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Messages - angel81

Pages: [1]
Woman with woman in AChat / Re: THANKS BUT DON'T STOP HERE NOW
« on: April 18, 2010, 07:19:04 PM »
Well as much as I do agree with changing the actions for Missionary for FF. And agree that the useless hand actions are just that. But maybe yes add Anal, but most appreciated if "Kissing" was added to that position. I can't belive kissing was overlooked over that grab boobs actions. But none the less, Very good work on the new poses.

Quick-Start Guides / Re: New (User Made) Quick-Start Guide
« on: April 18, 2010, 07:02:26 PM »
Thats a great idea Janine...  Maybe if there are some people that are common languages that could assist someone in translating the guide into a few basic languages and have them posted in a certain area as you speak of we can reach more people here... NOW the hard part is to get these people to use and read forums. Seems to be a small handful of the same people accessing here. Would be nice to see more people accessing forums.

Quick-Start Guides / Re: New (User Made) Quick-Start Guide
« on: April 18, 2010, 12:46:35 PM »
Very good idea Janine to post this thread. Sadly not enough people read the quick start guide. Hopefully guiding them to this thread will help. BUT i see 1 small issue with it. A major part of people not understanding and/or reading such info like forums or even profiles in game is the "language barrier"   Unless these notes and profiles were readable in the 10 basic world languages there will always be some people slipping threw the gaps. But a better education to new people is needed. I have helped at times people that have had questions. Im glad i can send them to a post they can read to save me guiding them.

Woman with woman in AChat / Re: Hey girls, an update for you
« on: April 18, 2010, 11:39:57 AM »
I would like to thank again the dev team for an awesome job. I am just loving that new pose to.  As i noticed from the last poses they released and now the new missionary pose for FF the details have increased incredibly. I love the new missionary details the way the bodies move in reaction and the eyes flicker. The actions they gave us to play along with it are great too but sadly wish we could kiss on lips, maybe suck on breast  would have been a great action to have added. But im not complaining.

I guess it would be still to much to ask for some new spice for the FFF room like foreplay actions, or even 3 way oral scene or anything i suppose that won't leave 1 person standing out of play.

But just want to say to the dev team you are all doing great job keep up the good work   :)

Share your creative ideas / Re: 2 in 1 !!!
« on: April 15, 2010, 05:16:03 PM »
I to must lay my biggest thanks to the dev team for the latest poses. When i saw the males get another new pose I was sad but then 2 days later they released the FF face pose i was so happy. and yes i too saw the attention to detail increased a bit. And the actions you gave us during the ride the face pose and expressions are perfect... Great work on them

On another note...  In the FF pose the bottom girl can squirt :P  thx again  but if you notice when your partner rubs you  the option to squirt is still there but it doesnt squirt...  BUT look really close and you can see a glitch thru her finger like its trying to. 

Lets hope they fix that too.  It would just make what is great, GREATER

Got any problems running AChat? / New F/F ride the face pose
« on: April 15, 2010, 04:39:07 PM »
First off, I would like to personally thank the dev team on an awesome job for the new F/F ride the face pose...  :P CHEERS  :P 

Secondly, I have noticed that you gave females the ability to squirt in that pose when we rub ourselves. Again TY...  BUT  the option to squirt is still there when your partner rubs you too but it doesnt squirt.   :(   BUT if you look really really close you can see thru the finger a visual glitch effect, almost as if its trying to squirt but unable to... 

It would be very nice if that was corrected if possible.  I hope you test it out and see what i mean you can see the squirt spot showing thru the finger.

Thanks and keep up the great work    :)

Share your creative ideas / Re: Character Search
« on: April 12, 2010, 02:07:06 PM »
Then maybe the Quick start guide should be revised...  Dont you think its just a bit rude to invite people without even so much as a hello?  And yes i agree it should be  "after choosing chat first"...   And i am not by any means saying we should be or treat anyone bad. It would simply be nice if there was a way we could let our selves be seen by them. There are times i do talk to free users and havent had any issues. Myself personally am "Lesbian orientation. And it annoys me endlessly to have invites from free user men all night and chats begging me into rooms.  NOT ONCE has any premium male user over stepped my wishes and have been fully respectful to my choices.

