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The Grand Mistress Black Dalia

« : May 09, 2015, 01:42:35 AM »

                       THE FUTANARIAN HELL HOLE

Chapter 1: My Story

    I am April in this world and I was referred as “Aphrodite” in my world. My birth was the consequence of a castration: Cronus severed Uranus' genitals and threw them behind him into the sea. The genitals were carried over the sea a long time, and white foam arose from the immortal flesh; with it a girl grew. The girl, Aphrodite, floated ashore on a scallop shell.

    Because of my immense beauty Zeus feared that the other gods will become violent with each other in their rivalry to possess me. To forestall this, he forced me to marry Hephaestus, the dour, humorless god of smithing. His mother, Hera casts him off Olympus, deeming him too ugly and deformed to inhabit the home of the gods. His revenge was to trap his mother in a magic throne. In return for her release, he demanded Zeus for my hand in marriage.

      Hephaestus was overjoyed to be married to the goddess of beauty, and forged me with beautiful jewelry, including the cestus, a girdle that made me even more irresistible to men. My unhappiness with this marriage caused me to seek other male companionship, most often Ares (The God of War), Hermes (Messenger of the gods God of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, and border crossings, guide to the Underworld) but also sometimes Adonis. Ares and Hermes were twelve of the two brothers of Hephaestus.
      I gave birth to four children with Ares and they were Eros (Cocky_Alan), Anteros (Jules), Hemiros (gelisio80) and Pothos (jasonn8) and a daughter Hermaphroditus (SilvyTX). Hermaphroditus was born a remarkably handsome boy and he was transformed into an androgynous being by union with the water nymph Salmacis).

      Zeus found out I was cheating my husband and he cursed be for 1000 years as an androgynous in the Futanari. He also cursed my children and sent them to the human world. I was ripped off my powers and so helpless. I was so sorry for my children and they were paying for my sins.
      As a lost girl I searched for shelter and starved in the streets of Futanari and no one accepted me into their homes since they were afraid they might be next to Zeus’ wrath. I prayed the God Mother for help but she didn’t answer.

     On a distance I saw a door open and crawled slowly towards it. On seeing at my state she got me into their “House of Futanari Sisters” and she gave me some food and clothes. I am still grateful for them. I thanked them and left the Futanari in search of my kids. I don’t know how they are; they could be vulnerable like me in the human world. But I was sure that I would rejoin with my family and that was the only thought in my mind.

     I traveled miles and miles in search of the door of fire. I crossed many realms and my horse became so weak and I had to leave him in the Shire. When I was resting there for few days I heard news that severe drought struck the Northern Empire, thousands of men, women and children died. I had an instinct to flow the death and you can find the door to Hell nearby. But it was a long travel up North I had to cross the Dragon Empire called “The Force of Dark Demon Dragons” ruled by Grand Mistress Sabrina. We both have history and she never forgot me as a sister ever since.

      She gave me her dragon to travel up North. I didn’t know why the dragon was so loyal to me. I left her castle and flew up the steep mountains. The mountain forests were so cold and my Dragon could not breathe and I sent him home and continued my journey.
      I was so tired and couldn’t walk further I sat down to rest and noticed something different. It was a Black Dalia, very rare and I thought it was a myth. It is black in colour but on moon light becomes blue. It has the power to seduce anyone it this world. I took in in my hand and again started to walk up the mountain.
      When reached the top I was able to feel the heat again from the burning souls with the great demon Hades (The God of Dead and Riches) guarding the door of Hell. I approached him with a great strength and a heart full of pain to revenge Zeus. I knelt before him and prayed for his help. I didn’t expect him to hear my words but he did. He told me that he could not make me an angel again. But he agreed to give my powers back but with one condition. It was the same card that Zeus played but this time I had no choice and I needed it so bad to fight Zeus. The great demon asked me to marry his son and told me that I would get powers only if I am with his son Zagreus (BobbyMcGee). But Zagreus was already married to the Ice Queen White Petra (Lorelinne) . I had to accept marry him. The Demon told I will be hereafter called as “Black Dalia” from the flower that guided me towards him.

       Zagreus was the son of Hades and he got his powers from moon. In order to become husband and wife we were supposed to unite as one and it has to happen at a blood moon. I prayed the demon God Hades to give me strength and power to fight Zeus.
      When we both united on the blood moon and when the moon was at its peak, the powers from Zagreus (FrazerB6) I could not feel the power inside him. I was surprised and turned around and there stood a beautiful women with pure white skin. I could not take my eyes from her, she approached me kissed my lips and told me that I was not looking at the right place. When the ice queen White Petra(babylove12) kissed me all my miseries went away and I felt alive again.

       Petra was standing near Zagrues and told me I have to surrender myself to the Demon's son and I can have my wish fulfilled. I was nervous but Petra pulled me near her husband's cock and all of a sudden Zagrues got aroused and turned us both and started fucking like a furious bull. We both had no choice and felt like chained to his mighty cock. Petra mourned in ecstasy, "Don't fall for him, this is a test". That did not mean anything for me.

       She slapped my face and told that I have to conquer the bull to be eligible to get the powers. Then I realized that I have to win the bull Zagrues. I tried so hard to pull back my ass and turn him around and at last I succeeded. I fucked him so hard and made the point that I am stronger than him.

