their man like this. My resistance crumbles... I want him, I need him... I him .

I kick off my trousers complete , now naked from the waist  except for my shoes and panties still lodged around my ankle..

“ Please, ..... Take me to your bed “  I  acquiesce.  The thoughts forge images of our joining, the thrill of giving in to primal need. The utter  urgency of our mutual lust.

 “ What was that? “   Bear  insists I repeat,  but I hear the smile and triumph in his words.

 I gasp... continuing to think  “ too ride against his mass.." My breath becomes short, taking my words for the moment. ... I am so turned on..He wants more... and my brain simply screams I want to feel it.. feel him..and in the broken breaths,  I shout it to the world ..  “ PLEASE... TAKE ME TO YOUR BED”

He releases me off the table and flings me over his shoulder in one flowing move.  My naked red bottom  prominent & maybe.. just a little more on show too as I am bent  looking towards the backs of his ankles.

 The black sheer pantie thong still hangs there on my own ankle.  He smacks my bottom a twelfth time as he holds me in place with his other  arm firmly across my thighs.

He twirls in the crowd, displaying his victory with a wide grin...

Jayc  places Bear’s battered, old, brown,  Cowboy Hat on Bear’s head, that he had filched  from my office.

Stone approaches and fastens the black leather charm collar around my neck ... “ Why.. those treacherous  thieves !!!”   The remaining two silver charms of a Bear and a Bee catch the light as they dangle & waver.

Stone grins and whispers  “ About time you two got to crunching each other! Enjoy”

Bear then begins to stride purposefully through the crowd to the secret passage in the Pool Room.

I  show my own little victory display ... grinning  at the crowd behind his back,  with one clenched fist held up , mouthing ...  “ Yes, Yes , Yes “  as he carries me out over his shoulder.

A loud cheer  erupts  from them and a crescendo of claps as we head for our  exit ......

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on March 13, 2013, 10:58:26 AM
After our duet on stage there is a light applauding  but the bar crowd is distracted by something going on by the rotating table. Making our way over I am stunned to see Bear spanking Brandy!!! As the crowd of onlookers count off the slaps.

Well well well  I muse what do have here? Getting a better look I see Brandy’s pants on the floor and her thong around her ankles as Bear spanks her, her cheeks growing red in the bars ambient lighting.

Stone  whispers into my ear her idea  and I smile as we quickly head to the office. Returning just in time to see Bear throw a bottomless Brandy on to his shoulder. With a big smile I place Bears long lost  beat up brown cowboy hat on his head as Stone clips the leather charm collar on Brandy’s neck  the 2 remaining charms, the Bear and the Bee twinkle in the light.

Stone says something to Brandy that  I cant make out  as a smiling Bear makes his way to the pool room and the back way into the icehouse as the bar erupts in cheers and whistles

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on March 14, 2013, 07:54:44 AM
I go back to my office - for my next performance I don't need my suit, but jeans and a shirt. Go back to stage, look around and smile. "The next song for this karaoke night is waiting for you. Many will know it.. You may sing with me or just dance like crazy."

I take my air guitar and on the big video wall behind me the lyrics are shown. "This is Bryan Adams, Summer of 69! Let's rock!"

Summer of 69
I got my first real six-string
Bought it at the five-and-dime
Played it 'till my fingers bled
Was the summer of 69

Me and some guys from school
Had a band and we tried real hard
Jimmy quit and Joey got married
Shoulda known we'd never get far

Oh when I look back now
That summer seemed to last forever
And if I had the choice
Yeah , I'd always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life

Ain't no use in complainin'
When you got a job to do
Spent my evenin's down at the drive-in
And that's when I met you yeah

Standin' on your Mama's porch
You told me that you'd wait forever
Oh and when you held my hand
I knew that it was now or never
Those were the best days of my life

Back in the summer of 69

Man we were killin' time
We were young and restless
We needed to unwind
I guess nothin' can last forever, forever, no, yeah

And now the times are changin'
Look at everything that's come and gone
Sometimes when I play that old six-string
I think about you, wonder what went wrong

Standin' on your Mama's porch
You told me that it'd last forever
Oh when you held my hand
I knew that it was now or never
Those were the best days of my life, oh yeah
Back in the summer of 69, uh-huh
It was the summer of 69
oh yeah, me n my baby in 69
It was the summer, the summer, summer of 69

I jump and run, playing the air guitar and invite everyone to sing with me, at least the refrain. Feeling like a real rock star after I finished. Just I don't hear shouts of But I know the next one already is waiting to be on stage and I also will come back, as Marilyn and I want to sing together too. And I have to take a shower before - just 5 minutes on stage, but I'm sweat and my shirt is wet as if I would have been on a wet-shirt-contest...

I'm sure people had fun - it was an eggg-cellent performance :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: james_dean on March 14, 2013, 08:43:02 AM
It's been a rush at the bull pit.   I help Zoerink, King D, Jondas, Pafe, Satoire and a few other patrons to their turn on the bull.  During each riders turn, I watch as Jane and HB have some fun.  Quite some interesting things going on there.
The last rider of the line is flung from the bull and lands fairly hard in the pit.  I help them to their feet and tell them "Job well done."
As I finish resetting the bull's controls, I hear the crowd chant "Six... Seven.. Eight" "What the hell is going on?" I murmer to myself.  I look up, my cowboy hat brim unveiling the sceen of Bear and Brandy.  "Ah..  a battle of wills... I knew it would come to a head sooner or later.  This is gonna be good!" 
I can see the the intent on Bear's face and knew that there was no stopping him...or her for that matter. 

I watch the exchange and I see Bear carry Brandy off to release the tension that has built up between them.  "Whoo hoo!" I exclaim and clap as they enter the Pool room.

I watch as Lover rocks the house with Brian Adam's hit song, Summer of 69.

I've been thinking about my next song to sing.  I secure the mechanical bull's controls and head toward the stage.

*taps microphone*  Well..  "Kind of hard to follow that one up Bear and Brandy, but here goes."

I whisper to the band.. "Can I get a funky type beat?"

1..2..a 1,2,3,4...

When your home and all alone
If i'm ever on your mind
It's a sign that we should be together

Oh I try to make it work,
But your listening to her
And that's why we couldn't make it better

I'm falling behind myself, no I can't move on
We don't even speak anymore
I can't close my eyes, I'm up all night long, and baby
I miss you more than before

It's been a long time since I've seen you
Oh I hope you didn' forget about me
You know your friends say that your lonely
But what if I told you I was to?

Oh-Oh do you,
Do do do,
Do you,
Do you still think about me?

Oh-Oh do you,
Do do do,
Do you,
Oh do you still think about me?

You said you want a break,
Baby I don't wanna wait
What If I was to show up at you door?
When I think about us and what our love once was,
It's just something I can't ignore.

I'm falling behind myself, no I can't move on
We don't even speak anymore
I can't close my eyes, I'm up all night long And baby
I miss you more than before

It's been a long time since I've seen you
Oh I hope you didn' forget about me
You know your friends say that your lonely
But what if I told you I was to?

Oh-Oh do you,
Do do do,
Do you,
Do you still think about me?

Oh-Oh do you,
Do do do,
Do you,
Oh do you still think about me?

Burning through my veins like that acid rain
I've been following your tracks
Gonna catch that train
I don't wanna play this game, but I can't complain
'Cause Your loving is enough to drive a man insane

It's been a long time since I've seen you
Oh I hope you didn' forget about me
You know your friends say that your lonely
But what if I told you I was to?

Oh-Oh do you,
Do do do,
Do you,
Do you still think about me?

Oh-Oh do you,
Do do do,
Do you,
Oh do you still think about me?

Oh-Oh do you,
Do do do,
Do you,
Do you still think about me?

Oh-Oh do you,
Do do do,
Do you,
Oh do you still think about me?

Oh baby, I know you still think about me, I know you do
I know you dream about me at night, I think I do to

I bow and tip my hat as the band ends the song.  I take a deep breath.  It's good to be back.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on March 14, 2013, 08:53:55 AM
As JD walks off the stage, i walk on with my guitar in my hand.

I pull up a barstool for the side of the stage and put it behind the mic. As i sit down i thank JD for his song.

"Now we slow it down a little, this next song is a song from a guy from Belgium who made it into a more down to earth cover of a song by 50 cent, and it's called Ayo Technology. I hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoy it to sing"

As i start to play the clip also starts to play on the video wall behind me

She work it girl, she work the pole
She break it down, she take it low
She's fine as hell, she's about the dough
Doing her thing right on the floor
Her money money, she makin'
Got the way she shakin'
Make you want to touch her, you wanna' taste her
Have you lustin' for her,
Go crazy face it

She's so much more than you're used to
Know's just how to move to seduce you
She's gone do the right thing and touch the right spot
Dance in your lap till you're ready to pop

She's always ready, when you want it she want it
Like a nympho, the info
I'll show you where to meet her
On the late night, till daylight the club jumpin'
If you want a good time, she gone give you what you want

Baby It's a new age,
You like my new craze
Let's get together
Maybe we can start a new phase
The smokes got the club all hazy,
Spotlights don't do you justice baby
Why don't you come over here,
You got me saying

I'm tired of using technology,
Why don't you sit down on top of me
I'm tired of using technology
I need you right in front-- of me

In her fantasy, there's plain to see
Just how it be, on me, backstrokin',
Sweat soaking
All into my set sheets
When she ready to ride, I'm ready to roll
I'll be in this bitch till the club close
What should I do, on all fours
[ From: ]
Now that that shit should be against the law
Different style, different move,
Damn I like the way you move
Girl you got me thinking about,
All the things I'd do to you
Let's get it poppin' shorty
We can switch positions
From the couch to the counters in my kitchen

Baby It's a new age,
You like my new craze
Let's get together
Maybe we can start a new phase
The smokes got the club all hazy,
Spotlights don't do you justice baby
Why don't you come over here,
You got me saying

I'm tired of using technology,
Why don't you sit down on top of me
I'm tired of using technology
I need you right in front of me
Ooh she wants it, ooh she wants it
Hmm she wants it, I got to give it to her
She wants it, hmm she wants it
Hmm she wants it, I got to give it to her
I got to give it to her

Baby It's a new age,
You like my new craze
Let's get together
Maybe we can start a new phase
The smokes got the club all hazy,
Spotlights don't do you justice baby
Why don't you come over here,
You got me saying

I'm tired of using technology
Why don't you sit down on top of me
I'm tired of using technology
I need you right in front of me

As i finish the song i notice the crowd is more intrest in the girl dancing on the screen then me, but they are good to me and i get a big applause
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on March 16, 2013, 05:41:31 AM
Jayc  takes my hand leading me to the stage and after he speaks with The Country Boys , we begin our  cheeky song full of innuendo. .. Lets Duet
Jayc  sings with that sexy little grin of his and I  make eyes at him full of promise  for things to come..

The crowd seem to enjoy it and we leave the stage, chuckling, for the next folk willing to test their voices out.

There seems to be some interest growing over by the Rotating Pleasure Table. More people seem to be taking their panties down for some erotic spanking.  Jayc and I  move closer to take a better look.
I see Bear and Brandy, obviously exchanging  words  in a heated discussion before he bends her over the table , whipping her trousers  down for a good spanking.
I say to Jayc..   “ That Bear is so romantic, it makes  a nice change to see his tender side for a change”
Jayc  chuckles,  “ Seems like they have both met their match. It’s about time, he got around to courting  her “
I nod in agreement.
We edge closer to see better and I wince at the smacks,  he lands on her tender bottom.  It’s starting to glow red.  We count with the crowd up to 11.
 “11 spanks.. that must smart a bit”  I tell Jayc.  “ I think it’s time to fetch the charm collar and cowboy hat out of the office “
Jayc looks puzzled.   I enlighten him .  “ Can’t you see,  Bear is staking his claim”
The lightbulb comes on in his head,  “ Ohhh” 

We go the office and Jayc  takes the battered old cowboy hat off the stand in the corner and after a quick search of Brandy’s desk drawer, I find the charm collar.  The black leather collar still has the shiny silver Bear & Bee on.

I hold it up for Jayc to see in triumph.   The room suddenly goes cold and a Jasmine fragrance wafts ..
Jayc & I look at each other, eyes wide,  and suddenly see a red rose on Brandy’s desk.  I pick it up & smile, smelling it.
“ I think Doris & Stanley  approve of our actions” 

We leave the office, just in time to see Bear  flinging  Brandy over his shoulder,  caveman style.

Jayc  places Bear’s battered cowboy hat on Bears  head and slapping his shoulder in a guy type understanding. 

I nip behind Bear and place the charm collar around Brandy’s neck, fastening it carefully and admiring how the silver charms catch the light.   I place  Doris & Stanley’s rose in her teeth, giggling.

Then Bear strides off with her towards the pool room.  Jayc puts his arm round my waist and we both heave a big sigh &  watch them go. Our heads  lean in touching .
What a romantic display, it’s enough to bring a tear of joy  to your eye.

We watch till they disappear and then suddenly remember something.  I rush to the bar and ring the bar bell... Then stand on the bar counter
“ Hey peoples “,  I shout for attention... “This is a proud moment for the AB&G ... We have hit over 40,500 views ... Drinks are on the house “
Cheers break out at the great news and free drinks
“  Don’t  forget its  Karaoke  /  Spanking Table  /  Dentists Chair  and Bucking Bronco Night -  Eat , Drink & be Merry...  “ 

More cheers erupt . I jump down to Jayc and  we go to the dance floor.  Lover, James_Dean & Mrsexlover  all sing their beautiful songs.

We dance & chat.  Jayc mentions the invite he had received from Tango &  the Dungeon Masters  not so long back, and his thoughts on whether  to accept a dungeon or not.  We both know the invites are not given out lightly and to be nominated for such deemed a great honour.

As Mrsexlover’s  song ends, I whisper to Jayc who seems to be in thought   “ That Dentist’s chair hasn’t been used, yet... are you hungry baby?”   I smile wickedly at him , taking his hand, leading the way to the chair and food table ......

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on March 17, 2013, 03:45:39 AM

No one's looking so I sneak up to the microphone... I tap it a couple of times...  "Is this thing on?"

"Know what's been missing?"  I ask... not waiting for a reply I answer myself.  "A good bad joke.... so here goes..."

"While having breakfast one morning, a middle aged woman says to her husband.  "You know, dear... I'm not satisfied with the size of my breasts any longer."

"What brought that on?"  Her husband asks.

"I don't know", she replies, "I just want a change... I would like to have my breasts enlarged."

"Well."  He says to her,  "You should rub them every day with some toilet paper.  That will make them bigger."

"Really?"  She asks.  "That will work?"

"Sure."  He says to her.  "You should try it."

So, she decides to try it, and every day she rubs her breasts with some toilet paper.  This goes on for about 3 weeks.  Then, while looking in the mirror one morning she says to her husband.  "I don't think it's working.  I have been rubbing my breasts every day with toilet paper like you said, and it's been three weeks but I don't see any change."

"I don't understand it."  He says.  "It worked on your ass."

HAR... HAR... HAR!

I got a million of them!

Okay... okay... I'll leave you with this question I ponder.  I was going to ask this in another place... but I don't want to be admonished again for being off topic in an off topic posting in an off topic section...

*Why is Bra singular, but Panties are plural?  Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

Thank you... I'll be here all week   :)

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on March 17, 2013, 01:10:39 PM
Covems, you haven't been admonished (and please don't use such heavy words, I cannot write or understand them) just asked to post it in an own topic... and now to your question:
The bra is holding one couple of wonderful toys... the pan ties the sausage when it's plugged in...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on March 17, 2013, 02:24:30 PM
*shakes head* covems covems covems i don't know where you get those jokes :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on March 17, 2013, 04:46:36 PM

As Stone leads me over to the dentist chair I spot Covems at the bar with Ole Joe. ”Hold up honey, I need to take care of something, back in a minute “ I wink at her and go to the bar.

Stone carries on to the Dentists Chair by the Spanking table to get ready.

“Gentlemen” I greet Covems and Joe.  Covems slides the keys across the bar and I slip them in my jacket pocket.

“Have you been down there ?” Joe asks.

 I nod and grin giving the thumbs up. “Its perfect, you and the boys have out done yourselves” I pat Covems  on the back in thanks & appreciation for his hard work.

“Does Miss Stone know what we have done down there?” Covems inquires with a cheeky smile,

“Not a clue,  other than I accepted the invitation to become a dungeon owner, which reminds me,  Joe, will you give this envelope to Tango when you see him?”  I answer him.
Joe takes the acceptance paper and puts it behind the counter.

Cheers and wolf whistles erupt near the Dentist Chair.  The three of us crane our necks to see what the hell is  going on. We can see Stone has got the crowds attention.

Her back to the crowd she is  taking off her crimson braces in a slow dance. Turning around she sways as she begins to unbutton her white blouse.  Each button reveals a little bit more of her lovely body. The shirt just open enough to view her cute tummy and her fantastic cleavage. My eyes are transfixed on her gorgeous figure.

Stone slowly turns around and lets the blouse drop to the floor. Looking over her shoulder at the crowd she grabs a canister of whipped cream and shakes it seductively, doing her best Betty Boop Imitation .  She has slipped her bra off too.

She bends over and sprays some whipped cream onto her lovely breasts. The crowd cheers as she turns around to reveal her breasts covered in whipped squirty cream, her nipples peek out of the white fluffed cream.

Standing up I finish my beer, and tap on Covems shoulder. “Hey you hungry?’ I grin.
After a long pause “Yeah I could eat” Covems says almost trance like. He hops off his bar stool and follows me to the Dentist Chair.

As we approach we can see Stone has sat in the chair and its completely reclined. She has placed a cherry on each nipple and a row of strawberries from her belly button to her neck. All covered in whipped cream. She makes a very delectable fruit table and Covems and I both salivate.

 Stone smiles seductively at us and nods at Covems, "You know the rules boys,  mouths and tongues only... Agreed? "

I look at Covems & we both grin at each other, neither of us were going to pass on this opportunity.
" Agreed"   We both say in unison.

I bend down first, placing my hands behind my back and tease the cherry off her right nipple with my teeth. Covems watches my technique and  follows suit with her left nipple.

We both stand and toss the cherry in our mouths, squirty cream sticking to our lips which we slowly lick off ... “mmm   delicious”

We grin at each other over her deliciously creamed breasts, then taking one breast each, we begin to lick and salivate and swallow.  It tastes devine and I feel Stone begin to thrust her lovely chest at us.

She was enjoying the attention of two men licking her chest , teasing and seductive, as much as we were.
My tongue works in unison with Covems , the perfect team.
We lap at her fine orbs..  licking and scooping the cream, slowly revealing her magnificent tits. Soon they are cleared of cream, and her breasts and hardened nipples exposed, glistening in the mixture of cream and our saliva.

Neither Covems or I can resist, we lick far longer than is needed and suckle her nipples.
Gently pulling on them as she writhes in pleasure at our expert tongues and lips.

I know from experience that Stones breasts & nipples are very sensitive and such attentions will turn her on. She is already reacting in the Dentists Chair, writhing and pushing her chest at us,  slowly circling those womanly hips.

Closing her eyes and breathing that little bit deeper. She bites on her lower lip as the sensations envelope her body to react
I move down to take the first strawberry in the central line under her neck and at the top of her breasts, biting into the succulent fruit, to let the jjuice ooze down into the cream and onto her skin. I then stand to toss it back into my mouth and enjoy. I lick the remnants off my lips, only to find Stone watching my tongue in fascination.

I hold my eyes on her face , watching her, watch me. And tease my tongue on my lips more to tantalise her.

I then look over at Covems, who is standing a little transfixed at our open sexual play. I nod for him to take the next strawberry and set the sequence in our play of one alternate strawberry at a time…..
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on March 18, 2013, 09:19:05 AM
After telling a really good, bad joke, I'm standing by the bar enjoying a well earned sarsparilla and talking to Joe.  "Well..." I'm telling him... "there are some companies that you really don't leave."

JayC comes up to us and greets us and I slide his keys across the bar to him.  "All done."  I tell him... "You're going to owe the dwarfs a couple of root beers for that one.  They did a marvelous job."

Suddenly we hear some shouts and whistling going on, and it draws our attention to the Dentist Chair.

It's Miss Stone who's the center of everyone's attention, as she pulls her braces from her shoulders, then turns around and begins a tantalizing strip tease.  The music of David Rose's "The Stripper" starts to play in my head as, transfixed, I watch Miss Stone slowly... oh... every so slowly unbutton her blouse.  Each button that is undone causes more and more of her cleavage to come into view.

I still hear "The Stripper" playing in my head and her blouse is completely open, exposing her bra to everyone.  She turns seductively slowly, her head turns to look at JayC while her back it to us.  I can feel my eyes starting to glaze over... the music still playing in my head.  She pushes a hip out to her left... I swear it would have knocked someone's hat off.... then she juts it to the right.  Unknown to her that each bump and grind is perfectly timed to the music in my head.  Her blouse slides from her shoulders, down her arms, then almost flutters to the floor.

Still transfixed by Miss Stone's sexy demeanor, her seductive smile, I watch as her hand slowly snakes it way up her back and undoes the strap on the back of her brassiere.  "Oh my God."  Goes through my mind, "she's going to take that off, too."  The hooks are undone and her back is completely nude.  She looks over a shoulder at JayC and winks.

I know I was in a daze, because I have no clue where the can of whipped cream came from.  Miss Stone holds it out and shakes it, slowly at first.  I can  imagine that same stroke on a body part, and I think my mouth opens.

Miss Stone turns away from us and bends... "Mmmmmm", is the thought that comes to mind.  "She's going to make herself a dessert for JayC."  Miss Stone turns completely around, revealing that her breasts are coated with the whipped cream, those beautiful nipples of hers poking ever so deliciously through the cream.

I picture myself burying my face between those lovely breasts of hers and licking as much whipped cream as I can.  I can see myself everywhere on Miss Stone, tops of her breasts... along the sides... underneath... licking... swirling my tongue... sucking with my lips....

I am roused back to reality as JayC slaps me on my back.  "Hungry?"  He askes me.  I watch Miss Stone as she lounges back into the Dentist Chair and begins to decorate that beautiful body with strawberries and applies more whipped cream to herself.  Then in a bit of whimsy, she places a cherry on each nipple.

Trying not to blurt out all the lusty thoughts going through my brain, I pause for a moment... then in a sort of squeek a "yes" comes out.  I clear my throat and then say, "Yeah, I could eat."  Then I think, "I could eat every inch of her."

Still in a bit of a daze, I congratulate myself on my good fortune, and I follow JayC to the Dentist Chair and the delectable dish that is Miss Stone.  JayC gets on one side of the chair and I get on the other. 

I'm just about to grab handfulls of strawberries when Miss Stone nods at me and in a very seductive tone says, "You know the rules boys,  mouths and tongues only... Agreed? "

"Dammit"  I think then agree to the conditions.  I stuff my hands in the front pockets of my jeans.

I watch as JayC puts his hands behind his back, leans in and pulls the cherry off of Miss Stone's nipple and suck it into his mouth.  I want to dive right in.  I want to take as much of that breast into my mouth as I can... to capture as much whipped cream in one lick as I can.  Instead... I follow JayC's technique and tease the cherry into my mouth, and eat it.

JayC and I grin at each other then we return to Miss Stone's whipped cream covered breasts.  I try to devour her... to get as much contact with her flesh as I can.  Nibbling... sucking... licking as much whipped cream off of her that I can manage.  I know my face is being covered with it... and I don't care.  All I can think about... all my concentrations are that I am putting my mouth on Miss Stone's body.  I can feel the warmth of her flesh beneath the coolness of the whipped cream, and my whole being at this moment is filled with pure selfishness.  My concern is to get as much contact with that body as I can, before it is taken away.

Miss Stone's chest heaves from the effect two sets of lips... two licking tongues... two hot breaths on her breasts.   I bump heads with JayC a couple of times, but neither one of us seem to care as we lick and suck Miss Stone's body clean of the whipped cream.

Watching JayC take the strawberry from Miss Stone's neck, he bites it which causes the juice to run onto the skin of her neck.  I want to lick that.  I want to put my lips on that juice and suck.  JayC looks at me, winks and nods at the next strawberry.

Not saying a word, I look at the strawberry then back to JayC.  He nods at it again.  Taking the hint, I look Miss Stone in the eyes.  I can feel myself become aroused even more than I already am.  Her eyes have a lust in them... a fire buring inside them.  I want to kiss her... I want to put my lips fully on hers and kiss her deep... and passionately.

Instead, I put my chin on top of the next strawberry and I push, pressing it into her warm flesh.  Pulling my head up I look at the smashed strawberry, the juices from it forming little trails on Miss Stones skin.  In one motion I lean back in and suck the strawberry into my mouth, leaving the trails of juice on her.  Then I press my lips onto hers and with my tongue push the smashed strawberry between her lips, her mouth opens to accept it.

I straighten up and watch as I figure that JayC is going to take the next strawberry....

Anyone interested in David Rose's "The Stripper" can listen to it here:

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on March 19, 2013, 04:12:11 AM
I sashay over the The Dentists Chair and take my time looking at the fruit and food displayed  for customers to try out on a nearby table. There’s an array of things including, strawberries, cherries, chocolate paste, honey, bananas,  gooey chocolate cream egggs & lots and lots of squirty fluffy cream... all very delicious.

I smile wickedly as naughty thoughts begin to form. I glance over at Jayc.  He’s in deep conversation with Old Joe & Covems.  I pick up and taste a succulent strawberry....


The spanking table is busy as couples enjoy the naughty  but pleasurable paddles & palms  of their partners on their bare bottoms. Their moans and groans quite erotic.

I begin to sway slowly , dancing to imaginary music by the  Dentist’s Chair and food table and start to strip my top half.
Some on lookers watching the Spanking Table begin to watch me as I catch their attention and intrigue.

First my jacket, which I kick under the Dentist’s Chair, then, as I feel more eyes watching me, I egggxaggerate my performance and in very burlesque  movements lower my braces,  bumping my hips out to the side, pursing my lips provocatively and tease all those eyes that watch fascinated.

I start to close my eyes and  undo my blouse, one sexy little button at a time, till my bra is revealed. Then I turn , tease  the crowd beginning to take an interest  and show my slender spine as I remove the shirt and unhook my bra. I catch Jayc's eyes across the room as I look over my shoulder. I lick my lips seductively and see he is watching and enjoying the show.

The shirt and bra go under the Dentist’s chair too.  I am topless and free.  It’s quite egggxhilarating . My back is still turned to the crowd , they can’t see the fullness of my breasts, not yet, just little glimpses of the sides.

I take the squirty cream and decorate and cover them . The cool cream and sexy sensation immediately causing my nipples to harden and peak.  I turn to cheers and whistles.
With my new fluffy bra  in place I take a bowl of strawberries and see Jayc & Covems walking my way.  I smile at the two handsome men.. glad that my little performance had peaked their interest. Seems Jayc has invited our friend.

I lower the Dentist’s  Chair flat and I lie on it.  I use more squirty cream and strawberries, strategically  placing them on my body, from my neck to my waist band,  and a cherry on each nipple.  My body is soon a living, breathing,  fruit table.  A dessert  for the men approaching to lick and taste.

I reach over and place the cream and bowl back onto the table and Jayc and Covems stand each side of me.  Their eyes devour my body presented to them with a naughty carnal gleam.

My body reacts with a gushing wetness hitting between my legggs.  I tingle in anticipation and in a seductive, husky tone say to them,
“"You know the rules boys, .... mouths and tongues only... Agreed? "

They grin like rewarded school boys and say at the same time “ Agreed”

I shut my eyes, already turned on  by the images of their lusty tongues and wait in anticipation.

Jayc goes first, then Covems each selecting the cherry on my nipples and brush their lips on me as they take the prize and see my jutting nub.  My body is alive with a need that surprises me.

And then they are lapping and licking my aching breasts. I groan and writhe as their tongues brush over my skin. I grip the sides of the Dentist’s chair. The two men suckle me at the same time, filling their mouths with a titty each, massaging me with their  head movements. My God, its egggxquisite!

I feel  the pleasure take over my body and I throb & pulsate & my hips seem to girrate a little on their own. Jayc knows egggxactly what I like ... and so does Covems.. those lips, tongues, grazing teeth, nuzzling noses and brushing whiskers ...

The line of the strawberries placed from my neck to my  waist line,  caressing me a little as the strawberries wobble with my movements and that of the men, smothering the cream on me and their own faces.

I feel the tease of succulent strawberry juice trailing on my skin and then  Covems  gives me a strawberry kiss. The  fruit pushed into my mouth causes me to salivate as he kisses me , his tongue dances with mine as I respond. 

Then Jayc is working on a strawberry in my cleavage.  The sensations are amazing and the temperature  rises ....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 21, 2013, 05:34:05 AM

"one.........two...........three....... four.....five." i stop and Jane take a deep breath, then......  


when i finally stop, i can see tears on her cheeks and her pretty bum turned all red, it burns.....oh gosh, what i have done to her! i lay my hand on her burned skin, massaging it gently, trying to give  her some refreshment, but i was wrong.....feeling her skin burning under my hands give me a strong lascivious feeling, uncontrollable, who runs from my hands to my brain. And when it happen, i know i can do some crazy things....

Instinctively, i smack hard my hand on her butt cheek, so hard that Jane scream loud for the pain


She yell to me, turning to face me and giving me a full view of the tears falling down her cheeks and an evil sight in her eyes pointed on me. All i can do when she stare at me like this is smirk at her, without any other expression on my guilt, no  excuse....just a strange light in my eyes....

"i had give you what you ask me, Jane......nothing more...."

I say her before moving close to her and licking the tears from her cheek and pushing her backward, till she sit on the spinning table border. I push my self between her thighs, fondle her left arm, sliding from her knee up to her waist and i kiss her....deeply, pulling my tongue between her surprised and barely closed lips
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on March 21, 2013, 11:49:43 AM
Staring transfixed as Covems feeds Stone the smashed berry, I snap out of it realizing its my turn. Choosing the next strawberry nestled between her cleavage  I bite it and let the red juice dribble on her now exposed erect nipples. Moving right below her lovely breasts I spot a nice squirt of the whipped cream and drop the berry.

Using only my tongue I roll the strawberry through the cream and up the side of her breast leaving a delicious trail of berry juice  and whipped cream, Stone sighs in delight and heaves up her chest. With some effort I manage to roll the berry down her breast and up her neck. I notice Stone gripping the  arm rests trying to obey the rules she herself had set for us.

Biting the strawberry again I slide it up her neck then tease her lips. Stone opens her mouth and bites the strawberry, her eyes closed in delight as she savors and chews. as we both swallow the berry bits I kiss her deeply. Breaking the hot snog I clean up after myself, my tongue taking the same trip back  licking up the cream and berry juice, lingering maybe a bit too long on her erect nipples.

Stone squirms a little enjoying the attention and sensations  as my tongue returns to the trail I have made licking her clean. I slowly move away licking my lips. Glancing at Covems  with a wicked smile I mouth the words………..”your turn”
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on March 22, 2013, 09:13:21 AM

I make a move for another strawberry, but back off when I see JayC moving in for one.  "Mustn't be greedy,"  I think, "there's plenty of strawberries."

I watch as JayC bites the strawberry and the juice creates a trail on Miss Stone's body.  "One thing about strawberry juice,"  I think as I watch, "not only does it taste sweet, but it has a tendency to stain."

JayC rolls the strawberry around through the cream.  "But with some effort,"  I continue my thought, "it can be licked clean."  That thought causes a memory bubble to pop.

Miss Stone's chest heaves as her back arches off the chair.  The erotic sensations of the strawberry fest has caused her breathing to become raspy.

JayC mouths the words "your turn" to me, and I eye my target.  A strawberry sitting on the lower part of Miss Stone's sternum, just below her breasts.  I purposly slide my cheek against her breast as I lean in to get the strawberry.  Sucking it with my lips, I move it, trying to get it onto Miss Stone's breast.

Gravity is not my friend as the strawberry rolls off her and lands on the chair next to her side.  I slide my tongue along Miss Stone's breast, and around her nipple.  Kissing slightly when I get to the side of her breast.  Showing remarkable restraint, I manage to keep my hands in my pockets.

I bury my face into her side, tring to get the strawberry back into my mouth.  My tongue moves the berry lower in the chair, rolling it along Miss Stone's bare side.  She starts to squirm a bit as my motions are now beginning to tickle her.  I want to grab her waist.... I want to feel her body in my hands.

Finally I get the strawberry to roll up her waist, and pushing my face in tightly against her skin, I manage to capture the strawberry between my lips.  I move the berry up to Miss Stone's tummy, and press the strawberry into her skin.  I can feel it squishing slightly and I know there's strawberry juice on my chin and on her.

I grasp the strawberry with my teeth and move it up her stomach... between her breasts... across her chest... up to her neck... to her chin.  I know I'm leaving bits of berry along her and I'm aware of a smear of juice that has formed from her tummy to her chin.  Her body arches and moves from the sensations.  I picture in my mind, my fingers running through that trail of juice that I have left... moving lower on her body... heading for paradise.

I move the strawberry to her lips... Miss Stone's mouth opens slightly, waiting for the strawberry to be placed there.  I look at her eyes, they're closed, her breathing is in short, excited gasps.  Placing the berry against her lips, I bite it in two, keeping half in my mouth.  I stand and chew the strawberry half and watch as Miss Stone slowly sucks in her half.  I want to scream out as I watch her lips moving the berry, taking it into her mouth and the tip of her tongue sensuously licks her lips.

Now I watch as JayC bends to take another strawberry....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on March 23, 2013, 07:29:33 AM
To  have the full attention of these two handsome men on my upper body is quite empowering. I feel their eyes on me and their brains ticking on how to titillate and tantalise me more.  Little do they know, my libido is already on the high end of the turned on scale.  I groan and grind a little in the chair, impatient for their lips to greet my skin again.

My breasts are swollen and aching with the need of their tongue, their sucking lips and teasing kisses.

The sticky berry juice and cream  teases my skin , burning into my brain of the want for their tongues to trail along lapping and sucking me clean.

Covems tender ,teasing kiss and the strawberry juice trickling onto my tongue , the taste of the crushed berry, the tickle of some of the juice on a slow meander from the edges of my mouth is very very sensuous ...

I groan as he pulls away and feel Jayc nuzzling in between my breasts.  I want to crush his head between them , feel his whiskers on my skin.  Knead my breasts and gently pinch my nipples.

I want Covems  on me too , feeling his strong hands  groping my tits as Jayc sucks them.  My thoughts are naughty, erotic and feverish.

I groan and writhe more in the Dentist’s Chair lost in the pleasure  the two men are creating.

Jayc bites a strawberry and drags it slowly on my skin, scooping up the cream , teasing my breast as he trails up and around and down again. The sensation is amazing and I thrust my chest at him, wanting so much more.

 Covems watches and sees my nipples are hard. They feel fit to burst.

Jayc  eventually  reaches my mouth , open and ready for him. He feeds me the succulent fruit and I taste and crush it. I enjoy the erotic feed. He snogs me slowly.  My desire builds as his tongue pushes into my mouth  and the responsive feminine heat flushes to  my core, seeping and dampening my panties and trousers. 

He breaks & ends the kiss and  returns to the path he had used. He cleans & laps up the cream and juice he had caused.  Until at last, he suckles my nipples again.  I feel him suck me and then fill his mouth with as much titty as he can.   I push into him, I love it, love him on me. I want Covems on me too.

I want their hands all over me.

Jayc finishes his turn licking his lips and I feel  Covems move in for a strawberry just below my breast. He purposely caresses the underside with his cheek and I groan again.  These men are Masters at teasing a woman .

 I am so hot & wet  in between my legs now , I’m sure the men must realise I am a female in heat for them. A wild,  primitive , animalistic heat for alpha male mates. I moan my need,  barely whispering “ More, I want more”    A very ready, writhing, compliant female , moaning and grinding at their succeeding  male sexual courtship.  My own need and greed  sinking any reasoned thought.

Covems targeted strawberry rolls down onto the chair but no matter, he sucks my breasts too, playing the nipple to perfection before moving down, nuzzling me as he hunts that errant strawberry.  I try and push into him, wanting him to suckle me more, to knead and fondle me.. I want ... more.

His nuzzling into my side to grip the berry in his teeth, tickles slightly but his endeavours are rewarded. He grips the fruit in his teeth and bites it , so it oozes a juice trail, from my tummy , up between my breasts & over my chin.  He brushes it against my skin and eventually reaches my lips, biting it in two.

He eats his half as he watches me slowly open my mouth and balance the strawberry on my tongue, then crushing it, letting the juices dribble before slowly and provocatively licking my lips clean.....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on March 25, 2013, 12:49:08 AM
With Stone’s upper body licked clean and all the strawberries eaten, its time for the second course. “we have to get her shoes and pants off” I  say into Covems ear.

Each of us pull a shoe lace with out teeth. Thank god she doesn’t double knot. Her monkey boots untied Stone kicks off one than the other. Her white socks are easy with no hands as we simply use our teeth to pull them off.

Now for her  black tight ski pants……..we size up the task, with no buttons and an elastic waist band this may be prove to be difficult. “lets each try a leg” Covems suggests and we kneel.

Pulling the little foot strap free we tug on her pant legs like little bull dogs, and I cant help but laugh as the image of the Coppertone dog enters my mind. This is clearly not going to work, even with Stone lifting her ass into the air. The crowd cheers and laughs as we try and try.

“We need another plan, lets rethink this” I say getting to my feet. Covems and myself step back and throw some ideas around. A plan comes to me and I run it by Covems  who nods and says “worth a try”

I make a dash to the office and return with a large remote control and push a few buttons. A few moments later J2D2 appears from the pool room. The pleasure Bot sizes up the situation, and begins to pull down Stone’s pants for us, a shrill whistle and Joe yelling “foul!” startles me and I hit pause.

Covems  argues our case with Joe  and explains our interpretation of the rules………clearly a grey area that can be exploited. Joe turns to the crowd for their opinion. The response is an overwhelming yes in our favor. “after further review the play will continue” is Joe’s ruling. Much to Stone’s relief as she is growing impatient with the delay.

With her pants removed J2D2 moves away and goes into stand by mode. Stone looks very tasty wearing only a lacey black panty with tied bows on each hip. With a quick tug the bows untie and Covems  pulls his head back to show the crowd the panties in his mouth, arms  raised in victory.

We look at the food table and decide we have a taste for chocolate cake frosting. Picking up the large bowl I show our self appointed official the spatula before I start. Joe smiles and nods and I get to work. Loading up the spatula I coat Stone’s Lovely toned thighs and calves careful not to touch her with my hands which is very tempting indeed. I finish off with a generous amount of frosting on each toe and the soles of her feet.

Stone fidgets in delight as I spread out the rich sweet frosting. Her legs slightly open giving us a nice view of her now very wet female charms. Setting the bowl down I spot a tub of vanilla ice-cream, tilting the chair all the way back so her legs are up I place Two scoops on her pussy. Stone lets out a gasp at the icy sensation. Grinning at Stone and Covems  “ready for some Stone cake and ice cream?” Covems licks his lips and nods. “best hurry fellas, your ice cream is melting and so am I” stone replies with a wicked smile.

We each pick a leg and starting with her toes we begin to lick up the sweet frosting. I start with the sole and arch of her foot my tongue slowly licking up and down. Her toes next  sucking and licking them clean. Stone being very ticklish jerks and writhes in delight.

From the corner of my eye I can see Covems doing the same but he seems to be moving a bit faster than me. A race to the ice cream has begun, so much for teamwork I muse and begin to lick faster. A quick glance at Stone, her eyes closed licking her lips gripping the armrests tells me she is enjoying this.

Covems is first to finish Stone’s foot and gets started on her calf. His tongue moving up and down her calf in broad strokes as if he is mowing a lawn, I follow suit and get going on my side.

The crowd picks up the vibe that a race is ensuing and cheers us on. As I speed up I am getting more frosting on my shirt and face and hair then in my mouth as the feeding frenzy gets wilder and wilder.

Were neck and neck as we get to Stone’s sweet thighs. quick thought  flashes of  Willie Wonka  run through my lusty sugar addled state of mind as we race for the prize, the ice cream now melting and running down her undercarriage and pooling up on the seat.

With long licks we clean off Stone like were snow plowing a parking lot. Hitting the sugar wall our pace slows as we clean up all remaining frosting, only our lust and the crowd cheering is keeping us going.

Covems wins by a second and gets the better spot between Stones legs, I stand and lean over Stone to lick from the top. Covems gets started, a man on a mission, eagerly licking up the melted ice cream covering her labia and sweet underside first. Stone being reclined, my scoop has begun melting and is running down her just licked clean belly! I quickly lick up the sweet sticky run off. Stone is moaning in delight and moving her hips back and forth, placing a leg on Covems shoulder she reclines even more, disturbing what is left of my scoop which slides down her belly stopped in the nick of time by my tongue.

Aroused as she is Stone cant help but laugh at my predicament. The scoop is melting fast from the heat emanating from Stone’s  cute tummy. The more I lick the faster it melts. I bite into the last glob and bring it to Stone’s lips, we share it in a lusty snog. She tries to speak but covems tongue is making conversation difficult.

Between gasps and sweet contented sighs she whispers “ I want you…..I Want both of you…….lets go the office”
“I have a better idea”  I whisper back

I look up and can only see the top of Covems head, I am quite sure the ice cream is gone and he is enjoying the clean up as much as Stone is.

Calling his name a few times I finally get his attention, he looks up.
I give him a smile and say “to the Bat Cave”

We both stand and face the crowd and bow to a roar of cheers and flashes from cell phones. Our face a sticky mess but with big smiles for a job well done. And the night is young.

Stone slides the chair back up and gives the crowd a wave and her legendary  sexy smile. I pause for a moment to take her in. and like always my heart skips a beat at the sight of her.

As I gather up Stones cloths, Covems unlocks the wheels on the Dentist Chair. As Covems pushes stone to the pool room I make a stop at the bar and grab a bucket and toss in some bottled waters and a few sarsaparillas and a bottle of champagne. Opening the sliding panel we stroll down the ramp into the Icehouse.

Our voices echo in the large cavernous building
“I love the acoustics down here” I begin to whistle the old Archies song “Sugar “

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on March 25, 2013, 09:59:11 AM

The sensations of the recent activities has me in a state of utter excitement.  Being allowed to taste Miss Stone's warm flesh with my tongue and lips is beyond my wildest fantasies.  Long have I wanted just a taste, a passionate kiss from her sweet lips, and in these moments it has been allowed to happen.

I know though that this is only temporary, that in a lust filled bit of time the passion wins out over reality.  But I know the reality is that when this is finished, whatever course the events take, I will still be on the outside looking in.

"Oh what the hell!"  I think.  "Have at it lad!"

JayC remarks that we should continue Miss Stone's stripping, but we are not allowed to use our hands.  "We need to get her shoes and pants off."  He says, and we untie her laces with our teeth.  "The pants will be more difficult."  JayC says.

"Hell, JayC," I reply, "I could chew a hole right through the crotch, and I promise I won't draw blood.  Maybe something else, but it won't be blood."

JayC laughs and comes up with an idea of using J2D2.  Joe behind the bar raises a concern that we're somehow in violation of the rules.  "Whoa" I say... "she said that WE couldn't use our hands... there was nothing there that said that we could not enlist some help.  And... the help we got isn't human.... though he's damn close to it."

Soon, the pants of the lovely, freshly body licked Miss Stone are lying in a heap on the floor.  I notice that her panties are wet.  "The prize is behind there."  I think.

JayC and I untie the bows and I scoop Miss Stone's moist panties into my mouth and show the crowd, before I turn and taking the panties with my hand, I stuff them into my pocket.  "A souvenir of the event."

Chocolate icing is then applied to Miss Stone's feet and legs.  As she spreads her legs open to accomodate the spatula application, it's all I can do to hold myself back from diving between her legs and licking like a madman.  Remarkable self restraint as I watch as JayC then puts two scoops of ice cream onto her body.

Miss Stone sweet cake and ice cream.  We begin to lick our way to paradise.  I can see where this is headed... who is going to be first to her charms.  I move faster, not concerned that I'm not licking up all the icing.  I have another, sweeter prize in mind.  Trying not to look too eager, I smear my face through the icing and I know it's everywhere on my face... but I don't care.

JayC and I bump heads as we both get to Miss Stone's thighs.  I just kind of ram my way in.  I've been kicked in the head by an ornery mule, a little head bump is nothing.  I bump my way past JayC and get to the ultimate prize.  Miss Stone's sweet, hot, wet pussy.

I lick through the ice cream, not caring that I'm not getting it all.  Using the tip of my tongue I lick, flick and lap my way up and down her labia, I feel her thighs tighten, and the noise from the crowd is muffled as Miss Stone's thighs press against my ears.  I continue to lick and probe.  Finding the magic button, I press it with my tongue, stabbing at it flicking across it.

Miss Stones hips are moving and I take great pleasure from her undulations, knowing that I am having an effect on her.

I can hear Miss Stone's muffled voice say something, but I don't stop.  I want to enjoy this for as long as I can.  Finally JayC gets my attention and I look up.  He looks like the Joker, with chocolate icing smeared along his mouth, and I can only imagine what I must look like.

We start to wheel the chair with Miss Stone in it through the bar room, to the pool table room.  The door of the Ice House entrance swings open and JayC pushes the chair through,whistling.  I stop.

"I'm not going in there."  I say.  "It's another trap.  I know it is.  The last times I went through that door it's been a trap.  Eva is waiting in a room there."

I look around and my suspicion is heightened.  "Where are the dwarfs?"  I blurt out.  "There in there somewhere... just waiting to pounce.  I'm not going in there."

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on March 28, 2013, 08:41:40 AM

Standing in the doorway as JayC wheels Miss Stone down the corridor in the dentist's chair.  I have chocolate icing all over my face, strawberry juice on my chin and an erection in my pants.

"Come on Cove,"  JayC says over his shoulder.

"It's a trap."  I say.  "Something's been set up."

"What's the matter?" Miss Stone says.  "Chicken?"

"Nothing has been set up," JayC says, so come have some fun."

"Awwwww, what the hell...."  I say and trot to the chair and start pushing it faster.

I look at JayC, "How fast do you think this thing will go?"

"Let's find out."  He says and we begin to push it faster down the hall.

The naked Miss Stone is starting to get a death grip on the arms of the chair as our speed increases.  Those lovely breasts of hers bouncing along with each bump.  We have a little trouble negotiating a turn and almost crash into a wall, but manage to keep it going.

"It's just up ahead."  JayC says as Miss Stone has gone silent. 

"Think of it as a Disney ride, Miss Stone."  I say to her... "but it's going to take an xxx ticket for this one."

We bring the chair to a halt in front of the big door that marks JayC's newly refurbished dungeon.

"If it's a trap,"  I think, "I don't care.  I think I'm going to enjoy this."

The door swings open and we push the chair in....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on March 29, 2013, 07:20:01 AM

Welcome to the Achat Bar & Grill the first drink is on the house 

Its open mike night feel free to take to the mike and throw a song out there

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on March 30, 2013, 10:42:06 AM
The men double suckling and massaging my breasts is egggxquisite.   They know egggxactly how to use their mouths and heads to best effect to turn me on.
 My body is on fire as they eat the succulent fruits,  sexily dribbling it’s juices on my skin, licking in a mixture of light and heavy tongue careses & kisses. They lap and tease and ease the cream and juice into their mouths for a scrumptious dessert. They trace incredible trails along my tummy, my belly button, my ribcage, the underside of my breasts,  my aching tities and straining nipples, my collarbone, neck, chin and waiting mouth, before repeating the whole processes  again.

I lose myself in their sensuous eating,  allowing the sexual arousal to slowly build, as is,  the men’s sole intention.  And it is working to full effect.  I groan and squirm in the Dentist’s chair, shutting my eyes to enjoy the pleasure of the naughty  & erotic situation. 

The crowd sense my sexual egggxcitement and become fascinated  at the public play in front of them. They watch,  and enjoy the spectacle, maybe even picking up a few tips to try on their own ladies. And their  eyes devour the sight of my sensualised body as it is revealed inch by inch by Jayc & Covems  trained egggxpert  tongues.

Soon my sticky breasts and torso is bared to the crowd & I see flashes of light behind my closed eye lids as some take advantage,   taking photographs for their private albums. 

Usually I am not so public in my sexual fun but  surprisingly,  the egggxhibitionist  & naughtiness of the Dentist’s chair is suddenly very agreeable  and  quite thrilling.  My body is overheated and I want more.

Jayc  knows my body so well and he wants more  too.  I feel him and Covems begin to pull  on the laces of my monkey boots with their teeth , loosening them enough so I can kick them off with my building impatience.   My lower body is ignited with need, aching, with a wet heat that has seeped into the gusset  of my skimpy panties and Ski pants.

They grip the toes of my white socks and pull, removing them with a surprising ease and dropping them to the floor.

They manage to remove the stirrups of my  ski pants from each foot and I feel them tug on my trousers to pull them off . I left my hips to help but it’s no use..  They pause to contemplate the rules and problem of the removal. I moan in anticipation, I want them off.... now... I want their tongues on me now!!!

Then, my ingenious  Jayc finds a perfect solution.   J2D2 is bought in and slowly removes the troublesome trousers.

 But , annoyingly, Old Joe intervenes and questions  the authenticity of such help. I groan & glare at him.  Old Joe is so going to get one of my Bloody Mary Hot Specials!!

Covems comes to the rescue and successfully argues our case, with the backing of the impatient audience.  Old Joe, realises when he is beat, grins cheekily and gives the go ahead for J2D2 to continue undressing me.  He wants to see my nubile body as much as the others! The Lovable Old Devil was just building the tension!!!

J2D2  egggxpertly and teasingly removes my trousers, pulling them down to caress and titilate, just as he is programmed to do.  Once off, he steps back into standby mode, still with my trousers folded over his arm.

I am now naked in the chair egggxcept for my black little panties, tied at the hip in neat little bows . And yet in my frenzied state, I am still overdressed.

To my utter relief & joy, Covems & Jayc feel the same.  They move their heads, teeth targeting the bows and quickly pull the bows loose. Covems teeth remain clamped on the lacy material , as Jayc moves off, to watch as my pussy is revealed in all its wet, throbbing & trimmed glory.

Covems pulls and the lacy panties caress my skin as he pulls them free.  It feels so sexy and I gush with my feminine appreciation,  coating my intimate lips with a glistening, egggxcited glaze. 

I feel several pairs of eyes staring at the sight between my legggs, it is thrilling,  and my hot liquid release intensifies, seeping on to my inner thighs.

My black pubic landing strip contrasts with the moist swollen pink lips, throbbing with a want and need especially as I see my panties hanging from Covems mouth. He raises his hands in triumph at the crowd and my excitement rockets again.

He puts them in his pocket, saying they are his souvenir of the occasion and a little bubble of pride flares that he should covet them so. I smile at him and hope that’s not the only souvenir and memory he will have of this occasion.  He is such a fine looking man  and any woman would be glad of his special male attentions.  I take him in, his muscular toned body, broad chest, magnificent shoulders, trim waist...  he is a very handsome man & a fine specimen for a mate, that’s for sure.

My eyes turn to Jayc and he takes my breath away as always.  That familiar fine body and amazing tongue never ceases to make my heart race too.  His handsome face has a naughty gleam in his eye as I see him grin holding up the chocolate frosting.  Oh my, I am in for a real treat now!

Jayc smothers me in chocolate icing, my feet, my legggs and using the same spatula he teases and frosts me right up to, and on my pussy. I writhe in pleasure and then jolt a little as he cheekily reclines the seat & places , 2 dollops of  ice cream right slam bang on my feminine charms.  It begins to melt immediately and creamy rivulets begin to meander  down onto my tummy and also into my crevices and pool on the seat underneath.

The ice cools and numbs the area, its strangely pleasant.  I moan as Jayc mentions Stone Cake & Ice cream and I murmur about it melting.

Then the boys , start their licking, sucking and kissing, starting at my toes and working up, each taking a leggg. Their eating frenzy is a race to my feminine goal. Their urgency and competitive streak to win egggxcites me more and I moan and grind into the chair.  Their lightening tongues & lips on my skin, teases, tickles and tantalises.  And my pussy aches and throbs for a winner. I open my legggs more to show the pleasure they are causing, ice cream, chocolate goo and feminine juices intermingling.

Covems reaches the winning post and dives between my legggs.  I groan in delight as he eats the sugary dessert and reaches my sensitive lips. He licks, and nibbles and burrows.  My pussy  and me are in heaven at his very egggxperienced  skill. I close my legggs a little and feel his whiskers & hair on my inner thighs. And loose myself in the egggstacy.

Jayc takes the top eating the melting ice cream, teasing my pubic landing strip and clitoris hood and scooping up the ice cream sliding down my lower tummy and then back to tender pubic kisses.  The men work as a wonderous  team, one below, one on top.  Two tongues taking me to Utopia.

Jayc takes a scoop of icecream and brings it to my mouth, where we snog and eat. Covems still works his burrowing magic.

“ I want..... both ...of you”  I whisper in gasps and Jayc suggests his dungeon, eventually getting Covems attention and inviting him to join us.  Covems  rises from in between my legggs and seems hesitant but I smile and beggg...  “ Please...”

Covems takes charge of the chair and Jayc gathers my clothes.. they wave to the crowd as it becomes evident , we want our privacy now.  Jayc stops by the bar to pick up champagne & water.

Covems stops with me and the chair to wait for him, right by Jcm0824.  I see him looking at my naked, fruit and chocolate and ice cream stained body and I giggle at him, “ Welcome to the AB&G, It’s always good to see a new face here”  Jcm smiles staring at my breasts & pussy. “  I’m Stone, the barmaid here, Jayc  over there is my spouse and the Manager here and,  Covems is also management-  our handyman & maintenance guy”.

 Covems & Jayc grin at him.  Jcm nods to them. “ “Don’t forget to get your free drink on the house off Old Joe now,  it’s a tradition for all new comers to the bar”   Covems starts to wheel me away,  “  Have fun ... I’m kind of busy right now “ I chuckle at Jcm,
 He chuckles back,  “ I can see that “  as he waves me off.

We head for the dungeon and as soon as we are out of sight of the crowd, Covems and Jayc  bolt like the wind.  Giggling in the chair as we whiz down the corridors, my tummy doing somersaults  at the near misses and tilts nearly dislodging me.
 My breasts wobble by the chair vibrations on the uneven floor and the sudden twists and turns.  My legggs open to counter balance the tipping.  All my naked feminine charms on show to the two fully clothed men!!

Our eagerness to continue and progress the play started in the bar makes us wild and a little careless.   The urgency,  to reach our destination paramount in all our thoughts.

And then before I know it, we are there in front of the door , right  opposite Brandy’s Chamber & Bear’s Dungeon.

The plaque on the door is brass and shiny with Jay’c name on.  The old wooden door looks freshly stained , the black hinges and door handle freshly painted.
Certainly an improvement from when I last saw it.  Jayc takes his key & unlocks the door .................

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on April 12, 2013, 02:36:10 AM

Walking over to the Bar "hi Joe slide a cold one over what did I miss after Blue pulled me out of here"
Joe smiles and tells me what I missed. I smile back "looks like missed a great night" I laugh and take a sip of my cold beer.
"Is Miss Brandy and Miss Stone around"  I ask Joe "In the office or out the back I think" he answer "thanks Joe"

I take my beer and go look for them walking by the end of the stage I look up and see my throne still there "MMMM I have to get that to my dungeon today" I think to myself

Walking over to the office I see a door just open a little. I push the door open and let the little light from the bar light up the small office sized room.
"MMMM this would do Perfect for my plan" I say out Load
"What plan is that Tango" I hear from the Bar Office door as Miss Brandy come out of it.
I smile at her "I have an Idea but need a room to do it in and this would be perfect for what I need"
"SO WHAT IS IT" Brandy ask's
"Let me Find Miss Stone and I'll meet you in your Office" I say as I raise my eyebrows
"OK don't be long then" Brandy say's and gose back into the office.

I close the door of the small office and head off out to the back of the stage to find Miss Stone.
"Miss Stone are you out here" I call
"Yes Tango" she replies as she comes out of the ladies changing room
"Can I have a quick word in the office Please"I ask
"Sure Lets go now" she says as she walks over to me "what's it about" she ask's with a puzzled look

I follow Miss Stone into the officeand close the door behind us. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: lastrock on April 13, 2013, 06:36:00 PM
As I've been on a 2 hour drive to the A B & G, I enter with my headphones in, my white hat, dark black shirt, white pants and boots to see the bar full of interesting people and a mechanical bull!

There is a new sheriff and town. Hopefully this sheriff can find himself a partner or a lil lady to keep him company. I sit at the bar viewing the surroundings, watching how the people move and interact. But the beautiful woman across the room has caught my attention. I know she is surrounded by her friends, but maybe I can impress her. I'll come up with something later, *motions to the bartender*

Cowboy:" Can I have a beer please bartender?"

The bartender gets my beer and I begin to think i'm going to like this place, after I get my beer I go and kick my feet up and see what may be in store for later.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on April 13, 2013, 07:55:06 PM
After my karaoke song I need a beer, so I walk to the bar. Notice lastrock sitting and go to him. "Hey texas, I see you found our bar. I promise it's the best bar in town. It's the only one" I lough and cheers to him. "Hope you have fun and enjoy your stay here. You know you don't have to pay your first beer - and the second I pay. I even pay another one if you join our new game called "AChat paper chase ;)"
Look to Old Joe "Look at the names on the wall. Every player of paper chase gets a free drink."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: old_goat on April 15, 2013, 09:00:49 AM
After a long day on his motorcycle seeing the country side, Old goat comes in and moves to the end of the bar.
The end that is at the wall, takes a stool and relaxes a little, leaning on the wall to hold it up. Slowly surveys the room with knowing eyes.
This bunch must be straight out of the loony bin, he thinks. I will fit in here with no problems at all.
Soon the barkeep offers a beer and he accepts. Takes a long drink when it arrives.
leans back and waits for the next event to start.
More fun than a barrel of monkeys.
And the girls look damn good too.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on April 19, 2013, 02:51:21 AM
Coming out of the shower, i can't not stare at Jane in my new bed, barely covered by red sheet. I smile thinking at the strange night we had in the Bar & Grill: she ask me to be spanked and i had done it.....maybe a little too rough for her first time! I can't go out of my head her expression in that moment, so i had take her to my place to try to relax her a little and to properly apologize. We had talk and drink for hours, talking about us, of how i feel lucky to met my Master and to had her as friend....a pleasent talk as rarely it can happend! then, probably thanks to the alchool in my body, my mind turn off....i can't remember what happen....all i can say is i wake up near her, sleeping with a pretty smile on her face.

I put a shirt on and move downstare, where my laptop is, turning it on to work on a little project i have in mind for a nice event to share with all the guests of the Bar & Grill. It takes me an hour to work on it, but i think it turn out pretty good: i grab my cell and search for the B&G number, then i start a call.

"Hello, Bar & Grill here!"

"Hey, Joe, it's me, Brandy around!?"

"No HB, she's busy in the office with Tango! have i call her for you!?"

"no need thanks......just say her i'll be there in the afternoon to talk about the new event"

"Sure thing....i'll tell her!"

"thanks Joe....see yu later!"

"Later, HB"

and i close the call. I look around at my new flat, partially empty.....more work to do here, before it come out how i want it, but the dwarfs are working well! I'll take my cup of cappuccino and step to the windows, looking outside at the sunny weather.....finally no rain at the horizon!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on April 19, 2013, 10:10:25 AM
i step into the Bar & Grill, feeling some refreshment from the high sun of spring weather: it takes a couple of minute for my eyes to adapt at the low light of the room and see few people running here anbd there preparing the place for the near opening.
I take my bag and walk to the counter where old Joe is cleaning some glasses and giving order to set everything for the opening, when he turns and see me.

"Wellcome HB! you came, at last!"

"Of course......we have to prepear everything for the next event!"

i answer him pointing at my bag. I can see a smirk rising on his face, a clear sign he know what i'm planning.....damn, how he had find it out!? oh well.....

i wink at him and move to the board, trying to find a place in it for the poster i have with me....too many on this small board! well, it's not so small but with all the event we have here in AChat city, began small! Anyway, at last i found a free space in it:

The Bar & Grill invite all of you to the first Furries Party of AChat City!
Join us for it in April 26!


Bunny, kitty, tiger, the furry inside you and join us!

I stare at the poster and smirk, thinking at the wild night it can be and wondering how anyone of the usual guests of the B&G will dress for the event! Of course, mine is ready and i know someone who can really enjoy it.....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Kingdustin on April 19, 2013, 04:31:52 PM
As I was strolling through the bar,  HB caught my eye. she was holding something wild talking to Old Joe. She then move over to bored and place some thing up. curiously I walked over and  came upon a such a lovely made poster.

The bar & Grill invite all of you to the first Furries Party of AChat City!
Join us for it in April 26!


Bunny, kitty, tiger, the furry inside you and join us!

I love a good  party but what to were hmmmm......   ;D


Hehehe this will do just fine  8)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on April 20, 2013, 06:10:08 AM
I saunter into the bar & greet Old Joe, grinning from ear to ear. I nod a greeting at Covems, Sexilicious  & mrsexlover chatting away.

There are new faces  at the bar, talking to Lover and I ensure Old Joe sets up the free drinks for them and go over to say  “Hi “ to Lastrock , Old_goat &  jcm084.

We exchange pleasantries as I welcome them to the bar & tell them to enjoy their drinks, and soak up the atmosphere.  There’s always something happening and they are welcome to join in.

I lean over to the bar bell and ring it vigourously...   " Everybody  Tangoracer has reached a milestone  400 posts  Hip Hip HORRAY,  Hip Hip HORRAY,  Hip Hip HORRAY "   Everyone cheers & claps his achievment  ;D

Old Joe comes over to top up our drinks.
“ Should I even ask what you have been up too?”   Old Joe teases me, placing a welcome cup of hot tea in front of me.
I guess, I have been going around with a silly grin on my face lately and have been caught on more than one occasion singing away to myself.   Obviously  “The Bear effect “

Old Joe starts singing & jigging up & down to the jungle book song  to tease me  as he resumes his work round the bar.... much to the amusement of  Lover & the new comers

“ Look for the BEAR necessities,  the simple Bear necessities 
Forget about your worries & your strife
I mean the BEAR necessities,  Old Mother Nature’s recipies
That brings the Bear Necessities  of life...” 

Old Joe animates clenched fists to his heart &  bats his eye lids and adds in a high pitched womanly voice

“ Oh Bear,  make me , take me as your wife “    he continues the song..

“Whenever I wander, wherever I roam,  I couldn’t be fonder of my big home
The Bee is buzzin in her  tree, to make special honey just for  He......”

I burst out laughing at his impromptu performance & Old Joe flourishes and bows , chuckling too.

“ Be careful Joe” I tease him. “ I may remember this when your raise is up for review.”
He chuckles and says “ I hope you do, you may triple my wages”

Still laughing, I say toodle pip to the new patrons & I take my tea to the office & join  Jayc,  JD & Stone in our office  to catch up on business for the day. Lover  & Covems follows me too.

Jayc, Stone & Covems  look like the day after the day before too but in Jovial mood.  JD looks fresh.  Lover is impeccable as per usual.

We all greet each other and  then they all begin  to hum the   “ Bear necessity”   tune too, which nearly causes me to spurt my tea at them.

“ Is this the conspiracy  tune for the day?”  I ask good naturedly and we all chortle as they feign animated  innocence.

We get down to business and after chatting awhile we all go to see to the items on our work list for the day.

I  come across Tango loitering in a doorway  of an unused office, muttering to himself about a plan.  He asks to speak to the management so I signal for  Jayc ,  JD, Covems &  Lover to join us in our office .

Stone comes out of the changing rooms and I ask her   to take the orders for teas and coffees and join us in the office.

Soon, we are settled in  and we turn to Tango expectantly ....

In the meantime, outside at the bar,  Old Joe  &  King Dustin listens to HB ,  taking a message for us in the office....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on April 21, 2013, 07:34:40 AM
I stand in the Office with all the management feeling a little nervous thinking it was only going to be Brandy and Stone not all the management Jayc , JD, Lover and Covems.
Stone walks in with a tray of teas and coffees for everyone we all take are mugs off the tray and she goes and sits with Jayc.
They all turn and look at me "Well Tango what's this plan of your's then" Brandy ask's

"Will I was thinking of putting something I learned a long time ago back into use. But and this is way I needed to talk to you all I need same where to do it" I pause for a few seconds "And the room next door would be perfect for it. I will do all the work that is needed to do in there so there wont be any cost to the Bar."

"What do you want to do then Tango" Lover ask's

"I want to start a massage room here" I say with a smile and give Brandy a little wink

The office goes quirt and I take a drink of my tea and look around at everyone

"I would like to put a shower in at the back of the room and paint the room in soft pastel colours and put mood lighting in to set the room off " Taking a sip of my tea and say "What do you think"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on April 21, 2013, 08:36:08 AM
I listen to Tango's  idea with genuine interest.   I had the good fortune of being the subject of Tango's amazing foot massage and  then later, on another day,  a neck, head & shoulder massage.   The man knew what he was talking about &  certainly knew the trade.

He opened up a rolled paper, flip chart size and showed his plans and idea for his massage parlour.

He had thought, long & hard about it.   There were  a couple of massage tables for full massage treatments,  a couple of Dentists type chairs - for Tango's  head & shoulder massages & foot & leg massages,  a large  shower room at the back  and  a separate room next to it with a   hot tub & spa area.

Pastel colours and luxurious  carpet for the flooring.   Changing rooms and lockers for clothes and AB&G fluffy bathrobes & towels.
Cupboards for his oils & massage lotions &  numerous massage tools and secret tools to relax his clients.

Tango's presentation of his idea was impressive & all the management were keen on the idea.   It would compliment the Bar & Grill , and be a nice treat for customers &  performers on stage as well as patrons taking part in the pit wrestling &  Mechanical Bull challenges.

Not to mention,  a nice treat after a hard days work.

All voted in favour of the spare office being used for such a venture.  An agreement was quickly come to about a % of the takings with a few free massages negotiated for the management & a guest.

Covems  offered the services  of himself and the dwarfs for the rooms to be partitioned &  prepared .   In fact, we all offered to do our bit to help out.

The meeting was drawn to a close after awhile, all looking forward to try it out at the opening of the  AB&G  Massage Parlour &  mini  Bath  House.

Tango was pleased his idea was taken so favourable .   He was looking forward to opening it .

I ventured outside and Old Joe caught my attention and told me that HB had been in about a Furry Party he was planning on Friday 26 April 2013. The poster was already on the AB&G notice board. 

" Great Idea "  I tell Old Joe.    I wander over to check out the poster .   Very impressive and fancy dress too. That's just perfect.

The posters next to it reminds people of the voting and reading of   The Erotic Story Contest 4   " First Time "    VOTE FOR YOUR FAVOURITE CONTEST STORY,

Forum  Home Page / Organisations & Events / Contests /   “ FIRST TIME”  THE STORIES, EROTIC CONTEST 4.,2376.0.html

And that the  Achat Paper Chase was asking for volunteers to take part :-

Forum Home Page / Organizations & Events /  Events  / New Game Achat Paper Chase,2390.0.htm

The Hunting of the EASTER  EGGG (s)  would also be starting soon, and  prize for the correct number counted.

 Forum Home Page / Organizations & Events / Contests /  Hunt the easter eggg,2346.0.html

I look at the colourful posters  and go back to the furry party ...  I think I know just the costume to wear..... :P
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on April 21, 2013, 10:53:01 AM
Turning I nearly bump into jcm0824 just about to leave but checking out the notice board and the  Furry party before he goes.

"  Are you  going to come to the Furry Party? "  I grin at him

" I might have to come to see what its all about "  He  smiles back

" I hope you do, don't forget its fancy dress now -  seems a furry animal is the order of the day ,  any ideas as to what you may come as? " 

He shakes his head but looked deep in thought.  He turns to leave and starts to whistle ... 

 “ Look for the BEAR necessities,  the simple Bear necessities 
Forget about your worries & your strife
I mean the BEAR necessities,  Old Mother Nature’s recipies
That brings the Bear Necessities  of life...”

" mmmm ,  seems I'll be stuck with that song for a bit  "  I chuckle  after him  ,   "  You come back soon now  " 

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on April 21, 2013, 01:15:33 PM
We all listen to Tango’s request with interest,  after hearing the details and some Q&A we green light the project with nods from the staff. As the meeting breaks up I  open my bottom desk drawer and pull out a poster for the events board.

I follow Brandy out to the bar and introduce myself  and my lovely spouse Stone to Jcm0824, we shake hands and he assures us he will be back for the party. I walk over to the events board and try to find room for our poster.

Shaking my head I notice old events are still posted. “hey Joe you need to keep this board up to date “ as I take down the Halloween and Christmas party announcements. Joe waves me off with a hand telling me he is not listening to me, Like always

After a few minutes I have organized the events board and have made room for my poster. I tack it up and step back to look.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on April 22, 2013, 04:11:53 AM
Sitting on the counter stool, i look at people watching at the new posters in the board: seems like the two new event are catching the attention of the new and the old guest and it's exactly what i expect! but lot of think must be done before the party can start....i have to work on my costume for it and there are a others two i have to do for some friends!

"better go home and work on them" i say to my self, when i see Master Tango coming out the Management Office talking with Brandy and having a satisfy smile over his face. I know he have something in his mind but he don't had tell about it....a surprise for everyone, he said....uhmmm....wonder what is it!! I step down from my stool and and reach them, holding my Master from behind, kissing his neck, then i turn to Brandy and wink at her, pointing at the board.

"The party is on his way, Brandy....and your costume too! I'll bring it to you really soon and i'm sure you will love it!"

"Really!? Great news, HB!" she answer me looking at the costumers reading all the news on the board "i'll wait to see it! now excuse me, but new guest need a proper welcome!"

"Of course......the Bee welcome!" i say smiling, looking at her leaving us alone and join jcm0824.

"What a nice surprise to find you here, Master....." i whisper at him, lettimg my hand running down to his abdomen and kissing his neck again " i had miss you so much, Master!"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Nat33 on April 22, 2013, 09:42:36 AM
I just want a coffe... is that possible?
An incomprehensible voice answer me: YES, yes that is, it comes ...
mmmmm Thank you  8)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on April 22, 2013, 11:52:38 AM
I follow Brandy out of the office with a satisfied smile on my face thinking "hehehe the cat that go the cream"

Standing at the doorway of the new Bar & Grill Spa room chatting with Brandy about what needs to be done to the Spa. When I feel a pear of arms wrap around me and then the soft feel of lips on the back of my neck. I tilt my head to give the kisser more of my neck then I hear the sweet voice my Sweet Pet HB

I hold her arms and puller tighter onto my back she turns to Brandy
"The party is on his way, Brandy....and your costume too! I'll bring it to you really soon and I'm sure you will love it!"
"Really!? Great news, HB!" she answer

"What a nice surprise to find you here, Master....." HB whispers in my ear I feel her hands move down over my abdomen and kisses my neck some more " I had missed you so much, Master!"

"I'm sorry I left you my Pet at the party, But let me show you something my Pet" I hold her arm and move us inside the empty room.
I move from being behind me to standing with her back to me and my arms around her.

"This is what I've been planning my Pet I've got the go ahead to change this room into a massage come spa room" I whisper in her ear, "That's why I couldn't say anything my Pet  didn't know if the management would go for my idea" I kiss her neck softly "Sorry for keeping it a secret from you my Pet"

I spin her around to face me and Kiss My sweet Pet full and deeply on her soft lips, feeling her mouth open to let my tongue find hers.
I push her back against the Big wall mirror as our kiss gets more intense and our hands move over each others body. I slide my hand between us and cup her right breast squeezing it gently as we kiss more,

I feel my Pet press herself against me and breaks our kiss "I missed you Master" my Pet whispers
"I've missed you to my Pet but we have your party to plan and I need to get my thrown down to my Dungeon and get that ready so we can go there after the party"

I take my Pet's hand and lead her back into the bar and take her back to her stole.

""Knock Knock Knock"" I tap on the not so secret door in the Bar, it slides open and Doc's head appears "Arrr Doc any chance you could get the boys to help move the throne on the stage down to my chambers in the Ice House" I ask

"Sure Tango have you got your Key for us to get in" he asks.
"Sure here you go just put it against the back wall form me" I hand Doc the Key and the door shuts.

I set on the stole next to my Pet and look deep into her eyes.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on April 23, 2013, 02:41:25 AM
OOT: take a look at this guide, jcm0824....i'm sure it will help you!,1405.0.html
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on April 23, 2013, 08:25:47 AM
Sitting at the bar chatting with my sweet Pet about my costume for the party the door under the Bar opens and Doc and the boys all file out one after the other and go up on the stage. Lean over and give my Pet a kiss "I better go with them to get it put in the right place"I smile and add "you coming" I say as I flick my head to one side in the direction of the pool room and hold out my hand. My Pet answers "always Master" and takes my hand.

The boys have the throne on it's back and in the air and heading for the tunnel. I walk with My Pet in my hand and follow the boy's down the tunnel and into the Ice House. Doc hands me back my key after he unlocks the door and they carry the throne in and stand it back on its feet and move it  into the right spot.

I shack Doc's hand and Slide him a quirt 50A$ "go get the boys same beers" I say quirtly but Dopey hears me and shout "BEER BEER BEER BEER" and as he shouts the rest join "BEER BEER BEER BEER BEER BEER" they all move out back to the tunnel still singing "BEER BEER BEER BEER BEER BEER"

I turn to My Pet "there happy" I say with a smile
"Brandy and Covems wont be when they start to play up in the bar" my Pet say's with a laugh

I turn to my Pet "all I need to get in here before the party is that great bed you showed me."
"we can get that Master I know the man that makes them I will phone him for you Master"  My Pet say's with her beautiful smile.
I take her in my arms and kiss her deeply " Thank you my sweet pet new lets get back to the bar and watch the boys have same fun."

We both giggle and head back to the bar with our arms around each other.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on April 24, 2013, 03:07:48 AM
Back to the Bar & grill, we sit at a table and order a drink, talking about the bed my Master whant to put in his dungeon: the dimension, the sheet colour and other stuff. Sure is that bed is big and expensive, but it can give us some nice fun when it's in Master's dungeon and i know who i have to call for it. i'll take my cell and make a call.

"Hello, it's going!?"

"Good to know, my friend......listen, i have someone interessed in the bed, but there is a problem....can you make and bring it where i tell you for this friday afternoon!?"

"I know it's lot of work and less time.....crap, if i know i advice you early!"

"I know i ask you to hurry for the throne too, but you owed me a favor.....this time i owe you one!"

"SAY WHAT!? Two pony suit for next wednesday!? ARE YOU KIDDING!?"

"ok, ok.....understnad....let's make this deal......."

"Where!? at the Bar & Grill.....i'll be here and then let you see the place, ok!?"

"Thanks, pal.....i'll wait your call!"

Jeez, Alan....nice guy and so skilled but at last we always end like this.....all at the last moment! But it's last we always get what we need!

I turn to Master Tango who was listening at the call and looking at me with a strange expression on his face. I smile at him and then reassuring him that he will have his bed soon, i kiss him on his cheek and then whisper: "We can test it after the party, Master.....but i'm sure you will like it!"
I sit on his lap, staring at his eyes.....i can see the sight of the beast deeper in them, but it's sleeping now, waiting for the right moment to wake up and play with me: oh, i know how much the beast like to play with me....too much probably, and i know the moment will arrive soon, but not now! I hold him tight, wrapping his shoulders with my arms, then i apologize

"I have to go......too many work to do for the party and for us, Master....i'm so sorry!"

We stand up and he hold me in his arms, kissing me deeply, then we move to the B&G entrance when we kiss again before moving away.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on April 24, 2013, 09:12:06 AM
I walk my sweet Pet to the door and take her in my arms and Kiss her deeply I let her slip out of my arms and watch her get in her car and drive off.

I turn and walk over to Doc and the boys " Right lads I've got a rush job needs doing by Friday afternoon"
Doc Asks "What is it Tango" I roll the plans out on the table and show the guys and point to the room next to the office. "Lets go have a better look" I say as I pick up the plans and walk over to the room.

We all walk over to the room all but Dopey he stays and quickly drinks all the glasses of beer left on the table. Doc calls him over and he rushes over drinking the last glass and bumps into Brandy throwing it all over her. She looks down at him with a stern English look Dopey looks up smiles and runs into the spa room and hides behind the wall.
Brandy looks over at me "SORRY" in mouth at her and she storms into her office and slams the door.

Taking the plans back out we get a better look and walk around the room where things are going to be

"The back half of the room needs a new floor built for the walking shower and hot tub to go on with all the plumbing under the floor. The floor is to be black slate tiles and the walls off the back wet area is to be a nice light cream coloured tile" I tell the boys

"The front is to have nice thick carpet and the walls are to be painted to match the tiles at the back of the room. And the lighting needs to be changed to mood lighting to be able to change colours can all that be done by Friday guy's" I ask them "and if it can there's lots more beers in it for you" I add quickly.

Doc and the boys go into a huddle and came back with a big "YAEH we can do that as long as you get every thing here in time"Doc say's

"Great I'll get onto that right now" I grab my phone and make the call,

"Andy its Tango that stuff I ordered is it ready........ Great send it over to The Bar & Grill asap please mate......... great see you out the back in an hour then."

"That will be here in about an hour guy" I say as I hang up the phone

I turn to the large mirror on the wall the backs onto the office wall and take a good look at it. Thinking to myself "do I really want it there or not" I lean on the wall not seeing a small switch that I put my hand on it and the mirror turns into a window into the Office. All the boy cheer and run over to the window and look into the office to see Brandy bent over just in her Bra and Matching panties. I hit the switch again and it turns back to a mirror
I go knock on the office door KNOCK KNOCK "Are you decent Miss brandy" I say with a smile on my face "One minute Tango" comes from the office. then the door opens Just as Brandy is pulling down a Bar T shirt on "Whats Up Tango" she says still unhappy about what Dopey did.
"you better come see this in the spa room" we walk in and the guys all start to giggle I look at them and shack my head.
I tell Brandy to look into the mirror "What am I looking at then Tango apart from myself" I hit the switch again and the office is there infront of her eyes and the guys giggle again. "WHAT THE IS THIS" Brandy looks over at me, all I could do was smile back at her. Then her face changes again and turns to the guy's then back to me "you didn't" I nod "you did" "yes but I didn't know I promise" I say quickly "and I turned it right back off"
Her face changes and starts to go red "We are going to have to sort this out Tango can't have you looking into my office" But then her eyes light up can it be changed around" she say's with a smile.
"I don't know but I will look into it"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on April 26, 2013, 04:32:18 AM
Friday morning, at last.....and i'm here with Alan in my Master's dungeon assembling the bed: it's big enough to let three people sleep in it and the metal hoops all around it make it really interessing for some play....and i know my Master want it with this purpouse and i know we gonna test it soooo soon! Oh gosh, can't wait for the after party!

Yeah the party.....we really need to hurry if i want to be there before the opening of the Bar & Grill! but i had taken all i need with me and plan to change here in my Master's dungeon.....after all, i was thinking about we need a little changing room here for, you know....., me getting ready to be his dragon girl! And luck want there is a working shower here! I was looking around the room, when Alan's voice bring me to reality.

"Day dreaming, HB!?"

"uhhhmmmm.....just a little...." i answer him, looking back at the bed.

"mmmm....i think you are hiding me something! or am i wrong!?" he say, smirking devilishous at me.

"Who, me!? naaah, why i have to do it!?" starting to feel a little uncomfortable

" don't lie.....i think i know you enough to understand it!"

" know, this place will be like a second home from now on.....i think....." i answer, feeling my face burning "...and before you say it, yes, i was right when you said i would like to be taken in control by someone else!"

With my face burning and red as ever it ever been before, i can see a smirk on his face, but he don't say nothing about this, he move back to the bed and continue working on its assembling. I'm surprised.....he never had lose the opportunity of joking with me in a similar situation, but thistime it's different and don't know why!

"Hey that really you!?" i ask staring at him, doubtfull.

"Of course....."

"You look different.....what happen!?"

"Nothing....just happy for you, that's all....aaaand this damn work is killing me! so, what about helping me!?"

We back to work and finally, the bed is ready! It takes most of the day to complete it and the opening time of the Bar & Grill is near now....i must hurry and change, but first i lead Alan out of the Ice House and properly thanks him for his hard work, offering him a drink at the bar. We talk a little and he ask me about my new "experience": i tell him all, he's a good friend afterall, and i can see him really interessed in my words, till the last one.

"Wow, that's incredible!" he say, finishing his drink "seems like you are really caught in this story...."

"I am, never it ever happen before!"

"heh.....i'd like to know him, soon or later.....and give him some advice about you!" he say, grinning.

"WHAAAAT!? Advice him about me!? are you nuts!?" i yell at him

"I'm kidding, HB......but don't forget about our's time for me to go! more work to do!"

"Oh, don't worry Alan.....i'll do my part....had i ever break a deal with you!?" i say, a little pissed off.

"Never....that's why i like to work with you! Say hi to your Master from me!" he replay, moving out the Bar & Grill.

Alan.....sometimes the best guy in the world but other times he is a real dumbass.....oh well......this is how he is, afterall! But no time to think at this now....

I move back to master's dungeon and get ready for the party: after a full day of work, an hot shower help me to relax and get strenght back, ready for a new intense night at the B&G! I open my bag and pull out the costume and all the accessories i need for it.....some adjustment at the make up and i'm ready for a wild night! I move backi to th B&G and when i enter in the poll rrom, i can hear voices coming from the main room.

I step out and look around: the main room is barely filled by every type of furries costume and more are coming in from the entrance! Impressie, the quality of the costumes is high and a lot of variety here! Seems like it will be a great party tonight!

I move to the stage, trying to don't hit someone with my three tails....the hell, just one make it difficult...why i had add two!? But a last, i can say i made a nice work.....a little fox ready for hunt! eh eh! I take the microphone and wait for the band to end their song, then turn to all the costumers in the place.

"Few words, don't worry....first, a warm wellcome to old and new friends for another of the great party of the B&G.....we all love this place and we have to thanks the management team for all the hard work they made! And now,.....let's the first Furry Party begin! enjoy it!"

A big cheer fullfill the B&G, sounds of full glasses hitting each others follow it....yes, it's started! and it's time to have fun! I leave the stage and lead for the counter, where i order a Bayleis. I sit on a stool waiting for my master, sipping it slowly

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on April 26, 2013, 05:43:10 AM
WALKING into the Bar Friday Morning hoping the Boys had worked there Magic in the spa room
I walk to the door and Doc meets me "Tango I hope its what you wanted we worked all night for you we know what this would mean to you to have it done" I walk into the spa "WOW GUYS What a great job you've all done" I say with wide eyes
Doc takes me round and shows me every thing



"Willl Tango is it what you wanted" Doc asks

"It the best You and the boys have surpassed yourselfs this time guys its great thank you for all your work I owe you all one" say to all the guys

The boy all go to the Bar "Joe give them anything they want and let them take it down to there hangout"
the boys all order beers and snacks and head off back to there hideout.

I look around the bar "Its going to be a great night just hope my pet has that bed" I thick to myself.
Right time to get my costume and get ready.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on April 26, 2013, 06:16:49 AM
I pull up out side the Bar & Grill after a hard day out on the road, I need a shower and to get into the party.
I go into The Ice House and in to my Dungeon the air is thick with the sweet scent of my Pets perfume I take a deep breath filling my lungs of her sweet scent. Turning the lights on "YES" my sweet Pet has done it she has got that great bed. I lay my costume out on the bed and strip off and jumping to the shower. After 5 minutes I come back out and get my costume on.

Making my way down the tunnel and into the pool room still smelling the sweet scent of My Pet. I stand behind the door and take a deep breath throw a small smoke capsule open the door and walk into the BAR


My Pet is sitting at the Bar looking straight at me with a loving smile on her face.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on April 26, 2013, 11:00:47 AM
After a busy day with plenty of work I take a shower prepare myself for the party. My girl wanted to come too but she didn't tell me which costume she will be wearing. "Hm, do I have to kiss everyone to find her?" I speak to myself and laugh.
I'm looking forward to the party. Had a busy week and just want to dance, sing and drink tonight. And perhaps... my dirty mind is dreaming, hot sex with my spouse in a dark corner of the bar.
I call a taxi. Just few minutes later I hear his horn and walk out. The driver is starring at me. Lol.. no wonder, as I'm wearing my puma costume. "Don't be surprised if you see more crazy people tonight. There is a party in the bar" I tell him. He nods. "I have heard about. I'm sure it will be another crazy party like always" he smiles.

I reach the bar and walk in. As usual I'm one of the first. I welcome tango and hb, old Joe and the dwarfs. This time I don't have anything to do - just to enjoy and have fun :) I sit on the bar and order a beer. Smiling. Tango and HB prepared everything well, the party can start now. Especially as I'm here now...haha..

It's puma time :D

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on April 26, 2013, 11:26:29 AM
Early Friday afternoon
I spend the morning getting the bar ready for HB’s  FURRIES PARTY, the bar takes on a forest theme. on the stage we have put up a large mural  of trees with mountains in the backround. We test the sound system which will have sounds of the wild playing in a loop when no music or performers are on stage.

Looking around I am satisfied with our work, the kitchen has been working since dawn on the buffet goodies and the bar is stocked and ready for thirsty critters. Its been a hectic week with the spare office renovation into a spa, as if reading my mind Tango whistles to get my attention and waves to me to come take a look. Walking in the work takes me by surprise. Looking around all I can say is “well done boys”  Tango takes his leave saying he need to get dressed when it dawns on me I have no costume !!!!!!! Stone will not be pleased. I am relieved she is out shopping with Brandy.

“hold the fort Joe. Need to go home for a bit” I rush out of the building and hop in my car and head to the cabin to see what I can come up with.

1 hour later I smile at my creation and send stone a pic to her phone.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on April 26, 2013, 01:29:22 PM
Brandy and I have spent a tonne  of Jayc and Bear's money  , but we giggle at each other and decide  ...   "  ' Cus we're... worth it "    :o

As we enter the bar with our bags , we both go our separate ways to get ready for the furry party.  Jayc had sent a pic of his "Cheshire cat" costume to my mobile so I should find him easy enough, after all, it takes a man's man to wear  pink.

He reminds me of an old saggy cat called Bagpuss,  I used to watch as a kid.  I smile at the fond memories and begin to get changed.  Soon I am ready to strut my stuff & I  go back into the bar,  a Racy Racoon  in search of my Jayc..


There are furry animals everywhere and all look fantastic in the jungle themed bar & the newly renovated Massage &  Bath house looks really tempting to try out in the near future.......

I soon spot Jayc at the bar with a cool canned beer in his hand,  chatting up some of the Furries. I creep up behind him, covering his eyes. I lean into his ear and whisper...  "  Can you can a canned can into an uncanned can like a canner can can a canned can into an uncanned can?." 

Jayc turns looking puzzled and eyes my costume in delight   " What did you say?  "  he asks, his eyes roving over me, " mmm Maybe I can mmm"

"Try saying it fast 5 times... especially after a few beers"  I grin, teasing .  He tries and stutters a few times  and decides a few more beers may improve his chances.   I giggle at him as I slide in by him and he orders me a drink.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on April 26, 2013, 04:15:57 PM
I enter the bar, giggling with Stone. We had had a brilliant afternoon shopping and spending wads of dosh. Luckily our spouses adore us, and even if they are an itsy bitsy mad at the damage done to their bank balance,   we both figured, we could get on their good sides  , especially when they see the designer underwear from the Jeanona, Prias  & TightFit collections  :P 

The bar is full of Furry animals as the party guests are arriving in full costumes.  KingDustin looks great in his cuddly Lion king costume.  Nat33 is drinking coffee at the bar & I tell Old Joe to pour her one of my special punches  ;D

 HB & the bar staff had organised it beautifully.  The bar looked like a hot erotic forest. The food prepared looked tasty and succulent.   The Country boys  house band were dressed like scantily clad natives with strategically placed cuddly furry toys on the stage and on their instruments.

Stone & I hurry off to get into costume.   HB had sent me a beautiful costume as a gift the day before , well made, thoughtful and exquisitely stitched.

The workmanship  is outstanding on the Bumble Bee costume.  I enter the bar from the back of the stage and twirl round the pole used for erotic dances to test out the balance of the tail.   It's just perfect. 

Pleased with the effect, I  make my way to the bar , greeting friends along the way.  I join Stone, Jayc, Lover, Tango, and jcm. They all  look stunning. Jcm orders us all a drink & I stand with him and clink glasses to show my gratitude.  Shopping sure is thirsty work.


The Country Boys start singing  an Old Favourite   and raise their glasses to toast in my direction.   I begin to wonder if that joke will ever wear out and raise my glass back good naturedly to acknowledge their teasing ....

“ Look for the BEAR necessities,  the simple Bear necessities 
Forget about your worries & your strife
I mean the BEAR necessities,  Old Mother Nature’s recipies
That brings the Bear Necessities  of life...”

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Kingdustin on April 26, 2013, 05:55:56 PM
I got up early today so I would have time to make it to the party, get my costume on ( and entering the Bar, I see HB at bar looking gorgeous as alway. Tango come out of the dungeon with awesome costume on, looking like a badass. I reach into my pocket to get my in inflatable Throne, I'm not much of king with out my chair now am I  :) filling it up with air i sit down slowly as not hurt my self. My wounds form battling the Evil Gnomes Of the north are still fresh. Relaxing in my Chair i watch everyone coming in one by one.

 Lover entered the bar  in his black panther costume think it was perfect match for him, next was jayc with cheshire cat costmue. His smile gave me the creeps. After was lovely Miss Stone and her pretty costume Racy Racoon. Following her was the  Gorgeous Lady Brandybee, watching her sport her sexy Bee costume. Giving a wave to the two fine ladies as they come out with costume on.  :)
not to far behind i see jcm0824 entering the bar as well. Dressed a Spartan with a Cat face. It was very nice costume

Siting on my throne Enjoying the pleasant atmosphere that only friends and family can bring. As we all partake in drink, song and dance together. tis was a truly a wonderful time  :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: lsdj on April 26, 2013, 05:58:13 PM
I was roaming about the village where I have just moved and  saw the most interesting poster for a furry party. I went home researched the party theme. Seeing that this may be  a outstanding way to meet  new friends. I  selected the tiger costume to match my personality. (Calm, Cool, and Aware) and made my way down.  I finish my  smoke as  I was entering the bar. As I opened the door I seen the party in full gear lights flashing and music blasting. Looking about trying hard not to stare at the amazing costumes I see. I slowly stroll to the bar. The bar keep introduces himself as Old Joe.
Joe slides a 7N7 across the bar to me as I reach for my wallet Joe say "on the house, consider it a welcome to the village." Joe I say your a hell of a guy thanks. I turn and see a group of seemingly cool people standing  by a table joking and laughing. I make my way over and introduce myself " Hello in DJ I'm new here my I buy you guys a drink?"  As I offer up a smile.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Kingdustin on April 26, 2013, 08:33:34 PM
Greeting the new comer to the party, I get off my throne to stretch my legs ( letting everyone marvel at my costume.'' Greeting lsdj, tis a fine party yes.''after meeting with lsdj thinking to my self (  there are lot of cats at this furry party).
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on April 27, 2013, 12:01:35 AM
As i wonder into the bar is see the party on it's way,not so many people are here yet but i hope it will change.

as i wonder to the bar i great the friends i know and the new faces i see. After getting my drink from Old Joe i'm heading to my good friend Tango, greeting him with a

Nah... What's up doc?

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Kingdustin on April 27, 2013, 01:27:56 AM
I moved my Throne to the bar after Greeting new guy, Ask Sir Joe for a Large strawberry Iced Brandy with honey. In the corner of my eye I saw small purple figure running in to small door.

I turned my head looking at jcm0824. said out load

''was that a Gnome?''

turning my focus back to my drink, taking large sip.

''Gnomes are evil you best beware jcm0824, there nothing more evil then a Gnome''

finishing my Drink I got up holding my side where the gnome King stab me. I gave jcm0824 a friendly pat on back to reassure him that every fine.

I walk over to greet Tango and  HB. Giving HB gentle warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. I turn to Tango giving him a Nice big Lion king hug lifting him off the floor, regretting it as pain was intense. I hid the pain away as I congratulate HB for setting up a wonderful party.I also congratulate Tango On the massage/spa room. I whisper to them both that I over here there meeting and took a peek at it before the party started. I told him It looks fantastic.

In celebration of new the room, I had my head craftsmen at my Keep make a pair of  large solid gold breast for you as a gift, there in the massage/spa room as we speak. I Leaned in to whisper just for tango to hear those pair of breast belong to one of are fine ladies in the village. If you can fine and get her to admit those are hers, I will give you the full body version ;).

Now with your permission Tango, I would like to borrow HB for a bit. I offer my hand to HB asking her for a quick Dance before my wound take it toll on me.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on April 27, 2013, 02:30:37 AM
Looking around, i notice smoke in front of the poll room door and then, a misterious creature coming out of it: dark look, an evil sight in his eyes and he's looking at me! I have no doubt about who he Beast Master! He is impressive and look so good in that outfit!

I jump off my stool and move to join him, when i see Stone, Jayc, Lover, jcm and Brandy had approach him and they had start and laugh together: a smile looking at them, all dressed in wonderful costume.....but i can't hold a loud laugh looking at Lover dressed as a puma! The head is damn big and make it seems like a deformed version of a real funny and cute! Then, i look at, i was sure she gonna look great in that costume, but she's better then how i expected! And all the others....wonderfull!

I move close to them and speak

"Hello all, to new and old friends! And a special welcome to my Beast Master...."

Without waiting a replay, i put my arms around his neck and deeply kiss my Master.

"You look great in everyone of you, guys....and Brandy......hope you have a jar of honey ready for your Bear, tonight....i think he will like to eat it...or maybe you!" i say, winking at her. She look at me a little pissed off, then she start to laugh at my words and we all join her.

Few minutes and more people join us: mrsexlover wearing a full bodysuit of Bugs Bunny, looks yummy.....after all, i'm a fox tonight and fox love to eat bunny! and last, but not least, Dustin, in his King Lion dress......he greets all of us and and ask to the Beast (it suit sooo much to my Master!  :D) the permission to have a dance with me.

The Beast nod at him and say few words "I'll watch you!"

Dustin take my hand and lead me to the dance floor, wher we dance following the melody of the wonderful songs of the band.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Kingdustin on April 27, 2013, 03:22:29 AM
After tango granted me permission, I wave bye to everyone as I move to the dance floor with HB in my arms. I stop  just before reach the floor. I turned around bowing with one hand back the out reaching out.
''My fair lady, would you do me the honor of having this dance with me?''
she smiled taking my hand as  I twirl her in my chest, wrap one arm around her waist while the other is still holding her hand up. We danced softly to the music as I whisper into her ear,
 ''Thank you HB for being such a lovely friend to me.''
Sneaking in a quick Kiss  :-* The dance continued on for several minuets, till I needed to sit down. My wound is acting up sadly I must get to my chair but not before I return you my Friend Tango. Walking back to the group while holding her in my arms, i spin her once more into tango, pass a wink and thanks. letting everyone know if need me I be at the bar.
As stroll back to my throne that waits for at the bar.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: old_goat on April 27, 2013, 04:17:38 AM
The old goat looks up from his drink and says,"This is the furriest place I have ever seen."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on April 27, 2013, 05:52:50 AM
Things are picking up as one after the other new party goers make their entrance, looking Around the scene resembles a children’s book gone awry.
“lions and tigers and bears oh my” Joe sings serving us another round of drinks. Great I sigh another “ear worm” having just got the “bear necessities” out of my head after a week.

Lsdj, and Jcm join our merry group there even is an Old goat nursing his drink. Spying Mr sexlover I whisper to stone “be very  very  quiet im hunting wabbits”  even Dustin has made it and is blowing up an inflatable throne.

The sounds system cuts off as the Country Boys take the stage. They open up with an old tune by the Fabulous Poodles


i grab Stone and head for the dance floor
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: All_for_you on April 27, 2013, 07:43:34 AM
After finishing my day at work I get home have a bit to eat and then upstairs for a shower. I sit in front of the mirror and put my make up on Black nose and whiskers and nice red lipstick I turn and pick up my skin tight leopard costume. "MMMMMM No undies tonight" I think to myself.

Sliding my body into my costume I put the ears on my head and smile "Its missing something are BLACK boots" I think "Perfect" as I look myself up and down in the mirror.

I set off to get Jane and knock on her door she meets me at the door she looks stunning in her Tiger out fit we kiss each other on the cheek.
"You haven't seen anything yet" she say's with the biggest smile and brings out Little Franky In his tiger cub suit "ORRRR I could eat him his so cute"
I say as i pick him up as kiss his cheek.

We put him in his car chair and head of to the bar.

Parking out the back so know one would see us until we walked in we stand at the doors Jane Myself and little Fanky all walk in together


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Kingdustin on April 27, 2013, 08:33:27 AM
Finally returned to my Throne, to relax. I see Old goat made it to the party. I call to Sir Joe for other drink.
With my King sense of hearing  8), I heard a car pulled up around back. truing my gaze to the bars entrance I see two gorgeous feline being escorted by the cutest little tiger Knight I haver seen.

Calling Jane and  All_for_you over to the bar. Greeting them both with bow and kiss to there hand. See little Franky I give him nice soft hand shake.

Reaching into my pocket for a inflatable highchair for Franky,placing it next to the bar out of harms way, I assure Jane that highchair is perfectly safe. To prove it  I reach in pocket again pulling out big wooden hammer slam it into the highchair watch the hammer break in two. see safe  ;D for extra care I called in one of my house Maids to look after Frank while Jane is busy.

Do not worry my fine furry felines, Sir Franky will be in the best of care. please use the highchair and maid when you wish to.
Returning to my Throne I hold my side wishing my wound had healed more before the Party started, as i sit down looking to right  I can see Franky Laughing as Sir Joe is making funny faces. lol
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on April 27, 2013, 10:53:42 AM
After Karen picks Franky and I up and takes us to the Bar we make our entrance.
We make our way over to Tango and HB I kiss Tango and then turn to HB and kiss her to you look so sexy HB I lean in to her ear and whisper "this is your night I want git in you way Tango is all your" I whisper.  I turn back to Tango putting my hand on his chest "you look hot Beast Master" I say with a big smile.

I turn and look down the bar and see The King Dustin waving and calling us over he meets us with a kiss and a hand shake for Franky
He pulls out an inflatable highchair for Franky and puts it next to the bar I look at him "Its perfectly safe Jane" and to prove it he hits it with a fun hammer.

I set Franky up in it and old Joe starts to pull funny faces at him I ask Joe for a nice cup of tea And Karen add "a TVR for my JOE" and blows him a kiss.

we all turn and watch the room Karen moves off and goes and grabs Mrsexlovers arm and kisses him hello................
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on April 27, 2013, 01:49:43 PM
As I walk into the bar the smoke clears and my sweet pet comes over and kisses me deeply and we walk over to the bar and Joe slides me a cold one down the bar to me. As we sit we watch every one join the party King Dustin comes over hugs my sweet Pet and kisses her cheek then turns to me and gives me a big man hug.

He asks me for a dance with my Pet  I smile and nod my head as a sign for him to take her hand and have there dance I watch them dance as I drink my beer.

As they have there dance Mrsexlover enters dressed as Buggy's Bunny I ask Joe for a cold one for him and have a quirt word about my plan He say he would love to help out with my plan. I give him my dungeon key and tell him there's a change of cloths for him there and a little package.
mrsexlover taps me on the back ok Tango just tell me when your ready.

My pet comes back from her dance and kisses my cheek and sits back on her stole Just as Jane, Karen and little Franky come throw the bar doors
they come over and Jane kisses me and then turns and kisses HB and whispers something in her ear they both smile as the part i get a nice kiss from Karen and the tiger cub Franky before they move down the Bar to where King Dustin is sat.

Franky is sat at the bar in an inflatable highchair and is happy and laughing.   
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on April 28, 2013, 05:52:05 AM
Dustin, as a perfect King, treat me gentle and nice.....his words are gentle and the only thing he try to do is giving me a fast but sweet kiss on the cheek: i don't know if he try to sneak it cause he was worried about Beast Master presence or cause he doesn't feel so comfy doing this in front of all the B&G!

I smile at him after his kiss and kiss his back, barely posing my lips on the corner on its one. I giggle at him and then whisper at him

"You are a good friend, Dustin.......and you are always welcome! But you know...." i look in the direction of Master Beast, then look back at him "...i belong only to my Master but i have always time for friends!"

I see a little reliefe on his face while we continue to dance on the notes of the Band's song. We continue for few minutes, then his wound give him some more pain.

"Sorry HB....i can't hold the pain more!"

And telling this, he leads me bacjk to my Master, leaving us to move back on his inflatable throne. I kiss him on the cheek before he leave us, then turn to my Master: he's staring at me with burning eyes, like he is ready to eat me. I stand in front to him, closed, staring at his eyes holding his sight.

"Are you Jelous, Master!?"  i ask him, moving my face closed to his

"Always, my pet...." he griin at me

"There's no need, Master.....i care of my friends, but the one i love is you!" i replay, kissing him deeply till a sound of foot steps interrupt us.

We both turn to look at the one who had approach us, just to find there are two gorgeous feline girls and a little tiger in front of us. I immidiatly recognize little Franky, dressed in a nice tiger full body suit, who makles him look wonderful! I embrace and cuddle him.....the little king of the B&G!
After had kiss and greet Master Tango, Jane turn to me and whisper

"This is your night. I want git in you way Tango is all yours"

I smirk at her words.......her words make me happy, but i know she's waiting someone.......even if this one is a little in late!  ;)

"i'll take care of my Master, Jane......and let me say you are so gorgeous tonight!" i replay holding her tight just before she leave to take care of Franky. She turn back to me for a moment and we wink at each others, knowing we are becoming good friends.

I turn to my Master, just in time to see him talking with Karen. "Good time for another drink" i think to my self and lead for the counter, where i sit on a stool, asking to Old Joe to fill my glasses again.
I look around and see some new faces around.....everyone is laughing ad having fun and it's what i was hoping when i propose this party to the management of the B&G! I turn to look at the clock on the wall....there is lot of time to have tonight! The night is long and the party had just started!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on April 29, 2013, 03:19:04 AM
was a long time since i wanted to come to the AB&G and finally i m here....
i know there s a furry party but i had no time to search a good i rummaged in my closet and i've found this mask...was taken in japan at a wrestling show...
i have a tiger jacket and black leather trousers....think it's gonna be fine

i enter the bar...there r so many cats around :)
on the stage a band is playing a lovely ballad i know well
The Blasters "Colored lights"

my feet wanna dance but i need a drink first...i'm a little nervous cos i really hope to meet my love tonight
i go straight to the bar and greet to the man behind it
"hey mr...a lager and a jack pls"
i look at the little tiger cub the man was messin with and i wonder if he's the little gunner
i make two step to him when my eyes sees another tiger...turn my face to her and my heart jumps in my chest!
she's Jane.....absolutely fantastic in her tiger costumes
she's watching at the little cub.....i know now he's Franky....
i take my breath and come close to them...when i'm next she notices my presence and turns her head to face me
WOOWWW......she's so beautiful.......i stare at her eyes
"hello Jane"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pafe on April 29, 2013, 05:50:58 AM


   After a our mini vacation on Antigua, Satoire and I heard about the "Furry Party" at the AChat Bar & Grille... and like Freddie, neither of us could remember having a furry costume, so we too, rummaged around in the closet.

   We decided to don our genuine Naugahyde Fur Coats.  Mine is a dark Nauga-fur, and Satoire has a very rare, white Nauga-fur.  We remembered our matching Nauga-fur hats, and with some alterations managed to poke our bunny ears through the hats.

   "Pafie.."  Satoire says to me, "you know it's going to be hot in that place.  Especially wearing these fur coats."

   "I know."  I reply, "that's why I'm not going to wear anything underneath mine.  But I'm also going to wear a pair of furry boudoir shoes."

   "Good idea!"  Satoire says, with that crooked smile of hers.  "I'll do the same."


   We get into Satoire's little sports car and soon we are at the AChat Bar & Grille.  We get out of the car, adjust out coats, check our makeup in the mirror and then make our way in.  We wave to Joe behind the bar, and I notice a dwarf go scurrying by (I can't tell which one) as we make out way into the main bar room.

   "You know, Satoire."  I say, "I would not mine another go 'round with the dwarfs in their naughty little hide-a-way."  Satoire giggles and nods her head.

  "Hello Joe."  We greet Joe with a flash.  "A champagne cocktail for me, and a club soda with a twist of lime for Satoire.  Oh... and put it on Covems' tab, he owes us one."

   With our drinks in our hands, we make our way across the dance floor to greet everyone.  "Pafe."  Satoire says, "My feet are wanting to dance."

Thanks for letting me share,

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on April 29, 2013, 09:17:31 AM
Sipping my drink, i notice two familiar face coming to the counter, covered by Nauga-fur's coat and matching hats: i'm sure i know them, but it's a bit hard to recognized the dressed like this, till i hear their voices:

"Hello Joe. A champagne cocktail for me, and a club soda with a twist of lime for Satoire.  Oh... and put it on Covems' tab, he owes us one."

i turn to look better at them then, turn to Joe.

"And put a second round on mine, Joe.......the ladies need it, tonight!"

Then, i turn to Pafe and Satoire, staring at them.

"Welcome home, ladies....i had miss you so much!" i tell joining them, and giveng them a big welcome hug and kissing their cheek "I'm so happy to see the you two had accept my invite"

I stare at them in their words can descrive how they look!

"Girls, you two are stunning tonight.....and Satoire....i don't had forget i owe you a footmassage! And if you want it, you are always welcome!"

"Oh, you have HB....i don't hd forget that too....." Satoire replais, smirking "but now there are so many friends we like to greets!"

I hug them again, whispering to Pafe: "I'd like to talk with you after the, please....don't disappear again!"

She nod and then move away with her partner.....i smile looking at them....our wonderfull B.U.N.N.Y. Division!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on April 29, 2013, 09:36:14 AM
Standing at the bar looking after the little Gunner when I hear footsteps close behind me.
Thinking " Who would stand that close to me in the bar" I turn around to be face to face with a large male tiger looking deep into my eyes.
I stare back into his and the "Hello Jane" the tiger say's

The words take my breath I smile and feel my eyes and face light up "FREDDIE my love is that you" I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him deeply. Pressing myself hard against him I feel his strong arms go around my back and pick me up off the floor I wrap my legs around his waist as we Kiss the best kiss in along time.

Freddie puts me down as he hears Franky laughing "Is this the Little Gunner Jane" he ask   "Yes this is Franky" I pick him up and say "say hello to Freddie" Franky looks at the tiger mask and reaches out to pull it.

"He likes you Freddie" I say "It runs in the family" Freddie says quickly

I put Franky back in his highchair and put my arm around Frrddie and pull him close to me.

"I'm so happy your here my love" I whisper and kiss his cheek
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on May 01, 2013, 08:30:37 PM
More and more old and new friends are coming in. Suddenly my eyes get bigger.. is this possible? Do I really see what I see? In fact, Sat and Pafe are here too, wearing hot costumes as always, though they are here in privat and not in their job as NSPD officers.
"Hey" i hug them and smile.. "Isn't it a bit warm?" They laugh and show me what they are wearing underneath.. nothing. I laugh... "Prepared as always!"
I look around, still searching Marilyn. Hmm, probably she is trying to surprise me. She made a big secret of her costume and I'm asking myself if she is already here, watching me, teasing me. There is just one way to find out... I have to dance with each person here! Crazy guy, but so I am.

As I walk around I discover Jane. "Hello Miss, you owe me a dance - but not here. Don't forget our secret date" I smile. As she is with freddie at the moment I don't want to disturb them and move on.
"I'm sure you are Karen and not Marilyn" I tell another girl. "But have to be really sure. May I have this dance please?"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 02, 2013, 09:42:42 AM
I look at Lover and Karen dancing in the low light of the dancefloor.

"A dance......why not!?" i tell to my self "this is a party afterall.....more dance can be fun!"

I look around to find my Master, just to bump against him after a little: i stare at his fierce eyes who are exploring my whole body, from toe to head.....he is not touching me, but his sight is getting deep in me, making me feel a little nervous and turning my cheeks red. I can clearly read the signal in it: "I'll going to eat you later" is what he's trying to tell me but the words he say are different.

"Want to dance, my pet!?"

I simply nod at him, unable to say a single words. He hold my hand in his and lead me to the dance floor where the lot of couple are dancing following the music played by the band: the songs are nice and slow ritthm of them is the perfect excuse for the Beast Master to hold me tight and put an and over my bum, caressing it gently. The music continue like this for several minutes and the Beast had hold my bum cheeks tight in his hands, barely squeezing them....we are so close now that i can feel is shaft hard pressed on mine, who is getting harder for the situation....

I look around, wondering if someone is looking at us and had notice the strange "reaction" of our body, but seems like everyone is busy enjoing the pleasent atmosphere the band had create with their music, when the music change and start to increase the rhythm and letting the Beast lose his grip on my body. I can finally relax a bit .... if the band don't had change their songs in time, it will be a bit hard to hide my hardness in the shorts i'm wearing! They are comfy, but a bit small to cover me properly....

We were enjoing the dance, when suddenly pain hit my back, making me lose balance and falling on the floor, hitting my bum hard on it. The pain run on my spine, making me unable to move for a whole minute, while Master Tango had knees near me to help me.

"Are you ok, my pet!?"

"No....ooowww......that damn bed had kill me....." i replay, trying to stand up but failing in it "and now my body ask for payback! i think the party is over for me...."

"NO WAY!" he say, carrying me on his arms and moving away from the dance floor.

A little embarassed for the situation, it takes me a little to understand where he is taking the SPA room! When in front of the door, he stop and ask me to take the door key from his jacket's pocket and open it, then we enter inside and he gently put me over one of the massage bed.

"WOW, this place had turn out wonderfull, Master!" i say looking around

"Yes, my pet......the dwarfes had made an amazing job with it! But wasn't thinking to use it so early...."

"sorry.....seems like i have understimate how hard was to complete the bed in one day...." i replay, looking down.

"don't had done a great job, my pet...." he answer me, kissing my forehead "now, let me take care of you! I just need to prepare some stuff....meanwhile, did you think you can undress by your own!?"

"un.....dress!?" i replay, a little dumb.

He smile at me, then he speak to me: " you must be naked for a good body massage, my pet!"

He wink at me and then disappear in the near room where he is searching something, judging from the noice who come from it. How idiot my question was! If it wasn't for the pain, i'll need to hit myself with a punch right now!

It takes me a little to put off the few clothes i'm every little move, the pain back to me just to remember me how the work i understand why Alan spend so much money for a good chiropractor! and at last, i'm naked, lying on the massage bed waiting for my Master....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 02, 2013, 10:32:58 AM
Finishing up with all the riddles, my brain remembers the poster I had seen the other day in the AB&G, so I get my outfit together and smile and giggle. Hurrying into the bathroom, I jump into the shower to wash and get all freshly clean and shaven for all the fun that will happen at the party. After getting out of the shower I put a towel around my body and dry my hair well and brush it to get all the tangles out. Shaking my hair out, I figure best to leave it down tonight. Grabbing one of my bottles of perfume, I dab just a bit to give me an even sweeter smell for the night.

Heading into the other room, I grab the costume and slip it on.


Turning around, I get a quick glimpse of the back before I head out and drive over to the Bar and Grill.


Walking into the Bar and Grill, I see a wide variety of all kinds of animals and think to myself maybe should've worn a zookeeper outfit with this many animals around ;D but it is a furry party and not a zoo party so will just let the animals have a ton of fun tonight.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on May 02, 2013, 02:13:13 PM
Standing at the bar with my cold beer when my sweet Pet bumps into me. Turning to face her I looking her up and down, "I'm going to enjoy My Pet later" I think to myself, knowing the plans for later in the night. I see the fear in her face after bumping into me and from the way i looked her over.

"Want to dance       My Pet"  I ask her

I take her hand and lead her to the dance floor, spinning her round and take her in my arms. We move slowly to the music moving my hands down onto my Pets sweet little ass with a hand on each cheek I pull her tight to me and take a deep breath taking her sweet perfume into my body with the sweet scent filling my lungs I feel our bodies rubbing against each other.

The band change the song and the rhythm increases I relax my hands and my Pet moves back from me I watch her move and sway when suddenly she full to the flood and lands on that sweet bum. Quickly I knee over her "Are you ok My Pet"

"No....ooowww......that damn bed had kill me....." she replay, trying to stand up but failing in it "and now my body ask for payback! i think the party is over for me...."

"NO WAY" I say as I pick her up from the floor and carry her off the dance floor and to the door of the spa room
telling My Pet to take the key from my jacket pocket and open the door.
I carry her over the threshold and into the spa

"WOW, this place had turn out wonderful, Master!" she say looking around

"Yes, my pet......the dwarves had made an amazing job with it! But wasn't thinking to use it so early...."

"sorry.....seems like I have under estimated how hard was to complete the bed in one day...." she replay, looking down.

"don't had done a great job, my pet....Now get undressed and lay down" I tell her

"Undress" she say surprised

"YES you can't have a massage dressed" I say as I go to get the oils. And change out of my costume into a robe,

On returning to the mean room My Pet is Naked and laying on the Massage table I stop and just stand and look her lovely body. walking over to her "are warm enough for you My Pet" I ask
"MMMM yes" she replies
Standing next to her I can see the redness on her bum from her fall "your going to have a bruise there my Pet" i say
"But lets see to that latter new its your back I'm here for........ Now just relax and let my hands do there word"

Taking the oil I squirt some into my hands and rub them together warming the oil in my hands "Just relax" I say as I just rest my hands on the small of her back not moving them just letting the heat raise from my hands into her back.
I start to move my hands slowly over the small of her back, not to hard just letting the weight of my hands rub over her back feeling the knots and tense muscle. "you are tense My Pet just relax"

I move to the end of the table and look down my pets spin and reach down and run my finger tips up along her spin and feeling if any are out of allinement. I start to use my thumbs in small circles along her spin moving up her back working on each vertebra in turn and making sure there all sitting right. I get to vertebra 5 right in the small of my Pets back and feel it is twisted "My Pet you will feel a shape pain I sorry" with just the right move  "AAAHHHH " My Pet moans it goes back in place. I hear My Pet sigh as the Pain is gone,

I cratch down and whisper "that your back sorted my pet now for the fun to start" she lifts her head and looks at me "what do you mean my Master" she asks

I take the oil bottle and squirt some down her back and onto her sweet little bum I run my hand down her back letting my fingers dig into the muscles of her back breaking the knots as I us my pressure with my finger tips then change to the palms of my hands.

Feeling my Pet relax under my hands I reach down and onto her soft skin of her sweet bum and onto her thighs
I move to other end of the table and take hold of my Pets legs and run my oily hand sup her legs over her curves and up onto her thighs I run my thumbs up onto her bum and let the oil run down over her little star. running my finger down between her soft cheeks and over that little star letting it get covered in the oil from my fingers. I let my robe open showing I'm naked under it I move my hands back down over my Pets legs and then Back up to her sweet butt.
I hear a soft moan from my Pet as my hands reach her but again. I let my finger rest on her tight entrance and gently press against it with all the oil my finger slips straight in My Pet just lets out a little moan and pushes her butt up to meet my finger

Moving my finger in and out of her tightness I gently slid a second finger inside and my pet  lets out a loader moan..............
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 02, 2013, 08:48:17 PM
After entering the Bar and Grill, I hear a voice behind me introducing himself as James.  Turning around and flirtatiously posing, I reply with a sly smile "Hi James, I'm Sexi." He leans in and kisses me on the cheek lingering long enough to smell the perfume that I put on just a few minutes ago before I left the house. "It nice to finally meet you Sexi," I hear him say to me.  He then offers me a drink and we sit and talk about the paper chase that we just finished completing. 

We then see Lover coming by after he finishes his dance and gives James a high five and orders a beer for James as well. Lover then takes me in his arms and give me a grand big bear hug and gives a quick little kiss. "Well done Team Party Boobytrap (read name backwards ;) hehe). Thanks for joining the Paper Chase."

After James says his thanks, I give mine as well. "It definitely was a success can't wait to see when the next one will happen, but just give our minds a break long enough to rest and prepare for another one." Laughs softly and at that moment one of the cats in the room comes over and slaps James on the shoulder saying that he is Freddie.

Coming along with Freddie, I see Jane on his arm. Walking up and giving Freddie a big hug, "Well done guys you were a great team to have." I then move over and give Jane a hug.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 03, 2013, 06:59:11 AM
When Master Tango start to use his thumbs in small circles along my spine  working on each vertebra, i feel all the stress i gain in the whole day getting lightly, but when his thumbs push onto vertebra 5, it feel like if its pressed between two hammers and the pain make me scream loud


"Sorry, but it was necessarily, my pet...." he apologize "you will feel better soon!"

"If you say it....ouch......mmmhmm....hey, you are's getting a little better!" i reply him taking a deep breath and feeling relieved

We smile each others then he bend close to my ear and whisper " now that your back is sorted my pet, the funny part can start!"

I look at him, perplexed, and then ask "what do you mean, Master?"

My Masters hands, covered by oil, run over my legs, exploring every inch of them and reaching my bum, induging on it for several second.....his touch meke me moan softly and the feeling of the oils slippering between my bum cheeks make shiver run long all my spine! To try to resist at the pleasure my Master's hands are giving me, i bite my lips whn suddenly he slide one finger inside me: it goes deeper easilym thanks o the oil who cover it and i feel my breath getting heavy when Master Tango begin to moveit in and out.....

When he push a secondfinger in my tight entrance, i can't hold a loud moan.....

"Best...aahhnnn......massage i ever had.....aaaaahh!"

Hearing me panting, Master Tango increase the speed of his fingers, twisting them time by time when they are deeper in me.....i feel excited and my body react to Master's stimulation: i fel my shaft growing  getting hard and i can hide it to him....the pleasure Master is giving me is taking controll on all my body and mind and i can do nothing to avoid it......

"AAAhhhnnn....Master.....this feel so goood! Don't stop, please!" i beg him, turning my head to face him, just to find his robe is open revealing an hard and big shaft ready to explode. Staring at that view, i slowly lick my lips, imagining the moment i can have it in me.

"You want it, didn't you!?" Master simply ask, without stopping the thrust of his finger inside me.

"Yes, Master....i want it so bad right now!" i reply him, but the answer make me scream in a mix of pain and pleasure: he strongly slap my bum cheek twice, a clear sign he don't had appreciate my answer.

"You are trying to tell me what i have to do!?" he ask me, slapping me again, putting in it more strenght then before.

"I'm.....i'm sorry Master.....i'll never do it again!" and two more slaps hit my bum "please......i swear it!"

Again, no answer.....i was prepared for another strong hit, but Master's reaction surprise me again: more oil slide between my bum cheek, reaching my entrrance and covering is finger, when he slide a third one in it!

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on May 03, 2013, 10:52:35 AM
"AAAhhhnnn....Master.....this feel so goood! Don't stop, please!" I hear My Pet beg

Not answering My Pet I just move my fingers faster in her tight entrance Twisting my oil covered fingers as I drive them in deeper and deeper.
Hearing My Pets breathing get heavier with every thrust of my fingers she starts to moans freely

My Pet lefts her head and turns and looks at me just as my robe opens showing her my hard shaft

"You want it, didn't you!?" I simply ask, without stopping the thrust of my fingers.

"Yes, Master....I want it so bad right now!" My Pet reply
Hearing My Pets words I slap her ass cheek with 2 strong SLAPS

"ARE YOU Trying to tell me what to do My Pet" I say with a harder SLAP on her ass cheek

"I'm.....I'm sorry Master.....I'll never do it again!" I slap her ass twice more a little harder each time "please......I swear it!" My Pet begs

I don't answer her but take the oil bottle and squeeze more oil over her ass cheeks and my fingers in her ass. as the oil runs down over her ass I push a third finger into her tight entrance.


Working my third finger in deeper and deeper My Pet's screams turn into loud moans of pleasure.

"I say what happens here DO YOU UNDER STAND you never tell me what to do" I say sternly as my fingers drive deeper into My Pets ass.

"Time to see if the best tables that money can bye are as good as they say they are" I think to myself. I open My Pets legs and see she is nice and hard form what I've being doing to her.

I climb up onto the table and lay over her with my fingers still deep inside her I take my hard shaft in my oily fingers and give it a good coating of oil all over my shaft. Pulling my fingers out in one move push my weight down on her entrance with my hard shaft It slide right in in one move.

I hear My Pet take a deep breath as my length drives right into the hilt. I hold it there and pull it right out again and the right back in. This time my Pet pushes back to meet my thrust. I lay down letting my weight holding My Pet down letting her feel my naked body on her oil covered back and whisper " you did want it bad didn't you My Pet."

My Pet to scared to answer Just's nodes her head

I start to thrust deep into My Pet enjoying the feel of My Pet around my shaft her warmth her tightness the joy of her body was bring the Beast out of me. Hearing her moans as I thrust deep in and out of My Pet Just makes my thrust harder and deeper......

Gritting My teeth I start to growl as the beast breaks free. And I thrust deeper and harder feeling the fire burning deep inside my body I keep thrusting pinning My Pet to the table as the fire burns hotter and I thrust deep into My Pet holding it right inside her I explode and fill her inter space with my burning hot seed........     
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on May 03, 2013, 01:45:49 PM
I giggle with Jayc as we come off the dance floor for a well earned drink when we hear the news spreading that the First Paper Chase final results were just in.

We join Bugs Bunny aka Mrsexlover and we jump up & down hugging when we hear Team IdleVice just piped the others at the winning post. 

 Jayc jumps on the bar counter & rings the bar bell    "  Drinks are on Team Idlevice "  Jayc  yells  and everyone cheers heading for the bar.

In fact all  four teams did very well.

   " Big cheers for all our Paper Chasers"   Jayc continues  ....   "   Teams   Guerrieri "  A massive cheer erupts after each name is announced  , " Nat Flow Racers"     HORRAY     "   Party BoobyTrap"   HORRAY   " And  IdleVice"   HORRAY  " And the Organisers -  Lover & Brandy  "  HORRAY

As the cheers & claps begin to die down,  Jayc rings the bell again  "   And while I have all your attention,  Don't forget to sign up for BLIND DATE - its a great way to make new friends and for the ladies to practice their amazing Lap & Pole Dances & the guys to practice their fabulous  foot massages "   :P   " Now Joe  serve up those beers to our friends"  ;D

He jumps  down from the bar counter, his grin even bigger as the cheshire cat.    We all hug again,  Mrsexlover, Jayc & I  and then discuss  the Chase, what was good, bad  & the fun we had chasing round the  Forum Village.   ;D

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 04, 2013, 08:09:14 AM
The oil and the work my Master have done with his fingers on my entrance, makes his shaft enter in me in one go in all its lenght.....i feel my inner intimacy getting stretched suddenly and my Master's hard rod filling it, moving in and out, deeply and cutting my breath.

"You want it bad, didn't you, My Pet?"

I rurn to look at hime and just bum cheeks still hurting from the strong spank he gave me just a moment before and i don't want more.

He lift a little his body from mine to increase his movement, letting me scream of pleasure! But he cut my scream pressing my face on the pillow.....the grip of his hand is strong and i can barely move my head and the pillow let me breath difficulty. The only thing i can do, is try to free my head from his grip but seems like he put more strenght on it when i try to wriggle: i slam my hand on the bed, trying to catch his attention......twice, free time, when finally he bent near my face, releasing me and then whisper

"Sorry, my pet.....but....aaahnnn.......that felt so good! And he's ....coming....out!"

Finally able to breath, i stare at his face: he's no more my gentle Master but he is the Beast Master, who had come out to play with his little unarmed pet! I can feel him pushing his rod wild in me and my body seems like torn apart by his strenght....i can only scream in a mix of pleasure and pain! His thrust go deeper and harder....i can hear him growling out his pleasure and i like it! I like when the Beast come to play with me.....i like to be under his full controll with his whole body pressed over mina and his hads blocking my arms on the table. Then, suddenly, his rod explode in me, filling my intimacy.....i can feel it burning in my belly rising my high excitement till the point i can't hold it and i cum all over the bed, soaking it with my white sticky cum.

"aahnn....Master....that was so intense......"  i say, panting heavily and trying to catch back my breath

He grab my hair and pull my face near his and with a malicious smirk over it he replay

"this is just the begin, my pet......this gonna be a long and hot night for you!"

I smile at him "mmmhmm......seems like an interessing plan, Master......"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on May 04, 2013, 04:06:54 PM
After EXPLODING deep inside my Pet oily tightness and pinning her down,

My defenceless Pet pants "aahnn....Master....that was so intense......" 

 Grabbing her hair and pull her face near to mine with a malicious smirk over my face I replay

"This is just the begin, my pet......this gonna be a long and hot night for you!"

My Pet smile back at me "mmmhmm......seems like an interesting plan, Master......"

"You will have to wait and find out" I growl softly in my ear

With my hard shaft still deep inside her oily tunnel and my weight still resting on her back I roll my hips it a small circles moving my hardness in the depths of her tunnel, with each roll of my hips I pull her hair pulling her head up to mine,

" I need you clean and tidy My Pet I have big plans for you tonight" I growl throw my teeth

"DON'T MOVE" I order My Pet

"Yes Master" she answers quickly

Lifting myself off My Pets body I look down and watch my hard length slowly slide out of her sweet seed and oil filled tunnel. With the oil from her back all over my stomach and chest I slowly get down off the table and walk over to the Power shower controls and set it up ready for the door to be closed to start the timer.

Going back to My Pet on the table I see she is watching my every move, I run my fingers along her leg running them from her feet up to her ass and let a finger just slide back into her and give it a little wiggle.
She pushes back to meet my finger and moans softly. But before she can do anything I take my finger out and move up over her back and upto her neck.
Holding her by the neck "STAND" I order

"aaahhhh.......Master... Please...Master..."  My Pet winces

Helping My Pet to stand not letting go of the back of her neck I walk her naked body over to the shower and take her inside.

I lean in rubbing up against her back "Hands on the wall and open your legs" I snarl

I close the door and the control panel starts to Beep I move back behind My Pet Putting my hands over her on the wall I pin her there.

BEEP  BEEP  BEEP  BEEEEEP   BEEEEEEEEP  The shower turn on and water hits us from all angles the 8 water jets hit us all at once,as the water hits My Pet I push my hard shaft back into My Pet making her take a deep breath. she pushes back to meet my thrust and wiggles back against my hard shaft taking me deeper back inside her body. I take the bottle of shampoo and squeeze it over My Pets head and start to wash her hair letting the suds run down over her body washing the oil from our bodies.

I Move my hands down from her head and down onto her breast cupping them both and gently squeezing them in time with my thrusts into her back tunnel letting my right hand drift down over her stomach and wrap my hand around her hard length and Squeeze it hard working my hand up and down her hard length I lean in and whisper "Your NOT aloud to cum until I say you can UNDERSTOOD MY PET"

"Yes Master" she whimpers

I move back from My Pet letting my hard shaft slide out of My Pet and the water washes all the oil from between out bodies. letting go of My Pets hardness I open the door of the shower and it stops. I hand My Pet a towel and she starts to dry herself off. I dry myself and move into the small changing room and come back out dressed in a suit.

"My Pet stay here and get dressed I will come and get you when i need you"

"Yes Master" she answers with a puzzled look

I walk over to her Kiss her deeply and say "Don't be worry My Pet it will be a nice surprise for you"

I walk over to the door and return to the Bar and go get my beer and look for Mrsexlover
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 05, 2013, 08:52:09 AM
When Master Tango leave me lone in the SPA i stretch a little feeling no pain on my back: the massage had healed it completely and my Master's treatment was, weeelll, incredible and i can feel the excitement standing in my naked body. His last words echo in my mind:

"My pet, stay here and get dressed, i will come and get you when i need you! Don't worry, my will be a nice surprise for you"

A surprise i'll gonna liike, he said....i wonder what it can be! I sit for a while, trying to image wich surprise my Master is prepearing for me......i'm sure it's not about his dungeon because i was there bfore the party and i'm sure no one had enter in it cause only i and him have the key of the door, plus there are more works to do to complete it! Thinking and looking around the SPA, my sight ends to focus on the table we were till few minutes ago: it's covered by oil and my cum.....gosh, what a mess we did! i giggle thinking back at it, then i stand up and collect my clothes, wearing them with no hurry....after all, i don't know how long i have to wait for my surprise!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on May 07, 2013, 12:40:10 PM
Standing at the bar I see mrsexlover talking with his team mates
I nod my head at him and smile he nods and smiles back, I watch as he make his excuses to leave his team mates and finds sexilicious and disappear into the pool room.
Smiling to myself I drink my cold beer and turn to Little Franky and rub his little tiger head and make sure his happy
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on May 07, 2013, 12:56:13 PM
I see Tango enter and nodding to me. I excuse myself to Stone and Jayc and starts looking for Sexi. As i found her i tell her it's time and we both go to the poolroom.

There we enter the secret passage to the Ice-house and to Tango's dungeon. He has given me the key for it. We both enter the room and both our outfits laying on the bed. There is also a red velvet cushion with a black cloth over it and a small smoke pellet. I tell Sexi not to peek under the black cloth.

We both strip down out off our furry costumes. I smile as i notice that  Sexi was not wearing anything underneath that Red Panda Suite and give her a wink for later on. We put our new costumes on and Sexi takes the cushion in her hands and i take the smoke pellet as we head back to the bar.

Just before we leave the pool room i set off the smoke and as all eyes turn to us we emerge from the pool room.
I wear a long hooded robe and look like this


Behind me is Sexi looking stunning as always.


We both make our way over to the stage, and ask for everybody's attention, then we ask Tango to go and get HB
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on May 07, 2013, 01:01:41 PM
Watching the smoke coming from the pool room and then two hooded figures appear from out of the smoke and make there way to the stage.
As I watch them move silently throw the bar and up to the stage the hooded figure asks me to get my Pet and join them on the stage. I move from the bar and back to the spa.

"Knock Knock"   I tap on the door "Are you ready My Pet" I ask

Walking back into the Spa My Pet appears From the changing area

 "Yes Master I'm ready"  she say's as she gives me a twist I take her in my arms and gently kiss her cheek not wanting to mess up her lipstick.

"You look stunning as always My Pet" I whisper in her ear
"Are you ready for my surprise My Pet"

"Yes Yes Master I'm ready for what you have planned for me" she answers clearly  
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on May 07, 2013, 01:23:27 PM
Tango returns to the stage with HB, the bar fall silent and all eyes are on the stage.

I take a step forward.

"Ladies and Gentleman, i would like you all to witness this ceremony between Tangorace and Hentaiboy"

I tell HB to kneel down and with a nod from her master she does so.

Sexi steps closer and removes the slik cloth from the cushion. There lays a Black Leather collar with a red velvet liner. Around the front of the collar is written in sliver letters the word TANGO. Sexi offers the collar to me and i take it with both hands as Sexi returns to the background

I turn to Tango and HB.

"Tango will you with this collar take HB as your Pet"

Tango anwsers "Yes with this collar i take HB as my Pet"

"And as the owner of your pet do you Tango promise to love, protect her and treat her with the respect and honor that she deserves"

Tango anwsers  "Yes with collar i promise to love, protect, respect and honor my pet"

I give the collar to Tango and he shows it in front of HB

"Do you HB take this collar to show you are Tango's pet and to wear it with pride for all to see"

And HB anwsers me "Yes I do"

"And do you promise to do as your master wishes without complaint or hesitation to the best of your ability"

And HB anwsers me "Yes I do"

Tango steps closer and opens the collar and puts it round HB's neck

"From this moment on let it be known that HB belongs to Tango"

Tango places his finger under HB's chin and tell her to stand up. When she does he take her in his arms and kisses her. The people in the bar start to clap and cheer as Sexi and me leave the stage and leave Tango and HB there.

I give Sexi a wink and wispher in her ear, "Did you know that the Spa is all empty now, maybe we need to try that Hottub  ;)"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on May 07, 2013, 01:53:24 PM
Hearing the words coming for my friend "From this moment on let it be know that HB belongs to Tango"
I place a finger under My Pets chin "Stand" I order witch she dose right away.
Taking her in my arms I kiss her full and deep on the lips.

As we kiss the Bar breaks out into claps and cheers and the band starts to play
I take My Pet in my arms and start to dance as we dance I see mrsexlove and sexi disappearing into the Spa
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 07, 2013, 06:26:40 PM
While talking with Freddie, Jane, and James, mrsexlover comes up to me and says it is time, and excusing myself from the group, I follow behind mrsexlover to the pool room. Slipping on down to the ice house, I look around and see all the new improvements since I had last been down there at the opening party. 

Entering into Tango's dungeon, I see all the toys and wish we had time to test them out but we need to get ready. When he tells me not to peek under the cloth, I was so tempted to peek. Placing my hand softly on the cloth, I feel the object underneath and smile.  Moving my hand away before mrsexlover sees that I'm feeling the cloth, I start to slowly unbutton my furry costume.  Little by little revealing my skin as I notice that mrsexlover had looked over and seemed to be constantly watching as more skin appears.  I see him start to smile quite big as he sees enough skin to know that I have nothing on besides the costume. Slipping it off slowly, I see that it is effecting him, and he winks at me. Grabbing each piece of the new outfit and slowly puts it on, I give mrsexlover a little show as I slowly cover my body with clothes again. We head back up towards the bar, and on our way out, I grab the cushion and mrsexlover grabs the smoke pellet.

Right before mrsexlover steps through the pool room back into the bar, he sets off the smoke, so all eyes look towards us as we step through the door. 


I follow mrsexlover up to the stage sashaying my body as we go past all the people in their furry customes. Mrsexlover gets everyone's attention, but I think the whole crowd was already watching wondering what we were going to do next.  After mrsexlover asks Tango to go get HB, we wait patiently and momentarily they arrive on the stage with us. 

Mrsexlover steps forward and addresses the crowd, "Ladies and Gentleman, I would like you all to witness this ceremony between Tangoracer and Hentaiboy." He then asks HB to kneel down in front of her Master, and with a quick nod from Tango, she kneels at his feet. I then move closer and remove the cloth off the cushion revealing the black leather collar with the red velvet liner.  On the front of the collar are the words TANGO in silver letters, and I recognize the collar as the one he used to wear from his Mistress. I offer the collar over to mrsexlover, and he takes it with both hands.  I quietly slip to the back bringing more focus to the going on instead of my sexy outfit. 

Mrsexlover turns to Tango and HB and says, "Tango will you with this collar take HB as your Pet," and he answers, "Yes with this collar I take HB as my Pet."  Mrsexlover continues, "And as the owner of your pet do you Tango promise to love, protect her and treat her with the respect and honor that she deserves." Tango anwsers  "Yes with collar I promise to love, protect, respect and honor my pet."

Mrsexlover gives the collar to Tango, and Tango shows it to HB while Mrsexlover asks HB, "Do you HB take this collar to show you are Tango's pet and to wear it with pride for all to see." HB answers, "Yes I do." Mrsexlover then asks, "And do you promise to do as your Master wishes without complaint or hesitation to the best of your ability." With a broad smile, HB replies "Yes, I do."

Smiling down at HB, Tango then opens the collar and puts it around her neck and seals it shut. Mrsexlover announces to the crowd, "From this moment on let it be known that HB belongs to Tango."  Tango gently places one of his fingers under HB's chin and tells her to stand up. Where he then wraps his arms around and kisses her deeply. Everyone in the audience starts to cheer and clap loudly.

The band begins to play in celebration and Tango takes HB around and around dancing in front of everyone while Mrsexlover and I slip off the stage now that we are done.  While walking, Mrsexlover winks and leans over whispering in my ear, "Did you know that the Spa is all empty now, maybe we need to try that Hottub." Smiles and winks back, "I think that is a great idea," so we slip behind the door and go into the spa while everyone is focusing on Tango and HB.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on May 08, 2013, 04:34:07 AM

we were all standing and screaming at Tango and HB
all happily surprised by this unespected show

then the band starts playing a very slow version of "fly me to the moon"
a romantic tune played by many great singers such as frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole..just to say a few
i quicky pick up Jane to the dance floor and we start dancing
holding each other so close and staring at our eyes
i pull her body against mine ...i wanna feel her warm body ....with my right leg between hers i slowly guide Jane with little step to the music surrounding us....
the time stands still and we'r alone in the crowd dancing....i love being lost in her eyes and i whisper the song words....
you are all i long for
all i worship and adore
in other words please be true
in other words i love you
i love you
i stare at her eyes without breathing
and we kiss deeply

 Fly me to the moon
 Let me play among the stars
 Let me see what spring is like
 On a-Jupiter and Mars
 In other words, hold my hand
 In other words, baby, kiss me
Fill my heart with song
 And let me sing for ever more
 You are all I long for
 All I worship and adore
 In other words, please be true
 In other words, I love you
Fill my heart with song
 Let me sing for ever more
 You are all I long for
 All I worship and adore
 In other words, please be true
 In other words, in other words
 I love you
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on May 08, 2013, 06:13:29 AM
I chat  with Old Joe and glance round. The is bar starting to get full now.  Some couple’s are boogying  on the dance floor. Stone and Jayc are making eyes at each other..... again.  I roll my eyes as they share their 100th kiss!  They have been busy the last few days , Jayc with their “Bat Cave” conversion  and  they have been organising their Blind Date Event.

Forum Home Page / Organizations & Events / Events  /  New Game Blind Date,2408.0.html

I sip my tea and chat away to All_For_You,  Tangojane & Freddie.  Little Franky is behaving beautifully in his blow up high chair .  Jane tells me,  Grandma is going to pop in later to collect him and look after him for the night but she wanted him to be part of something special first.  I look a little puzzled but she wouldn’t say more.   

I was quite glad, that Grandma was going to take baby Franky later, the bar could get wild at times. I briefly wondered if Grandma Tango & Old Joe may hit a little chemistry...  I giggle at the thought of Old Joe trying out his chat up lines... I bet he’d heard a few in his time ...

King Dustin & HB make their way to the dance floor  & I pull up Lsdj.  He’s a little reluctant at first but succumbs to my honeyed charm.  We begin to dance, letting the music seep into our rhythm . He’s a handsome man with some great moves. I try to copy some of them badly but he is the perfect gentleman and takes his time to show me th complicated steps and twirls.  I soon begin to master a few of them. We are both giggling and flushed by the time we finish and return to the bar for refreshments.

We join   jcm and Old_goat and I order a jug of my House Special punch  for the people standing at the bar. The little chunks of apples and oranges bob on the top of the red potent alcoholic  liquid.  I pour us all a glass and we chat about the up and coming Blind Date and the fun of the recent Paper Chase event  & the Eggg Hunt still ongoing.  The eggg ‘s even now being found around the Forum Village.  It will be interesting to see who wins the final count. 

The PaperChase teams, IdleVice,   Guerrieri  , Nat Flow Racers, and  Party BoobyTrap  had all showed great sportsmanship and their competitive edge had made is quite enthralling.

Our  local paper, Achat Tattler was also under New Management  and we were all interested to see the next edition in print.

Our attention is briefly interrupted by cheers from the dance floor and we all look over...  it seems the dwarfs have just realised  Pafe & Satoire are dancing naked underneath their fur coats. 

 I wave at them , signalling there is another drink behind the bar when they are ready.
“ Your tab?”  Old Joe questions ...  I am just about to agree and then  grin wickedly,  noting Covems hasn’t arrived yet  “ Nah,  put it on Covems tab”  chuckling, “ And  the 10 jugs of punch I am just about to order for all our guests.. Ensure the 2  ladies do have a drink on me though too”

Lover ambles up , flushed having been shaking a mean leg on the dance floor.  He orders a drink to quench his thirst.  I nod to Old Joe again and mouth “ Covems tab “  and burst out laughing.

“ Found her yet? “ I grin referring to his Marilyn, 
“ Not yet” He grins “ But I sure am having fun trying to find her” referring to all the stunning ladies he has already danced with.

I see HB and Tango head off to the New Spa & Massage room just finished  & refurbished.  “ Looks like that room is going to get christened “  I chuckle to my companions.
I had seen it earlier with a personal tour by Tango. It certainly is a fabulous add on to the AB&G with a very interesting  voyeurs mirror in our office.

I take jcm by the hand and tug him up this time,  “ Time for you to test out those dancing legs”  not really giving him a choice.  He chuckles as he places his shield & sword down by his stool.  Like the gentleman he is, he allows me the next few dances.  He too is a great mover  and I wonder if he has Scottish ancestory and what he may be wearing under that loin cloth!!

As we make our way off the dance floor,  the room is suddenly filled with smoke. It’s all very mysterious  & jcm & I hurry to the bar so we can watch what is going on.

Two stunning & mysterious figures emerge from the Pool Room and it takes me awhile to recognise them as Sexilious & MrSexLover.

Tangoracer & Hentaiboy69 are summoned to the stage. We watch in awe.  A tear  fills my eye as I realise Tango is about to make a very serious commitment  to his pet  HB. 

“ So this is the special event  tangojane wanted Franky to be apart of”  I think. I feel like I am at a dear friends wedding and I reach & squeeze  Lover’s hand. 

The ceremony is carried out with solemn  promise.  The words exchanged are so very moving.

At the final stages , MrSexLover announces  "From this moment on let it be known that HB belongs to Tango"
Tango places his finger under HB's chin and tells her to stand up.

Tango takes HB in his arms and they kiss passionately . The whole bar erupts in cheers & claps at the surprise turn of events.
He takes HB’s hand and they walk to the dance floor.  We watch in content happiness for the couple as they dance to their special song.

I notice MrSexLover  & Sexilcious slink off towards the Spa & Massage room, their duties now completed for the night.

I call to Old Joe,   “ Well wasn’t that just beautiful,  I think another round of drinks are called for... On Covems Tab of course !! “

Old Joe chuckles...  and then notices an interesting Grandma arriving and heading towards little Franky.   He might just have to introduce himself to that fine looking woman..... 

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on May 08, 2013, 11:47:29 AM
Now that the bar is busy with Tango and HB, Sexi and i have the spa and more importantly the hottub to ourselves. As we enter i ask Sexi to wait a second as i return Tango's spare dungeon key to his desk.

As Tango prommised there's a bottle of champagne, perfectly chilled, and to glasses on his desk as a reward to our services. I pour two glasses and hand one to sexi, she takes a sip and smiles at me.

Then she puts he glass down, and starts a striptease act to a tune in her head. She hums while she slowy undresses herself in front of me, teasing me all the time, and i'm smiling at her as i watch the show she is giving me. She is naked now and i open my arms for her and when she steps close i gently kiss her.

While we kiss her hands are staring to open my robe and pulling it down to the ground, then rest of my clothing she takes off. We are both naked now, snuggling and kissing close, our two body's touching.

I brake the kiss and lead Sexi to the hottub and help her to get in. I pick up her glass and give it to her, i also pick up mine and join her in the tub. Sexi moves her body so that she can sit between my legs and leans back on my chest.

I find the controls for the hottub and it starts to bubble gently, i also find the button to turn on the music. We sit there relaxing with the music playing gently in the background, sipping from the champagne and kissing in between the two sips.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 08, 2013, 12:43:15 PM
After we enter the spa room, Mrsexlover excuses himself to return Tango's spare key to the dungeon.  While he is gone, I get my first glimpse around the new room and think it looks marvelous. Giggling softly, I notice the one spot is a bit messy and know who the two people were that had already broken in that part of the spa room.

When Mrsexlover comes back into the room, he grabs the bottle of champagne and pours the drink into both glasses.  Offering one over to me, I take it and sip before smiling wickedly over at him.  Setting the glass down on the table, I slowly wiggle my body around in front of him dancing to some unheard music.  Humming softly, I start to take the cloaked part of my outfit off and dance enticingly with it before draping it over his head with a little giggle.  I undo the belt and take off the weapon on my side.  Placing the fake weapon on the table, I rub my hands up and down my body, lingering around the more intimate areas. I smile as I notice that Mrsexlover's breathing is quickening as he starts to get a little excited from my teasing. I then slowly very very very slowly take off my bra and panties and drop them to the ground. 

Mrsexlover opens his arms, and I step closer and gently kiss him while rubbing against his body.  Feeling too many clothes, I start to open his robe and drag it off his body and let if fall to the ground.  One by one his pieces of clothing are added to the pile of clothes on the floor leaving us both naked in each others arms.  Snuggling in close to his body, we keep kissing and rubbing against each other, exciting each other with the friction of our touch.

Mrsexlover finally breaks the kiss and helps me into the tub. He then gives me my glass and steps into the tub with his glass in hand. Sitting behind me, I lean back against his chest while he messes with the controls on the hot tub making it bubble and warm up.  He then turns on some very nice music, and we sit there for a bit sipping the champagne and kissing each other.

After a bit, I turn slightly, so I am facing him and "accidentally" spill some of the champagne onto my breasts. Seeing the spilled champagne, Mrsexlover mentions, "Be a shame to waste it."  He then leans down and slowly licks up the champagne off of my breasts.  Time after time, I spill some on myself in various locations on my chest bringing him closer then further away from my breasts that are starting to ache for more of the touch. Leaning into his touch, he starts to circle closer to my nipple. Circling his tongue ever closer but not quite touching, he pulls me closer and starts to pour some of the champagne on my body himself.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 09, 2013, 04:03:47 AM
Waiting for my Master call, i'll clean the messy message bed where, till few minutes ago, i was laying under my Master body when, suddenly, someone knock at the SPA door.

"Are you ready My Pet!?"

"Yes, i am!" i reply opening the door and staring at my Master in his suit.

"Are you ready for my surprise, my Pet?"

"I am, make me so curious about it that i can't wait mre to see it!"

Master take me in his arm and lead me to the main room of the B&G, when i notice two hooded figures on the stage calling us and asking to join them on it. The first thing who run in my mind is about those two figure......who are they, and why they want us on the stage with them!? I swallow nervously while we walk to the the stage and stop in front of them. The hooded man approach us and order me to kneel....what the....i think, but Master nod at him, clear sign i have to obey him....

When i'm on my knees in front of the man, he step closed and start to talk, but in my mind all had turn black....only the words of my Master make me back to reality.

"Yes, with this collar i promise to love, protect, respect and honor my pet"

The hooded man give a  collar to master Tango and he shows it in front of me. then the hooded figure continue

"Do you HB take this collar to show you are Tango's pet and to wear it with pride for all to see"

"Yes I do" i simply answer

"And do you promise to do as your master wishes without complaint or hesitation to the best of your ability"

"Yes I do"

Master steps closer and opens the collar and puts it round HB's neck, then the misterious man continue

"From this moment on let it be known that HB belongs to Tango"

Master Tango place his finger under my chin and tell me to stand up, just to take me in his arms and kiss me. Then he lead me to the dance floor, while our friends cheers at us......the band start to play "Fly me to the moon" and we dance slowly under the spot ligth, while other couple join us little by little: Jane and Freddie are close to us and i hear his words.....he really love Jane! I smile thinking at them, at me and my Master......what a lovely night it will be and how sweet he was in the organization of this surprise! I stare at his eyes then kiss him deeply.....i don't know how long was that kiss, all i now is i can feel my heart bumping faster in my chest, like if it want to jump out of it....maybe it was short, but for me it looks endless....and only the end of the song bring me back to reality.

"I....i need to sit a moment, Master...." i say, a little puzzled

"Let's move to the bar, my Pet..." he say, taking my hand and leading me to the counter.

I sit on one of the stool and look at my self reflexed on the mirror behind the counter: the collar is made in black leather and have a red velvet line.....on the front, written in sliver letters, i can read the word TANGO.....i stare at it, at that Master name! In my mind, i can hear the promise we makes me happy but worried at the same time.....this is the first time i do something like this and many doubts are now filling my head!

"Are you ok, my Pet!?" i hear my Master ask me.

I turn to look at him....he is always here, near me....he want me and i want him too.....i don't know how things will goes from now on, all i know is we both try to do our best. I smile at him and place my hand over his, then turn to look around.....another wonderful party with my Master, here at the Bar & Grill!

"It's ok, Master......but you know.....the party is not ended! And more fun will be on the way...."

He nod at me, then hold me tight in his arms.......
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on May 09, 2013, 12:30:28 PM
Standing with Freddie at the bar watching the wonderful ceremony and watch Tango take hid Pet into his arms and lead here to the dance floor and the bar fills with the sound of Take Me To The Moon.

Freddie takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor and takes my in his strong arms and we start to move to the slow music. Feeling Freddie's leg move between my legs and lead me in our dance. Feeling him tighten his hold around me as he starts to sing softly in my ear.

I whisper in his ear "you take me to the moon every time we'er together my love"

I pull him closer to me letting him feel the heat from my body against his.
Losing myself in the moment time stands still as the room moves around us.

Out the corner of my eye I see two ladies walk into the Bar
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on May 09, 2013, 04:42:49 PM

I make my way into the bar, looking around and taking everything in sight. People dancing, laughing, getting intimate, among other things. My head is filled with thoughts.

Having heard so much about this fun and intriguing place, I had decided to finally make my way to it at last. I had gone out and bought my outfit earlier on in the week. As soon as I finished work, I headed home to get dressed and ready. I got into my furry little she-wolf costume. The tight corset outlining and highlighting my curves, along with my petite frame and small waist.


My thoughts come to a halt. I look around once more. Slightly nervous and excited at the same time. With my feet sore, I decide to skip the dance floor for the time being and make my way to Old Joe, planting myself on a stool.

"Why hey there Joe!" I exclaim, grinning. "You probably don't know me as of yet, I'm new around here. Name's Amy." I reach out to him with my hand, greeting him.

"Nice to meet ya Amy! Glad to have ya here. Would ya like something to drink? First drink is on the house!"

"Why of course," I smile, taking the punch he hands out to me. Taking a sip, I sigh in relief.  Feeling relaxed, I kick back, enjoying the fun sight whilst taking in everything for the time being  :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on May 10, 2013, 11:28:31 AM
At Jcm's naughty disclosure, I know I'm going to keep a close eye on that loin cloth ... just in case it rides up some  :P

I sip my drink chatting pleasantly with the guys at the bar, when the She-wolf enters and orders a drink. Old Joe smiles and waves good bye to Grandma Tango & Franky as they leave for the evening. He places a piece of paper in his pocket, grinning ear to ear.  Seems he got her number after all !!

He serves the She-Wolf  a drink on the house. She introduces herself as Amy. I immediately recognise her and go say " Hi"

We air kiss each other and both twirl around and admire the costumes we are wearing.  " Good to see you finally ventured in here...  order some more drinks when you are ready ... just tell Old Joe ... Covems Tab "      :o

We join up with  Jcm, Lover & Old Goat nearby  and discuss whether they are game to try  JD's ( James_Dean ) mechanical bull.  ;D

 ( A girl just has to think of interesting ways for that loin cloth to edge up ....    ;)  )

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on May 10, 2013, 12:36:43 PM
Standing at the bar holding my Pets hand when I feel a hand on my shoulder "Hello Tango" I hear from a familler voice.
Turning around "WOW Rachel what are you doing here?" I question

"I'm here with Grandma Tango to get Franky home and its been a long time since I'v been here."she reply's
"And have you seen my girl around and hows this pretty fox with you here" she asks

"Rachel this is HB she is my sweet Pet" I turn to HB   "My Pet i would like you to meet Rachel  this is All_for_you's mum"

"Nice to meet you " they both say

"Is that Joe behind the Bar Tango" Rachel asks "yes that's Old Joe, WHY?" i ask

"Not seen him in years" she says and kisses my on the cheek "nice to meet you HB" Rachel say's

I watch as she walks down the bar and leans over and taps Joe on his shoulder, he turns to see how had tapped his shoulder and just frozen with his mouth open. After a few seconds "RACHEL is hat really you" Joe says in amazement. He leans over the bar and Hugs her and Kisses her deep and full on the lips.

I see Grandma Tango walking up to me with little Franky in her arms I give him a little kiss and she takes him off home for the night.........
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on May 10, 2013, 01:03:37 PM
Having donned my big balled monkey suit, I sneak my way through the passageway to the door that leads to the stage.  I open it and peek in.. "Good."  I think... "there's no one there."  Seeing my opportunity, I make my way to the microphone and tap it a couple of times.  "Is this thing on?"  I ask....


A man earned his living circumcising elephants.
He hated the work, but the tips were big.

What do you call an adolescent rabbit?
A pubic hare.

What do you call a heard of masturbating bulls?
Beef strokin' off

"Now... since this is a furry party... I would like to sing a little song I learned a long time ago.  It's called   "Monkey Farts."

My Father came here from his home in Ireland.
He was quiet, but they said that he was wise.
He and mother did their best,
Gave us a home and all the rest.
But to talk to us he never had the time.

Sure he'd say pass the butter,
Or come here young man.
Or keep quiet or
"No you can't have a dime."

Until the day that I was leaving,
When Dad finally found a reason,
To share with me his philosophy of life.

He said:
A monkey's fart should smell like a banana.
English farts should smell like cups of tea.
The fartin' of a fairy should be very light and airy,
And when a father farts I hope you'll think of me.

An Irish fart should always lilt with laughter,
It should melt your heart and melt your shorts as well
A lion's fart should roar with power,
Cukoos should fart every hour.
A Nun's fart should have meaning but no smell.

A strong man's fart should sound out like a trumpet.
A pretty girl's should barely even squeek.
But the person you can trust,
Is the one who'd rather bust,
Then ever let one rip right on the street.

Now from my old man this really was an earful.
I tried to understand just what he meant.
His words were primitive but strong,
So I wouldn't get them wrong,
He was saying to be careful as I went.

He was saying to be as happy as I could be.
He was saying to watch myself and those I pass.
Beware who I looked up to,
Or whatever else I might do,
And know that most of what your get from folks is just escaping gas.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: stray on May 10, 2013, 01:17:24 PM
This wasn't a good night, Stray was together a friend's acquaintance in his car, he was accompanying her to home, when he tried to put one of his dirty hands under hers skirt.
She was literaly jumped out from the car and walked to the nearest group of people, they was out of a nightclub.

The sign was telling "Achat Bar & Grill", she had never heard about that place, there was lot of noise, she hate noise. He glanced behind her and seen the maniac who was going out from the car and was watching in hers direction with a confused expression.
She was not interested to explain to him why he was a dirty sexual maniac and so, fighting again the loud noise, she entered into the B&G.

There was lot of people there, girls who was kissing each other, guys sitting at bar chatting with the barman and a weird tiger-girl with a furry outfit. Stray was shocked because the escape of before, when a song was starting, she started to look around for a friendly face or a quiet corner.

(My first not-chat english text! I don't know if it's understandable  :(  )
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on May 10, 2013, 06:27:56 PM
Our group turns round when we hear that familiar sound of the mic tap and the Covems cracking some jokes. I am giggling away when a new girl enters and comes up to the bar. I recognise her as the owner of the new fashion house in town.

"Hey Stray, welcome to the bar.  Old Joe, set her up with first drink on the house "  Old Joe sets up the drinks  and I turn to her,  " If you want any more,  just say Covems tab "   

I look up chuckling, Covems is just finishing his jokes and as usual, has set the crowds giggling.  He is also smiling when he sees Pafe & Satoires wonderful fur coats and heels.  Wonder if the smile will stay when he finds out his bar bill.  !!!

I  go behind the bar and ring the bar bell

" Patrons of the AB&G,   Please give 3 cheers for  4 of our customers

Tango has reached 500 posts   HIP HIP  HORRAYYYYYYYYYYYY
jcm has recently reached 100 posts  HIP HIP HORRAYYYYYYYYY
Stray has reached 150 posts  HIP HIP HORRAYYYYYYYYYYYY

Everyone claps and cheers theses members for reaching those special milestones  :)

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on May 10, 2013, 08:55:19 PM
Having finally recognized a familiar face, I grin from ear to ear! I reply to Brandy's 'Hi" with "Heyy Girl!" and we then make small talk. Twirling around, I show her my costume and then admiringly observe hers. Upon hearing that I can order more drinks on Covems' tab, I chuckle and smirk. I order another glass, and then exclaim "Cheers!", clinking it with Brandy's glass.

I greet Jcm, Lover, and Old Goat, as Brandy introduces us. I smirk and wonder if they'd actually get up on that mechanical bull. That would make for good entertainment  ::)

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the mic and a familiar voice! My jaw drops as I see Covems on stage, as my eyes fixate on the "big ball" portion of his big balled monkey suit. Soon my face forms a smirk, and then indulges in a series of grins, chuckles, giggles, and a fair amount of laughter as he goes on with his jokes.

My eyes remain locked on Covems, until my state of trance is broken by someone ringing the bar bell. I turn around to see Brandy having gone behind there to ring it. I smile at her announcement, and cheer, as well as clap, while raising my glass to the four members for having reached such commendable milestones.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on May 11, 2013, 12:00:43 AM

After a bit, I turn slightly, so I am facing him and "accidentally" spill some of the champagne onto my breasts. Seeing the spilled champagne, Mrsexlover mentions, "Be a shame to waste it."  He then leans down and slowly licks up the champagne off of my breasts.  Time after time, I spill some on myself in various locations on my chest bringing him closer then further away from my breasts that are starting to ache for more of the touch. Leaning into his touch, he starts to circle closer to my nipple. Circling his tongue ever closer but not quite touching, he pulls me closer and starts to pour some of the champagne on my body himself.

Licking that champagne of Sexi's breasts makes me want more, as her glass is empty, i reach for mine, to keep the game going. "mmmm this must be the best way ever to drink champange" i think by myself.

Her nipples are hard en pointing in my direction, but somehow i manage to circle around them, never touching the nipples. At that time Sexi seems to can't hold on any longer to the tease, and move her boobs ever so slightly that a nipple is touching my tongue.

I don't need any more encouragement and starts to lick that hard nipple in front of me. Twirling my tongue around them before flicking it. Then it's time to put my lips around it and with a little suction going on i pull back. As i hear Sexi moan by my touch i turn my head to do the same to the other one, afterall we can not let that nipple get jelous.

Switching back and forth between both breasts i hear the ringing of a bell and some chears in the distance, comming from the bar, but i don't pay attention to it as Sexi's moans are getting louder and i feel her hands searching underwater, till she finds what she wants and firmly gribs my growing cock.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: stray on May 11, 2013, 10:43:07 AM
I was confused, that girl had just offered a drink to me and was gone without let me the time to thank her. But the main question was how she knows my name?

My thoughts was stopped by the barman called by that girl "Old Joe" who told me my drink was ready.
After a thanks fleeting I've started to drink my cocktail hoping, without too many hopes, that it was nonalcoholic, I'm nondrinker.

After the first sip I see it was alcoholic, but it would was not nice refuse a free drink, so I've drank it.
After it my head was light and all around me was a bit blurred, I try to get attention from barman and after some attempts I get it.

"Do you need another drink girl?" asks me Old Joe, I try to rearrange ideas, "Excuse me, I'm not feel good, there's a place to be quiet?"

(Dunno if there's a master who controls NPC or what :P )
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on May 11, 2013, 04:08:11 PM
(Dunno if there's a master who controls NPC or what  :P )
LOL... no

We all cheer tango, james, hb and stray for their number of posts. I smile to stray "Still new in towm and already 100 - congrats!"  Hugging Amy as Brandy is introducing her. "Nice to meet you. I hooe you enjoy our little village."
When stray and Amy came in I thought it would be Marilyn. Wearing one of the new hair styles but I was wrong.
I look at the bull and grin ;D
"Old Joe, one special cocktail for everyone." I whisper "Make Caipirinha but put treble Pitu in and double brown sugar ;)"
"Hey, let's all have fun. The winner's name wll be written on the blackboard and he gets free drinks for one week. The loosers have to barf and pay the bill! Before we start it I have to prepare something. Will be back in 5 minutes"

I go to the basement. Hidden in a corner I find what I'm looking for. A pole, diving goggles and flippers.

I go to stage, take the mic and cough. "May I ask everyone for his attention?" I wait a few seconds until the room is filled with silence. As you all know we had a game called "Hunt the easter eggg". Today the winner will be declared!" I look around and make a short break.
"The winner is in the bar here and now. He will get 1,500A$ just for counting a few egggs. We want to thank everyone who counted, hid eggs and egggs, the A-Team for giving the prize and my special thanks go to Brandy for helping me doing it."

The band is starting to play Sammy Hagar's "The winner takes it all"

While the music is starting I say: " I ask...............................................................
JAYC to come to stage! Give him a big applaud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Everyone is cheering, applauding and calling his name... "JAYC JAYC JAYC JAYC JAYC JAYC JAYC JAYC"

He is looking around, obviously surprised but also smiling. As he is with me we hug and give high-five and Brandy is also hugging him and kissing his cheeks. "Well done jayc. You were the closest, just 2 hidden eggs you haven't found."
We hand him a big check "We're proudly giving you this check, the real A$ will be in your account soon!
Do you want to say something?"

And now Ladies and Gentlemen, friends and friends... I explain a new idea:
We make a little crazy olympiad. A few funny games for everyone. First is called "The fast run". We put the pole to the end of the bar. You put on the flippers and diving goggles, drink one big beer down and run to the poe, around it and come back. The fastest is the winner of this first game. Everyone gets a free drink before" I smile "Isnt that great? You don't have to pay to play but get a prize ;) Write your name to the blackboard. We will start soon."

I go back to our group. "The bull is next game after fast run.Let's make people moving :)"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 11, 2013, 07:19:16 PM
As Mrsexlover keeps licking the champagne off my breasts, I wiggle closer and closer to him and start to rub our crotches together feeling him getting a little harder. Arching into his mouth, my body is so close to his that the little movements splashes the water onto our bodies.

Arching my nipples at just the right angle, Mrsexlover starts to lick my hard nipples. He licks and starts to suck on one nipple then the next making me arch more and more into his body.  Wiggling my body hard against his crotch, I feel him getting harder at the teasing.

Reaching between our bodies, I reach down and begin to stroke his cock taking him to full on hardness.

Placing his hard cock at my entrance, I slowly sink down onto his cock squeezing him tightly.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on May 12, 2013, 01:21:50 AM
Shocked when hearing my name called, I stand, my painted on Cheshire grin even bigger and get hugs and handshakes from my table of friends and join Lover on the stage.

Taking the Mic  from lover
“what can say but thanks and a big thanks to my spouse Stone who after making her own bet went back and checked and realized there were more eggs than she thought and passed that info back to me and growing weary of endless egg talk I Pmed my guess just to get it over with…………..yes my spouse can be very persistent“. The bar laughs as a beaming Stone gives her who me? Look

“we have had lots of celebrations and milestones tonight so I thinks its time we turn this party up a notch, what do you say Brandy, close the cash registers?  I start a low chant “open bar open bar open bar” the bar joins in as Brandy stands and yells “LET THE GAMES BEGIN!”

Lover get to work setting up his arena for drinking games, the sound system kicks in and the party continues

I make my way back to the table and give Stone a big snog just to annoy Brandy who groans at our display of affection or maybe its the sight of a maniacal looking Cat kissing a sexy Raccoon which leads to a discussion of what our offspring would be called.  Raccats?  Catracs?  The table agrees Catcoons and we all raise our drinks and drink to Catcoons.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: stray on May 12, 2013, 01:37:14 AM
(Dunno if there's a master who controls NPC or what  :P )
LOL... no
(perfect, I don't know anything about the nightclub and I don't have idea of what the barman could reply to me ^^"...)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Satoire on May 12, 2013, 10:54:36 AM

Pafe and I sit at one of the tables near the stage, and take in all the action.  Her coat is open just enough to show a good amount of cleavage.

We look around and take in all the familiar faces.  Some we know, some we don't, some we have been intimate with, some we haven't.  Everyone's costume is magnificent in their own way, and they sort of reflect the personality of each individual.

All the chattering in the bar, the music, the atmosphere.  It's a nice feeling to be in a place where everyone is comfortable being themselves.  "Satoire."  Pafe says to me, "it's so nice to be back amongst our friends."

"Yes it is Pafe."  I say to her as we clink our glasses together.  "I've gone ahead and restarted my subscription.  Covems told me that I actually disappeared from his friends list.  That's how long I was gone."

There's the baby being taken out by his grand mother.  I'm so happy for them with their young family.. there are so many new things they will experience, and I hope they remember to take a moment and remember to breathe.

We get a hug and a kiss from Lover and he inquires about us being warm.  We open our coats and flash him.  "We can cool off in a hurry."  Pafe says to him.  "Or heat it up as the case may be."

We see Sexilicious in her cute Raccoon costume.  "Pafe,"  I ask.  "Have we ever tossed Sexi?"

"No."  Pafe answers.  "Pity, but no, we haven't."

We watch as Tango dances with his HB pet.  Cute, and so nice to see them finding each other.

JCM.. Freddie all faces we've seen but as of yet haven't met.

Stone and Jayc, two more that we know.  Jayc makes an announcement that there's a round of drinks on his team from the Paper Chase Game.  Three cheers are given.

"I think we should just keep putting ours on Covems' tab."  Pafe giggles to me.

"Good idea, Pafie."  I say.  "Won't he be surprised."

MrSexLover and Sexilicious sneak off somewhere.  We notice as they disappear, then reappear in a puff of smoke on the stage.  "Nice touch."  I say to Pafe.  "There's nothing like a good entrance."  We watch the collaring ceremony.  Not exactly my cup of tea, but to each their own, and I'm happy for them both.

"Fly me to the Moon" starts to be played by the band.  One of my favorite Sinatra songs.  I have the urge to get up and dance, but Pafe puts a hand on my forearm, holding me down.  "Let the lovers have the floor Satoire."  She says.  I sit back into my chair.

We see one of the proprietors, Brandybee flittering about the bar, chatting with everyone.  She does well with this establishment... she never misses a person, or fails to chat.  Friendly and courteous, a delightful personality.  I wonder if she would enjoy a tossing.

A few more new faces enter and have a seat at the bar.  An Old Goat, around our age,  and one, a stunning young lady in a she-wolf costume.  She's small, petite like we are.  "Pafe," I say, "I bet she would be fun to toss."

Pafe giggles and says, "Satoire, we really need to catch up here."

"Agreed."  I say as there's a tapping on the microphone and a familiar voice starts telling jokes.

"Where does Covems get ALL these jokes."  I ask Pafe.

"I don't know Sat, but he is a gem."  She says.  We laugh out loud at the Monkey Farts song.  "Leave it to Covems to find a song about farts."

We watch as others enter the bar.  One woman, beautifully dressed in the lastest fashion.  Stunning.  "I know we haven't tossed her."  I say to Pafe.

We hear the bell behind the bar ring.  "Free Drinks!!"  We both shout.  Then Brandybee makes an announcement about posting milestones.  "That's fabulous," I whisper to Pafe, "but I bet she doesn't know that ringing the bell in the States means the person is buying a round of drinks for the entire bar."

"Maybe she does."  Pafe says.  "Maybe she's putting them all on Covems' tab, too."  We both giggle.

Lover gets on stage and announces that Jayc has won the egg hunt and will receive the handsome sum of 1500 A dollars.  Well done!  Then Lover issues a challenge for his game of "Fast Run" and explains the rules.  It's simple enough... just a timed race with drinking a beer.  I can't drink the beer, so I will not take part.  Then a thought runs through my mind.  "Pafie can do it... hmmmmm... and to make it interesting...."

I reach into my Naugafur coat pocket and pull out some bills.  Taking a 50 I slap it on the table in front of Pafe.  It's loud, and all eyes turn to us.  I stand and announce in my loud, stage voice....

"Pafie... I got fifty dollars if you will run the Fast Race."  I take another 50 and slap that down on the table, too.  "I have another fifty for you if you'll run it BARE ASSED!"

Pafe looks at me with that blank look she sometimes gets.  "What's the matter?"  I ask loudly... "Not enough for ya?  Here's another fifty."  And I slap another 50 dollar bill down.  "One hundred and fifty dollars, Pafie... and all you gotta do is run the race without that coat."

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on May 12, 2013, 01:00:14 PM
I hear lot's of noises comming from the bar,but i don't pay any attention to them as i feel Sexi moving my hard cock. I feel the softness of her lips rubbing against the head as she moves it into such a position that she can let it slide in. Then she slowly sinks down and i feel her warmth surounding me, squeezing and gripping me, and i hear a moan escaping her mouth as she reaches the end of my hard rod.

I kis her passionate while she starts twisting her hips in a circular motion feeling her all around me. MMMMM it's been far to long since we have been together, and i let my body slide down deeper into the hottub.

Pushing Sexi up, i take the movement over in our passionate love game so she can lean her body onto the edge of the tub. With long strokes i slide in and out her heavenly pussy and start to make more waves in the tub then it tub did on it's own.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 12, 2013, 05:07:02 PM
Gripping tightly to the edge of the hot tub, I feel him sliding in and out of me. He went deeper and deeper and every stroke he sped up a little as the strokes brought more and more juice coating his cock. The waves splash up onto my body sending small shivers through me at the sensation.

Moaning and pushing back on his cock, I meet his thrusts every time. He places his hands on the lower back pushing me down even further, so he can slide in even deeper.

Leaning close, we kiss each other hotly sliding our tongues into each other sharing the hot passion we have together.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on May 12, 2013, 11:51:53 PM
After toasting Catcoons , I suddenly recall the package given to me by Grumpy earlier that day. it’s a promo DVD for Blind Date we made with the dwarves earlier in the week. I have a vivid flashback of that horrible day.

Stone is wearing a very revealing red baby doll negligee and way to high heels and im wearing grey pajamas and silk bath robe and to finish the Hugh Hefner homage a slender tobacco pipe.

Sensing my apprehensions Stone smiles at me and tugs my hand “relax this will be easy, just like we practiced at home, what could possibly go wrong?” as we enter the storage room of the Bar I hear Grumpy bark  “QUIET ON THE SET!” 

I come back to reality and whisper to Stone
 “hey I got the blind date promo DVD from Grumpy”
“oh no” she chuckles softly “have you watched it?”
“no I needed a few drinks first “ I smile
Taking my hand “lets go watch it in the office”

 We  make our way to the office and switch on the new equipment recently installed and the large TV mounted on the wall.

Unknown to us,  the switch is also down for displaying the image on the big screen in the bar area.  Whatever is on the TV in the office, is played on the link to the massive drop down screen in the bar.

All can see it……..we sit on the couch and I hit play on the remote.

The promotion video clip for  Blind Date opens with stock footage of a busy  metro scene  people walking along the streets.  It’s amateurish , but then, somehow, that is what makes it so appealing.

Covems’s voice suddenly begins to narrate,   “Spring has come to Achat City and to our Forum realm. Are your looking for someone new?  Try BLIND DATE.”

The image shrinks to a heart shape then expands to show Stone and Jayc standing side by side, a bed sheet covering a wall of beer cases in the background. The song “Smooth Operator”  by Sade plays in the background.

Stone  “Hi I’m Stone
Jayc     “And I’m Jayc”  , he  puffs on his pipe, trying to look cool & sophisticated .
Stone  “Looking for a fun date but just cant find the time?”
Jayc   “Try Blind”   His voice is then drowned out by the beeping back up alarm of a delivery truck… and he looks annoyed…
Grumpy’s voice is heard shouting    “CUT!”

A quick edit and the film continues….
Jayc is seated in Old Joe”s beat up recliner chair looking at the camera puffing on his pipe.  Stone does a slow erotic dance in front of him.

Jayc  “At BLIND DATE we do all the leg work for you. All you have to do is sign up. Its’ that simple.  What red blooded male can say no to a sexy lap dance?” He motions to Stone’s overly exaggerated sexy  dance moves & pouting lips.

Stone, looking appropriately sexy,  suddenly breaks a heel on one of her 3” shoes. She staggers, unlady like  and flops into Jayc’s lap in a heap. She quickly tries to recover, as though the fall,  is all part of the act but … fails abysmally.
Grumpy  shouts “CUT!”

A quick edit.
Stone sits in the recliner looking at the camera as Jayc massages her slightly sprained ankle.

Stone….”Girls imagine a foot massage from an interesting & hot gentleman”

Jayc looking a little green around the gills, takes the pipe out his mouth with a look of disgust and places  it in his robe pocket. He clearly looks pale from the potent nicotine   He smiles bravely and tends to Stone’s feet in exaggerated gestures.

Pachi the Panda wanders onto the set and sniffs at the camera,  then brushes aside  Jayc . A commotion can be heard off screen followed by giggles and laughs as he  buries his massive head in Stone’s lap for an ear scratching.
Jayc rolls his eyes  & attempts to push Pachi aside……FRRRRRUUUUUUMP……Pachi lets a noxious fart rip right in Jayc’s face!!!

The set breaks out in loud laughter and Doc can clearly be heard sounding the warning. “CABBAGE FART! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!”
Bedlam ensues as the dwarves and onlookers clear the area. Jayc looks like he is about to throw up. He staggers toward the camera and shuts it off…

A quick edit.

Jayc & Stone are standing in front of the camera with champagne flutes and heart balloons in the back ground.

Lover can be seen in the background tidying the set and spraying air freshner.

Grumpy shouts “ And Action”

Jayc & Stone smile at the camera.  Jayc speaks , “ Interested in taking part in Blind Date? “

Lover realizes he is caught on film and hides the freshener behind his back . He smiles at the camera and begins side stepping out of view. 
Then he realizes this could be his 15 minutes of fame and lingers in the background.  He reaches for a marker pen and paper and after writing holds it up,  a special message for his Lady   “ Hello Marilyn  :  ))  “
He mimes the words,  too.  And grins, craning his neck to make sure he’s in the frame.

Stone speaks, “ And meeting new people?  Then sign up for Blind date, Coming your way….. Soon “ 
While she’s talking,  the pipe in Jayc’s pocket begins to smolder and small flames begin to lick  unnoticed at his robe.

They both raise their glasses to toast to “ Blind date “ and as they sip. Jayc  suddenly feels the heat and jumps up and down shouting. He pats frantically at his pocket. Stone panics and throws her champagne at him . She hits him full in the face instead of the smoking pocket.

Sneezy is the hero of the hour , he grabs a fire extinguisher and fires foam at them both.  They get covered in white foam and then he lets loose an almighty sneeze,  with a great whooshing wet force.  A snotty goo lands on Jayc’s head. The last shot is a close up of Jayc  an expression of horror on his face and snotty goo hanging from his hair…..

The screen goes black with  white graphics

I hit the stop button doubled over in laughter, we catch our breaths and regain some composure.
“hey we tried” I manage to get out
“lets go get a drink”

We walk out to the Bar to thunderous applauds and no idea why
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 13, 2013, 03:03:54 AM
"here, your drink Miss" old Joe say handing the glasses to Stray, who sip it just to find out it's alcoholic and starting to feel dizzy.

"Do you need another drink girl?" Old Joe ask her

jcm0824 interrupt him, looking at Stray condition: "Give her a coke, Joe! maybe she get better!" 

Stray take the coke from joe and take few sip, tying to rearrange ideas but failing in it: she look around, a little puzzled, then turn back to Old Joe.

"Excuse me, I'm not feel good, there's a place to be quiet?"

"mmmm, there are few.....there is the SPA but i think it's not "free" now....."

Old Joe take a little break, trying to focusing on wich room are now in use by the costumer of the B&G, then he continue.

"The only one is Brandy's office....i have the key.....the couch isn't really comfy but the place is quiet"

Old Joe hand to Stray the key and tell her to follow him, but looks like she's a bit unstable on her legs....Joe hold her arm and lead her to the office, opening the locked door and letting her sit on the couch, adjusting the pillow to let them lie on it for a while. Before leaving the office, he turn to the girl and ask

"There is something else i can do to help you, Miss!?"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 13, 2013, 03:31:07 AM
After being introdcued to All_for_you mom, i turn to little Franky and kiss him on forehead and smile at him

"Hope to see you soon, little F!"

Then, i turn to All_for_you mom

"It's was a pleasure to met you......Karen is a precious friend!"

"she is..." she reply, then look at Master Tango "take care of him, HB!"

"i will.....he is my lovely Master!"

with my Master's arm around my waist, we look All_for_you mom and Little F moving out the B&G, then, i feel my Master grip getting stronger

"You really want to take care of me, my Pet!?"

"Of course have some doubt about it!?" i reply smiling at him, but i have no time for it cause his lips suddenly close on mine, cutting my breath for a minute or more. Then, he give me a penetrating sight and talk

"Go and's time to have my Dragon Girl near me...."

"Yes, Master!"

I leave for the hidden passage and reach my Master dungeon, where in the morning i had put all i need to change into the Dragon Girl: the corset and panties are on the black mannequin in the changing room and same for the wig with the horns. The gloves and the stilized dragon's head are over the drawers and the boots near it.

it takes me few minutes to prepare all then, while changing,i can't avoid to stare at my body reflexed on the mirror: the red and black colour of the suit perfectly match with my new collar.....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: stray on May 13, 2013, 03:44:16 AM
While he was driving me to the Brandy's office my head was completly filled with confused thoughts, and I surprise me thinking where are all the hot guys here? I was tipsy but I did not realize this, silly me and my idea about don't drink alcohol, now with a just few sips I was in that condition.

"No thanks, you're so kind, thank you."

Old Joe left me alone in the office, lying on the couch I turn my head around for watch where I was.
I notice a weird mirror, seems one of those fakes one that let people watch through them. I stand up and walk to it for watch what there was behind it and I see two who are having sex in a bath. He was fucking her and they was kissing each other.
In a normal day, where I've not drank an alchoolic drink and I'm in the full of my faculties I would left the room and I would gone to dance.

But this wasn't that day, and I was not in my faculties, so I surprise my hand moving slowly under my miniskirt rubbing my pussy.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on May 13, 2013, 05:52:40 AM

Having finished my little fart song I leave the stage and head for the bar.  I can feel the big balls of my "big balled monkey suit" swinging side to side with each stride.  Satoire says something about hypnotising as I pass by their table, but I didn't catch it all.  I need a sarsparilla.

Miss Brandy rings the bell, and I think "Free Drinks!"  as it sounds, then she makes her announcement of the posting milestones.  I sidle up next to the sexy she-wolf and press my shoulder into her, causing her to lean to her right.  "Hi Joe."  I say.  "Dig me out a cold bottle of sarsparilla, will ya?"  I push the she-wolf a little more, until she pushes back.  She turns to look at me and I look her in the eyes.

"Welcome to the AChat Bar & Grill."  I say to her, our eyes locked together.  "I am glad you have made your way in."

I take a step back to take in the whole picture.  "I must say, I expected a wild cat, but this get-up is a hot one... does..."

My question is interrupted by a loud bang from Pafe and Satoire's table.  Satoire stands and in a voice that can be heard over everything challenges Pafe to run the Fast Run naked, slapping down 50 dollar bills with each challenge.

I slide my hand in the pocket slit of the monkey suit, only to remember that I'm not wearing anything underneath it.  I have no pocket to get into.  "Joe, quick."  I say  "Give me 100 bucks from the till, and put it on my tab."

"Your tab is pretty high Cove."  Joe says to me.

"What?   Huh?"  Is my reply.  "Never mind, just give me two 50's if you have them."  Joe hands me the bills.

"Excuse me."  I say to Amy.  "I'll be right back... don't move."

I go over to the table where Satoire is still standing and toss the two 50's onto the little pile of bills.  "I'll get in on this... here's a hundred more Pafe."

"I don't want this money."  Pafe says.

"Then give it to that Super Storm Relief charity you're working for."  I say.  "In fact Pafe... whatever gets raised here for you to run the Fast Run, I'll match it with my own donation.  Right now it's 250.  The choice is yours."

The television screen blinks to life, and we all watch the antics and out takes of Jayc and Miss Stone attempting to make their promotional video for the Blind Date.  It's funny, and I remember doing the voice overs and breaking up while doing so.  There's something to be said for mayhem and chaos... especially when it's happening to other people.

With my cheeks hurting from laughing, I make my way back to the bar and again sidle up to the she-wolf.  Pressing my shoulder into her again, causing her to lean to her left this time.  "Hi... come here often?  Does..."

Again my question is interrupted by hoots and cheers and applause when Miss Stone and Jayc come back into the bar.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: old_goat on May 13, 2013, 05:56:05 AM
I watch as Old Joe takes Stray to Brandy's office with interest and think to myself, "This could be an opportunity".
"Does the lady need anything" I ask Old Joe when he returns.
"Perhaps some coffee would help" he reply s.
"I will take it to her then" I volunteer.
Taking the tray with coffee, cream and sugar I make my way to Brandy's office door and knock.
I open the door to find the young lady watching through the two way mirror. Her hand is busy inside her skirt.
"Oh - Excuse me miss but Joe thought this coffee might halp clear your head" I say with down turned eyes trying not to spoill the moment.
She hardly acknowledges my presence in the room. I move slowly to place the tray on the desk.
"Is there anything else I might be able to help you with?" my question comes more as a request than an inquiry.
I wait watching not unaffected by the sight of this beautiful young woman touching herself before me.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: stray on May 13, 2013, 06:23:42 AM
I think I hear someone open the door and ask me something.
Not sure if just my imagination or what, but I don't take care to him and I continue fondle myself and I move up the skirt for facilitate the action.

I'm hypnotized by the scene behind the mirror and I can't stop watching it. Little moans start come out from my mouth when I bend a bit my legs.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on May 13, 2013, 09:41:16 AM
As Franky leaves for the night I hold my Pet around her waist

"you really want to take care of me,My Pet" I tease 

"Of course have some doubt about it!?" she reply smiling up at me,as her words leave her sweet lips I lean down pressing down on my Pets Lips making her catch her. We kiss for a minute or two then give a penetrating sight,

"Go and's time to have my Dragon Girl near me...."

"Yes, Master!"

My Pet Kisses me and slides off her stole I give her a gentle slap on her Ass as she heads off to the pool room and down my Dungeon

"Don't be long my Pet"

As my Pet goes out of site I look at myself in the mirror behind the bar and see I'm in my suit and turn to and look over at the spa room where my costume still was. Then over to the bar doors and the bag on the back seat of my car, I head for my car and grab the bag and smile to my self pulling out of the bag Black jeans leather waist coat and my trusty Cowboy hat 

I stand in the car lot and strip off to change,

I hear BEEP BEEP BEEP as a car goes by looking up I see an SLR Mercedes Mclaren  "There's only one of them in this town" I think tomyself and wave My hand as it goes off up the road. I smile to myself and finish changing and get back into the bar.......
Just in time to see Covems put two $50 bill on the table infront of Pafe and Satoire and wonder what's that all about
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 13, 2013, 02:16:25 PM
It takes me few minutes to prepare all then, while changing, i can't avoid to stare at my body reflexed in the mirror: the red and black colour of the suit perfectly match with my new collar.....


I run my finger over it then to the ring in the front pulling it a little to test how tight it is and to feel the sensation it give to me: lovely! I close my eyes and imagine my Master pulling it strongly and facing closely to me: is he going to kiss me or slapping my cheelks!? Mmmm, i can't wait to find it out! Faster as i can, i wear the remaining parts of the costume and set the make up, then i run back to the Bar & Grill.

I look around, just to find my Master talking with some of the costumers who i can't recognize cause of the mask they are wearing: i sneak behind him and when i'm to step away from him, i jump on him, blocking his arms and pushing my body tight against him. I'll start to slowly lick his neck till i reach his ear and chew it a little......a soft moan come out of him and i take advantage of it pushing two finger in his mouth then whisper him

"You had look for your Dragon Girl,, she's here to play with you...." i smirk, then continue "are you sure you want to play with me!?"

Being unable to talk, he nod at me sucking at my finger: i bite my lips, enjoing that feeling through the latex of the glove and then move my finger out of his mouth, making them sliding long his chin, down to the neck till my finger are over is tie. I remove it and open his shirt, then i set his arms free and tied his tie on the collar's ring.

"Did you want it back, Master!?" i say, grinning at him
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on May 13, 2013, 02:56:25 PM
As I'm about to take a sip of my third drink I feel someone's shoulder nudge mine, pushing me to the right a little. I wait for a second, until I feel another push, and in the midst of retaliating I recognize his voice. I turn to look at him and his eyes lock with mine. It's Cove, the guy who was just on stage making me giggle like crazy. The guy who I couldn't take my eyes off of.

His gaze sends me into a trance. I can barely choke out a word as he greets me and welcomes me to the bar.

*Say something.. say something.. say  something* I think to myself.

As he compliments my costume, I finally manage to smile. He's about to ask me a question, and I secretly hope I can manage to choke out a reply. His train of thought is interrupted by a loud bang from a table. *Phew* I think to myself, in relief.

I remain in a trance-like site as I continue to gaze at him. I chuckle when Joe mentions him having a high tab. I grin as my thoughts trail back to Brandy's shenanigans. He goes over to Pafe and Satoire's table, telling me not to move. Butterflies start to form in my stomach to my confusion as I fail to remember when was the last time I had such a reaction to someone.

