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Messages - Shana_Shy

Pages: 1 [2]
Introduce yourself / Re: Hello to everyone
« on: May 25, 2013, 08:29:12 PM »
Thank you SnowBunny78 :)

I agree!!! I would love to see this in the poses.
 Very nice hentaiboy69.

Introduce yourself / Re: Hello to everyone
« on: May 24, 2013, 12:57:45 AM »
Oh how i wish people would come to the forums first, read my post, then chat with me. It is hard to find any male lovers in AChat.
 I am an honest person, and will tell you about me if asked. So many members seems to want to chat, they seem to like me, then ask me if i am real..
 I of course tell them i am a male and the whole atmosphere changes for the worse.
 I am just venting a bit in here, in hopes someone out there is like me. Or has some good advice i may use.

Fantasies and Fetishes / Re: Sexy GIFs (not 56K friendly)
« on: May 23, 2013, 11:32:45 AM »
And here I thought texting and driving was dangerous!  ;)

I soo agree Kristina82!
 I overlooked the many types of creampies....oral fixation got in the way  ;)
 Thanks for adding to this post

Thank you Lover, I will jump on over there and look around.  :)

I would LOVE to have poses of smelling (sniffing) my partner...Hair, neck, feet,arm pitts, and of course the BOOTY ;)
Not too sure if anyone would agree with this one, but I do get aroused by this...a lot! hehe.
It could add to those animal, demon or vampire RP scenes as well.
 Also I would love to have (if it has not been mentioned before) 2 more things.....
 1. Oral Creampie scenes...a good load released at the end (maybe even a clean up afterwards)
 2. Giving a GOOD assjob...maybe add the sniff pose to it  hehe!


Introduce yourself / Re: Hello to everyone
« on: May 20, 2013, 05:25:55 PM »
Thank you Lover,
 I will send you the info soon.  :)

Events / Re: Facialized World Coup - first edition
« on: May 20, 2013, 01:39:57 PM »
I can't compete with them!  :P
Oh well....
  And stray...did you say YOU would be a prize as well???  ;D
If I could compete, and were to win, you  keep your A money....i'll take the night with my personal...errr...date, yeah...that sounds better.

Best of luck to all contestants!!  ;D

Introduce yourself / Re: Hello to everyone
« on: May 20, 2013, 12:35:13 PM »
Thank you very much jcm0824....I am glad to be here!
Nice warm fuzzy feeling you all gave to me *blushes* thank you all.

Introduce yourself / Re: Hello to everyone
« on: May 20, 2013, 12:19:51 PM »
No eyes come close to yours stray.  ;)

Introduce yourself / Re: Hello to everyone
« on: May 20, 2013, 12:01:55 PM »
LOL!  ;D

Introduce yourself / Re: Hello to everyone
« on: May 20, 2013, 09:33:00 AM »
Thank you all for your warm welcome!
 I really enjoy how nice you all are to me and eveyone you have wecomed into the forum (village).
 I have to thank hentaiboy69 for telling me of the forums in the first place. (I was under another character name then)
 I feel at home here and will help out in any way I can, just let me know.  ;)
 Again, thank you all for making me feel accepted into your home.


Introduce yourself / Hello to everyone
« on: May 20, 2013, 02:02:43 AM »
 I just got up the courage to post something in here...after a few days of reading other posts first!  :)
 Well, let me start this with a little about myself...I am a Male who, in AChat is a Shemale. This is after all a fantasy game.
 With that being said, I want all to know that I am a fun person and love to make friends. I like to chat a LOT so be warned. Hehe
 Also, if what i am is not on your list of things liked in AChat, please don't waste your time, or mine with negative chatter twords me, thank you.
 I am being what I feel I am inside, in the AChat world.
 I am into men mostly, but love all! I never (if possible) turn down a good conversation....humor is a HUGE +
 I am pretty new to AChat, 3 weeks or so (4 days prem) so please be gentle with me  :P !
 Hmmm...I guess that covers what is needed to be known about me, if what you read is something that is fine with you...throw some chat my way.
 OH, I speak english only....wish I could speak more  hehe. I am patient for those that like to ask questions, or have broken english.
 If you have read all the way up to here....congrats! And thank you for reading my long winded post!  ;)     I hope to see you in game.

                                                                                                                                                              Always and forever

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