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Topics - tom

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Artist's Alley / Replacing music files in AChat
« on: August 31, 2016, 10:22:30 AM »
If you want to replace the music files in your AChat installation try the following:

1. Got to the main AChat directory and there open the sounds/music directory
2. The .ogg files are the music files. You can simply replace the ogg files with your own files but keeping the original file names, or add your files and edit the ogg_playlist.txt file according to your needs.

Important note from Eidamir:

The ogg file names must not contain space character(s).

1#. Для того чтобы начать общение, нажмите кнопку «Чат» под изображением собеседника в правой части окна.
Вам никто не гарантирует быстрого ответа, но и никто не рассердиться, если вы, просто, скажете ему «Привет». Большинству не нравиться, когда их пытаются пригласить в комнату без их предварительного одобрения. Если вы приглашаете кого-то без предварительного разговора, это считается грубым, «холодным приглашением». Если вам повезет, они просто не будут реагировать на приглашения, но большинство добавит вас в «Список игнорирования».

2#. Потратьте несколько секунда на то что бы заполнить свой профиль. Вы так же можете читать профили людей, с которыми общаетесь.
Просмотрите профиль собеседника, и вы поймете, имеет ли смысл с ним общаться или стоит поискать кого-то. Это необходимо для того чтобы гетеросексуалы не тратили время на общение гомосексуалов, и наоборот. Кроме того, информация в профиле поможет вам начать разговор. Есть ли у вас идеи, что вы должны написать о себе в профиле? Оглянитесь вокруг и почитайте, что пишут другие. А можно спросить других людей, большинство охотно помогут вам.

3#. Вам никто ничего не обязан.
Никто не обязан идти с Вами в комнату (кроме Robot Boy и Robot Girl.) Никто даже не обязан говорить с Вами. Если будите достаточно интересным собеседником, то можете попробовать убедить их пообщаться с вами в комнате.

4#. Учитывайте языковой барьер.
В разных странах, говорят на разных языках, и если вы говорите по-русски, это не означает, что все должны говорить по-русски и понимать Вас. Мы желаем вам много приятного общения и на других языках, но если этого не случиться, не стоит кого-то винить.

5#. Начиная разговор, не ждите получить мгновенный ответ.
Если вы начинаете разговор, а не получить немедленный ответ немного подождать. Если вам сразу не отвечают, это не значит что, с вами не хотят общаться. Собеседник может быть занят или отойти от компьютера. Дайте время собеседнику, а не донимайте его повторными сообщениями, это может значительно повысить ваши шансы получить ответ. Не начинайте много разговоров сразу, вы можете запутаться в собеседниках, если сразу несколько человек начнут вам отвечать.

6#. Общайтесь с другими так, как хотите, чтобы общались с Вами. Лучший способ получить истинное наслаждение, быть как можно естественнее.

7#. Используйтесь поиском. Если вы хотите найти людей только из вашей страны, нажмите на кнопку "Поиск партнеров" и заполнить свою страну в "Страна" поле. Программа отфильтрует людей и покажет вам, тех, в профиле которых указана соответствующая страна.

Share your creative ideas / How to place the christmas decor?
« on: December 16, 2011, 11:01:40 AM »
Click the small button next to the room selection to open the decor selection window!

Share your creative ideas / AChat with enhanced graphics
« on: November 28, 2011, 10:46:42 AM »

we have a new version of AChat, which uses better shaders. It would be great, if you could help to test it. To try it you have to replace your existing AChat installation:

1. Save your ignore list, it is in the file 'personal\ignorelist.bin' in the AChat directory. (To find the AChat directory please right click on the AChat start icon, and there select 'Properties'. Here on the 'Shortcut' tab you can see the path to the AChat directory, you can also open it by clicking on the 'Open File Location' button.)
2. Uninstall AChat, and then delete the AChat directory also manually.
3. Download the new AChat:
4. Install the downloaded file
5. Download the high detail pack (works without it, but hig details look much better):
6. Install the high detail pack
7. Restore your ignore list

Minimum hardware requirements:
There are not really.
Most of the computers will run more quickly with the new graphics. There are older chipsets, which will run only with the old shader (will be decided automatically), or in some cases you can experience slower frame rates. If you feel it uncomfortable, you can choose the old shader in the settings window. If you don't have the choice in the settings window, that means, your computer isn't able to work with the new shader at all, in this case you won't see any improvement.

Future compatibility:
After installing and trying you can keep this version, it will work with all upgrades.

What is the difference compared to the old shader? Please check it and write here your experience.


Share your creative ideas / Pose categories
« on: October 16, 2011, 06:18:15 AM »

we would like to enrol the poses into categories to make the pose  selection easier. We have at the moment the following category ideas:

1. Talking and social interaction (like talking, dancing)
2. Foreplay
3. Masturbation
4. Oral
5. The 69 poses
6. From behind
7. Woman on top
8. Face to face (including e.g. the missionary pose)
9. Handjob and fisting
10. SM

Please tell us your opinion, and write here if you have additional or better category ideas.