I continue to gaze at him until my attention is shifted to the TV screen. My sides end up hurting from laughing too much at the antics and outakes of Jayc and Stone. *What a good pair* I think to myself 

I sense Cove make his way back. Feeling another little nudge, pushing me to my left, I meet his gaze again as he's about to ask his question. In the midst of him asking, both of our thoughts and attention are drawn away by Stone and Jayc making their way into the bar. My thoughts drift back to his question and what he wanted to ask...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: old_goat on May 13, 2013, 05:23:52 PM
I think I hear someone open the door and ask me something.
Not sure if just my imagination or what, but I don't take care to him and I continue fondle myself and I move up the skirt for facilitate the action.

I'm hypnotized by the scene behind the mirror and I can't stop watching it. Little moans start come out from my mouth when I bend a bit my legs.

It is as though she is in a trance. Swaying a little, unsteady on her feet.
I move slowly to just behind her. She feels my presence and slowly leans into my chest.
My hands take a place on each hip to steady her as she continues her assault on her hot little sex.
The smell of her perfume mixed with her woman scent is intoxicating.
For the moment I am satisfied to be the bed she lays on as she whips herself into a frenzy.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on May 13, 2013, 10:12:09 PM
Sexi moans for more and get from underneath her, just to switch to her backside.

She is still leaning on the edge and as i gide my hard cock in front of her soft sex, she starts to push back. Letting it all slide in deep. She moves her body to the front and back, riding my cock, squeezing it with her pussy while she lets it slide in and out.


Faster and faster she goes, making more bubbles in the bath and water is spilling over the edge.

Somehow i got a feeling someone is watching us from behind that big mirror, and when the music dies down between two songs i hear a little moan comming form the otherside.

Now i know there is someone there,i smile and wink in the mirror letting them know, i know we are being watched then gets back to sexi who is fucking me hard with her moves, and i slap her as cheek to encourage her to keep going.

But in the back of my mind i still wonder who is there behind the mirror, and if he, she or they got the guts to join is as i know both Sexi and i love a good sex party with more people joining in :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: stray on May 14, 2013, 03:36:28 AM
I was lost watching through the mirror when someone touch me from behind, initially I don't care about him, but when the guy behind the mirror winks to me I wakeup from the trance and frightened gasp and move away from the man behind me.
During the action I hit the tray, spilling coffee on the man, who receding. I'm sorry for the inconvenient and scared for the reaction I say "Oh, I'm really sorry... I'm... Sorry, I go. Sorry".

My thoughts was going to the two behind the mirror, my drunk mind was telling to me I should ask sorry for have watched them.
I walk back to the bar and ask to Joe where's the SPA, he point me the door but tries to tell something about a busy room at the moment. I don't care to him and I enter the SPA room.

In the exact moment when I pass the door my mind asks me What are you doing? They are busy! but as usually I don't care, I see the couple in the tub and while I cover my eyes with my hands I say "Sorry I was watching you behind the mirror, I'm drunk.. I guess, sorry!".

I didn't notice my miniskirt had been raised, with my pussy visibile.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: old_goat on May 14, 2013, 05:43:34 AM
No stranger to rejection I clean up the mess and move slowly back to the bar.
"Another beer Joe and drop a shot of Jack black in it" I mutter leaning in my corner.
Joe brings the beer and I down half of it and sit quietly contemplating my next move.
Note to self, Self stay away from young chicks, they are nothing but trouble.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 14, 2013, 07:39:46 AM
As Mrsexlover keeps fucking me, I continually moan and get louder, but hearing the loud music and all kinds of noise in the bar area, I am sure that no one out there can hear me. He slides out of my pussy and moves behind me where he places his cock at the entrance of my pussy again. Pushing back onto his cock, I feel him slide deeply inside, and it feels so good that I squeeze him tightly.

He shudders lightly at the tight feeling but is able to compose himself again not wanting to be done so soon. I start riding his cock hard and fast, since my body is so worked up. The bubbles start splashing all over us and over the edge, but I don't care about the mess we are making on the floor. I just need to ride his cock over and over. 

At one point, I hear a soft moan, but I couldn't be for sure as loud as I was moaning loudly as I continually rode his cock.

While he continues to slam his cock into my pussy, he slaps my butt making me squeeze harder on him and wiggle against his cock.

I start squeezing more and more feeling the need build with the slap and the fucking. Sensing I'm near he leans over my back and kisses my neck while he starts to rub my clit sending me over the edge for the first time that night. At that moment the door opened, and I vaguely heard it. When she spoke, she was so soft that it didn't register what she had said as I was coming down from my first orgasm.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on May 14, 2013, 10:05:18 PM
Sexi keeps squeezing and fucking me harder and harder, and i can sense she is getting close so i lean forward and start to tickle her swollen button.

As she screams loud and lets it all go, i notice the hot looking girl that has the new clothing shop in town standing next to the tub, she has her hands before her eyes and she must have said something but i don't know what as Sexi was cumming so loud. I do notice her skirt is pulled up and there are no panties underneath. I sense she was the one on the other side of the mirror and has been playing with herself as her clit and pussylips are bit swollen.

Sexi still full of lust keeps pushing and pulling her pussy along my hard cock and i turn to this new girl, she still got her eyes covered but i reach and grab her arms and pull her closer to the tub. I gide her to the edge of the tub next to Sexi so that i can bend foward and smell her sex. Kiss it gently and she moans as my tongue comes out to touch her clit.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: stray on May 15, 2013, 01:05:37 AM
His tongue was licking my clit, I didn't expect that could be happened. I moan when his tongue continue what I was doing behind the mirror, and I open my legs for help him licking me.

I put my hand on his head and I push him closer to my pussy, meanwhile, the girl is being fucked by him and moan during an orgasm.
In the rush I get close to the tub and I fall into it, making splashes all around it and falling on the man.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on May 15, 2013, 10:10:39 PM
Suddenly this hot looking and very tasty girl trips and lands in the tub on top of me, also breaking my bond with Sexi. But before she could say sorry i grab her wet shirt and pull it off.

She giggles as her boobs are now showing and reaches down for the hard pole i have between my legs. As Sexi tries to help her out of her skirt she only has eyes for this long hard new friend she found and before you know it, she takes it deep into her mouth and start sucking on it.


Sexi likes a piece of it too and starts licking my balls from between my legs. Omg these two girls got me good this time, and there are not slowing down either, they just keep going faster and faster.


Now they are both sucking on the tip and Sexi is squizing my balls, they are both out for cream and soon i'm shooting my first load of that night of cream over them both. They both keep sucking it and then look at each other and share my cum in a hot kiss.


What a night and it's still young :) , i might get very tired after tonight but who cares if i got two hot looking babes doing this to me. As i take a sip of my champagne i watch the girls kissing and playing with my cream and prepare myself for the next round, this party is going good so far, hehehe and maybe more people would like to join in later, this tub is more then big enough ;)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on May 16, 2013, 01:26:03 PM
Standing at the bar when my Dragon Girl jumps on my back pinning my arms to my side and I feel her wet tongue licking my neck. Before I could move or say anything My Dragon Girl pushes 2 latex covered fingers into my mouth I just suck on them loving the taste of the latex fingers.

"You had look for your Dragon Girl,, she's here to play with you...." I hear the smirk in her voice,  "are you sure you want to play with me!?"

Unable to talk I just nod my head My Dragon Girl moves her fingers in and out of my mouth as i suck her fingers. Hearing soft moan from her I suck her fingers a little harder. She pulls her wet fingers from my mouth and runs them down my neck to my tie and undoes it taking it off from around my neck and then opening my shirt feeling her hand move down over my chest and finding my nipples letting my arms go she takes my tie and ties it to the ring on her collar  

"Did you want it back, Master!?" she say, grinning at me and holds up the other end of my tie to me.

Taking the tie from my Dragon Girls hand I pull it tight and then pull her to me stopping and inch from my face,

"Yes I have been looking for My Dragon Girl and yes I am going to play with you" I pull her the last Inch and Kiss her red lips holding her to my lips with the tie.........

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Kristina82 on May 17, 2013, 04:19:44 AM
His tongue was licking my clit, I didn't expect that could be happened. I moan when his tongue continue what I was doing behind the mirror, and I open my legs for help him licking me.

I put my hand on his head and I push him closer to my pussy, meanwhile, the girl is being fucked by him and moan during an orgasm.
In the rush I get close to the tub and I fall into it, making splashes all around it and falling on the man.
I liked it a lot! Very short and very exciting!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on May 17, 2013, 04:22:01 AM
OOTT: welcome kristina! you can join the party and, if you like, you can introduce your self here,22.0.html
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: stray on May 17, 2013, 04:26:03 AM
His tongue was licking my clit, I didn't expect that could be happened. I moan when his tongue continue what I was doing behind the mirror, and I open my legs for help him licking me.

I put my hand on his head and I push him closer to my pussy, meanwhile, the girl is being fucked by him and moan during an orgasm.
In the rush I get close to the tub and I fall into it, making splashes all around it and falling on the man.
I liked it a lot! Very short and very exciting!

(thank you Kristina :P )
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on May 18, 2013, 04:06:41 AM
OTT - Hey Kristina, Welcome to the AB&G- a Role Play fantasy Bar :) 

Check out -  Forum Home page / Discussions about sex / Erotic Stories /

This will give you ideas how to join in & post  :) 

Think of a way to arrive at our bar - AB&G  & then go get your drink off Old Joe -  First Drink is on the house  :)  Dont forget your furry costume.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on May 19, 2013, 07:25:08 PM
*walks in the bar*  looks around.... walks over to the bar... let me have a yagerbomb to start off with please  ;D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on May 19, 2013, 08:33:13 PM
Hears my name being called from across the bar, I turn to see someone that looks familiar. *smiles and starts to walk towards the person waving his hand* as I get closer I recognize its James. "Hi hun, I didn't reconize you at first with the costume" I know I am late. but hey better late than never as the old saying goes *smiles and kisses him back on the cheek :-* * Looks like I am a lil underdressed.... I am so glad babe you brought  my costume...*follows jcm0824 out to the car to get costume*  :P
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on May 20, 2013, 04:48:03 PM
 ::) following Jcm0824 out to the car... He pulls out my snow bunny costume... "OH I love it, I exclaimed.. it's so ME!!" *giggles* I could not wait to change so I took a look around and said "ooh hell who cares" and started undressing right there in the parking lot in front of James.
 I could feel his eyes upon me * i slowly start to remove each particle of clothing* giving him a lil strip tease as i look up at him.
 I smile... as I grab his shoulder while slipping my shoes off and whisper in his ear "do you like what you see?"
 He starts blushing... * i smile* Its ok *winks*... I start putting on the snow bunny costume and accidentally/purposely trips forward towards jcm0824, he reaches out and grabs me before I hit the ground,.. *smiles to self*  "Thanks babe for helping me... *gives him a hug and a kiss and i noticed the stiffness that was in his pants...*giggles* "mmmmmm, lets go have some fun, come show me around, Baby" We may just get into some trouble haha
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on May 20, 2013, 08:39:33 PM
jcms0824 grabs my hand and  we walk back toward the AB&G and just before we rounded the corner, he turned toward me and pinned me against the wall,  and then he kissed me. It took me completely by surprise and I went weak in the knees. Then he looked in my eyes and said. "I've been wanting to do that for a while now Snowbunny". He then put his arm around my waist and we headed in the bar. I wanted to so pull him back into me and lay a deep and passionate kiss on those sexy lips of his and ravish his body.

We walked in and I said hi to old_goat, Covems, Amy, King Dustin and everyone else. But I could not keep my eyes off of jcm0824, and the way he kept  rubbing my thigh made me want to jump him then and there. I scooted closer to him, uncrossing my legs so his hand could move further up my thigh... I placed my hand on his thigh and slowly worked my hand up his thigh and smiled at him. I heard him say something about "evil gnomes" but my attention was else where at that time...

I was just about worked my hand up to the noticeable stiffness in between his legs, when the drinks came. I grabbed my drink and shot it down as fast as I could. He was making me turn into putty just with the slightest touch of his hand. I moved in closer to him, I took in a deep breath and his scent filled my senses... he smelt so good. I quickly turned around and worked myself to lean into his body with my ass rubbing slighty against his stiffness. I turned and smiled at him as we continued to talk to the others. I just needed to be against him to feel him. As the others were talking I noticed his hand on my thigh and it slightly moved up under my skirt and he rubbed my thigh and grabbed my ass in a playful way. I bit  my bottom lip and tried to keep a straight face as I felt the stiffness get harder against me... as he pulled me in tighter against his waist. He put his head against the back of my shoulder and kissed it with a playful bite and lick. I could feel the chills come all over my skin as the tingles rush down my spine.

"Ahhh", I speaked out of turn, and everyone turned to see what I had to say, as my face slightly turned blushed. I knew I had to think of something fast... "Ahhhhh I I I, am having fun here, and I love this song...*turns quickly toward James* "come lets go dance" , grabs his arms looks at everyone... and smiles, "Nice meeting y'all, Excuse us.... we will be back!*  Drags him to the dance floor, and starts seductively dancing against him... I wrap my arms around his neck and whisper in his ear, " I just wanted to get you all to myself, puuuurrrrrrr!"  and licked his earlobe and kissed his neck. As I leaned back and looked in his eyes as I continued to dance against him.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on May 21, 2013, 05:02:00 PM
His fingers intertwined in my  hair and I drew him closer and kissed him passionately, our tongues dancing together and our breathing becoming heavier. James hands exploring my curves and moved up from my waist and grasped at the furry balls to untie the front of my dress. He then slipped his hand beyond the material and cupped my breast and teased my nipple with his thumb and it was soon erect under his administrations.

James reached down and started to kiss my now exposed breasts and suck on my nipples, and the more he did, the wetter I became and the more  impatient I became for his fingers to travel further south. At this point the music and the scenery around us had became obsolete. It was as if it was just him and I as we passionately explored each other. I ran my fingers through his hair and threw my head back I could just tell  he was enjoying  teasing me and hearing my little moans. I could see a smile come across his face when he made me squirm in anticipation of his fingers to explorer further south.
I reached out and started to rub the front of his loin cloth and I could feel  a steel rod I reached down and under the piece of cloth to get at it, and it sprung  into my hand and I rubbed it back and forth smoothing his precum all over it making it slippery. I  looked him right in his eyes... and smiled...he  standing right in between my thighs at this time grabbed me and in a quick motion reached both his up my skirt and pulled my hips to match his hips together all in one smooth move.....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on May 21, 2013, 10:00:04 PM
As Stray and Sexi, are playing with my fist load of cream, and making sure i keep hard, my hands are exploring Stray's body. Nice pair of boobs and i know she taste like heaven too. My fingers are touching some warm soft flesh between her legs, and she opens them on my touch.

She moans load as i tickle her little button, and before i know whats happening she grabs my hard rod and pulls it between her legs. I feel her warmed and tightness as she lets it slide in.

I lean back, letting my head rest on the side of the tub and Stray starts to move up and down, riding it's length and splashing the water as she lands hard , wanting to feel me deeper in her.

At the mean time, Sexi stood up and now she is standing over me, her legs on each side of my head. I can see her swollen sex dripping water as she sits down, pushing my face deep between her legs. Trying to catch some air as my nose is now between her lips and and her clit is pushing on my mouth. I gave Sexi a spank on her butt and as she moves, i gasp some air and start licking.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 22, 2013, 06:54:03 AM
Feeling a big need for mrsexlover's tongue to be on me, I stand up and place my legs on either side of his head. I sit on his face and start rubbing against his face. All of a sudden, I feel him slap my butt. Jerking slightly at the sharp sting on my wet butt, I moan loudly. Mrsexlover begins to lick my outer lips at first. Sliding his tongue up and down, I start grinding into his face needing more then the teasing.

I can feel him smile against my pussy, and he separates the lips and dives in and starts licking on my clit. Moaning more and feeling the sensations build higher, I wiggle against  him more. He bites down on my clit softly and takes it into his mouth and begins to suck on it.

I then feel him slide a finger inside my pussy and begin to rub my inner wall. Finding my good spots, he continues to rub right there while he sucks on me taking me higher and higher. Right when I reached the edge, he bites down a bit harder and sends me over cumming on his face.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on May 22, 2013, 10:02:09 PM
Slurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrppp, Slurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpppppp

I suck in all juices that Sexi is giving me with a great pleasure and i make sure i keep pleasing her so she keeps going


at the mean time Stray keeps riding up and down my cock as if she was riding the bull in the bar. I Hear her moan load and then scream and feel her pussy squeezing. It feels like the water in the tub just got warmer at her place
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on May 23, 2013, 06:09:51 AM
they'r all getting ready for those funny games and the country boys r taking a i have to took my chances...i kiss Jane quickly and say
" dont leave hun...i have to do one thing..."
smiling her i take off my tiger mask and jacket and make my way to the stage

i steal a guitar of the country's an ibanez...grey....very nice....i take a stool and bring it next the mic...
looking at the mic i close my eyes....memories are comin flooding my mind....years of stage and hotels...cocaine and whisky...shows and girls
it's about four years that i dont stand on a stage...that life was killing me...
but all is changed now...i just wanna do this ...i have heart wanna cry out loud ..and i cant help but singing my love..

i approach the mic and my voice runs out low and trembling
"mmm...sorry guys....i'm gonna steal a few mins of this great party....hope you dont mind....
i wanna sing a song for my love....
so pls dont blame me for that ....i'm sure you all gonna like it...."

i start picking some chords to break the ice..this guitar sounds good
my eyes search for Jane...she's there lookin at me.... stunning with that tiger costume....
i smile and feel my chest swells ...."oh god....i so love her"

my hands start working their magic...i love this song...
and here i go....
Guns N'Roses   Patience

Shed a tear 'cause I'm missin' you
I'm still alright to smile
Girl, I think about you every day now
Was a time when I wasn't sure
But you set my mind at ease
There is no doubt
You're in my heart now

Said, woman, take it slow
It'll work itself out fine
All we need is just a little patience
Said, sugar, make it slow
And we come together fine
All we need is just a little patience
Mm, yeah

I sit here on the stairs
'Cause I'd rather be alone
If I can't have you right now
I'll wait, dear
Sometimes I get so tense
But I can't speed up the time
But you know, love
There's one more thing to consider

Said, woman, take it slow
And things will be just fine
You and I'll just use a little patience
Said, sugar, take the time
'Cause the lights are shining bright
You and I've got what it takes
To make it
We won't fake it,
I'll never break it
'Cause I can't take it

...little patience, mm yeah, mm yeah
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more patience, yeah
Need some patience, yeah
Could use some patience, yeah
Gotta have some patience, yeah
All it takes is patience
Just a little patience
Is all you need


the last chords and i'm done.....
"thank you all"
i step down the stage toward Jane...i see someone smiling and making thumbs up to me.:Brandy and Lover with smiles showing their approval
someone screams "bravo!"...dont know who is....and i can't face it...i'm just staring at Jane
she's standing in front of me...eyes wide open....showing her emotion

i put my arms around her and pull her close...she jumps on me..wraps her legs around me and kiss me passionately...
i step to the table making her sit on it...keep on kissing her i pull her body so close to mine..
feel her full breasts on my chest ...i push my hip to make her feel my hands roaming on her body
while our tongues are tangled in this long deep breath taking kiss
and we just dont wanna stop
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on May 23, 2013, 10:21:34 AM
Standing in Freddie's arms he leans over to my ear and whispers
" dont leave hun...i have to do one thing..."
smiling at me he take off his tiger mask and jacket and make his way to the stage

I watch as he goes over and takes one of the Country Boys  guitar and stands at the mic

"mmm...sorry guys....i'm gonna steal a few mins of this great party....hope you dont mind....
i wanna sing a song for my love....
so pls dont blame me for that ....i'm sure you all gonna like it...." his voice trembles as he specks

I stair up at him and hear the first notes and my smile grows bigger and then the first words leave his sweet lipstick stained lips.

My heart starts to race as I stand froze with my eyes fixed on my cowboy my Love my FREDDIE, His voice and the words take me and all I can see and hear is him.

His song ends I watch him walk over to me my eyes full of LOVE and LUST for this MAN my MAN. He puts his arms around me as I jump up onto his body wrapping my legs around his waist as he pulls my tight into hid body. His lips press hard on mine and we kiss such a deep passionate KISS. Our tongues dance and fight each other in your mouths.

Moving his hands down onto my bum to pull me closer to him I feel his hands on the bear skin of my checks ,as my shirt costume skirt had rode up over my bum showing my G string off. As we Kiss I feel the edge of the table Freddie has carried as he rusts me down on it I pull him tight to me with my legs grinding my moist panties against his hardening cock in his trousers. Pressing myself hard against his chest letting my breast rub on his chest.

Reach my hand down between us I fight with his belt and get it undone and then the buttons of his fly, I pull his trousers down over his ass and feel his hard cock press hard against my hot sex. I can feel the heat of his cock throw his Boxers and my wet panties. Sliding my hand back between as and inside his boxers gently wrapping my fingers around his rock hard shaft slowly moving them along its length.

I work his cock out over the waist band of his Boxers and rub it head against my wet panties I use my thumb and hock my panties to one side and with one movement of my legs I guide his whole length deep into my hot wet sex. Feeling him drive right into me I let out a load moan and grind my hips against him......

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 23, 2013, 10:34:35 AM
Cumming long and hard on his tongue, it takes a bit to come back to knowing what is going on around me. I climb out of the tub and bend over kissing mrsexlover on the lips. Slipping my tongue inside of his mouth and kissing him so hotly, I slowly rub against the pole that appeared behind me so quietly. Rubbing up and down over and over keeping nice and wet.

Feeling the pole twitching slightly, I reach back with one hand and guide it inside me. I hear his breathing get faster as he slides in deep inside me. Smiling, I stop kissing mrsexlover for just a moment and whisper in his ear, "I think we have someone else who joined us." Before he can respond, I slide my tongue inside and continue kissing him while rocking against the pole inside me.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: stray on May 23, 2013, 10:41:21 AM
I follow my new sex friends out of the tub and I bend on my kneels for stay with my face near his cock and her cunt, then I start to lick both while he fucks hers pussy.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on May 23, 2013, 01:56:50 PM
Old Joe is behind the bar and is giving a signal to Brandy that he needs her help. Brandy gets to him and ask what the problem is.

"Miss, i just noticed we are out of coasters and i want to keep the top of my bar neat and clean"
"No problem Joe, the new band dropped some off to promote themselfs let me go grab them in my office"

Brandy goes to her office, and looks thru the mirror seeing some hot things going on in the spa, then she grabs the stack of coasters and a poster the band dropped off earlier and gets back to Joe.

"Here Joe " she says as she gives the coasters to Old Joe. He takes a look and smiles


"Cocks 'n Roses, i wonder who came up with that name"

"They got a poster too, will you put that on the wall for me "

"Yes Miss Brandy i will do so"

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on May 23, 2013, 04:41:43 PM
As the music finished beyond the curtain that James and I was behind.. He stood and hooked my legs across his forearms and pulled me by thighs against his hip until my very sensitive and swollen clit and wetness was right against his loins cloth. I let out a moan, while looking deep into his eyes. "Mmmm baby" as I started grinding against his stiffen cock. He looked at me and said, "you keep that up and I am gonna pounce on that sweet bunny ass of yours!" I giggled, "Ooooh yeah??, mmmmmm then bring it on what are you waiting for?"  As I ran my fingers down his tan and glistening abs to the piece of cloth that stood in the way. I seen a small tie on the side as I worked it loose I leaned up a gave him a passionate kiss. I was hungry for his body and his cock and he was just as hungry for me. As my kisses left his lips, I worked my way down the side of his cheek, and traced my tongue down his chest working myself in to a standing position. I playfully backed him up what I thought was a wall and continued to kiss him until i was fully on my knees in front of his hard cock. As my hand ran down behind my kisses, I reached down and took his meat into my hand,.. his eyes looked down upon me as he a smirk appeared on his face and said, " I thought bunnies were vegetarians so what are you going to do with my meat?" I said, "well baby I am not your typical bunny.." as I licked the head of his cock and tasted the precum that was sitting there. He groaned, "ooh yes" I started licking the head of his hard cock like it was a lollipop. I could tell he was enjoying this for when I looked up his head was thrown back and he started to run his fingers through my hair... "don't stop baby, that feels good', he mumbled as I started sliding my mouth up and down on his cock.  I had lightly taken his nice tight balls into my right hand and massaged them  as my mouth and left hand worked in perfect motion back and forth on his perfect size cock.  "OMG", he said as he started to pull my head further down on his shaft....  I started to moan as I could feel his cock grow inside my mouth... he all of a sudden howled..."here it comes baby are you ready?" I shook my head yes not missing a stroke... as he let go he started to quiver and sayin.. "thats my sweet bunny... suck me dry".... I sucked and swallowed his juices....

I slowly stood to my feet and he looked at me and smiled...I said, "Mmmmm you tasted good, now that you have enlightened my taste buds, are you ready fulfill my hunger?" As I leaned in a kissed him biting his bottom lip ever so gentley. He chuckled and said,.."Roar, oh bunny I just got started".... "But let's go get another drink before we start round two"  I agreed we helped each other get dress... as we was just about ready to walk from behind the curtain, James grabbed me  by my waist and pulled me against him..." I can't wait to get you alone again stay close to my side and follow my lead baby cause it won't be long" as he pressed up tight against me and gave me a kiss I felt the shivers go all throughout my body. He smacked my ass lightly and grabbed me around my waist as we walked towards the bar.

I asked Old Joe for a drink and to surprise me as I looked over at James and admired his body and thought "Hot damn he is so fine" mmmmm ... I got lost in a trans when Old Joe said"here ya go bunny drink up" as he sat the drink down on the coaster in front of me... James looked over and smiled real big, "you ok bunny?" *blushing* ooh yes baby I am fine... when I reached down to get my drink that is when I noticed the COCKS 'N ROSES  coasters. I giggled, "How cute is this?" 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on May 24, 2013, 04:51:48 AM
Taking the tie from my Dragon Girls hand I pull it tight and then pull her to me stopping and inch from my face,

"Yes I have been looking for My Dragon Girl and yes I am going to play with you" I pull her the last Inch and Kiss her red lips holding her to my lips with the tie.........

Standing with my Dragon Girl in my arms with my hand on her ass letting my finger run under her red G string and over her little star of her sweet entrance. As the music from the Country Boys ends Freddie is up on stage and sings a great G&R song for his true love Jane , the bar claps and cheers as he finishes. I smile to myself as I watch him and Jane start to get intimate on a table.

I pull on my tie pulling my Dragon Girl back to my face and kiss her again and get up of my stole.

"Come with me " I order as I pull on my tie 
"Yes Master"

Leading my Dragon Girl by her collar I walk down the bar and stop out side the spa door. I turn around and face my Dragon Girl

"My Pet I want you to have fun in here tonight and i have some good ideas for us both to have some really good fun and knowing the people in here I know there up for all the fun and games as we are"

I open the spa door and we step inside and what a wonderful sight we are meat with,  Mrsexlover and sexilicious are standing slow fucking each other with the naughty girl Stray setting on the floor with her head under them both licking them as they slow fuck.

I close the door behind us and untie my tie from my Dragons Girl collar we stand and watch as they have there fun. I move behind my girl and pull her tight to me letting my hands move over her body feeling her soft skin with my hands I lean down and kiss her nick I let my hand move down lower and into the front of her little panties, Feeling her getting hard as my fingers find her sweet shaft

I whisper "you like what you see don't you my Pet you wont to go and play don't you"

My Dragon Girl just nods as my grip tightens around her shaft with my other hand I move it down between us and find the clip at the back of her G string I pinch the clip and it pops open and her G string falls to the floor

"I want you to go behind Sexilicious and be very gentle with her back there and don't cum in her I have plans for your cum latter" I order my Dragon Girl


She turns and Kisses me and moves off behind Sexi I stand and watch as my Dragon Girl touches sexi from behind for the first time and see sexi jump just a little.................
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 24, 2013, 01:37:12 PM
The pole behind me continues going in and out of my pussy where I start to moan against mrsexlover's lips. Gripping his shoulders, I look back and see HB behind me sliding in and out of me with Tango watching us. I smile and wink at both of them.

I then lean down and whisper to mrsexlover, "they finally joined us. We can have a big party now." Leans down and scoops some water in my hand, I splash it behind me getting HB wet. Giggling softly, "You are too dry and so are you Tango." Reaches down again and splashes water onto Tango.

Squeezes and rocks more against HB teasing her cock with my hot body. Stretching my arms down and rubbing mrsexlover's chest while we continue to kiss. I can't help but smile into his mouth knowing a couple of our friends joined us and wonder if any of the other attendants in the bar and grill will stop inside the new spa room.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on May 26, 2013, 08:16:56 AM
Standing watching my Dragon Girl slowly take sexi from behind with a big smile on my face sexi slashes water at me.
Moving over to the tub I can make out the outline of Stray's body in the bubbling water her breasts are just pushing out of the bubbles as she as her head under sexi's pussy as mrsex is filling it. Leaning over the tub I dive my hand into the warm water and find Stray's inner thigh. her legs close shut on my hand but open again as I take her nipple into my mouth and suck on it roughly.

Feeling her legs opening my hand move up her thigh and finds her soft lips with the warm water and bubbles covering it my finger slides deep into her soft folds. Feeling her arch her back pushing her nipple deeper into my mouth as my finger works deeper into her.
Using my thumb on her clit as I push a second finger into the softness of her inner sex.

Reaching around mrsex and sexi I gently rub my hand up my Dragon Girls body and cup her breast and squeeze it gently.

I feel a hand on the back of my head pushing it down harder on Stray's nipple and into the water of the tub. Keeping her nipple tight in my mouth as my head goes under the water holding my breath as long as I can. Shacking my head trying to get the hand off my head as I start to run out of air. Feeling the hand change from pushing me down to pulling me up I let go of Strays nipple and come out of the water and grasp for air.

Now that I was wet I slide out of my cloths and step into the tub and move between Strays legs taking both my hands and run them under her butt and up her back lifting her body up so her pussy just comes out of the water. As it comes out I lean forward and open my mouth over her lips sucking them into my mouth and tasting her sweet sex pushing my tongue deep between them I lap at her silk lips and run my tongue up and over her swollen clit. Using the tip of my tongue running around it flicking it............and suck it hard.

I look up and see my Dragon Girl looking over sexi's shoulder down on me with a big smile on her face as she move in and out of sexi in time with mrsex as they both fill her at the same time... 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on May 28, 2013, 07:39:10 AM
Sitting at the bar, I drink my House punch watching Lover in amazement as he begins to dress up in goggles, and flippers and the brightest beach shorts over his black panther  trousers ever..

JD has the stop watch and he is given the count down for the fastest circuit round the bar. Lover  has to jump over and negotiate a few well placed chairs and slip under some tables in the make shift obstacle course.

And he’s off... He guzzles down a pint of fine German lager, turns round 3 times, helped by Old_goat & King Dustin spinning him before making sure he is running in the right direction for his fast fun run to cheers around the bar.  JD is keeping the time checks.

Satoire and Pafe are causing a stir as money is slapped on the table for her to complete a bear- assed run on the same course. Even Covems tears himself from his shoulder flirting with ItsAmy123 to slap down some money.

I giggle to Old_Joe as Lover lurches under a table, crawling on all fours determined to set a good time.  Old Joe is pleased with himself as he has managed to get  Grandma Tango’s  phone number and will no doubt be paying her a visit in the near future.

He mentions running short of bar towels and beer mats and I shout over the crowd, that I have some promotion ones in the office of the new band  “ Cocks & Roses” in the office.  I will get them as soon as Stray is feeling better.   She’s in there just gathering her faculties as the alcoholic drink, she had had, had gone to her teetotal head a little too quickly for her comfort.

Old Joe nods and tells me there’s no immediate rush but he will need them soon.

I see  Stray exit the office and go next door into the new Massage room. She is going to join MrsexLover and Sexilious  in there.  She seems to have an excited look on her face, not uncommon here in the good old AB&G.  :o

I stand to go and collect the requested Cock & Roses beer mats  from the office but Jayc & Stone beat me too it.  They enter the office.  I decide to leave them alone for some quality time.  They may need it with all the kissing they keep doing. ::)

I pick up a pen from the bar and go to the notice board, chewing on the end as I look at the newly posted volunteer list for the Bar Olympics, just about to start with Lover .  Cheekily, I add a few names for JD to call up in the timed Fast Run round the bar ..... underneath Lover..  I add ...

Old_Goat,  jcm0824,  King Dustin,  Pafe,  Satoire,  Covems,  Its Amy123.....

 Then I see jcm and a new girl – SnowBunny82 coming out from behind the curtain by the stage.  Jcm has a very satisfied smile on his face.  She must have discovered his Scottish ancestry I smile to myself  and of course ..add her name to the list...


Still chuckling to myself ,  I know that list will grow as the night goes on.

Freddie &  tangojane  dance  and then he sings a beautiful song to her  on stage. He has a fantastic voice and as we all clap him, tangojane runs to him and they snog robustly.  He takes her in his arms and walks her backwards to a nearby table.  They are lost in each other and care little as they begin to fondle each other quite openly .  I wink at Old Joe , just another night at the bar and going strong...

I walk back to the bar to get a refill of punch, when the large drop down screen begins to flicker to life.  Jayc and Stone must be putting the TV on in the office..
Suddenly a very amateurish commercial begins to play that they had apparently been working on with Covems and the Dwarfs to advertise  their Blind Date Event.   I am crying with laughter at the pandemonium on set. There’s stumbles, and Pachi farting , and smouldering dressing gowns and Lover  in the background holding a sign up for Marilyn...  it’s all so funny its genius.

Everyone is watching , even Lover has stopped mid run to see what’s happening on the screen, quite forgetting he’s being timed.

The footage flickers to the end and then Stone and Jayc exit the office . We all cheer & clap them for their fine performances. The perplexed look on their faces is just as funny as they obviously have no idea their commercial had been broadcast to the rest of the bar.

I go to my now empty office and collect the promotional  beermats and bar towels for the “ Cocks & Roses “ band along with the poster to say they are playing soon at the AB&G.

I glance to the one-way mirror showing the Spa Room next door, and then purposely walk over to gaze through it more.  I see the troilism of Mrsexlover, Sexilicious and Stray enjoying each other in the spa pool. All are naked and wet in the pool.  Mr sexlover is in heaven as the two ladies are licking his massive cock as he holds and fondles their heads on him. Its very hot & very erotic.  :P

 I watch for a while with interest and then return to the bar , locking my office door. I pass the  “ Cocks & Roses” goodies   on to a grateful Old Joe.   He places the mats on the bar counter and I go hang up the  “ Cocks & Roses”  poster for all to see on the notice board.

Tangoracer & HB  move to the Spa room and enter to join, Mrsexlover, Sexilicious, & Stray.

 I sit with Lsdj,  Kristina82, jcm0824, SnowBunny82,  Jayc, Stone & Lover again at the bar.  I offer to buy the next round of drinks, greet the two newcomers to the party - Kristina82 and SnowBunny82-   and  watch with interest who takes to dressing in the goggles & flippers for  the fast run circuit round the bar obstacle course.......

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Richard_Wolf on May 28, 2013, 08:05:20 AM
Pausing as I entered the bar, allowing my eyes to adjust to the change in light levels. I used my tie, adjusting it slightly so I could take a swift look around the inside. I was dressed in  suit shirt tie jacket trousers high polished shoes.  Having been invited to come along I made my way to the bar and a stool. I sat there looking at the gathering of people, smiled and nodded at the only person I'd really talked to, Brandybee. As the barman approached I spoke quietly, not shyly, it was a way of making people listen more attentively. "JD, just ice, please mate."  The barman nodded and moved off to the drinks optics. I leaned on the bar and offered my greetings to those who were not otherwise engaged with what they are doing to each other."Hey hi ...."  I leaned back against the bar nodding to the barman as my drink arrived as I had ordered it "Thank you .. " was all I said. I then just let myself absorb the atmosphere of the place, listening to music and the hum of conversation.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on May 28, 2013, 09:05:51 AM
Sitting in my Queen Bee costume that HB has designed for me,  I chat with Lover teasing him about the Sign he held up for Marilyn in the Blind Date commercial... ligging all sneaky like in the background  “ Hello Marilyn “  when I notice a new comer arrive in his smart suit and highly polished shoes.

There is a presence and air of authority about him for sure.  I wonder vaguely if he may be a new owner of one of the dungeons  downstairs in The Ice House.  I must remember to ask Bear and Tangoracer when I get chance.

Old Joe serves him and I signal to him the drink is free.  All new comers have a free drink on the house – it’s kind of traditional now.

I wonder what he may look like in a wolf costume,  seeing as it’s a “ Furry Party “ night and chuckle at the thought.


I wander over to him and welcome him to the AB&G.  He smiles and I gently break the news to him ...

 “  I  have just entered you for the fun run obstacle course, I bet you look great in goggles & flippers  “

The devil in my angel eyes  dances merrily away and  I order yet another drink on .... Covems  tab.  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Richard_Wolf on May 28, 2013, 09:15:07 AM
I was feeling a like I had a nice quiet corner to sit in and smiled as I saw Brandy stroll over to me with that look in her eyes. I raised an eyebrow as I was told you entered me in a competition... "Wearing what .... ? " I pretended deafness as I spoke quietly back to you. There was amusement in both both words and voice as I replied for you ... "Goggles and flippers ... Mmm ... Sounds like a muff diving competition to me, Brandy ... " grinning, blue eyes sparkling as I looked in to your eyes.

"And you won't recognize me tonight .... " there was more than just a touch of wicked pleasure in my eyes at the mention of the furry party 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on May 29, 2013, 07:04:51 AM
Sitting at the bar with JCM drinking on my drink, and still thinking of what took place behind the curtains. I could feel my face still flushed and my body tingling from the highten sinsation.  I was standing there in between his legs facing him running my fingers across his chest. *smiling devilishly into his eyes as I took a sip*  When a  commercial begins to play  large drop down screen, I turned to see what was happening. We all cheered after it was done.

I went to turn my attention back to jcm when I noticed a poster that Brandybee was hanging up of the band "Cocks N Roses" that was coming soon to the bar. I had to take a second look because one of the band members looked just like JCM.  And I noticed it was, I smiled to myself and thought, "mmmm not only is he hot, but he is a band member too? Most def. a keeper and my kind of man."  I looked back at JCM smiled, and said "You didn't tell me you was in a band."  He looked at me and smiled, said "Yeah, something I have been doing for a while, surprise!" 

Brandybee got done hanging the poster, and came over and joined us at the bar, and told old_goat a round was on her. I thought that was very kind, and ordered my 4th drink for the night. I could feel myself getting a lil tipsy so I leaned into JCM a lil more. Then that is when Brandybee told us she had signed us up on a list for Bar Olympics. I looked at her and said, "OOOh boy this should be fun!"  She said we had to dress in  goggles & flippers for the fast run circuit round the bar obstacle course....... I just wondered when my time would be to get up and run this course and hoped like hell I didn't fall flat on my face in the process.

As leaning into JCM his scent just made me disappear into a daydream for I never heard him asking me a question... I snapped back out of daydream and he said, "Did you hear me, bunny?" I looked at him and blushed, 'No I zoned out for a moment" He chuckled, and said well I was asking if you would like to check out the rest of the bar?"  I said, "sure, but after I get a lil air from outside"  As we walked over to the door... Brandybee yelled out across the bar, "JCM don't go to far you will be up soon for your run..."  I laughed as I was going out the door and said "OK" ... when I tripped into his arms... He said,"whoa bunn... when I leaned in and gave him a long over due kiss.  :-*
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pafe on May 29, 2013, 10:11:54 AM

"Alright", I say, "I'll do it."  Satoire smiles that crooked smile of her's as I stand up from the table.  I walk over to where Lover will be finishing his race and begin to unbutton my coat.

"COVEMS!"  I call out.  "You better match this fund.  Don't make me come looking for you again."

Covems laughs and raises his glass to me as I slide my hands into my coat and rest them on my hips.  I know my coat is wide open, but I don't care.

"Better stretch some Pafe."  Satoire says.  "Don't be pulling any muscles."

Good idea, I think, and begin to do some squats and bending at the waist.  A couple of side lunges and a few forward ones to stretch out my hamstrings.  Satoire comes over to give me a few pointers.  "Remember to spread your feet out sideways... like Charlie Chaplain did."  She says to me.  "I danced in clown shoes, and that's how I did it.  It's a bit uncomfortable, but you're only doing it for a minute or two."

I practice turning my feet sideways and moving.  It is uncomfortable, but not unbearable.  I'm ready and just waiting for Lover to finish so I can have the fins and goggles.

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Richard_Wolf on May 29, 2013, 10:42:39 AM
I watched from my corner as Pafe got up and did her warm ups. I sipped my drink quietly watching Pafe bend and squat twisting and stand with her feet out sideways like Charlie Chaplin then walking. I was tempted to say you looked like a penguin the way you moved around with your feet out ... Maybe you had a plan there though.

I lowered my glass to the bar and swirled the ice around slowly rattling it. Maybe if I dropped a cube of ice in to your panties then you would run a lot faster. I chuckled to myself at that thought  glancing to the barman and nodding "I believe Brandy owes me a shot .... " sliding the glass with a casual flick of my fingers, to the bar keep.

I decided I'd watch at least one person do the obstacle course before I attempted it .... Or .. and this only made  m want to laugh .. Make it a three legged competition with the flippers and goggles, cuffed to a partner. Maybe I'd talk to Brandy ... So long as she kept that sting pointing away from me.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 29, 2013, 10:46:56 AM
While kissing mrsexlover, I wiggle against HB and reach back cupping her balls and softly twisting them in rhythm with the movement in and out getting faster and faster. Squeezing more on her cock at the same time, I feel her starting to struggle in keeping a tight reign on her orgasm when tango suggests moving over to a more comfortable area in the spa room.

HB sighs in relieve as she was getting so close and pulls out, and we all head over to the area. I grab many cushions and lay them on the floor. Grabbing HB, I lean in and kiss her softly on her neck. "Sure glad you two joined us." Reaches down and softly rubs her cock while twirling my fingers around the tip.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on May 29, 2013, 11:46:22 AM
Now that Sexi stopped kissing me, and keeping me pinned down in the tub, i jump out. Water is splashing all around and Tango looks at me while i make a mess of his spa.

I can't help it as i grab Stray by the hand and lead her to Sexi and HB to continue the party on the cushions
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on May 29, 2013, 01:16:54 PM
Following mrsex and the girls over to to the cushions I smile to myself " have an Idea"

"HB my Dragon Girl lay down on you back"  My Pet smiles and say "Yes Master"
she lays on her back I smile at Stary "your next" She looks at me and smiles, Standing over my Pet she lowers herself down onto my Dragon Girls hard shaft. I put my hand on her shoulder and slowly lower her down onto HB. They kiss as Stary lays down onto her I smile a mrsexlover and wink at him   ;)   

He Just smiles back and nods his head he moves in behind Stary and gently slides into her,

"Your next " as I look at sexi " On you get" I say as I tap Stray's back

She steps over Stray sits down on her and lays down on her back.

I move down to where all the girls heads are and get on my Knees my Pet ans Stray stop kissing, I move and give them my hardness placing it between the lips Feeling both there mouths on my shaft I feel sexi's hands on my ass pulling me closer to the two egger mouths.

I look over at mrsex and see his hips moving in a steady rhythm
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: J2D2_CB on May 29, 2013, 01:39:58 PM
"Hey buddy, I sent the "Come home" command to you over an hour ago.  It's a fifteen minute walk from the bar.  You must have been busy there."

**Scanning retinas....***  Facial recognition complete!  Match...  Owner! 

"I've been hearing some complaints about you.. um..  tasting metallic and a bit on the oily side from some of the ladies.  I've come up with a con-cock-tion...  get it..  cock-tion.... oh.. I wish I built you with a sense of humor."

"So what is your solution sir?"

"I'm gonna need to shut you down for a bit.  Initiating shutdown sequence in 5...4...3....2...1"

(an hour passes)

"Running start up processes sir."  "All systems nominal." 

"There, that should help things out a bit, but after every encounter you have, you will need to drink one cup of milk and chew one salt tablet.  I will have Old Joe keep them behind the bar, just for you."

"I have information for you sir, and this key.  I was told to tell you that there seems to be a wolf in the hen house."   

"Interesting information.  I'll have to figure out what all this means on the way back to the bar." 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on May 29, 2013, 01:56:03 PM

Pressing my shoulder against Amy's once again, causing her to lean to her left again.  "Oooops."  I say with a smile.  "Didn't mean to bump you."  I take a swig of my sarsparilla as I press against her even harder until she starts to press back.  We look at each other as we set our drinks down on the bar and continue to press our shoulders together, I can see there's a look of determination in her eyes.

Miss Amy is taking up the challenge and pressing harder against me.  She's small... petite... and I can feel her moving as I press harder.  She shifts her weight and props a foot out, pressing back very hard now.

This is the moment, and I step back, slipping my shoulder away from Miss Amy.  All her weight was pressed against me, and my sudden movement causes her to lose her balance and she starts to fall in front of me.  I reach in with both arms and scoop her up into them, cradling her... her arms wrap around my neck as she was reaching for something to break her fall.  Looking her in the eyes I say, "ooopsie daisey."

She fits well in my arms, and I'm tempted, very tempted to plant a kiss on those lips, but there's a fire in her eyes and an expression that I just can't read as she realizes that all of this was planned.  "So... "  I continue... moving my mouth closer to hers... "does..."

"COVEMS!"  Pafe calls me, "You better be serious about matching this fund."

"Pafe."  I call out, and while still cradling Miss Amy in my arms, I walk towards Pafe and Satoire.  "I'm as serious as two dogs fuckin'.  You run that race bare assed and I'll send you a copy of the check... better yet... I know where you live... I'll come put the check in your mailbox and you can hand deliver it."

Pafe breaks into a big grin and her and Satoire talk. "I'll do it"  Pafe says and go over to the starting area and begins to stretch.  I head back to the bar, still holding Miss Amy.

"Are you going to put me down?"  The She-wolfs asks.

"Oh...."  I reply... "yes Ma'am... I reckon at some point I will.... but I'm... I'm taking quite a liking to this... but you just say the word, and I'll set you down."  I smile to myself as I feel Miss Amy adjust her arms around my neck.  "Does..."

"Cove", Joe says with a big smile on his face, "have you seen your bar bill?"

"Not now Joe.  We'll settle it all up later."  I move to lean my back to the bar with the She-wolf in my arms...  "You should run the race, too."  I say to Miss Amy.  "Wolves love to run... and howl... does... "

"So tempting..."  I think... "so tempting" ... and I press my lips to hers...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on May 29, 2013, 06:29:48 PM
I giggle at the look on Wolfie’s face ,  “  Goggles & Flippers “  he repeats.

I raise my eyebrows , cock my head to one side  and nod at him.   He has twinkling blue eyes, I failed to notice before.  They are quite stunning in his handsome face.

I can tell he’s amused as he quips about muff diving.

Just at that JCM and SnowBunny get up to go for fresh air before their run around the bar. I remind them they will be up soon .

Wolfie signals to Old Joe about me owing him a drink.  Old Joe looks at me quizzically and I nod my head and mouth  “ Covem’s Tab “   and move my head down and to the side to scratch it so it’s all very secretative, eyes looking up to make myself look as innocent as possible. 

I spot several bottles of milk in a glassed doored fridge  behind the counter. 
“There’s a lot of milk there, for my tea  Joe, You been over ordering? “

“ Don’t ask, “  Old Joe  moans,  “ I got stocks of salt tablets too “  His attention is drawn to another customer  requiring to be served.

I frown, ”Maybe it acts as viagra “  thinking to myself,  “ He could be hoping where Grandma Tango is concerned..”

Cheers are sounding.  When I turn, I see why.  The not-so-shy  Pafe has started her warm up exercises for her turn at the race.  Her fur coat is wide open displaying her gorgeous nude curves.  The guys are enjoying her stretches and Charlie Chaplin wobble dance.

She is taking up Satoire’s Challenge of the bare assed run, much to the delight of Covems who is paying  up his promise, making his way to their table with the She-Wolfed Amy cradled in his arms.
She snuggles into his neck,  but then who wouldn’t do that to a handsome guy in a big balled furry monkey suit.

I turn to Wolfie,  “ You know, before your fun run,  you should try one of Stone’s Bloody Mary specials -  They are wicked ..  ”

Stone and jayc grin at him, nodding their encouragement too ...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on May 29, 2013, 10:36:40 PM
As I'm about to take a sip from my 4th drink of the night, I notice JCM and Snowbunny making there way back to the bar. I smirk whilst noticing JCM's big grin, getting a good idea of what they have just been upto. My eyes meet Snowbunny's and I wave and smile, as a friendly gesture.

In the midst of taking a sip again from my drink, I'm interrupted by a shoulder pushing my shoulder again. "Oooops... Didn't mean to bump you," he says coyly. I smirk to myself secretly.

I try to take a sip for the third time, but his shoulder pushes mine again. This time harder. I set my drink, and resort to pushing back. I finally look into Cove's eyes, glaring at him. Putting on a strong front, I push back... Not being one to back down from a challenge. Knowing I'm much smaller in size, I press back with all my weight.

Suddenly, he steps back. Not expecting this, my heart almost jumps out of my chest as I predict a nasty fall. Little do I know, I fall right in his arms. He scoops me up as I quickly wrap my arms around his neck. Slightly panting, my heart races, and my eyes lock with his again. His eyes are intense and take me into a trance-like state for a few seconds.

I then realize I have fallen right into his trap, as this was all planned, and glare at him. Not that I mind being in his arms. I actually feel pretty comfortable in them. But I wasn't going to let him know that. My ears perk up as he is about to ask me that question he's been meaning to for a while.

"COVEMS!" .. Both of our attentions shift to Pafe. He walks over to her. I barely pay attention to what he's saying and unintentionally start to nuzzle his neck for a second. I quickly stop and my attention shifts back to Pafe. "Damn!" I think to myself.. "Now thats one ballsy woman". I send a smile her way before she heads over to the starting area and begins to stretch.

He makes his way back to the bar, with me still in his arms. Still putting on a strong front I ask, "Are you going to put me down?"

He replies, "yes Ma'am... I reckon at some point I will.... but I'm... I'm taking quite a liking to this... but you just say the word, and I'll set you down."

I feel those same butterflies making a return to my stomach, as my heart starts to race again. I fail to say a word and instead adjust my arms around his neck, maintaining eye contact.

I smirk, trying not to giggle when Joe mentions Cove's bar bill. I sneak a quick wink to Brandy before Cove's eyes shift back to mine.

He says something about running. But I'm too distracted to fully listen. My attention focuses on his eyes... and his lips. I keep staring.. shifting between both. Before I know it, his lips press to mine. Reluctant at first, I eventually give in to the kiss.. and start returning it.

As he places me on the edge of the bar countertop.. our kiss deepens. I lock my legs around him, our lips moving in perfect sync... one hand at the back of his neck.. the other grazing his back, gently scraping.

Kiss continues to deepen.. passion building. I wrap legs tighter around him.. bringing him in real close. Tongues flicking.. then entwining, twisting and turning together. Our lips fused.

His hands start to roam, maneuvering down my curves and cupping my cheeks. I slowly start to writhe and squirm.. as his hands continue to explore my petite frame. Breaking off the kiss.. I whisper into his ear.. "I think it's time we make our way to the dance floor... "

I reach for my 4th drink... gulping it down in one shot. Before hopping off the counter.. I clink my glass with Brandy's, smirking and sending her eye signals  ::)

I grab Cove's hand.. Placing it on my shoulder.. Fingers interlock with his..  and we make our way to the dance floor.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Richard_Wolf on May 30, 2013, 04:59:59 AM
Talking to Brandy was  like talking to my sister at times, or some one I felt I had known for a long time. That kind of ease with some one you get from familiarity. I was more than a little relaxed after two JD's. I watched as she turned to Joe and did some secret signal stuff. I had to smile at that. Poor guy was going to get on big bar bill. There was still people around I hadn't met yet. As they seemed to be... ermm ... engaged I wouldn't interrupt  their pleasure nor invade their privacy.

I smiled as Amy and Covems had a shoving match and ended up kissing .. Talking to Brandy I looked right in to her eyes "You haven't said if you like my Wolf yet ... " There was that amused teasing look in my eyes and that smile on my face. I shifted my body slightly, making the big furry tail swish and curl around the bar stool I has seated myself on.

I'd turned along with Brandy to watch Pafe do her warm ups "You know, Brandy, next time you organize this you should make it a three legged race, cuff the partners together ... " I laughed as another though struck me "Maybe blindfold one too .... " I was letting my likes out slowly, the things I enjoyed would all come out slowly for those who were taking note of what I said.

I sipped at my drink slowly "Mmm I think you are trying to get me drunk before I start this race of yours Brandy ... You have a private little bet on some one taking part ? " There was that look on my face still. Teasing, slightly amused. That faint smile playing on my lips.

My eyes, blue and sparkling as the caught the light scanned the room, I lifted an eyebrow to the two, Stone and Jayc.. "I think I will have more need of a Bloody Mary after the race than before." Laughing quietly and watching Pafe get ready to start her run around the bar. I'd still watch some one else do the run first ...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Satoire on May 30, 2013, 06:47:55 AM
"Yay!"  I shout, clapping my hands together when Pafe says she'll run the race naked. 

"Better give me your coat now."  I say to her.

"Oh no."  Pafe replies and goes over by the bar, while unbuttoning her coat.  She opens it wide and flashes me.  For as old as we are, Pafe is still in great shape.  She is small in stature at only 5 feet tall, but she's busty as hell, and her hips have that flair to them that most women would die for.  It will be fun to watch her run side footed with those big tits flopping.

She calls out to Covems, who's been up to his usual tricks.  He's holding a cute shewolf in his arms when he assures Pafe that his promise of the donation is true (I mean really true... real life true).

It's hot in the bar, and this naugafur coat I'm wearing is becoming too warm.  I can feel myself beginning to perspire.  I can see Pafie's starting to sweat, too as she begins to stretch.  I undo a few buttons on my coat.  Pafe asks me to hold her shoes while she runs the race.  "You taking off your coat too?"  Someone asks as they walk by.

"I just may."  I reply, not looking at the person.

Brandybee has put names up on a chalk board for the order of the races.  I'm going to have to decline.  Part of the contest is to guzzle a beer, and I just can't do that.  I'm a grateful, recovering alcholic/drug addict, and I can't afford to even write about doing it.  And to run the race without all the obsticals would be unfair.

This is so much fun.  I smile and get that warm feeling from being amongst friends.  People I care about.

There are some new people I haven't met yet, there's a fellow with sparkling blue eyes and a smile that means trouble.  The shaply shewolf in Covems' arms.  Another fellow and his girl slipping out the door.  I don't know them all,  but I wave and smile at each one. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on May 30, 2013, 07:57:13 AM
Reach my hand down between us I fight with his belt and get it undone and then the buttons of his fly, I pull his trousers down over his ass and feel his hard cock press hard against my hot sex. I can feel the heat of his cock throw his Boxers and my wet panties. Sliding my hand back between as and inside his boxers gently wrapping my fingers around his rock hard shaft slowly moving them along its length.

I work his cock out over the waist band of his Boxers and rub it head against my wet panties I use my thumb and hock my panties to one side and with one movement of my legs I guide his whole length deep into my hot wet sex. Feeling him drive right into me I let out a load moan and grind my hips against him......

feeling her wet sex opening to my hard shaft i thrust firmly into her...shivers down my spike..i moan anf growl in her mouth
i stand still into Jane feeling her hotness melting my sex...i kiss her tongue tangled with hers i greedly kiss hand on her neck pulling closer and the other on her back keeping us tight
her legs wrapped aroung my waist pulling me closer and her hands roaming on my back..scratching me
i stop kissing Jane to catch my breath ...she stares at my eyes now with a lusty look her eyes flaming...
 i smile at her and start moving my hips ... she puts her hands around my neck and her body tremble at every thrust i give deep into her...
i lay my forehead on hers,our noses touching,she moans loud as i speed up the rythm of my giving her my length...i grunt and pant in her mouth,my handspull her strongly close to me as Jane moves her hips to meet my thrusts
i start sweating in this hungrily rush to our peak ,i growl and bite her bottom lip...her moaning drive me wild
i kiss her lips and lick them and she cry for more more more
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Richard_Wolf on May 30, 2013, 09:20:48 AM
I sat on my stool  watching as Brandy added yet another name to the chalk board, Pafe, I could put a name to her face, the same now to Satoire.

I smiled just a little more as I caught you smiling at me, seeing that look on your face I wandered over to you. Leaving the empty glass on the bar and popping a mint in to my mouth as I strolled over. I wasn't going to just sit down without being invited. Not until I got to know you at least a little better.

When I spoke my voice was quietly spoken, deep, but not rough. "Hi there ... I'm Richard, Richard Wolf.. " I held my hand towards you to shake, taking a firm, but gentle hold of your hand and giving just a little shake, if you took a hold of my hand.. If not then I wouldn't hold it against you but would turn my out stretched hand in to a gesture. "I'm sure that if you ran a little further that would be acceptable Satoire... I wouldn't like to see you miss out on the enjoyment ... "

 My voice wouldn't carry past you or I really, I spoke quietly  for a reason. I would wait on your reply or allow you to think about it awhile. I smiled and gave a little nod of my head, almost a bow. I could be trouble, I also tried to avoid it when I could, not that I'd back down or walk away ...

The faint smile once again danced across my lips as I turned to Brandy, then turned my attention back to you.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on May 30, 2013, 05:52:21 PM
After I prepared everything for the crazy olympics I accept I'm the first to do game 1:
Running flippers. I put on my goggles and flippers while james is holding a big jar, completely filled with beer.


Everyone around is counting down:
3 - 2 - 1

James hands me the jar and I drink it without stopping....GULP, GULP, GULP.....then I start running to the end of the stage, turning around the pole three times


 and run back.


UUuuhhhhh no I want to run back, but it's more stumbling and fluctuating.


Anyhow I make my way back and fall into Brandy and freddie. James stops the time: 42.69 seconds including drinking the jar of beer.
Is it a good time? I don't know, we will see when everyone has finished.

Still feeling dizzy but good luck I don't have to puke. Looking at the big video wall I see my running and stumbling in slow motion. LMAO, now I know why everybody is laughing.... I'm laughing too and then I grin, thinking "but I survived. All the others have to make it ;D"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mooncalf on May 31, 2013, 05:16:13 AM
I step into my boots and take a look at myself in the mirror that is hanging on the back of the door to my bedroom.  I'm dressed, not furry, but in my favorite pair of jeans, and a blue checked shirt.  I didn't bother with a bra today.  I slip on my fringed, brown suede vest, and take another spin.

I look presentable enough.  I stop by the gun safe and get out my dual action, colt revolver and gun belt.  I strap the belt on, holster the pistol and tie the leg strap around my thigh.  I set my brown Stetson Plains hat on my head and pull up the chin bead.

Already having saddled Chelsea, I mount her and begin the ride across country to the AChat Bar & Grill.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: J2D2_CB on May 31, 2013, 05:57:59 AM
"I am switching you back into freestyle mode.  Go back to the bar and keep an eye on things.  I've got my watch on, so let me know if you have any issues.  Have fun.. oh and let me know how that new upgrade works, alright buddy?"

"Of course sir!"  My circuits have now switch from straight laced form to a more laid back type of attitude. 

I head out the door and straight to the bar.  Accessing MP3 library....   Ding!  That's it!

Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk
I'm a woman's man, no time to talk
Music loud and women warm
I've been kicked around since I was born
But now it's all right, that's okay
You may look the other way
We can try to understand
The New York Times' effect on man

Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother
You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin'
I'm a-stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' ali-i-i-i-ive
Oh, when you walk

Well, now I get low and I get high
And if I can't get either, I really try
Got the wings of heaven on my shoes
I'm a dancin' man, and I just can't lose
You know, it's all right, it's okay
I'll live to see another day
We can try to understand
The New York Times' effect on man

Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother
You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin'
I'm a-stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' ali-i-i-i-ive

I reach the front door to the bar and swing the door open.  The races are in full swing as Lover just completes the lap looking a bit dazed and laughing as the images scroll across the big screen. 

SnowBunny and JCM are at the bar sharing some laughs and drinks and also there is Richard Wolf.

Pafe is next up on the course so I got here just in time. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pafe on May 31, 2013, 08:38:33 AM

   "Well done, Lover."  I say to him as he finishes the first race.  I have a good idea of what's expected of me now.  Lover hands me the goggles and the fins, and I hand Satoire my boudoir shoes.

   I adjust the strap of the fins so they fit snuggly on my size 5 feet.  It's a litlle loose from side to side, but I don't think my feet will come out of them.  I want to do a test run, but I know what would be unfair.  Placing the googgles over my eyes, I have to adust them, too.

   Satisified with the fits of the goggles and fins, I flop my way to the starting point and shrug off my naugafur coat and hand that to my "second"  Satoire.  Someone whistles from the crowd, "Covems" I think, so I do a spin with my hands clasped together over my head.

   The countdown begins... 10  I get handed a jar of beer... 9... it's bigger than I thought it was going to be 8... 7... I take a deep breath... 6... 5.... another deep breath 4... 3... 2... I raise the jar to my lips... 1 "GO!"

   I start to drink as fast as I can... gulping the beer while tipping the jar.  I can feel some running down the side of my mouth and dripping onto my breasts.  I feel it's taking forever... gulp, gulp... gulp.  Finally drained of it's contents, I slam the jar on the bar and take off.

   "Go Pafie, go!"  I hear Satoire shout and the place gets noisy with people talking, laughing and cheering.  I keep hearing that Covems whistle and I want to laugh.

   I run to the end of the stage, holding onto my breasts with one hand.  My feet sideways to reduce the effect of the fins.  I get to the pole... I grab it but almost lose my balance.  My hand goes out from my side, which allows my breasts to swing fee.

   Once around the pole... twice around the pole... third time around the pole.  I'm feeling a little dizzy as I release the pole and bump into  a couple of chairs.   This causes my foot to straighten and I stumble as the fin catches the floor.   Almost falling, I manage to regain my balance, but this causes my foot to come out of the fin.

   I finally reach the finish and collaspe against Freddie... my tit, wet with perspiration and beer pushes against his face, as he prevents me from falling.  "Um... thanks."  I say to him and pick up a bar napkin and wipe the beer and sweat from his cheek.

   "Pafie!"  Satoire says.  "You lost a flipper.  They'll have to make a ruling on it, but I don't think it's going to matter." 

   She continues, "You didn't beat Lover's time anyway.  Want your coat?"

   "Not now."  I reply.  "I need to cool off first."  I stand with my hands on my hips, still panting from the exertion of the race, chest heaving and look at my time on the board: 


Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Richard_Wolf on May 31, 2013, 09:52:15 AM
I'd watched Lover put the goggles and flippers on and do his run around the course. It brought a smile to my face to watch how dizzy he got turning around that pole three times. I knew it wasn't and easy thing to do ... not in those flippers .. and the goggles .. they would mist up a little probably. I had to give a round of applause at his time. That would be a hard one to beat.

I had been thinking of going next but Pafe seemed keen .. Ladies before gentlemen was never a bad thing to observe .. Was it ? .. I watched as she did up the flippers put the goggles on and drank the jar. "Mmm think tipping half of it down yourself might be cheating .. or maybe take ten seconds of for the entertainment value ..? " I spoke to know one in particular ... I had to laugh as her breasts bounced and she tried to hold them, swaying as she turned around the pole.

Pafe would probably have been close to Lover's run if her flipper hadn't half tripped her and fallen off. As she fell against Fredie, panting and breathing heavily with her hands on her hips. I walked over and picked up the fallen flipper "I guess I'll go next Pafe ... Can I have the flipper and goggles?"

I dropped the flipper on a table and removed my jacket and tie. I was in one of my more mischievous moods and looped my tie over Satoire's head before she could stop me "Look after that for me would you .... "  I removed my shoes and socks and put on the one flipper, taking the flipper from Pafe secured that on my foot too .. I considered cheating. folding the flipper up and duck taping it in place .. naa ...

pulling the goggles down over my eyes I walked to the bar, trying out a few different ways of walking ... "How do ducks walk again ? " .. I picked up the beer and held it in front of me looking at it and daring it to froth up as I was drinking it. There is a art to drinking beer. It consists of opening my gullet breathing slowly I relaxed my throat  tipped my head back just slightly and lifted the jar of beer to my lips slowly I poured the beer in to my mouth, without swallowing I could breath and let the beer run down my throat. ... I didn't spill a drop  and licked my lips, slamming the jar down on to the bar.

Turning I started running ... or waddling ... or looking like a big bird trying to take off from a lake ... All I could hear was the flopt flapt ... flopt flapt ... flopt flapt  of the flipper whacking the floor as I tried to move as fast as I could. The whole thing felt weird. I took hold of the pole with one hand, rested my head against it and started waddling around the pole. Once and I shut my eyes .... twice ... I opened and closed my eyes ... three times ... I blinked and stood up right and started to run .... flopt ... flapt ... a step sideways ... splat ... that must be beer from Pafe's chest... flopt flapt ... flopt flapt ... I was laughing now, this was just too daft to take seriously ....

I reached the end of the bar and lifted the goggles off and kicked my feet free from  the flippers and lifted them up "Who's next " ...surprised at my time ...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on May 31, 2013, 12:28:45 PM

Miss Amy is propped on the bar top and we're into some intense kissing.  She breaks the kiss, pulls me in and whispers that it is time we went to the dance floor.

"Covems, we should really talk about your bill."  Joe says, but I interrupt him again and tell him we'll settle it later. 

"Got something to do right now."

Amy pulls me out to the dance floor, my hand on her shoulder.  I lift my hand from her shoulder, still keeping her fingers locked with mine, I make a motion like spinning a lariat with my hand, and Miss Amy does a little spin under my arm.

I then pull her in tight and we begin to pick up the rhythm of the music.  I lean in a bit and whisper... "Does..."

There is suddenly a lot of cheering and laughter as Lover runs the course in the flippers and goggles.  It's a funny sight, and one can't help but laugh.  He almost loses it a few times, but gallantly recovers and completes the course, falling into Miss Brandy and Freddie.

Turning back to Miss Amy and the way she feels against me.  Her hand in mine, my other hand on the small of her back.  I am surprising myself with remarkable restraint as my hands stay put.  Lord knows, they like to roam. 

We sway and move to the music and I lean in again and whisper... "Does..."

My thoughts are interrupted by the commotion of Pafe beginning her run.  She's one awesome lady... kinda short... but well stacked.  I think God gave her an extra helping when she was in the line for breasts.  I can't help but let out a wolf whistle.

It's getting louder in the bar with everyone counting down.  Finally we hear GO! and the race is on.

Losing a flipper hurt her chances, but she finishes the route intact, thanks to Freddie sitting where he is.  "Nice catch"  I think as he grabs hold of Pafe before she topples over.

I turn my attention back to Miss Amy... the she wolf in my arms.  I feel naked without my hat, and the balls of this costume are swaying to and fro as I move.  I wonder if she can feel them.

Next we watch as Richard makes his run.  He handles the beer better than anyone has so far.  A nice technique of the slow pour in to the gullet.  He finished up the race also, but neither of them has topped Lover's time.

Turning my attention back to the She wolf... "Does the She-wolf know the story of why wolves howl and cry at the moon?"

"No."  She answers... I pull her a little closer.  Then I lean back to speak to her.

"Well then, I'll tell ya."  I say.  "According to the Cheyenne... Long ago, there was no fire.  Then only those who are called Flies had fire.  Then the flies held a ceremony.  There was a big moon that night of the ceremony.  And the Wolf came there."

"At that place where they held the ceremony, Wolf danced around and around the edge of the fire.  And he continually poked his tail in the fire.  And cried.  And howled.  Now the moon reminds Wolf to cry and howl."

I pull Miss Amy in again... Suddenly, out of nowhere, I get a feeling that trouble is approaching.  The hair on the back of my neck stands on end, and there's a knot growing in my gut...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on May 31, 2013, 01:09:42 PM
As Freddie kisses my lips and lick them I cry out "MORE MORE MORE" with this rebel inside me I cry "MORE MORE MORE"

My moans grow loader and loader as his hot shaft thrusts deeper into my hot wet sex rolling my hips to meet his thrusts.Grabbing the edge of the table I pull on it and with my legs around his waist I pull my sexy GOD harder and deeper into me my body trembles with each and every deep thrust I scream MORE MORE MORE and don't care how hears my screams and how is watching my lover pleasure me.

Feeling his arms around me as he thrusts into me he picks me up and carries me of the table and over to a chair sitting down on it with me on his lap I fill him deep inside holding his head I push it into my breasts I moan softly as I feel his soft lips fit around my nipple and suck gently. And then I feel the great feeling as my milk start to flow and fill his mouth with my warm mummy milk.

Just as he takes his first mouth full Lover falls into and brings us back into the Bar hearing the cheers and whistles as he finish's his race Jame's says his time and the bars cheers again

I look into Freddie's eyes and kiss him deeply tasting my milk from his lips
Still rolling my hips on his stiff shaft holding him tight in my hot wet sex

we watch as Pafe gets ready to run her race The bar start the count down 10     9     8    with each count I roll my hips and take Him in deeper 7     6       5       4       I feel the burning building inside with each count down     3      2            1      Pafe grabs the jar and she's off As she drinks the bear I Feel the over welleming feeling inside and my sex clamps tight around my man's HOT SHAFT closing my eyes as the feeling of my ORGASM rushing out of my sex and covering his stiff shaft.

I lean back just as Pafe fall onto Freddie covering his face with her breasts ....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on May 31, 2013, 04:38:51 PM
They don't know I hold the world's record for this
Watching the video, now i know you're a girl :D

It's so funny and even the time is very great :D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on May 31, 2013, 08:26:57 PM
 James and I was outside at the fire pit, when someone yelled for him, we looked up and it was Lover waving some flippers and goggles.  He motioned to Lover one moment, he leaned in and stole one more kiss as he said "Good things come to those who wait my lil bunny." I smiled at him as we headed back inside. The races are getting ready to begin, Brandy announced over the microphone. Our runners is Lover, Pafe, Richard_Wolf, James...ect. James took the stop watch and a jar, the jar was filled with beer.  He is the time keeper...

Lover went and got a great time. Then Pafe went and lost a flipper, the Wolf ran and started laughing so hard as he was making his way back to the finishing line.  Then I seen James hand the watch off and started to put on the flippers... I yelled out among the crowd, "Go James baby... wooooo!!!!"  :-*  I was sweet on him and I didn't care who knew it at this time. I watched in anticipation as he drunk down his glass of beer. He took off like a bolt of lighting, like he has done this before. He spun around the pole and on his way back started leaping over chairs like he they were hurdles. I was jumping up and down cheering him on all the way to the end. When he reached the finish line I ran and jumped in his arms, which knocked him off balance  and we knocked into Freddie and Jane.  "My bad, I said and apologized to them both. James chuckled at me as he helped me up.  He took the watch from Brandy and handed her a bag, and said "I was told to give these to you for the race."  She removed a pair of heel flippers.  I smiled, "Brandy, I would love to wear those on for the race."  She handed them to me... ::)

I said, "Well I guess I am up... " *giggles* to self. "Oooh Lord what have I gotten myself into?" as I started sliding on the flippers.  *praying like hell I don't fall flat on my face*  hoping no one can see me shaking, I had to talk a lil talk to calm my nerves. "I looked up and said well this should be pretty easy... just gotta run with high knees... being that I ski and walk around with ski and goggles on all the time.. I should be able to win this."  LoL.  I pulled the goggles down over my eyes... gave James a quick kiss as he handed me the jar of beer.  I heard 3, 2, 1 Gooooo...

I started drinking the beer as fast as I could...I handed the jar off and took off down the bar.... "oooooooo as i was running , I got to the pole and jumped in the air doing a quick diva spin around the pole from the top to the bottom... I started back to the finish line.... knees high in the air....I felt light headed after that quick spin around the pole .as well I wasn't thinking about my skirt riding up as I was running. But I pushed strong all the way to the end, " I yelled catch me I don't think I can stop!"  James stood at the finish line as I stumbled across the finish line, he reached out one arm and I slung right over it as I came to a stop... *ahhhhhh*  

I had a big smile on my face as I looked up and said, "what was my time, how did I do?" as i was blushing and pulling my skirt back down after showing everyone how I walked around camando...  I looked up at the screen to see a time of :45:13.
Thats a great time for your first time, someone said... I smiled said, "yeah but I had a very good trainer and teacher" as I winked  at James and blew a kiss at him.  

Whew~~ As I went and sat back down over at the bar to watch the other contenders... I ordered another drink..and told Old_Joe to add it to Covems tab, Brandy said. :) I raised the glass at Brandy and smiled. As I waited to see who was up next, I sat there and picked up a piece of ice while looking at James and ran it slowly across my lips and down in between my cleavage and back up again. I could tell he liked the tease as he bit his bottom lip watcihing me.... I gave him a sneaky smile....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: All_for_you on June 01, 2013, 05:30:17 AM
Sitting quirtly at my table think about passed times I've enjoyed here, my mind wonder of to how my King is doing.

Freddie sings his sweet song for Jane and she jumps into his arms at the end.

Smiling to myself I turn back to my drink and finish it, I lookup and catch Joe eye He nods and mouths I'll bring it over I blow him a little kiss as thanks. He brings it over "your look like your in deep thought there" he says    I smile up "Just reminiscing" I answer

"Are you going to Join the Race" he asks   I smile and nod "I think I will" I get up and see Lover running back from the Pole

Moving over to the Bar I watch as Pafe runs naked to the pole round and round and round she goes and back to the finish line not it the straightest line thinks "that's a fail on the sobriety test" As she crosses the finish line she falls onto Freddie and Jane.

Next up its the new Wolf I look him up and down as he gets ready "MMMMM nice body" I think to myself" I watch as he downs his jar and runs off to the pole 3 times around it and back he goes

James is up next and he move like lightning down to the truck and round the pole and back as if he had not had a drink "that Was fast I'll have to keep an eye on him and test him out on the road one day.

SnowBunny steps up next drinking her jar down she flipper her way to the pole and like an expert she spins around the pole in one smooth movement and stubbles back to the finish line falling into Jame's arms as she crosses it.

Setting there as Snow comes over to the bar I get up and walk to the start line taking my  boots off and put on the flipper standing up I take the goggles and put them on Lover hands me the Jar of beer my eyes open wide as I see just how much it is I look down at my skin tight leopard skin suit and think " this is going to be messy".

Taking a deep breath and raise the jar to my lips and look at lover

" 3        2         1 GO" and he starts the stop watch

Tipping the jars I gulp down a big mouth full and swallow the beer is pouring to fast of my mouth and starts to spill out over the side of the glass and down over my my skin tight suit taking a second gulp and its not even half gone more is pouring down over my breast and right down my front making it cling even tight to my body. To more big gulps and pouring some more down me I put the jar down. Shaking my head and my eyes roll in my head I focus on my target and start to flap my way to the pole lifting my feet high to get the fillers to move forward making me raise my body up with each step making my breasts bounce in my bra less suit.

Reaching the Pole I grab it round and round twice and my hand slips off and I stumble and fall in a heap on the floor.
 The Bar erupts into laughter as I try to get back to my flippered feet and back to the pole. Once more around the pole then back to the finish line
Wobbling and stumbling my way back the flippers flap as I try to run faster  I focus on the finish line and see the people stand there shaking my head and wave my arms " OUT THE WAY I CAN'T STOP"

As I cross the line I feel a strong arm grab me and pull me tight into him to stop me. Looking up and its the new Wolf that has me pressed hard against him "thank you for catching me" I whisper and kiss his cheek.

Turning to Lover I smile "WELL"

 1:46:63 He say's with a big smile.

I stay in Wolf's arms as I hear my time "Are well it as fun and a nice ending" I say with a smile and kiss the same cheek again.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on June 01, 2013, 12:25:50 PM
In the spa room I move my hips slowly forward and back as my hard shaft slides between the lips of my Pet and Stray As they lick and suck on my length. I slide my hard length deep into Stray's mouth feeling it hit the back of her throat as I hold it there for a second then slide it back till it almost comes out of her mouth and then back into her throat lowering myself down on to my Pet and let her suck on my balls.

Feeling her sweet wet tongue licking around my balls and Strays mouth sucking my shaft I look down and see sexi looking up with her mouth open with her tongue sticking out a little. sliding myself out of Strays mouth I move my body up and let sexi take my length into her willing mouth letting her warm mouth surround my shaft and suck me deeper into it,

Slowly I rock my hips back and forth sliding in and out of her mouth, I Take it out of sexi's mouth and slide it into my  Pets mouth then Stray's then back to sexi and then back to my Pet.

As I move back into Stray's open mouth I feel her body move back and forth from the two hard cocks deep in her wet pussy and tight ass.......
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on June 01, 2013, 04:28:52 PM
I smile from ear to ear as Cove tightens his grip on my hand and twirls me around. He then pulls me in real close and my heart starts to race again. I can't take my eyes off of him. His eyes seem to be in the same dilemma, as he looks down at me. I struggle in trying to read him, as he playfully smirks but his eyes give off an intense vibe.

We continue to move, picking up the rhythm. Hands still clasped together.. Bodies moving in sync.

He suddenly leans in.. whispering. "Does..." .. he begins to question. His voice sends chills down my spine as I anticipate what he's going to ask.

Suddenly a loud ROAR comes from the crowd and our attentions shift to Lover. My eyes widen with amusement as he runs the course. I can't help but laugh at the funny sight. I burst into a series of giggles when he reaches the finish line and falls into Brandy and Freddie.

My giggling stops when Cove's focus shifts back to me. I maintain my grin.. but that slowly fades away as I feel myself drawn even closer against him. We're swaying in sync again.. bumping.. almost rubbing against each other. My body slowly begins to heat up, as he leans in again. "Does.." , he begins to whisper...

Our attentions shift again as we hear another loud ROAR from the crowd. I grin seeing Pafe beginning her run. Girl power instincts kick in as I begin to cheer her on. I giggle slightly at the sight of her losing her slipper. "YOU GO GIRL!", I shout out as she finishes the course.

My gaze returns to his, with us being drawn in even closer. I can feel those big monkey balls  of his costume swaying.. I resist the urge to sneak my hand down and grab 'em. My thoughts go back to his little skit on stage earlier, and I can't help but grin.

My thoughts are interrupted by the person next up to run the course. It's the new guy, Richard. *Haven't met him yet* I think to my self. I enjoy watching him run the course. *Hot Wolf Guy would be a nice nickname for him* I think to myself again.  ;D

My thoughts are interrupted by Cove's voice. Feeling chills down my spine again, my ears perk up as he proposes his question.

"Does the She-wolf know the story of why wolves howl and cry at the moon?" he asks. I pause for a second, and then say no.. frowning slightly as curiosity kicks in and I wait for him to answer. He pulls me in closer and then leans back before finally going on to say... 

"Well then, I'll tell ya."  he says.  "According to the Cheyenne... Long ago, there was no fire.  Then only those who are called Flies had fire.  Then the flies held a ceremony.  There was a big moon that night of the ceremony.  And the Wolf came there,"  .. he pauses for a second...

As he goes on telling the story, I can't help but the notice the way his lips move. The sparkle in his eyes, how they light up, as he recalls and retells the events. I nod and smile while he continues to speak.

... "At that place where they held the ceremony, Wolf danced around and around the edge of the fire.  And he continually poked his tail in the fire.  And cried.  And howled.  Now the moon reminds Wolf to cry and howl."

"Hmm... interesting," I said, whilst smiling, as he finishes speaking.  I sense him tense up.. and move in slightly closer against him.. and my free hand moves to his back.. and gently starts scraping, in attempt to comfort him.

James is up next. I grin, not knowing what to expect of him in the race. He is all suited up and looks pretty confident and ready. My mouth is left slightly open as he crosses the finish line. *Damn!* I think to myself.. *Now that's what I call kicking ass!*..

I suddenly feel Cove's hand on my chin. He gently nudges it up, closing my slightly open mouth. He smirks, looking down at me.. and I feel those same butterflies in my stomach again. I move in closer, pressing my self against him.. as my eyes fixate on his lips. *What I'd do to taste them again*.. I think to myself, biting my bottom lip.

My focus shifts back to the race. I notice the two girls that are up next for the race, both of which I haven't met yet. First it's Snowbunny. She breezes through the course with ease, leaving me impressed. Next up is All_for_you. I cheer for her as she runs the course, and then almost cringe when she takes a nasty tumble before taking her third spin around the pole. I continue to cheer as she stumbles her way to the finish line, smiling in awe when she lands in Richard's arms. *Way to go Hot Wolf Guy* I think to myself again. 

My bubble of thought is popped by Cove's intense gaze. I can't help but admit it has an effect on me. He has an effect on me. Not being able to resist any longer, I wrap a leg around his and press myself fully to him. I whimper softly.. as he begins to lean down.

My arms wrap around his neck.. and our lips meet again, as we engage in another, long.. lingering kiss..

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Richard_Wolf on June 01, 2013, 05:11:25 PM
I'd stayed near the start line, handing the goggles and flippers off to the next person that took to the race like a true champion. I had to wonder if he did everything in flippers and goggles ...

I leaned on the bar watching a girl slip the goggles on and start to run. I watched her as I leaned n the bar, resting one arm on the top and linking my fingers together. I was laughing, who wouldn't, it looked to damn funny not to laugh. As the girl headed to the finish line I heard her calling out that she couldn't stop and then she was near me.. heading for a nasty painful crash in to the bar or a table.

I tensed, holding out my left arm and scooped her up easily. I stopped laughing and smiled. Holding her with one arm wrapped tightly around her waist. There was that faint smile playing on my lips, blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well now ... Wasn't that lucky ... " I lifted the goggles off your head . Looking in to your eyes then, my free hand dropped the goggles on to the bar. Slowly my finger tips wiped across your forehead, stroking your temple tucking the loose hair back behind your ear. "I Wolfie ... " I was speaking quietly, my voice deep and warm. My touch had been a light caress, tender and gentle. My arm around your waist strong and firm, pressing your body to mine curled around you like a band of steel wrapping around your waist, encased safely against my body.

There were other people in the bar, some engrossed in what ever they were doing to each other, some just sat watching the race. Brandy chalking up the times .... It was certainly a lively place ....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on June 01, 2013, 05:30:59 PM
Looking up I watch as tango slides his cock inside Stray and HB's mouth, I open my mouth flicking my tongue out wanting a taste too. He then slides his cock into my mouth and I lick the shaft as it enters deeper into my mouth. Sucking and licking continually as he goes deeper and deeper.

While tango goes between the 3 mouths getting pleased, I feel mrsexlover start to rub my clit making sure I stay nice and wet. Then one of his fingers slides into the wetness and starts rubbing against my special spots.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on June 01, 2013, 10:19:34 PM
I keep sliding my hard cock deep into Stray, feeling HB's matching my strokes with her's on the otherside of this thin flesh that separate them. Tango is busy feeding the girls his pole and my fingers rub the inside of Sexi's wetness.

When the girls are not having Tango's cock in there mouth they moan very loudly, Stray is even screaming with pleasure.

As my fingers rub faster and faster into Sexi lovecave they get wetter and wetter and i bow my head between her legs, making sure i keep my rod filling Stray's hole, i start licking Sexi's swollen clit. Now she creams to me to go on and don't stop. Bbut before she can finish her sentence, Tango sticks his cock back deep into her gaping mouth.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on June 02, 2013, 06:37:31 AM
I scream and lift my body towards mrsexlover as he starts licking my clit and finger fucking my pussy. Feeling tango slide inside my mouth again, I can't help but moan and send sweet vibrations through his body.

Mrsexlover then adds another finger inside and continues rubbing my spots sending me spiraling into another orgasm. Shaking so hard, I look down and see him withdraw his fingers and lick that sweet juice off and reaches down to keep finger fucking me.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mooncalf on June 02, 2013, 09:12:15 AM
Ridin' up to the AChat Bar & Grill.  The neon lights from it's roadside sign blink on and off.  I notice that the & sign is a little dimmer than the rest of the letterin'.

I ride Chelsea through the parking lot, and we wind our way through the vehicles, up to a rail fence and stop.

"Good girl Chels."  I say, giving her a pat on the neck.  I drop out of the saddle and lead her through an opening in the fence and around the side of the building and tie her up to a post near a rain barrel.  Chelsea leans her head in and drinks from the barrel.

"Good of 'em to put that there."  I say to Chelsea, while pulling my gloves off.

Strollin' around the corner of the building, I decide to slip in through the pudding pit area, hoping to go in un-noticed.  While knocking the dust off of my clothes with the gloves, I spot one of the little fellers scurrying around in the area.

"You."  I say to him while pointing a finger at him.

He stops and stares at me, then he sneezes.

"My horse is around the side,"  I continue while tucking the gloves under my belt, "don't be a-pesterin' her, 'cause she's a kicker.  I wouldn't want to see any of you lil' fellers git hurt.  Git me?"

He nods his head and sneezes again.  "Good."  I say to him.  "And tell all yer other folk to keep away too."  He scampers off.

I make my way through the area, open the door and step inside.  I push my hat back and off my head, the chin cord keeps it from falling.  Reaching down with my right hand, and in one motion, I lift the keeper strap of the holster off the pistol, lift the pistol slighty from the holster and settle it back easy.

I stop in the doorway leading into the main bar room.  My hands on my hips, taking in all the commotion of the goings on in the room.  My eyes scan all the people dressed in their costumes.  One person is running around in a swim mask and swim fins, the rest are cheering and laughing.  I'm looking for one particular cowboy, only I suspect he's not dressed like one.

I stroll to the bar, watching the bartender's eyes as he sees me heading his way.  I lean into the bar, and look Joe in the eye.  "Whiskey, Joe."  I say.  "Rye.  Don't matter what brand."

He gets a bottle from the speed bar and fills a shot glass with it.  I lift it and give him a nod and a salute with the glass before downing the contents.  "Again."  I say to him.  He fills the glass again.  "Covems."  Is the next word I say.

Still looking me in the eye, Joe uses his head to motion towards the dance floor.  "Put those on the asshole's tab."  I give him a wink and a smile and he grins and nods again...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pafe on June 02, 2013, 10:31:32 AM

   "Pssst... Pafe."  I hear Satoire whisper and she motions with her head for me to look towards the bar.  I look over and spy MoonCalf in her cowgirl clothes talking to Joe.  I spot the gun at her side.

   "Ooooo... Sat... she means business."  I whisper while giggling.  "Give me my coat."  She hands it to me and I slip it on, then I take my shoes from her and slide them into the pockets of the coat.  "Come on."  I whisper to her.

   Satoire does the same thing, taking her shoes off and slipping them into her pockets.  We crouch and go on bare tip toe around the bar to the stage, all the while keeping our eyes on Covems.  Satoire and I toss our fur hats onto the stage.  "That's better."  I whisper.  "I was getting hot."

   Our coats are open as we sneak around the room and along the dance floor, keeping ourselves close to the wall.  I can feel my bunny ears bouncing on my head as we creep along.  Still watching Covems to make sure he hasn't seen us.  His back is towards us when we stop.

   "Better get out the handcuffs."  I  say to Satoire in a whisper.

   "I don't have them."  She whispers back.  "I thought you had them."

   "You were supposed to bring the cuffs."  My whisper is a little harsher when I say it, "Great.  We're supposed to get his hands... what are we going to do now?"  I start looking around for something to use.

   "Wait!"  Satoire whispers.  "I got this."  And slips a necktie up and over her head.

   "Where did you get that?"  I ask quietly.

   "That Wolf-guy hung it around me."  Satoire answers.

   "That will have to do."  I say.   "Make the loop a little bigger and follow me..."

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mooncalf on June 02, 2013, 11:55:09 AM
I down the shot of rye, putting the glass back on the bar and spin on my heel, lean my back into the bar and once again scan the room.  I see Satoire and Pafe sneaking around the stage area while they're watching Covems for any sign of detection.

I follow their eyes and spot my prey on the dance floor with some pretty, young filly in his arms.  He's wearing some silly looking monkey suit.  They're kissing a slow, lingering kiss.

I push myself from the bar and start a slow, deliberate walk towards the two of them.  I see my co-conspirators, Pafe and Satore arguing quietly over something, then I refocus my gaze on Covems.  His eyes are closed, same as Amy's, and their kiss is a passionate one.  I approach quietly... then...

I pull out the revolver and fire two quick shots into the ceiling.  "BANG! BANG!"  Covems' eyes pop open and he and Amy end their kiss quickly.  "Moonie!"  he says, almost shouting it.

The smoke from the two shots is lingering over head from the heavy atmosphere of the bar.  I reach in with my left hand, and grab a hold of Amy's wrist and gently tug her out of the way, the pistol is still in my right hand.  "Excuse me," I say to her, while giving her a wink, "this won't take but a minute."

She moves off to the side and I step up infront of Covems.  "Covems," I say, "you issued that challenge, and I'm here to accept it.  But why do you have to be so damned tall."  I say to him.

He replies, "I ain't so tall, you're just so short."  He pauses for a moment, then says, "Pipsqueak."

I holster my gun, and leap up, wrapping my hands around his neck and pull him down into a kiss.  He resists at first, but I can feel him relaxing and even responding a bit.  His hands move up to my back. 

Our kiss lasts for a few moments and I release my hands from around his neck and slide off until my boot heels are back on the floor.

"Now!"  I hear Pafe shout and I grab Covems's left arm and twist it up 'round his back, pulling it with all my might...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pafe on June 02, 2013, 01:18:00 PM

  Satoire and I sneak closer to Covems while he's kissing Amy.  MoonCalf is walking towards them with her hand near her gun.  Satoire has Wolf's necktie in her hands, holding the loop.  Moonie looks at the necktie then gives me an inquisitive look.  All I can do is shrug my shoulders.

   Moonie smiles at me and fires off her two shots, causing Satoire to jump slightly, I almost cried out.  I didn't expect them to be so loud.

  We continue to sneak up quietly as MoonCalf pulls Amy out of the way.  Amy looks at us sneaking up and I put a finger to my lips in the "shhhh" sign.  I relax a bit when Amy smiles at me and winks.

   "Maybe she's in on it, too."  I think.

   MoonCalf leaps onto Covems and kisses him.  A full kiss, deep.  We can see Covems relaxing into her kiss. 

   When she slides off of him, Satoire and I are so close we can touch him.  "NOW!"  I yell and we spring.

   I grab Covems right arm.  This startles him and he spins a little trying to see who it is.  Moonie brings his other arm up around his back.  I pull his right arm there, too... he's starting to resist and he's strong.  I'm having trouble keeping his hand next to the other one.

   Finally, Satoire slips the necktie loop over his hands and pulls the loop tight, binding Covems' hands for a bit.  He's starting to struggle and Satoire is pulling harder, but he's beginning to slip free.

   MoonCalf takes the tie from Satoire's hands, and winds it around Covems's wrists, pulling while she's doing so... she then brings it up between his wrists and secures it.  "Hooray for rodeo training!"  I cheer.

   "Oh crap."  Covems mutters, as he realizes that something more than just a kiss from MoonCalf is going to take place.  Satoire drags a chair over to us and bumps Covems in the back of the legs with it.  Moonie and I push him into the chair... the three of us start giggling...

   "Gotcha".  MoonCalf says to him.

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on June 02, 2013, 02:08:14 PM

I almost jump a little as I hear someone fire two shots. Both our eyes open wide and we notice it's MoonCalf.

Having already been informed of what's going to happen, I smirk and wink at the approaching Pafe and Satorie.

MoonCalf grabs my wrist gently, guiding me to the side. I stand for a little while, until she presses her lips to his.

In need of another drink, I head over to the bar. *He doesn't even know what's coming his way* I think to myself, slightly chuckling.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Satoire on June 02, 2013, 02:15:43 PM
"Hell, Covems"  I say to him, while propping a foot up on his knee.  "I wasn't even in line for a kiss, but I'm getting in it now."  I smile at him, a big, "cat who ate the canary" smile.

His gaze goes from my eyes and wanders lower.  I realize that my coat is open and my body is exposed to him.  I pull my coat closed and do up a couple of buttons.

Covems starts to say something but I press my hand across his mouth.  "Shhhhhh."  I say quietly... "no talking from you.  Remember what happened to you in the Ice House?"

He nods his head.  "You don't want that to happen to you again, do you?"  He shakes his head "no".  "Good."  I continue.  "Now you just keep quiet and get your lips ready, because we all want a kiss."  I pull my hand away.

"Oh."  Pafe says.  "And just to make it interesting, I have this."  She reaches into the pocket of her coat and pulls out a tube of bright red lipstick.  "Got this from Mollie.  You remember it, don't you Covems?"

"Oh crap."  He mutters again and his eyes roll up.

"Moonie."  Pafe says.  "Would you like to do the honors?"  And holds out the tube of lipstick...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on June 02, 2013, 02:40:35 PM
Sexi fill's me with her fluids as she keeps cumming into my mouth when we hear two load *BANG* *BANG* come from the bar.

I look up to Tango and he looks to me. "Those are gun shot's" i say and he agree's. As we are both part of the NSPD we leave the girls behind and rush to our clothes to find our police issued pistols. As we both have them we run, still but naked,  to the bar and run in shouting
"POLICE" with our guns pointing into the bar
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: stray on June 02, 2013, 02:52:29 PM
When mrsexlover and tango left us my mind is almost cleared from the drink of before, while I stay with HB's cock in my ass  I look at others for get what we should do.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on June 02, 2013, 03:16:49 PM
As I slide my cock deep into My Pets warm mouth the moans in the room are stopped by load


Looking up at mrsex "Those are GUN shot's" I nod in agreement, Grabbing our Pistols we bush into the bar naked SHOUTING

"POLICE" with our guns pointing around the bar.

All the eyes in the bar turn from the dance floor round to use as we look back at them all.........
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mooncalf on June 02, 2013, 03:23:24 PM
"I most certainly would."  I say, taking the lipstick from Pafe.  I pull the top off of it and twist it, exposing the lipstick.

Two naked fellas come running into the bar holding guns, I start to reach for mine, when they shout "POLICE".

Pafe raise her hand up and loudly calls to the naked men.  "It's okay.  Satoire and I got this.  Go back to whatever it was you were doing."

Seeing that the situation has been diffused, I apply a liberal amount to my lips, and hand the tube and its cap back to Pafe.  I sit on Covems' lap, wiggle my behind on him, then drape my arms around his neck and say, "Pucker up you big ape."

"Oh crap."  He mutters before my lips make contact with his.  A deep, kiss... lasting a few moments, then I kinda suck my way off his lips, making a smacking/popping sound.  Then I kiss his cheek, leaving a lipstick print of my lips on it.

"Next."  I say while standing up.

Pafe has already gotten her lips good and red and sits on Covems' lap from the other direction.  Satoire is coating her lips with the lipstick as Pafe begins her kiss.

I look at Amy, who's moved to the bar  and watching intently.  I go up to her and ask, "You're enjoying this, too, ain't ya?"  She smiles a big grin and says she is, while nodding a yes.  "You should get the lipstick from Satoire and join in, honey.  Remember... it's all in fun."

I wander over to where Brandybee is, and we both giggle together.  "I know you got in line for a Cove kiss.  Go get him."  I say to her.  "Oh... and don't worry none about the ceiling... those were blanks I shot off."

"And anyone else for that matter."  I say, picking my voice up so I can be heard.  "You want to kiss him, or something else, just go over smear some lipstick on and do it."

I walk back to the captive just as Pafe gets up....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on June 02, 2013, 06:13:19 PM
Hearing the loud bangs, the guys jump off and grab their guns and race for the main room forgetting to put their clothes on.  :o Watching as they rush out, I get up and throw a towel around my body and follow out and see Covems tied up with a couple girls around him.

Hurrying over to a secret stash in the back, I grab out a long peacock feather and move up behind Covems. I am so quiet that he doesn't hear me and the girls are a bit busy.

Swishing the feather lightly, the feather lightly brushes against the back of his neck. Flicking it some more, it swirls around behind his ears then on down to where he is bound at the hands.

Winking over at the guys still standing there with the guns drawn not quite sure what is going on, I motion for them to come join so we could continue where we left off in the spa.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pafe on June 03, 2013, 05:27:45 AM

   "Satoire and I got this."  I yell across the room to Tango and Mr.SexLover, as they barge in yelling "POLICE" with their gun drawn.

   They take stock of the situation, and sensing no danger, they lower their weapons.  "Go back to whatever it was you were doing."  I say.

   "Pafe", Satoire says, "it's obvious what they were doing."  She giggles.

   Having already smeared a good amount of lipstick on my lips, I settle into Covems' lap. Wiggling my bottom a bit to get comfortable.  My coat is still open, and I don't take any efforts to close it.  As I wiggle on him my breasts wobble from side to side.  He can't help but notice them.

   I see he's looking at them.  "Are they having any effect on you?"  I ask, then reach down with my hand, feeling around his crotch. 

   "Awww", I say, "not yet?"  And wiggle and wobble some more.

   "Moonie?"  I ask as she approaches, "Do you have a knife with you?"

   "I have a small pocket knife."  MoonCalf answers, while reaching into her jeans and producing a folded knife.  She opens it and hands it to me.

   I pull the fabric of Covems' costume away from his body and cut it.

  "The dwarfs are gonna be pisseed,  Short Stuff."  He whispers to me.

   "They'll get over it."  I say while closing the knife, and hand it back to MoonCalf.  Then I proceed to tear his costume down to his tummy, and yank the head of the monkey suit off Covems' head.  My pulling the material over his shoulders exposes his hairy chest.  I flick that little nipple ring he has before pressing my bare breasts against him and rubbing them back and forth across his chest.

   Then I take his face between my hands, lean my head in and very gently, tenderly, kiss his lips.  I allow my arms to snake around his neck, while pressing my lips tighter against his and my breasts tighter against his chest.  I now regret tying those bear paw like hands of his behind his back.  I do so want them to be holding me in that gentle way, that belies their roughness.

   I break off the kiss slowly, then bump my forehead against his and look him in the eye.  "Thank you, Covems."  I whisper to him.

   "You're welcome ma'am."  He whispers back, smiling.  Then he glances down to his crotch and whispers, "That was working."

   I giggle and kiss his forehead, leaving a lip print there, and rise up off of him.  Sexilicious, who is wrapped in just a towel, has snuck up behind him with a feather.  I giggle again when I realize what her intentions are.  She starts to tickle the back of his neck and ears.

   "Satoire."  I say.  "Your turn."  She gives that crooked smile and moves towards Covems, who is moving his head around, trying to escape the tickling of Sexi's feather...

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: james_dean on June 03, 2013, 08:17:39 AM
Geesh I am late getting back to the bar.  I told Brandy and Covems that I would only be gone for 30 minutes.  That crazy cyborg of mine took way to long to get back home.  Old Joe is going to be grumpy with all of the milk and salt that are behind the bar.  Oh well.  He will get over it.

I grab my furry costume and hit the door.  I am hoping I can slip it on before I get to the bar.  I jump in my Chevy and back out of the driveway. 

I am sure I look pretty funny as I slip on the suit during the few stoplights between my house and the bar.  It is only a few minutes away so I frantically pull it on.  The pants of the suit bunch up around my jeans and I can't seem to pull the waist up over my Wranglers.  Dang.  I'm gonna have to loose the jeans if I am going to make this thing fit. 

I throw the truck in neutral at the next light, unbuckle my belt and slide my jeans out from under me.  I kick my boots off and slip the furry pants on up my legs and up around my waist.  There, that's better.  The light turns green and I throw the truck back in to gear and push the gas with my socked foot.   

I am going to burn up in this thing if I leave my shirt on.  Its got to come off too.  I pull my shirt off over my head and slip the rest of the costume on.  Better but still warm. 

I pull into the parking lot of the bar.  I slip my boots back on and grab the remaining pieces of the costume and open the door.   I grab the key that J2D2 handed me from my jeans pocket and slip it in my boot. 

Here goes nothing! 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on June 03, 2013, 08:50:38 AM

I'm in the midst of another enjoyable kiss from the lips of Miss Amy, starting to drift on that cloud when all hell breaks loose.  There's gunfire, and MoonCalf leaping up for a kiss. 

I'm suddenly wrestled and hogtied, then plopped into a chair.  I look around at my captives... "munchkins"  I think, as not one of them is over 5'-3" tall.  I get a small sense how Gulliver felt.  "Oh crap."  I say.

There's giggling and whispering amongst themselves at my somewhat discomfort.  I'm relieved when they talk of kissing, that means there won't be a gag.

I look over at Amy and relize that she's in cahoots with them, too.  Maybe not with the plan of action, but she definitely knew something.

I go to speak, but Satoire informs me it's best not to... so I don't... but I do look her over.  That coat of her's is wide open and my eyes can't help but roam her body.

Then I see it... that damned tube of lipstick... all the memories of being Mollie's captive in the Ice House come rushing back.  I can recall the scent of it even before MoonCalf pops the top off of it.

The two naked policemen startle the bar by shouting.  It's a funny site, and I was hoping for some assistance, but I can see that's not going to happen.

Moonie sits in my lap and wiggles that fine ass on me.  "No erection."  I think.  She leans in and plants those lips on mine.

Now, Moonie's a great kisser... she has a way of pressing against you that makes you feel like you don't want to be anywhere else.  She's a nibbler in her kisses, too.  I feel her pull away with a bit of reluctance.  A kiss on my cheek and she's up.

Next thing I know, Pafe is settling into my lap.  She also wiggles while sitting.  Feeling to see if I'm hard, and sounding disappointed that I'm not.  Those awesome tits of hers move and jiggle with each of her movements.

A knife is produced and she cuts the costume away, tearing it and pulling the head cover off.  "Ow."  I say when she flicks the ring.  Then a slow, gentle kiss.  The feel of her breasts pressed against my bare chest, she moves and presses, making sure I can feel those tits against me.  I would love to be pulling her in even tighter if only my hands were free.

I'm only human... and I can feel myself becoming erect.  My lips follow her's for a moment as she backs off from my mouth and leans her forehead against mine.  She thanks me, but it is I who should be thanking her.  I tell her that kiss was working as she rises up from my lap.  She giggles.

Then I can feel what seems a like a fly buzzing around my neck and ears.  I catch a glimpse of a feather flittering by.  "Oh crap."  I think... "something else is coming into play."

"Your turn Satoire."  I hear Pafe say....

Once again I mutter... "Oh crap..." 

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Richard_Wolf on June 03, 2013, 09:46:35 AM
The gunshots sounded and I reacted to them even before one of the funniest sights I'd seen since Pafe had run the goggles course. Two naked men with guns saying they are cops. Yeah right!!  As they produced more guns I turned, shielding All_for_you from the line of any shots. I hadn't just saved her from falling headfirst in to the bar only to have her shot while I held her still.

After the chaos had did down I smiled watching the three girls tie up Covems and proceed to kiss him one by one ... I'd have had the three girls hogg tied and kissed them one by one .... I smiled .. now feeling All_for_you wriggle against me.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on June 03, 2013, 01:50:31 PM
“ Oh my ,  have you ever seen anything so funny ... “   chuckling with  Jayc and Stone as Lover  flip flop flaps to the finishing line for his time.  Time – 0:42:69

We wait in anticipation for the next brave contestant and its .... Pafe ..  She is an absolute star  in her butt naked run and the guys eyes are watching her  bouncing flesh with lusty interest.  She falls into Freddie &  Jane but he seems to like her softness in his face.  Time - 1 :02:43

Then Richard_Wolf ,   he does an impressive circuit and Stone & I are just double upped   with laughter at his waddley run.  He is too as he catches sight of himself on the big screen. Time – 1:01:58

Jcm  passes me the stop watch,  determined to show off his athletic prowess. He places the goggles and  Flippers on.  I can’t help  but admire his physique, half hoping the loin cloth just may flip up as he runs...   And he is off like a whipet..   My mouth drops open – he is good.  I knew I should have added some extra vodka to his  jar of beer..   He romps home with an impressive time – 00:42:59

Jcm  looks at the stop watch in my hand and is pleased with his personal best time. He hands me some flippers as a gift,  heeled and blue -  my favourite. I’d always wanted some, almost as much as Pafe’s coveted Boudoir shoes. I kiss him on the cheek to thank him for thinking of me.  :-*


SnowBunny78 is next and she guzzles the beer down like a true pro.  And runs for  it.... wearing my newly acquired  heeled flippers.  She is  stunning as she gets in to her flippery stride. She finishes in a good time too  -  00:45:13

She  falls into jcm’s arms and giggles with him before ordering a drink on Covems tab – I chuckle as she returns my heeled flippers back and raises her glass to me grinning.

All_For_You is up next. It’s good to see her back  and joining in the fun .  I know she misses and hankers after our mutual  Country Boy friend.  I glance at his stool.   It’s always going to be there in case he pops by and needs to rest his weary feet & grab a beer or three.

Then she’s  swallowing her  jar of ale before  sprinting towards the pole. She stumbles in a heap at the base of the pole  which hurts her time,  but in true AB&G fashion, no one cares as they see her top go transparent where the beer  spillage is soaking onto her wholesome breasts. She gets up & starts back, her boobs  jiggle in motion to her run.  She stumbles again, right into Richard_Wolf’s arms.  Time –   01 : 46 : 63

Covems  is making googy eyes at ItsAmy123 on the dance floor. Freddie and tangojane are snogging again. 

I turn to Old Joe and nod at Old_goat, asking if he wants a refill.  He smiles and nods. “ Set the round up again for me, Jayc , Stone and Old_Goat over there. “

Old Joe tops up our drinks and I smile at Old_ Goat.   “ Compliments of Covems  over there “  gesturing at the googy couple.

I’m feeling a bit tipsy and daring .   I  move to J2D2 who has returned to the bar from, god knows where. 

“ Hey  J2D2,  how’s your  blow capacity ?”   I see his computing  eyes glaze over while he checks his robotic  capabilities . He spouts up some cubic numbers which mean absolutely zilch to me.
I try again,   “ Just tell me, can you blow two of those up? “
J2D2 assesses the things being pointed at on a shelf of the lower bar .   “ Affirmative”
“How long will it take you?”.   More calculations and then his answer   “ 5 .2 seconds each “
“ Get ‘em done J2”  He nods and does as  I ask.  “ I’ll collect later “

I then call out to Old Joe,  “ Hey Joe, you got some of those delicious cheese, chives, onions and garlic  sandwiches left, I feeling kind of peckish” 

Old Joe smiles as he hands me a plate full and I grin back with adoring appreciation and tuck in.     
 “ mmmm”   I munch away happily.

My  onion heaven is suddenly interrupted by gun shots   “ Bang Bang”   My mouth opens in delight,  showing the half eaten sandwich.   MOONCALF !     When did she ride into town ?

She pulls Amy out of her clinch with Covems and moves in for one of the most sensuous snogs I’ve seen in a long time.

Amy comes to join me at the bar  grinning, shes in on it too then,  ...and keeping my eyes on Mooncalf, I offer my  plate of onion sandwiches to Amy to take one ...

Then all hell breaks out and I continue to munch on my onion sandwiches like popcorn, watching all the exciting happenings in front of me.

Even  Stone reaches out to take one of the sandwiches,  as she too is mesmerised by the action  acting out in front of our eyes.

First in action is Pafe, then Mooncalf, then Satoire  and  suddenly Covems is hogtied in a chair in the middle of the dance floor.  The gunshots have everyone staring at the lovely ladies .

Then the hunky figures of Tangoracer and  Mrsexlover come bursting & running out of the Spar Room, stark bollock naked with their  cocks as erect as the revolvers in their hands..   ready for action and to lay down their lives to protect the good folk of the AB&G.  “ POLICE   “
They are so heroic !!  The Nympomania  Sex Poilce  Dept  ( NSPD )  at their best !!!

I carry on munching in pure excitement,  crunching on all that thick onion in my sandwich.

I look to Pafe , The new NSDP Chief of Police and Satoire, her side kick to see what she will decide.

Pafe tells her men- very brave officers,  “It's okay.  Satoire and I got this.  Go back to whatever it was you were doing."

I munch more onion – it’s totally enthralling ...

The girls lipstick up with the brightest red lipstick in the world,  I know this colour ...   then the penny drops ..   It’s Mollie’s favourite !!

 Last time I wore that colour, I do believe I had my lips around  Covems massive cock.   My taste buds salivate at the memory and the onion in my mouth.  I take another bite with relish.

Mooncalf snogs  Covems  leaving the red lipstick all over his face and when she has finally finished, the other girls take a turn.

 Mooncalf ambles her way to the bar grinning in my direction...and we burst out  laughing .. 

Covems should know better than  to challenge a half pint country girl and then insult her and others with ...   mmmmm....   the 3  M  words....
 "I know you got in line for a Cove kiss.  Go get him."  She says to me.  "Oh... and don't worry none about the ceiling... those were blanks I shot off."

I chuckle , “Hell,  Moonie with an entrance like that girl, I’d frame those bullet holes and ensure   “MOONIE  IS BACK “  gilded in gold letters underneath it."

I breathe on her and she nearly blanches with my onion and garlic breath  “ Good huh?”  I ask  checking if I should  need any more.

She  laughs out loud,  “ Go get him “  handing me a spare red lipstick.

“ After you ma’am”  I motion her to go first as I follow close behind. We join the kissing, tickling girls intent on teaching our target a valuable lesson in M etiquette  ........   ;D   ;D   ;D    ;D

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Satoire on June 03, 2013, 02:32:20 PM
"My turn!"  I say coyly with hint of mischief in my voice.  I wait for Sexilicious to stop her tickling, then I hop up onto the chair that Covems is sitting in.  A foot on each side of him, firmly planted on the chair seat.

Covems grins that grin at me and starts to slowly move his thighs outwards.  "Uh uh"...  I say to him.  "I wouldn't do that.  If I lose my balance, I might step somewhere where neither of us would like.  Well... especially you."

He winces at the thought of it, and his legs squeeze tighter together.  "That's better."    I begin to sway my body in front of him, dipping and moving so my legs take turns peeking out from under my coat.

I undo a button at the top of the coat, and bend at the waist.  I kiss his cheek, leaving a print on it.  Then I unbutton the coat all the way... slowly, bending and swaying with each button that gets undone.

My body's tight and fit from years of being on stage and dancing.  I have Covems' attention as I take my finger and rub it around my lips, smearing some of the gaudy red lipstick on my finger tip.  I put a dot on his forehead with it, then take the rest and rub it around my pussy.

Bending backwards, I can almost get my hands on the chair seat, but the seat isn't long enough.  I bend at my knees and press my crotch close to his lips and say.  "Kiss."

Then suddenly, before he does, I kick both my feet out and land firmly into Covems' lap with a slap. He winces and moans as all my weight lands on him.  My coat is wide open as I lean in and wrap my arms round him, pulling him tight against me.

Lowering my head, my lips are on his in a grinding, heated kiss.  All the while I'm humping my body against him, moving back and forth on his lap.  My tongue slips across his lips and I kiss him even harder.

Pulling back, I'm almost breathless from the feel of his kiss, I lean all the way back on his lap, my back flat against his legs.  My coat wide open and hanging down the side of the chair.  In one sqift move I reach back and put my palms flat on the floor and with a little kick, flip myself up off of his legs onto my hands, and complete the move by tucking my body and landing on my feet.

I grin at Covems and wink.  Then say....  "NEXT!"

Sexilicious begins to tickle with that feather again.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on June 03, 2013, 02:46:32 PM
We watch the scene unfold in the bar. It seems the girls are having their way with Covems. I spot the new chief, looking hot underneath that coat that is opened wide. She orders us to stand down, she got the situation under control and to carry-on with what we where doing.

Sexi slips past us to see what the fuss is all about, and spanks our bare bottom as she passes. Then she rushes off to some place we can't see but she comes back with a feather and walks to Covems to tease him.

Tango and i watch the scene in the bar forgetting we are bare naked, but when sexi returns she grabs both our stiff rods and pulls us both back to the spa.

Maybe now that more have seen that we are also having a party there, they would come and join
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on June 03, 2013, 02:59:01 PM
I finish tickling Covems and hands the feather to the closest person, so he won't see it was me who started it. ;D Sneaking off, I grab Tango and mrsexlover's stiff cocks. I whisper in their ears while stroking them so softly, "Let's go back and join the other two."

Undoing the towel, I drop it to the floor in the bar and grab their cocks again leads them back into the spa room. Sashaying my body giving all the guys a good view of the back, I giggle softly thinking if they want more of a view they have to come join.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mooncalf on June 03, 2013, 03:44:06 PM
Walking back to Covems with Brandybee in a close follow, my phone beeps that I have a message.  I get it out of my vest pocket, read the message then text this in reply:

Covems trussed up.  Get here quick.

I press send then put the phone back in my vest.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Mollie on June 04, 2013, 04:59:48 AM
Rummaging through my closet...  "where is it?"   rummage... rummage... "where the ...   is it?"

"Wait!"  I say to myself.  "The shop!"  I fly down the stairs to my shop and head straight to the little vintage clothing section.  There's a bureau there... I yank open the top drawer.  "YES!"

I get a message on my mobile:  "Covems trussed up.  Get here quick"  I strip off all my clothing, tossing them onto a divan that's nearby.  "No time for folding", I say.  I rush through getting the fur on.  It's not a real furry costume, but one of the only things I have with fur.


Examining myself briefly in the mirror, I then rummage through the shoes.  Good thing I haven't told Pafe about these yet and find a pair of matching boudoir shoes.  The fur is slightly different, but I'm sure no one will care.  I slip into a Mac to cover up... and a kerchief for my hair.

Locking up... I go to the garage and start the MG.  It's not supposed to rain, so I leave the top down.  Pressing the remote the garage door opens and I drive out.  Stopping only to make sure the garage door closes.

I brief drive to the Achat Bar & Grill...  getting out of the MG, the soles of my boudoir shoes crunch the gravel in the lot.  I toss the mac and the kerchief into the MG.  One last check of my fur, to be sure all the bits are in their proper place...  I then enter the bar...

It's loud... noisy... full of laughter and good cheer.  "Ahhh..." My thoughts slide through... "just the way I remember it... very cheery."

I spy Old Joe behind the bar.  His eyes light up when he sees me.  I grab his face and pull in him into a kiss.  We linger a moment and I press my cheek to his.  "Welcome home Mollie."  He whispers.

"Thank you Joe."  I whisper back, giving him one more peck on the cheek.

I look around... new faces... "Who are you?" I ask a hunky fellow sitting at the bar.  "They call me Old_Goat."  He says... I lean in and give him a soft, bit of a lingering kiss. 

"Hello... I'm Mollie."

I go down the length of the bar, introducing myself and grabbing all the men by their cheeks and pulling them into a kiss.  Jayc, JCM, Richard_Wolf.  I kiss the ladies on the cheek, that little pecky kind of kiss...   Snowbunny... All_for_you... Stone... TangoJane...

I just catch a glimpse of three naked people heading off to a new room.   "Hmmmm...  going to have to check that out.." are my thoughts.

I lean in next to ItsAmy123...  "Seems MoonCalf has the Cowboy trussed."  She giggles and offers me an onion sandwich.  "Oh joy!"  I say, "I am feeling quite famished."  I happily munch the sandwich.  "Who's idea for the sandwiches?"

"Brandy's"  ItsAmy123 answers.  We both start laughing... a bit of sandwich drops from my mouth.  We giggle at that, too.

Pafe and Satoire are standing next to Covems in that chair, and MoonCalf is next to her.  Brandybee is applying some of that bright red lipstick.  I wave to them all with a big, beaming smile.

I suck the crumbs of the sandwich from my fingers.  "Another?"  ItsAmy123 offers.  "Thank you."  I say as Amy breathes at me... "Wow!"  I say, waving my hand and we both break out laughing again.

"Joe."  I call down the bar.  "A black jack if you please... and something for my new friend here."  ItsAmy123 and I smile at each other and clink our glasses....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: All_for_you on June 04, 2013, 10:31:03 AM
Feeling the strong arm around my waist looking into his eyes he takes the goggles from my face and the soft feel of his finger rub over my forehead taking the hair from my face "I Wolkie" she say in a deep whisper.

"I'm All_for_you but everyone calls me Karen" I say in a soft voice *BANG*  *BANG* to gunshots fill the Bar my new saviour pull me call shielding me from harms way. Putting my hand on my hip looking for my pistols but it not there in this outfit "thinking to myself there's nothing in this outfit but me" Feeling his arm pulling me closer.

When my 2 colleagues jump out of the spa shouting *POLICE*naked as the day they were born with the pistols in hand ready for anything. Chief turns to them and stands them down " We got this go back to what you where doing"

Feeling myself tight against Wolfie  as we watch the ladies taking it in turns to leave lipstick on Covems
I hear the soft whisper ... "I'd have had the three girls hogg tied and kissed them one by one"
Hearing the words coming from him I wiggle hard against him....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Richard_Wolf on June 04, 2013, 03:50:11 PM
I smiled, no dust , just a lot of smoke from the guns the girl in the cowboy outfit had fired. I realized then that the gun shots had been blanks. I grinned at my reaction. "Well Karen ... I'm pleased to meet you ... " Feeling you wriggle against my body I relaxed my hold on you but not that much you could wriggle free ... You would have to ask me to let go of you.

A girl came in ..introduced herself with a kiss to your cheek and a more familiar kiss to my lips ... "I'm Mollie " she announced as she walked around kissing everyone in sight

I spoke in that same quiet voice for your ears only. "I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy this place Karen .. " I smiled paying little attention to those around me for now. I looked in to your eyes smiling faintly ...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on June 04, 2013, 04:08:01 PM
 I follow Moonie to where Covems is sat  tied up and being teased to death by Pafe & Satoire & Sexilicious with her feather.   I walk slowly  round the chair, seeing the knots are well tied, the red lipstick smeared on his face,   his open cut monkey suit and bare chest & large furry balls hanging down between his legs. The girls  are flashing and kissing him deeply.

I nod to myself pursing my lips – it might just work.  Satisfied I whisper to Mooncalf and she chuckles too. 

I ruffle Covems hair and return to the bar, spotting Mollie kissing all the men at the bar. 

I greet her in delight,   “ Hey girl, I’d kiss your cheek but you know... “  circling in front of my mouth grimacing & shaking my head in whiffy overplay. She  chuckles and nods holding up a sandwich  of onion she’s just bitten into too.  We both burst into laughter.  She orders another drink and we both say to Old Joe in unison “ Covems Tab “  causing us to giggle even more.

I move on to Stone, .. “ I hear you like to Dare people ..” I tease her

“ I have been known.. “ She grins back . 

“ Good,  so let me tell you this”  I move over to her and  the music and rumble of the bar loses my words except for her ears ...

Stone nods every now and then, smiling and chuckling  and says  “ 30 whole seconds”   I nod and continue..

After awhile,  I stop talking, step back, cock my head to one side, eyebrows  raised questioningly  and wait  for her answer......

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on June 04, 2013, 09:39:11 PM
I was sitting at the bar enjoying the races and teasing the hell out of JMC. When out of no where *BANG BANG*I didn't even get to turn around to look when JCM grabbed me and tucked me behind the bar.  Then I heard the words POLICEI was thinking wow it is getting crazy up in here now.

Then I hear a lot of laughter, I peeked over the bar to see what was going on and the girls where taking turns putting red lipstick on and just placing all these red lips over Covems. I *giggled* to myself, well and this just funny.  JCM put his arm around my waist and piulled me in closer, he  started to lean down and kiss  me. As I  smile up at him when this girl came by and turned him around and  kissed him and then kissed me on the cheek and introduced herself  as "Mollie".   JCM inroduced hisself and then intoduced me. I was looking at her outfit... *thinking to self that is very cute and I love the color purple* I smiled at her thinking she seemed very friendly, as she continued to make her way around the bar kissing everyone.

As she started to make her way around the bar, JCM leaned down and whispered in my ear, "this perfect time to go finish our tour of  the bar,how bout it sexy bunny", as he pulled back  after whispering that into my ear, he got this big smile on his face and winked.  I agreed with him as I finished off my drink I had, and I asked for one to take with me. The look in JCM eyes told me I would need one.  He grabbed my hand and we scurried away unnoticed. I don't even remember where we went, I just remembered pulling him back towards me as we was walking and gave him a kiss sliding my tongue past his sexy lips as we pulled apart. I smiled at him with a devilish smile... "I have been waiting a while to do that again", as I took a sip out of my drink.

"Tell me baby", as I looked up at him" where are we going??" He smiled." ooooh you will see my lil bunny its a surprise."  *damn * I thought to myself he is so damn fine. mm mmm mmmm! "Lead the way I will follow" I said to him.   
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on June 05, 2013, 01:48:07 AM
The two loud reports from what sounds like a large caliber hand gun startles the hell out of me, spewing my beer on the bar and nearby party goers. I crane my neck and see Mooncalf brandishing a “hog leg” she seems to be addressing Covems but  I cant make out what she is saying. She holsters the weapon to my relief and my heart starts beating again. I can see Amy smiling as she walks off the dance floor and I get a feeling something is at play here.

Then I see it…….the Chief of police and Satorie, are moving in on the totally unaware Covems locked in a kiss with moonie, then they have him…. in his big ball monkey costume I cant help but laugh.

Just when it cant get any crazier I hear Tango’s booming voice “POLICE”
I spin around to see a wet and naked Mrsexlover and Tango in the “weaver stance” knees slightly bent, a two handed grip on their service pistols  drawing down on the women. When the two officers realize the chief of police is present, they stand down  and return to the spa and more pressing matters.

And just like an old western movie but instead of a piano playing the Bars sound system kicks in and things get back to semi normal. I yell into Stone’s ear “what did he do now?”  she leans in and tells me  “the three Ms?” I yell back, she leans in again and explains. The smell of garlic and onions fills my nose as I look over at Brandy eating what looks like an onion sandwich.

Then I see Mollie has arrived and is making her way down the bar saying hi to old and new friends. Brandy gets up to greet her and points to Covems  trussed and off to the side of the dance floor a group of women standing over him. With the ladies lost in conversation and taking my spot at the bar I move down a bit to chat with Old goat, JD and Joe.

Joe hands me a fresh beer and inquires about Covems perdiciment I explain his misdeeds as Joe pours us all a shot of Wild Turkey. Joe raises his shot glass “to Coves better him than us” we all nod and drink and slam our glasses down hard on the bar.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on June 05, 2013, 08:57:20 AM
 I   am sitting in my little group with Jayc, Old_Goat and James_Dean (JD )  & watch the goings on at the bar with open interest.   My heart is thumping too from Moon Calf’s dramatic entrance firing off her pistols especially with the NSPD  infiltrating the AB&G on a regular basis .

Then again, we do have the finest rum donuts  on the planet.. thanks to Covems.  Even the Sex Police can’t resist the goodies  & temptations of the AB&G.  And of course since their raid, way back, the management insist  they are given every courtesy.

When  Tangoracer and  MrSexlover come running out  with their mighty erections and pistols cocked,  shouting “ POLICE “,  my eyes are fixed on their wonderful glistening bodies and I take a sandwich off   Brandy’s plate, hardly noticing the sting of the onion on my tongue.  “ Nice butts Gentlemen “ !!!

It’s the most excitement, I have had since ....  The Ice House.  That causes me to glance over at Covems who is being bound  to one of the AB&G  bar chairs by  Pafe - The Chief of Police , herself and one of her officers, Satoire.

 Whispers round the bar confirm, he had issued a challenge to Mooncalf, that was obviously his first mistake.  Then if rumours were right,  he had fired off a few choice words that very few dare to speak in here, or if they do, it’s to their own peril.

Jayc leans into me -  “ What did he do now?”   
“ Rumour has it,  I think he riled Mooncalf .. and used the 3 M  words”   I answer giggling.  “ Kind of serves him right .

“ The M words?”  Jayc queries
I lean closer to whisper in his ear  “ Mooncalf,  Mom, Milf, Mature and Maybe Mollie “  I add as I see her enter the bar too and order a  Black Jack from Old Joe .

Jayc explains to the other guys near us and they all grimace and shake their heads in sympathy for poor old Covems.

Brandy approaches me and calls me on a dare I recently issued to her. I knew at some point, she would not be able to resist taking up the mantle in some way or form.  She dares me to race her and true to form, there’s always a way to get some payback .  I listen to  her with amusement and then she steps back, waiting for my answer...

I look her in the eyes , “  You know what...  I’m going to take your challenge”

Brandy grins at me. “  I knew you would..  but I reckon, I can beat ...  such.. a fat knacker “   She teases over an old joke when we first met good naturedly.  My boobs and bum are bigger and more rounded than hers and she has always been envious!!

I grin back at her..  “  Well I guess someone who is as ugly as sin may just be taught a valuable lesson in a few moments “  I repost,  referring to her description once of webbed feet , hooked nose and humped back when she was teasing a guy about her good lucks and charms.

We both burst out laughing and she throws me an onion to put in my pocket ...

“ You’re on... “  She replies....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Richard_Wolf on June 05, 2013, 09:37:46 AM
I was teasing Karen. Runing my finger tip along her lower jaw and back to her ear, circling the outer rim of her ear slowly. I pulled the chain from my shirt, the key dangling from it so she would see it and probably know what it was ....Maybe not though. "I want to take you somewhere ... a little less noisy and populated .. " I waited until she nodded, watching her eyes lower from mine to the key I dangled from the chain. "Only I will have to blindfold you Karen... " I was smiling wondering how she felt about  me blindfolding her here and leading her from the Bar to some place I would take her that she wouldn't know how to get out of so quickly....

I let my finger tips trickle down her throat before they dropped to my pocket, from that pocket I pulled the black materiel. I held it in front of her eyes smiling tempting her, teasing her with the promise of us being alone together ...

I took a quick glance around the bar as I waited for her reply. I saw Brandy and Stone talking quietly and muttering .. then they both laughed .. as though they had just cooked up something between them.   
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on June 05, 2013, 10:53:53 AM
To my utter delight, Stone accepts my racing challenge and I throw her a small onion to put in her pocket.

J2D2 has the items blown up ready and I take one and throw it to Stone.  A Space Hopper with a big cheesy grin on the side.  I place my high heeled  flippers on and goggles and Stone does the same.

We bounce to the starting line and  Jcm is ready with the stop watch.  My wasp tail  sits nicely on the back of the space hopper, crackling now and then to show its faint electricity current is well & truly on.

I nod my head at  Mooncalf,  who quickly with others tips  Covems chair and places in the path of our race , like a victim waiting for the train to come, half way up the track and in front of the pole.

And  Jcm counts us down...   3   2    1    go....
We bounce like the clappers  and head straight for Covems. His eyes are wide in his red lipstick coloured face. 

Stone’s  hair and  big breasts are bouncing and almost coming free of her furry racoon top.  We are neck and neck but need to stream line to jump over the shortest height of the chair, which is the back rest where Covems  chest and head are. 
I have the advantage of high heeled flippers  and edge forwards but Stone shoulder charges and pushes me off balance.  She gains an advantage and bounces over  Covems  head first narrowly missing his head, but cuffing his ear  with a gentle touch of the bottom of the Space hopper.  Lucky, very lucky!!

I have a higher point to bounce over now but what the hell,  I bounce  to balance on the edge of the chair and as I do so my tail goes up and then down,  making contact with Covems  upper thigh and a faint  low volt of electricity  jolts into him.  I hear him moan as he feels the force of the low bee sting. I grin,  maybe he was expecting more... 

I bounce off the chair and  chase after Stone.  She hears Covems moan and looks back to see if I have fallen, losing  some of her bouncing rhythm. Too late, she realises her mistake and I gain some ground, bouncing well into my stride now.

MoonCalf  & the others move in again and  places Covems  upright , facing the pole .  He must be getting disorientated with all these sudden movements.

We are heading for the pole,  and we have to  twirl on it three times.  Stone beats me again and gets best pole position.   She throws the Space Hopper into the crowd. This girl is an exceptional pole dancer..  I watch impressed as she  goes high on the pole  turning herself upside down   and starts an upside  down   Chair Spin. Her racoon dress rides up to her upper thighs showing her panties.

I throw my Space Hopper to the nearest person. I grab the pole under her and mirror the chair spin the correct way up .  My tail cackles a little and my thong tightens  in the valley of my cheeks showing my toned buttocks to perfection.

Stone mains the momentum  and turns the Chair spin into her second one -  She throws her legs wide open doing the slits, showing her muscular inner thighs and cute little black panties,   and still upside down , rounds the pole quite easily. She then uses her legs to upright herself..

My second spin is the diva.  One leg hooked around the pole and the other pointing out  in my spin.

Stone’s last  & third spin is pure genius and she uses my shoulder as leverage to push herself round -  she does a Peter Pan spin which enables her  to jump over me to finish landing on her feet.

My last spin is a body spiral spin ,  and I complete a couple of seconds after  Stone. The race is still pretty much anybody’s.

Stone is a few seconds ahead of me and taking her  onion from out of her pocket.  She is biting and peeling away the brown unedible layers.  I do the same..  Then we are both crunching  the white flesh of our onion, scoffing and swallowing it as fast as we can.  Our eyes tear up underneath the scuber masks and our nostrils begin to secrete.

We are both sniffing and almost blind as we force the whiffy onion down.  We show our empty mouths to the audience to show they are clear of onion and all is swallowed.  The Bushwacker trials would be proud of our efforts.

 Then the next stage is smearing  the red lipstick on our lips. Without a mirror and in a race,  we look more like clowns as we pile it on. Then we are off running in our flippers to reach Covems our goal.

Stone jumps on his lap, grabs his head tilts it back, pushes her goggles back, and snogs him. A full blown, snotty, teary,  whiffy onion breathed , greasy lipsticked kiss.   And he’s got 2 of those to come... 

I start to count as I watch her go for it...  1 2 3 4 5 6 ... right up to 30  ..

At  the count of 30,  Stone gets off his lap & I sit astride him  for mine, wiggling a little to get comfy .. then lower my onion breath snotty kiss for him too,  pushing my tongue into his mouth to get the full onion, garlic and chive sandwiches of earlier..

The  girls cheer as I go for a full blown sexy kiss  spoilt only by the snot, tears, whiffy breath and greasy red lipstick... and do the count of 30 too.... 1   2   3   4   5   .....

As my kiss ends,  Stone & I grab hands and run hell for leather to the finishing line, quite breathless leaving Covems in the capable hands of his captors.

We cross the line together &  draw . We raise our hands in victory  and wait for our times to display on the big screen .......

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on June 05, 2013, 11:06:31 AM
After i enter the SPA following my Master, what i see make my blood start to run wild in my vein......all i can remember is the view of three bodies involved in hot and wonderful games, then i just can remember my Master voice giving me somne orders, tiss suddenly....


Gun's shoots sound fill the air, coming from the B&G main room: Master Tango and Mrsexlover hold their gun and run out of the SPA both naked.
Stray and i look each other trying to understand what's going on when i notice sexilicious following the guys outside, a little pissed off. I stand up and take a look around, walking in the SPA and observing all the mess our little gamehad bring in it: the water of the tub as fallen oon the floor, clothes everywhere.....but my attention is caught from some of them in particular.....cape, mantle....those are the clothes weared by the two hooded figures! So they were Mrsexlover and sexilicious!

"mmm.....interessing!" i think, grinning at what i discover "they must have a special reward for their service even, weeelll.......seems they had found one!"

I turn to face Stray, who is taking a look outside the door: her pretty ass wiggling in front of me looks .like it's asking for some attention.....i smirk at that view, sure she's doing it on purpouse to tease me....even if it's the first time for her in the B&G, i notice her reaction when my Master and i entered in the SPA....she doesn't look shocked or worried cause two stranger had caught her in some hot play, she looks pleased by it!
Slowly, i move near her and hold tight her bum cheeks in my hands.

"Caught you!" i yell, pulling her inside the SPA and pushing her body on one of the massage bed.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on June 05, 2013, 03:24:36 PM

Satoire hops up onto the seat, straddling my legs.  "Nimble little minx."  I think, smirking slightly at the use of yet another "M" word.  I get an idea of opening my legs and knocking her feet from the chair, but she assures me that would result in a bad thing.  I heed her warning, and press them together.

I watch as she sways her body, exposing bits of soft flesh to my gaze.  A man can't help but watch such a bodacious display as Lady Satoire can do.  Those dancer's legs look like she could crack walnuts with them, fit... toned.

And when Satoire unbuttons her coat to display even more of her charms to me, I can't help but think that is isn't such a bad predictment to be in at all.  That is until she flops down on me like a sack of seed.  It's worth it though to watch her roll herself off me, that coat of hers wide open... her body naked... exposed.  I want to applaud when she's finished, but... well.. my hands are busy.

Moonie and Miss Brandy circle me in the chair, russlin' through my hair and checking my bonds.  Then they wander off back to the bar.  My gaze follows them.  "A couple of fine lookin' Moms there."  I think.

I see Mollie wandering in, and greeting everyone in her usual manner.  Kisses for all.  Mollie's never been shy, at least not since I've known her.  "Another Munchkin."  I think...  "and mature one, at that."  She leans in next to Amy and I can't help think another plot's being hatched.

Then comes one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen in my life. Miss Brandy in her bee suit and Miss Stone in a racoon costume mount what appears to be two Hippity Hops, only these aren't the red ones I'm used to seeing.  These have smiley faces on them.

My chair is spun and I'm laid on my back.  Then they're off!  Bouncing towards me like a runaway locomotive. "Bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp"  Closer and closer they get.  I feel like Penelope tied to the train tracks... I'm expecting them to veer off to the sides, but no... they're jostling for position!

"Oh crap."  I think...   "they're gonna bomp on me."  Miss Stone bomps over my head.. and Miss Brandy's stinger grazes my thigh with a little shock.  It's not a bad buzz.. I got more shocked from the electric fence... but it's still surprising.

I'm spun in the chair again and placed upright.  All the jostling of me has caused my arms and hands to slide around the back of the chair.  I'm now facing the pole and watch in complete awe as the two Missies do three phenominal spins around it.

Eating onions and smearing lipstick.. the two matrons of the AChat Bar & Grill approach me... their faces are wet with snot and sweat... their lipstick is smeared and it makes them look like The Joker from Batman.

Miss Stone plops into my lap.  "Nice tushie"  I think as she settles in, and grabs my head.  I await the kiss and Miss Stone does not mess around.  I close my eyes to savor it.  Messy... wet... greasy... with the aroma and taste of onions.  I like it!  For a full 30 seconds this goes on.  I try to follow her lips as she pulls away.  "Wow!"  Is all I can say.

Miss Brandy's next, wiggling her bottom on me as she gets herself comfortable.  Her lips press to mine... again... snotty... wet... and reeking of onions and garlic.  A deep kiss... I like it!  I've had cattle and horses sneeze in my face.. a little female snot and sweat is fine with me.  It's what is behind the goo that counts.  Again, I try to keep her lips on me by moving as she backs off. 

I watch as the two of them, hand in hand race to the finish line and a flurry of "M" words race through my mind.  "Mom, mother, mentsoli, miss, mum, milisno, mumsy, matriarch, minx, mademoiselle, milf, mature, ma, mama, memom, matron, mommy, mare, mistress, misses, madame, maiden..." 

A big grin spreads across my face as I think of one more "M" word.  "Marvelous."

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on June 05, 2013, 04:25:52 PM
My back leans against the bar counter, as I sit on my stool and my eyes remained locked on Covems and the three girls. I can't help but smirk, laugh and giggle at the amusing sight. Sipping from my 5th drink of the night, I begin to feel kinda hazy.

Brandy and Stone are seated nearby me. We laugh and giggle together. I grin wide when Brandy offers me one of her onion sandwiches.  ::) We all sit there watching in amusement and continue to munch on 'em onions. Some of 'em almost come flying out of my mouth when I burst out laughing at the sight of  the two cops running in butt-naked with their pistols. I continue to laugh until Satoire and Pafe diffuse the situation and the cops are out of sight.

Mooncalf walks towards me and we engage in small talk. She ensures that I'm okay with everything going on. *Awee such a sweet lady* I think to myself. "Hellz yeah girl!" I exclaim.. *Clinking my glass with hers* .. "Think I might have to pay for being in on the plan later though.." I chuckle, winking at her  ;)

I go back to watching. Pafe and Satoire are having their way with Cove, who's covered in lipstick. My eyes widen when Cove's costume is ripped and his chest is exposed. I lick my lips slightly. Feeling suddenly thirsty, I gulp down some more of my drink. My mind starts wandering.. with thoughts of me running my nails.. tongue.. and lips along his chiseled chest fill up my mind.

My state of trance is broken by someone introducing them-self. I look up and its this lady, in a hot purple outfit. She introduces herself as Mollie, and I smile. Complimenting her outfit, I continue to grin like a fool. "Heard a lot about you! It's great finally getting to meet ya in person".  ;D Our attentions shift to Covems, and we both burst out laughing at the sight of him. I offer her an onion sandwich and we giggle some more.

"They were Brandy's idea", I answer when she asks, still chuckling. I offer her another one, giving her a whiff of my breath. She scrunches her nose up slightly and waves her hand. "Guess those sandwiches did their job," I say coyly, and we giggle some more. "Here's to being new friends." I exclaim when Mollie hands me my drink, and we clink our glasses together.

In the midst of our continued conversation, all we hear is James counting down and we turn our heads to see Brandy and Stone getting ready to race each other. I smirk at the sight of Cove being placed in the middle of their pathway.. *Here goes nothing....* I think to myself, as they both bounce off towards him. Stone's in the lead at first, but then Brandy catches up. I cheer, whistle and clap when they both make their way back to the finish line, hand in hand. "You Go Hot Chikas!!" I shout out.

Me and Mollie grin and giggle some more, clinking our glasses together again.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Mollie on June 06, 2013, 05:05:37 AM
Watching Stone and Brandybee's antics with the Space Hoppers and the way they kiss Covems gets me stirring with anticipation.  I cheer wildly... clapping my hands as they run across the finish line hand in hand.

Oh... I just can't resist any longer!  "Joe, may I have a wet bar towel?  Please."  I ask.  I finish off my Black Jack, then I tell ItsAmy123 that I'll be back soon.  As Joe hands me the towel I say to him while pointing to my glass, "Refill please, you handsome man."

Sauntering over to Covems, sashying my hips with a bit of exaggeration.  I look at Pafe and follow her eyes down to my boudoir shoes, her eyes get wide and she looks me in the face.  I smile and wink at her.

I can feel the gauze of my very thin robe fluttering behind me.  Covems' eyes are on me, with that burning look that he has.  I can feel his eyes peeling away each layer of what little bit of clothing I have on.

"Well... well..."  I say to Covems quietly.  "It seem as if you've gotten yourself into a bit of trouble again, haven't you?"  I approach him, and stand right in front of his knees... the wet towel hanging from my hand.  "You just never learn, do you?"  I ask.  "Or maybe you just desire the attention." 

I take the towel and wad it up in my hand, then I sit on his lap.  "Oh bother", I say while facing Covems, my legs straddling him and begin to wipe his handsome face.  "I want to do so many wicked things to you."  Tenderly... very gently... I wipe away the sweat and the lipstick.  "But I can't bring myself to...  just look what they've done to you."  I whisper to him.  "Tsk, tsk.  Poor Covems... in trouble again." 

I wipe his brow and around those beautiful blue eyes.  Then leaning back slightly, I pull my top aside, exposing my busom... I hunch myself forward on his lap.  Those eyes follow my motions, up and down me they roam.

Pressing my breasts into that wonderful chest hair of his, I slide them back and forth to get comfortable I feel my nipples stiffen.  Then I slide my hands along those big shoulders and up Covems' neck, taking his face in them.  Beginning to feel a bit guilty about the onion sandwich, my fingers hook behind his ears gently as I pull him towards me.

My lips just barely touch Covems' lips at first.  Softly... tenderly.  My hands slide around to the back of his head.  One goes up into his hair... damp with perspiration... the other along the back of his neck.  Our kiss deepens... I press my lips harder on his.

Our lips move against each other, hungry, passionate.  I try to count in my mind... 9, 10.. but I get lost in the feel of his lips... lost into our kiss. The room goes quiet for me as all my attention... all my senses melt into the kiss of this man.  With a bit of reluctance, I break the kiss, lean back slightly, smiling softly and look into those beautiful eyes.

"All that time I was gone, Covems."  I say.  "Nearly 4 months, I was absent from here... and out of all the friends and acquaintances in my list, there was only one who was concerned enough to have messaged me.  "You, Covems... "  I lean in and pull him into another kiss.  Breaking the kiss again, I press my cheek against Covems' cheek and whisper into his ear.  "... have no idea how good that made me feel when I logged into my account after all that time."  I kiss his cheek.  "Thank you Covems, and I want to tell you that I too am proud and very glad to have you for my friend."

I stand up and straighten my bits of cloth, covering myself and say to him.  "Now... behave yourself, Cowboy."  I lean down again and give him another kiss on the cheek.

I make my way back to the bar... I can feel his eyes following me... I retake my position next to ItsAmy123 we clink our glasses together.  "Go get him, Honey."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: All_for_you on June 06, 2013, 06:51:07 AM
Feeling Wolfie running his finger under my chin and around my ear I  watch as he pulls a chain out from around his neck with an old key on it. Keeping my eyes fixed on his I hear him softly say

 "I want to take you somewhere ... a little less noisy and populated .. " I  nodd, lowering my eyes to the key His dangled from the chain. "Only I will have to blindfold you Karen... "he adds

Looking at the Key I think to myself "That's an Ice House Dungeon key But how did he get one you have to be invited to own one of them" Keeping my eyes locked on the key "He must have been give one of the guest Dungeon keys"

Feeling his hand run down my front and the leave my body still staring at the key when a Black Materiel brakes my focus I stare at it and smile at this man in front of me

I close my eyes as I feel the soft Materiel touch my face covering my eyes, taking a deep breath as the Materiel tighten around my head. I feel a the strong arm around my waist turn me and pull me tight into his side.

"Walk straight Karen and I will guide you" he whispers in my ear..........
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: stray on June 06, 2013, 10:07:16 AM
"Caught you!" i yell, pulling her inside the SPA and pushing her body on one of the massage bed.

When HB push me on the bed I'm so confused about the chaos of just few moments ago but I'm also horny, so without think about what I'm doing I open my legs and pull HB to me.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on June 06, 2013, 12:59:19 PM
With the Chief standing us down Sexi takes us by our softening cocks in her hands and leads us back into the spa dropping her towel
as she walks throw the door.
We leave the door open to let people join us if they wish

As we walk back in I see my Pet on one of the message beds with Stray's legs coming out from under her. stop and watch her ass move as she slides deep in and out of Stray feeling Sexi moving her hand on my hardening cock I move towards My Pet on the bed and slide my hand over her sweet ass. Letting my finger slide down over her little tight entrances stopping my finger tip over it. I feel my Pet move herself back against it and relax her entrance Letting me slide my finger deep into her feeling her warmth as my finger goes deep inside her.

I hold my hand still letting my Pet move in and out Stray and have my finger slide in and out of her tight sweet ass.

Sexi still with our hard cock in her hand she drops to her knees and takes us both one at a time deep into her mouth feeling her moist lips around my shaft as she takes me deep and deep I can't help but slide a second finger into my Pet.

I look down at Sexi as she moves over to my partner mrsex and take him deep into her throat the look at my Pets ass with my fingers deep inside her
I bit my bottom lip I can't resist it any more I move up onto the bed and kneel behind my Pet taking my Fingers out of her and run the tip of my cock over her entrance feeling her stop moving her hips I push forward and slide deep into my Pet. taking hold of her hips I push her forward pushing her into Stray as I holding my Pet Forward deep in Stray's wetness I pull back letting my cock slide half way out.

Pulling my Pet back onto my shaft then pushing her back into Stray after doing this a few times she starts to move on her own sliding into Stray and back onto Me...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on June 06, 2013, 03:12:03 PM
Stone and I are still laughing as Old Joe passes us damp bar towels to wipe the goo and gung off our faces..

Molly snogs Covems in one of the hottest , smouldering kisses yet....   Just as she finishes,  a thought suddenly occurs to me ....

"Hey do you know  I clean forgot  something in all the excitement "  I say to Stone  &  ItsAmy123

I climb over the bar counter & ring the bar bell.... 

   " Ladies & Gentlemen..  it seems like we have some special people in the bar tonight ...  News is in on the Winner of the Erotic  Story Contest 4  - First Time.  our very own ......  JAYC    ....   who just happens to have a birthday too  ..."

Loud cheers erupt from  the people during the interval of  the Covems flloor show  and a  Happy Birthday Jayc rendition fills the room.  Jayc holds his hand up to acknowledge the crowd looking a little bashful   :D

The birthday song finishes  to hip hip horrays and then after a short while,  I continue  by ringing the bell again...

" And we also have the runners up of the contest .... Mr Covems  over there   and  Ms Momma_Andrea "

Again there are cheers and rounds of applause.     I clap my hands too and as it all begins to die down ...   I shout "     May the games continue , a round of drinks on the house "  and more quietly to Old Joe   ... "  On Covems Tab ok "    ;D

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Richard_Wolf on June 06, 2013, 04:16:41 PM

Watching you look at the key, then glance up in to my eyes ... back to the key. I saw that  smile on your face as you looked at the blindfold in my hand. I lifted the thick black materiel slowly placing it over your eyes and around your head. I tied it in a single knot  that could quickly be removed if needs must.

I took a hold of your hand and placed it around my waist, tucking you against me "Now Karen ... I'll keep you safe. You just  walk straight and I will guide you safely to our destination.... "    I started walking, blindfolds to me are a thing of trust and I wouldn't allow you to loose the trust you had just placed in my hands.

As we started walking I gave directions, "There are steps coming up ... There .." pausing so you could ready yourself "Three steps down ... there down ... down .. down ... " Out side now in the parking lot I guided you around two cars and around the corner "Some on left a horse out here .. " Guiding safely around the horse. I opened a door and led you through it and along the corridor. I felt colder in here and I felt you  shiver and gave to you a squeeze ti pull you closer.

(To Be Continued on another page ....))
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on June 06, 2013, 09:16:06 PM
I clink my glass one last time with Mollie's, as I gulp the rest of my drink down in one shot. I hop off my stool, just as Brandy diverts everyone's attention with her announcement.

My eyes remain locked on Cove, as I make my way towards him. My hips sway with each step I take towards him.

Just as everyone finishes singing Jayc 'Happy Birthday', I stand in front of Cove. One hand cups and fondles his cheek, the other hand on my hip. "Why hello there.." I whisper, smirking down at him. He smirks back.. a spark of mischief stemming from his eyes. "I was wondering when you'd make your way back to me", he replies.

I settle myself down onto his lap, snuggling in real close.. deliberately pressing my breasts against his exposed chest. "Congrats on coming in second..." I continue to whisper, as I nibble on his earlobe. "Absolutely loved your story".. I go on to say whilst planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, my eyes meet his gaze. "I've been munchin' on them onion sandwiches" I murmur, as he begins to lean in. "I like onions", he whispers back coyly.. and our lips meet again.

My arms tighten their grip around his neck, pulling him in closer, as my fingers comb strands of his hair. My other hand maneuvers to his hands, untying his restraints. They quickly wrap around my waist, locking me in tight against him. Soft, gentle and tender at first, our kiss slowly turns into another long, passionate, lingering one...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 08, 2013, 05:11:56 AM
Standing at the bar I get my drink orders from Old Joe who notices I look glum.
"Who shit in your corn flakes, Darlin'?"
It took a second for my distracted mind to process that." WHAT?!"
"What's wrong, Andrea? I need you alert with this rowdy crowd."
I waved him off. "Its my guy, he left town, sudden like.  AND Lover wrote a song and wants me to sing it with him."
"Guys have business, he'll be back. As for Lover, You don't like to sing?"
"Have you heard me sing?" I yelled over the ruckus, implying I was terrible.
"Everytime you're happy. I can only guess why that is." Old Joe gave me a wink.
The old man mad ME blush. I do sing the next day after... I never thought anyone was listening.

"Well I got drinks to deliver" my face red, I picked up my tray and left Old Joe in a hurry.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: All_for_you on June 08, 2013, 07:34:52 AM
Standing at the Bar feeling the blindfold being pulled tight over my eyes, I hear his soft calm voice "Now Karen ... I'll keep you safe. You just  walk straight and I will guide you safely to our destination.... "

We started walking and in his soft voice gives me directions, "There are steps coming up ... There .." We pause at the top to ready yourself "Three steps down ... there down ... down .. down ... " I step down on his command. Feeling cool air on my face and wet breasts "We're out side Where is he taking me" I think to myself", I follow is every word only walking in straight lines turning twice I then hear a horse. Feeling him take my waist, "Some on left a horse out here .. "  He guides me safely around the horse and tells me to "Stop"  I here a door open and he leads me through it. Walking into the Ice House I feel the cold air I shiver as it gets colder the further into the Great Hall.

I feel him pull me close to him to let me feel the warmth from his body,  "I think back to the last time I was in here the opening night and what I saw happen here"

(To Be Continued on another page ....)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 08, 2013, 05:46:39 PM
Lover crooks his finger at me and I come over with my serving tray and Bunny suit and he whispers in my ear.
"Now?" my lips mouth.
And he nods.
Putting my tray down I move to the low stage. and grab the mic and flip it on on the sound board
 "Um, hello Everybody. Lover and I have re-written an old classic and He..I mean  We would like to do it for you. Lover?"
I point to him hoping this wasn't a joke and he leaves me standing up here.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on June 08, 2013, 05:50:40 PM
I laugh and go to stage. "No it wasnt a joke Andrea"
Looking to the crowd i say " Momma_Andrea and i had an idea while we were talking and we thought you like it. It's a song we have written based on the wonderful Beatles song "All my loving"

Everyone is looking. Take my guitar, tap three times and nod to Andrea.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 08, 2013, 05:55:03 PM
Singing a little nervous into the mic

Open your legs and I'll Kiss you
tomorrow I'll miss you
Remember I'll always be true
And then while I'm away
I'll rub off everyday
and I'll send all my panties to yoouu

*i cant help but giggle a little*

All my panties, I will send to you
  All my panties, darling they're for you

I'll pretend that I'm kissing
 The cock that Im missing
 you know that my cream is for yoouu
 and then while I'm away
 I'll rub off everyday
 And I'll send all my panties to yoouu

*i get more confident as we go and I keep my Eye on lover instead of the crowd*

All my panties, I will send to you
 All my panties, darling they're for you

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on June 08, 2013, 06:00:03 PM
Wow.. I'm impressed by her wonderful voice. The first second she was bit shy but then she sang full of joy, loud and clear.

We're looking at each other and smiling about the lyrics. But also everyone in room is laughing. Obviously they like the new text.
As she finished the refrain I wink to her and start to sing:

I pretend that I'm kissing
your LIPS I am missing

(looking down to her)

and my hard cock is aching for you
And then while I'm away
I'll rub off everyday
and I hope that my dreams will come true

We sing together:

All my panties, I will send to you
All my panties, darling they're for you
All my panties, All my panties oooh
All my panties I will send to you

As the song is over everyone is cheering and applausing. We hug, kiss and then bow down to the audience. They are shouting for an extra song but we just have this one. Who knows.. perhaps we get another idea ;)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 08, 2013, 06:03:46 PM
I bow again and smile at everyone and dash off stage to get my tray.
"Thanks, Lover" and I wade into the crowd.
"Support gifting panties everyone!!"  My bunny ears a beacon of were I am.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on June 08, 2013, 11:22:34 PM
I get the crowd to rise to their feet for a standing ovation for Momma_andrea and Lover's song. in a word  Brilliant and will be in my head for the next few days  :D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on June 09, 2013, 01:47:18 AM
As I was just getting ready for my personal tour by JCM, as he was leading me away from the bar.  We shared a kiss and I became in a trance. All of a sudden I heard a familiar tune. I broke our passionate kiss and turned to look up at the stage. And who do I see but it was Momma Andrea and Lover singing a Beatles tune, but they rewrote some of the words.  Momma_Andrea looked nervous at first but really got into the song after the first verse or so. She had a great voice,.. then Lover joined her while they closed the song out together. It was a catchy tune
All my panties, I will send to you
All my panties, darling they're for you
All my panties, All my panties oooh
All my panties I will send to you

I was laughin' at how they changed the words to it, but it was put together quite well. JCM and I both cheered and clapped for them both along with all the other cheers from the bar. "Good Job, you guys that was great!" I shouted while chuckling across the crowd.  JCM then wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and leaned down to my ear and whispered, "Let's get out of here now, while we can."  He finished by kissing my neck as he took me by my hand and spun me around and started to lead me away from the crowd. I had chills running all over me now as I look at him from behind in that sexy lil loins cloth,... "Take me where ever you please....." I giggled and lightly moaned, "mmmmmmm"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pafe on June 09, 2013, 04:29:15 AM

   Watch the hysterical bouncing race of Stone and Brandybee has Satoire and I roaring with laughter.  Those two are just so much fun and I think they operate this establishment with an aplomb unmatched.

   Next Mollie does that sashay to Covems, with a towel in her hand.  I spot her shoes, and my eyes open wide with delight!  I want those!  But then I realize that if she has them on, they'll be too big for me.  Darn.

   Mollie gently, lovingly wipes Covems' face and her little speech to him has me thinking about the Hurricane... and how with us, too... when I first logged on after days of not having power and no internet access, there was an e-mail from Covems.  It contained words of concern and offers of assistance... and then he posted that we were both okay to all here in the Forum.

   This from a man who had his own troubles and worries as a result of the storm.  I begin to feel a little guilty as Mollie and Covems engage in a very sensual kiss.

   "Darn it, Sat."  I whisper.  "I think we should untie him.  Even though he can be such a pain in the ass, it is always with humor and he always means well."

   Mollie has ended her kiss and goes back to the bar.  ItsAmy123 is next to sit on Covems' lap and she too gives him a very sexy, sensual kiss.  We watch as his hands are freed and they immediately go to hold her.

   "Lets get his clothes for him."  Satoire says, and goes over to the end of the bar and knocks on the panel.  It slides down with a thunk.  We explain to Grumpy what we want.

   "Would you please go get Covems' clothes for him from his room?"  I ask.

   He agrees and Grumpy and Happy come out of the panel.  It closes quickly behind them.  Satoire grabs Happy's arm.  "Don't forget his hat."  She says.   The two dwarfs scamper off.

   We listen to Lover and Momma_Andrea sing their song.  They both have marvelous singing voices, and the song is a funny one.  We applaud wildy when they finish.  "Bravo!"

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mooncalf on June 09, 2013, 06:27:02 AM
The two bouncing racers are a sight to behold!  Heading straight for Covems, I begin to become concerned that some harm might come to him, but they expertly steer their bouncy balls and narrowly miss him.  I too, cheer as they cross the finish line hand in hand.

Next, Mollie takes her seat on Covems' lap, and they exchange a sensous kiss.

"How does he do it?"  I ask Pafe and Satoire.  "How does he go from riling a body up, to the point you want to kick him... then the next minute all you want to do is hug him... How does he do that?"

"The first thing he ever said to me was he asked how I escaped.   When I asked what he meant by that, he told me there was a seperate section of AChat for people MY age!  So I asked him about that too... now I was brand new... this was my second day... so I almost believed him... then he said there's a "Granny Section", but to be careful when I'm in there because the "Old Fogies" like to try and hook you with their canes."

"So, you see,"  I continue, "I went from starting to get angry to laughing."

Mollie finishes her kiss and goes back to the bar.  I watch as ItsAmy123 makes her move on Covems, and another sensous kiss ensues.

I'm just about to say that I think it's time to turn the cowboy loose, when I see that ItsAmy123 has already done that.  I watch as those big hands move from her waist to her back.

Pafe and Satoire are chatting with a little feller about getting Cove's clothes for him when I approach them.  "It was fun."  I say to them, and we clink our glasses and congratulate ourselves on a fine roundup.

Lover and Momma_Andrea's song is very entertaining, and both their voices are pleasant to listen to.  I applaud with the rest of the bar as they take their bows.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on June 10, 2013, 04:39:18 PM
All my panties, I will send to you
All my panties, darling they're for you
All my panties, All my panties oooh
All my panties I will send to you

Jayc, Stone, Old_Goat, James_Dean  & I  all use our bottles of bud as mikes  belting out the chorus  of Lover's & Momma_Andrea's song ... its such a catchy tune .... 

Jayc and the patrons of the AB&G give them a standing ovation   "  Encore, Encore"  we chant wanting one more chorus  .... ;D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on June 11, 2013, 02:21:00 PM
JCM lead me out the doors and we headed toward the fire pit. I started to smile to myself as I seen the lavish  pillows and blankets out by the fire pit . No fire was lit for it was Summer and the evenings were warm. This particular night in fact was just beautiful.  The skys were clear, the stars shined really bright out, and its was not overly hot, it was warm but comfortable.  As we get to the pit, JCM sits me on his lap.  He supported me and held me by the waist with one arm, and reached up so tenderly with his other hand.  As I reached my hands around his neck, and embraced our lips came together in a hard and lustful kiss.

As the breathing intensified and the kiss got deeper, I felt my me body temperature started to rise.  And then our first encounters started to flood my mind.  It didn't take much for me to get lost in his kisses.  As our bodies got entwined with each other and closer to one another, I could feel what was pulsating just past his loin's cloth that barely was covering him at this time.  As we continued to not break the kiss, he lifted me up and layed me down on the pillows and blankets. 

His body was now next to mine as his hand was able to explore.  He started to kiss me down my neck, to wear he had already loosen up my tied top.  His hand reached and cupped one breast as he didn't hesitate sucking and lightly biting the other nipple.  I started to let out whimpers of pleasure. As I threw  my head back and enjoyed the sensations this was giving me.  My legs started to open wider as he threw a leg over mine when he started on the other nipple. I knew as he moved in this close to me how wet he was making me. I could feel his leg right up against me, as I started to move against it.  I could also feel what it was doing to him, as he rested right on top of my thigh.

Our breathing got heavier as our lips met again, out tongues was entwined with each other.  He had worked hisself completely in between my legs and my legs was rested upon his thighs. As we kissed I could feel his harden cock against my wetness,...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on June 11, 2013, 03:43:31 PM

"A Mollie kiss is something every man should experience."  I think as she rises from my lap, saying her sweet words.  "You forgot to tell me if you liked my jokes."  I say to her quietly.  She smiles that smile at me, winks and heads back to the bar.

The bell rings again.  "Free Drinks!"  races through my mind... Miss Brandy makes her announcement of Jayc's victorious story in the erotic story contest  we all cheer for him and for Momma_Andrea who's story came in second.  It is Jayc's birthday and the bar erupts into a chorus of The Happy Birthday song, and even I join in from my chair with my hands tied behind my back.

I see Mollie saying something to Miss Amy and watch as Amy downs her drink.  Her walk towards me is subtle, our eyes lock together, her lips form that "come hither" grin.  Amy's hand feels electric when it touches my cheek, it's a soothing and exciting touch all rolled into one bale.

Enjoying the feel of Amy's weight as she settles into my lap.  My eyes are begging for a kiss from Amy's lips.  She presses against me in that way she knows I like and whispers hotly in my ear and nibbles on my lobe.  The nibbles and whispers evolve into a deep kiss.

Finally ... my hands are freed.  Miss Amy is on my lap and my arms quicly envelope her in a tangled embrace.  Lips pressed together, mouths moving in a hungry kiss... arms pressing her closer to me... hands move up to her shoulders.  The feel of her against me is special to me.  She tastes like an onion sandwich... making me even hungrier for her kiss.

Time and space evaporate for me as I ride her kiss into that happy place of pleasure and contentment.  I feel a tug on my arm, but ignore at first.  Another tug, it brings me back to the noise of the bar.  Finally another tug, harder then the last.

With reluctance I break the kiss and look at the tug.  It's Happy and Grumpy...  holding my jeans, shirt, boots and hat... socks are stuffed one boot.  "Thanks lads", I say softly to them, "you can just put them right there."

Still holding Amy in my arms, I watch with curiousity as Momma_Andrea and Lover take the stage... she begins to sing, timidly at first, but then finding her voice, she gets more confidence and with Lover joining in, they sing All My Panties.  A marvelous song, done by two marvelous people.  I ask Amy to clap extra for me too, as my hands are busy at the moment.

"I should get dressed."  I say to Amy, "Before we get carried away here."  We grin at each other as she rises from my lap and I lean down and grab my things.  I put the hat on my head, and the shirt and jeans in one hand, which I use to help hold up the ripped costume.  My boots in my other hand, I slip behind the curtain of the stage and get dressed.

Reappearing fully dressed, I stroll to the bar and Amy.  Ordering a sarsparilla, I take a swig from the bottle and lean into Amy's shoulder.  "Hey woofie,"  I say,  "New in town?"  I slide my hand down her back and around her waist... pulling her close.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mooncalf on June 12, 2013, 05:48:59 AM
Satoire, Pafe and I stroll up behind Amy and Covems as they lean their elbows on the bar.  I poke Covems in the back with my finger and say... "Hands up mister."

He quickly puts his hands over his head and they both spin around to face us. 

"Amy."  I address her, "Thank you for allowing us to have some fun with this big lug."  We all smile and thank her by taking her hand, one by one, and a kiss on her pretty cheek.

"Cove,"  I say to him, looking into those blue eyes, "it's probably going to get crazy in here, and I'm going to ride off.  I got Chelsea tied up outside and she should be starting to get antsy right about now.  Besides, I got kinda worked up and I think I'll go home and jump that husband of mine."  I smile and wink at them both.

I stretch up and kiss Covems on his lips.  "I hope we didn't hurt you none."

"No Ma'am,"  he replies.

"Ladies,"  I say to Pafe and Satoire.  "That was one of the most enjoyable rodeos I've ever been to."  I kiss both of them on their cheeks.  "I'll be chatting with you two later."

I go down the bar, shaking hands and giving kisses on the cheeks.  I approach Brandybee and Stone, I stop and take a hand of theirs  in mine.  "Thank you Brandybee, thank you Stone."  I say to them.  "For allowing us to use your place here for our little rodeo, and for joining in with us."  I give them each a kiss on the cheek.

I stop by Joe and pull him by his collar into a kiss on the lips.  "See ya around big feller."

I make my way out of the bar via the Pudding Pit door and head for Chelsea.  Climbing into the saddle, I have a thought of going back in... but instead I ride through the parking lot...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on June 12, 2013, 10:02:36 AM
I began lightly running my hands up and down my body, I noticed his eyes was following my every move. I smiled knowing I had his full attention.  I decided to give him a look so I  opened my  legs a little, revealing pussy to him.  I noticed how he watched my fingers as I  traced them up and down my body. I cupped my  breasts offering them to him.

He lowered his self on to me, I wrapped my legs and my arms around him pulling him close. His shaft was rubbing against me I  pulled him to me urgently, for he was driving me wild.  I noticed  he hesitated... I lifted up to pull him into a kiss letting him know I wanted him as I wrapped my leg around him pulling him slowly into me.  I gasped with satisfaction as he took his time to slowly enter  me.  Inch by inch was filling every one of my senses and filling me completely.  My juices started running freely out of me as he took long, deep, and slow thrust. I moaned with every thrust, my eyes closed, I started to raise my hips meeting each of his thrust. I could feel my special spot being hit everytime he would thrust his stiffen rod inside me.  This felt so good my nipples was fully aroused just as my wet pussy was, I could feel that it wouldn't be long before I would reach my first orgasm of many to come. As I arched my back and moaned louder, I could see the slight smile upon his face, he knew I was enjoying every bit of what he was doing to me.  I could feel me coming close to climax, as my body started to tremble under him... I leaned forward burying my face into his shoulder, my nails digging slightly into  his back ... I mummbled out,..."Oh My God!"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on June 12, 2013, 01:13:39 PM

Amy and I watch as MoonCalf makes her way down the bar, saying her goodbyes to all.  When she reaches the door and is just about to go, I step back from the bar, and call after her, cupping a hand to my mouth.


She shakes her head and continues on her way.

"Cove," Joe says to me, while handing me a slip of paper.  "Look at this.  This is your tab."

"Holy... what the..."  I say back to him, while looking at the number.  $A835.29.  "Geez Joe", I say... "I only wanted a couple of drink, I didn't want to buy the place."

He chuckles, and I hear Amy giggling next to me.  "Who's idea?"  I ask Joe.

"I probably shouldn't say."  Joe says to me with a smile.  "But her stinger is electric tonight."

"Miss Brandy."  I think.  "Sweets,"  I say to Amy.  "I'll be right back."

I go up to Miss Brandy... spin her by her elbow... lean her back in the passionate kiss pose from the slow dance and lay a big ole kiss on those lips of hers.  Straightening her back upright, I say, "Just as I thought... much better snotless.  Miss Brandy... my bar tab is very high, and a little... well... a big birdie has given me a hint that you're involved."

Miss Brandy grins that sheepish grin.

"I will challenge you to a small bit of sport, to settle this bill...  are ya interested?"

I continue...  "It's a small drinking contest... when I win, you pay the bill."

"And if you lose?"  Miss Brandy asks.

"I'm not going to lose."  I say.  "But in the unforseeable event I do, then I'll pay the tab.  Interested?"

"What's the contest?"  She asks.

"I'll bet you my tab, that I can drink 6 mugs of sarsparilla before you can drink one shot."  I continue, "If you agree, then we'll discuss the rules to the contest."

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on June 12, 2013, 02:47:32 PM
Our intense, passionate.. long kiss continues. His hands start moving, exploring my body once more. My heart starts to race as I cling to him.. deepening the kiss as each minute trails on.

A certain tug on his arms, diverts Cove's attention partially. Another tug. And then another tug, until he finally breaks off the kiss slightly to turn his head to see who it is. I tug on his bottom lip, seeing two cute fellas with jeans, a shirt, boots and a hat in their hands.

"Thanks lads", he says to them, "you can just put them right there."

Still cradled in Cove's arms, I notice Momma_Andrea make her way to the stage. She begins to sing timidly at first but then belts out into this awesome voice eventually, as Lover joins in. My eyes light up and I slowly start humming the catchy song.

With my eyes on both of them, my chin rests on Cove's head, my arms around him as I clap my hands, and my cleavage near his face as a result. His hands continue to roam, and I slightly begin to squirm and writhe while clapping and cheering.

As the song finishes, Cove whispers to me in a husky voice. "I should get dressed."  he says to me, "Before we get carried away here." I smirk at that thought, eyes glaring into his with a knowing look, before rising from his lap and sashaying my way back to the bar.

I ordered a margarita. Joe didn't even ask me this time to put it on Cove's tab and just did, as he gave me a smirk while handing me my drink. I winked back at him.

I feel a hand coiling around my waist and grin to myself slightly, realizing it's Covems. Just as he pulls me in close, MoonCalf comes up behind him. "Hands up mister," she says, poking him in the back with a finger. I chuckle slightly.

"Amy."  she addresses me, "Thank you for allowing us to have some fun with this big lug."

"Awe," I smile back at her, "It was great fun. And it was great meeting you. You're a doll. Have a safe trip back home!"

We kiss each other on the cheek, before she goes on with making her way out the bar while saying her goodbyes to all.

I restrain myself from bursting out in laughter, when Joe reveals to Cove his tab. His reaction is priceless.

"Who's idea?"  he asks Joe.

"I probably shouldn't say."  Joe replies, "But her stinger is electric tonight."

He turns me and my heart flutters as he says "Sweets". He starts to make his way to Brandy, saying "I'll be right back" to me.

*Brandy's in for it now* I think to myself, chuckling and sipping some more from my drink.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on June 13, 2013, 03:15:14 AM
My body tremble, chills run wild on my Master's hard shaft push deep inside me and Stray warm pussy let me enter inside's heaven!

I know this feeling, the same i had the first time at my Master's home with Jane and him in the shower! But there is something different this time.......the affinity within me and Master has grown a lot and i had learn how to go along his moves and the the max pleasure from them! Pleasure that hit Stray with all its strength at any push of my intense, so wild to push me close to cum too much faster! I bite my lower lips trying to resist and enjoy more the wild chills running in my body when suddenly i hear a growl coming from behind me: i know what's it, even without looking over my shoulder....the Beast come out to play, he want me.....he looks for me to take his pleasure from my body and i like it!

I feel it......his trust get wild, his breath on my neck.....and under me, i can see the pleasure running wild on Stray's face.....her closed eyes and her mouth open wild, moaning loud ....i know i can't resist to all this too long! I let the excitement take the full controll of my mind and my brain, getting lost in this heaven of sense till i reach the limit.....
I'll try to push my shaft out out of stray's pusyy, but the weight and trust of the beast block my body against her: her body is soft and sweaty, so sexy to make any man want it.....

"Sorry...." i whisper to her, just before exploding inside and filling her sweet pussy. My body looks heavy now.....with my seed , all my strenght flow away of it and leaning over her, try to catch some btreath back, but my Master's movement force me to her, in a little slow but continue penetration, till i feel my Master seed filling me: it's hot, copious and it's getting deeper inside fill my hole, i can feel the warm of it unning from i to my stomach.......oh gosh.....

Then i's not only Master's seed......stray has cum too, i feel it around my shaft and on my belly......i bow on her face, kissing her gently as Master kiss my neck, my lobe....

"It's time my pet....." he whisper "my dungeon wait us......"

I look at him, then Stray and then to Mrselover and sexilicious: taken by the rapture of the moment, i had completely forgot about them two! I look at them having fun for a little, then turn to Master

"bring them with us, Master......i want to thanks them for the nice cerimony!"

"of course you can come too, if you want...." i say turning to Stray, who stare at me a little confused.

I smile at her, standing up and taking four bathrobes from the lockers of the SPA: i hands them to all, eccept me.....i knee in front of Master Tango, my eyes down to the floor, waiting for his orders or any other action.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mooncalf on June 13, 2013, 02:19:16 PM
I stop Chelsea in the parking lot before we get to the road.  "Turn around Chels", I say to her, while pulling the reins back.  "I ain't finished in there yet."

Chelsea counters and we're headed to the fence, I give her a little touch with my heels and she picks up speed.  We jump the fence, and I pull her back a little, slowing her pace. 

I ride around the pudding pit area, and as luck would have it, one of the little fellers is there.  "Prop that door open."  I say to him.  He giggles something awful but holds the door open.  "Don't go anywhere," I say to him, "I'm going to need you to open this again when we come out." 

He giggles some more and says he'll wait for me.  I ride Chelsea into the bar and around the wall.  Her hoofs make a loud clop sound as she walks, alerting folks that we're coming through.  Folks step back and allow us to get up to Covems.  He's chatting with Brandybee about something.

They both stare at me at I ride up.  In fact, everyone's staring at us.  "Covems,"  I say, "when I got home from the hospital, feeling sorry for myself, I logged on and found those old lady jokes and messages you sent me.  They made me laugh, when I needed a laugh."

He's staring at me with an open mouth.  "I said it before, and I'm going to say it again."  I continue, "you're a helluva a man Covems, and I'm proud to have you for my friend."

I back Chelsea up and we turn the corner heading for the door.  The little giggly feller holds the door open for us to get out.  Giving Chelsea some more heel, she quickens into a trot and we jump the fence again and I start my ride back home.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on June 13, 2013, 03:19:51 PM
Lovers & Momma_Andrea’s song keeps resonating in my head and I  find myself humming it to myself in between the breaks of chatting  with my friends...... I’m sure I catch them doing it as well...

All my panties, I will send to you
All my panties, darling they're for you
All my panties, All my panties oooh
All my panties I will send to you,

Mooncalf  approaches to say goodbye. She gives me, and then Stone a kiss on the cheek & thanks us for the use of the bar.  I laugh and say   “ I wouldn’t have missed it for the world”  I tell her she can use  our place anytime, Me, nor Jayc  would  mind, in fact, we would positively encourage it. And it would be a safe bet the rest of the management would too.

She says her good byes to the others and leaves a big grin on Old Joe’s face as he watches her wiggly bottom  exiting by the pudding pit.   I half imagine her riding through the bar on her horse, but shake the thought away... if anyone pulled such a cunning stunt, it would  certainly be Moonie.

I hear Covem’s shout after her,   the noise of the bar is loud and I catch some mmm Marvelous , mmm Magnificent,  mmmm  Magical,  mmmm Moving , mmmm  Bold lady ...  compliments .  Covems  warms my heart  with such thoughtfulness.

I hear Old Joe .. “  All my panties, All my panties oooh,  All my panties I will send to you,....”   I chuckle and he reddens a little realising I have caught him singing..

 “  Hey Joe, I sure would love your  yellow & purple paisley design Y’s “     

He crinkles his face & bobs his tongue out at me,  as I order another drink on.... Covems  tab.  ;D

I see Doc hovering by the Spa room and approach him.  He is stretching his  dwarf neck to look inside. 

“ Boo”   

Doc jumps and looks at me startled.  “ Will you give Tango a message when he’s free ? I ask him
Doc nods.   “ Tell Tango, he still has 2 boxed keys, I gave him awhile back.  I need to speak to him about a special delivery as soon as possible.  Will you do that for me? “ 

Doc nods again.  “ Good.  Here’s a treat for the 7 of you”   I hand him a box of 7  rum donuts with squirty cream for him and his bros.  “ Enjoy, my friend” I grin at him and he scurries off to do my bidding.

Suddenly, I am being spun by the elbow and find myself  being dipped and deeply kissed.  All I am aware of are strong muscular arms wrapping round me and a cowboy hat as hot lips meet mine.  My reaction is to bring my arms around his neck  and shut my eyes to kiss him back.

I feel his tongue invade my mouth to meet mine.  He’s good, he’s experienced and my tummy flutters a little.  And before I know it, its ended and I am back upright on my feet.

And I see my tall , muscular,  handsome  assailant...  Covems ... wow..  what did I do to deserve that?? 

Then I see the look in his eyes ... he mentions kissing me snotless is much better. I nod,  that part he is soooo right about and makes me smile ..  Then the smile disappears slightly as he mentions his bar tab .......  “ Arrr the Bar Tab... “  desperately trying to find something  to say that sounds reasonble..   A$835. 29  reasonable!!!! .. oops...  and failing in that moment..

I wonder if the puppy dog eyes might work....  and who had snitched... !!

"I will challenge you to a small bit of sport, to settle this bill...  are ya interested?"  His sexy deep voice breaks into my thoughts.

He continues...  "It's a small drinking contest... when I win, you pay the bill."

"And if you lose?"  I ask, interested now of being given an olive branch ... maybe.

"I'm not going to lose."  Covems  answers.  "But in the unforseeable event I do, then I'll pay the tab.  Interested?"

"What's the contest?"  I ask.

"I'll bet you my tab, that I can drink 6 mugs of sarsparilla before you can drink one shot."  I continue, "If you agree, then we'll discuss the rules to the contest."

I narrow my eyes at him, searching his face for clues... he is very confident. Is there a catch in his words somewhere ?

But I see the challenge in his glinty eyes and....  well...  how can I resist?

“ You are on”  I grin at him , “ just one thing,  when I win.... and you lose... along with the full payment of the bar tab... I want your cowboy hat and ....  another snog ... but this time,  much , much longer and even more passionate.. “ 

Then,  my premonition  comes true ... Mooncalf rides in on her horse .... yehawwwwwwww  girl ....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on June 13, 2013, 06:10:59 PM

I hear the distinctive sound of horse hooves, and look up from Miss Brandy and see MoonCalf on her horse riding up slowly.  People step back out of the way while she passes.  Moonie delivers her little speech to me, then turns and rides out the bar.

"Only her."  Miss Brandy says.  "Only Moonie would do that."

"Dammit."  I mutter.  "She did it again."

"What did she do?"  Miss Brandy asks.

"She got in the last word."  I reply.

After a short pause, I agree to Miss Brandy's terms for the bet.  When I win, the tab is wiped clean.  If, and it's a big if, Miss Brandy wins, then I have to pay, give up my hat, and another kiss.

"Okay."  I say to Miss Brandy... "here are the rules."

"Neither of us can get any help from anyone."  I say.  "No one can touch my mugs, and no one can touch your shot glass... and I can not touch your glass nor can you touch my mugs.  Also, we should be close to each other so everything is in the open."

I continue, "You can have just one shot of whatever you want.  Booze, sarsparilla, buttermilk... heck, it can even be water.  Joe will pour all my mugs and your shot and place them in front of us and we have to leave them on the bartop."

"Except, in order to get primed and ready,"  I say, "I get to have one mug as a head start, and once my empty mug is on the bar top, then Joe will yell 'Go' . "

"Agreed?"  I ask.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on June 14, 2013, 05:17:32 AM
I chuckle when I hear Covems cussing  Mooncalf ,  "Dammit."  he mutters  "She did it again."
"What did she do?"  I ask,  amused  by a horse & rider in the AB&G.
"She got in the last word."  Covems  replys.
“ mmmhmmm, you are just a slow learner where women are concerned”  I tease him & watch as Mooncalf  rides out again.  “ Massive Respect Girl....”

We turn back to each other & Covems agrees to my terms of the bet about the extortionate tab that requires paying.  mmm I will get another kiss & a cowboy hat into the bargain...  splendid.  I rub my hands together, pleased with negotiations.

He outlines the rules and I cock my head at him considering  them carefully.

Covems explains, "You can have just one shot of whatever you want.  Booze, Sarsparilla, Buttermilk... heck, it can even be Water.   Old Joe will pour all my mugs,  and your shot,  and place them in front of us,  and we have to leave them on the bar top."

He pauses and then continues..  "Except, in order to get primed and ready,   I get to have one mug as a head start, and once my empty mug is on the bar top,   then Joe will yell 'Go' . "

"Agreed?"  He asks.    I listen carefully.

“One shot will be easy to gulp down,  well before you finish your  5 mugs of Sarsparilla” I murmur , half to myself, half to him and thinking out loud.

“ Let’s make it a little more interesting...  “  I muse ,  “ My shot glass is filled to the brim so it holds at least 3 measures and  once the winner has emptied their mugs or glass,  they finish off the losers drinks.  I love Sarsparilla too.   ....  After all,  I will finish my drink well before you ... it’s the least I can do.  We will taste the same then , when you snog me and give me that wonderful cowboy hat.”
“ Do we have a wager  Mr Covems?  I grin at him... waiting....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on June 14, 2013, 06:01:08 AM

Looking into her eyes, I say, "Miss Brandy... we have a wager."  She flutters her eyelashes at me with a cheeky grin, which caused me to smile.

Miss Brandy and I take our places at the bar, a small crowd circles around us to watch the contest.  I feel Miss Amy come up behind me.

Joe pours 6 mugs of sarsparilla in true bartender style... he holds 3 mugs by the handles in each hand and moves them under the tap.  When the first 3 are filled he places them in front of me, all the while filling the other 3 mugs.  He shuts the tap off and places the sarsparilla filled mugs next to the others on the bar.

He pours Miss Brandy a shot of booze to the brim of the shot glass and returns the bottle to the shelf.  "Okay Cove," Joe says, "get your head start."

I raise a mug of sarsparilla, and shift my hand to the bottom of the mug, cupping it in my hand and give a little nod of my head towards Miss Brandy, while looking her in the eyes.  Putting the mug up to my lips, I begin to drink slowly, the creamy sarsparilla is very cold and very refreshing.  I slowly drink it all down... a little bit of the foam is on my upper lip.  "Ahhhhhhh."  I say like a man parched.

Then I take the mug by the bottom and tip it upside down and place it over Miss Brandy's filled shot glass.  It hits the bar with a little thunk, trapping her shot glass under my mug.

"Okay Joe."  I say, looking into Miss Brandy's eyes again.  "You can call go whenever it suits you."

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on June 14, 2013, 07:00:35 AM
My mouth opens wide... indignation in my face .... a trick ....  looking with dismay at my trapped  short glass with my drink in .

I lean forward  screwing my eyes a little  and pursing my lips ...   " Why Covems... Covems ..."   feigning anger .. " you,  you .. oooo "

But I cant hold it for long ....

I burst out laughing  as does Old Joe...
For it seems Covems didn't notice the drink , that Old Joe poured in to my glass -   


Jeppsons Malort

Remembering Jayc's words once....  “its hands down the most vile tasting liquor in the world”…… my neck of the wood its known as “northern discomfort"

Old Joe reads from the bottle:- 

"It is not possible to forget our two-fisted liquor. The taste just lingers and lasts - seemingly forever. The first shot is hard to swallow!  Make it past two 'shock-glasses' and with the third you could be ours...forever."

Jayc had said ...   “never been able to get past that first shot”  and trying to describe the taste  - " .a combination of  earwax and lighter fluid served in a dirty ashtray”

I take out my cheque book ...    A$835. 29  , pen poised.   " Of course , if you don't drink all, including mine,  I can put my pen away again "     Just waiting patiently for the  " Malort face "   ;D    ;D     ;D      ;D

Old Joe shouts "  Go "  still chuckling and eyes watering with laughter .....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on June 14, 2013, 10:14:49 AM
I was laughung when I heard covems talking bout the rules. I have won many free drinks in bars with this bet. Waiting for Brandy's answer, asking myself if she is noticing the catch. Suddenly i see her smiling, more grinning and then she says “ Let’s make it a little more interesting...  “  I muse ,  “ My shot glass is filled to the brim so it holds at least 3 measures and  once the winner has emptied their mugs or glass,  they finish off the losers drinks.  I love Sarsparilla too.   ....  After all,  I will finish my drink well before you ... it’s the least I can do.  We will taste the same then , when you snog me and give me that wonderful cowboy hat.”

Hahahaha... i turn away, trying to hide my big laughter... she HAS noticed it and now is trying to catch him too. Oh my god, I remember this drink. Jayc has brought it into bar and the word disgusting is much too harmless for it.
Covems accepts and is enjoying his first drink. I can feel his pleasure and his inner satisfaction when the fluid is running down his throat.. drop by drop. He puts his empty mug above Bradny's shot. "Okay Joe."  he says, looking into Miss Brandy's eyes again.  "You can call go whenever it suits you."
After few seconds Brandy is bursting out laughing...

I put my hand to covems shoulder "Well my friend, seems it's a draw at the moment. Drink this holy shit and Brandy has to pay. Don't drink and there is no winner. Or..." I wink "do you have another idea? I do" I smile, waiting for his answer....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on June 14, 2013, 10:22:00 AM

"Hmmmm...  " I say to Miss Brandy.  "Well played." 

Turning to Lover, I say... "I'm playing the cards that were dealt... but I thank you for your offer, my friend."

I pick up a mug and again slowly drain its contents.  The creamy sarsparilla is delicious.  "Sioux City is the best." I think as I gulp it down.  Third one goes down as easily as the first two.  By the time I get to the last one, it's a struggle to get it all down, my belly bulges from the amount of liquids I just poured into it.

Finally I polish off the last mugfull of sarsparilla.  "Brrrrrraaaaaaaapppp!"  A loud, long belch from deep in my gullet.

"Hold on."  I say, while pointing a finger up.  "There's a few more in there that need to come out."

I issue 3 more loud burps and one little one.  I pull the mug off Miss Brandy's shot and make an offer.

"There's still a chance you may want to drink this."  I say to her... she shakes her head with a vigorous 'NO'... grinning that cheeky grin.

"Joe,"  I say to him, "me and a Cheyenne Brave named Two Feathers once got rip roaring drunk on a bottle of this stuff after a night of carousing."

"Wow!"  Joe says, gathering up my empty mugs.  "How the hell did you ever get past the first shot?"

"We were already drunk... but even after all that, I never did acquire a taste for it.  Pour me a half of sarsparilla, would you?... for a chaser."  I ask him... "and put it on Miss Brandy's tab."

Picking up the shot glass I sniff it and pull back quickly from it's foul, swamp like odor.  "Puked my guts out that night, too."

Holding it in front of me, I give Miss Brandy a salute with the glass and say "Through the lips and over the gums... look out stomach... here it comes."  I down the entire glass full in one gulp.  The taste is awful, bringing back memories of being on my knees and laying over a rock in the mountains, puking... with Two Feathers rolling around on the ground, laughing hysterically at me.

Grabbing the sarsparilla I take a few drinks of that too.  I'm beginning to feel like I could spew and wave for folks to step back.  Getting my meaning, the small crowd moves off to the side.

The feeling passes... I take another swig of sarsparilla... but the taste of the Malort is still lingering.  Then I step up to Miss Brandy, and take her shoulders in my hands.  "This is too good not to share."  I say to her, concluding with "Onion Breath."

I quickly pull her into a kiss... she struggles, backing up... knocking over a bar stool and tries turning her head... my arms wrap her up... holding her so my hands can hold her head... pressing my lips to hers...  my tongue snakes in... she bites it... I pull it back, then press my thumbs into her cheeks, holding her mouth open with the pressure... again my tongue goes in... a slobbery, wet, Malort flavored kiss.  I can hear laughing and guffawing from around the bar.

