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: Vote for your Favourite Story.  Voting  Ends  TUESDAY 30 JUNE 2015.
1.  Amber Moons.   -21 (28.8%)
2.  The Felon.   -2 (2.7%)
3.  Space Trucking.   -13 (17.8%)
4.  A Rainy Day In The Colony.   -11 (15.1%)
5.  Love On A Rocket.   -1 (1.4%)
6.  A Distant Love.   -3 (4.1%)
7.  Blue Heaven.   -8 (11%)
8.  To Boldly Cum…   -3 (4.1%)
9.  The Chosen.   -2 (2.7%)
10.  Desolation Denied.   -2 (2.7%)
11.  Space Outlaws.   -2 (2.7%)
12.  Ashes of time.   -5 (6.8%)
: 67

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #15 : April 30, 2015, 08:02:06 PM »

11.  Space Outlaws.  Part 1.  By  Tangoracer

In the year 2175 the first of the visitors from Hagalania landed on Earth and a stable peace was formed between our two worlds. The technology of the visitors was far superior then ours. But in letting them stay and settle on Earth they agreed to share their technology. This technology brought space travel to Earth along with other Alien races. That brought a space station to be in orbit around Earth which was named after the city the Hagalanian’s first landed.
After one hundred years of fragile peace on Earth between the two nations, the peace came to an end as war broke out. The war didn’t last long and the Hagalanian’s soon took over as the main rulers of Earth but it was a very uneasy peace that was back in place.
As part of this new peace the job of controlling travel and freight in and out of the space docks in the cities was given to the police and not the army’s. This also gave them the control of what supplies would be flown up to the space station Port Washington.
The Capitan of our squad was a Dutch man that was in the old army there. He always kept his uniform smart and clean. His blue shirt was spotless and always ironed to match his sharp pressed trousers. His black hat was always on his head with every badge polished and shining.
Which was more then you could say about my brown shirt that was lucky to see an iron let alone the badges being polished. But my boots were always clean and I never missed a day of work. As part of our training we had all been trained in how to pilot some ships to fly up to the space station but these where only small personal carriers not anything too big.
My shift Rota came around that I was to be based up on the station for a month which meant I would get to see some of the weird and wonderful aliens that lived there. Flying up to the station was an easy little flight and only took about an hour but to look back down on Earth was always breath taking. Every time I saw it!
Landing the transporter inside the port, we have to wait for the air lock doors close behind us so we can breathe in the landing bay. As the door of the transport opens, we step out into the station. It’s been over four months since I had been up here. Making our way to the barracks that were going to be home for the next month, I couldn’t wait to get to the bar and have one of the purple drinks I had the last time I was here.
Quickly unpacking my gear and jumping in the shower to freshen up,  I stood under the water with my hands on the back wall, the water running down over my body. All I can hear is the sound of the water rushing over my head with my eyes closed just relaxing there.
Feeling the touch of a soft hand run down my back and then slap my wet ass, I heard the soft gentle sound of her voice over the water.
“I heard you were coming back up here again!,”
Turning to face her I smile as my eyes focus on the soft pale green skin of her face.
“You heard right Cassy”
Taking her in my arms our lips meet, touching for the first time in so long. Our kiss is deep and hard, our tongues twist and turn against each others. The water runs down over us both, tilting our heads so not to drown, we just keep kissing and pressing our bodies tighter together.
Turning us around I press Cassy hard against the back wall of the shower my hands move down her body, cupping her breasts and gently squeezing them, in turn feeling her nipples harden as my palm moves over them. Kissing her lips a little harder, I feel her body start to respond to my hand pressing against it.
Feeling her lift her right leg and rub it up against my thigh before wrapping it around my waist and pulling me tighter against her. My stiffening shaft gently rubbing against the smoothness of her stomach as our bodies rub against each other while we keep kissing like new lovers. Feeling Cassy lift her left leg she wraps it around my waist hooking it with her right foot. I move my hands down and cupping them down under her bum cheeks, digging my finger nails into the soft fresh of her cheeks.
As she feels the little bit of pain from my nails, Cassy takes a sharp breath and throws her head back resting it back against the wall of the shower. Taking her weight in my hands I lift her up slightly, letting the tip of my hardening shaft rub down over the moist lips of her pussy. With a little movement with my hands I move her body letting the length of my cock rub along her moist lips.
With the hot water running down my back I can feel the heat coming from Cassy’s pussy on the top of my cock. Moving her away from me I feel the tip of my shaft gently push against the softness of her pussy lips. Holding her there, just letting the head of my cock rub along her rapidly dampening lips.
Slowly twisting my hips forward and pushing the tip of my cock harder against her now wet lips. I feel them open and let my shaft slide slowly between them, she takes another sharp breath as she feels me enter her again after such a long time apart. I stop and hold her still when only the first couple of inches have entered her tightness. Cassy’s eyes stare deep into mine as she feels her pussy lips open and take my cock again.
Moving my hips forward slowly Cassy keeps starring deep into my eyes, I can see she is full of lust and rage. I push my rock hard shaft deeper into her tight pussy and feel the soft silk inner wall gripping my thick length tightly. Cassy bites her bottom lip as she feels my length slide deeper inside her. Taking short quick breath she moves her body in my hands trying to take more of my cock into herself. Feeling her lust for my cock growing, I answer her unsaid lust and push my shaft right in to the hilt. Her eyes open wide as she feels my whole length being buried deep into her tight love tunnel.   
The hard tip of my cock pushes hard against her cervix I hold her tight and push her hard back against the wall. Cassy moves her hands out and presses them back hard against the wall and pushes herself off the wall and harder onto my shaft.   
Feeling her wanting more of me, I move my hips faster and with more purpose, driving my length right into her tight wetness every time. My balls swing and slap against her now wet ass.
Cassy moves her hands and puts them around my neck pulling herself tighter against me, I feel her heart racing against my chest and her breathing quickens. I know she is about to come so I drive my hips harder into her, feeling her body start to quiver and shake in my hands. I feel her muscles in her pussy clamp tight around my shaft as her powerful orgasm rushes through her entire body.
Her pussy clamps and releases my shaft as wave after wave of pleasure pours through her. Screaming in pleasure as each wave hits and subsides and hits again as I keep pounding hard into her pussy.
She lets her legs fall from around my waist and gently her feet reach the floor as she takes her own weight. My still rock hard shaft slips slowly out of her now juice covered pussy lips. Quickly I spin her around and press her back against the wall.
I lean back and let the hot water of the shower run over my face and chest it runs down between us making Cassie’s ass nice and wet. Taking hold of my cock I gently rub it at her entrance and each time it hits the right spot she pushes back against it.
Holding it just against her entrance I slowly push my hips forward and feel her tight ass open around the head of my cock before I pull it out again. She lets out a little grunt of pain as her ass opens and then closes again.
Pushing my hips forward again but this time not stopping until my whole length is buried deep in her tunnel. This makes her scream as the pain rushes from her bum to her clit and then back again. I hold myself deep inside her to let her body get used to the size of my shaft in her tight channel. Feeling her channel relax a little as she starts to breathe again, I start to move my hips back and forth slowly at first but getting quicker with each thrust.
