AChat Forum

Discussions about AChat => Share your creative ideas => Topic started by: prias on September 02, 2011, 04:47:10 PM

Title: pirate suit
Post by: prias on September 02, 2011, 04:47:10 PM
nice update, thoss pirate suits... but well... when will you do something decent for males
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Bear on September 02, 2011, 05:47:04 PM
agree, offerin' t' beauties t' suits and not t' men be still missin' t' boat on t' situation. We males deserve a bit o' a better costume and with talk like a pirate day rapidly approachin', what better send off could one one. Otherwise someone in development needs t' be walkin' t' plank. Come on give us guys a bit o' a fantasy piece t' mess with. I want t' see some lucky lass try t' shiver me timber.
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Keiko on September 02, 2011, 06:53:31 PM
Ok, first my comments on the Pirate outfit. It seems like the outfit is not "Swashbucklin'" enough for me  :P I do like the hat. And why is there such a dramatic price difference between the red and gold? I don't think it's necessary. Just because it's "gold?" Personally I like the red better.
Secondly, Everyone knows it's the NINJA that dominates over pirates! I mean, comon!  ::) There are endless reasons the Ninja wins over a Pirate! ;) ;D

It is clear Ninjas are the superior beings so I must insist that the developers correct their mistake and create ninja outfits for everyone!  :D
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Avalucia on September 02, 2011, 06:56:23 PM
Hehe,  I am just happy with the French Maid.
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 03, 2011, 07:55:48 AM
But Keiko...  Chuck Norris has a red beard... that doesn't seem very ninja. Oh, and I rather take a man who is a bit loud and rough to bed than one that is silent and stealthy... in, done and out would be frustrating. ::) :P

Keiko, I can dress like a pirate queen, you like a ninja and then we can see who wins... in the bedroom. Hihi, I can always try to turn the tables with my hidden sword. ;) ;D

Anyway the pirate outfit leaves some to be desired, like more lacy fluff and a puffy skirt... that's what I want if I'm to be a pirate queen. :P
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Bear on September 03, 2011, 08:06:14 AM
Perhaps me beauty Keiko, but pirate talk be so much more interestin'. Talk like a pirate day be t' 19th, (for those who didn't know). So throw some sexy swagger in your steps and if you have t' courage join me in t' cabin and I'll lead you on a memorable adventure. We actually had dug up some sexier costumes last year when we threw this idea out. Please,...developers give t' guys somethin' too.

And I'll sprin' for t' grog if you can toss a cowlad hat out here for sunny and I . You got t' pirate hat, so its clear t' winds be favorable t' toss a cowlad hat in thar for a couple long time customers.

hmm Adera should we reactivate our pirate story? perhaps Keiko would like to take the place of the first mate whom we lost.
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: happyfriend on September 03, 2011, 08:12:19 AM
To insist a bit on Prias and Bear point...

When the hell will there be some new outfits for men !!!! (and I'm not thinking about briefs... For that, it's quite enough)

Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Keiko on September 03, 2011, 11:11:00 AM
@Adera: You do raise some valid points. In the days of my youth, I remember the online battle of superiority between Ninjas and Pirates so that's what inspired me to bring it up here, just for fun.  ;)

@Bear: Speak like a Pirate, eh? Well I found a great place online that helps "landlubbers" like me to translate English to Pirate:
*clears throat*
Ahoy, Bear, me fellow buccaneer! Feast ye eyes on me booty that will shiver ye timbers! So pour t' crew some grog, ye scallywag! We be makin' this ship rock from port side t' starboard t' nite!

Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Ardeur on September 03, 2011, 04:08:53 PM
It's mostly piraty underwear in different colors for insane prices unless the shop is broken. I mean 349 for one and 599 for the other? For that price you should be able to purchase a complete outfit instead of what you might be wearing after a wild night when you have to abandon ship because of fire in the armory.
Items missing:
- piraty bling, like necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings
- white frilly blouse (long and half open), preferably wearable over something like a bra and gloves
- piraty tattoos, like skull&crossbones, mermaids and blazing cannons
- brown leather boots with a folded over rim
- leather pants or a diagonally cut half-long skirt (one side really short and the other side to the knees)

