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  • in reply to: Forum Game. What time is it? #74962

    I snorted in an ET because I was drunk … Ohhh … it was an ET !!! ;D

    in reply to: AChat Black Studs #72359

    Hello kinds peoples of the Dreamworld's Forum.

    Well, I didn't really noticed if the ones I will talk about are, were or not members of the “Black Studs” group.
    But they introduced themselves having a Big Black Cock, that, I think is related to the group.

    Well As Slut says, many ( not all ) were very rude, I don't know if it was because of I am transgender, or because my way to talk ( write )
    … But mainly … well they just defined  themselves as … a Big Black Cock. Like I was just waiting for them to come to me and applause.

    I am not into some kind of Ebony / Ivory fantasy or lust, neither I make any distinction about the ethnic origin of my partner.
    I am not also very attracted by oversize stuff. But, well, and that's why I post here: If the only appeal some peoples think they have is BBC …
    ( and my experience was that, most did ) well … it is far not arousing for me. 

    I don't mean all Black peoples have this way to act of course.
    And I don't even mean that members of the Black Studs do.
    In Fact, at least Mister TomCumalot was nice and understanding when contacted in past.
    But in fact at least one member is in my Blacklist ( and it is not easy to be into ).

    Please accept my best humbles regards.

    in reply to: Obituary Thread. RIP. #74804

    Yes; Rest In Peace
    I never seen the ” Emmanuelle” movie but know that it is a classic movie, that is quite rare for a sexual oriented movie.
    What I think is that artistic talent may enlighten every genre.

    Well, I hope that now, angels has gender.

    in reply to: Mercer78. Just wanted to say HI #74516

    Welcome to the DreamWorld’s Forum Mercer ( and to Miss Andreacan who I missher “hello” too 😛 )

    icebergs dont exist in achat

    ;D ( or only in a drink 😉 )

    well well … we still have the “Ice House” where we could sink into enjoyment ;D

    Anyway : Welcome !!!

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #69059

    Ohhhhh My Lord!!!!, I think into myself, because the only things I could speak are moaning and whisper of enjoyment !!

    I try to tense my inner the best I can to make him stay inside me, and each time a wave of sheer pleasure run all into my inner !!

    He come suddenly so close, making me burning of lust when his body lean to my back . Ohhhh it's so good !!!

    …lick it clear for me…” I smile, that's a way I am used to obey.
    And I start to lick the plain mirror on the wall. Focused as I was on the pleasure he gave to me , fondling my flesh so gently, I didn't noticed very well.

    But seeing me , on my hands and knee like a dirty dog, my love all over me staring at us, a sudden violent lust come over me.
    I am, and always was kind of exhibitionist of some… and, even if it is us, here on the reflect, it is like we are starred during the dirty game we play ..
    And I must admit that fill me with a sheer wish to become dirty very more.

    I make my tongue goes slowly on the cool glass, making him understand that will be, next.
    I feel his pleasure too … I feel the lava of some drips of him on my back.
    And, spreading my two bums, he put his virility just on where I … the most, want him to come in !!!

    My !! I can't wait!! He drive me crazy !! And I furiously lustful !!

    Please, stop teasing me…..i want you!” I lick on my own lips before gazing again on that two lurkers that stares at us, and licks them … lick us !!! Ohhhhh !!

    My inner open so easily !!! And I feel him spreading my intimate skin, flesh, muscle with his loving virility !!!

    I whisper of ease so loud!! My I am so loose !!
    I try to tense a bit, I want him to please me! but it is too late, he his inside me !!! And Lord of heaven that's so good ! ! And I can't hold myself lore !!! then he  …. Ohhhhhhh … dive inside me !!!!!

    My breath is flickering from the pleasure striking me.

    Eve……such bad girl you are! .. but maybe i had to expect this by you…

    The initial wave passed away, replaced by a deep sensation of wellness ! He fill me so nicely! I feel no pain, just a deep warmth that grow !! And I can control a bit more of myself !
    I am able to feel his tenses in me, And I am able to play my role, tightening my belly when he goes … ohhhhhh Mhhhhhh …. releasing when he come… We have the same rythme … we breath, we love ate the same time …
    And the wave grows inside my entire body !!