Moving my hands down onto her hips I pull her back bending her over and letting me push deeper into her from behind. The muscles in her ass tunnel clamped around my length each time I drive it right home which made her grown with a mix of pain and pleasure. The more I drive into her tight ass the more she started to push back against my thrusts wanting more and more.
Her painful grunts turn more into groans of pleasure the more she pushes back, turning her head back to look at me and with a strong voice she tells me to fill her ass channel with my hot human seed.
Hearing her words I drive deeper and harder into her ass feeling the unstoppable force building up inside of me. My balls tighten and my cock stiffens even more and with a loud grunt, I explode deep inside her. Jet after jet of my hot cum fills her ass. As my cock pulses with each jet, her muscles clamp tight and milk every last drop out of me.
As I pull back slowly out of her and back under the water she turns around and throws her arms around my neck and we kiss as the water runs over us again.
Standing there in each other’s arms kissing for what seemed a life time, I hear a cough from behind us. Letting Cassy go, I spin around and slid her behind me and standing right in front of me is the Captain and the Hagalanian Viceroy who just so happened to be Cassie’s father.
I close my eyes and get ready for the dressing down of my life there and then but it was the Viceroy that spoke
“Cassy get dressed and get back to our quarters,” he raised his voice for the
“NOW!” at the end.
He then turned to my Captain
“You can deal with him but I don’t want him anywhere near my daughter AGAIN!”
Cassy pushes passed me and grabs her cloth and struggles to put them on wet. As she is doing it she looks over and mouths
“Sorry, I love you!”
Standing there naked in the shower watching, as Cassy is lead away by her father.
“Be in my office in ten minutes and don’t be in uniform.” Ordered the Captain.
“Yes sir.” I replied.
Drying myself off and putting my jeans and T-shirt on, I report to the Captains office as ordered. Knocking on the door, I wait outside till I hear him order me in. Opening the door I walk in to find the Captain sat on the edge of his desk, not in his chair.
“You’re not even up here for two hours and you’re already in trouble.”
He pauses to take a breath as he shakes his head.
“What do you think you were doing? No don’t answer that I know what you were doing.”
I go to speak but he cuts me off,
“You’re out of here right now! But don’t think you have got away with this. You’re lucky that I was going to send you on this mission anyway. But this has just brought it forward a few days.”
“Mission?  Sir”
“Yes you’re off into deep space to one of the outer stations to bring back a fugitive that’s hiding out there and you’re to bring her back.”
“But me? Why Me Sir”
“You’re the only police officer up here that can fly a freight ship that size. So all that training you did to waste time has paid off, plus you’re just the man for the job.” He says with a big smile as he hands me the file with the picture of the fugitive.
“We don’t know what name she is using there but she is famous for her red hair as you can see. Read the file and leave it here no one is to know. You’re not a police officer out there so leave all you police ID here but you better get yourself a gun from the armoury before you go.”
I read the file as the Captain walks around his desk and sits down. As I finish reading it I drop it on his desk.
“You leave in an hour from loading bay Four the ship is all ready for you and so is the cargo.”
“Cargo, Sir?”
“Yes Cargo, you don’t think we could let you fly out there without taking much needed surplices do you.”
“I will need the manifest just in case I get stopped.” I say with a smile
“You can wipe that grin off your face, you’re lucky you’re not being sent back to Earth. You’ve made a big mess up here for me to clean up!”
I put my badge and police pistol on the desk next to the file and look over to the Captain and salute him.
Turning on my heels I quickly walk out of his office and down to the armoury and grab myself a couple of weapons to take with me. Going back to the barracks to grab my bags one of my friends catches my arm.
“I hear your taking that freighter out of bay Four”
“Yeah you heard right”
“Well from what was being loaded onto it I wouldn’t want to be flying it”
I turn and stare at him
“What do you mean?”
“Just saying be careful out there”
“Thanks. I think” I say before heading off to bay Four.
As I reach the end of the hallway leading to the bay I notice two armed guards standing at the door way. Slowly I walk towards them as I reach them they both step into my way,
“Only authorised personal allowed in here now move away!” They both say as one.
Looking into the bay I see an old, orange coloured freighter that looks like its seen better days. I turn and walk back down the hallway and take my phone out of my pocket and ring the Captain. It rings for only one ring before he answers it.
“I forget to tell you that you will have to steal the freighter in the bay. Sorry!” I hear him laugh as he hangs up before I can say anything.
Turning back around I walk backup to the guards and before they can step out I throw my bag at the one on the left and hit the other with a hard right hand sending him crashing to the floor. Turning to the guy that caught my bag I grab him and run him into the wall knocking the wind out of him and the giving him a good right hand too that sends him down next to his friend.
Dragging them both into the hanger and gag them both before tying them both together in a cupboard. Grabbing my bag I quickly climb on board the freighter and shut the air tight doors behind me and make the flight checks.
I hit the ignition button and the old crate comes to life. Taking the controls I gently pull them back and she lifts off. Spinning her around with the side thrusters, I move towards the bay doors and hope they open automatically which they do to my surprise.
Moving her out through the doors I gently head out and away from the station so not to attract any attention to me. I remember the coordinates off the outer space station and tap them into the navigation computer. The station appears on the screen with the time to get there.
“Fuck me, two days!”
I hit the full drive buttons and the auto pilot takes over, all I have to do is sit back and let it fly me there. Looking around the cab of this old crate it looks just like the old lorries still used back on Earth, a driver’s seat, passenger’s seat, a small bed and somewhere to cook behind me. There’s a small hatch door in the back of the cab leading into the cargo area.
Getting out of my seat I move to the hatch door and open it to see what the hell I had just stolen. The lights come on as I open the door and I can see rows of metal cylinders in all sizes. Climbing into the back I walk down between the rows  looking at the labels but they are written in an alien language but I can make out from then pictures on them they are all highly explosive.   
As I climb back into the cab and settle down on the bed to let the auto polite fly me out to the deep space station out post twelve. As I lay there I think back to the morning and how good it had started with Cassy in the shower and now here I am on the run in an old crate I’ve stolen.
My eyes close as the distant stars flash by at the speed the old crate is going. With only the soft hum from the engines on both sides of the cargo container my sleep is deep and peaceful. Only to be awoken by the radio with was tuned to the Space Police Federation channel with we jokingly culled the Bunny Squad as it was made up of only females from all the races that have become known to use.
The announcement on the radio was an All-Points Bulletin. That an orange type twenty three freighter had been stolen from Port Washington Station and the assailant may be armed and dangerous and to approach with extreme care!
Rubbing my eyes I shake my head hearing that I’m armed and dangerous if only they knew I was one of them. All I could think was that my old Captain must be laughing about this over a cup of hot strong coffee.

