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Hero Member
: 2044

Never push a loyal person to the breaking point

MSN Messenger - mick.woodman@gmail.com
« #90 : September 16, 2015, 03:31:52 AM »

@ Fixxgiggle & Jaynie.   Nice posts & pics. TY for sharing and making the effort :)

@ Jensen.  Awww Hugs.  Ok, I've take you out but you can always change your mind again later if you want :)

Sunday Sept. 20 2015
Detroit Lions at Minnesota Vikings - Auswoody.         Unadopted  V   AusWoody

I think I might adopt the Detroit Lions for this game  seeing as my team is not playing anybody here.

What say you AusWoody,   would you be interested in a little wager between spouses?  :P :P

Something like ...  this ..

For this game, as you are favourites and I am the underdog, I want a 5 point lead.

When the Detroit Lions win :-

For 1 whole week – you will do and wear the following :-
Gollam look = the palest skin on the scale
Red Cowboy hat
Gimp mask but can take it off when we room  of course,  ;) :P
The top portion of the golf outfit
The Summer costume flowery shorts
The Stars and Stripes ankle boots with black socks.

Tagline / Banner = "I love being Brandybee's Bitch"   ;D ;D ;D

Plus …
A post in the AB&G for me to bank of course for when the time comes and will of course be with your prior agreement to content and writers protocol. (Probably something for Halloween) 

What say you Aus?  Are you game baby?

5 points?? try 2, and a week?? 3 days sounds better

when you lose these are my demands... You will  have to wear the Susy Shortcake outfit with black fishnet stockings and yellow  shoes and the halloween scream mask  or pumpkin head. Your choice of head covering.
You will wear it for 3 days and  a banner of my choice ... 

'I love being AusWoody's sex slave, he is a SEX GOD!!'

aand you stop nagging me for my competition story :)

Bring IT!!

Join us in the The Achat Square meeting place for broad-minded  adults - fun and games - http://achatsquare.chatango.com

Mean What I Say  -  Say What I Me
: 45

I am a male to female transsexual.

« #91 : September 16, 2015, 06:22:38 AM »

Wager accepted !  And now you know what to spend the money on from the bet you won  from woody! :)

Somehow, I doubt that wager will cover what I need, but since we won't be losing, I am not worried!

« : September 17, 2015, 04:52:56 PM Brandybee »

Princess by day, slut by night!
Sr. Member
: 250

Fluffy White Cumulus or Wild Stormy Nimbus ?

« #92 : September 16, 2015, 01:05:01 PM »

@ Martinus.
Sunday Sept. 20 2015

Seattle Seahawks - Martinus at Green Bay Packers - Skydance     Martinus  V  Skydance

Would you like to have wager on this game?

If my team wins -  For a week, you change your profile to look like this ...

Gollam look = the palest skin on the scale
The straw Hat
Gimp mask
The candy striped jumper
The Summer costume flowery shorts
The Black and white ankle boots with black socks.

Tagline / Banner =  "Whiffy Sea Chickens have been packed by a Green cheese!"

I accept with this counter wager

If my team wins -  For a week, you change your profile to look like this ...

Gollam look = the palest skin on the scale
Zombie Makeup
Blue hair (in hairstyles the 2nd in the first colum)
Witches Hat
Pink Semi transparent Houswife Costume
Long White Socks/stockings from the referee costum
Green ankle boots

Tagline / Banner =  "This Green Goblin bows down to the might of the Hawks"

Hello Martinus,

My funds are somewhat limited but I will try as near as I can to get the look you want. If you are happy with this compromise, I accept your challenge and wager.
May the best team win, which is of course mine.   ;D


Some people just look up in wonder, others simply dance in the sky amongst the stars
Hero Member
: 707

Founder & Owner of the original HDSR

« #93 : September 16, 2015, 03:39:12 PM »


This is for the kitty supporters Blayne & apussycat time for a wager

If the Dolphins wins    for a week Blayne's Profile will look like...