    I found myself my face side on the mirror, my tongue out licking the mist I breath on the glass.

    Did you prefer to kiss your her than me, Eve!?” He said just at the moment I Tighten myself .
    I slightly close my eyelids while smiling. That's a kinky game I know very well, but this time that's just a game, the real one is our love.
    You had order me to make the mirror clean, so i continue till you don't stop me…..

    He lick my back and I can refrain a thrill. He want to play this game a little more !!

    But he penetrate me so suddenly !! so deeply !! That the surprise took me !! and while surrendering to my winner ! I bump a bit the glass !

    We are closes, sicked by our lips, by our tongues who fondles …

    OHhhh My !! I feel he is close !!!

    Lay down my love! My turn !

    Slowly carefull,  I make him lay on the floor.
    His penis, harden is so … powerfull, lovely, mhhhh …
    I slip over him, my knees each side of him. Pushing my bottom a bit backward and up.
    Carefully I take his warm loving rod in my fingers, and lead the head between my thighs.

    For the excitation and lust, I feel him penetrate me easily, sliding on my warm flesh and I sit for all my weight on him !!!
    And … My breath stop !!! My mind flick … a second of magic !!!

    Tensing my pinky, I goes up along his shaft !! before loosing another time and sitting again .. again .. again and again !!
    Feeling him so tensed , hearing him whispering at the same time of me … feeling his hands on my skins… Like a bolt! the sheer extasy explode inside me !!! I think I shout loud !!! and all my inner radiate for a …. ” AAAHHHH MY LORD!!!!” … 
    The climax shoot me just when he flow all inside my , My body tense backward !!! I hear him screaming also while his sex fill me with a such great pleasure !!!

    I hold some instant, forbid, all soaked by my pleasure. Feeling him the same.
    I bend forward, and lay on his chest and belly, his penis goes off my … in this movement … and I realize … ashamed that I leak some of his liquor … but the shame passed … And I am laying gently side to my lover, our skins sharing our mutual warmth.

    We don't say nothing, our gazes speak for us. And our lips joins another time to lengthen the moment of delight that we gave each other. 

    in reply to: SF. Pose Review Request. 54. Lift Your Leg. #72327

    Anyway, here the “Shemale side” of the Pose

    Start : Already ” engaged” ours hands on the partner's legs.

    Leg on Table : Putting right leg on the table the movement become more dynamic.
    Lick calf : While continuing sex, we lick the calf of the partner.
    Slap ass : Dynamic slapping the ass of the partner while staying on sex.
    Dance : A “shake” version for this pose, but your partner join the movement.
    Fuck Asshole : time to change of pleasure hole.
    Cock Rub : in the same alternative movement, we rub our … penis … on the partner pussy.
    Finger asshole : put 2 fingers in the dark side's hole of your partner
    Pinch nipple : return to sexual movement and pinching the right breast's nipple with your left hand.
    Fondle leg : while having sex, fondle the calf of your partner alternatively with the palm then the back of your hand.
    Rub Clit : with two fingers you rub the slit of your partner.
    Rub nipple : you give your finger to your partner's mouth to make her wetting it, then you rub your left  nipple with ( a loop ).
    Jerk off : going out of your partner's body, you wank yourself.

    That's it, thank's to Robot Girl  ;D

    in reply to: SF. Pose Review Request. 54. Lift Your Leg. #72325

    I too …

    Even the pose is very nice and have many actions available, we ( I mean transgender ) are still the giver …

    Well this is part of my mind , but I would like to be the receiver …

    Anyway this is a great pose and a great job done !

    in reply to: NightDragon. So should i Renew…? #72336

    Welcome in the DreamWorld's Forum NightDragon

    I hope that you will find here a way to refuel you desire. But after all you are free and it is up to you of course.