- Continued –

« : June 30, 2015, 12:43:03 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #16 : April 30, 2015, 08:04:39 PM »

11.  Space Outlaws.  Part 2.   By  Tangoracer

Looking around the cab I see an old black leather cowboy hat hanging on the wall. Taking it down I try in on for size and it fits perfectly as if it had been made to measure. Changing out of my blue jeans and now dirty white T-shirt into my black faded jeans a new white top and my trusty black waist coat.
Getting back into the driver’s seat I bring up the plans for the station I’m heading for, to see if there is an out of the way docking bay where I could put this out crate into. But there are only three bays on the whole station.
“This isn’t going to be easy to hide when and if they let me land there” I think to myself.
As I approach the station the auto pilot turns off giving me back the control of the ship. Looking around me there are lots of freighters about and I see a small convoy of orange ones.
“That’s my way in!” I mutter quietly.
As I join the back of the row of ships I look at my scanner to see that another ship had joined behind me. I kept the same distance from the guy in front of me as the guy behind me was doing to me I just followed them into the loading bay and wasn’t asked anything. Placing her down gently where I was told by some guy in the bay. I quickly shut everything down and climb out of the cab. I take a note that I was in loading bay two dock, eight just in case I needed to get out fast.
As I had looked at the stations lay out I made my way to the relaxation area where the bars, shop and hotels were. Finding a cheap hotel to stay in as I didn’t know how long I would be staying here. Throwing my bag onto the bed I waste no time and head off to the bars and start looking for the red head, Poison Ivy.
As I make my way through a couple of the bars asking the guys behind the bars if there were any hot red heads on the station that were up for some fun. A couple told me that there was a really hot looking red head that drunk in one of the bad bars down the other end of the promenade and she hadn’t been on the station that long.
There was also one that run a bar just down from here but she had been on the station for years. Thanking the guys for their help I leave a nice tip under my glass and leave. I walk into the bar just down the street where the red head that run it was and there she was an absolutely gorgeous red head behind the bar. And a biggish guy with a purple Mohawk sat at the bar chatting to her. Although I would love to go in and get to know her, I have someone to find first so I leave them chatting.
Moving further down the promenade I find myself in what looks like a dirty back alley with just a few doors. Pushing the first door open, I step into a real dirty bar with a girl half naked singing up on a small stage. Scanning the room quickly I notice the back of a red head just showing over the top of the chair back of a booth in a dark corner of the bar.
Walking over to the bar I order a beer and sit drinking it, just watching over towards the booth where the red head was sitting. After ordering a couple more beers I got a lucky break the red head gets up and turned and looked right at me before heading off to the rest room. I didn’t move or try to do anything to attract attention to me so I just kept drinking my beer.
After a few minutes I felt a hand on my shoulder.
“You’re a long way from home Cowboy”
I turn on my stool to be face to face with a the stunning red head,
“Just got in today mama.” I say with a smile.
“So what brings a Cowboy this far out into space?”
“Just passing through, I will be gone in a day or two”
“What’s a stunning lady like you doing out here?”
“Well that would be telling you too much”
And with that she walks back to her booth.
I sit and watch as she walks back to her booth, watching the way her body moves with each step and the way her black leather cat suit clings to every curve. I bit my bottom lip and shook my head not believing the sight in front of me. Taking my beer in my hand I walk over to her booth and slide down on the seat opposite her saying,
“You never did tell me what you were doing all the way out here?”
She looked up and said with her hand up stopping some guy coming over,
“Did I say you could sit down?”
 Shaking my head, “Nope just thought I would come and join you for a drink.”
“What is your poison?” I say with a nice smile.
Her eyes fix right into mine and in a sharp tone.
“What did you just say?”
“Just asking what you are drinking?”
As I point at her purple drink
“Oww It’s an Kandarian Ale!” She said in a softer voice and a magic smile.
We sit and chatted for what seems like hours and not really talking about anything until she asked,
“Where are you staying around here?”
“Just some cheap hotel down the other end of the promenade”
I answer as I point with my thumb.
“That’s no good, you can stay here. We have some good, nice rooms and I’m sure we can sort out a way to pay. Plus you don’t have to leave and get into any trouble getting back to the hotel!”
She has a twinkle in her eye,
“This is small station and news travels fast around it I Know you’re the guy that flew that stolen ship here today and you will be much safer in here then at that hotel.”
“What do you mean you know I stole that ship? I could be just some regular freighter pilot.” I ask quickly.
“Well regular pilots would never be found down this end of the promenade and your eyes haven’t stopped looking around.”
Her voice was more animated as we spoke more. As the day turned into night, a few more people started to fill the bar. I looked at her and with a little wink and wry smile,
“It’s getting a bit busy in there, think it’s time I looked at that room you spoke of?”
She smiled back at me
“Yes that’s a good idea let’s get out of this noisy place and get some quite time.”
She slides out of the booth and beckons me with her finger to follow her, as I slide off the end of the bench I couldn’t help but watch her tight suit around her sweet shaped ass as she walked in front of me.  I followed just a few steps behind her, getting a great look at her body again as she made her way up the stairs. My face was now at the same height as her ass and with every step she took I could feel the heat inside me grow.
As we reached the top of the stairs, she stopped and turned to face me. Taking a couple steps I was now right up to her, just one step below her. Our faces where at the same level and before I could move she put her arms around my neck pulling my lips to hers and kissing me deeply.
Her red lips tasted of that purple ale she had been drinking all night. Her tongue pushed at my lips, parting them a little her tongue finding mine, twists and flicks at it. Putting my arms around her waist I pull her tight against me, pressing her body hard into mine. Feeling her firm breasts squashing into my chest I take the last step and push her backwards until we hit the wall.
We roll down the wall and continue our passionate kiss until we reached a door which opened with a shwumn! sound. I push this red hot sexy redhead backwards into the room until her legs hit the edge of the bed. The jolt breaks our kiss but only for a split second before I start to kiss my way down her neck and onto her shoulder. Slowly bringing my right hand up and gently start to pull the zip down at the front of her cat suit.
I follow the zip with little soft kisses only stopping when her firm breasts were relieved from beneath it. Softly kissing my way over to her left nipple and encircling it with my lips, I suck it gently and feel it harden to my attention. After getting her nipple to swell nice and hard I move over to the right one and make it as hard as the left.
Pulling the zip down further, I follow it again with my tongue and kisses, letting them both find her navel, running my tongue around it and gently flicking the tip into it as I keep pulling the zip down. I get down onto my knees and keep on kissing lower but as I just reach the top of the little bush of red hair she sits back onto the bed. Laying back she lifts her right leg placing it on my chest. Quickly I reach up the inside of her thigh and pull down the zip on her boot, as soon as I pull the boot from her foot she puts the left boot on my chest for me to do the same.
Having pulled her second boot off I reach up and grab the cat suit from around her waist and slowly pull it down. With both her bare feet now on my chest, she lifts her body slightly to allow me to pull her suit out from under her. Pulling it down slowly over her thighs I take a deep breath and her sweet sent fills my body driving the fire inside me. Gently I lift each foot off my chest to take them out of the cat suit which I throw to one side when I finally get her free from it.
Taking both feet in my hands I start to kiss my way up her legs, kissing each one in turn as I move higher up her legs. As I reach her thighs she relaxes and lets her thighs part and giving me the first view of her of her clean shaven pussy all but the little tuft of red hair about an inch above her little hooded clit.
Slowly I kiss up her thigh, her sent grows more the closer I get to her soft pink lips of her pussy. My lips rest softly against them the sweet taste of her rushes though my lips and floods my mind with lust and passion.
Pushing my tongue through my lips and running the tip of it along the length of her silk smoothness of her lips. A soft moan comes from her as my tongue pushes deeper between her lips, her hips roll up pushing her pussy harder onto my mouth.
Her lips start to swell as her body starts to react to the movement of my tongue and lips pressing against her. Moving my lips up over her hooded clit my tongue flicks over it, around it making her pussy start to pulse as her juices being to flow freely from her. My tongue works across her clit and down over her lips shaking my head with my tongue pushed deep between her lips.
Feeling her hands pushing on the top of my hat, pushing me deeper into her wetness, my tongue searches for her magic inner button and my lips press hard against her clit.
Reaching down I undo my belt and pull it free from my jeans and lay it on the bed next to her. She lets out a louder moan as it lands on the bed and her pussy has a sudden rush of wetness rush through it. I lap it up like a hungry, love starved man would.
I fight with the buttons of my jeans as I  keep on lapping at her hot sweet love juice. Pushing them down over my thighs my now hard cock sprung upright as it broke free from its restraints. Moving a little closer to her, I lift myself up letting the tip of my shaft rub against her wetness.
She looks deep into my eyes and moans loudly as she feels me pressing at her tight entrance. With a roll of her hips and my gently push from mine, my shaft slides slowly and deep into her. Her wetness held me so tight as I moved slowly in and out of her. Her moans get stronger and louder as I increase the speed of my thrusts and the length of my strokes get longer.
Her body began to shake and quiver with each powerful thrust into her. Her body arched and twisted in my hands as I pulled her harder onto my shaft as I drove her over the cliff of pleasure. With a loud scream her body gave in to its needs and a huge orgasm took over, her body twisted contorted as each wave rushed throughout her entire body, out through her pussy and all over my shaft deep inside her.
Leaning down over her body as it recovers from her orgasm I take my belt and tie it around her wrists pulling it so tight around them her eyes open wide and stare right into mine. Taking the other end I fix it to the head board of the bed pulling her hands up over her head.
Reaching back into my jeans pocket, I pull out an old red bandana and push it into her mouth. Looking down over her I smile and with a little laugh I say.
“Well Poison Ivy looks like we have finally caught up with you”
Her eyes turn wild as she kicks and twists on the bed trying to free herself. With muffled screams of.
“I’m going to kill you when I get free!”
Pulling up my jeans I go over to the communicator in the corner of the room and put a call out to the police on the station to come to the bar and find a leading crime boss Poison Ivy and then send a deep space message back to the Captain on Port Washington that Poison Ivy was in their custody.
Slipping out of the room and down through the now busy bar, I have to get out of here quick as I couldn’t let myself get caught for stealing that freighter. Making my way back to the loading bay, keeping my head down as the station police rushed into the bar area and were stopping everyone. I manage to slip through and head straight to the bay. Just as I go through the bay door the gorgeous red head I saw in the other bar stepped in front of me.
“I was right it was you in my bar, you did steal this freighter from Port Washington.”
She said pumping her fist in triumph.
“Yes I did but it’s not what it seems.”
I say as I put my hands on her shoulders and spin her out of my way.
“Not so fast Cowboy! What’s not as it seems?”
She looks at me confused
“Look I have to get out of here now I haven’t got time for this.”
I shout as I climb into the cab and start to fire up the old crate. The next thing I know is that she’s climbing in behind me saying.
“Well I’m coming with you then!”
“Fine then I haven’t got time to argue with you”
I say as I hit the air lock button sealing the cab ready for flight the engines fire up and gently she lifts off the floor. Turning her around, she glides smoothly out of the bay and back into space. Hitting the thrusters I pilot the old girl away from the station before putting in Port Washington in the navigation computer and punch the full engine button.

