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« #75 : September 13, 2015, 04:10:28 PM »


Thursday Sept 10th 2015.

Steelers  21 Babydoll  Patriots 28 Stone  .... Stone wins the wager.

Sunday Sept 13th 2015

PACKERS 31 Skydance   BEARS. 16   Jayc & Bigdaddyg………….skydance wins wager

BROWNS 10  JETS 31  Maron211177

COLTS 14 TonyG  BILLS 27
DOLPHINS 17 Icebox  REDSKINS 10 Tangoracer
PANTHERS 20  JAGUARS 9   Blayne & apussycat
SEAHAWKS 31 Martinus  RAMS 34

SAINTS 19 Jaynie  CARDINALS 31   Fixxgiggle.........  Fixxgiggle wins wager

LIONS 28  CHARGERS Foxyroxxy 33


Baltimore Brandybee 13  BRONCOS 19 Jensen
GIANTS Zer0g  26  COWBOYS 27  Jingerbird

Monday SEPTEMBER 14th  2015 Games
VIKINGS Auswoody VS 49ERS Sylque 

« : September 13, 2015, 10:14:15 PM jayc »
Hero Member
: 1600

« #76 : September 13, 2015, 10:46:20 PM »

all dressed up as per wager, lets get the laughter part over with ::)

So did my team mate bigdaddyg

« : September 15, 2015, 02:36:45 AM Brandybee »
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #77 : September 14, 2015, 01:10:41 PM »

Sunday Sept 13th 2015.
Baltimore RAVENS AT Denver BRONCOS.   Brandybee  V   Jensen.

JENSEN JENSEN JENSEN.   Throwing the gauntlet in your direction and grinning wickedly. I am after control of your profile for 1 whole week.
The Ravens are hungry for you.

For this game, as you are favourites, I want a 7 point lead.

When  I win :-
For 1 whole week – you will do  and wear the following :-
Gollam look = the palest skin on the scale
Red Cowboy hat
Gimp mask
The top portion of the golf outfit
The Summer costume flowery shorts
The Stars and Stripes ankle boots with black socks.

Tagline / Banner =  "European Football is more superior to American Fussyball"

Plus …
A post in the AB&G for me to bank of course for when the time comes and will of course be with your prior agreement to content and writers protocol.  (Probably something for Halloween)

What do you say Yank?

Baltimore Ravens 13  (+ 7 = 20 ) -  Brandybee.      Denver  Broncos 19  -  Jensen.

I would have won by the skin of my teeth.  Of course, you could have negotiated the points and then you would have dictated my dress and profile.  UNLUCKYYYYYYYYYYYY
Just as well you was MIA  Jens. 

Hugs.   Maybe you will get me next time.   

Well played to the ones taking part so far  :)
@ Babydoll & Jayc ...   Stunning.  LOLOLOL.  Good Sports you two.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P

« #78 : September 14, 2015, 01:53:17 PM »

New Orleans SAINTS 19 (+3 = 22 )  - Jaynie.   Arizona CARDINALS 31  -   Fixxgiggle.     Fixgiggle wins the wager.

Jaynie agrees to a  1 hour date with Fixgiggle performing a slow lap dance, pole dance or dance on table wearing his choice of lingerie. There will be no nudity and he will be bound by the no touching rule.

Since The Cardinals team was favored to win Fixgiggle agreed to a 3 point lead to The Saints

The wager has been fulfilled.

Jaynie was a good sport. In honour of the victor, Jaynie wore a red and black lingerie set. She provided a great music play list she danced to. The dances were nicely performed (I think someone has been practising) and enjoyed greatly.

I would like to thank Jaynie for a very entertaining date.

Hero Member
: 1669

« #79 : September 14, 2015, 09:07:02 PM »

Arizona CARDINALS 31  -   Fixxgiggle.     Fixgiggle wins the wager.

New Orleans SAINTS 19 (+3 = 22 )  - Jaynie.

Jaynie agrees to a  1 hour date with Fixgiggle performing a slow lap dance, pole dance or dance on table wearing his choice of lingerie. There will be no nudity and he will be bound by the no touching rule.

Since The Cardinals team was favored to win Fixgiggle agreed to a 3 point lead to The Saints

I arrived for my date at Fixx's Loft ready to eat humble pie and as my beloved New Orleans Saints lost in a stunning upset to the Arizona Cardinals the day before.   I decided to hold my head high ...and to show there were no hard feelings for a game well played,  I dressed In the Cardinals team colors of Red and Black to honor the victor.   Fixx gave me a warm welcome and immediately made me feel comfortable and at home in his beautiful  bright and sunny loft.   

