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Topics - Vaughan

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Slip of the pen (Report bugs) / CP3O genitals
« on: September 19, 2017, 06:41:24 PM »
This is a strange bug after the latest upgrade.

The female genitals look golden and shiney like the C3PO robot in Star Wars.
The male genitals also have the metalic strap on look.

Happy clunking.

Fantasies and Fetishes / Know your Slave positions for your Master.
« on: September 11, 2017, 05:30:54 AM »
There are a list of some of the positions for Gorean slaves (kajirae) described in the Chronicles of Gor series of science fiction books written by John Norman.

They are a popular teaching in Master and Slave relationships.

One reason for rituals such as kajira (Slave) positions is that they express and reinforce social values and relationships.

For example,
gentlemen who wear hats,  should tip them to a woman they know as she passes by on the street,
or if a man stops to talk with a woman, he would usually take his hat off. 
A gentleman always opens a door for a lady and allows her to go first or gives her his hand to help her up or down steps.

These traditions, customs or manners reflect "chivalrous" values commonly held by some in society and show suitable respect to a lady and the class of the man showing that respect.

From a psychological point of view, doing such activities can often help you feel the suitable emotions. The lady feels respected. The man feels the protector and valiant.

So on the most basic level, people who smile can often feel a little happier just from smiling.  Try it and see. It especially works when people smile back at you.

Similarly, if one gets into the spirit of the thing at all (rather than participating with feelings of pure bitter ironic mockery), then performing rituals of respect can help one feel respectful.

As John Norman says in another context, "She may begin by acting, but after some days or weeks, she will presumably shift into feeling."

Thus doing kajira positions could help women feel sexually desirable as well as vulnerable, while reinforcing the Gorean social status distinctions between kajirae and free men.

For the master, such positions allow him to feel pride of mastery (by exacting kajira obedience), to place a kajira in various appealing or provocative poses, and to position her suitably for what he wants to do with her next (whether applying restraints, lovemaking, showing her off to others etc.).

The Kajira (slave) will feel proud to show off her knowledge and good posture, will feel pride to make sure her Master looks good in front of others and know and feel her lowlier position before her Master.

Here are some of the basic positions used in the Master and Slave relationship.

1. Bara.
This position is used for a variety of reasons, sometimes as punishment. She lays on her stomach, face down and turned to the left with her wrists crossed behind her back. Her ankles are crossed, as well, as if for binding.

2. Belly.
She assumes a face down position, head is turned to the left, arms at her sides with the palms turned up, and legs are parted widely

3. Bracelets.
This position is used to put on slave bracelets for chaining the slave. A common place to chain slaves is to their Master’s bed or at a Tavern there are rings in the walls that a Master may use to attach a slave to while he goes about his business. She places her hands behind her back....her shoulders pushed back…her breasts thrust outward....and her hands clasped tightly behind her back...ready for bracelets to be placed on her.

4. Hair.
She stands, her feet flat on the floor, and bows gracefully at the waist, that her hair might fall forward for display, or to be shorn, seized, or used for any purpose that the Master desires.

5. Ko-Lar or Collaring
Also called the Position of Female Submission. She kneels at the Master’s feet and leans her body back, sitting upon her heels, with her arms extended upward, crossed at the wrists, and her head beneath them lowered in supplication.

6.  Leading
She stands and moves behind her Master, bending at the waist. She places her hands behind her and puts the side of her head to her Master’s hip, that he might lead her easily by the hair or collar while walking.

7.  Leasha or Leash
This position is used to attach a leash. She kneels, her back to her Master, with her chin lifted and head turned to the left, offering her collar for leashing. Her wrists are behind her back, ready, if needed, to be snapped into slave bracelets.

8.  Nadu
This is the most basic of all the positions. This is the position a slave is in most of the time. She kneels before her Master, her head held high, eyes downcast, knees spread wide open, shoulders back keeping her back straight (or arched slightly), breasts thrust outward. Her hands lie on her thighs, palms facing upward.

9.  Obeisance or Obedience
She goes to the floor, laying upon her stomach, face down before the Master. She turns her head and places her cheek against his feet, kissing them lightly in a gesture of love and submission.

10.  Run Command
When this command is given, she runs toward her objective, taking short rapid steps, with her legs almost straight, her feet hardly leaving the floor. As she moves her back is straight, her head is turned to the left, and her arms are at her sides, her palms facing outward at a 45-degree angle to her body. Upon reaching her objective she drops gracefully to her knees and typically resumes the position of Nadu.

11.  She-Sleen
Also known as assuming the modality of the she-quadruped. She falls to her hands and knees, her head down on the floor, her hindquarters thrust high for viewing and/or her Master’s pleasure. Serving in the modality of the she-quadruped is an instruction whereby the slave performs her regular duties upon hands and knees, without the benefit of the use of her hands. In this mode she may not rise to her feet and may use only her mouth and teeth to grasp and manipulate objects.

12.  Slave Lips
When this command is given, she turns her head up to the Master, her lips pursed in a sensual kissing position. She remains motionless; her lips thusly puckered, and may not move until she is granted the kiss of a Master.

13. Slaver's Kiss.
She falls to the floor upon all fours, and lowers her head to the ground, with her buttocks thrust upward and her thighs widely spread, exposing her hindquarters fully in preparation for the caress of the leather against her body. Common Gorean Usage Position of this position - She falls to the floor upon all fours, and keeps her head straight, her eyes looking forward, with her buttocks thrust upward and her thighs widely spread in preparation for the sexual use of the Master.

