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Messages - george_

Pages: [1]
Got any problems running AChat? / Re: people spamming in achat
« on: January 09, 2021, 04:26:48 AM »
Hello again. New kind of spam:

eric4s: hey bro, wanna earn 100 each day by one easy way?
george_ to eric4s: go on..
eric4s: piratecash.io/?pirate=XXXXX
eric4s:  check that site
george_ to eric4s: lol new spam?
eric4s: piratecash.io/?pirate=XXXXX
george_ to eric4s: you're about to be reported
eric4s: :))))
eric4s: dont be bullshit :)))
eric4s: who care you what to do :)))
george_ to eric4s: ok

this is a referal crypto scam meaning he makes money out of this. (i have maksed his referal id on purpose)

Got any problems running AChat? / people spamming in achat
« on: December 07, 2020, 04:06:32 AM »

For the past 3 months at least I have been receiving in-game daily spam with external phishy links from one single person who changes nickname every day. I ignore the new nickname every single time but since he makes new nicknames, the new spam gets through.

How about you finally make the free accounts do an email verification before letting them be able to chat? It's the year 2021 (almost) and free accounts without at least e-mail verification don't exist in this world anymore... Maybe you should do the same?

I used to have more than 40 nicknames in my ignore list but since I re-installed Windows a few days ago all my ignore list has been cleared (I discovered that the ignore list is stored locally in my computer and not the game's server). Here are a few names for sample:


kosi2: do u want 10000
george_ to kosi2: sure
kosi2: i buy 10000 a $ for u
george_ to kosi2: how?
kosi2: i should login to your account and i buy 4 u
george_ to kosi2: which means you want my password
kosi2: i just want 20 seconds
george_ to kosi2: you must be very stupid or something
george_ to kosi2: buy them yourself and gift them to me
george_ to kosi2: why you want my password?
kosi2: my huge black cock in your stupid familly holes
kosi2: motherfucker
george_ to kosi2: lol
kosi2: Sorry, you are on my ignore list...

(sorry for posting it in the wrong section before)

Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Using Support-button
« on: March 20, 2015, 08:30:35 AM »
kosi2: do u want 10000
george_ to kosi2: sure
kosi2: i buy 10000 a $ for u
george_ to kosi2: how?
kosi2: i should login to your account and i buy 4 u
george_ to kosi2: which means you want my password
kosi2: i just want 20 seconds
george_ to kosi2: you must be very stupid or something
george_ to kosi2: buy them yourself and gift them to me
george_ to kosi2: why you want my password?
kosi2: my huge black cock in your stupid familly holes
kosi2: motherfucker
george_ to kosi2: lol
kosi2: Sorry, you are on my ignore list...

Share your creative ideas / Improvements: Groups - Spectating
« on: March 17, 2015, 09:08:12 AM »
Ok, here are some more suggestions:

It would be a cool feature to have, to be able to see which groups are available (possibly optionally anonymous) and if someone wants and has the group's approval, to be able to join in to just watch (spectate). And of course, spectator should be able to chat in the group

If the above feature is implemented, then an easy improvement fix would be to be able to let as much people as one wants to join in a group. It could be easily implemented to allow as many as 3 people in each group at the same time and add a button like the "change person" button to simply join in the next one person waiting in line. That way you don't have to make changes to each pose to allow more people in it. This particular feature allows making gang-bangs and bukkake like many people here have requested. The downside to it is just that only 3 people are allowed in each room at the same time but i'm sure noone will mind.


Share your creative ideas / Re: Improvements: UI - CHAT
« on: March 07, 2015, 11:31:55 PM »
Hello again,

I understand that the main concern of this game was the in-room action and they have succeeded to it.

One of the easiest improvements to implement and very useful to me, would be to add a button to show only online friends/lovers/spouces.
Many of us have too many friends to be going through all that big list to find someone online. Something like a radio box "show also offline" like the one in the partner search, would be very very useful!

Very easy to implement and no back-end changes required. If the moderators could forward this to the developers, i would be very happy.


Share your creative ideas / Re: Improvements: UI - CHAT
« on: March 06, 2015, 10:52:40 PM »
Hi AusWood,

The problem with 3rd party chat is that not all the people online in AChat right now are available in it.. So it is not exactly what i was talking about...
Also it can't have the online status of my friends, or my friends/lovers/spouces list at all...

I would also like to be able to see what are the opposite sex actions to each pose.
Using the robot girl/boy only lets you see your own actions for each pose, but it's useful to know what are the actions of our partner.

Share your creative ideas / Improvements: UI - CHAT
« on: March 06, 2015, 10:11:04 PM »
This game is awesome but, no offense, the UI sucks.. Chat is soooo awful!! It makes it impossible for people to chat with more than 2 people at once!

1) I understand you can't change the UI as it is now.. So why don't you make a separate *proper* chat client for the ones who want it? Or just provide an XMPP api so that we can use any of the chat clients out there...

2) How about implementing some easy fixes, like keyboard shortcuts? For example ctrl+F opens the partner search menu.. TAB should actually work!!! I want to be able to use only the keyboard until i find a partner. I could be rolling through the options using the TAB button. Also the arrow keys should be moving the search results from page to page (left arrow go one page back, right arrow go one page forward)

3) If you can't make something about the chat... You should at least offer a popup window that gives *REAL-TIME* status of our friernds/lovers/spouces. It's unacceptable having to manually check everytime (by having to press on myself and then on friends and then all over-again). And of course this popup window should have an option to sort by online status!!!

That's all...


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