And head for home.

The End.

« : June 30, 2015, 12:43:52 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #17 : April 30, 2015, 08:09:51 PM »

12.  Ashes of time.   Part 1. By hentaiboy69

Four centuries had passed from the day the first human’s space ship had taken flight in the vast universe. After that first one, named “The Noah”, many others left the blue planet in search of other worlds where the human race could find the right conditions to establish new colonies.

One of them was planet Y-00136. It was a planet with a small fertile area on the surface, less than 3%, but it was rich of minerals so it became the first source of materials to build new space ships and colonies.

150 years of intensive mining, however eventually drained all the resources of the planet and now, the mining companies had left, leaving behind them a wounded and abandoned planet. Most of the fertile land was destroyed and now, only 0.2% of the whole surface offered the minimum requisite to grant life for the human race. So the planet was abandoned and with it, all the structures used by the miners.

Soon, it became a desolated land with no sign of life, the perfect place for criminals to hide from the Galaxian Rangers, a military force under the direct control of the Human Galaxian Alliance, or H.G.A. They were in charge to prevent criminal assaults on space cargoes and to defend the colonies from predation and attack. For decades, the Rangers were able to grant a prosperous and safe life in all the colonies and their presence protected most of the cargo from the assaults of small criminal’s gangs by arresting or killing them.

But when the criminals from every corner of the universe joined their forces on planet Y-00136 and formed a strong alliance to survive the continuous attacks of the Galaxian Rangers, the order in the vast Republic founded by humanity was in danger, especially when a man named Red Skorpion became the leader of the alliance. Under his lead, the planet became a real fortress with orbital defensive cannons and on its surface. The old structures became factories where the criminals, now named as space pirates, could build or repair their ships to surf the universe and accomplish their predations.

Of course, in some complexes, there were lines of constructions for weapons, and others for the hard suits the pirates use to assault the cargo protected by the Galaxian Rangers.

In a few years, Red Skorpion became the number one on the list of the most wanted by the H.G.A. Thanks to his attitude to leave no life behind him after an attack on his men, and submitting four more abandoned planets to territories of the pirates’ alliance, they grew more than the H.G.A. had expected. Now they were the most dangerous threat for the whole Republic and all the colonies.

Many officials of the Galaxian Rangers had tried to capture or kill him, but they always failed in their task. Red Skorpion was a strong and prudent man, always wearing his personal hard suit and he always had three of his most prepared and trusted men around him, to protect him from any attempts from the Rangers to take his life. He had no weak point, or this was what most of the members of his alliance and the H.G.A. thought, and therefore, his name became a real legend in all the territory under the supervision of the Galaxian Rangers.

And well known was the name of the ship directly under his command, the Antares. The ship with the highest fire power and the most resistant shell of the whole of the pirate’s fleet. Of course, only the strongest pirates of the alliance become members of the Antares’ crew. Red Skorpion chose them personally, after a long and hard selection, which usually ended with just two or three candidates who survived them.
Despite this, the members of the pirate’s alliance knew that this was the highest honour for them to be a member of that crew. So any time Red Skorpion looked for new members, it was not unusual for one hundred or so candidates to take part in the selection process. For him, it didn’t matter the gender or the age of the candidates. He wanted a strong will and body, something he found absolutely necessary to stay on board of his ship. Of course, the discipline was another important point for him: no one could disobey him or object to his plans or decisions. If they did, he didn’t hesitate to kill them. This was not always tolerated by his comrades, and some had tried and failed in the past to assassinate him.

The spaceship approached space around planet Oshire-2. The Antares sailed in the direction of the planet, to predate the food content on the farms of the colony and bring them to planet Y-00136. It was actually impossible to cultivate any type of plant on Y-00136 and even animals were not able to find vegetation to eat for their sustenance and survival.