At the current price and in the current condition I won't spend my money on it.  :-\
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Keiko on September 03, 2011, 05:27:39 PM
Oh, don't forget about the eye patch! And I think it would be funny to change the right hand into a hook. That might get a reaction from your partner when you attempt to give them a handjob.  ;D :P
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 03, 2011, 07:07:48 PM
Damn... I didn't look at the pirate outfits in the shop so I wasn't aware they where that expensive... though with the lack of poses for me to buy I do have the A$ to buy them easily. A frilly blouse is something I was missing in this too... Ardeur should it be thin so a bra could be seen through it? :P

Bear, continuing the story would be fun... though we should considering changing some of it or jumping forward a bit to make it fit people who might want to join in. If Keiko would like to join she might want to play a kunoichi... though if she finds out about the captains secret I'd have to "convince" her not to tell anyone. ;) :-*
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Unhealer on September 04, 2011, 05:22:09 AM
price has to be a mistake, maybe they meant to type 299 or 199
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: TightFit74 on September 05, 2011, 01:30:31 AM
To me this seems like half a new product. What I don't understand is give the female population a costume to wear and not give the male population the same thing. So now we have a pirate girl but now pirate. What is she going to do? Make a guy in a banana hammock walk the plank? Or the other way around?
For rp purposes, both sides need a costume, backgrounds should be added and preferably a new room (pirateship or captain's cabin)
Only half way down and the difference between color and price is just ridiculous. I don't think the dev-team will ever grasp the idea of costumes and the influence they have on a meeting in a room
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: alstott on September 06, 2011, 12:20:35 AM
@Keiko havin' a hook reminds me at a joke...what's worse than getting raped by jack the ripper ? getting fingered by captain hook  :P ;D
but really...givin' the girls pirates costumes and the guys not ? c'mon seriously ? do somethin' and don't forget to add a sword for spankin' the many bad bad female pirates  ;D
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 06, 2011, 01:45:44 AM
Alstott, maybe you should have the uniform of an navy officer... then you could catch us pirates and interrogate us. ;) :P

I would have wanted something like these outfits.
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Keiko on September 06, 2011, 11:22:10 AM
     I might actually pay the listed price for the pirate outfit if they look like those pictures, Adera. And Bear, I can never turn down the opportunity to engage in role play when it is presented to me. The idea of doing a pirate RP Sounds exciting, so count me in!
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Ardeur on September 06, 2011, 11:39:31 AM
Captain Bear and his horny wenches sailing the Wet Beaver, formerly known as HMS The Proud Charger, scouring the warmer shores for plunder, debauchery and kinky underwear.   ;D :-*
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: TightFit74 on September 06, 2011, 03:27:38 PM
Capt'n Bear, need for a deckhand? All wenches on board can be a bad omen...
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Bear on September 06, 2011, 04:54:34 PM
No doubt, a ship full o' beautiful wenches may be too much for even one mighty captain t' handle. A well disciplined ship requires a firm and steady hand not t' mention other, ahem,...  attributes :P ;)
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Minca on September 07, 2011, 01:22:15 AM
Ah, the next time the Wet Beaver pulls into port, you might find yourselves with a stowaway on board.  ;)
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 07, 2011, 03:18:59 AM
We'll have to take you to the captain when we find you Minca. ;)

Maybe we should just make a new RP with a pirate theme and we should discuss it some so we can make it fit everyone.
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Janine Dee on September 07, 2011, 08:40:56 AM
I'm game... in theory at least, as always.  ::)
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: TightFit74 on September 07, 2011, 01:17:21 PM
So am I... just hoping the story will run a little longer as the fantasy story we started ;)
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 07, 2011, 03:41:25 PM
If we where to start over I'd have to think what I would like to be in it... depending on how people would like to play it.

I could of course be a pirate or maybe someone getting kidnapped by the pirates in one of their raids.

