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Messages - Kaileen

Pages: 1 2 [3]
well, going back two pages on this forum I did find someone else with the same problem: http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,268.0.html

Not sure if restarting my computer will help, I'll try though. They were discussing the possibility of it being NVidia drivers, but since I don't have a NVidia graphics card that is certainly not the problem. I have an ATI card, and I do have the latest drivers installed.

Everything else seems to work well, I can log in, change my appearance (although I do need to buy a lot of things before I can get my avatar to look good I suppose), and I can start chatting with people (and enter rooms). The problems only started in the room when we were going to have some fun...

Wish there was a way to have chat rooms here, maybe talk to 20 people at once just for fun and making friends...

Got any problems running AChat? / Animations are too quick to notice
« on: March 30, 2010, 08:36:25 AM »
I just joined, tried having sex, and burst into laughter. The reason is that I was being fucked with a frequency of maybe 10 Hz (10 penetrations per second), and when I tried to perform any of the actions they were barely visible as they were over before I could see what actually happened. I'm guessing this has to do with the software not properly scaling to the CPU speed (yes, I'm quite a nerd girl), which is why I am adding my computer spec below...

If anyone have any reasonable explenation to why I am having these problems I'd greatly appreciate it.

Computer spec:
CPU: Overclocked Core i7 (the 920 CPU running at 3 GHz)
RAM: 6 Gb
Graphics: ATI HD4870x2 (Dual GPU, 2 Gb DDR5 RAM)

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