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Messages - Brandybee

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 467
« on: July 01, 2017, 04:44:14 AM »
Achat has been notified and prizes & submission awards will be awarded to accounts as soon as practicable.
Thank you to ALL who took part in the process, from writers, to advertisers & readers & voters and to our Judges.
Well done to the winners & all who were involved.
Without you, this Erotic Story Contest would not be possible.
Thank you each and every one.

Contests / Re: Erotic Story Contest 13. OT
« on: July 01, 2017, 04:43:08 AM »
Achat has been notified and prizes & submission awards will be awarded to accounts as soon as practicable.
Thank you to ALL who took part in the process, from writers, to advertisers & readers & voters and to our Judges.
Well done to the winners & all who were involved.
Without you, this Erotic Story Contest would not be possible.
Thank you each and every one.

« on: July 01, 2017, 04:42:03 AM »
The JUDGES Results  listed  2 to 26.
28 is the PUBLIC JUDGE  (Decided from the public vote)

The Judges have been given a number by the Contest Manager when they were thanked for their ranking list for the stories.
It corresponds to the number above.
They will remain anonymous in public unless they wish to identify themselves in the Erotic Story Contest 13. O.T. Topic. See below for directions:

Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Erotic Story Contest 13. O.T.

Some of the Judges may post and are willing to be identified. Others are not.
Some who do identify themselves may be willing to give feedback by Forum PM (Private Messaging), if authors should request it.
Feedback will not be posted in public.

Thank you each & everyone sincerely for your help in this judging process. Without you and all your efforts, this contest would not have been successful.
Thank you.  Thank you. Thank you.

Contests / Re: Erotic Story Contest 13. OT
« on: July 01, 2017, 04:41:52 AM »
The JUDGES Results  listed  2 to 26.
28 is the PUBLIC JUDGE  (Decided from the public vote)

The Judges have been given a number by the Contest Manager when they were thanked for their ranking list for the stories.
It corresponds to the number above.
They will remain anonymous in public unless they wish to identify themselves in the Erotic Story Contest 13. O.T. Topic. See below for directions:

Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Erotic Story Contest 13. O.T.

Some of the Judges may post and are willing to be identified. Others are not.
Some who do identify themselves may be willing to give feedback by Forum PM (Private Messaging), if authors should request it.
Feedback will not be posted in public.

Thank you each & everyone sincerely for your help in this judging process. Without you and all your efforts, this contest would not have been successful.
Thank you.  Thank you. Thank you.

« on: July 01, 2017, 04:40:32 AM »
The Public vote was closed on the deadline yesterday and will determine the outcome of the PUBLIC JUDGE SCORING.

Result of Public vote.   58 votes were cast.

The Story.                          Votes         Postion      Points.
1. The Invitation.                    10                 (2)             50
2. A Wolves Sweet Butt.           8                  (3)             45
3. Hangover Remedy.               7                  (4)             40
4. Take Five.                           2                  (7)             25
5. The Anniversary Gift.           2                  (7)             25
6. A Night With Two Friends     11                 (1)             55
7. Cab-Ride.                           1                 (10)             10
8. Tormented. (Free Verse)      1                 (10)             10
9. Deflowered Rosa.                7                 (4)              40
10. Her Birthday Treat.            7                 (4)              40
11. The Farmer's Dream.         2                 (7)              25

Total Voters: 58

Points are awarded thus :

1st place = 55 points ;  2 = 50 ;  3 = 45 ; 4 = 40 ; 5 = 35 ; 6 = 30 ; 7 = 25 ; 8 = 20 ; 9 = 15 ; 10 = 10 ; 11= 5.

This will be added to the other Judges scores and the winners  announced  ASAP.

Thank you to all the writers for taking part, all the judges for forwarding me their ranking lists and to all the Forum members who took the time to read and vote.

Good Luck to all the contestants.

