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Messages - mikki

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9]
Share your creative ideas / Re: buying the same pose 2 and 3 times
« on: June 04, 2010, 04:01:01 PM »
doggy style was available free to all, then you had to buy it or be premium to use it, 69 was available to alll 3, now you have to buy it three times, and there are others

Share your creative ideas / buying the same pose 2 and 3 times
« on: June 04, 2010, 05:35:54 AM »
Maybe this has been asked somewhere before. If it has I am unable to find it. If a position is avaialable foe M-F, F-F,M-M, why sould you have to buy it 3 times, why not just buy the position, and get all the variations. I like to play with both males and females, and think it's unfair to have to get the same pose twice, to be able to perform it with a male  and a female. How about it guys?

Share your creative ideas / Re: The shop
« on: July 25, 2009, 01:41:18 AM »
and what of the sideways 69 for two women? why can we only have this with a man?
not nice of you.

Got any problems running AChat? / partner search problem
« on: July 24, 2009, 04:55:19 AM »
Whenever i start the client it fails to complete update. The client will then open and I am able to login without problem. I can edit character, and save, but as soon as I attempt to partner search client crashes. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times. I re-downloaded the software, twice, and continue to have same issue. The program operated fine for 7 days before this started. Any help would be appreciated. This happens in both demo and full version. I don't know for sure, but I think it may have some issue with the updater, as today was the first time client has tried to do an update.
I am running vista 64bit premium w/sp2.

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