Breaking the kiss and turning Miss Brandy loose... I cringe a little waiting for the slap that doesn't come... then I take another swig of sarsparilla from the mug, and slide up next to Amy and push my shoulder into hers.  "The truck's packed," I say to her, "wanna get out of here?"

"Yes."  Amy answers.  Our eyes meet and we smile at each other. 

I take Amy's arm into mine and turn to face everyone... taking off my hat, I say in a loud voice.  "Thank you all for a most memorable evening... but now we must bid you all... adios."  We do a sweeping bow.

Amy and I walk past the bar arm in arm, heading for the parking lot, I still have my hat in my hand.  When we pass by Miss Brandy, I take the hat and plop it on her head and give her a wink and continue out the door.

We get to the truck, and I open the door for Amy... and with another sweeping bow I say... "Your carriage, m'lady."  I Help her in and shut the door.  Getting to the driver's side, I open the door and reach behind the seat, pulling out a hat box.  I remove the lid from the box and take out a brand new, black, Diamond Jim Stetson and settle it just right on my head.

"I love putting on a new hat, Sweets."  I say to Amy as I climb in and start the truck.  Looking her in the eye I continue.  "It's like putting on new underwear..."  I put the truck in gear and we're off...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pafe on June 15, 2013, 05:40:35 AM

   All my panties, I will send to you
   All my panties, darling they're for you
   All my panties, All my panties oooh
   All my panties I will send to you

   I'm humming the song in my head when MoonCalf says that she is leaving.  Seems she's developed a certain itch and is going home to have her husband scratch it.

   "What do you think?"  Satoire asks me.

   Knowing what that means, I nod my head and tell her I'm getting tired too.  We follow Moonie and stand a step back when she pokes Covems in the back and says her goodbyes to Amy and Cove.

   Satoire and I also thank the two of them for a fun time, and invite them both to chat with us anytime they see us on.  "Don't be strangers."  I say to them.

   We say our goodbyes to the rest of the people in the bar, and especially to Brandybee for allowing us to wrestle Covems here.  We also thank Momma_Andrea and Lover for the song, which is still in my head, and a special thanks to Lover for coming up with the race idea.  We give them all kisses and hugs.  I want to go say something to the two officers in the spa, but think better of it.  It can wait.

   As we're speaking, Covems goes up to Brandybee and spins her into that kiss.  "Can't go yet Sat."  I say, "Things look like they might get interesting." 

   We stand back at watch and listen as Covems and Brandy start going through the negotiation for their bet.  Then MoonCalf comes riding up on her horse!  Flabbergasted at her stunt, we can only stare as Moonie says her piece to Covems and then rides out.

   "She's sure something."  Satoire says to me.

   "And how."  Is the only thing I can think of saying.

   Entralled by the terms of the bet we continue watching as the mug gets turned over on Brandybee's shot and Covems smug look gets wiped out once she reveals what's in the glass. 

   Cove meets the terms of the bet, by downing the shot of that horrible liquor, then we watch in amusement as he forces that kiss on Brandy.  During the course of their wrestling, her stinger is bumping things and making sparks.  We jump out of the way of it.

   Finally after everything is calmed down and Covems and Amy leave, we close our coats and adjust our bunny ears, we thank everyone one more time, then Satoire and I go out of the bar and get in Satoire's little car and drive off home.

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on June 15, 2013, 11:46:33 AM
I watch Covems with interest  & respect.   He drinks his Sarsparilla  and belches a few times to steel himself for  the Malort  3 measure shot in my glass.   

He offers it to me like the gentleman he is, but he knows in his heart, I was going to pass.  He salutes, mutters some words of encouragement to himself and downs it in one.

I grin at him as he turns a little green , but his sparkly handsome eyes win the day, he beats me fair and square and I gladly write my cheque to square the bet.

I hand it to Old Joe who kisses it and puts it in his cash register.

As I turn to congratulate Covems on his win,  his big muscular frame comes towards me  “ o oh”  I am in trouble.   I step back  knocking a stool over,   maybe I can reason with him ..   

Too late,  his hands are a steel grip on my shoulders  and he says  “"This is too good not to share, Onion Breath."

Then he is snogging me.  The Malorts is disgusting and I try to nip his tongue playfully , which causes him to pause.  But, he is a man on a mission and  to kiss me he intends.  His thumbs press into my cheeks causing my mouth to open and to accept his kiss. 

His masterful actions and cowboy hat, take my breath away and I feel myself respond.  His  kiss, is slobbery,  Malortish,  slightly lipsticky and very very hot!!!

 My hands flatten on his muscular chest and my legs go weak and my tail sparks.  My right leg curls up in a swoon, like in the old movies.  :o

Then he releases me , grinning.  He expects  a slap, but ...  what a  kiss!!!..  and my brain is still struggling for air.  :P

He drinks his remaining Sarsparilla and nods  to me, smiling.  He turns to his Amy and reminds her of their  break away to somewhere nice.

They say their good byes and as he passes me,  he gives me his hat, plonking it on my head.  His cheeky grin and wink makes me smile.

“ Hey Cove, “  He pauses with his arm round  Amy.  “ You’ll need these “  and I throw him a pack of  wriggleys  spearmint gum.    He catches them  deftly still grinning and  I take a bottle of Champagne to give to Amy.  “ Thank you for being a good sport.  Enjoy your trip girl.... and come back soon”  hugging  her.

And with that, they leave the bar & jump into Covems truck.

Pafe & Satoire also decide it’s time to go.  They also do the rounds and we grin and hug each other. 
“ Come back soon “  I tell them,  “ We have the “ Cocks & Roses “  band playing here soon. It’s going to be another great night"  They move on to the next person to say good bye to.....

I return to Lover and buy him a drink...  “ So what was this idea  you had so Covems could beat my ass... “  I tease him and we both burst out laughing....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on June 15, 2013, 12:06:38 PM
As Brandy is buying me a drink I tease her "You still have money left? Good to know" I wink “ So what was this idea  you had so Covems could beat my ass... “ Brandy asks. "Well... now we never will know" I grin and we both burst out laughing.
"We should tell our friends about Secret Summer" I tell her. "Yes".
Take a pen and write on the sign:

Secret Summer event coming soon... read the newspaper and listen to our radio for more infos"

I ask "What do you think - shall we start another crazy game here?" "You have another idea, I can see it in your eyes" she answers laughing. "Sure!"
I move closer, whispering what I'm thinking about...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on June 15, 2013, 03:06:24 PM
I lean over to Jayc and kiss his cheek. It was fun watching all the shinanigans,  snogging Covems and watching the girls tease him about teasing them.  And then watching him taste Jayc’s Mallorts.   Some of the girls say good bye. I hug & kiss them, hoping they will all be back soon.

I ask Old Joe if he still has his Old Beetle juice top hat. He nods and throws it to me. Jayc laughs when I perch it on my head.  “ What are you up to now?  “ He asks.

“ Oh I just feel like singing “  I reply and kiss him on the lips.  He smiles at me and  says  “ looking forward to it”  I must look a little weird in a top hat & racoon costume but the booze in my system makes me think its totally cool.

I walk over to the  Country Boys and ask them to play.  I go to the mic  on stage & begin to sway as the intro starts ....

Shania Twain - Man! I Feel Like A Woman! Lyrics

Man! I feel like a woman,
Lets go girls.

I'm going out tonight-I'm feelin' alright
Gonna let it all hang out
Wanna make some noise-really raise my voice
Yeah, I wanna scream and shout
No inhibitions-make no conditions
Get a little outta line
I ain't gonna act politically correct
I only wanna have a good time

The best thing about being a woman
Is the prerogative to have a little fun and...

Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts-short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attraction
Color my hair-do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel, way i feel
Man! I feel like a woman!

The girls need a break-tonight we're gonna take
The chance to get out on the town
We don't need romance-we only wanna dance
We're gonna let our hair hang down

The best thing about being a woman
Is the prerogative to have a little fun and...

Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts-short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attraction
Color my hair-do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man! I feel like a woman!

The best thing about being a woman
Is the prerogative to have a little fun, fun, fun

Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts-short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attraction
Color my hair-do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man! I feel like a woman!
O oh oh 
I get totally crazy
Can you feel it
Come, come, come on baby
I feel like a woman !!!

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on June 15, 2013, 05:58:04 PM
Standing behind Covems, I watched closely as him and Brandy carried out their little challenge. There was a couple of gasping and "taking you the edge of your seat" moments throughout. Whether it be Cove downing the Malort three measure shot in Brandy's glass, or him turning a little green afterwards, or even the snog itself.

I suddenly feel a familiar push against my shoulder. As I begin turn to face Covems, "You know one of these days, you and your shoulder---" I trail off.

"The truck's packed," he says to me, cutting me off "wanna get out of here?"

*Wanna get out of here?* That phrase echos in my mind as a bright smile forms on my face. Our eyes meet and his gaze has another one of those "butterflies forming in stomach" effects on me.

I nod saying "Yes", as thoughts in my mind scream *Hell Yes!*

He takes my arm into his and we make our way out the bar, bidding adieu to everyone. Passing by Brandy at the bar, Cove plonks his hat down onto her head. She thoughtfully hands us a pack of wriggleys  spearmint gum and a champagne bottle. We air kiss and hug goodbye, before finally making our way to Cove's truck.

We get to the truck, and he opens the door for me... and with another sweeping bow he says... "Your carriage, m'lady."  He helps me in and shuts the door. Leaning in through the window, I plant a kiss on his cheek. 

Getting to the drivers side, he pulls out a new hat. As he places it on his head and climbs in, he says "I love putting on a new hat, Sweets." Our eyes remained fixed on one another as he goes on, "It's like putting on new underwear..."

I chuckle as he puts the truck in gear and we're off. My hand grazes over his, our fingers interlocked, as we drive on to our destination.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on June 16, 2013, 12:17:51 PM
Feeling my Pets body tremble as I push deep into my Pets sweet tight entrance. Feeling her start to move in time with my slow deep thrusts to get the most pleasure from my hard shaft sliding deeper and deeper into her. With slow deep thrusts letting my Pet feel my weight as Aa low deep growl leaves my lips. I feel my Pet's body react as my growl fills her ears, feeling her push back against my as she hears it.

I start to thrust a little faster and harder becoming more wild thrusting deeper and deeper into my Pet letting my thrusts move her body pressing her into her fuck buddy. My growl grows deeper and loader as my thrusts become more wild

Feeling my Pet pushing hard back against my and her sweet entrance tightening and twitching around my shaft I know she was ready to cumm Pressing my weight down into my sweet Pet's body pressing her down deep into her fuck buddy. I lean down over my Pet and look down onto Stray her mouth wide open her eyes tight closed and load moans leaving her red lips I know she was close to.

I hear my Pet whisper "Sorry"  hearing this I push down hard holding my Pets Hardness deep inside her fuck buddy'e hungry wet Pussy. I feel my Pets entrance clamp tight around my shaft and hear her sweet moan.

I know that sweet sound and her body goes limp as the strength leave her, feeling her collapse down onto her buddy I thrust down hard making my Pet's body move with each thrust letting both the girls under me feel my power my strength. Hearing them both moaning I push down hard and EXPLODE deep inside my Pet filling her inner being with jet after jet of my hot burning seed.

I lean down over my Pet and her fuck buddy Stray kissing her red lips our tongues dance with each other I move back and kiss my Pet's neck and suck her ear lop

"It's time my pet....." I take a quock breath "my dungeon wait us......" I whisper in her ear

I watch her look over to Mrsex and Sexi

"Bring them with us, Master......I want to thanks them for the nice ceremony!" she asks

"yes Yes my Pet" I answer her "and Stray"

"Of course you can come too, if you want...." She say turning to Stray

Pulling slowly out of my Pet I watch her stand and walk naked but for her collar over to the lockers and come back with a bathrobe for each of us. Watching her walking around the room naked handing out the robes  stand and she helps me put my robe on. She kneels on the floor in front of me with her eyes down.

I look over at mrsex and sexi put there robes on and I turn to Stray as she lays with her eyes still closed and her hand between her legs
"Are you coming with use Stray"

Looking down on my Pet "Leash" I say in a sharp voice "In my pocket" I point at my jeans
She get up and brings it straight back and kneels holding her leash up to me taking it from her hands I clip it on her collar.

"Stand" I order and stop taking the rode of the bed I rest it over my naked Pets body "Its cold in the ice house my Pet"

I walk out of the spa with the leash over my shoulder with my Pet following my with her robe open over her shoulders. We walk slowly throw the bar to the pool room and into the tunnels ................
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on June 16, 2013, 02:39:56 PM
Hearing the invitation to join Tango and HB in the dungeon for a thank you for the ceremony, I couldn't help but smile and accept the robe offered to me.  Wrapping the robe around my body and tightening the sash, I stand up and follow the others as we head to the dungeon and more fun.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on June 16, 2013, 03:27:18 PM
Just as I whispered my idea we notice Stone getting on stage. She is singing "Man! I Feel Like A Woman! and we all can see she really is feeling. Her wonderful voice is made for this song and with each cell of her body she is proving it. It's a great song and she is performing it even better than the wonderful Shania Twain does. And her costume is much better... never seen a girl singin this song with a top hat and a racoon costume :D

Everyone applauds (ok almost everyone... hb, tango and sexi are leaving, mrsexlover and stray seem to think about) and want stone another song to sing. But she leaves stage, going back to jayc.

I hurry to stage, take the micro and remember everyone to join the first AChat Village Lottery and tell them about the next event: Secret Summer. Looking serious to everyone I say: "You know you HAVE to join. It's not allowed to not join!!! Oh, as we're talking about summer...
What do you call six weeks of rain in Scotland?  Summer!"

I leave stage and go back to Brandy - we have to talk about my idea now.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on June 16, 2013, 10:07:39 PM
I take a robe as HB gives it to meand puts it on, then follows Sexi's ass wich she is shaking as we walk. As we walk i turn to Tango.

"I know you and HB have something planned and all but i don't think i can stay any longer then a hour or so, Chief Pafe needs me back in the Crimelab in the morning"

"No problem my friend" Tango says "We will make sure that you be on time for work"

With that asurance i follow them knowing it will be ok.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on June 17, 2013, 02:22:52 AM
After Master had clip the leash on my collar, we walk out the SPA and move along the main room of the B&G, where i hear Stone singing "Man! I Feel Like A Woman!", one of my favourite song, but i don't have the time to enjoy er performance.....even if i had walk half naked in the B&G, this time is a little different: it's the first time i have a collar around my neck, clear sign of my submission to my Master, but the really and a bit unconfortable thing is the leash......i'm not used to it and i feel embarassed walking in the crowd, who turn to look at me. I bow my head, tring to hide it to don't show my face turning red, till we reach the poll room and we enter the secret passage for the Ice House.

Our foot steps echo in the empty hall.....i start to feel more relaxed, but the anxiety remains: it's my first time as a sub afterall and even if i had seen some "show" with Alan in past, this time i'll gonna be the actress and not a simple watcher. Then, we stop in front of the door of Master's dungeon....

He open it and the dungeon is now revealed to our eyes.....

Continue in the Ice House
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on June 17, 2013, 06:56:13 PM
As jmc thrust into me on last time deeply, he arched his back looking up at the starry sky as I felt a gush of his juices filling me. We both collapsed in complete ecstasy. I rest my head upon his right arm,and grabbed his hand.  And as his left arm draped across me, his hand grabbing my hand and our fingers entwined, he kisses the back of my shoulder as he pulled me closer to him. I was easily getting lost in this moment, and emotions was rushing inside as he was whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

We were laying close together when we heard a commotion, it looked as if everyone was leaving. We laid there for a moment, and he says to me, "well bunny this has been a wonderful night!!!  Would you care to come back to my place to clean up, and have a night cap in my nice king size bed?" as he nuzzled his face next to mine, poking his bottom lip out and making puppy dog eyes.  I raised my head to look back at him, and laughed.  I reached back and kissed him passionately on his pouting lips and nibbling his bottom lips as I pulled away. "Does that answer your question?" I asked. He big smile came across his face, as he jumped up and reached down to help me up. I grabbed his hands  after I tied the front of my shirt back up.
Still feeling tipsy I fell into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck, as I reached up and kissed him deeply once more.

"Woohoo, everyone look jcm and bunny still going at it.." someone shouted as they came out of the bar.  Another person shouted, " K-I-S-S-I-N-G... la la la la"  as their voice fainted out as they got further away.  Jcm responded as giving 2 thumbs up, but his hand quickly returned to my waist as i started, to laugh.  He said, "Come on baby lets go!"  as he playfully smacked my ass. He wrapped his arm around my neck and I slid my arm around his waist holding on to his hand  as we made our way back to his car. He open'd the door as a complete gentleman would do.  As I settled in the front seat of his car, he ran around the backside of his car, to the drivers door, before he got to it I reached over the seat and open'd the door for him.  He got  in looked over at me and smiled that smile that just drives me wild, "Bunny I will be right back there is one thing I have to give Brandy before we go."  I looked at him with my eyes half closed, "Ok, I will be right here!" he grabbed a jacket from the backseat and covered me with it kissed me gently on my forehead and again reminded me, "Be right back" as he scurried inside to find Brandy.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Daveoh on June 17, 2013, 07:42:21 PM
Finally finding my way to the bar and grill I push open the door and step inside. A wall of sounds and smells assault my senses. Hmmm i think, a plate of BBQ and a cold beer would hit the spot.

I order my meal and pick up a cold one and find a booth and sit down and look around the room. In one corner i thought i caught the sound of two people cumming to a final conclusion, I grin to myself and wonder what sort of bar this is, then i over hear someone say something about a dungeon, maybe this is a bar i could grow to like.

My meal arrives and i chow down keeping one eye on those in the bar and any new arrivals...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on June 18, 2013, 01:49:05 PM
Sitting on Freddie's Lap rolling my hips still feeling him deep inside my hot sex as we watch the races. And the Girls all kissing Coverms tied to the chair
I turn to Freddie Just as Stone comes onto to the stage and sings a great song "I Fill Like A WOMEN" with a big smile "do you feel like this woman" I whisper in his ear. I grind my hips down onto his lap and whisper  "I feel like this Man"
Turning my head I see Tango in a bath robe with HB on a leash and her robe open to show her naked body they a closely followed by Sexi and Mr sex both in matching Spa robes. We watch as they head into the pool room.

I look into Freddie's eyes and smile a devilish smile. Lifting myself off my man's lap and take his hand "Come with me my Lover" I pull him up not giving him time to put himself away. Drag him throw the bar and into the spa I see Stray laying naked and fast asleep on one of the massage beds taking a couple of towels I cover her up to keep her warm.

Turn back to my man still with his hard cock standing out of his trousers I walk back over to him and take him in my hand. Gently rubbing my hand along his lovely hard shaft I step back from him and start to undo his shirt and sliding it off his shoulders uncovering his chest. I run my hand down over his firm muscular chest down over his nipples circling them with my finger tips letting my nails scratch them gently. Letting my nails drag down over his stomach  to the top of his trousers and undo the button on them.

I slowly run my hands down his legs pulling his trousers down with them as I get to my knees I pull him trousers right down and let him step out of them. running my hands back up his legs I pull his boxers down the same way. I look up and smile, gently take his shaft in my hand I move closer and take him into my mouth slowly taking him in deeper and deeper then sliding it back out of my mouth. Letting my tongue stay on the tip of his cock and running my tongue around its tip then licking down the underside of his shaft and and softly take his balls into my mouth and suck on the one at a time.

Taking him back deep into my mouth again deeper this time letting my man feel my throat with the tip of his cock and then sliding nearly right out then back down. Feeling his hands take hold of my head and feeling his hips move and start to slide his cock deeper into my mouth and throat. feeling my man take control of my head I know his getting ready to fill my mouth. I push him back and stop his movements "Not yet not" I say.

I stand and take his hand and lead him to the hot tub and turn on the bubbles as he gets in I step from the tub standing back from the tub I start to strip slowly sliding my top off my shoulders and letting it fall to the floor next is my bra turning my back to Freddie and cover my breasts with my hands slowly i turn around removing my hands one at a time.
Undoing my skirt it falls to the floor and I step out of it kicking off my boots I turn my back again hooking my thumbs in my panties I bend over and slide them down showing my ass to Freddie and looking back over my shoulder seeing him smile I stand and walk over to the tub and slide into the hot water and move back onto his lap........
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: old_goat on June 18, 2013, 06:00:23 PM
Has been a while since I have been in the bar. Wander in and find lots of fun happening and since i like a little peace and quiet I keep moving into the spa. There is not much going on here but the room is not empty.
Tangojane waves me over to Stray resting on a message table. She seems to be comfortable so I offer to give her a gentle massage. Her only response is a sigh and she rolls on her stomach.
This is fine with me and I collect a bottle of warm oil from the cart. Checking the temperature with my inter arm I find it perfect. I move to Stray's feet and begin.
Pouring some oil into one hand then transferring some to the other the scene is set. My hands take her right foot and begin to gently apply the oil. Then to work it into her skin thoroughly. When it is fully spread I begin a deep message working all the muscles and joints. The only response from Stray is a low moan. More oil and I move to the other foot and repeat the process.
This finished I move to the calf of the right leg. Beautiful, I think to myself. The oil makes her skin soft and smooth as fine silk. This is such a pleasure to be giving this service to such a beautiful woman. As I finish the left calf I decide to move to Stray's head.
I move the towel down a little to uncover her upper back. Her form is perfect and without blemish. More oil on my hands and I start on the shoulders, one hand on each one. She is so relaxed the feeling is heaven. No stress to fight to get to the deep muscles. I work the shoulders from the neck out to the upper arms quickly.
Now I add more oil and begin on her upper back. Carefully I work with each vertebrate and outward to the ribs then move down to the next. Stray is waking a little now and is wondering what is happening. I explain that it is only a message nothing more.
She raises up and ............
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on June 18, 2013, 10:59:31 PM
Jcm comes running out to the car laughin' his ass off with the big beautiful smile. He had me laughin' to myself and I didn't even  know what he did. He got into the car. Reached over and kissed me gently, "Are you ready to go home Bunny?"  I looked at him and said, "well of course sweetie, I think a lil R&R is what we both need after tonight."  He agreed.  "So what did you give Brandy?" I asked.  He started laughing and he told me, "Well  I gave her a peek, she always wondered about my Scottish heritage, so I quickly lifted my loin cloth and showed her.  I laughed out loud, and said "Wow what did Brandy have to say?"  He replied, "Nothing, I think she was in shock for a moment, I gave her a kiss on the cheek and left."    I shook my head, " you are one crazy man... "  He smiled, "yeah maybe just a lil!"  as he we back out and started to head to his place for a lil relaxation and some rest.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on June 20, 2013, 08:13:17 AM
when Jane grab my hand and pull me trough the bar heading to the spa my first thought is " yeah we better leave the bar before someone else falls on me ...maybe there we'll find a safe place ! "
as we enter the spa she undress me and start working my cock with her mouth ...her soft tongue licks my tip circling on it giving me shivers down my spike...then she's along my rod ..licking it from bottom she looks up to me
i'm hypnotized from that woman lickin me with lustful eye,pleasurin me with her greedy passion
when she takes me in her mouth i feel her warmth melting my tip...her so strong sucking ..hungrily...she knows me well and she's driving me crazy
feel the back of her throat on my tip and back out again...i cant hold much longer to this pleasure
i grab her head with my hands and start pulling it to meet my thrusts...i m reaching my not return point when she steps back and say"not yet"

she leads me into the tub then steps back and start undressing slowly ...she's so beautiful and her perfect body is all i desire
she's naked now and i help her comin into the tub and sit on my lap into the water bubbling
i grab my hard shaft and point it at her hot pussy,her shiny eyes into mine she comes down taking all my lenght into her sex moaning out loud

we stand still while her hotness burns my rod, i pull her neck and we start kissing...our tongues tangled i squeeze her breast and my right hand goes to her tight hole...teasing it a little with a finger i then slide it in slowly
she moans in my mouth keeeping on kissing me and start to move her hips...first slowly...then a little faster...faster....faster

we stop kissing as both start moaning wild...she's riding me hard taking all my rod in then let it out for an half
i keep on pulling her with my finger in her tight hole and the other hand on her hip

she starts crying out my name as she reaches her peak and i cant hold longer so i thrust hard my cock in her with all my lust grunting like an animal .. my back archs and i explode my hot seed in her
she trembles over me howling her pleasure while we both slow our movements

Jane s face looks so shiny as she stares at me now with dreaming eyes her nose touches mine and i whisper in her mouth
"i love you Jane"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 21, 2013, 08:13:58 PM
Wandering through the crowd, my tray over my head and brushing my bunny ears. singing softly to myself.
  All my lovin'  mmm mm mm mmm mmmmm
all my panties darlin'  mmmm mm mmm (giggle)
Heading back to the bar for a new batch of drinks I see Mercer walk in the door. As I approach he looks a little nervous in all the ruckus. I get to him and smile.
"Hey guy, what are you doing here?"
He just shrugs and I remember I asked him to come down.

getting to the bar I holler at Old Joe over the music. "My shifts almost over, can I get out of here?"
Old Joe looks over at Mercer and just smiles at me before he says "Well, since you'll probably be singing tomorrow, why don't you sing for us right now, before you go?"
I look at him and shake my head.
"You know you could work over..." He lightly threatens.
"Grrrr" I finaly give in. "OK but I'm doing that one"
"What ever turns your clock, Darlin'. "
Yanking my bunny ears off I step to the stage and interrupt the band. "The torch song.... yeah that one"
They nod and off we go
"Hello ACHAT!!" I scream in the mic.  "It's your bunny girl, Andrea. Um the boys and I rehearsed a little something.  A nice Rhythm and blues number, for women that have had that low down man that could still make them feel so good. You know, That  dirty scoundrel but he does it sooo well. 1 2 3 4
(Moving my hips as that honky tonk piano starts, then my whole body moves forward and back when  the rest of the boys come in)

You know that I would follow you
To the end of the Earth
And maybe I was gullible
You should have known my worth

I was waiting for the time to remind you
We were in love
What I gave was so incredible
But it was never enough

(I belt it out like a girl that's been there)

You took my love
You broke my heart
You took my smile
And tore it apart
You left me crying
Down on the floor
The funny thing is
I still want more
If only you love me like I wanted you to
But you tricked me into loving you
You tore me apart
You broke my heart

You charm me with your little ways
You knew the buttons to press
And you said I was your everything
But boy you couldn't care less
And you said we'd be together, forever
Now look what you've done

What I gave was so incredible
But it was never enough

(grabbing the tambourine and smacking my rocking hip)

You took my love
You broke my heart
You took my smile
And tore it apart
You left me crying
Down on the floor

The funny thing is
I still want more
If only you loved me like I wanted you to
But you tricked me into loving you
You tore me apart
You broke my heart

All that I needed
was someone to hold me
And all that I wanted
was someone to show me
just what it is to be loved
And I hoped that someone was you

Oohhhh ahh ah ooohhh

You took my love
You broke my heart
You took my smile
And tore it apart
You left me crying
Down on the floor
The funny thing is
I still want more
If only you loved me like I wanted you to
But you tricked me into loving you
You broke my heart
You broke my heart
You tore me apart
you broke my heart
You broke my heart

I Sigh cause its finished with no Mistakes. I smile wide to the crowd and bow.....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on June 22, 2013, 02:10:26 PM
Taking Freddies hand as he helps me into the tub I stand over him and lower myself down into the warm water.
He takes me by the hips as I get lower in the water I stop and look into his lovely eyes as I the tip of his gorgeous cock rubs against my sensitive lips between my legs feeling it there rolling my hips it slides into my hungry hot wet sex.

His hands tighten on my hips as we grind our bodies together his strong powerful hands lift me then lower me down over and over. Feeling his hand move to the back of my neck he pulls me to him and we kiss, a hot passionate deep frantic kiss. Our tongues twist and turn in our mouths dancing and fighting at the same time.

Feeling his other hand move down behind me over my bum checks and a finger rubs over my ass gently and slowly he pushes it into me I moan as he enters my tightness with his finger deeper in my tighten we move faster and faster his finger pulls me back down onto his burning hard rod.

Breaking our kiss we  moan wildly as we move like wild animals lusting after each other, leaning back I scream his name FREDDDDDIEEEEE FREDDDIEEEEE as I can take no more and feel the burning inside me explode I grind down hard onto his cock and finger clamping my sex muscles tight around his hard rod.

He grunts like an animal as he thrusts hard and deep into me and explodes deep inside firing burning jets of his hot seed deep into my hungry sex holding my hip and in my ass he take control and slows us down and pulls me back to him. Our faces touch just the tips of our noses our Breathing is heavy

"I Love you Jane" he whispers out of breath

I pant back "I love you to Freddie"

Feeling his finger slide out of my ass and up my back feeling both his hands pulling me tight against him as we kiss again this time a deep loving kiss between to true lovers ...........

As we kiss I gently roll my hips and flex my sex muscles on his still hard rod deep inside me......... 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on June 23, 2013, 10:14:20 AM
Lover pins the new Forum Village Event   “ Secret Summer “  on the board and unknown to me and HB, writes our names on the top of the list before adding his own.
He returns to the bar, where I order a nice cup of tea. 

Lover mentions a new idea. “ Thats sounds like fun, we can organise  for whenever you want “

Stone decides she wants to sing and blasts out  one of Shania Twain’s  - Man! I Feel Like A Woman!
The remaining people join in the chorus, myself included.

She returns to the bar and the conversation turns to Crystal Lake, a  popular venue, not all that far from here, where the villagers like to spend a few peaceful days camping.

I tell them about the myth of the lake... 
   “The Lake Crystal monster is a creature purported to live in the Lake, in Forum Village, Nymphomania. There have been many claimed sightings, but scientists have found no real evidence that this creature exists”

I notice Stone smiles at Jayc,  but continue,

 “ For many years, people have reported sightings of the alleged Lake Crystal Monster in the lake. This mythic creature is also called Elliot or Ellisaurus or just plain Ellie.  The Ellie Monster is estimated to be 40-50 feet long, the same colour as an elephant and sightings go back several centuries.  It’s not dangerous and there are no reports it has ever attacked or hurt anyone, if anything it is shy  but there has been strange reports of  Spam, Corned Beef and  broken picnic chairs going missing around the lake for a number of years now.

The sightings seem to suggest it’s a Plesiosaur, a prehistoric animal like the one in Loch Ness, Scotland.  I show them an old picture of Ellie caught on camera once by a drunken camper


They all look at it with interest.

Then we are interrupted by the noise of the Spa door opening and out troop -  Tangoracer, HB, Sexilicious and Mrsexlover  heading for the secret passage in the poolroom.  Seems their night is still young. I smile  thinking that Tango is about to test out his new dungeon.

I put the photo of Ellie away again and  suddenly Jmc runs in.  He had just left with Snowbunny  but had obviously forgotten something.  He walks over to me and says ,

Thank you for a great night, Please thank HB as well for all her work in organizing the party too" 

I reply grinning at him "I'll be sure to tell her you said so".

 "There's just one last thing Miss Brandy"  Jcm pauses and I look back at him. Jcm continues  " I know you've been wondering all night about my Scottish heritage". He quickly lifts his  loin cloth before giving me a kiss on the cheek. " Good night and thank you again."
I am delighted to see that he is indeed a well built ancestral Scottish boy and  chuckle to myself thinking this is turning out to be quite a night,  considering my date hadn’t arrived yet.

Tangojane & Freddie slip into the Spa room  to join Stray now it was free again and I tell J2D2 to take them a bottle of champagne  to enjoy.
Old _Goat offers to take it instead .  “ Sure thing” I smile at him.

Two new faces, Daveoh & Mercer78 walk into the bar and I welcome both of them in ..  “ Grab a drink Boys, first one is on the House , you are just in time for  Momma_Andreas’s song“
I see her go to the stage and  sing   Alexander Burke – You broke my heart

It’s a great song  and I know it well.  Lover, JD & I sing along into our bottles -  in a friendly  over-acted performance of ..  you, you are the one who broke my heart, that only true friends can get away with.

We all cheer & clap at the end.   She has a fabulous voice....  I wave to her to say, there’s a drink  waiting behind the bar as she makes her way towards Mercer & Daveoh....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on June 23, 2013, 02:40:21 PM
I'm happy to see Momma_Andrea on stage again. She has a wonderful voice and seems to be born for stage and shows. I love music and know many many songs, most of them the lyrics too as I love to sing whenever possible... but this song is new to me.
I can't help but have to sing too as good as possible. Also Brandy and JD are singing.. we look at each other while as if we'd sing to us "you, you are the one who broke my heart, that only true friends can get away with."

We smile and applaud as Andrea is finished. "Great!" I hug her, offer her a drink when she is coming to us. "Seems you feel better each time you are on stage." I smile... "Just say a word and I always make sure you get the chance for your next performing" "I will" She replies, taking the drink and cheering to us.

We wave a hello to mercer and daveoh... I laugh... "Probably we have to attach our bar - our village is growing and thebar soon will be crowded" Barndy and JD laugh too "I'm going to ask HB to make a draft."

Looking at my watch.. "Oh, time to start next crazy game" I grin and go to stage.

"Are you ready for another game?" I shout.... while in the background the dwarfs are placing two big bowls on a table in the middle of the stage.
"It's simple, short and absolutely silly  :D " I lough like a kid.....

"We just need two people for each round. Inside the bowls is an apple. You have to get the apple - but without using your hands, just with your mouth. JD and I will start, winner is who gets apple first."

JD and I place in front of the bowls, our hands on back. Brandy counts...3.....2......1....GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

(imagine our bowl is much bigger...more a


I turn my head down, diving into the bowl, trying to catch the apple. Every time I think I got it, he slips away... of course I can't breathe but hear our friends laughing and shouting... so I also have to laugh. Silly, when your head is underwater and your mouth is open... it feels I drink more water than I ever have drunken in this bar... and don't get this apple...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

As I finally got it I raise my head - just to see JD already eating his one. He has won... we both laugh, high five and look around.
"Who's next?" I ask

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mercer78 on June 26, 2013, 05:05:58 PM
I sit for a while sipping my scotch on the rocks not usually into places this loud but had to come down when I realised Momma_andrea was a regular. Now that I'm here can't take my eyes off her she's an incredible woman all I've been thinking about is taking her away somewhere and having my wicked way hope she doesn't find out I'm having such naughty thoughts about her.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on June 27, 2013, 02:14:16 PM
I walk into the bar cautiously, it's been a while, wonder who's been fronting the boys while I've been away. I look around for friends I recognize and new friends I haven't spoken to before. I see Brandy, I see Jane, I see Lover..... now that lady I gotta meet she's go to be Momma Andrea, I'll share a drink with her and tell her how much I lurv her stories!
There's a new face, I wonder if it's....... Hey are you JCM?  lolz     I kinda thought you would be!
Like the new jeans? I go a little closer and turn around and bend forward, putting my hands on my knees, well whaddya think? They're missing something..... buy me a drink and I'll tell you what!  :-*
You know what? I been coming in here nearly 2 years and tonight is the first time alcohol has passed my lips, but I turned 21 this month and I am gasping for a mojito, how 'bout it?
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mercer78 on June 29, 2013, 03:47:26 PM
I turn away and look down into my glass gently swirling the ice cubes around thinking "get a grip lad what could she possibly see in you".  Once I composed myself I looked up to see her standing right there smiling that beautiful smile at me.  I completely froze I tried to speak to greet her but all I managed was a "h-h-h-h hi" before being rendered catatonic.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 29, 2013, 04:27:41 PM
Smiling sweetly at Mercer, my bunny ears in my hand. I reach out and touch his hand with my other.
"Thanks for coming down. Did you like the song, Jason?"
he nods nervously.
"Could you walk me home? I really shouldn't wander the streets at night." I plead.

"Um, yes." Is all I get out of him.

'Thanks." I kiss jason on the cheek.  and taking his arm, we bid everyone good night.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on July 02, 2013, 12:50:27 PM
As we kiss I gently roll my hips and flex my sex muscles on his still hard rod deep inside me.........

Looking deep into my lovers eyes as I move my hips in small circles

"I want you on one of the massage beds my Love"

I slide of his lovely hard rod and stand, as I stand I feel his hand grab my ass and pull me onto his face. Feeling his hot tongue dart right into my wet juicy sex. I grab his head to stop me falling and to push him deeper into me lifting my right leg up onto the side of the tube to give my love better axes to my honey pot. Feeling his finger dig into my ass cheeks tilting my hips more to open my up to his lips and tongue more.

Grinding my body onto his face moving his rough tongue onto my swollen clit feeling him suck and flick it with his tongue. I want to scream his name at the top of my voice I bit my lip to stop me screaming as I feel the uncontrollable feeling building up deep in my sex. Biting my lip harder to stop my screams as the burning inside builds and builds. Until I can take no more and SCREAM his name FREDDDDDDIEEEEEEEEE

My body shacks and trembles as wave after wave of pleasure rushes through my body and into my wet pussy. Feeling my lovers mouth over my sex as ORGASM after ORGASM flows into his hungry mouth. Looking down at my lovers wet face covered in my sweet nectar "I still want you one one of the beds".....................
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on July 03, 2013, 08:46:49 AM
I step forward,  the onion breath and Malorts still gross on my tongue,  maybe dunking for an apple will help.  I  grab hold of  Daveoh,  “ Seems you are going to be my Dunking partner..? “  I ask, not really giving him much choice.

We both move to the tub, hands behind our back, as Lover counts us in  “... 3 ... 2... 1 ... GO”

We both dip our heads trying our hardest to get  an elusive apple first. The water is cold on our heads and hair. The apples bob and tease just out of reach. We fish and glide, coming up for a few grateful breaths before dunking and trying again.

Daveoh beats me and manages to sink his teeth in an apple and I hear the crowd cheer, indicating my loss.  JD passes us both a towel to dry off and  Daveoh holds his hand high with the prized apple in his fist.

“ Well done Daveoh “ I congratulate him , patting him on the back.   “ Your next drink is on me “ I smile.

I nudge Mercer78 as I reach the bar to order the  drinks.  His eyes are transfixed on Momma Andrea, openly admiring her womanly curves.  I blow  gently on his cheek , “  Oy, Want another whiskey?”  trying to break his spell.   I partially succeed  as he murmers,  “ Yes please”    I order him one but am unsure if he was referring to the whiskey or  drooling over Momma...

Bluedenim walks in and  Old Joe suddenly rings the bar bell and shouts  “  Its Blue’s 21st Birthday – she can legally have a drink”   The patrons cheer  her coming of age.   Jcm buys her first drink and more soon follow.

Jcm makes his way to the stage, dragging Blue with him.  He announces her  birthday and  as is truly apt for our lead   “ Country Boy “ singer, he persuades her to bend over his knee for some  Birthday Spanks .

We all sing  “ Happy birthday to Blue,  We want to Spank you “ ...  as we all line up to spank her jean clad butt and kiss her cheek.
Jcm keeps count , like the true gentleman he is...   as each person takes their turn ... 11,  12, ...
I move up for my turn ... 17... 18.. and lean down to kiss her face.  “ Happy Birthday Blu,  Hope you have all your wishes come true “

Jcm gives her the final  21 count and kisses her.   The crowd cheer and then, I chuckle -  “Hey  Blu,  In England you can drink at 18,  but one of our traditions is “ The Bumps” “  and with that, I rally some helpers.

We grab her limbs & body and carry her flat.  Then we all lift her towards the ceiling   and shout  “1” She then is allowed to fall back towards the ground, just stopping her, before her butt hits the floor, then she is swung up high again  “ 2”  and so it continues until 21  is reached and finally as is the tradition, you get  an extra one for luck ...  22 Bumps marks her birthday in total.

We all cheer as she is finally allowed  to her feet, a little giddy from the experience and the alcohol slowly seeping into her blood stream....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on July 06, 2013, 01:38:28 AM
 I can't believe my luck...
JCM yep it's him alright, not only buys me a drink, but the takes me on stage to announce my birthday.
Makes a change for me to be stood here and not singing, I'm kinda embarrassed  and then as I think I'll go back to my bar stool, he grabs my arm and says I need my birthday spanks. "My inner goddess does a somersault"  Lolz, sorry for that couldn't resist
He spreads his legs to make it easier for me to lie across  so I do. I lie right over, my head resting on the floor and grasp his left ankle with both hands, making sure my ass is nice and high...
All my friends now take it in turns to give me a spank each.. Oh wow! Gets to the eleventh or twelfth and I think I can feel myself slipping into I sub-space so I Bite my hand to bring myself back and gasp... I hope JCM doesn't notice, he can find out about that later!
I hear BB & Bear come up and feel first 2 slaps from BB then I wiggle my ass to tease my Ursa Major and I'm rewarded with 2 lovely hard swats... How long I have waited for those! Then I feel BB kiss me... I look up and she's still in her Bee costume, she whispers happy birthday and goes round and spanks me twice more, then old Joe brings it up to 18 and promises me another drink :)  JCM brings my swats up to 21 with a flourish and I squirm as I feel my ass tingle and my pussy get damp, I sure hope it doesn't show thro my jeans.
He helps me up and I hug him tight and give him a long deep French kiss while he grips my ass-cheeks tight.    If only he knew....... God, he could  fuck me on the stage in font of everyone I'm so horny!
What's this?
I'm grabbed by a dozen people and flung into the air... It's a Birthday Tradition in England Blu, says Brandy and 21 times I'm flung up and caught as I drop. Omg.
They let me down gently and I am quite dizzy, my legs wre weak before, now I feel like Bambi... But JCM takes my arm and leads me back to my lovely cold birthday mojito.
I lean over and whisper in his ear.. "If you want to give me a birthday present, I think we should maybe have a couple of these and then take a walk  to the Ice Palace".    He grins widely and puts his hand on my ass and squeezes it.   
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Patricia1975 on July 06, 2013, 01:43:53 AM
A Whisky without ice please !! And free single drinks for all friends here, im paying.


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on July 06, 2013, 03:28:35 PM
I wake up after an amazing time with James, I turned over with a smile and was getting ready to wake him with a kiss. To my surprise he wasn't there... I figured well maybe he is in the bathroom. So I sat up in the bed noticing our clothes were from the bedroom door to the bed, *giggles*  as a big smile across my face. As I reminisce about our encounters.  I laid back in the bed and pulled the blankets close to me.. *sniffs*mmmmm his bed smells just like him.  I called out to him, "James? If you are in that shower, I am coming to join you..." I heard no reponse. I called out again... "James are you here?"  As I went to set up I looked over on the night stand, and there was a letter from him there. It read..
My Sexi lil Bunny,
 I have had the most amazing time with you, and can't wait for many more encounters with you.  I am going down to the B&G, to check on somethings. I didn't have the heart to wake you, for you looked just like a angel sleeping.  I made some coffee and fixed you bite to eat, it will be in the oven keeping warm, feel free to make yourself at home. I will see you soon, either when I get back here or if you decide to hippity hop your way back to the B&G. LoL
I laughed to myself, as I laid the letter back down on the night stand.  I pulled the covers back and got out of bed. I made the bed up, I took a step and noticed I was still a lil woozy from drinking as much as I did. I made my ways to the master bathroom, and took a rather satisfying shower, *nice detachable head in shower*.  As I dried off, I walked to the closet and pulled out one of his dress shirts, and put it on. *hoping he doesn't mind* Made my way to the kitchen where he made a nice breakfast and some good coffee.  Hmmm, wonder whats going on down at the B&G?  * then remembers I don't have a change of clothes, ... I started to gather our clothing off the floor, when his house phone started to ring,..*  And noticed the call was coming from his cell phone, as I answered the phone, "Rise and shine lil bunny. Did you get my note?" he asked. "Yes!" I replied,  "thanks for everything"  as I heard some loud cheering in the background. "haha sounds like a party going on down there"  "Yes, Blue is celebrating her 21st birthday!"  "I will be heading there later, as soon as I can figure out what I am going to wear... LoL"  I will for sure be back when the band gets to playing down there."  I said.  "Ok, will see you soon, I will let you know when we will play!" he said as we hung up the phone.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on July 08, 2013, 11:52:08 PM
James squeezes my butt and with a grin from ear to ear orders another round. As Joe is setrting them down, Brandy comea across and presses a key into James' hand and winks at me. "I think you might need this, Blu knows the way" I blow her a kiss and taking a sip of my lovely cold mojito, I turn to James. "Follow me, I have something to show you." I pick both my glasses up & head for the pool room and once there putting my drinks down, go to the cue rack, but instead of grabbing a cue, I twist the secret lever and the wall opens into the secret passage. I pput the key back in my pocket and grabbing my drinks turn to my friend with the swollen groin. "After you James." we walk in & the door closes behind us.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on July 09, 2013, 06:46:01 PM
I need a drink after exerting myself in “ Blu’s bumps “  I wonder if the girl has put on weight ..... !!!  ;D  ;D  ;D

  And feel it’s time to get out of my bee costume,   I ask Old Joe to mind the fort, while  I shower & change.  I pop down to my dungeon and following a refreshing  shower,  throw on my  faithful old jeans  and  blouse  and keep Coves old hat on.

15 minutes or so later, I am back in the bar, where I immediately notice,  Blu and jcm  are flirting & getting cosy.  I know that look on Blu’s  face and  go to a secret cabinet behind the bar, reaching for a spare dungeon key.   “ Well, it is her birthday  and Christi has been busy out of town... any problems there, I guess I will shoulder the blame some... then again, Blu does like her punishments.. guess, she’ll say if she needs my help in placating anyone “   Mind made up I take a key  and hide it in my hand.

I see a new face at the bar, Patricia 1975, who has very kindly offered to buy a round of drinks.  I greet her -  “ Welcome to the AB&G,  Joe,  get this fine lady a whiskey on the house -  first drink is always free” I smile at her.  “ Then I dare you to go apple dunking “

JCM  and Blu walk passed me and I press the key into JCM’s hand . “"I think you might need this, Blu knows the way"  I wink at Blu, who blows me a cheeky kiss,  The drink must be affecting her senses but I can’t help but chuckle.   They head off towards the secret passageway in the pool room.

I look at JCM in a new light and wonder if he is a Dom or  just playing out a fantasy for the night.  I must remember to speak to Tangoracer and get him to make discreet enquiries there ...  :o

I turn back to Patricia and Lover who joins us,   “ A Bacardi and coke for my friend here” I order Lover his guilty pleasure  and we chat about the best way to get an apple with your teeth.  :-X

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on July 15, 2013, 07:31:50 PM
After finding my way home... I decide to make my way back to the bar.  I grabbed my new leather suit, the pants absolutley hug ever curve... the black halter top is cut just to there. Not to show the girls to much but just enough.  I decide to wear my hair down, and wear my red SF 49ers pumps that was a gift  ::) just to give the out fit a pop.  And out the door I go... *thinking to myself I wonder what activites or who is hanging out down at the bar.

I got to the bar, and walked over to the bar... "Hey Old Joe, lets start with a couple shots of tequilia, lime and salt.. Please."  I shot both down pretty fast.  " Now a Jack and Pepsi please".... Looks around the bar,  as I seen Brandy running around, raising my glass to her, and mouthed out "Hey Girl!" She waved and acknowledged me. As I started to feel a lil warm, and tingly.  I sat on the bar stool, looking around and the activity going on around me.  Well hmmm, maybe it will pick back up soon. ...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on July 18, 2013, 11:45:25 PM
Walking back into the Bar from the pool room the mid morning the day after the Furry Party. Walk over to the bar  " Morning Joe strong black coffee please" I ask him "No problem the coffee pot is already to go" he answers and places the mug on the bar in front of me "thanks Jeo"

Turning and looking around the bar at the mess from the party I think of the spa room and what sort of a mess that will be in. Taking my coffee with me I walk to the spa door and push it open. I smile its not to bad just some towels on the floor and the beds to clean and turn the tub to clean mode.
Walking around the room picking up the towels I find a pair of little black lace panties I smile and think "The first pair of many to be gifted to the room from the hot girls it the bar"

I hang them on a hock next to the big mirror, smiling to myself I return to my cleaning of the spa as I drink my coffee.
After an hour or so the spa is clean and tidy ready for the next time its needed.

I walk back out into the bar "Morning Brandy Great night last night"  "Afternoon Tango yes what a great party again"  she answers putting my mug back on the bar "refill tango" Jeo asks " yes please Joe thanks"   he refills it for me and put a nice mug of tea next to it for Brandy.

We set and chat about the night as we drink our drinks laughing at some of the fun and game that went on. Finishing my coffee I lean over to Brandy and Kiss her cheek. "Time to get Genavieve from my car and get a little practise with her"
"Genavieve"Brandy asks  I smile "Yes my very special little baby" I say with a wink

I walk out to my car and return in just a few minutes with my black hard guitar case and walk up on the stage, opening the case I take out my baby a left handed Gidson

Putting the strap over my shoulder and plugging her in I turn to the laptop in the bands corner and search for the backing track I wont.

I move back to the mic and say "Its been a whale sense I've played her so she my be out of turn"

Going back to the laptop I hit enter and the 10 second count down starts. Moving back to the mic get ready standing with my legs apart and my head bowed my eyes closed I hear the beep from the laptop and start to run my fingers over the strings

So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell,
Blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

And did they get you to trade
Your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?

Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?

(Steping back from the mic and just play)

How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
And how we found
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.
Standing at the mic with my head bowed and tears rolling down my cheeks I take a breath "thats for all are friends we've loved and lost this year"

I feel a hand on my shoulder "Wow that was so moving" I open my eyes and look round to see Brandy with tears in her eyes
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on July 19, 2013, 10:43:24 AM
Awakening in the Bat Cave I reach for my watch to see the time. Its mid afternoon!  Stone still fast asleep,  I get up, shower and dress in jeans and a tee shirt. Pausing to leave a note on my pillow telling Stone im going to the bar I close the dungeon door quietly and walk up the ramp to the pool room  entrance.

Entering the bar  I hear the opening lines to Pink Floyd’s “wishing you were here”  I see Tango alone on the stage  playing a guitar and smile and silently sing along. Joe pours me a coffee and I sit on a stool  near Brandy who smiles and nods her greeting as we watch and listen. Looking around the bar is in utter shambles from the wildest party yet to date in the Bar’s  young history and reminisce the evening
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on July 20, 2013, 03:01:52 AM
After my breakfast with Sexi, i head back to the crimelab, i need to get some transportation for our band. I can't use my own van, i might need it when Poison Ivy reappears, but next to it is the Medical Examiners van and that's  never been used,  there are so little deads in this town that i think the ME quite her job because i have not seen her for a year or so.

I pull the stretcher out the back, we don't need that and starts the van. I drive up to Tango's Car dealership and park in the back next to the shed we have been using to practice for the band. Tango is not around and when i check inside his guitar is also missing. He must have gone ahead to the AB&G and left me with all the hard work.

We are just starting as a band so we don't have any roadies. Lucky for me we did put all the gear in the flightcases the last time we had a practice, and by making a ramp with some planks laying around i roll the whole lot into the van. Next stop the AB&G.

When i arrive at the AB&G is see Tango's car parked, nice now he can get off his lazy ass and help me getting this equipment to stage. I enter and sure there he is playing his guitar on stage. As soon as he finished the song i go stand in front of him and stare with my arms crossed and not speaking a word.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on July 20, 2013, 03:25:25 AM
Marilyn and I arrive in the bar. She is bit surprised. I have spent many time with friends, not telling her the reason. Today she will know...
Just as we reach, tango is playing "Wish you were here", one of the best Pink Floyds songs at all (really listening to it now).

We welcome Brandy with a big hug and high five yac and Old Joe. Waving to tango and mrsexlover on stage, while he is playing the song.
Marilyn is looking to me "You didn't mention there is a concert tonight". "No I didn't" I grin "well, I couldn't. Soon you will know the reason. Stay with Brandy, I uhm... have to go behind the stage" I tell her. After a kiss I leave.
Good luck, my suitcase already is in my office. Have to change my clothes as I'm bit overdressed in my blue suit. Also want to check some technical things before we can go.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on July 20, 2013, 04:14:08 AM
As I finish playing and let my eyes clear I see a pear of feet standing in front of me. Letting my eyes move up over the tapping trainers blue jeans white T-shirt folded arms looking up higher it mrsexlover not looking happy. Then I remember I was meant to help him band gear form the dealership lockup "Sorry my friend I forgot I was meant to help you this morning" I say with a sly smiles "You go have a coffee and I'll bring the gear in from the van"

I take Genavieve and put her back in her case. Going out the back of the stage I give Lover a wave hi and open the stage door the van is parked up nice and close to the doors I place the bridge plate down into the back of the van I start to wheel the flight cases from the van on to the stage. Keeping them all behind the certain so no one will see what is going on. Rolling the last case from the van onto the stage I close up the van doors and then the stage doors ready to put it all back again later.

Going back to the bar "Coffee Please Joe" I ask "Where's your mug then" he replies "Just here" I say as i tap mrsexlover on the shoulder. Joe laughs and put the mug of coffee on the bar.  As we stand drinking our coffee's "All the gear is behind the certain just needs setting up where we want it but I guess we all need to be here for that."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on July 20, 2013, 04:28:25 AM
After checking the electric and the lights, I help tango and mrsexlover to wheel the flight cases behind the stage. We go to the bar, take a coffee and I turn to Marilyn. She still is surprised and so Brandy is too. Sure they have talked about what's going on, but they don't have an idea. "What the hell are you doing?" Marilyn is asking. I laugh, hug her and pull her close to me. "Soon" is all I say, again laughing. "Wish me, wish us good luck - and enjoy" I whisper before we share a long kiss.

Talking to Old Joe "Make sure there is enough water and beer behind the stage. Will be a long and hot night." "Sure" he answers in his usual talk, not saying more than necessary.

"I hope the lads are in time" I say to mrsexlover. "Want to have a soundcheck before the bar is crowded and also a little warm-up behind the stage"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 22, 2013, 04:35:06 AM
Home at last.....mmm, well, if i can call it like that! Recently i spent more time in the Bar & Grill then in my new apartment!

I open the main door and look around....lot of boxes to open and all the stuff in them to put on their place! But now i don't really have time for this, i nned to prepare and drive back to the Bar & Grill! I walk upstairs, on the upper bedroom and open the closet: all i need for tonight is here, i'm sure of it, but the closet is messed as the rest of the place and find what i'm looking at, requires more time then i expected but at last i find it.

Finally, with all i need in a bag, i'll grab the bass case and move out to go back to the Bar & Grill. Long the street for the Bar & Grill, i can't stop thinking about the great night i have and reviving every moment of it, being sure there will be  more night as this....or even better! Smiling, i stop my car in the Bar parking area and go inside, finding out Lover, mrsexlover and my Master working on the stage and talking.

"Hey guys!" i yell, waving my hand "sorry if i'm late....give me few minutes and i'll join you!"

I walk to the counter, where old Joe is working.

"Hey Joe! Did you think it's possible to have some sanwiches for me and the boys!? it will be a long afternoon.....oh, and something cold to drink!" i ask, winking at him.

"No problem, HB....i'll take care of it!"

"Thanks, Joe! A last the changing room open!? have to put there this bag!"

"yes, it's all ready for tonight!"

"You always do a great work here.....thanks!" i say and then leave for the changing room, just to come back out after a minute with the bass case in my hand.

I join the guys near the stage, just wondering where the others member are.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on July 22, 2013, 06:54:53 AM
i open my eyes and for a while i cant figure where i am
it's just a second cos i feel the warm body next to me..Jane's arm on my chest and her head on my shoulder....
i turn to her and look her sleeping...she seems so peaceful...what a great night we had
i dont know what time is it but the sun coming through the blinds tells me i'm late...fuck they will kill me lol
i bend over Jane and kiss her softly on the lips..then on the chin ..then the earlobe...
she moans lightly and her eyes open
"hello my love" i whisper her "i think i'm gonna and the boys have to prepare the show....and i'm late as always lol"
"mmmm....stay just for a few" she says and pull my neck to kiss me
i kiss back her deeply.." love...i gotta go"
jump out of the bed and face Jane " dont miss the show for any reason Jane!"
"i wont Freddie....i'll be there "
"good "
i smile  and blow her a kiss
then i take my clothes and run out
to the B&G
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on July 22, 2013, 08:32:55 AM
Tango, lover and Me are setting up the instruments and plugging in the amplifiers when HB walks in, she waves to us and walks to Joe to arrange some drinks and something to eat.

As we take a break Freddie is also walking in. Great all we need now is for James and Bear to appear so we can do a proper soundcheck now the bar is still closed.

After the break i start to connect my keyboards and try the keys for a bit. Tango is smiling and grabs a harmonica out of his pocket, he starts winking at me and i know right away what he is up to, it's not the kind of music we play as a band but,we can't go on without the other two, so i can test my keyboards that way as he puts the harmonica to his lips and blows some familiar tune.

He laughs when i follow his lead and take over.

It's nine o'clock on a Saturday
The Regular crowd shuffles in
There's an old man sitting next to me
Makin' love to his tonic and gin

He says, "Son, can you play me a memory
I'm not really sure how it goes
But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete
When I wore a younger man's clothes."

La la la, di da da
La la, di da da da dum

Sing us a song, you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well, we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feelin' alright

Now Old Joe at the bar is a friend of mine
He gets me my drinks for free
And he's quick with a joke or to light up your smoke
But there's someplace that he'd rather be
He says, "Mart, I believe this is killing me."
As the smile ran away from his face
"Well I'm sure that I could be a movie star
If I could get out of this place"

Oh, la la la, di da da
La la, di da da da dum

And the waitress is practicing politics
As the businessmen slowly get stoned
Yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness
But it's better than drinkin' alone

Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you got us feeling alright

Now Paul is a real estate novelist
Who never had time for a wife
And he's talkin' with Davy, who's still in the Navy
And probably will be for life

It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday
And Brandy Bee gives me a smile
'Cause she knows that it's me they've been comin' to see
To forget about life for a while
And the piano, it sounds like a carnival
And the microphone smells like a beer
And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar
And say, "Man, what are you doin' here?"

Oh, la la la, di da da
La la, di da da da dum

Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you got us feeling alright

The boys join in with the last chorus and smile, seems this is going the be a good day
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 22, 2013, 03:10:43 PM
OOT:  Congratulation for hitting 501 posts, Mrsexlover! and a cheer for 100th page of the B&G!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on July 22, 2013, 03:32:51 PM
OOT: Congrats mrsexlover and bar-topic

When the first chorus words started, I join - love this song and some more of Billy Joel. It's a good warmup for me and my voice. We are singing loud and full of emotions, feeling it will be a great night.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on July 22, 2013, 07:06:23 PM
I sing along to the songs ,  they are a brilliant new band  and I get Old Joe to help me out back, bringing in the goody bags...  Cocks & Roses beer mats,  pens, key rings, T shirts and baseball caps.

As the guys finish off the song I take advantage of the break and Ring the bar bell..

"Drinks are on the house Guys & Girls ... MrSexLover has hit 500 posts and is now a HERO MEMBER-  Hip Hip HORRAY   ;   We have hit a century of pages ...  Hip Hip Horray  100 today ;   and a new English Prince has been born...   HIP HIP HORRAY   ;   and  It's the Cocks & Roses opening night  HIP HIP HORRAY....   Lets... PARTYYYYYYYYYYY.... YAYYYYYYYY....

The bar staff fling some of the goodies to the customers, ensuring everyone has a Cocks & Roses  T shirt & cap .   They open up the bag wraps putting the T shirts on, as the band tune up to the cheers, gearing up for the next song...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on July 22, 2013, 09:19:21 PM
OOT Thanks my friends i never would have made it to 500 if i did not enjoy being here with you all  :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on July 28, 2013, 05:46:45 AM
We're all backstage. Bear, hb, martin, james, tango... freddie? "Anybody seen freddie?" i ask around, just as I receive a message "On my way". Ok, he'll be there in few minutes.

We go back to stage and look around. The bar is still empty, just Marilyn, Brandy, old joe and jd are preparing everything for tonight too. As we asked for, they remove the tables and chairs. It's a concert, not a coffee party in an old people's home :D Everyone has to dance, to party, to jump and sing with us.

Freddie arrives. He high-five with everyone, having a big grin on his face. We have worked hard and have waited weeks for this day and now can't wait to start. We plugin the amp and boxes, check the lights, everyone takes his place on stage.
Martin asks if we're ready for the soundcheck. "Yeaahh!" big nodding, shouting, stamping with our feeds. Seems everyone is bit hyped up and I feel needles and pins in my stomach. It's a good sign, knowing this little fever is helping to give my best.

For the soundcheck we decided to play a german song, which has a great rhythm and also will push us up. I look around and smile. Our "audience", 4 people so far, are in front of the stage, ready to party too.

James does 4 pulses with his drum sticks and we start.

Toten Hosen "Tagen wie diesen"

english lyrics:
Days Like These

I’ve waited weeks for this day
and I’m dancing on the asphalt with joy
as if it were a rhythm, as if it were a song
that keeps luring me through the streets
on my way to you, to pick you up,
as we had agreed:
at the same time, the same place as last time.

Through the elbowing of the bustling crowd
we’re paving the old familiar way
along the streets to the terraces on the Rhine,
over the bridges, right up to the music
where everything is loud, where everyone is there
to let loose
where the others are waiting to start with us
and get down.

On days like these, you wish it would never end.
On days like these,
we still have all the time in the world.
I wish it would never end.

This is unending, it’s unending for today
We won’t stand idle for an entire night
Come, I’ll carry you through the crowds,
don’t be afraid, I’ll take care of you
We’ll let ourselves drift, then dive under,
and go with the flow.
We’re going in circles,
we won’t come back down, we’re weightless.

On days like these, you wish it would never end.
On days like these,
we still have all the time in the world.
On this night of nights, which promises us so much
we’re experiencing the best, there’s no end in sight.

No end in sight
No end in sight
No end in sight

On days like these, you wish it would never end.
On days like these,
we still have all the time in the world.
On this night of nights, which promises us so much
we’re experiencing the best, no end is in sight.
We’re experiencing the best,
and there’s no end in sight,
no end in sight.

Looking around - YESSSSS!!!! Everybody is smiling. PEFECT! We're in best mood and could go on but now we have to wait 2 more hours for the opening.
Days like these - exactly the slogan for today.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on July 28, 2013, 08:20:53 AM
Finally Freddie is here, now we can do a good sound check. After i got a high five from Freddie i plug my very special instrument i had made.

By doing "Piano man" i check my keyboards, but we also are going to do songs where is don't need them that much, so i want to try out my costum made keyboard / Bass guitar, So i can play the keys if i need to but rock with the boys on the other songs.


I ask if everyone is ready, and after a big "Yeah",  James starts off. Lover sings his song with a perfect text for this, and we are all very happy it sounds this good. Now we have to wait for the people to come in and get this show on the road.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on July 28, 2013, 10:29:20 AM
I watch and listen to the guys jamming, making sure, their instruments are tuned up, Doc  and  Happy are on sentry duty, collecting the entry tickets and handing out T shirts and caps to the customers and music lovers as they begin to arrive.  This is going to be the debut concert of the new Cocks ‘n’ Roses band -  Bear, hentaiboy69 (HB ), tangoracer (Tango ), freddie, jcm0824 (James ) , mrsexlover (martin) and Lover,  -  they are all stunningly handsome men and will no doubt get some panties and braziers  thrown on stage tonight.

I know I have my special pair ready for my hunky spouse, Bear.  My heart flutters a little as I  see him in his tight black jeans and  Cocks ‘n’ Roses  T shirt stretched tight over that magnificent chest and shoulders. 

My  ears suddenly catch the bad news on the radio -  shit  -   Germany 1 – 0 Norway,  I glance at Lover on stage.   Maybe he won’t find out yet and call me on my forfeit .  He is busy checking the mics and tinkling his instrument.  I quickly tell Old Joe to turn it off.   :P

“I don’t want the band distracted,“  I chuckle at him.  ;D
Old Joe grins back,  “Lover will find out soon enough, then you are for it”
“SSHHUSH”  I put my fingers to my lip,  “ Go  pour me a cupper, make yourself useful”

Old Joe chuckles and goes to find my favourite mug.

The band finishes, their checks and goes out back for a few nerve quenching beers as the  crowds start pouring through the doors.

Stone, Momma_Andrea,  J2D2,  me,  jayc  and Covems are on  bar duty tonight with Old Joe but James_Dean (JD ),  jayc and Cove have also been roped in to do any stage checks, changes and lighting should it be needed.  It’s going to be a busy night.

The place is soon full and excited chatter for the new band  filters through the conversations.

I head for the stage and take the microphone out of the stand...

“ Hello AB&G “    A few answer back and I chuckle  “ Come on you can do better than that -  HELLO AB&G “  This time a big  HELLO  roars  back at me.
“ That’s better, much better . We have been waiting for tonight for a while now...  Are you ready to stamp your feet, and sing to our new band? “
“ Yes, “  Is the answer from the crowd.
“ Are you going to dance and cheer our boys? “
“ Yes”  They shout
“ Glad to hear it -  They have worked hard for months getting ready for tonight . Ok,  I think we have waited long enough for our handsome band.   The AB&G  and  The management here are proud to present ..... the magnificent....  and marvellous ..... new band in town -  THE ONE AND ONLY   .....     COCKS ‘N’ ROSES ..

The crowd cheers and chants their name,  the AB&G descends into darkness and then the lights are focused on stage... and there they are...  Handsome men with their gleaming instruments looking hot , hip and ready to rock...... 

I cheer,  replace the mic  and clap too jumping  from the stage to go behind the bar and watch the  concert...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on July 28, 2013, 11:22:04 AM
Busy behind the bar, we are ready for the concert. We have new kegs tapped for the draft beer drinkers and plenty of bottled beer in the coolers behind the bar. Joe is surprised and happy that I am actually working tonight, Brandy too is helping out.

“well slap my ass and call me sally” Ole Joes says with a grin.
“the social butterfly and the coffee drinking lazy sod are really working for a change” Joe says his voice full off sarcasm.

“hey  this lazy coffee drinker signs your paychecks” I remind him.

My phone chimes an alert, looking I see Germany has won the footy game, I show Joe who tells me he already heard and gives a grin in Brandy’s direction.

Stone knocks on the bar office door the boys are using for a dressing room to tell them its time.

The stage lights come on and Brandy jumps on the stage to introduce the band. I turn down the bar lights as the crowd cheers waiting for Cocks & Roses to take the Stage.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: All_for_you on July 28, 2013, 04:59:09 PM
Stepping out of the shower I look over at the clock "where has this day gone" l think to myself " I have to pick up Jane yet"
Throwing on my black leather trousers white T-shirt and black leather waist coat . Looking in the mirror I quickly do my makeup and put on some bright red lipstick and ruffle my hear "that will have to do its going to get messed up head banging at the bar soon anyway" I say to myself

Grabbing my keys I slam the door behind me and head off to get Jane . I pull up outside her place and she is waiting for me "What time do you call this we're going to miss the start " she says getting in the car."you better step on it"

With that I smiled at her and turned on the blue lights and raced of to the bar. Pulling "see we made it" I say with a big smile.  We open the door of the bar just to hear Brandy up on the stage about to introduce the band.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on July 28, 2013, 06:31:12 PM
Business is brisk as people  order their drinks and snacks from the bar. Everyone is excited to hear the new band.  I'd  seen the lads jamming earlier and they had sounded very good.  I was looking forward to hearing their tunes.

As I served yet another customer, I felt someone or thing brushing past my legs -  it was  Sneezy, Dopey & Bashful holding artists paintbrushes and carrying pots of paint in Black, Red, Gold & white. They placed them under the counter.  Then disappeared again under the counter into their special passage way. 

" Whats that for?"  I asked Old Joe.

He grinned, busy serving  and shrugged his shoulders,  " How would I know?"   Somehow his eyes were glinting and I narrowed my eyes. I had the distinct feeling he was up to something.

Brandy was up on stage announcing the band about to come on. I join in the cheering and clapping. 

I hope they will take requests too, once they have played their numbers.   Jayc holds my hips as he brushes passed me  to reach for a bottle. He had been roped into serving as well.  " Looking good baby"  he whispers in my ears.  We both had on a Cocks N Roses  promotion T shirt. He had on tight black jeans and I had on stonewashed and ripped trendy jeans.  He always looked hot to me.

I swat his fine ass as he moves back to his customer.  " You too , babes, you too "   Then go to tell the band, its time ...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on July 28, 2013, 07:08:42 PM
"Are you ready?" I ask, looking everyone deep into the eyes. I see faces, full of decidedness, joy and in mood for a great show. Of course, we all are bit nervous. Will they like our show? Our songs? Is everything working as we have planned it? But we did our best we can do, now we have to hope. I risk a look to the bar - and smile. "Guys, the bar is full of people. Let's make them happy!" I say with my best powerful voice. "YEAH!!!" We high five and take a last big slug of beer.

I'm wearing blue jeans, our Cock'n'Roses shirt and a pirate bandanna.

Nodding to jd, he nods back. Just few seconds later, all the lights in the bar are switched off.


Three loud clunks fill the air. We jump to the stage, everyone is taking his instrument and I take my mic. Lights are flashing on and off and we start our first concert:

Take me down to AChat City
where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
oh won't you please take me home
take me down to the paradise city
where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
oh won't you please take me home

Everyone is screaming and shouting, whistlening, clapping... I run  to the left side of the stage, my arms waving as if I'd talk to the crowd

Just a urching living under the street
I'm a hard case that's tough to beat
I'm your charity case so buy me something to eat
I'll pay you at another time take it to the end of the line

Ragz to riches or so they say you gotta
keep pushing for the fortune and fame
you know it's it's all a gamble when it's just a game
you treat I like a capital crime everybody's doing their time

Run to the right side, nodding to the crowd... shouting "Sing with me!"

Take me down  AChat city
where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
oh won't you please take me home yea yea
take me down to the paradise city
where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
take me home

Now I'm in the middle, jumping up and down. I'm full of adrenaline and it wants to come out... stamping my feet, circling around...

Strapped in the chair of the city's gas chamber
why I'm here I can't quite remember
the surgeon general says it's hazardous to breathe
I'd have another cigarette but I can't see
tell me who you're gonna believe

I run around, staying with everyone for a few seconds until I reach freddie. Standing beside him, nodding, moving in same rhythm he is doing. We're grinning...

Take me down to  Achat City
where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
take me home yea yea

I'm in the middle again, moving and shaking... looking around, seeing soo many familiar faces but also people I've never seen before. The music stops, just james is playing his drums.... Finally I see who I am looking for. I point to my girl, winking...

take me down to  AChat City
where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
oh won't you please take me home yea yea

"Sing with me two more times!" I scream and my voice is as loud as possible, the guys are playing their instruments again, everyone is giving his best while I'm stamping my feet, shaking my head, then clapping my hands over head to encore really EVERYONE to song and move...

take me down to  AChat City
where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
oh won't you please take me home yea yea

take me down to  AChat City
where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
oh won't you please take me home yea yea

The music is going down, the lights are off. Phew, I take a deep breath. Already sweat but happy as we hear the reaction of the audience.

Guns'n'Roses - Paradise City
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on July 29, 2013, 07:03:06 AM

ohhh want ya pls take meee hooooooomeee yeaaaaaaa yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

fuck yeahh we did it
what a powerful opening !
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on July 29, 2013, 02:40:47 PM
Back at the bar, mojito in hand and at last Old Joe serving me, I see Brandy & Jayc looking like they are ready to do some work and Ol Joe is ribbing them both and I grin widely. Something about football... may as well be about aliens, I have no idea, but BB seems nervous about a result and a forfeit... hmmmmm. sounds interesting, I shall keep an eye on BB. :)
The band tunes up, James does a few rolls from one end of his kit to the other and then Brandy walks out from the bar onto the stage and introduces the band. I cheer loudly and slide my empty glass down towards Joe, blowing him a kiss. He smiles and fixes me another. As Brandy comes off the stage I see All_for_you & Jane at the door sighing with relief that they've made it in time. I pull a couple of empty stools & wave them over, but as I'm moving the stools I see 3 of the dwarves with small paintbrushes and pots of paint, I grab Dopey's arm, but he just winks at me and puts his finger to his lips so I laugh and let him go. I wonder what mischief the little sods are up to this time?
I wave Joe over to serve Jane and All_For_You as the guys high five and the lights go down.
Fantastic! Oh wow, me & the boys have something to live up to now! All the bar is shouting, clapping & singing along.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on July 30, 2013, 12:24:26 AM
 After the fastest drive across town Karen throws her car into the parking lot "we made it" she says smiling at me walking throw the  bar doors just in time to hear Brandy up on the stage about to introduce the band I sigh a a breath of relief.
Looking around the bar I see Blue waving as over to sit with her at the bar. We We walk over to her and kiss her happy late birthday as we ordered our drinks from Old Joe. Seeing the girls in there COCKS & ROSES t-shirts I ask Joe for two for Karen and myself.
Handing Karen her one I hear Lover take the mic and the sweet sound of an electric guitar turning to face the stage and look straight into the eyes of love Freddie and then down and watch his magic fingers play with his other Jane.
Seeing him up on stage and seeing his fingers moving fast over the strings I think to myself "don't wear them out im going to want you to play me like that after the concert"l can't take my eyes off my man with his legs apart head down his black tophat on his head  but his eyes are fixed on me. With a wicked smile I pull my black t-shirt off over my head and put the band one back on and blow Freddie a kiss and tap my heart then point to him. 
Turning back to Karen and Blue I join them in singing along with Lover and the band.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on July 30, 2013, 03:44:13 AM
after lover finish the first song, the crowd of the Bar get noicy, clapping their hands and screaming......i look around and smile, holding my microphone.

"Hey, Bar & Grill! let me hear how strong you can scream.....let's celebrate Lover and his 5300th post! NOWWW!!!"

Shout and wislte fill the air, lougher then before.....the spot light are now pointed on Lover, who wave his hands to the crowd and at last sending kiss in one direction....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Marilyn on July 30, 2013, 04:44:32 AM
I'm ready to enjoy the show! Wearing my Cock'n'Roses T-shirt with tight jeans shorts.

As the band starts playing I look at the people. I see happiness and joy in their faces and I smile and nod to Lover as he performs their song.
I can't help it and I feel my whole body answering to the song, making an effort to stay in my place I look at Brandy and smile at her.

The song is over and it seemed too short. We all clap our hands and scream.

I hear HB shouting:

after lover finish the first song, the crowd of the Bar get noicy, clapping their hands and screaming......i look around and smile, holding my microphone.

"Hey, Bar & GRill! let me hear how strong you can scream.....let's celebrate Lover and his 5300th post! NOWWW!!!"

Shout and wislte fill the air, lougher then before.....the spot light are now pointed on Lover, who wave his hands to the crowd and at last sending kiss in one direction....

I smile and approach Lover and grab the bottom of his tshirt, pulling him to me I kiss him deeply for what seems an eternity. I then look him deep in his eyes with a smile and whisper "Amazing performance, honey!"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on July 30, 2013, 06:31:05 AM
Happy that the concert started perfect, that everything has worked as it should, I close my eyes for a second. Enjoying the screaming and applauds.  As i open my eyes, I see Marilyn close to me. She is grabbing my shirt, pulling me to her, kissing me deeply. Mmmm so good.. put my arm around her, holding her close. My hand is on her ass, feeling the fabric of the jeans, smelling her seducing scent. Her kiss is awakening naughty thoughts...
"Amazing performance honey!" I hear her whispering, she is showing her wonderful smile.

"Thanks honey. I have a surprise for you - later" I wink "Now the show has to go on". Turn around to the guys, grin and say "Sorry..we can go on"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pafe on July 30, 2013, 07:50:24 AM


Arriving at the AChat Bar & Grill, just in time to hear Brandybee's introduction.  Satoire and I hurry past the busy Joe, waving as we go by to Jayc, Stone and all the others at the bar.  I mouth the works... "I'll order something later" as we rush past.

Satoire in the lead... the show business part of her has got her adrenaline fired up.  I can see her starting to sway already before the music even starts.  It's very dark while we make our way in... thank goodness someone's moved all the tables and chairs.  Three loud bangs start the intro as the guitars pick up the melody and the rhythm.

Suddenly lights flash and we can see all the members of Cocks and Roses on the stage... familiar faces now, and they sound very, very good.

Lover begins his strut, and Satoire notes that there's a little Mick Jagger in those moves.  A compliment indeed coming from a professional dancer.

We both begin to sway and dance to the rhythms of the song.  People are screaming and shouting, genuine rock concert mayhem!!  They're perfect, with each change, and nail the song!!

They finish their song... and the lights go out.  We applaud madly... "I hope that's not it."  I say to Satoire...

"Nah..."  she replies...  "that's only the warm up... it's best that way with a new act... you're able to judge the reactions and adjust your routine."

"You should know,"  I say ... "you should know.  Hold my spot, I'll get us something to drink."  I rush the bar during the brief break, humming AChat City.

"Joe... if you would be so kind."  I say to him, "I'll have a diet water, and a Shirley Temple for Satoire." 

Joe grins back at me at the diet water joke, shaking his head and begins mixing the Shirley Temple.

Having drinks in hand, I hurry back to the crowd and Satoire.  "I heard from Moonie,"  I say quietly to Satoire, "she's supposed to come tonight."

"I hope she leaves that pistol home."  Satoire says to me.

"I don't."  I say, "I hope she brings it and fires off a few shots."  We both laugh at that and turn our attention back to the stage... 

Satoire leans into me and says, "I hope Covems and Amy show, too."

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on July 30, 2013, 08:09:59 AM
After mrsexlover and I had breakfast, he had to go set up the band stuff, so I went shopping finding the perfect outfit to wear tonight.  After hours of looking, I finally found it. Trying it on and twirling around in the mirror, I smile and get it. I lay the dress neatly on the bed and place the gloves beside the dress. Adding some comfortable sandals and dangling earrings to finish the ensemble, I head into the shower and wash and shave.

Stepping out of the shower, I towel myself dry. I grab the dress and put it on rubbing my smooth skin all the way down as the dress slowly covers my body. Feeling the smoothness from the waist down making sure I didn't miss a spot, I then pull my hair up off my neck and secure it figuring that it will be a warm night in the AB&G. I attach the dangling earrings and pull on the gloves before I give myself a final spin to see how I look. Seeing the time, I rush out the door and head to the AB&G.


Stepping into the AB&G, I hear the applause and screams as the band has finished their first song. Walking over to the stage, I get mrsexlover's attention and whisper softly so only he can hear me. He smiles and nods and whispers back before announcing the next song. I wink and slip into the crowd to enjoy the number.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on July 30, 2013, 01:00:29 PM
Yeah this first son has gone great. We nailed it completly and the crowd is loving it. As i look up i Sexi approaching the stage in a very Sexi dress. She gets to the my side of the stage and winks me, as i lent her my ear she wispers something naughty to me, and as i smile i gave we my anwser back.

The cheering dies down a bit, so i grab the bag i had laying underneath my keyboard and start pulling out some things. I pass out some sunglasses and a fake beard to all the band members, except James, he only gets the sunglasses. Then it's time to put on our cowboy hats with the Cock 'n Roses logo on it.


The people start to cheer as the see us on stage in this wierd outfit, but i guess they know what's comming next. I get back to my place and start to speak into the microphone.

Ladies and gentleman i believe you all know this one, so come on and sing allong

I give a signal to James by making the familiar move with my hand, and he starts the second song

I got to have a shot of what you got is oh so sweet.
You got to make it hot, like a boomerang I need a repeat,

as we reach the chorus all the boys join in

Gimme all your lovin', all your hugs and kisses too,
Gimme all your lovin', don't let up until we're through,

You got to whip it up and hit me like a ton of lead,
If I blow my top will you let it go to your head?

Now with the second chorus is see the whole AB&G sing loudly and Sexi is making sure i can read her lips while she sings

Gimme all your lovin', all your hugs and kisses too,
Gimme all your lovin', don't let up until we're through.

As the second chorus ends Freddie is right up to steam and starts his marvelous guitar solo, at the end of it the crowd is going wild

You got to move it up and use it like a schoolboy would.
You got to pack it up, work it like a new boy should.

Gimme all your lovin', all your hugs and kisses too.
Gimme all your lovin', don't let up until we're through.

We finish the song and people in the AB&G are cheering and wistling as we take off our beards. Omg i can't believe this gig is going so good.

zz-top - gimme all your lovin
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mooncalf on July 31, 2013, 05:13:02 AM
I pick up Mollie at her shop and together we ride over to the AB&G in my jeep.  She has a kerchief around her hair to keep it neat, because I have the top off.

Pulling into the parking lot, I spot a space near the fence and back the jeep into it.  Shutting off the jeep, I check myself in the mirror... I look presentable enough and I straighten my hat.

"How do I look, Mollie?"  I ask.

"Like a real country girl out on the town."  She says with a smile.

"I don't know what's going to happen tonight."  I say to her, "If you hook up with a feller, just let me know."

"Maybe we should both pick one up, Moonie."  Mollies says to me, "Have our way with him and when we're done, just kick him to the curb." 

We both laugh at that.

Entering the bar, there's a lot of cheering and foot stomping going on as the band begins a song.  "Must have missed the opening."  I muse.

Walking up to the bar I nod and gesture hello's to all the folks around it.  "Joe, you handsome man", I say, "whisky please... Rye... don't matter what brand... and a draft for a chaser."

Joe give me that look as he pours the shot.  I down it quickly, with Covems' usual departing words running through my head... "watch your drinkin' ma'am"...  the draft chaser is cool and refreshing.

Taking our drinks, Mollie and I head in and find Pafe and Satoire, dancing and swaying to the music.  We all hug and make our usual greetings.  The band is good, playing some hard driving rock and roll.  We laugh at the fake beards and join in with Satoire and Pafe, dancing to the rhythms.

Settled in now, we listen and get into the swing of things.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on July 31, 2013, 11:03:57 AM
The bar is swinging and although busy behind the bar,  I find my feet stomping  and my singing voice bellowing

Gimme all your lovin', all your hugs and kisses too,
Gimme all your lovin', don't let up until we're through,

Soon all the bar staff are doing a sort of jigging- a dance / sing / serve routine that somehow works well.

"The Cocks N Roses are brilliant "   I shout to Stone who is dance nodding her head.  She and Jayc make me laugh... they are both wearing long ginger beards and throw me one to put on ...  of course I do... and continue serving and jigging..

The regulars are coming in and I greet each and every one,  Pafe,Satoire, Mollie, Moonie, Tangojane, Sexilicious, Marilyn, Bluedenim, All_For_You ,  and the barstaff of course all working extremely hard ..  and not forgetting  THE COCKS N ROSES    rocking the night away.

"Make sure everyone gets a drink on the house as well as a T shirt and cap"  I tell Old Joe, Stone & Jayc ..
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on July 31, 2013, 03:43:51 PM
Sitting at the bar... throwing a few drinks back. The band starts to play, I have been waiting this for weeks now.  I smile and make my way up to the stage.  I gave a smile at James as he took his shirt off... "whoooo hoo" I screamed.. out to him!!  I can't wait to listen to the band to play some music.  :P
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on August 01, 2013, 04:38:43 PM
the ZZTop cover has gone great, all are shouting and clapping
we nod to each other and take off our beards,when i see the guys are ready i look at James
James starts...
and then we all follow him
Lover makes his way to the mic with a devilish eye...winks to the crowd and free his voice

(OOT if you can...go to the link,start the song and then read this : it works better  :) )

Wicked Game
performed by H.I.M.

World was on fire, no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you
And I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you

No, I wanna fall in love
(this world is only gonna break your heart)
No, I wanna fall in love
(this world is only gonna break your heart)
..with you

Tango and Bear are playing the same riff making it so powerful and singing the chorus at the same mic...
HB plays her bass dancing sinously in front of MrSex that works his magic on the keyboards...
i think James gonna break his drums now,his playing excites me more...

(this world is only gonna break your heart)

What a wicked game to play
To make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do
To let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say
You never felt this way
What a wicked thing you do
To make me dream of you

No, I wanna fall in love
(this world is only gonna break your heart)
No, I wanna fall in love
(this world is only gonna break your heart)
..with you

a spotlight hits me as my solo begins
my heart beats faster as my fingers play this magic
all my body tense full of energy


as i end playing the song seems vanishing but MrSex enters with his piano
the crowd cheers and Lover nods at me as i make my way to Tango and Bear  
Lover sings slowly now as the song needs to take breath

World was on fire, no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do

 and grows again now
our guitars sound hard  as James pushes us all with his rythm
and Lover sings it out loud

No, and I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you
I'll never dream that I lose somebody like you, no

No, I wanna fall in love
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
(No, I wanna fall in love
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
..with you

(This world is only gonna break your heart)
No, I...
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
(This world is only gonna break your heart)

 one last chord and then it s only his voice...

Nobody loves no one

they all are shouting now...wowww..we r rocking!

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on August 02, 2013, 07:43:30 AM
Karen and I mack are way to the front of the stage watching the band playing we all sing with Martin as he belts out his great version of  Gimme all you Lovin     Jumping around and nodding our heads as we sing (scream) the chorus

The bar eruptes into cheers and screams as the song ends.

The lights dim and Lover takes to the mic James starts hitting his drums hard and the spot light falls on his and he starts to sing He starts soft and builds loader and stronger
We all sing the chorus with him Lover and Tango are face to face singing and playing at the same mic they sound great together matching each note

The spot light shines down on my Freddie as he starts to play his solo I scream the loudest like a little school girl at her first concert
watching his magic fingers again on the strings "I know what magic they can work on me" I think to myself. I feel that magic feeling and my Panties start to get damp. And a wicked thought comes into my mind.

Lover comes back to the mic and finishes the song the bar goes  wild again.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on August 02, 2013, 12:41:43 PM
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
No, I...
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
(This world is only gonna break your heart)

I'm singing at the top of my voice to the haunting chorus and wait at the end for Freddie's deep deep sexy voice as he sings

"Nobody loves no one"

We all scream and make thunderous applause -  the bar is rocking.   I  nip out and change my panties  grinning ...   

Then mischievously make my way to the front of the stage.   I lob my panties and they land on Bear's guitar.   He looks up and grins at me,  kissing them and putting them in his pocket.
I blow him a kiss..  He pretends to catch it and places it on his cheek and blows me one back. I catch his and add my own before putting both kisses in my pocket.   

Then chuckling I return to the bar and serve more waiting  customers ....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on August 07, 2013, 09:03:10 AM
As James finishes his song he puts the Mic back in its stand and goes back to his drums.
I take Genavieve off and put her in the stand.

I take to the Mic I take a deep breath

"LET HEAR IT FOR THE BAND" The Bar goes wild cheering and clapping
"On the drums we Have JAMES"  The crowd clap and cheer as he plays a small drum roll
"On lead guitar we Have Freddie" He steps forward and takes a bow and plays a fast rift the fans scream as he plays
"On back up guitar Bear and Myself" Bear joins Freddie playing the rift
"On bass we have the beautiful HB" She steps forward and play a solo
"And on keyboard we have the magic fingers of Martin" He play his keys
"And lead vocals we Have LOVER" 

The Bar cheer and clap as the Band is introduced

The lights in the bar go out plunging it into darkness.

The big screen flickers into life


James starts on his drums then Freddie on his guitar Stepping close to the Mic I start to sing I take the Mic out of the stand

I'm a cold heartbreaker
Fit to burn and I'll rip your heart in two
An' I'll leave you lyin' on the bed

The Girls at the front of the stage scream as i start to sing

I'll be out the door before you wake
It's nothin' new to you
'Cause I think we've seen that movie too

'Cause you could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nothin' done
I said you could be mine

Now holidays come and then they go
It's nothin' new today
Collect another memory
When I come home late at night
Don't ask me where I've been
Just count your stars, I'm home again

Pointing the Mic to the crowd the all sing (scream) the chorus

'Cause you could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nothin' done
I said you could be mine

(I turn to HB)
You could be mine
you should be mine
You REALLY ARE MINE ( I blow her a kiss and turn back to the crowd
you could be mine
You could be mine,mine, mine, mine

You've gone sketchin' too many times
Why don't you give it a rest?
Why must you find
Another reason to cry?

Freddie steps forward and takes a solo

While you're breakin' down my back an'
I been rackin' out my brain
It don't matter how we make it
'Cause it always ends the same

You can push it for more mileage
But your flaps are wearin' thin
And I could sleep on it till mornin'
But this nightmare never ends

Don't forget to call my lawyers
With ridiculous demands
An' you can take the pity so far
But it's more than I can stand

'Cause this couchtrip's gettin' older
Tell me how long has it been
'Cause 5 years is forever
An' you haven't grown up yet

You could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nothin' done
I said you could be, you should be
You could be mine

Each Band member step to the a mic)
Brandy You could be mine
Jane you could be mine
Blue You could be mine
Sexi you could be mine
Marilyn You could be mine

As the band sing to there Ladys I move over behind HB putting my arm around her waist holding her tight I kiss her cheek
you ARE mine
Your ALWAYS mine

The bar goes dark again as the song ends all that can be heard is the screams from the girls

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on August 07, 2013, 10:45:25 AM

We come flying up the road in the truck... going so fast, I missed the parking lot.  I slam on the breaks and come to a screeching halt.  I back the truck up and into the parking lot... still in reverse, I find a spot next to Moonie's jeep and back into it.

"Come on, Sweets,"  I say to Amy, 'lets go listen to the band."  I open my door and hold my hand in for Amy to take... she slides across the seat and hops out.

We open to the door to the AChat Bar and Grill, and are immediately hit with the sound of the band.  "THEY'RE REALLY LOUD."  I shout to Amy.  "AND REALLY GOOD."

We go in and head straight to the bar.  "JOE', I shout, "A ROOT BEER AND WHAT EVER AMY WANTS."

We wave and nod to all those around the bar, wearing their Cocks and Roses memorabilia.  Amy picks out a T-Shirt.  "I WANT TO PUT THIS ON..."  she shouts to me, 'BUT IT WILL BE TOO HOT WEARING TWO SHIRTS."

"TAKE THE OTHER ONE OFF FIRST."  I shout to her... she gives me that "are you crazy look".

I have a seat at one of the tables.  "HERE, AMY... SIT IN MY LAP."  Amy comes over and sits in my lap... I turn her so her back is towards me.  I slide my hands up underneath her shirt and cup a hand around each breast.  "GO AHEAD AND TAKE THAT ONE OFF."  I shout.

Amy's hesitant at first, but then gets what I'm doing.  She goes ahead and pull the shirt over her head.  I'm looking around the room and spot the 4 munchkins all together.  Pafe catches my eye and waves to us.  I wave back... exposing one of Amy's breasts, before realizing what I'm doing.

"Whack" is the sound made as Amy slaps my arm.  "PAY ATTENTION."  She shouts.

"Heheh".. all I can do is chuckle.  Amy slips the new Cocks and Roses shirt on.

"YOU CAN REMOVE YOUR HANDS NOW."  She shouts to me.


The band finishes up with their song, and Amy lets out a holler for them as I whistle as loudly as I can.  The room goes dark.


"Pssssst... Amy... quick... kiss me."

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: All_for_you on August 08, 2013, 08:27:18 AM
Standing at the front of the stage with Jane rocking to Martin and his ZZ Top song gimme all your lovin and then Freddie come forward with Lover with a great version of Wicked Game At the end of the song Jane looks at me with a wicked smile on her face.
 "What have you on your mind Girl"  I shout over the cheering.
 she leans In close to my ear and tells me her plan I smile back at her and nod my head in agreement. Just as we separate Brandy moves between us and throws a pair of her panties at Bear.  Jane and I laugh as Brandy beat us to it.

James comes out from behind his drums and sing his song Very Breath you Take We all sing along with the chorus with him and cheer and scream as he finishes.

Tango take to the Mic after putting his guitar down He introduces the band. They all play there part as the Name is start and we scream and cheer each one in turn.

All the lights go out in the bar and everyone falls silent



Fills the Bar then James starts his drums and the Freddie steps up on his guitar

Tango start to sing in his best Axl Rose voice

I'm a cold heartbreaker
Fit to burn and I'll rip your heart in two
An' I'll leave you lyin' on the bed


as Freddie move forward I feel a hand on my shoulder It's Janes I turn to see what she wants But she is pulling her panties down and smiles at me then throws them to Freddie and SCREAMS    " YOU COULD BE MINEEEEEEEEE"

Freddie catches them rubs them on his face then hocks them over his guitar.

As the song starts to end each band member sing a line to there lady in the bar
Tango moves over to his HB holds her tight and sings the last lines to her 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on August 08, 2013, 10:11:55 AM

"Why thank you, oh kind Sir," I chuckle, while doing a cute little bow after hopping out of the truck as Cove holds open the door for me. He grins back at me before saying, "Come on Sweets, lets go listen to the band."

We make our way into the bar and as soon as I enter I hear someone singing along the tune of:

"Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake (I'll be watching you)"

I look around in amazement, taking in the scenery of the wild crowd. *Who's amazing voice is that* I think to myself just as my eyes wander to the stage and I see James finishing up his song. I smile wide and start to clap and cheer.

"THEY'RE REALLY LOUD."  Cove shouts to me.  "AND REALLY GOOD." I nod and smile, agreeing with him. He takes my hand and we head off in the direction of the bar to get drinks. Just as we order our drinks, Tango's voice echoes the line "I'm a cold heartbreaker" and I scream out another cheer.

As we greet everyone sitting at the bar, I notice the cool Cocks and Roses memorabilia they're wearing. I eye a shirt and shout to Cove, "I WANT TO PUT THIS ON, BUT IT WILL BE TOO HOT WEARING TWO SHIRTS," while grabbing it.

I notice Cove taking a seat at one of the tables and asking me to come to him. "HERE AMY, SIT IN MY LAP," he bellows to me. I smile coyly before sauntering towards him. He turns me and with my back facing him, he sneaks his hands under my shirt and cups my breasts.

My eyes slightly widen and I glare back at him. "GO AHEAD AND TAKE THAT ONE OFF", he shouts. My eyes widen even more and I continue to stare daggers at him while thinking *Has he gone mad?*

Although hesitant at first, I catch on to what Cove is getting at and eventually get to slipping on the new Cocks and Roses shirt and just as I finish doing so, Tango sings the closing lines to "You Could Be Mine".  The bar goes dark as the band finish the song, and the crowd erupts into another series of cheers.

"Pssssst... Amy... quick... kiss me," Cove whispers into my ear. His hands, still underneath my shirt, tickle their way down to my waist as I turn to face him while squirming and giggling slightly. I grab a handful of his hair and pull us into a deep, passionate kiss. His arms tighten around my waist, pulling me in closer, and our kiss deepens.

As the lights come back on and a drum roll kicks in, I bite Cove's bottom lip gently and slowly pull away, much to his reluctance. We both smirk at each other again, before I turn back around. I ease in slightly between Cove's legs, leaning more towards his right thigh, and cross my legs.

His arms wrap around my waist again, pulling me in close against him. I slightly turn my head again to kiss his cheek, as he kisses and nibbles at my neck while we anticipate what the band's going to play next.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on August 08, 2013, 02:48:56 PM
Jcm0824 steps forward to the mic and we all cheer as the handsome man introduces our Robot Boy to take over the drums.

He starts the haunting song about stalking and it makes me smile and sing along

Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you

Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you

I sing in my bottle of bud ,  back to back with Old Joe,  who  mirrors my actions.

The bar is rocking and Stone & Jayc are flipping some bottles  for the cocktails in perfect sync to the music, not spilling a drop or smashing any bottles.  It’s quite an impressive performance.

Jcm’s voice is amazing and I  nudge Snow bunny and blu  over the bar - " hey ladies, I have just the thing for  Jcm’s  groupy collection"  and toss the items to them winking..

Tango is up next and  the rockin tune is too catchy not to join in...
We are singing and jiving and head banging to the music ..

You could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nothin' done
I said you could be, you should be
You could be mine

Each Band member step up to the a mic
Brandy You could be mine  ...  I grin and blow Bear a kiss  ..  I swoon, mmmm  sexy sexy man mmmm
Jane you could be mine
Blue, Snow - You could be mine  :o
Sexi you could be mine
Marilyn You could be mine..

Tango sings to his pet  and we all cheer wildly..  some of his words , I echo towards  Bear ..

You ARE mine
You’re ALWAYS mine

Bear winks and rocks...

As the song starts to fade, I realise Cove and Amy walk in. They order their drinks  and sit down for Amy to put her new Cocks n Roses T shirt on.  :P
Everyone cheers the group and stock up on new drinks as they wait to hear the next song .... :o

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on August 08, 2013, 04:37:11 PM
The boys are really rocking and my 4th Mojito is going down a treat, me and Snow Bunny are drumming on he bar with our fingers and rocking our heads side to side.
James gets up from the drums to sing a police number... Is there a subliminal message in there aimed at me?
Then Brandy  throws a couple of thongs at me & Snow and says "hey ladies, I have just the thing for JC's groupie collection" and gives us a big a wink.
I look at Snow Bunny, I look at the thongs then I laugh and finishing my drink, I hand the smaller one to Snow and say "What the hell! I will if you will"
I stand up, strip off my top & bra and pull on a Cocks & Roses T-shirt, then off with my jeans, throw my panties onto the stage and they hit James on the cheek then fall over the microphone and he glares at me so I step into the thong stroking my bush as I get it comfy then turn round, grab my ankles and wiggle my ass in time to the last verse and JC nearly corpses when he sings "I'll be watching you"

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 09, 2013, 11:40:44 AM
you ARE mine
Your ALWAYS mine

feeling his arms around my body i smile at Master Tango "not only tonight....." while the lights turn off.

after had give him a sweet kiss on his lips, i move behind the curtain, trying to prepare faster as i can for my song: i'll remove the long gown and put on a black short suit jacket and adjust my hair and remove my lipstick.

Claps start to come form all around the bar and in the dark of the room i move in the center of the stage and speak.

"Before the next song, there is something we must do......a big cheer for a friend!!"

Three lights start to move over the crowd heads, running from a point to another of the room.

"Let's celebreat are wonderfull writer Andrea and her 500 post! HURRAYYYY!"

The lights move all over Andrea, letting her be in the middle of the attention of all the Bar & Grill. Cheears and claps echoing in the room, getting loud at any minute.

Without waiting, i turn to my band's mate and shout "LET'S GO"! and the guitar begin


When everything is going wrong
And you can't see the point in going on
Nothing in life is set in stone
There's nothing that can't be turned around

I walk close to Master and lightly touch his soulders

Nobody wants to be alone
Everybody wants to love someone
Out of the tree go pick a plum
Why can't we all just get along?

I step close to Lover from behind and put my hands on his chest, moving slowly up to his chin, holdingit and make his face turn to me just to step away, winking at the girls in the bar

Boys.. Boys in the girls room
Girls.. Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys.. Boys in the parlour
Girls.. They're getting harder
I'll free your mind and your androgyny

No sweeter a taste that you could find
Than fruit hanging ripe upon the vine
There's never been an oyster so divine
A river deep that never runs dry

The birds and bees they hum along
Like treasures they twinkle in the sun
Get on board and have some fun
Take what you need to turn you on

I move to a memmber of the band to another, teasing them......grazing my bum against them, slowly, then slapping softly some of them right on their bum cheek

Boys.. Boys in the girls room
Girls.. Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys.. Boys in the parlour
Girls.. They're getting harder
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I’ll free your…

Boys.. Behind closed doors and under stars
Girls.. It doesn't matter where you are
Boys.. Collecting jewels that catch your eye
Girls.. Don't let a soulmate pass you by

With my body pressed on Mrsexlover back, i smirk at my Master, licking and kissing his friends lobe. He look at me with an evil that point, i let mrsexlover turning to face me and give him a deep kiss.
all the girls start to scream, as i move away from him, but not before had give him a good lock of my buttom

Boys in the girls room
Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys in the parlour
They're getting harder
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind

I reach the center of the stage and bow down, giving to all the guys a nice look of my small tits pressed between my arms, making them bounce a little while i stand up, taking care the crowd can notice the pretty bulge hidden by the body suit i'm wearing. Wistle and chears rise again in the air

Boys in the girls room
Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys.. Boys in the parlour
Girls.. They're getting harder

I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I’ll free your…

i walk back to my Master, moving slowly and a little sinuously, walking around him and looking deeply in his eyes, trying to cacth his toughs and smiling at him


I stop in front of him while the lights on the stage turn down a little. Just one is pointed on us, pointing tha attention of all the crowd to us: i putg an hand over his shaft, grazing it a little, and stamping a deep kiss on his mouth, while the music turn off, followed b the light after few second.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on August 09, 2013, 03:04:27 PM
OOT: Congrats Andrea :) Now we wait for the next 500 posts...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on August 09, 2013, 04:54:36 PM
Glaring at the stage as JMC is finishing I'll be watching you, Brandy runs beside me and nudges me and Blue and throws a couple of thongs at us saying "hey ladies, I have just the thing for JCMs  groupie collection" and gives us a big a wink.  Blue then looked at me and looked at the thongs andI laugh while finishing her drink, she handed the smaller ones to me and  said "What the hell! I will if you will" At that time she stood up, strip off her top & bra and pull on a Cocks & Roses T-shirt, then stripped off her jeans, and threw her panties on stage.  I  laughed at her while I slammed down my drink  stood up beside her took of my shirt and bra threw on my tshirt, that fit snug across the girls.. I joined in putting on the thongs,.. joining blue as we cheered at JMC!!  Hahaha  This was going to be hell of a night I could tell the bands sounded great.  JMC finished his song as Tango got up and began to sing his song... and then there was a cheer as there was a announcement made that Andrea has hit her 500 mark. We all congratulate her.  The next thing I know Hentaiboy is taking the mic and working the stage.... I ask for another drink and make my way through the crowd to the front of the stage for a closer look. As I get closer I take my bra and chuck it at JMC... and smile devilishly his way...   ;D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Amy42370 on August 11, 2013, 11:00:43 AM
As I step through the door I'm struck by the light and sound. “Oh my...” I take a alight step back as my eyes and ears adjust to the new environment. As I look around I note the Country & Western theme, not what I expected, but not bad.  After a second look the crowd looks nice and I decide to stick around. I make my way to the bar feeling slightly over dressed, in a short, black cocktail dress with dark hose and heels to match.  When I catch the bartender's eye I ask. “May I have a Gin and Tonic, please?”
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on August 11, 2013, 12:49:06 PM
Slipping and sliding through the crowd with my tray over my head next to the long bunny ears, I finally get back to the bar.
"Joe!" I shout "I need a slippery nipple, sex on the beach, a slow screw, panties down and a blue whale in a tall glass."
Joe doesn't blink and none of us find it silly, he just starts mixing.

I turn to the woman in the hot black cocktail dress. "You look new, Welcome to the Achat Bar and Grill." I shout over the constant din of music and people. "Brandy is somewhere, I'm sure she'll pop up and say hello. I'm Andrea by the way, struggling writer and carrier of drinks, but I see Joe already took care of you. Have fun."

And I'm off with my refilled tray into the fray that is the AB&G.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on August 11, 2013, 02:37:50 PM
As HB finished his song, the lights turn off and we hear the big apllause. Bit later the bar is silent - everyone is waiting what's going on...
Suddenly the silence is broken by a loud guitar riff. Spotlight is switched on, showing freddie - just wearing black jeans and his guitar.
He is playing "Godfather theme"
One minute later, mrsexlover is joining with his keyboard, followed by jcm's drums....
Gradually bear, tango and hb join. Close to the end freddie is on a pedestal, which is moving up until he is playing the last chords.

It's a great song and it seems he is hypnotizing everyone.

As the song is over, I take the micro, look around as if I would welcome everyone tonight. I see a new face, Amy42370 and nod to her. I notice she already has a drink and also Andrea is caring for her.

I look around. "Just the left side!" I shout
"Give me a C!" "C!" "Give me an O!" "O!" "Give me a C!" "C!" "Give me K!" "K!" "Give me a S!" "S!" "Tell it" "COCKS!"

"Now the right side! Give me an N!" "N!" "Give me an R!" "R!" "Give me an O!" "O!" "Give me a S!" "S!" "Give me an E!" "E!" "Give me a S!" "S!" "Tell it!" "ROSES"

"Now all together!!!!"   "COCKS'N'ROSES!"   "AGAIN!" "COCKS'N'ROSES!"   "YEAAAAAAHHHHH!"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on August 11, 2013, 03:20:10 PM
"Are you enjoying the show?" I ask and the answer is big screaming.... "C'mon on, I know you can do it better. ARE YOU ENJYOING THE SHOW?" now I scream as loud as possible. The answer is like a hurricane now... I grin "YEAAAAH.... WE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"It's no secret anymore, we're the Cocks'n'Roses. It's also not a secret anymore, we rock.Together with you we're going to rock this bar tonight!" Stamping, whistlening and cheering is the answer....

"Now it's time to calm down a little. Look to the right, smile and say hello....   look to left, smile and say hello too.... If you're here with a beloved person today, I want you hug him now. Also light a fire or the sparklers. Now it's time for lovers.
We are the Cocks'n'Roses... and this is "Bed of Roses" for you"

Mrsexlover is playing the piano, few seconds later, the sound of  freddie's guitar is going through my whole body....

Sitting here wasted and wounded at this old piano
Trying hard to capture the moment this morning I don't know

While I'm singing, almost everyone is singing with me, waving with sparkles or lighters

'Cause a bottle of vodka is still lodged in my head
And some blond gave me nightmares, think that she's still in my bed
As I dream about movies
They won't make of me when I'm dead

With an ironclad fist I wake up and french kiss the morning
While some marching band keeps it's own beat in my head
While we're talking
About all of the things that I long to believe

While I'm singing, I'm looking around, trying to catch everyone. My eyes stay on Marilyn now, she is smiling to me and while I'm singing, I smile to her.

About love, the truth, what you mean to me and the truth is
Baby you're all that I need

As the refrain is startin, the stage is filled with red light and 1000 pedals of red roses are raining down to everyone. I'm spreading my arms as if I want to hug everyone. My voice, soft and silent in the beginning, now is loud and clear. I'm loving this song so much and everyone feels I'm singing it from all of my heart, feeling the words and it's meaning.

I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
I wanna be just as close as your Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on a bed of roses

Well I'm so far away the step that I take's on my way home
A king's ransom in dimes I'd give each night
To see through this pay phone

Still I run out of time or it's hard to get through
Till the bird on the wire flies me back to
You I'll just close my eyes, whisper baby blind love is true

Slowly I'm moving to the right side of the stage, going downstairs. I'm walking around in the bar, encouraging everyone to sing with me, to feel the power of this amazing song and to forget his worries. Live the moment is my message...

I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
I wanna be just as close as your Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on a bed of roses

The band is giving everything now, firing up the mood now

Well this hotel bar's hangover whiskey's gone dry
The barkeeper's wig's crooked
And she's giving me the eye
Well I might have said yeah
But I laughed so hard I think I died
Ooh yeah

I'm laughing out loud, pointing to freddie "I wanna hear your guitar crying!"  I have reached Marilyn, take her hand and we dance, while the band is playing, lights turning off and on... it's just a short dance, finishing with a deep kiss "I love you honey" I whisper and go back to stage.

Now as you close your eyes
Know I'll be thinking about you
While my mistress she calls me to stand in her spotlight again
Tonight I won't be alone
But you know that don't mean I'm not lonely
I've got nothing to prove for it's you that I'd die to defend

A big burning heart is shown on the video wall. I go down to my knees, closing my eyes

I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
I wanna be just as close as your Holy Ghost is
And lay you down

I get up again "Everyone sing with me one more time!" Lifting my arms, waving to the left and to the right, everyone is doing the same. Also HB, tango and bear are singing while jcm is drumming full of passion

I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
I wanna be just as close as your Holy Ghost is
And lay you down

I wait til the music finishes. Then I sing alone, it's more whsipering...

on a bed of roses
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Amy42370 on August 11, 2013, 04:09:10 PM
I smile and nod at the greeting.  I begin to reply “I'm Amy...” but Andrea is already on the move again. This is a very busy place here, but I think I will like it. I sip my drink and relax with the music.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mercer78 on August 11, 2013, 04:39:07 PM
I wonder into the bar for the first time in a long while have a look around seeing the the lovely Andrea an uncharacteristic burst of confidence hits I stride over to her taking her empty tray putting it to one side. Holding her in my arms I whisper may I have this dance?
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on August 11, 2013, 04:51:47 PM
"Jason, I'm working"   I look around and just about everyone is dancing. So I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Thank you." I say

And we move to the music. My bunny ears swaying gently as we go. I kiss his nose and put our foreheads together.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mercer78 on August 11, 2013, 04:56:54 PM
I feel the warmth of pride spreading through me a while ago I would had never have had the confidence to do something so brazen but so glad I did watching those ears sway with her head.  Looking into those enchanting eyes as she smiles at me. I feel an incredible urge to kiss her there and then......
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on August 11, 2013, 04:59:14 PM
I smile and say hi to the people around me before I sneak up closer to the stage and jump up. Walking behind Martin, I enclose my hands around him and rest my head on his back as I listen to him play with the others.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on August 11, 2013, 05:14:17 PM
Remembering our talks, I reach down and grip Jason's butt in one hand, my other holds the back of his neck as I kiss him. Pressing my lips softly, but my tongue forcing into his mouth. Finally he yields to me and our tongues dance as we do.  Leaving his lips, I trail down his neck and softly bite and kiss him.

Knowing him, I whisper. "I won't hurt you."

And then I close on his jugular, putting my best hicky in place,  claiming what's mine.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on August 11, 2013, 09:37:38 PM
As we are playing "Bed of roses" i feel the presence of someone behind me. Then i feel two arms starting to hug me and smell a familiar sent. It's Sexi who wants to share this special moment with me.

As soon as Freddie starts his solo, i grab Sexi with one hand and pull her onto my lap, as my hand gets back to the keyboard to play i kiss her on her cheek while she hugs me.

My music is not getting better with it, but i find more insperation with her on my lap, so i manage to play to the end, and as soon as Lover sings his last words the lights go out and i have my hands free to cuddle Sexi back and give her a long proper kiss.

Then i tell her to slip off the stage as the next song would be more up tempo, and as she moves off, i wishper to her"but you can come back later on in the show" ;)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 12, 2013, 01:20:12 AM
I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
I wanna be just as close as your Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on a bed of roses

While Lover is singing this part, i move close to Master Tango, till my back can lay on his one. I look at him and smiling i whisper

"i'd realy like to lay on our bed right now, my love....."

A smile appear on his face and soon i see an lusty light in his eyes

"We have all the night, when the concert end!" he answer just before giving me a tender kiss on my lips.

When Lover finish his song and the lights goes down, i put my arms around my Master's neck ank kiss him passionately, loosing the sense of time......only the light going up and whistles and chears from the bar bring us to reality: we turn to the crowd and smile, then turn to face each others and kiss again, while the note of the next song start to fill the air
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on August 12, 2013, 05:46:24 AM
During Freddie's solo, Martin pulls me into his lap. While he continues to play, I rock gently in his lap at the sound of the music while laying my head on his chest feeling his heart beat.

After the song ended, he finally had his hands free to cuddle and kiss me. He then tells me to slip off stage as the next one is more up tempo, so I jump off and wink at him knowing more will come later.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Mollie on August 12, 2013, 06:11:57 AM
Observing everything that's going on with a keen interest.  The ride to the AB&G with MoonCalf, teasing Joe as we go by.. ordering our drinks.  A BlackJack for me, MoonCalf with her whiskey.  We greet all the ones at ther bar with air kisses and cheek hugs.

I choose a Cocks and Roses T-shirt from the pile, and slip it on, then we go join Pafe and Satoire at their spot.  MoonCalf pulls a table over near us so we have someplace to set our drinks.  Watching all the young girls screaming and cheering for the band, makes one recall earlier times in our lives, and we share stories during the lulls between songs.

I get a kick out of watching the ladies throw their panties up on the stage.  MoonCalf asks me if I was going to throw mine up there, and I told her I would, if I had any on.  We all laugh and sing along with the songs, while Satoire goes into a stationary dance.  She shows us all the moves she's making and we begin to follow along.  MoonCalf shouts "Satoire's Dance School Class is now in session!"  Soon all 4 of us are swaying and moving our arms in unison.

"Seems all the men are spoken for."  Pafe says over the music.

Indeed it does appear that way, I observe, and think that we shouldn't make any advances.  It's fun to watch Covems and Amy make their entrance, and we laugh about when we had tied him to that chair.  "MoonCalf's Rodeo". 

The latest song stops, and the lights go low.  I offer to go refill everyone's drinks, as the waitress seems busy.  Shirly Temple for Satoire... a diet water with a wedge of lemon for Pafe.. Rye whiskey and a lager chaser for MoonCalf and another BlackJack for me.

We wait for the next song.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on August 12, 2013, 08:24:14 PM
I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
I wanna be just as close as your Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on a bed of roses

As I play along with Lover I feel my Pet laying against my back and gently rub herself against me.

"I'd really like to lay on our bed right now, my love....."

I smile at her and give her a lustful look

"We have all the night, when the concert end!" I whisper in her ear

I kiss her tenderly on the lips and we keep playing back to back. As Lovers words fade and the lights go down I feel my Pets arms around my neck We kiss passionately losing ourselves in the moment only when the lights come back on and a big cheer fills the bar do we stop our kiss we turn to the crowed smile and kiss again as the next song starts my Pet stays laying against my back
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on August 13, 2013, 08:53:53 AM
After the lights went down and Sexi hopped off my lap and the stage, i get out from behind my keyboards and grab a Mic. As i pass Tango and HB laying with their backs against eachother on stage a say to Tango : "Where you not supose to chance your outfit for the next song, it's time for you to shine in the lights".

He looks up to me with a face on wich i can read he forgot it completly, so he rushes off stage as i step into the spotlight on front of the stage.

"Hello AB&G, are you having all a good time" i start to stall some time for Tango to get ready, the bar responds back with a big "YEAH"

"Now that was a nice song that Lover did, i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did" i continue with a big smile. The bar responds back with a laugh. In the corner of my eye i see Tango getting back on stage in his new outfit.

We going to pick up the tempo ago with this next song, and you can sing along if you like"

Ii give a sing to James to start the next song, and as he starts on his drums i continue "Lady's and Gentleman give a big applause for Tango".

Tango starts to play and the spotlight is turned on him. The bar goes wild as they see his outfit and recognize the song.


AC/DC - Thunderstruck

The whole bar starts singing "OOWHAAAHHAAHAA" and fills in with "THUNDER" at the right time

I start to sing

I was caught
In the middle of a railroad track (Thunder)
And I knew there was no turning back (Thunder)
My mind raced
And I thought what could I do (Thunder)
And I knew
And I knew there was no help,no help from you (Thunder)

Tango starts to do that typical walk wich gets him even a bigger cheer

Sound of the drums
Beatin' in my heart
The thunder of guns
Tore me apart
You've been-thunderstruck

Went down the highway
Broke the limit, we hit the town
Went through to Texas, yeah Texas
And we had some fun
We met some girls
Some dancers who gave a good time
Broke all the rules, played all the fools
Yeah, yeah, they, they, they blew our minds

I was shakin' at the knees
Could I come again please?
Yeah the ladies were too kind
You've been - thunderstruck,thunderstruck
Yeah yeah yeah, thunderstruck
Oh, thunderstruck

Now we're shaking at the knees
Could I come again please?

Thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Yeah yeah yeah, thunderstruck
Thunderstruck yeah, yeah, yeah thunderstruck

Said yeah, it's alright
We're doing fine
Yeah it's alright
We're doing fine
So fine

Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Thunderstruck, thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Whoa baby, baby, thunderstruck
You've been thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, thunderstruck
You've been thunderstuck

The bar goes wild while we finish the song, and i think i lost my voice as i can barely sing the last thunderstruck, well the rest is up to Lover for now anyway's, as Tango and I get to the back of the stage to take our own positions back.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on August 13, 2013, 10:06:13 AM
As my Pet and I are rubbing against each other back to back
"Where you not supposed to change you outfit for the next song, it's time for you to shine in the lights"
I turn and face him totally forgotten I had to change. Kissing my Pet on the cheek I run back stage as Martin takes to the Mic.
Stripping off as I go throw the curtain I grab my new outfit blue suede shorts white shirt tie and a blue suede suit Jacket and to finish it off an marching flat cap.

Hearing James hit the drums and Martin introduce me "Lady's and Gentleman give a big applause for Tango"

I step out from the curtains the spot light hits me and the bar goes wild as they see my outfit and recognize the song.

OOOOOOOWWHHAAAAAAHAAAAA ..............................THUNDER the bar sings in time

Martin sings the first lines and the band sing THUNDER
After the third line the Bar sings THUNDER
Then after ever line after the bar scream THUNDER

At the end of the verse I move to the front of the stage and start the funny walk. 
Hopping on one leg with the other leg out in front cross the stage.
The bar goes wild again  And is loader still as the song comes to the end and lover takes over the singing as martins voice has gone we move back to our positions on the stage I kiss my Pet as I pass her she smiles at me in my shorts and jacket.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on August 16, 2013, 12:14:31 AM

Wow, what a night.... my head is spinning with the atmosphere, the shouting (who me scream?) the excitement, good job I've got my mojitos to calm me Me & SnowBunny keep high-fiving in between the overhead clapping, then the lights go down again and come up with...
TANGO... as AC/DC.  OMG..some heavy rockin here tonite guys! THUNDER...... THUNDER!
Singin along  I really want to jump on stage & join in to the next one "I wanna rock & roll all night and party every day"  grinning like a fool and when it gets to   "You show us everything you got" I stand on the stool & lift my t-shirt up looking at James and nudging SnowBunny to do the same.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on August 19, 2013, 02:27:17 PM
As James finishes his great song the bar goes wild. I step up to the Mic with a stole in my hand sitting on the edge of the stole I bring Genevieve onto my lap.


The bars screams and shouts there answers "YES"


I turn to the guys and see sexi slip up onto the stage and onto Martins lap as his sat at his keyboards. I smile over at my sweet Pet as i turn back and face the crowd the lights drop and a single light shins onto me.
With my head lowered I softly strike the strings of Genevieve and a crisp clean note fills the Bar

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trust in who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

James comes in on the drums and the pass picks up a little

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

I never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

 As I sing I feel my sweet Pet come and rub her back against me and kisses my cheek I look over to Freddie and he take over playing his guitar. I slide Genevieve onto a stand and Pull my Pet onto my Lap. With her guitar between us and her still playing I hold her ass cheeks as she leans back pushing herself harder against me. Turning back to the Mic I start to sing again as my Pet plays on my lap.

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know (yeah!)

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trust in who we are
No nothing else matters

As the song comes to its end I pull my Pet to me and Kiss her full and hard on her lips and the light fades down on us.

The Bar screams and cheer as the stage lights come back up as my Pet and I are still kissing.[color]
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on August 19, 2013, 05:36:16 PM
Slipping on stage when Tango announces the slow song, I see Martin smile as I swing my leg over and settle down on his lap. Wiggling in slow rhythm to the music, I feel him slowly respond. Leaning in, I kiss his neck and whisper in his ear. He looks at me with widen eyes and slowly goes to feel that what I had said was true. His face lit up in a big smile and I could tell he was having a hard time concentrating too much on the rest of the bar after that. Thankfully his part was very easy for this song, I think to myself with a little giggle.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on August 19, 2013, 09:44:27 PM
As soon as Tango annoucens a slow song, Sexi jumps back on stage and hops on my lap.

She wiggles in my lap and i feel something growing in my crouch. Then she kisses my neck and wishpers something in to my ear. I widden my eyes and just do if i had not noticed that the first time she was on my lap. But my lap is still moist from the first time she sat there without her panties.

As i take one hand of my keyboards and under her skirt, i feel her naked skin, her lips are wet and her clit is swollen as she moans as this hands starts to play with that instead of the keyboard. I give her a big smile as i feel my lap is getting wetter. Lucky for me i can stay behind my keyboards as my trousers must be showing a big wet patch.

Sexi and I keep french kissing as i play with one hand on the keyboards, (missing many notes because of this distraction), and the other hand under her skirt, till Tango finish his song. Then i pull my hand back and whisper something in her ear witch creates a big smile on Sexi's face as she hops off my lap and the stage again.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on August 23, 2013, 05:30:32 PM
Standing and enjoying the music that is playing. All of a sudden Blue jumps on stage and joins in singing the song I wanna rock and roll all night.....   When it came to the chorus show us everything you got, Blue jumped up and pulled up her shirt while she nudged me to do the same. I stood up on the stool beside her and pulled my shirt up along with her.  I pulled my shirt down with a whoooohoo, looking over at JMC giving him a real devilish smirk, and blowing a kiss his way.  Ordered another drink, raised and cheered on the band.  Tango took the mic and said he was going to  slow it down... singing Nothing Else Matters.  As I take a sip of my drink, I close my eyes for a moment listening to the song.  *thinks to myself I am wanting to get up there and sing one of my favorites.... Wonder if it will be ok?  Motions for JMC to come to me and whisper in his ear is it  ok if I can sing Black Velvet??  Can you guys play it?? If So I will sing it... ::)l
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on August 25, 2013, 03:28:09 PM
OTT  Cangrats to HB for 5500 posts  MMMMWAHHHHHH
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on August 25, 2013, 03:34:38 PM

+3!  ;D

Thank, me sweet Dean.....MWWWAAAHHHH!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on September 04, 2013, 05:39:19 AM
The bar is just rocking and I am pleased the “Cocks n Roses”  first concert is going down so well. They are excellent musicians,  singers and know how to work our AB&G patrons ,  not to mention extremely handsome, especially the hunky Bear in the pink cowboy hat!!!  ::)

I see a new face enter the bar and move over to chat.  Momma _Andrea nods to  me as I approach her, busy with a tray of glasses.  She’s her usual cheery self  & I indicate theres a drink behind the bar when she’s ready and mouth “ Congratulations on your 500 posts”.  :-*

Amy42370 orders a Gin & Tonic from Old Joe.  He fills her glass and gives her a complimentary  “ Cocks n Roses”  T shirt.

JD, J2D2, Jayc, Stone & Old Joe are all busy behind the bar.

I greet her and explain the first drink is on the house.  ;)

 HB takes to the stage and  sings a soft catchy melody  as we chat, then we both join in singing..
“Boys in the girls room
Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys.. Boys in the parlour
Girls.. They're getting harder

I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I’ll free your…”
We  sway suggestively  to the music  and I sip my drink, a Brandy & Lemonade as I dance away.

Lover revs the audience up with us shouting out the letters he’s asking for -   C...O....C...K...S ..... COCKS...   N...  R...O...S...E...S...... N.. ROSES
We all chant    “COCKS N ROSES” .....  “COCKS N ROSES”.....COCKS N ROSES”...
 Sparklers and  Lighters are given out and lit for his song..

Lover sings and we sway our hands above our heads with the lights
We join in the chorus –
“I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
I wanna be just as close as your Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on a bed of roses”

Mercer78 strides into the bar and almost immediately his eyes centre on Momma_Andrea and insists on a dance.
I catch his eye & wink at him.   “ I’m so proud of him, hopefully, he will have good news soon. “
He winks back & twirls Andrea around.

Sexilicious jumps on stage to give MeSexLover a love whilst he plays. It’s a touching sight.

Mollie & Mooncalf tease Old Joe and he blushes as he serves them.  Whatever they said, he certainly had a spring in his step afterwards. They join Pafe & Satoire with drinks and sing along to the concert.

Tango is next with a more upbeat song.  As he does the intro, instead of singing  “ Thunder”  Some of sing   “ TANGO”   &   “ instead of  “ Thunderstruck “ ... “ TANGOSTRUCK”

jcm0824 is next with a fantastic drum intro ...  we jump and dance to the  beaty rhythm singing along with him and clapping...
“I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day
I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day
I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day
I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day”

Snowbunny & bluedenim jump on stools and lift their  T shirts to show braless shaking boobies to the Cocks N Roses.

“ What a fabulous idea! “    More girls jump on stools to show their beautiful breasts to their favourite band.

I shout to Stone & the two Amys - Amy42370 & ItsAmy123 -  “Come on Girls, on the bar”   We jump on the bar counter, much to Old Joe’s, Jayc, Covems , Old_Goat’s & James_Dean’s (JD) delight and flash our tits too.  They  bounce and rock as we shake our bodies..

The next song by Tango is slower and couples, sway and hold each other gently as he sings...

It’s very moving and touching.  I listen swaying, watching and singing to my Bear..  “Maybe  I should get him that pink collar to go with that hat...” I muse ..    :P

($T2eC16JHJHkFFmFiSMbNBRdwL+6vW!~~60_35.JPG)   (

I lean over to Old Joe “ Make sure there is a drink put behind the bar for HB – he’s hit over 5500 posts, something of a record, I think “   :-*

I’d congratulate him but he’s a bit busy  with Tango at present.....  I blow a kiss in his direction x  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on September 04, 2013, 05:47:10 AM
no nothing else matters.................

we end this great song and all the bar cheers and screams..clapping hands ans whistlews...
i'm proud of how we'r playing tonight and i smile to Lover thinking bout what we'r goin to do now...
he steps in front the mic:
Wowwwwww my'r the best audience we can have...we love you all!

the bar explode again and starts shouting

LOver again:
we have another surprise for you
just a few mins pls....

the lights go down and we run in the backstage to change ourselves

soon Lover comes back to the mic and a spot shows him in a silk black suit

just for you all tonight
the COCKS N ROSES are...SHARP...DRESSED.......MEN !!!!!!!!!
"sharp dressed man" performed by Nickelback

fireworks explode at sides of stage as the lights go on showing us all dressed in black
and James starts playing his drums
quickly followed by us all

Clean shirt, new shoes
And I don't know where I am goin' to.
Silk suit,black tie,
I don't need a reason why.
They come runnin' just as fast as they can
Coz' every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.

Martin and Tango with beards and hats are playing just like the ZZTop

Gold watch, diamond ring,
I ain' missin'not a single thing.
And cufflinks, stick pin
When I step out I'm gonna do you in.
They come runnin' just as fast as they can
Coz' every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.

Bear starts his solo as the crowd screams out loud
his guitar plays high making all people dance and jump

Top coat, top hat,
I don't worry coz my wallet's fat.
Black shades, white gloves,
Lookin' sharp and lookin' for love.
They come runnin' just as fast as they can
Coz' every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man

my turn now to play a solo
i stand next to Lover shoulder to shoulder
my six string jane on my knee and my fingers running on it
as i end the solo and the other guitars join me Lover scream out loud:
MAKE SOME NOISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the crowd answer shouting and clapping hands

Clean shirt, new shoes
And I don't know where I am goin' to.
Silk suit,black tie,
I don't need a reason why.
They come runnin' just as fast as they can
Coz' every girl's crazy 'bout a
the bar all answer
as James guides all with 3 powerful shots
the song ends but the bar is still rocking
screams and clappping hands
we all smile as we know we played great...high fives and hugs as we all make our way in front of the crowd to cheer our great audience
Lover grab a mic :
ty all
we love you.....goodnight
we bow to the bar that still wild
cheering and sending kisses we make our way to the backstage
as a chorus starts
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on September 04, 2013, 04:16:07 PM


Congrats Freddie on reaching 200 posts x  ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on September 05, 2013, 02:02:06 AM

Hey, you can see right up my nose!  ;D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 07, 2013, 08:24:26 AM
While the cheers fill the B&G, the lights slowly go down i'll put my bass on its holder and move to the center of the stage and Master Tango reach me with his Genevieve: we stand facing each others, when the drum start.

The Bates - Billy Jean

The light turn on, showing to the whole B&G un upset Tango facing me: he start to play his Genevieve as i, trying ro apologize, sing
She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene
I said don't mind, but what do you mean I am the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round
He said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

She told me her name was Billy Jean, as she caused a scene
Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of beeing the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round

Now People always told me be careful what you do
(And) don't go around breaking young girls' hearts
And mother always told me be careful who you love
And be careful of what you do 'cause the lie becomes the truth

I fall at his knees and grab his leag, desperately looking at him......
Billy Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who thinks that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son
.....he look at me with hangerand push me a

i'll walk all around the stage, form Lover to Freddie, then from James to Bear
For forty days and for forty nights
The law was on her side
But who can stand when she's in demand
Her schemes and plans
'Cause we danced on the floor in the round
So take my strong advice, just remember to always think twice
(Do think twice)

She told my baby to dance to three then he looked at me,
Then showed a photo of a baby cryin', eyes was like mine
So we dance on the floor in the round, baby

I move on a wooded stair placed on the front side of the stage, moving a step after another on it, facing the whole crowd as i continue to sing
Now People always told me be careful what you do
(And) don't go around breaking young girls' hearts
She came and stood right by me then the smell of
Her sweet perfume this happened much too soon
She called me in her room

I walk between the people who came to look at our debut concert, then stop near Alita, falling at her feet, my melted make-up slop long my cheeks
Billy Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
Billy Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

Running disperately back to the stage, i stumble on the last step falling on the floor and Master Tango, Lover and Freddie are now all around me
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

Billy Jean is not my lover

All the guys pointing at me, giving me angry sight, as i hit the floor with my closed hands, crying
Billy Jean is not my lover
Billy Jean is not my lover
Billy Jean is not my lover
The light turn off one afyter another till only one point at me huddled on the turn a bit small, surrounding my figure, and slowly it turn off, making the whole place fall into darkness, then suddenly it turn on, showing Tango kneeled on me pulling my hair and kissing me deeply for a minute or more, then he free me and speak

"You are my one!"

Cheers and whistles again all around the bar, as i hug him tight and whisper "always!"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on September 07, 2013, 01:05:44 PM
As the cheers fill the bar and the lights go down I move to the centre of the stage with Genevieve my sweet HB comes and stands in front of me. We stand face to face in the darkness I lean forward and kiss her lips gently.

The drums start and the lights come up I start to play Genevieve HB starts to sing

She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene
I said don't mind, but what do you mean I am the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round
He said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

As HB gets to the chorus she drops to her knees holding onto my leg, I look down on her with a play fall anger in my eyes I push her away I watch her every move as she goes around the band running her hand over there chests or shoulders.

She moves off the stage down the steps and into the crowd I watch her move through out the crowd and fall at Alita's feet.

As she keeps sing the song she realises she need to get back to the stage rushing back she trips on the top step and full at our feet
Love, Freddie and I all look down on her as she beats the floor with her fist and cries 

Billy Jean is not my lover
Billy Jean is not my lover
Billy Jean is not my lover

The lights of the Bar turn off one after the other until only one light shone down on HB. The light shrinks over her until it goes out leaving the Bar in darkness 

I kneel over her as the single light shines on us both Pulling her hair I Pull her to my face and kiss her deeply time stands still as we kiss with every pair of eyes in the bar on us I break the Kiss and say

"You are my one"

Cheers and whistles fill the bar again she holds me tight and whisper "aways"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on September 09, 2013, 07:13:02 PM

The band finishes Billy Jean  and I glance at my girl.  Stone gives me the nod and we spring into action. I jump on the stage and Grab the microphone.

“Hey Brandy I need you up her front and center”

As I speak the dwarfs push up the throne by my side.  Brandy climbs onto the stage suspicious and wary but sits down, wondering what was going on.

Smiling I speak,  “Relax, A little bird told me... Today is your Birthday”
The crowd cheers and  Brandybee smiles and blushes a little.
 I continue, “Well, we have a very special guest to entertain you, a drum roll please”  jcm0824  kindly rolls...
“Ladies and gentlemen I give you ….............Marilyn Monroe!!!!”

The spot light goes to the corner of the stage and there is Old Joe... dressed in a white chiffon dress . Right on cue the dwarfs turn on a fan and Old Joe's dress  blows  up to his waist  revealing his pasty white hairy legs and a way too  small G-string.  He acts all coy  and uses both hands he pushes the dress down the center of his crotch unsuccessfully, pouting his lips sexily.

His feet  are stuffed into white high heel shoes and he is wearing a blonde wig. His whiskers stick out of his pancake makeup, blue eye shadow and thick, black false eye lashes and blood red lipstick.

I toss him the microphone & he catches it deftly.

Taking a few awkward steps , he finds his poise and begins a slow saunter towards the birthday girl.

In a high falsetto voice he begins singing a steamy version of  Happy Birthday.  His breath is panty as he imitates  the famous , slow, sexy ,  Happy Birthday  to you, Marilyn Monroe style.

The crowd roars in laughter.

He slowly moves  closer and closer and leans in to Brandy and shows her he has a shot in the cleavage of his stuffed bra.

Brandy laughing hard,  puts her head close, grips the shot glass in her teeth , throws her head back and downs the shot in one.

Being the ACHAT BAR &  GRILL the shot is Malorts and Brandy gives us all the “Malorts face”  as the bitter foul tasting liquor hits her taste buds and nearly makes her wretch.

The bar breaks out in a loud cheer and she looses the empty glass and it falls to the floor.

Old Joe then presents a cup cake with one candle lit as the band begins to play Happy Birthday again. We all join in to sing Happy birthday one more time.  She takes a deep flamboyant breath and blows out the candle. 

Old Joe kisses Brandy’s cheek, leaving an imprint of rosy lips on her cheek. He then sits in Brandy’s lap to pose for pictures and I give her a dozen yellow roses from the management & bar staff.   

Brandy is clearly touched and stunned by the unexpected gesture
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on September 10, 2013, 11:53:50 AM
“They come runnin' just as fast as they can
Coz' every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.”
I sing at the top of my voice with  Freddie's fabulous singing.

When Bear  struts his guitar playing, I scream the loudest and  encourage to show of his skills .
I sing and cheer at Freddie’s encouragement to the crowd.  Top singing, top playing.
The AB&G crowd are arockin’

HB  sings the next song and we all join in the chorus.

“Billy Jean is not my lover
Billy Jean is not my lover
Billy Jean is not my lover”

I am singing my little heart out, enjoying every song that the Cocks N Roses are performing, enthralled at Tango’s & HB’s affections for each other.

As that song fades out,  Jayc suddenly springs to life &  to my bewilderment asks me to centre stage. The dwarfs flurry out on stage carrying a heavy set throne chair. He gestures for me to sit & I do so.

Then all becomes clear as  Jayc proceeds to announce my birthday  , I glance at Lover and narrow my eyes at him. I point my finger and smile letting him know ... you are the culprit huh?  :)

A drum role brings my back to Jayc and he announces our very own special  Marilyn Monroe. 

And my crazy, lovable ,  head bar tender – Old Joe -, hobbles forward  in his ill fitting high heeled shoes & white dress, make up caked on his face looking like a pantomime Dame .  He looks wonderful & at that moment, I truly love the guy for going to all that trouble for me.

I cry with laughter as one of the dwarfs crawls along the floor with a mobile fan to ensure the skirt lifting look is complete and Old Joe plays coy and sexy trying to push it down, only for him to fail and the skirt flutters up . It reveals white , nobbly,  hairy legs & soooooo sexy G string.

He sexily sings  “ Happy Birthday”  Marilyn style and I watch fascinated. 

He plays to the crowd as they guffaw at his wonderful efforts.   As he moves forward, I notice his breasts are made of stuffed socks and he leans forward offering me a shot glass in his cleavage.

 I nod and smile – it’s the least I can do , after his efforts.  Using my teeth I bury my head in his false cleavage & take the glass in my teeth and knock my head back in one.

Too late, I realise the shot is Jayc’s speciality – Malorts.  “ EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW”

Its stings, its awful, it causes me to heave, but it is swallowed & gone – the after taste leaving its disgusting mark.

I unclench my teeth and the glass clatters to the floor. A dwarf nearby retrieves it as it rolls towards him.

Old Joe then presents me with a bee coloured cup cake and a lit candle. As the crowd all sing “Happy Birthday”,  I  take a deep breath, puff out my chest & cheeks and blow  the candle out.

Old Joe kisses my cheek, making sure I receive a bright red lip print on my cheek  and a few people take pics of us with the Cocks N Roses in the back ground.

I am truly touched by the gesture.  I wave to everyone and shout Thank You to all involved,

Then the moment is over and The Cocks N Roses begin their next song.

I bite into the cup cake hoping the sugar will take away the dire Malorts.

Thank you every one.  You have made my day.   :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on September 10, 2013, 10:12:03 PM
After our great version of "Sharp Dressed Man" we get off stage, but the crowed in the bar is still cheering and wanting more, so we head back for a encore and as soon as we walk back on stage the girls are flashing their boobs. With a big smile we start the first encore.

HB is doing her "Billy Jean" song and after she finished Jayc gets on stage and asks Brnady to join him. It's her birthday and he has someone special to sing for her.A person that looks like Marilyn Monroe from a distance is entering the stage. It's Old Joe who does the happy birthday song. When he is finished the whole band kisses Brandy a happy birthday before we go on.

I step forward "Ladies and Gentleman, every good evening must come to a end, and this is the time for us to leave you. But not before we do this final encore for you. It's a song that Lover will sing in both English and his native German, and that fits right in at this place. It's also our way to invite you all to the party backstage when we are done. "

James counts down and then we go with our final song of the evening

Pussy - Rammstein

Too big, too small,
Size does matter after all.
Zu groß, zu klein,
Er könnte etwas größer sein.

As soon Lover starts to sing Sexi jumps back on stage as this is the moment she has been waiting for all evening as i whisperd her the first time she came on stage to wait for this song to get what she wants

Mercedes-Benz und Autobahn,
Alleine in das Ausland fahren,
Reise, Reise, Fahrvergnügen
Ich will nur Spaß, mich nicht verlieben

Just a little bit...
Just a little bitch!

You've got a pussy,
I have a dick,
So what's the problem?
Let's do it quick.
So take me now before it's too late
Life's too short, so I can't wait.
Take me now, oh don't you see,
I can't get laid in Germany.

By the time Lover gets to the first chorus, Sexi ripped all my clothes off and dropped her down as well. Her touch has made me hard again and with a smile she pulls me to the front of the stage and bends down and pushing her back onto me. With a big smile i start to move in pace with the beat of the song.


Too short, too tall,
Doesn't matter, one size fits all.
Zu groß, zu klein,
Der Schlagbaum sollte oben sein.

Schönes Fräulein, Lust auf mehr?
Blitzkrieg mit dem Fleischgewehr!
Schnaps im Kopf, du holde Braut,
steck Bratwurst in dein Sauerkraut!

Just a little bit...
Be my little bitch!

You've got a pussy,
I have a dick,
So what's the problem?
Let's do it quick!
So take me now before it's too late
Life's too short, so I can't wait.
Take me now, oh don't you see,
I can't get laid in Germany.



Now Jane also jumped on stage and grabs hold of Freddie, pulling his rod out and bending down to let it slide into her


You've got a pussy,
I have a dick,
So what's the problem?
Let's do it quick!

Next to jump up is Blue as she makes her way to James to show off what she got in store for him.


You've got a pussy,
I have a dick,
So what's the problem?
Let's do it quick!

Now more and more girls jump on stage to start the party, i see marilyn found her Lover and with a strong mind he is just able to finish the song


You've got a pussy,
I have a dick,
So what's the problem?
Let's do it quick!
So take me now before it's too late
Life's too short, so I can't wait.
Take me now, ooh don't you see,
I can't get laid in Germany.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: old_goat on September 11, 2013, 08:33:41 AM
That was really come show.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on September 11, 2013, 10:47:28 AM

Screams and claps and cheering and whistling and thunderous roars of approval for a successful debut performance by 

Tangoracer ,


Mrsexlover - aka Martin,

 jcm 0824  - aka  James,



and   Bear ....


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on September 11, 2013, 12:03:19 PM
As the last song Play some of the girls join us on stage and start to play with the band members I look over to my sweet Pet as she plays her guitar I put down Genevieve down and walk over to her.

Freddie is still playing as Jane bends over and lets him slide deep into her. Walking up behind my Pet putting my arms around her I start to play her guitar she takes her hands off the strings and slides out from under the strap letting it rest on my shoulder. As she slide out she drop to her knees and pulls on my zip pulling it down and opening it wide slipping her delicate fingers inside wrapping them around my hardening shaft she gently pulls it out and takes me into her wet warm mouth.

Feeling her soft lips around my hardening shaft I try to concentrate on playing her bass guitar having to use all my training in self control not to throw her guitar around on to my back and grab her head.

As lover tries to finish singing the song as he gets his hands on his love Marilyn and Martin and Sexi get it on at the front of the stage Blue has moved over to James on the drums.

As the song ends and the light go down on the stage.

The Bar goes wild with clapping screams and whistles and the Brandy's voice comes over the Bar Mic and thanks the COCKS N ROSES for a great debut Performance she thanks as all one at a time and as she does a spot light shines on each member and the lady there with each light coming on gets a big cheer.   
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: x_TKB_x on September 12, 2013, 11:33:16 AM
Walking passed the Bar and Grill having never been inside I hear load cheers and clapping and a good sounding band. Slipping in through the door making sure no one saw me I find a nice dark corner to sit and watch the band.

As I sit watching I look around the bar and watch the girls throwing there panties up on the stage rubbing my hands together at all the Panties I can grab of the stage. I watch as the band members grab the Panties and hang them on their guitars I keep an eye on where the Panties are on the stage.

As I sit watching I work out my best route on and off the stage as one of the songs finish's the lights go out I see my chance and rust onto the stage with lightening fast hands I grab 2 pairs and make it back to my dark corner before the lights go on.

Sitting in the corner I look around the bar and see some of my victims from my former days smiling to myself I think "it's time to get out before I get seen"

Slipping back out into the street I disappear into the darkness
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on September 12, 2013, 08:05:02 PM

Cheering and whistling for the band.  My ear are still ringing from the decible level of the music.  The bar goes dark... sensing my moment, I make my way to the stage... and tap the microphone. 

"Is this thing on?"

"I have a few questions."

"What does a 75 year old woman have between her breasts that a 25 year old doesn't?"
"Her navel."

"What's the difference between a penis and a bonus?"
"Your wife will always blow your bonus!"

"What do you call 2 guys fighting over a slut?"

"Why don't blind people skydive?"
"It scares the shit out of their dogs!"

"Oh... since we're talking about animals...

Two ducks go on their honeymoon and stay in a hotel. As they are about to make love, the male duck says, ''Quack!  We haven't got any condoms. I'll ring down to room service.''
He calls and asks for some condoms.  The woman says, ''OK sir, would you like to put them on your bill?'
'''Quack no!'' he says, ''I'll suffocate!''

"Ooo    ooo   ooo...  I have one more question... this one's not a joke.  Amy... would it be alright with you if we cancelled our relationship as lovers, so I can send you a spouse request?  What I'm asking is...  Would you be my AChat Spouse?  Because baby.... you're the jam in my jelly roll!!"

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on September 13, 2013, 01:08:42 AM
"AAAWWWWWWW that's sooooo romantic ;)" I'm talking, using my micro. Looking around, trying to find Amy. "Of course, our lovely, sweet and romantic concert had to bring people together and it seems, the next AChat wedding is close. For all who didn't notice it...covems, publisher and chief editor or AChat Tattler, has asked his secretary to be the frog in his tarn."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on September 13, 2013, 01:52:06 AM
Aww, big sigh,  clasping my hands to my cheek.   I do like a happy ending...   Looking round for ItsAmy123

Waiting for her answer ..

This is so romantic and Covems is  one special guy,  he has many accolades,  runner up in the Erotic Story Contest 4 ;  part of the management team at the AB&G, he helped build the fire pit,  the wrestling pit, helps out in maintaining the dungeons and the equipment there, is even good enough on occasions to try it out,  :o ;  the man behind our beloved Newspaper - The Achat Tattler ;  and Master to our delightful 7 Dwarfs and not forgetting he is King of Gagaland.  He even invented the Rum donut machine we are all so fond of.

But most of all, most of all,  he is my dear dear friend ...  Kind, considerate, funny and I love him to bits...

Amy, go catch him girl....    :-*

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on September 13, 2013, 03:12:24 PM
Firmly seated on my stool at the bar, my jaw is slightly open, my eyes are widened.. and my expression bears the look of utter surprise and shock.

"Would you be my AChat Spouse?" ...

Those words keep ringing in my head, as I stay in a dazed state while my eyes stay fixed on Cove on stage. I don't realize when or how his little dwarfs appear around me.. and start carrying me towards the stage. To me it seems like I'm floating towards the stage, to the man waiting for me... and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

Stepping onto stage, my eyes get a little teary eyed as I walk towards him. He flashes me a smile.. *Oh that smile..* I think to myself, *Makes me melt on the inside every time*...

As I reach where he's standing.. his arms wrap around me and he whispers, "So whaddya say Sweets? Wanna be mine?"

I exclaim while grinning like a fool.

Not caring who's around.. or who's watching us.. I lock my arms around his neck.. and pull us into a deep.. passionate kiss, as the world seems to slowly evaporate around us.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on September 13, 2013, 03:38:41 PM

We all cheer at Amy123's response, Old Joe and myself get busy behind the bar. After much trial and error we have finally concocted a mixed drink to honor our dear friend and coworker............... THE COVEY PRILLA

1 1/2 oz Wild Turkey 101 bourbon
1/2 oz Goldschlager Cinnamon Schnapps
4 oz sarsaparilla (root beer)
Kosher salt for the rim

With Stone and Brandy's help we make pitchers of our creation to celebrate the occasion on the house as always.

With pitchers and glasses at every table the entire bar stands to salute the happy couple
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on September 13, 2013, 03:56:11 PM
Brandy & I  look at each other and grin after the Covey Prilla pitchers are given out. We quickly speak to the Cocks N Roses.

We gather the dwarfs round the couple, still deeply snogging,  completely unaware of their surroundings.  I grab Jayc  to join in too.

The music  begins to play softly and the dwarfs & jayc begin their harmonies as Brandy, jayc and I sing and dance round the happy couple.
Soon all the bar is softly singing the catchy tune –

Goin' to the chapel
And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
Goin' to the chapel
And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
Gee, I really love you
And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
Goin' to the chapel of love
Spring is here, th-e-e sky is blue, whoa-oh-oh
Birds all sing as if they knew
Today's the day we'll say "I do"
And we'll never be lonely anymore because we're
Goin' to the chapel
And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
Goin' to the chapel
And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
Gee, I really love you
And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
Goin' to the chapel of love
Bells will ring, the-e-e sun will shine, whoa-oh-oh
I'll be his and he'll be mine
We'll love until the end of time
And we'll never be lonely anymore because we're
Goin' to the chapel
And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
Goin' to the chapel
And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
Gee, I really love you
And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
Goin' to the chapel of love
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Goin' to the chapel of love
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Goin' to

The couple are still snogging, as we all cheer  and  raise our glasses to the happy couple. “  Covems  and Amy. “

Brandy looks at me & bursts out laughing, when I whisper,  “ I bet there’s no onion breath and snot in that one “ 
“ And no Malorts either “   She whispers back.

I then look perplexed , "  Hey,  Amy's panties are missing!!  and mine are too!!  "

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on September 14, 2013, 02:06:51 AM
Standing close with Marilyn, we're watching Amy - she's really surprised, but now she's running up to stage, jumping into covems arms...
"Yes YES YES!!" we hear her screaming

Seems we're having next wedding party here very soon...YEAH! I love a good party and look forward to it.
Notice jayc and Old Joe behind the bar, mixing a new cocktail. After a few minutes they smile, they have got it. Everyone gets a drink (hm, does jayc pay as its stones birthday or does, as usual, covems have to pay?).
I don't think about it any longer, as stone and brandy are calling the Cocks'n'Roses. No question we agree with their suggestion and just few seconds later we're back on stage.

The lads start to sing "Goin' to the chapel". After a few seconds of gentle tunes we start our own rock version and everybody is singing with us.

We just finished as stone and Amy are looking for something...I suddenly laugh, noticing they are missing their panties. A thief? A joke? Or was it TKB, still on his mission to get all panties of AChat village?

"Hey" I look to Marilyn "do you still have yours?" I grin...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on September 15, 2013, 08:59:34 AM
With My sweet pet and Love HB on her knees in front of me sucking My hard shaft on the stage moving her guitar onto my back I hold her head guiding it on my shaft as Covems takes to the mic and cracks some great jokes
Trying not to laugh to much as my sweet pet keeps sucking me

Covems turns to him beloved Amy and asks the Big Question "WILL YOU BE MY SPOUSE"

My Pet stops in mid suck and we both look over at Amy Along with the rest of the Bar. Before she could answer the dwarfs carry her to the stage we watch as she falls into Covem's arm and Kisses him passionately and say YES  YESSS YESSSSS 

A big cheer fills the bar again Brandy, Stone, Jayc are the first to hug the happy couple and start to sing

Goin' to the chapel
And we're gonna get ma-a-arried
Goin' to the chapel
And we're gonna get ma-a-arried   

The band all look at each other and start to play the turn the whole bar joins in to sing to the happy couple.

As I play my Pets Bass guitar she gets back to doing what she was doing before the great news
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on September 15, 2013, 10:58:44 AM

"pssssst... Grumpy... you and Bashful," I whisper, "I have a little job for you two, if you're willing."  They come close, and the four of us huddle together.  "BzzbbzzzzbBBbzzzzbzbbzzzzbzbzb," I continue whispering.  They both nod in agreement and hustle off to the other dwarfs. 

Bashful and Grumpy scamper off to the fire pit, while the rest of the dwarfs begin to move around on stage.  Suddenly the lights go out and the bar is plunged into darkness.  You can hear banging and clanging coming from the stage.  Sounds of guitar strings being plucked and the drums being moved around.  There's a cymbal crash... then silence... except for the moaning and sounds of pleasure coming from the members of Cocks and Roses with their loves.

A sharp spotlight pierces the darkness, illuminating Dopey, who's seated at the drums... sticks in hand.  Dopey hits the snare rim three times, setting the beat "RAP!"       "RAP!"       "RAP!"  A G chord comes ringing from the guitar that used to be in Bear's hands.

The stage lights come on shining on each of the five dwarfs, and they begin their song.

   This is the song that doesn't end.
    Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
    Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
    And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . .

The bar goes silent... all eyes transfixed on the dwarfs and the shenanigans of the Cocks and Roses

    "This is the song that doesn't end.
    Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
    Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
    And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . .

    This is the song that doesn't end.
    Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
    Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
    And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . .

    This is the song that doesn't end.
    Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
    Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
    And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . . "

"Amy." I whisper, taking her by her hand.  "This is our chance.  Follow me."

    "This is the song that doesn't end.
    Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
    Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
    And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . .

   This is the song that doesn't end.
    Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
    Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
    And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . . "

We go through the storage room door, and I open the secret panel, which leads to the Ice House passage shutting it once we pass through.  We're between the walls of the stage area and the Ice house... we can hear the muffled voices of the dwarfs as they continue to sing

   "This is the song that doesn't end.
    Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
    Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
    And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . .

We can hear voices yelling....  "Noooooo...  noooooooo!  Make them stop!   Somone... please...   "

   This is the song that doesn't end.
    Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
    Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
    And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . . "

Amy and I emerge in the hallway of the Ice House and slip into the pool room of the AB&G.  Just a short trot through that room and we're out by the fire pit, where we meet Grumpy.

"All set?"  I ask him. 

"Yes."  Is Grumpy's reply.  "We put in a couple of logs of each... oak... maple... birch... walnut... locust... cherry... and apple."  He smiles as he says it.  Bashful just nods in agreement.

"And the blankets?"  Amy asks.

"In the front seat of the truck."  Grumpy answers.

"Thanks fellows, you're the best."  I say to them.  "Thank the rest of the gang for us, will ya?"  They nod and open the door to back in the bar.

    "Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
    And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . . "

Amy and I run for the truck, we peek in the bed and see the firewood then climb in the cab.  I start the truck up and hit the gas, buckling my seat belt as we leave the parking lot.  Out on the road, I step on it, and Amy and I head back to the campsite by Crystal Lake.

Fair warning... this is a version of the song, for those of you brave enough to check it out.  But be careful, as I'm sure you know, the song and the tune can get stuck in your head for days.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on September 16, 2013, 08:38:17 PM
OT: Hey all I'M BACK!!! anyone miss me LOL
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on September 17, 2013, 07:18:45 AM
OT   we all missed you sexi MMMWAHHHHHHHH
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on September 17, 2013, 07:23:07 AM
OT Sure we have missed you..silly question :P
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 17, 2013, 08:24:53 AM
OT: missing you!? i never notice you was away......  ::) :P






kidding......far from the eyes of most here, but not from mine! ;D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on September 17, 2013, 01:13:19 PM
OT Brandy you can pin this up over the Bar

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on September 17, 2013, 03:51:33 PM

Time I was back on the staff then! :p
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on September 19, 2013, 07:33:11 PM
This is the song that doesn't end.
    Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
    Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
    And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . . "

The  song by the dwarfs goes on and on and on and worst , I am singing it with them.  I chuckle to myself as I knew it was going to be stuck in my brain for a few days to come.

Bashful suddenly tugs on my shirt as I am on my third glass of  Covey Prilla  He had been hanging the new sign Tango had given me behind the bar,  – I look down and he whispers in my ear.

“They are huh? That’s what they think, “   I chuckle and whisper instructions to him.  He smiles back at me and joins the other dwarfs, whispering to each one. Each in turn nods and continues playing the song.

I walk over to jayc, Stone, JD, J2D2, Old_Goat, Old Joe, Momma_Andrea & Mercer78. They listen to my plan and get ready to burst into action.

Next I recruit the Cocks N Roses & their ladies -  Bear ;  Jcm0824, Bluedenim & Snowbunny78 ; Freddie & tangojane ; Mrsexlover , All_For_You & sexilicious (Welcome back, we missed you ) ; Lover & Marilyn.

I wander round each table -  Pafe, Satoire, Mooncalf, Mollie, other guests of the AB&G. All nod as I whisper our plan and they are in full agreement too. 

Little do they realise, as  Covems & ItsAmy123 hug each other and make their sneaky way out of the bar to their loaded truck,  all eyes on the bar are on their retreating backs.

The minute they exit the room and the truck heard to  leave…  the bar bursts into actions.  Trucks are filled with booze, the new covered pitchers of Covey Prilla and food ,  a large picnic table,  plates, cutlery , glasses , musical instruments and equipment  and people giggling in anticipation of an all night party.

Lover gathers his special robes for symbolic occasions from his office.  We are all amazingly ready in the magic of Achat time …
We all get loaded on the trucks & I lock the doors of the AB&G.  I  walk over & stand in the door of the lead truck … “  Ok everyone, we need the silent approach when we get there…  no lights or wheel spins…  agreed? “

“ Agreed “   The AB&G  villagers respond.

“ Ok “   I  grin at all of them,  “  Crystal Lake, here we come “    I sit in the car with Old Joe & Bear  and my thoughts are ….

This is the song that doesn't end.
    Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
    Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
    And they'll continue singing it forever just because . . . "

 That bloody song !!!!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on September 20, 2013, 03:57:32 PM
Always is a pleasure back to the Achat Bar and Grill and see that everybody is fine, enjoying the beers and having good feelings here.

Kisses to all :)

I  can go, i can back, but a part of my heart will be always here with all of you!!!

Kisses to all :) again, and hugs, and a lot of smiles. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on September 20, 2013, 05:07:39 PM
I call Brandy, and she give the the good news, Covems & ItsAmy123 are going to married, and i take my truck and go so fast to the lake.

The road is not very good, but the joy of seeing a wedding can live with everything, and run over the account, which makes the truck's suspension sometimes a little violent.

I'm jumping, I put the radio and a song "im feeling good" one version of MUSE, and accelerated a bit more, running, time to get to the wedding.

Birds flying high
You know how I feel
Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Reeds driftin' on by
You know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Finally, a long while later, as the smoke comes out from every orifice of the truck, came to Crystal Lake, and put the truck next to Brandy, where also see Bear and Old Joe. Turn off the lights, the engine, I look, I smile and say "my truck is bigger than yours".

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on September 20, 2013, 06:40:31 PM
I answer my mobile and tell my caller where we are. He says he is coming straight away .

 I  see him, there he comes, flying into the rendezvous point and parks his truck,  grinning.  His Spanish good looks, sexy brown eyes, smart suit & tie  makes any girl look twice at him.

He always cheers me up with his unperfect yet.. so perfect English,  my Zo(rro)erink ,  and then he says in that God sexy accent " My truck is bigger than yours" 

I nearly spurt my Covey Prilla and  decide there's only one way to answer that really ... so I do ... I snog him  :o
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on September 21, 2013, 03:44:45 AM
Brandy is really stunning today, her white dress make her shine in the night that is come in, her kiss make me feel pleasantly surprised, and i smile to her.

The music start to sound and i take her hand, pull her to me, pressing her body to mine with my hand in her back, and we started to dance while our eyes are stuck into each other.

I can hear a song of Massive Attack, "teardrop",
and the sweet dance begins...

Love ,love is a verb
love is a doing word
fearless on my breath
gentle impulsion
shakes me ,makes me lighter
fearless on my breath
teardrop on the fire
fearless on my breath
Night ,night of matter
black flowers blossom
fearless on my breath
black flowers blossom
fearless on my breath
teardrop on the fire
fearless on my
Water is my eye
most faithful mirror
fearless on my breath
teardrop on the fire
of a confession
fearless on my breath
most faithful mirror
fearless on my breath
teardrop on the fire
fearless on my breath
It's tumbling down (as in love falling apart)
it's tumbling down (as in love falling apart)


continued -     Forum Home page / Discussions about sex / Erotic Stories /  Crystal Lake,2307.0.html

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on October 10, 2013, 01:41:11 PM
She wandered round the bar, taking note of the dark silence all around and wondered where everyone had gone. She saw the time on the clock strike 10pm. It should be brisling with life.

She clicked her fingers and some lights flicked on and then dimmed to a mellow hue. 
She glided along the floor, leaving an icy chill and the wonderful scent of Jasmine in her wake. She trailed her hand lovingly along the bar.  This was hers, no matter who owned it now or in the years ahead, it would always be hers. Hers and Stanley’s.

She liked the friendly atmosphere of the AB&G. It still clung to the very timbers and heart of the building, soaked to the core with the humour and good nature of the patrons and staff. It was a good place to be, yet had an element of naughtiness that fed and uplifted her spirit. She giggled at some on the shenanigans she sensed in the air of past,  present and future times.

She surveyed her territory.  Soon it would be time to have their special night again -  31 October – Halloween.  She smiled and called to Stanley in her mind and then instructed the phantom symphony to play.

The Danube Waltz began to play softly, echoing along the empty, dark rooms, filling the building with the sweet eerie music and Stanley appeared on the dance floor.

Both figures were dressed elegantly as usual. Doris had her favourite blue ball gown on and Stanley  was dressed in his black and white dancing attire.

Stanley smiled at his wife , “ A dance Mrs Grill?” and bowed formally.

Doris curtsied to her husband and stepped into his arms.  There was a misty glow around them and the ghostly figures of the couple were slightly transparent.  They danced around the room perfectly in time to the music and it grew louder and louder till it reached the appropriate sound level.

They danced with exuberance, passing magically through tables and chairs and their happy laughter rang out and filled each room.

As Doris was swept majestically round by her husband, she saw their portrait above the stage and the plaque  “ The Doris Bar Memorial Stage”
“ Oh Stanley”  She cooed,  “ Look, look what they have done in our memory”

Stanley looked and they stopped dancing to enjoy the moment. An arm around each waist, their heads leaning on each other. 
“We looked good then,” Stanley said as he admired their portrait.
“We surely did, Mr Grill”  Doris agreed.

They held hands and began to glide and inspect the room.
“There’s no dust or cobwebs,”  Doris observed,  “ I wonder where everyone is?”
Stanley saw a paper napkin on the table, it had scribbles on with directions to Lake Crystal.

“It seems they may have gone there,” Stanley showed his wife.  They knew the place well, having spent many a happy day picnicing and feeding Ellie and her family.

“ Shall we?” Doris asked her husband, suddenly excited by finding out why everyone was there.

“I think we must” Stanley agreed.  “ I wonder if it has changed much?”
“We will soon find out,”  Doris giggled, “But first, a few things to make our earth friends wonder”  She swept her hand in various directions, whispering inaudible words under her icy breath.

Papers on Jayc’s desk were disarranged in a very disorderly display. 

Brandybee’s bee collar,  appeared under her desk ornament - a beautiful glowing moon diamond, magically suspended a few inches above the surface of the desk, rotating slowly on its invisible axis,  and cowboy hat moved from the hat stand to her chair.

Red Roses appeared in strange places around the bar and in the massage room.

The air became icy cold so wisps of smoke would appear when any living thing breathed and the beautiful scent of jasmine hung in the air.

Lastly, she set a sequence for the lights to flicker on and off, dimly illuminating each room in turn.

“Are you trying to scare people my Dear”  Stanley chuckled.
“ Not at all Mr Grill”  Doris laughed,  “ Just a gentle reminder, they are not alone”

Then in a beam of magic, they were gone.....    ( on their way to  "Lake Crystal" formally known as "Campfire at Lake Crystal" )

Stanley’s voice could be heard lingering , “ Are you going to try out that mind control, you have been practicing, my love?”

Doris could be heard giggling,  “ I’m nearly as strong as you now Stanley dear. Do you want to see…?”

Then the bar was empty once again with the lights turning on and off in the dark of the night.

(Edited by Brandybee in consultation with Stone )

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on October 15, 2013, 07:02:24 AM
I cross the door of achat bar grill, and like always... a nice feeling run into my body... come here is like be at home. I go to the bar and ask for a coronita with tequila, covems will pay  ;) and have a sit, close the window, looking the sea.

The sea is like another world into the world, i watch the big tv of the bar and i can see also a nice video now running there ( ) a nice video about sea life... with a nice music.

I start to see over the window... i see the blue sky, the trees tell me is not windy... and maybe is time to departure again, into the ocean, to feel the soft marine wind in my face.

I drink the beer, look to Brandy, Covems, Bear, Tango, Stone, blue, hentai, Lover and sexi and say... "winter is coming, Halloween too".

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on October 20, 2013, 09:57:28 AM
We walk inside the bar, my laughing has ceased for the moment we see JCM and Zoerink have already arrived and helped clean up the aftermath of the concert. Stone greets them both and I keep my distance from my spouse trying to regain my composure.
I put some money in the jukebox and I play more AC/DC, the “jack begins to play again and the laughing returns.

 Again puzzled looks from Stone. I avert my gaze and try to concentrate on picking up empty beer bottles. I sense she is walking towards me and I look down and see her boots. With Two of Stones fingers under my chin, she raises my head and I am looking looking into those lovely green eyes.

“Whats so funny? Are you going to tell me or do I have to beat it out of you?” Stone teases

I can take no more and explode with laughter and stagger to the office with Stone right behind me. Collapsing on the couch I cant breath I am laughing so hard. After a minute I pull myself together, sit up and explain.

“its the song, the words you changed.” I say sighing

“AC/DC are from Australia, right?”  Stone nods yes

“Well....... the “Jack” is Aussie slang for”...........i lean in and whisper in her ear.

Stone gasps then begins to laugh which gets me going again.

“are you sure?” stone gets out

“Yes the lyrics are all innuendos, but one thing is certain.......the jack is slang for V.D.!”
 I stand up and grab  a mailing tube on my desk. Leaving Stone laughing on the couch I go out to the bar and put up the Halloween poster.

OCT. 20 TO OCT. 31
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on October 20, 2013, 11:03:36 AM
I Stumble into the bar. I'm a bit early but if our band is going toplay at this halloween party i need to check out if our instruments survived the last time on stage.

I know i will be busy with that till the party starts and i will have no time to change later so i'm allready wearing my Halloween outfit. As i make my way over to the podium the girls are giving me a wistle. Then one of the girls shouts out if i kept myself to the tradtion, and is i reach the podium i bend down and give them the anwser as i lift my skirt.

Yeah i kept the Scottish Tradition.


And as i get chears from the girls, i get on stage and start tuning the instruments.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on October 20, 2013, 11:23:35 AM
I know is not very originall... but i like it :)

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on October 20, 2013, 03:04:36 PM
Stone and I head to my bat cave down in the Ice house to change into our costumes. I unlock the door and let Stone in who turns on the lights. I set my keys on the mini bar and spot two roses in a glass of water, the glass is so cold ice is forming.

“Hey Baby look at this” I say with no fear in my voice

“there back” Stone smiles at me.

I decide to see if the Grills feel like talking.....”Doris?  Stanley?

We stand there for a moment waiting.........nothing, then we hear a rush of wind blowing outside the door then faint and fleeting laughter.

We both shrug our shoulders and begin to change into our costumes. Stone helps me get all the straps buckled then puts on some warrior makeup on my face. I crack open a beer and watch as stone changes into her very hot costume. As always she takes forever to get ready. Finally she is ready and spins around to show me.

Taking her hand we pose in front of the mirror, we look good I muse the viking warrior and his main squeeze. We make mean faces and growl at the mirror...........then the room gets icy cold and jasmine fills the air and for a brief second we see the grills standing behind us smiling and waving......then they are gone. The sound system turns on and the Danube waltz plays at a high volume.

Not afraid at all I yell out “Hey turn that down!”

The waltz stops and is replaced by “THE JACK  which plays even louder. I spew my beer and Stone raises her sword to my throat and shakes her fist at our unseen visitors.
Both of us laughing we turn off the stereo and head up to the bar.



Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on October 20, 2013, 04:47:58 PM
After having a shower i take on my costume for the halloween party. I take a look into the mirror and grin "perfect" i think to myself.  Looking forward to the party, dancing, playing a few songs with the band, having fun. Will there be new faces? Looking at my watch i notice, i have enough time to pick up Marilyn...
Few minutes later I knock on her door. As she opens the dorr, we both have to laugh. "Are you ready?" I ask. "Of course." She smiles.. we're hugging and kiss, then go to the bar.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Marilyn on October 21, 2013, 09:47:41 AM
I hear someone knocking on my door. I hurry to put my shoes on and open the door.
As I open the door I look at Lover and laugh. "Are you ready?" He asks. "Of course." I smile.
We smile, hug and kiss each other before we get in the car to go to the bar.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on October 21, 2013, 09:53:30 AM
We aprk the car. I open the door and help her out. Mmmm..she is looking so sweet, so very tasty... I offer my arm and we walk into the bar. Just as we are inside I look at her. "Do you have the little box we prepared?" I ask.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Marilyn on October 21, 2013, 09:55:49 AM
As Lover offers me his arm I take it and together we walk into the bar.
He looks at me and asks "Do you have the little box we prepared?" I smile and hand him the little box.


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on October 21, 2013, 04:49:36 PM
The AB&G is all decorated and looking like a spooky lair. The dwarfs, staff & volunteers have worked like crazy to weave the webs, hang the spiders, do pumpkin head faces with lighted candles, mellowed lighting, and olde worlde mirrors to really set the scene for Halloween13.
Someone had thoughtfully set out the  Rotating Pleasure Table and Dentists Chair.

Some guests in their wicked costumes were already arriving and the Cocks N Roses were about to rock the house again.

I walk over to Old Joe to let him know I'll be disappearing for 30 minutes or so,  “ It’s my turn to get changed.”

I look at Stone’s and Jayc’s  scary  Viking costumes,  “ Impressive “ I nod smiling and throw Stone a tube of cream. She catches it in reflex and frowns at the labelling and then at me, narrowing her eyes.

I grin at her,  and point at her legs, shaking my head…   “The Jack is spreading girl” and skip off before any beer mats hit my head.   I hear Jayc guffawing in his beer as I make haste.

20 minutes later, my shower completed , I have my costume on and put the finishing touches of my make up on in the office.   

The room gently chills unnoticed and the radio switches to a Danube waltz softly playing. I am so busy concentrating on my make up, I am oblivious.
I stand back to admire myself in the full blown mirror….


I blink, that’s not my dress!!!   And look down to what I’m wearing. It’s totally different !!! …


I look up again in the mirror...


What the …
I look at the glass in my hand, surely it wasn’t that strong …
I take another drink and look in the mirror..   At last, I see what I’m supposed to see… the dress I am wearing ..


I shake my head,  confused .. then there is laughter floating in the air and whispers of desire,  and images of Mercer  dancing round the camp fire coming for me in the mirror.  A Jasmine scent surrounds me.

I back out of the room. The mirror is playing the dance as if it is a TV, showing Mercer, big strong and virile. I inch out of the door, shutting it behind me. And into the warm comfort of the bar.

I lean against the door panting a little, but not just with fright, with a thrill and lust that has enveloped me. The force is strong, the seeds taking root, the growing branches creeping along my veins.  Strong images of naked people sheened in sweat, panting, moaning in sensuous clinches.  I am feeling hot with sin.

“ Oh boy, I need another drink”  I shake my head again and walk over to Old Joe.  “ Give me a shot of Malorts”
“What?”  Old Joe looks confused. 
“Don’t ask, Just give me something to replace a cold shower” 
Old Joe looks astounded but fills up a glass and hands it to me. I take the bottle off him and fill the glass double to what he poured.

Old Joe also hands me a note he found :-

 Dear Brandybee,

   Satoire and I have made a visit to the bar, as you will probably discover.  We used the donut machine, making about 5 dozen donuts for a friend who really loves them.  We also took a case of Samuel Adams Octoberfest beer from the storage room.  You can put them all on Covems' tab for us.

   Thank you,
   Pafe & Satoire

( Forum Homepage / Organisations and Events / Groups & Families / The Nymphomania Sex Police  ( NSPD ),1430.0.html  )

 I down the Malorts in one, my face contorting with the vile taste.

"Open a tab for Covems, Joe.  Place these  on it, and this bottle of Malorts"   ;D

Old Joe just watches me pull the Malorts Face in amazement.

Then a light seems to dawn on him. Something strange is in the air tonight and he smiles.  Looks like there will be fun and games  before this spooky night is out ...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on October 22, 2013, 07:40:16 PM
Rushing home from work, I hop in the shower and wash all of the day's work away. Grabbing my costume out, I dress and head to the AB&G for the party. Stalking into the room, I sneak up behind a few of my guy friends and kiss them on the back of their neck and slink away before they could turn around.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on October 23, 2013, 12:17:17 AM
Finished early from college, threw my valise into the trunk & headed down to the AB&G
sneaking through to The Ice Palace, hoped I might catch James in the guest dungeon, but I musta just missed him, Thought for a minute he'd changed his cologne, then I remembered.. jasmine... "Hi Doris" I called as I stripped of & dived in the shower, "You making an appearance this year?"
She didn't answer, but as I stepped out of my towel, my dress floated off it's hanger & over my head "Hey Doris, you're making me cold!" I said as my nipples sprang out, she didn't answer, but I felt a cold slap on my ass and sure enough there was a red handprint. "Ok, ok thanks for the assistance, maybe you'll show yourselves to BB later?" there was a kind of a warm smiley feeling then they were gone and I finished my make-up. I really must tell Brandy about this, I thought... but after that mojito!

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on October 23, 2013, 10:48:25 AM
The Viking costumes Jayc had provided were indeed very evil and mean looking.  We both looked feral and the scabby tights I had rolled on to my legs would indeed make a man have second thoughts of any carnal desires he may harbour.

Jayc however looked very desirable with his big shoulders, six pack, leather and fur.  We  pull faces in the mirror to look mean and sultry, then burst into fits of laughter.

The Danube waltz   suddenly blares out loud around the Bat Cave, making us jump, and the hints that had been occurring recently suddenly all made sense.  Our mischievous resident ghosts – Doris & Stanley Grill were back for Halloween to cause chaos and mayhem!

“Hey turn that down!”  Jayc yells and the phantoms obediently do so,  much to our surprise, but then we should have known better…
“The Jack”  by ACDC  replaces it.  Jayc has another fit of giggles.

“Not you too”  I roll my eyes and speak to the roof. I raise my sword to Jayc’s chin and shake my fist at the unseen. 

Apparently the song “The Jack”  refers to VD – Venereal Disease or a sexually transmitted infection.
It was the song I had played, with the help of the Ghosts, for the sentimental lap dance, Lover had performed for Scary Bear at Crystal Lake. It seemed quite fitting as the words were perfect for the payback…

“Stone's got the jack, she got me back
She's got the jack, she's got me back”

However, as I was learning from my annoying spouse,  sometimes, ignorance is not always bliss and he was taking every opportunity to tease me about the choice of song.
It did have a great beat though and Lover’s delightful moves certainly seemed to hit the spot with big lovable Bear.  Maybe the teasing by Jayc and now The Grill Ghosts were actually worth paying that price.

We were still laughing as we turned the stereo off and headed up to the bar via the secret passage leading to the pool room in the AB&G.

Doris & Stanley float through the corridors of The Ice House and spot jcm0824 heading up to the bar too.
“Now, Now,  he can’t go to the party looking like that”  Doris eyes his jeans, T Shirt & leather jacket and with a sweep of her hand and click of her fingers, she changes his whole attire to leather basque, leather panties, stockings, suspenders and high heels.
“He looks just like that Dr. Frank N. Furter,” Stanley chuckles, “ I hope he doesn’t break his neck in those heels”

Stanley stops outside Bear’s dungeon and pokes his head straight through the door looking headless, next to Doris. He pulls back and turns to her.  “He’s in there getting ready, he’s just stepped out of the shower.”
“Oh goody” Doris says and is about to step through the solid door but Stanley cautions her ,  "he's naked!".

“Are you kidding?” Doris chuckles, “ I am not passing up this chance. Did you, with bluedenim?  I saw you slap her bottom”
Stanley laughs softly, “She is a beautiful young woman and I couldn’t resist blowing on her nipples as I handed her, her dress.”  He remembered how they reacted and hardened.

Doris floats through the door with Stanley right behind her. Bear was towel drying his hair and naked as the day he was born.
Doris caught her icy breath.
“Contain yourself my Dear” Stanley teased her.
Doris took her time … containing herself.

She let her ghostly eyes memorise his damp tanned skin, the outline of his developed muscles, trained naturally by outdoor living and his garage gym training routine.
His shoulders, waist, toned bottom cheeks, thighs, arms were powerful and male perfection. 

They froze his actions. He was stilled towel drying his hair in front of the bathroom mirror.

Stanley clicked his fingers by her ear to pull her out of her reverie.

“Time to go to work my dear,”  he whispered.  They both worked together efficiently.  Bear’s brain was adjusted to perfection.

His libido was upped to find his spouse even more attractive and lust worthy with a need to please. He fantasised about bringing her to powerful orgasms and to work hard to that end, wanting and needing to please her.

They planted a seed, he would need the help of another powerfully virile male, just for one night. He wouldn’t be enough. He would have to watch the action, with a raging need. Anything she did, would drive him wild with desire, with need, with want. He would be a cuckold for Halloween and he would find the action exciting, intoxicating, watching another man lusting and taking her, but after… after… after… the natural Bear would return, wild, scary and dangerous to the opposite sex, and yet still be tender and romantic.

There would be no malice to the chosen male, instead, there would be an eternal gratefulness for his lusty assistance and a friendship born akin to an understanding brotherhood. He would experience a power shift in his normally Dominant self but embrace the experience and be a better Dom for it.
“Do you think, that’s enough?” Doris asked Stanley,
“Oh, I think you have out done yourself my dear,” Stanley did a check of all his brain vitals. “I’ll just ensure, it’s one of his top fantasies in those special alone moments”
Doris giggled, “You are a naughty man.”
“Mmmm,  I think it’s the bad influence of my wife”  he answered grinning.

They returned Bear to real time, towelling his hair again and were pleased when his member began to show signs of growing and hardening.

“ Awwwww, Bless. He’s thinking of her already,”   Doris cooed as they withdrew from his room to seek out their next victim….

( Doris & Stanley are taking requests for Halloween in the AB&G, let Brandybee and Stone know. All guests posting, please join in by smelling jasmine; icy temperatures, finding red roses, catching ghostly movements in the corner of your eye.. I’m sure you get the idea of ghostly… you are not alone ideas.. Thank you”)  
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mercer78 on October 23, 2013, 02:17:34 PM
I pull in to the carpark of the AB&G still asking myself  what am I doing here what is the crazy costume I have in this back pack.  Well guess its too late now I get off my bike and walk in.  As I look around I see the outfits others are wearing and start to feel a little more at ease still in my civvies I wonder over to the bar and ask old Joe if there is somewhere I can change.  He nods and points to a door at the back.  I go through the door it looks a cupboard of some sort but it'll do I make the change and gingerly step back out into the bar.  I gesture to Joe about my clothes that are now in my pack he nods in acknowledgement.  I move slowly nervously around the bar as I do I spot jayc and stone and can't help but smile at there costumes in fact everyone seems to have worked really hard on there outfits mine seeming a little tame by comparison.

The tattoos are temporary ones plus I had been deliberately growing out my beard all week that combined with the small wig to extenuate my natural hair the rest was all me. I hoped  it would make me look like an old Celtic warrior something I would never even thought about before.  At this point I felt like a bit of a fool and was seriously considering diving straight back into that cupboard changing back and leaving but then.  "That scent again" I thought  then what felt like a very cold breeze cold enough to have an effect on my exposed nipples suddenly all my fear was gone replaced by that new found confidence from that night at the lake.  I looked over the other and saw Brandy

which caused all those feelings of longing to come back the scent of Jasmine was even stronger than ever and again came visions of that dance from before this time I could clearly see Brandy's face but she was wearing a different outfit.


I felt that longing again a desire to march over an have my way with her that some barbarian from legend.  I'd always had a soft spot for Brandy but nothing like this "what's  happening to me?" I ask myself shaking my head trying to regain my composure. "Was there some other force at work both here and at the lake the other night?" 
"Oh I need a drink!" I mutter to myself wondering over to the bar and ordering a double scotch.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on October 23, 2013, 02:27:53 PM
Driving back from the lake my phone beeps with a massage

“Its Luke” my sweet love say’s and then reads the message.

“Your costumes have arrived and are hanging on your door Sir”

“I hope you like what i picked out for you my Love” I say turning to my pet with a big smile.

Pulling into the Parking lot of the Bar & Grill I drive around the back of the Ice House, parking to the side of Jayc’s truck. Walking to the main door of the ice house I kiss my Pet tenderly and whisper “I love you”

Opening the door we walk in with my Pet taking her place one step behind me smiling to myself that she knows her place in the mean hall of the Ice House. Walking down the hallway I run my hand along the cold wall and over the wooden doors of the privates chambers.
Stopping with my hand on Miss Christy’s door I bow my head and think back to the last time I saw her….then, taking a breath, I walk to my door and take down the two costume suit bags.
Handing the key of the chamber to my Pet, she smiles and unlocks the door. Walking inside my chamber, the sweet smell of Jasmine is heavy in the air looking around my dungeon
“I’m home” I think to myself

Looking over at the bed i see a single Red rose laying on the pillow and smile turning to my Pet

“looks like our guests are back again”

Taking the rose off the bed i hand it to my sweet Pet “I think this is better for you my love”

I hand my Pet her the bag with the costume, it’s time to get ready for the party! I sit on the bed watching as my Pet opens the suit bag and pull out her costume.
Watching her face it the mirror seeing the big smile tells me she likes it as she holds it up to herself, staring at her reflection.
Hanging it up on the hock she starts to slowly strip taking her clothes and seductively keeping her eyes fixed on mine: as her last piece of clothing fall hitting the floor she turns and heads for the shower.

Hearing the water running and hitting her body I strip quickly and walk into the shower behind her letting the water run over us both. Taking the shampoo from the shelf I poor some onto her head and start to massage it into her hair. Moaning softly, she place her hands on the wall and drops her head forward and the water runs down over her.

Taking the soap in my hand I start to rub it all over her sweet perfected body. Letting my hands move over her whole body, I let them linger on her sweet butt cheeks letting my fingers play at her entrance standing close behind her I whisper in her ear
"we don’t have time right now but I want you right here later my Pet."

Stepping out of the shower I dry myself off and put my costume on just as I finished getting ready my sweet Pet walks out of the dressing room all dressed and looking stunning.

Smiling at how beautiful she looks

“Only one thing missing my Pet” I get up and walk into the changing room and take her collar off its stand.
Walking up behind her I whisper “hair” as her lifts her hair I slip her collar around her neck “there that’s match match better” I whisper as I kiss her ear.
Putting my costume’s lions head on I take my Pets hand and say “Lets Party”

Walking down the hallway I feel My Pet squeeze my arm turning to her “it’s going to be a great night my love”

Walking through the door from the tunnel into the Pool room we make our entrance into the bar.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on October 23, 2013, 08:18:36 PM
The Malorts tasted disgusting but seemed to calm my raging hormones. They were going  into crazy mate mode lately.

I glance over at Bear who had just arrived and had joined the Cocks N Roses on the stage.
He looked amazing and my eyes swept over him.


He was dressed as a Roman Gladiator and it worked, my heart raced. He must have felt my eyes on him across the room, because he stopped what he was doing and glanced up and smiled at me. His smile was smouldering and I could tell he liked the spider web chain design attached to my back and the short shimmery patterned dress.

Icy whispers were back, caressing my ears,  “ Some things are just priceless… like the look in his eyes when you smile at him from across the room”
“So true”, I murmur and take a  couple of drinks in his direction, weaving between the tables, oblivious to the chained web sticking out behind me, comically colliding with other guests and knocking them out the way and upsetting and slurping their drinks.

Bear picks up his guitar and begins strumming a sensuous, pleading melody.  His guitar is perfect for his voice.
Right there, right then, he makes my heart smile and then he sings to me as though he means it.

I cock my head to one side, watching him sing, his voice totally hypnotic. I give him a half smile and he watches me back as I place the drinks on a nearby table. We lock eyes again.

As he sings, I begin to dance, swaying to the music, twirling round with controlled athletic and ballerina like movements. The music flows through my body as one with the other.
I use all of the dance floor, running and leaping lightly, making intimate love to his words in my powerful and sexy dance interpretation.
A single blood red rose appears magically in one of my hands, as I clasp them to my bosom, eyes shut lost in the music and  rhythmic dance . 

Stay with me – Goran Karan

Don't turn away
I need your love
'Cause you're the only one, 
That I've been dreaming of

Don't turn away
Don't close the door
'Cause you're the only one
That I've been hoping for

Come hold me tight
I need your light
Just come and take me
To the place I long to be

Stay with me
Love is all I'm praying for
Stay with me
Give me strength to carry on

Stay with me
And hearts will surely
Find the way to go

Stay with me
Be my shelter
When the angels disappear  

I run, in dance,  to the corner of the dance floor and I see him, the mesmerising man at Lake Crystal. He watches me with a fire in his eyes. He stands and approaches me and as I turn to continue my dance, he is next to me, matching my rhythm and dance moves.

He reaches out, catching my wrist, pulling me into his chest. He is just as athletic, just as strong in his dance moves as I in mine.  He lifts and carries and throws me high and catching me perfectly, sliding me along his body and floor in a powerful couples performance, as intense as the Tango itself. He uses my chained web to lead me as his dance partner to perfection.

Don't turn away
I need your love
'Cause you're the only one
That I've been dreaming of

Come hold me tight
I need your light
Just come and take me
To the place I long to be

Stay with me
Love is all I'm praying for
Stay with me
Give me strength to carry on

Stay with me
And hearts will surely
Find the way to go

Stay with me
Love is all I'm praying for
Stay with me
Give me strength to carry on

Stay with me
And hearts will surely
Find the way to go

Stay with me
Be my shelter
When the angels disappear.

We end  our dance looking into each other’s eyes both breathing heavy from our exertions. We freeze in that position for a full minute or so as the music ends and the bar bursts into thunderous applause.

Still holding me in his arms, Mercer78 looks at Bear over my head and a male understanding seems to pass between them. An unspoken agreement. They both nod and smile.

Then Mercer rolls me out at arm’s length so we can both take a bow in our appreciation of the crowds applause and cheers.

Mercer and I raise our hands and clap Bear and his magnificent singing and then do the same for The Cocks N Roses who played discreet backing music for him.

I look at Bear and we smile at each other like goofy idiots.  Then reality is back.

We leave the dance floor, Mercer leading and holding my hand. We return to our place at the bar and join Stone, Jayc , lover, Marilyn, Tango , hentaiboy69, jcm0824 , bluedenim, Zoerink, Sexilicious , mrsexlover, Old Joe and some other guests.

I am quite breathless and emotional from such an intense dance and find that I am looking at Mercer in female appreciation.  There seems to be a hazy god-like light around him.


He is so very attractive and handsome.
I order a cup of tea to see if that will balance my world again. The Malorts definitely wasn't working.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Satoire on October 24, 2013, 07:05:25 AM

  Pafe shouts.

"Hold still, will you?"  I say to her.

"But it tickles when you do that."  She answers.

"Pafe," I say, "you're making it impossible to get this on right.  There's only a few hours before the Halloween Party at the AB&G, and there is still a lot to do with your costume."

"Well," Pafe says, "your's is just about finished.  Maybe we should work on that until your costume is done."

"No Pafe."  I say.  "We need to get the base of yours on, and I still need to add the sparkles to it."

We continue to make adjustments to our outfits all the while Pafe keeps squirming and wiggling, making it a challenge to get everything just right on her.  "I've never done a Jessica Rabbit costume this way before."  I say to Pafe.  "You're going to look fabulous Pafie."