14.  Sula
This position is self-explanatory. She lies on her back, her hands at her sides, palms facing upward. Her legs are spread wide open... she awaits Master’s inspection.

15. Sula-Ki or Alternative Sula
This position is almost identical to the Sula position, except once she has assumed the Sula position she slowly lifts her hips up off the floor, as if beckoning him with her body, encouraging her sexual use by him.

16. Table
She kneels then bends forward and places her elbows on the floor, hands are locked on forearms, knees are parted and used to adjust height until her back is level, and her head is held up.

17.  Tower
There is another variation of Nadu in which she kneels the same way, but with her palms down and her knees modestly together. This variation is referred to as Tower Slave Position and is typically reserved for young or white-silk slave girls, or slave girls who serve their Master in a non-sexual way, such as a Tower Slave or female Work Slave.

18. Walk
When this command is given, she turns in a graceful pirouette, her hair swinging. She then walks, gliding across the room, her feet hardly seeming to leave the floor, her hips swaying sensually, her body erect and proud. When she reaches her objective she halts and stands, her body erect, her shoulders back, her chest thrust forward, her belly in. She turns her hip out a bit, her hands at her sides, and points one foot. Her head is up and her eyes are lowered.

19. Whipping
She first assumes the Nadu position, though with her arms crossed in front of her. She then leans forward and places her head to the floor, first sweeping her hair forward over her shoulders in order that her back might be utterly exposed to the whip.

20. Inspection.
Stands straight. Legs apart a little further than the shoulders. Hands on head exposing arm pits and thrusting out breasts.  In addition further  inspection of all orifices can easily be carried out.  Mouth & teeth can be inspected at one command of "Open" ;  Arms by "Extend" & Legs and feet with a command of  "Lift" from behind her.  Buttocks and sex by a command of  "Bend & Spread" 

What is the difference between a slave, a submissive and a pet?

This is a question I get asked often. I will try and explain it the best way I can.

Autonomy means independence or freedom, as of the will or one’s actions.
The autonomy of the individual.

So the difference between a pet, a sub and a slave is their Autonomy.

Each of the three will have a Master, or are in the process of looking for one.
Each of them will know their place and if disobedient may be punished accordingly when they are out of line.
But it is also the Master’s responsibility to make their underlings (pet, sub, slave ) feel loved and desired and needed and wanted and to train them to understand and obey in their role and not to neglect them.

Other Masters or Mistresses should be addressed as Sir or Mistress.
A slave should address all free persons as Sir or Mistress.
Pets and Slaves are referred to as It, unless given a name by their owner. Each owner can change it.
A submissive is referred to as his or her or her given name.

Most Dominants before playing with owned pets, subs or slaves will either ensure they are free to play or seek the blessing of the owner.
They will know they are owned as most will wear a collar.
The Dominants should find out if it is decoration by asking the underling.
An underling can be punished if they lie.

A pet, sub or slave desire the happiness of their owner at all times.
Those that do not desire their Masters or Mistresses happiness is doing it Wrong. Full Stop (Period).

Pet -
Pets are submissive but with more freedom than the other two. This is usually the first step in being controlled by a Master or Mistress. It is the favourite of all three to become involved in.
They may, on occasions, depending on the pet, take on the characteristics of animal pets, wearing tails ; ears ; even dress in costumes and of course learn obedience.

Pets have a great deal of Autonomy, depending on their Master. They may have anywhere from 80-99% free reign, though they know they can be called at any time, for any purpose. When called, it must respond to it’s owner as soon as possible.
With such freedom, can come Responsibility too. The responsibility to occupy one’s own time when their Master is occupied. They can act independently, for example buying clothing they think their Master or Mistress might like.
They are treated as a pet would be. Think of your pet dog or cat. When it is with its owner,  their Master or Mistress can groom them, take them to the toilet, feed them in their feeding bowls or even feed from the hand to the pets mouth, put them to bed in a cage or pet bed, show off their training – sit, beg, sexual things etc..  give tit bits as treats, walk them around in a collar and lead, tell them what to wear, teach them to heel and of course use them for sexual pleasures. The boundaries are negotiated by the Master & Pet and agreements made by both.

Subs are submissives that devote themselves only to their Master/Mistress. This is step 2 of the kink and lots will never move on to step 3.
When the sub's Owners are not about they are free persons with agreed boundaries  of course. They must not ever embarrass their Master or Mistress.
They do not answer to other Dominants and are free to roam.
They do however address other Dominants as Sir or Mistress.

A sub has some Autonomy though not nearly as much as a pet, perhaps 40-60% depending on the Master.
As with a Pet, even though the sub might be in the middle of something, he or she must respond to the call of his or her Master or Mistress as soon as possible.

It is also easier for a sub to manage their own time while their Master is occupied because the Master of a sub is responsible for giving it enough to do to not worry about it.
The Master or Mistress may give the submissive tasks to do.  It may be sexual – lend them to others; instruct them to do Group ; maybe to read up on a subject or answer posts / stories in forum and even instructions to play in their free time.
They can act independently, learning & buying things their Master or Mistress might like.

Slave -
While all in the lifestyle are free persons who chose to serve, slaves give this up and are without rights.
This is Step 3 and the extreme play of a submissive.
Their every waking hour (by this we mean every moment on line) is devoted to their Master/Mistress.

They must seek permission for doing most things and are generally limited to the room their Owner resides in.
They are treated as subservient by other Masters and Mistresses and are expected to show the highest forms of respect towards all.

A slave, by definition, has no Autonomy whatsoever.
Its only desire is to fulfil every wish, every whim, every pleasure of it’s Master or Mistress.

