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Messages - Jamie200

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I well


thank you isn't enough...that's what I got.....

lana del rey blue jeans


nice choice.. :D

Lynda Carter

Cindy Crawford


Keira Knightly


Samantha Fox

Tie one up...I'm in....oh wait I read that wrong....damn..

TGIF everyone

The next one posting is misdevious....

Holly Hunter


Barbara Eden

I agree with you Miss D

I like to read the book first and feel the movie will be...well less..

So Im going to add a spin to this what book would you like to see made into a movie.

Ill start with the electric church by Jeff Somers.

I think that would make a great movie

UH OH seems like this might be catching on... ;D

Matthew Mcconaughey

AWWW elena you used my favorite... ???

Mickey Mantle

I would invite a friend, leaving behind all electronics, and commune with her for the week...I meant nature, we would commune with nature for the week.. ;D

What If I gave you king Arthurs sword Excalibur!

Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books... / BOOKS versus MOVIES
« on: May 18, 2015, 09:55:47 AM »
So I thought this might be fun.

Tell us about a book you read that was turned into a movie that you have also seen.  then tells us which you liked more.

me personally I view them as two different mediums and enjoy both for what they are.

what do I mean?

Ill use the lord of the rings as my example as many people have probably seen and read both.

In the book when Frodo meets Bilbo and Bilbo asks for the ring back, its not very scary.
In the movie bilbo vamps out and I felt it added to the experience.

In the books when the ring is worn the person just turns invisible.
In the movies Frodo was transported to this scary black and white visually intense dimension.

I don't feel one was better than the other both have their merits.  Books have more character development and interaction.  Movies can surprise you with subtle changes and add to the books as the characters you picture in your mind appear different than the ones you see on screen.  Like I cant believe they chose so and so to play this character.

so tell us a book turned into a movie and if you hated it or liked it and why?



SO I found this years ago and it might be worth a look.


its project Gutenberg...many of the classics are here in digital format completely free!

happy reading.. :D


Yes and BAM! I jump on my batcycle and SCHREECH! out of there, as batgirl has no place in the justice league... ;D

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