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  • #13311

    Can you offer a 1 day premium subscription? At the moment the shortest time for a subscription is 3 days ($200). Having the option of a 1 day subscription (eg for approx $70 or $80) would be really useful. Please let me know. Cheers. Randy Guy.


    Hi RandyGuy, I don't think they will offer a 1 day prem. 3 days aren't expensive and I don't really see any reason for them to do this.


    can someone please explain to me how the 1 month premium membership works?! i just spent A$1500 for a months prem, and all i seem to be able to do is change the speed, i cant cum, i dont have poses..nothing! what exactly do i get for my 1 month premium membership??!!!


    can someone please explain to me how the 1 month premium membership works?! i just spent A$1500 for a months prem, and all i seem to be able to do is change the speed, i cant cum, i dont have poses..nothing! what exactly do i get for my 1 month premium membership??!!!

    1. the membership – you are Member  and can recieve gifts ( A$ ) and yu can post in forum and a few3 other things the Mods might can explain better

    2. near the spead LEFT SIDE you can adjust the arousing METER go all + and you will CUM
    3. POSES and CLOTH  ALL that you have to BUY in shop extra BUT you go to keep them as long you are FULL MEMBER

    That why I bought after a trial period of 2 month and myde my mind up A 1 yr Membership That is cheaper than paying monthly plus you get a gift of 6000 A$ to get the poses amd cloth you want the most

    Make sure you look good

    Hope I could help a bit
    Have fun and alsways leave the game with a big smile ♥


    thank you GsCougar!
    really appreciate the reply…but i did try to cum and the arousal meter will go up..but will stop before i cum, so i dont actually cum, i just get fully aroused


    Hi n welcome Evenger, I'm not a “techie” girl like my friend Cougar, but I am curious, have you tried clicking on the “Squirt” button?

    Hope that helps. Wishing you fun and welcome to our crazy, fun little world.  *hugs* kaitlyn


    Hi kaitlyn
    Sorry for the late reply! Thanks for your response though! I didn't know there was a “squirt” button! Will look for it next time I'm ingame. Have decided to go for the non recurring perm membership now..was wondering if you or anybody else have any ideas how I can pay for that? Can't seem to find my way round the sub page! Thanks in advance for the help! You guys rock!!


    hi evenger  I paid with a card but this card is like a top up card, where I live its called a 3V card this way I get perm for a year if I want


    Thank you Lydia,
    I just hope I can do the non recurring membership! I was on recurring for. 2 years, but now I just wanna pay as and when I can, until I can afford to go back on the recurring option again


    Hi Evenger,

    If you pay for a one year suscription it's a non recurring, I know because I take this option since 5 years.

    There are three types of subscription:

    – Recurring, $9.95/month gives A$1500 virtual credit every month

    – Non-recurring, $24.95/3months gives A$3000 virtual credit once

    – Non-recurring, $49.95/year gives A$6000 virtual credit once

    When my suscription is finish I have a message in game and on my profil too on the Home page.
    After you choose what you want 


    can anyone tell me if the recurring membership unlocks all the poses?


    If you take a payment recurring or not recurring, you have access to all what you already bought.
    No subscription gives access to all Poses / Clothes / Rooms.
    You must purchase separately and you are again access as soon as your subscription is taken.


    I've got a question and bit of a problem. I haven't logged into the game for awhile due to life issue. But now that I try to, it says my password is incorrect even though it's the same as the one I use on here. Are inactive accounts removed from the game? Or is something else going on?


    Usually they aren't removed. For how long have you been away?


    A few months, maybe around 4-5.

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