She told me that now I am ready and guided towards her cock. We both merged joined together. She was the answer to my questions. I was able to feel the power of moon inside me. From that day I got brighter when it got brighter like a full moon and darker on a new moon.

     With all my powers restored I flew back to the Futanari where I was cursed and sent back by Zeus. I made that place my Hell Hole for those who were responsible. My sisters searched every corner of the Earth to find my children and at last I was united as a family. Eros (Cocky_Alan) my first born and Hermaphroditus (SilvyTX) were on a men’s prostitute home and I retrieved them from that ugly dungeon. Anteros (Jules) was cursed to become a Dragon. The Dragon that helped me find my way up the mountain was my son Anteros and my sister Grand Mistress Sabrina gave him back to me. I used my powers to restore him to his original form. Even now he is so arrogant like a dragon and I am finding it difficult to tame him. Hemiros and Pothos were found in a shipyard as slaves. I killed the captain and brought back them home to Futanari. I trained them to be my Knights and I am building my own army for my revenge as the Grand Mistress Black Dalia.

The Hierarchy of my Kingdom (Ruby Realm):
1.   The King Zagreus (BobbyMcGee) & Ice Queen White Petra (Lorelinne)
2.   The Queen Black Dalia (April14) and my 9 sisters ( Futahime, girlyanna, JoanaTG, Shedoor ,Em4lia, NicloeAni, jonnabby, Loveme77, kelsey119)
3.   Princesses ( SilvyTX) and  Knights (Jules, Cocky_Alan, gelisio80, jasonn8)
4.   Queens Gaurd ( Malwie & Karlel ) & Slave Trainer ( Morde)
5.   The Chief Magician Squid ( Squid_DK)
6.     Rancher of futa-cows (DaddyforTS) & Rancher of girl-cows (Oddball)
7.   Pets ( FUQ8, The Shemale, PeterFun, Errr)
8.   Futa & Girl Cows ( slave, MelissaS, xxmmm and more...)

Kings and Queens of Nine Kingdoms:
1.    King Maximus of Sapphire Realm & Queen Daphne (Kennyf & Mae68)
2.    King & Queen of Diamond Realm ( Bartez35 & Elwirka )
3.    Queen of Cat's Eye Realm - Grand Mistress Sabrina ( hotsabrina ) & Her Whore ( Ahina )
4.    Queen of Emerald Realm - Mistresswhip ( EnslaveWhore )
5.    Queen & Mistress of Pearl Realm ( Zillica )
6.    Queens of Corel Realm ( Rogue_ & YourSunnyDay)
7.    King & Queen of Hessonite Realm ( MasterMalik & JanetMason )
8.    King & Queen of Blue Sapphire Realm ( MasterS & nuttensaux23 )

Guest Appearances:
1.     Doctor Frankenstein
2.     Costume Designer Elena ( dirtyElena )

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« : May 22, 2020, 11:32:41 PM april14 »
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« #1 : May 16, 2015, 05:39:50 AM »

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The Grand Mistress Black Dalia

« #2 : May 19, 2015, 10:41:27 AM »

Chapter 2: Rise and Fall of Futanari

      The olden Futanari was called as Meenem and was ruled by the androgynous queen named Daphne. Daphne was born as a son of Zeus and Electra. He was born as a handsome young boy called Dardanus and had power of immortality. He also had two sisters. As a child he always played with his sisters and even after he attained puberty it was the same. Unlike other boys he didn’t showed much interest on girls. Dardanus and his sisters always spent their leisure time visiting the nine Kingdoms of the Earth named after the nine precious gems found in each part it.

      On their visit to Meenem the capital of Sapphire Realm, Dardanus saw a brave young human fighting three soldiers at a time. He had strong shoulders and very much manly body with a broad chest and crescent shaped chin that would make all women just for his single look. He was no one but the prince of Sapphire and his name was Maximus. Dardanus saw the young man and at his first sight Dardanus fell in love with him.

      Meenem was ruled by his father the great Antonis had Futanari as their Goddess. The Meenem city was one of the most prosperous and famous cities of all Greece. It was the central city of the nice Realms and was the busiest port. It had the great pyramid temple with a 20 ft golden Goddess Futanari Statue on top of it. It had the one fourth riches, diamonds, gold of the entire world.

      Everyday Dardanus started to sneak out at midnights and went to Maximus’s palace just to look at him from a distance.   He was so upset and he had a confusion that how he is going to explain his love to Maximus.  As usual after admiring his lover from a distance Dardanus was returning to his home at Olympus. On the way near the river bank of Erosinos Dardanus stumbled upon a wooden stick and all of a sudden it turned into a water nymph. With a sad face he looked at the nymph.