"Well," she replies, "you're looking pretty hot too, in your little warrior costume."

"I wore something similar to this for a show I worked in back in the late 80's."  I say.

"I remember that."  Pafe says.  "Only it covered a lot more than this one does."

"Yeah."  I answer, "good idea you had about covering my nipples."

"Who do you think is going to be there?"  Pafe asks me.  "At the party."

"Probably all the regulars."  I reply.  "It should be a lot of fun, even though the eligible men number is dwindling.  I'm going to miss our frolics with Covems."

"I already am."  She says wistfully.  "And don't forget those times with Lover, though we never double-teamed him... we did double-teamed Tango and Mercer... and that time with Tight.... oooooo."

"If there's one constant in the universe, Pafie..."  I say, "... it's change."

Finally finished with our costumes, Pafe and I put on our faux fur coats and tie a kerchief on our heads, covering our hair.  Of course she insists on wearing boudoir shoes, but picks out a pair that goes very well with a Jessica Rabbit look.

We get into my little red BMW Z28.  "I'm leaving the top up Pafe."  I say.  "It's finally feeling like fall, and aside from these coats, we don't have much on."

The drive to the AChat Bar & Grill is uneventful, and I park the Beamer close to the door.  Pafe and I enter the building and we each blow a kiss at Joe behind the bar, and head for the coat room to hang up our coats.

Then we enter the bar room.

Me first

Followed by Pafe

Smiles all around as we greet eveyone.  "Let's sit at the bar tonight."  Pafe says... "down the end, by the Dwarfs' panel."  We order our drinks from Old Joe (although to us he's not old)  I have one of Covems' sarsparillas and Pafe orders up a Shirley Temple.  "You don't think this paint is going to rub off, do you?"  She asks.

"No Pafie,"  I answer, "it's "tattoo paint.  It is made to stay for days, you can even wash it.  Oh... and remember not to sit with your legs open."

Pafe giggles and says, "You know Sat, it's a unique feeling to be wearing just a layer of paint."

We both giggle at that, then settle in for a fun night.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on October 25, 2013, 05:25:34 AM
damn it.....i'm late as always,the guys will kill me this time but i've been so busy around town to find the right hammer, i just couldnt come without it.
I run trough the door of the B&G just behind a .....painted ....yeah lol its a painted butt....seems dressed at first but she s just painted lol....
I look at her while overrtaking her and i see she is Pafe
" nice dress Pafe " i nod her
Cant help but laughing while i reach the backstage, "crazy girl" i think ,then i lay down the hammer and grab my guitar,shit i've missed Bear singing but i wanna be ready for the great Lover's opening

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: All_for_you on October 25, 2013, 11:25:54 AM
Yayy finally finish work and hard home. seeing the time I think I'm going to be late again for the Halloween party.
Jumping in the shower I'm in and out in under 2 minutes and grab my costume.  Putting on the Black leather skirt and matching bra  and the shiny red leather jacket and black gloves. Looking in the mirror I put my fangs in and put the brightest red lipstick I could find. Taking the white and black contact lenses out of there container I put them in my eyes staring into my own eyes that weren't mine.


Walking into the Bar the party is just getting starting walking over to the bar "Hello Joe Can I have a bloody Mary with extra blood please" 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on October 25, 2013, 11:44:55 AM
As i am done checking out all our instruments i notice the others have entered the bar too, and some more lovely ladies. I get of stage and walk to to end of the bar where the trapdoor to the dwarfs hideout is located.

As i get on my knee's i open the trapdoor and stick my head in. "Hey you guys you know what to do when i need you later this evening", a hard "YES" is shouted from down the hole. "Ok just checking, see you later"

As i turn my head up and turn around, my eye falls on Pafe sitting with Satoire at the end of the bar. As she sees me turn my head she quickly open her legs a little to give me a wink. Satoire sees her doing that and shakes her head. But my intrest is shown as i get up but my skirt is not hanging straight down.

"You better get that taken care off later on" says Pafe as she is pointing at my skirt. "Oooh i will find someone to help me with that" I reply," but in the mean time can i join you two ladies for a while and offer you a drink ?"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on October 26, 2013, 05:24:19 AM
After Marilyn handed me the little box we hug "We're having a concert now, but will be back soon"
I welcome everyone and as passing Satoire and Pafe I say "Wonderful dress as always!" I pause and look at them, then grin "Like a second skin hu?"

I go to stage and take the micro. "Ladies and Gentlemen, friends, monsters and zombies, beautiful princesses, I want you all to listen now." Waiting a few seconds until it's quiet in bar.
"This is a little box which is part of a game" Pointing at the box


"Marilyn and me preapred something. We will hand the box to a person who has to give it to another one...and so on. At a special date and time we will stop the game. The person who is having at this moment has to go to stage, open it and read the sign inside. Then has to follow the instructions."
I laugh... "I'm sure everyone will enjoy it. Perhaps everyone but the person who has to do...but we'll see.
Thanks everyone for his attention...soon I will be back!"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on October 26, 2013, 05:37:11 AM
The lights turn off. You hear a bell, then a door is opened. As they turn on again, I'm dressed like Raff from Rocky Horror Picture Show.

"It's astounding;
Time is fleeting;
Madness takes its toll.
But listen closely..."

HB sings:
"Not for very much longer."

Me again:
"I've got to keep control.

I remember doing the time-warp
Drinking those moments when
The Blackness would hit me"

"And the void would be calling..."

"Now everyone" I'm shouting and the whole bar is singing the whole song with me

"Let's do the time-warp again.
Let's do the time-warp again."

"It's just a jump to the left." Everyone steps to the left
"And then a step to the right." Everyone steps to the right
"Put your hands on your hips." You see all hands put on the hips

"You bring your knees in tight.
But it's the pelvic thrust
That really drives you insane.
Let's do the time-warp again.
Let's do the time-warp again.

It's so dreamy, oh fantasy free me.
So you can't see me, no, not at all.
In another dimension, with
voyeuristic intention,
Well secluded, I see all.

With a bit of a mind flip
You're into the time slip.
And nothing can ever be the same.
You're spaced out on sensation.
Like you're under sedation.

Let's do the time-warp again.
Let's do the time-warp again.

Well I was walking down the street
just a-having a think
When a snake of a guy gave me an
evil wink.

He shook-a me up, he took me by surprise.
He had a pickup truck, and the
devil's eyes.
He stared at me and I felt a change.
Time meant nothing, never would again.

Let's do the time-warp again.
Let's do the time-warp again.

It's just a jump to the left.
And then a step to the right.
Put your hands on your hips.

You bring your knees in tight.
But it's the pelvic thrust
That really drives you insane.
Let's do the time-warp again.
Let's do the time-warp again. "

We all laugh. It was the beginning of our Halloween concert and hopefully the beginning of another great party too.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on October 26, 2013, 09:10:55 AM
Pafe and Satoire walk into the bar in stunning paint costumes and order drinks and donuts to put on Covems’s tab.  There costumes are amazing and show off their wonderful assets to perfection. 

Freddie rushes in dressed like a jail house rocker and his hammer is… BIG! He flirts briefly with all the girls but in particular, Pafe and Satoire,  and then continues on his way back stage to join the rest of the group.

All_For_you is a  beautiful vampire seductress and orders a blood looking drink that makes me smile.

Mercer buys me a drink, a Bicardi and Coke,  just as the first song by the Cocks N Roses begins.
The whole bar starts  to rock and join in and sing … “ Let’s do the Time Warp again”…

We move to the dance floor. Whilst Mercer is surrounded by all the hot looking girls, immersing himself in the upbeat dance. He teaches some of them the simple little moves.  They are soon all laughing and dancing in sync. He is the centre of attention and the adoration very apparent.
 Suddenly, I feel compelled to visit the ladies room and to pass the pool room on route.  I peak a look inside. The pool table is still centred in the room  but at the back…

A big Roman Throne had appeared, yet the edges seemed blurred and shimmery. It seemed magical and drenched in a scent of jasmine.  Unseen to me,  Stanley is seated upon it, with Doris stood by him flicking at some dust on the arms. The powder of dust created forms into three clouds in the air and magically meanders their way to my inquisitive head. 

One explodes over me and is absorbed quickly into my body. Red Rose petals flutter to my feet.

Frowning in thought about the throne, I continue on my way to the ladies, not noticing the swirling petals.

The other two clouds head through the crowded room unseen , passing overhead and then hovering over their intended targets before exploding and raining down on them. Bear and Mercer absorb the magical dust clouds with the same ease.

Stanley looks at Doris with interest,  “What did you just do?”

Doris’s laughter rings throughout the bar,  just audible to some over the playing song.  “Oh, I just gave them something to get the party started and a little food for thought”…

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on October 26, 2013, 03:07:23 PM
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on October 26, 2013, 03:42:50 PM
As Lover and HB do the time-warp, the dance floor is full with everyone dancing along with the song. With the rest of the Cock N Roses in a line behind Lover and HB all doing the actions to the dance.

As the song comes to an end I pick up my guitar and step up to the mic with the cheers and claps still in the air for Lover and HB 


I start to play my guitar

I was working in the lab late one night
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
My monster, from its slab, began to rise
And suddenly to my surprise

He did the Mash, he did the Monster Mash
The Monster Mash, and it's a graveyard smash
He did the Mash, it caught on in a flash
He did the Mash, he did the Monster Mash

From my laboratory in the castle east
To the master bedroom, where the vampires feast
The ghouls all came from their humble abodes
To get a jolt from my electrodes

They did the Mash, they did the Monster Mash
The Monster Mash, it was a graveyard smash
They did the Mash, they caught on in a flash
They did the Mash, they did the Monster Mash

The zombies were having fun
The party had just begun
The guests included Wolfman
Dracula, and his son

The scene was rocking, all were digging the sound
Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds
The Coffin Bangers were about to arrive
With their vocal group, The Crypt Keeper Five

They did the Mash, they played the Monster Mash
The Monster Mash, it was a graveyard smash
They played the Mash, they caught on in a flash
They played the Mash, they played the Monster Mash

Out of his coffin his voice did ring
Seems he was troubled by just one thing
Opened the lid, shook his fist, and said
"Whatever happened to my Transylvania Twist?"

It's now the Mash, it's now the Monster Mash
The Monster Mash, and it's a graveyard smash
It's now the Mash, it caught on in a flash
It's now the Mash, it's now the Monster Mash

Now everything is cool, Drac's a part of the band
My Monster Mash is the hit of the land
For you, the living, this Mash was meant, too
When you get to my door, tell them Only sent you

Then you can Mash, then you can Monster Mash
The Monster Mash, another graveyard smash
Then you can Mash, you'll catch on in a flash
Then you can Mash, you did the Monster Mash

The Monster Mash...

As the song finishes the dancers clap and cheer, turning to the guys they all take there places at there instruments

"Lets blow the roof off this place"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: pagirl513 on October 26, 2013, 09:22:29 PM
Hello everyone  :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Old_Joe on October 27, 2013, 06:25:48 AM
I look around the bar noting how full it’s beginning to get again and Stone and Jayc are all helping to serve all the customers.  I am dressed with an evil Bear on my shoulder…


The Cock N Roses are blasting out their music and everyone is in a ghoulish happy mood.  The Halloween decorations make the bar look spooky and fun.


Even outside has been decorated to entice the customers to the party   


And its worked,  I notice someone new joining our party - pagirl513
“Welcome Girl to the AB&G, first drink is on the house… but as it’s a special halloween occasion.. the first drink is your choice bit the chaser is a “Malorts”  Try not to pull a face now.”   I chuckle and pour her drinks.

I continue to tell her what a great place this forum village is and she listens with interest.
Please read the below topics to get a feel for the place …

Forum Home Page > Announcements > Posting rules  > New Members. Info and Tips on Forum.,2788.0.html

Forum Home page / Discussions about sex / Erotic Stories / HELPFUL TIPS ON POSTING IN INTERTWINING EROTIC STORY THREADS (AB&G & ICEHOUSE),1900.0.html

Please introduce yourself to the rest of our residents …
Forum Homepage / Organisations & Events / Introduce yourself,22.0.html   

Most of all,   join in the fun & lets PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.

NB -   Old_Joe is a resident of the AB&G and helps out when needed to meet and greet , and look after our patrons. He does not play in the game.  

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mooncalf on October 27, 2013, 11:26:40 AM
Gettin' into my jeep, startin' it up and headin' off fer the AChat Bar & Grill.  I decided to pass up the cowgirl look this year and dolled myself up in a different costume, leavin' my six shooters at home.

I spot Satoire's little red sports car and park next to that.  Then I enter the bar.  I pat a very ugly looking Old Joe on his cheek as I pass by, greetin' all the folks sittin' along the bar.  Looks like it's going to be a fun night... busy though with the band playin'.


"Won't be no country songs tonight."  I think.  Then I spot Pafe and Satoire at the end of the bar and go down that way.

"Just a coat of paint tonight?" I ask once I get to them.  I practically have to shout at the top of my lungs to be heard over the music.

Satoire mouths the words "Three coats" as she holds up three fingers.

Joe leans in to take my order and I ask for a shot of rye with a draft chaser and settle back in a stool. 

During a lull with the band, Pafe asks me where Mollie is.

"She's in Key West, at the Fantasy Fest.  She goes every year.  She calls it a week of parties, drinking, nudity and sex.  Sound like a fun time."  I reply.

"You look like a sorceress," Satoire says. 

"Thanks," I say, "that's what I'm supposed to be.  I even have my crystal ball with me, in case you want your fortune told.  If I had other powers, I'd be making some clothes disappear from some of the fellas."

We all laugh as the band starts up again and drowns out all conversations.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mercer78 on October 27, 2013, 02:57:02 PM
"Wow what has come over me tonight?" I think to myself I'm definitely not myself tonight surrounded by beautiful women and even the slightest bit nervous in fact I'm loving every minute the attention.  Plus the Cocks N Roses are blowing the roof off the place have to say without doubt this is an amazing party.  I even say so out loud as I'm teaching some of my moves to the bevy of lovely ladies surrounding me.  Despite the beauty surrounding my mind keeps coming back to that dream the dance tonight every time I do that longing gets stronger.  "I want Brandy" I whisper to myself finally admitting what I really knew since that night at the lake.  Bear seemed to notice it too judging by his acknowledgement while we were on the dance floor together as if giving me unspoken permission to pursue her.

Did she she feel it too? she must do that was no ordinary dance.  I look around the object of my desires and see her glancing into another room I don't think I've visited.  "What could be in there that has her so fascinated I thought? "   She suddenly seems startled by something then  a strange feeling comes over me i feel slightly giddy stumble a little I glance at my feet and see rose petals swirling around them.

I leave the dance floor and find myself a seat to get my bearings.  "I haven't had that much to drink maybe it was the Barcardi?" I ask myself trying to make sense of it all but slowly slowly realising logic and reason have nothing to do with what's happening tonight.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on October 27, 2013, 10:24:18 PM
While James is singing Sympathy fir the Devil my phone is vibrating in my pocket, so after the song i check what is so importend. I got a message from a friend of mine. When i read the text i'm sad and turn to the others to show them the text too. The boys all shake their head and we quickly agree on something.

I walk up to the microphone, "Ladies and gentlemen of the AB&G i have just recieved some sad news. One of the great Artists in the Music business Lou Reed has just died at the age of 71 years, so we going to dedicate this next song to him. "

I walk back to my keyboards and starts to play

Just a perfect day
Drink Sangria in the park
And then later
When it gets dark, we go home

Just a perfect day
Feed animals in the zoo
Then later
A movie, too, and then home

At the Chorus the rest of the band joins in

Oh, it's such a perfect day
I'm glad I spent it with you
Oh, such a perfect day
You just keep me hanging on
You just keep me hanging on

Just a perfect day
Problems all left alone
Weekenders on our own
It's such fun

Just a perfect day
You made me forget myself
I thought I was
Someone else, someone good

Oh, it's such a perfect day
I'm glad I spent it with you
Oh, such a perfect day
You just keep me hanging on
You just keep me hanging on

You're going to reap just what you sow
You're going to reap just what you sow
You're going to reap just what you sow
You're going to reap just what you sow

"Rest in peace Lou Reed and man 'take a walk on wild side' up there"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on October 28, 2013, 08:40:05 PM
Bear was rocking with the rest of the Cocks N Roses. His guitar and unique voice showed what a talented member of the band he was. In fact, each member of the band was talented on their own,  but together, they were dynamite.

The cloud of magic dust slowly weaved through the air, changing its shape constantly as currents of air blasted its perimeter, shifting its shape only for it to be drawn back together again. Then it hovered over his head, unseen, as all the particles gathered. The cloud grew bigger and thickened and then burst open and showered down over him. The dust rained on him lightly and was quickly absorbed.  Red Rose petals fluttered unseen to his feet. 

He sought her out with his eyes and saw her coming from the rest room. His eyes feasted on her feminine form, remembering the intimacies they had shared. Her athletic body that had wrapped around him and held him in her cries of passion. Her invited warmth and tenderness and contrasting wild abandon. He shuddered with a deep longing for those whispers and groans again.

A deep stirring inside him began to build as he looked at the shimmering silver dress clinging to her form, noting her wholesome breasts, her perfect thighs and wishing that dress would inch higher so he could see more.

He wanted her again. Lusty thoughts of pinning her against the wall in the rain , hearing her moans, teasing her till she begged for his body to claim her, filled his mind. He let his mind play out the fantasy he had started. 


The fantasy began to take an unusual twist. Suddenly the fantasy was of another taking her in front of him, taking his place. Then he was being propelled through the room by invisible forces.
He moved through the crowd led by unseen hands, tugging on him, like an excited child taking him to a much wanted toy in a toy shop.

He was lead to the pool room and lashed loosely to a stone throne, yet it felt as though he was bound tightly unable to move from his seated position. His roman skirt was whipped off and a rug placed over his waist to hide his nakedness.


He tugged at the lashings on his wrists and ankles, only to be admonished by an unseen stinging slap on his cheek. He was trapped!

The erotic pictures continued to form in his mind, and he felt unseen hands sliding on his body. He was being teased and caressed and naughty whispers blew gently in his ears. He couldn’t talk. He was a prisoner and being kept in an erotic state of arousal.

His senses were assaulted from every angle. He could see Brandybee in his mind’s eye, like a pornographic video playing. She was writhing in different stages of sexual arousal, he could smell her scent, he could hear her mews of lust, he could feel his body being fondled and he could taste her.

He wanted her, he wanted to tease her, he wanted her begging for him and he wanted to slake his lust on her wanton body.

But she was out of reach, he couldn’t get to her. He was slowly and expertly being driven crazy, especially as he felt a hot mouth enclosing over his cock keeping him on the edge, never allowing him to cross over to fulfilment. 

He was sweating with a primal, hungry need for his mate … 

NB -  Bear has given prior permission and creative control using his name in this ....   sucker ....  LOL   :P  
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on October 29, 2013, 01:01:44 AM

I lean on the bar, it's filling up now, some of the costumes are fantastic, I really like Pafe's body paint and Satoire's silver outfit, I wish I had the courage to do that... Who am I kidding, I just wish I'd thought of it! All-For-You looks stunning
"Well Joe, 2 zombies together and no date for tonight. You're working and I'm single, pass me another mojito!"

I was smiling at the silly songs, I didn't know the time warp, but I did stand up and do the monster mash but then when they start playing Perfect Day, we all join in. I remember the video and feel sad, but I never realised Lou Reed was so old.
Then I smell jasmine and see a cloud of what looks like fairy dust burst over Bear and cover him in rose petals and he is magically lifted away to the pool room and Brandy, her eyes sparkling looks like the cat that got the cream and I think to my self...... "how did she swing that? I wish I was so well in with the Grills, what I would like for me & ......."
I spot Mooncalf coming past Pafe & Satoire. She stops to talk with them and then grabs a bar-stool and a drink. I wander over a t the end of the song. "Love the outfit Mooncalf, please will you look in your crystal ball and see what tonight has in store for me?"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mooncalf on October 29, 2013, 10:53:20 AM

"Sure, Bluedenim, I'll see what your future is."  I peer into my crysal ball... it begins to fill with a smokey vapor... runnin' my hands around the ball... gently caressing it... fondlin' it.

"Show me oh great and powerful ball.  Show me what Bluedenim's future holds in store for her."  I say in a sing-song rhythm.

"I see you, Bluedenim, but I can not tell if these images are for tonight, or sometime in the future.  I see you being whisked off your feet by a lusty sea captain.  He is cradling you in his arms, your arms around his neck.  You are both smiling."

"Next, I see you on a great 3 masted sailing ship, as she plows her way through the water.  There you are with the captain in his quarters... being ravaged by him.  Taken fully.

Another image, Bluedenim, you are being restrained and taken to the main deck of the ship.  The captain has decided to share you with his lusty crew."

I gasp... I jump back suddenly from my ball.  My eyes wide... my heart racing.  I turn to Pafe and Satoire and say, "I'll see you gals later, I'm going with Bluedenim, she's going to have lots of fun."

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on October 29, 2013, 11:50:23 AM

"Sure, Bluedenim, I'll see what your future is."  I peer into my crysal ball... it begins to fill with a smokey vapor... runnin' my hands around the ball... gently caressing it... fondlin' it.

"Show me oh great and powerful ball.  Show me what Bluedenim's future holds in store for her."  I say in a sing-song rhythm.

"I see you, Bluedenim, but I can not tell if these images are for tonight, or sometime in the future.  I see you being whisked off your feet by a lusty sea captain.  He is cradling you in his arms, your arms around his neck.  You are both smiling."

"Next, I see you on a great 3 masted sailing ship, as she plows her way through the water.  There you are with the captain in his quarters... being ravaged by him.  Taken fully.

Another image, Bluedenim, you are being restrained and taken to the main deck of the ship.  The captain has decided to share you with his lusty crew."

I gasp... I jump back suddenly from my ball.  My eyes wide... my heart racing.  I turn to Pafe and Satoire and say, "I'll see you gals later, I'm going with Bluedenim, she's going to have lots of fun."

Oh Wowzers! I give Mooncalf a big kiss and motion Old Joe to slide us a couple more drinks across. "Hey Mooncalf, do you see anyone on stage looking nautical?" I wonder if Doris & Stanley are doing requests tonite and how do you go about asking them?
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: terric on October 29, 2013, 01:04:00 PM
I come running into the pool room via the secret door to the Ice House.  I'm followed by a couple of the dwarfs.  I'm out of breath from running so far.  I make it up to the bar, elbow my way in and look the zombie in the eye.  "Beer.  Please."  I gasp.

He pours me a draft and I take a couple of swigs.  "Pookie's been taken," I say between gasps.  "Where is Covems?"

"Not here yet," the bartender says.

"Darn," I mumble, and take another sip of the beer.  Then I spot the NSPD ladies at the end of the bar.  I grab my glass of beer and hurry down there.

"I need your help,"  I say to her, butting my way into their conversation.  The band starts up another song, and our conversation gets drowned out by the music.

Pafe looks me in the eye, and says, "calm down.  Take deep breaths, what's wrong?"

I get up closer to her.  Wow!  They're both absolutely stunning in their painted costumes.  "Pookie," I shout, getting closer to her ear, "she's been taken."

"What do you mean... taken?" Satoire says.

"Taken," I say.  "In the passage between the lake and the Ice House."  I take a big gulp of the beer and continue, "we were exploring behind Covems and Amy's cabin.  We went into the passage with a glowie."

"Okay," Pafe says, "calm down and start from the beginning."

"You got your guns?"  I ask MoonCalf, she shakes her head no.

"We were planning on coming here... to the party," I say, "I put on my Star Trek outfit and Pookie got dressed as a Klingon.  We stopped by Cove's cabin, to see if he and Amy was coming.  We went around back and found the door to the passage propped open."

I take another gulp of beer, "We couldn't help ourselves and went in a little ways.  I had a glowie for a light.  We got in there a ways, and found a door.  I told Pookie not to knock on it... I told her."

"What happened?" Pafe shouts.

"She knocked on it.  'Shave and a hair cut knock'," I said loudly.  "It opened!  The door opened and 3 funny looking short people came out.  The kept saying Pookie was the warrior they were waiting for.  We tried to tell them we were just going to a party, but before either of us could do anything, they took her by the arms and lead her into the door.  They left me in the hall. The door was locked to me... I pounded and pounded on it, I even tried the 'shave and a hair cut' knock, but it never opened for me."

"How did you get here?"  Satoire asks me.

"I fumbled along the hallway.  I got lost, turned around a couple of times, then I got caught in a trap."  I continue, "it was a dwarf trap, they found me, freed me and they led me into the Ice House, then here to the bar.  Can you help me?  Can you help Pookie?  Is Covems here?" 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pafe on October 29, 2013, 02:04:35 PM


   We used to go see the Rocky Horror Picture Show a lot back in the 80's.  That was so much fun in the theater, we used to bring a grocery bag of items to play with.  People used to dress up like the characters in the movie, and the theaters were usually trashed by the time we left.  Satoire and I jump up and do the "Time Warp" to the music.  It's like riding a bicycle.. you never really forget how.  Once the song is finished we retake our seats

   "Terri looks frazzled," I think as she comes up to us carryin her beer.  She takes a swallow of it and starts telling us that her friend, Pookie, has been taken.

   We get her to calm down some so she can relate her tale to us.  It's difficult to hear her over the music from the band.  Finally Terri explains what happened on their excursion into the passage behind Amy and Covems' cabin.

   I kick the panel to the dwarfs' room.  I get no answer at first, then kick it again.  The panel slides down quickly, and I close my legs and look down.  A smiling Happy is looking up at me, "Go find Covems," I say to him.  The panel slides back up into place.

   During a lull in the music, I lean into Mooncalf and ask, "can you conjure up images in that thing?" pointing to her crystal ball.

   "It's Halloween, Pafe," Moonie answers, "anything is possible."

   "See if you can locate Pookie," Satoire pipes in.

   We order up another round of drinks and another beer for Terri as Mooncalf begins to rub her crystal ball.  Terri looks over at us and I say, "Once Cove gets here, we'll go investigate that door."

   "Pafie," Satoire says, "remember, we have on just 3 coats of paint and some shoes."

Thanks for letting me share,
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on October 29, 2013, 03:13:52 PM
Standing outside the AB&G I took in a deep breath, and pushed the doors opened and walked in. I seen alot of familiar faces, as eyes turned to look to see who was coming in. I raised my hand and said," Hey y'all better late than never!"  I walked over to the bar and smiled at Old Joe, "Its been a while I know, but my usual please!"  He nodded, and sat my drink on the bar. I took in the scene as I picked up my drink and took a sip. "Mmmm, just right "Thanks Old Joe" , as I raised my glass in a tipping motion in his direction. Turned back around to see a crystal ball, Moon and Pafe peering deep into the crystal ball. Hmm I think to myself maybe I will just go see what that is all I made my way over to where they were standing.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on October 29, 2013, 04:05:13 PM
when we end "perfect day" all the bar&grill starts clapping hands giving a warm tribute to the great Lou Reed.
We all look up above and silently wait for the claps ending then Lover nod at me and i step in front of the mic
" hey B&G do you feel?"
Some voices answer "good"
" I cant hear you ! do you feel?"
This times many shout out "good"
" ohhhh yeahhh......feels so good being here playing for you..."
"It's a dream come true"
Now the bar screams....
" do you have dreams?.........
.....and nightmares?"
The lights on the stage go off , just a spot on my guitar as i start playing it
Soon the other join me as the rythm grows ....when the drum enters the lights start flashing
And then an explosion shakes the bar
Here we go

"Enter Sandman" Metallica

Say your prayers little one
Don't forget my son
To include everyone
I tuck you in
Warm within
Keep you free from sin
'Til the sandman he comes

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never never-land

Lover is really devilish now,he s singing just like James Hetfield 
I nod at Tango as he plays this powerful riff together with Bear
Guys and girls are jumpin on the floor shaking their heads

Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of snow white
Dreams of war
Dreams of lies
Dreams of dragons fire
And of things that will bite, yeah

Sleep with one eye open
Grippin' your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never never-land

time to cry for my guitar ,the lights go off and just white flashing spots show us to the crowd
I end my solo on my knees and the song goes slow
The dark voice of Lover starts again

Now I lay me down to sleep (x2)
Pray the lord my soul to keep (x2)
And if I die before I wake (x2)
Pray the lord my soul to take (x2)

Hush little baby don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beast under your bed
In your closet in your head

Exit light
Enter night
Grain of sand

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never never-land

We're off to never never-land

Take my hand
We're off to never never-land
Take my hand
We're off to never never-land

We're off to never never-land

And it fades away ......

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on October 29, 2013, 05:15:44 PM

I'm in my secluded room above the bar, when Happy pops his head in.  He giggles a little at first, then says, "Ms. Pafe has asked for you."

"Has Amy gotten here yet?" I ask in response.

Happy answers, "No sign of her yet."

I leave my costume choices and go down to the bar with Happy.  The band is playing "Enter Sandman", and my mind gets an image of a baseball player with the number 42 on his back jogging to the mound.

I try to talk to Pafe, but the music is loud... Metallica is meant to be played LOUD... so I motion for her to come into the storage room, so we might be able to hear each other without shouting.  She grabs Terri's elbow and pulls her along with us.  Satoire and Moonie are gazing into a crystal ball.  "Voodoo," I think with a smirk.

Finally taking in Pafe's costume, I can feel my eyes bugging out of my head.  "Wowsers Pafe, you've outdone yourself with this one."  I take in all of her form.

"Stop," she says, "this is serious.  Pookie's been taken."

"What do you mean... taken?"  I answer.

Terri goes on and explains to me what took place in the passage.  I question her about the door, making sure it was the first one that I had come to on my way here.  We agree that it is the same door.  "She knocked?" I asked.

"Yes, you know Pookie," Terri says, "always the polite one."

"Nothing wrong with being polite," Pafe says.

We call Satoire and Moonie into the room with us, and we all agree that we should go investigate the door and find Pookie.  "Pafe," I say go get the dwarfs and tell them we need Dopey.  Tell them we're going into the tunnels.  The rest of you, wait here."

Pafe agrees and goes out to the bar and knocks on the panel to get the dwarfs' attention. I head up to the secluded room and get my revolver and holster, the lantern... fresh matches... and the rope.  Going back down, I hand the gun belt and pistol to Moonie.  The others look at me with an inquisitive expression.  "Moonie's a better shot," I say.  Moonie hands the crystal ball to Satoire and straps on the six-shooter, then takes back the ball.

Pafe comes back in and has Grumpy in tow.  Grumpy tells us that Dopey will meet us in the Eva room, and he'll take us to the door.  Deciding that it would be best not to alert the bar, we make our way through the secret passageway behind the stage and emerge in the hallway of the Ice House.

"This place give me the creeps," Satoire says to no one.  We go into the bathroom of the Eva room and sure enough, Dopey is waiting. 

"Grumpy,"  I say, "if we're not back in a couple of hours, rally the troops and come get us.  Oh, and if Amy should show, tell her I'll be right back.  This shouldn't take long."

I look around at our small band.  Munchkins.  Pafe and Satoire in a couple of layers of paint... Moonie looking like a sorceress with a side arm... Terri dress as a Star Trek Officer and Dopey, who's going to be our light.  We open the panel in the bathroom and go in.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on October 30, 2013, 01:35:01 AM

Oh dear, much ado about Pookie.... Covems arrives and rounds up half the bar and the dwarves and sets off through the pool room passage to the Ice House.
I was about to finish my drink & go with them, but then I smell jasmine and my vision goes blurry, when I rub my eyes and clear my sight I see a sea captain standing on the edge of the stage.. my heart skips.. I mean, I'm all for believing fairy stories , but.. Then I see more clearly and it's James...
I swoon and fall off my barstool. When I wake up James has picked me up and is carrying me off in his arms. "Oh Doris, you naughty wonderful ghost" I mumble and then look into James' eyes and swoon again.

Then I wake and I remember the second part of the prophesy... I feel my outfit has changed and Ohh my, I'm a pirate... a pirate captured by a naval officer "restrained"  Moonie said.. I look up into James' eyes and they look cold & cruel and I swoon yet again.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on October 30, 2013, 08:45:18 AM
OOT: i love that artist work......good choise, Blu!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on October 30, 2013, 12:29:34 PM
(Posted on behalf of Jayc ...  RL gave him time issues ... )

Lover calls Stone and myself up to the stage. Needing some help we spot All_For_You, Snowbunny78, hentaiboy69, sexilicious and Marilyn and beg them to join us. They agree and Stone gives each a broom for a prop and the five girls go to one side of the stage and myself the other. On cue Cock N Roses begin to play. I nod at Lover and he starts us off.


 “I saw it officer,
It looked prehistoric “

Jayc  slinking towards the women

There's a monster in my pants
And it does a nasty dance
When it moves in and out
Everybody starts to shout

The Girls waving their brooms with menace to keep Jayc at bay

Monster, aaaah monster, aaaah
Get outta here monster!
Monster! monster!
Get outta here monster!

Jayc moving in closer

There's a monster in my pants
And it does a naughty dance
When it sees the light of day
You can here the people say

The Girls
Oh no, a monster! oh no, a monster!
Oh no, oh no, oh no a giant monster
Monster! monster!
Oh no, a giant monster!

Shut the window, bolt the door!
Don't wanna see that monster no more!

There's a monster in my pants
And it does a modern dance
When it comes into a room
People hit it with a broom

 The Girls attack Jayc with the brooms hitting him about the head and groin
Take that monster! take that monster!
Take it! take it! take that you awful thing!
Take that aaah! take that aaah!
Take it! take it! take that you naughty thing!

Jayc retreating from the broom assault

And they don't wear pants on the other side of france
But they do wear fleece to protect them from the beasts

The Girls
Monster! monster! oh gee, a great big monster

There's a monster on the run and it wants to have have some fun
When it flies hup in the air, all the people stop and stare
The guys give a yell and the girls start to shriek
When they see its giant claws and it razor sharp beak

Gosh would you look at that thing
And I thought dinosaurs were extinct

The spot lights shut off as the song ends. As the house light come on, we all bow to the cheers and joviality of our friends.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on October 31, 2013, 01:23:26 PM
Finally I get little Franky off to sleep and change into my costume for the party


Walking into the bar to hear my sweet Freddie up on stage in his prisoner outfit. Sliding quirtly to the bar I kiss Karen on the cheek "I made it did I miss must" I ask

Karen turns and hugs me and fills me in on what I've missed

Jo slides me a Bloody Marry and puts it on Covems tab

Taking my drink I walk over to the front of the stage and with my drink in one hand I swing my handcuffs on my finger pointing it at Freddie Blowing him a kiss as
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on October 31, 2013, 02:19:12 PM
As Jayc and the girls sing Monster I slip back stage and find my out fit from the first concert 


Living easy, living free
Season ticket on a one-way ride
Asking nothing, leave me be
Taking everything in my stride
Don't need reason, don't need rhyme
Ain't nothing I would rather do
Going down, party time
My friends are gonna be there too

I'm on the highway to hell
on the highway to hell
I'm on the highway to hell
on the M25 to hell

No stop signs, speed limit
Nobody's gonna slow me down
Like a wheel, gonna spin it
Nobody's gonna mess me round
Hey Satan, payed my dues
Playing in a rocking band
Hey Momma, look at me
I'm on my way to the promised land

I'm on the highway to hell
on the highway to hell


I'm on the highway to hell
on the highway to hell

And I'm going down, all the way down
I'm on the highway to hell
on the highway to hell
I'm on the highway to hell[color]

highway to hell
highway to hell
highway to hell
highway to hell
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mercer78 on October 31, 2013, 02:24:28 PM
Brandybee weaved her way through the crowd to be by my side once more. I handed her a bicardi and coke and watched her drink and kiss the edge of the glass to suck up the drops of liquid threatening to run down the side of the glass.

I watched her throat swallowing and then her lips and tongue on the glass. My loin stirred at the delectable sight.

She lowered the glass and I took her hand and held her gaze, “Dance with me.” It was more of a statement than a question.

She smiled and nodded her head.

Once again we were dancing. I spun her around and around the dance floor smiling and chuckling. The moves were hot, sensual and would not have been out of place in the film “Dirty Dancing.”  We were grinding, and sliding and rubbing in a mating dance worthy of any great lovers of the time.

The effect was dizzifying and heady. Without realising it, we were guided to the pool room by invisible forces.  What was stranger still was the throne on the wall to our left. There seemed to be someone sat on it but I couldn’t quite make out who it was in the poor light.

Brandy moved away from me and looked over at the throne and whispered “It’s real.”   She squinted for a moment then gasped “Bear!”

She looked back at me, then back at the throne, then back at me as if unsure what to say or do.  I just raised my shoulders and shook my head “If you don’t know, then I’ve got no hope love.” 

For a moment we just stood there. Bear didn’t utter a word or seemingly move a muscle although he didn’t look particularly comfortable. He also seemed as captivated with Brandybee as I was.

Then something strange started to happen, the air seemed thicker. Suddenly the scent of Jasmine was more pungent than ever. I started to see rose petals over by Bear’s throne, then when I looked down, I noticed that they were all around us.

The door of the pool room slammed shut, as did the door to the secret passageway to The Ice House, making us jump.
We moved closer to the throne until we were almost right in front of it as if pulled by some unknown hand.

Brandy ran her hand over the throne and across Bear’s chest as she semi -circled round him. His eyes followed her, hungry and full of desire. She bent forward and whispered in his ear. I watched her backside as her dress inched up as she bent over. 

I tore my eyes away from the tempting sight and looked closer at the throne. It was magnificent, exactly how I’d expect an ancient Roman Emperor to sit upon.

Bear it seems wasn’t there by choice despite having dressed the part.

I couldn’t see any chains or ropes but for reasons I couldn’t fathom, he was unable to move however hard he tried. 

I looked back at Brandy and her at me and with that the longing returned, but now it had grown into an insatiable lust, a thirst, a hunger that had to be quenched!

I succumbed, pulled her into my arms and began to passionately kiss her. She reciprocated.  My hands slid down to her firm buttocks, which was no easy feat considering the design of her dress.  I unhitched her chain web from her back and it clattered to the floor.

I pulled her right leg up, bent her backwards and kissed her neck. It was like something off the cover of a Mills and Boon novel – hot, passionate and full of promise!

I pulled Brandy’s head forward so I could look her right in the eye and said “I want you, all of you and I know you want me too.”

Brandy looked over at Bear for a moment, then looked back, and just nodded.

We resumed our kiss, this time we were both upright which meant my hands swept down to her beautiful breasts, gently kneading and cupping each one. It brought a slight moan of pleasure from Brandy.
I knew this was an invitation to go further, and moved my hands to the middle of her dress, so I could tear it open and get unencumbered access to the exquisite form beneath.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on October 31, 2013, 06:22:28 PM
Utilizing the secret passsage that runs behind the stage, our little band plus one enter the storage room where the stairway to the secluded room is.

The ladies all return to their seats at the bar, along with Terri and Pookie.  They're sitting close to each other and sharing thoughts and tales of their exploits.

Seeing the band taking a break, I make my way to the stage.  I tap the mic...

"Is this thing on?"

Here's a question for you all....

"Why don't women have brains? 
Because they don't have a penis to carry them in."

"Did you hear about the gay midget?
He just came out of the cupboard."

A man and his two friends were talking at the AB&G.  His first friend said, "I think my wife is having sex with the electrician.  The other day I came home and found wire cutters under our bed."
His second friend said, "I think my wife is having sex with the plumber.  The other day I found a pipe wrench under the bed."
The man said, "That's nothing.  I think my wife is having sex with a horse."
Both his friends looked at him in disbelief.
"I'm serious.  The other day I came home and found a jockey under the bed."

thank you... I'll be here all week....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Old_Joe on October 31, 2013, 08:15:42 PM
I guffaw at Covems jokes, holding my sides and wiping the tears from my eyes with my hanky... the guy kills me

Then my phone vibrates that an incoming text has arrived.

Well , well, well .... the results are in  for the Erotic Story Contest ...

I ring the Bar Bell to announce the winners

" Ghosts, Ghouls, & Sexy sirens ...   We have some champs in the house --  The winners of the Erotic Story Contest 5 - Public Place.. is none other than  our two great friends in the Cocks N Roses -   Tangoracer & hentaiboy69 -  for their wonderful story - " A Journey to True Self"

Cheers erupt around the bar. I let them calm down, before continuing...

"and runner up is our  Jayc for  " Flames in the Desert."    More cheers erupt and as they die down, I shout over the noise,

 "Well done you guys.  Congratulations .   Three Cheers For our Champions .. HIP HIP HORRAY.   HIP HIP HORRAY.  HIP HIP HORRAY. "

 Then I shout loudly "Drinks are on the house "       

Of course, they get added to Covems tab,  maybe some on JCM's too, seeing as he's just opened one.   :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on November 02, 2013, 10:43:51 AM
Meanwhile in the closed off pool room ...

Bear is a dangerous man to bind. He likes to be in control. He has to be in control!

The Dominant Male in him likes the power and the conquering of his mates. It oozes out of him as natural as the carbon dioxide when he breaths out. The trait is soaked through to his core and soul. And to be bound and unable to move makes him feel like a caged animal who’s only goal is freedom.

Doris knows this and feeds off his building frustration. She feels his restlessness and rejoices in it’s manifest. Pushing him more into that trapped corner. His need to be free and to conquer his captor, to let them know his power and fear it. It gives him inner strength and resolve.

She pushes him more, makes him focus on the couple before him. It feeds his lust and heightens his frustration. He needs to mate. The ache in his powerful loins grows and hurts for release but there’s a line, he can’t cross. There’s an unseen barrier that won’t allow him to jettison his seed and mark his territory. It keeps him teetering on that promise of what could be.

The hot scent of the sensual sex of the couple near him teases his nostrils and eyes.

He breathes like a bull after a ripened mate in season. The caressing hands on his body and lips moving up and down on his strained body tease and tantalise him with maddening success.

Then there is a brief respite as all hands and lips leave him…

His tormenter appears to him and him alone. He sees Doris’s beautiful sexy form. He holds his breath.

(  :D   ;)

Then she gracefully approaches him,  kneels before him and takes his cock in her hand and places her lips around him. She pushes his cock slowly to her throat and then further, past the gagging reflex and his cock bends down her throat. He is embedded fully inside her. She sucks him with an expertise he dreams of.

He watches enthralled and bucks his hips into her head. She allows him to fuck her head. Then she fades and disappears. His torment continues but in his mind – the tormentor now is not Doris but Brandybee. He can still feel her sucking him and his eyes are drawn to focus on the couple once more in front of him.

He watches Brandy and Mercer78 with lusty intent. He wants to join in but is not allowed. He wants to be Mercer touching her and tasting the delights of her body.  He is filled with the lust of the devil and the need to fuck Brandy into oblivion….

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on November 02, 2013, 01:28:39 PM
I looked at Bear and saw he was magnificent sitting there on his stone throne. He was staring at me with a glare of desire, just how a woman likes to be looked at, at least once in her lifetime.

The scent of jasmine was all around and seemed to inject us all with intense sexual arousal.

I felt the hot, wet, rush between my legs.
Mercer stood over me like a Greek God. He had that same gleam in his eyes. His taut muscles and superb form emanated the epitome of female desire. My body yearned for him and he seemed to feel the same. My soft breasts swelled and swayed under my dress, unsupported. My nipples jutted through the thin grey / silver material.

He took me in my arms and moved his lips to mine, bending me slightly backwards and he kissed me, tenderly at first, then with a raw hunger that took my breath away.  My bosom was crushed against his chest and the gentle movements of his pectorals teased my nipples. I moaned as his tongue sought mine and ached with a need to be satisfied.

His hands unclasped my metal web and it clattered to the floor.  Then he ended the kiss slowly and pulled me upright. He spoke “I want you, all of you and I know you want me too.”
The sensual tone of his promising words caused flutters and shivers down my spine.

He moved his hands to the neck line of my dress and for a moment it seemed my heart stopped beating. He tore the material away from my body, leaving it a rag hanging from my waist.
My soft breasts spilled out and bounced with the movement. I felt both men and the watching eyes of Stanley looking at my soft mounds and rosebud hardened nipples.

Mercer raised his hands and kneaded them and I shut my eyes revelling in his attention. He pulled gently on each nipple and then moved in to suckle me. I cupped his head and thrust my chest at him, wanting to fill his mouth. I scrunched his hair, enjoying the silkiness between my fingers. His mouth clamped on to me and I felt my flesh draw into his hot, moist mouth as he sucked.

One hand continued to massage my free tit, whist the other kneaded my buttocks, raising my dress, until he could massage my bared flesh. He moaned in delight when he realised I had not worn panties.

He used his whole mouth and circled his head on my breast and palmed the other, squeezing and rubbing it. His hand on my buttocks squeezed and kneaded each cheek and then began to finger caress underneath, teasing the lower lips of my vagina.

I groaned again as I felt the intimacy of his touch. Then he began to push me backwards,  forcing small backward steps, till my thighs hit the pool table. He used his leg to widen my stance and I felt his cock flex it’s hardness against me.

He dragged his hand to my front, letting me feel the trail of his fingers on my skin. He built my anticipation as he eventually touched the strip thin thatch of my pussy and then, he explored my crevice with his fingers.

I leaked over him with pleasure, greasing his fingers as he dipped and circled round my entrance. Then he fingered me, pushing in to the hilt causing moans of delighted pleasure. He felt my steaming hot core, hot, wet and ready for him.

Both my hands were pulling his hair now, lost in the moment. His tongue, his hands and those delicious fingers building my need.

I arched backwards, thrusting my breasts and pussy at him, not caring for anything except fucking his fingers and feeding his mouth. I was a moaning, wanton woman in heat.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mercer78 on November 02, 2013, 03:04:44 PM
This magnificent specimen of womanhood lay before me on the pool table I still couldn't believe that any of this was real what unseen force was manipulating the 3 of us? 

At this point I didn't I have never wanted a woman more to please her to have her it was intoxicating.  I already had 2 fingers inside Brandy's moist sex as i worked her nipple in turn with my tongue while teasing the other with my free hand occasionally alternating.  I stopped for a moment and looked up at her face,  Brandy said nothing but her expression begged for more. I started to slowly kiss my down her chest to her tummy gently tonguing her navel by way of preview of what was next.  I reached my goal I kissed her moist vagina revealing in the sweet tang of juices.  Gently easing her lips apart I started to feel around with my tongue for that special place.

Ummmmm came a moan from above as I found that special notch.  I reached up my right hand to Brandybee's mouth 2 fingers outstretched without hesitating she took them in her mouth and sucked for a moment.  I eased the 2 freshly lubricated fingers into her wanton sex and began to slowly move back and forth slowly fucking her with my fingers while all the while maintaining the tongue movements.

I looked up briefly to see my lover for the evening had thrown her head back back arched upwards a hand on each breast moaning in glee. I could feel someone watching me in fact a few someones one of them must be Bear who must have been going out of his mind by now watching us but who were the others? 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on November 03, 2013, 12:52:57 AM

I come round and realise I'm still on my bar stool with my head on the bar. Old Joe takes my hand and lifts my chin "You ok there youngster? You were in a world of your own kid, if it weren't for the fact that I've been serving you, I'd have said you were out of it!"
"Jasmine..Jasmine, Joe. Can you smell the jasmine?"
I feel peculiar and I look down at myself.... I'm still a pirate, so that bit was real.......
Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I start and turn my head. It's James..and he's still dressed as a Naval Captain.. OMG is it Halloween or Christmas? He leans in and whispers in my ear.."You know what happens to pirates in these parts don't you? We tie them to the mast & flog them!"
My heart pounds and I feel my nipples harden. "Is it my chest you're after or my booty, Commodore?" I sneer!
I stay in character and try to draw my cutlass, but invisible hands pull mine behind my back and tie them and James has picked me up from my stool and is carrying me off. He leans his head down and picks up the key from between my beasts with his teeth. "This is going to come in really handy now, Pirate Queen!" he laughs through his clenched jaw and enveloped in the mysterious mist that has reappeared along with the overwhelming smell of jasmine, his eyes have again gone hard and cruel.
We drift through the pool room past Brandy bent backwards over the pool table pulling Mercer against her as if she means to squeeze the very life out of him, past Bear sat on a Roman throne and staring at the couple on the pool table with burning eyes and an undisguised expression of pure wanton lust and frustration on his face.
The secret door behind the pool cues swings open and we are alone in the narrow passage.
I feel James' arms, strong and muscular, carrying me as if I weighed nothing, his long strides ringing off the cold stone floor and suddenly we are outside the familiar door.
He lowers me gently to the floor, but grasping a handful of my long red hair behind my head, forces me to my knees, my mouth level with the bulging crotch of his naval uniform. He holds me there while he unlocks the door with his other hand and pushes it back, it's hinges groaning in sympathy with me as I try to bite through his breeeches.

this story cannot continue under this topic heading, but if James is willing, will carry on in "The Ice House"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on November 03, 2013, 12:31:37 PM
As the Cock's N Roses set come to its end with only one more song I slip off the stage and out of my AC/DC costume and into my jeans and waist coat. I make way over to the bar

"Hay Joe, How about a round of cold ones for the guys" with a smile "put them on Coverms tab"

"I'll send the right over Tango"  Joe reply's

"And here's the remote control for the pleasure table Tango"

I smile and say "you keep it...... It's more fun if you don't know when it's going to move"

Turning round to Jane and Karen "you coming to play on the table"

"Yeah that's always great fun" they both say with a big smile.

Making my way back to the stage I take HB by the hand and whisper in her ear "my Pet I want you........I want you back where it all started a year ago"
Kissing her softly on the cheek  "I want you as soon as the last song is finished"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on November 03, 2013, 05:38:01 PM
The feel of his mouth taking each nipple in turn whilst he palms and massages the other breast feeds my fervour. My hips, unashamedly hump his fingers. Mercer senses my need and shoves his fingers deeper inside me, finger fucking quite lewdly into my body. He sucks and squeezes harder.

I squeeze my eyes shut and am lost in the spell cast, drowning in the sea of pure female passion. The hand in the juncture of my thighs obliges and strokes and plays and thrusts as though knowing my most secret thoughts.
Mercer drags his mouth from my tit and leans in and begins to whisper words in my ear, his breath pushing my hair away, and billowing sensuously inside.

The words are obscene, and may not be of his mouth but whether his words are his own or the phantom of Stanley Grill, they excite and enflame my blood.

“Show me what a slut you are,” he hisses softly, and his fingers poke and probe me with more vigour. “Let me see how a little whore cums from having her tits sucked and her pussy played with. You are that whore, Brandybee, and I want you to let her out. Give her to me. Give me all your hot cum like a bitch in heat. I want it all”

My heart accelerates, my face burns with embarrassment and I hump harder as Mercer trails his lips to each nipple. The licking and sucking is obscenely delightful. He circles my erect areola causing them to become harder with each touch of his tongue.

I groan as the words echo over and over and encourage my brain to support my body. I am on fire!

 “Show me what a slut you are “...       “Tits sucked and Pussy played with”...         “Cum like a bitch in heat”... 

Mercer moves down trailing his tongue on my sizzling skin, raining kisses and licks and faint nibbles from my cleavage to my naval.
Bear watches intently and spell bound.

Mercer rims my belly button and probes it in a promise of his technique elsewhere. I groan again and arch my tummy into his face, maddened. I grab his head to enjoy the moment of his face crushed into my naked belly. But then the temptation for more is overwhelming. I push him down my body impatiently, like a slut! The slut that is overpowering me!

Mercer’s tongue obliges and the thrill is electric. I feel bereft as he removes his fingers but sigh in relieve as his tongue pleasures me in their place. He licks my furrow, slow, savouring every drop of the heavy moisture there. He explores everything with his tongue!

He feeds me his glazed fingers and I suck on them hungrily. I taste and smell my lusty desire as he is doing, expertly, between my legs.

I squeeze his head between my thighs, seeking the answer to my white hot need.

Mercer takes over, removing his fingers from my mouth and then using both hands to part and push up my legs, widened, for him.

He pulls back to gaze at my most intimate secrets.  My pussy is glistening and swollen. The trimmed red strip of pubic hair wet in my own juices. My smooth undercarriage and little pink rosette glistens and is reddened slightly by my excitement and his exploration.

He parts my labia and then closes in with his tongue and resumes once more. He slides along my aching crease and finds his goal. My clitoris rejoices in the feel of his hot tongue and lips, rippling along my body to my moaning mouth. My hips thrust out reflexively and he plunges his fingers into my sex once more.

I groan at the rapturous pleasure that assails me and am hardly aware of the pool room door opening and Bluedenim and jcm0824, entering. Not caring of the obscene sight they see – Mercer embedded, hungrily eating me between my legs like the wanton whore that I am, lying on the pool table in her ripped dress.
They walk to the secret passage but I am lost in my sexual frenzy to know if they enter the Ice House or return to the bar.

Part of my mind knows of the shameful spectacle I am making of myself, but the other knows of the blessed relief of orgasm that threatens, about to thunder down upon me, like a herd of galloping, wild, head tossing, horses.

Mercer’s tongue melds into my sex, the maddening pleasure of his tongue working at my sex, driving everything else from my mind. He is demanding I let go, demanding I give in to my most obscene and salacious desires and show him the whore I have within. I pull on his hair, riding his face.

I don’t care any longer. My dignity, my self-respect, none of that matters any more. Only the orgasm in my grasp…

I slam my head back against the pool table, clench my eyes shut, lurch my pussy violently on Mercers tongue and scream...

My orgasm comes to boiling point, right from the very tips of the toes on my feet. It‘s shoots sparks down my legs and up my body. I convulse in a wracking, spasm of release. My hips jerk upwards into his face. I yank hard on his hair as my belly flexes so tight with each wave of savage, trembling, leg jerking, joy.

All the time, I hear Stanley whispering in my ear, “That’s it Slut, show them your joy in cumming, drench Mercer in your cum. Show them both how much you like your cunt eaten, and your tits felt. Show them the whore inside of you. Let it out like a good girl“

Eventually, the spasms subside. All my strength is sapped, leaving my limbs like a “Sally Sandbag.” The last remnants of my mighty orgasm twitch and quake throughout my body and I am left with a feeling of calm well being,  and...  a terrible thirst that needs to be quenched.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mercer78 on November 04, 2013, 03:55:38 PM
I stand up and look down at my handy work the taste of Brandy's sweet sex still fresh in my mouth.  I look down and realise my bottoms are gone and my manhood of course is at full attention I lick my lips "mmmm good girl" that same wicked grin returning.  I could not believe the words coming out of my mouth but Brandybee didn't mind I lent into her supporting her head with my left hand and kissed her letting her taste herself once again.  She reciprocated in kind wrapping her arms around me pulling me closer I'd never known passion like it.

We continued kissing then I jolted slightly "oooooo is this for me?" Brandy purred her hand having dropped from my shoulder and found its way to my rigid member.  She gently stroked and teased my erection her touch was incredible "oh yeah" I moaned. 

I stood up pulling Brandybee up gently by the hand turned and lent my bum on the edge pool table hands either side legs apart grinning at her like a Cheshire Cat.

Brandybee knew what I wanted and wasted no time obliging she got down and began tonguing the underside of my cock just below the tip a bolt shot through me "how did she know?"  I thought.   She had found my sweet spot immediately and wasn't done yet.  Brandy began to gently stroke me with her right hand stopping occasionally to tongue the engorged head.  "oh my god!" I gasped without meaning too. 

This brought a smile and a wink from Brandybee before she took my whole length in her mouth seemingly with ease.  I gasped again as I felt her mouth envelope me she pulled all the way back up to naughtily tongue the head once before swallowing me again.

I was in complete bliss as Brandybee began to move her head up and down fucking me with her mouth I threw my head back in complete pleasure.  "you're so good ahhh tooo good" I groaned.  This brought a satisfied moan from Brandybee.  Her pace quickened once again I knew I couldn't hold on much longer I glanced over at Bear for a moment he had an expression on his face i could describe as a combination of frustration and anguish.

I forgot about Bear i could think of her and the sensations she was giving me.  As I felt myself getting near my climax "ahhhhh I gonna..."  I couldn't finish my sentence I think Brandy sensed what was about to happen pulled her mouth off and began stroking me while tonguing my sweet  spot. I lasted about another 10 seconds letting out and animal like roar as  I exploded shooting blast after blast of semen moaning again with each one.

Most of it landed on my stomach but a little bit seemed to have found its way onto her fore head still gasping for breath after such an intense orgasm tried to apologise.

Brandy just giggled wiping it off with her before having a little taste "wow she is in full slut mode tonight" I thought and i loved it.  I managed to gather myself and pulled Brandybee in for another passionate kiss.  "That was incredible you're incredible" I whispered to her Brandy just smiled and kissed me again.

As we kissed a strange voice in my head whispered "you're not done yet"  with that a strange sensation swept through my body and I could feel myself getting hard again and so could Brandy "Looks like someone wants to play some more" she purred hungrily. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mooncalf on November 07, 2013, 07:54:02 AM

I sit on the stool, drummin' my fingers on the bar top, waitin' for the last song from the band.  It's quiet in the bar right now, folks just sittin' around, or wanderin' off to do their own things.

Pookie and Terri decided not to cause any mayhem after all (they didn't want to interrupt the band) and I believe they have left.  Now Halloween is over...  It's the 7th of November already and I'm thinkin' about gettin' the fertilizer down before winter sets in.

Sayin' good night to all, givin' Pafe and Satoire each a kiss on the cheek, I ask them to give Covems a kiss good night for me.  I head out the door, into the parking lot, get in my jeep and drive off home.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pafe on November 07, 2013, 11:53:32 AM


   Awwwwww Moonie... I know what you mean.  Too bad about Pookie and Terri, they seem like mischief makers, and may have livened things up here.

   Satoire and I also decide it's time to leave.  We go into the storage room and knock on the door that leads to Covems' room.  He answers it and steps out into the room.  I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down for a kiss.

   "Thank you Covems," I say, "for a most interesting night."  Then I plant another kiss on his lips.  "That one is from Mooncalf."

   Satoire give Cove a kiss good night also, and we go back into the bar and say our goodbyes to everyone.  Then it's off for home.

Thanks for letting me share,

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on November 07, 2013, 03:35:50 PM
I feel a wonderful calmness settle over me as I glow in the aftermath of such a powerful orgasm and as that settles, the need to please my lover overwhelms.  Time in the Pool room seems to stand still in our own little world.

Mercer pulls me up off the pool table to kiss me. His lips claim mine and I taste the glory of his athletic tongue. He cups my head as he sensuously devours my mouth. I respond and enjoy him.
My hands explore his waist and lower his trousers. I can sense his throbbing need and my hand curls along his silky solid cock. I rub my thumb over his tip and gently wank him. My other hand cups his balls and softly rubs, feeling their weight and continue with our kiss. I compliment softly, “ My god, your tongue and technique is wonderous”

He is big, hard and lusty. He groans into my mouth and circles and thrusts his hips. I end the kiss and sink to my knees. My face is level with his splendid erection! I smell his erotic scent and see the bubbles of precum forming at his opening and then trickle and spread over his bulbous head. I blow gently to tease, my mouth is so close to him and it fires his anticipation.

I slide his trousers off so he is naked. A wave of attraction sweeps over me causing me to throb and flood. That cock is too tempting and I lick him all over, relishing the tasty liquid oozing from him. I find a spot on the underside of his cock just below the tip that he particularly likes. I oblige and return, over and over, paying attention there, as I explore him.

Then I push my lips over his crown and suckle him, easing him further into my hot, wet buccal cavity until he is embedded. I suck, allowing the inner flesh of my cheeks to pressure him for a few moments and then begin to slide back and forth.

Mercer throws his head back, nostrils flaring as he enjoys the action. He grips my head to guide and control the movements to his liking. Soon his greedy needs takes over and he is sawing into my head, pushing to the back of my throat and back again. He places one hand on the top of my head and fists pulling my hair, letting the other hand fall by his side to swing in the amorous rhythm.

He is using me now, caring little of any discomfort he may cause, and fucking my head for his own selfish pleasure which excites us both. I adore a man who loses himself in the delights of my body and his uncontrollable desire unleashed for me.

I move my hand to play with my oily pussy and clitoris and work hungrily to please him. In turn, it pleases and heightens my own sexual joy. My moans answer his and I massage his balls.

Bear watches Mercer ramming his cock into my head, enthralled and teased by similar sensations on his own. But as he is teased to a point of no return, the actions subside to taunt him and thwart his joyous discharge. He is a frustrated animal!

I sense Mercer’s release is close and then he stiffens. I pull off and watch as his semen blasts into the air, landing on his tummy, my forehead and breasts. It seems unending and I wank him steadyily, to milk him as he roars his euphoria.

Bear’s covetous growls divert my gaze to his anguished face. Fire courses through his veins. His biceps bulge as he twists in his secret bonds, his hands opening and closing, fingers spread wide, then clenching into tight threatening fists of impotent excitement. The rug over him tents his delicious, lascivious manhood. A tell tale damp patch of precum has formed in the cloth covering him.

The relentless whispers by his ears continue to plague “Look at her beautiful tits and wet cunt. Don’t you want your fingers there, your tongue, playing with her like Mercer is? Don’t you want to feel her pussy and mouth around your cock and hear her groans as you spear her? Don’t you want to hold her down and pound her body into submission? You know you want her.”

The naughty whispers resume at my ears.
“He wants your slutty body. Look at his throbbing cock, look how hard he is getting. Go on, you whore, take him, bait the beasts within them both”   “Don’t you want that throbbing cock in your salacious body?”  “It turns you on to think of these handsome men hankering for you”

Mercer hears the whispers in his head as well. He hardens again… “You are going to fuck her, to feel her body gripping you like a tight glove, to pound her to orgasmic pleasure. She wants you in her, to feel your desire, for you to feel hers. She wants you. You want her. Take her.”

The words excite us all, invigorating our bodies for more.

I rise to my feet and kiss Mercer seductively folding my arms around his neck and pressing my body to his. He is left in no doubt that I desire him My tongue enters his mouth and I breath him in...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on November 07, 2013, 04:04:14 PM
WAOW ... the environment is quite erotic in here ... I like to see people enjoy. I will ask a couple of beers :) who wants one?
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Nat33 on November 07, 2013, 04:35:11 PM
Yes me I want one, 2 pints of Budweisser please  :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Jensen on November 07, 2013, 04:52:44 PM
Driving by, I see this random bar in the middle of nowhere. I turn in and park, as it's still several miles to my hotel. Decided I wanted to have a shot or two, and relax for a few hours before heading to bed. And, who knows. I just might have a little fun.

I walk through the door, and sit down at the bar, looking around at the unique surroundings. I catch a few stares from both guys and gals alike, see a lot of interaction between some very obvious couples, and recognize immediately that I'm way out of place.

The band on stage, although not my style, is doing a great job of entertaining the crowd, and everyone seems to be having a great time. Smiles on just about everyone's faces helps release mine, and I begin to enjoy the lightened atmosphere.

The bartender steps up, and asks what I'd like...

"Vodka tonic, please," I reply, "with a shot of vanilla."
"Comin' right up," the response comes.

I take a sip, and look around, taking everything in. Never been in a place quite like this, all the western gear and accessories everywhere, really makes me feel over dressed in my slacks and jacket. "Thank god I took off my tie in the car..." I think to myself.

While taking in the room, I realize there's a lot of side rooms, doors, and hallways. This place is much bigger than it seems from the road. Perhaps I should go exploring a bit...

I take another sip...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Old_Joe on November 09, 2013, 07:09:29 AM
I take the drink orders from the patrons by the bar.  Zoerink exclaims,  “WOW ... the environment is quite erotic in here ... I like to see people enjoy. I will ask a couple of beers   Who wants one?”
I fetch two pint bottles of Budweiser and two clean glasses, as Nat33 has shouted up for one too. I wave Zoerinks A$ away, 
“It’s on Cove’s tab,”   I grin and place them on the bar counter with a bowl of fresh Bombay mix and another filled with dry roasted peanuts.

A new guy steps into the bar and takes a look around,  “ Well hi ya, Mister, What’s your poison?” I move up to him, polishing the counter as I go to him.
"Vodka tonic, please," He replies, "with a shot of vanilla."
"Comin' right up," I respond, “Just call me Old Joe, everyone else does, among other things, Welcome to the AB&G – first drink is on the house”
“I’m Jenson” He introduces himself.

Jenson smiles and points to my face, as though I have something on it.  I look in the mirror. 

Lipstick from Mooncalf, Satoire and Pafe!!!

“It’s kind of a badge of honour at my age” I chuckle and have no intention of wiping it off yet.

I look up and see Lover with a box. He is busy chatting to Marilyn and I pour both of them a drink and give it to J2D2 to take over to them.
“Find out what’s in that box while you are there?” I instruct him, “Use your xray eyes, I’m curious” …

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Warwolf69 on November 09, 2013, 01:55:26 PM
I pull in to the car park of this strange looking bar in the middle of nowhere or so it seems.  Walk in I see a band playing on the stage, good music which imediately makes me feel better.  I wander over to the bar and order a beer.  The bar man slides one over to me.  I ask "what do people do in here for fun?"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mercer78 on November 09, 2013, 03:54:40 PM
We are kissing passionately the world outside this room no longer matters.  I want this woman this insatiable vixen this beautiful sexpot. My hand wandered to her breast once again I couldn't get enough.  I broke our kiss and whispered in Brandybee's ear "I want you!"  Then another unseen woman whispered in my ear "Show her take her bend her over the table show how much of a man you are."   

I stopped held Brandy's head so I was staring right into those enchanting eyes before turning her over. Brandy did not object in fact she lay her hands on the soft green felt of the pool table spreading her legs slightly.  Brandy looked round at me with one finger in her mouth her amazing arse swaying gently almost like the pendulum of a grandfather clock. 

I dropped to my knees grabbing a buttock in each hand as I did so.  Began to gently tease her sex with my tongue massaging her cheeks at the same time.  "oooooo you tease you!" came the unknown voice again.  I just grinned to myself while enjoying Brandy's sweet taste.

Getting back to my feet my hands still placed firmly on Brandybee's buttocks pressed the tip of my iron like manhood against her lips "mmmmmmm" Brandybee moaned in anticipation but I paused for just a moment before easing my way all the way into her love tunnel and stopping again.
God she felt good my cock throbbed inside her as I stood perfectly still enjoying the moment.

I eased back out again leaving only the tip inside before easing all the way back in.  I repeated this motion 3 or 4 times savouring the sensations as I did.  "Take her!" the voice came again impatiently.  "Woo woo" I whistled  before beginning to thrust back and forth slowly picking up speed like a steam train pulling out of the station.

Ohhhhh yeah give it to me!" Brandy moaned as I hit her with piston like thrusts each bringing gasps and moans from both of us.  This was incredible I'd never had sex like it and had a I may never again.  At this point I was an animal hammering away the alpha male and I was loving every second of it. Judging by the noises she was making Brandybee was loving it too....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on November 10, 2013, 05:08:17 AM
I am chatting to Jayc  and Old Joe behind the bar and see a new guy enter. Old Joe serves him his first drink, free on the house.

I hear him  introduce himself as Warwolf69 and ask  "what do people do in here for fun?"

I smile at him and tell him that there's the  mechanical bull,  he could wrestle with Pachi the Panda , or he could just chill for the moment , have a few drinks and listen to the Cocks N Roses  House band.

I nod to Jensen, another new face. "Welcome  both to the AB&G "   Jayc joins me, shakes their hands and we chat with the new comers.

We both chuckle when we see Old Joe give Tangoracer the remote control to the Rotating Pleasure Table.  " That should be interesting" Jayc whispers in my ear.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on November 10, 2013, 01:54:55 PM
Mercer ‘s kiss takes me in to another world and another dimension. His mouth devours me in a sensuous cloud of need and want. I am falling into that swirling, wondrous sea of desire. It takes my breath and when I gasp for air, it is of him. His scent, his breath, his very essence. My body responds like a rose opening its petals in need of the sun. My nectar flows freely and my body, mind and soul meld into one.

I wrap my arms tightly around him, and lean back on the pool table, bringing him with me. I fold my legs around his waist and feel his hardness prod into the side of my sex. I relish his weight on top of me and the hands stroking and exploring my body. I press my body into him, moaning into his mouth.

He breaks the kiss and whispers joyous words into my ears, “I want you”. He moves his head back and I see the sincerity in the depths of his eyes. I smile at him cupping his face and grip him harder with my thighs. His eyes go wild at the silent acknowledge of consent and he pulls me up, flings me over the pool table so I am bent double, my breasts squashed against the green felt.

I stretch my arms out in front and reach towards the edge. Then turn my head to look sexily at Mercer, sucking my finger provocatively and wiggle my bottom at him in invite. I see him devour my body with his eyes and I spread my legs so he can see the pure wet lust, glistening on my inner thighs and pussy.

He drops to his knees, breathing in my feminine aroma and buries his face in between my legs. His tongue is amazing! I groan and grind on his face, begging him to take me. “I need you,”  I murmur, “ I need your cock inside me”

He tastes my unique flavour, drinks his fill, then stands and guides his cock to my entrance, pushing in. His big cock stretches the walls of my heated wet core as he possesses my body.

He pushes in to the hilt till I feel his gonads gently kiss my labia. I feel so full. He waits a moment to savour the tightness that grips him. Then he eases out and pushes in again, repeating the possession of a slow, deliberate and deep fuck.  I clench my pussy to grip him tight. He feels it and we both moan.

Then he fucks me like a crazed animal. He grips my hips, his fingers dig into my flesh to hold me steady and ensure he can pull me back on to him as he thrusts forward.

And he saws,  deep and hard with a rawness that causes me to gasp as he cock butts my cervix.  He rams in and out slapping his balls against my pussy.  The pure male lust causes my own to rise and meet his head on. We are both fucking, with a grunting, hot carnal need. Nothing else matters except the two of us in our crazed desire for each other.

I move on to my hands on the table to stop the friction on my hard nipples and give myself leverage to fuck back.

Mercer is an amazing fuck!  He hammers into my body over and over and I am enjoying and loving every second of our lusty pleasure.

Bear watches the hardcore, live, pornographic scenes performed in front of him. He wants some of the action so much, but Doris likes keeping him in his agitated state. He salivates as Mercer tastes my pussy! His cock pulsates as Mercer claims me and he imagines the tightness of my pussy on his own cock. He hears my moans of pleasure ringing in his ears. He needs to mate!

Mercer bends forward and palms my breasts. He squeezes and gropes them whilst still fucking hard.  I moan his name in delight,  " Ohhhh  Mercer"...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mercer78 on November 10, 2013, 04:59:33 PM
 " Ohhhh  Mercer"  Brandy moans as I'm leant over her a breast in each hand gently kissing the back of her neck I whisper in her ear with complete sincerity  "You are the best I've ever had."   This brings a moan of satisfaction from Brandy as I lean back and begin hammering her hot wet pussy once again. 

As I do I glance over at Bear again feeling a pang of guilt at his frustration but then I remind myself he probably gets to do stuff like this all the time with incredible sex goddess known to us mere mortals as Brandybee.

My pace is a bit slower and more deliberate now massaging Brandy's buttocks once again savouring the whole experience trying to make it last as long as I can.  "let's try something else!" I say as I pull my now soaking cock out of Brandy's hot sex and turning her to face me.  Seeming to know exactly what I had in mind Brandybee jumps up wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck before kissing me passionately.  I think to myself god this woman is incredible.

Brandy drops a hand from my neck to help ease my still iron member back where it belongs inside her wanton sex cave.  As we succeed there is a slight squelch and a moan of satisfaction from both of us.  Brandy wraps her arms and legs even tighter than before as I begin to to gently bounce her up and down.   " Ohhhh  Mercer" Brandy moans once again beginning to meet my thrust with her own using my shoulders for leverage. 

Seeing the look on the lovely Brandybee's face as she bounce on my dick made the whole experience even more thrilling if that was possible.
Her mouth opened wide her eyes shut and her fell back as I felt her pussy tighten "oooooo are you close again my sweet"?......
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Jensen on November 11, 2013, 12:10:21 AM
I shake hands, and nod to a few of the guys standing at the bar, finish my drink in a single gulp.

I lay some A$ on the counter, and say to Old Joe...

"Damn, man, that was well mixed. Thanks."

"No problem," He replies. "Can I get you anything else?"

"Yeah, actually," I request. "I'd like a tall Coke. Still got some driving to do after a while, gotta have something to wash this down with."

"Comin right up."

He turns and gets my next order, and sets it on the counter. I nod my thanks, and move to one of the tables with few chairs, and sit myself down, staring at the stage. I find myself being oddly distracted by the sounds from the surrounding hallways and rooms off them. Some of them familiar, intermittent sounds of pleasure, but they get drowned out by the music from the stage.

I wonder to myself if that was the point. 'This is one interesting place...' I say under my breath.

Looking around once again, I see a few people standing near the bull, and notice the dents in the corral wood around it... obviously not many can handle the ride...

I see several of the guys enthralled with the gals, most I finally notice are wearing... well... not completely decent attire.

My phone chimes in it's holster distracting me. I pull it up to find it's my business partner, letting me know she's made it to the hotel ahead of schedule, and both rooms are secured. The text she sent was filled with the normal 'business before pleasure' wording, but was followed up with a second message...

A picture of her in ... in the red and black lace lingerie I got her weeks ago.


She's always had a way with cameras and phones. But I couldn't help but lightly squirm in my seat, as I became aroused thinking about what was to come.

Had I known she was going to be early, I'd have never stopped to drink.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on November 11, 2013, 08:07:43 AM
After our short concert I'm on my way back to Marilyn, as I see stone standing beside jayc. I go straight to her, hand her the little box and say "It's for you. You better don't keep it and give it to another person. Though...perhaps inside is the key to your new "house of stone"" I laugh out loud and move on to Marilyn, smiling as I see brandy and mercer having fun together.


Stone has the box now.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on November 11, 2013, 11:24:15 AM
Watching all the things that are going around the bar, I ask Joe for a special drink. I leaned in and whispered its my and I am gonna drink it up today! Gotta get my drink on and party it up.. and you can place this drink on any of the open tabs :)  Lets just hope that these drinks that I drink today don't lead to my clothes falling off~~ *giggles*
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on November 12, 2013, 04:55:49 AM
The pool room has a strong fragrant smell of jasmine, evidence that the two phantoms of the AB&G are patrolling nearby.

Stanley moves in close to Doris and strokes her hair. He bends down to her as she sucks merciless on Bear’s throbbing member.
“Do you know, how sexy that looks my dear? Makes me wish, I was of this earth again,”

“Mmm h mmm” Doris looks up, mouth full of Bear’s cock, still keeping the rhythm. Her eyes are big and wide. He can see the whites of her eyes as her irises rise to look at him. She looks so enticing to him and he groans.

The sexy noises of the couple on the pool table behind them are music to their ears. Both lost in the pleasure of the other.

“You are outdoing yourself Darling. Mercer and Brandy can’t get enough of each other and jcm and Blu are in a different world in the Ice House,”

Doris grins mischievously, nods her bobbing head and nibbles Bear’s cock. She senses Bear is nearing his peak again and stops, sliding her mouth up to kiss his tip and then off him. He writhes, bereft, she has left him.

She stands and trails her hand up his thigh and torso to play with his nipples and scratch him firmly but gently. She stands behind him, tantalising him and... teasing her husband at the same time!

She rains little open mouthed kisses on Bear’s neck, all the time keeping her eyes on her husband. Then she sucks provocatively on Bear’s ear, swirling circles on his chest with her nails and massaging his back with her soft breasts.

Stanley watches her mesmerised, “You little minx,” he murmurs. Doris is purposefully teasing him too.

He watches, hypnotised by her. She is a gorgeous little tramp when she wants to be and thinks of their past happy times together in their marital bed.

He eases into Bear’s mind and is flooded with the sensual, yet hard core pornographic images of his highly charged body.

Stanley sees his thoughts, pictures of dungeons; strapped, spread eagled naked women; women naked in collars kneeling at his feet; fucking machines fucking women with Bear at the controls; Bear taking command and fucking women to orgasm; woman in spreader bars waiting their turn for their alpha male;  Bear and his mate performing a standing 69 ; then a softer side of tender, sensual love scenes but just as potent.

Bear’s dominant mind is like a strong bolt of electric current that hits him. Bear is a caged animal pacing back at forth, looking, searching for that chance to escape and conquer.
Stanley sees shimmering images of banana slugs interrupt the naughty sexual images in his mind, like stills in a running cinematic film. He is putting up a valiant fight for control but the resistance is futile. Doris is an expert at seduction and finding out your inner naughty fantasies. After all, isn’t that one of the many reasons of why he married her?

He cocks his head to one side, enjoying Doris’s blatant sexual foreplay.

Stanley wonders if Doris can sense the strength and dangerous undercurrents of this man, she is playing with. Or maybe that’s why she chose him. The thought causes him to chuckle.

“The force is strong with this one” he muses, then a wicked thought enters his head, “I wonder…”

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on November 12, 2013, 09:09:21 AM
As Martin starts to play on his keyboard and in a deep voice starts to sing

It's close to midnight
Something evil's lurkin'in the dark
Under the moonlight
You see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream
But terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze
As horror looks you right between the eyes
You're paralyzed

'Cause this is thriller
Thriller night
And no one's gonna save you
From the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller
Thriller night
You're fighting for your life
Inside a killer
Thriller tonight, yeah

You hear the door slam
And realize there's nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand
And wonder if you'll ever see the sun
You close your eyes
And hope that this is just imagination
But all the while
You hear a creature creepin' up behind
You're outta time

'Cause this is thriller
Thriller night
There ain't no second chance
Against the thing with the forty eyes, girl
Thriller night
You're fighting for your life
Inside a killer
Thriller tonight

Night creatures callin'
The dead start to walk in their masquerade
There's no escaping the jaws of the alien this time
(They're open wide)
This is the end of your life

They're out to get you
There's demons closing in on every side
They will possess you
Unless you change that number on your dial
Now is the time
For you and I to cuddle close together, yeah
All through the night
I'll save you from the terror on the screen
I'll make you see

That this is thriller
Thriller night
'Cause I can thrill you more
Than any ghoul would ever dare try
(Thriller night)
So let me hold you tight
And share a
(Killer, diller, chiller)
(Thriller here tonight)

'Cause this is thriller
Thriller night
Girl, I can thrill you more
Than any ghoul would ever dare try
(Thriller night)
So let me hold you tight
And share a
(Killer, thriller)

I'm gonna thrill you tonight

Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y'alls neighborhood
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse's shell

I'm gonna thrill you tonight
(Thriller, thriller)
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
(Thriller night, thriller))
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Ooh, babe, I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Thriller night, babe

The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller

The lights over the stage go out and the Bar goes wild as the concert ends
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on November 12, 2013, 10:11:03 AM
As the stage lights go out and the bar fills with claps and cheers I put my guitar away and walk over to my sweet Pet HB taken her guitar for her and place it in its holder.

Turning around to face her and take her in my arms I whisper " it's time My Pet" Kissing her deeply

I Pick her up in my arms she wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. Moving my hands down onto her sweet ass cheeks and big my finger tips into the soft skin of them.

Carrying her across the stage I tap Martin on the shoulder he smiles and then looks over at sexi.

As I make are way over to the spinning table of Pleasure I glance over at Jane and then over to Freddie She smiles and nods her head.

I thin look over to Karen and she has a wicked grin on her face and that magic sparkle in her eye.

I know she is going to have fun tonight on the table.

Placing HB on the table I push her back onto it so she has her legs open and on each side of me. Kissing her passionatly I undo her out fit and pull it off over her head. With my sweet Pet sat on the table in just her under may hands start to explore her body as we wait for the rest of the girls to get up on the table.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on November 12, 2013, 12:07:58 PM
Mercer’s weight on my back is delightful as he impales me deeply and pokes through into my womb. My God, the sensation is one of being fully claimed!

He holds my squashed breasts in his hands feeling their swollen weight and kisses the back of my neck and shoulders. I soak his cock and balls with my intimate, homemade perfume.

I groan and then he whispers words of worship, causing my inner goddess to do cartwheels of joy, "You are the best I've ever had."   

Then in contrast to his tender kisses, he proceeds to fuck me like a piston. I groan to his rhythm as my body is stretched around his sliding cock. I push back, wanting him to take all of his offering.
He slows and gropes my buttocks, building my excitement and whispers, “Let's try something else!"

He disengages and lifts me with ease, turning me round to face him. His strong body and arms can handle me without effort. He lowers me as I guide his penis, using my hand, inside once more. I wrap my legs around his hips, to use them for leverage to bounce up and down, slow at first. My own body weight causes me to sink low on to him, gasping at his size. My arms are round his neck, helping to balance and to bounce high on his cock. My breasts are crushed and drag up and down his chest and face, in my slow movements. Then I start to move with more speed.

I kiss his mouth and shut my eyes to enjoy him. My mouth is open to breathe enough oxygen in my exertions. The sensations are exquisite. My sex and clitoris scrape against his pubic area and that tantalising hair line below his belly button. The stimulation is incredible. I begin to move faster, upping the tempo till I am crazed and energised in my need.

Mercer widens his stance and helps the rhythm with his hands on my waist. He repeatedly catches and looses my tits as they tease near his mouth. He is irresistibly mind blowing!

I ride him, two handed, like a powerful and strong  bull at a rodeo, my hair flailing around us, both our bodies breaking out in a sheen of sweat.

I feel my excitement build. The effect is electric. I grunt and mewl, and my hips make the most lewd and obscene humping actions against Mercer’s plunging cock. The soft skin of my tummy clenches in spasms of raw feminine hunger.

Then I topple over that sexual cliff, diving into a sea of spasming and rippling waves. I scream his name in awe of the moment “Mercccc er rrrrrrrrrrr” It seems to go on forever.
Mercer cries out too as my excitement calls to his, grabbing it by the hand and pulling him over with me. He roars as he shoots his seed deep into my vagina, filling me with his glorious produce.
Twitches, jerks and shakes erupt and a red flush breaks out all over our bodies. I slow down in my ecstatic state and slump on to Mercer’s chest, resting my arms and head on his shoulders. My pussy sends pulsing shock waves along his cock, still buried inside me and now glazed with precious orgasmic juices. My inner thighs shake around him.

He holds me dear, letting me gather my thoughts and lowers me to sit on the edge of the pool table. He fucks slow and tender, gently circling and thrusting his hips. We are both breathing hard. He pulls my head back and kisses me deeply.  His lips are gentle and seductive, yet demanding and as he ends the kiss, he whispers, “Suck my cock again,”

I only want to please this wonderful man who’s giving me such pleasure and willingly sink to my knees, to worship his glistening cock.
I take him in my hand, grip him firm in my fist and masturbate him. He is softer following his release but he soon becomes interested again as I kiss him.
I can smell the aromatic mix of our union. I move my lips to his crown and push my lips over the top, sucking him and tasting the tangy, creamy essence of our coupling. It tempts my taste buds and I lick his length for more, feeling him grow firmer.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on November 12, 2013, 12:31:47 PM
Sees Tango heading over to the rotating table and grabs Martin by the arm and whispers that I want him to take me on the table long and hard before they start rotating the table around from one to the next person.

Reaches down and softly rubs the front feeling him growing from all the tantalizing sights he has seen tonight. We head over to the table where I kneel in front of him and take his cock out from under the material and begin to lick and suck lightly on his head.

Little by little I take him deeper and deeper in my mouth. Licking the underside of his cock with every thrust of his cock into my mouth as he can no longer hold still to my assault.

I reach up and gently fondle with his balls as he takes control of fucking my mouth at the pace he needs.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on November 12, 2013, 01:53:53 PM
Everyone in the bar is singing and dancing to mrsexlover and the Cocks N Roses  Thriller, 

I'm gonna thrill you tonight
(Thriller, thriller)
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
(Thriller night, thriller))
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Ooh, babe, I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Thriller night, babe

Its a brilliant  song.

I am chatting with Jayc, Jensen and Warwolf69.  Snowbunny78  walks in.  " Hey Happy Birthday " I greet her and buy her a drink on Covems tab. In fact I buy all the drinks on his tab, I was feeling in a generous mood.

Lover approaches me and suddenly gives me a box


I shake it with interest and look at him questioningly  " A Gift?"

Lover laughs and says "It's for you. You better don't keep it and give it to another person. Though...perhaps inside is the key to your new "house of stone"

" ha ha, very funny" I bob my tongue out at him.   House of Stone seems to be a new religious sect in town who worship BDSM.  " Wrong family " I giggle " I am THE Stone "  I wink at him,  " Which reminds me, Do you know anything about the House of Gnomes?"
He just laughs and carries on with his drinks to Marilyn.

"How mysterious, Do you know anything about the new Houses of Stone and Gnomes? " I ask the newcomers.  They just shrug their shoulders and I turn to look at the gift box.
I look round to see who I can give it to..

Brandy, Mercer & Bear seemed locked in a time warp in the pool room.  jcm and Blu are busy in the Ice House.  Old Joe is too busy cleaning the bar and The Cocks N Roses are busy putting their instruments away or getting the pleasure table ready.
Mrsexlover has something on his mind .. or maybe another part of his anatomy judging by the way Sexi is kneeling at his feet.

I see Covems getting ready to light the firepit  and smile -  perfect.

I excuse myself from my man and new friends and saunter over to him..

"Hey big guy,"  He looks up. " Oh my life, who blacked your eye? "    He mumbles something about a gym and some girls. 
"Really, bigger than you huh?"  He nodded and raised his hand about a foot higher than him. Perhaps they played basketball or something.  I hand him a Covey prilla and he takes it thankfully.

He drinks and a thought occurs to me , " Have you heard anything about the new House of Gnomes?"  He shakes his head none committedly 

"Did you want anything I can help you with?" He asked politely.

"Oh sure,  I wanted to give you this,"  I hand him the box and say word perfect  "It's for you. You better don't keep it and give it to another person."


Covems looks at me a little puzzled.  I just grin at him and say he better get his shiner looked at. Looks real sore. Then return to Jayc, Jensen, Snowbunny and Warwolf. 
"Another round guys? I feel generous tonight."  and ask Old Joe to take our orders and put them on Covems tab.  Of course Old Joe is as good as gold and adds the drinks on.

Covems has the box now.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: All_for_you on November 12, 2013, 02:59:57 PM
As Thriller ends and the stage goes dark we all clap and cheer
In the dim light I sew Tango carrying HB across the stage as he leave it he looks over at me and flicks his eyes over to the fun table.

I give him a wicked smile and nod my head at him. I watch as he puts his HB on the table and strip her to her underwear. As the start to kiss sexi and Mrsexlover come over to the table I smile as sexi drops to her knees and takes mysexlover into her hungry mouth taking it deeper and deeper each time.

Smiling to myself I look around and see Jensen talking with Stone,Jayc and a new guy walking over to them I put my hand on Jensen's shoulder "I hope your not going to drink and drive tonight" I whisper in his ear.

He turns around and smiles back at me "Officer we meet again"

"Yes but I'm not on duty now" I take his hand "excuse us" I say to Stone and Jayc

Leading Jensen by the hand over to the table turning to face him with my butt resting on the table I pull him to me and kiss him softly Moving my head back away from his lips I look into his eyes and wait to see what he does.   
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on November 12, 2013, 04:40:13 PM

Regaining my senses after being stunned, I look up and see the pretty smile of Miss Stone, "Who blackened your eye?" she asks me.

Feeling my eyes rolling around a little it all comes back to me.  "Brittney Griner," I say in reply.   "You can Google her using WNBA in the search.  Some things are worth the risk..."   Miss Stone hands me a drink, which I gratefully accept.

Miss Stone queries me again asking about the House of Gnomes.  "I only know what I've read here in the Forum," is my reply.  She hands me a box and tells me not to keep it.  "Hmmm... " I think, "I've played this game before." 

I look over at Amy, who's sitting near the fire pit... the warm, soft glow from the fire illuminating her.  I begin to think of the fire at Crystal Lake and the cabin.  "Need to get back there," are my thoughts.

I shake the box and for a moment consider giving it to Amy.  Thinking better of it, I go inside the bar, glancing towards the pool room as I pass by it.  Another thought is to give the box to the pool room occupiers... again... I reconsider.

All the way back inside the bar... "maybe Joe?   Nah...   Jayc?  Nah... already tipped off by Miss Stone."  I see the revolving table has been brought out and HB is already on it.  Tango sitting near HB looks preoccupied.  "Perfect."  I think.

I whistle loudly to Tango... he looks up at me.  "Think quick," I say, tossing him the box.  He catches the box....


"Enjoy!"  I say.  Then I go back out to the firepit and settle in next to Amy.

"Sweets," I say to Amy, "we could use some marshmallows."

Amy grins at me and says, "There's some back at the cabin."

Tango has the box
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on November 12, 2013, 11:06:05 PM
Pleasantly surprised as i am when Sexi pulls me along to the spinning table, i'm even more when she drops down on her knees and puts her head underneath my kilt.

Feeling her warm lips embrace my manhood, and licking it up and down. It's growing in her mouth as she takes it deeper and further each time.

Suddenly i feel a spank on my ass, and as i look up it's Karen who winks at me as she pulls a new guy with her to the table and rests her lovely behind on the table.

My hands are now resting on Sexi's head, giving her guidance as she takes in my rod. Enjoying it all, thinking that was a bright idea to wear a kilt to this party, but i believe she is wearing a skirt to and i bet no panties.

I lift my kilt and see her eyes looking up at me as licks the pole. Then i make her stop and pick her up. I lay her down on the table next to Karen and as i stick my head down i give Karen a wink just before my head goes under Sexi's skirt.

BINGO, no panties as my tongue comes out to lick my way to her honey pot.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Bear on November 13, 2013, 04:29:43 AM
What I was,… what I am ,… everything that defines my power and control had been ripped asunder by unseen  forces binding me to throne and the nights prolonged teasing on imagined desires.. My obsession with Brandybee had started early in the evening, distracting thoughts as I had toweled myself and the anticipation that the nights costumes would make this an erotic night to remember, It had been an obsession powerful consuming my thoughts.

At this point I had been reduced to a creature of reaction, quivering in need,… burning with a desire  as I struggled fruitless on the throne, my muscles pumped tight in the exertion.

Trembling , a sheen of sweat glistened on my skin as I watched Mercer expertly lead Brandy bee to her quaking orgasm. Panting I watched as my mind picked up the subtle signals my intimate knowledge recognized. In low whispers I spoke, yielding advice like an armchair quarterback, recognizing her close I wanted to scream at him… “Take her!,… Take her now! God… feel it… let her quake on manhood….”… Almost sadly I watched her explode. An opportunity wasted… a chance to feel her… FEEL HER shudder under that crashing ecstasy.

I growled,… glancing briefly away as my vision suddenly took in the manifestation of a beautiful woman Stepping with swaying hips,… eyes leveled in obvious desire as she approached me. Where this raven haired vixen had arrived I had no clue,… and yet she settled on her knees before me, reaching out to my throbbing member to stroke it in expertly.

She cupped my engorged cock with both hands, slowly stroking me as doe like eyes slowly met mine.

“It excites you doesn’t it… watching her?  Hearing her cries… makes you want her more… to take her,… tease her to those peaks like you love to do….mmmm… make her want to feel this luscious cock.”… she leaned forward slow,… a small tongue slipped out rolling slow along the edge of crown.

“Such a waste … that such a prime hungry man like you can’t have what he wants. It should be you shouldn’t it? “ She bent my cock back… and slowly kissed it cupping and squeezing my sack,… lips and tongue creeping slow along my girth as I leaked mightly in want. It seemed an eternity before she reached the crown, pulling her lips over it as her delicate tongue teased the head. I chill of pleasure shuddered thru me.

I wanted more…

I wanted her to continue.

“It should be you there shouldn’t it? Look at her… on her knees worshiping his manhood in her lust…” I glanced to Brandy… eying her so. I knew that look on her face… focused,… her body building in obsessed desire. “It should be you… and you ache on that…ache on your need of her…You want her…want her to take you….”

The vixen slide her lips over me… suckling,… bobbing  slowly lower as my girth stretched her mouth.. I groaned… she worked me deeper.. pulling slow back,… gasping. As she breathlessly added… “It should be you  she looks at in that desire… you she should be looking at in want uncontrolled want.” Again she lower eyes affixed to mine as she descended…. Fading… until my vision was of Brandy bee staring up… that look… beautiful… painted in lust and desire of the man she kneels before…I could feel her swallowing deeper… her slips sliding over my shaft, faster with the sweet pressure… I gasped…trembled in the excitement of her on me… watching her bob as my hips moved… my fingers bunching into her head I gyrate and and I drift into that luscious  feel of using her mouth. Seeing her look up that glowing excitement  of my actions flaming her wants, I know she floods at this…It builds on her want and greed of more.

My hips churn building close to that peak,…only to have my release torn asunder by a chilling cold grip of hands on my cock,…and fingers expertly pinching the prevent any release. Quashing my orgasm in a matter which would have made a banana slug envious.  I suddenly realize my hands are still bound as Brandybee has shimmered away disappearing to be replaced by the dark haired vixen kneeling again before me. I look to the table, eye Mercer there working  Brandy as I just envisioned,… it was as if I had been seeing her thru his eyes,… experiencing,.. feeling all he was experiencing..

My lust ached for release… my need of satisfaction was almost painful in my restrained impotency to act.

“Oh my, look at this… so primed… glistening with desire.”  I looked down and once again the dark haired vixen knelt before me. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she studied and fondled my shaft coated with the drippings of leakage which laced my engorged member.

“Look at her… giving him the release you so desire. It should be yours shouldn’t it.? This…” she stoked my harness with delicate teasing. “…this has a craving it looks so… unsatisfied “. Again she leans in teasing me with that soft delicate tongue again into that state of throbbing in pain… then disappears.

I swear under my breaths as my lungs fill with the scent of jasmine as Mercer groans in his orgasm.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Bear on November 13, 2013, 06:19:14 AM
Again my eyes looked to Mercer and Brandy at the table, eying her rise, knowing her flaming desires were centered Mercers masterful skills. She would be soon shredding the table felt in her excited state.

“She wants him… HIM… badly… and you envy he has created that need…yet it excites you too… seeing her in that state… you want to join in…feel it all… the power of her excitement she has on you… It makes you jealous… excited…”

My eyes dart to my beautiful tormentor who has reappeared.

The vixen was right  the swirling conflict of emotions, the inferno of lust raging inside…I was nearly reduced to nothing more than raw primal sexual energy. With what little resolve I had I had to turn my look from Mercer and Brandybee passionate kiss, .my eyes falling on the old photo across the room. .The old historic image taken from the Bars heyday when the Grills owned the place.

I hear her continue…

“It inflames you… excites you… the power she wields over you…when you feel it… feel her release on you… you crave it…”

She was right… yet I sensed Mercer would wear Brandy out and I’d be denied that.

I could stand this no longer… I had to find myself before she left me as simply a raging animal consumed in lust.

I reached deep inside I heard the silent urgings…focus … focus. I did, locking my sight on the old photo. I had never paid much attention to it before,… four men surrounding the pool table,.. obvious in fellowship beers and cigars,… one ,.. a burly chap was bent over lining his shot up.

Focus…. Eyes drifting into the background noting a couple against the wall… focus… find the details… do what you do best… she’s seated.. on a stool… he’s leaning in as if to whisper…hand on her thigh…

Focus… I lock to the woman… then glance to the vixen… ah… one and the same…again to the picture…who? Focus… my mind latching to old Joe.. other photos… Doris!... eyes lock to the man… Stanley obviously… whispering….. look at her face… open lips.. pursed… the expression… excitement…

Focus… his hand on her thigh… no… not hand  some fingers lifted..he was rubbing her thigh… inner thigh… Oh Stanley you old dog… teasing your woman openly in the bar… What were you whispering? Getting her excited… look at her eyes… yes excited… focus… yes focused she was… eying that burly shooter.. his sleeves rolled up. A bull of a man. I reached for the inner strength… the Dom inside… find the details do what you do.

It was what I do… what I am … patient,… controlled… always reading my partner, looking for the subtle body signs which enhanced her pleasure bending her will to mine. Some claimed I read their minds… no only their body responses…words could lie, but the bodies reactions never did.
Again words echoed in my soul… focus…

My eyes drifted to Doris kneeling before me..Read her… I studied her face…the apparitions eyes gleaning with obvious excitement… eyes locked on the shaft she fondled. She was excited…. Yes… excited by all this sexual energy burning about..

Almost breathless I forced the words out. “What was he whispering Doris?”

She had been speaking but my concentration had blocked her out. “to take her… use her…” Her words broke as she glanced up.

“What was Stanley whispering to you in the photo?  How much he wanted you… oh… he was teasing you that night wasn’t he. Working your imagination with naughty promises that you knew he always delivered on.”

Doris suddenly looked confused…I obviously had broken her train of thought.

“That night in the bar.. in the photo.”

She glanced to it as I pressed on. In the brief respite I anchored my soul again.

“Stanley was working you up that night wasn’t he… he does it so well, makes you excited. So hot for him… remember? Remember that beautiful sexual rush he gave you? He was perfect. You loved the way he made you feel. For one so prime and proper in the upper circles of society he was quite exciting wasn’t he.?”

She turned to me as if to speak.

I diced her opportunity with my words. Quick thoughts remembering Old Joes recounts of the Grills… their intense love… adventurous spirit.. and shameless open affection uncommon in that era.

“That night in the bar… he had you turned on… so wet..  wanting…was he telling you how much he wanted you. How he wanted to grab you and throw you over the pool table…take right there… right in front of everyone? Fuck you like a shameless hussy…Or was that your thoughts… you wanted him so badly that night you hoped he would… show all how much he turned you on?”

I glanced about the room seeking the unseen … where there was Doris… Stanley would be close.

“What were you whispering that night Stanley.? How badly you wanted her… or maybe a little fantasy. I bet you could work this little beauty up fiercely… make her cum at your will. Remember how it felt… her quivering on you. Ah yes..”

My eyes lock on to Doris her eyes widened in surprise. Her delicate hands still slowly pumped my mass.

I appraised her there, beautiful, seductive,…once a woman men would desire, even as an apparition she could make men ache in want.

“Yes,…I bet you loved watching her orgasms… I bet those words were flowing thru you that night,… and you my beauty,… eyes locked on that beast of a man, had a little fantasy too…Did you share it with Stanley? Was it something you both considered and never had the chance to act on? You fantasized about Stanley sharing you some night. As he whispered those naughty thoughts… you were thinking of what it might be like locked in passionate embrace taken by Stanley and another man..”

I could hear Brandys whimpers… her  joyful cries filling the room.

“Listen to that Doris… feel the excitement…the joy of her in her nirvana,… lost in her desire … passion… you ache for that don’t you.. I see the look in the eyes as you look at me here… primed… wanting…it tickles your core… those lost desires in your soul… you want to feel that again…the feel of lips on the skin,…of a mans touch caressing your body…”

I hold my eyes on Doris as she looks to the table. She is trying to maintain control, but I see lips partially open… her.eyes locked on Brandy writhing under Mercer…She has yet to release my cock from her cupping grip. Yes there is a coldness to it,…but she continues expertly stroking me,…lost in her train of thought, if anything the contact firmer…I can almost sense her shifting uncomfortably excited.

I growl lean forward bringing my face down close to hers. I cock my head… gazing observantly on her. When she turns her eyes lock to the steeled consideration. She starts but I read the visible excitement.

“Ah yes,… hmmm… all this fondling,… sucking… you have planted a seed of desire…within yourself… you know it… you secretly hold a little  glimmer within your soul… a want… to feel my lips, my kisses… my hands upon you teasing…and yes….the feel of me inside you… yes… yes…” the words hiss slowly from me.

My eyes drifting over her… leaving no doubt of their devouring intent… I hear the slap of Mercer pounding into Brandy  Almost coldly I state to Doris, “I would love to feel you quaking  under me.”

Doris pulls back,…obvious surprised at the brash bold words of the Scary Bear eying her like a juicy morsel … she shimmers and disappears.

I growl as I rise and settle back into the throne feeling the binds loosening on my wrist…The air is thick in sexual tension… the scent of jasmine quite pronounced. I am not certain the effect of my words on Doris,… other than knowing somewhere I hit a chord.

 My lust is great…. As my need… but it is MY lust… and I settle back watching in delight as Mercer masterfully takes his pleasure.

I grin… smiling thinking to myself “Brandy is going to have a massive one… wish I could have felt it..”
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on November 13, 2013, 07:33:39 AM
Martin picks me up and sets me down on the table and then he returns the favor and sticks his head between my legs and begin to lick my sweetness that is continually dripping. My body primed and ready and needing filled.

He takes his time drinking up the juice. Licking up and down my slit before moving in and licking on my clit. My hands grab hold of his head and hold him close. He softly continues to nibble lightly and lick on my clit building me up.

Then pressure on my entrance as he gently pushes in one finger to stroke my inside. Then two fingers starting to open me up for the pleasurable night ahead. My body is squeezing his fingers. Milking them like they would a cock.

He varies the speed and intensity making my body dance under his touch. Looking for more. Always more as the passion builds. My hands are clutching his hair harder. My body climbing and climbing. Searching for that peak. Finally my body clamps down hard on his finger as my first orgasm takes me.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on November 13, 2013, 12:40:07 PM
As my hands explore my Pets body moving them up over her her flat stomach softly cupping her breasts throw her bra and softly squeezing them. I look over her shoulder to see we have been joined by Mrsexlover and Sexilicious as my hands move under my Pets bra feeling her soft nipples against the palms of my hands gently move them in small circles giving her breasts a little more pressure pushing my palms harder onto her stiffening nipples.

Looking over at sexi and Martin seeing sexi taking martin deep into her mouth a wicked smile crosses my face and a thought comes into my head.
As my hands close around my Pets breasts I big my fingers into the soft flesh I hear my pet soft moan as the mix of pleasure and pain rushes throw her body.

out of the corner of my eye I see Karen back onto the table with a new face I turn my head a little to get a better look Just as Karen kisses pulls  him tight against her and kisses him passionately then stops and moves head head back a little.

Turning back to my Pet feeling her nipples getting harder and harder against my palms moving my hands up from my Pets breasts taking her bra with them exposing her hard nipples right in front of my lips Just as I moves to take one into my mouth.

I hear a whistle looking up to where it came from I see Covems  "Think Quick" he calls and tosses a small box at me.

I move quick and catch it "Enjoy" he calls over as he walks off.

Turning back to my Pet with the box in my hand


Looking a little confused I look into my Pets eyes and shack the box

Karen turns and says "Its a game of pass the parcel Lover started it you can keep it or pass it on"

I smile as I look into my Pets eyes and put the box on the table and say "The first one to cum gets the box"

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoJane on November 13, 2013, 02:12:52 PM
as the concert ends tango nods at Karen and I and the over to the pleasure table we both nod and smile back.
Finishing my drink I wait for Freddie to finish up on the stage I watch as Sexi grabs Martin and drags him over to the table and start to get themselves all hot.

Turning back to Karen and she has a wicked grin on her face "what you up to" I ask

"You'll see"her grin grows bigger.

As Freddie leaves the stage I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately and whisper "Great concert my love now take me to the table and make hard love to me"

Kissing him deeply again I take his hand and lead him to the table, I slide back onto the table I bump into HB we turn and kiss "Hello my sweet" I say as are kiss ends.

Turning my attention back to Freddie I wiggle out of my panties and hand them to him and say "Now take what's your my lover" as I open my legs and wrap them around his waist pulling him tight between my legs and rubbing my moist lips against his growing shaft.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mercer78 on November 13, 2013, 02:31:40 PM
We lay in missionary position the only balls left on this table we’re mine.  Missionary may seem old fashioned to some but I loved it so close so intimate.  I was alternating between hard animal fucking and slow deep deliberate strokes kissing Brandybee passionately I truly never wanted this experience to end.

I slowed my rhythm so I could fondle those beautiful breasts just cupping and gently squeezing at first then licking my thumb and forefinger I began to tweak and play with each nipple in turn.  Gently teasing my dampened finger around her areola then pinching and teasing the nipple ever so gently.

Brandybee was writhing and moaning beneath me loving the attention.   I moved my hands aside kissed once more before whispering in her ear “Thank you”. 

I picked up the pace once more now we were both moaning and writhing in sexual bliss.  I could feel myself reaching my peak at that moment I felt Brandy’s pussy tighten once more her whole body seemed to convulse slightly head rolled back as she screamed as she reached her peak. 

I slowed then stopped so she could bath in her afterglow she pulled my head down so we could share another passionate kiss gently easing myself out as we did.  “That was incredible!”  I breathed between kisses. “Mmmmm yes it was” came the husky response.   
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: All_for_you on November 16, 2013, 09:12:21 AM
Leading Jensen by the hand over to the table turning to face him with my butt resting on the table I pull him to me and kiss him softly Moving my head back away from his lips I look into his eyes and wait to see what he does.

He leans forward and kisses me this time with more passion his tongue pushes on my lips making the open feeling his tongue inside my mouth finding my tongue. They dance and twist with each other as we explore each others mouths.

Feeling his hands on my back and pulling me tight against me pressing my breasts hard onto is chest. I moan softly as our kiss increase in passion as his hands move down to the small of my back and pull me even tighter to him.

Feeling his hands move to my hips as we keep kissing his grip tightens on my hip and lifts me onto the table sliding my back onto the table he moves his hands to my knees and opens my legs he moves back in close to me and puts his hands back on my butt cheek.

Feeling his finger dig into the flesh of my butt his fingers grab my dress and pull it out fro under me leaving me setting bare assed on the table feeling his hands move back you me cheeks and big deep into my bare flesh pulling me right to the edge of the table and pressing my moist hot sex against his growing hardness pushing at the front of his pants.

I moan harder into his mouth as I feel the fabric of his pants rubbing against my moist silk lip wrapping my legs around his waist pulling his harder tighter against my moist sex.

Moving one of his hands from my butt cheek over the top of my thigh and down between my legs gently letting his finger slide down over my silk lips and then gently parting them as his finger slides deep into my hot sex.

Moaning loudly as his finger finds its goal throwing my head back and bit my lip stopping myself from cumming on the spot.

With his free hand he pulls my dress up over my head and lowers me back down onto the cold table, feeling the cold wood against my back it take my breath and make me body shiver and my nipples go rock hard and my pussy clamp tight around his finger

Looking up at this stranger I had only meet earlier that day out on the road for speeding as he looks down over my naked body looking over every inch every curve seeing the smile come across his face he likes what he sees.

He leans forward and takes one of my hard nipple into his mouth sucking it right into it nibbling it gently. Feeling his mouth sucking my nipple hard it sends an electric shock right to my clit his mouth and finger work as one taking my body to the next level.

Moaning loudly as the pleasure builds deep within my belly closing my eyes I blank out the noise of the Bar and only concentrate on the man leaning over my naked body.

Feeling his mouth release my nipple and move down my body soft little kisses moving down my body stopping over my navel and running his tongue around it before pushing his tongue hard into it. Moaning loudly I arch my back pushing my navel into his face. he starts to move down lower I hold my breath as his lips move through my little tuft of pubic hair until i can feel his hot breath blowing over my swollen clit.

I grasp loudly as his lips suck around my clit pulling on it hard and pushing a second finger into my wet hot sex.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on November 16, 2013, 12:19:00 PM
With the box beside us I move my hands back to my Pets breast taking her nipples between my thumbs and forefinger and twist them making them nice and hard. leaning forward I take her right nipple into my mouth and suck it hard and take it between my teeth gently I nibble it pulling it hard with my teeth.

Using my right hand I move it down over her flat stomach and down onto her little panties letting my finger tips trace the out line of her now hardening shaft. turning my hand to cup under her balls I squeeze the gently, she lets out a little soft moan as I squeeze a little harder.

Letting my Pets nipple slip out of my of my mouth I move up and Kiss her passionately as my fingers squeeze her other nipple hard our tongues dance with the passion of a loving couple that they are. Moving my hand down from her best I hock my thumbs into her panties and slide them down over her thighs letting her hardening shaft out of them taking then down and off over her feet I put them in my back pocket.

Placing my hands on her knees i open her legs and drop to my knees in front of her. running my hands up her thighs pushing the a little wider as my hands get higher and higher up her thighs until I reach her balls. With one hand I cup and squeeze her balls again making my Pet moan louder moving my other hand with just my finger tips I run them up the under side of her hardening shaft until they reach its swollen head wrapping my fingers around it I slowly work my hand up and down its length getting it harder and harder leaning forward I look up into my Pets eyes she looks back into mine and smile as she knows what is coming next.

Lowering my lips down to her shaft I softly kiss its tip and then in one swift movement I take her shaft deep in to my throat holding it deep in my throat I hear her grasp as her shaft hits the back of my throat and then a loud moan moving my head slowly back up her shaft until only the very tip is between my lips then slowly I move my lips back down her shaft.

Making her moan Loader as my warm mouth takes her deep again sucking her hard over and over squeezing her ball each time I take her deep into my mouth.

With my free hand I move it back up to her breasts and move form one to the other twisting her nipple on each one. putting my hand between her beasts I push her back laying her back onto the table making her shaft stand up from her body. Letting me take her full length fully into my mouth as my head move up and down her shaft in slow long movements hearing her moan loudly each time I take her into my throat.

With my free hand I undo my jeans and take them off my hard shaft springs out from my boxers as I pull them down to. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on November 17, 2013, 05:27:09 AM
This bar never ceases to amaze me, feel the environment around me, entering my pores as the air entering my lungs, I love, is all that I can say as trouble every sip my last beer before leaving again , for a few days, feeling that soon again, and with the certainty that the day coming through this door again, I will feel at home.

Love fills every corner of this, and emblematic place, passion and desire taken with every sip of beer, with every smile you.

I'll be back ...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on November 18, 2013, 04:24:26 PM
 Mercer throws his head back and breathes in deeply as I lick and suck his manhood. It is rapidly becoming hard again. He thrusts his hips into me, sliding his length to the back of my throat, holding my hair to steady me. He enjoys the moment and the gentle but firm fucking action. I suck him, drawing out tangy juice onto my tongue and salivate, wetting and lubricating his length. It makes him harder.

I look up at him. He expands his chest and fills his lungs with the scent of jasmine that hovers all around us. I feel it revitalise him and make him stronger. He picks me up and places me on the pool table and climbs on top, mounting me. He plunges into the depths of my writhing and inviting body.

I breathe in deeply at our sharp joining and take in the magical and heady jasmine perfume, clouding around us unseen but pleasantly pungent in the room.

The scent drawn in, soon seeps into my veins, energising and feeding the feminine red blood cells.
They flow strong along the length of my body, empowering and bursting with a sense of wellbeing. They enhance my senses. I smell the pheromones of the hot, virile males around me and groan in my answering immoral demands. I feel the lust and need hanging heavy in the air and wrap myself around Mercer, taking him in deeper, urging him to slake his lust. His naked body on mine, sends a rush of excited intent.

I feel the unknown eyes of Stanley and Bear's gaze roving and caressing me, teasing me, feeding my fire. They demand my ultimate compliance and encourage my hidden fantasies to the front. They delve and nudge at my wicked cravings of desire. I let them, basking in their attention. I like they want me, like they watch me, like they covet  Mercer enjoying and satisfying my rapacious desire.

I lift my hips, matching Mercer’s driving force and fuck him back hard.

He then slows to tease once more and delivers slow, controlled, deep, and deliberate skewers into my willing body. He brings his head to my ear and between the long, forceful thrusts and kisses whispers, ““This... is... incredible!” 

I moan back, “Mmmmm. Yes... it... is...,” My voice is husky and seductive.  I nibble his ear, willing him to take me, over and over, my Mercer, unchecked, raw and wild.

To be continued in The Ice House ....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Jensen on November 19, 2013, 01:35:29 AM
My mind lost in the reality of what's going on, instead of the fantasy of what was to come, I unwittingly find my tongue playing at the drippings from her soft and luscious pink lips, licking my fingers as I slide them in and out of her.

Karen, I think I heard someone call her, was as pure a beauty as I've ever laid eyes upon. Her sumptuous body, soft skin, and silken hair make her a goddess in my eyes.

Her entire body shivers as passion takes hold, my tongue and fingers dripping with her juice, and off my beard... my hands roaming her thighs, hips, and belly. My other hand fondles her skin, fingers playing over her quivering belly, moving towards her chest. Tenderly I tease her cleavage and breasts, settling on her left nipple... and tugging gently on it...

Her moans utter loudly, and stuttering slightly as she yields to my touch. I love hearing a woman moan in pleasure. My pants grow tight, the front moist from rubbing against her wetness, and my tip begins to show... a small spot appearing as I also yield to the growing passion.

Her clit, so swollen, both tight and loose around my fingers, pulses as I tease her lips with my teeth, pulling gently and sucking in deeply... I pull my fingers out, my hand coated with her sweet scent, and slurp her juices down strongly, suckling on her pussy. I run my dripping fingers over her belly, run them around her navel, and up to her other nipple. Both of my hands tenderly kneading her breasts, tugging on her nipples, as I engulf her sweet sex in my lips, drinking her in.

Her taste is so sweet... and she screams as she pours into my mouth... my hands solidly gripping and keeping her steady, held to the table, as she squeezes my head between her thighs, her entire body in the throws of release... her heels digging into my back, as she draws me in, barely able to stay on her back as she convulses... my tongue driving inside her slit, letting her grip me as I suck her dry.

As her elation subsides, and she slowly releases my head, letting me free of her lips to kiss her thighs, her juice still dripping from my beard onto the floor... the spot on the front of my pants has grown, as I nearly exploded during her release... my hardened cock showing openly through my wet pants... her drippings unknowingly having been poured onto myself.

A smile grows on my face, as I lick my lips and mustache, tasting her on me, and rubbing the leftovers of her on my beard back onto her skin...

She leans forward, just enough so she can look me in the eye, with pure pleasure gleaming in her eyes... along with something else... mischief? or is it... desire? or both?

I stare at her, taking her beauty in once again, my hands moving down her sides, and resting on her hips, gliding over her...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: All_for_you on November 26, 2013, 03:40:51 PM
Feeling my sex explode into his mouth my body quivers as the pleasure is too much for me to take, laying back on the table panting trying to catch my breath.

Opening my thighs I let his head free form my pulsing lips I feel his beard rubbing on my thigh I left my head to look down at this wonder between my legs.

My mind is running wild with wild thought wanting this man to take his pleasure for me and my body.

Looking into his eye I see a smile on his face and a glint of my juice on his mustrache. He leans over my body rubbing his beard up over my body as he moves his moist lips up onto mine.

Tasting my sweet juices on his lips his tongue pushes deep into my mouth sucking it hard as he kisses me. Feeling the fabric of his pants rubbing over my wet lips I can feel his hardness pressing hard against his pants.

Breaking our lustful kiss I whisper “Take me I’m yours my stranger”

Lifting his head he looks down at me “Are you sure you want me” he whispers back in my ear.

“YES   YES   TAKE ME”       I scream

Lifting his body up from me I watch as he stands over me he pulls his shirt off over his head and I get to see his great. Looking down over his body my eyes are drawn to the damp patch at the front of his pants.

With my eyes fixed on the patch on his pants he starts to undo his pants and lets them fall to the floor. Seeing the bigger damp patch on his boxers, he leans back over me and whispers “See what you have done to me”

As he leans over me I feel his hardness rub at my lips throw his boxers I moan loudly as he rubs harder against me. Feeling the fabric of his boxers rubbing over my lips as he pulls them down.

I gasp as I feel the first touch of his hardness against my wet lips feeling him rub it head over my lips letting me feel it hardness its width its weight as he rubs it between my lips.

Smiling down at me as I moan loudly at the feel of his hardness in my lips and with one slow push I feel my lips open as he slides deep into me...........
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on November 29, 2013, 06:28:13 AM
As my hard shaft stands out hard in front of me moving my hands down my Pets thighs to the back of her knees lifting them slowly as I keep her length in my mouth.
As I lift her legs higher she lays back onto the table letting me take her length deeper into my throat. Feeling it hit the back of my throat as it grows harder and harder. Pushing her legs up higher against her body rolling her hips just off the table.

Moving up her shaft so just my tongue is touching her tip letting my tongue run around its tip and over its little opening. Tasting the sweet drop of precum as it licking down the underside of her shaft and down onto her tight balls sucking them into my mouth one at a time then taking them bath into my mouth and sucking the hard.
Letting my tongue run over them inside my mouth releasing them both I run my tongue down lower and over her sweet tight entrance. Letting just the tip of my tongue move over it making it nice and wet. Licking my way back up over her ball and back up her shaft I open my lips and take her back into my warm mouth

Making her moan loudly feeling her hand rest gently on the back of my head. Moving back just to the tip of her shaft I look up into my Pets eyes and they are close as the pleasure builds deep inside her.

Glancing over the table and seeing Karen at the point of no return her body arched and quivering her moans are loud moving my eyes down over her body as she losses control and comes over and over.

Looking back at my Pet she is looking back at me her eyes are full of lust and I know what is going to happen soon lifting my head
“Not yet my Pet Hold it HOLD IT”  I order

Moaning loudly  “YES MASTER”

Moving my head back down over her shaft taking her back deep into my throat and feeling her throb and pulse against me. Moving my lips tight on her shaft twisting my head as I move up and down her shaft.

Feeling her legs tense in my hands I know she won’t be able to hold back much longer as I keep taking her right into my throat.

Lifting my head “CUM....CUM NOW MY PET.....CUM NOW” I order her

Taking her back into my mouth I hear her moan and feel her shaft stiffen and then with one great pulse the feeling of her hot seed fills my mouth. With each pulse of her shaft move cum fills my mouth.

Swallowing some of it down my throat lift my head and move up over her arched body and kiss her deep on the lips letting her taste herself on my lips and tongue.

As we kiss I press my hard shaft at her entrance feeling the wetness on the tip on my shaft I roll my hips and push the tip of my shaft into her sweet tightness.

Feeling it open as and surround the tip of my shaft making her gasp as we kiss.

Sliding my shaft deeper into my Sweet Pet tight entrance I look into her eyes and see the love she has for me as I take her again...............
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: MasonPark on December 04, 2013, 08:23:23 AM
Finally I stepped foot into the bar. I had heard talk of it and had wanted to pop in for a bit but had been hesitant up until now. The smell of stale booze, sweat, and sex catch me off guard causing my nose to scrunch up for a brief moment as I quickly make my way to the bar.

‘What’ll it be,’ the gruff voice of the bartender asks.

‘Dos tequilas,’ I reply as I slide onto the bar stool surveying the room and action around me.

‘Salt and lemon,’ he asks as I turn back to the bar. Shaking my head no I take down the first shot and turn back to continue my survey of the place and its patrons.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Old_Joe on December 04, 2013, 07:39:23 PM
Old Joe watches the goings on at the Rotating Pleasure Table. He likes the "Young uns"  enjoying themselves.  He smiles at James_Dean who he'd been chatting with and looks up to see a new face arriving and waiting to be served.

Old Joe sidles up to him and asks,   ‘What’ll it be?’ smiling in welcome

He orders his drink and as is  tradition , Old Joe waves his A$ away. " First drink is on the House, and if you keep it quiet Covems has an open tab for the rest :)  He forgot to shut it ... again"

He refuses the Salt and lemon and introduces himself as MasonPark.

Old Joe grins at him, " Welcome to the AB&G MasonPark,  Brandy, Stone & Jayc  are busy in the poolroom at the moment but I'm sure when they are finished, they will say Hi.   They kind of help keeping the place running smooth." 

Old Joe nods over to the Rotating Pleasure Table..  " The  Cocks N Roses and some of our regulars are a bit involved too by the moans and groans  coming from there.  So take a seat and  enjoy the hospitality, you never know what might happen,   oh by the way ..  watch out for the dwarfs, they can be little terrors at times."

Old Joe pours him another tequila and mouths   " On Covems "

Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Introduce yourself > Old_Joe,2810.0.html
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Jensen on December 05, 2013, 11:08:14 PM
Breathing in her scent, feeling her body quiver under me as I hold her tight to me, my hard cock sliding deep inside this beautiful, passionate, and seductive woman. Every thrust causes her to moan, her dripping pussy continuing to drench my balls, and dripping from me onto the floor of the bar...

Karen's sex grips my shaft, and I push myself harder, and faster, moving in and out of her. I run my hands over her thighs, and hips... settling on her waist, holding her, and pulling her to me... onto me... as I fuck her. Deep inside me a barrier gives way, and I hear myself begin to growl lowly every time I slam my sack into her ass.

The instant she screamed for me to take her, I became unleashed to her... full of passion and desire... my deepest longing to claim her and make her mine, in front of everyone here... even though she is a stranger to me, as are they.

But none of that mattered anymore. This woman, Karen, was going to be mine.

My dick sliding in and out of her wet dripping sex, my growls and her moans growing louder together... our passions building together, she cries out for me to go deeper inside, and I comply, driving my tip hard against her cervix...

In and out, deep and hard, my swollen and full member driving inside my new woman, craving her...

I look her over greedily, knowing others are watching, knowing there's other people on the table... not caring about them... but hungering for every bit of my Karen...

I moan loudly as I feel her succumb to my thrusts, her sex clamping down on me hardly, her thighs closing around my hips, holding me inside her... her cum pours over my manhood, flowing over me. She screams for me to empty myself inside her, as her body shakes and quivers in my hands.

I feel my climax peak as I hear her voice, as she remains in the throws of her own ecstasy, her cries of pleasure mixing with my groans of passion...

I press my tip hard inside her against her cervix and feel her body yield to me as I gently slide fully inside... I flex as I do so... and let my control release...

She grips me hard... "Cum in me... now!" She cries, breathless and shaking...

Her voice acts as a vice on my balls, and my entirety of love and manhood pours my seed into her uterus... my cock pulsing hard, shooting my cream, filling her... With one final guttural roar I force every ounce of my sticky load inside her... Claiming her in front of all those here who know her...

My strength spent, and held inside her, I lay atop her, myself lightly shaking from our combined release... our mixed juices dripping onto the table and floor beneath us... our breath shallow, and short... she wraps her arms around me, pulls me gently up to her face, and kisses me... our tongues playing with eachother... moaning lightly...

Staring into her eyes, I know she's not done with me yet... and within a few seconds of knowing this, I begin to slowly regain my strength... my longing for her remaining at it's peak... Such a wonderful, beautiful, sexy, woman... with me laying inside her...

I kiss her deeply again... as her nails dig into my back...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on December 06, 2013, 09:58:09 PM
“So this is the place?” I mutter to myself.


The door to my car shuts loudly behind me, as I observe the fabled AB&G establishment that has been talked about over and over again by my colleagues the past few weeks. “Not the easiest place to locate“ I think to myself recollecting on how my GPS took me on a marry-go-around tour of the surrounding area before I finally was able stumble upon the bar.

I check my phone and see Tango texted me 40 minutes ago. “Just take a right past the Exxon gas station” it reads.

“Right…what about that other right you were supposed to tell me about amigo..” I scoff. I make a mental note to myself to never rely on Tango for directions ever again (lol j/k). I hesitate for second, wondering if this is a mistake. I‘ve become somewhat familiar with the people here sure, but enough so to mingle with them after hours…that’s another matter entirely different. I think about all the possible things that could go wrong. A fight maybe. Rejection. Fear that quite possibly this place won’t live up to its reputation as being…well a certain type of place. I finally collect a pair, and make my way inside. Pushing through the door, the first thing that hits you is the smell. It’s not your typical alcohol stink, mixed with tobacco smoke smell.  No, what you smell is instantly recognizable. It’s the type of smell that causes your heart to skip a beat, and palms to get sticky with sweat. The smell…it’s what men like me are drawn to. Like leaving a bloodied cloth out in the open, for a pack of wolves to sniff out.

Slowly, I scan the room, looking for anyone familiar. I spy the only person I know, Mason, sitting casually by himself, conversing with who appears to be the bartender of this place.

“Well, same boat as me.” I smile, thinking it’s fortunate to not be the only one here looking for…well.

The other patrons here eyeball me, pausing for a moment to take me in. I figure I must look like a fish out of water to some of these people. Wearing just a simple white t-shirt with faded blue jean pants, I seem like your average young man. My hair, disheveled somewhat but more or less, well maintained and slightly parted to the side…you’d have to wonder what would cause anyone to stare. Well, taking a look at my arms would explain why. I sport some noticeable tattoo’s, with one arm displaying spider webbing that runs from the elbow down to my wrist, and the other arm with what appears to be a random assortment of scrolls, and text.

“Maybe I should turn back” is all I can think, stopping dead in my tracks.

“Hey young un.” I suddenly hear. I turn my gaze to the bartender. “Are you lost?” he asks, while cleaning a glass.

“Not at all. Just taking it all in.” I reply. He jokingly looks around then returns his gaze back to me. “Well, why don’t you take a seat while you ‘take it all in‘. Unlessin’ you feel you’ll get the best view of the place standing right smack in the middle of the place.”
I shake my head, feeling a little embarrassed. So much for a good first impression. I scurry myself to the counter, before finally sitting on a bar stool. I place myself one stool apart from Mason. Not because I have anything against the guy. I just believe in giving another man his space. Also, judging from his body language, it seems he came here for the same reasons I came. I give him a simple head nod, as I rest my arms atop the counter.

The bartender comes over placing both his hands on the counter. “What’ll be son?”

“Bourbon neat.” I reply as clamp both my hands looking over my shoulders.

“I.D son.” I jerk my head back and stare at the bartender, who looks at me with a cold stare.

“Right..” I reply back, as I scramble for my pockets.

The bartender’s stoic gaze suddenly breaks, as a wide smile cracks across his face. “Ah, kid, I’m just yanking your chain. Alright, Bourbon neat. I hope you can handle it straight.” he says with a grin, as he pours me the drink.

I finally begin to relax, chuckling underneath my breath. “I think I’ll be able to manage.” I answer back, as I retrieve my glass.

He laughs, folding his arms while observing me drink. “You’re that new kid. Hukk right?”

The sting of the Bourbon causes me to pause for a second. I finally clear my throat and answer back. “Yep. AHEM *clearing my throat*. That’s me.”

“Yea, I’ve heard of you. Funny guy. A smartass…but funny.” he says, still having his arms folded.

“Thanks..” I reply meekly, continuing to savor my drink.

“Names Joe son.” he says, nodding his head.

“Pleasure sir.” I respond, smiling back as I drink.

He seems to study my tattoo’s for a quite awhile, not saying anything else. I  begin to feel nervous again, aware of his curiosity with my tattoo’s. He suddenly leans over, placing both is arms on the counter. “You know, I got a tattoo also.” He begins. I look up, showing a puzzled expression. “Oh..?”

“Yep.” he says, as he begins to roll up his sleeve. I drink my glass patiently as he shows me a small tattoo placed on his arm that reads “USMC.”

“USMC?” I ask inquisitively. “It’s United States Marine Corps son. Got it when I was on a tour in Iraq during desert storm. I was a bit old for it at the time, but hell…I figured never too old for some things right?” he says, winking back.

I break a smile, as I observe his tattoo.

“Really good one sir“ I remark.

Joe provides a hearty laugh, slapping the counter lightly. “Relax kid. Don‘t think you‘re the only who‘s a little different.” he says, as he rolls up his sleeve. Joe slowly begins to walk away, still chuckling before finally attending to Mason once again.

His words manage to finally get me at complete ease.  “I guess this is the right place after all..” I whisper  to myself as I await what other secrets will reveal themselves to me on this night. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Old_Joe on December 06, 2013, 10:18:24 PM
Old Joe welcomes Hukk into the AB&G  with the traditional first free drink. Then chuckles with James_Dean , 

"I think these two guys need a challenge  to see  what they are made of, don't you?"  He says quite loudly.  MasonPark and Hukk look at him with suspicion in their eyes .

JD replies ,  " Oh  for sure Joe"  tilting his cowboy hat back on his head to size them up.

" Boys"  Old Joe speaks directly at the new comers, " We have a bucking bronco over there"  he gestures towards the sandy bull pit, then reaches back and slams a bottle of Jack Daniels on the bar counter.

"The guy who lasts the longest on our lovable mechanical bull, wins this bottle,  I think JD and Lover should keep the count to make it fair... Are you game? "    ;D ;D ;D

Old Joe and JD watch them intently, waiting for their answer.....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: MasonPark on December 07, 2013, 11:08:33 AM
‘Thanks Joe, that’s mighty kind of you … and Covems,’ I say giving the old guy a crooked little grin before looking back towards the pool room first, craning my neck a little but unable to really see anything. Turning towards the rotating table my head slightly tilts as I watch the band and patrons locked in their passionate exchange.

‘Well Joe I’ve got to say this is definitely one hell of a bar you’ve got going here. I think I might just have to stick around and see how the rest of the night unfolds. No doubt there will be no shortage of action by the looks of it.’ I grin looking back at the old man behind the bar giving him another grin. ‘Again thanks for the drink, needed it.’

Seeing Hukk enter the bar I give him a nod, raising my glass to him before drinking it down then turn my attention back to the rest of the bar.
“I think these two guys need a challenge to see what they are made of, don’t you?”  the voice of Old Joe spoke, quickly catching my attention as I turn back to him and the others at the bar.

‘A challenge you say?’ I asked with a crooked grin, ‘Well hell I’m up for it if Hukk is!’ I raise my glass to Hukk and start to take a drink then realize it’s empty. Turning back to Joe I slide him the glass, ‘But I might need another one before I get on that thing,’ I say with a chuckle motioning towards the bronco behind me.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on December 07, 2013, 02:57:15 PM
Pulls Mrsexlover over with me as I scoot us over closer to Tango and HB. I sit down over her face giving her my wet pussy to lick as I take Mrsexlover's cock into my mouth and sucks him deep into my mouth.

My hands are playing with his balls at the same time as I wiggle against HB's mouth. My hands stroke Mrsexlover's balls over and over as I take him deeper and deeper into my mouth. Sucking him deep, I wiggle my tongue around the underside of his cock.

His passion growing with every lick and suck.  He places his hands on my head to guide me in how fast he wants me sucking his cock into my mouth.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: terric on December 07, 2013, 08:45:42 PM

Hello Joe
Whadda ya know
I just got back from the live sex show.

So ... um... how long does Halloween last around this place?

Here I brought you a Christmas Wreath...  or don't you have Christmas?


Still Halloween here, so I'll see ya later.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on December 07, 2013, 09:05:13 PM
“Crap..” is all I could think as I look over my shoulder to observe the buckin’ Bronco Ol’ Joe and JD spoke of while I down my drink.

“Well, Hukk my boy? Mason is game.” Joe says, still holding onto the bottle of Jack Daniels that rests atop the counter. I can imagine he notices the nervous tick of hesitation in my eyes. The slow feeling of dread that has slowly begun to roll down my spine and down toward my toes.

Joe, perhaps in an effort to snap me out of any thoughts of ominous peril suddenly speaks with a sharp tone. “Hey kid.” he starts. I look over back at him, and blink. “C’mon. There’s a bottle of Jack in it for ya’ if you win. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in life Hukk my’s to never turn down the opportunity to win a free bottle of Jack.” ol’ Joe concludes, laughing a hearty, boisterous laugh.

I slam my glass hard onto the counter, staring toward its empty base. “Well, how can I say no to a challenge?” I finally blurt, as I spin myself around the stool to face the mechanical bull.

Ol’ Joe claps his hands loudly, while releasing a laugh.

“Ha! That a boy you two! Looks, like we’ll be getting a show today!” he exclaims. With an energetic step I didn’t know the old man had, he charges over to the bull in order to get it set up.

I lean over toward Mason, who looks more curious then worried. “Why couldn’t we just accept a game of pool?” I whisper, as I scratch the back of my head, staring down onto the floor.

Mason chuckles underneath his breath, nodding in agreement before finally speaking, “Well, when a bottle of Jack is on the line, I will darn well do about anything to get that bottle.”

I slump slightly on the stool, my elbows resting just along the fringes of the counter.

“Ever ride one of those things?” Mason asks, scratching his chin. I take a moment to rummage through my head if at any point in my life I’ve ever ridden a mechanical bull. “No..” I say in a low hushed tone. “But, I’ve ridden on the Cyclone over in Cooney Island..does that count?” I reply dryly. Mason bursts out laughing, slapping my back with a loud thud. He begins to stand, shaking his head.

“Well, I can’t really say Hukk..” he says, pausing as he still chuckles. “But I know this ride may be a tad bumpier then the rides over in Cooney.”

I grimace while looking over to JD..the man with that cowboy hat on. He reminded me of the Marlboro man - casual and laidback, but with an air of wild outdoor ruggedness, that necessitated respect from those observing. I slowly nod at him. He nods back, while tipping his hat just slightly, smiling.

Mason looks down at me, shoving his hands into his pockets, still grinning. “Well Hukk. Lets show em’ what we’ve got.”

I begin to make my way over to the imposing mechanical bull. It looks old, rusted, and beat. The thing looks like a safety hazard. Ol’ Joe slaps the saddle loudly, as dust flies out into the air.

“Oh, she’s a real beaut’. Don’t worry fellas’….she may look ragged and used..but trust me. She’ll run just fine.” Joe says.

Suddenly, like a demonic force raising its head out of hell, the mechanical bull springs to life. “There we go!” Ol’ Joe shouts with giddy child like enthusiasm. “Alright…who’s gonna be the first one to ride?”

Mason and I look at one another with baffled expressions. A moment of silence settles across the bar, before I finally speak.

“Well, only one way to see who goes first..” I begin. “Rock, paper, scissors.” I conclude.

Mason laughs beneath his breath shaking his head, before nodding in agreement.

We each extend our arms, and say in unison “Rock, paper, scissors shoot.” I throw out paper. He throws out rock.

“Shoot. I lose.” Mason exclaims. “Well, I guess you win. Go up there then Hukk.” he says with a smile.

“Nice try Mason, but I’m afraid winner decides on who goes first. Tag. You’re it.” I reply, chuckling.

Mason shakes his head, looking down onto the ground, as he kicks his boots against the railing surrounding the bronco. “Well, a fella’ had to try.”

Mason dusts his hands, before finally climbing over to ride the mechanical buckin’ Bronco. 

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on December 08, 2013, 01:17:22 AM
As Sexi is sucking me harder and deeperas i guide her head. I stop licking her pussy for a moment and turn my head to see Tango. He sure is having fun with HB but when he see me looking, a smile appears on his face and nods to me as he know what has come up in my mind.

With my hands on her head i pull Sexi's head of my cock.

"Stop for a moment my love, we are going to move this party to another place then the table. I have asked the dwarfs to fill up the pudding pit with nice flavoured puddingand both Tango and me agree on taking this party to a naughty foodsex mode "

I crawl from underneath Sexi and put some fingers in her wet pussy to pull her allong. I see Tango grabbing HB at her Cock to do the same. I look to the other people at the table.

"Come join us in a dirty food fuck in the pudding pit, you clean up afterwards in Tango's spa"

Karen immediately jumps up and start to pull her man's dick to follow her. As we leave the bar to head to the pit is shout, "you can all come and join us, this is going to be on to remember"

At the edge of the pit with my fingers still deep inside soaking wet tunnel, i turn her around and give her a kiss. "Jump in baby" i say, as i pull back my fingers and give her a little push.

Sexi takes a plump into the pit, but quickly reapears all coverd in pudding.


Now that's how i like you my love as i quickly jump in to start to lick the pudding from various places. The rest jumps into the pit too and soon your here nothing but moaning coming out af the pit from all the licking and sucking that's going on.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on December 08, 2013, 11:59:29 AM
Smiles and nods when I hear we are going to the pudding pit for food sex. Excited to have tongues licking all over me eating the pudding.

He slides his fingers into my soaking pussy and rubs against my g spot as he pulls me with him making me moan all the more.

I jump in the pudding and rub it all over my naked body. When I stand back up, mrsexlover joins me and starts licking away at my neck.

He then starts moving down and licking the pudding off my breasts. Licking the entire breast to get the pudding before he moves in to suckle on my nipples. My body arches against him and covers him with pudding.

He then moves down to my stomach licking it clean while he fingers my pussy keeping me writhing against his body sharing that pudding with him. My pussy clenches down on his fingers milking them it was a cock inside.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on December 14, 2013, 10:06:38 AM

"Lads", I say to the dwarves, "lets get this place into Christmas shape.  We've already discussed, where the decorations should go, same as last year, so lets get to it."

The dwarves busy themselves and the house decoration goes up.


The Merry Christmas lighted sign goes on the mirror behind the bar


along with the Santa Wreath


Christmas Glasses on the wall near the door


And the Lets Be Naughty sign over the donut machine


Dopey comes over to me pulls me down and whispers into my ear.  "Yes, Dopey", you can make your tree.  I'm sure everyone will enjoy it."


"Ahhhh... doesn't that give you some Christmas spirit?  Remember, all you have to do is believe."


I know it does for me.

Time for the "Ugly Christmas Sweater Party"  I got mine all picked out.
If ya's haven't burned them, you can use the one Miss Stone gave out last year.


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lydiarose on December 14, 2013, 10:54:12 AM
back in the bar for the first time in a year.. like the xmas decorations Covers. head for the bar see old joe is still  working here . There a lot of new faces in the bar.. when i think of the good time i had in here,, open mic night dancing with jd. get to bar get my drink and sit down to enjoy a night in the Bar & Grill
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on December 14, 2013, 02:29:12 PM
I see Lydia and i go closer to her, and i have a sit in front of her. I ask old joe for a beer, and smile to Lydia.

Hello Lydia, long time from the day you dry my blood, can i invite you for a drink?

Achat Bar and grill, look like always in xmas, a stunning place.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on December 14, 2013, 03:32:01 PM
Walking back into the bar first Time since the Halloween Party still in my uniform

Looking around thinking what a great Job Covems and the the boys have done with the place

Seeing Zoerink sat with a young lady at the bar I way to Joe with a smile and ask for a Mug of Black coffee

I sit at the end of the bar nod my he to Zoerink and the lady

Joe places the mug in front of me "Hard day Tango" he asks

"Not to bad caught a few speeders today that's about all" I reply with a sly wink and a smile

"Hi Captain"

Hearing Karen voice I turn and smile at her "coffee"

"Yes Please that will be great just what I need after that day"

Joe places a fresh mug in front of Karen

There you go Karen nice and strong just how you like it"He says with a wink

Karen and I sit at the bar chatting about our day
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lydiarose on December 14, 2013, 04:55:12 PM
Look at zoerink and smile yes i would love a drink but not your blood this time .  I only like blood on a full moon or at halloween.
I say hi to a guy at the other end of the bar who is a unifrom. I like a man in a unifrom. it nice to sit her with zoerink. when i think it was a year when i first saw him  her in the bar
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on December 14, 2013, 05:28:50 PM
Is a pleasure to ask for a drink for Lydia, one year ago she dry my blood, today shes just drinking a beer... i smile to her and caress her cheek so soft, is always nice to found a friend.

I look Tango, so close us and tell him "hi Tango, come here and sit with us, but please, drink something better than a black coffee" and we laugh all together.

Finally, Lydia, Karen, Tango, Old Joe, Covems and me sit so close, and start to drink, sexi is here too and sit with us, she came from the zoo and look like someone who need a beer, so there is it.

We sit all together and offer for christmas!!!

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Old_Joe on December 14, 2013, 10:23:14 PM
I line up all the egg nogs for the dwarfs after their hard work decking out the bar with  Christmas cheer.

"Looks great guys"  I tell them gazing round the room in appreciation.

The duke box is blaring with wonderful Christmas songs and every now and then, one of the customers joins in singing the words or tapping their foot.

I serve Lydiarose her drink and kiss her on the cheek.  " It's good to see you back girl" At the same time I ensure Zoerink and sexilicious is duly topped up.

I pour Covems a drink of Coveyprilla and ask Sneezy to take it for him. He was changing the rum bottle for a full one in the Donut machine.

All_For_You and Tangoracer  come up to me and I serve them their usual coffee when they are at work or just finished. The NSPD are good customers and are always looked after so I place some donuts on a plate for them .

"Hard day Tango?"  I ask him  as he bites into the sugary treat.  He mumbles  about  speeding tickets. I grin at him. I hope the drivers bribed him well  :P. 
"No wonder he needs the sugar rush"  I chuckle to All_For_You and she giggles too as she sips her coffee.

"Hey did you know  it's   "Ugly Christmas Sweater Party"   tonight,"  I remind all the patrons.  "This is the one Stone got me last year ... God it will take some beating!"   

I fetch it out from behind the counter and put it on .

" The thing is,"  I lean into them in a conspiracy type way   "Stone really , really , really thinks they look good, and nobody has the heart to tell her - she has such badddddd taste"

We all laugh out loud, especially when they see the one she chose for me.   I put it on grimacing.


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on December 15, 2013, 10:19:06 AM
I  walk back into the bar, clearly after the night before.  My heads throbs and I felt I had had 7 rounds with Mike Tyson.  The Halloween experience still lingered or so it felt on my tired body. We must have been in a time warp. I peak into the pool room. All seems normal now,  but still, there does seem to be the hint of a parallel world in there.

I smell the hint of jasmine and see swirly icy smoke still apparent in the air and I swear I hear some ghostly moans and groans.

I shut the door again.  Tango, All_For_You, Mercer78 and Bear are sitting at the bar chatting with Old_Joe.

Jayc and Stone come out the office, looking not much better and wave to me.

I go over to them and Stone hands me a nicely wrapped box present. “Open it now,  it’s for the party tonight." She is like an excited child and  dives back into the office and is soon back and hands similar boxes to Mercer, Bear and Jayc.

“I know you will love them,” she witters excitedly. “Oh Old_Joe, you look wonderful in yours” she kisses him on the cheek.
“I do, we all do”  Old_Joe agrees. 

Stone is in a merry mood as she hands out boxes to all the patrons.  “Isn’t Christmas wonderful?” dancing around the bar, like a Christmas tree angel, encouraging all to open their boxes to put them on.

No one has the heart to tell her that, that actually your taste in fashion is on a par with Timmy Mallett!!!


I open my box , however, intrigued about the wonderful design she has chosen for me and pull the jumper over my head.


Stunning, what can I say, except   “ Thank you so much Stone, I am touched by your thoughtful gift”  then to myself – ( I must be, to be seen in public with this!!!    :D :D :D :D )

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on December 15, 2013, 11:34:44 AM
Seeing im not the only one...........i put on my"holiday jumper" an English term for bad Xmas sweater and try to blend in quietly.  quiet may be the wrong word i muse, looking around. all these sweaters may cause someone to have vertigo.  ;D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on December 15, 2013, 03:01:04 PM

I come in via the pool room and I really would like to be rubbing my ass, but my hands are full with two big biscuit tins and a large bottle of Barcardi.

I plonk them on the end of the bar as Joe wanders up.
"hey young 'un, he drawls, where you been, haven't seen you and the Country boys are missing their lead vocalist"

"Joe, if I told you about Pirates, Navy Captains and sailing ships you wouldn't believe me and if I showed you the proof, you'd have a heart attack!" I laughed... "lets just say the scent of Jasmine was the strongest we've ever known it."

"Anyways, how are the 2 new young bucks doing on the bull?  And what have the dwarves been up to, the place looks like Santa's grotto!"
Old Joe chuckles and his belly wobbles "you about got it there lil blu, I think Covems got them busy"

"Well if he's still about, I owe him a drink, but in the meantime I want you to see this quote from Lover!"

Blue, come to the bar with your cookies, I want to taste them. If you also have bacardi Brandy and I would be very happy Grin

This time, and only this time, I pay all drinks...

 "So Joe, line 'em up and take a picture, this is a first and it may be the last!" I chortle and take the lids off the biscuit tins, one is full of 3" cookies, some with chocolate chips in, some with M & M's the other has some of my "special" brownies....  ;)

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on December 15, 2013, 03:34:19 PM
I chat to Jayc in the office with boxes all around us, carefully labelled. Each one picked out with thought and care.
“Do you think they will like them? “  I ask Jayc for the 1000th time.
“I’m sure they will love them Darling” he murmured absent minded. He wasn’t paying attention, he was too busy trying to get the Christmas lights working in the office.
“I think I’ll have to get the dwarfs to fix these,“  Jayc  spoke more to himself than me.

I open the office door and see Brandy looking a bit rough as she walks towards the bar.
She waves and I grab her gift box to give her, then see others at the bar  who I had one for.

I just love Christmas and feel like Santa’s little helper as I spread the good cheer of Christmas jumpers.

I saw Covems was wearing his with pride. He looked so handsome in it. And Old_Joe. “ just Magnificent” 
“Here you go,” I tell everyone , “ Put them on, Isn’t Christmas just wonderful, just look at the wonderful things the dwarfs have done to the place”

I dance around and sidle up to Covems, “ It was a great idea of yours to have a "Wonderful Christmas Jumper Party”  He smiled at me and didn’t have the heart to tell me it was actually  - “An Ugly Christmas Sweater Party"
Then he stared at my jumper -  I knew he would love it, just like my  Jayc.  In fact none of the guys could resist staring at it.


I think they like my carrots!

I see Blue walk in and I kiss Covems on the cheek and go over to her,

" Blue, Blue, I have a gift for you too"   Jayc fetches her box to give her

I am just in time to hear Lover say he's paying.  Another open tab, Christmas is wonderful and full of good will.  I am delighted and promptly order the a few cans cokes to go with the bottle of bicardi  Jayc and I intend to enjoy, along with all the other bottles and ordering customers.

We help ourselves to some of Bluedenim's delicious cookies and sweeties she bought with her.

" You look splendid in your jumper" I compliment Jayc happily. "I'm so pleased you like it "

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on December 15, 2013, 03:57:15 PM
I hurry to the bar and just arrive as blue hands my message to old joe. Before i can greet him i somebody is saying "STOP!" I do as im told and two hands are pulling a sweater above my head. "Its funny. Dontlook down, just wait for the reactions please" I nod and say "ok". Im sure im kidded, but its christmas time... i play each silly game.


Old Joe looks to me, smiles and then points to the note blue gave him "You know what you are doing?" "Old Joe, I always know what im doing...just sometimes my tongue is faster than my brain. But paying tonight is my intention - its a great day for our village and im really happy."

I hug blue and taste some of her cookies. I lvoe the M&M ones and, though im sure its dangerous, i have to taste her special brownies. Curiosity killed the cat but good luck i have enough lifes. "Yeah, i see you got bacardi...mmmmm wonderful! Lets have a drink together with covems." I wave him to join us. Just a second later brandy must have smelled the bacardi - her english nose isnt made for food but always fo a good drink.
"Mmmmm blue, your and covems cookies are delicious. Together with this drink i got everything i need tonight."

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on December 15, 2013, 04:01:38 PM

Yay! the cookies are flying out, I hope everyone knows about my "special" brownies or they might be flying out too!

Stone comes over and presents me with a box which has a label on it bearing my name
"Open it, put it on" she grins, "it's for the party!"
So I do.


I grin like I've had too many "special" brownies and hug her tight!
"You shouldn't have! But I'm so glad you did!"

I stand next to Lover for a photo and Covems comes and stands the other side and puts his arm around my shoulder, I lean my head on his and look at him as my eyes water.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: terric on December 15, 2013, 06:26:39 PM

I wander into the bar and get stopped my Stone.  She askes me what color I would like for my Holiday Jumper.  I give her a puzzled look, while admiring the carrots on her sweater. 

"Well placed carrots," I say to her, "lets hope that MoonCalf doesn't bring her horse in.  A certain cowboy told me that horses just LOVE carrots."

Stone giggles and agains askes me what color jumper... then she says "sweater".

"Oh..." I mutter, "a red one, please, so it will go with my skirt.  Pookie is probably going to want a red one also, so would you be so kind as to save one for her?"

Stone agrees.

I slip out of my top and slide the sweater on.  I then go to my car and toss my top in for safe keeping, before entering the bar.


I look around and see some familiar faces.  I wave to Covems and blow him a kiss before leaning into the bar.  "Hiya Joe!  Lemme have one of those Covieperillas, or whatever they're called."

While Joe pours me one, I spot Zoerink... taking my drink I sidle up behind him and run my hand up his back, clawing gently with my nails as my hand goes up.  I lean in and kiss him on the cheek.

"Hello David," I whisper before settling my tush onto a stool.  "Pookie should be here soon, then the mischief can start."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on December 15, 2013, 06:55:26 PM
Having already been told about the "Ugly Christmas Sweater Party" by Cove, I spent the afternoon raiding my closet in order to find this sweater dress my mother had gifted me about three Christmases ago.


I smile from ear to ear walking into the bar, as I feel both the Christmas spirit and my mom with me.

I wave to Jayc, Stone, Brandy, Blue and Cove who are taking pictures. I blow Cove a kiss before making my way to the bar.

Taking a seat next to Terri at the bar, I wink at Old Joe and ask for some eggnog.

Joe pours me a glass and kisses my hand after handing it to me. I sigh after taking a sip and look around, admiring all the decorations.

*Aaah.. Christmas..* :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on December 15, 2013, 10:27:16 PM
A knock on the door at my lab, the door opens. It Doc bringing a big box in, well for his size anyway.

"Where are the other dwarfs Doc" i ask him.

"Busy bringing boxes and invitations to people for Miss Stone, she thinks we are her little Elf's, and this one is for you"

"Thanks Doc" i try to say, but he has allready left. I inspect the box, there is a card with it.

-Come to the AB&G ASAP and wear this gift, Santa-

I open the box and look inside, there is a sweater but not the one you hope to get for christmas, i put it on anyway's and search for my coat to put over it so people don't have to see it when i get to the bar.

I arrive, my coat closed up to my chin, but as i enter i see more sweaters of the same type around. Miss Stone comes up to me.

"Are you wearing your sweater ? " she ask's. I nod as i kiss her on the cheek, and thank her for it. Those carrots are poking in my chest.
"Then show it baby" she orders. And with remorse i take of my coat and go around the bar to great everyone, and give all the girls a kiss to wish them a happy christmas.

Walking around in this was i'm glad i did not get the worst one. Somehow this sweater seems to suit me.


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pookie77 on December 16, 2013, 11:50:27 AM

Pulling my car into the parking lot of the Achat Bar & Grill, I remark to myself that there are already quite a few people here.  I spot Terri's little, beat-up car and park mine next to her's.

I enter the bar, and I'm immediately greeted by one of the dwarfs.  He doesn't say anything, just kind of rocks back and forth on his heels, with a sheepish, shy grin.  Turing red in the face, he hands me a package.

I open the package and find a red, Christmas Sweater inside, along with a note of Merry Christmas from Stone.  "Oh YES!!!  It's a Hello Kitty one.. I LOVE it!!!  I'm putting this on right now," I tell the dwarf.

"Okies", I say, and pull my shirt off.  "Here, hold this please." 


"Y-y-yes," he says quietly, while still rocking on his heels.

I hand the bashful dwarf my shirt, then take the sweater and put it on.  "Ah... the magic of Christmas, it even fits."

I thank the dwarf, and go back outside to put my shirt in my car.  Then I go back inside and greet everyone.  I don't know everyone, but I'm hoping that by the time this party is over, I will.

I see Stone near the bar, and I rush over to her, and practically leap onto her with a hug.  The inertia of my movement cause her to take a couple of steps back.  I squeeze her tightly, feeling her carrots pushing into my boobs.  I kiss her on the cheek, then lean back and say, "I absolutely LOVE this sweater!  Thank you so much." 

I release Stone from my hug, and do a pirouette, showing off my new Christmas Sweater.


I spy Terri sitting between Zoerink and Amy, so I go over to them and push my way to the bar between Terri and Amy.  "Hi Joe," I greet the bartender, "that egg nog looks good, I'll have one of those please."  Amy says that is is good as we greet each other with air kisses.

Everyone looks splendid in their Christmas Sweaters.


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on December 16, 2013, 03:52:18 PM
Sat drinking our coffee I feel a tug on my leg Looking down i see Dopey his holding up two boxes


He hands one to Karen and the other to myself  "Thank you Dopey" I say with a big smile

"Thank you Dopey come here you little sweetie"

Karen takes hold of Dopey's cheeks and leans down and Kisses him. Making him Blush she whispers not to quietly

"Find me later"and winks at him.

He turns and runs off with a "WWWOOOOO HHHOOOOOO"

Reading the card on the boxes "Have fun and a Marry Christmas from Stone Jayc and the Management of the B&G"
Opening the box I pull out a red Jumper with a Big face on the front and an ass on the back

We both laugh as I pull it on

Karen Opens her Box and pulls out a Red jumper she pulls it over her head and has a pair of Christmas Pudding right where her breasts are.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on December 16, 2013, 04:48:58 PM
Old_Joe passes me another bicardi & coke and one of Blu's special cookies and, bless his cotton socks, also a soothing cup of tea. My head is still a little sore from over indulgence.

I look round at all the colourful and awful jumpers, and my eyes squint in sympathy to my head.

"We should have a vote and poll on the most awful jumper here"  he suggests, then looks at Stone  "but tell her its the most splendid one"  and begins to chuckle.

"Great idea,  We best make a list of the contenders so far " I reach for a pen and scribble the names

( Starts at Page  113  )    List of "Splendid"  Christmas Sweaters (Jumpers / Cardigans / Pullovers )
1   Covems
2   Old_Joe
3   Brandybee
4   Jayc
5   Stone
6   Lover
7   Bluedenim
8   terric
9   ItsAmy123
10 mrsexlover
11 Pookie77
12 Tangoracer
13 All_For_You  (Karen)

" That's quite a list so far,"   Old_Joe  remarks, reading it upside down. "Best leave it open, till Christmas Eve, then poll for votes until New Years Eve"

" Sounds like a plan,  maybe give a bottle of Malorts to the winner ... on Covems tab of course, the party was his idea after all"  I agree.

"On Covems tab, naturally"  Old_Joe chuckles.

"You got any of Stone's special Bloody Mary's back there"   I ask him.
"Sure"  Old Joe mixes a couple up at my request. I indicate more of the "Special ingredient"  He pours a double helping in.

" For  Lover and  HB "   I ask  J2D2 to deliver them  "And no milk or water chasers, just as it comes "

Old Joe looks at me.   I grin back at him,    "They know why" 

"You mad?"   He asks.

"Who me? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhh ,   Just keep the tea coming "   I answer.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on December 17, 2013, 01:55:10 PM

As always... the best place to be... Achat Bar And Grill... all fun and nice feelings to everybody :)

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on December 17, 2013, 06:46:40 PM

I am the pretty one :)

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lydiarose on December 19, 2013, 11:08:09 AM
( is this where the party is guys
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on December 19, 2013, 11:22:36 AM
Lydia... for you the party is everywhere...  ::)

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on December 19, 2013, 06:27:17 PM
Looking at the board, I add another to the list

( Starts at Page  113  )    List of "Splendid"  Christmas Sweaters (Jumpers / Cardigans / Pullovers )
1   Covems
2   Old_Joe
3   Brandybee
4   Jayc
5   Stone
6   Lover
7   Bluedenim
8   terric
9   ItsAmy123
10 mrsexlover
11 Pookie77
12 Tangoracer
13 All_For_You  (Karen)
14 Zoerink

Old Joe rings the bell to remind people, they have to wear the splendid garb. "Find your splendid ( Ugly ) Christmas sweater peoples, you have till xmas eve and the voting will begin closing new year." 

My head throbs,   I return to the bar and order another tea.
The xmas songs are blasting out from the duke box and couples and groups start taking to the dance floor.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on December 19, 2013, 06:32:54 PM
Hello Brandy... i came here and after see you, i ask for a beer before i go to sleep. I  sit close to you, look your eyes, and start to smile and laught looking the Christmas Sweaters, LOL.

Some of them are so original, so i look the other table, where is Stone and Jayc having a drink, and smile to stone... she know more than she look like about my Christmas Sweater.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: terric on December 20, 2013, 06:44:59 AM

I take a sip from my  Covieperilla... then set it back on the bar.  I lean into Pook and whisper in her ear.. bzzzzz... Telling her that I'll be right back...  She nods her head in agreement.

Sliding off the bar stool causes my little skirt to ride up, giving a generous look of my privates... oooopsie... I cover up, then go to Covems.

"Covems," I say to him, "would you do us a favor?"

"Why sure, Miss Terri," he replies, he always calls us 'Miss'... and that makes me giggle.  "What can I do for you?" Cove asks.

"Well... Mr. Cove, I want to use the pit, only I would rather have it filled with grape Jell-o."  I say to him, "could you do that for us?"

Covems agrees, and heads off to that room where the mixer and piping is.  In a short time he comes back out and tells me the pit is all set.

I go outside to the pit area and look in to the pit... yep... looks like grape Jell-o.  I scoop a bit with my finger and taste it.... oooooo... he's such a doll... even put the sugar in. 

Quickly stripping out of my clothes, I climb into the pit and smear some Jell-o on me, then I catch one of the dwarfs going by.  I call him over and ask him to deliver this message to Pookie.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on December 21, 2013, 01:43:40 AM

Seeing James with his outrageous sweater, I give Covems a kiss and skip over to him.
"Is that a carrot, or are you just pleased to see me James?"
"Hey, you're walkin' around with Pikachu on yours!" he laughs.

"Halloween was a long time ago James, I've hung my Christmas presents from you in the dungeon, I can't wait to road-test them!"

I give him a hug and we cuddle tight and his carrot pokes between my legs, so I close my thighs on it and rub his sprouts hanging just under neath it.:)
"Blu, are you ever not horny?" he laughs  and swats my fanny.
" You have to ask James?" I giggle and wiggle against him.
"Tell you what, I love grape Jell-o, I'm gonna go see if Terri & Pookie will let me play with them."
I run to the pudding pit to ask

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lydiarose on December 21, 2013, 10:24:46 AM
(  ok guys who this other drink
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lydiarose on December 21, 2013, 10:43:56 AM
(  I say hi and to Brandybee and ask could you put me on the list
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pookie77 on December 21, 2013, 04:34:19 PM

I strip off my clothes and toss them on a seat in the Pit area.  I climb into the pit, the Jell-O feels squishie between my toes... it's chilly, too, causing goose bumps to form on my skin.  I reach down and take handfulls of the slippery stuff... then I smear some on my body and answer Terri's challenge with this:


Bluedenim comes out to the pit and declares that she wants to play, too.  Oh yeah... a free for all!!  "You better strip," Terri says to her.

"Yeah," I chip in, "the Jell-O stains." 

Terri and I circle around the pit, getting used to the footing.  "Remember the wrestle we had on my roof last summer?"  I say to Terri.

"Oh yeah,"  Terri replies, "in your kiddie pool... with Jell-O."

"Well," I say, "you might have gotten lucky then, but you're going down tonight."  We both look at Bluedenim.  "Maybe we'll all go down tonight."

"Ding"  the bell rings...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on December 21, 2013, 05:45:24 PM

I stand by the pudding pit  "can I play too?" I ask Terri.
"Oh yeah you can , but you better strip " says Terrri   "Yea, the Jello stains" chips in Pookie,  so I undo my belt and my jeans fall to the floor, I quickly pull my lovely Christmas Sweater over my head and fold it on top of my wranglers, twisting out of my bra and sliding my panties over my feet before diving in with a belly-flop between Pookie & Terri as they circle each other in a mock-menacing dance.
"Ok girls," I splutter as I surface in between them "Let's see what tastes sweeter, Jell-o or pussy!" and I bowl Pookie over so she splats onto her back and I immediately start licking the Jell-O from her sweet young pussy, but raising my ass for Terri.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on December 23, 2013, 08:44:52 AM
Old_Joe adds another couple of names to the list and sipping his Coveyprilla, watches the beautiful naked girls  covered in grape jelly with lusty male interest .. 

( Starts at Page  113  )    List of "Splendid"  Christmas Sweaters (Jumpers / Cardigans / Pullovers )
1   Covems
2   Old_Joe
3   Brandybee
4   Jayc
5   Stone
6   Lover
7   Bluedenim
8   terric
9   ItsAmy123
10 mrsexlover
11 Pookie77
12 Tangoracer
13 All_For_You  (Karen)
14 Zoerink
15 jcm0824
16 Lydiarose

I chuckle, thankful the tea is working and the headache and sore body is now subsiding and think "Theres life in that Old dog yet !" 

The bell is pulled and Terric, Pookie77 and bluedenim  dive in much to the delight of the coloured jumpered patrons.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: terric on December 23, 2013, 11:59:16 AM
Pookie lets out that squeal meaning Bluedenim has hit the right spot.  I sit back on my heels and take in the sight.  Pookie is half buried in the Jell-O, the purple stuff on her skin.  Bluedenim kneeling into Pookie, licking away, her ass in the air.

I can't help myself... and taking a handful of Jell-O I swat Bluedenim's ass cheek  *SLAP!*.  Jell-O goes flying!!  She lets out a  "ooooo".... so I pick up another handful.... *SLAP!*

I move closer, gathering up another couple of handfuls of the purple stuff.  Using both hands, I slide them over Bluedenim's sexy tush, smearing the Jell-O... my hand runs down between her cheeks and over her pussy...   

"Ohhhh", I say, "somebody's wet...  very wet."

Leaning in closer to her... my tongue out and forming a point, I dip it right into her wet pussy, while running my hands up to cup her breasts, helping myself to a feel.

Then I shout  "WRESTLE!"  and pull Bluedenim's feet, she flops down in the Jell-O, while Pookie wiggles out from under and we both grab Blue and roll her over onto her back. 

Pookie and I look at each other for a brief moment, then Pookie shouts, "Boobs!"  We practically dive onto Bluedenim, konking our head slightly as we each suck Blue's nipples, tasting her and the Jell-O.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on December 23, 2013, 05:03:23 PM
1 - 2 - 5 - 9 - 11 -  23 ARE THE NUMBERS OF THE LOTTERY, and i see my ticket... OMG, i win it!!!... i start to jump and shout because i am happy... so i look jayc and old joe and ask them for champagne for all people in the bar.

I look around and see everybody so happy because is xmas... i am happy because is xmas and also i win the lottery of Achat Village, so i start to shout to everyone to go close the bar, and ask for a drink... i pay today.

In the way, i find Jayc and Stone, and i jump over them, and also over Amy and Covems, who drink something sitting in the bar... after, i look to the other side, and go running to hug Sexi and Brandy... after it, i clap my hand with Tango and hukk... they have some beers on hands... and i give them a couple of more. I ask Tango for Hentai, didnt see him in a time in the bar... also ask Hukk for Denisee... i know you and her have a nice feelings, and this is nice!!!.

Of course Pookie and Terric come and drink some chupitos of Tequila with me, they dance so sexy with Mrsexlover and Jmc, while Marilyn ask for a Sagres Beer to the barman, i ask for some more chupitos and we drink all together with Blue and Karen, who come close to the party.

Finally, i see Lydiarose, i look so close her eyes.. and i give her a kiss... with some lemon in my mouth from the tequila... caressing her back and dancing while i do.



Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lydiarose on December 24, 2013, 09:01:02 AM
I kiss zoerink back and tell him I going to sing a song for him , so I make my way to the mic                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about presents
Underneath the Christmas tree

I just want you for my own
More then you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you yeah,

Idon't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
And I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree

I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas day

I just want you for my own
More then you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
You, baby

Oh, I won't ask for mush this Christmas
I won't ever wish for snow
And I'm just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the misletoe

I won't make a list and send it
To the North pole for Saint Nick
I won't ever stay awake to
Hear those magic reindear tonight

Cause I just wont you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do
Baby,  all I want for Christmas is you

Oh. all the lights are shining
So brightly everywherer
And the sound of Childrens
Laughter fill the air

And everyone is sining
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa, won't you bring me
The one I really need?
Won't you please bring my baby to me

Oh. I don't want a lot for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for
I just want yo see my baby
Standing right outside my door

Oh, I ust want you for my own
More then you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby, all I want for Christmas is
 You, baby 

All I want for Christmas is you, baby
All I want for Christmas is you, baby
All I want for Christmas is you, baby
All I want for Christmas is you, bay
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on December 24, 2013, 12:06:28 PM
So Lovely Lydia :)  ;D


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on December 24, 2013, 10:41:44 PM
Old Joe watches the three jelly covered girls and tears himself away for the moment to congratulate Zoerink on his recent lottery win. Zoerink buys him a drink and then he rings the bell.

"Guys & girls, Please take a look at all the Christmas sweaters and vote for the ugliest, I mean the most splendid one you see.

They start at page 113  with Covems and finish with  LydiaRose on page 115. Voting closes New Years Eve "

He takes his drink, toasts the beautiful song by LydiaRose and stands near the pudding pit to watch the lovely girls wrestling again.  He smiles at Stone who thinks they are all fabulous of course.  He shakes his head at that lost cause. 
Then his eyes are drawn to the pit like a magnet to a fridge.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on December 25, 2013, 12:57:52 AM
I see the fun going on in the pit, but somehow i'm just the only one watching while Terri, Pookie and Blue are having fun. I just don't know if you can call that wrestling or just plain sex but it draws me closer and closer to the edge of the pit.

Reaching the edge i keep watching and somehow the girls are notecing the buldge growing in my pants because they turn around and shout "Male Meat"

Blue and Pookie work there way to the edge distracting me with the moves they are making so i don't notice Terri sneaking out the pit and behind me. Then my sweater is pulled over my head and too sets of hands grab my pants and pull them down. Before i know it i'm pushed into the pit by a nude slippery Terri and landing between Blue and Pookie.

I hear cheering as try to retain my balance by grabbing around. I feel lovely slippery girls flesh as i do. As i get hold of a boob i bow my head to lick the jelly off the nipple. " mmmmmmmmm"

I also notice someone is getting a grip on me as well as i feel a hand between my legs tinkling my balls before closing on my cock

Somehow i think this is going to be the best christmas ever

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on December 25, 2013, 11:02:00 PM
Walks over to James and checks on the wonderful food cooking but he seems a bit preoccupied watching the pudding pit. I lean in and whisper in his ear, "Better not burn the food James."

He turns and smiles at me saying, "Nope would never burn this good food." Smiling wickedly, I wonder if any kind of distraction would make him burn it. Placing my hand softly on his arm, I whisper softly, "well hopefully you get more than a show tonight."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pookie77 on December 26, 2013, 06:06:37 AM


Mrsexlover lands in between Bluedenim and me, splattering grape jell-o everywhere, we girls immediately pounce on him.  Bluedenim grabs Martin's cock with one hand and his balls with the other hand, while Terri hops back into the pit. 

Terri slips and slides, but manages to stay on her feet as she works her way around to straddle Martin's head, then she drops to her knees, positioning her jell-o covered pussy just inches away from his lips.  I see Martin's tongue slip out and try to touch Terri.

"WAIT!!"  I holler, everyone stops what they're doing and looks at me, including Martin.  "Martin," I ask,  "you're not allergic to nuts, are you?"

"No" he answers, "I'm not."

"Good," I say, "because Terri is nutz!!"

"I am." Terri says with a giggle, and lowers herself onto Martin's lips, wiggling as she does.

I grab a handful of jell-o and drop it onto the head of Martin's hard cock, which Bluedenim in expertly stroking.  "A little flavoring?"  I ask with a giggle.  Blue lowers her head and her tongue swirls around the tip of Martin's cock.  "I love grape jell-o", she murmurs before taking him between her lip.

Looking for something to do, I slide myself into a prone position and lay next to Blue.  I slide my hands up her leg straight to her pussy and finding her clit I move my thumbs over it... round and round, before gently prying her legs open so I can get my head in.  "Mmmmmm"  I moan as I get a taste of Bluedenim's pussy.

Then I feel someone's fingers playing between my thighs...  I moan again as those fingers find my pussy and gently push their way inside....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on December 26, 2013, 03:23:29 PM
Leaning in closer, I kiss James back softly as my hands rest lightly on his arms. Drawing closer, I end up nestled on his lap as we kiss each other to the sexual sounds going on in the pit.

I could feel him growing harder as he was hearing all the activity going on in the pit while he has to do the food. Feeling him growing harder, I couldn't help but wiggle softly on his lap.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on December 28, 2013, 12:46:48 PM

As I take Martin all the way back to my throat, I feel Pookie nibbling on my clit bar and I nearly choke.......
Coughing, I lift up my head and see Sexi wiggling on James' lap and I remember something she said in a post somewhere else..
"HEY!" I shout across.   "In my jeans front right hand pocket!"  "Go get a room!" I laugh.
 It's the key to the dungeon of course, but James will know that when he sees the thin gold chain I keep it on.
then I come back to Martin's cock, which I am holding firmly in my hand and gently make to bite the entire head off, while stroking all round it with my tongue. Pookie in the meantime is doing some moaning herself, between licking me out and nibbling my bar and I see Terri is rubbing her fingers on Pookie's pussy while trying her best to smother Martin!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on December 28, 2013, 02:57:12 PM
Sat at the Bar With Karen I feel a hand on my shoulder, Turning to see who it was I'm faced with my sweet love HB

"Hello my love""Hello my"

Is all I can get out before I feel her sweet soft lips against mine. Closing my eyes as I loss myself to her in the moment  Not wanting this kiss to end

But the feeling ended as her lips move back from mine I open my eyes and look deep into hers. Her eyes shine in the lights of the bar "Came my Pet sit here" I say as I get up from my stole. I kiss Karen on the cheek and give my pet one to "Excuse me for a second there is something I need to do"

Making my way to the stage I smile at the fun starting off in he Pudding pit. I sit at the piano and start to play
All my friends still at the bar stop and turn and look to the stage.

Have I told you HB that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
You fill my heart with gladness
Take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

For the morning sun and all it's glory
Greets the day with hope and comfort, too
You fill my heart with laughter
Somehow, you make it better
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

There's a love that's divine
And it's yours and it's mine
Like the sun
And at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray
To the one, to the one

Have I told you HB that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
You fill my heart with gladness
Take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

There's a love that's divine
And it's yours and it's mine
Like the sun
And at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray
To the one, to the one

Have I told you HB that I love you

I Love You  Comes from HB

Have I told you there's no one else above you
You fill my heart with gladness
Take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

Take away my sadness, fill my life with gladness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

Take away my sadness, fill my life with gladness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

As I play the last note I blow a kiss to my HB    
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on December 28, 2013, 05:39:40 PM
James and I are kissing deeper and deeper. My arms can't draw him close enough to me though I squeeze him as best as I can.

All of a sudden, we hear a noise and look up towards the pit. Blue is yelling at us and saying something about her jeans pocket. Reluctantly, I get up off of James lap and check her pocket and pull out a key.

Walking back, I see James is checking on the food. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I nuzzle against his back. "Sure smells good and not just the food." Laughing softly, I bury myself deeper into his back.

Slipping my hand inside James pocket, I softly move my hand around feeling his bulge. Unable to keep still, I rub against his back. Dropping the key inside his pocket, I grab onto his bulge softly and stroke it softly through the material. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on December 29, 2013, 01:50:03 AM
I feel Blue's mouth going away from my cock but she keeps a firm grip on it. I think she is saying something but i can't hear it because Terri is sitting on my face and her legs cover my ears.

Then i feel blue coming back to me, she is licking up and down , then around the edge. In the mean time the jelly that Terri pushed in my face when she sat down it is gone, the last bits are dripping over my cheeks as by now she is getting so wet from my licks she is dripping her wetness more and more into my face.

I try to keep up by licking it all away but when sh is getting close to smoothering me, i just pinch he lovely butt and as she jumps up a little a take a deep gasp of air, before her wet pussy is back in my face.

Between her legs is hear a smoothered sound of moaning comming from all the girls, so they must be as happy as me with this situation.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on December 29, 2013, 09:33:31 AM
"I think we need to take this somewhere else Sexi," says James. I nod and he turns down the flames to slowly cook the meat while we are a bit preoccupied elsewhere. Soon as he turns around, I'm in his arms kissing him deeply and somehow we end up in the kitchen. Laying my hands on the table behind me, James picks me up and sets me on top of the cool table. He steps in between my legs and I can feel my pussy dripping more in anticipation. I start kissing his neck following his jawline down to his chest covering him all over with my kisses.

My hands go down lower and slowly rubs his pants feeling the growth of his hard cock straining to get to me. My hands stray at the button as I glance up at him. Seeing his nod, I undo his pants and help slide them down and off of him. Then my fingers gently rub around the waistline before lowering his boxers to the ground as well which allows his cock to spring out and stand waiting for attention without any clothes hindering the touches now.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on December 29, 2013, 11:43:59 AM
( (
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on December 31, 2013, 12:38:34 PM
Once James removed my sweater, I went back and slowly took his cock into my mouth. Taking just the head as I swirl my tongue around and around. I start taking him deeper after swirling my tongue around his hot shaft. Once I reach as far back as I could, I start bopping my head up and down on his throbbing cock taking him over and over again.

Once in a while, I pause and suck on his cock whether all the way in or just the tip. I make sure not to get into a specific routine so as to drive James crazy and keep him guessing what will happen next.

While I'm working on his cock with my mouth, I move my hands up and cup his balls. Rolling his balls around in my hand and pulling softly so as to bring him greater pleasure. His hands tighten more on my head and I can sense his arousal is increasing nearer to that peak.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on January 01, 2014, 12:08:56 PM

James & Sexi seem to be doin' fine, but I got something going on in the pudding pit.

Mrsexlover manages to get his head out from under Terri's ass and starts whispering in her ear and I get a kinda feelin...?

I let go his cock and go search out Pookies pussy. I start off by licking the Jell-O off her nipples then flicking them with my tongue until they stand up between my lips and I nibble them softly, then I trail down her belly pausing to lick around her belly-button, before making a bee-line for her slick slit where I am just about to poke my tongue up into her pussy when I hear Terri giggling and she grabs my ankles and spreading my legs wide, drags me back to Martin and over his lap. I squeal and wriggle and look pleadingly at Pookie, who has sat up and is wondering what is going on.
"Hey Pookie, grab her wrists!" yells Terri.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Old_Joe on January 01, 2014, 05:59:22 PM
Stone approaches me and gives me a large jar with folded papers in.  I look at her questioningly  and she says excited , " You got to find out who's got the most votes for the most splendid jumper here"
I look at the pudding pit and then at the jar , " Now? "   I ask, really not wanting to move from my prime position.

" Yes now"  She insists, " Come on ... Now "   tugging my hand.
"Ok, Ok"   I follow her reluctantly  and  look at the label taped on the large glass jar.  It reads

"Question: Vote for the splendidest (Ugly Really ) Xmas Sweater (Pages 113 to 115 ) "

Luckily Stone seems oblivious to the " Ugly Really" bit.  Then I tip the contents out and begin the count...

Covems  - 1 
Old_Joe - 0 
Brandybee - 6 
Jayc - 1 
Stone - 2 
Lover - 1 
Bluedenim - 0
TerriC - 0
ItsAmy123 - 1 
mrsexlover - 1 
Pookie77 - 0 
Tangoracer - 1 
All_For_You  (Karen) - 1 
Zoerink - 2 
jcm0824 - 3
LydiaRose - 0 
Total Voters: 20

" Oh my god,   Brandy actually won "   Stone is like an excited child. 
"Fabulous"  I nod , " What did she win ? "
" Why ,  a splendid New Year Firework jumper of course "   Stone replied  and picks up the prize to go find Brandy.


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on January 01, 2014, 07:36:44 PM
Just two votes for me?? lol :)

Well... Brandy's  sweeter is really really ugly...  i can understand she wins...  ::)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on January 01, 2014, 11:28:32 PM
As i whisper in Terri's ear obout my plans, i guess Blue is getting suspicious, she leaves my cock alone and start to lick Pookies body. But Terri  grab's hold of her and pull's Blue over my knee.  Keeping her feet down and legs spread. "Grab her wrists"  she shout's to Pookie.

In het mean time Blue is trying to wiggle her way out of their grab and of my knee's. It's very exciting how her belly is rubbing the head of my still stiff cock as she does that, then it seems to end up in her belly-button.

My hand goes up and jelly is flying everywhere as it lands on her ass. "You had that comming young Lady" i tel her "You have been teasing me all week long and in many places, it's time you get what you deserve"

One slap, Two slaps, Three Slaps. Blue stops to try get of my lap, instead she starts to wiggle her ass between each new slap and moans softly.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on January 02, 2014, 06:23:51 AM
Laughing I hug Brandy. "Really ugly!" I look at her and hurry to add "the sweater. Congrats!" I kiss her cheeks and her lips. "I pay a Bacardi, this has to be celebrated". We go to the bar, old_joe already knows what we want and gives each of us a big glass. "Cheers!" I nod and raise my glass "Prost" she answers.
Were looking around, smiling watching all our friends enjoying a great time. "You dont have to change clothes - its carnival soon" I laugh. Next i hand her the box.


"This little game is still running. Now you got it - dont forget to give it away asap!"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on January 03, 2014, 10:41:30 PM
I watch the goings on in the pudding pit with interest.  TerriC, Pookie77, bluedenim and mrsexlover are having a great time in the purple grape jelly.

Jcm and Sexilicious are getting friendly by the bbq.

Covems , ItsAmy123 and the dwarfs had fixed and checked all the Christmas lights and had good seats by the pudding pit too enjoying the food and performance.

Other tables had the finely cooked food by jcm served up by Momma_andrea.  I ensured that the tables had pitchers of Coveyprilla.

Stone and Jayc were smooching on the dance floor but jayc somehow always ensured in his dance he was always facing the pudding pit watch the naked girls and gloopy jelly. I wondered if he was a boobs man the way he was staring at the bouncing girls.

All_For_You, Tangoracer & HB are giggling together and Tango gets up and sings a beautiful song for HB.

I listen as he plays the piano beautifully and sings the touching ballad. It’s so beautiful.  I clap with others as he returns to the table and snogs HB.  I sigh, wondering where Bear has got to.

Lover joins me bringing a much needed bicardi and coke and settles in the seat next to me.

Zoerink & LydiaRose join us.  She had sung a beautiful song earlier and Zoerink was still buzzing over his lottery win.  We fill glasses with Coveyprilla and Zoerink buys everyone a round in the bar.

I see Stone suddenly grab Old Joe and drag him back to the bar and jayc comes over and sits with us, watching the pudding pit 4.  He is a boobs man I decide.

Stone comes over all excited with a bottle of Malorts and another package.

“ You won the most splendid Christmas jumper.  Isn’t that great? “ She announces to everyone looking at me. They all cheer.
“ I Did?”  I ask a little stunned.  She nods her head and places a rosette on my jumper. 


She then in pompous ceremony hands me the bottle of malorts and a package. I open it to find it’s a firwork new year jumper.
“Wow, Thank you so much every body”   They all clap and laugh when I hold the jumper out for them to see.
Stone, bless her, is beaming.


I then nudge Old Joe, “ Hey, you know what today is don’t you?”
“Oh my life, I completely forgot” he said. “ I best go ring the bar bell”
He returns to the bar and rings it out loudly.   

“ Hey everybody.   Its HB’s birthday today -   Time to sing … “
Everyone stops what they are doing and procede to sing “ Happy Birthday “ to Hentaiboy69 .  He blushes and stands as we all rush over to kiss him on the cheek.

“ A round of  birthday drinks on the House”  Jayc shouts.

Old Joe nods and promptly adds them all to Covems tab.

I notice that one of the posters seems to be slipping off the notice board so walk over to pin it back up.



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Then I return to Lover and the others at the table.
He teases me about the jumpers and  hands me a box


“ You have to get rid of it as soon as possible “ He chuckles.
“Why, What’s in it?  I ask curious
He just winks,  “ Just make sure you pass it on”
“Ok, “  I agree.

Suddenly there is a commotion over by the pudding pit and we all see a big Red Elmo slamming mrsexlover into the purple jelly.   
Mrsexlover is laughing and disappears under the gloopy mixture.

“Who he?”  I ask Lover looking at the red fur ball.

He shrugs and we both start laughing.   “ Just another fun night in the bar”  Lover says,

I approach Jayc and hand him the box.
“ Looks like you win this, but you have to pass it on as soon as possible “ I grin.


Jayc has the box.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on January 03, 2014, 11:50:42 PM
As they jelly is flying high with me spanking Blue's lovely ass, Terri starts to scream. We look around and see a Big Red Elmo jumping into the pit. I tell the girls to run to safety as i stand up to face him and protect them.

But Elmo is getting the run on me and i slip. WAKK i land on my back in the jelly that's flying up. Now both Elmo and me are covered in it. I see Elmo is somehow blinded by jelly that's gone into his eye witch gives me a chance. I grab Elmo's legs and now he goes down on his back into the jelly.

I get on top of him trying to keep him under control. I hear Tango shouting and as i look up he is waving a pair of handcuffs. He throws them to me and i catch with one hand. As a trained professional i slap them on Elmo's wrists. I pull on his head and a mask comes off.

I don't know the man, neither does anyone in the bar, but luckly my college's from the NSPD have arrived to take him to the police station so they escort the man to the police cruiser outside


But they can't leave without the oppertunity to make remarks on my nudity. I think i will hear that for some time to come.

Now that all commotion has gone, the girl some back to the pit and start kissing me for saving them. And off course it's Pookie that's tripping me so i land back in the jelly with the girls on top.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pookie77 on January 05, 2014, 10:22:26 AM
Flipping my foot in the way of Martin as he's moving backwards, he falls with a splat into the Jell-O (It's Jell-O, which is a gelatin... not Jelly... lolz).  It splatters everyone who is in the pit, and some who are watching us.

Terri immediately scrambles on top of him and looks me in the eye.  "WRESTLE" she says, and slides her body along his.... all slippery with the Jell-O... she slides all the way up and pins his arms over his head with her knees... this causes her pussy to be mear inches away from Martin's lips.

Bluedenim in climbing back into the pit and I pull her leg out from under her, causing her to flop, backside first, into the Jell-O.  Again it splatters us.

"OH YOU!"  Bluedenim says, while starting to giggle.  I grab hold of her ankle and pull her leg... this causes her entire body to slide along the pit... I open my legs and draw her nearer.  We slide into a scissors position and we begin to slide and press together...   I moan... "Tribbing is so good."  I say as we begin to get into it.

Bluedenim reaches her hands up and I do the same... our fingers interlock and we pull against each other, causing our pussies to press even harder...  mmmmmm... I can feel that familar stirring in my body and my excitement builds...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on January 06, 2014, 02:53:11 AM

I was squealing as Pookie & Terri held me over Martin's lap and him slapping me when Terri screamed and she & Pookie jumped up & slithered out of the pit. Martin pushed me off & yelled "Run blu, I'll protect you!"
I scrambled out and ran towards the barbecue as a fluffy red suit ran past & dived into the pit knocking Martin onto his back. Martin throws some Jell-O into Elmo's face and Tango is there in a flash with a pair of handcuffs "Slap these on him, Martin, I've called for back-up!"
Martin rolls Elmo over and cuffs him like he's done it before and pulls the head off to reveal a total stranger and by the time he's pulled him out of the pit with some help from Tango, a squad car has arrived and he's bundled off to HQ, the 2 officers can't resist laughing at poor Martin, stood there dripping purple Jell-O from the end of his cock and they give Pookie, Terri & me a good look up & down as we huddle together. When they wolf-whistle tho, Pookie scrapes a handful of Jell-O and throws it at them. Fortunately it splatters on the windshield, but the larger cop points his nightstick at us "You looking to get cuffed & locked up too honey?" Terri giggles & pushes me forwards "If you're offering, this one loves being restarined!" They both laugh & drive off in a cloud of burning rubber.
I turn round to say something to Terri, but Pookie moves out & pushes Martin backwards back into the pudding pit with a loud "SPLAT" and Terri jumps in on top of him, pinning his arms above his head and teasing him with her pussy just over his mouth.
I try to climb back in, but Pookie grabs my leg and I fall on my ass splattering everyone again. I shout "Oh YOU!" and giggle, but she pulls me harder, right into her, our open legs going either side of each other and our pussies rubbing against each other.... Pookie starts to moan "Tribbing is so good" I reach my hands out to her and we grasp each other's tight pulling ourselves hard, and grinding our pussies together, my ginger curls & clit-bar mashing into Pookie's smooth slit and we begin to moan in stereo.
I feel my heat rising and I can't hold back, I flip over and back my pussy onto Pookies mouth while I lap her sweet wet slit, nibbling on her little bud and pushing my tongue deep inside her, my hands one on each ass-cheek pulling her apart as if I can force my head up her vagina, I lick around her anus teasing her, I feel myself getting ready to squirt and taking a deep breath, I push my face as far into her as I can get it, my nose in her asshole, my mouth between her wet swollen lips and my tongue deep inside her searching out her G-spot and we both start to shudder as climax rushes toward us like an unstoppable express train.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on January 07, 2014, 01:58:01 PM

I make my way to the stage... tapping the microphone...   *tap tap tap"

"Is this thing on?"

A man sat crying into his beer at the AB&G bar.  "What's wrong?" Old Joe asked.
"My mother-in-law," the man replied.  "I have a real problem with her."
"Cheer up," the barkeep said.  "Everyone has problems with his mother-in-law."
"Yeah," the man replied, "but I got mine pregnant."

