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Topics - Janine Dee

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Just restarting the thread here so we can continue where the original thread leaves off.

Just restarting the thread here so we can continue where the original thread leaves off.

Share your creative ideas / New Forum Boards
« on: July 01, 2010, 01:54:27 PM »
Off-Topic and Erotic Fantasies.

Lover convinced us to speak, and they listened.

So what I'm going to do is restart my Favorites Threads in OT and I'm hoping people will just leap over there and continue on.

For the Books since it's Sinnnn's baby I figure I'll let her make that call. Just like Lover and the Quiz.

I would also recommend that AZN move the Ball to Erotic Fantasies.

But those threads aren't mine to move so I'll reply to them here until the makers say they want to remake them.  :)

Erotic Stories / Discussing Ground Rules
« on: July 01, 2010, 01:40:54 PM »
I saw we have a new board available, and I thought a good first post would be a thread for discussing what we want to do with it. Is this for topics like the Masquerade Ball?  Should Sinnnn resurrect her round robin story?

What do we all think?

Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... / Favorite TV
« on: June 24, 2010, 11:34:34 AM »
Next in a continuing series of seemingly popular threads here is where we can discuss our favorite TV shows.

Much like I noted in the movie thread I like action that feels like it's real people carrying it out. Burn Notice feels like just that. While they do enjoy explosions, there are explosions in the real world, and they are spread out enough that they don't feel over used.

The main character Micheal Weston is also constantly speaking in  voice over as well, letting you know the tactical and strategic value of what it is he is doing, leaving you with that feel this is a real guy who has to be real paranoid or he would be really dead.

He isn't just some growling muscle bound dude blasting away with an auto weapon, but a thinker who makes himself stay one step of those he is up against.

And when he fails to do so he really gets his ass kicked, and not in just cosmetic ways.

Another show I love that uses the voice over is Dexter, and it has to when your main character is a serial killer with a code. That's what first attracted me to the show when a review talked about how his cop foster father recognized the signs in a young Dexter and realized he couldn't "fix" him so he trained him, trained him to take out his murderous impulses on those who deserve it.

It is a wicked indulgence, but we all have our dark side, and when Dexter is taking out his murderous impulses on child murderers and the like mine is well fed.

On those who really get their asses kicked in fights I HAVE to mention Supernatural. I've always liked shows with a paranormal theme, and loved shows like Buffy (I still like to say Amber Benson made me gay  ;D but that's a much longer story).

Supernatural though is about two brothers who are "Hunters" people with the self appointed mission to battle the supernatural predators that live out there in the night.

These guys however really are fighting monsters and get the hell beat out of them on a regular basis, which gives the show a greater sense of reality even though it's about fantastic concepts.

I don't want to go into the story of any of these because they are all still running and all worth checking out.

For those shows that are said and done I have to think everyone has seen some Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and while that show went on two seasons too long in my opinion it earned it's iconic status.

My all time favorite however would have to be "The Shield" and my love of the show could be summed up in the story Micheal Chicklis (the star) once related on a talk show... how he got a letter from a law class that said how they would watch the show and then debate the ethics.

My favorite example from the very first episode... a little girl is missing, has been missing for a good twenty four hours. They KNOW they have the guy, but he's a doctor and has the kind of mind that will take a while to break in interrogation.

The problem is that the girl has been missing twenty four hours and if she hasn't gotten water she doesn't have much time left. The other idea was to let him go and tail him to the girl.

The problem with that is if he shook the tail the first thing he would do is dispose of the girl and dump the body.

Their Captain grabbed Chicklis' character Vic Mackey... and Vic BEAT the information out of the guy. On the DVD extras there was a cut scene where the guy was shown in the interrogation room afterward, beaten, bloody, having actually pissed himself.

BUT the girl was at the address Mackey beat out of the guy, and she was found alive.

We can debate the ethics of that if  everyone would like, but that was what the show did... kept things in that gray area. It lived there and took the viewers with. Doing so in a way that still can enthrall me when I put those discs in.

Wow... did the preview... yeah TV is my thing.  ;D :P

Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... / Favorite Movies
« on: June 22, 2010, 05:05:56 AM »
Since the Favorite Music thread is up to four pages I thought I would try something in a similar theme and start talking movies. The most recent movie I went to is Iron Man 2. Robert Downey Junior makes an amazingly charismatic Tony Stark, and I feel you can tell he's a fan of the comics.