Contests / Re: Erotic Story Contest 13. OT
« on: July 01, 2017, 03:10:27 AM »
The Public vote was closed on the deadline yesterday and will determine the outcome of the PUBLIC JUDGE SCORING.

Result of Public vote.   58 votes were cast.

The Story.                          Votes         Postion      Points.
1. The Invitation.                    10                 (2)             50
2. A Wolves Sweet Butt.           8                  (3)             45
3. Hangover Remedy.               7                  (4)             40
4. Take Five.                           2                  (7)             25
5. The Anniversary Gift.           2                  (7)             25
6. A Night With Two Friends     11                 (1)             55
7. Cab-Ride.                           1                 (10)             10
8. Tormented. (Free Verse)      1                 (10)             10
9. Deflowered Rosa.                7                 (4)              40
10. Her Birthday Treat.            7                 (4)              40
11. The Farmer's Dream.         2                 (7)              25

Total Voters: 58

Points are awarded thus :

1st place = 55 points ;  2 = 50 ;  3 = 45 ; 4 = 40 ; 5 = 35 ; 6 = 30 ; 7 = 25 ; 8 = 20 ; 9 = 15 ; 10 = 10 ; 11= 5.

This will be added to the other Judges scores and the winners  announced  ASAP.

Thank you to all the writers for taking part, all the judges for forwarding me their ranking lists and to all the Forum members who took the time to read and vote.

Good Luck to all the contestants.

Contests / Re: Erotic Story Contest 13. OT
« on: June 30, 2017, 04:39:21 AM »
We are nearing the end of the voting process for the Erotic story contest 13 - Group SEX.

I have some more Judges results in and as you can see, it’s anyone's race. They are all good stories and the points are quite close.

To those who haven't voted yet, please do.

To those Judges who have not yet listed their story preference 1 to 11 please do so. Deadline is TODAY -
 FRIDAY 30 June 2017 in just over 7 hours time.
I'd obviously like them ASAP.  1 listed is your favourite ; 2 is your second favourite, right down to 11 = least favourite of the 10 stories & 1 poem.

To those Author Judges who have not as yet sent their list in, it is worth 40 points for your story, so don’t miss out.

And a Big THANK YOU to Everyone, Reading, Voting and Judging.

SCORING 3rd quarter .   Deadline  30 June 2017. 7pm (UK TIME)

           STORY                                                         POINTS
1.  3. Hangover Remedy                                              800
2.  6. A Night With Two Friends                                    730
3.  1. The Invitation                                                    725
3.  2. A Wolves Sweet Butt                                          725
5. 10. Her Birthday Treat                                             620
6.  9.  Deflowered Rosa                                               615
7.  5. The Anniversary Gift                                           610
8. 11. The Farmers Dream                                           585
9.  7. Cab-Ride                                                           550
10. 4. Take Five                                                          535
11. 8. Tormented                                                        490

Here's the link to Erotic Story Contest 13 - Group Sex THE STORIES.

Achat Forum > Organizations & Events > Contests > “Group Sex” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 13

Events / Re: City Meeting place Date game 2017
« on: June 29, 2017, 06:12:59 AM »
2.  LaidBackJim – Brandybee

I was in the Achat Bar & Grill when I saw a good looking guy walk in that I recognised. It was someone I knew very well, LaidBackJim.

He bought a couple of drinks and sauntered over to me.
His blue eyes twinkled as he greeted me in his deep sexy Aussie accent and gave me one of the drinks. I smiled back, kissed him on the cheek and thanked him. He knew exactly what I would have ordered.

He sat down at my table and we chatted and teased each other.  He was my date for the evening and I had the choice of a sexy macho dance or a sensual and intimate foot massage.


His blue eyes waited questioningly as I pondered the choice. I imagined him in my mind’s eye - seeing his muscular sexy body prancing around for me in a green mankini or a strong, naked, sexy alpha male at my feet. Mmmm – that’s a very nice dilemma for a woman.
I let him sweat a bit as we drank our wine and spoke about our busy days.