“Who are you?” the water nymph asked Dardanus.
“I am Dardanus, son of the great Zeus” he replied and started to walk again. The water nymph stopped him and asked Dardanus
“Why don’t you want to be with Maximus right now? I know why you are sad”
Even his sisters do not know about his love for Maximus and was so shocked when the nymph asked him about Maximus.
“How do you know about Maximus?”
“I know everything my lord… I am reflect the desire of other people and I have the ability to make it come true”
“Oh is that so? Oh then can you make me like a princess so that Maximus would love me?”
“Yes but I need something in return” answered the nymph. Dardanus was so confused and the only thing that was continuously lingering in his mind was to marry Maximus.
“Tell me nymph…. What do you want in return?”
“Your Emerald ring in your right hand”
“But mother asked not to remove it at any cost”
“Tell me Dardanus do you want that ring or Maximus?”
      He was not sure what the nymph was planning and he gave his ring.
“Hmmm good boy…Now tell me your wish”
“I want to become so beautiful like a princess and marry Maximus and have children with him and live a happy life as his Queen”
“I grant your wish and you will be called as Daphne”
      All of a sudden he turned into a beautiful girl with dashing eyes, perfect breasts so much like a princess. But Daphne felt something else in her stomach and first thought it was maybe due to the new body and female organs inside her but Dardanus’s male sex organs were as such but with a slit in the middle of the two balls as an entry for the vaginal tract.
“Oh nymph what you have done to me….Oh how can I see him with this body?”
“I granted you only one wish and you asked for it….you wanted me to make you beautiful like a princess…but you did not ask me to change entirely like a girl with a pussy and not with male genitals” telling this the nymph vanished into the river water.

      Daphne was so confused and without her ring she could not return to Olympus. She was so sad and didn’t know what to do and it started to rain and she went to a nearby village. Everyday baskets full of fruits, vegetables and flowers were sent from this village to the Meenem castle where Maximus was living. She hid into one of the flower baskets and she was lucky it directly went into the prince’s bedroom. Always Maximus likes his room to be decorated with yellow tulip flowers. After he had a bath Maximus came into his bed room with a single towel wrapped on his waist. He saw something unusual with one of the baskets it was shaking a bit. He slowly took his sword into one basket and suddenly Daphne came out of the basket like new flower from a bud.

      But this time the budding flower came out of a basket full of flowers. When she stood up she stumbled and fell backwards on the floor. Her skirt tore from Maximus’s blade and she was there on her back naked with all her parts exposed. Maximus had seen and been with many girls but Daphne was so beautiful that he could not take his eyes out her. He had never seen such a beauty in his life and grabbed her and helped her to stand up. He grabbed her in one hand and with sword in another hand Daphne reached to his waist and the towel which was loosely tied also fell on the ground. Daphne was speechless and till then she thought herself as a deformity but now she accepted who she is. Maximus and Daphne stood naked with all flowers scattered on the ground he kissed her soft lips. This was the first kiss for Daphne and Maximus fell in love with her at the moment. Maximus called his Goddes in pleasure
“Oh my Goddess I am so honored that you chose me”
      Maximus came to know that she was daughter of Zeus and Electra. Maximus saw the Goddess Futanari in Daphne. He felt so happy and wanted Daphne to marry him and she accepted his proposal at once. Antinos arranged for a largest marriage function ever and called upon Kings and Queens of all the nine Realms.

      Meenem had its best marriage functions ever and all men and women came to the Royal wedding bearing gift from every corner of the World. Everyone was so eager to see the Goddess that came from Olympus.
      Maximus and Daphne were so happy but this happiness did not last forever. At the same time it was a disaster at Olympus the water nymph wore the immortal ring and kidnapped the two sisters of Daedanus. Zeus came to know that Dardanus traded his immortal ring to a water nymph to become a futa and he became so angry. Zeus was so much upset of his missing daughters. He did not think even for a while and ordered Diomedes, his son to bring the head of Maximus who was the whole reason for this entire situation.
       Entire Meenem was at its peak and the people were drowning themselves in wine and fun. The brothels were full and the shemales were the ones that were on demand. All thought that the shemales were the male form of Futanari and even men involved in sexual intercourse with them.

      The celebration at Meenem made Zeus very much angry and he ordered to destroy the whole city and burn it to ashes. Diomedes had no choice and came to Meenem with his army to make his futa sister Daphne a widow. Diomedes called Antonis from Meenem’s gate and shouted angrily
“Antonis send me Maximus and Daphne with me and I will spare you and your people”
“How dare you come at my home and demand me to surrender”   

      Antonis was so much angry and was ready to everything to save his son and daughter-in-law. He sent all his army to the gate and archers to the walls. Both the armies started to fight furiously and both sides thousands of soldiers died. Both of them fought day and night and Antonis’s army started to fall in number. Diomedes used flame throwers and throw bombs on Meenem’s wall. The army in red broke the gates and raided the city of Meenem.

      The red army did not leave a single building to stand and lite the whole Meenem in fire.

      At last Maximus came out of the castle and sent his Guard Petros, guardian of forests and one of his kind with his wife Daphne and sent her far away into the forest. Maximus knew that Daphne was pregnant and was carrying the future of Sapphire Realm. She ride on his back for two days and two nights and Petros didn’t even sleep for a second.

     At last they reached an old castle at Tolkos surrounded by dense forests. It had one high watch tower for security reasons. It belonged to brother of Antonis and now only his wife and his daughter stay there. Antonis’s brother died of old age and he had no male heir to his kingdom. He built this castle to protect his family during war. He lost in battle and also his kingdom to the enemy and never returned back to them. His wife Maria got a message through a raven sent by Maximus and welcomed her daughter-in-law into her castle.