If we where to make it a bit more interesting we could have the Royal Navy hunt the pirates but of course the pirates always seem to slip away. It could be fun playing a navy captain or maybe an officer (if there is someone who wants to be the captain/commander). We could face the pirates in steamy hot battles, in some neutral port where we'd have to be civil to each other and where the pirate captain might try to bribe a naval officer in some way. :P

Oh, I think the uniform could be a short dress with long sleeves, gloves, thigh high boots and a stylish hat, all in dark blue leather and with golden rank insignias. Hmm maybe a long trench coat for the captain.
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Ardeur on September 07, 2011, 04:37:25 PM
@Adera don't you think a captain should be wearing more then just a trench coat?   :P :-*

If we're assigning roles I'm signing up for master gunner under captain Bear (or on top of him, or in front of him, or ...)

"I just like playing with bigguns, capt'n! My skills at polishin' an' shootin' muskets an' pistols are first rate 's well, capt'n sir!"

A helpful link if we're going further in this:
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Bear on September 07, 2011, 06:38:19 PM
Avast ye maties! Well if thar be one t' choose t' be t' quartermaster t' handle t' discipline o' t' crew I would think o' no other than Janine for that role.

as t' t' other slots I leave it t' t' individual t' choose their role, though Ardeur seems eager t' tend t' t' captains eight pounder.

dress as you might Adera, no doubt you will be shed o' t' clothes for proper inspection, and perhaps our new bucko Minca might find herself servin' at t' captain table.
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: TightFit74 on September 08, 2011, 02:30:00 AM
Well, seems like capt'n Bear will have a full crew quickly. I might have to enlist to the royal navy so these skull and bones scallywags are apprehended. As my pirate tongue isn't working for me..
A fast ship, an able crew and unlimited support from the powers that be, will ensure a short flight for the buccaneers.. These wild wenches and their Captain will not roam the seas for long!
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Keiko on September 08, 2011, 10:12:27 AM
     I have been busy working on developing a brief character bio and history. I don't want to give away too much information just yet but I will say this:

I am a "Wokou" which translated basically means japanese pirate so expect a few cultural differences.

 While other pirates may prefer to have a parrot perched on their shoulder, I will be the exception, having a raven named Pocky on my shoulder.

 But prepare to have a good time because I will be usually carrying a jug of sake on my hip. :P
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 08, 2011, 03:20:37 PM
Ahaha Pocky :D. Be wary Keiko, us westerners might drink you under the table. ::) :P

Tight, the girls would definitely have to learn some proper discipline.

I have to figure out what I really want to be and no, I'm not going to wear just a trench coat if I'm a captain. :D
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Keiko on September 08, 2011, 08:09:19 PM
     Tehehe, oh I accept that challenge, Adera. Don't underestimate a Japanese' conviction to their Bushido. Building up a high tolerance to alcohol is a skill we practice often and are proud of.  But I have no doubt you can hold your own. :D

Not sure if I have decided a specific allegiance if there are pirates and a navy fleet. Perhaps it will all depend on who's offer is greater :P
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: TightFit74 on September 08, 2011, 11:50:31 PM
ms Keiko,

the navy is too proud to offer a pirate anything. Just make sure you won't get captured...
The things that happen below deck... ;D
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 09, 2011, 12:56:33 AM
Oh, we could spice things up with body shots... there is a topic on that and food sex buried somewhere. I was thinking of mouth to mouth, navel, from between the breasts or between the thighs... just don't tickle me but I'm probably bound to erupt into giggle fits anyway. :P

Tight, the navy's all empty promises to criminals but the pirates don't have to know that. ::)
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: TightFit74 on September 09, 2011, 04:14:50 AM
Adera, that sounds like a solid strategy. I do need a right hand. For advice, suggestions and sharing meals in my quarters... Can I interest you in taking that position? ;D
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 09, 2011, 06:29:17 AM
Ehehe I thought you wanted a right hand to help you with something else ;). If the whole navy thing is a good idea to have in the RP I could very well join that side.