He told me he had bought a yacht which had quite an interesting name. My face broke out in a smile when he told me but then again, he explained – He told me she was elegant and sleek and had a powerful thrust.


“I ride her as much as I can,” he told me. “The only trouble is I flood her.” 
“You must enjoy her very much,” I commented thoughtfully.
“I love to open her up,” He grinned, “Want to see?”

It’s not every day, I get invited to a yacht so I readily agreed buying another bottle of red wine from the bar on the way out the door.
A short time later, he was showing me around the luxurious vessel as we drank wine.


“Very impressive,” I told him.
“Yes, she is.” He was in full charm and I was wallowing in it.

I told him, I had decided on a foot massage and before I knew it, I was whisked to the sofa, with luxurious oils, pumices, and special little foot massage tools that included little balls and ones that looked like dumb bells and multi-legged aliens with bulbous feet.


Jim meticulously massaged my feet with sandalwood essential oils. His strong, manly fingers worked their magic from my heel to my toes then back again and up to my knees. I sighed in deep contentment.

My sense of smell was pleasantly assailed with the sandalwood essential oils;
my sense of touch was rewarded by the relaxing and soothing massage on my feet and legs;
my sense of sight was indulged by the handsome man kneeling before me;
my sense of hearing was spoiled by the gentle twang of his sexy Aussie voice mixed with the sea lapping the hull and
my sense of taste was cossetted by the promise of a kiss.



All in all, LaidbackJim made my time on “The Brandy” very memorable.


Before we knew it, time was getting real late and time for bed … again.

Sighs wickedly....  Just so everyone knows, he is a terrible date and one to avoid at all costs.  :P :P :P

Thank you Cunda619  &   BillyBlueeye  for letting us know the result of your experiences.

Its always nice to know how and when a problem is resolved to let our other members know.

Upgrades and newly added features / Re: Meeting Place Upgrades.
« on: June 29, 2017, 05:32:45 AM »
I have asked Achat if Public Sex can be returned to Night - Achat's Red Light Destrict.  It does seem strange that of all places, it was removed from this room.

Personally, I think the facility should be available in all the rooms & leave it to the members whether they choose to take part in the thrill of going public.

I'll let you know when I get an answer.

Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Broken condoms
« on: June 29, 2017, 05:25:28 AM »
Hi Duki,

I have not heard of this issue before. I have forwarded your complaint to Achat to look into the issue.

Please let us know when you get an answer or result.

Thank you and good luck.

Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Can't load a profile picture
« on: June 29, 2017, 05:23:47 AM »
Hi Davina,

You certainly do not need to purchase 3 uploads.

1 pic upload of  99A$ should suffice and work.

There has been similar issues experienced by other members.

I have forwarded your complaint to Achat.

When you get an answer will you let us know here too.

Thank you and Good luck.

Upgrades and newly added features / Meeting Place Upgrades.
« on: June 28, 2017, 05:37:15 AM »
The Meeting Places have had new upgrades to improve the experience for members.

Please let us know your views.

Winter "You cannot get dislike in this party. Respectful attitude is still expected".   
You can still “Send Gift” “Sex Action”  “Invite” & “Group Sex”  and  “Like”
Dislikes have been removed.  You can only see your own join dates too and your own numbered relationships. You cannot see others.

Summer"You cannot get dislike in this party. Respectful attitude is still expected"
You can still “Send Gift” “Sex Action”  “Invite” & “Group Sex”  and  “Like”
Dislikes have been removed. You can only see your own join dates too and your own numbered relationships. You cannot see others.

City"Talk before inviting people! Bad attitude can result in Dislike…"
Only a slight change. The polite warning & You can only see your own join dates too and your own numbered relationships. You cannot see others. You can still “Send Gift” “Sex Action”  “Invite” & “Group Sex”  and  “Like” & “Dislike”

Night"Only Service Providers (behind windows) can be gifted & invited. They can message for all."