Gimp mask or pumpkin head
Red santa shotrs
Heavy boots
Pink shirt

Tagline : Jaguars play better with my balls

If the Dolphins wins   for a week apussycat's Profile will look like...

Gimp mask or pumpkin head
Green Soccer skirt
Top from the belly dancer
Leggins in jaguar style ( when possibel to the skirt) or red fine stockings
Pink plattform heels

Tagline : Jaguars play better with ball of wool

« : September 16, 2015, 03:52:13 PM icebox »

 Authors note- This is BDSM.If it offends you please Do not read it.Every Person is of legal age and has givin consent.No one will will be harmed or forced against his or her will,PERIOD.
Full Member
: 115

« #94 : September 16, 2015, 11:47:04 PM »

@ Sylque

I have no doubt you will look stunning in the loser's outfit!  I look forward to seeing you in it!

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #95 : September 17, 2015, 02:37:45 PM »

Sunday Sept. 20 2015[/b][/color]
Detroit Lions at Minnesota Vikings - Auswoody.         Unadopted  V   AusWoody

I think I might adopt the Detroit Lions for this game  seeing as my team is not playing anybody here.

What say you AusWoody,   would you be interested in a little wager between spouses?  :P :P

Something like ...  this ..

For this game, as you are favourites and I am the underdog, I want a 5 point lead.

When the Detroit Lions win :-

For 1 whole week – you will do and wear the following :-
Gollam look = the palest skin on the scale
Red Cowboy hat
Gimp mask but can take it off when we room  of course,  ;) :P
The top portion of the golf outfit
The Summer costume flowery shorts
The Stars and Stripes ankle boots with black socks.

Tagline / Banner = "I love being Brandybee's Bitch
"   ;D ;D ;D

Plus …
A post in the AB&G for me to bank of course for when the time comes and will of course be with your prior agreement to content and writers protocol. (Probably something for Halloween) 

What say you Aus?  Are you game baby?

5 points?? try 2, and a week?? 3 days sounds better

when you lose these are my demands... You will  have to wear the Susy Shortcake outfit with black fishnet stockings and yellow  shoes and the halloween scream mask  or pumpkin head. Your choice of head covering.
You will wear it for 3 days and  a banner of my choice ... 

'I love being AusWoody's sex slave, he is a SEX GOD!!'

aand you stop nagging me for my competition story

Bring IT!!

Agreed for when the Detroit Lions win  -
Profile dress for both = 3 Days.
Gollam look = the palest skin on the scale
Red Cowboy hat
Gimp mask but can take it off when we room  of course,   :P
The top portion of the golf outfit
The Summer costume flowery shorts
The Stars and Stripes ankle boots with black socks.

Tagline / Banner = "I love being Brandybee's Bitch"    ;D ;D ;D ;D

Plus …
A post in the AB&G for me to bank of course for when the time comes and will of course be with your prior agreement to content and writers protocol. (Probably something for Halloween) 

Detroit Lions to have a 3 Point Lead as  we are the underdogs.

Agreed to if the Minnesota Vikings win -

Vikings demands... You will  have to wear the Susy Shortcake outfit with
black fishnet stockings and
yellow  shoes and
the halloween scream mask  or pumpkin head. Your choice of head covering.

You will wear it for 3 days and  a banner of my choice ... 
'I love being AusWoody's sex slave, he is a SEX GOD!!'

Agreed. LOL.

and you stop nagging me for my competition story ...   no chance. ROFLMAO.  Suck it up, nagging indeed. It's encouragement and support for a fellow writer :-* :-* :-*

Spit & Shake ?

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 2044

Never push a loyal person to the breaking point

MSN Messenger - mick.woodman@gmail.com
« #96 : September 17, 2015, 02:40:39 PM »

Sunday Sept. 20 2015[/b][/color]
Detroit Lions at Minnesota Vikings - Auswoody.         Unadopted  V   AusWoody

I think I might adopt the Detroit Lions for this game  seeing as my team is not playing anybody here.

