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Topics - stray

Pages: 1 [2]
Everything about sex and love / Your rules about others avatars
« on: May 07, 2013, 02:33:48 AM »
Hi, do you have any rule for choose if a person is ok and can go in room with you? Or you choose with empirical ways?

Personally I usually refuse people with dick in their profile picture, or avatars naked, or with a not filled profile. The rest is chosen one by one ^^
And you?

Personal Ads / looking for FM / FMM
« on: May 06, 2013, 08:23:57 PM »

OK that's my first ads and I'm a bit ashamed ^^

NAME: Stray
SEX: Girl
AGE: 20
DESCRIPTION: Horny girl, wet most of the time :P
AVAILABLE TIMES/DAYS (indicate time zone please): after 10pm London time up to 4am
A guy, or two, who wants treat me as a cum dump, just fuck me and don't care about me.
Must be talkative, with a nice avatar, almost all poses and (if there are two) must be hetero.

I will "roleplay" an horny little whore :)

Slip of the pen (Report bugs) / Vulnerability in login "cookie"
« on: May 06, 2013, 01:56:06 PM »
Hello, I've just noticed that in


are stored login details in clear, without any type of cryptography.

This could be how some cracker steal user accounts, he need just a little software that send the content of that file.
Could be possible to crypt it?

Thank you.

Share your creative ideas / two pair?
« on: May 06, 2013, 05:29:21 AM »
Hello, could be possible introduce a new kind of group in AChat?

I'm thinking about a two pair, for example 2 girls and 2 guys.

My idea is: two pair that can interact only with a partner per time, and a switch button for change the pair.

For example:

Buddy and Me  plus Foo and Bar.

Buddy and Me have sex on our bed, Foo and Bar have sex in another bed, not of necessity with the same pose.
Foo is bored of Bar and so switch and starts fucking me.

In that way, without make new poses, we could have a new group sex type, and I'd very love this ^^

Tell me what you think about it!

Share your creative ideas / Preview offline mode?
« on: May 06, 2013, 02:50:39 AM »
Hello, could be possible to have all the wardrobe unlocked in offline mode, for try clothes before buy them?

Slip of the pen (Report bugs) / Small error in topics
« on: May 05, 2013, 01:05:29 PM »
That's not an Achat bug but a bug of Achat forum, I dunno if I can post it here.
I know is a stupid thing but I do that as job so I noticed it ^^"

When you write a long word (like:


or you post a large image, the topic area get an horizontal scrollbar, that is really annoying in my opinion, specially because I've to scroll horizontally for see all the content...

For fix it and have images never larger than topic area and make words break to the next line if are too long you should just add this small CSS to the bottom of:

Code: [Select]
.post { overflow: hidden; word-wrap:break-word; }
.post img { max-width: 100%; }

Bye ^^

Share your creative ideas / Lookig for partner/s feature?
« on: May 05, 2013, 12:31:09 PM »
I spend most of the time in AChat looking for partners, I like 3some and it's difficult to find 2 people up in the same time   :-\

So, I've thinked about a way for introduce a new way for match partners.
A "Looking for partner/group" like the one you can find in lot of MMO, RPG etc!

Basically, when you want to find a specific partner/group, you write it in a specific profile field with a checkbox with these options:
Looking for:
- FF // Female Female
- FM // Female Male
- FS // Female Shemale
- MM // Male Male
- MS // Male Shemale
- SS // Shemale Shemale
- FMM // Female Male Male
- FFM // Female Female Male
- FFF // Female Female Female
- SFF // Shemale Female Female
- SSF // Shemale Shemale Female
- SSS // Shemale Shemale Shemale
- MSS // Male Shemale Shemale
- MMS // Male Male Shemale
- FMS // Female Male Shemale
etc etc...

I don't know how many are the combinations nor if are all available ^^" But it gives the idea

So, if I'm looking for FMM, I can select it in my profile page and/or use the search tool for get the list of everyone is looking for FMM like me

It's very easy to implement (it's just a new field in the profile and one in the search tool) and would make a lot more easy and fast have fun in AChat!
Please add this, I beg you!

Hello, I'm not sure if someone has already proposed in the past that idea.

I'd like to have a room time counter, who counts the time spent in room with other users, and a way for see the counter on the profile page of people.

This because I'd like to have a function for ignore only free users who have less then X hours of room, for prevent stupid cold invites and dumbass who spam my chat.
I don't like to ignore the entire free users group, because there are a lot of free users nice (like me when I've not premium :D ).

Or, at least, a way for ignore just Men free users, because, sorry, but they are useless when they have free subscription :(

Thanks and have a nice day!

Introduce yourself / Hello all
« on: May 04, 2013, 05:05:09 AM »
Hello, I'm Stray, an Italian girl who likes spend time in AChat (:

I'm 20 and I hope to be welcome! See you in game :P

Artist's Alley / Domino Fashion - Showcase
« on: May 03, 2013, 05:55:40 PM »

Here you can see my artworks, I've called my "fashion house" Domino Fashion, who know where it came from? (:

Visit also:
Male clothing suggestions topic: http://bit.ly/16upjQs

Visit this link for watch all my girl clothing collection:
>> http://bit.ly/dominofashiongirl <<

Latest entry:

Visit this link for watch all my boy clothing collection:
>> http://bit.ly/dominofashionboy <<

Latest entry:

I hope you like them!

Stray's Madhouse

This is the Stray's Mad House, where I'll pubblish every test and mad thing I'll draw :P

Visit this link for watch Stray's Madhouse:

Visit my 3D Art Gallery now!

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