      There she gave birth to nine children and all nine were futanari girl children and Daphne could not bear the pain and died during the child birth.

       Ever since Maria raised the girls from their childhood till she became old. She never revealed the secret of their parents and the nine girls Futanari (Futahime), Anna (girlyanna), Joana (JoanaTG), Ani (Shedoor), Emlia (Em4lia), NicoleAni, Jonnabby , Aysu (Loveme77) and Kelsey (kelsey119),  and lived in their castle as a coven of sisters.

      The sisters became young women when I returned from the Northern Mountains after getting my powers from the demon God Hades. I told the story of me and my curse and how I became a futal like them and the story of my sister Daphne whose love turned into war. I seek their help to build Meenem as our new home and built it into a new city and named it as “Futanari” with its old beauty. Now I rule the land of Futanari in the memory of my sister Daphne and will not rest until I defeat Zeus.

« : May 11, 2020, 10:14:07 AM april14 »
: 15

The Grand Mistress Black Dalia

« #3 : May 25, 2015, 12:23:06 PM »

Chapter 3: Animal Attack

      It was a full moon and I was in my castle praying the demon God Hades. As an angel I got my powers from Zeus but now he is the only God I hate the most who cursed me out of my world. He has to pay for what he has done. Although I am not powerful to defeat him I will stop at nothing.
      It was eighth full moon of the year and at midnight the moon becomes blood red and it is the most powerful celestial event in this year. All the dark energy is obtained from it and I learned it from an old Benet witch who I have kept in my castle chained for her spells. She is one of the oldest witches of the North. She knows the in and out of any complex spell cast by anyone.

      The ritual involves a gift to the demon God Hades in the form of a virgin girl. I have the ingredients including a portion of demon’s blood obtained from my husband as he is the demon’s son and used it to write the Devil’s name on the girl’s body. The girl is dressed like a princess which was woven out of pure white silk and flowers and offered to the Hell fire with the symbol of God Hades.

      As the girl was offered to the fire I chant His name with the nine sisters of Futanari and wait for the demon to take His gift. I can tell His arrival with the fire grows high for a moment and it turns red. Even a blind woman can see this red fire at the back of her eye. All my people rejoice His name and dance around the fire. They go to the forest for the last hunt of the year at midnight after the ritual and bring me their hunt as a token of good will for taking care of them.
      It was about half past eleven and soon enough the moon will turn red all of a sudden it started to rain heavily as if Zeus sent Poseidon to flood my Kingdom. I can’t even open my window but I can hear the rain and the howling wind along with constant lightning and thunder. I ignored everything the main aim for me was to complete the ritual and gain more powers.
      I chanted the spell from the old language that is a little bit similar to today’s Latin but the wind and rain did not stop and its sound was so loud that my voice could not reach Him.
“Sangunim mihi Ostende……Accendant”
“Oh tenebróso Dominum ostende te….comme get mumus tuum”
      The heavy wind blew off all the fire torches and the moon retracted its white rays and became red. The Fire lit for the ritual was totally out and the crowd was in baffled and all of a sudden something dark pounced on the people and I could hear only the screams of people.

“What is happening? ...Guards…Guards...” I shouted at my soldiers but it was all over in seconds.
       I could hear the growl and saw that animal dragging people into dark alleys and their screams faded away. Before I was trying to understand what was happening, the knights instantaneously pulled me out and carried me into the fortress.
      I saw the fear in my sisters’ eyes and the streets were full of blood and chaos. I failed my people to that beast. I ordered my troops to find the animal.
“Bring that bloody animal alive … I need answers…. This is definitely the work of those cunning witches of the North”
      I have never seen such a furious animal. I was sure that it is not just a small magic. I lost my chance to harvest magic from the blood moon. I cannot wait for another year to get stronger. I needed something or someone.
“Sister Emlia I cannot wait to fight back those wicked witches….make our troops ready…”
“No Sister this is not the right time…..We don’t know what we are facing.... Wait till morning for our soldiers who went after the animal”
      I accepted her advice but I was sure that I will make the witches pay for their crimes. I could not sleep at the night the whole Futanari was crying over dead bodies of their loved ones. I was so tired after all the spells I was preparing and couldn’t remember when I slept. I could hear the sound of my soldiers calling me.
“Mistress Dalia….Mistress Dalia…”

      Their sound woke me up and it was morning already. It was correct if had done anything stupid last night there could have been more causality. When I went to the court my sisters and all other ministers were waiting for my arrival. There was a man with his hands cuffed and kneeling in front of the court. I was expecting a corpse of the dead beast or a chained animal but it was just a man in chains.
“Who are you prisoner? ...Who sent you here?”
“Open your mouth you little piece of filth…… Answer the Queen..” shouted my Guard Malwie.
      I cannot see even a small sign of fear inside him, he was so stubborn and I was sure he was hiding something.