But hey i guess its just me then...  My ignore list is rapidly increasing daily due to this.

Share your creative ideas / Re: Character Search
« on: April 08, 2010, 05:56:49 PM »
I totally agree lover. We all started or most of us did as free users and alot of them are respectful people just testing the site out and should not be in same category as other free users. BUT  for the people that do pay monthly  it should be up to them if they want to be seen or placed into that environment to be attacked by free users. I not only use this site for the odd good time but i have made many friends here and like to chat to them. Sometimes i talk to 2-3 sometimes more at a time  and the only way i can have a good talk with them is if we get a room which limits me/us to 2 people. Making the rest not able to chat to me while in room.

Share your creative ideas / Re: Character Search
« on: April 08, 2010, 08:26:58 AM »
Well... This added chat room does sound appealing if it was available to paid members only. It is not the fact about engaging in sex. But its sad in order to chat with more than 1-2 friends i have to go into a private room to get away from the "pests". If this room was designed to hold an unlimited amount of people available to chat then yes it would solve the issues. If i want to play (sex) i can leave at my own choice leaving me at the mercy of the wolves.

Share your creative ideas / Re: Character Search
« on: April 06, 2010, 09:01:59 AM »
Thats not my point. I understand the list and how its in order. But there should be a way  that the free users cant see the premiums so we can have our peace and quiet without getting cold invites and numerous chats on screen. Most premium users chat/play with other premiums. There should a be a way to make ourselves not seen. Nothing more aannoying than chatting with a few friends and having invites and rude ppl hounding you. Seems in my experience so far that most premium users have respect to others and do not cause problems.

You failed to understand the point i was making...

Share your creative ideas / Character Search
« on: April 04, 2010, 07:15:48 PM »
I am not sure how easy this would be for the dev team to enable.I would like to see a selection box on the character search screen to block out free users OR a selection box to block them from contacting the premium users. Premium users have at least the credit card  or other sources of payment to give a little more proof of age/maturity. This feature would also help in situations such as the growing number of free users sending out cold invites to the premiums just to get the poses and their rocks off. Which i'm sure I don't stand alone on this its getting really annoying having to ignore so many people. I do understand that everyone starts somewhere so making this feature in Character search able to enable/disable gives the paying members the option to open themselves to such an environment which is entirely their choice.

In a few experiences I have encountered myself in lobby I guess you can say available for chat. That I was approached by a free user that was under the age of 18.  Due to the ease of anyone of any age to register a avatar by simply clicking the "I am over 18 button". Which thank god for the report abuse feature that people should use if they too encounter such people.

Share your creative ideas / Re: Extra 3some positions (and others)
« on: April 04, 2010, 12:02:37 PM »
Janine that would be called the "Daisy Chain"  i think the term is. 3 girls tied as 1 in oral heaven. I couldnt agree with you more.  THAT alone would make me desire to do group rooms. :P

Share your creative ideas / Re: Pose variety more realistic
« on: April 04, 2010, 11:59:18 AM »
I think your parnter would have rather you tell him/her rather than show... But thats just me...  And i agree with Janine on this.  Playing on this site is a relief to not have to worry about pad/tampons. ;D

Share your creative ideas / Re: Poll : girl flirting with girl ?
« on: April 04, 2010, 12:22:12 AM »
I agree to this... I think that flirting should be spread around all 3. boy/girl (as already situated) girl/girl and boy/boy i would imagine needs. Why do the Hetero's get all the fun... Share the love. :P

Woman with man in AChat / Re: Boob play review/errors
« on: April 04, 2010, 12:14:34 AM »
I agree with most the threads on this topic... There really needs to be some boob foreplay added. The men have actions to play with boobs in their  poses. I would really like it if they added actions for the woman's poses.  Eg.  squirts, lay head against boobs, sucks, pinches. As a woman with small boobs it really is not that big of a deal on the boob size changes during some pose changes. But if its an easy hotfix then get er done.  ;D

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