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« : October 21, 2020, 07:41:31 AM »

To avoid a person having as many avatars as they want and child protection , i propose that the entry into the game be based on e-mail . This avoids pedophilia and annoying trolls !  Thank you !
Hero Member
: 2178

« #1 : October 21, 2020, 01:30:18 PM »

How so?  My kids have had their own email since they were 12.  I understand your suggestion, just don't think it is going to work.  I know people who create any number of emails.  Easy enough to do.  I agree some steps need to be taken to keep minors off the game!

Sr. Member
: 323

« #2 : October 22, 2020, 08:05:44 AM »

The sad truth is there will always be ways to exploit even the best methods to ensure no minors gain entrance. The closest way to achieve this in the USA… would be to require your Social Security or Driver’s License Number for AGE verification and then provide a PIN sent to a mobile device registered to that person for ID verification.  Hmm, now how many peeps would be willing to do that?  ::)  But anything is better than nothing and that’s what we got atm.  :(

When it comes to any form of under age play… I have ZERO tolerance. I don’t even care if its between 2 consenting adults engaged in RP. It’s disgusting. It’ sick. What minors do with minors is their parent’s business, not mine. But what an adult does with a minor... i MAKE MY business. The best we can do is be vigilant, report any under age play incident or innuendo.
As for ALTS? pfft good luck. Unfortunately, like mosquitos… they are just part of life. A fly in our Chardonnay. Jessi is right. Between Gmail and Yahoo a person can create countless email addresses, thus countless accounts. This problem is exacerbated by Achat’s FREE trial policy. If Achat forced everyone to subscribe and pay for each Avi… though it wouldn't eliminate the problem it would certainly reduce it making it increasingly expensive to add ALTs.

Butt… then only the rich would be able to deceive others with an army of ALTS. And THAT would be too much like Real Life. Hmm, paradoxical?
In the end, like anything else there is no perfect trap… for BAD behavior.
« : October 22, 2020, 08:12:45 AM Kaitlyn1989 »

Hero Member
: 851


« #3 : October 24, 2020, 07:51:41 AM »

I have to agree with Jessi and Kait regarding this.

Entry to the game based solely on provision of an email address would encourage Alt's, trolls and minors rather than act as a deterrent, making it a very simple thing to access the game or have as many persona's as the individual desired.
I have 3 email accounts, one for here, one for work and my personal one, It would be the work of minutes to create another 3, or 6 or 9 and use them to create that number of avatars here.

Sadly, there will always be people that get their kicks from annoying or harassing others. Bullies, I believe, is the more common term for them.
They've been around as long as mankind and will always be around.
As for minors accessing the site, I'm afraid much the same applies. Many children nowadays are far more tech savvy than a lot of us here and would have no trouble at all setting up an email account and with that accessing here.

The surest way to cut down on the above, as Kait says, is to charge to access Achat or to require some form of I.D only available to adults.
And before there are cries of privacy being invaded or Big Brother tactics introduced, ask yourself the question, "Do I know for an absolute, unshakeable fact everything my kids do online"?  If you can answer Yes, I applaud you. But I suspect there are many that can't answer positively.
Isn't it worth giving up a tiny piece of privacy to protect minors and members?

As for trolls and Alt's, I won't even dignify their existence with another word.

Hero Member
: 1379

« #4 : October 24, 2020, 12:17:53 PM »

  Over here in Blighty you have to be 18 to own a Credit Card.

  All of us here have used them here to buy Prem in the past and more A$.

  Isn't there a way just to prove that you are the owner of a Credit Card ?  Should be easy for people who have been here for a while.

  Then there is the problem of people who do not own one but only a Debit Card. I think you can own one at 13 over here.  So, that is out of the question for proof.

  The thing is the Devs have wrote a disclaimer about the age thingy,  so they are covered.  As to a secure solution. I think there is only one way in my opinion and people won't like it.  I don't really, to be honest.

  Go back to how it was.  BUT, no free users.  If you want a trial then maybe a one time, one week pass.. Then, if you like it buy more time.  If not. Don't come back.  Sorry.

  If you then decide to not pay for prem for a while, then you could be still allowed to log in because of your past purchasing of Prem with a Credit Card.

  Alts are a way of life here.  Some I know use them because of the restrictions of poses,  Mostly the  S - S poses, so they have a Female account as well.  So they are not all trouble makers. You will not stop them and ACHAT won't stop them either.  Brings in money, so why should they ?


« #5 : October 28, 2020, 12:20:49 PM »

I just proposed! Other ideas are welcome...thank you !  :-*...We need to find a solution. I dont know
..maybe a small sum... egz: 10 $ for ava.
Sr. Member
: 323

« #6 : December 27, 2020, 02:25:51 PM »

I will continue to support this crusade because as it IS atm… it's irresponsible and unconscionable. Before it was the “FREE” trial policy that circumvented any valid “verification” process, now that it’s FREE to all… there IS no verification process PERIOD. Just click on a pop up acknowledging you are over 18 years of age.  DONE.

With recent news of Pornhub’s woes and the quick & drastic measures they took to avoid even the slightest hint of under age impropriety I’m surprised Achat’s owners aren't scrambling to correct their exposure to the same LEGAL BLACKHOLE.

But I want REAL verification, at least better than email alone. Between AOL, Gmail, Yahoo et al… it is too easy to create countless email addresses without any age verification. Thus, countless accounts. At least this is true in the USA, can't speak for anywhere else. 

I believe this is the best solution to BOTH problems…. MINORS and ALTS. If someone has a better idea… i'm listening.

Achat must require a valid Credit Card on file to open an account., even if they don’t charge to play. Though not perfect, a minor could still access an adult’s CC but it would be MUCH more difficult and certainly prevent more than it allows. And passes the LEGAL liability from Achat to the adult CC holder. Hopefully the parent, where it belongs.   

But this only addresses MINORS, not the other HUGE problem within Achat… the infestation of ALTS. SO, in addition to requiring a valid CC on file... Achat should allow only ONE account (perhaps 2 at most for a spouse) per valid CC.

Again, though not perfect, it's the most effective without forfeiting more personal privacy

In addition, it is each of our responsibility as a community to self-police. I have ZERO tolerance for under age play, PERIOD. Even if it smells like it… I'll confront the account holder and report it immediately with a screenshot of the offence. NO exceptions. And will continue reporting it until it stops.

i would also like to thank Corina and others for continuing to remind the community of this PROBLEM.
« : December 27, 2020, 02:57:13 PM Kaitlyn1989 »


« #7 : December 27, 2020, 03:11:30 PM »

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT KAITLYN ! !  Togheter we win  !...but we have to fight ... :-*
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