A Master or Mistress looking for a slave, must therefore dedicate himself to managing his slaves time very well.
They often refer to the slave as "boy" or "gir"l or any name the owner may choose.

The slave is not free to do anything on its own without permission or blessing of it's Master or Mistress.
The slave is expected to have no desires except to obey it's Master or Mistress.
A slave owns nothing, everything is owned by it's Master or Mistress.

A slave is only as free as it's owner allows. But it's most important thing is to serve it's owner first always. 

Pets and submissives’s have more freedom then a slave and are allowed to think for themselves. Slaves have no opinion or view, they obey and are obedient.

The owner controls the slave with love, making them feel loved, wanted and needed.
The slave gives itself freely to it's owner and trusts that their owner has their best interest at heart.

A slave depends on the Master or Mistress to govern it, guide it into knowing what it's Master or Mistress wants.

Once the slave has learnt what is wanted, there is usually the ability and expectation to act pro-actively to please it's owner.

It does not usually think or act for itself except in mundane chores etc.. they must seek permission to shop etc...
They must even ask permission to enter the rooms of it's Owner and even then to speak to it's Master or Mistress.

Some important differences :

A submissive is someone who negotiates; a slave does not
A submissive has limits; a slave has given up all limits except those which it's owner sets for them.
A submissive obeys and serves by choosing to do so each time and retains her will. A slave initially makes a choice to obey it's Master/Mistress at all times and then submits to the will of  It's Master or Mistress at all times.
A submissive accepts submission, while a slave accepts obedience.

A submissive has retained some rights within the context of the D/s relationship, whereas a slave has given up all rights and becomes, in effect, property, hence the it.
A submissive is owned, but a slave is possessed. (property)
A slave is not allowed to sit on furniture or wear clothes, and always kneels at it's owner’s feet.
A submissive has a safe-word to end play, while a slave has consented to no-consent.
A slave must be a submissive, but a submissive is not necessarily a slave.

Being a submissive is just a step on the way to the “ultimate” state of submission, which is being a slave.

A slave is more submissive than a “mere” submissive.
Submissives are just playing; slaves live the lifestyle.
A submissive has more self-respect than a slave.

BDSM training questions of underlings.

"Tell me what you are?"
"I am a pet, submissive, a slave for a Master."

"What is a slave (pet or submissive) ?"
"A girl who is owned."

"Why do slaves (or submissives) wear brands?"
"To show they are owned."

"Why do you wear a collar?"
"That men and mistresses may know who owns me."

"What does a slave (or submissive) want more than anything else?"
"To please (men,) their own Master or their own Mistress."

Fuck Toy.
A Master or Mistress looking for a fuck toy to use whenever the mood strikes would most likely be looking for a Pet.
A pet, sub or slave expects to be used at any time.

A Pet would suit “whenever the mood strikes” as it leaves the pet time to go out shopping, playing, etc… after it's Master or Mistress is done.
A Master or Mistress looking for an "on demand fuck toy" doesn’t want to micro-manage an underling and therefore would be expected to keep itself from getting bored.

A Master that ONLY wants a fuck toy doesn’t want to give it chores like laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc. to do when he or she is not using it for his or her pleasure.

The Master or Mistress of a slave, if (s)he’s doing it right, knows that his or her slave depends on him or her to fill it's time. 
Then it would be used for such chores and comforts for it's Master or Mistress, even serving his/her food and drink at meal times.

The Master of a slave will need to micro manage it or will end up with a very bored slave who will eventually become a runaway or go to another Master who will appreciate it.

Similarly, on the other side, a Master of a Pet who is too controlling is encouraging rebellion. They are subservient when it is their Master’s time.

An underlings desire for “autonomy” vs. “being given things to do”  can fluctuate in a relationship.
The underling may offer itself as a pet one day, then wish to be more closely directed later, perhaps even craving to be a slave.

Fantasies and Fetishes / Hot Wives (Wife Sharing)
« on: August 15, 2017, 03:17:58 PM »
In one of my stories, I wrote of a couple who decided to try wife sharing, specifically cuckolding and later on in my game play I took part in an interesting role play where my partner teased another lover 0f hers, a Stag, whilst we roomed. It was fun.

Research for my story of wife sharing and hot wives was quite interesting and I thought I would share some interesting things in Forum.

If anyone is interested in reading my story, it can be found here :

A Cuckold at Crystal Lake

Typically, Hot Wives include Cuckoldresses and Vixens and all are very sexy and alluring.

Hotwives enjoy sex and plenty of it.
A Cuckoldress wants a better quality of sex.
Vixens enjoys being shared by and with her sexy partner.

Cuckolding (or cucking) is one of the kinks of wife sharing.

Women involved in this are called “Hot Wives” or “Cuckoldresses”
People outside the scene often use the terms interchangeably,
The terms have major differences though. They are really very different roles for women to choose from.

Being a Cuckoldress is all about Cuckolding, dominating and humiliating her beta male husband.
The first thing to note about the role is that being a cuckoldress can only happen in a cuckolding scenario.

However, a hot wife can assume her role in any number of situations.

The “hot” part of the term essentially means “slutty” or “available”, as well as sexually active, confident and able to act autonomously from your partner.
So hot wives could be part of:
swinging communities,
wife sharing groups or
just engaged in everyday adultery.

If you are the kind of girl who loves sex and isn’t satisfied by your partner, or enjoys multiple lovers you’re in hot wife territory.
Hot Wives can then become Cuckoldresses or Vixens if they so wish or just carry on being a Hotwife.

So hot wives are wives that make themselves sexually available to other men (and women).