Another question is the visualization of these categories. Icons on Tabs? Drop-down picture list? Or just a scrollable icon list marked with the category names? What do you think about it?

Thank you for all creative ideas in advance!


Posting rules / Posting rules
« on: June 02, 2011, 12:25:07 AM »
This forum was created to serve as a meeting place for AChat members, and to help us to get feedback. There are a few basic rules, which should be accepted by all posting members.

1. Never insult or threaten other members, or you may be banned by the administrator.
2. Potentially harmful posts may be deleted any time by the administrator.
3. Our administrator (susy_a) has full authorisation to let all users to observe these rules.

That is all. Enjoy!

A-Team ask you / The dream tits...
« on: May 13, 2011, 03:33:19 AM »
How your dream tits look like? I mean  the tits you would love most if they could be real. Maybe they are real. Maybe the tits of your girlfriend or spouse or a supermodel. But maybe it can be drawn only. Please show the pictures of your ideal tits!

Got any problems running AChat? / False virus detection
« on: March 04, 2011, 02:16:42 PM »
First of all we would like to emphasize:
AChat is clean, doesn't contain any viruses. AChat will be continuously checked using 6 major antivirus softwares.

Unfortunately most of the antivirus softwares use heuristic virus detection, which tries to find unknown viruses by analysing the exe files without checking the real behaviour of them.
These heuristic algorithms can easily make mistakes and cause false positive detections.
If we meet a false detection we contact the vendor of the antivirus software, and start the clarification process. Unfortunately this process can last longer, and menwhile different actions are required on the computer running the problematic antivirus software.

Known false detetions:

- Norton antivirus makes false detection using the Sonar component. The achat .exe file will be deleted when you try to run AChat.
  • Solution 1: open the quarantine, and restore the quarantined achat.exe. Here the achat.exe file can be marked as trusted software component to avoid repeated deletion.
  • Solution 2: disable the Sonar component and re-install AChat

Share your creative ideas / New function: character picture upload
« on: January 31, 2011, 05:35:05 AM »
Picture upload is officially enabled for paying premium users.
Log in on the web page and click the 'Character picture upload' link under account management.
One upload costs A$99, so please consider first.
Enjoy!  ;D

Non-english speakers / Translations for AChat
« on: October 15, 2010, 09:00:13 AM »
Hi Friends!

We would like to issue translations for AChat . That means all menus and texts could be appear translated.
Just the translations are missing.  ;D

Here we need your help. If anybody would like to contribute a translation, we will add it to AChat as additional language version. We are looking for help for the following languages: French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish

How can you translate the program? It is rather simple. In the AChat directory under prog_data you can find a file named texts.txt. Open this file with Notepad, translate it using your national character set (not only English characters can be used) , and save it with encoding 'Unicode' (there is an option in Notepad under 'Save As...'). Warning! If you don't choose Unicode encoding you can loose your national characters!!
The result can be seen in AChat immediately, so you can check the result continuously.
WARNING! Upgrades can overwrite this file, so please keep it on a safe place, not only in the prog_data directory!!

It is possible, that some national charcters will not displayed in AChat, but these will be added soon, so the translated text can contain them.

 Could you please help to improve AChat experience?

You can send the translations here: achat.translation@gmail.com


FAKE WEBSITE WARNING! / WARNING! Fake website tries to deceive AChat users.
« on: September 19, 2010, 04:28:03 AM »

Fake website tries to deceive AChat users to  log in, and steal user data this way.

Please note!

Never try to log in with your user data on other sites, the only real AChat website is:

Please warn also your friends, lovers!
Thank you for your help!

FAQ / WARNING! Fake website tries to deceive AChat users.
« on: September 19, 2010, 04:22:16 AM »

Fake website tries to deceive AChat users to  log in, and steal user data this way.

Please note!

Never try to log in with your user data on other sites, the only real AChat website is:

Please warn also your friends, lovers!
Thank you for your help!

Woman with man in AChat / Blowjob 2
« on: March 09, 2010, 02:35:45 PM »
blowjob position in 3D sex game AChat

Do you like this position? And your partner? Do you have experiences or questions?
Don't hesitate to share them here!

Woman with man in AChat / Blowjob 1
« on: March 09, 2010, 02:35:01 PM »
blowjob position in 3D sex game AChat

Do you like this position? And your partner? Do you have experiences or questions?
Don't hesitate to share them here!

Woman with man in AChat / Riding the face
« on: March 09, 2010, 02:32:31 PM »
riding the face position in 3D sex game AChat

Do you like this position? And your partner? Do you have experiences or questions?
Don't hesitate to share them here!

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