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Messages - tom

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Slip of the pen (Report bugs) / Re: Problems game and purchasse new pose
« on: January 13, 2014, 11:31:20 AM »
Sorry, was already corrected.

Artist's Alley / Re: Editing cloth textures
« on: December 10, 2012, 07:43:38 AM »
cloth_UVW.zip was updated, all UVW maps should be there now.

Artist's Alley / Re: Editing cloth textures
« on: November 22, 2012, 02:01:35 AM »

the file with the UVW maps (cloth_UVW.zip) was updated and contains all uvw maps of the texture viewer. New maps:

- bodystocking_f_uvw
- garter_belt_f_uvw
- gloves_f_uvw
- skirt_f_uvw


Artist's Alley / Re: Editing cloth textures
« on: July 13, 2012, 01:04:06 AM »
when I saved the textures from the viewer, after each save AChat crashed and had to be restarted!

Not on my computer, so I have no idea at the moment  :o


Artist's Alley / Re: Editing cloth textures
« on: July 12, 2012, 10:39:13 AM »
UV maps of shoes were added, please check the original post.

Artist's Alley / Re: Editing cloth textures
« on: July 12, 2012, 09:35:37 AM »
Actually the mistake was not corrected intentionally, I know only that the up to date full version works fine. Please re-install your AChat client if you cannot save the shoes textures!

Artist's Alley / Re: Editing cloth textures
« on: May 21, 2012, 07:17:51 AM »

first of all I would like to say big thanks to Jeanona, Keiko and Tight for the nice designs.

As I already mentioned we would like to continue to publish user designs in the shop, so if you can choose the next designs we will add them to the shop constantly.

I have updated the initial post with the picture of heightmap effects just to show how it should look with a decent video card. I encourage all designers to get one, because the bump map can give really nice details to the designs.

Regarding the paid share I have to say sorry, we cannot credit it daily, as it was mentioned in an earlier post. We don't have the required automation for that yet, so the payment will be done weekly (in the first 1-2 weeks), and then monthly. I hope it is not a big problem.

Please keep doing the nice work  ;D


Non-english speakers / Re: Translations for AChat
« on: May 17, 2012, 05:10:12 AM »
Hi Rubella,

we don't have French translation yet, so I cannot show any material which could help. As mentioned, the file 'prog_data\texts.txt' should be translated. It uses unicode, so the special characters should work fine in this file. Other question is the special French characters missing from AChat. Could you please list the missing characters (which will not be displayed right when you type in text in the chat input field)!


Artist's Alley / Re: Editing cloth textures
« on: May 15, 2012, 01:16:19 AM »
Hi Tight,
yes, your PC doesn't support shaders we need, and unfortunately AChat doesn't show this info and enables loading height maps.
As you said: designers (should) use top quality hardware  ;D

Artist's Alley / Re: Editing cloth textures
« on: May 15, 2012, 12:16:28 AM »
Hi Tight,
could you please create a screenshot and send it to us with the file startlog.txt from the main AChat directory? What kind of video card do you have? Only older cards cannot show the bump effect.

Artist's Alley / Re: Editing cloth textures
« on: May 14, 2012, 09:36:39 AM »
as you could see we have started to publish your designs in the shop. We still have problems with the height maps, it looks like you don't fully understand the real benefit of height maps, but it will change, we will continue with the explanation.
Anyway, the selection of new models can be started, so that we have a nice queue with your designs.

Artist's Alley / Re: Editing cloth textures
« on: April 27, 2012, 02:49:38 AM »
Please read the first (original) post, I have addad a short explanation about height mpas there.

Artist's Alley / Re: Editing cloth textures
« on: April 27, 2012, 01:10:07 AM »
we have received the first textures from Keiko and Tightfit, thank you very much. Here are our first notes:

1. Please include the name of the used model in the name of the textures in the future so that we can identify them easily. E.g. texture1_cloth2.png, texture2_stockings.png etc.

2. We have not received height mapf for the textures. Did you try to create one or  not at all? Height map can add the fine structure of the material and also the creases if needed. Here the question is: will you try to add the height map, or should we try to add it, or should we skip for the given model? If we skip the height map the result may look a bit plain.

3. The look of the texture can be controlled using different parameters, I will write about it shortly.

Please answer the 2nd note, that is the most important at the moment to go further.



the screenshot uses standard DirectX functions, here we cannot correct the result, we are terrible sorry.

The GUI could be corrected to adapt better to the resolution, but that is a bigger change, so it is not planned in the near future.


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