Why are women's breasts like a train set under the Christmas tree?
Because they were made for children, but Dad whats to play with them.

Where do you put a picture of a missing transvestite?
On a carton of half-and-half.

A small boy woke up three nights in a row when he heard a thumping sound coming from his parents' bedroom.  Finally, one morning he went to his mother and said, "Mommy, every night I hear you and Daddy making noise, and when I look in, you're bouncing up and down on him."
His mother replied, "Oh, well, I'm bouncing on Daddy's stomach because he's fat, and that helps him get thin again."
"That won't work," said the boy.
"Why not?" asked his mother.
The boy replied, "Because the lady next door comes over after you leave each day and blows him up again."

Thank you... I'll be here all week

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: lolitazara on January 07, 2014, 05:06:59 PM
The taxi pulls up and I get out.  Looking up at the sign for the Achat Bar & Grill.  I wonder what it will be like in the bar, I've heard good things but am not certain.  Checking that my short skirt and blouse are all tidy I enter.  As I walk inside I glance around and stop amazed at what i see.

People playing in a big bowl of purple jelly.  A comedian telling really bad, but funny jokes.  Umm my kind of place.

I walk across the room, slightly unsteady in my new stilletto heals, at the bar I ask for a rum and coke and sit on a stool to watch what's going on.  This might be fun I think.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on January 07, 2014, 06:15:15 PM
Shakes my head when i hear covems jokes. Having gotten dressed again I sit at one of the tables relaxing enjoying the atmosphere.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on January 08, 2014, 04:51:38 AM
I am crying with laughter at Covems jokes and turn to Lover, " How does he do that? " I chuckle.

Lover turns to me, also laughing,  "Do what"

I reply , " Time his punch lines between the gasps and moans from the pudding pit. The guy is just too talented"

Mrsexlover was quite impressive dealing with Elmo too,  its nice having friends from the NSPD willing to jump in naked whenever the need arises.  I send over a jug of CoveryPrilla & rum donuts for when the girls and he are in need of some light refreshment.

A new face, walks into the bar, I see  jcm has ordered drinks for her and hear her introduce herself as lolitazara.

Lover & I raise our drinks to her in welcome.  "  Welcome to the hippest and hottest place in our Forum Village -  it's plain crazy, I'm sure you will fit right in. "

I grin at her,  "Jcm is right,  this is a good place  to meet the rest  of our patrons and check out the erotic story contest. The prizes are fabulous"
I pass her directions.

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Enjoy and have fun now  ;D ;D

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on January 08, 2014, 04:01:33 PM
Hearing the dinner bell, I wonder if I should try eating now or wait for the crowd to go down. Seeing the mad dash for food, I decide to wait and not rush to grab my food. Then James walks over and says, "Sorry about that Sexi. Let me make it up to you. Still have that key from Blu's pocket"? I nod my head and show him the key. Smiling, I take his hand to stand up. Leaning in I kiss him back before we head inside. While he heads to get us some food and drink, I slip out and grab something from my car before heading to the Icehouse.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lydiarose on January 10, 2014, 07:13:13 AM
I make  my way over to Covems and ask him is it ok if I can tell a joke, He tells me to go for it , so I make my way to the mic,
Hi everone  good morning  good evening or night to you from what ever part of the world you come from
My name lydiarose or a amanda for short. so here goes

A girl gets pregnant and
is fright to tell her Parents
So goes to her granddad to tell him
Girl; granddad I'm in the family way
Grdad; thats ok , when you get to my age your in everones way

thank you and bye
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on January 11, 2014, 12:45:28 PM
Well guys, life is as it is, and once again, i open the door of the bar, I go in to say good bye for the moment, and I look at the microphone to say something, not good bye, but i have to tell all of you a see you soon.

As always, be on the Achat Village is a pleasure, always surrounded by wonderful people, such as Brandy always ready to help with any questions, as my neighbor Marilyn or the incredible Hulk, thanks for the banner green friend! ;).

I look everyone, the silence is around us and everyone is hearing me (OMG i say to myself, I do not like goodbyes), i see Old Joe behind the bar with Jondas and Jayc, always so nice to me and giving me so free paints for drink sometimes, (and now, they give to me a Tequilla bottle) "ty guys". There is too Bear, "i dont know you so much, but you have a stunning wife, so i am sure youre a very nice person". Also i see Lover over there in the bar... drinking a beer and smiling... "Lover, without you and Brandy... this forum wouldnt be posible, thanks for all, and also for help always when we need".

At tables, i can see Pookie and Terri with MrSexlover, they are busy so they are not hearing what i am saying... so better dont say nothing to then, (lol) they just look at me sometimes and smile, as Sexi, in the other side of the table with Tango, HB, Jondas, Jcm, Covems and Amy... "ty for all guys, dont write so much in the next one to post because remember, i will be always the next one, and sexi, take care of your animals, give them a kiss from me". There is also Stone, i smile to her, she did a good ellection for the ugly sweeter, but i cant win, Brandys sweeter was really ugly. lol  ::)

In the other table, i can see Lena and Karen" my Lena, my soulmate... Karen, i hope you take care of this shiny star, our Lena, she have a heart biggest than the universe".

give a good sip of the tequila bottle, as I speak, tell stories of sailors, and makes it a little tequila effect. I look up and see a lone table Marilyn, my neighbor, who occasionally looks up and smiles, is designing new clothes, next, also alone, friend Hulk make new banners for us all to have one . Hulk! Friend!, Your work is priceless, we should give the award to the greatest treasure of the achat villa. Marilyn.... i will think about you visiting Algarve :)". I smile to Denisee too... shes sitting so close hukk.. oh... there is quemistry i can feel it in the air ;). 

So close the scenario, i see Lydiarose, i see her, look her eyes and just smile, what can i say to you? ty Lydia, and i wish you the best, from heart.

Everyone is here, the crazy fenchy Nat is here too, "Vive Le France, Vive Le Resistance", i smile, drinking more and more tequilla, my body start to move so weird from one site to other, but i cant stop talk, everyone is drinking with me, so i think to myself no one is watching that each second i am more and more drunk... lol  ;D

So close the door i can see Ms Blue, "hi Blue!! did you take my sample of the kraken?? :P i wish you a nice time in CA, nice place for surf and work with marine mammals, but not the best of the world.. there is in europe :P, kisses my blue redhaired friend". I can see there Momma too, kisses Momma, ty for being here.

Little Ily, you came so late, but anyway, i hope we can talk more when im back... this will means youre still here with us, and there will be so nice. I up my eyes and say hi to a newbie in the village, "Hi Roxxy, take a drink.. for you, today is free".

Last 3 months was nice to be here sometimes with all of you, and of course, as i always says... i will back soon, and i hope this bar stay like it is right now, confortable, nice and full of nice people.

See you All... I will back!!!. And of course, the hill will be mine again :D

Kisses to all!!!

And one more thing... its a pity i hadnt my secret xmas... :( maybe (is an idea) for next time we could have a system of bail, pay for enrollment and then once held the appointment, return it, it is sad that my partners never answered (and I was not able to have that quote :)

Thanks to someone very special, which left me to massage and to have that game, although I would have liked to have both!!

SEE YOU SOON EVERYONE!!! i claim by the sea

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on January 12, 2014, 08:16:47 AM
I get a message to come to AB&G stat!

"It's important!" it reads. Parking my car outside, I see coppers pushing inside a guy in an Elmo suit inside the police cruiser.

"I'm innocent I tell ya'!" he screams while trying to pry himself loose from the officers restraints. Inside the bar, I see Terric, Pookie Blue, and Martin rolling themselves around in a jelly pit getting frisky. "Elmo...jelly pit...All this seems about right. Why was I called?!" I yell.

Everyone observing the stage shushes me, and points o Zoerink who is speaking. "Oh.." I reply meekly. I take a stool and watch him speak.

"See you All... I will back!!!. And of course, the hill will be mine again Cheesy

Kisses to all!!! "

I try to hold back tears.


"Why must the good ones go!?" I scream, pounding the counter. Old Joe pats my back and hands me a hanky for me to wipe away my manly tears. "Um...he'll come back like he said.." says Joe, trying to provide some solace. Feeling a little better, I stand up holding a mug of beer (on Covems tab) and make a toast.

"A toast to the Spanish man Zoerink! Take care and return soon. We'll meet again." 

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Ginuwine on January 16, 2014, 01:47:16 AM
Walks in to AB&G and breathes in deeply, looking around... hot scene at jelly pit and alot of beautiful people..
Strolls over the bar,sits on a stool and orders a Martini  :P
The Night is just beginning
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on January 16, 2014, 10:36:15 AM
Meanwhile in the pit




Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on January 16, 2014, 10:44:33 AM
Gosh Martin, you're even younger than I imagined.....  :P
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on January 16, 2014, 02:24:16 PM
@Blue  :-* , all you girls keeping me busy keeps me young  :P
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on January 18, 2014, 08:45:55 PM
We're all bit sad that zoerink has to leave. But sad faces arent allowed in our bar so i go to stage, take the micro and say:

A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed.

He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair, while tying the girl to the bed he gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom. While he's in there, the husband tells his wife:

"Listen, this guy's an escaped convict, look at his clothes! He probably spent lots of time in jail and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck." If he wants sex, don't resist, don't complain, do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is probably very dangerous. If he gets angry, he'll kill us. Be strong, honey. I love you."

To which his wife responds: "He wasn't kissing my neck. He wwas whispering in my ear. He told me he was gay, thought you were cute, and asked me if we had any vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you too!!"

I go back to Brandy just as FoxyRoxxy and Vitesse come in. We wave, they nod and join us. I order 2 more drinks and we 4 raise our glasses. "Welcome to our bar. Now you know all places in our little village you have to know."

I look at the calendar - oh my god i think to myself, time is running... I whisper to Brandy and she nods... soon we will have our next event!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on January 19, 2014, 04:28:03 PM
Fully recovered from a vile "holiday cold" i enter the bar from the back entrance. peeking from my office i see lots of new faces and things are jumping like always. Looking at my desk i see the "box" 

"Damm" i totally forgot about it"  i curse my self, i see Happy ambling by and give him a whistle.

"Happy my man do me a favor"  he nods with a smile 

"see that guy called Hukk?"   Happy nods again

'Give him this" 


Hukk has the box
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on January 19, 2014, 09:50:33 PM
I'm seated by the bar, still celebrating the Denver Bronco's victory over the New England Patriots. Empty bottles of beer are littered about everywhere on the counter and floor of the bar, as I flail my arms about in a excited drunken state.

"BRADY CAN SUCK IT. PAYTON BABY! THIS ONE IS FOR ELI MANNING! For you baby bro!" I yell at ol' Joe, who quietly washes the inside of a mug, looking quite distressed.

"Maybe you've had enough Hukk....the games been over for hours now..." he reminds me. I lean over and motion with a finger at Joe.."Listen...Joe..." *hiccup*..."Eli...Manning didn't make it...because the Giants is as close as us Giants fans can get to having our team to the Super Bowl.." *hiccup* "I LOVE YOU PAYTON MANNING!" I suddenly scream.

"Joe holds up his hands, and steps back. "Alright, well just take it easy."

"HEY. And I'll tell you something else.....Payton and company are going all the way....U.S.A...U.S.A...U.S.A!" I chant loudly, pumping my fists into the air.

"U.S.A....this isn't the world cup Hukk." Joe says. "'re all the same. *hiccup* Australians." I reply back. "I'm not Australian." Joe responds.

"Go back to Canada!" I bark back. Joe rolls his eyes and simply walks away. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulders. I instinctively spin around and strike a karate pose. "WOOA there! You can't just sneak up on me like that. *hiccup* I was about to unleash the guns...By guns I mean my muscled case you didn't know."
"Um yea I got it. Jay C told me to give this to you." Happy hands me a gift. I stare at the gift, and blink.


"Oh. *hiccup* He shouldn't have. But I don't have a gift to give him." I reply. "'re supposed to pass it on."  "LIKE HELL I WILL. This is now mines...and..I'll tell you something else..." I stop short. I begin to tilt forward. I suddenly vomit atop the box and pass out.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on January 20, 2014, 04:28:12 PM
And I finely found the  fames  BAR .Great   I need  a Drink  8)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on January 20, 2014, 05:48:36 PM
I help myself to some of Jcm’s delicious  food and smile at his retreating back as he takes Sexilious towards the secret passageway in the pool room. Of course my eyes lower to that nice tight ass of his and linger there.

I then pile up a couple of plates with food and return to Lover and the others.

Lydiarose gets up on stage after Covems who hands her the mic.  She tells a joke too and I nearly choke on my mouthful of chicken with laughter.

Then Zoerink jumps on stage and I get a lump in my throat for another reason.  He makes his speech as he has to go away for a few months.  He speaks of the fun and friends he has made here and as he speaks in his soft Spanish accent, you can’t help but to reflect on his words and identify in some ways to the special & unique connections made here with like souls.

He swigs his liquor and then jumps down to say Good bye to friends. He kisses me on the cheek,   “I’ll miss you Zorro,”  I  tell him and stroke his face fondly.
He grins at me and I hand him a Bee Key ring,  “ For Luck”   He nods and heads for the door.
“I’ll be back”  He says waving to everyone.
“You’d better”   I warn him affectionately and he leaves, with a lump in his throat too, I’m sure.

As he walks out the door, I see an old friend walk in -  Ginuwine and we wave at each other.  I indicate for him to help himself to food on the buffet table.
He nods and walks over to Old_Joe to get his free drink  and sits at the table eyeing the goings on in The Pudding Pit.  The naked shenanigans of Mrsexlover, Terric , BlueDenim and Pookie certainly are interesting to watch with all that scrumptious purple grape jelly.

Lover decides to tell a joke on stage just as I take a big swallow of Coveyprilla. Too funny & I have a spurter moment, which isn’t the best look with chicken in your mouth too.  I grab a tissue for damage limitation.

Two new girls come into the bar - FoxyRoxxy and Vitesse  join us after getting their free drink from Old Joe. Lover greets them as they grab a seat. 
"Welcome to our bar. Now you know all places in our little village you have to know."  He raises his glass to them and we all clink in turn.

I see Jayc pop his head out of the bar office and give a box to  Happy, one of the dwarfs.   I wonder if Stone is tucked away in their too.  I hadn’t seen her for awhile.

My attention is drawn to the new guy, Hukk. He seemed to be having a great first night and was waffling on about some kind of American sport.  His elbows slipped off the bar a couple of times and I wondered if Old Joe needed some help there.   I pop in to the office and speak to Jayc and a couple of minutes later ,  Stone emerges & joins Old Joe behind the bar.

Happy passes the mysterious box to Hukk  who promptly vomits and passes out.

Stone  gets her flute out and begins to play a magical melody.   A short time later Pachacuti – The Panda ambles into the bar and heads towards her, She scratches his ear and gives him instructions.

She carefully takes Hukks shirt off and wipes up all the vomit, getting up every gooey bit and puts it back on him.
She instructs Pachi to pick him up and shouts to me   “Where do you want him?”

“ Shower him down outside, then have Pachi throw him in the pudding pit with the 3 sexy sirens and Mrsexlover”   I grin at her.    “ No one’s allowed to be sick in my bar”

“Cool idea,”  Stone chuckles and then to Pachi,  “Come on fella, lets get him to the showers”

She carries the box carefully to be washed too and wonders who Hukk will give it to next.

I return to my seat and Lover leans over to whisper in my ear,   I nod and agree with what he says about a new event.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on January 20, 2014, 07:57:50 PM
From outside you can hear a loud scream. "AAAAAHH"

I suddenly burst in, shirtless and drenched in water while clutching onto the mysterious box with both arms. "Someone HELP. This ferocious bear is trying to eat me!" I yell. I still seem to be drunk, my legs rubbery and wobbling from side to side. Stone comes up frantically, trying to settle me down.

"Hukk, that's just my Panda. Pachacuti. He's was just trying to clean you." she says softly. "Pistachio what? Why did you unleash a crazed bear on me?!" I bark. The panda trouts inside, holding up his lovable paws in a cuddly friendly fashion. Unfortunately me being still hammered, I see in my hallucinated state a wild bear snarling and waving his grizzly paws. "Sweet mother Joseph.....KEEP AWAY." I whip and spin around to see everyone in the room transformed into tiny gremlins. "All of you....keep away! It's a conspiracy...everyone here is after this box! But it's mines.."

"You want some of this Pinocchio?!" I scream, as I suddenly tackle the panda into the jelly pit, while throwing the box at Foxy's feet..


FoxyRoxxy now has the box.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on January 20, 2014, 11:08:44 PM
Lot's of things are going on at the bar. From the pit i see Hukk getting the box, but he starts to throw up and passes out. Short while later is Miss Stone and Pachacuti dragging him by his feet outside.

Not much later Hukk is awake again and soaked, guess they gave him the water threatment  ;D . As Pachi is pushing him towards us in the pit somehow Hukk makes the poor panda tumble into our pit.

Me and the girls stop with out fun and i say to the girls "Help poor Pachacuti, will you, clean him up". As the girls are trying to get Pachi up, his pows are trying to grab them everywhere but the girls manage to get him out and to the shower, and i climb out the pit towards Hukk, he passes the box to this new girl i did not see before, i guess i was to busy in the pit  ;)

I grab Hukk, he is soaking wet and smells like a ton of alcohol. "Where do you want this piece of an ass, Miss Brandy"

"Whe where throwing him into the pit with you and the girls but that's to good for him now" she replies "I guess we have to call the NSPD again to take him to the drunk cell so he can sleep it of there"

And as Hukk is taken away into the police cruiser, that's the second one this party, i make my way to the podium.

I forgot i'm still naked and covered with jelly, but i can't resist to make a few jokes before i get back to the pit. I start just like covems used to do.

is this thing on ?

a boy to a girl : "Want to hear a joke about my dick? Never mind, its too long."
then the girl to the boy : "Wanna hear a joke about my pussy? Never mind, you won't get it."

Whats a condom and a coffin got in common? 
They both hold stiffs but one is cumin and one is going!

A redhead tells her blonde stepsister, "I slept with a Brazilian...."
The blonde replies, "Oh my God! You slut! How many is a brazilian?"

How do you make your girlfriend scream while having sex?
Call her and tell her.

ooh i see the girls are back, so thank you and see you later.

i get off stage and tackle the girls back into the pit with me.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on January 21, 2014, 12:49:54 AM
Greeting s every one  at the Bar  wow  what a great welcome     a  gift  box  for me what a  good way to start the night  and  I do love gifts  thank you  very much  Hukk  I pick it  up  and walk to the bar   as im singin the theme song   from cheers    Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.

Wouldn't you like to get away?

Sometimes you want to go

Where everybody knows your name,
and they're always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see,
our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows
Your name.

You wanna go where people know,
people are all the same,
You wanna go where everybody knows
your name.

 I am  going to like it here ;)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on January 21, 2014, 01:12:03 AM

Pookie & me are licking each other clean and I'm not talking about Jell-O, I feel so horny again, I turn around and smother her face with my cum-smeared mouth, are both smiling ecstatically but Pookie whispers.. "Hey, lets give Terri some too." I look over my shoulder at Terri & Martin, she looks to be close..., her eyes are closed and Martin is pistoning like a nodding donkey. Me & Pookie climb across, she starts licking Terri's nipples and I'm just about to sit on Martin's face and grab Terri's arms when there's an explosion of black & white and Patchi is flailing about in the pit with us.
"Help poor Parachuti will you, clean him up!" shouts Martin and he climbs out of the pit to pick up what looks like a very drunk & disheveled Hukk.
Pookie, Terri & me guide poor Parachuti out of the pit and take him to the shower where we all clean off whilst washing him... he's like a big dog and he loves it when we towel him dry.
When he looks & feels clean & dry, we guide him back to the office and hand him over to Stone and he gives her a really cute bear-hug and we all Aaaaaahhhhhhh...
Still completely naked, the three of us go back into the bar and we stand and listen to Martin's awful jokes "Bring back Covems!"  I groan to Terri.
Martin looks at me, "I heard that!" he shouts and jumps off the stage, runs towards us, his cock flapping as he runs, flicking purple Jell-O everywhere and he scoops all 3 of us and pushes us back to the pudding pit where we splat right to the bottom again.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tom_Hardy on January 28, 2014, 05:25:11 PM
There's many people here and I don't feel too comfortable with lot's of new faces. Hi, I say a bit shyly. Hi. Walking towards the bar, passing a few more or less naked people in what looks like a snake pit. Hmmm, what is this place? (I feel a bit out of place in my suit.) Getting closer to the drink that I was promised would be awaiting me I actually recognise a few faces. Oooo, even my ex is here. This makes me even a bit more nervous. Hi Foxy, Hi Brandybee, Hi everybody. The bartender, Joe I'm told, seems to recognise my need, and comes to my recue.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on January 28, 2014, 08:51:46 PM
 :o  Omy      Looks at my X   walking in  with   his  suit  on  I say   hi there Tom  long  time no see  welcome to the bar .   and don't  be nerves  every one here is  Friendly   seat  down  maybe  after a  few drinks you   might get   up on  the bar and  dance  for us  ...    I turn  away and continue  drinking my margarita drink  cheers   .  Still wondering  what the   box   means  .
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on January 28, 2014, 09:56:17 PM
I take Tomi into the famous bar and grill people keep telling me about.
Slide onto the bar stool next to Tom. "G'day" I smirk.
"Tomi , do you wanna get the drinks or should I?"
Nice present you caught there Foxyroxxy, did you open it yet?
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tomi85 on January 28, 2014, 10:25:31 PM
Hi there everyone nice bar you guys have here like it, think I be frequenter. :)
I will get the drinks first two round is on me.
Oh hello Joe right? Nice to meet you Im Tomi I hear you are the best bartender, like to order  few drinks
Two whiskey and cola with ice, one for this lovely girl next to me put extra ice in her whiskey,  the other one is for me and one beer to thanks.... and you Tom what you like to drink can I buy you beer too?
oh and one more margarita for pretty girl at the table
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on January 28, 2014, 10:26:41 PM
well hello  HGO and Tomi  welcome to the  Bar   how  nice

I say the more the  merrier   Drink s  are on me    ;D cheers

No  I  have not I am trying to hold on to it as much as I can .

     I love giftys  grins ;)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on January 28, 2014, 10:32:52 PM
Thanks Tomi, so how many drinks u think you will need before you're in the pit?
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tomi85 on January 28, 2014, 10:39:37 PM
You're welcome HGO, oh don't worry I will need a lot but I not go alone there  ;)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on January 29, 2014, 12:42:42 AM
 Nooo , not in this dress  :P
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on January 29, 2014, 02:24:15 AM
After several days, finally i'm back at the Bar & Grill. I look around and i can see many new faces at the tables or at the counter

"Great.....this place is always full of new and interessing people! i really miss it!" i think to my self before reaching Old Joe

"Coffee....a lot......and strong!"

"On its way, HB!"

Old Joe......always working hard behind the counter and for the Bar! Probably he is the real soul of this place.... :D

I sit at my usuala old table, with my block notes in front of me. Taking a deep breath, i open it to the last page i wrote and re read the last lines.

"Ok.....damn medieval themed story, it's time to complete you!"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on January 29, 2014, 07:45:44 AM
I push open the door and walk in. "Ah, hello patrons of achat!" I shout. Having been booted out of the bar previously for my drunken antics, I seem clean and sober as a whistle. I sport a nice little tuxedo; dressed in anticipation for Mr. Tango's birthday bash which was just few days off. Spotting HB, I mosey on over and give her a playful hug. "How goes the writing?!" I blurt flashing a goofy smile. "Can't talk, I'm on a mission!" she responds with a determined tone in her voice that rattles me. "Hm..I'll just step away and let those creative juices flow." I say, moving back cautiously. I look around and spot the same old faces, along with some new ones. I walk over to Tom_Hardy and give him a handshake as I introduce myself. "Pleasure and enjoy amigo!" I say to him, before pardoning myself to make my way over to Tomi and HGO who sit by the bar.

"Only natural that you two miscreants be here together." I laugh, as I sneak up behind them. I give Tomi a bro hug, and HGO a polite kiss on her right cheek, along with a hug. "Drink all you want. All this is on Covems! Just don't drink too much, or you'll find yourself fighting a Panda in a jelly pit. Um..long story." I chuckle. From the corner of my eye, I spy Foxy who sits on a stool with her legs crossed, calmly sipping her martini drink. "Sorry guys, but excuse me! I owe a lovely lady a dance."

I calmly walk over to Foxy and take a bow. "Sorry I took so long, but I was held up in jail. Only managed to get out early because I bribed the coppers with rum donuts." Giving her a warm hug and kiss on both her cheeks, I proceed to finally extend out my hand in offer of a dance.

"Would the lovely lady with the aura of light care for a dance?" I say winking.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tom_Hardy on January 29, 2014, 12:41:32 PM
Oh hi HGO, nice to meet you Tomi. Thanks for the company. A young man walks up to me and introduces himself. Nice to meet you Hukk. Then he walks over to HGO and Tomi and greets familiarly. In the corner of my eye I catch a glimps, a glance between Hukk and my ex. Hmmm. He then walks up to her, bows deeply and swirls out onto the dancefloor with her. I let my eyes follow them a while and then turn back to my company.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on January 29, 2014, 12:50:09 PM
OMG Tom when did u leave the bar?
I indicate to tomi to join me at toms table…
I flash a smile at Tom "'least ya got friends" :)

"OK buddies time for a game of two up. Tom you've probably played before. Rules are simple you bet on heads, tails or odds. I'll be spinner. Just keep an eye over my shoulder for the cops…."
I look fleetingly around the room, see the pit and giggle
 " think we're safe... Place your bets."  
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tom_Hardy on January 29, 2014, 01:21:19 PM
Feeling better now. My initial nervouseness is gone. It is kind of friendly wibes in here, especially now when sipping on my drink in the company of friends. Even meeting with Foxy was painless, sigh of relief. They still swirling around on the dance floor.
What is this? HGO wants me to bet.  I bet she does this to make me feel comfortable, and my mind busy with other swirling stuff. She flicks the coin.  Heads, I say.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tomi85 on January 29, 2014, 01:22:18 PM
Okay lets play never play before but I think I got the rules
I put my bet on tails
I have an idea Tom if you win you can buy HGO and  me a drink  :D
Deal?  :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tom_Hardy on January 29, 2014, 01:28:36 PM
Sure Tomi. Absolutelly. I think next round is on me anyway. Let's see how it goes....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on January 29, 2014, 01:48:04 PM
OK Here we go

I throw the coins up in the air and O nooo

Should've checked for the ceiling fan…
OMG Hukk I'm soooooooo sorry. The coin hit the fan then propelled at your head… Gees Roxy is he ok? Get some ice for him Tomi. Omg stupid fan…

Rushes over to Hukk and gives him a little kiss on his boo boo...I'm so sorry

Suddenly I spot the missing coin.
 "Hey guys it's heads" I yell out.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tom_Hardy on January 29, 2014, 06:25:35 PM
Oh my god, what did you do, HGO!!! Ooh, Hukk is bleeding! Joe, have you got a bandage? We need bandage! Foxy, you will have to make use of your nurse skills. I run over to Joe at the same time as Tomi is coming with ice. Blood is trickling down Hukks forehead. Joe is searching the depth of the bar and finds some swabs and a roll of bandage. I hurry over with them to Foxy, who starts making use of her skills.
Suddenly I realise that HGO just screamed "Heads". Both coins were showing heads! I had won the bet!
- I think we all need something strong. This is on me. Joe, can you please make a Dry Martini to everyone!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on January 29, 2014, 07:13:22 PM
I  look to the  door as it  opens  and there comes  my  dancing date finally   and wow !  he sure   cleans up good   looking so handsome in  his tuxedo  smiling  at him  thinking of the   last time I  saw   him.   I take his  hand as he leads me to the dance  floor   we start  dancing the night away  .then all of  a sudeley a coin  falls  on his head   . good thing I   use my  Nursing  skill and  give him  first   aid  cleaning   him   up  I kiss   his   head   and saying see all you need is some TLC and you  be fine  we   walk to the table  and   talk there  as i take care  of  him 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on January 29, 2014, 10:07:58 PM

I fall onto the floor as I pass out for a moment. In my unconscious state I suddenly see appear before me Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory.


"Sheldon Cooper? Is that you..?" I ask in a dazed trance. He looks at me with scolding eyes and replies, "No you moron. I'm not really the fictional character, Sheldon Cooper.You've just been hit with a ceiling fan, and are currently experiencing what could only be described as a hallucinogenic fantasy. Why you choose to fantasize about me, is beyond my comprehension. I personally find it a little disturbing."

"A ceiling fan?! Damnit how the hell did that happen..?" I say rubbing my head. "That young lady over there saw fit to lunch a small cupro-nickel clad, with a pure copper core object into the air, which then impacted with the aforementioned object." He says in a dry, professorial fashion. "A what?!" I respond, staring back at the Sheldon hallucination. "A damn coin was flipped by the genius over there and it somehow was able to cause the ceiling fan to fall." he says in an annoyed tone. "So what happens now..?" I ask after a moment of pause. "Well for one, you'll snap back out of the hallucination and probably continue the dance you had with that buxom female you were with previously, and 2 you will STOP having hallucinations about me whenever you pass out or get into one of your drunk states. I find your company boorish, and a waste of my time."

I nod in agreement, more so just to shut him up. "Alright, now if you'll excuse me, I think I spied Penny sitting on my lucky spot." *poof*

I open my eyes to spy Foxy, attending to my wound. Tomi is also there handing me a bandage to cover up the bad ass gash I have just around my forehead while Tom hands me a drink to get myself back in order. "Alright, where is she.." are the first words that I utter out. Everyone simply points at HGO who meekly tries to hide behind a chair. She peers over and waves while smiling halfheartedly. "Sorry Hukk!" she yells from across the bar. I mimic a strangling gesture in her direction for a few seconds before finally allowing my arms to slump to my side in a deflated fashion. "Bah, hash tag/# Zoe. Never mind.." I mutter. After a few minutes of dusting myself off and trying to get myself back in order (along with scowling ZOE.) I once more take Foxy's hand to dance.

I guide her along the dance floor as she playfully laughs and taps the bandaged wound on my forehead with her fingers. I grimace a bit but chuckle, rolling my eyes at the events that have unfolded. I extend her left arm upwards and twirl her about. Her dress flutters along softly, as she floats along the dance floor like a gently blown flower that wafts in the air. Nearing the end of our dance, I dip her playfully. Her hair hangs down, as she is slowly pulled back up towards me. I give her a boyish grin and playful wink and proceed to give her a big hug. "A lovely dancer!" I exclaim while clapping my hands in admiration for her dancing skills. I take Foxy's hand and kiss it before thanking her once more for the dance. I make my way over to the table were HGO, Tomi and Tom are seated and ask if I can join.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: LoverBoy71 on January 30, 2014, 01:43:53 AM
Standing outside looking up at the neon sign,of this place they call "The Achat Bar & Grill".Hesitating for a moment as i reach for the door and turn the knob to enter.As i enter eyes gaze towards me.I see a few people i have chatted with briefly before.As i feel like a new kid in a new school out of place and awkward i take a deep breath and try to relax..To my surprise HGO stands up and says hi as she waves me over to the table she is seated at with Tom,Hukk and Tomi.I make my way over to them and introduce myself as i shake hands with the men at the table and leans in and kisses HGO with a light kiss to her lips..Tom being the gentleman he is and orders me a martini as i sit down..
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on January 30, 2014, 02:49:59 AM

"Mmmm Hey sweetheart"
I stand so Loverboy can have my seat, then slide onto his lap, with my arm draped over his shoulders.
I look at Hukk with concern "You ok baby? That was a nasty hit...remember me HGO? who is this zoe?"
After an assessing glance at Tom, I wave to Roxy to ask her to join us at the table.
Tomi is looking a little flushed... he almost flew with those bandages. But now he seems to be really enjoying that beer.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on January 30, 2014, 03:25:11 AM
With the story nearly complete, i take a break to stretch my body a little.

looking around, i can see Hukk lying on the floor, unconscious but seems to be muttering something.

"What's up with that guy!? Sometimes he's daaaamn crazy......" i think to my self, trying to understand his words "oh, well.....let's have a drink and some fresh air!"

I move to the counter and order an house beer and move out the bar, sitting under the porch, enjoying the fresh air of evening. I'm surprised by the great amount of costumers who are arriving at the Bar....any time i came here, there are always new faces around it and i'm sure Brandy is really appy to see how the place attract people!

Smiling, i stnad up and mvo back in.

"Time to back to work......deadline is near!"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on January 30, 2014, 06:20:25 AM
Pulling up in to the Bar & Grills car park I recognize some of the cars parked. Smiling to my self as I park next to my Pets car Putting my hat back on as i get out of my car. Tapping the roof of my Pet car as I walk towards the doors of the bar. Opening them both in one quick movement and step into the bar. I stand in the doorway letting the setting sun behind me turning  my figure into a black silhouette

Taking my sun glasses of as my eyes adjust to the to the dim lighting in the bar I make my way to the bar "Evening Joe strong black coffee please my friend"
"On its way Tango" he says with a smile and a nod of his head "HB is at her normal table" "Thanks Joe" I say as I look over to see her with her head down in her laptop leaning at the bar as I look around it there are some new faces and some regulars
Joe places my mug on the bar "There you go Tango nice and strong"Turning back to him "thanks Joe"

Turning my back to the bar I lean against it and get back to watching the room as I drink my coffee.
Hukk takes Roxxy in his arms as the move in her warm glow around the dance floor.
HGO is sat at a table with a small group of guy's I smile to myself looks like she has the pick of them tonight Just as I take a sip of my coffee when Hukk collapses in a hep on the dance floor. Roxxy drops to here knees and cradles his head I look around the room as the people at the table rush to help him. HGO calls its heads as they help hukk back to his feet and back to the table I watch HGO pick a a little copper coin looking straight at her I catch her eye and shack my head and smile at her.

Moving from the bar over to my Pet and kiss her on the back of her head "Hello my Love"  she lifts her head "MMMMMM Hello Master"  Her soft voice is music to my ears "looks like you busy my Pet" I say as I sit opposite her and drink my coffee and just watching her work."My love I will be back soon I'm just going to get changed"  Kissing her forehead I leave the table and head of to the pool roomand down to my chambers in the Ice House. 

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: denisee40 on January 30, 2014, 06:52:56 AM
Ooohh it's so cold out here, my car stuck in the snow three miles back down the road. Walking endlessly and nearly freezing, my hopes begin to warm when I see this welcomed place up ahead. Light are on and a few vehicles in the parking lot. Maybe someone can help me get my car out of the snow...

Opening the front door, peeking in and asking myself with a smile, what is this place? :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on January 30, 2014, 08:02:48 AM
I see Denisee enter and spring from loverboys lap "Denisee" I call across the room as I wave to her to join us
I slide back onto Loverboy's lap and kiss him on the cheek.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tom_Hardy on January 30, 2014, 09:12:33 AM
The drinks are almost divided. One more to go. Foxy, here you are. Nice jobb with Hukk. Hukk looking a bit like a mummy.
The door out to the street opens and a white covered figure comes in, stomping her feet. I hear words coming from behind a big scarf. The words are thus that if a child had been present I would hold my hands over her ears. Out of this bundle of snow and a person, comes a hand, swiping off some more snow and unwrapping the scarf. It is Denisee!
-Had to leave my car way behind in this fxxxing blxxdy terrible weather! Can someone help me please.
I offer to drive there together with someone else, since my car has spiked winter tires, well suitable for driving in snow, and for towing.
-  Someone want to tag along and drive Denisees car here? Denisee you better stay here, you must warm up a bit. Would you care for a Dry Martini.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on January 30, 2014, 10:10:53 AM
Having got changed out of my uniform I return back to the bar Just as Tom is asking for some one to go with him to get Denisees car I look over to my Pet and she is still head down in her laptop.

"I'll come with you Tom as the Captain of Traffic I better drive her car back"

I take Denisees cay keys and we head off to get her car  The snow is coming down hard as we leave the bar I go to the back of my patrol car abd take the snow kit from the boot and put it in Tom's car "take it easy lets get there in one peace"I say as we leave the parking lot.

After a 15 minute drive we reach her car lust off the road and half buried in snow. Taking the shovel from the back of Tom's car and start to dig out her car as Tom turned his car round. T tell him to stay in the car as I tie the tow rope to the back of his car and the the front of Denisees car "just pull me out slowly" I call to Tom as I get in the her car turning the engine on and started it up gently and slowly Tom pulls me out until i have all four wheels on the road.

Undoing the tow rope from both cars i turn to Tom "Just take it easy back to the bar and I will follow you back"

20 minutes later we pull back into the car lot of the bar and make or way back into the bar. Handing Denise back her keys Its all safe in the car lot and there is no damage that I can see.

I move back to the Bar "coffee please Joe and put a Big Bandy in the top for me"

"On it's way I'll bring it over to you and HB"

"Thanks Joe"  I walk over to my Pet and Kiss her again and sit at the table.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on January 30, 2014, 10:48:28 AM
After all this  drinking    I get up and  excuse  my self and head to the lady s  room  on the way there    I  Greet   Denisse   Tango and HB  . Then as  I pass the last table  My  eye is   got  caught  at a most  Handsome  man   our eyes meet   and  we smile .   :)    Hoping   he is single   I think to myself as I   go in the  lady s    room .
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on January 30, 2014, 10:56:46 AM
Omg Roxxy you just passed a throng of hotties getting there.
I cover Loverboy's ears after whispering "don't listen baby you're very pretty to, I mean handsome... I meant handsome"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on January 30, 2014, 04:51:37 PM

"YAYYYYYY! IT'S FINALLY DONEEE!" i screm out loud, letting all turn to look at our table "WE DONE ITTTTT!"

With a big smile on my face, i look at Tango who is reading the last adjustment i made at the story and wait for his approval with trepidation.

"how is it, Master!?" i ask him every two minutes and as answer he looks at me for a moment and then look back at the screen.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on January 30, 2014, 05:23:59 PM
"I love it my Pet you have worked do hard today I'm so proud of you New send it in so you can relax " I say as I lean over and Kiss her

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on January 30, 2014, 05:41:58 PM
I send a bottle of champagne over to tango and HB's table with my congratulations.
Our table guests have grown too quiet (i'm guessing it has something to do with their drinks) so i grab Tomi by the arm and drag him u on the dance floor.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tomi85 on January 30, 2014, 06:45:13 PM
First I don't want to go "I can't dance HGO I just make a fool out of me" but she wont stop "come on Tomi I want to dance" okay baby than let me finish my whisky I drink it fast Than I go with her.Firts I just look her how she moves she grab my hand start to shake me "it will be fun" who cares lets dance.
We start to dance make funny moves I doo the moon walk araund her than grab her one spin to the right one spin to the left we losing foot there. In the end I pin her so fast she almos fall I hold her and she start to laugh "do it again, do it again I want to dance more"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on January 30, 2014, 08:44:30 PM
I casually lean back against my chair and enjoy my time with Foxy,Tomi, HGO, Loverboy and Tom. Suddenly the doors to the bar swing open, bringing inside the cold frigid air and white fluffy snow from outside. "It's really coming down hard." I comment, while taking sips of my martini. Eventually I notice Denisee come in. "Oh my! The lovely Denisee!" I scream, standing to attention. I go over to give Denisee a big welcoming hug and kiss. "It's so good to finally see you here!" I say with a wide smile. I nearly left her off the floor as I spin Denisee around in my excited euphoria.

Denisee laughs at my warm reception but seems to have a concerned look on her face. She quickly explains her predicament concerning her car being stuck out in the snow. Tom and Tango instantly spring into action and go off to secure her car. Meanwhile I stay with Denisee and keep her company at the table, providing a few jokes and sly winks. "I'm sorry about your car Denisee. But at least now you finally got a chance to stop by here." I chuckle.

"YAYYYYYY! IT'S FINALLY DONEEE!" is suddenly screamed loudly by a very ecstatic HB. "Looks like she actually managed to complete her story. Congrats HB" I yell from across the bar, lifting my glass of martini in acknowledgement of her achievement. "Poems will be written. Statues will be erected...about this day." I say jokingly. HGO slaps me on the back of my head and scolds me."Don't be a smart ass." she hisses.

Some time passes by before Tom and Tango finally rejoin our company. They inform all concerned parties of their success in retrieving Denisee's car from the cold clutches of the winters embrace. "Hazzaah!" I say, toasting to their victory. HGO suddenly stands up and drags Tomi out of his chair to the dance floor.Having downed a couple of drinks over the course of a few hours, his resistance towards dancing is notably tame and lacking. While seeming shy, and conserved at first, he slowly begins to get down and dirty . He, along with the lovely HGO, show some surprising good moves on the dance floor. "Is he doing the moon walk?" I ask smiling. As the song concludes they both trip onto the floor and erupt into laughter. I stand up and give them a standing ovation.

"It's like seeing 'Dancing with the Stars'!"


I suddenly lean over to Denisee and ask if she would like a dance as well.  ;)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on January 30, 2014, 09:22:12 PM
everybody cut,everybody cut, everybody cut footloose

Without the joys of body surfing over a mosh pit I satisfy myself with some fast paced  80's tracks.
Soon Tomi and I are bouncing all over the dance floor.
What we lack in style and grace we make up for with stupidity and our we don't give a F attitudes.
Finally gasping for breath and with no elegance whatsoever we trip over each other and fall to the floor in a sprawled out heap.
I look at Tomi, he looks at me and we burst out laughing like lunatics
Hukk is clapping over at the table and it makes us both laugh even harder
Boredom cured … mission accomplished
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on January 30, 2014, 10:47:03 PM
As   I  walk out the  Lady s Room   I head a  loud   YAYYYYYY! IT'S FINALLY DONEEE!     I  say Congratulations  as I pass by.

I see  HGO  and Tomi on the  floor woundering  if they  had  to much to drink .

I walk over to the  pool tabel  to play with myself  ..I miss all the fun   I  think to myself
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tom_Hardy on January 31, 2014, 01:08:45 AM
Through blistering snow we finally make it back, Tango and I. Tango fearlessly fighting with Denisees car to try keeping it on the slippery road. It is so much easier for me with my spiked tires. Tango makes a heroic effort.
Back inside I see some people dancing, some talking away and then I notice Foxy lonely, playing pool by herself. Don't want her to feel outside so I walk up to her.
- Hey, saw you playing here all by yourself. Wouldn't you like to join the others or would you like my company a bit? We had our ups and downs, still I don't like seeing you lonely like this. They're good people, all of them. Come on. It will be fun.
Foxy looks at me evalueting my intentions. She hesitates, then....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: LoverBoy71 on January 31, 2014, 01:53:19 AM
Sitting at the table by myself now taking in the sights and sounds of this bar and seeing the great company i'm in..I can only wonder where does it go from here.In my thoughts i let out a laugh as HGO and Tomi hit the floor..They look more like novice ice skaters than dancers but through they're laughter they are having a great time..Hukk springing to his feet to greet this lovely lady Denisee who has just came in from the snow storm happening outside.Tom and Tango have secured her stuck car and came back safely..Tom has now made his way over to Foxy at the pool table and are now chatting..I'm starting to think to myself that just maybe i could fit in here..Seems like a great bunch of people and I'm glad HGO had invited me here..Looking at HGO on the dance floor in all her beauty makes me smile....So i get up and make my way over to her reaching my hand down to her and ask Tomi if i may cut in and ask HGO for a dance? Tomi being a gentleman as always says sure...I ask the DJ to play Nice n Slow by Usher..As the music starts I wrap my arms around HGO's hips and stare into her beautiful eyes as we begin to move together to the music playing..Thinking of all the things happening tonight what else might the night hold for us all......
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on January 31, 2014, 04:04:49 AM
After reading our story and Kissing and thanking my sweet Pet for all her hard work she has done. As she sets back and relaxes cheer of congratulations come from across the bar.
Joe walks over and puts a bottle of champagne and two glasses on the table in front of use "From the Lady over at the table HGO I think her name is" He says looking over at the table with HGO, Hukk,Tom and Loverboy.

I take the bottle and raise it to HGO and then look into my Pets eyes "My love I think we should go and drink this some where nice and quirt where I can make you feel so special." She looks right back into my eyes and that little devilish smile comes to her sweet pretty face. Taking her hand I help her up from the table and lead her by the hand "back in an hour or so Joe "I say with a wicked wink and smile" "see you later you have fun" "I'm sure we will" I answer

"yes we will have fun eh eh eh "my pet adds with the wicked little laugh

Leading my Pet into the pool room where Tom is bent over the table to take a shoot my Pet gently rubbed his ass as she walked passed Tom bent over the table making him miss his shoot. As I move passed Roxxy I put my arm and her and Kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear "congrats on what we spoke about the other night" I kiss her cheek again and let her go.

Pushing the not so secret door open in the back of the pool room and feeling the rush of cool air hit me squeezing my Pets hand I lead her into the tunnel and into the Ice house.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on January 31, 2014, 04:21:15 AM
I say  sure  Tom would you like   to play,  winner gets a   gift    ..Tom is  is wining as  Tango  and his Pet  pass by and rubs toms ass    i smile as he misses his shot     .  Tang     kisses my cheek    i say thank you   for the congrats and wish them both a    good time as they walk away  .As I turned  Tom   wins   and  I   hand him   the    gift     its    yours   now    ... :D


Tom has the box now
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: denisee40 on January 31, 2014, 05:29:33 AM
Oh Tom, Tango such sweet gentleman! Thank you so much for retrieving my car for me! I don't know what I would have done and a tow would have been so expensive!

So many familiar faces in here I think I'll delay my trip and have some fun for a change! mmm, there's HUKK, Tom, Tango, Roxy, HisGirlOnly, Tomi, Loverboy... OMG all my wonderful peeps!

I wonder if I can get a room and stay a while? Wait, where's my luggage? Oh and I could use a martini! :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on January 31, 2014, 09:09:35 AM
Well  hello there Denisee    about time you got here  are you ready to have some  fun I say   come   join  us  .

Nice to see you .
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on January 31, 2014, 11:32:09 AM

 Loverboy extends his hand to me. I stop laughing as I take it and allow him to help me to my feet. I reach down to Tomi and give him a hand up. As loverboy asks to cut in I give Tomi a  little wink and flash him a smile.
Then I am in Loverboys arms as he guides me around the dancefloor. I see Tomi return to the table smirking at Loverboy's song choice. I feel my cheeks turning red and I smile a little.
It's warm in this embrace and I can feel Loverboy's heartbeat against me. My body is responding to his and to the music. Hukk has joined the dance with denisee in his arms. I give them both a little smile  then return my gaze to my partner. He looks happier than he's been all week but I can see he's still in a little discomfort.
"Thankyou baby" I whisper. Then I place my cheek against his chest and lose myself in this moment.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on January 31, 2014, 04:19:22 PM
After giving  Tom his gift    i say thank you  for the game I am going to go get me a  new drink  . Passing by  I see  who love  is  blosseming with HGO and loverboy  they  look so   in love    maybe we will have a wedding  at the   bar    that will be nice ..... I am at the  Bar
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tom_Hardy on January 31, 2014, 05:26:52 PM
Foxy left me standing there like a fool with her gift. It is a rather battered box and I see something that could even be vomit plastered on the top. I wonder what could be hidden inside. Could it even be a bomb? This surely isn't intended for me, I think. I better get rid of it soon.
-Hey Tango! Are you a cop or something. Can you have a look at this box please, I say and throw it to him. There is something strange about it.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on January 31, 2014, 06:02:44 PM
Coming back into the Bar to get a fresh bottle for champagne for my sweet Pet and me when I hear Tom" Hey Tango  Are you a cop or something. Can you take a look at this Box please" as he throws it over to me "There is something strange about it"  

"God I thought I had got shoot of this dam box back at halloween"I think to myself walking over to the bar
" Joe can I have a new Bottle of Champagne and can you give this dam BOX back to Lover when you see him" 

"Sure thing Tango here the champagne and I will get Lover to open the dam thing to"Joe says with a smile. 

I take the bottle and head back to the Ice House looking over at the dance floor I blow Foxy and HGO a kiss each and move back into the pool room and into the Ice House

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on January 31, 2014, 10:21:41 PM
I stumble back into to bar after been home and cleaned up from that last party. I believe i still have some jelly stuck in some orifices, seems to be nasty stuff, but it keeps me reminding of the fun we had in the pit.

I look around and see some familiar faces and some new too. It´s always good to see new people in the bar. But i have no time to meet them, yet.

As i walk to the bar, Joe is noticing me and gives me the usual. `You are in early` he starts.

`Yes i have to check out the instruments for the band, as it´s getting close to valentine´s day and i thought we could play some love songs´

´That would be great, i´m sure Miss Brandy and Miss Stone would like that´

Taking my drink i make my way over to the back of the stage. All our instruments are still back there, we just never came around to take them back home. I guess we where all to busy  ;)

I push James's drumkit with our Cocks and Roses logo back on stage, lucky that thing got wheels underneath. Next are my keyboards and after the heavy stuff comes the guitars.

Lucky for us Covems organized to have the sound system installed permanent so i just have to plug in the whole mess. As i'm done i look around to see if some of the other band members are in allready, but it seems not and i have been doing all the work alone, like always.

This give me a chance though. I grab a guitar and step up to the microphone.

"Lady's and Gentlemen, it's almost valentine's day and our band The Cocks and Roses like to play some romantic songs for you all, but as you can see they left me alone. So if you don't mind i will start with a nice song and maybe they will come out when they here me play."

"So grab you loved one and get on the dance floor, because this one is called WONDERFUL TONIGHT"

i started to play this lovely song

It's late in the evening
She's wonderin' what clothes to wear
She puts on her make-up
And brushes her long blonde hair

And then she asks me, "Do I look all right?"
And I say yes, you look wonderful tonight

We go to a party
And everyone turns to see
This beautiful lady
walkin around with me

And then she asks me, "Do you feel all right?"
And I say yes, I feel wonderful tonight

I feel wonderful because I see the love light in your eyes
And the wonder of it all is that you just don't realize how much I love you

It's time to go home now
And I've got an achin' head
So I give her the car keys
And she'll help me to bed

And then I tell her
As I turn out the light
I say my darlin', you were wonderful tonight
Oh, my darlin, you were wonderful tonight

Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 01, 2014, 03:22:17 AM
Martin takes his guitar and goes to stage. Hm, do we have an entrance? I look around but dont see either jayc nor freddie. Its freddies birthday, im sure the only thing we planned was having a BIG PARTY...Rock'N'Roll................
As i looked around i saw denisee also is here, for the first time. Smiling... more and more citizens discover our bar. Have to talk to brandy, soon we have to add on more rooms :)

I also see Roxxy, she seems a bit lost. I get up, walk over to her to invite her for a drink. Just as i reach her, martin says "Lady's and Gentlemen, it's almost valentine's day and our band The Cocks and Roses like to play some romantic songs for you all, but as you can see they left me alone. So if you don't mind i will start with a nice song and maybe they will come out when they here me play."
"May I have this dance?" I take her hand as she is whispering "yes" and we walk to the dance floor.

Martin plays "Wonderful tonight" a great Eric Clapton song... I pull Roxxy close to me, my hands on her back... were looking deep into our eyes, lost in that moment... And then she asks me, "Do you feel all right?"And I say yes, I feel wonderful tonight..
I smile, its really a wonderful moment and i hope it last forever...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on February 01, 2014, 04:29:26 AM
Feeling Lost all night  at the  bar   the  Handsome  man  walks  to me our eyes meet   one more  time .  I get so lost in them so blue like a clear sky . Pardon the way that I stare. Please let me know that it's real   he ask me to  dance   I whisper  yes  ,    as  he leads me to the dance floor   he  pulls me very close to him   I can hear his heart beat   lost in his eyes  I ask  them can the play the song      Cant take my eyes off of you   I  thinks this is  a  great  song for the moment   I ask him if his ok    he smiles and say yes    I am overcome by his charm  I get so lost that  I forget all    I  lean closer  to   Lover   our lips  touch as we start kissing  mmmmm  ...... I   hope it  dos  last  forever  smiling 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Old_Joe on February 01, 2014, 05:34:00 AM
BEEP     BEEP       BEEP

I feel my mobile phone go off in my pocket as I chat to Stone & Jayc.  I reach for it and look at the screen.
"It's a text from Tango"  I mutter and  read the text "Joe please can you give that damn box for Lover to FoxyRoxxy instead of Lover. Thank you Joe,  I owe you one"

I look around and see the box on the back counter.


I excuse myself for a moment with Stone and Jayc and reach over for it.

I pick up the box up from behind the bar and make my way over to the table where the group with FoxyRoxxy are sat. She is in a deep snog with Lover. I wait for when they both break to take a much needed breath.

I hand her the box "This is from Tango. He asked me to pass it to you"  I smile at them both and collect the empty glasses at the same time.

She looks at me quizzically but I just smile and shrug my shoulders. I have no idea what’s inside.

I hand it over and return to the bar and Jayc and Stone.


FoxyRoxxy has the box.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on February 01, 2014, 06:37:26 AM
I don't know if it’s the whiskey, the music or my partner but the room sure heated up a lot since we first walked in. we sway barely moving our feet, locked in each others embrace . With my cheek still pressed against his chest I take in all the activity in the room.

Tomi is sitting quietly at the table stacking shot glasses.

Roxxy glided past mentioning something about love and marriage her melodic voice filling the room.
My partners muscles clenched a little and I supressed a giggle." Tigers don't jump into cages" I smiled to myself. I gave him a quieting kiss on his chest before returning my cheek to its previous position.

I watched tom rush up to Tango and all but throw a box into his hands before backing away. As I looked at the box I realised it was Roxxy's gift. What was tom doing with it I wondered. And why was tango looking at it that way?
He handed the box to Joe. I returned the smile he gave me before he headed back to the ice house. I stuck my head through the door there last night and the memory made my nerves twitch a little, slightly scary.

Mrsexlover began to play romantic music on the stage. I'd never heard his band C & R but with a lead vocalist like him they must be good. I wondered if they had many groupies.

 He even played a couple of request for Roxxy and Lover who had now joined us on the dance floor. I didn't know they were a together but they made a handsome couple and looked very happy together. I flashed them both a little smile and closed my eyes.

Loverboy lowered his head closer to mine and whispered a few smooth lines he hadn't used before. I giggled and he wrapped his arms more tightly around me.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tom_Hardy on February 01, 2014, 07:29:08 AM
I watch Loverboy and HGO moving on one part of the dance floor and Foxy and Lover on another. They look good together, I think. I feel releaved Lover came and swiped Foxy off, making her happy. I pull away my gase and return to my company.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tomi85 on February 01, 2014, 08:09:24 AM
I sit silently at the tabe I sit back at the chair and watch the others. I see Tom he is worry that little gift he got from Foxy it’s a bomb he throw it to Tango I laugh. I see Foxy she have a good time with her new man. Look around in the Bar my eyes stop on HGO and Loverboy, I think what a nice dance they have HGO open her eyes she catch mine I wink and smile on her she throw me a kiss I turn to Joe “another round of drinks for everyone” I turn back at the dance floor sit silently and finish my beer.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on February 02, 2014, 01:51:30 AM
Seeing Lover starting to dance with Foxy i know he will not take his place on stage soon. but as i look to Foxy a song immediately comes to mind, and after i finish wonderful tonight i announce my next song.

"Glad you people like my song, and looking to the dance floor and seeing Lover and the stunning looking lady in his arms gave me the idea for the next song"

I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight,
I've never seen you shine so bright,
I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance,
They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance,
And I have never seen that dress you're wearing,
Or the highlights in your hair that catch your eyes,
I have been blind;

The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek,
There's nobody here, it's just you and me,
It's where I want to be,
But I hardly know this beauty by my side,
I'll never forget the way you look tonight;

I've never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight,
I've never seen you shine so bright, you were amazing,
I've never seen so many people want to be there by your side,
And when you turned to me and smiled, it took my breath away,
And I have never had such a feeling,
Such a feeling of complete and utter love, as I do tonight;

The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek,
There's nobody here, it's just you and me,
It's where I want to be,
But I hardly know this beauty by my side,
I'll never forget the way you look tonight;

I never will forget the way you look tonight.
The lady in red, the lady in red,
The lady in red, my lady in red,

Chris the Burgh - Lady in Red

After my song i see Jayc giving me a sing, i think he want to sing a song too so i call him on stage

"Lady's and Gentlemen, it's my pride and honour to introduce to you one of the owners of this fine establishment, give him a warm applause, hereeeeeeeeeee's JAYCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on February 02, 2014, 03:25:00 PM
I amble on to the stage with a cold bottle of bud and pull up a stool

"I got a little history song for ya. Ya ready? You're gonna love this one"

This is a story you need to hear

You can hear it when you re drinking your fifteenth beer

Its a woeful tale of intrigue and romance

Its a story of how the Wild west grew

And I swear every word is partly true

This ones about me and the hole that was in my pants

Everybody laughed when I walked to and fro
Just why they were laughing I never did know
till one day I passed a mirror just by chance

I seen my reflection in the looking glass
And to my great surprise just below my ass
Was a big ole ripped out gaping hole in my pants

Now if I had had a pair to spare
Im sure I might of found something different to wear
But I happened to have just returned from a trip to France

And I packed pretty light so there was nothing more
I could do that day then to try to ignore
The fact that I had a big ole hole in my pants

For a while things seemed to be going fine
Till some joker made cracks and folks got in line
And the other joker was joined by a pack of sicko fans

They hooted and hollered and pointed and poked
And it wasnt too long till I was sick of their jokes
Their jokes on account of the hole in my pants

Well I was pretty steamed and I put up my dukes
I was ready to take on all of them kooks
When out the corner my eye this girl gave me a glance

To say she looked good barley hits the truth
Coulda made a Lincoln lover out of john Wilkes booth
And best of all she had a hole in her pants

You wanna hear more?
Well then show me your drawers. No not you.

Well this girl and me got together you see
And everyone around could tell that we
Were tighter than Lucille Ball and Vivian Vance

Folks she was my queen and I was her king
And far from it being a negative thing
It was mighty useful to have holes in our pants

You know what I mean? Yeah I thought you did

Well first then one, then two, then four, then eight
Then everyone had holes in their pants it was great
Shoulda seen it man the whole town started to dance

Now you probably figured out if you concentrated
That thats how the wild west got populated
And it all began with a hole in my pants

Im just about finished and I mean right now sir
With a song about the big hole in my big trousers
Pants and holes and I feel like im in a trance

The moral of the story the moral of the song
Is maybe wed all just get along
A HOOOLLLLEEE lot better If we all had holes in our pants

Your got dirty minds

the song over i take a bow  and toast the crowd.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on February 02, 2014, 04:16:26 PM
i enter the bar just in time to see JayC making his way on the stage...i go straight to Old Joe and cheer him " hey' s a long time but i see the bar is full as always...gimme a beer pls...and from now on put the drinks on my table pls."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 02, 2014, 04:21:21 PM
Aaaahhhh finally i see him... while jayc is singing i see freddie arrived. We walk over to him and i hear him saying " hey' s a long time but i see the bar is full as always...gimme a beer pls...and from now on put the drinks on my table pls."
I slap his shoulder "Hey there my friend. Great youre here now! Happy birthday" we high five and i hug him. "Hey Joe, one glass of red wine for Roxxy and a big beer for me"
We stand beside him, i introduce Roxxy and freddie and we talk and laugh a lot. Brandy is joining us, hugging freddie too.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on February 02, 2014, 04:22:27 PM
I watch as Jayc takes to the stage after such an exciting introduction by mrsexlover and he sits on a stool centre stage with the mic.

I look at Old_Joe and Brandybee questioningly.  They both raise their eyebrows and shrug their shoulders as if to say  “ Don’t ask me “

I look again at Jayc as he swigs his bottle of bud and the intro to the song begins. I immediately recognise it.  I know that tune from his singing in the bathroom when shaving the last few mornings.

He’d been practicing for days and as a consequence had found myself humming it to myself as I went about my daily chores.

He began to sing, working the audience beautifully and I found myself joining in and giggling in the moment of his performance.

He looked so good up there. His good looks and sexy smile never failed to make my heart race that little bit faster and my smile that little bit wider.

Soon I was cheering him on and  grabbed a pic from behind the bar.

It was a photo of him and Brandy at the bar, backs towards the camera. He was facing forwards but Brandy was sneakily looking back at the camera grinning pointing at a larger hole in his trousers that Pachi had done when they wrestled. Jayc at the time had no idea it was there but everyone could see the tight cheeks of his sexy ass.

At the appropriate time in the song, I held it up  at   “ the hole in my pants” and sang the words loudly with the audience.
It was fun and light hearted.

As the song began to end,  I slipped out of my panties and ran like a groupy to the front of the stage, chanting his name like a lovesick teenager  “ Jayc, Jayc, Jayc”   I softly screamed, completely over acting.

Jayc saw my antics and joined in like the star he was.  I threw my panties at him and he defly caught them,  sniffing them playfully and putting them in his pocket.

We all cheered and he ended the song, chuckling  “ You got dirty minds”  to the audience. He bowed and  then jumped down to me, snogging me soundly as the audience wolf whistled.

He caught hold of the photo from behind my back, and looked at it, as he still kissed me. He narrowed his eyes for the moment and as he walked with me back to the bar, he playfully raised the back of my skirt to show my bare ass to all the people behind us.

“Jay”  I admonished him but I knew I deserved it as I had been flashing his ass cheeks in the photo to everyone.

He just grinned as he threw his arm round my waist to give me a squeeze and we joined Brandy, JD and Old_Joe at the bar again.

“Set them up Joe” Jayc  said to the Head Bar Keeper and Joe placed 4 cups and saucers on the bar and fetched a freshly brewed tea pot.

Freddie walks in and orders his drink. We all greet him affectionately.  I  hug him, " Hey Freddie, Happy Birthday,  good to see you back,"  clinking my cup with his glass "
He grins back at us all.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 02, 2014, 04:48:11 PM
After making my pet feel like the Queen she is to me I leave her to rest and shower then join me back in the bar

As I walk back through the pool room I hear Jayc up on stage sat on a stool singing  his song.
with mrsexlover at his keyboards I wave at him and motion with my hand if he wants a beer. With a nod of his head has he keeps playing I move to the Bar.

"Hi Joe 2 cold beers please my friend" I say with a smile    "OOWW  did you get my text earlier"

"Yes Tango and I gave it to Roxxy like you asked here's your beers"

"thanks Joe get one for yourself to"Thank's Tango"

I stop and chat with Freddie Lover and his new Lady Roxxy   "Happy birthday Freddie Hope you had a good day" I kiss Roxxy on the cheek and shake Lovers hand "congrats you to" 

Looking up to the stage I see Jayc  is finishing his song I excuse myself and take mrsexlover  his beer. Handing Mrsexlover his bear I walk over and pick up my trusty guitar and put the strap over my shoulder.Walking back over to him I whisper in his ear ,he smile with a little glint in his eye.
I make my way to the mic and look over to Lover and Roxxy "this is for you." I nod my head and mrsexlover hits his keys and we start to play.

"The Power Of Love"

I'll protect you from the hooded claw
Keep the vampires from your door

Feels like fire
I'm so in love with you
Dreams are like angels
They keep bad at bay-bad at bay
Love is the light
Scaring darkness away-yeah

I watch as Lover takes his new Lady back to the dance floor and takes her back in his arms

I'm so in love with you
Purge the soul
Make love your goal

The power of love
A force from above
Cleaning my soul
Flame on burn desire
Love with tongues of fire
Purge the soul
Make love your goal

I'll protect you from the hooded claw
Keep the vampires from your door
When the chips are down I'll be around
With my undying, death-defying
Love for you

Envy will hurt itself
Let yourself be beautiful
Sparkling love, flowers
And pearls and pretty girls
Love is like an energy
Rushin' rushin' inside of me

The power of love
A force from above
Cleaning my soul
Flame on burn desire
Love with tongues of fire
Purge the soul
Make love your goal

This time we go sublime
Lovers entwine-divine divine
Love is danger, love is pleasure
Love is pure-the only treasure

I'm so in love with you
Purge the soul
Make love your goal

The power of love
A force from above
Cleaning my soul
The power of love
A force from above
A sky-scraping dove

Flame on burn desire
Love with tongues of fire
Purge the soul
Make love your goal

I'll protect you from the hooded claw
Keep the vampires from your door

As the song ends I look back to Lover and Roxxy and there locked in a deep passionate kiss
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 02, 2014, 05:35:58 PM
As we Finish playing I see loverboy and HGO kiss and start to leave the dance floor I quickly take off my guitar and look through my Ipod and find just the right song.

I plug it the sound system and hit the play button I smile over to Mrsexlover and jump off the stage. Just in time to catch HGO's arm "My I have this dance just as the music starts       Mario - Kiss You   

She smiles and answers "yes sure"   leading her back to the dance floor I spin her around and into my arms pressing her tight against me.

Moving my hand to the small of her back I press her hard against me as we start to grind our hips together, as we move our lips brush each others and our eyes catch each others stair. throwing her head back her body arches away from mine as we move out hips as one running my hand down the side of her face onto her neck and then down her front moving down her body and the back around her back pulling her back up to me. Our  faces only center meters apart I can feel her hot breath on my cheek. as the song starts to fade out.

I gently softly kiss her lips and smile

"Now thats what I call a dance" I whisper in her ear as I let her go 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on February 02, 2014, 06:46:57 PM

I slid from loverboys arms, brushed his cheek with my fingers and whispered into his ear "my place or yours?"
He chuckled and lead me from the dance floor.

No sooner had we reached the table when I felt a hand grasp my arm gently.
"May I have this dance"
Tangos gentle and familiar murmured.

I flashed Loverboy my brightest smile."he is the birthday boy honey"

"sure" I smiled at Tango as he returned me to the dance floor. He spun me in a circle and while my balance was slightly off, pulled me into a tight embrace.
"Happy Birthday baby, such a naughty boy" I whisper. He chuckles and continues dirty dancing. He flips me over his arm and draws my leg up to his hip. I try to catch my breath but this was not the dance I was expecting.
He lowers my leg, and as my heart threatens to break through my ribs his lips take mine. A sweet , soft kiss but I am left breathless.
"Now that’s what I call a dance" I hear him chuckle.

Tango returns me to my table, kisses me on the cheek and rushes off for more birthday antics.
I stand unable to  move for a moment, red faced, heart racing.. What the heck just happened?

Gaining composure I slide onto a chair beside Loverboy. "Um, he does that" I smile at him. He shakes his head, smirks and slides me another whiskey and coke. "That’s Achat" he teases.

We send a bottle of champagne to one of the other tables." For Roxxy and Lover to celebrate their new found happiness", I direct Joe,"and a round of whatever they are currently drinking with our birthday wishes for Freddie"I grab Joe's arm again "and a full round for the muso's whatever they are drinking for Tango's birthday".

I call tomi over for some Sambucca shots and he, Denisee, loverboy, Tom, Hukk and I get lost for a moment in conversations.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tom_Hardy on February 02, 2014, 08:32:09 PM
I'm so greatful for my wonderful company. This is not how I felt when I first came here nervous and worried. Some of you are new for me, Hukk, Loverboy and Tomi. It is so nice to meet you and learn to know you a little. Then we have our two ladies who I'm more familiar with, the wonderful Denisee and amazing HGO. I'm so happy to be amongst friends.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: LoverBoy71 on February 03, 2014, 12:32:16 AM
After a few songs and now the bar filling with so many patrons HGO whispers in my ear my place or hers..
A big smile crosses my face and feeling a tad flush the lights dim enough to hide my blushing I led her from the dance floor towards the table.
As we get to the table where Tom,Tomi,Hukk and Denesse are sitting I feel HGO pull away as Tango grabs her by the arm and ask for a dance..
She says he is the birthday boy smiling and a nod of approval he leads her back onto the dance floor.I take my seat at the table and sip my martini
  Watching HGO and Tango dance i notice Foxxy and Lover at the bar with Freddie having drinks and chatting..Seems Freddie and Lover were catching up on old times....While Stone had stripped down naked running towards the stage screaming Jayc's name..I chuckle  to myself....I turn to my  company at the table.I ask Tom if they found out what was in the gift box that he had gotten from Roxxy??
Tango leads HGO back to the table seeing all the chairs being used i reach for her and pull her to sit down on my lap...She smiles..
I gaze at her but a moment lost in her beautiful eyes i lean in and gently kiss her soft lips....We pull away slowly both smiling....We grab our drinks and start chatting with  the friends at our table....I raise my glass in a toast to good friends and great times....And hopefully much more.........
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 03, 2014, 07:15:36 AM
After kissing HGO at the end of our dance Itake her back to her table and give her hand back to her man. I make my wave to the Bar Back to Roxxy , lover and Freddie. Looking down the bar at Brandy, Stone and Jayc  I turn to Joe and shout


"On you head be it Tango you Know what happens when a Tab is opened up here for the night"Joe says with a smile.

I pass him my credit card "Put that in the till that we cover it"  Joe starts to refresh every ones drinks. Taking my glass and raise it "lets get the party started."

Moving down the Bar I put my arm around Brandy's back and kiss her cheek I look over to Stone "I feel lucky tonight I think its time for a rematch with your pet panda Pechai"   Stone Smile "his been up at the lake training hard his got some new moves" she says with a smile "Are you sure Tango you know what happened last time" Jayc adds "Yeah my shoulder is fine" I say with raised eyebrows

But first lets get the Dentist chair warmed up I kiss Brandy on the cheek again and "Whisper go get some bottles" and give her ass a playful slap. I take my beer and move over to the chair and sit down in it and watch Brandy behind the bar shaking her head with a big smile as she put same bottles on a tray.
She walks over with Jayc and Stone "Lay back Tango" Jayc says as he hits the button to lay the chair back. Brandy and Stone  stand each side of me "Open wide Birthday boy" Stone says with a bottle in each hand.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on February 03, 2014, 08:09:38 AM
"THIS IS BULLSHIT!" I thunder. My hair is a jumbled up mess. My breath smells of stale nacho's and beer.

"Touchdown Seattle! Boy, this is just an utter rout of the Bronco's." explains a commentator on the television.


I slink back down on my chair, and down another drink, while I sob silently to myself. Loverboy, Tom and Tomi' try to comfort me with pats on my back. "Hey man....sorry you lost that money. But at least you aren't gonna dance on stage." says a sympathizing Tomi. Jayc comes over by my side and pats my shoulder, as I stare into nothingness. "Hey one saw this coming. C'mon, Tango's party is getting underway. Cheer up." He says with a chirpy tone.

Still feeling utter heartbreak, I begin to bang my head against the the top of table where we are all seated. Denisee sighs and rubs my back. "There, there. It'll all be alright. Here, maybe this will make you feel better!" says Denisee with a wink. She calls over HGO who has just finished her dance with Tango and whispers something into her ear. "Oh, that might help!" says a giddy HGO. Both proceed to lean down and kiss me on my each cheek. *SMOOCH* I slowly pick myself up and gush red. "Oh gosh...alright. I think that helped!" I yell, smiling. I excuse myself to the bathroom to freshen up a tad and return back to join Tango and all the rest in celebrating his birthday.


I happily retrieve a bottle of champagne and yank the cord with my teeth. "Lets celebrate!" I shout. I walk over to Martin and JayC and request a song for Tango. Soon I head back to Tango, who I find is being drowned by booze. "Open wide Birthday boy!" cry both Stone and BB.

We all hoot and cheer, delighted over the whimsical spectacle. I suddenly hold my champagne bottle up into the air and begin to lead a song of "For He's a Jolly Good fellow!" in honor of Tango.

Foooooooooooooor he's a jolly good fellow,
For he's a jolly good fellow,
For he's a jolly good fellow,
Which nob'dy can deny.
Which nob'dy can deny.
Which nob'dy can deny.
For he's a jolly good fellow,
For he's a jolly good fellow,
For he's a jolly good fellow,
Which nob'dy can deny.


As we conclude, we all applaud and toss out another round of B-day wishes to a now red faced Tango, who gushes with joy and gratitude.

"May you stay forever young!" I shout.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 03, 2014, 11:01:56 AM
I watch in amusement as Pachi packs Hukk into the pudding pit with  mrsexlover. Hukk & Pachi are soon dripping with purple jelly much to the amusement of the giant Panda.  He enjoys the fuss as Pookie, TerriC and Bluedenim clean him up and make him smell nice, while mrsexlover sends Hukk to sleep off the effects of the booze in the local clinker for a few hours.

Soon all is back to normal.  Pachi is nice & clean and enjoying an ear scratching and bamboo from Stone.  Mrsexlover and the girls are back doing their naughty wrestling and everyone is drinking and watching them in amusement.

FoxyRoxxy receives the box from Hukk before being carted away and she sings happily wondering what secret the box holds.

I sit with Old_Joe, JD, Jayc, Lover and Genuine chatting pleasantly when a new face walks in and seems a little shy.

We greet him friendily and he introduces himself as Tom_Hardy. Old_Joe pours him the traditional free drink with a Malorts chaser.  He downs the shot & pulls a funny Malorts face and we all burst into laughter.
“It is rather an acquired taste”   I pat him on the back and place a fresh orange juice in front of him to refresh his mouth again.

He smiles nervously at Foxy and they nod at each other.  “My Ex”   Tom explains.  I nod at him and at Foxy.
“There’s lots of ex’s here,” I grin.  “Luckily we all get along fine and then some … “  chuckling as I buy them both a drink on Covems tab. “ I’m sure you two will too “

They both nod in agreement and toast each other, remembering the good times and renewed friendship.

Another new face joins Tom_Hardy   and Old_Joe serves her a drink too.  “This is HisGirlOnly (HGO )” Tom introduces and  I welcome her to the bar.
“ Welcome to the AB&G”  I smile.  “ I think we met once over a mutual friend “ I grin at her and she smiles back immediately knowing the girl to which I refer.
“ Here’s to happier times”  I raise my tea and she raises the glass back Old Joe had just poured for her.

I return to Genuine and the others discussing an up and coming Superbowl  match that deserves a wager.

Whilst in deep discussion, another new comer enters the bar and promptly buys drinks for all the pretty girls at bar. He introduces himself as Tomi85.  Stone and I get our usual  tea and we both thank him.   

HB rushes in holding lots of papers and pencils.   He has to finish his story on time and needs a caffeine rush. Old Joe being the fabulous Bar Keeper he is, finds HB’s usual mug and tops it up with the finest coffee for him.  He nods to everyone in greeting and mutters about the “ Medieval Story Contest”
I chuckle,  “ Always in a rush, always hap hazard , but he always comes through in the end”  I think to myself.   
“ Keep him dosed up on that coffee till he finishes”   I joke to Old Joe.

A few hours pass and the happy friendly patrons are suddenly alerted by a loud shout.
"Ah, hello patrons of achat!"   We all greet Hukk’s manic arrival as he announces his grand entrance looking surprisingly good after his over indulgence earlier.
He greets the folks he knows and chivalrously asks FoxyRoxxy to dance.
She graciously accepts and they make their way to the dance floor.

HGO , Tom_Hardy and Tomi  make their way to a table to play Heads & Tails.  Tom H seems nervous but we are a friendly bunch here.  I sense there may be some hidden feelings from the table there and watch quietly. 

I signal over to mrsexlover and ask him to watch the table too. You never know when the NSPD may be needed.  I ask Old_Joe to send over a jug of CoveyPrilla  compliments of  Brandybee & the NSPD.

Sure enough, my instincts are correct,  the very first coin spin is thrown too high by HGO and hits the ceiling fan. The coin is sent spinning in the air and hits Hukk, right on the head as he dances with Foxy.

I look at mrsexlover, who looks back at me and we watch the reactions.

HGO rushes over to Hukk and apologises,  insincerely I feel.  But I watch, willing, for the moment, to take the incident on face value.  Tom_Hardy also goes to help.

Old_Joe is luckily trained in first aid, as is FoxyRoxxy and soon, Hukk is as good as new. The dance  luckily is resumed and all is not lost. He dips Foxy beautifully and kisses her chastely at the end.

I go over to the table and smile at the three gamblers.  “ More drinks? “ I ask, placing 3 shots of Malorts in front of them.  “Let’s call it a forfeit for untrained coins”  I smile expectantly to see if they are willing to take what they dish out before moving aside for Hukk to join their table.
“Enjoy your game”  I wish as I rejoin Genuine, Lover & Jayc and follow Roxy back to the bar.

Tango walks in and notes the incident and looks in my direction. He speaks with HB as I send over fresh coffees and rum donuts.

Loverboy71 joins HGO just as Denisee40 enters the bar. She looks frozen and Tom_Hardy and Tango kindly offer to help her after she explains her car has broken down.
Denisee introduces herself and joins in the conversation about the up and coming Superbowl match between the Seattle Seahawks and the Denver Broncos.  There is some light Banter who will win the great match.

Stone and I seem to be the only ones who think the Seahawks could win. The Broncos seem to have lots of fans in particular,  Lover, Jayc  & Tango.
“I feel a wager coming on” I grin at the lads.   “I think whoever loses the game should do a strip night – Chip N Dale style for the winners”
The boys seem confident that the Denver Broncos should win and they readily agree.

“What you got us into now?”   Stone whispers.
I chuckle at her. “ Have faith,  we will win, I have a feeling in my bones”
“I hope you are right!” Stone groans imagining us both dancing naked on the stage in front of a baying crowd.

"YAYYYYYY! IT'S FINALLY DONEEE”   HB suddenly lets out a whoop of triumph at his finished story.  We clap and cheer his efforts.  We all had more faith in him than he did himself.
Tango checks it over, nodding his approval & HGO kindly sends over a bottle of champagne.
She then grabs Tomi85 to dance. They dance fabulously to the music and look like they are having a fun time. Tomi even does an expert moonwalk. Everyone enjoys their antics. Loverboy71 also joins them and Tomi returns to the table.

Hukk soon joins in with Denisee40 and more couples begin to join the dance floor. She is ecstatic that Tom & Tango retrieve her car and promptly orders more drinks.

Tango & HB thank HGO for the Champers and head for his dungeon and greet Tom_Hardy & Roxy playing pool.  Tom wins and she hands him the mysterious box making the rounds in the bar. She returns to the bar.

Tom passes the box to Tango.  Tango looks a bit befuddled and decides to give it to Old_Joe for safe keeping.

Mrsexlover arrives back in the bar after cleaning himself up of all the grape jelly and looks very dapper. He & The Cocks N Roses play some romantic love songs to get the patrons in the mood for Valentines Day.

Lover immediately asks FoxyRoxxy to dance and he leads her to the dance floor.

Old_Joe suddenly moves out from the bar and towards Roxxy & Lover as they sit down. He hands the box to Foxy.

Before I know it Jayc is singing a great song about a hole in his trousers and Stone cheekily removes her panties for him.  They snog and I giggle thinking
"Soon the 3 stooges will be dancing and stripping for us!! "

Freddie suddenly appears and I hug him in greeting.  “Welcome back & Happy Birthday “ kissing him on the cheek.

Tango and HB return to the bar looking suitably refreshed and Tango takes to the stage, sings a few songs before dancing with HGO.

I have more tea and Old_Joe tells me the great news…   “ You are kidding me, They won?  They actually won??   Yehaw  for the Sea hawks.”

At the same time I hear Loverboy71 say  “Glasses in a toast to good friends and great times....And hopefully much more.........”
“Hear, hear”   I raise my glass too in toast, take a good sip and promptly go over to The Cocks N Roses.
“ Know any good strip songs boys? “  It’s time for Stone & I to collect on our wager… “ 

I turn round and join Stone. It’s Tangoracer's birthday and we both hug & kiss him.  Then pour booze into his mouth on the infamous dentists chair.
Everyone sings “For he’s a jolly good fellow….”

Then as that music dies down …  the strip song begins.

Stone and I chuckle and I say … “ Boys “   to Tango, Lover & Jayc  “ Time for us to collect”

They all look at each other and make for back stage ….

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on February 03, 2014, 04:06:53 PM
After spend  some time dancing the night away to very romantic  music and kissing the  most  gorgeous  man that my eyes  have seen  and his a good kisses  I say . 
Joe  come over and  hands me the gift  I  thank  him kindly  and he  go's back to the   bar..

Lover  sees  his  friend Freddie walking in say hello  he  hold s my  hand as we  make  our way to  them all  where  Brandy  Freddie and tango are  we say  our  hello  I heard its your Birthday   Freddie   and  Tango I wish you both a  great  B-day  ,  Holding the   gift  I look at them both  smiling  thinking who should  I give it to  .Tango  gives me a look   with his eye to  Freddie    I smile  at freddie  and hand him the gift   best wishes  , and  Tang  I give you a kiss  on the  cheek and hug  I thank you for the music you played   for   us  all  .He smiles and walks   off to go dance  . Brandy returns to Genuine and the other .   Lover and  I   walk to the dance floor  He pulled me closer he kissed me intensely and i felt right. My heart leapt and i kiss him back, knowing so truly that  that this  man is stealing my  heart.. Spend so much time  dancing away  but soon he must go preform .he leans in and whisper My dearling I must go  preform kisses me gently and   we  waked   to the stage  he  tell me to seat on the front  and wait  for  him   I see  him   walk away sexy and all   ;D.

The bar is  merry  filled with joy   
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on February 03, 2014, 10:30:18 PM
I walk back up to the microphone.

"Lady's and Gentlemen, my i have you attention please. As you might know last sunday the superbowl was played and some boys claimed that the bronco's would win, and some lady's where cheering for the seahawks. As we now know the lady's won and now it's time for the boys to pay up their dept.

So please welcome on stage, LOVER, TANGO and JAYC"

As the three make their way onto stage get crowed is applauding and whistling

"So boys are you ready to do your part" i get a  ok from all three, and as i start the music i announce

"People of the AB&G it's my pleasure to bring you the next act on this stage, as the management was asking for the chip'n dales, it turned out they could not affort them, so let me proudly introduce the you Lover, Jayc and Tango as


I turn up the music  (you can leave your hat on - ) and get off stage
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on February 03, 2014, 11:29:25 PM
I rush for a good viewing seat and slide on to it.... :D great song choice 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: denisee40 on February 04, 2014, 05:46:41 AM
Oh I am so in on this action! One more seat up front next to Foxy and HisGirlOnly! Thank you for saving me a seat! I am so wide eye-d, I don't want to miss this one at all! :)  ::)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 04, 2014, 05:51:03 AM
Passing the champagne round and  theatre binoculars for zoom ins :)

Taking my front seat with Stone, HB,  HisGirlOnly ,  denisee40 ,  FoxyRoxxy  and others  .... its soooooooo exciting as the anticipation builds  :P :P
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tom_Hardy on February 04, 2014, 07:17:21 AM
I'm eager to see how the lads are going to perform. I hurry to sit down next to Brandybee. I can almost touch the excitment of the women....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lydiarose on February 04, 2014, 09:07:31 AM
rushing to the bar to see the boys  show, I make my way to all the girls in the front and take my sit,, COME ON BOYS
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tomi85 on February 04, 2014, 09:53:14 AM
I laugh on the girls how thay rush for the best seat. I say loud to HGO “save a seat for me too” don’t want to miss a good comedy want to laugh too. Quickly I go to bar ask Joe for two whiskey and cola with ice one with extra ice. I go sit down next to HGO  give her the drink and smile “ think you will need this” she smile beck “ thank you baby” she say and give me a kiss. I look at the girls everyone excited and a bottle of champagne goes around. I lean back smile on them.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on February 04, 2014, 10:04:39 AM
it feels good to be back here...Lover,Brandy,Tango,Stone,Jayc it's a pleasure to see you all again...Martin is on the stage ,great work lol we left him alone doin all job for now lol
Lover introduce me to Roxxy , " the pleasure is mine" i said , she wishes me happy bday then quickly gives me a gift box
Oh lol what a surprise!
Now it seems the guys must pay for Denver loss, will be fun
I stand there looking at the stage and wondering what to do with this gift...
Maybe i better give it to someone...or maybe i can keep it...
Mmmm but i need my hands free cos soon i wanna check my new guitar...let me look around,i see many faces new to me but also a few i already met mmm...i think i will give this gift wait...let her enjoy the striptease first
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on February 04, 2014, 11:06:31 AM
A flood of girls suddenly rushes over to the front of the stage as Lover, Tango, and JayC prepare in the backstage for the male strip show. I hurry to a nearby table and grab myself a folding chair, then proceed to plop it down near the front of the stage where all the female patrons have gathered.


The ladies seated in front all turn their heads and groan as I display a beaming smile. I pause for a moment to make sure everything is in order. "Alright. Dollar bills so I can make it rain on them? Check. My phone to take humiliating pictures of them while dancing? Check. My champagne bottle? Check ."Oh, I can't wait for this!" I yell, clapping both hands together. Foxy, smacks her forehead and simply shakes her head. "I'll make sure to toss Lover the most dollar bills." I say, chuckling in Foxy's direction while giving a wink. I mingle with the ladies while we wait, giving them my usual flirtatious pick up lines. "Mmm Lydia. Pretty as a rose like always."  I say blowing her a kiss. I notice one of the older patrons Freddie walking by and give him a head nod while holding up my champagne.

My gaze turns to the front as all the ladies begin to clap loudly, chanting the names of the dancers.

I think to myself.."Hm..thanks God I didn't make any bets."  ;D

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on February 04, 2014, 12:08:18 PM
The stage lights dim then suddenly “leave your hat on” is abruptly taken off and a scratchy three blind mice begins to blare from the sound system. Three figures can be seen stumbling out on to the stage.

As the song fades out the lights come on and on stage its the three stooges dressed like Chippendale dancers ! Jayc with a perfect “bowl cut” wig is Moe, tango doing a dead on impression is Curly and Lover is Larry.

Running into each other Moe yells “spread out!”

 Hello (Moe, low tone), Hellooo (Larry, a major third higher, with Moe still holding his 'o'), Hellooooo (Curly, a major fifth higher than Moe, forming a major chord with Moe and Larry)!"   

Curly notices all the lovely ladies in the crowd  and wanders away to flirt with the women. An Angry Moe grabs Curly's G sting as it stretches longer and longer, Moe lets go and with a loud snap the elastic material cracks Curly in the ass!

Curly lunges toward Moe Barking loudly "Rrrowf! Rrrowf!"

Moe "You imbecile!"

Larry “Leave him alone!"

Moe slaps Larry  “Oh, a wise guy, eh?"

Moe  “okay look you knuckleheads we have to do a striptease, so lets dance and  dangle our dongs for these Dames delight

Larry “Hey, where's your dignity?

Moe poking Larry in the eyes  “You will dangle or I will mangle”

Curly   “My father died dancing; on the end of a rope”

the music begins and the boys begin there erotic dance  stooge style
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 04, 2014, 12:34:08 PM
Stepping forward front and center of the stage

Swaying my hips twice  and stepping forward with my left foot pulling my hands back as my hips moved forward doing the same with my right foot and then again with my left foot I stop right at the edge of the stage

Looking down at all the ladies  "WOO WOO WOO"  I say and run back to Moe and Larry
Moe grads my arm "What's the big idea?! Get back there"
With a slap to the back of my head from Larry I make my way back to the front of the stage turning my back to the Ladies I bend over and shake my Pink thonged ass at them. (making the crowd scream)

Standing back up rolling my shoulders and moving my hips I slide my jacket off my shoulders letting it slide down my back till it hocks in my elbows. Looking back over each shoulder down at all the ladies wide eyes as I let my jacket fall to the floor kick it to one side.

Turning back to face the ladies I move right to the front of the stage Gyrating my hips right in front of them.
"oh Boy"  I say and jump off the stage and into the lions pit.

Moving along the line of the ladies and stop right in front of Brandy with the devils glint in my eye. Putting my hand on the top of her head I left my right leg onto the back of her chair moving my hips and my grown only inches from her face. Looking back to the guys with a big cheesy Grin I rub her face hard into my pink leather thong.

stepping back from a shocked faced Brandy I grab my chaps by the hips and rip them off throwing them into the ladies
Turning around and bending over pushing my bum out I wiggle it along the front row with a few slaps as it passes by them all.

jumping back onstage I move back to Moe and Larry in just my pink thong boots and my hat moving back in time with them.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 04, 2014, 05:37:03 PM
Curly comes back to us, just wearing his pink thong boots and moving his hat. Hes pointing to me "The ladies want to see you now" "They can see me, im standing here" "No Larry, dance" I nod and jump to the end of stage - least i wanted. Unfortunately I fall down and land straight on Roxxy. Holding myself on her boobs. "Wow what a brain" I smile... "Sorry I excuse myself later" I whisper and crawl back to stage. Looking around... shouting

"Are ya listenin'? Ba-ba-ba-boo, ba-ba-ba-boo, ba-ba-ba-boo!!" I start dancing to the music, turning around, lifitng my jacket. Slowly shaking my ass to the rhythm of the music... jump up and around ""And when I'm finished with my crooning, on my knees I'll fall! My life! My love! My all!" I whisper

I unbutton my jacket and throw it to the beautiful girls in fornt of stage. The music stops and a new song is starting. Tom Jones is singing "Sex bomb" I step forward to the music, tearing down my shirt. The girls are screaming and I even can see hukk's face full of pleasure. I  blow him a kiss and sing along with Tom "Sex bom, sex bomb..." Holding the shirt to my nose I take a deep breath... and get dizzy for a moment. needs to be cleaned....
Got my mind back, shaking my hips now forth and back. I jump down, landing in front of stone. I show her to unbelten my trousers which she is doing full of excitement. As she is holding it I step forward... and she pulls the belt away. My trouser wants to slide down and I try to keep them. Holding them with one hand I make my way to Brandy. She knows what I want and unbuttons it. I can see her laughing... "Baby, if you knew there's a wild animal inside, you wouldn't grin" I whisper. Her eyes get bigger, starring to my danger zone...

I move to Roxxy, turning my upper body to the left and to the right, wiggling my butt... sit down on her lap, grabbing her head,, pulling it to my chest... She kisses my nipples which are hard now... I kiss her deeply and get up, standing close to her. Take her left hand and guide it to my zipper... she knows what I want and just a second later we hear a noise... ssssssssstttttttt... again I turn around and pull down my trousers. My ass is close to her and everybody sees I''m just wearing a little red thong.

Billy Idol starts singing "Eyes without a face" while  I'm crawling like a puma, face to the crowd while I can hear them screaming and shouting... I feel some of them are putting dollars into my thong and smile. As I reach the end of stage, I jump up... dancing to the song I go back to Moe and Curly.

"All for one!"  I say. "One for all!" Moe says  "Every man for himself!" Curly is shouting.We look at him, shaking our heads.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on February 04, 2014, 05:45:41 PM

All the  lady's run to front  stage  to get a better  view   Brandy with here  Binoculars, Denisee   comes seats by me Hgo runs to the front she looks very excited  HB  Stone  and Lydiarose  all enjoying  and others  .

Mrsexylover   gets on the mic  with all the  shouts lights and smoke  the stage  is alive and   jumping

  Mrsexylovers  with a  voice that  sounds   like Berry White  smooth and very sexy  He   introduces
 Lover  Tango and Jayc
The audience stood and applauded  the performance all  are excited .

Hukk  looks at me and teases me  about Lover  I shake my head as  he says  hes his   going to give him the  most  I wink and say  I hope you do  he can  buy me dinner  after the show  ;) . smiling .

Jayc   and all the  guys  do  Larry Curly and Moe jokes.

Then  Tango  jumps  up on the stage wearing a   A hot pink thong  his hips side to side  moving in close to the lady's they go  wild  scream and  shouts as he  passes  by me and Denisee slap his ass give him a few bills  .  Tango stand  in front  of Brandy rubbing his pink thong  on  her  face  hope we  don't have to  give  her  CPR  his all on her  face  then   pulls away     as   Bandy  puts a  few bills   in his thong  he walks away  shacking his ass.   Hgo  is getting wild  jumping up and  down  she is  out control   she jumps on stag  till loverboy  draggs  her off  ….

Hukk  and Tomi  Laugh as they are dragging her   off stage .,.

As we keep on drinking  champagne  whistle and cheer the  guys   on  for more more .
Lover  come  shaking his sexy ass  WOO WOOO   here  come my  favorite  one strut his walk to the front wiggling  his ass  mmmm seducing and exciting  all the lady's. Stone pulls his belt off    and Brandy  unbuttons  his pants   giving the  lady's  rash of  excitement .I can even see Hukk   enjoying it as he blows   him a kiss ….     

Sexy  Lover  looks my way with a   grin   he starts walking  my way wiggling  his sexy oiled body  yummy  lusting this gorgeous stud  he comes and   seats on my lap wooo woo  I wrap my arms  around him so he will not move away  holding him tight  he pulls my head to his chest as he dose I start licking it and  gently bite his nipples and flicker my wet  tongue over them they get so hard  he give me a kiss  I suck his tongue  as  I reach down and  stroke his  cock  he gets hard as a  rock  stands up turns around looks at me  I look at  him  we smile  knowing what is   going to happen …my hand is guided  to his zipper  I pull it down as I did he turns  around  very fast and pulls his  pants down showing a little Red thong his ass is on my face  every one is  screaming and shouting  I  grab it and  kiss his butt cheek  stick a  $$$  on his thong  He crawls away like a puma   before he  gos I pull his thong and slap his  butt cheeks  and let go of the thong   great show  honey   …....  :-*
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on February 04, 2014, 07:11:58 PM
WAO WAO WAO!!! I go and all of you make a party without me?? lol... :) im back for a couple of days (not much, but at least, some time just to say hello to everyone on here).

I go into a bar, i see HGO, OH! MY FRIEND!!! So nice to see you on the bar, after ask jayc for a beer i look around, and smile to Roxxy too, Lover, Brandy and Tango, in a very interesting way, as the incredible ;) Mr Green. So happy to see you all on here.

Little by little, sip by sip, the beer is running out, I'll have to order another, was so hard weeks, and next weeks will be hard again, so i will drink all my rest time, all my 2 days break. I feel good and sad, sad because tonight i read a bad notice about a friend, and good because i know shes fine, my soulmate, you know i will be always, close, as a sea wolf watching you, taking care of you. HAPPY AND GLAD TO KNOW YOURE OK :), now, take your time... step by step.

HELLO EVERYONE!!! SO NICE TO SEE YOU ALL, I will not be so much time here, but enought to say hello, and drink something with you.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tomi85 on February 04, 2014, 08:00:24 PM
Welcome back zoerink ask Joe for a beer tell him write that on my invoice than come her sit down and enjoy the show with us  ;D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on February 04, 2014, 09:18:44 PM

I contain myself very well. Watching , watching, theater glasses in one hand , empty whiskey glass in the other. I plant a loud slap on Tangos butt as he shakes on past..Eyeballs wide as Roxxy's man does his thang...OMGGGG
Too hot cant take any more
I sprint to the bar , returning in seconds with buckets full of soapy water and sponges. I drop the buckets on the floor in front of the girls.
Grabbing one sponge I hit the stage...squeezing a huge glob of white bubbles down Tangos back as I turn his back to the girls. The bubbles slide down his back, down his butt..i squeeze more and more bubbles from the sponge down his body...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..I hear moans of appreciation from a few of the ladies and am spurred on.
I tear off my top and rub myself all over in the bubbles on Tangos back
Suddenly loverboy is dragging me from the stage with his jacket wrapped around me. "easy now, baby girl" he soothes"yes, yes I know, naked men"
I try to grab Hukk and Tomi to stop myself being taken away from the stage but they are laughing too much to bother helping.
"noooooooooooo" I scream out "I want the boys"
Out of the corner of my eye I see the Sea God has returned…
OMG Zoerink!!!!! Finally breaking free I sprint into his arms and he spins me in circles.  At that moment I realize that I'm still half naked.
I rapidly pull away and start to do up the buttons on Loverboy's coat. "How long you back for?" I ask in a surprisingly composed voice

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on February 05, 2014, 03:45:46 AM
My arms folded I watch my fellow stooges woo the crowd of lovely ladies. Larry finishes to the roar of the crowd and returns to Curly and I.  Curly's comments deserve another slap, but its my turn to show the boys how its done.

The music changes to Adam Ant “goody two shoes”

I show off my fancy Foot work, my Moe wig almost flying off my head  as I really ham it up as I slowly strip off my vest. Hopping off the stage I shimmy up to the two ladies who started all of this and bend over. With my encouragement Brandy grabs the tear-away flap and in an instant my shorts are gone and I’m  wearing nothing but a skimpy red “banana hammock” with a firecracker drawn on the front. A laughing Stone puts a dollar in my waistband and I sit on her lap for a photo.

I rise to my feet and work my way through the crowd of women who are all hands. Its all I can do to keep my thong on. I glance up at lover who winks and nods.


Grumpy Watches the delivery truck pull up, the driver approaches the Dwarf.

“Did you order 50 pies from the Achat bakery?” the man asks

“Why yes I did, and please charge it to Mr Covems account.”  Grumpy says nonchalantly

The dwarfs unpack the pies and load up the carts and move out to the bar and load up the prefilled Seltzer bottles.

The crowd hardly notices the dwarfs as they place pies and seltzer bottles on the tables and bar. Happy brings 3 pies and seltzer bottles up on stage just as I climb back up. The music dies down.

Curly “Hey Moe! Hey Larry! Refreshments!” as he points to the pies.

Moe   “ Mind your manners you chow hounds and wash those hands! You have no idea where they have been!”

Following Lovers subtle hand signals, we have a good idea were our initial and secondary targets our seated, and we strategically  take our places for the grand finale to our little show.

Curly fiddling around with a seltzer bottle sprays me in the face. I respond with the patented “Moe gut/top of the head/chin punch” Larry carrying a pie gets caught up in the scuffle and fumbles the pie upwards into my face..................”Moe it was an accident”
Wiping the lemon meringue from my face I smile and grab a pie “oh yeah? I fling the coconut cream  pie at a ducking Larry and hit Curly square on the side of the head.

 An enraged Curly growling at me grabs a pie. The throw is perfect, missing me on purpose and hits Ole Joe on the chest and chin and breaks his cigar.

The bar falls silent........Ole Joe grabs a bar towel and wipes the goo off his shirt when he hears a chuckle for the tables..........its Brandy,

 Ole Joe begins to chuckle too then quickly picks up a chunk of the smashed pie and hurls it with the accuracy of rifle and nails his employer right on the forehead with a loud splat.

Stone sitting right next to Brandy busts out laughing and is hit with a well flung ball of coconut cream thrown by yours truly. And to add insult to injury Brandy sprays her with a seltzer bottle, hitting near by tables who retaliate in kind.

Handing my partners cold beers, our work done we watch the pie fight grow and gain momentum.   ;D ;D ;D :o


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on February 05, 2014, 04:45:35 AM
 I see Zoerink  I greet him welcome back  . Out of where I see a pie  fly over my head   it   landed on  my  x  I laughed  and said   Tom are you ok   he gave me  smirk like whatever  I said would you like  a glass of milk   for that  pie  me being  so sarcastic and kind .

I think  I had a little to much wine  I see pies all  over flying by  and little Dwarf men running  around I see Brandy and  Stone Cover  in pie .. ..

I try to  run away   from the pies   I go hide   behind  ole Joe      behind the bar the safest place I thought   and    give him a   ;) 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 05, 2014, 05:03:21 AM
I take my seat at the front of the stage, waiting in anticipation with Stone for our beloved boys to come out and do their sexy strip routine. The wager and strip performance had made it around the grapevine of our Forum Village and the AB&G was heaving with expectant customers.
All the girls at the front were giggling and sipping champagne discussing the boys’ lunch boxes and other fine attributes.

We were all excited and then Mrsexlover announces the big show
"People of the AB&G it's my pleasure to bring you the next act on this stage, as the management was asking for the chip'n dales, it turned out they could not affort them, so let me proudly introduce the you Lover, Jayc and Tango as
                                                                 SOME STRIPPING MALES ! “

The lights dim, the music plays and intial cheers sound before silence befalls the crowd, watching in enthralled interest.

I immediately spurt my champagne in unison with Stone as the boys come on as “The Three Stooges” but in the appropriate dress of the famous  guy Chip N Dale sexy dance troop.

Jayc was dressed as Moe. His bowl cut hair style perfectly framed his face and made him look hilarious in his white collar and cuffs and black dicky bow and black trousers.
Tango was dressed as Curly.
Lover was dressed as Larry.
All are extremely, fit, toned and very very handsome.   



In typical mayhem, the three guys in character begin their show and banter.  Everyone is roaring with laughter at their antics.

Then Tango / Curly steps forward with his closely shaved head belying his name.

He wiggles, gyrates, pulls sexy pouts and shows off his fine physique. The ladies cheer and encourage him to  “ge rr am off “  Wolf whistles fill the air.  He strips slow and seductive to reveal a hot pink thong.
Tango suddenly jumps from the stage and  struts in front of the baying ladies and makes his way to me and Stone.
Before I know it , I  have a grinding pink, leather thonged,  cock,  eskimo kissing my nose, before the grind gets harder and I can’t help but sneaking a naughty kiss there.
He moves back and I lick my lips, tasting the leather on my lips.
He dances and as he does so he pulls his chap trousers off, much to everyone’s delight.
He is soon naked, except for his pink boots  and sexy little hat.

Lover / Larry moves forward next after a few more funny little interactions with the other two.
This show is pretty amazing.
The aptly named “Sex bomb “  begins to play and Lover prances around the stage, dropping to his knees and sexily removing his jacket.  His chest and body takes your breath away.
We all cheer and encourage him to remove “More More “
He blows a kiss to one of his adoring fans – Hukk, who smiles and looks round to everyone “ That was for me – Did you see that, that kiss – it was for me “  He looked so pleased!
Lover jumps down the front and encourages the ladies to unbutton and loosen his clothing. I get to unbutton his trousers with a big big grin.
He strips seductively and is soon down to his naughty red thong-  Magnificent.

There is a bit of a melee as HGO  grabs buckets of soapy suddy water. She can hardly contain herself, jumping on stage to accost the gorgeous men. We all laugh and cheer as Loverboy71,  Hukk & Tomi join in and playfully drag her off stage.
We are all laughing so hard, and yet, the boys have still managed to maintain that very sexy atmosphere of a hot strip dance.

Zoerink suddenly makes an appearance and I kiss him in delight, shoving a glass of Champers in his hand.   “The show is not over yet – you are just in time for the finale” I tell him chuckling.

Jayc / Moe then begins his routine.
Stone is beside herself in excitement.  “God isn’t he gorgeous?”  she whispers to me.  I roll my eyes and agree   ::)   ;D
He dances and does some wonderfully clever foot work. The crowd love and cheer him on.
He jumps down to the front as dollar bills are placed in his trousers & naughty ass spanks.
He strips very sexily and arrives in front of me and Stone. We each take a side fastening and tear the trousers open. He is left wearing a very sexy red thong and a very fine package indeed
Stone cheekily gives him a dollar for his efforts, stuffing down the front of his thong to join a firework rocket strategically placed there.
He returns to the stage and all three guys finish their routine and comedy antics.

Suddenly cream filled flans are flying through the air. Old Joe gets splattered and I catch sight of the giggling dwarfs.  They were obviously working hard behind the scenes!

Stone gets a full one in the face and I laugh, spraying her with more squirty cream. As I laugh I get one in the face!!

Its mayhem, its fun and all hell breaks loose as a pie fight breaks out…..

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on February 05, 2014, 02:47:52 PM
The lights suddenly dim, and everyone's attention turns to the stage. "It's about to begin!" cries a jubilant Brandy.

Hello (Moe, low tone), Hellooo (Larry, a major third higher, with Moe still holding his 'o'), Hellooooo (Curly, a major fifth higher than Moe, forming a major chord with Moe and Larry)

"Oh God...they can't be serious.." I cry, as begin to laugh deliriously from this genius comedic spectacle. JayC, Lover, and Tango proceed with their Three Stooges routine, gyrating their pelvises and buttocks for the 'dames' delight. Lover looks over in my direction and suddenly blows me a kiss.

"That was for me – Did you see that, that kiss – it was for me!" I yell, nearly fainting into the arms of Foxy who catches me. The females continue to hoot and holler, yelling out for the three men to continue their seductive chip n dale strip tease. "Noooooo.....I want the boys!" pouts HGO, as I look over in her direction. I see her trying to clamber up to the stage again, with out stretched adoring arms. "Quick, LB and Tomi! Grab her! She's gone Coco for the stooges!" I shout. We drag her from the stage and place her back on her sit, where she proceeds to pout. "Alright ladies! Lets make it Rain on the stooges!" I shout. Denisee looks at me curiously, while Tango shakes his rump in her face. "Make it rain? Oh my, I've never done that before!" she says with a red flushed face. "You've never made it rain?! Alright here are some bills. Now just do what I do!" I proceed to go over to Moe (JayC) and make it rain on his body. "Today's forecast calls for RAIN!" I shout.


I throw some of my dollar bills into the air and watch them float back down on Moe's body. HB shakes her head and yells out. "Eh Eh Eh!? That's not how you make it rain!" She snatches the remainder of my dollar bills from my hand and shows me how it's done by making it 'rain' on Tango's.


I nod my head in approval and look back at Denisee who laughs. "Never mind. That's how you make it rain! Look at the hand motion. She has it down pat!" I chuckle.

“Did you order 50 pies from the Achat bakery?” calls out a man. I look over curiously to see 50 pies being set at a table across from the stage. "Hey, what's with the pies?" I ask those around me. The girls seem to not take notice, as they are too enthralled with the show in front of them. "Hmm...I think they're up to something.." I think quietly to myself. My suspicion is confirmed as they begin to take calculated pie shots at certain targets within the crowd. *SPLAT* I break out laughing, upon seeing Stone's face covered in pie. She wipes some of the cream off her face and proceeds to hurl it in my direction. I duck just in time, but unfortunately the person behind is creamed. *SPLAT* I turn around to see a pied Lydia. I once more break out laughing. "Oh boy, did you get creamed!" I say giggling. Suddenly, I turn around to see two pies being hurled in my direction by JayC and Lover. *SPLAT SPLAT*  I'm motionless for a few seconds, as the pie cream slowly rolls off from my face and down to my Tuxedo. I stand up and scream "This tuxedo cost me 600 smackers!" I repeatedly slap the front of my face lightly with both hands while shaking my head. "Why I outta! You bozo's! I'll teach you!" I yell, as I charge at them with my head lowered down like a ram.

HGO noticing my charge deviously sticks out her leg to trip me over, causing me to fly over to the edge of the table where all the pies are placed. I land on the table and accidentally springboard some of the pies into the air. *SPLAT SPLAT* My tuxedo is completely ruined from pies. I proceed to pick myself up and look over my shoulder, to see a lot of the ladies covered in pie as well from the launched pies. My attention zooms in on one particular person who just walked into the bar. It's Zoerink whose face is now smeared with pie. "Oh, hola! Long time no see!" I yell while waving.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: CutieGuy on February 05, 2014, 05:29:30 PM
I stroll slowly into the  Achat Bar and Grill  and notice there are a lot of people covered in pie so I cautiously move up to the bar avoiding anybody that might have a pie in their hand and order myself a nice cold one  ;)
Then I notice HisGirlOnly sitting not far from me and shes looking fine so I couldnt help myself and gave her  quick kiss.
(Hopefully nobody throws a pie at me)  ;D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tom_Hardy on February 05, 2014, 07:41:51 PM
My drink stained mind notices the party getting full steam when suddenly pies start to fly around me. I duck as one flies past, and as I duck, splat, another pie hit's my face. I hear a voice worriedly asking, Tom are you ok, but as I'm covered in crust and filling I can't recognise where that came from. It is kaos all around me. As I wipe off strawberry jam from my face, all I can see is women cheering, cocks and asses flying around my face and HGO dancing topless on the stage.

This is so much fun. I never thought the bar could be this wild. My inner lust is starting to wake. I can't keep my eyes off  the half naked HGO beeing dragged down from the stage by Loverboy. Some already started to get dirty with eachother. This is as close to a snake pit that I ever been. More people join, I have difficulty making out faces in the heat of all naked bodily parts around me. I let my excitement start taking control over my actions.

I pull off my pie stained shirt while I head straight at HGO. It's like a slow motion movement, me dancing towards her to the music. She is the embodyment of all I can wish for in a woman my mind manages to think while all my blood seems concentrated to one place of my body. All people fade away around me. I don't care no more. I only want you and nothing else.

This place has a strange impact on me. While I move through the crowd halfnaked , shaking my head in a vain way trying to lower the alcohol level in my body, the sudden impact of realisation is hitting home hard. What am I doing? What is this place? How can I react so strong? Omg what was I thinking? Is all this nudity getting to me? Nearly tried to hit on my best friend!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tomi85 on February 05, 2014, 08:06:44 PM
I just having fun laugh on the others and I see corner of my eye Tom acting strange he take of his shirt and start to walk straight to HGO. I go after Tom and grab his arm “hay what you doing what you want to do she HGO” I pull him away and drag him to the bar “one more drink Joe” I lean to Tom and say “you'll be sober in the morning buddy and HGO won’t know a thing I don’t tell her”

I turn my back to the bar look around HGO get out from Loverboys hands and run to Zoerink and Loverboy still try to put on her his jacket while Zoerink spins her.
Hukk I throwings pies on every one I laugh on him “that’s it bro pie eweryone” I yell it to Hukk
Than I look other end of the bar new face “hi there I’m Tomi” introduce myself to him “ hi I’m CutieGuy nice to meet you” he answer, hay Joe one more drink to our new friend.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on February 06, 2014, 12:35:31 AM
I Stand at the bar, drinking my beer and laughing at the guys doing their 3 stooges routine. The girls are winding up more and more, then a pie fly's past my head and is hitting Old Joe, i think that was ment for me.

More pies are flying, Stone and Brandy are getting hit, Hukk also. In his effort to get away from the pies he lands smack in the middle of the pile. Pies are flying in the air everywhere and there is no escape, we all get covered witch cream.

girls are screaming as the creams slides into there shirts and dresses. Some are even throwing their clothes off so they can join the fight. My clothes are also ruined so i get out of them too. Grabbing some pies i join the fight with nothing more on then my boxers.

Somehow i end up between the girls, using my pies to cream their hot naked body's even more. Not a boob is cream free. I get hold of Miss Stone and hurl her in the direction of jayc who catches her and starts to lick her body.

That's giving me a idea, and as i look around i see i'm next to Miss Brandy.

"Sorry Brandy but i think you're in need of a clean up"

i say as my tongue comes out and licks his way down her boob, twirling it round the nipple so the cream makes it stick out even more as my tongue goes back into my mouth. maybe i get smacked in the head for this but so far i'm liking it
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on February 06, 2014, 04:11:08 AM
The image of the bar is hot , hot , very hot and unfortunately I have to leave in a few hours . The ship's horn will sound , and I will walk out the door in just a few hours for a season.

I walk into the bar and see a table with Karen and Lena , embraced, I approach them and hug them , I can feel the love and affection between them, and not want to leave without giving my full support to my soul mate, what needs like karen , who will take much care  of our Lena.

After i see the Incredible Hukk, and give him a "friendly" campion by getting me wet : P " never change my friend " ... Brandy , who is with us, laughs as she savor every sip of her tea , but that will change mug for a mug of beer " we are celebrating Brandy ," I say , as the three laughed and laughed . Jayc has a new beer in their hands :) Brandy .

I see Foxy and Lover and make good partner, Tango sitting with Karen and Lena, and Mrsexlover like me , smile for the environment. Those who know this bar for the last time, we sometimes like to see how you lose control and fun is high .

I approach Tomi , which is next to HGO , "Hi friend, allow me a moment with HGO " took her by the hand and we all head to a secluded spot , listening to music MUSE sounds " im feeling good" and hug her , gently , tenderly caressing her naked back under the jacket that I just put on top.

We started dancing, sticking our bodies, our eyes are stuck in our eyes, no words, no need, my hands caress her back gently with the tips of my fingers as my lips brush his cheek from his earlobe to the corner his lips, barely grazed.

I can also feel his hands running and stroking my back, my cheek, and my head, I can feel his love for me, and I like that, as I feel my chest sticking to her, and our hearts beating in rhythm.

We started dancing , sticking our bodies, our eyes are stuck in our eyes , no words , no need , my hands caress her back gently with the tips of my fingers as my lips brush his cheek from his earlobe to the corner his lips , barely grazed, word stopped around us, is a stunning feeling, a good moment .

"Honey , I miss you again, but remember that back" I whisper in her ear as our embrace becomes harder and harder , letting my hands fall by her waist and sticking more and more her body to mine . " We smile , and give us a kiss.

The music is over, and we kept dancing and dancing , feeling our bodies and hands glued lost in fondling the other, the aroma, the passion , the love, the love you feel. I pull back my lips to his ear and whispered "........ " after the hug , drawing her hips to mine, and with a smile , I step back and go to the bar , and hold his hand. Old Joe ask two shots of tequila with salt and lemon. I put salt in HGO 's neck , and then spend my tongue to taste ,slowly ... drink tequila and lemon placed between his lips, rip it with a passionate bite. Then she repeated the operation, putting salt in my neck and lemon on my lips.

We give a warm embrace, and smiled. I look back and still see as the bar increases its atmosphere, is a good place, no doubt, to come away, I wonder where Terri and Pookie will walk, sure fit well in the bar right now: D

Without moving the bar, ask for a pint of Old Joe, I sit and watch while every sip I see as time goes, my time is over, but as you all know, I will back.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tom_Hardy on February 06, 2014, 11:39:43 AM
Thank you Tomi for taking care of this alcohol infested body. This place is great. The party is wild and the people here are good, but I need to go home to sober up. Foxy and Lover, here, a bottle of champagne for your future luck. Denisee and Brandybee, kisses to you. All who I haven't named, hope to see you soon again. Tomi, you are a great friend! And finally HGO, thanks for beeing who you are. Bye.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on February 06, 2014, 03:16:44 PM
I sip my champagne, clinking glasses with all the girls waiting impatiently for the Famous Forum Three to open their performance and begin the greatly anticipated strip for the girls.

Brandybee suddenly spurts some bubbly champagne in my direction as mrsexlover announces the three dancers for the evening and they suddenly appear as the sexy “Three Stooges”

I burst out laughing as I spy Jayc’s new Moe hair cut.  He  looks strange but his good looks carry the wig off to perfection.  My heart beat thuds as I admire his wonderful attire.
Then I look at the two handsome men with him. Tango dressed as Curly, has some wonderful pink boots to die for and Lover the Larry, looks amazing with his hair shaved at the front. I hope that’s a wig too, otherwise he will look strange for a week or two!

The music begins and each of the guys begin a comic and strip routine. We are soon roaring with laughter and screaming at the sexy dance moves.
Tango jumps in front of Brandy and  grinds his pelvis and thonged cock in her face. She is well and truly “Tangoed”  I hear her chuckle and the sound of a soft kiss before he moves away.
“Way to go Tango”   I yell, thoroughly enjoying that strong rippled body of his.

Lover is next to peacock around,  showing of his bulging muscles and jumping down to allow the front row of girls to fondle him.  He eventually stands in front of me and Brandy and allows us to undo his trousers.   I  help him of course, admiring his taut abdomen muscles.
He pulls them off to reveal a wonderful red thong and returns to the stage.

Jayc is next and he wiggles and writhes to the music.  He is full of rhythm and oozing sex appeal. I sigh as I watch his magnificent body ripple and sway.  He too jumps down and I search in my purse for a dollar and push it in his bulging thong, allowing my fingers to brush against him, under the firework he has packed inside. I giggle as I read the writing on it  “Big Bang”

The crowd are screaming and laughing, encouraging the sexy dancers for more fun and frolics.

Suddenly as they near the end of their routine, the dwarfs appear spreading seltzer bottles and cream filled flans amongst the tables and take a trolley full onto the stage.

Then follows mayhem and chaos.  The “3” stooges pick up some flans and throw them at each other, some land, some miss and land in the audience.

Before I know it I have been “Flan flunged”  and sprayed with the fizzy water in the seltzer bottles.

Not to be out done, I fling some flans and pies and soon the bar is erupting in one big cake throwing contest.  It’s fun and fabulously messy and the cream tastes quite nice. I lick my lips clean.

White fluffy goo is soon on everyone’s clothes, faces and hair.

I suddenly feel someone's arms around my waist and am thrust towards Jayc who catches me as  I stumble into him.  “Hey baby,”  I greet him and lick a glob of cream off his nose.  We both turn to see who pushed me and start laughing.

It was mrsexlover. He grins at both of us and then grabs Brandy and starts to suckle the cream off her breasts.

Hukk has dived into the middle of some pies, and comes out smiling, waving to Zoeriink and Cutiguy who has just walked into the mayhem.  Jayc and I notice their clean faces but not for long. 
“Hey guys, glad you could join us”  and we promptly wack them in the face with a full flan. “Welcome to the AB&G “   We  high five each other and get down to the serious business of flinging more flans.
Zoerink and Cutiguy start giggling and immediately fire back.

“Splat”   Tomi85 gets it on the forehead.
“Pow”  Tom_Hardy gets one on the nose
“ Kepow”  FoxyRoxxy gets one on the head
“Smak”  HGO gets one on the head
“Thud”  Lover gets one on the back
“Shmak”  Hukk gets one on his cheek
“Whoosh”  Tango gets one on his bare butt
“Bong”  mrsexlover gets one on the back of his suckling head
  “Clunk”  denisee40 gets one on the side of her face
  “ Plonk!” Lydiarose gets one in the shoulder
“Zonk”  Freddie gets a full facial
"Pfffffffffftttt"   HB gets one on the chest

It’s a pure, disorderly, but good natured mass of confusion and free-for-all. Chuckles and giggles and high fives are heard as each pie hits its target and reciprocated in kind.

I look at Jayc and cheekily push a pie down the front of his thong and grab a selzer bottle and spray him down there too. His face is a picture as he feels the fizz and rush of the liquid on his cock.
He pulls a face and starts inching towards me -  “ Now, now Jay, you know I love you “ I try to placate him.  And quickly bolt behind Brandy as he throws a flan
“Splatttt “  It  lands right on her face. Mrsexlover still seems oblivious as his head is still buried in her cleavage!

I quickly duck behind Tom_Hardy and Zoerink.   “You can’t leave yet guys, the fun has  just begun”  I tell them both.
“I have to, the sea beckons” Zoerink answers and kisses me on the cheek, “I will be back”

I grab Tom_Hardy’s arm, “Quick, lets hide with Old_Joe behind the bar, he has some hidden flans for ammo” I giggle at him. “Plus the dwarf army”  I add as I see the dwarfs and Old Joe standing behind the bar, flinging the flans at the crowd and then ducking down in fabulous, co-ordinated moves.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on February 07, 2014, 07:53:39 AM
Within the bar, you see one of the bar tables tipped over to the side. My back leans against the side facing away from the pie throwing mayhem, while next to me can be found Stones panda friend, Pachacuti who sports a red bandana around his head. I look over at him, as he occasionally throws some flan over the table.

I look down at my small little journal I just so happen to have found left somewhere on floor, and begin to write.

"It's the 17th minute of this pie throwing carnage. What began as a simple dance routine to entertain the troops here, has now escalated into an all out pie war between comrades. Alliances have been formed, with the bar now being divided up into zones. My heart can't help but sink upon seeing the betrayal of friendships being displayed here on this night; the bonds of friendship that once held so strong, now flung away, and replaced by the crazed blood lust that only war can provide. Truly, all form of human decency and morality has broken down.....Tango, HB and Freddie bunker behind one table, where I can see HB yell a ferocious battle cry guiding them to aim for Foxy's and Lover's makeshift table fort on the east side of the Bar. I peer over to Lydia and Denisee who crawl around on the floor, trying to attend to the fallen. My eyes close somberly, weeping over their vain efforts in trying to resuscitate a fallen Tomi whose body is completely smeared with pie. I observe HGO now running over to Tomi, yelling like a mad woman trying to reach her battered friend. Pies are flung, and she's cut down...her body tumbling down to the floor. Over at the bar counter, I spy the most well fortified zone or as it has been dubbed now "No Mans Land". The army of Drawves take turns launching pies, while Old Joe keeps handing them more ammunition. "RELOAD!" cries a raspy voiced grumpy dwarf. I try my best to avoid the area. Turning my attention to Brandy, I see the delirious Martin consuming her body. He seems completely lost in his crazed sex delirium of battle, while Brandy vainly tries to push him away. I observe Tom_Hardy who attempts to leave this horrific battlefield. His spirit seems broken..a tragic consequence of this gruesome battle no doubt. Stone and Jayc try their best to spur their comrade into fighting. He just seems to shake his head screaming "Game over man! Game Over!" Stone, suddenly looks over in my direction and sees her once faithful panda ally, now sitting by my side. "TRAITOOOOOR!" she yells. JayC suddenly brings out a makeshift catapult and begins to load some flan on it. "FIIIIRE!" Stone yells, as me and Pachacuti duck behind the table. These may be my last few minutes here on this mortal plane. To whomever may find this journal, I ask of you to carry on this story. Pass it down, so that others may learn from our mistakes today. To never bring 50 pies to a bar full of people...sincerely yours Hukk."

I close the journal silently and place it on the floor. Pachacuti begins to speak "Snort, rawr, growl!" I grab him by the collar and bring him close to me. "Don't do it man! Are you crazy?! You won't make it!" I plead. "Groooowl, snarl, roar!" he replies back, pointing over to Stones section. Suddenly, Pachacuti leaps from behind the table and charges. He carries in one paw a garbage can lid that he uses as a shield, blocking off pie shots, while with his other, he holds one pie. He takes a well aimed shot and hurls it at Stone's face. "NOOOOOOO" screams Jayc. In a show of heroism he leaps in front of Stone, blocking off the shot. *SPLAT* JayC spasms on the floor..his hands desperately trying to clean his pied face.

Stone looks over at Pachacuti with furious anger and shoots a bullet to his face. "SPLAT* Pachacuti is brought down. The bar shakes, as his lifeless body hits the ground with a loud thud. "PACHUUUUCUTIIIIII!" I scream, with one arm extended out. The room goes silent..all of us staring at our beloved slain Panda. Stone upon realizing what she has done..breaks down crying. "My God. What have we become?!" she screams.


Out pops Zoerink out of nowhere standing in the middle of the battlefield. " guys. I'm leaving. Have fun with your pie throwing battle." All of us snap out of our frenzied maniac state and simply wave at him, saying our goodbyes. "Oh yea sure buddy! See ya later!" Pachacuti, suddenly lifts up his head and also says his goodbye before planting his head back down on the floor, feigning death.

" where were we..." says Lover. "Right...pie war. CONTINUE!" he screams.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 07, 2014, 10:30:33 AM
"What the hell is going on here?" I scream as our dance suddenly changes to a big pie fight. Before I notice what's happening...SSSSSSSSMMMAAAAAAAAAACCCCKKKKK Im hitten straight in my face


"Ok, attack is best defense!" I think to myself and get some cakes, throwing them to everyone i see.


"Where is Roxxy? Is she save?" I look around and see her behind the bar, together with Old Joe, stone, Tom_Hardy and dwarf amy. I run to her, jumping above the counter and throwing myself on her. "Ebverythings fine honey?" "UUURRGGGHHHH" She moans..."everything was fine until you hit my stomach". Ups... sorry babe.
Suddenly we hear zoerinks voice " guys. I'm leaving. Have fun with your pie throwing battle." This place of war is a place of peace and love within a second. Were all waving, wishing him a great time and hoping he will be back soon. I see some of the girls having a tear in their eyes and even we tough guys are swallong... "Lover" i hear my inner devil talking to me "This is not a place of sorrow and right now its a place of madness... look around, they all dont move, they all are perfect targets!" I grin devilish...YYEEAAAAHHHHHH

" where were we..." I say. "Right...pie war. CONTINUE!" I scream and start throwing each pie i can get. I hit mrsexlovers face, just as he noticed he is very close to Brandy... i laugh out so loud about his surprised face that i dont notice a pie is flying straight to me.
WWWUUUUSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHH   Ive been hitten so hard that i fell down. Roxxy looks at me, frightend and shocked. "Are you ok baby?" I shake myself, look at her and smile "Of course honey. I just got us some pie..are you hungry?" I wipe some cream of my nose and let her suck it of my finger... "mmm" she says.."I want more" she comes closer and we deeply kiss, laying on the floor behind the bar...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on February 07, 2014, 12:35:30 PM
Ole Joe's  bar bunker has the upper hand, once again I have under estimated the dwarfs having kept most of the flans for themselves. Ammo running low its time to make alliances with some of the warring factions.

Zoerinks departure is the lull I was waiting for. With Stone's cover fire I run, slip and slide belly first to Hukk's  make shift bunker.  Joe spotting my dash orders the dwarfs to bombard the area. I yell over the din of battle.

“Hukk! If we continue fighting with flans this will drag out for hours and cost many lives, it time for the nuke option” I  scream.

Hukk looks at me puzzled but urges me to continue.

Spotting a compact mirror on the floor I grab it as Hukk hands me a pie spatula, using flan goo I fashion an observation tool. I scan Joe's strong hold and the surrounding area.

Bringing down the mirror I draw a map with flan goo.

“Alright Hukk, our only hope is the pudding hose,but we have to act fast, no doubt the enemy is thinking the same thing”

Hukk nods

handing Hukk two full seltzer bottles, “ Stone will lay down covering fire but you have to make it to that hose, our lives depend on it.”

shaking my hand Hukk says  “If I don't make it  write my family.”

and with that Hukk charges out under a hail of flans.

“Gods speed Hukk  gods speed”  I whisper 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on February 07, 2014, 02:37:23 PM
"Genius. Pure genius!" I shout, nodding my head in approval. I give Jay a quick military style salute and dash to the storage room where the pudding hose is located. 

“Gods speed Hukk  gods speed”  Jayc whispers, while watching me scramble around the floor. I leap, roll, and dive for cover, trying to evade the constant bombardment of pies. "We have a bogey moving toward the center. All guns lock in and fire on my command!" screams HB. "This is Tango, I got him in my sights." replies a ready to fire Tango. Just as he is about to release, his face gets splattered with a pie, thrown by Stone. *SPLAT* I look up momentarily to see Stone, flashing me a thumbs up.


"Don't you die on me yet!" she yells. I flash back a Top Gun style thumbs up and continue onwards. Meanwhile Ol' Joe monitors my movements and whispers to himself. "What is that guy up to....?" He looks over to JaYc who eyes the storage room. "Mother of God....HE'S GOING FOR THE PUDDING HOSE!" He blurts out. Joe proceeds to bonk one of the dwarfs on the head "QUIT FIRING AT JAYC AND BRING DOWN HUKK!" They all lock down on me, and fire. I look straight ahead to see a wall of pies being hurled in my direction. Leaving me with little choice, I fling my body over to some toppled tables where I take cover. Next to me is a downed HGO, who breathes faintly. "ZOE!" I yell. I cradle her body dramatically, and lean my head down, placing my left ear next to her mouth in order to hear her last dying words. "It's all up to must.....*cough* cough*..." she stops short of completing her sentence and 'passes' out. I sob silently, brushing her hair. "Man, you guys throw quite the party!" I look over to my side and see the new guy Cutie, sipping a beer, while seated next to HGO. "Oh hey, we haven't properly introduced ourselves have we? Names Cutie. I'm new." he says very casually as pie is flung overhead. "Oh, hey dude. Names Hukk. Yea, I would've introduced myself earlier...but you know when you get into a Pie War you sorta lose track of things! I'm a right?!" I laugh.

"AHEM....sorry to interrupt but Pie war. Remember?" cuts in HGO, who glares up at me. "Oh, right sorry." I apologize.

"Oh, hey look. I may not be well versed when it comes to pie fights, but I think you won't be able to make it to wherever it is you're going, friend. Those little dwarfs are gonna get you for sure!" says an observant Cutie. "'re right. What I need is bait." HGO, suddenly slaps Cutie on the knee with her right hand and says "You be the bait, while Hukk scrambles to reach his destination!"
"Me? Why can't you do it?" Cutie replies back. "Because I'm dead. Duh. Anyway, you're the new guy here so you gotta do it!" she retorts.
"But..I'm having fun just drinking this here beer...." Cutie says timidly. "Hey dude, if you do this, next round of beers will be on me!" I say
Cutie rolls his eyes and prepares to stand up. "Fine..but only because you promised more beer." HGO suddenly grabs him by the arm "Wait. You two. Change outfits. That way the dwarfs won't know who is who. Also, smear your face with pie Cutie. That will really throw em' off mate!"
"Great idea HGO." I reply back.
A minute or two passes by, and  I'm now dressed as Cutie, while cutie sports my tuxedo. "Alright guys, wish me luck!" screams out Cutie. He leaps out from behind the table and waves his arms at everyone to catch their attention. "Hey look at me! I'm Hukk! And I'm a big dork!" The dwarfs all look at Cutie and pause for a second. " must be him because he is a dork! Fire!" yells grumpy dwarf.
"Hey...I'm not a dork...." I say pouting. "Oh, sorry Hukk. I told him to say that." giggles HGO. "Now go! Run like the wind!"
I dart from behind the table and try my best to avoid the random shots of pies.

*SPLAT* I look over my shoulder to see Cutie, totally covered in pie. "Oh, so I guess that's it then. " He says shrugging. "Right, I'll just go get a chair and finish my beer. Don't mind me!" he says, tip toeing over Tomi's 'motionless' body. "Dammit, you fools! That isn't Hukk." screams a red faced Joe. "THERE! LOOK. HE'S ALREADY IN THE STORAGE ROOM!"

I scramble inside the room and proceed to turn the valve for the pudding tank, and next hurry to untangle the hose. I suddenly see a shadow creeping to the left of me in the room. I look to see  it's Doc dwarf with a pie in his hand. "Joe told me to head here to ready the hose..looks like you did it for me! This is where you meet your end!" the small dwarf says with a devilish smile. I shut my eyes...waiting for the pie shot.
*SPLAT* I open my eyes to see Doc covered in pie. "?!" I spin around to see Martin cheering me on. "Use the force Hukk!" I give him a head nod and burst out from the storage room with hose in both hands.

"I think it's time I HOSE you down Joe." I aim the hose and out shoots pudding all over the bar. The dwarfs topple backgrounds as they slip and slide all over the bar counter. "It's in my eyes!" they yell. I next proceed to douse Tango, HB, and Freedie in pudding. The entire bar goes silent. Jay C and Stone come prancing out and high five me. "Way to go you did it!" Jayc congratulates.


All three of us turn around to see a figure coated with pudding. Wiping away the cream from her face, it is revealed to be none other then Brandy. She has both hands placed on each side of her waist, while tapping the hard plank floor with her left boot.

"Um....oh hey you.'s your day?" I ask.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on February 07, 2014, 04:03:57 PM

Cuddling Pookie & Terri in  post-orgasmic exhaustion, we become aware of commotion in the bar...
"Hey girls, sounds like they're having more fun in there"
We climb out, dripping with Jell-O and can't believe our eyes, looks like we're clean compared to almost everyone in the bar. I whisper to Pookie & Terri, we all giggle and agree..
grabbing the fire buckets, we empty them out & run back to the pudding pit, scooping them full of purple Jell-O we run into the bar Normally the sight of 3 girls naked except for drips of purple Jell-O would stop the conversation, but everyone is so busy throwing pies and Hukk is spraying everyone with the pudding-hose so while Pookie & Terri look for their targets I run up to Hukk and slam-dunk the bucket-full of purple goo right over his head leaving the bucket resting on his shoulders and wrenching the hose from his hands as he struggles to lift the bucket off his head.
He had the hose pointing straight at Brandy-Bee. For a second we look into each other's eyes, two redheads covered from head to toe in purple gunge.
I smile wickedly as her eyes widen, this is too good a chance to miss, I just wish James was here so I could hose him down instead, I can guarantee I'd know the consequences of that...
I open up and cover the astonished BB from head to foot before the flow dwindles to a drip and I look towards the storage room to see a grinning Grumpy turning the stop valve and lifting off the wheel to stop anyone else having similar thoughts.
"Ah well, all good things must come to an end!" I grin like a loon and run up to Brandy scraping some of the pudding from her face and planting a big jell-o sloppy kiss on her astonished face, I pull her head to mine and make it a real sloppy smacker!
Then before she can react, I skip off to the shower in the good-ol-boys dressing room, scooping up my clothes on the way past.
I am sooo glad I don't have to clear up the mess on the B & G, people are picking themselves up from the floor, sliding everywhere.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on February 07, 2014, 07:08:40 PM

Zoerink spins me in the air 3 times before setting me back on the floor, pulling me in to a slow dance. He holds me so close I learn things about him I never knew before.
"Honey , I will miss you again, but remember that I will be back" he whispers.
We continue to dance even after the music ends. Finally he takes me over to the bar for a cool off drink.
At the last moment he changes his mind. He orders two tequilas, slips a lemon wedge into my mouth to hold and commences pouring a little salt onto my collarbone.
After a shot each he returns me to my seat and gives me a long goodbye kiss.

Pies are flying around the room. There seemms to be no discrimination in their flight patterns. Afew connect with Hukk, his hot tux is covered.

Hukk eyes seem to glow red as he starts sprinting for the stage.
I put my leg out and he goes flying into the table of pies which fly up everywhere. So worth it I think with a laugh.

Cutie guy walks in and plants a wet kiss on my lips. Tomi greets him and takes him off to the bar where he and tom are hanging. Both of them covered in pie pieces 

I look around the room and realise that everyone is covered in parts of pies.
As I survey the room a pie hits me hard in the back of the head, covering my hair with creamy goo.

Hukk has pulled a table on his side and is concealed behind it.. seeing this as a great idea I leap over to Tomi and try to drag him to the safety of the table.. but an assault of pies hit me before I have made it

Dazed I fall crashing to the floor..out of the corner of my eye I see a panda bear fall down dead not far away. I conclude the pies must have caused some brain damage to be seeing this site in a bar. The dwarves everywhere add to this fear. I drag myself to the over turned table, let my head splat to the floor and pass out.

I am woken by Hukk. Suddenly I am in his arms. Even in my dazed state I can feel a rod in my back that tells me he really enjoys all this carnage and warfare. I pull him in close and with rasping breath I say "It's all up to must..... I sink in to oblivion again.

 when my eyes open next Hukk and cutieguy are having some kind of bonding moment.I remind them that Hukk is currently mid mission.

After a hasty clothes swap (where I temporarily got to see them both naked.. my idea) they both sprang from the table heading in different directions.

Soon Hukk lets loose with the pudding hose. The phallic overtone is not lost on me (or himself it seems) as he squirts randomly around the room.

Everyone gets hit by pudding except Roxxy and Lover who are still lip locked behind the bar. I drop my head onto Tomi's lap close my eyes and give myself up to the fates to protect me from these crazy people

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: CutieGuy on February 07, 2014, 07:38:59 PM
As me and Hukk changed we said he goes left I go right and try get as many people all pied and hosed up as we can.  ;)

So I quickly rushed behind the bar and tried to find some left over pies that i could grab and luckily there were two nice ones on the edge of the bar so I grabbed em and there was a perfect target!
 HGO bending over with her head in Tomi's lap which actually looked quite hot *naughty thought* so i threw for the fences... unfortunately one landed on the dead panda which was kinda sad but the other made it to the designated target and hit HGO right on the butt.   

Was kinda pleased with that shot and hid behind the bar right after I took  another sip of my beer  hoping nobody spotted me.  :P
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 08, 2014, 10:39:00 AM
Its utter confusion as cream pies fly through the air, everyone has the remnants of cream on their body somewhere.  It’s a free for all, although some groups are starting to get more organised and forming alliances.

Stone has managed to get behind the bar counter with Old Joe and the dwarfs. They are flinging pies in a well co-ordinated Mexican wave using the bar for cover as they duck down.

More pies land on my face as I try ducking and then I feel my dress being pulled down to my waist and my ample boobs popping out. I wipe the cream from my eyes and realise its mrsexlover licking around my nipples.
“Had cream really got there through my dress?” I wonder but the next second his hands and another pie landing on the back of his head ensure they are well and truly splattered.
His naughty tongue makes it difficult to concentrate. I feel the gentle tug on each nipple as he suckles and then the heat of his tongue exploring my cleavage. My body responds and I moan as he “Motorboats” cheekily. He rapidly shakes his face in a side-to-side motion in my cleavage accompanied by his yells. This results in the sound that is created similar to an outboard boat motor. The vibrations are somewhat pleasant but now is the time for battle not for hard sex.

I grab his hair, yanking his handsome face from my tits and kiss him on the lips. At the same time, I deviously feel for a fully topped creamed flan and push it straight in his face. He is totally creamed, Then I see his cheeky tongue poke through, wipe his lips clean and a big grin emerge.

My attention is drawn to Pachi the Panda, faithfully trying to get to Stone. She is in full throttle pie flinging and one accidently hits him,   “ Play dead “  I yell and Pachi dutifully falls to the floor and appears lifeless. Stone is beside herself in remorse.
I crawl to him and scratch his ear, he groans in joy and then begins a slow but deliberate belly crawl towards the bar to seek sanctuary from the flying cream overhead and to his beloved Stone.
“He’s ok” I yell to Stone who immediately cheers up, encouraging Pachi to reach her and then firing again on Jayc & Hukk.

I fling some pies to protect his path and he finally makes it to his destination, safe with the dwarfs.

I see Hukk go for the store room and wonder what his plan is. I soon find out when I see him with the giant pudding hose, firing out the remaining grape jelly around the room, obliterating all the different fighting factions.

Most stop in fallen surprise. The whole bar is covered in cream and grape jelly dripping from all the furnishings and people are drenched in gloop.

I stand up and get globbed by him and then Bluedenim from head to foot, and then the flow slows and the hose droops reminding me of a an overexcited guy, totally spent and his weapon, nothing more than a wimpy lettuce. 
Blue grins at me, kisses me on the cheek and quickly heads for the shower. I chuckle as she is still totally naked from her earlier exploits in the pit.

Hukk, CutieGuy, Stone and Jayc are high fiving each other and congratulating each other on a fight well fought.

Lover, FoxyRoxxy, HGO, Freddie , Tangoracer, HB, Tom_Hardy, Loverboy71, Tomi85, denisee40, lydiaRose are standing and look comical with jelly and cream oozing and dripping on them. All are beaming and chuckling at the fun of  a battle well fought.

“Ahem” I suddenly clear my throat with authority.  A silence slowly befalls the room as suddenly they see the carnage around them for the first time.

I point at each little fighting faction.  “ Cleaning detail “  I give each a section of the bar to clean and place a dwarf in charge of each one.

“I want this place, spick and span before Covems returns,  I don’t want him to even suspect the fun we have had here today”

They all nod in understanding.  “Covems and I like the place ship shape and besides, after that’s done,  Tango and Freddie's birthday parties can continue into Valentine’s day”

“Yeahhhhh”  a cheer sounds around the bar and quickly get down to business of clean up, eagerly grabbing mops, buckets and cloths from the dwarfs.

I grab hold of Dopey and tell him to take some pics with his camera for the bar album, especially the three semi clothed stooges and bluedenim, pookie, terriC and mesexlover in the shower.

Covems, Amy and Bear will want to see those when they get back!!

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 08, 2014, 12:46:42 PM
As Brandy Stands in the Middle of the Bar giving her Orders to clean the bar to an inch of its inch of life Before Covems and Amy return I look down at my lovely pet covered in cream and jello and see one last pie still on the floor beside her. With a cheeky smile and the devil in my eye I point at it and indicate to er to pass it to me. She hands it up to me and with wide eyes and a sweet grin.

As Brandy turns to and grabs Dopey and tells him to"Take  some pics for the bar album" she points around the , "especially the three semi clothed stooges and bluedenim, pookie, terriC and mesexlover in the shower." 

As she spins around I let the pie in my hand fly straight at her with a perfect hit it land right in her face. The bar bar goes deadly silent and the rips into laughter as everyone laughs at Brandy. "HOW THROW THAT" she screams with fresh cream dripping from her face, the laughing stops dead and everyone points towards me. With her hands on her hips she walks over to me."SO YOU THINK THAT WAS FUNNY DO YOU"She shouts in my face trying to hide my grin under the cream on my face "Just because ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY you think you can get away with that DO YOU" Her voice is harsh.

Her hands move from her hips and onto my pink leather THONG and rips it off "WELL YOU CAN CLEAN UP IN JUST YOUR PINK BOOTS. AND THE COST IS GOING ON YOUR CREDIT CARD"

The bar fills with laughter again as Brandy puts my THONG over her shoulder and turns and walls away before she can walk to far I grab her arm spin her back against me splatting her naked breast hard against my bear chest and kiss her fall and deep on her cream covered lips. With my lips pressed hard against hers I feel them open against mine as our tongues find each others. Pulling back from her I look into her eyes and say "we will all clean this place up and make it look like nothing has happened tonight.

Looking around the bar I see all my friends faces covered in pie and jello as they start to nod in agreement "now you go and have a shower in the Spa and we will clean this mess in no time.

"LETS GET TO WORK" I shout standing there naked apart from my pink boots.   
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Nate314 on February 08, 2014, 10:06:02 PM
*pokes his head in and looks around*
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on February 08, 2014, 10:28:20 PM
I hand Nate a mop and give him a kiss on the cheek "welcome to the forum and to the Bar & Grill."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Nate314 on February 08, 2014, 10:33:26 PM
While I'm blushing slightly from the kiss, I look at the mop and back to HGO "gee....thanks"  -_-
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 09, 2014, 07:42:53 AM
Whilst eyeing the dwarfs scurrying around with mops, buckets and cleaning utensils to their chosen little group for cleaning detail, I stand with hands on hips surveying the scene, contemplating whether to have a cup of tea before washing down the bar with Old Joe, Stone and Jayc.

Just as I thought that was a damn good idea before starting work,  “Splatt”  I get yet another cream filled flan land full on in my face,   some cheeky devil taking one last shot.

I have to giggle to myself as it was bang on target. I scoop the cream from my eyes and mouth, licking the cream from my lips and wipe my face on a towel by the bar.
All the bar is laughing and I say in my most stern voice , “  Who threw that?”  I look around and immediately spot HB and Tango , trying to look innocent.  Tangos wide grin gives the game away.

“ SO YOU THINK THAT WAS FUNNY DO YOU"  I shout in his face sounding like a Sergeant Major.  We are both trying hard not to laugh.  I continue  "Just because ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY you think you can get away with that, DO YOU?" My voice is as harsh as I can muster.

My hands move from my hips and on to his sexy little pink leather THONG and  with one quick tug, it whips away !!

 "WELL YOU CAN CLEAN UP IN JUST YOUR PINK BOOTS. AND THE COST IS GOING ON YOUR CREDIT CARD"   I tell Old Joe to load up his credit details to charge and to have an open tab.

I fling the tiny thong over my shoulder and am just about to get some tea, when Tango suddenly grabs hold of me and  snogs me deeply, taking my breath away.
He crushes my still naked breasts against his naked warm chest and teases my mouth to open for his invading tongue.  I respond in breathy excitement.  It was hot heady and totally unexpected, a taste of the Master he is!!

He releases me, just as  suddenly while my head is still reeling and my body still tingling.

Tango reassures me the bar will be spick and span in no time and promptly takes charge of the operation with the dwarfs.

He tells me to go shower in the Spa Room and  orders Old Joe to take a cup of tea into me when I come out.

I move to the bar and ask Old Joe for a mug to take in with me, suddenly quite looking forward to a hot refreshing shower in luxurious surroundings.

A new face suddenly pokes his head into the bar and is soon accosted by HGO and a mop.

“ Welcome to the AB&G my friend , get stuck in with the cleaning.  Old Joe here will set you up with your first free drink on the house. It’s a tradition you know.”

Nate314  smiles and looks around at the mess in the room but is impressed with the very friendly people.

Soon he is getting stuck in and enjoying his drink.  I take my mug of tea and  head for the Spa room…

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on February 09, 2014, 12:03:11 PM
The Pie fight over, with no clear winner, Brandy has the dwarfs over see the bar clean up. I am teamed up with Stone and Ole Joe who has already put on a clean pressed white shirt and looks no worse for wear.

“well that little stunt escalated quickly.” Joe says With a sly grin and tosses Stone and I  clean bar tee shirts.

 I nod  “yeah it sure did, sorry about your cigar” I say with sarcastic sincerity.

as we clean Joe and I verbally spar, a daily battle of wit and good natured ball breaking.

“Hey Joe I looked up cigar in the dictionary, it said a breath freshener for men who eat shit for lunch.” 

Stone rings the bar bell  “Point Jayc”  she says with a giggle, “Yeah Joe you flush those, you dont fish them out of the loo to smoke.  she adds to my insult.

“Oh yeah? I have a question for your two, whats the difference between this bar and a nursery school?”  he pauses then says “Nursery schools have adult leadership.”

The bell rings again then it hits me,  I forgot to play our exit music for our stooge revue. I hit play on the bar sound system.

As the Curly shuffle plays the clean up  crews  begin to dance to the 40s swing style tempo as they clean.  In no time at all the bar begins to look like it old self. On a clean table in front I open a box of bar Tee shirts for the patrons and place an empty box along side with a sign.


And in small print

on Covems tab of course.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on February 09, 2014, 07:09:53 PM
This look's like  the battle of Armageddon In the bar  .It is safer back here  with Joe Stone Tom and the Dwarfs. I thought in till  My Hero  Jump's on me  and knocks me  to the ground.


He gets me up  and ask if  I am ok   Its ok  honey  I am fine.

Zoerinks Leaving his off before he leaves  I throw him a pie  have one  for the  road and hit  him  from behind..

looking at my Hero  he  gets his devilish grin and starts throws with the speed of superman pies to every one he can . Hit  Mrsexlover Brandy  Tango  HB  some   Naked  women  with the  help  of  Tom, Stone  the  Dwarfs we have the upper hand  every ones  covered  in pudding, jello and pies.

He gets hit and falls to the  ground OOOhh  my  poor baby  I hope his alright . I run to his side his coverd in pie "My sweet love are ok he smiles and  gives me  his finger so  I can suck mmmm  its  very good pie I want more with his irresistble lips I lean in and give him a passionet  kiss mmmm  rolling around in the back of the bar.. the war   keeps going on  then we  hear Brandy  shout  clean  up time ...  Honey   its   clean up  time ..

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on February 10, 2014, 03:55:28 AM
After a refreshing shower and putting on mthe new panties Tango bought for me and my new black dress, i move back to the Bar & Grill through the secret passage, just to find pie flying all over the main room of the bar. Looking around, i bump into Old Joe, who is hiding im self behgind the board.

"Hey Joe, what's going on!?"

"I don't know HB.....seeems like someone think it was fun to have a pie fight!"

"Yeah, sure.....funny....." i reply just before a pie hit me on the chest: the white cream slide down my dress, covering it, and making me upset.

I look around when i see him..... "HUKKKK!" i yell, taking a pie on the table and splatting it on his face when he turn to him.

"Nice idea......turning the B&G in a pie battlefield! Look at this!" i yell, pointing at my dress.

"It wasn't me" he say, cleaning his face from the cream "but....yes, i enjoy it!"

"Suuuure........are you kidding me!?"

He shakes his head "no lie, my look great covered by white cream!"

I leave Hukk with a satisfed smirk on his face, looking around the Bar for Tango, when i see him looking at the battlefield and smiling really happy: i call him and in answer he stare at me smirking.

"You are a great view, my Pet!"

Point of view, i suppose.....then i see him pointing his finger at a pie near me, making a sign to pass it to him. The following scene was ilarious and dangerous.....Tango threw the pie on Brandy's face, letting her get anger and yell in the middle of the bar.

“ Who threw that?” she ask looking arour till she catch Tango and me. Tango's grin make her understand all.

“ SO YOU THINK THAT WAS FUNNY DO YOU"  she shout on his face, then continue  "Just because ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY you think you can get away with that, DO YOU?"


I smile at her words and can't stop to stare at my lovely Master wearing only pink boots....cream cover most of his naked body. I grab him from behind, moving my hands all over his naked chest, then whisper

"When you have done cleaning, i'll take care of you!"

After kissed his back, i move away, passing near Doc. I stop him, staring at him with my evil dragon's sight and ask "Who!?"

Swallowing, he asnwer me with flebile voice "jayc....he ask to us!"

I let him go and move to the counter, when a full glass of beer is waiting to be served. I'll take him and move to jayc table, where he is laughing with Old Joe and Stone. I stop behind him, looking at the trio......

"Hey Jayc....need refreshment!?"

"What!?" he said, rising his face to my direction. Without esitation, i slop the beer all over him, soacking him from head to toes, smiling.

"This is for my new dress......"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on February 10, 2014, 06:46:27 AM
*Squish* My world goes dark. I feel the hose being yanked out of my hands, while I stumble around wondering what just happened. "Hey, who turned off the lights?!" I say, my voice muffled from the bucket planted on my head by Blue.After a prolonged struggle, I manage to finally yank the bucket off my noogin. *PLOP*. I look around to see to Tango bare ass naked, wearing just little pink boots and HB momentarily still scolding me for ruining her dress once more.

I see Blue trying to head to the boys dressing room and hurry quickly behind her with a towel in hand. I hold the towel from both ends and quickly twirl it around. "?!" Just as she begins to look over to see who's trailing her I release the towel and whip at her cute ass with the towel *SNAP*.

"OW! What the!?" she screams, nearly jumping into the air. I laugh hysterically, as I proceed to chase her down, while snapping at her ass.

"No one makes a fool of Hukk!" I laugh, still chasing the nude Blue to the dressing room. Brandy suddenly cuts in between me and Blue and bonks my head with the end of a mop handle. *BONK* "Oh no. You've had your fun already! Now it's time to clean, while I relax at the spa." she says in an authoritative tone.
I grimace and grab a hold of the mop. "Aye Aye Captain..." I proceed to tie around the towel around my head and get to work, while whistling to song Jayc has playing in the bar.

Every so often, I joke around with Lover and Foxy who scrub down the tables. "I saw that heroic dive you did in trying to reach Foxy, Lover. When will you show that same level of commitment for me!?" I pout jokingly. Foxy rolls her eyes and throws a small clump of flan on my face. After some time of cleaning, the bar finally looks to be back in tip top shape. I dump my stained shirt (the one borrowed from cutie) into the box, and grab a white t-shirt provided by Jayc. I then head back to my car, and change pants quickly, coming back in with simple slim fit blue jeans and a Yankee baseball cap now on my head. I walk over to where HGO, Tomi, Cutie and Nate have gathered and slap each one playfully on the back. I grab a stool -along with a beer- take a seat and just relax.

"To the Pie War of 2014." I toast.


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on February 10, 2014, 10:45:50 AM
Really  funny  Hukk rolls my eyes at you throws you some flan .

His mine! His mines!

You   did it now   I run to   Hukk   and  give him a



After some time  he  get up  and   ok  ok    Halie  no more Joking around !  back to  cleaning  time.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 10, 2014, 12:19:59 PM
After hard working I look around. YES! Covems never will notice what a mess it has been. Everything is clean again, we can eat from the ground now.
Hukk is saying "I saw that heroic dive you did in trying to reach Foxy, Lover. When will you show that same level of commitment for me!?" and before i can do anything, Roxxy is smacking him down. "Hes mine!"
He gets up "ok ok.. i understand" and is lookng to me. I just smile but when he sits down on the stool and gibes his toast, I lay my hand on his shoulder. "Perhaps I dont jump on you as i do to Roxxy, but you always get a bros hug my friend" I wink and go to the stage. Take the micro and talk.

"Ok friends, if you didnt join Secret Valentines, hurry. Just few days left for more fn and frolic. Register here,2997.msg78548.html

Ever wondered why they use A B C D E F to define bra sizes?
A - Almost boobs
B - Barely there
C - Can do 
D - Damn good
E - Enrmous
F - Fake

Tow ladies talk. Lady 1 says "I think my hubby is cheating me!" Lady 2: "Why do you think so?" Lady 1: "Yesterday he said he was with John last night for a party. But actually I was with John last night :P"

Thanks for listening to me. Have fun now :)

I go back to Roxxy "We should go home and take a shower too" I grin... "Youre right honey" She says and we leave the bar

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on February 10, 2014, 12:26:54 PM
Good night every one   waving   bye    holding my  honey   we  depart     winks  at  hukk    his mine    ;)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 10, 2014, 12:51:31 PM
With the Bar looking spike and span again and Jayc siting covered in HB's beer. I quickly take her hand and lead her into the spa

"Lets get you out of that dress" I say and start to slide it up over her head I smile as I see she has her new pantie I gave her. Reaching down into my boot I pull out the remote and flick it on, sliding my finger up the control HB squirms as her Panties start to vibrate. With a little soft moan she tries to hide the pleasure her new panties were now giving her.

"Master Please that fills so good" Pulling my boots off and standing Naked in the middle of the spa I look over to the shower and smile. It's still running with steam coming out of the door way. Putting my finger to my pets lips "SSSHHHHHH  Its Brandy still in the shower"
A big smile comes over my Pets face and then she looks over to the shower"Lets go and give her a big surprise"Looking down at her panties"Are they water prof Master" I nod my head to answer her.

With her taking my hand we walk to the shower and Knocks on the glass side of the shower my Pet asks "Room for one more in there?" 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Tomi85 on February 10, 2014, 03:55:25 PM
The pie war is over finally I bend over HGO wipe off the cream so I can see her lovely face, she open her eyes and I say to her " pie war is over baby " she smile than I help her up we are all covered in pie start to laugh on the other. She start wipe off the cream from her body I see a tiny bit of pie in her take off from her and eat it " mmmm taste more delicious this way ". I hear Brandybee say " clean up time" so we satart to clean up the bar.

After the clean up I walk to Tom who is at the bar drink his last drink I give him his coat and take him out to the taxi, Loverboy is already there and wait for Tom. Thay sit in the taxi say bye to them " was a crazy party " than I close the door and thay gone. I sit down outside on the porch need some fresh air and rest a little, I here
laughter comes out from te bar, I sit back put my feet up " good thing I bring one beer out with me ".
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 12, 2014, 05:42:48 AM
I walk into the luxurious Spa room. It is exquisitely decorated and the colours, carefully chosen to create a relaxed and peaceful ambiance for the clients who choose one of Tango’s amazing massages.

Luckily, the pie war had not reached inside this place and I breathe in the scent of essential oils that make the salon unique and stress free.

Careful not to leave a messy path , I gingerly make my way to the walk in shower and slide open the glass doors and step inside, dress and all.

I turn the large ceramic knob of the shower and the water tumbles out and then showers in perfect jets at exactly the right temperature.

The water hits my head and body, with just enough force, to clear and melt the grape jelly and cream from my body. It weaves itself down my figure and into the white ceramic  tray, swirling at my feet, before curling and slipping away forever down the chrome plug hole.

The water is exquisite on my skin and I stand under it, enjoying the spray as it hits me. I  turn slowly so not  to miss any of the goo on my body and dress , which is still pulled down to my waist by mrsexlover earlier.

The water patters on to my naked breasts and  teases the softness. My nipples pucker and harden at the repeat stimulation of the water.

I slowly shimmy out of the now clean, but sopping, dress and kick off my heels placing them outside the glass doors, totally naked now.

I return to stand underneath the tantalising jets of the water. My body  responds to the patters as it hits. 

I shut my eyes in pleasure and my thoughts wonder to the intense attention mrsexlover paid to my nipples earlier. That expert tongue circling and licking them, the heat of his mouth as he gently sucked them in. I could almost feel him again, filing his mouth with each breast in turn and then burying  his face into my cleavage, kissing and trailing his tongue.

A moan escapes my lips and my body begins to heat up in desire. I squeeze my breasts and roll my nipples in between my finger and thumb, and  then move my hand slowly down my tummy to my perfectly shaved little strip of pubic hair.  I part my intimate lips,  naturally wet inside now,  and pull back my little protective hood, exposing my wet and swollen clitoris.

I angle my body to allow the water to plop against it over and over. It stimulates my urges to touch myself even more, throbbing now with a need for release.

I can’t resist my burning need for long , and begin to play with my clitoris, masturbating and panting as I lose myself in the red, hot heat and craving the ultimate sexual relief.

The water cascades on my body and simply heightens my base pleasure.

I suddenly feel a hand grab my wrist to stop my pleasure. I open my eyes startled and want to scream in frustration.

I find myself staring straight into the eyes of Tango and our of the corners, I see HB standing behind him by  the shower door.

My mouth goes dry and my heart thuds at being caught red handed in his Spa room… self pleasuring...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on February 12, 2014, 03:02:44 PM

I lay on the hard plank floor, while Foxy hovers above me with a balled fist. "His mine! His mines!" she shouts triumphantly.  I moan in agonizing pain "I've been thrown in jail, hit with a coin, had a bucket plopped on my head and now suplexed to the floor..yep it's official. I've become the bar's pinata.". Pachacuti lumbers on over to me, and picks up my shattered body from the ground. He plants me on a chair, where I proceed to drink and pass the time away. "Roar, growl, snort" says Pachucuti.

"Yea, I hear ya. Valentines is nearing fast. Better start sending out roses." I chime in. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 14, 2014, 03:50:36 PM
With no answer from my pets "room of one more in there"I walk in to see Brandy with her eyes closed and her hand pleasuring and soft moans coming from her. I stop and look at her gorgeous body as the warm water runs over her nicely shaped breasts and drips from her hard erect nipples. As her fingers move faster over her own clitoris I grab her wrist and pull her hand away, Her eyes open wide and her mouth opens and tries to scream as her eyes focus then meat mine right in front of her. "Hello Miss Brandy what are you up to" I ask as I take her fingers to my lips and gently suck them tasting the sweet taste from her hot pleasure.

Feeling my Pet rubbing my back as I gently suck and lick her fingers, leaning in towards Brandy's on closed mouth just before my lips reach hers again I let her fingers out of  my mouth and kiss her lips letting her taste herself from my lips. Feeling her nipples press against my chest as are kiss deepens into a full lustful passionate kiss. Pushing her back under the hot jets of water till her back is against the wall breaking our kiss I look into her eyes then turn to my Pet "My sweet text Martin form me and tell him I need backup in the spa shower" I tell her "Yes my love"she says with a smile.

As my sweet Pet leaves the shower I kiss Brandy's lips softly and move down the side of her neck then down on to her breasts taking each hard nipple into my mouth rolling them with my tongue and lips. Gently biting pulling nibbling them feeling them grow harder to my mouths attention with the water rushing down over as I feel her hand start to rub the back of my hard pressing my mouth harder to her nipples .

Hearing her moans of pleasure as she pushes my head down over her body stopping at her navel letting my tongue run around it and press into it Before pushing me down lower letting my lips brush over her little strip of pubic hair leading me to her swollen clitoris. Feeling the swollen button of her clitoris between my lips sucking it gently as my lips tighten around her little swollen bud and pulling it gently. Feeling her hands tighten on the back of my head press my face harder into her wet sex moving my lips from her button down to her silk moist lips.

Pressing my tongue against her lips feeling them open to my tongue letting it slide deep into Brandy's wetness hearing her moans getting loader as my tongue moves deeper and faster over her lips I feel a hand on my shoulder "You called for back up Tango"Looking up without moving my lips way from Brandy's lips and see Martin take one of Brandy's nipples into his mouth. As Brandy lets out a load moan I move away from her lips and move back Letting Martin take over from me with Brandy.

Moving out of the shower i take my pets hand and lead her to the hot tub and pick up the remote control and turn it full power I watch as my pet squirms and twitches as her panties vibrate  and drive her wild. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on February 15, 2014, 02:24:07 AM

My phone is buzzing on the bench. I'm in the shower getting clean from the Pie fight. There i a text message from HB.

"Hurry up, my Master needs back up in his Spa"

Knowing how hot and steamy it can get in there, i don't bother to dry and rush the Spa. I see HB poiting at the showers as i come in.

There i see Tango on his knees with is head between Miss Brandy's thigh's. I lay my hand on his shoulder "You called for back up Tango" , as i bend forward to kiss Brandy's nipples that ar poiting out to me.

I can hear her moan underneath my touch and as i see Tango moving off to the side i take his place, letting my tongue follow a wet path down Brandy's body. "Tango most have left a trail for me" i'm thinking.

Flicking my tongue around her belly button and kissing my way down, i feel her clit very swollen underneath my tongue. I twirl around it and hear a loud moan escaping Brandy's mouth.

My hands grab both firm cheeks pulling her warm wetness deeper into my face as i my tongue and mouth are living their onw live sucking and licking anything the can get too.

Somehow it's getting wetter and it's not comming from my mouth as i feel Brandy arching into me, her hands on the back of my head, pulling me closer as she climax to another orgasm.

As i stand up, i kissing my way back up till i reach her mouth, My tongue dances with her's as i push her against the backwall of the shower. My hard cock is pushing against her moist pussy, teasing her clit. while we keep kissing. I feel her spreading her legs and with a little twist in my hips i feel my cock gently slide into her warm and inviting opening.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 17, 2014, 02:23:22 PM
My heartbeat rockets, my breath is stilled and I feel tingles of naughtiness at being caught naked and touching myself so intimately.

Tangoracer catches my hand, causing it to still. I feel the pressure of his strong fingers on my wrist and the pressure of my own hand still touching my clitoris. Its tantalising in that statuesque state.

The tension in the air spurns my sensitivity and my clit throbs against my resting finger.

It’s so fucking unbearable and a moan escapes my lips!

Tango stares into my eyes, allowing his breath to caress my skin. He knows a woman in an excited state when he sees one, and knows I am close to toppling into that sea of sexual wonderment but he holds me on the edge of that Utopia.
Lets me breathe in the anticipation and nervous tension of what he will do.

“Well, Hello Miss Brandy, what are you up to? “ he whispers, not really expecting answer and pulls my hand away so I am no longer touching my throbbing, needy pussy.

I swallow.  Still unsure of what to say. My body is aglow with a need that needs satisfying and his nearness is reeling my senses.

He slowly moves my fingers to his lips, “ Oh God, He’s going to taste me” my brain registers his intent. 

He waves my fingers under his nose and then sucks each one. Its very sexual and very intense, I watch him savour my unique and my legs nearly buckle with need.

Then after savouring my intimate juices on my fingers , he gently pushes me back, bumping my back on the shower wall.  He slowly lowers his head to tease and then snogs me as the water cascades on us both. 

I hardly register him giving instructions to HB. All I know is, his body is pressing close to mine, my hard erect nipples scraping against his chest, his hard body grinding against mine and I want him to.
I want his strong body caressing me.

My tummy flutters as he breaks the kiss and moves his head along my neck, my collar bone and down to ravish and suckle each breast.  I arch my chest to him,  wanting him to touch me, to take me, to play with my body. I stroke his hair ,moaning at his sweet touches.

Tango teases and suckles my breasts and my need grows as I shut my eyes. I need more. My pussy is throbbing hard, ever since he moved my hand away.

I spread open my stance and push on his shoulders.

Tango silently acknowledges my need and trails down to my belly button. He stays there and I moan, needing him lower. I push more on his shoulders   
“ Down”  I whisper.  And to my relief he does, to my joy he goes lower and finally, finally  he licks my sopping wet furrow and I grind and moan my need in his face.

He licks and explores ever fold in my wanton crevice, savouring and sucking my juices that are flowing all over his tongue and chin. I am in a frenzied ecstasy.
I push my pussy in his face, holding his head there as I grind on his tongue.  Then he finds my swollen bud and sucks on his gently. 

Its’ too much! 

His magic lips and tongue tips me over and I quiver and shake on my legs as I softly scream my release.   “ Tangoooooooooo” 

In my insensible state, I suddenly feel another on my breasts sucking on my nipples as Tango drinks my flowing and creamy cum.

Then when he has drunk his fill, I feel him move back. He looks at me and smiles at my satisfied , dishevelled wet state.

He watches a moment as mrsexlover suckles my swollen breasts and strokes my wet body.   He seems pleased with his expert work of bringing me to orgasm and then backs away to deal with another, waiting for him.
Through my half closed eyes, I see him reach for HB’s hand and lead him to the waiting  Hot Tub.

Then my attention is bought to mrsexlovers experienced tongue on my breasts, tugging, licking and tasting before  moving down my front to my orgasmed centre, still twitching from Tango’s use.

He licks, gentle at first, tasting my wetness and creamed centre and then begins to ravishly eat me.  He suck in my lips and then all of my outer pussy.

The robust actions fire me up again and I am soon riding his tongue and smothering his face in my lusty build up.

He grips my bottom, groping my cheeks and digging his fingers into my wanton flesh. He buries his face into my pussy.

His desire to taste me just ignites my need and I grind on him like a wanton hussy. I groan and moan and pull on his hair.  The lust and expert foreplay takes me to that burning need for release again. I buck and rub into his face.

I scream as I feel myself fall once more! Cumming all over his tongue. My legs shake and tremble.

Mrsexlover allows me to ride the hot rippling waves on his face and tongue and then he rises up to kiss me with his Brandybee coated tongue. At the same time I feel his hard cock brush against my pubis.

My mind screams my need and my legs spread open for him. Accepting him between my legs with a greediness worthy of a starving animal.

Then he twists his hips and successfully guides himself to my vagina entrance.  With another thrust, he enters me, coupling to my hot ,inviting tightness. He pushes into me.

I gasp in pleasure at the big cock slowly burying into my body. He is big, powerful and very very …..  fuckable....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on February 18, 2014, 03:51:49 PM
I looked round, pleased that the AB&G had polished up so sparkly and clean and grinned at Jayc in his Moe wig, now slightly askew on his head. 
“ What?” he asked when he saw me staring at him.
I just laughed and pulled him towards the shower room.  “ Come on Batman, we got to clean up too”
We both made our way to the Batcave  and an hour later were back in the bar, smelling fresh and dressed nicely again.

“Jayc ,  mrsexlover bought these in, earlier in the night before world war 3 broke out “  Old Joe called to him referring to the Flan Flinging battle . "and said you had ordered them for the Bar Notice Board."

“ Arrr yes. Thanks Joe “   Jayc seemed pleased and gave me one of the leaflets.

His poster was the Daytona 500 car race and the sweep stake currently running in the Contest Section.   The race is Sunday 23 Feb 2014.  More Sweepers / Players can volunteer to play. The Stake / Pot to win is currently standing at A$ 1,000

Forum Home Page  > Organizations & Events > Contests  > Daytona 500 sweep stakes,2986.15/topicseen.html


The one handed to me was to remind people to read and vote in the Erotic Story Contest. Please read the 11 short stories and vote for your favourite. Your vote is important as it shows support for the authors and the Story contest.

Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > " MEDIEVAL " THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 6.                         ,3006.0.html   


Jayc and I hang the posters on the AB&G Notice Board and stand back to admire them.

“Mrsexlover designs wonderful posters”  I comment to Jayc.
Jayc nods. “Yes he does. I think we should buy him a drink as a thank you”  At this we hear a cough and giggle. We turn and the dwarfs are gazing at the posters too.
“Mrsexlover is a little busy in the Spa room “  Grumpy says
“The shower room to be exact”  Dopey adds.

Jayc grins at me, “Remind me to find out what he eats.  His stamina is amazing!! “
I chuckle at him,  “ Oh you have your moments Darling”  I compliment him.
Jayc grins and swats my bottom playfully.  “Come on, people are waiting to be served at the bar”

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on February 21, 2014, 12:53:37 PM
Brandy tilts her head back and moans load as my hard cock slowly enters har wet and warm pussy. Slowly is start to slide in and out while pussing her back against the wall.

Her moans get louder but get smored as soon as i lean in to kiss her lips while our bodies are moving in sinc. As my tongue pushes it self into her mouth, she willing opens her lips and and her tongue is comming out to meet mine.

Our tongues are doing a dance in our mouths, sometimes in mine then in back in hers. Our rythm goes up and i feel a shiver going through Brandy as she breaks our kiss to gasp for air.

My hands go down, grabbing her laps to lift her up. Pushing her against the wall, sliding deeper and faster in her inviting pussy. Brandy's eyes roll back  and a load moan escapes her mouth as i feel my legs getting wet from her dripping pussy.

It makes me pushing even deeper and faster, holding her legs in my arms, pinning her to the shower wall, as she spreads her arms around me to lean into me for a never ending hug of pasion and fury love.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 22, 2014, 12:19:22 PM
My fevered mind relishes the lust of the fine man pinning me to the shower wall. He is pounding me deeply. Strong hard thrusts impale my body again and again.
The warm water cascades over his back and buttocks and adds to the erotic sensuality of our coupling.
He uses the wall to support my back and I grab the twin rails to aid the support and balance of our position and wrap my legs high on his hips. He takes advantage of my vulnerable state, for to loose now would see me toppling to the floor.

He gropes my breasts, taking what’s on offer. He squeezes and grinds them hard in his hands, using them to keep me pinned in position.

The contrast of the sensations of his roughness and then gentleness rockets my need.

It reminds me that he is strong! He is in control! He is taking me! He knows and senses that I am a woman who needs to be wanted and revels in a man who is not scared to show their raw sexuality and uncontrolled desire.

He palms my tits and stops grinding, lifting them up and pushing me against the wall. He moves his lips to mine and softly kisses me as he slows the rhythm of his sawing hips.

His lips trace a line to my ear.  “Touch your clit Brandy,”  He demands. “Work that clit for me while I fuck you”

I groan as his wicked words invoke images in my mind of us naked in the shower, hot, wet, sensual and yet wild in need. Two shiny , panting bodies in the low light.

I move down to my sensitive nub and circle it, teasing myself to throb and ache. Instinctively I grind on his buried cock determined to make the images in my mind a reality.

“Good Girl” He murmurs as he watches me pleasure myself, almost spell bound. The wet heat of my pussy around his cock intensifies.

Satisfied by my groans and slutty responses that I am in the throes of passion, mrsexlover then allows his own lust to be unleashed and he begins to fuck, a little harder each time. He hits the wall of my womb, withdraws, and hits it again.
Then like a piston, he fucks me! He uses my body to fuel his fantasies and take over his body and mind.

Its fast, hard, raw fucking.  Each using the other to satisfy their craving.

I need him in me, need his raw passion, need him to want me and in that moment, he does.  In that moment he is mine as much as I am his.

Then as he pounds and my fingers successfully climb that peak of sexual thrill, I feel the end is almost in sight. I have to reach it, nothing else matters and then it happens… its overwhelming…

I scream his name, pussy spasming, gripping and ungripping on his cock and covering him in my creamy juice.

My body jerks and fits in pleasure and then calming and exhausted from the demands of Tango and  mrsexlover.

I cling on mrsexlover for support, glowing in my rapture. My euphoric, exploding pleasure edges him on and he fucks me even harder….
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 23, 2014, 12:28:48 PM
"Honey would you mind if i have agilrs night?" Roxxy is asking. "No baby, just do it. Ill go to the bar and have a few drinks with friends." On my way I meet Stone. We greet and talk and I tell her, Roxxy is ready for their date (see Secret Valentine,2997.msg81664.html ). She calls her and they arrange a date in Acapulco. "Enjoy it stone. Though im not sure if two girls should be left alone, they always have silly things in their mind" i tease her. She just grins and i can read her thoughts "Be sure, we will talk about you guys and how to tease you". I think i can call Jayc, hes alone too and might enjoy a few drinks and a boys talk. But he is busy with preparing everything for the Daytona 500 race, so we just talk a little and i walk on.

Its rather empty. So i take my place on the bar, welcome old joe and ask for a beer. We talk a bit.. you know, two old guys philosophing about lfe. "Oh i almost forgot, freddie left something for you" He hands me the box. "There it is again" I laugh and take it.


Hukk comes in, i wave and he sits down next to me, giving a high five and a bros hug. "Old joe and me are talking about life. Could be interesting for you too." He nods and hands me two new banners he did for me. "Great. I will use them together with the old one i got. Now i can rotate"

We have a few drinks, laugh and enjoy a good time. After a while my phone rings. "Honey, where are you?" "Im in the bar darling. Did you finish your date with stone?" She agrees and says she wold come now. "I just talked to jayc. He comes to the bar now too. Tell stone, she can join you and come over too."
Looking at the box, i suddenly grin... soon its time to answer the secret of it and i know when it will happen ;D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on February 23, 2014, 05:11:07 PM
i enter the bar and see Lover and Hukk having drinks, i greet Joe and ask him a beer then i go to Lover and Hukk.
"Hey guys! How you? ". Take seat and smile to Lover : " i see you got my gift , i couldnt take it with me " .
He grins ....then we both start laughing
"You know Lover...i had my hands full...i'm sure you will forgive me ...after few beers!"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Peeka on February 26, 2014, 04:36:41 PM
Freshly arrived in this city, I'm happy to have finished unpacking most of my furniture boxes and decide it's time to have some good time and discover somewhere to have a bit of fun and relaxation. Walking in the street with no real goal in mind, I kindly ask someone on the street for a place to have a drink.
Looking me up and down with round eyes, the guy answers "you should maybe go to the AB&G, it's just around the corner".
Smiling and giggling inside I think "Hihi, he liked my dress"
So I make my way to the AB&G and eventually open the door to enter. Soon as i come in I'm impressed by the luxury of this place and am overwhelmed by the exciting scents that hang in there. "Wow! It's gigantic! And... what has happened here? It smells!" I can feel my body warming up in a few seconds. I get a bit scared of what I feel at the moment, but I keep going my way and head to the bar.

"What will it be for this beauty" the barman asks gently.

"I'll have ...huh... what do you have?"

Seeing I'm a bit disoriented and maybe need something to relax a bit, the bartender uses his expertise "I've got the right thing for you my dear"
After a few seconds he comes up with a colorful cocktail. Some ananas slices hang on the glasse's borders and two sherries still hung togeter lie on the bottom. "Mmh, what is it making me think of?". After a thankfull smile at the barkeeper and a suggestive way of catching the straw, I turn around and lean back on the counter. Lifting one leg on the lower railing and pushing my breasts forward. I want to show I'm proud of my assets. "Oh my god, what am i doing now??" Smiling to myself, I quickly think "bah, he must be used to it".

The cocktail is perfect, I enjoy it and I begin to watch the dancefloor. There I see what I didn't notice at the beginning: some people are quite lightly clothed "she even doesn't have a top. This one wears something so transparent, why does she wear it?? Mmh and this guy half nacked... Damn I'm getting hot in here"  As soon as i say that this song begins to play:  That's when I begin to laugh out loud to myself.

So i begin to relax and enjoy the music while drinking up my cocktail. I'm so proud of my new minidress I unconsciously let it swing high, letting my butt cheeks and my tanga appear from time to time...

Looking around and inspecting every corner of the place, my eyes fall on some little white stains on the floor. (Probably the cleaning team didn't do his job toroughly after the pie battle). "What the hell is this?" I ask myself "is it what I think?? Or is my imagination fooling me?..." i can't help it, but thinking of a pie battle in this apparently select bar is impossible to me. And seeing so many sexy people makes my fantasy take over "what has happened here? Orgy???"

"Ooh my god! Where am I??? Should I stay? Am I ready for this?"

My lack of experience in these kind of things makes me hesitate a few seconds. But then I see my glass is empty and I'm still trying to suck up  every last drop with an awful sound. Sssllrrrpp!

"Oh you know what? fuck it! Che sera sera." I turn around, lean excessively on the bar, without real intention showing my cleavage to the barkeeper and my butt to the dancefloor. And holding the cherries up my mouth before biting in them i shout to him:

"Hey! Gimme one more like this please" And continue to dance next to the bar.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on February 27, 2014, 06:24:57 AM
Freddie just joined Hukk and me, were laughing and having few more beers. "Im sure you had your hands full" I say winking to him. Hukk looks, his eyes are asking...then he knows what were talking about "Damn guy, you had a hot date and now youre thirsty!" Freddie just nods and smiles... "Hey, stop dreaming. Come back to earth or..." I act as if i would remove his beer and immediately he says "ok ok.. im back" We all laugh as a new face is entering the bar. "Hey, this is Peeka. Shes new in town, lets welcome her" i say.

Peeka is dancing next to bar, having her 2nd cocktail. "Be careful" I laugh "You never know what Old Joe is putting in, he always surprises us with new ingredients" I blink. We raise our bottles to welcome and cheer "Nice to see you already found our bar. Enjoy!"

The door opens and Stone and Roxxy are coming. I hug my girl, giving her a hot kiss "Mmmm youre looking hot baby. Im sure you both had a great time." She agrees and after i welcomed stone with a hug, Roxxy is telling us about their secret date. We guys almost start drooling.
Stone laughs devilish as she is telling that they also talked about jayc and me and she would know all my secrets now. "Be sure stone, there is more to know about me" I smile.
"Oh baby, you got the box again?" Roxxy is asking me. "Yes, freddie was so "nice" to give it back. But soon the secret wont be a secret anymore..hehehe"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on February 27, 2014, 09:28:23 AM
"Har har har! Don't you start!" I say laughing at Lovers remark. I wrap my right arm around Lovers shoulders and point to him with my left hand, while staring at Freddie. "Can you believe this guy? Ball buster." I laugh. I grab my glass of beer and down it completely.

Ol Joe leisurely walks by, cleaning an empty mug of beer as he smokes his stogie. "You know gents, St. Paddy's day is almost upon us."

Upon hearing the mentioning of St. Paddy's, I straighten myself out on the bar stool, and sing a little melody with an horrible Irish accent. "Oh Danny boy...the pipes..the pipes they are a callin'." Freddie looks over and groans "Stick to making banners Hukk."

Ol' Joe cracks a smile and continues "Well, I just want to keep St. Patrick's day simple. Nothing too extravagant." I pause for a second, with drink in hand. "No worries on that Joe. We're just planning on some basic games. Won't get out of hand." I say, trying to reassure him.

"Yea. That's what Jay said about the strip tease. Thirty minutes later, the whole damn bar turned into a pie battle field. Anytime you guys say 'won't get out of hand', I twitch." replies back Ol Joe with chuckle. I place down my beer and make an oath with my right hand up in the air, and left hand placed over my heart. "I swear to you, Ol' Joe. No funny business."

"Uh huh. Sure. We'll see." says Ol' Joe, rolling his eyes. Lover slaps me playfully on the back, and begins to speak. "If you got something cooked up for St. Patrick's Day, better start organizing it now before it is too late."

I drink up all of my beer and slam it on the table. Swiping my mouth clean, I look up at the wall mounted clock and yell "Yikes! You're right Lover. I better get moving." I sprint into action and head for the doors. As I run to the doors, I bump into a new member of the community. "Omph! Oh, sorry about that. Names Hukk!" I give the startled Peeka a big welcoming hug, nearly lifting Peeka off the floor. "Sorry, but can't chat! On a mission!" Peeka merely stares, waving a goodbye.

"Omph!" I look to stare that I've just bumped into Foxy, who stands beside Stone. "Oh hey!" Halie begins. "Bah, too many obstacles.! Hello to you both! I can't chat right now! Need to ready the bar for St. Patrick's day!" I finally manage to make my way outside. Inside the bar, you can hear my car starting and then peeling away into the night. "Um....he's not gonna do anything too crazy, right?" says a frightened Stone to the crowd in the bar.


A few hours pass by before I finally return. I burst into the bar, dressed all in green. In my hands is a box labeled 'Beer games & decorations'. "Alright guys, time to get ready for St. Paddy's!" I say with a beaming smile.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on February 28, 2014, 03:53:56 AM
              We arrived at  Bar  with   our Acapulco sexy tan  as we got there Hukk was running out the  door. The  guys where at the  bar drinking.   I  walk over  to my love  wrap my arms  around  him  mmmm   I  whisper to him I missed you baby .
He smells so good  he turns around and  kiss me passionately  and hugs me .You look hot!  he tells me and make's  me so happy when he says this

 I am so glad to be back  home and in your arms honey  . I greet the guys and  there's  a new  girl  Peeka  greeting her warmly  she seems to be having a  nice time  glad you are feeling at  home here . Saying  hello to Jacy and freddieand and Joe

"Oh baby, you got the box again   when will it be open  I say .

Hey   Joe   I ordered a  Margarita  as   My  love  greets Stone  would you like one to  Stone . We start telling the  guy about  our hot date and all the  all the secrets  we know about them  we start giggling  as their eye open wide and drool .
hey   Jacy you  got a very sexy  lady  I tell  him  very lucky  guy you are ...

I  blink at my baby  honey I got some  new moves  I will use on you  tonight  ;) ;)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on March 01, 2014, 05:24:02 AM
I feel Brandy trembling and clining to my body, her body must getting exhausted by the way she has been having orgasms.

Still holding her in my arms, riding on my cock i step away from the shower and, get out of it.  Outside the shower i see the relaxing matress Tango is using to give massages. I slowly walk over, sliding in and out with every step. Then i lay Brandy down on her back on the matress.

In the background i hear more naughty things going on, and as i look up i see Tango and HB making love in the far end of the Spa, but then i turn my focus back to Brandy.

Kissing her deeply i start to push in harder and deeper, with my hands now free i use them to tickle her nipples. Faster and faster my pace goes and when i feel Brandy getting on the edge again, i let myself go and with load moans of pleasure we both simultaneously orgasm. Cream is filling her pussy and as i slide out it starts to dripp.

Our tongues do a little dance as we snuggle and relax and recharge the batteries.........
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: CutieGuy on March 01, 2014, 08:33:35 PM
I walk in the bar and see my favorite buddies   ;)

The bar like always is busy and looks like the party is going on strong. I sit down on the bar and order a nice cold one thinking praising the bartender for the awesome beer.
I then order a nice round of flaming shots for all the hot people over here
Flaming sambuccas               cheers everybody!   :P

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on March 03, 2014, 10:10:52 AM
I immediately get to work on decorating the bar a festive St. Patrick's Day Green. "Pachacuti!" I call. "Where are you?!"

Pachacuti sits peacefully at the bar counter, with his snout in the drink CG just poured. "Help a guy out!" I beg, trying to maneuver my way around the bar with the box. "Grrowl!" he responds, wobbling over to aid me.

Outside the bar, I place a huge banner up top the bar door entrance.


Next, I take out a packet of green streamers and hand them to Pachacuti. "Alright, you know what to do." Pachacuti merely nods, and begins to throw the streamers around the bar.


"Damnit, no panda.....I meant hang them along the walls." I sigh, looking on as he continues to throw them around.

I next hang some shamrocks just above the bar counter where everyone is seated. "Think this location works well", I say smiling.

"Alright...where are the dwarfs?" I ask, looking around the bar. In my hand are little Leprechaun costumes. Grumpy pokes out his head from behind the bar counter. "Oh no. No way are we gonna wear that. No. Not gonna happen!"

Thirty minutes later, all the dwarfs are dressed as leprechauns.


"Perfect!" I cry out, slapping grumpy on the back. "I gotta admit..the little pots of gold was a nice touch."
"You will rue this day...that I promise." grumpy responds, seething through his teeth. Lastly, I proceed to lay out the most important St. Paddy's Day instruments of destruction: half yards, shot glasses, cups, and the creme dela creme...Das Boot.

With my decorations now complete, I grab a flaming sambuccas, and join CG in his cheer. "Let the beer games begin!"

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on March 03, 2014, 11:08:35 AM

I slide over next to cutie and grab my first flaming sambucca. I throw a back jelly bean into the glass, blow out the flame and chuck it back fast.
I snuggle against cutie and watch Hukk and the panda decorate. It's almost like watching drunk men do tai chi and ballet at the same time. Streamers and clover confetti are flying everywhere as the crazy dance continues. Tomi slides up on a seat next to cutie and I. He jerks his head in Hukks direction then smiles at me. I nod and we both start to laff as we continue to watch.
Hukks enthusiasm for St Paddys Day is infectious though and i feel tomi is as anxious as i am for the party night.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on March 03, 2014, 12:12:46 PM
Working at my desk in the bar office, I decide to take a much needed break and rise to fill my coffee cup. In the hall I hear some familiar voices, and recognize them immediately...........its Hukk, GC and HGO the friendly folks from the town Square.

As Joe fill my cup I watch in amusement as Hukk decorates the bar for St. Paddy’s day.

“Did you OK this Jay?” Joe asks sounding a tad worried.

“Its a bar Joe, we must celebrate the day”  I reply.

“Well Brandy has you on double secret probation, whatever that means for your last little stunt.” Joe reminds me.

“Its just a little party, what could possibly go wrong? I grin.

“Do you want the long or short list?” Joe chuckles.

As Hukk Carefully unpacks a case of large glass boots  I do my best George C. Scott/Patton imitation.

“Hukk you magnificent Bastard  you brought DAS BOOT!!”   
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on March 03, 2014, 04:21:04 PM
Mrsexlover feels me topple over the edge into my own world of sexual wonder. He groans with a mix of lust and pride as I shatter in his arms. He feels my body slump over him, still joined to him. He reaches behind me to turn off the shower.

He carries me out to a massage bed, lays me down gently and climbs on top.  I wrap my legs around him as he begins a steady pound into my sensitive, spasming depths. It spurs him on to slake his lust on my compliant body and kisses me deeply.