      All the ministers were so aggressive and were shouting “Kill him…Hang him Mistress…Let us behead him and send his head to the wicked witches”. But I was quiet and turned to my sister Emlia. She stood up in the court and spoke to the people on my behalf.
“No we don’t know what those witches are planning for and we also don’t know their next move….Please Sister Dalia we should interrogate him properly”. I was convinced with Emila’s opinion.
“Yes she is correct….Guards chain him in our prison… Call the doctor”
      Once I said the word doctor the court was silent and they started to murmur among them. Not only was the people around me were surprised even my sister Emlia. I was referring Doctor Frankenstein (Doctor Gag) who was well known in the Kingdom for his specialty.
“Mistress…. Do we need the doctor for this?” asked Emlia with a wavering voice.
“Yes call Doctor Frankenstein”
      Doctor Frankenstein came into the castle with his tool box. I didn’t wanted him to be scared so I didn’t tell the details when I called.
“Hello Doctor”
“Hello Mistress Dalia it is an honor that you called for my help”
      He bowed his head before me and continued
“May I know what the problem is?”
“I heard about last night tragedy and what can I do for you?”
“Hmmm I think you will be excited from the thing I am going to show you”
      I stood up and started to walk towards the prison and my two Guards and Doctor Frankenstein followed me into the cell.
“Omg what is this thing?
      I left the doctor for his privacy with the animal and waited outside.

      I heard some growl after a while and when he came outside there were slash marks on the prisoner and he was bleeding.

“Sorry Mistress Dalia I tried my best I count even get a single word out of his mouth”
      The Doctor came for a reward but he went home with a disappointment. When the guards were about to close the door I heard a voice.
“Oh Mistress…….please…”
      I ordered to open the door and although my guards were not certain about my decision I went in to question him.
“Please don’t kill me…… I am innocent……No one will believe me…… I didn’t do this on purpose.”
      I looked down at him and I became very angry when I heard him.
“What are you saying you filthy animal…. Are you bluffing?”
“No mistress please hear out my story and if you are not convinced then you can kill me….give me a last chance”
“On every full moon I lock myself into a cell and chain myself to avoid escaping and roaming in the form of werewolf. But this time someone unlocked my chains and cage.”
“I know all the Realms and there are no werewolves in south”
“Believe me Mistress Dalia I was cursed to become a werewolf by Zeus…yes I was his cup-bearer Ganymede (FuQ8) ”
 “Looking down from his throne on Mount Olympus, Zeus spied me up in the meadows of Mount Ida, chilling with my friends under the watchful gaze of my aged tutors and instantly, the King of Heaven flamed with love for the young's thighs.”
“Zeus shook himself once and turned into a powerful eagle. Straightaway he swooped down upon the world of men and seized me in his talons.”

“In Olympus, Zeus took me to bed and after multiple intercourses he appointed me as his cup-bearer”
“First I thought pouring nectar to the immortals was really cool can have intercourses with all the others”
“Zeus grow quite fond of me, the new cup-bearer and he granted me eternal youth and immortality”
      Ganymede's name become so famous, from which the English word "catamite" derives, which refers to a boy as the passive or receiving partner in anal intercourse with an older man. 
I was bit confused and asked him then
“Why are you in an animal form yesterday?”
He explained further
“Yes mistress…..One day Zeus caught me red handed for having sex with his son Hermes”
“He told me that I was the one who called him and compelled him to fuck me but it was Hermes who called me”
“This made Zeus angry and he cursed me to roam around the forest as a werewolf on full moons “

“Please Mistress …help me to come out of this sin”
“Hmmm there is one way…..for that Are you ready to sacrifice your testicles so that you cannot become a werewolf again?”
      The strength of Ganymede was in his testicles and made him neutered; she did that to save him from Zeus’s curse. Also each piece of the cursed objects is a weapon to defeat him. I got the strength of werewolf from his balls and made Ganymede my personal pet.
Although my sisters opposed and asked me to put him in a cell, I knew he was harmless. After a while I grow quite fond of him as he was very loyal to his Mistress and I took good care of him and taught him how to become the best impotent pet for me.

« : May 11, 2020, 10:22:46 AM april14 »
: 15

The Grand Mistress Black Dalia

« #4 : May 31, 2015, 07:41:27 AM »

Chapter 4: The Gamble

      After the animal attack the people of Futanari became very afraid about the werewolves and wanted all the wolves to be hunted down but I had different ideas. I sent my troops into woods to find other wolves. Already got the power of Ganyme and with more wolves it would make my enemies more afraid of me. I sent the slave master Morde and my Knights Glesio and Jasonn into the dark woods. He found two furious wolves (The Shemale and PeterFun) and brought them to me. With my magic I turned them into a two headed guard dog called Orthrus.

      The Futanari milk production has seen its worse ever since. The people thought that this was all because of the wolves inside the country. All the ranchers including their head Pales (DaddyforTS) came to the court to convince me to get Orthrus in chains.
      The two headed hound howled at the night and made all the cows to fear. Sister Joana was worried so much and thought she could handle this herself as I have already lost chance to gain power from the blood moon ritual. But the situation has gone beyond control and half of the Futanari is deprived of good milk and small children are starving without it.


“Mistress Dalia I come here about the milk crisis going on in Futanari” bowing before me the head of the ranchers Pales.
“Yes I know why you have come here”
“Mistress we lost our best oxen during the animal attack and most of the cows become so afraid when they hear your hound’s howl and I think this is the reason for the decrease in milk production” replied Pales.
“Are you accusing me for all this? How dare you?” His accusations made me very angry because what he was telling was all true.
“Sister you have to calm down”, got up from her seat and Joana asked Pales
“Head Rancher did you not try any alternative method to sole this crisis?”
“Yes we tried different techniques like machine milking, group breeding and also had our best Jersi oxen to excite our futa cows. But everything was in vain.”