    And as I am transgender , I speak freely ( you are

    Straight as an arrow

    and so will never be …interested by myself  ;D

    But I too, find here ( in the forum ) a great way to explore new fun and pleasure.
    Unlike the DreamWorld itself, the forum is more like a community and the funs, histories, feelings shared here, and also all the great ideas for improving the DreamWorld's ( here are some great artists some clothes was developed by ) are differents form the DreamWorld's funs but not less valuable ( my opinion )

    So I hope you will please to be here .

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #69051

    Mmmmhhhh…. Oooohhhh…” My moanings freed from me when he start to lick on my back , going lower … lower And I can't help trembling both for the pleasure he is giving me, and for the powerfull lust I feel about what will come next, fulfilling my wish.

    And I feel his breath on my intimacy just before feeling his lips, his hands opening slightly my butt, he put his mouth around my pinky blossom, and I can't refrain for groaning, It's so good !!!
    While he hugs my butt, Lord ! he is making love to me with his tongue, a delicious feeling of spreading each time he enter inside my inner, a peacefull little rest each time he goes out … 

    I could see nothig around me, my mind is all focused on the pleasure he give.
    And I feel the pressure of something less wet … I turn my face to see him, he have a smile, a so nice slime adorable … And I send him a distant kiss … but soon I can't help, I Groan more even when he drip his finger inside my wet pinky hole . My belly sag to rise my back and welcome him.

    I am doggy now, my back rear, my position naturally open my butt, my arms hardly support me as the pleasure make me weak.
    He had put two of his fingers inside my inner now, and he play with them inside me … Even trained as I am to control my orgasm … it is hard to refrain for explode.
    I feel myself opening to his massage, I feel myself so willing for more, I am so dirty, but that's so nice … To be slut enough to have the pleasure of feeling his fingers so inside me !

    I am almost purring like a kitty, some droll is at the corner of my lips. Sometime I have to open my mouth, and to catch my breath, tongue out  … It is so good Lord!!

    I don't even touch my breast, the pleasure he is giving is so complete !

    More !!! Please , Give me more !”  is the only thing I can speak before being completely drawn in my enjoyment.

    in reply to: Beware of user legman #72304

    Hello kinds peoples of the Dreamworld's Forum.

    I really don know what to think about this “Legman” user and why he act this way
    ( Well be a predator and a troll is an old so called “fun” for many internet users … that's as old as internet itself …so )

    I agree they will be always users like this one seem to be .

    I just hope that the people he “harm” will get over this sad experience. ( And I am sure they will, I had few contact with Miss SM3369 and I think she is far able to deal such a troll  ;) )

    The best answer for sure is the Ignore list when insults comes in the chat.
    But I also understand that,for at first the contact was pleasant, it is hard just to throw away all past relations …

    Thank you for the advice, but I am sure that, as long as he ( or she ) enjoy his little dumb play he will stay, just with another account.

    Please accept my humbles regard
    And all my thanks for the advice.

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #69049

    He dress me with his arms on me , but he refrain to accept my invitation … I know sometime  I overreact when … well … when even a one I love does care about that stupid part of me !!

    Sorry Eve….. know what your feeling are about your….well…dick. If you want to stop right now, i can only blame myself….”
    I … I don't understand … I offer myself gladly to him … I …
    Stop my Dear !?! No! please continue, please !! I am burning for you to make me feel woman ! Love me honey !

    I slip under him, the warmth of his body give me like a chill of desire. He wrap me completely now. And I feel his sex on the side of my butt.
    I  fondle his side from my behind.

    Please Honey, I want you, I want you even more then life!

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #69047

    At first, I felt he was a bit surprised but just for a few seconds.
    And he let me fondle my head through my hairs while my lips are closing on his rod's end, hot, harden by the desire.