He fucks me deep and hard, breathing heavily into my ear as he too becomes lost in his own pleasurable world of greedy, intense desire. His hands rise up to hold my head, my hair parting and slipping between his fingers as he grips me.

My eyes are shut, enjoying the head massage and pummelling into my heated sex. Then I feel him stiffen, his rhythm change and harder, slower thrusts as he jettisons his seed into my womb.  He roars in his release and I smile satisfied that he too has reached his peak and falls, tumbling after me in excited rapture.
I sigh, contented in that special moment.

He collapses next to me and I slowly become aware of the noisy, heated connection between Tango and HB at the far side of the room and then the lively debates outside in the bar.

We hold each other smiling as we catch our breath and regain our strength for the world outside.

“We should see what the miscreants are up too,” I murmur to mrsexlover
He smiles back, “Mmm h mmm, we should,” he agrees not moving.
I nod, fully understanding his lack of enthusiasm to move from our blissful glow.
“Maybe in another 5 minutes,”  I chuckle.
“Mmm h mmm” he agrees.

After 5 minutes, I prod him as his eyes are shut. He smiles immediately so I know he is just basking and not sleeping.
“You were amazing,” I whisper, “And a gentleman” 
“Mmm h mmm,” he smiles, too lazy to speak or open his eyes which makes me chuckle.

“And gentleman always look after the lady first” I compliment him.
“Mmm h mmm,”  his smile widens as he remembers my orgasm rippling over him.

“Which means … you can fetch the spa robes”  I deliver the punchline with perfect timing.

He groans good naturedly. “I walked into that one” he grumbles but slowly rises from the bed and as he does so, I turn on my side to watch his sexy butt walk to the hangers at the back.

He puts a white robe on and I see the words of the Spa in orange emblazoned on the back " I've been Tango'd"  He turns, letting his eyes sweep over my nude body, still flushed from his exquisite touch.
Then he returns and reluctantly helps me into mine.

I kiss him tenderly, then cup his face, “Thank you for a most interesting shower”
“Anytime,” he grins.
I grin back at him and nod my head sideways. “Will you thank Tango too, when he’s finished?”
“Sure,”  mrsexlover agrees, not bothering to tell me my hair looks like a wild banshee.

Then with shaky legs and “just fucked” hair, I tip toe out to the bar and am met with the most wonderful St Patrick Day decorations.

“Well, that certainly looks better than the dripping cream from before,” I muse to myself and head towards Old Joe and a much needed energising cup of tea.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Peeka on March 03, 2014, 05:50:30 PM
Just walking in and being welcomed so warmly by hukk is probably what helped me being quicker at ease.
As he surprisingly lifts me up, hugging me hard, the only sound that comes out of my mouth is: "hhuukkk" feeling a bit crushed in his strong arms.
But my thoughts quickly turn it into a quality " Mmh strong guy, and doesn't look so bad..." as i silently wave him good bye, still under the surpise effect as he walks out.

At the bar, Foxy arrives and welcomes me too. "These guys seem all nice folk, I think I'm gonna have fun here"
Being so close to all this funny group, I naturally listen to Foxy's story with stone... My eyes stare a bit, very curious. But the excitement at the idea of those two making naughty things makes me hold my straw as if I was beginning to suck ...sthg else. Totally unaware of it, Foxy looks briefly at me as she's telling her story and adresses a big smile to comfort me and tell me it's not wrong to think naughty here.
I turn my eyes back a short moment, but quickly come back on her with an slightly ashamed but interested smile.

Later on hukk comes back all in green and begins with his prparations for St-Patrick's day.

- "Say this St-patrick's day looks like something very interesting" i say to him.
- "Yes, you'll see how mad it can be here little Peeka" he answers "But shhhht" turning his look discretely towards Joe "don't tell him!!" And smiles at me like an accomplice.
Not knowing how far it can go yet, I just tell him "ok. I won't tell him. I'm not sure what you have in mind, but...what if I did tell him anything??" Taking the most innocent and attractive look I can.
- "you would learn the powers of a leprechaun my little peeka!!" he answers in a big sadistic laugh.
- "Aow... sounds bad" i say. "these dwarfs don't look funny or sexy at all. And you don't look like one of those. i think being punished by you could be...huh...more exciting, couldn't it?"
But what is this St-Patrick's day anyways?...we don't celebrate it where i come from.

Seeing Brandybee and mrsexlover coming in with "fucked hair" from a door I hadn't noticed yet, my mind starts again to play with me and make think of naughty things. "Oh, there's a Spa here too?? Niiice" I say. But my inner voice tells me that is really not a common spa, and now I'm sure these white stains on the floor I saw before must be what I thought.

With all this in mind, I order another of these wonderful cocktails and prepare mentally for any foolish thing that could happen to me. "Peeka... you should go home. ... or not!!!" And dance again. Coming closer to hukk...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on March 05, 2014, 08:48:19 AM
While continuing my preparations for St. Paddy's day, Peeka comes along, curious over all the objects out on display.

"Oh, and this? I don't think I've ever used this." Peeka says, holding up a half yard. She begins to make some rather sexual gestures with the half hard, winking back "Is this how you use it?"


I laugh loudly, while observing Peeka's playful usage of the half yard. "Just forgot to add the beer, but you don't bob it up and down over your mouth all the time."

Jay suddenly appears. “Hukk you magnificent Bastard  you brought DAS BOOT!!”   

Jay and me both stand in admiration of Das' Boot that is placed on the table. It almost seems to give off a faint heavenly glow. We both kneel down and bow our heads in silence.

"Yes's the one and only: Das Boot. Standing at 13 inches in height, and able to hold 2 litters of beer  ...Das Boot is God's gift to men..ranking right up there with breasts and handle bar mustaches." I say in awe of the radiant splendor that I behold. I clear my throat and pray." AHEM. Oh LORD. Thank you for this magnificent object you have seen fit to deliver upon us men. We are unworthy of such a object, but we humbly accept it, with all our heart."

"Amen." Jay and me both conclude in unison.   I stand back up, and begin prepping for the first event. "Lets go with a golden Oldie. Beer Pong."

I retrieve an 8 foot table and begin to place 10 plastic party cups on each side. Finally I retrieve a beer pong and place it on the table.

"Alright, for all those who don't know the rules, I shall explain. Two teams face off against one another. The amount of people on each team usually is just 2 v 2 but if you guys want to go 3 v 3, I'll just have to add 2 more cups on each side to make it more interesting. The cups are placed in a triangle formation..sorta like bowling pins.  The object of the game is to throw (lob it) your beer pong in the opposing teams cup. If a beer pong lands in the cup, the opposing team must drink that cup of beer containing the pong for that round. The amount of times a team is allowed to shoot for a round depends on the amount of team members. So if there are 2 players in each team, then 2 shots (1 shot each from the 2 players) are allowed from that team each round. A winner is determined once one team has cleared the opposing teams cups of beers (forced them to drink all their cups). The losing team must then proceed to drink the winning teams remaining cups of beer as well.

"Also, one last addition to this beer pong game. Because I know you people like all things sexy, I'll add a little naughty twist. I addition to drinking a cup of beer(s) that round, if the opposing team lands a beer pong in your cup, they may choice which article of clothing for you to remove. So think of this as a sort of strip tease beer pong. Table and body bounces are allowed. Do not cheat. " I finally conclude.

I look around the bar, and see a few head nods in approval of the game. Pachacuti  comes along to the table and seems pumped up to play. "Groowl, ROOAR!"

"Yes, need nerves of steel to play this game." I respond back. I proceed to fill the cups half way with beer.

"Now to determine the teams. Who dares to play?" I ask loudly in the bar.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Peeka on March 05, 2014, 09:17:50 AM
trying out the half yard and playing with it in obvious ways Ianswer to hukk's question "is this how you use it?" with "well, you named it a half hard...So I'm just helping, hihi. Only one ball huh...bowl under, but what a nice one!"

"Das Boot looks attractive too, but really too biiiig, even for me huhu"

Becoming a bit joyful thanks to the cocktails I already had, I feel ready for all. And the game hukk is proposing seems quite fun, so I shout
"Count me in, I can play with beer-balls...huh I mean beer-pongs!! You hukk go in the opposite team, I'll get you naked boy!!" And begin to jump around very excited.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on March 05, 2014, 12:13:14 PM
I amble over to Old Joe and without even ordering he places a fresh cup of English tea on the bar top for me. I settle on the stool as he studies my hair!


“What?”  I ask him sipping the tea.
He just chuckles and shakes his head. “Want me to tend to the place, while you …. Erm… sort yourself out?”

I catch sight of myself in the long horizontal mirror behind the bar and chuckle too and stare in disbelief at my “Just fucked” hair.
“I see what you mean” I agree.  “ I’ll drink this first then head out to the cabin to get ready for St Patricks Day”   

Old Joe rummages around the back counter and finds my truck keys and throws them to me. I catch them and blow him a kiss as he turns to welcome a new comer and pours Peeka her first drink on the house.

I smile at her and raise my cup of tea in welcome. She stares at my hair too and the white robe with “ I’ve been Tango’d “ emblazoned across the back in orange squirly writing.
I just shrug my shoulders, smile crookedly and raise my eyebrows and say “Welcome to the AB&G, it’s quite the party here, when it starts”

Jayc and Stone are busy putting the finishing touches to the decorations and Hukk is inspecting the 7 Dwarfs now dressed as leprechauns.  I’m impressed he managed to get them all dressed like that and wonder what Covems will think when he  gets back.

James_Dean (JD ) joins me and stares at my hair, “ Nice”  he mutters sarcastically and I playfully punch him on the shoulder. 
He orders a drink and I pay for it, just for a change, and make a mental note to chase Covems up to pay his dues.

I see the poster for the Erotic Story Contest, Stone had kindly put up earlier to remind the villagers to read and vote before  31 March 2014

Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > " MEDIEVAL " THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 6.,3006.0.html   

HisGirlOnly, CutieGuy and Tomi85 were pinning another one to it. 
“Whats that about ?”   JD enquires nodding over to them.
I pick up the leaflet from the end of the bar and we both read it…

Prize 500A$
1. Post your BEST steak pic and your BEST BJ pic and submit in pm to HisGirlOnly (HGO)  ••
2. Deadline is 12th March
3. Judging will be done my forum mods BB, Lover, HB
4. 1st come 1st served pic priority meaning u post 1st u get that pic for competition
Have Fun!  ••

Forum Homepage > Organizations & Events > Contests > Town Square best steak & BJ competition,3072.msg82545.html#new

“Sounds fun”  JD  nods impressed and I agree. 
“You should enter” I point out the prize of A$500. 

As we chat, Lover, Roxxy and Freddie  join us and I pass the leaflet to them to read.  All look at my amazing hair but are too polite to mention it.  Lover is still hugging that box and I wonder what on earth is inside it.


Hukk, Jayc and Peeka then begin discussing a game for the “Das Boot” and as the villagers gather round in interest, I make my excuses to leave.

“Laters guys, I need to pop home and sort my rather fetching appearance out”
They all nod wondering, how I was going to tame the “Just fucked hair”

I pick up the truck keys and still in my white spa robe, jump in the driver’s seat to return to Moose Lodge.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on March 06, 2014, 04:40:52 PM
I wondered what hukk was doing, all I knew was he's planning St. Patricks Day.

I look at the boot he was showing around the bar and hear him shouting he has "Das Boot".

I wonder more and more, Das Boot is a German term for A Boat and very famous in an old movie about a submarine in world war 2.

But I never have heard this term in relation with a boot before!

I smile.. you learn something new every day, one more proof our village is not just sex and fun, but also education and teaching.
It brings joy to my heart  ;D

Jayc also loves DAS BOOT and it seems is having fun - I'm sure, it will be another great party and I'm looking forward to it ;D

"Now to determine the teams. Who dares to play?" Hukk asks loudly in the bar. .

I smile to Roxxy and shout "Of course I am in. I never would miss a crazy game" I laugh out loud. How often did I drink from such a boot in my younger years and also this beer pong game I've played often enough.

I look around and dont believe my eyes. I see Brandy and her new uhm.. hairstyle???
What the hell is it?
I almost spit my beer as I'm laughing my ass off...

I hear her talking “Laters guys, I need to pop home and sort my rather fetching appearance out”
We all nod wondering, how she was going to tame that “Just fucked hair” !!!

I knew she wouldn't be too long. Her cabin, Moose Lodge, was over on Crystal Lake.  I could wait till she returned.

Roxxy and I mingle with the others and buy Old Joe a drink.  "You still got that box I see?" He says to me and I nod then wink,
"But not for long Joe, not for long"  I answer him.
"What are you up to now?" He asks not really expecting an answer and I dont disappoint him and just laugh.
"Wait and see Joe, wait and see"

Brandy arrives back about 45 minutes later, looking quite stunning in her brand new dress and her hair thankfully back to normal. She walks in looking slightly vacant thumbing her necklace thoughtfully.

She walks over to join Stone and Jayc at the bar, watching some patrons trying out  "Das Boot".

I walk over to her and Stone.

 "Brandy, Stone... I have something for you" I say, standing behind them. As expected, both turn around.
I indicate for them to hold out their hands.

"This one is for you!" I grin.


Both are suddenly holding the box in their hands now, looking at it.  I nod to Halie and she is ringing the bell.

"Ladies and Gentleman, friends, neighbours and hukk... the box game just has finsihed and two great Ladies may open the box now!"   

I lead them to stage. Looking at me, with a mix of surprise, fun and also displeasure they start to open it.... the thrill is rising and everybody comes closer to see whats inside. Brandy and Stone just find a little piece of paper inside.
"Read it loud please"  I say grinning devilishly.

Stone is reading The owner of the box has to choose another person to do a... she stops and is starring at me... then to Brandy who is taking the piece of paper and goes on reading do a  pudding twist in bar!"

Both are starring at me while everyone in bar starts screaming, stamping and whistlening...

"Pudding twist..pudding twist..pudding twist"

I better leave the stage before they both recognize what's going on and hurry back to my girl. She welcomes me with a long kiss before we stop and have to laugh and start screaming too "Pudding twist...pudding twist"

"Hey Stone and Brandy, I think I don't have to explain the rules...lmao"

Stone whispers to Brandy "What the hell is a Pudding Twist? Is is some kind of eating contest?" 
Brandy groans,  "No, not at all, It's a wrestling match in the Pudding Pit... The Lover has struck"!!!

I raise my drink at the two ladies centre stage as the thought of the pudding bout sinks into their shocked brains.

Well, this might be a very special St. Patricks Day... ;D

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on March 07, 2014, 02:52:46 PM
The night is over my head, i arrive to the port, my lovely port.. and just in front of i can see the lights of achat bar, so i walk, step by step to the bar, and i go direct to the bar.

I need a beer, a big one, the bigest one.... HELLO EVERYONE!!!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on March 07, 2014, 04:14:30 PM
I see an well know face stepping inside. "Hey zoe, great to see youre back. Just in time, Brandy and stone have to do a pudding fight soon" I laugh and high five him.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on March 08, 2014, 12:52:32 PM
Drinking a few margarita with 3 x  shots of the best Tequila in them im feeling tipsy drunk.hey Joe

thank you. you make the best  margarita  keep them coming please and A Caipirinha for my love please.

 we mingle  enjoy all the company of every one  kissing my honey now and then .. we hear some moaning

sounds coming from the back room ahhhh oohhhhh ahhhhh we wounder who its  from .

Feeling a little buzzy  I see Hukk dressed as a  leprechaun or a green alien I think doing the shuffle dance   


I scream ! are we under attack by  aliens


They assured me it is the Dwarfs dressed as leprechauns, they lough saying Halie had to many
margarita for the day.


 Hukk is shouting   

St. Patrick's Day  St. Patrick's Day  St. Patrick's Day is coming up. Lets decoration when  they are done I have to say the bar looks great with all its St Patricks Streamers shamrocks and banners
   He starts to rap  the   Leprechaun Rap
We all join in the raping and shuffling

"Lep in the Hood"

I come from the land of the Irish spring
Dublin's the place where I learned my thing
From the Emerald Isle to your place in the hood
I'm the man of green come to do no good

Lep in the Hood, come to do no good
Lep in the Hood, come to do no good

Plenteous dope, this place is hot
There's a lassie, she's just my type
I hate to resort so soon to magic
Haven't been laid in so long it's tragic

I'm so bad, I'm good

I'll show you what to do, so lend an ear
Don't worry, little lassie, you've got nothig to fear
Sit with the lad who's lean and green
And let me show you why I'm a love machine

Come to do no good

I'm a wee green guy who's new to town
Show me what you do when you get down
I'll do up, you go down
We'll cause a scene, you'll love the green

Lep in the Hood, come to do no good
Lep in the Hood, when we're bad, we're good

From the cliffs of More to your front door
Better turn out the lights and pray some more
We're gonna party through the night until the dawn
Then you and I are gonna get it on

Lep in the Hood, come to do no good
Lep in the Hood, come to do no good

Lep in the Hood, come to do no good
Lep in the Hood ...

Come to do no good.

We all start to lough even Pachacutie after CuteGuy  got him drunk

I walk over to

Pachacutie and give him a hug  no hard feeling little guy after I rolled you off My Hill I see you are

fine he nod to me and we give him more beer.
I walk back to my Gorgeous Lover And kiss him mmmm baby you still got this gift! is it time to open it at that moment  Hukk  pulls out a box full of glass Das Boot and shouts

Now to determine the teams. Who dares to play?"Hukk asks loudly in the bar. I look at lover he smiles and shout "Of course I am in and laugh. here we go agine lol I am in to. the other men's eye  open up and cheer  Das Boot Das Boot.they are all drinking from the Das Boots. I drink my margarita in it
My honey is drinking his beer

spit his beer laughing at that moment Brandy walks  out from the room we heard the moans coming from
every one  stares in disbelief they start to laugh  but  do not  say any thing  to  be polite .Brandy  screams what! its my new hairstyle  Just fucked hair. She drive off to go get changed comes back soon I was thinking it would take her days to come it out  but shes a wounder women comes back clean and fresh  how did she do it I will always  wounder .Zoerink  walks in we welcome him back good to have you back Zoe.

Lover  says honey its time its time  yay so he walks over to Brandy and stone  nods at me and I start ring the bell and hands them the box  it  is time to open the box he tells them to  open it  up and read the note

Stone is reading The owner of the box has to choose another person to doa..Pudding twist...pudding twist

we  all  starts screaming, stamping and whistlening...

"Pudding twist..pudding twist..pudding twist clapping  for the lady's to  do Pudding twist!..

Honey! go hide before BB and Stone  throw you their Boot hahahah

  With my Strawberry MARGARITA BOOT in my hand I go cheer the lady's


     Pudding twist !  Pudding Twist !  Pudding Twist !

           "Just another crazy fun day at the Bar! "
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on March 09, 2014, 01:24:43 PM
I am standing with Jayc and Hukk giggling over demonstrations with the  “Das Boot”  of fine German beer.

“You should try it baby,”  Jayc teased me.
“You just want to see my T Shirt beer soaked,” I tease back.
Jayc grins at Hukk and agrees, “She knows me too well”

Hukk’s smile widens, “I’ve got a white one you could borrow,”  he suggests in an exaggerated hopeful voice that makes me burst out laughing.
“Seeing as you asked so sweetly, I just might,” I reply.

At this I am interrupted by Brandybee chuckling at Jayc and Hukk’s leering faces.  “ You should, you were quite good at the Yard Of Ale”  She comments.
I notice  she is wearing a beautiful new teardrop sapphire necklace around her neck.
“That’s beautiful,” I compliment her looking.  “New?”
“ Sort of,” she answers mysteriously and before she can say more, Lover joins behind us.

"Brandy, Stone... I have something for you," He catches our attention and we turn round.
He makes us open our hands and places the box  in them as he says, “This is for you”

Stone and Brandybee have the box.

We both look a little puzzled and then FoxxyRoxy rings the bar bell and announces,
"Ladies and Gentleman, friends, neighbours and hukk... the box game just has finished and two great Ladies may open the box now!"   

Brandy and I look at each other, knowing somehow we are the subject of a little devilment but not sure yet how this is going to play out.
Lover then leads us both to the stage and I whisper to Brandy, “What have you done now?”  She feigns innocence.  We both follow him as we both look at the box wondering what on earth is inside it.

Once on stage, Lover encourages us to open the box and we find a … note.

I open it and I read aloud, “The owners of the box has to choose another person to do a… I stop in disbelief.
Brandy takes over and goes on reading ...” to do a pudding twist in bar!"
Everyone starts clapping and cheering.

I whisper to Brandy to just make sure I knew what a pudding twist was … and she confirms what it was.
She says, “It's a wrestling match in the Pudding Pit... The Lover has struck"!!!

I begin to laugh. Brandy looks at me bewildered and laughs too, “You think this is funny?”
“Yes, I owe you for the secret valentine date. You know I should have won that.” I remind her.
“In your dreams,” she retorts.

Brandy raises her hands and addresses the audience,  “Ladies and Gentleman”   the crowd’s cheers start to subside.
“Your wish is our command, Give us a couple of hours to get the pit and costumes ready and prepare for the “St Patricks Day Brandy and Stone wrestling extravaganza “
The crowd cheers and claps again …   

We leave the stage and I purposely tread on Lover’s toe who yelps as he feels it crush under my stamping weight.

“Jayc is in my corner,” I tell Brandy, “Who’s going to be in yours?”
“I have no idea,” Brandy frowns, “I wonder if someone might volunteer”

I make my way to Jayc intending to change in the Batcave dungeon. I think my  “Little Oak” wrestling robe was in his wardrobe there.

I greet Zoerink and Freddie who had also arrived and seemed eager to stay for the pudding wrestling. They are chatting with a new girl Peeka and I smile at her in welcome.

Jayc orders the leprechaun dwarfs to prepare the pit with strawberry edible oil.
Foxxy agrees with the pudding choice and wonders if she can buy a bottle for use on Lover later. 
“Sure, I’ll arrange a bottle for you,”  I agree helpfully and make a mental note to include extra odourless mint, chilli and ruby red essence to make an interesting but harmless skin irritant that causes the skin to colour bright red over a period of time. It’s semi permanent so will colour the skin at least a week before wearing off.
“He’ll look like a bright red tomato, “   I think silently to myself and smile sweetly in his direction.

Then with that delightful thought,  Jayc and I make our excuses and  go through the secret entrance to our dungeon to prepare for the imminent wrestling match.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on March 10, 2014, 09:07:46 AM
The bar seems to be in high spirits, as we all conclude our St. Patrick's day rapping.

"Cheers!" cries Zoe and CG, holding their drinks in the air.

I down my drink and slam it on the table. "Alright, so who is up for the beer pong challenge?" I ask once more.

"Count me in, I can play with beer-balls...huh I mean beer-pongs! says Peeka. 

"Of course I am in. I never would miss a crazy game" answers Lover next. I flash a thumbs up, in approval for their willingness to play, and potentially embarrass themselves too. "We still need one more person!" I cry. Halie, stumbles toward us, weaving her caprhinna drink in front of our faces. The alcohol from her drink splashes on her faces and shirts while she speaks "Of course I am in!" We all stare at Halie with a bit of uncertainty. "Honey, I think maybe you're not going to be able to play." Lover says, trying to lead Halie to a chair for her to sit.
Halie, shakes him off, "Don't tell me what I can and can not do! I'm totally fine. I can play."
"Halie, you're tipsy. I think you've had enough." I intervene, laughing. "HA. I know what it ish. Both of you are scared. Lets up, the bet then. Loser does 100 push ups, along with stripping!" she says in a slur. Lover rolls his eyes, shaking his head in disapproval. "I don't know.."
I grab Lover by his left arm and lead him away "Hey, c'mon. This will be fun. Halie is too drunk to win, and Peeka looks like she has never even played before. This will be an easy win."
Lover sighs, but nods his head in approval. "Alright, but I only do this because I love her!" We both spin around and walk back to Halie and Peeka.
"Alright then, you two versus us. You know the rules. Let the best team win!" I shout. Peeka claps her hands in excitement "Yay! You guys are going down!"
I roll my eyes and do a thumbs down motion. "In your dreams Peeka. Sorry that your first time experience here at the bar will be a humiliating one!" I laugh, arrogantly. I grab Pachacuti who drinks alongside Jay and Stone. I could tell the panda has had one too many drinks already. He has a red tie around his head like a bandana, and sporty black sunglasses on. "C'mere you. We need you to referee the game."

"Growl, roooar, snarl!" he answers back. "Sure, just make sure to wash later." I reply back.

Lover and me take our place on one side of the table, and Halie and Peeka take their place on the opposite side. Ten cups of half filled beverage are placed on each side. Pachacuti stands at the center of the table, slightly slumped over, barely able to stand erect from all the alcohol in his system. "Alright, normally a rock, paper, scissors, duel determines who goes first. But, because me and Lover are so nice (and want to show a bit of mercy) we'll allow you gals to go first. LET THE GAME BEGIN!" I shout.

Pachacuti hands Halie the beer pong ball. She stares at it in amazement for what seems to be forever, not saying anything. Finally she says
" what am I to do with this ball again?!" she cries. Lover nearly falls back laughing. "This is gonna a walk in the park." I whisper to Lover.

"Oh sweety, you gotta just throw that ball in one of the cups over where they are." Peeka explains.

"OH! Is that all? Well, here goes." she yells, readying to throw the ball. Lover and me both stand, with our arms crossed, waiting for her to miss.

She takes her sweet time....having one eye shut and angling herself for the perfect shot. "Hey, anytime you're ready hot shot." I say.
She lets the ball fly.*plop* It lands perfectly in the cup. I stare down in amazement for a second, but quickly snicker. "Luckily shot."
Lover takes the cup and drinks it before placing the empty cup on the side of the table. He proceeds to remove his shoes and tosses them over to Pachacuti. Next goes Peeka.

" goes nothing!" she cries. Just as she's releasing the ball from her hand, Halie accidentally slumps onto her right shoulder. "?!"

The ball flies toward my forehead. *smack* It bounces off, and lands in another cup. "ROOAR, Growl!" Pachacuti yells, holding his right arm up, indicating doubles for Peeka. I seem furious, unable to coupe with how lucky both they were. "Dammit, I shouldn't have allowed for bounces..." I mutter. "YAY! Now drink up and strip!" commands Peeka. "ROOAR, WOOF, ZOINK!" adds Pacha.

"Dammit, I know panda...shut it." I yell. I drink from 2 cups and slam them on the outer edge of the table. Next, I remove my own shoes and hand them to Pachacuti. Me and lover stare at one another. "Things just got real." I say. "Yes...I think this won't be easy after all." Lover says.

We both show our serious faces and stare down at our opponents. "We will break you." I say. And with that...the game of beer pong resumes, all the while playing to the song of Eye of the Tiger by Survivor that happens to be blaring in the bar.

What proceeds is a montage of the game, showing a back and forth slug fest between the teams. High fives are exchanged during moments of triumph. Groans and shouts of anger are displayed during moments of despair. Halie and Peeka, keep making miraculous shots, while we rely on skill to inch closer to victory. The game seems evenly matched, with neither team able to pull away with a huge lead. After what seems like one hour of the game, it now comes down to 1 cup each. Both teams are down to their bra's, panties, undies, and shirt. We all look a little tipsy at this point.

Jay watches on in amazement, with a drink in hand as the game proceeds. Stone, walks over to him wondering what has got his attention.

"You've been here for one hour. Everything oka-" "SHHHHH!" Jay interrupts her. "This game is good. I don't know who is gonna win..." he mutters.

Stone sits by him, observing the game. Meanwhile, I lean on Lover, whispering. "Alright *hiccup* We got dis' amigo! We ain't gonna lose to them!" I say, while wobbling.

"We got those boys *burp* on the ropes now...we jush' gotta concentrate..." Peeka says to Halie who is barely able to stand.
"ROAR, GROWL!" cries Pachacuti, indicating for the game to resume. Peeka, proceeds to go first. She lets the ball fly. *tap* It hits the rim of the cup and falls on the table. She slumps on Halie, disheartened by the missed attempt. "Don't worry Peeka. I got this!" cries Halie. 

Halie takes a deep breath. The area around us goes quiet as she enters a Zen like state. She suddenly opens her eyes and focuses on the last cup.

Jay begins to speak ..."Mother of God..."

"What is it Jay?" asks Stone. "Her eyes....she's got the eye of the Tiger..." he points.


Halie's eyes seem to be lit aflame. She proceeds to throw her beer pong ball. The ball travels in slow motion as we all stare. *Plop* It hands in the cup. Lover and me throw up our arms in disbelief.

"ARRGH! This is utter B.S!" I yell. Lover shushes me, while he tries to concentrate on his shot. He throw and it is way off, hitting Pacha on his belly. "Yep. I'm drunk." Says Lover. I smack my forehead with my hand, before angling for my shot.

"You can do this Hukk. You are the man. You were born for this moment!" Lover says trying to motivate me. "I am the man!" I cry before taking my shot. It flies in the air and lands just on the rim of the cup. It actually rattles around it somehow...twirling around the rim of the cup.

"YES. GO IN BABY!" I cry. Halie suddenly hunches down and blows the beer pong off the cup with a single puff.

"ROOAR! GROWL, KABLAAM!" Yells Pachacuti, pointing his furry paws to Peeka, and Halie. "Holy Moses, they won!!" cries Jay.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT COUNTS!?" I scream, grabbing Pachacuti by the neck. "Snarl, roar, grunt." replies Pachacuti back.

"GIRLS ARE ALLOWED TO BLOW THE BALL OFF FROM THE CUP!? ARRRGH!" I cry. Meanwhile, Peeka, and Halie both jump for joy, absolutely glowing both from victory and from all the alcohol in them. They suddenly stumble backwards, nearly falling on a nearby table. "Alright, you two, you know what to do....100 push ups!" cries Halie

Lover and me seem to sob...still taken aback from our lose. We reluctantly place ourselves on the ground...and proceed to do 100 pushes up in our underwear's. Lover begins to count "One....two....three...."

This makes for a good diversion while, Stone, Jay, BB, and the dwarf leprechauns prepare for the pudding twist match up.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Peeka on March 10, 2014, 10:56:42 AM
The game has begun and I can’t seem to wait to have those overconfident guys stripping.

As my 1st ball hits hukk’s head I stare holding my hands on my mouth  desperate to see it land in a cup...what eventually happens, triggering a joyfull jump «YAY! Now drink up and strip!»

Hukk tries to intimidate us with his serious face «We will break you». To what I respond with «haha! what are you gonna break??? Look at this!» Turning around, showing him my butt and slapping it in provocation.

The game goes on, we all miss and hit. Nothing is decided yet.

After almost an hour, and first afraid of Halie’s condition, I regain confidence at each of her succesful throw. «Damn you’re good Halie!! Gimme five!»  until i miss a decisive ball. But there she is again to reassure me «Don’t worry Peeka. I got this!» «Ok, come on! You can do it!» I shout before letting her concentrate for the last throw. I lean back on a table, desperatly trying to keep my balance.  And staring at the last cup, some of the cheering public could see my doubtful look as i think «damn is there really only one cup left? I see so many at the moment...She can’t miss» ending with a big «Hiccup!!!»

After Lover missed his last ball, I shout «Don’t shoot the referee! haha!Poor Pachacuti» giving him a small caress on his face. «Snarl, roar, grunt»

So hukk goes for the last cup too. It is close...the ball rattles around the edges but isn’t falling yet. Already in disbelief I shout «NOOOOO!» Staring at this slow motion rolling ball with eyes almost coming out of my orbits. That’s when Halie blows it out the cup. I look at Pachacuti, not knowing what he will decide. This second seems to last for minutes, my heart beats at such a rate...then he points out at Halie and me designing us as the winners. Jumping for joy, I hug Halie, give her a big kiss «You’re a genius Halie!!!» and enjoy our win jumping around and in Pachacuti’s arms. «Snarl, roar, grunt»

«Alright you two, you know what to do...100 push ups!» shouts Halie. To what I add «Mwahah! Yes show us what those muscles are good for!!» I approach lover and Hukk, kneeling before hukk, just before his face and begin to count with the public. «haha, now I know what I came for. Seeing you like this is such a pleasure dear! I love this bar!"

«Mmmmgrrmmbll 34, mmgrr 35... you...36...just won...37...because we...38...were gentlemen let you begin...40" says hukk trying to keep his breath under control.
To what I answer "Haha of course sweetheart... just keep being gentlemen, that’s how we love you guys!" Tapping their back slowly to encourage them.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Nat33 on March 10, 2014, 11:36:33 AM
Hi Joe,
Suze lemon please...
mmmmm better than some fuck  8)

Thank you, bye...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on March 10, 2014, 04:44:00 PM
Old Joe watches in amusement at the fantastic beer ping pong going on with the other patrons in the bar and laughs when the players get drunker and drunker and loses their clothes one by one.

Eventually the boys lose and the girls all admire the fabulous rippling muscles of Lover and Hukk as they do 100 press ups each.

Nat33 arrives just in time for the last few and orders a drink.  Old Joe duly serves her and says "Stick around, the wrestling will be starting soon"

The dwarfs had set up the dipped pudding pit beautifully.  They had pulled a special rubber sheet to help contain the strawberry oil and made the flooring toe deep with delicious smelling edible warmed oil.  They had then thoughtfully handed out squirty bottles of the oil to the ones seated near the pit for squirting at will at us wrestling girls.

Cameras were strategically placed so that the action could also be viewed on screens around the bar and Happy and Doc were in charge of ensuring that it was all filmed and the best bits replayed to the excited audience.

“Das boot” long glasses were placed at the corners for ale to be drunk between rounds in true St Patricks Day style.

Dopey was in Stones “Little Oak” corner to replenish her glass.
Sneezy was in my “Queen Bee” corner to do the same.

Lover went to change into his very sexy black latex suit to protect himself from the oil to act as referee in Covems absence.

FoxxyRoxy was beside herself in glee when she saw him in such a tight revealing outfit.  “He looks so hot” she gushed to Hukk, who had to agree.  He was a very handsome, good looking man.
The music for the grand entrances was all set.   
The crowd waits patiently as we both change in our dungeons.

I wear a slinky black bikini with a lacy camisole over the top and a black eye mask with little bees on. I then place my black boxing robe on with a warrior yellow and black bee embroidered on the back and my black thigh high zipped boots.
Mrsexlover  meets me at the entrance and offers to be my corner man. I gratefully accept and hug him for his support.
We wait patiently in the pool room and he whispers words of encouragement and inspiration.

Stone and Jayc arrive shortly after.  Stone is also dressed the part in her “Little Oak” tree colours of forest green and purple.  She has a purple bikini on with a see through lacy green camisole and her white silk boxing robe with purple edging and a bonsai “Little Oak “ tree in green and brown on the back. She has matching purple zip boots with the little oak emblem on the ankles.
We nod and complement each other on the oil costumes, we had found in our rooms, ordered no doubt by Lover, Jayc and tangoracer in their payback plans.

We hear Lover in the main bar, begin our introductions

“Ladies and Gentlemen,  the Fight Night event is about to begin.  A big round of applause for ….“Sok-it-to-em Stone, “     

The intro music starts as Stone flexes and makes her way to her corner of the pit. 
Music blares out at her entrance -   

You're going down - sick puppies

The crowd cheers  especially when Jayc, ceremoniously removes her boots and she struts in the oil around the pit, showing off her fabulous figure.

As her music dies down,  Lover speaks again with his microphone…  “And her opponent,  a big hand for …  Bash-it-to-em Brandybee”   

My intro music is then played as I enter, waving to the crowd, followed by mrsexlover.

Fight to Win  By  YourFavoriteMartian

Mrsexlover also flamboyantly removes each of my boots and I strut in much the same way as Stone had done earlier.

As my music ends ,  Stone sings her tune  “ One of us, one of us is going down” 

Of course, I have to answer in kind with my song   “I’m gonna fight, fight fight to win”  I sing…

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on March 11, 2014, 09:11:36 AM
“One of us, one of us is going down,” I sing loudly towards Brandybee.  I am psyched up and looking forward to taking on the Queen Bee in the pudding pit.

We stare each other out and she sings back, “I’m gonna fight, fight, fight to win.”

The crowd cheers at our displays of defiance to each other and feel the excited tension in the air.

Lover steps forward in his knee height black buckled boots and laytex, tight fitting, black suit. I appraise his attire and handsome figure and face.  He would not look amiss in the “Blue Oyster” gay bar. And with that tight little butt, he certainly would not be short of propositions from the male cliental!

“The rules are quite simple,” Lover announces into the mic so all can hear.
 “There will be three rounds lasting 10 minutes each.  A pin down of both shoulders lasting 3 seconds gives a point to the opponent who does the hold down.
No biting or gouging.
The rounds will be started off by me ringing the bell, at which point the girls will down the ale in “Das Boot” held by one of the dwarfs and make to the pit to begin their wrestling.
No one is allowed to enter the pit except me, as referee. But you are allowed to squirt oil at the girls using the squirty bottles provided. ( Little do we know, that oil is icy cold, compared to the warm strawberry oil in the pit )

The winner will be decided by the patrons of our Forum Village by taking a bottle of wine to Jayc in Stone’s corner in support of Stone.”
 My supporters cheer and wave their “Little Oak” flags at this and I raise my hands to acknowledge them all, blowing kisses.

“Or if you think Brandybee should win, by taking a bottle to mrsexlover in Brandy’s corner,”
Brandy’s supporters raise a cheer then, with mine booing hers in a good natured show of support for both of us.  Brandy also waves to her supporters and raises her clenched fists to salute them.

Lover then introduces each of us as we circle the pit.

“The girls wrestling tonight are our very own Head Bar Maid and general scrubber – “Sok-it-to-em Stone” She is  5ft 7” ( about 1.73m ), weighs  9.5 stone ( about 60kg ) and is a 36C cup with a 30inch waist. ( about 76cm) ”

As I strut passed Brandy ,  “You fat knacker,” Brandy goads me and I grin at her. 
“You are just jealous of my curves,”  I answer,  “and at least I’m not as ugly as sin like you!”

Brandy chuckles at me and Lover then reads her attributes loud out as I return to Jayc in my corner.

I reach in my bag by Jayc  and fetch out 2 bottles of Strawberry oil, containing the extra mint  mild skin irritant and Ruby Red special semi permanent skin colouring ingredient.   I hand one to FoxxyRoxy  and one to HB for their intimate moments with Lover and tangoracer.  "Enjoy"  I whisper, smiling.

Brandy circulates the pit, peacocking around showing off her fabulous figure.
Lover announces, “We also have the owner of The AB&G -  “Bash-it-to-em Brandy” She is slightly taller at 5 ft 8” ( 1.77m ) , weighs in at 9 Stone (57 Kg ) and is a 26B cup with a 28 inch waist (about 71 cm)”

The crowds cheer and clap at our strutting and fighting talk.  Brandy returns to her corner and mrsexlover.  He kisses her on the cheek.

“Ladies, are you ready?”   We both nod and  Dopey fills my “Das Boot” with ale and Sneezy fills Brandy’s.
As the long glasses are filled to the top,  Lover waits and then rings the bell. “ Round 1” He shouts.

At the same time, Brandy and I grab the glasses and begin to chug the ale down our throats. The crowd and our seconds shout and cheer encouragement....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on March 11, 2014, 11:24:27 AM
I take the long “Das Boot” glass off Sneezy quickly in case he decides to add any extra ingredients from  that constant allergy he has and of course I want to beat Stone to the centre of the ring.

The Ale is strong and cool as I tip the never ending amber liquid down my throat, swallowing furiously. Some oozes from my mouth and trickles down the outside of my throat. Then more gushes out and onto my black bikini top and lacy camisole.

I arch my spine to tip the glass, thrusting my breasts out in much the same technique as Stone in the opposite corner.  Our slender figures are shown off to perfection, our long braids falling down our backs.

The cold liquid gushes down my neck and then floods over my breasts. My bikini top, now wet, clings to my mounds and my nipples pucker and point.  The camisole top goes quite transparent and clings to the bikini top and just accentuates my luscious curves.

I feel the alcohol reach the pit of my stomach and in lightening quick speed pass through into my blood stream.  It makes me feel slightly whoosey and giggly and slightly flushed.
The ale seems never ending, but at last the final part of the liquid gushes down the glass and into my throat.

I shake my head to try and clear the sudden rush of euphoria and gigglyness and hand the glass to Sneezy. Then on unsteady feet make my way to the centre of the pit.

Unseen by me and Stone, Bashful speaks with Sneezy and Dopey.  “Did you add it in the drink?” They both nod and grin mischieviously. “Good, put another dose in the next one” He instructs and hands both another small bottle of poppers (amyl nitrite). These are used to cause a short, sharp head-rush like 'high' and enhance sexual experiences.

I walk slightly unsteady. The oil on my feet and ground makes for easy slipping and a couple of times I nearly over balance.

Stone is a few seconds behind me on her drink and as she hands the glass to Dopey, I take advantage and grip her in a headlock from behind.
In doing so, her breasts jut out and jiggle in her skimpy bikini. The nipples rise up to the edge, tantalisingly, threatening to pop over the top. The light brown of her areolas can be seen peaking.

It crosses my mind that the boys had ordered bikini’s a size too small for us!!

Stone struggles but we are quite evenly matched. However in doing so, her nipples slip out of her top much to the delight of the crowd. They are pointed and proud as the material begins to slip under her orbs.

In our struggle, we slowly turn round so all can view her beautiful tits slowly slipping out of their covering.  People sitting near the ring, squirt oil at her tits, aiming for her nipples. The cold liquid causes goose  pimples on her breasts and her nipples to harden and react. She gasps at the cold temperature on her skin, much to their delight.
I arch her back even more and she is soon exposed and oily at the top.

Then I lose my footing on the slippery surface and crash down in the oil.

Stone feels my hold weaken and takes advantage of my winded state as I lie under her.

She gets free and and straggles me, pinning me, face up in the oil. My hair drenches in the toe deep oil of the pit.

She grabs my bikini top and rips it off, throwing it into the crowd and tears my camisole top so it hangs useless on my body.
My breasts are exposed and she pins my hands above my head.

People squirt at both our tits and we both pit our strength against each other.  We writhe our bodies on each other.

It is strangely erotic as I feel her warm body grind into mine and I shake my heterosexual head, wondering why I was having these errant thoughts.
As I squirm to get free, ensuring my shoulders are not pinned down for more than 3 seconds,  I squirm against Stone’s nether regions.
She writhes to keep me pinned but in so doing, she is circling her hips on my tummy and bends forwards, dragging her oily nipples over my face.
She too is breathing rather strangely and if I didn’t know better, I would guess she too was finding our grinding sexually stimulating.

I try to buck her off me and she groans as her pussy is pressed close to my belly button.

The alcohol (and poppers) is affecting us in our displays of power.

Stone slips on my oily body and ends up lying on top of me.  We hold each other’s hands. She is trying to pin me down, I am trying to push her off.  I wrap my legs round her, trying to tip her off.

The effect is, we are sawing against each other, pussy to pussy, breasts to squashed breasts, similar to a couple engaged in missionary sex.

The more we try to pin down and push off, the more we are grunting and breathing hard and simulating sex.
The crowd roars it’s approval.

The motions of rubbing our intimate parts against each other in the oil is stimulating us both and our heterosexual minds are confused in their alcohol ridden state.

The strawberry fragrance fills the air as our bodies flush and temperatures rise. We are grinding and panting.  Stone pushes into me but mistimes a rhythmic thrust  and I manage to slide and push her off.

Before she knows it we are kneeling.  Stone is trapped and I have her hands pinned chicken winged behind her back. Her head is trapped under my elbow.

The crowd squirts oil at her bottom and between her legs and my bare breasts.

She moans as she feels the icy liquid hit her heated core. My nipples harden as the cold liquid hits its target.

I edge her to the side of the pit and see Tangoracer’s grinning face.  He has two bottles of oil he is squirting cowboy style at us both.

He then cheekily reaches over and slowly takes Stone’s bikini bottoms down. They slide down to her knees easily in the oil exposing her rounded cheeks and pink pussy lips.  He aims his oil for her valley and furrow and to his delight, goose pimples appear on her smooth flesh.
Stone groans at the intimate shots.
Her buttocks and pussy lips glisten in the light and shimmering oil.

We continue to slide around the pit so all can view her delightful charms.

Happy and Doc, filming all the action,  keep showing replays on the screens of Stones bikini top oozing down to show her  fine tits, Stone ripping off my top and flinging my bra, exposing my breasts and then Tango easing her bottoms down to expose her butt and pussy. The crowds appreciates all the close up shots of our bodies.

I suddenly loose Stone so she topples forward in the start of a roll over. Before she can complete though,  I pin her down, folded in two.  She has her butt in the air and is staring at her own pussy as I pin her feet over her head.  Her shoulder’s are pinned flat to the floor. She is helpless in this position.

Her pussy is exposed as her bikini bottoms are at her knees. I quickly whip them off, throwing them into the crowd for a souvenir.

She is naked from the waist down.

Lover moves towards us and begins the count,   …. 1 …. 2 …. 3  oggling the close up of Stone's pussy.

As the count ends with long pauses in between as he takes a good look of Stone's charms,  I loose Stone and stand, tits exposed in my ripped camisole. I raise my hands in victory.

Stone slowly unfolds and stands naked waist down,  her trimmed black pubic hair shining with oil.

The audience cheers in appreciation.

Round 1 to the Queen Bee -  Bash-it-to-em  Brandybee.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: CutieGuy on March 11, 2014, 02:09:40 PM
Me and HGO snuggling and drinking our samubuccas as we watch the amazing fight that BB and Stone are putting on!

Its getting really hot as the oil was being poured on them and both

1,2,3 its all over!

Amazing 1st round!  ;D


We get up and applaud the amazing fight as applause roars through the bar! :D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on March 11, 2014, 04:06:59 PM
Brandy has me pinned, bent double holding my ankles. I try to struggle but I am held fast unable to move. My bare arse and pussy points up to the AB&G ceiling.  I would normally be embarrassed by such a position unless it was Jayc of course but strangely I find it quite exhilarating, especially as I can see Lover looking at me. I could see that naughty gleam lurking in his stare. I feel cold oil squirts on my pussy causing goose bumps.

I feel tingles throughout my body exposed to the eyes of all the bar in this way. I wondered when I had become such an exhibitionist and decided it was the Ale thinning and pulsing throughout my bloodstream.

I hear Lover’s dulcet tones .. 1… even his voice was beginning to sound sexy    2 … how could that number be so  hot? …  3…  shit!  I just lost a round!

Brandy looses me and I flop into the warm oil.   It feels delightful on my skin and I lay there a minute, enjoying my nudity in full view of the baying crowd.

I stand up and a rush of heat floods to my sex.  My swollen pointed breasts flop over my small bikini top. The camisole top does nothing to hide my blushes, if indeed I had any.

Graciously, I return to my corner as Brandy enjoys her victory round and I wait patiently as her supporter’s cheers die down.
Dopey fills my Das Boot glass with ale again as I chat to Jayc who is taking his time with the towel, drying my breasts and pussy off of excess oil.  A moan escapes my lips as I find myself pushing into the towel and eyeing his delectable body.

Unseen, Dopey mixes a few drops from his secret bottle in to the glass before continuing to fill it with ale. 

Jayc is soon satisfied with his buffing and I am standing in my corner, nude from the waist down. My little thin tuft of black pubic hair contrasts with my faintly tanned skin. My breasts hang loose over my purple bikini top and my little lacy camisole is drenched and see through with the oil. My dark hair is still plaited and glistening in the strawberry oil.

I look at Brandy. She is topless except for her torn camisole top which hangs loosely on her shoulders. Her breasts are slightly red and nipples pointed where mrsexlover has buffed her up with the towel too. Her ginger hair is plaited and coated in oil that shimmers in the lights overhead. She is still wearing her back small bikini bottoms.

Lover steps forward and rings the bell for Round 2.

Dopey passes my ale and I tip it down my throat.  I swallow as quick as I can, filling my tummy with the alcohol.  It seems to go straight to my head as I begin to feel very happy and a warm buzz resonates throughout my body.  The beer is cool and refreshing in my throat but in my rush to tip it down, some gushes out over my face and over my exposed tities.

I finish my boot again just after Brandy and she rushes at me. My reactions seem slower than normal and I blame the sluggishness from the alcohol addling my senses.

She takes me to the floor and I am winded for a brief moment.  She slides on top of me and tries to pin me down, but I wriggle and buck and we find ourselves face to face on top.

I am underneath, then I successfully shove her over and she is underneath me. We roll over in this way about three or four times.

Breasts and nipples crushed against each other, pussies grinding together with just the thin material of Brandy’s bikini bottoms separating the puffy mons from grinding one on one bareback.

We both breath hard in our exertions but also, the oily warm bodies writhing together is sensual and intimate.  We are both fighting the pleasure that seems to be stimulating our bodies to distraction.

Suddenly I manage to fling a leg over Brandy and sit on her with my back facing her.

I quickly begin to push her bikini bottoms down to distract her and the crowd roars in delight when they see her trimmed red pubic hair slide into view.

I throw the bottoms into the crowd and grab her ankles and pull them up in a reverse frog position. This exposes her labia and members of the audience immediately begin to squirt cold oil in between her legs.

Her pussy is soon soaking wet with oil and replays of the direct hits and zoom shots are played in slow motions on the screens.

I feel her trying to push at my back and she moans as some of the cold oil hits her swollen clitoris, stimulated by all the teasing jets that have landed.

She pushes me hard and I slide off her in our oily state, loosening my grip on her ankles as I use my hands to stop myself falling.

She flings her leg open at the same time as me, and we find ourselves in a scissors position, pussy to pussy on the floor. We grind to try and take advantage of the other. But we are evenly matched and our oily pussies mash together.  Our intimate lips kissing the other.

The sensation is nothing I have ever felt before and I’m sure Brandy hasn’t.  In our alcohol and poppers saturated brains, we try to extricate ourselves. Unfortunately the grinding and counter actions only succeed in doing the opposite.

We are grinding our pussies together, moaning to get free but sounding like bitches in heat, and we rub ,and grind , and circle in the semi nude on the floor of the oily pit.

The crowd and close up shots on the screens show two very excited women in a state of sexual ecstasy and the crowd are cheering and egging us on.

I bite my lip, and as we circle the floor, see an advantage. I quickly lurch forward, grabbing one of Brandy’s leg and throw my other over her chest, I crush her tits against the back of my thigh and bring her leg up high to hug against my chest.

Her red pussy is exposed to the crowd, my left upper thigh and bottom crushes down on her collar bone and chest. She is trapped. 
The crowd squirt more oil at her pussy and mine as I bring my other leg to rest on her tummy.
The  icy oil is cold on our heated centres.

Brandy claws helplessly at my bikini top with her free arm but all she does is succeed in tearing it so it hangs useless around my waist. She rips my camisole and manages to tear it from my body.

I pin her clawing arm to the floor with my legs and hold on tight. Her shoulders are flat to the floor.

The crowd cheers and Lover steps forward...     “1… 2… 3…   Sok-it-to-em Stone wins round 2”

I loose Brandy and we both stand unsteady to our feet.  I do a victory circuit around the pit. 

We return to our corners, nude, glistening in oil, flushed, breathing hard and slightly drunk as the ale begins to take effect and we become more and more giggly and lose more of our usual inhibitions.

Jayc grins at me as he begins my towel rub.  “That was hot baby,” he murmurs.

Round 2  to Sok-it-to-em  Stone.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on March 11, 2014, 04:24:13 PM
Lover takes to the stage and announces a short break before the final and deciding round.

The wrestling pit fight between  Stone and I  is currently a draw.  The winner will be decided by you in our Forum Village.

If you wish Stone to win, take a bottle of wine to Jayc in her comer and post doing so here. 

If you wish me to win, take a bottle to mrsexlover in my cormer.

We have both enjoyed taking part in this bout and will write the winning round between us,  once the bottles have been counted up and the winner decided.

I hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have writing it.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on March 11, 2014, 04:39:39 PM
I have to go, but i am enjoying this truly fight between two truly lions... or i must say... kittys... :P


I see they are draw, and i put a botte in mrsexlover corners, sorry Stone, i like you a lot, but... Brandy is brandy   ;D

After it, i see everybody, and say see you soon!!!, as always, nice times are short.

BRANDYBEE   1         STONE    0 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: CutieGuy on March 11, 2014, 09:27:55 PM
After watching that amazing round 2 by Stone while cuddling HGO we finally decide on who to pick as a winner  :)

                                              I get up and hand a bottle to BB
                                            HGO gets up and hands bottle to Stone
                                             You were both amazing its a draw!  :D


BRANDYBEE  2         STONE   1
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Peeka on March 11, 2014, 09:37:28 PM
i was already drunk before the fight began. Since the beer pong game i didn't even put my clothes back on and still am walking around in my bra and panty.

Just before the fight, holding myself close to the pudding pit, I nearly fall into it. Because lover sees I have difficulties holding my balance and tries to help me in. That's when i see someone threw my dress, shoes and stockings in the sticky pudding.

"Damn! who did that??? I shout in all directions. Huuuuukkkkkk where are you, come on!!!!" of course he's nowhere to see. At least for me who sees all double and circling around me.

During the fight, each time some cloth gets ripped off from Brandy or Stone I yell as hell with the crowd "yeaaaah! show us those tits" Whispering at Foxy next to me "damn that's a hot fight Maybe we should take on the guys sometime, hihi!" not realizing how abused we could get in such fight.

The fight ends on a draw.
"Damn a draw??? How can this be????" I shout. "They still have something to tear off!!! Let them fight a third round!!"

Hoping the bottles also bring a draw, I go to Jayc and hand him my bottle for Stone's win.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on March 12, 2014, 06:27:51 AM
I stumble my way toward the fight (still in my boxers) between the two lovely vixens, Brandy and Stone. With all that alcohol in my system, everything appears before me in a rush. Lights, breasts, and shimmering skin all seem to mash together, spinning around chaotically in my head, forming an odd cocktail of sexual arousal and nausea. I hold my glass of beer up in the air, and scream from the top of my lungs,"KICK HER IN THE NUTS!"

Pachacuti -buzzed as much as me- leans against my shoulder and speaks "Growl...moan...hiccup".

'Oh...right...they don't have balls.." I say, with half opened eyes. As the fight ensues, I occasionally spew out complete nonsense. "Bring out the gimp!....Every kiss begins with K.....Ba da ba ba ba...I'm Lovin' it!"

With the fight nearing its end, Pachacuti nudges me to go and pick a winner. "Oh...this is an easy call. Ish will pick the winner." I gingerly make my way toward the area of voting. For me..a simple walk to vote for the winner seemed like a difficult endeavor; an epic long odyssey across a bar that appeared to stretch for miles, thanks to the alcohol rushing through my veins. Along the way, I happen to encounter Peeka's clothing laying on top of a table. "Here. Put on some clothing! You both are naked!" I say at Brandy and Stone, tossing her clothing inside the ring. Finally at long last, I reach Halie's table and place a mug of beer on it. "The winner...Halie". I say in a slush.

I plop my body down on a nearby chair,flashing an idiotic and proud grin as if I just made a genius call.  "You're welcome Spain." I say loudly.

I slowly ease my head on the table and begin to pass out.


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on March 12, 2014, 11:14:23 AM

Fanning myself after  two hot and smoking rounds   i place a bottle in front of Stone.

Brandybee  2    Stone 3    Foxy  1      :D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on March 12, 2014, 01:23:25 PM
Brandy is back in her corner and i take the job on me to wipe her clean with my towel again. Getting the sticky oil off her aroused parts makes he only wanting more as she closes her legs to catch my hand between her tighs.

Just blowing softly over her nipples pointing forward gets her moaning and tilting her head back, also releasing my hand. I have seen what the dwarfs put in her beer, so i'm not wondering about her horniness.

When Brandy is cleaned up and sit's down to catch her breath i grab a bottle and put it with the others in our corner.

Brandybee  3    Stone 3    Foxy  1      it's a tie again  ;D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mercer78 on March 12, 2014, 03:46:19 PM
I had been watching events on fold from a distance for some time memories of Halloween still fresh in my mind a fine bottle of claret in hand I dash towards the ring and hand the bottle to mrsexlover and give a knowing nod and a wink to Brandy.

Brandybee  4    Stone     3                     By default -   Foxy  1
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on March 12, 2014, 04:19:22 PM
It's the great fight i expected to be. Stone and Brandy are experienced fighters and its always a big fight. Hard to decide who will get my bottle but one will get it.
Before they started, stone handed a bottle of special massage oil to Roxxy, telling her to massage me. I was surprised - it was me who brought her into this situation by giving them the box. Seems she is not mad at me - or is it just another devilish trick of her? But there cant be anything bad in a massage oil and so im just looking forward to the massage. As stone was so nice, i decide to put my bottle into her corner. "Here jayc, take good care of it" I say. "Bet you" he says, watching his girl all the time.
I also turn back to the fight and smile...hehe two hot ladies are giving their best to win.

Brandybee 4          Stone 4               By default - Foxy 1
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on March 13, 2014, 03:05:04 AM
As we set and watch the two hot sexy ladies   Stone and Brandy   Fight and slide around i the oil filled pit. With are bottles of the oil ready to squirt over them if we get the chance. As the ladies fight pulling each others clothes off we all squirt them as the more clothes get pulled off   

Bandy rolls Stone on with her Ass and pussy for all to see and squirt with the oils and gets the first  1  2   3    from Lover  Brandy wins round 1

After downing there boots again   Stone gets the better of Brandy and gets her in the reverse frog hold letting the crowd see and cover her trimmed
Pussy in the oils to  with  a   1     2     3     from Lover Stone wins round 2

Turning to my sweet pet I pick up the two wine bottle with a smile she leans over and whispers where to put hers.

As I get up Karen pulls my are and tells me where to put hers.

Brandybee   6               Stone  5   
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Ginuwine on March 13, 2014, 07:19:21 PM
After downing a few drinks straight, i look around and see a whole lot of people cheering loudly. Seeing 2 lovely ladies going at it , i decide its about time i voted. i grab a bottle and got off the stool. I saunter slowly towards the ring..... i pass the bottle to mrsexlover and blow a kiss to brandy.. good fight Ladies...

Brandybee   7               Stone  5
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on March 14, 2014, 10:39:47 AM
Back from my sunbathing on the beach, someone's fillled the pudding pit again. Hmmmm... wonder who fancies 3 rounds with the little redhead? OMG, BB & Stone are going at it like PROs.
Seems to be a lot of cheering & noise going on in the bar, business as usual there, then!
I wander over to Old Joe and smile my widest smile. "Any help needed here, handsome?" Joe smiles "Thought you'd fallen off the planet blu! Could've done with your help cleaning up after the pie fight! Are you still employed here or just on a permanent vacation, you'd be in hot water if I was the boss!"
"Sorry Joe, after the pudding pit I kinda got lost with Pookie & Teric and just lost track of time."
"You young 'uns! It's not good enough!"
"Don't grump at me Joe, Sweetie, I said I'm sorry, look I'll make you a nice coffee, cheer you up. If the boss wants to punish me, it would be my lucky day! Anyways, what's with the wrassling?"
After Joe explains everything about BB & Stones very one-sided match (well so biased against poor Stone, I mean, she's fighting more than just Brandy here!)  and says how everyone is giving a bottle of wine to the girl they want to win..
"ok, old-timer, I'll get me a nice Nappa Valley form the store"  With my bottle of straw-colored nectar under my arm I trot across to JayC and hand it over. "Hey BB, Wanna take me on after?" I pout at what little I can see of Brandy and wiggle my ass at her!

Brandybee 7                         Stone 6
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jakehart8 on March 14, 2014, 06:46:53 PM
Foxy had mentioned to me about this cool bar that she and her friends had been going to.  She guaranteed it would be a lot of fun if I showed up.  I thought to myself, what the heck its Friday and its been a tough week, I'll go in for a bit and see what I think.  I pulled into the parking lot and found it packed.  "Wow this must be a happening place."  I whirled my truck into the first parking spot available, making sure my side mirrors didnt take out the side of the Porche parked next to me.

Opening the door of my vehicle I was hit with a blast of sound coming from the building and as I walked across the lot to the front door, I was bombarded with an increase sound wave every time the front door opened.  "Hmm, this must be a happening place, or everyone is too deaf to know how bad it is."

Opening the front door, my hair flew back as the sound wave was even greater.  The lights flashing and the music going, I could feel the stress of the week melting away.  Or perhaps it was a survival instinct to just get into the door. 

There was tons of people on the dance floor, doing a typical two step to "Boot Scoot Boogie" and a smile came across my face as I saw the denim shorts and boots.  "Goodness!" I said to myself, "If the guys look this good, the women must be killer."

I felt like a running back for some NFL team, weaving my way between groups of people drinking, laughing and talking, dodging spilling beer and coping a couple of good feels, I made it to the bar.

Working my body between a couple engaged in a tight embrace, I waived at the bartender.  He nodded an acknowledgment to my request and held up one finger as he went to the register to ring up the latest bar tab for a couple who had been dancing so close for so long, they decided to move the party to a more private location.  I waited patiently, my eyes traveling around the room, checking out who was having a good time and the ladies who might be looking around the room, looking for the same thing as me.

"What can I get you," said a voice, that pulled me out of my trance.

I turned back to the bar and said, "Jack and Coke."

"You got it," said the bartender and headed off to make my concoction. 

Watching the bartender walk down the bar, I noticed a couple of bar maids who were drop dead beautiful.  I know they are that attractive, because my heart sped up 20 points and the excess rush of blood that should have gone to my brain, but wound up at my other head.  I was broken out of my trance when the bartender came back with my drink.  "Want to run a tab?" he yelled. 

I shook my head in the affirmative and reached into my front pocket for my walled, pulling out my debit card.  "Tell me your name," i yelled back as I handed over the plastic.

"Joe!" he yelled.

Reached out my hand I said, "Jake!  Nice to meet you!"

A smile crossed his face as he shook my hand and took the card.  Before he turned to head down the bar, "I'll be right back!"

I took a slug of my jack and coke and smiled as I realized there was a lot more Jack than coke.  "Oh, yeah, Joe's getting a good tip."

Joe came back with my card and handed it back to me. "So tell me Joe, who are those two lovely ladies you're working with?"  "Oh," he said, "the redhead is Brandy and the brunette is Stone." 

"Thanks," I said.  Joe smiled and headed back down the bar like greased lightening, looking for the next customer. I stood at the bar, sipping my drink, feeling the stress leaving my body.  I leaned with my back to the bar watching the crowd when I heard a disturbance down the bar.  Swinging my head to the right I could see those two lovely creatures I was watching earlier screaming at each other. 

Everyone in the bar went stone quiet and the DJ turned down the volume so he could hear as well.  I'm not really sure anyone could hear the exact words, except those lucky customers standing right in front of them.  Before I could make my way down closer, Brandy grabbed a beer from a guy in front of her and threw it at Stone.  Stone backed up instinctively, but she couldn't step out of the way quick enough to get the three quarters of the liquid.  Everyone let out a collective "ooooo" at the same time.  After the initial shock of the cold liquid hitting face, breasts and torso.  She calmly walked to the bar, picked up a towel began to dry her face.  With exaggerated movements she folded the towel, laid it on the bar, picked up the soda water spigot aimed it at Brandy and began to hose her down from head to toe.  A loud applause and "whoo hoo" went up throughout the bar. 

I reached down, picked up my glass, took a long drink, swallowed it slowly and smiled.  "Yep," i said to myself, "Roxy was right.  I'm going to have a lot of fun here."  I walked down the bar and placed a bottle in front of Stone.  I turned and went back to my drink.

Brandy 7...Stone 7
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on March 17, 2014, 02:42:36 AM
Of course I am in! Hukk how can I miss a beer pong challenge.
Yes I am tipsy a little but to much I think you are the one that's drunk I laughing I am

drinking margarita not caprhinna thats lovers drink haha .
Lover is trying to lead me to the chair Honey I am fine I can do this I can.I warp my arms

around my handsome man and gives hims a big mwahh juice margarita  kiss ..




come on Peeka lets  get this game started Hight5. we scream and shout wooohooo even if I am sluring

and tipy's  Peeka shouts Yay! You guys are going down!  woohooo yahhooo


1st ball hits Hukk’s head but Peeka makes it.

lots of intimidate shouts Peeka is shaking her butt showing them and slapping it to distract them.

The guys are laughing at us Peeka I keep making shots we are down to our bra's panties the guys

are  falling down drunk, hey dearling are you ok over there blows him a kiss..

Jacy and Stone are watching as Pachacuti keeps sipping on the beer some one watch him ..

Hgo Tomi and CG are  drinking at there table cheering from there .

Every one is watching  then I hear Hukk shout anytime hot shot, When I hear this it sets off a

trigger in me . I blink at Peeka I throw the ball with a  force that must been send form heaven 

hehe it lands in the cup woooohooo sorry guys but you should know I am Mexican when we 

Mexican  drink its like drinking water sorry Mijo I say to Hukk  I am the hot shot :P
I tell lover see baby I told you I can do it.I turning around to peeka we high5 each other 

dance around cheering . 

Know its Lovers turn hehe  I flash  him a smile and flutter my long eyelashes distracting him we

shout hehe he tells Hukk to shhh but is to late he threw the ball and misses hitting poor

Pachacuti on his belly he lets out a big cry not because  it hurt him but because it knocked out his

drink he had ..

Know its Hukks turn they guys seem to be pumping themselves  Lover is motivating telling him he

can do it I see sweat is coming for both of them  peeka looks a bit nerves I tell her don't worry

Peeka this  game is ours HUkk say his the man! his the man! haha we will see who is the man he aims

it go's around the cup rim, I get dizzy and suddenly hunches down on the table and I give out a

single puff and there go's the ball in the  cup .

"ROOAR! GROWL, KABLAAM!" Yells Pachacuti.
what just happen Peeka shouts we won we won jumping with joy from our victory I say with my Sofia Vergara accent! Who's the Hot shots now! 100 pushes up on the ground now! Drop  1 2 3 4 but wait I go on top mine Peeka you on Hukk 5 6 78 ..100

Stone Jay  BB  and the dwarf leprechauns prepare for the pudding twist match up.
this is the big even the fight has brought the crowed in few more come in I see Nate BLue mercer78 Ginuwine zoerink 

and Jake I welcome them all and Jake glad to see you made it to the bar drinks are on me have a 

fun time here I am sure you will like it here .. Stone I sure would like a bottle of that sweet smelling oil you made she hands me one with a grin and looks at lover.

Lover change into his black latex suit to referee the fight mmm and he looks gorgeous in it mmm
I cant control myself looking at his handsome good looks  mmm he looks so hot ..

Lover starts the introduction's. 

“Ladies and Gentlemen,  the Fight Night event is about to begin.  A big round of applause for ….“Sok-it-to-em Stone  And her opponent,  a big hand for …  Bash-it-to-em Brandybee”   

The crowd cheer as the two sexy lady's make there entrance the audience reaction was with cheers to  encourage giving them confidence Both lady's dressed very sexy brandy in her
black bikini and Stone in a purple bikini both showing there perfect Physically Fit body's


the fight gose on and on pudding splashes out to the crowd body parts are exposed  they are nude now shouting come on Stone!get her girl  woohoooo Stone! I walk over to Jacy and place my bottle of wine on stones side Good Luck

Brandybee 7          Stone 8
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on March 17, 2014, 03:07:08 AM
Taking Jayc advice I walk over to  Hukk as he is passed out and create art work on him . 

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on March 17, 2014, 03:41:47 AM
I was driving down the highway and seen a sign reading AB&G exit 69 1/4 miles. With everything that has been going on in my life I had to pack up and leave town unexpectantly) Memories started coming back to me of ole familiar faces and the fun and exciting things that took place at the grill. It brought a smile across my face, and a slight tingle that I haven't felt for a while. "Ah hell Jamie, what do you have to lose?" I asked myself... as the exit came closer, I followed the exit off the highway. I head straight up to the AB&G hoping to see some familiar faces. As I sat in my car, I took another look at myself in the rearview mirror and smiled. *deep breaths girl you can do this I thought, also wondered who was going to recognize me after about 4 or more months. I slid out of the car, close the door took in one more deep breath and walked towards the door. As I did, I placed a hand on the door and started to push it open... *shook my head* "nah this is crazy I don't think I can do this... As I turned around and was heading back to my car. I heard someone yell.. "Hey are you going to come in and have some fun... ahhh come on girl you don't have to be scared!"  I turned and smiled ... and try to see who it was but it was a lil dark, but the voice sounded familiar.(
 So I walked back towards the door and stepped inside.. quickly ran over to the bar and sat down. Turned away from everyone and held my hands over my face. The bartender came over and said, "what would it be miss?" I said anything you got hard and strong, He said , "you got it!" Then he stood there looking at me and said you look familiar.. don't I know you?"  I kept quiet as he passed me my drink, the next thing I know there was a tap on my shoulder.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Old_Joe on March 17, 2014, 04:01:32 AM
"Well , well , well,"  I greeted an old face. "Glad you came to us and your friends"
Snowbunny smiled, "Thanks Joe" and ordered her favourite drink.
I served her drink and put it on Covems tab.  He really must get around to paying that or Brandy will be looking at some payback soon.

I place a bottle of wine in front of her.  "For the wrestling match" I explain.  "We are kind of voting who should win between Stone and Brandy"

"Replays are on the screens around the place" I add gesturing towards the screens.  "It's good to see you again, you look great"

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HandsomeDude on March 17, 2014, 07:09:43 PM
I pull into the AB&G car lot on my Harley. I heard about the wrestling match and was keen to see the replays of two of the best looking women in Nymphomania.  I enter the bar and see a guy behind the bar. He smiles at me and says "What's you poison Stranger". He introduces himself as Joe and explains the first drink is on the house. I order a glass of wine and sip it, watching the replays of the fight on the screen.

"Give me a bottle of wine, Joe"  I ask,  paying for it, but he waves away from my cash, muttering that he'll put it on Covems open tab. I wondered who this guy Covems was. He's mighty generous for sure.

Then I take my bottle and take it to BrandyBee's corner before getting a good seat at the front to watch the third and final round of the strawberry oil wrestling match.

BrandyBee  8        Stone   8
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on March 19, 2014, 02:04:42 PM
Hukk is passed out but  he was so nice to  hand me  his wine bottle

it has been a great fight the lady's where fantastic  .
whoever wins  just  remember you  both are  winners!


           This is hard but I have to stick  with  Stone so I walk over and  Place the bottle next to Jacy.

     BrandyBee  8        Stone   9
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on March 22, 2014, 05:34:17 AM
Mrsexlover takes his time rubbing the excess oil from my glowing skin as I sit in the corner of the pudding pit. He is kneeling down in front of me, having already done my back. I shut my eyes trying to concentrate on the last round of the wrestling match. I have to win. My street cred could be at risk.

Stone was far better than I remembered, and if she took victory tonight, Lover ( in his delightful latex hot pants ) would take control of my wardrobe for a whole week.
That would be sacrilege. A man choosing my clothes for me, who had no intentions whatsoever, except for payback. Even I knew, I deserved it for all those annoying little pranks I had pulled on him.

I grin as I remember the strips and the “He’s my bitch banner” then shudder, knowing his payback will be sweet to him but sour for me. My smile falters.  I have to win this round!

Mrsexlover rubs the towel over my breasts and I groan. The alcohol and discreet amyl nitrate doses fires my brain and bodily responses. I groan as my nipples harden even more and my clitoris swells and tingles. I rub my body into his hands and he notices.

“Are you…?”  he purposely leaves his sentence unfinished and chuckles, watching my responses with interest. I grit my teeth as he moves the towel down my torso to my waist and then discreetly places a hand underneath. He fondles my knee and edges up the inside of my thigh.

My breath ratchets as I feel his hand slide slowly up. My knees move apart of their own accord, inviting his naughty hand to explore unhindered. My mouth opens a little and I bite on my lower lip, stifling little whimpers of insincere protests.

He watches my teeth nibbling my lower lip as his fingers reach and stroke my furrow under the towel. They are cool in contrast to my wet heat. He strokes his index finger up and down my slit, parting my labia, dipping in a little and stroking my sensitive clitoris. He keeps his wrist still and moves his finger up and down, in the rhythm of a clock pendulum, up and down, up and down.
It is exquisite. My breathing times in with the finger motion and I flood him with my excitement.

The consumed alcohol dulls my inhibitions and the poppers, raise my sexual awareness. I moan a little, thrusting my hips slightly on his hand.

“You are.” mrsexlover concludes as he finds me wet and hot. He thrusts two fingers inside me. I gasp at his intrusion and he begins to finger fuck me, pressing down on my mons pubis with his other hand on top of the towel.

In doing this the top of my vagina wall and G spot graze along his sliding fingers. It’s amazing. My mind focus’s on the pleasure and intensifies.  Nothing else matters except those fucking fingers. My hips circle on him. My legs fall open. The wrestling match and wager, suddenly, not a priority any longer.  All that matters is those wonderful fingers setting my body alight.

Mrsexlover leans forward and whispers to me in my sexual state,  “Brandy,”  He stops the see-sawing inside me and my eyes open to stare at him, a wildness of need, willing him to continue.
My pussy throbs around his fingers. His thumb rests on my clitoris. I moan a little in protest and try to circle my hips to set his fingers in motion again.

“If I do this, Stone will have the advantage over you. Your strength will be sapped,”

“Who the hell, can think of a wrestling match at a time like this” my mind screams silently and a weakened voice of reason parts in my feverish brain and announces, “You will be wearing last season’s wardrobe dear!”
“Arrr” is the only frustrated thing, I can say in answer to him.

Mrsexlover shakes his head, “I can’t do it to you Brandy” and withdraws his fingers. My body is bereft and throbbing for release and frustration.
I grab his hand wanting to ram those fingers back where they belong but the bell rings for the last and final round.

Chuckling, mrsexlover, pulls me to my feet and Sneezy hands me my Das Boot glass full of Ale and another discreet and extra dose of poppers.

I am trembling in need for release as I take a deep breath and tip the glass to my lips.

The bar patrons cheer at our total nudity and in anticipation for the last and final round.

This time, Stone beats me by a few seconds and from behind me, she grabs my breasts in her oily hands. As she swings me round, mrsexlover deftly grabs my empty glass and hands it to Sneezy.

Her intention was to shock me and she succeeded. She slides her hand from my breasts and up to my neck. Her arms lock into place under my arm pits and her fingers lock behind my neck.
Then she slowly walks me around the pit. I feel her naked breasts crushed against my back, her pubic hair brushing against my buttocks. Its intense in my highly sexualised state.

My breasts jut out and my pussy is still throbbing and wet.  She parades my body slowly round the pudding pit and the thrill of being exhibited this way is firing my errant libido even further.  My fuzzy brain just can’t comprehend the strong sexual thrills that seems to be rising to the forefront.

The crowd cheers and they fire their jets of icy oil on my breasts when I get near to them. Several land on my swollen needy clitoris, protruding from its protective hood and on my overly sensitive nipples.

Stone seems no better than me. I feel her uneven breathing on my shoulder and know that the crowd are firing at her buttocks as we pass them. I feel her hard nipples drawing in the oil by my shoulder blades.

I try to struggle as she holds me in front of jakehart8 ; Ginuwine , Handsomedude and Mercer78. She manages to kick my legs apart and arches back, presenting them with my body. They take their time firing steady jets of oil at my naked body and then target my dripping pussy. Jet after jet hits my swollen clitoris. It reacts, I react. I like it too much. I throb with a deep seeded need for fulfilment.

Then I feel her hold weaken as someone unexpectedly fires oil in her face. I take advantage and shove her back managing to break her hold and tug her arm free.
We slip and fall to our knees but are soon up again on our knees grappling with each other, breasts crushed to breasts. We moan and grunt as we wrestle for advantage. We tug each other’s hair and grind and writhe against each other.

My pubic area and clitoris rubs hers and her thighs. I like the stimulation far too much and loose concentration. Stone pushes me and falls on top, my legs tucked useless underneath me.

She writhes on top as we grapple and manages to grab my leg, pulling it up and moving to the side, crushing my breasts with hers as she pins my shoulders down.

Lover sees my exposed pussy and picks up a squirty bottle of oil and aims. I see him grin and then fire.

It all happens in slow motion. I see the jet of oil arc in the air and know instinctively where it will land, as it lowers out of my sight.

My body responds in excited anticipation as it gets closer and closer to it’s target.

It’s all too much I feel the first part of the oil splatter on to my swollen and excited clitoris and I scream in joy. I am catapulted into euphoria. My body shatters and jerks in the oil underneath Stone as my much needed orgasm shatters and explodes.

Stone feels me topple and no doubt has the same stimulation of oily jets to her exposed bottom in the air. I feel her tip over too in reaction to my deep pleasure.
She breaths and gasps has her orgasm takes her.

We gasp and moan and writhe and spasm in the pudding pit as our euphoria takes us.

I have no energy to push Stones dead weight off me and can barely hear Lover’s count..


Stone wins the wrestling match.

The crowd cheers and Jayc  lifts up Stone to carry her to the corner.

The dwarfs come into the ring with a stretcher and kindly load me on to take me to my dungeon to recover.

Lover grins at me as we pass and whispers, “I guess I win too”

I smile in my drunken, poppered and euphoric afterglow.
“Sure, do your worst, I’ll worry about it tomorrow”

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on March 23, 2014, 11:55:55 AM

So, standing in the bar after being suitably admonished by Joe, I feel sheepish and I'm looking for some way to redeem my self, but I feel someone close by.. I turn & Momma_Andrea is standing by my side, wearing a corset like mine with a short black leather skirt that makes her gorgeous ass all the more noticable.. she throws down a shot & then picks up a beer glass and starts gulping it down, I feel her aura,  something, something....... She looks to be in a mood.. or in The Mood.. the mood for something.. God knows I have waited for this chance for so long and she is glowing heat next to me.
“Hey, you want to see something?” I say just above the loud noise level of the bar? She shrugs, so I lead her by the arm that isn't holding the beer through to the pool room. I walk over to the cue rack and turn the little handle...
“I knew about that, I work here.” she waves a bored hand........
“But have you been inside?”  I  smile at her, so hoping she'll play...
To my surprise, Momma walks over and pushes past me into the passageway, now it was her turn to smirk.... “Coming?” she jerked her head towards the secret passage. I look at her with a puzzled expression, but follow willingly. When we arrive at the other end, after pushing through the heavy door, it slams behind us with a loud bang, making us both jump and giggle like schoolgirls.
The Momma takes my hand and it's her leading me! We walk along past the various dungeon doors.. I notice the light is still on in the guest dungeon and I hope Jame & Sexi remember to give me my key back. Then we come to the last door and as Momma stops in front of it, I read the name out loud. "Andrea"
Momma grins widely as she takes out a key and unlocks it.
"Come on in" she shrugs and flicks on the light switch. The bulb is blue (very appropriate, I think to myself) , casting the room in a dim hue, but all can be seen. There are shackles on the wall, a single brass bed in the corner, a wonderful tall wardrobe closet and in the middle of the floor, a solid, sturdy spanking horse.
“So you had a room all this time?” I ask in a disbelieving voice?

This story is now continued in "The Ice House" thread.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on March 23, 2014, 04:17:05 PM
1... 2... 3...

Stone wins the wrestling match! I shout so everyone knows its over.

As Brandy is passing me, I grin and whispers, “I guess I win too” Brandy smiles in her drunken, poppered and euphoric afterglow.
“Sure, do your worst, I’ll worry about it tomorrow”

I wait a few seconds, then call her "Hey Brandy, you know I was sure I win. There was no doubt. Just go into your office - you will find a note which banner you have to post and also the clothes you "may" wear next three days already are waiting for you. YOu will need some bodyguards, every member of AChat, no matter if girl, shemale or boy, will try to get you!" I start loughing out as loud as im able to...feeling her view is hitting me deep in my inner organs.
Halie is looking at me "Is it very bad honey?" "She still is a queen, no matter what shes wearing. Im sure, she will meet some very interesting people and have some funny chats." "Youre right baby. She will wear it with grandeur - same as you had your banner and always had the right answer to silly comments."
I pull her to me, kiss her deeply... "Its party time honey. Just one thing i have to do..."

I get up on stage. "Ladies and gentleman, friends and family, guests and alcoholics.." I look around to see who thinks he is meant by my last word and smile... "Stone and Brandy as always gave their very best and it was a perfect, hot and sexy show. In fact we only have winners today - ok, im a very special winner and Brandy might not feel so..haha... but we were allowed to see something which never will be in any other bar around this world. Thanks for everyone who voted for stone and.. well...those who voted for Brandy, thanks for... hm... ok, youre also welcome here." I laugh...
"I dont want to talk for hours now. Im sure you all are very thirsty. Drink my friends, tonight its all for free. Covems is not there so i decided he is paying everything. Lets drink on him" I raise my glass "Thanks Covems!"

The whole bar is laughing and shouting "Thanks covems!"

"Ok, before i finally go, do you know what happened yesterday here in our bar? A gorilla walked into a bar and ordered a cold one. Old Joe gave it to him and said, "That'll be $25". A minute later, making conversation, Old Joe also said, "We don't get many gorillas round these parts"
The gorilla replies, "I'm not surprised at those prices.."

Some are laughing, some are still thinkingif im joking or if it really has happened... back to Halie i say. "Lets dance honey" I take her hand and we go to the dancefloor.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on March 25, 2014, 06:39:07 PM
It sure was  a  good fight  they are  both winners   but now it is time to  party 
My  lover  pulls me to him I love when  he takes me  and kisses me with with his sensual kisses
mmmm  honey .

He take my  hand and we are  go to the  dance floor to dance the night away 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Peeka on March 25, 2014, 11:02:38 PM
The fight is over and the winner announced.

Holding on Foxy's shoulders as I jump in my alcoholic distress, I shout "WUUUUUTTT?!!? No third round??? Boooohoooooo!!!"

We all admit it was a damn hot good fight, but little Peeka can't seem to get enough of that. :)

As lover pulls Halie to the dance floor, I have to resume myself thinking of getting back my clothes Hukk threw in the pudding pit.

Looking at Pacha with my most beautiful and begging eyes "Sweet bear of mine, would you get those out of there for me?"

"grrrmm snarl grunt" he goes and walks away like he just had been called to serve someone.

"Damn gggrrrHukk, gonna have to walk in that mess now"

So drunk I am, it doesn't last long until I slip and fall in the sticky and oily mud. The front half of my body is covered. After some more hesitating and unsecure steps I decide to go on my four to prevent falling again. Face down, butt up, I finally reach my dress and shoes. Of course they are impossible to wear and I really need a shower now.

I remember Brandy coming out of a door with that weird hair "mmh so there was a spa here, I should go there"

I walk in and soon feel the heat and moisture of the place. I head to the showers, some are public, some individual. But the public ones are closer...
I take off my panty and bra, and start washing the sticky mess off all my clothes a bit, then just enjoy the hot water dropping on me.
After 10 minutes, I feel a bit less drunk and really relaxed and the fight comes in my mind again. "That was hot" I think in a smile.
That's when my hands don't just wash my hair or body anymore. But start caressing my body softly. With each sexy flashback of Stone's and Brandy's hardened nipples popping out of their bras, wobbling wildly, being oiled, my hands fondle my own breasts, massage them and my fingers pinch softly my nipples. Eyes closed, I feel they are really hard, but it's those of the fighters I think about.
Then the flashbacks go to where the ladies were catching and rubbing each other's oiled bodies. My hands go down on my belly in a soft but firm pressure. It's my own body I feel against each of theirs. I cross my arms as if i was trying to hug and lift myself up.
After that the pictures of the fight turn to the fighter's legs and pussies. I snif the air as if i could smell them. My hands reach my hips and meet again on my cock.  In a surprise I open my eyes again and see my hardened cock raised. "oh my god, Peeka, what are you doing?" I look around to see if I'm still alone. I get a bit scared, but I can't seem to take my hands off my shaft. I am overwhelmed by the flashbacks. "let's hope noone comes in now" My grip gets tighter. I hold it firmly and start jerking softly, slowly as the hot water keeps on flowing on my body...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on March 26, 2014, 02:17:33 AM
With Stone pinning Brandy to win the fight  Lover lifts her hand in victory and the bar cheers and whistles to show there appreciation of a good fair hot and sexy fight.

As Stone and Brandy go to back to their corners to get cleaned up with the help of Jayc and Mrsexlover.

Lover Takes Roxxy to the dance floor holding her tight against him in his latex outfit. Doc and his team move onto the stage and in a matter of minutes have the inflatable ring down and cleared away.

Turning to my Pet I kiss her softly "Back in a few minutes my Pet"  She holds my hand as I get up trying to pull me back. Turning back to her I  look into her sexy eyes and lean down and kiss her passionately and then move away to the stage.

I take my trusty guitar and put it over my shoulder and push a few buttons on the sound system computer, taking the mic and the stand to the front of the stage.

Letting Lover and Roxxy finish their dance with a nice hug and a passionate kiss.


Lets give one more big cheer for Stone and Brandy for such a hot Fight"

The bar erupt into claps cheers and whistles  as Stone and Brandy move off to clean up

"This is something I have be working on for a little bit I hope you all like it 

All bound for Achat Land
All bound for Achat Land
All bound for Achat Land
All bound for Achat Land
All bound for Achat Land
All bound for Achat Land
Hey Hey!
All bound for Achat Land
All bound for Achat Land

(Bring my beer back!)

Hey! Hey!
All bound for Achat Land justified!
Hey! Hey!
All bound for Achat Land Moderators of Achat
Achat Land, Achat Land,
All bound for Achat Land

They're justified, and they're ancient,
And they like to roam the land.
(Just roll it from the top)
They're Justified, and they're Ancient,
I hope you understand.

(To the bar, to the bar, to the bar now)

They called me up in Tennesse
They said, "Tango, stand by The JAM,
But if you don't like what they're going to do
You'd better not stop them 'cos they're coming through."

(Bring the beat back!)

Hey hey!
All bound for Achat Land (justified!)
Hey hey!
All bound for Achat Land (Moderators of Achat!)

Achat Land
Achat Land
All bound for Achat Land

They're Justified, and they're ancient,
And they drive the crime lab van.
(Just roll it from the top)
They're Justified and they're ancient,
With still no master plan.

(To the bridge, to the bridge, to the bridge now)

The last train left an hour ago,
They were singing "All aboard"
All bound for Acaht Land,
Then someone starting screaming "Turn up the Strobe"
(Bring the beat back!)

Hey! hey!
All bound for Achat Land (Justified!)
Hey! hey!
All bound for Achat Land (Moderators of Achat!)

Justified and Ancient, ancient and a-justified,
Rocking to the rhythm in the ice-cream van
With the plan and the key to
Enter into Achat
Vibes from the tribes of the JAMs.

I know where the P.D.'s at
'Cause I know what time it is.
Threes on a dial
Make mine a b52

New style, meanwhile, lost on a mission while
Drinking in the Bar of life
Drinking in the Bar of life, hey!
Drinking in the Bar of life, hey!
Drinking in the Bar
Drinking in the Bar
Drinking in the Bar of life, hey!

Vuga Vulez, Saga Shan Isa Go
Vuga Vulez...

(Bring the beat back!)

Hey! Hey!
All bound for Achat Land justified!
Hey! Hey!
All bound for Achat Land (Moderators of Achat)

They travel the world
In their crime lab van
They've voyaged to the bottom of time
They've been to the place
Where they Achat mate
And the Staff still cry,
"Mine's a B52"

As I finish singing I stand with my head bowed to hear what the bars reaction will be. [/color]
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on March 26, 2014, 05:12:34 AM
Sitting on my chair, i can hold a smile listening at Tango's new sound funny and crazy, something only him can write.

I look around to see how the others react, when i notice Peeka sneaking to the SPA, half naked and partially covered by mud

"I wonder how she end like that......" i tell my self following her movement till she disappear in the SPA.

I'll try to concentrate on listening Tango's song, but time by time, my eyes turn into the direction of the SPA, wondering why she's taking so much time to come out of it
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: maekimmi on March 26, 2014, 10:25:43 PM
As I enter the bar for the first time I see two lovely people, both wearing corsets, one of them wearing a very sexy, very short leather skirt.
The leather skirt lady is being led away by the other girl.  I notice she is spilling her beer a little and hope she doesn't get any on her corset.
Both of the lovely people have intent hungry looks on their faces.  I sense passion between them.  I feel a twinge of desire.  For a second I think
of approaching them but dismiss it. Then the two of them seem to disappear into the wall by the pool table.  I shake my head and look again.
Nope they are gone, if they were ever there in the first place.

I look up at the stage and I see a striking figure.  I am still feeling aroused by the sexy phantoms that passed me a moment before.
So the lovely person on the stage has my full attention.  Though I must admit it is more lustfull attention than paying attention.
He is saying somehting about free drinks for everyone, except bears have to pay $25 per drink.  I vaugely think that is not really fair.
Why do the bears have to pay so damn much to drink here?  Then I think maybe bears break stuff if they drink too much.
I take a look around but don't see any bears drinking here.  I am not surprised though.  I am sure most bears cant afford that much for a beer.

But I do see a very lovely creature covered in what appears to be pudding walk past me.  I get a mental image of licking pudding off of a hard nipple.
Then I watch to see where the pudding girl is going.  She goes through the door to the spa. I think good thing.  She does need a shower.
I fantasize for a minute about helping her wash that pudding off and what pleasant surprises may await as I ...I find I am starting to walk towards the spa.
I stop in my tracks and shake my head to clear the fantasy and let my attention go back to the stage.

There is now a singer doing a catchy tune that I have not heard before, but the name he sings of in the chorus sounds very familiar to me.

I notice someone else that is sitting at one of the tables...She keeps looking towards the spa...staring over there actually.
I just assume she is either having the same lustful fantasies about the girl covered in pudding as I am, or she is lucky enough to be here with her and is waiting.

I have to move aside to a allow a couple people to get by.  They are carrying what appears to be some large deflated inflatable. I wonder for a second...
is that one of those bouncy rooms filled with balls.  I do like balls a great deal, especially when they are bouncing.  Once again my mind has gone to sex.
From bouncy room with balls, it is not that much of a wonder I think of balls bouncing against me during wild sex.

Which makes me long once again to go into the spa and pull off my little skirt, white stockings and pink top and join the lovely girl in the shower.
But I am actually very shy with new places and people, so I get a beer from the bar.  I make sure the tender knows I'm not a bear, so I get the free drink.
I then make my way to a table, that is located well for me to sit and drink and people watch.  I feel that once I get past my shyness I could really enjoy this place.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on March 29, 2014, 07:30:04 AM
My face is still plastered against the dirty bar table, my mouth drooling out saliva while I remain unconscious.

I begin to moan incoherent words concerning magic, my arms shuffling around the table, as if trying to grab something. I begin to have a vision. I see  a man. I see Neil Patrick Harris.


I slowly pick my head up, displaying a droopy, dazed expression.

"Neil Patrick that you..?" I ask in a sloppy slur. "Yes my stupefied friend. It is the one and only. The legend in the flesh. Neil Patrick Harris, or as I am known in the streets, NPH."  He says, taking a bow. He casually proceeds to pick from my jumbled, matted hair, a cigar that sticks out from the top.

He starts to search his pockets, then looks at me. "Hm..I can't seem to find a lighter..would you happen to have one?"

I shake my head "Um..."

NPH flashes a smile and holds up his hand. "No worries. Shazzam!" With a quick flick of his fingers, he ignites the cigarette.

My jaw drops, as I marvel at his wizardry. "Whooa, how did -"

"I suddenly create fire from my fingertips?" NPH asks, cutting me short. "Oh my drunk, simple minded friend, you forget that I studied the art of magic. Also you're currently passed out in a bar, and having a dream. Pretty much, you can make anything happen in this wild and crazy fantasy of yours."

" You mean this isn't really happening..?" I ask, in a disappointing tone.

"You mean you're asking me if I, Emmy award winning actor, and magician extraordinaire is actually here with you, talking to you in a bar? C'mon man, the real NPH has better things to do, then to chat with some drunk slob. Besides take a look around you. Does any of this seem plausible?"

I begin to scan the bar. I see a huge Tango bottle singing about Achat land.


Next, I fix my gaze to a Pink Panther telling a horrible, horrible, Gorilla Joke.


"Now that you mention it...all this does seem a little odd...." I reply back. I look over to my side and see a passed out Panda. "Yea..a giant panda..I must be drunk."

NPH puts out his cigar and shakes his head. "No, that's Pachacuti. He's real. Everything else though..." he points to his head with one finger and twirls it around, indicating I was crazy.

"What should I do..?" I ask, sheepishly. "You get up." NPH, answers back.

"Get up?" I ask. "Get up." he repeats once more. NPH suddenly stands over me and begins to scream into my ear. "Get up Hukk. GET UP HUKK. GET UP!"

I collapse off from my chair and land on the dusty, creaky wooden floor. "Foxy and Ol' Joe stand above me, their arms folded, shaking their heads."

"Where...did NPH go..?" I ask, darting my eyes in every which way direction. "NP who..?" ask Ol' Joe. Halie helps me get to my feet, dusting my hair and clothing off. "You were screaming on about magic and Gorillas, that we decided to try and wake you up." she explains. I feel a throbbing headache, as I stumble forward.

"Who won the fight?" I ask, in a raspy voice. "It was a close bout', but Stone came out on top!" Ol' Joe exclaims. With the help of Ol' Joe and Foxy, I make my way over to Stone, who is celebrating with Jay and all the rest. I give her my congratulations, before making my way to Brandy who seems a little downhearted from her defeat, but over all still joyful. I provide her a hug, and wish her better luck next time in her next bout against the current reigning bar wrestling champion 'Stone Cold.'

"I think I'll go home for a bit, to freshen' up." I say. "Sure you can handle the drive..?" asks Ol' Joe, with a worried look.

"I've done this millions of times...I got dis'.." I reply back.

As I leave I see  maekimmi and snowbunny, seated by the bar counter, sipping their drinks. I tip my proverbial hat to them and give my hello's before exiting the bar. 

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on April 02, 2014, 01:18:20 PM

Seeing my chance, I make my way to the microphone... I tap it a coupld of times...  "Is this thing on?"

Why did the loose cowgirl get fired?
She couldn't keep her calves together.


Why did cavemen drag women by the hair on their head?
If you drag them by their feet, they fill up with mud.


A woman arrived at a party and while scanning the guests, spotted an attractive man standing alone.
She approached him, smiled and said, "Hello.  My name is Carmen."
"That's a beautiful name, he replied.  "Is it a family name?"
"No," she answered.  As a matter of fact, I gave it to myself.  It represents the things that I enjoy the most - cars and men.  Therefore, I chose 'Carmen'."
"What's your name?" she queried.
He answered, "B.J. Titsengolf."

Thank you... I'll be here all week.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on April 05, 2014, 10:05:13 AM
I enter the AB&G having just arrived from my Cabin at Crystal Lake, and parked my car. There is a vague sound of a Raven cawing in the distance before the noise of the bar, drowns it away.
I hold the necklace sapphire around my neck, gently thumbing the tear drop shape and join JD and Old_Joe at the bar.

Tango was up on stage. The song was catchy.

“ All  bound for Achat land “ …  I began singing to Tangoracer’s song and dancing around JD who was vaguely amused by my swaying body and attempts to get him to swing his pants.

We all cheer as the song nears its end and shouting “More” “more” and “Encore” but Tango smiled, waved to us away and joined his beloved HB.

Lover and Roxxy smooch away as some tunes kick in from the Jukebox.

Peeka heads off to Tango’s Spa room and I notice HB watching her with Tango.

Hukk interrupts me on his way out and I throw him a bottle of water for his journey home. Its hot outside and he may suffer of dehydration with all the booze he’d been drinking.

Old_Joe kindly places a cup of tea in front of me in the bar and I smile at him gratefully.  I pick it up looking around, thinking that Easter will soon be here and we should perhaps have an Egg and Hat Fest.

Maekimmi  enters the bar and Old_Joe moves along the bar to serve her. “Welcome to The AB&G”  I greet her and see Bluedenim and Momma_Andrea pass us, walking towards the Pool Room and secret passage to the dungeon.

I stop Blu and whisper to her,  “JCM had an important call to leave suddenly. I think Sexilicious may need your help in the Guest Dungeon, when you get chance,”  She grins at me as I pass her the key.
“Sure,” she replies, “When I get chance” and looks longingly at Momma Andrea walking ahead.
That makes me chuckle and we high five each other before she scurries after her.

I turn to Maekimmi again as she asks questions about the Spa and Massage room.  I explain that Tango runs that and recommend his excellent massages.

Covems suddenly walks in and a big smile beams wide on my face. I watch him as  he heads to the stage and cracks a few jokes.
JD and I shake with laughter.  “God I missed him,”   I manage to speak between gasps of breath. JD nods in agreement.
When he finishes and replaces the mic I shout to him over the noise,

“Hey Cove,  I need to speak to you,”   I try to get his attention,  “There’s the little matter of the Bar Tab…” 

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on April 06, 2014, 09:04:49 AM
After Finishing my song I leave the stage and spend time with my sweet love HB and watch as Covems takes to the mic at tell his Bad Jokes again. But there so bad they still make the Bar laugh and clap I give HB a kiss and make my way back to the stage ant step up to the mic again.

"Ladies and Gentlemen my next song is one I have song before but i have brought it up to date I hope you all like the new version of"  I purse for a few seconds as everyone tuns to look round at me.


One, two, three, four, five, everybody in the car so come on let's ride...
To the Achat Bar around the corner.
The boys say they want some gin and juice but I really don't wanna.
Beerbust like I had last week.
I must stay deep 'cause talk is cheap.
I like Azrielle, Brandy, Stone and ALita.
And as I continue, you know they're getting sweeter.
So what can I do? I really beg you my Lord.
To me flirting is just like a sport.
Anything fly, it's all good let me dump it.
Please set it in the trumpet.

A little bit of HGO in my life,
A little bit of Karen by my side.
A little bit of Blue’s what I need,
A little bit of Roxxy’s what I see.
A little bit of Stone in the sun,
A little bit of HB all night long.
A little bit of Brandy here I am,
A little bit of you makes me your man!
BAR & GRILL number five.

Jump up and down and move it all around.
Shake your head to the sound, put your hands on the ground.
Take one step left and one step right.
One to the front and one to the side.
Clap your hands once and clap your hands twice
And if it look like this then you're doing it right.

A little bit of HGO in my life,
A little bit of Karen by my side.
A little bit of Blue’s what I need,
A little bit of Roxxy's what I see.
A little bit of Stone in the sun,
A little bit of HB all night long.
A little bit of Brandy here I am,
A little bit of you makes me your man!

Trumpet, the trumpet.
BAR & GRILL number five, ha, ha, ha.

A little bit of HGO in my life,
A little bit of Karen by my side.
A little bit of Blue's what I need,
A little bit of Roxxy's what I see.
A little bit of Stone in the sun,
A little bit of HB all night long.
A little bit of Brandy here I am,
A little bit of you makes me your man!

I do all to fall in love with a girl like you.
Cause you can't run and you can't hide.
You and me gonna touch the sky.
BAR & GRILL number five
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on April 08, 2014, 07:28:58 AM
Having recovered back at my place from the reckless St. Patrick Day drink fest, I return back to the bar fresh and sober, ready to watch the NCAA(M) basketball Tournament between Kentucky Wildcats and Uconn Huskies. I take a seat and make my way over to the large wall mounted TV placed over toward the end of the bar counter to watch the game. I see Pachacuti already seated, watching what seems to be the Nature channel, featuring wild Panda's loafing around eating bamboo sticks. The volume is up loud, and all you can hear (besides Tango's swinging song about the lovely Achat ladies) is Morgan Freeman, narrating the scene.

"Panda's. Natures gentle fuzzy giants. For the next 3 hours..I, Morgan Freeman, will narrate Panda's eating bamboo leaves...while you, the viewer are slowly lulled to sleep by my slow, drawn out voice. This is 'March of the Panda's'.

I look over to Pachacuti who seems to be really drawn into the show. I motion over to Joe to come over. Joe arrives, and rests his hands on the bar counter. "Yea Hukk, what can I do ya' far?" he asks in a gruff tune.

"Um, is there another T.V around here?" I ask. Joe shakes his head and points back at the TV behind him.

"Nope, that's the only one."

I look down at my phone, realizing the game has just started. "Well, is it possible to change it? The NCAA Championship is on." 

"Gotta ask Pachacuti, Hukk. He's been clamoring to watch this show for weeks now. Good luck." Joe replies back.

Rolling my eyes, I couldn't believe my rotten luck. Of all the days for this stupid nature marathon to show..I return my attention to the TV monitor to see the 'action' unfold.

"Here is 'Kaila' eating bamboo leaves. My, oh my, what a magnificent display of beauty and tranquility."


I drag my hand across my face, unable to watch anymore of this. Suddenly, I noticie the remote control by Pacha's paw...slowly I sneak my hand towards it.

"Hey, Pacha buddy...good show. You know what would be better, though? Basketball!" I say, with a big smile.

Pachacuti seems to pay no mind....his focus completely given to Morgan Freeman's voice and panda's.

Finally, my hands rest on the remote and I begin to slide it over to me. Instantly Pachacuti turns his head toward me, and snarls loudly.


I nearly fall off my stool, taken aback by Pacha's sudden show of aggression.

"ARRRRGH! Stooooooone!" I yell out.

Stone arrives, still gloating in her triumphant wrestling victory over Brandy, hours ago. "What's up?"

I point at the screen angrily "I want to watch the damn basketball game, but Pacha' is here watching this stupid animal documentary."

"Sorry Hukk..but he had first dibs for the T.V. Besides, he's been aching to see this show for the longest." Stone replies.

"Can't you just ask him to play outside or something?" I retort.

Stone sighs, placing her hands on her hips, staring back at me with admonishing eyes. "He's NOT some little puppy, Hukk. He's like everyone else. You gotta deal with it."

"Of all the gin joints..." I say under my breath. I slump down, resting my head on both utter disbelief at my misfortune.

For a moment I look up, staring at the screen."Oh! Looks like Kaila is about to get up! She was just trying to retrieve more bamboo leaves to eat. What a jolly, trickster she is!"


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on April 15, 2014, 03:15:00 PM
i enter the bar and go straight to Old Joe
"Hey Joe! I need something strong tonight,i think 2 jacks and a bulldog would be fine for now"
"Whats up Freddie?" He asks
"Same old story man...this heart of mine cant find peace lol...anyway..i know i've missed a grat cat fight"
"Yeah you did bud, it has been awesum"
" time i wanna be here lol" we both laugh as he hands me my drinks
I gulp down the first jack and put the other into the beer
"I hope to see Lover tonite, i need to play something"
I turn myself to see who is in the bar
"And maybe some consolation"
I turn back to Old Joe and grin to him
He smiles to me " never saw you so low Fred you better play something"
"Yeah man you re right"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on April 15, 2014, 03:42:58 PM
"Hey man, where have you been?" I shout and slap freddie on his shoulder. He almost spits his drink...I laugh "Good to see you again! How are you?"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on April 15, 2014, 04:36:39 PM
"hey Lover my friend :) ive seen better days lol, but you know...the best is yet to come"
I guide him to table screamin at Old Joe " 4 beers pls , we have to talk "
"Tell me about you Lover and then we can play something"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on April 16, 2014, 04:42:21 AM
When my days are close to finish here on land of magic, i come as always to the achat bar. Is early in the morning, and i want to take some beers with people from forum village. Ists time to go, and will go for much longer time, cause the work is what have, the good weather is come in, and means i will be outside, nice and hard as time.

The best thing of work in a place without shopings, bars, restaurants is that you can save lot of money, so....


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Peeka on April 16, 2014, 08:34:10 AM
After more then 45 minutes of pleasuring myself in the shower, I eventually turn it off and take my time to get dry.
A bit out of my mind, not realizing what I just did, but enjoying the feeling we have after good sex.

Then I dry my clothes under the electric hand dryers and put them on again.

They look awful and I feel so calm and relaxed, I decide it's time to head home again.

Coming back in the bar, the partying crowd looks to me like a bunch of crazy people and the noise overwhelms me. It is too much.
But I cross the crowd and walk to Brandy and Stone who are dancing.

Whispering in Brandy's ear: "thank you so much honey! You can't imagine how much I appreciated your fight. You lost it, but you won a fan." And with a big smile I kiss her quickly on the cheek.

Then i go to Stone and whisper again: "Congratulations again! You both made me loose my mind somehow. Never saw such a sexy fight in my life. Thank you!" And I kiss her quickly too, gratefully.

But now i really have to go cool down a bit. I'll be back tomorrow.

I wave all the dancing friends good bye and on my way out, I firmly pinch hukk's butt and throw him a look meaning "See I got my clothes clean again, but you deserved this pinch" And walk away shaking my butt as sexy as I can in a proud and teasing manner.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on April 16, 2014, 01:16:42 PM
Dancing to the music playing in the back and  so close to my Love  I can hear his heart beat  kissing his sweet lips .
How I enjoy every moment with you  baby you make me so  Happy  :-*  I see your friend freddie  came in  he looks
sad honey   would you like to go cheer him up  we walk over to  the Bar and   join freddie 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on April 19, 2014, 03:59:53 AM
Just come... to say everyone,


Kisses and thanks to all. :)

Lets have a drink for me!!! :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Marilyn on April 19, 2014, 04:18:52 AM
Cheers Zoerink  ;)
Wishing you a good time and luck with your work projects!
Have fun and take care, Vecino.  ;)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on April 19, 2014, 03:51:37 PM
Lover and Roxxy smile at me while i tell them my heart troubles " same old story my friend" he says...and we all start laughing.
it's very nice to see how Roxy looks Lover, im happy for them
" so Roxxy do you mind if i take your man with me on stage now?"
i see her eyes opening wide "no Freddie ...of course not...what you have in mind?"
"you will see....and listen lol"
i grin to my friend, he knows what i have in mind
we go on stage and take 2 stools , take seat and adjust microphones
in my hands i have a nice martin acoustic guitar . we'r gonna make a great Slash's song in acoustic
i look at Lover and he nods to me , then i start talkin
" hello B&G
it's really nice to back on this stage
i wanna tell you something: i'm sure that all of you have been through good and bad times
ther is time when all seem to love you
and others when no one see you
times that you live so fast
and others that all you wanna do is sleep
times when an angel is by your side
and others when a devil hold you
this song is for that devil
enjoy it
Slash  "Not for Me " Max Session

i start playing my chords slowly , those sweet notes fill the silence and then Lover start singing


Dirty sunrise creeping in
 Broken bottles
 Guilt within
 The room is black
 The blinds are drawn
I don't remember anything
 What I've done, where I've been
 Another night has come and gone
This is not for me, no
 This is not for me, no
 This life is not for me, no
 This is not for me, no

the song here grows powerful and the voice of Lover becomes higher
the guys of the band join us with bass and drum
The Devil smiles and laughs at me
 Says you'll be back, just wait and see
 You know I've heard this all before
And I say
 You can keep your high life in the hills
 Your cocaine lies and whiskey thrills
 I don't need you anymore
This is not for me, no
 This is not for me, no
 This life is not for me, no
 This is not for me, no
 Oh, oh
The only thing that makes me whole again
 Is to stand right here before you with a song
 Oh, oh
 I'll keep running till the very end
 For the life I've lived is not the life I want
Dirty sunrise creeping in
 Broken bottles, guilt within
 In a place I don't belong
This is not for me, no
 This is not for me, no
 This life is not for me, no
 This life is not for me, no
You can keep your life
 I don't want it anymore, yeah
 I'm gonna leave it all behind, yeah
 I'm gonna leave it all behind, yeah
 I don't want no more, don't want no more
 Yeah, yeah, yeah

cheers and claps as the song fades away
high five to Lover " you been great friend...what a voice ! "
"thank you all guys"

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on April 21, 2014, 10:38:13 AM
Freddie and me high five and we nod to our guys.
"Ok friends, we have one more song and im sure none of you will keep sitting. Get up, move your tits and asses and lets rock this bar LIKE A HURRICANE!" The last words im more screaming. We dont wait for an answer, with my last word freddies guitar starts to scream and i throw my stool into the corner...

Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane

It’s early morning
The sun comes out
Last night was shaking
And pretty loud
My cat is purring
And scratches my skin
So what is wrong
With another sin
The bitch is hungry
She needs to tell
So give her inches
And feed her well
More days to come
New places to go
I’ve got to leave
It’s time for a show


Here I am, rocked you like a hurricane
Here I am, rocked you like a hurricane

My body is burning
It starts to shout
Desire is coming
It breaks out loud
Lust is in cages
Till storm breaks loose
Just have to make it
With someone I choose
The night is calling
I have to go
The wolf is hungry
He runs the show
He’s licking his lips
He’s ready to win
On the hunt tonight
For love at first sting

I run to the left and to the right like a devil, turning around with the micro in my hand

Here I am, rocked you like a hurricane
Here I am, rocked you like a hurricane
Here I am, rocked you like a hurricane
Here I am, rocked you like a hurricane
Rocked you like a hurricane

It’s early morning
The sun comes out
Last night was shaking
And really loud
My cat is purring
It scracthed my skin
So what is wrong
With another sin
The night is calling
I have to go
The wolf is hungry
He runs the show
He’s licking his lips
He’s ready to win
On the hunt tonight
For love at first sting

We got everybodys on his feet, I even see some people dancing on the tables,
waving their arms to the air... everybody is rocking and singing

C'Mon C'mon C'mon I wanna hear you
I hold the micro to the audience and shake my head to the rhythm  of the song
with one hand i tear my shirt off my body, go down to my knees and slip to the front of the stage
Freddie is giving everything,his guitar is rocking the bar... flashes are coming out, filling the bar with red lights

Here I am, rocked you like a hurricane
Here I am, rocked you like a hurricane
Here I am, rocked you like a hurricane
Here I am, rocked you like a hurricane
Here I am

Lights turn offand for a moment its quiet. I look to the guys, we all laugh and when my eyes meet freddie, i can see he is smiling too. We rocked the bar! I go to him, we high five again "Lets have a few beer, we deserve it!" He says. We go back to Halie, who is hugging and kissing me
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on April 21, 2014, 04:25:03 PM
the bar all seems wanting more
i m still on stage packing my guitar while Lover went quickly to hug Roxxy
I go back to the mic" hey you want more?"
" yeeeeee" the crowd answer
"i cant hear you!" raising my hands
"yessssssssssssss" this time was louder
"i cant f@kin hear you!!!"
"DO YOU WANT MORE?????????"
" Oh i've heard you "
i look to Lover, he is holding thight her Roxxy and smiling to me
"com'n man....come back here " i say to him grinning
all the guys and girls in the bar are clapping hands and screaming while Lover comes back on stage
he comes to me and put his arm on my shoulder whispering somethin to me
i nod at him at start laughing while i pick my guitar
then i say to the band the song to play
Lover goes to the mic and start singing
do do do do do do do do do do do
the bar explodes cos all have understand the song we r gonna play
Kiss " I Was Made For Loving You"

and we start the riff

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do

 Tonight I want to give it all to you
In the darkness
There's so much I want to do
And tonight I want to lay it at your feet
Cause girl, I was made for you
And girl, you were made for me
everybody is singing now

I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me
Tonight I want to see it in your eyes
Feel the magic
 There's something that drives me wild
And tonight we're gonna make it all come true
Cause girl, you were made for me
And girl I was made for you
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me

all are goin crazy , singing,dancing,jumping
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can give it all to you baby
Can you give it all to me
Oh, can't get enough, oh, oh
I can't get enough, oh, oh
I can't get enough
Yeah, ha
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me
Oh, I was made, you were made
I can't get enough
No, I can't get enough
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me

we stop playing and Lover sings one more time with all the bar
"i was made for loving you baby
you were made for loving me......"
"oh yeahhhhh"
screamings and whistles all over now
we look each other and nod
"we did again my friend" i wink at him
"thank you all Bar&Grill" ...."we need a drink now..let's the party keeps goin"
i put my arm around Lover shoulder while we leave the stage
"i may have a surprise soon ....:) dont ask more now " i laugh
just in time.... Roxxy comes running and jump on Lover putting her arms around his neck and kissing him
"you've been awesum my love" she says
"what about me?" i ask her grinning
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on April 21, 2014, 09:22:12 PM
I walk to the mic

"Give it up for Freddie and Lover, ladies and gentlemen"

"Now lets take it down a notch or two and settle down a bit while i do a romantic love song for you all, so grab your loved one and head to the dance floor for some close dancing"

I walk back to my keboard and sit down and as i stretch my fingers is say.

"This song is for the special lady in my life, you know who you are, this Your Song"

It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money but, boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live

If I was a sculptor, but then again no
Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show
I know it's not much but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song yeah, and this one's for you

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but, now that it's done,
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
Well a few of the verses, well they've got me quite cross
But the sun's been kind while I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on

So excuse me forget, but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway, the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but, now that it's done,
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words how wonderful life is
While you're in the world

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on April 25, 2014, 01:27:45 AM
Lover and me walk over to Freddie with a few hellos and drinks .
Freddie asked me if he can take lover with him "Sure I don't mind if he don't"

Lover looks over at me kisses me and they walk away to the stage ...As  I am walking to the front
 I see ZoeRink getting  ready to leave out once again bye Zoe be safe and we will see you again soon . I say hello to
Marilyn let's  go cheek out the guys they are going to play we walk to the front and join the others.

I'm So Excited! this is the first time for me to hear my Handsome hubby The Rock star. sing on stage

Looking admiralty at my guy he has the most amazing  voice  :)    freddie is a amazing guitar player

The Band members join them


MY love comes to the  front of stage  I run and jump on Lover putting my arms around his neck and kissing him you Rock baby . freddie ask's  what about me?   you to Freddie I say  Just then the crowd want's more  .He  gives me a grin with that  Handsome  smile of his  his eye's light up  I smile look at him say go baby they want  more ;)  I whisper I want more  later to  ;)

                             My Rock Star  :-*


                             Stunning Performance guy's

I am going home
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on April 27, 2014, 11:46:56 AM
Dancing with JD, Stone and Jayc,   the AB&G are rocking at The Cocks N Roses tunes. We are laughing and giggling at the strange moves we are inventing as we move with The Groove.

I signal to the others I need a drink and JD follows me to the bar to be served by Old_Joe.  He immediately pours me a fresh cup of tea and a Jack Daniels for James_Dean.

“I have those tickets printed for Strip Night,”  Old Joe tells me as I arrive and places the boxes on the bar.
“Great,” I grin and look at the tickets.  HisGirlOnly is very sexily dressed in the corner with a “one night only” underneath.

JD admires her amazing figure.  “I’ll put them at the end of the bar so everyone can help themselves”
“Good idea,” I agree and ask Old Joe to give them out with every new drink ordered.

I look round the bar to the patrons drinking and dancing. 

“I will dish some of these tickets  out,”  I tell JD and Old_Joe.  “Will you make preparations to the bar for the big night?”
“ Sure” JD assures me. “ I’ll speak with Covems and the Dwarfs  and to Jayc & Lover. I’m sure Stone & FoxyRoxxy will help out too”

I leave JD and Old_Joe to discuss the beer and food orders with Jayc and take the tickets round the bar.
I hand them out to :-

Zoerink if he can make it. He was just leaving on another overseas trip si I kiss his cheek and wish him well.

Snowbunny78 who had popped in after being away for awhile. I hugged her and welcomed her back.

Cutieguy, Tomi85, Handsomedude and TG_Chaser who were sitting in the corner. They were big fans of HisGirlOnly ( HGO ) and would not miss this night for the world. They whooped and raised their hands when they realised she was star attraction that night.   I signalled for Stone to bring more drinks to their table.
Peeka joined their table and I handed her a ticket too.


I pass them out to all The Cocks N Roses band -  Mrsexlover ; Lover, Freddie, tangoracer, hentaiboy69 and Bear.
Jcm0824 was out of town on business but we hoped he would be back soon. He had left a message to buy all a drink at the bar and I told Old_Joe to open a tab for him.

I gave tickets to Hukk and Jayc who were feeding Pachucuti  (Pachi The Panda ) some bamboo. Jayc agreed to speak to Old_Joe, JD and Covems and The dwarfs about the preparations.

I gave  tickets to Mercer78 who had just arrived from a trip overseas and looked tanned and very handsome. He was sitting with Khaten and Maron211177 who also received tickets.

On the next table were Marilyn and Jondas enjoying a bottle of wine quietly in the corner. I passed them tickets too and complimented Marilyn on her new dress releases in her boutique in Artists Alley. 

Jakehart8 and maekimmi was sitting with FoxyRoxxy as they watched the band. I passed them tickets too.
Maekimmi was new in town and I welcomed her to the infamous AB&G ensuring she had her first drink on the house. She smiled and said she was enjoying the bar and band.

Covems is at the back of the bar by the stage. I wave to get his attention,  " Cove,  I need to speak to you about the bar ta..."   but he didnt hear me and  disappeared from site.  I'll just have to catch him later.

I then see Ginuwine at the bar and punch him playfully on the shoulder.  “Here, you have to be here for this,”  I hand him a ticket for the HGO Strip night. He grins and promises to come.  We order more drinks and move to a quieter table.
ItsAmy123 enters the bar, and I call her over,  “Hey girl, let me get you a drink.” She smiles and nods. Bear walks up to the  bar and we both turn to admire his sexy butt in those black jeans of his.
He turns and grins, that sixth sense of his is pretty amazing. He orders a drink and joins the table.

We all move round for him.  “To fun and friendships”  I raise my glass in toast.
Ginuwine, ItsAmy123 and Bear raise there’s in unison and say “Fun and friendships”

I turn too Bear, “Are you taking requests for solo songs?”
“Sure, What would you like?”  He smiles at us all.
“I don’t know, “ I contemplate.  “You choose something suitable.”

Ginuwine pipes up  “Gift Of A Friend - Demi Lovato”
“Sounds perfect.”  I agree.

Bear groans, “It’s a girly song”
“mmmm, maybe you can think of one more suitable”  I chuckle.  “Otherwise I have the perfect hat for you”  passing him the pink Stetson.
Bear looks at it in disgust and we all burst out laughing as Amy plonks it  on his head.   


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on May 02, 2014, 12:13:35 PM
Soaking  in a hot sensual bath at  home  I feel refreshed and energized.
I get my self ready to go   back to the bar I want to look  nice for my guy. I choosing a very
 eye catching sexy dress that my guy would love to see me in it


I drive back to the Bar  as  i  get  near the door i can still hear the joy and cheers  of it every one  is still having a great time in there .I wounder what
they are  up to know ..

I walk in slowly seductively in my feminine and alluring way I see my  Love is  seating at the bar with the  guys  our eyes meet I captivate his gaze is on me,  I see a slight smile on his face  we both smile as I slightly move my hips  walking his way my confident aura glows..

I warp my arms around him  kiss him in his ear and whispered to him you where Wonderful baby  you need to be singing more :)

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Abraxis on May 03, 2014, 03:56:31 AM
As I walk up to the door of the bar, I stop a moment to listen to the different sounds taking advantage of my enhanced hearing ability.  I open the door and head inside.  In front of me is a room full of activity, People interacting with each other and having a great time! As I walk up to the bar, I see foxyroxxy  to whom I give a polite wave before sitting at the bar. :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on May 03, 2014, 08:12:17 AM
I see Abraxis is new and wave to  him comes and seats withe us at the  Bar welcome
how  are you  I am Foxy  nice  to meet you  have a drink here with us  this is  Joe  he will get any
the best drinks in town .  :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Abraxis on May 03, 2014, 06:55:32 PM
"Nice to meet you Foxy" I say as I take as seat.  "And nice to meet you as well Joe. A drink sounds great, I would love a nice cold beer"  :)
"oh, and please feel free to call me Ab."  It is warm in the bar and full of activity.  I feel relaxed and happy as I take in the surroundings. :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 08, 2014, 04:55:58 PM
Seeing James walk in the AB&G, I walk up over to him and softly kiss him on the cheek. Sitting on his lap with my arms wrapped around him, I see him smile. I smile back and whisper softly in his ear how much fun I had with him in the Icehouse.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on May 08, 2014, 05:33:51 PM
Sitting at the bar, sipping on my drink scanning the bar not seeing the one person I had been looking for. I turned to ask for a refill, when I heard that ole familiar voice asking old Joe for a soda and a beer for Dirish. I looked over and couldn't believe my eyes..... Omg its James!!! I walked over to him as sexi was already there, and I reached over and gave him a kiss and hug, so glad you are back sweetheart.  :D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on May 08, 2014, 11:36:47 PM

Me n Sexi are still chillin when we both see a familiar face and hear a voice we have both sorely missed. I want to run over and hug him, but Sexi is quicker and she squeals with delight. I watch her jump on James' lap, hug his neck and begin whispering in his ear, she is so happy to see him and I guess they have some catching up to do, so I catch his eye and blow him a kiss then sit down again and stir my mojito. I'm so relieved he is ok. I see a man with him I've never seen before, I guess it must be Dirish. Then I know what to do, I go over and introduce myself and thank him for telling us about James and keeping us informed. I ask him why we've never met before.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 11, 2014, 06:32:23 PM
Looks deep in James eyes, "Of course I'm alright. Nothing bad could ever happen to me. There too many people who look out for the others. :)" Brushes his hair back from his face and down his chest as he greets Snow and Blue. Turns and says hi to Dirish and softly kisses him on the cheek. "Thanks for being such a good friend to James." Sits snuggled up against James as I sip on my Hot n Tot just relaxing and being near my good friend.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Dirish on May 21, 2014, 07:36:49 AM
Sitting with James at the bar, 3  very beautiful young ladies come over excited to see him. He introduces me to Sexi, Blue, and Snowbunny. "Ladies" as I nod politely in their direction.  Sexi seems to be very excited to see James as she had jumped right into his lap wrapping herself around him tightly.
"Thanks for he beer James".  Turning to the bartender, I asked him  if there were any special nights or event planned.
Every night is special here he says with a sly grin. Welcome to the AB&G. Your next drink is on the house since James bought the first.
Looks like a great place I say to James. The band is playing and everyone is having a good time.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on May 21, 2014, 01:00:24 PM

Well, if you can't beat 'em, no point having a sub, is there join 'em.
So I swing my leg over Irish Dave's lap and, careful not to jolt his beer arm, I start up a conversation, firstly about where he hails from and why I've never seen him around before and how close he & James are.
We talk about all sorts, he isn't as shy as I thought he might be and I wriggle my daisy-dukes a little more snugly into him and undo my hair so it falls over his shoulder. I ask if he's aware of the things we get up to in the B & G, tell him all about the pudding pit and the dwarves.. speaking of the dwarves, I haven't seen 'em for a while, which usually means they're up to something.. I whisper in Dave's ear some of the naughty things they've been known to do and he chuckles.. a low deep chuckle that tickles right through me.
I think this is going to be a good night.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: HisGirlOnly on May 21, 2014, 04:10:12 PM
(Dedicated to Brandybee, winner of the Town Square "Guess what's In The Egg" competition)

The deep red curtain is my only protection from years of emotional therapy if this goes wrong. But I know that protection was about to be taken away. I hear myself being introduced and call the reserves of my courage. "This is for The Square" I tell myself defiantly raising my chin.    Ginuine Pony

The curtains opened. The spot lights flashes on me and I am blinded. I can't see the crowd. "What luck is this" I think with relief. A smile finds my lips," I know I can do this"

I'm dressed in a studded black leather jacket and leather shorts. On  my feet high heeled black shoes with a silver stiletto heel.  A black leather nine tailed whip hangs at my side.

A solitary chair sits in the middle of the stage as I had requested.
I take smooth  bold steps towards it my heals clicking to the rhythm. My cat of nine tails whips against my thighs with each main beat.
On reaching the chair I slide my hand along it before taking my seat. I run my hands down my body, they move between  my firm thighs and I use them to pull my legs apart. My body writhes to the music as my hands and the whip continue to caress it. My breath pours from me as my temperature rises.

Standing I spread my legs and spiral my hips as i  drop my buttocks halfway down to the floor. As I dip up and down I wave my tummy in rhythmic pulses that continue down to my hips. I roll my right hip forward with the beat of the music then I sway it seductively at Zoerink. He reaches up and takes the zip clasp in his fingers. I shake my head slowly with a teasing grin. He grabs the clasp with his teeth and slides it down. "good  boy" I mouth silently at him before winking and swaying my body away.

Rolling my body in large twists I slowly slide my shorts down over my gyrating hips before pulling them down quickly to the floor. I leave them resting on my feet as I slide my hands provocatively  up my silky thighs. One stilettoed heal steps out of the folds of fabric. A moment later the other kicks the shorts Into the air landing perfectly in Hukks lap. I briefly raise an eyebrow as he looks up. "Yeh u got me into this "I try to relay to him without words. A brief playful smile,   shows he's forgiven before I  twirl around to the back of the chair.

I wrap the whip around it, a hand holding each end. I flip myself backwards until my long hair sweeps across the floor, my back fully arched then pull myself upright once more. Sliding my hand through my hair  I pout at the audience.

Spinning around the chair I face the crowd and pull open my jacket in one deft defiant move revealing my leather studded bra. I shake the jacket free without missing a beat. Finally I let it drop to the floor before kicking it towards BB. I give her a wink in thanks for her advice.

I turn my back on the crowd and bend forward clutching the chair. Alternating between rolling my hips and shaking my buttocks. I lightly slap the whip over my buttocks. A soft pink glow covers them before I start twirling around the chair again.

Caressing the back of the chair I  squat down and up behind it with my legs spread. I place my hands carefully on the seat of the chair and flip over it landing  again facing the crowd. Turning my back on them I unhook the bra and throw it at martin before turning to face the room again, wiggling my silver nip tassels. Rotating my right shoulder sends my right nip tassel into a frenzied spin before I swap shoulders making my left tassel dance. Finally I set both tassels alive drawing the entire rooms attention to my full breasts.

I slide on to the floor and smoothly push the chair back behind me with my feet.  Slowly I  crawl to the front of the stage like a jungle cat stalking her prey.
I move provocatively, raising my butt. A gently arched back swaying with the music.  My head is lowered as I gaze up at my voyeurs through my lashes. My eyes relay both enticement and a savage lust.
"come and get me baby…. I want to tear your little world apart."
Through opened lips my tongue traces my top row of teeth before I roll myself onto the floor.

Laying on the stage I allow my hands to envelope my breasts, arching my back and pointing them proudly in the air. My fingers slide down over my tummy feeling the muscles that tense and relax as they control the circling and thrusting of my hips. Moans escape from my lips but I make no attempt  to suppress them. I give myself to this moment allowing it to wash  over me, thrilling and tantalising me. Next I  move my hands smoothly  between my heated thighs. Spreading my legs I caress the silky inner muscles with long slow strokes. I give my kitty a light whip before doing  a backwards somersault and crawling to the back of  the stage once more. A teasing glance over my shoulder  tell all who watch my butt to continue watching.

The spotlight illuminates the thin layer of perspiration on my body glittering  as I sit  facing the back of the stage with my knees bent beneath me and legs spread apart. I slap the whip hard over my shoulder onto my back, this time squeezing the handle so that as I slide the whip back up a trail of fake blood lines my flesh. Each  slap of the whip seems to cut deeper. On the third slap the spotlight goes out and the curtains close behind me.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on May 21, 2014, 04:59:03 PM
Day 45..

I sit sloushed against the bar counter....moaning in agonizing pain like a dying beast..still waiting for Pachacuti to finish watching his Panda Marathon.  Morgan Freeman's voice...a once enjoyable sound, has now become a source of withering torment..with each word he provides knifing against my skull.

"This panda is named BoBo...he can't seem to get enough of those bamboo leaves. Simply majestic."

Old Joe walks over and prods at my limp body, checking to see if I still had a pulse. "Hukk...the NCAA tournament is's already time for the NBA playoffs...just give it a rest and go home."

I stare back up at him with blood red eyes, and disheveled hair. "I will not move until this Panda finishes occupying the T.V!" I shout back.

"..You're missing out on so much stuff here Hukk. The Cock N' Roses played here, and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves except you." Joe says.

I proceed to look around. I hadn't notice all the activity around me these past few days.  Slowly I bones crunching and cracking  after being stationary for so long.

Lover suddenly jumps onto the stage. He takes the mic away from Martin and asks for some silence.

"Ladies and you are all in for a treat." Lover allows his voice to echo across the room...allowing for the suspense to build as a sly grin cracks across his face. For today, you will experience a show most men can only dream of experiencing. Please....a BIG warm welcome to the lovely..stunning...HisGirlOnly...THE AUSTRANLIAN JEWEL!!"

The men begin to hoot and howl, as they flood towards to the front of the stage.

"Was she supposed to dance today?!" I say to myself. I scamper on over, and grab a seat in order to enjoy the show.

Hush descends upon the stage, as a bright spot light illuminates a single chair. Out comes Zoe, radiant and beautiful like always, sashaying across the floor with poise and elegance. Seduction seems to drip from her very pores, as she lights up the stage...engulfing all the men in a blazing hot fiery performance for the ages. All the men seem to be captivated by her moves..our eyes focused on her lovely exposed flesh that glows faintly.

I take a big gulp, tugging at my collar. "Hubba..hubba!" I mutter to myself. Zoerink, who has taken a seat next to me replies back "You ain't kidding.."

Zoe tosses me her shorts, that lands perfectly on my lap. I look up and give a smile, my eyes still exploring her hips, back and bare breasts.

Finally, the show concludes and all the men still stare slack jawed. Brandy breaks the silence and screams from the top of her lungs "WAY TO GO GIRL!"

With that, we all proceed to give Zoe a thunderous standing ovation.


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Dirish on May 22, 2014, 05:59:51 PM
Just as I turn around on my stool, Blue steps closer and carefully swings her leg over my lap and starts to ask about me. I pull this stunning redhead closer so she can easily sit in my lap and put my hands around her waist locking my fingers behind her lower back. I tell her I am from the same area as James and we are old family friends. We continue to get to know each other a little better as I order another drink for each of us.
I wonder if she knows the effect she is having on me? I feel as if I am lost in her beauty. She wriggles her shapely body and lets her long red hair free so it falls around around my shoulders as I look deep into her eyes trying not to let her know she is causing a slight discomfort that is forming in my trousers.
She says some thing about a pudding pit and dwarfs, hmmm I think, small people pudding wrestling? Then she whispers something in my ear that completely caught me off guard.I chuckled loudly at what she said about the dwarfs and some of the naughty things they have done. The mental image was just to much.
This beautiful young lady held my attention so much that when the crowd stood in a roaring ovation, I had to wonder what I missed.
"Why don't  you give me the tour of the place if you don't mind" Blue looked down at me as a wicked little grin came across her lips I thought this is going to be a good night.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on May 23, 2014, 01:04:35 AM
Sitting at my desk, finishing some dinner with Stone when we hear Lover announcing HGO’s strip! With coffee and tea in hand we rush out of the office. The dance floor is packed, the crowd’s cheers fade as the music begins and the lights dim.

The thumping bass shakes the old building, as HGO make her way to the chair placed on the stage. Reaching out to put my arm around Stone, I grab nothing but air. Turning my head, she has vanished. Puzzled, I look around and then I see her standing closer to the stage with Brandy.
Comparing notes I assume, as both women are “known’ for their erotic dancing skills. Shrugging my shoulders I move behind the bar and stand on a case of beer for a better look at the dance going on.

Its HGO’s first time on the bar stage and she does not disappoint. Leaning over I yell into Joe’s ear.

“I hope she loses more bets.”

Joe nods and grins as he lights his cigar and hands me a beer. On the stage HGO has just kicked off her skirt that lands on Hukk, who seems to back in the real world. The guy has been locked in a battle of wills with Stone’s Panda Pachi, for reasons only known to HuKK.
The dance over, the bar roars with whistles and clapping. I make my way over to Hukk  and tap him on the shoulder to get his attention.

“We need to get together and discuss tactics, trash talk and camp pranks for the looming battles next month”

“yeah, tactics USA USA  USA “ Hukk responds like a punchy boxer. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on May 26, 2014, 07:43:05 AM
The night is finally upon us, the bar is full and everyone is waiting in anticipation for the Star of the Night.
HisGirlOnly, a star performance this night.

I was quite glad I had managed to book her in her busy schedule but she did owe me after all.

I sat in the front row with James_Dean, Stone, jayc, Ginuwine.  I ensured everyone had a round of drinks and was over the moon when jcm0824 came in with Dirish clutching tickets too.

I  go over and snog jcm when he has a free moment from the ladies who were surrounding him and we made a quick wager on the Indy500 race.

I snog Dirish too, when jcm introduces us.  I am a terrible sucker for a good looking man, especially when there’s a Stetson on the horizon.

Old_Joe gave him his free drink before both guys were swamped by interested women, I could hardly blame them really. Those are two hot looking dudes.

FoxyRoxy and Lover were sitting at the bar too and I take the opportunity to make a small wager with each of them. The Indy500 race was surely going to be interesting.

Then lover made the announcement to introduce HGO and her much awaited strip. We all take to our seats. I waved at a new face who sits with Roxy -  Abraxis – he was new too and he waves back.

"Ladies and you are all in for a treat." Lover allows his voice to echo across the room...allowing for the suspense to build as a sly grin cracks across his face. For today, you will experience a show most men can only dream of experiencing. Please....a BIG warm welcome to the lovely..stunning...HisGirlOnly...THE AUSTRANLIAN JEWEL!!"

We all cheer and clap.  And as the music begins, the curtain goes back and HGO in her stunning beauty wows the crowd to silence…

HGO moves with grace and a wicked naughtiness that sends the pulses of all the guys racing and if truth be known, some of the women too.

She removes her sexy shorts and throws them at Hukk who sniffs at them in pleased excitement. She kicks the jacket at me as she slowly removes all her clothes.

I hold it up, nodding encouragement,  “Way to go girl”  I shout.

The temperature in the room rises as she writhes naked, fondling herself and flicking herself with the whip she was holding in her performance.

I hear faint moans in the audience and notice some guys shifting their crotches to ease their growing bulges.

Then all too soon, the strip is over, to gasps of,   “ Oh my God, she was hot”   “When’s she booked again?”  “I think I’m in lust”

We all clap and whoop our appreciation as the curtains close and HGO returns back stage to dress and join us.  No doubt a few will want her to autograph their tickets.

Stone comes over to me and compliments me on my choice of prize. I grin at her, and look over at FoxyRoxxy.   “Well if all works out well in the Indy 500 Race, I might just get another Gem on stage “
Stone giggles, “What are you up to now?”
“Me?”  I feign innocence,  “ You know there’s always something going on in the background, just watch this space .. and hope lady luck shines on me too”

We both chuckle and go join Jayc at the bar, who is also shifting his jeans for more comfort.
“You might need to take care of that”  I whisper to Stone.
“No worries there” Stone replies, licking her lips suggestively.....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on May 26, 2014, 08:40:33 AM
I fiddle with the rum donut machine again and silently cuss when I catch my finger shutting the contraption. “Where was Covems when you needed him?”  No one seems to have heard from him and the place was falling apart, even the dwarfs seems listless these days.
Dopy takes the empty bottle off me as I test the new replaced bottle is working. It seems to be ok but I have a terrible reputation for things falling apart when I try to do things.

“Have you heard from him?” I ask.
Dopy shakes his head with tears in his eyes.
“Hey,” I bend down and hug him. “I’m sure, he will be back soon. He loves you guys”
Dopey hugs me back and we chat about the show in a few minutes time. HGO was  booked to do a Strip. He and the other dwarfs were in charge of the curtain and lighting.

I serve drinks behind the bar to the patrons, then settle in a seat at the front with Brandy and Hukk. Jayc is doing paperwork in the office and when I see Lover begin to make the announcement I go to fetch him.

Suddenly the curtains are opened and the music starts. The crowd are baying at her very sexy attire and whip she holds in her hand.  She is a beautiful women and the men wolf whistle and whoop their approval.

She is very seductive and sensual in her moves that are well timed with the music.  I watch in appreciation and note some of her moves. I could try those out with Jayc. I’m sure he would be a very willing guinea pig.

She strips provocatively, each move and item of clothing timed to perfection. She is naturally talented and has the admiration of every guy in the room and every woman noting the seduction in her moves for their own private bedroom time.
Soon she is naked and writhing on the floor. The whole room is spell bound as they watch her fondle and touch herself, no doubt wishing it were their hands doing the exploring on her trim and toned figure.

As her routine finishes, I stand to clap my admiration for a dance well executed.  The spot light shuts off, the curtain closes and the big lights turned on once more.

“Bravo Bravo”  I shout, pleased that everything seemed to go well. The room erupts in cheers and applause.

I see Brandy and tell her how brilliant I thought the show was. She nods and tells me she has other things planned too.

We return to the bar and Jayc sends Sneezy back stage with a bouquet of roses that Old_Joe had ordered HisGirlOnly to say Thank You and Well done.
“Are you all set for Indy500 race?”  I ask Jayc  and he nods. 
“I want a good driver, like last time,”  I tell him.
“You’ll get what your given”  He tells me seriously.
I roll my eyes,  “ He takes it so serious.” Then to him, “ I best not come last or there may be retribution”  I tease him.

Brandy chuckles, “ Good to see you two have joined up for The World Cup battles”
“Yes of course”  I answer. “Jayc is a Gun Slinger this time though.  But the English Knights will scrag his ass”

We all burst out laughing and resume chatting how well HGO did in her performance.  I join Old_Joe behind the bar again and serve drinks to some old friends and new;  jcm0824, sexilicious, snowbunny,  dirish, bludenim , FoxyRoxy, and Lover .  Others order and i'm kept busy through the night, winking at jayc when he catches my eye.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on May 26, 2014, 10:01:00 AM
Walking back into the bar and look around   Smiling to myself  and move over to the bar

" Hi Jo  a nice cold one please" I ask  "Hi Tango long time no see" he says and slides a cold one down the bar

Just as my hand closes around the glass "CRACK"I hear the sound the puts the fear of God right though my body "CRACK" It goes again. I squeeze the glass tight in my hand and freeze on the spot.

I feel A slap between my shoulder blades "Breath Tango" I hear in my ear taking a deep breath I turn to see Blue close behind me. I smile and look right into her eyes leaning forward I softly kiss her lips and whisper "Thank you my sweet Blue" Blue move back to Sexi over with James

I stand at the bar and watch HGO hot and stunning dance 

Turning to Jayc "Put me in for the indy 500"  I call over and smile at Stone "This year  this year is mine" 

Leaning with my back against the bar I drink my cold beer   
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on May 27, 2014, 09:37:55 AM
There are a  few seated at the Bar    we all  happy  drinking making  jokes   laughing  having a  good time
 we see  JCM and Dirish and the Beautiful girls around them  I see Blue and Sexi  I wave to them they are have a great time
over there I whisper to lover  Lucky Guys   :D  .Old_Joe  and  Stone are  chatting away   Brandy comes to us to  hey guys  how about
a wager for the  Indy race. Sure why not  Lover tells her  a evil  grin  at  her  you know I  how I like to be your fashion designer ;)  .
I am in to Brandy  I say  not know what I was getting myself in to then  she reminded  us  that  Hgo was paying her  debt  obligation  she owed
tonight.  Brandy ask  Lover can you introduce HGO  the men are  getting restless  we look over at the  table Zoerink  Hukk Tomi  Tg are   thumping  the  floor shakes the old building roaring like  they never seen a women naked before   Yes its time . Honey  Lover tells me let me  go  introduce HGO  so the men  can have there  treat  :D
Baby I know you love to be on stage and you do it so  well ;)  I will be waiting   for you here  He  leans  close to me and  give me one hot 
passionate  love  kiss   mmmmm  delicious  I want more I whisper  soon  soon baby   he grabs and squeezes my butt as he walks  away to the stage

Martin Hands the Mic to Lover
Ladies and you are all in for a treat he points a finger to the table of Zoerink  Hukk Tomi  Tg  are at  your  AUSTRANLIAN JEWEL  HGO  crowd  cheered  as HGO  did her performance ...

Tango and Jacy came out   from the office what is  going on    thats just  Hukk  Tomi TG    going wild over there  Hgo  is striping 

Hey Tango  how  Have not seen you in some time  how  about a  a drink  just then  Lover warps  his arms around me and kiss me mmmm
 how  was that baby  ,  Wonderful  Wonderful  Honey  I love when you are on stage making announcement     He greets tango and Jacy and  have  a  drink
 before Tango walks over to  blue

Love and I walk to the  corner bench  where its   dark and lots plants  all around it is  kind of hidden we kiss caress each other
kissing passionately   kiss on the lips I move away slowly graze my  lips against  his neck hearing his whisper moan's I Breathe on to
his skin  making it a  sensual  kiss we look at each other our eyes are locked with each other I caress his face with Soft sensual touches
our kiss Linger  :-*
 between kisses  our hands clasp together I  close my eyes and enjoy the sensation of  his lips with mine wishing this pleasurable kiss
 will never and feeling the intimate connection we have for each other.

We then hear a Loud  scream Brandy saying Go Girl !  and the  roaring from the Men claps and cheers whistles and howls 

The  show must be over ..

 I turn to Lover maybe you can do a strip for me later baby at  home ;)

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on May 27, 2014, 10:34:14 AM

Sat on DIrish' lap at the end of the bar, we are busy investigating each other's libidos and laughing when I see Tango ordering a beer, HGO is well into her show and I'm suggesting to DIrish maybe we could try some of her moves when she plays with her whip and as I hear it crack, I see Tango freeze, she does it again and the color drains from his face & I think he's gonna drop his glass.
"Jesus!" I whisper to DIrish, back in a sec!"
I jump off his lap and run to Tango.. No-one else seems to have noticed, so that's something. I slap him square between the shoulders.
"Breathe Tango!" I put both my hands on his shoulders and rub them. "It's ok baby, you're at the Bar & Grill, blu is here for you."
He relaxes and the color returns to his face. I bend my head round and brush my lips over his. "Thank you sweet blue." he breathes and I give him my biggest toothy smile. "Tango, I'm just glad I was here, I hope Sweetie will take care of you when I'm not."
He picks up his beer and turns round to watch the show so I scamper back to Dirish' lap and breathlessly explain to him what just happened, treating him to a big tongues-deep kiss as reparation.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on May 29, 2014, 05:24:05 AM
Standing at the bar I finish my beer looking around the bar I see all my good friends here and see them all with there partners and loves and a song i had been working on come into my head. Quietly and with out anyone noticing I slip back stage and into the sound booth.Flicking through the songs in the computer I find the instrumental song I need and make my way to the Mic with the remote in my pocket.

Pressing the buttons on the remote the lights come on and the music starts

Achat  girls
There All living in the Achat world
I bet they’ve never had a backstreet guy
I bet they momma never told them why

I'm gonna try for an Achat girl
They’ve been living in there white bread world
As long  as anyone with hot blood can
And now there looking for their downtown men
That's what  we are

And when she knows what
She wants from her time
And when she wakes up
And makes up her mind

She'll see I'm not so tough
Just because
I'm in love with an Achat girl
You know I've seen her in the Achat world
She's getting tired of her freebe boys
And all the cold calls from the freebe boys
She's got a choice


Achat girls
You know that we can rack their worlds
But maybe someday when are ships comes in
They'll understand what kind of guy’s we been
And then we’ll win


And when we’re dancing
she feel’s so fine
And when we’re Kissing
She'll know she's mine

They’ll see we’re not so tough
Just because
we’re in love
With an Achat girl

They’ve been living in there white bread world
As long  as anyone with hot blood can
And now there looking for their downtown men
That's what  we are


Tango’s in love with his sweet HB
His  Achat Girl

JayC  and Stone you will never spit
His  Achat Girl

Brandy has here new love Ginuwine
Her Achat Guy

 Maron is happy with her Khaten
Her Achat Guy

Achat girls
Their  are Achat Girls
You know we’re in love
With are Achat girls

As the song ends the lights dim down and I step back from the Mic and wait for the Bar to react to my latest song.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Dirish on May 29, 2014, 05:12:22 PM
"Jesus!" I whisper to Dirish, back in a sec!"

Blue jumps off my lap and runs over to Tango who looks as if he has seen a ghost. She slaps him hard between the shoulder blades and the says something that seems to calm him down.
Blue returns and tells me what happened after which she kisses me. Our tongues teasing each other in a sensual dance.
Again I think this is going to be a great night.
We break our kiss only to turn and see who is singing on stage. It's Tango singing to a backing track of an old song.

Achat  girls
There All living in the Achat world
I bet they’ve never had a backstreet guy
I bet they momma never told them why

Blue starts to move her hips to the rhythm of the music, my hands tapping out the beat on her thighs as we watch.
"He's really good". I say to James as he and the girls watch on. Sexi still in his lap with a smile so big, Snow bunny standing behind him, arms around his shoulders.
I look at Blue as Tango finishes his song to a loud cheer and applause from everyone. I put my hands on each side of her beautiful face and pull her into another kiss. After a moment she puts her hands on my chest and pushes me back against the bar, her forehead against mine, the tip of our noses touching as we look into each others eyes.   

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on May 31, 2014, 12:51:04 AM
 Mmmm... I wriggle my hips in time with Tango's singing, his version of a Billy Joel number. I can feel a long hard lump in Dirish's pants and I rub my ass cheek a little harder gainst it.  Dirish starts to tapping the beat on my thighs, this is going to be a good night. :)
Tango finishes and after we've finished clapping & cheering, Dirish holds my head between his big hands and pulls me in tight for a lovely long kiss. After what seems like an hour, I pull back, put my hands on his chest. Opening his shirt so I can run my fingers through his luxuriant chest hair, I push him back against the bar and lean over him forehead to forehead, our noses touching and I look deep into his eyes..

"My jeans feel really tight on me." I purr at him "and your pants are definitely tight on you!" and to prove it I reach down & rub my hand along the front of his fly and his eyes open wider and seem to sparkle. "I think we should take a walk and let me show you around like I promised. You coming?"
I slide down off his lap and bend down to pick up my purse and he gives me a resounding slap on my ass. I blush crimson in front of everyone, but I wiggle it just the same and he laughs a lovely laugh. "Ok, how about we do a tour of the Ice House first! it's quieter in there! Maybe I can show you what this opens?" I pull the fine golden chain around my neck and show him the key.

"Lead on little Lady!" he takes my left hand and I pull him towards the pool room.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on May 31, 2014, 02:45:08 PM
After hearing the claps and cheer from my song I think to myself "I have a good crowd here tonight maybe I'll try my latest song"

Moving back to the sound booth I find the music I need and move back to the mic. hitting the remote in my pocket the music starts and the lights come back up.

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There Zoe stood in the doorway;
Ringing the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself,
'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell'
Meron lights up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices from the dark curners,
I thought I heard them say...

Welcome to the Achat town Sqare
Such a lovely place
Such a sexy place
Plenty of Fun to be had in achat town Square
Any time of year, you can find it here

Roxxy’s Mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got her man called Lover 
Zoe’s got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends
Jinger she dance’s in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

So I called up the Panda
'Please bring me my Beer'
He said, 'We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine'
And still those voices are calling from thier dark curners,
Waking you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say...

Welcome to the Achat town Square
Such a lovely place
Such a sexy place
We’er all livin' it up at the Achat town square
What a nice surprise, bring your alibis

Fountain in the Middle 
Vodka and Taquila on ice
Marilyn said 'We are all just prisoners here, of our own device'
And out on the dance floor,
Brandy spins twists and grinds,
And Woody keeps her in check
But they just can't kill the Lust

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
'Relax,' said the Hukk man,
We are programmed to receive.
You can checkout any time you like,
but you can never leave!

As I finish the song the Bar is singing along with me and the lights go down again.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 01, 2014, 06:44:50 PM
The bar has mellowed since Tango's version of an Eagles tune has ended. This is probably as quiet as it will get. I grab my acoustic guitar and mount  the stage. The noise falls lower as eyes go to me to see what the waitress in the bunny suit is going to do. I slide up on a stool and let the guitar sit in my lap.

I tap at the mic "Hi, everyone." I look around nervously. "I know I've sung for you before, but I actually wrote this one, so I'm a little nervous." I turn at the tuning keys and explain. "It's a song of love... of loss and pain. Love is valid no matter who you are, no matter who you love. I hope we all remember that."

Looking down at the frets, I strum the chords slow and simple and then look up and begin...

You held my hand and made me smile
your eyes would shine as bright as day
you were my girl for a while
but then you went away

I miss the way you'd hum, because
you didn't really know the words
but you'd sing it out loud
when the chorus could be heard

I'm all alone now that you're gone
makes it hard to go on
it broke my soul,I'm all alone
because you're gone

You lit the room and shined my life
You brought out the best in me
You were the one to be my wife
Even if the world couldn't see

We had plans and lots of dreams
our love was strong and unafraid
till the day you fell in need
then it all was swept away

I'm all alone now that you're gone
makes it hard to go on
it broke my soul,I'm all alone
because you're gone

the doctor's call and I sat with you
in that noisy waiting room
I rocked you slow while you cried
till I started crying too

The day you left and cancer won
I stroked your hair and held you soft
I heard your dying words to me
but baby I cant go on-   

The silence is like a cloud as I strum the last chord. I look to the floor nervously, and wait and see.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on June 02, 2014, 08:38:10 AM
After Lover has taken my mic to annouce HGO's Lapdance act, i get backstage and head to the showers for some refreshing. I come back when Tango is doing his version of Hotel California.

As i look around i see Roxy and Lover together in a corner, Sexi is on Jameses lap, and Blue sneaks of with the new bloke to the pool room. Guess i'm on my own this time. So i walk to the bar and and het a drink from Joe then heads to a table and sit down.

As Tango walks of the stage our Bunny Waitress Andrea steps up, very nervous by the looks of it. Then she begins to sing with her golden voice. It's a very fraigle song but when i hear the lyrics it just gets to me.

I listen with tears in my eyes as she finishes the song. The whole bar is silent, you can hear a pin drop. And as Andrea looks up from the floor and looks nervous into the bar i stand up to give her a big Applause.

Soon the rest of the bar is joining in as a smile appears on her face.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on June 02, 2014, 04:46:39 PM
Roxxy and me are sitting in a corner, talking, flirting and kissing when Andrea is tapping the mic. We listen to her words. The song she is mentioning i know well, we have written and performed it together but she was the one who got the idea.
"It's a song of love... of loss and pain. Love is valid no matter who you are, no matter who you love. I hope we all remember that."

I look at Roxxy - what does she mean? As we hear the first words, we know. Its a wonderful song, we hear the words coming straight ffrom her heart. Its a very sad song too and i notice Roxxy is crying a little. I kiss her head, fondle her face and hand her a tissue.
Andrea finishs the song and everyone is absolutely quiet. Never, never before i have seen the bar as quiet as now. Martin breaks the silence, standing up and applauding - we all join. Shes got standing ovations and we can see her smiling. Roxxy and me are smiling too... i hold her tight and nod to Old_joe - he is starting more music
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Dirish on June 02, 2014, 06:13:49 PM
Maybe I can show you what this opens?" Blue pulls the fine golden chain around her neck and shows me a key.
"Lead on little Lady!" As she takes my left hand and pulls me towards the pool room.

Just then James reaches over and smacks her square on the rear. "Happy birthday Blue". Sexi and Snow bunny follow suit and land two more smacks causing blue to turn quickly with a devilish little smile on her face.
James winks and asks "Remember last year"?
Blue turns and wiggles her rear in his direction and laughs. "Too bad Momma is on stage singing James".
She tugs my hand again and leads me off to the Ice House. Curious as to what is in the Ice House, I just follow this beautiful young lady. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on June 04, 2014, 01:47:47 AM

Loving the slaps on my ass I put an extra wiggle in my walk as I lead the willing Dirish to the pool room and open the secret door. A cold draft gusts out and my nipples immediately poke out trough my top. Should've worn a bra...  Dirish notices and holds me against the wall while he flicks them with his tongue..
" You have nice erectile nipples blu." he purrs, nibbling them through the cloth and leaving wet marks over each one "I'm sure they will be nice to play with".
I catch his meaning immediately and stare into his eyes,  I lift his chin and kiss him full on the lips before pushing him off me and I walk a little more slowly down the great hall toward my special room, keeping his hand firmly gripped in mine and thinking instead of talking.. I was going to tell him about the sacrifice on the big table at the end of the hall, but all of a sudden, I feel like I am the one being led here and I  can't think of what to say.
We arrive at the thick oak door and I take the gold chain from my neck and placing his hand on my butt, I flash my biggest smile. "
I was going to give you a guided tour, but you know, I kinda think we've got to where we both wanted to go"
I turn the key and push the door back, it creaks on it's hinges like it hasn't been used for years and I giggle..."sounds like a proper dungeon door!"
I pull the light switch and the pale blue light illuminates all of the first chamber.
I give the key to Dirish
"Do you think you should close & lock the door? I have a feeling we may be here for some time."

*This story will be continued in "The Ice House " thread.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: SnowBunny78 on June 04, 2014, 09:13:11 PM
Standing behind James, I watched as I see Dirish and Blue was getting close. As Blue slid off of Dirish lap,  with that familiar smile, dangling a key in front of him. As she started to lead Dirish off, James spoke up and said,"Happy birthday Blue"! as he smacked her on the ass. As she walked by  Sexi and I as well smacked her ass  and giggled. 

At that time James looked at Sexi and said we should go find a lil privacy of our own, as she jumped into his arms. James reached his hand behind and said are you coming too?  I grabbed his hand and followed James and Sexi off to the spa room.   
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 15, 2014, 05:06:48 PM
I smile and blush as I walk off stage after doing that somber song. Every ones applause is a little overwhelming. The house music kicks back in, but it's a mid tempo love song to ease the crowd back into the groove. I take the bunny ears off and trade Old Joe the guitar for my jacket.

"Was that a little autobiographical, kid?" Old Joe asks me.
I smile and shake my head. "You know me, Joe. I'm a writer, it's pure fiction." I assure him.
"Yeah, well you lost somebody. Nobody pulls that out of thin air." The grizzled old bartender replies.

I don't respond and just toss on the jacket, covering a bit more than the bunny suit will.
"See you tomorrow, Joe." I turn for the door.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on June 18, 2014, 06:00:01 PM
Tang and Andrea   start  performing there songs  they sing so wonderful  they
sing it  with so much heart and soul  the room go's silence as Andrea start to  sing  it
 it's  a very sad song but she sings is with so much passion .
Lover tells  me they wrote and performed its a lovely song that
I get tears  in my  eyes  what a  wonderful song honey  I love songs  of love even if they
are sad  I look at him so  and think what a  great man I have  so proud to be  his wife you
are my love baby  :-*.

Just as Andrea  finishes  the room is in tears  room is  in a trance in the dark and with silent  every one is remembering
that lost loved one that  go away  or  loss  the  memories  hurt   many then I tell lover  that why  I appreciated every moment
that I can love you  .

standing ovations for  Andrea
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Erotic_Dream on July 01, 2014, 05:53:53 PM
As the reach for the door handle to the bar a beautiful woman exits. She smiles back at me as she walks away. Confidence bolstered I enter the Achat Bar & Grill looking to satisfy both my hunger and thirst. And, from what the concierge at the hotel tells me, some of the hottest waitresses in the city.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on July 04, 2014, 11:14:30 AM
James (jcm0824) smiles at Blue and Dirish. He is unable to resist slapping Blue’s delightful derrier as she passes by him winking and dangling the spare key to The Dungeon in The Ice House.
“Happy birthday Blue, Have fun,” he murmurs softly and Blue giggles, knowing she will.

Dirish highs fives his good friend and follows Blue.  “Glad you told me about this place my friend,” Dirish wiggles his eyebrows playfully at James and his two lady friends.
James chuckles, glad that he did too. He whispers to the two beautiful women at his side, Snowbunny78 and Sexilicious and asks them both if they would like a little privacy of their own.

The two ladies agree and eagerly take his strong hands, walking with him to the Spa room.

James feels happy that he has good friends here and looks around at the bar as he walks. He feels the warmth and affection all around him.

It seems to glow in the room, a faint glow that begins to get brighter. Somehow he knows it is a good light and his eyes travel the room and he sees the hue is brighter where his friends are.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?”  Doris says softly, standing beside him.  Suddenly he realises all the people in the bar were frozen in time. Some in animated discussion, some dancing and laughing.
Even Snowbunny and Sexilicious are statuesque still holding his hand.

“What am I seeing?” James asks slightly bewildered.
“All the love and friendship you created since you have been here.” Doris whispers to him. “It glows and strengthens and the bonds you have with people are never broken. They last through time."

“Am I dreaming? It seems so serene and beautiful” James whispers and memorises the scenes before him.  All his friends including Cheya, Bluedenim, Dirish, Sexilicious and Snowbunny laughing, smiling and glowing the brightest for him.

All have bright eyes, and almost a teardrop shimmering and forming in them.
He looks closest at them. “They seem different from the rest.”

Doris smiles at him, “That’s because, they sense it.”

James looks at her, seeing her properly for the first time.  “You are the lady in the portrait, dancing over the stage with your man”
Doris nods. “My Stanley. We live here, have done for over a 100 years”

James swallows, “My illness beat me in the end, didn’t it? That’s what you mean by sensing it. My friends know, I have to leave them”
Doris nods again. “They know. They don’t want you to suffer anymore,” she says softly.

James smiles, “I was getting tired. I think I put up a good fight though”
Stanley floats down to stand by Doris, putting his arm around her waist, “You sure did”
James chuckles, feeling good, happy and full of life ironically, the best he has done in ages. “What happens now?”

Doris answers him softly guiding him, “You whisper to your friends, each memory of you, you wish them to remember and keep, you  say good bye to each and every one, promising each, that you will live in their hearts forever. You may be gone. You won’t ever be forgotten.”

“I’m not sure, I want to go yet,” James whispers to them.

“That’s normal.” Stanley soothes him, “It’s just that first step into the unknown. A new chapter for you”
“That’s why we are here,” Doris says, “There are people waiting for you in the next plane, but you can take your time with your friends. Time means little here.”

“Should I be scared?” James asks not sure of his feelings.
Doris shakes her head. “No, don’t be scared. There is a fabulous set of drums up there, some golden ropes and things that you enjoyed here,” she chuckles. “We have some very thoughtful Angels who know how to make new comers feel right at home”

James chuckles, “Should I blush?”
“Absolutely!”  Doris and Stanley say in unison and they all burst out laughing. 

James suddenly feels better, wonderful even. He knows his time has come and he knows that he has had a good, full filling life. Slowly it flashes before him and Doris and Stanley hold him steady as he sees and remembers.
When it’s over, James is smiling.  “My life was wonderful”

Stanley and Doris nod in agreement. “You are a very special man. You will be greatly missed”

Doris takes his hand, “Come, whisper in your friends ears the special memory you wish them to have, we will wait for you over here”

James approaches each of his friends,  each of his band members in the Cocks N Roses and each of his special ladies.
He whispers things only for them and notes the glow brightens around them.

The moments are special, unique and ones that imprint in their minds and souls forever.

“Good bye, my friends,” he tells them at the end, “Don’t be sad at my passing. Be glad we had the good fortune to meet each other, to spend time together and to make wonderful memories together”

He kisses each lady and shakes each man’s hand.

He turns to his new friends, Doris and Stanley, “I am ready”

Then as if on queue, a giant stairway appears in the centre of the AB&G with the glow of his friends in the afterlife at the top.

And with Doris and Stanley by his side, he ascends with a sense of peace, of happiness and of joy.

“Do you think, I could come back to visit the Spa and bar on occasions?” James jokes with the ghostly couple.

Laughter is heard and Doris’s answer, “Oh, we insist”

The AB&G returns to normal time,  James has passed but never forgotten. His imprint on the AB&G and The Icehouse will be there forever, in its history.

His friends sense and feel his spirit and raise their glasses in toast to the special man who was part of their lives.
“To James – jcm0824- and the wonderful memories, he created. Rest in Peace Dear Friend.”

And the drums on stage suddenly beat and play on their own….

Gun's N' Roses - Knockin On Heavens Door     -


In memory of our jcm0824.  A much respected and loved member of our Forum Village.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: AusWoody on July 04, 2014, 02:47:35 PM
tho I never met you  I heard only good things about you.

let this poem ease the hearts of those that did know and love you James.

RIP James,

(Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood, 175-186)

What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be;
In the soothing thoughts that spring
Out of human suffering;
In the faith that looks through death,
In years that bring the philosophic mind.

~ William Wordsworth

maybe we will meet  in time :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on July 04, 2014, 10:56:17 PM
Rest In Peace  James

we will all miss you
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on July 05, 2014, 12:02:10 AM
standing in the game room i watch as Stone puts up our tribute to our departed friend. a large glass frame with pictures of JCM at Bar parties and concerts. At the bottom are  a pair of his drum sticks and one of his brass belt buckles with his family crest engraved on it. we decide to place it here, near the entrance to the ice house because thats where we could always find him
 I smile at the thought as  Stone tells me to" moved it up, move it down, to the right a little"

Finally satisfied  we shut off the lights  and lock up the bar for the night. we drive off  to the lake on this  lovely summer evening.


All is quiet save for the hum of the beer coolers, when suddenly the  sound system comes to life.

RIP James   You will be missed

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on July 05, 2014, 03:59:34 AM

jcm0814 -   Hero Forum Member -  23 February 2013 to 28 June 2014.

“Left,  right,  down a bit,  no up a bit.  That’s it  Jay.  It’s perfect there.”  I stand back looking at it with tears in my eyes as Jayc hammers the tribute in place over The Ice House door.

“Do you think, he would like that Jay?”

“I think he would. He think he would feel honoured we care so much about him”  Jayc jumps down off the chair and hugs me, passing me a handkerchief

“You know tomorrow, I think we should look around his gallery. He has beautiful sexy photographs he has displayed”

“Good idea”  Jayc answers me.

Just Sexy Photos  -,2503.0.html

Scenes from our private dungeons  -,2628.0.html

We drink a toast to our friend, leave a whiskey on the bar counter for him and lock up for the night, and remember  him …




The protector


( Perhaps a more fitting place for friends to place tributes would be in a this thread      Adult Game AChat > Organizations & Events > Introduce yourself  > Saying good Bye   -,2692.0.html   )

And the song in the bar echoes  round the empty room of the Achat Bar & Grill  as James plays beloved his drums ...

Sandy Nelson - Let There Be Drums  -

RIP James   You will be missed

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on July 09, 2014, 08:03:25 AM
I go to the bell and ring it long and loud.
"Ladies and gentlemen, friends and guests... the queen of forum, the one and only BBBBRRRRAAAAAAAANNNNDDDDYYYYY" i start coughing for some seconds... then im able to go on
"BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE  has reached 4000 posts. You all know what it means! All drinks for free tonight, Brandy is paying. Thanks Brandy ;D"

Oh, before you all are drunken, dont forget to read and vote the erotic stories

Adult Game AChat > Organizations & Events > Contests  > "JOURNEY" THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 7,3232.0.html
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on July 18, 2014, 04:35:01 PM
Lover told me the bad news
I go rushing to Old Joe and ask a beer and a whiskey
"I've been away too long Joe , but wtf, didnt expect such thing"
He nods at me and gives me my drinks
I swallow the whiskey and taking the beer with me i go next to the stage and take a seat in front of the drums
"Prosit" i whisper raising the beer and take a sip "this is for you my friend"
I close my eyes for a while trying to push back tears and when i look again i see James at his drums
He looks at me and smiles
"Comon Freddie" i hear his voice
"Lets play " 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on July 24, 2014, 08:57:30 PM
 so I see every one   singing   freddie is  done  playing  I walk to the stage  take the mic 

see freddie  with tears in his  eye  as he walks away ,  I hand him a tissue  as we walks off the stage

On a  lighter note :

Well Now that the  Word cup is over  I am here to  pay my due  1st was one  I come  to sing a song ..

so here it is 

Congratulations Germany

World cup Champions

I was  one of your cheerleaders  from the start  even if I picked my homeland team   
I wanted you to win  when  I  even said you Score 7 goals that day and that is the truth  ask lover
and my kid . 

 So for this I have decided to sing  this song  to  honer your  Victory .

will sing it  in German .......Jumping  up and down clapping my hands  singing

Deutschland   Deutschland   Deutschland

Breathless through the Night

We take to the streets and clubs of this city,
This is our night, as if made ​​for the two of us, oho, oho.
I close my eyes, forget every taboo,
Kisses on the skin, like a love tattoo, oho, oho.
What's between us, pictures one never forgets,
And your look has shown me, this is our time.

Breathless through the night,
Until a new day dawns.
Breathless, out and about,
Your eyes draw me out!
Breathless through the night,
Feel what love makes of us.
Breathless, level-headed, fantasy gone real for the two of us,
Today, we are forever, a thousand feelings of happiness.
All that I am, I share with you,
We are inseparable, somehow immortal,
Come take my hand and walk with me.

Come on, we'll climb to the highest roof in the world,
Simply hold onto what keeps us together, oho, oho.
If you're really hooked, body on body intoxicated,
Fall in my arms and the parachute will open, oho, oho.
Everything I desire is there, the greatest real freedom, so close,
No we do not want to leave here, everything is perfect.

Breathless through the night,
Feel what love makes of us.
Breathless, level-headed, fantasy gone real for the two of us,
Today, we are forever, a thousand feelings of happiness.
All that I am, I share with you,
We are inseparable, somehow immortal,
Come take my hand and walk with me.

Longing pulsates on my skin.
Breathless through the night,
Feel what love makes of us.
Breathless, level-headed, fantasy gone real for the two of us,
Today, we are forever, a thousand feelings of happiness.
All that I am, I share with you,
We are inseparable, somehow immortal,
Come take my hand and walk with me

Weltmeister   Weltmeister

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on July 24, 2014, 09:35:13 PM
Now as I am  done sing  I give a  grin to Brandy  what you  have been 
Waiting for,  you said  give  it to  lover  a  Blow Job  but you did not  say  how
so I reach out of my goody  bag and  pull out a cock  lollipop so sweet and juicy
licking it up and down   mmmmm  then I gave lover a  blow job lollipop... ;)

I go reach in my  bad and  start throwing them cock pops  the women Giggle and Hoot
trying to get some cocks  so   my dues are   done   I walk ways  smiling ....


 So how about some Blow Job jokes

The wives of four presidents and prime minister are talking together about how a penis is called in their language. The wife of Tony Blair says in England people call it a gentleman, because it stands up when women are entering.

The wife of Boris Yeltsin says in Russia you call it a patriot, because you never know if it will hit you on the front or on the back side.

The wife of Chirac says in France you call it a curtain, because it goes down after the act.

Well, the wife of Clinton says in the USA you call it a rumor, because it goes from mouth to mouth.

Q: How do you know who gives good blow jobs?
A: Word of mouth.

A woman comes into a hardware store.

"May I help you ma'am?"

"Yes, please, I need a three inch door hinge."

"Do you wanna screw for it?"

"No thanks," she responds, "but I'll blow you for that clock radio over there

Boy/Girl BOY:

"Give me a blow job

" GIRL: "Can you be more romantic?"

 BOY: "Fine, give me a blow job in the rain."


 A group of guys go on a ship after a few days a guy got horny
so he went up to the captain and asked
 "What do you guys use when you get horney ?
" The captain said there's a barrel over there with a hole in it we use that
" The guy replied "Great when can I use it
" The captain said "Everyday other then Tuesday"
 The guy asked "Why not Tuesday?"
The captain grined and said "Cause that's your day in the barrel."

Thank you all been a great  Audience ...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on July 26, 2014, 05:53:01 AM
Walking back into the bar just to hear Lover give the new Brandy Hitting 4000 I walk over and Kiss her cheek "Congrats on reaching that mile stone my sweet" I whisper in her ear

As I rest my hand on the bar  Joe slides a cold one down the bar to me "Thanks Joe" I say with a smile..

Leaning back on the Bar and laugh at Rooxy's  jokes

"Its good to see the bar Happy again after such bad times"  I think to myself

As I chat with Lover over the great world cup I see a gorgeous  Red Headed Lady walk into the Bar and sit at the end of the Bar.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jingerbird on July 26, 2014, 06:00:21 AM
Sitting at the bar, nervously. The bar tender walks up to me. 'Hey' he says, 'I'm Joe. What can I get you? The first drink's on the house.'
'Vodka on the rocks please', I smile sweetly at the most handsome man, leaning against the bar. Joe hands me a drink and I take a sip....steadying my nerves. I dont usually walk into a bar on my own.
Relaxing a little, i giggle silently at the jokes being told.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on July 28, 2014, 03:54:39 PM
 i go on stage with Lover at my side, our hearts are heavy as we stand in front of mics
"hey bar&grill "
my voice sounds trembling and i take a long pause
"we are here now to celebrate our friend ....James...
i wanna play this song...that many times made me cry before....this band wrote it when their drummer died...and i made it mine when i had a huge loss in my family...
now again i have to cry with it for our great drummer ...who left an empty space here on this stage....
so please ....i wanna hear you all singing with our choir will reach the sky....will reach he is so far away....."

Avenged Sevenfold
"So Far Away"

Never feared for anything
 Never shamed but never free
 A life to heal the broken heart with all that it could
Lived a life so endlessly
 Saw beyond what others see
 I tried to heal your broken heart with all that I could
Will you stay?
 Will you stay away forever?
How do I live without the ones I love?
 Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned
 Place and time always on my mind
 I have so much to say but you're so far away
Plans of what our futures hold
 Foolish lies of growing old
 It seems we're so invincible
 The truth is so cold
A final song, a last request
 A perfect chapter laid to rest
 Now and then I try to find
 A place in my mind
 Where you can stay
 You can stay awake forever
How do I live without the ones I love?
 Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned
 Place and time always on my mind
 I have so much to say but you're so far away
Sleep tight, I'm not afraid (not afraid)
 The ones that we love are here with me
 Lay away a place for me (place for me)
 'Cause as soon as I'm done I'll be on my way
 To live eternally

here my guitar cries as Lover takes his breath
How do I live without the ones I love?
 Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned
 Place and time always on my mind
 And the light you left remains but it's so hard to stay
 When I have so much to say and you're so far away

picking chords and rolling drums
and again high notes from my guitars bleeding under my fingers
then the voice of Lover
singing out loud
I love you, you were ready
 The pain is strong and urges rise
 But I'll see you, when He lets me
 Your pain is gone, your hands untied
So far away (so far)
 And I need you to know
 So far away (so far)
 And I need you to, need you to know

on the last note from my guitar i raise my eyes
looking over the skies
"for you........James"

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on July 28, 2014, 04:23:55 PM
The song is done, the lights turn off. Everyone is quiet, sending out his message to james. He will feel this energy and love everybody is sending. Now he is gone, but never forgotten.

I speak softly but clearly.
"When we got the message about his death, we thought to quiet the band. But this james never would have wanted. So we will continue. We always have one of his drums on stage, so he will have his place aside us."

After a short break I continue "It's monday today and i bet i knw what you're all are looking for! Freddie, we need your guitar!"
Freddie starts playing and i start singing

Gary Moore - Friday on my mind

Monday morning feels so bad
Everybody seems to nag me
Come on Tuesday I feel better
Even my old man looks good
Wednesday just won't go
Thursday goes too slow
I've got Friday on my mind

C'mon sing with me

Gonna have fun in AChat village
Be with my girl, she's so pretty
She looks fine tonight
She is outa' sight to me
Tonight, I'll paint it red
Tonight, I'll lose my head
Tonight, I've got to get tonight
Monday I have Friday on my mind

"I know you all are looking for the weekend, aren't you?" Everybody is screaming

Do the five day drag once more
No one, nothing else that bugs me
Now I'm working for the rich man
But I'll change his tune one day
Tonight I'll get mad
Tomorrow I'll be glad
'Cause I've got Friday on my mind
Gonna have fun in AChat village
Be with my girl she's so pretty
She looks fine tonight
She is outa' sight to me
Tonight, I'll paint it red
Tonight, I'll lose my head
Tonight, I've got to get tonight
Monday I have Friday on my mind
Gonna have fun in AChat village
Be with my girl she's so pretty
Gonna have fun in AChat village
Gonna have some fun
Be with my girl she's so pretty
Gonna have some fun
Gonna have fun in AChat village
Gonna have some fun
Be with my girl she's so pretty
In the city tonight
Gonna have fun in AChat village
Monday morning feels so bad
Everybody seems to nag me
Come on Tuesday I feel better
Even my old man looks good
Wednesday just won't go
Thursday goes too slow
I've got Friday on my mind
Gonna have fun in AChat village
Be with my girl, she's so pretty
She looks fine tonight
She is outa' sight to me
Tonight, I'll paint it red
Tonight, I'll lose my head
Tonight, I've got to get tonight
Monday I have Friday on my mind
Do the five day drag once more
No one, nothing else that bugs me
Now I'm working for the rich man
But I'll change his tune one day
Tonight I'll get mad
Tomorrow I'll be glad
'Cause I've got Friday on my mind
Gonna have fun in AChat village
Be with my girl she's so pretty
She looks fine tonight
She is outa' sight to me
Tonight, I'll paint it red
Tonight, I'll lose my head
Tonight, I've got to get tonight
Monday I have Friday on my mind
Gonna have fun in AChat village
Be with my girl she's so pretty
Gonna have fun in the city
Gonna have some fun
Be with my girl she's so pretty
Gonna have some fun
Gonna have fun in AChat village
Gonna have some fun
Be with my girl she's so pretty
In the city tonight
Gonna have fun in AChat village

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: AusWoody on July 30, 2014, 06:22:10 AM

The Achat Bar and Grill was quiet during the lull between the dinner rush and the arrival of the evenings revelers, with a few late diners finishing their meals, the staff were clearing the remnants of a few meals and picking up after the rush. Even the background music was muted, Old Joe was wiping down the bar top and watching the attractive waitresses bussing the tables. He enjoyed watching the young women and how their bodies moved in a naturally seductive manner.

He noticed a growing drone enter the bar, drifting in the still evening air and wondered idly what was making such a racket on the passing highway. He grew more interested as it approached becoming louder something buried deep down in his memory stirred at the sound it reminded him of the thunder of an approaching storm,. He didn’t know how accurate that thought would prove to be.

It grew closer and closer as it approached the bar and he expected it to fade as it passed and moved on. Most vehicles did as the bar didn’t get a lot of the passing trade. It flourished on a strong regular patronage of the local community. Unexpectedly he heard the rolling thunder turn into the bars car lot. The noise becoming deafening in the quiet of the bar. Then it disappeared in an instant and left a vacuum of quiet in the still bar. Every eye looking toward the entrance of the bar expectantly.

The back corner of the pool room suddenly exploded with noise and action, a young gang banger and his girlfriend were raising their voices in heated discussion and every eye turned to observe the unusual event in the bar. Strangers fighting over some imagined slight. Noticing they were the object of everyone’s attention, they started to make their way out of the bar toward the exit.

As they approached the door  something huge blocked the incoming light, the massive shape of a man entering through the doorway. On second look he wasn't overly tall barely 6' but broad and heavily muscled. What stuck anyone who saw him  was his presence, a sense of pending danger barely repressed like a ticking bomb.

The gang banger was virtually dragging his girlfriend towards the door when she broke free and stopped moving in his wake he stopped and reached for her again and as she avoided his reaching hands he lost his temper and slapped her hard across the face causing her  to scream and  begin sobbing.

As I entered the dim bar  I saw  a couple arguing heatedly, as I moved around them the man some type of  banger from the city, slapped her hard  knocking her backwards, without thinking I placed my hand on the man's shoulder and turned him to face me, saying softly, “A man never strikes a lady under any circumstances.”

The switch-blade appeared as if by magic in his hand. The silver blade reflecting the lights of the bar on its evil length as he squared up to me, his manner threatening. I grabbed his hand twisting his wrist and forcing him to drop the knife to the floor, following up with a solid punch to the solar plexus  and a knee to his face, leaving the banger out cold on the bar room floor unconscious while his girlfriend was standing open mouthed in shock.

I walked to the bar took a seat beside a attractive woman nervously sipping slowly on what appeared to be a glass of water. Giving her a smile  I signalled the barkeep for a beer. Nodding my thanks, I drained the cold brew and washed the dust of my journey from my throat in one swallow placing the mug on the bar. I signalled for another.

Something in the barkeeps manner alerted me and I stood turning quickly to see the banger coming for me with the knife in his hand and revenge in his eyes. Shaking my head, I unload a massive punch right into the oncoming face, feeling the nose and cheek bones crumble under the force and the banger falls backward to the floor, his head bouncing and unconscious. Retaking my seat I said to the barkeep,  “Some people never learn.”

The barkeep opened his mouth to answer when a female voice spoke up from behind him, “Get Tango to lock him up Joe, and see if his girlfriend needs any help.” turning her attention to me she asked, “Another beer stranger?” Looking her over  unconsciously, I noticed the shocked looks of the patrons at the end of the bar, then his eyes caught the blazing emerald green eyes of another red head standing in front of him hands on hips and a smile on her lips.

“Yeah thanks” he replied in his aussie drawl, “the road dust sticks good around here.”
She turned and walked behind the bar pulling him a tall cold beer placing it in front of him, saying “The first drink here is always on the house but I think you earned a second freebie. I smiled my thanks and took a long draft of the chilled beer and placed the half full glass on the bar.

“I don’t drink with strangers missus they call me Aus, thanks for the beer.”
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on July 30, 2014, 02:27:26 PM
Lover rings the bell announcing my milestone of 4,000 posts and suddenly find a few drinks lining up. I spy the shorts with suspicion wondering how many Malorts are mixed in there.

I down a few shots, hoping it will dull my stiff body and groan at Foxxy’s jokes. They are as bad as Covems.

Just then,  music fills the air from Freddie & Lover.

Tango enters the bar and he comes over to congratulate me, kissing my cheek as he notices a new redhead in town.  He moves over to introduce himself and I hear her say Jingerbird  to him as he takes her hand and kisses it. Old Joe serves her a free first beer and gets ready to add more to Covems tab.

Old Joe serves more beer as Freddie and Lover take to the stage and we remember our old friend, James.  We cry, we laugh and we drink a toast to him.  Then Lover encourages us all to join in a sing-a-long.

Suddenly my attention is drawn to the doorway where a youth had been arguing with his girl. A big guy in biker gear had knocked him clean out for smacking her across the face.

I walk up to the biker, nodding my approval and say to Old Joe, “Get Tango to lock him up Joe, and see if his girlfriend needs any help.”
Old Joe moves towards  Tango who's sitting with Jinger.   He then helps the girl and rings her a taxi at her request to take her home.

I move round to the bar to pour the handsome biker a drink and ask, “Another beer stranger?”

He nods and as he answers, I notice his accent is Australian. He takes a drink and introduces himself as Aus,  short for AusWoody.

I pour myself a cup of tea, my right hand still sore from the punch earlier on in the night. I flex it seeing my knuckles are red, then take my time to look AusWoody up and down… big, tall, muscular, dressed in leathers, handsome, breath taking good looks.  He could be useful round the bar.

“You in the village long Aus?”  I ask and note he had smiled towards Jinger. 

The guy seemed to like Red heads...  interesting.

He turned his face towards me and his blue eyes lock into mine.

“Maybe,” he says, “What you got in mind?”  He boldly looks me up and down to mirror my actions of earlier. The guy has confidence and I like that in a man.

“Well, Aussy, that depends on your talents,” I smile feeling the devil begin to dance in my Angel eyes and my tarnished halo slip and tilt that little bit more.

“I’ve not had any complaints yet,” he murmurs and sips his beer watching me.

I chuckle at him, liking his humour and how his lips curl around his glass.

This night is suddenly looking a lot more interesting…
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jingerbird on August 01, 2014, 06:03:52 AM
I turn as I hear the bell ring. I'm not sure what is going on but everyone seems to be congratulating the red head. Seems she has managed a great achievement. She smiles as her friends are around her, patting her back and kissing her cheek.

There are a couple of musicians on the stage and silence falls as they talk about a guy called James with great fondness. An air of sadness fills the room but is dissipated immediately when the music starts. Everyone relaxes and listens to the music. I start to tap my fingers on the bar, enjoying the sounds.

The man that has been watching me, walks over to me. I can see the confidence in his gait and my heart races a little. I turn back to the bar and focus on my vodka, sipping slowly and with purpose. As he approaches me, I feel him touch me as he stands so close. I do not look up. "Hey' he says, 'I'm Tango'. I turn a little and look up into his eyes. "I'm Jingerbird, but you can call me Jinger. All my friends do. It's nice to meet you!'

I feel him take my hand and as he raises it to his lips, I trembled, unobserved. It's nice to meet you too' he whispers. "Can I buy you a drink?' I nod and he asks Old Joe for a refill for the both of us.

My attention is drawn to the door. I watch as the red head approaches the big bikie guy and as he turns and smiles at me, I flush a little and turn back to the bar.

I am once again by myself. Tango has gone to deal with the young man. I watch him as he walks away and I hear him say to the Bikie, 'I need to have a word with you later. We need to have a little chat about what just happened!' He continues out of the door with the young man and the Bikie looks a little stunned. The red head, Brandy, I believe her name is, smiles and carries on her conversation. It appears that she is quite intrigued by this stranger.

Still alone, I order another vodka. The place seems to have quietened down again and the bar dwellers returned to their conversations. As I sip on my drink, I wonder what else happens in this place and what provocative delights await me if I decide to stay a little longer.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on August 01, 2014, 07:27:26 AM
Having see the stunning redhaed walk into the bar and sit by herself I excusing myself from Brandy and Love I go over and introduce myself. Seeing her look at me and then back down to her drink. As I reach the bar next to her I every so lightly bush against her and say "hey I'm Tango" she turns to face me her stunning blue eyes look right into mine  "I'm Jingerbird, but you can call me Jinger. All my friends do. Its nice to meet you" she replies with a nice smile.

Gently I take her hand Feeling it tremble just a little as I raise it to my lips and kiss it softly "It nice to meet you to" I whisper "and can I buy you a drink"  With just a little nod of her head I turn to Joe and ask for a refill on both your glasses.

The normal tranquil calm of the bar was broke buy a young couple arguing by the mean doors I keep my eye on them as I chat with my new friend at the bar.

As I watch the couple a tall biker guy walk throw the doors and around them. The young Guy for the couple slaps the  girl  Just as the biker walks past he turns and has some words with the young guy and as quick as a flash the young guy was flat on his back. I think to myself " That will teach him a lesson not to hit a girl" and left it at that .

Watching the Biker calmly walk to the bar and order a Drink as Brandy goes to chat with him. Joe hands him a cold beer and  glances up over the bikers shoulder the Biker spins and lands a big right hand in the face of the young lad sending him back to the floor.

I turn to Brandy and just a flick of her eyes I know what she wants done with the lad
"Excuse me Jinger I have some work to do"

Leaving her side I take my cuffs out of my back packet and snap them on the lad lifting him up of the floor I turn to the biker "I will be back to talk to you later" and then to Brandy "don't let him leave till I get back"

Leading the lad out the Bar I look over to Jinger and say with a smile"and don't you go anywhere"

Crashing him through the bar doors I throw him in the back of my patrol car and head of to HQ and put him in the cells for the night.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: AusWoody on August 01, 2014, 12:20:15 PM

  Sipping on my beer, I keep my eyes locked on the feisty red head, thinking about how she reminds me of all my lovesin a long past life. I smile a little smile as the memories flood back.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see the bloke chatting up the red head called Jinger, then move towards the bloke on the floor.

Tango cuffs him and as he drags him towards the door tells me he wants to talk to me so don’t leave.

Damn I’d been stopped 10 minutes and already the local cops know me.

My thoughts are interrupted by the trim red head, Brandy, asking me if I'm gunna be here long?

Hell I don’t know I just riding wherever the wind blows.

I notice she keeps looking at her right hand,the knuckles look swollen. I laugh when she tells me she punched someone and looks like she dislocated her knuckle.
I reach across the bar, grab her hand pulling her across the bar and pop her knuckle back into place grinning at her.

“You gotta bunch them tiny fists better if you gunna be hitting things Brandy, put your hand in the ice bucket for a while, it will ease the pain.” I say amused.

She smiles her thanks, a flush coming to her face and reaches for an Ice bucket.

“Hmm maybe I will wait for the cops to come back, hell it was self defence after all , not that ever got me off before.” I think to myself.

I start to chat to Brandy and find out she is the owner of the a A B&G and some dungeon known as The Ice House.

My gut starts growling like it thinks my throats been cut and I ask, “What time does the kitchen close?”
I find out it still open for 30 minutes. I invite her to join me for something to eat and see her eyes glitter.
We move to a table with her hand in an ice bucket. I notice she's walking like she been riding as long as I have and think, “must have been one hell of a fight she was in.”

A waitress approaches who introduces herself as Stone and smiles at Brandy. She gives me the once over, covered in dust. I must be a sight!
I was glad the boss lady is with me or I’d get the bums rush for sure.

I order a mixed grill with chips and veggies, and spend 5 minutes explaining what that is to Stone, and a beer please. Brandy orders a steak and salad.