Oshire-2 was a planet very similar to the blue Earth, covered by vast areas of forests, lakes and anything else which can grant a prosperous life for any being, human or animal, so it became one of the biggest sources of food for the Republic and its entire citizens. Of course, it attracted the attention of the pirates too, always in search of food for their alliance. To avoid continuous assault by them, the Galaxian Rangers had built an orbital station for its forces, plus there were several divisions all around the surface of the planet but this doesn’t stop Red Skorpion and his ship.

The Antares’ crew was all on stand-by, ready to engage in a mortal fight with the Ranges’ forces, but when the ship reached the borderline of the space under the jurisdiction of the planet and crossed into it, there was no sign of hostile ships or fighters that appeared on the radar.

Even Red Skorpion was surprised by the absence of any trace of resistance to their advance, but what they saw when they were finally enough close to the orbital station, surprised them even more. All over the station there were no signs of the blazons of the H.G.A. or of the Galaxian Rangers. Instead there was one they knew very well, especially Red Skorpion. Anyone on the bridge of the Antares recognized the alien skull with three sharp teeth and a gem on the forehead, but no one could explain how that blazon could be there. Especially as they all knew about the departure of the owner three years ago, when the pirates had tried an assault on Oshire-2 for the first time.

The unexpected discovery immediately alerted the whole ship. They advanced cautiously at reduced speed, ready for a possible and sudden attack from an unidentified enemy. They were probably being watched as they approached. Nothing happened and soon, the Antares reached the high layers of the atmosphere of the planet. It came to a stop, hovering above and scanned and analysed the surface.  Again, the scanner didn’t find any trace of the Galaxian Rangers forces, making more alert’s bells ring in the head of Red Skorpion.

With all its weapon ready to open fire, the Antares began its descendant to the surface of the planet and soon it reached the area where the main space port of Oshire-2 lay. Here, many ship were resting quietly and on all of them, the crew of the Antares saw the same emblem carved on the external plates of the orbital station. A clear sign of some unexpected change in the whole planet.

While the Antares was landing nearby the main structure of the space port, a flying car approached it, just to stop far enough from it to avoid the consequence of the stream caused by the reactors of the ship.
Over it, an unidentified figure was stood tall and proud, looking at the Antares and waiting for the opening of its landing door. A procedure which would begin soon, once the engine of the ship stopped. In fact, it took just a minute or less before the door opened and a group of ten members of the ship walked down it with Red Skorpion leading them.

As usual, he wore his black hard suit without the helmet, and he advanced with his right hand on the handle of his gun, ready to extract it at any minimal sign of peril, while his crew followed him embracing their plasma rifles and watching around the area to take control if necessary.

Gusts of wind caused some dust to rise, making it difficult for Red Skorpion to immediately recognize the silhouette which moved to his direction with firm and fast steps. All he saw was a coat ruffled by the wind and he was not sure but also shoulders and plates and armoured gloves and boots.

“Long time we don’t see each other, Skorpion...”

That female voice...Red Skorpion knew it very well but again, he couldn’t believe his ears. The wind died down and offered him the chance to look well at the one in front of him for the first time. He was surprised by what he saw. In front of him there was Morgana. She had been the second in charge in the pirates’ alliance and, more importantly, his lover and promised wife, or that was until three years ago, when they had tried to attack Oshire-2.

She stood fierce and tall in front of him, wearing a blue coat trimmed with yellow gold. It barely covered her almost naked body. Underneath it she was just wearing some leather panties with golden chains as lace and with her symbol sculpted on the front of them. The coat was totally open, only a golden chain closed it thanks to two particular clips placed right over her nipples and shaped in the recognised skull with sharp teeth, the same one which adorned her hat and the shoulder protectors directly fixed on the coat. Arms and legs guards, parts of her hard suit, completed her outfit, giving her a sexy but threatening and warrior like appearance.

Red Skorpion was speechless at that view, everyone on the Antares was sure about Morgana’s departure during the past assault on the planet, especially after the explosion of her ship, the Shadow, when it crashed on the surface, damaged by the weapons of the Galaxian Rangers. It took some minutes for him to recognize the reality and that Morgana was still alive. The surprise didn’t allow words easily.

“Did the cat get your tongue, Skorpion?” Morgana asked, with a pretty smile.

“No, I mean...I was sure to have lost you forever. But how...?”

“I can understand your surprise. I was too, when I survived the crash of my ship!” she replied, moving away a strand of her long dark red hair from her face.

“Why didn’t you contact me? What have you done here in the last three years?”

Morgana looked at him, then she turned back and walked in to the direction where the car was waiting for her.

“I’ll explain everything to you during dinner. I hope you will be my guest, tonight, Red!”

Red Skorpion followed her immediately. The fact she called him “Red” made him presume she was still attracted to him, even after three long years apart. Morgana was still a very attractive and sensual girl. And even when they didn’t always share the same point of view in leading the alliance, at least this didn’t get in the way of their relationship. They were planning their wedding ceremony if the sortie to Oshire-2 had gone well. But their plan hadn’t worked and after the destruction of the Shadow, everything had changed.

The car flew fast in the direction of the city behind the space port and soon it reached the Governor’s Tower, the highest building of the whole city. It was the place where the H.G.A. had placed it’s headquarter on Oshire-2. Again, the symbol of the Republic was replaced by the one of Morgana, another proof of the fact she was the ruler of the planet now, even if Red Skorpion couldn’t understand how this was possible.
The car stopped right in front of the entrance of the building and the driver opened the door to let Morgana and Red Skorpion out and inside the palace.

Here, everyone bowed their head when Morgana and Red Skorpion crossed by to welcome back Morgana and salute her guest. Another proof of the respect and of the position Morgana had now attained on the planet.

In two minutes, they had reached the upper floor of the tower, where Morgana had her office and private rooms. When the door of the elevator opened, a young girl welcomed her back, then did the same to Red Skorpion.  She then left them when Morgana ordered her to prepare their dinner. Once alone, Morgana led her guest to her rooms, right behind the office.

The place was big and it offer a nice view of the whole city which lay right in front of the tower. It even offered a view of the mountain that surrounded the city. From there, everything and everyone looked small and the huge windows, which covered most of the walls, revealed every corner of the city, as if it was made to take it under full control the people that lived down there. The structure of the room didn’t resemble the rest of the building: under the roof, Red Skorpion could see a wooden structure and the room was more similar to a house their ancestors had built five or even more centuries ago on their homeland, the Earth. The only metallic presence there, was in some details of the furniture placed around the place and nothing more.

While Morgana prepared a drink for them, Red took a seat on the sofa nearby the window and continued to stare at the view slowly, the lights of the city were turning on and slowly, the sun disappeared behind the horizon, creating a more suggestive and romantic atmosphere, perfect to try to establish a new relationship with Morgana.

When Morgana finally joined Red on the sofa, they drank excellent wine and talked about how she survived three years ago thanks to the resistant structure of the main bridge and the hard suit she wore.

After the explosion, Morgana was seriously injured and escape from the impact area wasn’t easy. She had been lucky. In fact, not so far from there, she found a small house and the family who lived there, was nice enough to hide her from the forces of the Rangers and assisted her during the period she was unable to move freely. It was thanks to them that Morgana learned how the H.G.A. and the Rangers abused their power to force the farmers to do back breaking work shifts to fill their wallets.