What say you AusWoody,   would you be interested in a little wager between spouses?  :P :P

Something like ...  this ..

For this game, as you are favourites and I am the underdog, I want a 5 point lead.

When the Detroit Lions win :-

For 1 whole week – you will do and wear the following :-
Gollam look = the palest skin on the scale
Red Cowboy hat
Gimp mask but can take it off when we room  of course,  ;) :P
The top portion of the golf outfit
The Summer costume flowery shorts
The Stars and Stripes ankle boots with black socks.

Tagline / Banner = "I love being Brandybee's Bitch
"   ;D ;D ;D

Plus …
A post in the AB&G for me to bank of course for when the time comes and will of course be with your prior agreement to content and writers protocol. (Probably something for Halloween) 

What say you Aus?  Are you game baby?

5 points?? try 2, and a week?? 3 days sounds better

when you lose these are my demands... You will  have to wear the Susy Shortcake outfit with black fishnet stockings and yellow  shoes and the halloween scream mask  or pumpkin head. Your choice of head covering.
You will wear it for 3 days and  a banner of my choice ... 

'I love being AusWoody's sex slave, he is a SEX GOD!!'

aand you stop nagging me for my competition story

Bring IT!!

Agreed for when the Detroit Lions win  -
Profile dress for both = 3 Days.
Gollam look = the palest skin on the scale
Red Cowboy hat
Gimp mask but can take it off when we room  of course,   :P
The top portion of the golf outfit
The Summer costume flowery shorts
The Stars and Stripes ankle boots with black socks.

Tagline / Banner = "I love being Brandybee's Bitch"    ;D ;D ;D ;D

Plus …
A post in the AB&G for me to bank of course for when the time comes and will of course be with your prior agreement to content and writers protocol. (Probably something for Halloween) 

Detroit Lions to have a 3 Point Lead as  we are the underdogs.

Agreed to if the Minnesota Vikings win -

Vikings demands... You will  have to wear the Susy Shortcake outfit with
black fishnet stockings and
yellow  shoes and
the halloween scream mask  or pumpkin head. Your choice of head covering.

You will wear it for 3 days and  a banner of my choice ... 
'I love being AusWoody's sex slave, he is a SEX GOD!!'

Agreed. LOL.

and you stop nagging me for my competition story ...   no chance. ROFLMAO.  Suck it up, nagging indeed. It's encouragement and support for a fellow writer :-* :-* :-*

Spit & Shake ?


Join us in the The Achat Square meeting place for broad-minded  adults - fun and games - http://achatsquare.chatango.com

Mean What I Say  -  Say What I Me

« #97 : September 17, 2015, 04:12:57 PM »

My Jaguars are hungry :)

I accept your wager Oli, but when I win....

Icebox's Profile, for 3 days, will look like this ...

Football Helmet
Green Waistcoat
Pink Shorts
American Boots

Tagline: Dolphin Best Served As Sushi To Blaynes Mighty Jags

May the best team win  ;D

Hero Member
: 707

Founder & Owner of the original HDSR

« #98 : September 18, 2015, 09:03:51 AM »

My Jaguars are hungry :)

I accept your wager Oli, but when I win....

Icebox's Profile, for 3 days, will look like this ...

Football Helmet
Green Waistcoat
Pink Shorts
American Boots

Tagline: Dolphin Best Served As Sushi To Blaynes Mighty Jags

May the best team win  ;D

Sushi would be better for the  kitties  :P before they looks ugly 

We have a wager i agree Blayne. The better one will win ;)

 Authors note- This is BDSM.If it offends you please Do not read it.Every Person is of legal age and has givin consent.No one will will be harmed or forced against his or her will,PERIOD.
Hero Member
: 3435

« #99 : September 18, 2015, 11:36:35 AM »

New YorK Jets vs. Indianapolis Colts  Sep. 21st

as much as I love you baby, but you picked the wrong team

all is fair in love, war and fussyball, prepare to look sexy as hell honey

you ll gonna wear .....

for lets say 3 days, if I like it maybe longer ;)

and I ll get a nice foot massage every day :D

and for your banner..... My Colt is just a Water Pistol

*smooches* damn you ll look hot baby, cant wait to see the back

we have a deal?

