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Messages - Thrannduil

Pages: [1]
Slip of the pen (Report bugs) / I need to report a user
« on: September 06, 2014, 11:28:29 AM »
Hello moderators of AChat.

I am sorry, but I have to report a user called Shiranda. She is using a profile picture of another person, who is a friend of me at skype.
I have made a screenshot to prove it. Both conversations can be seen on the screen and you will see, it is not the same person.

I hope, I will be able to upload the screenshot here to this post. Either Shiranda will be asked to change the picture, or don't know what else can be done  (Ok, I got an error message saying the upload folder is full. So, I will send the screenshot otherwise on request)

Thanks in advance and best regards,


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