Of course, the headquarters of the H.G.A. were not informed about the real situation on Oshire-2 and the Governor ensured no incriminating information was leaked that could ruin his “realm”, even using the military power, if need be!

At the beginning, it wasn’t easy, but in a year, Morgana was able to recruit six-hundred men who were ready to follow her lead to finally free Oshire-2 of the tyrant control. He was a corrupted and cruel member of the H.G.A. and of the Rangers. Little by little, they collected weaponry, suits and anything else they needed to organize a rebellion and six months later, a group of twenty men guided by Morgana assaulted the orbital station, taking full control of it in few hours.

Thanks to the orbital cannons and the drones of the station, it took a few days before the rebels were able to defeat the Rangers and forcing them to leave the planet using disarmed cargo. Morgana knew very well they would try to come back with new and better prepared forces. She reorganized defensive lines, prepared other men for the coming battle teaching them how to use weapons and the military ships of the Rangers. After four months of skirmish, they won, finally their destiny was in their own hands.  They became the first real free colony of the Republic. Of course, Morgana became the symbol of that fight and the population asked her to be their new leader, a role she accepted promising to rule Oshire-2 with justice and respect.

“Wow! I never heard about this! How is that possible?” Red asked, when she finished her story.

“The H.G.A. didn’t want to spread this in the whole territory of the Republic. Only the nearest colonies know about it.”


“Of course! There were operative bases on them during the war.” Morgana replied, taking another sip of wine, “but now we have commercial exchanges with them.”

“You provide them food in exchange of other materials, I suppose.”

“Exactly! Construction materials, weapons. All we and they need!”

“Weapons too?” Red asked, surprised.

“Yes! Of course, the weapons arrived here but not the official way.  They don’t want to have troubles with the Galaxian Rangers!”

“Cowards!” Red shouted, looking outside the window and sipping the last drop of wine from his goblet. A long moment of silence fell in to the room, during which Morgana stared at Red and remembered all the adventures they had lived through together, especially the last one, which had changed her life. Then, she spoke again.

“They are not cowards, Red, simply, they don’t have the organization skills and the resources to fight against the oppression of the H.G.A.”

“But you and the population of Oshire-2 had them! And now, you can come…back...to my...”

Red began to feel strange. His head was turning and his eyesight blurring...and that wasn’t the effect of the wine, he had just drunk two or maybe three glasses of it. This sensation was different, he seemed to lose his strength, and then he realized it: he had been drugged!

The wine! There was some drug which was causing him to lose consciousness, but how was Morgana able to administer it to him? They had drunk the same wine, from the same bottle...so, why was she not affected by it?

Suddenly, Red realized the drug was in the bottle! In fact, Morgana took the first two goblets full of wine and with them the bottle, but never finished her first one, while Red had taken the wine from the bottle two more times! Red tried to extract his gun but the effect of the drug was too strong now and he fell on the floor, losing consciousness.

 When Red finally opened his eyes again, he didn’t recognize immediately where he was. The room looked different from the one where he had been. It was the same style though so he was quite sure was still in Morgana’s apartment. He tried to stand up, but failed, probably because his body wasn’t totally recovered from the effect of the drug, but he was getting his strength back little by little.

“Finally up, Red?”

Morgana was in front of him, at the base of the bed where Red lay just wearing his pants and she was now looking at him, just covered by her coat and the skull’s panties.

“Why did you do it, Morgana?”

“It was a test, nothing more!”

“A test? You wanted to see how much I was able to resist your drug?”

“You weren’t the subject. That was me!” she said, taking a small break “but I failed it!”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Morgana took another step closer to the bed, without breaking eye contact with Red.

“Did you remember what happened during the sortie here on Oshire-2?”

“How can I forget it? Till a few hours ago, I was sure to have lost you forever!”

“I’m not talking of that!” Morgana yelled at him, with an angry expression on her face “I’m talking of what you did while we were fighting nearby the orbital station!”

Morgana’s words brought Red’s mind to that day. The fight between the forces of the Rangers and that of their ships was intense. There wasn’t a single moment to breathe for both the factions were involved in it. The cannons were shooting continuously, till one of them hit one of the Cosmo Fighters of the Shadow, destroying it completely. That Cosmo Fighter was abandoning the battlefield, returning to its ship, but it never reached it. Following the order of Red, it was took down by the fire of the Antares, an ally in the fighting!

“You remember it, don’t you?” Morgana asked, while her eyes began to fill with tears.

“I remember it, but I don’t see what the problem is!”

“That was the Cosmo Fighter of my sister Valkirya!” Morgana yelled, letting her rage explode “And you killed her without any reason or hesitation while she was obeying my orders!”

- continued –
« : June 30, 2015, 12:44:29 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #18 : April 30, 2015, 08:12:52 PM »

12.  Ashes Of Time.   Part 2.  By  hentaiboy69

Silence filled the room, interrupted just by Morgana’s sobbing. Red stared at her, astonished by the revelation and unable to reply to her about it. Valkirya was Morgana’s twin sister and they were similar even in their determination and guts, but despite this, Valkirya never wanted to take the lead of a ship, so she became the leader of the Cosmo Fighters of the Shadow.

That day, during the attack, Morgana had called her back to their ship because she had a new mission for her, but to do so, Valkirya had to take the Zero Fighter, the new model the Shadow was testing. Valkirya never reached the hangar. From that day, Morgana swore vengeance for her sister and it had grown day after day and now, finally, she had her chance. But she miserably failed in her vow.

“Today, I tried to prove to myself I was able to kill you, despite what there was between us once, but I can’t do it, because…” the tears streamed down Morgana’s cheeks, “because deep down in my heart I still love you!”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know that was Valkirya! Or what was part of your strategy that day. I have no excuse for what happened.”

Red looked sincerely into Morgana’s eyes and despite all the hate she had felt for the man who took away her beloved sister, she could not resist the strong bond and memories of the love that there was a long time ago between them.

Morgana jumped over the bed, placing her lips on Red’s and kissed him with the same passion she had three years ago. They both had missed this wonderful sensation and instinctively, Red held Morgana tight in his arms and rolled over her.

In his eyes, Morgana appeared even more beautiful than three years ago and being able to hold her again after he thought he had lost her, was a wonderful dream for him. It was something he didn’t think could ever happen again.

Red kissed her neck, while his right hand slowly caressed her long, toned leg, from her buttocks to the knee and back, making Morgana moaning softly. Till the day the Shadow had crashed on the surface, no other man had touched her body and this old but never forgotten sensation was pleasant and she missed it more than she ever wanted to admit.

While Red’s kisses moved down to her shoulder and then to her voluptuous breasts, Morgan began to scratch Red’s back, leaving red marks on his skin. Unstoppable shivers ran along their bodies, greedy to experience again the strong and deep passion that linked them for so many years and was now exploding again in all its overwhelming excitement.

Morgana, as usual, was unable to resist Red’s kisses and caresses and when his hand slipped under her panties lightly touching her labia, she moaned loudly and arched her back. That simple touch drove Morgana crazy, pushing her to her limit. The touch of Red’s tongue on her now hard and pointed nipples, didn’t help her to relax. Morgana moaned again, offering to Red the perfect chance to let his finger slide between her wet labia, teasing them with a slow but firm movement. The shivers that ran along Morgana’s body were intense for her and made her body squirm for that pleasure once more. Slowly, the coat began to slip down her arms, leaving her shoulders totally exposed and revealing some scars on the left one which had marked her body after the crash.