A cuckoldress is a special kind of hot wife, the kind who gets off on humiliating their partner in situations with agreed limits.

Vixens enjoy sex with others and with their sexy husband’s or sexy boyfriend’s participation and or knowledge.

A Hotwife can only become a cuckoldress if she has a cuckold to complete the “act.”

If she is fucking other guys and your husband doesn’t know, or he finds it enraging, you are not a Cuckoldress or Vixen. You are an adultress LOL !

A Cuckoldress has license to humiliate her partner during sex with other men.
Her partner, the cuckold, loves it, and so does she.

A cuckolding couple consists of the cuckold husband who is referred to as the cuckold, or the beta male. He is inferior. He may for example feel he has a smaller dick than average, or he may feel that he is inadequate in that area of his body and commonly he feels he is unable to sexually satisfy his wife.
The cuckold enjoys the thought of an alpha male fucking his wife and is sexually excited that he is the underling.

Hot wives are motivated more by a desire for quantity. They become “addicted to cock” and desire as many sexual partners as possible. They play up to the slut role in an exaggerated, obsessive way.

For the Cuckoldress, the quest isn’t for more sex. She wants a better quality of sex, the kind of sensations that her husband simply cannot deliver. The alpha male who can is known as The Bull.

For many people, the Cuckoldress role is healthier. If the guy is comfortable as the cuckold, it can be a way to deal with sexual problems within relationships.
That’s not really the case for out of control hot wives.

Cuckoldresses deal in Power. 

The classical “hot wife” isn’t fucking to make herself more empowered. She is doing so because she needs to. It’s in her blood. She is a hot sexy slut.

The wife in a cuckolding relationship is often referred to as a hotwife or cuckoldress and gets to pick and choose who she has sex with.
The person that she picks to have sex with is therefore often perceived to be more well hung than her cuckold husband and is able to satisfy her more sexually than her husband can. This person is referred to as the bull, stud or the alpha male.
The Bull is the lucky man that the hotwife chooses to be unfaithful to her husband with, with his knowledge.
In many cases, Cuckoldresses feel empowered by their role. They can exert power over their husband and with their bull, dominate him with their sexual superiority.
The Cuckoldresses tend to be the instigator in cuckolding sessions with their husband, making decisions about who should be the bull and what limits will be imposed. It’s all part of reducing their partner to nothingness, and for some women, this can be exhilarating. Their cuckold men love the dominance and humiliation of these sessions.

Being a Cuckoldress takes skill and preparation. She is feeding the fantasy of her partner whom she loves and cares for, fuelling her own sexual thrills and making the session exciting and empowering for the chosen Bull.

Playing the Cuckoldress is a demanding role. It requires the ability to use words to goad and excite her bull and humiliate her partner.
It requires the physical confidence to dominate and thrill her partner, without losing the erotic charge between her and the bull.

It also requires imagination and getting the atmosphere right. She needs to have an instinct for and be aware of the lighting, costumes and how to entertain the bulls especially if strangers – an attention to detail that is irrelevant for hot wives. 
Hot wives just need a mattress and a guy and spread her legs.

Cuckolding and Hotwifing is becoming more popular and more acceptable in society.

The wife and Cuckold Bull may date regularly by going out to dinner, clubs, movies, etc. Or the wife and the Bull may just meet once at a cuckold party and go into a room and fuck. In their fantasy, the bull is well hung and knows how to satisfy the hotwife so that she can have endless orgasms.


The Bull is usually perceived as better looking than the cuckold husband and in better shape. He may even come around their home and have sex with the wife quite often, even daily, or he may only have sex with the hotwife just the once at a party. The cuckold husband knows and usually encourages this, enjoying the humiliation of being the Beta Male. He gets turned on watching or hearing them fuck or even by his wife telling him about it later in great detail.

Cuckolds seek the humiliation and debasement and possible homosexual encounters, for example, cleaning the Bull after he has fucked their wife. There is nothing wrong with that, each to his own fetish.

However by far, more men identify with the other wife sharing fantasy of hot wives.

Stags, as they are known, are typically heterosexual men who get off on the idea of their wives or girlfriends being with other men but do not fit the historical term of cuckold.
Many such men dislike the cuckold label because society has made it a shameful thing.
The cuckolds are seen as weak men, who like humiliation and are Beta males.

The growth of the term ‘HOTWIFE’ or Vixen in reference to the partners of such Stags are now well established in sexual subcultures.

They share with cuckolds the desire to see their partners take on extra lovers while they remain monogamous but that is where the similarities end. They are not perceived as lower than the Bull at all, they are more on an equal footing.

The Stag holds a genuine love and respect for his wife or girlfriend (Vixen) with whom he shares this erotic and fun lifestyle.
For this reason the proper term for him is a STAG and his wife or girlfriend is a Vixen, rather than the cuckold and Cuckoldress.

The Stag is on the same level as the Bull and are both strong Alpha males.

For the Stag this is always by consent and any humiliation aspect is just a playful erotic teasing game with his wife rather than any real desire to be humiliated.
The Stag will never be humiliated or intimidated by his partner’s lovers.
He is a strong type and is also an alpha male.
He is  very confident in their relationship.
The Stag simply derives huge erotic pleasure from seeing his wife or girlfriend, commonly known as a Vixen, being so alluring and desirable that no one can resist her. He considers it only natural and very arousing that she’ll need and deserve sexual satisfaction from other lovers as well as himself.

The Stag’s behaviour ranges from merely sharing the fantasy and acting out role play scenarios to full on Hotwifing.

