AZERBAJANI GRAND PRIX SWEEPIs Now OpenGRAND PRIX COUNTDOWN. The AZERBAJANI GRAND PRIX Sweep . 8. 19th June Azerbaijani Grand Prix 12:00 GMT22 Places available @ A$ 50 gifted to Osiris_Forum10 of 22 taken 12 remaining GOOD LUCK and Thank you to all the players Players for F1 GP Sweep 1. AusWoody 2. Martinus3. Nat334, Lydiarose5, Skydance6. foxman577. fisher3168. Covems9. Kaitlyn198910. tangoracer11. Sexilicious12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Stake Collected 1000 Achat Dollars. We have a live random driver draw at The Square, every Wednesday before the race and we also enjoy Race night there. Its all good fun & a great way to meet & make new friends. Keep an eye on this topic for details. Remember the Live Driver Draw & Race is on at The Square - -