The aChat Town Square  http://achatsquare.chatango.com

« #100 : September 19, 2015, 10:04:34 AM »

Is this where I sign up? :) My team will be the Patriots  ::)
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #101 : September 19, 2015, 10:18:27 AM »

Sure is Jessie.  Welcome to the wagers game.  You are included and have Stone as a team mate  ;D

PLAYERS  UPDATE   *   =  Team adopted by more than one player.

01   Skydance         Green Bay Packers
02   Foxyroxxy        San Diego Chargers
03   Lover               Tampa Bay Buccaneers
04   Stone              New England Patriots *
05   Jayc                Chicago Bears *
06   Martinus         Seattle Sea Hawks
07   Auswoody      Minnesota Vikings
08   Sam_Hawke   Philadelphia Eagles
09   Fixxgiggle      Arizona Cardinals
10    Brandybee    Baltimore Ravens
11   Maron21177    New York Jets
12   Blayne          Jacksonville Jaguars *
13   Sylque          San Francisco 49ers
14   Tangoracer    Washington Redskins
15   Jingerbird       Dallas Cowboys
16   Jaynie           New Orleans  Saints
17   apussycat       Jacksonville Jaguars *
18   Babydoll       Pittsburgh Steelers
19  TonyG          Indianapolis Colts
20  Zerog           New York Giants
21  bigdaddyg      Chicago  Bears *
22  icebox           Miami Dolphins
23  Jessie1990     New England Patriots

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Jr. Member
: 90

« #102 : September 19, 2015, 06:21:43 PM »

New YorK Jets vs. Indianapolis Colts  Sep. 21st


we sure have a deal honey...

but im sure u gonna regret this ...
cause if u lose...u have to wear this for...lets say 3 days...chuckles*  :D

and your banner will be...N.Y. Jets can never touch down
Of course i ll get my massage every day (not a foot one   ;))

gooooooo Colts

« : September 19, 2015, 06:53:01 PM Tonyg »

Hero Member
: 3435

« #103 : September 20, 2015, 03:36:20 AM »

DEAL, bring it :P

The aChat Town Square  http://achatsquare.chatango.com
Hero Member
: 1600

« #104 : September 20, 2015, 10:13:28 PM »


Thursday Sept. 17 2015

Denver Broncos 31 Kansas City Chiefs 24 No wagers

Sunday Sept. 20 2015

New England Patriots – Stone 40  Buffalo Bills 32 No wagers

Houston Texans 17 at Carolina Panthers 24  No wagers

Arizona Cardinals – Fixxgiggle 48 Chicago Bears – bigdaddyg,  jayc 23 No wagers

San Diego Chargers – Foxyroxxy 19  Cincinnati Bengals 24   No wagers

Tennessee Titans 14  Cleveland Browns 28  No wagers

Detroit Lions Brandybee 16  Minnesota Vikings – Auswoody 26      Auswoody wins wager

Tampa Bay Buccaneers  Lover 26 New Orleans Saints - Jaynie 19  no wagers

Atlanta Falcons 24  New York Giants - Zerog 20 NO wagers

 San Francisco 49ers – Sylque 18 Pittsburgh Steelers - Babydoll 43    Babydoll wins wager

 St. Louis Rams 10 Washington Redskins – Tangoracer 24    No wagers 

Miami Dolphins – Icebox 20  Jacksonville Jaguars  - apussycat, Blayne. 23   Icebox  Vs Blayne  Blayne wins wager

Baltimore Ravens - Brandybee 33 Oakland Raiders 37 NO wager

Dallas Cowboys - Jingerbird 20  Philadelphia Eagles – Sam_Hawke 10 No wagers

 Seattle Seahawks – Martinus 17 Green Bay Packers – Skydance 27  Skydance wins wager           
: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 34  
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