We began our date with a nice slow dance.. obvioiusly breaking our own no touching rule right from the start.. but it was a nice and wonderful way for two people who knew practically nothing of each other to get better acquainted.  We had some casual conversation, a few laughs and when the air was light and fun, i gave Fixx a playlist of dance music I had chosen for just this occasion.  The first dance was a 15 minute pole dance.. and yes i had been practicing to make sure my movements flowed into each other..  shimmy shaking my hips to the beat of the music as I prepared to take flight around the pole in a series of sensual movements that inspired applause and praise from my captive audience. 

After I finished my pole dancing routine.. and the pole magically retracted through the trap door on the floor, I smiled a cute little smile at Fixx and walked over to him sitting on the sofa..   and posed provocatively in front of him .. my fingertips gently flowing across my body and hips as i swayed and gyrated in a slow rhythmic motion to  the enticing music.   

When the lap dance was over.. and we still had time left on our date.. I got up on the table in the living room to dance like there was no one watching.. but instead we fell into a fit of laughter when we saw that we had unknowingly broken the second rule of no nudity on our date.. as somehow Fixx lost his shorts between the sofa and the table..  we decided it was okay and we would tell noone.. (sorry Fixx.. *giggles*)  and proceeded in throwing  my arms up in the air and danced to a smiling and clapping Fixx.  When the dance was over, i knelt down and smiled at him and let him know that how much fun I had on our date and thanked him for being a perfect gentleman. 

Fixx offered me his hand and helped me down from the table and we exchanged hugs as new friends and agreed that perhaps we had both been winners in our Football wager.  

« #80 : September 14, 2015, 09:52:41 PM »

Sunday Sept 13th 2015.
Baltimore RAVENS AT Denver BRONCOS.   Brandybee  V   Jensen.

JENSEN JENSEN JENSEN.   Throwing the gauntlet in your direction and grinning wickedly. I am after control of your profile for 1 whole week.
The Ravens are hungry for you.

For this game, as you are favourites, I want a 7 point lead.

When  I win :-
For 1 whole week – you will do  and wear the following :-
Gollam look = the palest skin on the scale
Red Cowboy hat
Gimp mask
The top portion of the golf outfit
The Summer costume flowery shorts
The Stars and Stripes ankle boots with black socks.

Tagline / Banner =  "European Football is more superior to American Fussyball"

Plus …
A post in the AB&G for me to bank of course for when the time comes and will of course be with your prior agreement to content and writers protocol.  (Probably something for Halloween)

What do you say Yank?

Baltimore Ravens 13  (+ 7 = 20 ) -  Brandybee.      Denver  Broncos 19  -  Jensen.

I would have won by the skin of my teeth.  Of course, you could have negotiated the points and then you would have dictated my dress and profile.  UNLUCKYYYYYYYYYYYY
Just as well you was MIA  Jens. 

Hugs.   Maybe you will get me next time.   

Well played to the ones taking part so far  :)
@ Babydoll & Jayc ...   Stunning.  LOLOLOL.  Good Sports you two.

Sorry Brandy, and everyone. I'm pulling out of this game. It's not my thing. Everyone else keep having fun though!
Hero Member
: 1600

« #81 : September 14, 2015, 11:22:54 PM »


Thursday Sept 10th 2015.

Steelers  21 Babydoll  Patriots 28 Stone  .... Stone wins the wager.

Sunday Sept 13th 2015

PACKERS 31 Skydance   BEARS. 16   Jayc & Bigdaddyg………….skydance wins wager

BROWNS 10  JETS 31  Maron211177

COLTS 14 TonyG  BILLS 27
DOLPHINS 17 Icebox  REDSKINS 10 Tangoracer
PANTHERS 20  JAGUARS 9   Blayne & apussycat
SEAHAWKS 31 Martinus  RAMS 34

SAINTS 19 Jaynie  CARDINALS 31   Fixxgiggle.........  Fixxgiggle wins wager

LIONS 28  CHARGERS Foxyroxxy 33


Baltimore Brandybee 13  BRONCOS 19 Jensen
GIANTS Zer0g  26  COWBOYS 27  Jingerbird

Monday SEPTEMBER 14th  2015 Games

EAGLES Sam_Hawke  24   FALCONS 26
VIKINGS Auswoody 3   49ERS Sylque 20...............  Sylque wins  wager

« : September 14, 2015, 11:30:39 PM jayc »
Hero Member
: 1600

« #82 : September 14, 2015, 11:40:43 PM »


Thursday Sept. 17 2015

Denver Broncos at Kansas City Chiefs.  Unadopted.