    My tongue's tip is just pinching gently the slip of his urethra. He moam …
    Slowly I slip a little more deeper, coming to the root of his glans, where his skin free a .. I know … particularly sensitive zone.
    While sucking, my tongue fondle the loving area. And for he moan more, for he firmly grip my hair, almost painfully but I don't care, I enjoy in fact. This kind of pain is sexy ! I know I am right to do it this way.

    His whispers are loud and punctuated by moaning.

    I make my tongue goes out along the great bulge that come along his sex, and swallow his whole loving rod in my mouth and throat.

    The felling I have is wonderful. It is not a matter of something like taste… it is just like I am connecting to his lust ! Through my mouth I can feel his blood pulsating his penis's veins, all his desire feed me and my own lust.

    I goes out,  my mouth drooling and again dive toward his pleasure.Again, again,again …

    I feel he his close when he hold my face to stop me. He comes to my level, kneeling himself and we stick each other in a timeless hugging moment.
    I feel his heart dancing a love dance. I feel the same, behind my breast stuck to his chest, my heart too is beating loud.

    His hand guide me to the cold floor, But … Lord! I am hot enough to cook an egg on my belly.
    And I feel, in a wave of pleasure he kiss me on my belly, breast … Ohhhh I am drowned in pleasure when suddenly I feel his me … here !!
    I crawl to kiss him. I dislike he care about … this part of me … but I don't want to break the magic of the instant. The magic my mind is full of.

    I turn myself , exposing to his look my back and bottom, lifting a bit my butt, spreading, just a bit, my legs to show me better.
    Turning my head and shoulders, I smile to his.

    My lips are still wet for the care I gave to his.

    in reply to: New room “Mediterranean Terrace” #71343

    I had spend my money to have it , that remind me my holidays in … well mediterranean sea  shore. :P

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #69045

    I feel, my back on the cold wall, the desire he have for me.
    His touches are firms , almost rude even soft and sweet !
    And … ohhhhh …. A wave of this pain's pleasure flow over me when he bite my nipples !
    I can't stop to moan when the pleasure's warmth climb all my skin to my face .

    Ohhh … I don't really realise that he do to me! I just feel the joy he is giving me !
    His hugs on my belly's skin is like he put honey on it, warm and soft, sweet and tender.
    His kisses, his licks are like cherry blossoms of a lust's fire.

    I want more! And my body want more! Unfortunately this part of me start to harden … My I can feel it !
    That disturb me like all time that happen …

    Loudly whispering of pleasure, I unstick him a bit from me.
    My drawned eyes … Yes I cry, but not for any pain or sadness … lost in his look.

    I know he can't really understand what feelings are crossing me. This mix of pleasure's seek and shame to be myself.
    But I have to get over it, and I smile. honestly!

    See my Love, even my panty is too much!

    I slowly slip the black silk down of my legs, slightly turning myself to hide a bit this part of me .
    And show him the curves of my back barely, only dressed now by my skin and my tattoos.

    I come close to him, hiding the part of me between his own legs. I can't help it.
    My hands find his skin another time, and I am not naked anymore ! his caresses dress me.

    I close my eyes, and my lips find his another time.

    His hands slips on my breast! Lord ! I am so excited !
    And I now feel the eagerness he have.

    Still kissing him, and still feeling his hugs all over me. I find the button and unlock his trousers.
    He react by a moaning and a deep whisper of ease and lust.

    My mind have no room for thinking about anything else than the craving I have of feeling him even more … more and more ! with no end !
    To eternally be surround by his warmth, desire, and kindness !
    The zip goes down under my finger's pressure.
    No need to talk more.
    My open hands slips against his pelvis and the tissue of his clothes freeing his manhood. 

    He his a dream. His rod is perfect! My look try to find his approbation. But his eyes are closed and his head slightly backward.

    But his body speak for his eyes.

    I kneel slowly to have his sex just in front .
    My tongue's tip touch his burning red skin. And I put my hand slowly and softly on his two roots while I open my mouth to have a taste on his virility.

    in reply to: [VOTE] For your Favourite Room #69597

    Hi hi hi I agree !!! Both for outfits and for the Avatar :)

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