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Messages - TightFit74

Pages: 1 ... 161 162 [163]
Share your creative ideas / Re: General Chat
« on: September 25, 2010, 12:10:02 PM »
I agree with Garryz. It's like giving a toy to a child and then taking it back before it learns how to play with it, because it makes a mess in the room. There was a lot of interaction between people from all over the world, yes spam and nonsense as well, But also frinedly, helping, kind words. I think people who would never have met, met on the chat and became friends.
So it does have it's benefits. I call upon the moderators to rethink their decision and leave it to the community to decide what's useful or not. Find ways to deal with our wants. Isn't that the thought behind it all?

Share your creative ideas / Re: We have got a general chat!!!
« on: September 22, 2010, 04:47:22 PM »
Too bad it was removed. I had too much fun in it. Any indication on when it will return? I made a few new friends...



Share your creative ideas / General Chat
« on: September 22, 2010, 04:18:13 PM »
The past few days I have been pretty active in the general chat room. It came out of nothing and it disappeared into nothing. Anyone knows what happened? I just had too much fun talking with different people from everywhere and was disappointed getting a message that all messages are private... Does anyone know more?


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