It is just one part of their relationship.
Many couples only dabble occasionally.
Some couples discover 'Hotwifing’ early in their relationships while others find it much later but either way it is a hugely growing phenomenon.

The reasons for 'Hotwifing’ have always been around and lie deep in our evolutionary history as a species.
Factors such as female empowerment, better contraceptives ; safer sex technologies, ease of online communication, more openness about sex and sex information combined have brought it out of the shadows and to the edge of mainstream society.

Whatever your fantasy, Hotwifing is very hot and we all have the same goal - sex should be enjoyed to the full.

“A taste of the Slave Ring is beneficial to all women”

Slave ring: This is simply a heavy iron ring, about one inch in diameter, to which a slave may be secured. These rings can be found in many different places such as on a master's couch, on a floor or wall. Public slave rings can be found in numerous places throughout cities. The rings can be used to secure slaves or other animals, and even a Free Companion. A free woman might one night find herself attached to a slave ring on her Companion's couch. This may be as punishment or simply to remind her that she is a woman and has a need to be dominated, or maybe for her to just try something different.

“A taste of the Slave Ring is beneficial to all women”

I read this statement in a book and it got me thinking.

I realised it wasn't meant as an arrogance, but as advice about sexuality, not just for a woman but for a man too.
It’s about losing those inhibitions that suppress who we are and how we enjoy each other in a sexual and exhilarating way.
It is going back to raw animal basic instincts in the bedroom.

We all want to enjoy sex and be possessed in a sea of passion with our chosen partner. The joy and climactic thrill of being with each other.

Some free woman may take longer to arouse than one who considers herself a slave, or a submissive or a pet.

Maybe these Free women tend to have hang ups that slaves are not allowed to carry.
Maybe for a free woman, the expectations of a partner are unreasonably higher; or perhaps they selfishly expect their partner to arouse them with little or no actions or effort themselves; maybe the stresses of the day are still lingering, maybe the shift to sexual play is not their true focus.

A slave, on the other hand, or even a free woman who has learnt to express herself, is an orgasmic marvel!

The slave tends to enjoy the touch of her Master, very often just a look or a first touch and she is aroused. She is not bound by any inhibitions of how she should behave in public, in private or her past. The stresses of the day forgotten. Her Master is her focus.

She knows her sole job is to please her Master and every Master wants and demands that fire in her belly. That fire for him, where she moans his name, writhes in passion for him and those cries of climax are music to his ears. The heat of the slave makes her a beautiful creature.
She is female. He is Male!

From the way she walks to her posture in her daily chores; the way she displays her body in her everyday tasks to the looks of longing she throws at him (or her) when she glimpses him. All are engineered to entice herself into his arms and to be ravaged as a woman should be by her man. Everything she does is foreplay geared to lift a man’s desire.

A female enjoys a man to admire her and so he should.

The art of sensual dance is very powerful. It should be encouraged more in play with partners and certainly is a great way to seduce and display the body. It is a wonderful female foreplay which can leave a man panting.

Maybe it is psychological when a female wears her collar. Perhaps behaviourally, given no choice but to act as a passionate female, the slave suddenly through simple psychological relations is transformed.
Perhaps it is knowing they are right-less, owned, dominated which so deeply triggers the profound web of yielding, piteously receptive, helplessly submitting reflexes ; perhaps in their bodies lies the secret need to be sexually  subjugated totally without which they cannot attain their full sexuality.

The Master also uses his slave regularly to remind her that she is wanted and desired and precious. Sometimes a whole day of such sport which although leaves her satisfied, implants the hankering, the want  and the need known as the “Slave Heat” for her Master. She wants more of the same!
Another expression… “Leave her or him wanting more…”

One of the insistences of a Master, if he is wise, is to make his slave vocalize her sensations; then ventilating and reinforcing those moans, multiplying, deepening and intensifying them.

Thus this helps to arouse her and contribute to her own pleasures and consequently of course to those of her Master.

A slave is never allowed to be silent in these matters.  This command of her of course under which she is placed to moan her pleasures and abundantly, together with her abandon and nudity and stunning beauty in this state, manifests them physically and guides, accurately and surely the Master in a detailed exploitation of her weaknesses in his depredations practiced on her body.

She must betray herself. She cannot be blamed. No choice is given her. He will know her erogenous zones and her “turn ons!”

Here, I might mention edging, this should only be used sparing.
Edging a climax eventually desensitises her natural instinct and can ruin a female.
Let the natural beauty of climax spill over.
I rarely try or want to control a woman’s beauty in her peak. It is a time to bathe in her raw magnificence.
In time, maybe a practised climax can be bought on in a trained slave by a mere word.

She is an instrument of passion on which a Master plays, delighting himself with the music of her expressions, her movements, her cries, even the wild unrestrained odours of her collared slave body. She is forced to contribute to her own sexual subjugation.
Do not blame her. No choice is given.

Utter abandonment likes this is dynamic and every woman should on at least one occasion in her life seek and enjoy this kind of lovemaking.
It would be a shame to not ever know it.

So, “A taste of the Slave Ring is beneficial to all women”   or if it is more palatable to some … “Be a lady in public but a wanton slut in the bedroom.”

Sometimes though, it takes a taste of the former to fully utilise and understand the latter.

The goal of course is the same for all, we all want to experience the full Joys and Abandonment of Great Sex.

Good Luck and much joy in your pursuit.

Share your creative ideas / More Public dances - The Hula Dance.
« on: July 30, 2017, 08:39:34 AM »
Now we have more public meeting places -  5 to date

We need more public dances to seduce our potential mates.