“Joana can’t we get it from our neighboring Realms?” I was so desperate to solve the problem of hunger in Futanari.
“No all the Realms around us are already with fewer cattle and as winter is coming they cannot risk giving the share of their milk to us”
I was so worried and to feed the entire population milk cannot be got from nearby Realms.
 “Maybe we should call our chief magician Squid ( Squid_DK ) he might have some scientific solutions for this” replied Joana but she was not so certain about this idea.
“Call him”
      The chief magician arrived and he already had the answer for all our questions.
“Greetings Mistress Dalia, There is way Mistresswhip of Emerald Realm has the second largest cow reserves about two thousand but they all are girl milch cows and they produce more breast milk and it will be enough to feed our people” replied Squid.

“Then why are you waiting send a fleet to Emerald Realm and trade our gold for her milk”
Joana interrupted, “We all drink high fat futa milk and will it be nutritious enough for us?”
“Yes Sister Joana that is a only a little problem but it there is a larger problem” replied Squid.
“Are you mad? I have the best fleets in the world and it can handle any storm in the sea”
“Mistress the problem is not with the sea but the pirates’ sea in between Sapphire and Emerald Realms”
      I had forgotten the notorious pirates but they have not entered into the sea shore under my control in these 200 years but I have heard their works from the merchants.

“Then send our battle ships with the cargo fleet. They can be handled with two armed ships”
      I was adamant in my decision and although these pirates have no marked territory they have the sacred Pearl and it gives them the power to face all their enemies. Especially the captain Barbosa had learned his lesson when I took his one leg and one eye when he tried to take over my docks.
      Ever since he is looking for a right time to strike back at full force and if he knows that we are at a crisis and he will take it as an advantage and make his move.
“But sister Mistresswhip is not going to give her milk as such and also as milk gets soured during its travel and thus it cannot be imported as such. Also no one will sell their livestock and I am sure you have a perfect object to trade for her cows” asked Sister Joana with doubt.
      I was silent and had a plan or everything.
“Also call for the designer Elena (dirtyElena) of the West. She has been doing this for years and her teacher is the great designer Marilyn. I need to change my wardrobe”
“Yes as you wish Sister Dalia”

      Even Joana had no idea why I called for Elena at this time of large crisis. I spent the entire night with Elena making my beautiful dresses.
      The cargo fleet loaded with food grains, gold and silver jewels guarded by ten soldiers and two battleships started on sunrise and the ocean tides were high and Squid saw signs of storm coming ahead.

« : May 11, 2020, 10:20:13 AM april14 »
: 15

The Grand Mistress Black Dalia

« #5 : June 13, 2015, 11:38:03 AM »

Chapter 5: The Pirates War

      Squid advised me not to start the voyage on this stormy weather but every day the food reserves are getting less and less and this risk was necessary to save more lives. I insisted Sister Anna (girlyanna) to go with the jewel boxes and the box with gold coins and gave her some of my dresses that Elena and I made the previous night.

      I asked Anna to accompany the crew because she has been with me during the Dragon wars. I also sent my finest soldiers to protect her and the jewels. Joana was not happy with my decision but I needed this pact to happen very soon.

      Anna waved her hand from the top of the main deck and the ships started to move with a big horn. I told Anna to send me a raven once she made the deal with Mistresswhip. It was estimated that they will reach Emerald Empire by two days and two nights. The first day morning was very calm and peaceful and Anna thought that they could reach in time.
“Can we reach in time Captain?” asked Anna curiously. She always liked sea voyages because her favorite mermaids are in the Coral Sea.
“Captain, are we going through the Coral Sea? I think we can see more beautiful mermaids there”
“Milady we are going by a different course and sorry to tell you these mermaids have been killed and sold to various Realms and now they are endangered species.”
“What are you saying? Who are killing those innocent harmless creatures?”
“Pirates have been occupying the Coral Sea for decades and they are the reason we are taking an alternative route to Emerald Realm.”

      Anna became very upset and went to her cabin and the sail was so perfect till the evening. All of a sudden the clouds became dark and started to pour heavily. The wind started to blow like a hurricane shaking the boat and all men on the deck held to the ropes of the sails. Anna came out of her cabin and rushed to the Captain.
“What is happening? Is there a way to escape from the storm ahead?”
“Yes Sister Anna but I am not sure we can survive this storm but if we take the ship through the shallow Coral Sea we atleast have a chance. I am afraid that we could lose our goods to the pirates”
“Don’t worry Captain we have our finest soldiers and two battle ships. I will take my chances to pirates not the storm.”
      Not only the Captain but also others were not happy to take the ship through Coral Sea.

      The Captain had no other choice to take and turned the ship towards shallow waters of Coral Sea. They finally escaped the storm and headed towards the Narrow Bay. Narrow Bay is not a sea but a term given to the gateway to the ocean ahead. It is the only waterway deep enough for a ship to sail and it is located between the Coral Islands. It was so calm and could not even see a single sole when the ship entered the Coral Sea. There was not even a single pirate ship and all were so happy that they were not the prey today.

