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Messages - wildflower

Pages: [1]
Non-english speakers / Re: Deutsch
« on: April 28, 2012, 03:05:15 PM »
Hallo zusammen...sex ist ja eine universelle sprache und es braucht keinen dolmetscher...soweit so gut...damit will ich sagen, dass es vielen überhaupt nicht um unterhaltung geht...die wollen nur pixeln. mich macht es aber eher traurig, dass sich so viele nur noch gegen virtuelles geld mit anderen abgeben. Diese plattform ist ja sowieso schon etwas verwerflich, aber das ist noch eine ganze ecke tiefer. ich kann mich mit englisch einigermassen verständlich machen, aber russisch kabnn ich nicht. Am liebsten treffe ich user die auch deutsch sprechen, denn ich schätze ein gutes gespräch...auch in dieser verwerflichen umgebung... ;o)

Share your creative ideas / Re: change clothings
« on: August 17, 2011, 08:53:43 AM »
okay...i understand...the unvisible mode is a good idea...

Share your creative ideas / Re: Dildo Scenes
« on: August 17, 2011, 08:52:26 AM »
yes that what i mean. When i go to a room with a man, we have loads of options do i the same with a woman, have no gentle forplay or a really nice kissing scene...thats not fair...same problems by the group scenes...its really a pity that gives two sorts of humans...lol...in kind of sexual questions its okay...lol

Share your creative ideas / Dildo Scenes
« on: August 17, 2011, 01:50:14 AM »
In my rl i'm hetero, but here i can live my fantasys with other womans. Unfortunately it gives not enough poses with dildos play...just a few. All the others with strap on fuck ...thats not my idea of lesbian sex....but may im wrong. Its just my opinion, i dont want copy a man...i just want caressing, licking, fingering and kissing and have lot of fun with a dildo game....[/b]

Share your creative ideas / change clothings
« on: August 17, 2011, 01:23:22 AM »
why its only possible to change the clothes online at the chat??? I guess its more comfortable to try out some outfits offline from the chat...what do you think???

Share your creative ideas / offline customizing
« on: June 15, 2011, 09:45:15 AM »
Hello dears  :-*

i enjoy to take some time for try out a new outfit, lingerie, make up or whatever. Unfortunately it's ony possible when i am online in the chat. I guess it's more relaxing when thats possible by a login to the website, but not must log in to the chat...thats would be great....

I can imagine it gives many people they like to peeping... and others they like to have sex in public places. May it gives good ideas for it.
Greetings Daniela

Share your creative ideas / Re: Wearing a condom
« on: May 22, 2011, 09:49:08 AM »
Oh...what a wonderfull idea...may it's a way more to sharp the sense for some illness in real life. A way to learn the behavior in a virtual roleplay...why not!!!!  ;)
Greetings Daniela

Share your creative ideas / Re: Clothes
« on: March 02, 2011, 06:44:48 AM »

please give some more clothes to the mens world...they are so poor...dont have some stylish clothes or a nice suit...for us ladys i have the wish it gives more possibilities to wear some pieces or make up's together, often it's not possible...
Greetings from Switzerland

A-Team ask you / Re: Erotic sound contribution appeal
« on: March 02, 2011, 06:29:37 AM »
Hello Friends

i wonder how much people knows whats the other wants...but i guess it's a very private decision if i like to hear a erotic voice or dont, and its dont matters from any cultures...i guess the most Achat members sit in front of a monitor and imagine whatever they want, so i think. And if i have my sound on, i don't bother the other with it. So it's a free decision for every user to have erotic sound or not. And its okay to pay for it....
Greetings from Switzerland

A-Team ask you / Re: Erotic sound contribution appeal
« on: January 31, 2011, 11:52:09 AM »
 ;D What a great idea...this i missing so bad....its the ultimate phantasy enforcement..hope it was possible soon....kisses  Daniela

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