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Topics - Michelle989

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Group play in AChat / Wedding Aniversary 1st Year Michelle989 & The_Cult
« on: January 28, 2021, 09:18:35 PM »
Dear Amy, Alberto,  Kinia, Myk Michael and Becky.

It will be 12 Months since Alberto and I married in Winter, and you my friends were instrumental in making it happen and I sincerely thank you all. ALBERTO my husband I will always dedicate my complete virtual life to you, when you are around and I am you own me. Becky the way you conducted the marriage ceronmony made it feel so special, and Michael for giving me away when you really wanted to keep me as so kind and difficult for you being my first Achat lover always my best regular lover. And Amy and Kinia you were the best of best bridesmaids I could wish for. To all the other wedding guests thank you so so  much for attending

I love you All!

I will be hanging around this Sunday 31st Jan 21, Perth time from the early hours, the next day the exact time we were married I will be flying to the Carnarvon Hospital to conduct xpert analyser covid training to new hospital staff so won't be available until my evening and it's likely I will have poor wifi

Love Always Slave Wife to Alberto, Mother of Amy and Lover and Friend of many Michelle989 xxx

[img. width=382]https://imgur.com/a/tZUGTz3[/img]

This is a test to see if I can learn to post picture

[img. Widrh=300]https://imgur.com/a/PVptD1a[/img]

Some say I simply don’t room enough with my friends on Achat anymore, others say I am a complete Slut and I really can’t be bothered, one thing I will say to them is Achat is no longer a simple sex tool, a place I would visit early mornings when I first woke in my bed next to my Tiny Lenovo Yoga laptop, where I would find enjoyment simply touching sometimes using pinkie or purple friend and would make passionate love with a strange big black guy, an English man or an American Tycoon cause for me it pushed the right buttons,  Now since January I have become the perfect Slave Wife to my virtual lover Alberto is The_Cult and has been my virtual husband since our Wedding in Winter in January, Since then we meet often and I willingly open my legs for him, no one and I mean no one else compares for me he brings me so easily to a magical hi every single time, once in August around my Birthday he brought me to the most amazing orgasm while I was sat wearing my Bluetooth headphones and little under my gown, both my parents sat on the L shaped couch watching netflix he lifted me to this amazing hi. We have since married on 2 other apps but Achat will always be my Number one place for this girl who has given up on a real romance

Share your creative ideas / Possible Achat User Chat Channel
« on: July 29, 2020, 08:17:28 PM »
I was just wondering if anyone wanted to make a discord Achat user chat channel with me? Perhaps one already exists?  Different to the forum I guess in that the forum doesn't allow communally chat, the messaging here istnt really ideal it's somewhat dated and I only get tiny little writing on my phone. Let me know your thoughts. I'm fairly new to discord but I know channels can be set up for this purpose. Love Mich xxx

I'm trying to understand if the features documented in 2016 enabling contributions to the Bishop, pose creation etc actually even exist, I'm keen to find out so I wrote this letter to Achat support, so hope they reply as they are God for us I guess. Any one have any thoughts on this please reply here

Hello Mr Achat,

I am writing to you because I have now been part of the Achat community for over 6 months and view my self as a long term member, I have also brought new members to Achat but it appears there arrival has so far circumvented the affiliation process, however that's not the purpose I write to you now :)

Reading your documentation it suggests users willing to put time and effort in can develop things like clothing for the B Shop, new poses, Scenes,  backgrounds  etc. While the documentation from 2016 suggests you can do these things I can see little evidence that you in fact can other than minor variants of clothing. I notice prior to  log in you have access to an area to test clothing and another area that seems to be permanently disabled to presumably test poses scenes and the like. I am simply wanting to understand if there are plans to enable this again and allow users to contribute in a tangible way?  another question is there even a B Shop? And finally any hidden links that would help me to understand things better would be greatly appreciated

Hugs and kisses for giving access to my friends here and creating my Achat world

Michelle989 xxx

In the 6 months since joining Achat I am finding that I am beginning to feel confident in meeting men in the real world . Largely it's to do with the positive friendships I have made here people like Lucio69 And Myk _EP have boasted  my confidence simply by being there for me, in the real world I only ever seem to meet  arrogant and self interested ppl that seem intent on one thing, although this is a sex program I find the values of ppl here superior to anyone I could meet. In reality I often realalise that the person I best get on with are largely so much older than myself which is sad in some ways as I know it could never progress o more than meetings here. As a shy person lacking confidence I meet some dominate males in Achat like the Cult, I seem to have the need to meet them  it's confusing how that aspect helps boast my confidence, but the idea of submission just feels right to me and I guess given the right individual could work for me in the real world to. I am always open to suggestions about what I should look for in a man in the future.

Fantasies and Fetishes / clitoris piercing in real life and Achat
« on: August 29, 2019, 01:49:20 AM »
In real life I don't have any body modification other than two pretty standard ear piercings on both my ears that I had done years ago when I was 14 years old, I have no tattoos, and I don't even shave my public region, for about 3 years now I have had a strong desire to have my clitoris pieced but have always made excuses and put it off, finally I need to travel to Perth well really for dental work, I should say I live in a remote region of Western Australia, a tourist town called Exmouth. Anyway I have also made an appointment to visit a clinic that specialises in piercings and body modification and for $420 they will  evaluate my suitability and perform the operation. The purpose of posting this is to try and understand the experiences from other women that may have had this procedure. One thing I don't want to do is compromise the position, having a piercing in the labia or clitoris hood simply isn't something I would consider it has to be as close to the clitoris as possible, from what I understand talking to the specialist is that it is possible to have the piercing in the direct cliterial area with the piecing is self traveling behind most of the nerves, he also said that only about 10% of all women are suitable for this proceedure, so realistically I may not be having it done at all. Even with a certain amount of risk of nerve damage or numbness afterwards, from my point of view it may not be a bad thing as my desire for sex is borderline stupid, and for those that know me understand my real sex life is nonexistent

I'm not sure where to begin, my sex life started young at around 12 years old from an abusive  father who later served about 3 years in jail cor crimes committed against me, was it enough time the law seemed to think so at the time. Anyway it had an profound affect on me and I was never able to form a proper sexual relationship with anyone. Don't get me wrong I am sociable and a friendly woman, able to hold inteligent conversation, but when it comes to intermitancy I am a hopeless  case it seems. I've found my short time here to be so rewarding and am convinced it is helping me to overcome my past problems,  I've had intimate relations with a number of friends here both men and women, the later making me question my sexuality. I t is making me so much more willing to try and over come my hangups in perhaps a real relationship soon and before it's too late as I am 30

I currently live in Exmouth Western Auustralia where I work in tourism, I take tourists out to Ningaloo reef, where I help them  to do activities such as swimming with whale sharks seeing actual whales with their new born and generally experience the reef. My job is seasonal and casual so I may head south as the temperatures rise here and the season's end feel free to contact me I'm Michelle989 1989 being my birth year which was taken so I guess I'm 1030 years old :)

Personal Ads / Hi I'm Michelle from Exmouth Western Australia
« on: July 06, 2019, 05:17:59 PM »
Hi There

I'm a surfer chick from the Hot North West of Western Australia, my greatest love is swimming naked with Whale Sharks. Come and find me. I am quite shy but I am a complete giver, I do everything possible to please you. A little money would help me maintain my life style but its more about fun with you I want

Look forward to meeting you soon

Take Care


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