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Messages - Suriban

Pages: [1]
Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Upgrade failed
« on: January 26, 2010, 12:29:10 PM »
No problem, glad I can help :)

And it should be noted that this is really the first problem I've had with AChat since I started using it months ago. So thanks to the AChat staff :)

Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Upgrade failed
« on: January 26, 2010, 07:38:21 AM »
It was a separate firewall called Sunbelt Personal Firewall

I didn't have the Windows firewall activated when I upgraded but I have had no problems with that previously.

Sunbelt is a very tricky firewall: Once I clicked the "go to shop" button in AChat and because it tried to open my browser the firewall thought it was an ad and blocked it. Then every time i tried to go to the shop, even manually typing the address or navigating through the site, it thought it was an ad and blocked it. I had to disable the firewall to shop too  :D

I'm sure there was some way to stop it treating the updates as unwanted changes to a program and the shop as an ad but it was pissing me off in other ways too, so it's best for me to get a new firewall. I hope that answers your question.

Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Upgrade failed
« on: January 25, 2010, 02:21:02 PM »
Thanks for the suggestions but as odd as it sounds, it was the firewall  :-\

Tried uninstalling/reinstalling AChat and still the same problem. Disabling the firewall wasn't doing anything so I gave up and completely uninstalled and now it's working. Updating fine now, and looking forward to trying some 3somes  ;D

Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Upgrade failed
« on: January 25, 2010, 07:22:15 AM »
This is so annoying. Now there has been an update again and I can't get it. There are threesomes now? :o
Please tell me what I should do to fix this problem.

Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Upgrade failed
« on: January 20, 2010, 04:12:31 PM »
This is all it says in versionupgrade.log

Checking version and updating as needed...
 Local release: 1
 Server release: 1
 Local version: 45
 Version on the server: 46
 Downloading upgrade_dir\46.7z
 Cannot open extract log for reading!!!
 Could not collect decompressed files !!!

Do you still want me to send it? Should I post what it says in extract.log as well since it says it can't open it?
I'm pretty sure I left AChat install in the default location when I installed it and I've never had problems upgrading before.
In Vista it's in the ..\AppData\Local\AChat folder

Got any problems running AChat? / Re: Upgrade failed
« on: January 20, 2010, 12:28:29 PM »
One more thing; it seems to download just fine but when it gets to extracting compressed files is when I get the error message...

I think this damn firewall is doing more harm than good.

Got any problems running AChat? / Upgrade failed
« on: January 20, 2010, 12:25:41 PM »
I get a message when i tried to upgrade.

Upgrade failed!
If you experience problems,
please restart the program!

I thought it might be everyone but people seem to be talking about the upgrade here. I recently installed a new firewall, so I tried turning it off. I also tried running the updater as an administrator but still no luck.

Any thoughts? I'm using Vista if that's relevant.

Woman with man in AChat / Re: future features !
« on: December 21, 2009, 11:12:11 AM »
and a after sex cuddle  would be great, naked of course  ;D   preferably spooning. Don't know about ya'll but after a good round of sex i dont want to stand up and cuddle  :D

I want to throw my support behind this too :) Closest thing we got at the moment is the kissing in the handjob scene, which will do in a pinch but it'd be nice to have a dedicated position. Kissing, hand-holding, spooning all while lying on the bed naked is something I would love to see.

Share your creative ideas / Re: Chatting problem
« on: December 15, 2009, 02:29:34 PM »
More great ideas from Susanne  :)

I like your suggestions. I think the idea of having different tabs for different chats was brought up somewhere else on the forum too.

I think the busy button is a good idea, where if it was possible to click the name of the person sending the message (or some other way) they could be added a list of people who don't get that message when talking to you.
Meanwhile everybody else would get a polite "Sorry, I'm busy" but you could still see what they say so you know if it's someone you want to talk to.
This button wouldn't be on by default, of course (though I'm sure a lot of users would turn it on straight away :P)
It might make it more impersonal but it's one way of solving getting no replies when saying hello to somebody. It could also double as an AFK button.

I'm sympathetic to how busy girls can get on AChat but it's disheartening to get no reply. I always appreciate a "Sorry, busy" reply

Upgrades and newly added features / Re: Relationship building functions
« on: December 15, 2009, 06:04:24 AM »
Hi, just want to say it's great that you guys take suggestions on board and this is a good addition but I agree that the lists should be private to the user.

the arrows disappear only because the list is too short... if the list contains more than 7 rows the arrows will be there, or at least should be there  ;D


I think maybe what Willyco is referring to is something I've come across (which would be unnecessary to fix if the lists are made private  ;)). If I click to view a members friend, lover or spouse and they have none I get a message saying there was no search found and then the arrows have disappeared. I have to start a new search and go back to the beginning of the members list to change pages again.

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