Hmm imagining us boarding the pirate ship in attempt to finally apprehend the pirates after the last humiliating failure to catch them. I might come face to face with the dashing captain in a heated duel and I'd have to steel myself against unhonorable tactics like him stealing kisses... just thinking about it *cheeks flushing*... how upsetting! A noble officer in the queens service getting treated like that by a lowly... but well... striking captain is unheard of :P. I'd have to hope Tight where to fare better against the girls he's fighting... and that his stiff posture is only an expression of his aristocratic pride and honor in front of these criminal commoners and nothing else. :P
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Keiko on September 09, 2011, 10:09:08 AM
Who captures who, Tight? It's When I seem most vulnerable, that's when I have you right where I want you. :P

Adera, I think there will be many nights in the tavern that we will be entertaining the crew with our unique drinking games.
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 09, 2011, 02:11:53 PM
Oh, I think we'll have the most fun Keiko. :P
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Bear on September 09, 2011, 02:30:07 PM
Drink up me hearties, seriously Tight' a noble man o' his majesties service takin' advantage o' captured females? Me thinks t' capture o' a upstarboard proper naval officer bein' subjected t' t' whims and delight o' t' female pirates depravity would be far more interestin' ... but I be one o' t' lustful force o' thin's and not a romantic in this.
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 09, 2011, 04:12:00 PM
Bear, it might not be seen as a something improper by the nobles, maybe they see it as a privilege... or he's just a little corrupt
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Minca on September 09, 2011, 05:55:06 PM
I am definitely with the pirates  ;D This 'ere runaway, with few options to turn to, fell in love with the freedom of the sea. I'll serve my cap'tn, whether in battle or at his table. Arr!
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: TightFit74 on September 09, 2011, 06:37:34 PM
*grins* the nobility of naval officers is overrated.. On the open oceans, far away from the grasp of the powers directing the navy, a captain can follow his wants and urges, as long as he keeps his crew happy... (winks at Adera) In order to make a captive talk, he might be inclined to use every tactic and method to get the information he wants...
Or maybe one of the wenches he plans to catch, can overpower him with her devilish charm, offering him something he cannot refuse in exchange of priviliges or even... freedom..
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 10, 2011, 09:36:03 AM
Too bad the pirates seem to slip out of our grasp all the time even after having been strapped to the bed for a night. But I can't be at full alert all the time... especially not after having orgasmed a number of times on a hot hard rod. :P

Hopefully we wont have to come across any mermaids... that might be tricky. ::) :P
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: alstott on September 12, 2011, 12:06:59 AM
Well if i had to choose...i wanna be a loving drunken and fighting sailor of the navy who's standing between good and evil...wanna serve the majesty but also wanna rape and plunder everything what's the ocean got for when captain Tight decides to hire me...he has to know i'm loyal but also very adventourous in all possible naughty ways  ;D
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: TightFit74 on September 12, 2011, 08:36:38 AM
mr Alstott, it would be an honour and a privilige to have you on this vessel. And do not worry, the orders we received, are to bring fear to the hearts of the pirates, do as done upon. You will have a free hand when chasing those scallywags.. Except your orders of leave soon...
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 12, 2011, 08:45:15 AM
How am I going to keep you guys from going bananas. ::)
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: TightFit74 on September 12, 2011, 08:47:59 AM
ms Adera, just batt your eye lashes, wiggle your butt around and you might find yourself getting more attention as you can handle. Haven't you heard the captain does uniform inspections? You are called into his quarters and are inspected, very, very thoroughly.. And since mr Alstott will be in charge of appearance of the crew, he might be present as well...
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Keiko on September 12, 2011, 11:02:47 AM
Adera could get in quite a lot of trouble If the captain of the navy fleet comes into the tavern and finds her drinking with a pirate. although that wouldn't be a good position for me to find myself in either. I'll probably wish I had learned more about the chinese art of the drunken fist. Gonna need some sort of distraction. *points at the wall* What the hell is that!? *runs* :P
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Bear on September 12, 2011, 11:24:55 AM
Arrr, it appears me crew has jumped ship and that be servin' in her majesty's service has a strong appeal. Be it t' way t' wind blows, if any seek a wild ride and see me on, come aboard, and fire up t' eight pounder.

Think I'll be tossin' out t' anchor and tryin' me pirate pickup lines here soon.
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 12, 2011, 12:55:30 PM
Tight, is that why you inspect so few of the female crew each time and for such a long time? ;)

Keiko, there isn't any "lusting fist" you could use? ;) I can always claim I was trying to lure some secrets out of you. :P

The problem with catching Bears pirate crew might be that the times we've encountered them I've awoken the next day on the navy's ship... a bit sore but otherwise mightily satisfied. :P
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: TightFit74 on September 12, 2011, 08:54:15 PM
yes ms Adera, the inspection is very thorough, going beyond skin deep... I'd say sometimes the inspection is inches deep...