Sunday Sept. 20 2015

New England Patriots - Stone at Buffalo Bills.    Stone V Unadopted.

Houston Texans at Carolina Panthers.  Unadopted.

Arizona Cardinals - Fixxgiggle at Chicago Bears – bigdaddyg,  jayc      Fixxgiggle  V  bigdaddyg & jayc

San Diego Chargers - Foxyroxxy at Cincinnati Bengals.   FoxyRoxxy  V  unadopted.

Tennessee Titans at Cleveland Browns.  Unadopted.

Detroit Lions at Minnesota Vikings - Auswoody      Unadopted  V   AusWoody

Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Lover at New Orleans Saints - Jaynie    Lover    V   Jaynie

Atlanta Falcons at New York Giants - Ze0og      Unadopted   V   Zer0g

San Francisco 49ers - Sylque at Pittsburgh Steelers - Babydoll     Sylque  V   Babydoll

St. Louis Rams at Washington Redskins – Tangoracer      Unadopted  V  Tangoracer

Miami Dolphins - Icebox at Jacksonville Jaguars - apussycat, Blayne.   Icebox   V    apussycat & Blayne

Baltimore Ravens - Brandybee at Oakland Raiders.   Brandybee   V   Unadopted.

Dallas Cowboys - Jingerbird at Philadelphia Eagles – Sam_Hawke    Jingerbird  V  Sam_Hawke

Seattle Seahawks - Martinus at Green Bay Packers - Skydance     Martinus  V  Skydance

Monday Sept. 21 2015

New York Jets – Maron21177 at Indianapolis Colts - Tonyg      Maron211177  V  Tonyg
« : September 15, 2015, 02:02:27 AM Brandybee »
Full Member
: 115

« #83 : September 15, 2015, 12:27:19 AM »


San Francisco 49ers - Syique at Pittsburgh Steelers - Babydoll

My wager Syique if you dare to accept  is this......................I will take the 2 1/2 points.............your lovely outfit for three days will be the strawberry shortcake outfit accompanied with yellow gloves, green stockings and the scream scary mask................your banner for the week will read .............."All cold invites accepted because I am a 69er not a 49er"

I await your reply
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #84 : September 15, 2015, 04:14:27 AM »

@ Fixxgiggle & Jaynie.   Nice posts & pics. TY for sharing and making the effort :)

@ Jensen.  Awww Hugs.  Ok, I've take you out but you can always change your mind again later if you want :)

Sunday Sept. 20 2015
Detroit Lions at Minnesota Vikings - Auswoody.         Unadopted  V   AusWoody

I think I might adopt the Detroit Lions for this game  seeing as my team is not playing anybody here.

What say you AusWoody,   would you be interested in a little wager between spouses?  :P :P

Something like ...  this ..

For this game, as you are favourites and I am the underdog, I want a 5 point lead.

When the Detroit Lions win :-

For 1 whole week – you will do and wear the following :-
Gollam look = the palest skin on the scale
Red Cowboy hat
Gimp mask but can take it off when we room  of course,  ;) :P
The top portion of the golf outfit
The Summer costume flowery shorts
The Stars and Stripes ankle boots with black socks.

Tagline / Banner = "I love being Brandybee's Bitch"   ;D ;D ;D

Plus …
A post in the AB&G for me to bank of course for when the time comes and will of course be with your prior agreement to content and writers protocol. (Probably something for Halloween) 

What say you Aus?  Are you game baby?

« : September 15, 2015, 04:40:53 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
: 45

I am a male to female transsexual.

« #85 : September 15, 2015, 06:34:13 AM »


San Francisco 49ers - Syique at Pittsburgh Steelers - Babydoll

My wager Syique if you dare to accept  is this......................I will take the 2 1/2 points.............your lovely outfit for three days will be the strawberry shortcake outfit accompanied with yellow gloves, green stockings and the scream scary mask................your banner for the week will read .............."All cold invites accepted because I am a 69er not a 49er"

I await your reply

Sure, I'll take it.  (I don't own any of the items though...).  Since I am very unimaginative, If I win, you have to wear the outfit, and your banner will read, "My steel is bent, so I take it in the ass.  Send me your invite!"