Which also is another area I feel the need to compliment the Iron Man movies on, my geeky roots are undisputed and the movies have been managing to work in many of the characters and themes of the comics while not only not getting bogged down, but keeping the story flowing, and well paced.

And while Downey has earned his place at the head of the cast they filled it with an extraordinary roster. With Paltrow having the energy to balance against what Downey brings to Stark in her role as Pepper pots.

Don Cheadle replaces Terrance Howard as Rhodey and I think it was an upgrade. Cheadle isn't seen much, but he brings a strength to the character that makes him distinct rather then a simple side kick to Iron Man.

Samuel Jackson... I've been a fan of Jackson for a long while because while most actors seem to think about whether or not the Academy will like their performance Jackson seems to think "Will this be fun?" "Will I enjoy myself?" I realized this about him (and became a fan) when they were doing the first three Star Wars movies and he explained that he ended up as Mace Windu because he told his agent, he didn't care what role he had to play as long as he was in the movies... I LOVED that.

Now, while Marvel had done a black Nick Fury in a alternate universe set of comics I had always pictured Nick as the white guy with the brown hair going gray, but now that I've seen Samuel Jackson in the role, I can't imagine anyone in Hollywood better for it.

Scarlett Johansson... she speaks Latin, kicks ass in a black leather outfit, and has red hair, and to quite Tony Stark "I want one."

Talk about this movie, talk about any other movies... just more for us to chatter about.

After quite literally wasting time on the AChat server I realized I could either bemoan the lack of grace and style of the women who were propositioning me, or I could post something here and hope that between my views and the resulting posts maybe the quality of playmates might go up.

Just remember this is all opinion, but useful because when it comes to the subtleties of arousing another human being it's ALL opinion.

-When someone asks you a  question give a real answer.
Now this certainly doesn't mean that you should be handing out your address or social security number if someone asks you what kinds of play you like this is where you SHOULD be looking for things in common or not. If you do find things in common you can have that ready as soon as you enter the room, and if you don't then you can save the both of you frustration and disappointment when it comes up in the room, and it will, it always does.

-It takes more to get someone in the mood then waiting five minutes and asking "How about now?"
If they aren't amorous at the moment, but still talking, you may still be able to get them in the mood, but if you aren't willing to put in the effort then leave them be. Hanging around and simply asking if they've changed their minds not only doesn't put them in the mood, but typically takes them so far out of the mood they end up on the forums making a big bitching post about it... okay maybe I'm projecting a bit.  ;D

-Take stock of the image you are projecting.
I'm running into this with the "Girls are free guys pay A$." messages on the profile. To be blunt that image of you fresh from banging some guy to pay your subscription free causes more of a flesh crawling sensation rather then leaving me all tingly. The crotch slaps, and simple nudists follow fairly close behind however because I like the women I'm with to be able to dress themselves.  :-\

Yeah, this is mainly a bitching post, but I'm hoping it can open a dialogue on common concerns.

Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... / Favorite Music
« on: June 11, 2010, 06:36:29 PM »
This is entirely unrelated to AChat, but I am sitting here listening to Within Temptation and thinking about how I want to have Sharon Del Adel's baby... yes we're both women, and no the technology is not currently available, but as soon as it is.  :D

So what is everyone else listening to?

Woman with woman in AChat / New Lesbian Position-The Crab
« on: June 07, 2010, 08:56:59 PM »
I've said it before, AChat takes full advantage of the fact that the avatars don't have the skeletal/musculature system people do.

The crab is a perfect example, but now that I've had the chance to try it I have to say I REALLY like it. I LOVE that I can have sex on here that I would have to limber up for in real life with zero fear of falling and hurting myself.  ;)

Add to that the amazing graphics and you have another win for the development team.

Erotic Stories / Janine's Pool Party
« on: June 03, 2010, 05:18:01 PM »
Okay much like "Say what you think, feel, imagine" is for the stuff that doesn't fit on other boards I thought I would create a thread for all the goofing off that we usually do in the other treads. That's not to say it has to stop there, but I thought a sort of "lounge" here on the forums might not be a bad idea.

And yes guys you're allowed to. ::)

Chat, kid, tease, RP, whatever tickles your fancy. The only rule here shall be that Crowley one. "As ye harm none do as thou wilt."

So with that in mind...

And those who aren't sure about RP may want to take notes...

