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  • #155907
    This is the Cassianna i know, strong and smart!
    Love your postings

    Keep it up, Cass!


    I like them all and I really like the urban art pic. Nice one Cass.

    Shine on my Crazy Diamond

    Do what you do best, create ART.
    Share your gift, your true beauty with us all, leave the rest behind.

    I too have neglected my friendship with you, keeping my distance.
    Not knowing how to comfort you, drive away past ghosts
    Afraid , that I was only making it worse, lacking the words.
    I should have come to you, offer you hugs, a shoulder, an ear.
    Please forgive me Cassianna, I was not listening. I am now.

    Your “true” friend always, Kaitlyn


    Soft Smiles and tight Hugs Cassianna… Love you my friend.


    I have long been not on your topic,your posters are delightful,you continue to create and please us with the work,I love you as friend


    Hello Good People!!!

    Thankyou very much for visits and support! The garage is for us!

    I think we back to true way of the garage, working like a image, art, and funny topic. Some idiots tryed disturb us, but I ask sorry for them.

    Whats the news now? Really, I dont have nothing special to post. But I feel very happy with the visitors, the comments and the support of yours.
    Lets go to more  posters, more garage, more ideas, more coments, more fun.

    To celebrate the silence of haters, one more poster! The show will be continue! Hihihihi!

    Thank you very much to my visitors!!!!
    Remember it is your garage! iam your silver blonde! it is your space!

    Kisses All!!!!




    Hello people,
    Just  to remember about the beauty contest promoved by kaythlin annd lydia rose conntinue and go to round two.

    To help the girls to promove the event i will post the links with galleries of contesters of this new round. I hope you enjoy.

    Women Round 2,4338.0.html

    Shemale Round 2,4309.0.html

    So,  I hope you take a view and give support to event of my friends. They worked hard to make it. And iam in the contest too. Try find me in the women gallery, hihihihi…
    This round dont have public vote, just the the judges vote.

    Kiss All



    Good day for all, and I want show my special outfit and acessories to play this fucking game surrounded by gangs, enemies, haters, false friends and others “snakes in the grass”.

    So, dress your armor suit, take your machine gun, your combat blade, paint your face with cammo and enter in the Achat battlefield. Dont forget the x-ray or thermal vision glasses, much enemies are “invisibles”. Hihihihihi.

    Ok, we will jump in combat zone… I see you later, soldier! keep your ass safe and dont die!

    Kisses All


    Sounds like a war zone with all these  gangs, enemies, haters, cheaters, false friends and others “snakes in the grass”.

    Luckily I've not met any yet just a few rude idiots but they are everywhere not just in the meeting places.

    Anyway, just wanted to say,  nice pic Cass.  Love the mean and moody look.


    I'm glad  I'm on your side cassi  but you are sexyyyyy


    Cassi, you are BADASS! I love it.

    WOW … Cassi, you are so sexy, when you look angry

    Sounds like a war zone with all these   gangs, enemies, haters, cheaters, false friends and others “snakes in the grass”.

    Luckily I've not met any yet just a few rude idiots but they are everywhere not just in the meeting places.

    Anyway, just wanted to say,  nice pic Cass.  Love the mean and moody look.

    Thanks Vaughan, maybe we dont play the same game. My game is full of monsters! Hihihihihi! Kisses my friend.

    I'm glad  I'm on your side cassi  but you are sexyyyyy

    If stay on my side, soldier… Where is your helmet, armor and machine Rifle??!?!?!? !!! fast! Shoot in everybody move ! Kisses fisher! hihihihi

    Cassi, you are BADASS! I love it.

    But iam a beautyfull bad ass, right? Hihihihi! one thousand kisses Anatasia! I love your poems!

    WOW … Cassi, you are so sexy, when you look angry

    Hi Super Billy! iam so sexy happy, sleeping, eating, walking, stoping in any way! hahahahaha! Thankyou very much my friend! Kisses and keep contact!


    “Can you feel it, see it, hear it today?
    If you can't, then it doesn't matter anyway
    You will never understand it cuz it happens too fast
    And it feels so good, it's like walking on glass”

    -Epic, Faith no More

    Sometimes we lost friends when the life change or the life finish. But sometimes we lost friends because them actions, liars and words hurt so hard and is impossible continue. Is impossible fix it. All things we had –  our  trust, friendship and feelings are destroyed by liars and evil actions. I just can said one thing about it… Nevermore. I hope you be happy.

    Kisses All



    Well let me just say one thing…….

    If i though our friendship was going to end because of a vote…………..then i was a fool!!!

    I used the 1 vote I had to vote for you: How many wheels does a car have? 4

    Lydia asked me afterwards to be a judge and vote, but the heat was on you because of allot of things so I did told Lydia I'm only going to give you 1 vote just so that the game can go on………

    Luckily my time is changing so I don't need this anymore! I really though we were friends after ALL we had been through……

    You will ALWAYS have a close place in my heart….

    Well this is me signing off……………

    Be safe and always have Fun……



    You are both important to me ….

    how is it I have just been hit by a truck?
    how can this be? how did I not know?

    This news saddens me, I hurt inside.
    Don't you both see? Your feelings and actions in here extend beyond the two of you.
    Those who have any real feelings for you, all become part of this, intentionally of not.
    We too are victims of our own hearts, feelings and moral obligations.

    I pray time soothes past wounds, reflection offers understanding.
    You are both good people, one my good friend, the other a lover.
    I implore you both, please reconsider.


Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 525 total)
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