Captain Bear, it seems that we will be adversaries through out the chase on the seven seas. As a gentleman, I wish you a good flight, May your rudder always be in good hands...

Ms Keiko, running won't help you when I lay my eyes on you, nor will a simple trick....
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 13, 2011, 06:13:52 AM
Oh I see... so that's why you've pulled my panties to the side and are teasing me with that hard lovely meat. ;)
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: TightFit74 on September 13, 2011, 01:03:48 PM
Applause for yet another female/shemale outfit..

grrrrrrrrr *looks very, very angry*
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Keiko on September 13, 2011, 03:55:40 PM
Yes, Tight. I guess the developers called Bear's bluff when he threatened to make them walk the plank if the pirate outfit wasn't released to the men also.
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: TightFit74 on September 14, 2011, 02:47:31 AM
ms Keiko, Bear, for once the royal nay would suport the goal of the pirates and assist in catching them, so they can undergo a fitting punishment. The waters are infested with sharks...
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Bear on September 14, 2011, 02:59:17 PM
 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
not happy at this.

suzy needs some Captain Bear discipline... ::) (since she is the only women I know of on that team)
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Keiko on September 15, 2011, 11:37:48 PM
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Zinah on September 16, 2011, 12:46:07 AM
I'd laugh, but seeing Bear cry is heart breaking.  Seriously, someone get the man some PIRATE PANTS, OMG.....

Great ani.   ;)
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 16, 2011, 03:11:48 AM
Keiko, that's so cute! :P

Hopefully we're getting close to some good male clothing in the release queue.
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 16, 2011, 03:27:06 AM

Aderea, this pirate suit is nice, but the colour.......i suggest to all u to take a look here!
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 16, 2011, 05:25:38 AM
But it looks so cute and girly in those colours... sure the baby blue might be a little over the top but I want to be a cute pirate? :P
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Bear on September 16, 2011, 06:24:26 AM
I be laughin' hard at this me beauty, cute very cute. Tis clear th' developers be havin' failed t' starboarden th' ship an' set th' top sails wi' me wishes. Envy th' beauty who gets me attention when I step again onto th' deck, t' unsheathe me cutlass. Nay doubt Cat`n Bear be enforcin' some discipline in this matter.
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 16, 2011, 07:10:44 AM
I be laughin' hard at this me beauty, cute very cute. Tis clear th' developers be havin' failed t' starboarden th' ship an' set th' top sails wi' me wishes. Envy th' beauty who gets me attention when I step again onto th' deck, t' unsheathe me cutlass. Nay doubt Cat`n Bear be enforcin' some discipline in this matter.
and all this mean!? u must be really drunk, man!    :D
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Keiko on September 16, 2011, 10:42:47 AM
I think he's practicing for september 19th's "Speak like a pirate day!"

... or maybe he has had too much grog.  :P
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: hentaiboy69 on September 16, 2011, 10:51:48 AM
trust me.....the second, dear!
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: TightFit74 on September 16, 2011, 11:43:21 PM
Trust me, Bear knows exactly what he's doing. And if it was grog, he's be in a constant state of intoxication since the pirate suit for girls was released... ;D
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Adera on September 19, 2011, 07:14:53 AM
I reckon he was practicin' fer this day. :D

What'll we do with a drunken sailor,
What'll we do with a drunken sailor,
What'll we do with a drunken sailor,
Earl-aye in the morning?

*Staggerin' along th' deck wit' a bottle o' rum in me hand* Ahoy steady th' ship... can barely walk here! Umm next was... right!

Wey–hey and up she rises,
Wey–hey and up she rises,
Wey–hey and up she rises,
Earl-eye in the morning!
Title: Re: pirate suit
Post by: Bear on September 19, 2011, 09:08:50 AM
Arrr, so ye be wantin' t' go to sea an' ye don't be wantin' t' end up in Davy Jones' Locker. Then ye best be learnin' t' be talkin' like a buccaneer.

Fair winds t' ye all this tide, now hoist th' colours an' lets find some real booty here!