The ladies should not be shy to use these dances to seduce us guys or even ladies if that's your preference.
I find these dances (and I know some of the other guys  do too) especially with sexy narrative highly seductive, erotic and wonderful foreplay.
The same, I hope goes for the guys who dance for the ladies.

They are also a   great way to break the ice for friendship or more.

Of course we have :


The Pole Dance
The Lap Dance
The Table Dance
The Cleaning Woman seduction.

The Men can do :

Macho Dance  (plus a Giant Cock version)
The Body Builder

I have another suggestion for Achat Developers or any of the clever designers out there ... We need The Hula  dance.
It's very sexy and erotic.  Please create it soon.

See what I mean.
Hula Hawaii

Inspired by my sexy spouse & Hawaiian Friend.  "Danke" "mahalo nui loa"   (Thank you very much)

Woman with man in AChat / MF Pose Review. 17. Kneeling Boy
« on: July 29, 2017, 02:07:27 AM »
Pose Reviews score:
Do you think this pose is worth it?  Please rate –

1 Star.   - No. Hate it. Don’t bother – its rubbish.
2 Stars. - Yes. Didn’t like it much. Will buy it if I have A$ to waste.
3 Stars. - Yes. Liked it. Will use this occasionally but other poses need collecting first.
4 Stars. - Yes. Really liked it. Will use regular. A good add to my collection.
5 Stars. - Yes. Excellent. A must have. Will use this often.

Pose Review - 17. Kneeling Boy:

This is a vaginal fuck pose with an Anal fuck action. It can be found in the "Face to face" Section of the in-game Achat Shopping Mall.

Men's Actions

1. Anal Action
2. Human Bra -  R hand only
3. Hands on neck -  (own)
4. Bend over.
5. Rub asshole – with cock head
6. Fingers in pussy – 2 finger
7. Jerk off
8. Grab hands
9. Rub clit – with cock
10. Rub pussy – with cock
11. Slap tests
12. Suck tit.
13 & 14 Pleasure faces.

Women's Actions

1. Massage Breasts
2. Grab Thigh
3. Rub Clit
4. Hands on Head
5. Grab Forearm
6. Grab Shoulder
7. Rub Nipple
8. Kiss
9. Hug (with legs)
10. Legs on Neck
11. Spread Legs
12. Handjob
13. Pleasure Face
14. Pleasure Face

Good fucking pose with an anal action.  Really hot and good all round actions. 
When I cum though,, my hands go up to my neck. I think I would prefer to continue in gripping my lady’s waist.
Also a kiss is missing on the man’s side.
The guys "Human Bra" action needs to be upgraded to "Kneading Breasts" A more robust groping of both hands on both breasts is needed.
Pinning the girls legs to the side and pussy fucking her hard.
Even so, another must for the collection. The fucking kiss on the woman’s side is a good add.  – 5 stars.

JessiCapri wrote “OMG Finally a Kiss while Fucking!!  Very hot pose and a must have for your collection. I agree with Vaughan FIVE stars!”

* * * * *  5 Stars. - Yes. Excellent. A must have. Will use this often

Forum News / Achat Mentors
« on: May 20, 2017, 12:24:40 PM »
Achat Mentors.

A few of us were asked in Nov 2016 by Achat to become Mentors in the game and to help new comers to settle in,  enjoy the unique opportunities Achat has to offer and to generally help in how everything works.
I know of 3 members who were asked to be Achat Mentors listed below.
Once confirmed by Achat, others can be added when known:

1. Vaughan.
2. Jade_Kali
3. Stone.

No one really explained what we had to do but with trial and error we have shown members:

a) How to play and use the robots,
b) How to behave,
c) How to use the facilities 
d) How to join Forum and the various contests and events.
e) How to report complaints to "Support"  and using the " ! " in the game.

F) The Forum Moderators are:  Lover, Brandybee, Jayc and Nat33.

All of us Mentors try to be polite and helpful but at the same time, we are volunteers and wish to enjoy the Achat experience too.

If any new joins wishes to gift their Mentor, they can and we to have the facility to exchange A$ to real dollars. The exchange rate, however, ensures it’s nigh on impossible to collect enough A$ to exchange and make any real money. People who are Mentors do not therefore do this for the money.

I’m not sure about the Women Mentors, but I have earnt Zilch, zero, nada. Men rarely get gifted.

If anyone needs help in the game or forum, then most members are only too glad to assist but Mentors are specifically chosen by Achat to help out when needed.

We are friendly so come say hi. We will not put up with rude players though.
We have put MENTORS in our profile.

We regularly ask the new members to register to join Forum and use the topic below to let members know what is going on.

What's on in the Forum Village currently....

Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News (Moderators: Lover, Brandybee, jayc, Nat33) > What's on in the Forum Village currently....  http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,3835.0.html       

Please go to the last page and last post for the current events and contests as it is updated regularly.


Forum Profiles made simple.

1. You have to Register for Forum first, then log in after. Use your Achat game username and password, the same one you use for the game and shop. Remember that you need to log into Forum separately. For some reason it’s on a separate system.
Also Your password must not be longer than 12 characters in Forum. If your Achat password is longer, just omit anything after the 12 characters. 
2. Choose a nice photo from the net. I find sexy black and white pics look better with your colours in “Signature” banner later on.  Search “sensuous kissing” or “sensuous cuddles” and download to your pc in a new folder called  “Forum Pics”
(You make a new folder easily by right clicking on your PC  wall paper area and choose "New" from the Options. It makes a folder you can name and store in)

3. Find a nice quote off the net, from your favourite film, a song or a poem.

4. You need to get the relevant codes from Forum private messages. They can be used in your forum profile but are not readily available there. So you have to copy and paste them later to your signature banner from Forum first.