When he noticed them, Red can’t help but smile. They were the signs of a deadly battle, but at the same time, they made Morgana’s body even more attractive in his eyes. Not that Morgana needed them to attract the attention of men. Her body was sensual and very well proportioned. Coupled with her pleasant nature, the girl was gifted with voluptuous and perfect breasts which made many men fall at her feet in the past. Then she met Red for the first time. And now, the one she loved for so long time was there with her, ready to give her those strongest and newest emotions. And he did it, without hesitation. The finger rubbed between her swollen labia and suddenly widened her intimate lips. Morgana’s wet pussy responded and with a sudden movement, he digitally penetrated her totally in one go.

That old but always pleasant sensation made her moan wildly while a first, unexpected orgasm overwhelmed her whole body and making the grip of her hands on the sheet tighten. Red’s finger was now slipping back and forth inside her pussy more easily and it took no more than 10 strokes before a second finger joined that first, giving Morgana more intense sensations. Too much time had passed from the last time she felt like this and now, thanks to the man she loved, she could finally forget about all her responsibility and free her feminine side, hidden to the whole world for far too long.

Red knew very well how to stimulate her sensual spots. Morgana’s body reacted immediately to his touch, the long abstinence had made her even more sensitive than how she had been in the past and Red took full advantage of this. Every little graze was very intense on Morgana’s body. Red’s fingers drove her crazy and made her lose any inhibitions. Now, she was not a strong and determinate pirate, now she was just a normal woman, surrendering to the pleasure of her senses, which made her soon reach a second and more intense orgasm, soaking completely her panties and Red’s hand.

All she could do was pant heavily and stare at her man. He was kneeling over her belly. In these three long years, he hadn’t changed much, maybe a few new scars over his toned body. Indelible marks of all the battles he had fought against the Rangers’ forces. The only difference in him was the length of his dark brown hair, something Morgana noticed the moment she saw him at the space port and which give him a more rebel like appearance. But what caught her attention, now, was the bulge perfectly visible in Red’s pants. It looked bigger than Morgana remembered. She bit her lip with a lustful expression on her face.

“Seems like you are not the only thing that missed me, Red.” Morgana commented, grazing it with the tip of her fingers before she began to unbutton his pants.

“You missed it too, Morgana.” he replied with a satisfied grin, “or am I wrong?”

Morgana didn’t answer him. She let her hand talk for her, holding Red’s hard rod and gently stroking it for a few seconds, just to tease him a little. The soft touch and the slow stroke, made Red’s rod throb and some precum spilled out from its red burning tip, dribbling along its length till it reached Morgana’s hand. She smiled at his response and with a sudden movement, she rolled over Red’s body, reversing their position. They smiled at each other while Morgana removed her coat to throw it on the floor a moment after, leaving on only her soaked panties.

Morgana turned back, offering Red a perfect view of her perfectly round, big bottom and he openly admired it for a moment, while Morgana gained a better position to play with that throbbing, hard rod. Of course, this offered Red the perfect chance to place his mouth right between Morgana’s cheeks. He ripped off her panties, leaving her completely naked on top of him.

Her shaved pussy was so wet that her juices were now pleasantly filling Red mouth. He licked and softly bit her now exposed clitoris, making Morgana’s body squirm more. On the other side, Morgana was lightly kissing the tip of that wonderful rod, holding its base in her right hand. Slowly, she started to stroke the base, while her tongue took the place of her kisses, moving in circles around that burning tip. Morgana licked it, following that small trail of precum, till her tongue reached the top of his crown, giving Red a pleasant sensation causing shivers to run along his body.

While she was licking that aphrodisiac nectar, Morgana opened her mouth, finally wrapping the tip of that mighty rod with her lips but taking care to continue to lick it. Red was trying to resist that wonderful sensation. The more Morgana let his cock slip a little more in her mouth, the more difficult it was for him to hold back a first load of his white and creamy seed. Morgana was also having difficulties in resisting the strong and exciting sensations Red gave her with his skilled tongue. Her moans turned to a sort of mantra, thanks to her full mouth and pushed his tongue deep inside her swollen pussy, she knew she another orgasm was imminent.

She let Red’s cock slip deeper in her mouth, bit by bit and closer to the back of her throat. She felt it burn and throb more, nearly ready to explode. She stroked its base more vigorously, trying to push Red to his limit, as he was doing to her. She let his shaft slip back and forth in her mouth, synchronizing that movement with the one of Red’s tongue, which was pleasantly torturing her.

They both pushed each other to their limits, riding that sexual edge. It was as though they were engaged in a test of endurance, to see which one of them would be first to surrender to the other. But they knew each other too well. They knew the secrets to stimulate each other. At the same moment that a copious load of creamy seed filled Morgana’s mouth, her delicious juiced flooded over Red’s face. They reached an intense and wild orgasm at the same time, the only difference being for Morgana, who had reached that shattering peak for the third time!

Now they are heavily panting, both proved by that intense orgasm. Morgana, now sitting over Red abdomen, is staring at the man she was about to marry three years ago. During this long time, he didn’t change even in bed: t way Red was able to let Morgana an orgasm just using his mouth or fingers, is still incredible and the girl was always addicted by those sensations. Even now she is addicted by them!

Red was happily surprised by the intense sensations Morgana gave him with her skilled mouth. After her presumed death, Red had slept with many other women, but not one of them could give him the same extreme sensations Morgana was giving him right now.

They smiled lustfully at each other, knowing that this was just the beginning of a long and intense night of passion and glorious sex.

Without any hesitation, Morgana slid down Red’s body, till her still wet pussy hovered over Red’s rod. Slowly, she began to move her amazing bottom over his rock hard cock, brushing and soaking it with her delicious juicy sex. That pleasant movement, made more shivers run wild on both their bodies. Their breaths were heavy and their blood boiled again in their veins. Little by little, Morgana moved faster over Red’s shaft and soon it was throbbing again with a strong need, more than when she had sucked and stroked it. Her big labia wrapped that amazing shaft perfectly, as she had done in the past many times. Morgan loved that sensation. It gave her the impression of full control on Red. He was totally lost in the pleasure that sinuous and hypnotic movement was giving him.

Soon, precum leaked again from the tip of his swollen shaft. Red was never able to resist the stimulation his body gained from this sensual dance Morgana performed for him. His whole body remembered and appreciated it. He continued to stare at the movement of that incredible, round bum, pretty sure Morgana was about to do her move. In fact, the writhing dance didn’t last too long before Morgana rose upright on her knees, right on top of that now straight and burning rod aimed at her heated centre. With her right hand, Morgana guided it against her pussy, then she let its tip slide inside her, literally devouring it. Again, this was a sensation she had missed these past three years.

She stayed like that, with closed eyes and immobilized with the tip deflowering her, while her mind became overwhelmed by the memories of all the nights she and Red had spent together. Her body remembered every kiss, every touch.  Now she was living them again but with more intensity than before.