Shaking her head she says“You really gunna eat all that?”
“All what?” I ask
“steak,chop, sausage, bacon, eggs, chips, and veggies!”

“Sure,” I reply “I'm hungry, been a long time since breakfast.”

I steer the conversation to her sore hand and stiff body,
“So what happened to you? You look like you went 12 rounds with Tyson in a bad mood?”

She told me about her mate Coves who she been looking for on her horse and how she punched his lights out! I’m beginning to like this little red headed fire cracker.

“So,” I ask, “ How long am I supposed to wait for the law?”
She just laughed and said “Till they get back here, why you got somewhere you gotta be, Bikie?”
“Nope, I’m just passing through is all, suppose I better find a motel.” I answer.

Our meal arrives. No wonder she was amazed at my order . There was the biggest steak I ever seen on the biggest plate, piled high with my food.

I feel something brush my leg under the table and think “Dog this is your lucky day cause I'm not gunna be able to eat all this.”
It brushes again and I slip a piece of steak discretely under the table for it, nothing happens!
“Well trained dog it seems” I mutter under my breath.
It brushes my leg again. I reach down to give it a pat but cant seem to find it?

“Ouch something kicked me!”

I look under the table,all I see are two riding boots on the bottom of a tight pair of jeans and shapely jeans they are too!
Then my brain works it out! I look at Brandy who has a smile as wide as the Mississippi on her face and is looking at her meal, “Cheeky bugger. So that's how its gunna be”I think, smiling myself.

Maybe hanging around might be interesting after all as I push my half eaten meal away, asking her if there is a dog around who's hungry.
I see the fire flare in her eyes, and she snarls. “Our food not good enough for you?”

Holding up my hands I say “No it great,just way too much for me. Where I come from a mixed grill isn’t a full steak, just a piece and well there just way too much food for one bloke.”

I see the fire fade a little and she laughs, “Oh ok Bikie, yeah we can find some stray to do your work for you.”

Smiling back at her, I lean back in my chair and sip my beer, looking around the bar. I see a room off shoot - it's a pool room and a stage set up with a bands instruments, and ask you have live entertainment here?

She reels of her std spiel about the house band – The Cocks N Roses,and then tells me they do gigs. She invites me to stick around, telling me they have great nights here.“I love a great party Brandy but I need to find a place to crash and then there is the cops who want to talk to me and that never ends well. “

She laughs again, “Don’t worry about Tango he probably wants to buy you a drink, the nearest motel is about 25 miles down the road, Aus and he will lock ya up if you ride drunk. Tell ya what, I got a attic room you can crash in tonight if you ain't looking for the Ritz. It’s got a bathroom and stuff, you’re welcome to stay the night there?”

“Sounds great Brandy, Thanks. Is there a safe place to park my ride? I don’t like it out in the weather and where john q public can get their hands on it. It took me a year to build it, and it has served me well for a long time.”

“Sure there is a lock up storeroom where we store the grog, it’s alarmed and secure you can park it there. “

“Deal,” I say smiling my thanks.

Feeling good now,my belly full anda place to crash and a night to let my hair down at, life is good.
Brandy suggests. “Let’s get that bike put to bed and you sorted and get back to the bar?”

“Sounds like a plan,” I agree, as I get up looking forward to a hot shower and a change of clothes.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on August 07, 2014, 01:26:27 PM
I arrive at the AB&G in my patrol car and walk in to see Miss Brandy.

I tell her the police department is a bit understaffed and we are looking for new members, would it be ok for me to hang a recruitment poster in the bar.

She agrees and as i gave it to Old Joe he hangs it with the rest so all the people can see.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jingerbird on August 10, 2014, 03:54:01 PM
I watch quietly and observe what is going on around me. I see Tango smile at me as he leaves with the young lad in cuffs. I smile back and tell him, 'i'll be here waiting!' Don't think I could leave now, even if I wanted to. This cop intrigues me and I think that I would like to get to know him a little better.

Sipping on my vodka, I watch the Bikie through the mirror above the bar. Looks like he made a new friend too. I watch discreetly while his meal is delivered to the table. I see him lick his lips, but is it for the food or Brandy, I wonder to myself. She strokes her leg against his and as she kicks him, I see him wince in pain. I laugh to myself a little. Men just cant help themselves.

The door swings open once more. My heart skips a little beat. The cop is back already? I turn quickly....It is a cop, but not the one I was waiting for.This guy seems quite important. He has a quick conversation with Brandy and shows her a piece of paper. He kisses her on the cheek and walks over to the bar. I hear him chat with Old Joe. It turns out this guy is the local Chief. Better behave in that case. He turns and smiles at me. 'You don't want to join our police force do you?' He asks. I giggle, never heard anything so ridiculous in my life. He clearly has never met me before.

I nod at Old Joe and he brings me another drink. I love the service in this place. Feeling a little hungry myself now, I look at a menu and order chicken salad. As I wait for my order, the door swings open again. I turn and.....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on August 11, 2014, 01:06:09 PM
Having put the young lad from the Bar in the cells to cool down for the night I'm on my way to my office when  I hear Martin calling me Into the Chiefs office. As i walk in I found him layed back in the Chiefs chair with his feet up on her desk "Your taking your life in your hands if Pafe finds your foot prints on her desk" I say laughing at him

"Your better read this then" he says as he hands my a letter, as I read it my eyes open "Pafe has resigned and we have to replace her" Smiling "looks like you like the chair so you can takeover as Chief if you want it"   Taking his feet off the desk and stands we shake hands " That's set then Congrats on becoming the new Chief ."

Leaving His new office I walk down to my desk and fill out the report just need the witness statements. After about an hour I head back to the Bar to find the New Chiefs car in the car lot I park next to it and  walk into the bar pushing the door it swings open.

As I walk in I see the Chief at the bar with Brandy and Woody handing Old Joe a poster of some sort, Jinger is still at the bar where I lefter her earlier I smileover to her as she watches me walk over to the bar. "Can I have a quick word with you Woody over at a table" I ask  Sure I have nothing to hide" We move to the table  I take notes as we chat and get him to sign the notes I shake his hand and thank him for his time.

We get up and walk back to the bar taping Martin on the back as I walk passed and back to Jinger " My I get you a drink" I ask  "Sure mines a Vodka"she says with a big smile.

"Joe a Beer and A Vodka here when you have a moment"  Joe brings them over and we chat as we drink.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on August 19, 2014, 01:41:59 PM

Sneaking into the Ice House via the Dwarf passage, I then make my way into the back passage.  I slowly open the concealed door to the storage room and peek inside.  Seeing that there is no one in the storage room, I enter and go to the attic door.  Pressing in the code for the lock release, I smile to myself when I hear the lock click open.

I close the door behind me once I enter the stairway, taking care as to not make any noise.  Then I climb the steps up to the attic.  It is exactly as I left it, albeit a bit dustier.  "That's a good sign", I think, "no one's been up here."

I go to the back wall of the attic and again press in a code to unlock the hidden door, then I go into my room.  I put some clothes into the bureau and dust off the desk.  I open my bag and pull out various parts and things needed to make repairs with.

Next I take out the note Miss Stone provided me with.

Repair -

"Rum Donut machine,  giving triple measures of rum"  That is not necessarily a bad thing, but it's probably the solenoid valve not closing.  I have a new one.

"Broncho Billy keeps creaking"  got a can on 3 in 1 oil for that.

The other repairs will need inspection to see what is needed.  I grab my tool box and mosey off to the bar.

I wave to Old Joe before crawling underneath "Bronco Billy".  Then I lubricate all the moving joints.  Crawling back out, I start him up and he's running as quiet as ever.  Next it's onto the Rum Donut Machine.

Just as suspected, the solenoid valve is shot.  I replace that with the new one, giving myself a jolt from becoming absent minded.  That will teach me to make repairs with the power still on.  Finished with that repair, I test it, and the machine is now running perfectly.  So I make a batch of donuts... I dump them on a plate and go to my usual seat at the end of the bar next to the dwarf's panel.  I put my hat on the post then I sit on the stool.

Joe doesn't say a word, he just nods and pours me a sarsparilla... and walks it down the bar... sets the mug in front of me like he's always done.  Old Joe reaches to the plate and takes a donut... we knock the donuts together as if they were glasses.  I break my donut in half...

"Joe", I say, "do you know that if you break a donut in half, some of the calories fall out."

"I didn't know that," he replies while breaking his donut in half.

"Its true." I continue, "and... if no one sees you eating a donut... the calories don't count."

Joe nods again to me as he pops one half of the donut into his mouth.  I do the same.  Then Old Joe wanders down the bar to attend to his customers.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on August 20, 2014, 06:13:53 AM

As the night seemingly grows old and the bar becomes crowded with people, the empty stage suddenly fills with smoke and a deep voice from the speakers bellows...


The beat to Get Naked by Britney Spears kicks in, as I emerge from the smoke, appropriately dressed in barely nothing. 


I walk towards the pole placed at the centre of the stage and seductively twirl around it, eyeing the rowdy men in the crowd.. before I start to really get into the song, oozing of sex.


"I'm not ashamed of my body, you can see what I got," Britney's sultry voice coos as I make my way off stage towards the bar counter with the assistance of two bouncers.


"If I get on top," ... The two bouncers lift me onto the bar counter ... "You're gonna lose your mind" ... I turn around as champagne is poured over me by one of the men and the song's breakdown kicks in and I really start struttin' my stuff.. even managing to do the splits, knocking over a couple of glasses.


I make my back to centre stage.. hopping back onto the pole and showing off some more of my moves just as the song nears its end.


As the song ends off, I walk up right to the front of the stage and just stand there as a gallon of water falls over me from above... splashing away the tiny bits of clothing I had on, as I stand there sparkling wet and exposed to all.


I strike a pose to mark the end of my performance to a roaring applause, full of whistles and claps and cheers, mainly from the rowdy men in the energetic crowd.


"It's good to be back," I mutter to myself, as I smile to the crowd, before heading backstage to dry off and throw a black sheer mini-robe on.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on August 23, 2014, 08:15:42 AM

Waking up from my stupor after watching Miss Amy's electrifying dance routine.  I seemed to have drifted into a fantasy.  I watch as she sits at the bar and orders her drink... I mouth the words "My tab" to Joe when I catch his eye.

Since the stage is clear... wet but clear... I make my way to the microphone, eyeballing Miss Roxy's now transparent top...

First I run my hand around the microphone, using my palm in a caressing motion while continuing to stare... there's an audible rustling sound as my hand moves on the mic.. then remembering why I was on the stage, I tap the microphone...

"Is this thing on?"  I ask.

"Sex is like a card game.  If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand."

A man and his wife were watching a boxing match on television.  The husband sighed and said, "Man, what a rip-off!  It was all over in four minutes."
The wife replied, "Now you know how I feel."

Did you hear about the new supersensitive condoms?
After you have sex they stick around and talk to your date.

Coming off the stage, I grab the pole and give it a shake...   it wiggles a bit, so for good measure I do an awkward spin on the pole and stumble off when finished.  "Gotta change the screws", I think.

I go back to the bar... grab my sarsparilla and head out to the fire pit to inspect the back wall.  Miss Stone is correct, it is crumbling...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on August 23, 2014, 01:37:26 PM
"Grrrr", he growls in his familiar, husky tone as my head, settled between his legs, bobs up and down.

Settled on my bar stool, my eyes remained focus on the prize... as my hands tug on his rugged jeans, pulling them even closer to slipping off the edge of the bar counter, on which his large frame is seated.

My plump lips and hot, slithering tongue work their magic.. moving in closer and closer to his balls.

Suckling, licking and teasing that sensitive underside with the tip of my moist tongue consistently and effectively, all for the sake of driving his lust to the point of no return.

As I drool all over his length, my actions get sloppier, wetter and dirtier with each second going by.

My movement suddenly slows as I take him deep into my throat.. inch by inch.. until my lips meet his sac. I hold there as my eyes widen and begin to water.

Relentless.. I continue to hold... all the meanwhile making movement with my succulent lips. Then in one quick slurrrrrrping motion, I shut my eyes and suckle him with full force.

Feeling faint.. I begin to open my eyes and just as I'm about to..

 BAM! A glass of dirty martini is placed before me.

"Thought you could you use another drink, you seemed to be really enjoying the first one," Old Joe says cheekily with a wink.

I suddenly become aware that my mouth is attached to the straw of an empty glass and quickly detach from it, snapping back to reality and regaining a sense of my surroundings.

I scratch my head and chuckle to myself. I notice the crowd hollering and cheering at the jokes being made on stage for a mere second but as I take a sip from the martini, my thoughts drift back to him...

"Mmm..." is all I can think..
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on August 27, 2014, 12:22:42 AM
Having placed AusWoody’s treasured bike in the stone built garage at the back of the AB&G, we walk back to the bar and up the stairs to the attic room. It’s a little dusty but on the whole, adequate for what he needs. A clean bed, ensuit bathroom and large window overlooking the sprawling hills and Crystal Lake in the distance.

“You live out there?” Woody asks taking in the splendid view.
“Once upon a time” I mumble.
Woody looks at me waiting for me to expand but I change the subject.

“If you want the job, I need a bouncer to keep an eye there’s no trouble round the place. Before you kick anyone out, you check with me, Jayc, JD or Lover first. They are my management team here. If the NSPD need any help, then we do. We look after our local officers and ensure they have plenty of donuts. I may need you to do some lifting and odd jobs round the place too. Covems and the dwarfs do a lot of the maintenance but they may need you on occasions. Are you interested?”

Woody nods and we discuss his pay, board and food. He seems happy with the terms.

“Good, then you can start right away. I’d ask the dwarfs to clean this place for you but I need them for a job round the lake. Maybe Stone can help out”

We return to the bar and Woody stops dead in his tracks at the show on in the bar. It’s the beautiful and dynamic Amy expertly singing and wrapping her body round the pole. She is hot and sexy and the men bay for more.

I chuckle up at his 6 foot frame and tell him to take a seat while I fetch him a beer. He doesn’t hear me as his attention is focussed on the stage.  I push him still laughing into a front row seat.

I catch Amy’s eye as she writhes and gyrates, “Way to go girl” I mouth admiringly and nod my congratulations.

I make sure that the guys all have drinks. I walk over to Old Joe who is also transfixed towards the stage and roll my eyes at Stone. No good asking him anything at the moment!

“Give me a cold Fosters for Woody will you and make sure Amy gets a bottle of champagne. That dance is tremendous”
She draws a pint glass and I take it back to Woody.

Water suddenly floods the stage from above and the sides and Amy, along with some other women, get soaked tops making them transparent much to the men’s approval. I wonder if the dwarfs had arranged that strategic seating of the women.

“I think I’m going to enjoy working here,” Woody murmurs looking at the girls dripping wet before resting his eyes on my ample cleavage and the water slowly soaking into my top and wakening nipples.
I spy Dopey grinning at Doc which seems to confirm their guilt.

“It is fun” I agree and burst out laughing.

Tango and mrsexlover arrive back mid show and settle next to Jinger and HB, noting their tops are quite wet too much to their delight.
“Can I put this on the notice board?” mrsexlover asks showing me a recruitment poster for the NSPD and staring at my breasts and hard nipples now visible through my top.

“Sure, and congratulations on your promotion fellas. Drinks on the house to celebrate I think” I smile at them both.
He pins it up. Stone dishes out the free drinks and everyone settles to watch Amy’s finale.

The dance is superb.  The crowd cheers as she exits the stage to dry off and returns to the bar where Old Joe serves her. Everyone claps her on the back and clamours to buy her a drink. Stone hands her the bottle of champagne, compliments of the AB&G.

The admirers eventually drift away leaving her in peace to sip her drinks and chew manically on a straw.

Dopey tugs on my blouse and I bend down to hear what he says. “Is Amy drooling on that straw?”
I look over at her from across the room, “Sure looks like it.”  I watch a few seconds, cocking my head to one side and add “If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was performing fellatio.”  Then shake my head dismissing the idea. “No the guy must have a needle dick if he’s built like a straw!”
“Maybe it’s got sherbet on” Dopey states helpfully, “I like lemon best”
“You could be right” I ruffle his hair.

Coves suddenly jumps on stage, picks up the mic and tells a few jokes and I crack up laughing.
I move over to him and slap him, friendly on the back.  He’d been inspecting the dance pole and fire pit outside.

“I hear you may be expanding your talents”

He chuckles and nods. “If you’ve got it…“ he brags good naturedly, purposefully leaving the sentence unfinished. He hands me a card with his name advertising his services.
“Pencil me in for two hours,” I grin wickedly.

I introduce him to AusWoody and they shake hands.  “Woody’s going to be a doorman and help you and the dwarfs out when you need it”

“Stone’s given me my “Honey do list” already” he moans to Woody. “I also need to get some wood for the fire pit”
“Actually, I have a more important job first, Can I borrow the dwarfs for a couple of hours?” I smile at him.
“No problem,” he shrugs
“I’ll sort the wood out. You just need to do what you need to do round here. Woody is moving into one of the attic rooms so he’ll be knocking around the place. I’ll ask Stone to clean the attic up.

Coves whistles and all the dwarfs come out to him from various crevices and hidden tunnels around the AB&G. 

He instructs them to come with me and I leave with them singing their signature tune. “It’s off to work we go …”
They jump into my truck and I head out to Lake Crystal.

“Can any of you drive a bull dozer” I ask them, then as an after thought mutter to myself, “Never mind, I think I’ll enjoy doing it myself. Are you ready boots?”

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on October 02, 2014, 01:40:27 PM
Standing on the stage I grab the mic.

“Howdy folks, just a quick poem I owe Mr. Covems, the Packer fan.”
‘The Packers came to town and kicked the home team’s ass.

“And the sorry ass performance the mighty Bears gave.”

“Surely has ole Papa Bear George Halas rolling in his grave”

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on October 03, 2014, 08:49:51 AM
Oh... always a pleasure to have a drink and see you all again :)

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on October 15, 2014, 06:35:00 AM
Is thursday morning, the day is dark, some back clouds over my head tell me that today is not a good day to be outside, so i walk from the port to the city, and go into my second house, the Achat Bar&Grill, so nice place to be always. I am so tired after take my hill again :P

I walk into the bar, and i see Almost everyone is here, the stunning Brandy dance over a table while Woody and Covems clap their hands encouraging her to continue dancing. I smile to her, and as always, i receive a smile in back. I look around and see also Jayc and Stone, Maron and Khaten, Hukk and Leighdee... all of them in their own conversations, and i say hi to all of them without disturb, but giving my smile to all of them.

I go to the bar, but before (sorry Brandy) i insert some coins to change the music, HB is there too... and  laugh with Tango and bear, and i choose "Feeling Good" of Muse, a nice song and you can continue dancing Queen Beeee :P sorry for the change, hope dwarfs  will be ok with that change too, Sexi looks how i change the music and start laugh too, clapping hands to Brandy too, with Momma Andrea, who do the same and sing the song.

But there is more persons dancing... in a dark side of the bar i can see the twins naked sisters, Terri C and Pookie in a sweet and seducing dance with MrsexLover (also the cop) and the blue californian girl, The cop is really a lucky guy i think myself ;) .

In a big table, Tango, Jinger, old Goat, Foxy and Lover, Amy (so tired after the bar dance sesion) are having a conversation, and i sit with then, asking first for some drinks for everyone... this one is mine... :)

Also, i look around and look for some nice persons that arent here for a long time...  as Lydia, Zoe, Peeka, Karen, or Tomi... hope they are fine, wherever they be, and of course... my Vecina... i miss her.

Everybody drink!!!

(i do a selfie too :P )


I dare everyone to talk about... what kind party we can do?
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Old_Joe on October 15, 2014, 12:53:38 PM
I serve Zoerink his favourite poison and  explain we had all been to Crystal Lake and Hyperion House. Jayc & Stone had thrown an early Bonfire Night for the villagers.
The fireworks and burning of the Fawking Guy was an English Tradition held every year around the 5th November.

I pick up the posters from the bar . 

"You coming to the Halloween Party? "  I ask him.

"Sure, I would never miss it" he grins.

I hang the posters up  and  ask him,  "What are you wearing?"

"You will have to wait and see" he laughs and reads the Poster.


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on October 15, 2014, 03:40:54 PM
Thank you Old Joe... as always... i will be there... and i am thinking about what to wear...

I cant scared Maron... maybe...


Or be more classical... but we have one green in the party... this one couldnt work


Terric and Pookie sure will come running...


And i will do the same...


Or also, can be more classic


any other ideas???

To be continued...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on October 18, 2014, 04:43:57 PM
I toss around in my bed, with my bed crumpled sheets barely covering my nude body. It's 7 am, and I am at home, passed out, recuperating from the previous night of mischief and romance..groggily muttering out the name Glen, the character from the show The Walking Dead. In the background you can hear Leigh preparing breakfast, while humming out a pleasant tune that accompanies the clanks and pings of pans being readied for cooking.

*Ring tone of TMNT theme song blares from my phone*

My eyelids slowly crack open, my vision hazed and disoriented. My hands stumble about..trying to locate my phone that vibrates atop the bureau next to my bed. Finally, I pick up the phone and speak.

"Hello..? Who's calling?" I ask half asleep. It turns out to be Zoerink on the other end.

"Halloween costume party? Happening over at the bar for the next few days..? Is that so? Can I dress like the character Jean claude van damme plays from the movie Blood Sport? No...I don't think the reference will be lost on anyone. Alright fine..I'll think of something else."

The next day I arrive at the bar, dressed as Guile from Street portrayed by Jean Claude Van Damme.


I spot Zoerink and give him a big welcome back hug and handshake. "So, what do you think?" I ask with a note of pride and excitement for my costume.

Zoerink merely grimaces, his face showing obvious objection to the costume. Politely he says it looks great and pats me on the back. I treat the fellow to a drink and take my usual sit at the bar, enjoying the festive Halloween atmosphere.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on October 19, 2014, 08:49:43 AM
A few days after the Early Bonfire Night at Crystal Lake …

I sigh and look at myself in the mirror. I wanted to dress up as a sexy vampire but alas The Sea Hawks let me down
So a Zombie serving and cleaning wench it was.


And a bet was a bet and it was only honourable to pay the forfeit Stone had wagered.

I make my way up from my dungeon harem room to see Old Joe serving the guests as they arrive for the Halloween Party.
Their costumes are stunning.  The bar has the beginnings of Halloween decorations but not quite finished. The early Bonfire Night had interupted the preparations.  It still looked good though.

I look at Hukk and tease him,  “Shouldn’t you have some blood and guts showing?”  He rolls his eyes as if I should know better.

Then he teases me,  “So you have to serve and clean up during the Halloween Party… interesting”

“Oh shut up” I hiss, feighning a grumpy look.

“Now, now, that’s not polite to the customers.” He chuckles and boldly  shouts “Wench, An Ale Now!”

I bob my tongue out at him and go behind the bar to serve His Hukkles Lordship with a fake smile.

Leighdee chuckles at his antics. “She might get her own back, maybe you should be careful”

Hukk laughs, “You know me babes, I like to live dangerously” and kisses her on the lips.

Zoerink compliments me on my bloody makeup whilst staring at my buxom breasts, pushed up by the maids corset.

I blow in his face,  “Would you like a drink Zorro?”  I ask him sweetly.

He grins and asks for a “Boob shot?”
I laugh out loud and place a shot glass in my cleavage, “Sure, No hands now.” 
I pour a drink of his choice in the nestled glass and thrust my boobs out for him to dig in and throw back before placing the empty shot on the bar counter, using his teeth only. It was perfect, not a drop was spilled!

“Old Joe, get the dwarfs in gear. And where the hell is Coves?  I want this place decked out properly for the Halloween Party” I demand of him.

Old Joe shakes his head laughing when Jayc pokes his head out of the office. “Coves is busy with terric and pookie,  oh and by the way, you lost the bet remember. We give the orders tonight”

“Oh yeah…mmm,  I keep forgetting… Boss,”  I mutter under my breath pouring drinks for him and Stone and place them on a tray to serve  to them in their office. "Why, do I get the feeling, this is going to be a LLLOOOONNNNNNNNNG,  LLLOOOONNNNNNNG Night!"


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: leighdeexxx on October 19, 2014, 01:38:28 PM
Good morning sleepy head, as I greet my sexy but hung over party stud with a kiss... (in the background I have softly playing on my ipad2, "Home" by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros-
as he mumbles and rumbles in bed, I hear him uttering out a name Glen, from the show The Walking Dead. My only thought about it is that he must be feeling like one of the cast members; right about now- I chuckle with a smile and whisper, "my baby".

I go back to the kitchen and make him a hot cup of coffee then fix his plate and serve it to him in bed. He leans up against the headboard, rubbing his head and squinting as the morning light brushes his half massed eyes. I join him and reached into my purse and hand him some Tylenol; to be taken once he has managed to get some food down his belly. As he begins to eat; his cell phone rings and he struggles to retrieve it...(out of his sight)

I snicker as I watch his fingers roam all over trying to search for the phone. He finally is successful and I take his plate, insist that he finishes his coffee and head for the kitchen to clean up. Afterwards, he is still on the phone so I run him some bath water; feeling like he might be on for a minute or two I make the water hot. Eventually he is off the phone and I inform him that his bath water is ready and that he might need to add some cold to it- "Make sure you test it first before entering bae, don't want you boiling your meat and potatoes," as I laughed. He gave back some form of response, not quite sure what it was, but hopefully he heard me. He eventually comes out and is dripping wet with a towel wrapped around his sexy body. I have to resist for the moment, I know we have to go shopping for our costumes; that much I was able to hear from the kitchen as he spoke on the phone.

As we make our way to costume shops, Hukk is able to find his costume without much stress or strife, unfortunately the same could not be said about me, dammit I muzzled out with a half hearted smile. I told him since he had his costume, that if he wanted, he should go on to the bar and I will meet him later on. He asked me if I minded and I reassured him the I would be fine, and that I would catch up with him later in my new costume. He kissed me on my lips then said, I hope you find what you are looking for sweetie. I replied thanks, but ahh bae you know me I do not give up hehehe! He flashed me a sneaky sexy smile and replied, Oh don't I know it! as he turned with a smile and walked away. I continued to watch his sexy ass walk away and when he was finally out of eyes view, I go back on my mission.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on October 19, 2014, 03:32:20 PM
Kicked back in my desk chair I watch with amusement as Stone adjusts Brandy’s desk chair and spins around like a kid, glowing in her wager victory over the owner of this noble establishment.
“ This is going to be great, bout time she  sees what it is like working out there.”  Stone says with a smile.

As if on cue Brandy enters the office with Tea and coffee. Dressed as a sexy zombie serving wench she gives me an update on party preparations. The shot bar and dentist chair is set up and operational. The Pleasure table has been set up . Cock n Roses roadies have arrived and are setting up. The dwarfs are finishing up the decorating, all in all a good report when suddenly my phone rings.

“Jayc…………what?.................oh man………..ok, that sounds good………I will get Brandy to take care of it, thanks.”  I hang up.

“Hey Brandy, seems we have a little problem out there. I guess Pachi got into some old rotting produce out back and is not feeling well and just threw up over by bathrooms. Doc had Dopey bring him down to your harem room till his stops getting sick and his  diarrhea stops.”   It takes all my will not to explode in laughter as I continue.

“Everybody is busy so could you be a love and mop up that lake of vomit out there for me please.”

A stunned Brandy leaves the office Speechless, when out of Earshot we burst out in laughter.

After we regain our composure we change into our costumes. This year we chose to go as 1980 horror movie victims   
“We look ghoulishly sexy my dear” I say admiring our pale bloody look.  Holding the door open for Stone we make our way out to the bar to greet the arriving patrons.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on October 19, 2014, 03:36:18 PM
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on October 19, 2014, 04:48:52 PM
I was in my couch, watching the highlights of the football matches, and suddenly, something stop the program, there are news and i see in my old TV... and a scary editor talks about a very bad news, the apocalipsys is here.. says something about zombies, a virus, and the population is scared for it.


My first reaction, is to be worried about it, but after this, i see in the old TV some familiar persons... OMG!!! I recognize Brandy, Stone and Jayc... so i smile and laugh, and think that this is not gonna be so bad... i guess, so i go to the street, where some zombies are walking, they are not with Rick, Lory or Hukk Glenn, and i run to my home to wear my halloween clothes without loose my own identity.  In the street, i find some friends...


Of course... i have my own channel of tv, special only for friends.


And of course... hope i can find her in the party  ::)


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: leighdeexxx on October 19, 2014, 11:28:38 PM
     I finally arrived at the bar and feeling very satisfied about my costume. I see Hukk sitting at the bar with his back facing me. I hurry up and sneak up behind him, and give him a quick smooch on his neck. He turns around with a gaze that warmed me from head to toe. He stands, looks me up and down with the most pleasing look across his face.

So I proceed to ask him his opinion of my costume. Of course I had to model it as I am striking poses, to make sure he got the full monty :P. I eagerly await his verdict. He whispers in my ear, not only is he pleased but wants to make sure I know he will be the one taking it off later on tonight. I smile and say oh my we're being  naughty already (hehe) He flashes me a familiar alluring smile that does as exactly what he intended it to do. I return his notification with nod of understanding. Soon after, later plans are cleared; he response and tells me how inviting I look to him.


      After I am sure he has gotten a good look at my outfit I join him at the bar. He introduces me to the bartender named Old Joe...Old Joe this my wife Leigh and Leigh this is the best bartender this side of heaven. Well hello there Mr. Joe, its nice to meet you. May I ask, can you make a drink that is my signature drink? Well it has parrot bay coconut rum, pinnacle whip and pineapple juice. He looks to see if he has those liquors available he turns back and says, darling you are in luck...I happen to have them both. I was pleased and asked could it be in a tall glass? Please and thank you, I replied. He nods and turns to go doctor my concoction up and returns with it. He instructs me to taste it to make sure its alright. I replied no need, if my hubby says your the best bartender this side of heaven, then there isn't any way it wouldn't be anything but perfect. Hukk, tells me to put it on his tab so I comply.

      I look around and I see Brandy waiting tables and not looking to thrilled to be doing it either. But she makes her way over to tease Hukk about him not being ghoul-ish enough. And as only Hukk can do, he sets in on teasing poor Brandy on having to serve; instead of enjoying the festivities, and bellows out his order to her she reluctantly gets it for his rotten butt. I warn him she might be inclined to ahhh make you pay for that one...he giggles and say eh baby I am not to worried. I laugh and said ok babe, you don't know the mind of a woman. He clears it all up by reminding me how he likes the danger. I simply reply yes my love you do. You do that very well and he planted a nice kiss on my lips as he is still looking the costume over.

I am almost sure that he is trying to think of a feasible reason for us to go home. But, I make sure he puts that idea on the back burner; he smiles for me knowing what was on his mind. I stare at him and I am admiring his costume and just how sexy he looks in it; he catches me looking at him with a bit of seduction in my eyes; and quickly, replies "back burner" right?! I laughed and told him he was right, all I could do then was smile.

     Taking it all in, admiring the decorations and all the efforts that were made to make the bar look so jovial. Admiring everyone's costumes I see a couple who I am not familiar with, but recognize their theme for their costumes. How retro to take the slashing back to the 80's and they both look very nice. I began to tell Hukk how nice the bar is and how friendly it seemed. They are playing some good tunes too and I so love to dance.

So me and my bae get on the floor and do the damn thing! I think we danced three songs in a roll. We go back to our seats and I ask bae to go get us another round; before you do can you ask Brandy if she is able to have a drink with me?

I see her assisting others with their body shots; but do not see anyone buying her one of her own. Hukk, nods and goes to see if she would like one of my specialty drinks. While waiting for his return I am thinking yeah she looks like she could use one...especially having to clean up puke uggg poor girl.

But I must warn her the parrot bay coconut rum is 90 proof and the pinnacle whipped is 40 proof...hehehe she wont be feeling any pain after ahh I would say about 2 of those....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hukk on October 20, 2014, 09:52:57 AM
Seeing Leigh dressed in leather is always a pleasing sight and I show my appreciation for the choice in outfit by providing her a lingering, steamy kiss. I pull away to admire  the way her curves are fully accentuated by the leather that presses against her flesh..her breasts tightly squeezed, barely contained. I growl teasingly, and whisper into her ear how I look forward in removing it later.

I introduce Leigh around in the bar, where she is welcomed warmly by all. Brandy scampers on by, dressed well in a ghoulish outfit. We take good-natured jabs at one another, laughing at our calls in costumes. I clap my hands together like a King demanding attention. "I say, the service here is most ghastly." I say in a haughty tune.  She rolls her eyes, before proceeding to bring us back our ordered drinks.

Jayc and Stone soon drop in, showing off their 80's themed zombie outfits. I waste no time in providing a horrible pun. "Take a look at these dead beats.." Leigh, Stone and Jayc release a groan, while I chuckle at what I deem to be a clever knee slapper. "Get it? Because you guys are dead." I continue, explaining the obvious.

"We get it." says Stone and Jayc simultaneously.  We soon exchange hugs and handshakes and catch up on lost time.

Later into the night, Leigh whispers into my ear how she would enjoy a dance. I look over to her side, and observe how her eyes radiate with sultry intentions. I waltz on over to the jukebox and proceed to take out a quarter. Placing it inside, I select a Halloween Classic and dance my way to Leigh to the beat of Nick Caves and the Bad Seeds "Red Right Hand."

We dance face to face, with me reciting the lyrics menacingly, my eyes glowing red with bad intentions and a shark toothed smile.

"On a gathering storm comes
a tall handsome man
in a dusty black coat with
a red right hand.."

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on October 22, 2014, 09:55:09 AM
“Be a love” “  Be a love”   I repeat like a mantra then break out laughing, before retching again at the slug slimy lumpy puke.
I am kneeling deep in Panda vomit scrubbing the floor clean with a scrubbing brush and bucket by my side.  Jayc’s instruction had been well and truly noted.

I had the fore-thought to wear a zoot suit and Coves fishing waders. I felt a sight but at least it saved my wonderful Halloween costume from the lumpy sick and smell of half-digested salad and bamboo.

For the umpteenth time, I emptied the bucket of putrid sick and disinfectant down the nearby lavatory and flushed.
Just a few more lumps to remove and more squirts of fresh smelling disinfectant and the lake of sick would be cleared up.

Finally finished, I stood up and stretched my aching back. The place was as good as new and free from sick and diarrhoea at last!

I walked out the back and hosed the waders down, removed the zoot suit and gloves, wrapped them in a plastic bag and disposed of them in the skip.
I returned Cove’s waders to his office and went to wash up and refresh my make-up and perfume.
Soon, I was back at Old Joe’s side, serving the drinks.

I serve a drink to LeighDeexxx and welcome her to the AB&G as I missed it first time round. She was too busy attached to Hukk’s lips, “The first drink is always on the house” I tell her the custom.

“Can you smell boiled cabbage or something?” she asks sniffing the air. “That’s a very authentic decay perfume for Halloween”

“Thank you” I smile and think silently to myself,  “Must be the lingering Panda Puke and looking by how busy it was getting, I had no time to shower to refresh the clinging odour.”

“Oh Brandy” I heard Stone call.  I turned for her to show me an empty glass, “Be a dear and fetch me a fresh glass.”

I smile sweetly and of course go fetch her a pint of lager served with the full complement of nuts, crisps and Bombay mix.

“Be a Love, Be a Dear “   Noted, Oh House of the Gnomes!

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: zoerink on October 24, 2014, 11:42:39 AM
I see everybody is having fun, Brandy, Tango, Hukk, Leigh... the zombies Jayc and Stone (famous cause theyre in tv news) and i cant resist just to... Old Goat of course, sure I do not miss drinking with jondas... and after some tequila shoots, i start to...



Beers for everybody... beers everywhere, also tequila, whisky, ron, ginebra... beers for everyone except sexi, who preffer something strong... mmm i see the Bar Grill Cop and multitask man, Mr SexLover and i ask him to dont do a alcohol control in the exit.. cause could be hard... he laugh while drink a tequila shoot taking the salt from Blues neck, while Woody laugh with a drink in his hand.

In the other side, Tango and Jinger dance slowly... pookie and Terric just dance naked.. "those are my girls" i though to myself, and drink with Lover and Foxy another shoot of tequila.

I start so see gnomes who come from Stones House, they scape i guess... but i dont mind... thats Achat Bar.


alcohol causes distorted reality ... I love it ... but I think someone put LSD in the drinking ... and the party goes a litle crazy... thats fun


Meanwhile... Maron is waiting for Kathen...


And Bear waiting for his drink....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on October 24, 2014, 08:01:15 PM

With only a couple of hours remaining till midnight, the bar is now filled with familiar faces, a rowdy crowd, tonnes of energy and just a certain livelihood. Loud music is playing over the speakers, Brandy is attending to customers and cleaning up spills, Stone and Jayc are occupied amongst one another, Hukk and Leighdee have only eyes for each other on the dance floor, and everyone else is just channeling good vibes through and throughout.

Suddenly the music stops and smoke fills up the stage area. Everyone stops what they're doing and looks in the direction of the stage to see what's going on.

A familiar, thumping beat begins to play as I emerge from behind the curtain, wearing a tiny, cream-coloured, see-through, two-piece outfit, and the crowd recognizes the iconic, Sweet Dreams song by the Eurythmics.


I walk towards the hyped and cheering crowd in a seductive, slow fashion... glaring at them with a certain fire in my eyes.


"Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something"

As the song's music picks up speed, I begin to execute perfectly choreographed moves as my tiny frame channels the beat of the song.

"Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you"


"Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused"


I spin all the way to the left-end of the stage as the song goes on.


Scraping my nails against the darkened wall, I dip all the way down into squatting position... flashing my tramp stamp to the audience and hearing an even louder uproar of cheers from them as I turn around and engage in opening my legs to a near 180 degree angle.


"Hold your head up, movin' on, keep your head up, movin' on"

I slide, on all fours, back to the centre of the stage while flipping my hair to match the sharp whipping sounds of the song.


"Hold your head up, movin' on, keep your head up"

I continue to slink around on the floor like a sex kitten until the song reaches a sharp, remixed breakdown.


My toned, little body slithers on stage to the sharp beat of the breakdown, which is lead to an end with another fierce hair flip.


Looking up, I gaze even more fiercely at the rowdy crowd and mouth the final hushed whisperings of the haunting song...

"Everybody's looking for something" ...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on October 24, 2014, 08:24:40 PM

A pole magically descends from the ceiling horizontally and I jump up and latch onto it as the second verse of 3 by Britney Spears starts blasting from the booming speakers.


"Three is a charm,
Two is not the same.
I don't see them harm,
So are you game?"

I slink and move around on the pole as a male dancer emerges behind me.


"Let's make a team,
Make 'em say my name
Loving the extreme.
Now, are you game?"

Our bodies move in sync as we bump and grind to the highly sexualized song.


"Are you in?
Living in sin is the new thing, yeah..."


"Are you in?
I am counting..."

Brandy and Stone are carried onto stage by two bouncers much to their own surprise. I walk up towards them, standing right in between the two surprise guests, and flash a smirk as the chorus of the song kicks in. With the initial shock wearing off, both beautiful ladies succeed in matching my steps effortlessly.


"One, two, three,
Not only you and me.
Got 180 degrees and I'm caught in-between"


"Countin' one, two, three...
Peter, Paul and Mary.
Getting down with 3P, everybody loves... Uh!"


The song suddenly slows down as the bridge kicks in...

"What we do is innocent,
Just for fun and nothing meant..."

I look towards Brandy, lifting her chin and cupping her cheek, as I begin to lean in...

"If you don't like the company,
Let's just do it you and me"

I press my lips gently to hers for a mere few seconds, engaging in a soft, sensual kiss.

"Or three..."

Turning my attention towards Stone, I cup her cheek as well, pulling her in for sensual kiss lasting a couple of seconds.


Hearing a collective gasp from the shocked crowd due to our three-way kiss, we all turn to face them smirking and giggling as the beat of the song begins to pick up again for the final chorus....

"Or four... on the floor..."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on October 24, 2014, 08:34:52 PM

I playfully push both ladies into the wild crowd and they begin to crowd-surf back into the arms of their loved ones with the energy being at an all-time high at the the bar.

The final chorus of the song plays as I execute my final set of choreography with a slew of back-up dancers from my dance classes.

"One, two, three,
Not only you and me.
Got 180 degrees and I'm caught in-between."


"Countin' one, two, three...
Peter, Paul and Mary.
Getting down with 3P, everybody loves... Uh!"

A drum roll kicks in as my performance nears its end and I really start to lose it as I slide back down to my knees and flip my hair to a maximum level of fierceness before a final BAM! to mark the end of it.


The lights go off and the crowd erupts in cheers as I stay still, catching my breath and basking in the glow, before swiftly making my way backstage to the dressing room.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on October 26, 2014, 12:32:51 AM
Drinking  with  lover and Zoe   
every time  zoe  turns around I pour my drink on his

I dont drink so this is the only way to  get ride of them

every one looks so spooky with there Halloween costume.
 the  party is off to a good start  ...
I myself  am just dressed  in red    maybe I will dress up later


I love the costume  lightdees  is wearing
  Lover and I 
congratulat them on there marriage 
cheers to you  wishing you many Blessing ......

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on October 26, 2014, 03:05:25 PM
I pull up a bar stool by Ole Joe and he hands me a cold Beer.

“So how is your new serving wench working out?” I say with heavy sarcasm.

“Believe it or not she is doing a great job, she handled that puke clean up like a professional, even wore a level 3 Haz. Mat suit.” Joe answers with a hint of praise.

“well she will get the old stress test tonight, its early yet, Just wait till we start putting out free pitchers of  Brandybee  punch.  Joe winks.

Draining my beer I set the empty on the bar and tell Joe I will be in the office finishing up the monthly books.

Closing the office door to get some quiet I catch a faint smell of jasmine? Sniffing again, yes that’s jasmine my eyes dart around the room. Nothing seems amiss  and I relax.  pulling out my chair.  I plop down in my seat when suddenly I hear FRUUUMMMMMPPPPPPPPPP and unseen hands grab my legs! Immediately   Followed by Stones Laughter from under the desk.

“Trick or treat darling”  Stone says between Laughs. “Did I scare You?”

Once again a victim to a Stone Prank, I reach under my ass and remove the deflated whoopee cushion and toss it on the desk, able to breathe again I respond  “Well if my sphincter biting my underwear is frightened……that’s a big yes.”
Stone still halfway under the desk rests her arms on either side of my open legs. She looks quite alluring, in her torn up party dress and ghoulish make up.  Placing my hand under her chin I gently lift her head up.

“So tell me dead girl if that was the trick when do I get the treat?” I say with smile.

“Right now, right here?” Stone says surprised.

“Why not, nobody will come in here when the door is closed, thats bar policy.”  I assure Stone.

“Alright dead boy, you just sit back and enjoy your treat.”  Stone smiles and gets to work.

A rush of excitement runs down my spine as Stone unbuckles my belt and undoes my pants and pulls them down around my ankles. My boxers follow the same route as my pants as I slump in the chair a bit and get comfortable.
I let out a sigh as Stone begins a slow wank, working me up to full erection. Her thumb slides across the crown on her downward stroke, causing my precum to ooze from the slit. Hard and throbbing now, Stone starts licking the underside of my shaft, from the base to the tip with delightful swirls around the engorged head of my cock.

Wanting to open my legs further but restrained by the pants around my ankles  Stone pulls off one of my shoes which I toss to the office floor. “that’s better”  I sigh as I push out the chair a bit and grab the armrests.

Stone really gets going now sucking, wanking, and that tongue, oh my god, eyes closed as my climax looms I lock my hands behind my head and begin bucking my hips.
As I begin to cum I hear the office door opening, I open my eyes and I am looking Brandy saying something but my orgasm addled brain cannot function.

“Jayc, you ok?  Brandy asks her head cocked.

“Uh, yeah, you startled me that’s all.” I mumble then flinch as Stone hidden from sight squeezes my sensitive cock and stifles a laugh.

“What is your shoe doing over here?”  Brandy asks with suspicion.

I ignore the question at 1st then repeat it “my shoe over there?”  giving me a few extra valuable seconds to come up with some explanation.
“uh im changing my sock that shoe give me blisters.” Flinching again, I give Stone a nudge under the desk to knock it off.

“Jayc are you wanking? That was a sex face when I walked in here” Brandy says laughing and taking a  few steps closer.

“Wanking? Yeah right with my hands around my neck” I try and get her off the scent.

I pretend im on the computer when Brandy spots the deflated whoopie cushion.

“Oh that? Its cushion you sit on and it makes fart noises” I say nonchalantly.
This is getting worse by the second,  I attempt a diversion. “what  do want anyway? I am working on the payroll”

“More like wanking the payroll……….not sure where the rubber fart bag and a single shoe fit into your kink, but Jay lets not do this in our office…………you have the Bat Cave  use it.”  Brandy says as she makes a run for the door. The rubber fart bag hitting the door as it closes.


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on October 30, 2014, 11:20:01 PM

I emerge from my dressing room, donning my angel costume outfit, to a series of loud cheers, hoots and hollers.


I cover my ears, grinning and chuckling as I make my way through the rowdy, loud and excited crowd and find my way to my familiar stool at the bar.

"My, my, my... lookie what we have here.. our very own naughty angel," says Old Joe as I hop onto the stool and get comfortable. I smirk and bat my eyelashes at him coyly in response.

"Tequila on the rocks," he goes on to say, lifting a glass and then placing it before me.

"On the house," he continues... "You definitely deserve it for putting on that electrifying performance. That level of energy was definitely a first for us here at the bar."

"Awwe," I say, blowing him a playful kiss and then raising my glass to him. "Thank you so much for kind words Joe," I continue, grinning from ear to ear, "Cheers!"

I down my drink in one gulp, sighing. *Mmm..* I lick my lips and then proceed to look around.. *The night has just begun* I smirk, thinking to myself.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: terric on October 31, 2014, 09:27:53 AM
Covie, Pookie and I thank everyone at the lake for a wonderful party.  We hurry to Lopdoodle and change into our costumes.  Then, using the dwarfs' tunnel behind The Cove we emerge via the secret door into the pool room of the AB&G.

Pookie is dressed as Bat Gurl.


Covie as Robin.



And I as Cat Woman.


Alas, we could not find a Batman who could keep up with us.

We go into the bar, just in time to see Amy's fabulous dance with Stone and Brandy.  The kiss at the end is passionate, and stirs a few feelings in me.  "Hmmmm... I wonder." I think to myself.

The three of us go down the bar, greeting everyone as we go by with kisses, hugs and air kisses.  We make our way to Covie's usual spot, at the end,  just above the dwarfs' panel.

We call Joe over and order our drinks.  Pookie and I each request a Witch's Brew, which is Pineapple and cranberry juice with a shot of Malibu Rum.  mmmmm....

Covie, in his own imaginative way orders a glass of bourbon.  "Cowboys..." I mumble in a sarcastic tone.  Covie looks at me and wags a finger.  "Don't make me take you into custody, Catwoman."  He says.

"Mmmmmm... "  Pookie hums a little.  "Maybe later we can rehabilitate her."  Covie and Pook clink glasses.

"A little mayhem could be in order."  I say to the two of them.

Covems says  "uh oh," with that sheepish grin he has.

"Covie?"  I purr at him, "you know this place as well as anyone.  Is there a way to shut all the lights out at once?  Plung it into darkness?"

"Yes ma'am," he replies, "there's a main switch in the electrical room.  One that specifically shuts the lighting circuits."

"Ohhhhhhh," I reply to him with a grin.  "We may need to do that later."

Covie informs us that the switch will only kill the overhead lighting.  The outlets will not be effected, so with all the lit decorations, the bar will not be completely dark.

A plan begins to form....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on October 31, 2014, 11:57:37 PM
Brandy frowns as I approach her cleaning the toilets. I sniff the air ,  “Boiled cabbage” 
“Is that you? “  I smiled.
“Your damn Panda!” she grumbles.

I giggle at her. “Come on, we are on stage next”
“Oh jeeze, I forgot about that” she brightens up from her cleaning chores.

I wave her costume at her.  “Come on, we need to get changed”

10 minutes later we are ready and behind the stage.  Amy was already doing her sexy thing on stage.

“Are you ready?” I whisper to Brandy.  She nods and smiles when Jayc and AusWoody suddenly appeared in their dancing gear.  They hand us microphones and in the fanfare of the music blaring out, we are carried on stage.

We quickly join in the steps of Amy’s sexy dance moves. The thrusts and circles of all our hips are both sensual and suggestive and perfectly timed as we join in the singing. The crowd sings and cheers us on

Towards the end of the song, Amy leans in and sexually kisses Brandy. Their lips meet open mouthed for a brief few seconds causing the audience to gasp in shock. It was hot and brief.

“Boiled cabbage?” Amy whispers, whiffing her scent in such close proximity.

Brandy rolls her eyes and continues the dance moves as Amy turns to me.  I step in close and we pucker up for our open mouthed kiss. It’s brief but just as hot and fuels the fantasies of the watching men.

Then we break off and continue dancing. Amy playfully pushes us away. The crowd grab us and we crowd surf over their heads till we land by the bar.

Old Joe has a cup of tea waiting for us.

“That was really hot ladies” he gushes. Then carries on watching Amy on stage strutting her stuff with her dancer friends.  She is stunning and spectacular.  The men are all enthralled.

“I best get changed and get back to work,” Brandy says as she drains the last of her tea.

“Me too” I agree and head back to the office.

Just as I finish changing, I hear the door rattle and Jayc speaking to someone.  I dive under the desk with a naughty idea in my head.  I had bought a whoopee cushion earlier and put it under the cushion on his chair.
He  enters the office, changes back into his halloween costume and sits down with an almighty “Phhhhrappppp”

I cant help laughing and grab his legs from underneath the desk, poking my head out. We tease each other about tricks and treats and it soon develops into me undoing his belt and going down on his delicious cock.

I take his penis out and lick the crown suggestively as he groans. My tongue explores the ridges and little slit, softly tongue fucking his little hole. I move to lick the underside, slow ...teasing ....and meant to drive him wild.  It works, he moans and slowly circles his hips.

I push my lips slowly over his helmet and take him, inch by inch to the back of my throat. The wet heat of my mouth causes him to growl as I devour him. I begin to head fuck him, sucking in my cheeks to add pressure to his cock. I move slowly at first, then faster and faster and faster.

He is rock hard and throbs. I soon feel his breath change as he reaches climax and I suckle him as he suddenly releases, jettisoning his spunk deep into my throat. mmm He tastes devine.

At the same time, I hear the door go and Brandy enters while he tries to regain composure and hold a conversation. Wickedly I suck and wank his sensitive softening cock some more....

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on November 09, 2014, 08:14:37 AM
I girate my hips in time with Amy and Stone on stage and turn with each jut of my hip. The dance is hot and sexy. The audience bay their approval and then there is “The Three way kiss”

Amy turns to me and we lean towards each other, her open mouth touches mine, our moist lips meet and for brief heart stopping seconds, our lips lock in a tantalising kiss.

She moves in time with the music, breaks contact and turns to Stone. Again their open mouths meet, tongues touch in a sexy kiss that offers the promise of many men’s fantasy. 

For a moment the audience holds their breath, wishing for more.. but alas the tease is over and the grinning ladies fuelling their fantasy return to their sexy dance routine.
It is hot, smouldering and leaves the audience wanting more.

Before I know it, our part of the dance is over. Amy continues to tease and capture the men’s attention, whilst Stone & I find ourselves crowd surfing over their heads to be plonked in front of the bar and waiting cups of tea on the bar counter. 
Old Joe beams at us, obviously moved by the sexual play on stage.

“You ladies could fill the house with a show of lady love” he teases, clearly lost in the fantasy of the moment.
Stone & I look at each other and roll our eyes.  “What is it with men and naked women playing with each other?”  Stone whispers to me.

“Ask jayc”   Old Joe chuckles, staring at her straining hard nipples in her dance top, then mine, taking a moment to admire. Then he heads for a better position to admire the rest of Amy’s dance routine.

We finish our tea and I go down to the Ice House to check on an unwell Pachi in my harem room. Stone heads to the office to check a few things with Jayc.

Pachi is cleaned up and curled up on a blanket in the corner.  I stroke his head, scratch his ears and offer him some water.  He laps it gratefully, nuzzles me and settles back to sleep. I change back into my zombie maid’s outfit and close my door to return upstairs to the party.

As I pass the spare dungeon room, I hear sexy sounds of two enraptured females and chuckle to myself, “Seems Momma_Andrea and bluedenim are enjoying Halloween in the best possible way”

Still smiling, I make my way to the office to update Jayc & Stone on Pachi’s progress.
I knock on the door and enter.  I immediately notice Jayc’s eyes are rolled up to the back of his head. Stone is nowhere in sight.

“Are you ok?” I ask. My first thought he is having an epileptic episode and may need first aid.

I then notice his shoes in strange places on the floor and I become suspicious. He has been wanking! Amy’s dance routine must have really got him going, and maybe the 3-way kiss helped.

I chuckle amused. I tell him that Pachi is doing fine but probably needs some TLC from Stone when she has a minute.  “I have left my dungeon open for her to visit”

I tease him about the rubber, spongy fart cushion and shoes before realising, Jayc is coming out of his stupor and regaining his zapped strength.
“Rubber and leather” I tease him, “Perhaps, you should save that for the Bat Cave…or are you fantasising about another in here?”

I see his face change, semi menacing and reach for the cushion. Laughing I make a quick exit just as the cushion comes flying through the air at my head. I exit just in time and it smacks into the door, falling harmlessly to the floor.

Cleaning and tidying mainly done, I breathe easy and see Hukk & Leighdee and Lover & FoxyRoxxy smooching on the dance floor. Zoerink is dancing with a couple of babes looking extremely happy.

Covems, Pookie & Terric emerge from the secret pool room entrance dressed as Batgirl, Robin and Cat Woman. There seems to be a mutual theme going on there. I wave to them and indicate their drinks were behind the bar.  They wave back.

Amy finishes her dance and sits at the bar, chatting to Old_Joe amid congratulatory claps on the back for her stunning performance.

I join AusWoody at the bar and buy him a drink. I kiss his cheek and invite him to join me for the next dance…

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: malphes on November 15, 2014, 05:41:41 AM
sneaky miss malphes slips in and  takes a seat in the shadows. such a lurker she.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on December 05, 2014, 10:54:35 AM
I stroll into the bar sporting my new Christmas sweater, call it a preventive strike if you will, merely an effort to stop my spouse from buying me one.

As i walk to the office i spot this wool atrocity hanging on the office door with a note.

"Here is your new jumper jay hope you like it  xxxxxx Stone."

I smile and open the bottom draw of my desk and pull out this beauty.

With my luck she will adore it.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on December 14, 2014, 11:07:40 AM
I find my wonderful jumper Jayc has bought me in our empty office. Everyone is bustling around getting the bar ready for the festive season.
I smile and look at the photo of me and him on his desk.  He loves me. He really, really loves me and after nearly 3 years together too. I love my jumper.
I hold it against me twirling round, singing  “All I want for Christmas is you”


As I dance around the office I suddenly notice something gold and rectangular glittering on the floor and pick it up,  it reads “Bank of Nymphomania."   Mr Bear and an account number. He must have dropped it in here. I put it on the desk for Jayc to return it to him.

I quickly put my new sweater on and text Doc.  “Has the consignment arrived yet?”
He texts back,  “ Yes we are just about to label them all up”
“Are you all dressed as Santa’s elves?”  I quickly text again.
“Of course.” He replies. I giggle as I can almost see him rolling his eyes on the other end of his mobile.

“Good. Make sure a Christmas jumper is delivered to all of our Forum Villagers. I want them all to wear one when they come to the bar.  They will get a free drink off Old_Joe”

Brandy suddenly bangs into the office door and arrives in the office with armfuls of mince pies she attempts to plonk on her desk.
“Stunning jumper Stone” she giggles spotting my presence as she wrestles with the boxes, trying not to let them topple over.

She spots the Gold credit card lying on the dark wooden surface and picks it up from Jayc’s desk.

Another text comes through from Doc and it bleeps loudly.  I look at my phone with Brandy peering over my shoulder.
“The delivery guy wants to know, who’s paying for them this year.”  Doc texts again.

“Paying for what?” Brandy asks, quite unashamed of reading my private texts.
“Oh, just some little gifts I have arranged for the patrons…” I say mysteriously.

I begin to answer Doc and type,  “Put it on Cove….“  then see that gold credit card and pause. It's glittering in the fairy lights, still in her hand.
I look at the card, and look at Brandy, then shake my head, “ No we shouldn’t, it would be wrong”  and start to finish my text.

“Oh yes we should,” she grabs my phone and deletes Covems details replacing them with  Bear’s and presses send.
“Well he does owe you some new stockings,”  she  shrugs, “Just say you ordered them in special from Oxford Street, London”

And with that she hands my phone back and breezes out the office!

“But…but… I asked him to,”  I say to a now empty room.  My phone suddenly bleeps a low battery warning.

 “Shit,” I cuss as my phone goes dead. I cant even correct what Brandy’s done and my charger is at home.

“Maybe he won’t notice his bill”  I try to diminish the nervous shudder.
I place the gold card in an envelope and seal it.  I go out to the bar and give it to Old_Joe. 
“Will you give this to Bear when you see him?” I ask him
“Sure I will” He smiles.
“Good and err … don’t tell him who gave it to you.  Just say it appeared on the bar or something”
“Ok”  Old_Joe agrees a little confused.

“A good Samaritan who doesn’t want any thanks ok”  I try and explain.
“Arr,” he agrees then.  “You can count on me”
“Thanks Joe, you don’t know how much that means to me”  I kiss his cheek and wander off to help Jayc and Covems decorate the Christmas tree,  in my fabulous new jumper of course.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on December 15, 2014, 10:17:42 AM
“Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…. “  Dean Martin’s soft melodic voice rings out around the Bee Hive as I take another batch of mince pies from the oven. The place smells of home baking and with the Christmas tree twinkling, tinsel shimmering and various decorations around my place … the festive season is alive and kicking.

My doorbell chimes to  “Good King Wenceslas last looked out on the feast of Stephen”  and I  remove my oven gloves not realising I have flour on my face and  hair and go to answer it.

Bashful and Sneezy are at the door, dressed as elves, with a wrapped box.  “A surprise from Secret Santa” they both say in a well rehearsed univoice.  They hand me it to me with a card and then cough, before starting a rendition of “We wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”

They sing beautifully and I feel a tear welling in my eyes.

I listen patiently at the door and clap when they hit the final note.
“That was wonderful fellas, here, I have something for you”

I go back inside and place some mince pies in a box with two small bottles of sherry and give it to them outside.

They give me a hug before clambering back on the wagon. “Don’t forget you have to wear it at the AB&G,”  Bashful says before starting up and driving off to make deliveries to the other residents.

I soon finish the baking and pile the boxes in my truck, then shower and get ready to go the bar.
Some 45 minutes later, I am unloading the boxes into the bar with Old Joe’s help.

“Make sure, everyone gets a mince pie and a drink of mulled wine or English sherry,” I tell him, “But only if they are wearing a Christmas Sweater of course”

Old Joe chuckles and then notices my jumper,  “Wow”  he says.


“Merry Christmas Joe”  I kiss him on the cheek and look around. The boys have done me proud. Christmas has arrived at the bar.

Even Old Joe has his sweater on

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on December 17, 2014, 08:47:17 PM
"Last christmas, I gave you my sweater..." but whom did i give it? Shit, I can't remember. All I know, I don't have it anymore. But soon the annual Xmas party in the bar is starting. What's this? In a corner I see a boxand a note from Roxxy "Hi baby, my dad has worn it every christmas, he gives it to you now." I open the box, put it on and look into the mirror


Awwww perfect :) I take my car and drive to the bar, while Chris Rea is singing just for me

"I'm driving home for Christmas
Oh, I can't wait to see those faces
I'm driving home for Christmas, yeah
Well, I'm moving down that line"

Only Old Joe is at the bar. He offers me a drink of mulled whine. "I added a shot, I know you like it." "Thanks old friend. This is what I need now. A very busy year is close to its end. And I've got the feeling, also the last days need our full attention." Stone, Brandy and Jayc are in the office, Roxxy will come later too. So I decide to check the stage, the lights and the sound machine. Everything is fine and I start some background music. Old Joe looks at me "German rock? What about christmas songs?" "We will hear them soon enough and for the rest of the next 7 days. Let's listen to some real music as long as we get the chance!" We both laugh. I'm sure, when theladies come up, they will yell to change it. "Let them yell, let them yell, let them yell" I sing to the melody of Let it snow and grin.

"Hey Lover" Joe asks, "do you take a speech again?" "Sure, if I get another drink of mulled whine!" I wink and smile. He nods "with another shot of course"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on December 18, 2014, 07:43:53 PM
I am home looking in the  mirror as I am getting dressed up to go to the X-mas party at the  AB&G Bar,
I cant help but smile   thinking of  how lover will look with my dads old X-mas sweater  a little to small but I am sure
he will  look amazing in it ..

There I look  so Gorgeous with my outfit  very cheerfully I am ready to head to the Bar  for the  fun .

I can not believe it's been almost one year  I met every one here its been a real  adventure .
One year I been  with Lover  how times fly  I feel so Blessed to have met so many nice People on here
and I am really looking forwarded to having a  Very happy Christmas  and New Year  I feel I found what the real meaning of love is
and this is love in GOD, one self  Family and good friends & even some that are not so  but this is what love is to love all ..

as I drive to the AB&G


I  hear the music cheerful songs playing  I walk in and stand under the mistletoe

Lover comes   greets me  and  gives me a kiss before we walk to the dance floor   every one looks so  wonderful with there lovely christmas sweater   ......

I whisper to Lover to sing me a  song  Love hearing him sing  ;D
Honey you look  great in your sweater   and I pinch his love Handel's
just one thing is missing  your red nose so I lean in and kiss it with my red lips ......
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on December 19, 2014, 02:54:06 PM
"T Minus  5 minutes and counting "  I hear on my cell as i make a last minute check of the wiring and lights that covers the exterior of the Bar and Ice House.


I walk by woody who is doing last minute tweaks to the computers, "we good?"  i dare to ask

Woody just nods, not looking up..... i don't push it after the frustrating week the poor guy has had since he offered to help me with this project.

I walk into the bar and ring the bell to get everybody's attention.

"hey everybody lets step outside for a minute "

The staff and patrons file out  shivering in the cold, i open the laptop and tell Stone click on the Christmas tree and cross my fingers.

As the song ends  the crowd cheers as Woody and i take a bow.  and i point to the out building part of the Ice house.

"i couldn't  Resist."  i chuckle my arm around Stone as the song begins.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: AusWoody on December 22, 2014, 04:56:40 AM

Cursing under my breath as I program the lighting console, watching as JayC runs back and forth grabbing lighting modules, strings of fairy lights, illuminated  characters in a Christmas theme, and  suggesting  changes to the lighting plan we had worked out. All while wearing the Christmas jumper that arrived this morning, courtesy of  two of the ugliest  elf’s  I ever seen. apparently  on a mission from Stone.

I keep practising my "Happy" face  for when I see her at the commencement of the light show. Provided I can keep Jayc  from  making any more "changes" to the program "WE" had  decided on in the planning for the Christmas party. It is apparent he is management, any tech worth his weight understands it isn’t just a flick of a switch to change a sequence of lighting. Oh well finally I finished, I run the diagnostic  and everything appears  good :). WAIT!!!!! here he comes  again, if he asks for one more change  Stone is a widow  I swear.


He looks as he walks by and dares to ask  "we good?"

I nod and refuse to look at him just in case he wants to change something else, pretending to focus on the programming. He returns to the bar and I hear Jay ring the bell which is my cue to initiate the program. Pushing the "RED" button which initiates months of effort on Jay's and my time, I head out to see the results of our combined effort.

As I enter the bar proper I notice everyone start to snigger, I look at myself  in the bar mirror and I realise what the're  sniggering about,
there the old biker stands  riding boots scuffed and marked from hard use, well used kevlar jeans, long wild hair  and  wizard beard, tying them together is the ugliest Christmas jumper ever created, and I don’t dare  remove it, it would break Stones heart, and she is a lovely woman and Brandy's best friend. Flipping the sniggerers the bird, I paste a happy face on and go to stand beside Brandy, JayC  and  Stone to watch the light show.


I wrap my arms around Brandy, and she smiles at me  and whispers

"Thank you for wearing Stones Jumper"

and kisses me  without taking her eyes  off the light display.


 Stone and Jay are mesmerised by the spectacular display and when it finaly finishes, the crowd erupts  clapping and cheering Jay and my efforts, we do a little bow, and head back inside to the warmth and alcohol. I need to get real drunk if I am going to wear this Jumper.


As I ask Old Joe for a bundy rocks, a pair of arms  wrap around me  and I turn to see stone hugging me  with a big smile, I smile back  as I look for jay, he is  standing with Brandy, there both smiling  a little too much? Stone  kisses me on the cheek and tells me

"That jumper looks great Easy, so glad you like it  and wore it tonight."

I reply "Yes Stone thank you very much for the Jumper, it  quite unique."

Letting me go she heads back to Jay  and drags him to the dance floor

I start working on my Bundy, signalling Old Joe to keep them coming, Brandy joins me at the bar  and asks

"Buy a girl a drink Bloke."

Her use of aussie slang is cute, so of course I buy her a drink by signalling Old Joe.

Old Joe  is snickering  as he  gives Brandy a drink and comments

"Nice Jumper Woody" and bursts out laughing, I give him my most evil look  and he backs away quickly.

"Make sure you put those drinks on Coves tab, Joe"

Brandy is giggling and tells me

"I have to do something in the office Aus, I'll be  20 minutes, then I be back for some dancing and romancing."

Settling in for a session and I see Covems walking up behind me in the mirror,  I stand up and turn to face him, I see he is about to speak, and I say

"One word about the jumper, Coves and were gunna dance!"

He smiles and opens his dryasabone revealing an even more repulsive Christmas jumper than mine. I laugh out loud, shake my head  and tell Old Joe

"Bourbon, Joe  this man needs a drink, leave the bottle and a bottle of bundy also."

we sit on adjacent stools and begin working on tomorrows hangovers.

( (

I see Brandy leaving the office, I turn to Coves and wish him

"Merry Christmas Cowboy"

grab my bottle and walk toward Brandy, we have plans :)

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on December 23, 2014, 01:39:15 AM

I arrive at the bar, after finally having made up my mind about whether I intended on showing up or not, and stopped a second before the entrance
to admire the wonderful lights that had been decorated around and about the place.

Being in a very festive spirit, I walked into the bar decked out in the ugliest and highly inappropriate Christmas sweater, paired with matching stockings and heels. I even had my nails painted in red and white holiday themes.




I walk towards my familiar stool, plomping myself down comfortably and slamming down a postcard on the counter in front of Old Joe excitedly.


"Hey there young lady, nice pair of.. errrm.. top you got there," he smirks, eyeing me up and down... "What's this?" he continues, picking up the postcard and reading it.

"Oh, it's just this Christmas card I thought I would send out to residents of this crazy town," I chuckle... "You were the only one left, so thought I'd stop by and personally deliver it," I add, grinning.

"Well thank ya hun," he says, raising the card and smiling.. "Here's some eggnog on the house. Enjoy and stay a while... if not for anything else but for me to have something nice to stare at," he adds, smirking and winking before going back to busying himself in making drinks for the party.

I raise my glass, thanking him as I chuckle at his flirtation before taking a sip of my yummy holiday drink. Getting further comfortable in my seat, my thoughts wander into wonderment in regards to how the night will turn out.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Darbi29 on December 23, 2014, 02:12:23 AM
I wander into the bar wearing an ugly green and cream sweater, as Lover instructed.  the cream fabric on the sweater is meant to look like swirls of wintery wind, but looks more like snooty goo or somehow spitting out eggnog.  There are red little bells sown in right across my chest, though a few of them are missing here and there.  The sweater stretches down to my thighs, obviously meant for a much larger person, I look like a rejected sock from the Grinch tried to swallow me and only half succeeded.  I go over to the bar and take a seat on one of the stools and order a fireball. 

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on December 23, 2014, 03:59:20 AM
I groan to Old Joe as he hands me my gimp mask to put on.

“No good moaning Miss Brandybee, you lost … again” He chuckles and his smile gets wider as I pull it over my head, stuffing all my hair inside it so I was totally covered apart from the small round eye holes and  oval mouth hole.

“How do I look?”  I hold my hands out wide and crane my neck a little to show off the gimp look.

“You look fabulous Darling,” Old Joe cooes,  “I would never know who you were, unless I saw you put it on”

I bet I look just great in my xmas jumper and gimp mask. I grimace a little and Old Joe chuckles again.

“The good news is, you won the second bet,” he guffaws and waves two more gimp masks at me. “I thought you would like to personally deliver them yourself.”

“Oh I would, I would” I overstress my glee as he hands them to me.

As I pass the notice board my name at the top catches my eye on a poster,

Brandybee will date the guy with the ugliest sweater.
Come to the bar, show your sweater, get a free drink and mince pie.
You never know, come post your xmas jumper,
it could be you who gets a lap dance.

I groan again, Stone and Jayc certainly know how to make those bet forfeits count. 

Then I cheer up, looking at the Gimp Masks in my hand, and make my way to the office where Stone & Jayc are.
I knock and enter just in time to catch them kissing under the mistletoe. They shuffle apart giggling.

“Look what I got, you two,”  I gloat as they laugh at me in my Gimp mask and fluffy xmas jumper.
“We lost the second bet!” they both groan in unison.

“Oh yes,” I nod cheerfully.  “Come on, I want to see you in yours too”

They both slip them on over their heads covering them totally. All you can see from the neck up is their eye sockets and mouths.
You can hardly recognise who they are except for their delightful Christmas jumpers.

Jayc is wearing black 501’s and a belt with a turquoise buckle, that Stone had bought him, with his black cowboy boots and of course his god-awful jumper that Stone adored and had lovingly picked out for him.

Stone looked just as good in hers and her tight blue jeans and black ankle boots and the half born alien xmas child sticking out from her belly.

“We look like the nightmares before Christmas,”  I think out loud and we all burst out laughing.

As we all toast a drink to xmas, I mention to Jayc that their Panda is much better now and can be moved to his fresh clean pen out the back by the firepit.

“I’ll need you help to move Pachi from my Harem Dungeon if you don’t mind. Shall I see you down there in about 10 minutes” I ask him
“Sure” he nods.

“Oh by the way, Stone. Did you deliver all your surprise xmas jumpers to the residents?”
“Yes, isn’t it wonderful? Some guests are arriving just as we speak” she answers full of joy and Christmas cheer.

“Good, so the payments went through ok? No hitches?” I tease her.
Jayc cocks his head at her, his eyes questioning through the holes of the mask.

Stone coughs nervously,  “Yes, of course, why shouldn’t they have?”  Then quickly changes the subject, giving me the dead eye of accusation to shush me up. “Have you seen the wonderful Christmas Lights Woody & J have arranged with the help of Coves & the dwarfs?”

“I have, you have done a wonderful job J. Pass my thanks on to your helpers,”  I compliment all the hard work they all done.

Jayc bows with a flourish.

“I best go sort my dungeon out, see you down there in a bit” I leave and make my way to the secret passageway in the pool room that leads to The Ice House.
I am soon in my dungeon, cussing my sweaty mask as I tidy up the room and fix a lead on Pachi who was mighty comfortable eating bamboo in the corner.

“Come on Pachi,” I try and cajole him but he is not budging an inch. He just looks at me lazily and continues chewing.

I take a deep breath and pop my head out the door, just in time to see a pair of black jeans and xmas jumper  that looks very familiar,
“Oy J, where have you been? Pachi is being awkward, help me will you?"

He stops and turns. His gimp mask looks a bit spooky in the dungeon and he walks towards me.

Without speaking, he enters my dungeon and scratches Pachi behind the ear, talking softly to him. My attention is in gathering up all his belongings, then they follow me out. Pachi, being led out in a slow amble with the lead held by Jayc.

Eventually we get to the pen outside by the firepit and I arrange Pachi’s belongings and leave J to settle Pachi inside with some fresh bamboo. As J bends down, my eye catches his toned buttocks and a slight tug of attraction teases my feminine interest. Shocked at this sudden errant feeling, I hurriedly move away, telling him, I’ll see him in the bar shortly.

I take a detour to the ladies to wash my hands and then return to the bar.  Jayc & Stone are already the centre of attention in their Gimp Masks by the bar.

“Jayc made it back quick,” I think as I join them.

Both they, AusWoody & Covems are complimenting each other on the fine Christmas lights and Woody buys everyone a drink and orders Coves his favourite Bourbon. ItsAmy123, Darbi29, Lover and FoxyRoxxy join us in their spiffing jumpers and Foxy looks particularly fetching in her matching tights and sandals.

They laugh at my Gimp Mask as well, especially as we all have to wear them for the next 7 days as a forfeit for losing bets.

Old Joe and AusWoody shake their heads at all of us.
“Won’t you guys ever learn?” Woody chuckles

All of us in the betting syndicate look at each other. pause to ponder and then reply all at the same time, “Nahhhhh”

Stone suddenly rises up and rings the bar bell,  “ Just a couple of things Folks. 

1 -  All you guys who might wish for a lapdance with Brandybee, please post a pic of your dire Christmas jumper  and

2  Amy here has hit over 500 posts, 535 to be exact.   Congratulations to Amy. She is now a “Hero Member” 

“ Hip Hip  ….   Horrayyyy”
“ Hip Hip  ….   Horrayyyy”
“ Hip Hip  ….   Horrayyyy”

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: terric on December 23, 2014, 06:26:41 AM
"Do you think Covie will be here?"  Pookie mumbles to me as we pull into the AB&G parking lot, "I know he has a busy week coming up, with his Mama coming in from Montana."

"Lets hope so."  I reply, while parking the car.  I go a little too far in the space and bump into the fence.  "Oooops"

"Good thing it was just the fence."  Pookie says, "and not somebody's personal thing."  We get out and inspect both the fence and my car for damage.

"Yeah," I answer her, "otherwise I might get beat up."  We giggle at that remark and our inspection shows no damage to the fence.  It's hard to tell with my car, as I've hit things before with it.  "No harm, no foul."

We enter the bar and the lighting displays and the music is very festive.  The atmosphere of the place has a nice holiday feel to it and everyone is so warm and friendly.

Pookie and I greet everyone as we head for the bar, giving kisses on the cheeks to all as we do.  Stone and Jayc, ItsAmy, Lover, FoxxyRoxy, Darbi, AusWoody.  Brandybee and I lock pinkies for a moment and give air kisses.  Then Pookie and I order up a couple of drinks after giving Old Joe a kiss and admiring his sweater.  He grins at us in his usual way while placing the drinks in front of us. 

"Covems' tab?"  He asks, already knowing the answer to his query.

"But of course," I answer.

I survey the room, hoping to see Covie.  He's no where to be found yet, but all the marvelous sweaters that everyone is wearing is amazing, mine feels a little paltry to me
but I shrug that feeling off and immerse myself into the spirit of the season.

"Pook."  I lean in to her and whisper, "we were going to have some mayhem last year but changed our minds out of consideration."

"I remember."  Pookie answers.

"This year, there's no constraints on him."  I continue, "I have a little plan."  I pull Pookie closer to whisper my idea to her.  Pookie's face brightens with that wonderful smile of her's.

"Ooooh,"  Pookies says, "that sounds like fun."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Pookie77 on December 23, 2014, 10:57:20 AM

"Please don't hit anything on the way there," I say to Terri who is driving.  Her car as a bunch of dings and dents in it from previous accidents and little mishaps.  She is not the best driver, and why I agreed to let her drive tonight is beyond me.

We talk about who is going to be there, and we expect the regular crowd.  "I'm surprised Covie even talks to you," Terri says when his name comes up as one of the ones who should be there.

"I know," I say to her.  'I was so mean to him and all those things I said.  Ohh, I still feel guilty about that."

Terri bumps into the fence while parking her car.  "Another ding.'  I think to myself as we get out and inspect for damages.  The fence post has a crack in it, and there's a fresh dent with a couple of wood chips in the grill of Terri's car.

The outside of the bar looks great, with all the decorations and the light.  It is very well done, and looks like professionals decorated the place.  We go in and the inside decorations are just as nice. 

"Looks like they've been busy."  I say to Terri as we head into the bar room.  There's Christmas music playing and a beautiful decorated tree out by the dance floor.  The bar is decorated with lights and evergreens.  The place has a distinct aroma of fresh cut pine.  I take in a deep breath.  "Love that smell," I think to myself.

Terri and I go along the bar saying hello to everyone, shaking hands and giving out kisses on the cheeks and getting some in return.


I show off my Christmas Sweater that was delivered via a dwarf to Lopdoodle.  I thank Stone and Jayc again for their generosity and thoughtfulness.  I proudly hold up my hand to show off my spoon ring.  I feel so special, and that's saying something after the past few months I had.

I order up a Captain Morgan and coke from Old Joe, and we both stretch across the bar so I can give him a Chrismas kiss on the cheek.  Terri orders up the same and we giggle when Joe suggests putting it on Covems's tab.

"Do you think he'll ever be able to pay his tab off?"  Terri asks me.

"I have my doubts Terri," I reply, "maybe he doesn't actually want to."

I look around the room for the sprig of mistletoe that I know HAS to be here somewhere, and I finally spot it at the arch that seperates the dance floor from the bar room.  While I'm looking around, Terri leans into me and whispers into my ear.  She has a plan, that little devil, and when she tells it to me, I can't help but smile.  "It's brilliant!!  Do you have everything you need?"

"Yep, sure do."  Terri replies, "I've enlisted the aid of a couple of our little friends.  They're all set, and you owe them some cookies.."  She giggles.

"Dweeb."  I say to her.

"Doofus," she says back.

"Tart."  Is my reply.

"Slut."  She says aa a comeback.

"Nympho." We both say in unison, and then laugh out loud.

I giggle a little as I settle back into a seat at the bar.  We both turn a little to watch the goings on.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on December 23, 2014, 03:35:35 PM
Stone and myself are having some “alone time” in the office. It’s our 1st “real” date Anniversary. Being so busy with the party and other holiday tasks I acknowledge the date with a small gift much to Stone’s surprise.


Stone opens the small package to find a simple silver necklace with the number 3. She thanks me with a sweet kiss and hug, The hideous doll arms on her sweater poke my ribs as we embrace.

A rap on the door makes us turn our heads to see Brandy walking in and tossing 2 new shiny gimp masks on my desk.
Ah yes our wager!  I was hoping this would wait but a bet is a bet.

We don the masks and the 3 of us look in the mirror.

‘This is wrong on so many levels.” I sigh

The cell phones come out for a series of photos as we laugh and pose. After a drink Brandy asks if I will assist her in moving the now recovered Pachi out of her Harem in the Ice house. I groan, thinking of that boiled cabbage smell but reluctantly agree.

“Good, so the payments went through ok? No hitches?”   I hear Brandy ask Stone.

I cock my head when I hear Stone respond, slightly caught off guard  “Yes, of course, why shouldn’t they have?” then she changes the subject…………..something is going on, I make a mental note to check our bank accounts when I get a minute.

Brandy leaves to clean her harem dungeon and decide to wait till she calls me. With any luck the hard  graft will be finished by then.

Surprisingly,  Brandy returns to the Bar quicker than I thought and I wonder how she got on with Pachi. Suddenly an idea comes to mind. I spring into action………I make the call and two teams of dwarfs get to work to follow my instructions. They haul out Brandy’s  trashed harem bed and bring in the new one that Stone and I picked out for a Christmas gift.


Confident the boys have everything under control, I return to the bar to jeers due to my gimp mask. I give Stone the thumbs up, signaling all good with our gift delivery. A drink in hand I look around the bar, its almost surreal, like a David  Lynch movie, with the gimp masks and the sea of red and green garish sweaters.

As Stone finishes her announcements, I add one more.

“Thanks for joining us tonight everyone. Drinks and Eats on the house,  so let’s eat drink and be merry!"


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on December 23, 2014, 08:30:56 PM

Popping out of the back room wearing my Christmas sweater that Miss Stone so thoughtfully provided everyone with.  I think mine is the best of them all... not too flashy... but it does kind of say enough. 


I make my way to the stage and up to the microphone... I tap on it... "is this thing on?"

"The clergy is concerned about the lack of religion in Christmas.  According to an unofficial survey, the only time most people mention God is when they check the price tags."

"Winking at a street corner Santa and asking him for a luscious blonde, Mr. Mooncalf was surprised when Mrs. Mooncalf promised he was going to get it."

"Not that Santa Clauses have it easy.  The Santa at Macy's has water on the knee... at least a dozen times a day."

"The minister glared down at Mr. Foster and roared, "And are you, my son, a soldier in the army of the Lord?"
Surprised at being singled out, Mr. Foster replied anxiously, "Y-yes sir, I am."
"Then why," pressed the clergyman, "do we see you here only at Christmas."
Thinking quickly, Mr. Foster replied, "Would you believe, sir, I'm in the secret service."

"Thank you, I'll be here all week"

I make my way off the stage and into the bar room.

The bar looks better than it ever has, and everyone is of good cheer, even those I expected not to be.  Miss Stone and Jayc are snuggled together in a dance, I raise an eyebrow when I notice that they are both wearing gimp masks.  "You would think that in celebration of the season, the wager payment would have been postponed a week," I think.

Sliding up between the two mischevious munchkins, I place a kiss on each of their cheeks.  They jump a little, when I make contact, as they did not see me come up behind them.  "I need to make my way around the bar," I tell Pookie and Terri, "then I'll come back for a Christmas drink with you."

"Miss Stone," I say as I approach her and Jayc, "I've always suspected that if anyone could wear a gimp mask with class, it would be you... and I see that I am not wrong." 

She laughs as we kiss in greeting.  "That jumper is perfect for you Coves." She says to me, "I made the right choice."

"You did," I reply to her while shaking Jayc's hand, "though I kind of like all of them I see."  I eyeball J's sweater.  He too is gimped.  "Merry Christmas, my friend."  I chuckle to myself as I move off.

Sneaking up behind Brandybee, I take hold of her wrist and spin her slightly as in a dance move, then pull her in tight.  "Good evening, Miss Gimp."  I say with a grin.  She gives me a quick kiss on the lips before moving off to where ever it is she goes.

I share a glass of bourbon with AusWoody, while we wish each other a Merry Christmas.

Leaning into Miss Darbi while she's at the bar drinking what appears to be a fireball, I say, "you know, you can put all those drinks on my tab.  You may as well, everyone else does."

Lover and Miss Roxy are together, and I make my way to them to wish them both a Merry Christmas.  We exchange pleasant greeting and some small talk before I break away.

Amy is seated at the bar, and I give her a kiss on her cheek.  "Merry Christmas, Sweets."  I say to her, "be sure to put your drinks on my tab." 

Moving back to the two munchkins, who are seated at the end of the bar by the dwarf's panel.  I slip in between them again, and reaching up underneath the bar, I feel around, bumping the two of them with my elbows.

"What the heck are you doing?"  Pookie asks.

"Looking for something." I answer.  "There something here... it's taken me over a year to find it..."  I continue feeling under the bar with my elbows still poking them.

"Covie," Terri says, "if you are going to keep doing that..."

Her words trail off when I exclaim, "ah ha!"

I find what I was looking for and give it a little push with my finger.  The dwarf's panel drops into the floor.  "Heheh, those clever little buggers."  I reach in and grab hold of my prize.  A mistletoe head band, that I put on my head.  I slide the panel back into place and listen for the latch to catch.  "click"



Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on December 24, 2014, 02:53:26 AM
Covems  suddenly appears and twirls me around the dance floor, giving me a quick kiss and hug before checking out the sea of wonderful Christmas jumpers and decorations.

He chuckles at my Miss Gimp mask and fluffy jumper.  It is a tasty combination.  Then he moves off to greet his other friends.

I see him place some mistletoe on his head,  "Nice move"  I think to myself.  I wish I had thought of it.

When he asks,  "Who's first?"   I cant resist his handsome face and twinkling eyes.

" Me me"   I chuckle and stand in front of him.  " No onion breath and snot this year," I promise.  "Just the gimp mask"

He laughs and we cock our heads one side, then the other to see the best way to kiss with the gimp mask and cowboy hat with mistletoe band on  before moving in for the Christmas Kiss and it is slow and ....  worth it mmm.


"I'm next, I'm next ... "   I hear someone behind tugging on my jumper ....  and turn around.  There's quite a few lined up.   


Merry Christmas Everyone.

Vote for the splendidest (Ugly Really ) Xmas Sweater (Pages 138 to 139 )  See above  lol
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on December 24, 2014, 01:58:30 PM
“Oh my, they look fantastic”   I gush over at Jayc, AusWoody, Covems and the Dwarfs. “They are spectacular,” I admire all the lights for the umpteenth time. “You guys are just brilliant”
I hug all of them one by one and plant a kiss on their cheeks.

“Did you manage to deliver all the special gifts?” I ask Doc.
“Of course. All delivered with the cards” he answers,
“Thank you guys.” I hug them all again,  “And your pullovers are all on your beds.”

As I turn my back, they all pull faces but Covems glares at them whispering, “Don’t be so ungrateful and you WILL wear them with a smile”
“Do we havvvvvvve toooooo?”  Bashful whines in a low voice so I wouldn’t hear.
“YES” Covems whispers back in his sternest and most serious voice.  They all trot off to go change looking quite forlorn.  “AND SMILE!”  Covems instructs.  They all turn to him, showing their best grins ever with bright white teeth.

I move to speak to Old_Joe, a little worried about Bear’s credit card.  “Hey Joe, has Bear picked his credit card up yet?”
Old_Joe shrugs, “Not seen him, but he must have, it’s gone from the bar. I sent him a text saying where it was.”

“Oh, did he answer?” I ask, a slow shiver of dread creeping up my spine. I cuss Brandy under my breath for the zillionth time that day. “Why do I let her get me into these situations? And why did I let my phone go dead? I knew I should have put it on charge!”

Old Joe checks his phone and shakes his head. “No, he’s not answered”
“Ok, will you tell me if he does?” I ask him.
“Sure” Old Joe  answers and then his attention is drawn to Terric and Pookie entering the bar and serving them drinks on Covems tab of course.

Before, I can mither more on the subject, Jayc grabs my hand and leads me to the office and kisses me under the mistletoe hanging in the centre of the room.


“mmmm” I moan into his mouth, losing myself in the magic of his arms. He always has that effect on me.  He pulls away as I try and catch my breath and regain my equilibrium.

“Happy anniversary Darling”  he says and hands to me a beautiful silver necklace with the number 3 on.
“For 3 years” I murmur, “Its so beautiful. Thank you J”  and kiss him again.  When we eventually part, he turns me round puts it on for me.
Then I reach into my bag for my gift to him.
It’s a man’s ring with an Oak tree.  “Remember our Oak Tree?”  I whisper


“As if would ever forget that.. My Little Oak”  he chuckles.  He seems pleased and immediately asks me to put it on his finger. It’s a perfect fit.
He kisses me again and then we exchange Christmas cards. We both smile at what’s inside.

Brandy suddenly interrupts us and throws some gimp masks at us, we both lost a bet to her but she was wearing one as well! She lost a bet to us!

She teases me about the payments of the jumpers in front of Jayc. I glare at  her to stop.

It is her fault after all. She takes the hint and asks J to help her move Pachi from her harem. It must be quite smelly by now but at least he had his comforts whilst he was poorly. She leaves to go clear up.

“Oh I just remembered. Brandy’s date. I best hang the poster up, I made...”  I say and Jayc nods and says grinning,  “I already did. It was part of our winning wager, after all”

I pick it up and look at it. It wont hurt to pin another up behind the bar.

Brandybee will date the guy with the ugliest sweater.
Come to the bar, show your sweater, get a free drink and mince pie.
You never know, come post your xmas jumper,
it could be you who gets a lap dance.

Vote above. See top of page.

We wander back to the bar and greet the new guests.
Covems is there chatting. Even if I was wearing a gimp mask, when Covems says I wore it with class, I blush right from my toes to the tips of my hair.

There seems to be rather a large queue forming to kiss Covems when he puts his mistletoe hat on.  I think I might have to catch him later if his lips and tongue are not worn away by then.

Then I think, “No, what the hell, mine wont take long.. and jump the queue!

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on January 02, 2015, 06:29:03 AM

Having received kisses from some of my favorite ladies, I'm standing at the bar sipping a sarparilla.  I feel a tug on the leg of my jeans and look down to see Happy there.

He giggles a little and motions for me to stoop lower so he can whisper in my ear.  Happy asks, "would now be a good time?"

"Of course Happy," I reply, "now would be good.  Before she disappears."

Happy reaches up under the bar and the panel drops into the floor.  He scurries inside the dwarf's passage and I hear him call.  "Okay fellas... bring it out."  He starts laughing.

"Aaa - aaaa -  CHOO!"  comes from down below and I hear the shuffling of feet.  One by one the dwarfs pop out of their tunnel.  Grumpy is the last one and slides the panel into place.  Dopey is carrying a wrapped package.

I watch as in mass they march around the bar and straight up to Brandybee.

"Um,"  Bashful starts, his face turning red, "Miss Brandy... aw shucks," he turns away, then starts again, "Um... Miss Brandy... oh gee..."

Finally after a few attempts, Grumpy pulls Bashful out of the way and abruptly states, "Miss Brandy, we have a present for you."

Dopey steps forward holding out a wrapped package.  It is wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper with ribbon around it and a big bow where the ribbon intersects.

Dock blows into a tuning whistle to get the dwarfs all in key.  They sing:

"We wish you a Merry Christmas,
we wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year."

Dopey hands the package to Brandybee, and the dwarfs all start talking at once.  "Open it.  Unwrap it.  Look inside.  I hope she likes it."

"Thank you so much boys."  Brandy says to them all and carefully unties the ribbon.  Then unwraps the package revealing a box.

"Open that!" All the dwarfs say.

Then Doc pipes in.  "Dopey made it, but we all helped."

She opens the box and folds back the tissue paper.

"It's for your cabin."  Sleepy says with a yawn.


Then they all shout, "MERRY CHRISTMAS MISS BRANDY!!"

The dwarfs turn and shout again, "MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE"

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: bluedenim on January 04, 2015, 03:58:07 PM


I join the queue to give Covie his Christmas kiss, he deserves it! Mwahh

Popping out of the back room wearing my Christmas sweater that Miss Stone so thoughtfully provided everyone with.  I think mine is the best of them all... not too flashy... but it does kind of say enough.  It says to me that I could never afford it, Coves, it's two fucking deer!


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jasmine_t on January 11, 2015, 12:13:17 PM
Jasmine has just completed another VIP delivery of package, most probably containing some corporation secrets or plans on taking over the world. Whatever was in that package, jasmine got paid well and even got bonus for fast delivery or it was a matter of Jasmines work suit. Working as a courier for VIP deliveries gave Jasmine two satisfaction - speed and adrenaline with possibility to wear her favorite sexy tight leather suit.

Time was late so Jasmine decided to take a shortcut by country roads. After traveling for some time, Jasmine decided to stop and rest for a while and it was her luck to notice a bar near the road with large sign - The Achat Bar & Grill

After stopping not far from the entrance and parking hers Yamaha FZ8, Jasmine examined the bar from outside for a moment or two. Place seemed to be nice, plus some party was obviously going on inside.

Jasmine thought to herself "Ok, lets not forget that I'm not entirely a girl... No hints for the guys!" Jasmine already had experience of fellows reacting  emotionally in other places as she refused to "go  over the corner" with them and even worse what she told some of them that she's not the girl that they expect.

As Jasmine entered the bar, she removed her helmet. Her black hair quickly took their form, covering her neck and slightly back. There was a Xmas party going. People were having fun, sharing gifts, hugs and kisses, everyone seemed very friendly and that gave Jasmine some relief. She tried to avoid attention moved toward the bar, placed her helmet on bar stand close to herself and begun to wait for bartender, meanwhile observing action in bar.

OOC: I hope it's not too late for me to join you guys here? I'm not very skilled with forum RP, but I tried to read previous posts and tend to interlink my appearance in bar with what was already going in here  :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jingerbird on January 12, 2015, 04:39:25 AM
Grabbing my back from the back of my car, I straighten up carefully.  I’m pretty sure that the gym is going to kill me before I actually get back in shape after the Christmas partying. I've not been here for a while and I hope the locals remember me. Since I am doing 'Dry January' the bar seems to be a bit of a strange place for me to head to but I need some company and I was kind of hoping that my favorite cop might be there.

Pushing the door open, that familiar smell fills my head. Steak, beer, everything that I desire. This probably isn’t the best idea I have had recently. I chuckle to myself as I walk in. A big, Juicy steak isn’t so bad is it?
Perching carefully on a stool at the bar, my legs still stiff after the workout, I see a familiar face smiling at me.

“Haven’t seen you for a while!”

“Hey Joe. Yeah I’ve been a little busy with work and family stuff.” Looking down, I smile to myself.

“So, what can I get ya?” says Old Joe, his husky tones drift across the bar.

“Steak and salad please and a decaf coffee if you have it!” I hesitate before I carry on. “Er….Joe that police officer hasn’t been in today has he?” My cheeks redden as I look down at my hands.

Joe laughs “Awwww, that’s why you popped in huh? And there was me thinking you just wanted to see Old Joe.” He walks away shaking his head as I look around uncomfortably, trying to disguise my embarrassment.

I notice a girl sat down the bar from me, dressed head to toe in leathers, her black hair hung perfectly down her back. I don’t remember seeing her before. Old Joe brings my coffee and I sip the bitter liquid, still hoping that he might show. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on January 12, 2015, 06:21:21 AM
I stand looking at the bed Jayc and Stone kindly had delivered to replace the smelly Pachi one he had nested in while he was ill.  It was a stunning four poster bed and I was very grateful for the thoughtfulness of the couple. The smell of boiled cabbage had nearly gone but still lingered in the air.

I must remember to send a note to tangoracer, the Head Sub to arrange for my harem room to be fumigated.

I refreshed my makeup and go back up to the bar, just in time to see Covems kissing the last of the long line of ladies waiting for that leg popping moment.

The woman in his arms sighs… and yep -  there it goes… one of her leg rises from the knee to a 90 degree angle.  He ends the kiss and holds on to her till the leg hits the floor again before she moves away with that dreamy look on her face. He really is quite potent.

The dwarfs approach him tugging on his sleeve and within a few seconds they surround me and hand me a gift.

“Open it, Open it” they urge and I do.  It is so beautiful and thoughtful.  It’s a sign for my cabin. I had had an accident in the bulldozer with a steering wheel and killed the other sign that had identified the cabin in the lake as mine.
Now I had a new name and a new sign for my home


It was soooo special, beautifully crafted and designed.

“Why boys, Thank You.” I say quite overwhelmed and kiss each on the cheek. Bashful blushes and looks all coy.
I buy them all a drink of anything they wished to taste.

I move towards Coves. “Your idea?” I ask him, noticing his cherry red lips seem a bit swollen after his marathon kissings.
“I just helped with the design, Dopey carved it and it was a joint effort to stain and buff it up” He grins.
“Well I love it. Thank you.” I clink my tea cup with his sarsaparilla and motion to the lipstick smears on his face with a finger circle, mirroring the marks on my own face.
He grins and wipes the at the area making the smears even worst, but I wasn’t going to tell him. It kind of suited him.

Old_Joe walks over and interrupts us to refill my tea cup and his glass.

“The results are in,” he casually mentions,  “For Brandy to fulfil her bet. Seems you, Coves and AusWoody have won a sexy Lapdance off the boss,”
He produces the poll.

1.  Jayc  Page 138 Reply 2060      1 (7.1%)
2.  Stone Page 138  Reply 2061    0 (0%)
3.  Brandybee Page 138 Reply 2062    1 (7.1%)
4.  Old_Joe  Page 138  Reply 2062    0 (0%)
5.  Lover. Page 138  Reply 2063    0 (0%)
6.  FoxyRoxxy  Page 138 Reply 2064    0 (0%)
7. AusWoody  Page 138  Reply 2066    5 (35.7%)
8.  ItsAmy123  Page 138  Reply 2067    0 (0%)
9.  Darbi29  Page 138  Reply 2068    1 (7.1%)
10. terric   Page 139  Reply  2070    0 (0%)
11.  Pookie77  Page 139  Reply 2071    1 (7.1%)
12.  Covems  Page 139 Reply 2073    5 (35.7%)

I chuckle.  “Stone sure knows how to wager”
Coves chuckles and whispers,  “That’s two you owe me now” and nudges my shoulder.
I nod, “We must set them up soon.”

A new girl enters the bar and introduces herself to us as jasmine_t. She is clad all in leather and attracts a few admiring glances.
“Hi there”  Coves, Old Joe and I greet her.  Old Joe pours her a drink and waves her money away. “First drink is always on the house and then …”  he drops his voice,  “Coves tab is usually open..”
“I heard that,”  Coves mumbles good naturedly, “I must figure out how to pay that one day”

Jingerbird comes in looking for someone, we high five and Old Joe serves her while she waits.

AusWoody approaches and Old Joe tells him the news of his promised Lap Dance. He raises his glass and toasts Stone & Jayc laughing.
He looks at Covems and clinks his glass with his sarsaparilla.  I see the wicked looks they exchange...

“Oh no,”   I spurt my tea on the counter top.  “Don’t even think of an MFM”

Coves and AusWoody feign innocent looks,  “Would we?“  AusWoody says in fake hurt.
“How could you even think that?”  Coves joins in the pretence.

I roll my eyes,  looking at their handsome faces and lean towards them… “Because I know you two…”

I call the next round out, “Joe, set us up with more drinks would you?” as the guys laugh at my flushed face ...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jasmine_t on January 12, 2015, 10:54:10 AM
Jasmine was observing people riding a mechanical bull that was giving his riders a good shakedown and occasionally sending them flying, when suddenly she heard loud and almost simultaneous voices "Hi there!"

Jasmine was cough off guard by that welcome, quickly turned to find three people looking at her with smiles. A light blush was seen on Jasmines cheeks and her dark green eyes blinked rapidly for few seconds, when finally Jasmine were able to squeeze out of her with a bit confused voice "Em..uh...Hello!" and also returned a smile, same time giving even bigger blush.

Bartender pours her a drink and waves her money away. “First drink is always on the house and then …”  he drops his voice, “Coves tab is usually open..”
Jasmine stood a bit shocked and continued to blink, when finally she regained control, smiled to bartender and took a glass with dark brown liquid in it. Smell was strong so Jasmine decided to ask: "I'm driving, wont that kick me off the road, if you know what I mean?"

Bartender smiled as he replied: "Well miss'y, judging by that tired look of yours I would advice you to hit few of those and stay in hotel for the night. It's nice and clean, I'm sure you wouldn't be disappointed." after a short pause he added "by the way - name's Joe. Or Old_Joe, depends how you like it" Joe smiled again.

Jasmine thought to herself: "Perhaps Joe is right, I am tired of road and could use some R&R. Those people seemed to be friendly and polite, no over drunk bully has attempted to de-bed her yet and even better is that none of those types are seen in here. Well - It's settled then, girl!"

Jasmine raised her right eyebrow looking at Joe, brought a glass to her lips and said with a little coquettishly voice before quickly finishing the shot "Really?..." Booze was strong, but Jasmine had her deal of those before, so she almost didn't show any signs of discomfort from the strength of that drink.

Then she took a deep breath and addressed to all three: "I'm Jasmine, nice to meet you! You have a very nice place in here..." Jasmine smiled.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on January 12, 2015, 11:14:14 AM
OOC: Of course it's ok jasmine. Maybe it just would be better, to write 1st person view. Makes it easier for you and us.

Roxxy and I finish our dance and go back to the bar. We're sweating and need a drink now. It seems we were dancing for weeks... As we reach the bar, we see jinger back and welcome her. I high five Cove and Woody "Hehe guys, congrats. One day, Brandy will learn not to mess with big guys!" Saying that, I turn to her. "You better go and warm up yourself. We will care for everything." She nods. Roxxy is grinning "Make them dizzy!"
As I order a margaritha for Roxxy and a beer for myself, Roxxy turns around. "Hello, nice to meet you." I look and see a new person, dressed in black. She introduces herself as jasmine and we all hug. "Nice you made it Jasmine. This is our bar - just sit down and have a great time. Oh, if you like... the stage is always open for a show. May I leave you girls alone for a moment?" I ask.

I enter the stage, take the micro and talk to the crowd:
You know, time is running. Soon there will be Valentine's Day. We're looking for a good event or contest in forum, so if you have any ideas, throw them to me. By the way, Valentine's Day...  What do farmers give their wives on Valentine's Day? Hogs and kisses!

Going back to the girls. Roxxy welcomes me with a smille and a big kiss.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jasmine_t on January 13, 2015, 09:34:34 AM
After receiving a hug I bit a lower lip a little and slightly blushed, giving a light nod to Lover as he asked his question.

As Lover went on stage, I turned to Joe and ordered another shot for courage, then turned back to Roxxy and asked her: "Is it always so friendly in here? I almost forgot how it feels to be in such a nice and friendly place, well you know, large city bars are all different..." I smiled.

Finishing another shot in one go, I felt hot after few seconds and decided to open zipper of my leather jacket. I lowered zipper to middle of my chest and moved jacket sides to take form of nice decollete, reviling my tanned body and slightly breasts.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on January 13, 2015, 11:01:56 AM
Welcoming Jasmine with a hug she asked a question

I grin and  smile  back at  Jasmine  when she says,  large city bars are all different

Yes   its  very  friendly in here  but you have not  seen all the fun there is in here
you stick around Jasmine all the  fun will start soon  smiling  and yes  this is a unique Bar we have ...
"to bad you missed the pudding fight  or wrestling fight   nop nop  never a dull moment here" .

Lover  gets off stage  walks back to us  smiling I say to Jasmine  he loves the stage .....

 lover reach us us   with his big smile and blue blue eye  kisses me and  I  whisper

baby you  killed them with that joke  great one  we  go on  talking and having a great time  waiting to see the 

lap dance  BB will give woody and coves
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on January 14, 2015, 03:14:10 PM
Driving back in to Nymphomania after such a long time undercover on a top police assignment, the lights of the town look so warm and friendly. A little smile crosses my face as I drive passed HQ and head straight for the Bar and Grill. Slowly I pull into the car park and sit in my car for a few minutes wondering what I have missed in the time I've been away. Getting out, I go to the boot, take my trusty cowboy hat out and place it on my head, running my finger around its rim. Walking to the doors of the bar I pause again and gently push the doors open.

Walking into the bar I look around and see my old friends and some new faces, I smile again as I see the red head sat at the bar slowly I walk over to the bar
"Hi Joe can I have a long, cold beer please?"

"Hi Tango and welcome back its been a while."

He slides my beer down the bar just like he always did, right past the red head and nods his head towards her with a big smile.
Catching the beer I bring it to my lips and with one swift gulp half the beer is gone, I move down the bar so I'm stood beside the red head

"It's Jinger isn't it" I ask as I take a second mouth fall of my beer,
"Yes it is so glad you remembered" she said with a big smile as her face reddened 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jingerbird on January 16, 2015, 08:53:44 AM
Old Joe brings my steak and salad. Looking at the size of the steak, I know I won’t be able to eat all that. Chuckling to myself, I tuck in, thinking that perhaps I can find someone to help me.
I see Brandy and that bikie bloke Woody. She gives me a big smile and we high five as she walks past. Woody just winks. Jasmine is sat just along the bar from me and I gulp as I see her neck the shot that Old Joe has just given her, surprised that she didn’t react at all to the strong liquor.
Roxxy and Lover have finished their dance. It must have been quite ….. energetic. They both look like they could use a drink. They greet me as they walk by holding hands and I return to my dinner. Turning round, I see Lover on the stage, mic in hand. He mentions Valentine’s Day. I have a few games I would like to play but it all depends on that certain person.
The door opens and I glance over. My breath catches in my throat. He asks Joe for a beer and catches it as Joe slides it down the bar past me. He puts the bottle to his lips and I watch as he gulps it down, head tilted back, drinking quickly. As he stops, he moves towards me, heart quickening as he nears.

“It’s Jinger isn’t it?”

Oh my! “Yes it is. So glad that you remembered!” My face reddened a little. Turning to face him, I smile.
“Tango isn’t it?” As if I would ever forget that.

“That’s right.” He said. Offering me his hand, he looks me straight in the eyes. “Would you like to dance? Haven’t held a woman in my arms for a long time.”

Stretching out my hand to take his, I stand and he leads me to the dance floor.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jasmine_t on January 17, 2015, 02:30:05 AM
I replied to Roxxy with slight intrigue in my voice:
"A pudding fight, eh? Well that's something I wont miss next time!" I smiled and continued "There must have been a lot of girls covered in chocolate in theirs wet t-shirts..."

Suddenly I realized that I'm showing my interest for girls too obviously and tried to correct myself
"I...I mean it's fun, right?! To get...all covered in chocolate pudding....and...and such..." I lowered my eyes and blushed "I'm sorry, I guest this drink is quite strong after all"

I thought to myself "Oh gosh, this is embarrassing, what those people think of me now..."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on January 17, 2015, 08:42:24 AM
Jinger takes may hand so I can lead her to the dance floor, turning to Joe "Put something slow for us" I say with a wink
Joe just smiles and winks back.

Just as we reach the dance floor the first notes of Richard Marx  with Right here waiting

Gently I spin Jinger around and take her into my arms, feeling her arms go up around my neck and pulling herself tight into me letting myfeel her firm breast squeeze hard against me. We slowly more as one to the music my hands move on her down her back and rest on her sweet shaped ass checks. Giving her checks a gently squeeze I feel her pull herself tighter into me and rub her face cheek against mine. We move our faces slowly as the song comes to and end to let our lips meet and softly kiss each other.

The music ends and we just stand in the middle of the dance floor kissing. Gently I pull my lips from hers and look down at her as her eyes open letting me look deep into them. I smile "Thank you for that lovely dance" I whisper in her ear

"Any time"   

"Now I need a shower its been a long day" I look over to my Spa and smile again. Taking a chance I ask "would you like to join me"

"What a shower here?? in the bar??"  

"In my Spa its over there"   Pointing to the closed door, taking her hand again I lead her to the door and push it open and turn on the lights of the spa.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jingerbird on January 26, 2015, 08:29:49 AM
As Tango opens the door, I hesitate a little. He looks back at me and smiles. It’s all I need. He squeezes my hand and I follow him through the door. As my eyes adjust to the light, I see a huge walk in shower and a Jacuzzi bath. Even massage tables.

Tango starts to remove his uniform and I try to avert my eyes but I find him fascinating, spellbinding even. I watch as he takes off his boots and starts to remove his belt. He eases his trousers over his rigid thighs and I scrutinize every part of his bare flesh as he reveals more. As my eyes wander back up his legs past his thighs, I giggle a little as I spot the Donald Duck boxer shorts that he is wearing. He looks over at me as I try to muffle my giggle.

“Don’t ya just love Disney?”  He lets out a snort as he continues to remove his clothes.


Slowly he unbuttons his shirt. I wish that he would hurry but I also enjoy the anticipation. The feeling like when you go down that first hill on a roller coaster. Swoooshhh! Oh my! The tingles pulse through my body. I can’t move. I just want to watch. His shirt falls to the ground. His muscles flex a little as he turns to face me. Wiggling, he drops the boxers to the floor as well.

My breath catches in my throat and Tango offers me his hand.

“I think it’s your turn. Do you need some help?”
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 08, 2015, 06:19:55 AM
Jayc and Stone approaches me, both chuckling, “Don’t you owe me a strip performance for losing the Super bowl?”  Jayc asks mischievously. Stone raises her eyebrows and nods her head and takes a sip of her drink.

“You want this now?” I ask.

“Well the place is full and no time like the present,” Jayc nods.

I turn round and see Covems and AusWoody grinning at me like two Cheshire cats.
“Are you in on this too?” I ask them with narrow suspicious eyes. They just shrug their shoulders and try to look innocent.

I turn to pick up my cup of tea off the bar, only to find Old Joe, leaning forward on the bar counter, by our group and holding out what looks like a very flimsy two-piece bikini, with a hopeful look on his face.
"It’s a damn conspiracy!" I mutter under my breath, then aloud,  “And you, you should be ashamed of yourself,” I try to scold him but his cheeky face makes me burst out laughing.
“Ok, ok, you got it,” I tell them all, snatch Old Joe’s offering and I head off to the office to change.

I look back over my shoulder, catching all of them high fiving each other with broad grins on their faces.

“I’ll be back.  Go set up the music and two chairs in the middle of the Doris Bar Stage.”  then look at Covems and AusWoody. “You two may as well have your Christmas jumper lap dances at the same time...”
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 08, 2015, 07:18:49 AM
The curtains are drawn to the waiting audience.  AusWoody and Covems are both sitting in their armless chairs, leant back and relaxed.  Legs out and open in front of them.

Both look hot, tall and handsome, a little wild, untamed and dangerously... bad boy!

Auswoody is wearing a white T shirt, denim blue jeans and black leather boots. He has decorative silver chains hanging from the belt loops and ending in his pockets. He has an open leather jacket on with biker emblems sewn on and a big white skull emblazoned on the back. It is sleeveless and the tattoos on his arms are artistic, bold and noticeable. His taunt chest muscles can be seen through his tee shirt as can the protruding tell-tale outlines of his nipple piercings.

Covems is equally as attractive but in cowboy gear. He is bare chested wearing a black leather waistcoat which shows off his toned sun bronzed skin and faint smattering of chest hair with that delightful line leading from his flat inny belly button to below his belt. He wears a black cowboy hat with an indian weave band around the top of the brim, leather tassels tied just above both biceps, black jeans and a silver rodeo buckle on his black belt. He has patterned black cowboy boots on.

The music begins and the dwarfs hit the spotlights on the stage. Both men are flooded with light. I have my own spot light as the curtains draw back and I take my position at the right side of the stage. A pause of silence hits the bar before there is a flood of cheers and whoops in appreciation for the sexy looks of the biker and cowboy and then, after a minute or so, my spotlight is turned on and it illuminates me…
I am dressed to tease and then to please …


Red Hot Chili Peppers- Suck My Kiss

The sexy white shirt had a massive emblem on the back -  The New England Patriots Football Team,  much to Jayc's delight. His Team had beaten the Seattle SeaHawks and were crowned Super Bowl Champions.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Sam_Hawke on February 08, 2015, 09:42:23 AM
No sooner had the door closed behind me, when suddenly music began to play and bright spotlights began to sweep across an audience, needless to say I began to feel abit confused at what I see since the sign outside did say Bar&Grill, so of course I was expecting to find more of a eatery atmosphere. I look around noticing everyones attention focused on the stage and two men sitting on chairs, confusion turns to abit of panic as I begin to fear that  I had just walked into a gay bar. But Just as suddenly, a third spotlight flashes and illuminates another person coming up on the stage, which by the glow of the light, is obviously female by the shape of her curves and long hair flowing from under a hat.

Confusion returns and I turn to open the door once more and step out to look at the sign yet again, confirming that it did show Bar&Grill, and not stripclub. I step back inside and then it dawns on me that maybe I'd just walked in on a private party, but since no ones asked me to leave, not that anyone was paying attention except to what's going on up on the stage, I spot an empty table and move over to it, sitting so my back was to the wall and hoping a Waitress would come along soon as I glance up at the stage just as the woman takes a seat to the right side of the stage.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on February 08, 2015, 10:41:40 AM

Red Hot Chili Peppers- Suck My Kiss

The music intro starts and a voice sings hot and husky, pausing between words to let the tension build …

Oh yeah,
Oh yeah,

I rise, slow from chair but in time with the beat of the music. I stride one foot in front of the other, sashaying my hips one side, then the other as my hands fondle over my clothing, caressing my ribs, my waist and my breasts. The white long shirt rises up and then slips back down, provocatively, a little higher with each movement.  I lick my lips, sing the words, emphasising the words to have sexual meaning. I eye both men before placing a hand on each of their thigh nearest too me, waving my body in sexual heat.
I turn in time to the next line and bend double, wiggling my ass at both men and my cleavage at the audience.

Hit me….

Simultaneously, both men spanks my nearest bum cheek over my shirt. Its stings a little but I don’t have time to react, the tempo of the music speeds up and the song starts in earnest…

Should of been, could of been
Would of been dead
If I didn't get the message
Goin' to my head

I am what I am
Most mothers boys
Don't give a damn

I turn and sway over to AusWoody gripping his wrists at his sides, bending double, lowering my body so his face is crushed by my breasts. I wave my body against and on him, and slowly drag myself down. Covems enjoys the show as he watches my shirt writhe up a little, exposing my thighs. I massage AusWoody with my body in a sexy but slutty way singing at both men…

Aw baby think you can
Be my Man, Be my man

Someone full of fun
Do me 'till I'm well done
Little Bo Peep
Cumin' from your stun gun

Beware take care
most mother’s boys
Have a cold ass stare

AusWoody touches my back and shoulders lightly and fondles my hair, clearly enjoying my snaking body pressing into him and rubbing into his groin.
I slowly snake up and kiss him on the lips. I turn round and slowly fondle my legs down to my ankles, bend double, waving my bottom and pussy at him, up and down, up and down, meant on purpose to tease him.

Then I move over to Covems to repeat the same moves with him. I bend over him lower, press and writhe my chest to his face and then lower, waving my body in order to massage him. As I do so, I lower my head so my hair drags sexily across his skin.

My breathing and singing is now soft pants. Dancing with such virile men is bound to have a natural reaction to my scantily clad body. I kiss him too gently on the lips...

Aw baby Are you there
Suck my kiss, cut me my share.

My writhing body on Covems has me on my knees, hands on both his thighs, squeezing suggestively. My swaying ass juts out at the audience.
In time with the music, Covems scrunches up my shirt from under the arm pits to slowly reveal my black G-string and black stockinged hold ups.
The crowd enjoys and cheers the view. Covems thrusts his groin into my soft breasts just as AusWoody stands up and strikes my ass once more in time to the words and music. My ass glows red from the stinging slap.

Hit me. You can't hurt me, suck my kiss

I stand and place my hand on AusWoody’s chest, push him back a few steps and dance round him. My hands slowly brushes his body as I sing to both men and gyrate to the music.

Kiss me. Please pervert me. Stick with this
Is she talking dirty
Give to me sweet sacred bliss
Your mouth was made to suck my kiss

Look at me can't you see
All I really want to be
Is free from a world
That hurts me

I push AusWoody back in his chair as I dance for both men, slowly removing my shirt and revealing, one shoulder, then the other until all you see is  the skimpy black shiny bikini, Old Joe had given me to wear. The shirt falls forgotten to the floor.

I sway and shimmy and thrust and groan. It’s sexy, hot, provocative and deeply suggestive.

I stand, still swaying to the music, between both men and turn my back to the audience.

I let both men pull each side of the bow in the centre of my back till the top loosens and falls free.
Covems keeps hold of it. My breasts fall free of their encumberment.

AusWoddy uses his right hand, Covems uses his left hand to cup a breast each and take advantage, kneading me mercilessly.

I need relief
Do you want a girl

Covems dangles the bra from the finger of his free hand and at the word thief, grins and places my bikini top in his pocket.

To be your thief

Aw baby just for you
I'd steal anything that you want me to

Chicka chicka dee
Do me like a banshee

I turn round to the music and now dance proud showing my bare tits to the audience. Free and natural, they swing and bounce in time to the music. My nipples are erect and the bare flesh slightly reddened from the men’s play. 

The crowd cheer as they see me naked except for my little hat, stockings, 3 inch heels and G string.
The men’s hand move down to squeeze and stroke a buttock and thigh each.

Low brow is how
Swimming in the sound
Of bow wow wow
Aw baby do me now
Do me here I do allow

At the next line, both get ready to spank each cheek again on “Hit me”.

Hit me.

Covems and AusWoody, swing their hands back and spank my G-stringed bare ass.

You can't hurt me, suck my kiss
Kiss me. Please pervert me. Stick with this

It stings again but they both make up for it by soft soothing fondles.

Is she talking dirty
Give to me sweet sacred bliss
Your mouth was made to suck my kiss

I dance round to Auswoody’s chair and swing my legs astride him. I sensually ride his jean clad cock, allowing my breasts to brush and tease his face and mouth. I hold on to his shoulders as I lean my head back, shut my eyes and enjoy the naughty stimulation.
He massages my waist and guides my movements on his cock. He hardens and I feel him through his jeans and the thin material of my panties. I moisten in response.

Should of been, could of been
Would of been dead
If I didn't get the message
Goin' to my head

Before the stimulation gets too much, I get up and dance around Covem's chair then straddle him in much the same way. I move up and down, his crotch touching mine. I sing with moans in between the words, as the dry humping excites. My breasts thrust out at his face, nipples and flesh brushing his nose, cheeks and lips. He holds my waist and controls the steady frottage movements. I feel him harden and moan.

I am what I am
Most mother’s boys
Don't give a damn

The movements cause the sexual tension to be high. I am moist and in danger of causing a wet patch on Covems jeans.

I move back off Covems, turn round to face the audience and grab my ankles. I rock and roll my hips, bending my knees so he has a close and intimate view of my bottom and what is nestled in between, covered only by the thin fabric of my G string.

I look sexily at both men and sing as my ass moves up and down...

Aw baby think you can
Be my Man, Be my man

Someone full of fun
Do me 'till I'm well done
Little Bo Peep
Cumin' from your stun gun

Beware take care
Most mother’s boys
Have a cold ass stare

Aw baby Are you there
Suck my kiss cut me my share

Both men grin and once more spank my inviting ass, causing me to sting and redden once more in time with the song.

Hit me.
You can't hurt me, Suck my kiss.

Both men rise off their chairs and stand each side of me. I stand too and each of them takes the bow at my hip holding my G-string up.

Kiss me. Please pervert me.

At the word “Pervert” they both pull and the G string falls away. This time AusWoody keeps the trophy. My trimmed ginger pussy is naked to the AB&G world. The crowd cheers.
I continue to dance and strut round the men, clad only in my hat, my stockings and 3 inch heels. My breasts sway, my pussy glistens in the spot light and my red buttocks flex and bounce to the beat of the music.

Stick with this
Is she talking dirty
Give to me sweet sacred bliss

As the song ends and I complete my sexy routine, I bend forward and blow the crowd a kiss just in time to the “Kiss” in the song.

Your mouth was made to suck my kiss...

The curtain closes and both men shake hands and snog me in turn.

The AB&G erupt in their applause and cheers ...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on February 08, 2015, 06:44:41 PM

I applaud wildly For Brandy's sizzling strip when it occurs to me.

As the cheers die down i whistle loudly to get her attention.

"Hey Brandy  where is the patriots jersey we agreed on?"   ;D

pssst,  see Post 2,091 above   ;D ;D ;D   BB. xxx
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on February 09, 2015, 09:47:38 AM

"Holy Moley..." I mutter upon catching the first glimpse of Miss Brandy.  "There's a sight to behold."

I squirm a bit uneasy in my chair, and say a little prayer that I don't do anything stupid when she rises from her chair and steps towards me.  I glance over at Miss Brandy's number one, and AusWoody's eyes are fixed on her.  She sashays closer working both the audience and the two of us with great skill.

Miss Brandy bends and wiggles in front of us.  AusWoody and I both slap a tush cheek.  I so want to linger my hand there, but she dances away.  She comes back.

Brandy then leans into AusWoody, pressing those breasts of hers to his face.  A pang of envy runs through me as I imagine how that feels.  Fully entranced now I watch, mesmerized by her every move and by every piece of skin that gets exposed as she dances.  Now she writhers around on him, practically massaging his body with hers.

Still transfixed on her every move, Miss Brandy next moves over to me.  When she presses those breasts into my face, and I silently thank my higher power that her body muffled the gasp I could not contain.  "Oh my God, she smells so good." I think.  I can feel myself instantly growing in my jeans as her body presses against mine, moving snake like.

"The Lord could take me right now," I think, "and I'd die a happy man."

Miss Brandy has sunk to her knees, still gyrating on me.  I can't help myself and grab hold of that shirt and pull, knowing that I am exposing her.  "I'm going to pull it right off her." I think, then I feel her jolt as AusWoody slap a tush cheek, snapping me out of that mood.

I watch her stand and again move to her number one, placing a hand on AusWoody.  I know she is singing, but all I can hear is the rushing of my pulse in my ears.  My focus is on Miss Brandy... things are beginning to fade out as I stare.  The same way the stars fade from you vision as you stare at a heavenly body.

She's inbetween us now... my senses are all tuned to her... we pull the bow on her top, causing it to fall free.  I'm struck dumb, and I know I have a goofy grin on my face, but I don't care.  "I have to touch her..." I think, "I can't control it."  Her skin is hot as if it is on fire... silky smooth.  I squeeze a little, pulling my hand away from her breast... gently pulling her nipple.

Snapping out of the trance Miss Brandy has put me in, I realize that I am holding her top.  I wad it up and stuff it into my pocket.  "Keeper," I think.

Again I become transfixed on Miss Brandy.  I can feel myself beginning to throb... she's gotten me so excited I can hardly stand it.  As if in a stupor I watch as she again goes to her number one, and straddles AusWoody's lap.  Having teased him enough she moves towards me.

"Don't cum in your pants," I think as she swings her leg over me and settles down.  I want to grab her into an embrace... I want to pull her as tight to me as I can... tangling us up.  Doing my best to control myself, I begin to think of footballs scores, trying to distract myself from the sensations she is causing.

I can feel it in my toes... "Packers lost... what was the score?" I think.  I can feel it building, getting me closer to that edge, and I'm fully clothed.  I could shoot my load in my pants... "I can't remember..."

Thankfully, before I embarassed myself Miss Brandy seperates herself from me.  I move as if by instinct, my entire being concentrating on her.  I watch as AusWoody holds up the G-string, I know I helped untie it, but I don't remember doing it.

Miss Brandy finishes, bowing and taking in the applause from the appreciative audience.  The curtain closes and just like that, it's over.  Hand shakes and some kisses ensue.  Then she departs for the dressing room.

I exit the stage area and make my way to the bar, still wearing that goofy grin.  I get slaps on the back and hands on my shoulders and I lean in.  "Bourbon Joe," I ask, "Elijah Craig 21, please, and double it."  Joe pours the bourbon... I take a sip, the smooth alcohol feels good on my parched throat.  Looking around the room, I tip my hat to everyone in turn... I'm practically worn out from Miss Brandy's lap dance, so I park myself into my spot at the end of the bar over the dwarf's panel.  Joe comes down by me.

"Joe," I whisper, "I nearly came in my jeans."  He laughs and walks away.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 10, 2015, 01:52:08 PM
As I let my trousers fall to the floor to let Jinger see my Donald Duck boxers


“Don’t ya just love Disney?”

slowly I hock my thumbs in the waist band of my boxers and slide them down my legs letting them fall to the floor. Stepping out of them I turn around and face her with a smile I say
“I think it’s your turn. Do you need some help?”

A shocked look flushes across her face

"I'm ok you just go have your shower"

I smile "Well you know where I am if you want to join me"  I say as I walk into the glass fronted shower.

Letting the water run down over my body and the steam fill the shower and mist up the glass.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jasmine_t on February 12, 2015, 04:13:21 AM
I follow Brandybee performance with slightly open mouth and devouring gaze, drifting in some sort of trance from excitement, instantly forgetting about all that troubled me seconds ago.

As curtain closes and crowd begins to applaud and whistle, I put a satisfaction smile on my face and join the other, applauding loud and whistling.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jingerbird on February 12, 2015, 02:33:57 PM
Watching Tango walking into the shower made tingles run up and down my spine. I swear I saw him wiggle his tight ass as he disappeared behind the glass screen. All I could do was try to glimpse his taut body in amongst the steam. My imagination did the rest. The thought of him soaping up his body was almost too much for me to bare.

I inhaled deeply, sucking the air between my teeth, trying to gain a little self-control. I could feel my heart racing faster than Tango's cop car chasing down a speeding motor bike. I suddenly realised that my fingers had advanced to my breasts. My nipples hardened as I squeezed them. The tight gym top skimmed my body showing off all my curves. My body a little sticky after my workout. Perhaps I did need a shower after all.

I paused before removing my clothes. I knew little about this almost stranger except that he excited me beyond belief. Removing my clothes slowly, I looked up to see Tango's body pressed up against the glass. The image hastened me to remove my underwear, panties and sports bra throw haphazardly on to the bench behind me, and approaching the shower deliberately, a hand grabbed me and yanked me inside. He had been watching me all the time.

Pulling me into him with one hand, Tango covers my lips with his and kisses me deeply. The other hand is planted firmly on my ass. I can feel the hardness of his cock pressing into my tummy, just below my navel. I part my lips a little and he sweeps my lips with his tongue and enters my mouth forcefully. Our tongues chase each other, tangling and twisting, my tongue flicking at his, nibbling his bottom lip, pulling at it.

The hot water flows over both of us. Tango's fingers explore me, the water hiding the increasing dampness of my pussy. Drawing back from him to try and catch my breath my hands wander down his smooth, wet body. My lips following my fingers, gently kissing him as I go. My hands reach his hard cock in no time and feel the stiffness growing as I stroke him boldly. My hand pull at his balls, first one then the other, pulling and tugging at them while the other hand rubs up and down his hardness.

Lowering myself down, I kneel before him and placing my hands on either thigh, I lean forward and lick at the head of Tango's cock, circling around the head, flicking him with my tongue. I feel him shudder a little. I smile, knowing that I am getting the reaction I was looking for. My tongue licks up and down the hard shaft slowly, taking my time hoping Tango is enjoying the experience as much as me.

The excitement is rising in me and I know that I won't be able to hold back much longer. Reaching for him again, I take him into my mouth, just a little at first, teasing him with my tongue all the while. Each time I withdraw, I take his cock in a little further, until he is almost into my throat. Reaching behind him, my hands pull on Tango's ass, pulling him deeper into my throat, until I almost gag on him.

Moving my mouth faster up and down his hard shaft, Tango moves against me, forcing himself further into my throat. I gag on every thrust. My excitement grows, matching Tango's. My hand follows the shape of his thigh and runs down his thigh until I reach my pussy, my fingers brush over my swollen clit, spurring me on to move on Tango's cock even faster.

I feel the familiar ache deep in my pussy, the tingle travels from my clit, fills my whole body with intoxication. My fingers and mouth move faster and when I think I can't bare anymore, the pulsing in my pussy is only matched by the pulsating of Tango's cock as he empties into my mouth. I swallow deeply as my body convulses against Tango. I feel him tremble and hear a deep grunt of satisfaction.

I withdraw from him again and reaching up I place my hands on his rippled stomach and before I know it, he has grabbed my hands, pulled me up off my knees. Spinning me round, with one massive hand, Tango covers my hands over my head and holds them fast. I feel a ringing slap across my ass. The warmth and pain blaze through me.

Leaning into me he whispers, "Hmmmmmm. My turn!"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Sam_Hawke on February 15, 2015, 03:58:25 PM
Though I know I shouldn't, I look toward the stage, the woman dancing has an incredible body and knew how to move it, or at least knew well enough how to move to arouse the two men sitting before her, judging by the looks on their faces. Something in the back of my brain nags at me and sub-consciously I get the feeling that my ring finger is burning, I avert my eyes from the stage and look down at the Wedding band on my finger. I smile to myself as as I reach with my right hand and touch the band, slowly twirling it around the ring finger.

The mental image of her face comes to my mind and I'm instantly lost in thoughts of  her shoulder length auburn hair flowing in the west Texas breeze like the waves out on the ocean, though her skins been kissed by the west Texas sun and tanned a light bronze, She glows with a soft radiance and warmth. Her soft brown eyes sparkle and dance with a mischievous glee that betrays the thoughts forming behind those eyes and  her full moist lips part slightly and beckon to my own.

"Sir?....excuse me, Sir...Hey Cowboy, you want something to drink or not?".

The sound of an elderly mans voice snaps me from my reverie just as the sounds of the crowds thunderous applause and whistles make trying to speak and be heard impossible. For a brief moment I look back and the elderly gentleman with a blank stare, judging by his returned look, must think me mentally handicapped, the noise of the crowd dies down low enough for me to be heard and I give the elderly gentlemen an apologetic look as I speak,

"Ah, sorry, didn't see you come, a draft beer would be fine,anything but lite, thanks, oh and a Cheeseburger would be great too...", I ask politely then indicate with a nod of my head toward the crowd, "I hope am not interrupting a party or anything?", I question him before he turns to go to the bar.

"Don't worry, your fine, its just one of the local girls paying off a debt", he replied, then went on to explain, "She picked the Seahawks to win the Superbowl and lost, I'll be right back with your beer and get started on your burger, you want everything on that?".

I nod my head yes to his last question and watch as he heads back to the bar, for a brief moment I'm reminded of my Grandfather as the elderly gentleman walks back with a slight hitch in his gait. Feeling better about not walking in on a party or anything, I look around the room again, taking note if the decor and atmosphere of the place. I glance at my watch and see that its much later then I thought, then settle back and wait for my burger and beer.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 22, 2015, 11:05:28 AM
As the water covers my body and the steam mists up the glass I wash the dirt of the world off my body. As I rinse of the shower gel I see Jinger enter the shower.

Pulling her to me with one hand our lips meet and we kiss deep and passionately, turning us around letting the hot water run over us both.

Jinger breaks the kiss and start to kiss her way down my body till she reaches my  hardening shaft. Feeling her lips gently kiss the tip and then take me into her mouth.  With her mouth moving along the whole length of my  hard cock  I feel the growing urge to take her right here in the shower.
But she starts to move faster and taking me a little deep moving my hips in time with her movements pushing my cock deep into her throat. With a grunt of satisfaction I can't hold back any more and explode deep into her mouth. Feeling her throat pulse as jet after jet of my hot seed hits the back of it.  She swallows every drop I look down at her and smile, her hands move up my body as she lets my cock out of her mouth and starts to stand up. Taking her hands from my chest with my left hand and with one quick movement I pull her back to her feet spin her around and pin her against the shower wall and give her a sharp slap across her wet ass.

Leaning in against her body "Hmmmmmm My Turn"   I whisper

Giving her ass a sharp  slap again making her take a deep breath in and try to move away from me but just presses herself harder against the shower wall. Keeping my hand where it landed covering both cheeks gently moving it down letting my finger tips run down between her cheeks. And down lower letting them trace along her wet lips of her pussy.

Gently I tip her ankles with my foot  "Open your legs for  me" I whisper in her ear.

Her legs open letting my hand move easy between them as two fingers slide deep into her wetness. Making her gasp as she feels her lips forced open from behind. As my fingers work deeper into her she pushes back against my fingers. Move my fingers around deep inside her warm love tunnel letting them find every magic button inside her. Her body shacks and quivers every time my fingers hit there spots.  Letting my fingers deep inside her flicking each button in turn I move my thumb back up between the cheeks of her ass and let it rest against the entrance of her ass. As it brushes over it I feel her push back  again letting me know she likes that to.

With a little push of my thumb I feel Jingers entrance open letting my thumb slid into it, making her take a sharp breath as she feels my thumb slid deep into her tight entrance. Working my fingers and thumb as one in her pussy and ass her body starts to shake.


Hearing her screams I keep slamming my fingers and thumb into her body I feel her body go limp and taking her weight of her body on my hand as I keep driving them into her feeling her pussy tighten around my fingers and her ass clamp tight around my thumb feeling  the rush of warmth cover my fingers as a powerful orgasm floods though her whole body . I keep moving my hand keeping her orgasm flowing through her making her scream with pleasure.

As her orgasm subsides she takes her  own weight again and turns her head towards me

"AAHHHHH My Fucking GOD now take me and Fuck me hard"

Hearing her words I pull her waist and bend her over letting my hard cock rub against the wetness of her pussy and with one hard push it slides right into her forcing my whole length into her tight pussy.  Letting her hands go so she can support herself as I start  to slam hard into her pussy making her gasp and grown with every hard thrust. The hot water covered our bodies and splashed every time our bodies hit against one and other.

"Take me out side and fuck me I want to see your face as you fuck me" she grunts at me as I drive hard into her

Pulling out of her tight pussy I take her hand and lead her out of the shower and back into the main spa room as I pass one of the little changing benches Jinger Pushes me down onto it. She stands in front of me and looks down at my hard cock standing up she leans forward and whispers   
"HMMMMMM My Turn Now"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on February 27, 2015, 04:08:31 PM
Jayc and I high five each then do the same with AusWoody and Covems. The plan had worked and we were just about to collect on our bet from the Super Bowl that Jayc had won.

Both AusWoody and Covems go to spruce up for the stage and I quickly take new orders for drinks before Brandy strips off for the crowed room.

I smile at Tangoracer and Jingerbird as they disappear into the spa room. Looks like they may have more important things on their minds than a sexy dance by the boss.

A new biker girl, Jasmine_t arrives in the bar and I greet her with a smile and pour her a drink.

“Hey, welcome to the AB&G. There’s a surprise performance on tonight, stick around and enjoy the fun, just give me or Old Joe a shout when you want a fill up.”

I wipe the bar counter down as the lights lower and spotlights hit the stage.  I stare open mouthed.
My God! Those two men look so hot in their biker and cowboy gear. 

Jayc blows my face from the side.
“Oy, I thought you only had eyes for me,” he chuckles trying and failing to sound stern.
“They are great eye candy,” I fan myself to tease him, “Besides, tell me your eyes won’t be glued on Brandy when she makes her entry”
“Who me?”  He laughs. “I don’t know what you mean”

At that the curtains open and there is Brandy in her “Patriots sexy shirt”
I flick the bar towel at Jayc’s head. His eyes are firmly glued on her as the music starts and she dances seductively around both men.

I mentally note some of her moves to store in my memory for when Jayc asks me for a private dance. The girl sure knows how to tease.

I suddenly realise a new guy has entered the bar and he takes a seat with a good view of the stage. Old Joe takes his order and hands it to me. He wants a burger and a beer.
I rustle up one on the house specials and place his food and beer on a tray.

As I set his table and place the food in front of him, I notice he is another good looking cowboy. I wonder what he would look like on stage when he realises I am there. He reluctantly tears his eyes from the semi naked woman on stage.

“Welcome to the AB&G. I’m Stone. Just give me a shout if you need anything else”
He smiles and introduces himself as Sam.
Then tucks in and turns to watch the rest of the strip tease.

I return to the bar and admire the dancers.  Brandy strips naked and the crowd whistles, whoops and cheers.
We all clap and give her a standing ovation as the curtain closes and the lights return to normal.

Jayc and I grin at each other. Brandy did well after dropping such a performance on her toes.

We hear some moans from the direction of The Spa & Massage Room.

“Can you hear sounds coming from the Spa Room?” I ask him.
“I think it’s being used again,” Jayc grins.

Coves joins us at the bar looking flustered. He asks for his special bourbon and whispers to Old_Joe.  “Joe, I nearly came in my jeans”
I whisper back,   “psst, I heard that”

Covems looks at me and blushes.  He looks rather cute, especially when I pass him some tissues.
“Just in case” I tease him and he rolls his eyes at me.

At that, Jasmine, Sam, FoxRoxxy and Lover indicate they want more drinks.  Old Joe and I pour their drinks, put them on Covems tab and place them on a tray for me to serve them at their tables.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: LovingSir on March 03, 2015, 12:15:58 PM
Having finally settled in to my new home, I decided to take a little walk down to the local bar and grille. Walking in there are plenty of  people all having a good time. I stroll over to the bar and ask for a Beam & coke as I sit on one of the stools.
"Old Joe's the name'. Hi Joe, I'm David nice to meet you.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jasmine_t on March 03, 2015, 01:03:21 PM
I quickly finished another drink, trying not to loose from sight people on stage, greedy devouring them all with my eyes. Smiling, I whistled and shouted few times, bursting with energy.

I felt hot and automatically lowered zipper on my leather jacked, relieving my black, curved bra.

Taking final sips off my drink, I addressed all who were standing near: "Now that's a HOT show?"

Suddenly I felt discomfort bellow my waits, like something was clamped in my trousers. Heat and goosebumps run down my back and I took a peek down, finding that my "interest" in the show I just observed was showing too obvious and my leather trousers couldn't hold it hidden any more.

I thought to myself "Oh no!" and quickly turned, leaning against a bar counter.

All blushed, I made gesture to Stone to get me another strong drink.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jingerbird on March 04, 2015, 10:11:01 AM
I feel Tango’s hand slap my ass sharply, making me take a deep breath in and I as I try to move away I end up pressing myself harder against the shower glass. His hand stays where it landed. I feel his fingers run down between my cheeks and slowly over my pussy.

Tango moves my legs gently and whispers softly in my ear, ‘Open your legs for me.’

I obey immediately, although a little shocked at my compliance. I gasp as his thick fingers enter me. My body quakes every time he catches my inner place and as I feel his thumb run between the cheeks of my ass, I push back ever so slightly to let him know I want to feel him in all of me. As he enters me and starts to work both pussy and ass, I feel my climax working through my body, demanding to be released.
‘AHHHHH FUCK YES YES DON’T STOP!’ I scream as I am taken over by Tango’s unrelenting fingers. My body limp, I can do little but rest against him as the onslaught continues. As my orgasm subsides I regain my stance and turn my head to face him.

‘Ohhhh my fucking God. Take me and fuck me hard!’

His eyes never move from mine, he just smiles and pulling my waist he bends me over and seems to force his hard cock into me, all in one movement. He frees my hands and grabs my hips as he slams into me over and over making me gasp and groan.

‘Take me outside and fuck me. I want to see your face!’ I grunt at him.

Pulling out of me swiftly, Tango takes my hand and leads me out of the shower. As we pass by a changing bench, I push him down onto it and standing in front of him I admire his hard cock rising before me.

I lean over and whisper, ‘Hmmmm My Turn Now!’

I hear cheers and clapping from the bar but play it little attention. I can’t take my eyes away from Tango’s hardness. I straddle him, my foot just touching the floor as I feel him at my soft, wet entrance. Lowering myself further, his cock parts my pussy lips and his hips thrust up firmly to take me deeper inside. I push down further and hear him gasp a little and placing my hand on his taut stomach, I rock my hips backwards and forwards, feeling him deeper inside me with every movement.

I make my movements small, savoring every second. I know that my climax is near but I want to delay my satisfaction. I feel Tango wince beneath me and realise that my fingernails are digging into the hard flesh of his stomach. The scratches are deep showing pearls of red coming to the surface. He grabs my wrists.

‘Don’t you dare stop now!’ as his eyes lock onto mine.

I rock back and forth, moving quicker, feeling his cock deep in me

‘Oh my God, that isn’t going to go any further!’ I gasp as a slight smile spreads across his lips.

I feel the tightening in the pit of my stomach and bite my lips to try and stave off the screams of passion from taking over my whole body. I move faster on his hard length, feeling it urging my secret spot to let go. Tango still holds my wrists tight, not giving them a chance to back out now and as the shudders take hold of my core, I feel my pussy gush and cover his cock and balls.

Panting hard, I lean forward a little as Tango releases me I bend forward and kiss him deeply. His hands move to my ass.

‘I’m not done yet!’ he murmurs.

As his hands tighten over the cheeks of my ass, he forces me up and down on his hard member. He rises to meet me, pounding me.  As I explode again, I feel his fingers pinch at my skin. A slap lands across my ass swiftly followed by another, the pain muffled by the orgasm gripping my body. One final slap lands on my thigh. I hear him call out,


His arms move to my waist and hold me tightly against him, just for a few second and as he lets go, I sit and carefully slide off him. My legs, still wobbly, are just enough to take my own weight. My thighs tremble as I take a few steps away. He grabs my wrist again.

‘Where do you think you are going?’

‘To see Old Joe. I need a drink!’ I reply
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: LovingSir on March 04, 2015, 05:55:57 PM
Taking a sip of my drink before spitting it out almost instantly as I hear a woman’s muffled voice yell out “Ohhhh my fucking God. Take me and fuck me hard”! I quickly turn towards the sound, but I don’t see anyone.
I turn to the lady behind the bar closest to me and ask her if this happened often. She looked at me and said “You’re new around here”, with a little laugh. Yes this is The AChat bar & grille, so you can always expect something sexy going on most nights here.
“Ohhhh my fucking God. Take me and fuck me hard”! I swivel back around to where the sound came from, Still no one in sight. I realize they must be in one of the rooms behind closed doors.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Amethyst on March 06, 2015, 07:45:56 PM
She slammed the big wooden gate shut .. there that's the last one in .. she stepped back a little and admired her horses , they were grazing on Hay and making themselves at home .... it had been a long drive and her body was starting to show  signs of the long day she had had .  She raised the back of her hand to her forehead and wiped at the small droplets of sweat , she was ready for a long nice soak and a nice glass of something . She remembered seeing the Bar & Grill sign as she drove in and recalled Sam telling her about it . 

Since her split with Sam she wasn't sure if she should still take the move to Crystal Lake or not but her choices were limited and she needed out of the big city . She'd bought a Small holding nothing like the ranch Sam had bought but still it was her own and she was determined to make it work and who knows maybe down the line she could build a few bridges . She knew Sam wouldn't mind her presence he wasn't that kind of guy and she wished the best for him.
She walked over to her landrover and climbing in she started the engine and headed over to the bar & grill .. .

Stepping through the doors she felt quite nervous , she was wary of what the locals might make of her , she also  knew she didnt look too good after her long day but that wasn't the reason for her nerves  , she had just taken the biggest step in her life , changes for her were a big thing she was different to other folk and this step alone was a very courageous one.  ..... Over the other side of the room was a bar and right now she just needed that drink  .  One drink she had earnt .

She climbed onto a stool and bringing her purse to rest she waited for someone to tend to her drink . .. The bar staff were friendly .. smiling and chattering with people and it put her at ease a little. 

Soon she had her drink and was lost in thought .. she often did this her mind would wander to places and people she'd known or knew and events that unfolded , however tonight her mind was on her horses and on the huge step she had taken , she felt a little anxious but very excited .. a new start ... her finger traced the top of her glass making small circular movements as she sat alone in thought .
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Sam_Hawke on March 07, 2015, 05:23:24 AM
Feeling out of place, I do my best not to stare at anyone , particular the dancer, since I don't know whether or not a jealous boyfriend might be lurking around, but judging by the attention shes shown the two males up on the stage, its a pretty good guess that one of them, or even both hold that title. Nevertheless, as hard as I try to avert my gaze, I find my eyes going back to her everytime she turns her ass to the crowd, being a sucker for a great pair of legs and ass, I find it impossible for me not to take a quick glance or two as the dancer twists and gyrates seductively up on the stage.

The sound of a tray being sat down causes me to snap my head around,  I see the burger and mug of beer then look up half expecting to see the old man, but instead catch the sultry gaze of an equally beautiful woman as the one dancing. Momentarily off guard I'm able to regain my composure in the short amount of time she welcomes me and introduces herself, her name strikes me as odd for such a lovely woman, but over the noise of the crowd I reply to her my name with a wisp of a smile and a tip of my hat, then catch a glimpse of the gold band on her ring finger, my heart sinks abit, but decide that if all the women in this town look as hot as the dancer and this bar waitress, I just might have to make an extra trip or two into town.

She smiles then turns to leave, I watch her go, nearly biting thru my bottom lip as her hips sasshay back and forth provocatively, then recalling shes a married woman I focus my attention on the burger and beer, only glancing up when, judging by the crowds reaction and applauds, the dance has come to an end, unable to see the stage since everyones on their feet, I continue eating till both burger and beer are gone. By now the noise, the crowd and the enclosed space start to make me feel ansy, and I get to me feet, spot the bill for the burger and beer tucked neatly on the corner of the tray and look at it then grab my wallet, pay the amount indicated, then leave half the amount extra as a tip, then head for the door.

I pass the bar and almost to the door when a familiar scent of perfume touches my nose, though faint, its enough to instantly fill my mind with memories of two warm, sweaty, naked bodies pressed together in the heat of ecstasy, succumbing to the primal desires of love, lust and passion, then just as suddenly, with a second smell of the faint perfume, my thoughts feel with the final memories of heated accusations and ever present undercurrent of the lack of trust that had doomed what had started out as the best relationship I had known. My heart stills for a beat and I nearly stumble, but catch myself and try to pass it off as being just another drunk Cowboy stumbling out of a bar and smile weakly and the few who turn to look at me.

Once out in the parking lot I begin to suck in huge amounts of air in order to get the faint scent of perfume from my senses, then curse myself for having been so foolish as to fall so head over heels for an auburn haired Cowgirl as I make my way over to my truck and climb inside, start it up and pull out of the parking lot and head back for the ranch. The few minutes it takes to reach the entrance to the driveway, I force myself not to think, then as I make the turn, I'm taken with the notion of calling the bank in the morning and stopping payment on the buying of the ranch abd going back to the rodeo circuit.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: AusWoody on March 07, 2015, 05:51:47 AM
The roar of a big twin echoes among the trees lining the rural roadway, as the heavy bike  flew towards the local meeting place, the rider was  looking forward to spending some time in the Bar tonight. Cruising onto the highway, I give the iron horse its head and let her stretch her legs whilst on the lookout for the local cops. The big illuminated sign comes into view, the car park was packed with cars. Looks like another busy night at the local watering hole.

Slipping the bike into the storage shed and locking it down, the bike walks into the AB&G nodding at those I know, smiling at the pretty girls and sizing up the strangers as a bouncer does. I spot one or two that could be trouble. Grabbing a stool at the bar, I sit with Covems and ask Old Joe for a Bundy and ice and whatever Coves is drinking, then I turn and survey the room. Old Joe is wiping glasses and telling me the latest gossip, then I see Jay and Stone come out of the office.

They wander over and join us having a drink, Stone gives me a peck on the cheek and a hug asking

“How are you Easy?”

“Always good Hun thank you, good to see you again” I reply.

Jay slaps me on the back, causing me to almost choke on my Bundy,

“Good to see you back”

“Yea it’s nice to be home,” I reply

Stone giggles and tells us she plans to corner Brandybee into paying her debt of the lost wager tonight, a strip on the stage and maybe me and Coves would like the lap dances she owes us at the same time. We both grin and nod. That could be interesting.

Old Joe grins and agrees too, saying he has just the thing for her to wear – a skimpy bikini.
Jayc and Stone laugh and say she can wear it under her New England Patriots shirt.

Brandy joins us and we manage to cajole and get her to agree to the show.
Next thing, Stone is helping Covems and me to spruce up. He looks like every girl’s dream in his cowboy outfit and I have to say, I polish up quite well as a rough diamond bikie.

We both get some admiring glances off the ladies as we wait on stage.

“Brandy is just getting ready boys, about a minute to go, relax and enjoy” Stone comments as we seat ourselves on chairs in the middle of the stage.

Covems and I waited silently for the star to appear, then the lights of the bar dim and Brandy appears between us.

The music begins and the dwarfs hit the spotlights on the stage. I am blinded by the spotlight aimed at me as is Covems, Brandy has her own spot light as the curtains draw back. The crowd is just a shadowed block though their cheers and catcalls are almost loud enough to drown out the music playing.  Then the room goes quiet. Brandy is flooded by the main spot and she stands dressed to thrill and my heart beat accelerates dangerously.

She is wearing an oversized white shirt with the Patriots emblem on the back and nothing else apart from black stockings, that skimpy bikini and heels.  I think to myself how lucky we are to have such a woman as our partner.
The music crashes from the PA setting Brandy into motion and moving sexily around us.

Red Hot Chili Peppers- Suck My Kiss

She struts toward us caressing her body, teasingly stops between the chairs bending toward the audience  with her ass exposed to us, Covems and I spank it simultaneously. 
We both grin at each other, this is going to be one hot little dance number with us as her sexy male props. We certainly have the best seats in the house.

Brandy continues her dance, as we look at her and spank her on cue to the beat and words of the music.
We are both mesmerised by her shimmies, sways and delightful wobbly bits. Even more so as more and more of her body becomes exposed by her discarded clothes.

Too soon the show is over, and we both feel a little disappointed.

Brandy’s naked body does things to a man, especially as the curtain comes down and she kisses us both before skipping off to the dressing room.

“Time for a drink,” Covems coughs, trying to gain some equilibrium.
“I know exactly what you mean,” I laugh, shifting my jeans to become more comfortable from my tell-tale bulge….
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jasmine_t on March 07, 2015, 07:56:44 AM
After having another drinks, Jasmines tension begun to fade due to alcohol finding it's way to calm her nerves. Her cheeks became rose, eyes much softer and Jasmine leaned forward to put the weight of her body on elbow of her left hand, while holding a glass with right one. Jasmines voice also changed, becoming more seductive, as she addressed Old Joe:

" Joooeee... can a lady have one more drink?"

Old Joe looked at Jasmine, smiling "Haven't lady had too much already?"

Jasmine tried to make serious face, but all she managed to achieve, was a light hiccup as she replied: *HIC* Nonsense! Lady having a relaxing time! First in few years I must *HIC* add!

Jasmine looked so sweet with those pink cheeks and rose nose, plus those hiccups made her even sweeter, so Old Joe laughed for a moment, then took a bottle of brandy and filled Jasmines glass.

Thank you! *HIC*

As Jasmine were about to reach for another sip from her glass, a nice girl sat not far from her to the bar, ordered a drink, yet she didn't drink it, instead she got lost in her mind and begun to make smooth movements tracing the top of her glass.

Jasmine stared at girl (Amethyst)  from her current relaxed position for some time, exploring her cloth, hair, trying to find the color of her eyes...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Amethyst on March 07, 2015, 10:07:37 AM
Snapped from my thoughts I hear the laughter and greets of a few friends and as I watch them taking in the warmth among the group,   suddenly I  feel a little lost and forlorn . Maybe it was the long day making me feel out of my depths here  , I hoped at least that that were the case .

I decide to head back over to my newly aquired place  and find some comfort from the love for my animals ....I stand up and collect my purse from the bar and whisper a ' thank you ' to the kind old gent who had tended my drink , he nods at me and smiles . Turning to leave I notice a lady looking at me .. .. I offer up a smile and she smiles back , she looks like she's having her own party and I can't help but wish I had her confidence she looks so relaxed and so damn sweet .. a million miles from how I feel right now. 

Before leaving I head to the ladies room ,  I need to feel some cool water on my face .. .. I turn the tap on and cup the cool water into the palms of my hand then bathe my face for a few seconds ...raising my head I capture my reflection in the mirror .. Damn the last few weeks have taken its toll .. I think about the pretty sweet lady at the bar and the many other beautiful women in this place and suddenly feel like I shouldn't be here ... I know I'm nothing like these ladies who all seem so in touch with their feminine side and use it fully to their advantage .  My dark  auburn hair looks tussled and my clothes are not the best after todays hike .. old jeans and dusty boots hardly an image any man would want on his arm , My thoughts return to Sam and how we were when we were together , it didn't matter if my hair was a mess or my jeans tattered he had this knack of making me feel like I was the most beautiful woman in the world , Inhaling deeply I wonder if I'll ever meet a man that will fully understand me ,  learning to love was the hardest thing in the world to do , few had been allowed so close that they touched my heart .

I step outside and with one last look around me I think to myself ..I doubt I'll come back to this place again .
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on March 08, 2015, 04:43:45 AM
Moving my hands back to her waist I hold  her down tight to me as my cock stiffens and the unstoppable feeling inside takes over.


As I let go the built up tension inside me. We sit still for a few seconds to let our bodies recover with a little kiss on my check she slides off my lap and stands infornt of me and turns to move away grabbing her wrist

"Where do you think you are going?"

"To see Old Joe. I need a drink!" she replied

"That sounds like a great idea"

I point over to the spa bathrobes and say with a smile 

"We best put one of them on if we'er going into the bar"

I watch her lovely shaped ass sway from side to side as she walks over to the robes taking two down off the hocks she throws one over to me as she puts the other around her shoulders and does up the belt around her waist. I do the same with mine as I walk over to her and put my arm around her.

Opening the door back into the bar I look around seeing who is here just to see Sam walking out the bar door. We walk back to the bar to find Woody and Coverm stood having a cold beer. Tapping Woody on his back

"Good to see you again my friend, Did we miss something"

Before Woody had a chance to answer I catch Old Joe's eye and order us a cold beer and cider and black. I point to one of the booths

"Can you bring them over when you do them Joe"

"Sure not a problem"

Still with my arm around Jinger we walk over to the booth and sit looking at each other. Only a few minutes pass till Joe brings over our drinks

"Cider and Black for you Jinger and a cold one for you Tango"

Joe walks back to the bar and leaves us to drink our drinks  

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on March 08, 2015, 08:29:50 AM
I feel exhilarated after my dance and still naked snog both of the hot men on stage, Covems, the sexy as hell Cowboy and AusWoody, the dark bikie Angel. No doubt their muscled physiques sure helped the dance to be a success.

They watch me leave the stage as they both head off to get a well-deserved drink from Old Joe.

I head for the dressing room and pull on my old trusty jeans, tight T shirt and boots.

“Great Dance,” someone whispers in my ear.  I turn round, the smell of jasmine suddenly in the air and my breath becomes wispy swirls as I feel the temperature drop.
“Doris? Stanley?” I ask in the empty room and look around.

An unseen being chuckles and I feel goose bumps rise on my skin. “They are still around too” the same voice says.

Nobody is in the room!

I look back in the mirror to continue to refresh my make-up.  There standing behind me is a faint see-through image of an old friend who makes me smile. His image begins to become more pronounced – jcm0824 is standing there in his cowboy gear and drum sticks.

“I’m still around in spirit,” he whispers. “Tell my girls, I’m still in their hearts”
“I think they know,” I murmur.
“Tell Blue I loved her story,” He says. “I read it often.”
“I will,” I answer him. “Thank you for the bequeathed gift you left for our village”
He smiles and begins to fade, “Spend it well Miss Brandybee.”

“We will. You will see. We have plans to run a contest soon,” I tell him, knowing time is short.
“Now why doesn’t that surprise me” he answers. “See you all around the bar. Look for me by the drums when “The Cocks N Roses” are playing.”
“I will, your drums and stool are still there,” I nod.

He fades out then and suddenly a bunch of yellow roses fall on the dressing table and a number of jcm0824 rodeo belt buckles.

“A rose of friendship for each of my girls, and buckles for the Band and friends,” his voice echoes softly in the background and then the jasmine is gone and the temperature rises.
“I’ll make sure they get them,” I promise him.

I finish off and finally ready to leave, I pick up the roses and place each in a box. I address each one to the girls - Cheya, Bluedenim, Sexilicious, Stone and Snowbunny78.
And one I keep for myself.

The buckles are wrapped the same and addressed to the band and friends – Dirish, Covems, mrsexlover, Freddie, Lover, tangoracer, Bear, jayc, and hentaiboy69.

Then I call out to Bashful working outside by the stage.
“Make sure these get delivered will you?”
Bashful nods and takes all the boxes from me.

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I return to the bar and pass the Spa room. I grin as I hear familiar grunts, growls and groans.

Covems & AusWoody are waiting with the others.
“Great dance!”  Stone claps me on the back, “Buy the Girl a drink Joe” 
Old Joe smiles and pours me a fresh cup of tea.

“Seems we have new arrivals in town,” I nod in the direction of Sam_Hawke, jasmine_t, Amethyst, Loving Sir. 

I go to greet each one in turn round the room where they are sitting and introduce myself as the owner and my management team – Covems and the dwarfs, Jayc, Lover and james_dean (JD) who is out of town at the mo.

The local house band, Cocks N Roses – mrsexlover, Freddie, Lover, tangoracer, Bear and hentaiboy69
Old Joe as Head Bar Keep, Stone as Head barmaid, AusWoody as the bouncer and handyman who helps Covems fix things, Momma_Andrea – waitress extraordinaire and the other regulars including tangoracer – the local police and owner of the Spa Room attached to the bar, mrsexlover – Chief of Police, ItsAmy123- one of our dancers and Bluedenim- lead vocalist and dancer.

Sam tells me he is about to buy a ranch at Crystal Lake but is in two minds.
“You should go ahead,” I encourage. “It’s the best place around here to live. Most of us have cabins there.”

I move on to Amethyst. She says she is passing through. “You should stay too. There’s a nice little cabin at Crystal Lake, going for a song. It just needs some TLC to make it ship shape again.

Next is Jasmine_t,  a biker who delivers things. “We always need deliverers,” I grin at her. “Hope you stay around.”

I walk over and smile at LovingSir. He tells me, his name is David.  I tell him, “I’ve seen your face around the village, welcome to the AB&G, glad you decided to venture inside”

I return to Old Joe and Stone, waving to Lover and FoxyRoxxy as I catch their eye and raise my eyebrows as I see tangoracer and jingerbird finally exit the Spa room looking a little tussled.

“Make sure they all have a good supply of drinks,” I tell Old Joe.
“On Covems tab?”  Old Joe asks
“But of course,” I giggle.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: leighdeexxx on March 10, 2015, 08:48:43 AM
Wow, it has been ages since I have been here; and if I recall correctly it was only two times then. Its a little odd coming here without the hubby; but hey a girl desires one of Old Joes fancy cocktails. So I move forward to enter and enjoy the atmosphere while waiting on Joe to shake up my very own MMC (Marilyn Monroe Cocktail)

I asked if he remembered the recipe and he looked me over and gave me a smile, then said that it had been far too long since I've been in there; and came around to give me a hug. I had agreed as we embraced.

After the salutations were exchanged, he did tell me to remind him of the ingredients; promising not to forget long as I promised not to stay away so long. I smiled and nodded with a smile. So Joe here are those ingredients...

The Marilyn Monroe cocktail: 2 parts Three Olives Marilyn Monroe™ Strawberry Vodka * 2 parts cranberry juice * Splash of half and half * Preparation: Mix all ingredients in a shaker filled with ice and shake vigorously. Strain into a chilled martini glass and garnish with a strawberry.

   As Joe is whipping things into shape, I sit and take a glance around the place as a sense of familiarity comes over me and brings forth a smile. I see some familiar faces as well as some new ones. Its always nice to be able to return to a place feeling a bit like home. 

Wow, in no time Joe has whipped up my cocktail making it even more delectable then I had even imagined it to look like...mmm mmm mm I cannot wait to taste how delish it will be. Just look at how wonderfully Joe has rewarded me with the making of my favorite cocktail.
There's definitely no place like home especially when you are greeted with such love. I take a sip and enjoy its tastiness traveling all the way down, and politely thank Joe with a kiss on the cheek following a warm thank you.

He replies to me not a problem Leigh; but you must remember your promise to me about returning more often. I giggled a bit, said that  I hadn't forgot, and I would make a better attempt to come more often; at least to say hello to him over one of my cocktails.

Decided that I wanted to dance, which I needed to hear some music; that was going to put me in just the right mood to do so.
So I go to the jukebox taking a look at the selection; hmm what am I in the mood for? I am wondering should I put on some twerking music?

Include all the ladies in on how to do it? Should I put on a line dance song and everyone can join in and do it; or should it just be something signature that is only meant for me? Hmmmm, I keep strolling thru the choices and I have decided that, at least today, it will be a line dance that everyone can enjoy all together.   

I have decided to go with one of my favorite line dances and its not too hard to learn either, so here we go... The Wobble Line Dance ah shit got the whole bar up and bumping, shaking all that momma gave'em, hell yeah do it y'all!!! I see you Jinger ahhh shit break it down girl...don't hurt'em now (giggling)  ut oh here comes Brands do it ms thang. Wait wait wait a minute is that the Big Guy rolling up behind Brands and busting out with his version of the wobble? AHHH HELL YES do it big bro put a lil biker into it...HEYYYYYY!!!!

AHHH yehhh wobble baby mmm hmmm oh yeh...I turn to see even Joe is doing the damn thing behind the bar!!!! I yell to him to shake it. He shakes it a little harder and even throws  in some of his own moves...ahhh go JOE GO JOE..

AHH but hold up who is this behind me trying to keep up and mimic my moves ahhh shit heyyyy bust the move mmmm hmmm. I turn to see who is behind me and to my surprise its Sam I Am; adding some of his cowboy moves and keeping up with my own twists and grinds. OHH SHIT YEAHHH oh is that Tango? jumping on in the mix...strutting to the beat ahh oh yess you go boy mmm hmm,  Ah shit!!! I see ya Jinger, locking that ass up make him back it up lol.

 OHH HELL YES here comes Stone with Jayc ooh my! work it y'all do it ooh yessss, ooh shit Jay took it down to the floor- you go ahhh shit do that there oooh yes. Stone shaking things up right along with Jay, um he is a bit dazed and mesmerized by Stones hip action (giggling) you go miss thang do it hahahahah

AHH do it Coves yeah don't hurt ya self. Oh did he just do it like that? Oh oh ok Coves. 
MMM HMM Roxxy you got it girl; Lover is tripping over his tongue with all your movements; he is overheating I think hehehe work'em giril and I see all the others doing the damn thing....WOBBLE BABY WOBBLE BABY WOBBLE BABY WOBBLE  AHHH YESSS Y'ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phew wee the song is finally over and everyone is laughing and having a good time; whatever was bothering or hindering them, has been put on the back burner as it should be. 
A line has formed at the bar, as requests for something cold is inedible-after all that shaking and baking; clearly I can understand that. I reach down in my purse and see I still have the hubbies credit card and guess what I'm going to do???

YES!!!! you guessed it I am going to buy this round for the whole bar!! I stand up and yell this round is on me! Everyone is having a good time talking and drinking and asking me what the next dance is going to be.
I smiled and suggested something more laid back for this round and it wasn't quite what they were expecting.
But I went and made the selection I had in mind for us. We will see then once it starts to play how they feel about it then. I put the necessary amount of money in the jukebox and up came....
Righteous Brothers - UNCHAINED MELODY 

Once the music began, I could hear the crowd scream and give shouts of approval. Everyone grabs their special someone and begins to slow dance closely to one another. I go back to the bar and have another one of my cocktails and enjoy the music wailing on the jukebox.
I am sitting, enjoying, and watching how the guys are trying to sing the song to their fair maidens...and its a bit funny to watch them trying to hit the high note of the song.

I have to giggle and of course I do. Just as I am sipping my drink, a familiar face appears out of the dim lit room and joins me at the bar; as he orders a cold brew for himself.
I turn to him and ask why isn't he dancing, and told him don't tell me you cant dance. I reminded him, that he was just following behind me pretty well lol. His reply was kind and sweet.

He said, he would rather sit and chat with a friend who looked like they could use a friend at that moment. I smiled and told him thank you; as he gave me a hug I fought back my tears and emotions. Then he said to me, "Leigh its ok to cry we all are your friends here.."
I told him I appreciated it but I didn't come out to be a buzz kill or to be crying in public (can do that all alone at home by myself)
He smiled again and said that it was ok, and not to be ashamed to express those emotions. I looked at him and I could see Aus looking at me as well giving me the "are you ok" look .
I force a smile and begin to feel a bit better and respond to both that I am ok.
Someone else is playing the jukebox and I could almost swear its some Lynard ooh yes it is. They have chosen Simple Man. Good choice I thought to myself...yes good choice. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on March 14, 2015, 12:31:29 PM
Drinking my drink quietly with Jinger after such a hot shower with her in the spa.
 When Leigh puts the Wobble Line dance on Jinger drags me to the dance floor to join in. After looking at her with disbelief I follow the moves and dance the line dance.

As we dance our robes open showing we are naked under them I just smile at Liegh as she see's my naked body under my robe Not trying to cover my body as I move to all the dance moves

As the song ends I smile over at Leigh and retie my robe  around my waist Taking Jinger's hand I lead her back to our table and wave over to Joe for some more drinks
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: LovingSir on March 15, 2015, 07:03:38 PM
Sitting at the bar I watch as most of the patrons head towards the dance floor as a country song starts playing from the jukebox. Most seem to know the steps, a few trying to follow the knowing in front of them. I even notice a couple in bath robes having a go at it. OOPS he doesn't seem shy that his robe has opened and is not wearing shorts of any kind under it.
The barmaid return and ask if I would like another beer. " So new to town guy, I'm Stone the head barmaid here. Are you just passing through or have plans on staying for awhile"?

I say I have just moved in to the village recently for my job and introduce myself as David. "Nice to meet you Stone".
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jingerbird on March 16, 2015, 05:21:46 AM
Laughing so hard I can hardly breath, I let go of Tango's hand and adjust my robe, making sure it is tied tight this time. I rush over to the bar and almost climb onto it.

'Hey Joe.' Panting I giggle as I talk. 'Could I please have a bottle of water? I'm exhausted'

Joe just shakes his head at me 'From the dancing, right?'

'Of course. What else would it be?' I wink at him. Stone walks over to us.

'Hey Stone!' We High 5 and she collects drinks and returns to serving them.

'Hey new guy' I say to the unfamiliar face at the bar.

'Hey, nice to meet you, I'm David'

'Well, nice to meet you too David. Call me Jinger!' Winking at him and smiling at Joe, I return to Tango, slip into our booth as he grabs me and kisses me deeply.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jasmine_t on March 28, 2015, 11:25:53 AM
After I had finished another shot, stood up, fixed her tight leather jacket, still holding her jacket zipper low, at level of her belly, showing her breasts at the middle in black curvy bra, moved to the stage.

After few seconds whispering something to the every band member, I took microphone and addressed to the bar:

Good evening everyone! I'm very new here, but from what I have seen, you guys and girls know how to have fun!

I took slight pause

After that HOT performance we just all had  a pleasure to  observe, I want to give a song to bar owner and you people out there!
I pointed with my hand to all of the bar, smiling.

And that the only cowboy song I know!

I nodded to band and after short into begun to sing:

Lets light it up, lets light it up until our hearts catch fire...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on April 18, 2015, 02:01:11 AM
After our hot dance  me and lover see  brandy waving to us we  walk over to the bar 

and congratulate her on her performance ... talented performance Brandy!

as  she and Lover chat  I take some time to get off my heels and  read all my
text messages on my cell phone....

meeting here  at this  that time meeting meetings

looks like I am going to be busy  maybe I can squeezes in a foot  massage

some time soon ...

the  bar is busy as always   every one is having a nice time 

I am  wondering what's next  I smile thinking  all I need to see is some one
dressed as a  man weiner  I look up and look around wounder who will  fit this  look best  ;D


I shack  my  head smiling  on this.....Looking at lover ,  what  a handsome man  he blinks at me and gives me a big smile  as he
keeps talk to Bb ...

out at the corner of my eye I see a  Dwarf fly by  hmmmmmm


back to saving the word   

world Peace  on my   cell phone    ;D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on April 19, 2015, 03:45:53 PM
As Jinger returns to our booth I kiss her deeply and take a sip of my drink
Leaning back into my chair I look deep into Jingers eyes and smile.

Taking her hand I lean forward and whisper "Back in a minute my Love"

Spinning out of my side of the booth still in my bath robe from the spa I make my way up onto the stage. Placing the mic stand in the middle of the stage I turn and get my guitar and turn back to the mic. Tapping it a couple of times to make sure it was working. Clearing my throat with a little cough that make everyone turn and look up at the stage.

"What do you call a man with a bird on his head ??"

"CLIFF"Stouts Brandy

"What do you call a man with a car on his head??

"JACK"calls Jinger

Groans from the rest of the bar fill the air

"NO MORE"  Stouts Woody

"OK OK no more jokes" I say with a big smile

Taking my guitar I start to play  tapping the floor key with my foot the backing tune starts

Alan Jackson, Jimmy Buffett - It's Five O' Clock Somewhere

The sun is hot and that old clock is movin' slow,
An' so am I.
Work day passes like molasses in wintertime,
But it's July.
I'm gettin' paid by the hour, an' older by the minute.
My boss just pushed me over the limit.
I'd like to call him somethin',
I think I'll just call it a day.

Pour me somethin' tall an' strong,
Make it a "Hurricane" before I go insane.
It's only half-past twelve but I don't care.
It's five o'clock somewhere.

Oh, this lunch break is gonna take all afternoon,
An' half the night.
Tomorrow mornin', I know there'll be hell to pay,
Hey, but that's all right.
I ain't had a day off now in over a year.
Our Jamaican vacation's gonna start right here.
Hit the 'phones for me,
You can tell 'em I just sailed away.

An' pour me somethin' tall an' strong,
Make it a "Hurricane" before I go insane.
It's only half-past twelve but I don't care.
It's five o'clock somewhere.

I could pay off my tab, pour myself in a cab,
An' be back to work before two.
At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder,
What would Jingerbird do?

Holding out my hand to Jingerbird as she makes her way up on stage for the first time.
As the bar clap and cheer her onto the stage.

Funny you should ask that because I'd say:
Pour me somethin' tall an' strong,
Make it a "Hurricane" before I go insane.
It's only half-past twelve but I don't care.

Pour me somethin' tall an' strong,
Make it a "Hurricane" before I go insane.
It's only half-past twelve but I don't care.
He don't care.
I don't care.
It's five o'clock somewhere.

What time zone am on?
 What country am I in?
It doesn't matter, it's five o'clock somewhere.
It's always on five in Margaritaville, come to think of it.
Yeah, I heard that.
You been there haven't you.
I seen your boat there.
I've been to Margaritaville a few times.
All right, that's good.
Stumbled all the way back.
OK. Just wanna make sure you can keep it between the navigational beacons.
Between the buoys, I tell you.
All right. Well, it's five o'clock. Let's go somewhere.
I'm ready, crank it up.
Let's get out of here.
I'm gone.

As the song ends I turn to Jinger and kiss her on the hand and go and put my guitar back on its stand before leading Jinger back to our booth

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: LovingSir on April 20, 2015, 12:57:12 PM
A woman wearing a robe comes to the bar asking for a bottle of water from the bartender. As he walks to the cooler, Stone walks by and the high five as her drinks arrive. She picks up the drinks and turns to me. “Hey new guy”. I introduce myself and she replies, “Well nice to meet you too David, Call me Jinger”!She winks and throws Joe a smile before returning to her table.

Jasmine walks over to the stage talking with the members of the band, then steps up to take the microphone. I sit and watch as she performs her rendition of Lovers on the Sun. As she finishes and returns to the bar, I wave at Joe to get her a drink on me for her and walk over to congratulate her on a fine performance.

 Just a few minutes later, I turn to see Jinger’s  date on stage telling bad jokes until The large gentleman at the bar teasingly yells out No More! “Ok, OK no more jokes”.
He turns and picks up a guitar and starts to play.  Everyone at the bar has their toes tapping to the beat of the music. A few head back out to the dance floor.  Jinger walks on the stage taking his hand and begins to sing with him. The banter is somewhat comical, then he kisses her hand as the crowd of people clap to show their appreciation.

I finish my drink and settle my tab before heading out to the parking lot. A smile crosses my face as I think, I like this little village, glad I found my way here. I jump in my car and head towards the lake where I just bought my new home.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on April 22, 2015, 02:39:33 PM
After finishing my drink I lean over the table and whisper

"Be back in about 5 minutes my love going to get dressed"

With a gentle kiss on her cheek I slide out of the booth and head into the poolroom and throw the secret doorway into the tunnel. The cold air down there hits me and some happy memories fill my head. As I enter the Ice House I remember the dress code and smile to myself as I let the robe full onto the floor.

As I walk  down the hallway I rest my hand on the third door down and bow my head just a little. Before making my way down to the other end of the hallway and pushing the heavy oak door of my chamber open. Thinking to myself its been a long time that I have been in here. Going into the dressing room every thing is in its rightful place and I quickly get dressed in my trusty black jeans waist coat and cowboy hat and boots.

Making my way back into the bar I see Jinger isn't at our booth, looking around I see the spa door closed.
Sitting back in the booth I wait for Jinger to come out, she is only a few minutes and I meet her halfway back to me.

"Shell we go and spend the rest of the night up at the lake and have a moon light cruise around the lake my love"

"That sounds like a great idea lets go"

Taking her hand I pull her to me and we kiss passionately for just a few seconds before I put my arm around her shoulder and we walk out of the bar into the warm night air.

The moon is high and bright in the sky as we get into my car and take a slow drive up to the lake.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: leighdeexxx on May 01, 2015, 09:27:05 AM
  Ah I as I am walking in the memories of my last encounter gives me a smile and a feeling of nostalgia. See it was not too long ago that I introduced to the bar the wobble line dance,  and we did that dance the whole night thru. It was a time to remember.

 I entered I am glad to see Jinger and Tango as they are on their way out. They pass me and I am ever so grateful that this time Tango is fully dressed in something other than a loose fitting robe  (lol).

As they are leaving I hear Tango suggest a night cruise on the lake to Jinger, she agrees and off to the lake they go. AHHH the lake I've heard so much about the lake. It reminds me of my own childhood home. Not bothered by the big city and our ways; the lake was like home away from home in all its glory.
  As I continue to walk in the bar I see Old Joe as usual working diligently and dutiful behind the bar, he lift his head in between chores and asked me if I was to have my usual.

Smiling at Joe for remembering my new favorite drink; just pulled me in even closer to knowing that soon I would call this area my new homestead.
Joe and I begin to have a conversation and he is curious as to why it has been so long since I have stopped in and at least had a drink with him and the regulars.

I begin to tell him my dilemma as well as my current situation. He looks at me with that all knowing stare and begins to inform me that there were plenty new opportunities popping up all over town down by the lake.
I sipped my Marilynn Monroe strawberry cocktail and listened as Old Joe began to help me weigh my options to solving my current situation. Old Joe begins to sound very familiar to me in his all knowing advice, as i continue to sip my cocktail. I cannot help but to think his advice is and was all too familiar. It almost felt that maybe it had been rehearsed or even he had been influenced to pursue someone's agenda; I could not help but feel I had heard this all before...

  Just as I sit trying to make heads or tails out of whom could have been the influencing factor to Joes advice; someone starts up the jukebox and what do we have blaring loud and proud? The Cupid Joe comes from behind the bar and heads for the dance floor and leads the line dance with all the workers as well as the regulars; following him they all take formation as the song begins to blare.

Everyone begins to shake and bake and having fun doing so. I sit back and enjoy the performance, fun is had all across the bar and I am enjoying it tremendously. I cannot believe that the Cupid Shuffle has made its debut to the AB&G (didn't quite have the heart to tell the gang that this dance is eons I didn't)

oh my goodness everyone is having a ball and i am so shocked that even Joe is taking part of the shuffle...
GO JOE WORK IT OUT BABY....I yell into the crowd;

As if that was the little oomph he needed he, Joe began to really turn up on the dace floor. Sitting back and watching the dance continue; I am quickly reminded as to why I am back in town.

Suddenly, I feel a bit frustrated about loosing my job that I have had for 30 years, my condo in Manhattan, amongst other personal things. But I cant seem to shake the fact that all of this was supposed to take the world had a message to deliver and it had been far time that I took heed to what it had to say.

Old Joe returns to his station, as he looks at me with a proud fatherly look. He asks if I needed a refill and I told him I was fine.

He begin to pick up where he left off; just before the music started. His words becoming more and more familiar, I cannot shake the feeling that I had heard this all before; but not from him, no it wasn't at all Joes normal bar talk this time.

This time his conversation was more informative, suggesting, knowingly, as well as very compelling. I cant help but to replay his words over and over again as I make my way to the door.  Old Joe makes one final attempt by telling me I know what I must do and the answer had been looking me dead in my eyes for years now; but it took this tragedy to occur before I would beckon to the call of expectations.

Old Joe hands me a business card with an agency name  and address and with a very stern and meaningful glare, suggested that I call first thing in the morning, the beginning chapter of my new destiny.

I look at the card and the Real Estate name,  of Crystal Lake.

"Yes, I will first thing in the morning, Joe."

He smiled and said good luck to my new beginnings as well as seizing my destiny. I thanked him and waved good bye to all the rest of the crew.

As I walk away, I am still feeling like this was all a dream as if someone was writing my life out as I walked along my own path and some how Joe was involved...cant shake the puzzled and odd feeling that has taken over me...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on May 09, 2015, 07:39:34 PM

I make my way into the bar on a crisp, Saturday evening after a seemingly long spell. I hadn't been here since the holidays and the regular energy I felt while walking in was absent.

Wearing a long dress held together by straps to my side and a pair of laced heels, I click-clack my way to the bar to see Old Joe undressing me with his eyes as per usual and flashing me a sly smirk.


"Well, well... aren't you a sight for a sore eyes," he says while grinning, leading me to do a playful courtesy before leaning over the counter.

"The regular please, oh kind Sir," I murmur, in a mocking, sultry tone.

"Aren't you going to sit?" he questions me while pouring me my drink.

"I would, but I've got a performance to do tonight," I reply, as he hands the glass over to me.

"Ahh.. you usually wear much less for those performances of yours," he chuckles, grinning devilishly at me.

"Oh, I won't be dancing tonight.." I say before chugging down the drink in one gulp. I slam the glass down on the counter and say "Stay tuned.." with a smirk and a wink, before strutting my way to the vacant stage. A single spotlight, a stool and an old-fashioned microphone had been set up at my request.


Two bouncers help me hop onto stage and I grab the mic before I take a seat on the stool. Crossing one leg over the other in order to flash a good amount of skin, I purr into the mic.

"Is this thing on?" I say with a chuckle, grabbing a hold of the calm and collected crowd's attention, as opposed to the usual rowdy crowd I'm used to.

"Hey guys... Many of you probably know me as Amy, and for those of you who don't know me, well I'm Amy," I say with a giggle. "Uhm.. usually, putting on an arousing and theatrical display of a hot dance is more of my forte but.. uhm.. to commemorate the two year anniversary of the night I first made my way through those doors," I say while pointing towards the bar entrance... "I thought I would do something different. It's certainly been one hell of a ride since that night to say the least," I say with a chuckle .. "And uhm.. this song I'm going to sing is definitely a classic and I'd like to dedicate it to that girl, who was a little lost and partially in search of something or someone and found herself in this wonderful place two years ago to this day. If you know the words, sing along," I conclude with a smile, as the soft guitar strings of the instrumental kick in from the booming speakers to each side of the stage.

Eva Cassidy - Time After Time

Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick,
And think of you
Caught up in circles
Confusion is nothing new
Flashback, warm nights
Almost left behind
Suitcases of memories,
Time after

I look towards my stool, the one I sat on the first night and the many nights after that, while singing through the first verse. My voice isn't pitch perfect but a high string of emotion and soul is evident as I sing in a subtle, soft tone while remembering my She-Wolf costume, meeting new people, and flirting with the funny guy in the big-balled monkey costume.

Sometimes you picture me
I'm walking too far ahead
You're calling to me, I can't hear
What you've said
Then you say, go slow
I fall behind
The second hand unwinds

Fighting feelings of jealousy, the beautiful escape to Crystal Lake, that sense of belonging and love, having someone here clearly displaying their affection for me for the first time... all these thoughts run through my mind, leading me to reflect and become even more emotional as I sing the chorus to that lost, young girl who came here two years ago in hopes of just that. 

If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I will be waiting
Time after time

If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I will be waiting
Time after time

The slowed-down rendition of the 80s classic certainly tugs at strings of the heart as I further reflect on events that spanned through the course of time I've spent in this village.

After my picture fades and darkness has
Turned to gray
Watching through windows
You're wondering if I'm okay
Secrets stolen from deep inside
The drum beats out of time

The spousal ceremony, that state of pure bliss, fighting feelings of loneliness, trying to fight temptations at every corner, the seedy motel room, strong feelings of immense guilt, faint recollections of verbal abuse, leaving and then returning in hopes of a fresh new start, illusions of resentment, miscommunications, a second chance with one considered to be a soulmate, those hot & long & passion-filled nights, suddenly starting to miss that feeling of being openly and proudly affectionate leading to that same, on-going feeling of loneliness...  I see all of the events happening before my eyes as I sing my heart out.

If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I will be waiting
Time after time

I take a deep breath as the bridge of the song kicks in and I return to my soft, hushed vocals.

You said go slow
I fall behind
The second hand unwinds

Something triggers in my mind that makes me come to some sort of realization and I begin to think and focus on all the positives of the past two years. The instrumental stops for one set of a the chorus and emotions are at an all high in the room, with all eyes on me as my voice echoes throughout the place.

If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time

I think of the all the friendly faces I've come across and have lead to befriend, the fun games, the storylines, the secret date events, the creativity, pushing to have to new costumes and outfits in shop, getting so excited when there was a new outfit out that I really liked, trying a new pose for the first time with someone, those special, intimate moments with the ones you've made a deep connection with, my well-received dances, the parties... the list goes on and on in my mind as my sadness fades, a big grin appears on my face and the instrumental kicks back in for the final chorus.

If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time

To my delight everyone in the room is singing along in pure joy. Their phones are out with the flash on, as they wave them in unison and we all sing the song to conclusion in unison.

Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after...


The crowd erupts in cheers as the song ends leading me to giggle and laugh in pure contentment. I murmur a soft thank you to the crowd before the spotlight fades and I disappear into the darkness of the night.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 27, 2015, 02:35:43 PM
Coming in after a long time, I walk over to an empty table and put up the pen beside the table. Letting go of all my little goats to run and play, I walk up to Joe and ask for a nice steak dinner for me and some apples and carrots as a special treat for my goats. Getting the food and water I walk back over to the table and cut up the treats in bite size pieces. Giving them a bowl of water, I slowly feed them the treats now and then while I eat my food.

Glancing around the room while I eat my food, I see that nothing much has changed with the place. Once I finish the food, I take the goats outside to a nice fenced in area and let them roam around. Seeing Doc, I ask him to bring in the toys from my car so the goats will have some play things while they were hanging out.

Doc left and brought back the toys with the help of the others. Once the various toys were set up, I sit on one of the logs as I watch my goats get used to the place before we had to go again. However, the goats were so excited about all the nice tall grass in the area that they were running around munching on all the green stuff.

While watching the goats, I see jer come out and comes over and sits on the log with me as he watches the goats run around while we catch up on what has been going on in the achat community.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Wolf_A on May 28, 2015, 08:33:32 AM
I payed the cab driver off and stepped out of the taxi, almost absent minded closed the door with one hand while I tucked my wallet back in to jacket pocket.

Not knowing what to expect inside the bar I took a moment to look around the outside, just a quick look as my hands went in to the jeans front pockets. A few steps later and I was pushing the door open, smiling faintly at the thought "This is the bit were the piano stops playing and every one turns to stare at the stranger....."

Pausing to let my eyes adjust to the new light, enough to look around and find the bar ... An empty stool at the end. Allowing the door to close behind me on it's own, I strode confidently to that empty stool at the bar and slid my ass on to it settling my booted feet on to the bar rail I ordered a drink ... "Coffee ... Strong fresh and black  please fella " to the guy behind the bar.

I took a look around the bar as he went away to prepare my coffee ... Then I sat there sipping the coffee "Thanks fella ..Pretty good "  Nodding to the guy as I sat quietly ....
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 28, 2015, 04:35:56 PM
Scooping up one of the baby goats so everyone can ooooo and aahhhh over her, we head inside the bar and grill to get a drink. Walking up to Joe, I wait till he gives the new guy his coffee. "Hey Joe, I need a hot chocolate ice cream shake with extra whip cream please."

As I wait for the shake, I turn and introduce myself to the new guy. "Hi, I am sexi. It is so nice to see a friendly new face around here. In case they haven't told you yet, the first drink is on the house as a welcoming to the bar and grill."

Seeing Joe with drink in hand, I turn and get the drink and tell him Covems tab. As I turn to go back out, the baby goat squirms in my arms making me lose the grip on my drink, and it falls and lands in the new guys coffee. Once I get a good hold on the baby again, I apologize for spilling my drink into his and ask Joe for a new one for both of us on Covems tab.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Wolf_A on May 28, 2015, 05:27:35 PM
My eyes narrowed as the girl walked up beside me with, of all things, a kid goat tucked up under one arm.  I wrinkled my nose at the smell of the little creature and introduced myself to her resisting the comment on my lips and hiding my thoughts behind my words " Hello ... I'm Wolfie ...Nice to meet you sexi ... "  It was then I jumped off the stool in time to avoid the sudden splash of coffee and milkshake over the bar ...

"You need to be more careful sexi .... You might have had to pay my laundry bill ... Or be .... " A slightly twisted cruel smile " Washing my jeans ...But since none of it landed on me I'll let you off ...... This time.  "  I gave her a quick wink and  a grin  "Thank you for replacing my coffee .... " Watching as Joe cleaned up the mess on the bar and then replaced both the drinks with fresh ones. "Where's the goat farm at ? "   Turning now to look at the girl more fully ...

 "Just why are you carrying a goat around with you ... Of all places in a grill bar ? "   Thinking that no wonder the poor thing had squirmed around , probably frightened of ending up on the rottisserie or the menu ....  There was other stuff going on around us and one maybe two people had noticed the spillage, myself and sexi at the bar ... with the goat .... This  could  worry some people!!!!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 28, 2015, 05:40:42 PM
Hearing his comment about laundry, I laugh. "You wish I would wash your clothes or have my hands on your stuff."