Princess by day, slut by night!
Sr. Member
: 250

Fluffy White Cumulus or Wild Stormy Nimbus ?

« #86 : September 15, 2015, 09:14:44 AM »

all dressed up as per wager, lets get the laughter part over with ::)

So did my team mate bigdaddyg

Thank you Jayc and bigdaddg for dressing up.

Your banner description  can read ... 

We Bears' Dance to  pie in the Sky hopes.  Invite to see.

@ Martinus.
Sunday Sept. 20 2015

Seattle Seahawks - Martinus at Green Bay Packers - Skydance     Martinus  V  Skydance

Would you like to have wager on this game?

If my team wins -  For a week, you change your profile to look like this ...

Gollam look = the palest skin on the scale
The straw Hat
Gimp mask
The candy striped jumper
The Summer costume flowery shorts
The Black and white ankle boots with black socks.

Tagline / Banner =  "Whiffy Sea Chickens have been packed by a Green cheese!"

Some people just look up in wonder, others simply dance in the sky amongst the stars
Hero Member
: 1600

« #87 : September 15, 2015, 10:59:56 AM »

NFL Point Spreads For Week 2

Date & Time   Favorite   Spread   Underdog

9/17 8:25 ET   At Kansas City   -3   Denver

9/20 1:00 ET   At Carolina   -3.5   Houston

9/20 1:00 ET   At New Orleans   -10.5   Tampa Bay

9/20 1:00 ET   At Pittsburgh   -6.5   San Francisco

9/20 1:00 ET   At Minnesota   -3   Detroit

9/20 1:00 ET   New England   -1   At Buffalo

9/20 1:00 ET   Arizona   -2.5   At Chicago

9/20 1:00 ET   At Cleveland    PK   Tennessee

9/20 1:00 ET   At Cincinnati   -3.5   San Diego

9/20 1:00 ET   St. Louis   -3.5   At Washington

9/20 1:00 ET   At NY Giants   -2.5   Atlanta

9/20 4:05 ET   Baltimore   -6   At Oakland

9/20 4:05 ET   Miami   -6.5   At Jacksonville

9/20 4:25 ET   At Philadelphia   -5   Dallas

9/20 8:30 ET   At Green Bay   -3.5   Seattle

  Monday Night Football Point Spread

9/21 8:30 ET   At Indianapolis   -7   NY Jets
Full Member
: 115

« #88 : September 15, 2015, 07:15:10 PM »


San Francisco 49ers - Syique at Pittsburgh Steelers - Babydoll

My wager Syique if you dare to accept  is this......................I will take the 2 1/2 points.............your lovely outfit for three days will be the strawberry shortcake outfit accompanied with yellow gloves, green stockings and the scream scary mask................your banner for the week will read .............."All cold invites accepted because I am a 69er not a 49er"

I await your reply

Sure, I'll take it.  (I don't own any of the items though...).  Since I am very unimaginative, If I win, you have to wear the outfit, and your banner will read, "My steel is bent, so I take it in the ass.  Send me your invite!"

Wager accepted !  And now you know what to spend the money on from the bet you won  from woody! :)
Hero Member
: 1446

« #89 : September 16, 2015, 01:07:06 AM »

@ Martinus.
Sunday Sept. 20 2015

Seattle Seahawks - Martinus at Green Bay Packers - Skydance     Martinus  V  Skydance

Would you like to have wager on this game?

If my team wins -  For a week, you change your profile to look like this ...

Gollam look = the palest skin on the scale
The straw Hat
Gimp mask
The candy striped jumper
The Summer costume flowery shorts
The Black and white ankle boots with black socks.

Tagline / Banner =  "Whiffy Sea Chickens have been packed by a Green cheese!"

I except with this counter wager

If my team wins -  For a week, you change your profile to look like this ...

Gollam look = the palest skin on the scale
Zombie Makeup
Blue hair (in hairstyles the 2nd in the first colum)
Witches Hat
Pink Semi transparent Houswife Costume
Long White Socks/stockings from the referee costum
Green ankle boots

Tagline / Banner =  "This Green Goblin bows down to the might of the Hawks"

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