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Topics - Fantastical

Pages: [1]
Woman with man in AChat / Why women refuse to reply.
« on: January 14, 2013, 05:57:53 PM »
I dont quite understand why women refuse to reply on this game. I know they aren't afk because 2 mins later there yellow. Or i just seen them get on. Im tired of hearing "oh we have tomany people in chat" If you cant take 2 secounds to reply with a "hi busy" Hi not interested" "hi your to young" or whatever then you need to learn to multi task. It isnt hard ive had my page filled up with chat but i still take the time to reply to people im not interested in letting them know. It really irks me sometimes. /end rant lol feel better now

Woman with man in AChat / fiesty push to the bed
« on: September 14, 2012, 07:41:18 PM »
Okay so i was rooming with this person not gonna say a name. But i was doing my thing kissing her neck nibbleing it kissing her lips etc building her up. And i did the -pushes to bed and crawls on top and kisses chest- description. Okay this girl goes -resists and pushes you back- then calls me a molester and tells me i should look up men women privlages list. im like whoa okay im gonna leave your to up tight. She then blocks me.... The thing is i dont think a fiesty push to the bed dureing sex is any indication of abusiveness or molestation. Cmon she's playing a sex game if she is so scared of it then she needs to go play somewhere else. This annoys me because my friend also had the same issue with the girl. He was working her up and tried to rub her clit in description to get her wet or wetter or w/e and she got offended. So my question is what are your opinions on this matter?

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