"I just brought the goats in today and they are out back. It gives people a chance for some fresh food and drink. Also, it gives them a chance to meet an animal that there isn't many of left in the world and help save them by giving them a reason for people to want them around. Sometimes the reason is food, milk, or mowing your lawn like these goats can do for you. Today is a debut for the goats here to see if there is anyone that is interested we could have them around more often otherwise they will have to go to the zoo I have to see more of these little darlings."

Nuzzling my face against the baby goats soft fur, I feel her start nibbling on my hair. Laughing, I pull the hair out before she can get too much in and choke herself.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Wolf_A on May 28, 2015, 06:05:47 PM
Grinning as you laughed and at your comment "I wish that do I, sexi? ... Mmmm ... Maybe I might be thinking of something else altogether ? "  I smiled slightly and lifted the fresh coffee to my lips for a sip of it, forgetting it was still hot out of the jug, having to touch the back of my hand to my lips as the coffee heated them.

Listening to the word about the goats mowing my lawn ... I had this crazy image of a goat pushing a mower around or astride a ride on mower ...I stiffled a laugh at the thought though......just.

"Well I do like goats cheese .... But I think maybe leave them outside in the future ? ... Might save you and the goats from a fate they might not enjoy too much ..... " I thought a bit about that and how much I hated mowing the ... mmm ... not a lawn any more and I did hate that job ... "Maybe you could drop a couple at my place ... They could eat 'till they couldn't walk in my garden ... " It was half a joke half serious ...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 28, 2015, 06:31:03 PM
"If they eat till they can't walk that means they ate too much making themselves sick. Goats will not stop till they are way past full. Right now have a group out back knocking down the overgrown grass that the dwarves have not kept up on. Those lazy bums will do anything to get out of work. Might have to take a whip out and make them actually do some work."

Drinking down some of the shake, I feel some of those little marshmallows land in my mouth. Eating them up, I lick my lips because it tastes so good.

"If you do need some goats to knock down some grass, just let me know I'll be around for awhile. Doesn't matter if there is even poison ivy there, their system is quite good it doesn't affect them."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Wolf_A on May 28, 2015, 06:56:05 PM
The words reminded me of a puppy I had  cared for as a child... He had been abandoned by the mother and was about to be put to sleep but I'd taken the little guy off the farmers hands and started to feed him. Calling him Kim after the Kipling book  ... The first day I'd over fed him and he couldn't stand.... After that I'd been more strict with his diet ... " Mmmhmm .. dwarfs have a away of sleeping too much,sexi ..." I laughed a little at your words of taking a whip to them "Carefull there sexi ... They might not work at all if they enjoy a good whipping from a ... young lady ... " Giving you the benefit of doubt ...

" Mmmm ... I'll give that  offer some thought ... I don't think there is anything that would harm them, there's the pond they can drink from ... Mmmm .. Ok ... "  Watching as you licked your lips, knowing you probably saw my eyes move to watch .... I lifted the cup to my lips and took a cautious sip of the coffee, watching you over the rim and taking a drink from the coffee cup.
 "So .... Maybe I'll get my jungle eaten instead of chopped .... "  smiling as I set the coffee down
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 28, 2015, 07:20:16 PM
Laughs. "I doubt many guys would want me wielding the whip. I'm not the kind of girl they would want at that end."

Snickers at his comment about the jungle. Thinking if he had been a girl, it could have been a completely different jungle he mentioned. "Have to watch out in those jungles though. You never know what wildlife will come to you."

Drinks my shake more and relaxes in the stool. Handing the baby over to Joe, I ask him to take her back to her mom and the rest of the group cause she might want to be with them.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Wolf_A on May 29, 2015, 05:33:21 PM
Laughing warmly, with you and also a little at what you said.... "Sexi you never know. I do know that I wouldn't allow you to wield a whip ... " Then I had an little quiet laugh.

I took a sip of coffee and wondered at that snicker ... Only until I replaced the cup on the bar, swirling the coffee around the cup a little "Ohhh I doubt there would be anything too dangerous ... Nothing with poisonous bite at any rate ... "  Watching and moving my coffee to safety as sexi handed the goat across the bar to Joe.

"He'll be much happier out there ... How long have you been a goat herder then sexi ? "  Grinning at the tease but keeping my eyes on you. I reached in to my shirt pocket and handed you a card "My business card ... My address is on the back so you know where to drop the goats off when you have the time ...... Oh and when I'm home .... " I smiled and handed it to you ... " Give me a call before you turn up otherwise the alarms may go off ok, Sexi ?"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on May 30, 2015, 06:38:01 AM
Coming out of the office, I was in need of a great cup of tea. The accounts always gave me a headache and I reminded myself, I really did need to chase up Covems tab.

I nearly trip over a couple of goats let loose in the bar.
“What the…”  Then I spot Sexilicious at the bar speaking to some handsome stranger, Wolf_A
That answers that  question, knowing she was a sucker for cuddly animals.

I call over to Happy & Doc,  “Herd the goats up and put them in the pen next to Pachacutie the Panda, will you? With some goat food. I don’t want them tripping up some of our customers.”

I wave to ItsAmy123 and congratulate her on yet another great song and dance. She was getting quite few followers and always packed the bar out with the Cocks N Roses House Band.

I greet the new stranger, Wolf_A and ensure both he and Sexi are topped up with drinks. Then I join Leighdee at the bar. She tells me she’s thinking of buying a cabin at the lake.
“That would be great,” I tell her. “There’s a few new cabins up for sale. LovingSir and Sam_Hawke have not long moved in.”

Old Joe sees my need and pushes  a fresh  cup of tea in front of me. “Now the day looks better,” I think as I take my first sip.

Jasmine_t sings a delightful song on stage too. As its her first time, I ask Old_Joe to send a bottle of her favourite beverage as congratulations for taking the plunge. (On Covems tab of course)

Lover & FoxyRoxxy   and  Jingerbird & Tangoracer are sitting quietly at their tables, enjoying the show. I go say “Hi” to both couples and tease they should both try a Yard of Ale and ride the mechanical bull right after to see who stays on the longest.
I congratulate Tango on his jokes and wonderful song he had sung earlier.

Moving back to the bar, Jayc joins me. “Have we got goats in the bar?”  He asks as Old Joe places a coffee in front of him.
“You met them already?” I laugh.
“The dwarfs were chasing them round and a couple nearly took me out.” He replied rubbing his shin. “How’s the accounts going?”
“All done. Just remind Covems to pay up, next time you see him.”

Old Joe slides another tea towards me and I smile at him gratefully. 
The Cock N Roses begin another great tune and several people get up to dance on the dancefloor.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on May 31, 2015, 06:44:53 AM

Seeing that the stage is empty, I grab my mug of sarsparilla and make my way to the mic.  I tap on the microphone...
"Is this thing on?"

I'm trying to write a joke about unemployed people
...But it needs more work

Whats the best thing about dating homeless chicks?
...You can drop them off anywhere.

The biggest difference between men and women is what comes to mind when the word 'Facial' is used.

What's the difference between a G-Spot and a golf ball?
...A guy will actually search for a golf ball.

...I'd like to end with a little poem...

Roses are red that much is true
but violets are purple not fucking blue.

Thank you...   I'll be here all week.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on May 31, 2015, 09:45:58 PM
"I been working with the goats for a couple years now."

Looks at your business card and then glances back at it seeing the whip on the front.

"Alright will bring by the goats sometime to trim up that yard of yours." Waits a little bit pondering what you said. "So, what happens if the alarms go off," I ask wondering if anything good could come of doing something naughty.

At that time, I see Covems gets up on stage and does his jokes. Shaking my head, I smile at his jokes knowing only Covems would do something like that. Turning back to Joe, "Give us some more drinks on Covems tab. Maybe that will teach him for getting on stage to tell jokes and not come say hi."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on June 01, 2015, 04:31:47 AM
It's 3 a.m. and I'm driving home after had spent almost 20 hours at the election point I was assigned and I can cleraly feel my eyes closing time by time. In a rare moment of lucidity, I notice the glowing road's sign of the Bar & Grill light the dark of the night and I can't to avoid to think at how many months are passed since last time I visited the place.

Conscious of the fact that I have to drive for more than 30 minutes to finally go back home, I take the decision to take a break at the Bar and rest a little, and who know,.....maybe I can meet old friends here! So, after had parking my can in the half full and considering how much my feet hurts after all that time wearing heels, I walk to the entrance barefoot, just stopping in front of the door to take a deep breath before opening it.

"I wonder how the place is changed...." I say to my self, just a moment before I open the door and step in.

Inside, the light are low and they make difficult, for my tired eyes, to easily recognize the customers who are sitting at the table. Anyway, I quite sure there are people I know but first think I need is a strong, doubl coffe, so I move to the count where a surprised Old Joe welcome me

"Long tome away from here, HB!"

"Indeed...." I reply, trying to smile despite the fact I'm about to fall asleep "Busy months tooks me away from here!"

"Well, hope we can see you around more, from now on! Coffee!?"

I nod at him, not surprised to see he still smart as usual and friendly, then I answer to his first quention with a nostalgic ight in my eyes.

"Maybe....I missed the place!"

"And we missed you!" Joe replies, handing me a steamy cup of coffee. While I take it, I smile again at Joe, just before looking around at the Bar again: yes, definitely, I missed this place!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Wolf_A on June 01, 2015, 04:38:15 AM
It was almost funny listening to the jokes .... almost ... I was distracted though and only gave the comedy act a glance before I watched sexilicious look over the business card, turning it in your fingers. Smiling at your words and thinking before replying........

 "Mmmm That depends if the private security company call the cops or send one of their own guys..... Chances are the cops  might just accept that  you set the alarms off by accident and are there for a valid reason ... Now ... the security get paid to do a job. They will probably slap you in cuffs first ... I would get a text .... Then have to leave work to come and see what kind of trouble you got in to while cuffed ... Mmmmm ...."

I grinned with mischief in my eyes ... "Then it would depend on my mood ... If I was going to be really wicked and evil I could just tell security that I have no idea who you are .... Or .. "

I grinned and "Thank you sexi " as the fresh drinks arrived in front of us and took a sip of the one placed in front of me watching your reactions to what I'd said ..... Still grinning I watched some one I didn't know enter the bar.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on June 01, 2015, 05:06:58 AM

I'm leaving the stage, and take a look around the bar room.  There are a lot of familiar faces, and a few new ones.  I suspect my tab wil rise again, but it is all good.  I spot Miss Sexi seated at the bar, and I break into a silly smile, and do an about face.  I tap the mic again.... "Is this thing on?'

"What do you call an unemployed goat?
Billy Idol."

The devout cowboy lost his favorite Bible while he was mending fences out on the range.
Three weeks later, a goat walked up to him carrying the Bible in its mouth.
The cowboy couldn't believe his eyes.
He took the precious book out of the goat's mouth, raised his eyes heavenward and exclaimed, "It's a miracle!"
"Not really," said the goat. "Your name is written inside the cover."

"What do you call a redneck who owns 6 goats?
A pimp."

A man in a movie theater notices what looks like a goat sitting next to him.
"Are you a goat?" asked the man, surprised.
"What are you doing at the movies?"
The goat replied, "Well, I liked the book."

"What do you call the best 'butter' on the farm?
A goat!"

A policeman in the big city stops Miss Sexilicious in a car with a goat in the front seat.
"What are you doing with that goat?" He exclaimed, "You should take it to the zoo."
"That's a great idea." Miss Sexi answers.
The following week, the same policeman sees Miss Sexilicious with the goat again in the front seat, with both of them wearing sunglasses. The policeman pulls her over. "I thought you were going to take that goat to the zoo!"
Miss Sexi replied, "I did. We had such a good time we are going to the beach this weekend!"

"Thank you.... I'll be here all week."

I down the remainder of my sarsparilla, thenI move from the stage and take my usual seat at the end of the bar by the dwarf's panel.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on June 01, 2015, 06:33:40 AM
Hearing Covems start telling more jokes about goats, I can't help but shake my head and stick my tongue out at him. When I see one of the baby goats come running in with Grumpy chasing after the baby. Laughing, I know that chasing a goat only makes them run away more. As the baby runs underneath the tables, Grumpy starts tossing the chairs to get to the baby but she already ran off to another table. Giving Grumpy a good merry chase as they run around the room before running back outside.

When Covems came over to sit down, I holler down at him, "Next time I'll take the goat to the movies and sit behind you."

Turning attention back to wolf, I smile devilishly. 'Well if the cops come out, I have them wrapped around my fingers." Points over to Tango and Martin. "Those two men are the ones responsible for this town and when it comes to women, they are always taking them down to the jail or pulling them over. Not because they are breaking the law either." Winking at him, I am sure he will get the point.

"If it is the security guy, I'll just have to work my charms on him and who knows that might be fun. Then again who knows maybe you will personally see to correcting me since I didn't call you first since you asked."

Seeing HB come up to the bar, I smile. "You better sit down before you fall down there HB. You look like you could collapse at anytime. Maybe you should rest in the spa room before heading all the way home. Would not want you to get in a wreck on your way home."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Wolf_A on June 01, 2015, 08:03:27 AM
Evidently you knew a lot of the people in here. I smiled at the jokes, one caused a chuckle. Both eyebrows  rose in unison as a kid goat bleated and darted first under one table and then another. It was funny to watch the antics of the two.... "Never a good idea chasing a goat ... It's either a game or they think they are about to be eaten alive."

Eyes followed your direction and grinned at your retort to Covams, Then I was listening to you talking about the two guys, Tango and Martin, smiling as you gave me that wink.  " Ahhh really now ... "  I lifted the drink to my lips and took a long slow sip " I'm sure that could very well happen, sexilicious .... Correction and a little discipline never go amiss sexi.... Especially if it is a deserved correction."  I was about to say more but then you  turned to hb and I just fell silent and sipped at my drink  smiling and listening to sexi.

Listening to sexi talking, the  concern for hb's well being in her voice I nodded once as she finished talking to hb .... I stood from the stoll and tapped sexi on the shoulder lightly. "I'll see you when you deliver the grass cutters sexi .... until then be safe." I smiled and turned to go home.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on June 08, 2015, 04:16:08 PM
Fresh and relaxed, I step inside the Bar & Grill looking around to see if Brandy is in the room ar somewhere else. I see no trace of her, so I move to the bar where Old Joe is cleaning the glasses, as usual.

"Hey Joe! Have you seen Brandy today!?"

"Maybe she's in the office....go take a look!"

I wave my hand toi thanks him and lead for the place where I hope to finally find the busy Queen of the Bar. The door is not locked and slowly, I open it, taking a look inside the room just to seen Brandy taking cares of some orders for alchool and other suff the bar is in need, as usual.

"Hey Barandy, you got some time for an old friends!?" I ask, walking inside the room and closing the door behind me.

"Don't need to ask for that....what's up, HB!?"

Sitting on the chair right in front of the desk, I unrool the poster I had under my arm and show it to Brandy


then, I introduce the contest I had planned to her.

Everyone can join it and the rules are simple. You can chose a song you like and rewrite the text, just to sing it on the stage of the Bar & Grill and when any contestant have done to singing his song, a jury selected between the crowd will claim the winner.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on June 09, 2015, 12:14:30 PM
I walk over to HB  hanging up the poster and admire his art work.

"That's a brilliant poster HB"   I read it with interest, then take a pen  and add  mine & Jayc's name to list.

"I like this idea ,  I think we could make up some great words to a song & make it relevant to Achat game, Forum, or The Square. Count us in, I hope the Cocks N Roses  know all the tunes for us."

HB grins back and adds his own name to the list. "I'm sure they will."

"I best go tell Jayc the good news," I giggle.  "I hope he's been practising his singing scales!"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on June 09, 2015, 02:48:16 PM
HB tells me his idea for the song contest.

"That sounds great HB, " I tell him.  "Love the poster.  Hang it on the notice board and add  my name to the list."

HB starts to smile, "What song are you going to sing?" he asks

"I have no idea, "  I tell him, "but one things for sure, I wont miss out on a good knees up."

HB leaves my office and a short time later, I see him at the notice board with Stone. 

"Should be an interesting night," I muse to myself.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on June 11, 2015, 09:22:57 AM
The room is quite packed for the "AB&G has got talent Song Contest"

Old Joe is sitting at the front of the stage with a desk and a jug of beer instead of water and  X factor type buzzers.  He had playfully put Simon's name in front of his seat. To his left is the cyborg J2D2  with a wig on - Scary Spice,   A dwarf - Doc   with another wig - Cheryl Cole  and Dopey dressed like a Leprechaun - Louis Walsh. 

The bar is packed and cheering the contestants on.

Happy & Bashful in tuxedos looking very smart, enter The Stage to introduce Hentaiboy's Song Contest -  The AB&G Has Got Talent

In their best Geordie accents, they introduce the first Act ....

Brandybee  and  her rendition of 

Culture Club - “Karma Chameleon" 

I appear on stage looking like a drag queen version of Boy George


The music starts and I begin to sway and dance ...     " Are you ready?"   I shout to the audience.  They cheer & whoop & whistle back ..

"Well here it is ....    Achat  Style ...  "    I giggle into the mic.     Everyone waits & then  the Cocks N Roses play the intro and I get ready to sing ...

I change the mic for a Penis shaped one -  Bright lime green ...  and start to sing...

Achat loving in your eyes all the way
As I listen to your sighs I will say

I'm a woman who has convictions
I'm a woman who doesn't know
How to use a contraception
You cum, I blow
You cum, I blow

Cuma cuma cuma cuma cuma, Cum my sweet man
You cum, I blow
You cum, I blow
Loving you is easy as my mouth sure likes your stream
Red- gold, rich cream
Red- gold, rich cream

I hear your wicked words every day
You’re cock is used today, tastes so sweet. I hear you say,

That my love is an addiction
When we cling, Achat love is strong
When I go, I go on forever
You scream along
You cream so long

[Chorus]  Cuma cuma cuma cuma cuma, cum my sweet man
You cum, I blow
You cum, I blow
Loving you is easy as my mouth sure likes your stream
Red- gold rich cream
Red- gold rich cream
Every day is like survival, survival
You're my lover, my urge is primal
Every day is like survival, survival
You're my lover, my urge is primal

---  instrumental ---  Where I felate the mic seductively

I'm a woman who has convictions
I'm a woman who doesn't know
How to use a contraception
You cum, I blow
You cum, I blow

I encourage the audience to join in with the Chorus  -  cuma cuma cuma cuma cuma,  cum my sweet man
You cum, I blow
You cum, I blow
Loving you is easy as my mouth sure likes your stream
Red- gold rich cream
Red- gold rich cream
Cuma cuma cuma cuma cuma, cum my sweet man
You cum, I blow
You cum, I blow
Loving you is easy as my mouth sure likes your stream
Red- gold rich cream
Red- gold rich cream
Cuma cuma cuma cuma Cuma,  cum my sweet man
You cum, I blow
You cum, I blow
Loving you is easy as my mouth sure likes your stream
Red- gold rich cream
Red- gold rich cream.
(Fading …) The audience fades with me     Cuma cuma cuma cuma cuma,  cum my sweet man
You cum, I blow
You cum, I blow
Loving you is easy as my mouth sure likes your stream
Red- gold rich cream
Red- gold rich cream. mmmmm

The song ends, I take my bow , wave and clap the audiences participation and then walk off stage, waiting for the next singer to take to the stage ...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Amethyst on June 11, 2015, 11:31:55 AM
I Push the doors open , oh my god looks busy in here , I notice a Woman dressed up just leaving the stage, wow its Brandy! I haven't seen her since we were kids and she's looking as  bubbly and as nutty as ever. The crowd cheering her as she left the stage I wondered what it's all about. I tug at the bottom of my pink dress pulling it down a little as I weave through the crowd towards the bar.

I approach the bar and wait to be served , momentarily distracted from my upcoming evening with Wolf as I notice many faces from my past, unsure if they will recognise me. it's been a few years since I ventured into Crystal Lake and that shabby girl I once was seemed to have disappeared.. .. I catch a glimpse of a poster on the bar and can't help but laugh to myself, I was good at ad-libbing as a kid , dare I give it go ?

Well seen as tonight was a night for stepping into new waters I made my way over to the stage . I spoke to the band who kindly Agreed to play my chosen song and I made my way onto the stage... Oh God what was that ??! A Penis Shaped Microphone.. I laughed ..I was suppose to sing into this thing and keep a straight face. Having been Introduced I Awaited for my Intro .. I had Chosen

Young Guns By Wham

"Young Guns"

Hey sucker
(What the hell's got into you?)
Hey sucker
(Now there's something more to do)

Well I hadn't had your mouth around me awhile,
So I greeted you, with a knowing smile,
When you saw that smile upon my face,
You knew I had your diary and you were disgraced.
I said "Down Girl , let's grind and pound!"
you said "Down Boy, Get out of town!"
But in return, all I could say was
"Hey Bitch, just you come and play"

Young stud,
Having No fun
Crazy lady  'Shoulda been a nun.
Wise guys realize there's danger in blackmail and lies.
Fuuuck me, wild and free
No tears, no fears, what I want to be.
One, two, take a look at me
Death by masturbating!

Hey sucker,
(What the hell's got into you?)
Hey sucker!
(Now there's something more to do.)

A Horny man? I am out of my head
fuckless nights, on a camping bed
I paddy all the time Like I am one
If your happy as a sappy then you're in for fun.
But you're here
And you're there
Well there's chicks like you just everywhere
Looking back on the ACHAT days?
Well this young stud says Blackmail PAYS!

Young stud,
Having No fun
Crazy lady  'Shoulda been a nun.
Wise guys realize there's danger in blackmail and lies.
Fuuuck me, wild and free
No tears, no fears, what I want to be.
One, two, take a look at me
Death by masturbating!

I remember when we had such fun and everthing was fine,
I remember when we use to have a good time,
Covered in slime.
Tell me that's all in the past and I will gladly walk away,
Tell me you're a sappy now,
Turning my back
Nothing to say!
"Hey listen jerk go take a hike,
There's somethin' 'bout your cock I don't like"
"Well sugar I don't mean the things I said"
"Just fuck off outta my way, 'cause I'm seeing red
I've got plans to make, I've got things to buy
And you're wasting time being a creepy guy"
"Hey shut up chick, that's blown my mind,
Just watch your mouth babe, you're out of line"


GO FOR IT![/color]

As the song finished I quickly rushed from the stage, I definitely needed that drink now!
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: AusWoody on June 13, 2015, 05:52:38 PM

The catcalls cheers and clapping died down to a low murmur, the click oh heavy heels  walking across the wooden floor filled the silence as the heavy set bikie moved to the bar.

“G'Day Joe, Bundy and beer chaser please ;)” he drawled to the old barman.

“Coming up  Woody” he responded  “what's the paperwork?”

“Just a song I wrote for the contest, BrandyBee made me do it, I no longer resist because she dont give up till I give in, LOL”

The Bikie was dressed in a clean pair of black jeans  black denim shirt and of course his leather vest, and  a new pair of red and black cowboy boots, downing the bundy  he took the beer  and headed for that stage. With a quick word to the band he turns to the microphone stand, tapping it  murmuring “is this thing on?”

“Ladies and Gentlemen, guests  and the rest of you, I going to sing this song for the contest, so keep the noise to a low rumble  and I wont take too much of your  drinking time” he quipped  with a smile.
“Hit it boys”

"The Gambler"  Kenny Rogers.

On a warm summer's evenin,
In the sexy aChat poker room
Where I met up with an old man.
Quite a lover of cards and dice
He had whores and he had ladies,
He made love and he made babies
He could tell some damn good stories
And give some good advice

He said, "Son, I've made a life
Out of readin' people's faces
Knowin' what the cards were
By the way they held their eyes
So if you don't mind me sayin'
I can see you're out of aces
For a taste of your whiskey
I'll give you some advice"

So I handed him my bottle
And he drank down my last swallow
Then he bummed a cigarette
And asked me for a light
And the night got deathly quiet
And his faced lost all expression
He said, "If you're gonna play the game, boy
You gotta treat the ladies right

You gotta learn how to pick 'em son,
Learn how to lick 'em son,
Learn how to stick 'em son,
between their thighs.
You gotta try not to cheat 'em  much,
Teach 'em too suck and such,
Learn to love and,
Try not to feed 'em
Too much bullshit and lies.

Now, every shagger knows
That the secret to survivin'
Is knowin' what to push away
And knowin' what to keep
'Cause every touch’s a winner
And every touch's a loser
And the best that you can strive for
Is she climax’s till she sleeps"

And when he finished speakin'
He turned back toward the window
Crushed out his cigarette
And faded off to sleep
And somewhere in the darkness
The shagger, he broke even
And in his final words
I found an ace that I could keep

You gotta learn how to pick 'em son,
Learn how to lick 'em son,
Learn how to stick 'em son,
between their thighs.
You gotta try not to cheat 'em  much,
Teach 'em too suck and such,
Learn to love and,
Try not to feed 'em
Too much bullshit and lies.

You gotta learn how to pick 'em son,
Learn how to lick 'em son,
Learn how to stick 'em son,
between their thighs.
You gotta try not to cheat 'em  much,
Teach 'em too suck and such,
Learn to love and,
Try not to feed 'em
Too much bullshit and lies.

You gotta learn how to pick 'em son,
Learn how to lick 'em son,
Learn how to stick 'em son,
between their thighs.
You gotta try not to cheat 'em  much,
Teach 'em too suck and such,
Learn to love and,
Try not to feed 'em
Too much bullshit and lies.

You gotta learn how to pick 'em son,
Learn how to lick 'em son,
Learn how to stick 'em son,
between their thighs.
You gotta try not to cheat 'em  much,
Teach 'em too suck and such,
Learn to love and,
Try not to feed 'em
Too much bullshit and lies.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 13, 2015, 06:23:30 PM
After Woody's performance and my own furious applause for his efforts, I don the headset mic and hand my music to the boys of the band.
"Wow," I say with a smile "I guess I gotta top that. Hope you like it, folks."

"Seven Nation Army" White Stripes
The bass pumps first and the drums kick in as my foot taps and my head swings up to sing
I’m gonna take ‘em off  (yanking off my waitress apron)
All seven bouncers on here couldn’t hold me back
I’m gonna rip it off (pulling off the bunny top with furious strength)
taking my time while you watch my back  (Turning from the crowd)
And I’m rubbing on myself at night (My hands obviously going up and down my body as my knees bend and hips rock)
because it gets me wet
Back and forth through my slit (turning to face the crowd again and lightly smacking my still pantie covered mound)
give it a little pet

And the message comin’ from my eyes says, “Oh, take me Home.” (moving to the edge of the stage)

I wanna hear you shout it
Because it’s party time here at THE BAR AND GRILL
Everyone watch me flaunt it
From the queen of ACHAT to my sweet Blue bell (squatting down and my legs open wide before I yank the last material away)
And if you catch my panties from the stage
I’m gonna serve it to you (Tossing them far)
And I’ll dance it up in your face
let you feel it too

And the feeling coming from your bone says, “Find me a home.” (rolling on the floor and then crawling to the edge with a newbie in my sights. Swinging my legs over his shoulders and grinding in mock cunnilingus until the bridge finishes. to then push him away)

I’m gonna show it all
Fan up my sexy charms on this dance floor (Standing and strutting the stage)
I’m gonna work the pole
Make the sweat drip out of every pore
And I’m writhing, and I’m writhing, and I’m writhing
Making you want more (looking at the crowd between my legs as I lay)
All the guys are gonna think of me
And I will still need more (rolling over and crawling to the edge again like a hungry cougar)

And the stares coming for my ass tell me, “Take me home.”
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on June 13, 2015, 08:23:01 PM
After the thunderous applauds for Momma's wonderful song its our turn.

 Stone and I take the  stage, Stone sits behind the house piano and begins playing a haunting intro.

We have a story for you all, I am sure some of you old timers have heard of the legend of Roland  for you new folks  have a listen.

Warren Zevon - Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner

Roland was a player from the land of the midnight sun
With a big cock for hire, shagging to be done
He found the Achat game on a dark and stormy day
So he set out for Achat city to join the sexy fray

Through 2013 and 14 he played the achat game
With his hand on his mouse knee deep in dames
For days and nights he just wanted more
Roland was a kid in a candy store

Roland the achat shagger
Roland the achat shagger

His comrades  shagged beside him Van owen and the rest
But of all the achat shaggers Roland was the best
So the NSPD decided they wanted Roland dead
That son of a bitch Van Owen blew off Roland's head

Roland the headless  achat shagger

Norway's bravest son
Time, time, time
For another peaceful shag
But time stands still for Roland
'Til he evens up the score
You can still see his headless body stalking through the night
In the flicker light of candle light
In the flicker light of candle light

Roland search nymphomania  for the man who did him in
 He Found him in achat city at the B&G drinking gin
Roland aimed his Thompson gun and didn’t say a word
But blew Van Owen body for here to harlotsburg

Roland the headless achat shagger
Roland the headless achat shagger
Roland the headless achat shagger...... talking about the man
Roland the headless achat shagger

The eternal achat shagger
Still wanders to this day
Now a few years later still likes like to play
In the penthouse the cabin or the terrace or the beach
to this day you never know, that big cock  pose  may well be him you chose

The song over we take our bows and leave the stage for the next contestant.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on June 16, 2015, 02:11:16 PM
As Jayc's song ends,   he  throws the mic to me as we finish bowing.

" Its your turn."   He grins at me,  "No buts" he says.

He instructs the Cocks N Roses  while AusWoody, Brandybee & Covems whoop at the side of the stage in encouragement.  "Why do I get the feeling you four just set me up?" I laugh at them.
All put on their best  "innocent, who me?" faces. They knew I had been practising a tune as Jayc had told them all. I was uncertain whether to perform it but it seems the decision had been made for me.

The music begins  and J2D2 suddenly gets up, walks on stage and begins doing a terrific Robot Dance. Even he had been programmed!!

I had little choice so give in gracefully ...  "In for a penny, in for a pound," I tell myself & take a deep breath.

Neil Diamond - Cracklin' Rosie

Aw, Cracklin' Robot boy, get on board
We're gonna ride
Till there ain't no more to go
Taking it slow
And Lord, don't you know
We'll have me a time with your conversation

Hitchin' on a moonlit night
We can dance here and have a sing along
Maybe a chat
Hello Honey, Want to fuck
No need to say please
‘Cus tonight, you’re just my fuck toy

Oh, I love my Robot Boy
You got the way to make me happy
You and me we go in style
Cracklin' Rob,
You're a store-bought man
But you make me sing like a guitar hummin'
So I hang on to you, boy,
Our song keeps runnin' on
Play it now,
Play it now
Play it now, my Robby  burrrrrrzzz

Cracklin' Robbie, make me a smile
Boy, if it lasts for an hour, well that's all right
We got all night
To set the world right
Find a fantasy that don't ask no questions

Oh, I love my Robot boy
You got the way to make me happy
You and me
We go in style
Cracklin' Rob,
You're a store-bought man
But you make me sing like a guitar hummin'
So I hang on to you, boy
Our song keeps runnin' on
Play it now,
Play it now
Play it now, my Robby   whirrrrrr

Cracklin' Robbie, make me a smile
Boy, if it lasts for an hour, that's all right
We got all night
To set the world right
Find a fantasy that don't ask no questions
Ba ba ba ba ba ......  (Then I go in to the finale of the best "Harry met Sally" fake orgasm ever)
yesss yesssssss omg yesssssssssssssssssss
Ye ye yesssssssss, omg   ye ye yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

 Harry met Sally O .... ...  I'll have what she's having... LOL

I look over at AusWoody, Covems, Jayc ... all their jaws are dropped at my amazing acting ...   
Jayc is left wondering , " Does she? With me?... nar..."

J2D2 then offers me his arm as only a Robot Gentleman could and winks at me. Sometimes he seems almost human. The cyborg escorts me off stage, to loud thunderous applause & stamping of feet whilst waiting patiently for the next Contestant to take a turn...
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Jaynie on June 17, 2015, 04:52:34 AM
The crowd is going crazy over Stone's phenomenal and jaw dropping performance .. it will be almost impossible to follow and keep up the crowds same level of excitement. 

Its the first time I've ever stepped foot in the Achat Bar and Grill.  My friends from the square are all here and have no idea that I have entered this contest and  I am a bundle of nerves.   So.. I  order up a shot of tequila from the bartender and and down it... and try to compose myself as I start walking onto the stage.  I hand my music over to the band and ask for a stand alone microphone.   I stare out over the crowd and see familiar faces and looks of surprise on their faces..  I smile at them hoping they will like this song... as it is written with them in mind..

The band and i count down from 4.. 3.. 2.. 1   

Demons - Imagine Dragons

When the dates are cold
And your virtue's sold
And the masquerade
Is becoming old.

When invites all fail
And the Pervs prevail
And the worst of all
Is when talk runs stale

If you wanna be rescued
The Square can shelter you
Its's somehwere you can hide
Follow me...come inside.

No matter what we need
Friends, Cookies, Drinks or Weed..
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come

When you feel the need
To run from Achat fiends
This is the place for you
With hugs from our Pachu
Let your hair hang down
Play your favorite tune
It’s where the Wiz presides
With Queen Bee by his side.

When the cards displease
And the sinners tease
And your skin just crawls
When the players beat..

There is no escape
From the mess they make
When the wanker spray
Comes out way too late..

Its time to fold your hand
And find the promised land.
And know you're not alone
We'll be your second home

Its not your average scene
King Pachu reigns supreme
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come

When you feel the need
To run from Achat lies
We have a place for you
Where you can speak the truth
Come and have a seat
We'll serve your favorite drink
No Need to ask you why
We'll let your demons hide.

The Friends are here to make
It's up to you not fate
It's woven in your soul
You know its time to go.

Our lights they shine so bright
Leave the darkness behind
You can escape it now
So let us show you how.

When you feel the Need
To Laugh.. Belong or Breathe
The Square is there for you
With Contests, Cake and Brew
Your Invite's been sent
No need to reply
Just come right on inside
And let your Demons Fly.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jingerbird on June 19, 2015, 05:40:17 AM
The crowd goes wild for Jaynie, especially the Square members. They stand up and cheer, clap and shout. Jaynie looks embarassed and doesn't really make eye contact with anyone. As she leaves the stage, Jaynie is hugged by everyone. As she approaches Brandy and Woody, he stands up and holds his arms out towards her.

'Jaynie that was amazing! It gave me a tear in my eye.' He hugged her tight and announced, 'I think we found an anthem for the Square!'

Jaynie beamed and hugged Brandy and Woody together.

While everyone was still busy congratulating Jaynie, I got the resident house band 'The Country Boys' together and told them of my entry into the contest. I winked at them and gave them the music, changed so that I could sing it in my key.

As the house lights went down and the stage lights came up, the audience settle down quietly as I picked up my guitar and speak into the microphone.

'Tango. This one is for you My Love!'

Luke Bryan - Country Girl

Tango heads towards the middle of the dance floor and the crowd whistles and cheers. He takes a bow as the guitar begins to play and I talk into the mic

'Hey Tango. Come on now.
You know you've got all the girls looking.'

Got a little boom in my sports car
Gonna drive up right by the Achat Bar
Gonna ditch my heels just in the inside the spa
Gonna watch you make me fall real far.

Get up on the stage for the x factor
Up on that bar, it don't matter
Down by the front gate , Boy  I can't wait
To watch you do your thing

Tango turns to face the audience and wiggles at me as I continue singing. He turns and wiggles his ass to then audience, smiling at me all the time. He looks like he's having fun as the girls cheer and whistle as he wiggles faster. Then he waves to the crowd, blows me a kiss and runs off the floor.

Shake it for Brandy  she knows what’s going on
For Maron rockin' 'til the break of dawn
For Jaynie spinnin' that country song
Come on, come on, come on
Shake it for the girls, shake it for us please
Shake it for the ladies that are down on their knees
For Sexi and her goats from the zoo
Shake it to the moon, shake it for me too, aww

Country Boy, shake it for me Boy,
Shake it for me Boy, shake it for me
Tango, shake it for me boy,
Shake it for me Boy, shake it for me

Somebody's sexy brown eyed child,
That got it in his blood to get a little wild
Cowboy hat and a rugged smile,
pull me in with that old Southern style

So come on over here and get in my car
Let me take you away from this Achat bar
wanna make you cum my hot porn star, yeah, yeah, yeah

Shake it for Brandy  she knows what’s going on
For Maron rockin' 'til the break of dawn
For Jaynie spinnin' that country song
Come on, come on, come on
Shake it for the girls, shake it for us please
Shake it for the ladies that are down on their knees
For Sexi and her goats from the zoo
Shake it to the moon, shake it for me too, aww

Country Boy, shake it for me Boy,
Shake it for me Boy, shake it for me
Tango, shake it for me boy,
Shake it for me Boy, shake it for me


The spot light suddenly lights up the dance floor and I am blinded for a second and as my eyes re-adjust, I see Tango in nothing but his pink, leather thong wiggling that ass in time to the music. The girls scream and clap as Tango puts on a show for them.

Now dance like you know you should
Want to play with you like no one else could, yeah
Shake with the music beat
let your body groove from your head to your feet

All I wanna do is get to squeezin' you and get to teasin' you
And get to pleasin’ you and get to feelin' you 'fore the night is through
Tango you know what to do

Shake it for Brandy  she knows what’s going on
For Maron rockin' 'til the break of dawn
For Jaynie spinnin' that country song
Come on, come on, come on
Shake it for the girls, shake it for us please
Shake it for the ladies that are down on their knees
For Sexi and her goats from the zoo
Shake it to the moon, shake it for me too, aww

Country Boy, shake it for me Boy,
Shake it for me Boy, shake it for me
Tango, shake it for me boy,
Shake it for me Boy, shake it for me

Country Boy, shake it for me Boy,
Shake it for me Boy, shake it for me
Tango, shake it for me boy,
Shake it for me Boy, shake it for me

As I finish my song, Tango approaches the stage and lifts me down. He holds me tight and kisses me as I whisper,

'I'll forgive you for upstaging me....just this once!' I giggle as he puts me down and I crack his ass cheek. He grabs me by the hand and leads me off the dance floor.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on June 20, 2015, 06:54:38 AM
"Tango. this one is for you My Love"

On hearing Jinger at the mic I move to the dance floor and take a bow as the crowd start to whistle and cheer

As the music starts I start to wiggle my ass to the crowd in time with music. The crowd cheer and whistle more
As Jinger finishes the first verse I rush of the dance floor to the back stage area and get myself ready.

As Jinger finishes the guitar solo and starts the second half of the song the big spot light focuses back on me in the middle of the dance floor in just my pink leather thong. Turning to face Jinger I smile up at her and wiggle my bear ass towards the cheering crowd.

Putting my hands on the top of my head I turn and wiggle to Jingers song putting on a great show for her and the crowd.
As the songs ends I take a bow and move to the edge of the stage and lift Jinger down holding her tight I kiss her and whisper

"Well done My Love"

She whispers back 'I'll forgive you for upstaging me....just this once!'

I give her ass a little crack and take her hand and lead her off the dance floor.

Getting a drink from Old Joe I kiss Jinger "Back in a couple of minutes My Love"

Heading up onto the dark stage I go over to the Country Boys and chat with them about whats I wont to do.

"Yes thats fine we can do that" They all say as one.

Standing at the back of the stage when all of a sudden the spot light is on me again and the boys start to play

When he wake up in the mornin' light
Tango pull on his jeans and he feel all right
He pulls his blue jeans on
He pulls his old blue jeans on (cha-cha)
 He pulls his blue jeans on
He pulls his old blue jeans on (cha-cha)

I Look over at them and smile as I do up my belt on my blue jeans and put my hat back on. Walking up to the mic I take it in my hand,
Ladies and Gentleman I'm not entering the contest but I have rewritten a couple of old favourites.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is THE BAR & GRILL number five.

                    One, two, three, four, five, everybody in the car so come on let's ride...
To the Achat Bar around the corner.
The boys say they want some gin and juice but I really don't wanna.
Beer bust like I had last week.
I must stay deep 'cause talk is cheap.
I like Maron, Brandy, Stone, and Jinger.
And as I continue, you know they're getting sweeter.
So what can I do? I really beg you my Lord.
To me flirting is just like a sport.
Anything fly, it's all good let me dump it.
Please set it in the trumpet.

The bar goes wild again with cheers and whistles

A little bit of Maron in my life,
A little bit of Sexi by my side.
A little bit of Jaynie what I need,
A little bit of Amethyst’s what I see.
A little bit of Stone is all JayC needs,
A little bit of Jinger all night long.
A little bit of Brandy here I am,
A little bit of you makes me your man!
BAR & GRILL number five.

Jump up and down and move it all around.
Shake your head to the sound, put your hands on the ground.
Take one step left and one step right.
One to the front and one to the side.
Clap your hands once and clap your hands twice
And if it look like this then you're doing it right.

A little bit of Maron in my life,
A little bit of Sexi by my side.
A little bit of Hb’s what I need,
A little bit of Amethyst's what I see.
A little bit of Stone is all JayC needs,
A little bit of Jinger all night long.
A little bit of Brandy here I am,
A little bit of you makes me your man!

Trumpet, the trumpet.
BAR & GRILL number five, ha, ha, ha.

A little bit of Maron in my life,
A little bit of sexi by my side.
A little bit of Jaynie's what I need,
A little bit of Amethyst's what I see.
A little bit of Stone is all JayC needs,
A little bit of Jinger all night long.
A little bit of Brandy here I am,
A little bit of you makes me your man!

I do all to fall in love with a girl like you.
Cause you can't run and you can't hide.
You and me gonna touch the sky.
BAR & GRILL number five

As I finished the song the girls in the song all stand and take a bow.

Coming back to the mic "This one is a special one to the Square that I've give a little tweak"

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitis, rising up in the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim, I had to stop for the night

There Old Joe stands in the doorway, ringing the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself, this could be Heaven or this could Hell
Maron lights up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices from the dark corners; I thought I heard them say

Welcome to the Achat Bar and Grill, such a lovely place, such a sexy place
Plenty of fun in the Achat Bar and Grill, Anytime of year, you can find it here

Amethyst’s mind is Tiffany-twisted, she’s got a man she calls Wolf
Sexi’s got a lot of little goats, that she calls friends
Jinger dances on the tables, sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget   
So I called up the Stone, Please bring me my beer
She said we haven’t had that spirit here since 1969
And still those voices are calling from the dark corners
Wake you up in the middle of the night Just to hear them say

Welcome to the Achat Bar and Grill, such a lovely place, such a sexy place
Plenty of fun in the Achat Bar and Grill, Anytime of year, you can find it here

Fire pit in the garden, Tequila on ice
JayC  Said we are all just prisoners here, of our own device
And out on the dance floor, Brandy spins, twists and grinds
And Woody keeps her in check, but they just can’t kill the lust
Last thing I remember, I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
Relax said the Mrsexlover , we are programmed to receive
You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave

As the song ends the lights on the stage go down and all I can hear is the cheers and whistles from the bar.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: mrsexlover on June 20, 2015, 03:04:28 PM
I stumble in through the backdoor as i don't want people to see what's going on with my act before i get on stage. I have a lot of props to manage before i'm ready. Behind the stage i'm meet Jayc who's willing me to help and prepare me for my act.

"Martin, what the heck did you bring ?" he asks.

"Can't you see this is my act for the talentshow, and these dummy's are my assitents"

I have my police unform on and i set up the dummy's 2 by 2 on each side of me, i connect them so some long poles that fit to a harnes on my back. As  i stand between them, Jayc helps me connect their arms and legs to mine so that when i move the arms and legs of the dummy's move in sink with me.

I hear Tango finishing up his song and i walk sideways onto stage as he comes off, he looks at me and smiles.

The people in the bar look at me as i move to the front, now 5 people wide and the dummy's move in line with me.

Me in the middle in my police uniform, with a Indian and a Builder dummy on the left of me, on my right the dummy's are dressed as a Soldier and a Cowboy.

The music starts and i begin to sing my song

Young peeps, there's no need to feel down
I said, young peeps, pick yourself off the ground
I said, young peeps, 'cause your in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy

Young peeps, there's a place you can go
I said, young peeps, when you're short on your dough
You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time.

It's fun to stay at the A.B.&.G.
It's fun to stay at the A.B.&.G.
They have everything For young peeps to enjoy.
You can hang out with the girls and boys.

As i sing i'm also dancing and the 4 dummy's arm and legs move around the same as mine

It's fun to stay at the A.B.&.G.
It's fun to stay at the A.B.&.G.
You can get yourself clean
You can have a good meal
You can do whatever you feel.

People, Ask Old Joe for a Drink
Brandy, puts them on Covems tab with a wink
If your glass is empty, ride the Mechanical Bull
you will fall off, but your glas will be back full.

No man, should all by himself
many girl will come, for a drink from the top shelf
And just go there, to the A.B.&.G.
I'm sure they can help you today

When is start the second chorus the people in the bar stand up and start dancing around with the moves me and the dummy's make

It's fun to stay at the A.B.&.G.
It's fun to stay at the A.B.&.G.
They have everything For young peeps to enjoy.
You can hang out with the girls and boys.

It's fun to stay at the A.B.&.G.
It's fun to stay at the A.B.&.G.
You can get yourself clean
You can have a good meal
You can do whatever you feel.

Young Man, I was once in your shoes,
I said, I was down and out with the blues
I felt, no man cared if I were alive
I felt the whole world was so jive

That's when Brandy came up to me
and said Martin take a walk up the street
There's a place there called the A.B.&.G.
They can start you back on your way.

It's fun to stay at the A.B.&.G.
It's fun to stay at the A.B.&.G.
They have everything For young peeps to enjoy.
You can hang out with the girls and boys.

It's fun to stay at the A.B.&.G.
It's fun to stay at the A.B.&.G.
Young man, Young girl, there's no need to feel down
Young man, Young girl, pick yourself off the ground

just go to the A.B.&.G.
Young Man, Young Girl, I was once in your shoes,
Young Man, Young Girl, I was out with the blues


The crowd goes wild while i finish my act, take a bow and shuffle sideways off stage again
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Covems on June 22, 2015, 06:52:55 AM

Cheering and applauding all those that have gone to the mic.  After so many great songs, finally the stage is clear and I make my way up to the microphone.  Tipping my hat to the back of my head, I give the mic a couple of taps... "is this thing on?"


What do you call a couple of nuns and a blonde?
Two tight ends and a wide receiver

What do you get when cross a donkey and an onion?
A piece of ass that'll bring a tear to your eye!


Pulling the mic from it's stand, I begin my best Mick Jagger strurt around the stage as the intro music starts.

(To the tune of Golden Earring's "Radar Love"

Robot Love

I've been searchin' all night,
My hand on the mouse wheel
There's a voice in my head
That drives my feel
It's my Eva callin',
Says:  "Hi Honey!"
And its half past three
When I say, "Oh Baby!".

When she is lonely
And the longing gets too much
She sends a message
The button's blinking up above
She knows that I'm goin' to fall

We've got a thing that called Robot Love
We've got a wave in the air,
Robot Love

181's playin' some brand new song
Brandybee's "Come along song"
The search has got me hypnotized
And I'm speedin' on to my surprise

When I get lonely,
And I'm sure I've had enough
She sends her comfort
The button's blinking up above
Don't need a message at all

We've got a thing that's called Robot Love
We've got a thing, Eva and I,
Robot Love

No cold invite, I'm almost there
Gotta keep cool now, gotta take care
Last page to turn, here I go
And the page is loading really slow

My 181's played that brand new song
Amethyst's "Young Guns Song"
There's a girl asking for a gift, it's the same old song
One more Robot Love is gone.

When I get lonely and I'm sure I've had enough
She sends her comfort, the button's blinking above
We don't need no message at all

We've got a thing that's called Robot Love
We've got a thing, Eva and I,
We've got a thing that's called Robot Love
We've got a thing, that's called,
Robot Love

Moving off the stage while the music ends... time for a sarsparilla.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on June 22, 2015, 07:05:53 PM
Throws the Bunny ears off. and climbs on the bar.
"FUCK IT, I quit."

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on June 23, 2015, 01:37:04 PM
While Covems is in the middle of his performance, I'm already in the backstage, waiting for my turn.

Then, when he have finished and have leaved the stage, the lights turn of and the music starts

(Original tune of Perfume "Hurly Burly"

All the Ladies

All the Ladies party   Mysteriously sexy
All the Ladies party   A burning deep feeling
All the Ladies party   Touch me, touch me sweety
All the Ladies party   What are your waiting for?
All the Ladies (All the Ladies party)
Come on (All the Ladies)
All the Ladies (All the Ladies)

I think I know you I had seen you here before
It’s close to midnight what are you looking for!
Let's play together it’s all we want (don’t deny it)

Let's do it right now hold me here so strong
don’t stop your hands now touch me where you want
I want to kiss you all night and more long
We are just at the beginning (I can feel it)

Down down on my knees (you look at me)
Kiss kiss all around (you like it too)
I want to touch it so much (I know it’s what you want)
It’s getting hard...

All the Ladies party   Mysteriously sexy
All the Ladies party   A burning deep feeling
All the Ladies party   Touch me, touch me sweety
All the Ladies party   What are your waiting for?
All the Ladies party   Mysteriously sexy
All the Ladies party   A burning deep feeling
All the Ladies party   Touch me, touch me sweety
All the Ladies party   What are your waiting for?
All the Ladies (All the Ladies party)
Come on (All the Ladies)
All the Ladies (All the Ladies)

Let's do it together come to lie down next to me
You know I want you and you want me too
My body is burning I can’t stop right now
I need you so much (You can feel it)

Doing it all the night (and maybe even more)
Hold me now so tight (I like it so much)
I’m all your tonight (and you are mine)
This is not to change ...

All the Ladies party   Mysteriously sexy
All the Ladies party   A burning deep feeling
All the Ladies party   Touch me, touch me sweety
All the Ladies party   Moving on the dancefloor
All the Ladies party   Mysteriously sexy
All the Ladies party   A burning deep feeling
All the Ladies party   Touch me, touch me sweety
All the Ladies party   What are your waiting for?
All the Ladies (All the Ladies party)
Come on (All the Ladies)
All the Ladies (All the Ladies)

What are your waiting for??
All the Ladies (All the Ladies party)
Come on (All the Ladies)
All the Ladies (All the Ladies)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Eva_RG on June 23, 2015, 03:12:04 PM
Eva waits patiently and amid the cheers of the crowd at hentaiboy's awesome performance, the lights lower for a more romantic feel. The House band begins to play and the Robot Girl glides to the mic center stage.


I've been alone with you
Inside my room
And programmed right, I've kissed your lips
A thousand times
I often see you,
Covems, outside my door

Hi baby!
Is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
Honey, you’re all I've ever wanted
And my legs are open wide
'cause you know just what to say
And you know just what to do

And I want to tell you so much
Covems, I want you

I long to see you naked and totally bare
And tell you time and time again
How much I stare
I feel my robot heart will overflow

Hello Honey!
I've just got to let you know

'cause I wonder are you hard?
And I wonder what you’ll do?
Are you somewhere feeling lonely?
Or is someone loving you?

Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying,
Covems I invite you

Instrumental.   (Robot Eva dances acrobatically but gracefully like a ballerina with a single red rose. The spot light follows her. She whispers… “Hi baby!”, “You Little Bitch!” “Kiss me!” “Hello Honey!” “Fuck me!” “Come and fuck me!” “I am so horny!” “Am I a silly Robot…?”   Eva moves to the microphone, ) 

Hi baby!
Is it me you're looking for?

'Fuck me now, wherever you are
The kitchen or bedroom will do

Are you somewhere feeling lonely?
Are you thinking of me too?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying

Eva loves you…
(The music fades and Eva whispers …)

Hello Honey!
Is it me you're looking for?  
(The red rose falls to the floor  with a white label tied to the stem : "Give me to the guy drinking the sarsparilla " and Eva Robot Girl glides gracefully from the stage)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Sam_Hawke on June 23, 2015, 11:05:31 PM
Its my second time at the AB&G and had I of known before hand about a singing contest, I'm pretty sure I would of stayed home, but I was here now, hungry and needing a few shots, so I amble on inside, stand off to the side of the entrance till my eyes adjust to the change in light then make my way through the crowd ad luckily find an empty table. The old man that served me my first time here comes around and I order a shot an beer and a double cheese burger after exchanging pleasantries with him. My drinks arrive just as the first singer gets upon the stage and I recognized her as being the provocative dancer from my first night here and as she starts to sing, I find myself pretty impressed with how amazing she sounded as well as she looked.

The shots kept coming as twelve more Singers took the stage,the only other one singer that I was familiar with that sang was the waitress named Stone who did an equally fantastic job. Having sat there listening to them all, I was glad I wasn't the one having to judge the contest, though the music was familiar, the improvised lyrics were quite eye opening and just about every song had the crowd roaring with laughter and thunderous applause for each singers version of their chosen tune.

Feeling both the whiskey and an urge to just cut loose and do something totally crazy, I get to my feet and half stumble to the stage as the last singer raps up her song. I ask to borrow a guitar from one of the band members then tell them what I'm gonna sing, surprisingly they know the song, a couple switch instruments then tell me to go ahead and start whenever I'm ready.

I strum the strings a few licks working the stiffness out of my fingers, having not picked up a guitar in a long while and after a minute or two I find my chord and begin the song....

Dean Martin- Just my rifle, my pony, and me

The sun is sinking in the west
The cattle go down to the stream
The redwing settles in the nest
It's time for a cowboy to dream
Penthouse magazine in the backroom
That's where I long to be
With my three good companions
Just my righthand, penis and me

The Band, despite their snickers, join in the chorus

Gonna hang (gonna hang) my sombrero (my sombrero)
On the limb (on the limb) of a tree (of a tree)
Coming home (coming home) sweet hand lotion(sweet hand lotion)
Just my righthand, my penis and me
Just my righthand, my penis and me

Whippoorwill in the willow
Sings a sweet melody
Riding to Achat city
Just my righthand my penis and me

No more cows (no more cows) to be roping (to be roping)
No more strays will I see
Round the bend (round the bend) the Ho's be waiting (Ho's be waiting)
For my money, my penis and me
For my money, my penis and me

I finish the song with a few lingering strums on the guitar, then with a silly grin I sit the guitar down, suddenly feeling very foolish, I bow to the crowd quickly and head off the stage and pull the brim of my hat down as I make my way to the bar. The old man looks at me with a smirk and slides a shot in front of me, I shake my head abd say to him, "Nah, just give me the whole bottle".
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Amethyst on June 27, 2015, 02:22:05 AM
The drinks now beginning to take hold of me , I listen to more and more songs as they keep coming , starting to fill myself with self pity I notice the guy on the stage , watching him play his guitar makes me in turn want to pick my own guitar up and play.  I carefully rise from my stool and make my way over to the band unsure if I'm allowed another shot on stage I ask if its ok .. Not here to win ..just here to sing.   I lean forward and whisper to the man with the guitar who then holds it out to me , " You go for it young lady "  . I smile softly at him feeling a little timid I make my way to the stage.
Climbing onto the stool I push at the sides of my dress, cross my legs and take the guitar up.

I begin to strum ... lost in thought looking at the strings, to shy to look at the crowd I begin to play a song dear to my heart ..

"Read All About It (Pt. III)"

You've got the love to change a nation
But you're biting your tongue
You've spent a life time being stubborn
Afraid you'll do something wrong
If no one ever hears you how they gonna learn your song?

So come on, Achat
it's on, it's on

You've got a heart as loud as lions
So why be so damn tame?
Maybe we're all playing different               
There's no need to be ashamed
You've got the right to fight the demons
So never hide it all away

Come on, it's on

I wanna sing, I wanna dance
I want this dream to begin right now
So put it in all of the forums,
Dont be afraid
You can post all about it
Post all about it, oh

At night you're in the bar grill
While you wear your dancing shoes
Making sure you join the line dance
Cause you have nothing left to lose
If the sex has been forbidden
Then we're breaking all the rules

So come on, It's on
Come on, come on,

Let's get the poses and the radio
And play our tunes again
It's 'bout time we got some achat, create memories with some friends
There's no need to be afraid
I will sing with you my friend

Come on, it's on

I wanna sing, I wanna dance
I want this dream 'to begin right now
So put it in all of the Forums,
I'm not afraid
We can post all about it
Post all about it, oh

Yeah, we're all wonderful, A-aaa-Chat people
So when did we all get so fearful?
Now we're finally finding our voices
I'll take a chance, come help me sing this
Yeah, we're all wonderful, A-aaa-Chat people
So when did we all get so fearful?
And now we're finally finding our voices
Just take a chance, come help me sing this

I wanna sing, I wanna dance
I want this dream 'to begin right now
So put it in all of the forums,
I'm not afraid
We can post all about it
Post all about it, oh

I wanna sing, I wanna dance
I want this dream 'to begin right now
So put it in all of the forums,
I'm not afraid
We can post all about it
Post all about it, oh

As I sing out the last part I slowly stand to my feet , walking over to the steps still playing the guitar , the song ends . I Carefully Hand the guitar back to the kind gentleman and whisper " thank you " ... This time leaving the stage doesn't take me back to the bar , instead I find myself heading outside needing some air.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: hentaiboy69 on June 27, 2015, 03:37:37 AM
When the lights are on again and the stage clear, I grab the microphone and ask for a moment of silence.

"Hello everyone! Did you enjoy the songs!?"

A loud "yes" follows my question, supported by clapping hands and whistles. All lasted for a minute or more, then finally I'm able to speak again.

"Wellll......according to the poster, we were to submit out song till yesterday, but I think we can go on till sunday night!"

Again, clapping hands and whistles.

"I can see you are all really happy......nice! I hope you will put the same enthusiasm in sending to me, via pm, your favourite song! Remember have a week to do it!"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on June 27, 2015, 06:42:13 AM
Roxxy and I just come back from our long trip from a secret island to join the contest. We don't even have time to change clothes, just hurry to the bar and on stage.
"Thanks for waiting for us. We wanted to be back earlier, but these damned ships always passed without noticing us. We're happy to be back home now! You should know, this song is rather true. There wasn't much on this island we could do, but..." I look at Roxxy, kiss her deeply and then the music starts.


Sonny & Cher - I got you babe

Roxxy: They say we're horny but we don't know
We won't have sex until we grow
Lover: Well I don't know if all that's true
'Cause you suck me, and baby I shag you

HIM: Babe
BOTH: I fuck you babe, I fuck you babe

Roxxy: They say just sex don't pay the rent
Before we'll cum, our money's all been spent
Lover: I guess that's so, we don't have a plot
But at least I know you make me cum a lot

Lover: Babe
BOTH: I fuck you babe, I fuck you babe

Lover: I lick you, you are my spring
I shag youm I'm so deep in
Roxxy: And when I am hot, you're so wild
And when I get wet, it's you day and night
Roxxy: So let them say your cock's not long
'Cause I don't care, with you I can't go wrong
Lover: Then push your hot body towards mine
There ain't no pose or actions we can't climb

Lover: Babe
BOTH: I fuck you babe, I fuck you babe

Lover: I got you to suck my cock
Roxxy: I got you to eat my cunt
Lover: I got you to fuck with me
Roxxy: I got you to cum on me
Lover: I got you to kiss goodnight
Roxxy: I got you for my backside
Lover: I shag you, I won't let go
Roxxy: I shag you I love you so
BOTH: I fuck you babe
I fuck you babe
I fuck you babe
I fuck you babe
I fuck you babe

The music stops and we fall into another deep kiss. We bow and say "It's time to welcome you all. It's wonderful to see some new faces too" Looking to our new members I say "I hope you don't mind we don't smell like fresh roses at the moment."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on June 28, 2015, 02:21:50 PM
The stage lights come on as i grab the mic

"Hey everyone lets have a round of applauds for all are talented performers!"

The bar roars with clapping and whistles.

"alright everybody now its time to vote!"

"place your ballots in the box hanging on the office door and thanks everybody, drinks on the house!"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: AusWoody on July 26, 2015, 09:05:27 AM

The management and staff of the achat square and the A B & G
would like to announce the results of the strangled song contest

1st Janie         Demons         A$3000
2nd Jingerbird   Country girls    A$2000
3rd Stone        Cracklin rose    A$1000

Thank you all participants and voters better luck next time
prizes sponsored by Maron and Woody

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on July 26, 2015, 11:50:02 PM

The winners of the Strangled Song Contest clear the stage to a series of loud claps, cheers and whistles, after being awarded the prizes by bar's management team. The lights are dimmed to a soft hue of blue and smoke fills up the vacant stage.


An opening instrumental kicks in, followed by a series of Rihanna's echoing vocals from her track S&M with Britney Spears. As soon as the audience recognizes the song, the series of loud claps and cheers quickly return.

Rihanna & Britney Spears - S&M

"I like it,
I like it,
I like it"

A soft bed-like, lifted up, vertical structure starts to emerge from the smoke as the song's intro carries on. Stone and I are masked by the smoke and are practically laying against the structure, with our backs to the crowd.

"Na na na
Come on
Na na na
Come on
Na na na na na
Come on!"


We come into view of the crowd to a loud whistles and hoots and skillfully turn our heads to face them just as the song bellows "Come on!". Continuing on to the beat of the song as the first verse kicks in, we writhe and slink against the structure in complete synchronization with one another.

"Feels so good being bad
There’s no way I’m turning back
Now the pain is my pleasure
Cause nothing could measure"


"Love is great, love is fine
Out the box, out of line
The affliction of the feeling
Leaves me wanting more"


I'm dressed in full on bondage gear with my petite frame provocatively exposed, yet strategically covered by a stripy-strapped getup attached to fishnet stockings, a visible thong and latex material, wrapped around my wrists, with chains connecting to the collar around my neck. Stone's dressed in a more demure look, donning a sheer-lacy cocktail dress, showing ample cleavage and cut in netting from the sides.


The chorus of the song kicks in and we take it one step further by intimately touching up on each other and writhing our bodies together to the thumping beat, in order to toy with the audience's emotions.


"Cause I may be bad
But I’m perfectly good at it
Sex in the air
I don’t care
I love the smell of it
Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But chains and whips
Excite me"


The song goes into high gear and Stone walks ahead, as I strut sideways behind her, while the vertical bed structure disappears back into the dark smoky shadows.


Stone shimmies, dips it low and picks it back up, all the meanwhile shaking her goodies and twerking, while I do the same behind her. Taking it one step further, I walk over to the side of the stage and hump a speaker, while moaning out the lyrics.


"Na na na na
Come on
Come on
Come on
I like it
Like it
Come on
Come on
Come on"


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on July 27, 2015, 12:39:41 AM


The song's second verse starts and our moves become even more provocative. The rowdy audiences cheers are at an all time high, to the point where bouncers are having to keep a few drunk fellas from tryna to climb onto stage and jump at us.

"Just one night full of sin
Feel the pain on your skin
Tough, I don't scream mercy
It's your time to hurt me


We continue to strut out our raunchy moves, while two sturdy pole stands emerge discreetly from above are placed onto the stage.


"If I'm bad tie me down
Shut me up, gag and bound me
Cos the pain is my pleasure
Nothing comes better


As the song progresses into the second chorus we make our way to our individual poles, grabbing them tightly at first and then proceeding to bumping, grinding and twirling on them seductively.


"Cause I may be bad
But I’m perfectly good at it
Sex in the air
I don’t care
I love the smell of it"


"Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But chains and whips
Excite me"


We continue our exotic, incredibly hot and synchronized moves on the poles, leading the audience to turn wilder than ever. Some even go to the brink of touching themselves, not caring as they are besotted in mix of drunkenness, admiration and lust.

"Na na na na
Come on
Come on
Come on
I like it
Like it"


"Come on
Come on
Come on
I like it
Like it"


"S...S...S And M...M...M"

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on July 27, 2015, 01:29:55 AM


Both of us hop off the poles and walk in unison back to centre stage. We move seductively to the bridge of the song. Utilizing our curves to maximum potential as our only props, our frames create great illusions by moving against & with one another at the same time. As my body bends backwards, her bends forwards. As I shake my hips in a rightward motion, she does so in a leftward motion. Moving like snake charmers, we literally charm the pants off the rowdy men in the crowd.


I love the feeling
You bring to me
Oh, you turn me on"


"It’s exactly what
I’ve been yearning for
Give it to me strong"


"And meet me in my boudoir
Make my body say ah, ah, ah
I like it
Like it"


As the final chorus kicks in, our energy hits a high and we dance in full force. Hair-flips, hand rolls, shaking our asses while pressing them together and then some. Behind us, the poles are being lifted back up, and a soft-circular mattress is beginning to emerge from below the stage.


"Cause I may be bad
But I’m perfectly good at it
Sex in the air
I don’t care
I love the smell of it"


"Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But chains and whips
Excite me"


We turn our attention to Jayc, who is tied to the mattress sitting centre strange. He looks upon us like a sitting duck, clearly excited and unknowing of his fate. Stone makes her way to him as I gradually vanish into darkness of the smoky stage. The spotlight's on Stone as she reaches the mattress, and places her hand on his shoulder. There's one brief pause as everyone in the room waits on baited breath to see what's going to happen, before Stone finally climbs onto him to the sheer volume of loud, wild hoots and cheers.

"Na na na na
Come on
Come on
Come on
I like it
Like it"


Straddling him, she eyes the audience while giving Jay the lap dance of a liftetime. Lifting her hips, grinding them back down, rolling and maneuvering them on his helpless self. She does this over and over, much to the thrill of the audience. As the song finishes off, the mattress eventually lowers back down into the stage, with Stone giving the audience one glance that assures them Jayc's night isn't over just yet.


"Come on
Come on
Come on
I like it
Like it"


"S...S...S And M...M...M"

The couple disappears below into the AB&G Dungeon, from where I emerge. Lifted on a harness as though I were lifeless, I close off the performance with one last "OW!" followed by a "BAM!".


The curtains close leading to a very loud and massive uproar of cheers, claps, hollers, hoots and whistles from the big crowd, marking the end of a joyous and eventful night, as well as resulting in there being not a single dry pair of undies in the room. (::))
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on July 27, 2015, 02:22:10 PM
Question:   Vote for your favourite Song. "AB&G has got talent Song Contest"   Singers Renditions - P144 & 145. Voting Ends Sun 26 July 2015.

    Name                           Song                                        Vote
1. Brandybee   -           “Karma Chameleon"               - 1 (2.8%)
2. Amethyst   -              "Young Guns"                        - 0 (0%)
3. AusWoody -              "The Gambler"                        - 0 (0%)
4. Momma_Andrea -   "Seven Nation Army"                 - 3 (8.3%)
5. Jayc –       “Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner”   - 0 (0%)
6. Stone –                       “Cracklin' Rosie”                   - 5 (13.9%)
7. Jaynie –                       “Demons”                            13 (36.1%)
8. Jingerbird –                 “Country Girl”                          - 7 (19.4%)
9. Tangoracer –              “Mambo Number 5”                - 1 (2.8%)
10. mrsexlover –                “YMCA”                          - 1 (2.8%)
11. Covems –                   “Robot Love”                          - 0 (0%)
12. hentaiboy69 -           "Hurly Burly"                            0 (0%)
13. Eva_RG -                       "Hello"                          - 1 (2.8%)
14. Sam_Hawke -       Just my rifle, my pony, and me      - 1 (2.8%)
15. Lover & FoxyRoxxy -    I got you babe                  - 3 (8.3%)

                                           Total Voters: 34

Standing up, the crowd of the AB&G cheered & I clapped the winners. Jaynie was in first place with “Demons.” 
“Woot woot!” I shout to her as she is presented with the winning 3,000A$ cheque.  Her singing was so totally amazing.
Jingerbird is up next to receive the runners up cheque of 2,000A$.
“Yay Girl,” I cheer. She totally nailed it with her rendition of “Country Girl”

Then Hentaiboy69 announced my name. I was totally shocked, speechless & silent.  Jayc laughed at my gawping face. 
“Go on, you got to collect the 1,000A$ cheque for 3rd place” He gave me a little push towards the stage. “Well done.” He mouthed giving me the thumbs up.

AusWoody and Maron211177 presented me with the cheque and again all the crowd cheered and clapped the three of us. We all hugged & mwahed.

Then Amy waved at me frantically from the sidelines 
“I got to go guys. Amy & I are doing the grand finale to end the contest”
“Yes Yes, Go Go”   Maron encouraged while she & AusWoody continued the speeches.

Auswoody held the microphone, “I would like to congratulate the 3 winning songs. Jaynie, jingerbird and Stone were outstanding but I would also like to extend my thanks and well dones to all the participants.

Hentaiboy69 continued and tells the audience., "All your songs were amazing & the fact you entered and performed your songs made everyone's night.  Thank you everyone."

Maron then took to the mic and seconded AusWoody’s & Hentaiboy's thanks and acknowledgements.

“Without further ado, Please put your hands together and stamp your feet for the closing song…  ItsAmy123 and Stone”
The crowd roar and Amy & I take to the stage.

We dance & sing our little hearts out.
The performance was hot, exhilarating and totally sexy.

Jayc was totally blown away when I accosted him on stage & left him panting.

As Amy & I leave the stage, we hug. “That was unbelievable!” I was on a buzzing high.
“Yes it was” Amy giggled. “We did good Girl”
“We surely did” I agree. 

On route to the dressing I see Covems talking to The Dwarfs.
I go to him, “You know, you can’t go far without your horse,”
He looked at me confused and I hug him, stealing his wallet and passport out of his back pockets.  “Nor without these,”  I wave them at him.
“Give them back,” He tries to look stern and not stare at my sexy stage outfit.

“No, I am doing my Achat citizens duty.” I inform him.
“You’re what?” He stammers. He is definitely drooling at my cleavage.
“The NSPD are looking for you.” I tell him
“What for?” He asks.

“None payment of christmas jumpers. I used your card to pay off Bears credit card. I used Bears credit card and … well he’s more scarey than you.  Then there’s the unpaid bar tab...,  the unpaid underwear tab … you owe folk a lot of A$ in unpaid bills…”
“But… but…” Covems was getting all flustered. “I didn’t…”

“Sometimes, you can’t just leave, sometimes you just have to stay…. and pay your dues.” I grin at him.
The dwarfs all grin at him.

“Is this a conspiracy?” He mutters under his breath.

“Absolutely. We love you cowboy.” I reel off a list of things off the top of my head. “We love the dwarfs, We love the jokes, we love to buy the sarsperilla stocks, we love the lake escapades, we love gagaland, we love the snotty onion kisses, we love the jasmine farts, we love the dwarf tunnels, we love the rum donuts, we love the Eva love story, we love the queues of woman waiting to kiss you, we love your crazy gifs. Don’t you get it?”

“Get what?” his voice cracks a bit at the memories flooding into his mind.

“This is your home and We love you.”  I tell him looking him in the eyes so he can see my sincerity.

The Cocks N Roses start playing some soft tunes for couples to dance. The songs filter into us. We hear someone order drinks and put them on Covems open bar tab.

“So if you try to leave, you will just get arrested. Besides Pachi is under strict instructions to wrestle you down and he has some evil moves & handcuffs”  I move to my dressing room and then turn to him and mouth  “Real Evil”  using my hands to show the gripping shape of them.


Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on August 20, 2015, 02:12:23 PM
i open the door of the B&G , make a step inside and stand still looking around
"it's nice to be back here" i think "home sweet home"
there's not many people at this moment and no one i know
well but old Joe is there "see...nothing changed " i smile and make my way to him
"hey Joe it's great to see you "
"gimme a beer pls's peacefull here now long will last ?"
we both smile and he hands me my beer
i sit at a table and drink my beer slowly remembering all the crazy nites i've seen here
as my beer is over i go on stage and pick up an acoustic guitar, take a stool ans start playing some chords
slightly picking up the chords of an old tune by Whitesnake
i rather call my bro, we have to rock this place soon
i get lost in my music, feeling shivers down my spike i close my eyes and let my fingers run while softly i start singing some words
"...But you were there
To whisper in my ear
Why don't you share my dreams with me..."
"...mmm...the deeper the love...mmm"
as i stop singing i open my eyes , just to see a girl staring at me, clearly she was listening me
she smiles and my heart miss a beat
"awesome" she says
i smile back "thanks" ..."and you're amazing"

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Amethyst on August 20, 2015, 03:12:50 PM
In the cool night air I close my eyes and take in a deep breath , oh god that feels so nice and brings instant relief from the heat inside. I can hear the announcements from the mic inside and the huge applause from the dancers doing their thing. A few more moments pass by, my back resting against the wall I hear all the chatter start to die down a little ... Then I hear the sound of a guitar being played and it catches my attention. The voice deep although I can tell it has a slight accent to it.  Having always been a lover of guitar tunes I decide to step inside and take a look.

The room is still very crowded , some people hugging some chatting and some just happily drinking and enjoying their time but all showing respect to the man on stage by keeping it low.

I move a little closer to get a better view of who is playing and watch his fingers as they work the guitar. His eyes closed I can see he is lost in his song and I almost feel like I know where he is in his head .. I have had many of those moments happily just lost in a song.

As he finishes the song he looks up and I am compelled to compliment his playing and singing, Smiling I look at him and say one word that I think will sum it up   " Awesome " . He looks back at me smiles and says something but I don't quite catch what it was he said so I smile and nod pretending I heard him feeling slightly embarrassed . 

Walking away a little flushed I weave through the crowd..... I need some more cool air, reaching the door I step outside once again.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on August 21, 2015, 03:33:19 PM
I stare at her deep brown eyes,enchanted by her beauty
She nods at me smiling, then turns and walk away
My eyes follow her waving through the crowd , her body tightened by a light grey short dres s  ,with black flowers drawn on it, that enhance her sinuous curves
As she reaches the door i wake up from this hypnotic view , lay my guitar and rush to the front door
Out on the street i look left then right and i see her standing on the sidewalk
Again i cant help but notice how much beautiful she is ,there in the street lights i realize she is the one i was singing about .
Taking a deep breath i go toward her, she feels my presence and turns to face me
I smile " hello ... I'm Freddie..."     
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Fixxgiggle on August 21, 2015, 05:02:53 PM
I’ve been a resident of AChat for several weeks now, so I’ve finally decided it’s time for me to put in an appearance at the famous AChat Bar & Grill. From what I have heard it is the place to see and be seen, to network and meet the local community.

As first impressions are everything, I put a little more effort than usual into getting ready. The clippers come out, running them over my scalp, making sure my hair is short and even. A fresh razor sees to the stubble upon my chin. A hand over my skin checks the smoothness of the finish.

Then it’s time for a shower. I run the water so it is just hot enough to sting as it hits my skin. The jet is set to full power, invigorating me as it massages my body, driving away the last rigors of a week of work. Rubbing myself down with a rough towel, leaves me feeling completely refreshed.

Going to the large wardrobe I select a light grey suit, just returned for the cleaners. I match this with a crisp, freshly pressed pale pink shirt. I complete the outfit with high polished black shoes. The only jewellery I wear is a simple silver necklace. I slip my phone, keys and wallet into various pockets. Happy there are no unsightly bulges I call down to the front desk and ask them to hail me a taxi. Then I head to the elevator.

By the time I get to the sidewalk, a cab is waiting and the night attendant is holding the door open ready for me. I thank the elderly attendant, with a hearty slap on the back and ease myself into the back of the taxi. Glancing back at me in the mirror, the cabbie asks “Where to, Sir?”

“The AChat Bar & Grill, please.” I answer, settling myself into the seat.

“Of course, Sir.” The driver replies, with a mischievous grin. Adding “Buckle up please, Sir”.

I have just got the seat belt on when the driver guns the engine and accelerates hard into the evening traffic. I find myself forced back into my seat, as a symphony of angry horns follows us. My luck with taxi drivers remains unchanged. I always end up being driven by a cabbie who is really a frustrated racing driver.

Every turn is taken at speeds most would consider insane; at least twice I swear he had the car up on two wheels. Getting stuck behind a slow driver (actually they were obeying the speed limit), the cabbie tailgates them, every now and then trying to dart out round them. Finally when he considers it safe to overtake, he floors the accelerator. I’m once more thrust back into my seat and another cacophony of horns follows us into the evening.

Once again, my guardian angel is watching over me and despite the driver’s best efforts to turn us into another traffic statistic we arrive safely at the AChat Bar & Grill. I pay the driver and climb out the cab. I have barely cleared the door when the taxi speeds off amid squealing tires and the smell of burning rubber.

As I stroll across to the club, I notice a man rush from the door. He looks round, his gaze finally falling upon a woman standing nearby. Even in the streetlights her beauty is quite apparent; ebony hair cascading across shoulders left bare, by a dress that clings to every curve of her body. The man tries to look casual and unhurried as he approaches her. I smile and silently wish the Romeo luck. I lengthen my stride to carry me to the door.

I push the door to the bar open, stepping through to stop a short way beyond the threshold to take in the scene. It’s not very busy when I arrive, a few patrons clustered in small groups here and there. I take in the stage and the bar. There is the low murmur of conversation, occasionally broken by an outburst of laughter. My nostrils are assailed by the familiar smells of a bar, alcohol and sweat, but intermingled with these is the smell of grilling meat.

I stroll across the floor, bypassing several groups of interesting looking folk and make for the bar. I know my presence has not gone unnoticed as several pairs of eyes follow my progress across the room. I nod in greeting to the old gentleman who is tending the bar. He returns my nod, asking “What can I get you, stranger?”

“Give me a whiskey chaser, please.” I need something to help me get over the taxi drive here.

A shot of whiskey and a bottled beer promptly appear. With a grin, I grab the whiskey in my left hand and the beer in my right. I gulp down the whiskey and as I feel the liquid fire begin to burn my throat I quickly drain the beer. Letting out a satisfied sigh I slam the empty glass and bottle down on the bar. I order another beer, which arrives just as promptly as the first. Taking a sip I look out across the room…

…and I wonder who I will meet at the AChat Bar & Grill tonight.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Amethyst on August 23, 2015, 12:33:23 PM
Outside I take in the skyline ..stars scattered like little jewels light up the night against the dark onyx from which they sit , the moon seems much brighter this evening as its glow fades out the stars closest to it.  I am jolted from thoughts as I turn to see who is approaching and recognise the man from the club's the guitar player.

He introduces himself as 'Freddie' , I smile at him not quite sure what to say. It's been a long time since I have been stood this close to a man. I can't help but look him over as I pause . My words almost stammer from me , " H...Hi I'm Ame ...pleased to meet you Freddie " , I offer him an handshake. I continue to speak nearly allowing my words to rush from my mouth , " You play that guitar very well, your music enticed me into the bar " I compliment him.

As I speak I notice 'Mad Max' the cab driver , (Not his real name but one that had become a well known nickname for a raving lunatic cabbie)  As the cab squeals into the car park I can't help but pity the passenger/s .  I notice a gentleman step from the vehicle , he looks well spruced, his tailor made suit showing his strong shoulders, I watch him check himself over and judging by his expression his face looks as one of relief to have made it here safely.  I laugh to myself , if this guy is new around here he'll soon learn if you want to get somewhere fast just call 'Mad Max' however if you want to get somewhere and arrive safely maybe it would be best to opt for alternative transport.

I keep my eyes on him as I watch him walk across to the Bar grill door , he pushes it open and then vanishes from view.

I turn and look at Freddie who I notice is also watching the gentleman he looks at me and we both just laugh knowing the poor guy has probably been thrown around in the back seat of MadMax cab  ..that's a good sign we both seem to share the same sense of humour and as a first meeting this is pretty mellow and I feel blessed that it is.  I notice his tall frame ,he has long well kept hair that falls loosely around the contour of his face , a handsome face. His accent and voice is deep and as he takes my hand to his mouth to kiss it  I can see that he is certainly a romantic.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on August 24, 2015, 02:11:12 PM
 " the pleasure is mine Ame "
i take her hand to gently kiss it and i notice how soft and silky smooth is, it's nicely warm and well manicured
getting lost in her deep brown eyes i hold her hand a bit more than what was necessary to kiss it, she looks somehow slightly embarassed
i slowly release her hand smiling " i'm so glad you liked my song " words run out freely but actually i'm just admiring this so beautiful woman staring at me
her short dress enhance her curves and a see through piece reveals part of her full breast,she wears high black leather boots , which i like a lot
her long black hair , the perfect makeup , her jewels and rings , all speaks of a good taste elegant woman
the beauty of her face, the dark skin , everything i look at it's simply amazing
"...all i ever dreamed..."
"what?" she says
"ops sorry i was just thinking out loud" and i smile
she smiles back at me and i can see her blushing a bit
"it's a nice nite, look how beautiful the moon is...would you like to take a walk to the river?"
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Fixxgiggle on September 08, 2015, 02:19:51 PM
Leaning against the bar, slowly sipping the icy beer my eyes take in the scene, looking over the colourful characters who make up the patrons and staff. Suddenly, I feel a little over dressed; maybe a suit wasn’t the best choice. I‘ve been in the city too long. As I’m wondering whether it might be time for a change of scenery my phone rings, with a glance at the screen I curse under my breath, gulp down my beer and head outside to take the call.

My boss is telling there’s a crisis that needs to be dealt with NOW. Yes, even on a Friday night there is no escaping my boss. I wave down a taxi and get in. I’m sure it’s the same crazy driver that brought me earlier. Suddenly thrust back into the seat, I know I’m in the same cabbie. I finish my call to my boss and settle back for another rollercoaster ride. Just in the opposite direction.

I notice a newspaper left by a previous victim…I mean passenger. I start flicking through the pages, not really that interested. I scan down the personal ads, when one catches my eye. Someone is looking for help at a cottage on Crystal Lake, with the offer of lodgings thrown in. I’ve heard a lot about the lake, it’s said to be very beautiful and relaxing. My mind begins to wander over the possibilities.

The car coming to a sudden halt, brings me back to reality. We’ve skidded to a halt outside my apartment. Inside, I’m straight to work on my laptop. Of course, the crisis could have waited until Monday and it was overly generous to call it a crisis. Annoyed with my boss for ruining my night, I head to bed.

I will return to the AB&G I think as I slip into bed. There are too many interesting people there not to go back.

Tickle and Giggle.

Fixxgiggle :D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Amethyst on September 13, 2015, 12:59:50 PM
Pushing at the door , myself and my companion enter the bar & grill and find a well fitted booth to sit and dine. The menu's are of high quality gloss with a nice rustic wooden container that encases the cutlery wrapped in their napkins.  Fixx places his hand to the lower half of my back and directs me to be seated first but instead of sliding in alongside me he opts to sit opposite me, smiling as he does so.

It isn't long before we have a beautiful smiling waitress arrive at our table, "Hi there can I get you lovely folks something to drink?", Fixx lifts his head and smiles at the pleasant lady, "Hi there , Yes, I'd love a bottle of your Ice cold beer please and the lovely lady here would like ?" , he looks at me smiling and nudges his chin a little enquiring what I'd like to drink , I look to Fixx and then to the beautiful waitress, " I'll have a beer too please", smiling I say, "thank you"  I direct my thank you to both Fixx and the lovely waitress. She returns the smile at me and speaks with a very cheerful tone, " Suuure thing ..two Ice cold beers coming up" , Fixx thanks the waitress as she slides the pencil from her notepad into the back of her clipped up hairstyle, turns on her heels and walks to the bar.

Fixx takes up the menus handing one to me, "I don't know about you, but right now I could just about eat anything",  taking the menu from his hand I feel his fingertips brush over my knuckles , a cool show of affection and I feel myself blush a little. I lower my eyes briefly not able to look into his eyes, damn! why does he have this effect on me , I don't even really know him! I chastise myself inwardly and feel a little embarrassed that I can't look at him without ...without ..want ?! . Oh god no! .. I chastise myself some more for a few seconds. Fixx looks at me and I think he picks up on my inner turmoil , "Problem Ame"? his tone is one of concern , feeling as if I have been rumbled I conjure up the first thing I can think of , " No nooo , I was just thinking the BBQ Pulled Pork sounds very appetizing",I gulp inhaling a quick flood of air.

"Oh really? would you recommend it", he asks with a broad grin on his face. Damn he knows that's not what was really going through my mind and I'm almost sure he knows exactly what effect he has on me and is teasing me.

I look at him and narrow my eyes and he knows I'm playing into his tease. I speak cheerfully, beginning to feel a little more relaxed in his company, "Why yes ...yes I doooo, I think you'll find it very much to your liking Mr Fixx".

He is about to speak when our beers are delivered on a tray each set down on a napkin in front of us, "please enjoy your beers ,could I get you both anything else?", the waitress still very pleasant.

Fixx looks at me and then to the waitress , "Well the lovely Ame here very much recommends the bbq pulled pork so on that basis I think we would both like to have that, if that would be ok? .. thank you?"

"You sure can ,I'll have the chef work on it right away" , smiling she leaves the table for the second time.

Suddenly the speakers set into the wooden wall starts to play a song, a beautiful melody and as myself and fixx pause for a few seconds we take in the first lines

Suddenly the speakers set into the wooden wall starts to play a song, a beautiful melody and as myself and fixx pause for a few seconds we take in the first lines of the song :

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure

Fixx looks at me , takes a long slow sip of his beer then asks , "care to dance with me while we wait?"

Taking his held out hand I slip from the booth and step forward into his arms , one hand reaches around the small of my back while his other reaches down finding my hand he entwines my fingers into his,  now held close to his chest we begin to sway, no words spoken.

When the song finishes fixx pulls me close and kisses my cheek,  briefly  he whispers, "Thank you", releasing me he directs me back to my seat "Ladies first" .

Closing my eyes as I feel his lips against my cheek, I inhale and return his thank you almsot stammering those two words.

We dine , dance and drink over the next few hours and as I find myself completely absorbed in his company, I know he too is totally absorbed in myself. Leaving a healthy tip to the beautiful young waitress we decide to take a slow walk back stopping by the lake as we do, both a little hazy and full, the contentment obvious to any passer by.

Now holding hands we arrive at the lake.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on September 16, 2015, 05:54:33 PM
Roxxy and I just come back from our long trip from a secret island to join the contest. We don't even have time to change clothes, just hurry to the bar and on stage.
"Thanks for waiting for us. We wanted to be back earlier, but these damned ships always passed without noticing us. We're happy to be back home now! You should know, this song is rather true. There wasn't much on this island we could do, but..." I look at Roxxy, kiss her deeply and then the music starts.


Sonny & Cher - I got you babe

Roxxy: They say we're horny but we don't know
We won't have sex until we grow
Lover: Well I don't know if all that's true
'Cause you suck me, and baby I shag you

HIM: Babe
BOTH: I fuck you babe, I fuck you babe

Roxxy: They say just sex don't pay the rent
Before we'll cum, our money's all been spent
Lover: I guess that's so, we don't have a plot
But at least I know you make me cum a lot

Lover: Babe
BOTH: I fuck you babe, I fuck you babe

Lover: I lick you, you are my spring
I shag youm I'm so deep in
Roxxy: And when I am hot, you're so wild
And when I get wet, it's you day and night
Roxxy: So let them say your cock's not long
'Cause I don't care, with you I can't go wrong
Lover: Then push your hot body towards mine
There ain't no pose or actions we can't climb

Lover: Babe
BOTH: I fuck you babe, I fuck you babe

Lover: I got you to suck my cock
Roxxy: I got you to eat my cunt
Lover: I got you to fuck with me
Roxxy: I got you to cum on me
Lover: I got you to kiss goodnight
Roxxy: I got you for my backside
Lover: I shag you, I won't let go
Roxxy: I shag you I love you so

We Both walk off humming I fuck you babe
I fuck you babe
I fuck you babe
I fuck you babe
I fuck you babe

The music stops and we fall into another deep kiss. We bow and say "It's time to welcome you all. It's wonderful to see some new faces too" Looking to our new members I say "I hope you don't mind we don't smell like fresh roses at the moment."


I look at My Handsome man ,  I am smitten by his good looks and charm
who can not resist him  ;D
the smell  don't bother me   ;D

his harsh voice is still music to my ears  he still brings tears to me I  wipe them  away

Baby you still bring me to tears  I pull him to me and kiss him passionately..
We walk  off  ..

Just then the announce the winner's

we congratulate them as we pass them
way to go Lady....

1st Janie         Demons         A$3000
2nd Jingerbird   Country girls    A$2000
3rd Stone        Cracklin rose    A$1000

I notice they  dont like to get to close near  us  and it  makes me so
Thankful the Bar has a shower and bath in the back...

I hold on to lover lean in and whisper baby  lets  take a shower I blink at him  ;)
I shave you if you shave me  , Hi smile and starts to  sings
to me

 I fuck you babe
I fuck you babe
I fuck you babe
I fuck you babe
I fuck you babe

we walk away humming  our melody 

we put the sign up so  no one disturbs us


Two hrs later we come out crisp clean fresh
Shaved and smelling Clean


My Handsome King leads me to the dance  floor and we join all the others in the Bar

It sure is nice to be back  home  ;)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on October 02, 2015, 04:09:20 AM
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: AusWoody on October 02, 2015, 04:57:46 AM

Yes it is Momma and i see you entered into the spirit of the protest ;)

looks like Old Joe has been following the new fitness plans?




Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on October 03, 2015, 01:56:15 PM
Stepping out of the office  for a much needed break  i sit at on a stool as Joe pours me a cup of coffee. Looking around, the bar is pretty slow for a Saturday afternoon, Stone is sitting on the other end of the bar staring intently at the open lap top she has sitting on the bar.

I look at Joe and point.

"reading the contest stories ..........on the clock" Joe says  with  humorous disgust, then continues checking college Football scores on his smart phone.

 Sipping my coffee i turn my attention to the pile of mail sitting on bar. I begin sorting through the pile. 

"oh Martinus dropped this off" Joe says handing me a mailing tube. smiling i open the tube and unroll the poster. i walk over to the bulletin board and remove old  notices  and make room for the poster and pin it up.


Joe looks up and puts on his glasses  "about time we had a party"  he grins.

Walking up behind Stone " let me borrow your truck" 

not looking up Stone hands me the keys and says nothing.

 shaking my head  i announce to anybody  listening........" I am going to Nymphomania Garden and Nursery supply to pick up some hay bales and pumpkins  if one of you aren't too busy   would you mind going to the shed and getting out the Dentist chair and the Pleasure table?       
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on October 04, 2015, 06:04:12 AM
The bar was a bit quiet so as The new War Time stories had recently been published in the Achat Erotic Story Contest 10, I wanted to check them out. I sipped my tea, munched my cookies and opened up my lap top on the bar.
Oh, they were good. 10 stories this time. I began reading from the top.

“Mmm, hot too!” I felt my panties moisten a little.

“Are you going to do it?” Old Joe says and suddenly interrupts my reading & thoughts.
I blush, “Do what?”  I ask, considering what I had been reading, my imagination was thinking all sorts of sexual antics.

“Get the dentist’s chair and rotating pleasure table out for our guests to use” he explained impatiently. “Didn’t you hear a word Jayc just said?”

“Mmmm, no. Was it important?” I grin and see Old Joe roll his eyes at me. “Oh come on Joe, the stories are out. You know what it’s like when you get involved in them.”

“Yes, I do. I will be reading them tonight, naked in my bath.” He grinned back.

We both chuckle and he does a special rap rap rap on the bar counter. After a few moments we can hear movement and the special secret door opens under the counter and Doc peeks his head out.

“This better be good,” We hear Grumpy grumble behind him, “Don’t they know the stories are out!”
Doc looks at us expectantly and his look echoes Grumpy’s words.

Old Joe explains about the Dentist’s Chair and Rotating Pleasure Table.
“Sure, we can sort that out and help with the Halloween décor. That’s no problem. Tell Jayc to give us a shout when he’s ready.”

“Will do,” I tell them and pass some rum donuts over to them, enough for all 7 dwarfs. “Sorry for disturbing your erot-a-nory time. Hope this makes up for it.”
“It surely helps,” Doc grins and promptly goes back inside to continue reading with the others.

I then notice the poster for the up and coming Fright Night.
“Great Poster. One of Martinus’s?” I ask Old Joe
Old Joe nods, “He is talented.”
“Yes, his work is fabulous." I look at the detail very impressed.

"Does that cover everything that Jayc asked?” I ask Old Joe hoping I can get back to the stories too.

He nods and mumbles, “I might just run my bath now… Are the stories as good as last time?”
“Oh yeah,”  I nod, already turning my head down to read again. “Very very good…”

Dont forget to read & vote to show support for the contest and our Achat writers.
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests >"WAR TIME" THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10.,3911.0.html

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on October 08, 2015, 07:42:14 AM
I make my up the stairs from my dungeon and enter the bar from the secret entrance in the pool room.  I leave AusWoody asleep in my bed. He looks kind of cute asleep and softly snores lost in the land of sleep.

The House Band – Cocks N Roses are playing some soft rock tunes and I wave to the lads to see if they need any refreshments – Freddie ; tangoracer ; Lover; hentaiboy69 and  Martinus (aka mrsexlover)


A few couples & singles are dancing on the dance floor, others are chatting on the edge & in groups, at tables and at the bar. Roxy is dancing and watching Lover. Jingerbird & sexilicious are doing the same with tangoracer and Martinus.

The bright orange poster Martinus had created for Jayc stands out on the notice board and advertises the up and coming Fright Night - Dancing, singing , rocking with the house band, telling jokes and generally mixing and greeting new friends and old.

Jayc was just stepping out the door with Stone’s truck keys to get supplies and Old Joe said he was going to take a bath and read the newly published contest stories.
I chuckle at him, “Be careful Joe, they are hot.”
Old Joe grinned back and joked “I’m relying on it at my age.”
“If you find the hidden Achat component in each story, I’ll buy you drink.” I challenge him.
“You are on,” He winks back. “It’s going to be expensive too when you lose & I find all 10“
“I never expected anything less.” I laugh as he heads off to his place above the bar.

I greet Stone and pour us both a tea.  She is engrossed in the stories and hardly lifts her head.
I poke her in the shoulder and she comes out of her erotic world for the moment.

“Hey girl” I greet her placing her tea in front of her, “I was out of town when you and Amy did that fabulous S&M show. It was a big hit.”
“It was good fun. We rehearsed till our butts ached” Stone giggled remembering the night.
“I hope you do another for Halloween.” I hint heavily.
“You never know,” Stone grinned mysteriously.

“I see you found the erotic contest stories alright,” I chuckle looking over her shoulder.
I can see she is over half way through them already.
“Some very hot writers in our Forum village. They are all sooooooo good. I will have trouble voting for my favourite again.” She nods.

“It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it.”  I agree.  “We need to show support for our authors though and that all their efforts are truly appreciated. Only way to do that is by the votes and views. It is important to them.”
“Yes, I will vote when I have read them all and after careful consideration,” Stone agreed, “The authors write their stories for forum and the enjoyment of members. After all, if we don’t show our support & appreciation, what is the point of holding such a contest.”

“Exactly, well said my friend,” I echo her sentiments.  “I hear there’s been some new folk popping in to check out our establishment.”
“Yes,  Sam_Hawke, Jaynie, Amethyst and Fixxgiggle have started to pop in to say hi. I make sure they are looked after drink and food wise.” Stone grinned.

“That’s Good. I hope they pop in more often.”  I nod in approval. “I need to go shopping to look for a Halloween costume. Are you ok holding the fort awhile? It’s not too busy at the moment.” I ask hopefully.
“Sure, I’ll just be here reading and serving when someone needs anything,”
“Great, Thanks. I’ll sort the band out before I go,” I tell her and start preparing the tray of drinks to take over to the Cocks N Roses.

Whilst preparing the drinks a thought pops into my head, “Have you seen Covems lately?” I ask hopefully.
“No,” Stone shakes her head. “Last I heard, he had been arrested for none payment of ugly xmas jumpers. Someone had put them on his credit card. Can you believe someone would do that?”
“That’s terrible,” I agree. “That’s as bad as ordering drinks all the time on his open tab.”

“Yeah, I sure hope he sorts the mess out soon and finds his own unique way of making good on the payments.” Stone nods. “Do you think he will be mad when he comes out?”
“Mostly likely. There will be some kind of payback if he finds out the culprit. Wasn’t Bear involved in that investigation too?”

“I think he was. I think his credit card was used too. He will most likely want payback too.” Stone murmurs.
“Think we should be worried?” I ask her.

“Nar, who would tell them? And neither know about the other.”  Stone sounded more confident than she felt.
“Yeah, pointless worrying yet.”  I agree.

Drinks sorted, I tell Stone, I’ll be leaving shortly and take the tray to the House band.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on October 09, 2015, 03:43:26 PM
I over hear JayC  going to the  garden 

and being nossy I scream out to him Jayyyy!   dont forget to bring some  spooky plants I want to help decorate the bar for halloween please..





I want to spice  the  place  up  ::)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lightyear on October 10, 2015, 01:37:02 PM
"They will be here any minute!" I say to my spouse.

It is late at night and we are a few yards from a street lamp that illuminates an empty side road. She is standing provocatively on the pavement in high black heels that show off her long slender toned calfs through black stockings. Her legs disappear, just below the knee, beneath a beautiful red satin dress with a dragon design embroidered in fine gold silk thread above the waist. She looks at me coquettishly with her blue eyes, framed perfectly in dark navy eyeliner as she takes a long draw on her hand rolled cigarette. Her full blood red lips pucker as the ash glows orange. Strangely her red hair looks more aflame than the cigarette in the artificial light.

"I know, I can't wait!" She says, her words mixing with the exhaled smoke while the nicotine keeps her voice calm and husky.

I step behind her and embrace her around her tummy giving her a tight squeeze as I kiss her softly on the cheek. I can smell the strong gold leaf tobacco smoke in her hair. I deny her any contact on the lips because she is not in the mood for love play. Instead I grip her petite buttock and pull her dress's shoulder strap to the side and bite her white exposed skin. She moans and then I step away, covering the bite mark back over with the soft dress strap.

"I give you first souvenir of the night" I explain. "When will you be back?" I continue casually.
"It depends on what they do to me, honey." She sounds indifferent.

I look up the road and wonder what I should do when she leaves.  I don't even know where here is. I just followed my sat nav in my black Audi A6 to these coordinates and parked up. The deliveries used to get to me initially but now I find the whole thing routine. Living with a masochist has its perks but this wasn't one of them.

"Perhaps I should go now?" I think to myself. No! I know she'll be safe in their hands. She might get hurt but she'll be safe. What sort of person am I!

"Ok beautiful, have fun!" I bid.  She blows me an enduring kiss back with her bright red satin lipstick coated lips and I trundle off towards the end of the road, occasionally looking back at her. I'm not really dressed for going out. I wear a grey-blue T-shirt with a dark blue moleskin jacket and some casual jeans with a rip across the knee. My brown leather ankle boots complete my comfortable attire.
At the end of the road, there's a huge friendly wooden building with a sign saying "AChat Bar & Grill" in large, welcoming red lettering. A couple are canoodling on the porch and I am sure I can hear the sounds of live entertainment emanating out of the entrance in the form of singing.

"Perfect" I mull. I could do with a distraction.

I turn back to check on my wife, only to see that a white van has arrived. From this distance, I see a brunette has forced her to her knees and has her in a collar and lead. She pulls her through the double doors at the rear of the vehicle, by her hair, and jumps in the back with her. The doors slam closed and the van drives off away from me.

That's it. It's done! I take a deep breath and walk across the road to the bar half delirious.
I only take a few steps when a taxi comes swerving out of the car park at full speed and I literally dive out of the way to avoid being run over. Who could be in such a hurry at this time of night? Now I seriously need a drink!
I cross the courtyard, walking past a pickup truck parked out front, continuing to muse to myself.

I could do with some company. I think back to the days when going to the bar always meant playing drinking games with my friends and waking up with a hangover. We would play "truth or dare" or the hilariously revealing "I have never!" You certainly found out some interesting things about people playing that one.

As I open the door I try to take in the scene as I walk to the bar. The place isn't too busy but it's more cosy than I was expecting and it looks chilled and everyone looks dressed to impress. The other thing that strikes me is all the girls look gorgeous.
There is some rocking music coming from the stage.

A romantic couple seem to be dining in a booth and a beautiful girl at the bar fidgets on her bar stool while looking at some stories on her lap top. I wonder what they could be I chuckle. I sneak a peek through to a back room and see a pool table and even a god damn bucking bronco! Woah! This place is interesting.

Then as I get closer, I notice the hot redhead serving behind the counter. I wonder if I have a thing for redheads or perhaps it's just because she has a playful red cowboy hat on or that she has a deep glow about her.

Just then I hear the words from the band pumping out:

"We can't wait 'til tomorrow
You gotta know that this is real, baby why you wanna fight it?
It's the one thing you can choose, oh!"

That's a killers song and I love it. This place is getting better and better.

"Evening!" I start. "Nice place you have here."
She seems so happy to have a stranger walk in and I detect a distinct bit of devil in her naughty eyes. She makes me smile out of instinct.
I desperately want a beer but I glance across at the cocktail menu on the black board behind her and just can't help myself.
"Can I have a wet pussy please?"

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on October 11, 2015, 06:08:51 AM
Standing in front of that old beat up wood door, I take a deep breath before pushing it open. The light spills in behind me for a moment and then I’m cast in darkness as it closes behind me. I hear glasses and music and so many conversations that it’s just a rumbling din of flock-like sound.

“I should have went through the foyer.” I mutter and wait for my eyes to try to adjust. The lights from the bar come through first, that old familiar beacon, and stepping forth with confidence I let  my feet take me where they need to go.

As I reach the bar, “Just a moment, let me finish this bit.” Stone says without looking up from an Amazon tablet.

“I just need a black russian.” I nearly shout over the noise.

“I haven’t seen one lately.” Stone begins smartly and then looks up to see me. “Hey YOU!” she says in surprise. “What are you doing back?”

“Well…” I begin the long list. “I finished my story for the contest, got paid for a commission. Wrote another story for a client and finally got healthy.” I spin with my jacket open showing of my lighter, sleeker body wrapped in a little black dress.

“Paid, huh? So you didn’t come back for your job?” She asked what might have been hopefully.

“Nope, no more bunny ears for me.” I smile from ear to ear. “I am sorry I left you all, but I had to, you know?” I asked hopefully.

Stone holds up both hands, “Hey, no explanations required at the AB and G. Welcome back.” and finally hands me that Black Russian.

Slowly that first sip hits my taste buds and I smile as if seeing an old friend and lean back on the bar,  just looking at it all.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on October 11, 2015, 03:33:12 PM
Unlocking Stone’s truck, I slip into the driver’s seat and look around, shaking my head. Not only does she have almost all of the cabin mugs……. Now she has a most of the bars. Pulling out slow I hear a whistle and stop, Dopey runs up and climbs in causing a small avalanche of coffee mugs to spill out onto the parking lot. Laughing we put the Mugs by the back door and head out to the main road.
It’s a lovely day, the air is crisp, the sky blue, the trees that line the road turning colors.  Dopey opens the glove compartment and finds Stone’s stash of Kitt Kat bars and we split one as I drive. We cruise along, the clink of coffee mugs rattling on the floor the only noise.

I pull into the NYPHOMAINIA NURSERY AND GARDEN SUPPLY  lot and park. Grabbing a large cart we load up some hay bales  and then cherry pick some nice pumpkins of various size and shapes. “apples”  Dopey reminds me  and we pick out a nice bushel. We wander into the decorations aisle  and pick out some nice skeletons and black cats.


Dopey tugs at my pant leg and shows me skull ice cube trays


“Cool take them all, I officially proclaim you skull cube maker Dopey.” I smile,  He nods in agreement.

Stones truck loaded up we return to the bar. Backing up to the back entrance I can see the other dwarfs are waiting to help unload.
In no time at all our load sits by the stage and we begin the decorations. The band taking a break I decide to get us in the mood with some Halloween music. Shuffling through the pile of CDs I find what I am looking for.


Frankie Stein and the Ghouls. Turning it up loud, the tune  Goon River begins to play.

Hearing the song, Brandy  and Stone begin doing the swim much to the amusement of the Bar patrons.    :D
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on October 11, 2015, 03:56:00 PM
The stories are wonderful but I am aware that the AB&G is starting to get busier and busier.

I catch the sight of a stranger come to the bar and order a drink from the bar. I chuckle to myself when I hear him ask Brandybee for a Wet Pussy.

An amused Brandy measures & pours the ingredients into a silver stainless steel shaker…  1 oz Raspberry Liqueur ; 1 oz Irish Cream & 6 oz  Cream.  She adds the Ice, shakes it expertly and pours the delicious concoction into a tall tubular glass.

She hands it to him and leans in and speaks. Her voice is deliberately breathy and sexily husky,  “The best way to drink it…. is to lap your tongue inside the glass… let the juice and flavour soak into your tongue…. Let your tastebuds devour the flavour… and then … slowly… draw the liquid out. ” She smiles at him.

I see he stares at her lips, engrossed whilst she talks, soaking in every word and enjoying her tease.

I hear him introduce himself as Lightyear.

I smile & return to the stories.  One was getting particularly interesting and someone approaches the bar to be served, “Just a moment, let me finish this bit.”  I ask hopefully.
She mentions a Black Russian & I joke about not seeing many.

I look up and am delighted to see its Momma_Andrea. 

I immediately greet her with a hug and kiss and make her a Black Russian cocktail -  filling a glass full of ice and then a 5 second shot of coffee liqueur and 10 second shot of vodka, washing and mixing the coffee and ice together.
I place it in front of her, “It’s so good to have you back,” I tell her affectionately.

She explains she’s not here to work but as a customer now and was quickly becoming a renowned writer. I had always admired her work and truth be known, her news did not surprise me. She looks good, looks stunning in beauty and curvatious figure and brimming with confidence. She looks every bit like a woman who knew what she wanted.
“Welcome home Momma_Andrea” I grin at her.

Suddenly Jayc piles in with armsful of Halloween decorations and he and the dwarfs start putting them up.

He waves to me, Momma, Brandy, LightYear and some others in the bar.

Then pops a tune on the jukebox to put a spooky Halloween song on …

Well who could resist…  Momma, Brandy, FoxyRoxxy & I take to the dance floor and begin the Swim dance moves…  which went something like this …

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lightyear on October 12, 2015, 11:48:57 AM
Brandybee impressively collects all the ingredients from memory and makes the perfect looking cocktail. I check to my left as a seductive woman comes up to the bar and gives a delightful twirl in her jacket before ordering a drink and chatting with her friends she dearly missed.

I feel a little intrusive to be amongst them but I am encouraged as Brandybee intimately addresses me with her teasing voice and the girl with the laptop smiles at me. I listen carefully as she delicately lowers my drink before me.

"Salut!" I hail politely and clink glasses with the young woman holding a Black Russian, I now know as momma.
Then while keeping eye contact with Brandybee I tilt it towards me and slyly dip my lips into the top of the tumbler. The silky texture of the thick cool creamy coating is certainly one to savour. I extend my tongue secretly beneath the opaque white concoction and feel a flourish of sensations as the alcohol permeates but the milk soothes. I am in no hurry as the waft of sweet "brandy" liquor lingers under my nose. I place the glass back onto the counter, licking my lips just before they reach saturation point.

A devious smirk appears on my face as I take a straw and stirrer from the bar and carefully lower them to the bottom of the glass. I circle them slowly and deliberately against the sides. I lightly blow into the straw and enjoy the brief rumble of bubbles as they jostle to the surface releasing more sweet aromas.

Then I take a long suck and watch the turbulent layers of fatty creams disappear up the tube. I am partially mesmerised as I gulp and follow the level of liquid rapidly descending down the edges of the glass leaving a beautiful smeary residue. When the level reaches the bottom, it makes a glorious slurping sound which I perpetuate by chasing and hoovering up the last slippery dregs from the base.
I remove the straw and slide a finger slowly around the inside and suck it clean. I try to detect any signs of blushing from the onlookers because that always excites me.

"Yum!" I steal a glance at the radiant girls to my left and right.
"I could easily devour two more like that!" I say.

Time seemed to slow down during the whole experience.

Seconds later, the tempo of the bar explodes. A flurry of activity swarms around me as a dude, with his arms full of Halloween decorations, appears followed by lots and lots of little hairy people who begin transforming the bar right before my eyes. I eventually clock it is all for the fright night party as advertised on the posters.

The classic swim music kicks in from the jukebox and I am suddenly watching a sexy array of dancers air front crawling their way across the open floor.
I sit back for a moment to watch the reunited friends enjoy some fun together.
I already know what I will be at the party. I ponder how I will make my transformation.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on October 17, 2015, 09:18:47 PM
“Sit still” Stone scolds me as she puts the final touch of make up on my face.
“What do think Joe, is he too green?"  Stone steps away to give Joe a look.


Joe kicked back  on the Bar office couch takes a pull of his beer and gives his best “Evil Clown” Scowl then says “that’s perfect, time to get this show on the road.”

The staff has been busy all afternoon and the Bar is ready for Fright Night. 



The Kitchen staff has out done them selves with this years buffet  ;D





? ? ?


The band doing a final sound check, the doors to the bar open and Stone and myself stand by the door to greet the patrons

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Stone on October 19, 2015, 02:51:56 PM
“The bar looks really good guys” I congratulate Jayc, the dwarfs and Old Joe as we do a last check of appearances before the guests arrive, everyone’s costume look great. Everyone has made the effort.
Even the dwarfs …


The bar is decorated wonderfully and looks like a spooky lair.

“Have you heard that Peeka might make an appearance this Halloween?” I ask Jayc.

He looks up from checking the footy wagers.

“Mmhmm, she lost a bet with Brandy,”  He confirms. “We just might get a strip tease or burlesque dance as one of the forfeits,”  He chuckles.  “We certainly would enjoy such a spontaneous performance.”


I nod and tease him, “We have certainly had a few of those in here. Do you remember when you lads gave us a good show … you, Lover, Tangoracer, Bear, Tightfit74… now that was a good night for us girls”

Old Joe laughs and joins in. “That was a good night.... I’ve made some new Halloween cocktails. Would you care to try some?”

“Is the Pope Catholic?” I answer him smiling.  “Line them up Joe”
He lines up some of the drinks so we can all have a taste and gives us the new menu  –
1. Bloody Devil
2. Black Widow
3. Hocus Pocus Punch
4. Zombie Brains
5. Spidey Senses
6. The Haunting

7. Dead Embryonic Cells

8. Witches Brew
9. Piña Ghoul-ada
10. Pumpkin Spice
11. Vampire's Kiss
12. Graveyard Gruel

13. Spellbound

“mmmm, Good work Joe”  We all nod our approval.  “Definitely an add for the Dentist’s Chair”

The dwarfs get the long spouted jugs ready for the chair victims and then spin the rotating-pleasure -table round and giggle.

The Cocks N Roses begin to play some great songs for Halloween & Jayc takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor. 

"Lets dance" He chuckles and we do the Monster shuffle ...

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on October 20, 2015, 03:01:08 PM
the sound check is gone and im very happy about my new guitar : its sounds is really nice.
now its time to get ready and become the buckethead


well dunno if i will keep this mask all nite , im already sweating in it :)

i see Stone and Jayc , they seem doing the last check too , i arrive at their backs silent as a snake and slightly touch Stone hip with a finger

she jump off her feet and falls in Jayc arms screaming , both of them look at me and Stone places one hand on her heart and says : " omw do you wanna kill me? damn my heart missed a beat "
i bite my lip to not laugh and try to say im sorry but looking at Jayc eyes a loud laughing comes out of my mouth
soon Jayc follows me and we both laugh
"Freddie !!!!" she screams at me and slaps my cheeck , then she join our laughing
"are you ready ?"  he then asks me
i nod and smile "i am .... ready to rock "

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Brandybee on October 20, 2015, 04:38:42 PM
I leave my dungeon, having put the last finishing touch of make- up on and step outside for some fresh air.


I see some bats flying round and smile, even they know it’s coming up to Halloween.

Taking my witches broom, I step inside the AB&G just in time to see Freddie teasing Stone with his white scary mask and bucket head. He looks quite sinister but that guitar sound he plays is phenomenal.

I hear him shout, … “Ready to Rock …” and I wave at him and blow him a kiss.

All the 7 dwarfs begin to dance with the other patrons and welcome one of their visiting cousins on to the dance floor dressed as a blood sucking spiderman. He shows off his moves in spectacular fashion…


Old Joe grabs my attention, “Want to try a Zombie Brain?”  he asks and guides me to the Dentist’s Chair …  (1 ounce Peach Schnapps ; 1 teaspoon Baileys ;1/2 teaspoon Grenadine )

It certainly looks quite evil and stomach churning


Old Joe pours it into his special jug with the long spout and I lie back with my mouth open in the Dentist’s chair.

“You got your strawberry and cards ready?”  He asks.

I smile and take one out of the fruit bowl on the attached table on the arm rest and wave the cards at him, flicked over to display Cocktail Number 4 – the number representing Zombie Brains.

“3, 2, 1 ..”   Old Joe counts down and pours the cocktail into my mouth.

It tastes quite delicious and the potent alcohol fills my mouth and threatens to over spill. I swallow furiously till all the shot has gone. Only a slight trickle dribbles from the corner of my mouth. The alcohol gives me a delightful warm glow. My tongue darts out and sexily laps it up.

Then I sit up, straighten my witch’s hat, slowly rise from the chair, bite into the succulent strawberry a little way and look around to share half of it with the next victim of the Dentist’s Chair…

I spot the next person and edge towards them with the juicy strawberry between my lips ready to pass on half the strawberry in a semi kiss, the booklet of flip-over-cocktail-numbers and the unspoken invitation to try one of Old Joe’s cocktails in the chair, just like I had done a few minutes earlier …
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on December 16, 2015, 04:15:21 PM
Roxxy and I are on our way to the bar. This year, we had to care for the christmas tree and after we spent days in the forest, we finally found a nice one.


When we arrived at the bar, we noticed that Brandy already has built the "tree" for the garden. Jayc was playing some nice music


They helped us to take the tree in and together we decorated it. Stone and Woody were waiting for us and we did an old german tradition: For every christmas bauble we hung up, we had a drink. Hicks :o
After a while, we finished it. Just the the top was missing and so I climbed up the ladder to put it on.


What an amazing and contemplative mood :)

I'm thinking to tell them about the surprise I have...but then it wouldn't be a surprise. So I just smiled and had anticipation for the next days.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: ItsAmy123 on December 19, 2015, 10:48:14 PM

It's a couple of days before Christmas. The bar, although fully decorated in holiday cheer, is quieter than usual. Almost solemn. The only familiar face I can see by peaking from behind the curtain is Old Joe. Everyone else must be engaged in holiday shopping or decorating duties, if not on holiday.  There's still quite a crowd out there, I think to myself, considering I had decided to do a very impromptu performance, which was announced very last minute. The stage lights suddenly turn on and the curtain begins to unveil me.


I clutch onto my mic, wearing a sparkly, golden, floor-length gown. Trying to shake off the pre-show jitters, I begin to walk towards my spotlight, as the piano rifts of Writing's On The Wall by Sam Smith begin to play.

Sofia Karlberg - Writing's On The Wall

A loud applause and cheers at the sight of my entrance make me forget of any jitters and an aura of confidence, as well as emotion, overcomes me as I hold the mic close to my lips and begin to sing into it, in my typical soft, yet recognizably unique tone.

"I've been here before
But always hit the floor
I've spent a lifetime running
And always get away
But with you I'm feeling something
That makes me want to stay"


"I'm prepared for this
I never should have missed
But I feel like a storm is coming
If Im going to make it through the day
Then there's no more use in running
This is something I gotta face"

My vibrato rings high with the song kicking into the pre-chorus, as I use personal memories to deliver the sharp pain of the song's lyrics. There's thin drop silence in the bar and I can feel everyone's eyes on me.

"If I risk it all..."


"Could you break my fall...?"


I fall to my knees right as I begin to sing the chorus in breathy, hushed, Marilyn Monroe-esque tone. Tears fill my eyes as every single word rings through my soul.

"How do I live?
How do I breathe?
When you're not here Im suffocating"


"I wanna feel love
Run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up?"


"For you
I have to risk it all
Cause the writing's on the wall..."

The song continues on into it's second verse as I stay on the floor. Tilting my head I gaze intensely towards the crowd, my eyes watery and my lips quivering for dramatic effect.

"A million shards of glass
That haunt me from my past"


"As the stars begin to gather
And the light begins to fade"


"When all hope begins to shatter
Know that I won't be afraid"

Two men come swiftly behind me, lifting me up by my arms and ripping my dress off me. All I have on underneath is body paint, golden glitter, and strategically placed golden stripes.


My hands are clinging onto the mic, as I'm quickly fastened onto this belt, hooking me onto two wires that are masked by pieces of cloth. I'm turned on my side as both men make sure I'm safely harnessed before I'm swung upwards into the air, as I sing the pre-chorus.

"If I risk it all..."


"Could you break my fall...?"


I twirl, dip-low into the crowd, spin back upwards throughout the final chorus, much to the gasps, amazement and bewilderment of the crowd.

"How do I live?
How do I breathe?
When you're not here Im suffocating"


"I wanna feel love
Run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up?"


As the song reaches it's end, I lie on my back while still suspended in the air, with only the the support of the two sturdy clothed wires. I spin and I spin and I spin all the way to the last word, as water falling from above is showered all over me.

"For you,
I have to risk it all..."


"Cause the writing's on the wall..."


A loud uproar from the crowd marks the ending of my performance. I stay in character, lying still in that fixed position in the air, as my body glistens under the spotlight with water dripping off of me. The cheers, loud claps, whistles and even some standing ovations encompass my being as I smile to myself, breathing a sigh of relief.


An hour or so later, I'm looking at myself in my specific mirror in the change room backstage. After applying some ruby-red lipstick to accentuate my lips, I throw on a red-coloured plaid shirt. I cock my head to the side to get a better view of how it looks on me in the mirror, before deciding to fasten it tightly around my bust and making a crop-top look out of it.


Smirking to myself, I look over my shoulder as I walk away towards my little suitcase. Checking myself out, I playfully wiggle my tushie. I chuckle at my silliness before grabbing my belongings and making my way out. I make sure to wave to Old Joe as I'm standing at the doors. It was my way of reminding him the deal we had made when I had given him a spare key earlier on in the night. He was confused and kind of upset when I told him I won't be a good ol' regular around here anymore but I got him to agree to look after my cabin every now and then just to make sure everything was good and functioning. I playfully warned him that I would be checking in from time to time to see if he was holding out on his end of our deal.

I break out of my trance of thoughts to see him waving back at me. Giving him a smile, I make my way out backwards. I give the bar one last, long look, taking all of it in.. all the memories, and then make my way to my car.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on December 20, 2015, 07:05:44 PM
"Hey, now tell me about your surprise!" Brandy is looking at me a few days later. "Don't be so mysterious, you know I don't like that." I grin and look to Roxxy, who also is grinning. I look around and notice, the bar is filled. Everyone is here for the big christmas party and the best, everyone is wearing an ugly sweater. It looks so strange and funny.

"Ok Brandy, it's time!" I hug Roxxy, we kiss each other deeply and I go behind the stage. Old Joe knows what to do - he dims the lights and and turns on the spot to the stage. The curtain is opening... and Freddy and I appear on stage. The old citizens of AChat village know what's going to happen, the younger ones are still surprised.

I take the micro "Hi all you amazing people. You know me as Lover, but not everybody knows, that I'm also the singer of the Cocks 'n' Roses, a band which was founded by members of AChat. But, and this is the sad message, we stopped after James, our drummer, has passed away. But today, Freddy and I are back, to give you a short christmas concert."

The mood is biased. Some are still astonished, some are not understanding what's happening right now and some are cheering and applauding.

"Before we sing a few christmas songs, we remember all the beloved ones, who have stopped their journey and left this earth. They are away, but never forgotten and in our hearts, they live on. If you have a special one, it's time to send him your thoughts now. This is our song:"

Freddie sits aside me and plays his accoustic guitar. I join him with my guitar and start to sing:

Pink Floyd  - Wish You Were Here unplugged version

So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell
Blue skies from pain
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

Did they get you to trade
Your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
A walk on part in a war
For a lead role in a cage?

"Come on everybody and sing with us" I say

How I wish, how I wish you were here
We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl
Year after year
Running over the same old ground
What have we found?
The same old fears
Wish you were here

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on December 29, 2015, 11:34:44 AM
Sitting in one of the dark corner booths with Jinger we watch Amy and the lover take to the mic and sing. Lovers song gets me thinking of all the friends we have lost over the years of me being a regular in the bay and some of the great shows we have all put on here.
My mind goes  back to one of the sadist nights in the bar and a song that Lover sang that night.
Leaning over the table I kiss Jinger and whisper "Back in a min my love"
She looks at me a bit funny then smiles "Ok"

Leaving her in the booth I make my way to the stage and sit at the piano and lean into the mic and call Lover back to the stage.  Walking back onto the stage he gives me a strange look

"What you up to Tango" he asks

"You sing this better then me" I say with a smile "But the bar good bye version" I wink

He looks at me a big blank and the he remembers with a smile

Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
Your heart is true you're a pal and a confidant
I'm not ashamed to say
I hope it always will stay this way
My hat is off, won't you stand up and take a bow
(Stone)And at the Ice House Party,                                                                                     
You licked & sucked & kissed & fucked                                                                   
You must see, the biggest gift was for me                                                   
Was the Spit Roast gang bang                                                                                   
Thank you for being a friend....     
Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for being a friend                           
Thank you for being a friend
(HB)If it’s a nice surprise you lack                                                                                   
Come here with me in the sack                                                                       
Whatever you need, anytime of day or night
I'm not ashamed to say
I hope it always will stay this way                         
My hat is off, won't you stand up and take a bow
(Brandy)And when we both got bolder                                                                               
With fucking chair and “Shades of Grey”  :P                                                               
The groans & moans of orgasmic spray,  :o                                                   
Will remind me of you.....                                                                                     
Thank you for being my friend   :D
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend 

As the song ends Lover turns to me and give a single nod of his head and heads of the stage.

I look around the bar and catch Stone's and Brandy's eyes both look like they are lost in that memory. They both give me a loving smile and then turn back to Jayc and Woody and kiss them both.

I sit at the piano for a few seconds and then make my way back to Jinger sitting on the seat next to her I put my arms around her and kiss her deeply.[color]
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: freddie on January 03, 2016, 02:37:50 PM
my turn now to grab a mic
"hey Bar & Grill
it's great to be here again playing for you all
this is our Xmas party
so it's time to have fun
pls sing out loud ,dance , scream
and of course ladies... your panties on stage are welcome
so dont be shy "
i laugh and watch Lover , he's laughing too and nods at me
" lets start now
with a jingle bell rock !!!"

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time
Dancing and prancing in Jingle Bell Square
In the frosty air

What a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go gliding in a one-horse sleigh

Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet
That's the jingle bell rock

It's a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go gliding in a one-horse sleigh

Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet
That's the jingle bell rock

Christmas is coming
I just want to be with you
Nothing else that I could do
I'm wrapping myself up with you

Don't you know it's Christmas?
And I want you baby, by my side

Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet
That's the jingle bell rock

Yeah, that's the jingle bell rock
That's the jingle bell rock
Yeah, break it down for 'em real quick
It's Christmas baby, and I been waiting
You're all I need, I need, I need

as the song ends i grab 2 beers and hand one to Lover
"cheers my friend
happy xmas "
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: jayc on February 05, 2016, 12:46:43 AM
“What are those two up to?” Brandy asks Stone

“Not sure but they have been rehearsing all week in the storeroom, with the door locked.” Stone replies.

“Hey Joe, give us our tuxedos, were ready” Woody  yells before shutting the storeroom door again.


The Stage lights dim, Lover sits on a bar stool with his guitar on the side of the stage. Joe takes the mic.

“ladies and gentlemen the Achat bar & Grill presents woody and jayc performing the Serge Gainsbourg classic…….. Chez Les Ye-Ye”

Lover begins to play  as Woody begins to sing in French and Jayc dances to his left. The screen behind the men translates the lyrics to English.

Neither the tam-tams of the  yé-yé-yé-é
Nor the gray-gray that you were wearing
You were listening to ``da doo ron ron''
At the party doum doum where you were dancing

No nothing will change my mind
I'll find you my Lolita
With the yé-yés

Under the drums of the yé-yé yé-é
I'll cause a scene I know myself
Yes I'll finish in Sing-Sing
I have a switch-switch blade

No nothing will change my mind
I'll find you my Lolita
With the  yé-yés

Have a flashback to the past
Do you hear what I'm telling you
I'm crazy-crazy to love you.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: FoxyRoxxy on April 11, 2016, 11:45:27 AM
After saying

100 times


and having my  100 drinks at the bar   I say o wtf  Just do it

I jump on the  bar  one beer on my hand and start  dancing




Ya this is me !


tHE New Sheriff in Town!  FOXY
and dancer   ;)


 ♥ Singing ♥

The Joker - Steve Miller Band

"The Joker"

Some people call me the space cowboy, yeah
Some call me the gangster of love
Some people call me FOXXY
Cause I speak of the pompitous of love

People talk about me, baby
Say I'm doin' you wrong, doin' you wrong
Well, don't you worry baby
Don't worry
Cause I'm right here, right here, right here, right here at home

Cause I'm a picker
I'm a grinner
I'm a lover
And I'm a sinner
I play my music in the sun

I'm a joker
I'm a smoker
I'm a midnight toker
I sure don't want to hurt no one

I'm a picker
I'm a grinner
I'm a lover
And I'm a sinner
I play my music in the sun

I'm a joker
I'm a smoker
I'm a midnight toker
I get my lovin' on the run
Wooo Wooooo

You're the cutest thing
That I ever did see
I really love your peaches
Want to shake your tree
Lovey-dovey, lovey-dovey, lovey-dovey all the time
Ooo-eee baby, I'll sure show you a good time

Cause I'm a picker
I'm a grinner
I'm a lover
And I'm a sinner
I play my music in the sun

I'm a joker
I'm a smoker
I'm a midnight toker
I get my lovin' on the run

I'm a picker
I'm a grinner
I'm a lover
And I'm a sinner
I play my music in the sun

I'm a joker
I'm a smoker
I'm a midnight toker
I sure don't want to hurt no one

 ::) :D ;D   ::)

Wooo Woooo

People keep talking about me baby
They say I'm doin' you wrong
Well don't you worry, don't worry, no don't worry BABY
Cause I'm right here at home

You're the cutest thing I ever did see
Really love your peaches want to shake your tree
Lovey-dovey, lovey-dovey, lovey-dovey all the time

Come on baby and I'll show you a good time


gun  smoke comes out  I blow it   

yup yup New Sheriff in town..

now who wants the first  body  Friske

looks over and lover and   ;)

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on July 30, 2016, 04:45:24 PM
Walking into the dimly lit bar on a Saturday afternoon. The place is dead. I see only one or two customers milling around the old oak bar.
"Joe" I call out "Where the hell is everybody?"

The old bartender creeps out from the back room carrying a crate of cleaners and rags.
"Well hey, Kid" He greets me cordialy with a happy smile.

"There's no one here, Joe."
"Well it's summer time. Folks take vacation or spend their free time up at the lake." he tells me.
"But you got booze and air conditioning!" I exclaim
"Yeah well, the AC is kind of on the fritz." He scratches his bearded chin. "You get a mass of people in here, all moving and sweatin' it up, it gets hot in here real quick."

"But I wanted to party, Joe" I whined "and I hate the lake." I said defiantly before turning my back to him and the bar and put my elbows behind me as I leaned against it and pouted.

"Want a drink?" He offered.
"White Russian, I guess." I said in near defeat.
"Out of milk" was all he answered.
"Make it black" now totally disgusted.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on August 01, 2016, 03:36:00 PM
What a summer...not that it's very hot and sultry, I'm also rushing from one meeting to another. I don't remember when I have been home for more than just to change clothes, pack a bag and off again. But now a miracle has happened - no travel for 2 days. Feels so good!!!
On my way home I have to stop at the bar. It's been a while I could enjoy a drink here and I need to smell the well known scent and to meet my friends. But what's this - as I enter, it's almost empty. Only one unknown couple is there - and andrea. Least one old  friend! She didn't notice me yet and so I sneak behind her. "May I offer a drink?" I ask and smile. She turns around - I'm not sure if she is just surprised to see me or if she can't believe that someone is here at all. "Sure stranger!" She says.

I look at her - then we both have to laugh. "What's wrong here?" "If I'd knew" she says "Old Joe said it's holiday season" "Let's make the best of it!" I tell her and call Old Joe. "2 drinks my old friend" "Hey Lover,nice to see you!"

Andrea gets another white russian, I got a beer and a caipirinha. I llok at andrea, she's wearing a red dress. An idea gets into my mind when I also see the piano. "Hey lady, what about a song?" I ask
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on August 01, 2016, 04:44:53 PM
Looking at  Lover and tossing back the first Russian.
I sit down at the piano before Lover can say another word. "Lets see if you know this one."
I smile wickedly as inspiration has come to mind. (piano man)

I play the first cords and tickle the keys as best I can. "Help me out, old man" and slide over making room at the bench.
Then I start to sing new lyrics...

It's nine o'clock on a Saturday
The regular crowd shufflin in
There’s lover sittin next to me
At the piano thats hotter than sin

He says girl can you play me a memory
Of an Achat sooo long ago
It’s dirty and it’s sweet and I did it 3 deep
When I wore a younger man’s clothes
La la la, di da da
La la, di da da da dum
Sing us a song, you're the Achat fan
Sing us a song tonight
Well, we're all in the mood for a good orgy
And you've got us feelin' alright

Now Joe at the bar is a friend of mine
He gets me my drinks for free (No he doesn’t he really doesn’t) wink wink
And he's quick with a joke or to light up your smoke
And there's no place that he'd rather be
He says, "I believe the heat is killing me."
As the smile ran away from his face
"Well I'm sure that I could be a movie star
If I didn’t have AusWoody’s face"
Oh, la la la, di da da
La la, di da da da dum

Now old Jayc is a real famous novelist
that only has time for his wife
And he's talkin' with Amy, who's done all the Navy
And probably Army next night
And the waitress is practicing pulling dicks
As the horny men are all watching Stone
Yes, they're sharing a drink they call Horniness
But it's better than Wanking alone
Sing us a song you're the ACHAT FAN
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a good orgy
And you got us feeling alright

It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday
And the manager gives me a smile
'Cause he knows that it's me they've been comin' to see
To stare at my rack for a while
And the piano, it sounds like a carnival
And the microphone smells like a beer
And they sit at the bar and put ones in a jar
And say, "Momma, what are you doin' here?"
Oh, la la la, di da da
La la, di da da da dum
Sing us a song you're the Achat fan
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a good Orgy
And you got us feeling alright

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on August 01, 2016, 05:42:30 PM
I haven't finished my last word and andrea already was starting to play. "Lets see if you know this one." she said and of course I just laughed. The great song piano man..I love it. Oh how wonderful...she made her own lyrics. I even loved her version more!

"Sing us a song.." I started to sing and smiled. "Its my turn now. You started a challenge" I laughed and started to play:  (Let it be)

When I find myself in times of trouble
Momma andrea comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, cum for me

And in my hour of darkness
She is dancing right in front of me

Speaking words of wisdom, cum for me
Yeah, cum for me, cum for me, cum for me, cum for me
Whisper words of wisdom, cum for me

When the horny AChat people
Living in the world agree
There will be an answer, cum for me

For though they may be parted
There is still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, cum for me
Yeah, cum for me, cum for me, cum for me, cum for me
There will be an answer, cum for me

Yeah, cum for me, cum for me, cum for me, cum for me
You know there's gonna be an answer, let it be

And when the night is cloudy
There is still a light that shines on me
Shine on until tomorrow, cum for me

I wake up to the sound of music
Momma andrea dancing for me
Speaking words of wisdom, cum for me

Cum for me, cum for me, cum for me, cum for me
There will be an answer, cum for me, cum for me
You know there's gonna be an answer, cum for me
Oh, cum for me
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on August 02, 2016, 02:53:13 PM
Laughing and swaying at Lover's rendition. I'm always loving any song about me.
"That wasn't bad. Not bad at all old man."  sitting back down next to him.  "OK if we are really going to do this..."
 I  fold my hands and push them out backwards, cracking my knuckles and then shake them out before I put fingers to keys one more time.
"Here we go, who doesn't love Neil Diamond" and begin to play.

Lovin’ big cocks
Aint no surprise
Just pour me a drink and I’ll open my thighs
Got nothin to lose so you just spread my cuzz
Really wide

Get it real hard
And ready to roll
Don’t leave me alone here with nothin’ to hold
Inhibitions are gone
now all I want is some style

First they say it’s massive
See how it really isn’t
Suddenly you find you’re out there
Playing with a worm
When they don’t really have you
Then they try to grab you
Nothing you can do or say
You’ve got to leave, just get away
We all know its wrong
You need what you need
You can say what you want
Not much you can do when it isn’t real long
Maybe you need some love
But its cold when they haven’t big cocks

First they say it’s massive
See how it really isn’t
Suddenly you find you’re out there
Playing with a worm
When they don’t really have you
Then they try to grab you
Nothing you can do or say
You’ve got to leave, just get away
We all know its wrong

Lovin’ big cocks
Aint no big surprise
Just pour me a drink and I’ll open my thighs
Yesterday's gone
And now all I want is some style.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on August 02, 2016, 04:08:08 PM
I clapped her applause. "Great song and better lyrics now" I winked. "Ok, I've got another one" I said. "Hey old joe, dim the lights. All we need is a little spot on us now!" He nodded and turned the switch. "Neil is a great song writer" I tell andrea "and im sure you also like these two guys"
While drinking a big sip of my beer, I look around. I dont know if its our funny music challenge, but there are more guys now - even some familiar faces. From the eye angle i see andrea has noticed it too. We look at each other and smile. Then i begin to play.

Hello AChat, my old friend
I've come to login here again
Because a vision softly, creeping
Left its seeds while I was, sleeping
And the vision, that was planted in my brain... still remains
Within the sound of AChat

In restless dreams I saw a face
In the summer meeting place
'Neath the halo of a streetlamp
I turned my bold head to a sexy vamp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound, of AChat

And then a naked girl I saw
Fucked by fellows ten or more

They were shagging without speaking
They were screaming without caring
Making horny moans, that voices never shared
No one dared
Disturb the sound, of AChat

"Horny people you don't know
AChat like a cancer grows

Hear my voice that I might teach you
Take my cock that I might fuck you"
And my cum, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed, in the wells, of AChat

And the people bowed and prayed
To the new sex god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the sign said, "The cum of the members are written on the subway walls,
And tenement halls"

And whispered in the sounds, of AChat
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on August 03, 2016, 02:00:27 PM
Clapping my hands loudly "I loved it, I loved it. Not bad"

I move away from the old piano to the electric keyboard along the wall. "For this one I think we are going to get DARK," I say with foreboding and then smile "just a little."

I play the haunting tune "This one is a cover by Lorde. And then of course a cover by me." I look down in concentration

LORDE - Everybody Wants To Rule The World  -

Welcome to ACHAT
There’s no turning back
Even girls like me
We will find You sexy sweet  and so delicious
Just ignore what mother told us
Everybody wants to screw a girl

It's my own desire
Sex straight from the source
Help me to decide
Help me make the most Of freedom
 and of pleasure
Nothing ever lasts forever
Everybody wants to screw a girl

There's a room where the light won't find you
Holding cells in the Ice House far below
When you’re through, I'll be right behind you
So glad we've almost made it
So sad they had to fade it
Everybody wants to screw a girl
Everybody wants to screw a girl
Everybody wants to screw a
A Girl--

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on August 03, 2016, 06:27:33 PM
I high-five andrea for her great song. I know and like it, but never heard the version from Lorde and of course not her one. "I admit you're beating me" I say laughing. "It's getting harder and harder for me. Hey old Joe, fill our empty glasses!" Then I look at her "But one more I've got. You can be the background choir" Saying this I start to play the piano. "This is an old Drifters song and Bruce's version was fantastic too"

Oh when your skirt slips down and you're having that special move
And your legs opened so wide, that i can see deep inside your groove
Sex on the catwalk, just you and me, yeah

On a blanket with my baby is where I'll be

(Sex on the catwalk)
Out of the sun
(Sex on the catwalk)
We'll be havin' some fun
(Sex on the catwalk)
I am taking you tough
(Sex on the catwalk)
We'll be making love
Sex on the catwalk, catwalk

Until the park they can hear the sound of our sex hot as hell
Mmm, you can almost taste the hot cum and seeds cumming so well
Sex on the catwalk, just you and me, yeah
On a blanket with my baby is where I'll be

(Sex on the catwalk)
Out of the sun
(Sex on the catwalk)
We'll be havin' some fun
(Sex on the catwalk)
I am taking you tough
(Sex on the catwalk)
We'll be making love
Sex on the catwalk, catwalk

Oh, Sex on the catwalk, just you and me, yeah
On a blanket with my baby is where I'll be

(Sex on the catwalk)
Out of the sun
(Sex on the catwalk)
We'll be havin' some fun
(Sex on the catwalk)
I am taking you tough
(Sex on the catwalk)
We'll be making love
Sex on the catwalk, catwalk

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on August 04, 2016, 02:17:27 PM
leaving the piano I pick up the acoustic guitar and sit on a high stool.
"I got one more left in me I think." I smile at Lover still sitting at the piano and give a quick strum to check the tuning
"This one is for my Muse, wherever she may be. Whomever she may be"

Slowy I strum that first simple  "D" chord

Lick me tender
Lick me slow
never let you go
You have given orgasms to me
And I lust you so
Lick me tender
Lick me slow
All my holes need filled
For my peaches I lust you
And I always will
Lick me tender
Lick me here
Tell me you are mine
I'll be in heaven all the years
Till the end of time
Lick me tender
Lick me slow
All my holes need filled
For my peaches I lust you
And I always will

Lick me tender
Lick me slow
All my holes need filled
For my peaches I love you
And I always will
Always will
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Lover on August 04, 2016, 07:17:37 PM
I stand up and step to andrea, hugging her tight "Well done! I had so much fun, but for now I don't know another song. Oh and I think I know your muse, is it a sweet and stubborn redhead? Let's sing a song together now, original lyrics." She's nodding and we go back to the piano.

Old Joe is serving new drinks and I gotta be careful to play the right tunes. "I just start. You sure know the song! Let's just have fun with it without any bad thoughts hahaha" I take on a very old jacket and big funny glasses. Andrea is looking at me, thinking i must be drunken now. Well, she isn't so wrong, but now im doing it because of the song

Don't go breaking my heart
I couldn't if I tried
Honey if I get restless
Baby you're not that kind

Don't go breaking my heart
You take the weight off me
Honey when you knock on my door
I gave you my key

Nobody knows it
When I was down
I was your clown
Nobody knows it
Right from the start
I gave you my heart
I gave you my heart

So don't go breaking my heart
I won't go breaking your heart
Don't go breaking my heart

And nobody told us
`Cause nobody showed us
And now it's up to us babe
I think we can make it

So don't misunderstand me
You put the light in my life
You put the sparks to the flame
I've got your heart in my sights

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Kaitlyn1989 on August 05, 2016, 01:22:28 PM
 It's late, I'm exhausted and feel dirty. I despise Flying, nothing but over priced glorified buses. But I drive on, compelled by attraction, by desire. I had read it in her words, as subtle and hidden as they were, I recognized the plea. She could hide NOTHING from me. Her songs, imagery all shouting out the same plea. My "Gamer Girl" wanted me, no, she NEEDED me, I knew it, felt it. I was not going to let her down, NEVER !

Leigh is singing my "NEW" fav song in the rental. Good girl, keep me focused, keep me sharp. I catch myself singing along.

There she goes
There she goes again
Racing through' my brain
And I just can't contain
This feelin' that remains

There she blows
There she blows again
Pulsing through my vein
And I just can't contain
This feelin' that remains

There she goes, there she goes again
She calls my name, pulls my train ....

Waking from a fugue, smiling, swaying, I feel her flowing through me, energizing me. I know how she wants me, WET, I will not disappoint her. Almost there, the butterflies in my tummy told me I was close. Damn Siri, "Stupid Bitch" I muttered. Should have been there by now. If I miss her, you're FUCKe……, then I see it, In the distance, in "old school" neon, in the black of the night, a beacon, my destination. The Achat Bar & Grille, Andrea's hang out, Electricity spreads, followed by a wave of heat. I am excited, I feel in HEAT. HUNGER. I am WET. Just how she WANTS me. Looking up, the reflection in the rear-view mirror reveals that hunger, licking my lips. I am anxious, rejuvenated, my "dirty" now more appealing. "OPEN" still shining bright, I am relieved. I look for parking, quickly aware it completely surrounds me. WTF, where sis everyone? It's not that late. Pulling up valet, style front n center,  I take a quick peek in the mirror, approve. Feeling the heat between my legs build, I catch myself emitting a whimper. Out of control, definitely. Opening the door I am greeted by a wall of thick, hot, moist air. It sticks to my skin immediately leaving it's perspiration. "Whoa, FUCK this sucks…not in Cali anymore "Peaches".

Praying for ac, I open the large, old door, and am quickly greeted with an embrace of cool dry air. Ahhhhhh, I can breathe again. I quickly refocus. Looking around, searching, for my treasure, for my "Gamer Girl". Come out, come out where ever you are. My head darting to and
fro. Nothing. An emptiness rushes over me, the weight of my weariness beset me once again, I NEED my "GAMER Girl". Who, Where could she be?

I see an old salty looking man at the bar, I approach. "Hi, are you still Open?" as I look around and only see silhouette lingering along the fringes. He raises his head, greeting me with warm brown eyes and a soft smile.  "We sure are Sweety, what can I do for ya?

"You LOST GIRL?"  "No" I quickly reply "I am in the right place, but I fear I am too late. I was hoping to meet someone here." 

"Well Sweety" he says calmly " My name is Joe and I take care of this place."  I smile   "Hi Joe, I'm Kaitlyn, nice to meet you." Joe gives me a quick but thorough "look over". "Likewise hun, maybe I can help, I have been at this a  long time and have a knack for people."

Joe lets out a belly chuckle, the "real" kind, not contrived. I like him already.  "My friends call me "Ole Joe", now who is it you are looking for?"

I quickly blurt out "Gamer Girl's" name, not realizing how desperate it sounds. Joe's reaction is swift, his smile slips away , replaced with a guarded, suspicious look. I feel the weight of Ole Joes eyes on me, scrutinizing me. "Do you happen to know her" I quickly ask, trying to slip out from the weight of his gaze. Joe's eyes sharpen on me before sternly replying "Well, that depends on WHO's asking and WHY?".

I take a stool at his bar, look for my courage along the bar shelves. "OMG, you have Ouzo ,,,, a shot, chilled, please. I tell Ole Joe my story. 4 shots of Ouzo later, I am still rambling on. Ole Joe, says " Well Kait, I will make you a deal. It's kinda a right of passage here in the Achat Bar & Grille". My ears perk up with curiosity. "Oh" I reply "What's that?" Joe explains the history of the Bar and points to the open stage. "Prove it" he says nonchalantly. "Convince me you know her, make it real, and the address is yours" I smile, "And if I can't convince you?" I ask sheepishly, Ole Joe, once again, as calmly as before says " I send your "sweet" ass outta my bar with no address. Nothing."  I begin to smile, Ole Joe looks surprised by my reaction. "Why are you smiling?" he asks curiously. I look at him with kindness and whisper " you protect her" A tear of affection wells in my eyes " I know my Gamer Girl is safe here" . My affection quickly turns to fire, I slam the last of my drink and without a word I head to the stage.

Well, I wont lie, it's been ages seen I have slung a guitar and explored the ranges of my voice. But , I didn't give a FUCK at the moment. Fueled with alcohol and my building insatiable desire for HER, I grabbed the ole beat up guitar and flung it over my shoulder like a pro. I felt empowered, inspired. I was not going to be denied, I didn't care if I shocked Ole Joe and he had a heart attack, I was NOT leaving without that address. I was not going to play it safe, I wanted to blow Ole Joe away, knock him on his ass, I wanted him to have NO DOUBT. I flick the mic with a fingernail. echoes fill the near empty room confirming we are live. I give the strings a lite strum, the room is filled with a warm , rich melodic vibe, I smile, relieved to find someone had left me perfectly tuned. I look over at Ole Joe, scan the bar looking for eyes, give him a "devilish smile",. Sweet little Kaitlyn begins to disappear and along comes "Peaches" with desire in her eyes and lust on her mind.

"Gamer Girl" wherever YOU may be this is for you. For last night, for your inspiration, for your beautiful mind..

I'm a L-L-L-L Lesbian For You

She had golden brown hair and a delicious smile
She trapped me in her eyes and said "Stay for awhile"
You know you have this "HOLD" on me with that beautiful mind and sexy body
You’re the source of my desires and I know just how to please

I already knew what LOVE was, except you are a GIRL
I already knew what LUST was, except you are a GIRL
I am not a La La La La Lesbian, but I am a La La La Lesbian for YOU.

I could talk to you for hours
I could sing and watch you dance
but what I really want, is to get into your pants

I can ask you about anything
You could tell me nothing but lies
and then you do it again, trap me with those eyes

We could watch "Lost Girls", every day n every night
You could be my "Bo" giving me your might
I could be your "Kenzi", unless "Lauren" feeds your light
but what I really want is to be spanked bye you all nite

You're my sexual "ideal" and my opposite as well
Yet I know we will be happy until our clits begin to swell

I am not a La La La La Lesbian, but I am a La La La Lesbian for JUICE.

We could travel and watch Izzy Hale play
Be front row and give her a show today
A hand on my throat and one in my fryer
You look at Izzy and she feels your desire

I wish you had a penis along with everything that is you
So you could be my dream come true

I am not a La La La La Lesbian, but I am a La La La Lesbian for YOU.

I can't lie to you, cause you see right thru me
Like a bitch in heat you can just smell me
If I can't have then just FUCKING use me
Think of me as your Peaches n Honey

Oh, Andrea you know that I would make you mine
cause I lust all of you, specially your behind

I am not a La La La La Lesbian, but I am a La La La Lesbian for YOU.

There's a Diva in the room and her peaches in my closet
Pour another drink, Momma, I don't even want it
With one hand on her throat and another in her hair
All I FUCKING want is you and don't FUCKING care

Well I ache where you've touched and I'm wet with desire
And now you're in deep and my pussy's on fire
I gotta woman on my face and I'm sucking her sweet ass
Your nectar so sweet I want to sip it from a glass

Well I drink what you leak and I lick what is left
I spread your cheeks wide and go for the theft
I gotta hand in my pussy and fingers in my ass
I start to cum while you slap my tan ass

I am not a La La La La Lesbian, but I am a La La La Lesbian for YOU.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on August 09, 2016, 07:23:29 PM
After our impromptu song contest Lover had to go. So I popped in back and just shot the shit with Joe.  It's cooler in the back room behind the bar. It has its own vent and isn't really that big compared to the rest of the place. I'm sitting on a couple of empty milk crates and can talk to the old bartender through the door as he restocks and cleans every little thing during this slow season.  Sitting just under that vent I get the best little nip-on as the cool currents flow down my thin shirt. Its so dead in the old Saloon I can hear when the street door opened and then slammed shut.  I stayed hidden and quiet in the back, after all Maybe it was Stone or JayC. I didn't work here anymore and wouldn't want to get Joe in trouble.

It was a girl. I could hear the tone as Joe talked to her. It sounded very familiar though. Joe I could hear clearly...

" Well Kait, I will make you a deal. It's kinda a right of passage here in the Achat Bar & Grille". The old timer said.

"Kait?" I thought to myself. Couldn't be I thought.

"We do a lot of self- entertaining round here." Joe continued and summed up some of the crazy things that have gone on here at the AChat Bar & Grill.  "You really want her, PROVE it."

I hear the whine of the mic as it gets picked up and then these words,  "Gamer Girl" wherever YOU may be this is for you. For last night, for your inspiration, for your beautiful mind..."

My Jaw hit the floor. It WAS her.  I peeked out now, but Joe had hit the bright lights on the stage so she wasn't seeing none of us.

I Listened to her song. It was silly and goofy and funny, but Kaitlyn went all out. She committed 100 percent.  I stood there with my hand over my mouth, not believing this spectacle put on for me, that she would do this to find... me.

A tear welled in my eye even though I was fighting laughter at the same time.  When it was over there was silence, it was just me and Joe and one already drunk customer.  I couldn't let there be silence, no applause.  I slowly began to clap, but quickening the tempo as I walked forward.
Joe killed the spotlight and Kaitlyn tried to shield her eyes to look out into the bar.  I kept going forward and clapping louder and faster until finally she recognized me.


I gave a quick laugh of joy. "Oh Peaches, that was brilliant." I kept laughing as she scrambled to get out of that guitar sling and off the stage.

"I found you!" She right charged at me and nearly bowled me over as she embraced me and spun us on the floor.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Kaitlyn1989 on August 10, 2016, 12:04:39 PM

They were in tangles on the dance floor before Kait realized it, looking up and over she glimpsed a peek at Joe. His expression … priceless. The only other soul in the bar, a lonely patron oblivious to all but his prize, single malt scotch and lots of it. Kait's e eyes quickly returned to their own prize, gold fleck n hazel, and found them anxiously waiting her return. Green n hazel locked. Peering deeper , plunging into each others gaze. Speechless, wrestling with a hurricane of emotions until a deep ache commands Kait's attention. Her hands move first, without thought, on their own. Quickly working their way up Andrea's inviting body, Kait promising each pore she quickly passes bye, she would return to say hi. She already had a prize in mind. Her fingers reaching Andrea's jawline, slowing, lingering lightly n caressing her soft skin as they push into her thick golden brown hair. Kait's fingers plough further into Andrea's thick forest, fingertips raking over it's soft shaded floor. She allows her pinky to brush the inside of Andrea's  upper lobe and is rewarded with a deep, subtle, moan that escapes Andrea's parted lips. Kait responds, tightens her embrace, pulling Andrea to her, their eyes never straying.

There was nothing careful about my approach, nothing planned, no foreplay needed. Months of  relentless flirting n teasing had laid deep my anticipation I sank my tongue deeply into Andrea's waiting mouth. Plunging into her inviting sea, warm, wet and filled with the lingering taste of  "good" bourbon. That combination of charcoal n sweet added to my intoxication for this women, my "Gamer" Girl, my Andrea.

Kait's world began to close in, her surroundings fading ,,,,, Tongues locked in a slippery tug of war, she pulled Andrea closer, tighter, squeezing any voids between them. A shockwave rippled through Kait's body as she felt Andrea's hardened nips meet her own ache, there hips soon followed grinding forward, searching for relief. Twin moans whispered in the silence.

It was Andrea that broke from their "spell" first. Pulling away from Kait's loosening grasp, seeing the alarm in her eyes, then turn to a smile as Kait saw why. Andrea could no longer contain her laughter.

"OMG Kait" she managed to blurt out in between her uncontrollable giggles. Still locked on my green eyes, her head swaying back n forth, "You beautiful, silly, crazy Cali girl". Andrea's giggles slowly subsided, catching her breathe and leaving me with an infectious smile.

"Hey, Joe, tell Kait how crazy that was even for this place" Andrea looks to Joe for confirmation. My eyes quickly follow, I expect to see Joe coughing up  a hairball laughing at my "corny" rendition of this already over-the-top song. I was wrong, I look to Andrea and see the same surprise in her eyes. We are both wrong.  Joe is leaning against his bar, one he had shared so many nights with Andrea, working together. Feelings had developed over those many years, the quite comfortable type. Joe was admiring the two of them, hair tousled, tangled in each other in the middle of the dance floor. The smile on his face, similar to a father watching his beaming daughter walk out the door on her first date. Joe was not prone to displaying emotions, call it occupational hazard.

Kait recognized this expression immediately, also occupational hazard. It betrayed Joe's normal stoic presence, he had deep feelings for my "Gamer" girl. It was so obvious, a tear began to well in my eye. I felt Joe's happiness for Andrea, he was beaming for her. I quickly looked back at Andrea. She to was looking at Joe, there eyes now locked, communicating subliminally. I let them share this moment, admiring the honesty in Andrea's eyes.

I started to "giggle" a wave of giddiness passed over me. "Pinch Me" "Bite Me" I pleaded to Andrea " I need to know this is real? Her talons flew to my side, dug in and began to work there magic. "ok, ok, ok…. Stopppppppp", I managed to squeak out as I squirmed uncontrollably.
I am very ticklish. 

We managed to pull ourselves off the floor, smiling, giggling. We were both giddy with excitement, We are electricity in the air, tingling.

"Come on over girls, belly up to the ole bar" Joe shouted "the rest of the rounds tonight, FREE, for our La la la la lesbian girl" he chuckles.

"White Russian and a Cosmo, sound right? Joe asking out of habit, already knowing and picking up the bottles from his well.

The three of them talked for hours, well past closing. Joe had already helped his malt drinking patron to a cab, that was the way Joe was, considerate.

One drink led to three, giggles and smiles led to bedroom eyes. Andrea gave me a wink, I got the hint and smiled. "Joe" Andrea said as she slammed the rest of her white Russian, "kisses for the drinks, no surprises where we are going, so good night, see when  I pop up for air" I let out a loud giggle and *blush*.  I am so hot for my "Gamer" Girl, I can only imagine how I look. I do not care. Looking up at Joe, I smile, our eyes meet. "Ok, I told you I would kick your sweet little butt outta here, go one now, here is your address in the FLESH".

Andrea grabs me bye the hand, I feel the desire in her palms, moist n warm. I grab tightly and we meander towards the door bouncing into each other like kids on a first date, anxious yet scared. Andrea turns her head, in full smile. She is glowing, I study her precious smile, I feel a warmth spread within me. So long have I waited to see this smile, my prize.  "Come on Kait" Andrea breaks my trance, " My cars over here and home is where we are headed".
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on February 04, 2017, 02:52:18 PM
I pull up outside having been away for far to long and get out of your trusty old Ford F100 pickup I whip of that where you come from dust and put my old cowboy hat on and walk towards the bar doors.

Pushing the doors open I feel the cool rush of air conditioned air hitting my face and that lovely familiar smell of the bar
I smile to myself as I walk over to the bar and pull up a stole just as I sit down Old Joe comes out of the store room.

"Hi Tango welcome back its been a long time where you been?" he asks as he slides a cold one down the bar "That's on the house as a welcome back"he says with I smile.

"Been to the lowest place a man can go but climbing my way back up" I answer as I take a big mouth full of the ice cold beer.

Spinning on my stole I lean back against the bar and look across the empty bar shaking my head "You don't mind if I go and play a couple of turns do you Joe" I ask. He just turns and raises his hand towards the stage. I pick up my beer and walk up onto the stage over where I had left my trusty guitar (Genavie) putting her strap over my shoulder I plug her into the sound system
Turning the laptop on with all the backing music programmed into it I type in the name of the turn 

Lee Brice - I Drive Your Truck

Moving over to the mike I tape the floor peddle and the backing music start and I start to blast out the turn for just me and Joe. As the turn ends Jeo looks up and just nods his head.

I drop my head just for a few seconds letting the bar go totally quirt before tapping the floor peddle again.

Florida Georgia Line - Cruise

Easton Corbin - A Little More Country Than That

As the song ends I take of the shoulder strap and put Genavie back on the guitar rack and head back to my stole. leaning back on the bar I feel the tap on my shoulder ..................... hi  :) :) :)

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Momma_andrea on March 05, 2017, 08:20:39 AM
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on March 08, 2017, 12:59:16 PM
Walking into the Bar and Grill after a long absence, I wave to the people I know since Tango was up on stage playing some music.  I walked up to the bar quietly so I don't disrupt the people who are paying attention to the song. 

"Hey Joe. I need some goodies from the kitchen. Some whip cream, chocolate, and fruit. Anything that will liven this place up a little."

Winking at Joe, I see the glisten in his eyes as he goes into the back to get a tray full of temptation.

Tango walks back and sits in his stool but doesn't see me there.  I sneak up and tap him on his shoulder.


Tango turns and sees me standing there by his stool.  He leapt off of his stool and wraps his arms around me twirling me around while giving me a big hug.

"Tango are you busy today?"

"No, I am not. What going on?"

"Well, would you like to help me liven this place up a little bit?"

"Sure you know I am always willing to help out."

"Meet me over at the roundabout table when you are done with your drink."

Joe comes back and hands me the tray of delightful goodies. I sashay towards the round table off to the side.  I could feel both their eyes following my movement and I knew it had been such a long time since anyone was this mischievous here.  It was about to change, and I would be the one to get it going.

Placing the tray on the table, I kneel down and find the switch under the table so it could swivel around. Flipping the switch, I get up and rotate the table making sure it moves smoothly since it had been a long time since it was used. The table glided so smooth as I rotated it a full round slowly. 

I turn to the cabinet right behind the table and get out the cleaning supplies since who knows when the last time it was cleaned.  I wiped the whole table down, so it is nice and clean for whoever might come over and join the fun.  I put the supplies back in the cabinet before climbing up onto the table.

I pull at the center piece making sure it is still secure.  The last thing we would want is for someone to fall off if someone spun the table a bit too fast.  The holds in the center are great for hanging on while spinning or a little more kinky fun.

Seeing everything is still in good condition, I settle into a spot and grab one of the cans of whip cream off the tray.  I slowly unbutton my blouse and part it allowing my little perky nipples to be free.  I spray a little of the cream on my nipples to cover them up.  Placing the whip cream back on the tray, I wink at Tango letting him know it all ready.
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on March 09, 2017, 11:10:55 AM
Leaning back on the bar I feel the tap on my shoulder ..................... hi

I turns to see Sexi standing there by my stool. With a quick leapt off my stool I wraps my arms around her with a twirl I giving Sexi a big hug and a Kiss.

"Hello Sexi"

"Tango are you busy today?"

"No, I am not. What going on?"

"Well, would you like to help me liven this place up a little bit?"

"Sure you know I am always willing to help out."

"Meet me over at the roundabout table when you are done with your drink."

I watch as she walks with a sexy sway of her hips over to the table taking my beer back in my hand and set back on my stole, I keep my eyes on Sexi watching her every move as she bent over the table giving my a great view of her lovely shaped ass as she makes shore it still in working order.

As she finishes checking and cleaning it she turns to face me and pops herself up onto the table. my eyes are fixed on her as I watch her bring her hands up and slowly undoes the buttons on her blouse and gently pull it open until her pert little nipples are in view. She take a can of whipped cream she shacks it as if she had a cock in her hand and the squirts a little over each nipple and then gives me a sexy wink letting me know she was ready for me to come over to her.

I take the last mouth fall of my beer and smile at Old Joe

"Have fun Tango"

"I will     ooowww   I Will"

As I walk towards the table with Sexi all ready for me I pull of my black T-shirt and put it over the back of a chair. As I retch the table I smile at Sexi  and lean into her and whisper "Your not quite ready"

And open one of the little drawers in the table and take out a blindfold Sexi just smiles and nods her head just the once letting me know she is happy to wear it. Gently I place it over her eyes and whisper in her ear again "Your not to move your hands from behind you! Nod if you agree!" Sexi gave just one nod again.

Placing my hands on her knees I push them open and lean forward letting my mouth close down over her right nipple taking all the cream from it in one go then sucking it hard. This make Sexi arch her back pushing her nipple harder into my mouth I move over to her left nipple but this time I lick the cream from this nipple with just the tip of my tongue making her nipple grow harder.

Moving my hands up Sexi thighs up over her little leather mini skirt and up the front of her blouse and start to undo the rest of the buttons, I pull it off her shoulder and down her arms behind her back making it harder to move her arms.
Taking the can of cream I shack it hard and then with  my thumb I left her chin and with one long squirt I put a line of cream right down her front just stopping above her skirt.

With my hands back on the inside of her knees I push her legs a little wider as I lean in and with one long lick I lick all the cream from her and filling my mouth  with it. Before I try to swallow it I move up and kiss Sexi deep and hard letting my tongue push some of the cream into her willing mouth as our tongues twisted and flicked against each others.

Breaking our kiss I move my hands down to her skirt she lifts her bun up letting me pull her skirt down as it starts to move I hock my thumbs in the waist band of her panties and pull them down with her skirt. Taking them right off I put them on the back of the chair with my shirt. I pull the try of goodies over to the side of Sexi and tell her to lay back on the table.

lifting her feet up onto the edge of the table I lean between them and kiss her again, taking a strawberry from the try I pop it between Sexi's
lips letting her suck on it before she popped it into her mouth. Taking the cream again this time I squirt it over Sexi's exposed pussy witch make Sexi gasp and moan softly feeling the clodness of the cream. I start to use the strawberries rubbing then in the cream and along her pussy lips making her moan again before eating it and then feeding the next one to Sexi..................
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Marniejo on March 09, 2017, 09:22:18 PM
Sitting in the corner of the bar, I watched Sexi pick up the tray of goodies then watched her sway over to the table.  Smiling as she cleaned the table, arranged the tray and settled in place, I wondered who would move first.  Ahhhhhhhhhhh, of course, Tangoracer.  Watching him stroll across the room made my mouth water, a pleasant hum running thru my system as he peeled off his shirt, damn that man has some amazing muscles in his back. All I could think was, sure would like to get those tight jeans off him. 

I ordered another glass of white wine and watched as he helped himself to Sexi and the cream on her titties.  when I saw him push her legs wide and spray the cream on her pussy, I knew I had to join in. 

Walking up behind him, I softly drug my nails down his hard back, watching his muscles flutter under the pressure.  I loved when his strong hand reached back and grabbed my ass.  I smiled as Sexi moaned, her head falling back as Tangos lips touched her pussy.  I kissed my way down tangos back, reaching around and loosening the buckle on his jeans, slipping my hand inside to ensure I didn't catch him with the zipper. 

running my hands down his legs, I grabbed the can of spray cream off the table, and the bottle of chocolate sauce as I sank to my knees, pushing tangos legs wide, I scooted thru and under the table.  tugging his jeans down a bit, loosening them from his hips, I pulled them down far enough for his amazing cock to spring free. 

I could hear Sexi moaning from atop the table, and heard Tango moan deep in his throat when I wrapped my hang around his cock, stroking it firmly as I shook the can of cream, before spraying a nice long strip of cream along the length of him, then a light drizzle of chocolate before licking the head of him, then slowly swallowing the full length of his cock!! 

FUCK MARNIEE I heard him moan...........

My mouth was too full to respond

wrapping my hands around the back of his thighs, I pulled him close, taking his cock so deep, tasting the mixture of cream, chocolate and mmmmmm, some salty mix is sneaking in.  feeling his hips start to push, deeper into my throat, yeah, just like that...................
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on March 10, 2017, 01:05:02 PM
As I sit there on the table, I watch Tango move towards me.  His shirt peeled off and laid over the back of the chair once he reaches the table.  Tango had a huge grin on his face as he looks at me.

"Your not quite ready." Tango whispers in my ear.

Smiling up at Tango, I watch as he opens one of the hidden drawers in the table and pulls out a blindfold.  Nodding once, I let him know that it is ok. He places the blindfold over my eyes and take away my sight of the bar.  Enclosed in darkness, my ears listen a bit more intensely.  My pussy starts dripping more of its juice as my body knows that it is about time to feel some sweet pleasure.

"You're not to move your hands from behind you! Nod if you agree!" Tango whispers intensely.

Nodding my head once, I let Tango know that I understood as I hold my hands behind me.  Clasping tightly to the table, I know I am going to need all the willpower I can muster not to move them to grab him.

I feel Tango's hands on my knees as he presses them open and his body settles against mine.  His warm mouth closes over my right nipple and sucks hard on the cream.  My body presses harder into his mouth as I want more of that sweet sensation.  Tango lets go of the nipple and licks at the other covered nipple while my nipples grow into harder peaks.

Tango's hands glide against my thighs up to the buttons on the blouse.  His hands finish unbuttoning the buttons and pulls the blouse off my shoulders which trap my arms behind my back securing me softly in the fabric.

Tango lifts my chin and I feel the cold squirt of the cream as he places a long line of cream down the middle.  He stops right where my skirt begun.

My knees pressed wider as I feel the heat of Tango's body against me.  My pussy pulsing with need as he licks the cream off my body in one lick.  His mouth presses against mine, and I kiss him hungrily as I enjoy the cream.

Tango's hands slide down to my skirt and lingers there.  I lift my body up a little and feel his hands take both my skirt and panties off.  The juices sliding down my leg as he pulled the panties down my legs. 

Laying down on the table, Tango places my feet on the edge of the table and leans in between my legs as he kisses me again.  Sucking on the juicy berry, Tango placed in my mouth before eating it and licking my lips.  I hoped it would drive him crazy with need.

Suddenly, I felt the coldness of the cream squirted on my pussy making me gasp at first.  Quite soon it turned into a moan as Tango has fun dipping the strawberries in my pussy and once in a while feeds me the berry.  My pussy coating the cream and berry giving the hint of desire in each of the berries.

Hearing footsteps approach, I know someone has come up to join the fun.  Suddenly, Tango yells out as he obviously is getting quite the work up on himself.  His hands tightening a bit as he clasps onto my thigh for support.


Smiling to myself as I know soon others will join in on some hot fun.  It wasn't long before I heard a voice.

"Now Tango. Share a little bit of this fun."
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: martinus on March 11, 2017, 05:44:33 AM
cruising along in my patrol car to see if i can catch any speeding girls around town, i notice it's time for a break. So i turn my police cruiser in the direction of the AB&G.

as i arrive i notice both tango's and Sexi's car in the parking lot and smile.  mmm now this could be a interesting break.

I open the door and walk in the joint. As my eyes adapt to the low lighting inside i see movement in the back at the place the turntable has been standing useless for so long. My smile gets bigger as i noticed someone is been turning it on again. It's Sexi that's on top of it with Tango between her legs.

By closer inspection i notice they are not the only ones, from underneath the revolving platform another head sticks out, sucking on tango's hardened pole. I could not tell who was on the ground but then i hear Tango moan.

"Fuck Marniee"

So now i now who's down there, but i know i have to step in, girls should be on top of the table not under it, the mechanics of the table could hurt them if it starts turning.

So i walk up to the table, after signing old joe i need a drink, and he nods he's going to bring one.

"Now Tango, Share a little bit of this fun " i say to announce my presence.

The sound of my voice makes a smile appear on Sexi's face. Tango is to busy to notice, but when i start to bend down and reach for Marniejo he just laughs, wich in turns makes the whip cream that he was licking off Sexi flying around.

"Come Marnie, the usual place for girls here is on top of the table, you could hurt yourself down there"

As i guide her to the top side i also help her out of the little clothing she has left on before her lovely ass sits bare on the table.

"Oh yes" Tango laughs,

"now that's how it should be, girls on top, make sure you strap her down tightly before i give this thing a spin" as he starts to tie Sexi to the table.

I ask Marnie if she wants to be the giving or receiving part. She smiles

"What do you think, giving is was just getting getting more appetite for cock"

So i strap her in on her back with her head to the outside of the table so she can get a good look and reach to what's coming in front of her mouth when the table stops.

I make some adjustments to the table's electronics so that the computer knows wich places are filled on the in and outside so it can stop in the right position.

"You ready at your end Tango" i ask

I see a thumbs up coming from him

"Who has the remote to activate ?"

But when i ask that Sexi sticks out her arm, showing the remote and pushes the button. The table starts turning, it makes 2 complete cycles before it stops.

I smile as i see the result, Seems i got whip cream and strawberries for lunch and marniejo gets her sausage back.

I quickly stick my head between Sexi's legs to enjoy my lunchtime, making me wonder how soon other will come and follow our examples
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on March 12, 2017, 01:18:39 PM
Having feed Sexi a couple more strawberries i take the chocolate and squirt it over her cream covers pussy and then push my face hard down onto her pussy. Licking and sucking at the mix of the cream chocolate and Sexi's sweet juices I hear her moans grow as the pleasure builds up from my tongue.

I feel the farm drag of nails down my back making my flinch at the sharpness of them. I moan into Sexi's pussy as the nails dig into my skin.
I reach back around me and grab hold of the ass of the person behind me and pull her tight into me. I feel her start to kiss my back and I let her ass go as she kisses her way down my back her hands move around to the buckle of my belt and starts to undo it then her hand sliding inside my jeans as she undoes the zip.

Feeling her move from behind me and sliding under the table and start to pull my jeans down. As she dose I move my head and look who was doing what she was doing to me with just a quick glance I see its Marnie and get back to licking and sucking Sexi's clit and pussy.

Feeling Marnie hand rap around my shaft and slowly work its way along it's length I moan deep into Sexi's pussy. I feel the cold softness of cream along my cock and the the warmth of some chocolate source up and down each side of the cream. But then I feel some soft lips around  the tip of my cock then in one move my cock is deep in her throat,

"FUCK ME MARNIEE" I moan into Sexi's pussy

Just as I start to move my hips and fuck Marmie's willing pushing my cock right into her throat I hear the voice of my boss,

"Now Tango, Share a little bit of this fun "

I don't move but feel Marnie being taken from under the table.

"Come Marnie, the usual place for girls here is on top of the table, you could hurt yourself down there"

"Oh yes" I laugh,

"now that's how it should be, girls on top, make sure you strap Sexi down tightly before i give this thing a spin Tango"

I break away from Sexi and strap her wrists to the table so she will be safe for the spin.

Martinus puts Marnie across the table from Sexi laying on her back.

"You ready at your end Tango"He asks

I give him a thumbs up and the table spins around a few times I watch As Sexi's pussy and Marnie's head pass bye.
The table stops with Marnie's head right in front of me  as I stand up and take hold of Marnie's head her mouth opens and lets me start to fuck her throat deep I take the chocolate source and squirt along my shaft as it slowly move back and forth deep into Marnies mouth and throat.  Her moans grow loader with each thrust deep her body arches up from the table as she offers  her body to me.

I take the chocolate source and squirt a single line down her body just stopping above her shaved pussy.
Pushing my cock deep back into her throat I lean over her licking my tongue down the line of source and then take her clit between my lips and sucking it hard   
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: sexilicious on March 13, 2017, 01:27:33 PM
As the new man continues to talk, I finally recognize his voice as being Martin.

"Who has the remote to activate ?"

Sticking my arm out slightly, I show Martin the remote and hit the button which spins the table around.  The coolness of the breeze blowing against my moistened pussy while the table spins around. 

Once the table stops, I feel the mouth quickly taking the strawberry from my pussy.  The cream soon disappears as the tongue begins to lick up every morsel like a starving man.  I realize it must be Martin who loves his strawberries and cream. 

The sound of Martin's zipper fills the room as he takes off his pants.  I hear the whip cream being sprayed again, but I don't feel any landing on me.  Martin climbs up on the table and places his cock against my lip.  Opening my mouth I take the offered cock and start sucking. 

The taste of cream and precum fills my mouth, and I suck harder on Martin's cock.  Licking around the whole cock, I make sure to get every drop of the whip cream.  There always seemed to be just a little bit more cream or maybe Martin kept spraying more cream onto his cock to make sure he got a good sucking.

Martin's moans fill the air as I suck his cock deeper into my mouth.  I feel him start thrusting against my mouth as his cock wants to go deeper.

My pussy wept as it wanted some attention too.  The moisture dripped down onto the table when a finger slipped between the folds and massaged the inner lips.

I couldn't tell if it was Martin who reached back to pay attention to my pussy or if someone else had walked up and joined us. I didn't really care.  My pussy was getting attention, and I was enjoying the whip cream cock in my mouth. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: minni91 on April 08, 2017, 03:25:54 PM
On my travels i decide i needed a break, i'd been on the road a solid 6hours and needed a break, maybe even a fruity cider. Finding a lonesome building that advertises it was a bar and grill.. i was feeling a bit peakish, might as well try it out.

Opening the doors, i notice it isnt the usual set up of a grill... looking over to one side, there is a circular table with two very hot naked women spread eagled on a table and two equally hot men, who seem to know what they are doing... seems a lot of chocolate sauce and whipped cream mixed into the events... Getting slightly hot under the collar, i head to the bar and try to find out what is going on with the place.

Arriving at the bar, i catch the attention of the attendant, introducing myself to him and ordering myself a double black sambucca and coke. my eyes still wondering over to the table and the display going on... The bar tender introduces himself as Joe and leans over the bar for me to hear him explain that the guys are the regular NSPD captain and chief who pop in often and like to de-stress with the ladies...

I couldn't help myself, i had to head over and somehow either introduce myself and see if i could watch or maybe even join in... The closer i got the more i saw, one young lady had a cock deep in her throat and her pussy on display for all to see the juices flowing from her, and see it throbbing and wanting attention... the other lady was moaning out in pleasure with the other guys head buried deep between her legs and his cock buried in her mouth....

I see an opportunity to just get involved, taking a quick glance around the bar, i dont see many people and even fewer watching what is happening like its a normal thing that happens here... that pussy is just glistening and asking for attention, so tentatively i reach out with one hand and stroke through the juicy folds of the young lady's pussy, feeling her clench around my finger, lifting my finger to my lips to taste her juices... before reaching back down and circling two fingers around her swollen clit
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on April 09, 2017, 07:30:40 AM
Sucking hard into Marniejo now every wet pussy I feel the brush of a leg against mine with out looking up from the sweet taste of Marniejo I reach down behind me and feel the soft warm flesh of a ladies leg.

Moving my hand around the leg I start to run it up the back of her thigh, as my hand moves higher I feel her other leg on the back of my hand but before I know it she opened her legs letting my hand move freely high up her thigh.
Pushing my tongue deeper between Marniejo silk lips and thrusting my hard cock deep into her throat her muffled moans grow louder as the pleasure began to rise up through her whole body.

Hearing Marniejo moans I keep moving my hand up the inner thigh of this unknown lady as my hand reaches the top of her thigh and rests against the fabric of her panties. I feel that they are all ready damp using my thumb I run it along the wet patch of her panties before moving it along the seam around her thigh and sliding my thumb under it.
Feeling her wet lips against my thumb I push upwards sliding my thumb deep into her wet core, as she takes my thumb deep into her wet core her legs buckle letting me take her weight on my thumb pushing it even deeper into her. 
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: minni91 on May 21, 2017, 11:48:48 AM
With my head deep between the young ladies juicy folds, i feel the brush of a hand slip up the side of my legs, like an instant reaction, i open my legs further to give the male easier access to the area i know he wants to head towards.

Even from just watching the scene i was becoming moist, so having this hand now stroking up between my legs over my panties, i'm literally drenched, moaning out softly into the young ladies pussy, as i slurp at her juices, licking around her clit, feeling her tremble beneath me, showing her the attention that i'm getting from the gentleman who's face i haven't even seen yet.

Spreading the young ladies legs further apart as i slide my tongue deep into her, giving the same thrusts with my tongue as the gentleman beside has , having pushed my panties to the side and is now burying his thumb deep within me, pushing deep within me in a rhythmic pattern, my legs start to buckle and i fall onto his thumb harder, grinding my teeth hard against the young ladies clit and pushing her over the edge, and moaning around the other gentleman's cock. I feel my own orgasm ripple through me and i squirt hard, making quite a mess.

The gentleman removes his thumb from within me and stands up, i can see the glistering cum of the other young lady he has had his head between around his mouth, he puts his thumb in his mouth to taste my juices and seems to enjoy the taste of it as he winks at me. Both ladies on the table seem stated and are breathing heavily not seeing what is unfolding.

"Hi, i'm Tango, i haven't seen you around these parts before. New to the area?"

"Hi, I'm Minni, I was just passing through, just needed to stop for something to eat and drink"

"Well i can see you have had a drink, did you like it? Are you thirsty for more?" he says with a wicked smile on his face

"Well i have been on the road a long time, What would you suggest i try next?"

"Well i think you may need to freshen up after all that driving. There is a Spa through that door, with a hot tub and walk in shower just screaming your name" as he points towards a door towards the back end of the bar, giving me the invitation to head towards them

"A Spa? A Hot Tube? Walk In Shower? Is it big enough for two?" becoming brave around this man, i can't help the excitement

"It's big enough for three" I spin around and notice the other guy who still had his cock deep in the throat of the lady i had just given an orgasm to.

I'm now in no rush to carry on my travels, besides i had downed a double sambucca and coke, there is no way i'm fit to be driving for the next few hours at least. Besides this spa and walk in shower sounds interesting. I saunter off in the direction of the door leading to the spa, wondering what the next few hours may bring :)
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Kaitlyn1989 on December 01, 2017, 05:51:56 PM
It’s Friday, a beautiful cool sunny day. I am feeling extra giddy today…. always a “good” thing for ME. Greeted this morning with an unexpected treat from my LADY, one of those perfect “rare” finds that captures our story. Plus… she has been quite wordy these last few days with a playful timbre in her voice. That is a BIG turn on for me.

My work week now over, it’s time to party n dance but my hubby is away on Biz and I have nothing scheduled for this Friday evening. As I ponder what to do with my night… my mind begins to wander, drifting into the comfort of the past and picks up on a memory of my first time at the Achat Bar n Grille. A very special night, and time for me. OUR beginning, filled with a cocktail of desires n emotions and fueled by the intoxication of anticipation.
The squawk of a horn quickly brings me out of my fugue, but not empty handed… I come out of my day dream with plans for the night.  ;D The best kind too; the unplanned, unscripted and spontaneous type. I quickly signal and turn around, my adventure will begin at the AchatB&G. And I get to check in on Joe and pound a couple shots while I see who pops in.

I manage to remember the way without using my Nav, it is still pretty early for a Friday night and I am greeted with plenty of parking options. The neon lights shine their aura in the cool misty twilight giving it a surreal appearance. Snagging my purse n locking my ride I proceeded in the direction of what I knew was jukebox music, dim lighting, and hopefully a hint of adventure too. Would be real special going into these Christmas holidays to run into an old friend or lover. Catch up on our lives, reminisce the past and perhaps a bit more…    ;)

With a hefty tug I open the old oversized door to the Bar and with it a new world… the reality behind me fades as the door slowly closes while a new one unfolds before me. I am immediately immersed in the energy of its surroundings; each sense picking up something new and unique to this place of fantasy. As I pan around the sprawling sparsely lit room I find Joe where I always remember him… behind the protection of this wide solid wood bar hiding a couple of large well used bats and his dusty Rossmore  which luckily has never been used.

Joe glances over at the door with a polished “Welcome” smile out of habit until our eyes make contact, recognition is made and memories come to the surface. The change in Joe’s smile is subtle but evident as is the glimmer in his eyes. He waves me over but I am already two steps into his direction with a smile of my own in tow.

We fill the time with small talk between a couple shots of my fav poison…. Ouzo. I am happily surprised to see Joe still keeps a bottle in the freezer. It goes down cold but quickly warms the “right” places and fills me with “spicy” thoughts too.   :o

I am catching a pretty good buzz hangin at the Bar chatting with Joe, listening to songs only found on the old style mechanical jukeboxes and…. like Joe, always glancing at the door each time it briefly opens, letting in a peek of that “other” world as patrons enter and leave this one. Though I see faces of all flavors, each here for their own adventure, I recognize none of them. And tonight I am hopeful some ole friends might pop in for a surprise.

Joe gives me a reassuring smile…. “Don’t you fret Kaity…. it’s still early for a Friday night.” Recognizing my hopes for a familiar face and knowing what will put a quick smile on my face Joe reaches for the Ouzo pouring us another shot  “You know “our” gang prefers the later night hours and now that the temps are finally cooling many will be returning from their cottages on Crystal lake.” 

Reaching for the shot glass I give Joe a nod of agreement and a wishful smile.  "Well, here's to serendipity. " I added before downing my shot.

“Well SWEETIE," Joe speaks matter-of-factly as he reaches for the freezer door "While you are waiting, let's have another go, this one is on the house." he finishes as he tops off the shots. “Bottom’s up.... to another round of your liquid aphrodisiac and of course one of MY Toasts.”
“To possibilities that often times come with; uninvited, unexpected n unscripted encounters.  CHEERS.” Joe exclaimed as we both tossed back the cold translucent liquid to our throats where it began it’s long numbing journey downward.

“Cheers Joe” I reply, licking my lips and tapping his now empty glass in thanks. “NOW.... who do you think might be the first to pop in and surprise us?”  i quickly add in a playful tone, my giddiness fueled by those 3 shots “I know who I’m thinking of… “ accentuated with my best Devil Doll smile as i feel the warmth of the Ouzo spread deep within my flesh.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Amethyst on March 04, 2019, 12:55:18 PM
The gravel crunches as she steps from her truck , pausing for a second she inhales the cool crisp air and rests her back against the steel . She is so glad she wore her slacks for the drive , she reaches her arms up taking a much needed stretch and grunts at the welcoming feel.
 Thoughts start to fill her mind of long days gone by , she sighs softly and smiles to herself . this is just what she needs , the calm .. the peace , the large open spaces. She doesn't enter the bar tonight , tonight she will relax from the long drive and come tomorrow she will seek out some work , setting down her foundations to a new beginning.

Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on March 11, 2019, 03:10:05 PM
It's been over a year since I've been in Nymphomania let alone into the Bar & Grill.
Pulling up into the grave parking lot outside I recognize a couple of the cars parked up sliding in next to Old Joe's old ford pickup. Grabbing my trusty old cowboy hat I kick the old where I've been dust off and walk towards the bar doors. Kicking the steps as I step up each on getting the dust off my boots.

Pushing open the door the cool air from inside hits my face I take a deep breath of the air conditioned air. As I walk over to the bar but before I can get to the end a beer glass slides down the bar towards me and an old friendly voice,

"Welcome back Tango!   That ones on the house."

Looking down the bar I can't see Old Joe anywhere but then he pops up from under the bar,

"Thank you Joe"  I say  as I take a big mouth full
It's been a long time not seeing you in here
"Yeap had to get way for a bit"

And as Joe is a good barman he knows not to ask any questions.

I sit at the bar and Joe just keeps my glass full, looking over at the stage I notice my old guitar and walk over to the stage. Picking her up I blow the dust off and put the strap over my shoulder and walk over to the mick. As I stand in front of it Joe turns on the stage lights .
I tap the foot pedal and the backing track starts

As the song ends I walk back to the bar and Joe has already put a fresh beer on the bar

Not had anyone sing in here for so long good to hear it again
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: tangoracer on April 09, 2019, 08:25:50 AM
After finishing a coupe more beers I smile at Joe "time for  a shower and clean up"
I get up and head to the pool room and unlock the door at the back of the room. Pushing the door open I feel the cool air from the dark tunnel hit face and I walk throw it and close the door behind me letting my eye adjust to the drak I walk down the tunnel and push the big door at the end open.
I stand there  in the doorway thinking to myself "Its been far to long anyone has been here.

Stepping into the Ice House I walk down the hallway  passed Bears door  then onto Brandybee I stop and smile and walk up to the net door resting my hand on it  "I miss you my sweet Mistress Christina k"  Shaking my head I walk into the great hall with a big smile remembering all the fun and games that have gone on in here. Looking over at the St Andrews cross a bigger smile crosses my face as fond memories fill my head. I keep walking down until I retch the last door on the right.

Pushing the heavy oak door open  I step inside my own chamber, I stand there and just look around before closing the door and head to the Bathroom. Striping off I turn on the walking shower and look in the mirror seeing all of my HB's make up and products still on the shelf under it. 
As the water  hits me  I rest my hands on the wall  and let my mind run wild as all the memories of the fun I'v had in this shower.  
Title: Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
Post by: Vaughan on January 07, 2020, 01:43:43 PM
I ventured into the AB&G and ordered a drink from Old Joe behind the bar and bought him one too. When he told me Tango was around somewhere I told him to put Tango's favourite tipple behind the bar until he was ready.

I was intrigued to see an old empty keg placed at the end of the bar with a notice on it.
I was reading it trying to make up my mind if it was a challenge or a party. Maybe it was both!

There was a mysterious masked party  being organised at The Ice House, soon.
The rules of this particular evening was somewhat intriguing.

Patrons of the AB&G had been invited to place their names in this large beer keg and did so with the knowledge that they would be taking part in a masked special sex party at The Infamous Ice House.

The Ice House are the dungeons of the AB&G and run by a secret committee. There was a special understanding by the patrons. Sexual fantasies were lived out without ill thought, judgement or malice.

As far as I knew, all residents of Achat enjoyed a full, energetic and amazing sex life whether hidden or open and members of this special bar were no exception.

The pairings, and those of the other invited couples would be decided upon by this unknown committee belonging to The Ice House.
They would draw out and pair their names according to tastes and preferences so no one would be disappointed.

These were then placed in a sealed envelope with a reference number and an invitation to attend the party.
The guests would arrive at the reception garden at the AB&G at the appointed time, with their masks on and then seek out the reference number of their partner for the evening which would be worn discreetly on their left wrists.

This was of course a no brainer.  Who doesnt fantasise about hot sex with a myterious stranger?
I eagerly wrote my name and address on one of the cards provided along with details of my sexuality and preferences, whether kinky or otherwise.

I folded it in two and posted it in the keg.
I was excited. Who knew what the evening might bring.

I finished my drink and promised Old Joe, I would return soon.
“Are you going to this masked evening then Joe?,” I asked him
“Well you never can tell!”  He chuckled mysteriously.