      When the ship was about to enter the ocean a pirate ship came out from a white fog and started to shoot at the battle ships. They were using some sort of chemical bombs that came out of their cannons. It not only broke the ship’s hull but also started fire on the ship. In minutes pirates destroyed one battle ship. The Futanari soldiers were new to the stealth technique and were not ready for the enemy. The struggle ended and within thirty minutes the cargo ship came into the control of the pirates.

      Captain Barbosa, the one eyed pirate leader wanted to take his revenge on Black Dalia and started to kill the men and throw their bodies into the sea. Anna who was kind to his men not wanted more men to die on her watch and came out of her cabin. The pirates caught Anna and cuffed her hands from behind and asked her to tell where the gold and diamonds were. The pirates brought the boxes from her cabin and when they opened it was all empty. All of them including Anna was shocked to see the missing jewels.
“Do you think I am a fool? Where or the gold coins and diamonds?....Tell me” asked the pirate leader.
“I really don’t know what happened to those jewels…I promise they were all her when I got them into the ship” answered Anna.
      Barbosa got very much angry and started to torture her and all of a sudden a big creature from the large ocean came out of the water. It was the sea monster and guardian of the big ocean of Emerald Realm.

      When the pirates saw the monster Barbosa signaled his men to retreat and fled in their ship. The monster was so big it could swallow the entire ship and with a single slash with its tail could cut the ship into two. A young man who was silent the whole time took his sword out and confronted the monster.
      No one could recognize the young man and he looked foreign to Futanari and Anna thought he was an ordinary traveler before.
“Who are you? I know this is not your original body and know you magic” yelled at the monster.
      The monster all of a sudden turned into a strong young woman and she started to laugh. That was no one but Mistresswhip herself. It was a surprise to all and knelt before the queen of Emerald Realm.

“How dare you…coming into my Realm and questioning me who I am”
“Who are you human?”
He answered, “I am Karlel from Hessonite Realm”
      The name Karlel rang bell in all the minds and he is the finest swordsmen of all the nine Realms.
“Oh I see you are the mighty warrior of all kingdoms and why are you here in Dalai’s boat?”
 “I was a prisoner in Black Dalia’s empire and as she wanted the milk crisis to bed she called for me.”
“We made an agreement and told me that if I complete my task to bring all these jewels safe to you then she would give me the holy Hessonite stone of my Realm and also I make me her guard”
“If I fail in this task I will go back to my cell”
“If the gold and diamonds are not in the respective boxes where are they now?” Mistresswhip was very much confused and also excited to see Karlel’s brilliance.
Karlel answered that” I saw an opportunity and when Anna decided to turn the ship into Coral Sea I decided to hid the jewels in a place where no one will check”
      Karlel asked the soldiers to bring the dress closet and when they brought to the main deck he opened and took every single coin and jewel hidden inside. He asked Anna to give her coat and took out some more diamonds.
“I am fascinated and Dalia is lucky to have a warrior and an intelligent man as her guard”
      Mistresswhip gave him the girl cows Dalia asked for and as a bonus for Karlel’s brilliance she also gave some more slaves.

      Karlel returned to Futanari with a fleet full of girl cows. He returned to his homeland and returned the holy Hessonite stone fulfilling his father’s promise to the Hessonite’s Queen. Dalai was so impressed and made him as Queen’s Guard and he did his duty of guarding her all time ever since.

« : May 11, 2020, 06:29:23 AM april14 »
: 15

The Grand Mistress Black Dalia

« #6 : May 11, 2020, 03:46:57 AM »

Chapter 6: Fenrir – the Nordic Wolf

The tall mountain ranges of the Midgard, called the Ingrind separated the human settlements of Romrike and the cruel Norrseken peninsula. This is the land of Fenris, the gigantic wolf who roams around and never lets a human go beyond the Ingrind to the icy lands. He and I were not given the privilege to have the body like Gods and cursed never to have the seat at the Asgard like my other siblings who boast themselves as Gods. I was cursed to be born as a futanari and he was to be as a wolf. Odin or the great Zeus cheated not even him but even his father Loki.

Loki was abandon during the war when Zeus raided the Jotunheim, the home of humanoid Giant monsters with his army. He was so fragile and Zeus took the baby Loki in, yet could not love and raise him like his other children. They too never treated him as an equal and he started to grow as a malicious man who hated his brothers. He had the ability to shape-shift and into a salmon, a mare, a fly, and even elderly women to trick people. The young Loki acquired his powers day by day as he grew up and found he is different from his brothers. Zeus knew but he was more focussed on his real family.

Loki had so much faith in Zeus and always longed for his appreciation. Even to impress him Loki turned into a mare and bonded with Svaoilfari, the best horse of the Nine Realms, gave birth to an eight-legged horse called Sleipnir, and gave it as a gift to Zeus. His selfless love for his father gave him a seat among the Gods, but the others mocked at him. Loki always believed this will be alright soon and he will get back his respect one day and he also got a chance to prove himself.

On a fine morning the soldiers of the Asgard came running to the court.

