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Messages - ass4you2fuc

Pages: [1]
Polls / Re: Winner of the polls
« on: June 22, 2013, 04:19:37 PM »
Achat Gods,

Still the same question....when you folks conduct polls for new poses, etc., why do you never seem to include new options for gay or MM poses or changes?>  Are you folks homophobic....? If so, I'd rather know that you are so I can stop asking for NEW MM poses and options. 

I've been on several months now, and there have been several new options added for MF, Shemale play, etc, but NONE for MM. 

What's really going on?


Introduce yourself / Re: hello ALL..NEW HERE..KINDA
« on: May 06, 2013, 08:26:42 PM »
hello my fellow achat(ters)...I'm somewhat new here.been on for a few weeks..starting to get used to the game...starting to like it..and I am going to be the gay advocate for more equality in play poses!  ha ha

Man with man in AChat / Re: GET ACTIVE, GAY GUYS
« on: May 06, 2013, 06:28:18 PM »
Thanks for the reply BrandyBee...

First, I do not plan on going anywhere.  The site has lots of possibilities. But lets be real, when one reads the entire thread here, the standard response is, "you need to group together", "one voice", and other rhetorical devices to appease us.

Here's one simple request:  the new "deep anal" pose for mf is wonderful.  Why cant that pose be made easily into a mm Pose?  What I'm trying to understand from the achat "gods" is their reasoning for creating a pose like "deep anal" for ONLY the mf group and NOT for both the mf AND MM group?  I think gay men know something about DEEP ANAL!

What can I do to get an appointment with the achat gods?  They need some advice on marketing, unless the gods are just not into making money.  I want to see some changes please!

Thanks again.

Man with man in AChat / DEEP ANAL new pose for F-M
« on: May 06, 2013, 06:16:24 PM »
Achat designers....can the new deep anal pose be added for mm play?  It would seem like a very easy modification?  I'm fairly new here, but was wondering why several of the mf poses can't be converted to mm. 

Thanks for reading and considering.

Man with man in AChat / Re: GET ACTIVE, GAY GUYS
« on: May 05, 2013, 02:21:08 PM »
As a gay member being active on achat now for several weeks, it's pretty clear to me that the owner's of Achat don't really want a large gay customer base.  I've read most of the posts on the forum about "gay" topics, issues, and concerns and the formula answer seems to be that there is not enough interest.

Well, gay men have A LOT of expendable income...they are always horny, and they love sex.  You folks could make lots of money if you would market to gay men.  All it would take it a few dollars on manhunt or some other similar site.

One more thing, the achat designers need to add a gay designer.  Some of the poses are not realistic..and gay men are a lot more kinky than the poses allow for.

I have more thoughts of anyone wants them.

Man with man in AChat / Re: Doggy style
« on: May 03, 2013, 03:52:48 PM »
the doggy style pos is okay, not hot.  When gay men fuck doggy style, one of the things the "top" does is spread the bottom's ass cheeks as his cock is stroking the asshole.  That addition of spreading the ass cheeks apart would add some hotness..

Man with man in AChat / Re: more position with men
« on: May 03, 2013, 03:43:16 PM »
Folks, I'm a gay male and the argument I'm hearing as to why achat programmers won't make more mm poses is  because it's not to their financial advantage.  I just think the old adage is true in this case...."build it and they will come."  Gay men especially are not patient creatures. Make this a cool, hip, and hot virtual site and the gay gossip will spread.

Just my two cents.

Man with man in AChat / Re: more position with men
« on: April 12, 2013, 06:08:15 PM »
Hi all.  I'm fairly new to the site, but as a gay man i find that the poses available for gay men blatantly less than that for the heterosexual.  I'm not sure why the owners of this site can't appreciate my gay dollar.  You build the poses, I will pay for them.  Simply put, you don't build more variety of poses, (kink, romantic, etc) I will take my GAY DOLLARS to other sites. 

I love this site and would hate to leaver.  IN the end, I'm the customer and I want more options.  Period.

Thanks for listening.

Pages: [1]