Clients can -  “Send Gift”  “Invite” & “Like”  Service Providers (Behind Windows).  Client can only “Like” another Client, no invite facility to another client ; no button for public sex & no group sex. They can chat to both client and Service provider.

Service Provider (Behind Window) can invite, gift, group sex or like . They can do the standing actions & chat. No Public sex or Dislikes.

Public sex and dislikes have been removed from this room. You can only see your own join dates too and your own numbered relationships. You cannot see others.

I have to say removing public sex from "Night"  better known as Achat's Red Light District is rather a shame & I have already received one complaint about it.  Public Sex would be nice to have returned to NIGHT for our members.

I'm glad to see the Dislikes have been removed from 3 out of the 4 rooms.   You can still dislike in  CITY  if you have a mind to.

Did you allow Achat access through your Firewall -   your own Security & Windows Firewall ?   
Windows kicks in automatically when you turn your own off and can delete some upgrades immediately once installed as malware (malicious software)

You will have to uninstall everything to do with Achat and install everything again, just to make sure.

Good look, let us know how you get on.

Contests / Re: Erotic Story Contest 14. O.T.
« on: June 28, 2017, 02:50:18 AM »
Thank you Anatasia97.  I hope you seriously consider entering the next one.

Vote for a theme for Erotic Story Contest 13. Voting ends Fri 30 June 2017.
Thank you all for your ideas.  They are Fantastic. I have mixed and matched some so in all there is 10 for the Forum Village to vote on.
Please vote for your favourite.

Here are the themes for you to vote on and be inspired for Erotic Story Contest 14. 
Voting for the Theme ends Friday 30 June 2017 & The Erotic Story Contest 14 will be open for submissions from Saturday 1 July 2017 until Saturday 30 Sept 2017.

1. Naughty Toys or Adapted Sex Toy
An erotic story that involves a sex toy or a thing adapted to give sexual pleasure. It could be a sexy device, a dildo, vibrator, a robot, a Symbian, handcuffs or blind folds. Tell us your naughty story.

2. Mile High.
An erotic story at least a mile above ground or higher. A story that involves fun in an aeroplane, a hot air balloon, a rocket or a spaceship. Tell us your naughty sexy thoughts.

3. Holiday
An erotic story which involves a break from the crud of your real life. Maybe a romantic break for 2 or more; a honeymoon couple ; a break a way when you meet and fall in lust or love. What happens in ____ stays in _____...   Does this one whet your writing appetite?

4. Caught... or not.
An erotic story where you nearly get caught or caught in the act. Maybe a hot encounter in a public space where the thrill of getting caught is there ;  Maybe the couple get caught, by someone – a partner, police, someone in authority. The story could be the act of being caught or nearly caught, the consequences of being caught – a threesome, blackmail, humiliation…  this could be your thrilling moment.

5. Every picture tells a story.
Send me – the Contest Manager - a pic by PM over a seven day period. The story will be numbered and then a random number pulled out the hat. That numbered picture will be the subject of your erotic story.

6. Good v Evil.
A Super hero story; an angel and devil story ; cops & robbers ; spies and terrorists. The story has to be erotic with good and evil adversaries.

7. Prejudice
This is where you have rightly or wrongly judged a person for their colour; class ; politics ; religion etc… and it turns to lust or love. It could be your dirty little secret - someone you wouldn't be seen in public with but the sex is great, mind blowing and will make a hot story to tell.

8. Fast and furious
Exactly what is says on the tin. An erotic story involving speed and a sexy encounter – in a car, on a train or maybe it’s the sex act where you just rip each other’s clothes off!

9. Long distance lovers
This hot story could involve phone sex ; internet sex ; sexting or even a surprise visit.

10. Food
An erotic food story. In your sexy play use : chocolate sauce, cucumbers, whipped cream, ice cream, ice cubes mmm. 

Please Vote. I look forward to seeing the eventual theme winner.
Thank you again to all those who made suggestions.

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