First Prize of $500 goes to … Zuzannah for
See those bastards over there, they're the bloody judges for that writing competition.
They don't know bloody anything.
And 2nd prize of $250 to Kaitlyn1989 for:
Well, I think that’s enough BS for one night YOU?
A special Boobie Prize for Gentledom for entering his own photo,
a wooden spoon is on it's way to you disguised as a strappie !
Thank you to all who entered and please look out for Competition No.4 …
$500 first prize, runner-up $250
If folks can bear the excitement of another caption competition
usual rules apply, that there are no rules, enter as many times as
you please, and if a certain person wins a third time in a row
she will have to organise the next one 
Just copy the photo and send in with your caption
If copying the photo is a problem, just send your caption it will be fine