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  • Honeybegood

      Hey will join on Monday and will ask few friends to join too, hopefully they will accept, good luck with the tournament.(Edit: Its Monday :), Saga55 has been gifted)

      • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by Honeybegood.
      in reply to: Ignore / Block button. #207276

        Hello im a new player, started playing 2 weeks ago give or take, and here is why ignore button still needs an improvements:

        Some of the examples of ignore buttons being abused that happened to me or my friends, or just people we meet:

        A high level person giving “cold” invite to a lower level person, lower level person being polite and explaining to a higher level person why “cold invites” arent working, then high level person continues to spam cold invites and after getting rejected few times, proceeds to put a “low level” person on ignore.

        High level person putting somebody on ignore without even talking to them, or cause of a shirt color, or a name.

        High level person going around harassing people without a valid reason and looking for a fight and people to put on ignore list, asking people which country they are from and putting them on ignore based on that???

        I feel like people are abusing ignore button too much, even for a small or petty reasons, for me honestly its ruining the immersion seeing “black shadows” “user ignoring you”.

        I think its not healthy for a long term of the game, and situation will only get worse…Dont get me wrong ignore should exist, but “black shadows”(check screenshots in a post above) is a game breaker in my opinion.

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