“My lord… someone is trying to open the Gates of Asgard.. Our gatekeeper is trying to hold them back... it seems like some dark forces.. We cannot find where it is from…”

Zeus got up furiously from his throne “What... How dare they attack our Gates ”“It must be all the monsters who fled the war when we raided Jotunheim.. I should have destroyed the whole place to dust on that day “.

He called his sons Ares and Apollo to kill all the monsters in Jotunheim Realm and get the information on who was plotting against this attack on Asgard.

With the opportunity to prove himself Loki followed his brothers to Jotunheim. He was not aware what was awaiting there for him. Ares with his spear and Apollo with his sword fought with the snow monsters that came along the way. They fought with all might and there came many more from the snow. Finally they led them into a cave where it was all white. When they all were busy fighting Loki snuck inside the cave. Ares lost his temper and with his power and rage plunged the icy floor with his spear and all monsters turned into spirits and flew away. All the ice around the cave mouth started to fall over them and both escaped and went back to Zeus to tell their success story.

Loki stuck inside the icy caves of the Jotunheim and surprisingly his shape-shifting powers did not work inside the cave. He was dizzy and there was constant voice humming in his ears “Loki….Loki…” it was dark but the voice guided him… as he approached the voice his lean body started to shiver turned blue... there was blue monster standing before him.

Loki felt that something was different with him and asked him “Who are you?? How do you know my name??”
The giant replied,” I am the mighty Farbauti, King of all the Jotunheim.. Loki you are my son..”
Loki: “What the Hell you are saying !! I am Loki and my father is the God Zeus .. I don’t believe a single word you are saying.. are you out of your mind? I am going to kill you with all my powers”

Farbauti laughed at Loki and said “Do you still believe those lies? He wants to keep his enemy closer and pretends to be your father… he will never love you like us… you are one among us… No one in Asgard is going to accept you” pulling Loki closer.. “Son.. they killed your mother and brother during the war.. you are my blood… our revenge is at large.. Don’t you see why Zeus forbids you from the Jotunheim… Even now Zeus wants to kill the remaining”… Farbauti looked at Loki and said “My part here is over… now it is your life and decide in which side you are..” and he left. Loki knew it was the truth but cannot accept it. He was angry, frustrated and even wanted to ask so many questions about his mother, brother, and his own kind.

With the feeling of rejection from the step brothers, treachery of the one he loved as a Father and the loss of mother felt like a war in his mind. He did not notice anything and started to walk towards someplace that is not Asgard. Loki felt tired and felt asleep on a rock and when he woke up he was cuddling a beautiful girl. She already knew who he was. Loki opened his eyes but he felt safe there. Angrboda hugged him tight and said “Do not listen to the mocking or the treachery you experienced… they will get what they deserve… beauty does not last long.. It does matter who you are now with and who you love now”. That was just the kind of thing Loki wanted to hear. He fell in love with her and made love with her. Magical babies were born for each time they bonded.

Their first-born was a daughter, Hel. She had a beautiful baby face one side and on the other side she had...nothing.. Not an eye, cheek nor ear, nothing. This was the result of the sadness in Loki’s heart. Loki forgot his worries and the second time he was furious with Angrboda and Loki seeded her with all his might, strength and his hatred towards Zeus. As a result, she gave birth to Fenrir, which was not a human but a big horrible wolf, which in one weeks’ time he grew half as big as his mother. He could easily bite through the thickest bones and branches. This time Loki got everything out of his heart, yet she wanted one more. The third was the result of cunning nature of Angrboda and she gave birth to Jörgumangandr, a snake so gigantic, so horrible and so poisonous. She was as happy as she fulfilled her life’s destiny. Angrboda's laughter and Loki's scream of horror could be heard throughout Midgard.

On hearing that sound Zeus came riding his 8-legged steed through the sky. With his spear Gleipnir Zeus chased the serpent Jörgumangandr into the depths of the ocean.  Zeus ordered Loki and his children of desire to come back to Asgard. Zeus looked at Loki and said “I know you learnt the truth about you.. but you know I will always love you as my own.” Angrboda pleaded Loki to stay with her “Don't tell me you are not proud of your children… you don’t need your false father and his false love… you have us… you are not one of the Gods .. you belong here… He is afraid of the devastating forces of our children.”


Zeus promised Loki that he and his children will get their seat in the Asgard among the Gods. Loki was confused and as a father he wanted his children not to rot in the Midgard and wanted them to be like Gods. Loki did not hear the voice of Angrboda, made up his heart and went home with Zeus to Asgard. Loki took his son and daughter with him. Fenrir was growing so big and strong day by day. The Gods started to be afraid of his growing strength and might turn one day against them like Loki.

Zeus was very fond of Fenrir and kept him very close. This made other Gods angry. Fearing Fenrir’s strength and knowing that only evil could be expected of him, the sons of Zeus and other Gods bound him with a magical chain made of the sound of a cat’s footsteps, the beard of a woman, the breath of fish, and other occult elements. When the chain was placed upon him, Fenrir bit off the hand of the God Ares. He was gagged with a sword and was destined to lie bound to a rock until the Ragnarök (Doomsday), when he will break his bonds and fall upon the gods.

The mighty Fenrir knows his day will come soon and he will chew off the heads of those Gods who put him in chains.

« : May 28, 2020, 03:59:20 AM april14 »
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