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Messages - mercer78

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 10
Contests / Re: Game: Bingo Swap
« on: June 05, 2013, 05:18:19 PM »
just 75 so far

Contests / Re: Game: Bingo Swap
« on: June 05, 2013, 03:19:02 PM »
I'm in already sent my numbers and gift  :D

Personal Ads / Re: AChat-club dot com
« on: June 03, 2013, 02:39:11 PM »
I've just signed up too really good idea well done  ;D

Personal Ads / Re: All_for_you
« on: May 13, 2013, 03:50:23 AM »
Give her and her dad our best wishes. Hope he gets well soon. Tell her, we're always here in case she needs us.
Thanks for the info tango

Seconded lover all the best

Events / Re: Voyeur night
« on: May 07, 2013, 04:35:32 AM »
Just did a dry run of the software works pretty well this could be really good if we get enough people involved I'm genuinely excited.  So please post up if you're interested in joining the fun.

P.S kudos to Stray for the idea awesome  ;D

Events / Re: Voyeur night
« on: May 07, 2013, 03:53:28 AM »
Sounds interesting I'd be will to participate in a trial run if you were to set one up :)

Everything about sex and love / Re: Your rules about others avatars
« on: May 07, 2013, 03:31:38 AM »
I think sparse profiles are a bit of a redflag for me if when searching generally I get feelings about people when I'm searching for the most part that has worked for me with a few exceptions.

Events / Re: Secret Easter
« on: April 20, 2013, 01:28:41 PM »
Hello all,

Had a wonderful date with All_for_you last night, I have to say she is truly a lovely young lady.  She knocked at my door exactly on time introduced herself as "your entertainment for the evening" and boy was she ever we sipped champagne shared strawberries. All_for_you then gave me the most erotic and sensual dance it was incredible needless to say that lead to ahem other activities.  Two hours later  I felt a very pampered and happy boy thank you so much All_for_you hope we can meet again soon.  ;)

Everything about sex and love / Re: Nice guys finish last?
« on: April 16, 2013, 02:48:52 PM »
I rather be a nice guy that makes sure his lady is fully pleased then be a arrogant duchebag that get his then leaves the girl hanging but that's just my option on that topic....

The latter seems to be the only kind of men on Achat these days ...

Trying to find a nice man is even more rare now.

That's one of the reasons I started this thread in the first place to start a proper dialogue about this issue.

An historic figure passed away today  in  Great Britain ...  Baroness Margaret Thatcher.

She was our first  & only Woman  Prime Minister.    She was a true leader  and patriot and spoke with passion and love of her country.

She wasn't frightened about standing up against adversity, and what she believed was right. She wasn't frightened about making enemies and  also survived attempts on her life.    She shaped the politics in our country. The Lady wasn't for turning  ;D

Love her or hate her, she was a true leader amongst men and an inspiration to all women.

Rest in Peace Ma'am and join your beloved Dennis once more.   You are a Great Briton and will  be remembered in our history books.  You served your country well.

My flag is respectfully at half mast. 

God Bless you.


Well put Brandybee she was without doubt the greatest prime minister of my lifetime and I am sickened by all the insults that have been thrown around since the news of her passing broke.

Events / Re: Achat's Naughty Beauty pageant!!!
« on: April 08, 2013, 10:18:44 AM »
oops sorry looks what started as an April's fool prank by Kingdustin has escalated quite a bit sorry if that's my doing.  While I realised immediately that the pics on here were found on the web.  I thought I would post up anyway to see what happens having not read the fine print :-[
Would be interesting to see how many people would enter a real contest if one were organised.

Personal Ads / Re: What do you get up to OUTSIDE Achat
« on: April 07, 2013, 10:27:06 AM »
here this will give you all a pretty good idea if what I get up to outside achat  ;D

Events / Re: Achat's Naughty Beauty pageant!!!
« on: April 07, 2013, 10:10:19 AM »
lol always read the fine print huh?  Had a feeling something was a miss oh well was tempted too hehe

Events / Re: Achat's Naughty Beauty pageant!!!
« on: April 07, 2013, 08:26:53 AM »
I'm in same opinion, mercer78

This competition was stopped suddenly.
We don't know if it's finish or it's suspended.

And if it's finish: Who is winner and what is the jackpot?

You're right and plus some of those pics look a bit too processional for my liking and to think I was tempted to enter  ;)

Events / Re: Achat's Naughty Beauty pageant!!!
« on: April 07, 2013, 08:02:36 AM »
Is this a serious topic if so what are the criteria and what does the winner get  ;D

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