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Messages - BeckyAnd

Pages: [1]
On the bright side...

Noone can see kkkxz or GODFATHER__4 as he calls himself today, so that makes it rather peaceful.

Woman with man in AChat / Re: AChats Biggest Losers
« on: May 06, 2017, 02:50:40 PM »
Blah Blah Blah!!!!!

Woman with man in AChat / Re: AChats Biggest Losers
« on: May 06, 2017, 02:43:17 PM »

We do that.   But then, we don't get to enjoy talking with our friends because they can't all go with us.

Woman with man in AChat / AChats Biggest Losers
« on: May 06, 2017, 02:12:19 PM »
What a joke!!!!!

We get harassed, but the losers get protected!!!!

This has been modified to protect the guilty.   Screw the innocent!!!!!

Upgrades and newly added features / Re: Poll: Like/Dislike system
« on: February 02, 2017, 03:29:26 PM »

So people who want to take things further, pay up.  Those who don't want to, stay free and have no clothes, poses etc.  Not all free users are idiots.  I've met some that are nice but, are no longer here.

  Crikey,  just thinking of no access to my clothes and poses makes my blood shiver.    ::)

  The Like / Dislike system, to me, is a non-entity.  Pointless and annoying.  And should be removed.

I have met some "newbies" that are cool as well.   Paid a couple premiums and extra for clothes to help them get started.   It is cool being able to chat with people from anywhere in the world.  I have no troubles with people that are new.   My problem stems from AChat not logging IP's to track how many ALT's a person has and what those ALT's are doing to agitate paying users here.  I know there is a way because other sites can do it and people have to pay up before they can sign another AVI up or they are not allowed at all.

Upgrades and newly added features / Re: Poll: Like/Dislike system
« on: January 31, 2017, 08:54:26 AM »
I think the Likes/Dislikes should go away if for any other reason, to stop the damn drama.   Some people get so wrapped up in and obsess over it.  And since AChat allows free users to sign up with ALT after ALT (you know who you are) and it takes so little to get them above a level 10, they run around like children dishing out dislikes. 

My dislikes went from 39 to 76 in 20 minutes and I know who did it.  For me, I am flattered because they consider me such a threat to them.  I looked only because I could watch the ALT land and stay but a minute and look again and seen they landed long enough to give me two dislikes and go change ALTS.  I was giggling because it tells me what a miserable life that person has that they can not find anything better to do with their time.  I am just happy they felt so concerned about me, they wasted so much time chasing me instead of walking over to talk to me like adults usually do. 

AChat has become the breeding ground for a kids playground and it is no wonder so many old players are waving goodbye.

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