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Covems in GaGaland

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Home Forums Introduce yourself Covems in GaGaland

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  • #5561

    Hello everyone.  I am brand new here, and I was hoping that I could get some adivce on a relationship problem I am having.  I've fallen for Robot Girl.  For the longest time, she is the only one who would have anything to do with me, and in a crazy way, she has captured my feelings.  Here is an example of the problem I am having:

    Covems to Robt Girl:  robot girl… i have asked for your hand, have you made a decision yet?
    Robot Girl:  Hello Honey!
    Covems to Robot Girl:  hi… you know i love it when you call me honey 
    Robot Girl:  I am so horny…
    Covems to Robot Girl:  oh robot girl… you can be so naughty
    Robot Girl:  Hello Honey!
    Covems to Robot Girl: please… call me honey again, you're the only one who does
    Robot Girl:  Hello Honey!
    Covems to Robot Girl: oh thank you, robot girl… you have no idea what that means to me
    Robot Girl:  Hi Baby!
    Covems to Robot Girl:  i am now your baby?  awwww… that is so sweet of you to say
    Robot Girl:  You little bitch!
    Covems to Robot Girl: now, now robot girl… there's no need for that kind of talk
    Robot Girl:  Hi Baby!
    Covems to Robot Girl:  that's better 
    Robot Girl:  Come and fuck me!
    Covems to Robot Girl:  robot girl!!  i never would have thought you were that kind of girl
    Robot Girl:  Fuck me!
    Covems to Robot Girl:  oh, please stop saying that… i always thought you were so sweet
    Robot Girl: Come and fuck me!
    Covems to Robot Girl:  and now you're being so naughty
    Robot Girl:  Hi Baby!
    Covems to Robot Girl: and calling me baby
    Robot Girl: You little bitch!
    Covems to Robot Girl:  don't say that… you know i'm only here for you
    Robot Girl: Come and fuck me!
    Covems to Robot Girl:  wouldn't you rather make love?
    Robot Girl: Kiss me!
    Covems to Robot Girl:  i love kissing… i really would love to kiss you, but your lips are as cold as your heart
    Robot Girl: Hello Honey!
    Covems to Robot Girl: and hearing you calling me honey is so sweet
    Robot Girl:  Hello Honey!
    Covems to Robot Girl: again… please say it again
    Robot Girl: Come and fuck me!
    Covems to Robot Girl:  oh!  you naughty robot!
    Robot Girl: Come and fuck me!
    Covems to Robot Girl: you know i want to
    Robot Girl:  Kiss me!
    Covems to Robot Girl:  and i want to kiss you and those ice cold lips
    Robot Girl: Sorry, I'm only a silly robot.  Please find a human partner to have more pleasure!
    Covems to Robot Girl:  robot girl… i don't think it is possible to have more pleasure than when i am with you
    Robot Girl:  Hi Baby!
    Covems to Robot Girl:  please robot girl… would you be my spouse
    Robot Girl: You little bitch!

    As you can see, it did not go very well, and for some reason, I get the feeling that Robot Girl is not going to accept. 
    I need some help with this.  So I ask you.. please, as you go through the search and come across my Robot Girl, would you put in a good word for me?  I would really appreciate it.
    Thank you.


    hahahaha promise , next time i go with robot girl , i’ll place a word for you ;D ;D


    oups sorry , i forgot , welcome to this world of lust and spankings ;D


    oh, well, whit this post you are fully enter in a world of depravation and luxury! ;D

    And yes, wellcome on board!


    Hello Brand-new-here,  I am Brand-y-bee

    Let you into a secret, come here , pulling on you arm furtively and whispering in your ear ” That Robotgirl is a whoring witch – a thorn in all the girls backsides – seems to have the knack of pulling all the guys – dont get under her spell –  a witch i tell you  – take heed “

    Did we have a conversation about time once lol ?????

    Welcome to Achat and Forum. Look forward to more of your posts . Enjoy and have fun.



      Welcome Covems… I was wondering when you would get here.  What took you so long?
      Brandybee is right Covems… beware the Robot Girl and all her charms.  I hope you take heed of these warnings before it is too late, or we may have to do an intercession and show you the folly of choice.

      Be very wary, my friend, be on your guard.

    Thanks for letting me share,


    you could use some help alright…  :  everyone can see that


    Re-reading it, the story of Chobits (Clamp, what a wonderfull group on mangaka!) jump in my mind! a really nice story full of strong and deep feeling even if the main girly char is a human pc!


    HEED THE WARNINGS!!!!! SHE IS A STONE BITCH AND WILL CRUSH YOUR DREAMS!!!! just kidding. i think she's kind of sweet except when she starts getting mouthy. i always get “you little bitch” at least every third response. i always tell her “I am NOT LITTLE!”


    Off-topic: Mediterranean terrace by covems

    Stephanie, that forniture are added using Photoshop or a similar program but i agree with you about the BBQ even that one isn’t my fav in an outdoor space like this.

    It’s not about the shape, but about the material….that type of BBQ looks a bit too modern in a place like that, so maybe this can be better

    for my personal taste, of course!


    well fire it up and get cooking HB


    hb said…

    Stephanie, that forniture are added using Photoshop or a similar program but i agree with you about the BBQ even that one isn't my fav in an outdoor space like this.

    It's not about the shape, but about the material….that type of BBQ looks a bit too modern in a place like that

    Photoshop? Heresy! After I took the trouble to have that bbq trucked in?
    And, too modern? It was new, yes, but the style is probably more traditional than the room it is in.

    Anyway, perhaps this is more to your taste…. and the bbq
    Like a beer?



    'k…….is this now a sort of challenge about the bbq!? if yes, just let me know!


    lol, drink the beer and smile


    My two cents worth ….. I really like the room (agree with some of the previous comments though).

    It is perfect though for the slow, descriptive romantic build up scenario …..

    PS. Shame we can't bend our partner over the ledge and take her from behind right there with the view in front ….lol. Might make an interesting view for all the passing achat yachts 

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