You will need these brackets to surround your “signature” quote, found at the top of your text box.

* B =  bold   [b.] [/b]   (Remove dot after b in first bracket. Dot added just to show in print.)

** Change colour.   [c.olor=red] [/color] (Remove dot after c in first bracket. Dot added just to show in print.)  Replace “red” in first bracket with colour of your choice.  Choose a colour from here.

Adult Game AChat > Off-Topic > Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books...> PC and Software Basics (PC101)  http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,3609.msg134681.html#msg134681

*** Size = the letter A with arrows facing up & down.  [s.ize=10pt] [/size] (Remove dot after s in first bracket. Dot added just to show in print.)

5.  So you should make something like this below for your signature banner.   Copy & paste it onto a word document for safe keeping.

[s.ize=10pt][b.][c.olor=green]My quote here [/b][/size] [/color]   (Delete dots after the s and b and c in first brackets for it to work)

6. Go to “Profile” under Welcome box on Forum Home Page. Click.

* On left,  Click on “Forum Profile Information”

**Go to  “I will upload my own pic”   Click on choose file & follow instructions to find the pic you downloaded from the net in folder “Forum Pics”   This will upload it on to your profile.

***  Choose words / saying for   “Personal Text”   This will put words under your pic.

**** Location.   Put your Country.   And fill in Gender.

***** In “ Signature”    Copy & Paste your coloured quote.
[s.ize=10pt][b.][c.olor=green]My quote here [/b][/size] [/color]   (Delete dots after the s and b and c in first brackets for it to work)
****** In “Signature,”  you can also place in a banner. This is explained below. The banner can only be 750x90.

******  Click “change profile” to change it all.

7.   On Left  Go to  “ Personal Message Options”     Tick the two boxes  -   Save a copy of each Personal Message in my outbox by default   and   Show a popup when you receive new messages.

* Click “change profile” to change it all.

8.  On Left,  Go to  “Look and Lay Out Preferences”  and you can change the time to suit you etc…

Now you should be ready to go.  Good Luck.   

Any Problems, just ask


Useful FREE Downloads.

Down Load these 2 free programmes and open a free account with imgur to upload your pics too.

Useful FREE Downloads.

1. For taking images - Light Shot Http://app.prntscr.com/en/download.html

2. For Editing & framing your pictures / photographs - PhotoScape -

3. For storing images and giving them a http address -  Imgur https://imgur.com 

4. Set up an account with chattango for free Instant Messaging:

Free Instant Messaging site :   Chattango  -    http://chatango.com/signupdir


On your PC  open up a new file in documents to save your pics.

1. To do this click on “Documents” to open it.
2. In the Document Box Right click. A menu box will open, go to “New” and another menu box will open, click on “Folder”   
3. It will create a New Folder for you to name. This is for your saved pics and screen shots. Call it  “Achat Name” Specials.
4. Then open up this “Specials” folder.  In this “Specials” Box Right click. A menu box will open, go to “New” and another menu box will open, click on “Folder” 
5. It will create a New Folder for you to name. This is for your saved pics from the internet. Call it  “Fave Pics”  Repeat again and create a folder “ Screen shots”


Taking  a screen shot.

1.  Click on the purple lightshot feather when you have the pose you like. If not, click the “esc” button on your keyboard and try again.
2. Right click and “select the area” you want. This is usually a square or rectangle. When satisfied –
3. Click on the save button on the screen – Looks like a Floppy Disc Square by the x, bottom of your selected pic.  This will crop it and save to your PC.
4. Your Pc will ask you how to “Save as”  by a pop box.  In the Pop up box, look for “Documents” in your menu and then your “Achat Name” Specials Folder, then  “Screen shots” folders.
5. Save your pic.
6.  At  2 & 3 above, check out the symbols around your chosen pic – you can do things to your pic if you want, mark it etc…  Have a play.


Saving a pic from the internet.

1. In your search engine, like Google, Bing etc.. look for your desired pic.  When you find it, click on it, to make it bigger.
2. Right click on the pic. A box menu comes up. Click on “Save Image as”   Ensure it is saved as jpeg.
3. Your Pc will ask you how to “Save as”  by a pop box.  In the Pop up box, look for “Documents” in your menu and then your “Achat Name” Specials Folder, then  “Fave Pics” folder.
4. Save your pic.


Uploading a pic to imgur.

1. Log in to your free imgur account.
2. Click on your name to show drop down menu. Click on Albums
3. Click on “New Album” 
4. A box appears. Choose a name, maybe your partners name, the subject etc…  Make sure you click on “hidden”. You don’t want the public to see your obscene pics – you could even get kicked off the site.
5. Click on “ Add another image” and a box appears.  Click on “Browse” and it open a box to your PC.  In the Pop up box, look for “Documents” in your menu and then your “Achat Name” Specials Folder, then  “Fave Pics” folder or  “Screen Shots” folder.
6. Choose the pic you want.  Click on the pic to populate the box , then on “Open” and it will upload to your imgur album. This uploaded pic in your album will now have a “http…” address. You need the http address to post in forum either in a PM or a Topic.


To upload a pic to forum.