Slowly, she lowered her body, allowing Red’s shaft penetrate her little by little, till half of it was embedded inside her. Her moans filled the room, exciting Red more than the sensation she was giving to him while she rode him slow. Red put his hands on her flanks, fondling them gently for a little then, when he was sure Morgana wasn’t expecting it, he suddenly gripped her tight and pulled her body down with a sudden movement, claiming her body and reminding her that he was a strong alpha male beneath her.

Morgana shouted out loud her pleasure while Red’s cock fully penetrated her and after a first moment of hesitation, she began a sensual and pleasant dance on him. Her body moved slowly and that offered both the chance to enjoy the pleasure. Red surrendered to the pleasure of Morgana’s intimate dance. Red smiled, knowing how to tickles and please Morgana’s sensitive body.

Red raised his torso, moving his hands long Morgana’s flanks, till they can finally held Morgana’s voluptuous breasts, squeezing them softly, then harder. Every time, Morgana could not hold back her moans of pleasure, especially when Red played with her nipples. He pulled and pinched them between his fingers. This made both to lose the thin control and soon the sensual dance of Morgana become more wild and faster. Red explored her whole body with his hands; her mouth, her neck, again to massage her breasts and nipples, then more till they reached her clitoris. Again and again, that extreme pleasure built stronger and stronger for them.

Red was first to peak. He released a first load of his semen deep in to Morgana’s pussy, making her belly burn till the point she had to let Red’s shaft pop out and squirt all over both their legs and on to the bed. Her body shook with pleasure, while she continued that wild and exciting dance. Red was consumed now, totally caught in the spiral of lust and pleasure.

They continued until both of them fell exhausted on the bed, resting with Morgana’s head on Red’s chest. They happily smiled and they stayed like this for an hour, more or less, then Red stood up, quite sure Morgana had fallen asleep. He reached the table where his gun lay and held it in his right hand. Red pointed it at Morgana and tried to open fire. But nothing happen. Red tried to pull the trigger a second time, then a third, but again the gun didn’t work. He was examining it, when Morgana’s voice caught his attention.

“Without the energy core, your gun is useless!” Morgana said, kicking it out of his unsuspecting hand, causing it to fly in the air in her direction and catching it back in her left hand.

“So, you were expecting this?”

“I know you too well, Red. You have no mercy for people who try to get in your way, no matter who they are!”

Morgana stood up, covering her naked body with the sheet but taking care to never let her eyes drift away of Red. She saw the fire in his eyes and she knew very well how dangerous it could be to underestimate him, even if he was disarmed.

At the same time, Red knew how determined Morgana was when she engaged in a fight with an enemy and now, she probably considered him in that vein!

They stood in front of each other, just three or maybe four steps away, immobilized and observing every little movement of their respective muscles. The tension between them could be sensed easily. Not one of them blinked and this situation lasted for several minutes. Then Morgana spoke again.

“Leave now. I’ll grant you the right of passage. Not one of my men will try to attack you!”

“Is this mercy for an old lover, Morgana?” Red asked, with a rueful smile.

“Call it as you wish, but remember Red, the next time you try to attack this planet, we will be enemies and we will defend ourselves”

Without saying any words, Red left the room under Morgana’s vigilant eyes. She waited by the large window and when she finally saw the Antares take off from the space port, she closed her eyes and took a deep and relieved breath.

A few minutes after Red landed safely on his ship, an intense light tore across the sky, followed by the explosion of the whole Governor’s Tower and its complex. A dense cloud of dust was surrounding the whole area, now devastated by the fire of the main cannons of the Antares.
Red Skorpion was on the bridge of his ship, now smiling satisfied. He was already sure to have Oshire-2 under his control.

“Captain, something is emerging from the impact zone!”

“What is it?” Red Skorpion asked, surprised by this unexpected event.

“It’s a space ship and...And it’s three times the size of Antares!”

Now it was visible. From the cloud of dust, a gigantic skull with three sharp teeth and a gem on the forehead, appeared. The skull was carved on the brow of a ship. No one on the Antares has ever seen it before and it was pointing straight at them with a sharp and threatening blade.

Right behind the skull, lay three cannons, one on the top of the structure and another one on each flank and every one of them was more than twice the size of the main cannons of the Antares. Their fire power was way more powerful than the one of their own ship. Another cannon was placed on the lower side of the structure to defend the ship from attack that came from below.

The body of the ship was different from any other one of the pirate’s fleet. It appeared massive and resistant, with two secondary engines on its flank and the main bridge popped out of the structure, which seemed to embrace it as it wanted to protect it from the attacks of enemies’ artillery. Then, the main engine of the ship appeared from the dust. Despite the dimension of the whole ship, it looked powerful enough to grant an impressive high cruising speed and on top of it, lay another cannon, to protect the rear.

The ship was even more powerful than the battleships of the Galaxian Rangers and was now pointing directly at the Antares, without hesitation, as if it wanted to collide with it. Immediately, Red Skorpion orders to change the route to avoid it, but the unknown ship was approaching faster and to avoid completely the collision was impossible. The left flank of the Antares was wrecked by the blade and the following impact totally destroy the left secondary engine, leaving the Antares sails with reduced speed and unstable. On the bridge of the Antares, everyone was now in panic.

“Captain, they are calling us!”

“On the screen!” Red Skorpion ordered, trying to hide the fear to the rest of the crew. Then, the image of Morgana appeared on the screen, leaving everyone astonished, except Red Skorpion.

“I gave you a choice, Scorpion. Now you know I was not joking!”

No answer came from the Antares and its Captain. Silence filled the bridge, while everyone was immobilized staring at Morgana and her ship moving right in front of them. It took a minute before Red Skorpion broke that heavy atmosphere.

“I admit it. I was underestimated you, Morgana!” he said, looking straight at her “So, are you planning to destroy us, now?”

“My offer is still valid, but now it’s up to you.” she replied, holding his eyesight. “If you insist in attacking us, you will discover how powerful the cannons of my ship are. This is the Queen Valkirya!”

While she spoke, the upper structure of the ship around the bridge opened, spreading and rotating till the two parts formed the flying decks of the Queen Valkirya and revealing the defensive artillery placed all over the structure of the bridge.

Without any other contact between the two captains, the Antares changed its route, heading for the infinite space where, one day, they may meet again. Meanwhile the pirate ship - Antares will continue its fight to conquer new worlds and the Queen Valkirya will fight for their freedom.

The End.
« : June 30, 2015, 12:45:06 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #19 : June 30, 2015, 12:56:43 PM »

Congratulations to All.   Here are the authors of the stories entered in Erotic Story Contest 9.

Special Thanks to mrsexlover for the design of this fabulous poster   :-* :-* :-*

Achat has been informed and prizes and entry awards will be allocated to your accounts in due course  ;D

Thank you everyone for entering and taking part and for all our readers who took the trouble to read and vote for their favourite story. Your continued support is always appreciated  :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
You have all done amazing and I do hope you will take part in  Erotic Story Contest 10.

You have all made this contest a great success yet again.  And we have had 71 votes in total wow.

THANK YOU  THANK YOU  THANK YOU.     WELL DONE TO ALL.       :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

Congratulations to the winners   

1st PLACE -   Brandybee  
and runner up in 2nd Place -   AusWoody
and 3rd Place – Sam_Hawke.    

Well done to all of you and I hope you enter future contests :)

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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