*Padding barefoot to the hot tub I'm bare except white terry cloth towel sarong style around my hips.  Pausing a moment I look around to see the refreshments are all set with tables and chairs around an Olympic-Sized swimming pool. Reaching down I take off the towel  and hang it by the hot tub, leaving myself in only a set of bright red bikini bottoms as I climb into the hot tub right near the pool and sigh happily as I settle into the warm bubbling water letting it soothe away my day.*

Share your creative ideas / Soapbox Time: Crotch Shots
« on: May 31, 2010, 11:54:09 AM »
If you haven't had this happen yet you will...

You'll be on AChat, maybe already talking to someone, maybe looking for someone to talk to and you'll get a hail. Not recognizing the name you will click that little question mark to see the profile of the person hailing you and BLAMMO you are left staring at a point blank shot of the persons crotch.

(And of course when you try to navigate away "System is busy, try again.")

I've never liked cock in the first place, so what would make a guy think that giving me a look at his flaccid member make me want to talk to him?

But it's the girls too... that's why I'm writing this because I just hit my limit when I was just on and I basically got "Hi I'm ***" ("and this is my cunt.")

I love pussy... I truly, truly do, but I also like a little build up, a little romance. This isn't just nudism, or exhibitionism. This is the digital equivalent of walking on your hands so you have that much easier of a time shoving your privates in another persons face.

Obviously I can't complain too loudly because the A in AChat is for adult... for me it's more a matter of style

Now I've worn the tops that are effectively see through, and the REALLY short skirts with no panties so I'm no prude, but there's some class to that...

Is ANYONE turned on by the person basically tossing off all there clothes and shaving a camera between their knees?

I get the message AChat.exe has encountered a problem and had to close. Otherwise the updater seemed to run like it was supposed to and everything seemed fine until it would open to the character editor screen you sign in from.

I noticed this when I crashed while chatting, I tried to reconnect and couldn't closed program and ran into the problem, restarted and continued to run into the problem.

Okay uninstalled and reinstalled from a fresh download and it's working now.

Share your creative ideas / Has anyone visited the main page recently?
« on: April 25, 2010, 06:47:51 PM »
All the images from the game are showing the updated graphics... I have to think we are in the midst of a upgrade to AChat. I mean we've talked about it before, but now they are seeming to show it as the basic configuration.

Woman with woman in AChat / ANOTHER UPDATE!!!!!
« on: April 21, 2010, 02:34:30 PM »
Another lesbian sex position! Not only does it have the same amazing level of graphics and attention to detail, but (and I hope this doesn't make me sound petty) but I THINK it's something we can do that MF can't! I love you development team!

ADDED: You may be getting tech reports though a girlfriend I am trying to make it work with first couldn't see it at all after I had already bought it, and then went to the shop and bought it, but is still not seeing it. I made it work with Robot Girl.

ADDED AGAIN: At first she couldn't get the updater to work, now it seemed to update, but she's not seeing. She's understandably frustrated, but it's a new update... glitches happen. We still LOVE you guys.

ADDED ONE LAST TIME: It's working now. Thank you!

Quick-Start Guides / New (User Made) Quick-Start Guide
« on: April 18, 2010, 12:33:15 PM »
Last night I met a newbie, and I took her under my wing to help her understand the *ahem* ins and outs of AChat. I soon realized however that I had said it all before to other newbies, and it was a lot of typing. So I realized I could start a thread here. Maybe the development team could use it for a new Quick-Start, and even if they don't when we find newbies we could direct them here.

#1. The only thing you should ever do to another person without giving them some sort of indication is "Select to Chat".
While you aren't promised a response I've yet to hear of anyone getting angry over a hello. Many however will get angry if you try to invite them into rooms without asking, AND getting their permission first.

#2. Take a few seconds to fill out your profile, and to read theirs.
Straight guys are going to be wasting their time with homo women, and vice versa. Many times a few seconds worth of reading will let you know if you have odds of getting laid, or just getting ignored.

Profiles will also help you know what you might want to do to get them to talk to you, and what might lead them to put you on their ignore list.

#3. You aren't OWED anything.
No one is obligated to go with you to a room (except RobotBoy and RobotGirl.) No one is even obligated to talk to you. If you act like they are chances are your going to have them demonstrate how they are not by ignoring you. It is up to you to convince them to WANT to talk or room with you.

I'll add more as I think of them, and I hope everyone else does too.

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