1. Right click on your chosen image in your imgur album you wish to post or pm in forum. A drop down menu will appear. Click on “Copy Image Address” or  “Copy URL” or similar.  This is to copy the http address of the pic.
2. Open up Forum and the topic or PM ( Private Message ) you wish to answer or send.  Paste it by right clicking and choosing paste from the drop down menu (OR Control / Ctrl  + V  ) in your  Forum   " Message "  or  " Reply"  box.   The URL will appear. 
3. Then high light it blue (Holding left button down on your mouse and dragging across )
4. Above the smiley faces above  is a square box  " insert image"  ( 2nd one from the left),
5. Click on that, it will bracket the url for you
6. Then preview, using the below button on the right under the text box. The pic should come up above this section.  Check it looks right and not too big.  If it’s not, try again

If it’s too big,  try this –

It can happen that a pic can be too big and it doesn't fix on the post size (max width is 750). So, it can help to resize it without modifying it offline. See below:


To Resize a pic thats too big

1. [img.]http://URL of the pic[/img.]  (Remove dot after img in both brackets. Dotted so you can view it)

2. Use this simple code:

[img. width=200] URL of the pic [/img.] where 200 is the size you want to set.  (Remove dot after img in both brackets. Dotted so you can view it)

3. I recommend for rooms, a good size is 650.   

4. The longest size is 750.  So if you want pics on the same line, ensure added together, including spaces does not exceed 750.

5. For smaller pics, lower it around 300 or 400.

6. 600 is a good size for Forum.   [img. width=600] URL of the pic [img.] (Remove dot after img in both brackets. Dotted so you can view it)

7. If you are happy with the preview, then send / post.


Dance to the same music in a room.

Here is another useful Tip from a friend to enhance the rooming experience.
Simple but ingenious.

This is useful for both couples to have the same music on when dancing, or in a room when chatting or making love or just fucking. LOL

It’s quite a good, free Internet Radio.   

Chloe @181.FM   

I have it bookmarked / favourited in my browser.

What’s good is it is free and on the left is also a mini channel list should you wish a different type of music.


We also use this free Instant Messaging site :

Chattango  -    http://chatango.com/signupdir



1. Make your own banner but please ensure that it is no bigger than 750 (length) x 90 (width)
2. Once made,  Right click on the banner you like to copy the http image addresss ; 
3. Then paste it in the signature text box by right clicking and choosing the paste option. 
See instructions below.


Remember the agreed size for a banner is 750 in length x 90 in height.

You have to post it at the correct way in the correct place or it won’t work.

Here's how:

1.  Make a copy (ctrl+c) of the "insert image" brackets  [img.]      [/img.]   (Remove the dots after the g in both brackets)

2. Go to your Forum profile.   

3. Then select: Forum Profile Information. You'll get a pic like this

4. Then at the signature section add your banner http or url address between the “insert image” brackets (Paste =  ctrl+V), just like in the pic is pointed at:  [img.]  HTTP address here    [/img.]   (Remove the dots after the g in both brackets)
(Copy = ctrl+C  ;  Paste =  ctrl+V)


5. If you use Flickr, you have to grab your banner url as HTML/BBCCode with HTML selected, it would look something like this :

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/mr---lover/8869322458/" title="mrsl3 by gijoe027, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2826/8869322458_2faa65e4eb_o.jpg" width="750" height="90" alt="mrsl3"></a>

5a Then you have to extract your pic's url by deleting the things you don't need

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/mr---lover/8869322458/" title="mrsl3 by gijoe027, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2826/8869322458_2faa65e4eb_o.jpg" width="750" height="90" alt="mrsl3"></a>

like this :    http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2826/8869322458_2faa65e4eb_o.jpg

5b  This is what you got to post on your profile page in the signature box.


6.  If you use Imgur -  you get the http address by right clicking on the pic ; choosing "Copy Image address"   

6a.  This is what you got to post on your profile page in the signature box.


If anyone has been asked to be a MENTOR and wishes to be added to the list above, once your Achat Mentor invite has been verified, The Moderators or I will add you to the list in this topic.

Valid Premium Player unable to register for forum.

A player with a valid subscription was not able to register for forum.

It said the below :

Your AChat username and password don't indicate that you are a Premium AChat user.
Forum registration unsuccessful.

Is this a glitch or has the Forum registration rules changed?

Hello Friends,

Every now and then something happens which is beyond our control and has devastating effects.

AusWoody and his home was caught up in Cyclone Debbie in Australia & he lost everything. EVERYTHING!


Can you imagine that? Look around your home and imagine it all gone. That's what happened to him. 
Precious sentimental things and a lifetime of memories!
Sometimes we need to step forward and just help out our friends.

We are asking if you can spare 5 Euros (more if you can afford it) for him to have a little start up money & begin to repair his home & life.

Send to the below link for him if you would.  Its all confidential. No names or bank cards are seen. It is all hidden.
Your personal details are all secure and safe and remain so. Your identities will not be known unless you want them to be.
It's done through Facebook and will be sent to AusWoody's bank account.

We hope we can raise about 1000 Euros, to buy him a new bed and for it to be decorated for him.
5 Euros is the cost of a packet of cigarettes or a couple of beers!

Here's the link. Lets help him out.


If you have Face Book  please spread it around. The more 5 Euros we can collect the better!


GsCougar & Vaughan.

A-Team ask you / Mysterious House in corner of screen.
« on: February 12, 2017, 06:48:24 AM »

This house seems to have appeared after an upgrade in the bottom right of my screen.

And when you click on it, this shows :

Anyone knows what it is or means?

Slip of the pen (Report bugs) / No communicating in meeting rooms
« on: January 19, 2017, 04:00:12 PM »
Me and a few others cant seem to communicate  in Winter ; Summer and City meeting places.

Our text cannot be seen by others, we cant see others text and our invites arnt seen.

The Red Light street seems ok.

Anyone else experiencing similar problems?

Ive reported it.

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